'There is nothing so useful as a good theory. ' KURTLEWIN THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE LOGIC IN WRITING AND THINKING Barbara Minto PITMAN PUBLISHING 128 Long Acre, London WC2E 9AN A Division of Pearson Professional Limited First published in the USA by Minto International Inc. 1987 First published in the UK in 1991 by Pitman Publishing This edition published 1995 ©Barbara Minto 1987 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN O273 61710 9 Al! rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form orby any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the publishers. 10 9 8 7 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King's Lynn. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Barbara Minto grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. She began her career on the staff of Cyrus Eaton, the industrialist who founded the famous Pug>vash Conferences of nuclear scientists. Working as part of the team that organized and ran the conferences, she received sound training in tackling the problems of communicating clearly on technical subjects. In 1961 she left Mr. Eaton to attend the Harvard Business School, returning to Cleveland in 1963 to join McKinsey & Company, the international management consulting firm, as their first female consultant. Her ability to write was noted, and she was transferred to London in 1966, to concentrate on developing the writing skills of their growing European staff. Al! reports at that time were written in English, and it was thought that consultants not writing in their first language would experience special difficulties. However, it became apparent to her very quickly that the writing difficulties in Dusseldorf and Paris were the same as those in New York and Cleveland. The problem was not so much to get the language right as to get the thinking clear. This insight led her to concentrate on discovering the structures of thinking that must underlie clear writing, and eventually to develop the ideas that make up this book. She stili lives in London, but has since 1973 run her own firm, Minto International, Inc. She specializes in teaching The Pyramid Principle to people whose m<ýor training is in business or the professions, but whose jobs nevertheless require them to produce complex reports, analyses, memorandums, or presentations. She has taught her course to most of the major consulting firms in the . United States and Europe, as well as to many of the country's largest corporations. She has also lectured at the Harvard, Stanford, Chicago, and London business schools, and at the State University ofNewYork. v PREFACE book proposes to tell you how to use The Pyramid Principle a clear business document. Writing anything clearly consists steps: first, decide the point you want to make, then put it words. So long as you know the point, you rarely have a stating it: !'ll meet you at 12:30 at Mario's. can run into trouble when you have to sort through a series to come to an overall conclusion: vii PREFACE What the author has done here is what most people do when they write. He has used the writing process as a device to formulate his thinking. As a device it works quite well, in fact, but the result is a bit hard on the reader, who is forced to plow through several irrelevant sentences before he finds the point. How much easier if the note had read: Alas, to get from the first example to the second means double work for both the author and his secretary, and most people feel it is not really worth the effort for such a short note. No doubt they're right. But what happens when, instead of the documenťs being one paragraph long, it is two or three pages? Usually the author feels it would take too long to revise it, and in any case he's often not sure just how to go about doing the revision. Much easier, he decides, to leave it to the reader to sort through the points and pull out the message for himself. Until recently few readers actually complained about this attitude on the part of their correspondents. Most took it for granted that this was how business writing was supposed to look, since it resembled what they themselves had learned to produce by careful copying of their superiors. Indeed, I can recall once telling a consultant that his 2-hour presentation on a company's new organization structure was boring. He replied: Perhaps. But the time wasted is enormous, and continual exposure to badly written, boring documents can only be soul destroying. As one commentator sympathetically noted, 'The myth that viii PREFACE ..businessmen don't read is nonsense. They read a lot. But what they read is illiterate.' · For the average business or professional writer, producing more literate memos and reports does not mean writing shorter sentences choosing better words. Rather, it means formally separating the ~inking process from the writing process, so that you can complete thinking before you begin to write. And thaťs what this book will you how to do. Essentially it will tell you that it is the order in which you present thinking that makes your writing clear or unclear, and that you ;:. ·cause confusion in the reader's mind when you do not impose the Pl'oper order. lmposing the proper order means creating .a comprehensive structure that identifies the major ideas and the1r ': :flów, and organizes the minor ideas to support them. · The key skill, then, is to be able to recognize which are your major . which your minor ideas, and to work out their relationships the structure. The demands of logic and the limitations of a ability to take in information dictate that this structure will be pyramida! in shape- hence The Pyramid Princíple. One will both explain this princíple and show you how to use build a beginning pyramid. Part Two will show you how to use knowledge of the pyramid rules to look critically at this find its logícal flaws, and push your thinking creatively so you end up saying precísely what you mean. The approach is applícable to any document in which your p\:trpose is to get your thinking across clearly. Applying it,.however, ··· ··· ·.. · s considerable discipline. Nevertheless, by dehberately yourself to think first and write later in the manner it you should be able quite dramatícally (a) to cut down the normally need to produce a final draft, (b) to increase its and (c) to decrease its length. ix CONTENTS Preface vii Part I The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing 1 Introduction 3 WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE 5 Sorting into Pyramids 6 The Magical Number Seven 7 The Need to State the Logic 9 Ordering from the Top Down 9 Thinking from the Bottom Up 12 xi CONTENTS CONTENTS 1] THE SUBSTRUCTURES WITHIN THE PYRAMID 18 lnductive Reasoning 76 HowitWorks 76 The Vertical Relationship 19 How it Differs 79 The Horizontal Relationship 23 The Introductory Flow 24 HOW TO HIGHLIGHT THE STRUCTURE 81 Headings 82 JJ HOW TO BUILD A PYRAMID STRUCTURE 27 Underlined Points 85 The Top-Down Approach 28 Decima! Numbering 87 The Bottom-Up Approach 34 Indented Display 90 Caveats for Beginners 39 1J FINE POINTS OF INTRODUCTIONS 41 Part 2 The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Thinking 93 Initial Introductions 41 Introduction 95 Why a Story? 