Data + Technology = Great UX + Accurate risk Michal Kročil May 2019 To challenge the status quo of everyday finance via exceptional customer experience by being at the forefront in delivering cutting edge technology. Purpose of Twisto Understanding the environment Fraudulent / Irresponsible / Distressed Implications 01 Mitigation of threats Data sources and processing Modelling / Technology Non-scoring tools 02 01 Understanding the environment Everything moves fast. Borders are blurred. Reasons for customer ending in default Distribution highly dependent on: ticket size, duration, purchased product, standard of identification of defaulters have the intention to repay back but do not have the means or attention to do so 10% Distressed of defaulters do not take the responsibilities and consequence seriously 40% Irresponsible of defaulters know from the very beginning, they are not going to play by the rules 50% Fraud Fraudsters -actively trying to find any weak spots -different level of sophistication -different level of „investment“ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The critical thing is to identify them and prevent them from completing the transaction. Once it is completed, very thin chances of recovering any money. Goods attractivity Delivery methods Identity verification Application scoring KO criteria Velocity Anomalies Mistakes must not be repeated! Mitigation Irresponsible -trying to „get away with it“ -younger and lower education -not necessarily evil people -pressure / opportunity / rationalization 1 2 3 4 5 They might prove to be profitable customers at the end but they need to be well navigated. Do not try to change them! Understand them and work with how they are. Positioning / Marketing Psychology of communication Intensity scaling Application scoring 2nd chances? Psychology! Mitigation Distressed -Out of money -Complicated life situations -Disoriented / ashamed - 1 2 3 4 5 6 You should be friendly and make an effort to win them back. They might become great success stories. Fraudsters and Irresponsible might pretend to look like Distressed. Hard to distinguish. Prevention / early recognition Behavioral scoring Notifications scaling Ease of 1st step Customer support Recovery options Prevention and care! Mitigation 02 Mitigation of threats UX vs. Risk Complexity needs to stay. But customer needs to be shielded from it by technology. Data -As few directly from customer as possible -As many from other sources as possible -Regularly reconsider data sources -Pre-processing -Check consistency -Junk in = junk out -Paid sources / Margin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Perfect data collection, understanding and making them work for you is obviously one of the most critical aspects of any highly automated online operations. Customer-entered data Transaction details Delivery method Technical data Shopping history „Framework data“ Behavioral data Interaction data 3rd party data Think about Modelling -Scoring and CLTV -History -> Prediction -Credit risk vs. Fraud risk -Application / Behavioral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cool and important, but plays its role efficiently only as long as it is situated in an environment that provides support in case of inaccurate assessment (= fall back plan). Data source consistency Data quality and volume Target variable homogeneity Technological environment IT implications Accuracy measurement Robustness Monitoring vs. Recalibration Cut-offs (DR vs. Contribution margin) Think about Non scoring tools -Complementary to scoring -Not as accurate and sexy -More robust -Passportable internationally - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No single tool that we use is the „silver bullet“ for risk mitigation. Well cultivated environment in which particular tools complement each other. We approach the risk from different vectors and that does the trick. Product / process rules KO rules Verification scaling Relationships Velocity Anomalies Manual review Think about + Data + Technology + People = Success Thank you! Michal Kročil +420 608 966 643