Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Repeated games and cartel Industrial organization – lecture 3 Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Benchmark 1. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 2. Determine the market price pM = minimum of prices in the group. 3. Calculate the profit = market price−100 number of group members with the same price (N) if p = pM 0 if p > pM Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Communication 1. Do you want to communicate/form a cartel? (fill in yes or no in column 1) 2. Reveal your answer sheets: If all yes – 1 minute of price negotiations. Choice from {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. The price is not binding. 3. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 4. Determine the market price pM = minimum of prices in the group. 5. Calculate the profit = market price−100 N if p = pM 0 if p > pM Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Antitrust 1. Do you want to communicate/form a cartel? (fill in yes or no in column 1) 2. Reveal your answer sheets: If all yes – 1 minute of price negotiations. Choice from {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. The price is not binding. 3. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 4. Determine the market price = minimum of prices in the group. 5. Cartel is detected with 15% probability. Fine = 10 % of revenue. 6. Calculate the profit =    market price−100 N − 0.1market price N if p = pM and you are in cartel and detected market price−100 N if p = pM and not in cartel or not detected 0 if p > pM Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Leniency 1. Do you want to communicate/form a cartel? (fill in yes or no in column 1) 2. Reveal your answer sheets: If all yes – 1 minute of price negotiations. Choice from {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. The price is not binding. 3. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 4. Determine the market price = minimum of prices in the group. 5. If all say yes in 1., you may report the cartel for a cost equal to 1. The 1st (no fine) and 2nd (50% fine) report will be chosen randomly. 6. If not reported, cartel detected with 15%. Fine = 10 % of revenue. 7. Calculate the profit =    market price−100 N − 0.1market price N (0/0.5/1) if p = pM and cartel reported market price−100 N − 0.1market price N if p = pM , cartel and detected market price−100 N if p = pM , not cartel or not detected 0 if p > pM Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy One-shot or finitely repeated game Pepall et al. (2014, pp. 349–361) Simultaneous game: • two firms 1 and 2 • each firm has two actions: – cartel quantity qm i – Nash equilibrium (Cournot, Bertrand) quantity qn i • preferences given by profits of firms: πd i (default) > πm i (monopoly) > πn i (Nash) > πs i (sucker) Payoff matrix of the game: firm 2 qm 2 qn 2 firm 1 qm 1 πm 1 ; πm 2 πs 1; πd 2 qn 1 πd 1 ; πs 2 πn 1 ; πn 2 Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Example – Cournot duopoly cartel game Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Cartel stability in an infinitely repeated game Future profits multiplied by ρ = pR, where • p is the probability that the cartel continues • R is the discount factor Grim trigger - two options: 1. If firm i chooses cartel quantity, cartel survives – its profit is πm i . 2. If firm i deviates, it gets πd i in the first round and πn i in all future rounds. When does grim trigger make the cartel stable? The cartel is stable if ρ > ρ∗ = πd i − πm i πd i − πn i Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Cartel stability in an infinitely repeated game Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Detection and Fines Pepall et al. (2014, pp. 370–377) The same infinitely repeated game, but with antitrust – parameters: • a – probability that the authority will investigate the cartel • s – probability that it leads to successful prosecution • F – fine if the prosecution is successful What happens to the expected cartel profits? When is the cartel stable? Expected profits of a firm in cartel: • without autitrust: Vm = πm i 1 − ρ • with autitrust: V a m = πm i − asF + asρ 1−ρ πn i 1 − ρ(1 − as) Even if the fine F = 0, the cartel is stable if ρ > ρa = πd i − πm i (1 − as)(πd i − πn i ) > ρ∗ Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Detection and Fines Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Leniency The same infinitely repeated game with antitrust, but with leniency: We assume that each firm may adopt on of the three strategies: 1. Collude, Not Reveal – the expected profits V C NR = πm i − asF + asρ 1−ρ πn i 1 − ρ(1 − as) 2. Collude, Reveal – if • there is no investigation – keep cartel: V1 = (1 − a)(πm i + ρV C R ) • there is investigation – stay in cartel until the end of the period and then reveal and pay a reduced fine L < F: V2 = a(πm i − L + ρπn i 1−ρ ) V C R = V1 + V2 = πm i − L + aρπm i 1−ρ 1 − (1 − a)ρ 3. Defect – the expected profits are Vd = πd i + ρπn i 1 − ρ What are the possible equilibria? How does the equilibrium selection depend on antitrust parameters a and s and on the leniency fine L? Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Leniency programs Experiment Cartel stability Antitrust policy Leniency programs