Yearbook of Tourism Statistics Data 2017-2021 2023 Edition - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: o CO I—h" o" p ° CD _ ro o ro o ro O CO CD c75~ i—h o" CO CD CD CT O O Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Citations: English: World Tourism Organization (2023), Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017-2021, 2023 Edition, UNWTO, Madrid, DOI: Frangais: Organisation mondiale du tourisme (2023), Annuaire des statistiques du tourisme, 2017-2021, edition 2023, OMT, Madrid DOI: Espahol: Organization Mundial del Turismo (2023), Anuario de estadisticas de turismo, 2017-2021, Edicidn 2023, OMT, Madrid, DOI: Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition ISBN, electronic version: 978-92-844-2413-9 DOI: 10.18111/9789284424139 Published by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Madrid, Spain, 2023 All rights reserved. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Calle del Poeta Joan Maragall, 42 28020 Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 915 67 81 00 E-mail: The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinions whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. UNWTO does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. All UNWTO publications are protected by copyright. Therefore, and unless otherwise specified, no part of an UNWTO publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm, scanning, without prior permission in writing. UNWTO encourages dissemination of its work and is pleased to consider permissions, licensing, and translation requests related to UNWTO publications. Permission to photocopy UNWTO material in Spain must be obtained through : CEDRO, Centro Espahol de Derechos Reprograficos Calle Alcala 26, 3° 28014 Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 913 08 63 30 E-mail: For authorization of the reproduction of UNWTO works outside of Spain, please contact one of CEDRO's partner organizations, with which bilateral agreements are in place (see: For all remaining countries as well as for other permissions, requests should be addressed directly to the World Tourism Organization. For applications see: www. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS able of contents e de matiěres ice Foreword............................................................................ 9 Avant-propos...................................................................... 10 Prologo............................................................................... 11 Introduction....................................................................... 12 Introduction ....................................................................... 74 Introduccion........................................................................ 16 Country tables 2017-2021 ................................................ 19 Country notes2017-2021 .................................................. 1071 Country notes 2017-2021............................................ 1073 Notes des pays 2017- 2021.......................................... 1085 Notas de los paises 2017-2021................................... 1097 Data sources...................................................................... 1109 Country tables Albania/Albánie................................................................. 21 Algeria / Algérie / Argelia..................................................... 25 Andorra / Andorre............................................................... 27 Angola................................................................................. 28 Anguilla/Anguila................................................................ 33 Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua-et-Barbuda / Antigua y Barbuda....................................................... 35 Argentina / Argentine ......................................................... 40 Armenia / Arménie.............................................................. 43 Aruba.................................................................................. 47 Australia / Austrálie............................................................. 53 Austria / Autriche ............................................................... 59 Azerbaijan / Azerbaidjan / Azerbaiyán................................ 67 Bahamas............................................................................. 75 Bahrain / Bahrein / Bahrein................................................. 85 Bangladesh ....................................................................... 90 Barbados / Barbade........................................................... 91 Belarus / Belarus / Belarus................................................. 96 Belgium / Belgique/Bélgica............................................... 105 Belize/Belice .................................................................... 129 Benin/Benin...................................................................... 131 Bermuda / Bermudes......................................................... 135 Bhutan / Bhoutan / Bhutan................................................. 140 Bolivia, Plurinational State of / Bolivie (Etat Plurinational de) / Boliva (Estado Plurinacional de) .................................. 149 Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine / Bosnia y Herzegovina................................................... 153 Botswana............................................................................ 157 Brazil / Brésil / Brasil........................................................... 162 Brunei Darussalam / Brunei Darussalam............................. 165 Bulgaria/Bulgarie ............................................................ 167 Burkina Faso ..................................................................... 191 Cabo Verde ....................................................................... 195 Cambodia/ Cambodge/ Camboya .................................. 197 Canada/ Canada .............................................................. 203 Cayman Islands / Ties Cai'manes / Isias Caiman................. 217 Central African Republic / République centrafricaine / Republica Centroafricana............................................. 222 Chad /Tchad .................................................................... 224 Chile/Chili ....................................................................... 227 China/Chine .................................................................... 231 Colombia/ Colombie ........................................................ 237 Comoros / Comores / Comoras.......................................... 243 Cook Islands / Ties Cook / Isias Cook................................. 244 Costa Rica.......................................................................... 246 Cöte ď Ivoire ..................................................................... 252 Croatia / Croatie / Croacia ................................................ 253 Cuba................................................................................... 260 Curacao.............................................................................. 266 Cyprus / Chypre / Chipre .................................................. 270 Czech Republic (Czechia) / République tchěque (Tchéquie) / República Checa (Chequia).......................................... 277 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017-2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Denmark/Danemark/Dinamarca .................................... 285 Dominica / Dominique ...................................................... 293 Dominican Republic / République Dominicaine / República Dominicana.................................................. 297 Ecuador / Équateur ........................................................... 299 Egypt / Egypte / Egipto ..................................................... 311 El Salvador ........................................................................ 320 Estonia/Estonie ............................................................... 334 Eswatini.............................................................................. 341 Ethiopia/ Éthiopie/ Etiópia .............................................. 344 Fiji/Fidji ........................................................................... 346 Finland / Finlande/Finlandia ............................................ 348 France / Francia ................................................................ 366 French Polynesia / Polynésie francaise / Polinesia Francesa........................................................ 373 Gambia/Gambie .............................................................. 380 Georgia / Géorgie .............................................................. 381 Germany / Allemagne/Alemania ...................................... 391 Ghana................................................................................. 398 Greece / Grěce / Grecia .................................................... 399 Grenada / Grenade / Granada .......................................... 406 Guam.................................................................................. 410 Guatemala.......................................................................... 411 Guyana/Guyane .............................................................. 417 aiti / Haiti / Haiti .............................................................. 420 Honduras............................................................................ 424 Hong Kong (China) / Hong-Kong (Chine) / Hong Kong (China) ...................................................... 429 Hungary / Hongrie/Hungria ............................................. 436 Iceland / Islande/Islandia ................................................ 444 India/Inde ........................................................................ 453 Indonesia/Indonésie ........................................................ 458 Iran, Islamic Republic of / Iran (République islamique ď) / Irán (República Islámica del)......................................... 464 Ireland / Irlande / Irlanda .................................................. 468 Israel / Israel ...................................................................... 470 Italy / Italie / Italia .............................................................. 481 Jamaica / Jamaique .......................................................... 499 Japan / Japon / Japón ...................................................... 503 Jordan / Jordanie/Jordania ............................................. 508 Kazakhstan / Kazajstán .................................................... 518 Kenya ................................................................................ 523 Kiribati................................................................................ 526 Korea, Republic of / Corée (République de) / Corea (República de).................................................... 527 Kuwait / Kowéít ................................................................. 533 Kyrgyzstan / Kirghizistan / Kirguistán ................................ 538 Lao People's Democratic Republic / République démocratique populaire lao / República Democrática Popular Lao .......................... 540 Latvia / Lettonie / Letonia ................................................. 542 Lebanon / Liban / Líbáno .................................................. 551 Lesotho............................................................................... 556 Liechtenstein...................................................................... 558 Lithuania / Lituanie / Lituania ............................................ 566 Luxembourg / Luxemburgo ............................................... 574 Macao (China) / Macao (Chine) / Macao (China) ............... 580 Madagascar ...................................................................... 592 Malawi................................................................................ 596 Malaysia / Malaisie / Malasia ............................................. 597 Maldives / Maldivas .......................................................... 603 Mali/Mali ......................................................................... 609 Malta/Malte...................................................................... 621 Martinique/Martinica......................................................... 623 Mauritius/ Maurice/ Mauricio............................................ 626 Mexico / Mexique / Mexico ............................................... 638 Moldova, Republic of / Moldova (République de) / Moldova (República de) ............................................... 650 Monaco / Monaco............................................................... 654 Mongolia/Mongolie........................................................... 657 Montenegro / Montenegro.................................................. 667 Montserrat ........................................................................ 675 Morocco / Maroc / Marruecos .......................................... 676 Mozambique....................................................................... 684 Myanmar............................................................................. 685 Namibia/Namibie ............................................................. 688 Nepal/Nepal .................................................................... 690 Netherlands / Pays-Bas / Parses Bajos.............................. 692 New Caledonia / Nouvelle-Calédonie/ Nueva Caledonia... 697 New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande / Nueva Zelandia............ 698 Nicaragua........................................................................... 704 Niger/Niger ..................................................................... 709 Nigeria / Nigéria.................................................................. 710 North Macedonia / Macédoine du Nord / Macedonia del Norte ................................................... 714 Northern Mariana Islands / íles Mariannes septentrionales / Isias Marianas Septentrionales..................................... 722 Norway / Norvége/Noruega ............................................ 723 Oman / Oman ................................................................... 731 Palau/Palaos ................................................................... 735 Panama / Panama ............................................................ 739 Papua New Guinea / Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée/ Papua Nueva Guinea.................................................... 745 Paraguay............................................................................. 746 Peru / Perou / Perú ........................................................... 751 Philippines / Filipinas ........................................................ 757 Poland / Pologne / Polonia................................................. 761 Portugal ............................................................................ 785 Puerto Rico / Porto Rico..................................................... 809 Qatar ................................................................................. 813 Reunion / Reunion / Reunion ............................................ 814 Romania/Roumanie/Rumania ....................................... 815 Russian Federation / Federation de Russie / Federación de Rušia..................................................... 827 Rwanda ............................................................................. 832 Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis / Saint Kitts y Nevis......................................................... 837 Saint Lucia / Sainte-Lucie / Santa Lucia............................. 838 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines / Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines / San Vicente y las Granadinas ..................................... 840 Samoa .............................................................................. 842 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS San Marino / Saint-Marin.................................................... 843 Sao Tome and Principe / Sao Tome-et-Principe / Santo Tome y Principe.................................................. 846 Saudi Arabia / Arabie saoudite / Arabia Saudita................. 847 Serbia / Serbie .................................................................. 852 Seychelles ......................................................................... 860 Sierra Leone / Sierra Leona .............................................. 866 Singapore/Singapour/Singapur ..................................... 871 Sint Maarten (Dutch Part) / Sint Maarten (Partie Neerlandaise) / Sint Maarten (Parte de los Paises Bajos)...................... 873 Slovakia/Slovaquie/Eslovaquia ..................................... 874 Slovenia / Slovenie / Eslovenia ......................................... 878 Solomon Islands / lies Salomon / Isias Salomon .............. 885 South Africa / Afrique du Sud / Sudäfrica........................... 886 Spain / Espagne/Espaha ................................................. 897 Sri Lanka ........................................................................... 905 State of Palestine / Etat de Palestine / Estado de Palestina...................................................... 915 Sweden / Suede / Suecia ................................................. 917 Switzerland / Suisse / Suiza .............................................. 924 Syrian Arab Republic / Republique arabe syrienne / Republica Ärabe Siria ................................................. 932 Taiwan Province of China / Province chinoise de Taiwan / Provincia china de Taiwan............................................ 936 Tajikistan / Tadjikistan /Tayikistän .................................... 941 Tanzania, United Republic of/ Tanzanie (Republique Unie de) / Tanzania (Republica Unida de)...................................... 946 Thailand / Thailande / Tailandia ......................................... 952 Timor-Leste ....................................................................... 958 Togo .................................................................................. 959 Tonga ................................................................................ 967 Trinidad and Tobago / Trinite-et-Tobago / Trinidad y Tabago......................................................... 968 Tunisia / Tunisie / Tünez .................................................... 973 Türkiye .............................................................................. 978 Turks and Caicos Islands / Ties Turques et Caiques / Isias Turcas y Caicos .................................................. 1013 Tuvalu ............................................................................... 1014 Uganda / Ouganda ........................................................... 1018 Ukraine / Ucrania .............................................................. 1024 United Arab Emirates / Emirats arabes unis / Emiratos Ärabes Unidos............................................... 1030 United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni / Reino Unido.................. 1041 United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amerique / Estados Unidos de America......................................... 1046 United States Virgin Islands / Ties Vierges americaines / Isias Virgenes Americanas............................................ 1052 Uruguay ............................................................................ 1054 Uzbekistan / Ouzbekistan / Uzbekistan.............................. 1056 Vanuatu ............................................................................ 1061 Viet Nam ........................................................................... 1062 Zambia / Zambie ............................................................... 1064 Zimbabwe ......................................................................... 1069 Country tables by geographical order AFRICA - AFRIQUE - AFRICA East Africa - Afrique orientale - Africa Oriental Burundi............................................................................... n.a. Comoros / Comores / Comoras.......................................... 243 Djibouti............................................................................... n.a. Eritrea................................................................................. n.a. Ethiopia /Éthiopie/ Etiópia .............................................. 344 Kenya ................................................................................ 523 Madagascar....................................................................... 592 Malawi................................................................................ 596 Mauritius/Maurice/Mauricio............................................ 626 Mozambique....................................................................... 684 Reunion / Reunion / Reunion ............................................ 814 Rwanda.............................................................................. 832 Seychelles.......................................................................... 860 Somalia............................................................................... n.a. Tanzania, United Republic of/ Tanzanie (Republique Unie de) / Tanzania (Republica Unida de)...................................... 946 Uganda/Ouganda ........................................................... 1018 Zambia/Zambie ............................................................... 1064 Zimbabwe.......................................................................... 1069 Central Africa - Afrique centrale - Africa Central Angola................................................................................. 28 Cameroon / Cameroun / Camerun...................................... n.a. Central African Republic / Republique centrafricaine / Republica Centroafricana............................................. 222 Chad/Tchad .................................................................... 224 Congo................................................................................. 166 Congo, Democratic Republic of the.................................... n.a. Equatorial Guinea............................................................... n.a. Gabon................................................................................. n.a. Sao Tome and Principe / Sao Tome-et-Principe / Santo Tome y Principe.................................................. 846 North Africa - Afrique du Nord - Africa del Norte Algeria / Algerie / Argelia..................................................... 25 Morocco / Maroc / Marruecos .......................................... 676 South Sudan....................................................................... n.a. Sudan / Soudan / Sudan..................................................... n.a. Tunisia / Tunisie / Tünez .................................................... 973 Southern Africa - Afrique australe - Africa Austral Botswana............................................................................ 157 Eswatini.............................................................................. 341 Lesotho............................................................................... 556 Namibia/Namibie ............................................................. 688 South Africa / Afrique du Sud / Sudäfrica........................... 886 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS West Africa - Afrique occidentale - Africa Occidental Benin/Benin...................................................................... 131 Burkina Faso ..................................................................... 191 Cabo Verde ....................................................................... 195 Côte d'lvoire ..................................................................... 252 Gambia/Gambie .............................................................. 380 Ghana................................................................................. 398 Guinea................................................................................ n.a. Guinea-Bissau / Guinée-Bissau.......................................... n.a. Liberia................................................................................. n.a. Mali/Mali ......................................................................... 609 Mauritania........................................................................... n.a. Niger/Niger ..................................................................... 709 Nigeria/Nigéria.................................................................. 710 Saint Helena....................................................................... n.a. Senegal............................................................................... n.a. Sierra Leone / Sierra Leona .............................................. 866 Togo................................................................................... 959 AMERICAS - AMÉRIQUES - AMERICAS Caribbean - Caraibes - El Caribe Anguilla/Anguila................................................................ 33 Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua-et-Barbuda / Antigua y Barbuda....................................................... 35 Aruba.................................................................................. 47 Bahamas............................................................................. 75 Barbados / Barbade........................................................... 91 Bermuda / Bermudes......................................................... 135 British Virgin Islands / Ties Vierges Britanniques / Isias Vírgenes Británicas............................................... n.a. Cayman Islands / lies Caimanes / Isias Caiman................. 217 Cuba................................................................................... 260 Curacao.............................................................................. 266 Dominica/Dominique ...................................................... 293 Dominican Republic / République Dominicaine / República Dominicana.................................................. 297 Grenada / Grenade / Granada .......................................... 406 Guadeloupe/Guadalupe.................................................... n.a. Haiti / Haiti / Haiti .............................................................. 420 Jamaica/Jamaique .......................................................... 499 Martinique/ Martinica......................................................... 623 Montserrat ......................................................................... 675 Puerto Rico / Porto Rico..................................................... 809 Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis / Saint Kitts y Nevis......................................................... 837 Saint Lucia / Sainte-Lucie / Santa Lucia............................. 838 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines / Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines/ San Vicente y las Granadinas ..................................... 840 Sint Maarten (Dutch Part) / Sint Maarten (Partie Néerlandaise) / Sint Maarten (Parte de los Países Bajos)...................... 873 Trinidad and Tobago / Trinite-et-Tobago / Trinidad y Tabago......................................................... 968 Turks and Caicos Islands / lies Turques et Caiques / Isias Turcas y Caicos .................................................. 1013 United States Virgin Islands / lies Vierges americaines / Isias Vírgenes Americanas............................................ 1052 Central America - Amérique centrale - America Central Belize / Beiice.................................................................... 129 Costa Rica.......................................................................... 246 El Salvador ........................................................................ 320 Guatemala.......................................................................... 411 Honduras............................................................................ 424 Nicaragua........................................................................... 704 Panama/Panama ............................................................ 739 North America - Amerique du nord - America del Norte Canada/ Canada .............................................................. 203 Greenland........................................................................... n.a. Mexico / Mexique / Mexico ............................................... 638 Saint Pierre and Miquelon................................................... n.a. United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amerique/ Estados Unidos de America......................................... 1046 South America - Amerique du Sud - America del Sur Argentina / Argentine ......................................................... 40 Bolivia, Plurinational State of / Bolivie (Etat Plurinational de) / Boliva (Estado Plurinacional de) .................................. 149 Brazil / Bresil / Brasil........................................................... 162 Chile/Chili ....................................................................... 227 Colombia / Colombie ........................................................ 237 Ecuador/Equateur ........................................................... 299 Falkland Islands.................................................................. n.a. French Guiana / Guyane francaise / Guyana Francesa....... n.a. Guyana / Guyane .............................................................. 417 Paraguay............................................................................. 746 Peru / Perou / Peru ........................................................... 751 Suriname............................................................................. n.a. Uruguay ............................................................................. 1054 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of....................................... n.a. EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC - ASIE DE L'EST ET LE PACIFIQUE -ASIA ORIENTAL Y EL PACIFICO North-East Asia - Asie du Nord-Est - Asia del Nordeste China /Chine .................................................................... 231 Hong Kong (China) / Hong-Kong (Chine) / Hong Kong (China) ...................................................... 429 Japan/Japon/Japón ...................................................... 503 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of/ Corée (République populaire démocratique de) / Corea (República Popular Democrática de)................. n.a. Korea, Republic of / Corée (République de) / Corea (República de).................................................... 527 Macao (China) / Macao (Chine) / Macao (China) ............... 580 Mongolia/Mongolie........................................................... 657 Taiwan Province of China / Province chinoise de Taiwan / Provincia china de Taiwan............................................ 936 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017-2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS South-East Asia - Asie du Sud-Est - Asia del Sudeste Brunei Darussalam / Brunei Darussalam............................. 165 Cambodia / Cambodge / Camboya .................................. 197 Indonesia/ Indonésie ........................................................ 458 Lao People's Democratic Republic / République democratique populaire lao / República Democrática Popular Lao .......................... 540 Malaysia / Malaisie / Malasia ............................................. 597 Myanmar............................................................................. 685 Philippines / Filipinas ........................................................ 757 Singapore/Singapour/Singapur ..................................... 871 Thailand / Thailande / Tailandia ......................................... 952 Timor-Leste ....................................................................... 958 Viet Nam ............................................................................ 1062 Australasia - Australasie Australia / Austrálie............................................................. 53 New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande / Nueva Zelandia............ 698 Melanesia - Mélanésie Fiji/Fidji ........................................................................... 346 New Caledonia/ Nouvelle-Calédonie/ Nueva Caledonia... 697 Papua New Guinea / Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée / Papua Nueva Guinea.................................................... 745 Solomon Islands / Ties Salomon / Isias Salomon .............. 885 Vanuatu.............................................................................. 1061 Micronesia - Micronésie Guam.................................................................................. 410 Kiribati................................................................................ 526 Marshall Islands/Ties Marshall / Isias Marshall.................. n.a. Micronesia, Federated States of / Micronésie (Etats fédérés de) / Micronesia (Estados Federados de).............................. n.a. Nauru.................................................................................. n.a. Northern Mariana Islands / fies Mariannes septentrionales / Isias Marianas Septentrionales..................................... 722 Palau/Palaos ................................................................... 735 Polynesia - Polynésie - Polinesia American Samoa / Samoa américaines / Samoa Americana n.a. Cook Islands/Ties Cook / Isias Cook................................. 244 French Polynesia / Polynésie francaise / Polinesia Francesa........................................................ 373 Niue/Nioué........................................................................ n.a. Pitcairn................................................................................ n.a. Samoa ............................................................................... 842 Tokelau............................................................................... n.a. Tonga................................................................................. 967 Tuvalu ................................................................................ 1014 Wallis and Futuna Islands................................................... n.a. SOUTH ASIA - ASIE DU SUD - ASIA MERIDIONAL Afghanistan......................................................................... n.a. Bangladesh........................................................................ 90 Bhutan / Bhoutan / Bhutan................................................. 140 India/Inde ........................................................................ 453 Iran, Islamic Republic of / Iran (République islamique ď) / Irán (República Islámica del)......................................... 464 Maldives / Maldivas .......................................................... 603 Nepal/Nepal .................................................................... 690 Pakistan.............................................................................. n.a. Sri Lanka............................................................................ 905 EUROPE - EUROPA Central/Eastern Europe - Europe Centrale/orientale -Europa Central/Oriental Armenia / Arménie.............................................................. 43 Azerbaijan / Azerbaidjan / Azerbaiyán................................ 67 Belarus / Belarus / Belarus................................................. 96 Bulgaria/Bulgarie ............................................................ 167 Czech Republic (Czechia) / République tchěque (Tchéquie) / República Checa (Chequia).......................................... 277 Estonia / Estonie ............................................................... 334 Georgia/Géorgie .............................................................. 381 Hungary / Hongrie/Hungría ............................................. 436 Kazakhstan / Kazajstán ..................................................... 518 Kyrgyzstan / Kirghizistan / Kirguistán ................................ 538 Latvia / Lettonie / Letonia ................................................. 542 Lithuania/Lituanie/Lituania ............................................ 566 Moldova, Republic of / Moldova (République de) / Moldova (República de) ............................................... 650 Poland / Pologne / Polonia................................................. 761 Romania/Roumanie/Rumania ....................................... 815 Russian Federation / Federation de Russie / Federación de Rusia..................................................... 827 Slovakia / Slovaquie / Eslovaquia ..................................... 874 Tajikistan / Tadjikistan / Tayikistán .................................... 941 Turkmenistan...................................................................... n.a. Ukraine / Ucrania .............................................................. 1024 Uzbekistan / Ouzbékistan / Uzbekistán.............................. 1056 Northern Europe - Europe du Nord - Europa del Norte Denmark / Danemark / Dinamarca .................................... 285 Finland / Finlande/Finlandia ............................................ 348 Iceland / Islande/Islandia ................................................ 444 Ireland / Irlande/ Irlanda .................................................. 468 Norway / Norvěge/Noruega ............................................ 723 Sweden / Suede / Suecia .................................................. 917 United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni / Reino Unido.................. 1041 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017-2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: s TABLE OF CONTENTS Southern Europe - Europe du Sud - Europa meridional Albania/Albanie................................................................. 21 Andorra / Andorre............................................................... 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzegovine / Bosnia y Herzegovina................................................... 153 Croatia / Croatie / Croacia ................................................ 253 Greece/Grece/Grecia .................................................... 399 Holy See............................................................................. n.a. Italy / Italie / Italia .............................................................. 481 Malta/Malte...................................................................... 621 Montenegro / Montenegro.................................................. 667 North Macedonia / Macedoine du Nord / Macedonia del Norte ................................................... 714 Portugal ............................................................................. 785 San Marino / Saint-Marin.................................................... 843 Serbia / Serbie .................................................................. 852 Slovenia / Slovenie / Eslovenia ......................................... 878 Spain / Espagne/ Espaha ................................................. 897 Western Europe - Europe occidentale - Europa occidental Austria / Autriche ............................................................... 59 Belgium / Belgique/Belgica............................................... 105 France / Francia ................................................................ 366 Germany / Allemagne/Alemania ...................................... 391 Liechtenstein...................................................................... 558 Luxembourg / Luxemburgo ............................................... 574 Monaco / Monaco............................................................... 654 Netherlands / Pays-Bas / Paises Bajos.............................. 692 Switzerland / Suisse / Suiza .............................................. 924 East Mediterranean Europe - Europe mediterraneenne Orientale -Europa Mediterränea Oriental Cyprus/Chypre/Chipre .................................................. 270 Israel / Israel ...................................................................... 470 Türkiye............................................................................... 978 MIDDLE EAST - MOYEN-ORIENT -ORIENTE MEDIO Bahrain / Bahrein / Bahrein................................................. 85 Egypt / Egypte / Egipto ..................................................... 311 Iraq .................................................................................... n.a. Jordan / Jordanie/Jordania ............................................. 508 Kuwait / Kowei't ................................................................. 533 Lebanon / Liban / Libano .................................................. 551 Libya................................................................................... n.a. Oman / Oman ................................................................... 731 Qatar.................................................................................. 813 Saudi Arabia / Arabie saoudite / Arabia Saudita................. 847 State of Palestine / Etat de Palestine / Estado de Palestina...................................................... 915 Syrian Arab Republic / Republique arabe syrienne / Repüblica Arabe Siria ................................................. 932 United Arab Emirates / Emirats arabes unis / Emiratos Ärabes Unidos............................................... 1030 Yemen................................................................................. n.a. n.a.: not available Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017-2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 9 Foreword Today, it is indisputable that reliable information and data are indispensable elements for designing development policies that perform effectively. In the context of tourism recovery in which we are working, these components also constitute a fundamental part in creating strategies that consolidate more sustainable tourism and that increase the contribution of the sector to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) systematically compiles statistics from countries and territories around the world to help governments better monitor and understand the evolution of the tourism sector and the impact it has on their economies. The extensive database that these figures generate allows us to publish every year two key tools for the sector: the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. The UNWTO Compendium of Tourism Statistics provides data and indicators on tourism movements, industries and macroeconomic magnitudes related to international tourism. The information contained in this document is complemented by the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, which includes figures related to inbound tourism (arrivals and overnight stays) broken down by country of origin. The statistics presented in the 2023 editions of the Compendium and the Yearbook allow us to explore the multiple facets of tourism and are an indispensable reference guide for all actors in the sector. Zurab Pololikashvili Secretary-General, World Tourism Organization Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1C Avant-nroDOS Aujourd'hui, on sait incontestablement que pour formuler des politiques de developpement qui soient efficaces, il est indispensable de disposer d'informations et de donnees fiables. Dans le contexte actuel de reprise du tourisme, de tels elements sont egalement d'une importance fondamentale pour concevoir des strategies favorisant un tourisme plus durable et permettant d'accroTtre la contribution du secteur aux objectifs de developpement durable (ODD) du Programme 2030. L'Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) procede a la compilation systematique des statistiques de pays et de territoires du monde entier, pour aider les gouvernements a suivre et a mieux comprendre revolution du secteur du tourisme et ses repercussions sur I'economie. Ces chiffres alimentent une vaste base de donnees qui permet, chaque annee, defaire paraTtredeux publications cle pour le secteur: le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme et VAnnuaire des statistiques du tourisme. Le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme de I'OMT fournit des donnees et des indicateurs sur les deplacements touristiques, les industries et les grandeurs macroeconomiques en rapport avec le tourisme international. Les informations reunies dans cette publication sont completees par celles de VAnnuaire des statistiques du tourisme donnant les chiffres du tourisme recepteur (arrivees et nuitees) ventiles par pays d'origine. Les statistiques presentees dans les editions 2023 du Compendium et de VAnnuaire apportent un eclairage sur les multiples facettes du tourisme et sont une reference incontournable pour tous les intervenants du secteur. Le Secretaire general, Organisation mondiale du tourisme Zurab Pololikashvili Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: r Próloqo Una toma de decisiones eficaz requiere información fiable que permita orientar adecuadamente las polfticas y las estrategias de desarrollo. Esto es de particular importancia en el marco de la recuperación del turismo y para orientar los esfuerzos hacia el desarrollo de un turismo más sostenible, mejorando la contribución del sector al avance de la agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Con el fin de ayudar a los países a supervisar y entender mejor la incidencia y la evolución del turismo en su economía, la Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) compila sistemáticamente estadísticas de turismo de países y territorios de todo el mundo en una extensa base de datos que cada ano da lugar a dos publicaciones estadísticas clave: el Compendio de estadísticas de turismo y el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo. El Compendio de estadísticas de turismo de la OMT proporciona datos e indicadores sobre turismo receptor, emisor e interno, sobre el numero y los tipos de industrias turísticas, sobre el numero de asalariados por industria turística y sobre aspectos macroeconómicos relacionados con el turismo internacionál. Estos datos se complementan con el Anuario de estadísticas de turismo que se centra específicamente en los datos relacionados con el turismo receptor (totales de llegadas y de pernoctaciones) desglosados por pais de origen. Las estadísticas presentadas en las ediciones de 2023 del Compendio y del Anuario permiten explorar las multiples facetas del turismo y son una guía de referencia indispensable para todos los agentes del turismo. Zurab Pololikashvili Secretario General, Organización Mundial del Turismo Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 12 ntroduction The United Nations recognizes the World Tourism Organization as the appropriate organization to collect, analyse, publish, standardize and improve the statistics of tourism and to promote the integration of these statistics within the United Nations system. Pursuant to this mandate, the UNWTO Statistics Department compiles tourism statistics from countries and territories around the world in a statistical database that represents the most extensive international repository of statistical information available on the tourism sector. In addition to the dissemination of this data interactively on the Internet and through various analytical studies, the UNWTO maintains its two flagship statistical publications: the Compendium of Tourism Statistics and the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. The 2023 edition of the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics presents data on total arrivals and overnight stays of inbound tourism for 187 countries and territories, broken down in both cases by country of origin. Arrivals A. Border statistics - Table 1: Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders - Table 2: Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders Overnight stays - Table 5: Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments - Table 6: Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments Overnight stays refers to the number of nights spent by nonresident tourists in accommodation establishments (guests). If one person travels to a country and spends five nights there, that makes five tourist overnight stays (or person-nights). The titles of tables, names of countries, regions and subregions, as well as the classification included in the tables are provided in English only, with notes in English, French and Spanish. Countries appear in English alphabetical order. The data included in the Yearbook correspond to official statistics collected by governments or national tourism administrations and reported to UNWTO through annual questionnaires. The UNWTO Statistics Department publishes the data after performing quality checks in terms of data validation and verification with the countries. Due to the rounding of the partial figures, the totals shown in the different tables of the Yearbook may not coincide with the totals shown in the basic indicators of the Compendium of Tourism Statistics. B. Statistics on accommodation establishments - Table 3: Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments - Table 4: Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments When a person visits the same country several times a year, each visit is counted as one arrival. If a person visits several countries during the course of a single trip, his/her arrival in each country is also recorded separately. Consequently, arrivals are not necessarily equal to the number of persons travelling, as one person can generate several arrivals. Arrivals data correspond to international visitors arriving in the economic territory of the country of reference and include both tourists and same-day, non-resident visitors. Data may be obtained from different sources: border statistics derived from administrative records (police, immigration, traffic counts and other types of controls), border surveys and registrations at accommodation establishments. In this edition, as in the case of the 2022 edition, the context of the COVID-19 pandemic must be taken into account, as it has caused an unprecedented situation worldwide that has especially affected the tourism sector and also the statistical systems of countries. Many countries have faced significant challenges in collecting information, including the suspension of surveys and border closures, limiting their ability to provide data or more complete data in some cases. The 2023 edition of the Yearbook reflects the official data as entered in the UNWTO statistical database as of 19 December 2022. Therefore, any corrections or changes received after this date will not appear in this publication until the next edition. The data presented in the Yearbook are also available in other formats (Excel and online) through other dissemination channels: - On the UNWTO website:; and - In the UNWTO Elibrary: Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 13 The World Tourism Organization wishes to express its gratitude to the national tourism administrations and national statistical offices for their valuable support, recognizing especially the crucial role of all contributing countries and territories for their continued commitment to the development and improvement of tourism statistics. Madrid, January 2023 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 14 ntroduction L'Organisation des Nations Unies reconnart en I'Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) I'organisme approprié pour recueillir, analyser, publier, unifier et améliorer les statistiques touristiques et promouvoir I'integration de ces statistiques á I'echelle du systéme des Nations Unies. Conformément á cette mission, le departement des statistiques de I'OMT compile les statistiques du tourisme de pays et de territoires du monde entier dans une base de données statistiques qui represents le reservoir le plus complet au niveau international ďinformations statistiques disponibles sur le secteur du tourisme. En plus de diffuser ces données en mode interactif sur internet et sous forme ďétudes analytiques, I'OMT continue de faire paraTtre ses deux publications phares dans le domaine de la statistique : le Compendium des statistiques du tourisme et VAnnuaire des statistiques du tourisme. L'edition 2023 de VAnnuaire des statistiques du tourisme présente des données sur le nombre total ďarrivées et de nuitées du tourisme récepteur pour 187 pays et territoires, ventilées dans les deux cas par pays d'origine. Arrivees A. Statistiques aux frontieres - Tableau 1: Arrivees de touristes non residents aux frontieres nationales - Tableau 2: Arrivees de visiteurs non residents aux frontieres nationales B. Statistiques sur les etablissements d'hebergement - Tableau 3: Arrivees de touristes non residents dans les hotels et etablissements assimiles - Tableau 4: Arrivees de touristes non residents dans tous les types d'etablissements d'hebergement Lorsqu'une personne visite le meme pays plusieursfois dans I'annee, chacune de ses visites est comptee separement comme une arrivee. Si une personne visite plusieurs pays au cours d'un seul et meme voyage, son arrivee dans chaque pays est elle aussi enregistree separement. Par consequent, le nombre d'arrivees n'est pas forcement egal au nombre de personnes qui voyagent, etant donne qu'une personne peut donner lieu ä plusieurs arrivees. Les donnees des arrivees correspondent aux visiteurs internationaux sur le territoire economique du pays dont il s'agit, visiteurs qui comprennent ä la fois les touristes et les visiteurs de la journee (excursionnistes) non residents. Ces donnees peuvent provenir de differentes sources : statistiques aux frontieres tirees des registres administratifs (police, immigration, comptages de vehicules et autres types de contröle), enquetes aux frontieres et registres des etablissements d'hebergement. Nuitees - Tableau 5: Nuitees de touristes non residents dans les hotels et etablissements assimiles - Tableau 6: Nuitees de touristes non residents dans tous les types d'etablissements d'hebergement Les nuitees correspondent au nombre de nuits que les touristes non residents ont passees dans les etablissements d'hebergement (en qualite de clients). Si une personne se rend dans un pays et y passe cinq nuits, on enregistre cinq nuitees de touriste (ou nuits-personne). Les titres des tableaux, les noms des pays, des regions et des sous-regions ainsi que la classification incluse dans les tableaux apparaissent uniquement en anglais, tandis que les notes sont en anglais, espagnol et francais. Les pays sont classes selon I'ordre alphabetique anglais. Les donnees incluses dans VAnnuaire correspondent aux statistiques officielles recueillies par les gouvernements ou par les administrations nationales du tourisme et communiquees a I'OMT au moyen de questionnaires annuels. Le departement des statistiques de I'OMT publie les donnees apres les avoir soumises a des controles de qualite passant par un travail de validation des donnees et de verification aupres des pays. En raison des arrondis operes sur les donnees partielles, il se peut que les totaux apparaissant dans les differents tableaux de VAnnuaire ne correspondent pas aux totaux des indicateurs de base du Compendium des statistiques du tourisme. Pour cette edition il faut, comme pour l'edition precedente de 2022, avoir a I'esprit le contexte de la pandemie de COVID-19, qui aete a I'origined'unesituation sans precedent a I'echelle mondiale et a frappe tout particulierement le secteur du tourisme et aussi les systemes statistiques des pays. De nombreux pays ont ete confrontes a d'importants defis pour compiler les informations, du fait notamment de la suspension des enquetes et de la fermeture des frontieres, limitant parfois leur capacite de fournir des donnees ou des donnees plus completes. L'edition 2023 de I 'Annuaire montre les donnees officielles saisies dans la base de donnees statistiques de I'OMT au 19 decembre 2022. Par consequent, toute correction ou modification recue apres cette date n'apparaTtra pas dans cette publication jusqu'a la prochaine edition. Les donnees presentees dans VAnnuaire sont egalement disponibles dans d'autres formats (Excel et en ligne) par d'autres canaux de diffusion : - Site Web de I'OMT:; et - Bibliotheque electronique de I'OMT: Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 15 L'Organisation mondiale du tourisme exprime sa gratitude aux administrations nationales du tourisme et aux bureaux nationaux de statistique pour leur aide precieuse. Elle tient a relever specialement le role crucial de tous les pays et territoires qui fournissent des donnees et maintiennent leur engagement a I'appui du developpement et de I'amelioration des statistiques du tourisme. Madrid, Janvier 2023 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 16 I / uccion Las Naciones Unidas reconocen que la Organización Mundial del Turismo es la organización competente para recopilar, analizar, publicar, uniformar y mejorar las estadisticas de turismo y promover la integración de esas estadisticas en el marco del sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Siguiendo este mandato, el Departamento de Estadisticas de la OMT recopila estadisticas de turismo de países y territorios de todo el mundo en una base de datos de estadísticos que representa el más extenso repositorio internacionál de información estadística disponible sobre el sector turístico. Además de la difusión de estos datos de manera interactiva por internet y a través de varios trabajos analíticos, la OMT mantiene sus dos publicaciones estadisticas insignia: el Compendio de estadisticas de turismo y el Anuario de estadisticas de turismo. La edición de 2023 del Anuario de estadisticas de turismo presenta datos sobre totales de llegadas y pernoctaciones del turismo receptor para 187 países y territorios, desglosados en ambos casos por pais de origen. Llegadas A. Estadisticas de fronteras - Tabla 1: Llegadas de turistas no residentes a las fronteras nacionales - Tabla 2: Llegadas de visitantes no residentes a las fronteras nacionales B. Estadisticas en establecimientos de alojamiento - Tabla 3: Llegadas de turistas no residentes a los hoteles y establecimientos asimilados - Tabla 4: Llegadas de turistas no residentes a todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento Cuando una persona visita un mismo país varias veces en un aňo, cada una de esas visitas se cuenta como una llegada. Si una persona visita varios países en el transcurso de un mismo viaje, cada llegada a uno de esos países se registra también por separado. Por lo tanto, el numero de llegadas no coincide necesariamente con el numero de personas que viajan, ya que una persona puede generar varias llegadas. Los datos de llegadas se refieren a los visitantes internacionales que llegan al territorio económico del país de referencia, sean turistas o visitantes del día no residentes. Pernoctaciones - Tabla 5: Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en hoteles y establecimientos asimilados - Tabla 6: Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento Las pernoctaciones se refieren al nümero de noches que pasan los turistas no residentes en establecimientos de alojamiento (huespedes). Si una persona viaja a un pais y pasa en el cinco noches, se contarän cinco pernoctaciones turfsticas (o pernoctaciones/persona). Los tftulos de las tablas, los nombres de los paises, las regiones y las subregiones, asi como la clasificacion incluida en las tablas, figuran ünicamente en ingles, mientras que las notas aparecen en espahol, frances e ingles. Los paises aparecen siguiendo el orden alfabetico en ingles. Los datos incluidos en el Anuario corresponden a las estadisticas oficiales recopiladas por los gobiernos o las administraciones nacionales de turismo, y comunicadas a la OMT a traves de cuestionarios anuales. El Departamento de Estadisticas de la OMT publica los datos, despues de aplicar controles de calidad en terminos de validacion de los datos y verificacion con los paises. Debido al redondeo de las cifras parciales, los totales que figuran en las distintas tablas del Anuario pueden no coincidir con los totales que aparecen en los indicadores bäsicos del Compendio de estadisticas de turismo. En esta edicion, al igual que en la anterior de 2022, hay que tener en cuenta el contexto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 que ha causado una situacion sin precedentes a nivel mundial y que ha afectado especialmente al sector del turismo y a los sistemas de estadisticas de los paises. Muchos paises se han enfrentado a retos importantes en la recopilacion de informacion, incluidos la Suspension de encuestas y el cierre de fronteras, en algunos casos limitando su capacidad de facilitar datos o datos mäs completos. La edicion de 2023 del Anuario muestra los datos oficiales introducidos en la base de datos estadi'stica de la OMT a 19 de diciembre de 2022. Por lo tanto, cualquier correccion o cambio recibido despues de esta fecha no aparecerä en esta publicacion hasta la proxima edicion Los datos pueden proceder de diversas fuentes: estadisticas de fronteras basadas en registros administratives (policia, inmigración, recuentos de circulación y otros tipos de controles), encuestas en las fronteras y registros en establecimientos de alojamiento. Los datos presentados en el Anuario están también disponibles en otros formatos (Excel y en linea) mediante otros canales de difusión: - en el sitio web de la OMT:; y - en la biblioteca virtual de la OMT: Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: 0 Co" Go 3 > CD O CO O co a m CD a CD |\J O |\J CO CD CO CO a W 3-■ CO. CD § SB' Q E cs £ CD 3 co co co 9. Q. 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Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 5,117,700 5,926,803 6,406,038 2,657,818 5,688,649 100.00 114.03 AFRICA 2,080 3,457 24,193 1,650 3,147 0.06 90.73 EAST AFRICA 223 340 92 357 0.01 288.04 Comoros 15 5 1 29 0.00 2,800.00 Eritrea 4 13 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Kenya 76 69 8 64 0.00 700.00 Madagascar 9 22 56 19 0.00 -66.07 Mauritius 54 92 9 45 0.00 400.00 Rwanda 9 63 94 0.00 Seychelles 8 3 5 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 23 25 5 14 0.00 180.00 Zimbabwe 25 48 12 76 0.00 533.33 CENTRAL AFRICA 57 75 98 63 111 0.00 76.19 Cameroon 65 59 56 84 0.00 50.00 Congo 10 39 7 26 0.00 271.43 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 57 All countries of Central Africa 1 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 824 1,151 20,142 689 1,278 0.02 85.49 Algeria 133 193 137 262 0.00 91.24 Morocco 43 667 19,421 190 579 0.01 204.74 Sudan 492 111 142 45 190 0.00 322.22 Tunisia 289 240 386 317 247 0.00 -22.08 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,199 1,263 3,161 161 897 0.02 457.14 Botswana 1 1,473 1 53 0.00 5,200.00 Lesotho 9 2 Namibia 136 29 4 32 0.00 700.00 South Africa 1,199 1,117 1,657 142 812 0.01 471.83 Other countries of Southern Africa 14 WEST AFRICA 745 452 645 504 0.01 -21.86 Cabo Verde 6 67 7 146 0.00 1,985.71 Cote d'lvoire 37 25 7 24 0.00 242.86 Ghana 61 78 31 56 0.00 80.65 Guinea 14 14 11 18 0.00 63.64 Liberia 2 7 7 0.00 Mali 13 31 269 7 0.00 -97.40 Nigeria 368 189 67 161 0.00 140.30 Senegal 244 41 253 85 0.00 -66.40 AMERICAS 123,729 148,845 156,721 30,020 115,833 2.04 285.85 CARIBBEAN 153 356 1,620 92 1,993 0.04 2,066.30 Antigua and Barbuda 14 205 2 559 0.01 27,850.00 Bahamas 11 6 1 7 0.00 600.00 Barbados 63 10 6 8 0.00 33.33 Cuba 117 636 27 749 0.01 2,674.07 Dominican Republic 142 89 318 28 65 0.00 132.14 Haiti 9 20 15 313 0.01 1,986.67 Jamaica 20 30 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Saint Lucia 11 12 358 2 274 0.00 13,600.00 Trinidad and Tobago 21 37 5 13 0.00 160.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 22 COUNTRY TABLES ALBANIA/ ALBANIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 145 317 827 78 869 0.02 1,014.10 Belize 4 2 El Salvador 91 78 146 26 92 0.00 253.85 Guatemala 111 529 29 718 0.01 2,375.86 Honduras 38 82 107 23 41 0.00 78.26 Nicaragua 16 42 43 17 0.00 Other countries of Central America 1 0.00 NORTH AMERICA 116,601 139,989 142,502 27,983 108,629 1.91 288.20 Canada 17,411 21,237 21,547 3,259 12,633 0.22 287.63 Greenland 293 7 Mexico 1,404 1,481 1,776 147 613 0.01 317.01 United States of America 97,786 116,978 119,179 24,570 95,377 1.68 288.18 Other countries of North America 6 0.00 SOUTH AMERICA 6,830 8,183 11,772 1,867 4,342 0.08 132.57 Argentina 1,969 1,876 2,110 236 565 0.01 139.41 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 54 168 250 65 0.00 -74.00 Brazil 3,320 3,484 5,732 878 2,105 0.04 139.75 Chile 735 1,079 135 311 0.01 130.37 Colombia 946 931 1,248 160 555 0.01 246.88 Ecuador 260 349 35 192 0.00 448.57 Guyana 5 6 7 0.00 Paraguay 43 62 14 32 0.00 128.57 Peru 293 391 473 95 299 0.01 214.74 Suriname 3 3 1 Uruguay 135 157 286 24 71 0.00 195.83 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 167 244 256 39 140 0.00 258.97 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 53,533 68,121 68,077 5,033 7,968 0.14 58.32 NORHT-EAST ASIA 25,716 31,909 33,880 2,391 2,758 0.05 15.35 China 10,584 1 7,525 22,231 977 1,529 0.03 56.50 Japan 5,483 6,405 6,543 512 529 0.01 3.32 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 3 37 732 667 0.01 -8.88 Korea, Republic of 9,649 7,886 5,029 159 Mongolia 90 40 11 28 0.00 154.55 Other countries of North-East Asia 5 0.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 9,497 13,782 11,249 1,538 3,043 0.05 97.85 Indonesia 859 1,022 236 224 0.00 -5.08 Lao People's Democratic Republic 3 5 2 4 0.00 100.00 Malaysia 6,507 8,428 6,368 536 396 0.01 -26.12 Myanmar 9 36 13 11 0.00 -15.38 Philippines 1,103 1,777 1,651 457 1,993 0.04 336.11 Singapore 852 2,095 1,408 79 88 0.00 11.39 Thailand 1,035 438 542 163 230 0.00 41.10 Viet Nam 173 217 52 97 0.00 86.54 AUSTRALASIA 18,320 22,430 22,948 1,064 2,167 0.04 103.67 Australia 15,513 19,065 19,452 896 1,716 0.03 91.52 New Zealand 2,807 3,365 3,496 168 451 0.01 168.45 MELANESIA 40 Fiji 40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 23 COUNTRY TABLES ALBANIA/ ALBANIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 4,686,695 5,331,614 5,795,982 2,616,908 5,172,845 90.93 97.67 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 269,261 362,083 393,368 92,326 363,483 6.39 293.70 Armenia 404 287 129 840 0.01 551.16 Azerbaijan 635 715 205 798 0.01 289.27 Belarus 5,844 8,242 9,785 2,545 0.04 -73.99 Bulgaria 40,488 40,445 45,813 15,281 25,473 0.45 66.70 Czech Republic (Czechia) 18,214 24,249 28,026 3,541 21,069 0.37 495.00 Estonia 1,886 2,645 2,672 262 941 0.02 259.16 Georgia 822 2,699 495 1,209 0.02 144.24 Hungary 16,165 24,410 30,01 7 3,282 14,019 0.25 327.15 Kazakhstan 839 935 184 1,358 0.02 638.04 Kyrgyzstan 85 178 40 37 0.00 -7.50 Latvia 2,247 4,662 441 1,324 0.02 200.23 Lithuania 3,812 4,975 9,833 734 1,964 0.03 167.57 Moldova, Republic of 1,402 1,830 2,465 506 3,503 0.06 592.29 Poland 114,582 153,718 132,403 24,404 112,223 1.97 359.85 Romania 22,003 29,342 34,362 7,349 25,369 0.45 245.20 Russian Federation 17,160 24,915 34,146 4,590 36,475 0.64 694.66 Slovakia 11,363 11,668 10,463 931 3,527 0.06 278.84 Tajikistan 41 3,581 6 526 0.01 8,666.67 Turkmenistan 37 18 7 8 0.00 14.29 Ukraine 22,186 32,880 41,788 20,126 110,205 1.94 447.58 Uzbekistan 52 63 28 70 0.00 150.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 204,099 212,246 234,902 65,173 127,767 2.25 96.04 Denmark 9,103 8,718 13,335 843 3,959 0.07 369.63 Finland 8,708 12,111 14,302 1,187 2,815 0.05 137.15 Iceland 862 532 677 186 396 0.01 112.90 Ireland 5,523 5,946 6,538 1,482 3,515 0.06 137.18 Norway 18,469 22,067 23,361 1,549 5,255 0.09 239.25 Sweden 34,101 36,576 43,514 6,524 22,010 0.39 237.37 United Kingdom 127,333 126,296 133,175 53,402 89,624 1.58 67.83 Other countries of Northern Europe 193 0.00 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,810,337 4,301,996 4,636,170 2,335,914 4,331,888 76.15 85.45 Andorra 28 84 29 102 0.00 251.72 Bosnia and Herzegovina 29,884 32,992 37,830 17,221 34,852 0.61 102.38 Croatia 24,443 34,531 41,302 12,776 20,540 0.36 60.77 Greece 489,1 72 552,638 596,884 203,445 276,915 4.87 36.11 Holy See 13 21 12 18 0.00 50.00 Italy 363,344 436,103 467,745 123,489 354,370 6.23 186.96 Malta 1,207 1,176 3,613 1,832 610 0.01 -66.70 Montenegro 380,988 357,071 366,81 7 1 74,233 319,770 5.62 83.53 North Macedonia 671,570 680,780 753,533 370,135 560,213 9.85 51.35 Portugal 3,748 5,588 6,312 676 3,164 0.06 368.05 San Marino 217 139 23 117 0.00 408.70 Serbia 63,785 70,878 68,436 48,146 100,435 1.77 108.61 Slovenia 14,111 16,795 18,185 1,736 7,768 0.14 347.47 Spain 22,099 24,675 28,750 2,801 12,567 0.22 348.66 Other countries of Southern Europe 1,745,973 2,088,503 2,246,540 1,379,360 2,640,447 46.42 91.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 24 COUNTRY TABLES ALBANIA/ ALBANIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 316,120 357,411 417,163 95,211 293,054 5.15 207.79 Austria 28,877 33,217 37,318 5,985 22,525 0.40 276.36 Belgium 26,029 28,223 32,728 9,377 27,559 0.48 193.90 France 52,428 61,622 73,513 16,375 47,018 0.83 187.13 Germany 121,604 142,291 165,703 39,461 119,009 2.09 201.59 Liechtenstein 109 152 36 105 0.00 191.67 Luxembourg 981 1,120 2,054 588 1,531 0.03 160.37 Monaco 17 28 15 0.00 Netherlands 32,150 35,943 40,797 5,001 18,281 0.32 265.55 Switzerland 54,051 54,869 64,870 18,388 57,011 1.00 210.04 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 86,878 97,878 114,379 28,284 56,653 1.00 100.30 Cyprus 1,761 2,299 2,552 249 568 0.01 128.11 Israel 5,478 14,237 19,739 811 4,575 0.08 464.12 Turkiye 79,639 81,342 92,088 27,224 51,510 0.91 89.21 MIDDLE EAST 4,722 7,174 11,707 1,813 36,959 0.65 1,938.55 Bahrain 93 136 14 207 0.00 1,378.57 Egypt 892 1,211 1,576 803 17,402 0.31 2,067.12 Iraq 72 129 221 50 159 0.00 218.00 Jordan 247 384 474 84 508 0.01 504.76 Kuwait 714 788 811 163 558 0.01 242.33 Lebanon 447 544 74 401 0.01 441.89 Libya 261 261 224 114 213 0.00 86.84 Saudi Arabia 1,820 2,442 6,170 132 12,259 0.22 9,187.12 State of Palestine 76 174 175 32 292 0.01 812.50 Syrian Arab Republic 640 986 1,034 308 3,229 0.06 948.38 United Arab Emirates 259 342 39 1,731 0.03 4,338.46 SOUTH ASIA 2,216 3,115 3,550 801 20,998 0.37 2,521.47 Afghanistan 35 73 23 584 0.01 2,439.13 Bangladesh 100 94 188 81 2,353 0.04 2,804.94 India 1,508 1,852 2,189 470 15,332 0.27 3,162.13 Iran, Islamic Republic of 325 375 357 78 209 0.00 167.95 Maldives 31 Nepal 42 45 62 11 163 0.00 1,381.82 Pakistan 241 306 371 98 1,977 0.03 1,917.35 Sri Lanka 377 310 40 380 0.01 850.00 NOT SPECIFIED 244,725 364,477 345,808 1,593 330,899 5.82 20,672.07 Other countries of the world 244,725 364,477 345,808 1,593 330,899 5.82 20,672.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 25 COUNTRY TABLES ALGERIA / ALGERIE / ARGELIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,450,785 2,657,113 2,371,058 591,031 125,238 100.00 -78.81 AFRICA 1,176,627 1,428,677 1,478,450 409,887 13,708 10.95 -96.66 NORTH AFRICA 1,110,807 1,341,728 1,403,214 389,519 9,140 7.30 -97.65 Morocco 73,104 80,317 79,505 19,948 1,492 1.19 -92.52 Tunisia 1,037,703 1,261,411 1,323,709 369,571 7,648 6.11 -97.93 WEST AFRICA 36,709 43,671 38,317 11,309 1,986 1.59 -82.44 Mali 18,916 21,731 21,720 7,914 733 0.59 -90.74 Mauritania 13,305 1 7,061 12,013 2,585 754 0.60 -70.83 Niger 4,488 4,879 4,584 810 499 0.40 -38.40 OTHER AFRICA 29,111 43,278 36,919 9,059 2,582 2.06 -71.50 Other countries of Africa 29,111 43,278 36,919 9,059 2,582 2.06 -71.50 AMERICAS 13,105 20,845 16,114 3,297 1,971 1.57 -40.22 NORTH AMERICA 9,914 15,582 11,775 2,512 1,460 1.17 -41.88 Canada 4,414 6,173 4,690 812 367 0.29 -54.80 Mexico 372 747 703 83 41 0.03 -50.60 United States of America 5,128 8,662 6,382 1,617 1,052 0.84 -34.94 SOUTH AMERICA 1,018 1,816 1,241 269 107 0.09 -60.22 Argentina 379 728 425 93 37 0.03 -60.22 Brazil 639 1,088 816 176 70 0.06 -60.23 OTHER AMERICAS 2,173 3,447 3,098 516 404 0.32 -21.71 Other countries of the Americas 2,173 3,447 3,098 516 404 0.32 -21.71 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 63,182 84,747 67,572 11,842 10,174 8.12 -14.09 NORHT-EAST ASIA 41,695 49,920 41,589 5,657 5,310 4.24 -6.13 China 39,929 47,142 39,437 4,993 5,192 4.15 3.99 Japan 1,766 2,778 2,152 664 118 0.09 -82.23 AUSTRALASIA 819 1,232 860 164 47 0.04 -71.34 Australia 711 991 713 140 40 0.03 -71.43 New Zealand 108 241 147 24 7 0.01 -70.83 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,668 33,595 25,123 6,021 4,817 3.85 -20.00 Other countries of Asia 20,668 33,595 25,123 6,021 4,817 3.85 -20.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 26 COUNTRY TABLES ALGERIA / ALGERIE / ARGELIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 375,656 427,102 321,301 71,715 34,445 27.50 -51.97 NORTHERN EUROPE 13,058 16,839 13,230 2,925 1,270 1.01 -56.58 Denmark 817 1,390 966 227 89 0.07 -60.79 Finland 643 1,293 776 179 72 0.06 -59.78 Norway 787 1,731 990 196 138 0.11 -29.59 Sweden 1,255 2,456 1,384 264 155 0.12 -41.29 United Kingdom 9,556 9,969 9,114 2,059 816 0.65 -60.37 SOUTHERN EUROPE 84,865 95,402 67,656 13,670 7,495 5.98 -45.17 Greece 929 1,735 1,018 246 113 0.09 -54.07 Italy 28,186 30,987 24,430 4,508 2,615 2.09 -41.99 Portugal 8,675 9,091 6,380 1,331 806 0.64 -39.44 Spain 47,075 53,589 35,828 7,585 3,961 3.16 -47.78 WESTERN EUROPE 228,178 256,480 191,688 42,620 14,647 11.70 -65.63 Austria 1,558 2,379 1,286 360 157 0.13 -56.39 Belgium 7,404 8,128 7,851 1,222 419 0.33 -65.71 France 198,856 221,707 164,907 36,576 11,964 9.55 -67.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 27 COUNTRY TABLES ANDORRA/ ANDORRE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,002,860 3,042,370 3,090,044 1,871,583 1,948,848 100.00 4.13 EUROPE 2,921,577 2,958,899 3,006,447 1,832,347 1,902,028 97.60 3.80 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,164,167 2,165,663 2,197,828 1,326,519 1,394,313 71.55 5.11 Spain 2,164,167 2,165,663 2,197,828 1,326,519 1,394,313 71.55 5.11 WESTERN EUROPE 457,483 485,237 490,050 307,528 379,042 19.45 23.25 France 457,483 485,237 490,050 307,528 379,042 19.45 23.25 OTHER EUROPE 299,927 307,999 318,569 198,300 128,673 6.60 -35.11 Other countries of Europe 299,927 307,999 318,569 198,300 128,673 6.60 -35.11 NOT SPECIFIED 81,283 83,471 83,597 39,236 46,820 2.40 19.33 Other countries of the world 81,283 83,471 83,597 39,236 46,820 2.40 19.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 28 COUNTRY TABLES ANGOLA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 260,961 217,866 217,512 63,617 63,736 100.00 0.19 AFRICA 40,769 34,699 31,349 8,053 11,746 18.43 45.86 EAST AFRICA 6,064 5,627 5,569 1,067 2,158 3.39 102.25 Burundi 25 546 62 3 19 0.03 533.33 Djibouti 2 158 10 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Eritrea 1,396 1,465 1,736 384 641 1.01 66.93 Ethiopia 268 401 271 63 171 0.27 1 71.43 Kenya 477 456 577 91 246 0.39 1 70.33 Madagascar 29 33 72 14 14 0.02 Malawi 41 48 34 7 32 0.05 357.14 Mauritius 30 85 35 5 7 0.01 40.00 Mozambique 1,628 716 789 113 164 0.26 45.13 Rwanda 174 112 341 92 188 0.29 104.35 Seychelles 3 79 2 Somalia 23 80 48 9 119 0.19 1,222.22 Tanzania, United Republic of 151 203 203 30 207 0.32 590.00 Uganda 110 208 281 36 52 0.08 44.44 Zambia 617 583 677 87 172 0.27 97.70 Zimbabwe 1,090 454 431 131 125 0.20 -4.58 CENTRAL AFRICA 4,100 4,650 4,439 1,021 2,751 4.32 169.44 Cameroon 238 358 245 49 101 0.16 106.12 Central African Republic 23 43 25 4 85 0.13 2,025.00 Chad 81 155 69 5 142 0.22 2,740.00 Congo 926 1,324 1,322 231 567 0.89 145.45 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,187 1,441 1,455 582 839 1.32 44.16 Equatorial Guinea 179 102 120 22 16 0.03 -27.27 Gabon 109 291 134 24 146 0.23 508.33 Sao Tome and Principe 1,357 936 1,069 104 855 1.34 722.12 NORTH AFRICA 1,011 1,361 1,195 343 479 0.75 39.65 Algeria 263 499 318 67 52 0.08 -22.39 Morocco 295 342 392 126 70 0.11 -44.44 Sudan 45 52 56 4 63 0.10 1,475.00 Tunisia 408 468 429 146 294 0.46 101.37 SOUTHERN AFRICA 21,188 15,114 12,540 4,214 2,819 4.42 -33.10 Botswana 142 145 47 8 0.01 Eswatini 54 19 150 Lesotho 17 60 66 1 0.00 Namibia 6,326 6,180 6,876 2,483 698 1.10 -71.89 South Africa 14,649 8,710 5,401 1,731 2,112 3.31 22.01 WEST AFRICA 7,331 6,905 7,074 1,408 3,532 5.54 150.85 Benin 47 111 33 7 0.01 Burkina Faso 247 121 87 3 26 0.04 766.67 Cabo Verde 483 544 707 118 182 0.29 54.24 Cote d'lvoire 327 327 50 264 0.41 428.00 Gambia 410 794 354 29 539 0.85 1,758.62 Ghana 368 313 619 47 109 0.17 131.91 Guinea 50 83 240 2 13 0.02 550.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 29 COUNTRY TABLES ANGOLA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guinea-Bissau 275 180 189 36 50 0.08 38.89 Liberia 12 31 18 2 Mali 1,016 573 757 141 373 0.59 164.54 Mauritania 1,349 1,157 1,127 506 891 1.40 76.09 Niger 26 25 28 2 16 0.03 700.00 Nigeria 2,682 2,119 2,325 445 932 1.46 109.44 Senegal 211 357 130 11 79 0.12 618.18 Sierra Leone 102 72 97 12 46 0.07 283.33 Togo 53 98 36 4 5 0.01 25.00 OTHER AFRICA 1,075 1,042 532 7 0.01 Other countries of Africa 1,075 1,042 532 7 0.01 AMERICAS 33,560 37,751 32,736 9,872 8,786 13.78 -11.00 CARIBBEAN 5,036 5,095 5,282 949 2,001 3.14 110.85 Antigua and Barbuda 1 Bahamas 1 1 0.00 Barbados 3 7 3 Cuba 4,817 4,145 5,116 920 1,967 3.09 113.80 Dominican Republic 98 57 57 4 23 0.04 475.00 Haiti 10 1 13 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Jamaica 11 1 2 Puerto Rico 1 Trinidad and Tobago 97 883 90 16 9 0.01 -43.75 CENTRAL AMERICA 220 674 189 21 48 0.08 128.57 Costa Rica 4 272 13 1 8 0.01 700.00 El Salvador 4 14 22 Guatemala 29 20 38 2 5 0.01 150.00 Honduras 168 70 94 11 23 0.04 109.09 Nicaragua 6 282 17 5 5 0.01 Panama 9 16 5 2 7 0.01 250.00 NORTH AMERICA 8,956 8,357 7,998 2,532 2,080 3.26 -17.85 Canada 1,005 1,110 1,070 245 358 0.56 46.12 Mexico 303 439 269 94 93 0.15 -1.06 United States of America 7,648 6,808 6,659 2,193 1,629 2.56 -25.72 SOUTH AMERICA 19,348 22,654 18,735 6,370 4,657 7.31 -26.89 Argentina 398 373 455 98 141 0.22 43.88 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 110 94 84 31 28 0.04 -9.68 Brazil 14,398 18,501 14,638 5,759 3,215 5.04 -44.17 Chile 99 291 159 8 5 0.01 -37.50 Colombia 385 366 402 74 128 0.20 72.97 Ecuador 81 153 55 31 17 0.03 -45.16 Guyana 3,228 1,768 2,036 214 936 1.47 337.38 Paraguay 24 56 61 5 28 0.04 460.00 Peru 212 378 296 36 54 0.08 50.00 Uruguay 90 81 102 20 6 0.01 -70.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 323 593 447 94 99 0.16 5.32 OTHER AMERICAS 971 532 Other countries of the Americas 971 532 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 3C COUNTRY TABLES ANGOLA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 40,103 29,216 27,465 3,216 6,555 10.28 103.82 NORHT-EAST ASIA 29,512 21,345 18,352 1,814 4,554 7.15 151.05 China 27,609 20,418 17,193 1,634 4,362 6.84 166.95 Japan 512 370 550 113 87 0.14 -23.01 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,073 367 75 6 0.01 Korea, Republic of 190 106 476 65 94 0.15 44.62 Taiwan Province of China 128 84 58 2 5 0.01 150.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 9,860 7,087 8,402 1,235 1,889 2.96 52.96 Cambodia 4 2 0.00 Indonesia 623 613 610 104 126 0.20 21.15 Malaysia 838 385 466 98 66 0.10 -32.65 Myanmar 59 37 53 6 9 0.01 50.00 Philippines 4,599 3,095 4,096 825 1,326 2.08 60.73 Singapore 197 232 178 29 13 0.02 -55.17 Thailand 43 121 133 15 18 0.03 20.00 Timor-Leste 9 22 52 19 0.03 Viet Nam 3,492 2,582 2,810 158 310 0.49 96.20 AUSTRALASIA 730 784 711 167 112 0.18 -32.93 Australia 613 678 583 138 99 0.16 -28.26 New Zealand 117 106 128 29 13 0.02 -55.17 MELANESIA 1 Solomon Islands 1 EUROPE 134,456 105,692 111,907 37,749 29,966 47.02 -20.62 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,350 8,881 8,199 1,660 2,341 3.67 41.02 Armenia 65 58 86 46 44 0.07 -4.35 Azerbaijan 77 242 78 33 21 0.03 -36.36 Belarus 312 294 400 100 231 0.36 131.00 Bulgaria 254 655 324 64 138 0.22 115.63 Czech Republic (Czechia) 147 170 102 20 12 0.02 -40.00 Estonia 23 258 20 2 2 0.00 Georgia 2 15 9 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Hungary 97 116 185 18 21 0.03 16.67 Kazakhstan 126 65 118 15 29 0.05 93.33 Latvia 93 78 30 15 0.02 -50.00 Lithuania 181 150 40 48 0.08 20.00 Moldova, Republic of 41 15 2 0.00 Poland 1,392 1,268 1,520 343 419 0.66 22.16 Romania 667 588 694 176 278 0.44 57.95 Russian Federation 1,791 4,035 3,149 531 745 1.17 40.30 Slovakia 10 79 34 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Turkmenistan 1 18 Ukraine 1,087 945 1,069 203 232 0.36 14.29 Uzbekistan 77 150 32 100 0.16 212.50 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 3' COUNTRY TABLES ANGOLA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 13,380 9,702 10,275 2,785 2,327 3.65 -16.45 Denmark 492 371 375 84 97 0.15 15.48 Finland 83 91 99 3 14 0.02 366.67 Iceland 37 15 9 1 0.00 Ireland 352 364 312 52 39 0.06 -25.00 Norway 1,178 854 788 106 101 0.16 -4.72 Sweden 272 263 288 17 46 0.07 1 70.59 United Kingdom 10,966 7,744 8,404 2,523 2,029 3.18 -19.58 SOUTHERN EUROPE 83,936 67,966 72,283 26,867 19,371 30.39 -27.90 Albania 3 26 10 5 0.01 Bosnia and Herzegovina 36 88 31 7 12 0.02 71.43 Croatia 576 1,245 504 118 156 0.24 32.20 Greece 111 170 49 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Italy 2,641 2,928 3,112 703 980 1.54 39.40 Malta 43 44 28 4 8 0.01 100.00 Portugal 76,984 59,709 65,701 25,019 17,377 27.26 -30.54 Serbia 215 364 202 35 69 0.11 97.14 Slovenia 206 40 15 2 0.00 Spain 3,121 3,352 2,631 970 760 1.19 -21.65 WESTERN EUROPE 17,537 16,681 18,883 5,914 5,028 7.89 -14.98 Austria 178 195 251 30 41 0.06 36.67 Belgium 1,044 1,698 940 379 440 0.69 16.09 France 11,837 10,208 13,928 4,804 3,851 6.04 -19.84 Germany 1,455 2,086 1,592 386 296 0.46 -23.32 Luxembourg 3 1 8 Netherlands 2,471 1,899 1,531 252 367 0.58 45.63 Switzerland 549 594 633 63 33 0.05 -47.62 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,025 2,132 2,181 470 843 1.32 79.36 Cyprus 8 262 12 Israel 1,589 1,044 1,431 290 315 0.49 8.62 Turkiye 428 826 738 180 528 0.83 193.33 OTHER EUROPE 11,228 330 86 53 56 0.09 5.66 Other countries of Europe 11,228 330 86 53 56 0.09 5.66 MIDDLE EAST 5,359 4,288 5,466 1,889 3,472 5.45 83.80 Egypt 1,044 906 1,382 322 737 1.16 128.88 Iraq 16 96 13 2 0.00 Jordan 82 82 146 40 55 0.09 37.50 Kuwait 2 Lebanon 3,327 2,369 3,517 1,448 2,531 3.97 74.79 Libya 35 63 131 10 22 0.03 120.00 Oman 2 Saudi Arabia 4 75 4 State of Palestine 13 289 19 7 5 0.01 -28.57 Syrian Arab Republic 149 135 205 56 97 0.15 73.21 United Arab Emirates 674 273 25 2 9 0.01 350.00 Yemen 13 22 4 14 0.02 250.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 32 COUNTRY TABLES ANGOLA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 6,714 6,220 8,589 2,838 3,211 5.04 13.14 Afghanistan 4 4 9 54 3 0.00 -94.44 Bangladesh 122 123 139 14 76 0.12 442.86 India 5,906 5,374 7,719 2,501 2,904 4.56 16.11 Iran, Islamic Republic of 43 55 47 6 11 0.02 83.33 Maldives 6 Nepal 66 87 74 21 39 0.06 85.71 Pakistan 496 496 528 219 155 0.24 -29.22 Sri Lanka 77 81 67 23 23 0.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 33 COUNTRY TABLES ANGUILLA / ANGUILA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 68,254 54,533 95,375 25,381 28,376 100.00 11.80 AMERICAS 57,078 45,753 80,801 21,185 25,178 88.73 18.85 CARIBBEAN 10,691 12,788 13,142 1,956 918 3.24 -53.07 Antigua and Barbuda 317 375 365 58 30 0.11 -48.28 Bahamas 59 43 65 4 18 0.06 350.00 Barbados 244 274 296 61 48 0.17 -21.31 Bermuda 8 12 21 3 5 0.02 66.67 Cayman Islands 6 4 9 1 Cuba 7 13 21 9 4 0.01 -55.56 Dominica 793 869 923 115 76 0.27 -33.91 Dominican Republic 376 521 524 103 37 0.13 -64.08 Grenada 78 115 124 31 17 0.06 -45.16 Haiti 41 46 48 8 6 0.02 -25.00 Jamaica 453 527 626 98 63 0.22 -35.71 Montserrat 48 21 14 5 3 0.01 -40.00 Puerto Rico 255 219 384 45 62 0.22 37.78 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,328 1,435 1,573 209 89 0.31 -57.42 Saint Lucia 355 451 437 76 46 0.16 -39.47 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 210 296 333 87 46 0.16 -47.13 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 3,294 3,607 3,859 611 260 0.92 -57.45 Trinidad and Tobago 306 423 467 73 60 0.21 -17.81 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 1 16 2 Other countries of the Caribbean 2,511 3,536 3,037 357 48 0.17 -86.55 NORTH AMERICA 46,146 32,681 67,349 19,177 24,233 85.40 26.36 Canada 2,819 2,047 4,113 1,562 936 3.30 -40.08 United States of America 43,327 30,634 63,236 17,615 23,297 82.10 32.26 SOUTH AMERICA 241 284 310 52 27 0.10 -48.08 Guyana 241 284 310 52 27 0.10 -48.08 EUROPE 8,437 6,240 10,699 3,064 2,104 7.41 -31.33 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,303 2,775 4,077 988 999 3.52 1.11 United Kingdom 3,303 2,775 4,077 988 999 3.52 1.11 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,038 476 1,257 425 161 0.57 -62.12 Italy 1,038 476 1,257 425 161 0.57 -62.12 WESTERN EUROPE 2,573 1,911 3,597 951 529 1.86 -44.37 Austria 86 65 99 39 31 0.11 -20.51 Belgium 137 80 186 73 30 0.11 -58.90 France 1,789 1,293 2,515 576 268 0.94 -53.47 Germany 416 394 597 173 144 0.51 -16.76 Luxembourg 1 3 8 0.03 Switzerland 145 78 197 90 48 0.17 -46.67 OTHER EUROPE 1,523 1,078 1,768 700 415 1.46 -40.71 Other countries of Europe 1,523 1,078 1,768 700 415 1.46 -40.71 NOT SPECIFIED 2,739 2,540 3,875 1,132 1,094 3.86 -3.36 Other countries of the world 2,739 2,540 3,875 1,132 1,094 3.86 -3.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 34 COUNTRY TABLES ANGUILLA / ANGUILA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 150,678 87,345 166,351 41,093 28,696 100.00 -30.17 AMERICAS 119,175 68,670 133,633 31,989 25,321 88.24 -20.84 CARIBBEAN 22,187 23,662 24,892 3,884 950 3.31 -75.54 Antigua and Barbuda 522 463 487 75 30 0.10 -60.00 Bahamas 71 55 80 5 18 0.06 260.00 Barbados 327 404 418 79 48 0.17 -39.24 Bermuda 10 19 28 3 5 0.02 66.67 Cayman Islands 6 7 9 1 Cuba 15 18 27 9 4 0.01 -55.56 Dominica 1,185 1,300 1,463 187 76 0.26 -59.36 Dominican Republic 705 1,070 1,085 183 37 0.13 -79.78 Grenada 108 136 155 35 17 0.06 -51.43 Haiti 123 132 195 31 8 0.03 -74.19 Jamaica 840 967 1,150 203 65 0.23 -67.98 Montserrat 52 30 15 5 3 0.01 -40.00 Puerto Rico 352 299 497 56 62 0.22 10.71 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,603 1,754 2,023 257 90 0.31 -64.98 Saint Lucia 480 597 719 124 46 0.16 -62.90 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 296 362 399 92 47 0.16 -48.91 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 7,363 7,771 8,673 1,474 279 0.97 -81.07 Trinidad and Tobago 772 556 838 138 61 0.21 -55.80 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 3 17 2 Other countries of the Caribbean 7,355 7,719 6,614 925 54 0.19 -94.16 NORTH AMERICA 96,384 44,311 108,043 27,969 24,344 84.83 -12.96 Canada 8,074 3,201 8,877 3,143 950 3.31 -69.77 United States of America 88,310 41,110 99,166 24,826 23,394 81.52 -5.77 SOUTH AMERICA 604 697 698 136 27 0.09 -80.15 Guyana 604 697 698 136 27 0.09 -80.15 EUROPE 24,606 14,488 25,861 7,210 2,263 7.89 -68.61 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,171 3,824 6,324 1,302 1,019 3.55 -21.74 United Kingdom 5,171 3,824 6,324 1,302 1,019 3.55 -21.74 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,281 731 1,905 645 162 0.56 -74.88 Italy 2,281 731 1,905 645 162 0.56 -74.88 WESTERN EUROPE 12,209 7,337 12,986 3,699 651 2.27 -82.40 Austria 224 126 200 79 31 0.11 -60.76 Belgium 504 515 529 148 31 0.11 -79.05 France 9,764 5,659 10,471 2,845 337 1.17 -88.15 Germany 1,309 773 1,281 435 185 0.64 -57.47 Luxembourg 8 11 20 8 0.03 Switzerland 400 253 485 192 59 0.21 -69.27 OTHER EUROPE 4,945 2,596 4,646 1,564 431 1.50 -72.44 Other countries of Europe 4,945 2,596 4,646 1,564 431 1.50 -72.44 NOT SPECIFIED 6,897 4,187 6,857 1,894 1,112 3.88 -41.29 Other countries of the world 6,897 4,187 6,857 1,894 1,112 3.88 -41.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 35 COUNTRY TABLES ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA / ANTIGUA Y BARBUDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 247,320 268,949 301,017 125,083 169,469 100.00 35.49 AFRICA 490 614 637 111 380 0.22 242.34 EAST AFRICA 65 78 100 22 42 0.02 90.91 Burundi 1 2 0.00 Ethiopia 4 2 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 Kenya 20 27 35 6 13 0.01 116.67 Madagascar 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Malawi 8 Mauritius 1 14 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Mozambique 1 1 1 0.00 Reunion 1 2 Rwanda 2 5 3 3 6 0.00 100.00 Somalia 1 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 3 2 1 Uganda 4 16 14 2 2 0.00 Zambia 7 6 10 2 0.00 Zimbabwe 15 17 15 1 12 0.01 1,100.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 6 7 20 8 12 0.01 50.00 Angola 1 5 5 2 Cameroon 2 4 2 3 0.00 50.00 Congo 2 1 2 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1 Equatorial Guinea 1 Gabon 1 1 7 4 9 0.01 125.00 NORTH AFRICA 26 26 33 16 10 0.01 -37.50 Algeria 13 8 15 7 9 0.01 28.57 Morocco 8 18 12 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Tunisia 5 6 3 SOUTHERN AFRICA 297 378 324 11 169 0.10 1,436.36 Botswana 9 8 7 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Eswatini 4 1 2 0.00 100.00 Lesotho 1 1 2 0.00 Namibia 7 2 5 3 1 0.00 -66.67 South Africa 280 363 312 160 0.09 WEST AFRICA 96 125 160 54 147 0.09 172.22 Benin 1 2 Burkina Faso 1 2 1 Cabo Verde 1 2 Gambia 2 4 Ghana 7 6 12 2 6 0.00 200.00 Guinea 1 5 0.00 400.00 Guinea-Bissau 1 1 1 Liberia 12 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Mali 5 1 Mauritania 1 4 5 Niger 1 1 1 0.00 Nigeria 77 97 126 42 133 0.08 216.67 Senegal 2 5 4 Togo 2 1 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 36 COUNTRY TABLES ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA / ANTIGUA Y BARBUDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 153,320 176,268 197,787 84,806 115,357 68.07 36.02 CARIBBEAN 29,981 30,083 32,360 7,500 7,102 4.19 -5.31 Anguilla 585 525 579 134 134 0.08 Aruba 75 31 75 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Bahamas 283 295 301 65 103 0.06 58.46 Barbados 2,863 2,931 2,963 716 516 0.30 -27.93 Bermuda 200 224 261 45 63 0.04 40.00 Bonaire 7 6 1 3 0.00 British Virgin Islands 1,773 1,310 1,283 302 608 0.36 101.32 Cayman Islands 79 90 153 31 14 0.01 -54.84 Cuba 542 227 231 94 70 0.04 -25.53 Curacao 135 122 102 21 21 0.01 Dominica 4,153 4,262 4,175 805 568 0.34 -29.44 Dominican Republic 734 902 1,297 176 209 0.12 18.75 Grenada 559 662 774 165 197 0.12 19.39 Guadeloupe 541 809 521 90 46 0.03 -48.89 Haiti 66 41 63 24 6 0.00 -75.00 Jamaica 3,876 4,000 4,178 1,366 1,461 0.86 6.95 Martinique 161 160 146 19 12 0.01 -36.84 Montserrat 1,222 1,156 1,463 424 394 0.23 -7.08 Puerto Rico 802 792 653 196 195 0.12 -0.51 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,213 2,252 2,615 553 480 0.28 -13.20 Saint Lucia 1,691 1,838 2,118 481 439 0.26 -8.73 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 969 1,162 1,288 366 361 0.21 -1.37 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 837 790 754 201 171 0.10 -14.93 Trinidad and Tobago 4,250 4,093 4,834 873 699 0.41 -19.93 Turks and Caicos Islands 197 232 260 48 73 0.04 52.08 United States Virgin Islands 1,041 986 1,168 249 173 0.10 -30.52 Other countries of the Caribbean 127 185 104 50 81 0.05 62.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 497 501 572 122 207 0.12 69.67 Belize 80 115 99 27 73 0.04 170.37 Costa Rica 78 105 107 35 30 0.02 -14.29 El Salvador 17 31 40 8 16 0.01 100.00 Guatemala 136 34 63 12 10 0.01 -16.67 Honduras 16 22 32 9 17 0.01 88.89 Nicaragua 14 17 20 5 0.00 Panama 156 177 211 31 56 0.03 80.65 NORTH AMERICA 119,521 142,423 161,302 76,263 106,818 63.03 40.07 Canada 22,932 38,087 37,225 15,723 4,055 2.39 -74.21 Mexico 242 233 520 151 268 0.16 77.48 United States of America 96,347 104,103 123,557 60,389 102,495 60.48 69.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 37 COUNTRY TABLES ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA / ANTIGUA Y BARBUDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 3,321 3,261 3,553 921 1,230 0.73 33.55 Argentina 282 240 332 162 102 0.06 -37.04 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 8 40 5 Brazil 300 249 314 156 173 0.10 10.90 Chile 77 53 151 17 0.01 Colombia 113 154 267 49 111 0.07 126.53 Ecuador 15 10 23 10 0.01 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 3 1 4 French Guiana 4 5 3 Guyana 1,771 1,947 1,853 449 679 0.40 51.22 Paraguay 8 10 12 3 0.00 Peru 68 40 68 48 0.03 Suriname 146 109 104 25 14 0.01 -44.00 Uruguay 21 22 17 20 0.01 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 505 381 400 80 53 0.03 -33.75 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,203 2,348 2,781 952 633 0.37 -33.51 NORHT-EAST ASIA 969 1,129 1,461 388 265 0.16 -31.70 China 739 869 1,161 285 212 0.13 -25.61 Hong Kong, China 69 75 75 28 18 0.01 -35.71 Japan 105 124 161 65 26 0.02 -60.00 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 9 11 7 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Korea, Republic of 22 23 13 2 3 0.00 50.00 Macao, China 1 2 1 1 0.00 Mongolia 1 Taiwan Province of China 24 26 42 2 0.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 283 321 394 130 198 0.12 52.31 Brunei Darussalam 1 6 1 Cambodia 1 6 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Indonesia 18 24 11 11 28 0.02 154.55 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 Malaysia 43 29 35 10 7 0.00 -30.00 Myanmar 1 5 3 0.00 Philippines 145 166 207 71 135 0.08 90.14 Singapore 51 55 69 19 18 0.01 -5.26 Thailand 16 39 39 10 4 0.00 -60.00 Viet Nam 10 3 16 6 2 0.00 -66.67 AUSTRALASIA 941 891 910 425 164 0.10 -61.41 Australia 761 661 631 277 100 0.06 -63.90 New Zealand 180 230 279 148 64 0.04 -56.76 MELANESIA 8 5 13 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Fiji 4 2 1 0.00 New Caledonia 2 2 Papua New Guinea 4 1 1 Solomon Islands 2 8 7 3 0.00 -57.14 POLYNESIA 2 2 3 2 2 0.00 Samoa 1 3 2 2 0.00 Tuvalu 2 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 38 COUNTRY TABLES ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA / ANTIGUA Y BARBUDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 90,520 88,781 98,196 38,538 52,606 31.04 36.50 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 988 1,030 926 397 399 0.24 0.50 Bulgaria 60 46 67 1 56 0.03 5,500.00 Czech Republic 165 158 33 33 26 0.02 -21.21 Hungary 64 60 118 37 27 0.02 -27.03 Poland 221 198 274 100 113 0.07 13.00 Romania 106 150 116 65 66 0.04 1.54 Russian Federation 372 418 318 161 111 0.07 -31.06 NORTHERN EUROPE 72,998 72,773 79,037 32,772 49,127 28.99 49.91 Denmark 236 244 242 124 108 0.06 -12.90 Finland 144 111 158 42 27 0.02 -35.71 Iceland 14 30 9 11 0.01 22.22 Ireland 741 881 899 419 493 0.29 17.66 Norway 253 333 278 106 41 0.02 -61.32 Sweden 923 583 590 227 119 0.07 -47.58 United Kingdom 70,701 70,607 76,840 31,845 48,328 28.52 51.76 SOUTHERN EUROPE 9,643 7,984 11,049 2,698 1,096 0.65 -59.38 Albania 13 8 52 25 20 0.01 -20.00 Andorra 11 16 6 5 Gibraltar 15 36 38 9 13 0.01 44.44 Greece 109 137 84 24 50 0.03 108.33 Holy See 7 17 8 Italy 8,527 6,832 9,735 2,250 598 0.35 -73.42 Malta 65 71 72 28 26 0.02 -7.14 Portugal 136 159 131 51 77 0.05 50.98 San Marino 2 4 6 2 Spain 758 704 917 304 312 0.18 2.63 WESTERN EUROPE 5,983 5,989 6,175 2,521 1,731 1.02 -31.34 Austria 305 392 367 145 99 0.06 -31.72 Belgium 339 233 273 134 77 0.05 -42.54 France 1,610 1,677 1,721 761 636 0.38 -16.43 Germany 2,120 2,216 2,125 719 377 0.22 -47.57 Liechtenstein 9 6 7 1 Luxembourg 46 66 74 17 5 0.00 -70.59 Monaco 94 95 96 65 39 0.02 -40.00 Netherlands 292 285 370 198 237 0.14 19.70 Switzerland 1,168 1,019 1,142 481 261 0.15 -45.74 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 186 212 236 69 89 0.05 28.99 Cyprus 20 27 40 15 16 0.01 6.67 Israel 106 91 109 27 34 0.02 25.93 Tiirkiye 60 94 87 27 39 0.02 44.44 OTHER EUROPE 722 793 773 81 164 0.10 102.47 Other countries of Europe 722 793 773 81 164 0.10 102.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 39 COUNTRY TABLES ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA / ANTIGUA Y BARBUDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 170 147 470 72 98 0.06 36.11 Bahrain 3 2 7 Egypt 1 6 38 5 13 0.01 160.00 Iraq 5 3 1 Jordan 9 5 15 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Kuwait 9 31 31 4 7 0.00 75.00 Lebanon 26 22 53 8 9 0.01 12.50 Libya 8 28 1 Oman 1 7 Qatar 5 1 19 7 12 0.01 71.43 Saudi Arabia 38 21 59 7 5 0.00 -28.57 State of Palestine 2 1 1 0.00 Syrian Arab Republic 19 31 87 19 5 0.00 -73.68 United Arab Emirates 51 19 122 14 41 0.02 192.86 Yemen 2 SOUTH ASIA 589 741 978 201 313 0.18 55.72 Afghanistan 144 113 93 12 9 0.01 -25.00 Bangladesh 21 37 36 4 4 0.00 India 366 516 770 179 217 0.13 21.23 Iran, Islamic Republic of 7 9 2 Nepal 11 3 18 2 7 0.00 250.00 Pakistan 10 28 18 2 40 0.02 1,900.00 Sri Lanka 30 35 41 2 36 0.02 1,700.00 NOT SPECIFIED 28 50 168 403 82 0.05 -79.65 Other countries of the world 28 50 168 403 82 0.05 -79.65 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 4C COUNTRY TABLES ARGENTINA / ARGENTINE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 6,711,329 6,941,828 7,399,050 2,089,545 297,477 100.00 -85.76 AFRICA 14,028 16,100 15,074 3,027 340 0.11 -88.77 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,643 7,585 7,866 1,765 160 0.05 -90.93 South Africa 6,643 7,585 7,866 1,765 160 0.05 -90.93 WEST AFRICA 1,466 1,354 1,102 178 10 0.00 -94.38 Senegal 1,466 1,354 1,102 178 10 0.00 -94.38 OTHER AFRICA 5,919 7,161 6,106 1,084 170 0.06 -84.32 Other countries of Africa 5,919 7,161 6,106 1,084 170 0.06 -84.32 AMERICAS 5,512,533 5,692,126 6,043,819 1,659,931 218,070 73.31 -86.86 CARIBBEAN 16,374 17,052 13,536 2,601 426 0.14 -83.62 Cuba 4,633 5,023 4,606 831 119 0.04 -85.68 Dominican Republic 6,590 6,177 6,171 1,129 213 0.07 -81.13 Haiti 3,532 3,969 1,142 267 25 0.01 -90.64 Other countries of the Caribbean 1,619 1,883 1,617 374 69 0.02 -81.55 CENTRAL AMERICA 31,691 35,206 38,056 8,147 1,394 0.47 -82.89 Costa Rica 11,420 13,775 15,327 3,737 431 0.14 -88.47 El Salvador 3,771 4,457 4,331 851 169 0.06 -80.14 Guatemala 5,857 5,526 6,373 943 231 0.08 -75.50 Honduras 2,313 2,578 2,739 506 109 0.04 -78.46 Nicaragua 1,516 1,453 1,587 315 53 0.02 -83.17 Panama 6,697 7,309 7,615 1,778 401 0.13 -77.45 Other countries of Central America 117 108 84 17 NORTH AMERICA 538,196 572,872 636,551 215,341 52,516 17.65 -75.61 Canada 53,396 60,492 67,235 31,054 3,111 1.05 -89.98 Mexico 93,313 92,535 103,314 22,310 7,036 2.37 -68.46 United States of America 391,487 419,845 466,002 161,977 42,369 14.24 -73.84 SOUTH AMERICA 4,926,272 5,066,996 5,355,676 1,433,842 163,734 55.04 -88.58 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 552,178 548,066 550,109 176,692 9,696 3.26 -94.51 Brazil 1,241,378 1,318,148 1,474,567 356,875 45,113 15.17 -87.36 Chile 1,029,735 1,087,246 1,141,093 389,644 28,858 9.70 -92.59 Colombia 157,501 170,651 169,514 41,233 10,190 3.43 -75.29 Ecuador 50,244 55,307 58,448 12,072 3,057 1.03 -74.68 Paraguay 943,234 899,365 851,385 205,917 21,032 7.07 -89.79 Peru 191,916 194,934 209,565 59,156 8,353 2.81 -85.88 Uruguay 710,312 719,134 799,510 162,409 32,617 10.96 -79.92 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 49,539 73,904 101,123 29,803 4,804 1.61 -83.88 Other countries of South America 235 241 362 41 14 0.00 -65.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 4' COUNTRY TABLES ARGENTINA / ARGENTINE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 210,721 226,782 231,529 67,866 2,659 0.89 -96.08 NORHT-EAST ASIA 121,588 134,446 135,259 34,935 1,453 0.49 -95.84 China 59,894 71,959 76,452 16,138 663 0.22 -95.89 Hong Kong, China 1,169 7 Japan 25,511 26,858 25,009 7,327 273 0.09 -96.27 Korea, Republic of 35,014 35,622 33,798 11,470 517 0.17 -95.49 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 11,117 13,449 12,672 3,725 306 0.10 -91.79 Indonesia 1,262 1,598 1,356 528 49 0.02 -90.72 Malaysia 2,733 3,233 3,133 767 20 0.01 -97.39 Philippines 3,090 2,828 2,974 1,232 185 0.06 -84.98 Singapore 2,149 3,121 2,901 651 31 0.01 -95.24 Thailand 1,883 2,669 2,308 547 21 0.01 -96.16 AUSTRALASIA 71,307 70,220 76,473 25,705 529 0.18 -97.94 Australia 50,897 50,336 57,714 20,939 419 0.14 -98.00 New Zealand 20,410 19,884 18,759 4,766 110 0.04 -97.69 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,709 8,667 7,125 3,501 371 0.12 -89.40 Other countries of Asia 6,329 8,138 6,780 3,441 371 0.12 -89.22 Other countries of Oceania 380 529 345 60 EUROPE 963,604 994,889 1,096,468 356,762 75,945 25.53 -78.71 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 47,993 55,010 68,822 26,418 2,045 0.69 -92.26 Bulgaria 2,255 2,378 2,960 1,296 92 0.03 -92.90 Czech Republic (Czechia) 4,320 5,317 6,182 2,611 188 0.06 -92.80 Hungary 3,024 3,725 3,944 1,305 94 0.03 -92.80 Latvia 818 993 1,083 464 57 0.02 -87.72 Lithuania 1,204 1,558 2,012 648 63 0.02 -90.28 Poland 12,394 12,751 1 7,459 6,820 357 0.12 -94.77 Romania 4,742 5,691 6,688 2,266 199 0.07 -91.22 Russian Federation 12,967 15,711 19,733 7,921 697 0.23 -91.20 Slovakia 1,711 2,223 2,619 834 53 0.02 -93.65 Ukraine 4,558 4,663 6,142 2,253 245 0.08 -89.13 NORTHERN EUROPE 136,769 150,064 167,806 60,552 8,184 2.75 -86.48 Denmark 9,021 10,731 11,244 4,050 300 0.10 -92.59 Finland 5,225 4,740 5,060 1,664 200 0.07 -87.98 Iceland 605 595 586 176 19 0.01 -89.20 Ireland 9,024 9,897 10,843 3,428 225 0.08 -93.44 Norway 7,251 8,829 10,394 3,476 184 0.06 -94.71 Sweden 13,035 13,155 14,378 5,582 441 0.15 -92.10 United Kingdom 92,608 102,117 115,301 42,176 6,815 2.29 -83.84 SOUTHERN EUROPE 357,100 362,390 389,948 106,473 38,970 13.10 -63.40 Croatia 2,123 2,209 2,220 771 110 0.04 -85.73 Greece 4,040 4,441 4,943 1,373 168 0.06 -87.76 Italy 139,750 137,204 145,769 41,439 10,168 3.42 -75.46 Portugal 14,804 16,109 17,621 4,618 565 0.19 -87.77 Serbia 1,306 1,421 1,592 456 68 0.02 -85.09 Slovenia 1,706 1,942 2,186 706 67 0.02 -90.51 Spain 193,371 199,064 215,617 57,110 27,824 9.35 -51.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 42 COUNTRY TABLES ARGENTINA / ARGENTINE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 368,936 374,250 412,568 139,721 24,197 8.13 -82.68 Austria 13,895 13,796 14,311 5,518 486 0.16 -91.19 Belgium 18,712 19,228 22,566 6,339 653 0.22 -89.70 France 138,596 140,824 157,502 47,384 9,640 3.24 -79.66 Germany 125,052 126,588 139,310 51,981 8,553 2.88 -83.55 Netherlands 34,639 36,468 37,696 13,533 1,152 0.39 -91.49 Switzerland 38,042 37,346 41,183 14,966 3,713 1.25 -75.19 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 48,470 47,644 51,206 22,883 2,321 0.78 -89.86 Israel 41,783 40,141 44,592 20,599 2,071 0.70 -89.95 Turkiye 6,687 7,503 6,614 2,284 250 0.08 -89.05 OTHER EUROPE 4,336 5,531 6,118 715 228 0.08 -68.11 Other countries of Europe 4,336 5,531 6,118 715 228 0.08 -68.11 MIDDLE EAST 821 959 771 180 17 0.01 -90.56 Lebanon 821 959 771 180 17 0.01 -90.56 SOUTH ASIA 7,944 9,352 9,782 1,664 248 0.08 -85.10 India 7,944 9,352 9,782 1,664 248 0.08 -85.10 NOT SPECIFIED 1,678 1,620 1,607 115 198 0.07 72.17 Other countries of the world 1,678 1,620 1,607 115 198 0.07 72.17 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 43 COUNTRY TABLES ARMENIA/ ARMENIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,494,779 1,651,782 1,894,377 375,216 870,308 100.00 131.95 AFRICA 702 1,583 1,108 243 459 0.05 88.89 EAST AFRICA 109 137 126 14 37 0.00 164.29 Burundi 12 4 Comoros 14 32 13 2 5 0.00 150.00 Ethiopia 30 56 72 8 14 0.00 75.00 Zambia 23 20 13 2 0.00 Zimbabwe 30 25 28 4 16 0.00 300.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 12 203 37 111 17 0.00 -84.68 Angola 3 23 18 Cameroon 12 2 13 0.00 550.00 Central African Republic 12 91 Chad 45 4 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 80 10 3 0.00 Gabon 62 1 0.00 Sao Tome and Principe 1 NORTH AFRICA 104 220 159 12 30 0.00 150.00 Algeria 16 24 29 Morocco 50 74 60 6 11 0.00 83.33 South Sudan 2 3 1 4 Sudan 14 30 10 12 0.00 Tunisia 22 89 59 2 7 0.00 250.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 434 625 546 91 323 0.04 254.95 Botswana 4 3 1 Eswatini 5 Lesotho 3 2 Namibia 3 7 7 South Africa 422 612 536 91 323 0.04 254.95 WEST AFRICA 43 398 240 15 52 0.01 246.67 Benin 12 28 8 1 0.00 Burkina Faso 44 18 2 0.00 Cabo Verde 1 Cote d'lvoire 2 12 13 Ghana 24 4 55 2 11 0.00 450.00 Guinea 2 29 7 Guinea-Bissau 1 10 8 Liberia 2 1 3 Mali 50 8 1 3 0.00 200.00 Mauritania 11 7 Niger 47 96 12 31 0.00 158.33 Nigeria 54 1 Senegal 83 14 4 0.00 Togo 24 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 44 COUNTRY TABLES ARMENIA/ ARMENIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 102,376 101,616 75,959 9,480 34,506 3.96 263.99 CARIBBEAN 196 92 757 156 64 0.01 -58.97 Antigua and Barbuda 9 2 Bahamas 3 Cuba 196 80 755 156 64 0.01 -58.97 CENTRAL AMERICA 30 34 61 2 11 0.00 450.00 El Salvador 11 15 28 2 6 0.00 200.00 Guatemala 5 13 19 4 0.00 Honduras 7 1 6 Nicaragua 7 5 8 1 0.00 NORTH AMERICA 99,560 97,604 71,018 8,446 33,732 3.88 299.38 Canada 3,897 6,468 7,314 2,367 1,951 0.22 -17.57 Mexico 307 475 529 40 124 0.01 210.00 United States of America 95,356 90,661 63,175 6,039 31,657 3.64 424.21 SOUTH AMERICA 2,590 3,886 4,123 876 699 0.08 -20.21 Argentina 1,057 1,556 1,418 88 212 0.02 140.91 Brazil 1,017 1,457 1,912 560 344 0.04 -38.57 Chile 140 171 162 39 21 0.00 -46.15 Colombia 122 232 248 30 65 0.01 116.67 Ecuador 53 45 69 12 0.00 Guyana 2 2 Peru 42 112 6 25 35 0.00 40.00 Uruguay 109 244 238 36 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 50 67 68 98 10 0.00 -89.80 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 38,556 50,128 63,850 8,565 6,288 0.72 -26.58 NORHT-EAST ASIA 11,690 22,117 31,797 2,215 1,138 0.13 -48.62 China 5,747 9,189 15,550 840 717 0.08 -14.64 Hong Kong, China 1,473 2,012 299 17 0.00 -94.31 Japan 3,026 3,947 4,503 400 198 0.02 -50.50 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 7 Korea, Republic of 2,554 6,947 8,970 650 195 0.02 -70.00 Macao, China 41 34 22 Mongolia 48 68 82 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Taiwan Province of China 315 445 646 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 23,638 23,233 25,744 6,042 4,696 0.54 -22.28 Cambodia 1 24 25 5 0.00 Indonesia 488 540 447 58 80 0.01 37.93 Malaysia 473 538 1,174 93 24 0.00 -74.19 Myanmar 50 60 10 Philippines 22,007 20,363 20,262 5,440 4,452 0.51 -18.16 Singapore 826 1,252 63 43 0.00 -31.75 Thailand 610 826 2,455 375 86 0.01 -77.07 Viet Nam 59 66 69 3 6 0.00 100.00 AUSTRALASIA 3,224 4,760 6,299 308 445 0.05 44.48 Australia 2,956 4,263 5,717 262 357 0.04 36.26 New Zealand 268 497 582 46 88 0.01 91.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 45 COUNTRY TABLES ARMENIA/ ARMENIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MELANESIA 2 14 9 9 0.00 Fiji 2 6 9 1 0.00 Vanuatu 8 8 0.00 MICRONESIA 1 4 1 Kiribati 3 Marshall Islands 1 1 Palau 1 POLYNESIA 1 Samoa 1 EUROPE 1,095,672 1,269,384 1,516,278 325,087 702,091 80.67 115.97 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 976,920 1,113,024 1,328,454 305,569 638,201 73.33 108.86 Azerbaijan 7 14 11 Belarus 6,951 8,656 10,104 3,891 7,281 0.84 87.12 Bulgaria 2,349 2,471 2,481 724 1,424 0.16 96.69 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3,101 3,828 4,334 321 1,883 0.22 486.60 Estonia 1,048 1,583 1,580 166 527 0.06 217.47 Hungary 1,317 1,528 1,501 87 517 0.06 494.25 Latvia 1,548 1,871 2,390 247 762 0.09 208.50 Lithuania 1,439 1,708 864 226 811 0.09 258.85 Poland 13,375 15,397 17,134 791 4,148 0.48 424.40 Romania 1,231 1,721 2,296 244 741 0.09 203.69 Slovakia 1,065 1,726 1,684 90 531 0.06 490.00 Commonwealth Independent States 943,489 1,072,521 1,284,075 298,782 619,576 71.19 107.37 NORTHERN EUROPE 16,857 22,831 27,393 2,433 7,963 0.91 227.29 Denmark 2,197 2,541 2,694 240 707 0.08 194.58 Finland 1,097 1,331 1,727 96 351 0.04 265.63 Iceland 84 99 65 34 70 0.01 105.88 Ireland 781 983 1,105 110 324 0.04 194.55 Norway 1,612 2,222 2,547 92 304 0.03 230.43 Sweden 3,972 4,782 6,740 637 2,471 0.28 287.91 United Kingdom 7,114 10,873 12,515 1,224 3,736 0.43 205.23 SOUTHERN EUROPE 19,412 27,084 31,633 3,028 7,763 0.89 156.37 Albania 114 147 162 26 66 0.01 153.85 Bosnia and Herzegovina 271 245 166 81 95 0.01 17.28 Croatia 576 601 718 97 231 0.03 138.14 Greece 3,611 4,519 5,128 554 1,700 0.20 206.86 Italy 7,023 10,802 12,581 1,209 2,242 0.26 85.44 Malta 80 137 200 26 35 0.00 34.62 North Macedonia 257 323 265 59 186 0.02 215.25 Portugal 1,049 1,363 1,872 133 450 0.05 238.35 Serbia 699 950 1,032 108 428 0.05 296.30 Serbia and Montenegro 115 157 125 129 Slovenia 814 918 1,125 79 346 0.04 337.97 Spain 4,803 6,922 8,259 527 1,984 0.23 276.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 46 COUNTRY TABLES ARMENIA/ ARMENIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 57,790 86,057 108,124 9,116 42,275 4.86 363.75 Austria 3,502 5,202 5,865 400 1,945 0.22 386.25 Belgium 6,150 8,223 10,181 1,252 5,687 0.65 354.23 France 19,561 27,651 32,397 3,138 14,142 1.62 350.67 Germany 17,318 28,655 39,690 2,293 11,787 1.35 414.04 Netherlands 7,475 11,898 14,430 1,710 7,419 0.85 333.86 Switzerland 3,784 4,428 5,561 323 1,295 0.15 300.93 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 18,543 20,388 20,674 4,941 5,889 0.68 19.19 Cyprus 656 884 889 127 288 0.03 126.77 Israel 5,294 6,319 7,072 482 1,745 0.20 262.03 Turkiye 12,593 13,185 12,713 4,332 3,856 0.44 -10.99 OTHER EUROPE 6,150 Other countries of Europe 6,150 MIDDLE EAST 30,010 36,983 37,443 4,091 16,158 1.86 294.96 Bahrain 291 430 286 39 51 0.01 30.77 Egypt 395 622 784 126 149 0.02 18.25 Iraq 4,063 5,106 5,602 360 4,017 0.46 1,015.83 Jordan 1,545 1,972 2,109 219 726 0.08 231.51 Kuwait 493 608 728 88 111 0.01 26.14 Lebanon 9,901 11,491 12,244 1,214 3,316 0.38 173.15 Libya 2 4 2 1 0.00 Oman 1,295 1,142 1,117 156 94 0.01 -39.74 Qatar 193 219 247 47 134 0.02 185.11 Saudi Arabia 53 46 66 5 11 0.00 120.00 Syrian Arab Republic 3,089 3,298 3,198 268 1,138 0.13 324.63 United Arab Emirates 8,299 11,901 11,028 1,568 6,400 0.74 308.16 Yemen 391 144 32 1 10 0.00 900.00 SOUTH ASIA 227,463 192,088 199,739 27,750 110,806 12.73 299.30 Afghanistan 17 22 50 3 0.00 Bangladesh 38 35 67 5 24 0.00 380.00 India 11,589 31,213 38,735 3,089 17,901 2.06 479.51 Iran, Islamic Republic of 215,668 160,645 160,676 24,637 92,835 10.67 276.81 Nepal 23 35 37 5 8 0.00 60.00 Pakistan 80 77 104 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Sri Lanka 48 61 70 8 32 0.00 300.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 47 COUNTRY TABLES ARUBA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,070,548 1,082,003 1,118,944 368,322 806,555 100.00 118.98 AMERICAS 970,186 983,033 1,020,428 337,517 741,416 91.92 119.67 CARIBBEAN 24,526 26,404 23,246 5,761 11,300 1.40 96.15 Dominican Republic 1,791 1,481 1,336 311 582 0.07 87.14 Netherlands Antilles 20,203 22,230 19,499 4,785 9,159 1.14 91.41 Puerto Rico 123 80 81 96 377 0.05 292.71 Trinidad and Tobago 1,173 1,121 948 126 151 0.02 19.84 Other countries of the Caribbean 1,236 1,492 1,382 443 1,031 0.13 132.73 NORTH AMERICA 744,777 794,384 892,179 315,201 691,337 85.71 119.33 Canada 47,166 50,888 52,215 19,632 12,879 1.60 -34.40 Mexico 1,893 1,480 1,676 262 1,091 0.14 316.41 United States of America 695,718 742,016 838,288 295,307 677,367 83.98 129.38 SOUTH AMERICA 200,883 162,245 105,003 16,555 38,779 4.81 134.24 Argentina 27,769 26,370 15,515 3,630 2,030 0.25 -44.08 Brazil 14,607 14,409 11,323 1,733 4,420 0.55 155.05 Chile 10,036 11,242 9,518 1,272 1,315 0.16 3.38 Colombia 33,192 36,873 32,278 5,193 21,052 2.61 305.39 Ecuador 1,972 2,680 1,590 159 1,348 0.17 747.80 Paraguay 607 1,315 2,110 335 769 0.10 129.55 Peru 3,977 4,482 5,312 766 1,407 0.17 83.68 Suriname 5,271 5,740 4,793 787 1,496 0.19 90.09 Uruguay 1,355 2,262 2,049 283 587 0.07 107.42 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 96,653 50,582 14,958 1,218 1,190 0.15 -2.30 Other countries of South America 5,444 6,290 5,557 1,179 3,165 0.39 168.45 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 195 236 209 51 55 0.01 7.84 NORHT-EAST ASIA 195 236 209 51 55 0.01 7.84 Japan 195 236 209 51 55 0.01 7.84 EUROPE 90,649 89,747 93,304 28,201 53,698 6.66 90.41 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 550 594 563 178 188 0.02 5.62 Russian Federation 550 594 563 178 188 0.02 5.62 NORTHERN EUROPE 27,827 18,959 18,527 4,204 3,326 0.41 -20.88 Denmark 612 533 543 169 297 0.04 75.74 Finland 555 519 521 206 194 0.02 -5.83 Ireland 351 476 316 82 106 0.01 29.27 Norway 1,114 1,104 1,123 252 240 0.03 -4.76 Sweden 5,994 5,781 5,142 1,609 581 0.07 -63.89 United Kingdom 19,201 10,546 10,882 1,886 1,908 0.24 1.17 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,041 12,339 13,662 2,108 3,006 0.37 42.60 Italy 7,888 10,071 11,266 1,426 1,487 0.18 4.28 Portugal 453 403 501 112 243 0.03 116.96 Spain 1,700 1,865 1,895 570 1,276 0.16 123.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 48 COUNTRY TABLES ARUBA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 47,982 52,714 55,217 19,331 43,316 5.37 124.08 Austria 602 767 806 232 361 0.04 55.60 Belgium 2,178 3,057 2,349 740 1,364 0.17 84.32 Germany 5,783 6,539 6,958 1,822 3,195 0.40 75.36 Netherlands 37,246 40,231 42,946 15,974 37,533 4.65 134.96 Switzerland 2,173 2,120 2,158 563 863 0.11 53.29 OTHER EUROPE 4,249 5,141 5,335 2,380 3,862 0.48 62.27 Other countries of Europe 4,249 5,141 5,335 2,380 3,862 0.48 62.27 NOT SPECIFIED 9,518 8,987 5,003 2,553 11,386 1.41 345.99 Other countries of the world 9,518 8,987 5,003 2,553 11,386 1.41 345.99 ARUBA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 848,176 852,886 874,696 279,288 627,200 100.00 124.57 AMERICAS 794,255 804,090 826,860 268,221 603,542 96.23 125.02 CARIBBEAN 11,066 10,645 8,203 1,822 3,865 0.62 112.13 Dominican Republic 718 588 448 82 187 0.03 128.05 Netherlands Antilles 8,742 8,375 6,383 1,476 3,223 0.51 118.36 Puerto Rico 84 58 59 55 200 0.03 263.64 Trinidad and Tobago 840 737 670 67 79 0.01 17.91 Other countries of the Caribbean 682 887 643 142 176 0.03 23.94 NORTH AMERICA 664,915 693,927 754,691 257,326 578,407 92.22 124.78 Canada 36,467 38,783 36,490 12,137 8,592 1.37 -29.21 Mexico 1,290 1,175 1,097 137 722 0.12 427.01 United States of America 627,158 653,969 717,104 245,052 569,093 90.74 132.23 SOUTH AMERICA 118,274 99,518 63,966 9,073 21,270 3.39 134.43 Argentina 23,242 21,595 12,341 2,673 1,504 0.24 -43.73 Brazil 12,264 11,399 8,546 1,237 3,660 0.58 195.88 Chile 8,820 9,855 7,605 956 1,066 0.17 11.51 Colombia 19,605 20,987 16,996 2,041 9,501 1.51 365.51 Ecuador 1,209 1,760 899 63 679 0.11 977.78 Peru 3,239 3,622 4,163 537 909 0.14 69.27 Suriname 1,867 1,820 1,285 141 487 0.08 245.39 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 42,410 21,093 5,087 309 501 0.08 62.14 Other countries of South America 5,618 7,387 7,044 1,116 2,963 0.47 165.50 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 110 159 137 31 17 0.00 -45.16 NORHT-EAST ASIA 110 159 137 31 17 0.00 -45.16 Japan 110 159 137 31 17 0.00 -45.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 49 COUNTRY TABLES ARU BA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 50,843 45,308 44,555 9,820 19,832 3.16 101.96 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 308 327 238 91 59 0.01 -35.16 Russian Federation 308 327 238 91 59 0.01 -35.16 NORTHERN EUROPE 23,221 14,522 14,054 2,615 1,672 0.27 -36.06 Denmark 326 326 322 66 124 0.02 87.88 Finland 355 369 312 100 73 0.01 -27.00 Norway 692 705 660 112 86 0.01 -23.21 Sweden 4,963 4,583 3,911 1,085 367 0.06 -66.18 United Kingdom 16,885 8,539 8,849 1,252 1,022 0.16 -18.37 SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,075 8,883 9,245 813 1,235 0.20 51.91 Italy 5,861 7,741 8,064 598 594 0.09 -0.67 Portugal 308 230 318 51 114 0.02 123.53 Spain 906 912 863 164 527 0.08 221.34 WESTERN EUROPE 17,719 18,573 18,164 5,346 15,120 2.41 182.83 Austria 377 419 424 115 125 0.02 8.70 Belgium 1,128 1,719 1,170 311 594 0.09 91.00 Germany 2,849 3,016 3,123 628 1,182 0.19 88.22 Netherlands 12,033 12,206 12,249 4,057 12,818 2.04 215.95 Switzerland 1,332 1,213 1,198 235 401 0.06 70.64 OTHER EUROPE 2,520 3,003 2,854 955 1,746 0.28 82.83 Other countries of Europe 2,520 3,003 2,854 955 1,746 0.28 82.83 NOT SPECIFIED 2,968 3,329 3,144 1,216 3,809 0.61 213.24 Other countries of the world 2,968 3,329 3,144 1,216 3,809 0.61 213.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 5C COUNTRY TABLES ARUBA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 5,907,457 5,960,692 5,945,094 2,034,867 4,343,686 100.00 113.46 AMERICAS 5,402,082 5,527,353 5,534,166 1,934,471 4,125,920 94.99 113.28 CARIBBEAN 42,259 39,329 29,746 6,787 15,840 0.36 133.39 Dominican Republic 2,716 2,564 1,947 428 1,150 0.03 168.69 Netherlands Antilles 32,051 29,699 21,252 5,071 12,190 0.28 140.39 Puerto Rico 414 266 246 359 1,078 0.02 200.28 Trinidad and Tobago 3,953 3,386 3,164 219 427 0.01 94.98 Other countries of the Caribbean 3,125 3,414 3,137 710 995 0.02 40.14 NORTH AMERICA 4,597,819 4,828,624 5,081,878 1,863,966 3,964,909 91.28 112.71 Canada 295,292 316,133 296,979 105,026 85,374 1.97 -18.71 Mexico 6,821 6,482 6,108 844 4,432 0.10 425.12 United States of America 4,295,706 4,506,009 4,778,791 1,758,096 3,875,103 89.21 120.41 SOUTH AMERICA 762,004 659,400 422,542 63,718 145,171 3.34 127.83 Argentina 204,300 188,087 106,647 25,316 15,497 0.36 -38.79 Brazil 81,907 75,681 54,457 7,584 23,922 0.55 215.43 Chile 67,677 73,930 55,318 7,142 8,611 0.20 20.57 Colombia 104,294 108,836 90,878 11,576 58,779 1.35 407.77 Ecuador 5,738 7,779 4,362 294 3,424 0.08 1,064.63 Peru 18,376 19,805 22,002 2,715 5,943 0.14 118.90 Suriname 9,811 8,967 6,018 618 2,590 0.06 319.09 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 237,620 131,933 40,955 1,654 5,943 0.14 259.31 Other countries of South America 32,281 44,382 41,905 6,819 20,462 0.47 200.07 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 450 680 572 171 114 0.00 -33.33 NORHT-EAST ASIA 450 680 572 171 114 0.00 -33.33 Japan 450 680 572 171 114 0.00 -33.33 EUROPE 491,516 415,454 392,522 92,734 193,650 4.46 108.82 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,218 2,611 1,609 408 769 0.02 88.48 Russian Federation 2,218 2,611 1,609 408 769 0.02 88.48 NORTHERN EUROPE 262,798 161,673 154,426 29,579 18,477 0.43 -37.53 Denmark 2,552 2,657 2,512 583 1,211 0.03 107.72 Finland 3,228 3,161 2,817 968 763 0.02 -21.18 Norway 6,659 6,785 6,557 1,101 911 0.02 -17.26 Sweden 59,640 55,955 47,462 13,883 4,587 0.11 -66.96 United Kingdom 190,719 93,115 95,078 13,044 11,005 0.25 -15.63 SOUTHERN EUROPE 49,912 64,187 64,120 6,233 13,264 0.31 112.80 Italy 41,360 55,945 55,469 4,464 6,403 0.15 43.44 Portugal 1,836 1,523 2,352 406 957 0.02 135.71 Spain 6,716 6,719 6,299 1,363 5,904 0.14 333.16 WESTERN EUROPE 155,961 163,346 150,612 48,257 144,718 3.33 199.89 Austria 3,258 3,881 3,241 1,194 1,423 0.03 19.18 Belgium 9,265 14,984 10,005 2,965 5,567 0.13 87.76 Germany 25,731 26,955 27,026 6,061 12,271 0.28 102.46 Netherlands 106,350 106,903 100,634 35,791 120,936 2.78 237.90 Switzerland 11,357 10,623 9,706 2,246 4,521 0.10 101.29 OTHER EUROPE 20,627 23,637 21,755 8,257 16,422 0.38 98.89 Other countries of Europe 20,627 23,637 21,755 8,257 16,422 0.38 98.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 5' COUNTRY TABLES ARUBA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NOT SPECIFIED 13,409 1 7,205 17,834 7,491 24,002 0.55 220.41 Other countries of the world 13,409 1 7,205 17,834 7,491 24,002 0.55 220.41 ARUBA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 7,966,583 8,069,965 8,247,848 2,895,628 6,008,580 100.00 107.51 AMERICAS 6,865,907 7,030,503 7,168,564 2,520,097 5,254,854 87.46 108.52 CARIBBEAN 148,057 148,097 142,196 33,049 74,581 1.24 125.67 Dominican Republic 16,727 15,855 17,181 3,513 6,580 0.11 87.30 Netherlands Antilles 111,266 112,915 102,802 23,895 52,609 0.88 120.17 Puerto Rico 625 402 368 654 2,467 0.04 277.22 Trinidad and Tobago 7,460 7,300 5,830 570 1,200 0.02 110.53 Other countries of the Caribbean 11,979 11,625 16,015 4,417 11,725 0.20 165.45 NORTH AMERICA 5,240,545 5,612,625 6,091,297 2,345,675 4,845,435 80.64 106.57 Canada 411,253 445,711 458,687 187,628 150,480 2.50 -19.80 Mexico 11,394 11,937 12,428 2,075 9,002 0.15 333.83 United States of America 4,817,898 5,154,977 5,620,182 2,155,972 4,685,953 77.99 117.35 SOUTH AMERICA 1,477,305 1,269,781 935,071 141,373 334,838 5.57 136.85 Argentina 251,844 235,742 138,708 36,179 22,972 0.38 -36.50 Brazil 98,910 97,693 75,132 11,303 31,301 0.52 1 76.93 Chile 78,666 85,694 71,443 10,122 12,002 0.20 18.57 Colombia 264,779 280,983 287,618 45,324 1 77,259 2.95 291.09 Ecuador 12,849 16,360 12,282 1,581 11,544 0.19 630.17 Peru 28,264 30,487 36,437 5,292 12,706 0.21 140.10 Suriname 41,289 43,960 39,541 6,073 14,213 0.24 134.04 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 654,330 413,980 209,429 12,674 17,332 0.29 36.75 Other countries of South America 46,374 64,882 64,481 12,825 35,509 0.59 176.87 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,166 1,157 930 350 900 0.01 157.14 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,166 1,157 930 350 900 0.01 157.14 Japan 1,166 1,157 930 350 900 0.01 157.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 52 COUNTRY TABLES ARU BA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,006,545 955,533 1,041,420 354,616 682,734 11.36 92.53 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,664 5,081 4,213 1,089 3,355 0.06 208.08 Russian Federation 4,664 5,081 4,213 1,089 3,355 0.06 208.08 NORTHERN EUROPE 312,963 205,471 200,434 48,928 43,147 0.72 -11.82 Denmark 5,241 4,325 4,487 1,670 4,000 0.07 139.52 Finland 5,298 4,646 5,073 2,517 3,664 0.06 45.57 Norway 12,329 11,887 12,184 2,965 3,181 0.05 7.28 Sweden 71,734 69,690 61,924 20,196 7,634 0.13 -62.20 United Kingdom 218,361 114,923 116,766 21,580 24,668 0.41 14.31 SOUTHERN EUROPE 81,610 100,559 112,418 23,528 42,728 0.71 81.60 Italy 61,449 78,530 86,253 14,510 21,270 0.35 46.59 Portugal 3,931 4,231 5,130 1,403 2,715 0.05 93.51 Spain 16,230 17,798 21,035 7,615 18,743 0.31 146.13 WESTERN EUROPE 564,387 594,867 674,590 254,289 545,105 9.07 114.36 Austria 5,362 7,789 7,090 2,518 4,704 0.08 86.81 Belgium 22,991 30,619 24,923 9,291 17,104 0.28 84.09 Germany 54,486 62,508 65,117 20,743 40,213 0.67 93.86 Netherlands 461,441 474,207 558,654 215,187 471,239 7.84 118.99 Switzerland 20,107 19,744 18,806 6,550 11,845 0.20 80.84 OTHER EUROPE 42,921 49,555 49,765 26,782 48,399 0.81 80.71 Other countries of Europe 42,921 49,555 49,765 26,782 48,399 0.81 80.71 NOT SPECIFIED 92,965 82,772 36,934 20,565 70,092 1.17 240.83 Other countries of the world 92,965 82,772 36,934 20,565 70,092 1.17 240.83 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 53 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRALIA / AUSTRÁLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 0 8,815,322 9,245,683 9,465,903 1,827,725 246,228 100.00 -86.53 AFRICA 89,560 95,054 94,933 18,211 1,799 0.73 -90.12 EAST AFRICA 25,610 26,350 25,364 5,192 575 0.23 -88.93 Burundi 20 35 35 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Comoros 10 11 17 1 2 0.00 100.00 Djibouti 30 3 18 Eritrea 70 53 69 10 Ethiopia 560 465 558 106 35 0.01 -66.98 Kenya 5,590 5,338 5,453 1,275 160 0.06 -87.45 Madagascar 250 364 214 66 9 0.00 -86.36 Malawi 8,170 281 269 90 6 0.00 -93.33 Mauritius 180 8,434 8,158 1,715 144 0.06 -91.60 Mozambique 440 412 441 58 3 0.00 -94.83 Reunion 2,470 2,320 1,930 348 4 0.00 -98.85 Rwanda 430 223 97 22 8 0.00 -63.64 Seychelles 40 489 585 76 10 0.00 -86.84 Somalia 160 178 144 26 13 0.01 -50.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,050 1,255 1,148 215 47 0.02 -78.14 Uganda 620 921 676 149 22 0.01 -85.23 Zambia 1,400 1,592 1,283 233 42 0.02 -81.97 Zimbabwe 4,120 3,976 4,269 797 68 0.03 -91.47 CENTRAL AFRICA 530 946 883 141 28 0.01 -80.14 Angola 90 137 268 48 9 0.00 -81.25 Cameroon 90 143 78 10 4 0.00 -60.00 Central African Republic 10 1 Chad 150 357 293 12 Congo 120 144 182 6 8 0.00 33.33 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 30 89 42 50 5 0.00 -90.00 Equatorial Guinea 44 12 2 0.00 Gabon 30 31 7 15 Sao Tome and Principe 10 1 NORTH AFRICA 1,400 1,921 1,790 427 83 0.03 -80.56 Algeria 340 511 503 96 24 0.01 -75.00 Morocco 550 634 735 211 12 0.00 -94.31 South Sudan 40 41 92 10 5 0.00 -50.00 Sudan 230 525 276 71 25 0.01 -64.79 Tunisia 240 210 184 39 17 0.01 -56.41 SOUTHERN AFRICA 58,530 60,892 63,179 11,590 861 0.35 -92.57 Botswana 850 790 1,054 256 21 0.01 -91.80 Eswatini 110 83 137 7 Lesotho 50 73 34 9 Namibia 660 892 641 110 10 0.00 -90.91 South Africa 56,860 59,054 61,313 11,208 830 0.34 -92.59 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 54 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRALIA / AUSTRÁLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021-2020 WEST AFRICA 3,490 4,923 3,709 861 252 0.10 -70.73 Benin 10 22 23 Burkina Faso 50 59 85 12 15 0.01 25.00 Cabo Verde 4 Cote d'lvoire 90 96 91 2 3 0.00 50.00 Gambia 20 43 31 6 6 0.00 Ghana 760 1,403 863 255 42 0.02 -83.53 Guinea 200 216 193 35 3 0.00 -91.43 Liberia 130 90 70 1 8 0.00 700.00 Mali 150 127 31 49 6 0.00 -87.76 Mauritania 30 68 114 2 4 0.00 100.00 Niger 110 185 107 29 26 0.01 -10.34 Nigeria 1,690 2,227 1,866 443 130 0.05 -70.65 Saint Helena 51 24 Senegal 140 176 107 19 7 0.00 -63.16 Sierra Leone 100 142 45 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Togo 10 18 55 OTHER AFRICA 22 8 Other countries of Africa 22 8 AMERICAS 1,095,810 1,139,083 1,173,335 282,481 21,880 8.89 -92.25 CARIBBEAN 4,140 5,211 4,336 1,160 171 0.07 -85.26 Anguilla 9 19 Antigua and Barbuda 20 25 26 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Aruba 50 66 32 1 3 0.00 200.00 Bahamas 340 349 393 77 33 0.01 -57.14 Barbados 220 356 258 52 8 0.00 -84.62 Bermuda 600 780 674 237 30 0.01 -87.34 British Virgin Islands 48 27 26 3 0.00 -88.46 Cayman Islands 80 390 480 85 52 0.02 -38.82 Cuba 560 341 300 50 4 0.00 -92.00 Curacao 210 13 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Dominica 180 193 112 36 Dominican Republic 200 173 184 33 3 0.00 -90.91 Grenada 140 392 183 72 4 0.00 -94.44 Guadeloupe 70 53 26 8 Haiti 90 35 81 13 1 0.00 -92.31 Jamaica 420 681 355 106 12 0.00 -88.68 Martinique 50 53 34 9 Montserrat 30 34 19 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Puerto Rico 300 379 481 122 3 0.00 -97.54 Saint Kitts and Nevis 25 3 0.00 Saint Lucia 40 72 43 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 20 76 20 3 Trinidad and Tobago 500 588 581 159 6 0.00 -96.23 Turks and Caicos Islands 80 1 2 Other countries of the Caribbean 20 7 34 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 55 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRALIA / AUSTRÁLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,320 2,458 2,874 565 68 0.03 -87.96 Belize 20 48 47 21 2 0.00 -90.48 Costa Rica 790 891 976 131 19 0.01 -85.50 El Salvador 280 260 422 57 5 0.00 -91.23 Guatemala 390 406 382 98 13 0.01 -86.73 Honduras 180 225 154 38 2 0.00 -94.74 Nicaragua 40 61 53 16 1 0.00 -93.75 Panama 590 567 840 204 26 0.01 -87.25 Other countries of Central America 30 NORTH AMERICA 959,500 983,431 1,020,887 244,035 20,151 8.18 -91.74 Canada 167,580 182,097 189,613 52,302 3,278 1.33 -93.73 Greenland 70 74 13 8 Mexico 11,280 11,880 13,280 3,034 135 0.05 -95.55 United States of America 780,570 789,380 817,981 188,691 16,738 6.80 -91.13 SOUTH AMERICA 129,850 147,983 145,238 36,721 1,490 0.61 -95.94 Argentina 23,030 29,018 23,825 6,867 328 0.13 -95.22 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 440 305 323 83 6 0.00 -92.77 Brazil 55,680 57,863 57,940 13,064 648 0.26 -95.04 Chile 24,480 30,867 29,591 7,740 161 0.07 -97.92 Colombia 16,050 19,057 21,739 5,904 187 0.08 -96.83 Ecuador 1,220 1,430 1,501 391 13 0.01 -96.68 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 50 62 19 French Guiana 10 1 16 9 Guyana 110 131 102 31 3 0.00 -90.32 Paraguay 370 422 489 89 3 0.00 -96.63 Peru 4,380 4,678 5,262 1,180 108 0.04 -90.85 Suriname 60 85 81 2 3 0.00 50.00 Uruguay 2,430 2,807 3,239 1,136 19 0.01 -98.33 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,540 1,257 1,111 225 11 0.00 -95.11 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,487,022 5,751,941 5,898,108 953,985 153,460 62.32 -83.91 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,567,060 2,716,638 2,743,511 452,513 14,221 5.78 -96.86 China 1,356,890 1,432,192 1,438,666 207,696 6,531 2.65 -96.86 Hong Kong, China 281,180 308,637 315,142 60,927 3,098 1.26 -94.92 Japan 434,500 469,233 498,645 91,701 1,864 0.76 -97.97 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 8 4 0.00 Korea, Republic of 302,230 288,113 280,497 53,523 2,069 0.84 -96.13 Macao, China 8,470 9,790 9,674 1,682 20 0.01 -98.81 Mongolia 3,870 5,880 6,251 1,039 153 0.06 -85.27 Taiwan Province of China 1 79,920 202,793 194,628 35,945 482 0.20 -98.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 56 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRALIA / AUSTRÁLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,371,110 1,445,124 1,509,983 215,513 28,833 11.71 -86.62 Brunei Darussalam 6,800 7,120 7,834 1,255 88 0.04 -92.99 Cambodia 10,240 12,330 15,724 2,864 172 0.07 -93.99 Indonesia 192,780 208,727 221,729 34,349 2,815 1.14 -91.80 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2,300 2,380 2,892 520 48 0.02 -90.77 Malaysia 396,770 401,041 384,927 44,803 2,342 0.95 -94.77 Myanmar 7,000 7,110 7,816 1,894 245 0.10 -87.06 Philippines 126,750 143,740 158,548 26,546 4,454 1.81 -83.22 Singapore 432,970 447,790 478,506 58,313 15,820 6.42 -72.87 Thailand 97,860 99,356 102,696 15,103 1,387 0.56 -90.82 Timor-Leste 3,810 4,730 5,840 1,398 172 0.07 -87.70 Viet Nam 93,830 110,800 123,471 28,468 1,290 0.52 -95.47 AUSTRALASIA 1,359,520 1,384,911 1,433,777 242,457 96,739 39.29 -60.10 New Zealand 1,359,520 1,384,911 1,433,777 242,457 96,739 39.29 -60.10 MELANESIA 160,460 170,001 174,330 37,214 9,024 3.66 -75.75 Fiji 42,390 45,612 45,675 8,612 1,134 0.46 -86.83 New Caledonia 48,240 53,808 54,573 13,999 583 0.24 -95.84 Papua New Guinea 50,730 48,821 49,415 9,304 1,183 0.48 -87.29 Solomon Islands 6,450 7,180 7,550 1,485 1,240 0.50 -16.50 Vanuatu 12,650 14,580 17,117 3,814 4,884 1.98 28.05 MICRONESIA 6,950 8,105 8,880 1,337 366 0.15 -72.63 Guam 850 698 1,066 135 17 0.01 -87.41 Kiribati 1,130 1,533 1,719 279 236 0.10 -15.41 Marshall Islands 110 82 101 6 Micronesia, Federated States of 140 137 105 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Nauru 4,630 5,536 5,677 887 111 0.05 -87.49 Palau 90 119 212 19 1 0.00 -94.74 POLYNESIA 21,922 27,160 27,627 4,951 4,277 1.74 -13.61 American Samoa 30 23 12 2 0.00 Cook Islands 2,320 2,426 2,484 383 65 0.03 -83.03 French Polynesia 2,822 2,951 2,982 632 23 0.01 -96.36 Niue 250 116 177 32 6 0.00 -81.25 Pitcairn 6 Samoa 6,980 8,345 8,702 1,372 2,037 0.83 48.47 Tokelau 90 262 100 1 1 0.00 Tonga 9,040 12,640 12,814 2,444 2,112 0.86 -13.58 Tuvalu 220 246 250 60 30 0.01 -50.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 170 145 106 27 1 0.00 -96.30 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2 Other countries of Oceania 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 57 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRALIA / AUSTRÁLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,643,960 1,689,751 1,678,752 442,137 44,671 18.14 -89.90 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 72,900 78,534 82,422 24,950 3,066 1.25 -87.71 Armenia 330 340 298 72 10 0.00 -86.11 Azerbaijan 390 510 320 92 23 0.01 -75.00 Belarus 620 597 709 194 38 0.02 -80.41 Bulgaria 1,830 2,391 2,177 710 121 0.05 -82.96 Czech Republic (Czechia) 8,640 10,264 11,053 3,255 265 0.11 -91.86 Estonia 4,340 4,680 4,425 1,236 63 0.03 -94.90 Georgia 270 460 354 109 92 0.04 -15.60 Hungary 6,800 6,337 6,317 1,956 125 0.05 -93.61 Kazakhstan 1,460 1,480 1,501 501 60 0.02 -88.02 Kyrgyzstan 90 100 202 25 4 0.00 -84.00 Latvia 1,440 1,474 1,460 590 68 0.03 -88.47 Lithuania 1,720 1,898 2,038 595 77 0.03 -87.06 Moldova, Republic of 130 132 283 153 11 0.00 -92.81 Poland 18,250 19,973 21,054 6,445 502 0.20 -92.21 Romania 2,410 2,751 3,191 847 173 0.07 -79.57 Russian Federation 15,270 16,271 17,912 5,094 483 0.20 -90.52 Slovakia 4,760 4,557 4,497 1,289 107 0.04 -91.70 Tajikistan 10 10 35 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Turkmenistan 30 20 14 1 Ukraine 3,700 3,819 4,158 1,653 831 0.34 -49.73 Uzbekistan 410 470 424 127 12 0.00 -90.55 NORTHERN EUROPE 905,940 914,013 896,492 248,229 25,937 10.53 -89.55 Channel Islands 1,400 Denmark 28,320 30,560 29,672 8,769 598 0.24 -93.18 Faeroe Islands 40 20 88 30 3 0.00 -90.00 Finland 16,160 16,890 16,378 3,982 229 0.09 -94.25 Iceland 1,060 1,248 1,242 301 16 0.01 -94.68 Ireland 57,720 62,369 67,274 17,070 1,895 0.77 -88.90 Isle of Man 950 Norway 22,240 24,260 23,385 5,810 485 0.20 -91.65 Sweden 47,520 45,690 42,624 11,476 823 0.33 -92.83 United Kingdom 730,530 732,976 715,829 200,791 21,888 8.89 -89.10 SOUTHERN EUROPE 148,380 157,990 156,841 35,112 4,320 1.75 -87.70 Albania 340 384 413 91 14 0.01 -84.62 Andorra 190 326 324 121 20 0.01 -83.47 Bosnia and Herzegovina 790 902 894 195 37 0.02 -81.03 Croatia 3,410 3,329 3,593 1,120 278 0.11 -75.18 Gibraltar 160 246 232 21 10 0.00 -52.38 Greece 9,390 8,544 8,659 1,861 350 0.14 -81.19 Holy See 10 16 Italy 75,280 77,937 75,183 14,969 1,777 0.72 -88.13 Malta 2,760 2,830 2,901 711 84 0.03 -88.19 Montenegro 230 282 226 107 39 0.02 -63.55 North Macedonia 1,990 2,132 1,967 534 71 0.03 -86.70 Portugal 6,510 7,576 8,283 2,154 407 0.17 -81.10 San Marino 50 29 73 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 58 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRALIA / AUSTRÁLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Serbia 3,110 2,898 3,119 1,010 120 0.05 -88.12 Slovenia 3,970 3,411 3,405 967 93 0.04 -90.38 Spain 40,080 47,014 47,468 11,226 1,009 0.41 -91.01 Other countries of Southern Europe 110 134 101 22 11 0.00 -50.00 WESTERN EUROPE 491,800 512,375 516,612 127,451 10,033 4.07 -92.13 Austria 18,160 18,970 19,514 4,748 402 0.16 -91.53 Belgium 21,220 22,999 23,609 5,743 470 0.19 -91.82 France 129,620 142,732 143,735 34,698 2,974 1.21 -91.43 Germany 208,360 207,290 207,105 53,022 3,135 1.27 -94.09 Liechtenstein 70 96 146 63 8 0.00 -87.30 Luxembourg 1,860 1,796 2,236 453 63 0.03 -86.09 Monaco 520 769 788 135 116 0.05 -14.07 Netherlands 55,430 59,787 64,739 15,267 1,666 0.68 -89.09 Switzerland 56,560 57,936 54,740 13,322 1,199 0.49 -91.00 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 24,940 26,839 26,385 6,395 1,315 0.53 -79.44 Cyprus 2,400 2,690 2,372 495 96 0.04 -80.61 Israel 14,090 15,765 16,277 3,785 835 0.34 -77.94 Turkiye 8,450 8,384 7,736 2,115 384 0.16 -81.84 MIDDLE EAST 88,200 85,167 83,214 17,032 4,908 1.99 -71.18 Bahrain 1,920 1,802 1,848 283 85 0.03 -69.96 Egypt 3,370 3,148 3,545 725 263 0.11 -63.72 Iraq 830 950 923 165 90 0.04 -45.45 Jordan 2,040 2,195 1,825 408 97 0.04 -76.23 Kuwait 4,830 4,232 3,661 664 52 0.02 -92.17 Lebanon 7,010 7,299 6,742 1,173 381 0.15 -67.52 Libya 70 81 59 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Oman 3,640 2,978 3,218 807 95 0.04 -88.23 Qatar 5,930 6,681 6,000 1,183 415 0.17 -64.92 Saudi Arabia 12,770 13,760 14,507 4,352 621 0.25 -85.73 State of Palestine 16 16 Syrian Arab Republic 280 226 363 24 6 0.00 -75.00 United Arab Emirates 45,480 41,769 40,395 7,202 2,799 1.14 -61.14 Yemen 30 30 128 22 2 0.00 -90.91 SOUTH ASIA 410,770 484,687 537,561 113,879 19,510 7.92 -82.87 Afghanistan 790 1,780 1,673 429 1,276 0.52 197.44 Bangladesh 16,980 18,850 20,253 4,534 626 0.25 -86.19 Bhutan 750 1,170 1,531 609 32 0.01 -94.75 India 302,570 357,747 399,305 83,971 12,960 5.26 -84.57 Iran, Islamic Republic of 14,340 13,280 10,618 1,898 410 0.17 -78.40 Maldives 1,090 990 1,247 181 22 0.01 -87.85 Nepal 20,440 29,170 38,105 7,785 1,406 0.57 -81.94 Pakistan 18,180 19,660 20,886 5,928 1,129 0.46 -80.95 Sri Lanka 35,630 42,040 43,943 8,544 1,649 0.67 -80.70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 59 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 21,338,164 22,026,364 22,662,144 9,570,060 8,391,857 100.00 -12.31 AFRICA 66,466 69,141 67,764 16,609 13,859 0.17 -16.56 SOUTHERN AFRICA 19,196 20,193 19,723 4,214 1,468 0.02 -65.16 South Africa 19,196 20,193 19,723 4,214 1468 0.02 -65.16 OTHER AFRICA 47,270 48,948 48,041 12,395 12,391 0.15 -0.03 Other countries of Africa 47,270 48,948 48,041 12,395 12391 0.15 -0.03 AMERICAS 940,311 992,494 1,022,040 137,308 147,953 1.76 7.75 NORTH AMERICA 745,655 799,885 845,744 108,055 129,050 1.54 19.43 Canada 90,692 97,193 107,796 14,281 113,620 1.35 695.60 United States of America 654,963 702,692 737,948 93,774 15,430 0.18 -83.55 SOUTH AMERICA 72,202 65,971 65,795 11,775 3,382 0.04 -71.28 Brazil 72,202 65,971 65,795 11,775 3382 0.04 -71.28 OTHER AMERICAS 122,454 126,638 110,501 17,478 15,521 0.18 -11.20 Other countries of the Americas 122,454 126,638 110,501 17,478 15,521 0.18 -11.20 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,892,639 2,008,670 2,109,742 207,096 34,513 0.41 -83.33 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,481,828 1,591,378 1,681,152 153,352 16,090 0.19 -89.51 China 858,805 921,760 976,552 65,672 6,594 0.08 -89.96 Japan 199,822 209,579 244,197 34,844 4635 0.06 -86.70 Korea, Republic of 275,676 287,348 290,250 31,996 3898 0.05 -87.82 Taiwan Province of China 147,525 172,691 170,153 20,840 963 0.01 -95.38 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 200,595 213,642 227,435 22,232 7,482 0.09 -66.35 All countries of South-East Asia 200,595 213,642 227,435 22,232 7482 0.09 -66.35 AUSTRALASIA 136,212 131,666 131,096 20,381 4,739 0.06 -76.75 Australia 120,886 115,530 114,071 18,217 3,913 0.05 -78.52 New Zealand 15,326 16,136 1 7,025 2,164 826 0.01 -61.83 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 74,004 71,984 70,059 11,131 6,202 0.07 -44.28 Other countries of Asia 74,004 71,984 70,059 11,131 6,202 0.07 -44.28 EUROPE 17,717,971 18,244,346 18,738,680 9,033,281 7,990,278 95.21 -11.55 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,149,117 2,286,423 2,476,996 1,002,035 856,525 10.21 -14.52 Bulgaria 63,167 68,604 68,050 16,931 17,314 0.21 2.26 Czech Republic (Czechia) 497,680 535,600 584,070 279,559 239,954 2.86 -14.17 Estonia 22,086 21,324 20,329 9,400 10,721 0.13 14.05 Hungary 374,994 409,579 438,286 189,328 151,194 1.80 -20.14 Latvia 16,997 17,313 19,218 6,367 9,935 0.12 56.04 Lithuania 22,601 20,686 23,858 8,656 12,328 0.15 42.42 Poland 318,795 341,089 367,090 178,631 174,775 2.08 -2.16 Romania 259,747 271,467 295,730 94,633 107,934 1.29 14.06 Russian Federation 280,812 282,348 290,885 82,650 23,705 0.28 -71.32 Slovakia 152,823 156,214 164,501 78,548 65,084 0.78 -17.14 Ukraine 95,070 116,354 156,545 45,231 33,247 0.40 -26.50 Other countries Central/East Europe 44,345 45,845 48,434 12,101 10,334 0.12 -14.