Chapter 50 STATE-SPACE MODELS* JAMES D. HAMILTON University of California, San Diego Contents Abstract 1. The state-space representation of a linear dynamic system 2. The Kalman filter 2.1. Overview of the Kalman filter 2.2. Derivation of the Kalman filter 2.3. Forecasting with the Kalman filter 2.4. Smoothed inference 2.5. Interpretation of the Kalman filter with non-normal disturbances 2.6. Time-varying coefficient models 2.7. Other extensions 3. Statistical inference about unknown parameters using the Kalman filter 3.1. Maximum likelihood estimation 3.2. Identification 3.3. Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimates 3.4. Confidence intervals for smoothed estimates and forecasts 3.5. Empirical application - an analysis of the real interest rate 4. Discrete-valued state variables 4.1. Linear state-space representation of the Markov-switching model 4.2. Optimal filter when the state variable follows a Markov chain 4.3. Extensions 4.4. Forecasting 3041 3041 3046 3047 3048 3051 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3055 3057 3058 3060 3060 3062 3063 3064 3067 3068 *I am grateful to Gongpil Choi, Robert Engle and an anonymous referee for helpful comments, and to the NSF for support under grant SES8920752. Data and software used in this chapter can be obtained at no charge by writing James D. Hamilton, Department of Economics 0508, UCSD, La Jolla, CA 92093-0508, USA. Alternatively, data and software can be obtained by writing ICPSR, Institute for Social Research, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA. Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 1V, Edited by R.F. Engle and D.L. McFadden 0 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 3040 J.D. Hamilton 4.5. Smoothed probabilities 4.6. Maximum likelihood estimation 4.7. Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimates 4.8. Empirical application - another look at the real interest rate 5. Non-normal and nonlinear state-space models 5.1. Kitagawa’s grid approximation for nonlinear, non-normal state-space models 5.2. Extended Kalman filter 5.3. Other approaches to nonlinear state-space models References 3069 3070 3071 3071 3073 3073 3076 3077 3077 Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3041 Abstract This chapter reviews the usefulness of the Kalman filter for parameter estimation and inference about unobserved variables in linear dynamic systems. Applications include exact maximum likelihood estimation of regressions with ARMA disturbances, time-varying parameters, missing observations, forming an inference about the public’s expectations about inflation, and specification of business cycle dynamics. The chapter also reviews models of changes in regime and develops the parallel between such models and linear state-space models. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion of alternative approaches to nonlinear filtering. 1. The state-space representation of a linear dynamic system Many dynamic models can usefully be written in what is known as a state-space form. The value of writing a model in this form can be appreciated by considering a first-order autoregression Y,+1 =$Yr+st+r, (1.1) with E,N i.i.d. N(0, a’). Future values of y for this process depend on (Y,, y,_ 1,. . .) only through the current value y,. This makes it extremely simple to analyze the dynamics of the process, make forecasts or evaluate the likelihood function. For example, equation (1.1) is easy to solve by recursive substitution, Yf+m = 4”y, + 4m-1Ey+l + 4m-2Et+2 + ... +q5l~~+~-~ +E~+~ for m= 1,2,..., from which the optimal m-period-ahead forecast is seen to be E(Y,+,lY,,Y,-,,...)=~mY,. The process is stable if 141< 1. (1.2) (1.3) The idea behind a state-space representation of a more complicated linear system is to capture the dynamics of an observed (n x 1) vector Y, in terms of a possibly unobserved (I x 1) vector 4, known as the state vector for the system. The dynamics of the state vector are taken to be a vector generalization of (1.1): 5,+r =F&+n,+,. (1.4) 3042 J.D. Hamilton Here F denotes an (r x I) matrix and the (r x 1) vector II, is taken to be i.i.d. N(0, Q). Result (1.2) generalizes to 5t+m = F”& + F”-~I,+~ + Fm-2~t+2+ ... + Fr~~+~-r +v,+, for m= 1,2,..., (1.5) where F” denotes the matrix F multiplied by itself m times. Hence Future values of the state vector depend on ({,, 4, _ 1,. . .) only through the current value 5,. The system is stable provided that the eigenvalues of F all lie inside the unit circle. The observed variables are presumed to be related to the state vector through the observation equation of the system, y, = A’.q + H’{, + w,. (1.6) Here yt is an (n x 1) vector of variables that are observed at date t, H’ is an (n x r) matrix of coefficients, and W, is an (n x 1) vector that could be described as measurement error; W, is assumed to be i.i.d. N(O,R) and independent of g1 and v, for t= 1,2,... . Equation (1.6) also includes x,, a (k x 1) vector of observed variables that are exogenous or predetermined and which enter (1.6) through the (n x k) matrix of coefficients A’. There is a choice as to whether a variable is defined to be in the state vector 5, or in the exogenous vector xt, and there are advantages if all dynamic variables are included in the state vector so that x, is deterministic. However, many of the results below are also valid for nondeterministic x,, as long as n, contains no information about &+, or w,+, for m = 0, 1,2,. . . beyond that containediny,_,,y,_,,..., yr. For example, X, could include lagged values of y or variables that are independent of 4, and W, for all T. The state equation (1.4) and observation equation (1.6) constitute a linear state-space repesentation for the dynamic behavior of y. The framework can be further generalized to allow for time-varying coefficient matrices, non-normal disturbances and nonlinear dynamics, as will be discussed later in this chapter. For now, however, we just focus on a system characterized by (1.4) and (1.6). Note that when x, is deterministic, the state vector 4, summarizes everything in the past that is relevant for determining future values of y, E(Yt+ml51,5r-l,...,Yt,Y1-1,...) =EC(A’x,+,+H’5,+,+w,+,)l5,,5,-,,...,y,,y,-l,...I =A’xy+,+H’E(5,+,151,&-1,...,~t,~*-l,...) = A'x~+~ + HlF"'&. (1.7) Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3043 As a simple example of a system that can be written in state-space form, consider a pth-order autoregression (Y,+1 - 11)= 4l(Y, - 4 + #dYte 1 - PL)+ ... + 4p(Yt-p+l - 11)+ Et+12 E, - i.i.d. N(0, a2). (1.8) Note that (1.8) can equivalently be written as 1 Yt+1 -P Yz - P i!= J&p+2 -P 41 42 ... 4p-1 4p Yt-1 0 P... 0 0 Yc-1 -P Ol...OO . . . . . ... .. . : : .o 0 ... 1 011 J&p+1 -P Et+1 0 !I:1+ . . (1.9) 0 The first row of (1.9) simply reproduces (1.8) and other rows assert the identity Y,_j-p=Yy,_j-p forj=O,l,..., p - 2. Equation (1.9) is of the form of (1.4) with r=p and &=(yt-PL,Yt-1 -P~...