General information about MPH_EHMR
Here is the organizational information about the course MPH_EHMR Human Resources Management: Lectures. The MPH_AHMR course has organizational information provided in a separate interactive syllabus. The information about individual topics is common for both courses and available in the MPH_AHMR syllabus.
About the course
This course is designed especially for exchange students who do not
fit into the MPH_AHMR Human Resources Management course limit.
Lectures in this course are shared with the course MPH_AHMR Human Resources Management. The MPH_AHMR Human Resources Management course has also regular seminars and group project work during the semester. There are no seminars in the MPH_EHMR course.
- describe the main issues of the area of organizational behaviour and human resource management;
- explain basic concepts from the area of organizational behaviour and human resource management;
- utilize the knowledge of the HRM concepts in real situations.
- 14.2. Lecture: Link between strategy, HRM and work design (MacRae)
- 21.2. Lecture: Course requirements, introduction to HRM (Procházka)
- 28.2. Lecture: Job analysis and recruitment (Chatrná)
- 7.3. Lecture: Corporate power and politics (Kelemen)
- 14.3. Lecture: Decision making in organizations (Ďuriník)
- 21.3. Lecture: Onboarding (Chatrná)
- 28.3. Reading week (no lecture)
- 4.4. Lecture: Training and development (Born)
- 11.4. Lecture: Knowledge management (Born)
- 18.4. Public holiday (no lecture)
- 20.4. Special lecture: Corporate surveys and job satistfaction (Jirásek) (open for MPH_EHMR student)
- 25.4. Lecture: Personnel selection (Procházka)
- 2.5. Lecture: Ethics in HRM (Ondráček)
- 9.5. Final test + feedback to course (Procházka)
- required literature (chapters required for test are specified within each topic of the MPH_AHMR Interactive syllabus)
- ROBBINS, Stephen P. and Timothy A. JUDGE. Organizational behavior. 17 global edition. Boston: Pearson, 2017. 739 stran. ISBN 9781292146348. info
- WILTON, Nick. An introduction to human resource management. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Sage, 2013. xx, 455. ISBN 9781446255841. info
- recommended literature
- ARMSTRONG, Michael. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. 11th ed. London: Kogan Page, 2009. xxvi, 1062. ISBN 9780749452421. info
- Strategic human resource management. Edited by Randall S. Schuler - Susan E. Jackson. 2nd ed. Malden, Ma: Blackwell, 2007. xviii, 478. ISBN 9781405149594. info
Grades: A (55+ points), B(50-54), C(44-49), D(39-43), E(30-38), F(0-29)
Attendance at lectures: 0-10 points (for attending from beginning to the end, one point for each lecture except of the last one; minimal condition: 0)
Group reflection: 0-5 points (minimal condition: 1 point)
Final test: 0-50 points (minimal condition: 20 points)
Written reflection:
A group of 1-4 students prepare a written reflection of what they learn during the semester. The reflection answers following questions:
a) What is the most important knowledge that you get during the course (1-4 specific pieces of knowledge)? Why?
b) What else do you need to learn in the area of HRM to be able to succeed in the role of manager, company owner or an employee in HR? Why?
c) How do you acquire such knowledge?
Students should discuss these questions in group and describe the common conclusions and also the differences.
Deadline: 13.5. (submit as MS Word document in IS)
Page limit: minimal 250 words, maximal 750 words
The student can work on the reflection independently if he/she fails to agree with others. However, group work is recommended.
Students are required to meet the deadline. In case of late submission, the student/group will lose 2 points for each 60 minutes of delay.
Final test:
Test consists of 10 multiple choice questions that focus on the content of lectures, records of lectures, and selected chapters of the textbooks (Robbins and Judge, 2017; Wilton, 2013). Students are allowed to use their notes and materials. Advice from other students or other people is prohibited.
Students will write the test on 9.5. in class as a part of the last lecture. Students can answer the questions online (using their own notebook) or offline (paper and pencil) .
Detailed information about what to learn for the test is available within each topic in the MPH_AHMR syllabus.
Any copying, keeping a record of tests or carrying the tests out, using forbidden aids including any communication devices or any other breach of objectivity of the exam is regarded as a failure to meet the obligations of the subject and as a serious breach of study regulations. As a consequence, the teacher grades the student with "N" and the dean is allowed to initiate a disciplinary action, which might lead to the termination of the studies.