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 sc COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,447,442 1,500,825 1,511,089 504,560 231,292 2.76 -54.16 Denmark 233,456 236,535 249,724 122,640 78,686 0.94 -35.84 Finland 94,130 98,503 95,773 28,639 20,003 0.24 -30.15 Iceland 10,609 11,454 15,035 4,344 3,549 0.04 -18.30 Ireland 63,158 68,866 74,969 30,028 13,982 0.17 -53.44 Norway 82,803 82,968 91,174 25,025 11,730 0.14 -53.13 Sweden 199,535 196,177 207,276 59,232 34,208 0.41 -42.25 United Kingdom 763,751 806,322 777,138 234,652 69,134 0.82 -70.54 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,638,551 1,665,462 1,722,740 496,424 479,682 5.72 -3.37 Croatia 100,428 102,672 111,596 44,615 30,217 0.36 -32.27 Greece 59,011 64,116 75,351 23,443 22,117 0.26 -5.66 Italy 883,454 878,718 873,549 253,836 253,501 3.02 -0.13 Malta 10,796 13,319 12,544 3,593 4,618 0.06 28.53 Portugal 37,893 42,014 47,730 13,236 14,126 0.17 6.72 Serbia and Montenegro 128,963 123,947 119,451 34,383 30,288 0.36 -11.91 Slovenia 103,294 108,901 114,069 52,628 47,190 0.56 -10.33 Spain 314,712 331,775 368,450 70,690 77,625 0.93 9.81 WESTERN EUROPE 12,248,143 12,549,458 12,742,274 6,973,147 6,296,321 75.03 -9.71 Belgium 407,215 418,544 421,153 223,547 172,239 2.05 -22.95 France 439,107 434,189 448,907 162,873 144,578 1.72 -11.23 Germany 9,115,752 9,416,513 9,571,239 5,258,873 5,003,604 59.62 -4.85 Luxembourg 64,225 63,469 66,963 40,002 33,414 0.40 -16.47 Netherlands 1,005,631 1,024,111 1,044,566 652,351 462,073 5.51 -29.17 Switzerland 1,216,213 1,192,632 1,189,446 635,501 480,413 5.72 -24.40 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 234,718 242,178 285,581 57,115 126,458 1.51 121.41 Cyprus 8,864 14,419 20,985 6,214 5,896 0.07 -5.12 Israel 134,278 144,028 180,660 30,554 109,453 1.30 258.23 Turkiye 91,576 83,731 83,936 20,347 11,109 0.13 -45.40 MIDDLE EAST 279,028 276,019 259,494 26,990 78,561 0.94 191.07 Saudi Arabia 67,334 71,647 77,085 4,732 21,510 0.26 354.56 United Arab Emirates 90,024 85,446 78,267 11,799 34,669 0.41 193.83 Other countries of Middle East 121,670 118,926 104,142 10,459 22,382 0.27 114.00 SOUTH ASIA 163,151 174,672 171,445 8,488 5,100 0.06 -39.92 All countries of South Asia 163,151 174,672 1 71,445 8,488 5,100 0.06 -39.92 NOT SPECIFIED 278,598 261,022 292,979 140,288 121,593 1.45 -13.33 Other countries of the world 278,598 261,022 292,979 140,288 121,593 1.45 -13.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 6' COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 29,460,335 30,815,744 31,883,731 15,090,928 12,728,020 100.00 -15.66 AFRICA 77,281 82,187 80,414 20,617 16,582 0.13 -19.57 SOUTHERN AFRICA 23,227 25,660 24,334 5,792 1,971 0.02 -65.97 South Africa 23,227 25,660 24334 5,792 1,971 0.02 -65.97 OTHER AFRICA 54,054 56,527 56,080 14,825 14,611 0.11 -1.44 Other countries of Africa 54,054 56,527 56080 14,825 14,611 0.11 -1.44 AMERICAS 1,084,940 1,157,886 1,209,241 170,975 172,879 1.36 1.11 NORTH AMERICA 857,282 929,571 992,528 131,371 146,077 1.15 11.19 Canada 110,945 120,396 134394 17,751 13,989 0.11 -21.19 United States of America 746,337 809,1 75 858134 113,620 132,088 1.04 16.25 SOUTH AMERICA 83,908 77,943 79,911 15,430 4,623 0.04 -70.04 Brazil 83,908 77,943 79,911 15,430 4,623 0.04 -70.04 OTHER AMERICAS 143,750 150,372 136,802 24,174 22,179 0.17 -8.25 Other countries of the Americas 143,750 150,372 136,802 24,174 22,179 0.17 -8.25 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,047,038 2,188,264 2,313,460 234,247 44,287 0.35 -81.09 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,574,400 1,699,152 1,800,978 167,602 20,082 0.16 -88.02 China 899,636 972,998 1,033,502 71,675 8,340 0.07 -88.36 Japan 208,248 220,198 256,355 36,849 5,509 0.04 -85.05 Korea, Republic of 309,199 319,932 324,596 36,646 4,980 0.04 -86.41 Taiwan Province of China 157,317 186,024 186,525 22,432 1,253 0.01 -94.41 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 218,995 237,099 257,885 25,534 9,025 0.07 -64.65 All countries of South-East Asia 218,995 237,099 257,885 25,534 9,025 0.07 -64.65 AUSTRALASIA 173,488 172,221 175,960 28,497 6,632 0.05 -76.73 Australia 152,373 149,802 151,157 25,301 5,022 0.04 -80.15 New Zealand 21,115 22,419 24,803 3,196 1,610 0.01 -49.62 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 80,155 79,792 78,637 12,614 8,548 0.07 -32.23 Other countries of Asia 80,155 79,792 78,637 12,614 8,548 0.07 -32.23 EUROPE 25,361,798 26,488,882 27,356,272 14,458,142 12,228,171 96.07 -15.42 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,150,773 3,410,504 3,685,668 1,708,542 1,330,039 10.45 -22.15 Bulgaria 77,078 84,552 84,963 24,051 21,712 0.17 -9.73 Czech Republic (Czechia) 866,153 948,227 1,026,110 572,398 441,398 3.47 -22.89 Estonia 29,037 28,878 27,215 13,231 14,312 0.11 8.17 Hungary 565,659 620,242 648,425 309,422 219,729 1.73 -28.99 Latvia 24,998 25,696 28,048 9,616 13,816 0.11 43.68 Lithuania 36,933 33,830 37,865 15,952 18,729 0.15 17.41 Poland 502,113 541,091 578,659 311,427 275,517 2.16 -11.53 Romania 320,186 339,869 371,559 127,918 133,486 1.05 4.35 Russian Federation 338,130 349,565 364,825 112,683 27,976 0.22 -75.17 Slovakia 222,706 237,556 252,736 134,241 109,360 0.86 -18.53 Ukraine 116,885 147,888 206,846 62,113 41,747 0.33 -32.79 Other countries Central/East Europe 50,895 53,110 58,417 15,490 12,257 0.10 -20.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 82 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,868,924 1,937,270 1,961,930 703,836 299,901 2.36 -57.39 Denmark 368,987 367,698 385,182 207,238 111,059 0.87 -46.41 Finland 115,268 119,967 120,183 36,613 22,961 0.18 -37.29 Iceland 13,088 14,268 18,339 5,445 4,372 0.03 -19.71 Ireland 78,191 87,368 96,300 38,103 18,527 0.15 -51.38 Norway 99,266 101,443 110,978 31,706 14,146 0.11 -55.38 Sweden 252,612 250,849 264,846 80,533 42,444 0.33 -47.30 United Kingdom 941,512 995,677 966,102 304,198 86,392 0.68 -71.60 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,030,425 2,086,097 2,185,124 669,685 633,430 4.98 -5.41 Croatia 131,440 135,228 147,568 66,050 40,656 0.32 -38.45 Greece 65,142 72,671 87,374 28,405 27,034 0.21 -4.83 Italy 1,102,081 1,098,950 1,107,823 331,077 335,431 2.64 1.32 Malta 12,199 15,257 14,844 4,200 5,594 0.04 33.19 Portugal 44,950 51,353 60,430 16,957 18,396 0.14 8.49 Serbia and Montenegro 151,295 149,732 144,013 45,328 37,315 0.29 -17.68 Slovenia 161,020 172,827 179,621 90,117 71,223 0.56 -20.97 Spain 362,298 390,079 443,451 87,551 97,781 0.77 11.68 WESTERN EUROPE 18,025,707 18,752,818 19,164,340 11,307,812 9,800,321 77.00 -13.33 Belgium 570,053 586,977 600,444 332,911 258,056 2.03 -22.48 France 546,637 550,640 573,992 208,495 183,935 1.45 -11.78 Germany 13,442,884 14,092,157 14,383,461 8,550,057 7,809,805 61.36 -8.66 Luxembourg 77,380 76,606 81,092 50,042 41,106 0.32 -17.86 Netherlands 1,934,724 2,001,096 2,074,446 1,361,190 934,252 7.34 -31.37 Switzerland 1,454,029 1,445,342 1,450,905 805,117 573,167 4.50 -28.81 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 285,969 302,193 359,210 68,267 164,480 1.29 140.94 Cyprus 9,828 16,311 24,079 7,209 6,829 0.05 -5.27 Israel 173,698 191,381 239,351 36,320 144,600 1.14 298.13 Tiirkiye 102,443 94,501 95,780 24,738 13,051 0.10 -47.24 MIDDLE EAST 384,097 392,460 384,416 30,827 109,545 0.86 255.35 Saudi Arabia 107,884 118,674 132,271 5,622 32,564 0.26 479.22 United Arab Emirates 124,470 122,232 114,727 13,164 49,489 0.39 275.94 Other countries of Middle East 151,743 151,554 137,418 12,041 27,492 0.22 128.32 SOUTH ASIA 177,653 192,940 192,836 10,573 7,290 0.06 -31.05 All countries of South Asia 177,653 192,940 192,836 10,573 7,290 0.06 -31.05 NOT SPECIFIED 327,528 313,125 347,092 165,547 149,266 1.17 -9.83 Other countries of the world 327,528 313,125 347,092 165,547 149,266 1.17 -9.83 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 83 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 66,641,779 68,331,357 69,375,193 36,388,973 28,397,442 100.00 -21.96 AFRICA 186,891 199,526 193,708 55,693 36,884 0.13 -33.77 SOUTHERN AFRICA 58,854 66,061 61,878 19,039 4,404 0.02 -76.87 South Africa 58,854 66,061 61,878 19,039 4,404 0.02 -76.87 OTHER AFRICA 128,037 133,465 131,830 36,654 32,480 0.11 -11.39 Other countries of Africa 128,037 133,465 131,830 36,654 32,480 0.11 -11.39 AMERICAS 2,148,157 2,245,991 2,316,611 365,883 377,590 1.33 3.20 NORTH AMERICA 1,710,723 1,810,630 1,914,031 285,416 325,279 1.15 13.97 Canada 220,973 229,561 250,290 42,925 37,241 0.13 -13.24 United States of America 1,489,750 1,581,069 1,663,741 242,491 288,038 1.01 18.78 SOUTH AMERICA 169,367 158,862 156,961 32,732 11,649 0.04 -64.41 Brazil 169,367 158,862 156,961 32,732 11,649 0.04 -64.41 OTHER AMERICAS 268,067 276,499 245,619 47,735 40,662 0.14 -14.82 Other countries of the Americas 268,067 276,499 245,619 47,735 40,662 0.14 -14.82 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,010,758 3,193,488 3,357,480 408,311 100,756 0.35 -75.32 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,199,687 2,374,595 2,509,425 264,589 50,227 0.18 -81.02 China 1,182,626 1,287,552 1,354,186 104,038 20,019 0.07 -80.76 Japan 406,675 424,992 475,945 72,062 16,298 0.06 -77.38 Korea, Republic of 398,815 414,868 432,037 56,163 11,569 0.04 -79.40 Taiwan Province of China 211,571 247,183 247,257 32,326 2,341 0.01 -92.76 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 328,446 356,112 384,497 44,823 19,101 0.07 -57.39 All countries of South-East Asia 328,446 356,112 384,497 44,823 19,101 0.07 -57.39 AUSTRALASIA 329,054 318,029 323,191 71,896 14,417 0.05 -79.95 Australia 293,656 281,955 283,356 64,783 11,858 0.04 -81.70 New Zealand 35,398 36,074 39,835 7,113 2,559 0.01 -64.02 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 153,571 144,752 140,367 27,003 17,011 0.06 -37.00 Other countries of Asia 153,571 144,752 140,367 27,003 17011 0.06 -37.00 EUROPE 59,584,550 61,028,708 61,840,447 35,098,523 27,399,137 96.48 -21.94 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,895,118 6,256,623 6,656,806 3,304,404 2,336,322 8.23 -29.30 Bulgaria 153,341 165,352 160,810 52,690 49,053 0.17 -6.90 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,382,420 1,479,772 1,578,148 885,990 656,953 2.31 -25.85 Estonia 58,999 56,823 55,861 32,011 25,189 0.09 -21.31 Hungary 1,016,706 1,113,324 1,200,971 623,596 444,034 1.56 -28.79 Latvia 48,122 46,725 52,461 19,249 23,069 0.08 19.85 Lithuania 62,753 59,196 63,164 32,348 26,377 0.09 -18.46 Poland 912,681 965,244 1,028,432 601,378 464,501 1.64 -22.76 Romania 627,978 664,671 721,285 292,696 264,841 0.93 -9.52 Russian Federation 856,928 868,874 847,678 330,018 69,904 0.25 -78.82 Slovakia 416,979 427,422 449,422 261,253 194,378 0.68 -25.60 Ukraine 241,399 292,999 375,051 134,403 82,891 0.29 -38.33 Other countries Central/East Europe 116,812 116,221 123,523 38,772 35132 0.12 -9.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 84 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,253,733 5,308,588 5,324,654 2,291,925 716,680 2.52 -68.73 Denmark 891,019 888,962 945,431 562,698 242,004 0.85 -56.99 Finland 287,587 294,900 288,286 107,222 61,121 0.22 -43.00 Iceland 36,973 44,375 52,400 21,263 11,386 0.04 -46.45 Ireland 229,434 255,495 279,734 135,441 39,784 0.14 -70.63 Norway 255,363 256,833 282,718 101,012 35,455 0.12 -64.90 Sweden 696,638 687,358 707,885 294,967 104,110 0.37 -64.70 United Kingdom 2,856,719 2,880,665 2,768,200 1,069,322 222,820 0.78 -79.16 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,816,648 3,869,207 4,013,279 1,313,983 1,253,041 4.41 -4.64 Croatia 234,271 239,123 254,479 131,270 87,859 0.31 -33.07 Greece 147,121 157,989 193,766 64,004 61,455 0.22 -3.98 Italy 2,109,207 2,086,506 2,083,332 661,798 664,672 2.34 0.43 Malta 36,461 43,427 38,957 10,135 12,900 0.05 27.28 Portugal 95,044 104,081 119,658 37,542 39,566 0.14 5.39 Serbia and Montenegro 268,108 263,317 254,288 94,645 80,149 0.28 -15.32 Slovenia 233,761 247,518 248,013 139,582 119,300 0.42 -14.53 Spain 692,675 727,246 820,786 1 75,007 187,140 0.66 6.93 WESTERN EUROPE 43,955,895 44,908,476 45,050,718 28,004,947 22,767,114 80.17 -18.70 Belgium 1,862,563 1,882,300 1,899,007 1,102,401 730,208 2.57 -33.76 France 1,402,106 1,373,006 1,367,550 589,002 447,293 1.58 -24.06 Germany 32,270,246 33,320,109 33,440,681 20,889,328 18,275,856 64.36 -12.51 Luxembourg 302,812 285,731 305,066 198,986 146,494 0.52 -26.38 Netherlands 4,131,376 4,186,511 4,248,894 2,913,066 1,563,950 5.51 -46.31 Switzerland 3,986,792 3,860,819 3,789,520 2,312,164 1,603,313 5.65 -30.66 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 663,156 685,814 794,990 183,264 325,980 1.15 77.87 Cyprus 25,576 41,363 61,468 19,018 18,016 0.06 -5.27 Israel 424,944 453,053 546,873 109,149 274,673 0.97 151.65 Turkiye 212,636 191,398 186,649 55,097 33,291 0.12 -39.58 MIDDLE EAST 778,799 738,008 690,531 73,063 205,768 0.72 181.63 Saudi Arabia 187,453 191,930 199,348 13,853 52,841 0.19 281.44 United Arab Emirates 236,884 217,671 200,400 27,988 84,483 0.30 201.85 Other countries of Middle East 354,462 328,407 290,783 31,222 68,444 0.24 119.22 SOUTH ASIA 284,543 302,143 292,070 21,232 14,238 0.05 -32.94 All countries of South Asia 284,543 302,143 292,070 21,232 14,238 0.05 -32.94 NOT SPECIFIED 648,081 623,493 684,346 366,268 263,069 0.93 -28.18 Other countries of the world 648,081 623,493 684,346 366,268 263,069 0.93 -28.18 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 85 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 105,977,117 110,429,735 112,764,852 66,279,622 49,964,139 100.00 -24.62 AFRICA 234,654 257,199 247,106 76,777 50,547 0.10 -34.16 SOUTHERN AFRICA 76,692 93,748 83,776 29,176 6,764 0.01 -76.82 South Africa 76,692 93,748 83,776 29,176 6,764 0.01 -76.82 OTHER AFRICA 157,962 163,451 163,330 47,601 43,783 0.09 -8.02 Other countries of Africa 157,962 163,451 163,330 47,601 43,783 0.09 -8.02 AMERICAS 2,596,276 2,763,473 2,900,578 502,574 510,318 1.02 1.54 NORTH AMERICA 2,067,876 2,229,566 2,384,261 385,996 425,999 0.85 10.36 Canada 284,566 303,577 334,594 60,240 50,612 0.10 -15.98 United States of America 1,783,310 1,925,989 2,049,667 325,756 375,387 0.75 15.24 SOUTH AMERICA 201,665 192,001 196,681 45,310 17,087 0.03 -62.29 Brazil 201,665 192,001 196,681 45,310 17,087 0.03 -62.29 OTHER AMERICAS 326,735 341,906 319,636 71,268 67,232 0.13 -5.66 Other countries of the Americas 326,735 341,906 319,636 71,268 67,232 0.13 -5.66 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,387,665 3,639,247 3,871,109 510,785 151,063 0.30 -70.43 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,401,775 2,613,549 2,782,636 307,854 73,420 0.15 -76.15 China 1,269,538 1,398,361 1,477,299 123,638 30,392 0.06 -75.42 Japan 431,597 456,560 512,667 79,224 21,556 0.04 -72.79 Korea, Republic of 468,726 483,658 510,695 68,970 18,146 0.04 -73.69 Taiwan Province of China 231,914 274,970 281,975 36,022 3,326 0.01 -90.77 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 370,338 411,202 454,108 56,694 28,260 0.06 -50.15 All countries of South-East Asia 370,338 411,202 454,108 56,694 28,260 0.06 -50.15 AUSTRALASIA 442,701 447,542 467,405 110,826 24,005 0.05 -78.34 Australia 390,456 393,292 403,727 99,365 18,512 0.04 -81.37 New Zealand 52,245 54,250 63,678 11,461 5,493 0.01 -52.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 172,851 166,954 166,960 35,411 25,378 0.05 -28.33 Other countries of Asia 172,851 166,954 166,960 35,411 25,378 0.05 -28.33 EUROPE 97,283,844 101,289,779 103,261,445 64,612,249 48,551,950 97.17 -24.86 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 10,441,223 11,255,187 11,952,759 6,950,159 4,676,392 9.36 -32.72 Bulgaria 221,670 245,374 241,176 97,895 76,530 0.15 -21.82 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,849,294 3,081,668 3,296,605 2,115,821 1,424,429 2.85 -32.68 Estonia 87,602 87,787 85,692 51,437 38,386 0.08 -25.37 Hungary 1,871,013 2,041,924 2,100,107 1,236,508 827,275 1.66 -33.10 Latvia 85,741 86,557 91,745 36,239 38,321 0.08 5.75 Lithuania 130,529 124,976 126,736 73,754 49,891 0.10 -32.35 Poland 1,884,891 2,013,797 2,149,367 1,461,003 1,083,266 2.17 -25.85 Romania 930,611 992,152 1,079,169 504,154 406,043 0.81 -19.46 Russian Federation 1,156,380 1,207,814 1,191,862 519,893 96,039 0.19 -81.53 Slovakia 738,169 806,870 871,077 576,863 471,211 0.94 -18.31 Ukraine 338,193 420,021 555,883 219,452 118,928 0.24 -45.81 Other countries Central/East Europe 147,130 146,247 163,340 57,140 46,073 0.09 -19.37 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 86 COUNTRY TABLES AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,297,701 7,405,628 7,481,074 3,463,471 1,022,773 2.05 -70.47 Denmark 1,576,223 1,559,281 1,648,956 1,058,463 385,185 0.77 -63.61 Finland 383,203 390,502 395,683 152,647 73,688 0.15 -51.73 Iceland 49,579 60,274 68,537 28,542 15,908 0.03 -44.26 Ireland 299,639 339,590 373,421 180,741 58,071 0.12 -67.87 Norway 315,752 322,856 359,145 135,211 44,276 0.09 -67.25 Sweden 932,903 931,192 956,133 430,625 135,575 0.27 -68.52 United Kingdom 3,740,402 3,801,933 3,679,199 1,477,242 310,070 0.62 -79.01 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,278,820 5,392,712 5,652,570 2,115,016 1,985,487 3.97 -6.12 Croatia 361,402 370,932 403,378 246,308 163,983 0.33 -33.42 Greece 171,027 189,436 236,060 82,665 80,419 0.16 -2.72 Italy 2,897,360 2,862,824 2,885,726 995,813 1,011,153 2.02 1.54 Malta 42,643 51,147 47,434 12,729 16,353 0.03 28.47 Portugal 123,947 140,361 1 71,999 57,672 66,527 0.13 15.35 Serbia and Montenegro 369,311 377,359 360,424 167,983 145,019 0.29 -13.67 Slovenia 467,691 496,019 499,933 314,889 249,344 0.50 -20.82 Spain 845,439 904,634 1,047,616 236,957 252,689 0.51 6.64 WESTERN EUROPE 73,368,063 76,275,672 77,056,246 51,852,769 40,397,277 80.85 -22.09 Belgium 2,782,502 2,825,938 2,896,595 1,737,486 1,211,475 2.42 -30.27 France 1,803,818 1,796,711 1,808,769 790,814 586,862 1.17 -25.79 Germany 53,576,106 56,285,325 56,682,597 38,508,135 32,084,093 64.21 -16.68 Luxembourg 376,763 356,443 382,061 257,049 188,241 0.38 -26.77 Netherlands 9,765,448 10,036,433 10,355,379 7,416,364 4,334,368 8.67 -41.56 Switzerland 5,063,426 4,974,822 4,930,845 3,142,921 1,992,238 3.99 -36.61 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 898,037 960,580 1,118,796 230,834 470,021 0.94 103.62 Cyprus 29,959 49,347 73,227 23,107 22,484 0.05 -2.70 Israel 621,143 685,673 822,541 136,316 406,010 0.81 197.84 Turkiye 246,935 225,560 223,028 71,411 41,527 0.08 -41.85 MIDDLE EAST 1,322,401 1,311,541 1,284,170 89,738 347,041 0.69 286.73 Saudi Arabia 365,137 390,154 427,950 18,026 94,037 0.19 421.67 United Arab Emirates 425,348 408,739 386,208 34,330 158,166 0.32 360.72 Other countries of Middle East 531,916 512,648 470,012 37,382 94,838 0.19 153.70 SOUTH ASIA 324,427 351,353 347,599 28,983 21,586 0.04 -25.52 All countries of South Asia 324,427 351,353 347,599 28,983 21,586 0.04 -25.52 NOT SPECIFIED 827,850 817,143 852,845 458,516 331,634 0.66 -27.67 Other countries of the world 827,850 81 7,143 852,845 458,516 331,634 0.66 -27.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 67 COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,696,745 2,849,592 3,170,373 795,761 791,800 100.00 -0.50 AFRICA 7,139 8,934 10,511 1,764 2,259 0.29 28.06 EAST AFRICA 3,073 3,808 3,551 456 644 0.08 41.23 Burundi 9 11 6 1 0.00 Comoros 2,261 2,706 2,173 290 341 0.04 17.59 Djibouti 48 27 65 3 4 0.00 33.33 Eritrea 9 32 62 5 7 0.00 40.00 Ethiopia 229 242 212 20 71 0.01 255.00 Kenya 123 158 241 25 50 0.01 100.00 Madagascar 14 14 9 2 0.00 Malawi 2 13 11 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Mauritius 34 67 71 12 11 0.00 -8.33 Mozambique 20 18 20 3 14 0.00 366.67 Reunion 1 1 3 0.00 Rwanda 20 15 46 1 2 0.00 100.00 Seychelles 9 15 28 10 Somalia 115 231 253 27 61 0.01 125.93 Tanzania, United Republic of 57 108 131 10 11 0.00 10.00 Uganda 68 48 73 10 12 0.00 20.00 Zambia 20 8 45 8 11 0.00 37.50 Zimbabwe 35 94 104 27 42 0.01 55.56 CENTRAL AFRICA 225 287 242 37 52 0.01 40.54 Angola 26 36 32 5 18 0.00 260.00 Cameroon 143 50 67 10 17 0.00 70.00 Central African Republic 1 109 2 2 0.00 Chad 17 15 7 2 7 0.00 250.00 Congo 1 14 18 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 10 17 32 9 2 0.00 -77.78 Equatorial Guinea 2 68 Gabon 25 42 16 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Sao Tome and Principe 2 2 2 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 2,277 3,045 4,044 715 920 0.12 28.67 Algeria 472 552 978 175 143 0.02 -18.29 Morocco 947 1,124 1,465 310 363 0.05 17.10 Sudan 519 1,062 1,248 130 335 0.04 157.69 Tunisia 339 307 353 100 79 0.01 -21.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 960 1,214 1,486 254 255 0.03 0.39 Botswana 5 14 18 2 6 0.00 200.00 Eswatini 3 6 104 1 0.00 Lesotho 1 7 7 1 0.00 Namibia 17 15 35 4 0.00 South Africa 934 1,172 1,322 252 243 0.03 -3.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 88 COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 604 580 1,188 302 388 0.05 28.48 Benin 29 14 9 1 2 0.00 100.00 Burkina Faso 16 8 32 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Cabo Verde 1 5 3 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Cote d'lvoire 64 10 31 5 11 0.00 120.00 Gambia 24 16 9 4 4 0.00 Ghana 52 53 126 21 12 0.00 -42.86 Guinea 12 13 21 3 18 0.00 500.00 Guinea-Bissau 11 4 3 1 0.00 Liberia 5 5 23 2 6 0.00 200.00 Mali 65 25 26 2 17 0.00 750.00 Mauritania 16 29 27 7 16 0.00 128.57 Niger 15 9 11 2 2 0.00 Nigeria 209 350 783 224 247 0.03 10.27 Senegal 47 26 48 11 36 0.00 227.27 Sierra Leone 13 5 25 3 10 0.00 233.33 Togo 25 8 11 6 4 0.00 -33.33 AMERICAS 22,347 26,707 29,278 4,302 6,252 0.79 45.33 CARIBBEAN 371 453 736 338 136 0.02 -59.76 Antigua and Barbuda 2 2 9 2 4 0.00 100.00 Aruba 7 2 Bahamas 4 13 6 Barbados 12 2 8 Cuba 55 103 278 249 18 0.00 -92.77 Dominica 29 37 63 13 33 0.00 153.85 Dominican Republic 7 19 12 1 0.00 Grenada 6 2 10 Haiti 17 16 9 12 1 0.00 -91.67 Jamaica 17 27 40 4 4 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 48 53 55 7 24 0.00 242.86 Saint Lucia 2 3 1 4 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 3 2 1 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 162 171 243 51 46 0.01 -9.80 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 CENTRAL AMERICA 222 176 194 45 22 0.00 -51.11 Belize 10 9 10 1 0.00 Costa Rica 119 88 75 33 11 0.00 -66.67 El Salvador 18 14 13 2 3 0.00 50.00 Guatemala 10 15 37 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Honduras 24 14 21 2 3 0.00 50.00 Nicaragua 21 16 11 3 Panama 20 20 27 1 2 0.00 100.00 NORTH AMERICA 18,846 22,230 24,160 3,309 5,297 0.67 60.08 Canada 3,165 4,101 4,639 624 822 0.10 31.73 Mexico 571 622 762 82 75 0.01 -8.54 United States of America 15,110 17,507 18,759 2,603 4,400 0.56 69.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 89 COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 2,908 3,848 4,188 610 797 0.10 30.66 Argentina 319 398 483 72 76 0.01 5.56 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 59 79 85 10 8 0.00 -20.00 Brazil 1,287 1,722 2,100 279 418 0.05 49.82 Chile 166 118 160 27 21 0.00 -22.22 Colombia 541 759 579 93 136 0.02 46.24 Ecuador 71 148 87 4 5 0.00 25.00 Guyana 27 5 13 Paraguay 13 33 23 9 16 0.00 77.78 Peru 103 274 190 57 27 0.00 -52.63 Suriname 19 2 9 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Uruguay 20 9 53 3 4 0.00 33.33 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 283 301 406 51 83 0.01 62.75 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,107 43,044 59,216 5,949 5,998 0.76 0.82 NORHT-EAST ASIA 19,349 29,347 41,355 2,923 2,731 0.34 -6.57 China 10,258 15,719 25,524 1,532 1,777 0.22 15.99 Hong Kong, China 2 Japan 4,344 5,537 6,135 604 397 0.05 -34.27 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2 34 36 1 0.00 Korea, Republic of 4,642 7,848 9,412 681 413 0.05 -39.35 Mongolia 80 192 213 28 63 0.01 125.00 Taiwan Province of China 23 15 35 78 80 0.01 2.56 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 7,740 9,551 12,955 2,495 2,930 0.37 17.43 Brunei Darussalam 29 41 17 1 Cambodia 10 18 40 8 0.00 Indonesia 1,775 2,294 2,191 873 926 0.12 6.07 Lao People's Democratic Republic 19 19 31 Malaysia 1,612 1,483 2,300 530 522 0.07 -1.51 Myanmar 30 19 92 7 17 0.00 142.86 Philippines 2,570 3,693 4,605 687 1,323 0.17 92.58 Singapore 859 1,032 1,554 140 64 0.01 -54.29 Thailand 578 630 1,388 220 56 0.01 -74.55 Timor-Leste 10 9 2 Viet Nam 248 322 728 35 14 0.00 -60.00 AUSTRALASIA 3,006 4,124 4,877 530 335 0.04 -36.79 Australia 2,458 3,255 4,064 361 222 0.03 -38.50 New Zealand 548 869 813 169 113 0.01 -33.14 MELANESIA 8 17 20 1 2 0.00 100.00 Fiji 7 7 6 Papua New Guinea 1 7 5 Solomon Islands 2 3 Vanuatu 1 6 1 2 0.00 100.00 MICRONESIA 1 3 3 Kiribati 1 1 Nauru 3 1 Palau 1 POLYNESIA 3 2 6 American Samoa 1 1 4 Tonga 1 1 Tuvalu 1 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 7C COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,971,877 2,104,812 2,376,042 647,809 602,490 76.09 -7.00 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,560,454 1,673,051 1,891,608 460,687 363,945 45.96 -21.00 Armenia 6 5 7 4 0.00 Belarus 13,054 13,000 14,841 6,037 5,726 0.72 -5.15 Bulgaria 1,521 2,552 2,494 365 394 0.05 7.95 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,260 2,189 2,384 314 704 0.09 124.20 Estonia 920 1,163 1,608 107 243 0.03 127.10 Georgia 537,710 610,124 725,174 184,253 62,512 7.89 -66.07 Hungary 2,254 2,513 3,361 406 611 0.08 50.49 Kazakhstan 36,115 37,679 47,495 8,497 6,916 0.87 -18.61 Kyrgyzstan 2,846 3,226 4,460 859 836 0.11 -2.68 Latvia 1,788 2,429 2,467 263 309 0.04 17.49 Lithuania 1,702 1,902 2,474 269 474 0.06 76.21 Moldova, Republic of 3,603 3,568 3,397 869 655 0.08 -24.63 Poland 4,679 5,046 6,612 662 723 0.09 9.21 Romania 1,733 1,601 2,642 404 461 0.06 14.11 Russian Federation 853,082 878,391 932,198 225,214 257,959 32.58 14.54 Slovakia 1,403 1,454 1,978 193 251 0.03 30.05 Tajikistan 2,409 2,245 3,450 1,483 820 0.10 -44.71 Turkmenistan 16,891 28,036 52,092 8,256 2,738 0.35 -66.84 Ukraine 57,756 57,640 59,003 16,954 17,403 2.20 2.65 Uzbekistan 18,722 18,288 23,471 5,282 4,206 0.53 -20.37 NORTHERN EUROPE 40,877 39,795 49,386 9,554 13,829 1.75 44.75 Denmark 1,372 1,503 1,980 443 1,743 0.22 293.45 Finland 1,411 1,694 2,146 153 255 0.03 66.67 Iceland 283 285 285 594 479 0.06 -19.36 Ireland 1,507 1,511 2,010 319 656 0.08 105.64 Norway 2,044 2,363 2,658 499 507 0.06 1.60 Sweden 2,594 3,040 3,457 495 777 0.10 56.97 United Kingdom 31,666 29,399 36,850 7,051 9,412 1.19 33.48 SOUTHERN EUROPE 19,497 21,701 26,100 5,241 7,332 0.93 39.90 Albania 235 239 269 69 43 0.01 -37.68 Andorra 23 25 34 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 321 314 354 50 101 0.01 102.00 Croatia 1,120 1,050 1,866 558 658 0.08 17.92 Greece 1,450 1,519 1,952 325 346 0.04 6.46 Holy See 6 3 6 Italy 10,065 11,026 12,215 2,813 3,493 0.44 24.17 Malta 124 174 187 24 41 0.01 70.83 Montenegro 174 159 254 41 92 0.01 124.39 North Macedonia 262 325 356 127 93 0.01 -26.77 Portugal 979 1,323 1,760 161 597 0.08 270.81 San Marino 51 15 15 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 1,186 1,137 1,337 343 504 0.06 46.94 Slovenia 624 586 770 131 152 0.02 16.03 Spain 2,877 3,806 4,725 589 1,207 0.15 104.92 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 7' COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 33,915 38,647 45,003 7,526 13,167 1.66 74.95 Austria 2,379 2,829 3,286 437 870 0.11 99.08 Belgium 1,540 1,995 2,412 436 989 0.12 126.83 France 6,938 7,898 9,096 1,504 2,277 0.29 51.40 Germany 16,231 17,164 20,494 3,529 5,905 0.75 67.33 Liechtenstein 17 10 32 5 0.00 Luxembourg 304 345 362 162 249 0.03 53.70 Monaco 2 6 10 1 0.00 Netherlands 4,646 5,884 6,103 1,081 1,737 0.22 60.68 Switzerland 1,858 2,516 3,208 377 1,134 0.14 200.80 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 317,134 331,618 363,945 164,801 204,217 25.79 23.92 Cyprus 212 277 538 50 123 0.02 146.00 Israel 15,369 40,082 47,003 4,238 6,622 0.84 56.25 Tiirkiye 301,553 291,259 316,404 160,513 197,472 24.94 23.03 MIDDLE EAST 260,686 331,064 314,299 40,939 38,004 4.80 -7.17 Bahrain 5,626 11,392 8,059 1,746 1,368 0.17 -21.65 Egypt 2,146 3,643 5,772 1,134 1,160 0.15 2.29 Iraq 62,454 67,469 50,746 5,184 1,015 0.13 -80.42 Jordan 2,104 3,560 4,335 495 788 0.10 59.19 Kuwait 16,477 29,741 30,290 7,076 2,289 0.29 -67.65 Lebanon 684 888 1,236 239 305 0.04 27.62 Libya 225 148 267 47 58 0.01 23.40 Oman 22,735 24,413 18,205 2,441 909 0.11 -62.76 Qatar 7,880 12,459 10,472 1,567 1,912 0.24 22.02 Saudi Arabia 33,273 72,935 106,994 11,945 8,826 1.11 -26.11 State of Palestine 674 1,711 1,383 120 284 0.04 136.67 Syrian Arab Republic 1,625 4,795 4,386 534 943 0.12 76.59 United Arab Emirates 102,360 93,835 68,289 7,951 17,275 2.18 117.27 Yemen 2,423 4,075 3,865 460 872 0.11 89.57 SOUTH ASIA 397,277 326,545 374,396 94,519 134,466 16.98 42.26 Afghanistan 691 1,141 1,292 186 149 0.02 -19.89 Bangladesh 975 1,233 1,404 298 569 0.07 90.94 Bhutan 11 10 17 India 14,173 39,013 65,058 12,769 5,695 0.72 -55.40 Iran, Islamic Republic of 362,597 240,483 255,571 72,796 124,877 15.77 71.54 Maldives 50 27 32 3 10 0.00 233.33 Nepal 469 1,701 1,618 205 93 0.01 -54.63 Pakistan 17,558 41,268 46,586 7,774 2,940 0.37 -62.18 Sri Lanka 753 1,669 2,818 488 133 0.02 -72.75 NOT SPECIFIED 7,312 8,486 6,631 479 2,331 0.29 386.64 Other countries of the world 7,312 8,486 6,631 479 2,331 0.29 386.64 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 72 COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 981,232 1,234,392 1,316,739 267,383 271,563 100.00 1.56 AMERICAS 33,607 38,131 34,468 8,107 9,395 3.46 15.89 NORTH AMERICA 33,607 38,131 34,468 8,107 9,395 3.46 15.89 Canada 4,075 6,899 4,504 890 956 0.35 7.42 United States of America 29,532 31,232 29,964 7,217 8,439 3.11 16.93 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,189 19,937 31,481 2,103 4,277 1.57 103.38 NORHT-EAST ASIA 14,189 18,122 29,003 2,103 3,073 1.13 46.12 China 11,231 8,917 19,120 1,530 1,339 0.49 -12.48 Japan 2,958 4,513 3,555 573 1,280 0.47 123.39 Korea, Republic of 4,692 6,328 454 0.17 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,815 2,478 1,204 0.44 Malaysia 1,815 2,478 1,204 0.44 EUROPE 447,311 394,836 479,039 126,502 159,462 58.72 26.05 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 200,845 186,316 214,200 46,414 49,168 18.11 5.93 Belarus 4,772 4,984 1,953 0.72 Bulgaria 1,623 2,110 323 0.12 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,515 2,177 884 0.33 Estonia 673 750 286 0.11 Georgia 14,576 9,837 14,377 2,753 3,063 1.13 11.26 Hungary 1,522 1,774 711 0.26 Kazakhstan 14,569 13,905 14,638 2,574 2,929 1.08 13.79 Kyrgyzstan 784 1,446 305 0.11 Latvia 1,680 1,394 1,732 425 516 0.19 21.41 Lithuania 1,405 1,556 424 0.16 Moldova, Republic of 1,021 847 158 0.06 Poland 4,686 2,904 4,594 968 1,597 0.59 64.98 Romania 1,717 1,906 2,873 1,120 660 0.24 -41.07 Russian Federation 141,041 121,665 136,897 34,484 28,983 10.67 -15.95 Tajikistan 828 584 63 0.02 Turkmenistan 1,142 2,177 113 0.04 Ukraine 22,576 15,288 14,197 4,090 4,963 1.83 21.34 Uzbekistan 4,132 6,487 1,237 0.46 NORTHERN EUROPE 91,613 49,895 62,347 25,628 27,327 10.06 6.63 Finland 789 1,307 1,458 112 182 0.07 62.50 Norway 8,445 5,170 8,526 2,440 2,478 0.91 1.56 Sweden 2,883 2,009 2,498 499 868 0.32 73.95 United Kingdom 79,496 41,409 49,865 22,577 23,799 8.76 5.41 SOUTHERN EUROPE 26,123 16,781 21,113 8,214 10,424 3.84 26.91 Italy 17,603 11,501 16,274 7,170 8,738 3.22 21.87 Spain 8,520 5,280 4,839 1,044 1,686 0.62 61.49 WESTERN EUROPE 45,821 34,952 34,300 11,638 19,753 7.27 69.73 Belgium 4,534 2,267 2,465 715 2,509 0.92 250.91 France 11,005 9,755 9,669 1,935 3,116 1.15 61.03 Germany 21,901 18,526 17,571 6,283 9,487 3.49 50.99 Netherlands 8,381 4,404 4,595 2,705 4,641 1.71 71.57 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 82,909 106,892 147,079 34,608 52,790 19.44 52.54 Israel 11,431 46,127 72,370 10,017 10,553 3.89 5.35 Turkiye 71,478 60,765 74,709 24,591 42,237 15.55 71.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 73 COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 405,363 431,644 38,304 14.11 Bahrain 13,128 15,667 1,012 0.37 Iraq 23,664 17,748 650 0.24 Kuwait 41,439 42,967 2,829 1.04 Oman 18,201 11,429 267 0.10 Qatar 27,684 27,732 4,746 1.75 Saudi Arabia 109,405 173,225 8,426 3.10 United Arab Emirates 171,842 142,876 20,374 7.50 SOUTH ASIA 91,176 126,711 162,493 24,361 11,001 4.05 -54.84 India 9,927 39,635 72,051 14,090 5,046 1.86 -64.19 Iran, Islamic Republic of 71,087 58,623 65,693 7,142 4,159 1.53 -41.77 Pakistan 10,162 28,453 24,749 3,129 1,796 0.66 -42.60 NOT SPECIFIED 394,949 249,414 177,614 106,310 49,124 18.09 -53.79 Other countries of the world 394,949 249,414 177,614 106,310 49,124 18.09 -53.79 AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021-2020 TOTAL 1,704,454 2,050,010 2,240,873 416,729 414,404 100.00 -0.56 AMERICAS 75,400 63,587 52,057 10,919 13,146 3.17 20.40 NORTH AMERICA 75,400 63,587 52,057 10,919 13,146 3.17 20.40 Canada 7,124 11,249 7,029 1,451 1,416 0.34 -2.41 United States of America 68,276 52,338 45,028 9,468 11,730 2.83 23.89 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24,573 32,790 55,711 3,764 6,297 1.52 67.30 NORHT-EAST ASIA 24,573 30,580 51,870 3,764 4,571 1.10 21.44 China 20,212 17,240 34,238 2,938 2,259 0.55 -23.11 Japan 4,361 5,829 6,422 826 1,769 0.43 114.16 Korea, Republic of 7,511 11,210 543 0.13 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,210 3,841 1,726 0.42 Malaysia 2,210 3,841 1,726 0.42 EUROPE 755,127 648,606 792,734 183,094 231,464 55.85 26.42 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 365,874 349,468 384,870 77,912 76,083 18.36 -2.35 Belarus 7,141 9,164 4,588 1.11 Bulgaria 2,006 3,221 624 0.15 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,637 3,572 1,159 0.28 Estonia 1,169 1,539 333 0.08 Georgia 25,953 15,859 24,057 3,872 4,197 1.01 8.39 Hungary 2,183 3,166 816 0.20 Kazakhstan 30,299 31,944 32,553 5,648 5,085 1.23 -9.97 Kyrgyzstan 1,698 2,793 450 0.11 Latvia 2,657 2,070 2,704 560 709 0.17 26.61 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 74 COUNTRY TABLES AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAIYAN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Lithuania 2,109 2,798 615 0.15 Moldova, Republic of 1,499 1,535 315 0.08 Poland 8,286 3,799 6,982 1,125 2,163 0.52 92.27 Romania 2,623 3,083 4,175 1,271 987 0.24 -22.34 Russian Federation 261,123 231,767 243,904 59,858 45,520 10.98 -23.95 Tajikistan 1,615 1,151 114 0.03 Turkmenistan 1,830 4,011 193 0.05 Ukraine 34,933 23,223 22,416 5,578 6,378 1.54 14.34 Uzbekistan 13,836 15,129 1,837 0.44 NORTHERN EUROPE 138,720 64,822 84,417 30,514 38,117 9.20 24.92 Finland 2,543 1,949 2,605 166 249 0.06 50.00 Norway 10,727 5,750 9,582 2,527 3,292 0.79 30.27 Sweden 3,410 2,962 3,642 586 1,043 0.25 77.99 United Kingdom 122,040 54,161 68,588 27,235 33,533 8.09 23.12 SOUTHERN EUROPE 42,675 22,338 28,053 9,553 13,843 3.34 44.91 Italy 25,606 16,023 21,151 8,269 11,674 2.82 41.18 Spain 17,069 6,315 6,902 1,284 2,169 0.52 68.93 WESTERN EUROPE 71,529 45,804 50,436 14,198 23,428 5.65 65.01 Belgium 7,142 3,334 4,175 829 2,589 0.62 212.30 France 16,222 12,113 14,456 2,666 4,021 0.97 50.83 Germany 36,370 24,493 25,186 7,810 11,103 2.68 42.16 Netherlands 11,795 5,864 6,619 2,893 5,715 1.38 97.55 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 136,329 166,174 244,958 50,917 79,993 19.30 57.10 Israel 18,172 78,430 133,346 14,633 15,755 3.80 7.67 Turkiye 118,157 87,744 111,612 36,284 64,238 15.50 77.04 MIDDLE EAST 676,920 772,201 71,240 17.19 Bahrain 20,826 23,191 1,707 0.41 Iraq 54,777 31,565 1,163 0.28 Kuwait 63,495 78,024 4,447 1.07 Oman 26,439 20,694 454 0.11 Qatar 49,013 46,320 8,162 1.97 Saudi Arabia 180,378 309,278 14,530 3.51 United Arab Emirates 281,992 263,129 40,777 9.84 SOUTH ASIA 183,071 237,145 294,466 40,324 15,289 3.69 -62.08 India 30,099 85,929 132,803 23,231 7,745 1.87 -66.66 Iran, Islamic Republic of 135,263 100,990 115,428 11,507 4,879 1.18 -57.60 Pakistan 17,709 50,226 46,235 5,586 2,665 0.64 -52.29 NOT SPECIFIED 666,283 390,962 273,704 178,628 76,968 18.57 -56.91 Other countries of the world 666,283 390,962 273,704 178,628 76,968 18.57 -56.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 75 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,451,831 1,632,609 1,806,833 440,509 890,958 100.00 102.26 AFRICA 2,988 2,872 3,350 1,027 1,998 0.22 94.55 EAST AFRICA 371 293 407 71 76 0.01 7.04 Burundi 2 Comoros 1 2 1 Ethiopia 5 5 3 1 2 0.00 100.00 Kenya 102 96 188 22 26 0.00 18.18 Madagascar 11 3 10 1 1 0.00 Malawi 9 8 5 Mauritius 56 58 54 15 8 0.00 -46.67 Mozambique 19 10 7 1 Rwanda 13 6 7 Seychelles 5 3 2 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Tanzania, United Republic of 18 10 27 2 0.00 Uganda 31 15 16 2 9 0.00 350.00 Zambia 26 11 28 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Zimbabwe 75 66 58 16 23 0.00 43.75 CENTRAL AFRICA 83 70 107 15 27 0.00 80.00 Angola 15 10 12 1 3 0.00 200.00 Cameroon 35 15 56 1 2 0.00 100.00 Central African Republic 1 4 3 2 Chad 11 2 8 4 0.00 Congo 14 19 17 11 18 0.00 63.64 Equatorial Guinea 6 13 Gabon 1 7 11 NORTH AFRICA 172 191 223 17 13 0.00 -23.53 Algeria 25 18 29 1 Morocco 132 139 174 14 6 0.00 -57.14 Sudan 4 7 1 3 0.00 200.00 Tunisia 15 30 13 1 4 0.00 300.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,956 2,111 2,289 889 1,765 0.20 98.54 Botswana 78 25 35 2 Eswatini 8 6 12 Lesotho 12 1 Namibia 41 33 18 7 20 0.00 185.71 South Africa 1,817 2,047 2,223 880 1,745 0.20 98.30 WEST AFRICA 406 207 324 35 117 0.01 234.29 Benin 9 7 16 2 5 0.00 150.00 Burkina Faso 25 10 22 5 24 0.00 380.00 Cabo Verde 4 1 1 Cote d'lvoire 17 9 18 2 4 0.00 100.00 Gambia 4 2 5 1 Ghana 62 40 39 8 25 0.00 212.50 Guinea 20 8 5 Liberia 1 3 6 1 0.00 Mali 18 4 12 1 4 0.00 300.00 Mauritania 1 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 76 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Niger 4 2 1 Nigeria 205 90 159 11 51 0.01 363.64 Senegal 17 21 26 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Sierra Leone 10 8 13 1 2 0.00 100.00 Togo 9 1 2 AMERICAS 1,313,413 1,486,149 1,664,438 409,569 867,176 97.33 111.73 CARIBBEAN 19,379 20,663 21,459 2,987 6,835 0.77 128.82 Anguilla 97 63 40 6 9 0.00 50.00 Antigua and Barbuda 252 184 161 25 48 0.01 92.00 Aruba 82 63 69 22 23 0.00 4.55 Barbados 1,048 1,013 849 124 127 0.01 2.42 Bermuda 846 897 770 108 170 0.02 57.41 British Virgin Islands 182 267 269 22 60 0.01 172.73 Cayman Islands 1,502 1,603 1,708 201 211 0.02 4.98 Cuba 571 475 447 85 238 0.03 180.00 Curacao 193 175 160 24 60 0.01 150.00 Dominica 165 128 175 23 50 0.01 117.39 Dominican Republic 751 873 759 178 606 0.07 240.45 Grenada 139 113 108 32 24 0.00 -25.00 Haiti 1,461 1,517 3,310 58 85 0.01 46.55 Jamaica 6,330 6,882 6,473 1,164 2,994 0.34 157.22 Martinique 91 99 73 3 16 0.00 433.33 Montserrat 10 7 12 Netherlands Antilles 29 13 24 3 4 0.00 33.33 Puerto Rico 880 1,036 1,349 219 776 0.09 254.34 Saint Kitts and Nevis 119 128 126 21 48 0.01 128.57 Saint Lucia 205 254 233 35 49 0.01 40.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 106 122 125 10 48 0.01 380.00 Sint Eustatius 2 1 1 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 111 60 83 18 48 0.01 166.67 Trinidad and Tobago 2,326 2,194 2,335 299 254 0.03 -15.05 Turks and Caicos Islands 1,776 2,399 1,732 296 860 0.10 190.54 United States Virgin Islands 18 16 10 3 9 0.00 200.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 89 80 58 7 18 0.00 157.14 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,818 3,895 3,836 809 1,878 0.21 132.14 Belize 197 160 167 20 36 0.00 80.00 Costa Rica 676 560 559 92 246 0.03 167.39 El Salvador 218 179 305 43 103 0.01 139.53 Guatemala 481 470 652 130 327 0.04 151.54 Honduras 438 478 368 150 213 0.02 42.00 Nicaragua 255 308 309 79 88 0.01 11.39 Panama 1,553 1,740 1,476 295 865 0.10 193.22 NORTH AMERICA 1,264,543 1,436,597 1,614,244 401,344 849,476 95.34 111.66 Canada 111,981 126,379 134,574 44,333 11,508 1.29 -74.04 Greenland 8 3 3 Mexico 5,827 5,547 5,713 1,388 3,655 0.41 163.33 United States of America 1,146,727 1,304,668 1,473,954 355,623 834,313 93.64 134.61 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 77 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 25,673 24,994 24,899 4,429 8,987 1.01 102.91 Argentina 7,334 6,597 4,987 788 889 0.10 12.82 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 142 184 168 19 75 0.01 294.74 Brazil 8,723 8,254 10,543 1,620 3,265 0.37 101.54 Chile 1,676 1,948 1,724 420 687 0.08 63.57 Colombia 2,241 2,534 2,597 649 1,804 0.20 177.97 Ecuador 874 887 883 196 406 0.05 107.14 Guyana 360 374 331 46 118 0.01 156.52 Paraguay 449 376 245 64 157 0.02 145.31 Peru 1,557 1,733 1,425 265 813 0.09 206.79 Suriname 156 102 70 6 7 0.00 16.67 Uruguay 837 740 826 125 222 0.02 77.60 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,324 1,265 1,100 231 544 0.06 135.50 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,895 14,746 13,888 2,240 2,197 0.25 -1.92 NORHT-EAST ASIA 5,113 5,827 6,154 673 328 0.04 -51.26 China 2,927 3,497 3,642 344 90 0.01 -73.84 Hong Kong, China 500 362 514 53 100 0.01 88.68 Japan 1,157 1,408 1,329 166 76 0.01 -54.22 Korea, Republic of 413 450 553 105 45 0.01 -57.14 Mongolia 20 14 1 7 0.00 600.00 Taiwan Province of China 96 110 102 4 10 0.00 150.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,193 3,908 2,857 553 842 0.09 52.26 Brunei Darussalam 5 Cambodia 6 10 7 1 Indonesia 448 528 354 47 43 0.00 -8.51 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 Malaysia 169 104 192 17 27 0.00 58.82 Myanmar 13 18 20 2 0.00 Philippines 1,984 2,570 1,646 386 688 0.08 78.24 Singapore 378 312 393 42 48 0.01 14.29 Thailand 161 325 226 53 30 0.00 -43.40 Timor-Leste 2 1 0.00 Viet Nam 27 40 19 7 3 0.00 -57.14 AUSTRALASIA 5,443 4,956 4,828 1,002 993 0.11 -0.90 Australia 4,541 4,209 3,962 797 741 0.08 -7.03 New Zealand 902 747 866 205 252 0.03 22.93 MELANESIA 60 32 37 9 25 0.00 177.78 Fiji 42 29 30 8 23 0.00 187.50 Papua New Guinea 7 2 2 2 0.00 Solomon Islands 6 2 Vanuatu 5 1 3 1 MICRONESIA 19 9 2 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Kiribati 12 1 Marshall Islands 5 3 Micronesia, Federated States of 4 1 2 1 0.00 Nauru 3 Palau 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 78 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 67 14 10 8 0.00 French Polynesia 33 10 8 8 0.00 Samoa 20 3 2 Tonga 8 1 Tuvalu 6 EUROPE 115,962 123,467 119,621 24,124 18,663 2.09 -22.64 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 11,065 12,825 9,949 2,394 1,881 0.21 -21.43 Armenia 33 33 49 16 13 0.00 -18.75 Azerbaijan 43 59 31 9 3 0.00 -66.67 Belarus 37 54 21 3 4 0.00 33.33 Bulgaria 502 585 439 143 123 0.01 -13.99 Czech Republic (Czechia) 673 678 644 136 151 0.02 11.03 Estonia 284 395 361 65 45 0.01 -30.77 Georgia 33 71 24 6 17 0.00 183.33 Hungary 580 764 605 103 66 0.01 -35.92 Kazakhstan 71 72 50 6 12 0.00 100.00 Kyrgyzstan 5 5 1 5 Latvia 181 209 186 57 41 0.00 -28.07 Lithuania 148 225 191 44 48 0.01 9.09 Moldova, Republic of 23 49 54 5 19 0.00 280.00 Poland 3,117 3,451 2,696 645 396 0.04 -38.60 Romania 1,649 2,412 1,595 504 353 0.04 -29.96 Russian Federation 2,181 2,017 1,914 386 407 0.05 5.44 Slovakia 434 459 439 49 46 0.01 -6.12 Tajikistan 5 10 1 1 1 0.00 Turkmenistan 4 2 Ukraine 1,060 1,261 604 203 121 0.01 -40.39 Uzbekistan 2 14 44 8 15 0.00 87.50 NORTHERN EUROPE 40,332 43,424 43,965 10,486 7,458 0.84 -28.88 Denmark 1,368 1,602 1,512 340 292 0.03 -14.12 Faeroe Islands 15 5 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Finland 702 675 638 139 81 0.01 -41.73 Iceland 110 157 139 50 48 0.01 -4.00 Ireland 1,104 1,194 1,159 230 264 0.03 14.78 Norway 1,310 1,321 1,547 318 216 0.02 -32.08 Sweden 2,156 2,238 1,626 331 302 0.03 -8.76 United Kingdom 33,567 36,232 37,339 9,076 6,254 0.70 -31.09 SOUTHERN EUROPE 20,838 21,421 21,208 2,911 2,728 0.31 -6.29 Albania 8 17 41 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Andorra 50 37 27 2 5 0.00 150.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 53 100 87 33 7 0.00 -78.79 Croatia 547 503 391 109 128 0.01 17.43 Greece 710 855 658 160 166 0.02 3.75 Italy 13,091 13,583 13,433 1,730 1,060 0.12 -38.73 Malta 273 244 248 58 135 0.02 132.76 Montenegro 120 78 64 9 14 0.00 55.56 North Macedonia 169 154 158 24 45 0.01 87.50 Portugal 1,048 1,136 1,104 135 209 0.02 54.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 79 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 San Marino 21 35 34 2 5 0.00 150.00 Serbia 189 204 136 29 44 0.00 51.72 Slovenia 154 200 184 21 16 0.00 -23.81 Spain 4,405 4,275 4,643 593 890 0.10 50.08 WESTERN EUROPE 42,058 43,737 42,691 7,972 5,879 0.66 -26.25 Austria 1,899 2,178 2,061 349 251 0.03 -28.08 Belgium 1,630 1,666 1,615 226 236 0.03 4.42 France 16,727 1 7,552 18,412 3,668 1,675 0.19 -54.33 Germany 12,086 12,971 11,466 2,206 1,680 0.19 -23.84 Liechtenstein 36 59 23 5 18 0.00 260.00 Luxembourg 288 295 274 45 27 0.00 -40.00 Monaco 242 248 188 36 44 0.00 22.22 Netherlands 2,909 2,678 2,854 564 885 0.10 56.91 Switzerland 6,241 6,090 5,798 873 1,063 0.12 21.76 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,667 2,055 1,806 361 716 0.08 98.34 Cyprus 130 73 115 23 22 0.00 -4.35 Israel 950 1,348 1,090 148 470 0.05 217.57 Turkiye 587 634 601 190 224 0.03 17.89 OTHER EUROPE 2 5 2 1 0.00 Other countries of Europe 2 5 2 1 0.00 MIDDLE EAST 1,226 1,283 1,177 212 405 0.05 91.04 Bahrain 36 25 31 6 15 0.00 150.00 Egypt 43 68 56 8 16 0.00 100.00 Iraq 1 7 5 Jordan 30 54 72 17 14 0.00 -17.65 Kuwait 87 129 139 11 25 0.00 127.27 Lebanon 63 82 101 18 18 0.00 Oman 12 8 14 4 8 0.00 100.00 Qatar 74 93 69 12 50 0.01 316.67 Saudi Arabia 333 244 115 18 24 0.00 33.33 State of Palestine 7 11 10 1 1 0.00 Syrian Arab Republic 1 1 United Arab Emirates 540 559 563 117 233 0.03 99.15 Yemen 2 1 1 0.00 SOUTH ASIA 1,788 2,175 2,279 303 435 0.05 43.56 Afghanistan 1 1 2 Bangladesh 32 20 27 3 6 0.00 100.00 Bhutan 7 4 5 India 1,532 2,003 2,154 274 385 0.04 40.51 Iran, Islamic Republic of 19 8 10 1 Maldives 3 3 Nepal 27 9 11 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Pakistan 43 50 22 5 19 0.00 280.00 Sri Lanka 124 80 45 19 14 0.00 -26.32 NOT SPECIFIED 2,559 1,917 2,080 3,034 84 0.01 -97.23 Other countries of the world 2,559 1,917 2,080 3,034 84 0.01 -97.23 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 sc COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 10,190,024 10,854,687 11,314,697 3,131,682 5,937,827 100.00 89.61 AFRICA 46,773 51,234 62,670 29,584 52,674 0.89 78.05 EAST AFRICA 3,815 3,637 4,309 889 1,167 0.02 31.27 Burundi 9 Comoros 5 9 8 Ethiopia 39 59 52 30 35 0.00 16.67 Kenya 1,180 1,558 2,169 268 408 0.01 52.24 Madagascar 129 23 34 20 0.00 Malawi 47 143 29 Mauritius 451 562 245 97 138 0.00 42.27 Mozambique 146 85 113 30 Rwanda 94 92 42 Seychelles 55 29 42 49 7 0.00 -85.71 Tanzania, United Republic of 147 104 221 8 0.00 Uganda 273 85 168 1 100 0.00 9,900.00 Zambia 267 114 206 57 18 0.00 -68.42 Zimbabwe 982 774 979 349 433 0.01 24.07 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,208 850 2,362 445 478 0.01 7.42 Angola 90 57 91 7 16 0.00 128.57 Cameroon 547 289 1,421 2 17 0.00 750.00 Central African Republic 4 16 16 9 Chad 85 11 104 36 0.00 Congo 308 362 652 427 409 0.01 -4.22 Equatorial Guinea 170 82 Gabon 4 33 78 NORTH AFRICA 1,165 1,475 1,513 66 63 0.00 -4.55 Algeria 243 151 132 Morocco 789 1,078 1,059 61 24 0.00 -60.66 Sudan 26 257 5 14 0.00 180.00 Tunisia 133 220 65 25 0.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 37,288 43,603 51,892 27,915 49,991 0.84 79.08 Botswana 737 272 285 10 Eswatini 65 25 59 Lesotho 83 5 Namibia 337 451 230 159 209 0.00 31.45 South Africa 36,066 42,855 51,313 27,746 49,782 0.84 79.42 WEST AFRICA 3,297 1,669 2,594 269 975 0.02 262.45 Benin 53 40 139 2 51 0.00 2,450.00 Burkina Faso 156 122 134 38 117 0.00 207.89 Cabo Verde 47 2 4 Cote d'lvoire 73 53 109 28 27 0.00 -3.57 Gambia 26 47 49 17 Ghana 531 295 235 65 180 0.00 1 76.92 Guinea 94 82 15 Liberia 17 33 241 5 0.00 Mali 82 27 63 71 0.00 Mauritania 5 3 Niger 28 5 5 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Nigeria 1,897 710 1,153 82 503 0.01 513.41 Senegal 140 82 204 33 7 0.00 -78.79 Sierra Leone 89 157 212 14 0.00 Togo 59 11 35 AMERICAS 8,907,206 9,537,100 10,114,124 2,825,222 5,614,046 94.55 98.71 CARIBBEAN 173,098 187,223 219,261 25,847 62,676 1.06 142.49 Anguilla 910 607 213 23 131 0.00 469.57 Antigua and Barbuda 2,066 1,333 1,412 367 763 0.01 107.90 Aruba 431 278 318 233 314 0.01 34.76 Barbados 7,089 6,550 5,478 1,005 1,392 0.02 38.51 Bermuda 6,523 6,898 4,696 795 1,506 0.03 89.43 British Virgin Islands 1,895 1,622 2,131 129 1,811 0.03 1,303.88 Cayman Islands 7,748 8,178 7,882 1,089 1,699 0.03 56.01 Cuba 8,144 9,624 6,514 1,304 4,054 0.07 210.89 Curacao 988 938 954 97 421 0.01 334.02 Dominica 1,716 931 1,563 165 894 0.02 441.82 Dominican Republic 5,957 7,714 4,848 1,517 5,132 0.09 238.30 Grenada 840 1,003 706 389 192 0.00 -50.64 Haiti 27,898 33,525 81,001 580 495 0.01 -14.66 Jamaica 65,127 69,938 62,987 11,918 29,698 0.50 149.19 Martinique 528 596 502 37 91 0.00 145.95 Montserrat 45 45 99 Netherlands Antilles 229 67 80 12 18 0.00 50.00 Puerto Rico 4,787 5,632 8,405 1,558 4,815 0.08 209.05 Saint Kitts and Nevis 756 861 873 166 283 0.00 70.48 Saint Lucia 1,514 2,706 2,034 406 637 0.01 56.90 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 839 1,306 1,148 142 295 0.00 107.75 Sint Eustatius 8 7 4 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 692 569 788 115 405 0.01 252.17 Trinidad and Tobago 15,047 13,952 15,621 2,116 2,660 0.04 25.71 Turks and Caicos Islands 10,621 11,855 8,618 1,626 4,753 0.08 192.31 United States Virgin Islands 100 69 66 20 95 0.00 375.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 608 418 317 34 122 0.00 258.82 CENTRAL AMERICA 31,770 31,331 32,224 8,013 15,276 0.26 90.64 Belize 1,476 1,468 1,486 348 594 0.01 70.69 Costa Rica 4,744 4,550 3,467 849 2,149 0.04 153.12 El Salvador 2,513 1,396 5,018 720 592 0.01 -17.78 Guatemala 3,406 3,455 4,604 1,159 2,315 0.04 99.74 Honduras 4,509 4,311 3,749 1,429 1,949 0.03 36.39 Nicaragua 2,799 3,471 3,343 1,049 815 0.01 -22.31 Panama 12,323 12,680 10,557 2,459 6,862 0.12 1 79.06 NORTH AMERICA 8,524,048 9,140,766 9,691,622 2,753,471 5,460,474 91.96 98.31 Canada 965,382 1,008,022 980,190 343,245 125,535 2.11 -63.43 Greenland 52 45 32 Mexico 45,457 45,127 42,155 15,369 31,212 0.53 103.08 United States of America 7,513,157 8,087,572 8,669,245 2,394,857 5,303,727 89.32 121.46 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 32 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 178,290 177,780 171,017 37,891 75,620 1.27 99.57 Argentina 46,021 41,685 31,875 5,775 6,196 0.10 7.29 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 958 1,415 1,080 175 525 0.01 200.00 Brazil 54,704 53,383 62,679 12,233 31,630 0.53 158.56 Chile 11,754 13,577 10,783 3,941 5,028 0.08 27.58 Colombia 18,773 21,796 21,885 6,559 14,433 0.24 120.05 Ecuador 7,250 7,212 7,262 1,864 2,467 0.04 32.35 Guyana 4,059 3,195 3,344 427 878 0.01 105.62 Paraguay 2,605 1,975 1,325 458 917 0.02 100.22 Peru 12,886 13,855 11,676 2,347 6,393 0.11 172.39 Suriname 978 596 401 32 41 0.00 28.13 Uruguay 5,884 5,681 6,158 944 1,702 0.03 80.30 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 12,418 13,410 12,549 3,136 5,410 0.09 72.51 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 124,346 126,625 110,293 30,631 38,171 0.64 24.62 NORHT-EAST ASIA 31,569 31,512 30,250 3,430 3,918 0.07 14.23 China 16,733 18,904 18,451 1,780 901 0.02 -49.38 Hong Kong, China 4,770 2,166 2,921 380 1,669 0.03 339.21 Japan 7,144 7,560 5,540 763 671 0.01 -12.06 Korea, Republic of 2,295 2,257 2,819 491 286 0.00 -41.75 Mongolia 121 148 7 180 0.00 2,471.43 Taiwan Province of China 506 625 371 9 211 0.00 2,244.44 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 32,688 39,001 25,645 9,315 11,918 0.20 27.94 Brunei Darussalam 18 Cambodia 62 85 33 4 Indonesia 5,122 5,555 2,267 437 438 0.01 0.23 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 Malaysia 1,521 1,174 1,590 289 514 0.01 77.85 Myanmar 173 112 50 12 0.00 Philippines 20,700 25,499 15,964 7,228 9,427 0.16 30.42 Singapore 2,696 2,494 2,431 615 877 0.01 42.60 Thailand 1,853 3,854 3,217 719 642 0.01 -10.71 Timor-Leste 10 6 0.00 Viet Nam 533 226 93 23 2 0.00 -91.30 AUSTRALASIA 58,241 55,453 52,978 17,394 21,551 0.36 23.90 Australia 44,936 42,980 39,421 12,177 14,422 0.24 18.44 New Zealand 13,305 12,473 13,557 5,217 7,129 0.12 36.65 MELANESIA 611 391 1,344 365 475 0.01 30.14 Fiji 460 381 954 275 467 0.01 69.82 Papua New Guinea 52 6 10 8 0.00 Solomon Islands 65 360 Vanuatu 34 4 20 90 MICRONESIA 137 98 10 127 4 0.00 -96.85 Kiribati 82 1 Marshall Islands 34 127 Micronesia, Federated States of 34 15 10 4 0.00 Nauru 21 Palau 48 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 S3 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 1,100 170 66 305 0.01 French Polynesia 809 75 64 305 0.01 Samoa 188 25 2 Tonga 65 70 Tuvalu 38 EUROPE 1,059,293 1,091,580 983,491 233,405 224,138 3.77 -3.97 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 101,366 132,483 86,382 23,643 19,433 0.33 -17.81 Armenia 338 254 413 134 173 0.00 29.10 Azerbaijan 241 345 232 309 37 0.00 -88.03 Belarus 484 437 324 11 28 0.00 154.55 Bulgaria 5,595 6,684 4,029 2,396 1,494 0.03 -37.65 Czech Republic (Czechia) 5,885 6,926 4,978 1,249 1,688 0.03 35.15 Estonia 2,951 5,316 5,317 648 295 0.00 -54.48 Georgia 302 444 94 48 307 0.01 539.58 Hungary 4,521 6,073 4,169 1,868 776 0.01 -58.46 Kazakhstan 567 701 372 33 111 0.00 236.36 Kyrgyzstan 80 32 2 255 Latvia 2,062 2,396 1,924 405 329 0.01 -18.77 Lithuania 1,162 2,670 1,746 372 430 0.01 15.59 Moldova, Republic of 313 496 379 27 172 0.00 537.04 Poland 28,466 37,524 24,868 5,618 3,752 0.06 -33.21 Romania 16,519 27,981 13,700 5,205 3,277 0.06 -37.04 Russian Federation 17,782 1 7,087 14,282 2,590 4,236 0.07 63.55 Slovakia 3,780 3,824 3,908 772 722 0.01 -6.48 Tajikistan 16 62 7 180 5 0.00 -97.22 Turkmenistan 33 10 Ukraine 10,167 13,187 5,590 1,509 1,573 0.03 4.24 Uzbekistan 102 34 48 14 28 0.00 100.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 394,102 404,745 394,067 102,837 91,464 1.54 -11.06 Denmark 12,121 14,733 12,359 4,593 3,686 0.06 -19.75 Faeroe Islands 208 93 36 89 6 0.00 -93.26 Finland 5,414 6,772 7,384 1,347 1,184 0.02 -12.10 Iceland 994 1,160 1,005 424 541 0.01 27.59 Ireland 10,393 10,965 10,244 2,542 3,494 0.06 37.45 Norway 11,691 10,673 12,240 2,905 2,659 0.04 -8.47 Sweden 19,578 22,139 14,451 3,283 4,236 0.07 29.03 United Kingdom 333,703 338,210 336,348 87,654 75,658 1.27 -13.69 SOUTHERN EUROPE 175,515 171,240 153,126 27,115 35,076 0.59 29.36 Albania 55 174 207 24 16 0.00 -33.33 Andorra 273 196 141 30 73 0.00 143.33 Bosnia and Herzegovina 297 1,033 585 382 40 0.00 -89.53 Croatia 6,271 5,109 4,080 1,814 1,715 0.03 -5.46 Greece 6,676 7,626 5,918 1,516 1,827 0.03 20.51 Italy 107,265 108,772 97,264 13,057 12,655 0.21 -3.08 Malta 2,973 2,197 1,783 960 3,345 0.06 248.44 Montenegro 1,238 730 279 56 646 0.01 1,053.57 North Macedonia 777 868 1,068 184 317 0.01 72.28 Portugal 9,890 9,717 8,736 1,465 1,678 0.03 14.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 34 COUNTRY TABLES BAHAMAS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 San Marino 148 225 286 6 51 0.00 750.00 Serbia 3,233 2,851 1,452 569 418 0.01 -26.54 Slovenia 1,059 1,777 1,254 181 180 0.00 -0.55 Spain 35,360 29,965 30,073 6,871 12,115 0.20 76.32 WESTERN EUROPE 376,299 368,313 337,169 75,564 71,025 1.20 -6.01 Austria 18,841 19,449 16,072 3,383 3,623 0.06 7.09 Belgium 15,769 13,685 12,111 2,104 2,142 0.04 1.81 France 143,619 139,711 139,666 31,433 20,660 0.35 -34.27 Germany 108,639 113,759 95,129 24,004 21,945 0.37 -8.58 Liechtenstein 259 388 240 34 154 0.00 352.94 Luxembourg 2,379 2,283 2,085 412 380 0.01 -7.77 Monaco 2,380 4,548 1,750 426 1,008 0.02 136.62 Netherlands 28,287 21,531 21,817 5,402 8,864 0.15 64.09 Switzerland 56,126 52,959 48,299 8,366 12,249 0.21 46.41 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 11,997 14,766 12,713 4,246 7,134 0.12 68.02 Cyprus 859 458 550 238 251 0.00 5.46 Israel 6,792 9,710 7,935 1,375 2,906 0.05 111.35 Turkiye 4,346 4,598 4,228 2,633 3,977 0.07 51.04 OTHER EUROPE 14 33 34 6 0.00 Other countries of Europe 14 33 34 6 0.00 MIDDLE EAST 10,414 9,654 7,864 1,638 3,431 0.06 109.46 Bahrain 264 152 194 46 63 0.00 36.96 Egypt 300 440 405 44 146 0.00 231.82 Iraq 4 27 61 Jordan 227 1,005 709 169 73 0.00 -56.80 Kuwait 361 627 607 33 100 0.00 203.03 Lebanon 507 670 467 81 173 0.00 113.58 Oman 64 43 51 16 18 0.00 12.50 Qatar 966 881 773 285 493 0.01 72.98 Saudi Arabia 3,060 2,037 745 138 313 0.01 126.81 State of Palestine 37 111 111 3 5 0.00 66.67 Syrian Arab Republic 7 3 United Arab Emirates 4,624 3,644 3,737 823 2,040 0.03 147.87 Yemen 10 1 7 0.00 SOUTH ASIA 19,119 20,272 15,809 4,360 5,338 0.09 22.43 Afghanistan 8 6 2 Bangladesh 204 115 160 75 23 0.00 -69.33 Bhutan 157 32 50 India 15,532 16,962 13,871 3,035 4,651 0.08 53.25 Iran, Islamic Republic of 109 37 41 3 Maldives 18 7 Nepal 224 47 217 7 121 0.00 1,628.57 Pakistan 360 391 265 280 159 0.00 -43.21 Sri Lanka 2,507 2,682 1,196 960 384 0.01 -60.00 NOT SPECIFIED 22,873 18,222 20,446 6,842 29 0.00 -99.58 Other countries of the world 22,873 18,222 20,446 6,842 29 0.00 -99.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 35 COUNTRY TABLES BAHRAIN / BAHREIN / BAHREIN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 11,374,084 12,044,695 11,061,180 1,909,005 3,612,079 100.00 89.21 AFRICA 14,439 7,723 1,630 4,890 0.14 200.00 EAST AFRICA 5,551 1,589 1,145 0.03 Burundi 6 1 Comoros 1 Djibouti 36 13 5 0.00 Eritrea 449 153 51 0.00 Ethiopia 2,810 407 456 0.01 Kenya 1,249 598 339 0.01 Madagascar 20 7 1 0.00 Malawi 13 5 2 0.00 Mauritius 25 15 0.00 Mozambique 10 5 2 0.00 Seychelles 61 23 16 0.00 Somalia 454 172 52 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 77 30 30 0.00 Uganda 137 92 111 0.00 Zambia 12 3 2 0.00 Zimbabwe 156 54 60 0.00 Other countries of East Africa 61 3 0.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 317 125 153 0.00 Angola 6 2 2 0.00 Cameroon 109 55 138 0.00 Chad 144 52 11 0.00 Congo 22 14 2 0.00 Equatorial Guinea 2 Gabon 32 2 Other countries of Central Africa 2 NORTH AFRICA 2,779 4,160 2,004 0.06 Algeria 172 251 100 0.00 Morocco 600 1,345 734 0.02 Sudan 1,716 2,093 868 0.02 Tunisia 291 471 302 0.01 SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,300 1,351 929 0.03 Namibia 6 3 2 0.00 South Africa 4,287 1,348 927 0.03 Other countries of Southern Africa 7 WEST AFRICA 1,464 493 277 0.01 Benin 26 3 2 0.00 Burkina Faso 30 28 1 0.00 Gambia 12 5 3 0.00 Ghana 456 133 175 0.00 Guinea 11 3 1 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 2 1 1 0.00 Liberia 1 Mali 96 27 12 0.00 Mauritania 41 14 8 0.00 Niger 54 20 61 0.00 Nigeria 686 247 5 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 36 COUNTRY TABLES BAHRAIN / BAHREIN / BAHREIN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Senegal 38 9 5 0.00 Sierra Leone 7 2 1 0.00 Togo 4 1 2 0.00 OTHER AFRICA 28 5 1,630 382 0.01 -76.56 Other countries of Africa 28 5 382 0.01 All countries of Africa 1,630 AMERICAS 48,845 50,937 60,951 33,425 15,097 0.42 -54.83 CARIBBEAN 561 204 62 0.00 Bahamas 4 2 Barbados 4 1 3 0.00 British Virgin Islands 1 Cuba 18 15 20 0.00 Dominica 28 15 15 0.00 Dominican Republic 40 6 2 0.00 Grenada 4 2 1 0.00 Jamaica 176 60 12 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 5 5 2 0.00 Saint Lucia 4 3 7 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1 Sint Eustatius 4 Trinidad and Tobago 251 92 Other countries of the Caribbean 21 2 CENTRAL AMERICA 137 276 36 0.00 Belize 8 Costa Rica 20 52 10 0.00 El Salvador 10 82 8 0.00 Guatemala 13 12 3 0.00 Honduras 14 40 4 0.00 Nicaragua 7 7 1 0.00 Panama 33 72 10 0.00 Other countries of Central America 40 3 NORTH AMERICA 45,634 53,544 13,506 0.37 Canada 11,307 13,153 2,712 0.08 Mexico 724 1,152 250 0.01 United States of America 33,535 39,165 10,526 0.29 Other countries of North America 68 74 18 0.00 SOUTH AMERICA 4,605 6,927 1,555 0.04 Argentina 372 458 192 0.01 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 47 122 30 0.00 Brazil 1,123 1,818 406 0.01 Chile 90 139 37 0.00 Colombia 945 1,512 321 0.01 Ecuador 104 266 33 0.00 Guyana 4 11 1 0.00 Paraguay 8 24 2 0.00 Peru 94 196 91 0.00 Suriname 1 1 Uruguay 21 28 5 0.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,796 2,352 437 0.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 37 COUNTRY TABLES BAHRAIN / BAHREIN / BAHREIN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER AMERICAS 48,845 33,425 All countries of the Americas 48,845 33,425 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 74,897 13,733 6,435 8,385 3,293 0.09 -60.73 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,920 1,372 490 0.01 China 1,503 715 280 0.01 Hong Kong, China 19 11 5 0.00 Japan 720 312 93 0.00 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2 Korea, Republic of 673 333 111 0.00 Macao, China 1 Mongolia 2 1 1 0.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 9,475 4,473 1,784 0.05 Brunei Darussalam 3 2 1 0.00 Cambodia 2 1 3 0.00 Indonesia 737 341 205 0.01 Malaysia 408 165 42 0.00 Myanmar 14 7 2 0.00 Philippines 7,287 3,312 1,220 0.03 Singapore 166 78 36 0.00 Thailand 830 553 271 0.01 Viet Nam 28 14 4 0.00 AUSTRALASIA 1,336 589 1,016 0.03 Australia 1,137 498 834 0.02 New Zealand 199 91 182 0.01 MELANESIA 2 1 3 0.00 Fiji 2 1 3 0.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 74,897 8,385 All countries of Asia 74,897 8,385 EUROPE 203,906 179,656 185,914 65,820 25,596 0.71 -61.11 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 18,686 27,518 3,886 0.11 Armenia 157 137 39 0.00 Azerbaijan 594 578 77 0.00 Belarus 461 818 115 0.00 Bulgaria 501 1,042 162 0.00 Czech Republic (Czechia) 486 715 91 0.00 Estonia 93 167 60 0.00 Georgia 267 183 17 0.00 Hungary 592 669 104 0.00 Kazakhstan 799 834 118 0.00 Kyrgyzstan 404 185 41 0.00 Latvia 154 151 60 0.00 Lithuania 265 415 66 0.00 Moldova, Republic of 59 64 24 0.00 Poland 1,832 2,470 609 0.02 Romania 1,946 3,430 681 0.02 Russian Federation 7,966 10,516 722 0.02 Slovakia 379 898 162 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 38 COUNTRY TABLES BAHRAIN / BAHREIN / BAHREIN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Tajikistan 114 53 11 0.00 Turkmenistan 102 300 62 0.00 Ukraine 1,194 3,489 576 0.02 Uzbekistan 220 280 67 0.00 Other countries Central/East Europe 101 124 22 0.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 84,528 80,304 13,026 0.36 Denmark 1,099 1,099 214 0.01 Finland 453 319 65 0.00 Iceland 33 30 110 0.00 Ireland 6,450 5,927 998 0.03 Norway 894 765 138 0.00 Sweden 1,200 1,174 242 0.01 United Kingdom 74,399 70,990 11,259 0.31 SOUTHERN EUROPE 19,979 20,979 3,216 0.09 Albania 162 528 98 0.00 Andorra 4 7 Bosnia and Herzegovina 161 304 33 0.00 Croatia 759 700 97 0.00 Greece 3,296 3,584 552 0.02 Italy 8,482 8,538 1,209 0.03 Malta 163 140 11 0.00 North Macedonia 76 38 0.00 Portugal 1,642 1,585 269 0.01 San Marino 2 3 1 0.00 Serbia 506 793 178 0.00 Slovenia 83 110 17 0.00 Spain 4,643 4,687 713 0.02 WESTERN EUROPE 45,673 46,932 4,851 0.13 Austria 1,887 1,986 226 0.01 Belgium 2,121 1,987 387 0.01 France 9,794 9,329 1,581 0.04 Germany 24,935 27,201 1,899 0.05 Liechtenstein 8 13 Luxembourg 106 141 9 0.00 Monaco 2 1 Netherlands 5,160 4,795 609 0.02 Switzerland 1,660 1,479 140 0.00 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,790 10,181 601 0.02 Cyprus 699 816 53 0.00 Turkiye 10,091 9,365 548 0.02 OTHER EUROPE 203,906 65,820 16 0.00 -99.98 Other countries of Europe 16 0.00 All countries of Europe 203,906 65,820 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 39 COUNTRY TABLES BAHRAIN / BAHREIN / BAHREIN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 11,031,719 11,721,755 10,770,228 1,799,745 3,543,040 98.09 96.86 Egypt 7,223 9,095 7,379 0.20 Iraq 336 451 200 0.01 Jordan 5,717 6,832 3,259 0.09 Kuwait 715,370 688,591 215,468 5.97 Lebanon 2,548 2,956 1,470 0.04 Libya 40 56 41 0.00 Oman 91,218 108,279 32,198 0.89 Qatar 9,994 13,493 10,760 0.30 Saudi Arabia 9,923,076 10,737,689 9,773,664 1,574,754 3,212,503 88.94 104.00 State of Palestine 1,617 1,848 598 0.02 Syrian Arab Republic 5,420 5,706 2,583 0.07 United Arab Emirates 140,231 154,060 54,725 1.52 Yemen 4,352 5,197 1,856 0.05 Other countries of Middle East 1,108,643 224,991 SOUTH ASIA 64,051 29,828 20,163 0.56 Afghanistan 113 51 11 0.00 Bangladesh 3,819 1,469 1,429 0.04 Bhutan 3 5 1 0.00 India 46,423 22,161 13,289 0.37 Iran, Islamic Republic of 69 33 33 0.00 Maldives 9 3 2 0.00 Nepal 1,103 465 524 0.01 Pakistan 11,450 5,156 4,668 0.13 Sri Lanka 1,062 480 206 0.01 Other countries of South Asia 5 NOT SPECIFIED 14,717 124 101 Other countries of the world 14,717 124 101 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 9C COUNTRY TABLES BANGLADESH 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 237,452 267,209 323,295 181,518 135,186 100.00 -25.52 AMERICAS 6,792 8,573 8,760 25,480 52,070 38.52 104.36 NORTH AMERICA 6,792 8,573 8,760 25,480 52,070 38.52 104.36 Canada 1,196 1,402 1,535 5,507 8,780 6.49 59.43 United States of America 5,596 7,171 7,225 19,973 43,290 32.02 116.74 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,427 16,581 17,253 9,055 5,690 4.21 -37.16 NORHT-EAST ASIA 11,687 12,372 13,425 767 392 0.29 -48.89 China 6,839 6,363 7,004 Japan 2,858 3,712 4,195 767 392 0.29 -48.89 Korea, Republic of 1,990 2,297 2,226 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,335 2,601 2,225 4,215 1,405 1.04 -66.67 Malaysia 2,335 2,601 2,225 Singapore 1,774 1,270 0.94 -28.41 Thailand 2,441 135 0.10 -94.47 AUSTRALASIA 1,405 1,608 1,603 4,073 3,893 2.88 -4.42 Australia 1,405 1,608 1,603 3,907 3,833 2.84 -1.89 New Zealand 166 60 0.04 -63.86 EUROPE 4,559 4,961 3,709 37,002 41,884 30.98 13.19 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 216 252 0.19 16.67 Russian Federation 216 252 0.19 16.67 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,432 3,676 2,405 33,429 34,487 25.51 3.16 Norway 99 204 0.15 106.06 Sweden 825 1,831 1.35 121.94 United Kingdom 3,432 3,676 2,405 32,505 32,452 24.01 -0.16 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,155 2,779 2.06 140.61 Greece 36 64 0.05 77.78 Holy See 1,119 2,715 2.01 142.63 WESTERN EUROPE 1,127 1,285 1,304 2,202 4,366 3.23 98.27 France 828 1,580 1.17 90.82 Germany 1,127 1,285 1,304 838 1,788 1.32 113.37 Netherlands 245 367 0.27 49.80 Switzerland 291 631 0.47 116.84 MIDDLE EAST 1,921 1,505 1,549 Saudi Arabia 1,921 1,505 1,549 SOUTH ASIA 191,595 216,672 272,998 83,139 10,408 7.70 -87.48 India 188,814 213,947 270,024 83,139 10,408 7.70 -87.48 Nepal 2,781 2,725 2,974 NOT SPECIFIED 17,158 18,917 19,026 26,842 25,134 18.59 -6.36 Other countries of the world 17,158 18,917 19,026 26,842 25,134 18.59 -6.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 9' COUNTRY TABLES BARBADOS / BARBADE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 663,511 680,269 522,573 207,378 143,509 100.00 -30.80 AFRICA 1,713 1,749 1,251 636 468 0.33 -26.42 EAST AFRICA 255 255 258 60 80 0.06 33.33 Burundi 4 9 1 0.00 Eritrea 1 1 2 Ethiopia 5 10 4 1 Kenya 81 59 156 25 48 0.03 92.00 Madagascar 2 2 Malawi 14 1 5 1 Mauritius 26 19 16 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Mozambique 7 Rwanda 1 6 2 1 0.00 Seychelles 4 11 7 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 11 13 8 2 3 0.00 50.00 Uganda 16 43 4 4 5 0.00 25.00 Zambia 20 15 11 Zimbabwe 71 68 35 16 20 0.01 25.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 32 20 15 6 8 0.01 33.33 Angola 7 2 1 Cameroon 13 10 4 5 0.00 Chad 1 Congo 9 7 4 1 Equatorial Guinea 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Gabon 3 6 1 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 36 39 33 21 6 0.00 -71.43 Algeria 1 8 4 2 Morocco 7 15 18 10 1 0.00 -90.00 Sudan 5 2 3 2 0.00 Tunisia 23 14 8 9 3 0.00 -66.67 SOUTHERN AFRICA 645 633 326 212 67 0.05 -68.40 Botswana 23 15 6 2 4 0.00 100.00 Eswatini 1 7 Lesotho 2 Namibia 8 7 4 1 1 0.00 South Africa 613 602 316 209 62 0.04 -70.33 WEST AFRICA 744 801 619 337 307 0.21 -8.90 Benin 1 Cabo Verde 2 3 3 Cote d'lvoire 5 5 6 Gambia 2 2 1 1 Ghana 83 85 100 86 17 0.01 -80.23 Guinea 3 2 Liberia 2 5 1 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Mali 1 1 Mauritania 1 Niger 2 Nigeria 623 681 490 236 286 0.20 21.19 Senegal 2 11 6 1 1 0.00 Sierra Leone 19 4 10 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Togo 2 1 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 92 COUNTRY TABLES BARBADOS / BARBADE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER AFRICA 1 1 Other countries of Africa 1 1 AMERICAS 393,692 408,990 319,356 110,064 70,696 49.26 -35.77 CARIBBEAN 97,476 97,385 73,670 21,622 14,118 9.84 -34.71 Anguilla 300 265 281 66 85 0.06 28.79 Antigua and Barbuda 5,377 6,294 5,144 1,570 1,237 0.86 -21.21 Aruba 72 58 92 27 23 0.02 -14.81 Bahamas 1,490 1,591 1,236 352 175 0.12 -50.28 Bermuda 1,219 1,120 873 378 214 0.15 -43.39 British Virgin Islands 1,337 1,326 1,111 297 69 0.05 -76.77 Cayman Islands 658 583 626 139 84 0.06 -39.57 Cuba 195 353 249 131 141 0.10 7.63 Curacao 132 141 257 165 40 0.03 -75.76 Dominica 6,348 7,169 4,962 1,328 869 0.61 -34.56 Dominican Republic 618 607 480 215 94 0.07 -56.28 Grenada 5,462 5,385 3,956 1,857 1,085 0.76 -41.57 Guadeloupe 1,461 1,557 1,383 89 38 0.03 -57.30 Haiti 356 990 247 76 214 0.15 181.58 Jamaica 9,915 9,901 7,399 2,718 1,629 1.14 -40.07 Martinique 2,012 2,028 1,922 126 92 0.06 -26.98 Montserrat 186 160 147 57 23 0.02 -59.65 Netherlands Antilles 249 244 254 Puerto Rico 454 403 477 51 53 0.04 3.92 Saint Kitts and Nevis 3,042 3,242 2,536 593 400 0.28 -32.55 Saint Lucia 9,412 9,810 6,808 2,074 1,496 1.04 -27.87 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 10,717 10,858 7,656 3,103 1,868 1.30 -39.80 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 70 89 152 70 35 0.02 -50.00 Trinidad and Tobago 35,832 32,645 24,923 5,925 3,768 2.63 -36.41 Turks and Caicos Islands 199 283 200 150 87 0.06 -42.00 United States Virgin Islands 283 283 299 31 299 0.21 864.52 Other countries of the Caribbean 80 34 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,283 2,223 2,029 870 391 0.27 -55.06 Belize 580 503 427 111 36 0.03 -67.57 Costa Rica 231 227 236 60 20 0.01 -66.67 El Salvador 54 58 61 2 11 0.01 450.00 Guatemala 136 97 100 42 30 0.02 -28.57 Honduras 136 66 114 25 11 0.01 -56.00 Nicaragua 57 54 89 22 10 0.01 -54.55 Panama 1,089 1,218 1,002 608 273 0.19 -55.10 NORTH AMERICA 274,933 292,155 231,179 83,877 52,936 36.89 -36.89 Canada 85,207 86,622 61,861 31,225 10,381 7.23 -66.75 Mexico 704 728 619 164 133 0.09 -18.90 United States of America 189,022 204,805 168,699 52,488 42,422 29.56 -19.18 SOUTH AMERICA 19,000 17,227 12,478 3,695 3,251 2.27 -12.02 Argentina 558 671 530 171 37 0.03 -78.36 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 49 13 4 4 11 0.01 1 75.00 Brazil 1,443 1,216 678 337 83 0.06 -75.37 Chile 222 277 213 67 21 0.01 -68.66 Colombia 1,871 913 693 239 238 0.17 -0.42 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 93 COUNTRY TABLES BARBADOS / BARBADE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Ecuador 89 58 42 152 20 0.01 -86.84 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 French Guiana 76 39 33 12 5 0.00 -58.33 Guyana 12,112 12,162 8,624 2,159 2,351 1.64 8.89 Paraguay 20 16 30 12 2 0.00 -83.33 Peru 453 176 140 62 26 0.02 -58.06 Suriname 600 572 521 42 0.03 Uruguay 119 83 73 25 5 0.00 -80.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,387 1,031 897 455 410 0.29 -9.89 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,607 5,539 3,020 1,539 712 0.50 -53.74 NORTH-EAST ASIA 1,579 2,177 1,094 405 283 0.20 -30.12 China 1,052 1,585 705 252 238 0.17 -5.56 Hong Kong (China) 88 56 71 34 17 0.01 -50.00 Japan 312 364 260 70 18 0.01 -74.29 Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 2 8 12 Korea, Republic of 90 137 37 45 10 0.01 -77.78 Mongolia 3 2 4 Taiwan Province of China 32 25 5 4 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 871 777 630 654 309 0.22 -52.75 Cambodia 5 1 5 9 0.01 Indonesia 71 91 69 30 43 0.03 43.33 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 Malaysia 59 78 52 10 31 0.02 210.00 Myanmar 3 5 1 Philippines 568 475 364 566 185 0.13 -67.31 Singapore 115 87 96 15 20 0.01 33.33 Thailand 47 36 32 29 19 0.01 -34.48 Timor-Leste 1 Viet Nam 6 4 7 3 2 0.00 -33.33 AUSTRALASIA 3,127 2,544 1,277 455 111 0.08 -75.60 Australia 2,532 1,986 978 389 93 0.06 -76.09 New Zealand 595 558 299 66 18 0.01 -72.73 MELANESIA 20 25 12 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Fiji 12 22 10 3 Norfolk Island 1 Papua New Guinea 2 1 1 Solomon Islands 3 1 1 Vanuatu 2 1 1 0.00 MICRONESIA 2 2 5 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2 1 Guam 1 1 Kiribati 4 POLYNESIA 8 14 2 22 8 0.01 -63.64 American Samoa 13 8 0.01 -38.46 Cook Islands 2 1 French Polynesia 3 5 Samoa 7 2 Tonga 6 2 2 1 Other countries of Polynesia 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 94 COUNTRY TABLES BARBADOS / BARBADE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 259,703 259,680 196,308 92,189 68,075 47.44 -26.16 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,889 3,640 2,408 2,469 761 0.53 -69.18 Armenia 2 2 4 4 5 0.00 25.00 Azerbaijan 7 6 5 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Belarus 62 49 13 16 17 0.01 6.25 Bulgaria 163 182 111 96 52 0.04 -45.83 Czech Republic (Czechia) 340 335 348 386 67 0.05 -82.64 Estonia 69 90 85 215 31 0.02 -85.58 Georgia 1 11 17 8 14 0.01 75.00 Hungary 305 269 163 134 42 0.03 -68.66 Kazakhstan 45 50 27 26 2 0.00 -92.31 Kyrgyzstan 11 4 3 3 0.00 Latvia 91 95 49 51 17 0.01 -66.67 Lithuania 107 106 105 76 21 0.01 -72.37 Moldova, Republic of 6 4 7 11 Poland 657 631 445 357 139 0.10 -61.06 Romania 291 352 178 288 61 0.04 -78.82 Russian Federation 1,084 803 433 373 133 0.09 -64.34 Slovakia 212 283 193 120 17 0.01 -85.83 Tajikistan 1 1 Turkmenistan 4 2 1 1 Ukraine 428 356 214 298 139 0.10 -53.36 Uzbekistan 4 9 6 1 NORTHERN EUROPE 227,359 228,408 176,073 81,671 63,514 44.26 -22.23 Denmark 1,091 984 572 550 202 0.14 -63.27 Finland 618 577 311 343 108 0.08 -68.51 Iceland 52 103 47 15 5 0.00 -66.67 Ireland 3,601 3,540 2,310 845 1,066 0.74 26.15 Norway 1,079 923 582 292 168 0.12 -42.47 Sweden 2,173 1,827 982 692 295 0.21 -57.37 United Kingdom 218,745 220,454 171,269 78,934 61,670 42.97 -21.87 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,716 5,614 3,529 2,547 679 0.47 -73.34 Albania 10 10 6 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Andorra 10 4 3 7 2 0.00 -71.43 Bosnia and Herzegovina 21 4 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Croatia 102 113 70 59 19 0.01 -67.80 Gibraltar 42 50 39 14 24 0.02 71.43 Greece 150 117 79 67 24 0.02 -64.18 Italy 3,292 3,382 2,055 1,121 237 0.17 -78.86 Malta 47 79 53 22 11 0.01 -50.00 Montenegro 14 8 6 7 1 0.00 -85.71 North Macedonia 18 8 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Portugal 312 309 187 190 80 0.06 -57.89 San Marino 11 3 4 6 0.00 50.00 Serbia 64 65 51 52 4 0.00 -92.31 Slovenia 164 142 65 95 11 0.01 -88.42 Spain 1,459 1,323 906 898 255 0.18 -71.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 95 COUNTRY TABLES BARBADOS / BARBADE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 22,404 21,680 14,064 5,368 3,047 2.12 -43.24 Austria 1,013 870 569 179 140 0.10 -21.79 Belgium 678 753 400 280 191 0.13 -31.79 France 4,942 5,164 3,055 1,550 412 0.29 -73.42 Germany 11,307 10,675 7,316 2,684 1,463 1.02 -45.49 Liechtenstein 10 9 3 3 4 0.00 33.33 Luxembourg 146 137 125 39 25 0.02 -35.90 Monaco 112 81 57 47 22 0.02 -53.19 Netherlands 2,048 2,025 1,298 100 424 0.30 324.00 Switzerland 2,148 1,966 1,241 486 366 0.26 -24.69 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 335 338 234 134 74 0.05 -44.78 Cyprus 49 53 36 33 21 0.01 -36.36 Israel 209 165 125 32 31 0.02 -3.13 Turkiye 77 120 73 69 22 0.02 -68.12 MIDDLE EAST 562 827 284 262 98 0.07 -62.60 Bahrain 6 9 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Egypt 19 16 17 3 3 0.00 Iraq 1 2 1 1 1 0.00 Jordan 6 4 4 9 3 0.00 -66.67 Kuwait 6 14 4 5 8 0.01 60.00 Lebanon 15 19 12 9 5 0.00 -44.44 Libya 3 1 Oman 7 7 10 1 5 0.00 400.00 Qatar 13 19 10 126 5 0.00 -96.03 Saudi Arabia 19 10 17 5 13 0.01 160.00 State of Palestine 3 4 3 Syrian Arab Republic 6 3 United Arab Emirates 458 719 206 96 54 0.04 -43.75 SOUTH ASIA 1,588 1,401 1,069 749 326 0.23 -56.48 Afghanistan 2 1 12 Bangladesh 26 22 9 1 0.00 India 1,358 1,202 971 702 279 0.19 -60.26 Iran, Islamic Republic of 17 6 7 Maldives 1 1 Nepal 22 29 12 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Pakistan 138 71 43 24 40 0.03 66.67 Sri Lanka 24 70 26 9 5 0.00 -44.44 NOT SPECIFIED 646 2,083 1,285 1,939 3,134 2.18 61.63 Other countries of the World 646 2,083 1,285 1,939 3,134 2.18 61.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 96 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 282,694 365,534 405,472 80,972 71,388 100.00 -11.84 AFRICA 166 164 177 37 EAST AFRICA 17 11 16 4 British Indian Ocean Territory 16 Comoros 1 Kenya 5 Mauritius 1 1 3 Mozambique 3 Somalia 4 Tanzania, United Republic of 2 3 Zambia 9 CENTRAL AFRICA 32 6 7 7 Angola 10 Cameroon 19 1 5 1 Congo 1 2 1 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 3 5 Gabon 4 NORTH AFRICA 11 86 89 18 Algeria 2 22 16 2 Morocco 5 38 69 11 Sudan 3 1 2 Tunisia 4 23 3 3 SOUTHERN AFRICA 95 44 58 1 Namibia 1 South Africa 94 44 58 1 WEST AFRICA 11 17 7 7 Benin 1 Burkina Faso 2 Cote d'lvoire 1 3 Gambia 1 Ghana 4 Guinea 2 Liberia 1 Nigeria 11 6 7 Senegal 2 Togo 1 AMERICAS 1,760 2,186 1,464 229 CARIBBEAN 21 22 8 8 Cuba 2 7 5 Dominica 7 11 3 Dominican Republic 11 1 3 Haiti 1 Jamaica 2 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 3 Trinidad and Tobago 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 97 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 7 2 Costa Rica 1 2 Guatemala 5 Honduras 1 NORTH AMERICA 1,671 2,099 1,409 183 Canada 307 346 306 37 Mexico 16 30 27 United States of America 1,348 1,723 1,076 146 SOUTH AMERICA 61 63 47 38 Argentina 6 16 1 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2 1 Brazil 28 11 19 26 Chile 7 11 3 Colombia 5 17 4 2 Ecuador 6 1 7 Peru 4 Uruguay 4 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 15 12 1 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,680 6,012 7,066 248 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,119 4,485 5,866 215 China 3,151 3,277 5,121 189 Hong Kong, China 84 75 209 Japan 623 825 266 14 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 12 2 Korea, Republic of 14 14 45 3 Mongolia 3 6 3 4 Taiwan Province of China 232 288 222 3 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 392 522 418 15 Brunei Darussalam 1 Cambodia 21 Indonesia 30 78 55 4 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 Malaysia 81 46 68 Myanmar 15 Philippines 79 80 99 2 Singapore 70 69 89 Thailand 25 127 13 9 Viet Nam 107 105 72 AUSTRALASIA 1,158 1,005 782 18 Australia 1,051 898 651 18 New Zealand 107 107 131 POLYNESIA 11 Samoa 11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 98 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 272,435 352,910 393,255 79,146 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 257,967 333,982 376,109 75,631 Armenia 129 98 58 28 Azerbaijan 269 316 357 166 Bulgaria 171 123 496 210 Czech Republic (Czechia) 495 524 1,053 66 Estonia 2,769 2,562 2,316 198 Georgia 72 53 71 39 Hungary 116 129 527 21 Kazakhstan 606 601 526 181 Kyrgyzstan 14 8 19 21 Latvia 6,533 11,026 10,478 1,116 Lithuania 26,182 59,564 76,060 6,719 Moldova, Republic of 357 124 103 150 Poland 22,686 46,305 61,349 13,562 Romania 38 129 306 9 Russian Federation 191,520 207,416 217,837 52,263 Slovakia 131 136 298 9 Tajikistan 14 14 19 30 Turkmenistan 1,200 467 365 46 Ukraine 4,363 4,016 3,578 748 Uzbekistan 302 371 293 49 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,087 3,772 3,852 317 Denmark 306 421 332 15 Finland 212 369 523 58 Iceland 54 6 52 32 Ireland 55 95 73 8 Norway 132 313 357 46 Sweden 327 270 443 34 United Kingdom 2,001 2,298 2,072 124 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,296 4,464 2,452 287 Albania 67 87 25 Andorra 3 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 33 4 25 1 Croatia 61 121 66 6 Greece 129 172 79 8 Italy 1,162 749 721 74 Malta 2 120 13 Montenegro 20 56 North Macedonia 30 2 13 1 Portugal 106 62 163 3 San Marino 31 Serbia 235 66 207 84 Slovenia 153 21 51 2 Spain 1,356 3,175 863 70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 99 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 5,277 6,750 8,891 1,645 Austria 262 241 251 46 Belgium 249 1,123 522 74 France 827 611 835 182 Germany 3,102 3,566 4,538 818 Liechtenstein 2 1 Luxembourg 10 2 8 2 Netherlands 617 1,003 952 150 Switzerland 210 202 1,784 373 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,808 3,942 1,951 1,266 Cyprus 33 260 69 49 Israel 1,620 2,069 885 424 Turkiye 1,155 1,613 997 793 MIDDLE EAST 2,159 3,550 2,995 1,200 Bahrain 47 33 8 Egypt 69 355 257 87 Iraq 1,372 1,608 1,157 655 Jordan 105 81 40 78 Kuwait 42 14 17 Lebanon 284 277 228 74 Libya 6 5 46 Oman 27 22 1 4 Qatar 7 1 1 Saudi Arabia 114 106 23 9 State of Palestine 4 5 3 Syrian Arab Republic 64 6 8 31 United Arab Emirates 28 1,034 1,245 209 Yemen 4 3 SOUTH ASIA 494 712 515 112 Afghanistan 8 2 Bangladesh 15 3 1 India 115 118 182 22 Iran, Islamic Republic of 325 376 112 56 Maldives 1 2 Nepal 2 Pakistan 26 161 170 2 Sri Lanka 13 53 38 30 NOT SPECIFIED 71,388 100.00 Other countries of the world 71,388 100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 100 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 11,060,148 11,501,590 11,832,053 3,598,488 3,361,045 100.00 -6.60 AFRICA 2,296 4,225 4,188 2,587 EAST AFRICA 269 368 726 243 British Indian Ocean Territory 1 Burundi 2 1 1 1 Comoros 5 8 3 2 Djibouti 9 1 1 4 Eritrea 6 11 43 9 Ethiopia 55 42 42 37 Kenya 40 53 55 30 Madagascar 10 13 9 2 Malawi 1 3 1 Mauritius 17 26 23 4 Mozambique 9 23 9 6 Reunion 7 2 Rwanda 24 34 115 22 Seychelles 4 7 8 3 Somalia 3 6 16 57 Tanzania, United Republic of 11 19 30 3 Uganda 8 26 40 10 Zambia 19 11 62 37 Zimbabwe 46 84 260 14 CENTRAL AFRICA 274 452 718 800 Angola 86 61 154 8 Cameroon 124 166 240 318 Central African Republic 3 5 1 Chad 3 3 Congo 6 20 64 104 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 44 191 249 358 Equatorial Guinea 1 1 1 Gabon 5 5 3 7 Sao Tome and Principe 8 5 NORTH AFRICA 851 1,671 1,075 429 Algeria 142 238 212 57 Morocco 266 704 372 157 South Sudan 12 Sudan 192 309 273 124 Tunisia 251 420 206 91 SOUTHERN AFRICA 222 389 473 157 Botswana 2 7 1 Eswatini 3 27 9 Lesotho 14 Namibia 8 11 8 South Africa 212 368 423 148 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 101 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 680 1,345 1,196 958 Benin 2 7 12 9 Burkina Faso 6 12 9 30 Cabo Verde 2 5 Cote d'lvoire 40 112 95 83 Gambia 3 10 9 28 Ghana 146 251 196 115 Guinea 11 23 40 121 Guinea-Bissau 6 6 1 6 Liberia 13 21 43 21 Mali 3 38 19 34 Mauritania 5 9 1 Niger 3 18 1 Nigeria 405 764 607 352 Senegal 21 70 44 66 Sierra Leone 4 14 54 11 Togo 15 7 40 80 AMERICAS 18,686 35,609 35,166 9,544 CARIBBEAN 225 462 787 240 Anguilla 1 1 Antigua and Barbuda 4 10 5 Bahamas 3 1 Barbados 3 3 7 Cayman Islands 1 Cuba 179 311 556 122 Dominica 17 41 85 50 Dominican Republic 6 10 32 16 Grenada 1 2 3 Guadeloupe 4 Haiti 1 4 2 Jamaica 6 7 6 3 Montserrat 1 1 Netherlands Antilles 1 Puerto Rico 2 12 5 Saint Kitts and Nevis 3 8 29 19 Saint Lucia 1 3 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 3 1 Trinidad and Tobago 6 72 28 5 Turks and Caicos Islands 8 United States Virgin Islands 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 76 317 320 65 Belize 3 1 Costa Rica 17 123 85 4 El Salvador 15 27 90 13 Guatemala 10 26 24 7 Honduras 6 26 13 10 Nicaragua 14 20 38 16 Panama 14 95 67 14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 102 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 15,406 26,206 28,832 7,809 Canada 2,462 3,904 4,134 1,330 Mexico 418 1,293 709 139 United States of America 12,526 21,009 23,989 6,340 SOUTH AMERICA 2,979 8,624 5,227 1,430 Argentina 396 2,285 804 179 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 16 51 34 8 Brazil 1,220 2,956 2,315 696 Chile 263 346 358 79 Colombia 117 816 202 47 Ecuador 229 432 498 161 Guyana 6 8 1 Paraguay 4 38 10 3 Peru 231 997 396 122 Suriname 13 35 20 Uruguay 30 92 77 20 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 467 590 498 94 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 25,812 45,712 64,012 21,825 NORHT-EAST ASIA 22,286 39,418 56,475 20,458 China 18,180 30,680 46,952 18,869 Hong Kong, China 7 1,157 1,453 108 Japan 2,026 4,006 4,100 591 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 88 142 194 32 Korea, Republic of 1,188 1,821 2,140 379 Macao, China 8 46 38 2 Mongolia 387 827 991 426 Taiwan Province of China 402 739 607 51 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,778 2,816 3,983 861 Brunei Darussalam 1 Cambodia 29 20 54 10 Indonesia 209 531 1,031 163 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 3 26 13 Malaysia 235 394 484 81 Myanmar 17 98 60 25 Philippines 149 245 527 124 Singapore 128 266 470 66 Thailand 139 187 285 121 Viet Nam 870 1,072 1,045 258 AUSTRALASIA 1,740 3,478 3,436 495 Australia 1,550 3,059 2,894 435 New Zealand 190 419 542 60 MELANESIA 2 72 6 Fiji 1 1 Solomon Islands 1 65 1 Vanuatu 1 6 4 MICRONESIA 6 16 Nauru 6 16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 103 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 30 5 American Samoa 4 French Polynesia 1 Niue 1 Samoa 3 2 Tokelau 22 2 EUROPE 10,927,580 11,296,063 11,603,455 3,529,385 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 10,743,249 11,020,517 11,316,970 3,429,776 Armenia 8,940 12,147 11,762 22,839 Azerbaijan 14,614 21,524 24,285 18,081 Bulgaria 5,490 6,385 6,426 3,540 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,231 11,560 11,740 4,179 Estonia 16,779 22,483 24,364 4,863 Georgia 12,001 16,945 18,537 9,764 Hungary 6,004 8,080 7,747 3,952 Kazakhstan 34,192 52,261 60,382 29,739 Kyrgyzstan 5,825 8,501 12,507 6,988 Latvia 129,695 193,708 205,630 52,840 Lithuania 619,317 1,038,479 1,130,053 258,684 Moldova, Republic of 89,160 77,928 75,662 36,240 Poland 444,978 585,008 592,806 202,589 Romania 1,311 2,130 2,815 786 Russian Federation 8,191,823 6,971,053 7,098,942 1,961,264 Slovakia 5,564 6,680 6,564 2,970 Tajikistan 3,908 5,723 6,127 9,106 Turkmenistan 12,352 18,016 15,770 4,000 Ukraine 1,118,660 1,940,355 1,979,003 753,120 Uzbekistan 13,405 21,551 25,848 44,232 NORTHERN EUROPE 24,294 40,023 42,885 10,243 Denmark 2,217 3,276 3,518 764 Finland 3,838 6,047 6,527 1,457 Iceland 168 240 432 118 Ireland 1,203 2,161 2,470 516 Norway 2,176 3,328 3,840 777 Sweden 4,527 6,380 6,972 2,149 United Kingdom 10,165 18,591 19,126 4,462 SOUTHERN EUROPE 37,456 53,272 56,634 25,478 Albania 140 179 243 176 Andorra 7 14 64 Bosnia and Herzegovina 504 735 1,005 711 Croatia 1,820 2,705 2,648 1,236 Gibraltar 24 Greece 1,441 2,587 2,468 704 Holy See 25 9 Italy 14,092 21,783 22,213 5,988 Malta 93 263 262 159 Montenegro 273 330 290 149 North Macedonia 1,686 1,124 Portugal 1,472 2,614 2,038 362 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 104 COUNTRY TABLES BELARUS / BELARUS / BELARUS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 San Marino 37 51 23 1 Serbia 10,923 12,379 14,554 12,344 Slovenia 1,211 1,796 1,964 534 Spain 3,101 5,688 6,989 1,981 Other countries of Southern Europe 2,342 2,148 138 WESTERN EUROPE 70,546 111,007 117,807 30,733 Austria 4,682 7,070 7,859 1,928 Belgium 2,655 4,647 4,962 1,381 France 11,308 19,146 16,462 4,779 Germany 41,954 64,505 70,614 18,053 Liechtenstein 11 16 27 7 Luxembourg 151 351 307 63 Monaco 2 3 22 1 Netherlands 7,011 10,699 11,740 3,159 Switzerland 2,772 4,570 5,814 1,362 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 52,035 71,244 69,159 33,155 Cyprus 610 981 1,100 331 Israel 22,377 34,854 37,000 16,125 Turkiye 29,048 35,409 31,059 16,699 MIDDLE EAST 12,862 19,374 24,954 10,569 Bahrain 198 276 375 72 Egypt 684 988 1,683 807 Iraq 6,093 8,075 6,650 4,698 Jordan 544 893 951 313 Kuwait 123 240 704 290 Lebanon 2,184 3,383 3,421 1,680 Libya 214 341 268 469 Oman 199 407 560 76 Qatar 159 283 621 184 Saudi Arabia 611 1,276 3,775 447 State of Palestine 293 266 189 39 Syrian Arab Republic 553 1,355 1,403 363 United Arab Emirates 925 1,458 4,234 1,042 Yemen 82 133 120 89 SOUTH ASIA 9,179 12,000 11,769 5,491 Afghanistan 297 395 343 117 Bangladesh 120 162 229 205 Bhutan 2 1 13 India 2,948 4,310 4,762 1,556 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,212 4,526 3,291 1,475 Maldives 68 181 227 171 Nepal 119 91 197 37 Pakistan 705 977 850 237 Sri Lanka 708 1,357 1,857 1,693 NOT SPECIFIED 63,733 88,607 88,509 19,087 3,361,045 100.00 17,509.08 Other countries of the world 63,733 88,607 88,509 19,087 3,361,045 100.00 1 7,509.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 105 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 6,312,587 6,700,260 6,800,455 1,804,165 2,312,873 100.00 28.20 AFRICA 63,333 66,760 67,172 24,072 27,199 1.18 12.99 EAST AFRICA 8,490 12,686 10,869 5,788 7,820 0.34 35.11 British Indian Ocean Territory 48 42 91 14 35 0.00 150.00 Burundi 485 479 524 142 183 0.01 28.87 Comoros 26 80 36 22 23 0.00 4.55 Djibouti 129 137 157 36 49 0.00 36.11 Eritrea 61 107 130 50 72 0.00 44.00 Ethiopia 2,015 4,280 2,575 3,823 5,086 0.22 33.04 Kenya 1,112 1,123 1,136 219 289 0.01 31.96 Madagascar 287 248 283 80 72 0.00 -10.00 Malawi 122 108 99 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Mauritius 666 604 706 120 124 0.01 3.33 Mozambique 206 181 192 38 19 0.00 -50.00 Reunion 930 2,428 1,850 568 929 0.04 63.56 Rwanda 970 1,065 1,365 308 550 0.02 78.57 Seychelles 85 148 157 21 27 0.00 28.57 Somalia 65 276 183 53 92 0.00 73.58 Tanzania, United Republic of 259 248 210 40 57 0.00 42.50 Uganda 482 453 494 110 107 0.00 -2.73 Zambia 220 198 221 68 36 0.00 -47.06 Zimbabwe 322 481 460 62 69 0.00 11.29 CENTRAL AFRICA 12,987 10,311 11,666 4,400 5,035 0.22 14.43 Angola 1,121 985 711 229 408 0.02 78.17 Cameroon 2,627 2,201 2,216 946 1,142 0.05 20.72 Central African Republic 270 209 264 81 101 0.00 24.69 Chad 137 180 196 81 50 0.00 -38.27 Congo 2,746 1,920 2,161 743 694 0.03 -6.59 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 5,419 3,490 5,167 2,021 2,324 0.10 14.99 Equatorial Guinea 118 88 81 40 30 0.00 -25.00 Gabon 441 950 611 206 168 0.01 -18.45 Sao Tome and Principe 108 288 259 53 118 0.01 122.64 NORTH AFRICA 20,802 21,435 22,589 8,386 8,314 0.36 -0.86 Algeria 3,533 3,492 3,799 1,188 1,185 0.05 -0.25 Morocco 13,512 13,534 13,961 5,973 5,513 0.24 -7.70 South Sudan 26 21 12 7 21 0.00 200.00 Sudan 276 238 271 93 61 0.00 -34.41 Tunisia 3,455 4,150 4,546 1,125 1,534 0.07 36.36 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,429 10,231 9,892 1,868 1,404 0.06 -24.84 Botswana 138 175 149 38 49 0.00 28.95 Eswatini 657 595 706 198 276 0.01 39.39 Lesotho 41 81 57 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Namibia 228 254 252 65 90 0.00 38.46 South Africa 8,365 9,126 8,728 1,551 981 0.04 -36.75 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 106 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 11,625 12,097 12,156 3,630 4,626 0.20 27.44 Benin 483 496 606 151 234 0.01 54.97 Burkina Faso 737 895 731 194 278 0.01 43.30 Cabo Verde 164 218 152 38 78 0.00 105.26 Cote d'lvoire 1,719 1,207 1,305 402 445 0.02 10.70 Gambia 233 274 204 66 158 0.01 139.39 Ghana 797 1,079 1,027 298 362 0.02 21.48 Guinea 752 762 777 328 394 0.02 20.12 Guinea-Bissau 57 47 64 22 65 0.00 195.45 Liberia 205 190 258 68 98 0.00 44.12 Mali 807 809 725 216 240 0.01 11.11 Mauritania 389 400 349 72 108 0.00 50.00 Niger 976 1,269 1,190 419 534 0.02 27.45 Nigeria 1,359 1,532 1,811 516 598 0.03 15.89 Saint Helena 582 0.03 Senegal 1,380 1,344 1,515 433 333 0.01 -23.09 Sierra Leone 1,219 1,163 1,018 287 119 0.01 -58.54 Togo 348 412 424 120 AMERICAS 545,010 608,311 639,581 99,570 102,238 4.42 2.68 CARIBBEAN 6,457 8,431 7,350 1,422 2,125 0.09 49.44 Anguilla 107 150 210 13 41 0.00 215.38 Antigua and Barbuda 357 401 478 90 180 0.01 100.00 Aruba 135 141 132 42 92 0.00 119.05 Bahamas 277 330 411 151 99 0.00 -34.44 Barbados 630 1,294 675 57 65 0.00 14.04 Bermuda 133 135 188 28 136 0.01 385.71 Bonaire 38 0.00 British Virgin Islands 68 0.00 Cayman Islands 608 642 72 17 38 0.00 123.53 Cuba 287 289 312 52 68 0.00 30.77 Curacao 47 91 98 35 46 0.00 31.43 Dominica 129 205 277 55 58 0.00 5.45 Dominican Republic 1,379 1,899 2,057 286 319 0.01 11.54 Grenada 56 58 76 7 17 0.00 142.86 Guadeloupe 235 203 261 100 175 0.01 75.00 Haiti 208 200 188 57 123 0.01 115.79 Jamaica 526 617 442 77 42 0.00 -45.45 Martinique 149 204 231 79 191 0.01 141.77 Montserrat 9 3 27 4 0.00 Netherlands Antilles 325 294 Puerto Rico 278 418 524 146 172 0.01 17.81 Saint Kitts and Nevis 102 67 76 15 3 0.00 -80.00 Saint Lucia 32 39 45 12 4 0.00 -66.67 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 25 12 31 2 2 0.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 17 23 16 1 10 0.00 900.00 Trinidad and Tobago 174 357 275 49 23 0.00 -53.06 Turks and Caicos Islands 139 246 154 19 26 0.00 36.84 United States Virgin Islands 93 113 94 32 85 0.00 165.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 107 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 7,061 7,875 9,572 1,852 2,222 0.10 19.98 Belize 780 481 532 169 137 0.01 -18.93 Costa Rica 2,522 2,903 3,622 639 643 0.03 0.63 El Salvador 672 572 1,035 248 200 0.01 -19.35 Guatemala 934 1,048 1,322 145 262 0.01 80.69 Honduras 380 400 553 86 147 0.01 70.93 Nicaragua 275 252 341 75 99 0.00 32.00 Panama 1,498 2,219 2,167 490 734 0.03 49.80 NORTH AMERICA 419,406 473,092 497,695 75,427 81,692 3.53 8.31 Canada 52,018 57,742 54,745 8,192 9,660 0.42 17.92 Greenland 80 60 100 47 27 0.00 -42.55 Mexico 31,891 32,623 36,022 4,787 5,546 0.24 15.86 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 14 13 31 1 17 0.00 1,600.00 United States of America 335,403 382,654 406,797 62,400 66,442 2.87 6.48 SOUTH AMERICA 112,086 118,913 124,964 20,869 16,199 0.70 -22.38 Argentina 26,816 26,997 24,345 3,781 1,590 0.07 -57.95 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 803 808 683 119 129 0.01 8.40 Brazil 55,295 59,338 64,572 11,100 6,974 0.30 -37.17 Chile 8,022 8,861 10,214 1,664 1,499 0.06 -9.92 Colombia 10,221 11,443 12,632 1,718 3,119 0.13 81.55 Ecuador 2,066 2,206 2,173 452 560 0.02 23.89 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 19 15 32 9 23 0.00 155.56 French Guiana 172 154 247 57 255 0.01 347.37 Guyana 37 59 77 22 22 0.00 Paraguay 537 553 594 120 80 0.00 -33.33 Peru 4,135 4,342 4,860 865 989 0.04 14.34 Suriname 375 499 567 204 216 0.01 5.88 Uruguay 2,299 2,276 2,591 435 310 0.01 -28.74 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,289 1,362 1,377 323 433 0.02 34.06 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 391,492 439,752 456,352 56,999 28,607 1.24 -49.81 NORHT-EAST ASIA 281,084 321,854 330,078 39,970 16,588 0.72 -58.50 China 157,937 180,342 183,666 17,992 8,806 0.38 -51.06 Hong Kong, China 6,412 14,974 12,866 1,193 409 0.02 -65.72 Japan 64,394 79,516 86,882 13,389 4,795 0.21 -64.19 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,563 1,478 3,076 264 137 0.01 -48.11 Korea, Republic of 28,702 26,365 20,051 3,962 1,666 0.07 -57.95 Macao, China 351 542 751 126 277 0.01 119.84 Mongolia 280 439 460 96 111 0.00 15.63 Taiwan Province of China 21,445 18,198 22,326 2,948 387 0.02 -86.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 108 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 61,016 65,099 72,860 10,637 8,507 0.37 -20.02 Brunei Darussalam 114 198 201 33 57 0.00 72.73 Cambodia 351 461 703 56 39 0.00 -30.36 Indonesia 11,666 9,484 10,838 1,496 885 0.04 -40.84 Lao People's Democratic Republic 227 279 252 32 34 0.00 6.25 Malaysia 9,323 9,312 9,984 1,136 384 0.02 -66.20 Myanmar 297 428 353 45 59 0.00 31.11 Philippines 5,822 6,121 7,085 2,565 4,016 0.17 56.57 Singapore 8,247 9,609 10,383 1,597 1,443 0.06 -9.64 Thailand 19,295 23,952 26,869 3,188 1,263 0.05 -60.38 Timor-Leste 75 111 201 27 18 0.00 -33.33 Viet Nam 5,599 5,144 5,991 462 309 0.01 -33.12 AUSTRALASIA 48,049 51,208 51,775 5,974 2,763 0.12 -53.75 Australia 40,873 44,548 44,247 5,195 2,414 0.10 -53.53 New Zealand 7,176 6,660 7,528 779 349 0.02 -55.20 MELANESIA 450 395 599 110 230 0.01 109.09 Fiji 116 108 92 24 14 0.00 -41.67 New Caledonia 91 75 120 31 20 0.00 -35.48 Norfolk Island 14 20 19 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Papua New Guinea 38 76 69 8 7 0.00 -12.50 Solomon Islands 79 79 99 20 18 0.00 -10.00 Vanuatu 112 37 200 23 168 0.01 630.43 MICRONESIA 293 223 319 77 92 0.00 19.48 Christmas Island, Australia 21 3 26 4 0.00 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 22 14 39 12 0.00 Guam 56 54 51 24 18 0.00 -25.00 Kiribati 20 6 27 12 15 0.00 25.00 Marshall Islands 20 25 43 7 6 0.00 -14.29 Micronesia, Federated States of 30 30 35 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Nauru 87 70 73 23 26 0.00 13.04 Northern Mariana Islands 15 14 11 4 0.00 Palau 22 7 14 4 3 0.00 -25.00 POLYNESIA 600 973 721 231 427 0.02 84.85 American Samoa 201 215 117 35 116 0.01 231.43 Cook Islands 13 10 16 7 9 0.00 28.57 French Polynesia 83 118 106 11 95 0.00 763.64 Niue 7 3 15 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Pitcairn 199 516 374 163 181 0.01 11.04 Samoa 45 21 20 7 7 0.00 Tonga 35 46 46 3 8 0.00 166.67 Tuvalu 13 33 9 2 10 0.00 400.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 4 11 18 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 109 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 5,069,149 5,283,862 5,323,863 1,553,195 2,033,011 87.90 30.89 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 363,670 402,256 429,054 110,500 114,161 4.94 3.31 Armenia 1,735 1,515 2,194 396 448 0.02 13.13 Azerbaijan 1,308 1,242 1,652 290 359 0.02 23.79 Belarus 3,987 4,987 5,840 2,015 2,855 0.12 41.69 Bulgaria 20,595 24,916 22,317 6,402 5,670 0.25 -11.43 Czech Republic (Czechia) 33,291 36,122 37,593 8,057 9,855 0.43 22.32 Estonia 11,958 9,457 9,807 2,205 2,630 0.11 19.27 Georgia 2,567 2,973 3,846 1,377 1,324 0.06 -3.85 Hungary 27,163 29,498 28,341 5,956 6,476 0.28 8.73 Kazakhstan 1,419 1,665 1,837 368 364 0.02 -1.09 Kyrgyzstan 272 270 528 134 203 0.01 51.49 Latvia 9,267 10,611 10,784 2,807 3,184 0.14 13.43 Lithuania 14,790 16,165 17,496 5,344 5,361 0.23 0.32 Moldova, Republic of 1,435 1,503 1,860 444 478 0.02 7.66 Poland 81,705 83,858 87,560 26,904 32,723 1.41 21.63 Romania 48,373 58,718 61,994 22,004 25,371 1.10 15.30 Russian Federation 74,196 82,882 96,049 16,810 5,997 0.26 -64.32 Slovakia 11,959 14,588 13,705 3,302 4,144 0.18 25.50 Tajikistan 108 148 160 26 74 0.00 184.62 Turkmenistan 129 184 166 20 12 0.00 -40.00 Ukraine 1 7,056 20,646 24,874 5,542 6,483 0.28 16.98 Uzbekistan 357 308 451 97 150 0.01 54.64 NORTHERN EUROPE 969,619 1,015,807 957,140 189,260 128,136 5.54 -32.30 Denmark 56,204 55,393 55,118 11,341 16,831 0.73 48.41 Faeroe Islands 99 166 98 7 23 0.00 228.57 Finland 32,694 32,653 36,259 6,318 5,500 0.24 -12.95 Iceland 6,287 8,753 7,030 2,934 1,926 0.08 -34.36 Ireland 54,712 60,966 60,193 13,762 14,429 0.62 4.85 Isle of Man 124 84 103 17 40 0.00 135.29 Norway 36,643 38,054 38,454 6,365 6,556 0.28 3.00 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 16 9 15 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Sweden 66,221 67,127 66,760 12,781 13,712 0.59 7.28 United Kingdom 716,619 752,602 693,110 135,729 69,114 2.99 -49.08 SOUTHERN EUROPE 716,367 751,931 771,500 178,547 225,161 9.74 26.11 Albania 10,830 13,707 12,175 6,175 10,289 0.44 66.62 Andorra 1,896 1,517 1,101 356 536 0.02 50.56 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,036 2,120 2,417 639 595 0.03 -6.89 Croatia 11,019 12,368 14,192 4,422 4,369 0.19 -1.20 Gibraltar 163 162 140 136 34 0.00 -75.00 Greece 34,743 38,534 40,318 10,778 11,091 0.48 2.90 Italy 227,975 250,414 262,888 63,681 79,074 3.42 24.17 Malta 10,586 9,561 9,321 2,014 1,946 0.08 -3.38 Montenegro 1,332 1,464 1,329 274 284 0.01 3.65 North Macedonia 2,087 2,539 3,313 829 694 0.03 -16.28 Portugal 50,249 58,266 61,402 18,705 23,246 1.01 24.28 San Marino 741 1,167 1,026 159 20 0.00 -87.42 Serbia 5,081 5,458 5,561 1,439 1,217 0.05 -15.43 Slovenia 9,200 9,549 9,964 2,658 3,964 0.17 49.13 Spain 348,429 345,105 346,353 66,282 87,802 3.80 32.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 11C COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 2,928,222 3,029,047 3,080,589 1,059,047 1,549,093 66.98 46.27 Austria 40,410 48,117 44,611 10,428 13,032 0.56 24.97 France 963,300 1,009,842 1,036,259 391,446 570,917 24.68 45.85 Germany 701,040 726,000 755,731 233,756 267,816 11.58 14.57 Liechtenstein 648 818 879 204 162 0.01 -20.59 Luxembourg 92,939 97,246 98,423 38,712 55,535 2.40 43.46 Monaco 1,452 2,116 1,705 792 1,121 0.05 41.54 Netherlands 1,031,845 1,036,815 1,038,372 360,787 610,686 26.40 69.26 Switzerland 96,588 108,093 104,609 22,922 29,824 1.29 30.11 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 91,271 84,821 85,580 15,841 16,460 0.71 3.91 Cyprus 7,560 6,997 7,097 1,736 1,850 0.08 6.57 Israel 31,250 33,1 74 32,309 4,206 7,535 0.33 79.15 Türkiye 52,461 44,650 46,174 9,899 7,075 0.31 -28.53 MIDDLE EAST 53,969 67,205 69,379 13,094 22,636 0.98 72.87 Bahrain 1,368 1,379 1,446 173 176 0.01 1.73 Egypt 5,958 6,777 8,771 1,814 1,493 0.06 -17.70 Iraq 873 972 966 231 337 0.01 45.89 Jordan 1,931 2,010 2,563 442 637 0.03 44.12 Kuwait 5,088 6,561 6,325 812 1,338 0.06 64.78 Lebanon 5,166 5,423 5,771 937 1,283 0.06 36.93 Libya 1,515 599 641 137 173 0.01 26.28 Oman 1,556 1,374 1,760 193 271 0.01 40.41 Qatar 4,121 3,839 3,695 920 1,517 0.07 64.89 Saudi Arabia 10,959 13,655 13,802 1,477 4,057 0.18 1 74.68 State of Palestine 294 265 269 89 155 0.01 74.16 Syrian Arab Republic 688 803 922 249 362 0.02 45.38 United Arab Emirates 14,322 23,369 22,220 5,554 10,783 0.47 94.15 Yemen 130 179 228 66 54 0.00 -18.18 SOUTH ASIA 60,202 68,062 59,975 8,205 8,496 0.37 3.55 Afghanistan 6,208 4,855 1,922 883 1,215 0.05 37.60 Bangladesh 932 868 805 176 169 0.01 -3.98 Bhutan 620 535 151 12 27 0.00 125.00 India 41,964 50,656 47,564 5,210 5,018 0.22 -3.69 Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,566 6,440 4,975 1,030 1,262 0.05 22.52 Maldives 110 193 180 32 24 0.00 -25.00 Nepal 415 538 595 141 147 0.01 4.26 Pakistan 2,470 3,052 2,768 588 578 0.02 -1.70 Sri Lanka 917 925 1,015 133 56 0.00 -57.89 NOT SPECIFIED 129,432 166,308 184,133 49,030 90,686 3.92 84.96 Other countries of the world 129,432 166,308 184,133 49,030 90,686 3.92 84.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: ir COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 8,384,573 9,118,854 9,343,324 2,583,941 3,243,053 100.00 25.51 AFRICA 69,588 74,589 75,192 26,097 29,755 0.92 14.02 EAST AFRICA 9,373 13,615 11,628 5,920 7,983 0.25 34.85 British Indian Ocean Territory 65 42 100 17 37 0.00 117.65 Burundi 652 726 587 160 196 0.01 22.50 Comoros 28 80 39 24 23 0.00 -4.17 Djibouti 134 156 163 36 49 0.00 36.11 Eritrea 65 112 146 56 79 0.00 41.07 Ethiopia 2,123 4,354 2,728 3,841 5,105 0.16 32.91 Kenya 1,188 1,215 1,232 228 308 0.01 35.09 Madagascar 309 271 313 98 80 0.00 -18.37 Malawi 129 109 104 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Mauritius 690 654 742 129 137 0.00 6.20 Mozambique 231 213 214 39 19 0.00 -51.28 Reunion 1,103 2,538 2,000 578 968 0.03 67.47 Rwanda 1,020 1,142 1,399 329 566 0.02 72.04 Seychelles 98 169 164 21 27 0.00 28.57 Somalia 105 282 190 53 93 0.00 75.47 Tanzania, United Republic of 306 318 232 42 61 0.00 45.24 Uganda 518 493 541 114 124 0.00 8.77 Zambia 234 209 223 73 36 0.00 -50.68 Zimbabwe 375 532 511 65 74 0.00 13.85 CENTRAL AFRICA 13,660 11,030 12,166 4,574 5,158 0.16 12.77 Angola 1,194 1,068 792 238 417 0.01 75.21 Cameroon 2,827 2,335 2,321 987 1,174 0.04 18.95 Central African Republic 275 214 289 90 117 0.00 30.00 Chad 143 196 205 83 57 0.00 -31.33 Congo 2,899 2,113 2,208 758 705 0.02 -6.99 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 5,637 3,712 5,366 2,112 2,350 0.07 11.27 Equatorial Guinea 125 97 81 40 34 0.00 -15.00 Gabon 451 996 643 213 186 0.01 -12.68 Sao Tome and Principe 109 299 261 53 118 0.00 122.64 NORTH AFRICA 22,743 23,902 25,383 9,404 9,579 0.30 1.86 Algeria 4,044 4,180 4,584 1,578 1,748 0.05 10.77 Morocco 14,613 14,844 15,560 6,490 6,139 0.19 -5.41 South Sudan 27 21 12 7 22 0.00 214.29 Sudan 283 248 288 100 63 0.00 -37.00 Tunisia 3,776 4,609 4,939 1,229 1,607 0.05 30.76 SOUTHERN AFRICA 11,202 12,827 12,856 2,389 1,976 0.06 -17.29 Botswana 139 179 163 44 54 0.00 22.73 Eswatini 761 755 770 250 302 0.01 20.80 Lesotho 42 82 60 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Namibia 304 281 293 70 97 0.00 38.57 South Africa 9,956 11,530 11,570 2,009 1,515 0.05 -24.59 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 112 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 12,610 13,215 13,159 3,810 5,059 0.16 32.78 Benin 544 550 722 175 295 0.01 68.57 Burkina Faso 773 944 776 205 286 0.01 39.51 Cabo Verde 165 222 158 45 78 0.00 73.33 Cote d'lvoire 1,772 1,286 1,395 416 454 0.01 9.13 Gambia 239 282 211 68 159 0.00 133.82 Ghana 942 1,187 1,214 321 373 0.01 16.20 Guinea 769 802 794 337 400 0.01 18.69 Guinea-Bissau 57 49 72 22 65 0.00 195.45 Liberia 207 196 278 68 98 0.00 44.12 Mali 893 909 803 243 284 0.01 16.87 Mauritania 402 424 366 75 114 0.00 52.00 Niger 1,265 1,634 1,244 423 715 0.02 69.03 Nigeria 1,425 1,629 1,973 546 640 0.02 17.22 Senegal 1,465 1,422 1,572 452 596 0.02 31.86 Sierra Leone 1,313 1,252 1,132 294 374 0.01 27.21 Togo 379 427 449 120 128 0.00 6.67 AMERICAS 621,338 703,889 742,287 113,859 113,596 3.50 -0.23 CARIBBEAN 7,488 9,700 8,978 1,620 2,230 0.07 37.65 Anguilla 120 167 307 15 48 0.00 220.00 Antigua and Barbuda 440 463 599 114 183 0.01 60.53 Aruba 151 198 252 51 112 0.00 119.61 Bahamas 298 367 459 157 106 0.00 -32.48 Barbados 671 1,380 815 66 81 0.00 22.73 Bermuda 140 155 220 28 144 0.00 414.29 Cayman Islands 608 653 74 17 46 0.00 1 70.59 Cuba 604 527 739 65 80 0.00 23.08 Curacao 70 143 133 46 54 0.00 17.39 Dominica 154 226 300 66 62 0.00 -6.06 Dominican Republic 1,513 2,120 2,263 313 345 0.01 10.22 Grenada 60 61 80 7 17 0.00 142.86 Guadeloupe 250 261 302 112 181 0.01 61.61 Haiti 232 280 207 63 130 0.00 106.35 Jamaica 584 729 540 81 86 0.00 6.17 Martinique 155 241 288 123 197 0.01 60.16 Montserrat 11 4 29 4 0.00 Netherlands Antilles 462 314 Puerto Rico 323 499 620 154 183 0.01 18.83 Saint Kitts and Nevis 104 68 79 17 3 0.00 -82.35 Saint Lucia 32 39 45 14 4 0.00 -71.43 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 25 12 31 2 2 0.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 21 25 38 1 16 0.00 1,500.00 Trinidad and Tobago 188 365 287 49 26 0.00 -46.94 Turks and Caicos Islands 172 275 168 22 28 0.00 27.27 United States Virgin Islands 100 128 103 37 92 0.00 148.65 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 113 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 7,912 9,017 11,274 2,244 2,395 0.07 6.73 Belize 805 539 747 202 179 0.01 -11.39 Costa Rica 2,967 3,432 4,330 785 673 0.02 -14.27 El Salvador 715 711 1,299 336 212 0.01 -36.90 Guatemala 1,094 1,214 1,572 208 293 0.01 40.87 Honduras 422 486 618 95 164 0.01 72.63 Nicaragua 286 274 356 83 112 0.00 34.94 Panama 1,623 2,361 2,352 535 762 0.02 42.43 NORTH AMERICA 470,156 537,054 564,899 82,921 89,764 2.77 8.25 Canada 61,766 68,529 66,115 9,105 10,591 0.33 16.32 Greenland 99 63 112 49 27 0.00 -44.90 Mexico 40,684 42,111 47,088 6,354 6,439 0.20 1.34 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 14 15 47 1 17 0.00 1,600.00 United States of America 367,593 426,336 451,537 67,412 72,690 2.24 7.83 SOUTH AMERICA 135,782 148,118 157,136 27,074 19,207 0.59 -29.06 Argentina 35,105 37,027 33,540 5,204 2,086 0.06 -59.92 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 958 958 851 138 148 0.00 7.25 Brazil 62,989 68,328 75,81 7 13,514 8,064 0.25 -40.33 Chile 10,245 11,929 13,737 2,523 1,943 0.06 -22.99 Colombia 13,041 15,318 17,179 2,426 3,694 0.11 52.27 Ecuador 2,665 2,823 2,826 535 629 0.02 17.57 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 19 15 38 9 23 0.00 155.56 French Guiana 182 203 279 62 261 0.01 320.97 Guyana 40 247 86 22 22 0.00 Paraguay 642 656 692 297 89 0.00 -70.03 Peru 5,035 5,666 6,440 1,129 1,176 0.04 4.16 Suriname 402 527 613 213 238 0.01 11.74 Uruguay 3,012 2,906 3,353 599 372 0.01 -37.90 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,447 1,515 1,685 403 462 0.01 14.64 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 428,877 486,598 503,942 63,757 31,241 0.96 -51.00 NORHT-EAST ASIA 299,907 347,385 353,974 43,557 18,301 0.56 -57.98 China 165,425 193,143 194,583 19,370 9,553 0.29 -50.68 Hong Kong, China 7,162 15,785 13,843 1,355 598 0.02 -55.87 Japan 68,253 84,508 92,207 14,428 5,272 0.16 -63.46 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 4,447 3,072 4,101 386 184 0.01 -52.33 Korea, Republic of 30,890 28,886 22,196 4,378 1,760 0.05 -59.80 Macao, China 414 605 857 141 286 0.01 102.84 Mongolia 342 486 560 168 136 0.00 -19.05 Taiwan Province of China 22,974 20,900 25,627 3,331 512 0.02 -84.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 114 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 65,930 70,720 79,522 11,621 8,972 0.28 -22.79 Brunei Darussalam 151 206 227 37 64 0.00 72.97 Cambodia 375 517 721 73 40 0.00 -45.21 Indonesia 12,310 10,245 11,781 1,651 982 0.03 -40.52 Lao People's Democratic Republic 249 300 273 34 34 0.00 Malaysia 10,275 10,629 11,172 1,466 411 0.01 -71.96 Myanmar 341 455 374 46 59 0.00 28.26 Philippines 6,294 6,755 8,200 2,619 4,092 0.13 56.24 Singapore 9,246 10,428 11,501 1,759 1,540 0.05 -12.45 Thailand 20,548 25,478 28,499 3,394 1,385 0.04 -59.19 Timor-Leste 76 116 202 27 18 0.00 -33.33 Viet Nam 6,065 5,591 6,572 515 347 0.01 -32.62 AUSTRALASIA 61,562 66,586 68,486 8,133 3,181 0.10 -60.89 Australia 51,751 57,527 57,756 7,173 2,762 0.09 -61.49 New Zealand 9,811 9,059 10,730 960 419 0.01 -56.35 MELANESIA 477 559 652 113 235 0.01 107.96 Fiji 119 115 99 27 14 0.00 -48.15 New Caledonia 103 110 151 31 23 0.00 -25.81 Norfolk Island 15 24 23 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Papua New Guinea 38 142 71 8 7 0.00 -12.50 Solomon Islands 90 123 107 20 18 0.00 -10.00 Vanuatu 112 45 201 23 170 0.01 639.13 MICRONESIA 327 247 347 78 97 0.00 24.36 Christmas Island, Australia 22 5 26 7 0.00 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 30 20 45 12 0.00 Guam 72 59 58 24 18 0.00 -25.00 Kiribati 20 6 28 12 16 0.00 33.33 Marshall Islands 22 26 45 7 6 0.00 -14.29 Micronesia, Federated States of 30 40 39 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Nauru 94 70 77 23 26 0.00 13.04 Northern Mariana Islands 15 14 13 1 4 0.00 300.00 Palau 22 7 16 4 4 0.00 POLYNESIA 674 1,101 961 255 455 0.01 78.43 American Samoa 235 293 276 40 135 0.00 237.50 Cook Islands 13 17 17 7 11 0.00 57.14 French Polynesia 99 131 148 18 98 0.00 444.44 Niue 7 3 15 2 5 0.00 150.00 Pitcairn 211 541 404 163 181 0.01 11.04 Samoa 52 25 24 7 7 0.00 Tonga 38 46 46 15 8 0.00 -46.67 Tuvalu 13 34 13 2 10 0.00 400.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 6 11 18 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 115 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 6,977,650 7,526,522 7,676,679 2,299,049 2,933,311 90.45 27.59 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 415,995 480,603 513,070 136,708 145,251 4.48 6.25 Armenia 1,868 1,720 2,589 456 510 0.02 11.84 Azerbaijan 1,484 1,393 1,919 381 390 0.01 2.36 Belarus 4,437 5,809 6,786 2,236 3,177 0.10 42.08 Bulgaria 22,891 27,827 25,200 7,521 7,161 0.22 -4.79 Czech Republic (Czechia) 39,081 45,021 45,819 10,960 13,078 0.40 19.32 Estonia 12,432 10,316 10,681 2,535 2,904 0.09 14.56 Georgia 2,916 3,449 4,539 1,522 1,442 0.04 -5.26 Hungary 30,832 33,381 32,428 7,232 7,569 0.23 4.66 Kazakhstan 1,513 1,913 2,133 402 407 0.01 1.24 Kyrgyzstan 293 291 538 136 208 0.01 52.94 Latvia 10,066 11,936 12,320 3,164 3,606 0.11 13.97 Lithuania 16,246 18,493 19,530 6,299 10,609 0.33 68.42 Moldova, Republic of 1,602 1,633 2,125 531 618 0.02 16.38 Poland 95,751 106,914 108,216 36,879 44,183 1.36 19.81 Romania 54,133 68,795 70,227 24,965 29,033 0.90 16.29 Russian Federation 85,274 97,633 115,636 19,519 6,646 0.20 -65.95 Slovakia 15,301 18,475 21,614 4,888 6,018 0.19 23.12 Tajikistan 116 169 175 32 75 0.00 134.38 Turkmenistan 139 187 178 23 12 0.00 -47.83 Ukraine 19,232 24,900 29,940 6,925 7,444 0.23 7.49 Uzbekistan 388 348 477 102 161 0.00 57.84 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,172,591 1,272,100 1,200,954 224,393 149,001 4.59 -33.60 Denmark 64,444 64,833 65,166 12,867 19,368 0.60 50.52 Faeroe Islands 105 172 100 7 23 0.00 228.57 Finland 36,832 35,544 39,040 6,676 5,987 0.18 -10.32 Iceland 6,866 9,286 7,522 3,015 2,064 0.06 -31.54 Ireland 60,276 67,821 67,313 15,249 15,848 0.49 3.93 Isle of Man 127 86 122 17 46 0.00 1 70.59 Norway 39,251 41,612 42,634 6,692 7,174 0.22 7.20 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 16 9 15 6 6 0.00 Sweden 72,043 75,399 75,253 13,970 14,975 0.46 7.19 United Kingdom 892,631 977,338 903,789 165,894 83,510 2.58 -49.66 SOUTHERN EUROPE 804,188 857,469 887,387 206,822 261,596 8.07 26.48 Albania 11,470 14,798 13,431 6,529 10,807 0.33 65.52 Andorra 2,075 1,725 2,480 384 568 0.02 47.92 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,178 2,285 2,683 682 621 0.02 -8.94 Croatia 12,343 13,616 15,561 4,777 4,938 0.15 3.37 Gibraltar 170 170 170 138 37 0.00 -73.19 Greece 37,210 41,659 43,398 11,601 12,122 0.37 4.49 Italy 253,493 284,377 301,841 72,347 90,366 2.79 24.91 Malta 10,972 10,222 10,114 2,339 2,090 0.06 -10.65 Montenegro 1,460 1,558 1,445 285 294 0.01 3.16 North Macedonia 2,384 2,767 3,538 872 718 0.02 -17.66 Portugal 56,158 67,755 70,430 21,731 26,943 0.83 23.98 San Marino 744 1,197 1,028 166 36 0.00 -78.31 Serbia 5,561 5,914 6,005 1,512 1,317 0.04 -12.90 Slovenia 12,867 13,978 14,449 5,067 6,951 0.21 37.18 Spain 395,103 395,448 400,814 78,392 103,788 3.20 32.40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 116 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,483,217 4,819,055 4,978,732 1,712,887 2,359,294 72.75 37.74 Austria 45,694 55,341 51,981 12,009 15,060 0.46 25.41 France 1,295,690 1,408,958 1,425,743 526,01 7 719,842 22.20 36.85 Germany 984,032 1,071,746 1,118,170 356,013 403,891 12.45 13.45 Liechtenstein 690 868 925 220 176 0.01 -20.00 Luxembourg 115,984 122,483 124,921 48,961 69,945 2.16 42.86 Monaco 1,556 2,175 1,908 851 1,178 0.04 38.43 Netherlands 1,930,758 2,033,067 2,133,255 741,887 1,114,046 34.35 50.16 Switzerland 108,813 124,417 121,829 26,929 35,156 1.08 30.55 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 101,659 97,295 96,536 18,239 18,169 0.56 -0.38 Cyprus 8,278 7,752 7,756 1,971 2,283 0.07 15.83 Israel 35,395 39,314 36,735 4,853 8,096 0.25 66.82 Türkiye 57,986 50,229 52,045 11,415 7,790 0.24 -31.76 MIDDLE EAST 57,179 72,972 74,267 13,833 23,615 0.73 70.71 Bahrain 1,467 1,475 1,544 175 225 0.01 28.57 Egypt 6,330 7,515 9,616 1,938 1,657 0.05 -14.50 Iraq 980 1,135 1,101 264 373 0.01 41.29 Jordan 2,026 2,129 2,687 479 706 0.02 47.39 Kuwait 5,352 7,289 6,751 825 1,354 0.04 64.12 Lebanon 5,350 5,679 6,077 1,001 1,377 0.04 37.56 Libya 1,529 636 697 147 179 0.01 21.77 Oman 1,611 1,590 1,953 247 303 0.01 22.67 Qatar 4,241 3,964 3,821 933 1,538 0.05 64.84 Saudi Arabia 11,599 14,992 14,787 1,630 4,164 0.13 155.46 State of Palestine 325 315 305 95 174 0.01 83.16 Syrian Arab Republic 780 927 971 298 378 0.01 26.85 United Arab Emirates 15,455 25,128 23,714 5,729 11,128 0.34 94.24 Yemen 134 198 243 72 59 0.00 -18.06 SOUTH ASIA 66,493 76,897 69,543 9,708 9,801 0.30 0.96 Afghanistan 6,319 5,129 2,246 979 1,402 0.04 43.21 Bangladesh 1,012 1,030 957 184 181 0.01 -1.63 Bhutan 625 538 154 18 28 0.00 55.56 India 47,074 58,005 55,346 6,281 5,938 0.18 -5.46 Iran, Islamic Republic of 7,132 7,007 5,763 1,218 1,379 0.04 13.22 Maldives 117 199 196 32 24 0.00 -25.00 Nepal 483 627 673 178 164 0.01 -7.87 Pakistan 2,764 3,386 3,121 667 629 0.02 -5.70 Sri Lanka 967 976 1,087 151 56 0.00 -62.91 NOT SPECIFIED 163,448 177,387 201,414 57,638 101,734 3.14 76.51 Other countries of the world 163,448 177,387 201,414 57,638 101,734 3.14 76.51 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 117 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 11,631,915 12,424,475 12,669,022 3,479,658 4,341,195 100.00 24.76 AFRICA 147,534 153,520 154,327 48,962 59,813 1.38 22.16 EAST AFRICA 20,900 27,356 24,200 9,889 14,383 0.33 45.44 British Indian Ocean Territory 75 62 161 16 67 0.00 318.75 Burundi 1,280 1,382 1,530 528 453 0.01 -14.20 Comoros 53 183 90 51 48 0.00 -5.88 Djibouti 382 317 353 63 132 0.00 109.52 Eritrea 163 225 232 82 90 0.00 9.76 Ethiopia 3,707 6,359 4,150 4,862 6,313 0.15 29.84 Kenya 3,171 2,875 3,005 728 974 0.02 33.79 Madagascar 749 610 687 134 441 0.01 229.10 Malawi 408 296 277 27 1 0.00 -96.30 Mauritius 1,837 1,885 1,700 286 275 0.01 -3.85 Mozambique 635 627 843 97 53 0.00 -45.36 Reunion 1,859 4,850 3,798 1,390 2,354 0.05 69.35 Rwanda 2,729 2,809 3,308 794 2,048 0.05 157.93 Seychelles 267 388 394 41 54 0.00 31.71 Somalia 133 665 324 83 289 0.01 248.19 Tanzania, United Republic of 837 666 523 105 159 0.00 51.43 Uganda 1,087 1,259 1,130 272 298 0.01 9.56 Zambia 666 574 611 198 126 0.00 -36.36 Zimbabwe 862 1,324 1,084 132 208 0.00 57.58 CENTRAL AFRICA 29,552 23,845 27,638 9,776 13,617 0.31 39.29 Angola 2,324 2,619 1,854 455 721 0.02 58.46 Cameroon 5,179 4,985 4,432 1,860 3,115 0.07 67.47 Central African Republic 607 506 641 204 438 0.01 114.71 Chad 344 506 478 192 222 0.01 15.63 Congo 5,850 4,062 4,774 1,661 1,831 0.04 10.23 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 13,762 8,347 13,453 4,788 6,589 0.15 37.61 Equatorial Guinea 251 182 156 66 64 0.00 -3.03 Gabon 1,026 2,038 1,314 406 328 0.01 -19.21 Sao Tome and Principe 209 600 536 144 309 0.01 114.58 NORTH AFRICA 46,540 47,351 48,725 16,932 17,062 0.39 0.77 Algeria 9,223 7,975 8,906 2,611 2,802 0.06 7.32 Morocco 27,335 28,404 28,093 11,605 10,963 0.25 -5.53 South Sudan 84 57 36 19 31 0.00 63.16 Sudan 742 620 682 191 120 0.00 -37.17 Tunisia 9,156 10,295 11,008 2,506 3,146 0.07 25.54 SOUTHERN AFRICA 22,469 24,590 24,187 4,621 4,028 0.09 -12.83 Botswana 561 508 446 125 551 0.01 340.80 Eswatini 1,269 1,134 1,688 393 519 0.01 32.06 Lesotho 98 236 154 27 27 0.00 Namibia 458 708 534 137 142 0.00 3.65 South Africa 20,083 22,004 21,365 3,939 2,789 0.06 -29.20 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 118 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 28,073 30,378 29,577 7,744 10,723 0.25 38.47 Benin 1,322 1,271 2,182 339 599 0.01 76.70 Burkina Faso 2,244 2,869 1,941 561 813 0.02 44.92 Cabo Verde 293 720 334 87 169 0.00 94.25 Cote d'lvoire 3,973 3,081 3,317 924 1,217 0.03 31.71 Gambia 580 799 445 152 232 0.01 52.63 Ghana 1,715 2,602 2,526 614 767 0.02 24.92 Guinea 2,152 1,995 1,597 639 634 0.01 -0.78 Guinea-Bissau 124 102 163 37 174 0.00 370.27 Liberia 523 478 596 115 203 0.00 76.52 Mali 1,685 1,796 1,612 410 483 0.01 17.80 Mauritania 1,243 1,178 954 133 220 0.01 65.41 Niger 1,837 2,531 2,449 764 1,244 0.03 62.83 Nigeria 3,670 4,570 4,452 1,207 1,369 0.03 13.42 Senegal 3,644 3,299 3,687 925 1,430 0.03 54.59 Sierra Leone 2,129 2,113 2,358 613 887 0.02 44.70 Togo 939 974 964 224 282 0.01 25.89 AMERICAS 1,131,030 1,277,732 1,333,722 215,024 227,240 5.23 5.68 CARIBBEAN 13,595 17,318 14,844 3,054 4,044 0.09 32.42 Anguilla 216 304 422 34 60 0.00 76.47 Antigua and Barbuda 650 818 941 213 337 0.01 58.22 Aruba 255 260 255 74 144 0.00 94.59 Bahamas 643 657 1,113 313 245 0.01 -21.73 Barbados 1,129 2,469 1,273 119 101 0.00 -15.13 Bermuda 231 208 313 54 235 0.01 335.19 Cayman Islands 1,907 2,019 150 41 125 0.00 204.88 Cuba 758 664 734 118 102 0.00 -13.56 Curacao 87 161 227 87 78 0.00 -10.34 Dominica 256 440 540 92 110 0.00 19.57 Dominican Republic 2,486 3,281 3,506 463 483 0.01 4.32 Grenada 117 146 207 16 31 0.00 93.75 Guadeloupe 615 511 623 283 405 0.01 43.11 Haiti 692 647 629 220 213 0.00 -3.18 Jamaica 895 1,125 917 177 54 0.00 -69.49 Martinique 307 469 554 156 431 0.01 1 76.28 Montserrat 12 7 49 6 0.00 Netherlands Antilles 593 684 Puerto Rico 627 869 981 346 369 0.01 6.65 Saint Kitts and Nevis 181 179 159 45 23 0.00 -48.89 Saint Lucia 84 115 149 31 6 0.00 -80.65 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 58 22 59 2 4 0.00 100.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 30 40 38 4 158 0.00 3,850.00 Trinidad and Tobago 439 721 615 92 30 0.00 -67.39 Turks and Caicos Islands 197 365 230 42 95 0.00 126.19 United States Virgin Islands 130 137 160 32 199 0.00 521.88 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 119 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 14,241 15,803 18,779 3,756 4,272 0.10 13.74 Belize 1,761 784 855 261 171 0.00 -34.48 Costa Rica 4,983 6,089 7,367 1,374 1,396 0.03 1.60 El Salvador 1,282 1,094 1,863 550 378 0.01 -31.27 Guatemala 1,798 1,997 2,650 369 433 0.01 17.34 Honduras 666 1,051 1,066 150 373 0.01 148.67 Nicaragua 507 514 789 151 158 0.00 4.64 Panama 3,244 4,274 4,189 901 1,363 0.03 51.28 NORTH AMERICA 875,211 997,719 1,038,553 164,646 186,263 4.29 13.13 Canada 111,833 123,401 118,321 17,822 22,234 0.51 24.76 Greenland 146 122 169 61 52 0.00 -14.75 Mexico 59,056 62,569 64,779 8,410 9,981 0.23 18.68 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 105 25 113 2 30 0.00 1,400.00 United States of America 704,071 811,602 855,171 138,351 153,966 3.55 11.29 SOUTH AMERICA 227,983 246,892 261,546 43,568 32,661 0.75 -25.03 Argentina 50,874 53,919 49,544 7,871 3,173 0.07 -59.69 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,554 1,459 1,333 217 351 0.01 61.75 Brazil 119,295 129,340 140,740 24,557 14,571 0.34 -40.66 Chile 16,059 18,255 21,270 3,075 3,121 0.07 1.50 Colombia 18,662 21,619 24,157 3,118 5,812 0.13 86.40 Ecuador 4,070 4,084 4,363 735 1,191 0.03 62.04 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 25 28 64 23 31 0.00 34.78 French Guiana 312 295 540 104 427 0.01 310.58 Guyana 91 136 200 34 41 0.00 20.59 Paraguay 1,291 1,238 1,240 297 127 0.00 -57.24 Peru 7,834 8,044 9,029 1,644 1,797 0.04 9.31 Suriname 706 1,003 1,046 306 303 0.01 -0.98 Uruguay 4,627 4,841 5,232 885 539 0.01 -39.10 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,583 2,631 2,788 702 1,177 0.03 67.66 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 659,027 755,027 791,031 105,424 60,842 1.40 -42.29 NORHT-EAST ASIA 442,667 519,772 540,180 70,754 33,946 0.78 -52.02 China 225,458 265,955 276,367 29,1 72 15,922 0.37 -45.42 Hong Kong, China 10,433 21,606 20,630 2,178 1,180 0.03 -45.82 Japan 126,074 156,451 166,144 27,018 10,781 0.25 -60.10 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2,834 2,712 5,284 515 354 0.01 -31.26 Korea, Republic of 47,309 43,302 35,328 7,102 3,984 0.09 -43.90 Macao, China 795 1,184 1,625 324 494 0.01 52.47 Mongolia 493 799 832 143 363 0.01 153.85 Taiwan Province of China 29,271 27,763 33,970 4,302 868 0.02 -79.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 120 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 110,238 120,475 133,762 20,756 19,409 0.45 -6.49 Brunei Darussalam 228 545 374 72 96 0.00 33.33 Cambodia 924 1,379 1,401 130 54 0.00 -58.46 Indonesia 17,965 15,878 18,019 2,358 1,809 0.04 -23.28 Lao People's Democratic Republic 435 519 555 76 47 0.00 -38.16 Malaysia 17,752 18,522 19,948 2,400 1,027 0.02 -57.21 Myanmar 574 728 870 180 253 0.01 40.56 Philippines 11,962 12,973 14,925 5,837 9,734 0.22 66.76 Singapore 18,322 21,104 23,554 3,574 3,202 0.07 -10.41 Thailand 33,479 40,295 45,061 5,260 2,614 0.06 -50.30 Timor-Leste 155 139 308 45 22 0.00 -51.11 Viet Nam 8,442 8,393 8,747 824 551 0.01 -33.13 AUSTRALASIA 103,311 111,264 113,438 13,115 5,863 0.14 -55.30 Australia 89,180 97,389 98,144 11,387 4,985 0.11 -56.22 New Zealand 14,131 13,875 15,294 1,728 878 0.02 -49.19 MELANESIA 1,014 987 1,514 230 429 0.01 86.52 Fiji 271 291 242 42 25 0.00 -40.48 New Caledonia 177 138 254 57 51 0.00 -10.53 Norfolk Island 22 56 32 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Papua New Guinea 111 226 183 28 10 0.00 -64.29 Solomon Islands 146 189 250 37 36 0.00 -2.70 Vanuatu 287 87 553 59 302 0.01 411.86 MICRONESIA 541 460 740 112 360 0.01 221.43 Christmas Island, Australia 31 44 176 4 0.00 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 31 18 70 15 0.00 Guam 117 117 106 35 33 0.00 -5.71 Kiribati 46 11 57 16 216 0.00 1,250.00 Marshall Islands 46 39 58 7 16 0.00 128.57 Micronesia, Federated States of 51 85 69 9 8 0.00 -11.11 Nauru 151 110 129 39 41 0.00 5.13 Northern Mariana Islands 29 25 28 20 0.00 Palau 39 11 47 6 7 0.00 16.67 POLYNESIA 1,256 2,069 1,397 457 835 0.02 82.71 American Samoa 393 550 224 60 265 0.01 341.67 Cook Islands 13 22 32 16 9 0.00 -43.75 French Polynesia 233 227 173 22 212 0.00 863.64 Niue 16 9 24 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Pitcairn 364 1,016 747 327 300 0.01 -8.26 Samoa 131 57 56 13 12 0.00 -7.69 Tonga 74 102 100 3 14 0.00 366.67 Tuvalu 20 58 11 4 18 0.00 350.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 12 28 30 6 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 12' COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 9,202,486 9,635,526 9,760,404 2,965,513 3,756,397 86.53 26.67 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 779,173 855,198 889,414 261,977 283,130 6.52 8.07 Armenia 4,211 3,390 5,173 871 715 0.02 -17.91 Azerbaijan 2,996 3,397 3,828 640 893 0.02 39.53 Belarus 7,419 9,425 11,169 3,271 4,948 0.11 51.27 Bulgaria 46,638 53,391 42,791 14,266 14,168 0.33 -0.69 Czech Republic (Czechia) 66,667 70,911 73,336 17,070 21,148 0.49 23.89 Estonia 21,861 16,156 16,595 4,103 5,164 0.12 25.86 Georgia 6,046 6,899 8,881 2,900 2,999 0.07 3.41 Hungary 57,700 64,365 61,397 13,560 14,418 0.33 6.33 Kazakhstan 3,828 3,961 4,350 710 938 0.02 32.11 Kyrgyzstan 726 749 1,109 271 301 0.01 11.07 Latvia 16,296 20,126 18,328 5,477 6,224 0.14 13.64 Lithuania 30,891 32,583 32,988 13,200 12,446 0.29 -5.71 Moldova, Republic of 3,552 3,479 4,758 924 946 0.02 2.38 Poland 194,839 196,454 194,296 77,702 95,232 2.19 22.56 Romania 104,452 131,553 137,635 50,467 63,318 1.46 25.46 Russian Federation 148,823 165,396 190,411 35,749 15,069 0.35 -57.85 Slovakia 26,801 30,101 31,173 8,416 10,197 0.23 21.16 Tajikistan 369 540 581 78 193 0.00 147.44 Turkmenistan 314 371 367 51 19 0.00 -62.75 Ukraine 33,962 41,207 49,233 11,993 13,222 0.30 10.25 Uzbekistan 782 744 1,015 258 572 0.01 121.71 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,845,842 1,949,585 1,827,248 396,514 276,045 6.36 -30.38 Denmark 107,749 105,219 102,168 25,557 39,565 0.91 54.81 Faeroe Islands 147 358 196 12 33 0.00 1 75.00 Finland 59,487 61,346 67,919 12,459 12,229 0.28 -1.85 Iceland 14,511 19,231 16,628 6,405 4,621 0.11 -27.85 Ireland 106,662 119,832 117,740 27,409 29,725 0.68 8.45 Isle of Man 282 150 215 39 65 0.00 66.67 Norway 71,441 75,500 77,252 13,441 14,171 0.33 5.43 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 23 14 24 8 10 0.00 25.00 Sweden 123,413 123,628 125,962 26,198 30,609 0.71 16.84 United Kingdom 1,362,127 1,444,307 1,319,144 284,986 145,017 3.34 -49.11 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,484,581 1,563,858 1,601,607 413,880 519,029 11.96 25.41 Albania 28,484 36,596 28,139 14,913 17,181 0.40 15.21 Andorra 3,324 2,848 2,223 632 1,076 0.02 70.25 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,299 5,599 5,147 1,462 2,534 0.06 73.32 Croatia 23,792 25,064 29,699 10,662 11,180 0.26 4.86 Gibraltar 453 328 296 223 88 0.00 -60.54 Greece 73,597 83,506 87,948 24,513 27,148 0.63 10.75 Italy 460,811 497,495 532,579 149,199 184,395 4.25 23.59 Malta 22,011 18,890 18,378 4,148 4,254 0.10 2.56 Montenegro 3,040 3,374 2,928 603 730 0.02 21.06 North Macedonia 4,829 6,426 7,732 1,604 1,836 0.04 14.46 Portugal 104,086 129,100 128,730 52,733 58,333 1.34 10.62 San Marino 2,230 2,904 2,437 369 35 0.00 -90.51 Serbia 16,465 13,495 13,511 2,737 2,884 0.07 5.37 Slovenia 19,860 19,070 20,367 8,440 12,352 0.28 46.35 Spain 715,300 719,163 721,493 141,642 195,003 4.49 37.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 122 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,912,661 5,094,689 5,268,483 1,860,656 2,637,528 60.76 41.75 Austria 80,899 93,938 91,410 23,954 32,140 0.74 34.17 France 1,546,604 1,625,275 1,684,308 640,251 942,906 21.72 47.27 Germany 1,328,560 1,388,989 1,477,864 488,891 549,035 12.65 12.30 Liechtenstein 1,125 1,628 1,711 392 336 0.01 -14.29 Luxembourg 163,720 169,573 173,940 69,024 98,457 2.27 42.64 Monaco 2,715 3,599 3,120 1,415 2,055 0.05 45.23 Netherlands 1,610,653 1,611,565 1,638,133 591,626 949,753 21.88 60.53 Switzerland 1 78,385 200,122 197,997 45,103 62,846 1.45 39.34 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 180,229 172,196 173,652 32,486 40,665 0.94 25.18 Cyprus 17,109 16,345 16,615 4,134 4,547 0.10 9.99 Israel 63,793 66,882 65,934 9,578 17,672 0.41 84.51 Türkiye 99,327 88,969 91,103 18,774 18,446 0.42 -1.75 MIDDLE EAST 130,995 157,848 162,265 28,326 45,283 1.04 59.86 Bahrain 3,604 3,873 3,888 398 410 0.01 3.02 Egypt 15,064 15,184 19,415 4,107 3,501 0.08 -14.76 Iraq 1,713 1,876 2,742 416 759 0.02 82.45 Jordan 4,509 5,013 6,015 1,094 1,215 0.03 11.06 Kuwait 14,423 17,813 17,257 2,815 3,344 0.08 18.79 Lebanon 11,797 12,233 13,256 2,191 3,164 0.07 44.41 Libya 2,519 1,386 1,530 270 422 0.01 56.30 Oman 3,548 3,499 4,636 613 693 0.02 13.05 Qatar 9,640 10,686 10,659 2,304 3,930 0.09 70.57 Saudi Arabia 27,511 37,092 36,459 3,871 9,129 0.21 135.83 State of Palestine 640 645 625 134 306 0.01 128.36 Syrian Arab Republic 1,433 1,648 2,024 435 883 0.02 102.99 United Arab Emirates 34,289 46,529 43,312 9,568 17,427 0.40 82.14 Yemen 305 371 447 110 100 0.00 -9.09 SOUTH ASIA 142,936 161,964 143,882 21,774 27,367 0.63 25.69 Afghanistan 12,106 10,526 3,851 1,628 2,067 0.05 26.97 Bangladesh 1,996 1,894 1,733 318 336 0.01 5.66 Bhutan 1,096 709 283 22 45 0.00 104.55 India 105,558 125,261 118,756 15,944 20,956 0.48 31.44 Iran, Islamic Republic of 13,776 13,791 9,967 1,984 2,426 0.06 22.28 Maldives 282 403 419 73 65 0.00 -10.96 Nepal 756 1,099 1,057 305 256 0.01 -16.07 Pakistan 5,166 6,186 5,663 1,138 1,109 0.03 -2.55 Sri Lanka 2,200 2,095 2,153 362 107 0.00 -70.44 NOT SPECIFIED 217,907 282,858 323,391 94,635 164,253 3.78 73.56 Other countries of the world 217,907 282,858 323,391 94,635 164,253 3.78 73.56 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 123 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 18,656,843 20,564,683 21,204,838 6,546,786 7,850,962 100.00 19.92 AFRICA 165,170 178,237 176,114 54,857 67,000 0.85 22.14 EAST AFRICA 23,559 30,465 26,918 10,537 15,152 0.19 43.80 British Indian Ocean Territory 123 62 176 22 69 0.00 213.64 Burundi 1,824 2,219 1,677 582 524 0.01 -9.97 Comoros 57 183 97 53 48 0.00 -9.43 Djibouti 387 346 365 63 132 0.00 109.52 Eritrea 171 236 255 88 125 0.00 42.05 Ethiopia 3,963 6,607 5,025 5,006 6,405 0.08 27.95 Kenya 3,494 3,032 3,360 794 1,203 0.02 51.51 Madagascar 840 680 811 375 469 0.01 25.07 Malawi 423 298 315 36 1 0.00 -97.22 Mauritius 1,941 2,023 1,912 295 317 0.00 7.46 Mozambique 747 681 907 98 53 0.00 -45.92 Reunion 2,234 5,429 4,220 1,432 2,423 0.03 69.20 Rwanda 2,856 3,085 3,382 842 2,112 0.03 150.83 Seychelles 309 469 402 41 54 0.00 31.71 Somalia 254 688 332 83 294 0.00 254.22 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,098 962 557 107 172 0.00 60.75 Uganda 1,169 1,396 1,286 280 407 0.01 45.36 Zambia 690 599 623 204 126 0.00 -38.24 Zimbabwe 979 1,470 1,216 136 218 0.00 60.29 CENTRAL AFRICA 32,559 27,601 29,576 10,642 14,542 0.19 36.65 Angola 2,584 3,061 2,005 498 735 0.01 47.59 Cameroon 5,919 5,868 4,628 1,935 3,238 0.04 67.34 Central African Republic 612 517 685 217 492 0.01 126.73 Chad 372 606 537 217 231 0.00 6.45 Congo 6,524 5,059 4,886 1,751 2,001 0.03 14.28 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 15,025 9,327 14,676 5,381 7,002 0.09 30.12 Equatorial Guinea 259 203 156 66 70 0.00 6.06 Gabon 1,042 2,318 1,461 433 464 0.01 7.16 Sao Tome and Principe 222 642 542 144 309 0.00 114.58 NORTH AFRICA 50,955 54,124 54,608 19,217 19,636 0.25 2.18 Algeria 10,300 9,860 10,212 3,337 3,643 0.05 9.17 Morocco 29,921 32,111 31,681 12,841 12,448 0.16 -3.06 South Sudan 98 57 36 19 32 0.00 68.42 Sudan 854 638 723 200 126 0.00 -37.00 Tunisia 9,782 11,458 11,956 2,820 3,387 0.04 20.11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 27,332 31,618 32,333 6,260 5,637 0.07 -9.95 Botswana 562 537 490 147 616 0.01 319.05 Eswatini 1,453 1,486 1,884 457 555 0.01 21.44 Lesotho 100 238 158 27 27 0.00 Namibia 791 783 654 146 157 0.00 7.53 South Africa 24,426 28,574 29,147 5,483 4,282 0.05 -21.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 124 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 30,765 34,429 32,679 8,201 12,033 0.15 46.73 Benin 1,471 1,548 2,403 408 774 0.01 89.71 Burkina Faso 2,699 3,133 2,159 576 838 0.01 45.49 Cabo Verde 296 724 346 94 169 0.00 79.79 Cote d'lvoire 4,098 3,438 3,507 975 1,231 0.02 26.26 Gambia 591 810 657 154 236 0.00 53.25 Ghana 1,960 3,278 2,800 662 780 0.01 17.82 Guinea 2,249 2,176 1,619 652 643 0.01 -1.38 Guinea-Bissau 124 108 197 37 174 0.00 370.27 Liberia 528 493 635 115 203 0.00 76.52 Mali 1,827 2,050 1,756 466 559 0.01 19.96 Mauritania 1,266 1,249 992 139 248 0.00 78.42 Niger 2,415 3,259 2,568 777 1,817 0.02 133.85 Nigeria 3,878 5,085 4,948 1,297 1,517 0.02 16.96 Senegal 4,037 3,756 3,850 1,000 1,500 0.02 50.00 Sierra Leone 2,333 2,310 3,061 625 1,024 0.01 63.84 Togo 993 1,012 1,181 224 320 0.00 42.86 AMERICAS 1,286,028 1,478,707 1,553,230 248,451 262,088 3.34 5.49 CARIBBEAN 15,831 21,193 18,668 3,473 5,450 0.07 56.92 Anguilla 236 327 530 36 67 0.00 86.11 Antigua and Barbuda 767 1,302 1,099 283 341 0.00 20.49 Aruba 387 408 429 99 372 0.00 275.76 Bahamas 685 924 1,252 321 286 0.00 -10.90 Barbados 1,175 2,590 1,494 134 165 0.00 23.13 Bermuda 240 266 360 54 243 0.00 350.00 Cayman Islands 1,907 2,036 166 41 197 0.00 380.49 Cuba 1,145 1,087 1,384 139 277 0.00 99.28 Curacao 195 440 433 103 94 0.00 -8.74 Dominica 290 483 580 106 114 0.00 7.55 Dominican Republic 2,746 3,697 4,008 543 859 0.01 58.20 Grenada 173 149 211 16 31 0.00 93.75 Guadeloupe 655 724 750 338 412 0.01 21.89 Haiti 759 1,297 656 232 235 0.00 1.29 Jamaica 964 1,406 1,379 185 354 0.00 91.35 Martinique 319 554 1,165 200 462 0.01 131.00 Montserrat 54 8 53 6 0.00 Netherlands Antilles 1,133 737 Puerto Rico 700 1,043 1,169 379 386 0.00 1.85 Saint Kitts and Nevis 185 181 164 49 23 0.00 -53.06 Saint Lucia 84 115 149 33 6 0.00 -81.82 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 58 22 59 2 4 0.00 100.