#-p+l-P)I~ (1.10) v -(%+1,0,...,O)I,2+1- (1.11) F= 0 1 ... (1.12) . .. . .... . -0 0 .‘. The observation equation is Yt = P + H’t,, (1.13) where H’ is the first row of the (p x ,p) identity matrix. The eigenvalues of F can be shown to satisfy (1.14) thus stability of a pth-order autoregression requires that any value 1 satisfying (1.14) lies inside the unit circle. Let us now ask what kind of dynamic system would be described if H’ in (1.13) J.D. Hamilton3044 is replaced with a general (1 x p) vector, y,=/J+Cl 81 0, “. ~,-IK (1.15) where the 8’s represent arbitrary coefficients. Suppose that 4, continues to evolve in the manner specified for the state vector of an AR(p) process. Letting tjt denote the jth element of &, this would mean 51,t+1 r 2,t+ 1 I!1= r’PJ+ 1 41 42 ... 4,-l 4% 1 0 ... 0 0 0 1 ... 0 0 . .. . .... . 0 0 ... 1 0 1+E t+1 0 :I . . 0 (1.16) The jth row of this system for j = 2,3,. . . ,p states that (2.14) Pt+l,t = FP,,,F’ + Q. (2.15) Substituting (2.12) into (2.14) and (2.13) into (2.15), we have %+1/t=F~,,,-l+FP,,,-,H(H’P,,,-,~+R)-‘(y,-~’x,-H’~~,,-,),(2.16) Pt+l,,= FPt,,_lF’- FPt,,_lH(H’Pt,,_lH+ R)-‘H’Pt,,_lF’+Q. (2.17) To summarize, the Kalman filter is an algorithm for calculating the sequence {&+ &= 1 and P-T+&= 1ywhere &+ 1,f denotes the optimal forecast of 4, + 1based on observation of (yt,yt_ i,.. .,yl,n,,x,_, ,..., x1) and Pt+l,t denotes the mean squared error of this forecast. The filter is implemented by iterating on (2.16) and (2.17) for t = 1,2,. . . ,T. If the eigenvalues of F are all inside the unit circle and there is no prior information about the initial value of the state vector, this iteration is started using equations (2.7) and (2.8). Note that the sequence {Pt+I,t}:=l is not a function of the data and can be evaluated without calculating the forecasts {tt+ llt}T=1. Because P,+ l,t is not a function of the data, the conditional expectation of the squared forecast error is Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3051 the same as its unconditional expectation, This equivalence is a consequence of having assumed normal distributions with constant variances for II, and w,. 2.3. Forecasting with the Kalman filter An m-period-ahead forecast of the state vector can be calculated from (1.5): $+,,t = E(5,+,lu,,u,- l,...,Y1,Xt,X,-l,...,X1)=FrnSt,r. (2.18) The error of.this forecast can be found by subtracting (2.18) from (1.5), 4t+m - $+l4,=Fm(5A,,,,+Fm-1”r+l+Fm-2vt+2+... +F’u,+,_l +Ut+m, from which it follows that the mean squared error of the forecast (2.18) is Pt+m,t = EC(&+,- %+,,,,G+,- tt+d'l =FmPC,,(Fm)‘+Fm-‘Q(Fm-1)‘+Fm-2Q(Fm-2)’+~~~+FQF’+Q. (2.19) These results can also be used to describe m-period-ahead forecasts of the observed vector y! +,,,, provided that {x,} is deterministic. Applying the law of iterated expectations to (1.7) results in 9 t+mlr=E(yr+mIYt,Yt-1,...,Y1)=A’~,+,+H’F”$I,. (2.20) The error of this forecast is Yt+m -A+,I, = V’xt+m+ H’b+, + w,+,)- V’xt+m+ H’F”&t) =H’(5,+*- E+m,,)+Wt+m with mean squared error EC(y,+m-9t+mlr)(Yt+m -9,+,1,)'1= H’Pt.,,,H+ R. (2.21) 2.4. Smoothed inference Up to this point we have been concerned with a forecast of the value of the state vector at date t based on information available at date t - 1, denoted &,- 1, or 3052 J.D. Hamilton with an inference about the value of the state vector at date t based on currently available information, denoted &. In some applications the value of the state vector is of interest in its own right. In the example of Fama and Gibbons, the state vector tells us about the public’s expectations of inflation, while in the example of Stock and Watson, it tells us about the overall condition of the economy. In such cases it is desirable to use information through the end of the sample (date T) to help improve the inference about the historical value that the state vector took on at any particular date t in the middle of the sample. Such an inference is known as a smoothed estimate, denoted e,,= E({,j c&).The mean squared error of this estimate is denoted PtJT= E(g, - &T)(g, - &-)I. The smoothed estimates can be calculated as follows. First we run the data through the Kalman filter, storing the sequences {Pt,,}T=i and {P+ ,}T=, as calculated from (2.13) and (2.15) and storing the sequences ($,,}T=1and {$t,l_,>,‘=1 as calculated from (2.12) and (2.14). The terminal value for {&t}Z”i then gives the smoothed estimate for the last date in the sample, I$=,~,and P,,, is its mean squared error. The sequence of smoothed estimates {&T)TE1 is then calculated in reverse order by iterating on for t = T- 1, T- 2,. . . , 1, where J, = P,,,F’P;,‘,,,. The corresponding mean squared errors are similarly found by iterating on (2.23) inreverseorderfort=T-l,T-2,..., 1;see for example Hamilton (1994, Section 13.6). 2.5. Interpretation of the Kalman jilter with non-normal disturbances In motivating the Kalman filter, the assumption was made that u, and w, were normal. Under this assumption, &,_ 1 is the function of <,- 1 that minimizes a-(4,- Et,,-1NC- %,,-l)‘l> (2.24) in the sense that any other forecast has a mean squared error matrix that differs from that of &,_ 1 by a positive semidefinite matrix. This optimal forecast turned out to be a constant plus a linear function of L-;. The minimum value achieved for (2.24) was denoted PIi,_ 1. If D,and w, are not normal, one can pose a related problem of choosing &, _1 to be a constant plus a linear function of &- i that minimizes (2.24). The solution Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3053 to this problem turns out to be given by the Kalman filter iteration (2.16) and its unconditional mean squared error is still given by (2.17). Similarly, when the disturbances are not normal, expression (2.20) can be interpreted as the linear projection of yt +m on 5, and a constant, with (2.21) its unconditional mean squared error. Thus, while the Kalman filter forecasts need no longer be optimal for systems that are not normal, no other forecast based on a linear function of & will have a smaller mean squared error [see Anderson and Moore (1979, pp. 92298) or Hamilton (1994, Section 13.2)]. These results parallel the Gauss-Markov theorem for ordinary least squares regression. 