Ketevani Kapanadze Brno, 2020 Heteroskedasticity 8 Chapter 1 Consequences of Heteroskedasticity for OLS 2 • Consequences of heteroscedasticity for OLS ▪ OLS still unbiased and consistent under heteroscedastictiy! ▪ Also, interpretation of R-squared is not changed ▪ Heteroscedasticity invalidates variance formulas for OLS estimators ▪ The usual F-tests and t-tests are not valid under heteroscedasticity ▪ Under heteroscedasticity, OLS is no longer the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE); there may be more efficient linear estimators 3 Heteroskedasticity-Robust Inference after OLS Estimation • Heteroscedasticity-robust inference after OLS ▪ Formulas for OLS standard errors and related statistics have been developed that are robust to heteroscedasticity of unknown form ▪ All formulas are only valid in large samples ▪ Formula for heteroscedasticity-robust OLS standard error ▪ Using thes formula, the usual t-test is valid asymptotically ▪ The usual F-statistic does not work under heteroscedasticity, but heteroscedasticity robust versions are available in most software Also called White/Eicker standard errors. They involve the squared residuals from the regression and from a regression of xj on all other explanatory variables. 4 • Example: Hourly wage equation Heteroscedasticity robust standard errors may be larger or smaller than their nonrobust counterparts. The differences are often small in practice. F-statistics are also often not too different. If there is strong heteroscedasticity, differences may be larger. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to always compute robust standard errors. Heteroskedasticity-Robust Inference after OLS Estimation 5 Testing for Heteroskedasticity • Testing for heteroscedasticity ▪ It may still be interesting whether there is heteroscedasticity because then OLS may not be the most efficient linear estimator anymore • Breusch-Pagan test for heteroscedasticity Under MLR.4 The mean of u2 must not vary with x1, x2, …, xk 6 • Breusch-Pagan test for heteroscedasticity (cont.) Regress squared residuals on all explanatory variables and test whether this regression has explanatory power. A large test statistic (= a high Rsquared) is evidence against the null hypothesis. Alternative test statistic (= Lagrange multiplier statistic, LM obtained by regressing residuals from unrestricted model to all explanatory variables). Again, high values of the test statistic (= high R-squared) lead to rejection of the null hypothesis that the expected value of u2 is unrelated to the explanatory variables. Testing for Heteroskedasticity 7 • Example: Heteroscedasticity in housing price equations In the logarithmic specification, homoscedasticity cannot be rejected – benefit of using the logarithmic functional form Heteroscedasticity Testing for Heteroskedasticity 8 • White test for heteroscedasticity • Disadvantage of this form of the White test ▪ Including all squares and interactions leads to a large number of estimated parameters (e.g. k=6 leads to 27 parameters to be estimated) Regress squared residuals on all explanatory variables, their squares, and interactions (here: example for k=3) The White test detects more general deviations from heteroscedasticity than the Breusch-Pagan test Testing for Heteroskedasticity 9 • Alternative form of the White test • Example: Heteroscedasticity in (log) housing price equations This regression indirectly tests the dependence of the squared residuals on the explanatory variables, their squares, and interactions, because the predicted value of y and its square implicitly contain all of these terms. Testing for Heteroskedasticity 10 Weighted Least Squares Estimation • Heteroscedasticity is known up to a multiplicative constant Transformed model The functional form of the heteroscedasticity is known 11 • Example: Savings and income • The transformed model is homoscedastic • If the other Gauss-Markov assumptions hold as well, OLS applied to the transformed model is the best linear unbiased estimator! Note that this regression model has no intercept Weighted Least Squares Estimation 12 • OLS in the transformed model is weighted least squares (WLS) • Why is WLS more efficient than OLS in the original model? ▪ Observations with a large variance are less informative than observations with small variance and therefore should get less weight • WLS is a special case of generalized least squares (GLS) Observations with a large variance get a smaller weight in the optimization problem Weighted Least Squares Estimation 13 • Unknown heteroscedasticity function (feasible GLS) Assumed general form of heteroscedasticity; exp-function is used to ensure positivity Feasible GLS is consistent and asymptotically more efficient than OLS. Multiplicative error (assumption: independent of the explanatory variables) Use inverse values of the estimated heteroscedasticity funtion as weights in WLS Weighted Least Squares Estimation 14 • Example: Demand for cigarettes • Estimation by OLS Cigarettes smoked per day Logged income and cigarette price Reject homo- scedasticity Smoking restrictions in restaurants Weighted Least Squares Estimation 15 • Estimation by FGLS • Discussion ▪ The income elasticity is now statistically significant; other coefficients are also more precisely estimated (without changing qualit. results) Now statistically significant Weighted Least Squares Estimation 16 • What if the assumed heteroscedasticity function is wrong? ▪ If the heteroscedasticity function is misspecified, WLS is still consistent under MLR.1 – MLR.4, but robust standard errors should be computed ▪ WLS is consistent under MLR.4 ▪ If OLS and WLS produce very different estimates, this typically indicates that some other assumptions (e.g. MLR.4) are wrong ▪ If there is strong heteroscedasticity, it is still often better to use a wrong form of heteroscedasticity in order to increase efficiency Weighted Least Squares Estimation Next Class • Endogenous regressors and instrumental variables • Multiple Choice Quiz ☺ 13.03.2020 17