Organizational Instructions to the Course
1. Course Description
The course is designed as an introduction to basic principles of marketing and to
help students develop basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare
them to enter the field of marketing. It offers the basic theoretical framework
of marketing, including segmentation, buyer behavior, product management;
marketing communications, channel management, and pricing decisions are
introduced on this subject. Students are also introduced to basic concepts in
market research and management of marketing programs.
UPDATE [28.02.2021]: Due to the Covid-19 outbreak lectures and seminars will be held online via MS Teams system.
MS Teams (lectures) code:
MS Teams (seminars) code: sfs22ah
2.Topics to be covered
- Defining marketing for the 21st century
- Developing marketing strategies and plans
- Marketing information system and Marketing research
- Analyzing consumer markets
- Analyzing business markets
- Product and service strategy
- Brand equity and brand positioning
- Competitive strategies
- Market segmentation
- Pricing strategies and programs
- Marketing channels
- Marketing communication
3. Course Goals
After passing this course students should
be able to use (and understand) typical methods and tools
of marketing management, to understand and to applicate marketing theory models
into practical life (during the lectures case studies and empirical examples
will be introduced).
4. Required Texts, Materials or Equipment
Mandatory literature (M):
- Kotler, P. and Keller, K. Marketing management, 14th ed., 2011. Prentice-Hall
Recommended materials (R):
- n/a
5. Descriptions of Major Assignments
5.1. Assignments
The main goal of the assignments is learning by thinking and playing at school. Your task is to involve your colleagues in the themes/topics and to bring them to learn the issue more by fun than just by memorizing. There are assignments suggested by us – teachers. However, you can use your own methodology, phantasy and create something different – but it must be relevant for the individual topic of the week.
Written assignments – in the form of our suggestions - are given in section 8. You are expected to choose one topic and register for this topic in the IS.
Materials that can help you to prepare the assignments are available in the Information system – in Study materials. However, you are more than welcome to use also some other material according to your choice and to use your creativity as well. If there are no special materials in the IS, follow the info in the schedule below or just simply create some tasks, games, exercises for your colleagues with the aim to learn the content of the lecture.
assignments will require you to prepare short, written assignments
and/or presentations. The presentation should contain a brief theoretical review of the topic and activities for your colleagues (maximum 15
What will be evaluated in my work?
Number | Item | Max. Points | Awarded points |
1. | Originality and Creativity
| 5 | |
2. | Organization (Logical presentation of ideas)
| 5 | |
3. | Presentation
| 5 | |
4. | Knowledge of Material
| 5 | |
5. | Overall Presentation (Total) | 20 |
What are the important dates?
The deadline for registration for assignments is 14.03.2021.
5.2. Marketing Plan
is the plan about?
In order to streamline the process, we
suggest several topics, out of which you (and your team) may select only one. The registration is done via IS. Those are the following:
1. Marketing
plan for Circle
2. Marketing
plan for cupcakes for events
3. Marketing
plan for clock
for math enthusiasts
4. Marketing
plan for law
of attraction planner
5. Marketing
plan for pet
feeding reminder
6. Marketing
plan for the movie The
Hunt (2020)
to four people can participate in one team.
What are the important dates?
Two presentations are to be delivered. Firstly, the proposal of the plan should focus on the purpose, goals, focus, and presentation of the basic info about the company. The second presentation should consist of the whole marketing plan incorporated.
Important: registration for both presentations (proposal and final) must be done via IS.
The deadline for registration for the draft presentations: 21.03.2021.
The deadline
for registration for final presentations is: 11.04.2021.
The deadline
for submission of a preliminary marketing plan is 01.05.2021.
The deadline for submission of a final marketing plan is: 15.05.2021 > 22.05.2021
Technical guidelines
The marketing plan must be written and
submitted in *.doc form – both the proposal and the final plan (Proposal = from
1-to 2 pages, final plan = cca. 5 pages per person. All resources, references
must be written directly in the text – not only at the end of the text.
The templates of a marketing plan is available in the Information system:
“marketing plan template”.
What will be evaluated in my work?
Number | Item | Max. Points | Awarded points |
1. | Formal Criteria
| 4 | |
2. | Analytics
| 6 | |
3. | Strategy
| 10 | |
4. | Marketing Mix
| 10 | |
5. | Overall (Total) | 30 |
Every week you will have a short test (with exception of the starting week). The maximum number of points to gain is 5. Please note that for the correct answer you might get maximum one point, but for incorrect -0.25 will be deducted from your total amount of points for the respective test.
