Znalostní management
Harmonogram předmětu
Interaktívní přednášky a témata
18.3. | People-centric vs. tech-centric KM | Knowledge workers | Organizational learning | Sensemaking | High-reliability organizations | Knowledge components | Knowledge creation | Knowledge sharing - community |
13.5. | Knowledge sharing - barriers | Knowledge sharing - strong ties and weak ties | Interpersonal competence | Collaboration across domains of expertise | Knowledge sharing - interfirm networks | Knowledge sharing - customers | Specific methods and techniques of KM | Measuring the value of KM |
Průběžné testy
Termín testu | Témata testu |
15.3. | People-centric vs. tech-centric KM Knowledge workers Organizational learning Sensemaking |
17.3. | High-reliability organizations Knowledge components Knowledge creation Knowledge sharing - community |
5.5. | Knowledge sharing - barriers Knowledge sharing - strong ties vs. weak ties Interpersonal competence Collaboration across domains of expertise |
12.5. | Knowledge sharing - interfirm networks Knowledge sharing - customers Specific methods and techniques of KM Measuring the value of KM |
Konzultace, odevzdání, ohodnocení prezentace a otázky k prezentacím
Téma | Nejpozdější možný termín konzultace (20:00) | Termín odevzdání prezentace do IS | Termín prezentace na přednášce | Termín hodnocení od studentů | Termín položení otázek v IS | Termín odevzdání odpovědí na otázky studentů |
People-centric vs. tech-centric KM | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
Knowledge workers | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
Organizational learning | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
Sensemaking | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
High-Reliability Organizations | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
Knowledge components | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
Knowledge creation | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
Knowledge sharing - community | 11.3. | 17.3. | 18.3. | 19.3. | 23.3. | 26.3. |
Knowledge sharing - barriers | 28.4. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |
Knowledge sharing - strong ties vs. weak ties | 28.4. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |
Interpersonal competence | 30.4. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |
Collaboration across domains of expertise | 30.4. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |
Knowledge sharing - interfirm networks | 2.5. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |
Knowledge sharing - customers | 2.5. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |
Specific methods and techniques of KM | 4.5. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |
Measuring the value of KM | 4.5. | 12.5. | 13.5. | 14.5. | 18.5. | 21.5. |