42 How Long Should it Be? 44 QUESTIONING THE ORDER OF A GROUPING 97 Where Do You Start the Situation? 44 Whaťs a Complication? 46 Time Order 100 Why That Order? 47 Incomplete Thinking 100 What About the Key Line? 49 Confused Logic 101 Further Examples 50 False Grouping 102 In Summary 52 Structural Order 102 Some Common Patterns 54 Creating a Structure 103 Directives 55 Describing a Structure 105 Requests for Funds 56 Imposing a Structure 108 'How to' Documents 57 Ranking Order 109 Letters of Proposal 59 Creating Proper Class Groupings 109 Progress Reviews 60 Identifying Improper Class Groupings 113 Transitions Between Groups 61 Referencing Backward 61 QUESTIONING THE PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS 121 Summarizing 64 122Concluding 65 The Problem-Solving Process What is the Problem? 123 JJ DEDUCTION AND INDUCTION: Where Does it Lie? 124 THE DIFFERENCE 68 Why Does it Exist? 125 70 What Could We Do About it? 125 Deductive Reasoning What Should We Do About it? 126 HowitWorks 70 When to Use it 72 xii xiii CONTENTS Delming the Prob1em 127 PART IPeriod Graph Books 131 Structuring the Analysis of the Problem 136 Five Typical Logic Trees 136 Use of the Logic Tree Concept 142 QUESTIONING THE SUMMARY STATEMENT 147 JJ Stating the Effect of Actions 149 THEMake the Wording Specific 151 Distinguish the Levels ofAction 157 Drawing an Inference from Conclusions 161 PYRAMIDFind the Structural Similarity 162 Visualize the Relationships 164 PRINCIPLEPUTIING IT INTO READABLE WORDS 170 ~ Create the Image 172 Copy the Image in Worts 175 LOGIC IN WRITING Appendix: Problem Solving In Structureless Situations 179 References 186 xiv INTRODUCTION TO PART I of the least pleasant aspects of a professional person'sjob is the to put things in writing. Almost everyone finds it a chore and he were better at it. And many people are told specifically they need to improve if they want to progress. ' The reason most people don't improve is that they assume that more clearly means writing simpler, more direct sentences. it is true that the sentences in their documents are often and unwieldy. Moreover, their language is frequently too or too abstract, and their paragraphs on occasion are developed. these are weaknesses of style, and it is notoriously difficult for who has completed the formal part of his education to his writing style. Not that it cannot be done; rather, iťs like to type. It requires a good many repetitive exercises, for most on-thejob writers in industry and government simply find the time. As a result, they continue to be told they need 'more clearly.' , there is a second cause of unclear writing, far more than the first, and much easier to correct This relates to the of the document - the order in which the sentences appear of whether they are well or poorly written. If a person's ·s unclear, it is most likely because the ordering of the ideas with the capability of the reader's mind to process them. •a....auJ.uLr is the same for everyone, whether reader or writer, to accommodate it is a relatively easy task. And the writer who forces himself to match the structure of his that of his reader's mind also finds that he has clarified his sufficiently to write less awkward sentences. section of the book explains why the structure in a mind will always be a pyramid, and what the logical 3 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE substructures are that make up that pyramid. It tells you how to use this knowledge to identify the ideas you need to include in a particul~r doc~ment, and to structure a clear relationship between them. Fmally, 1t tells you how to highlight your structure so that the ideas and their relationships will be easy to see at a glance. 4 I WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE person who seeks to learn what you think about a particular ··by reading what you have to say about it faces a complex task. your document is a short one - say only about 2 single-spaced - it will contain roughly 100 sentences. He must take in each of them, relate them, and hold them together. He will find the job easier if they come to him as a pyramid, at the top and working downward. This conclusion reflects ndamental findings about the way the mind works. Specifically: automatically sorts information into distinctive groupings in order to comprehend it. of ideas is easier to comprehend if it arrives into its pyramid. :·suggc~sts that every written document should be deliberately to form a pyramid of ideas. following explain what I mean by a pyramid of ideas. s THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE SORTING INTO PYRAMIDS That the mind automatically imposes order on everything around it has long been recognized. Essentially, it tends to see any sequence of things that occur together as belonging together, and therefore sets about imposing a logical pattern on them. The Greeks, for example, demonstrated the tendency by looking up at the stars and seeing outlines of figures instead of pinpoints of light. The mind will group together any series of items that it sees as having a 'common fate' - because they share similar characteristics or are near the same place. Take these six dots for example: ••• ••• When looking casually at them, everyone sees two groups of three dots each, primarily because some of the distances between the dots are smaller than others. The value of seeing things in logical units is, of course, immense. To demonstrate, read the following pairs of nouns,* which are normally not related to each other. LAKE • SUGAR BOOT • PLATE GIRL • KANGAROO PENCIL • GASOLINE PAlACE • BICYCLE RAILROAD • ELEPHANT BOOK • TOOTHPASTE *Based on a series given in Gestalt Psychology by Wolfgang Kohler (Liveright Publishing: New York) 1970. 