Voluntary test 15.4. 2019 BPH_ABEC NAME: 1) Productivity is expressed as : a) the ratio of output to inputs (factors of production) used in a production process, b) output per unit of input c) the maximum of produced goods and services 2) Inbound logistic, Operations, Outbound logictic are: a) support activities in the Porter´s value chain b) primary activities in the Porter´s value chain c) combination of both 3) Principles of human relation school are: a) Standard condition to ensure the task is more easily accomplished b) Attention focused on the work satisfaction c) manager use more accurate methods to motivate subordinates 4) Main characteristic of family business are: a) nepostim b) risk averse c) decentralization and autonomy 5) Specifics of building and construction enterprises are: a) Jobbing production on building site b) Long production cycle c) The product is untangible, production is moving 6) SWOT analysis include these strategies: a) S-O strategy b) S-W strategy c) T-O strategy 7) Assumption of EOQ are: a) Demand is known and constant, without seasonality b) Order processing costs are known and constant c) Cost per unit are constant 8) Job or unit production means: a) Customer oriented – customer requires single product made to his specifications b) Production often for stock c) Demand can be only broadly forecasting 9) 4P in marketing mix means: a) price, place, people, production b)product, PR, process, people c) product, place, price, promotion 10) Rivalry among existing companies is higher when: a) Where fixed costs are relatively high b) Where exit barriers are low. c)Where product differentiation is high