You will be taking them online through IS. Please note that the tests will be available at a specific timestamp (e.g. sharp at 18:00) and will be open for 5 minutes. Please note that your activities in IS will be monitored and logs might be retrieved if we assume you eventually misused the system.
5.4. Case Studies
You can gain a maximum of 1 for submission of case studies’ solution (please refer to the table for the schedule). Results to be uploaded in the respective Homework Vault. Homework vaults close automatically each Wednesday at 8 PM.
5.5. Other tasks, case studies and exercises
Other exercises (in the form of case studies and class-assignments or other tasks) will be in-class only. These will be unannounced (and do not require prior preparation).
6. Exam
No special exam date if tests during the semester will be passed successfully. If no, dates for the exam will be arranged individually at the end of the semester.
6.1. Course Grading
In order to pass the course, students need to collect at least 60% of the maximum 100 points.
Explanation of Grading System:
- Assignments = 20%
- Marketing Plan = 30%
- Tests (11) = 55%
- Optional: Case Studies* = 10%
*Possibility to gain additional 10 points for case studies during the semester (each week is weighted with 1 point). Evaluation of case studies: case studies will be evaluated in the form of points - for every week equivalent of a maximum of one point. Results to be uploaded in the respective Homework Vault. Homework vaults close automatically each Wednesday at 8 PM.
6.2. Sample Grade Cutoffs
The following scale applies when it comes to final evaluation:
A |
100-110 |
Comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter. |
B |
90-99 |
Comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter |
C |
80-89 |
Moderately broad knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter. |
D |
70-79 |
Reasonable knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter. |
E |
60-69 |
Minimum knowledge and
understanding of subject matter. |
F |
Below 60 |
Unacceptable level of knowledge
and understanding of subject matter. |
7. Course Policies and Other Information
7.1. Attendance Policy
It is important
that you attend all course sessions (both lectures and lessons), as questions will reflect material presented in both the book and during
lectures/discussion. If you must be absent for any reason, you are still
responsible for any materials covered or assignments given during the session
you missed – till the end of the week when the assignment is given (case
studies, tasks, presentations, final marketing plan). If you miss your
presentations, an alternative date will be given to you by the lecturer.
7.2. Penalties for Late Work
Students must
respect deadlines. They are created according to the abilities of university
students and are applicable to all. Delivering required work after the deadline
will lead to losing points (1 day= -1 point).
In case students
need to extend the date, they need to inform the lecturer in advance and
explain the valid reason.
7.3. Policies on missed Exams and Make-up Exams
Any copying,
keeping a record of tests, using forbidden aids
including any communication devices or any other breach of objectivity of the test/exam is regarded as a failure to meet the obligations of the subject and as a serious breach of study regulations. As a consequence, the teacher grades a student with a "F" and the dean is allowed to initiate a disciplinary
action, which might lead to the termination of the studies.
7.4. Requests for feedback on drafts and request to revise
Students can, at any time during the semester, ask lecturers for feedback, advice, suggestion or revision of their ongoing work. This is done either during the seminars, office hours or via email.
