Tailoring the QPM model to Azerbaijan OGResearch Tomas Motl March / ? 2020 2/10 Implications for the model • Oil effects: − REER: money inflow, real appreciation; monetary policy decided about the split between FX and inflation − GDP: fiscal effects (business cycle), but also investment (potential output) − FX Reserves − Which of these can we represent in the model without too much additional effort? • Monetary policy: − Is it different from the standard QPM model? − Is it different before and after the crisis? • Note: for other countries, we could consider remittances, foreign aid, money targeting, parallel exchange rate... Anything that is relevant. 3/10 Introducing oil • We need to introduce oil prices to the model • Equations don’t have to sophisticated - external variables (oil prices, food prices, foreign inflation, …) usually taken over from other models / forecasters and imposed over the whole forecast horizon • We’ll again employ trend-gap decomposition and AR processes qoilt = oilt − p∗ t qoilt = qoilt + qoilt ∆qoilt = ρ1∆qoilt−1 + (1 − ρ1)∆qoilss + ε1 qoilt = ρ2qoilt + ε2 • Note that since oil (and food) are important inputs into production, we can plug them into the Phillips Curve to help forecast inflation 4/10 Changes to Phillips Curve • Oil prices are regulated in Azerbaijan, but food is an important inflation driver: πt = α1Eπt+1 + (1 − α1 − α4 − α6)πt−1 + α2(yt) + α3zt + α4(∆st + π∗ t − πt) +α5 · qfoodt +α6 · (∆foodt + π∗ t − πt) + επ t 5/10 Monetary policy • Clear preference for FX rate stability over inflation stability • But also sometimes adjustments – clearly not a strict fixed FX rate, so we cannot use the simple equation: st = st−1 + εs t • We need a rule that shows clear preference for FX smoothing • The rule should also allow the FX to follow trends (REER movements) 6/10 Exchange rate modeling • Exchange rate rule - we replace ”natural” UIP with a policy rule: st = κ1 ∗ ( (st−1 + ∆star t − κ2zt ) + (1 − κ1) ( Et[st+1] + (i∗ t + premt − it)/4−κ3oilt ) ∆star t = ∆zt + πtar t − π∗ t • Parameter κ1 = 0.85 controls how much the FX is flexible vs controlled • We weaken the FX rate response to shocks • Also, the external sector is not just ”*”, we have US, RU, Eurozone 7/10 Changes to trend equations • IS curve: yt = β1yt+1 + β2yt−1 − β3rt + β4zt + β5y∗ t +β6oilt + εy t • REER tnd: ∆zt = ρz ∆zt−1 + (1 − ρz ) · zss + −(∆oilt − ∆oilss) + εz t • Output potential: ∆yt = ρy ∆•neyt−1 + (1 − ρy ) · yss + +(∆oilt − ∆oilss) + εy t 8/10 Effect of changing kappa 9/10 @CMOP Infrastructure • Start IRIS • initialize CMOP: c = cmop(’./az_model’,’az202004’,’az_’); • c.readmodel(); • c.observeddata(); • c.analyzemodel(); • c.filterhistory(’scenario’) • c.forecast(’scenario’) or c.forecast(’base’,’alternative’) • Scenarios have to be defined in ”az_round_options” 10/10 @CMOP Infrastructure cont. • Scenarios have to be defined in ”az_round_options” • Each scenario has a CSV file with tunes • The tunes CSV is the primary place where you should work