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 86 70 74 4 166 0.00 4,050.00 Trinidad and Tobago 476 739 677 92 38 0.00 -58.70 Turks and Caicos Islands 273 427 253 45 97 0.00 115.56 United States Virgin Islands 139 161 174 39 215 0.00 451.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 125 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 15,637 17,958 21,971 4,642 4,636 0.06 -0.13 Belize 1,804 909 1,115 361 273 0.00 -24.38 Costa Rica 5,707 7,135 8,767 1,781 1,450 0.02 -18.59 El Salvador 1,360 1,390 2,499 678 412 0.01 -39.23 Guatemala 2,046 2,279 3,054 486 529 0.01 8.85 Honduras 735 1,172 1,187 174 395 0.01 127.01 Nicaragua 531 557 820 159 176 0.00 10.69 Panama 3,454 4,516 4,529 1,003 1,401 0.02 39.68 NORTH AMERICA 985,083 1,139,949 1,191,084 182,881 211,531 2.69 15.67 Canada 134,568 151,769 146,003 20,075 24,949 0.32 24.28 Greenland 173 127 197 63 52 0.00 -17.46 Mexico 72,911 77,029 81,878 11,277 11,772 0.15 4.39 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 105 29 161 10 30 0.00 200.00 United States of America 777,326 910,995 962,845 151,456 1 74,728 2.23 15.37 SOUTH AMERICA 269,477 299,607 321,507 57,455 40,471 0.52 -29.56 Argentina 64,653 70,736 65,731 10,412 4,224 0.05 -59.43 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,959 1,770 1,620 239 490 0.01 105.02 Brazil 133,744 147,227 162,968 30,910 17,393 0.22 -43.73 Chile 20,011 23,687 27,374 4,684 4,266 0.05 -8.92 Colombia 22,981 28,099 32,119 4,818 7,235 0.09 50.17 Ecuador 5,376 5,116 5,635 938 1,316 0.02 40.30 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 25 28 77 23 31 0.00 34.78 French Guiana 332 386 603 109 433 0.01 297.25 Guyana 118 425 219 34 41 0.00 20.59 Paraguay 1,476 1,414 1,401 505 149 0.00 -70.50 Peru 9,242 10,461 11,703 2,110 2,480 0.03 17.54 Suriname 758 1,105 1,190 335 415 0.01 23.88 Uruguay 5,923 6,158 6,537 1,223 730 0.01 -40.31 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,879 2,995 4,330 1,115 1,268 0.02 13.72 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 744,636 853,792 893,219 121,966 69,843 0.89 -42.74 NORHT-EAST ASIA 483,186 569,142 586,335 79,421 39,814 0.51 -49.87 China 244,765 290,100 297,405 32,841 18,656 0.24 -43.19 Hong Kong, China 12,141 23,580 22,594 2,594 1,729 0.02 -33.35 Japan 133,999 166,435 1 77,428 29,317 12,746 0.16 -56.52 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 8,016 5,934 6,995 850 453 0.01 -46.71 Korea, Republic of 51,015 48,447 39,149 8,143 4,209 0.05 -48.31 Macao, China 888 1,291 1,797 341 517 0.01 51.61 Mongolia 622 903 1,149 226 413 0.01 82.74 Taiwan Province of China 31,740 32,452 39,818 5,109 1,091 0.01 -78.65 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 126 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 121,469 132,464 148,135 22,782 21,386 0.27 -6.13 Brunei Darussalam 301 555 412 77 103 0.00 33.77 Cambodia 969 1,509 1,432 148 56 0.00 -62.16 Indonesia 19,018 1 7,269 20,093 2,613 2,038 0.03 -22.01 Lao People's Democratic Republic 482 571 665 78 47 0.00 -39.74 Malaysia 19,822 21,543 22,896 2,984 1,064 0.01 -64.34 Myanmar 985 792 904 181 253 0.00 39.78 Philippines 13,947 14,630 16,959 5,971 10,089 0.13 68.97 Singapore 20,613 22,803 25,980 3,971 3,779 0.05 -4.84 Thailand 35,885 43,455 48,506 5,740 3,150 0.04 -45.12 Timor-Leste 156 144 310 45 22 0.00 -51.11 Viet Nam 9,291 9,193 9,978 974 785 0.01 -19.40 AUSTRALASIA 136,856 147,717 153,378 18,903 6,931 0.09 -63.33 Australia 116,545 128,655 130,805 16,569 5,846 0.07 -64.72 New Zealand 20,311 19,062 22,573 2,334 1,085 0.01 -53.51 MELANESIA 1,068 1,610 1,587 233 440 0.01 88.84 Fiji 276 309 249 45 25 0.00 -44.44 New Caledonia 203 463 295 57 60 0.00 5.26 Norfolk Island 23 60 36 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Papua New Guinea 111 414 187 28 10 0.00 -64.29 Solomon Islands 168 237 266 37 36 0.00 -2.70 Vanuatu 287 127 554 59 304 0.00 415.25 MICRONESIA 588 485 798 113 382 0.00 238.05 Christmas Island, Australia 35 46 176 7 0.00 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 39 25 80 15 0.00 Guam 133 122 120 35 33 0.00 -5.71 Kiribati 46 11 59 16 231 0.00 1,343.75 Marshall Islands 50 40 64 7 16 0.00 128.57 Micronesia, Federated States of 51 95 73 9 8 0.00 -11.11 Nauru 166 110 133 39 41 0.00 5.13 Northern Mariana Islands 29 25 32 1 20 0.00 1,900.00 Palau 39 11 61 6 11 0.00 83.33 POLYNESIA 1,469 2,374 2,986 514 890 0.01 73.15 American Samoa 487 737 1,623 71 303 0.00 326.76 Cook Islands 13 44 35 16 11 0.00 -31.25 French Polynesia 283 267 295 52 217 0.00 317.31 Niue 16 9 24 6 15 0.00 150.00 Pitcairn 413 1,065 802 327 300 0.00 -8.26 Samoa 142 63 62 13 12 0.00 -7.69 Tonga 77 102 100 19 14 0.00 -26.32 Tuvalu 20 59 15 4 18 0.00 350.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 18 28 30 6 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 127 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 15,866,552 17,290,401 17,679,085 5,922,602 7,169,693 91.32 21.06 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,060,004 1,220,209 1,254,622 436,985 483,154 6.15 10.57 Armenia 4,619 3,905 6,212 1,013 881 0.01 -13.03 Azerbaijan 3,308 3,698 4,512 817 948 0.01 16.03 Belarus 8,244 11,167 13,210 4,154 6,147 0.08 47.98 Bulgaria 67,780 66,395 56,565 19,534 20,702 0.26 5.98 Czech Republic (Czechia) 93,064 109,856 105,985 33,456 34,829 0.44 4.10 Estonia 23,540 18,779 18,546 5,419 5,902 0.08 8.91 Georgia 6,833 8,226 10,306 3,151 3,250 0.04 3.14 Hungary 82,050 78,983 74,730 17,986 18,451 0.24 2.59 Kazakhstan 3,975 4,457 6,168 769 1,198 0.02 55.79 Kyrgyzstan 770 802 1,129 291 311 0.00 6.87 Latvia 19,111 27,565 23,854 6,429 8,183 0.10 27.28 Lithuania 37,414 41,160 40,958 19,164 26,534 0.34 38.46 Moldova, Republic of 3,876 3,831 5,480 1,111 1,251 0.02 12.60 Poland 294,739 343,245 343,647 1 71,896 188,736 2.40 9.80 Romania 137,200 176,491 172,243 69,066 101,396 1.29 46.81 Russian Federation 172,047 196,303 233,926 41,807 17,484 0.22 -58.18 Slovakia 61,835 73,623 75,334 24,351 29,334 0.37 20.46 Tajikistan 396 603 609 108 194 0.00 79.63 Turkmenistan 325 376 381 55 19 0.00 -65.45 Ukraine 38,015 49,942 59,759 16,137 16,740 0.21 3.74 Uzbekistan 863 802 1,068 271 664 0.01 145.02 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,385,499 2,639,595 2,490,458 510,792 347,656 4.43 -31.94 Denmark 134,812 136,231 132,224 33,359 48,575 0.62 45.61 Faeroe Islands 159 370 200 12 33 0.00 1 75.00 Finland 66,560 68,055 75,096 13,627 13,400 0.17 -1.67 Iceland 1 7,037 21,230 18,097 6,630 4,990 0.06 -24.74 Ireland 125,283 138,218 138,528 31,963 33,494 0.43 4.79 Isle of Man 291 160 268 39 71 0.00 82.05 Norway 79,134 85,134 88,156 14,465 16,319 0.21 12.82 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 23 14 24 8 11 0.00 37.50 Sweden 138,951 149,692 154,189 33,036 35,122 0.45 6.31 United Kingdom 1,823,249 2,040,491 1,883,676 377,653 195,641 2.49 -48.20 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,753,514 1,912,258 1,997,951 552,738 713,947 9.09 29.17 Albania 31,237 39,345 31,033 15,753 19,046 0.24 20.90 Andorra 4,349 3,987 6,602 1,128 1,115 0.01 -1.15 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,812 6,092 6,004 1,565 2,661 0.03 70.03 Croatia 32,313 30,555 39,406 12,577 14,806 0.19 17.72 Gibraltar 468 355 396 227 97 0.00 -57.27 Greece 79,415 91,597 95,784 26,877 30,030 0.38 11.73 Italy 521,347 577,175 640,530 1 75,052 219,235 2.79 25.24 Malta 23,094 21,025 20,882 5,601 5,047 0.06 -9.89 Montenegro 3,260 3,583 3,242 626 776 0.01 23.96 North Macedonia 5,720 7,038 8,427 1,847 1,901 0.02 2.92 Portugal 128,925 182,213 169,923 70,359 82,091 1.05 16.67 San Marino 2,233 3,031 2,442 418 67 0.00 -83.97 Serbia 18,185 15,219 15,963 4,007 3,313 0.04 -17.32 Slovenia 75,975 94,697 103,199 59,762 87,067 1.11 45.69 Spain 820,181 836,346 854,118 1 76,939 246,695 3.14 39.42 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 128 COUNTRY TABLES BELGIUM / BELGIQUE / BELGICA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 10,451,176 11,302,467 11,728,421 4,380,982 5,575,139 71.01 27.26 Austria 97,380 122,550 113,294 30,81 7 42,199 0.54 36.93 France 2,536,079 2,807,587 2,829,186 1,071,936 1,387,436 17.67 29.43 Germany 2,414,085 2,680,019 2,796,175 999,814 1,105,119 14.08 10.53 Liechtenstein 1,231 1,765 1,887 574 464 0.01 -19.16 Luxembourg 262,479 285,979 274,417 115,626 157,308 2.00 36.05 Monaco 3,035 3,913 3,737 1,874 2,527 0.03 34.85 Netherlands 4,921,831 5,151,799 5,461,436 2,100,587 2,799,262 35.66 33.26 Switzerland 215,056 248,855 248,289 59,754 80,824 1.03 35.26 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 216,359 215,872 207,633 41,105 49,797 0.63 21.15 Cyprus 25,787 26,503 21,917 6,556 8,449 0.11 28.87 Israel 81,070 89,479 84,091 11,779 20,246 0.26 71.88 Türkiye 109,502 99,890 101,625 22,770 21,102 0.27 -7.33 MIDDLE EAST 142,544 177,804 175,045 30,719 48,560 0.62 58.08 Bahrain 3,912 4,308 4,161 400 649 0.01 62.25 Egypt 15,890 1 7,257 21,066 4,346 4,090 0.05 -5.89 Iraq 2,021 2,391 3,051 493 885 0.01 79.51 Jordan 4,938 5,317 6,246 1,165 1,395 0.02 19.74 Kuwait 16,260 20,493 18,828 2,850 3,374 0.04 18.39 Lebanon 12,193 12,885 14,185 2,596 3,462 0.04 33.36 Libya 2,547 1,576 1,610 291 458 0.01 57.39 Oman 3,669 4,193 5,072 670 762 0.01 13.73 Qatar 10,347 11,065 10,989 2,338 4,046 0.05 73.05 Saudi Arabia 29,274 40,935 38,945 4,099 9,358 0.12 128.30 State of Palestine 677 834 730 140 344 0.00 145.71 Syrian Arab Republic 1,742 2,135 2,095 504 901 0.01 78.77 United Arab Emirates 38,761 54,014 47,591 10,711 18,731 0.24 74.88 Yemen 313 401 476 116 105 0.00 -9.48 SOUTH ASIA 156,574 192,363 177,780 26,403 31,726 0.40 20.16 Afghanistan 12,440 11,150 4,517 1,845 3,790 0.05 105.42 Bangladesh 2,111 2,392 2,052 333 357 0.00 7.21 Bhutan 1,124 715 289 32 47 0.00 46.88 India 116,807 151,886 148,897 19,425 23,100 0.29 18.92 Iran, Islamic Republic of 14,925 15,207 11,763 2,347 2,640 0.03 12.48 Maldives 295 532 499 73 65 0.00 -10.96 Nepal 899 1,254 1,182 389 305 0.00 -21.59 Pakistan 5,683 7,039 6,293 1,304 1,315 0.02 0.84 Sri Lanka 2,290 2,188 2,288 655 107 0.00 -83.66 NOT SPECIFIED 295,339 393,379 550,365 141,788 202,052 2.57 42.50 Other countries of the world 295,339 393,379 550,365 141,788 202,052 2.57 42.50 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 129 COUNTRY TABLES BELIZE / BELICE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 427,077 489,261 503,166 144,124 218,991 100.00 51.95 AFRICA 674 761 817 219 343 0.16 56.62 OTHER AFRICA 674 761 817 219 343 0.16 56.62 All countries of Africa 674 761 817 219 343 0.16 56.62 AMERICAS 349,815 402,617 412,631 120,893 206,260 94.19 70.61 CARIBBEAN 2,959 3,173 3,565 652 1,074 0.49 64.72 Jamaica 805 974 1,061 193 361 0.16 87.05 Other countries of the Caribbean 2,154 2,199 2,504 459 713 0.33 55.34 CENTRAL AMERICA 28,223 29,790 32,028 10,962 13,387 6.11 22.12 Guatemala 14,274 12,157 13,870 7,044 10,381 4.74 47.37 Honduras 4,751 6,487 6,710 1,578 800 0.37 -49.30 Other countries of Central America 9,198 11,146 11,448 2,340 2,206 1.01 -5.73 NORTH AMERICA 311,710 362,219 369,264 107,191 189,564 86.56 76.85 Canada 26,084 35,190 35,527 14,500 5,161 2.36 -64.41 Mexico 9,060 6,808 7,449 1,496 1,650 0.75 10.29 United States of America 276,566 320,221 326,288 91,195 182,753 83.45 100.40 SOUTH AMERICA 6,923 7,435 7,774 2,088 2,235 1.02 7.04 All countries of South America 6,923 7,435 7,774 2,088 2,235 1.02 7.04 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,958 13,197 13,006 3,830 1,986 0.91 -48.15 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,958 13,197 13,006 3,830 1,986 0.91 -48.15 All countries of Asia 5,169 6,473 6,891 2,577 1,660 0.76 -35.58 All countries of Oceania 5,789 6,724 6,115 1,253 326 0.15 -73.98 EUROPE 50,124 59,319 59,461 15,986 7,744 3.54 -51.56 NORTHERN EUROPE 15,797 17,765 17,734 4,415 2,514 1.15 -43.06 Denmark 1,111 1,412 1,313 392 120 0.05 -69.39 Sweden 1,242 1,351 1,065 375 146 0.07 -61.07 United Kingdom 13,444 15,002 15,356 3,648 2,248 1.03 -38.38 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,169 5,944 5,751 1,464 777 0.35 -46.93 Italy 3,107 3,503 3,515 956 285 0.13 -70.19 Spain 2,062 2,441 2,236 508 492 0.22 -3.15 WESTERN EUROPE 20,231 25,779 25,965 7,119 2,904 1.33 -59.21 Belgium 1,288 1,683 1,634 345 164 0.07 -52.46 France 5,751 6,721 6,875 2,341 1,027 0.47 -56.13 Germany 7,402 9,176 9,401 2,479 873 0.40 -64.78 Netherlands 3,753 5,968 5,861 1,324 516 0.24 -61.03 Switzerland 2,037 2,231 2,194 630 324 0.15 -48.57 OTHER EUROPE 8,927 9,831 10,011 2,988 1,549 0.71 -48.16 Other countries of Europe 8,927 9,831 10,011 2,988 1,549 0.71 -48.16 MIDDLE EAST 2,018 2,821 3,370 458 1,105 0.50 141.27 All countries of Middle East 2,018 2,821 3,370 458 1,105 0.50 141.27 NOT SPECIFIED 13,488 10,546 13,881 2,738 1,553 0.71 -43.28 Nationals residing abroad 13,488 10,546 13,881 2,738 1,553 0.71 -43.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 130 COUNTRY TABLES BELIZE / BELICE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,588,921 1,980,050 1,941,321 487,223 445,641 100.00 -8.53 AMERICAS 1,325,233 1,675,021 1,665,042 440,390 404,825 90.84 -8.08 CARIBBEAN 9,135 10,848 10,985 2,575 2,301 0.52 -10.64 Cuba 1,005 1,338 1,384 349 283 0.06 -18.91 Jamaica 1,552 1,946 1,995 369 471 0.11 27.64 Other countries of the Caribbean 6,578 7,564 7,606 1,857 1,547 0.35 -16.69 CENTRAL AMERICA 57,029 186,488 196,504 11,311 14,205 3.19 25.59 Costa Rica 1,695 1,719 2,027 506 384 0.09 -24.11 El Salvador 7,664 8,015 9,037 1,507 1,472 0.33 -2.32 Guatemala 40,180 164,432 173,743 7,091 10,923 2.45 54.04 Honduras 5,469 9,439 8,950 1,648 899 0.20 -45.45 Other countries of Central America 2,021 2,883 2,747 559 527 0.12 -5.72 NORTH AMERICA 1,239,374 1,454,472 1,434,595 420,720 383,636 86.09 -8.81 Canada 39,922 50,999 49,547 36,178 18,514 4.15 -48.83 Mexico 16,893 12,020 21,010 4,531 4,696 1.05 3.64 United States of America 1,182,559 1,391,453 1,364,038 380,011 360,426 80.88 -5.15 SOUTH AMERICA 19,695 23,213 22,958 5,784 4,683 1.05 -19.04 All countries of South America 19,695 23,213 22,958 5,784 4,683 1.05 -19.04 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,469 19,220 18,623 4,966 3,501 0.79 -29.50 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,469 19,220 18,623 4,966 3,501 0.79 -29.50 All countries of Asia 14,469 19,220 18,623 4,966 3,501 0.79 -29.50 EUROPE 116,870 136,433 135,090 35,724 19,819 4.45 -44.52 NORTHERN EUROPE 31,221 34,211 34,864 6,943 4,316 0.97 -37.84 United Kingdom 31,221 34,211 34,864 6,943 4,316 0.97 -37.84 OTHER EUROPE 85,649 102,222 100,226 28,781 15,503 3.48 -46.13 Other countries of Europe 85,649 102,222 100,226 28,781 15,503 3.48 -46.13 NOT SPECIFIED 132,349 149,376 122,566 6,143 17,496 3.93 184.81 Other countries of the world 132,349 149,376 122,566 6,143 17,496 3.93 184.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 13' COUNTRY TABLES BENIN / BENIN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 280,717 294,753 309,491 324,966 AFRICA 157,406 158,026 162,354 163,678 EAST AFRICA 3,872 3,935 4,215 4,436 Burundi 245 231 210 219 Comoros 255 221 255 206 Djibouti 166 178 200 250 Eritrea 125 132 117 124 Ethiopia 98 114 94 144 Kenya 178 133 158 142 Madagascar 528 489 519 517 Malawi 569 610 633 710 Mauritius 22 36 54 66 Mozambique 210 198 205 217 Rwanda 592 661 687 740 Seychelles 11 19 10 25 Somalia 100 87 55 58 Tanzania, United Republic of 55 98 100 88 Uganda 230 255 459 472 Zambia 311 323 405 417 Zimbabwe 177 150 54 41 CENTRAL AFRICA 27,662 27,007 27,355 27,869 Angola 470 462 504 425 Cameroon 8,976 8,390 9,521 9,618 Central African Republic 1,011 997 1,025 1,272 Chad 1,570 1,411 1,630 1,840 Congo 9,580 8,042 8,785 8,744 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 920 1,215 1,025 1,260 Equatorial Guinea 1,005 1,527 1,344 1,633 Gabon 4,110 4,960 3,476 3,068 Sao Tome and Principe 20 3 45 9 NORTH AFRICA 5,770 5,473 5,530 6,082 Algeria 1,333 1,521 1,466 1,610 Morocco 741 615 675 712 Sudan 521 447 471 520 Tunisia 3,175 2,890 2,918 3,240 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,164 1,185 1,275 1,244 Botswana 100 87 110 99 Eswatini 21 33 29 36 Lesotho 65 70 59 72 Namibia 20 12 19 40 South Africa 958 983 1,058 997 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 132 COUNTRY TABLES BENIN / BENIN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 118,938 120,426 123,979 124,047 Burkina Faso 15,697 14,960 15,236 15,366 Cabo Verde 250 323 293 320 Cote d'lvoire 12,580 12,140 13,125 13,467 Gambia 675 556 504 622 Ghana 8,140 8,255 8,460 7,240 Guinea 1,988 1,610 1,633 1,870 Guinea-Bissau 2,250 2,500 2,253 2,559 Liberia 1,025 1,144 997 1,176 Mali 5,686 4,522 4,830 4,969 Mauritania 250 344 255 315 Niger 16,810 16,920 1 7,099 17,620 Nigeria 28,563 29,085 31,708 32,150 Senegal 10,255 12,020 11,886 10,270 Sierra Leone 670 447 512 677 Togo 14,099 15,600 15,188 15,426 AMERICAS 11,475 12,015 12,134 12,376 CARIBBEAN 344 301 295 302 Cuba 70 66 57 66 Dominican Republic 55 61 66 75 Guadeloupe 11 9 11 8 Haiti 100 70 62 26 Jamaica 88 78 80 102 Netherlands Antilles 20 17 19 25 CENTRAL AMERICA 52 63 71 90 Honduras 16 18 21 33 Nicaragua 36 45 50 57 NORTH AMERICA 9,875 10,631 9,756 9,780 Canada 4,810 5,490 5,014 5,338 Mexico 740 612 622 510 United States of America 4,325 4,529 4,120 3,932 SOUTH AMERICA 1,204 1,020 2,012 2,204 Argentina 541 428 816 1,030 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 19 21 44 56 Brazil 300 350 650 522 Chile 11 15 32 36 Colombia 135 35 206 198 Uruguay 88 65 184 212 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 110 106 80 150 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 133 COUNTRY TABLES BENIN / BENIN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,723 15,036 15,288 15,768 NORHT-EAST ASIA 12,881 14,036 14,120 14,567 China 10,320 10,233 10,494 11,256 Japan 2,361 3,643 3,422 3,124 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 200 160 204 187 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 742 926 1,102 1,103 Indonesia 388 560 695 587 Malaysia 300 275 304 347 Philippines 2 19 12 21 Singapore 21 33 25 51 Thailand 9 28 35 68 Viet Nam 22 11 31 29 AUSTRALASIA 90 50 55 79 Australia 55 31 45 57 New Zealand 35 19 10 22 MELANESIA 10 24 11 19 Fiji 10 24 11 19 EUROPE 57,825 60,028 61,080 62,764 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,723 1,593 1,715 2,113 Denmark 99 82 108 208 Finland 88 94 89 108 Ireland 100 47 55 67 Norway 470 420 475 560 Sweden 966 950 988 1,170 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,158 6,012 6,293 6,951 Bosnia and Herzegovina 41 55 59 68 Greece 366 336 380 428 Italy 3,144 2,963 3,201 3,545 Montenegro 9 15 18 19 Portugal 425 600 579 628 Serbia and Montenegro 8 11 15 28 Slovenia 55 42 33 58 Spain 2,110 1,990 2,008 2,177 WESTERN EUROPE 39,889 42,708 42,967 42,825 Austria 200 310 354 546 Belgium 4,933 5,612 5,586 5,890 France 13,217 14,645 14,724 13,870 Germany 2,678 2,360 2,217 2,466 Luxembourg 350 400 390 223 Netherlands 9,870 10,915 11,130 10,230 Switzerland 8,641 8,466 8,566 9,600 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 267 260 235 220 Israel 166 172 200 180 Turkiye 101 88 35 40 OTHER EUROPE 9,788 9,455 9,870 10,655 Other countries of Europe 9,788 9,455 9,870 10,655 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 134 COUNTRY TABLES BENIN / BENIN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 5,285 6,044 5,890 6,871 Egypt 102 98 80 86 Iraq 66 54 40 77 Jordan 21 35 38 50 Kuwait 36 21 24 33 Lebanon 3,415 4,058 3,830 4,560 Libya 1,446 1,520 1,631 1,870 Qatar 150 200 180 117 Saudi Arabia 25 19 27 35 State of Palestine 15 28 21 28 Syrian Arab Republic 9 11 19 15 SOUTH ASIA 2,886 5,018 5,292 5,504 Afghanistan 107 269 255 305 Bangladesh 21 35 48 38 India 2,633 4,603 4,836 4,975 Iran, Islamic Republic of 54 61 90 88 Nepal 11 8 5 27 Pakistan 30 17 19 29 Sri Lanka 30 25 39 42 NOT SPECIFIED 32,117 38,586 47,453 58,005 Other countries of the world 32,117 38,586 47,453 58,005 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 135 COUNTRY TABLES BERMUDA / BERMUDES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 269,576 281,887 269,478 42,072 72,153 100.00 71.50 AFRICA 673 161 122 0.17 -24.22 EAST AFRICA 117 40 32 0.04 -20.00 Ethiopia 3 Kenya 49 17 14 0.02 -17.65 Madagascar 1 Malawi 2 Mauritius 6 Mozambique 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 6 1 1 0.00 Uganda 21 6 8 0.01 33.33 Zambia 3 Zimbabwe 25 16 9 0.01 -43.75 CENTRAL AFRICA 6 3 Cameroon 2 Central African Republic 1 Chad 1 Congo 2 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1 1 Gabon 1 NORTH AFRICA 27 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Algeria 4 1 Morocco 21 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Sudan 1 Tunisia 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 480 109 81 0.11 -25.69 Botswana 2 1 0.00 Eswatini 3 Namibia 2 1 South Africa 473 108 80 0.11 -25.93 WEST AFRICA 43 5 8 0.01 60.00 Benin 1 Burkina Faso 5 Cote d'lvoire 2 Ghana 17 Mali 1 Mauritania 1 Nigeria 11 5 8 0.01 60.00 Senegal 4 Togo 1 OTHER AFRICA 1 Other countries of Africa 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 136 COUNTRY TABLES BERMUDA / BERMUDES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 225,675 242,136 234,833 33,943 61,983 85.90 82.61 CARIBBEAN 3,021 549 394 0.55 -28.23 Anguilla 9 4 Antigua and Barbuda 41 5 12 0.02 140.00 Aruba 20 3 Bahamas 369 49 37 0.05 -24.49 Barbados 325 59 77 0.11 30.51 British Virgin Islands 65 17 Cayman Islands 462 68 Cuba 19 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Dominica 22 1 0.00 Dominican Republic 120 27 25 0.03 -7.41 Grenada 19 2 3 0.00 50.00 Guadeloupe 14 Haiti 8 2 0.00 Jamaica 886 161 167 0.23 3.73 Martinique 1 Montserrat 3 3 Netherlands Antilles 5 3 Puerto Rico 62 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 33 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Saint Lucia 94 15 31 0.04 106.67 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 29 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 16 4 Trinidad and Tobago 301 31 33 0.05 6.45 Turks and Caicos Islands 45 20 United States Virgin Islands 30 2 Other countries of the Caribbean 23 64 CENTRAL AMERICA 350 73 67 0.09 -8.22 Belize 14 1 2 0.00 100.00 Costa Rica 90 27 23 0.03 -14.81 El Salvador 8 6 4 0.01 -33.33 Guatemala 70 16 16 0.02 Honduras 27 7 2 0.00 -71.43 Nicaragua 9 2 0.00 Panama 132 16 18 0.02 12.50 NORTH AMERICA 225,675 242,136 230,566 33,164 61,345 85.02 84.97 Canada 27,416 27,637 27,748 4,936 3,514 4.87 -28.81 Mexico 358 45 61 0.08 35.56 United States of America 198,259 214,499 202,460 28,183 57,770 80.07 104.98 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 137 COUNTRY TABLES BERMUDA / BERMUDES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 896 157 177 0.25 12.74 Argentina 162 24 14 0.02 -41.67 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2 Brazil 223 36 11 0.02 -69.44 Chile 47 13 17 0.02 30.77 Colombia 188 44 64 0.09 45.45 Ecuador 72 20 23 0.03 15.00 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 8 French Guiana 4 2 Guyana 49 5 18 0.02 260.00 Paraguay 3 1 Peru 47 5 12 0.02 140.00 Suriname 4 1 0.00 Uruguay 18 4 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 66 3 17 0.02 466.67 Other countries of South America 3 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,613 1,213 2,491 346 311 0.43 -10.12 NORHT-EAST ASIA 467 336 915 108 39 0.05 -63.89 China 519 57 27 0.04 -52.63 Japan 467 336 330 38 8 0.01 -78.95 Korea, Republic of 36 9 2 0.00 -77.78 Taiwan Province of China 30 4 2 0.00 -50.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 724 127 229 0.32 80.31 Cambodia 1 Indonesia 45 4 19 0.03 375.00 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 Malaysia 21 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Philippines 393 78 170 0.24 117.95 Singapore 217 27 35 0.05 29.63 Thailand 40 10 4 0.01 -60.00 Viet Nam 6 2 AUSTRALASIA 1,146 877 835 109 41 0.06 -62.39 Australia 1,146 877 624 81 36 0.05 -55.56 New Zealand 211 28 5 0.01 -82.14 MELANESIA 10 1 1 0.00 Fiji 9 1 1 0.00 Vanuatu 1 MICRONESIA 1 Palau 1 POLYNESIA 2 1 1 0.00 American Samoa 1 French Polynesia 1 Tonga 1 Tuvalu 1 0.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4 Other countries of Asia 4 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 138 COUNTRY TABLES BERMUDA / BERMUDES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 32,349 29,372 30,316 7,401 8,996 12.47 21.55 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 874 158 132 0.18 -16.46 Armenia 1 Azerbaijan 3 Belarus 4 1 Bulgaria 211 13 28 0.04 115.38 Czech Republic (Czechia) 71 16 13 0.02 -18.75 Estonia 20 9 2 0.00 -77.78 Georgia 4 3 0.00 Hungary 36 10 10 0.01 Kazakhstan 7 1 1 0.00 Latvia 11 Lithuania 14 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Moldova, Republic of 1 Poland 160 28 21 0.03 -25.00 Romania 112 16 19 0.03 18.75 Russian Federation 143 22 Slovakia 32 2 10 0.01 400.00 Ukraine 42 33 21 0.03 -36.36 Uzbekistan 1 0.00 Other countries Central/East Europe 5 NORTHERN EUROPE 23,484 21,255 23,727 6,340 7,732 10.72 21.96 Denmark 303 55 47 0.07 -14.55 Faeroe Islands 2 Finland 77 9 11 0.02 22.22 Iceland 19 1 1 0.00 Ireland 1,034 207 287 0.40 38.65 Norway 372 37 45 0.06 21.62 Sweden 487 300 279 76 67 0.09 -11.84 United Kingdom 22,997 20,955 21,641 5,955 7,274 10.08 22.15 SOUTHERN EUROPE 990 820 1,818 204 304 0.42 49.02 Albania 1 0.00 Andorra 1 4 0.01 Croatia 33 7 5 0.01 -28.57 Gibraltar 12 1 Greece 58 2 13 0.02 550.00 Italy 990 820 831 49 57 0.08 16.33 Malta 54 8 8 0.01 Montenegro 1 1 North Macedonia 13 2 0.00 Portugal 383 72 113 0.16 56.94 Serbia 12 3 0.00 Serbia and Montenegro 1 0.00 Slovenia 21 1 Spain 399 63 97 0.13 53.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 139 COUNTRY TABLES BERMUDA / BERMUDES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,033 3,277 3,740 677 790 1.09 16.69 Austria 282 190 227 47 42 0.06 -10.64 Belgium 136 33 33 0.05 France 1,255 836 750 118 157 0.22 33.05 Germany 1,281 1,316 1,185 160 175 0.24 9.38 Liechtenstein 13 1 2 0.00 100.00 Luxembourg 49 9 9 0.01 Monaco 50 13 14 0.02 7.69 Netherlands 442 96 173 0.24 80.21 Switzerland 1,215 935 888 200 185 0.26 -7.50 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 152 22 16 0.02 -27.27 Cyprus 14 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Israel 91 11 Turkiye 47 5 13 0.02 160.00 OTHER EUROPE 3,842 4,020 5 22 0.03 Other countries of Europe 3,842 4,020 5 22 0.03 MIDDLE EAST 255 29 44 0.06 51.72 Bahrain 7 Egypt 9 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Jordan 14 Kuwait 18 2 2 0.00 Lebanon 8 2 0.00 Oman 7 1 Qatar 11 2 0.00 Saudi Arabia 22 1 5 0.01 400.00 Syrian Arab Republic 1 0.00 United Arab Emirates 158 21 31 0.04 47.62 Yemen 1 Other countries of Middle East 1 SOUTH ASIA 380 98 106 0.15 8.16 Afghanistan 1 0.00 Bangladesh 4 2 3 0.00 50.00 India 332 63 52 0.07 -17.46 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 Nepal 6 1 2 0.00 100.00 Pakistan 16 31 44 0.06 41.94 Sri Lanka 21 1 4 0.01 300.00 NOT SPECIFIED 9,939 9,166 530 94 591 0.82 528.72 Other countries of the world 9,939 9,166 530 94 591 0.82 528.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 140 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 62,272 63,367 315,599 29,812 1 100.00 -100.00 AFRICA 106 135 314 25 EAST AFRICA 22 16 110 5 Burundi 1 Ethiopia 1 19 1 Kenya 9 12 22 Madagascar 1 Malawi 4 Mauritius 10 19 Mozambique 1 1 4 Rwanda 1 Seychelles 2 Tanzania, United Republic of 1 2 8 1 Uganda 20 Zimbabwe 1 11 1 CENTRAL AFRICA 1 1 20 1 Angola 3 Cameroon 10 1 Central African Republic 1 Chad 1 1 5 Congo 1 NORTH AFRICA 2 6 17 Algeria 2 1 2 Morocco 5 5 Sudan 5 Tunisia 5 SOUTHERN AFRICA 75 99 120 15 Eswatini 12 Lesotho 4 Namibia 1 1 2 1 South Africa 74 98 102 14 WEST AFRICA 6 13 47 4 Burkina Faso 5 Cote d'lvoire 5 2 Ghana 1 8 1 Guinea 7 Liberia 1 Mali 1 Mauritania 2 12 1 Niger 1 Nigeria 2 1 13 1 Senegal 1 2 Sierra Leone 2 Togo 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 141 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 12,299 14,109 15,102 1,445 1 100.00 -99.93 CARIBBEAN 13 18 26 5 Antigua and Barbuda 1 1 Bahamas 1 1 Barbados 2 1 1 Cuba 1 1 1 Dominican Republic 4 2 3 1 Grenada 3 1 Haiti 1 3 Jamaica 1 5 1 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 5 4 Trinidad and Tobago 3 7 1 Other countries of the Caribbean 3 CENTRAL AMERICA 51 68 55 9 Belize 1 Costa Rica 26 45 26 El Salvador 2 6 5 Guatemala 15 9 16 9 Honduras 3 2 Nicaragua 2 Panama 8 4 4 NORTH AMERICA 11,109 12,774 13,952 1,292 1 100.00 -99.92 Canada 1,524 1,807 1,870 135 Mexico 365 406 375 71 United States of America 9,220 10,561 11,707 1,086 1 100.00 -99.91 SOUTH AMERICA 1,126 1,249 1,069 139 Argentina 175 205 124 24 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2 1 10 1 Brazil 680 810 681 96 Chile 102 130 103 10 Colombia 90 57 71 5 Ecuador 7 3 10 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 Guyana 2 Paraguay 11 12 Peru 14 25 28 Suriname 3 Uruguay 20 10 10 1 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 25 8 15 1 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 33,257 29,713 33,283 2,783 NORHT-EAST ASIA 16,712 12,052 13,548 1,259 China 6,421 6,878 7,564 726 Japan 2,744 2,674 3,010 275 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2 Korea, Republic of 6,048 998 1,408 142 Mongolia 8 6 25 Taiwan Province of China 1,491 1,496 1,539 116 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 142 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 13,972 14,544 16,111 1,208 Brunei Darussalam 39 26 15 3 Cambodia 8 30 114 13 Indonesia 664 1,033 1,327 54 Lao People's Democratic Republic 18 2 56 2 Malaysia 2,956 3,140 2,761 245 Myanmar 139 104 216 23 Philippines 549 476 689 54 Singapore 4,129 3,886 4,744 256 Thailand 4,047 3,886 4,086 275 Timor-Leste 31 3 Viet Nam 1,423 1,961 2,072 280 AUSTRALASIA 2,571 3,114 3,599 316 Australia 2,249 2,739 3,153 289 New Zealand 322 375 446 27 MELANESIA 2 3 23 Fiji 2 1 8 Papua New Guinea 2 3 Solomon Islands 2 Vanuatu 10 MICRONESIA 1 Palau 1 POLYNESIA 1 Samoa 1 EUROPE 16,169 18,824 21,305 1,942 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,406 1,891 1,994 146 Armenia 7 4 18 4 Azerbaijan 2 1 Belarus 8 6 15 3 Bulgaria 44 96 52 6 Czech Republic (Czechia) 145 285 279 6 Estonia 41 43 56 4 Georgia 2 3 5 Hungary 151 143 167 8 Kazakhstan 13 9 26 5 Kyrgyzstan 2 Latvia 35 34 53 2 Lithuania 50 79 58 Moldova, Republic of 3 2 7 1 Poland 312 430 480 29 Romania 78 94 106 4 Russian Federation 390 482 503 51 Slovakia 45 83 81 2 Tajikistan 3 3 Turkmenistan 2 1 Ukraine 78 93 81 21 Uzbekistan 1 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 143 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,241 4,737 5,885 621 Denmark 197 263 416 59 Finland 162 169 226 8 Iceland 19 32 22 Ireland 144 163 205 17 Norway 225 191 345 16 Sweden 248 334 430 36 United Kingdom 3,246 3,585 4,241 485 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,549 3,169 3,844 257 Albania 2 2 Andorra 4 4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 3 5 Croatia 16 24 49 Greece 94 121 112 6 Italy 978 1,229 1,469 128 Malta 11 22 35 18 Montenegro 3 2 North Macedonia 1 Portugal 229 322 385 26 San Marino 6 Serbia 21 15 14 Slovenia 57 27 101 2 Spain 1,142 1,397 1,659 77 WESTERN EUROPE 7,558 8,511 8,954 875 Austria 396 506 594 51 Belgium 506 557 579 98 France 1,545 1,773 1,953 155 Germany 2,970 3,422 3,375 405 Liechtenstein 5 7 5 Luxembourg 24 58 20 6 Monaco 3 2 2 Netherlands 757 807 981 73 Switzerland 1,352 1,379 1,447 85 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 415 516 628 43 Cyprus 6 4 10 3 Israel 283 356 509 33 Turkiye 126 156 109 7 MIDDLE EAST 85 138 306 25 Bahrain 7 3 9 1 Egypt 15 13 13 3 Iraq 5 Jordan 2 11 10 3 Kuwait 13 19 143 14 Lebanon 16 21 30 Oman 2 4 30 Qatar 1 5 9 2 Saudi Arabia 9 29 16 1 Syrian Arab Republic 1 3 2 United Arab Emirates 19 29 36 Yemen 1 3 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 144 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 356 448 245,289 23,592 Afghanistan 1 49 7 Bangladesh 13,016 1,127 Bhutan 1 India 230,381 22,298 Iran, Islamic Republic of 18 5 13 Maldives 13 11 Nepal 265 371 1,438 101 Pakistan 16 8 62 16 Sri Lanka 57 63 316 32 BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 407,517 420,213 2,209,819 216,160 113 100.00 -99.95 AFRICA 720 1,122 6,488 897 EAST AFRICA 130 88 2,659 25 Burundi 7 Ethiopia 8 544 7 Kenya 38 72 340 Madagascar 3 Malawi 15 Mauritius 62 304 Mozambique 3 8 224 Rwanda 3 Seychelles 6 Tanzania, United Republic of 14 4 386 7 Uganda 5 779 Zimbabwe 4 54 5 CENTRAL AFRICA 4 4 466 7 Angola 14 Cameroon 421 7 Central African Republic 4 Chad 4 4 22 Congo 5 NORTH AFRICA 12 21 432 Algeria 12 1 17 Morocco 20 33 Sudan 356 Tunisia 26 SOUTHERN AFRICA 529 923 1,594 125 Eswatini 515 Lesotho 165 Namibia 6 4 9 7 South Africa 523 919 905 118 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 145 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 45 86 1,337 740 Burkina Faso 26 Cote d'lvoire 227 730 Gambia 3 Ghana 5 2 415 Guinea 27 Liberia 3 Mali 5 Mauritania 28 79 3 Niger 2 3 Nigeria 4 5 456 7 Senegal 6 9 Sierra Leone 9 Togo 154 AMERICAS 88,670 100,343 141,648 11,375 113 100.00 -99.01 CARIBBEAN 81 85 674 36 Antigua and Barbuda 6 4 Bahamas 8 6 Barbados 6 4 12 Cuba 11 6 7 Dominican Republic 24 15 10 12 Grenada 18 6 Haiti 8 12 Jamaica 6 26 5 7 Saint Kitts and Nevis 12 23 25 Trinidad and Tobago 7 576 4 Other countries of the Caribbean 10 CENTRAL AMERICA 279 365 1,692 54 Belize 3 Costa Rica 161 226 140 El Salvador 7 50 33 Guatemala 76 39 1,480 54 Honduras 16 8 Nicaragua 14 Panama 35 31 17 NORTH AMERICA 82,120 92,999 131,363 10,561 113 100.00 -98.93 Canada 11,956 13,617 16,234 1,006 Mexico 1,768 2,198 2,004 331 United States of America 68,396 77,184 113,125 9,224 113 100.00 -98.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 146 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 6,190 6,894 7,919 724 Argentina 853 1,190 795 122 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 8 8 49 2 Brazil 3,905 4,437 4,719 528 Chile 555 688 632 40 Colombia 449 317 459 18 Ecuador 44 36 169 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 7 Guyana 14 Paraguay 40 492 Peru 99 111 155 Suriname 21 Uruguay 99 60 341 3 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 138 47 73 4 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 183,319 164,296 257,233 18,566 NORHT-EAST ASIA 87,333 63,807 107,394 8,322 China 35,057 36,715 42,780 3,582 Japan 12,054 11,676 42,854 3,235 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 129 Korea, Republic of 30,382 4,608 11,255 1,013 Mongolia 42 31 120 Taiwan Province of China 9,798 10,777 10,256 492 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 74,404 76,087 113,640 7,772 Brunei Darussalam 239 196 77 18 Cambodia 49 217 570 74 Indonesia 3,743 5,602 7,867 422 Lao People's Democratic Republic 78 8 444 11 Malaysia 16,262 17,124 1 7,260 1,424 Myanmar 670 482 2,055 108 Philippines 2,914 2,548 5,893 272 Singapore 25,839 24,055 35,371 2,366 Thailand 17,565 16,993 31,650 1,815 Timor-Leste 1,019 21 Viet Nam 7,045 8,862 11,434 1,241 AUSTRALASIA 21,574 24,377 36,060 2,472 Australia 18,721 21,394 31,691 2,304 New Zealand 2,853 2,983 4,369 168 MELANESIA 8 25 128 Fiji 8 9 53 Papua New Guinea 16 9 Solomon Islands 6 Vanuatu 60 MICRONESIA 7 Palau 7 POLYNESIA 4 Samoa 4 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 147 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 132,598 151,730 211,682 21,719 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 8,827 11,856 16,428 3,326 Armenia 40 18 338 840 Azerbaijan 9 6 Belarus 46 36 1,230 352 Bulgaria 303 581 235 42 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,186 2,383 2,642 135 Estonia 247 393 374 17 Georgia 8 16 20 Hungary 856 750 1,500 47 Kazakhstan 82 48 324 20 Kyrgyzstan 10 Latvia 280 168 392 6 Lithuania 289 458 457 Moldova, Republic of 19 10 38 87 Poland 1,887 2,536 3,060 173 Romania 390 557 596 350 Russian Federation 2,408 2,937 3,601 1,156 Slovakia 338 557 507 10 Tajikistan 12 236 Turkmenistan 3 160 Ukraine 427 385 705 91 Uzbekistan 9 5 3 NORTHERN EUROPE 33,179 35,714 55,321 5,312 Denmark 1,825 2,261 4,830 550 Finland 1,072 1,031 2,092 54 Iceland 120 209 124 Ireland 992 1,209 2,129 127 Norway 1,733 1,292 2,542 119 Sweden 1,661 2,088 3,423 228 United Kingdom 25,776 27,624 40,181 4,234 SOUTHERN EUROPE 17,247 21,131 30,272 2,560 Albania 6 7 Andorra 28 46 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11 12 47 Croatia 107 113 258 Greece 458 665 670 206 Italy 7,418 9,106 13,925 982 Malta 75 159 208 128 Montenegro 14 18 North Macedonia 4 Portugal 1,320 1,735 2,770 758 San Marino 42 Serbia 121 78 81 Slovenia 340 156 700 10 Spain 7,397 9,059 11,496 476 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 148 COUNTRY TABLES BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTAN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 70,330 79,144 104,905 9,585 Austria 3,526 4,741 8,373 548 Belgium 4,730 4,876 7,419 1,352 France 14,294 16,644 21,349 1,332 Germany 26,536 30,323 36,664 4,081 Liechtenstein 47 45 61 Luxembourg 226 526 175 39 Monaco 29 18 24 Netherlands 6,793 7,153 10,876 1,249 Switzerland 14,149 14,818 19,988 960 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 3,015 3,885 4,756 936 Cyprus 32 29 66 14 Israel 2,432 3,189 4,214 276 Türkiye 551 667 476 646 MIDDLE EAST 484 734 3,879 375 Bahrain 56 11 53 7 Egypt 83 77 256 12 Iraq 24 Jordan 9 69 39 8 Kuwait 86 87 2,366 327 Lebanon 86 109 121 Oman 12 33 749 Qatar 8 19 32 5 Saudi Arabia 53 199 81 12 Syrian Arab Republic 4 14 8 United Arab Emirates 87 111 134 Yemen 5 16 4 SOUTH ASIA 1,726 1,988 1,588,889 163,228 Afghanistan 3 770 28 Bangladesh 68,641 10,047 Bhutan 5 India 1,490,381 151,696 Iran, Islamic Republic of 105 34 64 Maldives 213 68 Nepal 1,225 1,566 24,133 764 Pakistan 107 42 616 94 Sri Lanka 289 343 4,066 531 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 149 COUNTRY TABLES BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF / BOLIVIE (ETAT PLURINATIONAL DE) / BOLIVA (ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE) 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 1,108,595 1,141,860 1,239,281 323,272 179,906 100.00 -44.35 AFRICA 1,508 1,615 1,625 312 320 0.18 2.56 SOUTHERN AFRICA 501 429 505 60 23 0.01 -61.67 South Africa 501 429 505 60 23 0.01 -61.67 OTHER AFRICA 1,007 1,186 1,120 252 297 0.17 17.86 Other countries of Africa 1,007 1,186 1,120 252 297 0.17 17.86 AMERICAS 848,127 869,180 972,893 265,661 145,915 81.11 -45.07 CARIBBEAN 7,238 5,377 4,562 965 897 0.50 -7.05 Cuba 6,596 4,695 3,966 804 666 0.37 -17.16 Dominican Republic 642 682 596 161 231 0.13 43.48 CENTRAL AMERICA 8,235 8,753 8,236 2,185 3,877 2.16 77.44 Costa Rica 1,699 1,892 2,005 523 299 0.17 -42.83 El Salvador 695 768 747 177 202 0.11 14.12 Guatemala 714 802 756 164 209 0.12 27.44 Honduras 438 522 479 110 149 0.08 35.45 Nicaragua 432 478 390 96 83 0.05 -13.54 Panama 4,257 4,291 3,859 1,115 2,935 1.63 163.23 NORTH AMERICA 85,408 84,619 77,260 19,688 29,466 16.38 49.66 Canada 11,631 11,840 10,955 2,639 2,285 1.27 -13.41 Mexico 13,965 13,938 13,541 2,873 3,188 1.77 10.96 United States of America 59,812 58,841 52,764 14,176 23,993 13.34 69.25 SOUTH AMERICA 746,610 767,972 881,970 242,592 111,401 61.92 -54.08 Argentina 309,724 314,895 370,931 98,576 42,712 23.74 -56.67 Brazil 88,694 88,509 89,850 28,317 23,394 13.00 -17.39 Chile 87,728 79,485 79,980 25,959 5,780 3.21 -77.73 Colombia 31,361 34,356 31,296 9,619 9,279 5.16 -3.53 Ecuador 15,798 16,333 16,081 3,590 2,403 1.34 -33.06 Paraguay 20,606 21,906 19,415 6,274 6,813 3.79 8.59 Peru 1 74,782 190,950 249,400 64,730 13,310 7.40 -79.44 Uruguay 7,275 7,283 6,221 1,478 822 0.46 -44.38 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 10,642 14,255 18,796 4,049 6,888 3.83 70.12 OTHER AMERICAS 636 2,459 865 231 274 0.15 18.61 Other countries of the Americas 636 2,459 865 231 274 0.15 18.61 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 61,596 64,027 59,669 18,105 3,692 2.05 -79.61 NORHT-EAST ASIA 46,457 48,579 45,773 15,533 3,367 1.87 -78.32 China 15,590 16,654 15,438 2,860 2,322 1.29 -18.81 Japan 14,487 13,638 12,980 5,586 544 0.30 -90.26 Korea, Republic of 14,500 15,921 15,043 6,385 467 0.26 -92.69 Taiwan Province of China 1,880 2,366 2,312 702 34 0.02 -95.16 AUSTRALASIA 12,783 12,665 10,913 1,963 143 0.08 -92.72 Australia 10,331 10,324 8,834 1,689 115 0.06 -93.19 New Zealand 2,452 2,341 2,079 274 28 0.02 -89.78 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,356 2,783 2,983 609 182 0.10 -70.11 Other countries of Asia 2,346 2,638 2,832 582 182 0.10 -68.73 Other countries of Oceania 10 145 151 27 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 150 COUNTRY TABLES BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF / BOLIVIE (ETAT PLURINATIONAL DE) / BOLIVA (ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE) 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 194,927 203,238 202,460 38,714 29,065 16.16 -24.92 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 8,550 10,122 11,179 2,442 1,018 0.57 -58.31 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,601 1,737 1,694 242 79 0.04 -67.36 Hungary 507 629 641 123 28 0.02 -77.24 Poland 2,981 3,961 4,541 934 248 0.14 -73.45 Romania 601 613 704 166 102 0.06 -38.55 Russian Federation 2,228 2,435 2,680 834 523 0.29 -37.29 Slovakia 632 747 919 143 38 0.02 -73.43 NORTHERN EUROPE 29,997 31,588 28,243 5,058 1,683 0.94 -66.73 Denmark 2,176 2,459 2,224 467 179 0.10 -61.67 Finland 773 821 687 126 53 0.03 -57.94 Ireland 2,664 3,102 2,750 429 81 0.05 -81.12 Norway 1,591 1,721 1,508 302 102 0.06 -66.23 Sweden 4,084 4,244 3,502 871 606 0.34 -30.42 United Kingdom 18,709 19,241 17,572 2,863 662 0.37 -76.88 SOUTHERN EUROPE 56,309 58,948 60,821 13,012 16,995 9.45 30.61 Greece 603 702 639 86 33 0.02 -61.63 Italy 13,236 14,240 14,911 2,101 2,058 1.14 -2.05 Portugal 2,597 2,684 2,741 664 375 0.21 -43.52 Spain 39,873 41,322 42,530 10,161 14,529 8.08 42.99 WESTERN EUROPE 92,363 94,409 93,508 15,390 8,646 4.81 -43.82 Austria 3,310 3,537 3,499 564 244 0.14 -56.74 Belgium 5,493 5,540 5,121 771 483 0.27 -37.35 France 35,694 35,582 35,969 5,136 2,722 1.51 -47.00 Germany 30,380 31,658 31,917 6,109 3,425 1.90 -43.94 Netherlands 8,474 8,826 7,990 1,250 590 0.33 -52.80 Switzerland 9,012 9,266 9,012 1,560 1,182 0.66 -24.23 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 4,568 4,409 5,054 1,996 234 0.13 -88.28 Israel 3,381 3,200 3,666 1,499 114 0.06 -92.39 Turkiye 1,187 1,209 1,388 497 120 0.07 -75.86 OTHER EUROPE 3,140 3,762 3,655 816 489 0.27 -40.07 Other countries of Europe 3,140 3,762 3,655 816 489 0.27 -40.07 MIDDLE EAST 464 1,391 421 87 90 0.05 3.45 All countries of Middle East 464 1,391 421 87 90 0.05 3.45 SOUTH ASIA 1,973 2,409 2,213 393 824 0.46 109.67 India 1,500 1,540 1,673 281 289 0.16 2.85 All countries of South Asia 473 869 540 112 535 0.30 377.68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 15' COUNTRY TABLES BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF / BOLIVIE (ETAT PLURINATIONAL DE) / BOLIVA (ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE) 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 604,389 607,564 566,350 132,219 90,237 100.00 -31.75 AFRICA 1,539 1,547 2,365 453 313 0.35 -30.91 OTHER AFRICA 1,539 1,547 2,365 453 313 0.35 -30.91 All countries of Africa 1,539 1,547 2,365 453 313 0.35 -30.91 AMERICAS 390,544 392,666 345,417 91,351 66,861 74.09 -26.81 NORTH AMERICA 74,109 74,499 65,132 13,827 8,247 9.14 -40.36 Canada 13,865 13,918 11,070 2,512 2,169 2.40 -13.65 Mexico 7,586 7,616 9,761 2,006 1,637 1.81 -18.39 United States of America 52,658 52,965 44,301 9,309 4,441 4.92 -52.29 SOUTH AMERICA 306,320 308,019 277,920 74,405 56,301 62.39 -24.33 Argentina 73,525 73,951 75,917 18,587 12,613 13.98 -32.14 Brazil 44,471 44,782 44,855 12,060 9,324 10.33 -22.69 Chile 36,736 36,929 31,621 8,293 6,635 7.35 -19.99 Colombia 13,936 13,998 18,132 4,208 4,328 4.80 2.85 Ecuador 7,662 7,687 9,593 1,802 1,446 1.60 -19.76 Paraguay 7,012 7,019 7,448 1,607 2,039 2.26 26.88 Peru 110,879 111,490 77,301 23,021 15,193 16.84 -34.00 Uruguay 4,538 4,547 4,668 986 727 0.81 -26.27 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7,561 7,616 8,385 3,841 3,996 4.43 4.04 OTHER AMERICAS 10,115 10,148 2,365 3,119 2,313 2.56 -25.84 Other countries of the Americas 10,115 10,148 2,365 3,119 2,313 2.56 -25.84 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,016 30,180 33,894 7,377 3,822 4.24 -48.19 NORHT-EAST ASIA 8,276 8,329 6,889 1,873 1,056 1.17 -43.62 Japan 8,276 8,329 6,889 1,873 1,056 1.17 -43.62 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 21,740 21,851 27,005 5,504 2,766 3.07 -49.75 Other countries of Asia 7,613 7,663 16,044 3,192 1,841 2.04 -42.32 All countries of Oceania 14,127 14,188 10,961 2,312 925 1.03 -59.99 EUROPE 182,290 183,171 184,674 33,038 19,241 21.32 -41.76 NORTHERN EUROPE 29,685 29,841 26,436 5,490 2,391 2.65 -56.45 Sweden 3,913 3,949 4,278 1,315 501 0.56 -61.90 United Kingdom 25,772 25,892 22,158 4,175 1,890 2.09 -54.73 SOUTHERN EUROPE 33,574 33,750 34,735 5,731 3,842 4.26 -32.96 Italy 11,626 11,671 12,136 1,936 1,062 1.18 -45.14 Spain 21,948 22,079 22,599 3,795 2,780 3.08 -26.75 WESTERN EUROPE 80,841 81,265 80,122 13,602 8,002 8.87 -41.17 France 32,893 33,083 33,278 4,825 2,855 3.16 -40.83 Germany 28,604 28,737 25,828 5,167 3,027 3.35 -41.42 Netherlands 9,361 9,390 10,985 1,728 940 1.04 -45.60 Switzerland 9,983 10,055 10,031 1,882 1,180 1.31 -37.30 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,911 10,949 5,493 1,193 833 0.92 -30.18 Israel 10,911 10,949 5,493 1,193 833 0.92 -30.18 OTHER EUROPE 27,279 27,366 37,888 7,022 4,173 4.62 -40.57 Other countries of Europe 27,279 27,366 37,888 7,022 4,173 4.62 -40.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 152 COUNTRY TABLES BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF / BOLIVIE (ETAT PLURINATIONAL DE) / BOLIVA (ESTADO PLURINACIONAL DE) 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 910,593 875,908 859,935 178,774 124,923 100.00 -30.12 AFRICA 4,007 3,854 2,741 439 911 0.73 107.52 OTHER AFRICA 4,007 3,854 2,741 439 911 0.73 107.52 All countries of Africa 4,007 3,854 2,741 439 911 0.73 107.52 AMERICAS 576,199 554,366 566,650 125,155 94,810 75.89 -24.25 NORTH AMERICA 111,560 107,295 94,320 18,394 11,385 9.11 -38.10 Canada 19,152 18,417 14,642 3,170 2990 2.39 -5.68 Mexico 13,725 13,187 15,546 3,070 2922 2.34 -4.82 United States of America 78,683 75,691 64,132 12,154 5,473 4.38 -54.97 SOUTH AMERICA 429,673 413,452 445,210 101,560 79,931 63.98 -21.30 Argentina 102,573 98,706 107,025 25,991 18,591 14.88 -28.47 Brazil 76,794 73,968 82,328 18,362 15,471 12.38 -15.74 Chile 42,455 40,863 54,068 10,315 10,295 8.24 -0.19 Colombia 27,864 26,778 37,587 7,817 9,405 7.53 20.31 Ecuador 14,360 13,804 16,759 2,841 2,285 1.83 -19.57 Paraguay 17,483 16,817 13,306 2,573 3,802 3.04 47.77 Peru 123,011 118,355 105,595 24,966 15,229 12.19 -39.00 Uruguay 7,741 7,436 7,119 1,286 1,021 0.82 -20.61 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 17,392 16,725 21,423 7,409 3,832 3.07 -48.28 OTHER AMERICAS 34,966 33,619 27,120 5,201 3,494 2.80 -32.82 Other countries of the Americas 34,966 33,619 27,120 5,201 3,494 2.80 -32.82 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,808 47,901 44,833 10,335 5,202 4.16 -49.67 NORHT-EAST ASIA 18,029 17,357 9,011 2,158 1,161 0.93 -46.20 Japan 18,029 1 7,357 9,011 2,158 1161 0.93 -46.20 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 31,779 30,544 35,822 8,177 4,041 3.23 -50.58 Other countries of Asia 14,478 13,912 21,524 5,696 3,290 2.63 -42.24 All countries of Oceania 17,301 16,632 14,298 2,481 751 0.60 -69.73 EUROPE 280,579 269,787 245,711 42,845 24,000 19.21 -43.98 NORTHERN EUROPE 42,606 40,953 35,893 6,081 2,197 1.76 -63.87 Sweden 8,013 7,688 5,693 1,337 512 0.41 -61.71 United Kingdom 34,593 33,265 30,200 4,744 1,685 1.35 -64.48 SOUTHERN EUROPE 53,299 51,279 53,957 8,972 7,657 6.13 -14.66 Italy 17,695 1 7,001 16,723 2,636 2199 1.76 -16.58 Spain 35,604 34,278 37,234 6,336 5458 4.37 -13.86 WESTERN EUROPE 106,058 102,017 107,611 17,009 8,320 6.66 -51.08 France 38,484 37,028 40,823 5,570 3263 2.61 -41.42 Germany 35,248 33,935 38,070 7,048 3112 2.49 -55.85 Netherlands 15,297 14,684 14,938 1,926 944 0.76 -50.99 Switzerland 17,029 16,370 13,780 2,465 1001 0.80 -59.39 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 30,960 29,752 12,192 1,361 877 0.70 -35.56 Israel 30,960 29,752 12,192 1,361 877 0.70 -35.56 OTHER EUROPE 47,656 45,786 36,058 9,422 4,949 3.96 -47.47 Other countries of Europe 47,656 45,786 36,058 9,422 4949 3.96 -47.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 153 COUNTRY TABLES BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE / BOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 923,221 1,052,898 1,198,219 196,878 501,945 100.00 154.95 AFRICA 2,083 2,975 3,266 673 1,439 0.29 113.82 SOUTHERN AFRICA 429 767 655 37 137 0.03 270.27 South Africa 429 767 655 37 137 0.03 270.27 OTHER AFRICA 1,654 2,208 2,611 636 1,302 0.26 104.72 Other countries of Africa 1,654 2,208 2,611 636 1,302 0.26 104.72 AMERICAS 42,260 46,768 55,483 5,735 17,570 3.50 206.36 NORTH AMERICA 33,018 35,988 42,392 4,979 15,862 3.16 218.58 Canada 6,346 6,799 7,681 408 1,489 0.30 264.95 United States of America 25,926 28,187 33,762 4,505 14,007 2.79 210.92 Other countries of North America 746 1,002 949 66 366 0.07 454.55 SOUTH AMERICA 3,631 3,980 5,733 319 486 0.10 52.35 Brazil 3,631 3,980 5,733 319 486 0.10 52.35 OTHER AMERICAS 5,611 6,800 7,358 437 1,222 0.24 179.63 Other countries of the Americas 5,611 6,800 7,358 437 1,222 0.24 1 79.63 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 134,739 169,327 219,381 11,089 7,551 1.50 -31.91 NORHT-EAST ASIA 90,488 111,507 154,927 6,898 2,399 0.48 -65.22 China 31,780 58,235 103,000 4,910 1,946 0.39 -60.37 Japan 6,652 7,884 10,610 447 298 0.06 -33.33 Korea, Republic of 52,056 45,388 41,317 1,541 155 0.03 -89.94 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 14,215 18,779 18,970 869 346 0.07 -60.18 Malaysia 14,215 18,779 18,970 869 346 0.07 -60.18 AUSTRALASIA 9,680 10,534 11,159 560 699 0.14 24.82 Australia 8,632 9,236 9,855 468 628 0.13 34.19 New Zealand 1,048 1,298 1,304 92 71 0.01 -22.83 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,356 28,507 34,325 2,762 4,107 0.82 48.70 Other countries of Asia 19,864 27,547 33,864 2,668 4,033 0.80 51.16 Other countries of Oceania 492 960 461 94 74 0.01 -21.28 EUROPE 647,752 732,786 787,601 162,763 357,434 71.21 119.60 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 83,293 87,828 94,761 8,005 28,676 5.71 258.23 Bulgaria 8,791 6,685 8,025 948 1,696 0.34 78.90 Czech Republic (Czechia) 5,469 5,942 9,051 1,167 3,405 0.68 191.77 Estonia 525 559 566 64 358 0.07 459.38 Hungary 11,962 15,070 18,101 1,345 5,194 1.03 286.17 Latvia 718 690 804 61 209 0.04 242.62 Lithuania 1,126 1,215 1,384 547 369 0.07 -32.54 Poland 39,811 39,551 37,520 1,097 7,986 1.59 627.99 Romania 4,556 6,508 6,243 656 2,660 0.53 305.49 Russian Federation 5,270 5,680 6,631 1,272 3,145 0.63 147.25 Slovakia 3,322 4,085 4,345 474 1,651 0.33 248.31 Ukraine 1,743 1,843 2,091 374 2,003 0.40 435.56 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 154 COUNTRY TABLES BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE / BOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 40,072 45,556 49,631 5,114 16,715 3.33 226.85 Denmark 4,256 5,713 6,925 584 2,650 0.53 353.77 Finland 1,825 2,401 3,597 167 626 0.12 274.85 Iceland 171 336 478 22 62 0.01 181.82 Ireland 3,871 5,602 4,815 380 919 0.18 141.84 Norway 4,914 4,752 4,948 407 1,201 0.24 195.09 Sweden 12,320 12,550 13,780 1,840 6,726 1.34 265.54 United Kingdom 12,715 14,202 15,088 1,714 4,531 0.90 164.35 SOUTHERN EUROPE 318,524 370,557 418,240 123,728 209,456 41.73 69.29 Albania 3,932 5,090 4,787 1,067 2,204 0.44 106.56 Croatia 96,986 116,823 138,354 44,204 57,881 11.53 30.94 Greece 5,121 6,226 6,356 517 1,509 0.30 191.88 Italy 43,718 44,979 47,881 3,567 9,131 1.82 155.99 Malta 546 553 472 15 47 0.01 213.33 Montenegro 14,190 16,923 18,532 6,552 15,220 3.03 132.30 North Macedonia 8,191 8,891 10,309 2,223 3,783 0.75 70.18 Portugal 1,973 2,981 3,805 232 1,055 0.21 354.74 Serbia 77,867 88,797 102,339 54,870 91,081 18.15 65.99 Slovenia 55,527 65,002 67,977 9,677 23,437 4.67 142.19 Spain 10,473 14,292 17,428 804 4,108 0.82 410.95 WESTERN EUROPE 103,954 131,175 143,062 17,196 72,302 14.40 320.46 Austria 23,889 26,560 28,133 4,426 16,856 3.36 280.84 Belgium 6,122 6,566 7,439 688 3,442 0.69 400.29 France 15,851 20,282 20,242 1,610 8,547 1.70 430.87 Germany 34,612 50,402 56,813 6,080 26,027 5.19 328.08 Luxembourg 512 642 830 288 868 0.17 201.39 Netherlands 13,109 15,740 17,034 2,034 8,529 1.70 319.32 Switzerland 9,859 10,983 12,571 2,070 8,033 1.60 288.07 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 99,226 94,147 78,553 8,270 29,119 5.80 252.10 Cyprus 552 854 781 72 169 0.03 134.72 Israel 7,925 7,877 6,713 365 6,540 1.30 1,691.78 Turkiye 90,749 85,416 71,059 7,833 22,410 4.46 186.10 OTHER EUROPE 2,683 3,523 3,354 450 1,166 0.23 159.11 Other countries of Europe 2,683 3,523 3,354 450 1,166 0.23 159.11 MIDDLE EAST 94,303 97,619 129,463 16,305 116,923 23.29 617.10 Bahrain 8,150 7,084 7,602 645 9,081 1.81 1,307.91 Egypt 1,190 850 1,262 214 648 0.13 202.80 Kuwait 10,275 8,223 8,344 1,629 11,130 2.22 583.24 Oman 14,052 11,397 9,869 746 6,855 1.37 818.90 Qatar 2,338 3,880 4,571 649 3,421 0.68 427.12 Saudi Arabia 24,402 30,930 65,854 1,970 36,220 7.22 1,738.58 United Arab Emirates 33,896 35,255 31,961 10,452 49,568 9.88 374.24 SOUTH ASIA 2,084 3,423 3,025 313 1,028 0.20 228.43 India 1,736 2,524 2,452 177 873 0.17 393.22 Iran, Islamic Republic of 348 899 573 136 155 0.03 13.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 155 COUNTRY TABLES BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE / BOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,913,832 2,165,404 2,420,519 489,224 1,201,208 100.00 145.53 AFRICA 5,612 10,040 9,596 2,324 3,454 0.29 48.62 SOUTHERN AFRICA 916 1,666 1,402 186 279 0.02 50.00 South Africa 916 1,666 1,402 186 279 0.02 50.00 OTHER AFRICA 4,696 8,374 8,194 2,138 3,175 0.26 48.50 Other countries of Africa 4,696 8,374 8,194 2,138 3,175 0.26 48.50 AMERICAS 88,787 95,157 115,817 12,367 38,619 3.22 212.27 NORTH AMERICA 70,979 75,355 89,637 10,341 34,870 2.90 237.20 Canada 12,673 12,791 15,545 939 4,119 0.34 338.66 United States of America 56,968 60,409 71,953 9,124 29,841 2.48 227.06 Other countries of North America 1,338 2,155 2,139 278 910 0.08 227.34 SOUTH AMERICA 6,511 7,227 11,168 891 1,039 0.09 16.61 Brazil 6,511 7,227 11,168 891 1,039 0.09 16.61 OTHER AMERICAS 11,297 12,575 15,012 1,135 2,710 0.23 138.77 Other countries of the Americas 11,297 12,575 15,012 1,135 2,710 0.23 138.77 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 174,334 218,122 284,087 19,045 21,319 1.77 11.94 NORHT-EAST ASIA 102,474 127,838 183,466 10,896 7,809 0.65 -28.33 China 37,195 66,703 122,282 8,029 6,608 0.55 -17.70 Japan 8,904 10,582 14,070 1,206 818 0.07 -32.17 Korea, Republic of 56,375 50,553 47,114 1,661 383 0.03 -76.94 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 17,819 24,478 24,110 1,416 556 0.05 -60.73 Malaysia 17,819 24,478 24,110 1,416 556 0.05 -60.73 AUSTRALASIA 18,254 19,810 22,097 1,589 1,469 0.12 -7.55 Australia 16,348 1 7,640 19,592 1,438 1,308 0.11 -9.04 New Zealand 1,906 2,170 2,505 151 161 0.01 6.62 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,787 45,996 54,414 5,144 11,485 0.96 123.27 Other countries of Asia 34,703 44,549 53,727 4,997 11,330 0.94 126.74 Other countries of Oceania 1,084 1,447 687 147 155 0.01 5.44 EUROPE 1,370,635 1,555,277 1,660,856 407,146 793,443 66.05 94.88 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 180,226 190,582 200,215 20,531 63,618 5.30 209.86 Bulgaria 14,115 12,092 14,647 2,045 3,996 0.33 95.40 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,993 11,895 16,901 1,964 7,242 0.60 268.74 Estonia 1,169 1,364 1,314 231 761 0.06 229.44 Hungary 24,555 27,488 32,685 4,670 12,505 1.04 167.77 Latvia 1,444 1,503 1,998 258 595 0.05 130.62 Lithuania 1,583 1,789 2,782 798 832 0.07 4.26 Poland 92,485 94,532 88,550 2,923 17,494 1.46 498.49 Romania 14,112 15,913 12,987 1,990 5,585 0.46 180.65 Russian Federation 10,895 11,908 13,628 3,420 6,677 0.56 95.23 Slovakia 6,394 7,870 9,217 1,273 3,575 0.30 180.83 Ukraine 3,481 4,228 5,506 959 4,356 0.36 354.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 156 COUNTRY TABLES BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE / BOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 97,669 113,342 119,082 13,028 42,679 3.55 227.59 Denmark 10,741 14,823 16,608 1,647 6,366 0.53 286.52 Finland 3,651 4,541 8,084 478 2,677 0.22 460.04 Iceland 350 1,021 1,422 52 154 0.01 196.15 Ireland 13,434 20,448 15,263 952 2,333 0.19 145.06 Norway 11,064 10,741 11,258 1,084 2,909 0.24 168.36 Sweden 28,714 29,156 30,732 4,478 17,163 1.43 283.27 United Kingdom 29,715 32,612 35,715 4,337 11,077 0.92 155.41 SOUTHERN EUROPE 688,470 788,820 885,625 313,645 449,510 37.42 43.32 Albania 8,832 8,940 8,918 1,936 4,600 0.38 137.60 Croatia 226,168 270,292 315,179 119,313 129,782 10.80 8.77 Greece 11,419 12,839 12,603 1,407 3,732 0.31 165.25 Italy 108,668 106,552 118,829 8,767 21,110 1.76 140.79 Malta 3,185 2,898 2,197 45 159 0.01 253.33 Montenegro 31,817 36,847 39,721 14,892 32,875 2.74 120.76 North Macedonia 16,444 18,498 20,043 5,534 8,785 0.73 58.75 Portugal 3,567 5,091 5,434 539 2,005 0.17 271.99 Serbia 155,143 178,549 203,566 136,263 189,900 15.81 39.36 Slovenia 101,843 123,131 128,793 23,166 45,995 3.83 98.55 Spain 21,384 25,183 30,342 1,783 10,567 0.88 492.65 WESTERN EUROPE 240,845 300,058 317,951 40,083 170,545 14.20 325.48 Austria 45,329 51,560 53,313 9,251 34,721 2.89 275.32 Belgium 13,049 15,616 17,417 1,743 8,041 0.67 361.33 France 49,466 61,188 55,496 3,687 23,759 1.98 544.40 Germany 75,928 107,258 121,561 14,979 63,629 5.30 324.79 Luxembourg 1,189 1,443 1,782 728 2,042 0.17 180.49 Netherlands 35,478 40,461 41,224 4,648 20,332 1.69 337.44 Switzerland 20,406 22,532 27,158 5,047 18,021 1.50 257.06 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 157,298 154,193 129,098 18,640 63,419 5.28 240.23 Cyprus 846 1,492 1,114 232 504 0.04 117.24 Israel 16,615 20,712 15,846 769 16,190 1.35 2,005.33 Turkiye 139,837 131,989 112,138 17,639 46,725 3.89 164.90 OTHER EUROPE 6,127 8,282 8,885 1,219 3,672 0.31 201.23 Other countries of Europe 6,127 8,282 8,885 1,219 3,672 0.31 201.23 MIDDLE EAST 269,335 279,281 343,184 46,628 341,045 28.39 631.42 Bahrain 23,367 20,004 21,716 1,797 23,348 1.94 1,199.28 Egypt 2,732 2,509 3,520 631 1,832 0.15 190.33 Kuwait 38,308 29,549 28,772 7,000 44,039 3.67 529.13 Oman 34,621 28,220 23,877 1,847 17,227 1.43 832.70 Qatar 7,797 12,894 13,181 1,770 11,159 0.93 530.45 Saudi Arabia 61,484 77,443 158,049 5,946 93,283 7.77 1,468.84 United Arab Emirates 101,026 108,662 94,069 27,637 150,157 12.50 443.32 SOUTH ASIA 5,129 7,527 6,979 1,714 3,328 0.28 94.17 India 3,965 5,396 5,231 434 2,622 0.22 504.15 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,164 2,131 1,748 1,280 706 0.06 -44.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 157 COUNTRY TABLES BOTSWANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,622,588 1,654,638 328,502 AFRICA 1,379,583 1,383,980 299,391 EAST AFRICA 700,261 662,328 150,421 British Indian Ocean Territory 59 36 Burundi 36 20 Comoros 23 27 36 Djibouti 46 29 Eritrea 17 11 Ethiopia 319 341 61 Kenya 3,576 4,004 694 Madagascar 136 142 63 Malawi 10,501 9,065 2,378 Mauritius 727 847 119 Mozambique 5,785 4,810 1,172 Rwanda 118 117 39 Seychelles 167 172 44 Somalia 537 763 95 Tanzania, United Republic of 3,623 4,421 982 Uganda 1,363 1,581 536 Zambia 110,579 127,494 41,360 Zimbabwe 562,649 508,448 102,842 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,882 2,282 444 Angola 1,141 1,403 275 Cameroon 99 156 22 Chad 16 15 Congo 64 97 14 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 518 553 133 Equatorial Guinea 10 Gabon 34 58 NORTH AFRICA 183 315 58 Algeria 14 16 Morocco 38 81 27 Sudan 89 111 17 Tunisia 27 87 14 Western Sahara 15 20 SOUTHERN AFRICA 675,953 716,962 148,060 Eswatini 6,855 7,681 2,059 Lesotho 1 7,889 21,030 2,111 Namibia 96,116 91,947 14,762 South Africa 555,093 596,304 129,128 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 158 COUNTRY TABLES BOTSWANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 1,284 2,070 365 Benin 26 64 Burkina Faso 65 107 Cote d'lvoire 34 78 15 Gambia 39 57 12 Ghana 282 389 64 Guinea 16 50 13 Liberia 29 66 Mali 16 27 Mauritania 10 20 Niger 15 Nigeria 549 926 238 Senegal 72 67 9 Sierra Leone 104 150 14 Togo 42 54 OTHER AFRICA 20 23 43 Other countries of Africa 20 23 43 AMERICAS 58,472 71,135 6,688 CARIBBEAN 529 439 36 Antigua and Barbuda 11 Aruba 15 Bahamas 39 41 Barbados 222 87 Bermuda 17 17 Cuba 55 116 10 Dominica 11 5 Dominican Republic 11 7 Grenada 24 Jamaica 90 55 16 Saint Kitts and Nevis 17 Saint Lucia 10 Trinidad and Tobago 71 52 5 CENTRAL AMERICA 112 94 11 Belize 11 Costa Rica 43 36 6 El Salvador 25 14 Guatemala 21 20 Panama 12 24 5 NORTH AMERICA 55,375 68,115 6,211 Canada 8,261 10,029 1,264 Mexico 707 711 75 United States of America 46,407 57,375 4,872 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 159 COUNTRY TABLES BOTSWANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 2,392 2,445 406 Argentina 374 434 61 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 9 9 Brazil 1,300 1,253 243 Chile 287 338 33 Colombia 77 93 12 Ecuador 15 18 Guyana 17 Paraguay 10 27 Peru 170 130 51 Uruguay 95 74 6 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 55 52 OTHER AMERICAS 64 42 24 Other countries of the Americas 64 42 24 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 39,192 39,357 4,425 NORHT-EAST ASIA 17,524 16,512 2,699 China 3,070 3,465 624 Hong Kong, China 572 593 119 Japan 7,549 7,014 847 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 69 48 Korea, Republic of 5,772 4,940 1,098 Macao, China 30 26 Mongolia 11 Taiwan Province of China 451 426 11 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,128 2,148 138 Cambodia 27 Indonesia 62 101 6 Malaysia 592 570 55 Myanmar 75 7 Philippines 177 249 10 Singapore 961 903 50 Thailand 316 194 10 Viet Nam 20 29 AUSTRALASIA 19,254 20,427 1,489 Australia 16,203 1 7,599 1,289 New Zealand 3,051 2,828 200 MELANESIA 185 185 63 Fiji 22 27 New Caledonia 15 13 Solomon Islands 148 145 63 POLYNESIA 25 25 American Samoa 14 15 Samoa 11 10 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 76 60 36 Other countries of Asia 51 37 28 Other countries of Oceania 25 23 8 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 160 COUNTRY TABLES BOTSWANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 138,971 149,036 14,068 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,820 6,459 1,553 Belarus 21 30 Bulgaria 246 331 34 Czech Republic 1,223 1,321 193 Estonia 77 122 Georgia 45 32 Hungary 376 367 73 Kazakhstan 22 13 Latvia 74 56 Lithuania 117 115 Moldova, Republic of 10 Poland 1,509 1,798 264 Romania 283 249 61 Russian Federation 1,309 1,472 642 Slovakia 417 435 239 Ukraine 101 95 47 Uzbekistan 13 NORTHERN EUROPE 34,641 39,677 4,782 Denmark 1,939 1,951 258 Finland 715 716 180 Iceland 87 191 Ireland 1,783 1,840 240 Isle of Man 12 Norway 1,578 1,790 389 Sweden 2,019 2,296 542 United Kingdom 26,508 30,893 3,173 SOUTHERN EUROPE 15,163 15,483 933 Andorra 91 45 Bosnia and Herzegovina 30 26 Croatia 156 118 Greece 392 331 102 Italy 6,285 6,392 311 Malta 70 63 49 North Macedonia 11 Portugal 1,323 1,616 180 Serbia 79 95 31 Slovenia 208 307 28 Spain 6,529 6,479 232 WESTERN EUROPE 80,633 84,035 5,938 Austria 2,858 3,233 311 Belgium 5,007 5,382 352 France 11,869 12,699 932 Germany 40,844 40,030 3,226 Liechtenstein 34 34 Luxembourg 175 248 Monaco 21 40 Netherlands 12,260 13,282 679 Switzerland 7,565 9,087 438 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 16' COUNTRY TABLES BOTSWANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,637 3,307 719 Cyprus 109 118 35 Israel 2,090 2,656 583 Turkiye 438 533 101 OTHER EUROPE 77 75 143 Other countries of Europe 77 75 143 MIDDLE EAST 821 1,054 194 Egypt 68 160 28 Jordan 19 36 5 Kuwait 29 Lebanon 81 111 13 Libya 28 33 11 Oman 24 27 Qatar 26 36 7 Saudi Arabia 37 50 9 United Arab Emirates 453 438 75 Yemen 64 113 34 Other countries of Middle East 21 21 12 SOUTH ASIA 4,896 5,806 1,211 Afghanistan 53 60 7 Bangladesh 264 192 60 India 3,979 4,903 965 Iran, Islamic Republic of 29 29 Maldives 12 Nepal 19 Pakistan 237 274 130 Sri Lanka 322 329 49 NOT SPECIFIED 653 4,270 2,525 Other countries of the world 653 4,270 2,525 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 162 COUNTRY TABLES BRAZIL / BRESIL / BRASIL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 6,588,770 6,621,376 6,353,141 2,146,435 745,871 100.00 -65.25 AFRICA 68,272 62,805 67,636 13,648 8,851 1.19 -35.15 EAST AFRICA 3,955 5,443 6,448 1,891 1,285 0.17 -32.05 Kenya 783 880 785 138 52 0.01 -62.32 Mozambique 3,172 4,563 5,663 1,753 1,233 0.17 -29.66 CENTRAL AFRICA 23,004 17,861 19,137 3,360 3,346 0.45 -0.42 Angola 23,004 1 7,861 19,137 3,360 3,346 0.45 -0.42 NORTH AFRICA 7,360 6,729 6,324 1,694 932 0.12 -44.98 Morocco 5,986 5,241 4,596 1,143 510 0.07 -55.38 Tunisia 1,374 1,488 1,728 551 422 0.06 -23.41 SOUTHERN AFRICA 20,768 21,284 24,869 4,040 708 0.09 -82.48 South Africa 20,768 21,284 24,869 4,040 708 0.09 -82.48 WEST AFRICA 5,154 4,143 3,980 916 908 0.12 -0.87 Cabo Verde 2,348 1,970 1,871 423 281 0.04 -33.57 Ghana 906 486 520 122 240 0.03 96.72 Nigeria 1,900 1,687 1,589 371 387 0.05 4.31 OTHER AFRICA 8,031 7,345 6,878 1,747 1,672 0.22 -4.29 Other countries of Africa 8,031 7,345 6,878 1,747 1,672 0.22 -4.29 AMERICAS 4,767,608 4,786,172 4,391,559 1,610,298 495,822 66.48 -69.21 CARIBBEAN 11,454 11,527 9,154 2,214 2,629 0.35 18.74 Cuba 5,380 4,917 3,395 818 1,165 0.16 42.42 Dominican Republic 3,636 4,054 2,997 533 896 0.12 68.11 Haiti 1,429 1,507 1,675 720 484 0.06 -32.78 Trinidad and Tobago 1,009 1,049 1,087 143 84 0.01 -41.26 CENTRAL AMERICA 37,866 34,464 34,742 7,411 5,443 0.73 -26.56 Costa Rica 10,568 11,118 11,676 2,831 1,707 0.23 -39.70 El Salvador 3,000 2,802 2,668 644 437 0.06 -32.14 Guatemala 4,965 5,130 5,644 941 1,015 0.14 7.86 Honduras 2,096 2,729 2,383 541 407 0.05 -24.77 Nicaragua 1,027 1,335 1,350 270 185 0.02 -31.48 Panama 14,406 9,448 9,264 1,744 1,428 0.19 -18.12 Other countries of Central America 1,804 1,902 1,757 440 264 0.04 -40.00 NORTH AMERICA 605,961 689,583 750,484 217,123 152,990 20.51 -29.54 Canada 48,951 71,160 77,043 26,950 8,077 1.08 -70.03 Mexico 81,778 79,891 82,921 18,068 12,731 1.71 -29.54 United States of America 475,232 538,532 590,520 172,105 132,182 17.72 -23.20 SOUTH AMERICA 4,112,327 4,050,598 3,597,179 1,383,550 334,760 44.88 -75.80 Argentina 2,622,327 2,498,483 1,954,725 887,805 67,280 9.02 -92.42 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 126,781 126,253 132,069 45,449 26,330 3.53 -42.07 Chile 342,143 387,470 391,689 131,174 46,673 6.26 -64.42 Colombia 140,363 131,596 126,595 27,129 27,892 3.74 2.81 Ecuador 34,244 29,374 31,040 7,646 6,593 0.88 -13.77 French Guiana 1,321 13 4 1 13 0.00 1,200.00 Guyana 5,038 4,253 4,885 761 271 0.04 -64.39 Paraguay 336,646 356,897 406,526 122,981 132,126 17.71 7.44 Peru 115,320 121,326 135,880 33,895 13,077 1.75 -61.42 Suriname 6,096 5,836 8,776 1,359 431 0.06 -68.29 Uruguay 328,098 348,336 364,830 113,714 11,575 1.55 -89.82 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 53,950 40,761 40,160 11,636 2,499 0.34 -78.52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 163 COUNTRY TABLES BRAZIL / BRESIL / BRASIL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 241,966 250,279 296,103 67,972 12,623 1.69 -81.43 NORHT-EAST ASIA 172,969 164,152 195,784 40,317 7,074 0.95 -82.45 China 61,250 56,333 68,578 6,297 2,360 0.32 -62.52 Hong Kong, China 3,245 4,170 4,250 957 75 0.01 -92.16 Japan 60,342 63,708 78,914 20,476 1,904 0.26 -90.70 Korea, Republic of 42,997 33,845 39,321 11,520 2,614 0.35 -77.31 Taiwan Province of China 5,135 6,096 4,721 1,067 121 0.02 -88.66 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 19,182 23,102 22,242 4,450 1,842 0.25 -58.61 Indonesia 1,568 2,026 3,934 619 357 0.05 -42.33 Malaysia 3,442 4,818 3,301 682 211 0.03 -69.06 Philippines 6,265 5,627 6,718 1,822 906 0.12 -50.27 Singapore 4,721 6,485 4,264 567 161 0.02 -71.60 Thailand 3,186 4,146 4,025 760 207 0.03 -72.76 AUSTRALASIA 43,330 54,555 69,694 21,528 2,110 0.28 -90.20 Australia 33,862 42,235 56,158 17,932 1,650 0.22 -90.80 New Zealand 9,468 12,320 13,536 3,596 460 0.06 -87.21 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,485 8,470 8,383 1,677 1,597 0.21 -4.77 Other countries of Asia 6,435 8,350 8,216 1,658 1,589 0.21 -4.16 Other countries of Oceania 50 120 167 19 8 0.00 -57.89 EUROPE 1,480,630 1,494,066 1,569,666 448,361 225,103 30.18 -49.79 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 65,877 73,845 88,829 32,527 17,415 2.33 -46.46 Bulgaria 2,425 2,898 3,252 1,058 377 0.05 -64.37 Czech Republic (Czechia) 4,742 5,597 7,442 2,553 1,107 0.15 -56.64 Estonia 917 1,461 1,648 662 253 0.03 -61.78 Hungary 3,723 6,771 6,854 2,817 932 0.12 -66.92 Latvia 1,063 1,081 1,289 517 279 0.04 -46.03 Lithuania 1,613 1,804 2,478 791 404 0.05 -48.93 Poland 20,452 21,677 22,041 8,098 3,449 0.46 -57.41 Romania 5,499 5,927 9,749 2,924 1,420 0.19 -51.44 Russian Federation 18,820 19,224 24,931 8,868 6,776 0.91 -23.59 Slovakia 2,232 2,554 2,952 985 366 0.05 -62.84 Ukraine 4,391 4,851 6,193 3,254 2,052 0.28 -36.94 NORTHERN EUROPE 266,543 248,061 266,991 79,450 23,559 3.16 -70.35 Denmark 18,593 16,778 17,701 4,471 2,321 0.31 -48.09 Finland 8,035 8,033 6,991 1,998 908 0.12 -54.55 Ireland 13,363 23,917 34,973 10,419 4,478 0.60 -57.02 Norway 16,934 18,249 17,132 4,483 2,091 0.28 -53.36 Sweden 23,760 26,498 26,769 9,484 3,952 0.53 -58.33 United Kingdom 185,858 154,586 163,425 48,595 9,809 1.32 -79.81 SOUTHERN EUROPE 463,909 480,033 518,447 133,437 82,881 11.11 -37.89 Croatia 2,245 2,053 2,883 1,088 499 0.07 -54.14 Greece 4,960 5,390 6,931 1,571 928 0.12 -40.93 Italy 1 71,654 175,763 182,587 45,646 18,907 2.53 -58.58 Portugal 144,095 145,816 176,229 51,028 38,704 5.19 -24.15 Serbia 1,819 1,811 2,352 787 495 0.07 -37.10 Slovenia 1,934 2,041 2,140 652 520 0.07 -20.25 Spain 137,202 147,159 145,325 32,665 22,828 3.06 -30.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 164 COUNTRY TABLES BRAZIL / BRESIL / BRASIL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 636,587 642,691 640,042 178,813 95,178 12.76 -46.77 Austria 20,358 29,643 22,051 6,077 2,892 0.39 -52.41 Belgium 28,458 31,004 28,178 7,153 4,778 0.64 -33.20 France 254,153 238,345 257,504 70,369 34,848 4.67 -50.48 Germany 203,045 209,039 206,882 61,149 29,514 3.96 -51.73 Luxembourg 1,817 1,969 1,849 470 498 0.07 5.96 Netherlands 59,272 62,651 59,752 16,532 9,080 1.22 -45.08 Switzerland 69,484 70,040 63,826 17,063 13,568 1.82 -20.48 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 43,503 45,037 50,305 22,261 4,916 0.66 -77.92 Israel 29,086 33,326 38,391 18,195 2,898 0.39 -84.07 Turkiye 14,417 11,711 11,914 4,066 2,018 0.27 -50.37 OTHER EUROPE 4,211 4,399 5,052 1,873 1,154 0.15 -38.39 Other countries of Europe 4,211 4,399 5,052 1,873 1,154 0.15 -38.39 MIDDLE EAST 7,896 6,659 8,000 2,240 1,619 0.22 -27.72 Egypt 2,079 1,800 1,800 686 366 0.05 -46.65 Lebanon 2,577 2,860 3,692 1,051 944 0.13 -10.18 Saudi Arabia 907 856 1,378 254 157 0.02 -38.19 Syrian Arab Republic 2,333 1,143 1,130 249 152 0.02 -38.96 SOUTH ASIA 22,352 21,349 20,141 3,907 1,843 0.25 -52.83 Bangladesh 539 1,070 600 201 85 0.01 -57.71 India 16,916 16,719 16,958 2,953 1,172 0.16 -60.31 Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,776 2,254 1,512 417 366 0.05 -12.23 Pakistan 1,121 1,306 1,071 336 220 0.03 -34.52 NOT SPECIFIED 46 46 36 9 10 0.00 11.11 Other countries of the world 46 46 36 9 10 0.00 11.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 165 COUNTRY TABLES BRUNEI DARUSSALAM / BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 258,955 278,136 333,244 62,325 3,543 100.00 -94.32 AMERICAS 6,538 6,393 6,697 1,261 148 4.18 -88.26 NORTH AMERICA 6,538 6,393 6,697 1,261 148 4.18 -88.26 Canada 2,344 2,256 2,322 410 38 1.07 -90.73 United States of America 4,194 4,137 4,375 851 110 3.10 -87.07 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 211,538 228,834 282,554 51,103 1,749 49.36 -96.58 NORHT-EAST ASIA 70,193 82,698 102,389 15,706 444 12.53 -97.17 China 52,391 63,694 69,056 9,897 317 8.95 -96.80 Hong Kong, China 2,172 2,650 1,431 303 9 0.25 -97.03 Japan 5,191 5,360 10,680 2,135 81 2.29 -96.21 Korea, Republic of 8,705 9,125 15,767 1,939 34 0.96 -98.25 Taiwan Province of China 1,734 1,869 5,455 1,432 3 0.08 -99.79 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 131,351 135,049 168,705 32,571 1,204 33.98 -96.30 Cambodia 356 420 463 29 1 0.03 -96.55 Indonesia 22,420 27,462 33,626 6,262 135 3.81 -97.84 Lao People's Democratic Republic 144 233 221 46 1 0.03 -97.83 Malaysia 60,030 59,981 82,876 16,869 428 12.08 -97.46 Myanmar 643 667 872 75 35 0.99 -53.33 Philippines 23,157 22,319 24,584 4,562 118 3.33 -97.41 Singapore 14,919 14,091 14,789 2,226 430 12.14 -80.68 Thailand 6,302 5,828 5,730 1,040 43 1.21 -95.87 Viet Nam 3,380 4,048 5,544 1,462 13 0.37 -99.11 AUSTRALASIA 9,994 11,087 11,460 2,826 101 2.85 -96.43 Australia 8,600 9,702 10,188 2,597 57 1.61 -97.81 New Zealand 1,394 1,385 1,272 229 44 1.24 -80.79 EUROPE 20,708 21,867 24,378 5,726 1,007 28.42 -82.41 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 788 1,188 1,643 417 58 1.64 -86.09 Czech Republic (Czechia) 105 160 253 73 3 0.08 -95.89 Poland 312 413 580 169 14 0.40 -91.72 Russian Federation 371 615 810 175 41 1.16 -76.57 NORTHERN EUROPE 13,431 13,094 15,491 3,736 658 18.57 -82.39 Denmark 251 165 205 51 17 0.48 -66.67 Finland 149 175 152 52 3 0.08 -94.23 Ireland 348 246 310 92 15 0.42 -83.70 Norway 244 266 280 45 9 0.25 -80.00 Sweden 347 276 346 89 10 0.28 -88.76 United Kingdom 12,092 11,966 14,198 3,407 604 17.05 -82.27 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,215 1,257 1,689 353 52 1.47 -85.27 Greece 67 72 75 38 4 0.11 -89.47 Italy 583 491 612 97 15 0.42 -84.54 Portugal 186 325 387 96 3 0.08 -96.88 Spain 379 369 615 122 30 0.85 -75.41 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 166 COUNTRY TABLES BRUNEI DARUSSALAM / BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 5,274 6,328 5,555 1,220 239 6.75 -80.41 Austria 101 158 84 18 3 0.08 -83.33 Belgium 181 125 176 46 7 0.20 -84.78 France 1,403 1,318 1,381 234 34 0.96 -85.47 Germany 1,868 1,827 1,944 527 97 2.74 -81.59 Netherlands 1,301 1,218 1,360 330 72 2.03 -78.18 Switzerland 420 1,682 610 65 26 0.73 -60.00 MIDDLE EAST 946 913 706 154 27 0.76 -82.47 Bahrain 131 39 31 5 Kuwait 40 127 67 17 2 0.06 -88.24 Oman 298 277 218 41 4 0.11 -90.24 Qatar 22 29 41 5 Saudi Arabia 335 275 220 82 21 0.59 -74.39 United Arab Emirates 120 166 129 4 SOUTH ASIA 15,371 15,987 15,263 3,066 273 7.71 -91.10 Bangladesh 3,553 3,878 3,281 638 16 0.45 -97.49 India 8,691 8,635 8,925 1,750 119 3.36 -93.20 Nepal 1,861 2,308 1,926 499 118 3.33 -76.35 Pakistan 868 881 853 130 17 0.48 -86.92 Sri Lanka 398 285 278 49 3 0.08 -93.88 NOT SPECIFIED 3,854 4,142 3,646 1,015 339 9.57 -66.60 Other countries of the world 3,854 4,142 3,646 1,015 339 9.57 -66.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 167 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 11,596,167 12,368,478 12,552,152 4,973,356 7,188,363 100.00 44.54 AFRICA 9,010 9,925 11,070 3,573 5,188 0.07 45.20 EAST AFRICA 815 730 690 211 266 0.00 26.07 Ethiopia 147 100 109 32 67 0.00 109.38 Kenya 368 395 259 92 88 0.00 -4.35 Mozambique 42 33 38 10 7 0.00 -30.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 101 54 86 27 25 0.00 -7.41 Uganda 56 49 69 17 33 0.00 94.12 Zimbabwe 101 99 129 33 46 0.00 39.39 CENTRAL AFRICA 407 573 441 180 322 0.00 78.89 Angola 97 179 76 16 104 0.00 550.00 Cameroon 167 216 194 83 112 0.00 34.94 Congo 42 47 52 22 27 0.00 22.73 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 101 131 119 59 79 0.00 33.90 NORTH AFRICA 4,062 5,032 6,083 2,173 3,266 0.05 50.30 Algeria 900 1,127 1,849 489 670 0.01 37.01 Morocco 1,894 2,324 2,454 1,064 1,577 0.02 48.21 Sudan 209 243 135 47 72 0.00 53.19 Tunisia 1,059 1,338 1,645 573 947 0.01 65.27 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,034 2,217 2,440 513 442 0.01 -13.84 South Africa 2,034 2,217 2,440 513 442 0.01 -13.84 WEST AFRICA 1,692 1,373 1,416 496 892 0.01 79.84 Benin 79 55 26 20 14 0.00 -30.00 Ghana 183 253 251 114 138 0.00 21.05 Guinea 57 50 57 21 24 0.00 14.29 Mali 49 38 42 13 20 0.00 53.85 Nigeria 1,324 977 1,040 328 696 0.01 112.20 AMERICAS 131,039 148,332 157,140 35,695 67,505 0.94 89.12 CARIBBEAN 378 552 482 176 486 0.01 176.14 Cuba 320 497 445 145 439 0.01 202.76 Haiti 58 55 37 31 47 0.00 51.61 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,141 1,534 1,515 336 443 0.01 31.85 Belize 8 4 5 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Costa Rica 472 704 590 107 99 0.00 -7.48 El Salvador 161 185 192 32 37 0.00 15.63 Guatemala 156 245 259 41 101 0.00 146.34 Honduras 112 120 154 36 57 0.00 58.33 Nicaragua 90 76 96 28 39 0.00 39.29 Panama 142 200 219 86 107 0.00 24.42 NORTH AMERICA 114,082 127,034 136,308 30,870 61,326 0.85 98.66 Canada 19,113 20,889 22,436 2,945 5,660 0.08 92.19 Mexico 4,006 4,925 4,589 742 1,142 0.02 53.91 United States of America 90,963 101,220 109,283 27,183 54,524 0.76 100.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 168 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 15,438 19,212 18,835 4,313 5,250 0.07 21.73 Argentina 2,698 3,560 3,481 702 720 0.01 2.56 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 123 212 135 41 57 0.00 39.02 Brazil 6,305 7,603 7,564 1,797 1,904 0.03 5.95 Chile 1,282 1,679 1,815 410 441 0.01 7.56 Colombia 2,320 3,042 2,862 658 1,004 0.01 52.58 Ecuador 478 569 468 119 193 0.00 62.18 Paraguay 138 129 197 28 47 0.00 67.86 Peru 913 1,325 1,139 285 474 0.01 66.32 Uruguay 314 378 439 83 74 0.00 -10.84 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 867 715 735 190 336 0.00 76.84 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 112,367 119,237 122,341 19,850 20,101 0.28 1.26 NORHT-EAST ASIA 63,888 63,939 64,529 7,348 6,381 0.09 -13.16 China 28,654 31,310 34,705 3,399 3,037 0.04 -10.65 Hong Kong, China 1,135 628 490 29 14 0.00 -51.72 Japan 14,898 12,250 12,024 1,897 1,213 0.02 -36.06 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 414 117 187 7 11 0.00 57.14 Korea, Republic of 14,161 13,865 11,593 1,543 1,675 0.02 8.55 Macao, China 32 39 29 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Mongolia 831 638 465 90 154 0.00 71.11 Taiwan Province of China 3,763 5,092 5,036 379 275 0.00 -27.44 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 29,913 34,347 35,098 8,941 11,654 0.16 30.34 Indonesia 4,210 5,356 6,860 767 2,201 0.03 186.96 Malaysia 7,586 6,930 6,816 686 282 0.00 -58.89 Philippines 11,682 13,816 13,464 6,293 7,328 0.10 16.45 Singapore 1,724 2,322 2,070 185 135 0.00 -27.03 Thailand 2,340 2,522 2,738 327 551 0.01 68.50 Viet Nam 2,371 3,401 3,150 683 1,157 0.02 69.40 AUSTRALASIA 18,566 20,951 22,714 3,561 2,066 0.03 -41.98 Australia 15,117 16,970 18,229 2,763 1,650 0.02 -40.28 New Zealand 3,449 3,981 4,485 798 416 0.01 -47.87 EUROPE 11,220,851 11,975,947 12,143,014 4,859,956 7,003,115 97.42 44.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,225,603 4,515,285 4,664,007 1,683,205 2,661,007 37.02 58.09 Armenia 6,442 6,470 8,023 997 2,233 0.03 123.97 Azerbaijan 5,792 10,037 10,268 3,502 4,056 0.06 15.82 Belarus 89,675 87,801 85,435 16,915 21,208 0.30 25.38 Czech Republic (Czechia) 209,218 236,265 214,550 63,039 127,955 1.78 102.98 Estonia 24,481 26,797 27,356 1,889 11,860 0.16 527.85 Georgia 29,284 35,028 46,326 19,550 28,240 0.39 44.45 Hungary 111,405 102,956 111,132 40,549 52,696 0.73 29.96 Kazakhstan 10,832 9,828 9,704 1,732 3,379 0.05 95.09 Kyrgyzstan 682 861 1,348 354 935 0.01 164.12 Latvia 19,328 26,538 22,908 5,206 11,748 0.16 125.66 Lithuania 33,388 43,269 36,389 8,093 18,901 0.26 133.55 Moldova, Republic of 278,668 305,047 336,212 81,304 183,339 2.55 125.50 Poland 424,724 474,984 445,316 193,489 286,257 3.98 47.94 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 169 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Romania 1,943,436 2,035,606 2,161,004 982,51 7 1,269,847 17.67 29.24 Russian Federation 565,754 522,085 460,770 46,565 134,971 1.88 189.86 Slovakia 81,318 101,887 87,227 12,353 34,379 0.48 1 78.30 Tajikistan 166 184 233 61 193 0.00 216.39 Turkmenistan 482 461 872 324 378 0.01 16.67 Ukraine 388,645 487,400 596,993 204,249 467,323 6.50 128.80 Uzbekistan 1,883 1,781 1,941 517 1,109 0.02 114.51 NORTHERN EUROPE 595,650 683,285 734,817 169,348 156,923 2.18 -7.34 Denmark 67,502 57,405 53,360 8,216 24,207 0.34 194.63 Finland 33,533 39,669 35,800 2,994 6,075 0.08 102.91 Iceland 3,063 10 14 8 10 0.00 25.00 Ireland 31,617 39,322 45,359 9,341 10,353 0.14 10.83 Norway 51,142 62,317 46,070 3,252 8,757 0.12 169.28 Sweden 56,739 60,1 78 45,872 14,269 31,397 0.44 120.04 United Kingdom 352,054 424,384 508,342 131,268 76,124 1.06 -42.01 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,854,997 3,026,661 3,051,794 1,277,315 1,432,655 19.93 12.16 Albania 40,358 44,407 44,270 30,944 55,982 0.78 80.91 Bosnia and Herzegovina 59,762 78,577 88,175 50,516 97,622 1.36 93.25 Croatia 29,331 31,459 35,071 14,273 19,582 0.27 37.20 Greece 1,272,997 1,290,313 1,277,610 386,012 344,970 4.80 -10.63 Italy 1 77,250 181,770 167,658 50,584 75,581 1.05 49.42 Malta 3,984 4,964 3,594 1,352 2,056 0.03 52.07 Montenegro 15,135 16,261 17,793 10,391 16,522 0.23 59.00 North Macedonia 583,026 609,591 605,348 287,371 341,829 4.76 18.95 Portugal 17,440 1 7,603 20,140 5,242 9,876 0.14 88.40 San Marino 78 48 54 42 29 0.00 -30.95 Serbia 541,303 632,902 679,336 415,680 429,405 5.97 3.30 Slovenia 25,178 22,666 19,210 3,899 6,077 0.08 55.86 Spain 89,155 96,100 93,535 21,009 33,124 0.46 57.67 WESTERN EUROPE 1,873,052 1,944,823 1,789,412 630,300 1,168,089 16.25 85.32 Austria 216,986 217,541 214,179 58,120 123,812 1.72 113.03 Belgium 152,739 170,146 155,367 62,315 110,703 1.54 77.65 France 231,348 260,099 250,014 96,126 166,225 2.31 72.92 Germany 1,046,219 1,063,502 948,492 330,505 607,953 8.46 83.95 Liechtenstein 148 5 3 1 12 0.00 1,100.00 Luxembourg 7,577 6,063 4,667 1,119 2,375 0.03 112.24 Netherlands 183,755 193,362 176,122 67,451 135,454 1.88 100.82 Switzerland 34,280 34,105 40,568 14,663 21,555 0.30 47.00 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,671,549 1,805,893 1,902,984 1,099,788 1,584,441 22.04 44.07 Cyprus 24,969 25,517 28,349 5,871 7,909 0.11 34.71 Israel 209,304 245,567 246,404 54,196 54,342 0.76 0.27 Turkiye 1,437,276 1,534,809 1,628,231 1,039,721 1,522,190 21.18 46.40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 170 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 29,784 29,673 32,034 13,277 22,835 0.32 71.99 Bahrain 246 204 187 20 66 0.00 230.00 Egypt 4,060 3,976 4,697 1,839 2,584 0.04 40.51 Iraq 3,860 4,453 5,214 2,592 6,365 0.09 145.56 Jordan 1,564 2,621 2,855 550 948 0.01 72.36 Kuwait 2,684 2,294 2,100 236 414 0.01 75.42 Lebanon 6,463 5,023 4,805 1,175 1,809 0.03 53.96 Libya 617 431 503 185 305 0.00 64.86 Qatar 356 479 338 79 215 0.00 172.15 Saudi Arabia 1,237 1,337 1,303 283 555 0.01 96.11 Syrian Arab Republic 6,410 6,696 8,259 5,897 8,084 0.11 37.09 United Arab Emirates 2,045 1,962 1,535 341 1,329 0.02 289.74 Yemen 242 197 238 80 161 0.00 101.25 SOUTH ASIA 52,004 44,372 39,958 17,449 30,807 0.43 76.55 Afghanistan 730 762 911 443 1,383 0.02 212.19 Bangladesh 396 360 517 151 338 0.00 123.84 India 12,580 15,515 13,466 5,299 5,279 0.07 -0.38 Iran, Islamic Republic of 36,436 25,821 23,061 10,807 22,622 0.31 109.33 Pakistan 1,862 1,914 2,003 749 1,185 0.02 58.21 NOT SPECIFIED 41,112 40,992 46,595 23,556 38,812 0.54 64.76 Other countries of the world 41,112 40,992 46,595 23,556 38,812 0.54 64.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 17' COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,571,097 3,807,990 3,958,630 1,142,502 1,845,157 100.00 61.50 AFRICA 7,174 7,333 8,316 1,886 2,519 0.14 33.56 EAST AFRICA 831 1,007 1,298 236 300 0.02 27.12 Burundi 15 48 27 11 17 0.00 54.55 Djibouti 9 24 69 1 2 0.00 100.00 Eritrea 3 8 8 Ethiopia 134 123 267 19 44 0.00 131.58 Kenya 251 427 464 115 116 0.01 0.87 Madagascar 30 16 47 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Malawi 4 12 2 2 0.00 Mauritius 156 138 103 20 28 0.00 40.00 Mozambique 19 13 26 2 Rwanda 14 29 12 10 12 0.00 20.00 Seychelles 8 19 19 6 7 0.00 16.67 Somalia 15 11 18 2 4 0.00 100.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 52 51 55 7 25 0.00 257.14 Uganda 62 34 139 23 20 0.00 -13.04 Zambia 21 14 5 13 0.00 Zimbabwe 38 40 37 6 9 0.00 50.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 328 288 418 167 447 0.02 167.66 Angola 91 84 127 57 27 0.00 -52.63 Cameroon 82 99 101 24 15 0.00 -37.50 Central African Republic 15 3 11 2 25 0.00 1,150.00 Chad 20 4 5 1 263 0.01 26,200.00 Congo 75 26 69 39 90 0.00 130.77 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2 6 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Equatorial Guinea 10 4 5 2 Gabon 33 68 94 38 26 0.00 -31.58 NORTH AFRICA 2,470 2,935 3,230 625 612 0.03 -2.08 Algeria 599 694 1,568 218 122 0.01 -44.04 Morocco 853 952 823 202 264 0.01 30.69 South Sudan 5 2 1 Sudan 101 74 57 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Tunisia 906 1,213 782 199 222 0.01 11.56 Western Sahara 6 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,763 1,724 2,020 450 420 0.02 -6.67 Botswana 9 18 3 0.00 Eswatini 143 101 59 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Lesotho 31 4 2 Namibia 42 56 49 2 13 0.00 550.00 South Africa 1,547 1,554 1,892 434 392 0.02 -9.68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 172 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 1,782 1,379 1,350 408 740 0.04 81.37 Benin 7 17 12 4 8 0.00 100.00 Burkina Faso 24 25 45 11 21 0.00 90.91 Cabo Verde 32 148 52 7 18 0.00 157.14 Cote d'lvoire 65 19 44 27 11 0.00 -59.26 Gambia 3 21 20 5 6 0.00 20.00 Ghana 146 140 177 31 93 0.01 200.00 Guinea 22 17 10 3 4 0.00 33.33 Guinea-Bissau 8 11 7 1 6 0.00 500.00 Liberia 20 14 5 Mali 45 50 52 8 23 0.00 187.50 Mauritania 8 11 8 1 Niger 20 19 28 6 16 0.00 166.67 Nigeria 1,148 712 754 221 473 0.03 114.03 Senegal 79 87 50 62 18 0.00 -70.97 Sierra Leone 143 87 72 16 42 0.00 162.50 Togo 12 1 14 5 1 0.00 -80.00 AMERICAS 80,986 84,325 89,431 41,237 45,358 2.46 9.99 CARIBBEAN 598 641 986 125 439 0.02 251.20 Antigua and Barbuda 7 14 33 6 22 0.00 266.67 Aruba 10 4 218 54 0.00 Bahamas 10 10 18 8 5 0.00 -37.50 Barbados 10 30 35 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Cuba 155 253 306 40 168 0.01 320.00 Dominica 58 21 14 0.00 Dominican Republic 156 214 234 45 91 0.00 102.22 Haiti 10 9 10 4 49 0.00 1,125.00 Jamaica 154 65 77 9 24 0.00 166.67 Trinidad and Tobago 28 42 34 2 2 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 662 1,573 1,129 168 534 0.03 217.86 Belize 3 8 3 3 3 0.00 Costa Rica 307 946 492 70 57 0.00 -18.57 El Salvador 127 281 89 15 132 0.01 780.00 Guatemala 63 51 98 10 21 0.00 110.00 Honduras 58 114 212 12 32 0.00 166.67 Nicaragua 47 70 119 13 230 0.01 1,669.23 Panama 57 103 116 45 59 0.00 31.11 NORTH AMERICA 70,120 71,341 75,546 39,104 41,916 2.27 7.19 Canada 9,235 10,232 10,971 1,759 2,871 0.16 63.22 Mexico 2,396 2,930 2,767 446 807 0.04 80.94 United States of America 58,489 58,1 79 61,808 36,899 38,238 2.07 3.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 173 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 9,606 10,770 11,770 1,840 2,469 0.13 34.18 Argentina 1,885 2,121 2,752 398 271 0.01 -31.91 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 126 147 150 28 51 0.00 82.14 Brazil 4,409 4,911 4,919 936 1,081 0.06 15.49 Chile 587 611 964 113 128 0.01 13.27 Colombia 1,025 1,329 1,143 150 260 0.01 73.33 Ecuador 214 329 455 32 97 0.01 203.13 Guyana 3 2 4 0.00 100.00 Paraguay 52 15 52 2 13 0.00 550.00 Peru 325 370 374 60 126 0.01 110.00 Suriname 163 140 92 36 16 0.00 -55.56 Uruguay 243 477 507 22 200 0.01 809.09 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 577 320 359 61 222 0.01 263.93 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 77,852 95,262 100,432 9,523 8,725 0.47 -8.38 NORHT-EAST ASIA 54,628 66,108 70,267 6,162 5,596 0.30 -9.19 China 27,085 36,017 41,888 1,747 1,806 0.10 3.38 Hong Kong, China 1,060 1,682 1,657 71 39 0.00 -45.07 Japan 14,990 14,948 14,615 1,731 1,501 0.08 -13.29 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 487 157 510 105 60 0.00 -42.86 Korea, Republic of 7,896 9,170 7,047 2,358 2,054 0.11 -12.89 Mongolia 417 259 331 33 33 0.00 Taiwan Province of China 2,693 3,875 4,219 117 103 0.01 -11.97 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 11,485 16,095 15,646 1,326 1,265 0.07 -4.60 Brunei Darussalam 14 11 14 Cambodia 50 22 82 18 3 0.00 -83.33 Indonesia 938 2,003 1,608 257 323 0.02 25.68 Lao People's Democratic Republic 61 94 91 13 9 0.00 -30.77 Malaysia 4,340 4,817 4,343 333 78 0.00 -76.58 Myanmar 14 23 63 19 1 0.00 -94.74 Philippines 1,336 2,683 2,303 263 240 0.01 -8.75 Singapore 1,168 1,917 1,571 117 75 0.00 -35.90 Thailand 2,377 2,740 3,474 120 152 0.01 26.67 Timor-Leste 3 3 2 2 Viet Nam 1,184 1,782 2,095 184 384 0.02 108.70 AUSTRALASIA 11,710 12,995 14,480 2,018 1,854 0.10 -8.13 Australia 9,951 11,419 12,424 1,721 1,679 0.09 -2.44 New Zealand 1,759 1,576 2,056 297 175 0.01 -41.08 MELANESIA 11 23 14 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Fiji 4 6 1 0.00 Papua New Guinea 3 2 1 Solomon Islands 4 15 13 5 2 0.00 -60.00 MICRONESIA 5 15 5 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Kiribati 3 Marshall Islands 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 Nauru 1 15 1 2 0.00 100.00 Palau 2 POLYNESIA 13 26 20 9 5 0.00 -44.44 Samoa 10 17 16 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Tonga 3 9 4 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 174 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 3,304,774 3,529,186 3,658,204 1,066,453 1,744,334 94.54 63.56 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,311,481 1,427,602 1,631,334 600,844 1,135,866 61.56 89.05 Armenia 2,513 2,669 3,317 389 734 0.04 88.69 Azerbaijan 1,732 2,419 1,848 249 562 0.03 125.70 Belarus 36,072 31,405 33,046 2,016 1,752 0.09 -13.10 Czech Republic (Czechia) 108,543 119,553 120,931 34,204 84,130 4.56 145.97 Estonia 19,939 21,688 21,135 729 9,403 0.51 1,189.85 Georgia 4,381 4,632 4,275 1,210 1,095 0.06 -9.50 Hungary 40,222 42,844 47,008 8,228 16,935 0.92 105.82 Kazakhstan 4,009 3,256 3,454 585 1,009 0.05 72.48 Kyrgyzstan 425 416 506 93 249 0.01 167.74 Latvia 12,737 15,039 13,250 1,224 5,647 0.31 361.36 Lithuania 24,622 26,899 21,899 1,951 12,117 0.66 521.07 Moldova, Republic of 52,671 60,378 91,947 4,433 22,787 1.23 414.03 Poland 242,681 307,523 301,208 80,123 163,265 8.85 103.77 Romania 431,214 489,658 637,350 391,517 647,776 35.11 65.45 Russian Federation 214,596 171,155 156,044 24,560 43,131 2.34 75.61 Slovakia 37,976 40,564 39,788 2,430 17,298 0.94 611.85 Tajikistan 87 117 191 20 107 0.01 435.00 Turkmenistan 150 99 288 102 91 0.00 -10.78 Ukraine 75,927 86,369 132,844 46,656 107,373 5.82 130.14 Uzbekistan 984 919 1,005 125 405 0.02 224.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 440,054 461,878 478,559 72,608 57,109 3.10 -21.35 Denmark 34,799 32,250 28,307 3,019 11,173 0.61 270.09 Finland 23,639 31,131 26,903 1,446 2,425 0.13 67.70 Iceland 3,368 2,291 1,897 560 677 0.04 20.89 Ireland 20,699 22,339 26,607 6,312 4,840 0.26 -23.32 Norway 49,742 50,099 36,860 1,047 2,664 0.14 154.44 Sweden 39,231 37,174 25,618 2,967 6,237 0.34 110.21 United Kingdom 268,576 286,594 332,367 57,257 29,093 1.58 -49.19 SOUTHERN EUROPE 448,978 464,988 473,645 151,433 142,433 7.72 -5.94 Albania 9,667 10,556 9,588 2,524 2,240 0.12 -11.25 Andorra 158 302 265 65 50 0.00 -23.08 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,511 4,065 4,312 2,040 1,420 0.08 -30.39 Croatia 9,731 13,120 16,870 2,877 5,772 0.31 100.63 Greece 125,876 125,613 125,076 43,446 33,485 1.81 -22.93 Italy 92,951 87,846 81,718 23,811 34,940 1.89 46.74 Malta 2,631 3,771 2,092 664 907 0.05 36.60 Montenegro 1,687 1,649 1,944 450 767 0.04 70.44 North Macedonia 85,983 90,807 93,465 35,643 19,571 1.06 -45.09 Portugal 10,393 12,730 12,709 3,111 5,736 0.31 84.38 San Marino 43 30 12 52 26 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 44,554 44,085 48,953 25,708 19,160 1.04 -25.47 Slovenia 11,397 13,005 11,309 1,555 3,661 0.20 135.43 Spain 50,396 57,409 65,332 9,487 14,698 0.80 54.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 175 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 808,670 864,812 739,782 142,862 296,589 16.07 107.61 Austria 44,747 48,729 46,851 6,521 15,803 0.86 142.34 Belgium 63,375 59,443 55,549 10,407 27,780 1.51 166.94 France 101,482 120,441 113,570 23,288 45,792 2.48 96.63 Germany 522,439 562,067 455,242 88,300 172,014 9.32 94.81 Liechtenstein 148 80 124 29 58 0.00 100.00 Luxembourg 2,566 3,282 3,435 762 1,947 0.11 155.51 Monaco 30 44 42 10 11 0.00 10.00 Netherlands 55,498 51,072 45,218 9,061 25,330 1.37 1 79.55 Switzerland 18,385 19,654 19,751 4,484 7,854 0.43 75.16 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 295,591 309,906 334,884 98,706 112,337 6.09 13.81 Cyprus 7,860 11,271 12,351 2,335 3,420 0.19 46.47 Israel 156,109 174,868 196,344 46,564 46,910 2.54 0.74 Turkiye 131,622 123,767 126,189 49,807 62,007 3.36 24.49 MIDDLE EAST 21,190 17,475 18,206 3,881 7,529 0.41 94.00 Bahrain 192 122 129 15 71 0.00 373.33 Egypt 2,765 2,175 3,301 408 1,171 0.06 187.01 Iraq 2,030 1,356 1,440 372 758 0.04 103.76 Jordan 1,239 1,833 1,968 210 443 0.02 110.95 Kuwait 1,796 1,213 1,384 274 316 0.02 15.33 Lebanon 4,800 3,336 2,262 430 462 0.03 7.44 Libya 489 467 418 70 203 0.01 190.00 Oman 1,105 172 212 42 77 0.00 83.33 Qatar 328 645 416 62 255 0.01 311.29 Saudi Arabia 1,301 1,378 1,621 744 499 0.03 -32.93 State of Palestine 36 27 21 2 11 0.00 450.00 Syrian Arab Republic 2,112 2,168 2,120 594 1,000 0.05 68.35 United Arab Emirates 2,836 2,319 2,772 586 2,199 0.12 275.26 Yemen 161 264 142 72 64 0.00 -11.11 SOUTH ASIA 28,874 26,120 22,068 2,766 3,566 0.19 28.92 Afghanistan 545 780 583 259 325 0.02 25.48 Bangladesh 153 156 272 80 161 0.01 101.25 Bhutan 17 4 4 India 9,019 12,132 11,671 1,548 1,034 0.06 -33.20 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 7,985 11,497 8,376 642 1,747 0.09 172.12 Maldives 20 5 1 2 33 0.00 1,550.00 Nepal 81 157 123 9 16 0.00 77.78 Pakistan 944 1,204 882 205 234 0.01 14.15 Sri Lanka 110 185 156 21 16 0.00 -23.81 NOT SPECIFIED 50,247 48,289 61,973 16,756 33,126 1.80 97.70 Other countries of the world 50,247 48,289 61,973 16,756 33,126 1.80 97.70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 176 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,655,830 3,910,159 4,067,350 1,175,779 1,893,031 100.00 61.00 AFRICA 7,539 7,695 8,621 1,943 2,640 0.14 35.87 EAST AFRICA 837 1,022 1,316 238 307 0.02 28.99 Burundi 16 48 27 11 17 0.00 54.55 Djibouti 9 24 69 1 2 0.00 100.00 Eritrea 3 8 8 Ethiopia 137 124 278 20 47 0.00 135.00 Kenya 251 430 464 116 116 0.01 Madagascar 30 17 47 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Malawi 4 12 2 2 0.00 Mauritius 157 143 103 20 28 0.00 40.00 Mozambique 19 13 27 2 Rwanda 14 29 12 10 14 0.00 40.00 Seychelles 8 21 19 6 7 0.00 16.67 Somalia 15 11 18 2 4 0.00 100.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 52 52 55 7 26 0.00 271.43 Uganda 63 35 144 23 20 0.00 -13.04 Zambia 21 14 5 14 0.00 Zimbabwe 38 41 38 6 9 0.00 50.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 329 293 423 169 454 0.02 168.64 Angola 91 85 128 57 31 0.00 -45.61 Cameroon 82 100 105 25 16 0.00 -36.00 Central African Republic 15 4 11 2 25 0.00 1,150.00 Chad 20 5 5 1 263 0.01 26,200.00 Congo 76 26 69 40 91 0.00 127.50 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2 6 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Equatorial Guinea 10 4 5 2 Gabon 33 69 94 38 27 0.00 -28.95 NORTH AFRICA 2,504 2,979 3,277 644 697 0.04 8.23 Algeria 612 706 1,582 222 133 0.01 -40.09 Morocco 861 970 839 207 334 0.02 61.35 South Sudan 5 2 1 Sudan 102 75 57 5 5 0.00 Tunisia 918 1,226 799 209 225 0.01 7.66 Western Sahara 6 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,057 2,001 2,220 468 432 0.02 -7.69 Botswana 9 18 3 0.00 Eswatini 153 101 59 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Lesotho 31 6 2 Namibia 42 56 51 2 13 0.00 550.00 South Africa 1,831 1,829 2,090 452 404 0.02 -10.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 177 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 1,812 1,400 1,385 424 750 0.04 76.89 Benin 7 17 12 4 8 0.00 100.00 Burkina Faso 25 28 45 11 22 0.00 100.00 Cabo Verde 32 148 52 7 18 0.00 157.14 Cote d'lvoire 79 19 44 27 11 0.00 -59.26 Gambia 3 22 20 5 6 0.00 20.00 Ghana 146 141 180 38 93 0.00 144.74 Guinea 22 17 10 3 4 0.00 33.33 Guinea-Bissau 8 11 7 1 6 0.00 500.00 Liberia 20 14 6 Mali 45 50 53 8 23 0.00 187.50 Mauritania 9 11 8 1 Niger 20 19 29 6 16 0.00 166.67 Nigeria 1,160 723 783 230 482 0.03 109.57 Senegal 80 89 50 62 18 0.00 -70.97 Sierra Leone 144 90 72 16 42 0.00 162.50 Togo 12 1 14 5 1 0.00 -80.00 AMERICAS 84,320 88,060 93,356 41,944 46,572 2.46 11.03 CARIBBEAN 612 655 997 132 464 0.02 251.52 Antigua and Barbuda 7 15 33 6 22 0.00 266.67 Aruba 10 4 218 54 0.00 Bahamas 10 10 18 8 5 0.00 -37.50 Barbados 10 31 36 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Cuba 158 259 313 46 190 0.01 313.04 Dominica 58 21 14 0.00 Dominican Republic 160 220 236 45 94 0.00 108.89 Haiti 10 9 10 4 49 0.00 1,125.00 Jamaica 155 65 77 10 24 0.00 140.00 Trinidad and Tobago 34 42 35 2 2 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 692 1,628 1,185 173 538 0.03 210.98 Belize 3 8 3 3 3 0.00 Costa Rica 314 973 499 75 59 0.00 -21.33 El Salvador 131 282 111 15 132 0.01 780.00 Guatemala 65 55 106 10 22 0.00 120.00 Honduras 61 114 214 12 32 0.00 166.67 Nicaragua 57 90 123 13 231 0.01 1,676.92 Panama 61 106 129 45 59 0.00 31.11 NORTH AMERICA 72,914 74,359 78,754 39,653 42,891 2.27 8.17 Canada 9,936 10,865 11,666 1,860 3,019 0.16 62.31 Mexico 2,448 3,111 2,918 489 834 0.04 70.55 United States of America 60,530 60,383 64,170 37,304 39,038 2.06 4.65 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 178 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 10,102 11,418 12,420 1,986 2,679 0.14 34.89 Argentina 2,000 2,347 2,950 451 353 0.02 -21.73 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 129 175 163 31 89 0.00 187.10 Brazil 4,645 5,128 5,173 996 1,124 0.06 12.85 Chile 657 663 1,028 128 136 0.01 6.25 Colombia 1,053 1,395 1,199 151 285 0.02 88.74 Ecuador 217 334 458 32 99 0.01 209.38 Guyana 3 2 4 0.00 100.00 Paraguay 55 15 52 2 13 0.00 550.00 Peru 338 387 398 66 128 0.01 93.94 Suriname 170 142 94 36 16 0.00 -55.56 Uruguay 248 485 529 27 210 0.01 677.78 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 590 347 373 64 222 0.01 246.88 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 80,681 98,397 103,539 10,033 9,202 0.49 -8.28 NORHT-EAST ASIA 55,846 67,661 71,771 6,459 5,916 0.31 -8.41 China 27,458 36,503 42,533 1,833 1,917 0.10 4.58 Hong Kong, China 1,101 1,714 1,683 75 40 0.00 -46.67 Japan 15,342 15,365 14,999 1,834 1,609 0.08 -12.27 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 490 160 519 106 62 0.00 -41.51 Korea, Republic of 8,210 9,635 7,349 2,452 2,108 0.11 -14.03 Mongolia 440 264 342 38 63 0.00 65.79 Taiwan Province of China 2,805 4,020 4,346 121 117 0.01 -3.31 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 11,738 16,403 15,882 1,352 1,330 0.07 -1.63 Brunei Darussalam 14 11 14 Cambodia 52 23 82 18 3 0.00 -83.33 Indonesia 986 2,070 1,617 258 329 0.02 27.52 Lao People's Democratic Republic 61 94 93 13 10 0.00 -23.08 Malaysia 4,402 4,927 4,399 336 83 0.00 -75.30 Myanmar 14 23 63 19 1 0.00 -94.74 Philippines 1,354 2,701 2,328 267 248 0.01 -7.12 Singapore 1,227 1,965 1,625 119 79 0.00 -33.61 Thailand 2,413 2,781 3,530 130 172 0.01 32.31 Timor-Leste 3 3 2 2 Viet Nam 1,212 1,805 2,129 190 405 0.02 113.16 AUSTRALASIA 13,066 14,269 15,847 2,205 1,944 0.10 -11.84 Australia 11,087 12,531 13,586 1,888 1,750 0.09 -7.31 New Zealand 1,979 1,738 2,261 317 194 0.01 -38.80 MELANESIA 13 23 14 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Fiji 5 6 2 0.00 Papua New Guinea 4 2 1 Solomon Islands 4 15 13 5 2 0.00 -60.00 MICRONESIA 5 15 5 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Kiribati 3 Marshall Islands 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 Nauru 1 15 1 2 0.00 100.00 Palau 2 POLYNESIA 13 26 20 9 6 0.00 -33.33 Samoa 10 17 16 9 5 0.00 -44.44 Tonga 3 9 4 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 179 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 3,381,982 3,622,798 3,758,120 1,098,156 1,789,772 94.55 62.98 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,349,926 1,477,034 1,681,649 615,589 1,160,181 61.29 88.47 Armenia 2,540 2,700 3,407 412 752 0.04 82.52 Azerbaijan 1,783 2,444 1,886 255 569 0.03 123.14 Belarus 38,216 33,428 34,327 2,046 1,863 0.10 -8.94 Czech Republic (Czechia) 110,523 124,061 125,762 36,488 86,608 4.58 137.36 Estonia 20,166 22,028 21,363 759 9,524 0.50 1,154.81 Georgia 4,471 4,684 4,349 1,243 1,135 0.06 -8.69 Hungary 41,360 43,866 48,409 8,516 17,454 0.92 104.96 Kazakhstan 4,160 3,442 3,656 608 1,056 0.06 73.68 Kyrgyzstan 428 430 526 98 252 0.01 157.14 Latvia 12,925 15,522 13,524 1,272 5,746 0.30 351.73 Lithuania 24,939 27,404 22,259 2,003 12,274 0.65 512.78 Moldova, Republic of 53,811 61,782 93,529 4,710 23,473 1.24 398.37 Poland 248,062 314,461 308,004 81,528 166,419 8.79 104.12 Romania 438,659 502,204 650,822 397,926 657,270 34.72 65.17 Russian Federation 226,834 181,948 165,085 25,769 45,171 2.39 75.29 Slovakia 38,856 41,760 41,461 2,551 17,710 0.94 594.24 Tajikistan 116 118 203 20 107 0.01 435.00 Turkmenistan 152 130 289 104 97 0.01 -6.73 Ukraine 80,896 93,697 141,707 49,149 112,285 5.93 128.46 Uzbekistan 1,029 925 1,081 132 416 0.02 215.15 NORTHERN EUROPE 448,324 472,361 490,039 75,081 59,400 3.14 -20.89 Denmark 35,328 32,759 28,873 3,133 11,455 0.61 265.62 Finland 23,978 31,874 27,524 1,479 2,550 0.13 72.41 Iceland 3,423 2,381 1,972 585 705 0.04 20.51 Ireland 21,267 22,883 27,705 6,661 5,042 0.27 -24.31 Norway 50,180 51,429 37,624 1,103 2,726 0.14 147.14 Sweden 39,573 37,767 26,166 3,045 6,393 0.34 109.95 United Kingdom 274,575 293,268 340,175 59,075 30,529 1.61 -48.32 SOUTHERN EUROPE 460,406 477,490 486,542 157,342 148,527 7.85 -5.60 Albania 9,789 10,617 9,662 2,600 2,366 0.12 -9.00 Andorra 162 302 266 65 52 0.00 -20.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,654 4,119 4,389 2,060 1,462 0.08 -29.03 Croatia 9,859 13,329 17,179 2,988 5,920 0.31 98.13 Greece 128,485 128,291 128,177 45,057 34,956 1.85 -22.42 Italy 94,775 90,033 83,886 24,609 36,310 1.92 47.55 Malta 2,711 3,805 2,153 732 980 0.05 33.88 Montenegro 1,711 1,691 1,972 459 787 0.04 71.46 North Macedonia 88,247 93,376 95,661 37,209 19,999 1.06 -46.25 Portugal 10,698 13,095 13,080 3,236 5,949 0.31 83.84 San Marino 43 30 12 52 26 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 45,794 45,353 50,461 26,366 19,905 1.05 -24.51 Slovenia 11,799 13,579 11,984 1,638 3,937 0.21 140.35 Spain 52,679 59,870 67,660 10,271 15,878 0.84 54.59 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 180 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 822,247 879,740 757,574 148,076 306,075 16.17 106.70 Austria 45,419 49,362 47,831 6,715 16,294 0.86 142.65 Belgium 64,915 60,802 56,815 10,758 28,490 1.50 164.83 France 104,903 124,458 118,268 24,783 48,573 2.57 95.99 Germany 527,967 568,243 463,033 90,803 1 76,330 9.31 94.19 Liechtenstein 153 83 124 29 61 0.00 110.34 Luxembourg 2,582 3,302 3,484 773 1,977 0.10 155.76 Monaco 30 44 42 10 11 0.00 10.00 Netherlands 57,455 53,139 47,344 9,444 26,144 1.38 1 76.83 Switzerland 18,823 20,307 20,633 4,761 8,195 0.43 72.13 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 301,079 316,173 342,316 102,068 115,589 6.11 13.25 Cyprus 7,985 11,398 12,547 2,382 3,497 0.18 46.81 Israel 158,627 178,185 199,989 47,433 47,889 2.53 0.96 Turkiye 134,467 126,590 129,780 52,253 64,203 3.39 22.87 MIDDLE EAST 21,466 17,735 18,557 3,963 7,661 0.40 93.31 Bahrain 192 124 129 15 71 0.00 373.33 Egypt 2,874 2,228 3,385 413 1,196 0.06 189.59 Iraq 2,062 1,379 1,459 383 770 0.04 101.04 Jordan 1,252 1,853 1,992 213 456 0.02 114.08 Kuwait 1,800 1,222 1,425 275 316 0.02 14.91 Lebanon 4,823 3,376 2,293 437 467 0.02 6.86 Libya 503 469 419 72 205 0.01 184.72 Oman 1,105 192 215 42 79 0.00 88.10 Qatar 329 647 418 65 257 0.01 295.38 Saudi Arabia 1,327 1,397 1,651 746 507 0.03 -32.04 State of Palestine 36 32 21 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Syrian Arab Republic 2,145 2,204 2,189 635 1,044 0.06 64.41 United Arab Emirates 2,857 2,346 2,818 591 2,213 0.12 274.45 Yemen 161 266 143 72 69 0.00 -4.17 SOUTH ASIA 29,071 26,346 22,357 2,815 3,737 0.20 32.75 Afghanistan 550 782 586 260 328 0.02 26.15 Bangladesh 158 183 279 82 269 0.01 228.05 Bhutan 17 4 4 1 India 9,166 12,283 11,896 1,575 1,063 0.06 -32.51 Iran, Islamic Republic of 18,009 11,531 8,419 645 1,760 0.09 172.87 Maldives 20 5 2 2 33 0.00 1,550.00 Nepal 82 158 124 11 18 0.00 63.64 Pakistan 955 1,214 890 217 250 0.01 15.21 Sri Lanka 114 186 157 22 16 0.00 -27.27 NOT SPECIFIED 50,771 49,128 62,800 16,925 33,447 1.77 97.62 Other countries of the world 50,771 49,128 62,800 16,925 33,447 1.77 97.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 18' COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 16,732,621 17,326,682 17,032,461 4,527,423 7,817,504 100.00 72.67 AFRICA 21,681 23,586 24,008 4,841 8,399 0.11 73.50 EAST AFRICA 2,602 3,277 4,210 522 800 0.01 53.26 Burundi 62 117 67 25 46 0.00 84.00 Djibouti 54 101 224 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Eritrea 15 35 49 Ethiopia 587 400 1,381 28 201 0.00 617.86 Kenya 760 1,246 1,132 244 266 0.00 9.02 Madagascar 55 44 141 39 2 0.00 -94.87 Malawi 17 15 10 4 0.00 Mauritius 366 483 273 62 61 0.00 -1.61 Mozambique 51 39 109 2 Rwanda 26 54 67 31 23 0.00 -25.81 Seychelles 47 205 46 6 16 0.00 166.67 Somalia 86 44 98 9 27 0.00 200.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 200 136 130 11 53 0.00 381.82 Uganda 88 93 357 47 33 0.00 -29.79 Zambia 71 77 16 30 0.00 Zimbabwe 117 188 110 11 35 0.00 218.18 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,028 734 1,303 372 1,913 0.02 414.25 Angola 223 162 235 95 73 0.00 -23.16 Cameroon 264 290 424 55 39 0.00 -29.09 Central African Republic 55 17 37 15 45 0.00 200.00 Chad 39 12 21 5 1,536 0.02 30,620.00 Congo 335 92 268 65 170 0.00 161.54 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 7 28 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Equatorial Guinea 11 5 13 5 Gabon 94 156 277 122 48 0.00 -60.66 NORTH AFRICA 8,715 10,797 10,064 1,635 1,941 0.02 18.72 Algeria 1,752 2,420 5,561 724 390 0.00 -46.13 Morocco 3,813 2,657 2,080 438 726 0.01 65.75 South Sudan 25 9 1 Sudan 260 160 197 11 11 0.00 Tunisia 2,846 5,551 2,226 461 814 0.01 76.57 Western Sahara 19 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,145 4,579 5,045 1,239 1,468 0.02 18.48 Botswana 21 90 5 0.00 Eswatini 480 312 159 18 31 0.00 72.22 Lesotho 38 15 24 Namibia 109 203 129 5 26 0.00 420.00 South Africa 4,518 4,028 4,643 1,216 1,406 0.02 15.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 182 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 4,191 4,199 3,386 1,073 2,277 0.03 112.21 Benin 38 41 46 12 23 0.00 91.67 Burkina Faso 39 71 106 25 42 0.00 68.00 Cabo Verde 113 321 144 8 28 0.00 250.00 Cote d'lvoire 204 181 150 68 49 0.00 -27.94 Gambia 16 85 38 23 29 0.00 26.09 Ghana 483 418 451 79 219 0.00 1 77.22 Guinea 117 44 38 25 9 0.00 -64.00 Guinea-Bissau 11 11 16 9 29 0.00 222.22 Liberia 27 53 22 Mali 257 140 177 9 56 0.00 522.22 Mauritania 43 28 15 3 Niger 61 80 77 8 45 0.00 462.50 Nigeria 2,035 2,207 1,744 663 1,621 0.02 144.49 Senegal 165 368 156 109 28 0.00 -74.31 Sierra Leone 532 150 129 23 98 0.00 326.09 Togo 50 1 77 9 1 0.00 -88.89 AMERICAS 200,655 215,637 194,752 70,821 128,636 1.65 81.64 CARIBBEAN 1,516 1,869 3,336 584 1,878 0.02 221.58 Antigua and Barbuda 19 27 107 22 47 0.00 113.64 Aruba 12 23 1,298 369 0.00 Bahamas 16 41 88 38 6 0.00 -84.21 Barbados 46 77 89 34 25 0.00 -26.47 Cuba 504 754 902 247 881 0.01 256.68 Dominica 78 29 31 0.00 Dominican Republic 500 686 466 210 180 0.00 -14.29 Haiti 10 32 56 10 245 0.00 2,350.00 Jamaica 284 147 230 11 69 0.00 527.27 Trinidad and Tobago 47 82 71 12 25 0.00 108.33 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,425 3,712 3,473 265 2,165 0.03 716.98 Belize 4 18 11 3 22 0.00 633.33 Costa Rica 628 1,805 1,020 104 129 0.00 24.04 El Salvador 239 1,069 239 46 447 0.01 871.74 Guatemala 203 127 350 22 106 0.00 381.82 Honduras 118 236 1,004 18 157 0.00 772.22 Nicaragua 93 166 473 22 1,094 0.01 4,872.73 Panama 140 291 376 50 210 0.00 320.00 NORTH AMERICA 173,540 184,534 160,844 64,984 114,986 1.47 76.95 Canada 21,473 24,801 24,632 4,958 8,091 0.10 63.19 Mexico 8,700 19,971 6,421 1,086 2,843 0.04 161.79 United States of America 143,367 139,762 129,791 58,940 104,052 1.33 76.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 183 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 24,174 25,522 27,099 4,988 9,607 0.12 92.60 Argentina 4,168 4,201 5,850 715 885 0.01 23.78 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 333 279 276 76 85 0.00 11.84 Brazil 10,381 11,167 10,237 2,858 3,949 0.05 38.17 Chile 1,736 1,787 3,022 254 609 0.01 139.76 Colombia 2,359 2,753 2,610 395 1,010 0.01 155.70 Ecuador 561 1,113 1,696 173 615 0.01 255.49 Guyana 6 6 8 0.00 33.33 Paraguay 182 76 197 5 61 0.00 1,120.00 Peru 1,131 976 1,051 243 296 0.00 21.81 Suriname 626 454 251 52 62 0.00 19.23 Uruguay 597 1,921 971 67 756 0.01 1,028.36 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,100 795 932 144 1,271 0.02 782.64 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 147,375 175,137 178,207 26,297 26,632 0.34 1.27 NORHT-EAST ASIA 94,040 110,164 113,142 17,480 17,571 0.22 0.52 China 45,675 58,799 63,686 5,038 6,077 0.08 20.62 Hong Kong, China 1,590 4,088 2,196 139 69 0.00 -50.36 Japan 27,210 26,883 27,184 3,284 4,434 0.06 35.02 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,394 310 932 167 114 0.00 -31.74 Korea, Republic of 12,694 13,693 12,440 8,558 6,454 0.08 -24.59 Mongolia 1,691 836 1,270 75 112 0.00 49.33 Taiwan Province of China 3,786 5,555 5,434 219 311 0.00 42.01 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 22,686 30,908 29,015 3,072 4,118 0.05 34.05 Brunei Darussalam 34 12 24 Cambodia 73 50 356 53 14 0.00 -73.58 Indonesia 1,898 4,705 2,873 763 836 0.01 9.57 Lao People's Democratic Republic 638 604 607 50 24 0.00 -52.00 Malaysia 7,131 6,966 6,231 591 168 0.00 -71.57 Myanmar 20 34 81 20 3 0.00 -85.00 Philippines 3,061 5,956 5,289 547 799 0.01 46.07 Singapore 2,199 2,897 2,622 182 215 0.00 18.13 Thailand 3,773 4,358 4,986 283 615 0.01 117.31 Timor-Leste 3 4 3 4 Viet Nam 3,856 5,322 5,943 579 1,444 0.02 149.40 AUSTRALASIA 30,542 33,928 35,946 5,697 4,919 0.06 -13.66 Australia 26,298 29,181 31,687 4,677 4,529 0.06 -3.16 New Zealand 4,244 4,747 4,259 1,020 390 0.00 -61.76 MELANESIA 34 57 39 5 5 0.00 Fiji 15 6 2 0.00 Papua New Guinea 3 12 2 Solomon Islands 16 39 37 5 3 0.00 -40.00 MICRONESIA 22 29 10 34 3 0.00 -91.18 Kiribati 12 Marshall Islands 10 Micronesia, Federated States of 10 Nauru 29 2 3 0.00 50.00 Palau 32 POLYNESIA 51 51 55 9 16 0.00 77.78 Samoa 35 38 41 9 14 0.00 55.56 Tonga 16 13 14 2 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 184 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 15,996,166 16,634,871 16,339,327 4,365,775 7,497,675 95.91 71.74 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,075,622 7,369,651 8,074,304 2,683,109 5,210,066 66.65 94.18 Armenia 14,324 14,421 16,561 992 2,999 0.04 202.32 Azerbaijan 5,407 6,248 5,334 509 1,584 0.02 211.20 Belarus 301,523 262,278 262,831 15,496 8,926 0.11 -42.40 Czech Republic (Czechia) 652,414 711,137 698,211 179,102 472,768 6.05 163.97 Estonia 121,384 124,515 118,627 2,542 53,696 0.69 2,012.35 Georgia 13,094 11,788 11,789 4,277 3,496 0.04 -18.26 Hungary 182,707 193,729 206,379 33,180 70,901 0.91 113.69 Kazakhstan 19,575 15,408 15,637 2,100 3,880 0.05 84.76 Kyrgyzstan 1,437 1,104 1,503 234 3,567 0.05 1,424.36 Latvia 69,548 75,878 70,189 4,307 29,415 0.38 582.96 Lithuania 138,919 145,402 116,625 10,613 68,543 0.88 545.84 Moldova, Republic of 279,574 329,864 499,551 17,039 119,652 1.53 602.22 Poland 1,485,886 1,809,647 1,719,602 473,271 903,643 11.56 90.94 Romania 1,661,669 1,846,181 2,383,892 1,545,751 2,653,481 33.94 71.66 Russian Federation 1,536,901 1,174,331 1,015,899 155,910 181,844 2.33 16.63 Slovakia 222,431 221,391 224,461 9,031 93,1 73 1.19 931.70 Tajikistan 223 389 879 58 227 0.00 291.38 Turkmenistan 366 209 1,347 157 201 0.00 28.03 Ukraine 363,107 422,187 700,946 228,062 534,424 6.84 134.33 Uzbekistan 5,133 3,544 4,041 478 3,646 0.05 662.76 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,449,303 2,569,245 2,482,491 278,478 194,990 2.49 -29.98 Denmark 194,867 175,497 146,374 9,663 51,704 0.66 435.07 Finland 130,963 165,490 139,963 3,445 8,421 0.11 144.44 Iceland 15,021 8,568 5,222 1,505 1,690 0.02 12.29 Ireland 96,310 103,154 131,946 27,161 16,159 0.21 -40.51 Norway 325,137 323,410 222,315 2,892 8,515 0.11 194.43 Sweden 202,249 189,528 116,937 7,314 17,713 0.23 142.18 United Kingdom 1,484,756 1,603,598 1,719,734 226,498 90,788 1.16 -59.92 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,090,819 1,121,064 1,113,414 470,998 387,492 4.96 -17.73 Albania 16,303 18,135 17,063 5,071 5,210 0.07 2.74 Andorra 423 1,075 1,012 186 135 0.00 -27.42 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10,034 10,696 10,741 5,351 4,631 0.06 -13.46 Croatia 23,968 32,161 36,704 7,113 16,190 0.21 127.61 Greece 248,945 251,684 249,358 90,324 83,809 1.07 -7.21 Italy 231,347 208,670 185,868 93,318 92,906 1.19 -0.44 Malta 6,725 10,051 5,491 1,807 2,267 0.03 25.46 Montenegro 4,490 4,901 5,121 1,231 2,837 0.04 130.46 North Macedonia 242,685 266,741 264,578 116,584 51,553 0.66 -55.78 Portugal 25,576 29,463 40,744 17,492 20,201 0.26 15.49 San Marino 140 144 39 121 79 0.00 -34.71 Serbia 143,881 140,740 147,438 97,969 61,891 0.79 -36.83 Slovenia 37,670 38,785 32,580 4,679 11,573 0.15 147.34 Spain 98,632 107,818 116,677 29,752 34,210 0.44 14.98 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 185 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,563,900 4,712,356 3,753,125 653,560 1,423,766 18.21 117.85 Austria 1 74,803 193,992 167,504 16,510 52,389 0.67 217.32 Belgium 336,619 294,372 262,660 40,704 131,846 1.69 223.91 France 381,976 433,201 382,973 72,931 158,781 2.03 117.71 Germany 3,358,584 3,502,627 2,681,276 477,930 941,230 12.04 96.94 Liechtenstein 520 282 420 71 279 0.00 292.96 Luxembourg 14,576 16,441 15,815 4,081 10,225 0.13 150.55 Monaco 97 102 90 23 27 0.00 17.39 Netherlands 240,645 213,108 185,805 27,899 105,060 1.34 276.57 Switzerland 56,080 58,231 56,582 13,411 23,929 0.31 78.43 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 816,522 862,555 915,993 279,630 281,361 3.60 0.62 Cyprus 20,599 28,395 33,058 6,110 9,153 0.12 49.80 Israel 555,724 604,561 644,236 152,651 149,409 1.91 -2.12 Turkiye 240,199 229,599 238,699 120,869 122,799 1.57 1.60 MIDDLE EAST 78,817 55,022 60,179 10,508 19,587 0.25 86.40 Bahrain 625 354 335 39 414 0.01 961.54 Egypt 6,816 6,845 8,913 1,217 3,105 0.04 155.14 Iraq 4,106 3,832 3,730 932 2,098 0.03 125.11 Jordan 3,070 5,986 6,843 444 1,131 0.01 154.73 Kuwait 7,856 4,572 5,550 739 925 0.01 25.17 Lebanon 21,177 12,974 7,554 972 1,123 0.01 15.53 Libya 1,660 1,477 1,471 203 804 0.01 296.06 Oman 9,106 461 606 180 262 0.00 45.56 Qatar 846 1,556 935 109 591 0.01 442.20 Saudi Arabia 6,112 3,366 5,577 2,156 1,297 0.02 -39.84 State of Palestine 132 84 91 7 34 0.00 385.71 Syrian Arab Republic 6,256 7,980 6,919 1,375 2,622 0.03 90.69 United Arab Emirates 10,756 4,854 11,285 1,592 5,051 0.06 217.27 Yemen 299 681 370 543 130 0.00 -76.06 SOUTH ASIA 126,646 94,983 71,684 6,609 11,491 0.15 73.87 Afghanistan 1,039 1,464 1,089 348 523 0.01 50.29 Bangladesh 294 286 626 240 848 0.01 253.33 Bhutan 17 6 5 India 19,620 28,075 24,474 3,347 3,230 0.04 -3.50 Iran, Islamic Republic of 102,523 60,880 42,886 2,146 6,147 0.08 186.44 Maldives 22 9 3 2 54 0.00 2,600.00 Nepal 207 440 397 9 35 0.00 288.89 Pakistan 2,610 3,265 1,843 473 593 0.01 25.37 Sri Lanka 314 558 361 44 61 0.00 38.64 NOT SPECIFIED 161,281 127,446 164,304 42,572 125,084 1.60 193.82 Other countries of the world 161,281 127,446 164,304 42,572 125,084 1.60 193.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 186 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 17,105,567 17,748,925 17,479,846 4,656,289 7,993,767 100.00 71.68 AFRICA 24,037 25,925 25,697 5,151 8,886 0.11 72.51 EAST AFRICA 2,612 3,326 4,268 532 807 0.01 51.69 Burundi 65 117 67 25 46 0.00 84.00 Djibouti 54 101 224 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Eritrea 15 35 49 Ethiopia 590 410 1,420 36 204 0.00 466.67 Kenya 760 1,256 1,132 246 266 0.00 8.13 Madagascar 55 48 141 39 2 0.00 -94.87 Malawi 17 15 10 4 0.00 Mauritius 367 493 273 62 61 0.00 -1.61 Mozambique 51 39 112 2 Rwanda 26 54 67 31 25 0.00 -19.35 Seychelles 47 215 46 6 16 0.00 166.67 Somalia 86 44 98 9 27 0.00 200.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 200 137 130 11 54 0.00 390.91 Uganda 91 96 372 47 33 0.00 -29.79 Zambia 71 77 16 31 0.00 Zimbabwe 117 189 111 11 35 0.00 218.18 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,031 742 1,375 377 1,932 0.02 412.47 Angola 223 164 236 95 80 0.00 -15.79 Cameroon 264 293 495 59 45 0.00 -23.73 Central African Republic 55 18 37 15 45 0.00 200.00 Chad 39 13 21 5 1,536 0.02 30,620.00 Congo 338 92 268 66 173 0.00 162.12 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 7 28 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Equatorial Guinea 11 5 13 5 Gabon 94 157 277 122 51 0.00 -58.20 NORTH AFRICA 8,819 10,926 10,156 1,681 2,349 0.03 39.74 Algeria 1,794 2,470 5,588 729 404 0.01 -44.58 Morocco 3,825 2,685 2,107 444 1,109 0.01 149.77 South Sudan 25 9 1 Sudan 263 164 197 11 13 0.00 18.18 Tunisia 2,893 5,598 2,264 496 823 0.01 65.93 Western Sahara 19 SOUTHERN AFRICA 7,328 6,680 6,412 1,460 1,495 0.02 2.40 Botswana 21 90 5 0.00 Eswatini 530 312 159 18 31 0.00 72.22 Lesotho 38 17 24 Namibia 109 203 132 5 26 0.00 420.00 South Africa 6,651 6,127 6,007 1,437 1,433 0.02 -0.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 187 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 4,247 4,251 3,486 1,101 2,303 0.03 109.17 Benin 38 41 46 12 23 0.00 91.67 Burkina Faso 42 77 106 25 45 0.00 80.00 Cabo Verde 113 321 144 8 28 0.00 250.00 Cote d'lvoire 225 181 150 68 49 0.00 -27.94 Gambia 16 92 38 23 29 0.00 26.09 Ghana 483 421 464 91 219 0.00 140.66 Guinea 117 44 38 25 9 0.00 -64.00 Guinea-Bissau 11 11 16 9 29 0.00 222.22 Liberia 27 53 23 Mali 257 140 178 9 56 0.00 522.22 Mauritania 46 28 15 3 Niger 61 80 78 8 45 0.00 462.50 Nigeria 2,061 2,235 1,828 679 1,644 0.02 142.12 Senegal 166 370 156 109 28 0.00 -74.31 Sierra Leone 534 156 129 23 98 0.00 326.09 Togo 50 1 77 9 1 0.00 -88.89 AMERICAS 207,982 224,107 203,614 72,626 132,242 1.65 82.09 CARIBBEAN 1,547 1,908 3,375 658 1,996 0.02 203.34 Antigua and Barbuda 19 28 107 22 47 0.00 113.64 Aruba 12 23 1,298 369 0.00 Bahamas 16 41 88 38 6 0.00 -84.21 Barbados 46 83 90 34 25 0.00 -26.47 Cuba 518 772 930 314 982 0.01 212.74 Dominica 78 29 31 0.00 Dominican Republic 504 700 474 210 197 0.00 -6.19 Haiti 10 32 56 10 245 0.00 2,350.00 Jamaica 286 147 230 18 69 0.00 283.33 Trinidad and Tobago 58 82 73 12 25 0.00 108.33 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,507 3,772 3,768 286 2,171 0.03 659.09 Belize 4 18 11 3 22 0.00 633.33 Costa Rica 641 1,832 1,037 125 131 0.00 4.80 El Salvador 247 1,070 440 46 447 0.01 871.74 Guatemala 207 135 395 22 108 0.00 390.91 Honduras 127 236 1,010 18 157 0.00 772.22 Nicaragua 133 187 485 22 1,096 0.01 4,881.82 Panama 148 294 390 50 210 0.00 320.00 NORTH AMERICA 179,734 191,626 168,037 66,237 117,667 1.47 77.65 Canada 23,086 26,322 26,179 5,194 8,543 0.11 64.48 Mexico 8,802 20,421 6,703 1,269 2,910 0.04 129.31 United States of America 147,846 144,883 135,155 59,774 106,214 1.33 77.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 188 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 25,194 26,801 28,434 5,445 10,408 0.13 91.15 Argentina 4,382 4,664 6,249 853 1,253 0.02 46.89 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 338 312 293 85 292 0.00 243.53 Brazil 10,854 11,595 10,740 3,033 4,044 0.05 33.33 Chile 1,859 1,884 3,171 344 656 0.01 90.70 Colombia 2,425 2,883 2,718 396 1,060 0.01 167.68 Ecuador 565 1,120 1,724 173 617 0.01 256.65 Guyana 6 6 8 0.00 33.33 Paraguay 186 76 197 5 61 0.00 1,120.00 Peru 1,149 1,000 1,101 261 305 0.00 16.86 Suriname 671 458 259 52 62 0.00 19.23 Uruguay 623 1,965 1,002 76 779 0.01 925.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,142 844 974 161 1,271 0.02 689.44 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 153,062 181,484 184,715 27,816 28,969 0.36 4.15 NORHT-EAST ASIA 96,298 113,199 116,655 18,343 19,191 0.24 4.62 China 46,339 59,620 65,034 5,397 6,939 0.09 28.57 Hong Kong, China 1,655 4,161 2,238 146 71 0.00 -51.37 Japan 27,866 27,778 28,188 3,508 4,739 0.06 35.09 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,399 316 945 168 128 0.00 -23.81 Korea, Republic of 13,287 14,679 13,287 8,805 6,684 0.08 -24.09 Mongolia 1,750 849 1,323 85 291 0.00 242.35 Taiwan Province of China 4,002 5,796 5,640 234 339 0.00 44.87 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 23,332 31,572 29,492 3,200 4,414 0.06 37.94 Brunei Darussalam 34 12 24 Cambodia 75 51 356 53 14 0.00 -73.58 Indonesia 2,226 4,874 2,885 764 846 0.01 10.73 Lao People's Democratic Republic 638 604 610 50 25 0.00 -50.00 Malaysia 7,219 7,198 6,320 594 196 0.00 -67.00 Myanmar 20 34 81 20 3 0.00 -85.00 Philippines 3,095 5,987 5,346 553 830 0.01 50.09 Singapore 2,286 2,982 2,720 184 220 0.00 19.57 Thailand 3,836 4,426 5,068 295 676 0.01 129.15 Timor-Leste 3 4 3 4 Viet Nam 3,900 5,400 6,079 683 1,604 0.02 134.85 AUSTRALASIA 33,316 36,576 38,464 6,225 5,338 0.07 -14.25 Australia 28,594 31,500 33,840 5,121 4,905 0.06 -4.22 New Zealand 4,722 5,076 4,624 1,104 433 0.01 -60.78 MELANESIA 42 57 39 5 6 0.00 20.00 Fiji 16 6 3 0.00 Papua New Guinea 10 12 2 Solomon Islands 16 39 37 5 3 0.00 -40.00 MICRONESIA 23 29 10 34 3 0.00 -91.18 Kiribati 12 Marshall Islands 10 Micronesia, Federated States of 10 Nauru 1 29 2 3 0.00 50.00 Palau 32 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 189 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 51 51 55 9 17 0.00 88.89 Samoa 35 38 41 9 15 0.00 66.67 Tonga 16 13 14 2 0.00 EUROPE 16,348,650 17,033,106 16,762,182 4,490,083 7,662,943 95.86 70.66 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,311,253 7,630,250 8,338,119 2,752,219 5,310,262 66.43 92.94 Armenia 14,423 14,498 1 7,095 1,039 3,056 0.04 194.13 Azerbaijan 5,614 6,298 5,463 518 1,595 0.02 207.92 Belarus 317,948 277,987 272,687 15,624 9,613 0.12 -38.47 Czech Republic (Czechia) 662,250 737,979 736,283 202,424 485,417 6.07 139.80 Estonia 122,518 126,023 119,665 2,601 54,413 0.68 1,992.00 Georgia 13,358 11,967 12,016 4,348 3,871 0.05 -10.97 Hungary 187,893 198,134 213,176 34,730 73,077 0.91 110.41 Kazakhstan 20,950 17,721 17,143 2,221 4,010 0.05 80.55 Kyrgyzstan 1,467 1,158 1,748 257 3,571 0.04 1,289.49 Latvia 70,250 77,782 71,398 4,613 29,899 0.37 548.15 Lithuania 140,089 148,128 118,290 10,860 69,046 0.86 535.78 Moldova, Republic of 284,329 335,136 506,936 17,969 123,404 1.54 586.76 Poland 1,517,042 1,847,172 1,753,830 479,199 917,931 11.48 91.56 Romania 1,683,653 1,883,016 2,424,794 1,566,858 2,685,361 33.59 71.39 Russian Federation 1,644,515 1,255,018 1,080,838 160,539 190,801 2.39 18.85 Slovakia 227,580 228,312 232,766 9,569 95,108 1.19 893.92 Tajikistan 415 390 919 58 227 0.00 291.38 Turkmenistan 376 249 1,348 160 242 0.00 51.25 Ukraine 391,147 459,716 747,353 238,139 555,951 6.95 133.46 Uzbekistan 5,436 3,566 4,371 493 3,669 0.05 644.22 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,482,796 2,613,383 2,536,969 288,028 202,291 2.53 -29.77 Denmark 196,917 177,336 148,495 9,968 52,687 0.66 428.56 Finland 132,287 168,719 142,487 3,520 8,844 0.11 151.25 Iceland 15,152 8,729 5,524 1,568 1,732 0.02 10.46 Ireland 98,150 105,349 137,580 28,813 17,232 0.22 -40.19 Norway 327,307 328,251 226,262 3,074 8,698 0.11 182.95 Sweden 203,591 192,183 118,788 7,512 18,297 0.23 143.57 United Kingdom 1,509,392 1,632,816 1,757,833 233,573 94,801 1.19 -59.41 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,119,890 1,154,899 1,151,741 489,873 405,796 5.08 -17.16 Albania 16,547 18,275 1 7,336 5,383 5,535 0.07 2.82 Andorra 428 1,075 1,018 186 139 0.00 -25.27 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10,648 10,808 11,121 5,508 4,880 0.06 -11.40 Croatia 24,450 32,931 37,613 7,302 16,768 0.21 129.64 Greece 254,481 257,227 256,212 93,715 88,822 1.11 -5.22 Italy 235,650 213,729 191,771 96,141 96,736 1.21 0.62 Malta 6,927 10,115 5,666 2,758 2,617 0.03 -5.11 Montenegro 4,551 5,101 5,198 1,245 2,880 0.04 131.33 North Macedonia 249,417 275,740 272,891 122,609 52,689 0.66 -57.03 Portugal 26,343 30,250 41,905 18,223 20,865 0.26 14.50 San Marino 140 144 39 121 79 0.00 -34.71 Serbia 149,075 146,123 154,309 100,123 64,583 0.81 -35.50 Slovenia 38,770 40,735 34,907 4,896 12,438 0.16 154.04 Spain 102,463 112,646 121,755 31,663 36,765 0.46 16.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 190 COUNTRY TABLES BULGARIA / BULGARIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,605,950 4,757,709 3,802,955 669,773 1,454,537 18.20 117.17 Austria 176,468 195,815 169,919 17,120 53,993 0.68 215.38 Belgium 340,281 297,577 265,721 41,684 133,636 1.67 220.59 France 389,542 441,569 393,046 76,345 166,105 2.08 117.57 Germany 3,380,767 3,527,558 2,706,423 486,632 957,703 11.98 96.80 Liechtenstein 549 285 420 71 284 0.00 300.00 Luxembourg 14,607 16,535 15,935 4,106 10,274 0.13 150.22 Monaco 97 102 90 23 27 0.00 17.39 Netherlands 246,344 218,229 192,622 29,471 107,515 1.34 264.82 Switzerland 57,295 60,039 58,779 14,321 25,000 0.31 74.57 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 828,761 876,865 932,398 290,190 290,057 3.63 -0.05 Cyprus 20,852 28,755 33,567 6,222 9,403 0.12 51.13 Israel 561,367 612,384 651,903 154,405 151,847 1.90 -1.66 Turkiye 246,542 235,726 246,928 129,563 128,807 1.61 -0.58 MIDDLE EAST 79,845 56,037 61,303 10,703 20,017 0.25 87.02 Bahrain 625 357 335 39 414 0.01 961.54 Egypt 7,134 7,116 9,232 1,229 3,199 0.04 160.29 Iraq 4,181 3,879 3,763 965 2,117 0.03 119.38 Jordan 3,108 6,067 6,895 448 1,158 0.01 158.48 Kuwait 7,871 4,611 5,699 740 925 0.01 25.00 Lebanon 21,312 13,187 7,631 983 1,135 0.01 15.46 Libya 1,681 1,485 1,472 206 806 0.01 291.26 Oman 9,106 591 609 180 264 0.00 46.67 Qatar 848 1,559 937 120 608 0.01 406.67 Saudi Arabia 6,385 3,393 5,677 2,163 1,325 0.02 -38.74 State of Palestine 132 89 91 12 34 0.00 183.33 Syrian Arab Republic 6,320 8,099 7,117 1,465 2,823 0.04 92.70 United Arab Emirates 10,843 4,921 11,472 1,610 5,072 0.06 215.03 Yemen 299 683 373 543 137 0.00 -74.77 SOUTH ASIA 127,108 95,403 72,540 6,772 14,239 0.18 110.26 Afghanistan 1,049 1,466 1,092 349 527 0.01 51.00 Bangladesh 312 332 659 242 3,397 0.04 1,303.72 Bhutan 17 6 5 4 India 19,890 28,325 25,172 3,454 3,328 0.04 -3.65 Iran, Islamic Republic of 102,659 60,971 42,988 2,161 6,202 0.08 187.00 Maldives 22 9 5 2 54 0.00 2,600.00 Nepal 208 442 399 12 40 0.00 233.33 Pakistan 2,629 3,277 1,857 502 630 0.01 25.50 Sri Lanka 322 575 363 46 61 0.00 32.61 NOT SPECIFIED 164,883 132,863 169,795 43,138 126,471 1.58 193.18 Other countries of the world 164,883 132,863 169,795 43,138 126,471 1.58 193.18 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 19' COUNTRY TABLES BURKINA FASO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 143,346 144,492 143,331 66,878 106,226 100.00 58.84 AFRICA 80,247 81,994 85,570 42,189 71,894 67.68 70.41 EAST AFRICA 199 0.19 Kenya 199 0.19 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,657 1.56 Cameroon 1,440 1.36 Gabon 217 0.20 NORTH AFRICA 3,491 3.29 Algeria 246 0.23 Morocco 1,511 1.42 Tunisia 1,734 1.63 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,809 2.64 South Africa 2,809 2.64 WEST AFRICA 68,405 65,040 69,008 28,908 50,059 47.12 73.17 Benin 6,111 7,488 7,163 2,595 4,087 3.85 57.50 Cote d'lvoire 18,741 16,715 18,791 6,718 13,791 12.98 105.28 Ghana 7,188 6,169 5,639 3,173 5,871 5.53 85.03 Guinea 2,157 2,219 1,854 452 1,161 1.09 156.86 Mali 10,600 9,203 9,882 3,745 7,068 6.65 88.73 Mauritania 645 825 892 132 381 0.36 188.64 Niger 8,372 7,503 7,186 3,873 6,142 5.78 58.59 Nigeria 2,524 2,191 1,710 958 1,477 1.39 54.18 Senegal 5,908 6,013 9,553 2,773 4,937 4.65 78.04 Togo 6,159 6,714 6,338 4,489 5,144 4.84 14.59 OTHER AFRICA 11,842 16,954 16,562 13,281 13,679 12.88 3.00 Other countries of Africa 11,842 16,954 16,562 13,281 13,679 12.88 3.00 AMERICAS 8,293 7,840 9,340 3,323 2,883 2.71 -13.24 NORTH AMERICA 7,307 6,060 8,579 2,609 2,303 2.17 -11.73 Canada 1,976 1,969 3,045 833 671 0.63 -19.45 United States of America 5,331 4,091 5,534 1,776 1,632 1.54 -8.11 OTHER AMERICAS 986 1,780 761 714 580 0.55 -18.77 Other countries of the Americas 986 1,780 761 714 580 0.55 -18.77 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,951 8,607 9,187 3,267 3,285 3.09 0.55 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,838 4,778 5,526 432 474 0.45 9.72 China 1,844 2,765 3,670 155 400 0.38 158.06 Japan 1,994 2,013 1,856 277 74 0.07 -73.29 AUSTRALASIA 1,974 1.86 Australia 1,974 1.86 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,113 3,829 3,661 2,835 837 0.79 -70.48 Other countries of Asia 4,113 3,829 3,661 2,835 837 0.79 -70.48 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 192 COUNTRY TABLES BURKINA FASO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 42,924 39,148 31,877 13,740 22,173 20.87 61.38 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,245 1,082 1,030 514 555 0.52 7.98 United Kingdom 1,245 1,082 1,030 514 555 0.52 7.98 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,587 3,818 1,711 706 1,090 1.03 54.39 Italy 2,093 1,931 1,048 290 565 0.53 94.83 Spain 1,494 1,887 663 416 525 0.49 26.20 WESTERN EUROPE 32,660 27,497 24,581 8,540 14,157 13.33 65.77 Belgium 3,033 2,292 1,985 378 974 0.92 157.67 France 23,917 20,062 19,367 6,620 11,029 10.38 66.60 Germany 2,815 2,499 2,041 1,001 1,371 1.29 36.96 Netherlands 1,399 1,178 455 216 292 0.27 35.19 Switzerland 1,496 1,466 733 325 491 0.46 51.08 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,638 2.48 Turkiye 2,638 2.48 OTHER EUROPE 5,432 6,751 4,555 3,980 3,733 3.51 -6.21 Other countries of Europe 5,432 6,751 4,555 3,980 3,733 3.51 -6.21 MIDDLE EAST 692 388 268 197 256 0.24 29.95 Lebanon 692 388 268 197 220 0.21 11.68 Saudi Arabia 36 0.03 SOUTH ASIA 1,317 1.24 India 1,317 1.24 NOT SPECIFIED 3,239 6,515 7,089 4,162 4,418 4.16 6.15 Nationals residing abroad 3,239 6,515 7,089 4,162 4,418 4.16 6.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 193 COUNTRY TABLES BURKINA FASO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 447,015 454,393 516,163 199,578 334,529 100.00 67.62 AFRICA 227,910 249,323 309,946 112,353 215,614 64.45 91.91 EAST AFRICA 720 0.22 Kenya 720 0.22 CENTRAL AFRICA 5,533 1.65 Cameroon 4,893 1.46 Gabon 640 0.19 NORTH AFRICA 12,889 3.85 Algeria 921 0.28 Morocco 5,411 1.62 Tunisia 6,557 1.96 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,861 1.75 South Africa 5,861 1.75 WEST AFRICA 184,856 195,056 234,323 78,450 159,848 47.78 103.76 Benin 19,884 24,070 25,590 6,923 13,300 3.98 92.11 Cote d'lvoire 49,1 75 48,619 61,354 19,635 42,280 12.64 115.33 Ghana 15,073 15,687 14,562 8,576 15,285 4.57 78.23 Guinea 5,488 6,068 7,966 1,164 4,119 1.23 253.87 Mali 26,138 26,232 33,535 10,990 23,822 7.12 116.76 Mauritania 2,158 2,914 3,244 390 1,346 0.40 245.13 Niger 21,954 23,593 24,113 10,250 19,535 5.84 90.59 Nigeria 7,077 6,016 5,374 2,473 5,298 1.58 114.23 Senegal 21,318 21,272 38,682 8,780 20,333 6.08 131.58 Togo 16,591 20,585 19,903 9,269 14,530 4.34 56.76 OTHER AFRICA 43,054 54,267 75,623 33,903 30,763 9.20 -9.26 Other countries of Africa 43,054 54,267 75,623 33,903 30,763 9.20 -9.26 AMERICAS 36,100 33,592 46,594 13,453 14,459 4.32 7.48 NORTH AMERICA 31,047 26,901 43,276 11,090 12,711 3.80 14.62 Canada 9,059 8,809 9,838 2,328 2,355 0.70 1.16 United States of America 21,988 18,092 33,438 8,762 10,356 3.10 18.19 OTHER AMERICAS 5,053 6,691 3,318 2,363 1,748 0.52 -26.03 Other countries of the Americas 5,053 6,691 3,318 2,363 1,748 0.52 -26.03 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 36,246 29,214 28,421 10,413 6,984 2.09 -32.93 NORHT-EAST ASIA 16,875 17,403 18,941 945 1,271 0.38 34.50 China 6,074 8,955 12,501 463 1,019 0.30 120.09 Japan 10,801 8,448 6,440 482 252 0.08 -47.72 AUSTRALASIA 3,140 0.94 Australia 3,140 0.94 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,371 11,811 9,480 9,468 2,573 0.77 -72.82 Other countries of Asia 19,371 11,811 9,480 9,468 2,573 0.77 -72.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 194 COUNTRY TABLES BURKINA FASO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 136,624 123,675 110,444 44,406 79,950 23.90 80.04 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,566 2,833 4,182 2,203 2,268 0.68 2.95 United Kingdom 3,566 2,833 4,182 2,203 2,268 0.68 2.95 SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,360 11,119 6,152 2,221 4,109 1.23 85.01 Italy 7,245 6,971 4,290 874 3,181 0.95 263.96 Spain 5,115 4,148 1,862 1,347 928 0.28 -31.11 WESTERN EUROPE 103,454 92,571 85,933 29,463 55,124 16.48 87.10 Belgium 9,292 7,185 5,782 1,385 3,957 1.18 185.70 France 75,674 68,699 67,835 22,333 41,764 12.48 87.01 Germany 9,474 7,726 7,359 3,629 6,258 1.87 72.44 Netherlands 3,974 3,620 1,464 638 1,302 0.39 104.08 Switzerland 5,040 5,341 3,493 1,478 1,843 0.55 24.70 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 5,929 1.77 Turkiye 5,929 1.77 OTHER EUROPE 17,244 17,152 14,177 10,519 12,520 3.74 19.02 Other countries of Europe 1 7,244 17,152 14,177 10,519 12,520 3.74 19.02 MIDDLE EAST 2,221 1,028 1,163 1,031 1,096 0.33 6.30 Lebanon 2,221 1,028 1,163 1,031 1,004 0.30 -2.62 Saudi Arabia 92 0.03 SOUTH ASIA 4,898 1.46 India 4,898 1.46 NOT SPECIFIED 7,914 17,561 19,595 17,922 11,528 3.45 -35.68 Nationals residing abroad 7,914 17,561 19,595 17,922 11,528 3.45 -35.68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 195 COUNTRY TABLES CABO VERDE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 667,693 709,653 757,982 179,886 135,051 100.00 -24.92 AFRICA 564 841 820 189 203 0.15 7.41 SOUTHERN AFRICA 564 841 820 189 203 0.15 7.41 South Africa 564 841 820 189 203 0.15 7.41 AMERICAS 5,958 6,886 8,662 2,033 4,498 3.33 121.25 NORTH AMERICA 5,958 6,886 8,662 2,033 4,498 3.33 121.25 United States of America 5,958 6,886 8,662 2,033 4,498 3.33 121.25 EUROPE 521,086 547,545 598,822 133,628 84,798 62.79 -36.54 NORTHERN EUROPE 168,896 174,078 196,557 40,265 11,126 8.24 -72.37 United Kingdom 168,896 174,078 196,557 40,265 11,126 8.24 -72.37 SOUTHERN EUROPE 119,391 115,859 123,834 20,020 32,361 23.96 61.64 Italy 39,557 30,969 25,521 4,705 1,125 0.83 -76.09 Portugal 67,882 70,974 80,012 12,682 28,384 21.02 123.81 Spain 11,952 13,916 18,301 2,633 2,852 2.11 8.32 WESTERN EUROPE 232,799 257,608 278,431 73,343 41,311 30.59 -43.67 Austria 1,924 3,234 7,240 2,116 388 0.29 -81.66 Belgium (*) 69,680 76,798 80,030 21,309 11,416 8.45 -46.43 France 69,717 77,127 85,325 24,438 10,344 7.66 -57.67 Germany 80,071 90,157 92,320 22,756 16,849 12.48 -25.96 Switzerland 11,407 10,292 13,516 2,724 2,314 1.71 -15.05 NOT SPECIFIED 140,085 154,381 149,678 44,036 45,552 33.73 3.44 Other countries of the world 140,085 154,381 149,678 44,036 45,552 33.73 3.