6 WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE try to 'organize' them by picturing a situation in which each be associated - such as the sugar being dissolved in the the boot sitting on the plate. Then cover up the list on the side and try to remember them through reading the list left-hand side. Most people find that they can recall them all same organizing phenomenon takes place when you are listening tci or reading ideas. You assume the ideas that together, one after the other, belong together, and attempt a logical pattern on them. The pattern will always be that because this is the only form that meets your minďs at the magical number seven the logic of the relationship. The Magical Number Seven There is a limit to the number of ideas you can rehend at any one time. For example, think of deciding to your warm, comfortable living room to buy a package of 'I think 1'11 go out and get some cigarettes,' you say to , 'Is there anything you want while I'm out?' . I have such a taste for grapes after all those ads on ' she says as you walk toward the doset to get your coat, maybe you ought to get some more milk.' You take your coat the doset as she walks into the kitchen. me look in the cupboard to see if we have enough potatoes oh yes, I know we're out of eggs. Let me see, yes, we do need 'You put on your coat and walk toward the door. ' she calls out, 'and maybe some oranges.' You open the 'Butter.' You walk down the stairs. 'Apples.' You get into the And sour cream.' 'Is that all?' 'Yes, dear, thank you.' reading the passage over, can you remember any of items your wife asked you to buy? Most men come back cigarettes and the grapes. 7 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE The m~jo_r problem is that you've run into the magie number seven. Th1s IS a phrase coined by George A. Miller in his treatise 'The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two.'* What he poin~ out is that the mind cannot hold more than about seven items in its short-term memory at any one time. Some minds can hold as many as nine. items, while _others can hold only five (I'm a five myself). A convement number IS three, but of course the easiest number is one. What this means is that when the mind sees the number of items with which it is being presented begin to rise above four or five, it star~s to grou? them into logical categories so that they can be retamed. In th1s case, it would probably put the items into categories that reflect the sections of the supermarket you would need to visit. To _dem?nstr~te how this helps, read the list below and categorize each Idea m th1s way as you come to it. You will very likely find that you remember them all. GRAPES MILK POTATOES EGGS CARROTS ORANGES BUTTER APPLES SOURCREAM If you try to visualize this process, you will see that you have created a set of pyramids of logically related items. *Miller, George A. The Psychology ojCommunication: Sroen Essays (Basic Books: Pa.) 1967. 8 WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE The Need to State the Logic Now clearly, it is not enough simply to group the in a logical way without also stating to yourself what the logic the relationship is. The point in grouping was not just to move a set of nine items to separate sets of four, two, and three . That stili comes to nine. What you want to do is move above nine, to three. This means that instead of remembering each of the nine items, remember only the three categories into which they fall. You are one level of abstraction higher, but because the thought is a higher level, it suggests the items below it. And, because the reJlanonsnJIP is not a contrived one as was the case in the exercise the Iake and the sugar, it is much easier to keep in mind. ·· All mental processes (e.g., thinking, remembering, problem apparently utilize this grouping and summarizing process, the information in a person's mind might be thought of as organized into one giant conglomeration of related pyramids. think about communicating to that mind, you can see that the is one of ensuring that what you say will fit somewhere into existing pyramids. Now we come to the real problem of communicating. You can these groupings of items quite clearly. To communicate them to ensure that the other person 'sees' them in the same way. as was the case with your wife, you <.;an only present them one . Surely, the most efficient way to do this would be to present category first and then the items. That is, to order the ideas from down. ORDERING FROM THE TOP DOWN Controlling the sequence in which you present your is the single most important act necessary to clear writing. The sequence is always to give the summarizing idea before you individua! ideas being summarized. I cannot emphasize this oomuch. mber that the reader (or listener) can only take the in one at a time. You know he will assume that those ideas 9 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE that appear together logically belong together. Ifyou do not tell him in advance what the relationship is, but simply give the ideas one at a time, he will automatically look for similarities by which he can group the points being expressed, so that he can explain to himself the significance of the groupings. - Alas, people being as diverse in background and understanding as they are, they rarely put exactly the same interpretation on your groupings as you do. Indeed, they not infrequently find that they can't see any relationship at all between the ideas in a set. Even if they think exactly as you do, you are making their reading more difficult, since they must supply what is unstated. Let me demonstrate how confusing any order other than top down is with an example. Suppose I join you to have a beer in the pub, and apropos of nothing in particular, say: Now, I have given you a piece of information, and without realizing it you will automatically make some assumptions about the reason for my giving you that information. In other words, you will see this statement as part of a group of ideas not yet expressed, and prepare your mind to receive the rest by assuming a probable purpose behind the statement. This expectancy reduces the strain of analyzing each succeeding idea for all its attributes; you look only for the one in common with what has gone before. Thus, you might think such things as, 'She's talking about how unconservative Zurich is getting,' or 'She's going to compare Zurich with other cities,' or even, 'She's hung up on beards and moustaches.' Regardless of what reaction you have, the point is that your mind is waiting for further information on one of those same subjects, whatever it turns out to be. Seeing that blank look on your