Ekonomie práce (Labor Economics)
Chapter 5: Compensating Wage Differentials
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Nepovinná četba
- Ashenfelter, O. (2006). Measuring the value of a statistical life: problems and prospects. The Economic Journal, 116(510), C10-C23.
- Ashenfelter, O., & Greenstone, M. (2004). Using mandated speed limits to measure the value of a statistical life. Journal of political Economy, 112(S1), S226-S267.
- Brown, C. (1980). Equalizing differences in the labor market. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 94(1), 113-134.
- Olson, C. A. (2002). Do workers accept lower wages in exchange for health benefits?. Journal of Labor Economics, 20(S2), S91-S114.