7.5. Disclaimer
The lecturers
reserve the right to make modifications to this information throughout the
8. Preliminary Schedule of Topics and Required Readings
Topics/Assigned Readings/Homework |
Major Assignments and Deadlines |
Lecturer |
04.03.2021 |
Defining marketing for the 21st century - the scope of marketing - key terms/concepts - new marketing realities - orientation toward the marketplace - marketing management tasks Chapter 1 |
CS: Nike and Google The assignment given during seminars |
DM |
11.03.2021 |
Developing marketing strategies and plans - marketing and customer value - strategic planning - PESTLE - marketing plan Chapter 2 |
CS: Cicso and Intel Assignment: 1. Mission and Vision Evaluation (2 students) 2. Value Chain Analysis (max 3 students) |
RČ |
18.03.2021 |
Marketing information system and Marketing
research - marketing information system and marketing intelligence - forecasting and demand measurement - marketing research process - measuring marketing productivity Chapter 3 and 4 |
CS: Microsoft and Wallmart Assignment: 1. Content analysis (2 students) |
Externalist: Ms. Miljana Spasić Head of Global Strategic Marketing at BASF Chemicals - Hong Kong |
25.03.2021 |
Analyzing consumer markets - influences of consumer behavior - buying decision process Chapter 6 |
Team presentations - Marketing plan
proposal (cca 15 minutes) CS: Disney and Ikea Assignment: 1. Models of consumer behavior (2 students) |
DM |
01.04.2021 |
Analyzing business markets - organizational buying - participants - purchasing process - B2B customer relationship Chapter 7 |
Team presentations - Marketing plan
proposal (cca 15 minutes) CS: Accenture and GE Assignment: 1. Different needs and different expectations (max 3 students) |
DM |
08.04.2021 |
Brand equity and brand positioning - Creating brand equity - Building brand equity - Measuring brand equity - Managing brand equity - Devising a brand strategy - Co-branding and ingredient branding - Private labels Chapter 9 and 10 and 12 (pp. 344 – 346) and 16 (pp. 459 – 461) |
CS: McDonalds and Louis Vuitton Assignment: 1. Brand positioning development (max 3 students) |
RČ |
15.04.2021 |
Product and service strategy - Product characteristics and classifications - Product and services differentiation - Design - Packaging, labeling, warranties, and guarantees - The nature of services - Categories of service mix - Distinctive characteristics of services Chapter 12 (pp. 325 – 333, 335 – 342, pp.
and 13 (pp. 355 – 361) |
CS: The Ritz Carlston Assignments: 1. Comparative analysis of two concerts experience (1 student) 2. Design the “dream product” – utilizing levels of product (1
student) 3. Design the “dream service” – utilizing levels of service (1 student) |
Externalist (13.04.2021,2 PM): |
22.04.2021 |
Competitive strategies -- market leaders - market challengers - market followers - market niches - product life cycle strategies Chapter 11 |
CS: Samsung and IBM Assignment: 1.Competitive profile matrix (2 students) |
RČ |
29.04.2021 |
Market segmentation - bases for segmenting consumer and business markets - market targeting Chapter 8 |
CS: HSBC and BMW Assignment: 1. Airbnb versus traditional hotel business – segmentation
criteria and positioning (2 students) |
DM |
06.05.2021 |
Pricing strategies and programs - Product mix pricing - Understanding pricing - Setting the price - Adapting the price - Initiating and responding to price changes Chapter 12 (pp. 342 – 344), chapter 14 |
CS: eBay and Southwest airlines Assignment: 1. Pricing exercises – inspire yourself with the
document in IS and create some interesting
exercises for others (2 students) |
RČ |
13.05.2021 |
Marketing channels - Marketing channels and value networks - The role of marketing channels - Channel design decisions - Channel management decisions - Channel integration systems - E-commerce marketing practices - M-commerce marketing practices - Retailing - Wholesaling Chapter 15 and 16 |
Final project presentations (cca 15 minutes) CS: and Zara Assignment: 1. Comparative analysis of marketing decisions (utilizing the
text from pp. 453 – 459) of two retailers ( 2 students) |
DM |
20.05.2021 |
Marketing communication - The role of marketing communications - Developing effective communications - Deciding on the marketing communication mix - Managing the integrated marketing communications process - Developing and managing advertising program - Deciding on media and measuring the effectiveness - Sales promotion - Events and experiences Chapter 15 |
Final project presentations (cca 15 minutes) CS: Redbull, Facebook and Dove Assignment: 1. Comparative analysis of the ads (2 or more) – according to the objectives, budgeting, message, and media (2 students) |
RČ |
n-a |
Starting from 04.03.2021 until the end of the semester, online lectures and seminars will take place via the MS Teams platform. Lectures will take place as per the current schedule between 16:00 and 17:50 CET. Seminars are from 18:00 to 19:50 CET.
You will get a link to join a lecture and your attendance is desirable.
If you want to share your concerns, questions, feedback or just to speak to us, please get back to us as we can arrange a call/conference for this purpose.
Your understanding will be very much appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to contact us back, in case you have any doubts.
BPH_AMA1 Marketing 1 Team:
Ing. Dušan Mladenović Ph.D.
doc. Ing. Ondřej Částek, Ph.D.
Ing. Renata Čuhlová, Ph.D., BA (Hons)