face, I then go on to say: 10 WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE what am I getting at? I seem to be comparing not cities as cities in which we have offices; and instead ofjust beards I seem to be including all manner of facial hair. ' you're thinking, 'she disapproves of the new style. Or she's going to compare the styles in various offices. Or ma~be surprised at the amount tolerated in the cons.ultl~g .' In any case, you mutter something noncommittal m thus encouraged I go on to state: think, 'at last I see what she's getting at. She's trying to point that Loudou is ahead of all the other cities,' and you so. Perfectly logical, but it's wrong; thaťs not what I was :at at all. In fact, what I was getting at was this: more easily you can comprehend the group of ideas I mean you to once the framework within which to judge between them has been given to you? In a manner s control, the reader is going to look for a structure the ideas as they come to him. To make sure he finds the Lt:llu•~u. you must tell him in advance what it is - to make what to Iook for. Otherwise he is likely either to see relationship, or worse, none at all, in which case you your time. cx<:UHI.Jlc of this latter situation, look at the main points of paragraphs of an article on equal pay for women: ll THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE Here you are given five ideas between which the connecting relationship is unclear, despite the fact that the author has 'started at the top,' as he sees it. Can you not feel your mind scrabbling about trying to find a relationship, coming to the conclusion that there is none, and giving up in disgust? The mental strain is simply too great. You must recognize that a reader, no matter how intelligent he is, has only a limited amount of mental energy available to him. Some of it will be used up just recognizing and interpreting the words, a further amount seeing the relationships between the ideas, and whatever is left comprehending their significance. You can economize his need to spend time on the first two activities by presenting the ideas so that they can be comprehended with the least possible mental effort. To sequence them instead so that the mind has to go backward and forward to make connections is simply bad manners, and most readers react by refusing to do so. To summarize, a reader remembers from the top down as a matter of course. He also comprehends more readily if ideas are presented from the top down. All of this suggests that the clearest written documents will be those that consistently present their information from the top down, in a pyramidal structure. THINKING FROM THE BOTTOM UP If you are going to group and summarize all your information and present it in a top-down manner, it would seem your document would have to look something like the structure in Exhibit 1. The boxes stand for the individua! ideas you want to present, with your thinking having begun at the lowest level by 12 WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE sentences that you grouped logically into paragraphs. You the paragraphs into sections, and the sections into the ,uv·uu............. represented by a single thought at the top. think for a moment about what you actually do when you can see that you develop your major ideas by thinking in manner. At the very lowest level in the pyramid, you your sentences, each containing an individual idea, Let us suppose you bring together six sentences paragraph. The reason you bring together those. six and no others will clearly be that you see a logtcal between them. And that logical relationship will always they are all needed to express the single idea of the which is effectively a summary of them. You would not, bring together five sentences on finance and one on ~ec:aw>e their relevance to each other would be difficult to a single summary sentence. this summary sentence moves you up one level of and allows you to think of the paragraph as containing rather than six. With this act of efficiency you now group say, three paragraphs, each containing a single ~o~~ht at abstraction one step higher than that of the mdlVldual . The reason you form a section out of these three and no others is that you see a logical relationship .them. And the relationship is once again that they are all express the single idea of the section, which again will be of the three ideas in the paragraphs below them. the same thinking holds true in bringing the sections to form the document. You have three sections grouped (each of which has been built up from groups of which in turn have been built up from groups of because they are all needed to express the single idea of \Oranau.m, which in tum is a summary of them. will continue grouping and summarizing until you have relationships to make, it is clear that every document you always be structured to support only one single thought summarizes your final set of groupings. This should be or point you want to make, and all the ideas grouped 13 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE 14 WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE - provided you have built the structure properly - will exr>lai'n or defend that point in ever greater detail. you can define in advance whether or not you have structure properly by checking to see whether your ideas each other in a way that would permit them to form groups. Specifically, they must obey three rules: any level in the pyramid must always be summaries of the below them. "'""'l-'•a•.u why these rules 'must always' apply: at any level in the pyramid must always be summaries oj the ideas below them. The first rule reflects the fact that the major you carry out in thinking and writing is that of abstracting a new idea out of the ideas grouped below. As we saw the point of a paragraph is a summary of its sentences, just point of a section is a summary of the points of its etc. However, if you are going to be able to draw a out of the grouped sentences or paragraphs, these must have been properly formed in the first place. · where rules 2 and 3 come in. in each grouping must always be the same kind oj idea. If what to do is raise your thinking only one level of abstraction a grouping of ideas, then the ideas in the grouping must be the same. For example, you can logically categorize . and pears one level up as fruits; you can similarly think of and chairs as furniture. But what if you wanted to group apples and chairs? You cannot do so at the very next level since that is already taken by fruit and furniture. would have to