Bachelor's seminar 2

Writing the (final draft) thesis

The formal arrangement, length, font type and size, chapter structure, manner of printing and binding, submission, etc.; are governed by DIRECTIVE No 9/2019 which refers to the norm regulating the bibliographic references (ČN ISO 690).


A standard has been developed to clarify the expected structure of a bachelor thesis:


The author comments on the context of the topic, the theoretical definition of the topic and sets the goal/s of the work. The author argues their importance, justifies the benefits of work. The author then introduces the logic of interpretation and the structure of the text, briefly acquaints the reader with the goal and the main research questions and lists methods which will be used in the work. The author introduces the structure of the work.

Review/Theoretical background

Students encounter the requirements of a well-processed, comprehensive literary research in several subjects. The aim of this part (and the change of its title) is therefore to create a mental connection between such knowledge and the writing of the final thesis. Literary research does not include generalities and transcripts of textbooks/guidelines/manuals. Quality research should define the terms, describe the current state of knowledge in terms of theory and empirical knowledge and mainly in the diploma thesis critically reflect on it. From the literature review arise the research questions. In some types of DT also justified and in the existing knowledge established hypotheses arise from the literature research.


Regardless of the type of work and its focus, the student must describe used methods (including sources these methods were gained from) and state reasons for their choice. The student is likewise obliged to describe and justify the methods of data collection to evaluate the reliability and validity of results. Therefore, no final work can be done without the methodological part. The methodology also includes a description of the sample, acquisition and analysis of secondary data (including the study of documents from any source).


Presentation of results will of course vary depending on the focus of the work. The results should be coherent and consistent with the literature research and data. The results should be presented in accordance with the usual standards for the relevant research strategy or approach. Furthermore, the student must provide all necessary information for the reader to make his or her own conclusions about the answer to the research question/s or about the support of established hypotheses.

Alternatively, according to the type and focus of the work follow separate chapters discussion, for application work also proposals. The order, structure and scope of these chapters must correspond to the type and results of the work.


In this part, the author discusses and reflects the degree of fulfilment of the goal and the form and procedure for solving the selected problem and the outputs of the work with detailed solutions and outputs. The author will in the discussion comment on limits of their work and the chosen procedure. For research-oriented works, the author comments on the implementation of the research and suggests further research directions.


The chapter is mandatory for application works that should benefit a specific company/companies. It contains specific and variant proposals evaluated in terms of benefits and costs, which are based on performed analyses and are feasible in a particular company and under the described market conditions.


The author states the level of fulfilment of the goal, briefly summarizes the achieved results and proposals, comments on research questions and hypotheses.

List of sources


Students are required to use the presented template do develop their final draft thesis: 

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