2.6. Time-varying coefficient models The analysis above treated the coefficients of the matrices F, Q, A, H and R as known constants. An interesting generalization obtains if these are known functions of n,: yt = a(~,)+ CHbJ1’5,+ w,, (2.26) E(w,w:ln,, r,- 1) = W,). Here F(.), Q(.), H(.) and R( .) denote matrix-valued functions of x, and a(.) is an (n x 1) vector-valued function of x,. As before, we assume that, apart from the possible conditional heteroskedasticity allowed in (2.26), x, provides no information about 4, or w, for any t beyond that contained in c,_ r. Even if u, and w, are normal, with x, stochastic the unconditional distributions of 4, and yt are no longer normal. However, the system is conditionally normal in the following sense.3 Suppose that the distribution of 4, conditional on &_ 1 is taken to be N(&I,P,,t_,). Then 4, conditional on x, and &t has the same distribution. Moreover, conditional on x,, all of the matrices can be treated as deterministic. Hence the derivation of the Kalman filter goes through essentially as before, with the recursions (2.16) and (2.17) replaced with st+Iit=W& - I + FW’,I, - 1H(xt)1CHWI’~,,,- ,H(x,)+ R(4) - ’ x {u,- 44 - CWx,)l’tt,,-J, (2.27) Pt+ I,(= F(x,)Pt,,- 1F(x,)l- (F(-q)Pt,,- ~H(n,)CCWxt)l’f’t~t-,4x,) + R(xt)l-i x CfWJl’f’+ - 1CF(41’) + QW (2.28) 3See Theorem 6.1 in Tjestheim (1986) for further discussion. 3054 J.D.Hamilton It is worth noting three elements of the earlier discussion that change with time-varying parameter matrices. First, the distribution calculated for the initial state in (2.7) and (2.8) is only valid if F and Q are fixed matrices. Second, m-period-ahead forecasts of y,,, or &,., for m > 1 are no longer simple to calculate when F, H or A vary stochastically; Doan et al. (1984) suggested approximating W, +2Iyl,yt- l,...,~l)with E(y,,21~,+t,~,,...,~l)evaluated al yrir = E(Y,+,~Y,,Y,-I,...,yl).Finally, if u, and W,are not normal, then the one-periodahead forecasts Et+Ilf and 9,+ Ilt no longer have the interpretation as linear projections, since (2.27) is nonlinear in x,. An important application of a state-space representation with data-dependent parameter matrices is the time-varying coefficient regression model Y, = xi@,+wf’ (2.29) Here & is a vector of regression coefficients that is assumed to evolve over time according to &+I-@=I;tSI-h+vt+v (2.30) Assuming the eigenvalues of F are all inside the unit circle, fi has the interpretation as the average or steady-state coefficient vector. Equation (2.30) will be recognized as a state equation of the form of (2.1) with 4, = Vpt- $). Equation (2.29) can then be written as Yt = 4 -I-x:5*+ w,, (2.31) which is in the form of the observation equation (2.26) with a(%,)= X$ and [L&J] = xi. Higher-order dynamics for /It are easily incorporated by, instead, defining 4: = [(B - @,‘, (B,_ 1- @)‘,. . ., c/pt_p+1- j?,‘] as in Nicholls and Pagan (1985, p. 437). Excellent surveys of time-varying parameter regressions include Raj and Ullah (1981), Chow (1984) and Nicholls and Pagan (1985). Applications to vector autoregressions have been explored by Sims (1982) and Doan et al. (1984). 2.7. Other extensions The derivations above assumed no correlation between II, and VU,,though this is straightforward to generalize; see, for example, Anderson and Moore (1979, p. 108). Predetermined or exogenous variables can also be added to the state equation with few adjustments. The Kalman filter is a very convenient algorithm for handling missing observations. If y, is unobserved for some date t, one can simply skip the updating Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3055 equations (2.12) and (2.13) for that date and replace them with Et,*= &,_ 1 and P,,, = P,,r_ r; see Jones (1980), Harvey and Pierse (1984) and Kohn and Ansley (1986) for further discussion. Modifications of the Kalman filtering and smoothing algorithms to allow for singular or infinite P,,, are described in De Jong (1989, 1991). 3. Statistical inference about unknown parameters using the Kalman filter 3.1. Maximum likelihood estimation The calculations described in Section 2 are implemented by computer, using the known numerical values for the coefficients in the matrices F, Q, A, H and R. When the values of the matrices are unknown we can proceed as follows. Collect the unknown elements of these matrices in a vector 8. For example, to estimate theARMA(p,p-l)process(1.15)-(1.16),8=($,,4, ,..., 4p,01,02 ,..., Bp_rr~,~)‘. Make an arbitrary initial guess as to the value of t9,denoted 0(O),and calculate the sequences {&- r(@(‘))}T=1 and {Pt,t_,(B(o))}t’E1 that result from this value in (2.16) and (2.17). Recall from (2.11) that if the data were really generated from the model (2.1)-(2.2) with this value of 0, then _hbt,r14e(0)- w4oW, 409(o))), (3.1) where p,(e(O))= p(e(o))]k, + [H(e(O))]&_ 1(8(O)), (3.2) qe(O)) = pz(e(o))]~p,,,_ ,(e(O))][qe(O))] + R(e(O)). (3.3) The value of the log likelihood is then f logf(y,lx,,r,_,;e(O))= -$i09(27+:$ iOglzt(e(0))l t=1 - f,flh - ~vWi~~w(o9i - lb, -)u,iwI. (3.4) which reflects how likely it would have been to have observed the data if 0(O)were the true value for 8. We then make an alternative guess 0(l) so as to try to achieve a bigger value of (3.4),and proceed to maximize (3.4) with respect to 8 by numerical methods such as those described in Quandt (1983), Nash and Walker-Smith (1987) or Hamilton (1994, Section 5.7). Many numerical optimization techniques require the gradient vector, or the derivative of (3.4) with respect to 0. The derivative with respect to the ith element of 8 could be calculated numerically by making a small change in the ith element Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3057 The vector of parameters to be estimated is 8 = (B’, 19r,8,, a)‘. By making an arbitrary guess4 at the value of 8, we can calculate the sequences {&_,(B)}T=, and (ptlt- ,(W>T= r in (2.16) and (2.17). The starting value for (2.16) is the unconditional mean of er, 0 s^,,,=E EtY1=0 ) ; II-1Et-2 0 while (2.17) is started with the unconditional variance, ; Et &,-I 1 a* 0 0 P,,,=E [E, Et_1 Et_21= 0 a2 5 - 2 : 0 0 01i72 From these sequences, u(e) and E,(0) can be calculated in (3.2) and (3.3), and (3.4) then provides log f(YT,YT-l,...,YlIXT,XT-1,...,Xl;~). (3.7) Note that this calculation gives the exact log likelihood, not an approximation, and is valid regardless of whether 8, and e2 are associated with an invertible MA(2) representation. The parameter estimates j, 8r, 8, and b are the values that make (3.7) as large as possible. 3.2. Identijication The maximum likelihood estimation procedure, just described, presupposes that the model is identified, that is, it assumes that a change in any of the parameters would imply a different probability distribution for {y,},“, 1. One approach to checking for identification is to rewrite the state-space model in an alternative form that is better known to econometricians. For example, since the state-spacemode1(1.15)-(1.16)isjust another way ofwritingan ARMA(p,p - 1) process, the unknown parameters (4r,. . .,4p, O1,.. . ,8,_ 1,p, a) can be consistently estimated provided that the roots of (1 + t9,z + 0,z2 + ... + 8,_ r.zp-r) = 0 are normalized to lie on or outside the unit circle, and are distinct from the roots of (1 -C#J1z-CJS2z2- ... - 4,~“) = 0 (assuming these to lie outside the unit circle as well). An illustration of this general idea is provided in Hamilton (1985). As another 4Numerical algorithms are usually much better behaved if an intelligent initial guess for 0”’ is used. A good way to proceed in this instance is to use OLS estimates of (3.5) to calculate an initial guess for /?, and use the estimated variance sz and autocorrelations PI and p2 of the OLS residuals to construct initial guesses for O,, O2and c using the results in Box and Jenkins (1976, pp. 187 and 519). 