Jazyk II/B - Angličtina

Týden 11

I invite you all to our regular Google hangout/Zoom session on Thursday at 4PM


Writing (option 1)

You work for a large company. You are going to be transferred to another department within your company.

Write an email to all staff:

- telling them which department you are moving to

- saying when you will be moving department

- explaining what your new responsibilities will be



Speaking/writing (option 2)

Watch this Ted Talk on improving one's memory and discuss the following with your speaking buddy from last week or write your answers and upload them into odevzdávárna for week 11.

A nice example of someone with an average memory to begin with


To show you understand this amazing technique, try coming up with your own story

about one of these words (phrases): ADJUST, LABORIOUS, SECOND NATURE, all of which

appeared in the article. Share with your classmates via the discussion forum.

Vocabulary practice (with tenses revision)