Aggregators of financial services built by fintech/bigtech Fintech providing full service eg DLT, P2P... Bigtech providing full service eg DLI, VIP... Customers muni Motivation Across the board, we are working to strike the right balance between risks and opportunities, so that Europe can benefit fully from new technologies in the financial services sector. Valdis Dombrovskis Vice President of the European Commission 7 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Motivation - There is a strong need to improve the competitiveness of the European fintech sector, introducing a framework for a common risk management approach across all countries, that can supervise fintech companies without stifling their economic potential. - A framework that can help both fintech and supervisors: - Fintech firms that want to grow and scale-up across Europe need advanced regulatory technology (RegTech) solutions; - the supervisory bodies' ability to monitor innovative financial products proposed by fintechs is limited, and advanced supervisory technology (SupTech) solutions are required. 8 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Horizon 2020 FIN-TECH project - The FINancial supervision and TECHnological compliance training program (under the Ell's Horizon2020 funding scheme) aims at building a fintech risk management platform which measures risks to make fintech innovations sustainable. - A platform that aims to automatize compliance of fintech companies (RegTech) and to increase the efficiency of supervisory activities (SupTech). - The aims will be achieved through a knowledge exchange hub, which will eventually lead to a European sandbox laboratory, that evaluates risks and opportunities of fintech innovations. 9 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Project Framework - Research framework - builds risk management models and selects use-cases for big data analytics, artificial intelligence and blockchain applications in finance (according to the guidelines of international regulators): 6 research workshops - SupTech framework - shares use-cases to all 27 EU national regulators via on-site training: 27*3 workshops - RegTech framework - shares use-cases to fintechs and banks in 6 European hubs: 6 coding and data modality workshops - Validation framework - improves use-cases based on all received feedback: from regulators, supervisors, fintech, banks and external advisors 10 Overview of the FIN-TECH project Ml u hi i Project Network - 8 international regulators (FSB, BIS, IMF, OECD, EBA, ESMA, EIOPA, ECB) - guide and prioritize the research - 24 research partners - research and develop fintech risk management models - 28 national supervisors (all EU countries) - participate give feedback in SupTech workshops - 6 European fintech hubs - participate and give feedback in RegTech workshops - 5 European bank risk managers and 5 non-European advisory board members - evaluate the developed fintech risk management models 11 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Project Network UNIVERSITIES and FINTECH HUBS and 1 REGULATORS and RESEARCH CENTRES ASSOCIATIONS SUPERVISORS MUNI ^ «? zh * aw v W/ umri I M\l Ksm Oh I WII'l-RJ INESCTEC Ä' UNIVERSITY Of WARSAW ■ILM I POLITECNICO MU ANO Ii« III MVIllfON SOKROWf PANTf ION UNIVERSITY ■ M • M k >••(»• BI H ktu tfctmootv AI JI Lab HS5DFIMTECH Fintech modefinance ^ IcťlOÍJWAíMCfCJonl * B HIVE AFGC ITALIAPINTECH MNTLCHc INSURTtCH Tec^uortlef (Í,FIRAMIS SWISS FINTECH INNOVATIONS DIGITAL MAGICS francefintech <. CNBcacH » ' NAnONAllANI (ONSOB p IB tnirrorx • n.v I MFSA BANKA SLOVENU E osi l«A«|tH|tMI KNF FH • nan «■ • 111 ■ 111 • • i t i • ■aut ji Fi^A (:\1V\1 ASUMÍtt! NATIONAll 12 Overview of the FIN-TECH project ll/IUI\II SupTech workshops Topics Applications Associated risks Big Data P2P finance Credit risk Fraud detection Systemic risk Artificial Intelligence Robo-advisory Asset management Cognitive computing Market risk Compliance Risk profile matching (MiFID) Cyber and operational risks Blockchain Crypto-assets and exchanges Market risk Cyber and operational risks ICO's fraud detection Money laundering 13 