MPE_AMEM: Technicalities Tomas Motl, Course for Masaryk University, Spring 2021 Adding Tunes Add tunes to file "az_model/tunes/az_baseline_tunes.csv". Do not delete anything from this file. If you mess it up, download the file again from IS. You can add new columns to add tunes. Column header should be the name of shock or variable (as in the model file) you want to tune. Shock = soft tune, variable = hard tune. Preferably use shock tunes only. Note The CSV file can be open in Excel. However, Czech Excel version will most likely display it wrongly, because it expects columns to be separated by semicolon ";", while the are separated by comma ",". To fix that, see the third suggested solution here: xcel-is-there-a-quick-way-to-fix-this Or download LibreOffice (free, and open the CSV in LibreOffice. The file should look like this: