Mass media economy 1. What does term mass media mean? · Try to define term mass media by yourself. · Find definition of mass media. 2. What kind of media do you know? · What are functions of mass media? · Discuss: Which of mass media do you use daily/weekly/monthly/never? 3. Try to find historical milestones of mass media development · Find some date which are connected with, development of newspaper, first radio broadcasting, first TV broadcasting, development of internet, development of Youtube, development of social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok…) 4. How can we divide mass media from the ownership prospective? · Find characteristic of each ownership structure · Find positives and negatives in each ownership structure 5. What is the copyright term mean? · Discuss: what do you thing about downloading movies, songs, books etc.? 6. Does your country have an organization which care about copyright? · Find mission of these organization. 7. Find example of fake news which was published? · How can we measure quality of information’s? · Does journalist have responsibility for information which he delivers? · Discuss article about the plan to punish journalist for “fake news”. 8. Discuss: Why should be broadcasting regulated and why not? · What types of regulation do you know? 9. What method of financing Television broadcasting do you know? 10. What newspaper do you read? · What was the criteria for choosing these newspaper? · Are your media politically oriented? · What rubric do you read mostly?