3058 J.D. Hamilton example, the time-varying coefficient regression model (2.31) can be written Yt = x:s+4, (3.8) where If X, is deterministic, equation (3.8) describes a generalized least squares regression model in which the varianceecovariance matrix of the residuals can be inferred from the state equation describing 4,. Thus, assuming that eigenvalues of F are all inside the unit circle, p can be estimated consistently as long as (l/T)CT= ix& converges to a nonsingular matrix; other parameters can be consistently estimated if higher moments of x, satisfy certain conditions [see Nicholls and Pagan (1985, p. 431)]. The question of identification has also been extensively investigated in the literature on linear systems; see Gevers and Wertz (1984) and Wall (1987) for a survey of some of the approaches, and Burmeister et al. (1986) for an illustration of how these results can be applied. 3.3. Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimates Under suitable conditions, the estimate 8 that maximizes (3.4) is consistent and asymptotically normal. Typical conditions require 8 to be identified, eigenvalues of F to be inside the unit circle, the exogenous variable x, to behave asymptotically like a full rank linearly nondeterministic covariance-stationary process, and the true value of 8 to not fall on the boudary of the allowable parameter space; see Caines (1988, Chapter 7) for a thorough discussion. Pagan (1980, Theorem 4) and Ghosh (1989) demonstrated that for particular examples of state-space models (3.9) where $ZDST is the information matrix for a sample of size T as calculated from second derivatives of the log likelihood function: x 2D.T = (3.10) Engle and Watson (1981) showed that the row i, column j element of $2D.T is Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3059 given by (3.11) One option is to estimate (3.10) by (3.11) with the expectation operator dropped from (3.11). Another common practice is to assume that the limit of $ZD,T as T+ co is the same as the plim of 1 T a2w-(~,Ir,-,~-0)3-g 3 f 1 aeaef e=ti (3.12) which can be calculated analytically or numerically by differentiating (3.4).Reported standard errors for 8 are then square roots of diagonal elements of (l/T)(3)-‘. It was noted above that the Kalman filter can be motivated by linear projection arguments even without normal distributions. It is thus of interest to consider as in White (1982) what happens if we use as an estimate of 8 the value that maximizes (3.4), even though the true distribution is not normal. Under certain conditions such quasi-maximum likelihood estimates give consistent and asymptotically normal estimates of the true value of 0, with Jm- 4) L NO, C92d (p2,] - ‘), (3.13) where $2D is the plim of (3.12) when evaluated at the true value 0, and .YoPis the limit of (l/T)CT, 1[s,(&,)] [s,(B,)]’ where mu = [ ai0gf(.hIr,-,~-0) ae I 1.e=eo An important hypothesis test for which (3.9) clearly is not valid is testing the constancy of regression coefficients [see Tanaka (1983) and Watson and Engle (1985)]. One can think of the constant-coefficient model as being embedded as a special case of (2.30) and (2.31) in which E(u,+ lu:+ J = 0 and /I1= $. However, such a specification violates two of the conditions for asymptotic normality mentioned above. First, under the null hypothesis Q falls on the boundary of the allowable parameter space. Second, the parameters of Fare unidentified under the null. Watson and Engle (1985) proposed an appropriate test based on the general procedure of Davies (1977). The results in Davies have recently been extended by Hansen (1993). Given the computational demands of these tests, Nicholls and 3060 J.D. Hamilton Pagan (1985, p. 429) recommended Lagrange multiplier tests for heteroskedasticity based on OLS estimation of the constant-parameter model as a useful practical approach. Other approaches are described in Nabeya and Tanaka (1988) and Leybourne and McCabe (1989). 3.4. Confidence intervals for smoothed estimates and forecasts Let &,(0,) denote the optimal inference about 4, conditional on obervation of all data through date T assuming that 0, is known. Thus, for t d T, {,IT(OO) is the smoothed inference (2.22) while for r > T, &,(O,,) is the forecast (2.18). If 0, were known with certainty, the mean squared error of this inference, denoted PZIT(&,), would be given by (2.23) for r d T and (2.19) for t > T. In the case where the true value of 0 is unknown, this optimal inference is approximated by &,(o) for e^ the maximum likelihood estimate. To describe the consequences of this, it is convenient to adopt the Bayesian perspective that 8 is a random variable. Conditional on having observed all the data &-, the posterior distribution might be approximated by elc,- N(@(lIT)@-‘). (3.14) where Etilr,(‘) denotes the expectation of (.) with respect to the distribution in (3.14). Thus the mean squared error of an inference based on estimated parameters is the sum of two terms. The first term can be written as E,,c,{P,,T(0)}, and might be described as “filter uncertainty”. A convenient way to calculate this would be to generate, say, 10,000 Monte Carlo draws of 8 from the distribution (3.14), run through the Kalman filter iterations implied by each draw, and calculate the average value of PrIT(0) across draws. The second term, which might be described as “parameter uncertainty”, could be estimated from the outer product of [&.(ei) - &,(i!j)] with itself for the ith Monte Carlo draw, and again averaging across Monte Carlo realizations. Similar corrections to (2.21) can be used to generate a mean squared error for the forecast of y,,, in (2.20). 3.5. Empirical application - an analysis of the real interest rate As an illustration of these methods, consider Fama and Gibbons’s (1982) real interest rate example discussed in equations (1.21) and (1.22). Let y, = i, - 7c,denote Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3061 IO.0 75 50 2.5 w 0.0 -2.5 I 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 2.00 1.75 I.50 - 1.25 - 1.00 - a 075 '!