**MPE_AMEM: Presentation 2 Tomas Motl, Course for Masaryk University, Spring 2021 Goal Explain developments in Azerbaijan in 2015-2016. Points to focus on: development in GDP, inflation, exchange rate, interest rate do not just describe data: explain the trigger (shock, cause of the movements) explain transmission mechanism from the shock to macro variables explain also monetary policy reaction to the shock - evaluate whether policy reaction was good or not Format Approximately 10-15 slides. No need for too much text. Use charts where appropriate. Sources IMF Press Releases from 2015-2016 period: https://www.imf.org/en/Countries/AZE (focus on "IMF Staff Team Concludes Visit to Azerbaijan", the rest is not much useful) IMF 2016 report: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/CR/Issues/2016/12/31/Republic-of- Azerbaijan-2016-Article-IV-Consultation-Press-Release-Staff-Report-and-44269 Study Materials -> About Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan screening report - internal OGR material, lots of charts you can examine to help you understand what happened in that period Deadline April 30, 8 pm. Send via email.   FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS!