Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex.3 Purchases from Italy (CZK) Purchases from Spain (CZK) Purchases from Netherlands (CZK) TOTAL Purchases from Italy (CZK) Purchases from Spain (CZK) Purchases from Netherlands (CZK) TOTAL VAT January "110,000" "75,000" "38,000" "223,000" January "195,000" "175,000" "150,000" "520,000" input output February "24,000" "18,000" "15,000" "280,000" February "110,000" "97,000" "89,000" "816,000" 2. "12,374,380" 2. "-12,374,380" March "30,000" "34,000" "21,000" "365,000" March "91,000" "134,000" "100,000" "1,141,000" 3. "88,512" 9. 0 April "55,000" "76,000" "40,000" "536,000" April "76,000" "101,000" "91,000" "1,409,000" 4. "352,314" 10. "-427,810" May "85,000" "60,000" "46,000" "727,000" May "85,000" "60,000" "74,000" "1,628,000" 5. "192,992" 11. "-21,087" June "68,000" "41,000" "55,000" "891,000" June "133,000" "98,000" "146,000" "2,005,000" 6. "4,860" 12. "-43,711" 7. "6,074" 13. "-369,211" Sale of merchandise on invoice (CZK) Collection of invoice issued (CZK) Sale of merchandise in cash (CZK) Sale of merchandise on invoice (CZK) Collection of invoice issued (CZK) Sale of merchandise in cash (CZK) 8. "3,124" March "40,000" 0 "50,000" "90,000" March "97,000" 0 "65,000" "162,000" "13,022,256" "-13,236,199" April "130,000" "120,000" "80,000" "300,000" April "156,000" "85,000" "112,000" "430,000" "-213,943" May "150,000" "100,000" "70,000" "520,000" May "201,000" "115,000" "95,000" "726,000" June "120,000" "160,000" "100,000" "740,000" June "187,000" "203,000" "75,000" "988,000" July "160,000" "100,000" "80,000" "980,000" July "223,000" "187,000" "101,000" "1,312,000" August "100,000" "70,000" "60,000" "1,140,000" August "192,000" "256,000" "89,000" "1,593,000" Answer: Answer: threshold is reached in March by input and in August by output threshold is reached in January by input and in july by output registration deadline is 15th of April registration deadline is 15th of February VAT payer from 1st of May 2017 VAT payer from 1st of March 2017 first VAT return submission deadline is 25th of June first VAT return submission deadline is 25th of April VAT return will be submitted on monthly basis till January 1 2019 VAT return will be submitted on monthly basis till January 1 2018 VAT return will be submitted on quarterly basis from January 1 2019 VAT return will be submitted on quarterly basis from January 1 2018 ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Ex.4 Ex.5 VAT VAT input output input output 1. " 254,310 " 9. " (80,220)" 1. " 7,175,805 " 2. " 254,940 " 10. " (175,350)" 2. " 88,410 " 11. " (47,693)" 3. " 197,610 " 11. - 3. " 25,830 " 12. - 4. " 221,760 " 12. " (50,550)" 4. " 63,210 " 13. - 5. " 45,780 " 13. " (67,860)" 5. " 540,750 " 14. - 6. " 4,434 " 14. " (17,400)" 6. " 59,800 " 15. - 7. " 9,450 " 7. " 20,570 " 16. " (14,700)" 8. " 18,690 " 8. " 11,021 " 9. " 80,220 " 9. " 4,912 " 10. " 213,360 " "752,664" "-311,160" "809,591" "-62,393" "441,504" "747,197" VAT receivable VAT receivable