____________________------__-_______________________~' 050 - 025 - 0.00 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 Eli 84 87 90 I 9 5.0 z 8 is -2.5 - -5.0 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 Figure 1. Top panel. Ex post real interest rate for the United States, qua;terly from 1960:1 to_1992:III, quoted at an annual rate. Middle panel. F$er_uncertainty. Solid line: P,,,(e). Dashed line: PflT(B). Bottom panel. Smoothed inferences t,,(0) along with 95 percent confidence intervals. the observed ex post real interest rate, where i, is the nominal interest rate on 3-month U.S. Treasury bills for the third month of quarter t (expressed at an annual rate) and rr, is the inflation rate between the third month of quarter t and the third month oft + 1, measured as 400 times the change in the natural logarithm of the consumer price index. Quarterly data for y, are plotted in the top panel of Figure 1 for t= 1960:1 to 1992:III. The maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters of this model are as follows, with standard errors in parentheses, & = 0.9145,_ 1+ u, 8” = 0.977 (0.041) (0.177) y,=1.43+r,+w, 6, = 1.34 . (0.93) (0.14) 3062 J.D. Hamilton Here the state variable 5, = i, - 71:-p has the interpretation as the deviation of the unobserved ex ante real interest rate from its population mean p. Even if the population parameter vector 8= (4, o,,~, g,J’ were known with certainty, the econometrician still would not know the value of the ex ante real interest rate, since the market’s expected inflation 7~:is unobserved. However, the econometrician can make an educated guess as to the value of 5, based on observations of the ex post real rate through date t, treating the maximum likelihood estimate aas if known with certainty. This guess is the magnitude &,(a), and its mean squared error P,,,(a) is plotted as the solid line in the middle panel of Figure 1. The mean squared error quickly asymptotes to which is a fixed constant owing to the stationarity of the process. The middle panel of Figure. 1 also plots the mean squared error for the smoothed inference, PrIT(a). For observations in the middle of the sample this is essentially the mean squared error (MSE) of the doubly-infinite projection The mean squared error for the smoothed inference is slightly higher for observations near the beginning of the sample (for which the smoothed inference is unable to exploit relevant data on y,,y_ I,. . .) and near the end of the sample (for which knowledge of YT+ r, Y~+~, . . . would be useful). The bottom panel of Figure 1 plots the econometrician’s best guess as to the value of the ex ante real interest rate based on all of the data observed: Ninety-five percent confidence intervals for this inference that take account of both the filter uncertainty P1,r(a) and parameter uncertainty due to the random nature of 8 are also plotted. Negative ex ante real interest rates during the 1970’s and very high ex ante real interest rates during the early 1980’s both appear to be statistically significant. Hamilton (1985) obtained similar results from a more complicated representation for the ex ante real interest rate. 4. Discrete-valued state variables The time-varying coefficients model was advocated by Sims (1982) as a useful way of dealing with changes occurring all the time in government policy and economic institutions. Often, however, these changes take the form of dramatic, discrete events, such as major wars, financial panics or significant changes in the policy Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3063 objectives of the central bank or taxing authority. It is thus of interest to consider time-series models in which the coefficients change only occasionally as a result of such changes in regime. Consider an unobserved scalar s, that can take on integer values 1,2,. . . , N corresponding to N different possible regimes. We can then think of a time-varying coefficient regression model of the form of (2.29), Yt = x:Bs,+ wt (4.1) for x, a (k x 1) vector of predetermined or exogenous variables and w, - i.i.d. N(0, a’). Thus in the regime represented by s, = 1, the regression coefficients are given by /?r, when s, = 2, the coefficients are f&, and so on. The variable s, summarizes the “state” of the system. The discrete analog to (2.1), the state transition equation for a continuous-valued state variable, is a Markov chain in which the probability distribution of s, + 1 depends on past events only through the value of s,. If, as before, observations through date t are summarized by the vector the assumption is that Prob(s,+,= jlst=i,st_l=il,st_Z=i2,...,&)=Prob(st+i=jls,=i) - pij. (4.2) When this probability does not depend on the previous state (pij = pu for all i, j, and I), the system (4.1)-(4.2) is the switching regression model of Quandt (1958); with general transition probabilities it is the Markov-switching regression model developed by Goldfeld and Quandt (1973) and Cosslett and Lee (1985). When x, includes lagged values of y, (4.1)-(4.2) describes the Markov-switching time-series model of Hamilton (1989). 4.1. Linear state-space representation of the Markov-switching model The parallel between (4.2))(4.1) and (2.1))(2.2) is instructive. Let F denote an (N x N) matrix whose row i, column j element is given by pji: r hl P21 ... PNll F= P12 P22 “’ PN2 . . . . . . . 1PIN P2N “. PNN] 3064 J.D. Hamilton Let e, denote the ith column of the (N x N) identity matrix and construct an (N x 1) vector 4, that is equal to e, when s, = i. Then the expectation of &+ 1 is an (N x 1) vector whose ith element is the probability that s,, 1= i. In particular, the expectation of &+r conditional on knowing that s, = 1 is the first column of F. More generally, E(5*+,l51,5r-l,...,51~a)=F5~. (4.4) The Markov chain (4.2) thus implies the linear state equation (4.5) where u,, 1 is uncorrelated with past values of 4,y or x. The probability that s,, 2 = j given s, = i can be calculated from Probh.2 =jlSt = i) = PilPlj + Pi2P2j + “’ + PiNPNj = Pljpil + PZjPi2 + “’ + PNjPiNr which will be recognized as the row j, column i element of F2. In general, the probability that st+,,,= j given s, = i is given by the row j, column i element of F”, and Moreover, the regression equation (4.1) can be written y, = x:q +w,, (4.7) where B is a (k x N) matrix whose ith column is given by pi. Equation (4.7) will be recognized as an observation equation of the form of (2.26)with [H(x,)]’ = x:B. Thus the model (4.1)-(4.2) can be represented by the linear state-space model (2.1) and (2.26). However, the disturbance in the state equation u,, 1 can only take on a set of N2 possible discrete values, and is thus no longer normal, so that the Kalman filter applied to this system does not generate optimal forecasts or evaluation of the likelihood function. 