Comments on presentations: Bajanik, Cery, Pavelka, Szitas: * "surveillance on the balance between demand and supply on the foreign exchange market" - do not trust everything the CB says, some of it is BS * slide 4 - how does MonPol boost growth in oil industry? * slide 8 - correct identification of inflation sources * slide 12 - the mechanism should be better described - if the supply of dollars drops, why doesn't the demand for dollars drop too? * slide 14 - isn't increase in money supply contradictory to increasing mandatory reserves? * in slides like this, it's always important to say WHY the CBA hiked rates * slide 15 presents a very good point! * correctly identified the key shock in 2014-7 Harmanova, Musayeva, Sotolova, Valka: * slide 6 - positive correlation between oil price and inflation - why is that? Does it really hold? * slide 8 - nice point about correlation between the oil extraction and real appreciation * slide 10 - good point about weak fundamentals * slide 10 - "Unfortunately, goverment uses this fund to pay government spendings" - that's fine, as long as they do not overdo it * slide 14 - very good point about currencies of trading partners * slide 15 - nice and important point about decline in the forex reserves * slide 18 - did they really switch to floating FX rate? and did they really switch to USD+EUR basket (nice point about "dilluting")? * I liked this presentation the most, clearly lots of effort, appreciated Shabalin, Pleskot, Hashimli: * nice use of charts * did they really switch to floating FX rate? and did they really switch to USD+EUR basket? * good and important point about banking crisis * screenshots of charts - what kind of potato computer did you use? Some general points: * do not trust all the CB says * use more charts, people percieve information better * make sure each slide has a point * real exchange rate was missing from all presentations, it's very important variable * also missing - transmission channels from the shocks to variables. You hinted at them, but not described clearly. * all presentations avoided BoP, which is an important data source