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni SupTech workshops at CNB Course Dates Big Data Analytics in Finance March 14-15, 2019 May 6-7, 2019 Artificial Intelligence Applications in Finance September 26-27, 2019 December 9-10, 2019 Blockchain and Financial Crypto-assets February-May 2020 (TBA) 14 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Big Data Analytics in Finance Big data analytics in finance = Financial data science -A process that consists of: 1. The acquisition and management of big data (Computer Science) 2. The discovery of regularities and/or relations: (Statistical Science) 3. The acquisition of new domain specific knowledge (Economics and Finance) 15 Overview of the FIN-TECH project Big Data Analytics in Finance - Two main ways to learn data science models: - Statistical Learning: models explainable and reproducible but less efficient - (Machine Learning models: models efficient but less transparent and reproducible) - Classification of learning models: -descriptive (unsupervised) models cluster analysis (community detection) graphical models (network models) - predictive (supervised) models regression models (deep neural networks) tree models (random forests) 16 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Peer to Peer Lending - Among FinTech applications that rely on big data analytics, innovative ones are those based on peer-to-peer (P2P) financial transactions, such as peer to peer lending, crowdfunding and invoice trading. - The concept peer-to-peer captures the interaction between individual units, which eliminates the need for a central intermediary. People Centralized system People P2P system muni 17 Overview of the FIN-TECH project Peer to Peer Lending: Opportunities - improved rates of return compared to those available on bank deposits, together with relatively low fees for borrowers -improved financial inclusion - P2P platforms are able to provide financing to borrowers unable to access bank lending -improved quality, speed of service and user experience to both borrowers and lenders 18 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Peer to Peer Lending: Risks - While both classic banks and P2P platforms rely on credit scoring models for the purpose of estimating the credit risk of their loans, the incentive for model accuracy may differ significantly: - In a bank, the assessment of credit risk of the loans is conducted by the financial institution itself which, being the actual entity that assumes the risk, is interested to have the most accurate possible model. - In a P2P lending platform, credit risk of the loans is determined by the platform but the risk is fully borne by the lender. - Another factor that penalizes the accuracy of P2P credit scoring models is that they are (still) based on limited data. 19 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Peer to Peer Lending: Proposal - P2P platforms operate as social networks, which involve their users and, in particular, the borrowers, in a continuous networking activity. - From the P2P platform perspective, network data models should be employed, to improve credit risk measurement accuracy. - From a supervisory viewpoint, the modelling of network data should be allowed, so that P2P lenders produce more reliable credit risk estimates. 20 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Course "Big Data Analytics in Finance" at MUNI - Background Training in Statistics - Simple and multiple linear regression - Machine learning prediction methods - Logistic regression - Network analysis - Hands-on coding examples -3 use-cases in P2P lending risk management - Presentations of Czech Fin-Techs? 