Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Vertical mergers Industrial organization – lecture 5 Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Vertical mergers Pepall et al. (2014, pp. 427–428) Vertical mergers join firms operating at different levels of production chain (e.g. producer and retailer). What are the effects of a vertical merger compared to a horizonal merger? Vertical mergers join firms producing complementary products. Each firm’s pricing decision imposes an externality on the other firm: Internalization of this externality is Pareto improving. Case: In 2000 GE and Honeywell announced merger. GE produces jet engines, Honeywell produces starter motors and other inputs for aircraft engines. In July 2001 the merger was blocked by EC. Why? Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Double marginalization Pepall et al. (2014, pp. 428–432) What are the pro-competitive effects of vertical mergers? • Each firm in a production chain provides an essential input to other firms in the chain. • Firms on each level of the production chain have some market power. • Firms on each level of the production chain charges some mark-up above marginal costs. • The price for final consumers may be higher than the monopoly price. • This problem is called double marginalization. Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Double marginalization: Model There is a single manufacturer m and single retailer r. The producer produces the good at a constant unit cost c and sells it to the retailer at a wholesale price w. The retailer resells the product to the final consumer at a final price P. The inverse demand function is linear P = A − BQ. Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Double marginalization: Solution Solution of the model is given by backward induction. Profit maximizing price and output of the retailer for given wholesale price w are Q(w) = A−w 2B and P(w) = A+w 2 Substituting the retailer’s output into the profit function of the manufacturer and maximizing with respect to w gives the optimal wholesale price w∗ = A+c 2 . The retailer’s equilibrium output is thus Q∗ = A−c 4B Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Double marginalization: Solution After merger the whole industry is monopolized. The profit maximizing output and price of the integrated firm are QI = A−c 2B and PI = A+c 2 . The merger results in a lower price, a greater quantity, higher profits, and a higher consumer surplus. Two assumptions are crucial for this analysis 1. Fixed proportion between inputs and outputs 2. Linear pricing Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Double marginalization: Graph Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Foreclosure Pepall et al. (2014, pp. 435-436, 441–446) There can be also anti-competitive effects of vertical mergers. The most important one is foreclosure. The integrated company may choose to deny a downstream competitor a source of inputs. Consider an industry with two independent manufacturers and two independent retailers. • Is vertical integration profitable? Yes • Can vertical integration harm the consumers? Yes We illustrate the foreclosure logic in the model by Ordover, Saloner and Salop (1990). Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence OSS model There are two manufacturer mi and two retailers ri . Prices are, again, denoted as pi and wi . The retailers’ demands are qU i = 100 − pi + B(pj − pi ) where parameter B ∈ (0, ∞) measures the degree of product differentiation. Marginal cost cU = 0 and we assume B = 1. Game with four stages: 1. U1 and D1 may vertically integrate to F1 2. U1 (or F1) and U2 set prices – if merger occurs F1 may foreclose or set an upper bound price of c12 3. U2 and D2 may decide to merge 4. downstream prices are set given the input prices Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence OSS model: solution Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Foreclosure: GE-Honeywell merger Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 446-447) It is a pretty famous and a very controversial case. Citation of commission’s report (par. 355): Because of their lack of ability to match the bundle offer ... independent suppliers will lose market shares to the benefit of the merged entity and experience an immediate damaging of profit shrinkage. As a result, the merger is likely to lead to market foreclosure ... and to the elimination of competition in these areas. Does it make sense? Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Empirical evidence: Concrete industry Pepall et al. (2014, pp. 453-455) Hortacsu, Syverson (2007, JPE) study the effect of vertical integration on prices. Why concrete industry? • Fixed proportion between input and output • Variation in vertical integration • High transportation cost creates many local markets. Many markets mean many independent observations. Estimated equation Pit = α + βVIit + γXit, where Pit is the average concrete price, VIit is the share of vertically integrated firms, Xit are control variables (market and year fixed effects, HHI, ...) Vertical mergers Double marginalization Foreclosure Empirical evidence Empirical evidence: Concrete industry Main results: Variable Market share of VI firms −0.09∗ −0.086∗ −0.043 Market share of multiple plant firms - −0.15 −0.001 Total factor productivity - - −0.293∗ R2 0.433 0.434 0.573 How do you interpret this?