4.2. OptimalJilter when the state variable follows a Markov chain The Kalman filter was described above as an iterative algorithm for calculating the distribution of the state vector 4, conditional on 5,-i. When 4, is a continuous normal variable, this distribution is summarized by its mean and variance. When the state variable is the discrete scalar s,, its conditional distribution is, instead, Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3065 summarized by Prob(s,=ilG_,) for i=1,2 ,..., N. (4.8) Expression (4.8) describes a set of N numbers which sum to unity. Hamilton (1989) presented an algorithm for calculating these numbers, which might be viewed as a discrete version of the Kalman filter. This is an iterative algorithm whose input at step t is the set of N numbers {Prob(s, = iIT,_ ,)}y=, and whose output is {Prob(s,+, = i 1&)}r= 1. In motivating the Kalman filter, we initially assumed that the values of F, Q, A, Hand R were known with certainty, but then showed how the filter could be used to evaluate the likelihood function and estimate these parameters. Similarly, in describing the discrete analog, we will initially assume that the values of j?l,j?Z,. . .,&, CJ,and (pij}Tj= 1 are known with certainty, but will then see how the filter facilitates maximum likelihood estimation of these parameters. A key difference is that, whereas the Kalman filter produces forecasts that are linear in the data, the discrete-state algorithm, described below, is nonlinear. If the Markov chain is stationary and ergodic, the iteration to evaluate (4.8) can be started at date t = 1 with the unconditional probabilities. Let ni denote the unconditional probability that s, = i and collect these in an (N x 1) vector a(XI,?,..., 7~~)).Noticing that scan be interpreted as E(&), this vector can be found by taking expectations of (4.5): n= Fx. (4.9) Although this represents a system of N equations in N unknowns, it cannot be solved for n; the matrix (IN- F) is singular, since each of its columns sums to zero. However, if the chain is stationary and ergodic, the system of (N + 1) equations represented by (4.9) along with the equation l’a= 1 (4.10) can be solved uniquely for the ergodic probabilities (here “1” denotes an (N x 1) vector, all of whose elements are unity). For N = 2, the solution is 711 = (1- P22Ml- Pll + 1- PA (4.11) x2 = (1- Pl Ml - Pll + 1- P22). (4.12) A general solution for scan be calculated from the (N + 1)th column of the matrix (A’A)- ‘A’ where A = Z, - F ,N+*,xN [ 11’ . 3066 J.D. Hamilton The input for step t of the algorithm is (Prob(s, = i/T,_ r)}y=,, whose ith entry under the assumption of predetermined or exogenous x, is the same as Prob(s, = i/x,, G-r). (4.13) The assumption in (4.1) was that 1 f(~,ls, = Otr G-i) = (2Zca2)1,2exp [ - (Y, - $Bi)’ 2oZ 1 (4.14) For given i, xf,yt,/(, and C, the right-hand side of (4.14) is a number that can be calculated. This number can be multiplied by (4.13) to produce the likelihood of jointly observing s, = i and y,: Expression (4.15) describes a set of N numbers (for i = 1,2,. . . , N) whose sum is the density of y, conditional on x, and &_ 1: f(~,lx,~LJ= f f(Yt~st=ilxt~Ld (4.16) i=l If each of the N numbers in (4.15) is divided by the magnitude in (4.16), the result is the optimal inference about s, based on observation of IJ,= {yt, xr, J, _ i}: f(~,,s,= il~t~~-l) Prob(s, = i) &) = f(YtIx,~L,) . (4.17) The output for thejth iteration can then be calculated from Prob(s,+, = jl&)= 2 Prob(s,+, =j,s,=il&) i=l = i$l Prob(s,+, = j/s, = i, &),Prob(s, = iI&) = itI Pij. Prob(s,= iI&). (4.18) To summarize, let &- 1 denote an (N x 1) vector whose ith element represents Prob(s, = iIT,- J and let fit denote an (N x 1) vector whose ith element is given by (4.14). Then the sequence {&,_ , },‘=1 can be found by iterating on Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3067 (4.19) where “0” denotes element-by-element mu_ltiplication and 1 represents an (N x 1) vector of ones. The iteration is started with Ljl,O= ICwhere 1cis given by the solution to (4.9) and (4.10). The contemporaneous inference G$ is given by (&, 0 ?,I*)/ V’(&l,- 10 %)I. 4.3. Extensions The assumption that y, depends only on the current value s, of a first-order Markov chain is not really restrictive. For example, the model estimated in Hamilton (1989) was Y,-Ps;=4(Yr-l-P* St- 1 )+~*(Y,-z-~,:_l)+...+~p(Yr_p-~,* )++f-P (4.20) where SF can take on the values 1 or 0, and follows a Markov chain with Prob(s:+ 1= jlsf = i) = p$. This can be written in the form of (4.1)-(4.2) by letting N = 2p+ ’ and defining s, = 1 s, = 2 if (ST = l,s:_, = 1,. . ., and ST_, = l), if (ST= O,s:_‘, = 1,. . ., and s:_~ = l), (4.21) s,=N- 1 if (SF= l,s:_, =O,..., and s*t_-p=O)’ s, = N if (s:=O,s,*_, =0 ,..., and s:_~=O). For illustration, the matrix of transition probabilities when p = 2 is F= (8x 8) -p:1 0 0 0 pT1 0 0 0 P:O 0 0 0 p& 0 0 0 0 p& 0 0 0 p& 0 0 0 PO*0 0 0 0 p& 0 0 0 0 P:l 0 0 0 P;l 0 0 0 p:o 0 0 0 Pro 0 0 0 0 p& 0 0 0 p& 0 0 0 p& 0 0 0 p& (4.22) 3068 J.D. Hamilton There is also no difficulty in generalizing the above method to (n x 1) vector processesyt with changing coefficients or variances. Suppose that when the process is in state s,, YtISt,1, - wQf 52,) (4.23) where n;, for example, is an (n x k) matrix of regression when s, = 1. Then we simply replace (4.14) with coefficients appropriate 1 .f‘(~,ls,=i,x~,i-~)=(~~)“,~,~~,~,~exp [ - $, - qx,),n ,: I(& - n;x,, 1) (4.24) with other details of the recursion identical. It is more difficult to incorporate changes in regime in a moving average process such as y, = E,+ Os.s,_ i. For such a process the distribution of y, depends on the completehistory(i,_,,y,_, ,..., y,,s:,s:_, ,... , ST),and N, in a representation such as (4.21), grows with the sample size T. Lam (1990) successfully estimated a related model by truncating the calculations for negligible probabilities. Approximations to the optimal filter for a linear state-space model with changing coefficient matrices have been proposed by Gordon and Smith (1990), Shumway and Stoffer (1991) and Kim (1994). 4.4. Forecasting Applying the law of iterated expectations to (4.6), the optimal forecast of &+, based on data observed through date t is ~(5t+,lr,) = FrnE,r, (4.25) where I$, is the optimal inference calculated by the filter. As an example of using (4.25) to forecast yt, consider again the example in (4.20). This can be written as Y, = Ps; + z,, (4.26) where z, = 4iz,-i + &z,_~ + ... + 4pzt-p + E,. If {SF} were observed, an m-periodahead .forecast of the first term in (4.26) turns out to be E(~~~+_ls:)=~,+{~l+~“(s:-n,)}(~,-~,), (4.27) Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3069 where ;1= (- 1 + PT1 + p&J and rrI = (1 - p&,)/(1 - ~7~ + 1 - P&). If ~7~ and P& are both greater than i, then 0 < ,I < 1 and there is a smooth decay toward the steady-state probabilities. Similarly, the optimal forecast of z,+, based on its own lagged values can be deduced from (1.9): (4.28) where e; denotes the first row of the (p x p) identity matrix and @ denotes the (p x p) matrix on the right-hand side of (1.12). Recalling that z, = y, - psz is known if y, and ST are known, we can substitute (4.27) and (4.28) into (4.26) to conclude E(Yt+,l% r,)= PO+ 1%+ JrnK- “1Wl -PO) + e;@Y(Y, -P,:) b-1 -P,:_l) ... &J+1 - Ps;_p+lu. (4.29) Since (4.29) is linear in (ST}, the forecast based solely on the observed variables & can be found by applying the law of iterated expectations to (4.29): E(y,+,IG) = cl0 + {x1 + AmCProb(s: = 1I&) - rrJ}(~, - pO) + e;@“_F(, (4.30) where the ith element of the (p x 1) vector j, is given by .Fit=Yt-i+l - p. Prob(s,*_i+ r =Ol&)-pr Prob($-i+r= 114). The ease of forecasting makes this class of models very convenient for rationalexpectations analysis; for applications see Hamilton (1988), Cecchetti et al. (1990) and Engel and Hamilton (1990). 