21 Overview of the FIN-TECH project Questions at registration: Field of study Finance/economics ■ Mathematics ■ Law ■ Other 22 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Questions at registration Mean, median, standard deviation Strongly agree ■ Agree ■ Neither agree nor disagree 23 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Questions at registration Histogram Strongly agree ■ Agree ■ Neither agree nor disagree ■ Disagree ■ Strongly disagree 24 Overview of the FIN-TECH project uni Questions at registration: Linear regression Strongly agree ■ Agree ■ Neither agree nor disagree ■ Disagree ■ Strongly disagree 25 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Questions at registration: Statistical software Strongly agree ■ Agree ■ Neither agree nor disagree ■ Disagree ■ Strongly disagree 26 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni Questions at registration: Programming Strongly agree ■ Agree ■ Neither agree nor disagree ■ Disagree ■ Strongly disagree 27 Overview of the FIN-TECH project muni IS Qj A Masaryk Univ https://is.rn u n Lc^/au1h/ •" © Ú Q, Vyhledat Domů A MOJE APLIKACE Pošta Učitel Rozvrh * Školitel Student Předměty Publikace Studium lS vyhledat v ISu ®POŠTA Poslat dopis Nastavení Hromadný email UČITEL Moji studenti Dopis Známky (#) Inzerce VÝVESKA Pozvánky ®KALENDA! Můj rozvrh •P ŠKOLITEL Moji studenti Hodnocení Rozpisy ® ® OBCHODNÍ CENTRUM Správa OC Přehled objednávek Moje objednávky PUBLIKACE Moje publikace Re p ožitá ŕ SOUBORY Dokumenty Předpisy MU Úschovna Více aplikací Život na MU MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA Volba rektora 2019 Pokládejte dotazy kandidátům na rektora 1 Dotazy z roku 2011 Položky v menu na přání Upravte si levé menu presné podle sebe. Přes ozubené kolečko. 0 Tipy I riformačního systému MU a zahraniční instituce Univerzita Karlova minulý rok uzavřela alianci se třemi významnými evropskými univerzitami (Universität Heidelberg, Sorbonne Universitě, Uniwersytet Warszawski] pro úzkou spolupráci ve vědě a výuce. Za 28 Overview of the FIN-TECH project 74 R and R Studio I C /O-Datos/Gott.ngen/Papers/liDAR variables selection Edu/Box-Cox File Edit Code View Plots Session Build Debug Tools Help ÖWJntroduction.Rnw ■ - J 02-SRS.Rnw ■ Data analysis Kalimantan.R Source on Save ^ / ' 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 310.1 # eiomass calculation per tree kalimantanSw.brown brown, moist. d kalimantanidbh kalimantan;w.yamakura yamakura.stem kalimantanSdbh, kalimantanSw.basuki basuki.mixed.d(kalimantanSdbh kalimantanSw.samalca samalca.dckalimantanSdbh) kalimantanSw.hashimoto -hashimoto.d(kalimantanSdbh kalimantanSw.kenzo -kenzo.d kalimantanSdbh kalimantanSw.forda -forda.d kalimantanSdbh kalimantanSw.jaya jaya.d kalimantanSdbh kalimantanSw.novita novita.d kalimantanSdbh kalimantanSw.nugroho.d ni'"""h" H inn.mrm.Ah kalimantanSw.nugroho. d. h plot(kalimantanSdbh, kali pointsCkalimantanSdbh, ka points Kalimantan dbh, ka points kalimantanSdbh, ka points(kalimantanSdbh, ka points Kalimantan clbb. kal pointsCkalimantanSdbh, kal pointsCkalimantanSdbh, kal pointsCkalimantanSdbh, kal pointsCkalimantanSdbh, kal points kalimantanSdbh, kal kalimantanShi'yamakura.branch:yamakura.stemfk -f [J Import Data set- / Clear j Global Environment* Ohi 1.trees 716 obs. of 23 variables Okal.plot 94 obs. of 18 variables Okalimantan 1993 obs. of 44 variables ftlsi. nlots_S9 obs. nf 19 variahles Ols Opu Owe valu R environment with different models"', xlab="0BH imantan imantanSw imantanSw imantanSw imantanSw imantanSw imantanSw hashimoto, col - 5) kenzo, col=6) forda, col 7: jaya, col 8> novita, col 9; nugroho.d, col=10) nugroho.d.h, col=11) EPF EFm EFS N. tot 49.7359197162173 198.94 3678864869 2696.5863280181 legend:10,8000, c("Brown", "Yamakura", "Basuki", "samalca", "Hashimoto", "Kenzo", "Forda", "Jaya" T Files Plots Packages Help Viewer P Zoom ■ Export* Q_ Biomass estimation per plot with different models # summing all values per plot and nested plot bio.plot.brown Hst(kalimantanSplot_id, kalimantanSsubpl - _R Script : I Coniolt» Compile PDF tDiitoVGottinqcn/lndonf-iia Pori«WKalimantjn Pfojw 17Final Data/ & > kal.piot<-mergetkal.plot, Dmed.Hmed.ptot, by- Plot ; - > > # calculating the AMETER > kal.plot$dg<-sqrt((4'kal.plots > R conso e > > write.csv(kal.plot, "Kalimanta ■ % *^-*" ■ ■ *■, ^ * ■ *«,« > J * E o oj Graphical output 29 Overview of the FIN-TECH project m u im Workshop evaluation free/app/evaluation-suptech-praque Please fill in the evaluation form: - Name -Affiliation - Department - Position -Role - E-mail - Comments at the end of the form ii un i