Corporate Finance and Financial Analysis

Points + grades

System of points which you get through the whole semester

2 points - presentation of the topic

8 points - case study

0,5 points x 10 = 5 points together- assignments

20 points x 2-  each in-term test

50 points - exam

All together 105 points, when we exclude assignments, it is 100 points, assignments are therefor bonus points for you (as it was agreed at the beginning of the course).

I am not going to check how many percent you get from the in-term test or exam (you do not have to get at least 60% from each). I will just add all the points together and give you the grade, which you deserve:

92 - 105 = A

85 - 91 = B

76 - 84 = C

68 - 75 = D

60 - 67 = E

less than 60 = F