move to a much higher level and call or 'inanimate objects,' either of which is far too indicate the logic of the grouping. you want to state the idea directly implied by the the grouping, so the ideas in the grouping must all fall same logical category. Thus, if the first idea in a grouping 15 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE is a reason for doing something, the other ideas in the same grouping must also be reasons for doing the same thing. If the first idea is a step in a process, the rest of the ideas in the grouping must also be steps in the same process. If the first idea is a problem in the company, the others in the grouping must be related problems, and so on. A shortcut in checking your groupings is to be sure that you can clearly label the ideas with a plural noun. Thus, you will find that all the ideas in the grouping will turn out to be things like recommendations, or reasons, or problems, or changes to be made. There is no limitation on the kinds of ideas that may be grouped, but·the ideas in each grouping must be of the same kind, able to be described by one plural noun. How you make sure you get like kinds of ideas grouped together each time is explained more fully in Part Two, Chapters 7, 8, and 9. 3 ldeas in each grouping must always be logically ordered. That is, there must be a specific reason why the second idea comes second, and cannot come first or third. How you determine proper order is explained in detail in Chapter 7, Questioning the Order oj the fdeas. Essentially it says that there are only four possible logical ways in which to order a set ofideas: • Deductively (major premise, minor premise, conclusion) • Chronologically (first, second, third) • Structurally (Boston, NewYork, Washington) • Comparatively (first most important, second most important, etc.) The order you choose reflects the analytical process you used to form the grouping. If it was formed by reasoning deductively, the ideas go in argument order; if by working out cause-and-effect relationships, in time order; if by commenting on an existing structure, the order dictated by the structure; and if by categorizing, order of importance. Since these four activities reasoning deductively, working out cause-and-effect relationships, dividing a whole into its parts, and categorizing - are the only analytical activities the mind can perform, these are the only orders it can impose. 16 WHY A PYRAMID STRUCTURE then, the key to clear writing is to slot your ideas into this form and test them against the rules before you begin to of the rules is broken, it is an indication that there is a ur thinking, or that the ideas have not been fully ,or that they are not related in a way that will make their clear to the reader. You can then work on refining they do obey the rules, thus eliminating the need for vast rewriting later on. 17 2 THE SUBSTRUCTURES WITHIN THE PYRAMID As Chapter 1 explained, a clear piece of writing establis~es a rigid set of relationships between its ideas, so that they wtll form a comprehensive pyramida! structure (see Exhibit 1!. It then presents . the ideas to the reader, starting at the top and workmg down each leg. • Because of the specificity of the pyramid rules, if you know what your ideas are before you begin to write, you can relat~vely easily them into a proper pyramid. Most people when they stt down to however, have only a hazy notion of their ideas (if that). Nor "u,Julu they expect much more. No one can know precisely ':hat. he until he has been forced to symbolize it - either by saymg 1t out loud orby writing it down - and even then the first staten:ent of the idea is likely to be less precise than he can eventually make 1t. Consequently, you cannot hope just to sit down and arranging your ideas into a pyramid. You have to discover them 18 THE SUBSTRUCTURES WITHIN THE PYRAMID the pyramid dictates a rigid set of substructures that can serve to the discovery process. These are: vertical relationship between points and subpoints horizontal relationship within a set of subpoints · narrative flow of the introduction explain the exact nature of these relationships and then, in 3, tell you how to use them to discover, sort, and arrange your that they will be clear, first to yourself and then to your reader. THE VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP Some of the most obvious facts in the world take work their way into people's minds. A good example is what when you read. Normal prose is written one-dimensionally, it presents one sentence after another, more or less vertically page. But that vertical follow-on obscures the fact that the at various levels of abstraction. Any idea below the main always have both a vertical and a horizontal relationship to ideas in the document. relationship serves marvelously to help capture the attention. It permits you to set up a question/answer that will pull him with great interest through your Why can we be so sure the reader will be interested? will be forced to respond Iogically to your ideas. put intoeach box in the pyramid structure is an idea. I idea as a statement that raises a question in the reader's you are telling him something he does not know. do not generally read to find out what they already fair to state that your primary purpose in writing any always be to tell people what they do not know.) a statement to a reader that tells him something he does automatically raise a logical question in his mind - for Why? or How? or Why do you say that? The writer is now to answer that question horizontally on the line below. In his 19 • THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE answer, however, he will stili be telling the reader things he does not know, so he will raise further questions that must again be answered on the line below. The writer will continue to write, raising and answering questions, until he reaches a point at which he judges the reader will have no more logical questions. (The reader will not necessarily agree with the writer's reasoning when he's reached this point, but he will have followed it clearly, which is the best any writer can hope for.) The writer is now free to leave the first leg of the pyramid and go back up to the Key Line to answer the original question raised by the point in the top box. The way to ensure total reader attention, therefore, is to refrain from raising any questions in the reader's mind before you are ready . to answer them. Or from answering questions before you have raised them. For example, any time a document presents a section captioned 'Our Assumptions' before it gives the major points, you can be sure the writer is answering questions the reader could not . possibly have had an opportunity to raise. Consequently, the information will have to be repeated (ar reread) at the point in the dialogue. The pyramid structure almost magically forces you to information only as the reader needs it. Let me take you through couple of examples. Exhibit 2, the first one, is a humorous one, from an article by G. K Chesterton. It will give you an idea of the question/answer technique works to hold the reader's ..,.t.",.,,.;-,,. without burdening you with the need to think about the of the content. Chesterton says that pigs should be kept as pets, the reader Why? Chesterton says, 'For two reasons: First, they are beautiful, and second, they could be bred to fascinating variations.' 