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 196 COUNTRY TABLES CABO VERDE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,459,318 4,759,544 4,921,665 1,073,987 750,334 100.00 -30.14 AFRICA 1,090 1,494 1,959 418 265 0.04 -36.60 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,090 1,494 1,959 418 265 0.04 -36.60 South Africa 1,090 1,494 1,959 418 265 0.04 -36.60 AMERICAS 16,782 18,510 23,982 5,515 9,499 1.27 72.24 NORTH AMERICA 16,782 18,510 23,982 5,515 9,499 1.27 72.24 United States of America 16,782 18,510 23,982 5,515 9,499 1.27 72.24 EUROPE 3,600,447 3,765,570 3,950,413 781,119 482,173 64.26 -38.27 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,440,460 1,492,958 1,617,149 311,163 95,994 12.79 -69.15 United Kingdom 1,440,460 1,492,958 1,61 7,149 311,163 95,994 12.79 -69.15 SOUTHERN EUROPE 681,704 649,175 650,077 88,075 157,612 21.01 78.95 Italy 277,231 219,723 162,569 27,473 3,848 0.51 -85.99 Portugal 356,868 364,059 413,932 50,540 143,241 19.09 183.42 Spain 47,605 65,393 73,576 10,062 10,523 1.40 4.58 WESTERN EUROPE 1,478,283 1,623,437 1,683,187 381,881 228,567 30.46 -40.15 Austria 8,618 16,306 42,428 10,730 2,113 0.28 -80.31 Belgium (*) 529,271 551,543 538,035 128,587 70,562 9.40 -45.13 France 353,888 401,530 403,394 108,646 35,813 4.77 -67.04 Germany 526,985 596,115 621,923 119,390 109,349 14.57 -8.41 Switzerland 59,521 57,943 77,407 14,528 10,730 1.43 -26.14 NOT SPECIFIED 840,999 973,970 945,311 286,935 258,397 34.44 -9.95 Other countries of the world 840,999 973,970 945,311 286,935 258,397 34.44 -9.95 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 197 COUNTRY TABLES CAMBODIA / CAMBODGE / CAMBOYA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 5,602,157 6,201,077 6,610,592 1,306,143 196,495 100.00 -84.96 AFRICA 12,752 12,435 13,646 3,210 317 0.16 -90.12 EAST AFRICA 914 931 1,385 291 45 0.02 -84.54 Kenya 403 485 561 128 18 0.01 -85.94 Tanzania, United Republic of 216 107 213 34 4 0.00 -88.24 Uganda 140 166 412 71 11 0.01 -84.51 Zimbabwe 155 173 199 58 12 0.01 -79.31 CENTRAL AFRICA 268 563 806 101 14 0.01 -86.14 Cameroon 178 258 372 81 14 0.01 -82.72 Congo 90 305 434 20 NORTH AFRICA 1,301 1,394 2,080 483 23 0.01 -95.24 Morocco 846 868 993 310 7 0.00 -97.74 Sudan 147 224 243 43 8 0.00 -81.40 Tunisia 308 302 844 130 8 0.00 -93.85 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,956 6,599 7,711 1,757 134 0.07 -92.37 South Africa 6,956 6,599 7,711 1,757 134 0.07 -92.37 WEST AFRICA 1,548 2,436 1,405 533 61 0.03 -88.56 Ghana 281 502 385 254 2 0.00 -99.21 Liberia 61 1,399 425 92 2 0.00 -97.83 Nigeria 1,206 535 595 187 57 0.03 -69.52 OTHER AFRICA 1,765 512 259 45 40 0.02 -11.11 Other countries of Africa 1,765 512 259 45 40 0.02 -11.11 AMERICAS 395,029 369,319 353,963 83,412 7,507 3.82 -91.00 CARIBBEAN 173 268 223 38 1 0.00 -97.37 Jamaica 173 268 223 38 1 0.00 -97.37 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,220 1,677 1,010 186 1 0.00 -99.46 Costa Rica 1,046 1,490 821 145 Honduras 174 187 189 41 1 0.00 -97.56 NORTH AMERICA 335,252 321,069 319,554 73,117 7,375 3.75 -89.91 Canada 69,077 61,551 60,189 15,580 768 0.39 -95.07 Mexico 9,631 8,705 10,502 1,564 72 0.04 -95.40 United States of America 256,544 250,813 248,863 55,973 6,535 3.33 -88.32 SOUTH AMERICA 52,343 43,799 32,527 9,934 116 0.06 -98.83 Argentina 17,626 10,972 5,899 2,624 8 0.00 -99.70 Brazil 17,563 12,937 10,454 3,959 57 0.03 -98.56 Chile 6,708 7,838 6,611 1,568 7 0.00 -99.55 Colombia 5,163 7,605 4,352 919 29 0.01 -96.84 Ecuador 929 805 689 126 3 0.00 -97.62 Peru 1,794 1,939 1,823 347 Uruguay 1,816 1,347 2,170 271 3 0.00 -98.89 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 744 356 529 120 9 0.00 -92.50 OTHER AMERICAS 6,041 2,506 649 137 14 0.01 -89.78 Other countries of the Americas 6,041 2,506 649 137 14 0.01 -89.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 198 COUNTRY TABLES CAMBODIA / CAMBODGE / CAMBOYA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,248,837 4,914,013 5,344,889 975,620 177,931 90.55 -81.76 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,894,912 2,684,908 2,966,608 450,429 57,798 29.41 -87.17 China 1,210,782 2,024,443 2,361,849 329,673 45,775 23.30 -86.12 Hong Kong, China 13,461 12,221 2,191 273 3 0.00 -98.90 Japan 203,373 210,471 207,636 41,257 2,011 1.02 -95.13 Korea, Republic of 345,081 301,770 254,874 55,935 6,074 3.09 -89.14 Macao, China 539 640 219 30 Mongolia 653 726 1,437 322 90 0.05 -72.05 Taiwan Province of China 121,023 134,637 138,402 22,939 3,845 1.96 -83.24 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,161,254 2,067,504 2,228,380 496,486 118,572 60.34 -76.12 Brunei Darussalam 1,009 790 1,131 150 11 0.01 -92.67 Indonesia 49,878 55,753 66,804 14,564 8,410 4.28 -42.25 Lao People's Democratic Republic 502,219 426,180 363,951 34,352 282 0.14 -99.18 Malaysia 179,316 201,116 203,008 25,734 2,989 1.52 -88.39 Myanmar 18,981 22,518 24,414 3,100 493 0.25 -84.10 Philippines 98,499 92,451 105,017 14,760 1,462 0.74 -90.09 Singapore 81,063 86,251 88,564 10,731 960 0.49 -91.05 Thailand 394,934 382,31 7 466,493 210,876 81,844 41.65 -61.19 Timor-Leste 195 20 1 0.00 -95.00 Viet Nam 835,355 800,128 908,803 182,199 22,120 11.26 -87.86 AUSTRALASIA 173,800 151,950 146,557 28,133 1,476 0.75 -94.75 Australia 143,852 127,430 123,253 23,687 1,276 0.65 -94.61 New Zealand 29,948 24,520 23,304 4,446 200 0.10 -95.50 MELANESIA 393 262 543 78 3 0.00 -96.15 Fiji 393 262 543 78 3 0.00 -96.15 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 18,478 9,389 2,801 494 82 0.04 -83.40 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 18,478 9,389 2,801 494 82 0.04 -83.40 EUROPE 869,169 818,661 793,937 225,006 9,000 4.58 -96.00 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 125,169 125,989 114,076 44,187 913 0.46 -97.93 Bulgaria 2,754 2,817 2,941 943 25 0.01 -97.35 Czech Republic (Czechia) 8,352 7,000 7,073 2,341 72 0.04 -96.92 Estonia 2,864 3,240 1,450 532 11 0.01 -97.93 Hungary 5,882 5,460 6,173 2,809 35 0.02 -98.75 Kazakhstan 2,181 1,989 2,150 639 74 0.04 -88.42 Kyrgyzstan 230 293 385 149 27 0.01 -81.88 Latvia 1,505 1,495 1,355 371 3 0.00 -99.19 Lithuania 2,779 2,250 2,285 946 9 0.00 -99.05 Poland 19,426 20,758 19,618 7,610 112 0.06 -98.53 Romania 3,637 3,866 3,701 1,334 60 0.03 -95.50 Russian Federation 65,275 64,726 55,653 21,944 357 0.18 -98.37 Slovakia 3,587 4,120 3,115 1,146 25 0.01 -97.82 Ukraine 6,125 7,424 7,476 3,131 76 0.04 -97.57 Uzbekistan 572 551 701 292 27 0.01 -90.75 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 199 COUNTRY TABLES CAMBODIA / CAMBODGE / CAMBOYA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 235,971 219,964 216,345 61,661 1,773 0.90 -97.12 Denmark 13,910 12,688 11,843 4,366 126 0.06 -97.11 Finland 7,465 7,375 6,045 2,132 87 0.04 -95.92 Iceland 938 761 885 225 3 0.00 -98.67 Ireland 12,829 12,142 12,009 2,614 82 0.04 -96.86 Norway 11,491 9,463 8,306 2,812 68 0.03 -97.58 Sweden 18,176 15,140 14,080 4,728 187 0.10 -96.04 United Kingdom 1 71,162 162,395 163,177 44,784 1,220 0.62 -97.28 SOUTHERN EUROPE 99,902 95,518 101,830 20,959 574 0.29 -97.26 Croatia 1,890 2,363 1,527 559 18 0.01 -96.78 Greece 1,956 1,924 2,207 573 17 0.01 -97.03 Italy 40,329 33,979 40,916 11,058 293 0.15 -97.35 Malta 492 439 507 128 4 0.00 -96.88 Portugal 8,091 7,164 8,299 1,768 43 0.02 -97.57 Serbia 1,191 1,249 1,202 523 18 0.01 -96.56 Slovenia 1,686 1,565 1,756 545 21 0.01 -96.15 Spain 44,267 46,835 45,416 5,805 160 0.08 -97.24 WESTERN EUROPE 375,037 349,469 337,460 90,745 5,569 2.83 -93.86 Austria 11,400 11,374 10,707 3,560 90 0.05 -97.47 Belgium 21,512 18,499 19,270 4,278 226 0.12 -94.72 France 166,356 170,844 164,117 43,174 3,642 1.85 -91.56 Germany 118,265 98,976 94,371 27,280 942 0.48 -96.55 Luxembourg 1,079 690 931 186 9 0.00 -95.16 Monaco 92 93 84 27 Netherlands 32,457 28,911 28,284 6,556 302 0.15 -95.39 Switzerland 23,876 20,082 19,696 5,684 358 0.18 -93.70 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 22,050 22,154 23,110 7,197 136 0.07 -98.11 Israel 13,628 14,727 16,444 4,812 60 0.03 -98.75 Turkiye 8,422 7,427 6,666 2,385 76 0.04 -96.81 OTHER EUROPE 11,040 5,567 1,116 257 35 0.02 -86.38 Other countries of Europe 11,040 5,567 1,116 257 35 0.02 -86.38 MIDDLE EAST 5,820 5,029 6,104 1,289 143 0.07 -88.91 Egypt 809 846 1,437 280 34 0.02 -87.86 Iraq 289 577 550 111 10 0.01 -90.99 Jordan 646 495 677 157 30 0.02 -80.89 Kuwait 519 472 466 83 12 0.01 -85.54 Oman 261 259 265 51 2 0.00 -96.08 Qatar 100 117 111 17 2 0.00 -88.24 Saudi Arabia 260 321 493 90 6 0.00 -93.33 State of Palestine 117 193 114 38 2 0.00 -94.74 Syrian Arab Republic 548 480 499 85 7 0.00 -91.76 United Arab Emirates 251 248 754 102 30 0.02 -70.59 Yemen 610 653 576 251 5 0.00 -98.01 Other countries of Middle East 1,410 368 162 24 3 0.00 -87.50 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 200 COUNTRY TABLES CAMBODIA / CAMBODGE / CAMBOYA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 70,550 81,620 98,053 17,606 1,597 0.81 -90.93 Afghanistan 220 276 379 50 85 0.04 70.00 Bangladesh 2,227 3,206 7,081 1,621 195 0.10 -87.97 Bhutan 204 174 265 43 2 0.00 -95.35 India 59,571 65,882 75,286 12,919 846 0.43 -93.45 Iran, Islamic Republic of 861 1,515 1,373 304 70 0.04 -76.97 Nepal 2,823 3,102 4,011 680 101 0.05 -85.15 Pakistan 2,019 3,567 4,835 1,125 100 0.05 -91.11 Sri Lanka 2,625 3,898 4,823 864 198 0.10 -77.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 201 COUNTRY TABLES CAMEROON / CAMEROUN / CAMERUN 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 554,058 546,491 460,477 147,093 AFRICA 208,139 238,344 204,782 91,407 OTHER AFRICA 208,139 238,344 204,782 91,407 All countries of Africa 208,139 238,344 204,782 91,407 AMERICAS 39,204 32,874 25,201 5,733 NORTH AMERICA 39,204 32,874 25,201 5,733 Canada 8,795 10,222 7,574 1,542 United States of America 30,409 22,652 17,627 4,191 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,639 26,856 25,260 6,184 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,639 26,856 25,260 6,184 All countries of Asia 22,639 26,856 25,260 6,184 EUROPE 202,830 185,705 159,889 36,199 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 10,280 9,832 6,486 1,613 Russian Federation 10,280 9,832 6,486 1,613 NORTHERN EUROPE 39,492 32,423 21,503 3,277 Sweden 10,340 6,285 6,128 973 United Kingdom 29,152 26,138 15,375 2,304 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,722 10,473 11,254 1,993 Italy 10,722 10,473 11,254 1,993 WESTERN EUROPE 121,416 104,429 96,049 22,592 Belgium 34,607 22,814 14,230 3,052 France 51,472 53,114 53,012 13,627 Germany 16,759 14,246 15,304 3,186 Netherlands 5,926 5,992 5,595 1,354 Switzerland 12,652 8,263 7,908 1,373 OTHER EUROPE 20,920 28,548 24,597 6,724 Other countries of Europe 20,920 28,548 24,597 6,724 MIDDLE EAST 44,658 31,451 9,644 2,480 All countries of Middle East 44,658 31,451 9,644 2,480 NOT SPECIFIED 36,588 31,261 35,701 5,090 Other countries of the world 36,588 31,261 35,701 5,090 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 202 COUNTRY TABLES CAMEROON / CAMEROUN / CAMERUN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,203,676 1,149,654 1,111,466 324,463 AFRICA 444,621 507,698 490,244 199,514 OTHER AFRICA 444,621 507,698 490,244 199,514 All countries of Africa 444,621 507,698 490,244 199,514 AMERICAS 95,816 69,595 70,605 12,107 NORTH AMERICA 95,816 69,595 70,605 12,107 Canada 23,522 16,639 17,102 3,392 United States of America 72,294 52,956 53,503 8,715 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 59,319 65,943 61,745 14,390 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 59,319 65,943 61,745 14,390 All countries of Asia 59,319 65,943 61,745 14,390 EUROPE 484,452 419,710 413,090 84,214 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 22,971 19,072 13,035 2,871 Russian Federation 22,971 19,072 13,035 2,871 NORTHERN EUROPE 75,195 54,792 52,334 7,147 Sweden 18,220 12,032 1 7,084 2,124 United Kingdom 56,975 42,760 35,250 5,023 SOUTHERN EUROPE 24,534 27,286 30,913 4,182 Italy 24,534 27,286 30,913 4,182 WESTERN EUROPE 307,109 248,772 252,478 55,798 Belgium 83,205 35,528 28,200 6,230 France 142,959 152,873 155,815 36,193 Germany 36,268 32,716 35,150 7,134 Netherlands 14,850 11,551 15,046 2,890 Switzerland 29,827 16,104 18,267 3,351 OTHER EUROPE 54,643 69,788 64,330 14,216 Other countries of Europe 54,643 69,788 64,330 14,216 MIDDLE EAST 64,684 44,317 22,626 5,273 All countries of Middle East 64,684 44,317 22,626 5,273 NOT SPECIFIED 54,784 42,391 53,156 8,965 Other countries of the world 54,784 42,391 53,156 8,965 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 203 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 20,883,164 21,133,853 22,145,406 2,959,885 3,062,244 100.00 3.46 AFRICA 132,469 143,423 165,514 29,731 38,551 1.26 29.67 EAST AFRICA 25,301 26,102 28,933 5,745 6,560 0.21 14.19 British Indian Ocean Territory 9 60 24 Burundi 604 644 772 142 157 0.01 10.56 Comoros 154 244 228 29 131 0.00 351.72 Djibouti 228 212 229 45 93 0.00 106.67 Eritrea 450 541 515 94 106 0.00 12.77 Ethiopia 3,968 4,860 5,258 2,024 1,352 0.04 -33.20 Kenya 5,577 6,224 7,405 1,039 1,433 0.05 37.92 Madagascar 782 857 791 147 251 0.01 70.75 Malawi 367 219 319 64 45 0.00 -29.69 Mauritius 3,063 3,090 3,501 349 572 0.02 63.90 Mozambique 288 270 269 51 60 0.00 17.65 Reunion 2,020 110 137 76 Rwanda 1,060 1,209 1,555 316 501 0.02 58.54 Seychelles 71 88 111 12 19 0.00 58.33 Somalia 201 186 282 53 103 0.00 94.34 Tanzania, United Republic of 2,331 2,398 2,550 474 559 0.02 17.93 Uganda 2,185 2,842 3,033 456 747 0.02 63.82 Zambia 589 728 723 116 175 0.01 50.86 Zimbabwe 1,333 1,303 1,113 214 249 0.01 16.36 Other countries of East Africa (*) 30 68 82 20 7 0.00 -65.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 7,342 7,602 9,754 1,939 3,003 0.10 54.87 Angola 599 490 680 166 270 0.01 62.65 Cameroon 3,431 2,799 3,582 773 1,182 0.04 52.91 Central African Republic 253 606 792 138 84 0.00 -39.13 Chad 191 141 230 53 111 0.00 109.43 Congo 320 478 533 124 157 0.01 26.61 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2,014 2,561 3,312 550 1,061 0.03 92.91 Equatorial Guinea 44 37 88 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Gabon 474 470 509 121 119 0.00 -1.65 Sao Tome and Principe 16 20 28 7 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 44,501 47,770 51,796 8,970 11,746 0.38 30.95 Algeria 18,630 21,097 22,663 2,522 3,461 0.11 37.23 Morocco 17,311 19,258 20,804 3,785 4,736 0.15 25.13 South Sudan 103 116 167 29 83 0.00 186.21 Sudan 592 677 536 160 179 0.01 11.88 Tunisia 7,863 6,613 7,625 2,474 3,287 0.11 32.86 Western Sahara 2 9 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 22,884 22,752 25,314 3,551 3,753 0.12 5.69 Botswana 361 402 450 59 97 0.00 64.41 Eswatini 252 385 259 40 80 0.00 100.00 Lesotho 80 73 173 47 64 0.00 36.17 Namibia 382 439 377 44 33 0.00 -25.00 South Africa 21,809 21,453 24,055 3,361 3,479 0.11 3.51 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 204 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 32,441 39,197 49,717 9,526 13,489 0.44 41.60 Benin 762 1,168 1,059 180 242 0.01 34.44 Burkina Faso 1,096 1,322 1,645 352 417 0.01 18.47 Cabo Verde 48 85 161 24 51 0.00 112.50 Cote d'lvoire 2,536 2,891 3,864 808 1,248 0.04 54.46 Gambia 237 129 175 44 62 0.00 40.91 Ghana 3,468 4,208 6,014 884 1,016 0.03 14.93 Guinea 870 911 1,190 378 542 0.02 43.39 Guinea-Bissau 35 56 47 4 14 0.00 250.00 Liberia 131 214 183 38 42 0.00 10.53 Mali 1,066 1,055 1,303 314 392 0.01 24.84 Mauritania 138 199 243 60 64 0.00 6.67 Niger 556 382 413 84 115 0.00 36.90 Nigeria 18,139 23,662 29,789 5,594 8,035 0.26 43.64 Saint Helena 7 43 37 4 12 0.00 200.00 Senegal 2,617 2,256 2,833 621 1,054 0.03 69.73 Sierra Leone 172 126 201 54 33 0.00 -38.89 Togo 563 490 560 83 150 0.00 80.72 AMERICAS 15,150,047 15,405,491 16,085,039 2,129,669 2,279,750 74.45 7.05 CARIBBEAN 173,304 174,015 210,994 39,815 41,550 1.36 4.36 Anguilla 306 525 714 118 260 0.01 120.34 Antigua and Barbuda 1,927 2,745 3,138 424 571 0.02 34.67 Aruba 1,778 1,544 2,240 476 701 0.02 47.27 Bahamas 14,765 15,987 21,203 3,787 4,180 0.14 10.38 Barbados 15,402 14,569 17,738 1,704 2,844 0.09 66.90 Bermuda 19,468 18,376 21,713 3,654 4,188 0.14 14.61 Bonaire (*) 113 153 222 26 55 0.00 111.54 British Virgin Islands 699 653 784 122 127 0.00 4.10 Cayman Islands 8,313 8,250 10,404 1,629 1,526 0.05 -6.32 Cuba 10,649 10,657 10,910 2,557 1,961 0.06 -23.31 Curacao 874 946 1,290 248 208 0.01 -16.13 Dominica 1,032 782 872 217 244 0.01 12.44 Dominican Republic 9,327 10,684 11,254 2,353 1,950 0.06 -17.13 Grenada 1,161 1,441 1,817 275 271 0.01 -1.45 Guadeloupe 3,995 1,847 2,034 278 305 0.01 9.71 Haiti 8,956 9,617 8,185 1,665 2,008 0.07 20.60 Jamaica 32,918 33,665 47,116 13,657 14,454 0.47 5.84 Martinique 3,857 1,551 1,813 169 276 0.01 63.31 Montserrat 82 76 63 5 6 0.00 20.00 Puerto Rico 2,572 4,590 3,787 453 439 0.01 -3.09 Saint Kitts and Nevis 756 893 1,080 176 174 0.01 -1.14 Saint Lucia 2,004 1,966 2,589 495 410 0.01 -17.17 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1,260 1,412 1,851 603 394 0.01 -34.66 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 510 611 737 127 201 0.01 58.27 Trinidad and Tobago 26,909 27,247 33,844 3,846 3,003 0.10 -21.92 Turks and Caicos Islands 1,646 2,015 2,285 452 579 0.02 28.10 United States Virgin Islands 244 411 312 46 50 0.00 8.70 Other countries of the Caribbean (*) 1,781 802 999 253 165 0.01 -34.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 205 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 40,965 34,311 42,105 13,567 16,212 0.53 19.50 Belize 1,460 1,776 2,527 424 398 0.01 -6.13 Costa Rica 11,372 11,269 11,254 1,889 1,936 0.06 2.49 El Salvador 3,995 3,533 3,155 488 713 0.02 46.11 Guatemala 11,896 6,144 12,510 7,565 9,642 0.31 27.46 Honduras 2,335 2,299 2,830 630 898 0.03 42.54 Nicaragua 1,757 1,516 1,559 801 733 0.02 -8.49 Panama 8,150 7,774 8,270 1,770 1,892 0.06 6.89 NORTH AMERICA 14,642,900 14,855,256 15,501,785 2,026,872 2,182,027 71.26 7.65 Greenland 332 343 341 99 36 0.00 -63.64 Mexico 385,626 404,402 487,213 96,606 86,474 2.82 -10.49 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 15,259 10,158 9,689 1,378 2,104 0.07 52.69 United States of America 14,241,683 14,440,353 15,004,542 1,928,789 2,093,413 68.36 8.54 SOUTH AMERICA 292,878 341,909 330,155 49,415 39,961 1.30 -19.13 Argentina 25,462 29,402 21,994 3,409 1,711 0.06 -49.81 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,466 1,646 2,178 422 394 0.01 -6.64 Brazil 149,222 193,772 181,940 26,082 16,230 0.53 -37.77 Chile 34,861 31,508 29,572 5,761 3,510 0.11 -39.07 Colombia 34,445 37,482 43,730 6,130 10,682 0.35 74.26 Ecuador 6,621 7,577 9,654 1,545 2,434 0.08 57.54 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 40 48 60 9 15 0.00 66.67 French Guiana 631 323 348 56 30 0.00 -46.43 Guyana 7,277 7,602 9,147 1,156 864 0.03 -25.26 Paraguay 1,492 1,979 1,529 325 132 0.00 -59.38 Peru 16,752 18,289 18,813 3,087 2,816 0.09 -8.78 Suriname 347 482 418 72 35 0.00 -51.39 Uruguay 3,447 4,318 4,230 450 286 0.01 -36.44 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 10,808 7,473 6,532 911 822 0.03 -9.77 Other countries of South America (*) 7 8 10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,182,479 2,149,258 2,176,224 299,354 129,123 4.22 -56.87 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,562,574 1,523,797 1,512,227 207,235 85,732 2.80 -58.63 China 695,136 737,379 708,431 94,317 39,916 1.30 -57.68 Hong Kong, China 160,222 154,298 170,418 31,075 14,843 0.48 -52.23 Japan 295,333 251,235 250,688 30,509 11,318 0.37 -62.90 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 40 2,138 235 12 24 0.00 100.00 Korea, Republic of 293,862 245,757 253,639 32,102 15,358 0.50 -52.16 Macao, China 2,261 2,664 3,026 376 101 0.00 -73.14 Mongolia 920 1,148 1,262 190 220 0.01 15.79 Taiwan Province of China 114,800 129,178 124,528 18,654 3,952 0.13 -78.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 206 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 195,459 208,294 240,597 31,989 30,726 1.00 -3.95 Brunei Darussalam 689 622 1,077 122 168 0.01 37.70 Cambodia 1,238 1,393 1,690 192 249 0.01 29.69 Indonesia 26,032 25,706 27,483 2,078 1,651 0.05 -20.55 Lao People's Democratic Republic 257 314 325 36 27 0.00 -25.00 Malaysia 13,155 11,158 10,976 867 885 0.03 2.08 Myanmar 614 380 508 120 118 0.00 -1.67 Philippines 73,538 80,689 95,351 17,117 16,010 0.52 -6.47 Singapore 35,797 36,340 40,633 3,407 5,739 0.19 68.45 Thailand 17,120 18,577 20,652 2,037 2,224 0.07 9.18 Timor-Leste 291 400 41 23 0.00 -43.90 Viet Nam 27,019 32,824 41,502 5,972 3,632 0.12 -39.18 AUSTRALASIA 420,023 411,424 417,805 57,625 11,038 0.36 -80.85 Australia 357,942 348,984 351,433 48,518 9,616 0.31 -80.18 New Zealand 62,081 62,440 66,372 9,107 1,422 0.05 -84.39 MELANESIA 2,568 2,648 2,878 405 336 0.01 -17.04 Fiji 1,157 1,457 1,398 154 137 0.00 -11.04 New Caledonia 928 708 962 137 83 0.00 -39.42 Norfolk Island 10 4 Papua New Guinea 280 262 328 77 81 0.00 5.19 Solomon Islands 43 71 79 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Vanuatu 160 140 107 26 25 0.00 -3.85 MICRONESIA 586 715 941 174 197 0.01 13.22 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 19 4 Guam 223 224 126 29 34 0.00 17.24 Kiribati 10 12 46 13 49 0.00 276.92 Marshall Islands 59 75 79 7 14 0.00 100.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 84 229 353 54 49 0.00 -9.26 Nauru 22 41 43 15 9 0.00 -40.00 Northern Mariana Islands 31 68 77 12 6 0.00 -50.00 Palau 157 66 72 40 36 0.00 -10.00 Other countries of Micronesia (*) 126 POLYNESIA 1,269 2,380 1,776 1,926 1,094 0.04 -43.20 American Samoa 110 1,024 318 45 141 0.00 213.33 Cook Islands 46 80 124 21 22 0.00 4.76 French Polynesia 1,039 1,030 1,070 1,801 866 0.03 -51.92 Niue 10 57 98 16 37 0.00 131.25 Pitcairn 3 1 Samoa 31 55 70 22 5 0.00 -77.27 Tokelau 24 25 2 5 0.00 150.00 Tonga 24 71 44 12 10 0.00 -16.67 Tuvalu 5 35 22 5 8 0.00 60.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 4 4 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 207 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 2,974,935 2,943,905 3,150,313 391,639 459,934 15.02 17.44 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 171,316 177,069 199,493 36,351 29,714 0.97 -18.26 Armenia 950 1,416 2,042 394 516 0.02 30.96 Azerbaijan 733 906 1,262 197 356 0.01 80.71 Belarus 1,861 1,746 1,843 342 277 0.01 -19.01 Bulgaria 3,734 6,111 5,934 1,056 992 0.03 -6.06 Czech Republic (Czechia) 19,387 20,858 22,385 4,211 2,842 0.09 -32.51 Estonia 2,878 3,235 2,625 425 421 0.01 -0.94 Georgia 636 530 635 149 178 0.01 19.46 Hungary 14,968 13,299 13,243 1,990 1,602 0.05 -19.50 Kazakhstan 3,250 3,512 4,165 867 843 0.03 -2.77 Kyrgyzstan 390 339 480 88 84 0.00 -4.55 Latvia 2,587 2,727 3,615 534 615 0.02 15.17 Lithuania 2,848 2,797 3,774 695 472 0.02 -32.09 Moldova, Republic of 2,476 1,811 1,851 401 510 0.02 27.18 Poland 47,763 45,740 56,141 10,161 6,636 0.22 -34.69 Romania 15,331 22,194 21,295 3,018 2,920 0.10 -3.25 Russian Federation 23,710 22,752 25,922 4,655 3,959 0.13 -14.95 Slovakia 7,761 7,894 8,506 1,664 1,112 0.04 -33.17 Tajikistan 83 116 132 19 36 0.00 89.47 Turkmenistan 99 60 109 28 25 0.00 -10.71 Ukraine 19,568 18,711 23,151 5,353 5,181 0.17 -3.21 Uzbekistan 303 315 383 104 137 0.00 31.73 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,041,125 1,010,096 1,090,070 126,449 140,025 4.57 10.74 Channel Islands (*) 87 294 169 8 58 0.00 625.00 Denmark 49,088 43,918 40,276 5,381 5,561 0.18 3.35 Faeroe Islands 82 45 25 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Finland 18,036 16,339 16,992 2,970 1,793 0.06 -39.63 Iceland 10,706 10,779 10,501 1,432 1,104 0.04 -22.91 Ireland 66,203 72,649 86,613 9,395 10,167 0.33 8.22 Isle of Man 10 331 238 29 5 0.00 -82.76 Norway 27,588 25,870 26,009 3,800 3,345 0.11 -11.97 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 4 2 Sweden 51,210 48,315 46,604 7,490 6,370 0.21 -14.95 United Kingdom 818,111 791,550 862,629 95,936 111,620 3.65 16.35 Other countries of Northern Europe 0 6 12 SOUTHERN EUROPE 289,718 276,922 306,343 33,780 39,941 1.30 18.24 Albania 2,577 2,360 3,162 652 794 0.03 21.78 Andorra 466 696 683 133 270 0.01 103.01 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,181 1,339 1,337 166 243 0.01 46.39 Croatia 6,183 6,254 7,103 1,047 1,066 0.03 1.81 Gibraltar 346 375 411 59 68 0.00 15.25 Greece 13,766 12,695 12,885 1,943 2,726 0.09 40.30 Holy See 7 62 69 6 12 0.00 100.00 Italy 130,847 118,979 136,147 11,984 15,292 0.50 27.60 Malta 2,129 2,436 2,513 295 429 0.01 45.42 Montenegro 932 360 331 90 79 0.00 -12.22 North Macedonia 1,057 1,156 991 172 199 0.01 15.70 Portugal 28,723 29,970 34,587 6,089 6,376 0.21 4.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 208 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 San Marino 55 113 124 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 4,652 4,765 5,666 936 762 0.02 -18.59 Slovenia 4,749 4,621 4,757 654 440 0.01 -32.72 Spain 91,789 90,056 94,865 9,371 10,966 0.36 17.02 Other countries of Southern Europe (*) 259 685 712 167 211 0.01 26.35 WESTERN EUROPE 1,371,692 1,389,426 1,460,318 181,650 230,963 7.54 27.15 Austria 39,795 38,653 40,670 5,147 5,630 0.18 9.38 Belgium 76,019 72,539 76,495 7,910 10,798 0.35 36.51 France 577,032 604,166 663,265 95,720 120,535 3.94 25.92 Germany 401,387 405,984 415,118 40,230 53,945 1.76 34.09 Liechtenstein 457 440 413 30 46 0.00 53.33 Luxembourg 6,371 6,220 7,136 858 1,163 0.04 35.55 Monaco 1,410 1,156 1,209 269 225 0.01 -16.36 Netherlands 144,222 136,566 134,471 17,391 20,281 0.66 16.62 Switzerland 124,999 123,702 121,541 14,095 18,340 0.60 30.12 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 101,084 90,392 94,089 13,409 19,291 0.63 43.87 Cyprus 1,836 1,921 2,142 268 393 0.01 46.64 Israel 75,848 66,083 67,258 7,692 11,914 0.39 54.89 Turkiye 23,400 22,388 24,689 5,449 6,984 0.23 28.17 MIDDLE EAST 116,122 110,127 120,962 25,659 40,216 1.31 56.73 Bahrain 1,842 1,851 1,962 339 662 0.02 95.28 Egypt 15,082 14,192 15,654 3,782 3,693 0.12 -2.35 Iraq 1,470 1,513 1,917 364 558 0.02 53.30 Jordan 6,250 6,190 6,393 1,081 2,039 0.07 88.62 Kuwait 5,164 4,742 5,747 893 1,696 0.06 89.92 Lebanon 13,465 11,815 14,173 4,205 6,029 0.20 43.38 Libya 588 466 545 139 158 0.01 13.67 Oman 1,638 1,945 2,234 401 715 0.02 78.30 Qatar 6,363 6,178 8,824 1,650 3,402 0.11 106.18 Saudi Arabia 25,843 22,446 17,979 2,480 4,933 0.16 98.91 State of Palestine 131 336 452 97 163 0.01 68.04 Syrian Arab Republic 1,927 1,290 1,398 563 412 0.01 -26.82 United Arab Emirates 36,201 36,989 43,479 9,616 15,712 0.51 63.39 Yemen 158 174 205 49 44 0.00 -10.20 SOUTH ASIA 327,112 380,583 446,774 83,722 114,475 3.74 36.73 Afghanistan 1,598 3,107 5,619 959 294 0.01 -69.34 Bangladesh 8,886 9,951 12,291 2,130 3,982 0.13 86.95 Bhutan 99 201 361 72 139 0.00 93.06 India 250,633 287,416 335,207 63,416 87,171 2.85 37.46 Iran, Islamic Republic of 35,981 47,589 52,946 6,001 14,072 0.46 134.49 Maldives 48 81 99 9 26 0.00 188.89 Nepal 2,282 2,848 3,386 535 943 0.03 76.26 Pakistan 20,878 23,465 29,063 9,303 6,091 0.20 -34.53 Sri Lanka 6,707 5,925 7,802 1,297 1,757 0.06 35.47 NOT SPECIFIED 1,066 580 111 195 0.01 75.68 Other countries of the world 1,066 580 111 195 0.01 75.68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 209 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 31,080,943 31,274,284 32,429,771 5,068,350 4,282,116 100.00 -15.51 AFRICA 132,954 145,292 171,008 30,879 39,237 0.92 27.07 EAST AFRICA 25,412 26,409 29,893 5,896 6,709 0.16 13.79 British Indian Ocean Territory 9 60 24 Burundi 609 648 786 149 159 0.00 6.71 Comoros 154 245 233 29 135 0.00 365.52 Djibouti 228 213 235 48 94 0.00 95.83 Eritrea 452 541 525 96 108 0.00 12.50 Ethiopia 3,971 4,875 5,324 2,030 1,398 0.03 -31.13 Kenya 5,598 6,314 7,740 1,067 1,456 0.03 36.46 Madagascar 782 866 809 156 255 0.01 63.46 Malawi 380 221 322 68 46 0.00 -32.35 Mauritius 3,073 3,138 3,656 370 587 0.01 58.65 Mozambique 288 270 274 53 60 0.00 13.21 Reunion 2,026 110 137 76 Rwanda 1,060 1,216 1,604 322 514 0.01 59.63 Seychelles 86 95 113 13 20 0.00 53.85 Somalia 212 192 285 54 105 0.00 94.44 Tanzania, United Republic of 2,331 2,432 2,649 499 569 0.01 14.03 Uganda 2,207 2,897 3,168 479 763 0.02 59.29 Zambia 592 743 745 119 181 0.00 52.10 Zimbabwe 1,333 1,311 1,140 222 252 0.01 13.51 Other countries of East Africa (*) 30 73 88 22 7 0.00 -68.18 CENTRAL AFRICA 7,350 7,670 10,028 2,022 3,052 0.07 50.94 Angola 599 496 701 177 277 0.01 56.50 Cameroon 3,436 2,813 3,642 799 1,204 0.03 50.69 Central African Republic 253 627 871 156 85 0.00 -45.51 Chad 191 142 244 55 114 0.00 107.27 Congo 320 479 551 128 159 0.00 24.22 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2,017 2,578 3,379 565 1,072 0.03 89.73 Equatorial Guinea 44 42 91 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Gabon 474 473 520 128 122 0.00 -4.69 Sao Tome and Principe 16 20 29 7 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 44,527 48,016 52,632 9,182 11,834 0.28 28.88 Algeria 18,632 21,171 22,999 2,577 3,489 0.08 35.39 Morocco 17,332 19,388 21,135 3,871 4,769 0.11 23.20 South Sudan 103 117 175 30 85 0.00 183.33 Sudan 593 679 538 160 181 0.00 13.13 Tunisia 7,865 6,652 7,784 2,544 3,310 0.08 30.11 Western Sahara 2 9 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 23,187 23,239 26,342 3,748 3,839 0.09 2.43 Botswana 363 404 465 60 97 0.00 61.67 Eswatini 252 386 267 42 81 0.00 92.86 Lesotho 80 74 178 49 64 0.00 30.61 Namibia 384 444 388 44 33 0.00 -25.00 South Africa 22,108 21,931 25,044 3,553 3,564 0.08 0.31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 210 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 32,478 39,958 52,113 10,031 13,803 0.32 37.60 Benin 764 1,175 1,076 186 244 0.01 31.18 Burkina Faso 1,099 1,339 1,676 354 427 0.01 20.62 Cabo Verde 48 87 168 24 51 0.00 112.50 Cote d'lvoire 2,537 2,917 3,962 840 1,263 0.03 50.36 Gambia 239 130 183 45 63 0.00 40.00 Ghana 3,470 4,300 6,375 943 1,043 0.02 10.60 Guinea 872 922 1,218 389 547 0.01 40.62 Guinea-Bissau 35 56 49 4 14 0.00 250.00 Liberia 135 218 189 39 42 0.00 7.69 Mali 1,066 1,069 1,345 323 394 0.01 21.98 Mauritania 138 199 251 60 66 0.00 10.00 Niger 556 385 430 89 115 0.00 29.21 Nigeria 18,158 24,225 31,481 5,946 8,270 0.19 39.09 Saint Helena 7 44 39 5 12 0.00 140.00 Senegal 2,619 2,272 2,889 641 1,063 0.02 65.83 Sierra Leone 172 128 205 57 34 0.00 -40.35 Togo 563 492 577 86 155 0.00 80.23 AMERICAS 25,214,094 25,396,499 26,085,222 4,200,402 3,485,186 81.39 -17.03 CARIBBEAN 173,927 178,223 223,093 41,967 42,348 0.99 0.91 Anguilla 306 540 759 119 264 0.01 121.85 Antigua and Barbuda 1,930 2,798 3,314 453 584 0.01 28.92 Aruba 1,779 1,565 2,309 499 717 0.02 43.69 Bahamas 14,840 16,363 22,429 3,987 4,257 0.10 6.77 Barbados 15,489 14,916 18,640 1,769 2,896 0.07 63.71 Bermuda 19,476 18,693 22,683 3,799 4,255 0.10 12.00 Bonaire (*) 113 156 228 30 55 0.00 83.33 British Virgin Islands 699 670 848 127 131 0.00 3.15 Cayman Islands 8,313 8,435 10,942 1,712 1,561 0.04 -8.82 Cuba 10,662 10,816 11,455 2,709 1,989 0.05 -26.58 Curacao 874 961 1,345 257 210 0.00 -18.29 Dominica 1,040 795 934 238 248 0.01 4.20 Dominican Republic 9,434 10,944 11,879 2,502 1,990 0.05 -20.46 Grenada 1,161 1,472 1,869 287 282 0.01 -1.74 Guadeloupe 3,995 1,859 2,095 282 307 0.01 8.87 Haiti 9,003 9,680 8,318 1,680 2,015 0.05 19.94 Jamaica 33,063 34,669 50,218 14,284 14,683 0.34 2.79 Martinique 3,857 1,555 1,839 172 277 0.01 61.05 Montserrat 82 78 69 5 6 0.00 20.00 Puerto Rico 2,577 4,645 4,009 480 444 0.01 -7.50 Saint Kitts and Nevis 756 911 1,163 187 177 0.00 -5.35 Saint Lucia 2,005 2,007 2,723 542 420 0.01 -22.51 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1,260 1,429 1,892 696 411 0.01 -40.95 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 510 634 794 129 205 0.00 58.91 Trinidad and Tobago 27,025 28,335 36,530 4,240 3,158 0.07 -25.52 Turks and Caicos Islands 1,653 2,050 2,400 467 590 0.01 26.34 United States Virgin Islands 244 417 337 48 50 0.00 4.17 Other countries of the Caribbean (*) 1,781 830 1,072 267 166 0.00 -37.83 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 211 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 41,208 34,863 43,459 14,277 16,396 0.38 14.84 Belize 1,464 1,841 2,720 457 403 0.01 -11.82 Costa Rica 11,536 11,488 11,687 1,924 1,959 0.05 1.82 El Salvador 4,011 3,577 3,182 515 719 0.02 39.61 Guatemala 11,919 6,250 12,871 7,816 9,705 0.23 24.17 Honduras 2,341 2,335 2,936 642 917 0.02 42.83 Nicaragua 1,759 1,535 1,614 1,098 760 0.02 -30.78 Panama 8,178 7,837 8,449 1,825 1,933 0.05 5.92 NORTH AMERICA 24,703,964 24,836,184 25,477,703 4,093,155 3,385,577 79.06 -17.29 Greenland 336 350 361 100 36 0.00 -64.00 Mexico 393,349 413,218 509,855 101,081 87,443 2.04 -13.49 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 15,259 10,176 9,835 1,414 2,109 0.05 49.15 United States of America 24,295,020 24,412,440 24,957,652 3,990,560 3,295,989 76.97 -17.41 SOUTH AMERICA 294,995 347,229 340,967 51,003 40,865 0.95 -19.88 Argentina 25,708 29,775 22,631 3,498 1,754 0.04 -49.86 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,483 1,668 2,255 449 403 0.01 -10.24 Brazil 150,190 196,966 187,998 26,867 16,554 0.39 -38.39 Chile 35,147 31,890 30,380 5,909 3,616 0.08 -38.81 Colombia 34,725 37,932 44,607 6,295 10,886 0.25 72.93 Ecuador 6,655 7,698 10,147 1,614 2,556 0.06 58.36 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 40 49 63 9 16 0.00 77.78 French Guiana 631 331 374 59 32 0.00 -45.76 Guyana 7,283 7,889 9,998 1,283 904 0.02 -29.54 Paraguay 1,492 2,004 1,583 349 134 0.00 -61.60 Peru 16,902 18,455 19,213 3,170 2,847 0.07 -10.19 Suriname 347 503 451 76 38 0.00 -50.00 Uruguay 3,498 4,420 4,446 486 289 0.01 -40.53 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 10,887 7,641 6,811 939 836 0.02 -10.97 Other countries of South America (*) 7 8 10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,245,818 2,216,604 2,292,024 315,134 132,954 3.10 -57.81 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,602,282 1,566,470 1,588,219 218,901 88,452 2.07 -59.59 China 707,264 757,205 748,607 100,905 41,513 0.97 -58.86 Hong Kong, China 162,208 156,815 1 77,982 32,591 15,199 0.35 -53.36 Japan 311,324 260,755 260,374 31,626 11,473 0.27 -63.72 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 40 2,307 242 13 25 0.00 92.31 Korea, Republic of 301,476 253,236 266,767 33,859 15,880 0.37 -53.10 Macao, China 2,264 2,695 3,128 389 101 0.00 -74.04 Mongolia 923 1,170 1,327 193 225 0.01 16.58 Taiwan Province of China 116,783 132,287 129,792 19,325 4,036 0.09 -79.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 212 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 200,352 215,760 254,754 34,145 31,610 0.74 -7.42 Brunei Darussalam 689 630 1,120 126 174 0.00 38.10 Cambodia 1,240 1,405 1,772 205 258 0.01 25.85 Indonesia 27,083 26,916 28,906 2,175 1,684 0.04 -22.57 Lao People's Democratic Republic 261 323 339 38 29 0.00 -23.68 Malaysia 13,836 11,810 11,602 884 891 0.02 0.79 Myanmar 614 383 517 126 120 0.00 -4.76 Philippines 74,883 83,655 101,821 18,645 16,624 0.39 -10.84 Singapore 37,145 37,870 43,217 3,514 5,804 0.14 65.17 Thailand 17,527 19,173 21,773 2,141 2,259 0.05 5.51 Timor-Leste 306 443 44 24 0.00 -45.45 Viet Nam 27,074 33,289 43,244 6,247 3,743 0.09 -40.08 AUSTRALASIA 438,744 428,539 443,262 59,516 11,216 0.26 -81.15 Australia 374,911 363,817 373,390 50,018 9,763 0.23 -80.48 New Zealand 63,833 64,722 69,872 9,498 1,453 0.03 -84.70 MELANESIA 2,581 2,673 2,957 418 341 0.01 -18.42 Fiji 1,165 1,469 1,430 156 141 0.00 -9.62 New Caledonia 928 713 990 144 84 0.00 -41.67 Norfolk Island 10 4 Papua New Guinea 312 264 344 80 81 0.00 1.25 Solomon Islands 11 74 81 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Vanuatu 165 143 108 27 25 0.00 -7.41 MICRONESIA 590 735 993 190 210 0.00 10.53 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 19 4 Guam 223 227 132 29 35 0.00 20.69 Kiribati 14 15 46 14 58 0.00 314.29 Marshall Islands 59 79 79 9 17 0.00 88.89 Micronesia, Federated States of 84 235 381 56 49 0.00 -12.50 Nauru 22 42 47 15 9 0.00 -40.00 Northern Mariana Islands 31 71 80 14 6 0.00 -57.14 Palau 157 66 83 49 36 0.00 -26.53 Other countries of Micronesia (*) 126 POLYNESIA 1,269 2,427 1,839 1,964 1,125 0.03 -42.72 American Samoa 110 1,031 329 46 143 0.00 210.87 Cook Islands 46 83 126 23 22 0.00 -4.35 French Polynesia 1,039 1,063 1,110 1,830 895 0.02 -51.09 Niue 10 59 105 18 37 0.00 105.56 Pitcairn 3 1 Samoa 31 55 71 24 5 0.00 -79.17 Tokelau 24 25 2 5 0.00 150.00 Tonga 24 72 45 14 10 0.00 -28.57 Tuvalu 5 36 23 5 8 0.00 60.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 4 4 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 213 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 3,035,849 3,011,549 3,284,713 406,780 465,811 10.88 14.51 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 172,919 180,232 206,537 37,666 30,168 0.70 -19.91 Armenia 950 1,432 2,131 406 531 0.01 30.79 Azerbaijan 733 918 1,325 202 363 0.01 79.70 Belarus 1,861 1,764 1,895 363 282 0.01 -22.31 Bulgaria 3,743 6,203 6,132 1,095 1,006 0.02 -8.13 Czech Republic (Czechia) 19,739 21,402 23,379 4,423 2,887 0.07 -34.73 Estonia 2,892 3,269 2,708 443 430 0.01 -2.93 Georgia 636 534 677 153 181 0.00 18.30 Hungary 15,435 13,576 13,922 2,065 1,633 0.04 -20.92 Kazakhstan 3,253 3,566 4,310 896 862 0.02 -3.79 Kyrgyzstan 390 341 503 94 88 0.00 -6.38 Latvia 2,653 2,916 3,783 552 627 0.01 13.59 Lithuania 2,872 2,833 3,932 732 475 0.01 -35.11 Moldova, Republic of 2,476 1,821 1,906 408 514 0.01 25.98 Poland 48,190 46,316 57,089 10,335 6,744 0.16 -34.75 Romania 15,370 22,405 21,924 3,133 2,946 0.07 -5.97 Russian Federation 23,876 23,297 27,002 4,836 4,013 0.09 -17.02 Slovakia 7,773 8,043 8,784 1,713 1,127 0.03 -34.21 Tajikistan 83 119 136 19 36 0.00 89.47 Turkmenistan 102 61 112 32 26 0.00 -18.75 Ukraine 19,587 19,093 24,489 5,654 5,259 0.12 -6.99 Uzbekistan 305 323 398 112 138 0.00 23.21 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,062,096 1,037,159 1,147,665 133,004 142,098 3.32 6.84 Channel Islands (*) 87 294 170 8 59 0.00 637.50 Denmark 49,640 44,696 41,457 5,515 5,625 0.13 1.99 Faeroe Islands 82 45 25 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Finland 18,218 16,769 17,873 3,116 1,809 0.04 -41.94 Iceland 10,727 11,116 11,676 1,572 1,143 0.03 -27.29 Ireland 67,263 74,666 91,739 9,947 10,337 0.24 3.92 Isle of Man 10 332 238 29 5 0.00 -82.76 Norway 27,938 26,367 27,179 3,916 3,376 0.08 -13.79 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 4 2 Sweden 51,825 49,248 48,295 7,708 6,441 0.15 -16.44 United Kingdom 836,302 813,620 908,999 101,185 113,301 2.65 11.97 Other countries of Northern Europe (*) 6 12 SOUTHERN EUROPE 304,938 287,184 322,368 35,058 40,532 0.95 15.61 Albania 2,578 2,401 3,304 662 807 0.02 21.90 Andorra 471 702 709 138 272 0.01 97.10 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,181 1,357 1,372 170 249 0.01 46.47 Croatia 6,195 6,326 7,370 1,072 1,093 0.03 1.96 Gibraltar 346 379 427 61 72 0.00 18.03 Greece 14,079 12,915 13,332 1,997 2,773 0.06 38.86 Holy See 7 63 69 6 12 0.00 100.00 Italy 139,773 124,498 144,117 12,372 15,497 0.36 25.26 Malta 2,148 2,489 2,632 306 435 0.01 42.16 Montenegro 1,004 364 337 95 79 0.00 -16.84 North Macedonia 1,057 1,165 1,019 176 202 0.00 14.77 Portugal 28,991 30,652 36,490 6,518 6,506 0.15 -0.18 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 214 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 San Marino 56 115 126 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 4,890 4,818 5,860 969 777 0.02 -19.81 Slovenia 4,772 4,661 4,967 662 441 0.01 -33.38 Spain 97,124 93,504 99,516 9,670 11,094 0.26 14.73 Other countries of Southern Europe (*) 266 775 721 168 215 0.01 27.98 WESTERN EUROPE 1,392,969 1,414,378 1,509,815 187,236 233,361 5.45 24.63 Austria 40,372 39,365 42,144 5,249 5,690 0.13 8.40 Belgium 76,742 73,576 78,430 8,100 10,870 0.25 34.20 France 582,468 611,369 679,715 97,923 121,420 2.84 24.00 Germany 412,645 416,681 433,728 41,335 54,576 1.27 32.03 Liechtenstein 457 443 424 30 46 0.00 53.33 Luxembourg 6,391 6,313 7,354 877 1,170 0.03 33.41 Monaco 1,410 1,165 1,226 275 227 0.01 -17.45 Netherlands 146,060 140,016 141,344 19,100 20,891 0.49 9.38 Switzerland 126,424 125,450 125,450 14,347 18,471 0.43 28.74 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 102,927 92,596 98,328 13,816 19,652 0.46 42.24 Cyprus 1,845 1,944 2,227 274 397 0.01 44.89 Israel 77,604 68,053 70,890 7,977 12,116 0.28 51.89 Turkiye 23,478 22,599 25,211 5,565 7,139 0.17 28.28 MIDDLE EAST 116,734 111,455 124,879 26,633 41,204 0.96 54.71 Bahrain 1,852 1,873 2,050 349 675 0.02 93.41 Egypt 15,137 14,320 15,952 3,821 3,773 0.09 -1.26 Iraq 1,479 1,532 1,950 369 565 0.01 53.12 Jordan 6,263 6,260 6,594 1,109 2,066 0.05 86.29 Kuwait 5,184 4,810 5,978 931 1,721 0.04 84.85 Lebanon 13,552 11,907 14,510 4,284 6,067 0.14 41.62 Libya 593 469 558 143 162 0.00 13.29 Oman 1,638 1,974 2,318 418 732 0.02 75.12 Qatar 6,370 6,248 9,115 1,829 3,448 0.08 88.52 Saudi Arabia 25,911 22,786 18,618 2,577 5,042 0.12 95.65 State of Palestine 131 342 470 100 167 0.00 67.00 Syrian Arab Republic 1,935 1,309 1,427 575 418 0.01 -27.30 United Arab Emirates 36,210 37,442 45,125 10,078 16,324 0.38 61.98 Yemen 479 183 214 50 44 0.00 -12.00 SOUTH ASIA 335,494 391,812 471,327 88,406 117,523 2.74 32.94 Afghanistan 1,598 3,217 6,150 1,055 319 0.01 -69.76 Bangladesh 8,903 10,179 12,988 2,250 4,073 0.10 81.02 Bhutan 99 205 391 77 145 0.00 88.31 India 258,362 296,851 353,779 66,301 89,489 2.09 34.97 Iran, Islamic Republic of 36,063 47,950 54,342 6,173 14,253 0.33 130.89 Maldives 49 83 101 9 27 0.00 200.00 Nepal 2,284 2,917 3,601 568 963 0.02 69.54 Pakistan 21,343 24,303 31,746 10,617 6,461 0.15 -39.14 Sri Lanka 6,793 6,107 8,229 1,356 1,793 0.04 32.23 NOT SPECIFIED 1,073 598 116 201 0.00 73.28 Other countries of the world 1,073 598 116 201 0.00 73.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 215 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 182,716,100 188,762,200 208,216,200 AFRICA 3,405,400 3,941,200 5,495,400 NORTH AFRICA 1,296,000 1,422,200 1,912,100 All countries of North Africa 1,296,000 1,422,200 1,912,100 OTHER AFRICA 2,109,400 2,519,000 3,583,300 Other countries of Africa 2,109,400 2,519,000 3,583,300 AMERICAS 81,999,100 84,971,000 95,056,700 CARIBBEAN 2,912,700 3,085,500 4,619,800 All countries of the Caribbean 2,912,700 3,085,500 4,619,800 NORTH AMERICA 72,037,500 75,303,000 83,289,900 Mexico 6,143,800 6,331,300 8,176,700 United States of America 65,842,100 68,952,000 75,085,200 Other countries of North America 51,600 19,700 28,000 SOUTH AMERICA 3,230,400 3,682,600 3,993,200 Brazil 3,230,400 3,682,600 3,993,200 OTHER AMERICAS 3,818,500 2,899,900 3,153,800 Other countries of the Americas 3,818,500 2,899,900 3,153,800 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 48,277,600 48,506,800 50,131,600 NORHT-EAST ASIA 30,476,900 30,639,300 30,767,700 China (*) 19,865,800 21,595,600 21,918,000 Hong Kong, China 2,279,200 2,505,200 2,488,300 Japan 3,596,600 3,244,300 3,520,900 Korea, Republic of 4,735,300 3,294,200 2,840,500 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,857,300 4,632,000 5,253,100 Philippines 1,871,600 1,913,300 2,592,100 Other countries of South-East Asia 1,985,700 2,718,700 2,661,000 AUSTRALASIA 7,567,300 6,793,800 6,945,500 Australia 6,746,100 6,056,700 6,093,500 New Zealand 821,200 737,100 852,000 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,376,100 6,441,700 7,165,300 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 6,376,100 6,441,700 7,165,300 EUROPE 39,382,400 41,402,200 44,588,100 NORTHERN EUROPE 10,920,700 11,592,400 12,749,400 United Kingdom (*) 8,933,600 9,379,700 10,801,600 Scandinavia 1,987,100 2,212,700 1,947,800 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,602,200 1,721,400 1,703,500 Italy (*) 1,602,200 1,721,400 1,703,500 WESTERN EUROPE 18,526,600 19,901,000 21,580,000 Belgium 910,400 902,500 945,500 France (*) 8,514,000 9,431,800 10,587,200 Germany 5,401,800 5,888,500 6,425,400 Netherlands 1,851,100 1,818,100 1,827,000 Switzerland (*) 1,849,300 1,860,100 1,794,900 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 216 COUNTRY TABLES CANADA / CANADA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 903,700 695,000 655,600 Israel 903,700 695,000 655,600 OTHER EUROPE 7,429,200 7,492,400 7,899,600 Other countries of Europe 7,429,200 7,492,400 7,899,600 SOUTH ASIA 9,651,600 9,941,000 12,944,400 India 9,651,600 9,941,000 12,944,400 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 217 COUNTRY TABLES CAYMAN ISLANDS / ILES CAIMANES / ISLAS CAIMAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 418,403 463,001 502,739 121,819 17,308 100.00 -85.79 AFRICA 982 884 1,036 193 137 0.79 -29.02 EAST AFRICA 258 177 317 61 45 0.26 -26.23 British Indian Ocean Territory 167 87 172 45 31 0.18 -31.11 Comoros 4 Ethiopia 1 Kenya 25 27 33 2 3 0.02 50.00 Malawi 3 1 Mauritius 20 8 34 4 6 0.03 50.00 Mozambique 1 1 Reunion 1 Rwanda 1 Seychelles 2 6 4 Somalia 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 2 1 0.01 Uganda 21 30 36 3 1 0.01 -66.67 Zambia 4 4 Zimbabwe 16 18 27 2 3 0.02 50.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 15 3 9 1 0.01 Angola 3 2 Cameroon 1 8 Gabon 11 1 1 1 0.01 NORTH AFRICA 8 4 5 1 0.01 Morocco 6 4 4 Tunisia 2 1 1 0.01 SOUTHERN AFRICA 686 673 631 128 87 0.50 -32.03 Botswana 1 1 8 Eswatini 2 15 15 5 2 0.01 -60.00 Lesotho 1 1 Namibia 3 22 11 South Africa 679 634 597 123 85 0.49 -30.89 WEST AFRICA 15 27 74 4 3 0.02 -25.00 Benin 1 Cote d'lvoire 1 Ghana 3 8 16 1 Mali 1 Nigeria 10 17 52 2 3 0.02 50.00 Senegal 5 Sierra Leone 1 1 Togo 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 218 COUNTRY TABLES CAYMAN ISLANDS / ILES CAIMANES / ISLAS CAIMAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 388,982 435,570 473,813 114,467 14,195 82.01 -87.60 CARIBBEAN 15,471 15,501 17,380 2,237 1,680 9.71 -24.90 Anguilla 39 38 74 17 Antigua and Barbuda 40 74 102 15 5 0.03 -66.67 Bahamas 1,225 1,028 1,253 195 59 0.34 -69.74 Barbados 628 654 767 111 111 0.64 Bermuda 673 815 812 136 15 0.09 -88.97 British Virgin Islands 379 134 129 19 3 0.02 -84.21 Cuba 1,363 928 929 261 220 1.27 -15.71 Dominica 17 14 44 5 1 0.01 -80.00 Dominican Republic 205 244 286 39 48 0.28 23.08 Grenada 40 29 89 5 2 0.01 -60.00 Guadeloupe 5 2 5 Haiti 144 46 43 8 9 0.05 12.50 Jamaica 9,393 10,110 10,958 1,151 1,135 6.56 -1.39 Martinique 9 4 Montserrat 16 8 16 2 Netherlands Antilles 1 12 2 1 0.01 Puerto Rico 54 47 44 4 4 0.02 Saint Kitts and Nevis 55 51 62 4 3 0.02 -25.00 Saint Lucia 81 117 116 9 3 0.02 -66.67 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 42 37 63 5 3 0.02 -40.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 89 14 21 2 Trinidad and Tobago 711 749 1,207 166 39 0.23 -76.51 Turks and Caicos Islands 213 297 321 77 19 0.11 -75.32 United States Virgin Islands 58 44 33 6 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,970 4,288 4,040 984 881 5.09 -10.47 Belize 130 143 149 18 24 0.14 33.33 Costa Rica 207 266 292 80 30 0.17 -62.50 El Salvador 57 70 26 1 3 0.02 200.00 Guatemala 33 60 57 6 1 0.01 -83.33 Honduras 3,099 3,162 2,989 800 793 4.58 -0.88 Nicaragua 199 301 247 17 18 0.10 5.88 Panama 243 282 279 62 12 0.07 -80.65 Other countries of Central America 2 4 1 NORTH AMERICA 366,291 412,505 449,409 110,607 11,395 65.84 -89.70 Canada 24,757 26,603 30,128 11,356 1,802 10.41 -84.13 Greenland 2 Mexico 577 583 669 137 65 0.38 -52.55 United States of America 340,955 385,319 418,612 99,114 9,528 55.05 -90.39 SOUTH AMERICA 3,250 3,276 2,984 639 239 1.38 -62.60 Argentina 935 1,099 848 215 41 0.24 -80.93 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 42 48 38 1 0.01 Brazil 1,194 933 861 209 41 0.24 -80.38 Chile 145 237 160 48 9 0.05 -81.25 Colombia 245 186 267 51 72 0.42 41.18 Ecuador 93 102 91 9 1 0.01 -88.89 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 5 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 219 COUNTRY TABLES CAYMAN ISLANDS / ILES CAIMANES / ISLAS CAIMAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guyana 210 190 269 28 31 0.18 10.71 Paraguay 4 27 6 1 0.01 Peru 207 208 227 39 18 0.10 -53.85 Suriname 13 14 32 4 Uruguay 36 31 38 4 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 126 196 144 32 24 0.14 -25.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,808 2,322 2,532 460 116 0.67 -74.78 NORHT-EAST ASIA 772 639 766 143 22 0.13 -84.62 China 250 230 303 63 5 0.03 -92.06 Hong Kong, China 147 135 141 31 7 0.04 -77.42 Japan 305 191 193 34 2 0.01 -94.12 Korea, Republic of 16 28 32 8 0.05 Macao, China 1 2 Mongolia 31 26 59 9 Taiwan Province of China 22 29 36 6 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 340 322 348 54 36 0.21 -33.33 Brunei Darussalam 4 2 Cambodia 1 1 0.01 Indonesia 12 13 15 6 2 0.01 -66.67 Malaysia 25 21 63 1 3 0.02 200.00 Myanmar 1 1 Philippines 167 139 135 31 26 0.15 -16.13 Singapore 102 110 116 14 2 0.01 -85.71 Thailand 15 32 10 1 0.01 Viet Nam 13 6 7 2 1 0.01 -50.00 AUSTRALASIA 1,686 1,353 1,403 261 58 0.34 -77.78 Australia 1,303 1,041 1,075 211 44 0.25 -79.15 New Zealand 383 312 328 50 14 0.08 -72.00 MELANESIA 3 2 6 2 Fiji 3 1 3 Norfolk Island 1 Papua New Guinea 1 Vanuatu 2 2 MICRONESIA 5 2 4 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2 Guam 4 2 Kiribati 1 Marshall Islands 2 POLYNESIA 2 4 5 American Samoa 1 1 Niue 1 Samoa 1 2 3 Tonga 1 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 220 COUNTRY TABLES CAYMAN ISLANDS / ILES CAIMANES / ISLAS CAIMAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 24,494 23,075 24,323 6,390 2,741 15.84 -57.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 922 894 917 368 66 0.38 -82.07 Armenia 1 1 Azerbaijan 2 Belarus 4 3 3 4 Bulgaria 35 36 59 13 4 0.02 -69.23 Czech Republic 198 234 167 77 15 0.09 -80.52 Estonia 38 17 14 5 4 0.02 -20.00 Georgia 3 5 Hungary 132 123 115 51 6 0.03 -88.24 Kazakhstan 1 2 2 1 1 0.01 Latvia 31 18 10 15 Lithuania 25 25 40 18 5 0.03 -72.22 Moldova, Republic of 2 2 Poland 203 204 247 111 13 0.08 -88.29 Romania 49 46 78 30 3 0.02 -90.00 Russian Federation 65 67 60 13 6 0.03 -53.85 Slovakia 105 75 81 20 8 0.05 -60.00 Turkmenistan 2 2 Ukraine 31 32 32 10 1 0.01 -90.00 Uzbekistan 1 1 3 Other countries Central/East Europe 1 NORTHERN EUROPE 16,423 16,119 16,963 4,368 2,167 12.52 -50.39 Denmark 280 210 238 77 19 0.11 -75.32 Finland 150 153 139 35 8 0.05 -77.14 Iceland 14 17 30 4 2 0.01 -50.00 Ireland 1,242 1,345 1,396 371 195 1.13 -47.44 Isle of Man 4 11 12 2 1 0.01 -50.00 Norway 266 259 198 62 14 0.08 -77.42 Sweden 450 370 367 82 25 0.14 -69.51 United Kingdom 14,017 13,754 14,583 3,735 1,903 10.99 -49.05 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,646 2,214 2,305 519 195 1.13 -62.43 Albania 2 4 Andorra 36 19 18 5 9 0.05 80.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 4 1 1 Croatia 15 19 11 2 2 0.01 Gibraltar 5 4 11 2 0.01 Greece 91 88 98 15 6 0.03 -60.00 Holy See 1 Italy 1,492 1,306 1,401 328 80 0.46 -75.61 Malta 10 19 17 8 2 0.01 -75.00 North Macedonia 3 2 Portugal 150 107 131 42 20 0.12 -52.38 Serbia 23 26 25 4 5 0.03 25.00 Slovenia 29 26 11 5 3 0.02 -40.00 Spain 790 594 575 109 66 0.38 -39.45 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 221 COUNTRY TABLES CAYMAN ISLANDS / ILES CAIMANES / ISLAS CAIMAN 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,233 3,620 3,894 1,061 281 1.62 -73.52 Austria 325 282 249 128 23 0.13 -82.03 Belgium 155 179 140 51 6 0.03 -88.24 France 862 820 943 243 53 0.31 -78.19 Germany 1,426 1,117 1,100 291 95 0.55 -67.35 Liechtenstein 2 1 9 2 Luxembourg 57 43 42 4 4 0.02 Monaco 42 30 40 13 1 0.01 -92.31 Netherlands 674 519 665 175 57 0.33 -67.43 Switzerland 690 629 706 154 42 0.24 -72.73 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 270 228 244 74 32 0.18 -56.76 Cyprus 14 24 25 8 2 0.01 -75.00 Israel 217 186 185 57 27 0.16 -52.63 Türkiye 39 18 34 9 3 0.02 -66.67 MIDDLE EAST 255 235 208 114 10 0.06 -91.23 Bahrain 10 1 5 1 Egypt 11 12 9 Iraq 1 Jordan 2 1 4 Kuwait 13 10 4 2 Lebanon 9 13 10 2 2 0.01 Oman 9 7 2 1 0.01 Qatar 21 31 19 2 1 0.01 -50.00 Saudi Arabia 125 127 111 89 2 0.01 -97.75 Syrian Arab Republic 1 United Arab Emirates 55 32 43 18 4 0.02 -77.78 SOUTH ASIA 339 363 396 71 73 0.42 2.82 Bangladesh 2 Bhutan 2 India 292 331 372 68 66 0.38 -2.94 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 2 1 2 0.01 Maldives 3 1 0.01 Nepal 7 10 7 1 4 0.02 300.00 Pakistan 25 6 2 2 Sri Lanka 14 10 11 NOT SPECIFIED 543 552 431 124 36 0.21 -70.97 Other countries of the world 543 552 431 124 36 0.21 -70.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 222 COUNTRY TABLES CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE / REPUBLICA CENTROAFRICANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 106,669 109,193 87,263 34,625 AFRICA 50,600 48,312 43,374 22,960 EAST AFRICA 4,004 5,044 4,565 2,163 Rwanda 2,001 3,201 3,547 2,066 Other countries of East Africa 2,003 1,843 1,018 97 CENTRAL AFRICA 23,981 22,325 21,425 12,840 Cameroon 7,953 8,025 8,913 6,531 Chad 418 298 599 455 Congo 5,894 6,135 5,030 2,643 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 6,855 5,375 4,831 1,711 Gabon 1,317 1,241 1,007 423 Other countries of Central Africa 1,544 1,251 1,045 1,077 NORTH AFRICA 1,513 1,211 1,332 859 Sudan 305 213 188 122 Other countries of North Africa 1,208 998 1,144 737 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,784 3,972 3,233 710 South Africa 1,907 966 1,022 88 Other countries of Southern Africa 3,877 3,006 2,211 622 WEST AFRICA 7,306 8,627 7,298 5,244 Benin 1,078 857 1,071 979 Cote d'lvoire 951 1,108 1,095 661 Mali 954 1,009 679 338 Nigeria 1,422 1,511 1,475 1,619 Senegal 1,044 1,424 1,137 644 Togo 802 744 767 67 Other countries of West Africa 1,055 1,974 1,074 936 OTHER AFRICA 8,012 7,133 5,521 1,144 Other countries of Africa 8,012 7,133 5,521 1,144 AMERICAS 3,400 3,466 2,794 720 NORTH AMERICA 2,510 2,557 2,079 43 Canada 1,506 1,220 908 24 United States of America 1,004 1,337 1,171 19 OTHER AMERICAS 890 909 715 677 Other countries of the Americas 890 909 715 677 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,440 8,328 5,071 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,029 4,451 2,024 China 3,015 3,543 1,212 Japan 1,014 908 812 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,411 3,877 3,047 Other countries of Asia 4,411 3,877 3,047 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 223 COUNTRY TABLES CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE / REPUBLICA CENTROAFRICANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 33,088 36,703 28,526 8,011 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,105 1,267 1,935 255 United Kingdom 1,105 1,267 1,935 255 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,905 2,108 1,551 305 Italy 1,905 2,108 1,551 305 WESTERN EUROPE 23,663 27,740 21,929 6,333 Belgium 3,055 4,033 3,722 409 France 14,302 16,394 14,504 5,459 Germany 5,407 6,511 3,041 447 Switzerland 899 802 662 18 OTHER EUROPE 6,415 5,588 3,111 1,118 Other countries of Europe 6,415 5,588 3,111 1,118 MIDDLE EAST 8,483 8,967 5,321 1,029 Lebanon 6,078 5,845 3,588 588 Other countries of Middle East 2,405 3,122 1,733 441 NOT SPECIFIED 2,658 3,417 2,177 1,905 Other countries of the world 2,658 3,417 2,177 1,905 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 224 COUNTRY TABLES CHAD / TCHAD 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 87,219 76,966 78,876 11,323 40,280 100.00 255.74 AFRICA 39,706 45,468 45,331 9,519 21,314 52.91 123.91 OTHER AFRICA 39,706 45,468 45,331 9,519 21,314 52.91 123.91 All countries of Africa 39,706 45,468 45,331 9,519 21,314 52.91 123.91 AMERICAS 8,165 12,201 10,579 294 398 0.99 35.37 OTHER AMERICAS 8,165 12,201 10,579 294 398 0.99 35.37 All countries of the Americas 8,165 12,201 10,579 294 398 0.99 35.37 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,862 5,426 5,289 447 2,572 6.39 475.39 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,862 5,426 5,289 447 2,572 6.39 475.39 All countries East Asia/Pacific 14,862 5,426 5,289 447 2,572 6.39 475.39 EUROPE 23,308 9,237 17,677 780 14,234 35.34 1,724.87 OTHER EUROPE 23,308 9,237 17,677 780 14,234 35.34 1,724.87 All countries of Europe 23,308 9,237 17,677 780 14,234 35.34 1,724.87 MIDDLE EAST 1,178 4,634 283 950 2.36 235.69 All countries of Middle East 1,178 4,634 283 950 2.36 235.69 NOT SPECIFIED 812 2.02 Other countries of the world 812 2.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 225 COUNTRY TABLES CHAD / TCHAD 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 62,539 81,458 10,499 31,466 100.00 199.70 AFRICA 34,307 39,994 7,694 17,232 54.76 123.97 OTHER AFRICA 34,307 39,994 7,694 17,232 54.76 123.97 All countries of Africa 34,307 39,994 7,694 17,232 54.76 123.97 AMERICAS 9,930 8,000 164 315 1.00 92.07 OTHER AMERICAS 9,930 8,000 164 315 1.00 92.07 All countries of the Americas 9,930 8,000 164 315 1.00 92.07 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,127 4,629 275 1,920 6.10 598.18 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,127 4,629 275 1,920 6.10 598.18 All countries East Asia/Pacific 4,127 4,629 275 1,920 6.10 598.18 EUROPE 7,995 14,454 534 10,492 33.34 1,864.79 OTHER EUROPE 7,995 14,454 534 10,492 33.34 1,864.79 All countries of Europe 7,995 14,454 534 10,492 33.34 1,864.79 MIDDLE EAST 1,735 140 704 2.24 402.86 All countries of Middle East 1,735 140 704 2.24 402.86 NOT SPECIFIED 4,445 14,381 1,692 803 2.55 -52.54 Other countries of the world 4,445 14,381 1,692 803 2.55 -52.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 226 COUNTRY TABLES CHAD / TCHAD 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 77,848 94,917 14,312 44,011 100.00 207.51 AFRICA 45,468 45,331 9,519 22,162 50.36 132.82 OTHER AFRICA 45,468 45,331 9,519 22,162 50.36 132.82 All countries of Africa 45,468 45,331 9,519 22,162 50.36 132.82 AMERICAS 12,201 10,579 294 814 1.85 176.87 OTHER AMERICAS 12,201 10,579 294 814 1.85 176.87 All countries of the Americas 12,201 10,579 294 814 1.85 176.87 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,426 5,289 447 3,233 7.35 623.27 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,426 5,289 447 3,233 7.35 623.27 All countries East Asia/Pacific 5,426 5,289 447 3,233 7.35 623.27 EUROPE 9,237 17,677 780 15,502 35.22 1,887.44 OTHER EUROPE 9,237 17,677 780 15,502 35.22 1,887.44 All countries of Europe 9,237 17,677 780 15,502 35.22 1,887.44 MIDDLE EAST 4,634 283 312 0.71 10.25 All countries of Middle East 4,634 283 312 0.71 10.25 NOT SPECIFIED 882 16,041 2,989 1,988 4.52 -33.49 Other countries of the world 882 16,041 2,989 1,988 4.52 -33.49 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 227 COUNTRY TABLES CHILE / CHILI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 6,449,883 5,722,928 4,517,962 1,119,094 190,022 100.00 -83.02 AFRICA 4,557 4,749 5,107 919 130 0.07 -85.85 EAST AFRICA 285 257 205 34 2 0.00 -94.12 Kenya 63 72 85 14 2 0.00 -85.71 Somalia 1 2 1 Zimbabwe 221 183 119 20 CENTRAL AFRICA 22 28 47 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Angola 22 28 47 8 1 0.00 -87.50 NORTH AFRICA 396 349 544 45 7 0.00 -84.44 Algeria 55 45 241 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Morocco 236 251 223 22 4 0.00 -81.82 Tunisia 105 53 80 18 2 0.00 -88.89 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,116 3,446 3,607 662 95 0.05 -85.65 South Africa 3,116 3,446 3,607 662 95 0.05 -85.65 WEST AFRICA 112 108 169 18 10 0.01 -44.44 Cabo Verde 12 16 16 1 Ghana 39 30 47 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Nigeria 61 62 106 15 9 0.00 -40.00 OTHER AFRICA 626 561 535 152 15 0.01 -90.13 Other countries of Africa 626 561 535 152 15 0.01 -90.13 AMERICAS 5,615,413 4,832,392 3,618,233 873,811 137,923 72.58 -84.22 CARIBBEAN 120,764 42,356 6,439 1,877 445 0.23 -76.29 Bahamas 117 191 91 26 Barbados 85 90 91 39 2 0.00 -94.87 Cuba 3,340 2,827 2,243 839 64 0.03 -92.37 Dominica 76 61 31 8 Dominican Republic 4,437 3,322 2,559 632 187 0.10 -70.41 Grenada 28 39 47 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Haiti 111,430 34,840 590 125 164 0.09 31.20 Jamaica 236 292 246 41 16 0.01 -60.98 Puerto Rico 31 36 30 6 Saint Lucia 37 49 38 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 46 48 48 9 Trinidad and Tobago 264 260 238 43 4 0.00 -90.70 Other countries of the Caribbean 637 301 187 94 5 0.00 -94.68 CENTRAL AMERICA 22,286 23,447 23,094 4,284 1,378 0.73 -67.83 Belize 216 170 148 33 6 0.00 -81.82 Costa Rica 7,973 9,977 10,098 1,969 411 0.22 -79.13 El Salvador 2,656 2,547 2,435 443 192 0.10 -56.66 Guatemala 3,355 3,166 3,417 539 201 0.11 -62.71 Honduras 1,549 1,788 1,638 354 172 0.09 -51.41 Nicaragua 976 1,087 1,015 170 107 0.06 -37.06 Panama 5,561 4,712 4,343 776 289 0.15 -62.76 NORTH AMERICA 299,423 315,406 318,059 84,150 22,556 11.87 -73.20 Canada 39,639 42,881 43,329 13,109 1,863 0.98 -85.79 Mexico 48,051 50,1 70 49,989 8,996 3,081 1.62 -65.75 United States of America 211,718 222,355 224,741 62,045 17,612 9.27 -71.61 Other countries of North America 15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 228 COUNTRY TABLES CHILE / CHILI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 5,172,940 4,451,183 3,270,641 783,500 113,544 59.75 -85.51 Argentina 3,323,771 2,422,235 1,435,467 414,457 20,912 11.01 -94.95 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 479,690 541,294 467,699 133,426 3,653 1.92 -97.26 Brazil 544,857 589,1 72 542,094 77,872 13,665 7.19 -82.45 Colombia 133,341 132,515 131,818 32,696 35,903 18.89 9.81 Ecuador 42,935 41,126 41,798 9,748 6,101 3.21 -37.41 Guyana 109 122 101 22 4 0.00 -81.82 Paraguay 27,850 24,967 21,064 5,225 1,343 0.71 -74.30 Peru 394,204 388,942 410,692 97,806 27,257 14.34 -72.13 Suriname 109 96 85 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Uruguay 69,912 69,647 57,677 9,199 1,595 0.84 -82.66 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 156,150 241,067 162,146 3,038 3,110 1.64 2.37 Other countries of South America 12 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 140,278 150,711 150,872 34,815 1,828 0.96 -94.75 NORHT-EAST ASIA 70,103 78,269 77,362 17,122 1,479 0.78 -91.36 China 30,774 34,583 36,170 5,798 925 0.49 -84.05 Japan 16,998 16,511 16,691 4,258 220 0.12 -94.83 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 40 Korea, Republic of 20,410 22,994 19,975 6,150 301 0.16 -95.11 Mongolia 128 89 86 30 2 0.00 -93.33 Taiwan Province of China 1,753 4,092 4,440 886 31 0.02 -96.50 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 6,137 7,576 9,362 1,515 127 0.07 -91.62 Brunei Darussalam 13 13 57 1 Cambodia 37 22 19 4 Indonesia 796 1,048 1,307 244 33 0.02 -86.48 Lao People's Democratic Republic 5 3 5 Malaysia 1,653 1,639 1,965 314 26 0.01 -91.72 Myanmar 17 19 30 4 Philippines 684 678 867 163 17 0.01 -89.57 Singapore 1,398 2,004 2,189 272 15 0.01 -94.49 Thailand 1,212 1,336 1,671 246 16 0.01 -93.50 Viet Nam 322 814 1,252 267 20 0.01 -92.51 AUSTRALASIA 62,316 63,357 62,537 15,732 209 0.11 -98.67 Australia 51,978 52,653 51,640 13,750 146 0.08 -98.94 New Zealand 10,338 10,704 10,897 1,982 63 0.03 -96.82 POLYNESIA 3 4 1 Samoa 3 4 1 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,719 1,505 1,610 446 13 0.01 -97.09 Other countries of Asia 1,640 1,406 1,421 399 12 0.01 -96.99 Other countries of Oceania 79 99 189 47 1 0.00 -97.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 229 COUNTRY TABLES CHILE / CHILI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 496,559 515,894 535,487 147,985 27,613 14.53 -81.34 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 22,039 25,407 32,176 10,602 1,515 0.80 -85.71 Armenia 46 17 27 11 Azerbaijan 15 18 36 1 Belarus 238 85 9 0.00 -89.41 Bulgaria 874 928 980 301 64 0.03 -78.74 Estonia 437 438 650 244 30 0.02 -87.70 Georgia 62 45 60 30 3 0.00 -90.00 Hungary 1,466 1,530 1,838 609 75 0.04 -87.68 Kazakhstan 110 59 106 30 Kyrgyzstan 4 5 11 2 Latvia 466 506 554 206 34 0.02 -83.50 Lithuania 664 727 943 288 43 0.02 -85.07 Moldova, Republic of 68 74 61 18 7 0.00 -61.11 Poland 7,055 7,916 10,365 3,359 294 0.15 -91.25 Romania 1,909 2,115 2,481 696 141 0.07 -79.74 Russian Federation 6,003 7,621 9,450 3,218 540 0.28 -83.22 Slovakia 1,203 1,433 1,682 534 67 0.04 -87.45 Turkmenistan 3 3 16 Ukraine 1,643 1,961 2,668 966 207 0.11 -78.57 Uzbekistan 11 11 10 4 1 0.00 -75.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 86,162 91,892 92,707 26,682 3,922 2.06 -85.30 Denmark 5,081 5,907 5,738 1,650 320 0.17 -80.61 Finland 3,201 3,432 3,533 909 173 0.09 -80.97 Iceland 282 282 284 74 47 0.02 -36.49 Ireland 5,070 5,851 6,158 1,580 180 0.09 -88.61 Norway 5,375 5,880 5,941 1,617 466 0.25 -71.18 Sweden 12,437 12,552 11,742 3,682 1,042 0.55 -71.70 United Kingdom 54,716 57,988 59,311 17,170 1,694 0.89 -90.13 SOUTHERN EUROPE 140,024 141,701 147,013 32,386 10,099 5.31 -68.82 Albania 60 74 84 18 10 0.01 -44.44 Andorra 132 142 145 45 16 0.01 -64.44 Bosnia and Herzegovina 59 62 115 24 7 0.00 -70.83 Croatia 901 874 988 301 57 0.03 -81.06 Greece 1,566 1,477 1,964 450 109 0.06 -75.78 Holy See 18 26 5 1 Italy 46,131 47,117 45,430 9,827 2,178 1.15 -77.84 Malta 202 180 229 81 9 0.00 -88.89 North Macedonia 62 77 88 25 2 0.00 -92.00 Portugal 8,591 8,686 9,278 2,193 597 0.31 -72.78 San Marino 46 25 21 4 Serbia 574 613 896 217 47 0.02 -78.34 Slovenia 992 1,067 1,089 280 31 0.02 -88.93 Spain 80,690 81,281 86,681 18,920 7,036 3.70 -62.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 230 COUNTRY TABLES CHILE / CHILI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 223,802 233,357 235,671 66,804 11,183 5.89 -83.26 Austria 7,974 8,493 8,534 2,395 338 0.18 -85.89 Belgium 11,561 12,587 12,938 3,230 702 0.37 -78.27 France 83,758 87,197 87,085 24,090 3,987 2.10 -83.45 Germany 78,262 80,394 82,541 24,578 4,044 2.13 -83.55 Liechtenstein 69 88 84 17 2 0.00 -88.24 Luxembourg 542 600 623 163 30 0.02 -81.60 Monaco 21 26 34 13 Netherlands 20,542 22,497 22,696 6,363 994 0.52 -84.38 Switzerland 21,073 21,475 21,136 5,955 1,086 0.57 -81.76 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,928 19,397 23,311 9,700 702 0.37 -92.76 Cyprus 112 130 159 36 11 0.01 -69.44 Israel 18,520 16,879 20,199 8,717 502 0.26 -94.24 Turkiye 2,296 2,388 2,953 947 189 0.10 -80.04 OTHER EUROPE 3,604 4,140 4,609 1,811 192 0.10 -89.40 Other countries of Europe 3,604 4,140 4,609 1,811 192 0.10 -89.40 MIDDLE EAST 949 1,040 1,132 151 30 0.02 -80.13 Bahrain 30 32 25 5 Egypt 146 204 238 32 7 0.00 -78.13 Iraq 8 14 14 1 Jordan 84 98 100 16 3 0.00 -81.25 Kuwait 38 45 88 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Lebanon 193 154 145 28 4 0.00 -85.71 Libya 4 2 2 Oman 3 12 20 1 Qatar 10 12 16 3 Saudi Arabia 82 57 113 9 5 0.00 -44.44 Syrian Arab Republic 166 145 42 14 4 0.00 -71.43 United Arab Emirates 83 186 242 22 4 0.00 -81.82 Yemen 9 9 7 4 Other countries of Middle East 93 70 80 5 1 0.00 -80.00 SOUTH ASIA 5,568 5,703 6,348 1,212 336 0.18 -72.28 Afghanistan 228 220 135 31 110 0.06 254.84 Bangladesh 67 110 59 11 Bhutan 9 8 20 3 India 4,468 4,577 5,563 1,050 196 0.10 -81.33 Iran, Islamic Republic of 225 185 201 32 13 0.01 -59.38 Maldives 2 2 13 Nepal 69 122 54 13 7 0.00 -46.15 Pakistan 442 412 258 60 9 0.00 -85.00 Sri Lanka 58 67 45 12 1 0.00 -91.67 NOT SPECIFIED 186,559 212,439 200,783 60,201 22,162 11.66 -63.19 Other countries of the world 17 17 49 24 13 0.01 -45.83 Nationals residing abroad 186,542 212,422 200,734 60,177 22,149 11.66 -63.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 231 COUNTRY TABLES CHINA / CHINE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 153,260,109 158,606,390 162,537,900 AFRICA 541,947 585,211 598,922 EAST AFRICA 195,860 213,650 214,328 Burundi 1,996 2,388 2,602 Comoros 1,639 1,704 1,671 Djibouti 1,369 1,600 1,707 Eritrea 836 846 887 Ethiopia 45,042 51,890 56,108 Kenya 27,459 25,760 23,037 Madagascar 14,119 15,567 13,245 Malawi 2,820 3,325 3,647 Mauritius 25,225 22,787 22,110 Mozambique 5,720 8,329 8,925 Rwanda 4,304 5,427 9,017 Seychelles 1,970 1,835 1,890 Somalia 1,232 1,137 1,116 Tanzania, United Republic of 23,816 27,208 26,360 Uganda 17,694 19,143 20,443 Zambia 9,705 10,530 9,982 Zimbabwe 10,914 14,174 11,581 CENTRAL AFRICA 46,724 50,817 55,201 Angola 15,029 12,240 11,184 Cameroon 8,219 9,802 10,646 Central African Republic 493 643 687 Chad 1,321 1,407 2,053 Congo 13,444 1 7,339 5,430 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 5,007 5,464 20,433 Equatorial Guinea 1,317 1,648 1,891 Gabon 1,466 1,724 2,268 Sao Tome and Principe 428 550 609 NORTH AFRICA 77,472 81,691 86,103 Algeria 26,531 26,961 29,333 Morocco 20,335 23,498 26,737 South Sudan 2,454 2,168 1378 Sudan 20,047 20,580 20,995 Tunisia 8,105 8,484 7,660 SOUTHERN AFRICA 81,445 91,643 93,081 Botswana 2,206 2,974 3,254 Eswatini 518 564 603 Lesotho 993 1,281 1,214 Namibia 2,788 3,203 2,404 South Africa 74,940 83,621 85,606 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 232 COUNTRY TABLES CHINA / CHINE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 140,446 147,410 150,209 Benin 4,405 4,503 4,141 Burkina Faso 6,127 7,871 8,978 Cabo Verde 840 873 1,078 Cote d'lvoire 7,445 10,094 10,425 Gambia 2,188 2,616 2,754 Ghana 22,586 22,890 21,312 Guinea 7,913 8,695 9,712 Guinea-Bissau 630 697 633 Liberia 2,829 3,832 4,438 Mali 6,420 4,868 7,314 Mauritania 2,199 2,352 2,300 Niger 8,775 8,140 9,687 Nigeria 46,247 45,367 41,961 Senegal 14,303 15,819 16,646 Sierra Leone 3,545 4,276 4,231 Togo 3,994 4,517 4,599 AMERICAS 3,539,804 3,786,899 3,645,318 CARIBBEAN 27,640 29,036 29,538 Anguilla 11 16 Antigua and Barbuda 544 814 634 Aruba 7 Bahamas 869 1,106 1,180 Barbados 589 765 874 Bermuda 24 33 British Virgin Islands 3 Cayman Islands 35 33 Cuba 4,595 5,849 6,452 Dominica 1,092 1,041 1,163 Dominican Republic 4,033 4,587 5,078 Grenada 2,039 2,036 1,339 Haiti 646 578 527 Jamaica 7,230 7,349 7,752 Netherlands Antilles 1 Puerto Rico 4 4 Saint Kitts and Nevis 884 889 781 Saint Lucia 1,388 238 220 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 783 545 456 Trinidad and Tobago 2,872 3,142 3,082 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 36,567 34,478 34,393 Belize 2,784 2,731 2,633 Costa Rica 7,388 7,842 8,105 El Salvador 1,668 2,288 2,604 Guatemala 3,651 3,587 3,383 Honduras 6,184 5,580 4,329 Nicaragua 1,939 673 667 Panama 12,953 11,777 12,672 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 233 COUNTRY TABLES CHINA/CHINE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 3,196,442 3,426,041 3,277,297 Canada 805,026 849,941 776,328 Mexico 82,134 92,546 94,312 United States of America 2,309,282 2,483,554 2,406,657 SOUTH AMERICA 279,155 297,344 304,090 Argentina 35,132 34,229 30,598 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 7,135 7,785 7,560 Brazil 105,189 118,828 127,631 Chile 23,594 25,521 25,920 Colombia 40,062 40,165 42,476 Ecuador 11,513 14,254 15,238 Guyana 1,443 1,300 1,132 Paraguay 1,383 1,382 1,404 Peru 20,767 21,128 22,142 Suriname 3,932 4,046 4,025 Uruguay 4,407 4,864 5,075 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 24,598 23,842 20,889 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 141,127,427 146,013,291 149,698,260 NORHT-EAST ASIA 118,945,510 119,703,277 122,864,527 Hong Kong, China 79,795,890 79,368,424 80,500,736 Japan 2,680,033 2,689,662 2,676,334 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 229,467 250,654 555,028 Korea, Republic of 3,854,869 4,191,790 4,346,567 Macao, China 24,649,971 25,150,834 26,789,348 Mongolia 1,864,012 1,915,832 1,862,278 Taiwan Province of China 5,871,268 6,136,081 6,134,236 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 21,290,574 25,397,369 25,934,858 Brunei Darussalam 7,604 9,081 10,840 Cambodia 61,603 101,645 109,322 Indonesia 680,841 708,51 7 724,784 Lao People's Democratic Republic 230,925 305,200 278,469 Malaysia 1,232,499 1,290,744 1,383,502 Myanmar 9,655,453 12,379,845 12,421,753 Philippines 1,160,875 1,202,966 1,177,668 Singapore 940,223 978,028 1,008,545 Thailand 775,747 832,605 870,526 Timor-Leste 606 806 785 Viet Nam 6,544,198 7,587,932 7,948,664 AUSTRALASIA 877,134 898,268 884,064 Australia 733,663 751,865 734,511 New Zealand 143,471 146,403 149,553 MELANESIA 8,043 8,551 8,798 Fiji 4,924 5,078 5,268 Papua New Guinea 1,605 1,903 1,924 Solomon Islands 660 744 758 Vanuatu 854 826 848 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 234 COUNTRY TABLES CHINA / CHINE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 2,859 2,643 2,471 Kiribati 1,896 1,777 1,760 Marshall Islands 374 338 261 Micronesia, Federated States of 262 228 242 Nauru 231 211 149 Palau 96 89 59 POLYNESIA 3,307 3,183 3,542 Samoa 1,855 1,624 2,036 Tonga 1,248 1,382 1,420 Tuvalu 204 177 86 EUROPE 6,401,985 6,530,577 6,854,205 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,169,012 3,231,963 3,595,786 Armenia 6,337 8,032 9,384 Azerbaijan 14,349 14,166 14,657 Belarus 19,154 24,745 33,883 Bulgaria 21,508 20,637 21,098 Czech Republic (Czechia) 34,571 33,367 38,399 Estonia 5,804 5,992 6,124 Georgia 11,305 11,796 11,412 Hungary 22,495 23,619 24,084 Kazakhstan 222,946 195,081 211,577 Kyrgyzstan 34,289 38,269 41,840 Latvia 8,308 8,243 8,358 Lithuania 10,821 10,972 11,805 Moldova, Republic of 4,011 3,897 3,694 Poland 90,511 95,338 98,987 Romania 48,740 45,630 46,247 Russian Federation 2,344,646 2,414,301 2,722,571 Slovakia 14,202 14,743 1 7,354 Tajikistan 22,465 26,141 27,169 Turkmenistan 14,426 15,244 19,586 Ukraine 1 71,766 180,725 182,399 Uzbekistan 46,358 41,025 45,158 NORTHERN EUROPE 914,329 931,408 923,239 Denmark 70,239 70,023 67,240 Faeroe Islands 1 Finland 57,812 57,967 57,159 Iceland 2,788 2,835 2,518 Ireland 41,953 44,002 44,351 Norway 39,065 38,743 36,158 Sweden 111,758 109,991 103,600 United Kingdom 590,714 607,846 612,213 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 235 COUNTRY TABLES CHINA/CHINE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 614,838 635,961 641,705 Albania 3,562 3,675 3,705 Andorra 177 164 132 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,536 4,037 4,356 Croatia 23,184 22,267 21,603 Greece 42,198 44,949 44,835 Italy 279,686 277,776 279,474 Malta 2,017 2,239 2,200 Montenegro 10,204 9,505 9,129 North Macedonia 3,229 3,476 3,195 Portugal 56,259 56,314 57,219 San Marino 160 215 191 Serbia 27,559 35,384 41,002 Slovenia 7,503 7,972 8,680 Spain 155,564 167,988 165,984 WESTERN EUROPE 1,533,227 1,555,551 1,517,260 Austria 67,573 70,279 68,653 Belgium 68,224 69,248 68,912 France 493,712 499,160 490,963 Germany 634,053 643,074 622,198 Liechtenstein 381 356 341 Luxembourg 3,125 3,186 3,387 Monaco 103 134 Netherlands 193,960 196,183 192,338 Switzerland 72,096 73,931 70,468 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 170,579 175,694 176,215 Cyprus 3,588 3,801 4,178 Israel 91,540 97,484 94,289 Turkiye 75,451 74,409 77,748 MIDDLE EAST 254,962 252,461 257,918 Bahrain 3,320 2,919 2,774 Egypt 83,509 85,556 81,635 Iraq 23,528 21,256 23,021 Jordan 29,615 28,309 27,983 Kuwait 6,491 6,483 6,904 Lebanon 19,622 18,549 15,707 Libya 2,893 3,199 5,099 Oman 8,875 7,863 7,568 Qatar 2,604 3,451 4,433 Saudi Arabia 34,553 32,007 33,875 State of Palestine 6,873 7,373 8,006 Syrian Arab Republic 10,744 11,414 12,455 United Arab Emirates 7,782 9,610 11,754 Yemen 14,553 14,472 16,704 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 236 COUNTRY TABLES CHINA / CHINE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 1,391,396 1,280,286 1,480,962 Afghanistan 14,653 15,727 15,238 Bangladesh 91,531 101,622 113,847 Bhutan 946 1,075 1,580 India 818,954 708,517 869,570 Iran, Islamic Republic of 136,681 96,910 104,817 Maldives 5,817 4,905 5,059 Nepal 132,510 157,543 177,779 Pakistan 127,265 130,944 131,089 Sri Lanka 63,039 63,043 61,983 NOT SPECIFIED 2,588 157,665 2,315 Other countries of the world 2,588 157,665 2,315 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 237 COUNTRY TABLES COLOMBIA / COLOMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,711,735 4,019,507 4,169,043 1,261,697 2,154,642 100.00 70.77 AFRICA 3,689 3,547 4,237 996 1,400 0.06 40.56 EAST AFRICA 742 880 1,450 392 467 0.02 19.13 Burundi 15 8 7 2 3 0.00 50.00 Comoros 7 14 13 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Djibouti 3 3 Eritrea 9 10 15 2 0.00 Ethiopia 50 260 699 252 271 0.01 7.54 Kenya 232 248 286 43 81 0.00 88.37 Madagascar 22 29 21 6 6 0.00 Malawi 20 20 5 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Mauritius 65 47 69 18 9 0.00 -50.00 Mozambique 38 48 52 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Reunion 1 4 0.00 Rwanda 28 23 39 3 4 0.00 33.33 Seychelles 1 2 1 2 0.00 Somalia 6 7 5 4 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 47 36 46 12 27 0.00 125.00 Uganda 82 48 85 19 21 0.00 10.53 Zambia 36 18 26 5 Zimbabwe 71 53 61 10 13 0.00 30.00 Other countries of East Africa 9 9 17 2 4 0.00 100.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 271 233 227 66 89 0.00 34.85 Angola 45 28 40 2 17 0.00 750.00 Cameroon 83 81 70 16 26 0.00 62.50 Central African Republic 7 13 17 3 3 0.00 Chad 9 14 7 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Congo 11 6 15 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 87 73 63 25 23 0.00 -8.00 Equatorial Guinea 14 8 8 6 7 0.00 16.67 Gabon 8 9 6 1 4 0.00 300.00 Sao Tome and Principe 7 1 1 NORTH AFRICA 556 665 752 186 261 0.01 40.32 Algeria 112 117 128 27 42 0.00 55.56 Morocco 308 367 458 116 164 0.01 41.38 Sudan 11 22 19 3 5 0.00 66.67 Tunisia 125 158 136 37 46 0.00 24.32 Western Sahara 1 11 3 4 0.00 33.33 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,511 1,147 1,133 209 244 0.01 16.75 Botswana 16 17 25 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Eswatini 7 7 1 1 Lesotho 5 3 3 Namibia 15 15 15 4 1 0.00 -75.00 South Africa 1,468 1,105 1,089 201 242 0.01 20.40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 238 COUNTRY TABLES COLOMBIA / COLOMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 609 622 675 143 339 0.02 137.06 Benin 18 27 24 3 4 0.00 33.33 Burkina Faso 21 25 32 5 5 0.00 Cabo Verde 15 27 21 4 19 0.00 375.00 Cote d'lvoire 70 55 50 11 27 0.00 145.45 Gambia 3 3 5 4 8 0.00 100.00 Ghana 146 173 142 26 64 0.00 146.15 Guinea 18 4 9 1 2 0.00 100.00 Guinea-Bissau 9 5 8 2 2 0.00 Liberia 7 6 14 6 14 0.00 133.33 Mali 17 12 14 1 7 0.00 600.00 Mauritania 4 5 7 3 3 0.00 Niger 4 6 10 2 0.00 Nigeria 216 210 280 57 150 0.01 163.16 Saint Helena 3 2 Senegal 35 43 37 10 22 0.00 120.00 Sierra Leone 11 7 5 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Togo 12 12 17 3 5 0.00 66.67 AMERICAS 2,272,462 2,485,794 2,546,180 731,713 1,207,457 56.04 65.02 CARIBBEAN 40,461 55,928 61,250 17,090 43,012 2.00 151.68 Anguilla 2 1 5 3 12 0.00 300.00 Antigua and Barbuda 88 130 104 16 58 0.00 262.50 Aruba 1,577 2,399 3,729 896 1,860 0.09 107.59 Bahamas 433 533 586 181 423 0.02 133.70 Barbados 435 514 335 48 118 0.01 145.83 Bermuda 83 104 134 28 58 0.00 107.14 Bonaire 53 22 55 0.00 150.00 British Virgin Islands 24 10 15 7 17 0.00 142.86 Cayman Islands 154 151 151 33 24 0.00 -27.27 Cuba 8,507 11,585 7,618 1,963 3,834 0.18 95.31 Curacao 523 1,880 455 745 0.03 63.74 Dominica 91 112 132 26 66 0.00 153.85 Dominican Republic 18,479 25,631 32,311 10,010 29,213 1.36 191.84 Grenada 91 93 83 23 55 0.00 139.13 Guadeloupe 12 35 22 6 8 0.00 33.33 Haiti 445 584 572 223 366 0.02 64.13 Jamaica 943 1,388 1,437 356 778 0.04 118.54 Martinique 4 16 21 4 4 0.00 Netherlands Antilles 1,760 1,900 1,550 241 253 0.01 4.98 Puerto Rico 5,663 7,939 8,502 2,117 4,409 0.20 108.27 Saint Kitts and Nevis 78 104 93 35 56 0.00 60.00 Saint Lucia 91 140 157 58 67 0.00 15.52 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 65 105 69 17 44 0.00 158.82 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 26 10 5 0.00 -50.00 Trinidad and Tobago 1,426 1,914 1,644 310 468 0.02 50.97 Turks and Caicos Islands 8 15 19 2 14 0.00 600.00 United States Virgin Islands 2 2 2 2 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 239 COUNTRY TABLES COLOMBIA / COLOMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 215,129 235,285 244,032 63,789 105,822 4.91 65.89 Belize 312 425 500 80 159 0.01 98.75 Costa Rica 42,862 49,042 48,797 12,053 20,866 0.97 73.12 El Salvador 26,825 28,082 21,402 4,768 9,469 0.44 98.59 Guatemala 22,030 23,791 24,173 5,083 10,332 0.48 103.27 Honduras 9,188 11,751 14,945 3,135 6,450 0.30 105.74 Nicaragua 3,283 4,121 4,687 1,092 1,717 0.08 57.23 Panama 110,629 118,073 129,528 37,578 56,829 2.64 51.23 NORTH AMERICA 755,777 893,300 977,329 311,159 621,489 28.84 99.73 Canada 54,922 63,502 73,515 28,790 23,024 1.07 -20.03 Greenland 1 1 0.00 Mexico 1 71,841 182,014 198,455 52,038 81,225 3.77 56.09 United States of America 529,013 647,784 705,359 230,331 517,239 24.01 124.56 SOUTH AMERICA 1,261,095 1,301,281 1,263,569 339,675 437,134 20.29 28.69 Argentina 185,891 197,707 174,807 44,738 28,569 1.33 -36.14 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 21,772 21,262 24,153 6,778 8,804 0.41 29.89 Brazil 209,138 196,829 156,883 39,326 34,076 1.58 -13.35 Chile 138,647 143,057 142,085 43,634 49,242 2.29 12.85 Ecuador 168,998 164,031 159,165 37,918 58,434 2.71 54.11 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 4 French Guiana 4 3 14 1 4 0.00 300.00 Guyana 352 532 494 80 248 0.01 210.00 Paraguay 8,290 8,952 8,590 3,176 4,878 0.23 53.59 Peru 140,905 151,499 180,664 48,098 67,141 3.12 39.59 Suriname 487 604 688 144 214 0.01 48.61 Uruguay 15,251 18,218 16,214 4,155 3,336 0.15 -19.71 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 371,356 398,587 399,812 111,627 182,188 8.46 63.21 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 58,378 61,417 63,289 12,474 12,413 0.58 -0.49 NORHT-EAST ASIA 32,538 34,462 36,405 6,819 6,589 0.31 -3.37 China 14,493 15,664 18,078 2,610 3,468 0.16 32.87 Hong Kong, China 335 563 640 131 100 0.00 -23.66 Japan 7,581 8,138 7,506 1,694 1,116 0.05 -34.12 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 5 4 15 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Korea, Republic of 8,236 8,004 8,150 2,000 1,618 0.08 -19.10 Macao, China 1 2 4 2 0.00 Mongolia 42 52 42 2 5 0.00 150.00 Taiwan Province of China 1,845 2,035 1,970 379 279 0.01 -26.39 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 6,528 6,863 7,138 1,683 3,521 0.16 109.21 Brunei Darussalam 15 15 10 4 5 0.00 25.00 Cambodia 36 18 37 2 5 0.00 150.00 Indonesia 691 740 823 200 303 0.01 51.50 Lao People's Democratic Republic 10 10 23 1 0.00 Malaysia 551 756 445 85 95 0.00 11.76 Myanmar 85 105 182 49 55 0.00 12.24 Philippines 3,686 3,604 3,730 1,006 2,727 0.13 171.07 Singapore 755 934 947 171 124 0.01 -27.49 Thailand 481 482 646 110 129 0.01 17.27 Timor-Leste 4 2 1 1 Viet Nam 214 197 294 55 77 0.00 40.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 240 COUNTRY TABLES COLOMBIA / COLOMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 19,223 20,005 19,623 3,927 2,247 0.10 -42.78 Australia 16,106 16,641 16,393 3,348 1,895 0.09 -43.40 New Zealand 3,117 3,364 3,230 579 352 0.02 -39.21 MELANESIA 56 60 98 32 27 0.00 -15.63 Fiji 9 14 22 5 2 0.00 -60.00 New Caledonia 1 5 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Norfolk Island 1 Papua New Guinea 15 5 16 3 Solomon Islands 2 1 3 1 2 0.00 100.00 Vanuatu 29 34 50 21 22 0.00 4.76 MICRONESIA 19 10 16 9 20 0.00 122.22 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2 Guam 1 2 Kiribati 13 5 4 4 13 0.00 225.00 Marshall Islands 1 1 3 4 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 2 2 3 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Nauru 1 Palau 1 3 1 1 0.00 Other countries of Micronesia 1 1 POLYNESIA 14 17 9 4 9 0.00 125.00 French Polynesia 2 6 1 1 2 0.00 100.00 Niue 1 Samoa 4 1 3 1 Tonga 3 3 3 Tuvalu 4 1 2 Wallis and Futuna Islands 5 2 1 7 0.00 EUROPE 491,353 544,325 586,484 154,894 205,301 9.53 32.54 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 20,113 23,411 27,660 9,743 15,676 0.73 60.90 Armenia 46 37 55 10 22 0.00 120.00 Azerbaijan 94 75 106 27 74 0.00 174.07 Belarus 158 110 134 53 107 0.00 101.89 Bulgaria 810 1,123 1,156 420 643 0.03 53.10 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,163 2,647 3,328 1,136 1,087 0.05 -4.31 Estonia 492 460 610 241 250 0.01 3.73 Georgia 132 113 215 63 242 0.01 284.13 Hungary 1,202 1,520 1,801 586 631 0.03 7.68 Kazakhstan 165 137 147 66 132 0.01 100.00 Kyrgyzstan 7 9 17 3 11 0.00 266.67 Latvia 353 406 503 148 221 0.01 49.32 Lithuania 662 796 850 320 464 0.02 45.00 Moldova, Republic of 42 38 64 28 57 0.00 103.57 Poland 4,863 6,038 7,407 2,282 3,253 0.15 42.55 Romania 1,829 2,316 2,630 975 1,354 0.06 38.87 Russian Federation 5,215 5,202 5,781 2,379 4,440 0.21 86.63 Slovakia 957 1,265 1,637 467 583 0.03 24.84 Tajikistan 15 4 14 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Turkmenistan 4 10 5 2 3 0.00 50.00 Ukraine 893 1,078 1,167 521 2,068 0.10 296.93 Uzbekistan 11 27 33 14 33 0.00 135.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 241 COUNTRY TABLES COLOMBIA / COLOMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 74,469 78,455 79,678 20,047 15,555 0.72 -22.41 Denmark 4,974 5,138 5,054 1,397 1,408 0.07 0.79 Finland 1,953 2,027 2,068 578 498 0.02 -13.84 Iceland 313 342 291 96 109 0.01 13.54 Ireland 5,508 6,217 6,240 1,335 1,101 0.05 -17.53 Isle of Man 4 Norway 4,593 4,678 4,574 1,119 1,138 0.05 1.70 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 1 Sweden 8,180 8,511 8,024 2,358 2,492 0.12 5.68 United Kingdom 48,942 51,540 53,425 13,164 8,808 0.41 -33.09 Other countries of Northern Europe 2 2 1 1 0.00 SOUTHERN EUROPE 161,578 178,978 187,600 45,849 76,852 3.57 67.62 Albania 62 104 271 111 210 0.01 89.19 Andorra 128 112 162 28 72 0.00 157.14 Bosnia and Herzegovina 50 128 166 37 76 0.00 105.41 Croatia 1,007 1,030 1,167 451 550 0.03 21.95 Gibraltar 2 4 1 3 0.00 200.00 Greece 1,430 1,689 1,852 616 770 0.04 25.00 Holy See 78 45 24 10 14 0.00 40.00 Italy 36,387 37,029 42,542 11,571 14,571 0.68 25.93 Malta 253 225 232 94 73 0.00 -22.34 Montenegro 59 89 127 46 73 0.00 58.70 Portugal 8,399 8,930 10,051 2,695 3,982 0.18 47.76 San Marino 18 13 15 4 12 0.00 200.00 Serbia 277 509 843 273 509 0.02 86.45 Slovenia 793 833 881 271 333 0.02 22.88 Spain 112,637 128,240 129,263 29,641 55,604 2.58 87.59 WESTERN EUROPE 215,639 243,442 271,507 74,613 85,126 3.95 14.09 Austria 6,472 7,381 8,023 2,226 2,235 0.10 0.40 Belgium 11,023 12,006 12,673 3,183 3,685 0.17 15.77 France 66,947 77,245 86,657 26,455 27,401 1.27 3.58 Germany 63,352 70,470 77,161 20,594 23,612 1.10 14.65 Liechtenstein 81 54 79 20 21 0.00 5.00 Luxembourg 369 483 530 116 218 0.01 87.93 Monaco 42 55 42 13 29 0.00 123.08 Netherlands 48,525 55,339 64,503 16,181 20,797 0.97 28.53 Switzerland 18,828 20,409 21,839 5,825 7,128 0.33 22.37 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 19,500 19,975 19,878 4,597 12,036 0.56 161.82 Cyprus 153 194 217 59 96 0.00 62.71 Israel 13,332 12,830 12,422 2,173 6,420 0.30 195.44 Turkiye 6,015 6,951 7,239 2,365 5,520 0.26 133.40 OTHER EUROPE 54 64 161 45 56 0.00 24.44 Other countries of Europe 54 64 161 45 56 0.00 24.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 242 COUNTRY TABLES COLOMBIA / COLOMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 2,058 2,128 2,407 674 1,236 0.06 83.38 Bahrain 23 26 48 9 31 0.00 244.44 Egypt 384 398 400 186 277 0.01 48.92 Iraq 26 35 44 6 16 0.00 166.67 Jordan 138 118 123 39 52 0.00 33.33 Kuwait 52 96 135 23 72 0.00 213.04 Lebanon 531 493 472 142 258 0.01 81.69 Oman 44 27 57 10 13 0.00 30.00 Qatar 39 87 124 32 64 0.00 100.00 Saudi Arabia 193 208 254 64 127 0.01 98.44 State of Palestine 33 58 43 10 21 0.00 110.00 Syrian Arab Republic 58 70 52 27 31 0.00 14.81 United Arab Emirates 527 490 637 123 260 0.01 111.38 Yemen 10 22 18 3 14 0.00 366.67 SOUTH ASIA 7,227 8,203 8,813 2,083 3,056 0.14 46.71 Afghanistan 22 21 27 4 18 0.00 350.00 Bangladesh 81 55 61 16 29 0.00 81.25 Bhutan 11 22 12 2 6 0.00 200.00 India 6,534 7,453 8,019 1,908 2,670 0.12 39.94 Iran, Islamic Republic of 205 212 264 50 109 0.01 118.00 Maldives 3 4 1 2 Nepal 65 87 103 20 50 0.00 150.00 Pakistan 216 242 213 60 96 0.00 60.00 Sri Lanka 90 107 113 21 78 0.00 271.43 NOT SPECIFIED 876,568 914,093 957,633 358,863 723,779 33.59 101.69 Other countries of the world 2,004 2,216 2,427 466 503 0.02 7.94 Nationals residing abroad 874,564 911,877 955,206 358,397 723,276 33.57 101.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 243 COUNTRY TABLES COMOROS/COMORES/COMORAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 27,952 35,865 45,077 6,959 28,800 100.00 313.85 AFRICA 11,630 10,875 11,933 1,004 3,934 13.66 291.83 EAST AFRICA 10,791 10,692 9,674 481 3,175 11.02 560.08 Madagascar 1,962 2,901 2,469 119 555 1.93 366.39 Mauritius 73 224 288 22 75 0.26 240.91 Reunion 4,060 3,785 3,411 113 566 1.97 400.88 Tanzania, United Republic of 713 588 770 187 538 1.87 187.70 Other countries of East Africa 3,983 3,194 2,736 40 1,441 5.00 3,502.50 OTHER AFRICA 839 183 2,259 523 759 2.64 45.12 Other countries of Africa 839 183 2,259 523 759 2.64 45.12 AMERICAS 505 513 923 164 597 2.07 264.02 OTHER AMERICAS 505 513 923 164 597 2.07 264.02 All countries of the Americas 505 513 923 164 597 2.07 264.02 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 699 936 1,845 224 635 2.20 183.48 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 699 936 1,845 224 635 2.20 183.48 All countries of Asia 392 875 1,738 203 619 2.15 204.93 All countries of Oceania 307 61 107 21 16 0.06 -23.81 EUROPE 14,651 23,203 29,638 5,395 23,264 80.78 331.21 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,422 90 942 53 314 1.09 492.45 United Kingdom 1,422 90 942 53 314 1.09 492.45 WESTERN EUROPE 12,176 22,034 27,185 5,041 22,083 76.68 338.07 France 12,176 22,034 27,185 5,041 22,083 76.68 338.07 OTHER EUROPE 1,053 1,079 1,511 301 867 3.01 188.04 Other countries of Europe 1,053 1,079 1,511 301 867 3.01 188.04 MIDDLE EAST 467 338 738 172 370 1.28 115.12 All countries of Middle East 467 338 738 172 370 1.28 115.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 244 COUNTRY TABLES COOK ISLANDS / ILES COOK / ISLAS COOK 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 161,358 168,760 171,550 25,230 26,330 100.00 4.36 AMERICAS 11,502 11,409 11,211 2,976 20 0.08 -99.33 NORTH AMERICA 11,502 11,409 11,211 2,976 20 0.08 -99.33 Canada 3,130 3,446 2,735 1,243 4 0.02 -99.68 United States of America 8,372 7,963 8,476 1,733 16 0.06 -99.08 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 136,201 142,731 146,042 18,785 26,246 99.68 39.72 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,427 1,167 1,074 184 China 804 631 678 84 Hong Kong, China 64 136 72 21 Japan 559 400 324 79 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 291 261 357 47 Indonesia 67 60 83 3 Philippines 170 118 177 41 Singapore 54 83 97 3 AUSTRALASIA 133,497 140,534 143,959 18,401 26,240 99.66 42.60 Australia 25,912 27,193 28,982 4,377 99 0.38 -97.74 New Zealand 107,585 113,341 114,977 14,024 26,141 99.28 86.40 POLYNESIA 660 503 446 109 French Polynesia 660 503 446 109 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 326 266 206 44 6 0.02 -86.36 Other countries of Asia 326 266 206 44 6 0.02 -86.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 245 COUNTRY TABLES COOK ISLANDS / ILES COOK / ISLAS COOK 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 11,644 12,504 12,231 3,117 58 0.22 -98.14 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 95 126 282 53 Poland 95 126 282 53 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,208 4,281 3,958 1,262 Denmark 333 368 270 108 Finland 103 113 116 30 Ireland 79 89 115 22 Norway 187 234 182 45 Sweden 552 566 464 207 United Kingdom 2,954 2,911 2,811 850 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,546 2,083 1,948 232 Italy 1,101 1,530 1,401 105 Slovenia 44 62 68 48 Spain 401 491 479 79 WESTERN EUROPE 5,201 5,309 5,263 1,346 Austria 309 329 346 67 Belgium 103 89 94 13 France 450 505 540 142 Germany 3,064 3,072 3,007 791 Netherlands 365 392 417 137 Switzerland 910 922 859 196 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 34 64 48 16 Israel 34 64 48 16 OTHER EUROPE 560 641 732 208 58 0.22 -72.12 Other countries of Europe 560 641 732 208 All countries of Europe 58 0.22 SOUTH ASIA 48 41 45 21 India 48 41 45 21 NOT SPECIFIED 1,963 2,075 2,021 331 6 0.02 -98.19 Other countries of the world 1,963 2,075 2,021 331 6 0.02 -98.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 246 COUNTRY TABLES COSTA RICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,959,869 3,016,667 3,139,008 1,011,912 1,347,055 100.00 33.12 AFRICA 3,082 3,126 3,601 1,025 2,494 0.19 143.32 EAST AFRICA 556 549 622 184 270 0.02 46.74 Burundi 3 1 11 7 0.00 Comoros 2 2 Djibouti 1 1 2 0.00 Eritrea 4 3 2 Ethiopia 52 46 65 20 41 0.00 105.00 Kenya 162 177 160 58 102 0.01 75.86 Madagascar 11 13 15 1 1 0.00 Malawi 12 17 29 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Mauritius 60 57 67 16 25 0.00 56.25 Mozambique 30 18 34 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Rwanda 38 31 30 8 10 0.00 25.00 Seychelles 3 3 6 6 12 0.00 100.00 Somalia 10 22 7 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 31 34 21 11 7 0.00 -36.36 Uganda 60 37 63 14 15 0.00 7.14 Zambia 29 34 33 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Zimbabwe 48 56 78 21 37 0.00 76.19 CENTRAL AFRICA 93 94 140 44 56 0.00 27.27 Angola 18 14 17 3 5 0.00 66.67 Cameroon 46 60 68 32 30 0.00 -6.25 Central African Republic 1 3 2 0.00 Chad 1 4 3 2 0.00 Congo 1 2 1 1 3 0.00 200.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 16 9 26 5 5 0.00 Equatorial Guinea 5 3 14 2 6 0.00 200.00 Gabon 4 1 8 1 3 0.00 200.00 Sao Tome and Principe 2 NORTH AFRICA 454 419 501 158 270 0.02 70.89 Algeria 49 58 48 19 29 0.00 52.63 Morocco 308 260 312 73 159 0.01 117.81 South Sudan 2 0.00 Sudan 8 10 20 4 9 0.00 125.00 Tunisia 89 90 121 62 71 0.01 14.52 Western Sahara 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,500 1,617 1,746 518 1,519 0.11 193.24 Botswana 10 10 8 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Eswatini 6 2 7 1 2 0.00 100.00 Lesotho 2 2 2 Namibia 17 30 32 6 9 0.00 50.00 South Africa 1,465 1,573 1,697 507 1,505 0.11 196.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 247 COUNTRY TABLES COSTA RICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 479 447 592 121 379 0.03 213.22 Benin 6 6 9 3 8 0.00 166.67 Burkina Faso 12 7 16 2 6 0.00 200.00 Cabo Verde 12 13 11 1 16 0.00 1,500.00 Cote d'lvoire 37 23 33 5 12 0.00 140.00 Gambia 4 6 10 1 3 0.00 200.00 Ghana 87 93 115 23 84 0.01 265.22 Guinea 10 12 4 7 0.00 75.00 Guinea-Bissau 13 12 4 Liberia 17 19 30 11 21 0.00 90.91 Mali 4 3 12 1 Mauritania 3 3 2 1 0.00 Niger 4 1 8 2 0.00 Nigeria 250 200 273 56 199 0.01 255.36 Saint Helena 1 Senegal 18 29 23 5 6 0.00 20.00 Sierra Leone 10 9 7 11 0.00 Togo 15 11 19 5 3 0.00 -40.00 AMERICAS 2,437,903 2,475,787 2,574,264 826,869 1,101,890 81.80 33.26 CARIBBEAN 13,381 12,997 13,510 3,248 4,452 0.33 37.07 Anguilla 1 6 Antigua and Barbuda 90 80 68 11 50 0.00 354.55 Aruba 1 Bahamas 423 355 367 79 252 0.02 218.99 Barbados 225 208 217 33 58 0.00 75.76 Bermuda 364 344 339 47 61 0.00 29.79 British Virgin Islands 1 Cayman Islands 54 41 45 4 Cuba 3,167 3,149 3,042 1,126 739 0.05 -34.37 Dominica 58 53 47 9 23 0.00 155.56 Dominican Republic 5,956 5,897 6,071 1,313 1,798 0.13 36.94 Grenada 46 38 48 7 36 0.00 414.29 Haiti 399 409 502 121 341 0.03 181.82 Jamaica 982 997 1,180 223 622 0.05 1 78.92 Montserrat 1 Netherlands Antilles 1 Puerto Rico 13 7 5 Saint Kitts and Nevis 138 98 94 32 50 0.00 56.25 Saint Lucia 58 57 60 13 32 0.00 146.15 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 43 42 50 8 29 0.00 262.50 Trinidad and Tobago 1,356 1,212 1,371 217 354 0.03 63.13 Turks and Caicos Islands 8 3 3 3 6 0.00 100.00 United States Virgin Islands 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 248 COUNTRY TABLES COSTA RICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 735,178 691,386 698,601 202,374 78,425 5.82 -61.25 Belize 970 964 1,103 203 274 0.02 34.98 El Salvador 81,091 76,937 78,948 20,898 12,300 0.91 -41.14 Guatemala 78,032 65,633 69,471 18,549 15,638 1.16 -15.69 Honduras 40,300 38,135 42,024 10,171 7,436 0.55 -26.89 Nicaragua 429,990 416,915 414,983 123,956 27,634 2.05 -77.71 Panama 104,795 92,802 92,072 28,597 15,143 1.12 -47.05 NORTH AMERICA 1,507,945 1,580,991 1,666,571 571,010 958,792 71.18 67.91 Canada 201,921 217,006 234,621 115,632 53,185 3.95 -54.00 Mexico 106,783 98,918 97,173 20,603 36,621 2.72 77.75 United States of America 1,199,241 1,265,067 1,334,777 434,775 868,986 64.51 99.87 SOUTH AMERICA 181,399 190,413 195,582 50,237 60,221 4.47 19.87 Argentina 30,992 40,832 37,948 10,571 8,868 0.66 -16.11 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2,115 2,181 2,638 584 797 0.06 36.47 Brazil 21,485 22,329 26,815 6,466 11,864 0.88 83.48 Chile 13,555 18,297 21,235 6,487 5,200 0.39 -19.84 Colombia 47,953 46,723 44,557 11,254 14,919 1.11 32.57 Ecuador 6,306 6,280 6,434 1,446 1,798 0.13 24.34 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 French Guiana 1 0.00 Guyana 248 214 290 45 100 0.01 122.22 Paraguay 1,017 1,005 1,603 234 310 0.02 32.48 Peru 13,261 14,865 17,007 4,029 5,996 0.45 48.82 Suriname 91 98 89 14 11 0.00 -21.43 Uruguay 4,099 4,392 5,041 1,436 1,883 0.14 31.13 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 40,277 33,197 31,924 7,671 8,474 0.63 10.47 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 47,191 47,376 48,885 11,299 8,711 0.65 -22.90 NORHT-EAST ASIA 27,735 29,049 30,696 6,381 3,831 0.28 -39.96 China 13,612 15,249 16,847 2,637 1,767 0.13 -32.99 Hong Kong, China 1 4 2 1 2 0.00 100.00 Japan 5,955 6,460 6,692 1,743 953 0.07 -45.32 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1 1 1 Korea, Republic of 5,191 4,879 4,933 1,506 858 0.06 -43.03 Mongolia 20 24 33 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Taiwan Province of China 2,955 2,433 2,188 484 247 0.02 -48.97 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 4,161 4,335 4,592 1,395 1,786 0.13 28.03 Brunei Darussalam 9 1 3 1 Cambodia 13 19 31 2 5 0.00 150.00 Indonesia 276 295 277 93 120 0.01 29.03 Lao People's Democratic Republic 3 4 11 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Malaysia 494 459 554 178 161 0.01 -9.55 Myanmar 89 53 44 7 13 0.00 85.71 Philippines 2,260 2,461 2,631 841 1,136 0.08 35.08 Singapore 429 505 537 130 142 0.01 9.23 Thailand 361 315 292 106 83 0.01 -21.70 Timor-Leste 1 1 Viet Nam 227 222 211 34 124 0.01 264.71 AUSTRALASIA 15,244 13,943 13,528 3,512 3,070 0.23 -12.59 Australia 12,320 11,159 10,885 2,886 2,429 0.18 -15.84 New Zealand 2,924 2,784 2,643 626 641 0.05 2.40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 249 COUNTRY TABLES COSTA RICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MELANESIA 13 28 49 6 12 0.00 100.00 Fiji 9 25 41 4 9 0.00 125.00 Papua New Guinea 2 3 2 Solomon Islands 2 2 Vanuatu 4 2 3 0.00 50.00 MICRONESIA 7 16 13 3 12 0.00 300.00 Kiribati 4 Marshall Islands 1 5 5 2 4 0.00 100.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 3 6 3 1 4 0.00 300.00 Palau 3 1 5 4 0.00 POLYNESIA 8 5 7 2 Niue 1 Samoa 7 1 1 Tonga 1 4 5 2 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23 Other countries of Oceania 23 EUROPE 462,284 480,111 500,610 169,950 229,813 17.06 35.22 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 21,106 24,007 26,265 10,936 22,748 1.69 108.01 Armenia 28 32 45 10 35 0.00 250.00 Azerbaijan 35 17 33 6 13 0.00 116.67 Belarus 166 139 170 81 118 0.01 45.68 Bulgaria 1,023 941 940 380 593 0.04 56.05 Czech Republic 3,028 3,909 3,723 1,966 5,571 0.41 183.37 Estonia 393 606 568 208 425 0.03 104.33 Georgia 94 29 35 13 25 0.00 92.31 Hungary 1,357 1,636 1,966 880 1,391 0.10 58.07 Kazakhstan 154 151 218 71 217 0.02 205.63 Kyrgyzstan 18 20 21 8 19 0.00 137.50 Latvia 507 513 529 198 285 0.02 43.94 Lithuania 1,086 968 956 424 577 0.04 36.08 Moldova, Republic of 52 62 68 17 65 0.00 282.35 Poland 4,186 5,056 6,212 2,340 5,533 0.41 136.45 Romania 1,695 2,032 2,091 855 1,426 0.11 66.78 Russian Federation 4,657 4,765 5,562 2,049 3,506 0.26 71.11 Slovakia 1,236 1,323 1,296 556 1,122 0.08 101.80 Tajikistan 2 4 4 2 11 0.00 450.00 Turkmenistan 2 6 5 2 0.00 Ukraine 1,368 1,769 1,802 863 1,787 0.13 107.07 Uzbekistan 19 29 21 9 27 0.00 200.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 102,292 102,627 107,432 35,415 27,909 2.07 -21.19 Denmark 6,123 6,574 7,191 3,255 3,045 0.23 -6.45 Finland 1,894 1,824 1,832 728 569 0.04 -21.84 Iceland 311 412 450 142 106 0.01 -25.35 Ireland 4,321 4,578 4,411 1,212 1,430 0.11 17.99 Norway 3,485 3,784 4,007 1,172 1,021 0.08 -12.88 Sweden 9,985 11,117 10,979 4,283 3,690 0.27 -13.85 United Kingdom 76,1 73 74,338 78,562 24,623 18,048 1.34 -26.70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 250 COUNTRY TABLES COSTA RICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 106,040 106,729 109,319 26,557 56,175 4.17 111.53 Albania 31 47 52 18 38 0.00 111.11 Andorra 101 95 93 23 91 0.01 295.65 Bosnia and Herzegovina 49 43 52 31 22 0.00 -29.03 Croatia 427 543 577 278 336 0.02 20.86 Greece 1,019 942 1,083 441 789 0.06 78.91 Holy See 19 14 7 6 9 0.00 50.00 Italy 29,047 29,171 30,196 8,936 9,061 0.67 1.40 Malta 127 153 176 74 75 0.01 1.35 Montenegro 36 35 62 10 24 0.00 140.00 North Macedonia 25 47 59 30 29 0.00 -3.33 Portugal 4,268 5,808 5,953 1,459 3,173 0.24 117.48 San Marino 8 22 20 9 19 0.00 111.11 Serbia 377 372 406 154 268 0.02 74.03 Slovenia 724 803 838 287 384 0.03 33.80 Spain 69,782 68,634 69,745 14,801 41,857 3.11 182.80 WESTERN EUROPE 217,045 231,224 241,462 92,189 109,038 8.09 18.28 Austria 7,688 8,089 8,322 3,146 3,827 0.28 21.65 Belgium 12,275 12,381 12,256 3,777 5,460 0.41 44.56 France 69,803 74,032 77,013 35,267 32,199 2.39 -8.70 Germany 70,960 74,574 80,580 28,821 34,700 2.58 20.40 Liechtenstein 92 112 80 29 61 0.00 110.34 Luxembourg 481 545 594 223 336 0.02 50.67 Monaco 35 46 64 18 28 0.00 55.56 Netherlands 30,316 32,561 34,712 10,421 10,784 0.80 3.48 Switzerland 25,395 28,884 27,841 10,487 21,643 1.61 106.38 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 15,801 15,507 16,112 4,829 13,932 1.03 188.51 Cyprus 160 136 151 43 122 0.01 183.72 Israel 14,563 14,359 14,869 4,351 13,148 0.98 202.18 Turkiye 1,078 1,012 1,092 435 662 0.05 52.18 OTHER EUROPE 17 20 24 11 0.00 -54.17 Other countries of Europe 17 20 24 11 0.00 -54.17 MIDDLE EAST 1,167 1,174 1,226 374 590 0.04 57.75 Bahrain 31 21 31 10 12 0.00 20.00 Egypt 221 196 286 85 138 0.01 62.35 Iraq 9 19 28 13 10 0.00 -23.08 Jordan 156 109 113 36 62 0.00 72.22 Kuwait 57 105 62 11 38 0.00 245.45 Lebanon 212 190 186 64 100 0.01 56.25 Libya 1 1 6 1 1 0.00 Oman 47 56 65 20 8 0.00 -60.00 Qatar 30 32 31 32 51 0.00 59.38 Saudi Arabia 147 253 230 48 81 0.01 68.75 State of Palestine 56 54 47 15 23 0.00 53.33 Syrian Arab Republic 66 45 22 7 26 0.00 271.43 United Arab Emirates 127 87 115 30 36 0.00 20.00 Yemen 7 6 4 2 4 0.00 100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 251 COUNTRY TABLES COSTA RICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 8,242 9,093 10,422 2,395 3,557 0.26 48.52 Afghanistan 6 11 18 9 9 0.00 Bangladesh 90 58 101 18 49 0.00 172.22 Bhutan 13 5 9 4 5 0.00 25.00 India 7,415 8,236 9,398 2,146 2,925 0.22 36.30 Iran, Islamic Republic of 289 255 270 77 210 0.02 172.73 Maldives 3 7 15 5 0.00 Nepal 109 139 134 42 106 0.01 152.38 Pakistan 232 317 354 78 180 0.01 130.77 Sri Lanka 85 65 123 21 68 0.01 223.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 252 COUNTRY TABLES COTE D'lVOIRE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,800,262 1,964,699 2,070,158 668,163 575,819 100.00 -13.82 AFRICA 1,555,426 1,697,500 1,788,617 577,292 497,508 86.40 -13.82 OTHER AFRICA 1,555,426 1,697,500 1,788,617 577,292 497,508 86.40 -13.82 All countries of Africa 1,555,426 1,697,500 1,788,617 577,292 497,508 86.40 -13.82 AMERICAS 19,983 21,808 22,978 7,417 6,392 1.11 -13.82 NORTH AMERICA 18,424 5,947 5,125 0.89 -13.82 Canada, United States 18,424 5,947 5,125 0.89 -13.82 OTHER AMERICAS 19,983 21,808 4,554 1,470 1,267 0.22 -13.81 Other countries of the Americas 4,554 1,470 1,267 0.22 -13.81 All countries of the Americas 19,983 21,808 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 97,395 106,291 111,996 36,147 31,152 5.41 -13.82 NORHT-EAST ASIA 35,814 11,559 9,962 1.73 -13.82 China 35,814 11,559 9,962 1.73 -13.82 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 97,395 106,291 76,182 24,588 21,190 3.68 -13.82 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 76,182 24,588 21,190 3.68 -13.82 All countries East Asia/Pacific 97,395 106,291 EUROPE 118,457 129,277 136,216 43,966 37,888 6.58 -13.82 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,242 401 345 0.06 -13.97 United Kingdom 1,242 401 345 0.06 -13.97 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,277 735 633 0.11 -13.88 Italy 2,277 735 633 0.11 -13.88 WESTERN EUROPE 71,627 23,119 19,923 3.46 -13.82 France 65,831 21,248 18,311 3.18 -13.82 Germany 1,242 401 345 0.06 -13.97 Switzerland 4,554 1,470 1,267 0.22 -13.81 OTHER EUROPE 118,457 129,277 61,070 19,711 16,987 2.95 -13.82 Other countries of Europe 61,070 19,711 16,987 2.95 -13.82 All countries of Europe 118,457 129,277 MIDDLE EAST 9,001 9,823 10,351 3,341 2,879 0.50 -13.83 Lebanon 10,351 3,341 2,879 0.50 -13.83 All countries of Middle East 9,001 9,823 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 253 COUNTRY TABLES CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 6,009,132 6,378,696 6,726,026 1,283,265 2,970,601 100.00 131.49 AMERICAS 319,430 398,212 445,159 26,924 158,159 5.32 487.43 NORTH AMERICA 319,430 398,212 445,159 26,924 158,159 5.32 487.43 Canada 62,036 79,844 86,417 2,743 9 387 0.32 242.22 United States of America 257,394 318,368 358,742 24,181 148,772 5.01 515.24 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 213,404 242,029 234,915 8,097 7,018 0.24 -13.33 NORHT-EAST ASIA 125,128 138,814 128,931 5,494 2,239 0.08 -59.25 Japan 125,128 138,814 128,931 5,494 2,239 0.08 -59.25 AUSTRALASIA 88,276 103,215 105,984 2,603 4,779 0.16 83.60 Australia 77,249 88,928 90,205 2,154 4,052 0.14 88.12 New Zealand 11,027 14,287 15,779 449 727 0.02 61.92 EUROPE 4,572,705 4,767,532 4,983,547 1,189,751 2,759,052 92.88 131.90 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 805,042 812,739 851,259 330,123 710,028 23.90 115.08 Belarus 5,250 4,255 3,856 597 1,637 0.06 1 74.20 Bulgaria 44,133 40,975 39,166 7,549 11,911 0.40 57.78 Czech Republic (Czechia) 153,869 155,783 158,660 81,931 147,520 4.97 80.05 Estonia 7,450 6,900 7,048 1,136 3,665 0.12 222.62 Hungary 151,657 162,951 172,307 50,804 120,494 4.06 137.17 Latvia 8,120 6,964 6,672 1,162 4,103 0.14 253.10 Lithuania 9,081 8,147 9,042 1,733 6,601 0.22 280.90 Poland 194,307 189,796 194,837 91,992 174,153 5.86 89.31 Romania 41,826 43,752 44,379 21,597 35,187 1.18 62.93 Russian Federation 53,103 52,559 60,441 9,445 66,293 2.23 601.88 Slovakia 106,997 106,857 110,475 30,116 79,809 2.69 165.01 Ukraine 29,249 33,800 44,376 32,061 58,655 1.97 82.95 NORTHERN EUROPE 680,270 725,404 776,470 80,745 197,799 6.66 144.97 Denmark 32,280 38,1 74 45,467 9,832 22,881 0.77 132.72 Finland 48,926 50,518 56,743 3,878 4,365 0.15 12.56 Iceland 3,016 3,997 4,334 176 764 0.03 334.09 Ireland 30,690 32,298 45,735 2,937 10,782 0.36 267.11 Norway 64,955 70,742 72,404 1,716 10,086 0.34 487.76 Sweden 127,279 127,681 133,725 16,444 35,120 1.18 113.57 United Kingdom 373,124 401,994 418,062 45,762 113,801 3.83 148.68 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,049,537 1,100,459 1,163,255 259,620 500,021 16.83 92.60 Bosnia and Herzegovina 123,312 136,244 148,133 45,167 90,636 3.05 100.67 Greece 26,503 24,907 24,577 3,229 6,582 0.22 103.84 Italy 368,838 366,369 369,430 64,298 127,521 4.29 98.33 North Macedonia 16,078 1 7,624 1 7,352 5,725 10,644 0.36 85.92 Portugal 24,692 26,987 30,436 2,752 8,676 0.29 215.26 Slovenia 367,234 392,941 430,160 130,358 225,833 7.60 73.24 Spain 122,880 135,387 143,167 8,091 30,129 1.01 272.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 254 COUNTRY TABLES CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 1,877,360 1,962,080 2,011,527 463,025 1,252,675 42.17 170.54 Austria 673,930 683,407 679,660 121,647 427,219 14.38 251.20 Belgium 76,433 80,429 81,381 18,492 41,429 1.39 124.04 France 211,141 216,732 220,934 42,155 113,516 3.82 169.28 Germany 706,372 762,344 799,427 230,963 516,428 17.38 123.60 Luxembourg 4,185 4,791 4,964 1,723 3,526 0.12 104.64 Netherlands 102,954 110,684 119,963 15,949 78,996 2.66 395.30 Switzerland 102,345 103,693 105,198 32,096 71,561 2.41 122.96 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 52,753 53,551 58,182 10,626 14,824 0.50 39.51 Israel 32,246 35,583 36,703 5,090 6,268 0.21 23.14 Turkiye 20,507 1 7,968 21,479 5,536 8,556 0.29 54.55 OTHER EUROPE 107,743 113,299 122,854 45,612 83,705 2.82 83.52 Other countries of Europe 107,743 113,299 122,854 45,612 83,705 2.82 83.52 NOT SPECIFIED 903,593 970,923 1,062,405 58,493 46,372 1.56 -20.72 Other countries of the world 903,593 970,923 1,062,405 58,493 46,372 1.56 -20.72 CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 15,592,899 16,644,871 17,353,488 5,545,279 10,640,809 100.00 91.89 AFRICA 36,028 39,799 43,030 7,302 13,663 0.13 87.11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 18,621 22,319 22,060 1,229 2,843 0.03 131.33 South Africa 18,621 22,319 22,060 1,229 2,843 0.03 131.33 OTHER AFRICA 17,407 17,480 20,970 6,073 10,820 0.10 78.17 Other countries of Africa 17,407 1 7,480 20,970 6,073 10,820 0.10 78.17 AMERICAS 746,989 914,729 1,025,726 78,132 331,100 3.11 323.77 NORTH AMERICA 591,773 734,575 816,517 58,863 286,920 2.70 387.44 Canada 136,519 172,712 187,145 6,395 21,387 0.20 234.43 United States of America 451,947 558,751 626,035 51,767 263,690 2.48 409.38 Other countries of North America 3,307 3,112 3,337 701 1,843 0.02 162.91 SOUTH AMERICA 62,219 65,070 77,508 7,958 13,616 0.13 71.10 Brazil 62,219 65,070 77,508 7,958 13,616 0.13 71.10 OTHER AMERICAS 92,997 115,084 131,701 11,311 30,564 0.29 170.21 Other countries of the Americas 92,997 115,084 131,701 11,311 30,564 0.29 170.21 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,356,379 1,498,630 1,599,247 84,522 80,218 0.75 -5.09 NORHT-EAST ASIA 749,980 801,314 832,948 40,036 20,913 0.20 -47.76 China 159,301 233,630 279,118 9,280 10,326 0.10 11.27 Japan 142,043 159,574 150,217 7,360 4,770 0.04 -35.19 Korea, Republic of 448,636 408,110 403,613 23,396 5,817 0.05 -75.14 AUSTRALASIA 217,594 255,548 258,847 9,757 16,758 0.16 71.75 Australia 186,323 217,341 217,190 8,075 14,118 0.13 74.84 New Zealand 31,271 38,207 41,657 1,682 2,640 0.02 56.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 255 COUNTRY TABLES CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 388,805 441,768 507,452 34,729 42,547 0.40 22.51 Other countries of Asia 387,391 440,919 506,657 34,563 42,058 0.40 21.69 Other countries of Oceania 1,414 849 795 166 489 0.00 194.58 EUROPE 13,453,503 14,191,713 14,685,485 5,375,323 10,215,828 96.01 90.05 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,130,065 3,221,298 3,304,958 1,672,626 2,890,391 27.16 72.81 Belarus 16,160 14,740 16,463 1,785 4,411 0.04 147.11 Bulgaria 64,982 63,415 65,056 15,009 22,490 0.21 49.84 Czech Republic (Czechia) 741,757 755,104 742,248 481,458 720,913 6.77 49.74 Estonia 27,782 25,678 23,977 4,319 13,241 0.12 206.58 Hungary 545,789 598,975 617,391 211,620 431,257 4.05 103.79 Latvia 26,150 24,411 24,929 4,522 14,985 0.14 231.38 Lithuania 45,399 41,512 45,687 7,374 29,826 0.28 304.48 Poland 934,336 929,184 932,678 642,927 957,439 9.00 48.92 Romania 104,991 113,652 123,806 61,907 97,755 0.92 57.91 Russian Federation 119,689 122,691 139,147 22,774 132,509 1.25 481.84 Slovakia 425,1 73 430,882 439,538 145,310 327,294 3.08 125.24 Ukraine 77,857 101,054 134,038 73,621 138,271 1.30 87.81 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,528,810 1,635,576 1,700,378 207,415 447,566 4.21 115.78 Denmark 123,662 134,164 136,962 33,891 82,798 0.78 144.31 Finland 106,400 112,709 118,756 5,926 10,062 0.09 69.79 Iceland 5,030 6,520 7,988 390 1,388 0.01 255.90 Ireland 76,685 84,075 111,088 7,735 25,524 0.24 229.98 Norway 172,077 179,913 1 76,696 3,565 21,455 0.20 501.82 Sweden 294,281 297,081 289,699 37,394 84,868 0.80 126.96 United Kingdom 750,675 821,114 859,189 118,514 221,471 2.08 86.87 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,269,052 3,479,607 3,655,106 1,237,339 1,958,895 18.41 58.32 Bosnia and Herzegovina 354,018 395,469 433,467 116,360 256,949 2.41 120.82 Greece 33,521 33,288 35,404 5,298 11,198 0.11 111.36 Italy 1,110,219 1,148,078 1,1 75,069 228,458 417,253 3.92 82.64 Malta 3,006 3,714 3,253 466 1,873 0.02 301.93 Montenegro 19,368 20,318 21,873 6,081 13,118 0.12 115.72 North Macedonia 30,154 35,573 35,384 11,831 22,045 0.21 86.33 Portugal 47,817 55,065 64,411 6,733 22,043 0.21 227.39 Serbia 122,881 138,349 151,295 67,264 124,680 1.17 85.36 Slovenia 1,297,681 1,364,252 1,426,246 769,264 994,990 9.35 29.34 Spain 250,387 285,501 308,704 25,584 94,746 0.89 270.33 WESTERN EUROPE 5,388,381 5,708,511 5,870,093 2,216,538 4,860,485 45.68 119.28 Austria 1,331,215 1,369,709 1,385,004 355,457 1,025,521 9.64 188.51 Belgium 202,796 210,193 211,155 62,435 145,022 1.36 132.28 France 536,072 583,130 629,231 137,823 375,905 3.53 172.74 Germany 2,615,900 2,783,513 2,881,284 1,480,454 2,737,013 25.72 84.88 Luxembourg 9,105 10,752 10,896 4,506 9,635 0.09 113.83 Netherlands 442,692 486,349 484,31 7 85,270 373,600 3.51 338.14 Switzerland 250,601 264,865 268,206 90,593 193,789 1.82 113.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 256 COUNTRY TABLES CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 93,841 100,262 103,445 21,682 31,002 0.29 42.98 Cyprus 2,626 2,730 3,329 499 1,763 0.02 253.31 Israel 56,952 65,160 63,928 8,786 12,462 0.12 41.84 Turkiye 34,263 32,372 36,188 12,397 16,777 0.16 35.33 OTHER EUROPE 43,354 46,459 51,505 19,723 27,489 0.26 39.38 Other countries of Europe 43,354 46,459 51,505 19,723 27,489 0.26 39.38 CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 22,148,452 22,794,855 23,160,066 5,346,191 12,905,149 100.00 141.39 AMERICAS 731,404 867,435 966,273 80,066 395,870 3.07 394.43 NORTH AMERICA 731,404 867,435 966,273 80,066 395,870 3.07 394.43 Canada 142,299 171,930 184,677 8,076 25,279 0.20 213.01 United States of America 589,105 695,505 781,596 71,990 370,591 2.87 414.78 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 369,848 409,320 405,079 16,097 21,557 0.17 33.92 NORHT-EAST ASIA 180,183 192,900 183,763 8,446 5,766 0.04 -31.73 Japan 180,183 192,900 183,763 8,446 5,766 0.04 -31.73 AUSTRALASIA 189,665 216,420 221,316 7,651 15,791 0.12 106.39 Australia 167,284 187,347 189,718 6,093 13,420 0.10 120.25 New Zealand 22,381 29,073 31,598 1,558 2,371 0.02 52.18 EUROPE 19,789,174 20,173,130 20,316,093 5,139,558 12,340,161 95.62 140.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,824,791 3,810,257 3,926,877 1,593,345 3,422,581 26.52 114.80 Belarus 15,758 16,707 15,464 2,551 6,921 0.05 171.31 Bulgaria 77,383 66,738 67,185 16,247 28,267 0.22 73.98 Czech Republic (Czechia) 920,036 926,814 924,599 443,445 821,322 6.36 85.21 Estonia 30,643 25,826 25,055 3,817 12,243 0.09 220.75 Hungary 650,514 668,087 700,512 229,187 537,919 4.17 134.71 Latvia 22,932 20,678 20,708 3,786 14,486 0.11 282.62 Lithuania 27,291 25,924 28,738 5,290 22,936 0.18 333.57 Poland 822,285 790,112 781,915 438,954 802,261 6.22 82.77 Romania 137,751 133,503 137,766 86,816 129,698 1.01 49.39 Russian Federation 328,143 323,984 364,683 36,695 315,466 2.44 759.70 Slovakia 626,209 620,096 620,826 156,739 438,893 3.40 180.02 Ukraine 165,846 191,788 239,426 169,818 292,169 2.26 72.05 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,668,560 3,863,526 3,809,412 304,499 926,467 7.18 204.26 Denmark 149,946 173,279 162,217 36,073 100,959 0.78 179.87 Finland 251,530 250,028 234,109 7,267 16,277 0.13 123.99 Iceland 13,825 1 7,192 17,387 507 2,249 0.02 343.59 Ireland 144,523 150,036 192,661 10,226 44,077 0.34 331.03 Norway 359,981 381,581 342,627 5,754 46,697 0.36 711.56 Sweden 671,073 656,677 591,644 59,541 149,911 1.16 151.78 United Kingdom 2,077,682 2,234,733 2,268,767 185,131 566,297 4.39 205.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 257 COUNTRY TABLES CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,199,001 3,310,174 3,476,274 891,566 1,775,159 13.76 99.11 Bosnia and Herzegovina 389,764 433,879 451,792 147,689 336,417 2.61 127.79 Greece 46,023 45,090 47,407 7,883 15,221 0.12 93.09 Italy 1,160,031 1,150,991 1,178,188 215,758 430,992 3.34 99.76 North Macedonia 36,004 41,080 40,672 18,025 31,714 0.25 75.94 Portugal 55,259 58,337 66,053 7,833 23,594 0.18 201.21 Slovenia 1,273,457 1,31 7,359 1,412,056 474,452 868,516 6.73 83.06 Spain 238,463 263,438 280,106 19,926 68,705 0.53 244.80 WESTERN EUROPE 8,689,886 8,754,784 8,648,579 2,156,911 5,895,317 45.68 173.32 Austria 2,889,715 2,891,325 2,831,816 532,641 1,908,333 14.79 258.28 Belgium 307,554 298,023 279,401 62,116 151,655 1.18 144.15 France 796,695 768,586 757,513 125,624 369,360 2.86 194.02 Germany 3,882,095 3,948,870 3,933,061 1,239,028 2,891,613 22.41 133.38 Luxembourg 18,928 22,037 20,706 6,795 14,738 0.11 116.89 Netherlands 419,161 455,636 449,542 56,349 289,338 2.24 413.47 Switzerland 375,738 370,307 376,540 134,358 270,280 2.09 101.16 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 133,216 142,200 145,381 30,585 42,101 0.33 37.65 Israel 87,393 104,312 101,855 14,232 17,881 0.14 25.64 Turkiye 45,823 37,888 43,526 16,353 24,220 0.19 48.11 OTHER EUROPE 273,720 292,189 309,570 162,652 278,536 2.16 71.25 Other countries of Europe 273,720 292,189 309,570 162,652 278,536 2.16 71.25 NOT SPECIFIED 1,258,026 1,344,970 1,472,621 110,470 147,561 1.14 33.58 Other countries of the world 1,258,026 1,344,970 1,472,621 110,470 147,561 1.14 33.58 CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 80,221,997 83,175,143 84,147,631 35,379,064 62,847,827 100.00 77.64 AFRICA 113,345 124,506 139,849 36,021 52,759 0.08 46.47 SOUTHERN AFRICA 48,630 60,853 61,610 4,959 13,510 0.02 172.43 South Africa 48,630 60,853 61,610 4,959 13,510 0.02 172.43 OTHER AFRICA 64,715 63,653 78,239 31,062 39,249 0.06 26.36 Other countries of Africa 64,715 63,653 78,239 31,062 39,249 0.06 26.36 AMERICAS 1,915,906 2,280,002 2,567,831 360,435 1,080,298 1.72 199.72 NORTH AMERICA 1,553,270 1,862,204 2,084,219 281,857 905,424 1.44 221.24 Canada 363,585 438,239 482,432 30,763 83,718 0.13 172.14 United States of America 1,178,063 1,413,182 1,591,558 247,808 815,033 1.30 228.90 Other countries of North America 11,622 10,783 10,229 3,286 6,673 0.01 103.07 SOUTH AMERICA 141,159 149,131 177,464 31,452 67,145 0.11 113.48 Brazil 141,159 149,131 1 77,464 31,452 67,145 0.11 113.48 OTHER AMERICAS 221,477 268,667 306,148 47,126 107,729 0.17 128.60 Other countries of the Americas 221,477 268,667 306,148 47,126 107,729 0.17 128.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 258 COUNTRY TABLES CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,180,769 2,475,689 2,640,551 219,906 305,862 0.49 39.09 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,195,178 1,082,168 1,154,732 74,436 60,689 0.10 -18.47 China 425,194 342,740 410,042 26,068 29,672 0.05 13.83 Japan 221,360 240,965 233,312 15,116 14,451 0.02 -4.40 Korea, Republic of 548,624 498,463 511,378 33,252 16,566 0.03 -50.18 AUSTRALASIA 566,274 650,973 659,295 47,028 77,901 0.12 65.65 Australia 488,437 557,931 558,493 40,083 67,082 0.11 67.36 New Zealand 77,837 93,042 100,802 6,945 10,819 0.02 55.78 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 419,317 742,548 826,524 98,442 167,272 0.27 69.92 Other countries of Asia 414,336 739,853 824,057 97,660 164,727 0.26 68.67 Other countries of Oceania 4,981 2,695 2,467 782 2,545 0.00 225.45 EUROPE 76,011,977 78,294,946 78,799,400 34,762,702 61,408,908 97.71 76.65 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 18,987,361 19,360,565 19,399,453 10,714,513 17,751,553 28.25 65.68 Belarus 88,310 87,679 96,595 10,421 22,754 0.04 118.35 Bulgaria 128,358 123,440 129,618 44,959 63,879 0.10 42.08 Czech Republic (Czechia) 5,067,098 5,127,447 4,985,029 3,212,204 4,783,597 7.61 48.92 Estonia 118,704 108,217 95,534 22,264 53,407 0.08 139.88 Hungary 2,769,749 2,978,151 3,043,319 1,167,009 2,286,255 3.64 95.91 Latvia 97,331 95,580 97,195 21,479 61,828 0.10 187.85 Lithuania 179,780 165,991 176,812 35,088 119,574 0.19 240.78 Poland 6,056,181 6,039,972 5,860,815 4,353,828 6,287,267 10.00 44.41 Romania 412,445 430,932 475,371 294,934 426,594 0.68 44.64 Russian Federation 806,365 790,962 845,423 128,764 673,681 1.07 423.19 Slovakia 2,794,329 2,813,770 2,817,452 970,540 2,189,144 3.48 125.56 Ukraine 468,711 598,424 776,290 453,023 783,573 1.25 72.97 NORTHERN EUROPE 8,141,990 8,654,955 8,589,634 1,061,063 2,313,267 3.68 118.01 Denmark 809,586 853,665 788,518 207,618 517,159 0.82 149.09 Finland 525,051 548,044 527,712 17,118 43,377 0.07 153.40 Iceland 23,540 29,663 35,696 1,927 5,424 0.01 181.47 Ireland 344,581 378,422 487,290 36,484 111,068 0.18 204.43 Norway 1,058,398 1,084,155 997,631 17,715 112,916 0.18 537.40 Sweden 1,571,052 1,583,018 1,425,862 184,287 426,447 0.68 131.40 United Kingdom 3,809,782 4,177,988 4,326,925 595,914 1,096,876 1.75 84.07 SOUTHERN EUROPE 14,990,109 15,600,514 16,207,661 7,064,522 10,503,750 16.71 48.68 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,546,753 1,708,503 1,834,007 542,414 1,245,749 1.98 129.67 Greece 66,552 68,524 79,887 17,426 31,756 0.05 82.23 Italy 4,915,170 5,023,959 5,141,064 1,231,506 1,996,481 3.18 62.12 Malta 10,321 12,477 10,918 1,705 6,077 0.01 256.42 Montenegro 44,920 48,578 53,195 19,730 39,033 0.06 97.84 North Macedonia 104,824 126,734 133,629 53,968 99,240 0.16 83.89 Portugal 115,566 133,108 154,040 26,879 67,509 0.11 151.16 Serbia 511,813 592,519 630,237 367,443 660,425 1.05 79.74 Slovenia 7,140,125 7,278,621 7,503,053 4,727,223 6,127,362 9.75 29.62 Spain 534,065 607,491 667,631 76,228 230,118 0.37 201.88 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 259 COUNTRY TABLES CROATIA / CROATIE / CROACIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 33,474,575 34,290,343 34,197,086 15,763,288 30,653,141 48.77 94.46 Austria 6,990,661 7,064,741 7,056,926 2,097,557 5,682,370 9.04 1 70.90 Belgium 951,024 943,974 916,585 324,479 650,422 1.03 100.45 France 1,969,831 2,088,534 2,228,227 527,671 1,304,091 2.07 147.14 Germany 19,525,823 19,983,716 19,944,549 11,739,390 19,931,221 31.71 69.78 Luxembourg 44,483 50,900 51,139 23,837 46,863 0.07 96.60 Netherlands 2,904,353 3,052,082 2,882,701 563,923 2,153,507 3.43 281.88 Switzerland 1,088,400 1,106,396 1,116,959 486,431 884,667 1.41 81.87 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 242,481 267,145 265,406 82,669 100,682 0.16 21.79 Cyprus 7,632 8,805 10,179 2,193 6,158 0.01 180.80 Israel 142,400 171,794 167,752 28,290 38,716 0.06 36.85 Turkiye 92,449 86,546 87,475 52,186 55,808 0.09 6.94 OTHER EUROPE 175,461 121,424 140,160 76,647 86,515 0.14 12.87 Other countries of Europe 175,461 121,424 140,160 76,647 86,515 0.14 12.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 260 COUNTRY TABLES CUBA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,653,559 4,711,910 4,275,558 1,085,920 356,470 100.00 -67.17 AFRICA 21,887 28,666 22,348 3,752 2,378 0.67 -36.62 EAST AFRICA 4,665 8,550 5,497 305 222 0.06 -27.21 Burundi 14 21 13 3 0.00 Comoros 6 13 10 1 4 0.00 300.00 Djibouti 11 27 25 5 7 0.00 40.00 Eritrea 14 21 6 Ethiopia 160 158 147 50 17 0.00 -66.00 Kenya 372 724 410 59 59 0.02 Madagascar 2,165 2,303 1,389 7 7 0.00 Malawi 13 15 23 2 2 0.00 Mauritius 1,091 3,368 2,139 24 9 0.00 -62.50 Mozambique 155 225 160 43 27 0.01 -37.21 Reunion 1 16 1 1 0.00 Rwanda 32 33 39 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Seychelles 31 37 41 9 10 0.00 11.11 Somalia 4 2 4 1 13 0.00 1,200.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 80 92 125 34 19 0.01 -44.12 Uganda 77 101 67 16 7 0.00 -56.25 Zambia 69 78 36 1 1 0.00 Zimbabwe 370 1,316 862 39 24 0.01 -38.46 CENTRAL AFRICA 4,775 5,107 4,788 1,051 684 0.19 -34.92 Angola 4,017 4,055 3,819 807 494 0.14 -38.79 Cameroon 197 198 126 30 24 0.01 -20.00 Central African Republic 60 210 74 20 14 0.00 -30.00 Chad 14 25 27 5 6 0.00 20.00 Congo 132 152 189 49 30 0.01 -38.78 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 128 180 237 63 57 0.02 -9.52 Equatorial Guinea 135 197 219 42 21 0.01 -50.00 Gabon 76 70 84 32 36 0.01 12.50 Sao Tome and Principe 16 20 13 3 2 0.00 -33.33 NORTH AFRICA 5,000 5,132 4,763 1,261 659 0.18 -47.74 Algeria 1,423 1,458 1,463 406 195 0.05 -51.97 Morocco 2,283 2,263 2,064 455 205 0.06 -54.95 Sudan 30 40 30 1 7 0.00 600.00 Tunisia 1,070 1,210 934 348 126 0.04 -63.79 Western Sahara 194 161 272 51 29 0.01 -43.14 Other countries of North Africa 97 0.03 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,978 6,602 4,444 501 308 0.09 -38.52 Botswana 74 26 29 26 4 0.00 -84.62 Eswatini 11 12 145 1 Lesotho 7 25 22 6 9 0.00 50.00 Namibia 134 177 160 18 17 0.00 -5.56 South Africa 3,752 6,362 4,088 450 277 0.08 -38.44 Other countries of Southern Africa 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 261 COUNTRY TABLES CUBA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 3,469 3,275 2,856 634 505 0.14 -20.35 Benin 56 125 92 23 21 0.01 -8.70 Burkina Faso 65 78 79 19 27 0.01 42.11 Cabo Verde 71 84 79 24 20 0.01 -16.67 Cote d'lvoire 127 144 151 55 17 0.00 -69.09 Gambia 53 57 54 31 20 0.01 -35.48 Ghana 264 334 605 154 78 0.02 -49.35 Guinea 377 413 450 127 101 0.03 -20.47 Guinea-Bissau 35 55 45 16 20 0.01 25.00 Liberia 28 27 20 1 2 0.00 100.00 Mali 55 113 122 31 28 0.01 -9.68 Mauritania 1,606 871 291 6 10 0.00 66.67 Niger 36 87 41 5 10 0.00 100.00 Nigeria 531 656 583 103 109 0.03 5.83 Senegal 117 152 126 22 15 0.00 -31.82 Sierra Leone 15 43 80 12 23 0.01 91.67 Togo 33 36 38 5 4 0.00 -20.00 AMERICAS 2,307,930 2,342,994 2,169,445 569,017 90,090 25.27 -84.17 CARIBBEAN 36,357 43,620 38,173 6,553 2,852 0.80 -56.48 Anguilla 5 3 3 Antigua and Barbuda 191 241 234 21 18 0.01 -14.29 Bahamas 4,215 4,887 4,912 1,145 476 0.13 -58.43 Barbados 502 770 497 43 8 0.00 -81.40 Bermuda 311 412 252 12 1 0.00 -91.67 British Virgin Islands 1 Cayman Islands 857 688 552 102 17 0.00 -83.33 Dominica 344 407 321 34 15 0.00 -55.88 Dominican Republic 9,925 10,019 9,880 1,886 494 0.14 -73.81 Grenada 589 1,210 821 45 14 0.00 -68.89 Guadeloupe 1 Haiti 9,271 8,498 9,527 2,061 1,410 0.40 -31.59 Jamaica 5,312 8,448 5,693 803 267 0.07 -66.75 Montserrat 1 4 Netherlands Antilles 329 133 59 Puerto Rico 46 34 13 Saint Kitts and Nevis 207 197 179 43 13 0.00 -69.77 Saint Lucia 922 1,558 1,259 37 30 0.01 -18.92 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1,468 1,941 1,224 92 54 0.02 -41.30 Trinidad and Tobago 1,808 4,125 2,704 220 34 0.01 -84.55 Turks and Caicos Islands 40 34 38 9 1 0.00 -88.89 United States Virgin Islands 5 1 Other countries of the Caribbean 8 10 4 CENTRAL AMERICA 54,935 58,787 47,655 9,305 1,214 0.34 -86.95 Belize 493 782 604 51 11 0.00 -78.43 Costa Rica 16,445 16,492 12,178 1,832 81 0.02 -95.58 El Salvador 5,336 6,235 4,488 680 74 0.02 -89.12 Guatemala 4,305 5,202 5,023 672 93 0.03 -86.16 Honduras 8,936 8,553 6,180 1,044 186 0.05 -82.18 Nicaragua 3,286 4,292 3,129 556 112 0.03 -79.86 Panama 16,134 17,231 16,053 4,470 657 0.18 -85.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 262 COUNTRY TABLES CUBA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 1,893,712 1,919,940 1,785,610 499,442 78,907 22.14 -84.20 Canada 1,133,824 1,109,630 1,120,077 413,409 68,944 19.34 -83.32 Greenland 1 Mexico 141,540 171,945 166,995 27,886 2,924 0.82 -89.51 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 United States of America 618,346 638,365 498,538 58,147 7,039 1.97 -87.89 SOUTH AMERICA 322,926 320,647 298,007 53,717 7,117 2.00 -86.75 Argentina 99,435 97,484 95,578 15,955 866 0.24 -94.57 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 3,940 4,912 4,408 771 229 0.06 -70.30 Brazil 35,026 41,088 22,356 4,252 416 0.12 -90.22 Chile 44,041 49,889 57,998 10,118 465 0.13 -95.40 Colombia 40,949 45,966 43,048 7,315 2,154 0.60 -70.55 Ecuador 12,421 12,555 9,788 1,890 402 0.11 -78.73 French Guiana 13 6 2 Guyana 928 1,327 1,096 151 41 0.01 -72.85 Paraguay 1,808 1,632 1,859 454 28 0.01 -93.83 Peru 29,050 28,268 27,248 5,129 637 0.18 -87.58 Suriname 312 266 322 107 26 0.01 -75.70 Uruguay 12,399 13,271 14,361 2,180 109 0.03 -95.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 42,584 23,983 19,939 5,393 1,744 0.49 -67.66 Other countries of South America 20 4 2 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 191,713 234,683 171,473 27,696 6,114 1.72 -77.92 NORHT-EAST ASIA 82,322 87,372 80,206 15,630 1,144 0.32 -92.68 China 43,322 49,944 44,873 6,432 799 0.22 -87.58 Hong Kong, China 10 20 2 Japan 22,020 19,311 15,545 3,799 156 0.04 -95.89 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 50 517 436 60 12 0.00 -80.00 Korea, Republic of 14,128 14,663 16,823 4,585 147 0.04 -96.79 Macao, China 7 5 1 1 0.00 Mongolia 408 376 206 62 21 0.01 -66.13 Taiwan Province of China 2,377 2,535 2,320 692 8 0.00 -98.84 Other countries of North-East Asia 1 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 79,043 120,408 69,773 8,459 4,854 1.36 -42.62 Brunei Darussalam 11 6 6 2 Cambodia 61 54 66 12 5 0.00 -58.33 Indonesia 24,239 37,834 18,092 473 139 0.04 -70.61 Lao People's Democratic Republic 14 64 67 8 8 0.00 Malaysia 1,059 1,139 1,132 195 34 0.01 -82.56 Myanmar 1,083 1,224 596 72 53 0.01 -26.39 Philippines 47,886 73,874 44,326 7,018 4,181 1.17 -40.42 Singapore 1,209 1,204 1,114 180 7 0.00 -96.11 Thailand 956 1,643 1,293 114 23 0.01 -79.82 Timor-Leste 39 16 27 1 9 0.00 800.00 Viet Nam 2,486 3,350 3,054 384 395 0.11 2.86 AUSTRALASIA 29,664 25,685 20,990 3,593 113 0.03 -96.85 Australia 24,062 21,141 17,391 3,083 93 0.03 -96.98 New Zealand 5,602 4,544 3,599 510 20 0.01 -96.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 263 COUNTRY TABLES CUBA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MELANESIA 47 118 47 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Fiji 34 73 24 6 2 0.00 -66.67 New Caledonia 3 10 6 1 Norfolk Island 1 4 Papua New Guinea 3 9 10 2 Solomon Islands 3 9 4 2 Vanuatu 3 13 3 1 1 0.00 MICRONESIA 20 41 47 2 Nauru 10 Northern Mariana Islands 15 20 22 Palau 3 11 17 Other countries of Micronesia 2 8 2 POLYNESIA 617 1,059 410 American Samoa 548 947 379 French Polynesia 2 2 Pitcairn 27 5 Samoa 34 83 25 Tokelau 1 Tonga 3 16 1 Tuvalu 3 7 3 EUROPE 1,566,345 1,458,599 1,258,162 331,267 202,743 56.88 -38.80 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 217,934 246,945 281,373 110,499 157,466 44.17 42.50 Armenia 468 557 523 108 97 0.03 -10.19 Azerbaijan 187 154 256 70 67 0.02 -4.29 Belarus 3,791 4,924 6,408 2,538 1,516 0.43 -40.27 Bulgaria 5,268 6,450 4,803 1,309 325 0.09 -75.17 Czech Republic (Czechia) 15,007 14,426 13,121 4,423 555 0.16 -87.45 Estonia 1,760 1,875 1,600 804 110 0.03 -86.32 Georgia 276 349 343 132 135 0.04 2.27 Hungary 7,106 8,003 7,339 2,212 272 0.08 -87.70 Kazakhstan 918 869 1,054 340 168 0.05 -50.59 Kyrgyzstan 31 50 22 9 8 0.00 -11.11 Latvia 1,851 1,926 1,650 630 96 0.03 -84.76 Lithuania 3,426 3,184 2,608 806 401 0.11 -50.25 Moldova, Republic of 919 879 796 211 48 0.01 -77.25 Poland 40,489 33,598 33,175 13,208 3,622 1.02 -72.58 Romania 10,542 11,450 9,566 2,049 630 0.18 -69.25 Russian Federation 105,258 137,440 177,977 74,019 146,151 41.00 97.45 Slovakia 8,495 7,130 6,457 1,890 357 0.10 -81.11 Turkmenistan 17 37 22 10 14 0.00 40.00 Ukraine 11,953 13,219 13,416 5,623 2,877 0.81 -48.84 Uzbekistan 168 419 237 108 17 0.00 -84.26 Other countries Central/East Europe 4 6 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 264 COUNTRY TABLES CUBA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 273,716 247,555 168,278 33,904 4,747 1.33 -86.00 Denmark 15,417 12,584 9,863 2,891 219 0.06 -92.42 Faeroe Islands 1 16 2 Finland 7,862 8,356 6,832 3,815 132 0.04 -96.54 Iceland 981 1,488 1,029 197 22 0.01 -88.83 Ireland 9,988 9,022 7,303 1,270 152 0.04 -88.03 Norway 12,498 10,593 8,679 1,770 358 0.10 -79.77 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 1 4 Sweden 21,401 15,517 10,821 2,870 447 0.13 -84.43 United Kingdom 205,562 189,963 123,745 21,091 3,417 0.96 -83.80 United Kingdom/Ireland 5 Other countries of Northern Europe 12 4 SOUTHERN EUROPE 451,641 407,539 338,875 65,647 20,627 5.79 -68.58 Albania 1,066 1,030 919 233 65 0.02 -72.10 Andorra 219 240 221 29 17 0.00 -41.38 Bosnia and Herzegovina 863 1,088 961 236 41 0.01 -82.63 Croatia 5,212 6,013 4,782 1,161 270 0.08 -76.74 Gibraltar 3 16 3 Greece 6,889 6,802 6,892 1,558 459 0.13 -70.54 Holy See 6 13 15 6 6 0.00 Italy 227,829 177,852 133,436 30,269 5,462 1.53 -81.96 Malta 513 436 360 87 14 0.00 -83.91 Montenegro 1,172 1,581 1,102 201 39 0.01 -80.60 North Macedonia 1,513 1,176 199 46 0.01 -76.88 Portugal 27,253 31,843 32,677 4,441 1,185 0.33 -73.32 San Marino 181 131 81 27 9 0.00 -66.67 Serbia 6,012 7,101 6,296 1,786 369 0.10 -79.34 Slovenia 3,936 3,911 3,615 747 125 0.04 -83.27 Spain 168,949 167,969 146,339 24,667 12,520 3.51 -49.24 Other countries of Southern Europe 1,538 WESTERN EUROPE 592,099 526,644 444,677 114,956 17,675 4.96 -84.62 Austria 23,229 19,673 15,734 4,591 390 0.11 -91.51 Belgium 24,079 20,639 1 7,449 3,774 580 0.16 -84.63 France 209,239 197,521 169,394 46,537 5,434 1.52 -88.32 Germany 243,1 72 208,506 174,956 45,074 9,159 2.57 -79.68 Liechtenstein 94 100 81 26 5 0.00 -80.77 Luxembourg 1,661 1,228 1,113 254 17 0.00 -93.31 Monaco 178 46 51 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Netherlands 52,432 47,614 40,234 8,550 745 0.21 -91.29 Switzerland 38,015 31,317 25,665 6,142 1,343 0.38 -78.13 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 30,955 29,916 24,959 6,261 2,228 0.63 -64.41 Cyprus 1,084 911 848 113 11 0.00 -90.27 Israel 13,559 12,160 8,961 2,015 143 0.04 -92.90 Turkiye 16,312 16,845 15,150 4,133 2,074 0.58 -49.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 265 COUNTRY TABLES CUBA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 3,978 5,075 4,675 940 414 0.12 -55.96 Bahrain 50 60 35 7 Iraq 113 119 112 40 10 0.00 -75.00 Jordan 316 260 999 69 30 0.01 -56.52 Kuwait 187 308 304 74 44 0.01 -40.54 Lebanon 1,100 1,120 991 218 90 0.03 -58.72 Oman 41 146 50 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Qatar 58 76 67 28 14 0.00 -50.00 Saudi Arabia 424 567 441 89 40 0.01 -55.06 State of Palestine 86 164 129 34 62 0.02 82.35 Syrian Arab Republic 308 413 509 137 70 0.02 -48.91 United Arab Emirates 88 170 226 37 28 0.01 -24.32 Yemen 50 75 113 20 21 0.01 5.00 Other countries of Middle East 1,157 1,597 699 181 SOUTH ASIA 30,867 39,530 25,057 2,811 1,894 0.53 -32.62 Afghanistan 156 185 134 45 19 0.01 -57.78 Bangladesh 163 246 202 83 20 0.01 -75.90 Bhutan 7 2 5 1 India 26,421 35,199 21,758 1,881 1,289 0.36 -31.47 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,849 1,729 1,378 384 124 0.03 -67.71 Maldives 4 10 16 4 0.00 Nepal 1,116 1,191 593 54 2 0.00 -96.30 Pakistan 415 378 328 80 79 0.02 -1.25 Sri Lanka 736 590 643 283 357 0.10 26.15 NOT SPECIFIED 530,839 602,363 624,398 150,437 52,837 14.82 -64.88 Other countries of the world 13,278 2,057 426 49 33 0.01 -32.65 Nationals residing abroad 51 7,561 600,306 623,972 150,388 52,804 14.81 -64.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 266 COUNTRY TABLES CURACAO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 398,820 431,709 463,683 174,882 265,006 100.00 51.53 AMERICAS 181,817 199,702 208,940 57,991 74,843 28.24 29.06 CARIBBEAN 25,954 32,330 40,133 9,899 11,343 4.28 14.59 Aruba 12,330 14,062 13,786 3,554 5,371 2.03 51.13 Barbados 385 267 414 75 29 0.01 -61.33 Dominican Republic 4,487 2,288 2,357 419 777 0.29 85.44 Haiti 1,320 1,776 1,530 240 485 0.18 102.08 Jamaica 917 666 865 151 680 0.26 350.33 Puerto Rico 581 361 294 60 112 0.04 86.67 Trinidad and Tobago 4,589 4,029 7,461 1,150 118 0.04 -89.74 Other countries of the Caribbean 1,345 8,881 13,426 4,250 3,771 1.42 -11.27 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,503 1,688 2,104 413 600 0.23 45.28 Panama 1,503 1,688 2,104 413 600 0.23 45.28 NORTH AMERICA 80,281 94,432 96,149 32,937 42,674 16.10 29.56 Canada 19,134 21,173 22,100 10,291 3,578 1.35 -65.23 United States of America 61,147 73,259 74,049 22,646 39,096 14.75 72.64 SOUTH AMERICA 74,079 71,252 70,554 14,742 20,226 7.63 37.20 Argentina 2,493 2,696 2,272 621 364 0.14 -41.38 Brazil 10,796 13,230 13,446 2,567 4,267 1.61 66.23 Chile 604 875 1,343 263 147 0.06 -44.11 Colombia 17,135 23,594 30,090 6,775 9,288 3.50 37.09 Ecuador 3,258 2,211 1,638 176 1,008 0.38 472.73 Guyana 835 707 793 174 104 0.04 -40.23 Peru 337 460 701 154 354 0.13 129.87 Suriname 7,778 8,459 9,080 1,149 1,388 0.52 20.80 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 28,831 16,081 7,382 1,756 648 0.24 -63.10 Other countries of South America 2,012 2,939 3,809 1,107 2,658 1.00 140.11 EUROPE 205,646 221,856 243,840 112,419 183,856 69.38 63.55 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,015 6,901 6,802 2,369 3,062 1.16 29.25 Denmark 730 746 749 316 292 0.11 -7.59 Finland 610 542 605 182 149 0.06 -18.13 Norway 852 915 867 266 382 0.14 43.61 Sweden 2,116 1,872 1,574 455 357 0.13 -21.54 United Kingdom 2,707 2,826 3,007 1,150 1,882 0.71 63.65 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,031 2,884 3,721 940 1,406 0.53 49.57 Italy 1,147 1,165 1,664 517 505 0.19 -2.32 Portugal 898 664 847 136 207 0.08 52.21 Spain 986 1,055 1,210 287 694 0.26 141.81 WESTERN EUROPE 191,963 208,478 229,444 107,205 176,014 66.42 64.18 Austria 1,327 1,066 1,294 380 370 0.14 -2.63 Belgium 6,599 7,401 7,265 1,613 4,129 1.56 155.98 France 1,756 2,057 3,486 987 916 0.35 -7.19 Germany 20,546 18,537 20,820 5,628 9,236 3.49 64.11 Netherlands 158,927 177,044 193,959 97,996 160,384 60.52 63.66 Switzerland 2,808 2,373 2,620 601 979 0.37 62.90 OTHER EUROPE 3,637 3,593 3,873 1,905 3,374 1.27 77.11 Other countries of Europe 3,637 3,593 3,873 1,905 3,374 1.27 77.