4.5. Smoothed probabilities We have assumed that the current value of s, contains all the information in the history of states through date t that is needed to describe the probability laws for y and s: Prob(s,+, =jls,=i)=Prob(s,+, =j(sf=i,sf_-l =it_l,...,sl =il). Under these assumptions we have, as in Kitagawa (1987, p, 1033) and Kim (1994), 3070 J.D. Hamilton that Prob(s,=j,s,+,=ilr,)=Prob(s,+,=ilrr)Prob(s,=jls,+,=i,r,) =Prob(s,+,=il&)Prob(s,=jls,+r=i,&) = Prob(s,+, = iI&) Prob(s, = j, s,, 1= iI 4,) Prob(s,+r = iI&) = Prob(s,+, = il&) Prob(s,= jl<,)Prob(s,+ 1=ils, = j) ’Prob(s,+, = iI&) (4.31) Sum (4.31) over i= l,..., N and collect the resulting equations for j = 1,. .., N in a vector EtIT,whose jth element is Prob(s, = jlcr): (4.32) where “(+ ),, denotes element-by-element division. The smoothed probabilities are thus found by iterating on (4.32) backwards for t = T- 1, T- 2,. . ., 1. 4.6. Maximum likelihood estimation For given numerical values of the transition probabilities in F and the regression parameters such as (ZI,, .. . , I&, 52,, . ,. , L2,) in (4.24), the value of the log likelihood function of the observed data is CT’ 1log f(y,Ix,, &_r) for f(y,Ix,, &_ J given by (4.16). This can be maximized numerically. Again, the EM elgorithm is often an efficient approach [see Baum et al. (1970), Kiefer (1980) and Hamilton (1990)]. For the model given in (4.24), the EM algorithm is implemented by making an arbitrary initial guess at the parameters and calculating the smoothed probabilities. OLS regression of y,,/Prob(s, = 1ICT) on I,,,/ Prob(s, = 1I&.) gives a new estimate of I7r and a new estimate of J2, is provided by the sample variance matrix of these OLS residuals. Smoothed probabilities for state 2 are used to estimate ZI, and SL,, and so on. New estimates for pij are inferred from 5 Prob(s,=j,s,_, =il&) t=2 1 Pi’=[f:Prob(s,_I =il&)] ’ t=2 with the probability of the initial state calculated from pi = Prob(s, = iI &.) rather than (4.9)-(4.10). These new parameter values are then used to recalculate the smoothed probabilities, and the procedure continues until convergence. Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3071 When the variance depends on the state as in (4.24), there is an essential singularity in the likelihood function at 0, = 0. This can be safely ignored without consequences; for further discussion, see Hamilton (199 1). 4.7. Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimates It is typically assumed that the usual asymptotic distribution theory motivating (3.9) holds for this class of models, though we are aware of no formal demonstration of this apart from Kiefer’s (1978) analysis of i.i.d. switching regressions. Hamilton (1993) examined specification tests derived under the assumption that (3.9) holds. Two cases in which (3.9) is clearly invalid should be mentioned. First, the maximum likelihood estimate flij may well be at a boundary of the allowable parameter space (zero or one), in which case the information matrix in (3.12) need not even be positive definite. One approach in this case is to regard the value of Pij as fixed at zero or one and calculate the information matrix with respect to other parameters. Another case in which standard asymptotic distribution theory cannot be invoked is to test for the number of states. The parameter plZ is unidentified under the null hypothesis that the distribution under state one is the same as under state two. A solution to this problem was provided by Hansen (1992). Testing the specification with fewer states for evidence of omitted heteroskedasticity affords a simple alternative. 4.8. Empirical application ~ another look at the real interest rate We illustrate these methods with a simplified version of Garcia and Perron’s (1993) analysis of the real interest rate. Let y, denote the ex post real interest rate data described in Section 3.5. Garcia and Perron concluded that a similar data set was well described by N = 3 different states. Maximum likelihood estimates for our data are as follows, with standard errors in parentheses:5 Y,~s,= 1 - N( 5.69 , 3.72 ), (0.41) (1.11) y,ls,=2-N( 1.58, 1.93), (0.16) (0.32) y,ls, = 3 - N( - 1.58 , 2.83 ), (0.30) (0.72) ‘Garcia and Perron also included p = 2 autoregressive terms as in (4.20), which were omitted from the analysis described here. 3072 - 0.950 0 0.036 (0.044) (0.030) 0.050 0.990 0 F= (0.044) (0.010) 0 0.010 0.964 (0.010) (0.030). J.D. Hamilton The unrestricted maximum likelihood estimates for the transition probabilities occur at the boundaries with fir3 = Fiji = flS2 = 0. These values were then imposed a priori and derivatives were taken with respect to the remaining free parameters 8= (~~,P~,~~,u:,cJ$, ~~,p~~,p~~,p~J to calculate standard errors. IO.0 75 ._ -_ 5.0 - 25- VtiA -- _- _-. 0.0 _ _ ___ -2.5 -5.0 ’ 60 63 66 69 72 7s 78 BI 84 87 90 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 El4 87 90 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 Figure 2. Top panel. Solid line: ex post real interest rate. Dashed line: pi6^i,,, where Ji,, = I if Prob(s, = i(&; 8) > 0.5 and c?~,,= 0 otherwise. Second panel. Prob(_, = I 1I&;6). Third panel. Prob(s, = 21CT;a). Fourth panel. Prob(s, = 3 1CT;0). Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3073 Regime 1 is characterized by average real interest rates in excess of 5 percent, while regime 3 is characterized by negative real interest rates. Regime 2 represents the more typical experience of an average real interest rate of 1.58 percent. The bottom three panels of Figure 2 plot the smoothed probabilities Prob(s, = i( CT;8) for i = 1,2 and 3, respectively. The high interest rate regime lasted from 1980:IV to 1986:11, while the negative real interest rate regime occurred during 1972:,3 to 1980:III. Regime 1 only occurred once during the sample, and yet the asymptotic standard errors reported above suggest that the transition probability @ii has a standard error of only 0.044. This is because there is in fact not just one observation useful for estimating pi 1, but, rather, 23 observations. It is exceedingly unlikely that one could have flipped a fair coin once each quarter from 1980:IV through 1986:11 and have it come up heads each time; thus the possibility that pii might be as low as 0.5 can easily be dismissed. The means fli, & and f13 corresponding to the imputed regime for each date are plotted along with the actual data for y, in the top panel of Figure 2. Garcia and Perron noted that the timing of the high real interest rate episode suggests that fiscal policy may have been more important than monetary policy in producing this unusual episode. 