20 THE SUBSTRUCTURES WITHIN THE PYRAMID 2 The pyramid structure establishes a question/answer dialogue point, while you clearly do not agree with Chesterton's you can at least see what it is. It is clear to you why he says says, and there are no more questions in your mind. he can move on to the next leg of his argument- that ............Tll because they are typically English. 21 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE Again, you may have a certain prejudice against the sentiment, but it is clear to you why he says what he says. And it is clear because the grouping of ideas sticks to doing its jo~ of answerin~ ~e question raised by the point above. The last sectwn, about vanatwns, enters the mind equally clearly. You can see this same technique at work in a piece of business writing (Exhibit 3). Here we have the structure of a 20-page All documents should reflect the question/answer dialogue 22 THE SUBSTRUCTURES WITHIN THE PYRAMID "'"u'·'"' recommending the purchase of a British Leyland (several years ago, obviously). It is a good buy for three and underneath each reason is the answer to the further raised in the reader's mind by making this point. The is so clearly stated that the reader is in a position to whether he disagrees with the writer's reasoning, and to ~ ~''F.''-... questions concerning it. , then, a great value of the pyramid structure is that it visual recognition of this vertical relationship on you as you your thinking. Any point you make must raise a question reader's mind, which you must answer horizontally on the THE HORIZONTAL RELATIONSHIP In deciding what to say on the line below, not only points you include answer the question raised by the point must also answer it logically. That is, they must present a or deductive argument, one or the other, but not once. These are the only two types of logical relationships in a grouping. grouping presents an argument in successive steps. the first idea makes a statement about a situation that exists today. The second idea comments on the subject or the of that statement, and the third idea states the implication two situations existing in the world at the same time. Thus, · would have the following form: Socrates is mortal. up a level of abstraction from a deductive grouping, you the argument, with your summary resting heavily on the 'Because Socrates is a man he is mortal.' 23 • THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE An inducůve grouping, by contrast, will take a set of ideas that are related simply by virtue of the fact that you can describe them all the same plural noun (reasons for, reasons against, steps, problems, etc.). The form ofthis argument would be: • French tanks are at the Polish border. e German tanks are at the Polish border. e Russian tanks are at the Polish border. To move upward here, you draw an inference based on your assessment of what is the same about the points - i.e., they are all warlike movements against Paland. Thus, your inference would be something like 'Paland is about to be invaded by tanks.' In wriůng, if your answer is deducůve you know you must have an argument in which the second point comments on the subject predicate of the first, and the third point draws a 'therefore' from previous two. If it is inducůve, you know the ideas in the "l'"uuull' must be logically alike and can be designated by a plural noun. Given this knowledge, you can see that any one idea in pyramid implies all the others. Consequently, you could start build your pyramid anywhere, with a single idea, .adding the ideas as they were demanded - either up or do'Wn or sideways. there is one more thing you need to know before you venture off build a pyramid of your own. And that is the question to which document must give the answer. You determine that by tracing narraůve flow of the introducůon. THE INTRODUCTORY FLOW We saw earlier that the pyramid structure permits to carry on a question/answer dialogue with your reader. quesůon/answer dialogue cannot be counted on to engage his unless the statement that starts it off is relevant to him. The only you can be confident of its relevance is to make sure that it answers a quesůon you have identified as already exisůng in his mind. I said earlier that you write primarily to tell people what don't know. But a reader wants to find out what he doesn't 24 THE SUBSTRUCTURES WITHIN THE PYRAMID e needs to do so. If he has no need, he will have no and vice versa. make sure your document is of interest by directing it a quesůon that already exists in the reader's mind, exist if he thought for a minute about what is going on The introducůon identifies that question by tracing the origin. historý will be in the form of a narrative of events, it the classic narrative pattern of development. That is, it by establishing for the reader the time and place of a In that Situaůon something will have occurred (known as that caused him to raise (or would cause him to Question to which your document will give him the Answer. pattern of story-telling - Situation, Complication, ·Answer - permits you to make sure that you and the reader in the same place' before you take him by the hand and uu •uu~!rJ your thinking. lt also gives you a clear focus for the top of your document, and thus a means ofjudging that the right message in the most direct way. here is an introduction of the kind normally seen in more easily you comprehend its purpose and it is forced to fit the narrative mold: 25 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE In summary, the introduction tells the reader, in story form, what already knows or could reasonably be expected to know about subject you are discussing, and thus reminds him of the question has to which