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 267 COUNTRY TABLES CURACAO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NOT SPECIFIED 11,357 10,151 10,903 4,472 6,307 2.38 41.03 Other countries of the world 11,357 10,151 10,903 4,472 6,307 2.38 41.03 CURACAO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 268,437 261,354 280,604 104,355 172,714 100.00 65.51 AMERICAS 124,976 125,943 135,773 34,479 47,274 27.37 37.11 CARIBBEAN 15,160 14,564 18,115 3,300 4,155 2.41 25.91 Aruba 6,568 7,335 7,781 1,611 2,551 1.48 58.35 Barbados 318 221 315 62 23 0.01 -62.90 Dominican Republic 2,821 898 813 143 178 0.10 24.48 Haiti 237 362 326 38 33 0.02 -13.16 Jamaica 486 394 510 74 235 0.14 217.57 Puerto Rico 407 252 202 49 90 0.05 83.67 Trinidad and Tobago 3,576 3,433 6,282 879 66 0.04 -92.49 Other countries of the Caribbean 747 1,669 1,886 444 979 0.57 120.50 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,201 1,318 1,735 308 420 0.24 36.36 Panama 1,201 1,318 1,735 308 420 0.24 36.36 NORTH AMERICA 62,687 67,976 69,340 22,138 30,506 17.66 37.80 Canada 15,981 15,983 16,058 6,811 2,377 1.38 -65.10 United States of America 46,706 51,993 53,282 15,327 28,129 16.29 83.53 SOUTH AMERICA 45,928 42,085 46,583 8,733 12,193 7.06 39.62 Argentina 2,054 2,088 1,833 467 282 0.16 -39.61 Brazil 9,028 10,221 11,154 1,811 3,361 1.95 85.59 Colombia 11,880 14,462 19,077 4,354 4,934 2.86 13.32 Ecuador 2,904 1,747 1,281 114 773 0.45 578.07 Guyana 520 415 530 63 49 0.03 -22.22 Peru 200 287 525 60 212 0.12 253.33 Suriname 3,943 3,824 4,792 452 566 0.33 25.22 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 13,302 6,218 3,148 801 226 0.13 -71.79 Other countries of South America 2,097 2,823 4,243 611 1,790 1.04 192.96 EUROPE 140,397 133,705 142,883 69,069 123,472 71.49 78.77 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,048 4,636 4,403 1,364 1,772 1.03 29.91 Denmark 423 475 483 187 162 0.09 -13.37 Finland 477 393 423 135 91 0.05 -32.59 Norway 653 648 593 155 221 0.13 42.58 Sweden 1,745 1,404 1,185 296 233 0.13 -21.28 United Kingdom 1,750 1,716 1,719 591 1,065 0.62 80.20 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,095 1,778 2,048 431 637 0.37 47.80 Italy 726 690 977 237 213 0.12 -10.13 Portugal 788 509 432 62 100 0.06 61.29 Spain 581 579 639 132 324 0.19 145.45 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 268 COUNTRY TABLES CURACAO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 131,018 124,026 134,022 65,650 119,053 68.93 81.35 Austria 994 635 876 228 259 0.15 13.60 Belgium 4,864 4,896 4,783 1,053 2,892 1.67 1 74.64 Germany 14,836 11,297 13,288 3,875 6,502 3.76 67.79 Netherlands 108,203 105,547 113,252 60,105 108,754 62.97 80.94 Switzerland 2,121 1,651 1,823 389 646 0.37 66.07 OTHER EUROPE 2,236 3,265 2,410 1,624 2,010 1.16 23.77 Other countries of Europe 2,236 3,265 2,410 1,624 2,010 1.16 23.77 NOT SPECIFIED 3,064 1,706 1,948 807 1,968 1.14 143.87 Other countries of the world 3,064 1,706 1,948 807 1,968 1.14 143.87 CURACAO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,576,638 3,912,392 4,131,887 1,750,364 2,851,851 100.00 62.93 AMERICAS 1,261,615 1,389,776 1,420,087 414,978 587,686 20.61 41.62 CARIBBEAN 150,723 197,552 225,432 52,975 77,966 2.73 47.18 Aruba 60,468 67,165 66,367 18,560 29,871 1.05 60.94 Barbados 2,026 1,408 2,422 467 259 0.01 -44.54 Dominican Republic 38,323 32,417 31,894 4,749 8,280 0.29 74.35 Haiti 10,170 12,722 10,783 2,434 5,792 0.20 137.96 Jamaica 7,302 4,985 6,702 1,159 8,611 0.30 642.97 Puerto Rico 3,067 1,942 1,676 295 640 0.02 116.95 Trinidad and Tobago 20,493 18,448 33,734 4,888 944 0.03 -80.69 Other countries of the Caribbean 8,874 58,465 71,854 20,423 23,569 0.83 15.40 CENTRAL AMERICA 9,123 8,595 10,461 1,900 4,840 0.17 154.74 Panama 9,123 8,595 10,461 1,900 4,840 0.17 154.74 NORTH AMERICA 546,199 652,980 672,061 259,028 328,919 11.53 26.98 Canada 154,965 171,770 181,436 96,251 43,769 1.53 -54.53 United States of America 391,234 481,210 490,625 162,777 285,150 10.00 75.18 SOUTH AMERICA 555,570 530,649 512,133 101,075 175,961 6.17 74.09 Argentina 17,164 19,460 1 7,294 5,201 4,834 0.17 -7.06 Brazil 69,304 85,397 91,829 18,228 32,936 1.15 80.69 Chile 4,219 6,381 10,349 2,079 1,747 0.06 -15.97 Colombia 150,115 186,682 214,516 45,487 85,622 3.00 88.23 Ecuador 17,594 10,467 10,035 1,248 5,939 0.21 375.88 Guyana 4,689 5,357 5,743 918 945 0.03 2.94 Peru 2,282 4,045 5,292 851 4,699 0.16 452.17 Suriname 57,191 60,320 63,459 8,627 13,937 0.49 61.55 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 218,587 132,997 65,792 13,061 6,999 0.25 -46.41 Other countries of South America 14,425 19,543 27,824 5,375 18,303 0.64 240.52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 269 COUNTRY TABLES CURACAO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 2,259,561 2,492,113 2,681,712 1,319,080 2,221,840 77.91 68.44 NORTHERN EUROPE 64,887 63,987 67,741 27,205 44,511 1.56 63.61 Denmark 6,660 6,719 7,219 3,293 4,311 0.15 30.91 Finland 6,078 5,185 6,214 1,950 1,430 0.05 -26.67 Norway 7,498 8,702 8,153 2,815 4,563 0.16 62.10 Sweden 20,162 1 7,969 15,886 5,561 4,753 0.17 -14.53 United Kingdom 24,489 25,412 30,269 13,586 29,454 1.03 116.80 SOUTHERN EUROPE 25,282 25,627 35,165 10,429 20,458 0.72 96.16 Italy 10,009 10,251 15,839 5,304 7,086 0.25 33.60 Portugal 5,181 5,209 7,282 1,754 2,609 0.09 48.75 Spain 10,092 10,167 12,044 3,371 10,763 0.38 219.28 WESTERN EUROPE 2,137,749 2,368,570 2,543,916 1,263,783 2,117,630 74.25 67.56 Austria 13,654 10,187 14,260 5,155 4,778 0.17 -7.31 Belgium 67,935 70,446 71,239 18,682 47,524 1.67 154.38 France 14,132 16,483 28,118 8,558 11,350 0.40 32.62 Germany 231,923 213,136 236,353 76,395 132,838 4.66 73.88 Netherlands 1,781,952 2,035,463 2,168,091 1,147,823 1,908,215 66.91 66.25 Switzerland 28,153 22,855 25,855 7,170 12,925 0.45 80.26 OTHER EUROPE 31,643 33,929 34,890 17,663 39,241 1.38 122.16 Other countries of Europe 31,643 33,929 34,890 17,663 39,241 1.38 122.16 NOT SPECIFIED 55,462 30,503 30,088 16,306 42,325 1.48 159.57 Other countries of the world 55,462 30,503 30,088 16,306 42,325 1.48 159.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 270 COUNTRY TABLES CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,652,073 3,938,625 3,976,777 631,609 1,936,931 100.00 206.67 AFRICA 7,957 10,206 12,378 3,384 2,319 0.12 -31.47 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,288 6,645 8,587 1,298 0.07 South Africa 5,288 6,645 8,587 1,298 0.07 OTHER AFRICA 2,669 3,561 3,791 3,384 1,021 0.05 -69.83 Other countries of Africa 2,669 3,561 3,791 1,021 0.05 All countries of Africa 3,384 AMERICAS 34,340 51,125 65,022 7,766 23,649 1.22 204.52 NORTH AMERICA 31,476 47,470 59,025 5,069 19,456 1.00 283.82 Canada 6,088 10,049 11,512 United States of America 25,388 37,421 47,513 5,069 19,456 1.00 283.82 OTHER AMERICAS 2,864 3,655 5,997 2,697 4,193 0.22 55.47 Other countries of the Americas 2,864 3,655 5,997 2,697 4,193 0.22 55.47 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,301 28,735 29,480 1,370 936 0.05 -31.68 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,298 5,032 6,309 China (*) 3,298 5,032 6,309 AUSTRALASIA 14,655 22,197 21,215 Australia 14,655 22,197 21,215 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,348 1,506 1,956 1,370 936 0.05 -31.68 Other countries of Oceania 1,348 1,506 1,956 1,370 936 0.05 -31.68 EUROPE 3,458,678 3,705,560 3,723,805 600,383 1,838,435 94.91 206.21 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,072,813 1,163,237 1,180,861 120,590 871,415 44.99 622.63 Belarus 16,286 18,476 22,136 3,847 0.20 Bulgaria 13,882 24,742 20,937 4,491 12,196 0.63 171.57 Czech Republic (Czechia) 12,749 20,823 24,607 4,205 15,182 0.78 261.05 Hungary 14,868 25,343 31,916 9,333 33,429 1.73 258.18 Latvia 6,239 15,676 15,398 7,799 10,810 0.56 38.61 Lithuania 18,352 20,406 18,580 9,442 12,596 0.65 33.40 Poland 56,665 89,508 80,243 28,755 113,126 5.84 293.41 Romania 49,304 66,969 57,313 7,224 33,444 1.73 362.96 Russian Federation 824,494 783,631 781,856 27,740 519,174 26.80 1,771.57 Slovakia 11,784 28,044 32,844 9,480 21,800 1.13 129.96 Ukraine 48,190 69,619 95,031 12,121 95,811 4.95 690.45 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,508,168 1,626,404 1,620,764 257,555 482,953 24.93 87.51 Denmark 34,990 43,063 40,568 15,861 34,406 1.78 116.92 Finland 20,962 26,507 24,661 2,873 5,710 0.29 98.75 Ireland 7,310 19,987 19,513 4,912 6,738 0.35 37.17 Norway 54,342 55,273 60,782 6,387 0.33 Sweden 136,725 153,769 144,605 5,862 39,074 2.02 566.56 United Kingdom 1,253,839 1,327,805 1,330,635 228,047 390,638 20.17 71.30 SOUTHERN EUROPE 211,773 235,218 225,725 70,430 147,337 7.61 109.20 Greece 169,712 186,370 171,512 62,788 109,395 5.65 74.23 Italy 19,322 24,041 27,491 4,259 17,337 0.90 307.07 Malta 5,684 5,630 6,636 2,486 0.13 Serbia 10,128 9,711 10,536 3,383 11,367 0.59 236.00 Spain 6,927 9,466 9,550 6,752 0.35 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 271 COUNTRY TABLES CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 387,424 416,252 363,961 104,920 232,111 11.98 121.23 Austria 40,473 45,888 44,538 11,174 30,284 1.56 1 71.02 Belgium 27,069 28,231 26,077 4,319 15,313 0.79 254.55 France 35,931 36,500 31,114 7,746 36,080 1.86 365.79 Germany 188,826 189,200 151,500 60,430 93,092 4.81 54.05 Netherlands 37,585 42,217 43,198 5,165 25,859 1.34 400.66 Switzerland (*) 57,540 74,216 67,534 16,086 31,483 1.63 95.72 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 261,966 232,561 293,746 27,272 82,098 4.24 201.03 Israel 261,966 232,561 293,746 27,272 82,098 4.24 201.03 OTHER EUROPE 16,534 31,888 38,748 19,616 22,521 1.16 14.81 Other countries of Europe 16,534 31,888 38,748 19,616 22,521 1.16 14.81 MIDDLE EAST 110,395 119,723 121,443 11,900 54,414 2.81 357.26 Bahrain 2,699 2,207 1,699 Egypt 8,127 7,736 7,882 3,455 0.18 Jordan 8,585 15,250 18,275 2,412 11,669 0.60 383.79 Kuwait 2,139 2,840 3,922 Lebanon 58,273 62,255 58,796 7,055 23,564 1.22 234.00 Qatar 5,829 4,283 5,403 1,952 0.10 Saudi Arabia 4,392 4,016 4,113 2,722 0.14 United Arab Emirates 20,351 21,136 21,353 2,433 11,052 0.57 354.25 SOUTH ASIA 5,328 3,640 1,858 Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,328 3,640 1,858 NOT SPECIFIED 16,074 19,636 22,791 6,806 17,178 0.89 152.39 Other countries of the world 16,074 19,636 22,791 6,806 17,178 0.89 152.39 CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,488,362 2,665,671 2,689,075 532,322 1,404,354 100.00 163.82 AFRICA 2,318 2,719 2,771 722 958 0.07 32.69 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,318 2,719 2,771 722 958 0.07 32.69 South Africa 2,318 2,719 2,771 722 958 0.07 32.69 AMERICAS 23,541 26,017 28,264 6,490 15,622 1.11 140.71 NORTH AMERICA 23,541 26,017 28,264 6,490 15,622 1.11 140.71 Canada 4,964 4,901 4,935 1,006 2,312 0.16 129.82 United States of America 18,577 21,116 23,329 5,484 13,310 0.95 142.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 272 COUNTRY TABLES CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,283 21,344 25,205 4,281 4,472 0.32 4.46 NORHT-EAST ASIA 12,824 14,792 17,762 3,528 2,190 0.16 -37.93 China 8,349 9,459 11,521 2,232 1,150 0.08 -48.48 Japan 4,475 5,333 6,241 1,296 1,040 0.07 -19.75 AUSTRALASIA 6,459 6,552 7,443 753 2,282 0.16 203.05 Australia 6,459 6,552 7,443 753 2,282 0.16 203.05 EUROPE 2,199,412 2,323,646 2,304,729 442,864 1,197,814 85.29 170.47 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 711,745 712,864 704,829 96,585 538,771 38.36 457.82 Bulgaria 4,740 6,417 7,367 2,247 5,052 0.36 124.83 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,363 11,150 12,223 2,326 7,718 0.55 231.81 Estonia 2,486 5,777 6,896 4,892 5,717 0.41 16.86 Hungary 8,084 12,002 16,003 5,636 16,797 1.20 198.03 Latvia 2,753 4,068 4,756 3,916 4,196 0.30 7.15 Lithuania 6,280 6,608 6,986 5,520 5,441 0.39 -1.43 Poland 43,735 67,356 49,545 12,987 61,085 4.35 370.35 Romania 20,152 24,546 24,196 5,522 15,558 1.11 181.75 Russian Federation 607,692 567,260 567,654 47,898 404,579 28.81 744.67 Slovakia 6,460 7,680 9,203 5,641 12,628 0.90 123.86 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,022,837 1,127,566 1,155,595 219,359 410,509 29.23 87.14 Denmark 27,202 31,813 36,442 12,199 37,489 2.67 207.31 Finland 15,000 18,477 19,790 2,315 4,886 0.35 111.06 Iceland 3,124 1,657 2,044 329 2,185 0.16 564.13 Ireland 6,334 8,356 9,979 2,729 4,434 0.32 62.48 Norway 36,607 37,765 44,962 3,639 4,395 0.31 20.77 Sweden 111,022 121,934 122,564 6,487 48,621 3.46 649.51 United Kingdom 823,548 907,564 919,814 191,661 308,499 21.97 60.96 SOUTHERN EUROPE 105,951 114,380 122,762 40,396 73,437 5.23 81.79 Greece 74,861 73,634 78,165 30,848 48,513 3.45 57.26 Italy 16,742 22,186 24,269 4,082 13,068 0.93 220.14 Malta 3,016 3,588 4,974 800 1,873 0.13 134.13 Portugal 2,753 3,483 3,665 1,204 2,766 0.20 129.73 Slovenia 1,342 2,175 1,988 828 1,972 0.14 138.16 Spain 7,237 9,314 9,701 2,634 5,245 0.37 99.13 WESTERN EUROPE 358,879 368,836 321,543 86,524 175,097 12.47 102.37 Austria 35,587 36,834 33,172 8,741 19,123 1.36 118.77 Belgium 22,435 24,569 20,114 3,911 9,458 0.67 141.83 France 38,804 33,611 28,549 7,001 21,774 1.55 211.01 Germany 192,083 191,195 152,918 48,310 85,546 6.09 77.08 Luxembourg 949 1,531 1,831 267 750 0.05 180.90 Netherlands 28,638 31,431 31,846 5,162 14,782 1.05 186.36 Switzerland 40,383 49,665 53,113 13,132 23,664 1.69 80.20 NOT SPECIFIED 243,808 291,945 328,106 77,965 185,488 13.21 137.91 Other countries of the world 243,808 291,945 328,106 77,965 185,488 13.21 137.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 273 COUNTRY TABLES CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,488,611 2,665,743 2,678,344 532,322 1,404,354 100.00 163.82 AFRICA 8,614 2,719 2,771 722 958 0.07 32.69 SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,614 2,719 2,771 722 958 0.07 32.69 South Africa 8,614 2,719 2,771 722 958 0.07 32.69 AMERICAS 23,544 26,017 28,266 6,490 15,622 1.11 140.71 NORTH AMERICA 23,544 26,017 28,266 6,490 15,622 1.11 140.71 Canada 4,967 4,901 4,936 1,006 2,312 0.16 129.82 United States of America 18,577 21,116 23,330 5,484 13,310 0.95 142.71 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,287 21,345 25,206 4,281 4,472 0.32 4.46 NORHT-EAST ASIA 12,828 14,793 17,762 3,528 2,190 0.16 -37.93 China 8,351 9,460 11,521 2,232 1,150 0.08 -48.48 Japan 4,477 5,333 6,241 1,296 1,040 0.07 -19.75 AUSTRALASIA 6,459 6,552 7,444 753 2,282 0.16 203.05 Australia 6,459 6,552 7,444 753 2,282 0.16 203.05 EUROPE 2,199,650 2,323,717 2,293,975 442,864 1,197,814 85.29 170.47 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 711,806 712,879 693,886 96,585 538,771 38.36 457.82 Bulgaria 4,749 6,417 7,367 2,247 5,052 0.36 124.83 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,366 11,151 1,224 2,326 7,718 0.55 231.81 Estonia 2,486 5,780 6,897 4,892 5,717 0.41 16.86 Hungary 8,088 12,002 16,004 5,636 16,797 1.20 198.03 Latvia 2,753 4,068 4,756 3,916 4,196 0.30 7.15 Lithuania 6,282 6,609 6,986 5,520 5,441 0.39 -1.43 Poland 43,750 67,356 49,552 12,987 61,085 4.35 370.35 Romania 20,158 24,546 24,197 5,522 15,558 1.11 181.75 Russian Federation 607,711 567,270 567,699 47,898 404,579 28.81 744.67 Slovakia 6,463 7,680 9,204 5,641 12,628 0.90 123.86 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,022,932 1,127,593 1,155,675 219,359 410,509 29.23 87.14 Denmark 27,202 31,813 36,445 12,199 37,489 2.67 207.31 Finland 15,000 18,477 19,791 2,315 4,886 0.35 111.06 Iceland 3,124 1,657 2,044 329 2,185 0.16 564.13 Ireland 6,334 8,356 9,979 2,729 4,434 0.32 62.48 Norway 36,607 37,765 44,966 3,639 4,395 0.31 20.77 Sweden 111,022 121,934 122,573 6,487 48,621 3.46 649.51 United Kingdom 823,643 907,591 919,877 191,661 308,499 21.97 60.96 SOUTHERN EUROPE 105,981 114,392 122,767 40,396 73,437 5.23 81.79 Greece 74,869 73,639 78,167 30,848 48,513 3.45 57.26 Italy 16,756 22,190 24,270 4,082 13,068 0.93 220.14 Malta 3,017 3,588 4,974 800 1,873 0.13 134.13 Portugal 2,753 3,483 3,665 1,204 2,766 0.20 129.73 Slovenia 1,342 2,175 1,988 828 1,972 0.14 138.16 Spain 7,244 9,317 9,703 2,634 5,245 0.37 99.13 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 274 COUNTRY TABLES CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 358,931 368,853 321,647 86,524 175,097 12.47 102.37 Austria 35,590 36,838 33,174 8,741 19,123 1.36 118.77 Belgium 22,435 24,571 20,117 3,911 9,458 0.67 141.83 France 38,827 33,617 28,632 7,001 21,774 1.55 211.01 Germany 192,107 191,200 152,929 48,310 85,546 6.09 77.08 Luxembourg 951 1,531 1,831 267 750 0.05 180.90 Netherlands 28,638 31,431 31,848 5,162 14,782 1.05 186.36 Switzerland 40,383 49,665 53,116 13,132 23,664 1.69 80.20 NOT SPECIFIED 237,516 291,945 328,126 77,965 185,488 13.21 137.91 Other countries of the world 237,516 291,945 328,126 77,965 185,488 13.21 137.91 CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 15,946,455 16,247,077 16,559,773 2,633,160 8,193,772 100.00 211.18 AFRICA 8,613 9,544 10,376 3,510 4,175 0.05 18.95 SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,613 9,544 10,376 3,510 4,175 0.05 18.95 South Africa 8,613 9,544 10,376 3,510 4,175 0.05 18.95 AMERICAS 72,789 81,668 87,923 20,868 50,303 0.61 141.05 NORTH AMERICA 72,789 81,668 87,923 20,868 50,303 0.61 141.05 Canada 15,714 16,248 16,330 3,327 8,326 0.10 150.26 United States of America 57,075 65,420 71,593 17,541 41,977 0.51 139.31 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 59,444 68,591 77,676 12,690 16,543 0.20 30.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 34,495 42,558 47,957 10,057 8,801 0.11 -12.49 China 22,660 29,243 32,862 7,099 3,788 0.05 -46.64 Japan 11,835 13,315 15,095 2,958 5,013 0.06 69.47 AUSTRALASIA 24,949 26,033 29,719 2,633 7,742 0.09 194.04 Australia 24,949 26,033 29,719 2,633 7,742 0.09 194.04 EUROPE 14,857,685 15,014,685 15,160,939 2,337,451 7,370,977 89.96 215.34 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,930,087 4,622,817 4,643,247 417,097 3,374,707 41.19 709.09 Bulgaria 18,542 22,716 24,931 7,582 17,497 0.21 130.77 Czech Republic (Czechia) 60,423 73,724 75,874 10,567 35,408 0.43 235.08 Estonia 13,286 25,257 30,494 22,218 23,371 0.29 5.19 Hungary 43,132 61,357 82,690 31,872 81,106 0.99 154.47 Latvia 12,488 19,135 21,184 19,076 17,275 0.21 -9.44 Lithuania 28,467 29,496 32,972 25,944 21,566 0.26 -16.87 Poland 234,365 357,980 288,061 69,188 335,823 4.10 385.38 Romania 93,236 105,604 108,983 21,628 78,693 0.96 263.85 Russian Federation 4,384,145 3,881,335 3,923,202 174,215 2,685,548 32.78 1,441.51 Slovakia 42,003 46,213 54,856 34,807 78,420 0.96 125.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 275 COUNTRY TABLES CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,342,011 7,784,984 8,080,762 1,259,955 2,726,280 33.27 116.38 Denmark 192,347 219,033 252,284 78,927 272,337 3.32 245.05 Finland 101,824 119,060 127,212 10,798 31,384 0.38 190.65 Iceland 17,153 5,870 12,345 856 12,807 0.16 1,396.14 Ireland 33,631 45,047 54,866 13,957 20,352 0.25 45.82 Norway 319,223 319,084 375,540 27,659 27,665 0.34 0.02 Sweden 861,506 933,959 950,560 48,933 353,308 4.31 622.02 United Kingdom 5,816,327 6,142,931 6,307,955 1,078,825 2,008,427 24.51 86.17 SOUTHERN EUROPE 312,087 330,423 351,394 117,878 226,117 2.76 91.82 Greece 198,782 180,278 188,632 86,358 133,131 1.62 54.16 Italy 59,684 83,199 94,794 14,636 52,150 0.64 256.31 Malta 12,895 14,321 18,109 2,722 6,619 0.08 143.17 Portugal 10,973 14,257 13,825 3,790 10,156 0.12 167.97 Slovenia 6,430 9,649 7,831 3,387 8,567 0.10 152.94 Spain 23,323 28,719 28,203 6,985 15,494 0.19 121.82 WESTERN EUROPE 2,273,500 2,276,461 2,085,536 542,521 1,043,873 12.74 92.41 Austria 233,753 239,050 220,114 53,164 122,672 1.50 130.74 Belgium 107,530 116,267 98,997 12,821 50,795 0.62 296.19 France 167,945 137,074 108,683 25,022 89,614 1.09 258.14 Germany 1,271,692 1,221,583 1,062,738 332,412 524,774 6.40 57.87 Luxembourg 3,941 5,466 6,937 1,032 3,259 0.04 215.79 Netherlands 188,063 207,733 206,989 22,184 84,513 1.03 280.96 Switzerland 300,576 349,288 381,078 95,886 168,246 2.05 75.46 NOT SPECIFIED 947,924 1,072,589 1,222,859 258,641 751,774 9.17 190.66 Other countries of the world 947,924 1,072,589 1,222,859 258,641 751,774 9.17 190.66 CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 15,946,809 16,247,343 16,561,118 2,633,160 8,193,772 100.00 211.18 AFRICA 8,614 9,544 10,377 3,510 4,175 0.05 18.95 SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,614 9,544 10,377 3,510 4,175 0.05 18.95 South Africa 8,614 9,544 10,377 3,510 4,175 0.05 18.95 AMERICAS 72,792 81,668 87,928 20,868 50,303 0.61 141.05 NORTH AMERICA 72,792 81,668 87,928 20,868 50,303 0.61 141.05 Canada 15,717 16,248 16,331 3,327 8,326 0.10 150.26 United States of America 57,075 65,420 71,597 17,541 41,977 0.51 139.31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 276 COUNTRY TABLES CYPRUS / CHYPRE / CHIPRE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 59,448 68,593 77,680 12,690 16,543 0.20 30.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 34,499 42,560 47,959 10,057 8,801 0.11 -12.49 China 22,662 29,245 32,864 7,099 3,788 0.05 -46.64 Japan 11,837 13,315 15,095 2,958 5,013 0.06 69.47 AUSTRALASIA 24,949 26,033 29,721 2,633 7,742 0.09 194.04 Australia 24,949 26,033 29,721 2,633 7,742 0.09 194.04 EUROPE 14,856,025 15,014,949 15,162,192 2,337,451 7,370,977 89.96 215.34 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,928,165 4,622,932 4,643,636 417,097 3,374,707 41.19 709.09 Bulgaria 18,557 22,716 24,932 7,582 17,497 0.21 130.77 Czech Republic (Czechia) 60,427 73,726 75,880 10,567 35,408 0.43 235.08 Estonia 13,286 25,261 30,497 22,218 23,371 0.29 5.19 Hungary 43,137 61,357 82,697 31,872 81,106 0.99 154.47 Latvia 12,488 19,135 21,185 19,076 17,275 0.21 -9.44 Lithuania 26,469 29,498 32,974 25,944 21,566 0.26 -16.87 Poland 234,383 357,980 288,081 69,188 335,823 4.10 385.38 Romania 93,242 105,604 108,989 21,628 78,693 0.96 263.85 Russian Federation 4,384,1 70 3,881,442 3,923,539 174,215 2,685,548 32.78 1,441.51 Slovakia 42,006 46,213 54,862 34,807 78,420 0.96 125.30 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,342,157 7,785,058 8,081,306 1,259,955 2,726,280 33.27 116.38 Denmark 192,347 219,033 252,305 78,927 272,337 3.32 245.05 Finland 101,824 119,060 127,220 10,798 31,384 0.38 190.65 Iceland 17,153 5,870 12,347 856 12,807 0.16 1,396.14 Ireland 33,631 45,047 54,869 13,957 20,352 0.25 45.82 Norway 319,223 319,084 375,570 27,659 27,665 0.34 0.02 Sweden 861,506 933,959 950,627 48,933 353,308 4.31 622.02 United Kingdom 5,816,473 6,143,005 6,308,368 1,078,825 2,008,427 24.51 86.17 SOUTHERN EUROPE 312,134 330,439 351,414 117,878 226,117 2.76 91.82 Greece 198,794 180,284 188,639 86,358 133,131 1.62 54.16 Italy 59,711 83,206 94,801 14,636 52,150 0.64 256.31 Malta 12,896 14,321 18,110 2,722 6,619 0.08 143.17 Portugal 10,973 14,257 13,826 3,790 10,156 0.12 167.97 Slovenia 6,430 9,649 7,831 3,387 8,567 0.10 152.94 Spain 23,330 28,722 28,207 6,985 15,494 0.19 121.82 WESTERN EUROPE 2,273,569 2,276,520 2,085,836 542,521 1,043,873 12.74 92.41 Austria 233,757 239,054 220,128 53,164 122,672 1.50 130.74 Belgium 107,530 116,269 99,005 12,821 50,795 0.62 296.19 France 167,975 137,119 108,866 25,022 89,614 1.09 258.14 Germany 1,271,723 1,221,591 1,062,798 332,412 524,774 6.40 57.87 Luxembourg 3,945 5,466 6,937 1,032 3,259 0.04 215.79 Netherlands 188,063 207,733 207,001 22,184 84,513 1.03 280.96 Switzerland 300,576 349,288 381,101 95,886 168,246 2.05 75.46 NOT SPECIFIED 949,930 1,072,589 1,222,941 258,641 751,774 9.17 190.66 Other countries of the world 949,930 1,072,589 1,222,941 258,641 751,774 9.17 190.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 277 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 9,354,116 9,672,369 9,971,534 2,471,216 2,344,573 100.00 -5.12 AFRICA 42,985 40,538 44,785 9,239 8,794 0.38 -4.82 SOUTHERN AFRICA 10,840 12,417 11,533 1,491 1,110 0.05 -25.55 South Africa 10,840 12,417 11,533 1,491 1,110 0.05 -25.55 OTHER AFRICA 32,145 28,121 33,252 7,748 7,684 0.33 -0.83 Other countries of Africa 32,145 28,121 33,252 7,748 7,684 0.33 -0.83 AMERICAS 765,477 768,409 818,209 87,128 111,917 4.77 28.45 NORTH AMERICA 616,773 638,244 678,771 64,365 96,909 4.13 50.56 Canada 86,203 88,056 87,789 9,198 7,552 0.32 -17.90 Mexico 35,888 37,835 40,022 4,618 4,940 0.21 6.97 United States of America 494,682 512,353 550,960 50,549 84,417 3.60 67.00 SOUTH AMERICA 57,090 50,982 54,510 9,513 5,185 0.22 -45.50 Brazil 57,090 50,982 54,510 9,513 5,185 0.22 -45.50 OTHER AMERICAS 91,614 79,183 84,928 13,250 9,823 0.42 -25.86 Other countries of the Americas 91,614 79,183 84,928 13,250 9,823 0.42 -25.86 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,477,259 1,628,768 1,667,615 178,689 54,099 2.31 -69.72 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,139,852 1,296,267 1,292,941 125,351 20,482 0.87 -83.66 China 468,791 592,725 588,222 36,595 6,692 0.29 -81.71 Japan 111,095 123,895 143,079 24,188 5,013 0.21 -79.27 Korea, Republic of 399,370 402,981 376,000 39,554 7,342 0.31 -81.44 Taiwan Province of China 160,596 176,666 185,640 25,014 1,435 0.06 -94.26 AUSTRALASIA 87,591 86,544 81,719 8,942 4,347 0.19 -51.39 Australia 76,681 75,198 71,196 7,769 3,259 0.14 -58.05 New Zealand 10,910 11,346 10,523 1,173 1,088 0.05 -7.25 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 249,816 245,957 292,955 44,396 29,270 1.25 -34.07 Other countries of Asia 244,757 240,530 287,962 43,558 28,337 1.21 -34.94 Other countries of Oceania 5,059 5,427 4,993 838 933 0.04 11.34 EUROPE 6,945,748 7,091,855 7,299,373 2,182,188 2,152,937 91.83 -1.34 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,132,658 2,246,891 2,416,167 756,762 731,101 31.18 -3.39 Bulgaria 36,582 35,128 38,259 10,480 12,551 0.54 19.76 Estonia 19,490 1 7,252 1 7,946 3,880 6,934 0.30 78.71 Hungary 152,913 160,321 160,265 36,648 54,625 2.33 49.05 Latvia 21,679 20,777 25,223 4,427 11,073 0.47 150.12 Lithuania 62,404 61,279 66,637 10,483 20,871 0.89 99.09 Poland 511,559 542,852 590,123 239,085 208,967 8.91 -12.60 Romania 81,496 84,185 90,342 25,636 37,536 1.60 46.42 Russian Federation 513,531 499,838 523,854 122,109 23,618 1.01 -80.66 Slovakia 603,061 641,782 662,291 239,481 298,152 12.72 24.50 Ukraine 129,943 183,477 241,227 64,533 56,774 2.42 -12.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 278 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 863,913 876,286 891,980 194,204 149,320 6.37 -23.11 Denmark 96,523 92,850 104,765 27,707 36,242 1.55 30.80 Finland 76,587 72,563 67,386 9,707 10,165 0.43 4.72 Iceland 5,491 6,640 4,948 748 1,525 0.07 103.88 Ireland 47,261 49,739 49,228 13,051 10,371 0.44 -20.53 Norway 66,788 64,762 58,482 8,513 11,243 0.48 32.07 Sweden 136,227 134,827 143,329 18,529 26,665 1.14 43.91 United Kingdom 435,036 454,905 463,842 115,949 53,109 2.27 -54.20 SOUTHERN EUROPE 803,548 831,820 832,390 173,318 204,322 8.71 17.89 Croatia 48,989 50,326 48,442 10,569 12,320 0.53 16.57 Greece 44,304 47,661 44,371 12,985 15,366 0.66 18.34 Italy 369,964 380,896 382,563 81,650 87,043 3.71 6.61 Malta 4,791 5,068 5,366 1,908 3,546 0.15 85.85 Portugal 36,217 36,615 39,171 8,585 13,231 0.56 54.12 Serbia and Montenegro 33,441 30,864 33,467 8,394 8,653 0.37 3.09 Slovenia 34,336 35,616 38,105 8,200 10,900 0.46 32.93 Spain 231,506 244,774 240,905 41,027 53,263 2.27 29.82 WESTERN EUROPE 2,757,399 2,787,446 2,813,265 989,155 954,404 40.71 -3.51 Austria 271,135 273,040 258,018 78,938 88,203 3.76 11.74 Belgium 100,309 98,995 98,084 25,255 33,565 1.43 32.90 France 266,571 261,033 281,995 74,965 91,550 3.90 22.12 Germany 1,819,671 1,853,328 1,887,150 722,022 630,256 26.88 -12.71 Liechtenstein 1,143 1,358 1,265 449 689 0.03 53.45 Luxembourg 5,411 5,547 5,166 1,401 1,894 0.08 35.19 Netherlands 189,545 194,887 190,225 63,590 81,886 3.49 28.77 Switzerland 103,614 99,258 91,362 22,535 26,361 1.12 16.98 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 267,707 239,528 237,102 38,476 89,651 3.82 133.00 Cyprus 6,390 7,485 9,306 1,628 2,808 0.12 72.48 Israel 178,993 156,519 154,428 21,596 73,189 3.12 238.90 Türkiye 82,324 75,524 73,368 15,252 13,654 0.58 -10.48 OTHER EUROPE 120,523 109,884 108,469 30,273 24,139 1.03 -20.26 Other countries of Europe 120,523 109,884 108,469 30,273 24,139 1.03 -20.26 MIDDLE EAST 46,179 56,484 52,199 5,228 7,954 0.34 52.14 Saudi Arabia 18,225 23,182 23,892 2,134 4,381 0.19 105.30 United Arab Emirates 27,954 33,302 28,307 3,094 3,573 0.15 15.48 SOUTH ASIA 76,468 86,315 89,353 8,744 8,872 0.38 1.46 India 76,468 86,315 89,353 8,744 8,872 0.38 1.46 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 279 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 10,160,468 10,611,394 10,890,500 2,784,170 2,569,658 100.00 -7.70 AFRICA 48,130 45,728 50,103 10,464 9,616 0.37 -8.10 SOUTHERN AFRICA 12,120 13,747 12,648 1,647 1,187 0.05 -27.93 South Africa 12,120 13,747 12,648 1,647 1,187 0.05 -27.93 OTHER AFRICA 36,010 31,981 37,455 8,817 8,429 0.33 -4.40 Other countries of Africa 36,010 31,981 37,455 8,817 8,429 0.33 -4.40 AMERICAS 842,274 842,221 880,348 96,148 121,693 4.74 26.57 NORTH AMERICA 677,375 695,070 725,424 70,298 104,946 4.08 49.29 Canada 94,304 96,673 95,611 10,617 9,783 0.38 -7.86 Mexico 42,499 44,003 45,186 5,523 5,534 0.22 0.20 United States of America 540,572 554,394 584,627 54,158 89,629 3.49 65.50 SOUTH AMERICA 63,859 57,685 61,048 10,983 5,831 0.23 -46.91 Brazil 63,859 57,685 61,048 10,983 5,831 0.23 -46.91 OTHER AMERICAS 101,040 89,466 93,876 14,867 10,916 0.42 -26.58 Other countries of the Americas 101,040 89,466 93,876 14,867 10,916 0.42 -26.58 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,552,165 1,712,798 1,744,074 191,356 59,792 2.33 -68.75 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,184,604 1,344,187 1,336,386 132,551 22,087 0.86 -83.34 China 489,845 61 7,935 609,727 38,855 7,109 0.28 -81.70 Japan 114,955 129,119 147,760 25,301 5,221 0.20 -79.36 Korea, Republic of 415,555 415,166 387,563 42,414 8,060 0.31 -81.00 Taiwan Province of China 164,249 181,967 191,336 25,981 1,697 0.07 -93.47 AUSTRALASIA 100,798 99,425 92,981 10,396 5,029 0.20 -51.63 Australia 87,663 85,792 80,337 9,015 3,463 0.13 -61.59 New Zealand 13,135 13,633 12,644 1,381 1,566 0.06 13.40 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 266,763 269,186 314,707 48,409 32,676 1.27 -32.50 Other countries of Asia 261,141 263,032 309,127 47,480 31,721 1.23 -33.19 Other countries of Oceania 5,622 6,154 5,580 929 955 0.04 2.80 EUROPE 7,581,288 7,852,831 8,060,169 2,470,430 2,358,867 91.80 -4.52 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,357,487 2,519,038 2,691,945 870,638 811,320 31.57 -6.81 Bulgaria 40,466 38,882 42,276 13,060 14,990 0.58 14.78 Estonia 21,170 19,318 20,301 4,560 7,761 0.30 70.20 Hungary 164,513 174,508 175,231 39,559 58,642 2.28 48.24 Latvia 23,487 22,716 27,499 5,012 11,692 0.46 133.28 Lithuania 66,024 65,918 71,628 11,430 22,709 0.88 98.68 Poland 575,643 620,495 671,857 290,316 234,180 9.11 -19.34 Romania 88,379 90,798 97,357 28,295 40,013 1.56 41.41 Russian Federation 548,318 544,216 564,083 132,033 25,846 1.01 -80.42 Slovakia 681,917 730,954 749,631 272,476 329,554 12.82 20.95 Ukraine 147,570 211,233 272,082 73,897 65,933 2.57 -10.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 280 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 930,297 951,908 957,767 210,351 159,803 6.22 -24.03 Denmark 104,479 101,700 114,471 29,742 39,345 1.53 32.29 Finland 81,483 78,305 72,192 10,483 10,831 0.42 3.32 Iceland 5,905 6,983 5,377 841 1,570 0.06 86.68 Ireland 54,994 57,397 55,345 14,959 11,557 0.45 -22.74 Norway 70,303 68,741 62,317 9,117 12,106 0.47 32.78 Sweden 143,027 143,843 152,337 19,644 28,026 1.09 42.67 United Kingdom 470,106 494,939 495,728 125,565 56,368 2.19 -55.11 SOUTHERN EUROPE 860,922 903,042 903,572 190,336 220,429 8.58 15.81 Croatia 52,447 54,155 52,389 11,333 12,903 0.50 13.85 Greece 46,630 50,636 48,198 14,613 16,010 0.62 9.56 Italy 389,578 408,422 409,731 89,050 93,151 3.63 4.61 Malta 5,057 5,303 5,985 2,072 4,272 0.17 106.18 Portugal 41,884 41,177 43,21 7 9,445 14,249 0.55 50.86 Serbia and Montenegro 38,877 36,112 38,719 8,963 9,435 0.37 5.27 Slovenia 38,786 40,720 43,423 9,238 12,023 0.47 30.15 Spain 247,663 266,517 261,910 45,622 58,386 2.27 27.98 WESTERN EUROPE 3,018,412 3,098,133 3,131,617 1,122,494 1,049,188 40.83 -6.53 Austria 291,126 299,106 285,457 88,970 95,678 3.72 7.54 Belgium 109,922 110,125 109,126 28,237 37,264 1.45 31.97 France 289,583 286,316 306,875 82,339 98,725 3.84 19.90 Germany 1,962,582 2,031,104 2,075,460 814,541 687,479 26.75 -15.60 Liechtenstein 1,238 1,526 1,429 466 800 0.03 71.67 Luxembourg 5,828 5,989 5,785 1,558 2,028 0.08 30.17 Netherlands 248,265 256,559 248,898 81,655 98,948 3.85 21.18 Switzerland 109,868 107,408 98,587 24,728 28,266 1.10 14.31 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 283,441 258,094 254,547 42,003 92,731 3.61 120.77 Cyprus 6,676 7,937 9,876 1,770 2,942 0.11 66.21 Israel 183,948 162,774 161,217 22,429 74,926 2.92 234.06 Türkiye 92,817 87,383 83,454 17,804 14,863 0.58 -16.52 OTHER EUROPE 130,729 122,616 120,721 34,608 25,396 0.99 -26.62 Other countries of Europe 130,729 122,616 120,721 34,608 25,396 0.99 -26.62 MIDDLE EAST 50,955 61,688 57,794 5,824 8,934 0.35 53.40 Saudi Arabia 21,792 26,973 27,682 2,424 5,151 0.20 112.50 United Arab Emirates 29,163 34,715 30,112 3,400 3,783 0.15 11.26 SOUTH ASIA 85,656 96,128 98,012 9,948 10,756 0.42 8.12 India 85,656 96,128 98,012 9,948 10,756 0.42 8.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 281 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 23,693,329 23,968,900 24,457,218 6,447,016 5,865,645 100.00 -9.02 AFRICA 111,786 106,812 115,708 24,920 23,834 0.41 -4.36 SOUTHERN AFRICA 28,219 33,031 29,382 3,725 2,947 0.05 -20.89 South Africa 28,219 33,031 29,382 3,725 2,947 0.05 -20.89 OTHER AFRICA 83,567 73,781 86,326 21,195 20,887 0.36 -1.45 Other countries of Africa 83,567 73,781 86,326 21,195 20,887 0.36 -1.45 AMERICAS 1,853,601 1,902,707 2,000,832 214,888 283,544 4.83 31.95 NORTH AMERICA 1,492,186 1,585,152 1,665,600 161,081 247,597 4.22 53.71 Canada 220,235 225,496 225,367 24,493 19,866 0.34 -18.89 Mexico 81,304 87,196 91,503 11,672 11,750 0.20 0.67 United States of America 1,190,647 1,272,460 1,348,730 124,916 215,981 3.68 72.90 SOUTH AMERICA 145,565 132,701 138,873 24,115 12,995 0.22 -46.11 Brazil 145,565 132,701 138,873 24,115 12,995 0.22 -46.11 OTHER AMERICAS 215,850 184,854 196,359 29,692 22,952 0.39 -22.70 Other countries of the Americas 215,850 184,854 196,359 29,692 22,952 0.39 -22.70 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,640,136 2,808,985 2,888,994 346,103 139,294 2.37 -59.75 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,797,523 2,004,267 2,019,907 219,879 52,056 0.89 -76.33 China 708,069 869,374 878,197 65,143 16,297 0.28 -74.98 Japan 229,380 242,388 273,088 46,595 16,216 0.28 -65.20 Korea, Republic of 618,314 626,372 590,584 69,979 16,353 0.28 -76.63 Taiwan Province of China 241,760 266,133 278,038 38,162 3,190 0.05 -91.64 AUSTRALASIA 209,548 208,327 198,259 21,720 10,571 0.18 -51.33 Australia 184,320 181,482 173,475 19,083 8,066 0.14 -57.73 New Zealand 25,228 26,845 24,784 2,637 2,505 0.04 -5.01 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 633,065 596,391 670,828 104,504 76,667 1.31 -26.64 Other countries of Asia 622,490 585,316 660,565 102,796 74,662 1.27 -27.37 Other countries of Oceania 10,575 11,075 10,263 1,708 2,005 0.03 17.39 EUROPE 18,762,904 18,772,266 19,085,082 5,826,931 5,375,196 91.64 -7.75 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,693,167 5,794,710 6,026,229 1,909,270 1,608,891 27.43 -15.73 Bulgaria 87,419 85,727 91,634 24,749 28,975 0.49 17.08 Estonia 40,093 38,586 39,710 8,341 15,058 0.26 80.53 Hungary 312,429 333,633 327,318 72,856 119,153 2.03 63.55 Latvia 45,601 42,486 51,918 9,937 23,539 0.40 136.88 Lithuania 101,875 104,089 110,268 19,122 38,238 0.65 99.97 Poland 1,042,384 1,121,023 1,216,283 549,581 424,027 7.23 -22.85 Romania 198,152 200,540 214,199 62,191 90,852 1.55 46.09 Russian Federation 2,346,983 2,177,553 2,139,031 494,679 66,923 1.14 -86.47 Slovakia 1,174,371 1,239,216 1,281,510 501,931 656,192 11.19 30.73 Ukraine 343,860 451,857 554,358 165,883 145,934 2.49 -12.03 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 282 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,272,117 2,281,922 2,307,964 524,114 393,613 6.71 -24.90 Denmark 277,646 261,483 299,798 85,921 100,277 1.71 16.71 Finland 219,727 201,656 177,561 24,990 25,100 0.43 0.44 Iceland 13,960 1 7,466 12,302 1,839 3,919 0.07 113.10 Ireland 123,586 129,372 126,552 34,026 27,828 0.47 -18.22 Norway 180,388 172,462 147,767 22,302 29,133 0.50 30.63 Sweden 357,085 348,078 367,157 46,123 60,092 1.02 30.29 United Kingdom 1,099,725 1,151,405 1,176,827 308,913 147,264 2.51 -52.33 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,202,606 2,230,470 2,202,433 471,301 542,976 9.26 15.21 Croatia 125,732 128,822 114,810 24,403 29,403 0.50 20.49 Greece 122,596 130,087 122,427 36,409 40,446 0.69 11.09 Italy 1,016,533 1,028,618 1,021,746 226,270 231,759 3.95 2.43 Malta 1 7,729 1 7,256 17,303 5,419 10,372 0.18 91.40 Portugal 103,073 100,836 104,452 24,464 38,901 0.66 59.01 Serbia and Montenegro 95,895 79,866 85,577 22,943 22,169 0.38 -3.37 Slovenia 66,783 69,425 72,407 18,268 24,596 0.42 34.64 Spain 654,265 675,560 663,711 113,125 145,330 2.48 28.47 WESTERN EUROPE 7,401,851 7,402,199 7,518,322 2,728,202 2,481,908 42.31 -9.03 Austria 530,431 522,074 492,308 157,765 1 71,933 2.93 8.98 Belgium 249,862 245,916 245,792 63,419 86,125 1.47 35.80 France 659,583 652,444 715,877 198,317 240,323 4.10 21.18 Germany 5,197,880 5,221,530 5,328,356 2,085,597 1,711,433 29.18 -17.94 Liechtenstein 2,258 3,220 2,590 1,006 1,471 0.03 46.22 Luxembourg 13,654 13,712 12,913 3,312 4,337 0.07 30.95 Netherlands 499,043 501,479 497,278 163,763 202,800 3.46 23.84 Switzerland 249,140 241,824 223,208 55,023 63,486 1.08 15.38 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 884,464 783,717 763,950 116,661 284,679 4.85 144.02 Cyprus 19,478 22,355 27,339 4,586 7,973 0.14 73.86 Israel 652,227 572,782 560,139 69,120 244,502 4.17 253.74 Türkiye 212,759 188,580 1 76,472 42,955 32,204 0.55 -25.03 OTHER EUROPE 308,699 279,248 266,184 77,383 63,129 1.08 -18.42 Other countries of Europe 308,699 279,248 266,184 77,383 63,129 1.08 -18.42 MIDDLE EAST 138,045 163,681 146,658 12,298 23,982 0.41 95.01 Saudi Arabia 61,518 77,400 75,082 5,373 13,089 0.22 143.61 United Arab Emirates 76,527 86,281 71,576 6,925 10,893 0.19 57.30 SOUTH ASIA 186,857 214,449 219,944 21,876 19,795 0.34 -9.51 India 186,857 214,449 219,944 21,876 19,795 0.34 -9.51 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 283 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 26,257,013 26,760,021 27,180,563 7,388,058 6,547,315 100.00 -11.38 AFRICA 131,169 128,876 138,767 31,467 27,342 0.42 -13.11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 31,045 36,066 32,055 4,125 3,146 0.05 -23.73 South Africa 31,045 36,066 32,055 4,125 3,146 0.05 -23.73 OTHER AFRICA 100,124 92,810 106,712 27,342 24,196 0.37 -11.51 Other countries of Africa 100,124 92,810 106,712 27,342 24,196 0.37 -11.51 AMERICAS 2,062,419 2,099,827 2,175,046 238,623 312,486 4.77 30.95 NORTH AMERICA 1,661,273 1,741,973 1,803,366 176,756 272,087 4.16 53.93 Canada 242,031 248,326 245,744 27,553 27,736 0.42 0.66 Mexico 104,806 107,399 106,374 14,659 13,005 0.20 -11.28 United States of America 1,314,436 1,386,248 1,451,248 134,544 231,346 3.53 71.95 SOUTH AMERICA 162,805 149,389 154,518 28,508 14,598 0.22 -48.79 Brazil 162,805 149,389 154,518 28,508 14,598 0.22 -48.79 OTHER AMERICAS 238,341 208,465 217,162 33,359 25,801 0.39 -22.66 Other countries of the Americas 238,341 208,465 217,162 33,359 25,801 0.39 -22.66 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,826,359 3,005,158 3,070,972 380,055 155,087 2.37 -59.19 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,887,441 2,100,255 2,105,211 235,916 56,133 0.86 -76.21 China 745,352 912,621 916,972 69,520 17,538 0.27 -74.77 Japan 238,117 253,388 282,863 49,958 16,803 0.26 -66.37 Korea, Republic of 653,840 653,927 616,048 76,331 17,936 0.27 -76.50 Taiwan Province of China 250,132 280,319 289,328 40,107 3,856 0.06 -90.39 AUSTRALASIA 241,825 239,926 224,908 25,402 12,023 0.18 -52.67 Australia 211,399 207,716 195,417 22,306 8,534 0.13 -61.74 New Zealand 30,426 32,210 29,491 3,096 3,489 0.05 12.69 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 697,093 664,977 740,853 118,737 86,931 1.33 -26.79 Other countries of Asia 685,171 651,938 729,577 116,812 84,887 1.30 -27.33 Other countries of Oceania 11,922 13,039 11,276 1,925 2,044 0.03 6.18 EUROPE 20,814,847 21,059,905 21,344,303 6,692,613 5,979,916 91.33 -10.65 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,376,878 6,559,824 6,800,401 2,218,287 1,835,667 28.04 -17.25 Bulgaria 98,324 95,186 101,576 34,939 35,544 0.54 1.73 Estonia 45,102 43,397 45,268 9,819 16,959 0.26 72.72 Hungary 339,746 365,986 361,156 79,550 129,182 1.97 62.39 Latvia 49,763 46,535 57,231 11,160 25,038 0.38 124.35 Lithuania 109,025 112,868 120,282 21,078 41,249 0.63 95.70 Poland 1,187,573 1,300,101 1,408,947 668,541 483,325 7.38 -27.70 Romania 213,825 215,886 231,858 68,115 98,092 1.50 44.01 Russian Federation 2,560,872 2,397,709 2,345,033 542,664 72,940 1.11 -86.56 Slovakia 1,373,512 1,451,319 1,488,577 586,712 742,944 11.35 26.63 Ukraine 399,136 530,837 640,473 195,709 190,394 2.91 -2.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 284 COUNTRY TABLES CZECH REPUBLIC (CZECHIA) / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE (TCHEQUIE) / REPUBLICA CHECA (CHEQUIA) 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,450,043 2,478,771 2,477,213 568,983 423,067 6.46 -25.65 Denmark 301,580 286,902 329,247 91,586 109,802 1.68 19.89 Finland 232,297 215,098 188,588 26,697 26,743 0.41 0.17 Iceland 14,970 18,354 13,467 2,203 4,196 0.06 90.47 Ireland 142,989 149,778 142,651 40,944 31,201 0.48 -23.80 Norway 189,743 182,537 157,036 24,002 31,111 0.48 29.62 Sweden 373,615 369,595 388,528 49,093 63,506 0.97 29.36 United Kingdom 1,194,849 1,256,507 1,257,696 334,458 156,508 2.39 -53.21 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,348,801 2,407,576 2,382,141 515,843 587,349 8.97 13.86 Croatia 135,142 138,162 125,089 26,452 31,272 0.48 18.22 Greece 128,614 137,941 132,348 40,936 41,904 0.64 2.36 Italy 1,067,105 1,096,952 1,092,356 245,706 248,951 3.80 1.32 Malta 18,613 18,088 18,881 5,905 11,904 0.18 101.59 Portugal 115,934 112,156 114,334 26,670 42,084 0.64 57.80 Serbia and Montenegro 112,743 94,291 98,177 24,827 24,691 0.38 -0.55 Slovenia 76,857 80,490 83,766 20,563 27,254 0.42 32.54 Spain 693,793 729,496 717,190 124,784 159,289 2.43 27.65 WESTERN EUROPE 8,361,067 8,457,604 8,565,323 3,172,278 2,770,158 42.31 -12.68 Austria 574,749 578,581 547,496 1 79,085 187,476 2.86 4.69 Belgium 279,148 278,706 276,853 72,125 95,581 1.46 32.52 France 718,176 716,174 780,451 217,278 260,040 3.97 19.68 Germany 5,760,866 5,850,760 5,977,924 2,405,647 1,897,100 28.98 -21.14 Liechtenstein 2,476 3,672 2,984 1,033 1,747 0.03 69.12 Luxembourg 14,816 14,832 14,375 3,826 4,684 0.07 22.43 Netherlands 745,038 752,565 723,663 232,970 255,063 3.90 9.48 Switzerland 265,798 262,314 241,577 60,314 68,467 1.05 13.52 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 941,762 844,809 822,777 125,421 295,101 4.51 135.29 Cyprus 20,231 23,526 28,735 4,978 8,596 0.13 72.68 Israel 685,904 606,433 594,707 71,837 251,341 3.84 249.88 Türkiye 235,627 214,850 199,335 48,606 35,164 0.54 -27.66 OTHER EUROPE 336,296 311,321 296,448 91,801 68,574 1.05 -25.30 Other countries of Europe 336,296 311,321 296,448 91,801 68,574 1.05 -25.30 MIDDLE EAST 215,336 230,614 211,323 20,259 46,881 0.72 131.41 Saudi Arabia 128,561 135,236 131,401 12,414 35,052 0.54 182.36 United Arab Emirates 86,775 95,378 79,922 7,845 11,829 0.18 50.78 SOUTH ASIA 206,883 235,641 240,152 25,041 25,603 0.39 2.24 India 206,883 235,641 240,152 25,041 25,603 0.39 2.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 285 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,143,528 3,223,091 3,805,604 904,076 1,251,134 100.00 38.39 AFRICA 18,495 3,266 4,292 0.34 31.41 SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,895 858 1,094 0.09 27.51 South Africa 4,895 858 1,094 0.09 27.51 OTHER AFRICA 13,600 2,408 3,198 0.26 32.81 Other countries of Africa 13,600 2,408 3,198 0.26 32.81 AMERICAS 283,304 311,652 401,978 63,422 86,840 6.94 36.92 NORTH AMERICA 247,952 278,796 363,506 58,118 81,478 6.51 40.19 Canada 28,028 32,695 36,579 3,690 3,564 0.28 -3.41 Greenland 20,020 6,493 10,809 0.86 66.47 United States of America 219,924 246,101 306,907 47,935 67,105 5.36 39.99 SOUTH AMERICA 12,277 11,972 15,916 1,830 1,736 0.14 -5.14 Brazil 12,277 11,972 15,916 1,830 1,736 0.14 -5.14 OTHER AMERICAS 23,075 20,884 22,556 3,474 3,626 0.29 4.38 Other countries of the Americas 23,075 20,884 22,556 3,474 3,626 0.29 4.38 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 270,846 253,126 303,521 34,883 32,639 2.61 -6.43 NORHT-EAST ASIA 126,414 129,225 171,457 13,748 7,868 0.63 -42.77 China 81,573 82,414 114,139 8,695 5,086 0.41 -41.51 Japan 31,643 33,101 40,967 3,749 1,942 0.16 -48.20 Korea, Republic of 13,198 13,710 16,351 1,304 840 0.07 -35.58 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 12,738 1,661 2,669 0.21 60.69 Thailand 12,738 1,661 2,669 0.21 60.69 AUSTRALASIA 31,971 37,041 39,513 4,817 1,620 0.13 -66.37 Australia 31,971 37,041 39,513 4,817 1,620 0.13 -66.37 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 112,461 86,860 79,813 14,657 20,482 1.64 39.74 Other countries of Asia 112,461 86,860 70,989 12,573 19,151 1.53 52.32 Other countries of Oceania 8,824 2,084 1,331 0.11 -36.13 EUROPE 2,546,554 2,622,308 3,044,202 795,909 1,121,616 89.65 40.92 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 79,359 94,842 230,924 63,285 100,447 8.03 58.72 Bulgaria 6,769 1,638 2,753 0.22 68.07 Czech Republic (Czechia) 19,171 3,996 9,238 0.74 131.18 Estonia 8,436 2,044 4,384 0.35 114.48 Hungary 16,278 4,843 5,856 0.47 20.92 Latvia 6,355 2,289 3,369 0.27 47.18 Lithuania 15,099 4,947 8,760 0.70 77.08 Poland 51,485 57,899 73,750 24,224 38,992 3.12 60.96 Romania 22,220 6,302 13,671 1.09 116.93 Russian Federation 27,874 36,943 35,733 6,926 4,424 0.35 -36.12 Slovakia 6,927 2,253 3,757 0.30 66.76 Ukraine 20,186 3,823 5,243 0.42 37.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 286 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,432,878 1,441,567 1,646,239 401,231 491,024 39.25 22.38 Faeroe Islands 22,464 8,820 16,415 1.31 86.11 Finland 75,495 92,142 86,932 13,917 18,879 1.51 35.65 Iceland 25,400 6,030 12,000 0.96 99.00 Ireland 20,333 22,507 25,757 7,094 11,896 0.95 67.69 Norway 422,424 427,124 501,195 134,786 125,544 10.03 -6.86 Sweden 582,970 582,796 627,505 136,828 225,638 18.03 64.91 United Kingdom 331,656 316,998 356,986 93,756 80,652 6.45 -13.98 SOUTHERN EUROPE 198,476 214,321 259,410 51,849 90,126 7.20 73.82 Croatia 6,442 1,595 4,082 0.33 155.92 Greece 9,696 12,257 18,702 4,950 6,836 0.55 38.10 Italy 109,917 117,947 124,538 24,445 44,177 3.53 80.72 Malta 2,706 609 998 0.08 63.88 Portugal 14,843 13,129 19,773 4,423 7,573 0.61 71.22 Slovenia 5,064 1,345 2,024 0.16 50.48 Spain 64,020 70,988 82,185 14,482 24,436 1.95 68.73 WESTERN EUROPE 623,485 681,716 842,382 263,634 423,444 33.84 60.62 Austria 24,599 27,428 29,454 6,260 15,387 1.23 145.80 Belgium 57,337 12,377 28,933 2.31 133.76 France 61,546 71,534 90,336 20,532 36,887 2.95 79.66 Germany 306,410 338,320 424,649 158,915 225,588 18.03 41.96 Luxembourg 7,009 1,523 2,785 0.22 82.86 Netherlands 106,305 108,458 143,776 44,431 78,846 6.30 77.46 Switzerland 75,101 81,848 89,821 19,596 35,018 2.80 78.70 Belgium / Luxembourg 49,524 54,128 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 22,353 4,058 4,392 0.35 8.23 Cyprus 2,807 630 878 0.07 39.37 Turkiye 19,546 3,428 3,514 0.28 2.51 OTHER EUROPE 212,356 189,862 42,894 11,852 12,183 0.97 2.79 Other countries of Europe 212,356 189,862 42,894 11,852 12,183 0.97 2.79 SOUTH ASIA 37,408 6,596 5,747 0.46 -12.87 India 37,408 6,596 5,747 0.46 -12.87 NOT SPECIFIED 42,824 36,005 Other countries of the world 42,824 36,005 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 287 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 12,425,763 12,748,835 14,760,849 6,263,520 7,587,691 100.00 21.14 AFRICA 121,957 8,119 10,030 0.13 23.54 SOUTHERN AFRICA 24,521 3,377 2,945 0.04 -12.79 South Africa 24,521 3,377 2,945 0.04 -12.79 OTHER AFRICA 97,436 4,742 7,085 0.09 49.41 Other countries of Africa 97,436 4,742 7,085 0.09 49.41 AMERICAS 955,503 1,002,297 1,497,675 326,886 548,943 7.23 67.93 NORTH AMERICA 849,286 893,028 1,277,320 283,924 504,695 6.65 77.76 Canada 102,928 112,959 156,355 9,341 8,632 0.11 -7.59 Greenland 58,238 19,677 33,082 0.44 68.13 United States of America 746,358 780,069 1,062,727 254,906 462,981 6.10 81.63 SOUTH AMERICA 19,607 21,701 66,967 5,430 11,870 0.16 118.60 Brazil 19,607 21,701 66,967 5,430 11,870 0.16 118.60 OTHER AMERICAS 86,610 87,568 153,388 37,532 32,378 0.43 -13.73 Other countries of the Americas 86,610 87,568 153,388 37,532 32,378 0.43 -13.73 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 466,691 462,428 885,827 139,953 94,668 1.25 -32.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 159,239 167,047 308,764 33,959 15,609 0.21 -54.04 China (*) 103,728 109,392 185,730 23,612 9,059 0.12 -61.63 Japan 37,325 39,279 90,393 8,186 5,087 0.07 -37.86 Korea, Republic of 18,186 18,376 32,641 2,161 1,463 0.02 -32.30 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 34,702 16,116 6,007 0.08 -62.73 Thailand 34,702 16,116 6,007 0.08 -62.73 AUSTRALASIA 54,692 69,276 229,972 47,716 11,066 0.15 -76.81 Australia 54,692 69,276 229,972 47,716 11,066 0.15 -76.81 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 252,760 226,105 312,389 42,162 61,986 0.82 47.02 Other countries of Asia 252,760 226,105 261,612 39,420 60,108 0.79 52.48 Other countries of Oceania 50,777 2,742 1,878 0.02 -31.51 EUROPE 10,381,764 10,633,120 11,816,279 5,315,739 6,446,546 84.96 21.27 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 175,593 196,285 724,166 332,160 486,764 6.42 46.55 Bulgaria 13,996 3,064 5,843 0.08 90.70 Czech Republic (Czechia) 65,346 12,244 25,200 0.33 105.82 Estonia 13,712 3,192 7,077 0.09 121.71 Hungary 35,531 9,235 10,683 0.14 15.68 Latvia 26,761 8,572 28,364 0.37 230.89 Lithuania 63,055 32,796 41,699 0.55 27.15 Poland 139,802 148,386 228,751 191,023 291,215 3.84 52.45 Romania 121,669 36,968 54,908 0.72 48.53 Russian Federation 35,791 47,899 69,996 23,771 6,308 0.08 -73.46 Slovakia 29,176 4,155 6,676 0.09 60.67 Ukraine 56,173 7,140 8,791 0.12 23.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 288 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,514,987 4,547,076 4,489,232 1,613,598 1,732,810 22.84 7.39 Faeroe Islands 145,095 35,055 76,054 1.00 116.96 Finland 97,264 114,868 1 70,267 26,262 31,357 0.41 19.40 Iceland 136,067 39,138 94,355 1.24 141.08 Ireland 28,492 32,176 72,343 14,576 20,395 0.27 39.92 Norway 1,892,403 1,886,428 1,531,442 597,879 547,237 7.21 -8.47 Sweden 1,559,864 1,571,598 1,490,177 515,510 642,950 8.47 24.72 United Kingdom 936,964 942,006 943,841 385,1 78 320,462 4.22 -16.80 SOUTHERN EUROPE 596,938 632,710 794,051 139,926 276,823 3.65 97.84 Croatia 18,001 2,639 5,624 0.07 113.11 Greece 11,797 14,735 56,475 11,829 25,308 0.33 113.95 Italy 318,350 333,701 325,612 62,913 113,564 1.50 80.51 Malta 6,409 767 1,319 0.02 71.97 Portugal 22,042 24,081 90,841 9,218 29,972 0.40 225.15 Slovenia 10,053 2,045 3,462 0.05 69.29 Spain 244,749 260,193 286,660 50,515 97,574 1.29 93.16 WESTERN EUROPE 4,524,083 4,723,160 5,664,848 3,197,496 3,915,353 51.60 22.45 Austria 71,241 76,621 68,679 15,999 36,088 0.48 125.56 Belgium 187,014 40,406 92,330 1.22 128.51 France 345,416 359,620 416,093 145,050 281,719 3.71 94.22 Germany 3,312,490 3,451,664 4,008,431 2,588,767 2,798,061 36.88 8.08 Luxembourg 34,462 2,316 4,910 0.06 112.00 Netherlands 470,095 487,518 700,129 338,404 576,634 7.60 70.40 Switzerland 164,950 179,236 250,040 66,554 125,611 1.66 88.74 Belgium / Luxembourg 159,891 168,501 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 50,984 7,254 9,345 0.12 28.83 Cyprus 4,477 951 1,266 0.02 33.12 Turkiye 46,507 6,303 8,079 0.11 28.18 OTHER EUROPE 570,163 533,889 92,998 25,305 25,451 0.34 0.58 Other countries of Europe 570,163 533,889 92,998 25,305 25,451 0.34 0.58 SOUTH ASIA 76,288 12,572 18,560 0.24 47.63 India 76,288 12,572 18,560 0.24 47.63 NOT SPECIFIED 621,805 650,990 362,823 460,251 468,944 6.18 1.89 Other countries of the world 621,805 650,990 362,823 460,251 468,944 6.18 1.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 289 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 7,093,757 7,267,686 7,664,434 1,970,760 2,756,607 100.00 39.88 AFRICA 47,624 9,616 12,674 0.46 31.80 SOUTHERN AFRICA 12,584 2,493 3,355 0.12 34.58 South Africa 12,584 2,493 3,355 0.12 34.58 OTHER AFRICA 35,040 7,123 9,319 0.34 30.83 Other countries of Africa 35,040 7,123 9,319 0.34 30.83 AMERICAS 800,024 877,673 986,394 163,358 230,127 8.35 40.87 NORTH AMERICA 691,981 776,908 878,479 148,188 212,628 7.71 43.49 Canada 67,677 78,802 81,458 8,838 9,137 0.33 3.38 Greenland 38,463 14,392 22,177 0.80 54.09 United States of America 624,304 698,106 758,558 124,958 181,314 6.58 45.10 SOUTH AMERICA 38,469 37,584 45,468 5,436 6,033 0.22 10.98 Brazil 38,469 37,584 45,468 5,436 6,033 0.22 10.98 OTHER AMERICAS 69,574 63,181 62,447 9,734 11,466 0.42 17.79 Other countries of the Americas 69,574 63,181 62,447 9,734 11,466 0.42 17.79 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 661,764 624,075 658,166 85,872 82,130 2.98 -4.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 329,204 336,376 372,204 33,711 20,796 0.75 -38.31 China 220,686 223,381 248,835 21,661 13,567 0.49 -37.37 Japan 78,799 82,276 91,383 8,796 4,869 0.18 -44.65 Korea, Republic of 29,719 30,719 31,986 3,254 2,360 0.09 -27.47 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 25,942 4,105 5,547 0.20 35.13 Thailand 25,942 4,105 5,547 0.20 35.13 AUSTRALASIA 81,698 94,242 94,877 12,447 4,554 0.17 -63.41 Australia 81,698 94,242 94,877 12,447 4,554 0.17 -63.41 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 250,862 193,457 165,143 35,609 51,233 1.86 43.88 Other countries of Asia 250,862 193,457 143,750 30,240 47,466 1.72 56.96 Other countries of Oceania 21,393 5,369 3,767 0.14 -29.84 EUROPE 5,535,248 5,684,805 5,876,251 1,692,510 2,415,159 87.61 42.70 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 181,892 216,982 448,948 142,453 217,877 7.90 52.95 Bulgaria 12,573 3,404 5,910 0.21 73.62 Czech Republic (Czechia) 36,529 8,659 20,113 0.73 132.28 Estonia 15,584 4,259 8,853 0.32 107.87 Hungary 30,387 9,803 12,885 0.47 31.44 Latvia 12,032 5,037 6,773 0.25 34.46 Lithuania 28,810 10,457 18,385 0.67 75.82 Poland 118,266 132,635 141,687 55,229 82,989 3.01 50.26 Romania 42,775 17,281 31,299 1.14 81.12 Russian Federation 63,626 84,347 75,024 15,774 11,003 0.40 -30.25 Slovakia 13,210 4,601 7,860 0.29 70.83 Ukraine 40,337 7,949 11,807 0.43 48.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 290 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,858,787 2,869,560 2,949,515 786,451 947,634 34.38 20.49 Faeroe Islands 40,116 17,729 31,950 1.16 80.21 Finland 164,372 199,410 1 70,835 29,363 41,774 1.52 42.27 Iceland 57,179 14,760 31,440 1.14 113.01 Ireland 47,733 52,766 55,432 15,511 26,370 0.96 70.01 Norway 897,974 907,013 905,308 270,257 248,265 9.01 -8.14 Sweden 1,002,139 997,996 962,875 228,564 379,345 13.76 65.97 United Kingdom 746,569 712,375 757,770 210,267 188,490 6.84 -10.36 SOUTHERN EUROPE 526,799 564,097 605,579 129,539 237,615 8.62 83.43 Croatia 12,745 3,552 8,424 0.31 137.16 Greece 26,908 34,067 37,377 10,821 15,830 0.57 46.29 Italy 270,642 286,962 281,228 60,545 115,237 4.18 90.33 Malta 5,149 1,337 2,294 0.08 71.58 Portugal 40,033 35,927 39,724 9,513 17,090 0.62 79.65 Slovenia 9,835 2,919 4,028 0.15 37.99 Spain 189,216 207,141 219,521 40,852 74,712 2.71 82.88 WESTERN EUROPE 1,403,605 1,535,273 1,746,656 600,382 977,977 35.48 62.89 Austria 57,571 65,013 65,286 16,063 36,798 1.33 129.09 Belgium 113,398 26,606 62,430 2.26 134.65 France 183,644 211,862 252,545 63,382 118,337 4.29 86.70 Germany 651,139 71 7,517 829,905 342,779 497,930 18.06 45.26 Luxembourg 13,703 3,201 6,242 0.23 95.00 Netherlands 239,949 245,384 286,043 104,665 1 74,823 6.34 67.03 Switzerland 163,636 177,975 185,776 43,686 81,417 2.95 86.37 Belgium / Luxembourg 107,666 117,522 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 44,664 8,775 9,753 0.35 11.15 Cyprus 5,699 1,346 1,967 0.07 46.14 Turkiye 38,965 7,429 7,786 0.28 4.81 OTHER EUROPE 564,165 498,893 80,889 24,910 24,303 0.88 -2.44 Other countries of Europe 564,165 498,893 80,889 24,910 24,303 0.88 -2.44 SOUTH ASIA 95,999 19,404 16,517 0.60 -14.88 India 95,999 19,404 16,517 0.60 -14.88 NOT SPECIFIED 96,721 81,133 Other countries of the world 96,721 81,133 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 291 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 54,913,876 55,930,835 59,534,450 31,524,687 36,202,986 100.00 14.84 AFRICA 680,426 80,787 65,031 0.18 -19.50 SOUTHERN AFRICA 108,627 16,352 15,443 0.04 -5.56 South Africa 108,627 16,352 15,443 0.04 -5.56 OTHER AFRICA 571,799 64,435 49,588 0.14 -23.04 Other countries of Africa 571,799 64,435 49,588 0.14 -23.04 AMERICAS 3,546,406 3,659,161 5,449,798 1,657,028 2,851,635 7.88 72.09 NORTH AMERICA 3,012,081 3,123,526 4,375,043 1,249,212 2,512,677 6.94 101.14 Canada 425,007 444,511 392,631 27,866 30,462 0.08 9.32 Greenland 185,208 66,038 121,917 0.34 84.62 United States of America 2,587,074 2,679,015 3,797,204 1,155,308 2,360,298 6.52 104.30 SOUTH AMERICA 50,852 53,875 323,168 31,933 96,308 0.27 201.59 Brazil 50,852 53,875 323,168 31,933 96,308 0.27 201.59 OTHER AMERICAS 483,473 481,760 751,587 375,883 242,650 0.67 -35.45 Other countries of the Americas 483,473 481,760 751,587 375,883 242,650 0.67 -35.45 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,331,251 1,311,204 3,506,920 704,870 473,206 1.31 -32.87 NORHT-EAST ASIA 404,682 420,274 1,020,333 112,975 64,856 0.18 -42.59 China (*) 275,385 286,852 520,786 76,134 38,313 0.11 -49.68 Japan 88,925 93,076 336,320 30,628 21,486 0.06 -29.85 Korea, Republic of 40,372 40,346 163,227 6,213 5,057 0.01 -18.61 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 290,529 72,941 43,879 0.12 -39.84 Thailand 290,529 72,941 43,879 0.12 -39.84 AUSTRALASIA 118,053 139,893 1,026,886 315,681 59,971 0.17 -81.00 Australia 118,053 139,893 1,026,886 315,681 59,971 0.17 -81.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 808,516 751,037 1,169,172 203,273 304,500 0.84 49.80 Other countries of Asia 808,516 751,037 1,036,692 195,752 298,747 0.83 52.62 Other countries of Oceania 132,480 7,521 5,753 0.02 -23.51 EUROPE 46,452,300 47,213,506 47,945,742 26,970,478 30,879,609 85.30 14.49 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,177,473 1,226,067 2,705,457 1,276,317 1,685,126 4.65 32.03 Bulgaria 123,034 8,368 18,206 0.05 117.57 Czech Republic (Czechia) 233,025 32,888 64,711 0.18 96.76 Estonia 48,411 12,882 27,689 0.08 114.94 Hungary 83,193 21,666 27,122 0.07 25.18 Latvia 79,701 22,396 61,505 0.17 1 74.62 Lithuania 202,637 193,674 162,941 0.45 -15.87 Poland 1,098,381 1,120,088 762,450 684,925 1,059,146 2.93 54.64 Romania 531,976 106,109 201,435 0.56 89.84 Russian Federation 79,092 105,979 272,288 161,579 22,107 0.06 -86.32 Slovakia 179,393 13,236 18,578 0.05 40.36 Ukraine 189,349 18,594 21,686 0.06 16.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 292 COUNTRY TABLES DENMARK / DANEMARK / DINAMARCA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 14,487,634 14,463,932 13,272,899 5,339,593 5,891,239 16.27 10.33 Faeroe Islands 718,204 139,354 327,817 0.91 135.24 Finland 252,438 288,799 471,846 72,209 89,214 0.25 23.55 Iceland 530,626 142,038 323,386 0.89 127.68 Ireland 65,900 73,043 215,312 54,1 70 59,264 0.16 9.40 Norway 6,760,921 6,684,077 4,972,282 2,121,128 1,993,590 5.51 -6.01 Sweden 4,304,919 4,315,011 3,746,905 1,359,1 78 1,827,584 5.05 34.46 United Kingdom 3,103,456 3,103,002 2,617,724 1,451,516 1,270,384 3.51 -12.48 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,187,132 2,267,340 2,716,019 630,740 1,106,103 3.06 75.37 Croatia 41,878 6,880 12,784 0.04 85.81 Greece 32,163 39,836 215,181 45,725 129,408 0.36 183.01 Italy 1,191,903 1,220,078 1,102,525 331,160 432,829 1.20 30.70 Malta 21,656 1,942 3,494 0.01 79.92 Portugal 53,778 59,073 384,810 31,274 133,216 0.37 325.96 Slovenia 22,183 5,142 8,394 0.02 63.24 Spain 909,288 948,353 927,786 208,617 385,978 1.07 85.02 WESTERN EUROPE 25,663,390 26,417,280 28,734,796 19,607,248 22,082,420 61.00 12.62 Austria 255,857 268,545 189,386 60,467 118,859 0.33 96.57 Belgium 462,073 110,323 250,937 0.69 127.46 France 1,640,469 1,685,046 1,563,523 637,559 1,063,884 2.94 66.87 Germany 20,743,169 21,332,399 22,342,251 16,919,443 17,233,181 47.60 1.85 Luxembourg 117,126 6,592 12,826 0.04 94.57 Netherlands 2,056,493 2,098,526 3,326,882 1,612,016 2,960,072 8.18 83.63 Switzerland 476,917 514,211 733,555 260,848 442,661 1.22 69.70 Belgium / Luxembourg 490,485 518,553 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 156,014 20,450 30,882 0.09 51.01 Cyprus 9,234 2,369 3,194 0.01 34.82 Turkiye 146,780 18,081 27,688 0.08 53.13 OTHER EUROPE 2,936,671 2,838,887 360,557 96,130 83,839 0.23 -12.79 Other countries of Europe 2,936,671 2,838,887 360,557 96,130 83,839 0.23 -12.79 SOUTH ASIA 148,902 27,549 32,001 0.09 16.16 India 148,902 27,549 32,001 0.09 16.16 NOT SPECIFIED 3,583,919 3,746,964 1,802,662 2,083,975 1,901,504 5.25 -8.76 Other countries of the world 3,583,919 3,746,964 1,802,662 2,083,975 1,901,504 5.25 -8.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 293 COUNTRY TABLES DOMINICA / DOMINIQUE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 72,228 62,875 89,626 21,733 14,888 100.00 -31.50 AFRICA 374 370 443 114 196 1.32 71.93 EAST AFRICA 11 41 45 6 7 0.05 16.67 Ethiopia 4 13 Kenya 21 9 2 2 0.01 Mauritius 2 2 7 1 2 0.01 100.00 Reunion 6 3 1 Seychelles 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1 1 2 0.01 100.00 Uganda 10 6 1 Zambia 3 4 Zimbabwe 2 2 1 0.01 CENTRAL AFRICA 7 7 15 4 2 0.01 -50.00 Cameroon 5 6 13 3 1 0.01 -66.67 Congo 2 1 2 1 1 0.01 NORTH AFRICA 28 49 28 7 10 0.07 42.86 Algeria 1 2 10 3 2 0.01 -33.33 Morocco 25 44 18 3 7 0.05 133.33 Tunisia 1 3 1 1 0.01 Western Sahara 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 57 57 57 13 23 0.15 76.92 Botswana 1 2 0.01 Eswatini 1 Namibia 2 5 5 South Africa 54 52 51 13 21 0.14 61.54 WEST AFRICA 271 216 298 84 154 1.03 83.33 Ghana 5 5 10 2 Liberia 1 1 Nigeria 265 209 285 82 154 1.03 87.80 Senegal 2 2 AMERICAS 55,534 50,138 70,328 15,967 12,249 82.27 -23.29 CARIBBEAN 35,082 36,544 54,272 10,318 6,296 42.29 -38.98 Anguilla 248 203 301 56 64 0.43 14.29 Antigua and Barbuda 2,783 2,570 3,432 892 637 4.28 -28.59 Aruba 31 28 36 6 3 0.02 -50.00 Bahamas 110 95 86 22 51 0.34 131.82 Barbados 2,006 1,892 1,987 705 742 4.98 5.25 Bermuda 33 34 35 7 3 0.02 -57.14 Bonaire 4 1 3 5 British Virgin Islands 717 970 1,022 261 345 2.32 32.18 Cayman Islands 14 20 18 5 6 0.04 20.00 Cuba 356 213 197 121 106 0.71 -12.40 Curacao 72 46 64 7 5 0.03 -28.57 Dominican Republic 105 357 502 199 242 1.63 21.61 Grenada 324 314 408 122 101 0.68 -17.21 Guadeloupe 13,468 11,527 17,216 3,505 599 4.02 -82.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 294 COUNTRY TABLES DOMINICA / DOMINIQUE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Haiti 228 2,983 9,842 57 43 0.29 -24.56 Jamaica 358 635 544 124 188 1.26 51.61 Martinique 4,885 3,006 5,614 959 196 1.32 -79.56 Montserrat 104 82 87 20 15 0.10 -25.00 Puerto Rico 372 257 348 177 587 3.94 231.64 Saint Kitts and Nevis 435 451 532 127 90 0.60 -29.13 Saint Lucia 2,351 4,284 5,046 983 469 3.15 -52.29 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 404 370 617 165 116 0.78 -29.70 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1,824 1,608 2,128 415 449 3.02 8.19 Trinidad and Tobago 1,201 1,808 1,464 409 314 2.11 -23.23 Turks and Caicos Islands 15 17 29 78 54 0.36 -30.77 United States Virgin Islands 2,550 2,671 2,635 843 835 5.61 -0.95 Other countries of the Caribbean 84 102 79 48 36 0.24 -25.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 107 268 165 42 22 0.15 -47.62 Belize 23 19 24 4 3 0.02 -25.00 Costa Rica 6 16 24 9 2 0.01 -77.78 El Salvador 13 20 8 1 2 0.01 100.00 Guatemala 8 67 17 10 1 0.01 -90.00 Honduras 9 8 5 1 5 0.03 400.00 Nicaragua 3 28 45 6 5 0.03 -16.67 Panama 45 110 42 11 4 0.03 -63.64 NORTH AMERICA 19,572 12,424 14,898 5,365 5,597 37.59 4.32 Canada 2,803 1,841 2,320 929 429 2.88 -53.82 Mexico 69 78 67 11 15 0.10 36.36 United States of America 16,700 10,505 12,511 4,425 5,153 34.61 16.45 SOUTH AMERICA 773 902 993 242 334 2.24 38.02 Argentina 40 30 49 16 6 0.04 -62.50 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 5 32 18 2 3 0.02 50.00 Brazil 48 36 61 34 15 0.10 -55.88 Chile 19 22 31 3 3 0.02 Colombia 93 181 252 33 51 0.34 54.55 Ecuador 9 9 12 2 24 0.16 1,100.00 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2 French Guiana 34 28 8 1 2 0.01 100.00 Guyana 196 384 327 111 135 0.91 21.62 Paraguay 1 1 Peru 6 22 5 1 5 0.03 400.00 Suriname 33 13 51 3 5 0.03 66.67 Uruguay 1 4 1 2 8 0.05 300.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 286 141 177 34 77 0.52 126.47 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 983 1,272 1,103 216 240 1.61 11.11 NORHT-EAST ASIA 755 945 863 165 210 1.41 27.27 China 652 755 652 83 70 0.47 -15.66 Hong Kong, China 16 12 8 Japan 45 105 93 33 14 0.09 -57.58 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 10 10 5 27 0.18 440.00 Korea, Republic of 4 2 6 44 97 0.65 120.45 Taiwan Province of China 38 61 94 2 0.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 295 COUNTRY TABLES DOMINICA / DOMINIQUE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 70 163 119 18 20 0.13 11.11 Brunei Darussalam 1 Indonesia 5 4 Malaysia 4 3 20 2 0.01 Philippines 44 51 45 4 11 0.07 1 75.00 Singapore 8 8 7 8 1 0.01 -87.50 Thailand 5 4 7 5 1 0.01 -80.00 Viet Nam 9 91 36 1 5 0.03 400.00 AUSTRALASIA 156 158 121 33 10 0.07 -69.70 Australia 113 94 75 28 9 0.06 -67.86 New Zealand 43 64 46 5 1 0.01 -80.00 MELANESIA 2 3 New Caledonia 2 Vanuatu 3 POLYNESIA 3 Tonga 3 EUROPE 14,972 10,772 17,373 5,197 2,012 13.51 -61.29 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 497 636 861 316 73 0.49 -76.90 Azerbaijan 1 1 Belarus 3 3 5 Bulgaria 11 6 18 4 0.03 Czech Republic/Slovakia 147 213 315 77 14 0.09 -81.82 Estonia 11 22 32 21 2 0.01 -90.48 Hungary 32 42 32 23 2 0.01 -91.30 Kazakhstan 4 1 Latvia 17 13 13 7 Lithuania 12 13 3 5 0.03 66.67 Poland 134 168 289 53 25 0.17 -52.83 Romania 27 41 59 32 3 0.02 -90.63 Russian Federation 113 78 53 42 13 0.09 -69.05 Ukraine 2 33 32 56 5 0.03 -91.07 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,543 4,254 5,768 1,743 1,180 7.93 -32.30 Denmark 82 86 106 54 7 0.05 -87.04 Finland 106 113 95 40 10 0.07 -75.00 Iceland 8 10 4 6 Ireland 47 73 44 15 6 0.04 -60.00 Norway 113 66 60 19 6 0.04 -68.42 Sweden 362 193 304 121 9 0.06 -92.56 United Kingdom 4,825 3,713 5,155 1,488 1,142 7.67 -23.25 SOUTHERN EUROPE 369 448 597 136 99 0.66 -27.21 Albania 6 4 4 Andorra 27 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 4 Croatia 6 7 9 7 3 0.02 -57.14 Greece 5 24 42 4 6 0.04 50.00 Italy 85 127 171 46 17 0.11 -63.04 Malta 3 6 1 0.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 296 COUNTRY TABLES DOMINICA / DOMINIQUE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 North Macedonia 1 1 Portugal 22 38 30 9 11 0.07 22.22 Serbia 1 10 15 2 1 0.01 -50.00 Slovenia 34 12 28 10 15 0.10 50.00 Spain 186 222 284 54 45 0.30 -16.67 WESTERN EUROPE 8,478 5,325 10,121 2,979 629 4.22 -78.89 Austria 118 99 154 34 35 0.24 2.94 Belgium 160 89 274 88 12 0.08 -86.36 France 5,918 3,753 7,423 2,006 331 2.22 -83.50 Germany 1,300 888 1,500 550 129 0.87 -76.55 Luxembourg 14 11 19 15 1 0.01 -93.33 Monaco 1 3 2 0.01 Netherlands 473 146 268 90 46 0.31 -48.89 Switzerland 494 339 480 196 73 0.49 -62.76 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 75 89 26 6 21 0.14 250.00 Cyprus 2 4 1 Israel 41 53 13 13 0.09 Turkiye 32 36 9 5 8 0.05 60.00 OTHER EUROPE 10 20 17 10 0.07 -41.18 Other countries of Europe 10 20 17 10 0.07 -41.18 MIDDLE EAST 80 101 122 39 42 0.28 7.69 Egypt 6 8 13 2 0.01 -84.62 Iraq 11 8 1 2 0.01 100.00 Jordan 1 2 1 0.01 Kuwait 1 1 Lebanon 11 22 19 5 7 0.05 40.00 Libya 5 1 4 0.03 300.00 Qatar 2 3 1 11 0.07 1,000.00 Saudi Arabia 25 8 16 1 1 0.01 State of Palestine 2 3 2 Syrian Arab Republic 12 9 3 2 1 0.01 -50.00 United Arab Emirates 22 34 57 15 12 0.08 -20.00 Yemen 3 4 3 1 0.01 SOUTH ASIA 213 147 209 174 132 0.89 -24.14 Afghanistan 41 12 13 6 1 0.01 -83.33 Bangladesh 2 7 9 5 5 0.03 India 103 106 153 151 117 0.79 -22.52 Iran, Islamic Republic of 11 4 12 4 Nepal 8 15 9 2 8 0.05 300.00 Pakistan 48 3 12 5 Sri Lanka 1 1 1 0.01 NOT SPECIFIED 72 75 48 26 17 0.11 -34.62 Other countries of the world 72 75 48 26 17 0.11 -34.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 297 COUNTRY TABLES DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE / REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 6,187,542 6,568,888 6,446,036 2,405,315 4,994,309 100.00 107.64 AMERICAS 3,949,336 4,266,322 4,071,072 1,318,222 2,837,051 56.81 115.22 CARIBBEAN 182,369 164,505 170,904 46,982 125,369 2.51 166.84 Aruba 1,950 1,681 1,128 179 1,480 0.03 726.82 Cuba 28,304 21,226 19,389 3,665 3,175 0.06 -13.37 Curacao 5,630 3,251 1,632 253 2,866 0.06 1,032.81 Guadeloupe 4,040 3,468 3,877 577 2,599 0.05 350.43 Haiti 10,087 12,406 1 7,534 10,746 18,954 0.38 76.38 Jamaica 2,203 2,391 2,621 828 1,768 0.04 113.53 Martinique 2,342 1,778 1,829 292 2,087 0.04 614.73 Puerto Rico 116,846 108,643 114,068 28,471 86,844 1.74 205.03 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 4,244 3,686 2,308 448 1,752 0.04 291.07 Trinidad and Tobago 4,455 2,824 3,621 479 429 0.01 -10.44 Turks and Caicos Islands 1,733 2,444 2,430 799 2,273 0.05 184.48 United States Virgin Islands 535 707 467 245 1,142 0.02 366.12 CENTRAL AMERICA 58,136 51,515 49,438 14,054 35,486 0.71 152.50 Costa Rica 12,612 12,003 12,638 3,241 6,454 0.13 99.14 El Salvador 3,615 4,736 4,126 1,144 2,847 0.06 148.86 Guatemala 7,878 8,351 9,038 2,342 6,639 0.13 183.48 Honduras 2,876 3,630 3,432 976 3,291 0.07 237.19 Panama 31,155 22,795 20,204 6,351 16,255 0.33 155.94 NORTH AMERICA 3,017,262 3,279,892 3,128,148 1,081,410 2,265,587 45.36 109.50 Canada 837,104 904,460 891,976 357,952 162,700 3.26 -54.55 Mexico 33,710 40,445 49,450 13,686 31,907 0.64 133.14 United States of America 2,146,448 2,334,987 2,186,722 709,772 2,070,980 41.47 191.78 SOUTH AMERICA 684,220 762,330 714,379 173,739 404,894 8.11 133.05 Argentina 180,286 219,027 186,419 38,159 29,749 0.60 -22.04 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 10,662 13,085 14,210 3,324 11,583 0.23 248.47 Brazil 93,485 130,004 107,102 27,548 41,473 0.83 50.55 Chile 101,138 114,418 114,492 25,607 33,682 0.67 31.53 Colombia 97,780 105,884 106,366 29,077 122,924 2.46 322.75 Ecuador 11,089 11,343 11,813 2,595 13,117 0.26 405.47 Peru 51,019 37,062 39,278 10,561 29,056 0.58 175.13 Uruguay 25,950 27,436 24,968 4,781 10,569 0.21 121.06 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 105,441 95,250 101,791 29,694 105,261 2.11 254.49 Other countries of South America 7,370 8,821 7,940 2,393 7,480 0.15 212.58 OTHER AMERICAS 7,349 8,080 8,203 2,037 5,715 0.11 180.56 Other countries of the Americas 7,349 8,080 8,203 2,037 5,715 0.11 180.56 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,423 14,418 15,347 4,868 8,336 0.17 71.24 NORHT-EAST ASIA 6,626 7,482 8,903 1,727 1,759 0.04 1.85 China 2,782 3,859 5,631 953 715 0.01 -24.97 Japan 1,516 1,702 1,567 278 308 0.01 10.79 Korea, Republic of 1,648 1,519 1,371 436 685 0.01 57.11 Taiwan Province of China 680 402 334 60 51 0.00 -15.00 AUSTRALASIA 2,327 1,239 1,695 572 343 0.01 -40.03 Australia 2,327 1,239 1,695 572 343 0.01 -40.03 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,470 5,697 4,749 2,569 6,234 0.12 142.66 Other countries of Asia 4,470 5,697 4,749 2,569 6,234 0.12 142.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 298 COUNTRY TABLES DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE / REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,388,572 1,334,324 1,267,927 375,007 807,768 16.17 115.40 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 299,933 290,024 289,442 112,458 326,630 6.54 190.45 Bulgaria 2,019 2,206 2,593 1,521 2,553 0.05 67.85 Czech Republic 4,878 7,687 7,649 3,778 10,285 0.21 172.23 Hungary 3,959 4,346 5,570 2,596 4,129 0.08 59.05 Poland 32,220 36,207 33,648 10,527 57,126 1.14 442.66 Romania 3,574 5,248 7,760 2,499 8,169 0.16 226.89 Russian Federation 240,048 218,941 208,959 70,752 1 78,955 3.58 152.93 Ukraine 13,235 15,389 23,263 20,785 65,413 1.31 214.71 NORTHERN EUROPE 205,550 209,445 178,979 43,193 23,131 0.46 -46.45 Denmark 2,546 4,196 4,433 1,998 1,519 0.03 -23.97 Finland 5,035 4,214 4,675 4,650 502 0.01 -89.20 Ireland 795 947 1,424 787 868 0.02 10.29 Norway 1,624 1,816 1,430 384 796 0.02 107.29 Sweden 19,021 11,861 9,532 5,301 1,630 0.03 -69.25 United Kingdom 176,529 186,411 157,485 30,073 17,816 0.36 -40.76 SOUTHERN EUROPE 283,785 276,788 286,196 72,319 170,684 3.42 136.02 Greece 616 599 788 314 797 0.02 153.82 Italy 78,747 76,434 83,925 22,830 26,837 0.54 17.55 Portugal 31,357 40,545 35,766 5,104 20,682 0.41 305.21 Spain 173,065 159,210 165,717 44,071 122,368 2.45 177.66 WESTERN EUROPE 592,876 549,506 503,399 143,909 275,610 5.52 91.52 Austria 10,460 11,567 11,539 3,688 5,896 0.12 59.87 Belgium 37,513 34,883 32,897 7,828 13,344 0.27 70.46 France 213,247 221,058 211,188 76,311 103,695 2.08 35.88 Germany 265,398 216,528 1 78,908 36,748 105,529 2.11 187.17 Luxembourg 615 1,075 1,082 397 1,541 0.03 288.16 Netherlands 32,570 27,222 33,797 8,113 10,552 0.21 30.06 Switzerland 33,073 37,173 33,988 10,824 35,053 0.70 223.85 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,106 2,431 2,650 600 2,902 0.06 383.67 Israel 2,106 2,431 2,650 600 2,902 0.06 383.67 OTHER EUROPE 4,322 6,130 7,261 2,528 8,811 0.18 248.54 Other countries of Europe 4,322 6,130 7,261 2,528 8,811 0.18 248.54 SOUTH ASIA 1,413 1,602 1,653 572 755 0.02 31.99 India 1,413 1,602 1,653 572 755 0.02 31.99 NOT SPECIFIED 834,798 952,222 1,090,037 706,646 1,340,399 26.84 89.68 Other countries of the world 1,273 1,895 1,620 525 1,307 0.03 148.95 Nationals residing abroad 833,525 950,327 1,088,41 7 706,121 1,339,092 26.81 89.64 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 299 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,608,473 2,427,660 2,043,993 468,894 590,006 100.00 25.83 AFRICA 4,762 3,745 5,580 840 912 0.15 8.57 EAST AFRICA 997 415 419 104 75 0.01 -27.88 Burundi 77 17 3 3 Comoros 12 6 2 1 2 0.00 100.00 Djibouti 2 1 2 1 1 0.00 Eritrea 295 31 109 14 21 0.00 50.00 Ethiopia 79 38 18 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Kenya 146 82 44 10 9 0.00 -10.00 Madagascar 23 14 24 1 3 0.00 200.00 Malawi 9 3 7 7 Mauritius 16 20 36 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Mozambique 12 23 7 13 7 0.00 -46.15 Reunion 3 1 Rwanda 18 14 22 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Seychelles 2 5 3 1 2 0.00 100.00 Somalia 13 2 2 2 2 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 69 47 17 4 4 0.00 Uganda 129 48 42 15 11 0.00 -26.67 Zambia 25 18 25 2 2 0.00 Zimbabwe 67 45 56 19 4 0.00 -78.95 CENTRAL AFRICA 916 1,290 2,955 53 73 0.01 37.74 Angola 257 384 368 11 4 0.00 -63.64 Cameroon 489 798 2,410 13 38 0.01 192.31 Central African Republic 6 5 7 2 6 0.00 200.00 Chad 23 13 3 2 Congo 36 22 31 7 7 0.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 54 53 130 14 14 0.00 Equatorial Guinea 46 10 4 2 3 0.00 50.00 Gabon 2 3 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Sao Tome and Principe 3 2 1 NORTH AFRICA 500 472 432 153 221 0.04 44.44 Algeria 142 126 133 33 41 0.01 24.24 Morocco 221 235 200 74 72 0.01 -2.70 South Sudan 1 1 1 1 0.00 Sudan 34 35 38 22 71 0.01 222.73 Tunisia 81 64 60 23 36 0.01 56.52 Western Sahara 22 11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 778 797 1,262 366 195 0.03 -46.72 Botswana 5 4 7 5 Eswatini 8 4 1 Lesotho 1 4 350 145 Namibia 14 22 17 1 3 0.00 200.00 South Africa 750 763 887 215 192 0.03 -10.70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 300 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 1,571 771 512 164 348 0.06 112.20 Benin 32 23 18 10 100 0.02 900.00 Burkina Faso 17 14 30 24 21 0.00 -12.50 Cabo Verde 154 170 25 12 7 0.00 -41.67 Cote d'lvoire 119 56 29 24 43 0.01 79.17 Gambia 563 34 11 1 Ghana 203 206 186 16 29 0.00 81.25 Guinea 75 44 81 7 12 0.00 71.43 Guinea-Bissau 19 10 6 11 0.00 Liberia 25 8 4 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Mali 21 28 5 0.00 Mauritania 7 6 17 5 24 0.00 380.00 Niger 23 16 5 1 Nigeria 232 97 67 41 50 0.01 21.95 Senegal 16 23 9 9 14 0.00 55.56 Sierra Leone 35 26 16 3 17 0.00 466.67 Togo 30 10 8 6 14 0.00 133.33 AMERICAS 1,260,402 2,032,938 1,621,125 357,573 439,783 74.54 22.99 CARIBBEAN 34,598 26,852 22,712 6,691 7,230 1.23 8.06 Anguilla 9 3 Antigua and Barbuda 33 22 19 5 7 0.00 40.00 Aruba 111 20 Bahamas 111 114 111 20 26 0.00 30.00 Barbados 53 55 66 17 34 0.01 100.00 Bermuda 18 20 British Virgin Islands 15 13 Cayman Islands 10 2 Cuba 24,920 20,126 17,242 5,064 3,677 0.62 -27.39 Dominica 35 21 14 10 15 0.00 50.00 Dominican Republic 4,893 4,301 4,296 1,339 3,137 0.53 134.28 Grenada 12 12 14 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Guadeloupe 45 18 Haiti 455 439 357 109 183 0.03 67.89 Jamaica 383 302 251 54 76 0.01 40.74 Martinique 1 Montserrat 2 Puerto Rico 2,958 913 Saint Kitts and Nevis 16 26 35 4 5 0.00 25.00 Saint Lucia 28 18 15 11 5 0.00 -54.55 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6 6 8 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Trinidad and Tobago 479 417 284 48 59 0.01 22.92 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 United States Virgin Islands 3 4 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 301 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 41,820 40,433 39,897 10,224 18,060 3.06 76.64 Belize 94 77 84 14 18 0.00 28.57 Costa Rica 8,949 8,634 8,480 1,961 2,233 0.38 13.87 El Salvador 5,811 4,927 4,783 1,303 1,735 0.29 33.15 Guatemala 4,569 4,124 4,330 971 1,627 0.28 67.56 Honduras 2,486 2,668 2,489 640 1,227 0.21 91.72 Nicaragua 1,803 1,548 1,538 418 776 0.13 85.65 Panama 18,108 18,455 18,193 4,917 10,444 1.77 112.41 NORTH AMERICA 300,487 416,462 474,330 164,057 292,355 49.55 78.20 Canada 28,342 34,333 38,196 13,523 9,461 1.60 -30.04 Greenland 2 1 Mexico 27,541 30,422 32,770 10,050 13,221 2.24 31.55 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 2 United States of America 244,600 351,704 403,364 140,484 269,673 45.71 91.96 SOUTH AMERICA 883,497 1,549,191 1,084,186 176,601 122,138 20.70 -30.84 Argentina 44,662 40,956 36,141 9,050 7,112 1.21 -21.41 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 6,826 6,517 6,642 1,814 2,189 0.37 20.67 Brazil 21,914 22,488 26,646 7,500 6,772 1.15 -9.71 Chile 44,522 45,860 41,866 13,507 9,012 1.53 -33.28 Colombia 330,671 322,810 310,858 85,400 56,584 9.59 -33.74 French Guiana 31 7 Guyana 169 130 81 35 61 0.01 74.29 Paraguay 1,992 1,888 2,235 634 851 0.14 34.23 Peru 139,116 146,788 144,891 44,926 27,586 4.68 -38.60 Suriname 90 85 55 13 9 0.00 -30.77 Uruguay 5,532 5,700 5,486 1,462 1,431 0.24 -2.12 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 287,972 955,962 509,285 12,260 10,531 1.78 -14.10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 80,893 71,952 73,649 14,449 8,286 1.40 -42.65 NORHT-EAST ASIA 44,062 39,044 36,699 7,335 7,137 1.21 -2.70 China 30,147 26,113 25,421 4,892 5,658 0.96 15.66 Hong Kong, China 778 340 Japan 5,855 5,553 5,826 1,257 513 0.09 -59.19 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 145 60 40 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Korea, Republic of 5,606 5,367 5,400 1,176 959 0.16 -18.45 Macao, China 17 13 Mongolia 18 30 12 3 4 0.00 33.33 Taiwan Province of China 1,496 1,568 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 22,744 18,777 23,479 4,770 583 0.10 -87.78 Brunei Darussalam 8 6 4 Cambodia 70 24 12 4 8 0.00 100.00 Indonesia 856 729 1,430 269 212 0.04 -21.19 Lao People's Democratic Republic 5 14 4 Malaysia 497 452 483 85 53 0.01 -37.65 Myanmar 559 592 756 243 19 0.00 -92.18 Philippines 19,077 15,500 19,524 3,929 174 0.03 -95.57 Singapore 554 542 521 69 49 0.01 -28.99 Thailand 565 479 403 73 62 0.01 -15.07 Timor-Leste 3 3 Viet Nam 553 436 343 94 6 0.00 -93.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 302 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 13,781 13,907 13,337 2,325 547 0.09 -76.47 Australia 11,312 11,537 11,006 1,999 427 0.07 -78.64 New Zealand 2,469 2,370 2,331 326 120 0.02 -63.19 MELANESIA 65 64 41 4 9 0.00 125.00 Fiji 16 7 9 1 2 0.00 100.00 New Caledonia 10 2 Papua New Guinea 7 7 8 1 2 0.00 100.00 Solomon Islands 14 18 11 2 Vanuatu 18 30 13 5 0.00 MICRONESIA 102 61 76 12 5 0.00 -58.33 Guam 3 1 Kiribati 81 55 60 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Marshall Islands 5 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 3 15 1 2 0.00 100.00 Nauru 6 Palau 2 2 POLYNESIA 139 99 17 3 5 0.00 66.67 American Samoa 1 Cook Islands 29 6 French Polynesia 15 2 Samoa 15 15 15 2 5 0.00 150.00 Tonga 2 7 2 1 Tuvalu 77 66 Wallis and Futuna Islands 3 EUROPE 243,798 302,260 330,633 94,797 139,634 23.67 47.30 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 22,874 22,051 22,219 7,004 9,450 1.60 34.92 Armenia 80 48 26 6 23 0.00 283.33 Azerbaijan 78 61 43 24 26 0.00 8.33 Belarus 542 350 307 129 157 0.03 21.71 Bulgaria 510 584 731 215 206 0.03 -4.19 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,488 1,749 1,827 684 873 0.15 27.63 Estonia 224 273 303 74 103 0.02 39.19 Georgia 285 138 176 40 42 0.01 5.00 Hungary 593 744 788 242 353 0.06 45.87 Kazakhstan 86 86 116 32 50 0.01 56.25 Kyrgyzstan 18 15 12 12 48 0.01 300.00 Latvia 718 426 621 184 71 0.01 -61.41 Lithuania 435 512 469 202 174 0.03 -13.86 Moldova, Republic of 64 61 78 25 57 0.01 128.00 Poland 3,275 3,452 3,601 1,117 1,697 0.29 51.92 Romania 1,895 1,613 1,810 460 525 0.09 14.13 Russian Federation 6,956 6,212 6,380 2,059 2,109 0.36 2.43 Slovakia 493 682 614 237 228 0.04 -3.80 Tajikistan 18 11 12 12 130 0.02 983.33 Turkmenistan 7 3 4 1 4 0.00 300.00 Ukraine 5,069 4,971 4,257 1,214 1,210 0.21 -0.33 Uzbekistan 40 60 44 35 1,364 0.23 3,797.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 303 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 37,597 41,525 41,296 10,381 6,107 1.04 -41.17 Denmark 3,222 3,573 3,647 1,235 868 0.15 -29.72 Finland 1,054 1,023 989 281 234 0.04 -16.73 Iceland 174 179 216 47 28 0.00 -40.43 Ireland 2,291 2,667 2,389 485 372 0.06 -23.30 Isle of Man 2 Norway 1,812 2,006 2,023 515 308 0.05 -40.19 Sweden 3,419 3,842 3,530 1,078 985 0.17 -8.63 United Kingdom 25,623 28,235 28,502 6,740 3,312 0.56 -50.86 SOUTHERN EUROPE 81,621 128,781 149,768 46,563 85,708 14.53 84.07 Albania 210 178 193 104 159 0.03 52.88 Andorra 38 48 54 7 34 0.01 385.71 Bosnia and Herzegovina 53 38 29 9 22 0.00 144.44 Croatia 618 638 849 303 296 0.05 -2.31 Gibraltar 4 1 Greece 840 854 1,076 249 328 0.06 31.73 Holy See 2 13 11 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Italy 17,361 19,935 23,482 6,888 11,303 1.92 64.10 Malta 76 87 81 17 13 0.00 -23.53 Montenegro 80 28 61 9 17 0.00 88.89 North Macedonia 90 52 14 8 17 0.00 112.50 Portugal 2,575 3,082 2,970 994 1,257 0.21 26.46 San Marino 5 5 4 3 0.00 Serbia 290 274 465 88 119 0.02 35.23 Slovenia 608 505 310 84 105 0.02 25.00 Spain 58,727 102,996 120,133 37,785 72,010 12.20 90.58 Other countries of Southern Europe 44 47 36 12 21 0.00 75.00 WESTERN EUROPE 95,637 103,821 110,871 29,688 36,103 6.12 21.61 Austria 3,377 3,706 3,729 980 996 0.17 1.63 Belgium 5,998 6,988 8,078 1,894 3,181 0.54 67.95 France 25,394 27,593 31,193 7,918 9,682 1.64 22.28 Germany 33,439 35,509 37,267 9,735 10,219 1.73 4.97 Liechtenstein 31 24 33 10 10 0.00 Luxembourg 244 289 296 47 98 0.02 108.51 Monaco 6 17 49 21 7 0.00 -66.67 Netherlands 16,033 18,106 18,798 6,217 7,281 1.23 17.11 Switzerland 11,115 11,589 11,428 2,866 4,629 0.78 61.51 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 6,069 6,082 6,479 1,161 2,266 0.38 95.18 Cyprus 75 62 69 26 24 0.00 -7.69 Israel 4,148 4,966 5,519 750 1,797 0.30 139.60 Turkiye 1,846 1,054 891 385 445 0.08 15.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 304 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 2,824 2,522 1,781 459 625 0.11 36.17 Bahrain 177 42 24 5 6 0.00 20.00 Egypt 435 408 443 133 73 0.01 -45.11 Iraq 121 71 35 2 4 0.00 100.00 Jordan 199 166 117 31 75 0.01 141.94 Kuwait 71 36 42 10 37 0.01 270.00 Lebanon 561 652 207 0.04 Libya 60 21 22 3 8 0.00 166.67 Oman 31 37 23 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Qatar 31 123 41 17 26 0.00 52.94 Saudi Arabia 277 153 132 36 54 0.01 50.00 State of Palestine 163 216 266 30 48 0.01 60.00 Syrian Arab Republic 322 207 118 25 28 0.00 12.00 United Arab Emirates 106 60 82 26 26 0.00 Yemen 270 330 436 134 28 0.00 -79.10 SOUTH ASIA 15,793 14,243 11,225 776 764 0.13 -1.55 Afghanistan 173 98 14 2 17 0.00 750.00 Bangladesh 286 217 60 44 45 0.01 2.27 Bhutan 6 1 India 13,501 12,438 9,736 520 516 0.09 -0.77 Iran, Islamic Republic of 793 642 452 102 67 0.01 -34.31 Maldives 12 6 5 1 0.00 Nepal 161 153 36 18 9 0.00 -50.00 Pakistan 458 268 211 67 99 0.02 47.76 Sri Lanka 409 415 710 23 10 0.00 -56.52 NOT SPECIFIED 1 2 0.00 Other countries of the world 1 2 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 305 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021-2020 (*) 1,805,519 2,535,140 2,107,692 507,333 669,475 100.00 31.96 AFRICA 3,761 3,945 6,206 885 915 0.14 3.39 EAST AFRICA 517 482 458 128 96 0.01 -25.00 Burundi 4 1 5 2 Comoros 46 41 40 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Djibouti 1 2 1 Eritrea 32 37 37 9 12 0.00 33.33 Ethiopia 39 50 54 14 19 0.00 35.71 Kenya 62 89 47 17 16 0.00 -5.88 Madagascar 15 16 23 1 0.00 Malawi 8 3 6 7 Mauritius 15 21 42 1 Mozambique 16 21 10 15 7 0.00 -53.33 Reunion 14 10 6 Rwanda 29 26 27 8 9 0.00 12.50 Seychelles 1 2 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Somalia 22 57 56 13 11 0.00 -15.38 Tanzania, United Republic of 43 30 12 9 11 0.00 22.22 Uganda 107 28 26 13 4 0.00 -69.23 Zambia 23 19 29 3 0.00 Zimbabwe 40 31 31 1 0.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 711 1,236 2,967 76 106 0.02 39.47 Angola 113 318 367 18 20 0.00 11.11 Cameroon 432 727 2,338 8 33 0.00 312.50 Central African Republic 28 37 22 20 25 0.00 25.00 Chad 32 39 30 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Congo 25 39 90 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 21 25 68 4 6 0.00 50.00 Equatorial Guinea 52 37 41 9 7 0.00 -22.22 Gabon 8 12 10 1 6 0.00 500.00 Sao Tome and Principe 2 1 NORTH AFRICA 365 472 519 134 149 0.02 11.19 Algeria 216 267 281 55 52 0.01 -5.45 Morocco 82 132 152 41 27 0.00 -34.15 South Sudan 1 3 1 1 0.00 Sudan 21 22 39 20 54 0.01 1 70.00 Tunisia 37 44 44 17 15 0.00 -11.76 Western Sahara 8 4 2 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 672 770 1,291 339 201 0.03 -40.71 Botswana 3 7 8 7 Eswatini 24 19 16 2 8 0.00 300.00 Lesotho 16 16 371 109 6 0.00 -94.50 Namibia 26 26 36 3 4 0.00 33.33 South Africa 597 691 847 218 183 0.03 -16.06 Other countries of Southern Africa 6 11 13 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 306 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 1,496 985 971 208 363 0.05 74.52 Benin 20 12 12 17 95 0.01 458.82 Burkina Faso 16 9 30 22 19 0.00 -13.64 Cabo Verde 384 451 509 82 60 0.01 -26.83 Cote d'lvoire 100 119 110 37 66 0.01 78.38 Gambia 561 29 8 1 Ghana 137 180 146 10 17 0.00 70.00 Guinea 71 34 69 2 4 0.00 100.00 Guinea-Bissau 7 8 6 10 0.00 Liberia 6 5 5 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Mali 8 12 2 0.00 Mauritania 5 6 7 2 23 0.00 1,050.00 Niger 22 9 4 2 0.00 Nigeria 116 48 27 15 21 0.00 40.00 Saint Helena 1 1 Senegal 6 28 21 10 20 0.00 100.00 Sierra Leone 18 26 12 2 9 0.00 350.00 Togo 18 8 5 4 14 0.00 250.00 AMERICAS 1,383,511 2,102,375 1,662,617 387,438 496,775 74.20 28.22 CARIBBEAN 10,249 11,983 11,764 2,742 5,094 0.76 85.78 Anguilla 17 13 6 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Antigua and Barbuda 26 15 13 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Aruba 216 326 474 73 181 0.03 147.95 Bahamas 146 211 187 58 69 0.01 18.97 Barbados 44 61 72 11 12 0.00 9.09 Bermuda 73 140 128 49 56 0.01 14.29 Bonaire 37 43 68 18 0.00 British Virgin Islands 5 37 12 1 2 0.00 100.00 Cayman Islands 25 44 40 6 18 0.00 200.00 Cuba 4,276 4,175 3,373 838 761 0.11 -9.19 Curacao 170 310 298 92 0.01 Dominica 37 26 22 11 9 0.00 -18.18 Dominican Republic 2,767 3,546 3,723 1,075 2,749 0.41 155.72 Grenada 8 13 23 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Guadeloupe 53 48 58 8 29 0.00 262.50 Haiti 143 243 102 26 57 0.01 119.23 Jamaica 159 195 209 37 44 0.01 18.92 Martinique 6 19 18 1 Puerto Rico 1,669 2,117 2,610 482 915 0.14 89.83 Saint Kitts and Nevis 11 20 16 3 0.00 Saint Lucia 14 18 8 2 2 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7 7 8 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2 4 3 1 1 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 314 322 265 40 57 0.01 42.50 Turks and Caicos Islands 7 1 2 1 United States Virgin Islands 2 3 4 2 0.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 15 26 22 2 5 0.00 150.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 307 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021-2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 44,908 46,952 47,772 11,925 20,567 3.07 72.47 Belize 83 88 101 12 16 0.00 33.33 Costa Rica 8,943 8,600 8,422 1,907 2,330 0.35 22.18 El Salvador 4,560 4,640 4,724 1,138 1,459 0.22 28.21 Guatemala 3,739 3,793 4,137 897 1,613 0.24 79.82 Honduras 1,778 2,186 2,114 564 915 0.14 62.23 Nicaragua 1,087 1,154 1,102 249 499 0.07 100.40 Panama 24,718 26,491 27,172 7,158 13,735 2.05 91.88 NORTH AMERICA 492,770 530,433 561,151 209,511 366,556 54.75 74.96 Canada 35,862 37,511 39,409 14,111 9,937 1.48 -29.58 Greenland 3 Mexico 25,889 30,683 33,513 11,166 14,715 2.20 31.78 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 1 1 United States of America 431,017 462,238 488,225 184,234 341,904 51.07 85.58 SOUTH AMERICA 835,584 1,513,007 1,041,930 163,260 104,558 15.62 -35.96 Argentina 42,465 40,504 35,806 10,111 7,123 1.06 -29.55 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 5,795 5,987 6,213 1,662 2,083 0.31 25.33 Brazil 20,759 21,775 25,937 7,588 6,584 0.98 -13.23 Chile 55,881 56,203 54,341 19,181 13,089 1.96 -31.76 Colombia 293,639 292,204 277,213 73,029 42,868 6.40 -41.30 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 French Guiana 27 20 15 4 4 0.00 Guyana 91 102 75 39 62 0.01 58.97 Paraguay 1,720 1,806 2,242 619 816 0.12 31.83 Peru 133,240 144,562 143,433 43,562 26,610 3.97 -38.91 Suriname 70 96 59 19 16 0.00 -15.79 Uruguay 4,472 4,882 4,595 1,238 1,151 0.17 -7.03 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 277,425 944,866 492,000 6,208 4,152 0.62 -33.12 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 67,595 62,283 64,585 12,230 5,520 0.82 -54.87 NORHT-EAST ASIA 31,457 28,804 26,613 5,218 4,428 0.66 -15.14 China 21,276 18,794 16,504 3,137 3,612 0.54 15.14 Hong Kong, China 598 600 641 138 63 0.01 -54.35 Japan 4,550 4,432 4,589 982 232 0.03 -76.37 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 192 183 142 19 14 0.00 -26.32 Korea, Republic of 3,722 3,813 3,820 781 443 0.07 -43.28 Macao, China 22 27 16 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Mongolia 18 24 10 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Taiwan Province of China 1,079 931 891 152 62 0.01 -59.21 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 21,353 18,343 23,358 4,684 585 0.09 -87.51 Brunei Darussalam 5 9 8 1 0.00 Cambodia 30 25 37 6 9 0.00 50.00 Indonesia 747 641 1,327 241 191 0.03 -20.75 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 10 Malaysia 389 412 443 79 57 0.01 -27.85 Myanmar 550 589 761 242 19 0.00 -92.15 Philippines 18,342 15,181 19,384 3,866 157 0.02 -95.94 Singapore 555 604 565 80 52 0.01 -35.00 Thailand 518 504 449 88 75 0.01 -14.77 Timor-Leste 2 3 6 Viet Nam 213 365 378 82 24 0.00 -70.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 308 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 14,215 14,074 13,407 2,278 434 0.06 -80.95 Australia 11,913 11,906 11,264 1,996 355 0.05 -82.21 New Zealand 2,302 2,168 2,143 282 79 0.01 -71.99 MELANESIA 293 826 1,046 10 22 0.00 120.00 Fiji 5 8 6 2 0.00 New Caledonia 105 111 115 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Papua New Guinea 16 12 20 1 7 0.00 600.00 Solomon Islands 12 18 11 Vanuatu 155 677 894 2 10 0.00 400.00 MICRONESIA 118 76 85 20 16 0.00 -20.00 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2 1 Guam 1 Kiribati 79 54 60 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Marshall Islands 5 1 3 Micronesia, Federated States of 22 18 19 9 14 0.00 55.56 Nauru 4 1 Palau 2 1 Other countries of Micronesia 3 3 1 0.00 POLYNESIA 159 160 76 20 35 0.01 75.00 American Samoa 12 7 5 2 Cook Islands 1 1 4 1 French Polynesia 43 48 41 14 26 0.00 85.71 Pitcairn 1 3 2 Samoa 12 15 15 2 6 0.00 200.00 Tonga 2 7 3 1 Tuvalu 77 66 Wallis and Futuna Islands 11 13 6 3 0.00 EUROPE 336,643 351,646 361,886 105,421 164,597 24.59 56.13 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 19,596 19,962 20,451 6,475 8,696 1.30 34.30 Armenia 35 33 27 6 17 0.00 183.33 Azerbaijan 37 34 35 19 10 0.00 -47.37 Belarus 230 250 297 108 132 0.02 22.22 Bulgaria 364 471 627 179 163 0.02 -8.94 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,332 1,618 1,701 651 842 0.13 29.34 Estonia 203 244 276 70 94 0.01 34.29 Georgia 272 123 166 32 30 0.00 -6.25 Hungary 453 661 685 231 356 0.05 54.11 Kazakhstan 54 73 102 24 41 0.01 70.83 Kyrgyzstan 15 16 7 8 38 0.01 375.00 Latvia 684 400 580 166 46 0.01 -72.29 Lithuania 367 452 394 174 141 0.02 -18.97 Moldova, Republic of 20 31 58 14 27 0.00 92.86 Poland 2,546 2,971 3,164 982 1,483 0.22 51.02 Romania 1,316 1,122 1,370 347 364 0.05 4.90 Russian Federation 6,160 5,604 5,837 1,944 1,795 0.27 -7.66 Slovakia 866 1,070 988 319 491 0.07 53.92 Tajikistan 13 6 9 6 120 0.02 1,900.00 Turkmenistan 8 4 5 3 8 0.00 166.67 Ukraine 4,606 4,738 4,089 1,163 1,160 0.17 -0.26 Uzbekistan 15 41 34 29 1,338 0.20 4,513.79 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 309 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 41,640 44,291 43,663 11,384 6,819 1.02 -40.10 Denmark 3,279 3,489 3,572 1,231 843 0.13 -31.52 Faeroe Islands 3 Finland 951 919 866 241 211 0.03 -12.45 Iceland 170 159 193 40 27 0.00 -32.50 Ireland 2,053 2,482 2,149 425 300 0.04 -29.41 Isle of Man 1 1 Norway 1,891 2,025 2,013 503 339 0.05 -32.60 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 1 Sweden 3,793 3,895 3,522 1,108 1,027.00 0.15 -7.31 United Kingdom 29,496 31,318 31,347 7,833 4,070 0.61 -48.04 Other countries of Northern Europe 3 3 1 2 2 0.00 SOUTHERN EUROPE 173,168 179,316 182,749 56,893 109,020 16.28 91.62 Albania 192 201 201 64 113 0.02 76.56 Andorra 53 67 73 27 56 0.01 107.41 Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 28 22 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Croatia 486 516 733 260 234 0.03 -10.00 Gibraltar 5 5 7 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Greece 722 730 986 222 268 0.04 20.72 Holy See 1 3 2 1 0.00 Italy 31,854 30,838 32,324 9,628 17,135 2.56 77.97 Malta 81 84 94 18 20 0.00 11.11 Montenegro 77 28 156 16 13 0.00 -18.75 North Macedonia 37 50 57 29 16 0.00 -44.83 Portugal 2,031 2,271 2,034 714 885 0.13 23.95 San Marino 4 2 4 5 0.00 Serbia 163 194 296 54 61 0.01 12.96 Slovenia 243 290 292 66 82 0.01 24.24 Spain 137,166 143,961 145,438 45,787 90,103 13.46 96.79 Other countries of Southern Europe 28 48 30 14 0.00 WESTERN EUROPE 96,801 102,494 108,996 29,692 38,025 5.68 28.06 Austria 3,154 3,342 3,400 890 917 0.14 3.03 Belgium 7,148 7,669 8,487 1,988 3,730 0.56 87.63 France 23,488 25,414 28,945 7,308 9,211 1.38 26.04 Germany 33,492 34,669 36,441 9,751 10,660 1.59 9.32 Liechtenstein 33 17 25 9 10 0.00 11.11 Luxembourg 348 403 397 59 150 0.02 154.24 Monaco 30 30 34 18 17 0.00 -5.56 Netherlands 16,108 17,571 1 7,850 6,184 7,152 1.07 15.65 Switzerland 13,000 13,377 13,416 3,485 6,178 0.92 77.27 Other countries of Western Europe 2 1 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 5,438 5,583 6,027 977 2,037 0.30 108.50 Cyprus 66 53 58 20 28 0.00 40.00 Israel 3,726 4,607 5,141 614 1,608 0.24 161.89 Turkiye 1,646 923 828 343 401 0.06 16.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 310 COUNTRY TABLES ECUADOR / EQUATEUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 2,162 2,822 2,581 863 1,185 0.18 37.31 Bahrain 55 36 45 19 12 0.00 -36.84 Egypt 197 280 363 104 68 0.01 -34.62 Iraq 71 70 60 13 18 0.00 38.46 Jordan 79 96 76 23 62 0.01 169.57 Kuwait 46 45 73 11 37 0.01 236.36 Lebanon 361 537 162 0.02 Libya 29 18 14 Oman 105 91 120 24 41 0.01 70.83 Qatar 156 341 324 201 268 0.04 33.33 Saudi Arabia 229 227 254 82 97 0.01 18.29 State of Palestine 32 122 120 6 26 0.00 333.33 Syrian Arab Republic 144 65 40 9 6 0.00 -33.33 United Arab Emirates 465 635 786 289 381 0.06 31.83 Yemen 193 259 306 82 7 0.00 -91.46 SOUTH ASIA 11,674 11,904 9,746 460 406 0.06 -11.74 Afghanistan 124 110 105 25 44 0.01 76.00 Bangladesh 184 158 46 36 40 0.01 11.11 Bhutan 4 1 India 10,569 10,644 8,441 274 237 0.04 -13.50 Iran, Islamic Republic of 220 352 307 74 31 0.00 -58.11 Maldives 10 5 7 1 Nepal 131 147 26 12 8 0.00 -33.33 Pakistan 102 109 156 26 43 0.01 65.38 Sri Lanka 334 375 657 12 3 0.00 -75.00 NOT SPECIFIED 173 165 71 36 77 0.01 113.89 Other countries of the world 173 165 71 36 77 0.01 113.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 311 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 8,292,326 11,346,389 13,026,441 3,676,918 AFRICA 645,860 801,186 911,345 332,272 EAST AFRICA 46,265 66,789 58,586 14,198 Burundi 473 602 785 221 Comoros 709 627 828 Djibouti 2,559 2,961 3,523 1,337 Eritrea 9,038 20,504 8,848 1,748 Ethiopia 8,253 9,632 9,367 2,553 Kenya 9,109 11,180 11,705 2,114 Madagascar 712 824 1,779 Malawi 391 617 862 179 Mauritius 622 854 1,057 226 Mozambique 288 303 546 99 Rwanda 568 678 1,094 277 Seychelles 180 141 177 78 Somalia 3,143 2,998 3,116 1,703 Tanzania, United Republic of 4,092 6,168 5,748 1,642 Uganda 3,990 6,002 5,966 1,292 Zambia 823 759 1,005 348 Zimbabwe 1,315 1,939 2,180 381 CENTRAL AFRICA 13,936 15,438 21,204 11,191 Angola 439 705 739 124 Cameroon 1,468 2,053 3,422 2,170 Central African Republic 150 233 260 106 Chad 10,436 10,580 14,271 7,888 Congo 399 393 484 178 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 717 1,047 1,630 582 Gabon 327 393 398 143 Sao Tome and Principe 34 NORTH AFRICA 496,377 627,412 740,163 276,679 Algeria 49,250 62,604 72,843 9,967 Morocco 47,395 56,581 58,407 14,903 Sudan 347,713 459,607 575,628 239,759 Tunisia 52,019 48,620 33,285 12,050 SOUTHERN AFRICA 17,287 23,216 21,587 4,131 Botswana 185 358 429 61 Eswatini 74 202 186 Lesotho 75 192 238 29 Namibia 317 453 510 116 South Africa 16,636 22,011 20,224 3,925 WEST AFRICA 71,991 68,331 69,805 25,514 Benin 453 485 1,019 207 Burkina Faso 625 826 999 398 Cote d'lvoire 1,376 1,304 2,094 512 Gambia 266 308 459 100 Ghana 6,692 7,887 7,274 1,780 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 312 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guinea 1,754 2,323 3,952 2,408 Guinea-Bissau 65 84 119 32 Liberia 195 233 298 95 Mali 929 950 1,030 363 Mauritania 1,918 1,530 2,049 717 Niger 1,249 971 919 299 Nigeria 54,403 49,121 46,197 17,502 Senegal 1,145 1,367 2,296 618 Sierra Leone 286 356 400 119 Togo 635 586 700 364 OTHER AFRICA 4 Other countries of Africa 4 AMERICAS 358,320 456,311 548,153 172,452 CARIBBEAN 1,730 2,425 3,113 938 Bahamas 25 72 80 16 Barbados 28 31 53 8 British Virgin Islands 237 301 336 Cuba 334 434 626 151 Dominica 637 885 1,148 525 Haiti 59 78 128 33 Jamaica 144 267 349 61 Trinidad and Tobago 266 357 393 144 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,515 3,597 4,782 913 Costa Rica 1,109 1,504 2,099 494 El Salvador 262 306 536 75 Guatemala 496 740 907 88 Honduras 196 415 522 83 Nicaragua 115 123 182 39 Panama 337 509 536 134 NORTH AMERICA 307,763 386,447 462,539 151,672 Canada 71,746 85,370 92,741 29,485 Mexico 9,588 13,281 20,202 4,108 United States of America 226,429 287,796 349,596 118,079 SOUTH AMERICA 46,312 63,842 77,719 18,929 Argentina 11,687 14,483 13,808 3,557 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 545 692 923 197 Brazil 1 7,255 26,160 34,766 8,958 Chile 3,887 5,084 6,413 1,830 Colombia 5,469 7,824 10,225 1,967 Ecuador 1,909 2,355 2,621 411 Guyana 5 5 4 6 Paraguay 263 380 435 93 Peru 2,634 3,632 4,725 1,142 Suriname 27 46 63 8 Uruguay 1,388 1,765 2,252 361 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,243 1,416 1,484 399 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 313 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 510,483 515,423 530,782 150,630 NORHT-EAST ASIA 350,916 316,303 318,782 77,291 China 287,260 234,747 214,202 44,173 Hong Kong, China 171 132 102 61 Japan 32,743 41,807 52,409 13,936 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 36 47 60 8 Korea, Republic of 15,598 20,488 31,946 13,358 Mongolia 156 216 286 74 Taiwan Province of China 14952 18866 19777 5681 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 124,588 152,868 156,752 62,259 Cambodia 144 177 226 32 Indonesia 39,831 46,485 43,652 15,659 Lao People's Democratic Republic 8 13 16 Malaysia 28,702 32,302 33,694 12,214 Myanmar 961 1,225 1,725 1,844 Philippines 39,089 47,974 55,713 27,141 Singapore 3,753 5,219 7,161 1,206 Thailand 10,218 16,449 13,105 3,515 Viet Nam 1,882 3,024 1,460 648 AUSTRALASIA 34,970 46,220 55,226 11,079 Australia 30,052 40,109 47,739 9,644 New Zealand 4,918 6,111 7,487 1,435 POLYNESIA 9 32 22 1 Samoa 9 32 22 1 EUROPE 4,671,687 6,947,655 8,380,859 2,303,071 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,765,090 2,747,458 3,565,754 1,304,227 Armenia 18,116 32,049 44,940 6,147 Azerbaijan 1,893 3,440 5,343 607 Belarus 162,481 273,987 327,332 135,156 Bulgaria 8,145 20,622 27,410 5,316 Czech Republic 203,469 268,632 276,770 27,454 Estonia 22,481 32,727 43,808 19,575 Georgia 9,649 11,706 10,928 2,382 Hungary 38,136 61,307 77,122 10,869 Kazakhstan 69,570 133,015 156,591 58,145 Kyrgyzstan 4,518 7,452 8,828 4,073 Latvia 16,233 29,513 35,859 14,548 Lithuania 42,632 69,907 90,946 31,138 Moldova, Republic of 10,202 21,962 21,938 14,033 Poland 1 77,433 303,720 413,892 111,289 Romania 29,764 66,457 102,452 27,316 Russian Federation 93,992 145,642 264,108 80,643 Slovakia 52,984 76,219 80,211 4,693 Tajikistan 829 1,260 2,149 441 Turkmenistan 99 138 121 38 Ukraine 797,270 1,174,234 1,551,680 741,947 USSR (former) 1,637 4,308 9,902 Uzbekistan 3,557 9,161 13,424 8,417 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 314 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 448,134 627,017 671,036 176,699 Denmark 53,599 82,993 83,207 20,132 Finland 5,034 9,948 20,425 7,540 Iceland 546 777 900 196 Ireland 8,113 10,460 11,399 3,552 Norway 13,292 16,206 19,722 4,295 Sweden 48,162 70,861 79,769 26,333 United Kingdom 319,388 435,772 455,614 114,651 SOUTHERN EUROPE 355,260 594,469 873,320 164,364 Albania 1,298 2,366 5,416 983 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,305 3,896 4,747 854 Croatia 4,283 6,237 8,745 2,678 Greece 20,045 23,718 32,410 10,930 Italy 255,148 421,992 619,425 95,804 Malta 1,051 1,367 2,108 Portugal 6,801 11,006 16,680 3,647 San Marino 177 436 577 Serbia 18,195 38,750 57,950 25,258 Slovenia 9,330 18,537 23,539 3,785 Spain 36,627 66,164 101,723 20,425 WESTERN EUROPE 1,831,439 2,531,692 2,695,035 606,430 Austria 122,916 164,696 1 73,720 32,823 Belgium 95,725 136,891 148,974 31,488 France 150,241 217,533 298,812 89,218 Germany 1,232,343 1,707,382 1,729,051 352,845 Liechtenstein 348 454 495 Luxembourg 2,658 4,619 5,859 1,274 Monaco 14 33 56 Netherlands 151,791 189,679 218,527 65,024 Switzerland 75,403 110,405 119,541 33,758 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 271,700 447,001 575,689 51,351 Cyprus 3,339 4,322 4,236 1,185 Israel 234,986 405,399 530,226 37,855 Turkiye 33,375 37,280 41,227 12,311 OTHER EUROPE 64 18 25 Other countries of Europe 64 18 25 MIDDLE EAST 1,962,159 2,403,053 2,418,284 643,415 Bahrain 29,215 31,680 29,673 11,200 Iraq 90,922 104,805 94,702 43,110 Jordan 211,842 208,283 203,603 42,450 Kuwait 176,629 164,532 164,873 39,939 Lebanon 108,111 120,637 101,249 22,616 Libya 336,370 410,659 440,309 135,584 Oman 17,279 16,801 18,327 5,040 Qatar 12,795 4,701 3,727 613 Saudi Arabia 669,574 909,092 891,626 150,886 State of Palestine 73,855 136,010 163,630 47,993 Syrian Arab Republic 63,687 65,803 64,268 31,000 United Arab Emirates 62,465 65,464 66,545 19,570 Yemen 109,415 164,586 1 75,752 93,414 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 315 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 125,748 154,006 157,307 39,669 Afghanistan 1,327 1,486 1,593 679 Bangladesh 6,226 7,666 10,061 3,642 Bhutan 22 17 61 5 India 103,012 126,697 128,515 29,196 Iran, Islamic Republic of 602 542 439 130 Maldives 212 181 200 62 Nepal 1,928 1,785 1,768 514 Pakistan 9,079 12,002 10,505 4,020 Sri Lanka 3,340 3,630 4,165 1,421 NOT SPECIFIED 18,069 68,755 79,711 35,409 Other countries of the world 18,069 68,755 79,711 35,409 EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 83,783,127 121,497,447 136,298,511 42,966,559 AFRICA 7,999,073 12,018,786 15,319,151 4,749,562 EAST AFRICA 354,729 671,579 729,023 100,720 Burundi 5,732 9,049 12,620 Comoros 8,669 14,642 13,040 Djibouti 27,387 81,959 87,735 Eritrea 40,688 121,779 144,807 Ethiopia 85,555 162,891 146,683 44,483 Kenya 61,756 83,763 89,501 Madagascar 8,402 12,891 14,877 Malawi 4,662 8,399 10,389 Mauritius 4,071 7,349 9,551 Mozambique 1,705 2,431 5,425 Rwanda 5,533 9,323 13,814 Seychelles 1,357 1,554 2,202 Somalia 40,622 63,892 65,207 37,718 Tanzania, United Republic of 18,434 27,096 32,278 18,519 Uganda 25,157 35,556 49,084 Zambia 7,527 10,784 11,610 Zimbabwe 7,472 18,221 20,200 CENTRAL AFRICA 161,146 327,998 390,766 Angola 3,670 7,625 9,705 Cameroon 14,934 27,017 40,449 Central African Republic 2,526 5,240 3,353 Chad 127,179 259,900 304,981 Congo 3,115 5,018 5,114 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 6,920 1 7,472 22,471 Gabon 2,802 5,726 4,693 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 316 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AFRICA 7,068,318 10,401,731 13,509,281 4,071,034 Algeria 542,410 677,744 660,226 143,930 Morocco 559,787 851,899 821,348 203,862 Sudan 5,573,852 8,372,894 11,681,351 3,61 7,328 Tunisia 392,269 499,194 346,356 105,914 SOUTHERN AFRICA 103,773 145,401 150,741 39,354 Botswana 918 2,214 3,780 Eswatini 372 902 1,236 Lesotho 492 944 1,563 Namibia 2,636 5,503 6,656 South Africa 99,355 135,838 137,506 39,354 WEST AFRICA 311,107 472,077 539,340 130,520 Benin 2,863 7,508 15,155 Burkina Faso 6,662 16,261 16,760 Cote d'lvoire 11,579 17,144 23,843 Gambia 2,900 3,857 4,583 Ghana 25,740 40,352 51,179 Guinea 21,415 28,108 46,172 Guinea-Bissau 518 619 1,595 Liberia 1,873 3,749 3,598 Mali 7,546 10,366 12,507 Mauritania 15,359 26,397 27,910 Niger 5,671 15,004 12,073 Nigeria 187,633 269,108 274,134 130,520 Senegal 14,102 22,487 36,206 Sierra Leone 2,631 4,716 5,366 Togo 4,615 6,401 8,259 OTHER AFRICA 407,934 Other countries of Africa 407,934 AMERICAS 4,616,426 6,528,758 9,771,535 2,602,451 CARIBBEAN 14,312 24,032 28,612 2,104 Bahamas 136 424 527 128 Barbados 246 347 583 British Virgin Islands 2,031 2,797 1,925 Cuba 3,016 4,019 5,646 1,567 Dominica 5,489 9,999 11,929 Haiti 287 504 661 Jamaica 784 1,684 2,147 409 Trinidad and Tobago 2,323 4,258 5,194 CENTRAL AMERICA 17,487 27,269 30,805 7,275 Costa Rica 6,705 10,699 13,516 3,426 El Salvador 2,155 2,832 3,153 859 Guatemala 3,359 5,272 5,191 940 Honduras 1,563 2,738 3,187 572 Nicaragua 966 956 1,850 460 Panama 2,739 4,772 3,908 1,018 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 317 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 4,216,092 5,938,330 9,064,041 2,491,905 Canada 903,914 1,210,509 1,335,504 481,211 Mexico 74,660 105,705 150,314 39,342 United States of America 3,237,518 4,622,116 7,578,223 1,971,352 SOUTH AMERICA 368,535 539,127 648,077 101,167 Argentina 100,996 122,646 119,152 38,215 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 4,096 8,279 7,648 3,075 Brazil 124,517 221,211 293,787 Chile 31,229 40,874 49,545 15,475 Colombia 46,887 63,444 79,485 21,558 Ecuador 15,413 18,034 18,964 4,110 Guyana 6 14 28 16 Paraguay 2,617 3,938 3,801 742 Peru 19,204 28,025 35,258 9,782 Suriname 152 331 633 146 Uruguay 11,684 16,291 22,041 3,708 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 11,734 16,040 17,735 4,340 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,889,192 4,956,579 5,066,273 878,691 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,462,098 2,639,075 2,702,033 625,960 China 1,982,181 1,940,113 1,932,403 526,130 Hong Kong, China 186 742 278 Japan 213,765 276,039 322,726 99,830 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 657 839 1,116 Korea, Republic of 150,742 256,067 320,181 Mongolia 1,370 2,913 2,952 Taiwan Province of China 113,197 162,362 122,377 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 948,561 1,651,717 1,581,514 Cambodia 811 2,656 2,027 Indonesia 258,377 296,395 305,712 Lao People's Democratic Republic 40 28 37 Malaysia 265,025 433,504 397,400 Myanmar 8,969 11,754 15,441 Philippines 312,718 734,130 686,097 Singapore 32,323 49,530 59,507 Thailand 56,401 97,876 98,981 Viet Nam 13,897 25,844 16,312 AUSTRALASIA 478,473 665,683 782,588 252,731 Australia 421,121 591,454 698,433 223,954 New Zealand 57,352 74,229 84,155 28,777 POLYNESIA 60 104 138 Samoa 60 104 138 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 318 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 42,600,603 63,213,478 71,969,345 21,023,181 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 13,934,038 22,931,342 28,476,033 9,986,846 Armenia 150,804 291,574 384,541 62,364 Azerbaijan 13,920 40,870 45,776 Belarus 1,352,059 2,429,026 2,969,053 1,316,974 Bulgaria 65,643 148,250 205,337 46,967 Czech Republic 1,805,644 2,370,973 2,384,624 241,019 Estonia 150,352 263,445 346,007 Georgia 69,042 92,595 89,036 Hungary 313,040 498,351 618,224 101,273 Kazakhstan 542,499 1,270,395 1,474,864 Kyrgyzstan 29,587 69,670 84,487 Latvia 105,696 235,696 280,202 115,187 Lithuania 327,370 549,787 679,807 251,998 Moldova, Republic of 67,930 143,841 154,313 99,898 Poland 1,486,564 2,545,470 3,198,918 881,390 Romania 267,350 534,731 772,013 215,105 Russian Federation 990,767 1,702,859 2,706,232 887,239 Slovakia 458,676 660,019 697,955 46,491 Tajikistan 11,295 15,482 25,162 Turkmenistan 703 1,959 989 Ukraine 5,677,755 8,933,774 11,140,378 5,720,941 USSR (former) 13,416 39,005 78,657 Uzbekistan 33,926 93,570 139,458 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,792,354 6,642,479 6,977,479 2,118,933 Denmark 496,784 709,811 709,538 194,587 Finland 52,533 106,571 187,735 79,504 Iceland 4,874 7,672 8,952 2,681 Ireland 99,734 131,608 147,328 49,959 Norway 141,857 194,778 235,097 59,924 Sweden 452,394 724,009 810,000 299,479 United Kingdom 3,544,178 4,768,030 4,878,829 1,432,799 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,830,984 6,058,224 7,503,853 1,809,763 Albania 11,185 23,274 44,351 Bosnia and Herzegovina 21,916 38,466 44,185 Croatia 50,441 72,728 90,422 30,207 Greece 190,089 216,085 238,453 86,677 Italy 2,836,489 4,328,866 5,337,745 1,108,714 Malta 12,918 18,458 21,782 Portugal 65,474 100,155 138,478 39,289 San Marino 1,416 3,446 4,562 Serbia 204,791 534,276 544,944 286,389 Slovenia 76,105 151,821 184,610 36,198 Spain 360,160 570,649 854,321 222,289 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 319 COUNTRY TABLES EGYPT / EGYPTE / EGIPTO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 19,010,374 25,939,979 26,906,976 6,869,678 Austria 1,396,071 1,797,615 1,864,929 484,841 Belgium 957,549 1,301,963 1,458,684 438,789 France 1,595,788 2,340,300 3,019,018 939,081 Germany 12,641,158 17,384,714 17,176,754 3,953,877 Liechtenstein 2,973 4,740 5,073 Luxembourg 25,835 42,694 51,382 14,796 Monaco 88 244 509 Netherlands 1,616,663 1,983,641 2,180,119 667,001 Switzerland 774,249 1,084,068 1,150,508 371,293 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,032,576 1,641,108 2,104,552 237,961 Cyprus 19,858 27,220 31,242 12,276 Israel 692,594 1,221,393 1,705,774 89,003 Turkiye 320,124 392,495 367,536 136,682 OTHER EUROPE 277 346 452 Other countries of Europe 277 346 452 MIDDLE EAST 23,545,458 32,831,224 32,058,930 10,825,304 Bahrain 325,284 475,175 477,057 185,530 Iraq 1,045,789 1,470,579 1,281,808 678,873 Jordan 2,192,484 2,330,108 1,921,923 633,897 Kuwait 1,822,952 1,894,001 1,743,388 615,894 Lebanon 975,153 1,124,623 851,367 257,096 Libya 5,245,894 7,328,225 7,698,147 2,589,097 Oman 178,274 205,488 202,752 71,949 Qatar 99,450 114,440 88,528 19,145 Saudi Arabia 6,933,416 9,021,468 8,862,042 1,692,597 State of Palestine 874,095 1,683,329 1,830,298 761,008 Syrian Arab Republic 1,246,634 2,103,477 1,740,700 660,341 United Arab Emirates 600,749 651,799 649,927 224,604 Yemen 2,005,284 4,428,512 4,710,993 2,435,273 SOUTH ASIA 952,820 1,260,934 1,199,163 360,091 Afghanistan 10,655 21,780 24,595 13,928 Bangladesh 88,422 107,024 102,361 43,541 Bhutan 121 92 511 111 India 703,139 925,800 883,291 291,549 Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,708 8,107 5,801 3,706 Maldives 2,054 2,727 1,550 1,751 Nepal 20,203 26,963 19,064 5,505 Pakistan 90,529 115,339 108,007 Sri Lanka 31,989 53,102 53,983 NOT SPECIFIED 179,555 687,688 914,114 2,527,279 Other countries of the world 179,555 687,688 914,114 2,527,279 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 320 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,556,071 1,677,290 1,765,584 548,730 1,218,951 100.00 122.14 AFRICA 479 714 551 134 319 0.03 138.06 EAST AFRICA 65 95 88 31 104 0.01 235.48 Ethiopia 39 55 61 24 95 0.01 295.83 Kenya 24 13 20 5 7 0.00 40.00 Malawi 2 2 0.00 Mozambique 2 8 1 2 Zambia 17 6 CENTRAL AFRICA 25 31 26 6 10 0.00 66.67 Cameroon 8 7 13 6 0.00 Congo 17 24 13 6 4 0.00 -33.33 NORTH AFRICA 48 78 80 10 40 0.00 300.00 Morocco 36 61 63 4 33 0.00 725.00 Tunisia 12 17 17 6 7 0.00 16.67 SOUTHERN AFRICA 70 64 48 12 31 0.00 158.33 South Africa 70 64 48 12 31 0.00 158.33 WEST AFRICA 118 310 113 39 55 0.00 41.03 Benin 2 2 2 Cabo Verde 24 27 24 4 9 0.00 125.00 Cote d'lvoire 58 89 82 34 44 0.00 29.41 Guinea 9 187 1 Liberia 2 1 Mali 2 0.00 Nigeria 23 4 3 Sierra Leone 2 OTHER AFRICA 153 136 196 36 79 0.01 119.44 Other countries of Africa 153 136 196 36 79 0.01 119.44 AMERICAS 1,502,367 1,623,090 1,699,475 535,975 1,190,230 97.64 122.07 CARIBBEAN 4,273 4,434 5,040 971 1,815 0.15 86.92 Antigua and Barbuda 26 15 38 13 53 0.00 307.69 Bahamas 43 76 143 33 62 0.01 87.88 Barbados 68 70 70 14 30 0.00 114.29 Bermuda 1 Cuba 1,741 1,812 1,654 213 159 0.01 -25.35 Dominica 32 18 31 14 4 0.00 -71.43 Dominican Republic 1,621 1,777 2,174 466 1,056 0.09 126.61 Grenada 75 8 64 10 52 0.00 420.00 Haiti 162 201 200 56 27 0.00 -51.79 Jamaica 223 206 305 75 248 0.02 230.67 Puerto Rico 1 Saint Lucia 19 17 38 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 24 19 25 2 6 0.00 200.00 Trinidad and Tobago 105 125 157 33 34 0.00 3.03 Other countries of the Caribbean 134 90 141 35 80 0.01 128.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 321 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 898,652 961,266 967,174 263,481 403,675 33.12 53.21 Belize 1,406 1,582 1,358 184 1,090 0.09 492.39 Costa Rica 41,669 36,112 36,653 7,916 13,981 1.15 76.62 Guatemala 558,371 605,823 612,331 159,332 274,430 22.51 72.24 Honduras 250,131 263,162 273,588 69,210 74,893 6.14 8.21 Nicaragua 30,711 38,845 29,817 22,169 31,385 2.57 41.57 Panama 16,364 15,742 13,427 4,670 7,896 0.65 69.08 NORTH AMERICA 548,541 606,744 681,073 261,317 767,237 62.94 193.60 Canada 30,436 29,470 28,633 10,915 13,950 1.14 27.81 Mexico 40,848 37,100 52,186 10,954 18,648 1.53 70.24 United States of America 477,257 540,174 600,254 239,448 734,639 60.27 206.81 SOUTH AMERICA 50,901 50,646 46,188 10,206 17,503 1.44 71.50 Argentina 5,999 4,940 3,774 996 1,904 0.16 91.16 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,304 1,185 1,239 237 360 0.03 51.90 Brazil 5,926 6,354 5,326 1,210 1,841 0.15 52.15 Chile 2,207 2,241 2,156 647 1,330 0.11 105.56 Colombia 18,106 1 7,390 16,052 3,506 6,960 0.57 98.52 Ecuador 3,425 4,265 3,904 706 1,435 0.12 103.26 Guyana 151 102 121 8 60 0.00 650.00 Paraguay 399 340 390 86 115 0.01 33.72 Peru 8,502 9,658 9,946 2,136 1,908 0.16 -10.67 Suriname 90 56 83 22 10 0.00 -54.55 Uruguay 741 784 719 157 531 0.04 238.22 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,051 3,331 2,478 494 1,049 0.09 112.35 Other countries of South America 1 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,779 9,753 10,713 1,793 3,213 0.26 79.20 NORHT-EAST ASIA 8,654 6,143 7,716 1,056 1,584 0.13 50.00 China 3,429 3,314 4,311 516 889 0.07 72.29 Japan 3,074 1,384 1,090 368 250 0.02 -32.07 Korea, Republic of 2,151 1,445 2,315 172 445 0.04 158.72 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 649 502 635 134 232 0.02 73.13 Indonesia 25 19 30 2 30 0.00 1,400.00 Malaysia 43 39 32 12 10 0.00 -16.67 Philippines 347 226 300 55 113 0.01 105.45 Singapore 44 59 59 25 20 0.00 -20.00 Thailand 136 121 167 29 52 0.00 79.31 Viet Nam 54 38 47 11 7 0.00 -36.36 AUSTRALASIA 2,405 3,062 2,291 586 1,296 0.11 121.16 Australia 2,278 2,892 2,170 399 699 0.06 75.19 New Zealand 127 170 121 187 597 0.05 219.25 MELANESIA 2 1 3 Papua New Guinea 2 1 3 POLYNESIA 26 9 26 6 45 0.00 650.00 Samoa 26 9 26 6 45 0.00 650.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 43 36 42 11 56 0.00 409.09 Other countries of Oceania 43 36 42 11 56 0.00 409.09 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 322 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 40,402 42,607 53,817 10,544 24,690 2.03 134.16 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,120 2,954 10,322 456 1,250 0.10 174.12 Armenia 2 6 7 2 4 0.00 100.00 Belarus 18 10 13 11 0.00 Bulgaria 52 46 34 16 18 0.00 12.50 Czech Republic (Czechia) 164 276 190 38 87 0.01 128.95 Estonia 37 74 49 12 20 0.00 66.67 Hungary 84 94 54 24 43 0.00 79.17 Latvia 14 46 29 4 12 0.00 200.00 Lithuania 63 54 77 23 26 0.00 13.04 Poland 503 1,318 2,948 100 144 0.01 44.00 Romania 95 102 89 17 28 0.00 64.71 Russian Federation 839 600 273 97 158 0.01 62.89 Slovakia 164 234 6,472 77 592 0.05 668.83 Ukraine 85 88 81 46 107 0.01 132.61 Uzbekistan 6 6 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,590 6,562 4,802 1,138 1,879 0.15 65.11 Denmark 297 1,262 528 114 155 0.01 35.96 Finland 300 494 181 50 88 0.01 76.00 Iceland 32 18 25 7 17 0.00 142.86 Ireland 275 557 577 127 140 0.01 10.24 Norway 238 260 180 44 91 0.01 106.82 Sweden 1,062 1,201 1,138 276 562 0.05 103.62 United Kingdom 2,386 2,770 2,173 520 826 0.07 58.85 SOUTHERN EUROPE 20,517 18,914 22,398 5,522 10,772 0.88 95.07 Albania 6 14 16 2 11 0.00 450.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5 0.00 Croatia 52 69 49 15 29 0.00 93.33 Greece 67 87 150 43 17 0.00 -60.47 Holy See 8 9 4 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Italy 3,955 4,866 5,430 1,094 3,185 0.26 191.13 Malta 4 14 8 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Portugal 338 593 1,552 94 229 0.02 143.62 Slovenia 47 33 55 8 14 0.00 75.00 Spain 16,040 13,229 15,134 4,258 7,280 0.60 70.97 WESTERN EUROPE 12,354 12,871 15,233 3,160 9,706 0.80 207.15 Austria 319 320 285 81 197 0.02 143.21 Belgium 467 458 517 172 651 0.05 278.49 France 4,580 5,035 4,631 990 1,837 0.15 85.56 Germany 4,966 4,485 4,260 1,099 4,176 0.34 279.98 Liechtenstein 2 4 1 Luxembourg 48 60 68 25 519 0.04 1,976.00 Netherlands 986 1,348 1,188 411 528 0.04 28.47 Switzerland 988 1,163 4,280 381 1,798 0.15 371.92 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 747 1,235 939 232 1,042 0.09 349.14 Israel 399 468 389 139 965 0.08 594.24 Turkiye 348 767 550 93 77 0.01 -17.20 OTHER EUROPE 74 71 123 36 41 0.00 13.89 Other countries of Europe 74 71 123 36 41 0.00 13.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 323 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 107 121 145 20 87 0.01 335.00 Egypt 55 46 70 14 41 0.00 192.86 Iraq 1 1 3 0.00 Jordan 18 36 26 2 8 0.00 300.00 Lebanon 16 16 14 2 Oman 10 0.00 Saudi Arabia 18 22 34 2 25 0.00 1,150.00 SOUTH ASIA 937 1,005 883 264 412 0.03 56.06 Bangladesh 13 22 20 2 8 0.00 300.00 India 624 541 514 101 131 0.01 29.70 Iran, Islamic Republic of 11 1 6 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Maldives 4 Pakistan 9 15 9 31 5 0.00 -83.87 Sri Lanka 20 24 22 2 2 0.00 Other countries of South Asia 256 402 312 126 265 0.02 110.32 EL SALVADOR 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 737,548 694,916 714,896 172,622 243,077 100.00 40.81 AFRICA 160 235 67 3 50 0.02 1,566.67 EAST AFRICA 22 33 10 1 16 0.01 1,500.00 Ethiopia 13 19 7 1 15 0.01 1,400.00 Kenya 8 4 2 1 0.00 Malawi 1 Mozambique 1 3 Zambia 6 1 CENTRAL AFRICA 9 10 4 2 0.00 Cameroon 3 2 2 1 0.00 Congo 6 8 2 1 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 16 27 10 6 0.00 Morocco 12 21 8 5 0.00 Tunisia 4 6 2 1 0.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 23 22 6 5 0.00 South Africa 23 22 6 5 0.00 WEST AFRICA 40 96 13 1 8 0.00 700.00 Benin 1 1 Cabo Verde 8 3 1 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 19 30 10 1 7 0.00 600.00 Guinea 3 64 Liberia 1 Nigeria 8 1 OTHER AFRICA 50 47 24 1 13 0.01 1,200.00 Other countries of Africa 50 47 24 1 13 0.01 1,200.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 324 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 719,901 676,364 706,959 172,296 238,458 98.10 38.40 CARIBBEAN 1,070 1,736 1,899 169 201 0.08 18.93 Antigua and Barbuda 7 6 14 2 6 0.00 200.00 Bahamas 11 30 54 6 7 0.00 16.67 Barbados 17 27 26 2 3 0.00 50.00 Cuba 435 706 624 37 18 0.01 -51.35 Curacao 9 Dominica 8 7 12 2 Dominican Republic 405 692 820 82 117 0.05 42.68 Grenada 19 3 24 2 6 0.00 200.00 Haiti 41 78 75 10 3 0.00 -70.00 Jamaica 56 80 115 13 27 0.01 107.69 Saint Lucia 5 7 14 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6 7 9 1 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 26 49 59 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Other countries of the Caribbean 34 35 53 6 9 0.00 50.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 551,508 549,177 570,060 161,089 212,879 87.58 32.15 Belize 352 616 512 32 121 0.05 278.13 Costa Rica 10,422 14,065 13,822 1,393 1,548 0.64 11.13 Guatemala 41 7,516 398,414 413,042 113,137 1 75,620 72.25 55.23 Honduras 100,265 110,221 122,994 33,536 20,526 8.44 -38.79 Nicaragua 18,860 19,730 14,627 12,169 14,190 5.84 16.61 Panama 4,093 6,131 5,063 822 874 0.36 6.33 NORTH AMERICA 128,024 90,584 94,034 8,564 23,459 9.65 173.93 Canada 9,999 10,094 3,437 278 2,244 0.92 707.19 Mexico 21,559 18,455 31,879 2,980 2,197 0.90 -26.28 United States of America 96,466 62,035 58,718 5,306 19,018 7.82 258.42 SOUTH AMERICA 39,299 34,867 40,966 2,471 1,919 0.79 -22.34 Argentina 4,632 3,401 3,347 241 209 0.09 -13.28 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,007 816 1,099 57 39 0.02 -31.58 Brazil 4,575 4,375 4,724 293 202 0.08 -31.06 Chile 1,704 1,542 1,912 157 146 0.06 -7.01 Colombia 13,979 11,972 14,237 849 763 0.31 -10.13 Ecuador 2,644 2,936 3,463 171 157 0.06 -8.19 Guyana 117 70 107 2 7 0.00 250.00 Paraguay 308 234 346 21 13 0.01 -38.10 Peru 6,564 6,649 8,822 517 209 0.09 -59.57 Suriname 69 39 74 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Uruguay 572 540 637 38 58 0.02 52.63 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,128 2,293 2,198 120 115 0.05 -4.17 OTHER AMERICAS 3 Other countries of the Americas 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 325 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,871 3,339 1,286 46 516 0.21 1,021.74 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,843 2,104 926 26 255 0.10 880.77 China 1,126 1,135 517 13 143 0.06 1,000.00 Japan 1,010 474 131 9 40 0.02 344.44 Korea, Republic of 707 495 278 4 72 0.03 1,700.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 213 172 77 3 37 0.02 1,133.33 Indonesia 8 7 4 5 0.00 Malaysia 14 13 4 2 0.00 Philippines 114 78 36 1 18 0.01 1,700.00 Singapore 14 20 7 1 3 0.00 200.00 Thailand 45 41 20 1 8 0.00 700.00 Viet Nam 18 13 6 1 0.00 AUSTRALASIA 791 1,048 275 15 208 0.09 1,286.67 Australia 749 990 260 10 112 0.05 1,020.00 New Zealand 42 58 15 5 96 0.04 1,820.00 MELANESIA 1 Papua New Guinea 1 POLYNESIA 9 3 3 7 0.00 Samoa 9 3 3 7 0.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14 12 5 2 9 0.00 350.00 Other countries of Asia 2 Other countries of Oceania 14 12 5 9 0.00 EUROPE 13,273 14,593 6,461 269 3,973 1.63 1,376.95 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 698 1,010 1,240 11 201 0.08 1,727.27 Armenia 1 2 1 1 0.00 Belarus 6 3 2 2 0.00 Bulgaria 17 16 4 3 0.00 Czech Republic (Czechia) 54 95 23 1 14 0.01 1,300.00 Estonia 12 25 6 3 0.00 Hungary 28 32 6 1 7 0.00 600.00 Latvia 5 16 3 2 0.00 Lithuania 21 18 9 1 4 0.00 300.00 Poland 165 451 354 3 23 0.01 666.67 Romania 31 35 11 5 0.00 Russian Federation 276 205 33 2 25 0.01 1,150.00 Slovakia 54 80 777 2 95 0.04 4,650.00 Ukraine 28 30 10 1 17 0.01 1,600.00 Uzbekistan 2 1 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,509 2,247 577 28 303 0.12 982.14 Denmark 98 432 63 3 25 0.01 733.33 Finland 99 169 22 1 14 0.01 1,300.00 Iceland 11 6 3 3 0.00 Ireland 90 191 69 3 23 0.01 666.67 Norway 78 89 22 1 15 0.01 1,400.00 Sweden 349 411 137 7 90 0.04 1,185.71 United Kingdom 784 949 261 13 133 0.05 923.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 326 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,739 6,479 2,688 140 1,733 0.71 1,137.86 Albania 2 5 2 2 0.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 0.00 Croatia 17 24 6 5 0.00 Greece 22 30 18 1 3 0.00 200.00 Holy See 3 3 Italy 1,299 1,667 652 28 512 0.21 1,728.57 Malta 1 5 1 Portugal 111 203 186 2 37 0.02 1,750.00 Slovenia 15 11 7 2 0.00 Spain 5,269 4,531 1,816 109 1,171 0.48 974.31 WESTERN EUROPE 4,058 4,410 1,828 80 1,562 0.64 1,852.50 Austria 105 110 34 2 32 0.01 1,500.00 Belgium 153 157 62 4 105 0.04 2,525.00 France 1,504 1,725 556 25 296 0.12 1,084.00 Germany 1,631 1,536 511 28 672 0.28 2,300.00 Liechtenstein 1 Luxembourg 16 21 8 1 83 0.03 8,200.00 Netherlands 324 462 143 10 85 0.03 750.00 Switzerland 325 398 514 10 289 0.12 2,790.00 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 245 423 113 6 167 0.07 2,683.33 Israel 131 160 47 4 155 0.06 3,775.00 Turkiye 114 263 66 2 12 0.00 500.00 OTHER EUROPE 24 24 15 4 7 0.00 75.00 Other countries of Europe 24 24 15 4 7 0.00 75.00 MIDDLE EAST 35 41 17 1 14 0.01 1,300.00 Egypt 18 16 8 7 0.00 Jordan 6 12 3 1 0.00 Lebanon 5 5 2 Oman 2 0.00 Saudi Arabia 6 8 4 4 0.00 All countries of Middle East 1 SOUTH ASIA 308 344 106 7 66 0.03 842.86 Bangladesh 4 8 2 1 0.00 India 205 185 62 3 21 0.01 600.00 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 1 Maldives 1 Pakistan 3 5 1 1 1 0.00 Sri Lanka 7 8 3 Other countries of South Asia 84 138 37 3 43 0.02 1,333.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 327 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,322,631 3,463,862 3,488,212 775,301 1,163,920 100.00 50.12 AFRICA 1,437 2,536 738 54 668 0.06 1,137.04 EAST AFRICA 195 351 118 13 218 0.02 1,576.92 Ethiopia 117 203 82 10 199 0.02 1,890.00 Kenya 72 48 27 2 15 0.00 650.00 Malawi 7 4 0.00 Mozambique 6 30 1 1 Zambia 63 8 CENTRAL AFRICA 75 115 34 2 21 0.00 950.00 Cameroon 24 26 17 13 0.00 Congo 51 89 17 2 8 0.00 300.00 NORTH AFRICA 144 288 107 4 84 0.01 2,000.00 Morocco 108 225 84 2 69 0.01 3,350.00 Tunisia 36 63 23 2 15 0.00 650.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 210 236 64 5 65 0.01 1,200.00 South Africa 210 236 64 5 65 0.01 1,200.00 WEST AFRICA 354 1,044 152 16 115 0.01 618.75 Benin 6 7 3 Cabo Verde 72 32 2 19 0.00 850.00 Cote d'lvoire 174 328 110 14 92 0.01 557.14 Guinea 27 690 Liberia 6 4 Mali 4 0.00 Nigeria 69 15 4 Sierra Leone 3 OTHER AFRICA 459 502 263 14 165 0.01 1,078.57 Other countries of Africa 459 502 263 14 165 0.01 1,078.57 AMERICAS 3,161,405 3,264,004 3,399,550 770,184 1,103,772 94.83 43.31 CARIBBEAN 8,916 17,586 21,241 2,690 2,615 0.22 -2.79 Antigua and Barbuda 54 59 160 36 76 0.01 111.11 Bahamas 90 300 603 91 89 0.01 -2.20 Barbados 142 276 295 39 43 0.00 10.26 Bermuda 3 Cuba 3,633 7,145 6,970 590 229 0.02 -61.19 Curacao 100 Dominica 67 71 131 39 6 0.00 -84.62 Dominican Republic 3,382 7,008 9,163 1,290 1,522 0.13 17.98 Grenada 156 32 270 28 75 0.01 167.86 Haiti 338 793 843 155 39 0.00 -74.84 Jamaica 465 812 1,285 208 357 0.03 71.63 Puerto Rico 3 Saint Lucia 40 67 160 14 6 0.00 -57.14 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 50 75 105 6 9 0.00 50.00 Trinidad and Tobago 219 493 662 91 49 0.00 -46.15 Other countries of the Caribbean 280 355 594 97 115 0.01 18.56 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 328 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,421,980 1,805,175 1,651,707 595,767 742,008 63.75 24.55 Belize 2,933 6,238 4,279 424 1,612 0.14 280.19 Costa Rica 86,944 142,389 115,533 18,256 20,684 1.78 13.30 Guatemala 977,557 1,080,467 981,079 291,290 517,439 44.46 77.64 Honduras 234,757 407,153 435,639 221,645 119,424 10.26 -46.12 Nicaragua 85,644 106,856 72,853 53,381 71,167 6.11 33.32 Panama 34,145 62,072 42,324 10,771 11,682 1.00 8.46 NORTH AMERICA 1,303,378 1,090,770 1,300,406 133,480 332,092 28.53 148.80 Canada 91,377 92,249 38,402 4,377 29,214 2.51 567.44 Mexico 126,370 142,140 230,957 36,729 29,739 2.56 -19.03 United States of America 1,085,631 856,381 1,031,047 92,374 273,139 23.47 195.69 SOUTH AMERICA 427,131 350,473 426,196 38,247 27,057 2.32 -29.26 Argentina 50,342 34,182 34,824 3,733 2,943 0.25 -21.16 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 10,942 8,200 11,433 888 557 0.05 -37.27 Brazil 49,728 43,972 49,146 4,535 2,846 0.24 -37.24 Chile 18,519 15,505 19,892 2,425 2,056 0.18 -15.22 Colombia 151,934 120,344 148,118 13,142 10,759 0.92 -18.13 Ecuador 28,741 29,515 36,024 2,646 2,218 0.19 -16.18 Guyana 1,267 706 1,117 30 93 0.01 210.00 Paraguay 3,348 2,353 3,599 322 178 0.02 -44.72 Peru 71,344 66,833 91,777 8,005 2,949 0.25 -63.16 Suriname 755 388 766 82 15 0.00 -81.71 Uruguay 6,218 5,425 6,631 587 821 0.07 39.86 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 33,993 23,050 22,869 1,852 1,622 0.14 -12.42 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,362 35,982 14,367 719 6,731 0.58 836.16 NORHT-EAST ASIA 25,981 22,664 10,349 424 3,319 0.29 682.78 China 10,295 12,227 5,782 207 1,863 0.16 800.00 Japan 9,228 5,107 1,462 148 524 0.05 254.05 Korea, Republic of 6,458 5,330 3,105 69 932 0.08 1,250.72 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,946 1,853 851 54 487 0.04 801.85 Indonesia 75 70 40 1 63 0.01 6,200.00 Malaysia 129 144 43 5 21 0.00 320.00 Philippines 1,041 835 402 22 237 0.02 977.27 Singapore 132 218 79 10 42 0.00 320.00 Thailand 407 446 224 12 109 0.01 808.33 Viet Nam 162 140 63 4 15 0.00 275.00 AUSTRALASIA 7,222 11,295 3,072 235 2,714 0.23 1,054.89 Australia 6,841 10,668 2,910 160 1,464 0.13 815.00 New Zealand 381 627 162 75 1,250 0.11 1,566.67 MELANESIA 6 4 4 Papua New Guinea 6 4 4 POLYNESIA 78 33 35 2 94 0.01 4,600.00 Samoa 78 33 35 2 94 0.01 4,600.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 129 133 56 4 117 0.01 2,825.00 Other countries of Oceania 129 133 56 4 117 0.01 2,825.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 329 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 121,293 157,185 72,178 4,229 51,705 4.44 1,122.63 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,364 10,895 13,843 183 2,618 0.22 1,330.60 Armenia 6 22 9 1 8 0.00 700.00 Belarus 54 37 17 23 0.00 Bulgaria 156 170 46 6 38 0.00 533.33 Czech Republic (Czechia) 492 1,018 255 15 182 0.02 1,113.33 Estonia 111 273 66 5 42 0.00 740.00 Hungary 252 347 72 10 90 0.01 800.00 Latvia 42 170 39 2 25 0.00 1,150.00 Lithuania 189 199 103 9 54 0.00 500.00 Poland 1,511 4,861 3,953 40 302 0.03 655.00 Romania 285 376 119 7 59 0.01 742.86 Russian Federation 2,519 2,212 366 39 331 0.03 748.72 Slovakia 492 863 8,681 31 1,240 0.11 3,900.00 Ukraine 255 325 109 18 224 0.02 1,144.44 Uzbekistan 22 8 NORTHERN EUROPE 13,780 24,210 6,440 458 3,936 0.34 759.39 Denmark 892 4,656 708 46 325 0.03 606.52 Finland 901 1,824 243 20 184 0.02 820.00 Iceland 96 66 34 3 36 0.00 1,100.00 Ireland 826 2,055 774 51 293 0.03 474.51 Norway 715 959 241 18 191 0.02 961.11 Sweden 3,188 4,431 1,526 111 1,177 0.10 960.36 United Kingdom 7,162 10,219 2,914 209 1,730 0.15 727.75 SOUTHERN EUROPE 61,597 69,777 30,039 2,214 22,558 1.94 918.88 Albania 18 52 21 1 23 0.00 2,200.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 0.00 Croatia 156 255 66 6 61 0.01 916.67 Greece 201 321 201 17 36 0.00 111.76 Holy See 24 33 5 2 2 0.00 Italy 11,874 1 7,950 7,282 439 6,669 0.57 1,419.13 Malta 12 52 11 1 2 0.00 100.00 Portugal 1,015 2,188 2,081 38 480 0.04 1,163.16 Slovenia 141 122 74 3 29 0.00 866.67 Spain 48,156 48,804 20,298 1,707 15,246 1.31 793.15 WESTERN EUROPE 37,087 47,485 20,432 1,267 20,325 1.75 1,504.18 Austria 958 1,181 382 32 413 0.04 1,190.63 Belgium 1,402 1,690 693 69 1,364 0.12 1,876.81 France 13,749 18,576 6,212 397 3,848 0.33 869.27 Germany 14,909 16,547 5,714 441 8,744 0.75 1,882.77 Liechtenstein 7 5 Luxembourg 144 221 91 10 1,087 0.09 10,770.00 Netherlands 2,959 4,973 1,594 165 1,105 0.09 569.70 Switzerland 2,966 4,290 5,741 153 3,764 0.32 2,360.13 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,243 4,556 1,259 93 2,182 0.19 2,246.24 Israel 1,197 1,727 522 56 2,021 0.17 3,508.93 Turkiye 1,046 2,829 737 37 161 0.01 335.14 OTHER EUROPE 222 262 165 14 86 0.01 514.29 Other countries of Europe 222 262 165 14 86 0.01 514.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 330 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 321 447 195 9 182 0.02 1,922.22 Egypt 165 170 94 6 86 0.01 1,333.33 Iraq 4 1 6 0.00 Jordan 54 133 35 1 17 0.00 1,600.00 Lebanon 48 59 19 1 Oman 21 0.00 Saudi Arabia 54 81 46 1 52 0.00 5,100.00 SOUTH ASIA 2,813 3,708 1,184 106 862 0.07 713.21 Bangladesh 39 81 27 1 17 0.00 1,600.00 India 1,873 1,996 689 40 274 0.02 585.00 Iran, Islamic Republic of 33 4 8 1 2 0.00 100.00 Maldives 12 Pakistan 27 55 12 12 10 0.00 -16.67 Sri Lanka 60 89 30 1 4 0.00 300.00 Other countries of South Asia 769 1,483 418 51 555 0.05 988.24 EL SALVADOR 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 9,496,627 12,516,244 15,515,630 5,981,518 13,338,282 100.00 122.99 AFRICA 4,375 7,401 6,155 2,107 4,153 0.03 97.10 EAST AFRICA 593 1,023 983 487 1,354 0.01 178.03 Ethiopia 356 592 682 377 1,237 0.01 228.12 Kenya 219 140 223 79 91 0.00 15.19 Malawi 22 26 0.00 Mozambique 18 86 11 31 Zambia 183 67 CENTRAL AFRICA 228 333 290 94 130 0.00 38.30 Cameroon 73 75 145 78 0.00 Congo 155 258 145 94 52 0.00 -44.68 NORTH AFRICA 439 840 894 157 521 0.00 231.85 Morocco 329 657 704 63 430 0.00 582.54 Tunisia 110 183 190 94 91 0.00 -3.19 SOUTHERN AFRICA 640 689 536 189 404 0.00 113.76 South Africa 640 689 536 189 404 0.00 113.76 WEST AFRICA 1,077 3,051 1,262 614 716 0.01 16.61 Benin 18 22 22 Cabo Verde 219 268 63 117 0.00 85.71 Cote d'lvoire 530 959 916 535 573 0.00 7.10 Guinea 82 2,016 16 Liberia 18 11 Mali 26 0.00 Nigeria 210 43 34 Sierra Leone 22 OTHER AFRICA 1,398 1,465 2,190 566 1,028 0.01 81.63 Other countries of Africa 1,398 1,465 2,190 566 1,028 0.01 81.