International Management

Case Study


The goal of this case study is to use the knowledge gained in International management course to a solution of a real case. This enables to increase the applicability of knowledge as well as to improve your analytical skills, negotiation skills as well as teamwork and critical thinking.

Case study

Your task is to provide a solution to the integration of an acquired company to the acquiring one. Specifically, you will deal with a merger of organizational structures.  Still, it would be best if you considered the strategies and goals of both companies, motivation of employees and many other aspects.

Your solution should:

  • Suggest how to integrate the organizational structure, considering: differences in positions (head of the department, members of the department), motivations on both sides, overall organizational structure and its efficiency, a strategy of the acquiring company
  • Propose an implementation plan – suggest specific steps to implement your solution
  • Analyse and assess the recommended solution – in terms of impact on both companies, costs and benefits of your solutions
  • Not be longer than ten pages (incl. organigrams, pictures, etc., excl. other enclosures).

Uploading of the seminar paper to IS at the latest: 3 May

Other case studies evaluation (Peer review)

As a part of this task, after submission of your case study, you will be asked to assess two of your colleagues´ solutions through IS based on below-mentioned evaluation criteria. For each criterion, you should explain your choice of points (provide arguments for your evaluation). The assessment is done through IS where you will find a template for the assessment.

Uploading of the readers' reviews to IS at the latest: 11 May


  • Applicability (Are your solutions feasible? Does your implementation plan include more phases? Do you consider the long-term impact of your suggestions?)
  • Complexity (How does your solution affect other processes in the company? Which other departments are affected and how?)
  • Impact on acquiring and acquired company (Who will be impacted and how?)
  • Cost/benefits (What is needed to implement your solutions? Costs, worker-days? What are the benefits?)
  • Formal level (Is it nice and readable? 😊) 

For each criterion, you can get a maximum of 3 points (0 – insufficient, 1 – acceptable, 2 – good, 3 – excellent). 

After that, your case studies will be evaluated by one of the tutors. The best case studies will present their solutions at the final lecture 14 May to the SIKA company representative. You will be informed in advance (a week before the presentation).


You will find the necessary information here. Still, to successfully complete the case study, you will need to search for a lot of information. Throughout this text you will find parts in italics - these will guide you in your search for information.

Deadlines can be found in the interactive syllabi in IS (section Organisation of the course).

You work in teams created through IS (3-4 members). The case study is submitted by one member of the team, who will also be responsible for uploading the assessment of other case studies.

Teams for Case Study
Počet zveřejněných témat: 11
Přihlašuje se: od 5. 4. 2020 08:00 do 15. 4. 2020 vč.
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