Mass media economy 1. What does term mass media mean?  Find definition of mass media.  What are functions of mass media? 2. What kind of mass media do you know? 3. Try to find historical milestones of mass media development  Find some date which are connected with, development of newspaper, first radio broadcasting, first TV broadcasting, development of internet, development of YouTube, development of social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok…) 4. How can we divide mass media from the ownership prospective?  Find characteristic of each ownership structure  Find positives and negatives in each ownership structure 5. What the term copyright means? 6. Does your country have an organization which care about copyright?  Find mission of these organization. 7. What are the dominant arguments for regulation of broadcasting and which arguments are against regulation?  What types of regulation do you know? 8. What method of financing Television broadcasting do you know?