Human Resources Management
3. Selection of qualified people
HRM Course Slides Lecture 3 MUNI
Required literature:
ROBBINS, Stephen P. and Timothy A. JUDGE. Organizational behavior.Chapter 17 (pp. 598 - 609, shared with topic 4).
Recommended literature:
WILTON, Nick. An introduction to human resource management. Chapter 6 (pp. 149 - 167, shared with topic 4).
HUNTER, John E.; SCHMIDT, Frank L. Methods of meta-analysis: Correcting error and bias in research findings. Sage, 2004.
Schmidt 1998 vyber selection methods
HUFFCUTT, Allen I.; WOEHR, David J.
Further analysis of employment interview validity: A quantitative
evaluation of interviewer‐related structuring methods. Journal of
Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial,
Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 1999, 20.4: 549-560.
Huffcutt 1999 vyber interview types