he can expect the document to give him an The story sets forth the Situation within which a Complicati developed that raised the Question to which your document now give the Answer. Once you state the Answer (the main point the top ofyour pyramid), it will raise a new question in the rP<>rl~·r'o mind that you will answer on the line below. What does the existence of these three substructures - i.e., the question/answer dialogue, the horizontal deductive or inductive and the narrative introductory structure - do for you in helping discover the ideas you need to build a pyramid? Knowing the relationship, you can determine the kind of ideas you need in grouping (i.e., those that will answer the question). Knowing horizontal relationship, you canjudge that the ideas you bring L'-'J'i,'-'U'" are of a like kind (i.e., proper parts of an inductive or deduc argument). And-most important-knowing the reader's question ensure that all the ideas you do bring together are relevant (i.e., only because they help to answer that question). Naturally, you want to go about applying these insights in orderly way, and thaťs what Chapter 3 will tell you how to do. 26 3 HOW TO BUILD A PYRAMID STRUCTURE blem you generally face as you sit down to write is that you what you want to write about, but not specifically what say or how you want to say it. This sense of uncertainty is tul<:l.lll:eu by knowing that the ideas you eventually put down, they be, must end up forming a pyramid. there is a good deal that you do know about your that you can build on. To begin with, you know that a sentence at the top of the pyramid that will have a a predicate. You also know that the subject of that will be the subject of your document. you know that the sentence will serve as the answer to n that already exists in the reader's mind. And that 27 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE question will have arisen because of a situation (with which the reader is familiar) within which a complication developed (with which he is also familiar) that raised the question that caused you to need to write in the first place. You may even know roughly some of the points you want to make. That is quite a bit to know. You can use this knowledge in building your pyramid either by starting at the top and working down, or by starting at the bottom and working up. The first way is generally easier than the second, and so should be tried first. THE TOP-DOWN APPROACH It is generally easier to start at the top and work down because you begin by thinking about the things that it easiest for you to be sure of- your subject and the reader's knowledge of it, which you will remind him ofin the introduction. You don't want simply to sit down and begin writing the ť\nPn,~ncr paragraph of the introduction, however. Instead, you want to use structure of the introductory flow to pull the right points out of head, one at a time. To do so, I suggest you follow the shown in Exhibit 4 and described below. 1 Draw a box. This represents the box at the top ofyour pyramid. Write down in it the subject you are discussing. 2 Decide the Question. Visualize your reader. To whom are you and what question do you want to have answered in his about the Subject when you have finished writing? 3 Write down the Answer, ifyou know it. 4 Identify the Situation. Next you want to prove that you have clearest statement of the Question and the Answer that you 28 formulate at this stage. To do that, you take the Subject, move to the Situation, and make the first noncontroversial "Ln, or one numbered paragraph, or one dash point. Put plainly, you shouldn'tjust stick in a heading because you think would look good on a page, the way newspapers and magazines to break up the printing. A heading is meant to call attention to fact that the idea it represents is one of a group, aU of which are :needed to understand the overall thought they support. Show parallel ideas in paralleljorm. Since all of the ideas in a group .are the same kind of idea, you want to emphasize this sameness by . ing the same grammatical form for the wording of each ~ht~adlinJ?;, etc. Consequently, if the first idea in a group of major ,:"'-·'-wvu headings begins with a verb, all the rest must as well; if the idea in a group of subsection headings begins with an 'ing' so should all the others: Appoint ajull-time ChiefExecutive To coordinate activities To effect improvements Establish clear lines ojauthority Regrouping hotels by support needs Assigning responsibility for overseas operations Removing Boards from the chain of command. you can see, because the subsection headings in the first group with the word 'To' does not necessarily mean that those in the group must do so as well. Remember that there are invisible imposed between the ideas in each major section. Thus, the to be emphasized is between ideas in the subsection not between groups of subsections. Limit the wording to the essence oj the thought. The headings are meant to remind, not to dominate. Thus, you want to make them as concise as possible. You would not want, for example, to make the first major section heading above read 'Appoint a full-time Chief Executive to provide clear central authority.' Don't regard headings as part oj text. Headings are for the eye more then they are for the mind. As a result, they are not often read 83 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE Exhibit 24 Examples of Headings 84 HOW TO HIGHLIGHT THE STRUCTURE and you cannot depend on them to carry your message. 't-rt~rtilin•:rlv you need to make sure that your opening sentence a heading indicates that you are turning to a new topic. In your entire document should be able to be read as a smoothpiece without the headings. By the same token, you never use the headings as part of the text. , example: Appoint a full-time ChiefExecutive This action will go far toward clarifying the day-to-day responsibilities of ... rule, of course, does not apply to numbered paragraphs, which t to be read as part of the text. tmroauce each group oj headings. In doing so, you want to state the or point that the grouping will explain or defend, as well as ideas to come. To omit this service is to present the reader a mystery story, since he will then not be able to judge what point is you are trying to make in that section until he gets to end - and by then he may well have forgotten the beginning. this reason, you should never have a major section heading immediately after the title, nor should you ever have a ub:sec:tiou heading begin immediately after the section heading. 