5. Non-normal and nonlinear state-space models A variety of approximating techniques have been suggested for the case when the disturbances I+ and W, come from a general non-normal distribution or when the state or observation equations are nonlinear. This section reviews two approaches. The first approximates the optimal filter using a finite grid and the second is known as the extended Kalman filter. 5.1. Kitagawa’s grid approximation for nonlinear, non-normal state-space models Kitagawa (1987) suggested the following general approach for nonlinear or non-normal filtering. Although the approach in principle can be applied to vector systems, the notation and computations are simplest when the observed variable (y,) and the state variable (r,) are both scalars. Thus consider t If1 =dJ(5,)+~,+1~ (5.1) Yt = 45,)+ wt. (5.2) The disturbances v, and w, are each i.i.d. and mutually independent and have 3074 J.D. Hamilton densities denoted q(u,) and r(wJ, respectively. These densities need not be normal, but they are assumed to be of a known form; for example, we may postulate that u, has a t distribution with v degrees of freedom: q(ut) = c(1 + (u:/v))-(V+l)‘*, where c is a normalizing constant. Similarly c$(.) and h(.) represent parametric functions of some known form; for example, 4(.) might be the logistic function, in which case (5.1) would be 5 1 r+l=l+aexp(-_&)+u’+l’ (5.3) Step t of the Kalman filter accepted as input the distribution of 5, conditional on Li =(Y~-~,Y~-~,..., yl)’ and produced as output the distribution of &+1 conditional on 6,. Under the normality assumption the input distribution was completely summarized by the mean &_ 1 and variance I’,,,_ 1. More generally, we can imagine a recursion whose input is the density f(<, I&- 1)and whose output is f(&+ 116,).These, in general, would be continuous functions, though they can be summarized by their values at a finite grid of points, denoted t(O),t(l), .. ., ttN). Thus the input for Kitagawa’s filter is the set of (N + 1) numbers KIr,-,)I,,=,(~) i=O,l,...,N (5.4) and the output is (5.4) with t replaced by t + 1. To derive the filter, first notice that under the assumed structure, 5, summarizes everything about the past that matters for y,: f(YtI5J =f(Y,I5,~Ld Thus f(Y*,5,lr,-l)=f(Y,I~,)f(5,Ir,-l) = d-Y, - ~(5,)l_f-(5,1L 1) (5.5) and f(Ytlr,-1) = s m f(Y,, 5,lL AdL (5.6) -Kl Given the observed y, and the known form for I(.) and II(.), the joint density (5.5) can be calculated for each 5, = t(‘), i = 0, 1,. . ., N, and these values can then be Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3075 used to approximate (5.6) by The updated density for 5, is obtained by dividing each of the N + 1 numbers in (5.5) by the constant (5.7): fKlr,)=f(5tlYt~Ll) JYdtlL1) f(Y,lL 1) . (5.8) The joint conditional density of 5,+ 1 and 5, is then f(rt+l,rtIrt)=f(5r+lI5t)f(51lT1) = d5,+1 - 4(&)l.m, I0 (5.9) For any pair of values t(‘) and 5”’ equation (5.9) can be evaluated at 5, = 5”’ and 5, + 1= 5”’ from (5.8) and the form dfq(.) and 4( .). The recursion is completed by: f(5t+11Tl)l~t+,=p)= s mf(5,+1,5,Ir,)I,,+,=,,j,d5, -02 +f(t 1+lr51151)ls,+,=6(,,,6,=6ci~1,}3{5(i)-5(i-1)}. (5.10) An approximation to the log likelihood can be calculated from (5.6): logf(Yr~Yr-l~..*~ Yl) = i h2f(Y,ILJ 1=1 (5.11) The maximum likelihood estimates of parameters such as a, b and v are then the values for which (5.11) is greatest. Feyzioglu and Hassett (1991) provided an economic application of Kitagawa’s approach to a nonlinear, non-normal state-space model. 3076 J.D. Hamilton 5.2. Extended Kalman jilter Consider next a multidimensional normal state-space model 5*+1= 9(5,)+4+1, (5.12) Yr = 44 + 45,)+ WI, (5.13) where I$: IR’-+lR’, a: Rk-+IR” and h: IR’+fR”, u,-i.i.d. N(O,Q) and IV,-i.i.d. N(0, R). Suppose 4 (.) in (5.12) is replaced with a first-order Taylor’s approximation around 4, = &, 5,+1=~,++,(5,-%,t)+u,+1, (5.14) where 4 = d&t) @t-“$I (5.15) 0.x 1) (r x r) f &=F,, For example, suppose r = 1 and 4(.) is the logistic function as in (5.3). Then (5.14) would be given by 5 1 abexp(-b5,1J (&-5;,1)+ur+I. f+1=1+aexp(-~~~,,)+[1+aexp(-~~~I,)]2 (5.16) If the form of 4 and any parameters it depends on [such as a and b in (5.3)] are known, then the inference &, can be constructed as a function of variables observed at date t (&) through a recursion to be described in a moment. Thus & and 4$ in (5.14) are directly observed at date t. Similarly the function h(.) in (5.13) can be linearized around I$- 1 to produce Yt = 44 + ht+ fq5t - Et,,-1)+ wt, (5.17) where 4 f h(&,,-1) Hi =Wi) (nx 1) (nxr) a<:st=it,,-t (5.18) Again h, and H, are observed at date t - 1. The function a(.) in (5.13) need not be liearized since X, is observed directly. The idea behind the extended Kalman filter is to treat (5.14) and (5.17) as if they were the true model. These will be recognized as time-varying coefficient versions of a linear state-space model, in which the observed predetermined variable Ch. 50: State-Space Models 3011 4, - @&, has been added to the state equation. Retracing the logic behind the Kalman filter for this application, the input for step t of the iteration is again the forecast Et,,_ 1 and mean squared error I’+ 1. Given these, the forecast of _v~is found from (5.17): E(y,Ix,,r,-l)=a(x,)+h, = a@,) + h(&- 1). (5.19) The joint distribution of 4, and y, conditional on X, and 4,_ 1 continues to be given by (2.11), with (5.19) replacing the mean of yt and II, replacing H. The contemporaneous inference (2.12) goes through with the same minor modification: &, = &,,- 1+ J’,,,-,H,W:f’,,,- IH,+ W- ‘br - 4x,) - 4$,,- Jl. (5.20) If (5.14) described the true model, then the optimal forecast of &+1 on the basis of 6, would be To summarize, step t of the extended Kalman filter uses &,,_ 1 and I’,,,_ 1 to calculate H, from (5.18) and &, from (5.20). From these we can evaluate @t in (5.15). The output for step t is then $+ 111= &,t), (5.21) P~+II,=~~P,I,-,~:-(~~P,,~-,H,(H:P,,,-~H,+R)-'H:P,,~-,~:}+Q. (5.22) The recursion is started with &,, and P,,, representing the analyst’s prior information about the initial state. 5.3. Other approaches to nonlinear state-space models A number of other approaches to nonlinear state-space models have been explored in the literature. See Anderson and Moore (1979, Chapter 8) and Priestly (1980, 1988) for partial surveys. References Anderson, B.D.O. and J.B. Moore (1979) Optimal Filtering. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Ansley, C.F. and R. 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