Human Resources Management
Summary of course requirements and changes
We aim to follow the course syllabus (see the document at the end of this page) as much as we can, however, we also need to adjust the course for the current situation. Major points:
- Lectures - there will be four online lectures/seminars with Mr. Goellner on Fridays
April 3rd, April 17th, April 24th, and May 15th (each with two parts of 1.5-2.0 hours: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.). We will let you know via e-mail regarding the particular technology we will use (likely MS Teams).
- Team assignments
- Presentation (supervised by Mr. Goellner) - written assignment and team online presentation on May 15th - see updated instructions in Self-study week 10 in this interactive syllabus.
- SWOT assignment - added peer review, in which you can obtain bonus points.
- Functional strategy - normal deadline and instruction, added peer review (see below)
- Presentation of functional strategies - canceled, you will prepare peer reviews instead (and get points for preparing them).
- Exam - most likely online, we will offer exam terms in May, June, and September (one in each of these months). We will inform you via e-mail in the coming weeks about the particular solution we will use.
Please follow detailed instructions in individual weeks of the self-study.
Resources for the self-study - remember that you have access to a wide range of online resources:
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