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 331 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 9,005,856 11,932,749 14,776,906 5,780,895 12,964,427 97.20 124.26 CARIBBEAN 35,649 45,184 56,324 15,273 23,629 0.18 54.71 Antigua and Barbuda 217 152 425 204 690 0.01 238.24 Bahamas 359 769 1,598 519 807 0.01 55.49 Barbados 567 709 782 220 391 0.00 77.73 Bermuda 16 Cuba 14,525 18,345 18,483 3,350 2,070 0.02 -38.21 Curacao 291 Dominica 267 182 346 220 52 0.00 -76.36 Dominican Republic 13,523 1 7,994 24,298 7,330 13,749 0.10 87.57 Grenada 626 81 715 157 677 0.01 331.21 Haiti 1,352 2,035 2,235 881 351 0.00 -60.16 Jamaica 1,860 2,086 3,408 1,180 3,228 0.02 1 73.56 Puerto Rico 16 Saint Lucia 159 172 425 79 52 0.00 -34.18 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 200 192 279 31 78 0.00 151.61 Trinidad and Tobago 876 1,265 1,754 519 443 0.00 -14.64 Other countries of the Caribbean 1,118 911 1,576 551 1,041 0.01 88.93 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,528,332 3,366,423 3,001,939 1,132,255 1,708,652 12.81 50.91 Belize 11,726 16,018 11,347 2,409 14,562 0.11 504.48 Costa Rica 347,627 365,594 306,371 103,751 186,858 1.40 80.10 Guatemala 1,307,348 1,642,944 1,454,439 410,225 808,569 6.06 97.10 Honduras 585,648 972,113 969,038 457,415 435,727 3.27 -4.74 Nicaragua 139,462 210,380 148,509 97,246 157,403 1.18 61.86 Panama 136,521 159,374 112,235 61,209 105,533 0.79 72.41 NORTH AMERICA 5,888,647 8,012,067 11,238,124 4,475,461 10,985,314 82.36 145.46 Canada 278,148 269,327 319,959 1 71,689 181,589 1.36 5.77 Mexico 239,439 285,743 378,082 135,024 252,472 1.89 86.98 United States of America 5,371,060 7,456,997 10,540,083 4,168,748 10,551,253 79.11 153.10 SOUTH AMERICA 553,228 509,075 480,519 157,906 246,832 1.85 56.32 Argentina 65,203 49,651 39,263 15,410 26,847 0.20 74.22 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 14,173 11,911 12,890 3,668 5,077 0.04 38.41 Brazil 64,408 63,871 55,410 18,721 25,964 0.19 38.69 Chile 23,986 22,521 22,428 10,011 18,758 0.14 87.37 Colombia 196,788 174,803 166,997 54,257 98,153 0.74 80.90 Ecuador 37,226 42,872 40,616 10,926 20,238 0.15 85.23 Guyana 1,641 1,025 1,259 124 846 0.01 582.26 Paraguay 4,337 3,418 4,057 1,331 1,622 0.01 21.86 Peru 92,406 97,078 103,475 33,048 26,902 0.20 -18.60 Suriname 978 563 864 340 141 0.00 -58.53 Uruguay 8,054 7,881 7,476 2,425 7,490 0.06 208.87 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 44,028 33,481 25,784 7,645 14,794 0.11 93.51 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 332 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 107,640 105,055 119,715 28,191 41,828 0.31 48.37 NORHT-EAST ASIA 79,084 66,170 86,230 16,602 20,623 0.15 24.22 China 31,337 35,697 48,176 8,108 11,577 0.09 42.78 Japan 28,089 14,911 12,180 5,791 3,256 0.02 -43.77 Korea, Republic of 19,658 15,562 25,874 2,703 5,790 0.04 114.21 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,923 5,411 7,093 2,107 3,020 0.02 43.33 Indonesia 228 205 335 31 391 0.00 1,161.29 Malaysia 393 420 358 189 130 0.00 -31.22 Philippines 3,168 2,439 3,350 865 1,471 0.01 70.06 Singapore 402 635 659 393 260 0.00 -33.84 Thailand 1,239 1,303 1,866 456 677 0.01 48.46 Viet Nam 493 409 525 173 91 0.00 -47.40 AUSTRALASIA 21,984 32,978 25,598 9,215 16,870 0.13 83.07 Australia 20,823 31,147 24,246 6,272 9,098 0.07 45.06 New Zealand 1,161 1,831 1,352 2,943 7,772 0.06 164.08 MELANESIA 18 11 34 Papua New Guinea 18 11 34 POLYNESIA 238 97 291 94 586 0.00 523.40 Samoa 238 97 291 94 586 0.00 523.40 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 393 388 469 173 729 0.01 321.39 Other countries of Oceania 393 388 469 173 729 0.01 321.39 EUROPE 369,214 458,911 601,367 165,860 321,379 2.41 93.77 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 19,378 31,809 115,340 7,175 16,268 0.12 126.73 Armenia 18 65 78 31 52 0.00 67.74 Belarus 164 108 145 143 0.00 Bulgaria 475 495 380 252 234 0.00 -7.14 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,499 2,973 2,123 598 1,132 0.01 89.30 Estonia 338 797 548 189 260 0.00 37.57 Hungary 768 1,012 603 377 560 0.00 48.54 Latvia 128 495 324 63 156 0.00 147.62 Lithuania 576 582 860 362 338 0.00 -6.63 Poland 4,600 14,191 32,937 1,573 1,874 0.01 19.14 Romania 868 1,099 995 267 364 0.00 36.33 Russian Federation 7,668 6,459 3,051 1,523 2,057 0.02 35.06 Slovakia 1,499 2,520 72,324 1,216 7,705 0.06 533.63 Ukraine 777 948 905 724 1,393 0.01 92.40 Uzbekistan 65 67 NORTHERN EUROPE 41,943 70,687 53,652 17,907 24,461 0.18 36.60 Denmark 2,714 13,593 5,896 1,793 2,018 0.02 12.55 Finland 2,742 5,326 2,023 786 1,146 0.01 45.80 Iceland 292 194 279 110 221 0.00 100.91 Ireland 2,514 6,000 6,447 2,001 1,823 0.01 -8.90 Norway 2,175 2,800 2,011 692 1,185 0.01 71.24 Sweden 9,705 12,938 12,716 4,344 7,316 0.05 68.42 United Kingdom 21,801 29,836 24,280 8,181 10,752 0.08 31.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 333 COUNTRY TABLES EL SALVADOR 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 187,499 203,713 250,281 86,859 140,214 1.05 61.43 Albania 55 151 179 31 143 0.00 361.29 Bosnia and Herzegovina 65 0.00 Croatia 474 743 548 236 377 0.00 59.75 Greece 612 937 1,676 676 221 0.00 -67.31 Holy See 73 97 45 94 13 0.00 -86.17 Italy 36,143 52,406 60,673 17,215 41,454 0.31 140.80 Malta 37 151 89 31 13 0.00 -58.06 Portugal 3,089 6,388 17,341 1,479 2,981 0.02 101.56 Slovenia 430 355 615 126 182 0.00 44.44 Spain 146,586 142,485 169,115 66,971 94,765 0.71 41.50 WESTERN EUROPE 112,893 138,636 170,232 49,697 126,339 0.95 154.22 Austria 2,916 3,447 3,185 1,274 2,564 0.02 101.26 Belgium 4,268 4,933 5,774 2,699 8,477 0.06 214.08 France 41,852 54,233 51,754 15,576 23,919 0.18 53.56 Germany 45,382 48,311 47,608 17,283 54,354 0.41 214.49 Liechtenstein 22 45 16 Luxembourg 439 646 760 393 6,756 0.05 1,619.08 Netherlands 9,007 14,518 13,277 6,462 6,869 0.05 6.30 Switzerland 9,029 12,526 47,829 5,994 23,400 0.18 290.39 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 6,825 13,301 10,488 3,656 13,563 0.10 270.98 Israel 3,642 5,041 4,347 2,190 12,561 0.09 473.56 Turkiye 3,183 8,260 6,141 1,466 1,002 0.01 -31.65 OTHER EUROPE 676 765 1,374 566 534 0.00 -5.65 Other countries of Europe 676 765 1,374 566 534 0.00 -5.65 MIDDLE EAST 977 1,303 1,620 313 1,132 0.01 261.66 Egypt 503 495 782 220 534 0.00 142.73 Iraq 11 11 39 0.00 Jordan 164 388 291 31 104 0.00 235.48 Lebanon 146 172 156 31 Oman 130 0.00 Saudi Arabia 164 237 380 31 325 0.00 948.39 SOUTH ASIA 8,565 10,825 9,867 4,152 5,363 0.04 29.17 Bangladesh 119 237 223 31 104 0.00 235.48 India 5,703 5,827 5,744 1,589 1,705 0.01 7.30 Iran, Islamic Republic of 101 11 67 31 13 0.00 -58.06 Maldives 37 Pakistan 82 162 101 488 65 0.00 -86.68 Sri Lanka 183 258 246 31 26 0.00 -16.13 Other countries of South Asia 2,340 4,330 3,486 1,982 3,450 0.03 74.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 334 COUNTRY TABLES ESTONIA / ESTONIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,945,113 1,920,203 1,999,473 598,387 499,920 100.00 -16.46 AFRICA 2,290 2,378 3,432 490 1,375 0.28 180.61 SOUTHERN AFRICA 447 536 736 81 63 0.01 -22.22 South Africa 447 536 736 81 63 0.01 -22.22 OTHER AFRICA 1,843 1,842 2,696 409 1,312 0.26 220.78 Other countries of Africa 1,843 1,842 2,696 409 1,312 0.26 220.78 AMERICAS 46,546 55,087 58,869 7,249 13,289 2.66 83.32 NORTH AMERICA 39,364 48,843 51,398 6,112 11,567 2.31 89.25 Canada 4,624 6,656 6,085 857 891 0.18 3.97 United States of America 34,740 42,187 45,313 5,255 10,676 2.14 103.16 SOUTH AMERICA 3,218 2,389 3,310 336 421 0.08 25.30 Brazil 3,218 2,389 3,310 336 421 0.08 25.30 OTHER AMERICAS 3,964 3,855 4,161 801 1,301 0.26 62.42 Other countries of the Americas 3,964 3,855 4,161 801 1,301 0.26 62.42 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 85,422 89,393 101,680 7,506 5,960 1.19 -20.60 NORHT-EAST ASIA 59,194 61,535 64,539 3,863 1,299 0.26 -66.37 China 17,377 18,425 23,828 1,222 636 0.13 -47.95 Japan 26,572 29,124 28,265 2,432 352 0.07 -85.53 Korea, Republic of 15,245 13,986 12,446 209 311 0.06 48.80 AUSTRALASIA 5,700 6,041 7,787 655 429 0.09 -34.50 Australia 5,700 6,041 7,787 655 429 0.09 -34.50 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,528 21,817 29,354 2,988 4,232 0.85 41.63 Other countries of Asia 19,623 20,709 27,384 2,728 3,945 0.79 44.61 Other countries of Oceania 905 1,108 1,970 260 287 0.06 10.38 EUROPE 1,776,273 1,732,363 1,791,694 557,888 459,732 91.96 -17.59 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 450,231 467,239 516,233 202,637 170,072 34.02 -16.07 Bulgaria 2,600 2,051 3,282 886 1,368 0.27 54.40 Czech Republic (Czechia) 5,838 6,615 7,164 1,250 3,679 0.74 194.32 Hungary 4,671 5,345 5,613 998 2,439 0.49 144.39 Latvia 135,778 139,388 155,457 83,103 79,644 15.93 -4.16 Lithuania 54,152 57,290 68,004 32,816 26,260 5.25 -19.98 Poland 25,252 27,665 31,307 7,418 13,392 2.68 80.53 Romania 4,035 3,607 4,705 1,529 2,775 0.56 81.49 Russian Federation 203,155 208,827 218,751 67,538 26,158 5.23 -61.27 Slovakia 2,630 2,437 2,979 580 1,703 0.34 193.62 Ukraine 12,120 14,014 18,971 6,519 12,654 2.53 94.11 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,038,391 952,819 939,709 297,286 179,250 35.86 -39.70 Denmark 14,866 14,994 19,025 3,420 4,465 0.89 30.56 Finland 862,916 780,446 749,000 263,279 132,778 26.56 -49.57 Iceland 1,481 1,607 1,736 406 668 0.13 64.53 Ireland 4,134 4,236 5,113 1,240 2,304 0.46 85.81 Norway 33,764 30,434 32,417 5,189 5,931 1.19 14.30 Sweden 69,864 67,353 73,241 10,705 17,142 3.43 60.13 United Kingdom 51,366 53,749 59,177 13,047 15,962 3.19 22.34 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 335 COUNTRY TABLES ESTONIA / ESTONIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 73,344 77,461 78,371 10,920 30,288 6.06 177.36 Greece 3,939 4,365 5,520 767 2,282 0.46 197.52 Italy 30,1 73 30,819 32,081 5,171 14,528 2.91 180.95 Malta 1,357 989 851 223 728 0.15 226.46 Portugal 3,389 4,427 4,322 662 1,875 0.38 183.23 Slovenia 2,767 2,155 2,462 496 1,530 0.31 208.47 Spain 31,719 34,706 33,135 3,601 9,345 1.87 159.51 WESTERN EUROPE 194,891 212,264 232,776 41,252 71,116 14.23 72.39 Austria 10,583 10,509 9,618 1,651 4,340 0.87 162.87 Belgium 13,750 9,116 11,297 2,295 6,114 1.22 166.41 France 28,928 31,471 34,973 5,616 12,527 2.51 123.06 Germany 109,179 126,241 139,482 24,901 35,263 7.05 41.61 Luxembourg 1,508 1,213 1,346 356 575 0.12 61.52 Netherlands 18,021 20,900 23,301 4,459 8,039 1.61 80.29 Switzerland 12,922 12,814 12,759 1,974 4,258 0.85 115.70 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 7,519 6,812 7,329 1,191 2,554 0.51 114.44 Cyprus 969 1,210 1,603 404 998 0.20 147.03 Turkiye 6,550 5,602 5,726 787 1,556 0.31 97.71 OTHER EUROPE 11,897 15,768 17,276 4,602 6,452 1.29 40.20 Other countries of Europe 11,897 15,768 17,276 4,602 6,452 1.29 40.20 NOT SPECIFIED 34,582 40,982 43,798 25,254 19,564 3.91 -22.53 Other countries of the world 34,582 40,982 43,798 25,254 19,564 3.91 -22.53 ESTONIA / ESTONIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,156,147 2,140,535 2,253,429 676,066 562,783 100.00 -16.76 AFRICA 2,579 2,753 3,910 705 1,513 0.27 114.61 SOUTHERN AFRICA 534 661 886 95 87 0.02 -8.42 South Africa 534 661 886 95 87 0.02 -8.42 OTHER AFRICA 2,045 2,092 3,024 610 1,426 0.25 133.77 Other countries of Africa 2,045 2,092 3,024 610 1,426 0.25 133.77 AMERICAS 52,082 61,473 66,596 7,978 15,256 2.71 91.23 NORTH AMERICA 43,899 54,104 57,692 6,869 12,956 2.30 88.62 Canada 5,518 7,649 7,385 1,017 1,004 0.18 -1.28 United States of America 38,381 46,455 50,307 5,852 11,952 2.12 104.24 SOUTH AMERICA 3,609 2,803 3,910 467 647 0.11 38.54 Brazil 3,609 2,803 3,910 467 647 0.11 38.54 OTHER AMERICAS 4,574 4,566 4,994 642 1,653 0.29 157.48 Other countries of the Americas 4,574 4,566 4,994 642 1,653 0.29 157.48 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 336 COUNTRY TABLES ESTONIA / ESTONIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 95,649 99,604 114,208 9,428 7,684 1.37 -18.50 NORHT-EAST ASIA 64,804 67,164 70,311 4,687 1,731 0.31 -63.07 China 19,698 20,381 26,506 1,557 756 0.13 -51.45 Japan 28,831 31,786 30,256 2,816 604 0.11 -78.55 Korea, Republic of 16,275 14,997 13,549 314 371 0.07 18.15 AUSTRALASIA 7,431 7,821 9,973 916 520 0.09 -43.23 Australia 7,431 7,821 9,973 916 520 0.09 -43.23 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,414 24,619 33,924 3,825 5,433 0.97 42.04 Other countries of Asia 21,843 22,852 30,969 3,481 5,031 0.89 44.53 Other countries of Oceania 1,571 1,767 2,955 344 402 0.07 16.86 EUROPE 1,972,223 1,933,692 2,021,698 629,689 515,859 91.66 -18.08 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 531,867 550,218 612,220 238,264 193,269 34.34 -18.88 Bulgaria 2,822 2,323 3,550 1,283 1,528 0.27 19.10 Czech Republic (Czechia) 7,262 8,252 9,557 1,528 4,309 0.77 182.00 Hungary 5,305 6,066 6,521 1,264 3,236 0.57 156.01 Latvia 161,250 162,873 182,860 97,368 88,635 15.75 -8.97 Lithuania 64,369 66,948 80,034 40,656 29,411 5.23 -27.66 Poland 29,527 31,639 36,334 9,446 15,481 2.75 63.89 Romania 4,459 4,426 5,190 1,645 2,992 0.53 81.88 Russian Federation 238,636 247,251 260,036 75,220 29,072 5.17 -61.35 Slovakia 3,062 2,939 3,619 937 2,023 0.36 115.90 Ukraine 15,175 17,501 24,519 8,917 16,582 2.95 85.96 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,106,155 1,024,160 1,016,693 320,134 193,570 34.40 -39.53 Denmark 15,964 16,056 20,270 3,675 4,769 0.85 29.77 Finland 916,241 834,993 804,645 281,982 143,523 25.50 -49.10 Iceland 1,639 1,838 1,984 459 717 0.13 56.21 Ireland 4,829 5,076 6,126 1,421 2,593 0.46 82.48 Norway 35,784 32,794 35,247 5,716 6,269 1.11 9.67 Sweden 73,296 71,107 78,131 11,278 18,012 3.20 59.71 United Kingdom 58,402 62,296 70,290 15,603 17,687 3.14 13.36 SOUTHERN EUROPE 86,112 90,769 92,735 13,485 36,311 6.45 169.27 Albania 392 461 556 107 153 0.03 42.99 Croatia 2,069 1,672 2,152 396 1,100 0.20 177.78 Greece 4,263 4,799 5,962 870 2,440 0.43 180.46 Italy 34,657 35,157 37,177 6,060 16,638 2.96 1 74.55 Malta 1,443 1,117 1,032 296 810 0.14 1 73.65 Portugal 3,856 5,109 5,025 836 2,135 0.38 155.38 Slovenia 3,325 2,573 2,835 552 1,670 0.30 202.54 Spain 36,107 39,881 37,996 4,368 11,365 2.02 160.19 WESTERN EUROPE 225,691 244,499 273,663 50,764 83,449 14.83 64.39 Austria 12,059 12,017 11,548 2,053 4,936 0.88 140.43 Belgium 15,216 10,514 13,356 2,678 6,694 1.19 149.96 France 33,767 36,301 41,279 7,051 15,438 2.74 118.95 Germany 125,660 143,529 162,036 30,882 41,512 7.38 34.42 Luxembourg 1,764 1,496 1,542 398 646 0.11 62.31 Netherlands 21,870 25,368 28,612 5,401 9,407 1.67 74.17 Switzerland 15,355 15,274 15,290 2,301 4,816 0.86 109.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 337 COUNTRY TABLES ESTONIA / ESTONIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 8,557 7,911 8,267 1,411 2,909 0.52 106.17 Cyprus 1,065 1,309 1,772 459 1,029 0.18 124.18 Turkiye 7,492 6,602 6,495 952 1,880 0.33 97.48 OTHER EUROPE 13,841 16,135 18,120 5,631 6,351 1.13 12.79 Other countries of Europe 13,841 16,135 18,120 5,631 6,351 1.13 12.79 NOT SPECIFIED 33,614 43,013 47,017 28,266 22,471 3.99 -20.50 Other countries of the world 33,614 43,013 47,017 28,266 22,471 3.99 -20.50 ESTONIA / ESTONIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,654,125 3,634,894 3,763,511 1,177,538 1,056,058 100.00 -10.32 AFRICA 5,023 5,845 8,205 1,009 2,376 0.22 135.48 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,047 1,087 1,885 163 142 0.01 -12.88 South Africa 1,047 1,087 1,885 163 142 0.01 -12.88 OTHER AFRICA 3,976 4,758 6,320 846 2,234 0.21 164.07 Other countries of Africa 3,976 4,758 6,320 846 2,234 0.21 164.07 AMERICAS 96,939 121,574 122,749 19,118 32,289 3.06 68.89 NORTH AMERICA 84,067 108,627 107,423 16,704 27,039 2.56 61.87 Canada 9,699 13,203 13,233 1,982 1,909 0.18 -3.68 United States of America 74,368 95,424 94,190 14,722 25,130 2.38 70.70 SOUTH AMERICA 5,467 5,015 6,331 689 996 0.09 44.56 Brazil 5,467 5,015 6,331 689 996 0.09 44.56 OTHER AMERICAS 7,405 7,932 8,995 1,725 4,254 0.40 146.61 Other countries of the Americas 7,405 7,932 8,995 1,725 4,254 0.40 146.61 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 127,745 145,623 162,848 15,524 13,036 1.23 -16.03 NORHT-EAST ASIA 82,308 91,958 96,938 7,715 3,070 0.29 -60.21 China 24,710 27,846 34,128 2,456 1,280 0.12 -47.88 Japan 40,108 46,496 47,156 4,792 821 0.08 -82.87 Korea, Republic of 17,490 17,616 15,654 467 969 0.09 107.49 AUSTRALASIA 10,970 12,073 15,411 1,380 935 0.09 -32.25 Australia 10,970 12,073 15,411 1,380 935 0.09 -32.25 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 34,467 41,592 50,499 6,429 9,031 0.86 40.47 Other countries of Asia 32,470 39,461 46,735 5,981 8,400 0.80 40.44 Other countries of Oceania 1,997 2,131 3,764 448 631 0.06 40.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 338 COUNTRY TABLES ESTONIA / ESTONIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 3,362,891 3,278,481 3,388,018 1,096,366 970,451 91.89 -11.48 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 806,029 840,814 927,206 379,793 329,222 31.17 -13.32 Bulgaria 7,176 6,290 5,804 2,128 2,719 0.26 27.77 Czech Republic (Czechia) 11,443 12,415 17,956 3,454 7,840 0.74 126.98 Hungary 9,036 11,354 10,702 1,757 4,940 0.47 181.16 Latvia 198,940 204,575 232,076 135,012 137,045 12.98 1.51 Lithuania 84,012 87,743 102,932 56,194 50,225 4.76 -10.62 Poland 46,082 51,058 55,333 17,879 27,177 2.57 52.01 Romania 10,567 10,070 9,447 2,278 5,116 0.48 124.58 Russian Federation 406,165 416,595 431,067 137,102 55,557 5.26 -59.48 Slovakia 5,719 5,567 6,145 1,129 3,467 0.33 207.09 Ukraine 26,889 35,147 55,744 22,860 35,136 3.33 53.70 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,946,543 1,798,907 1,804,412 569,521 358,774 33.97 -37.00 Denmark 27,296 28,283 36,546 7,321 10,011 0.95 36.74 Finland 1,584,839 1,430,558 1,401,348 493,677 255,066 24.15 -48.33 Iceland 3,598 4,168 4,165 773 1,550 0.15 100.52 Ireland 8,868 9,032 11,331 2,322 4,978 0.47 114.38 Norway 75,827 69,424 73,346 11,770 13,192 1.25 12.08 Sweden 137,349 139,716 151,411 23,924 38,085 3.61 59.19 United Kingdom 108,766 117,726 126,265 29,734 35,892 3.40 20.71 SOUTHERN EUROPE 172,830 177,940 162,559 23,079 96,309 9.12 317.30 Greece 8,481 9,553 10,783 1,861 5,417 0.51 191.08 Italy 62,699 78,735 65,864 11,465 57,898 5.48 405.00 Malta 2,676 1,956 1,897 445 1,153 0.11 159.10 Portugal 7,862 8,572 8,979 1,605 4,709 0.45 193.40 Slovenia 6,865 4,003 5,458 942 3,392 0.32 260.08 Spain 84,247 75,121 69,578 6,761 23,740 2.25 251.13 WESTERN EUROPE 395,078 410,661 442,484 113,511 163,891 15.52 44.38 Austria 22,721 20,515 19,422 3,832 9,016 0.85 135.28 Belgium 32,318 18,489 21,954 4,279 11,936 1.13 1 78.94 France 57,398 71,424 70,824 22,593 28,996 2.75 28.34 Germany 219,994 231,830 258,454 68,156 85,983 8.14 26.16 Luxembourg 2,702 2,299 2,843 657 1,074 0.10 63.47 Netherlands 35,361 40,849 45,091 9,930 18,206 1.72 83.34 Switzerland 24,584 25,255 23,896 4,064 8,680 0.82 113.58 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 16,311 15,937 16,202 2,857 7,040 0.67 146.41 Cyprus 2,127 3,018 4,179 819 2,391 0.23 191.94 Turkiye 14,184 12,919 12,023 2,038 4,649 0.44 128.12 OTHER EUROPE 26,100 34,222 35,155 7,605 15,215 1.44 100.07 Other countries of Europe 26,100 34,222 35,155 7,605 15,215 1.44 100.07 NOT SPECIFIED 61,527 83,371 81,691 45,521 37,906 3.59 -16.73 Other countries of the world 61,527 83,371 81,691 45,521 37,906 3.59 -16.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 339 COUNTRY TABLES ESTONIA / ESTONIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,150,419 4,174,552 4,375,637 1,403,802 1,282,743 100.00 -8.62 AFRICA 5,971 7,487 10,092 1,705 3,449 0.27 102.29 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,334 1,774 2,537 202 320 0.02 58.42 South Africa 1,334 1,774 2,537 202 320 0.02 58.42 OTHER AFRICA 4,637 5,713 7,555 1,503 3,129 0.24 108.18 Other countries of Africa 4,637 5,713 7,555 1,503 3,129 0.24 108.18 AMERICAS 111,208 139,384 145,037 24,069 42,641 3.32 77.16 NORTH AMERICA 95,962 123,963 125,311 20,553 33,309 2.60 62.06 Canada 11,621 16,164 17,141 2,515 2,329 0.18 -7.40 United States of America 84,341 107,799 108,170 18,038 30,980 2.42 71.75 SOUTH AMERICA 6,265 5,875 8,718 1,776 2,879 0.22 62.11 Brazil 6,265 5,875 8,718 1,776 2,879 0.22 62.11 OTHER AMERICAS 8,981 9,546 11,008 1,740 6,453 0.50 270.86 Other countries of the Americas 8,981 9,546 11,008 1,740 6,453 0.50 270.86 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 152,844 173,186 196,957 22,811 24,917 1.94 9.23 NORHT-EAST ASIA 95,112 105,414 112,009 10,101 5,289 0.41 -47.64 China 30,210 32,453 41,264 3,187 2,050 0.16 -35.68 Japan 45,065 52,744 52,222 6,178 2,129 0.17 -65.54 Korea, Republic of 19,837 20,217 18,523 736 1,110 0.09 50.82 AUSTRALASIA 14,955 16,954 21,792 2,059 1,414 0.11 -31.33 Australia 14,955 16,954 21,792 2,059 1,414 0.11 -31.33 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 42,777 50,818 63,156 10,651 18,214 1.42 71.01 Other countries of Asia 39,432 47,372 57,093 9,837 16,711 1.30 69.88 Other countries of Oceania 3,345 3,446 6,063 814 1,503 0.12 84.64 EUROPE 3,819,109 3,766,042 3,934,313 1,300,882 1,161,115 90.52 -10.74 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 987,301 1,030,006 1,153,186 478,133 406,574 31.70 -14.97 Bulgaria 8,059 7,627 6,953 4,805 3,189 0.25 -33.63 Czech Republic (Czechia) 16,465 18,506 25,300 5,697 11,051 0.86 93.98 Hungary 12,314 15,781 14,230 4,093 7,134 0.56 74.30 Latvia 243,509 246,282 279,961 162,074 157,267 12.26 -2.97 Lithuania 105,530 106,165 132,033 70,739 56,592 4.41 -20.00 Poland 57,701 61,465 69,667 25,292 33,707 2.63 33.27 Romania 12,211 13,298 11,558 2,952 6,039 0.47 104.57 Russian Federation 482,948 500,260 521,158 155,608 65,352 5.09 -58.00 Slovakia 8,033 9,148 8,222 4,751 5,834 0.45 22.80 Ukraine 40,531 51,474 84,104 42,122 60,409 4.71 43.41 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,094,869 1,956,240 1,974,729 624,166 397,111 30.96 -36.38 Denmark 30,590 30,864 39,779 8,134 10,805 0.84 32.84 Finland 1,695,227 1,540,560 1,512,487 528,904 280,767 21.89 -46.92 Iceland 4,066 5,390 4,744 883 1,730 0.13 95.92 Ireland 10,454 11,273 13,708 3,003 6,143 0.48 104.56 Norway 81,062 75,665 80,640 13,314 14,523 1.13 9.08 Sweden 145,394 148,594 162,185 25,081 40,832 3.18 62.80 United Kingdom 128,076 143,894 161,186 44,847 42,311 3.30 -5.65 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 340 COUNTRY TABLES ESTONIA / ESTONIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 210,678 219,746 204,519 36,641 121,312 9.46 231.08 Albania 845 1,388 1,511 201 398 0.03 98.01 Croatia 5,389 3,730 5,112 1,977 4,321 0.34 118.56 Greece 10,282 11,773 12,534 2,509 6,629 0.52 164.21 Italy 75,480 92,530 80,492 15,707 65,857 5.13 319.28 Malta 2,947 2,483 2,725 640 1,502 0.12 134.69 Portugal 9,829 11,824 10,780 2,768 6,247 0.49 125.69 Slovenia 8,218 5,433 6,377 1,156 4,046 0.32 250.00 Spain 97,688 90,585 84,988 11,683 32,312 2.52 176.57 WESTERN EUROPE 474,175 499,224 543,009 146,091 209,579 16.34 43.46 Austria 26,413 25,725 24,370 5,600 10,896 0.85 94.57 Belgium 35,838 21,821 26,600 5,719 14,153 1.10 147.47 France 71,001 84,886 88,445 29,210 42,955 3.35 47.06 Germany 263,413 280,971 312,716 87,885 108,271 8.44 23.20 Luxembourg 3,109 2,870 3,143 882 1,419 0.11 60.88 Netherlands 44,891 52,169 58,117 12,009 21,754 1.70 81.15 Switzerland 29,510 30,782 29,618 4,786 10,131 0.79 111.68 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,412 22,767 19,783 4,414 10,113 0.79 129.11 Cyprus 2,378 3,365 4,653 1,030 2,626 0.20 154.95 Turkiye 18,034 19,402 15,130 3,384 7,487 0.58 121.25 OTHER EUROPE 31,674 38,059 39,087 11,437 16,426 1.28 43.62 Other countries of Europe 31,674 38,059 39,087 11,437 16,426 1.28 43.62 NOT SPECIFIED 61,287 88,453 89,238 54,335 50,621 3.95 -6.84 Other countries of the world 61,287 88,453 89,238 54,335 50,621 3.95 -6.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 341 COUNTRY TABLES ESWATINI 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,342,639 1,277,253 1,225,520 345,349 210,705 100.00 -38.99 AFRICA 1,156,336 1,116,187 1,087,705 315,232 196,753 93.38 -37.58 EAST AFRICA 278,263 256,634 206,871 70,367 42,642 20.24 -39.40 Kenya 1,766 1,540 1,682 459 549 0.26 19.61 Malawi 5,257 4,800 5,336 1,674 885 0.42 -47.13 Mozambique 213,920 195,644 146,421 51,273 28,468 13.51 -44.48 Tanzania, United Republic of 5,694 5,483 6,039 1,679 1,076 0.51 -35.91 Zambia 5,447 4,936 4,437 1,193 1,178 0.56 -1.26 Zimbabwe 46,1 79 44,231 42,956 14,089 10,486 4.98 -25.57 SOUTHERN AFRICA 862,917 844,787 867,185 241,033 150,115 71.24 -37.72 Botswana 5,837 5,450 5,428 1,451 1,055 0.50 -27.29 Lesotho 6,859 7,061 5,662 1,258 1,323 0.63 5.17 South Africa 850,221 832,276 856,095 238,324 147,737 70.12 -38.01 WEST AFRICA 3,483 3,371 2,987 739 872 0.41 18.00 Nigeria 3,483 3,371 2,987 739 872 0.41 18.00 OTHER AFRICA 11,673 11,395 10,662 3,093 3,124 1.48 1.00 Other countries of Africa 11,673 11,395 10,662 3,093 3,124 1.48 1.00 AMERICAS 25,636 22,809 21,092 4,225 2,184 1.04 -48.31 NORTH AMERICA 23,007 20,298 18,863 3,776 1,917 0.91 -49.23 Canada 4,412 4,055 3,815 988 215 0.10 -78.24 United States of America 18,595 16,243 15,048 2,788 1,702 0.81 -38.95 SOUTH AMERICA 1,329 1,259 840 175 83 0.04 -52.57 Brazil 1,329 1,259 840 175 83 0.04 -52.57 OTHER AMERICAS 1,300 1,252 1,389 274 184 0.09 -32.85 Other countries of the Americas 1,300 1,252 1,389 274 184 0.09 -32.85 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,021 12,978 12,622 2,994 2,335 1.11 -22.01 NORHT-EAST ASIA 5,802 5,656 5,870 1,286 1,352 0.64 5.13 China 2,650 2,293 2,260 555 705 0.33 27.03 Korea, Republic of 1,904 2,032 1,922 391 303 0.14 -22.51 Taiwan Province of China 1,248 1,331 1,688 340 344 0.16 1.18 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 409 465 486 133 90 0.04 -32.33 Philippines 409 465 486 133 90 0.04 -32.33 AUSTRALASIA 3,329 3,043 2,501 412 62 0.03 -84.95 Australia 3,329 3,043 2,501 412 62 0.03 -84.95 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,481 3,814 3,765 1,163 831 0.39 -28.55 Other countries of Asia 4,481 3,814 3,765 1,163 831 0.39 -28.55 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 342 COUNTRY TABLES ESWATINI 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 131,045 112,581 91,489 18,697 5,408 2.57 -71.08 NORTHERN EUROPE 18,701 16,002 12,947 3,371 1,614 0.77 -52.12 Norway 624 495 498 113 47 0.02 -58.41 Sweden 2,008 1,622 1,164 486 94 0.04 -80.66 United Kingdom 16,069 13,885 11,285 2,772 1,473 0.70 -46.86 SOUTHERN EUROPE 9,339 7,567 6,118 1,361 849 0.40 -37.62 Italy 3,682 3,303 2,976 466 230 0.11 -50.64 Portugal 5,657 4,264 3,142 895 619 0.29 -30.84 WESTERN EUROPE 90,978 77,918 62,261 11,422 1,892 0.90 -83.44 Belgium 6,529 6,491 5,646 721 235 0.11 -67.41 France 32,802 26,162 21,091 4,371 692 0.33 -84.17 Germany 23,981 22,622 16,400 3,261 585 0.28 -82.06 Netherlands 24,150 19,299 16,389 2,526 298 0.14 -88.20 Switzerland 3,516 3,344 2,735 543 82 0.04 -84.90 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,089 1,011 1,029 232 119 0.06 -48.71 Israel 1,089 1,011 1,029 232 119 0.06 -48.71 OTHER EUROPE 10,938 10,083 9,134 2,311 934 0.44 -59.58 Other countries of Europe 10,938 10,083 9,134 2,311 934 0.44 -59.58 MIDDLE EAST 420 394 304 103 120 0.06 16.50 Kuwait 40 59 24 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Saudi Arabia 25 7 5 3 United Arab Emirates 13 11 10 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Other countries of Middle East 342 317 265 89 118 0.06 32.58 SOUTH ASIA 15,181 12,304 12,308 4,098 3,905 1.85 -4.71 India 7,580 6,070 6,364 2,022 1,753 0.83 -13.30 Iran, Islamic Republic of 84 68 52 13 33 0.02 153.85 Pakistan 7,517 6,166 5,892 2,063 2,119 1.01 2.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 343 COUNTRY TABLES ESWATINI 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 323,195 276,439 244,373 70,295 34,120 100.00 -51.46 AFRICA 218,342 162,321 154,768 50,710 30,070 88.13 -40.70 EAST AFRICA 16,485 12,668 12,529 3,922 581 1.70 -85.19 Mozambique 16,485 12,668 12,529 3,922 320 0.94 -91.84 Tanzania, United Republic of 261 0.76 SOUTHERN AFRICA 193,849 142,712 131,883 44,679 27,843 81.60 -37.68 South Africa 182,837 136,825 129,999 43,018 26,963 79.02 -37.32 Other countries of Southern Africa 11,012 5,887 1,884 1,661 880 2.58 -47.02 OTHER AFRICA 8,008 6,941 10,356 2,109 1,646 4.82 -21.95 Other countries of Africa 8,008 6,941 10,356 2,109 1,646 4.82 -21.95 AMERICAS 20,359 17,035 12,784 3,437 355 1.04 -89.67 OTHER AMERICAS 20,359 17,035 12,784 3,437 355 1.04 -89.67 All countries of the Americas 20,359 1 7,035 12,784 3,437 355 1.04 -89.67 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,506 7,538 7,246 1,396 1,246 3.65 -10.74 AUSTRALASIA 1,254 2,411 2,130 354 316 0.93 -10.73 Australia 1,254 2,411 2,130 354 316 0.93 -10.73 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,252 5,127 5,116 1,042 930 2.73 -10.75 Other countries of Asia 7,252 5,127 5,116 1,042 930 2.73 -10.75 EUROPE 75,988 89,545 69,575 14,752 2,449 7.18 -83.40 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,293 8,399 5,759 1,125 49 0.14 -95.64 United Kingdom 7,293 8,399 5,759 1,125 49 0.14 -95.64 OTHER EUROPE 68,695 81,146 63,816 13,627 2,400 7.03 -82.39 Other countries of Europe 68,695 81,146 63,816 13,627 2,400 7.03 -82.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 344 COUNTRY TABLES ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE / ETIOPIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 933,343 849,122 811,604 270,619 518,199 100.00 91.49 AFRICA 281,568 249,252 243,674 136,694 341,708 65.94 149.98 EAST AFRICA 97,559 82,505 83,506 48,668 91,014 17.56 87.01 Djibouti 13,787 11,852 11,989 6,960 10,322 1.99 48.30 Eritrea 976 3,092 1,148 8,003 11,350 2.19 41.82 Kenya 32,470 23,380 27,258 9,023 18,322 3.54 103.06 Malawi 6,760 6,043 5,776 1,862 5,366 1.04 188.18 Rwanda 6,284 6,627 5,565 1,747 2,706 0.52 54.89 Somalia 6,167 5,618 5,368 10,294 17,576 3.39 70.74 Tanzania, United Republic of 10,395 9,397 8,986 2,799 6,566 1.27 134.58 Uganda 12,773 9,392 10,620 3,251 3,457 0.67 6.34 Zimbabwe 7,947 7,104 6,796 4,729 15,349 2.96 224.57 CENTRAL AFRICA 8,160 7,246 6,922 1,252 2,274 0.44 81.63 Chad 8,160 7,246 6,922 1,252 2,274 0.44 81.63 NORTH AFRICA 27,920 21,106 23,455 16,827 47,656 9.20 183.21 Sudan 27,920 21,106 23,455 16,827 47,656 9.20 183.21 SOUTHERN AFRICA 20,547 17,145 17,171 6,015 14,131 2.73 134.93 South Africa 20,547 17,145 17,171 6,015 14,131 2.73 134.93 WEST AFRICA 38,721 39,324 34,312 22,213 75,786 14.62 241.18 Ghana 8,467 7,656 7,316 4,307 12,097 2.33 180.87 Mali 4,680 4,246 4,058 2,040 4,029 0.78 97.50 Nigeria 25,574 27,422 22,938 15,866 59,660 11.51 276.02 OTHER AFRICA 88,661 81,926 78,308 41,719 110,847 21.39 165.70 Other countries of Africa 88,661 81,926 78,308 41,719 110,847 21.39 165.70 AMERICAS 182,486 176,513 160,524 39,240 68,113 13.14 73.58 NORTH AMERICA 173,979 168,814 153,162 35,269 56,234 10.85 59.44 Canada 23,325 21,214 20,278 6,148 7,253 1.40 17.97 United States of America 150,654 147,600 132,884 29,121 48,981 9.45 68.20 OTHER AMERICAS 8,507 7,699 7,362 3,971 11,879 2.29 199.14 Other countries of the Americas 8,507 7,699 7,362 3,971 11,879 2.29 199.14 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 73,548 76,875 66,093 23,890 27,071 5.22 13.32 NORHT-EAST ASIA 54,801 58,905 49,744 15,652 18,059 3.48 15.38 China 45,308 50,626 41,837 13,324 16,569 3.20 24.35 Japan 5,713 5,024 4,800 856 438 0.08 -48.83 Korea, Republic of 3,780 3,255 3,107 1,472 1,052 0.20 -28.53 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,947 2,576 2,458 1,911 1,919 0.37 0.42 Philippines 2,947 2,576 2,458 1,911 1,919 0.37 0.42 AUSTRALASIA 9,620 8,520 8,140 2,047 1,239 0.24 -39.47 Australia 8,353 7,402 7,073 1,647 942 0.18 -42.81 New Zealand 1,267 1,118 1,067 400 297 0.06 -25.75 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,180 6,874 5,751 4,280 5,854 1.13 36.78 Other countries of Asia 5,053 5,798 4,719 4,163 5,773 1.11 38.67 Other countries of Oceania 1,127 1,076 1,032 117 81 0.02 -30.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 345 COUNTRY TABLES ETHIOPIA / ETHIOPIE / ETIOPIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 280,266 248,022 242,500 50,045 56,431 10.89 12.76 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,813 2,962 2,504 895 1,439 0.28 60.78 Russian Federation 2,813 2,962 2,504 895 1,439 0.28 60.78 NORTHERN EUROPE 85,280 72,029 72,956 16,954 17,929 3.46 5.75 Denmark 4,560 4,132 3,954 769 762 0.15 -0.91 Finland 3,867 3,481 3,330 492 600 0.12 21.95 Norway 8,627 7,713 7,374 1,925 2,682 0.52 39.32 Sweden 17,832 13,978 15,003 3,229 4,506 0.87 39.55 United Kingdom 50,394 42,725 43,295 10,539 9,379 1.81 -11.01 SOUTHERN EUROPE 35,883 32,762 31,317 4,187 3,510 0.68 -16.17 Greece 1,920 1,741 1,670 349 316 0.06 -9.46 Italy 33,963 31,021 29,647 3,838 3,194 0.62 -16.78 WESTERN EUROPE 114,764 102,880 99,978 17,556 20,201 3.90 15.07 Austria 5,040 4,444 4,244 586 440 0.08 -24.91 Belgium 9,700 8,505 8,128 1,530 2,046 0.39 33.73 France 28,940 26,804 25,623 6,347 6,698 1.29 5.53 Germany 42,224 36,847 36,858 4,912 5,311 1.02 8.12 Netherlands 16,867 15,341 14,667 3,078 4,169 0.80 35.45 Switzerland 11,993 10,939 10,458 1,103 1,537 0.30 39.35 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 18,326 16,586 15,861 5,781 6,040 1.17 4.48 Israel 13,273 12,100 11,571 4,133 3,468 0.67 -16.09 Turkiye 5,053 4,486 4,290 1,648 2,572 0.50 56.07 OTHER EUROPE 23,200 20,803 19,884 4,672 7,312 1.41 56.51 Other countries of Europe 23,200 20,803 19,884 4,672 7,312 1.41 56.51 MIDDLE EAST 82,235 70,101 70,312 7,834 10,324 1.99 31.78 Egypt 5,907 6,265 5,173 1,727 293 0.06 -83.03 Kuwait 3,127 2,845 2,738 78 169 0.03 116.67 Saudi Arabia 29,174 21,054 24,221 1,622 1,640 0.32 1.11 United Arab Emirates 17,340 15,440 14,760 270 678 0.13 151.11 Yemen 11,360 10,274 9,820 2,208 3,072 0.59 39.13 Other countries of Middle East 15,327 14,223 13,600 1,929 4,472 0.86 131.83 SOUTH ASIA 33,240 28,359 28,501 9,673 14,552 2.81 50.44 India 30,920 25,066 26,171 8,973 13,410 2.59 49.45 Pakistan 2,320 3,293 2,330 700 1,142 0.22 63.14 NOT SPECIFIED 3,243 Other countries of the world 3,243 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 346 COUNTRY TABLES FIJI / FIDJI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 842,884 870,309 894,389 146,905 31,618 100.00 -78.48 AMERICAS 93,619 99,295 110,237 20,094 4,591 14.52 -77.15 NORTH AMERICA 93,619 99,295 110,237 20,094 4,591 14.52 -77.15 Canada 12,421 13,220 13,269 2,896 358 1.13 -87.64 United States of America 81,198 86,075 96,968 17,198 4,233 13.39 -75.39 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 687,789 706,409 719,762 114,203 26,197 82.85 -77.06 NORHT-EAST ASIA 64,956 70,411 70,843 12,275 2,464 7.79 -79.93 China 48,796 49,271 47,027 9,319 2,178 6.89 -76.63 Hong Kong, China 939 1,061 2,142 156 2 0.01 -98.72 Japan 6,350 11,903 14,868 2,252 233 0.74 -89.65 Korea, Republic of 8,871 8,176 6,806 548 51 0.16 -90.69 AUSTRALASIA 550,284 564,378 573,018 83,378 19,101 60.41 -77.09 Australia 365,689 365,660 367,020 58,062 18,569 58.73 -68.02 New Zealand 184,595 198,718 205,998 25,316 532 1.68 -97.90 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 72,549 71,620 75,901 18,550 4,632 14.65 -75.03 Other countries of Asia 18,829 19,966 21,532 6,453 2,557 8.09 -60.38 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 53,720 51,654 54,369 12,097 2,075 6.56 -82.85 EUROPE 51,563 53,730 52,914 10,334 589 1.86 -94.30 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 782 863 1,116 277 22 0.07 -92.06 Russian Federation 782 863 1,116 277 22 0.07 -92.06 NORTHERN EUROPE 21,453 20,937 21,528 4,448 219 0.69 -95.08 Denmark 1,442 1,500 1,677 297 5 0.02 -98.32 Finland 573 631 620 151 6 0.02 -96.03 Norway 1,016 996 905 146 7 0.02 -95.21 Sweden 1,497 1,513 1,470 367 13 0.04 -96.46 United Kingdom 16,925 16,297 16,856 3,487 188 0.59 -94.61 SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,451 4,920 4,808 433 49 0.15 -88.68 Italy 3,039 3,359 3,259 273 36 0.11 -86.81 Spain 1,412 1,561 1,549 160 13 0.04 -91.88 WESTERN EUROPE 20,115 21,413 19,394 4,043 202 0.64 -95.00 Austria 994 959 791 197 13 0.04 -93.40 France 5,798 6,443 5,644 907 115 0.36 -87.32 Germany 9,071 9,658 8,871 2,041 43 0.14 -97.89 Netherlands 1,700 1,770 1,835 362 8 0.03 -97.79 Switzerland 2,552 2,583 2,253 536 23 0.07 -95.71 OTHER EUROPE 4,762 5,597 6,068 1,133 97 0.31 -91.44 Other countries of Europe 4,762 5,597 6,068 1,133 97 0.31 -91.44 SOUTH ASIA 5,183 5,901 6,231 1,185 150 0.47 -87.34 India 5,183 5,901 6,231 1,185 150 0.47 -87.34 NOT SPECIFIED 4,730 4,974 5,245 1,089 91 0.29 -91.64 Other countries of the world 4,730 4,974 5,245 1,089 91 0.29 -91.64 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 347 COUNTRY TABLES FIJI / FIDJI 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,278,251 3,397,774 3,773,326 735,733 141,261 100.00 -80.80 AMERICAS 346,824 372,263 466,684 94,404 12,343 8.74 -86.93 NORTH AMERICA 346,824 372,263 466,684 94,404 12,343 8.74 -86.93 Canada 35,059 37,638 45,873 10,040 591 0.42 -94.11 United States of America 311,765 334,625 420,811 84,364 11,752 8.32 -86.07 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,321,436 2,305,524 2,573,756 469,808 103,289 73.12 -78.01 NORHT-EAST ASIA 31,029 44,140 50,398 11,519 1,079 0.76 -90.63 Japan 31,029 44,140 50,398 11,519 1,079 0.76 -90.63 AUSTRALASIA 2,158,562 2,149,339 2,412,842 398,679 50,712 35.90 -87.28 Australia 1,591,1 76 1,597,612 1,744,960 314,284 46,551 32.95 -85.19 New Zealand 567,386 551,727 667,882 84,395 4,161 2.95 -95.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 131,845 112,045 110,516 59,610 51,498 36.46 -13.61 Other countries of Oceania 131,845 112,045 110,516 59,610 51,498 36.46 -13.61 EUROPE 211,528 215,754 232,262 48,256 1,494 1.06 -96.90 NORTHERN EUROPE 84,504 80,772 84,605 18,559 752 0.53 -95.95 United Kingdom 84,504 80,772 84,605 18,559 752 0.53 -95.95 OTHER EUROPE 127,024 134,982 147,657 29,697 742 0.53 -97.50 Other countries of Europe 127,024 134,982 147,657 29,697 742 0.53 -97.50 NOT SPECIFIED 398,463 504,233 500,624 123,265 24,135 17.09 -80.42 Other countries of the world 398,463 504,233 500,624 123,265 24,135 17.09 -80.42 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 348 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,180,254 3,224,164 3,290,238 895,577 806,962 100.00 -9.89 AFRICA 11,174 11,465 11,851 2,850 2,659 0.33 -6.70 EAST AFRICA 1,981 2,906 2,487 936 910 0.11 -2.78 British Indian Ocean Territory 21 12 12 14 10 0.00 -28.57 Burundi 46 15 24 2 4 0.00 100.00 Comoros 11 11 7 Djibouti 5 12 9 4 6 0.00 50.00 Eritrea 37 42 37 2 19 0.00 850.00 Ethiopia 289 599 718 513 391 0.05 -23.78 Kenya 478 570 540 155 140 0.02 -9.68 Madagascar 16 19 12 8 26 0.00 225.00 Malawi 19 19 27 8 16 0.00 100.00 Mauritius 145 95 88 27 23 0.00 -14.81 Mozambique 179 136 183 22 15 0.00 -31.82 Reunion 15 37 51 39 12 0.00 -69.23 Rwanda 15 45 41 14 30 0.00 114.29 Seychelles 33 78 55 22 17 0.00 -22.73 Somalia 65 145 110 30 59 0.01 96.67 Tanzania, United Republic of 305 263 220 28 53 0.01 89.29 Uganda 103 143 124 21 39 0.00 85.71 Zambia 142 139 142 16 41 0.01 156.25 Zimbabwe 57 526 87 11 9 0.00 -18.18 CENTRAL AFRICA 914 242 310 119 142 0.02 19.33 Angola 41 24 15 5 12 0.00 140.00 Cameroon 680 69 104 38 41 0.01 7.89 Central African Republic 14 36 31 7 17 0.00 142.86 Chad 11 4 13 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Congo 104 41 48 15 33 0.00 120.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 24 25 42 9 14 0.00 55.56 Equatorial Guinea 4 2 6 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Gabon 29 38 49 29 21 0.00 -27.59 Sao Tome and Principe 7 3 2 NORTH AFRICA 1,362 1,717 1,922 518 434 0.05 -16.22 Algeria 285 363 447 80 108 0.01 35.00 Morocco 628 856 920 260 202 0.03 -22.31 Sudan 136 93 107 20 36 0.00 80.00 Tunisia 313 405 448 156 87 0.01 -44.23 Western Sahara 2 1 0.00 -50.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,042 3,843 4,762 714 642 0.08 -10.08 Botswana 25 40 54 12 4 0.00 -66.67 Eswatini 275 226 220 34 78 0.01 129.41 Lesotho 4 4 Namibia 892 244 228 35 85 0.01 142.86 South Africa 2,846 3,333 4,256 633 475 0.06 -24.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 349 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 2,875 2,757 2,370 563 531 0.07 -5.68 Benin 5 21 16 6 0.00 Burkina Faso 18 9 31 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Cabo Verde 20 4 20 7 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 156 59 94 11 14 0.00 27.27 Gambia 36 61 34 23 18 0.00 -21.74 Ghana 238 333 268 71 74 0.01 4.23 Guinea 18 24 40 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Guinea-Bissau 4 3 4 1 0.00 Liberia 7 24 15 3 0.00 Mali 979 915 763 129 45 0.01 -65.12 Mauritania 56 50 51 5 12 0.00 140.00 Niger 198 176 154 27 47 0.01 74.07 Nigeria 611 546 445 210 227 0.03 8.10 Saint Helena 15 9 16 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Senegal 82 122 76 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Sierra Leone 429 397 339 60 51 0.01 -15.00 Togo 3 4 4 8 1 0.00 -87.50 AMERICAS 174,411 189,506 195,750 51,221 53,188 6.59 3.84 CARIBBEAN 766 1,073 1,080 254 402 0.05 58.27 Anguilla 17 15 10 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Antigua and Barbuda 36 37 35 6 8 0.00 33.33 Aruba 9 32 42 6 23 0.00 283.33 Bahamas 19 62 52 10 12 0.00 20.00 Barbados 23 28 40 33 9 0.00 -72.73 Bermuda 24 27 22 6 12 0.00 100.00 British Virgin Islands 24 8 8 9 13 0.00 44.44 Cayman Islands 8 29 13 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Cuba 63 171 192 22 30 0.00 36.36 Dominica 41 43 50 15 25 0.00 66.67 Dominican Republic 79 94 118 34 73 0.01 114.71 Grenada 7 5 20 10 11 0.00 10.00 Guadeloupe 3 4 Haiti 29 41 36 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Jamaica 150 70 52 8 7 0.00 -12.50 Martinique 1 1 2 Montserrat 1 4 9 1 Puerto Rico 26 169 241 31 133 0.02 329.03 Saint Kitts and Nevis 6 24 23 12 Saint Lucia 5 9 11 3 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 10 9 1 3 0.00 200.00 Trinidad and Tobago 55 66 64 13 13 0.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 12 9 24 1 7 0.00 600.00 United States Virgin Islands 128 116 7 15 12 0.00 -20.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 350 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,688 2,264 2,347 525 626 0.08 19.24 Belize 71 146 44 11 4 0.00 -63.64 Costa Rica 493 659 712 157 201 0.02 28.03 El Salvador 605 484 407 91 114 0.01 25.27 Guatemala 98 111 134 47 67 0.01 42.55 Honduras 119 225 218 98 77 0.01 -21.43 Nicaragua 186 390 644 69 100 0.01 44.93 Panama 116 249 188 52 63 0.01 21.15 NORTH AMERICA 148,939 161,619 166,854 45,689 47,758 5.92 4.53 Canada 18,580 17,870 19,324 3,226 3,444 0.43 6.76 Greenland 108 101 142 10 17 0.00 70.00 Mexico 4,524 4,510 4,871 1,250 1,185 0.15 -5.20 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 5 United States of America 125,726 139,138 142,512 41,203 43,112 5.34 4.63 SOUTH AMERICA 23,018 24,550 25,469 4,753 4,402 0.55 -7.38 Argentina 6,517 6,337 4,313 537 274 0.03 -48.98 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 64 87 80 31 25 0.00 -19.35 Brazil 11,358 11,984 12,732 2,449 2,496 0.31 1.92 Chile 1,767 2,200 3,026 708 422 0.05 -40.40 Colombia 1,295 1,565 2,124 375 639 0.08 70.40 Ecuador 266 259 391 46 49 0.01 6.52 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 42 71 117 7 9 0.00 28.57 French Guiana 6 38 25 50 23 0.00 -54.00 Guyana 4 9 6 2 Paraguay 29 74 101 8 21 0.00 162.50 Peru 658 802 990 271 217 0.03 -19.93 Suriname 96 93 107 39 15 0.00 -61.54 Uruguay 670 784 1,104 165 143 0.02 -13.33 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 246 247 353 65 69 0.01 6.15 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 532,720 533,920 577,513 126,730 35,584 4.41 -71.92 NORHT-EAST ASIA 414,062 402,330 439,507 92,105 18,104 2.24 -80.34 China 209,568 202,697 234,383 42,772 5,835 0.72 -86.36 Hong Kong, China 31,478 34,377 38,212 12,181 3,757 0.47 -69.16 Japan 124,548 113,000 119,104 26,201 5,897 0.73 -77.49 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 814 612 813 110 52 0.01 -52.73 Korea, Republic of 28,038 32,803 28,044 4,789 2,082 0.26 -56.53 Macao, China 790 626 694 139 21 0.00 -84.89 Mongolia 145 182 173 62 13 0.00 -79.03 Taiwan Province of China 18,681 18,033 18,084 5,851 447 0.06 -92.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 351 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 77,315 84,405 90,442 24,884 15,058 1.87 -39.49 Brunei Darussalam 26 58 53 16 4 0.00 -75.00 Cambodia 43 50 217 30 43 0.01 43.33 Indonesia 7,931 9,116 12,700 3,012 1,831 0.23 -39.21 Lao People's Democratic Republic 69 68 69 24 20 0.00 -16.67 Malaysia 11,948 14,476 15,016 4,662 2,096 0.26 -55.04 Myanmar 159 239 327 64 16 0.00 -75.00 Philippines 5,236 5,212 7,412 2,159 3,609 0.45 67.16 Singapore 32,571 33,934 30,457 8,365 2,121 0.26 -74.64 Thailand 17,403 19,210 20,943 6,191 4,665 0.58 -24.65 Timor-Leste 2 17 9 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Viet Nam 1,927 2,025 3,239 356 652 0.08 83.15 AUSTRALASIA 41,032 46,692 47,085 9,638 2,312 0.29 -76.01 Australia 37,903 43,608 43,658 8,966 2,094 0.26 -76.65 New Zealand 3,129 3,084 3,427 672 218 0.03 -67.56 MELANESIA 128 190 243 51 53 0.01 3.92 Fiji 44 32 102 35 31 0.00 -11.43 New Caledonia 38 87 70 5 16 0.00 220.00 Papua New Guinea 29 18 24 4 6 0.00 50.00 Solomon Islands 15 37 27 3 Vanuatu 2 16 20 4 MICRONESIA 21 74 65 13 2 0.00 -84.62 Christmas Island, Australia 4 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 5 2 Guam 5 28 7 4 Kiribati 3 5 10 1 Marshall Islands 2 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 2 9 1 2 Nauru 6 26 29 4 Northern Mariana Islands 2 8 Palau 4 6 POLYNESIA 162 229 171 39 55 0.01 41.03 American Samoa 40 55 14 1 4 0.00 300.00 Cook Islands 12 8 13 2 0.00 French Polynesia 9 22 23 21 21 0.00 Niue 2 6 2 Pitcairn 23 58 46 Samoa 4 12 25 2 0.00 Tokelau 31 67 29 13 24 0.00 84.62 Tonga 35 2 9 1 2 0.00 100.00 Tuvalu 4 1 6 Wallis and Futuna Islands 4 2 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 352 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 2,202,768 2,216,959 2,286,782 650,195 662,293 82.07 1.86 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 612,311 616,690 641,643 212,749 129,226 16.01 -39.26 Armenia 272 299 469 130 125 0.02 -3.85 Azerbaijan 465 504 644 233 178 0.02 -23.61 Belarus 2,583 3,289 3,080 1,048 600 0.07 -42.75 Bulgaria 3,241 3,074 3,652 1,117 1,590 0.20 42.35 Czech Republic (Czechia) 16,544 1 7,592 20,089 4,161 5,763 0.71 38.50 Estonia 93,684 95,442 96,394 55,817 52,597 6.52 -5.77 Georgia 1,836 1,723 1,768 619 435 0.05 -29.73 Hungary 8,245 8,942 9,884 2,388 3,117 0.39 30.53 Kazakhstan 1,945 1,760 1,644 633 484 0.06 -23.54 Kyrgyzstan 61 138 100 31 6 0.00 -80.65 Latvia 23,243 25,511 26,253 12,318 11,253 1.39 -8.65 Lithuania 16,224 1 7,490 19,623 7,627 8,471 1.05 11.07 Moldova, Republic of 405 544 395 97 110 0.01 13.40 Poland 38,187 38,205 42,406 9,773 15,772 1.95 61.38 Romania 9,167 9,243 10,248 3,049 6,151 0.76 101.74 Russian Federation 382,114 377,633 387,415 106,233 15,181 1.88 -85.71 Slovakia 4,244 4,978 5,419 1,601 1,866 0.23 16.55 Tajikistan 47 76 32 6 8 0.00 33.33 Turkmenistan 45 45 46 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Ukraine 9,420 10,029 11,852 5,418 5,392 0.67 -0.48 Uzbekistan 339 173 230 439 126 0.02 -71.30 NORTHERN EUROPE 757,552 741,293 731,661 162,996 223,274 27.67 36.98 Channel Islands 23 0.00 Denmark 62,346 62,737 64,192 16,022 17,731 2.20 10.67 Faeroe Islands 296 288 579 60 179 0.02 198.33 Iceland 7,429 6,656 7,080 1,108 1,549 0.19 39.80 Ireland 13,977 15,694 17,229 3,776 7,631 0.95 102.09 Isle of Man 8 23 40 14 13 0.00 -7.14 Norway 103,142 102,708 102,446 33,301 22,282 2.76 -33.09 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Sweden 341,271 323,195 319,823 56,294 85,309 10.57 51.54 United Kingdom 229,083 229,992 220,272 52,416 88,554 10.97 68.94 SOUTHERN EUROPE 172,075 180,306 194,101 43,893 75,842 9.40 72.79 Albania 388 431 574 120 246 0.03 105.00 Andorra 127 165 193 38 83 0.01 118.42 Bosnia and Herzegovina 301 373 413 78 345 0.04 342.31 Croatia 2,917 3,284 3,803 982 1,520 0.19 54.79 Gibraltar 62 73 47 21 63 0.01 200.00 Greece 7,106 7,557 9,340 1,883 3,903 0.48 107.28 Holy See 190 16 14 7 0.00 Italy 74,781 74,991 81,566 20,030 31,401 3.89 56.77 Malta 1,089 1,696 2,149 505 1,185 0.15 134.65 Montenegro 181 134 270 45 92 0.01 104.44 North Macedonia 275 257 492 101 170 0.02 68.32 Portugal 10,150 13,256 14,883 3,367 4,271 0.53 26.85 San Marino 22 61 52 8 14 0.00 75.00 Serbia 1,121 1,295 1,642 652 396 0.05 -39.26 Slovenia 4,110 4,028 4,316 1,132 1,676 0.21 48.06 Spain 69,255 72,689 74,347 14,931 30,470 3.78 104.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 353 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 626,249 647,127 684,093 217,424 226,955 28.12 4.38 Austria 30,152 29,645 33,108 7,859 10,942 1.36 39.23 Belgium 31,148 36,796 39,625 12,859 12,916 1.60 0.44 France 101,105 105,691 119,640 42,318 41,121 5.10 -2.83 Germany 297,446 304,387 313,131 96,016 106,046 13.14 10.45 Liechtenstein 371 290 457 114 139 0.02 21.93 Luxembourg 3,789 3,840 4,739 1,900 2,303 0.29 21.21 Monaco 310 302 372 190 299 0.04 57.37 Netherlands 88,245 94,931 102,374 37,155 30,806 3.82 -17.09 Switzerland 73,683 71,245 70,647 19,013 22,383 2.77 17.72 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 34,581 31,543 35,284 13,133 6,996 0.87 -46.73 Cyprus 915 1,287 1,670 366 502 0.06 37.16 Israel 19,221 16,813 20,716 8,049 4,023 0.50 -50.02 Turkiye 14,445 13,443 12,898 4,718 2,471 0.31 -47.63 MIDDLE EAST 12,160 14,532 20,561 5,131 6,254 0.78 21.89 Bahrain 197 224 317 53 58 0.01 9.43 Egypt 1,221 1,485 1,397 567 278 0.03 -50.97 Iraq 382 404 526 189 200 0.02 5.82 Jordan 690 479 614 131 124 0.02 -5.34 Kuwait 712 710 1,003 452 267 0.03 -40.93 Lebanon 624 655 685 198 152 0.02 -23.23 Libya 82 108 110 15 24 0.00 60.00 Oman 458 377 476 65 43 0.01 -33.85 Qatar 1,421 2,343 2,676 744 1,370 0.17 84.14 Saudi Arabia 2,172 2,077 2,490 532 565 0.07 6.20 State of Palestine 27 48 38 5 16 0.00 220.00 Syrian Arab Republic 202 119 235 60 127 0.02 111.67 United Arab Emirates 3,941 5,476 9,869 2,114 3,023 0.37 43.00 Yemen 31 27 125 6 7 0.00 16.67 SOUTH ASIA 34,029 38,044 45,813 10,772 6,378 0.79 -40.79 Afghanistan 239 347 516 194 253 0.03 30.41 Bangladesh 410 372 624 143 217 0.03 51.75 Bhutan 37 33 25 5 India 29,152 33,449 41,039 9,462 4,868 0.60 -48.55 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,664 2,079 1,685 386 428 0.05 10.88 Maldives 35 29 84 16 1 0.00 -93.75 Nepal 264 353 458 237 310 0.04 30.80 Pakistan 920 934 870 194 182 0.02 -6.19 Sri Lanka 308 448 512 135 119 0.01 -11.85 NOT SPECIFIED 212,992 219,738 151,968 48,678 40,606 5.03 -16.58 Other countries of the world 212,992 219,738 151,968 48,678 40,606 5.03 -16.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 354 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 5,726,279 5,777,077 5,943,764 1,852,080 1,713,419 100.00 -7.49 AFRICA 23,688 24,744 23,994 6,302 7,256 0.42 15.14 EAST AFRICA 5,338 6,543 4,873 1,833 2,022 0.12 10.31 British Indian Ocean Territory 28 15 40 18 7 0.00 -61.11 Burundi 58 31 38 2 6 0.00 200.00 Comoros 11 12 13 Djibouti 16 30 9 8 60 0.00 650.00 Eritrea 101 157 66 8 20 0.00 150.00 Ethiopia 833 1,265 1,228 705 526 0.03 -25.39 Kenya 1,126 1,564 1,072 411 475 0.03 15.57 Madagascar 42 60 40 24 43 0.00 79.17 Malawi 30 45 40 10 21 0.00 110.00 Mauritius 490 179 190 46 60 0.00 30.43 Mozambique 388 298 305 70 30 0.00 -57.14 Reunion 29 55 145 99 49 0.00 -50.51 Rwanda 30 65 91 56 84 0.00 50.00 Seychelles 57 137 91 17 33 0.00 94.12 Somalia 163 189 225 163 91 0.01 -44.17 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,026 730 486 55 170 0.01 209.09 Uganda 268 349 292 68 128 0.01 88.24 Zambia 477 311 319 37 177 0.01 378.38 Zimbabwe 165 1,051 183 36 42 0.00 16.67 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,225 560 519 341 572 0.03 67.74 Angola 85 76 34 9 21 0.00 133.33 Cameroon 797 202 182 219 406 0.02 85.39 Central African Republic 20 83 60 9 21 0.00 133.33 Chad 31 4 12 16 Congo 158 62 101 26 60 0.00 130.77 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 43 37 55 15 27 0.00 80.00 Equatorial Guinea 4 9 9 12 4 0.00 -66.67 Gabon 74 72 63 35 33 0.00 -5.71 Sao Tome and Principe 13 15 3 NORTH AFRICA 2,704 3,725 4,153 1,244 1,413 0.08 13.59 Algeria 618 900 1,034 180 438 0.03 143.33 Morocco 1,140 1,868 2,122 662 765 0.04 15.56 Sudan 292 171 239 59 41 0.00 -30.51 Tunisia 654 786 758 343 168 0.01 -51.02 Western Sahara 1 0.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,254 9,105 10,305 1,762 2,219 0.13 25.94 Botswana 75 73 156 20 38 0.00 90.00 Eswatini 542 442 384 59 214 0.01 262.71 Lesotho 27 12 Namibia 1,501 519 497 73 179 0.01 145.21 South Africa 7,109 8,071 9,256 1,610 1,788 0.10 11.06 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 355 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 5,167 4,811 4,144 1,122 1,030 0.06 -8.20 Benin 10 34 33 12 0.00 Burkina Faso 63 58 60 2 26 0.00 1,200.00 Cabo Verde 70 29 41 8 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 191 118 193 27 34 0.00 25.93 Gambia 113 129 36 22 13 0.00 -40.91 Ghana 618 614 503 153 96 0.01 -37.25 Guinea 25 39 69 4 4 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 23 3 4 Liberia 14 41 27 12 0.00 Mali 1,304 1,124 1,009 161 63 0.00 -60.87 Mauritania 101 69 63 7 29 0.00 314.29 Niger 397 370 301 68 84 0.00 23.53 Nigeria 1,258 1,134 1,051 514 513 0.03 -0.19 Saint Helena 23 10 29 4 0.00 Senegal 257 300 149 18 12 0.00 -33.33 Sierra Leone 690 720 572 137 116 0.01 -15.33 Togo 10 19 4 9 4 0.00 -55.56 AMERICAS 364,638 381,048 417,613 100,160 116,841 6.82 16.65 CARIBBEAN 1,723 2,721 2,388 585 1,065 0.06 82.05 Anguilla 60 21 21 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Antigua and Barbuda 83 96 70 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Aruba 16 60 44 10 41 0.00 310.00 Bahamas 81 299 165 15 24 0.00 60.00 Barbados 49 58 56 67 13 0.00 -80.60 Bermuda 57 91 39 12 18 0.00 50.00 British Virgin Islands 30 89 17 9 25 0.00 177.78 Cayman Islands 55 87 21 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Cuba 102 380 301 40 52 0.00 30.00 Dominica 124 65 101 36 31 0.00 -13.89 Dominican Republic 130 235 370 57 119 0.01 108.77 Grenada 19 8 39 95 17 0.00 -82.11 Guadeloupe 6 10 Haiti 70 75 58 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Jamaica 342 157 69 14 7 0.00 -50.00 Martinique 1 8 Montserrat 1 4 11 1 Puerto Rico 48 387 564 67 621 0.04 826.87 Saint Kitts and Nevis 6 59 39 25 Saint Lucia 8 19 17 9 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 19 11 3 3 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 239 330 327 35 32 0.00 -8.57 Turks and Caicos Islands 41 20 26 5 13 0.00 160.00 United States Virgin Islands 157 156 14 42 22 0.00 -47.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 356 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,259 4,073 5,158 2,134 1,378 0.08 -35.43 Belize 163 174 84 23 6 0.00 -73.91 Costa Rica 1,021 1,246 1,660 367 549 0.03 49.59 El Salvador 1,022 895 771 172 212 0.01 23.26 Guatemala 242 255 323 84 108 0.01 28.57 Honduras 181 347 816 1,129 133 0.01 -88.22 Nicaragua 341 666 932 278 237 0.01 -14.75 Panama 289 490 572 81 133 0.01 64.20 NORTH AMERICA 313,491 326,005 353,083 86,189 104,122 6.08 20.81 Canada 43,444 39,790 45,505 8,614 10,389 0.61 20.61 Greenland 305 297 453 18 48 0.00 166.67 Mexico 9,531 8,689 10,606 2,385 2,638 0.15 10.61 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 3 7 United States of America 260,208 277,229 296,512 75,1 72 91,047 5.31 21.12 SOUTH AMERICA 46,165 48,249 56,984 11,252 10,276 0.60 -8.67 Argentina 12,293 12,069 9,213 1,103 724 0.04 -34.36 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 116 200 155 28 209 0.01 646.43 Brazil 23,373 24,737 27,211 5,217 6,048 0.35 15.93 Chile 3,785 4,555 7,347 1,618 809 0.05 -50.00 Colombia 2,592 3,285 4,643 1,559 1,150 0.07 -26.23 Ecuador 631 618 1,362 84 208 0.01 147.62 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 103 217 141 9 9 0.00 French Guiana 4 81 104 59 27 0.00 -54.24 Guyana 9 13 7 2 Paraguay 63 142 225 25 60 0.00 140.00 Peru 1,266 1,646 2,506 839 545 0.03 -35.04 Suriname 223 149 185 87 14 0.00 -83.91 Uruguay 1,088 3,191 403 336 0.02 -16.63 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 619 537 694 219 137 0.01 -37.44 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 866,384 888,402 984,473 216,478 76,869 4.49 -64.49 NORHT-EAST ASIA 659,797 660,283 727,073 157,888 41,862 2.44 -73.49 China 302,747 319,167 374,432 72,735 16,176 0.94 -77.76 Hong Kong, China 46,496 49,359 53,142 15,589 4,749 0.28 -69.54 Japan 232,314 208,525 217,775 51,082 14,099 0.82 -72.40 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,538 978 1,448 194 90 0.01 -53.61 Korea, Republic of 48,378 56,004 52,191 9,382 5,657 0.33 -39.70 Macao, China 1,233 1,093 1,146 223 34 0.00 -84.75 Mongolia 486 360 453 107 32 0.00 -70.09 Taiwan Province of China 26,605 24,797 26,486 8,576 1,025 0.06 -88.05 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 357 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 122,203 132,618 160,497 37,750 28,201 1.65 -25.30 Brunei Darussalam 72 92 114 44 10 0.00 -77.27 Cambodia 84 108 371 70 63 0.00 -10.00 Indonesia 13,363 13,998 25,622 4,764 3,870 0.23 -18.77 Lao People's Democratic Republic 124 150 139 49 33 0.00 -32.65 Malaysia 17,601 19,893 21,348 6,617 3,121 0.18 -52.83 Myanmar 339 333 475 409 54 0.00 -86.80 Philippines 8,836 8,897 23,881 4,121 8,037 0.47 95.03 Singapore 52,867 53,433 48,905 12,818 5,091 0.30 -60.28 Thailand 25,487 32,208 33,807 8,085 6,859 0.40 -15.16 Timor-Leste 4 34 24 11 5 0.00 -54.55 Viet Nam 3,426 3,472 5,811 762 1,058 0.06 38.85 AUSTRALASIA 83,783 94,592 96,204 20,605 6,604 0.39 -67.95 Australia 77,573 88,1 72 89,354 18,815 6,102 0.36 -67.57 New Zealand 6,210 6,420 6,850 1,790 502 0.03 -71.96 MELANESIA 265 321 394 95 104 0.01 9.47 Fiji 93 46 163 52 60 0.00 15.38 New Caledonia 81 142 118 18 34 0.00 88.89 Papua New Guinea 72 33 35 16 10 0.00 -37.50 Solomon Islands 17 71 39 4 Vanuatu 2 29 39 5 MICRONESIA 50 251 93 14 2 0.00 -85.71 Christmas Island, Australia 4 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 14 3 Guam 12 144 12 6 Kiribati 5 12 12 1 Marshall Islands 2 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 25 1 2 Nauru 14 62 46 2 Northern Mariana Islands 4 14 Palau 4 4 POLYNESIA 286 337 212 126 96 0.01 -23.81 American Samoa 71 27 30 3 4 0.00 33.33 Cook Islands 22 17 15 2 0.00 French Polynesia 25 34 28 86 46 0.00 -46.51 Niue 5 10 10 Pitcairn 28 96 49 Samoa 10 22 19 2 0.00 Tokelau 52 125 41 23 40 0.00 73.91 Tonga 68 9 17 1 2 0.00 100.00 Tuvalu 4 1 3 Wallis and Futuna Islands 6 1 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 358 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 4,025,359 4,011,934 4,146,880 1,415,523 1,401,283 81.78 -1.01 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,093,486 1,080,360 1,110,942 420,121 291,454 17.01 -30.63 Armenia 650 643 1,156 350 399 0.02 14.00 Azerbaijan 1,035 1,230 1,296 636 279 0.02 -56.13 Belarus 6,788 6,714 6,609 3,354 3,715 0.22 10.76 Bulgaria 7,887 8,197 9,054 4,599 3,933 0.23 -14.48 Czech Republic (Czechia) 31,976 35,362 39,155 9,883 16,084 0.94 62.74 Estonia 155,830 159,803 162,934 98,008 102,797 6.00 4.89 Georgia 3,696 4,060 4,042 1,207 1,120 0.07 -7.21 Hungary 18,243 20,788 23,730 6,163 8,064 0.47 30.85 Kazakhstan 5,814 5,680 5,524 2,252 2,874 0.17 27.62 Kyrgyzstan 247 369 315 160 15 0.00 -90.63 Latvia 40,230 38,736 42,251 18,611 19,007 1.11 2.13 Lithuania 27,205 28,891 33,889 13,913 17,762 1.04 27.66 Moldova, Republic of 850 983 1,029 299 340 0.02 13.71 Poland 101,775 84,877 83,280 24,115 43,901 2.56 82.05 Romania 21,460 22,593 23,775 8,033 17,195 1.00 114.05 Russian Federation 633,628 622,663 631,094 206,726 34,890 2.04 -83.12 Slovakia 9,514 10,246 11,811 5,034 6,249 0.36 24.14 Tajikistan 117 131 82 12 8 0.00 -33.33 Turkmenistan 111 169 108 7 51 0.00 628.57 Ukraine 25,717 27,776 29,043 15,993 12,575 0.73 -21.37 Uzbekistan 713 449 765 766 196 0.01 -74.41 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,318,947 1,271,140 1,257,125 313,092 471,958 27.54 50.74 Channel Islands 46 0.00 Denmark 103,934 101,102 108,342 31,593 41,231 2.41 30.51 Faeroe Islands 914 571 1,404 133 272 0.02 104.51 Iceland 18,627 15,464 16,153 2,193 3,831 0.22 74.69 Ireland 26,601 31,334 33,436 8,333 16,593 0.97 99.12 Isle of Man 10 55 77 21 13 0.00 -38.10 Norway 161,325 152,172 153,372 42,414 36,723 2.14 -13.42 Sweden 485,419 454,982 454,667 91,890 140,751 8.21 53.17 United Kingdom 522,117 515,460 489,674 136,515 232,498 13.57 70.31 SOUTHERN EUROPE 345,714 365,855 398,423 109,241 172,546 10.07 57.95 Albania 787 937 1,110 360 1,081 0.06 200.28 Andorra 254 272 351 75 175 0.01 133.33 Bosnia and Herzegovina 786 763 1,032 259 834 0.05 222.01 Croatia 6,014 8,471 9,040 3,330 3,838 0.22 15.26 Gibraltar 89 162 146 80 327 0.02 308.75 Greece 1 7,692 1 7,432 21,107 5,741 8,871 0.52 54.52 Holy See 433 18 27 17 0.00 Italy 139,797 141,752 161,672 46,231 63,809 3.72 38.02 Malta 2,415 3,540 4,124 1,168 2,490 0.15 113.18 Montenegro 355 339 674 111 342 0.02 208.11 North Macedonia 753 548 1,032 195 564 0.03 189.23 Portugal 22,343 28,538 32,485 11,808 10,847 0.63 -8.14 San Marino 32 98 109 8 25 0.00 212.50 Serbia 3,083 2,769 3,812 1,387 1,576 0.09 13.63 Slovenia 10,144 8,686 9,201 2,943 4,014 0.23 36.39 Spain 140,737 151,530 152,501 35,545 73,736 4.30 107.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 359 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 1,180,944 1,212,486 1,297,866 537,592 448,404 26.17 -16.59 Austria 61,607 60,207 66,811 22,683 22,828 1.33 0.64 Belgium 59,716 70,555 76,100 28,358 24,732 1.44 -12.79 France 241,719 260,543 299,494 142,902 97,415 5.69 -31.83 Germany 513,661 509,508 526,467 198,933 199,525 11.64 0.30 Liechtenstein 848 583 934 229 333 0.02 45.41 Luxembourg 7,204 7,396 10,221 4,775 5,567 0.32 16.59 Monaco 631 579 708 335 488 0.03 45.67 Netherlands 1 71,660 182,845 199,810 100,442 57,195 3.34 -43.06 Switzerland 123,898 120,270 117,321 38,935 40,321 2.35 3.56 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 86,268 82,093 82,524 35,477 16,921 0.99 -52.30 Cyprus 2,462 2,894 3,904 850 1,480 0.09 74.12 Israel 54,256 49,112 51,786 22,607 8,031 0.47 -64.48 Turkiye 29,550 30,087 26,834 12,020 7,410 0.43 -38.35 MIDDLE EAST 30,571 34,745 43,168 10,889 14,573 0.85 33.83 Bahrain 473 547 917 94 114 0.01 21.28 Egypt 2,910 3,883 3,323 1,380 1,064 0.06 -22.90 Iraq 708 1,682 834 305 484 0.03 58.69 Jordan 1,392 1,955 1,536 285 359 0.02 25.96 Kuwait 1,870 1,907 2,583 1,140 725 0.04 -36.40 Lebanon 1,420 1,556 1,716 431 301 0.02 -30.16 Libya 149 278 236 46 74 0.00 60.87 Oman 2,326 1,897 2,118 667 361 0.02 -45.88 Qatar 2,833 3,867 4,576 1,036 2,458 0.14 137.26 Saudi Arabia 6,514 5,471 5,437 1,287 1,135 0.07 -11.81 State of Palestine 67 107 93 10 24 0.00 140.00 Syrian Arab Republic 336 168 395 118 441 0.03 273.73 United Arab Emirates 9,531 11,363 19,213 4,083 6,998 0.41 71.39 Yemen 42 64 191 7 35 0.00 400.00 SOUTH ASIA 85,938 87,062 102,994 23,370 16,069 0.94 -31.24 Afghanistan 464 665 730 275 265 0.02 -3.64 Bangladesh 714 612 869 410 445 0.03 8.54 Bhutan 54 49 50 5 India 75,636 76,1 79 92,936 19,478 12,729 0.74 -34.65 Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,210 5,265 4,072 1,979 1,879 0.11 -5.05 Maldives 177 67 129 30 2 0.00 -93.33 Nepal 350 1,171 1,012 500 225 0.01 -55.00 Pakistan 1,578 1,692 1,527 438 366 0.02 -16.44 Sri Lanka 755 1,362 1,669 255 158 0.01 -38.04 NOT SPECIFIED 329,701 349,142 224,642 79,358 80,528 4.70 1.47 Other countries of the world 329,701 349,142 224,642 79,358 80,528 4.70 1.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 360 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 6,742,834 6,842,589 7,055,997 2,291,336 2,085,366 100.00 -8.99 AFRICA 24,811 26,404 25,978 7,273 8,369 0.40 15.07 EAST AFRICA 5,438 7,184 5,394 2,363 2,385 0.11 0.93 British Indian Ocean Territory 67 17 40 20 18 0.00 -10.00 Burundi 63 31 38 2 8 0.00 300.00 Comoros 11 12 13 Djibouti 16 30 11 8 60 0.00 650.00 Eritrea 101 157 75 8 28 0.00 250.00 Ethiopia 839 1,535 1,558 1,100 815 0.04 -25.91 Kenya 1,143 1,652 1,098 473 501 0.02 5.92 Madagascar 42 60 40 24 44 0.00 83.33 Malawi 30 45 45 11 21 0.00 90.91 Mauritius 490 184 192 57 62 0.00 8.77 Mozambique 388 306 345 70 30 0.00 -57.14 Reunion 29 72 145 115 49 0.00 -57.39 Rwanda 30 84 93 56 89 0.00 58.93 Seychelles 63 142 113 49 33 0.00 -32.65 Somalia 175 346 245 169 92 0.00 -45.56 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,029 764 539 55 176 0.01 220.00 Uganda 272 364 294 68 140 0.01 105.88 Zambia 480 324 323 39 177 0.01 353.85 Zimbabwe 170 1,059 187 39 42 0.00 7.69 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,266 589 574 382 598 0.03 56.54 Angola 93 76 35 11 23 0.00 109.09 Cameroon 805 216 200 233 411 0.02 76.39 Central African Republic 22 87 62 15 27 0.00 80.00 Chad 31 4 26 16 2 0.00 -87.50 Congo 158 64 102 26 62 0.00 138.46 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 59 40 68 19 27 0.00 42.11 Equatorial Guinea 4 9 9 12 4 0.00 -66.67 Gabon 81 78 69 50 42 0.00 -16.00 Sao Tome and Principe 13 15 3 NORTH AFRICA 2,989 4,062 4,501 1,521 1,942 0.09 27.68 Algeria 783 978 1,091 207 471 0.02 127.54 Morocco 1,234 2,062 2,294 771 855 0.04 10.89 Sudan 294 185 241 182 408 0.02 124.18 Tunisia 678 837 875 355 207 0.01 -41.69 Western Sahara 6 1 0.00 -83.33 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,767 9,579 11,057 1,830 2,288 0.11 25.03 Botswana 75 90 158 20 38 0.00 90.00 Eswatini 542 451 407 60 218 0.01 263.33 Lesotho 27 12 Namibia 1,502 588 515 73 180 0.01 146.58 South Africa 7,621 8,450 9,965 1,677 1,852 0.09 10.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 361 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 5,351 4,990 4,452 1,177 1,156 0.06 -1.78 Benin 10 39 39 12 0.00 Burkina Faso 63 58 63 2 26 0.00 1,200.00 Cabo Verde 70 29 42 8 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 191 118 193 27 34 0.00 25.93 Gambia 114 136 52 26 20 0.00 -23.08 Ghana 638 629 558 155 117 0.01 -24.52 Guinea 26 39 109 4 4 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 23 3 4 1 0.00 Liberia 14 41 27 12 0.00 Mali 1,304 1,128 1,011 161 63 0.00 -60.87 Mauritania 101 69 70 7 32 0.00 357.14 Niger 398 370 307 68 88 0.00 29.41 Nigeria 1,393 1,278 1,155 554 602 0.03 8.66 Saint Helena 23 10 29 3 4 0.00 33.33 Senegal 283 304 163 18 13 0.00 -27.78 Sierra Leone 690 720 626 139 116 0.01 -16.55 Togo 10 19 4 13 4 0.00 -69.23 AMERICAS 378,806 401,392 437,238 108,151 124,681 5.98 15.28 CARIBBEAN 1,742 2,858 2,577 605 1,086 0.05 79.50 Anguilla 60 21 21 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Antigua and Barbuda 83 102 70 16 9 0.00 -43.75 Aruba 16 62 51 10 41 0.00 310.00 Bahamas 81 299 165 15 24 0.00 60.00 Barbados 49 58 56 69 13 0.00 -81.16 Bermuda 59 91 43 12 18 0.00 50.00 British Virgin Islands 30 89 17 9 25 0.00 177.78 Cayman Islands 55 87 21 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Cuba 102 438 383 42 59 0.00 40.48 Dominica 124 67 103 36 31 0.00 -13.89 Dominican Republic 136 237 382 72 120 0.01 66.67 Grenada 19 8 41 95 18 0.00 -81.05 Guadeloupe 6 10 Haiti 76 79 62 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Jamaica 346 174 100 14 9 0.00 -35.71 Martinique 1 1 8 Montserrat 1 4 11 1 Puerto Rico 48 423 568 68 628 0.03 823.53 Saint Kitts and Nevis 6 65 39 25 Saint Lucia 8 19 29 9 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 19 11 3 3 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 240 333 327 35 32 0.00 -8.57 Turks and Caicos Islands 41 20 55 5 13 0.00 160.00 United States Virgin Islands 157 156 14 42 22 0.00 -47.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 362 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,314 4,229 5,411 2,149 1,437 0.07 -33.13 Belize 163 174 84 23 6 0.00 -73.91 Costa Rica 1,035 1,297 1,701 370 589 0.03 59.19 El Salvador 1,024 899 778 174 216 0.01 24.14 Guatemala 246 266 341 84 111 0.01 32.14 Honduras 197 358 817 1,132 137 0.01 -87.90 Nicaragua 360 728 1,099 282 239 0.01 -15.25 Panama 289 507 591 84 139 0.01 65.48 NORTH AMERICA 324,909 340,286 368,550 93,250 110,518 5.30 18.52 Canada 45,745 41,711 47,426 8,979 10,738 0.51 19.59 Greenland 321 299 460 19 48 0.00 152.63 Mexico 10,117 9,449 11,535 2,600 3,306 0.16 27.15 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 3 11 United States of America 268,723 288,827 309,118 81,652 96,426 4.62 18.09 SOUTH AMERICA 48,841 54,019 60,700 12,147 11,640 0.56 -4.17 Argentina 12,610 12,910 9,727 1,193 796 0.04 -33.28 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 141 211 171 48 215 0.01 347.92 Brazil 24,649 26,636 28,656 5,745 6,835 0.33 18.97 Chile 4,167 4,992 8,047 1,743 951 0.05 -45.44 Colombia 2,777 3,563 4,909 1,626 1,387 0.07 -14.70 Ecuador 658 639 1,545 86 217 0.01 152.33 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 112 225 165 9 11 0.00 22.22 French Guiana 6 83 104 71 35 0.00 -50.70 Guyana 9 13 7 2 Paraguay 65 232 230 25 60 0.00 140.00 Peru 1,348 1,845 2,597 876 579 0.03 -33.90 Suriname 223 153 188 87 18 0.00 -79.31 Uruguay 1,432 1,947 3,339 415 391 0.02 -5.78 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 644 570 1,015 221 145 0.01 -34.39 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 916,442 945,852 1,058,655 246,245 96,986 4.65 -60.61 NORHT-EAST ASIA 683,119 690,107 753,713 165,614 44,725 2.14 -72.99 China 313,203 332,546 384,415 76,277 17,431 0.84 -77.15 Hong Kong, China 48,550 52,111 56,618 16,596 5,184 0.25 -68.76 Japan 238,278 215,746 225,012 52,886 14,691 0.70 -72.22 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,551 995 1,526 224 102 0.00 -54.46 Korea, Republic of 51,605 59,911 55,847 10,144 6,000 0.29 -40.85 Macao, China 1,335 1,176 1,277 265 38 0.00 -85.66 Mongolia 524 370 458 110 32 0.00 -70.91 Taiwan Province of China 28,073 27,252 28,560 9,112 1,247 0.06 -86.31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 363 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 143,099 153,629 201,987 58,375 44,404 2.13 -23.93 Brunei Darussalam 73 105 116 44 10 0.00 -77.27 Cambodia 84 109 410 84 64 0.00 -23.81 Indonesia 13,526 14,349 25,944 4,897 3,920 0.19 -19.95 Lao People's Democratic Republic 128 152 151 52 37 0.00 -28.85 Malaysia 18,031 20,638 22,491 7,096 3,495 0.17 -50.75 Myanmar 411 495 494 421 141 0.01 -66.51 Philippines 9,206 9,176 24,490 4,587 8,251 0.40 79.88 Singapore 54,964 56,053 52,673 13,720 5,250 0.25 -61.73 Thailand 43,081 48,604 69,153 26,574 21,885 1.05 -17.65 Timor-Leste 4 34 24 11 5 0.00 -54.55 Viet Nam 3,591 3,914 6,041 889 1,346 0.06 51.41 AUSTRALASIA 89,616 101,078 102,088 22,006 7,655 0.37 -65.21 Australia 82,602 94,058 94,526 20,122 7,111 0.34 -64.66 New Zealand 7,014 7,020 7,562 1,884 544 0.03 -71.13 MELANESIA 271 338 457 100 104 0.00 4.00 Fiji 93 48 212 53 60 0.00 13.21 New Caledonia 85 152 124 21 34 0.00 61.90 Papua New Guinea 74 33 40 16 10 0.00 -37.50 Solomon Islands 17 72 42 5 Vanuatu 2 33 39 5 MICRONESIA 50 253 139 20 2 0.00 -90.00 Christmas Island, Australia 4 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 14 3 Guam 12 144 14 6 Kiribati 5 12 50 1 Marshall Islands 2 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 25 1 2 Nauru 14 62 46 8 Northern Mariana Islands 4 14 Palau 6 10 POLYNESIA 287 447 271 130 96 0.00 -26.15 American Samoa 71 111 30 3 4 0.00 33.33 Cook Islands 22 17 17 2 0.00 French Polynesia 25 37 28 86 46 0.00 -46.51 Niue 5 16 10 Pitcairn 29 118 72 Samoa 10 22 44 2 0.00 Tokelau 52 125 41 27 40 0.00 48.15 Tonga 68 9 17 1 2 0.00 100.00 Tuvalu 4 1 6 Wallis and Futuna Islands 6 2 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 364 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 4,932,922 4,959,115 5,112,199 1,796,231 1,736,148 83.25 -3.34 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,429,285 1,443,491 1,470,171 578,108 412,739 19.79 -28.61 Armenia 882 746 1,250 356 431 0.02 21.07 Azerbaijan 1,081 1,268 1,360 663 335 0.02 -49.47 Belarus 7,353 10,078 9,301 3,789 3,873 0.19 2.22 Bulgaria 8,770 8,943 10,579 6,496 9,589 0.46 47.61 Czech Republic (Czechia) 38,806 41,088 54,176 12,661 17,711 0.85 39.89 Estonia 219,504 222,387 243,107 151,971 163,431 7.84 7.54 Georgia 3,815 4,168 4,166 1,257 1,153 0.06 -8.27 Hungary 20,620 23,874 26,840 6,805 8,865 0.43 30.27 Kazakhstan 6,266 6,006 5,911 2,285 3,072 0.15 34.44 Kyrgyzstan 248 379 319 160 17 0.00 -89.38 Latvia 58,776 58,017 61,588 30,999 30,463 1.46 -1.73 Lithuania 51,280 42,483 46,856 19,121 24,352 1.17 27.36 Moldova, Republic of 981 1,051 1,059 326 359 0.02 10.12 Poland 116,874 105,345 104,492 42,834 58,405 2.80 36.35 Romania 27,761 42,475 26,154 9,397 18,685 0.90 98.84 Russian Federation 821,698 826,251 820,888 257,948 40,622 1.95 -84.25 Slovakia 11,910 13,675 14,819 6,254 7,889 0.38 26.14 Tajikistan 118 132 91 14 8 0.00 -42.86 Turkmenistan 111 178 113 15 51 0.00 240.00 Ukraine 31,712 34,493 36,281 23,569 23,153 1.11 -1.77 Uzbekistan 719 454 821 1,188 275 0.01 -76.85 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,544,679 1,505,035 1,487,801 390,242 550,698 26.41 41.12 Channel Islands 49 0.00 Denmark 113,580 107,731 115,874 33,584 42,788 2.05 27.41 Faeroe Islands 937 607 1,424 145 310 0.01 113.79 Iceland 18,902 15,736 16,676 2,357 3,929 0.19 66.69 Ireland 28,744 34,780 36,058 9,466 17,452 0.84 84.37 Isle of Man 10 55 84 22 13 0.00 -40.91 Norway 199,353 193,065 189,938 74,104 47,349 2.27 -36.10 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 14 3 0.00 -78.57 Sweden 597,339 560,027 558,453 102,209 1 70,523 8.18 66.84 United Kingdom 585,814 593,034 569,294 168,341 268,282 12.86 59.37 SOUTHERN EUROPE 419,352 416,417 451,449 126,789 197,384 9.47 55.68 Albania 888 967 1,465 406 1,216 0.06 199.51 Andorra 274 299 363 75 177 0.01 136.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 860 816 1,106 297 850 0.04 186.20 Croatia 38,081 9,349 9,283 5,584 4,004 0.19 -28.30 Gibraltar 93 166 146 81 333 0.02 311.11 Greece 18,404 18,056 22,525 5,962 9,253 0.44 55.20 Holy See 433 20 27 17 0.00 Italy 155,599 160,045 180,282 51,689 72,434 3.47 40.13 Malta 2,513 3,705 5,394 1,280 2,613 0.13 104.14 Montenegro 358 346 674 111 344 0.02 209.91 North Macedonia 782 769 1,057 237 837 0.04 253.16 Portugal 24,416 32,834 41,248 14,894 13,104 0.63 -12.02 San Marino 34 119 122 8 25 0.00 212.50 Serbia 3,170 2,944 3,903 1,409 1,629 0.08 15.61 Slovenia 11,086 10,075 10,007 3,736 5,033 0.24 34.72 Spain 162,361 175,907 1 73,847 41,020 85,515 4.10 108.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 365 COUNTRY TABLES FINLAND / FINLANDE / FINLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 1,448,534 1,506,668 1,614,549 664,461 556,816 26.70 -16.20 Austria 70,769 70,297 76,144 25,116 27,138 1.30 8.05 Belgium 70,452 84,941 93,741 40,863 30,795 1.48 -24.64 France 280,069 299,432 341,747 157,520 110,016 5.28 -30.16 Germany 622,991 628,449 661,981 246,184 257,836 12.36 4.73 Liechtenstein 901 691 1,092 261 338 0.02 29.50 Luxembourg 7,859 7,769 10,850 4,993 5,781 0.28 15.78 Monaco 638 581 720 400 512 0.02 28.00 Netherlands 227,405 246,460 262,222 130,662 72,461 3.47 -44.54 Switzerland 167,450 168,048 166,052 58,462 51,939 2.49 -11.16 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 91,072 87,504 88,229 36,631 18,511 0.89 -49.47 Cyprus 2,622 2,990 4,046 1,266 1,531 0.07 20.93 Israel 57,494 53,362 56,166 22,846 9,114 0.44 -60.11 Turkiye 30,956 31,152 28,017 12,519 7,866 0.38 -37.17 MIDDLE EAST 33,846 36,085 44,781 11,356 15,263 0.73 34.40 Bahrain 473 601 923 94 118 0.01 25.53 Egypt 3,326 4,171 3,560 1,450 1,165 0.06 -19.66 Iraq 775 1,729 1,113 364 518 0.02 42.31 Jordan 1,405 1,979 1,585 286 364 0.02 27.27 Kuwait 1,887 1,953 2,599 1,154 742 0.04 -35.70 Lebanon 1,424 1,574 1,754 439 325 0.02 -25.97 Libya 150 290 250 46 105 0.01 128.26 Oman 2,334 1,931 2,132 668 381 0.02 -42.96 Qatar 2,916 3,901 4,602 1,058 2,491 0.12 135.44 Saudi Arabia 8,758 5,632 5,633 1,458 1,352 0.06 -7.27 State of Palestine 69 111 108 10 28 0.00 180.00 Syrian Arab Republic 372 174 409 178 453 0.02 154.49 United Arab Emirates 9,906 11,961 19,909 4,143 7,185 0.34 73.43 Yemen 51 78 204 8 36 0.00 350.00 SOUTH ASIA 89,676 92,601 113,621 27,764 18,931 0.91 -31.81 Afghanistan 479 713 915 306 368 0.02 20.26 Bangladesh 799 726 1,028 457 465 0.02 1.75 Bhutan 54 55 50 5 India 78,634 80,680 102,386 23,319 14,416 0.69 -38.18 Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,424 5,605 4,388 2,175 2,489 0.12 14.44 Maldives 179 69 139 30 2 0.00 -93.33 Nepal 484 1,234 1,147 654 490 0.02 -25.08 Pakistan 1,704 1,951 1,858 532 417 0.02 -21.62 Sri Lanka 919 1,568 1,710 286 284 0.01 -0.70 NOT SPECIFIED 366,331 381,140 263,525 94,316 84,988 4.08 -9.89 Other countries of the world 366,331 381,140 263,525 94,316 84,988 4.08 -9.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 366 COUNTRY TABLES FRANCE / FRANCIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 86,758,180 89,321,898 90,914,000 41,684,000 48,395,210 100.00 16.10 AFRICA 2,799,228 2,919,905 3,249,091 649,819 750,000 1.55 15.42 NORTH AFRICA 1,969,552 2,084,212 All countries of North Africa (*) 1,969,552 2,084,212 OTHER AFRICA 829,676 835,693 3,249,091 649,819 750,000 1.55 15.42 Other countries of Africa 829,676 835,693 All countries of Africa 3,249,091 649,819 750,000 1.55 15.42 AMERICAS 8,631,643 8,956,030 8,268,951 1,653,790 1,920,000 3.97 16.10 NORTH AMERICA 5,948,123 6,364,486 4,613,985 1,085,101 Canada 1,005,837 1,188,545 Mexico 546,764 688,050 United States of America 4,395,522 4,487,891 4,613,985 1,085,101 OTHER AMERICAS 2,683,520 2,591,544 3,654,966 568,689 1,920,000 3.97 237.62 Other countries of the Americas 2,683,520 2,591,544 3,654,966 568,689 All countries of the Americas 1,920,000 3.97 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,683,194 6,041,577 5,282,825 1,056,565 1,230,000 2.54 16.41 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,579,900 2,715,816 China (*) 2,095,320 2,175,647 Japan 484,580 540,169 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,103,294 3,325,761 5,282,825 1,056,565 1,230,000 2.54 16.41 Other countries of Asia 2,005,500 2,211,764 All countries East Asia/Pacific 5,282,825 1,056,565 1,230,000 2.54 16.41 All countries of Oceania 1,097,794 1,113,997 EUROPE 68,292,830 69,954,997 72,766,532 38,054,506 44,185,210 91.30 16.11 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,776,663 2,240,289 Poland 549,902 671,163 Other countries Central/East Europe 1,226,761 1,569,126 NORTHERN EUROPE 14,856,070 15,092,645 12,402,503 4,560,205 Denmark 555,234 556,754 Finland 421,240 227,952 Sweden 617,444 699,695 United Kingdom/Ireland 13,262,152 13,608,244 12,402,503 4,560,205 SOUTHERN EUROPE 14,619,330 15,214,005 14,148,728 6,519,688 Greece 164,325 165,740 Italy 6,600,801 6,963,211 7,418,763 3,277,343 Portugal 1,101,045 1,350,787 Spain 6,753,159 6,734,267 6,729,965 3,242,345 WESTERN EUROPE 35,348,476 35,894,349 37,565,194 21,105,688 Austria 481,169 546,328 Germany 12,256,164 12,272,217 13,605,887 6,446,643 Netherlands 4,307,442 4,730,077 5,599,220 3,799,187 Switzerland (*) 7,013,236 6,771,926 6,506,084 3,657,230 Belgium / Luxembourg 11,290,465 11,573,801 11,854,003 7,202,628 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 367 COUNTRY TABLES FRANCE / FRANCIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER EUROPE 1,692,291 1,513,709 8,650,107 5,868,925 44,185,210 91.30 652.87 Other countries of Europe 1,692,291 1,513,709 8,650,107 5,868,925 All countries of Europe 44,185,210 91.30 MIDDLE EAST 1,351,285 1,449,389 1,346,601 269,320 310,000 0.64 15.10 All countries of Middle East 1,351,285 1,449,389 1,346,601 269,320 310,000 0.64 15.10 FRANCE / FRANCIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 35,567,997 38,096,375 37,375,556 9,982,075 13,754,961 100.00 37.80 AFRICA 673,809 702,052 708,881 185,032 240,290 1.75 29.86 NORTH AFRICA 325,725 325,513 317,662 88,671 102,599 0.75 15.71 All countries of North Africa 325,725 325,513 31 7,662 88,671 102,599 0.75 15.71 OTHER AFRICA 348,084 376,539 391,219 96,361 137,691 1.00 42.89 Other countries of Africa 348,084 376,539 391,219 96,361 137,691 1.00 42.89 AMERICAS 5,061,091 5,738,318 5,819,752 949,176 1,599,126 11.63 68.48 NORTH AMERICA 3,987,885 4,598,490 4,694,029 771,495 1,323,588 9.62 71.56 Canada 422,237 473,910 464,626 77,938 109,941 0.80 41.06 United States of America 3,565,648 4,124,580 4,229,403 693,557 1,213,647 8.82 74.99 OTHER AMERICAS 1,073,206 1,139,828 1,125,723 177,681 275,538 2.00 55.07 Other countries of the Americas 1,073,206 1,139,828 1,125,723 177,681 275,538 2.00 55.07 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,120,991 4,418,263 4,326,475 561,850 389,579 2.83 -30.66 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,231,094 2,438,217 2,396,909 399,505 210,030 1.53 -47.43 China 1,665,275 1,750,697 1,653,572 270,520 146,058 1.06 -46.01 Japan 565,819 687,520 743,337 128,985 63,972 0.47 -50.40 AUSTRALASIA 410,529 444,817 401,848 47,488 37,338 0.27 -21.37 Australia 410,529 444,817 401,848 47,488 37,338 0.27 -21.37 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,479,368 1,535,229 1,527,718 114,857 142,211 1.03 23.82 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 1,479,368 1,535,229 1,527,718 114,857 142,211 1.03 23.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 368 COUNTRY TABLES FRANCE / FRANCIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 24,822,790 26,319,178 25,715,353 8,075,103 11,128,709 80.91 37.82 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,511,877 1,668,773 1,714,394 447,202 637,534 4.63 42.56 Bulgaria 46,905 55,603 60,476 19,313 24,863 0.18 28.74 Czech Republic (Czechia) 141,563 153,168 158,866 40,247 63,949 0.46 58.89 Estonia 22,924 30,222 26,242 7,122 15,309 0.11 114.95 Hungary 81,099 87,191 91,634 19,046 30,557 0.22 60.44 Latvia 24,060 27,986 24,406 7,762 12,483 0.09 60.82 Lithuania 50,783 68,713 63,931 23,484 30,848 0.22 31.36 Poland 342,399 351,912 370,263 118,942 242,003 1.76 103.46 Romania 209,674 256,053 235,405 88,512 115,948 0.84 31.00 Russian Federation 544,819 587,287 633,894 112,529 85,984 0.63 -23.59 Slovakia 47,651 50,638 49,277 10,245 15,590 0.11 52.17 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,373,506 6,687,856 6,067,655 1,563,927 1,659,326 12.06 6.10 Denmark 256,632 262,047 251,343 62,078 143,514 1.04 131.18 Finland 125,892 126,283 121,991 25,839 37,902 0.28 46.69 Iceland 25,617 25,980 23,821 4,610 8,799 0.06 90.87 Ireland 260,018 287,511 277,629 54,840 100,832 0.73 83.87 Norway 1 79,352 194,062 183,110 29,016 51,550 0.37 77.66 Sweden 317,581 318,002 321,996 66,205 118,041 0.86 78.30 United Kingdom 5,208,414 5,473,971 4,887,765 1,321,339 1,198,688 8.71 -9.28 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,214,899 5,735,531 5,737,280 1,499,945 2,137,634 15.54 42.51 Croatia 34,683 37,872 39,144 8,075 13,987 0.10 73.21 Greece 93,086 109,713 123,000 28,118 50,970 0.37 81.27 Italy 2,193,311 2,430,830 2,434,368 652,337 882,027 6.41 35.21 Malta 25,199 26,378 25,421 5,102 9,861 0.07 93.28 Portugal 384,337 415,092 429,182 135,816 181,248 1.32 33.45 Slovenia 29,111 32,264 31,887 7,492 14,614 0.11 95.06 Spain 2,455,172 2,683,382 2,654,278 663,005 984,927 7.16 48.55 WESTERN EUROPE 10,937,242 11,342,789 11,354,214 4,319,612 6,331,972 46.03 46.59 Austria 228,595 238,274 256,871 59,308 122,512 0.89 106.57 Belgium 3,201,293 3,207,156 3,194,024 1,401,872 1,946,142 14.15 38.82 Germany 3,490,860 3,773,696 3,756,562 1,163,543 1,780,293 12.94 53.01 Luxembourg 235,011 242,648 253,935 133,908 164,310 1.19 22.70 Netherlands 1,993,651 2,023,426 1,984,783 816,398 1,317,108 9.58 61.33 Switzerland 1,787,832 1,857,589 1,908,039 744,583 1,001,607 7.28 34.52 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 265,861 259,360 226,908 46,116 58,120 0.42 26.03 Cyprus 12,216 1 7,004 1 7,089 3,606 9,478 0.07 162.84 Turkiye 253,645 242,356 209,819 42,510 48,642 0.35 14.42 OTHER EUROPE 519,405 624,869 614,902 198,301 304,123 2.21 53.36 Other countries of Europe 519,405 624,869 614,902 198,301 304,123 2.21 53.36 MIDDLE EAST 889,316 918,564 805,095 210,914 397,257 2.89 88.35 All countries of Middle East 889,316 918,564 805,095 210,914 397,257 2.89 88.35 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 369 COUNTRY TABLES FRANCE / FRANCIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 47,911,402 50,687,020 51,486,888 15,542,907 20,361,180 100.00 31.00 AFRICA 831,073 821,591 910,736 247,996 273,917 1.35 10.45 OTHER AFRICA 831,073 821,591 910,736 247,996 273,917 1.35 10.45 All countries of Africa 831,073 821,591 910,736 247,996 273,917 1.35 10.45 AMERICAS 5,335,905 6,052,270 6,289,214 1,090,751 1,721,966 8.46 57.87 NORTH AMERICA 4,179,019 4,821,478 5,010,708 862,695 1,417,875 6.96 64.35 Canada 461,207 518,528 532,579 90,718 125,034 0.61 37.83 United States of America 3,717,812 4,302,950 4,478,129 771,977 1,292,841 6.35 67.47 OTHER AMERICAS 1,156,886 1,230,792 1,278,506 228,056 304,091 1.49 33.34 Other countries of the Americas 1,156,886 1,230,792 1,278,506 228,056 304,091 1.49 33.34 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,611,412 4,892,111 5,008,657 711,028 444,615 2.18 -37.47 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,473,672 2,657,425 2,701,855 477,763 244,360 1.20 -48.85 China 1,879,832 1,939,851 1,916,969 336,882 1 73,878 0.85 -48.39 Japan 593,840 71 7,574 784,886 140,881 70,482 0.35 -49.97 AUSTRALASIA 435,636 472,690 434,884 55,561 41,775 0.21 -24.81 Australia 435,636 472,690 434,884 55,561 41,775 0.21 -24.81 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,702,104 1,761,996 1,871,918 177,704 158,480 0.78 -10.82 Other countries of Asia 1,702,104 1,761,996 1,871,918 177,704 158,480 0.78 -10.82 EUROPE 36,109,672 37,864,740 38,310,552 13,237,875 17,461,796 85.76 31.91 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,800,124 1,978,267 2,108,426 585,265 747,678 3.67 27.75 Bulgaria 54,077 62,892 72,909 22,838 28,116 0.14 23.11 Czech Republic (Czechia) 184,383 197,502 214,124 57,490 84,201 0.41 46.46 Estonia 25,529 32,474 29,507 8,610 16,545 0.08 92.16 Hungary 96,543 101,153 111,859 26,573 36,981 0.18 39.17 Latvia 26,819 31,373 29,146 8,997 14,016 0.07 55.79 Lithuania 57,889 76,664 73,022 26,249 33,966 0.17 29.40 Poland 413,657 418,933 452,206 150,535 277,501 1.36 84.34 Romania 248,122 291,181 291,952 113,839 131,693 0.65 15.68 Russian Federation 634,742 700,518 770,920 155,213 104,752 0.51 -32.51 Slovakia 58,363 65,577 62,781 14,921 19,907 0.10 33.42 NORTHERN EUROPE 8,583,223 8,909,134 7,822,154 2,072,621 2,078,649 10.21 0.29 Denmark 379,683 375,191 251,343 92,392 194,025 0.95 110.00 Finland 142,570 140,055 139,421 30,378 43,152 0.21 42.05 Iceland 27,184 28,265 25,994 5,091 9,537 0.05 87.33 Ireland 374,670 389,298 75,997 132,444 0.65 74.28 Norway 201,754 212,207 207,899 32,583 56,884 0.28 74.58 Sweden 390,165 372,349 384,710 79,527 133,858 0.66 68.32 United Kingdom 7,067,197 7,391,769 6,812,787 1,756,653 1,508,749 7.41 -14.11 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,519,392 7,040,031 3,658,509 2,126,556 2,811,934 13.81 32.23 Croatia 40,315 42,441 45,165 11,182 15,789 0.08 41.20 Greece 101,548 118,546 33,158 55,398 0.27 67.07 Italy 2,682,765 2,924,520 3,030,171 852,058 1,091,365 5.36 28.09 Malta 27,108 28,723 28,828 6,229 10,718 0.05 72.07 Portugal 452,317 469,447 508,004 171,628 210,364 1.03 22.57 Slovenia 42,033 45,199 46,341 12,691 20,326 0.10 60.16 Spain 3,173,306 3,411,155 1,039,610 1,407,974 6.91 35.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 370 COUNTRY TABLES FRANCE / FRANCIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 18,295,200 18,937,874 19,467,814 8,142,852 11,383,348 55.91 39.80 Austria 299,085 316,547 339,787 84,537 170,152 0.84 101.28 Belgium 4,658,247 4,703,183 4,832,149 2,338,866 3,001,514 14.74 28.33 Germany 5,853,799 6,341,964 6,526,380 2,313,143 3,348,335 16.44 44.75 Luxembourg 278,820 290,896 312,663 174,072 206,118 1.01 18.41 Netherlands 4,768,098 4,764,365 4,792,990 2,141,581 3,213,598 15.78 50.06 Switzerland 2,437,151 2,520,919 2,663,845 1,090,653 1,443,631 7.09 32.36 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 286,821 276,986 248,493 55,217 63,000 0.31 14.10 Cyprus 13,044 1 7,993 18,763 4,031 9,942 0.05 146.64 Turkiye 273,777 258,993 229,730 51,186 53,058 0.26 3.66 OTHER EUROPE 624,912 722,448 5,005,156 255,364 377,187 1.85 47.71 Other countries of Europe 624,912 722,448 5,005,156 255,364 377,187 1.85 47.71 MIDDLE EAST 1,023,340 1,056,308 967,729 255,257 458,886 2.25 79.77 All countries of Middle East 1,023,340 1,056,308 967,729 255,257 458,886 2.25 79.77 FRANCE / FRANCIA 5. Overnight stays of non-r esident tour sts in hotel; > and similar establishmc änts, by coui rtry of reside ;nce 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 72,737,887 78,250,020 76,423,697 19,831,730 27,019,534 100.00 36.24 AFRICA 1,675,866 1,727,878 1,728,093 430,422 557,046 2.06 29.42 NORTH AFRICA 779,620 784,657 753,977 198,476 218,305 0.81 9.99 All countries of North Africa 779,620 784,657 753,977 198,476 218,305 0.81 9.99 OTHER AFRICA 896,246 943,221 974,116 231,946 338,741 1.25 46.04 Other countries of Africa 896,246 943,221 974,116 231,946 338,741 1.25 46.04 AMERICAS 11,972,045 13,455,897 13,635,147 2,159,345 3,627,241 13.42 67.98 NORTH AMERICA 9,099,417 10,477,136 10,697,228 1,724,853 2,962,139 10.96 71.73 Canada 973,920 1,099,633 1,082,741 250,567 253,293 0.94 1.09 United States of America 8,125,497 9,377,503 9,614,487 1,474,286 2,708,846 10.03 83.74 OTHER AMERICAS 2,872,628 2,978,761 2,937,919 434,492 665,102 2.46 53.08 Other countries of the Americas 2,872,628 2,978,761 2,937,919 434,492 665,102 2.46 53.08 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,193,578 8,937,444 8,736,970 1,099,461 792,693 2.93 -27.90 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,247,525 4,686,892 4,602,595 761,401 372,719 1.38 -51.05 China 2,997,938 3,167,834 2,962,247 477,783 241,230 0.89 -49.51 Japan 1,249,587 1,519,058 1,640,348 283,618 131,489 0.49 -53.64 AUSTRALASIA 939,341 1,035,974 948,385 114,808 79,133 0.29 -31.07 Australia 939,341 1,035,974 948,385 114,808 79,133 0.29 -31.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,006,712 3,214,578 3,185,990 223,252 340,841 1.26 52.67 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 3,006,712 3,214,578 3,185,990 223,252 340,841 1.26 52.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 371 COUNTRY TABLES FRANCE / FRANCIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 48,533,484 51,636,118 50,165,222 15,633,975 20,973,659 77.62 34.15 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,310,327 3,698,250 3,767,397 999,458 1,295,192 4.79 29.59 Bulgaria 100,027 122,095 129,114 42,548 54,009 0.20 26.94 Czech Republic (Czechia) 270,065 292,668 295,319 79,404 125,805 0.47 58.44 Estonia 48,593 65,210 54,503 15,373 34,614 0.13 125.16 Hungary 181,115 192,259 196,582 40,854 67,769 0.25 65.88 Latvia 51,329 57,547 49,887 17,022 26,102 0.10 53.34 Lithuania 94,512 130,533 126,260 48,313 62,295 0.23 28.94 Poland 651,536 699,283 732,986 240,148 441,563 1.63 83.87 Romania 435,879 558,143 513,578 192,122 241,331 0.89 25.61 Russian Federation 1,380,504 1,472,861 1,560,605 299,847 208,458 0.77 -30.48 Slovakia 96,767 107,651 108,563 23,827 33,246 0.12 39.53 NORTHERN EUROPE 13,327,061 13,864,113 12,568,245 3,155,762 3,275,423 12.12 3.79 Denmark 578,356 580,567 550,993 136,509 325,367 1.20 138.35 Finland 297,409 291,976 276,708 57,873 82,603 0.31 42.73 Iceland 62,287 62,726 54,341 10,047 21,048 0.08 109.50 Ireland 647,726 705,119 677,742 120,375 216,136 0.80 79.55 Norway 432,035 448,238 422,823 64,046 115,494 0.43 80.33 Sweden 734,618 743,810 725,318 144,433 252,196 0.93 74.61 United Kingdom 10,574,630 11,031,677 9,860,320 2,622,479 2,262,579 8.37 -13.72 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,653,829 11,932,608 11,804,488 3,077,989 4,305,774 15.94 39.89 Croatia 68,207 85,676 81,724 17,867 31,729 0.12 77.58 Greece 229,328 276,840 313,539 71,952 134,116 0.50 86.40 Italy 4,486,066 5,101,035 5,054,809 1,41 7,382 1,842,699 6.82 30.01 Malta 64,763 69,795 67,330 12,072 22,911 0.08 89.79 Portugal 775,214 850,500 857,876 277,675 362,871 1.34 30.68 Slovenia 58,435 65,659 63,544 15,912 30,875 0.11 94.04 Spain 4,971,816 5,483,103 5,365,666 1,265,129 1,880,573 6.96 48.65 WESTERN EUROPE 19,576,433 20,284,088 20,229,499 7,864,172 11,356,267 42.03 44.41 Austria 493,804 523,128 554,072 125,764 268,262 0.99 113.31 Belgium 5,520,748 5,451,576 5,416,613 2,511,294 3,343,155 12.37 33.12 Germany 6,592,469 7,204,156 7,142,351 2,241,988 3,404,314 12.60 51.84 Luxembourg 415,114 425,084 442,283 248,840 298,231 1.10 19.85 Netherlands 3,322,633 3,333,502 3,272,377 1,329,690 2,174,821 8.05 63.56 Switzerland 3,231,665 3,346,642 3,401,803 1,406,596 1,867,484 6.91 32.77 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 568,191 566,854 492,590 102,636 129,068 0.48 25.75 Cyprus 31,644 46,162 45,189 8,721 24,817 0.09 184.57 Turkiye 536,547 520,692 447,401 93,915 104,251 0.39 11.01 OTHER EUROPE 1,097,643 1,290,205 1,303,003 433,958 611,935 2.26 41.01 Other countries of Europe 1,097,643 1,290,205 1,303,003 433,958 611,935 2.26 41.01 MIDDLE EAST 2,362,914 2,492,683 2,158,265 508,527 1,068,895 3.96 110.19 All countries of Middle East 2,362,914 2,492,683 2,158,265 508,527 1,068,895 3.96 110.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 372 COUNTRY TABLES FRANCE / FRANCIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 582,100,330 596,784,417 619,887,479 298,288,538 375,456,390 100.00 25.87 AFRICA 36,700,018 37,949,974 39,419,115 16,505,428 18,527,070 4.93 12.25 NORTH AFRICA 25,029,845 26,190,645 27,204,552 11,738,214 12,036,449 3.21 2.54 All countries of North Africa (*) 25,029,845 26,190,645 27,204,552 11,738,214 12,036,449 3.21 2.54 OTHER AFRICA 11,670,173 11,759,329 12,214,563 4,767,214 6,490,621 1.73 36.15 Other countries of Africa 11,670,173 11,759,329 12,214,563 4,767,214 6,490,621 1.73 36.15 AMERICAS 68,529,100 69,568,842 72,262,030 19,561,902 28,601,323 7.62 46.21 NORTH AMERICA 48,917,284 51,201,439 53,183,578 14,937,073 22,001,341 5.86 47.29 Canada 9,993,792 11,808,540 12,265,679 4,652,661 4,384,715 1.17 -5.76 Mexico 3,858,336 4,696,026 4,877,821 1,226,004 2,100,077 0.56 71.29 United States of America 35,065,156 34,696,873 36,040,078 9,058,408 15,516,549 4.13 71.29 OTHER AMERICAS 19,611,816 18,367,403 19,078,452 4,624,829 6,599,982 1.76 42.71 Other countries of the Americas 19,611,816 18,367,403 19,078,452 4,624,829 6,599,982 1.76 42.71 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 36,623,962 38,181,661 39,659,771 9,747,495 8,946,643 2.38 -8.22 NORHT-EAST ASIA 14,551,886 15,371,147 15,966,203 4,290,575 1,979,720 0.53 -53.86 China (*) 11,359,180 11,854,532 12,313,451 3,255,365 1,532,290 0.41 -52.93 Japan 3,192,706 3,516,615 3,652,752 1,035,210 447,430 0.12 -56.78 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,072,076 22,810,514 23,693,568 5,456,920 6,966,923 1.86 27.67 Other countries of Asia 13,483,663 14,580,252 15,144,691 1,739,490 2,475,820 0.66 42.33 All countries of Oceania 8,588,413 8,230,262 8,548,877 3,71 7,430 4,491,103 1.20 20.81 EUROPE 428,624,935 439,748,786 456,772,596 247,926,528 310,470,808 82.69 25.23 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 16,422,580 16,921,302 17,576,369 8,147,448 11,184,796 2.98 37.28 Poland 3,826,155 4,753,028 4,937,030 2,651,304 4,544,792 1.21 71.42 Other countries Central/East Europe 12,596,425 12,168,274 12,639,339 5,496,144 6,640,004 1.77 20.81 NORTHERN EUROPE 98,799,424 99,499,476 103,351,357 44,258,406 39,743,983 10.59 -10.20 Denmark 4,352,031 4,326,441 4,493,929 1,824,954 4,055,130 1.08 122.20 Finland 2,431,278 1,364,775 1,41 7,609 485,983 646,669 0.17 33.06 Sweden 4,346,327 4,665,901 4,846,530 1,581,901 2,575,087 0.69 62.78 United Kingdom/Ireland 87,669,788 89,142,359 92,593,289 40,365,568 32,467,097 8.65 -19.57 SOUTHERN EUROPE 81,849,494 85,713,989 89,032,199 38,947,166 49,813,787 13.27 27.90 Greece 1,307,448 1,094,628 1,137,004 427,685 743,194 0.20 73.77 Italy 38,602,387 41,624,217 43,235,598 19,871,661 24,084,760 6.41 21.20 Portugal 8,073,389 9,275,043 9,634,104 5,111,333 6,227,164 1.66 21.83 Spain 33,866,270 33,720,101 35,025,493 13,536,487 18,758,669 5.00 38.58 WESTERN EUROPE 220,228,677 226,544,550 235,314,674 150,296,755 201,476,735 53.66 34.05 Austria 3,580,815 3,752,424 3,897,690 1,450,133 2,883,709 0.77 98.86 Germany 80,985,854 80,942,060 84,075,536 43,258,583 61,236,347 16.31 41.56 Netherlands 30,330,477 32,614,642 33,877,239 22,563,456 34,404,829 9.16 52.48 Switzerland (*) 37,031,557 37,501,992 38,953,791 26,401,007 32,677,488 8.70 23.77 Belgium / Luxembourg 68,299,974 71,733,432 74,510,418 56,623,576 70,274,362 18.72 24.11 OTHER EUROPE 11,324,760 11,069,469 11,497,997 6,276,753 8,251,507 2.20 31.46 Other countries of Europe 11,324,760 11,069,469 11,497,997 6,276,753 8,251,507 2.20 31.46 MIDDLE EAST 11,622,315 11,335,154 11,773,967 4,547,185 8,910,546 2.37 95.96 All countries of Middle East 11,622,315 11,335,154 11,773,967 4,547,185 8,910,546 2.37 95.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 373 COUNTRY TABLES FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 198,959 216,268 236,642 77,017 82,546 100.00 7.18 AFRICA 299 377 336 103 65 0.08 -36.89 OTHER AFRICA 299 377 336 103 65 0.08 -36.89 All countries of Africa 299 377 336 103 65 0.08 -36.89 AMERICAS 82,216 91,115 103,954 35,632 42,532 51.53 19.36 CENTRAL AMERICA 206 254 273 69 61 0.07 -11.59 All countries of Central America 206 254 273 69 61 0.07 -11.59 NORTH AMERICA 75,347 84,469 97,701 34,586 42,318 51.27 22.36 Canada 6,372 7,846 7,958 2,019 1,287 1.56 -36.26 Mexico 765 930 961 282 76 0.09 -73.05 United States of America 68,210 75,693 88,782 32,285 40,955 49.61 26.85 SOUTH AMERICA 6,663 6,392 5,980 977 153 0.19 -84.34 Argentina 2,121 2,067 1,073 249 32 0.04 -87.15 Brazil 1,997 1,788 1,871 236 34 0.04 -85.59 Chile 1,958 2,018 2,456 403 28 0.03 -93.05 Other countries of South America 587 519 580 89 59 0.07 -33.71 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 46,536 43,044 38,345 6,153 864 1.05 -85.96 NORHT-EAST ASIA 20,262 16,905 13,541 2,037 94 0.11 -95.39 China 5,430 5,055 3,345 638 18 0.02 -97.18 Hong Kong, China 370 368 415 89 12 0.01 -86.52 Japan 12,808 9,912 8,176 1,071 23 0.03 -97.85 Korea, Republic of 1,075 1,051 1,034 146 33 0.04 -77.40 Taiwan Province of China 579 519 571 93 8 0.01 -91.40 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 982 1,057 1,125 192 214 0.26 11.46 Indonesia 133 167 146 29 42 0.05 44.83 Malaysia 137 111 137 17 8 0.01 -52.94 Philippines 176 201 238 63 139 0.17 120.63 Singapore 321 335 404 54 24 0.03 -55.56 Thailand 215 243 200 29 1 0.00 -96.55 AUSTRALASIA 19,407 18,282 16,164 2,398 162 0.20 -93.24 Australia 10,015 9,335 8,204 1,230 94 0.11 -92.36 New Zealand 9,392 8,947 7,960 1,168 68 0.08 -94.18 MELANESIA 4,944 5,793 6,597 1,381 371 0.45 -73.14 Fiji 129 109 75 25 1 0.00 -96.00 New Caledonia 4,815 5,684 6,522 1,356 370 0.45 -72.71 POLYNESIA 450 344 543 72 Cook Islands 354 243 456 55 Samoa (*) 71 58 46 15 Tonga 25 43 41 2 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 491 663 375 73 23 0.03 -68.49 Other countries of Asia 64 101 83 17 17 0.02 Other countries of Oceania 427 562 292 56 6 0.01 -89.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 374 COUNTRY TABLES FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 68,731 80,684 92,878 34,893 38,992 47.24 11.75 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 472 526 486 160 20 0.02 -87.50 Russian Federation 472 526 486 160 20 0.02 -87.50 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,871 5,893 5,966 1,564 904 1.10 -42.20 Denmark 318 509 569 208 286 0.35 37.50 Finland 165 221 184 61 17 0.02 -72.13 Norway 264 292 309 48 27 0.03 -43.75 Sweden 356 489 480 130 58 0.07 -55.38 United Kingdom 3,768 4,382 4,424 1,117 516 0.63 -53.80 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,475 11,599 11,460 950 1,031 1.25 8.53 Italy 7,720 8,802 8,369 439 527 0.64 20.05 Portugal 296 267 316 107 84 0.10 -21.50 Spain 2,459 2,530 2,775 404 420 0.51 3.96 WESTERN EUROPE 51,003 60,212 72,138 31,254 36,454 44.16 16.64 Austria 601 775 818 164 108 0.13 -34.15 Belgium 1,092 1,243 1,502 510 521 0.63 2.16 France 41,685 49,272 60,382 28,112 34,202 41.43 21.66 Germany 3,881 4,539 5,010 1,362 753 0.91 -44.71 Luxembourg 133 271 235 89 84 0.10 -5.62 Netherlands 557 706 667 248 98 0.12 -60.48 Switzerland 3,054 3,406 3,524 769 688 0.83 -10.53 OTHER EUROPE 1,910 2,454 2,828 965 583 0.71 -39.59 Other countries of Europe 1,910 2,454 2,828 965 583 0.71 -39.59 MIDDLE EAST 594 645 724 150 81 0.10 -46.00 All countries of Middle East 594 645 724 150 81 0.10 -46.00 SOUTH ASIA 583 403 405 86 12 0.01 -86.05 India 583 403 405 86 12 0.01 -86.05 FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 178,689 192,740 209,383 66,385 70,373 100.00 6.01 AFRICA 262 318 292 79 48 0.07 -39.24 OTHER AFRICA 262 318 292 79 48 0.07 -39.24 All countries of Africa 262 318 292 79 48 0.07 -39.24 AMERICAS 79,462 87,959 100,220 34,586 41,291 58.67 19.39 CENTRAL AMERICA 186 237 260 65 57 0.08 -12.31 All countries of Central America 186 237 260 65 57 0.08 -12.31 NORTH AMERICA 73,022 81,745 94,566 33,599 41,094 58.39 22.31 Canada 6,117 7,535 7,585 1,887 1,130 1.61 -40.12 Mexico 728 875 911 265 71 0.10 -73.21 United States of America 66,177 73,335 86,070 31,447 39,893 56.69 26.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 375 COUNTRY TABLES FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 6,254 5,977 5,394 922 140 0.20 -84.82 Argentina 2,100 2,024 1,050 246 31 0.04 -87.40 Brazil 1,947 1,740 1,797 227 29 0.04 -87.22 Chile 1,649 1,711 1,995 367 26 0.04 -92.92 Other countries of South America 558 502 552 82 54 0.08 -34.15 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 41,879 37,569 32,917 5,273 560 0.80 -89.38 NORHT-EAST ASIA 19,964 16,568 13,186 1,990 79 0.11 -96.03 China 5,335 4,940 3,255 627 18 0.03 -97.13 Hong Kong, China 346 326 388 81 9 0.01 -88.89 Japan 12,685 9,777 8,045 1,050 13 0.02 -98.76 Korea, Republic of 1,052 1,031 1,018 141 32 0.05 -77.30 Taiwan Province of China 546 494 480 91 7 0.01 -92.31 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 856 959 1,002 174 196 0.28 12.64 Indonesia 110 147 126 24 41 0.06 70.83 Malaysia 114 102 124 15 5 0.01 -66.67 Philippines 165 192 224 57 138 0.20 142.11 Singapore 287 301 357 52 12 0.02 -76.92 Thailand 180 217 171 26 AUSTRALASIA 18,048 16,534 14,628 2,207 129 0.18 -94.15 Australia 9,512 8,715 7,644 1,160 73 0.10 -93.71 New Zealand 8,536 7,819 6,984 1,047 56 0.08 -94.65 MELANESIA 2,475 2,974 3,563 800 139 0.20 -82.63 Fiji 106 92 74 17 1 0.00 -94.12 New Caledonia 2,369 2,882 3,489 783 138 0.20 -82.38 POLYNESIA 251 173 314 55 Cook Islands 170 112 252 41 Samoa 63 36 37 12 Tonga 18 25 25 2 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 285 361 224 47 17 0.02 -63.83 Other countries of Asia 36 87 59 12 13 0.02 8.33 Other countries of Oceania 249 274 165 35 4 0.01 -88.57 EUROPE 55,978 65,889 74,889 26,224 28,389 40.34 8.26 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 465 515 475 154 18 0.03 -88.31 Russian Federation 465 515 475 154 18 0.03 -88.31 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,695 5,698 5,729 1,510 824 1.17 -45.43 Denmark 304 486 538 202 275 0.39 36.14 Finland 161 216 174 61 17 0.02 -72.13 Norway 257 272 299 43 20 0.03 -53.49 Sweden 351 473 469 129 53 0.08 -58.91 United Kingdom 3,622 4,251 4,249 1,075 459 0.65 -57.30 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,268 11,321 11,170 862 945 1.34 9.63 Italy 7,625 8,656 8,243 408 495 0.70 21.32 Portugal 284 248 290 105 75 0.11 -28.57 Spain 2,359 2,417 2,637 349 375 0.53 7.45 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 376 COUNTRY TABLES FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 38,715 45,974 54,774 22,768 26,049 37.02 14.41 Austria 593 749 803 159 102 0.14 -35.85 Belgium 949 1,072 1,340 427 403 0.57 -5.62 France 29,904 35,594 43,574 19,855 24,065 34.20 21.20 Germany 3,736 4,401 4,893 1,319 709 1.01 -46.25 Luxembourg 118 256 217 80 72 0.10 -10.00 Netherlands 535 676 635 236 88 0.13 -62.71 Switzerland 2,880 3,226 3,312 692 610 0.87 -11.85 OTHER EUROPE 1,835 2,381 2,741 930 553 0.79 -40.54 Other countries of Europe 1,835 2,381 2,741 930 553 0.79 -40.54 MIDDLE EAST 531 606 663 137 73 0.10 -46.72 All countries of Middle East 531 606 663 137 73 0.10 -46.72 SOUTH ASIA 577 399 402 86 12 0.02 -86.05 India 577 399 402 86 12 0.02 -86.05 FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,172,682 2,462,479 2,726,921 1,031,555 1,238,587 100.00 20.07 AFRICA 4,627 5,431 4,750 2,370 1,826 0.15 -22.95 OTHER AFRICA 4,627 5,431 4,750 2,370 1,826 0.15 -22.95 All countries of Africa 4,627 5,431 4,750 2,370 1,826 0.15 -22.95 AMERICAS 778,756 896,545 1,024,256 361,109 451,709 36.47 25.09 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,822 2,276 3,192 1,166 1,008 0.08 -13.55 All countries of Central America 1,822 2,276 3,192 1,166 1,008 0.08 -13.55 NORTH AMERICA 705,100 822,638 954,506 348,384 447,831 36.16 28.55 Canada 74,301 95,076 95,014 26,843 21,357 1.72 -20.44 Mexico 6,994 8,940 9,273 2,885 1,202 0.10 -58.34 United States of America 623,805 718,622 850,219 318,656 425,272 34.34 33.46 SOUTH AMERICA 71,834 71,631 66,558 11,559 2,870 0.23 -75.17 Argentina 26,832 27,043 14,379 3,501 860 0.07 -75.44 Brazil 21,137 19,858 22,643 2,895 960 0.08 -66.84 Chile 17,702 19,174 23,318 4,361 432 0.03 -90.09 Other countries of South America 6,163 5,556 6,218 802 618 0.05 -22.94 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 380,744 366,297 330,147 53,176 16,355 1.32 -69.24 NORHT-EAST ASIA 149,354 129,300 105,437 16,016 1,729 0.14 -89.20 China 46,699 42,487 29,247 5,369 184 0.01 -96.57 Hong Kong, China 3,412 3,586 4,329 830 373 0.03 -55.06 Japan 85,206 69,974 58,171 7,414 245 0.02 -96.70 Korea, Republic of 8,866 8,566 9,286 1,621 765 0.06 -52.81 Taiwan Province of China 5,171 4,687 4,404 782 162 0.01 -79.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 377 COUNTRY TABLES FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,933 11,371 10,928 1,939 4,227 0.34 118.00 Indonesia 975 2,650 1,362 210 719 0.06 242.38 Malaysia 1,058 1,272 1,470 160 302 0.02 88.75 Philippines 1,536 1,687 1,993 681 2,883 0.23 323.35 Singapore 2,954 3,057 3,883 508 323 0.03 -36.42 Thailand 2,410 2,705 2,220 380 AUSTRALASIA 183,379 178,940 159,119 22,576 5,982 0.48 -73.50 Australia 101,266 98,057 89,414 11,728 3,399 0.27 -71.02 New Zealand 82,113 80,883 69,705 10,848 2,583 0.21 -76.19 MELANESIA 32,251 39,968 49,326 11,568 3,430 0.28 -70.35 Fiji 1,337 1,201 810 364 30 0.00 -91.76 New Caledonia 30,914 38,767 48,516 11,204 3,400 0.27 -69.65 POLYNESIA 2,641 2,186 3,042 358 Cook Islands 1,430 1,033 2,577 246 Samoa 1,071 871 294 102 Tonga 140 282 171 10 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,186 4,532 2,295 719 987 0.08 37.27 Other countries of Asia 741 992 493 270 725 0.06 168.52 Other countries of Oceania 3,445 3,540 1,802 449 262 0.02 -41.65 EUROPE 999,024 1,184,751 1,356,900 611,821 767,455 61.96 25.44 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,564 6,384 6,367 1,858 431 0.03 -76.80 Russian Federation 5,564 6,384 6,367 1,858 431 0.03 -76.80 NORTHERN EUROPE 56,906 74,047 75,982 27,787 27,026 2.18 -2.74 Denmark 5,790 12,524 11,989 7,926 13,809 1.11 74.22 Finland 2,289 2,302 2,153 885 297 0.02 -66.44 Norway 3,474 3,790 5,134 662 486 0.04 -26.59 Sweden 4,628 6,205 7,448 1,986 1,889 0.15 -4.88 United Kingdom 40,725 49,226 49,258 16,328 10,545 0.85 -35.42 SOUTHERN EUROPE 107,889 121,581 124,300 15,986 17,958 1.45 12.34 Italy 80,507 93,075 90,494 8,032 9,147 0.74 13.88 Portugal 3,342 3,445 3,708 2,200 1,226 0.10 -44.27 Spain 24,040 25,061 30,098 5,754 7,585 0.61 31.82 WESTERN EUROPE 805,657 954,024 1,114,320 551,903 708,831 57.23 28.43 Austria 9,289 12,081 11,922 3,161 3,225 0.26 2.02 Belgium 16,890 19,366 23,995 9,776 11,114 0.90 13.69 France 655,899 781,040 937,782 490,575 654,490 52.84 33.41 Germany 59,467 67,308 69,813 24,132 17,814 1.44 -26.18 Luxembourg 1,843 4,214 3,437 1,712 1,544 0.12 -9.81 Netherlands 7,935 11,203 9,100 6,270 3,060 0.25 -51.20 Switzerland 54,334 58,812 58,271 16,277 17,584 1.42 8.03 OTHER EUROPE 23,008 28,715 35,931 14,287 13,209 1.07 -7.55 Other countries of Europe 23,008 28,715 35,931 14,287 13,209 1.07 -7.55 MIDDLE EAST 5,559 6,587 7,485 2,515 1,016 0.08 -59.60 All countries of Middle East 5,559 6,587 7,485 2,515 1,016 0.08 -59.60 SOUTH ASIA 3,972 2,868 3,383 564 226 0.02 -59.93 India 3,972 2,868 3,383 564 226 0.02 -59.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 378 COUNTRY TABLES FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,787,962 3,168,379 3,534,854 1,399,283 1,726,941 100.00 23.42 AFRICA 5,891 7,908 6,309 3,335 2,316 0.13 -30.55 OTHER AFRICA 5,891 7,908 6,309 3,335 2,316 0.13 -30.55 All countries of Africa 5,891 7,908 6,309 3,335 2,316 0.13 -30.55 AMERICAS 834,276 961,150 1,093,917 383,887 483,599 28.00 25.97 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,232 2,656 3,504 1,262 1,198 0.07 -5.07 All countries of Central America 2,232 2,656 3,504 1,262 1,198 0.07 -5.07 NORTH AMERICA 751,397 878,223 1,012,818 369,527 479,103 27.74 29.65 Canada 82,201 105,314 105,941 30,599 25,510 1.48 -16.63 Mexico 7,992 10,497 10,945 3,396 1,301 0.08 -61.69 United States of America 661,204 762,412 895,932 335,532 452,292 26.19 34.80 SOUTH AMERICA 80,647 80,271 77,595 13,098 3,298 0.19 -74.82 Argentina 27,359 28,275 14,847 3,621 874 0.05 -75.86 Brazil 22,561 21,182 24,930 3,109 1,145 0.07 -63.17 Chile 23,414 24,620 30,808 5,309 476 0.03 -91.03 Other countries of South America 7,313 6,194 7,010 1,059 803 0.05 -24.17 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 468,234 469,235 431,382 71,540 27,081 1.57 -62.15 NORHT-EAST ASIA 154,988 134,902 110,986 16,967 2,323 0.13 -86.31 China 48,440 44,205 30,650 5,594 184 0.01 -96.71 Hong Kong, China 3,803 4,555 4,859 1,043 643 0.04 -38.35 Japan 87,484 71,933 59,951 7,678 474 0.03 -93.83 Korea, Republic of 9,439 8,934 9,623 1,828 855 0.05 -53.23 Taiwan Province of China 5,822 5,275 5,903 824 167 0.01 -79.73 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 12,965 14,925 13,429 2,619 4,843 0.28 84.92 Indonesia 1,573 4,231 1,809 318 779 0.05 144.97 Malaysia 2,262 1,435 1,742 273 390 0.02 42.86 Philippines 1,725 1,784 2,223 936 2,913 0.17 211.22 Singapore 3,741 3,601 4,807 574 671 0.04 16.90 Thailand 3,664 3,874 2,848 518 90 0.01 -82.63 AUSTRALASIA 205,349 209,066 183,641 26,148 7,949 0.46 -69.60 Australia 109,817 109,736 99,699 13,147 4,630 0.27 -64.78 New Zealand 95,532 99,330 83,942 13,001 3,319 0.19 -74.47 MELANESIA 81,450 95,666 111,726 23,816 10,630 0.62 -55.37 Fiji 1,726 1,606 819 482 30 0.00 -93.78 New Caledonia 79,724 94,060 110,907 23,334 10,600 0.61 -54.57 POLYNESIA 5,162 4,732 6,423 630 Cook Islands 3,692 2,583 5,605 425 Samoa 1,194 1,690 392 195 Tonga 276 459 426 10 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,320 9,944 5,177 1,360 1,336 0.08 -1.76 Other countries of Asia 1,534 1,463 1,126 614 814 0.05 32.57 Other countries of Oceania 6,786 8,481 4,051 746 522 0.03 -30.03 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 379 COUNTRY TABLES FRENCH POLYNESIA / POLYNESIE FRANCAISE / POLINESIA FRANCESA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,468,457 1,719,468 1,991,034 936,948 1,212,498 70.21 29.41 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,728 6,541 6,641 2,301 704 0.04 -69.40 Russian Federation 5,728 6,541 6,641 2,301 704 0.04 -69.40 NORTHERN EUROPE 61,175 78,496 81,725 29,921 30,805 1.78 2.95 Denmark 6,121 12,969 12,638 8,543 14,478 0.84 69.47 Finland 2,449 2,508 2,549 885 297 0.02 -66.44 Norway 3,592 4,396 5,298 870 1,191 0.07 36.90 Sweden 4,789 6,495 7,820 2,164 2,223 0.13 2.73 United Kingdom 44,224 52,128 53,420 17,459 12,616 0.73 -27.74 SOUTHERN EUROPE 113,912 130,877 131,994 19,756 22,127 1.28 12.00 Italy 83,327 97,309 93,642 9,487 11,099 0.64 16.99 Portugal 3,551 3,965 4,544 2,224 1,529 0.09 -31.25 Spain 27,034 29,603 33,808 8,045 9,499 0.55 18.07 WESTERN EUROPE 1,262,375 1,472,015 1,733,012 869,394 1,144,670 66.28 31.66 Austria 9,421 12,850 12,262 3,371 3,510 0.20 4.12 Belgium 21,978 24,885 28,194 12,874 15,981 0.93 24.13 France 1,096,625 1,282,957 1,540,736 799,571 1,078,020 62.42 34.82 Germany 64,684 70,416 73,359 25,507 20,726 1.20 -18.74 Luxembourg 2,341 4,522 4,098 2,200 2,074 0.12 -5.73 Netherlands 8,602 12,215 9,859 6,599 3,409 0.20 -48.34 Switzerland 58,724 64,1 70 64,504 19,272 20,950 1.21 8.71 OTHER EUROPE 25,267 31,539 37,662 15,576 14,192 0.82 -8.89 Other countries of Europe 25,267 31,539 37,662 15,576 14,192 0.82 -8.89 MIDDLE EAST 6,985 7,688 8,781 3,009 1,221 0.07 -59.42 All countries of Middle East 6,985 7,688 8,781 3,009 1,221 0.07 -59.42 SOUTH ASIA 4,119 2,930 3,431 564 226 0.01 -59.93 India 4,119 2,930 3,431 564 226 0.01 -59.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 380 COUNTRY TABLES GAMBIA / GAMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 162,075 209,134 235,789 89,232 102,460 100.00 14.82 AFRICA 13,225 16,559 22,112 6,047 7,851 7.66 29.83 WEST AFRICA 3,888 5,389 6,019 1,818 3,456 3.37 90.10 Nigeria 3,888 5,389 6,019 1,818 3,456 3.37 90.10 OTHER AFRICA 9,337 11,170 16,093 4,229 4,395 4.29 3.93 All countries of Africa 9,337 11,170 16,093 4,229 4,395 4.29 3.93 AMERICAS 4,257 5,129 6,284 3,028 8,930 8.72 194.91 NORTH AMERICA 4,257 5,129 6,284 3,028 8,930 8.72 194.91 United States of America 4,257 5,129 6,284 3,028 8,930 8.72 194.91 EUROPE 106,005 141,216 156,238 60,065 38,546 37.62 -35.83 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,954 3,704 5,193 4,175 396 0.39 -90.51 Czech Republic (Czechia) 418 357 307 208 87 0.08 -58.17 Poland 2,536 3,347 4,886 3,967 309 0.30 -92.21 NORTHERN EUROPE 54,654 79,601 71,794 24,679 18,480 18.04 -25.12 Denmark 1,695 2,673 4,547 2,155 771 0.75 -64.22 Finland 4,631 4,287 4,674 1,723 467 0.46 -72.90 Ireland 534 601 536 209 160 0.16 -23.44 Norway 1,979 2,366 2,498 878 779 0.76 -11.28 Sweden 8,565 17,571 15,700 6,160 3,235 3.16 -47.48 United Kingdom 37,250 52,103 43,839 13,554 13,068 12.75 -3.59 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,817 9,315 9,589 3,500 6,286 6.14 79.60 Italy 816 1,727 1,512 985 691 0.67 -29.85 Spain 6,001 7,588 8,077 2,515 5,595 5.46 122.47 WESTERN EUROPE 41,580 48,596 69,662 27,711 13,384 13.06 -51.70 Austria 582 719 830 265 284 0.28 7.17 Belgium 7,346 8,531 8,864 3,669 2,254 2.20 -38.57 France 2,536 2,440 2,634 1,232 2,495 2.44 102.52 Germany 5,346 5,397 22,611 7,636 4,391 4.29 -42.50 Netherlands 25,770 31,509 34,723 14,909 3,960 3.86 -73.44 NOT SPECIFIED 38,588 46,230 51,155 20,092 47,133 46.00 134.59 Other countries of the world 9,266 13,579 10,671 4,341 12,518 12.22 188.37 Nationals residing abroad 29,322 32,651 40,484 15,751 34,615 33.78 119.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 381 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 6,482,830 7,203,350 7,725,774 1,513,421 1,721,242 100.00 13.73 AFRICA 8,193 8,356 9,383 2,148 7,063 0.41 228.82 EAST AFRICA 2,789 2,091 1,905 348 1,143 0.07 228.45 Burundi 2 12 22 5 0.00 Comoros 829 718 525 85 214 0.01 151.76 Djibouti 6 21 10 2 15 0.00 650.00 Eritrea 272 81 103 17 117 0.01 588.24 Ethiopia 218 201 202 32 117 0.01 265.63 Kenya 275 345 331 62 205 0.01 230.65 Madagascar 18 17 20 2 11 0.00 450.00 Malawi 17 23 11 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Mauritius 52 92 107 30 75 0.00 150.00 Mozambique 26 27 17 2 6 0.00 200.00 Reunion 10 3 Rwanda 55 23 13 2 11 0.00 450.00 Seychelles 15 32 18 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Somalia 592 160 229 30 179 0.01 496.67 Tanzania, United Republic of 81 91 75 17 32 0.00 88.24 Uganda 63 108 99 19 61 0.00 221.05 Zambia 20 36 11 5 8 0.00 60.00 Zimbabwe 238 104 109 31 81 0.00 161.29 CENTRAL AFRICA 119 203 194 66 87 0.01 31.82 Angola 3 20 9 1 7 0.00 600.00 Cameroon 60 101 106 48 57 0.00 18.75 Central African Republic 3 17 1 3 0.00 200.00 Chad 14 5 29 5 5 0.00 Congo 31 35 30 8 10 0.00 25.00 Gabon 5 16 9 3 5 0.00 66.67 Sao Tome and Principe 3 9 11 NORTH AFRICA 2,797 2,655 2,942 673 2,909 0.17 332.24 Algeria 297 324 377 95 530 0.03 457.89 Morocco 740 925 814 227 694 0.04 205.73 Sudan 1,264 757 1,138 187 1,222 0.07 553.48 Tunisia 496 649 613 164 463 0.03 182.32 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,743 2,392 3,208 714 1,720 0.10 140.90 Botswana 3 30 35 3 6 0.00 100.00 Eswatini 8 19 4 7 0.00 Lesotho 7 16 3 Namibia 14 27 16 3 23 0.00 666.67 South Africa 1,711 2,300 3,150 708 1,684 0.10 137.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 382 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 745 1,015 1,134 347 1,204 0.07 246.97 Benin 1 15 7 1 3 0.00 200.00 Burkina Faso 4 20 13 6 7 0.00 16.67 Cabo Verde 4 4 5 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Cote d'lvoire 26 50 20 4 15 0.00 275.00 Gambia 9 22 14 3 6 0.00 100.00 Ghana 78 85 93 25 43 0.00 72.00 Guinea 6 10 7 4 5 0.00 25.00 Guinea-Bissau 8 4 2 6 0.00 Liberia 16 24 13 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Mali 29 20 24 7 18 0.00 157.14 Mauritania 24 42 33 7 28 0.00 300.00 Niger 16 13 16 3 7 0.00 133.33 Nigeria 463 613 840 256 1,039 0.06 305.86 Senegal 30 39 29 6 11 0.00 83.33 Sierra Leone 26 30 8 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Togo 5 24 10 2 10 0.00 400.00 AMERICAS 42,485 55,188 61,638 9,638 24,242 1.41 151.53 CARIBBEAN 423 709 474 102 378 0.02 270.59 Antigua and Barbuda 19 34 31 8 22 0.00 1 75.00 Bahamas 7 24 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 Barbados 10 17 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00 British Virgin Islands 5 6 Cuba 52 132 95 22 55 0.00 150.00 Dominica 80 91 99 17 131 0.01 670.59 Dominican Republic 44 102 65 19 40 0.00 110.53 Grenada 11 6 4 14 0.00 Haiti 11 13 10 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Jamaica 29 109 36 6 8 0.00 33.33 Saint Kitts and Nevis 108 92 68 13 77 0.00 492.31 Saint Lucia 2 7 1 6 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 1 1 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 28 50 42 4 16 0.00 300.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 10 22 14 5 2 0.00 -60.00 United States Virgin Islands 7 CENTRAL AMERICA 246 383 376 77 105 0.01 36.36 Belize 17 8 14 4 5 0.00 25.00 Costa Rica 104 108 141 25 23 0.00 -8.00 El Salvador 37 63 49 15 29 0.00 93.33 Guatemala 22 48 46 11 9 0.00 -18.18 Honduras 23 52 38 10 12 0.00 20.00 Nicaragua 13 19 6 2 2 0.00 Panama 30 85 82 10 25 0.00 150.00 NORTH AMERICA 38,610 49,238 55,468 8,512 22,227 1.29 161.13 Canada 4,483 6,448 7,870 963 2,404 0.14 149.64 Mexico 558 927 1,040 165 353 0.02 113.94 United States of America 33,569 41,863 46,558 7,384 19,470 1.13 163.68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 383 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 3,206 4,858 5,320 947 1,532 0.09 61.77 Argentina 602 852 817 146 181 0.01 23.97 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 48 61 48 17 17 0.00 Brazil 1,406 2,334 2,750 422 671 0.04 59.00 Chile 221 276 323 48 93 0.01 93.75 Colombia 420 667 784 175 282 0.02 61.14 Ecuador 141 181 163 37 65 0.00 75.68 French Guiana 4 1 1 Guyana 2 21 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Paraguay 14 28 22 8 12 0.00 50.00 Peru 109 190 164 56 110 0.01 96.43 Suriname 4 24 7 1 3 0.00 200.00 Uruguay 83 115 142 12 27 0.00 125.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 152 108 97 23 70 0.00 204.35 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 61,105 91,141 129,320 18,419 21,819 1.27 18.46 NORHT-EAST ASIA 31,344 53,805 74,655 6,592 5,088 0.30 -22.82 China 18,179 31,855 48,071 4,363 3,468 0.20 -20.51 Hong Kong, China 199 134 84 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Japan 5,969 8,236 9,413 1,101 547 0.03 -50.32 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 8 23 36 16 70 0.00 337.50 Korea, Republic of 6,257 13,278 16,642 1 Mongolia 149 223 380 1,099 908 0.05 -17.38 Taiwan Province of China 583 56 29 3 94 0.01 3,033.33 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 24,737 29,993 44,263 10,878 15,400 0.89 41.57 Brunei Darussalam 3 16 29 2 3 0.00 50.00 Cambodia 24 24 33 8 47 0.00 487.50 Indonesia 1,118 1,294 1,524 237 395 0.02 66.67 Lao People's Democratic Republic 9 20 12 6 9 0.00 50.00 Malaysia 1,209 1,452 2,903 265 387 0.02 46.04 Myanmar 295 342 216 116 104 0.01 -10.34 Philippines 19,100 21,673 24,749 6,667 13,597 0.79 103.94 Singapore 920 1,423 2,020 132 173 0.01 31.06 Thailand 1,788 3,194 12,320 3,372 570 0.03 -83.10 Viet Nam 271 555 457 73 115 0.01 57.53 AUSTRALASIA 4,864 7,269 10,363 946 1,263 0.07 33.51 Australia 3,984 6,035 8,808 771 967 0.06 25.42 New Zealand 880 1,234 1,555 175 296 0.02 69.14 MELANESIA 39 29 30 3 63 0.00 2,000.00 Fiji 17 26 18 3 21 0.00 600.00 Papua New Guinea 4 1 6 3 0.00 Solomon Islands 16 1 1 Vanuatu 2 1 5 39 0.00 MICRONESIA 2 10 1 1 0.00 Marshall Islands 1 1 0.00 Nauru 7 Palau 2 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 384 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 119 35 8 4 0.00 American Samoa 36 1 0.00 French Polynesia 1 0.00 Samoa 17 6 1 0.00 Tonga 16 29 2 1 0.00 Tuvalu 50 6 EUROPE 5,440,839 6,087,598 6,665,255 1,296,969 1,348,199 78.33 3.95 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,136,093 4,586,233 4,988,307 893,892 845,495 49.12 -5.41 Armenia 1,287,168 1,268,886 1,365,048 260,965 164,698 9.57 -36.89 Azerbaijan 1,301,556 1,424,610 1,526,619 295,132 82,718 4.81 -71.97 Belarus 42,149 60,241 66,174 14,340 53,698 3.12 274.46 Bulgaria 11,022 10,211 10,916 3,871 3,638 0.21 -6.02 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,435 13,575 16,018 2,476 5,316 0.31 114.70 Estonia 5,572 10,036 12,482 2,819 4,353 0.25 54.42 Hungary 5,731 6,539 7,778 1,028 3,548 0.21 245.14 Kazakhstan 47,241 58,955 103,611 13,779 66,787 3.88 384.70 Kyrgyzstan 4,585 6,684 13,343 3,279 6,192 0.36 88.84 Latvia 11,805 1 7,653 20,514 3,976 7,961 0.46 100.23 Lithuania 14,565 18,693 22,381 4,735 9,376 0.54 98.01 Moldova, Republic of 8,164 7,548 6,559 1,902 2,443 0.14 28.44 Poland 48,913 66,903 88,300 10,691 30,988 1.80 189.85 Romania 4,466 7,079 6,815 1,205 2,248 0.13 86.56 Russian Federation 1,135,057 1,404,757 1,471,558 208,677 212,979 12.37 2.06 Slovakia 3,721 6,039 6,689 1,182 1,282 0.07 8.46 Tajikistan 2,271 2,238 5,342 3,588 5,220 0.30 45.48 Turkmenistan 9,770 10,216 13,708 3,423 765 0.04 -77.65 Ukraine 169,862 177,058 207,667 42,414 144,901 8.42 241.63 Uzbekistan 13,040 8,312 16,785 14,410 36,384 2.11 152.49 NORTHERN EUROPE 42,400 54,780 69,855 9,563 13,992 0.81 46.31 Denmark 3,282 4,541 6,088 568 1,158 0.07 103.87 Finland 3,344 4,333 5,100 701 793 0.05 13.12 Iceland 361 328 286 32 78 0.00 143.75 Ireland 3,287 2,873 4,903 707 1,237 0.07 74.96 Norway 3,700 5,219 6,346 478 843 0.05 76.36 Sweden 6,034 8,080 9,654 1,452 1,947 0.11 34.09 United Kingdom 22,392 29,406 37,478 5,625 7,936 0.46 41.08 SOUTHERN EUROPE 49,808 60,589 71,543 11,642 17,838 1.04 53.22 Albania 415 580 611 149 186 0.01 24.83 Andorra 4 41 29 1 20 0.00 1,900.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 796 776 853 308 261 0.02 -15.26 Croatia 1,411 1,672 2,011 247 532 0.03 115.38 Greece 18,276 19,722 21,150 3,363 5,317 0.31 58.10 Holy See 1 14 16 Italy 13,425 1 7,435 21,424 3,722 3,803 0.22 2.18 Malta 228 241 520 216 169 0.01 -21.76 Montenegro 200 275 299 101 122 0.01 20.79 North Macedonia 377 452 581 49 197 0.01 302.04 Portugal 2,412 3,139 3,988 546 1,152 0.07 110.99 San Marino 52 31 43 2 13 0.00 550.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 385 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Serbia 2,599 2,613 2,973 851 1,151 0.07 35.25 Slovenia 2,071 2,602 3,335 360 874 0.05 142.78 Spain 7,541 10,996 13,710 1,727 4,041 0.23 133.99 WESTERN EUROPE 88,840 128,641 171,724 20,194 43,175 2.51 113.80 Austria 6,998 9,323 11,962 1,435 2,126 0.12 48.15 Belgium 4,972 7,442 9,247 1,028 2,602 0.15 153.11 France 16,053 21,765 27,952 5,220 10,646 0.62 103.95 Germany 43,090 64,486 89,051 9,338 21,194 1.23 126.97 Liechtenstein 37 64 58 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Luxembourg 238 315 360 60 198 0.01 230.00 Monaco 8 9 11 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Netherlands 11,646 18,204 22,908 2,192 4,250 0.25 93.89 Switzerland 5,798 7,033 10,175 912 2,146 0.12 135.31 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,123,698 1,257,355 1,363,826 361,678 427,699 24.85 18.25 Cyprus 1,382 1,878 2,262 367 519 0.03 41.42 Israel 115,040 156,922 205,051 25,731 100,686 5.85 291.30 Turkiye 1,007,276 1,098,555 1,156,513 335,580 326,494 18.97 -2.71 MIDDLE EAST 131,533 125,773 156,190 16,982 114,471 6.65 574.07 Bahrain 3,601 3,511 3,981 382 1,015 0.06 165.71 Egypt 7,781 7,828 8,525 1,766 5,282 0.31 199.09 Iraq 2,722 2,086 1,684 285 842 0.05 195.44 Jordan 12,680 11,809 15,942 1,928 8,080 0.47 319.09 Kuwait 11,156 14,939 20,118 3,330 12,600 0.73 278.38 Lebanon 9,909 9,560 9,644 1,394 5,453 0.32 291.18 Libya 81 71 94 9 65 0.00 622.22 Oman 10,435 4,968 3,452 361 854 0.05 136.57 Qatar 1,893 2,696 3,525 485 1,442 0.08 197.32 Saudi Arabia 45,708 51,879 75,155 4,960 63,437 3.69 1,178.97 State of Palestine 2,544 566 602 114 1,121 0.07 883.33 Syrian Arab Republic 8,375 2,222 1,384 349 4,827 0.28 1,283.09 United Arab Emirates 12,106 12,377 10,483 1,358 6,976 0.41 413.70 Yemen 2,542 1,261 1,601 261 2,477 0.14 849.04 SOUTH ASIA 336,043 353,490 208,352 27,654 51,661 3.00 86.81 Afghanistan 437 360 323 92 658 0.04 615.22 Bangladesh 1,028 506 704 192 675 0.04 251.56 Bhutan 18 24 36 10 30 0.00 200.00 India 42,605 50,910 54,606 8,364 24,992 1.45 198.80 Iran, Islamic Republic of 282,549 291,070 141,997 17,053 18,549 1.08 8.77 Maldives 26 34 47 6 41 0.00 583.33 Nepal 508 620 742 178 391 0.02 119.66 Pakistan 7,411 8,281 8,025 1,338 5,163 0.30 285.87 Sri Lanka 1,461 1,685 1,872 421 1,162 0.07 176.01 NOT SPECIFIED 462,632 481,804 495,636 141,611 153,787 8.93 8.60 Other countries of the world 6,500 5,415 6,795 1,260 2,228 0.13 76.83 Nationals residing abroad 456,132 476,389 488,841 140,351 151,559 8.81 7.99 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 386 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,355,274 2,615,212 2,868,390 411,136 1,327,221 100.00 222.82 AFRICA 1,121 5,980 706 199 1,004 0.08 404.52 EAST AFRICA 179 382 177 23 150 0.01 552.17 Burundi 4 Comoros 19 120 11 24 0.00 Djibouti 6 100 1 0.00 Eritrea 15 55 0.00 Ethiopia 12 18 1 6 19 0.00 216.67 Kenya 9 68 10 2 16 0.00 700.00 Malawi 1 7 Mauritius 2 Mozambique 1 Reunion 3 0.00 Rwanda 52 127 Seychelles 10 13 14 Somalia 21 44 2 19 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 7 3 2 Uganda 7 4 9 3 13 0.00 333.33 Zambia 8 1 Zimbabwe 9 3 10 CENTRAL AFRICA 8 3,057 2 3 0.00 Angola 2 6 Cameroon 1 13 Central African Republic 3,027 Chad 3 0.00 Congo 1 Gabon 5 10 2 NORTH AFRICA 223 479 271 97 239 0.02 146.39 Algeria 29 203 11 9 24 0.00 166.67 Morocco 45 73 43 23 38 0.00 65.22 Sudan 127 182 198 60 101 0.01 68.33 Tunisia 22 21 19 5 76 0.01 1,420.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 509 605 180 14 197 0.01 1,307.14 Botswana 10 Eswatini 1 71 2 2 Namibia 1 1 South Africa 508 523 177 12 197 0.01 1,541.67 WEST AFRICA 202 1,417 57 65 123 0.01 89.23 Benin 4 Gambia 3 1 1 Ghana 65 22 Guinea 2 Liberia 4 12 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Mali 4 1,198 4 Mauritania 2 2 2 Niger 15 22 7 42 Nigeria 78 135 39 13 110 0.01 746.15 Senegal 2 4 1 0.00 Sierra Leone 27 22 5 10 0.00 OTHER AFRICA 40 19 292 0.02 Other countries of Africa 40 19 292 0.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 387 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 36,452 71,293 72,704 11,081 35,082 2.64 216.60 CARIBBEAN 43 211 48 9 62 0.00 588.89 Bahamas 2 22 4 Barbados 8 12 Cuba 1 13 19 1 15 0.00 1,400.00 Dominica 20 130 15 6 0.00 Dominican Republic 6 0.00 Grenada 6 1 5 Jamaica 34 Netherlands Antilles 35 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 6 Turks and Caicos Islands 9 3 CENTRAL AMERICA 108 340 145 44 12 0.00 -72.73 Belize 10 11 Costa Rica 27 142 28 El Salvador 12 28 58 42 Guatemala 2 51 25 Honduras 22 13 2 9 0.00 350.00 Nicaragua 9 Panama 26 95 34 3 0.00 NORTH AMERICA 34,091 68,238 69,928 10,506 34,744 2.62 230.71 Canada 3,212 3,738 2,871 332 1,448 0.11 336.14 Greenland 100 0.01 Mexico 347 366 32 8 15 0.00 87.50 United States of America 30,532 64,134 67,025 10,166 33,181 2.50 226.39 SOUTH AMERICA 2,210 2,504 2,583 522 264 0.02 -49.43 Argentina 583 859 215 131 95 0.01 -27.48 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2 8 2 1 0.00 Brazil 1,353 1,356 2,226 55 146 0.01 165.45 Chile 88 123 27 37 1 0.00 -97.30 Colombia 45 122 69 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Ecuador 5 21 11 263 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2 0.00 Paraguay 4 2 Peru 44 8 20 Suriname 3 2 Uruguay 39 1 5 2 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 44 2 8 30 8 0.00 -73.33 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 39,515 85,216 85,951 5,862 11,359 0.86 93.77 NORHT-EAST ASIA 29,817 76,107 76,673 4,972 5,286 0.40 6.32 China 17,910 55,519 56,355 4,254 4,650 0.35 9.31 Hong Kong, China 137 295 81 1 42 0.00 4,100.00 Japan 5,316 9,171 9,142 503 230 0.02 -54.27 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 960 205 146 30 7 0.00 -76.67 Korea, Republic of 5,477 10,876 10,905 180 354 0.03 96.67 Mongolia 17 40 9 Taiwan Province of China 1 35 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 388 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 6,043 5,494 5,807 640 4,616 0.35 621.25 Cambodia 1,012 2,012 Indonesia 87 556 678 59 115 0.01 94.92 Lao People's Democratic Republic 9 6 Malaysia 128 409 260 6 1,708 0.13 28,366.67 Myanmar 12 Philippines 4,968 2,054 1,814 80 2,186 0.16 2,632.50 Singapore 193 423 96 5 27 0.00 440.00 Thailand 641 1,021 896 490 566 0.04 15.51 Viet Nam 5 19 45 14 0.00 AUSTRALASIA 3,597 3,612 3,465 90 1,047 0.08 1,063.33 Australia 3,471 3,386 3,391 87 438 0.03 403.45 New Zealand 126 226 74 3 609 0.05 20,200.00 MELANESIA 2 1 17 0.00 Fiji 1 Solomon Islands 1 1 17 0.00 MICRONESIA 6 1 0.00 Marshall Islands 1 0.00 Nauru 6 POLYNESIA 56 2 160 392 0.03 145.00 American Samoa 8 1 391 0.03 39,000.00 Pitcairn 1 0.00 Samoa 48 159 Tonga 2 EUROPE 1,568,983 1,860,801 2,092,779 238,859 717,836 54.09 200.53 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 951,491 1,102,316 1,149,566 149,049 448,145 33.77 200.67 Armenia 102,709 94,153 101,341 20,750 22,172 1.67 6.85 Azerbaijan 127,998 128,299 135,435 5,999 11,493 0.87 91.58 Belarus 13,515 20,579 20,725 565 30,355 2.29 5,272.57 Bulgaria 3,304 4,443 6,628 298 679 0.05 127.85 Czech Republic (Czechia) 7,443 7,587 7,186 776 2,855 0.22 267.91 Estonia 5,551 6,785 7,171 798 1,937 0.15 142.73 Hungary 3,950 4,531 4,739 51 504 0.04 888.24 Kazakhstan 36,734 22,814 29,364 5,280 56,064 4.22 961.82 Kyrgyzstan 1,861 1,938 2,584 767 686 0.05 -10.56 Latvia 9,522 12,481 12,632 390 3,598 0.27 822.56 Lithuania 12,152 15,104 17,191 751 3,900 0.29 419.31 Moldova, Republic of 1,331 1,223 1,043 76 106 0.01 39.47 Poland 48,127 71,112 74,950 4,116 44,273 3.34 975.63 Romania 2,393 3,678 4,607 98 2,428 0.18 2,377.55 Russian Federation 398,940 516,409 529,722 65,611 137,587 10.37 109.70 Slovakia 1,897 1,188 542 106 268 0.02 152.83 Tajikistan 543 231 629 78 434 0.03 456.41 Turkmenistan 614 1,809 1,334 16 24 0.00 50.00 Ukraine 169,700 186,360 190,861 42,301 126,202 9.51 198.34 Uzbekistan 3,207 1,592 882 222 2,580 0.19 1,062.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 389 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 37,319 55,823 68,484 4,239 27,213 2.05 541.97 Denmark 2,151 2,134 2,718 58 370 0.03 537.93 Finland 2,138 3,078 3,307 48 110 0.01 129.17 Iceland 350 267 149 1 147 0.01 14,600.00 Ireland 1,354 2,200 3,594 27 187 0.01 592.59 Norway 3,532 5,885 7,067 10 428 0.03 4,180.00 Sweden 5,437 10,293 12,367 289 1,285 0.10 344.64 United Kingdom 22,357 31,966 39,282 3,806 24,686 1.86 548.61 SOUTHERN EUROPE 35,201 46,005 62,260 3,329 9,635 0.73 189.43 Albania 223 379 35 25 50 0.00 100.00 Andorra 2 5 2 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 33 182 117 13 33 0.00 153.85 Croatia 217 654 66 7 31 0.00 342.86 Greece 12,324 9,393 9,432 802 1,257 0.09 56.73 Holy See 14 Italy 13,253 18,745 33,737 1,531 5,957 0.45 289.09 Malta 80 240 90 77 0.01 North Macedonia 165 442 19 7 0.00 Portugal 887 805 691 81 335 0.03 313.58 San Marino 6 Serbia 102 223 232 15 332 0.03 2,113.33 Slovenia 371 370 240 427 71 0.01 -83.37 Spain 7,538 14,553 1 7,599 425 1,485 0.11 249.41 WESTERN EUROPE 84,002 150,045 177,875 21,601 64,185 4.84 197.14 Austria 6,621 10,459 12,494 383 3,713 0.28 869.45 Belgium 4,630 8,066 9,011 85 1,808 0.14 2,027.06 France 14,856 24,242 35,747 2,030 7,872 0.59 287.78 Germany 43,090 84,805 95,104 12,726 46,433 3.50 264.87 Liechtenstein 31 33 36 0.00 Luxembourg 235 316 35 7 38 0.00 442.86 Monaco 7 28 2 Netherlands 9,298 16,530 19,624 6,266 2,583 0.19 -58.78 Switzerland 5,234 5,566 5,860 102 1,702 0.13 1,568.63 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 460,970 506,612 634,594 60,641 168,658 12.71 178.13 Cyprus 237 327 169 23 53 0.00 130.43 Israel 114,658 240,142 355,036 39,829 112,934 8.51 183.55 Turkiye 346,075 266,143 279,389 20,789 55,671 4.19 167.79 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 390 COUNTRY TABLES GEORGIA / GEORGIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 116,439 145,308 262,170 21,399 249,669 18.81 1,066.73 Bahrain 2,809 1,384 887 30 301 0.02 903.33 Egypt 7,152 2,362 2,478 311 3,455 0.26 1,010.93 Iraq 687 1,402 891 208 104 0.01 -50.00 Jordan 9,264 2,673 3,991 95 3,765 0.28 3,863.16 Kuwait 2,700 6,192 5,283 641 6,160 0.46 861.00 Lebanon 7,776 9,481 11,887 198 4,205 0.32 2,023.74 Libya 14 27 24 37 0.00 Oman 9,053 897 313 13 84 0.01 546.15 Qatar 1,852 3,904 3,271 470 1,897 0.14 303.62 Saudi Arabia 45,659 58,335 68,176 2,999 101,521 7.65 3,285.16 Syrian Arab Republic 2,443 670 449 19 924 0.07 4,763.16 United Arab Emirates 26,699 57,605 164,158 16,377 126,675 9.54 673.49 Yemen 331 376 362 38 541 0.04 1,323.68 SOUTH ASIA 295,731 167,759 169,630 17,065 48,562 3.66 184.57 Afghanistan 187 541 41 9 22 0.00 144.44 Bangladesh 28 200 141 13 62 0.00 376.92 Bhutan 8 1 India 34,990 36,763 37,577 9,098 34,878 2.63 283.36 Iran, Islamic Republic of 252,984 127,641 128,944 7,891 12,079 0.91 53.07 Maldives 1 8 2 0.00 Nepal 52 26 17 1 1 0.00 Pakistan 7,379 2,444 2,858 40 1,438 0.11 3,495.00 Sri Lanka 111 135 43 13 80 0.01 515.38 NOT SPECIFIED 297,033 278,855 184,450 116,671 263,709 19.87 126.03 Other countries of the world 297,033 278,855 184,450 116,671 263,709 19.87 126.03 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 391 COUNTRY TABLES GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 33,457,139 34,560,254 35,168,213 10,885,262 10,318,826 100.00 -5.20 AFRICA 248,450 249,690 261,008 67,038 56,548 0.55 -15.65 SOUTHERN AFRICA 78,121 76,297 72,338 14,226 7,566 0.07 -46.82 South Africa 78,121 76,297 72,338 14,226 7,566 0.07 -46.82 OTHER AFRICA 170,329 173,393 188,670 52,812 48,982 0.47 -7.25 Other countries of Africa 1 70,329 173,393 188,670 52,812 48,982 0.47 -7.25 AMERICAS 3,647,459 3,845,371 3,888,694 748,855 830,669 8.05 10.93 NORTH AMERICA 2,946,586 3,123,260 3,212,846 627,293 730,325 7.08 16.42 Canada 276,370 287,358 294,530 57,689 55,636 0.54 -3.56 United States of America 2,670,216 2,835,902 2,918,316 569,604 674,689 6.54 18.45 SOUTH AMERICA 278,114 263,550 284,452 4,463 4,221 0.04 -5.42 Brazil 278,114 263,550 284,452 4,463 4,221 0.04 -5.42 OTHER AMERICAS 422,759 458,561 391,396 117,099 96,123 0.93 -17.91 Other countries of the Americas 422,759 458,561 391,396 117,099 96,123 0.93 -17.91 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,959,212 4,051,553 4,058,023 596,058 327,148 3.17 -45.11 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,654,046 2,694,387 2,657,389 326,075 109,224 1.06 -66.50 China (*) 1,515,818 1,546,732 1,511,552 151,744 51,786 0.50 -65.87 Japan 569,319 598,077 597,209 92,131 26,468 0.26 -71.27 Korea, Republic of 341,488 336,261 319,620 55,403 25,310 0.25 -54.32 Taiwan Province of China 227,421 213,317 229,008 26,797 5,660 0.05 -78.88 AUSTRALASIA 330,794 346,610 352,394 49,485 21,082 0.20 -57.40 Australia, New Zealand 330,794 346,610 352,394 49,485 21,082 0.20 -57.40 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 974,372 1,010,556 1,048,240 220,498 196,842 1.91 -10.73 Other countries East Asia/Pacific (*) 974,372 1,010,556 1,048,240 220,498 196,842 1.91 -10.73 EUROPE 24,183,571 24,908,583 25,636,811 9,138,055 8,769,318 84.98 -4.04 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,573,486 2,759,850 2,890,867 1,051,005 973,479 9.43 -7.38 Czech Republic (Czechia) 486,454 533,927 555,304 183,400 193,998 1.88 5.78 Hungary 264,909 278,304 276,528 85,850 86,697 0.84 0.99 Poland 914,053 992,294 1,044,370 511,204 523,313 5.07 2.37 Russian Federation 704,845 737,006 782,055 186,587 68,640 0.67 -63.21 Baltic countries 203,225 218,319 232,610 83,964 100,831 0.98 20.09 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,470,538 5,561,361 5,509,147 1,579,427 1,374,367 13.32 -12.98 Denmark 1,402,875 1,397,777 1,429,136 611,418 625,135 6.06 2.24 Finland 272,698 290,765 307,716 64,712 58,735 0.57 -9.24 Iceland 41,880 44,235 43,198 9,823 13,557 0.13 38.01 Ireland 181,783 197,169 194,778 48,266 48,258 0.47 -0.02 Norway 360,624 359,693 357,543 66,799 73,369 0.71 9.84 Sweden 874,490 848,200 864,018 181,461 218,446 2.12 20.38 United Kingdom 2,336,188 2,423,522 2,312,758 596,948 336,867 3.26 -43.57 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,987,462 3,152,538 3,293,173 850,610 877,177 8.50 3.12 Greece 150,289 168,386 171,986 55,371 57,264 0.55 3.42 Italy 1,557,699 1,61 7,983 1,673,510 446,183 445,958 4.32 -0.05 Portugal 164,616 180,116 189,485 60,601 61,468 0.60 1.43 Spain 1,114,858 1,186,053 1,258,192 288,455 312,487 3.03 8.