't overdo. This is perhaps the most important rule of all. You to use headings only if they are going to clarify your meaning if they are going to make it easier for the reader to keep the "u,JuJ,vl"lUll" of your thought in his head. Often it is not necessary useful to have any divisions below the major section headings. formulate your headings properly, they will stand in the tahle rnr,tP'nt~ as a precis of your report- another extremely useful for the reader in trying to come to terms with your thinking. UNDERLINED POINTS Another popular approach is literally to show the rarchy of ideas by underlining the entire statement of the 85 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE support points below the Key Line level (Exhibit 25). Lower support points are also stated in their entirety, but distinguished form and indentation. The purpose of this format is to provide speed and ease reading. The theory is that the reader should be able to s through if he wishes, reading only the major underlined points, in that way comprehend the entire message. Exhibit 25 86 HOW TO HIGHLIGHT THE STRUCTURE this is lovely for the reader, it can be a bit difficult for the because it imposes some strict rules on him. ou must be absolutely disciplined in applying question/answer logic. below must directly answer the question raised by the point and no more. There is no room in this format for graceful of language or attempts at amplification. Such things the clean, stark presentation of the logic. If you must lify or give background, you will have to do so in the or concluding paragraphs. must be careful to word the points so that they state their message as as possible. It destroys the ease with which the logic can be nm,nr'PhPnrlPrl if the reader must wade through 30 words before grasps the point. If you find yourself with more than a dozen or more than one subject and predicate, think again. You must be totally ruthless in limiting your points to the outline ojyour deductive or inductive argument. Most people ignore this requirement end up simply listing points, without regard to the niceties of induction or deduction. Vou know that there are never than four points in a chained deductive argument, and never than five in an inductive one. If you find yourself going •beyond that, the likelihood is that you have overlooked an ,opportunity to group, and should rethink what you are saying. DECIMAL NUMBERING Many companies, and most government institutions, use numbers rather than headings to emphasize the of a document, and some go so far as to number every This approach is claimed to have the advantage that any topíc or recommendation can be easily and precisely referred to. However, frequent index numbers do tend to interrupt the 's concentration on the content of the document, or on any of it, as a whole. In addition, they have a distinct practical Hs~lrlv·::~ntage, in that any amendment to the finished copy that elhnir1at,es a paragraph or so could necessitate the renumbering of subsequent paragraphs. Not a pleasant thought for your even with word processing. 87 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE If you decide that you prefer to have numbering because value as a quick guide, you would probably be wise to use it conjunction with, rather than as a replacement for, headings. headings have the value of enabling the reader to pick up the the ideas quickly as he reads. And they are quite useful in his memory if he finds he has to go back to the document days after his initial reading. In addition, you will usually find that saying 'In Section 4.1 manufacturíng profits... ' is clearer as a reference in jo someone's comprehension and thinking than is saying only Section 4.1...' In the former case, the person has the general idea mind as he turns to the specific reference; in the latter, he must to it before he can begin to think about it. The excerpt shown in Exhibit 26, from the opening of uua~,~,..::;, of Antony Jay's fine book, Effective Presentation (or The New as it is known in the United States), illustrates the way you your document to end up looking if you use the headi number form. What numbering system should you use? This one is very ~..u.uuuuJ I. There is no other animal that will suffer to the death to aid its as will a dog 1. Other animals will run when danger nears a. The dog will remain i. Even though it might mean death. This one is probably simpler to use: 1. There is no other animal that will suffer to the death to aid its as will a dog 1.1 Other animals will run when danger nears 1.1.1 The dog will remain Even though it might mean death. These examples show the relationships of the numbered each other, rather than the actual form they should take. The as Exhibit 23 indicates, should reflect the actual divisions of in the piece of writing. Accordingly, you would not number paragraphs in initial introductions, in concluding "UJ'""·"" linking comments, or in the introduction to subpoints. 88 HOW TO HIGHLIGHT THE STRUCTURE 26 Example of using headings and numbers 89 THE PYRAMID PRINCIPLE INDENTED DISPLAY Sometimes your document will be so short neither headings nor decima! numbering would be appropriate highlight the divisions of your thinking. Nevertheless, you will be dealing with groupings of ideas, and you will want to •u1';•w'"' them in some way. Groups of points supporting or explaining an overall idea always easier for the reader to absorb if they are set off so as to easily distinguishable as a group. Consider, for example, the versions of the memorandum shown in Exhibit 27. Exhibit 27-A 90 HOW TO HIGHLIGHT THE STRUCTURE first version is perfectly clear as it stands; but the approach in the second version makes the points literally jump ouť at the major rule to remember when you set your ideas off way is that you want to be sure to express them in the same uw.UI••,.. form. Not only does this usually save words and make easier to grasp, but it also helps you to check whether you clearly what you mean to say. Arranging the ideas in this Exhibit 27-B, for instance, shows up the fact that the author not stated what kind of slides he wants for the section on Environment. ether the memorandum is long or short, the visual ,rr.,·mF·nt of groups of ideas to set off their similarity to each as ideas will always make them easier to comprehend. As with however, one set of indented groupings per memorandum · otherwise the visual effect is lessened. these devices serve as visual aids to the reader. They are meant to the reader's eye the logical relationships with which his 91