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 392 COUNTRY TABLES GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 11,237,916 11,446,526 11,812,391 4,880,986 4,712,859 45.67 -3.44 Austria 1,828,100 1,895,608 1,934,837 753,203 769,616 7.46 2.18 Belgium 1,252,932 1,248,002 1,277,766 496,047 540,075 5.23 8.88 France 1,584,685 1,628,146 1,688,929 590,856 627,051 6.08 6.13 Luxembourg 265,164 267,355 280,642 99,071 117,970 1.14 19.08 Netherlands 3,526,992 3,584,959 3,718,161 1,741,746 1,609,146 15.59 -7.61 Switzerland 2,780,043 2,822,456 2,912,056 1,200,063 1,049,001 10.17 -12.59 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 616,258 596,596 592,771 143,096 153,013 1.48 6.93 Israel 294,741 290,612 268,736 42,913 67,639 0.66 57.62 Turkiye 321,517 305,984 324,035 100,183 85,374 0.83 -14.78 OTHER EUROPE 1,297,911 1,391,712 1,538,462 632,931 678,423 6.57 7.19 Other countries of Europe 1,297,911 1,391,712 1,538,462 632,931 678,423 6.57 7.19 MIDDLE EAST 640,799 614,850 582,996 93,037 161,001 1.56 73.05 All countries of Middle East 640,799 614,850 582,996 93,037 161,001 1.56 73.05 NOT SPECIFIED 777,648 890,207 740,681 242,219 174,142 1.69 -28.11 Other countries of the world 777,648 890,207 740,681 242,219 174,142 1.69 -28.11 GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 37,451,519 38,880,718 39,563,162 12,449,120 11,687,975 100.00 -6.11 AFRICA 271,236 272,545 284,169 73,902 62,351 0.53 -15.63 SOUTHERN AFRICA 81,760 80,119 76,657 15,006 8,115 0.07 -45.92 South Africa 81,760 80,119 76,657 15,006 8,115 0.07 -45.92 OTHER AFRICA 189,476 192,426 207,512 58,896 54,236 0.46 -7.91 Other countries of Africa 189,476 192,426 207,512 58 896 54 236 0.46 -7.91 AMERICAS 3,889,534 4,084,685 4,142,032 797,258 873,541 7.47 9.57 NORTH AMERICA 3,111,490 3,282,085 3,378,508 655,437 759,646 6.50 15.90 Canada 303,146 312,895 321,097 61,366 58,526 0.50 -4.63 United States of America 2,808,344 2,969,190 3,057,411 594,071 701,120 6.00 18.02 SOUTH AMERICA 303,492 288,694 313,504 55,939 30,725 0.26 -45.07 Brazil 303,492 288,694 313,504 55,939 30,725 0.26 -45.07 OTHER AMERICAS 474,552 513,906 450,020 85,882 83,170 0.71 -3.16 Other countries of the Americas 474,552 513,906 450,020 85,882 83,1 70 0.71 -3.16 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,888,700 3,964,808 3,962,567 579,165 313,577 2.68 -45.86 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,745,095 2,785,748 2,749,329 341,215 117,342 1.00 -65.61 China (*) 1,555,661 1,591,555 1,553,297 157,827 54,887 0.47 -65.22 Japan 584,871 613,248 614,638 95,782 28,001 0.24 -70.77 Korea, Republic of 367,632 357,980 340,702 59,258 28,150 0.24 -52.50 Taiwan Province of China 236,931 222,965 240,692 28,348 6,304 0.05 -77.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 393 COUNTRY TABLES GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 330,494 344,903 348,131 47,248 17,738 0.15 -62.46 Australia 330,494 344,903 348,131 47,248 17,738 0.15 -62.46 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 813,111 834,157 865,107 190,702 178,497 1.53 -6.40 Other countries of Asia 754,853 773,641 800,398 180,792 172,920 1.48 -4.35 Other countries of Oceania 58,258 60,516 64,709 9,910 5,577 0.05 -43.72 EUROPE 27,635,304 28,681,248 29,489,157 10,594,888 10,047,683 85.97 -5.16 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,598,053 3,915,470 4,172,166 1,584,049 1,513,597 12.95 -4.45 Bulgaria 105,269 115,887 121,795 57,155 57,573 0.49 0.73 Czech Republic (Czechia) 560,010 623,81 7 653,345 216,722 228,772 1.96 5.56 Estonia 53,761 59,878 66,191 22,695 24,856 0.21 9.52 Hungary 288,234 303,354 303,337 94,887 94,567 0.81 -0.34 Latvia 74,425 77,086 82,932 28,178 34,200 0.29 21.37 Lithuania 97,583 105,098 111,582 42,967 52,604 0.45 22.43 Poland 1,033,676 1,133,518 1,197,389 595,116 611,744 5.23 2.79 Romania 323,306 338,150 347,189 172,060 1 79,979 1.54 4.60 Russian Federation 746,449 789,263 846,405 199,731 73,493 0.63 -63.20 Slovakia 142,873 147,400 160,694 70,220 73,215 0.63 4.27 Ukraine 172,467 222,019 281,307 84,318 82,594 0.71 -2.04 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,170,495 6,258,309 6,203,637 1,747,649 1,520,107 13.01 -13.02 Denmark 1,618,405 1,612,394 1,647,450 691,747 704,129 6.02 1.79 Finland 298,932 318,938 337,567 68,839 63,054 0.54 -8.40 Iceland 44,922 47,445 46,639 10,441 14,291 0.12 36.87 Ireland 216,502 230,032 224,422 56,724 55,231 0.47 -2.63 Norway 409,708 410,820 412,938 73,752 81,433 0.70 10.41 Sweden 981,061 959,671 982,237 197,669 242,605 2.08 22.73 United Kingdom 2,600,965 2,679,009 2,552,384 648,477 359,364 3.07 -44.58 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,505,690 3,730,189 3,913,761 1,040,835 1,076,221 9.21 3.40 Croatia 112,245 117,561 129,632 60,957 62,302 0.53 2.21 Greece 160,522 179,806 184,350 59,330 60,917 0.52 2.67 Italy 1,709,160 1,786,746 1,849,395 478,293 481,321 4.12 0.63 Malta 26,565 26,276 27,658 8,711 8,861 0.08 1.72 Portugal 177,480 195,302 207,003 66,467 67,452 0.58 1.48 Slovenia 102,888 118,873 127,225 52,806 56,417 0.48 6.84 Spain 1,216,830 1,305,625 1,388,498 314,271 338,951 2.90 7.85 WESTERN EUROPE 13,252,765 13,678,522 14,042,626 5,858,448 5,533,089 47.34 -5.55 Austria 1,976,314 2,063,835 2,115,910 819,596 841,682 7.20 2.69 Belgium 1,428,974 1,439,671 1,477,280 591,066 623,963 5.34 5.57 France 1,785,565 1,852,786 1,923,420 653,688 692,078 5.92 5.87 Luxembourg 288,697 293,848 307,389 108,913 128,743 1.10 18.21 Netherlands 4,588,272 4,716,906 4,820,118 2,281,614 2,038,424 17.44 -10.66 Switzerland 3,184,943 3,311,476 3,398,509 1,403,571 1,208,199 10.34 -13.92 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 676,389 660,948 658,975 160,344 172,028 1.47 7.29 Cyprus 21,078 24,633 24,498 8,452 8,846 0.08 4.66 Israel 316,140 313,989 291,150 45,249 72,190 0.62 59.54 Turkiye 339,1 71 322,326 343,327 106,643 90,992 0.78 -14.68 OTHER EUROPE 431,912 437,810 497,992 203,563 232,641 1.99 14.28 Other countries of Europe 431,912 437,810 497,992 203,563 232,641 1.99 14.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 394 COUNTRY TABLES GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 660,756 635,953 604,290 95,996 165,966 1.42 72.89 All countries of Middle East 660,756 635,953 604,290 95,996 165,966 1.42 72.89 SOUTH ASIA 268,693 289,734 307,077 55,831 42,545 0.36 -23.80 India 268,693 289,734 307,077 55,831 42,545 0.36 -23.80 NOT SPECIFIED 837,296 951,745 773,870 252,080 182,312 1.56 -27.68 Other countries of the world 837,296 951,745 773,870 252,080 182,312 1.56 -27.68 GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 71,041,774 73,740,795 75,524,410 25,292,119 24,849,265 100.00 -1.75 AFRICA 656,223 659,909 695,378 196,406 175,163 0.70 -10.82 SOUTHERN AFRICA 185,929 186,363 182,969 37,675 24,123 0.10 -35.97 South Africa 185,929 186,363 182,969 37,675 24,123 0.10 -35.97 OTHER AFRICA 470,294 473,546 512,409 158,731 151,040 0.61 -4.85 Other countries of Africa 470,294 473,546 512,409 158,731 151,040 0.61 -4.85 AMERICAS 8,089,252 8,621,713 8,808,425 1,819,088 2,076,852 8.36 14.17 NORTH AMERICA 6,400,454 6,885,269 7,175,873 1,504,500 1,794,427 7.22 19.27 Canada 592,083 619,945 649,424 126,090 123,853 0.50 -1.77 United States of America 5,808,371 6,265,324 6,526,449 1,378,410 1,670,574 6.72 21.20 SOUTH AMERICA 684,377 650,123 697,496 10,323 11,271 0.05 9.18 Brazil 684,377 650,123 697,496 10,323 11,271 0.05 9.18 OTHER AMERICAS 1,004,421 1,086,321 935,056 304,265 271,154 1.09 -10.88 Other countries of the Americas 1,004,421 1,086,321 935,056 304,265 271,154 1.09 -10.88 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,901,555 8,253,294 8,220,547 1,438,866 958,386 3.86 -33.39 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,818,329 5,017,246 4,904,728 708,682 307,024 1.24 -56.68 China (*) 2,726,024 2,882,570 2,774,014 334,618 139,461 0.56 -58.32 Japan 1,093,914 1,134,494 1,141,479 198,159 77,943 0.31 -60.67 Korea, Republic of 632,411 628,873 608,723 124,769 74,571 0.30 -40.23 Taiwan Province of China 365,980 371,309 380,512 51,136 15,049 0.06 -70.57 AUSTRALASIA 763,387 809,564 828,489 119,016 63,252 0.25 -46.85 Australia, New Zealand 763,387 809,564 828,489 119,016 63,252 0.25 -46.85 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,319,839 2,426,484 2,487,330 611,168 588,110 2.37 -3.77 Other countries East Asia/Pacific (*) 2,319,839 2,426,484 2,487,330 611,168 588,110 2.37 -3.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 395 COUNTRY TABLES GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 51,205,427 52,953,016 55,001,746 21,151,063 20,850,883 83.91 -1.42 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,913,377 6,347,118 6,680,353 2,897,097 2,954,780 11.89 1.99 Czech Republic (Czechia) 965,044 1,060,739 1,083,853 449,863 500,526 2.01 11.26 Hungary 654,609 680,314 711,454 264,587 279,227 1.12 5.53 Poland 2,241,486 2,444,118 2,576,755 1,515,351 1,723,582 6.94 13.74 Russian Federation 1,640,496 1,721,723 1,835,237 473,646 223,300 0.90 -52.86 Baltic countries 411,742 440,224 473,054 193,650 228,145 0.92 17.81 NORTHERN EUROPE 10,932,575 11,239,870 11,246,607 3,323,450 2,931,227 11.80 -11.80 Denmark 2,723,855 2,734,628 2,830,402 1,274,221 1,282,852 5.16 0.68 Finland 571,066 61 7,969 671,525 147,857 142,421 0.57 -3.68 Iceland 100,943 110,978 109,486 19,630 33,909 0.14 72.74 Ireland 397,267 439,555 438,952 110,254 123,973 0.50 12.44 Norway 697,180 711,854 713,969 136,004 148,811 0.60 9.42 Sweden 1,560,199 1,520,326 1,567,722 331,063 400,575 1.61 21.00 United Kingdom 4,882,065 5,104,560 4,914,551 1,304,421 798,686 3.21 -38.77 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,542,951 7,018,135 7,431,111 2,067,065 2,260,672 9.10 9.37 Greece 394,295 438,381 454,522 157,558 176,571 0.71 12.07 Italy 3,300,591 3,506,710 3,678,019 1,046,559 1,082,040 4.35 3.39 Portugal 397,663 424,977 439,315 169,288 1 79,561 0.72 6.07 Spain 2,450,402 2,648,067 2,859,255 693,660 822,500 3.31 18.57 WESTERN EUROPE 22,856,224 23,139,655 24,037,425 10,401,670 9,891,190 39.80 -4.91 Austria 3,595,906 3,719,406 3,819,496 1,612,868 1,690,913 6.80 4.84 Belgium 2,613,348 2,577,756 2,635,627 1,068,277 1,150,635 4.63 7.71 France 2,976,929 3,088,049 3,220,723 1,151,274 1,250,136 5.03 8.59 Luxembourg 538,657 541,072 564,272 207,191 253,600 1.02 22.40 Netherlands 7,607,335 7,614,072 7,992,325 3,857,930 3,370,931 13.57 -12.62 Switzerland 5,524,049 5,599,300 5,804,982 2,504,130 2,174,975 8.75 -13.14 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,563,487 1,525,331 1,514,975 373,618 446,670 1.80 19.55 Israel 849,616 837,774 791,810 128,066 199,816 0.80 56.03 Turkiye 713,871 687,557 723,165 245,552 246,854 0.99 0.53 OTHER EUROPE 3,396,813 3,682,907 4,091,275 2,088,163 2,366,344 9.52 13.32 Other countries of Europe 3,396,813 3,682,907 4,091,275 2,088,163 2,366,344 9.52 13.32 MIDDLE EAST 1,718,266 1,614,809 1,477,617 235,476 449,650 1.81 90.95 All countries of Middle East 1,718,266 1,614,809 1,477,617 235,476 449,650 1.81 90.95 NOT SPECIFIED 1,471,051 1,638,054 1,320,697 451,220 338,331 1.36 -25.02 Other countries of the world 1,471,051 1,638,054 1,320,697 451,220 338,331 1.36 -25.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 396 COUNTRY TABLES GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 83,875,405 87,686,306 89,922,638 32,018,686 31,014,330 100.00 -3.14 AFRICA 754,761 761,939 802,660 254,878 235,548 0.76 -7.58 SOUTHERN AFRICA 199,275 200,753 198,780 42,793 28,441 0.09 -33.54 South Africa 199,275 200,753 198,780 42,793 28,441 0.09 -33.54 OTHER AFRICA 555,486 561,186 603,880 212,085 207,107 0.67 -2.35 Other countries of Africa 555,486 561,186 603,880 212,085 207,107 0.67 -2.35 AMERICAS 8,849,884 9,382,826 9,624,858 2,026,379 2,302,553 7.42 13.63 NORTH AMERICA 6,922,494 7,387,516 7,713,249 1,630,621 1,945,180 6.27 19.29 Canada 676,066 698,945 733,951 141,179 138,774 0.45 -1.70 United States of America 6,246,428 6,688,571 6,979,298 1,489,442 1,806,406 5.82 21.28 SOUTH AMERICA 764,223 734,423 793,750 160,317 100,471 0.32 -37.33 Brazil 764,223 734,423 793,750 160,317 100,471 0.32 -37.33 OTHER AMERICAS 1,163,167 1,260,887 1,117,859 235,441 256,902 0.83 9.12 Other countries of the Americas 1,163,167 1,260,887 1,117,859 235,441 256,902 0.83 9.12 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,673,358 8,004,223 7,966,429 1,411,577 948,365 3.06 -32.82 NORHT-EAST ASIA 5,093,537 5,295,069 5,189,079 781,528 363,589 1.17 -53.48 China (*) 2,858,513 3,019,857 2,906,680 367,542 163,566 0.53 -55.50 Japan 1,146,660 1,192,119 1,204,390 218,725 96,856 0.31 -55.72 Korea, Republic of 696,657 684,845 667,396 137,881 84,917 0.27 -38.41 Taiwan Province of China 391,707 398,248 410,613 57,380 18,250 0.06 -68.19 AUSTRALASIA 789,684 831,535 848,463 119,601 45,530 0.15 -61.93 Australia 789,684 831,535 848,463 119,601 45,530 0.15 -61.93 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,790,137 1,877,619 1,928,887 510,448 539,246 1.74 5.64 Other countries of Asia 1,657,317 1,739,286 1,781,241 485,912 509,408 1.64 4.84 Other countries of Oceania 132,820 138,333 147,646 24,536 29,838 0.10 21.61 EUROPE 62,210,878 65,020,960 67,554,450 27,331,996 26,436,741 85.24 -3.28 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 9,365,513 10,314,272 11,071,731 5,635,889 6,044,726 19.49 7.25 Bulgaria 334,741 376,176 406,805 265,232 276,337 0.89 4.19 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,178,673 1,324,315 1,385,405 621,084 676,189 2.18 8.87 Estonia 109,214 125,657 136,709 50,942 58,970 0.19 15.76 Hungary 769,272 798,847 843,603 337,113 343,867 1.11 2.00 Latvia 164,989 171,769 195,984 91,739 99,098 0.32 8.02 Lithuania 216,380 235,464 256,676 131,003 166,078 0.54 26.77 Poland 2,91 7,562 3,289,250 3,496,212 2,246,215 2,568,449 8.28 14.35 Romania 1,046,606 1,132,020 1,146,698 786,330 906,976 2.92 15.34 Russian Federation 1,792,837 1,895,688 2,042,090 529,953 267,872 0.86 -49.45 Slovakia 436,438 459,550 520,012 354,873 421,866 1.36 18.88 Ukraine 398,801 505,536 641,537 221,405 259,024 0.84 16.99 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 397 COUNTRY TABLES GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / ALEMANIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 12,739,666 13,084,258 13,093,242 3,884,472 3,376,935 10.89 -13.07 Denmark 3,291,182 3,312,905 3,421,704 1,539,278 1,506,608 4.86 -2.12 Finland 632,696 687,046 748,523 162,388 155,801 0.50 -4.06 Iceland 110,630 121,484 119,598 21,510 36,696 0.12 70.60 Ireland 498,692 536,733 535,632 142,520 154,703 0.50 8.55 Norway 806,710 830,707 840,276 156,129 170,317 0.55 9.09 Sweden 1,771,096 1,743,735 1,804,399 370,109 452,400 1.46 22.23 United Kingdom 5,628,660 5,851,648 5,623,110 1,492,538 900,410 2.90 -39.67 SOUTHERN EUROPE 8,090,007 8,819,160 9,486,991 3,030,449 3,347,805 10.79 10.47 Croatia 370,714 418,736 503,486 369,493 388,602 1.25 5.17 Greece 436,682 489,609 507,448 1 79,942 204,965 0.66 13.91 Italy 3,697,862 3,958,594 4,160,552 1,173,981 1,231,464 3.97 4.90 Malta 69,344 69,245 73,216 22,556 22,463 0.07 -0.41 Portugal 450,660 484,426 517,007 207,402 226,246 0.73 9.09 Slovenia 291,686 369,742 434,155 274,010 328,454 1.06 19.87 Spain 2,773,059 3,028,808 3,291,127 803,065 945,611 3.05 17.75 WESTERN EUROPE 29,180,221 29,963,703 30,872,992 13,725,321 12,458,735 40.17 -9.23 Austria 4,006,658 4,203,592 4,339,568 1,856,398 1,929,967 6.22 3.96 Belgium 3,133,577 3,125,567 3,202,120 1,352,972 1,403,920 4.53 3.77 France 3,523,485 3,678,492 3,851,134 1,346,125 1,454,219 4.69 8.03 Luxembourg 636,702 644,009 667,248 251,527 298,612 0.96 18.72 Netherlands 11,206,513 11,382,838 11,673,952 5,793,859 4,710,961 15.19 -18.69 Switzerland 6,673,286 6,929,205 7,138,970 3,124,440 2,661,056 8.58 -14.83 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,778,348 1,751,643 1,754,576 443,377 534,628 1.72 20.58 Cyprus 57,581 65,099 70,091 25,509 28,799 0.09 12.90 Israel 941,664 935,237 886,892 139,162 217,941 0.70 56.61 Turkiye 779,103 751,307 797,593 278,706 287,888 0.93 3.29 OTHER EUROPE 1,057,123 1,087,924 1,274,918 612,488 673,912 2.17 10.03 Other countries of Europe 1,057,123 1,087,924 1,274,918 612,488 673,912 2.17 10.03 MIDDLE EAST 1,870,362 1,769,560 1,604,753 284,475 518,516 1.67 82.27 All countries of Middle East 1,870,362 1,769,560 1,604,753 284,475 518,516 1.67 82.27 SOUTH ASIA 852,224 921,123 961,656 229,372 201,194 0.65 -12.28 India 852,224 921,123 961,656 229,372 201,194 0.65 -12.28 NOT SPECIFIED 1,663,938 1,825,675 1,407,832 480,009 371,413 1.20 -22.62 Other countries of the world 1,663,938 1,825,675 1,407,832 480,009 371,413 1.20 -22.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 398 COUNTRY TABLES GHANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 968,970 956,036 1,129,975 355,311 624,000 100.00 75.62 AFRICA 507,923 524,156 680,789 221,541 378,000 60.58 70.62 OTHER AFRICA 507,923 524,156 680,789 221,541 378,000 60.58 70.62 All countries of Africa 507,923 524,156 680,789 221,541 378,000 60.58 70.62 AMERICAS 90,525 93,443 141,715 53,176 103,000 16.51 93.70 OTHER AMERICAS 90,525 93,443 141,715 53,176 103,000 16.51 93.70 All countries of the Americas 90,525 93,443 141,715 53,1 76 103,000 16.51 93.70 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 28,933 30,869 44,576 19,368 12,000 1.92 -38.04 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 28,933 30,869 44,576 19,368 12,000 1.92 -38.04 All countries East Asia/Pacific 28,933 30,869 44,576 19,368 12,000 1.92 -38.04 EUROPE 157,362 123,729 156,133 32,012 72,000 11.54 124.92 OTHER EUROPE 157,362 123,729 156,133 32,012 72,000 11.54 124.92 All countries of Europe 157,362 123,729 156,133 32,012 72,000 11.54 124.92 MIDDLE EAST 9,000 8,000 19,000 12,000 10,000 1.60 -16.67 All countries of Middle East 9,000 8,000 19,000 12,000 10,000 1.60 -16.67 SOUTH ASIA 24,085 23,426 26,194 11,373 17,000 2.72 49.48 All countries of South Asia 24,085 23,426 26,194 11,373 17,000 2.72 49.48 NOT SPECIFIED 151,142 152,413 61,568 5,841 32,000 5.13 447.85 Other countries of the world 151,142 152,413 61,568 5,841 32,000 5.13 447.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 399 COUNTRY TABLES GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 27,194,181 30,122,791 31,348,378 7,374,477 14,704,936 100.00 99.40 AFRICA 82,123 115,106 127,279 15,077 23,592 0.16 56.48 OTHER AFRICA 82,123 115,106 127,279 15,077 23,592 0.16 56.48 All countries of Africa 82,123 115,106 127,279 15,077 23,592 0.16 56.48 AMERICAS 1,271,845 1,680,513 1,817,942 169,756 467,783 3.18 175.56 NORTH AMERICA 1,062,878 1,443,284 1,499,984 139,391 452,797 3.08 224.84 Canada 197,957 345,839 320,995 32,81 7 56,757 0.39 72.95 United States of America 864,921 1,097,445 1,178,989 106,574 396,040 2.69 271.61 OTHER AMERICAS 208,967 237,229 317,958 30,365 14,986 0.10 -50.65 Other countries of the Americas 208,967 237,229 31 7,958 30,365 14,986 0.10 -50.65 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 981,701 1,101,407 1,195,907 196,626 350,466 2.38 78.24 AUSTRALASIA 324,127 322,497 338,562 28,595 8,932 0.06 -68.76 Australia 324,127 322,497 338,562 28,595 8,932 0.06 -68.76 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 657,574 778,910 857,345 168,031 341,534 2.32 103.26 All countries of Asia 630,775 730,700 825,595 166,614 336,370 2.29 101.89 Other countries of Oceania 26,799 48,210 31,750 1,417 5,164 0.04 264.43 EUROPE 24,858,512 27,225,765 28,207,250 6,993,018 13,863,095 94.28 98.24 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,370,075 6,462,538 7,544,966 1,312,306 2,540,285 17.28 93.57 Bulgaria 2,546,307 3,135,327 3,882,891 663,106 761,669 5.18 14.86 Czech Republic (Czechia) 339,398 368,076 402,081 102,928 265,745 1.81 158.19 Poland 746,759 1,049,555 851,866 296,381 644,673 4.38 117.51 Romania 1,148,944 1,389,398 1,378,128 204,551 625,503 4.25 205.79 Russian Federation 588,667 520,182 582,878 25,682 119,513 0.81 365.36 Ukraine 447,122 19,658 123,182 0.84 526.63 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,774,492 3,836,100 4,219,387 1,204,964 1,923,361 13.08 59.62 Denmark 279,087 384,543 307,623 88,186 204,308 1.39 131.68 Sweden 493,363 508,794 412,439 48,197 127,862 0.87 165.29 United Kingdom 3,002,042 2,942,763 3,499,325 1,068,581 1,591,191 10.82 48.91 SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,921,462 4,763,081 4,472,599 855,816 2,007,759 13.65 134.60 Albania 828,796 986,363 944,489 266,189 308,533 2.10 15.91 Italy 1,441,298 1,667,114 1,553,173 373,228 806,390 5.48 116.06 North Macedonia 1,571,489 1,187,239 947,649 215,027 479,058 3.26 122.79 Serbia 1,079,879 922,365 1,027,288 1,372 413,778 2.81 30,058.75 WESTERN EUROPE 7,444,305 8,548,733 8,097,094 2,724,574 5,940,571 40.40 118.04 Austria 395,890 520,814 582,962 160,862 421,625 2.87 162.10 Belgium 526,575 586,658 587,718 136,116 359,146 2.44 163.85 France 1,419,799 1,524,001 1,541,793 468,803 1,1 74,504 7.99 150.53 Germany 3,705,950 4,381,448 4,026,286 1,526,439 3,001,163 20.41 96.61 Netherlands 947,159 1,014,998 81 7,847 256,621 580,465 3.95 126.20 Switzerland 448,932 520,814 540,488 175,733 403,668 2.75 129.71 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,603,662 1,627,714 1,894,021 523,230 692,066 4.71 32.27 Cyprus 631,821 697,984 800,719 290,994 496,282 3.37 70.55 Turkiye 971,841 929,730 1,093,302 232,236 195,784 1.33 -15.70 OTHER EUROPE 1,744,516 1,987,599 1,979,183 372,128 759,053 5.16 103.98 Other countries of Europe 1,744,516 1,987,599 1,979,183 372,128 759,053 5.16 103.98 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 400 COUNTRY TABLES GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 14,830,511 19,376,730 19,694,349 4,612,782 10,131,084 100.00 119.63 AFRICA 65,427 81,579 101,658 22,638 38,914 0.38 71.90 OTHER AFRICA 65,427 81,579 101,658 22,638 38,914 0.38 71.90 All countries of Africa 65,427 81,579 101,658 22,638 38,914 0.38 71.90 AMERICAS 1,163,609 1,691,389 1,895,839 134,936 693,621 6.85 414.04 NORTH AMERICA 996,786 1,448,714 1,636,230 112,416 658,560 6.50 485.82 Canada 153,191 210,313 229,440 17,045 48,073 0.47 182.04 United States of America 843,595 1,238,401 1,406,790 95,371 610,487 6.03 540.12 OTHER AMERICAS 166,823 242,675 259,609 22,520 35,061 0.35 55.69 Other countries of the Americas 166,823 242,675 259,609 22,520 35,061 0.35 55.69 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,434,729 1,883,912 1,983,929 223,338 415,117 4.10 85.87 NORHT-EAST ASIA 350,061 487,822 502,291 33,873 16,281 0.16 -51.94 China 292,526 401,113 400,632 24,494 12,441 0.12 -49.21 Japan 57,535 86,709 101,659 9,379 3,840 0.04 -59.06 AUSTRALASIA 247,758 321,914 315,876 12,570 16,417 0.16 30.60 Australia 247,758 321,914 315,876 12,570 16,417 0.16 30.60 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 836,910 1,074,176 1,165,762 176,895 382,419 3.77 116.18 Other countries of Asia 820,681 1,052,584 1,141,790 174,245 376,440 3.72 116.04 Other countries of Oceania 16,229 21,592 23,972 2,650 5,979 0.06 125.62 EUROPE 12,153,442 15,694,387 15,688,063 4,223,698 8,978,670 88.62 112.58 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,457,474 3,126,136 2,967,362 653,110 1,767,972 17.45 170.70 Bulgaria 239,974 279,450 292,429 70,387 115,211 1.14 63.68 Czech Republic (Czechia) 225,139 310,679 312,534 80,652 203,102 2.00 151.83 Estonia 29,010 39,748 33,169 8,483 21,421 0.21 152.52 Hungary 65,646 96,188 97,197 20,356 84,780 0.84 316.49 Latvia 24,761 31,364 30,160 7,622 25,198 0.25 230.60 Lithuania 42,963 71,256 52,028 15,286 53,449 0.53 249.66 Poland 552,790 834,598 745,700 262,554 577,740 5.70 120.05 Romania 357,987 444,543 457,864 142,625 377,442 3.73 164.64 Russian Federation 846,185 91 7,639 853,244 30,287 245,169 2.42 709.49 Slovakia 73,019 100,671 93,037 14,858 64,460 0.64 333.84 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,268,190 4,373,890 4,415,229 1,003,282 1,709,246 16.87 70.37 Denmark 266,834 367,919 340,374 113,737 302,836 2.99 166.26 Finland 1 75,208 259,132 271,205 15,850 59,320 0.59 274.26 Iceland 10,044 12,854 11,775 1,270 3,690 0.04 190.55 Ireland 52,174 74,651 83,389 27,691 52,970 0.52 91.29 Norway 277,183 371,159 355,802 11,104 41,131 0.41 270.42 Sweden 502,859 666,723 607,046 40,434 288,975 2.85 614.68 United Kingdom 1,983,888 2,621,452 2,745,638 793,196 960,324 9.48 21.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 401 COUNTRY TABLES GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,009,705 1,295,308 1,470,707 238,130 632,649 6.24 165.67 Croatia 16,839 27,839 25,586 4,235 9,696 0.10 128.95 Italy 718,960 898,880 909,692 150,151 371,467 3.67 147.40 Malta 8,262 9,990 8,399 1,856 6,695 0.07 260.72 Portugal 32,023 43,830 48,348 10,789 30,445 0.30 182.19 Serbia 136,040 6,184 41,240 0.41 566.88 Slovenia 31,097 42,149 42,390 13,849 31,602 0.31 128.19 Spain 202,524 272,620 300,252 51,066 141,504 1.40 177.10 WESTERN EUROPE 4,470,044 5,866,467 5,908,716 2,162,212 4,418,933 43.62 104.37 Austria 203,123 261,475 277,848 71,530 222,426 2.20 210.95 Belgium 317,825 379,980 383,261 101,501 288,325 2.85 184.06 France 1,128,919 1,447,879 1,507,261 544,563 989,285 9.76 81.67 Germany 2,009,852 2,724,147 2,710,633 1,128,898 2,112,500 20.85 87.13 Luxembourg 21,835 25,963 28,315 8,421 27,315 0.27 224.37 Netherlands 551,060 740,101 726,621 180,721 524,117 5.17 190.01 Switzerland 237,430 286,922 274,777 126,578 254,965 2.52 101.43 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 523,231 513,800 493,229 81,281 132,356 1.31 62.84 Cyprus 226,113 251,058 227,544 55,326 97,605 0.96 76.42 Turkiye 297,118 262,742 265,685 25,955 34,751 0.34 33.89 OTHER EUROPE 424,798 518,786 432,820 85,683 317,514 3.13 270.57 Other countries of Europe 424,798 518,786 432,820 85,683 317,514 3.13 270.57 NOT SPECIFIED 13,304 25,463 24,860 8,172 4,762 0.05 -41.73 Other countries of the world 13,304 25,463 24,860 8,172 4,762 0.05 -41.73 GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 19,068,697 24,320,893 25,038,500 5,487,025 12,362,801 100.00 125.31 AFRICA 73,690 91,205 112,616 24,646 41,530 0.34 68.51 OTHER AFRICA 73,690 91,205 112,616 24,646 41,530 0.34 68.51 All countries of Africa 73,690 91,205 112,616 24,646 41,530 0.34 68.51 AMERICAS 1,375,798 1,970,302 2,227,926 152,930 810,004 6.55 429.66 NORTH AMERICA 1,181,680 1,690,867 1,926,309 127,636 767,821 6.21 501.57 Canada 192,106 258,582 287,592 19,702 58,333 0.47 196.08 United States of America 989,574 1,432,285 1,638,717 107,934 709,488 5.74 557.34 OTHER AMERICAS 194,118 279,435 301,617 25,294 42,183 0.34 66.77 Other countries of the Americas 194,118 279,435 301,617 25,294 42,183 0.34 66.77 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,658,501 2,160,413 2,314,457 250,727 463,038 3.75 84.68 NORHT-EAST ASIA 382,145 528,249 550,944 41,390 18,687 0.15 -54.85 China 319,268 434,925 440,576 30,374 14,251 0.12 -53.08 Japan 62,877 93,324 110,368 11,016 4,436 0.04 -59.73 AUSTRALASIA 334,974 422,796 424,780 14,752 19,683 0.16 33.43 Australia 334,974 422,796 424,780 14,752 19,683 0.16 33.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 402 COUNTRY TABLES GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 941,382 1,209,368 1,338,733 194,585 424,668 3.44 118.24 Other countries of Asia 905,890 1,164,559 1,287,752 191,615 417,747 3.38 118.01 Other countries of Oceania 35,492 44,809 50,981 2,970 6,921 0.06 133.03 EUROPE 15,945,309 20,071,246 20,356,289 5,046,387 11,041,183 89.31 118.79 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,278,474 4,055,600 3,949,208 806,813 2,152,943 17.41 166.85 Bulgaria 427,853 484,009 520,320 115,208 196,720 1.59 70.75 Czech Republic (Czechia) 354,485 449,087 465,588 98,544 224,311 1.81 127.63 Estonia 33,485 45,544 38,839 9,614 24,866 0.20 158.64 Hungary 118,713 162,374 166,126 28,166 111,651 0.90 296.40 Latvia 27,279 34,385 33,712 8,067 27,050 0.22 235.32 Lithuania 46,438 77,374 58,082 16,392 58,270 0.47 255.48 Poland 618,558 927,709 834,447 289,010 626,574 5.07 116.80 Romania 527,741 641,435 665,833 190,670 513,124 4.15 169.12 Russian Federation 1,040,738 1,119,910 1,057,581 34,513 300,382 2.43 770.34 Slovakia 83,184 113,773 108,680 16,629 69,995 0.57 320.92 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,162,157 5,420,120 5,530,768 1,165,760 1,973,232 15.96 69.27 Denmark 315,803 426,776 402,471 123,436 325,453 2.63 163.66 Finland 212,034 308,348 324,112 17,885 63,909 0.52 257.33 Iceland 10,910 14,089 13,373 1,307 3,859 0.03 195.26 Ireland 71,794 97,643 108,442 33,385 69,177 0.56 107.21 Norway 322,914 424,795 409,772 12,819 48,200 0.39 276.00 Sweden 618,168 806,893 746,863 46,161 308,095 2.49 567.44 United Kingdom 2,610,534 3,341,576 3,525,735 930,767 1,154,539 9.34 24.04 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,384,891 1,738,329 2,375,404 343,636 1,073,577 8.68 212.42 Croatia 20,506 33,376 31,742 4,892 10,878 0.09 122.36 Italy 1,038,376 1,267,842 1,316,710 222,150 574,693 4.65 158.70 Malta 9,504 11,193 9,604 2,615 7,787 0.06 197.78 Portugal 38,033 52,186 58,049 13,551 38,050 0.31 180.79 Serbia 547,599 18,843 218,445 1.77 1,059.29 Slovenia 43,514 59,708 62,710 15,865 39,384 0.32 148.24 Spain 234,958 314,024 348,990 65,720 184,340 1.49 180.49 WESTERN EUROPE 5,541,504 7,188,819 7,340,651 2,545,107 5,310,587 42.96 108.66 Austria 298,581 374,530 405,41 7 91,395 274,688 2.22 200.55 Belgium 351,073 419,255 428,599 114,751 322,610 2.61 181.14 France 1,408,160 1,795,174 1,876,297 676,302 1,268,640 10.26 87.58 Germany 2,413,373 3,230,332 3,263,932 1,284,204 2,485,138 20.10 93.52 Luxembourg 25,512 30,570 34,078 9,284 28,622 0.23 208.29 Netherlands 769,566 1,003,653 1,006,114 217,115 628,181 5.08 189.33 Switzerland 275,239 335,305 326,214 152,056 302,708 2.45 99.08 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 613,639 600,807 584,456 89,871 146,893 1.19 63.45 Cyprus 251,861 281,123 258,021 62,083 107,439 0.87 73.06 Turkiye 361,778 319,684 326,435 27,788 39,454 0.32 41.98 OTHER EUROPE 964,644 1,067,571 575,802 95,200 383,951 3.11 303.31 Other countries of Europe 964,644 1,067,571 575,802 95,200 383,951 3.11 303.31 NOT SPECIFIED 15,399 27,727 27,212 12,335 7,046 0.06 -42.88 Other countries of the world 15,399 27,727 27,212 12,335 7,046 0.06 -42.88 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 403 COUNTRY TABLES GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 73,474,232 92,613,776 92,405,320 21,820,571 47,570,569 100.00 118.01 AFRICA 202,499 257,642 365,662 70,279 146,400 0.31 108.31 OTHER AFRICA 202,499 257,642 365,662 70,279 146,400 0.31 108.31 All countries of Africa 202,499 257,642 365,662 70,279 146,400 0.31 108.31 AMERICAS 2,676,328 3,866,942 4,392,944 370,488 1,741,330 3.66 370.01 NORTH AMERICA 2,286,350 3,295,170 3,775,401 304,870 1,627,214 3.42 433.74 Canada 363,755 503,978 546,407 43,177 121,898 0.26 182.32 United States of America 1,922,595 2,791,192 3,228,994 261,693 1,505,316 3.16 475.22 OTHER AMERICAS 389,978 571,772 617,543 65,618 114,116 0.24 73.91 Other countries of the Americas 389,978 571,772 61 7,543 65,618 114,116 0.24 73.91 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,614,726 4,580,669 4,982,824 637,538 1,291,230 2.71 102.53 NORHT-EAST ASIA 580,172 819,256 864,429 71,623 42,819 0.09 -40.22 China 468,776 657,101 673,952 53,529 32,879 0.07 -38.58 Japan 111,396 162,155 190,477 18,094 9,940 0.02 -45.06 AUSTRALASIA 611,153 795,938 782,664 35,282 50,075 0.11 41.93 Australia 611,153 795,938 782,664 35,282 50,075 0.11 41.93 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,423,401 2,965,475 3,335,731 530,633 1,198,336 2.52 125.83 Other countries of Asia 2,383,640 2,911,028 3,272,819 522,433 1,173,471 2.47 124.62 Other countries of Oceania 39,761 54,447 62,912 8,200 24,865 0.05 203.23 EUROPE 66,926,409 83,808,385 82,567,528 20,723,082 44,378,174 93.29 114.15 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 14,174,804 17,291,060 16,384,580 3,259,773 8,947,402 18.81 174.48 Bulgaria 792,567 897,747 944,580 239,417 439,194 0.92 83.44 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,547,972 1,991,275 2,000,586 490,280 1,246,029 2.62 154.15 Estonia 167,401 214,043 179,864 50,758 114,231 0.24 125.05 Hungary 354,433 514,375 511,264 102,880 421,217 0.89 309.43 Latvia 136,745 175,970 162,459 43,509 128,115 0.27 194.46 Lithuania 242,594 387,699 281,555 86,077 284,345 0.60 230.34 Poland 3,278,308 4,786,403 4,290,023 1,450,458 3,174,415 6.67 118.86 Romania 1,480,321 1,829,588 1,874,619 599,267 1,655,139 3.48 176.19 Russian Federation 5,702,627 5,844,347 5,541,294 117,296 1,120,667 2.36 855.42 Slovakia 471,836 649,613 598,336 79,831 364,050 0.77 356.03 NORTHERN EUROPE 20,029,395 25,936,087 25,792,016 5,166,810 8,433,893 17.73 63.23 Denmark 1,674,720 2,189,374 2,048,597 602,336 1,557,270 3.27 158.54 Finland 1,140,590 1,599,844 1,641,225 85,558 293,091 0.62 242.56 Iceland 44,188 54,349 55,400 3,688 17,448 0.04 373.10 Ireland 212,216 302,963 340,481 99,146 208,947 0.44 110.75 Norway 1,889,716 2,398,842 2,247,804 49,575 203,080 0.43 309.64 Sweden 3,114,304 3,887,409 3,547,753 189,597 1,287,991 2.71 579.33 United Kingdom 11,953,661 15,503,306 15,910,756 4,136,910 4,866,066 10.23 17.63 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,804,680 4,719,599 5,668,812 845,582 2,314,133 4.86 173.67 Croatia 51,257 79,406 76,665 17,407 35,384 0.07 103.27 Italy 2,984,525 3,637,168 3,691,196 552,896 1,393,241 2.93 151.99 Malta 27,747 37,480 29,397 5,935 21,809 0.05 267.46 Portugal 105,033 144,774 165,106 41,804 111,350 0.23 166.36 Serbia 840,042 22,465 250,465 0.53 1,014.91 Slovenia 151,510 192,757 194,311 70,853 156,625 0.33 121.06 Spain 484,608 628,014 672,095 134,222 345,259 0.73 157.23 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 404 COUNTRY TABLES GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 25,751,824 32,282,498 31,884,870 11,003,581 23,034,886 48.42 109.34 Austria 1,207,271 1,494,830 1,547,658 345,497 1,110,582 2.33 221.44 Belgium 1,774,004 2,002,827 1,987,828 485,307 1,434,800 3.02 195.65 France 4,909,089 5,804,657 5,974,954 1,891,897 4,001,602 8.41 111.51 Germany 13,231,492 17,125,221 16,693,103 6,700,019 12,107,854 25.45 80.71 Luxembourg 114,067 135,216 141,542 39,836 132,720 0.28 233.17 Netherlands 3,278,054 4,318,072 4,226,076 976,489 3,103,333 6.52 217.81 Switzerland 1,237,847 1,401,675 1,313,709 564,536 1,143,995 2.40 102.64 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,207,893 1,213,933 1,147,625 206,646 357,791 0.75 73.14 Cyprus 632,240 694,099 619,432 145,251 266,944 0.56 83.78 Turkiye 575,653 519,834 528,193 61,395 90,847 0.19 47.97 OTHER EUROPE 1,957,813 2,365,208 1,689,625 240,690 1,290,069 2.71 435.99 Other countries of Europe 1,957,813 2,365,208 1,689,625 240,690 1,290,069 2.71 435.99 NOT SPECIFIED 54,270 100,138 96,362 19,184 13,435 0.03 -29.97 Other countries of the world 54,270 100,138 96,362 19,184 13,435 0.03 -29.97 GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 97,034,421 118,876,323 119,971,393 26,197,786 58,923,625 100.00 124.92 AFRICA 233,300 292,516 404,642 79,745 154,952 0.26 94.31 OTHER AFRICA 233,300 292,516 404,642 79,745 154,952 0.26 94.31 All countries of Africa 233,300 292,516 404,642 79,745 154,952 0.26 94.31 AMERICAS 3,291,198 4,640,023 5,303,441 429,987 2,079,485 3.53 383.62 NORTH AMERICA 2,833,462 3,978,523 4,585,188 356,490 1,944,509 3.30 445.46 Canada 469,819 634,219 700,748 51,724 155,636 0.26 200.90 United States of America 2,363,643 3,344,304 3,884,440 304,766 1,788,873 3.04 486.97 OTHER AMERICAS 457,736 661,500 718,253 73,497 134,976 0.23 83.65 Other countries of the Americas 457,736 661,500 718,253 73,497 134,976 0.23 83.65 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,220,749 5,322,998 5,916,218 725,582 1,434,754 2.43 97.74 NORHT-EAST ASIA 648,743 899,511 960,262 96,142 52,859 0.09 -45.02 China 527,350 726,664 756,423 73,890 40,470 0.07 -45.23 Japan 121,393 172,847 203,839 22,252 12,389 0.02 -44.32 AUSTRALASIA 842,267 1,059,204 1,058,625 43,241 62,453 0.11 44.43 Australia 842,267 1,059,204 1,058,625 43,241 62,453 0.11 44.43 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,729,739 3,364,283 3,897,331 586,199 1,319,442 2.24 125.08 Other countries of Asia 2,649,304 3,258,827 3,777,665 576,459 1,292,295 2.19 124.18 Other countries of Oceania 80,435 105,456 119,666 9,740 27,147 0.05 1 78.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 405 COUNTRY TABLES GREECE / GRECE / GRECIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 89,224,135 108,509,347 108,239,107 24,935,785 55,234,574 93.74 121.51 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 19,438,891 23,179,796 22,415,747 4,106,443 11,025,677 18.71 168.50 Bulgaria 1,777,514 1,931,175 2,098,997 475,354 907,840 1.54 90.98 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,882,480 3,529,494 3,613,355 605,969 1,371,237 2.33 126.29 Estonia 191,534 244,905 205,318 57,626 125,490 0.21 117.77 Hungary 699,960 923,498 912,369 152,619 557,462 0.95 265.26 Latvia 148,681 189,187 177,994 45,597 134,818 0.23 195.67 Lithuania 259,076 414,712 308,799 90,286 306,602 0.52 239.59 Poland 3,660,694 5,348,697 4,813,486 1,586,088 3,409,559 5.79 114.97 Romania 2,393,585 2,861,709 2,967,010 858,975 2,399,928 4.07 1 79.39 Russian Federation 6,880,384 6,991,555 6,619,385 143,722 1,416,215 2.40 885.38 Slovakia 544,983 744,864 699,034 90,207 396,526 0.67 339.57 NORTHERN EUROPE 25,787,107 32,427,529 32,485,378 6,109,086 9,937,119 16.86 62.66 Denmark 1,962,803 2,526,017 2,391,987 652,516 1,692,317 2.87 159.35 Finland 1,356,707 1,881,162 1,932,225 98,933 320,903 0.54 224.36 Iceland 46,935 58,339 60,273 4,032 18,236 0.03 352.28 Ireland 335,115 436,611 481,469 126,631 279,260 0.47 120.53 Norway 2,192,014 2,734,875 2,577,903 62,453 245,845 0.42 293.65 Sweden 3,737,311 4,634,768 4,269,243 222,377 1,394,472 2.37 527.08 United Kingdom 16,156,222 20,155,757 20,772,278 4,942,144 5,986,086 10.16 21.12 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,645,852 6,845,979 10,770,697 1,352,762 4,667,343 7.92 245.02 Croatia 73,379 108,571 105,966 21,472 41,445 0.07 93.02 Italy 4,584,179 5,459,527 5,650,539 906,998 2,344,618 3.98 158.50 Malta 34,185 43,551 34,847 8,672 26,768 0.05 208.67 Portugal 124,571 168,814 196,967 55,380 138,276 0.23 149.69 Serbia 3,637,737 99,380 1,467,754 2.49 1,376.91 Slovenia 226,204 290,373 304,215 80,950 187,636 0.32 131.79 Spain 603,334 775,143 840,426 179,910 460,846 0.78 156.15 WESTERN EUROPE 31,118,696 38,588,833 38,656,500 12,838,949 27,520,459 46.71 114.35 Austria 1,717,726 2,075,449 2,179,354 452,188 1,398,593 2.37 209.29 Belgium 1,901,999 2,150,131 2,156,796 544,746 1,586,532 2.69 191.24 France 5,895,495 6,968,764 7,223,622 2,394,815 5,063,289 8.59 111.43 Germany 15,269,735 19,522,081 19,280,472 7,531,620 14,204,372 24.11 88.60 Luxembourg 142,568 169,200 183,447 43,707 137,543 0.23 214.69 Netherlands 4,789,145 6,109,261 6,118,274 1,189,257 3,784,432 6.42 218.22 Switzerland 1,402,028 1,593,947 1,514,535 682,616 1,345,698 2.28 97.14 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,506,875 1,504,230 1,447,505 235,671 410,832 0.70 74.32 Cyprus 748,570 824,015 747,195 169,261 300,737 0.51 77.68 Turkiye 758,305 680,215 700,310 66,410 110,095 0.19 65.78 OTHER EUROPE 5,726,714 5,962,980 2,463,280 292,874 1,673,144 2.84 471.28 Other countries of Europe 5,726,714 5,962,980 2,463,280 292,874 1,673,144 2.84 471.28 NOT SPECIFIED 65,039 111,439 107,985 26,687 19,860 0.03 -25.58 Other countries of the world 65,039 111,439 107,985 26,687 19,860 0.03 -25.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 406 COUNTRY TABLES GRENADA / GRENADE / GRANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 146,375 160,970 162,902 43,815 42,100 100.00 -3.91 AFRICA 652 638 659 194 120 0.29 -38.14 EAST AFRICA 39 54 79 14 6 0.01 -57.14 Ethiopia 4 4 1 1 0.00 Kenya 8 18 19 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Mauritius 3 Uganda 25 17 28 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Zambia 4 6 9 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Zimbabwe 2 6 19 2 1 0.00 -50.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 9 5 10 1 1 0.00 Cameroon 7 3 4 1 1 0.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2 2 6 NORTH AFRICA 63 51 45 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Algeria 3 3 2 1 0.00 Morocco 6 18 9 Sudan 54 30 34 11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 190 221 254 91 57 0.14 -37.36 Botswana 13 18 9 1 0.00 South Africa 177 203 245 91 56 0.13 -38.46 WEST AFRICA 187 184 187 65 55 0.13 -15.38 Ghana 19 19 20 2 4 0.01 100.00 Nigeria 168 165 167 63 51 0.12 -19.05 OTHER AFRICA 164 123 84 12 Other countries of Africa 164 123 84 12 AMERICAS 92,748 103,678 105,977 27,099 26,103 62.00 -3.68 CARIBBEAN 24,312 26,151 26,588 5,106 2,447 5.81 -52.08 Anguilla 84 54 44 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Antigua and Barbuda 477 484 519 109 59 0.14 -45.87 Aruba 24 45 55 7 3 0.01 -57.14 Bahamas 152 108 89 21 26 0.06 23.81 Barbados 2,911 3,155 2,873 615 310 0.74 -49.59 Bermuda 93 95 64 19 27 0.06 42.11 Bonaire 6 British Virgin Islands 177 177 123 8 45 0.11 462.50 Cayman Islands 18 35 30 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Cuba 159 225 185 56 120 0.29 114.29 Curacao 55 87 77 25 10 0.02 -60.00 Dominica 449 358 410 110 77 0.18 -30.00 Dominican Republic 66 58 149 114 43 0.10 -62.28 Guadeloupe 65 90 109 10 4 0.01 -60.00 Haiti 37 34 30 1 7 0.02 600.00 Jamaica 932 971 988 239 136 0.32 -43.10 Martinique 186 158 182 21 10 0.02 -52.38 Montserrat 46 42 34 3 9 0.02 200.00 Puerto Rico 110 132 65 20 29 0.07 45.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 363 300 334 42 18 0.04 -57.14 Saint Lucia 1,687 1,482 1,621 336 149 0.35 -55.65 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1,283 1,363 1,319 370 375 0.89 1.35 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 407 COUNTRY TABLES GRENADA / GRENADE / GRANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 19 47 32 12 7 0.02 -41.67 Trinidad and Tobago 14,619 16,356 1 7,055 2,863 929 2.21 -67.55 Turks and Caicos Islands 41 36 23 24 10 0.02 -58.33 United States Virgin Islands 213 174 178 50 38 0.09 -24.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 46 79 18 4 0.01 -77.78 CENTRAL AMERICA 242 254 331 44 35 0.08 -20.45 Belize 69 73 118 9 5 0.01 -44.44 Costa Rica 25 27 31 8 8 0.02 El Salvador 7 8 18 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Guatemala 25 57 50 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Honduras 5 8 26 6 3 0.01 -50.00 Nicaragua 5 9 17 2 7 0.02 250.00 Panama 106 72 71 10 10 0.02 NORTH AMERICA 66,337 75,349 77,006 21,379 23,088 54.84 7.99 Canada 11,362 13,784 14,539 4,059 2,256 5.36 -44.42 Mexico 136 142 235 149 78 0.19 -47.65 United States of America 54,839 61,423 62,232 17,171 20,754 49.30 20.87 SOUTH AMERICA 1,857 1,924 2,052 570 533 1.27 -6.49 Argentina 125 178 174 93 56 0.13 -39.78 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 10 18 15 13 11 0.03 -15.38 Brazil 184 249 259 86 50 0.12 -41.86 Chile 84 43 123 18 11 0.03 -38.89 Colombia 35 68 132 15 122 0.29 713.33 Ecuador 26 29 19 11 10 0.02 -9.09 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 4 2 4 French Guiana 3 5 27 3 0.01 Guyana 826 763 913 200 225 0.53 12.50 Paraguay 8 23 8 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Peru 29 25 17 10 6 0.01 -40.00 Suriname 112 88 99 11 9 0.02 -18.18 Uruguay 26 34 20 5 5 0.01 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 385 399 242 101 24 0.06 -76.24 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,147 1,901 1,723 311 263 0.62 -15.43 NORHT-EAST ASIA 616 838 829 145 151 0.36 4.14 China 458 621 598 109 135 0.32 23.85 Hong Kong, China 24 24 27 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Japan 63 99 94 27 1 0.00 -96.30 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 25 46 3 14 0.03 Korea, Republic of 1 Taiwan Province of China 46 47 107 4 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 143 190 112 69 33 0.08 -52.17 Indonesia 5 11 5 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Malaysia 11 9 25 3 18 0.04 500.00 Philippines 71 76 1 29 2 0.00 -93.10 Singapore 24 55 40 14 3 0.01 -78.57 Thailand 20 17 25 10 7 0.02 -30.00 Viet Nam 12 22 16 10 1 0.00 -90.00 AUSTRALASIA 374 509 423 97 27 0.06 -72.16 Australia 275 410 333 79 18 0.04 -77.22 New Zealand 99 99 90 18 9 0.02 -50.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 408 COUNTRY TABLES GRENADA / GRENADE / GRANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MELANESIA 4 6 2 0.00 Fiji 4 6 2 0.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10 358 359 50 0.12 Other countries of Asia 10 358 359 50 0.12 EUROPE 30,487 31,387 30,854 10,067 7,495 17.80 -25.55 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 592 744 890 377 207 0.49 -45.09 Azerbaijan 1 2 Bulgaria 25 18 21 5 Czech Republic (Czechia) 68 104 117 81 47 0.11 -41.98 Estonia 7 16 16 7 6 0.01 -14.29 Hungary 49 53 54 27 14 0.03 -48.15 Kazakhstan 5 2 17 Latvia 23 17 14 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Lithuania 20 18 7 15 Moldova, Republic of 1 3 3 1 Poland 121 193 321 77 39 0.09 -49.35 Romania 29 30 47 17 10 0.02 -41.18 Russian Federation 160 181 191 79 80 0.19 1.27 Slovakia 21 65 41 19 8 0.02 -57.89 Ukraine 43 38 55 20 Other countries Central/East Europe 20 8 1 0.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 23,933 24,096 23,815 7,430 6,387 15.17 -14.04 Denmark 300 302 277 128 75 0.18 -41.41 Finland 96 101 76 26 53 0.13 103.85 Iceland 11 6 17 2 Ireland 215 223 288 144 75 0.18 -47.92 Norway 279 176 207 88 61 0.14 -30.68 Sweden 531 535 430 196 29 0.07 -85.20 United Kingdom 22,501 22,753 22,520 6,846 6,094 14.48 -10.98 SOUTHERN EUROPE 908 1,201 1,041 304 373 0.89 22.70 Greece 50 49 55 20 22 0.05 10.00 Italy 597 738 630 150 147 0.35 -2.00 Malta 7 13 27 7 Portugal 35 36 45 21 41 0.10 95.24 Spain 203 309 284 106 157 0.37 48.11 Other countries of Southern Europe 16 56 6 0.01 WESTERN EUROPE 4,911 5,178 5,034 1,917 516 1.23 -73.08 Austria 308 278 266 142 82 0.19 -42.25 Belgium 128 116 100 19 26 0.06 36.84 France 1,004 1,254 1,216 379 65 0.15 -82.85 Germany 2,467 2,419 2,514 971 200 0.48 -79.40 Liechtenstein 2 1 1 1 2 0.00 100.00 Luxembourg 5 8 24 15 6 0.01 -60.00 Monaco 21 16 11 1 Netherlands 267 381 321 127 78 0.19 -38.58 Switzerland 709 705 581 262 57 0.14 -78.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 409 COUNTRY TABLES GRENADA / GRENADE / GRANADA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 70 73 42 23 12 0.03 -47.83 Cyprus 14 14 7 5 Israel 46 48 24 14 Turkiye 10 11 11 4 12 0.03 200.00 OTHER EUROPE 73 95 32 16 Other countries of Europe 73 95 32 16 MIDDLE EAST 181 89 148 53 33 0.08 -37.74 Egypt 40 81 32 18 4 0.01 -77.78 Jordan 6 4 1 Lebanon 6 7 8 6 5 0.01 -16.67 Saudi Arabia 6 1 4 1 0.00 Syrian Arab Republic 23 21 4 Other countries of Middle East 100 79 24 23 0.05 -4.17 NOT SPECIFIED 21,160 23,277 23,541 6,091 8,086 19.21 32.75 Other countries of the world 434 65 515 179 15 0.04 -91.62 Nationals residing abroad 20,726 23,212 23,026 5,912 8,071 19.17 36.52 GRENADA / GRENADE / GRANADA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 88,158 99,695 98,581 27,532 29,494 100.00 7.13 AMERICAS 63,037 72,627 71,931 18,706 19,084 64.70 2.02 CARIBBEAN 15,773 17,588 17,202 3,099 1,900 6.44 -38.69 All countries of the Caribbean 15,773 1 7,588 1 7,202 3,099 1,900 6.44 -38.69 NORTH AMERICA 47,054 54,829 54,588 15,558 17,169 58.21 10.35 Canada 7,761 10,029 10,143 2,861 1,671 5.67 -41.59 United States of America 39,293 44,800 44,445 12,697 15,498 52.55 22.06 SOUTH AMERICA 210 210 141 49 15 0.05 -69.39 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 210 210 141 49 15 0.05 -69.39 EUROPE 21,299 21,808 21,282 7,197 5,363 18.18 -25.48 NORTHERN EUROPE 16,161 16,428 15,980 5,115 4,674 15.85 -8.62 Sweden 422 388 317 134 33 0.11 -75.37 United Kingdom 15,739 16,040 15,663 4,981 4,641 15.74 -6.83 SOUTHERN EUROPE 458 536 415 109 84 0.28 -22.94 Italy 458 536 415 109 84 0.28 -22.94 WESTERN EUROPE 3,002 3,161 3,054 1,206 269 0.91 -77.69 France 641 789 771 244 81 0.27 -66.80 Germany 1,848 1,836 1,887 775 132 0.45 -82.97 Switzerland 513 536 396 187 56 0.19 -70.05 OTHER EUROPE 1,678 1,683 1,833 767 336 1.14 -56.19 Other countries of Europe 1,678 1,683 1,833 767 336 1.14 -56.19 NOT SPECIFIED 3,822 5,260 5,368 1,629 5,047 17.11 209.82 Other countries of the world 2,727 3,233 3,729 912 811 2.75 -11.07 Nationals residing abroad 1,095 2,027 1,639 717 4,236 14.36 490.79 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 410 COUNTRY TABLES GUAM 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,545,392 1,549,007 1,666,665 328,173 79,389 100.00 -75.81 AMERICAS 77,936 103,158 95,223 34,650 50,254 63.30 45.03 NORTH AMERICA 77,936 103,158 95,223 34,650 50,254 63.30 45.03 Canada 859 United States of America 77,077 103,158 95,223 34,650 50,254 63.30 45.03 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,433,139 1,429,324 1,556,812 290,053 26,561 33.46 -90.84 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,374,808 1,364,434 1,486,432 275,622 14,656 18.46 -94.68 China 21,954 16,339 11,629 2,051 173 0.22 -91.57 Hong Kong, China 14,745 6,593 5,122 491 29 0.04 -94.09 Japan 620,376 566,588 687,566 144,291 4,184 5.27 -97.10 Korea, Republic of 685,228 747,032 753,889 124,188 8,003 10.08 -93.56 Taiwan Province of China 32,505 27,882 28,226 4,601 2,267 2.86 -50.73 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 19,770 21,395 22,826 3,660 4,075 5.13 11.34 Malaysia 20 363 399 71 37 0.05 -47.89 Philippines 19,132 19,923 20,879 3,414 2,980 3.75 -12.71 Singapore 100 1,109 1,548 175 1,058 1.33 504.57 Thailand 411 Viet Nam 107 AUSTRALASIA 2,255 2,643 3,679 776 394 0.50 -49.23 Australia 2,255 2,643 3,679 776 394 0.50 -49.23 MICRONESIA 36,306 40,852 43,875 9,995 7,436 9.37 -25.60 Marshall Islands 1,275 1,629 1,635 245 58 0.07 -76.33 Micronesia, Federated States of 11,541 14,422 14,761 3,705 2,893 3.64 -21.92 Northern Mariana Islands 19,325 20,770 23,148 5,264 4,024 5.07 -23.56 Palau 4,165 4,031 4,331 781 461 0.58 -40.97 EUROPE 5,420 7,088 6,522 1,177 962 1.21 -18.27 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,356 4,596 4,024 493 74 0.09 -84.99 Russian Federation 3,356 4,596 4,024 493 74 0.09 -84.99 OTHER EUROPE 2,064 2,492 2,498 684 888 1.12 29.82 Other countries of Europe 2,064 2,492 2,498 684 888 1.12 29.82 SOUTH ASIA 8 1,078 196 85 166 0.21 95.29 India 8 1,078 196 85 166 0.21 95.29 NOT SPECIFIED 28,889 8,359 7,912 2,208 1,446 1.82 -34.51 Other countries of the world 28,889 8,359 7,912 2,208 1,446 1.82 -34.51 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 411 COUNTRY TABLES GUATEMALA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,120,420 2,405,909 2,559,600 593,983 666,018 100.00 12.13 AFRICA 1,951 2,025 1,916 437 545 0.08 24.71 EAST AFRICA 292 387 314 68 82 0.01 20.59 Burundi 4 1 1 0.00 Comoros 16 29 19 5 7 0.00 40.00 Djibouti 2 4 5 1 Eritrea 3 16 16 2 3 0.00 50.00 Ethiopia 79 90 66 15 25 0.00 66.67 Kenya 43 47 54 8 11 0.00 37.50 Madagascar 9 6 12 1 Malawi 5 3 2 1 Mauritius 14 18 18 4 5 0.00 25.00 Mozambique 11 21 19 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Reunion 22 25 25 5 7 0.00 40.00 Rwanda 11 13 17 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Seychelles 5 2 5 0.00 Somalia 3 5 Tanzania, United Republic of 28 15 14 6 9 0.00 50.00 Uganda 11 54 8 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Zambia 26 46 31 7 3 0.00 -57.14 CENTRAL AFRICA 284 232 248 58 112 0.02 93.10 Angola 34 9 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Cameroon 17 13 30 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Central African Republic 10 8 6 2 5 0.00 150.00 Chad 17 11 13 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Congo 37 41 54 6 18 0.00 200.00 Gabon 137 124 109 30 68 0.01 126.67 Sao Tome and Principe 31 25 29 12 17 0.00 41.67 Other countries of Central Africa 1 1 NORTH AFRICA 142 188 220 46 55 0.01 19.57 Algeria 6 9 8 2 3 0.00 50.00 Morocco 116 148 181 31 45 0.01 45.16 Sudan 4 2 4 Tunisia 16 29 27 13 7 0.00 -46.15 SOUTHERN AFRICA 559 457 497 129 113 0.02 -12.40 Botswana 9 3 8 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Lesotho 5 Namibia 29 20 13 5 12 0.00 140.00 South Africa 516 423 475 119 98 0.01 -17.65 Other countries of Southern Africa 11 1 WEST AFRICA 674 761 637 136 183 0.03 34.56 Benin 17 45 53 18 3 0.00 -83.33 Burkina Faso 3 4 7 Cabo Verde 6 7 7 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Cote d'lvoire 36 25 24 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Gambia 27 16 15 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Ghana 28 23 42 8 8 0.00 Guinea 278 344 246 48 71 0.01 47.92 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 412 COUNTRY TABLES GUATEMALA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guinea-Bissau 128 150 97 17 30 0.00 76.47 Liberia 1 1 2 Mali 3 2 4 1 Mauritania 7 4 5 Niger 19 23 29 5 23 0.00 360.00 Nigeria 110 103 88 22 38 0.01 72.73 Senegal 8 8 8 2 2 0.00 Sierra Leone 1 3 2 1 Togo 2 3 8 1 2 0.00 100.00 AMERICAS 1,803,124 2,063,000 2,242,594 502,166 615,068 92.35 22.48 CARIBBEAN 7,383 7,996 8,312 1,852 4,127 0.62 122.84 Anguilla 2 1 2 Antigua and Barbuda 19 18 43 2 8 0.00 300.00 Aruba 1 Bahamas 100 67 73 13 31 0.00 138.46 Barbados 64 69 42 13 19 0.00 46.15 Bermuda 40 38 26 10 5 0.00 -50.00 Cayman Islands 48 6 14 3 0.00 Cuba 2,026 2,220 2,411 440 1,032 0.15 134.55 Dominica 19 33 33 12 15 0.00 25.00 Dominican Republic 4,299 4,738 4,888 1,193 2,725 0.41 128.42 Grenada 11 15 16 3 3 0.00 Guadeloupe 21 19 17 4 4 0.00 Haiti 224 268 251 78 118 0.02 51.28 Jamaica 233 242 253 44 77 0.01 75.00 Montserrat 1 4 8 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Puerto Rico 10 7 12 4 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 13 15 26 6 10 0.00 66.67 Saint Lucia 18 37 26 2 6 0.00 200.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 34 17 18 2 20 0.00 900.00 Trinidad and Tobago 199 182 151 27 45 0.01 66.67 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,186,324 1,388,122 1,544,243 322,623 318,098 47.76 -1.40 Belize 34,637 58,393 64,450 9,405 1,301 0.20 -86.17 Costa Rica 69,475 52,535 57,413 13,452 18,576 2.79 38.09 El Salvador 925,314 1,060,956 1,147,169 231,973 215,673 32.38 -7.03 Honduras 91,980 133,319 185,194 45,422 57,357 8.61 26.28 Nicaragua 50,765 67,924 74,174 18,247 19,605 2.94 7.44 Panama 14,153 14,995 15,843 4,124 5,586 0.84 35.45 NORTH AMERICA 522,917 579,372 602,559 155,795 264,889 39.77 70.02 Canada 34,254 36,023 33,927 11,418 6,867 1.03 -39.86 Greenland 3 5 2 Mexico 101,826 104,300 110,153 25,131 24,580 3.69 -2.19 United States of America 386,834 439,044 458,477 119,246 233,442 35.05 95.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 413 COUNTRY TABLES GUATEMALA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 86,500 87,510 87,480 21,896 27,954 4.20 27.67 Argentina 10,157 10,341 10,064 2,483 2,466 0.37 -0.68 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,177 1,376 1,257 290 336 0.05 15.86 Brazil 8,216 8,711 8,507 2,361 2,250 0.34 -4.70 Chile 6,718 6,698 6,500 1,701 1,597 0.24 -6.11 Colombia 35,160 37,867 39,259 9,675 14,468 2.17 49.54 Ecuador 3,922 4,396 4,521 1,243 2,102 0.32 69.11 French Guiana 22 64 67 18 15 0.00 -16.67 Guyana 94 124 130 31 44 0.01 41.94 Paraguay 578 712 668 157 113 0.02 -28.03 Peru 6,121 6,595 6,885 1,714 2,237 0.34 30.51 Suriname 17 16 22 8 20 0.00 150.00 Uruguay 2,034 2,066 2,123 464 473 0.07 1.94 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 12,284 8,544 7,477 1,751 1,833 0.28 4.68 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,982 32,156 30,797 7,157 5,731 0.86 -19.92 NORHT-EAST ASIA 19,657 20,299 19,760 4,277 4,746 0.71 10.97 China 3,293 3,552 4,469 737 862 0.13 16.96 Hong Kong, China 52 77 72 22 0.00 Japan 4,991 4,750 3,896 1,072 460 0.07 -57.09 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 33 22 16 5 12 0.00 140.00 Korea, Republic of 8,887 9,352 9,176 1,999 3,031 0.46 51.63 Macao, China 3 6 7 Mongolia 14 41 27 5 5 0.00 Taiwan Province of China 2,384 2,499 2,097 459 354 0.05 -22.88 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,676 1,531 1,521 335 409 0.06 22.09 Brunei Darussalam 2 5 11 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Cambodia 4 16 10 2 0.00 Indonesia 115 111 115 30 62 0.01 106.67 Lao People's Democratic Republic 43 45 48 8 18 0.00 125.00 Malaysia 288 255 260 22 48 0.01 118.18 Philippines 793 675 668 161 228 0.03 41.61 Singapore 199 232 239 45 20 0.00 -55.56 Thailand 187 165 135 55 22 0.00 -60.00 Timor-Leste 2 6 Viet Nam 43 21 35 12 8 0.00 -33.33 AUSTRALASIA 11,344 10,044 9,305 2,488 498 0.07 -79.98 Australia 9,177 8,233 7,544 2,160 400 0.06 -81.48 New Zealand 2,167 1,811 1,761 328 98 0.01 -70.12 MELANESIA 145 139 91 26 40 0.01 53.85 Fiji 99 82 47 13 12 0.00 -7.69 New Caledonia 34 51 35 12 25 0.00 108.33 Papua New Guinea 11 4 6 1 1 0.00 Vanuatu 1 2 3 2 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 414 COUNTRY TABLES GUATEMALA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 132 102 98 27 33 0.00 22.22 Guam 67 44 41 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Kiribati 34 1 2 Marshall Islands 1 3 1 1 1 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 22 50 54 17 27 0.00 58.82 Nauru 4 1 1 Palau 4 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00 POLYNESIA 28 41 22 4 5 0.00 25.00 French Polynesia 2 2 Niue 15 26 11 3 3 0.00 Pitcairn 8 10 5 2 0.00 Samoa 5 4 Tonga 1 1 Tuvalu 2 EUROPE 149,698 154,332 149,559 41,301 39,691 5.96 -3.90 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 11,078 10,640 10,546 3,637 3,681 0.55 1.21 Armenia 23 25 27 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Azerbaijan 4 8 9 6 0.00 Belarus 46 57 75 21 41 0.01 95.24 Bulgaria 383 364 271 116 112 0.02 -3.45 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,724 1,483 1,366 581 323 0.05 -44.41 Estonia 522 519 586 140 160 0.02 14.29 Georgia 133 24 43 10 28 0.00 180.00 Hungary 710 637 546 220 179 0.03 -18.64 Kazakhstan 1 6 Kyrgyzstan 8 5 41 7 10 0.00 42.86 Latvia 113 111 113 44 37 0.01 -15.91 Lithuania 291 412 404 111 72 0.01 -35.14 Moldova, Republic of 32 34 16 4 7 0.00 75.00 Poland 3,011 2,908 2,962 1,122 622 0.09 -44.56 Romania 521 499 603 195 291 0.04 49.23 Russian Federation 1,935 1,792 1,885 543 1,150 0.17 111.79 Slovakia 747 795 709 158 149 0.02 -5.70 Tajikistan 12 9 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Turkmenistan 1 3 Ukraine 806 920 817 292 478 0.07 63.70 Uzbekistan 37 23 36 58 1 0.00 -98.28 Other countries Central/East Europe 18 15 27 11 0.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 26,709 25,589 23,641 6,423 4,625 0.69 -27.99 Denmark 2,113 2,156 2,100 630 425 0.06 -32.54 Faeroe Islands 3 10 9 1 Finland 782 595 619 183 107 0.02 -41.53 Iceland 127 112 195 83 26 0.00 -68.67 Ireland 2,678 2,808 2,453 404 405 0.06 0.25 Norway 1,455 1,445 1,339 354 195 0.03 -44.92 Sweden 2,688 2,464 2,110 671 450 0.07 -32.94 United Kingdom/Ireland 16,863 15,999 14,816 4,097 3,017 0.45 -26.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 415 COUNTRY TABLES GUATEMALA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 41,123 43,519 40,519 10,016 12,195 1.83 21.76 Albania 20 8 22 7 8 0.00 14.29 Andorra 37 42 19 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6 5 13 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Croatia 166 192 205 66 70 0.01 6.06 Gibraltar 1 5 6 2 2 0.00 Greece 459 412 498 196 111 0.02 -43.37 Italy 12,470 12,898 12,240 3,233 2,993 0.45 -7.42 Malta 64 143 83 35 15 0.00 -57.14 Montenegro 14 21 13 3 8 0.00 166.67 Portugal 1,301 1,526 1,652 420 435 0.07 3.57 San Marino 13 3 1 1 3 0.00 200.00 Serbia 95 108 85 25 31 0.00 24.00 Slovenia 587 631 558 164 155 0.02 -5.49 Spain 25,850 27,497 25,088 5,852 8,344 1.25 42.58 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 40 28 36 4 17 0.00 325.00 WESTERN EUROPE 62,168 65,107 65,744 19,398 15,673 2.35 -19.20 Austria 2,479 2,184 2,389 810 713 0.11 -11.98 Belgium 4,782 4,021 4,374 934 950 0.14 1.71 France 22,173 22,002 23,378 7,909 5,416 0.81 -31.52 Germany 18,041 20,609 19,583 5,716 5,064 0.76 -11.41 Liechtenstein 17 11 33 9 12 0.00 33.33 Luxembourg 93 101 162 31 21 0.00 -32.26 Monaco 8 4 9 1 Netherlands 9,636 11,501 11,012 2,656 2,140 0.32 -19.43 Switzerland 4,938 4,674 4,802 1,332 1,357 0.20 1.88 Other countries of Western Europe 1 2 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 8,465 9,254 8,969 1,783 3,465 0.52 94.34 Cyprus 41 41 48 24 9 0.00 -62.50 Israel 7,763 8,585 8,169 1,469 3,258 0.49 121.78 Turkiye 661 628 752 290 198 0.03 -31.72 OTHER EUROPE 155 223 140 44 52 0.01 18.18 All countries of Europe 155 223 140 44 52 0.01 18.18 MIDDLE EAST 1,158 1,237 1,225 271 435 0.07 60.52 Bahrain 6 6 8 1 2 0.00 100.00 Democratic Yemen (former) 2 1 1 Egypt 138 176 178 33 72 0.01 118.18 Iraq 34 52 44 11 19 0.00 72.73 Jordan 104 79 91 26 55 0.01 111.54 Kuwait 15 12 11 12 17 0.00 41.67 Lebanon 52 42 58 7 9 0.00 28.57 Libya 7 1 5 1 Oman 22 25 20 8 9 0.00 12.50 Qatar 280 327 304 74 79 0.01 6.76 Saudi Arabia 97 62 84 18 28 0.00 55.56 State of Palestine 27 26 29 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Syrian Arab Republic 24 22 21 7 8 0.00 14.29 United Arab Emirates 352 405 371 68 134 0.02 97.06 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 416 COUNTRY TABLES GUATEMALA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 2,444 2,767 2,720 659 640 0.10 -2.88 Afghanistan 11 6 17 6 6 0.00 Bangladesh 33 21 44 8 20 0.00 150.00 Bhutan 4 23 9 1 India 2,224 2,531 2,451 578 556 0.08 -3.81 Iran, Islamic Republic of 22 31 29 16 22 0.00 37.50 Maldives 3 2 2 Nepal 33 19 20 8 6 0.00 -25.00 Pakistan 59 105 99 34 28 0.00 -17.65 Sri Lanka 55 29 49 8 2 0.00 -75.00 NOT SPECIFIED 129,063 150,392 130,789 41,992 3,908 0.59 -90.69 Other countries of the world 129,063 150,392 130,789 41,992 3,908 0.59 -90.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 417 COUNTRY TABLES GUYANA/GUYANE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 247,330 286,732 314,727 86,503 158,312 100.00 83.01 AMERICAS 229,970 267,057 291,092 78,929 149,063 94.16 88.86 CARIBBEAN 89,507 118,763 138,755 29,111 27,821 17.57 -4.43 Anguilla 105 148 161 16 51 0.03 218.75 Antigua and Barbuda 2,083 2,242 2,210 347 769 0.49 121.61 Aruba 101 110 128 22 36 0.02 63.64 Bahamas 521 482 432 63 258 0.16 309.52 Barbados 7,346 6,930 6,709 1,162 2,135 1.35 83.73 Bermuda 64 113 124 18 60 0.04 233.33 Bonaire 8 18 16 2 9 0.01 350.00 British Virgin Islands 863 912 916 112 287 0.18 156.25 Cayman Islands 184 149 188 35 53 0.03 51.43 Cuba 47,814 74,209 73,719 10,938 6,972 4.40 -36.26 Curacao 147 150 179 57 73 0.05 28.07 Dominica 231 249 265 36 79 0.05 119.44 Dominican Republic 616 561 582 152 1,074 0.68 606.58 Grenada 527 578 558 98 149 0.09 52.04 Guadeloupe 20 41 35 2 4 0.00 100.00 Haiti 3,802 5,799 24,190 10,684 1,436 0.91 -86.56 Jamaica 2,416 2,546 2,297 505 726 0.46 43.76 Martinique 50 67 70 3 8 0.01 166.67 Montserrat 119 153 154 13 39 0.02 200.00 Puerto Rico 98 123 162 24 80 0.05 233.33 Saint Kitts and Nevis 647 614 572 88 147 0.09 67.05 Saint Lucia 1,190 1,241 1,075 172 267 0.17 55.23 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 512 557 547 100 145 0.09 45.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 684 779 731 148 289 0.18 95.27 Trinidad and Tobago 19,130 19,774 22,456 4,254 8,252 5.21 93.98 Turks and Caicos Islands 145 142 177 35 135 0.09 285.71 United States Virgin Islands 76 69 75 16 27 0.02 68.75 Other countries of the Caribbean 8 7 27 9 4,261 2.69 47,244.44 CENTRAL AMERICA 983 1,081 1,422 400 872 0.55 118.00 Belize 208 210 246 40 68 0.04 70.00 Costa Rica 106 117 161 42 82 0.05 95.24 El Salvador 42 35 77 37 47 0.03 27.03 Guatemala 70 72 88 50 118 0.07 136.00 Honduras 40 49 87 45 101 0.06 124.44 Nicaragua 48 63 101 28 48 0.03 71.43 Panama 469 535 662 158 408 0.26 158.23 NORTH AMERICA 106,991 113,835 122,079 42,654 111,604 70.50 161.65 Canada 24,071 23,977 22,423 6,230 9,441 5.96 51.54 Greenland 4 1 Mexico 300 402 524 230 625 0.39 171.74 United States of America 82,616 89,456 99,131 36,194 101,538 64.14 180.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 418 COUNTRY TABLES GUYANA/GUYANE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 32,489 33,378 28,836 6,764 8,766 5.54 29.60 Argentina 342 270 258 70 84 0.05 20.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 18 44 40 13 90 0.06 592.31 Brazil 11,062 10,259 9,859 2,886 2,209 1.40 -23.46 Chile 173 143 144 31 56 0.04 80.65 Colombia 581 884 1,077 294 911 0.58 209.86 Ecuador 100 101 115 49 119 0.08 142.86 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 5 4 French Guiana 1,412 1,567 1,261 146 196 0.12 34.25 Paraguay 21 19 33 4 18 0.01 350.00 Peru 293 488 536 105 319 0.20 203.81 Suriname 17,614 18,460 13,554 2,825 4,181 2.64 48.00 Uruguay 43 32 41 2 5 0.00 150.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 825 1,107 1,918 339 578 0.37 70.50 EUROPE 11,228 12,560 14,330 4,752 6,574 4.15 38.34 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,033 937 1,300 672 1,210 0.76 80.06 Armenia 1 4 2 0.00 Azerbaijan 8 6 16 3 19 0.01 533.33 Belarus 16 25 22 4 6 0.00 50.00 Bulgaria 38 38 46 33 27 0.02 -18.18 Czech Republic (Czechia) 42 71 44 17 22 0.01 29.41 Estonia 12 16 29 9 19 0.01 111.11 Georgia 6 4 3 1 4 0.00 300.00 Hungary 9 16 5 4 13 0.01 225.00 Kazakhstan 14 16 15 6 19 0.01 216.67 Kyrgyzstan 6 2 2 0.00 Latvia 13 6 7 3 13 0.01 333.33 Lithuania 21 15 29 15 62 0.04 313.33 Poland 131 109 274 170 281 0.18 65.29 Romania 118 97 196 204 354 0.22 73.53 Russian Federation 493 405 466 145 244 0.15 68.28 Slovakia 22 35 21 5 9 0.01 80.00 Tajikistan 1 2 1 Ukraine 81 68 119 52 114 0.07 119.23 Uzbekistan 1 6 3 1 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,440 8,176 9,197 2,730 3,350 2.12 22.71 Denmark 147 129 140 67 52 0.03 -22.39 Finland 40 41 56 58 64 0.04 10.34 Iceland 8 5 10 2 0.00 Ireland 102 178 155 61 74 0.05 21.31 Norway 101 69 256 103 55 0.03 -46.60 Sweden 107 124 127 40 35 0.02 -12.50 United Kingdom 6,935 7,630 8,453 2,401 3,068 1.94 27.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 419 COUNTRY TABLES GUYANA / GUYANE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 400 496 951 495 1,011 0.64 104.24 Albania 4 6 4 1 7 0.00 600.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 5 12 3 3 0.00 Croatia 54 52 154 137 285 0.18 108.03 Gibraltar 2 1 Greece 20 12 27 4 23 0.01 475.00 Italy 112 146 371 167 375 0.24 124.55 Malta 5 17 23 13 17 0.01 30.77 North Macedonia 5 7 15 1 0.00 Portugal 31 52 100 61 89 0.06 45.90 Serbia 6 7 12 3 6 0.00 100.00 Slovenia 14 8 7 2 0.00 Spain 143 184 225 106 203 0.13 91.51 WESTERN EUROPE 2,241 2,820 2,756 807 943 0.60 16.85 Austria 55 64 65 18 41 0.03 127.78 Belgium 158 193 190 50 66 0.04 32.00 France 375 430 613 189 331 0.21 75.13 Germany 437 453 557 206 129 0.08 -37.38 Luxembourg 5 3 1 Monaco 5 3 8 2 9 0.01 350.00 Netherlands 1,067 1,487 1,143 307 292 0.18 -4.89 Switzerland 144 185 177 34 75 0.05 120.59 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 108 128 121 47 60 0.04 27.66 Cyprus 11 16 18 17 11 0.01 -35.29 Turkiye 97 112 103 30 49 0.03 63.33 OTHER EUROPE 6 3 5 1 Other countries of Europe 6 3 5 1 NOT SPECIFIED 6,132 7,115 9,305 2,822 2,675 1.69 -5.21 Other countries of the world 6,132 7,115 9,305 2,822 2,675 1.69 -5.21 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 420 COUNTRY TABLES HAITI / HAITI / HAITI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 467,038 447,481 286,080 202,757 148,355 100.00 -26.83 AFRICA 445 494 0.33 11.01 EAST AFRICA 94 98 0.07 4.26 Burundi 11 10 0.01 -9.09 Ethiopia 5 15 0.01 200.00 Kenya 9 23 0.02 155.56 Madagascar 14 2 0.00 -85.71 Malawi 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Mozambique 4 Rwanda 21 32 0.02 52.38 Tanzania, United Republic of 9 3 0.00 -66.67 Uganda 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Zimbabwe 12 8 0.01 -33.33 CENTRAL AFRICA 126 93 0.06 -26.19 Cameroon 52 31 0.02 -40.38 Central African Republic 1 2 0.00 100.00 Chad 9 6 0.00 -33.33 Congo 61 54 0.04 -11.48 Gabon 3 NORTH AFRICA 42 36 0.02 -14.29 Algeria 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Morocco 10 4 0.00 -60.00 Tunisia 17 27 0.02 58.82 Western Sahara 4 2 0.00 -50.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 12 18 0.01 50.00 Eswatini 1 3 0.00 200.00 Namibia 1 2 0.00 100.00 South Africa 10 13 0.01 30.00 WEST AFRICA 171 247 0.17 44.44 Benin 10 21 0.01 110.00 Burkina Faso 27 26 0.02 -3.70 Cabo Verde 2 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 29 30 0.02 3.45 Ghana 4 7 0.00 75.00 Guinea 8 20 0.01 150.00 Liberia 1 Mali 9 20 0.01 122.22 Mauritania 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Niger 8 34 0.02 325.00 Nigeria 18 36 0.02 100.00 Senegal 37 34 0.02 -8.11 Sierra Leone 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Togo 8 12 0.01 50.00 OTHER AFRICA 2 0.00 Other countries of Africa 2 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 421 COUNTRY TABLES HAITI / HAITI / HAITI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 427,381 411,838 267,076 194,265 140,557 94.74 -27.65 CARIBBEAN 9,417 19,497 18,705 13,106 3,065 2.07 -76.61 Anguilla 1 1 0.00 Antigua and Barbuda 9 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Aruba 20 2 0.00 -90.00 Bahamas 537 1,863 214 0.14 -88.51 Barbados 52 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Bermuda 18 3 Cuba 15,148 7,525 469 0.32 -93.77 Curacao 149 51 10 0.01 -80.39 Dominica 11 3 10 0.01 233.33 Dominican Republic 2,612 1,975 1,130 1,034 1,079 0.73 4.35 Grenada 2 2 0.00 Guadeloupe 923 236 43 0.03 -81.78 Jamaica 820 641 305 147 109 0.07 -25.85 Martinique 105 24 23 0.02 -4.17 Puerto Rico 36 16 46 0.03 187.50 Saint Lucia 24 17 14 0.01 -17.65 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 26 10 10 0.01 Trinidad and Tobago 99 36 21 0.01 -41.67 Turks and Caicos Islands 82 2,097 1,000 0.67 -52.31 Other countries of the Caribbean 5,985 16,881 50 16 10 0.01 -37.50 CENTRAL AMERICA 716 523 455 0.31 -13.00 Belize 7 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Costa Rica 56 50 45 0.03 -10.00 El Salvador 116 94 58 0.04 -38.30 Guatemala 131 94 118 0.08 25.53 Honduras 139 106 74 0.05 -30.19 Nicaragua 128 95 77 0.05 -18.95 Panama 139 80 81 0.05 1.25 NORTH AMERICA 413,015 388,190 245,771 179,382 135,987 91.66 -24.19 Canada 38,259 37,331 20,923 9,557 5,589 3.77 -41.52 Mexico 877 869 549 298 311 0.21 4.36 United States of America 373,879 349,990 224,299 169,527 130,087 87.69 -23.26 SOUTH AMERICA 1,884 1,254 1,050 0.71 -16.27 Argentina 121 78 47 0.03 -39.74 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 37 67 26 0.02 -61.19 Brazil 397 244 228 0.15 -6.56 Chile 154 95 150 0.10 57.89 Colombia 384 261 290 0.20 11.11 Ecuador 84 59 35 0.02 -40.68 Paraguay 24 21 0.01 -12.50 Peru 106 118 61 0.04 -48.31 Suriname 24 10 7 0.00 -30.00 Uruguay 37 18 22 0.01 22.22 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 229 171 143 0.10 -16.37 Other countries of South America 311 109 20 0.01 -81.65 OTHER AMERICAS 4,949 4,151 Other countries of the Americas 4,949 4,151 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 422 COUNTRY TABLES HAITI / HAITI / HAITI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 908 611 0.41 -32.71 NORHT-EAST ASIA 631 384 0.26 -39.14 China 52 48 0.03 -7.69 Japan 67 61 0.04 -8.96 Taiwan Province of China 106 69 0.05 -34.91 Other countries of North-East Asia 406 206 0.14 -49.26 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 225 204 0.14 -9.33 Cambodia 17 3 0.00 -82.35 Indonesia 1 4 0.00 300.00 Malaysia 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Philippines 174 149 0.10 -14.37 Singapore 1 Thailand 3 Viet Nam 18 45 0.03 150.00 AUSTRALASIA 52 23 0.02 -55.77 Australia 49 21 0.01 -57.14 New Zealand 3 2 0.00 -33.33 EUROPE 33,025 30,239 15,838 6,861 6,408 4.32 -6.60 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 196 273 0.18 39.29 Armenia 1 0.00 Bulgaria 9 0.01 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3 0.00 Estonia 4 0.00 Hungary 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Kazakhstan 1 Lithuania 1 Poland 38 19 0.01 -50.00 Romania 23 56 0.04 143.48 Russian Federation 38 56 0.04 47.37 Slovakia 5 11 0.01 120.00 Ukraine 82 109 0.07 32.93 Other countries Central/East Europe 2 NORTHERN EUROPE 300 361 0.24 20.33 Denmark 12 18 0.01 50.00 Finland 6 51 0.03 750.00 Iceland 2 3 0.00 50.00 Ireland 43 37 0.02 -13.95 Norway 3 42 0.03 1,300.00 Sweden 72 84 0.06 16.67 United Kingdom 162 126 0.08 -22.22 SOUTHERN EUROPE 690 740 0.50 7.25 Albania 2 2 0.00 Andorra 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Croatia 8 15 0.01 87.50 Greece 5 6 0.00 20.00 Italy 300 354 0.24 18.00 Portugal 29 31 0.02 6.90 Serbia 6 9 0.01 50.00 Spain 335 320 0.22 -4.48 Other countries of Southern Europe 1 2 0.00 100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 423 COUNTRY TABLES HAITI / HAITI / HAITI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 32,174 23,357 11,547 5,647 4,987 3.36 -11.69 Austria 2 2 0.00 Belgium 250 269 0.18 7.60 France 32,1 74 23,357 11,547 4,886 4,140 2.79 -15.27 Germany 180 228 0.15 26.67 Luxembourg 6 8 0.01 33.33 Netherlands 147 164 0.11 11.56 Switzerland 176 176 0.12 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 28 46 0.03 64.29 Israel 8 16 0.01 100.00 Turkiye 20 30 0.02 50.00 OTHER EUROPE 851 6,882 4,291 1 0.00 Other countries of Europe 851 6,882 4,291 1 0.00 MIDDLE EAST 59 119 0.08 101.69 Egypt 16 19 0.01 18.75 Iraq 1 0.00 Jordan 1 0.00 Kuwait 7 33 0.02 371.43 Lebanon 25 42 0.03 68.00 Oman 1 Qatar 1 0.00 Saudi Arabia 2 0.00 Syrian Arab Republic 10 19 0.01 90.00 United Arab Emirates 1 0.00 SOUTH ASIA 202 161 0.11 -20.30 Afghanistan 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Bangladesh 12 India 141 114 0.08 -19.15 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 5 0.00 150.00 Maldives 5 0.00 Nepal 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Pakistan 6 7 0.00 16.67 Sri Lanka 33 24 0.02 -27.27 NOT SPECIFIED 6,632 5,404 3,166 17 5 0.00 -70.59 Other countries of the world 6,632 5,404 3,166 17 5 0.00 -70.59 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 424 COUNTRY TABLES HONDURAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 850,186 846,786 724,232 204,257 459,172 100.00 124.80 AFRICA 856 346 485 112 129 0.03 15.18 EAST AFRICA 2 13 65 15 13 0.00 -13.33 British Indian Ocean Territory 1 Burundi 1 Ethiopia 4 2 0.00 Kenya 13 13 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Madagascar 10 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Mauritius 16 2 Mozambique 1 2 3 0.00 50.00 Reunion 2 Rwanda 2 Somalia 5 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 2 3 0.00 Uganda 3 1 Zambia 5 1 Zimbabwe 2 CENTRAL AFRICA 62 68 190 27 19 0.00 -29.63 Angola 7 4 0.00 Cameroon 4 2 0.00 Central African Republic 62 47 5 0.00 Chad 6 1 0.00 Congo 3 1 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2 1 3 0.00 200.00 Equatorial Guinea 2 Gabon 166 25 4 0.00 -84.00 Sao Tome and Principe 21 NORTH AFRICA 49 12 20 34 34 0.01 Algeria 2 1 6 0.00 500.00 Morocco 49 10 3 0.00 South Sudan 12 1 Sudan 2 Tunisia 6 8 11 0.00 37.50 Western Sahara 24 14 0.00 -41.67 SOUTHERN AFRICA 221 83 177 30 39 0.01 30.00 Eswatini 2 1 Namibia 5 1 5 0.00 400.00 South Africa 221 83 170 28 34 0.01 21.43 WEST AFRICA 481 153 33 6 24 0.01 300.00 Benin 1 Burkina Faso 3 1 Cabo Verde 1 1 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 481 125 7 0.00 Ghana 5 1 0.00 Guinea 4 0.00 Mali 28 Niger 1 1 0.00 Nigeria 18 2 5 0.00 150.00 Saint Helena 1 Senegal 5 1 5 0.00 400.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 425 COUNTRY TABLES HONDURAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER AFRICA 41 17 Other countries of Africa 41 17 AMERICAS 772,272 782,129 678,361 192,018 433,324 94.37 125.67 CARIBBEAN 13,277 12,451 4,644 1,009 2,669 0.58 164.52 Anguilla 6 1 0.00 Antigua and Barbuda 6 2 6 0.00 200.00 Aruba 22 19 18 4 4 0.00 Bahamas 59 74 45 14 36 0.01 157.14 Barbados 7 56 36 1 20 0.00 1,900.00 Bermuda 24 5 8 0.00 60.00 Bonaire 3 British Virgin Islands 3 1 0.00 Cayman Islands 7,729 7,991 1,937 305 477 0.10 56.39 Cuba 1,481 429 282 122 116 0.03 -4.92 Curacao 6 16 1 6 0.00 500.00 Dominica 4 7 0.00 Dominican Republic 2,080 2,112 1,229 361 1,232 0.27 241.27 Grenada 10 1 0.00 Guadeloupe 3 7 0.00 Haiti 98 71 97 19 260 0.06 1,268.42 Jamaica 59 125 17 93 0.02 447.06 Martinique 1 6 0.00 500.00 Netherlands Antilles 33 8 Puerto Rico 1,700 1,626 642 140 369 0.08 163.57 Saint Kitts and Nevis 11 1 6 0.00 500.00 Saint Lucia 37 3 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 68 6 1 1 0.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 99 12 9 0.00 -25.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 3 United States Virgin Islands 2 1 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 317,194 301,748 296,462 76,370 134,911 29.38 76.65 Belize 2,272 2,142 3,066 525 594 0.13 13.14 Costa Rica 29,802 25,738 16,722 3,506 4,710 1.03 34.34 El Salvador 119,547 106,019 135,544 31,873 60,253 13.12 89.04 Guatemala 92,587 83,831 83,503 27,693 44,813 9.76 61.82 Nicaragua 58,914 68,115 50,350 11,054 21,445 4.67 94.00 Panama 14,072 15,903 7,277 1,719 3,096 0.67 80.10 NORTH AMERICA 408,615 439,225 354,928 109,368 286,551 62.41 162.01 Canada 23,137 10,523 32,972 15,035 4,626 1.01 -69.23 Greenland 1 1 0.00 Mexico 27,780 18,111 16,657 4,503 8,844 1.93 96.40 United States of America 357,698 410,591 305,299 89,829 273,080 59.47 204.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 426 COUNTRY TABLES HONDURAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 33,186 28,705 22,327 5,271 9,193 2.00 74.41 Argentina 3,032 3,640 2,412 601 568 0.12 -5.49 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 298 580 465 132 134 0.03 1.52 Brazil 4,877 4,621 2,695 695 1,179 0.26 69.64 Chile 2,257 2,413 1,725 395 559 0.12 41.52 Colombia 12,735 10,843 9,613 2,182 3,988 0.87 82.77 Ecuador 1,853 1,940 2,071 496 1,601 0.35 222.78 French Guiana 63 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Guyana 6 9 2 6 0.00 200.00 Paraguay 269 300 240 59 91 0.02 54.24 Peru 1,785 2,221 1,975 486 700 0.15 44.03 Suriname 4 2 3 0.00 50.00 Uruguay 2,173 1,367 509 119 244 0.05 105.04 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,907 774 546 96 115 0.03 19.79 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,798 4,935 6,012 1,206 892 0.19 -26.04 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,633 3,809 3,844 814 583 0.13 -28.38 China 700 765 1,380 182 187 0.04 2.75 Hong Kong, China 1,140 283 36 13 11 0.00 -15.38 Japan 1,022 1,893 825 250 108 0.02 -56.80 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 45 1 Korea, Republic of 339 121 914 252 173 0.04 -31.35 Macao, China 31 8 5 0.00 -37.50 Mongolia 28 1 2 0.00 Taiwan Province of China 432 674 656 109 97 0.02 -11.01 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 612 91 464 87 118 0.03 35.63 Brunei Darussalam 1 1 Cambodia 1 1 2 0.00 100.00 Indonesia 65 8 34 14 0.00 Lao People's Democratic Republic 24 3 3 0.00 Malaysia 238 64 13 13 0.00 Myanmar 8 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Philippines 57 83 220 44 62 0.01 40.91 Singapore 226 64 9 6 0.00 -33.33 Thailand 43 10 16 0.00 60.00 Timor-Leste 26 Viet Nam 5 1 1 0.00 AUSTRALASIA 2,486 905 1,668 297 125 0.03 -57.91 Australia 2,486 899 1,392 256 95 0.02 -62.89 New Zealand 6 276 41 30 0.01 -26.83 MELANESIA 30 1 3 0.00 200.00 Fiji 2 Solomon Islands 13 3 0.00 Vanuatu 15 1 MICRONESIA 18 125 2 5 59 0.01 1,080.00 Christmas Island, Australia 3 2 Guam 2 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Marshall Islands 1 1 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 18 122 1 46 0.01 4,500.00 Palau 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 427 COUNTRY TABLES HONDURAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 16 5 4 2 4 0.00 100.00 American Samoa 2 1 0.00 -50.00 French Polynesia 16 5 Niue 1 3 0.00 Samoa 2 Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 33 Other countries of Oceania 33 EUROPE 65,560 57,111 38,339 10,718 24,243 5.28 126.19 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,057 2,869 2,631 1,023 1,461 0.32 42.82 Armenia 1 1 4 0.00 300.00 Azerbaijan 20 3 1 Belarus 14 8 8 0.00 Bulgaria 91 51 25 11 0.00 -56.00 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,631 967 926 420 469 0.10 11.67 Czech Republic/Slovakia 32 583 67 0.01 Estonia 416 30 26 71 0.02 1 73.08 Georgia 50 3 1 18 0.00 1,700.00 Hungary 215 241 90 16 48 0.01 200.00 Kazakhstan 2 1 3 0.00 200.00 Kyrgyzstan 2 5 0.00 150.00 Latvia 30 11 13 0.00 18.18 Lithuania 28 91 77 40 16 0.00 -60.00 Moldova, Republic of 1 Poland 646 354 351 148 121 0.03 -18.24 Romania 178 13 115 29 239 0.05 724.14 Russian Federation 777 393 377 128 217 0.05 69.53 Slovakia 34 187 41 Tajikistan 1 Ukraine 134 32 356 89 149 0.03 67.42 Uzbekistan 16 36 2 0.00 -94.44 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,137 4,506 5,625 1,464 1,295 0.28 -11.54 Denmark 342 285 404 133 132 0.03 -0.75 Finland 513 429 173 67 54 0.01 -19.40 Iceland 35 2 14 0.00 600.00 Ireland 226 443 460 90 111 0.02 23.33 Isle of Man 1 0.00 Norway 386 163 269 78 56 0.01 -28.21 Sweden 701 212 514 151 144 0.03 -4.64 United Kingdom 3,969 2,974 3,770 943 783 0.17 -16.97 SOUTHERN EUROPE 27,787 27,252 18,299 4,866 15,861 3.45 225.96 Albania 1 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Andorra 14 7 3 9 0.00 200.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 2 0.00 Croatia 181 20 66 12 12 0.00 Gibraltar 3 1 1 0.00 Greece 127 80 61 30 0.01 -50.82 Holy See 2 2 0.00 Italy 4,061 2,975 2,827 657 1,126 0.25 71.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 428 COUNTRY TABLES HONDURAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Malta 14 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Montenegro 5 6 0.00 North Macedonia 14 4 2 4 0.00 100.00 Portugal 228 111 429 114 108 0.02 -5.26 San Marino 7 1 0.00 Serbia 22 2 6 0.00 200.00 Slovenia 91 25 38 0.01 52.00 Spain 23,176 24,132 14,739 3,977 14,510 3.16 264.85 WESTERN EUROPE 25,911 21,796 11,185 3,192 4,688 1.02 46.87 Austria 215 205 392 112 177 0.04 58.04 Belgium 1,586 808 716 205 269 0.06 31.22 France 13,603 7,639 3,031 949 1,275 0.28 34.35 Germany 5,624 6,526 4,154 1,157 1,717 0.37 48.40 Liechtenstein 4 0.00 Luxembourg 33 25 5 17 0.00 240.00 Monaco 7 2 5 0.00 150.00 Netherlands 2,835 5,435 1,557 388 508 0.11 30.93 Switzerland 2,048 1,150 1,303 374 716 0.16 91.44 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,227 449 599 173 938 0.20 442.20 Cyprus 10 4 4 0.00 Israel 1,174 253 481 128 863 0.19 574.22 Türkiye 53 196 108 41 71 0.02 73.17 OTHER EUROPE 441 239 Other countries of Europe 441 239 MIDDLE EAST 106 285 220 37 107 0.02 189.19 Bahrain 3 2 0.00 Egypt 15 4 8 0.00 100.00 Iraq 1 Jordan 24 5 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Kuwait 24 6 5 9 0.00 80.00 Lebanon 6 5 0.00 Libya 1 Oman 11 13 5 5 0.00 Qatar 26 150 97 7 24 0.01 242.86 Saudi Arabia 61 24 4 13 0.00 225.00 State of Palestine 56 19 3 5 0.00 66.67 United Arab Emirates 39 30 5 33 0.01 560.00 SOUTH ASIA 308 296 594 83 136 0.03 63.86 Afghanistan 7 3 0.00 Bangladesh 11 1 9 0.00 800.00 India 308 296 505 63 102 0.02 61.90 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 5 0.00 Nepal 9 1 2 0.00 100.00 Pakistan 20 12 7 0.00 -41.67 Sri Lanka 40 6 8 0.00 33.33 NOT SPECIFIED 4,286 1,684 221 83 341 0.07 310.84 Other countries of the world 4,286 1,684 221 83 341 0.07 310.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 429 COUNTRY TABLES HONG KONG (CHINA) / HONG-KONG (CHINE) / HONG KONG (CHINA) 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 27,884,543 29,262,701 23,752,359 1,359,365 89,190 100.00 -93.44 AFRICA 69,476 68,819 57,372 4,486 442 0.50 -90.15 SOUTHERN AFRICA 34,155 37,146 32,057 2,441 24 0.03 -99.02 South Africa 34,155 37,146 32,057 2,441 24 0.03 -99.02 OTHER AFRICA 35,321 31,673 25,315 2,045 418 0.47 -79.56 Other countries of Africa 35,321 31,673 25,315 2,045 418 0.47 -79.56 AMERICAS 1,256,111 1,319,103 1,086,365 74,464 2,513 2.82 -96.63 CENTRAL AMERICA 14,141 14,688 13,779 1,202 105 0.12 -91.26 Honduras 941 844 814 64 9 0.01 -85.94 Other countries of Central America 13,200 13,844 12,965 1,138 96 0.11 -91.56 NORTH AMERICA 1,154,421 1,221,207 997,964 67,354 2,227 2.50 -96.69 Canada 257,136 260,508 211,850 16,695 836 0.94 -94.99 Mexico 27,006 28,763 25,089 2,240 61 0.07 -97.28 United States of America 870,279 931,936 761,025 48,419 1,330 1.49 -97.25 SOUTH AMERICA 87,549 83,208 74,622 5,908 181 0.20 -96.94 Argentina 13,996 11,776 9,231 864 15 0.02 -98.26 Brazil 30,557 29,873 28,717 2,329 48 0.05 -97.94 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6,727 5,492 4,670 405 30 0.03 -92.59 Other countries of South America 36,269 36,067 32,004 2,310 88 0.10 -96.19 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24,786,410 26,085,386 21,056,505 1,148,246 77,245 86.61 -93.27 NORHT-EAST ASIA 21,688,829 22,997,754 18,538,377 990,162 69,682 78.13 -92.96 China 18,526,210 19,901,957 16,226,642 884,985 64,641 72.48 -92.70 Japan 813,207 852,192 660,883 23,341 334 0.37 -98.57 Korea, Republic of 1,160,738 1,116,088 780,141 23,900 596 0.67 -97.51 Macao, China 331,886 320,994 273,596 27,467 1,669 1.87 -93.92 Taiwan Province of China 856,788 806,523 597,115 30,469 2,442 2.74 -91.99 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,545,667 2,524,027 2,041,173 115,464 6,643 7.45 -94.25 Indonesia 385,495 342,760 285,060 19,069 1,236 1.39 -93.52 Malaysia 391,246 391,708 275,939 13,638 315 0.35 -97.69 Philippines 759,852 764,536 729,981 47,873 4,036 4.53 -91.57 Singapore 490,036 481,413 325,341 14,199 697 0.78 -95.09 Thailand 430,356 449,559 352,853 18,265 196 0.22 -98.93 Viet Nam 53,298 53,866 41,793 1,050 28 0.03 -97.33 Other countries of South-East Asia 35,384 40,185 30,206 1,370 135 0.15 -90.15 AUSTRALASIA 505,932 516,978 432,984 36,547 724 0.81 -98.02 Australia 432,339 442,838 370,654 31,091 556 0.62 -98.21 New Zealand 73,593 74,140 62,330 5,456 168 0.19 -96.92 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 45,982 46,627 43,971 6,073 196 0.22 -96.77 Other countries of Asia 38,965 38,751 35,892 5,207 130 0.15 -97.50 Other countries of Oceania 7,017 7,876 8,079 866 66 0.07 -92.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 430 COUNTRY TABLES HONG KONG (CHINA) / HONG-KONG (CHINE) / HONG KONG (CHINA) 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,444,721 1,466,127 1,282,232 112,764 6,599 7.40 -94.15 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 90,073 95,746 84,458 13,191 727 0.82 -94.49 Russian Federation 90,073 95,746 84,458 13,191 727 0.82 -94.49 NORTHERN EUROPE 548,038 553,227 476,929 38,523 930 1.04 -97.59 Denmark 20,022 19,915 16,140 1,412 119 0.13 -91.57 Finland 18,559 17,418 14,252 1,308 40 0.04 -96.94 Norway 16,859 1 7,866 13,329 916 24 0.03 -97.38 Sweden 49,142 45,592 31,118 2,553 109 0.12 -95.73 United Kingdom 443,456 452,436 402,090 32,334 638 0.72 -98.03 SOUTHERN EUROPE 129,764 130,530 114,205 7,465 394 0.44 -94.72 Italy 69,871 68,610 59,100 3,866 210 0.24 -94.57 Portugal 16,206 16,252 14,055 1,007 52 0.06 -94.84 Spain 43,687 45,668 41,050 2,592 132 0.15 -94.91 WESTERN EUROPE 474,524 479,217 420,654 28,640 904 1.01 -96.84 Austria 23,205 22,968 16,077 1,087 59 0.07 -94.57 Belgium 23,297 24,397 21,446 1,464 58 0.07 -96.04 France 151,192 150,432 128,874 8,714 269 0.30 -96.91 Germany 159,498 165,191 150,803 10,322 308 0.35 -97.02 Netherlands 69,914 70,290 63,230 4,325 157 0.18 -96.37 Switzerland 47,418 45,939 40,224 2,728 53 0.06 -98.06 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 66,346 65,393 56,303 4,968 270 0.30 -94.57 Israel 49,036 50,627 44,268 2,989 129 0.14 -95.68 Turkiye 17,310 14,766 12,035 1,979 141 0.16 -92.88 OTHER EUROPE 135,976 142,014 129,683 19,977 3,374 3.78 -83.11 Other countries of Europe 135,976 142,014 129,683 19,977 3,374 3.78 -83.11 MIDDLE EAST 49,681 47,684 38,215 2,157 42 0.05 -98.05 Bahrain 1,146 1,045 885 37 Egypt 7,309 7,019 5,530 347 20 0.02 -94.24 Jordan 4,161 3,756 3,217 306 4 0.00 -98.69 Kuwait 3,039 3,100 2,370 112 3 0.00 -97.32 Saudi Arabia 11,531 9,707 7,545 628 3 0.00 -99.52 United Arab Emirates 14,815 15,601 12,712 475 1 0.00 -99.79 Other countries of Middle East 7,680 7,456 5,956 252 11 0.01 -95.63 SOUTH ASIA 278,144 275,582 231,670 17,248 2,349 2.63 -86.38 India 278,144 275,582 231,670 17,248 2,349 2.63 -86.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 431 COUNTRY TABLES HONG KONG (CHINA) / HONG-KONG (CHINE) / HONG KONG (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 58,472,157 65,147,555 55,912,609 3,568,875 91,398 100.00 -97.44 AFRICA 129,613 127,978 115,039 8,551 448 0.49 -94.76 EAST AFRICA 34,951 32,846 31,721 1,857 374 0.41 -79.86 Burundi 5 2 14 Comoros 144 183 107 3 Djibouti 181 175 84 15 Eritrea 14 7 3 Ethiopia 896 776 340 56 24 0.03 -57.14 Kenya 5,976 3,923 3,137 153 12 0.01 -92.16 Madagascar 3,172 4,113 6,708 355 5 0.01 -98.59 Malawi 509 480 381 20 Mauritius 11,943 12,070 12,873 524 75 0.08 -85.69 Mozambique 1,295 1,250 885 56 1 0.00 -98.21 Rwanda 109 58 31 Seychelles 633 606 463 37 Somalia 21 19 38 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 2,481 2,318 1,924 331 252 0.28 -23.87 Uganda 1,956 1,340 905 53 1 0.00 -98.11 Zambia 3,011 2,725 1,544 112 1 0.00 -99.11 Zimbabwe 2,605 2,801 2,284 141 3 0.00 -97.87 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,427 1,307 914 83 1 0.00 -98.80 Angola 426 370 209 25 Cameroon 168 252 102 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Central African Republic 14 7 3 Chad 108 104 101 14 Congo 93 87 69 3 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 161 116 85 4 Equatorial Guinea 135 103 117 19 Gabon 258 237 175 12 Sao Tome and Principe 64 31 53 NORTH AFRICA 13,594 13,648 12,490 1,081 30 0.03 -97.22 Algeria 4,508 3,308 2,615 212 2 0.00 -99.06 Morocco 6,326 7,985 7,495 667 19 0.02 -97.15 South Sudan 5 6 1 Sudan 40 53 34 2 Tunisia 2,720 2,297 2,340 199 9 0.01 -95.48 SOUTHERN AFRICA 67,642 71,139 61,957 4,742 30 0.03 -99.37 Botswana 833 1,011 933 76 1 0.00 -98.68 Eswatini 168 187 217 11 Lesotho 308 415 256 10 Namibia 911 800 686 37 3 0.00 -91.89 South Africa 65,422 68,726 59,865 4,608 26 0.03 -99.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 432 COUNTRY TABLES HONG KONG (CHINA) / HONG-KONG (CHINE) / HONG KONG (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 11,999 9,038 7,957 788 13 0.01 -98.35 Benin 940 650 379 21 1 0.00 -95.24 Burkina Faso 668 611 398 23 Cabo Verde 281 327 519 78 Cote d'lvoire 197 230 161 12 Gambia 108 91 52 1 Ghana 329 217 198 20 4 0.00 -80.00 Guinea 1,844 1,701 1,321 125 2 0.00 -98.40 Guinea-Bissau 15 14 9 1 Liberia 152 34 27 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Mali 2,458 1,501 1,408 190 Mauritania 298 231 238 17 Niger 1,662 782 942 107 Nigeria 2,190 2,099 1,863 165 5 0.01 -96.97 Senegal 633 364 235 14 Sierra Leone 103 64 63 1 Togo 121 122 144 11 AMERICAS 1,781,819 1,872,540 1,600,755 123,025 2,570 2.81 -97.91 CARIBBEAN 10,293 10,976 10,083 857 76 0.08 -91.13 Antigua and Barbuda 482 470 457 51 3 0.00 -94.12 Bahamas 463 649 536 22 2 0.00 -90.91 Barbados 235 412 365 32 1 0.00 -96.88 Cuba 179 150 121 20 1 0.00 -95.00 Dominica 721 808 844 75 6 0.01 -92.00 Dominican Republic 1,891 2,013 1,806 126 4 0.00 -96.83 Grenada 432 644 561 50 6 0.01 -88.00 Haiti 205 217 167 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Jamaica 3,078 3,117 2,624 281 15 0.02 -94.66 Saint Kitts and Nevis 995 949 1,176 98 12 0.01 -87.76 Saint Lucia 108 111 132 19 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 45 65 45 2 17 0.02 750.00 Trinidad and Tobago 1,458 1,371 1,249 69 6 0.01 -91.30 Other countries of the Caribbean 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 10,844 10,815 11,009 955 31 0.03 -96.75 Belize 1,687 1,486 1,348 124 4 0.00 -96.77 Costa Rica 2,673 2,916 2,728 315 7 0.01 -97.78 El Salvador 604 698 585 49 Guatemala 1,736 1,912 1,747 121 3 0.00 -97.52 Honduras 1,373 1,404 1,208 97 9 0.01 -90.72 Nicaragua 197 83 60 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Panama 2,574 2,316 3,333 243 5 0.01 -97.94 NORTH AMERICA 1,625,509 1,722,153 1,460,563 111,800 2,274 2.49 -97.97 Canada 370,335 377,992 318,479 27,951 845 0.92 -96.98 Mexico 39,545 39,929 34,919 3,024 64 0.07 -97.88 United States of America (*) 1,215,629 1,304,232 1,107,165 80,825 1,365 1.49 -98.31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 433 COUNTRY TABLES HONG KONG (CHINA) / HONG-KONG (CHINE) / HONG KONG (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 135,173 128,596 119,100 9,413 189 0.21 -97.99 Argentina 18,349 15,989 13,081 1,158 15 0.02 -98.70 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,952 1,991 1,912 131 3 0.00 -97.71 Brazil 50,047 49,097 48,500 4,108 53 0.06 -98.71 Chile 14,420 15,596 14,646 1,060 23 0.03 -97.83 Colombia 20,124 1 7,422 15,372 1,051 33 0.04 -96.86 Ecuador 4,942 5,276 5,053 371 3 0.00 -99.19 Guyana 347 345 332 10 1 0.00 -90.00 Paraguay 766 733 695 41 3 0.00 -92.68 Peru 8,315 8,037 7,638 610 21 0.02 -96.56 Suriname 3,268 3,500 2,946 195 4 0.00 -97.95 Uruguay 2,477 2,255 2,043 72 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 10,166 8,355 6,882 606 30 0.03 -95.05 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 54,070,721 60,632,027 51,966,722 3,240,685 78,966 86.40 -97.56 NORHT-EAST ASIA 50,202,999 56,794,814 48,703,490 3,025,191 71,175 77.87 -97.65 China 44,445,259 51,038,230 43,774,685 2,706,398 65,721 71.91 -97.57 Japan 1,230,010 1,287,773 1,078,836 50,320 346 0.38 -99.31 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 101 91 103 Korea, Republic of 1,487,670 1,421,411 1,042,540 39,922 626 0.68 -98.43 Macao, China 1,000,967 1,094,785 1,238,709 117,696 1,922 2.10 -98.37 Mongolia 28,237 27,290 29,702 5,715 13 0.01 -99.77 Taiwan Province of China 2,010,755 1,925,234 1,538,915 105,140 2,547 2.79 -97.58 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 3,180,595 3,133,424 2,650,956 157,953 6,981 7.64 -95.58 Brunei Darussalam 6,922 6,341 4,388 233 1 0.00 -99.57 Cambodia 20,491 40,138 25,650 554 1 0.00 -99.82 Indonesia 482,022 427,007 375,781 25,750 1,504 1.65 -94.16 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2,988 3,356 2,623 78 Malaysia 516,701 510,601 392,562 20,771 317 0.35 -98.47 Myanmar 13,220 12,025 9,149 831 133 0.15 -84.00 Philippines 894,489 894,821 875,897 62,741 4,065 4.45 -93.52 Singapore 627,612 610,508 453,182 22,664 701 0.77 -96.91 Thailand 560,207 571,606 467,048 23,152 231 0.25 -99.00 Timor-Leste 291 214 270 11 Viet Nam 55,652 56,807 44,406 1,168 28 0.03 -97.60 AUSTRALASIA 674,638 689,822 597,675 55,983 744 0.81 -98.67 Australia 567,881 580,167 505,253 47,255 569 0.62 -98.80 New Zealand (*) 106,757 109,655 92,422 8,728 175 0.19 -97.99 MELANESIA 10,046 11,423 12,142 1,306 34 0.04 -97.40 Fiji 6,834 7,454 7,750 664 5 0.01 -99.25 Papua New Guinea 1,905 1,818 1,429 218 2 0.00 -99.08 Solomon Islands 165 141 119 9 Vanuatu 1,142 2,010 2,844 415 27 0.03 -93.49 MICRONESIA 1,131 1,127 1,066 120 32 0.04 -73.33 Kiribati 471 373 408 72 31 0.03 -56.94 Marshall Islands 381 444 388 28 1 0.00 -96.43 Micronesia, Federated States of 155 177 128 3 Nauru 124 133 142 17 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 434 COUNTRY TABLES HONG KONG (CHINA) / HONG-KONG (CHINE) / HONG KONG (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 953 1,120 1,162 127 Samoa 421 474 553 29 Tonga 470 539 544 91 Tuvalu 62 107 65 7 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 359 297 231 5 Other countries of Oceania 359 297 231 5 EUROPE 2,003,782 2,038,497 1,817,037 166,557 6,841 7.48 -95.89 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 302,689 318,367 269,917 39,326 3,469 3.80 -91.18 Armenia 554 557 1,340 210 21 0.02 -90.00 Azerbaijan 486 504 409 40 3 0.00 -92.50 Belarus 1,345 5,029 5,863 648 30 0.03 -95.37 Bulgaria 5,863 5,546 5,224 829 115 0.13 -86.13 Czech Republic (Czechia) 12,236 11,171 9,554 840 17 0.02 -97.98 Estonia 3,902 3,515 2,756 373 40 0.04 -89.28 Georgia 452 438 296 114 15 0.02 -86.84 Hungary 10,384 10,298 9,636 710 17 0.02 -97.61 Kazakhstan 12,557 11,924 10,687 1,295 12 0.01 -99.07 Kyrgyzstan 171 173 174 13 Latvia 2,856 2,992 2,725 464 28 0.03 -93.97 Lithuania 4,531 4,359 4,453 509 42 0.05 -91.75 Moldova, Republic of 164 149 143 7 2 0.00 -71.43 Poland 29,136 29,675 28,228 3,467 271 0.30 -92.18 Romania 12,797 12,490 11,442 2,063 336 0.37 -83.71 Russian Federation 148,098 161,916 138,679 20,121 783 0.86 -96.11 Slovakia 5,689 6,068 5,154 345 15 0.02 -95.65 Tajikistan 59 60 47 4 Turkmenistan 32 23 42 2 Ukraine 50,977 51,093 32,729 7,256 1,722 1.88 -76.27 Uzbekistan 389 348 331 16 Other countries Central/East Europe 11 39 5 NORTHERN EUROPE 723,558 739,854 656,635 56,733 1,018 1.11 -98.21 Denmark 26,406 26,348 22,809 2,126 121 0.13 -94.31 Finland 27,574 25,308 21,471 2,137 40 0.04 -98.13 Iceland 1,563 1,731 1,186 107 5 0.01 -95.33 Ireland 27,138 31,406 30,982 2,442 39 0.04 -98.40 Norway 21,777 22,935 18,303 1,476 26 0.03 -98.24 Sweden 63,747 59,387 43,506 4,040 110 0.12 -97.28 United Kingdom 555,353 572,739 518,378 44,405 677 0.74 -98.48 SOUTHERN EUROPE 224,533 231,028 212,393 19,084 1,109 1.21 -94.19 Albania 937 966 729 91 1 0.00 -98.90 Andorra 106 84 105 5 Bosnia and Herzegovina 775 1,027 993 89 12 0.01 -86.52 Croatia 4,169 4,419 3,597 1,090 236 0.26 -78.35 Greece 9,428 9,551 8,864 1,472 123 0.13 -91.64 Holy See 4 4 8 1 Italy 104,933 102,730 89,783 6,156 216 0.24 -96.49 Malta 1,000 1,115 947 92 16 0.02 -82.61 Montenegro 560 544 460 476 192 0.21 -59.66 North Macedonia 915 911 688 60 2 0.00 -96.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 435 COUNTRY TABLES HONG KONG (CHINA) / HONG-KONG (CHINE) / HONG KONG (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Portugal 27,391 26,153 27,510 2,985 60 0.07 -97.99 San Marino 94 86 105 14 Serbia 8,572 13,776 15,513 1,792 67 0.07 -96.26 Slovenia 2,874 3,144 2,445 266 39 0.04 -85.34 Spain 62,775 66,518 60,646 4,495 145 0.16 -96.77 WESTERN EUROPE 648,759 646,239 587,362 43,532 956 1.05 -97.80 Austria 31,212 30,324 22,136 1,548 68 0.07 -95.61 Belgium 30,805 32,322 29,555 2,288 58 0.06 -97.47 France (*) 204,130 201,850 177,768 13,307 289 0.32 -97.83 Germany 225,183 226,819 217,779 15,493 318 0.35 -97.95 Liechtenstein 351 312 294 25 1 0.00 -96.00 Luxembourg 1,908 2,123 2,066 139 4 0.00 -97.12 Monaco 129 151 123 14 Netherlands 94,826 93,863 85,227 6,639 164 0.18 -97.53 Switzerland 60,215 58,475 52,414 4,079 54 0.06 -98.68 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 104,243 103,009 90,730 7,882 289 0.32 -96.33 Cyprus 1,912 2,154 2,075 127 6 0.01 -95.28 Israel 74,943 77,010 69,269 5,097 137 0.15 -97.31 Turkiye 27,388 23,845 19,386 2,658 146 0.16 -94.51 MIDDLE EAST 64,558 62,018 51,584 3,103 41 0.04 -98.68 Bahrain 1,433 1,324 1,132 56 Egypt 12,865 10,941 8,580 553 20 0.02 -96.38 Iraq 146 134 91 8 Jordan 11,208 10,422 8,693 747 5 0.01 -99.33 Kuwait 3,441 3,548 2,859 140 3 0.00 -97.86 Lebanon 813 720 586 37 Libya 34 30 37 4 Oman 1,213 1,125 786 27 Qatar 2,525 3,314 3,259 108 8 0.01 -92.59 Saudi Arabia 13,179 11,255 8,881 706 3 0.00 -99.58 Syrian Arab Republic 297 271 237 15 1 0.00 -93.33 United Arab Emirates 16,838 18,383 16,031 669 1 0.00 -99.85 Yemen 527 505 381 33 Other countries of Middle East 39 46 31 SOUTH ASIA 421,574 414,356 361,401 26,948 2,532 2.77 -90.60 Afghanistan 187 169 165 12 Bangladesh 5,258 5,284 4,434 303 19 0.02 -93.73 Bhutan 1,260 1,626 1,286 152 India 392,853 386,681 337,997 24,593 2,388 2.61 -90.29 Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,253 2,500 1,644 86 2 0.00 -97.67 Maldives 1,096 990 778 75 1 0.00 -98.67 Nepal 4,867 5,609 6,007 951 23 0.03 -97.58 Pakistan 5,917 5,659 4,469 397 25 0.03 -93.70 Sri Lanka 6,883 5,838 4,621 379 74 0.08 -80.47 NOT SPECIFIED 90 139 71 6 Other countries of the world 90 139 71 6 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 436 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 15,785,488 17,551,671 16,936,944 7,417,002 7,929,122 100.00 6.90 AFRICA 37,787 39,497 43,604 11,509 11,628 0.15 1.03 OTHER AFRICA 37,787 39,497 43,604 11,509 11,628 0.15 1.03 All countries of Africa 37,787 39,497 43,604 11,509 11,628 0.15 1.03 AMERICAS 939,116 1,011,066 1,073,203 252,066 288,626 3.64 14.50 NORTH AMERICA 682,441 722,706 761,467 208,941 224,235 2.83 7.32 United States of America 682,441 722,706 761,467 208,941 224,235 2.83 7.32 OTHER AMERICAS 256,675 288,360 311,736 43,125 64,391 0.81 49.31 Other countries of the Americas 256,675 288,360 311,736 43,125 64,391 0.81 49.31 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,021,203 1,098,259 1,195,365 265,351 336,259 4.24 26.72 AUSTRALASIA 113,813 118,167 127,214 25,261 32,412 0.41 28.31 Australia 113,813 118,167 127,214 25,261 32,412 0.41 28.31 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 907,390 980,092 1,068,151 240,090 303,847 3.83 26.56 All countries of Asia 907,390 980,092 1,068,151 240,090 303,847 3.83 26.56 EUROPE 13,787,382 15,402,849 14,624,772 6,888,076 7,292,609 91.97 5.87 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,187,827 6,382,523 5,075,555 2,340,270 2,145,742 27.06 -8.31 Bulgaria 289,058 624,958 41 7,093 155,844 139,137 1.75 -10.72 Czech Republic (Czechia) 873,944 843,879 757,309 303,655 293,351 3.70 -3.39 Poland 485,649 573,461 726,120 341,169 314,546 3.97 -7.80 Romania 2,477,165 2,369,980 1,570,879 744,981 731,724 9.23 -1.78 Slovakia 1,801,475 1,710,173 1,358,611 727,332 585,162 7.38 -19.55 Ukraine 260,536 260,072 245,543 67,289 81,822 1.03 21.60 NORTHERN EUROPE 676,061 788,988 895,660 263,085 178,502 2.25 -32.15 United Kingdom 676,061 788,988 895,660 263,085 1 78,502 2.25 -32.15 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,003,949 1,460,295 1,490,768 744,519 805,244 10.16 8.16 Croatia 42,138 35,481 48,782 17,310 2,179 0.03 -87.41 Italy 417,696 528,122 729,762 297,879 379,346 4.78 27.35 Serbia and Montenegro 519,291 882,934 699,261 425,178 413,687 5.22 -2.70 Slovenia 24,824 13,758 12,963 4,152 10,032 0.13 141.62 WESTERN EUROPE 4,190,612 4,652,839 4,784,131 2,741,295 2,993,248 37.75 9.19 Austria 1,322,650 1,439,936 1,196,852 889,081 928,879 11.71 4.48 France 263,030 344,104 443,505 204,836 274,005 3.46 33.77 Germany 2,105,292 2,375,040 2,619,383 1,369,159 1,449,602 18.28 5.88 Netherlands 253,265 301,022 302,593 135,518 1 76,964 2.23 30.58 Switzerland 246,375 192,737 221,798 142,701 163,798 2.07 14.78 OTHER EUROPE 1,728,933 2,118,204 2,378,658 798,907 1,169,873 14.75 46.43 Other countries of Europe 1,728,933 2,118,204 2,378,658 798,907 1,169,873 14.75 46.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 437 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 54,961,844 57,666,978 61,397,211 31,640,582 36,687,540 100.00 15.95 AFRICA 37,787 40,120 44,516 11,509 11,656 0.03 1.28 OTHER AFRICA 37,787 40,120 44,516 11,509 11,656 0.03 1.28 All countries of Africa 37,787 40,120 44,516 11,509 11,656 0.03 1.28 AMERICAS 944,397 1,013,658 1,073,764 252,842 288,626 0.79 14.15 NORTH AMERICA 685,493 725,298 761,467 178,894 224,235 0.61 25.35 United States of America 685,493 725,298 761,467 178,894 224,235 0.61 25.35 OTHER AMERICAS 258,904 288,360 312,297 73,948 64,391 0.18 -12.92 Other countries of the Americas 258,904 288,360 312,297 73,948 64,391 0.18 -12.92 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,025,284 1,107,456 1,237,753 273,474 340,771 0.93 24.61 AUSTRALASIA 113,813 118,807 127,214 25,261 32,412 0.09 28.31 Australia 113,813 118,807 127,214 25,261 32,412 0.09 28.31 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 911,471 988,649 1,110,539 248,213 308,359 0.84 24.23 All countries of Asia 911,471 988,649 1,110,539 248,213 308,359 0.84 24.23 EUROPE 52,954,376 55,505,744 59,041,178 31,102,757 36,046,487 98.25 15.89 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 29,890,434 31,472,424 33,553,382 18,471,537 20,687,094 56.39 11.99 Bulgaria 1,879,232 1,727,015 1,821,679 1,112,421 1,261,084 3.44 13.36 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,673,573 1,857,731 1,813,847 850,266 1,155,515 3.15 35.90 Poland 2,260,699 2,465,197 2,485,458 1,206,720 1,481,498 4.04 22.77 Romania 11,354,089 12,166,378 13,759,285 7,622,184 9,259,761 25.24 21.48 Slovakia 10,669,976 10,981,906 11,106,282 6,425,625 6,295,423 17.16 -2.03 Ukraine 2,052,865 2,274,197 2,566,831 1,254,321 1,233,813 3.36 -1.63 NORTHERN EUROPE 723,431 828,401 904,478 268,212 185,719 0.51 -30.76 United Kingdom 723,431 828,401 904,478 268,212 185,719 0.51 -30.76 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,094,788 6,113,961 6,529,022 2,892,567 3,696,655 10.08 27.80 Croatia 973,120 970,113 1,005,430 400,758 447,446 1.22 11.65 Italy 723,557 739,104 986,018 361,750 483,151 1.32 33.56 Serbia and Montenegro 4,004,767 4,016,581 4,142,576 1,946,310 2,541,502 6.93 30.58 Slovenia 393,344 388,163 394,998 183,749 224,556 0.61 22.21 WESTERN EUROPE 12,669,348 13,237,939 13,896,448 7,607,390 8,926,576 24.33 17.34 Austria 8,322,032 8,680,898 9,274,242 5,383,232 5,728,553 15.61 6.41 France 418,710 443,656 466,906 206,394 279,363 0.76 35.35 Germany 3,267,993 3,456,949 3,481,312 1,692,087 2,487,556 6.78 47.01 Netherlands 355,467 358,590 363,404 169,184 247,322 0.67 46.19 Switzerland 305,146 297,846 310,584 156,493 183,782 0.50 17.44 OTHER EUROPE 3,576,375 3,853,019 4,157,848 1,863,051 2,550,443 6.95 36.90 Other countries of Europe 3,576,375 3,853,019 4,157,848 1,863,051 2,550,443 6.95 36.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 438 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 5,029,145 5,285,600 5,455,656 1,196,028 1,637,914 100.00 36.95 AFRICA 23,449 21,236 23,306 4,040 5,906 0.36 46.19 OTHER AFRICA 23,449 21,236 23,306 4,040 5,906 0.36 46.19 All countries of Africa 23,449 21,236 23,306 4,040 5,906 0.36 46.19 AMERICAS 371,495 456,583 455,365 44,948 71,090 4.34 58.16 NORTH AMERICA 302,665 386,686 390,630 36,273 61,355 3.75 69.15 Canada 35,955 44,291 42,739 2,592 4,162 0.25 60.57 United States of America 266,710 342,395 347,891 33,681 57,193 3.49 69.81 OTHER AMERICAS 68,830 69,897 64,735 8,675 9,735 0.59 12.22 Other countries of the Americas 68,830 69,897 64,735 8,675 9,735 0.59 12.22 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 113,353 114,026 112,978 15,194 5,103 0.31 -66.41 NORHT-EAST ASIA 63,793 63,981 64,589 10,981 3,044 0.19 -72.28 Japan 63,793 63,981 64,589 10,981 3,044 0.19 -72.28 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,560 50,045 48,389 4,213 2,059 0.13 -51.13 All countries of Oceania 49,560 50,045 48,389 4,213 2,059 0.13 -51.13 EUROPE 3,964,982 4,062,951 4,195,572 1,053,036 1,491,571 91.07 41.64 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,221,756 1,293,862 1,394,922 368,293 564,790 34.48 53.35 Bulgaria 42,285 39,180 38,683 9,743 14,785 0.90 51.75 Czech Republic (Czechia) 250,259 262,521 278,748 75,498 127,214 7.77 68.50 Poland 201,446 199,350 209,447 52,663 77,1 72 4.71 46.54 Romania 263,580 277,965 301,239 85,809 150,319 9.18 75.18 Russian Federation 164,860 168,808 175,968 36,197 55,981 3.42 54.66 Slovakia 1 79,363 183,181 188,726 71,261 84,462 5.16 18.52 Ukraine 119,963 162,857 202,111 37,122 54,857 3.35 47.77 NORTHERN EUROPE 570,944 576,479 576,941 115,330 107,696 6.58 -6.62 Denmark 51,396 50,077 46,129 9,753 18,882 1.15 93.60 Finland 44,166 44,195 38,484 5,058 5,894 0.36 16.53 Norway 49,827 46,134 44,474 6,549 7,423 0.45 13.35 Sweden 84,643 75,500 70,477 10,599 17,771 1.08 67.67 United Kingdom 340,912 360,573 377,377 83,371 57,726 3.52 -30.76 SOUTHERN EUROPE 586,873 597,686 591,703 129,439 167,766 10.24 29.61 Croatia 41,883 44,577 46,505 10,923 15,931 0.97 45.85 Greece 47,531 48,937 52,601 12,601 12,696 0.78 0.75 Italy 242,953 232,397 228,982 54,444 65,654 4.01 20.59 Serbia 68,375 70,861 65,377 18,455 27,944 1.71 51.42 Slovenia 28,357 28,862 31,293 7,966 12,155 0.74 52.59 Spain 157,774 172,052 166,945 25,050 33,386 2.04 33.28 WESTERN EUROPE 1,194,117 1,219,788 1,201,134 345,811 477,702 29.17 38.14 Austria 295,998 294,234 287,744 93,232 106,013 6.47 13.71 Belgium 64,279 62,704 59,813 16,263 24,253 1.48 49.13 France 151,218 150,806 156,720 38,384 65,571 4.00 70.83 Germany 518,847 549,766 534,486 154,210 209,751 12.81 36.02 Netherlands 98,473 97,371 93,894 25,659 47,879 2.92 86.60 Switzerland 65,302 64,907 68,477 18,063 24,235 1.48 34.17 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 439 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 187,620 186,832 192,907 38,708 79,469 4.85 105.30 Israel 118,401 127,599 137,876 23,790 55,578 3.39 133.62 Turkiye 69,219 59,233 55,031 14,918 23,891 1.46 60.15 OTHER EUROPE 203,672 188,304 237,965 55,455 94,148 5.75 69.77 Other countries of Europe 203,672 188,304 237,965 55,455 94,148 5.75 69.77 NOT SPECIFIED 555,866 630,804 668,435 78,810 64,244 3.92 -18.48 Other countries of the world 555,866 630,804 668,435 78,810 64,244 3.92 -18.48 HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 5,650,077 5,945,123 6,168,576 1,366,412 1,868,335 100.00 36.73 AFRICA 25,425 23,806 26,144 4,827 6,623 0.35 37.21 SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,520 4,537 5,640 672 699 0.04 4.02 South Africa 4,520 4,537 5,640 672 699 0.04 4.02 OTHER AFRICA 20,905 19,269 20,504 4,155 5,924 0.32 42.58 Other countries of Africa 20,905 19,269 20,504 4,155 5,924 0.32 42.58 AMERICAS 422,560 514,301 511,123 53,069 76,278 4.08 43.73 CENTRAL AMERICA 14,633 17,189 15,950 1,907 2,639 0.14 38.38 All countries of Central America 14,633 17,189 15,950 1,907 2,639 0.14 38.38 NORTH AMERICA 344,751 436,892 436,608 42,222 67,611 3.62 60.13 Canada 42,205 51,283 49,382 3,226 4,627 0.25 43.43 United States of America 291,076 367,907 370,551 36,962 59,888 3.21 62.03 Other countries of North America 11,470 1 7,702 16,675 2,034 3,096 0.17 52.21 SOUTH AMERICA 63,176 60,220 58,565 8,940 6,028 0.32 -32.57 Brazil 27,735 27,395 26,067 4,130 2,607 0.14 -36.88 Other countries of South America 35,441 32,825 32,498 4,810 3,421 0.18 -28.88 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 672,620 735,681 770,893 93,991 68,115 3.65 -27.53 NORHT-EAST ASIA 446,274 503,901 521,597 63,007 43,250 2.31 -31.36 China 227,225 261,298 279,124 21,317 10,229 0.55 -52.01 Japan 66,234 66,239 67,131 11,369 3,251 0.17 -71.40 Korea, Republic of 152,815 176,364 175,342 30,321 29,770 1.59 -1.82 AUSTRALASIA 50,058 50,462 45,910 4,285 1,305 0.07 -69.54 Australia 50,058 50,462 45,910 4,285 1,305 0.07 -69.54 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 176,288 181,318 203,386 26,699 23,560 1.26 -11.76 Other countries of Asia 159,566 167,153 187,087 25,328 22,558 1.21 -10.94 Other countries of Oceania 16,722 14,165 16,299 1,371 1,002 0.05 -26.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 440 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 4,487,879 4,619,317 4,803,320 1,208,911 1,711,664 91.61 41.59 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,452,498 1,542,098 1,662,634 450,955 680,883 36.44 50.99 Bulgaria 43,942 41,260 41,110 10,195 15,446 0.83 51.51 Czech Republic (Czechia) 295,079 312,310 331,582 96,052 158,486 8.48 65.00 Estonia 8,662 9,122 9,626 2,125 3,543 0.19 66.73 Latvia 8,142 9,415 8,960 1,935 4,817 0.26 148.94 Lithuania 10,855 10,519 11,821 2,281 5,890 0.32 158.22 Poland 287,488 290,613 301,322 82,302 109,441 5.86 32.97 Romania 288,802 304,339 332,606 91,063 164,607 8.81 80.76 Russian Federation 1 70,455 178,533 187,805 38,061 59,106 3.16 55.29 Slovakia 210,706 212,344 220,503 84,255 96,361 5.16 14.37 Ukraine 128,367 173,643 217,299 42,686 63,186 3.38 48.03 NORTHERN EUROPE 672,321 679,554 689,981 135,757 129,382 6.92 -4.70 Denmark 61,115 59,576 55,911 11,434 21,820 1.17 90.83 Finland 47,611 47,871 42,071 5,436 6,342 0.34 16.67 Iceland 5,678 6,598 8,959 1,502 2,807 0.15 86.88 Ireland 32,819 35,202 39,975 9,241 9,324 0.50 0.90 Norway 51,590 48,140 47,033 6,909 7,699 0.41 11.43 Sweden 89,310 80,047 75,231 11,098 18,861 1.01 69.95 United Kingdom 384,198 402,120 420,801 90,137 62,529 3.35 -30.63 SOUTHERN EUROPE 653,922 678,311 695,052 152,215 200,854 10.75 31.95 Croatia 44,417 48,508 50,411 11,563 17,225 0.92 48.97 Greece 48,861 51,110 56,058 13,537 13,900 0.74 2.68 Italy 259,449 251,110 255,392 59,956 71,830 3.84 19.80 Malta 4,912 5,166 6,881 2,108 3,255 0.17 54.41 Portugal 20,019 25,615 29,142 6,825 12,503 0.67 83.19 Serbia 72,113 75,163 70,748 19,304 29,906 1.60 54.92 Slovenia 33,511 34,345 37,010 9,920 13,938 0.75 40.50 Spain 1 70,640 187,294 189,410 29,002 38,297 2.05 32.05 WESTERN EUROPE 1,387,545 1,419,195 1,406,295 396,215 555,360 29.72 40.17 Austria 328,928 329,742 324,028 103,955 119,579 6.40 15.03 Belgium 77,759 75,485 71,575 18,188 27,264 1.46 49.90 France 1 70,465 171,617 180,968 42,163 72,598 3.89 72.18 Germany 600,661 636,838 625,710 180,441 249,411 13.35 38.22 Luxembourg 3,819 4,359 4,626 1,494 2,363 0.13 58.17 Netherlands 134,564 128,879 123,086 30,271 57,587 3.08 90.24 Switzerland 71,349 72,275 76,302 19,703 26,558 1.42 34.79 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 199,416 203,003 213,891 43,220 87,498 4.68 102.45 Cyprus 4,785 7,193 8,529 2,436 4,151 0.22 70.40 Israel 121,037 131,353 144,449 24,600 57,998 3.10 135.76 Turkiye 73,594 64,457 60,913 16,184 25,349 1.36 56.63 OTHER EUROPE 122,177 97,156 135,467 30,549 57,687 3.09 88.83 Other countries of Europe 122,177 97,156 135,467 30,549 57,687 3.09 88.83 SOUTH ASIA 41,593 52,018 57,096 5,614 5,655 0.30 0.73 India 41,593 52,018 57,096 5,614 5,655 0.30 0.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 441 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 12,754,054 13,094,080 13,413,406 3,125,743 4,139,082 100.00 32.42 AFRICA 74,486 59,603 63,886 12,030 16,345 0.39 35.87 OTHER AFRICA 74,486 59,603 63,886 12,030 16,345 0.39 35.87 All countries of Africa 74,486 59,603 63,886 12,030 16,345 0.39 35.87 AMERICAS 963,397 1,056,717 1,072,984 116,860 167,279 4.04 43.14 NORTH AMERICA 780,739 882,173 904,946 91,225 142,836 3.45 56.58 Canada 95,742 113,063 104,211 7,540 11,215 0.27 48.74 United States of America 684,997 769,110 800,735 83,685 131,621 3.18 57.28 OTHER AMERICAS 182,658 174,544 168,038 25,635 24,443 0.59 -4.65 Other countries of the Americas 182,658 174,544 168,038 25,635 24,443 0.59 -4.65 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 264,444 264,555 255,243 43,381 27,050 0.65 -37.65 NORHT-EAST ASIA 144,518 146,882 140,233 31,916 22,113 0.53 -30.72 Japan 144,518 146,882 140,233 31,916 22,113 0.53 -30.72 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 119,926 117,673 115,010 11,465 4,937 0.12 -56.94 All countries of Oceania 119,926 117,673 115,010 11,465 4,937 0.12 -56.94 EUROPE 10,484,183 10,640,720 10,842,609 2,769,069 3,776,378 91.24 36.38 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,094,763 3,230,075 3,385,120 924,367 1,398,392 33.79 51.28 Bulgaria 71,611 68,681 63,839 14,933 29,184 0.71 95.43 Czech Republic (Czechia) 747,786 786,954 814,138 214,046 358,181 8.65 67.34 Poland 470,179 448,849 473,741 120,720 1 74,001 4.20 44.14 Romania 501,966 535,946 579,518 182,972 322,845 7.80 76.45 Russian Federation 658,878 654,348 669,840 138,461 188,329 4.55 36.02 Slovakia 402,604 403,537 415,165 164,021 191,278 4.62 16.62 Ukraine 241,739 331,760 368,879 89,214 134,574 3.25 50.84 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,576,619 1,564,029 1,562,034 307,122 273,741 6.61 -10.87 Denmark 157,546 151,585 137,204 27,524 52,351 1.26 90.20 Finland 129,242 128,248 109,849 13,497 16,298 0.39 20.75 Norway 145,268 139,656 131,964 18,504 22,189 0.54 19.91 Sweden 237,577 212,260 190,412 25,155 40,395 0.98 60.58 United Kingdom 906,986 932,280 992,605 222,442 142,508 3.44 -35.93 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,444,439 1,472,607 1,468,822 345,685 438,996 10.61 26.99 Croatia 79,190 79,541 82,989 22,736 34,368 0.83 51.16 Greece 126,004 128,787 137,853 36,423 34,633 0.84 -4.91 Italy 660,671 633,641 623,241 158,957 183,949 4.44 15.72 Serbia 134,818 138,473 129,743 40,072 61,485 1.49 53.44 Slovenia 56,515 54,569 56,743 16,568 25,980 0.63 56.81 Spain 387,241 437,596 438,253 70,929 98,581 2.38 38.99 WESTERN EUROPE 3,325,627 3,322,803 3,217,180 930,862 1,207,982 29.18 29.77 Austria 727,063 716,055 683,206 225,427 246,146 5.95 9.19 Belgium 167,753 158,830 147,875 36,734 54,249 1.31 47.68 France 394,060 386,089 407,739 107,169 168,727 4.08 57.44 Germany 1,595,508 1,642,973 1,571,912 455,856 571,508 13.81 25.37 Netherlands 255,358 240,058 223,158 54,606 100,809 2.44 84.61 Switzerland 185,885 178,798 183,290 51,070 66,543 1.61 30.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 442 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 536,599 569,812 599,665 110,301 227,585 5.50 106.33 Israel 392,314 443,540 486,205 78,698 182,272 4.40 131.61 Turkiye 144,285 126,272 113,460 31,603 45,313 1.09 43.38 OTHER EUROPE 506,136 481,394 609,788 150,732 229,682 5.55 52.38 Other countries of Europe 506,136 481,394 609,788 150,732 229,682 5.55 52.38 NOT SPECIFIED 967,544 1,072,485 1,178,684 184,403 152,030 3.67 -17.56 Other countries of the world 967,544 1,072,485 1,178,684 184,403 152,030 3.67 -17.56 HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 14,941,781 15,340,449 15,752,573 3,773,567 5,070,834 100.00 34.38 AFRICA 80,303 67,239 72,692 16,893 24,755 0.49 46.54 SOUTHERN AFRICA 14,069 12,883 15,259 2,410 2,098 0.04 -12.95 South Africa 14,069 12,883 15,259 2,410 2,098 0.04 -12.95 OTHER AFRICA 66,234 54,356 57,433 14,483 22,657 0.45 56.44 Other countries of Africa 66,234 54,356 57,433 14,483 22,657 0.45 56.44 AMERICAS 1,091,748 1,201,529 1,215,327 137,808 187,956 3.71 36.39 CENTRAL AMERICA 37,740 39,997 39,196 5,464 6,754 0.13 23.61 All countries of Central America 37,740 39,997 39,196 5,464 6,754 0.13 23.61 NORTH AMERICA 889,743 1,007,554 1,024,022 107,125 162,642 3.21 51.82 Canada 112,625 132,653 121,261 9,267 12,605 0.25 36.02 United States of America 747,319 837,023 864,913 92,209 143,804 2.84 55.95 Other countries of North America 29,799 37,878 37,848 5,649 6,233 0.12 10.34 SOUTH AMERICA 164,265 153,978 152,109 25,219 18,560 0.37 -26.40 Brazil 75,014 69,296 69,453 12,088 8,172 0.16 -32.40 Other countries of South America 89,251 84,682 82,656 13,131 10,388 0.20 -20.89 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,240,882 1,319,250 1,414,177 237,048 211,603 4.17 -10.73 NORHT-EAST ASIA 734,702 831,585 881,730 157,783 115,635 2.28 -26.71 China 367,424 426,348 456,048 44,889 26,114 0.51 -41.83 Japan 150,834 152,195 146,237 33,238 23,651 0.47 -28.84 Korea, Republic of 216,444 253,042 279,445 79,656 65,870 1.30 -17.31 AUSTRALASIA 124,039 121,818 113,391 12,022 3,324 0.07 -72.35 Australia 124,039 121,818 113,391 12,022 3,324 0.07 -72.35 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 382,141 365,847 419,056 67,243 92,644 1.83 37.77 Other countries of Asia 339,915 330,382 379,757 63,763 90,271 1.78 41.57 Other countries of Oceania 42,226 35,465 39,299 3,480 2,373 0.05 -31.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 443 COUNTRY TABLES HUNGARY / HONGRIE / HUNGRIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 12,423,294 12,625,841 12,912,596 3,367,298 4,630,069 91.31 37.50 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,761,242 3,983,128 4,187,577 1,202,517 1,805,735 35.61 50.16 Bulgaria 74,841 74,250 71,181 15,849 30,903 0.61 94.98 Czech Republic (Czechia) 887,800 948,225 978,822 284,394 460,458 9.08 61.91 Estonia 19,121 20,641 21,538 5,417 8,399 0.17 55.05 Latvia 17,943 21,383 22,598 5,373 11,445 0.23 113.01 Lithuania 22,084 22,650 25,366 5,629 13,619 0.27 141.94 Poland 749,966 755,887 781,414 222,440 286,819 5.66 28.94 Romania 568,333 610,215 666,750 198,233 361,154 7.12 82.19 Russian Federation 674,945 680,340 703,226 143,702 198,329 3.91 38.01 Slovakia 480,730 479,867 496,677 198,537 224,060 4.42 12.86 Ukraine 265,479 369,670 420,005 122,943 210,549 4.15 71.26 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,893,739 1,889,633 1,907,290 371,287 348,126 6.87 -6.24 Denmark 220,553 210,823 190,281 36,061 67,317 1.33 86.68 Finland 139,249 137,967 119,344 14,480 18,862 0.37 30.26 Iceland 17,669 26,982 40,083 7,772 12,631 0.25 62.52 Ireland 89,814 97,085 111,704 26,202 25,343 0.50 -3.28 Norway 150,881 146,158 139,425 20,098 22,944 0.45 14.16 Sweden 250,817 224,835 203,822 26,381 44,020 0.87 66.86 United Kingdom 1,024,756 1,045,783 1,102,631 240,293 157,009 3.10 -34.66 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,624,532 1,689,323 1,733,437 411,005 539,588 10.64 31.29 Croatia 84,964 87,894 92,170 25,317 37,229 0.73 47.05 Greece 129,604 135,086 147,606 39,533 38,021 0.75 -3.82 Italy 709,589 689,199 692,400 174,916 201,176 3.97 15.01 Malta 14,207 15,584 19,146 5,815 9,506 0.19 63.47 Portugal 52,567 67,129 76,133 20,153 39,010 0.77 93.57 Serbia 145,685 151,105 143,666 42,196 69,112 1.36 63.79 Slovenia 68,291 67,184 70,527 21,569 30,767 0.61 42.64 Spain 419,625 476,142 491,789 81,506 114,767 2.26 40.81 WESTERN EUROPE 4,272,768 4,204,605 4,084,968 1,178,788 1,553,834 30.64 31.82 Austria 860,434 849,100 816,800 271,383 297,828 5.87 9.74 Belgium 222,051 207,535 191,224 44,492 64,367 1.27 44.67 France 457,447 445,519 474,664 117,771 189,364 3.73 60.79 Germany 2,073,100 2,094,779 2,025,523 606,218 780,525 15.39 28.75 Luxembourg 10,058 10,714 11,189 3,764 5,607 0.11 48.96 Netherlands 442,571 393,116 356,638 79,186 142,215 2.80 79.60 Switzerland 207,107 203,842 208,930 55,974 73,928 1.46 32.08 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 574,708 621,578 671,647 125,813 256,312 5.05 103.72 Cyprus 15,399 23,671 27,382 7,804 13,254 0.26 69.84 Israel 401,255 458,297 512,602 82,021 189,565 3.74 131.12 Turkiye 158,054 139,610 131,663 35,988 53,493 1.05 48.64 OTHER EUROPE 296,305 237,574 327,677 77,888 126,474 2.49 62.38 Other countries of Europe 296,305 237,574 327,677 77,888 126,474 2.49 62.38 SOUTH ASIA 105,554 126,590 137,781 14,520 16,451 0.32 13.30 India 105,554 126,590 137,781 14,520 16,451 0.32 13.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 444 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,195,270 2,315,925 1,986,153 478,510 687,802 100.00 43.74 AMERICAS 679,429 794,529 534,006 59,671 233,936 34.01 292.04 NORTH AMERICA 679,429 794,529 534,006 59,671 233,936 34.01 292.04 Canada 103,026 99,715 69,947 7,082 7,291 1.06 2.95 United States of America 576,403 694,814 464,059 52,589 226,645 32.95 330.97 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 185,117 218,017 216,171 41,162 12,153 1.77 -70.48 NORHT-EAST ASIA 150,956 169,672 173,877 34,093 9,637 1.40 -71.73 China 86,003 89,495 99,253 16,473 6,088 0.89 -63.04 Hong Kong, China 9,901 15,545 14,830 3,319 501 0.07 -84.91 Japan 22,397 19,137 18,512 5,578 1,126 0.16 -79.81 Korea, Republic of 11,190 1 7,022 16,350 4,588 1,349 0.20 -70.60 Taiwan Province of China 21,465 28,473 24,932 4,135 573 0.08 -86.14 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,001 10,572 10,638 1,073 294 0.04 -72.60 Singapore 8,001 10,572 10,638 1,073 294 0.04 -72.60 AUSTRALASIA 26,160 37,773 31,656 5,996 2,222 0.32 -62.94 Australia, New Zealand 26,160 37,773 31,656 5,996 2,222 0.32 -62.94 EUROPE 1,084,989 1,092,211 1,024,089 337,624 416,747 60.59 23.44 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 96,608 136,415 142,883 54,186 109,876 15.97 102.78 Poland 66,299 91,463 93,726 36,606 52,335 7.61 42.97 Russian Federation 11,819 14,282 16,576 1,883 1,365 0.20 -27.51 Other countries Central/East Europe 18,490 30,670 32,581 15,697 56,1 76 8.17 257.88 NORTHERN EUROPE 518,202 488,322 431,271 149,008 100,186 14.57 -32.76 Denmark 53,240 51,019 49,280 23,332 24,281 3.53 4.07 Finland 24,068 20,967 20,671 3,069 1,644 0.24 -46.43 Ireland 14,164 25,322 20,529 7,622 4,734 0.69 -37.89 Norway 47,958 43,735 39,133 7,774 7,462 1.08 -4.01 Sweden 56,229 49,316 39,853 5,257 7,748 1.13 47.38 United Kingdom 322,543 297,963 261,805 101,954 54,317 7.90 -46.72 SOUTHERN EUROPE 98,836 111,990 106,258 26,740 47,643 6.93 78.17 Italy 40,865 46,401 47,117 15,788 28,083 4.08 77.88 Spain 57,971 65,589 59,141 10,952 19,560 2.84 78.60 WESTERN EUROPE 364,398 345,468 336,190 107,352 147,265 21.41 37.18 Austria 13,135 15,120 16,916 5,129 8,761 1.27 70.81 Belgium 15,746 21,028 20,583 7,964 10,403 1.51 30.63 France 100,374 97,224 97,507 27,923 36,665 5.33 31.31 Germany 155,813 139,155 132,155 43,726 63,851 9.28 46.03 Netherlands 49,164 44,379 43,328 12,454 17,159 2.49 37.78 Switzerland 30,166 28,562 25,701 10,156 10,426 1.52 2.66 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 6,945 10,016 7,487 338 11,777 1.71 3,384.32 Israel 6,945 10,016 7,487 338 11,777 1.71 3,384.32 SOUTH ASIA 10,944 19,583 19,853 2,189 2,325 0.34 6.21 India 10,944 19,583 19,853 2,189 2,325 0.34 6.21 NOT SPECIFIED 234,791 191,585 192,034 37,864 22,641 3.29 -40.20 Other countries of the world 234,791 191,585 192,034 37,864 22,641 3.29 -40.20 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 445 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,939,096 3,150,323 3,196,804 707,631 1,274,490 100.00 80.11 AFRICA 5,111 4,858 5,854 1,102 1,885 0.15 71.05 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,560 1,575 1,776 237 247 0.02 4.22 South Africa 1,560 1,575 1,776 237 247 0.02 4.22 OTHER AFRICA 3,551 3,283 4,078 865 1,638 0.13 89.36 Other countries of Africa 3,551 3,283 4,078 865 1,638 0.13 89.36 AMERICAS 876,585 1,063,152 998,609 129,480 459,785 36.08 255.10 NORTH AMERICA 856,904 1,040,021 972,483 123,712 446,658 35.05 261.05 Canada 76,244 77,274 65,571 7,477 11,677 0.92 56.17 Greenland 1,619 2,252 2,182 464 768 0.06 65.52 United States of America 779,041 960,495 904,730 115,771 434,213 34.07 275.06 SOUTH AMERICA 6,045 6,634 7,898 2,240 2,489 0.20 11.12 Brazil 6,045 6,634 7,898 2,240 2,489 0.20 11.12 OTHER AMERICAS 13,636 16,497 18,228 3,528 10,638 0.83 201.53 Other countries of the Americas 13,636 16,497 18,228 3,528 10,638 0.83 201.53 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 436,436 496,606 517,278 89,810 21,895 1.72 -75.62 NORHT-EAST ASIA 268,416 326,170 352,518 64,857 10,663 0.84 -83.56 China 197,484 266,023 295,545 50,535 8,414 0.66 -83.35 Japan 52,500 42,439 36,856 9,879 912 0.07 -90.77 Korea, Republic of 18,432 1 7,708 20,117 4,443 1,337 0.10 -69.91 AUSTRALASIA 42,613 51,391 51,225 8,645 2,037 0.16 -76.44 Australia 39,651 48,291 48,233 8,229 1,877 0.15 -77.19 New Zealand 2,962 3,100 2,992 416 160 0.01 -61.54 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 125,407 119,045 113,535 16,308 9,195 0.72 -43.62 Other countries of Asia 124,858 118,488 112,892 16,182 8,932 0.70 -44.80 Other countries of Oceania 549 557 643 126 263 0.02 108.73 EUROPE 1,606,908 1,565,721 1,650,594 484,685 786,097 61.68 62.19 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 54,909 73,706 95,708 25,537 50,180 3.94 96.50 Bulgaria 938 1,011 1,442 361 932 0.07 158.17 Czech Republic (Czechia) 8,276 11,316 13,742 3,607 6,940 0.54 92.40 Estonia 2,118 2,560 2,509 991 1,827 0.14 84.36 Hungary 5,736 6,110 7,583 2,663 3,368 0.26 26.47 Latvia 2,135 1,987 2,982 776 2,574 0.20 231.70 Lithuania 2,621 2,519 3,228 1,081 1,922 0.15 77.80 Poland 12,950 19,045 23,003 9,186 20,403 1.60 122.11 Romania 2,260 3,430 5,113 1,255 4,587 0.36 265.50 Russian Federation 12,478 18,039 24,928 2,483 1,932 0.15 -22.19 Slovakia 3,038 4,072 5,484 1,664 3,608 0.28 116.83 Ukraine 2,359 3,617 5,694 1,470 2,087 0.16 41.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 446 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 625,237 582,628 577,506 198,712 175,201 13.75 -11.83 Denmark 61,493 59,237 85,241 39,118 30,117 2.36 -23.01 Faeroe Islands 3,257 2,107 1,664 768 714 0.06 -7.03 Finland 16,417 15,365 18,288 3,883 2,286 0.18 -41.13 Ireland 15,309 14,109 13,179 4,463 4,199 0.33 -5.92 Norway 38,676 37,250 40,479 10,842 6,408 0.50 -40.90 Sweden 52,517 46,670 45,146 7,552 10,212 0.80 35.22 United Kingdom 437,568 407,890 373,509 132,086 121,265 9.51 -8.19 SOUTHERN EUROPE 189,788 208,582 236,304 45,770 136,889 10.74 199.08 Croatia 1,177 890 1,205 250 813 0.06 225.20 Greece 2,649 3,201 6,481 1,376 6,654 0.52 383.58 Italy 75,113 83,137 93,077 22,974 70,371 5.52 206.31 Malta 928 855 1,062 185 1,090 0.09 489.19 Portugal 5,915 8,273 10,463 1,664 4,573 0.36 1 74.82 Slovenia 1,899 2,121 2,979 807 2,616 0.21 224.16 Spain 102,107 110,105 121,037 18,514 50,772 3.98 1 74.24 WESTERN EUROPE 706,022 664,965 707,410 212,640 376,619 29.55 77.12 Austria 24,372 22,816 27,218 8,998 19,074 1.50 111.98 Belgium 29,283 31,497 37,606 11,894 20,269 1.59 70.41 France 164,605 166,647 179,279 49,491 83,445 6.55 68.61 Germany 333,758 296,428 303,310 94,644 1 70,849 13.41 80.52 Luxembourg 1,749 2,717 2,884 697 1,746 0.14 150.50 Netherlands 82,075 75,109 84,128 27,382 43,586 3.42 59.18 Switzerland 70,180 69,751 72,985 19,534 37,650 2.95 92.74 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 28,472 33,969 30,908 1,388 45,992 3.61 3,213.54 Cyprus 317 511 623 170 412 0.03 142.35 Israel 26,146 31,423 28,122 689 45,102 3.54 6,446.01 Turkiye 2,009 2,035 2,163 529 478 0.04 -9.64 OTHER EUROPE 2,480 1,871 2,758 638 1,216 0.10 90.60 Other countries of Europe 2,480 1,871 2,758 638 1,216 0.10 90.60 SOUTH ASIA 14,056 19,986 24,469 2,554 4,828 0.38 89.04 India 14,056 19,986 24,469 2,554 4,828 0.38 89.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 447 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 4,378,107 4,561,646 4,533,098 1,040,913 1,902,783 100.00 82.80 AFRICA 6,202 6,304 7,385 1,488 2,399 0.13 61.22 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,036 2,131 2,317 302 332 0.02 9.93 South Africa 2,036 2,131 2,317 302 332 0.02 9.93 OTHER AFRICA 4,166 4,173 5,068 1,186 2,067 0.11 74.28 Other countries of Africa 4,166 4,173 5,068 1,186 2,067 0.11 74.28 AMERICAS 1,233,751 1,446,421 1,326,854 154,447 602,406 31.66 290.04 NORTH AMERICA 1,205,150 1,412,945 1,289,405 146,762 586,262 30.81 299.46 Canada 144,159 140,263 111,789 8,863 16,632 0.87 87.66 Greenland 1,858 2,440 2,383 527 794 0.04 50.66 United States of America 1,059,133 1,270,242 1,175,233 137,372 568,836 29.89 314.08 SOUTH AMERICA 8,643 9,154 10,928 2,832 3,132 0.16 10.59 Brazil 8,643 9,154 10,928 2,832 3,132 0.16 10.59 OTHER AMERICAS 19,958 24,322 26,521 4,853 13,012 0.68 168.12 Other countries of the Americas 19,958 24,322 26,521 4,853 13,012 0.68 168.12 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 561,038 615,876 644,418 112,215 27,032 1.42 -75.91 NORHT-EAST ASIA 321,704 381,827 418,058 78,927 12,120 0.64 -84.64 China 237,357 307,640 346,942 59,267 9,161 0.48 -84.54 Japan 57,372 47,312 41,541 10,786 1,058 0.06 -90.19 Korea, Republic of 26,975 26,875 29,575 8,874 1,901 0.10 -78.58 AUSTRALASIA 70,847 78,465 71,648 12,857 3,314 0.17 -74.22 Australia 65,921 73,597 66,894 12,215 2,937 0.15 -75.96 New Zealand 4,926 4,868 4,754 642 377 0.02 -41.28 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 168,487 155,584 154,712 20,431 11,598 0.61 -43.23 Other countries of Asia 167,803 154,961 153,970 20,297 11,126 0.58 -45.18 Other countries of Oceania 684 623 742 134 472 0.02 252.24 EUROPE 2,559,702 2,468,765 2,524,061 769,742 1,265,258 66.50 64.37 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 125,963 151,511 185,344 53,007 94,398 4.96 78.09 Bulgaria 1,522 1,509 2,169 502 1,314 0.07 161.75 Czech Republic (Czechia) 34,180 33,958 33,890 9,866 18,735 0.98 89.89 Estonia 3,476 3,668 3,641 1,199 2,772 0.15 131.19 Hungary 8,256 9,044 10,955 3,830 4,787 0.25 24.99 Latvia 3,529 3,430 4,632 1,141 3,901 0.21 241.89 Lithuania 4,905 4,657 5,582 1,829 3,297 0.17 80.26 Poland 32,022 46,137 50,806 24,366 42,099 2.21 72.78 Romania 3,504 5,301 7,192 1,850 5,899 0.31 218.86 Russian Federation 22,951 29,350 45,872 3,455 2,601 0.14 -24.72 Slovakia 6,351 7,089 9,459 2,760 5,610 0.29 103.26 Ukraine 5,267 7,368 11,146 2,209 3,383 0.18 53.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 448 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 816,935 763,315 722,585 251,641 228,324 12.00 -9.27 Denmark 84,163 83,770 107,215 58,274 43,233 2.27 -25.81 Faeroe Islands 4,263 2,746 2,165 1,238 863 0.05 -30.29 Finland 21,949 20,878 23,278 4,490 3,198 0.17 -28.78 Ireland 20,030 20,316 17,160 5,735 5,262 0.28 -8.25 Norway 51,009 47,900 48,134 13,560 7,842 0.41 -42.17 Sweden 69,988 60,027 56,763 9,921 14,397 0.76 45.12 United Kingdom 565,533 527,678 467,870 158,423 153,529 8.07 -3.09 SOUTHERN EUROPE 316,583 350,630 378,994 79,132 219,964 11.56 177.97 Croatia 1,873 1,590 1,994 550 1,301 0.07 136.55 Greece 3,451 4,031 8,081 1,795 7,885 0.41 339.28 Italy 120,704 134,472 146,221 41,659 111,609 5.87 167.91 Malta 1,260 1,162 1,480 303 1,397 0.07 361.06 Portugal 8,756 11,712 14,730 2,474 7,024 0.37 183.91 Slovenia 3,902 4,154 5,529 1,722 4,582 0.24 166.09 Spain 1 76,637 193,509 200,959 30,629 86,166 4.53 181.32 WESTERN EUROPE 1,261,949 1,159,283 1,194,037 383,210 660,838 34.73 72.45 Austria 45,257 37,303 42,691 15,875 30,770 1.62 93.83 Belgium 60,372 57,206 65,203 22,605 38,177 2.01 68.89 France 317,323 313,040 323,291 84,844 149,145 7.84 75.79 Germany 564,459 499,277 502,374 173,789 298,448 15.68 71.73 Luxembourg 2,652 3,617 3,745 1,028 2,394 0.13 132.88 Netherlands 149,735 135,395 146,242 50,647 78,546 4.13 55.09 Switzerland 122,151 113,445 110,491 34,422 63,358 3.33 84.06 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 34,404 40,949 38,132 1,887 60,131 3.16 3,086.59 Cyprus 384 628 782 216 510 0.03 136.11 Israel 31,411 37,593 34,506 863 58,977 3.10 6,733.95 Turkiye 2,609 2,728 2,844 808 644 0.03 -20.30 OTHER EUROPE 3,868 3,077 4,969 865 1,603 0.08 85.32 Other countries of Europe 3,868 3,077 4,969 865 1,603 0.08 85.32 SOUTH ASIA 17,414 24,280 30,380 3,021 5,688 0.30 88.28 India 17,414 24,280 30,380 3,021 5,688 0.30 88.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 449 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 4,974,050 5,199,924 5,211,119 1,274,942 2,142,422 100.00 68.04 AFRICA 8,908 8,279 11,301 2,033 3,275 0.15 61.09 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,646 2,660 3,527 500 619 0.03 23.80 South Africa 2,646 2,660 3,527 500 619 0.03 23.80 OTHER AFRICA 6,262 5,619 7,774 1,533 2,656 0.12 73.26 Other countries of Africa 6,262 5,619 7,774 1,533 2,656 0.12 73.26 AMERICAS 1,540,764 1,820,215 1,688,888 257,743 827,610 38.63 221.10 NORTH AMERICA 1,506,658 1,783,233 1,645,981 248,829 805,655 37.60 223.78 Canada 126,336 129,440 109,521 15,967 20,055 0.94 25.60 Greenland 2,922 3,374 3,506 1,125 1,626 0.08 44.53 United States of America 1,377,400 1,650,419 1,532,954 231,737 783,974 36.59 238.30 SOUTH AMERICA 10,174 10,834 12,776 3,479 4,131 0.19 18.74 Brazil 10,174 10,834 12,776 3,479 4,131 0.19 18.74 OTHER AMERICAS 23,932 26,148 30,131 5,435 17,824 0.83 227.95 Other countries of the Americas 23,932 26,148 30,131 5,435 17,824 0.83 227.95 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 610,919 677,403 683,118 125,240 36,871 1.72 -70.56 NORHT-EAST ASIA 376,676 441,758 457,417 88,192 16,905 0.79 -80.83 China 266,696 350,607 375,199 66,100 12,244 0.57 -81.48 Japan 86,893 69,259 58,442 16,596 1,647 0.08 -90.08 Korea, Republic of 23,087 21,892 23,776 5,496 3,014 0.14 -45.16 AUSTRALASIA 64,907 78,758 77,371 15,506 3,135 0.15 -79.78 Australia 59,992 73,856 73,013 14,685 2,835 0.13 -80.69 New Zealand 4,915 4,902 4,358 821 300 0.01 -63.46 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 169,336 156,887 148,330 21,542 16,831 0.79 -21.87 Other countries of Asia 168,523 156,123 147,252 21,272 16,493 0.77 -22.47 Other countries of Oceania 813 764 1,078 270 338 0.02 25.19 EUROPE 2,789,142 2,660,168 2,787,154 885,847 1,265,645 59.08 42.87 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 91,284 118,243 151,584 45,188 80,645 3.76 78.47 Bulgaria 1,604 1,666 2,699 673 2,134 0.10 217.09 Czech Republic (Czechia) 12,263 1 7,968 21,339 5,119 10,065 0.47 96.62 Estonia 3,654 4,752 4,338 1,566 3,043 0.14 94.32 Hungary 11,403 11,601 13,515 4,010 5,641 0.26 40.67 Latvia 3,526 3,804 5,570 1,536 3,876 0.18 152.34 Lithuania 4,845 4,329 5,935 6,384 5,100 0.24 -20.11 Poland 21,022 29,557 37,147 14,809 31,667 1.48 113.84 Romania 4,328 6,273 9,004 2,505 7,272 0.34 190.30 Russian Federation 20,025 26,761 36,167 4,038 3,367 0.16 -16.62 Slovakia 4,709 6,254 8,038 2,398 5,193 0.24 116.56 Ukraine 3,905 5,278 7,832 2,150 3,287 0.15 52.88 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 450 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,288,186 1,192,460 1,179,318 421,332 358,108 16.72 -15.01 Denmark 107,173 102,581 139,382 69,640 54,334 2.54 -21.98 Faeroe Islands 7,017 5,736 4,005 1,661 1,922 0.09 15.71 Finland 34,577 32,734 38,339 7,442 5,042 0.24 -32.25 Ireland 35,158 31,657 29,297 10,375 8,805 0.41 -15.13 Norway 83,391 78,570 87,544 22,079 13,317 0.62 -39.68 Sweden 114,325 99,447 97,688 16,098 21,635 1.01 34.40 United Kingdom 906,545 841,735 783,063 294,037 253,053 11.81 -13.94 SOUTHERN EUROPE 264,930 289,892 332,214 70,438 190,999 8.92 171.16 Croatia 2,660 1,667 2,245 716 1,467 0.07 104.89 Greece 4,828 5,494 9,797 2,263 9,075 0.42 301.02 Italy 100,303 111,042 126,324 33,865 97,104 4.53 186.74 Malta 1,345 1,484 1,625 346 1,690 0.08 388.44 Portugal 9,594 12,192 18,649 2,758 6,507 0.30 135.93 Slovenia 3,258 3,818 4,329 1,189 3,657 0.17 207.57 Spain 142,942 154,195 169,245 29,301 71,499 3.34 144.02 WESTERN EUROPE 1,103,184 1,012,005 1,077,422 345,285 567,256 26.48 64.29 Austria 34,120 33,464 39,213 13,498 27,967 1.31 107.19 Belgium 42,216 44,939 53,354 17,542 29,093 1.36 65.85 France 229,709 235,284 259,010 81,857 120,747 5.64 47.51 Germany 561,483 471,316 481,913 157,672 265,743 12.40 68.54 Luxembourg 2,737 4,093 4,219 1,220 2,550 0.12 109.02 Netherlands 130,350 119,180 130,600 44,023 65,892 3.08 49.68 Switzerland 102,569 103,729 109,113 29,473 55,264 2.58 87.51 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 36,435 44,235 41,634 2,191 66,424 3.10 2,931.68 Cyprus 521 858 1,137 318 733 0.03 130.50 Israel 32,239 39,749 37,078 1,057 64,781 3.02 6,028.76 Turkiye 3,675 3,628 3,419 816 910 0.04 11.52 OTHER EUROPE 5,123 3,333 4,982 1,413 2,213 0.10 56.62 Other countries of Europe 5,123 3,333 4,982 1,413 2,213 0.10 56.62 SOUTH ASIA 24,317 33,859 40,658 4,079 9,021 0.42 121.16 India 24,317 33,859 40,658 4,079 9,021 0.42 121.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 451 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 7,277,414 7,443,720 7,316,774 1,827,969 3,072,438 100.00 68.08 AFRICA 10,570 10,532 13,759 2,700 4,276 0.14 58.37 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,323 3,413 4,306 634 750 0.02 18.30 South Africa 3,323 3,413 4,306 634 750 0.02 18.30 OTHER AFRICA 7,247 7,119 9,453 2,066 3,526 0.11 70.67 Other countries of Africa 7,247 7,119 9,453 2,066 3,526 0.11 70.67 AMERICAS 2,134,620 2,461,801 2,235,604 324,081 1,044,101 33.98 222.17 NORTH AMERICA 2,086,947 2,408,210 2,174,934 310,835 1,017,434 33.11 227.32 Canada 230,512 224,698 180,771 18,521 27,019 0.88 45.88 Greenland 3,306 3,751 3,951 1,333 1,690 0.06 26.78 United States of America 1,853,129 2,179,761 1,990,212 290,981 988,725 32.18 239.79 SOUTH AMERICA 14,407 15,336 17,788 4,522 5,058 0.16 11.85 Brazil 14,407 15,336 17,788 4,522 5,058 0.16 11.85 OTHER AMERICAS 33,266 38,255 42,882 8,724 21,609 0.70 147.70 Other countries of the Americas 33,266 38,255 42,882 8,724 21,609 0.70 147.70 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 799,798 863,678 873,406 159,929 44,987 1.46 -71.87 NORHT-EAST ASIA 458,070 531,967 557,017 109,579 19,256 0.63 -82.43 China 328,671 418,559 454,110 79,300 13,386 0.44 -83.12 Japan 94,754 77,626 66,480 18,523 2,009 0.07 -89.15 Korea, Republic of 34,645 35,782 36,427 11,756 3,861 0.13 -67.16 AUSTRALASIA 110,452 122,126 109,631 22,682 4,790 0.16 -78.88 Australia 102,582 114,559 102,601 21,427 4,205 0.14 -80.38 New Zealand 7,870 7,567 7,030 1,255 585 0.02 -53.39 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 231,276 209,585 206,758 27,668 20,941 0.68 -24.31 Other countries of Asia 230,221 208,724 205,538 27,389 20,329 0.66 -25.78 Other countries of Oceania 1,055 861 1,220 279 612 0.02 119.35 EUROPE 4,302,845 4,066,943 4,143,618 1,336,320 1,968,717 64.08 47.32 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 187,131 221,456 277,269 87,074 145,685 4.74 67.31 Bulgaria 2,424 2,422 3,816 873 2,891 0.09 231.16 Czech Republic (Czechia) 46,569 48,388 47,918 13,710 25,698 0.84 87.44 Estonia 5,476 6,113 5,947 1,919 4,204 0.14 119.07 Hungary 15,119 15,954 19,009 5,679 7,690 0.25 35.41 Latvia 5,557 5,681 7,861 2,225 5,465 0.18 145.62 Lithuania 7,860 7,053 9,018 7,409 7,265 0.24 -1.94 Poland 47,326 66,724 77,429 38,684 66,195 2.15 71.12 Romania 6,526 8,983 12,739 3,796 9,339 0.30 146.02 Russian Federation 33,665 40,762 66,026 5,656 4,271 0.14 -24.49 Slovakia 8,712 9,799 13,151 3,860 7,652 0.25 98.24 Ukraine 7,897 9,577 14,355 3,263 5,015 0.16 53.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 452 COUNTRY TABLES ICELAND / ISLANDE / ISLANDIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,645,994 1,529,140 1,450,593 517,961 448,794 14.61 -13.35 Denmark 148,277 147,226 180,139 98,894 76,788 2.50 -22.35 Faeroe Islands 10,056 7,650 5,407 2,631 2,292 0.07 -12.88 Finland 44,217 42,326 47,905 8,622 6,387 0.21 -25.92 Ireland 44,461 44,416 37,406 13,400 10,790 0.35 -19.48 Norway 107,948 98,589 102,019 26,720 15,970 0.52 -40.23 Sweden 145,806 123,317 117,974 19,854 28,146 0.92 41.76 United Kingdom 1,145,229 1,065,616 959,743 347,840 308,421 10.04 -11.33 SOUTHERN EUROPE 442,724 491,379 531,632 120,947 299,952 9.76 148.00 Croatia 3,676 2,656 3,420 1,170 2,133 0.07 82.31 Greece 6,020 6,720 12,168 3,261 10,757 0.35 229.87 Italy 165,117 185,076 201,188 61,759 150,318 4.89 143.39 Malta 1,823 1,922 2,227 634 2,094 0.07 230.28 Portugal 13,525 16,706 24,842 4,019 9,967 0.32 148.00 Slovenia 5,736 6,288 7,649 2,289 5,926 0.19 158.89 Spain 246,827 272,011 280,138 47,815 118,757 3.87 148.37 WESTERN EUROPE 1,974,930 1,766,895 1,824,835 605,605 986,371 32.10 62.87 Austria 65,191 54,764 61,723 23,131 44,106 1.44 90.68 Belgium 88,713 82,359 93,522 32,459 52,905 1.72 62.99 France 447,730 444,086 464,762 134,369 212,672 6.92 58.27 Germany 941,201 793,937 802,612 283,591 463,981 15.10 63.61 Luxembourg 3,961 5,342 5,647 1,722 3,384 0.11 96.52 Netherlands 245,269 218,105 231,257 79,956 117,505 3.82 46.96 Switzerland 182,865 168,302 165,312 50,377 91,818 2.99 82.26 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 44,345 52,956 51,238 2,920 85,107 2.77 2,814.62 Cyprus 635 1,037 1,428 386 885 0.03 129.27 Israel 38,962 47,296 45,295 1,330 83,088 2.70 6,147.22 Turkiye 4,748 4,623 4,515 1,204 1,134 0.04 -5.81 OTHER EUROPE 7,721 5,117 8,051 1,813 2,808 0.09 54.88 Other countries of Europe 7,721 5,117 8,051 1,813 2,808 0.09 54.88 SOUTH ASIA 29,581 40,766 50,387 4,939 10,357 0.34 109.70 India 29,581 40,766 50,387 4,939 10,357 0.34 109.70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 453 COUNTRY TABLES INDIA / INDE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 15,542,854 17,423,420 17,913,514 6,337,122 7,009,635 100.00 10.61 AFRICA 295,863 325,756 334,711 83,813 66,819 0.95 -20.28 EAST AFRICA 167,882 180,705 188,773 48,361 42,678 0.61 -11.75 Burundi 369 401 419 86 78 0.00 -9.30 Comoros 1,603 1,583 1,481 265 106 0.00 -60.00 Djibouti 1,160 1,044 1,059 240 218 0.00 -9.17 Eritrea 513 560 470 107 71 0.00 -33.64 Ethiopia 23,215 24,277 26,129 7,201 6,455 0.09 -10.36 Kenya 46,011 48,845 48,639 12,779 13,373 0.19 4.65 Madagascar 2,441 2,907 2,817 830 213 0.00 -74.34 Malawi 2,068 2,465 2,526 683 950 0.01 39.09 Mauritius 37,706 42,096 46,814 11,410 2,118 0.03 -81.44 Mozambique 4,502 4,744 4,398 1,372 1,016 0.01 -25.95 Reunion 4 6 1 1 1 0.00 Rwanda 2,921 3,439 4,165 1,093 1,489 0.02 36.23 Seychelles 3,625 3,693 4,233 1,147 1,007 0.01 -12.21 Somalia 6,086 5,619 5,044 302 3,737 0.05 1,137.42 Tanzania, United Republic of 22,261 23,443 23,774 6,501 6,480 0.09 -0.32 Uganda 5,763 7,157 8,063 2,098 2,725 0.04 29.89 Zambia 4,074 4,489 4,864 1,332 1,544 0.02 15.92 Zimbabwe 3,560 3,937 3,877 914 1,097 0.02 20.02 CENTRAL AFRICA 3,760 4,484 5,468 1,877 2,012 0.03 7.19 Angola 1,504 1,315 1,232 211 161 0.00 -23.70 Cameroon 1,469 2,186 3,080 761 764 0.01 0.39 Central African Republic 33 47 57 7 8 0.00 14.29 Chad 178 211 256 72 144 0.00 100.00 Congo 320 350 575 735 793 0.01 7.89 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 74 0.00 Equatorial Guinea 53 114 39 11 37 0.00 236.36 Gabon 187 244 208 72 31 0.00 -56.94 Sao Tome and Principe 16 17 21 8 NORTH AFRICA 38,461 51,804 51,524 13,093 8,494 0.12 -35.13 Algeria 2,253 2,408 2,738 667 175 0.00 -73.76 Morocco 7,277 7,601 8,294 1,876 592 0.01 -68.44 South Sudan 528 0.01 Sudan 22,762 34,712 34,003 9,114 6,781 0.10 -25.60 Tunisia 6,169 7,083 6,489 1,436 418 0.01 -70.89 SOUTHERN AFRICA 60,047 61,869 60,081 13,262 4,517 0.06 -65.94 Botswana 1,028 1,246 1,400 253 252 0.00 -0.40 Eswatini 706 560 158 Lesotho 570 753 668 153 257 0.00 67.97 Namibia 683 697 739 137 188 0.00 37.23 South Africa 57,060 58,613 57,274 12,561 3,820 0.05 -69.59 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 454 COUNTRY TABLES INDIA / INDE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 25,713 26,894 28,865 7,220 9,118 0.13 26.29 Benin 294 322 485 80 37 0.00 -53.75 Burkina Faso 315 385 374 99 77 0.00 -22.22 Cabo Verde 31 35 63 15 7 0.00 -53.33 Cote d'lvoire 3,131 2,337 2,360 573 702 0.01 22.51 Gambia 327 365 585 81 283 0.00 249.38 Ghana 3,546 5,054 4,637 987 879 0.01 -10.94 Guinea 638 817 925 206 202 0.00 -1.94 Guinea-Bissau 66 166 103 25 13 0.00 -48.00 Liberia 512 710 745 215 440 0.01 104.65 Mali 888 829 857 225 235 0.00 4.44 Mauritania 263 206 228 19 21 0.00 10.53 Niger 904 897 850 198 241 0.00 21.72 Nigeria 12,651 12,067 14,033 3,819 5,516 0.08 44.44 Saint Helena 12 6 7 2 Senegal 1,455 1,726 1,471 374 162 0.00 -56.68 Sierra Leone 411 619 784 213 241 0.00 13.15 Togo 269 353 358 89 62 0.00 -30.34 AMERICAS 1,805,087 1,908,813 1,962,800 543,929 517,091 7.38 -4.93 CARIBBEAN 5,908 6,369 6,701 1,685 1,006 0.01 -40.30 Antigua and Barbuda 199 269 277 99 77 0.00 -22.22 Bahamas 143 195 169 40 16 0.00 -60.00 Barbados 520 448 489 216 73 0.00 -66.20 Bermuda 4 1 1 1 Cayman Islands 5 9 3 1 0.00 Cuba 352 413 560 147 130 0.00 -11.56 Dominica 267 424 615 159 133 0.00 -16.35 Dominican Republic 493 587 514 100 41 0.00 -59.00 Grenada 172 205 252 83 116 0.00 39.76 Guadeloupe 1 1 Haiti 128 134 146 23 7 0.00 -69.57 Jamaica 1,037 1,121 1,046 282 207 0.00 -26.60 Martinique 1 Montserrat 3 2 Netherlands Antilles 5 6 7 1 0.00 Puerto Rico 2 1 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 381 359 400 Saint Lucia 123 103 111 29 41 0.00 41.38 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 43 38 49 7 Trinidad and Tobago 2,029 2,052 2,059 496 163 0.00 -67.14 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 4 United States Virgin Islands 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 5,664 5,775 5,957 1,671 728 0.01 -56.43 Belize 446 535 436 99 114 0.00 15.15 Costa Rica 1,692 1,757 2,004 519 104 0.00 -79.96 El Salvador 486 518 637 170 35 0.00 -79.41 Guatemala 789 752 853 208 57 0.00 -72.60 Honduras 539 521 681 180 61 0.00 -66.11 Nicaragua 153 145 204 32 2 0.00 -93.75 Panama 1,559 1,547 1,142 463 355 0.01 -23.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 455 COUNTRY TABLES INDIA / INDE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 1,730,472 1,827,627 1,884,657 521,540 511,156 7.29 -1.99 Canada 335,439 351,040 351,859 122,868 80,437 1.15 -34.53 Mexico 18,114 19,909 20,766 4,580 859 0.01 -81.24 United States of America 1,376,919 1,456,678 1,512,032 394,092 429,860 6.13 9.08 SOUTH AMERICA 63,043 69,042 65,485 19,033 4,201 0.06 -77.93 Argentina 14,875 16,345 12,844 4,294 530 0.01 -87.66 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 709 713 793 183 76 0.00 -58.47 Brazil 24,453 26,579 25,422 8,092 2,055 0.03 -74.60 Chile 6,109 7,212 6,446 1,861 329 0.00 -82.32 Colombia 7,043 7,405 8,396 1,928 470 0.01 -75.62 Ecuador 1,584 1,700 2,086 438 77 0.00 -82.42 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2 0.00 Guyana 480 518 586 150 87 0.00 -42.00 Paraguay 423 349 393 112 33 0.00 -70.54 Peru 3,026 3,607 3,792 875 295 0.00 -66.29 Suriname 537 524 667 144 18 0.00 -87.50 Uruguay 2,028 2,409 2,477 535 45 0.00 -91.59 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,776 1,681 1,583 421 184 0.00 -56.29 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,873,722 2,021,984 2,148,999 466,090 110,847 1.58 -76.22 NORHT-EAST ASIA 663,295 722,400 779,916 129,878 33,532 0.48 -74.18 China 247,235 281,768 339,442 39,586 3,502 0.05 -91.15 Hong Kong, China 981 1,087 796 196 44 0.00 -77.55 Japan 222,527 236,236 238,903 48,191 15,358 0.22 -68.13 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 230 124 158 6 9 0.00 50.00 Korea, Republic of 142,383 150,536 149,445 32,302 13,330 0.19 -58.73 Macao, China 46 56 34 7 9 0.00 28.57 Mongolia 2,850 3,136 2,943 621 389 0.01 -37.36 Taiwan Province of China 47,043 49,457 48,195 8,969 891 0.01 -90.07 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 824,575 886,916 930,339 231,141 38,451 0.55 -83.36 Brunei Darussalam 707 833 578 106 21 0.00 -80.19 Cambodia 5,334 7,507 6,271 2,799 578 0.01 -79.35 Indonesia 43,973 46,867 50,177 11,795 2,105 0.03 -82.15 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,810 1,990 1,818 Malaysia 322,126 319,172 334,579 69,897 6,628 0.09 -90.52 Myanmar 56,952 75,773 86,842 35,291 3,013 0.04 -91.46 Philippines 53,963 53,473 56,393 16,052 6,927 0.10 -56.85 Singapore 175,852 183,581 190,089 33,747 13,407 0.19 -60.27 Thailand 140,087 166,293 169,956 52,626 4,668 0.07 -91.13 Viet Nam 23,771 31,427 33,636 8,828 1,104 0.02 -87.49 AUSTRALASIA 380,840 407,150 432,792 103,411 38,361 0.55 -62.90 Australia 324,243 346,486 367,241 86,758 33,864 0.48 -60.97 New Zealand 56,597 60,664 65,551 16,653 4,497 0.06 -73.00 MELANESIA 4,628 5,224 5,367 1,541 467 0.01 -69.70 Fiji 4,364 4,969 4,978 1,423 339 0.00 -76.18 Norfolk Island 1 1 Papua New Guinea 224 219 326 84 25 0.00 -70.24 Vanuatu 39 35 63 34 103 0.00 202.94 MICRONESIA 150 133 212 30 2 0.00 -93.33 Kiribati 107 98 142 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Nauru 43 35 70 22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 456 COUNTRY TABLES INDIA / INDE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 234 161 373 89 34 0.00 -61.80 American Samoa 10 17 11 17 3 0.00 -82.35 Tonga 81 89 139 24 1 0.00 -95.83 Tuvalu 143 55 223 48 30 0.00 -37.50 EUROPE 2,696,498 2,802,618 2,735,240 819,615 380,897 5.43 -53.53 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 468,285 460,520 455,302 166,875 42,390 0.60 -74.60 Armenia 1,215 1,283 1,307 378 229 0.00 -39.42 Azerbaijan 1,303 1,551 1,754 469 189 0.00 -59.70 Belarus 8,346 6,707 6,978 3,775 607 0.01 -83.92 Bulgaria 5,288 5,824 5,735 1,655 590 0.01 -64.35 Czech Republic (Czechia) 11,852 13,413 13,290 3,607 983 0.01 -72.75 Estonia 3,427 3,657 3,181 1,004 162 0.00 -83.86 Georgia 1,695 1,610 1,312 521 224 0.00 -57.01 Hungary 9,241 9,201 9,788 2,964 653 0.01 -77.97 Kazakhstan 15,421 13,314 15,709 5,918 2,378 0.03 -59.82 Kyrgyzstan 4,048 4,056 4,247 1,511 789 0.01 -47.78 Latvia 3,770 3,792 3,552 1,035 327 0.00 -68.41 Lithuania 4,779 5,111 5,411 1,617 779 0.01 -51.82 Moldova, Republic of 886 843 963 312 98 0.00 -68.59 Poland 28,674 31,555 33,687 12,161 2,461 0.04 -79.76 Romania 11,844 12,920 14,064 3,521 1,360 0.02 -61.37 Russian Federation 278,904 262,309 251,319 102,166 17,567 0.25 -82.81 Slovakia 5,780 5,597 6,216 1,483 440 0.01 -70.33 Tajikistan 4,914 4,793 4,123 1,709 1,659 0.02 -2.93 Turkmenistan 17,653 25,038 1 7,859 3,030 77 0.00 -97.46 Ukraine 25,988 26,260 29,468 10,619 5,197 0.07 -51.06 Uzbekistan 23,257 21,686 25,339 7,420 5,621 0.08 -24.25 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,139,184 1,189,080 1,152,469 332,728 178,589 2.55 -46.33 Denmark 26,761 28,195 26,492 8,252 2,025 0.03 -75.46 Faeroe Islands 1 Finland 20,384 21,239 18,945 4,310 1,329 0.02 -69.16 Iceland 1,017 1,239 1,340 368 123 0.00 -66.58 Ireland 37,993 39,276 41,183 9,708 7,600 0.11 -21.71 Norway 20,882 22,631 21,898 6,224 2,790 0.04 -55.17 Sweden 45,851 46,743 42,318 11,992 579 0.01 -95.17 United Kingdom 986,296 1,029,757 1,000,292 291,874 164,143 2.34 -43.76 SOUTHERN EUROPE 276,757 304,319 304,649 84,814 55,281 0.79 -34.82 Albania 536 572 624 198 68 0.00 -65.66 Andorra 202 208 189 61 Bosnia and Herzegovina 992 1,378 1,179 295 94 0.00 -68.14 Croatia 3,593 4,059 3,889 1,249 Gibraltar 3 4 Greece 10,286 10,656 10,317 2,854 1,144 0.02 -59.92 Italy 111,915 126,931 128,572 31,186 13,659 0.19 -56.20 Malta 1,358 1,596 1,774 513 278 0.00 -45.81 Montenegro 85 0.00 Portugal 66,378 74,492 74,743 31,005 32,064 0.46 3.42 San Marino 45 51 36 6 Serbia 548 0.01 Slovenia 7 20 1,112 359 0.01 -67.72 Spain 81,442 84,356 83,322 16,335 6,982 0.10 -57.26 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 457 COUNTRY TABLES INDIA / INDE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 720,367 745,568 712,477 206,377 95,992 1.37 -53.49 Austria 31,832 33,200 32,332 9,182 4,411 0.06 -51.96 Belgium 41,902 44,086 39,263 11,022 7,382 0.11 -33.02 France 249,620 261,653 247,238 74,243 30,374 0.43 -59.09 Germany 269,380 274,087 264,973 72,558 33,772 0.48 -53.46 Liechtenstein 112 136 125 35 11 0.00 -68.57 Luxembourg 1,182 1,379 1,336 381 211 0.00 -44.62 Monaco 80 90 71 23 2 0.00 -91.30 Netherlands 76,652 81,615 80,313 26,258 15,631 0.22 -40.47 Switzerland 49,607 49,322 46,826 12,675 4,198 0.06 -66.88 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 91,905 103,131 110,343 28,821 8,645 0.12 -70.00 Cyprus 523 1,940 2,093 524 334 0.00 -36.26 Israel 58,131 67,366 73,137 17,444 4,601 0.07 -73.62 Türkiye 33,251 33,825 35,113 10,853 3,710 0.05 -65.82 MIDDLE EAST 385,050 367,619 344,235 73,920 43,582 0.62 -41.04 Bahrain 16,764 13,915 15,128 3,429 1,727 0.02 -49.64 Egypt 20,528 20,486 21,538 4,886 77 0.00 -98.42 Iraq 56,230 68,462 61,907 17,823 16,213 0.23 -9.03 Jordan 6,977 7,036 7,014 1,702 688 0.01 -59.58 Kuwait 13,683 11,811 12,607 2,755 879 0.01 -68.09 Lebanon 7,250 6,724 6,358 1,256 561 0.01 -55.33 Libya 627 716 1,097 204 184 0.00 -9.80 Oman 107,217 95,160 74,564 15,430 10,174 0.15 -34.06 Qatar 6,963 7,353 6,863 1,008 540 0.01 -46.43 Saudi Arabia 52,976 47,546 48,526 10,423 1,088 0.02 -89.56 State of Palestine 1,794 1,626 1,526 369 Syrian Arab Republic 5,108 5,139 5,627 1,366 1,289 0.02 -5.64 United Arab Emirates 67,238 59,971 55,415 7,387 3,927 0.06 -46.84 Yemen 21,695 21,674 26,065 5,882 6,235 0.09 6.00 SOUTH ASIA 2,951,665 3,104,422 3,375,819 750,061 348,260 4.97 -53.57 Afghanistan 149,176 153,905 124,120 47,561 36,451 0.52 -23.36 Bangladesh 2,156,557 2,256,675 2,577,727 549,273 240,554 3.43 -56.21 Bhutan 25,267 26,470 28,178 7,901 Iran, Islamic Republic of 42,641 35,596 33,288 7,090 2,369 0.03 -66.59 Maldives 66,150 62,337 78,587 14,536 26,571 0.38 82.79 Nepal 164,018 174,096 164,040 40,822 8,163 0.12 -80.00 Pakistan 44,266 41,659 39,018 14,232 8,163 0.12 -42.64 Sri Lanka 303,590 353,684 330,861 68,646 25,989 0.37 -62.14 NOT SPECIFIED 5,534,969 6,892,208 7,011,710 3,599,694 5,542,139 79.06 53.96 Other countries of the world 27,818 26,764 28,551 7,338 59,618 0.85 712.46 Nationals residing abroad 5,507,151 6,865,444 6,983,159 3,592,356 5,482,521 78.21 52.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 458 COUNTRY TABLES INDONESIA / INDONÉSIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 14,039,799 15,810,305 16,106,954 4,052,923 1,557,530 100.00 -61.57 AFRICA 89,384 86,855 96,293 16,071 2,272 0.15 -85.86 EAST AFRICA 14,806 13,677 14,381 2,663 411 0.03 -84.57 Burundi 24 36 54 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Comoros 227 203 304 51 10 0.00 -80.39 Djibouti 56 50 54 21 11 0.00 -47.62 Eritrea 118 312 205 40 12 0.00 -70.00 Ethiopia 1,276 528 577 108 43 0.00 -60.19 Kenya 3,785 3,020 2,845 429 65 0.00 -84.85 Madagascar 470 555 492 102 4 0.00 -96.08 Malawi 197 165 167 35 3 0.00 -91.43 Mauritius 3,702 3,953 4,434 611 30 0.00 -95.09 Mozambique 411 422 507 153 51 0.00 -66.67 Rwanda 417 153 151 33 1 0.00 -96.97 Seychelles 451 265 353 72 8 0.00 -88.89 Somalia 93 59 44 19 13 0.00 -31.58 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,206 1,207 1,151 349 110 0.01 -68.48 Uganda 1,026 1,157 895 218 22 0.00 -89.91 Zambia 298 373 406 80 5 0.00 -93.75 Zimbabwe 1,049 1,219 1,742 336 22 0.00 -93.45 CENTRAL AFRICA 982 968 1,209 263 89 0.01 -66.16 Angola 273 250 208 65 48 0.00 -26.15 Cameroon 294 266 242 68 13 0.00 -80.88 Central African Republic 12 14 170 7 2 0.00 -71.43 Chad 144 95 122 28 4 0.00 -85.71 Congo 42 82 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 186 186 158 43 15 0.00 -65.12 Equatorial Guinea 3 11 47 19 Gabon 61 85 153 20 2 0.00 -90.00 Sao Tome and Principe 9 19 27 6 1 0.00 -83.33 NORTH AFRICA 24,956 18,603 23,127 3,866 447 0.03 -88.44 Algeria 4,341 4,214 5,000 792 89 0.01 -88.76 Morocco 11,122 7,920 11,371 1,707 182 0.01 -89.34 South Sudan 24 30 4 Sudan 2,571 2,578 2,391 718 101 0.01 -85.93 Tunisia 6,922 3,867 4,335 645 75 0.00 -88.37 SOUTHERN AFRICA 39,213 43,254 49,006 7,612 583 0.04 -92.34 Botswana 224 304 382 98 Eswatini 411 332 274 33 1 0.00 -96.97 Lesotho 46 122 95 15 Namibia 459 534 598 116 10 0.00 -91.38 South Africa 38,073 41,962 47,657 7,350 572 0.04 -92.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 459 COUNTRY TABLES INDONESIA / INDONÉSIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 9,427 10,353 8,570 1,667 742 0.05 -55.49 Benin 133 214 153 15 7 0.00 -53.33 Burkina Faso 203 227 188 45 2 0.00 -95.56 Cabo Verde 130 149 189 49 Cote d'lvoire 488 834 729 123 49 0.00 -60.16 Gambia 256 344 299 57 11 0.00 -80.70 Ghana 1,603 1,373 1,864 446 80 0.01 -82.06 Guinea 82 87 56 25 7 0.00 -72.00 Guinea-Bissau 85 133 108 20 4 0.00 -80.00 Liberia 103 65 93 68 13 0.00 -80.88 Mali 444 397 278 73 13 0.00 -82.19 Mauritania 197 192 158 41 13 0.00 -68.29 Niger 91 75 55 8 Nigeria 4,197 4,736 3,262 471 460 0.03 -2.34 Senegal 690 1,002 686 133 62 0.00 -53.38 Sierra Leone 593 431 312 74 8 0.00 -89.19 Togo 132 94 140 19 13 0.00 -31.58 AMERICAS 537,031 568,398 646,859 133,714 24,946 1.60 -81.34 CARIBBEAN 3,081 2,635 3,332 686 70 0.00 -89.80 Antigua and Barbuda 56 70 91 17 2 0.00 -88.24 Bahamas 168 114 172 18 3 0.00 -83.33 Barbados 146 105 103 25 1 0.00 -96.00 Bermuda 6 Cuba 634 526 764 171 20 0.00 -88.30 Dominica 171 282 66 8 0.00 -87.88 Dominican Republic 393 288 407 66 5 0.00 -92.42 Grenada 63 112 89 28 2 0.00 -92.86 Guadeloupe 3 1 Haiti 60 74 102 22 3 0.00 -86.36 Jamaica 662 423 558 112 11 0.00 -90.18 Martinique 6 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 189 175 243 57 6 0.00 -89.47 Saint Lucia 73 87 38 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 20 37 32 12 Trinidad and Tobago 608 447 450 80 8 0.00 -90.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 7,542 2,629 2,786 529 87 0.01 -83.55 Belize 69 46 51 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Costa Rica 5,277 855 899 180 29 0.00 -83.89 El Salvador 405 262 306 48 3 0.00 -93.75 Guatemala 574 467 503 67 12 0.00 -82.09 Honduras 503 331 340 87 18 0.00 -79.31 Nicaragua 142 142 165 30 2 0.00 -93.33 Panama 572 526 522 106 21 0.00 -80.19 NORTH AMERICA 452,402 498,182 575,111 117,357 23,339 1.50 -80.11 Canada 96,139 97,908 103,616 23,200 1,242 0.08 -94.65 Mexico 11,497 12,418 13,663 2,375 135 0.01 -94.32 United States of America 344,766 387,856 457,832 91,782 21,962 1.41 -76.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 460 COUNTRY TABLES INDONESIA / INDONÉSIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 71,915 62,868 65,630 15,142 1,450 0.09 -90.42 Argentina 15,280 11,468 9,994 3,066 114 0.01 -96.28 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 454 462 484 93 9 0.00 -90.32 Brazil 32,403 26,503 30,232 5,945 952 0.06 -83.99 Chile 10,049 11,008 10,029 2,615 91 0.01 -96.52 Colombia 5,051 5,445 6,304 1,324 96 0.01 -92.75 Ecuador 1,165 1,176 1,397 236 16 0.00 -93.22 French Guiana 5 3 2 Guyana 112 77 88 17 2 0.00 -88.24 Paraguay 434 233 287 57 3 0.00 -94.74 Peru 2,676 2,614 2,848 594 66 0.00 -88.89 Suriname 325 341 353 48 13 0.00 -72.92 Uruguay 1,578 1,934 2,063 845 32 0.00 -96.21 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,388 1,602 1,548 300 56 0.00 -81.33 OTHER AMERICAS 2,091 2,084 Other countries of the Americas 2,091 2,084 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,206,416 11,418,335 11,531,132 3,110,150 1,447,340 92.93 -53.46 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,455,394 3,332,728 3,242,734 447,476 74,068 4.76 -83.45 China 2,093,171 2,139,161 2,072,079 239,768 54,713 3.51 -77.18 Hong Kong, China 98,272 91,182 50,324 2,625 2,432 0.16 -7.35 Japan 573,310 530,573 519,623 92,228 5,952 0.38 -93.55 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 140 622 241 9 3 0.00 -66.67 Korea, Republic of 423,191 358,885 388,316 75,562 9,497 0.61 -87.43 Macao, China 618 309 401 121 61 0.00 -49.59 Mongolia 2,414 3,679 4,260 1,483 12 0.00 -99.19 Taiwan Province of China 264,278 208,317 207,490 35,680 1,398 0.09 -96.08 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,242,841 6,510,948 6,670,926 2,364,874 1,337,762 85.89 -43.43 Brunei Darussalam 23,455 17,279 19,278 2,701 144 0.01 -94.67 Cambodia 6,506 8,875 13,843 2,227 228 0.01 -89.76 Lao People's Democratic Republic 4,036 3,809 4,142 753 7 0.00 -99.07 Malaysia 2,121,888 2,503,344 2,980,753 980,118 480,723 30.86 -50.95 Myanmar 48,133 28,612 46,381 12,669 3,093 0.20 -75.59 Philippines 308,977 217,874 260,980 50,413 9,375 0.60 -81.40 Singapore 1,554,119 1,768,744 1,934,445 280,492 18,704 1.20 -93.33 Thailand 138,235 124,153 136,699 21,303 3,992 0.26 -81.26 Timor-Leste 960,026 1,762,442 1,178,381 994,590 819,488 52.61 -17.61 Viet Nam 77,466 75,816 96,024 19,608 2,008 0.13 -89.76 AUSTRALASIA 1,363,841 1,429,844 1,535,813 276,238 3,678 0.24 -98.67 Australia 1,256,927 1,301,478 1,386,803 256,291 3,196 0.21 -98.75 New Zealand 106,914 128,366 149,010 19,947 482 0.03 -97.58 MELANESIA 143,461 144,128 80,355 21,454 31,791 2.04 48.18 Fiji 1,814 1,158 1,507 369 18 0.00 -95.12 New Caledonia 3 Papua New Guinea 141,299 142,648 78,433 20,975 31,703 2.04 51.15 Solomon Islands 160 192 224 81 56 0.00 -30.86 Vanuatu 185 130 191 29 14 0.00 -51.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 461 COUNTRY TABLES INDONESIA / INDONÉSIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 284 287 801 31 26 0.00 -16.13 Kiribati 169 52 50 21 24 0.00 14.29 Marshall Islands 25 46 27 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 42 11 1 2 0.00 100.00 Nauru 67 78 23 7 Palau 18 69 690 2 POLYNESIA 348 297 291 55 9 0.00 -83.64 Cook Islands 1 Samoa 102 129 106 26 1 0.00 -96.15 Tonga 140 139 138 23 8 0.00 -65.22 Tuvalu 23 28 18 6 Other countries of Polynesia 83 29 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 247 103 212 22 6 0.00 -72.73 Other countries of Asia 247 103 212 22 6 0.00 -72.73 EUROPE 2,022,449 2,045,936 2,116,325 453,737 58,258 3.74 -87.16 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 297,883 294,230 357,985 130,592 16,126 1.04 -87.65 Armenia 772 857 1,281 258 19 0.00 -92.64 Azerbaijan 4,405 1,233 1,445 374 49 0.00 -86.90 Belarus 4,576 4,821 6,644 3,092 617 0.04 -80.05 Bulgaria 8,695 8,405 7,652 2,575 211 0.01 -91.81 Czech Republic 20,125 22,848 23,941 6,178 496 0.03 -91.97 Estonia 7,569 7,719 6,644 3,099 230 0.01 -92.58 Georgia 1,265 631 768 327 119 0.01 -63.61 Hungary 12,600 13,434 14,218 3,664 218 0.01 -94.05 Kazakhstan 7,219 7,955 9,781 3,735 378 0.02 -89.88 Kyrgyzstan 1,254 1,237 1,332 609 246 0.02 -59.61 Latvia 3,932 4,213 5,278 1,860 329 0.02 -82.31 Lithuania 8,550 8,497 9,180 3,038 204 0.01 -93.29 Moldova, Republic of 1,030 835 1,135 385 59 0.00 -84.68 Poland 32,704 31,471 41,637 9,055 752 0.05 -91.70 Romania 18,787 14,092 18,650 4,320 510 0.03 -88.19 Russian Federation 117,532 125,728 158,943 67,491 8,392 0.54 -87.57 Slovakia 9,264 9,058 9,359 2,203 152 0.01 -93.10 Tajikistan 350 525 448 125 21 0.00 -83.20 Turkmenistan 233 426 356 127 12 0.00 -90.55 Ukraine 32,964 26,697 35,537 16,491 3,044 0.20 -81.54 Uzbekistan 4,057 3,548 3,756 1,586 68 0.00 -95.71 NORTHERN EUROPE 554,732 572,539 576,752 115,236 10,155 0.65 -91.19 Denmark 43,721 46,825 45,090 10,533 557 0.04 -94.71 Finland 24,447 27,127 22,665 6,376 240 0.02 -96.24 Iceland 4,776 2,445 2,483 491 38 0.00 -92.26 Ireland 29,400 28,742 28,602 5,167 291 0.02 -94.37 Norway 22,838 24,906 23,886 5,072 336 0.02 -93.38 Sweden 51,417 50,381 56,402 17,600 3,516 0.23 -80.02 United Kingdom 378,133 392,113 397,624 69,997 5,177 0.33 -92.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 462 COUNTRY TABLES INDONESIA / INDONÉSIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 241,352 241,586 240,798 38,138 7,183 0.46 -81.17 Albania 592 758 1,041 196 26 0.00 -86.73 Andorra 191 219 235 26 2 0.00 -92.31 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,784 1,057 1,354 280 36 0.00 -87.14 Croatia 6,620 4,115 5,257 1,388 392 0.03 -71.76 Greece 11,268 7,713 9,705 2,047 385 0.02 -81.19 Holy See 30 36 35 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Italy 90,022 94,288 91,229 13,260 2,339 0.15 -82.36 Malta 2,173 1,279 1,355 238 20 0.00 -91.60 Montenegro 235 248 117 47 0.00 -59.83 North Macedonia 1,381 1,001 1,144 217 9 0.00 -95.85 Portugal 33,223 36,804 35,434 6,245 476 0.03 -92.38 San Marino 57 57 40 16 Serbia 7,054 3,991 5,600 1,287 128 0.01 -90.05 Slovenia 5,264 4,472 4,747 986 66 0.00 -93.31 Spain 81,690 85,560 83,373 11,829 3,255 0.21 -72.48 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 3 1 1 1 WESTERN EUROPE 891,452 914,320 911,867 162,717 23,138 1.49 -85.78 Austria 27,208 29,492 28,476 4,858 2,103 0.14 -56.71 Belgium 48,477 50,050 46,780 5,902 798 0.05 -86.48 France 274,117 287,917 283,814 43,438 3,776 0.24 -91.31 Germany 267,823 274,166 277,653 46,361 3,429 0.22 -92.60 Liechtenstein 224 228 412 45 10 0.00 -77.78 Luxembourg 1,720 2,062 1,869 228 7 0.00 -96.93 Monaco 266 134 92 28 4 0.00 -85.71 Netherlands 210,426 209,978 215,287 53,495 12,229 0.79 -77.14 Switzerland 61,191 60,293 57,484 8,362 782 0.05 -90.65 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 37,030 23,233 28,720 7,026 1,656 0.11 -76.43 Cyprus 1,909 1,899 3,913 650 29 0.00 -95.54 Israel 688 473 924 338 505 0.03 49.41 Turkiye 34,433 20,861 23,883 6,038 1,122 0.07 -81.42 OTHER EUROPE 28 203 28 Other countries of Europe 28 203 28 MIDDLE EAST 269,195 257,046 255,182 48,637 4,903 0.31 -89.92 Bahrain 2,457 2,324 2,631 373 35 0.00 -90.62 Egypt 20,345 18,075 21,354 4,337 611 0.04 -85.91 Iraq 2,167 2,356 2,933 817 127 0.01 -84.46 Jordan 6,773 6,228 6,571 1,027 167 0.01 -83.74 Kuwait 5,760 5,551 5,762 846 75 0.00 -91.13 Lebanon 6,115 5,228 6,066 684 165 0.01 -75.88 Libya 1,815 1,911 2,623 548 69 0.00 -87.41 Oman 18,615 25,704 24,051 3,612 89 0.01 -97.54 Qatar 1,859 2,104 1,989 225 43 0.00 -80.89 Saudi Arabia 182,086 165,912 157,512 31,906 2,053 0.13 -93.57 State of Palestine 2,035 2,604 3,082 647 145 0.01 -77.59 Syrian Arab Republic 2,328 1,941 2,322 428 182 0.01 -57.48 United Arab Emirates 8,387 7,100 9,065 1,093 384 0.02 -64.87 Yemen 8,453 10,008 9,221 2,094 758 0.05 -63.80 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 463 COUNTRY TABLES INDONESIA / INDONÉSIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 673,493 728,911 794,479 139,083 9,732 0.62 -93.00 Afghanistan 595 1,139 703 103 20 0.00 -80.58 Bangladesh 56,503 56,564 59,777 12,866 1,001 0.06 -92.22 Bhutan 610 674 867 194 6 0.00 -96.91 India 536,902 595,636 657,300 111,724 6,670 0.43 -94.03 Iran, Islamic Republic of 16,301 11,415 10,440 1,354 300 0.02 -77.84 Maldives 2,668 2,559 2,845 516 80 0.01 -84.50 Nepal 12,821 14,968 18,977 3,916 61 0.00 -98.44 Pakistan 11,424 13,448 14,663 4,110 974 0.06 -76.30 Sri Lanka 35,669 32,508 28,907 4,300 620 0.04 -85.58 NOT SPECIFIED 241,831 704,824 666,684 151,531 10,079 0.65 -93.35 Other countries of the world 2,039 368 127 0.01 -65.49 Nationals residing abroad 241,831 704,824 664,645 151,163 9,952 0.64 -93.42 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 464 COUNTRY TABLES IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF / IRAN (REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') / IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DEL) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,866,939 7,294,823 9,107,261 1,549,571 989,430 100.00 -36.15 AFRICA 14,039 11,672 10,246 666 1,254 0.13 88.29 EAST AFRICA 3,982 3,068 2,768 170 468 0.05 175.29 Ethiopia 994 820 654 40 87 0.01 117.50 Kenya 934 583 581 6 147 0.01 2,350.00 Somalia 90 88 47 6 8 0.00 33.33 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,623 1,301 1,284 79 174 0.02 120.25 Uganda 144 174 153 29 36 0.00 24.14 Zimbabwe 197 102 49 10 16 0.00 60.00 NORTH AFRICA 3,160 2,420 2,292 269 270 0.03 0.37 Algeria 912 790 787 72 59 0.01 -18.06 Morocco 808 490 483 67 63 0.01 -5.97 Sudan 423 253 207 54 51 0.01 -5.56 Tunisia 1,017 887 815 76 97 0.01 27.63 WEST AFRICA 2,196 2,280 1,844 227 267 0.03 17.62 Gambia 56 55 46 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Ghana 547 362 293 17 17 0.00 Guinea 7 315 214 30 Mali 135 94 101 9 13 0.00 44.44 Mauritania 79 59 70 4 13 0.00 225.00 Nigeria 1,086 1,206 931 151 195 0.02 29.14 Senegal 286 189 189 13 27 0.00 107.69 OTHER AFRICA 4,701 3,904 3,342 249 0.03 Other countries of Africa 4,701 3,904 3,342 249 0.03 AMERICAS 12,161 9,590 8,439 1,090 1,486 0.15 36.33 CARIBBEAN 158 94 145 20 35 0.00 75.00 Bahamas 1 5 1 0.00 Cuba 126 73 108 11 32 0.00 190.91 Dominican Republic 31 21 32 9 2 0.00 -77.78 CENTRAL AMERICA 13 20 16 2 0.00 Guatemala 8 10 7 2 0.00 Panama 5 10 9 NORTH AMERICA 7,773 5,210 4,719 603 463 0.05 -23.22 Canada 3,452 2,115 2,016 281 153 0.02 -45.55 Mexico 593 499 508 37 23 0.00 -37.84 United States of America 3,728 2,596 2,195 285 287 0.03 0.70 SOUTH AMERICA 3,788 3,084 3,241 467 563 0.06 20.56 Argentina 556 451 375 35 28 0.00 -20.00 Brazil 1,889 1,681 1,981 108 90 0.01 -16.67 Chile 226 177 169 17 19 0.00 11.76 Colombia 386 160 123 12 19 0.00 58.33 Ecuador 139 126 95 9 18 0.00 100.00 Peru 93 76 114 7 9 0.00 28.57 Uruguay 69 64 80 2 5 0.00 150.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 430 349 304 277 375 0.04 35.38 OTHER AMERICAS 429 1,182 318 423 0.04 Other countries of the Americas 429 1,182 318 423 0.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 465 COUNTRY TABLES IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF / IRAN (REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') / IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DEL) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 153,241 100,654 84,869 7,841 4,204 0.42 -46.38 NORHT-EAST ASIA 108,938 72,238 59,444 6,021 2,853 0.29 -52.62 China 74,663 54,789 48,597 5,279 2,340 0.24 -55.67 Japan 13,370 7,631 5,736 232 169 0.02 -27.16 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 681 207 94 3 Korea, Republic of 17,224 7,912 3,776 394 337 0.03 -14.47 Mongolia 132 100 71 18 4 0.00 -77.78 Taiwan Province of China 2,868 1,599 1,170 95 3 0.00 -96.84 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 31,329 18,394 14,847 979 883 0.09 -9.81 Indonesia 6,132 4,134 3,238 228 171 0.02 -25.00 Malaysia 7,304 4,938 3,832 249 147 0.01 -40.96 Philippines 6,446 3,840 3,479 273 270 0.03 -1.10 Singapore 2,108 1,053 721 37 6 0.00 -83.78 Thailand 8,502 3,672 2,890 144 243 0.02 68.75 Viet Nam 837 757 687 48 46 0.00 -4.17 AUSTRALASIA 11,845 9,408 9,759 841 455 0.05 -45.90 Australia 10,218 8,169 8,449 841 405 0.04 -51.84 New Zealand 1,627 1,239 1,310 50 0.01 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,129 614 819 13 0.00 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 1,129 614 819 13 0.00 EUROPE 1,902,711 2,939,630 3,765,553 617,523 320,466 32.39 -48.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,143,200 1,995,701 2,511,966 403,723 123,231 12.45 -69.48 Armenia 20,924 142,979 198,390 35,811 24,217 2.45 -32.38 Azerbaijan 892,154 1,609,620 1,994,968 322,907 65,093 6.58 -79.84 Bulgaria 1,196 796 639 78 90 0.01 15.38 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,529 1,925 1,768 165 25 0.00 -84.85 Georgia 30,193 33,185 39,640 8,730 1,679 0.17 -80.77 Hungary 1,482 1,328 1,226 99 98 0.01 -1.01 Kazakhstan 3,902 2,695 2,779 346 585 0.06 69.08 Kyrgyzstan 1,156 796 1,033 467 784 0.08 67.88 Lithuania 696 658 597 12 25 0.00 108.33 Poland 6,453 4,860 4,589 148 151 0.02 2.03 Romania 2,134 1,458 1,376 77 67 0.01 -12.99 Russian Federation 27,972 33,633 32,875 27,980 28,148 2.84 0.60 Tajikistan 5,373 4,519 2,862 675 1,017 0.10 50.67 Turkmenistan 136,124 148,664 222,113 4,986 100 0.01 -97.99 Ukraine 9,222 6,345 4,072 747 877 0.09 17.40 Uzbekistan 1,690 2,240 3,039 495 275 0.03 -44.44 NORTHERN EUROPE 45,980 30,340 25,403 2,187 6,748 0.68 208.55 Denmark 5,953 4,667 3,822 220 695 0.07 215.91 Finland 2,839 2,030 1,812 120 467 0.05 289.17 Iceland 98 64 66 7 7 0.00 Ireland 1,871 1,363 863 53 97 0.01 83.02 Norway 4,679 3,776 3,496 313 541 0.05 72.84 Sweden 12,506 8,855 9,191 1,012 4,572 0.46 351.78 United Kingdom 18,034 9,585 6,153 462 369 0.04 -20.13 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 466 COUNTRY TABLES IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF / IRAN (REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') / IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DEL) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 57,870 34,496 33,371 1,746 954 0.10 -45.36 Albania 203 111 82 17 12 0.00 -29.41 Bosnia and Herzegovina 426 352 459 63 27 0.00 -57.14 Greece 2,456 1,740 1,261 85 78 0.01 -8.24 Italy 38,752 20,013 18,501 905 446 0.05 -50.72 Montenegro 71 42 47 4 Portugal 2,640 1,802 2,283 69 28 0.00 -59.42 Serbia 1,143 865 857 188 55 0.01 -70.74 Slovenia 951 1,036 773 40 21 0.00 -47.50 Spain 11,228 8,535 9,108 375 287 0.03 -23.47 WESTERN EUROPE 152,665 100,221 76,347 3,898 8,756 0.88 124.63 Austria 13,602 9,191 8,336 378 1,484 0.15 292.59 Belgium 6,899 4,653 4,112 221 406 0.04 83.71 France 45,576 28,389 17,020 576 447 0.05 -22.40 Germany 57,984 37,125 29,701 1,657 4,465 0.45 169.46 Luxembourg 363 243 181 2 27 0.00 1,250.00 Netherlands 20,367 14,724 11,640 773 1,656 0.17 114.23 Switzerland 7,874 5,896 5,357 291 271 0.03 -6.87 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 498,401 775,468 1,115,316 205,969 180,487 18.24 -12.37 Cyprus 529 204 143 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Turkiye 497,872 775,264 1,115,173 205,961 180,485 18.24 -12.37 OTHER EUROPE 4,595 3,404 3,150 290 0.03 Other countries of Europe 4,595 3,404 3,150 290 0.03 MIDDLE EAST 1,528,764 2,781,833 3,442,251 428,436 358,819 36.27 -16.25 Bahrain 90,643 78,592 81,102 12,511 6,885 0.70 -44.97 Egypt 3,505 2,055 1,983 494 325 0.03 -34.21 Iraq 1,239,656 2,525,291 3,103,614 368,915 291,046 29.42 -21.11 Jordan 1,996 1,099 766 89 61 0.01 -31.46 Kuwait 74,219 62,841 73,444 12,054 13,564 1.37 12.53 Lebanon 48,819 44,086 40,263 4,221 7,850 0.79 85.97 Libya 112 124 121 26 50 0.01 92.31 Oman 25,933 26,098 86,119 22,270 31,018 3.13 39.28 Qatar 4,178 4,876 6,744 1,127 1,976 0.20 75.33 Saudi Arabia 12,624 18,753 31,601 3,463 255 0.03 -92.64 State of Palestine 528 439 554 99 87 0.01 -12.12 Syrian Arab Republic 19,854 12,716 11,115 2,131 3,914 0.40 83.67 United Arab Emirates 5,829 4,073 4,128 927 1,553 0.16 67.53 Yemen 868 790 697 109 235 0.02 115.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 467 COUNTRY TABLES IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF / IRAN (REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') / IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DEL) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 1,116,755 1,376,374 1,759,731 492,719 282,667 28.57 -42.63 Afghanistan 763,939 1,011,317 1,258,173 452,289 269,687 27.26 -40.37 Bangladesh 2,275 1,629 2,265 190 67 0.01 -64.74 India 74,515 67,518 74,050 6,240 1,727 0.17 -72.32 Maldives 20 10 37 Nepal 314 516 401 48 8 0.00 -83.33 Pakistan 274,009 294,086 423,468 33,856 11,111 1.12 -67.18 Sri Lanka 1,683 1,298 1,337 96 67 0.01 -30.21 NOT SPECIFIED 139,268 75,070 36,172 1,296 20,534 2.08 1,484.41 Other countries of the world 1,619 170 3,293 1,296 22 0.00 -98.30 Nationals residing abroad 137,649 74,900 32,879 20,512 2.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 468 COUNTRY TABLES IRELAND / IRLANDE / IRLANDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 10,337,000 10,926,000 10,951,000 AFRICA 54,000 56,000 59,000 OTHER AFRICA 54,000 56,000 59,000 All countries of Africa 54,000 56,000 59,000 AMERICAS 1,792,000 2,057,000 2,000,000 NORTH AMERICA 1,715,000 1,963,000 1,902,000 Canada 204,000 224,000 229,000 United States of America 1,511,000 1,739,000 1,673,000 OTHER AMERICAS 77,000 94,000 98,000 Other countries of the Americas 77,000 94,000 98,000 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 476,000 504,000 519,000 AUSTRALASIA 207,000 226,000 225,000 Australia, New Zealand 207,000 226,000 225,000 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 269,000 278,000 294,000 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 269,000 278,000 294,000 EUROPE 8,015,000 8,309,000 8,373,000 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 171,000 188,000 214,000 Poland 1 71,000 188,000 214,000 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,905,000 4,940,000 4,912,000 Denmark 70,000 68,000 71,000 Sweden 75,000 75,000 77,000 United Kingdom (*) 4,760,000 4,797,000 4,764,000 SOUTHERN EUROPE 754,000 780,000 775,000 Italy 343,000 376,000 364,000 Spain 411,000 404,000 411,000 WESTERN EUROPE 1,673,000 1,824,000 1,816,000 Austria 60,000 68,000 77,000 Belgium 123,000 128,000 122,000 France 512,000 525,000 534,000 Germany 644,000 763,000 728,000 Netherlands 230,000 229,000 235,000 Switzerland 104,000 111,000 120,000 OTHER EUROPE 512,000 577,000 656,000 Other countries of Europe 512,000 577,000 656,000 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 469 COUNTRY TABLES IRELAND / IRLANDE / IRLANDA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 73,120,000 75,718,000 75,143,000 AMERICAS 14,713,000 16,018,000 15,730,000 NORTH AMERICA 14,713,000 16,018,000 15,730,000 All countries of North America 14,713,000 16,018,000 15,730,000 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,691,000 2,386,000 2,270,000 AUSTRALASIA 2,691,000 2,386,000 2,270,000 Australia 2,691,000 2,386,000 2,270,000 EUROPE 49,275,000 50,563,000 50,291,000 NORTHERN EUROPE 20,636,000 19,693,000 19,846,000 United Kingdom (*) 20,636,000 19,693,000 19,846,000 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,098,000 3,351,000 3,114,000 Italy 3,098,000 3,351,000 3,114,000 WESTERN EUROPE 10,651,000 11,365,000 11,250,000 France 5,050,000 5,039,000 5,219,000 Germany 5,601,000 6,326,000 6,031,000 OTHER EUROPE 14,890,000 16,154,000 16,081,000 Other countries of Europe 14,890,000 16,154,000 16,081,000 NOT SPECIFIED 6,441,000 6,751,000 6,852,000 Other countries of the world 6,441,000 6,751,000 6,852,000 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 470 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,613,163 4,120,863 4,551,577 831,474 396,532 100.00 -52.31 AFRICA 63,837 70,447 76,931 12,308 5,654 1.43 -54.06 EAST AFRICA 16,643 18,536 19,581 3,694 2,217 0.56 -39.98 Burundi 58 99 93 11 7 0.00 -36.36 Eritrea 911 1,076 756 6 24 0.01 300.00 Ethiopia 5,733 5,145 6,783 1845 577 0.15 -68.73 Kenya 3,822 4,745 4,184 312 306 0.08 -1.92 Madagascar 231 271 351 20 15 0.00 -25.00 Malawi 225 308 375 34 225 0.06 561.76 Mauritius 993 1,355 1,810 206 21 0.01 -89.81 Mozambique 126 161 117 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Rwanda 577 493 616 324 290 0.07 -10.49 Seychelles 102 60 54 233 195 0.05 -16.31 Somalia 1 2 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,086 962 1,217 207 153 0.04 -26.09 Uganda 1,358 2,046 1,786 327 274 0.07 -16.21 Zambia 523 617 496 92 100 0.03 8.70 Zimbabwe 898 1,198 942 71 24 0.01 -66.20 CENTRAL AFRICA 2,423 2,479 2,676 371 331 0.08 -10.78 Angola 542 466 416 57 31 0.01 -45.61 Cameroon 786 738 838 164 71 0.02 -56.71 Central African Republic 94 84 128 8 12 0.00 50.00 Chad 49 80 90 2 6 0.00 200.00 Congo 126 114 105 17 14 0.00 -17.65 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 499 792 796 92 136 0.03 47.83 Equatorial Guinea 89 37 61 16 53 0.01 231.25 Gabon 238 168 242 15 8 0.00 -46.67 NORTH AFRICA 4,190 4,652 4,678 1,167 667 0.17 -42.84 Algeria 12 44 35 8 5 0.00 -37.50 Morocco 2,889 2,989 3,450 770 456 0.11 -40.78 Sudan 78 177 34 4 8 0.00 100.00 Tunisia 1,211 1,442 1,159 385 198 0.05 -48.57 SOUTHERN AFRICA 26,052 27,830 29,986 3,153 1,484 0.37 -52.93 Eswatini 95 133 237 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Lesotho 31 119 67 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Namibia 140 224 224 20 21 0.01 5.00 South Africa 25,786 27,354 29,458 3125 1,457 0.37 -53.38 WEST AFRICA 14,093 16,448 19,462 3,903 878 0.22 -77.50 Benin 323 361 274 23 24 0.01 4.35 Burkina Faso 333 406 338 24 11 0.00 -54.17 Cabo Verde 31 56 48 7 9 0.00 28.57 Cote d'lvoire 1,928 2,242 2,353 245 88 0.02 -64.08 Gambia 103 84 89 19 20 0.01 5.26 Ghana 1,264 1,870 2,106 329 304 0.08 -7.60 Guinea 162 110 300 3 13 0.00 333.33 Guinea-Bissau 14 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Liberia 61 115 216 15 16 0.00 6.67 Mali 47 260 147 11 13 0.00 18.18 Mauritania 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 471 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Niger 41 30 31 5 15 0.00 200.00 Nigeria 8,985 10,007 12,699 3138 315 0.08 -89.96 Senegal 462 506 502 48 31 0.01 -35.42 Sierra Leone 54 79 73 17 9 0.00 -47.06 Togo 285 322 276 17 9 0.00 -47.06 OTHER AFRICA 436 502 548 20 77 0.02 285.00 Other countries of Africa 436 502 548 20 77 0.02 285.00 AMERICAS 1,025,200 1,186,296 1,306,512 257,025 170,959 43.11 -33.49 CARIBBEAN 3,373 4,022 4,519 564 310 0.08 -45.04 Antigua and Barbuda 15 15 17 1 Bahamas 104 208 216 23 5 0.00 -78.26 Barbados 63 66 109 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Bermuda 5 1 Cayman Islands 10 11 Cuba 329 269 262 52 30 0.01 -42.31 Dominica 84 57 113 10 8 0.00 -20.00 Dominican Republic 1,643 1,873 1,965 208 173 0.04 -16.83 Grenada 22 32 43 1 2 0.00 100.00 Haiti 200 335 382 39 15 0.00 -61.54 Jamaica 281 471 580 128 53 0.01 -58.59 Saint Kitts and Nevis 128 89 135 14 6 0.00 -57.14 Saint Lucia 29 55 28 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 15 31 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Trinidad and Tobago 450 552 621 65 11 0.00 -83.08 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 12,006 13,910 15,837 2,540 1,366 0.34 -46.22 Belize 41 71 57 19 6 0.00 -68.42 Costa Rica 3,253 3,519 3,942 591 461 0.12 -22.00 El Salvador 1,499 1,455 2,110 325 59 0.01 -81.85 Guatemala 2,575 3,734 4,041 445 162 0.04 -63.60 Honduras 1,386 1,493 2,003 307 169 0.04 -44.95 Nicaragua 420 507 362 39 69 0.02 76.92 Panama 2,832 3,131 3,322 814 440 0.11 -45.95 NORTH AMERICA 887,663 1,026,589 1,115,391 222,479 161,489 40.73 -27.41 Canada 80,532 91,878 95,826 15646 10,023 2.53 -35.94 Mexico 28,369 36,624 50,160 6375 2,398 0.60 -62.38 United States of America 778,762 898,087 969,405 200458 149,068 37.59 -25.64 SOUTH AMERICA 122,158 141,775 170,765 31,442 7,794 1.97 -75.21 Argentina 31,391 34,803 34,681 8605 2,304 0.58 -73.22 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,060 903 1,191 135 35 0.01 -74.07 Brazil 55,009 62,706 82,106 13470 2,294 0.58 -82.97 Chile 7,391 9,122 11,878 2899 610 0.15 -78.96 Colombia 11,938 16,017 19,190 2578 1,167 0.29 -54.73 Ecuador 3,742 4,727 5,882 911 276 0.07 -69.70 Guyana 40 92 156 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Paraguay 1,017 1,440 1,298 135 48 0.01 -64.44 Peru 5,534 6,783 8,449 1,814 472 0.12 -73.98 Suriname 75 78 103 53 3 0.00 -94.34 Uruguay 3,591 3,810 4,775 674 466 0.12 -30.86 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,370 1,294 1,056 159 115 0.03 -27.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 472 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 324,843 344,325 428,438 66,250 8,969 2.26 -86.46 NORHT-EAST ASIA 189,187 191,725 258,857 36,790 3,488 0.88 -90.52 China 113,154 104,455 142,754 11357 1,658 0.42 -85.40 Hong Kong, China 9,085 9,461 12,783 1,243 31 0.01 -97.51 Japan 1 7,067 19,568 26,063 3,538 769 0.19 -78.26 Korea, Republic of 39,664 45,085 60,408 17069 844 0.21 -95.06 Macao, China 217 302 573 39 Mongolia 352 332 323 110 31 0.01 -71.82 Taiwan Province of China 9,648 12,522 15,953 3,434 155 0.04 -95.49 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 89,372 101,736 112,656 22,400 3,509 0.88 -84.33 Brunei Darussalam 67 107 119 73 Cambodia 410 477 460 248 506 0.13 104.03 Indonesia 36,235 35,292 38,728 12192 49 0.01 -99.60 Lao People's Democratic Republic 310 319 296 2 10 0.00 400.00 Malaysia 10,342 13,736 14,692 1456 23 0.01 -98.42 Myanmar 1,078 913 916 112 20 0.01 -82.14 Philippines 22,1 72 28,623 32,855 5939 1,691 0.43 -71.53 Singapore 12,781 14,036 15,926 938 439 0.11 -53.20 Thailand 2,804 3,378 3,927 839 416 0.10 -50.42 Timor-Leste 111 164 116 1 2 0.00 100.00 Viet Nam 3,062 4,691 4,621 600 353 0.09 -41.17 AUSTRALASIA 44,854 49,149 55,767 6,939 1,755 0.44 -74.71 Australia 39,922 43,050 48,750 6332 1,616 0.41 -74.48 New Zealand 4,932 6,099 7,017 607 139 0.04 -77.10 MELANESIA 1,287 1,560 1,021 111 181 0.05 63.06 Fiji 901 1,263 738 75 169 0.04 125.33 Papua New Guinea 203 221 195 27 10 0.00 -62.96 Solomon Islands 99 39 38 4 Vanuatu 84 37 50 5 2 0.00 -60.00 MICRONESIA 29 32 20 3 6 0.00 100.00 Kiribati 11 2 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 11 4 2 Palau 29 21 5 1 4 0.00 300.00 POLYNESIA 82 90 111 2 13 0.00 550.00 American Samoa 2 Samoa 52 47 47 1 5 0.00 400.00 Tonga 30 43 62 1 8 0.00 700.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32 33 6 5 17 0.00 240.00 Other countries of Asia 1 Other countries of Oceania 32 33 5 5 17 0.00 240.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 473 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 2,103,103 2,408,654 2,633,245 480,528 192,213 48.47 -60.00 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 832,811 915,082 950,679 199,129 50,802 12.81 -74.49 Armenia 3,267 3,033 3,335 491 188 0.05 -61.71 Azerbaijan 3,098 2,993 3,221 675 574 0.14 -14.96 Belarus 27,341 27,344 27,237 4418 2,073 0.52 -53.08 Bulgaria 11,843 16,418 19,849 3164 705 0.18 -77.72 Czech Republic (Czechia) 24,310 31,716 32,432 8154 3,065 0.77 -62.41 Estonia 4,959 5,341 6,124 1291 185 0.05 -85.67 Georgia 11,356 9,341 8,320 1914 1,086 0.27 -43.26 Hungary 22,367 31,082 39,081 9369 1,397 0.35 -85.09 Kazakhstan 8,612 5,887 5,479 899 850 0.21 -5.45 Kyrgyzstan 888 644 557 97 75 0.02 -22.68 Latvia 13,231 14,186 12,922 2647 565 0.14 -78.66 Lithuania 17,896 19,211 23,318 7864 765 0.19 -90.27 Moldova, Republic of 10,784 11,044 10,677 1946 3,666 0.92 88.39 Poland 97,333 151,825 156,927 45244 2,327 0.59 -94.86 Romania 78,940 106,887 121,087 24750 2,029 0.51 -91.80 Russian Federation 331,530 316,296 318,115 55951 14,416 3.64 -74.23 Slovakia 14,402 20,102 22,748 4712 700 0.18 -85.14 Tajikistan 285 343 262 74 13 0.00 -82.43 Turkmenistan 250 170 208 28 5 0.00 -82.14 Ukraine 146,300 137,392 135,410 24627 14,134 3.56 -42.61 USSR (former) 1 Uzbekistan 3,819 3,827 3,369 814 1,984 0.50 143.73 NORTHERN EUROPE 285,318 320,360 342,472 59,464 37,523 9.46 -36.90 Denmark 19,167 22,458 23,565 3887 1,300 0.33 -66.56 Finland 15,324 17,164 18,704 3153 701 0.18 -77.77 Iceland 1,373 2,033 811 72 94 0.02 30.56 Ireland 9,862 11,260 12,769 1959 777 0.20 -60.34 Norway 13,746 16,066 1 7,865 1906 813 0.21 -57.35 Sweden 27,343 33,367 33,399 4400 1,421 0.36 -67.70 United Kingdom 198,503 218,012 235,359 44087 32,417 8.18 -26.47 SOUTHERN EUROPE 230,034 296,810 390,135 61,723 19,094 4.82 -69.07 Albania 1,321 1,531 1,909 369 203 0.05 -44.99 Andorra 100 87 126 9 21 0.01 133.33 Bosnia and Herzegovina 575 626 690 246 87 0.02 -64.63 Croatia 6,314 7,327 10,111 2092 390 0.10 -81.36 Greece 27,890 29,670 41,884 10223 3,667 0.92 -64.13 Holy See 307 254 240 46 56 0.01 21.74 Italy 107,761 150,581 190,701 25062 7,002 1.77 -72.06 Malta 1,419 2,111 2,689 439 87 0.02 -80.18 Montenegro 446 594 703 213 153 0.04 -28.17 North Macedonia 1,312 1,568 2,482 515 139 0.04 -73.01 Portugal 10,868 13,179 18,810 3170 1,168 0.29 -63.15 San Marino 105 59 119 10 5 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 6,426 8,099 10,472 2174 610 0.15 -71.94 Slovenia 2,780 3,402 4,537 892 219 0.06 -75.45 Spain 62,410 77,722 104,662 16263 5,287 1.33 -67.49 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 474 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 706,117 829,507 906,754 150,432 82,057 20.69 -45.45 Austria 29,037 38,645 49,354 9958 4,169 1.05 -58.13 Belgium 36,314 40,717 44,609 9095 7,322 1.85 -19.49 France 308,635 345,955 367,542 56025 41,510 10.47 -25.91 Germany 218,138 262,599 289,009 50280 16,491 4.16 -67.20 Liechtenstein 164 156 170 18 5 0.00 -72.22 Luxembourg 850 1,259 1,495 226 69 0.02 -69.47 Monaco 56 96 83 15 4 0.00 -73.33 Netherlands 64,094 83,064 90,979 15250 5,508 1.39 -63.88 Switzerland 48,829 57,016 63,513 9565 6,979 1.76 -27.04 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 48,646 46,704 42,924 9,687 2,655 0.67 -72.59 Cyprus 8,151 8,393 10,942 2372 989 0.25 -58.31 Turkiye 40,495 38,311 31,982 7315 1,666 0.42 -77.22 OTHER EUROPE 177 191 281 93 82 0.02 -11.83 Other countries of Europe 177 191 281 93 82 0.02 -11.83 MIDDLE EAST 21,896 25,214 27,797 3,881 5,692 1.44 46.66 Bahrain 14 34 13 45 40 0.01 -11.11 Egypt 7,017 6,281 8,027 561 461 0.12 -17.83 Iraq 215 241 266 76 143 0.04 88.16 Jordan 14,352 18,126 19,179 3,135 4,972 1.25 58.60 Kuwait 22 39 17 1 0.00 Lebanon 194 230 187 40 36 0.01 -10.00 Oman 58 6 1 0.00 Qatar 90 7 2 0.00 Saudi Arabia 4 2 Syrian Arab Republic 71 94 78 19 24 0.01 26.32 Yemen 11 21 13 3 12 0.00 300.00 SOUTH ASIA 64,615 76,168 68,995 8,485 4,084 1.03 -51.87 Afghanistan 9 2 Bangladesh 95 36 177 18 3 0.00 -83.33 Bhutan 75 79 96 12 28 0.01 133.33 India 58,222 70,517 65,097 7,956 3,643 0.92 -54.21 Iran, Islamic Republic of 407 250 182 15 11 0.00 -26.67 Maldives 84 52 74 1 0.00 Nepal 1,375 1,363 1,380 188 178 0.04 -5.32 Pakistan 17 49 29 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Sri Lanka 4,340 3,822 1,951 286 216 0.05 -24.48 NOT SPECIFIED 9,669 9,759 9,659 2,997 8,961 2.26 199.00 Other countries of the world 9,669 9,759 9,659 2,997 8,961 2.26 199.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 475 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,863,376 4,389,552 4,904,604 887,112 402,330 100.00 -54.65 AFRICA 65,749 72,327 79,102 13,587 6,248 1.55 -54.01 EAST AFRICA 17,516 19,149 20,716 4,790 2,784 0.69 -41.88 Burundi 60 99 93 11 7 0.00 -36.36 Eritrea 911 1,083 757 6 24 0.01 300.00 Ethiopia 5,918 5,263 7,301 2823 1,111 0.28 -60.64 Kenya 3,872 4,775 4,192 318 307 0.08 -3.46 Madagascar 236 275 355 23 17 0.00 -26.09 Malawi 233 332 425 58 235 0.06 305.17 Mauritius 1,162 1,559 2,070 206 21 0.01 -89.81 Mozambique 128 162 120 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Rwanda 577 493 719 375 290 0.07 -22.67 Seychelles 102 62 55 247 213 0.05 -13.77 Somalia 1 2 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,471 1,048 1,248 207 153 0.04 -26.09 Uganda 1,415 2,171 1,911 345 276 0.07 -20.00 Zambia 524 620 509 92 100 0.02 8.70 Zimbabwe 907 1,207 960 73 24 0.01 -67.12 CENTRAL AFRICA 2,464 2,506 2,722 374 336 0.08 -10.16 Angola 542 474 440 57 32 0.01 -43.86 Cameroon 786 741 843 165 73 0.02 -55.76 Central African Republic 123 91 135 8 12 0.00 50.00 Chad 49 80 91 2 6 0.00 200.00 Congo 126 115 109 19 14 0.00 -26.32 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 510 798 801 92 138 0.03 50.00 Equatorial Guinea 89 37 61 16 53 0.01 231.25 Gabon 239 170 242 15 8 0.00 -46.67 NORTH AFRICA 4,206 4,678 4,711 1,176 677 0.17 -42.43 Algeria 12 44 35 8 5 0.00 -37.50 Morocco 2,897 3,005 3,473 776 463 0.12 -40.34 Sudan 78 181 34 4 9 0.00 125.00 Tunisia 1,219 1,448 1,169 388 200 0.05 -48.45 SOUTHERN AFRICA 26,905 28,873 30,746 3,281 1,493 0.37 -54.50 Eswatini 95 314 241 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Lesotho 37 134 76 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Namibia 146 230 224 20 21 0.01 5.00 South Africa 26,627 28,195 30,205 3252 1,466 0.36 -54.92 WEST AFRICA 14,199 16,613 19,625 3,945 880 0.22 -77.69 Benin 323 361 275 23 24 0.01 4.35 Burkina Faso 335 407 338 24 11 0.00 -54.17 Cabo Verde 31 56 48 7 9 0.00 28.57 Cote d'lvoire 1,933 2,250 2,360 248 88 0.02 -64.52 Gambia 134 105 108 19 20 0.00 5.26 Ghana 1,304 1,913 2,162 339 305 0.08 -10.03 Guinea 162 110 301 3 13 0.00 333.33 Liberia 61 116 218 2 16 0.00 700.00 Mali 48 260 147 15 13 0.00 -13.33 Mauritania 3 11 Niger 41 30 32 5 16 0.00 220.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 476 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Nigeria 9,023 10,096 12,781 3,166 315 0.08 -90.05 Senegal 462 507 503 49 32 0.01 -34.69 Sierra Leone 55 80 73 17 9 0.00 -47.06 Togo 287 322 276 17 9 0.00 -47.06 OTHER AFRICA 459 508 582 21 78 0.02 271.43 Other countries of Africa 459 508 582 21 78 0.02 271.43 AMERICAS 1,064,022 1,225,192 1,363,602 265,234 172,698 42.92 -34.89 CARIBBEAN 3,518 4,181 4,715 599 318 0.08 -46.91 Antigua and Barbuda 16 17 19 1 Bahamas 105 210 222 23 6 0.00 -73.91 Barbados 69 66 128 8 3 0.00 -62.50 Bermuda 6 1 Cayman Islands 10 13 Cuba 330 270 264 55 31 0.01 -43.64 Dominica 95 59 130 10 9 0.00 -10.00 Dominican Republic 1,669 1,943 2,028 219 175 0.04 -20.09 Grenada 35 32 43 2 2 0.00 Haiti 206 338 387 44 16 0.00 -63.64 Jamaica 317 524 613 130 54 0.01 -58.46 Puerto Rico 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 135 103 149 16 6 0.00 -62.50 Saint Lucia 47 55 30 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 23 31 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Trinidad and Tobago 461 564 650 75 12 0.00 -84.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 12,463 14,319 16,509 2,601 1,378 0.34 -47.02 Belize 45 73 59 19 6 0.00 -68.42 Costa Rica 3,439 3,714 4,162 612 461 0.11 -24.67 El Salvador 1,527 1,494 2,188 338 60 0.01 -82.25 Guatemala 2,641 3,795 4,188 449 163 0.04 -63.70 Honduras 1,482 1,559 2,152 310 170 0.04 -45.16 Nicaragua 436 522 375 39 69 0.02 76.92 Panama 2,893 3,162 3,385 834 449 0.11 -46.16 NORTH AMERICA 920,803 1,059,118 1,162,503 228,991 163,114 40.54 -28.77 Canada 85,103 95,544 101,263 16370 10,093 2.51 -38.34 Mexico 29,552 38,292 53,636 6828 2,425 0.60 -64.48 United States of America 806,148 925,282 1,007,604 205793 150,596 37.43 -26.82 SOUTH AMERICA 127,230 147,555 179,875 33,043 7,888 1.96 -76.13 Argentina 32,575 35,833 36,069 8900 2,321 0.58 -73.92 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,115 955 1,250 139 35 0.01 -74.82 Brazil 56,677 64,666 86,428 14218 2,334 0.58 -83.58 Chile 7,732 9,521 12,374 3094 615 0.15 -80.12 Colombia 12,519 16,841 20,277 2695 1,183 0.29 -56.10 Ecuador 4,298 5,333 6,542 989 286 0.07 -71.08 Guyana 40 93 156 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Paraguay 1,040 1,459 1,313 140 48 0.01 -65.71 Peru 5,780 7,145 9,019 1,940 475 0.12 -75.52 Suriname 75 81 103 53 3 0.00 -94.34 Uruguay 4,001 4,315 5,263 705 466 0.12 -33.90 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,378 1,313 1,081 161 118 0.03 -26.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 477 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER AMERICAS 8 19 Other countries of the Americas 8 19 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 334,175 352,228 443,162 9,302 2.31 -86.45 NORHT-EAST ASIA 192,911 194,765 265,757 38,440 3,672 0.91 -90.45 China 114,068 105,483 144,993 12412 1,831 0.46 -85.25 Hong Kong, China 9,625 9,816 14,034 1,285 31 0.01 -97.59 Japan 17,866 20,106 27,645 3,739 774 0.19 -79.30 Korea, Republic of 40,344 45,622 61,234 17273 848 0.21 -95.09 Macao, China 230 305 584 40 Mongolia 444 404 359 119 31 0.01 -73.95 Taiwan Province of China 10,334 13,029 16,908 3,572 157 0.04 -95.60 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 91,393 103,257 114,460 22,732 3,644 0.91 -83.97 Brunei Darussalam 67 107 119 73 Cambodia 410 478 460 248 506 0.13 104.03 Indonesia 36,454 35,356 38,837 12199 50 0.01 -99.59 Lao People's Democratic Republic 310 319 296 2 10 0.00 400.00 Malaysia 10,369 13,826 14,768 1,466 26 0.01 -98.23 Myanmar 1,082 913 917 112 20 0.00 -82.14 Philippines 23,746 29,628 34,060 6,200 1,819 0.45 -70.66 Singapore 12,909 14,240 16,281 946 442 0.11 -53.28 Thailand 2,853 3,469 3,969 846 416 0.10 -50.83 Timor-Leste 111 165 116 1 2 0.00 100.00 Viet Nam 3,082 4,756 4,637 639 353 0.09 -44.76 AUSTRALASIA 48,395 52,385 61,777 7,367 1,766 0.44 -76.03 Australia 42,980 45,911 53,888 6,716 1,624 0.40 -75.82 New Zealand 5,415 6,474 7,889 651 142 0.04 -78.19 MELANESIA 1,333 1,664 1,030 111 184 0.05 65.77 Fiji 904 1,367 746 75 172 0.04 129.33 Papua New Guinea 246 221 195 27 10 0.00 -62.96 Solomon Islands 99 39 38 4 Vanuatu 84 37 51 5 2 0.00 -60.00 MICRONESIA 29 32 21 3 6 0.00 100.00 Kiribati 12 2 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 11 4 2 Palau 29 21 5 1 4 0.00 300.00 POLYNESIA 82 92 111 2 13 0.00 550.00 American Samoa 2 Samoa 52 49 47 1 5 0.00 400.00 Tonga 30 43 62 1 8 0.00 700.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32 33 6 5 17 0.00 240.00 Other countries of Oceania 32 33 6 5 17 0.00 240.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 478 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 2,301,711 2,627,415 2,910,607 523,984 195,085 48.49 -62.77 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 988,196 1,083,048 1,141,023 227,702 51,642 12.84 -77.32 Armenia 3,639 3,066 3,364 494 189 0.05 -61.74 Azerbaijan 3,739 3,283 3,432 721 580 0.14 -19.56 Belarus 35,909 38,741 38,977 5779 2,080 0.52 -64.01 Bulgaria 12,989 1 7,652 21,651 3738 726 0.18 -80.58 Czech Republic (Czechia) 26,149 34,979 36,510 9065 3,332 0.83 -63.24 Estonia 5,350 6,252 7,287 1599 185 0.05 -88.43 Georgia 12,877 10,794 9,137 2,074 1,133 0.28 -45.37 Hungary 23,617 33,652 43,411 10799 1,422 0.35 -86.83 Kazakhstan 1 7,430 5,978 5,547 927 851 0.21 -8.20 Kyrgyzstan 1,473 775 571 100 75 0.02 -25.00 Latvia 14,401 17,377 16,451 3578 570 0.14 -84.07 Lithuania 21,652 27,515 32,875 10919 774 0.19 -92.91 Moldova, Republic of 11,949 12,181 11,675 2081 3,670 0.91 76.36 Poland 104,835 169,512 177,807 50056 2,353 0.58 -95.30 Romania 82,013 111,113 125,851 25940 2,051 0.51 -92.09 Russian Federation 397,601 381,341 394,358 59845 14,474 3.60 -75.81 Slovakia 15,806 24,170 26,583 5323 712 0.18 -86.62 Tajikistan 363 361 262 74 13 0.00 -82.43 Turkmenistan 348 171 210 28 5 0.00 -82.14 Ukraine 192,212 180,279 181,662 33743 14,462 3.59 -57.14 USSR (former) 1 Uzbekistan 3,844 3,856 3,401 819 1,985 0.49 142.37 NORTHERN EUROPE 300,849 328,831 370,150 62,950 37,938 9.43 -39.73 Denmark 19,717 23,210 24,517 3,959 1,320 0.33 -66.66 Finland 15,619 17,378 18,924 3,216 719 0.18 -77.64 Iceland 1,463 2,088 838 82 96 0.02 17.07 Ireland 10,385 11,636 13,455 2,122 808 0.20 -61.92 Norway 14,060 16,467 18,415 1,972 822 0.20 -58.32 Sweden 27,822 33,829 34,068 4,472 1,445 0.36 -67.69 United Kingdom 211,783 224,223 259,933 47127 32,728 8.13 -30.55 SOUTHERN EUROPE 237,269 307,129 410,854 65,146 19,417 4.83 -70.19 Albania 1,383 1,642 2,008 380 217 0.05 -42.89 Andorra 100 87 126 9 22 0.01 144.44 Bosnia and Herzegovina 594 644 705 247 87 0.02 -64.78 Croatia 6,563 7,599 10,558 2,172 400 0.10 -81.58 Greece 28,852 30,925 44,262 10,535 3,801 0.94 -63.92 Holy See 312 258 241 46 56 0.01 21.74 Italy 110,877 155,689 201,080 26,820 7,065 1.76 -73.66 Malta 1,459 2,146 2,755 446 87 0.02 -80.49 Montenegro 470 604 723 242 155 0.04 -35.95 North Macedonia 1,347 1,600 2,570 633 139 0.03 -78.04 Portugal 11,175 13,541 19,456 3,304 1,181 0.29 -64.26 San Marino 107 60 124 10 5 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 6,751 8,538 11,214 2,319 619 0.15 -73.31 Slovenia 2,918 3,586 5,145 995 220 0.05 -77.89 Spain 64,361 80,210 109,887 16,988 5,363 1.33 -68.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 479 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 724,431 859,632 942,881 157,846 83,037 20.64 -47.39 Austria 30,438 40,211 50,911 10,203 4,503 1.12 -55.87 Belgium 37,146 42,096 46,415 9,789 7,392 1.84 -24.49 France 311,576 351,571 376,526 58,631 41,775 10.38 -28.75 Germany 228,548 280,305 306,408 52,093 16,715 4.15 -67.91 Liechtenstein 166 158 175 18 5 0.00 -72.22 Luxembourg 886 1,350 1,578 228 69 0.02 -69.74 Monaco 58 98 89 15 4 0.00 -73.33 Netherlands 65,496 84,960 94,694 17,118 5,554 1.38 -67.55 Switzerland 50,117 58,883 66,085 9,751 7,020 1.74 -28.01 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 50,787 48,581 45,418 10,247 2,969 0.74 -71.03 Cyprus 9,380 9,306 12,039 2,674 1,035 0.26 -61.29 Turkiye 41,407 39,275 33,379 7,573 1,934 0.48 -74.46 OTHER EUROPE 179 194 281 93 82 0.02 -11.83 Other countries of Europe 179 194 281 93 82 0.02 -11.83 MIDDLE EAST 22,705 25,801 28,414 4,004 5,745 1.43 43.48 Bahrain 14 34 13 71 40 0.01 -43.66 Egypt 7,237 6,473 8,179 571 464 0.12 -18.74 Iraq 216 243 268 76 143 0.04 88.16 Jordan 14,940 18,515 19,641 3,221 5,020 1.25 55.85 Kuwait 22 39 17 1 0.00 Lebanon 194 230 188 40 36 0.01 -10.00 Oman 58 6 1 1 0.00 Qatar 94 7 4 0.00 Saudi Arabia 4 2 Syrian Arab Republic 71 94 78 19 24 0.01 26.32 Yemen 11 21 13 3 12 0.00 300.00 SOUTH ASIA 65,144 76,573 69,607 8,531 4,092 1.02 -52.03 Afghanistan 9 2 Bangladesh 97 36 178 18 3 0.00 -83.33 Bhutan 75 79 96 12 28 0.01 133.33 India 58,709 70,898 65,619 7,999 3,650 0.91 -54.37 Iran, Islamic Republic of 407 252 182 15 11 0.00 -26.67 Maldives 101 52 74 1 0.00 Nepal 1,383 1,379 1,397 188 178 0.04 -5.32 Pakistan 17 49 30 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Sri Lanka 4,355 3,828 2,022 289 217 0.05 -24.91 NOT SPECIFIED 9,870 10,016 10,110 3,112 9,160 2.28 194.34 Other countries of the world 9,870 10,016 10,110 3,112 9,160 2.28 194.34 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 480 COUNTRY TABLES ISRAEL / ISRAEL 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,680,400 4,134,100 4,440,500 813,900 277,400 100.00 -65.92 AMERICAS 1,442,800 1,717,200 1,786,600 350,500 118,800 42.83 -66.11 NORTH AMERICA 1,248,400 1,480,700 1,509,500 303,100 113,400 40.88 -62.59 All countries of North America 1,248,400 1,480,700 1,509,500 303,100 113,400 40.88 -62.59 SOUTH AMERICA 194,400 236,500 277,100 47,400 5,400 1.95 -88.61 All countries of South America (*) 194,400 236,500 277,100 47,400 5,400 1.95 -88.61 EUROPE 1,280,700 1,445,200 1,588,600 276,400 68,650 24.75 -75.16 OTHER EUROPE 1,280,700 1,445,200 1,588,600 276,400 68,650 24.75 -75.16 All countries of Europe 1,280,700 1,445,200 1,588,600 276,400 68,650 24.75 -75.16 NOT SPECIFIED 956,900 971,700 1,065,300 187,000 89,950 32.43 -51.90 Other countries of the world 956,900 971,700 1,065,300 187,000 89,950 32.43 -51.90 ISRAEL / ISRAEL 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 10,626,700 11,579,900 12,126,200 2,190,700 801,700 100.00 -63.40 AMERICAS 4,092,800 4,749,900 4,867,200 944,100 354,300 44.19 -62.47 NORTH AMERICA 3,541,100 4,117,300 4,136,800 818,200 336,200 41.94 -58.91 All countries of North America 3,541,100 4,117,300 4,136,800 818,200 336,200 41.94 -58.91 SOUTH AMERICA 551,700 632,600 730,400 125,900 18,100 2.26 -85.62 All countries of South America (*) 551,700 632,600 730,400 125,900 18,100 2.26 -85.62 EUROPE 4,236,700 4,513,300 4,764,000 801,000 247,500 30.87 -69.10 OTHER EUROPE 4,236,700 4,513,300 4,764,000 801,000 247,500 30.87 -69.10 All countries of Europe 4,236,700 4,513,300 4,764,000 801,000 247,500 30.87 -69.10 NOT SPECIFIED 2,297,200 2,316,700 2,495,000 445,600 199,900 24.93 -55.14 Other countries of the world 2,297,200 2,316,700 2,495,000 445,600 199,900 24.93 -55.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 481 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 58,253,028 61,567,154 64,512,919 25,189,618 26,888,008 100.00 6.74 AFRICA 236,965 186,793 174,021 108,749 129,078 0.48 18.69 EAST AFRICA 15,653 8,228 19,887 5,912 12,280 0.05 107.71 Burundi 1,347 Djibouti 88 Eritrea 209 1,397 712 Ethiopia 3,673 930 335 137 4,098 0.02 2,891.24 Kenya 7,122 3,434 6,598 2,283 3,165 0.01 38.63 Madagascar 178 673 8 19 7 0.00 -63.16 Malawi 88 586 Mauritius 330 420 2,770 103 90 0.00 -12.62 Mozambique 1,889 46 1,048 400 1,585 0.01 296.25 Reunion 27 Rwanda 209 14 1 1,011 0.00 101,000.00 Seychelles 16 4,688 297 66 0.00 -77.78 Somalia 170 158 483 0.00 205.70 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,530 1,196 250 92 862 0.00 836.96 Uganda 164 2,161 108 913 0.00 745.37 Zambia 970 255 Zimbabwe 546 5 CENTRAL AFRICA 4,544 4,303 2,267 1,467 2,431 0.01 65.71 Angola 1,328 587 90 988 0.00 997.78 Cameroon 538 33 94 230 371 0.00 61.30 Central African Republic 340 233 136 481 0.00 253.68 Chad 165 317 Congo 938 2,173 1 52 0.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,235 754 2,172 800 497 0.00 -37.88 Equatorial Guinea 211 42 0.00 -80.09 Gabon 206 NORTH AFRICA 112,420 114,657 105,270 70,376 76,572 0.28 8.80 Algeria 16,657 9,292 6,696 3,749 2,841 0.01 -24.22 Morocco 51,817 64,291 45,682 44,198 44,833 0.17 1.44 South Sudan 385 326 33 34 Sudan 1,180 4,680 646 62 197 0.00 217.74 Tunisia 42,381 36,068 52,213 22,333 28,701 0.11 28.51 SOUTHERN AFRICA 65,138 34,784 17,877 9,056 8,655 0.03 -4.43 Botswana 4,116 Lesotho 88 79 Namibia 204 1,407 114 27 0.00 South Africa 60,730 33,298 17,763 9,056 8,628 0.03 -4.73 WEST AFRICA 39,109 24,182 24,440 17,527 20,660 0.08 17.88 Benin 938 270 1 132 156 0.00 18.18 Burkina Faso 1,658 808 1,030 103 452 0.00 338.83 Cabo Verde 2,284 1,251 38 694 2,350 0.01 238.62 Cote d'lvoire 2,189 671 3,319 2,402 1,848 0.01 -23.06 Gambia 354 41 317 0.00 Ghana 2,278 925 2,627 2,030 1,390 0.01 -31.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 482 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guinea 196 199 622 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 133 45 0.00 Liberia 15 50 0.00 233.33 Mali 1,424 315 1,299 662 473 0.00 -28.55 Mauritania 1,625 157 1,344 1,371 Niger 139 359 21 3 Nigeria 7,465 4,502 8,595 4,839 1,931 0.01 -60.10 Senegal 14,228 14,589 5,694 5,107 10,695 0.04 109.42 Sierra Leone 161 1 Togo 4,331 272 169 331 0.00 95.86 OTHER AFRICA 101 639 4,280 4,411 8,480 0.03 92.25 Other countries of Africa 101 639 4,280 4,411 8,480 0.03 92.25 AMERICAS 5,638,320 6,148,864 6,656,515 917,205 952,891 3.54 3.89 CARIBBEAN 30,032 44,240 55,954 12,410 16,048 0.06 29.32 Antigua and Barbuda 637 70 0.00 -89.01 Aruba 2,408 2,299 265 215 0.00 Bahamas 37 2,546 2,511 0.01 Barbados 197 608 77 Bermuda 200 0.00 British Virgin Islands 283 Cayman Islands 437 959 131 Cuba 13,291 25,051 26,854 1,519 3,788 0.01 149.37 Curacao 86 Dominican Republic 4,096 8,283 22,123 3,275 5,406 0.02 65.07 Grenada 110 416 0.00 278.18 Guadeloupe 493 0.00 Haiti 4,440 10 102 0.00 920.00 Jamaica 959 380 0.00 Martinique 250 14 0.00 -94.40 Puerto Rico 4,585 5,453 3,711 5,946 2,140 0.01 -64.01 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 535 455 236 0.00 -48.13 Trinidad and Tobago 172 548 Turks and Caicos Islands 77 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 39,576 50,228 58,515 8,847 9,308 0.03 5.21 Belize 1,615 114 Costa Rica 13,429 20,874 12,155 893 4,034 0.02 351.74 El Salvador 3,136 197 1,361 147 4 0.00 -97.28 Guatemala 4,631 12,341 7,436 3,001 1,033 0.00 -65.58 Honduras 1,024 4,157 14,774 2,361 2,248 0.01 -4.79 Nicaragua 1,094 1,141 279 156 0.00 -44.09 Panama 14,647 12,545 21,648 2,166 1,833 0.01 -15.37 NORTH AMERICA 4,383,180 4,813,889 5,145,607 642,432 815,629 3.03 26.96 Canada 882,633 997,570 1,044,251 100,765 85,133 0.32 -15.51 Mexico 139,378 122,321 155,327 15,989 24,305 0.09 52.01 United States of America 3,361,169 3,693,998 3,946,029 525,678 706,191 2.63 34.34 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 483 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 1,185,532 1,240,507 1,396,439 253,516 111,906 0.42 -55.86 Argentina 386,945 439,179 483,472 75,831 28,001 0.10 -63.07 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 5,195 10,748 1,226 264 2,311 0.01 775.38 Brazil 524,514 559,953 637,688 137,319 42,591 0.16 -68.98 Chile 94,411 85,257 85,224 15,011 11,918 0.04 -20.60 Colombia 86,954 54,036 83,567 10,681 10,534 0.04 -1.38 Ecuador 12,888 16,546 19,438 1,813 4,114 0.02 126.92 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 41 French Guiana 19 Guyana 934 19 246 0.00 Paraguay 4,985 917 1,417 232 88 0.00 -62.07 Peru 29,350 44,859 53,426 2,921 7,206 0.03 146.70 Suriname 645 148 0.00 -77.05 Uruguay 1 7,593 19,237 26,988 2,042 1,853 0.01 -9.26 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 21,763 9,775 3,955 6,716 2,896 0.01 -56.88 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,844,269 1,800,944 1,880,775 331,081 124,453 0.46 -62.41 NORHT-EAST ASIA 814,330 776,368 864,237 144,664 49,800 0.19 -65.58 China 315,855 320,620 413,022 45,327 15,142 0.06 -66.59 Hong Kong, China 24,332 9,368 22,467 2,462 2,763 0.01 12.23 Japan 385,971 384,004 372,979 83,839 14,350 0.05 -82.88 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 571 7 44 Korea, Republic of 66,377 50,352 46,647 9,526 13,270 0.05 39.30 Macao, China 1,776 43 Mongolia 67 346 338 225 0.00 -33.43 Taiwan Province of China 19,448 11,950 8,732 3,129 4,050 0.02 29.43 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 150,854 135,124 103,519 31,666 60,015 0.22 89.53 Brunei Darussalam 278 27 0.00 Cambodia 272 269 0.00 Indonesia 36,371 23,975 25,804 5,655 11,141 0.04 97.01 Lao People's Democratic Republic 161 Malaysia 39,714 30,255 20,095 4,213 2,282 0.01 -45.83 Myanmar 379 3,854 1,708 193 650 0.00 236.79 Philippines 23,773 18,162 16,837 10,898 20,919 0.08 91.95 Singapore 19,483 44,269 22,297 4,265 8,162 0.03 91.37 Thailand 29,406 7,999 9,571 5,060 15,640 0.06 209.09 Viet Nam 1,295 6,332 7,207 1,382 925 0.00 -33.07 AUSTRALASIA 874,822 888,746 910,722 152,408 14,509 0.05 -90.48 Australia 778,1 70 784,455 816,467 103,317 12,190 0.05 -88.20 New Zealand 96,652 104,291 94,255 49,091 2,319 0.01 -95.28 MELANESIA 4,065 706 Fiji 249 703 New Caledonia 3,816 3 POLYNESIA 198 2,297 2,343 35 0.00 -98.51 French Polynesia 198 2,297 2,343 Samoa 35 0.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 94 0.00 Other countries of Asia 94 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 484 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 49,795,858 52,858,533 55,185,663 23,660,467 25,432,362 94.59 7.49 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,031,580 7,126,427 7,842,883 4,341,200 5,995,047 22.30 38.10 Armenia 5,065 2,731 8,351 905 3,789 0.01 318.67 Azerbaijan 13,692 18,097 5,014 2,401 5,120 0.02 113.24 Belarus 96,450 123,805 91,550 35,361 64,815 0.24 83.30 Bulgaria 374,475 266,294 326,406 162,522 219,948 0.82 35.33 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,072,331 1,104,777 1,308,598 773,978 938,247 3.49 21.22 Estonia 74,209 80,373 61,721 28,841 48,355 0.18 67.66 Georgia 8,815 19,288 38,862 5,701 8,749 0.03 53.46 Hungary 547,765 511,906 511,118 231,390 400,895 1.49 73.26 Kazakhstan 7,717 7,022 5,071 1,240 4,046 0.02 226.29 Kyrgyzstan 982 1,252 20 1,717 0.01 8,485.00 Latvia 86,205 116,796 120,103 38,001 86,203 0.32 126.84 Lithuania 224,222 199,988 339,035 233,131 238,576 0.89 2.34 Moldova, Republic of 110,381 195,513 143,470 40,166 98,410 0.37 145.01 Poland 1,603,629 1,691,060 1,861,447 1,300,392 1,500,709 5.58 15.40 Romania 1,034,620 1,013,923 1,309,499 769,508 1,305,410 4.85 69.64 Russian Federation 998,447 1,059,794 977,099 170,942 214,430 0.80 25.44 Slovakia 471,201 435,431 463,086 384,865 539,853 2.01 40.27 Tajikistan 90 3,467 890 0.00 Turkmenistan 682 544 20 590 0.00 2,850.00 Ukraine 294,915 277,753 266,733 160,905 310,849 1.16 93.19 Uzbekistan 5,777 1,242 1,001 911 3,446 0.01 278.27 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,208,720 7,924,990 8,338,328 2,312,892 1,622,314 6.03 -29.86 Denmark 741,268 752,429 950,123 213,212 210,350 0.78 -1.34 Faeroe Islands 1,285 83 0.00 Finland 209,268 189,653 133,512 37,330 64,032 0.24 71.53 Iceland 16,816 33,513 15,347 4,932 14,855 0.06 201.20 Ireland 528,871 465,933 496,975 133,272 162,099 0.60 21.63 Isle of Man 627 554 748 21 Norway 272,072 334,559 232,319 49,904 64,859 0.24 29.97 Sweden 507,830 489,840 501,584 118,147 197,421 0.73 67.10 United Kingdom 4,931,968 5,658,509 6,006,435 1,756,074 908,615 3.38 -48.26 SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,871,671 5,358,756 5,567,728 2,528,552 3,181,358 11.83 25.82 Albania 198,723 212,434 268,839 132,530 204,612 0.76 54.39 Andorra 1,952 3,361 1,550 2,156 2,556 0.01 18.55 Bosnia and Herzegovina 414,820 376,295 397,298 217,479 122,094 0.45 -43.86 Croatia 267,717 275,064 314,017 267,172 283,246 1.05 6.02 Gibraltar 182 278 Greece 378,845 372,085 342,657 120,078 181,299 0.67 50.98 Malta 87,800 126,450 92,760 56,059 124,795 0.46 122.61 Montenegro 7,031 2,903 15,526 294 3,450 0.01 1,073.47 North Macedonia 140,961 171,122 179,298 82,767 58,052 0.22 -29.86 Portugal 380,048 348,738 304,284 165,520 272,137 1.01 64.41 Serbia 264,132 328,849 299,535 131,662 105,939 0.39 -19.54 Slovenia 97,736 120,046 125,106 160,472 350,082 1.30 118.16 Spain 2,631,724 3,021,409 3,226,858 1,192,085 1,473,096 5.48 23.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 485 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 30,252,659 32,047,359 33,055,600 14,378,191 14,403,084 53.57 0.17 Austria 3,689,608 4,019,846 4,308,778 2,034,100 2,488,253 9.25 22.33 Belgium 1,268,061 1,301,309 1,268,932 746,510 591,215 2.20 -20.80 France 7,201,639 7,640,667 7,977,514 3,687,243 3,910,414 14.54 6.05 Germany 12,450,676 13,518,339 13,950,511 5,160,770 4,603,678 17.12 -10.79 Liechtenstein 16,283 6,761 8,893 1,197 5,724 0.02 378.20 Luxembourg 129,664 109,119 112,325 89,090 83,648 0.31 -6.11 Monaco 86,791 71,633 93,297 129,593 138,637 0.52 6.98 Netherlands 2,100,474 2,163,791 2,134,940 968,907 1,166,533 4.34 20.40 Switzerland 3,309,463 3,215,894 3,200,410 1,560,781 1,414,982 5.26 -9.34 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 420,516 390,418 370,118 98,722 221,000 0.82 123.86 Cyprus 24,368 8,157 6,920 3,069 11,215 0.04 265.43 Israel 120,915 126,231 139,023 14,785 72,645 0.27 391.34 Turkiye 275,233 256,030 224,175 80,868 137,140 0.51 69.59 OTHER EUROPE 10,712 10,583 11,006 910 9,559 0.04 950.44 Other countries of Europe 10,712 10,583 11,006 910 9,559 0.04 950.44 MIDDLE EAST 380,480 287,835 354,242 111,542 198,295 0.74 77.78 Bahrain 13,956 2,258 1,888 849 1,985 0.01 133.80 Egypt 25,919 13,718 36,281 19,014 36,661 0.14 92.81 Iraq 11,084 4,554 15,420 1,233 2,736 0.01 121.90 Jordan 32,918 7,362 12,256 3,653 9,811 0.04 168.57 Kuwait 21,256 25,187 17,846 3,367 2,537 0.01 -24.65 Lebanon 1 7,230 20,104 28,217 7,390 7,874 0.03 6.55 Libya 2,797 5,985 8,363 2,454 955 0.00 -61.08 Oman 3,197 4,631 4,042 1,377 788 0.00 -42.77 Qatar 26,820 12,980 26,739 13,636 20,128 0.07 47.61 Saudi Arabia 92,410 71,916 59,671 24,651 19,315 0.07 -21.65 State of Palestine 3,409 2,646 5,517 117 433 0.00 270.09 Syrian Arab Republic 217 5,883 10,219 2,455 1,109 0.00 -54.83 United Arab Emirates 127,945 110,611 127,719 30,631 93,905 0.35 206.57 Yemen 1,322 64 715 58 0.00 -91.89 SOUTH ASIA 356,430 282,741 260,951 60,322 50,929 0.19 -15.57 Afghanistan 1,919 690 664 663 0.00 -0.15 Bangladesh 13,955 9,981 11,072 3,069 2,897 0.01 -5.60 Bhutan 34 0.00 India 215,093 160,302 1 76,304 26,614 19,404 0.07 -27.09 Iran, Islamic Republic of 76,419 60,048 32,228 13,092 9,189 0.03 -29.81 Maldives 168 6,332 284 260 573 0.00 120.38 Nepal 2,115 1,456 481 130 300 0.00 130.77 Pakistan 37,387 33,035 29,420 14,993 14,682 0.05 -2.07 Sri Lanka 9,374 10,897 11,162 1,500 3,187 0.01 112.47 NOT SPECIFIED 706 1,444 752 252 Other countries of the world 706 1,444 752 252 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 486 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 89,931,465 93,228,618 95,398,761 38,418,831 40,185,646 100.00 4.60 AFRICA 272,519 222,035 209,169 123,962 147,903 0.37 19.31 EAST AFRICA 19,069 10,618 22,084 6,234 17,946 0.04 187.87 Burundi 1,347 Djibouti 88 Eritrea 413 1,397 712 Ethiopia 3,673 1,007 620 218 5,440 0.01 2,395.41 Kenya 7,122 4,828 7,177 2,517 3,902 0.01 55.03 Madagascar 178 673 8 19 34 0.00 78.95 Malawi 88 3 586 Mauritius 330 590 3,349 103 192 0.00 86.41 Mozambique 1,889 46 1,291 400 3,033 0.01 658.25 Reunion 27 Rwanda 209 14 1 1,379 0.00 137,800.00 Seychelles 16 4,688 297 736 0.00 147.81 Somalia 170 158 920 0.00 482.28 Tanzania, United Republic of 3,586 1,282 672 99 1,397 0.00 1,311.11 Uganda 410 164 2,161 108 913 0.00 745.37 Zambia 987 89 255 Zimbabwe 1,292 643 5 CENTRAL AFRICA 7,951 5,518 4,037 1,501 3,488 0.01 132.38 Angola 4,583 587 90 1,697 0.00 1,785.56 Cameroon 538 466 94 230 371 0.00 61.30 Central African Republic 340 233 136 490 0.00 260.29 Chad 165 346 Congo 938 2,503 244 84 0.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,387 754 3,666 800 575 0.00 -28.13 Equatorial Guinea 78 211 271 0.00 28.44 Gabon 206 33 34 Sao Tome and Principe 345 NORTH AFRICA 129,167 134,661 123,535 80,783 85,844 0.21 6.26 Algeria 21,950 12,712 10,602 5,208 3,347 0.01 -35.73 Morocco 53,981 70,446 48,456 47,717 46,955 0.12 -1.60 South Sudan 513 326 369 34 Sudan 1,180 4,919 1,204 62 550 0.00 787.10 Tunisia 51,543 46,258 62,904 27,762 34,992 0.09 26.04 SOUTHERN AFRICA 74,453 43,188 22,993 9,936 10,826 0.03 8.96 Botswana 4,116 41 Eswatini 284 1 Lesotho 88 79 27 0.00 Namibia 204 1,407 114 27 0.00 South Africa 69,761 41,702 22,878 9,895 10,772 0.03 8.86 WEST AFRICA 41,725 27,355 32,228 20,865 21,281 0.05 1.99 Benin 938 270 1 132 156 0.00 18.18 Burkina Faso 1,658 808 1,030 103 452 0.00 338.83 Cabo Verde 2,284 1,279 131 694 2,350 0.01 238.62 Cote d'lvoire 3,075 671 3,319 2,402 1,848 0.00 -23.06 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 487 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Gambia 354 41 347 0.00 Ghana 3,287 1,082 5,590 2,363 1,390 0.00 -41.18 Guinea 196 199 622 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 133 45 0.00 Liberia 36 15 143 0.00 853.33 Mali 1,424 315 1,299 662 473 0.00 -28.55 Mauritania 1,625 157 1,624 1,371 Niger 139 359 21 3 Nigeria 8,116 7,115 12,674 7,766 2,429 0.01 -68.72 Senegal 14,298 14,619 6,031 5,108 10,695 0.03 109.38 Sierra Leone 161 1 Togo 4,331 345 272 246 331 0.00 34.55 OTHER AFRICA 154 695 4,292 4,643 8,518 0.02 83.46 Other countries of Africa 154 695 4,292 4,643 8,518 0.02 83.46 AMERICAS 6,532,671 7,171,801 7,755,428 1,031,229 1,100,207 2.74 6.69 CARIBBEAN 32,662 53,756 58,429 13,038 17,886 0.04 37.18 Antigua and Barbuda 637 70 0.00 -89.01 Aruba 2,408 2,299 265 215 0.00 Bahamas 37 2,546 2,511 0.01 Barbados 547 1,187 77 Bermuda 200 0.00 British Virgin Islands 382 Cayman Islands 437 959 131 Cuba 13,390 28,805 27,196 1,868 3,788 0.01 102.78 Curacao 86 548 Dominican Republic 4,097 12,525 22,876 3,275 6,104 0.02 86.38 Grenada 1 110 416 0.00 278.18 Guadeloupe 493 0.00 Haiti 4,789 292 489 10 102 0.00 920.00 Jamaica 1,076 356 959 1,244 0.00 Martinique 250 68 0.00 -72.80 Puerto Rico 4,585 5,745 4,053 6,225 2,140 0.01 -65.62 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 535 455 458 0.00 0.66 Trinidad and Tobago 828 548 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 77 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 40,395 53,659 63,921 8,990 9,767 0.02 8.64 Belize 1,615 880 460 Costa Rica 13,429 21,227 13,969 893 4,034 0.01 351.74 El Salvador 3,378 219 2,805 290 4 0.00 -98.62 Guatemala 4,631 12,341 7,616 3,001 1,119 0.00 -62.71 Honduras 1,136 4,157 15,734 2,361 2,621 0.01 11.01 Nicaragua 1,094 1,141 279 156 0.00 -44.09 Panama 15,112 14,835 22,196 2,166 1,833 0.00 -15.37 NORTH AMERICA 4,891,065 5,357,191 5,732,983 673,404 950,801 2.37 41.19 Canada 978,224 1,120,598 1,1 78,248 108,360 99,837 0.25 -7.87 Mexico 160,794 144,641 1 71,795 17,468 25,217 0.06 44.36 United States of America 3,752,047 4,091,952 4,382,940 547,576 825,747 2.05 50.80 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 488 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 1,568,549 1,707,195 1,900,095 335,797 121,753 0.30 -63.74 Argentina 542,343 655,352 703,546 127,943 29,717 0.07 -76.77 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 8,846 11,682 1,498 450 2,311 0.01 413.56 Brazil 667,314 71 7,988 795,944 159,236 49,551 0.12 -68.88 Chile 143,090 130,308 174,550 20,206 12,650 0.03 -37.39 Colombia 98,076 60,946 94,544 11,593 10,757 0.03 -7.21 Ecuador 13,015 16,875 20,461 1,859 4,114 0.01 121.30 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 41 French Guiana 19 Guyana 934 19 246 0.00 Paraguay 15,300 19,258 3,259 1,161 88 0.00 -92.42 Peru 29,350 50,746 55,563 2,921 7,355 0.02 151.80 Suriname 986 645 148 0.00 -77.05 Uruguay 21,265 22,692 29,152 2,924 1,853 0.00 -36.63 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 29,016 21,348 20,554 6,818 2,963 0.01 -56.54 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,169,858 2,191,563 2,208,648 389,308 155,982 0.39 -59.93 NORHT-EAST ASIA 866,754 875,416 914,437 150,280 63,206 0.16 -57.94 China 330,724 395,200 446,289 49,637 22,090 0.05 -55.50 Hong Kong, China 27,206 14,633 26,889 3,343 4,713 0.01 40.98 Japan 417,466 398,796 385,424 84,264 18,246 0.05 -78.35 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 571 7 44 Korea, Republic of 68,255 54,025 46,713 9,526 13,530 0.03 42.03 Macao, China 1,776 43 Mongolia 67 346 338 577 0.00 70.71 Taiwan Province of China 20,756 12,688 8,732 3,129 4,050 0.01 29.43 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 183,217 175,354 135,501 38,610 67,829 0.17 75.68 Brunei Darussalam 278 27 0.00 Cambodia 272 269 0.00 Indonesia 42,243 25,701 32,555 6,822 13,864 0.03 103.22 Lao People's Democratic Republic 161 Malaysia 45,476 33,546 21,168 4,510 2,503 0.01 -44.50 Myanmar 379 3,854 2,893 1,401 650 0.00 -53.60 Philippines 36,217 47,524 38,774 14,668 23,680 0.06 61.44 Singapore 23,043 45,314 23,118 4,767 9,404 0.02 97.27 Thailand 33,711 12,805 9,786 5,060 16,163 0.04 219.43 Viet Nam 1,715 6,332 7,207 1,382 1,269 0.00 -8.18 AUSTRALASIA 1,115,624 1,140,087 1,156,364 198,075 23,874 0.06 -87.95 Australia 978,761 976,939 1,014,862 144,379 18,787 0.05 -86.99 New Zealand 136,863 163,148 141,502 53,696 5,087 0.01 -90.53 MELANESIA 4,065 706 367 0.00 Fiji 249 703 New Caledonia 3,816 3 367 0.00 POLYNESIA 198 2,297 2,343 612 0.00 -73.88 French Polynesia 198 2,297 2,343 548 0.00 -76.61 Samoa 64 0.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49 94 0.00 Other countries of Asia 49 94 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 489 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 79,995,705 82,844,010 84,398,409 36,673,788 38,498,420 95.80 4.98 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 8,089,719 8,191,182 8,579,738 4,853,286 6,847,733 17.04 41.09 Armenia 5,065 2,731 8,351 905 6,491 0.02 617.24 Azerbaijan 13,692 18,473 10,044 2,717 6,070 0.02 123.41 Belarus 96,755 127,630 93,863 36,401 65,553 0.16 80.09 Bulgaria 432,956 328,330 391,095 192,177 273,680 0.68 42.41 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,186,992 1,184,774 1,372,628 792,836 986,976 2.46 24.49 Estonia 84,363 87,269 65,297 29,520 52,777 0.13 78.78 Georgia 8,815 21,625 40,148 5,749 10,521 0.03 83.01 Hungary 722,152 605,919 545,295 269,923 450,034 1.12 66.73 Kazakhstan 10,503 7,022 5,071 1,299 4,269 0.01 228.64 Kyrgyzstan 982 1,990 20 2,150 0.01 10,650.00 Latvia 95,893 132,516 123,113 40,549 92,282 0.23 127.58 Lithuania 259,103 232,982 349,507 235,552 252,375 0.63 7.14 Moldova, Republic of 112,080 202,035 145,981 41,177 112,398 0.28 172.96 Poland 1,819,051 1,913,626 1,990,107 1,384,116 1,572,939 3.91 13.64 Romania 1,343,063 1,355,218 1,616,391 1,054,015 1,799,293 4.48 70.71 Russian Federation 1,058,302 1,157,281 1,043,171 184,005 246,827 0.61 34.14 Slovakia 504,142 464,284 470,480 406,144 564,338 1.40 38.95 Tajikistan 90 3,467 1,112 0.00 Turkmenistan 682 544 20 590 0.00 2,850.00 Ukraine 327,582 340,699 297,383 1 74,690 343,612 0.86 96.70 Uzbekistan 7,546 8,134 6,356 1,471 3,446 0.01 134.26 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,724,598 8,379,223 8,763,207 2,453,454 1,724,675 4.29 -29.70 Denmark 830,776 831,527 976,644 222,143 222,100 0.55 -0.02 Faeroe Islands 1,285 83 0.00 Finland 226,181 193,418 140,441 38,514 69,358 0.17 80.09 Iceland 18,158 34,011 15,347 4,932 15,221 0.04 208.62 Ireland 543,578 468,973 500,211 138,521 1 70,458 0.42 23.06 Isle of Man 627 554 748 21 Norway 276,074 340,328 238,992 52,281 68,152 0.17 30.36 Sweden 539,120 503,835 513,435 131,416 204,579 0.51 55.67 United Kingdom 5,290,084 6,006,577 6,376,104 1,865,626 974,724 2.43 -47.75 SOUTHERN EUROPE 11,479,843 12,058,154 12,293,285 6,531,702 7,432,063 18.49 13.78 Albania 232,423 249,800 308,211 152,716 224,955 0.56 47.30 Andorra 2,816 4,437 1,567 2,208 2,556 0.01 15.76 Bosnia and Herzegovina 420,929 382,180 406,595 242,201 151,040 0.38 -37.64 Croatia 1,464,868 1,515,589 1,572,593 850,090 980,908 2.44 15.39 Gibraltar 182 29 278 Greece 492,722 473,438 438,705 162,140 210,056 0.52 29.55 Malta 97,928 132,991 98,570 62,192 150,240 0.37 141.57 Montenegro 11,080 11,262 40,729 693 4,194 0.01 505.19 North Macedonia 147,081 193,301 181,195 82,768 69,769 0.17 -15.71 Portugal 470,650 433,833 401,083 180,896 300,234 0.75 65.97 San Marino 1 4,092 7,276 0.02 77.81 Serbia 286,715 367,531 333,549 145,158 195,726 0.49 34.84 Slovenia 4,901,005 4,983,450 4,992,219 3,329,652 3,437,557 8.55 3.24 Spain 2,951,443 3,310,313 3,518,269 1,316,618 1,697,552 4.22 28.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 490 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 52,189,237 53,711,712 54,289,395 22,698,502 22,227,745 55.31 -2.07 Austria 7,517,369 7,830,899 8,042,443 3,095,388 3,742,662 9.31 20.91 Belgium 1,420,165 1,434,657 1,407,264 800,884 653,016 1.62 -18.46 France 12,373,863 12,733,221 12,732,696 6,260,011 6,337,458 15.77 1.24 Germany 14,656,576 15,701,598 16,150,399 5,652,519 5,211,681 12.97 -7.80 Liechtenstein 17,302 7,079 9,031 1,197 5,724 0.01 378.20 Luxembourg 160,041 129,415 129,439 90,425 96,338 0.24 6.54 Monaco 172,648 131,116 197,008 332,393 298,691 0.74 -10.14 Netherlands 2,277,598 2,326,849 2,302,634 1,004,540 1,244,374 3.10 23.88 Switzerland 13,593,675 13,416,878 13,318,481 5,461,145 4,637,801 11.54 -15.08 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 500,804 491,122 461,717 135,934 251,890 0.63 85.30 Cyprus 24,609 10,344 8,435 3,543 15,182 0.04 328.51 Israel 189,912 214,745 222,263 21,981 82,776 0.21 276.58 Turkiye 286,283 266,033 231,019 110,410 153,932 0.38 39.42 OTHER EUROPE 11,504 12,617 11,067 910 14,314 0.04 1,472.97 Other countries of Europe 11,504 12,617 11,067 910 14,314 0.04 1,472.97 MIDDLE EAST 490,613 385,395 463,382 125,241 221,485 0.55 76.85 Bahrain 14,950 2,742 2,039 849 1,985 0.00 133.80 Egypt 32,317 23,280 48,060 23,042 39,066 0.10 69.54 Iraq 11,084 4,703 16,067 1,233 3,469 0.01 181.35 Jordan 39,266 1 7,300 24,137 5,684 11,915 0.03 109.62 Kuwait 24,690 29,354 21,500 3,759 3,079 0.01 -18.09 Lebanon 29,812 43,779 64,930 10,180 12,250 0.03 20.33 Libya 3,280 6,892 9,559 2,637 972 0.00 -63.14 Oman 4,524 8,896 6,886 1,595 1,214 0.00 -23.89 Qatar 29,179 16,351 27,209 13,932 24,550 0.06 76.21 Saudi Arabia 103,109 82,734 73,395 25,473 20,501 0.05 -19.52 State of Palestine 3,409 5,255 9,067 605 433 0.00 -28.43 Syrian Arab Republic 1,211 7,423 10,679 2,516 1,109 0.00 -55.92 United Arab Emirates 192,460 136,686 149,742 33,021 100,884 0.25 205.51 Yemen 1,322 112 715 58 0.00 -91.89 SOUTH ASIA 469,392 412,267 362,973 75,051 61,572 0.15 -17.96 Afghanistan 3,280 690 766 1,459 0.00 90.47 Bangladesh 15,668 11,201 13,214 4,996 3,439 0.01 -31.16 Bhutan 108 34 0.00 India 254,532 199,502 210,578 34,339 25,111 0.06 -26.87 Iran, Islamic Republic of 140,469 136,474 58,666 16,587 10,478 0.03 -36.83 Maldives 359 6,332 302 260 573 0.00 120.38 Nepal 2,334 1,456 1,128 158 786 0.00 397.47 Pakistan 41,932 39,659 61,917 16,249 16,024 0.04 -1.38 Sri Lanka 10,818 16,845 17,168 1,696 3,668 0.01 116.27 NOT SPECIFIED 707 1,547 752 252 77 0.00 -69.44 Other countries of the world 707 1,547 752 252 77 0.00 -69.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 491 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 45,365,143 46,824,639 47,376,634 11,005,556 17,107,365 100.00 55.44 AFRICA 237,111 229,401 241,084 54,894 74,642 0.44 35.97 SOUTHERN AFRICA 79,167 83,205 80,943 9,362 9,002 0.05 -3.85 South Africa 79,167 83,205 80,943 9,362 9,002 0.05 -3.85 OTHER AFRICA 157,944 146,196 160,141 45,532 65,640 0.38 44.16 Other countries of Africa 157,944 146,196 160,141 45,532 65,640 0.38 44.16 AMERICAS 6,804,352 7,464,476 7,791,426 671,355 1,363,674 7.97 103.12 NORTH AMERICA 4,898,062 5,518,839 5,859,442 384,598 1,122,638 6.56 191.90 Canada 615,473 663,166 693,430 35,609 94,995 0.56 166.77 Mexico 263,354 288,800 325,822 28,438 32,695 0.19 14.97 United States of America 4,019,235 4,566,873 4,840,190 320,551 994,948 5.82 210.39 SOUTH AMERICA 1,906,290 1,945,637 1,931,984 286,757 241,036 1.41 -15.94 Argentina 577,040 554,646 463,950 46,999 34,860 0.20 -25.83 Brazil 785,062 834,496 880,536 128,570 65,165 0.38 -49.32 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 38,202 35,901 38,281 9,116 14,739 0.09 61.68 Other countries of South America 505,986 520,594 549,21 7 102,072 126,272 0.74 23.71 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,372,685 6,624,992 6,744,263 741,308 488,634 2.86 -34.08 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,626,135 4,801,820 4,824,419 533,920 298,750 1.75 -44.05 China 2,871,289 2,974,006 2,911,356 232,454 183,039 1.07 -21.26 Japan 870,168 952,904 1,048,683 179,854 97,415 0.57 -45.84 Korea, Republic of 884,678 874,910 864,380 121,612 18,296 0.11 -84.96 AUSTRALASIA 794,620 844,696 816,629 62,189 31,831 0.19 -48.82 Australia 706,591 749,073 725,740 54,251 26,472 0.15 -51.20 New Zealand 88,029 95,623 90,889 7,938 5,359 0.03 -32.49 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 951,930 978,476 1,103,215 145,199 158,053 0.92 8.85 Other countries of Asia 951,930 978,476 1,103,215 145,199 158,053 0.92 8.85 EUROPE 30,293,789 30,994,228 31,104,070 9,297,693 14,869,914 86.92 59.93 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,319,470 3,590,605 3,795,421 864,072 1,172,668 6.85 35.71 Czech Republic (Czechia) 458,383 488,699 524,346 173,444 227,534 1.33 31.19 Estonia 50,576 54,657 56,681 15,468 38,538 0.23 149.15 Hungary 351,404 388,476 412,287 77,817 148,523 0.87 90.86 Latvia 59,590 61,492 65,385 16,765 37,973 0.22 126.50 Lithuania 108,670 111,928 122,758 28,857 61,724 0.36 113.90 Poland 952,022 1,050,133 1,097,531 293,870 435,529 2.55 48.20 Russian Federation 1,204,390 1,289,955 1,371,790 227,635 159,838 0.93 -29.78 Slovakia 134,435 145,265 144,643 30,216 63,009 0.37 108.53 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,610,172 4,702,205 4,525,243 905,160 865,918 5.06 -4.34 Denmark 391,873 375,613 358,962 81,800 194,604 1.14 137.90 Finland 196,000 214,483 203,509 25,373 39,388 0.23 55.24 Iceland 26,662 31,530 33,816 4,498 11,973 0.07 166.18 Ireland 283,013 304,1 71 313,870 62,141 87,504 0.51 40.82 Norway 300,986 303,712 292,701 27,403 53,235 0.31 94.27 Sweden 572,661 568,344 523,941 94,171 133,974 0.78 42.27 United Kingdom 2,838,977 2,904,352 2,798,444 609,774 345,240 2.02 -43.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 492 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,584,995 2,811,050 2,884,169 543,551 986,773 5.77 81.54 Croatia 202,449 226,396 239,669 58,879 80,482 0.47 36.69 Greece 257,384 286,367 293,426 50,087 98,052 0.57 95.76 Malta 88,043 97,431 99,101 23,637 48,217 0.28 103.99 Portugal 268,526 305,469 328,498 63,803 123,037 0.72 92.84 Slovenia 194,174 212,082 221,775 72,148 103,835 0.61 43.92 Spain 1,574,419 1,683,305 1,701,700 274,997 533,150 3.12 93.87 WESTERN EUROPE 17,145,532 17,202,532 17,097,666 6,299,046 10,743,879 62.80 70.56 Austria 1,883,575 1,922,874 1,901,282 638,789 1,381,670 8.08 116.30 Belgium 919,784 922,750 899,927 319,635 534,014 3.12 67.07 France 3,391,347 3,458,434 3,429,658 91 7,310 1,751,269 10.24 90.91 Germany 7,721,429 7,654,775 7,605,274 3,021,701 4,848,404 28.34 60.45 Luxembourg 79,789 76,666 74,187 31,344 54,513 0.32 73.92 Netherlands 1,038,721 1,089,773 1,055,867 389,410 712,418 4.16 82.95 Switzerland 2,110,887 2,077,260 2,131,471 980,857 1,461,591 8.54 49.01 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 849,968 852,218 844,960 100,749 239,031 1.40 137.25 Cyprus 23,716 27,587 27,485 4,744 13,257 0.08 1 79.45 Israel 427,170 477,177 475,873 43,198 139,903 0.82 223.86 Turkiye 399,082 347,454 341,602 52,807 85,871 0.50 62.61 OTHER EUROPE 1,783,652 1,835,618 1,956,611 585,115 861,645 5.04 47.26 Other countries of Europe 1,783,652 1,835,618 1,956,611 585,115 861,645 5.04 47.26 MIDDLE EAST 502,032 486,767 521,615 88,050 132,167 0.77 50.10 Egypt 59,948 64,270 69,234 1 7,952 22,323 0.13 24.35 Other countries of Middle East 442,084 422,497 452,381 70,098 109,844 0.64 56.70 SOUTH ASIA 429,237 481,443 506,632 32,944 34,304 0.20 4.13 India 429,237 481,443 506,632 32,944 34,304 0.20 4.13 NOT SPECIFIED 725,937 543,332 467,544 119,312 144,030 0.84 20.72 Other countries of the world 725,937 543,332 467,544 119,312 144,030 0.84 20.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 493 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 60,523,190 63,195,203 65,010,220 16,511,911 26,903,217 100.00 62.93 AFRICA 281,819 282,829 300,493 68,372 92,789 0.34 35.71 SOUTHERN AFRICA 100,846 108,946 110,147 11,972 11,729 0.04 -2.03 South Africa 100,846 108,946 110,147 11,972 11,729 0.04 -2.03 OTHER AFRICA 180,973 173,883 190,346 56,400 81,060 0.30 43.72 Other countries of Africa 180,973 173,883 190,346 56,400 81,060 0.30 43.72 AMERICAS 8,327,107 9,342,061 9,948,636 870,347 1,774,870 6.60 103.93 NORTH AMERICA 6,008,557 6,901,419 7,454,444 493,132 1,452,407 5.40 194.53 Canada 799,646 886,053 948,176 47,172 122,194 0.45 159.04 Mexico 319,901 358,626 413,514 38,478 44,709 0.17 16.19 United States of America 4,889,010 5,656,740 6,092,754 407,482 1,285,504 4.78 215.48 SOUTH AMERICA 2,318,550 2,440,642 2,494,192 377,215 322,463 1.20 -14.51 Argentina 710,237 708,987 610,117 65,894 50,531 0.19 -23.31 Brazil 933,798 1,025,070 1,116,846 165,793 87,462 0.33 -47.25 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 46,461 44,004 48,017 11,517 18,486 0.07 60.51 Other countries of South America 628,054 662,581 719,212 134,011 165,984 0.62 23.86 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,191,603 7,542,657 7,779,980 869,745 573,076 2.13 -34.11 NORHT-EAST ASIA 5,006,169 5,223,562 5,307,751 602,411 333,793 1.24 -44.59 China 3,077,279 3,200,847 3,167,960 264,993 204,874 0.76 -22.69 Japan 933,026 1,026,369 1,133,118 192,130 104,452 0.39 -45.63 Korea, Republic of 995,864 996,346 1,006,673 145,288 24,467 0.09 -83.16 AUSTRALASIA 1,107,161 1,191,924 1,189,304 89,363 43,952 0.16 -50.82 Australia 978,240 1,050,585 1,049,285 77,012 36,066 0.13 -53.17 New Zealand 128,921 141,339 140,019 12,351 7,886 0.03 -36.15 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,078,273 1,127,171 1,282,925 177,971 195,331 0.73 9.75 Other countries of Asia 1,078,273 1,127,171 1,282,925 177,971 195,331 0.73 9.75 EUROPE 42,870,287 44,276,976 45,194,568 14,406,135 24,065,703 89.45 67.05 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,650,054 5,037,354 5,463,929 1,241,767 1,866,725 6.94 50.33 Czech Republic (Czechia) 805,363 839,207 900,502 274,227 431,214 1.60 57.25 Estonia 68,502 74,712 78,398 21,233 54,605 0.20 157.17 Hungary 513,865 565,206 610,672 110,068 221,514 0.82 101.25 Latvia 84,426 85,644 93,279 23,008 56,922 0.21 147.40 Lithuania 146,311 150,578 168,894 38,190 89,074 0.33 133.24 Poland 1,353,342 1,472,832 1,593,692 442,635 707,716 2.63 59.89 Russian Federation 1,463,384 1,616,902 1,778,720 287,991 199,684 0.74 -30.66 Slovakia 214,861 232,273 239,772 44,415 105,996 0.39 138.65 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,119,900 6,335,386 6,184,649 1,203,761 1,254,988 4.66 4.26 Denmark 697,481 663,581 631,748 130,921 357,446 1.33 1 73.02 Finland 251,424 277,449 267,366 31,577 52,027 0.19 64.76 Iceland 32,830 39,448 43,216 5,251 15,265 0.06 190.71 Ireland 404,298 434,888 459,011 82,493 120,761 0.45 46.39 Norway 391,835 398,909 390,789 33,309 68,937 0.26 106.96 Sweden 734,066 739,229 697,407 113,918 1 79,420 0.67 57.50 United Kingdom 3,607,966 3,781,882 3,695,112 806,292 461,132 1.71 -42.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 494 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,239,510 3,598,174 3,761,659 730,585 1,382,180 5.14 89.19 Croatia 241,197 272,484 294,825 73,437 98,851 0.37 34.61 Greece 299,779 341,716 353,276 61,306 126,853 0.47 106.92 Malta 113,202 126,207 128,442 31,274 66,004 0.25 111.05 Portugal 323,583 375,391 410,857 80,625 160,727 0.60 99.35 Slovenia 281,266 307,109 330,638 117,430 164,323 0.61 39.93 Spain 1,980,483 2,175,267 2,243,621 366,513 765,422 2.85 108.84 WESTERN EUROPE 25,704,017 26,024,071 26,293,363 10,378,414 18,156,487 67.49 74.94 Austria 2,547,868 2,612,706 2,648,204 942,770 2,014,364 7.49 113.66 Belgium 1,248,593 1,270,802 1,258,901 490,126 836,440 3.11 70.66 France 4,547,455 4,737,464 4,744,411 1,304,012 2,535,309 9.42 94.42 Germany 12,202,448 12,184,502 12,382,334 5,328,960 8,926,696 33.18 67.51 Luxembourg 98,268 95,406 94,622 41,034 72,846 0.27 77.53 Netherlands 2,139,040 2,197,870 2,137,760 838,699 1,603,570 5.96 91.20 Switzerland 2,920,345 2,925,321 3,027,131 1,432,813 2,167,262 8.06 51.26 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,013,648 1,041,499 1,044,055 121,530 300,487 1.12 147.25 Cyprus 28,035 33,854 34,296 5,643 16,862 0.06 198.81 Israel 530,169 605,076 605,415 52,072 185,777 0.69 256.77 Turkiye 455,444 402,569 404,344 63,815 97,848 0.36 53.33 OTHER EUROPE 2,143,158 2,240,492 2,446,913 730,078 1,104,836 4.11 51.33 Other countries of Europe 2,143,158 2,240,492 2,446,913 730,078 1,104,836 4.11 51.33 MIDDLE EAST 564,634 564,168 620,905 105,871 160,327 0.60 51.44 Egypt 69,513 75,598 83,236 22,138 27,894 0.10 26.00 Other countries of Middle East 495,121 488,570 537,669 83,733 132,433 0.49 58.16 SOUTH ASIA 485,969 555,223 593,319 41,289 47,128 0.18 14.14 India 485,969 555,223 593,319 41,289 47,128 0.18 14.14 NOT SPECIFIED 801,771 631,289 572,319 150,152 189,324 0.70 26.09 Other countries of the world 801,771 631,289 572,319 150,152 189,324 0.70 26.09 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 495 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 136,114,096 139,276,433 140,561,131 37,631,672 56,539,456 100.00 50.24 AFRICA 817,228 723,010 741,938 186,851 240,039 0.42 28.47 SOUTHERN AFRICA 218,300 224,741 222,902 32,861 27,728 0.05 -15.62 South Africa 218,300 224,741 222,902 32,861 27,728 0.05 -15.62 OTHER AFRICA 598,928 498,269 519,036 153,990 212,311 0.38 37.87 Other countries of Africa 598,928 498,269 519,036 153,990 212,311 0.38 37.87 AMERICAS 16,463,735 17,995,324 19,516,856 1,840,518 3,622,453 6.41 96.82 NORTH AMERICA 12,000,627 13,437,103 14,853,689 1,088,944 2,998,603 5.30 175.37 Canada 1,554,266 1,672,654 1,855,023 106,028 225,524 0.40 112.70 Mexico 571,097 621,257 697,722 69,248 84,404 0.15 21.89 United States of America 9,875,264 11,143,192 12,300,944 913,668 2,688,675 4.76 194.27 SOUTH AMERICA 4,463,108 4,558,221 4,663,167 751,574 623,850 1.10 -16.99 Argentina 1,349,077 1,291,106 1,112,230 121,969 92,293 0.16 -24.33 Brazil 1,856,395 1,965,361 2,117,121 337,425 1 75,722 0.31 -47.92 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 111,980 100,383 103,639 28,571 40,868 0.07 43.04 Other countries of South America 1,145,656 1,201,371 1,330,177 263,609 314,967 0.56 19.48 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,719,296 12,324,106 12,888,495 1,649,186 1,017,195 1.80 -38.32 NORHT-EAST ASIA 7,744,391 8,181,130 8,495,849 1,099,033 486,497 0.86 -55.73 China 4,428,542 4,611,477 4,619,555 449,090 293,013 0.52 -34.75 Japan 1,762,717 2,035,282 2,307,483 413,510 148,292 0.26 -64.14 Korea, Republic of 1,553,132 1,534,371 1,568,811 236,433 45,192 0.08 -80.89 AUSTRALASIA 1,999,229 2,106,077 2,107,216 179,035 90,433 0.16 -49.49 Australia 1,786,989 1,880,005 1,888,403 157,884 75,431 0.13 -52.22 New Zealand 212,240 226,072 218,813 21,151 15,002 0.03 -29.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,975,676 2,036,899 2,285,430 371,118 440,265 0.78 18.63 Other countries of Asia 1,975,676 2,036,899 2,285,430 371,118 440,265 0.78 18.63 EUROPE 103,120,081 104,521,118 103,573,665 33,158,477 50,678,701 89.63 52.84 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 11,512,970 12,068,098 12,586,711 3,269,117 3,591,232 6.35 9.85 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,853,814 1,961,503 2,064,685 706,142 799,385 1.41 13.20 Estonia 136,994 143,021 148,900 41,901 91,643 0.16 118.71 Hungary 1,049,556 1,146,474 1,223,282 249,673 442,850 0.78 77.37 Latvia 178,812 178,487 189,638 53,380 97,280 0.17 82.24 Lithuania 302,890 331,694 348,773 99,557 159,405 0.28 60.11 Poland 3,341,091 3,513,322 3,633,884 1,236,699 1,337,659 2.37 8.16 Russian Federation 4,089,051 4,207,541 4,414,681 763,264 435,220 0.77 -42.98 Slovakia 560,762 586,056 562,868 118,501 227,790 0.40 92.23 NORTHERN EUROPE 16,081,782 16,413,326 15,732,345 3,231,144 2,547,689 4.51 -21.15 Denmark 1,413,988 1,318,315 1,253,790 303,010 611,804 1.08 101.91 Finland 637,450 692,203 658,691 90,202 119,780 0.21 32.79 Iceland 89,508 109,725 113,503 19,648 35,269 0.06 79.50 Ireland 1,000,643 1,048,956 1,065,573 212,990 252,685 0.45 18.64 Norway 912,607 912,529 872,484 94,211 149,777 0.26 58.98 Sweden 1,939,226 1,899,125 1,722,161 375,723 363,795 0.64 -3.17 United Kingdom 10,088,360 10,432,473 10,046,143 2,135,360 1,014,579 1.79 -52.49 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 496 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,360,925 6,874,409 7,054,821 1,487,876 2,486,695 4.40 67.13 Croatia 503,409 535,084 565,656 197,407 199,619 0.35 1.12 Greece 631,011 676,608 708,891 128,677 237,274 0.42 84.40 Malta 245,844 286,005 279,918 62,004 132,023 0.23 112.93 Portugal 687,717 782,633 841,933 184,240 329,035 0.58 78.59 Slovenia 512,122 556,310 575,354 212,882 277,757 0.49 30.47 Spain 3,780,822 4,037,769 4,083,069 702,666 1,310,987 2.32 86.57 WESTERN EUROPE 61,827,024 61,852,348 60,510,313 22,934,331 38,881,241 68.77 69.53 Austria 6,151,370 6,192,515 6,045,834 2,015,004 4,566,619 8.08 126.63 Belgium 3,244,799 3,224,618 3,081,184 1,133,171 1,765,636 3.12 55.81 France 9,656,850 9,752,557 9,460,883 2,366,852 4,539,053 8.03 91.78 Germany 32,238,932 32,077,483 31,491,114 12,847,180 20,710,273 36.63 61.20 Luxembourg 316,419 305,189 296,729 131,262 222,092 0.39 69.20 Netherlands 3,242,026 3,514,328 3,350,704 1,250,057 2,164,547 3.83 73.16 Switzerland 6,976,628 6,785,658 6,783,865 3,190,805 4,913,021 8.69 53.97 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,152,215 2,166,639 2,171,320 274,172 525,547 0.93 91.69 Cyprus 66,225 77,284 81,656 14,572 37,297 0.07 155.95 Israel 1,199,731 1,308,209 1,313,673 126,969 321,735 0.57 153.40 Turkiye 886,259 781,146 775,991 132,631 166,515 0.29 25.55 OTHER EUROPE 5,185,165 5,146,298 5,518,155 1,961,837 2,646,297 4.68 34.89 Other countries of Europe 5,185,165 5,146,298 5,518,155 1,961,837 2,646,297 4.68 34.89 MIDDLE EAST 1,446,886 1,420,922 1,536,974 304,013 440,312 0.78 44.83 Egypt 203,925 218,160 228,673 69,483 84,849 0.15 22.11 Other countries of Middle East 1,242,961 1,202,762 1,308,301 234,530 355,463 0.63 51.56 SOUTH ASIA 905,906 1,007,460 1,106,553 117,694 118,023 0.21 0.28 India 905,906 1,007,460 1,106,553 117,694 118,023 0.21 0.28 NOT SPECIFIED 1,640,964 1,284,493 1,196,650 374,933 422,733 0.75 12.75 Other countries of the world 1,640,964 1,284,493 1,196,650 374,933 422,733 0.75 12.75 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 497 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 210,658,786 216,510,546 220,662,684 65,443,607 106,123,175 100.00 62.16 AFRICA 1,169,973 1,083,590 1,089,232 336,466 383,447 0.36 13.96 SOUTHERN AFRICA 289,161 303,267 314,952 48,723 39,340 0.04 -19.26 South Africa 289,161 303,267 314,952 48,723 39,340 0.04 -19.26 OTHER AFRICA 880,812 780,323 774,280 287,743 344,107 0.32 19.59 Other countries of Africa 880,812 780,323 774,280 287,743 344,107 0.32 19.59 AMERICAS 21,306,053 23,864,639 26,279,526 2,627,789 5,155,935 4.86 96.21 NORTH AMERICA 15,525,444 17,764,437 19,907,437 1,512,855 4,190,686 3.95 177.01 Canada 2,126,326 2,398,572 2,665,209 153,185 320,268 0.30 109.07 Mexico 740,107 818,997 939,300 103,648 127,215 0.12 22.74 United States of America 12,659,011 14,546,868 16,302,928 1,256,022 3,743,203 3.53 198.02 SOUTH AMERICA 5,780,609 6,100,202 6,372,089 1,114,934 965,249 0.91 -13.43 Argentina 1,762,200 1,752,110 1,546,667 187,640 152,701 0.14 -18.62 Brazil 2,322,949 2,546,197 2,824,686 488,006 277,107 0.26 -43.22 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 155,747 137,147 142,208 41,691 58,630 0.06 40.63 Other countries of South America 1,539,713 1,664,748 1,858,528 397,597 476,811 0.45 19.92 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,159,006 15,091,823 15,963,324 2,200,160 1,418,863 1.34 -35.51 NORHT-EAST ASIA 8,798,005 9,369,227 9,825,806 1,376,811 642,528 0.61 -53.33 China 5,027,945 5,287,714 5,355,907 608,094 396,259 0.37 -34.84 Japan 1,945,427 2,238,222 2,544,326 459,984 1 78,495 0.17 -61.20 Korea, Republic of 1,824,633 1,843,291 1,925,573 308,733 67,774 0.06 -78.05 AUSTRALASIA 2,917,937 3,154,354 3,242,953 273,246 133,678 0.13 -51.08 Australia 2,587,574 2,795,291 2,881,036 235,509 109,259 0.10 -53.61 New Zealand 330,363 359,063 361,917 37,737 24,419 0.02 -35.29 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,443,064 2,568,242 2,894,565 550,103 642,657 0.61 16.82 Other countries of Asia 2,443,064 2,568,242 2,894,565 550,103 642,657 0.61 16.82 EUROPE 169,204,833 171,805,291 172,384,790 59,103,001 97,707,396 92.07 65.32 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 18,281,708 19,135,122 20,506,906 5,057,619 6,807,278 6.41 34.59 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3,804,439 3,903,499 4,127,567 1,198,018 1,789,784 1.69 49.40 Estonia 200,999 216,920 220,613 60,148 139,318 0.13 131.63 Hungary 1,918,303 2,028,427 2,210,468 413,549 775,082 0.73 87.42 Latvia 259,776 261,615 286,912 77,675 152,197 0.14 95.94 Lithuania 416,959 454,214 490,997 132,642 241,078 0.23 81.75 Poland 5,528,454 5,743,920 6,203,982 1,973,302 2,635,377 2.48 33.55 Russian Federation 5,075,809 5,382,255 5,819,444 1,008,743 604,244 0.57 -40.10 Slovakia 1,076,969 1,144,272 1,146,923 193,542 470,198 0.44 142.94 NORTHERN EUROPE 23,293,272 24,003,035 23,206,364 4,562,255 4,508,642 4.25 -1.18 Denmark 3,559,661 3,296,288 3,058,530 603,253 1,686,986 1.59 1 79.65 Finland 846,043 934,276 884,187 117,193 165,649 0.16 41.35 Iceland 113,830 142,553 153,872 22,867 48,978 0.05 114.19 Ireland 1,665,997 1,734,636 1,815,223 294,786 383,978 0.36 30.26 Norway 1,278,920 1,285,585 1,247,398 118,757 210,349 0.20 77.13 Sweden 2,576,489 2,566,196 2,372,891 458,388 524,301 0.49 14.38 United Kingdom 13,252,332 14,043,501 13,674,263 2,947,011 1,488,401 1.40 -49.49 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 498 COUNTRY TABLES ITALY / ITALIE / ITALIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 8,597,321 9,503,635 9,871,033 2,181,917 3,713,371 3.50 70.19 Croatia 657,871 697,665 759,361 278,035 277,171 0.26 -0.31 Greece 770,030 852,765 903,868 179,555 342,486 0.32 90.74 Malta 320,644 373,446 371,657 85,580 186,526 0.18 117.96 Portugal 854,850 1,005,014 1,097,176 244,515 449,996 0.42 84.04 Slovenia 818,920 890,307 949,216 382,757 465,632 0.44 21.65 Spain 5,175,006 5,684,438 5,789,755 1,011,475 1,991,560 1.88 96.90 WESTERN EUROPE 109,448,997 109,379,481 108,327,339 44,055,155 78,028,800 73.53 77.12 Austria 9,436,079 9,519,898 9,520,238 3,431,142 7,554,066 7.12 120.16 Belgium 4,926,347 4,912,441 4,751,383 1,891,409 3,103,855 2.92 64.10 France 13,629,514 14,197,976 13,842,473 3,618,199 6,929,254 6.53 91.51 Germany 59,327,839 58,645,390 58,699,396 25,808,949 44,254,076 41.70 71.47 Luxembourg 400,341 387,452 386,938 177,491 305,796 0.29 72.29 Netherlands 10,918,181 11,037,222 10,320,382 3,956,092 7,586,233 7.15 91.76 Switzerland 10,810,696 10,679,102 10,806,529 5,171,873 8,295,520 7.82 60.40 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,706,905 2,815,651 2,817,929 372,100 725,099 0.68 94.87 Cyprus 81,371 97,618 104,004 19,700 48,617 0.05 146.79 Israel 1,551,669 1,732,936 1,733,705 162,697 449,061 0.42 176.01 Turkiye 1,073,865 985,097 980,220 189,703 227,421 0.21 19.88 OTHER EUROPE 6,876,630 6,968,367 7,655,219 2,873,955 3,924,206 3.70 36.54 Other countries of Europe 6,876,630 6,968,367 7,655,219 2,873,955 3,924,206 3.70 36.54 MIDDLE EAST 1,720,301 1,740,554 1,921,566 439,962 632,880 0.60 43.85 Egypt 263,236 285,933 305,519 107,333 129,273 0.12 20.44 Other countries of Middle East 1,457,065 1,454,621 1,616,047 332,629 503,607 0.47 51.40 SOUTH ASIA 1,096,901 1,258,210 1,392,062 179,962 177,564 0.17 -1.33 India 1,096,901 1,258,210 1,392,062 179,962 1 77,564 0.17 -1.33 NOT SPECIFIED 2,001,719 1,666,439 1,632,184 556,267 647,090 0.61 16.33 Other countries of the world 2,001,719 1,666,439 1,632,184 556,267 647,090 0.61 16.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 499 COUNTRY TABLES JAMAICA / JAMAIQUE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,352,915 2,472,727 2,680,920 880,404 1,464,399 100.00 66.33 AFRICA 1,530 1,705 1,908 537 561 0.04 4.47 EAST AFRICA 18 59 0.00 227.78 Kenya 18 59 0.00 227.78 SOUTHERN AFRICA 87 46 0.00 -47.13 South Africa 87 46 0.00 -47.13 WEST AFRICA 194 220 0.02 13.40 Ghana 14 34 0.00 142.86 Nigeria 180 186 0.01 3.33 OTHER AFRICA 1,530 1,705 1,908 238 236 0.02 -0.84 Other countries of Africa 238 236 0.02 -0.84 All countries of Africa 1,530 1,705 1,908 AMERICAS 2,011,305 2,129,788 2,345,166 799,031 1,374,514 93.86 72.02 CARIBBEAN 61,398 64,742 69,418 15,252 20,736 1.42 35.96 Antigua and Barbuda 2,291 2,271 2,600 629 1,169 0.08 85.85 Aruba 350 437 492 79 183 0.01 131.65 Bahamas 5,988 5,925 6,217 1,497 2,958 0.20 97.60 Barbados 4,230 4,686 5,051 968 961 0.07 -0.72 Bermuda 2,576 2,624 2,664 639 873 0.06 36.62 British Virgin Islands 1,300 1,244 1,353 194 398 0.03 105.15 Cayman Islands 18,150 18,701 21,513 4,195 4,601 0.31 9.68 Cuba 2,943 3,740 3,182 1,212 2,778 0.19 129.21 Curacao 437 466 451 97 259 0.02 167.01 Dominica 315 316 324 87 125 0.01 43.68 Dominican Republic 1,958 2,213 2,453 720 1,023 0.07 42.08 Grenada 458 587 597 158 160 0.01 1.27 Guadeloupe 152 198 154 31 28 0.00 -9.68 Haiti 426 379 600 166 214 0.01 28.92 Montserrat 154 143 148 50 52 0.00 4.00 Puerto Rico 1,454 1,494 1,502 320 477 0.03 49.06 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,050 1,118 1,183 231 236 0.02 2.16 Saint Lucia 866 966 1,025 195 244 0.02 25.13 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 556 594 667 164 218 0.01 32.93 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1,274 1,431 1,491 262 537 0.04 104.96 Trinidad and Tobago 10,578 11,255 11,637 2,027 971 0.07 -52.10 Turks and Caicos Islands 3,298 3,157 3,280 1,121 1,935 0.13 72.61 Other countries of the Caribbean 594 797 834 210 336 0.02 60.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 5,163 5,802 6,260 1,415 2,150 0.15 51.94 Belize 687 740 772 150 187 0.01 24.67 Costa Rica 1,137 1,262 1,376 315 470 0.03 49.21 El Salvador 284 291 339 54 99 0.01 83.33 Guatemala 628 786 639 144 244 0.02 69.44 Honduras 170 216 331 62 58 0.00 -6.45 Nicaragua 137 179 303 50 22 0.00 -56.00 Panama 2,120 2,328 2,500 640 1,070 0.07 67.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 500 COUNTRY TABLES JAMAICA / JAMAIQUE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 1,918,982 2,032,237 2,238,625 770,622 1,347,527 92.02 74.86 Canada 405,1 74 399,969 395,561 132,014 67,184 4.59 -49.11 Mexico 3,845 3,866 4,160 1,103 1,664 0.11 50.86 United States of America 1,509,963 1,628,402 1,838,904 637,505 1,278,679 87.32 100.58 SOUTH AMERICA 25,762 27,007 30,863 11,742 4,101 0.28 -65.07 Argentina 5,545 5,774 6,935 3,785 398 0.03 -89.48 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 260 202 270 97 280 0.02 188.66 Brazil 5,304 5,287 5,302 1,528 418 0.03 -72.64 Chile 5,261 5,480 5,366 2,537 555 0.04 -78.12 Colombia 2,685 3,081 3,898 888 720 0.05 -18.92 Ecuador 934 350 491 103 188 0.01 82.52 Guyana 2,119 2,339 1,892 379 629 0.04 65.96 Paraguay 364 494 597 167 63 0.00 -62.28 Peru 1,793 2,223 3,623 1,859 234 0.02 -87.41 Suriname 427 414 506 54 44 0.00 -18.52 Uruguay 510 862 1,526 271 427 0.03 57.56 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 545 476 429 69 142 0.01 105.80 Other countries of South America 15 25 28 5 3 0.00 -40.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,408 9,149 9,402 1,694 1,320 0.09 -22.08 NORHT-EAST ASIA 6,197 5,402 5,908 777 746 0.05 -3.99 China 3,892 3,431 3,663 290 592 0.04 104.14 Japan 1,849 1,587 1,713 406 131 0.01 -67.73 Korea, Republic of 390 308 407 71 18 0.00 -74.65 Taiwan Province of China 66 76 125 10 5 0.00 -50.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 631 546 494 230 322 0.02 40.00 Philippines 432 343 301 187 307 0.02 64.17 Singapore 199 203 193 43 15 0.00 -65.12 AUSTRALASIA 3,011 2,735 2,538 551 152 0.01 -72.41 Australia 2,574 2,307 2,095 484 122 0.01 -74.79 New Zealand 437 428 443 67 30 0.00 -55.22 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 569 466 462 136 100 0.01 -26.47 Other countries of Asia 569 466 462 136 100 0.01 -26.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 501 COUNTRY TABLES JAMAICA / JAMAIQUE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 326,798 329,438 321,607 78,495 87,095 5.95 10.96 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,930 10,676 11,260 1,922 1,624 0.11 -15.50 Czech Republic (Czechia) 792 1,451 1,332 364 343 0.02 -5.77 Hungary 553 516 680 208 65 0.00 -68.75 Poland 5,163 5,011 2,253 358 498 0.03 39.11 Russian Federation 1,018 3,156 6,415 729 282 0.02 -61.32 Ukraine 404 542 580 263 436 0.03 65.78 NORTHERN EUROPE 231,430 225,291 233,707 58,670 75,478 5.15 28.65 Denmark 965 908 769 337 178 0.01 -47.18 Finland 648 512 454 160 54 0.00 -66.25 Ireland 3,207 2,394 2,527 551 521 0.04 -5.44 Norway 1,231 925 1,002 276 134 0.01 -51.45 Sweden 7,732 4,968 3,918 1,751 301 0.02 -82.81 United Kingdom 217,647 215,584 225,037 55,595 74,290 5.07 33.63 SOUTHERN EUROPE 25,293 24,108 22,442 3,922 1,172 0.08 -70.12 Greece 250 292 311 98 65 0.00 -33.67 Italy 13,699 13,721 13,540 2,788 310 0.02 -88.88 Portugal 3,667 3,373 3,604 118 109 0.01 -7.63 Spain 7,677 6,722 4,987 918 688 0.05 -25.05 WESTERN EUROPE 58,878 65,588 50,758 12,910 7,922 0.54 -38.64 Austria 2,583 2,904 2,328 780 347 0.02 -55.51 Belgium 6,488 6,324 5,076 979 255 0.02 -73.95 France 7,400 9,012 8,274 2,766 765 0.05 -72.34 Germany 29,858 34,255 24,128 5,504 4,776 0.33 -13.23 Luxembourg 252 343 261 52 48 0.00 -7.69 Netherlands 8,226 8,982 7,315 1,921 756 0.05 -60.65 Switzerland 4,071 3,768 3,376 908 975 0.07 7.38 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 994 1,069 967 270 346 0.02 28.15 Israel 818 898 807 185 244 0.02 31.89 Turkiye 176 171 160 85 102 0.01 20.00 OTHER EUROPE 2,273 2,706 2,473 801 553 0.04 -30.96 Other countries of Europe 2,273 2,706 2,473 801 553 0.04 -30.96 MIDDLE EAST 935 1,019 1,003 213 353 0.02 65.73 Saudi Arabia 41 81 84 21 36 0.00 71.43 Other countries of Middle East 894 938 919 192 317 0.02 65.10 SOUTH ASIA 1,895 1,563 1,789 411 543 0.04 32.12 India 1,834 1,528 1,758 403 514 0.04 27.54 Pakistan 61 35 31 8 29 0.00 262.50 NOT SPECIFIED 44 65 45 23 13 0.00 -43.48 Other countries of the world 44 65 45 23 13 0.00 -43.48 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 502 COUNTRY TABLES JAMAICA / JAMAIQUE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 18,500,783 18,690,165 19,697,866 7,541,196 12,104,461 100.00 60.51 AMERICAS 14,002,533 14,349,005 15,482,158 6,297,070 10,521,827 86.93 67.09 CARIBBEAN 479,110 569,521 588,657 233,923 292,416 2.42 25.01 All countries of the Caribbean 479,110 569,521 588,657 233,923 292,416 2.42 25.01 NORTH AMERICA 13,260,863 13,487,421 14,562,793 5,933,074 10,134,494 83.73 70.81 Canada, United States 13,260,863 13,487,421 14,562,793 5,933,074 10,134,494 83.73 70.81 OTHER AMERICAS 262,560 292,063 330,708 130,073 94,917 0.78 -27.03 Other countries of the Americas (*) 262,560 292,063 330,708 130,073 94,917 0.78 -27.03 EUROPE 4,254,578 4,118,247 4,011,646 1,175,410 1,444,221 11.93 22.87 OTHER EUROPE 4,254,578 4,118,247 4,011,646 1,175,410 1,444,221 11.93 22.87 All countries of Europe (*) 4,254,578 4,118,247 4,011,646 1,175,410 1,444,221 11.93 22.87 NOT SPECIFIED 243,672 222,913 204,062 68,716 138,413 1.14 101.43 Other countries of the world 243,672 222,913 204,062 68,716 138,413 1.14 101.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 503 COUNTRY TABLES JAPAN / JAPON / JAPON 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 28,690,680 31,191,316 31,881,357 4,115,828 245,862 100.00 -94.03 AFRICA 30,345 33,050 48,525 6,521 5,526 2.25 -15.26 EAST AFRICA 8,545 8,798 10,966 2,022 1,671 0.68 -17.36 Burundi 57 85 76 10 29 0.01 190.00 Comoros 74 57 91 10 11 0.00 10.00 Djibouti 93 90 163 18 24 0.01 33.33 Eritrea 66 60 67 6 30 0.01 400.00 Ethiopia 801 731 997 183 192 0.08 4.92 Kenya 1,796 1,948 2,388 576 575 0.23 -0.17 Madagascar 373 325 434 61 34 0.01 -44.26 Malawi 326 331 333 91 54 0.02 -40.66 Mauritius 1,278 1,575 1,866 195 55 0.02 -71.79 Mozambique 580 480 494 117 88 0.04 -24.79 Rwanda 239 233 472 47 71 0.03 51.06 Seychelles 60 37 108 7 11 0.00 57.14 Somalia 43 50 86 25 14 0.01 -44.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 851 809 882 178 93 0.04 -47.75 Uganda 898 843 1,157 211 182 0.07 -13.74 Zambia 530 660 629 141 116 0.05 -17.73 Zimbabwe 480 484 723 146 92 0.04 -36.99 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,541 1,741 2,472 372 425 0.17 14.25 Angola 204 200 388 35 71 0.03 102.86 Cameroon 671 812 1,031 176 153 0.06 -13.07 Central African Republic 5 20 43 2 17 0.01 750.00 Chad 27 36 52 5 12 0.00 140.00 Congo 57 95 97 17 30 0.01 76.47 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 451 452 655 115 89 0.04 -22.61 Equatorial Guinea 10 10 48 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Gabon 106 106 143 17 30 0.01 76.47 Sao Tome and Principe 10 10 15 1 12 0.00 1,100.00 NORTH AFRICA 5,874 6,547 7,051 1,071 1,016 0.41 -5.14 Algeria 982 939 1,029 130 241 0.10 85.38 Morocco 2,234 2,615 2,708 356 285 0.12 -19.94 South Sudan 128 112 147 21 35 0.01 66.67 Sudan 651 631 594 135 87 0.04 -35.56 Tunisia 1,879 2,250 2,573 429 368 0.15 -14.22 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,582 10,357 20,565 1,750 1,027 0.42 -41.31 Botswana 226 264 312 67 70 0.03 4.48 Eswatini 76 54 154 9 13 0.01 44.44 Lesotho 78 82 123 15 35 0.01 133.33 Namibia 145 164 433 36 71 0.03 97.22 South Africa 9,057 9,793 19,543 1,623 838 0.34 -48.37 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 504 COUNTRY TABLES JAPAN / JAPON / JAPON 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 4,803 5,607 7,471 1,306 1,387 0.56 6.20 Benin 178 208 268 41 64 0.03 56.10 Burkina Faso 272 298 401 68 54 0.02 -20.59 Cabo Verde 12 45 68 7 18 0.01 157.14 Cote d'lvoire 355 393 574 65 123 0.05 89.23 Gambia 64 77 116 14 40 0.02 185.71 Ghana 1,175 1,485 1,567 336 238 0.10 -29.17 Guinea 242 168 296 47 53 0.02 12.77 Guinea-Bissau 13 27 30 5 23 0.01 360.00 Liberia 119 104 163 19 28 0.01 47.37 Mali 122 151 233 49 40 0.02 -18.37 Mauritania 72 64 94 14 25 0.01 78.57 Niger 68 72 155 16 37 0.02 131.25 Nigeria 1,254 1,666 2,269 376 435 0.18 15.69 Senegal 673 660 941 208 136 0.06 -34.62 Sierra Leone 107 81 123 24 30 0.01 25.00 Togo 77 108 173 17 43 0.02 152.94 AMERICAS 1,848,838 2,044,523 2,298,757 303,051 31,442 12.79 -89.62 CARIBBEAN 5,388 6,138 7,248 1,352 1,111 0.45 -17.83 Antigua and Barbuda 43 75 70 11 17 0.01 54.55 Bahamas 176 231 315 18 39 0.02 116.67 Barbados 177 159 240 17 33 0.01 94.12 Cuba 525 634 701 81 343 0.14 323.46 Dominica 53 67 85 9 8 0.00 -11.11 Dominican Republic 2,156 2,558 3,009 599 247 0.10 -58.76 Grenada 56 57 53 7 14 0.01 100.00 Haiti 120 105 125 15 31 0.01 106.67 Jamaica 1,241 1,259 1,483 407 261 0.11 -35.87 Saint Kitts and Nevis 208 194 200 41 7 0.00 -82.93 Saint Lucia 49 50 81 10 10 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 20 35 44 7 10 0.00 42.86 Trinidad and Tobago 564 714 842 130 91 0.04 -30.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 7,349 8,126 9,441 1,277 441 0.18 -65.47 Belize 77 81 108 23 7 0.00 -69.57 Costa Rica 2,688 2,860 3,232 495 93 0.04 -81.21 El Salvador 735 838 1,080 127 56 0.02 -55.91 Guatemala 1,503 1,815 2,170 229 96 0.04 -58.08 Honduras 886 954 980 127 66 0.03 -48.03 Nicaragua 327 274 408 40 29 0.01 -27.50 Panama 1,133 1,304 1,463 236 94 0.04 -60.17 NORTH AMERICA 1,743,995 1,925,455 2,170,868 282,200 24,686 10.04 -91.25 Canada 305,591 330,600 375,262 53,365 3,536 1.44 -93.37 Mexico 63,440 68,448 71,745 9,528 1,124 0.46 -88.20 United States of America 1,374,964 1,526,407 1,723,861 219,307 20,026 8.15 -90.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 505 COUNTRY TABLES JAPAN/JAPON / JAPON 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 92,106 104,804 111,200 18,222 5,204 2.12 -71.44 Argentina 18,610 23,692 23,805 4,220 798 0.32 -81.09 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 723 789 1,020 151 41 0.02 -72.85 Brazil 42,207 44,201 47,575 6,888 2,731 1.11 -60.35 Chile 11,027 14,089 13,370 3,381 276 0.11 -91.84 Colombia 8,795 9,966 11,745 1,098 476 0.19 -56.65 Ecuador 1,940 2,316 2,406 219 155 0.06 -29.22 Guyana 80 72 88 16 18 0.01 12.50 Paraguay 525 669 675 132 79 0.03 -40.15 Peru 4,549 5,048 6,022 1,191 254 0.10 -78.67 Suriname 117 147 188 18 8 0.00 -55.56 Uruguay 1,696 2,108 2,475 614 79 0.03 -87.13 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,837 1,707 1,831 294 289 0.12 -1.70 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24,961,727 27,034,678 27,139,467 3,488,825 119,530 48.62 -96.57 NORHT-EAST ASIA 21,430,630 23,020,402 22,513,108 2,617,043 69,193 28.14 -97.36 China 7,355,818 8,380,034 9,594,394 1,069,256 42,239 17.18 -96.05 Hong Kong, China 2,231,568 2,207,804 2,290,792 346,020 1,252 0.51 -99.64 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 84 13 13 Korea, Republic of 7,140,438 7,538,952 5,584,597 487,939 18,947 7.71 -96.12 Macao, China 115,304 108,694 121,197 12,234 54 0.02 -99.56 Mongolia 23,365 27,647 31,513 7,118 1,685 0.69 -76.33 Taiwan Province of China 4,564,053 4,757,258 4,890,602 694,476 5,016 2.04 -99.28 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,966,570 3,383,749 3,904,641 711,396 45,384 18.46 -93.62 Brunei Darussalam 3,699 3,626 4,866 742 23 0.01 -96.90 Cambodia 1 7,857 21,696 28,492 7,420 784 0.32 -89.43 Indonesia 352,330 396,852 412,779 77,724 5,209 2.12 -93.30 Lao People's Democratic Republic 5,398 5,987 6,154 1,169 150 0.06 -87.17 Malaysia 439,548 468,360 501,592 76,573 1,831 0.74 -97.61 Myanmar 22,915 24,418 30,977 10,884 1,531 0.62 -85.93 Philippines 424,121 503,976 613,114 109,110 5,625 2.29 -94.84 Singapore 404,132 437,280 492,252 55,273 857 0.35 -98.45 Thailand 987,211 1,132,160 1,318,977 219,830 2,758 1.12 -98.75 Timor-Leste 461 389 387 112 30 0.01 -73.21 Viet Nam 308,898 389,005 495,051 152,559 26,586 10.81 -82.57 AUSTRALASIA 559,927 625,648 715,886 159,578 4,669 1.90 -97.07 Australia 495,054 552,440 621,771 143,508 3,265 1.33 -97.72 New Zealand 64,873 73,208 94,115 16,070 1,404 0.57 -91.26 MELANESIA 2,238 2,733 3,407 514 177 0.07 -65.56 Fiji 1,082 1,520 2,038 299 107 0.04 -64.21 Papua New Guinea 801 806 891 152 43 0.02 -71.71 Solomon Islands 226 290 247 42 19 0.01 -54.76 Vanuatu 129 117 231 21 8 0.00 -61.90 MICRONESIA 1,758 1,579 1,564 171 63 0.03 -63.16 Kiribati 106 114 109 9 10 0.00 11.11 Marshall Islands 238 288 290 24 13 0.01 -45.83 Micronesia, Federated States of 698 607 609 69 6 0.00 -91.30 Nauru 42 46 45 5 7 0.00 40.00 Palau 674 524 511 64 27 0.01 -57.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 506 COUNTRY TABLES JAPAN / JAPON / JAPON 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 604 567 861 123 44 0.02 -64.23 Samoa 207 183 277 18 8 0.00 -55.56 Tonga 345 325 503 98 25 0.01 -74.49 Tuvalu 52 59 81 7 11 0.00 57.14 EUROPE 1,578,168 1,779,948 2,054,757 246,300 54,114 22.01 -78.03 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 176,157 209,798 253,950 38,559 13,638 5.55 -64.63 Armenia 347 359 504 79 104 0.04 31.65 Azerbaijan 645 727 1,028 116 283 0.12 143.97 Belarus 1,591 2,204 2,506 343 405 0.16 18.08 Bulgaria 4,529 5,106 6,324 627 338 0.14 -46.09 Czech Republic (Czechia) 11,114 12,255 14,356 1,679 753 0.31 -55.15 Estonia 3,169 3,226 3,379 584 224 0.09 -61.64 Georgia 633 839 1,640 105 187 0.08 78.10 Hungary 9,148 10,440 12,696 1,302 1,034 0.42 -20.58 Kazakhstan 4,125 4,391 5,431 890 601 0.24 -32.47 Kyrgyzstan 1,228 1,446 1,695 468 287 0.12 -38.68 Latvia 2,487 2,551 2,701 393 197 0.08 -49.87 Lithuania 4,177 4,498 5,260 672 272 0.11 -59.52 Moldova, Republic of 257 287 345 56 93 0.04 66.07 Poland 28,727 34,706 38,534 3,996 1,350 0.55 -66.22 Romania 10,390 12,250 14,837 1,409 552 0.22 -60.82 Russian Federation 77,251 94,810 120,043 22,260 3,723 1.51 -83.27 Slovakia 4,089 4,862 5,836 664 377 0.15 -43.22 Tajikistan 383 538 518 109 166 0.07 52.29 Turkmenistan 393 315 898 51 55 0.02 7.84 Ukraine 7,094 8,458 10,176 1,466 1,070 0.44 -27.01 Uzbekistan 4,380 5,530 5,243 1,290 1,567 0.64 21.47 NORTHERN EUROPE 452,549 488,482 606,342 75,426 11,392 4.63 -84.90 Denmark 25,235 29,163 32,893 4,780 794 0.32 -83.39 Finland 25,310 27,116 29,437 4,859 736 0.30 -84.85 Iceland 1,323 1,514 1,672 251 79 0.03 -68.53 Ireland 18,591 20,319 39,387 3,270 820 0.33 -74.92 Norway 20,786 22,569 24,838 3,620 557 0.23 -84.61 Sweden 50,805 53,822 53,836 7,622 1,112 0.45 -85.41 United Kingdom 310,499 333,979 424,279 51,024 7,294 2.97 -85.70 SOUTHERN EUROPE 266,883 315,651 349,384 31,551 9,632 3.92 -69.47 Albania 302 346 491 73 52 0.02 -28.77 Andorra 197 215 235 17 9 0.00 -47.06 Bosnia and Herzegovina 346 383 420 65 77 0.03 18.46 Croatia 3,084 3,407 4,099 470 414 0.17 -11.91 Greece 6,703 7,968 9,494 1,091 744 0.30 -31.81 Holy See 12 9 29 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Italy 125,864 150,060 162,769 13,691 3,527 1.43 -74.24 Malta 828 1,208 1,575 145 29 0.01 -80.00 Montenegro 131 154 195 11 95 0.04 763.64 North Macedonia 67 51 0.02 -23.88 Portugal 23,442 26,506 32,349 3,179 728 0.30 -77.10 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 507 COUNTRY TABLES JAPAN/JAPON / JAPON 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 San Marino 71 76 100 2 22 0.01 1,000.00 Serbia 2,929 3,066 3,824 477 470 0.19 -1.47 Slovenia 3,027 3,187 3,347 493 308 0.13 -37.53 Spain 99,814 118,901 130,243 11,741 3,053 1.24 -74.00 Other countries of Southern Europe 133 165 214 27 52 0.02 92.59 WESTERN EUROPE 629,680 705,593 776,161 95,361 17,576 7.15 -81.57 Austria 21,035 24,187 27,530 3,605 888 0.36 -75.37 Belgium 32,054 34,387 39,245 4,074 1,122 0.46 -72.46 France 268,605 304,896 336,333 43,102 7,024 2.86 -83.70 Germany 195,606 215,336 236,544 29,785 5,197 2.11 -82.55 Liechtenstein 186 229 194 24 17 0.01 -29.17 Luxembourg 1,863 2,183 2,740 229 69 0.03 -69.87 Monaco 136 207 188 25 12 0.00 -52.00 Netherlands 63,041 72,069 79,479 8,481 1,860 0.76 -78.07 Switzerland 47,154 52,099 53,908 6,036 1,387 0.56 -77.02 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 52,899 60,424 68,920 5,403 1,876 0.76 -65.28 Cyprus 1,018 1,469 1,982 202 96 0.04 -52.48 Israel 32,758 39,193 44,214 2,315 619 0.25 -73.26 Turkiye 19,123 19,762 22,724 2,886 1,161 0.47 -59.77 MIDDLE EAST 30,930 32,949 41,305 4,949 2,977 1.21 -39.85 Bahrain 653 669 817 103 117 0.05 13.59 Egypt 4,283 4,942 6,345 1,294 1,187 0.48 -8.27 Iraq 1,113 1,180 1,319 185 122 0.05 -34.05 Jordan 1,704 1,618 1,669 318 171 0.07 -46.23 Kuwait 2,833 2,939 3,465 467 117 0.05 -74.95 Lebanon 1,518 1,559 1,710 167 99 0.04 -40.72 Libya 175 159 169 25 56 0.02 124.00 Oman 879 840 878 82 88 0.04 7.32 Qatar 1,699 2,343 3,019 144 149 0.06 3.47 Saudi Arabia 7,554 7,403 11,152 1,039 402 0.16 -61.31 State of Palestine 327 328 373 47 42 0.02 -10.64 Syrian Arab Republic 761 814 987 227 188 0.08 -17.18 United Arab Emirates 7,106 7,782 8,891 770 203 0.08 -73.64 Yemen 325 373 511 81 36 0.01 -55.56 SOUTH ASIA 239,825 265,495 297,818 66,075 32,240 13.11 -51.21 Afghanistan 2,889 3,045 3,069 1,453 1,723 0.70 18.58 Bangladesh 12,878 13,971 15,174 4,444 1,789 0.73 -59.74 Bhutan 1,270 947 736 191 45 0.02 -76.44 India 134,371 154,029 1 75,896 26,931 8,831 3.59 -67.21 Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,457 5,161 5,252 720 746 0.30 3.61 Maldives 377 454 526 82 47 0.02 -42.68 Nepal 39,950 44,297 51,577 17,191 11,648 4.74 -32.24 Pakistan 13,729 15,802 17,208 6,145 4,284 1.74 -30.28 Sri Lanka 27,904 27,789 28,380 8,918 3,127 1.27 -64.94 NOT SPECIFIED 847 673 728 107 33 0.01 -69.16 Other countries of the world 847 673 728 107 33 0.01 -69.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 508 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,843,537 4,150,171 4,488,408 1,067,166 2,011,639 100.00 88.50 AFRICA 53,404 58,277 62,536 19,466 29,560 1.47 51.85 EAST AFRICA 7,978 9,744 13,254 7,180 10,502 0.52 46.27 Burundi 11 25 22 5 11 0.00 120.00 Djibouti 2 2 1 0.00 Eritrea 203 274 225 50 33 0.00 -34.00 Ethiopia 2,613 2,500 2,711 678 3,251 0.16 379.50 Kenya 1,403 1,020 1,168 239 453 0.02 89.54 Madagascar 44 30 29 2 19 0.00 850.00 Malawi 25 27 29 3 13 0.00 333.33 Mauritius 1,072 1,020 764 162 38 0.00 -76.54 Mozambique 12 16 25 2 2 0.00 Rwanda 22 33 33 14 6 0.00 -57.14 Seychelles 162 112 53 2 9 0.00 350.00 Somalia 2 5 2 2 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 625 248 551 39 46 0.00 17.95 Uganda 1,536 4,165 7,361 5,934 6,557 0.33 10.50 Zambia 10 28 24 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Zimbabwe 236 241 255 48 60 0.00 25.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 372 336 427 131 252 0.01 92.37 Angola 17 17 16 11 0.00 Cameroon 96 130 142 20 18 0.00 -10.00 Central African Republic 5 9 34 7 28 0.00 300.00 Chad 236 161 195 96 184 0.01 91.67 Congo 16 15 31 4 10 0.00 150.00 Gabon 1 3 6 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Sao Tome and Principe 1 1 3 NORTH AFRICA 31,960 33,993 37,126 9,922 11,844 0.59 19.37 Algeria 8,898 9,064 9,783 2,492 1,711 0.09 -31.34 Morocco 7,387 7,262 10,003 2,774 2,415 0.12 -12.94 Sudan 10,275 11,740 10,491 2,925 5,265 0.26 80.00 Tunisia 5,400 5,927 6,849 1,731 2,453 0.12 41.71 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,929 10,861 7,775 1,166 1,401 0.07 20.15 Botswana 5 14 14 2 Lesotho 1 3 2 1 0.00 South Africa 9,923 10,844 7,759 1,164 1,400 0.07 20.27 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 509 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 3,116 3,295 3,937 1,056 5,549 0.28 425.47 Benin 24 21 35 7 31 0.00 342.86 Burkina Faso 29 64 69 23 35 0.00 52.17 Cabo Verde 1 3 2 1 1 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 33 35 41 14 11 0.00 -21.43 Gambia 12 13 30 5 9 0.00 80.00 Ghana 1,771 1,841 1,999 566 1,458 0.07 157.60 Guinea 20 14 42 2 17 0.00 750.00 Guinea-Bissau 2 1 4 1 Liberia 9 10 11 3 3 0.00 Mali 52 26 27 10 16 0.00 60.00 Mauritania 11 8 9 2 4 0.00 100.00 Niger 22 13 26 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Nigeria 992 1,106 1,429 362 3,886 0.19 973.48 Senegal 108 122 185 46 57 0.00 23.91 Sierra Leone 24 14 21 6 14 0.00 133.33 Togo 6 4 7 1 2 0.00 100.00 OTHER AFRICA 49 48 17 11 12 0.00 9.09 Other countries of Africa 49 48 17 11 12 0.00 9.09 AMERICAS 152,421 182,254 216,249 40,764 62,101 3.09 52.34 CARIBBEAN 1,598 1,935 2,493 594 1,670 0.08 181.14 Antigua and Barbuda 32 49 24 4 17 0.00 325.00 Bahamas 13 15 38 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Barbados 29 22 40 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Cuba 8 15 12 5 5 0.00 Dominica 476 721 1,015 292 920 0.05 215.07 Dominican Republic 376 401 369 62 122 0.01 96.77 Grenada 68 63 96 33 73 0.00 121.21 Haiti 24 39 41 4 8 0.00 100.00 Jamaica 28 19 46 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Puerto Rico 4 2 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 447 440 609 161 486 0.02 201.86 Saint Lucia 7 12 26 3 7 0.00 133.33 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 4 1 3 4 0.00 33.33 Trinidad and Tobago 84 133 175 11 17 0.00 54.55 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,615 2,049 2,690 419 382 0.02 -8.83 Belize 31 19 33 5 15 0.00 200.00 Costa Rica 833 999 1,395 231 206 0.01 -10.82 El Salvador 256 296 403 66 44 0.00 -33.33 Guatemala 290 498 527 86 72 0.00 -16.28 Honduras 126 112 191 11 17 0.00 54.55 Nicaragua 79 125 141 20 28 0.00 40.00 NORTH AMERICA 132,847 157,270 183,737 34,537 56,746 2.82 64.30 Canada 25,718 29,722 31,875 6,179 10,314 0.51 66.92 Mexico 4,938 7,164 11,884 1,824 1,155 0.06 -36.68 United States of America 102,191 120,384 139,978 26,534 45,277 2.25 70.64 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 510 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 16,347 20,960 27,293 5,212 3,300 0.16 -36.68 Argentina 2,330 2,997 3,633 779 239 0.01 -69.32 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 55 60 96 15 13 0.00 -13.33 Brazil 7,286 9,585 13,167 2,448 1,715 0.09 -29.94 Chile 1,796 2,485 2,979 750 240 0.01 -68.00 Colombia 1,508 2,186 3,012 418 394 0.02 -5.74 Ecuador 602 582 826 75 64 0.00 -14.67 Paraguay 72 135 200 14 25 0.00 78.57 Peru 1,648 1,824 2,289 516 265 0.01 -48.64 Suriname 3 6 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Uruguay 303 411 428 36 22 0.00 -38.89 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 744 689 662 158 322 0.02 103.80 OTHER AMERICAS 14 40 36 2 3 0.00 50.00 Other countries of the Americas 14 40 36 2 3 0.00 50.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 131,888 137,088 158,186 36,067 14,656 0.73 -59.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 51,692 51,100 64,767 14,925 3,558 0.18 -76.16 China 23,599 18,871 21,865 4,017 1,676 0.08 -58.28 Hong Kong, China 3,024 3,600 5,060 511 72 0.00 -85.91 Japan 7,509 9,770 11,794 2,138 618 0.03 -71.09 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 7 15 Korea, Republic of 13,999 14,985 20,322 6,825 1,031 0.05 -84.89 Mongolia 56 50 97 53 19 0.00 -64.15 Taiwan Province of China 3,498 3,809 5,629 1,381 142 0.01 -89.72 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 60,014 61,021 63,152 16,135 8,668 0.43 -46.28 Brunei Darussalam 321 460 433 198 15 0.00 -92.42 Cambodia 129 90 195 98 3 0.00 -96.94 Indonesia 20,397 18,707 19,071 6,763 3,735 0.19 -44.77 Malaysia 15,387 17,113 16,351 2,705 717 0.04 -73.49 Myanmar 1,566 1,126 1,424 1,334 936 0.05 -29.84 Philippines 10,534 10,798 12,511 2,864 2,719 0.14 -5.06 Singapore 5,874 6,089 6,611 629 116 0.01 -81.56 Thailand 5,092 5,866 5,883 1,382 221 0.01 -84.01 Timor-Leste 39 76 49 Viet Nam 675 696 624 162 206 0.01 27.16 AUSTRALASIA 19,894 24,698 29,785 4,907 2,396 0.12 -51.17 Australia 16,184 19,936 24,392 4,170 1,773 0.09 -57.48 New Zealand 3,710 4,762 5,393 737 623 0.03 -15.47 MELANESIA 150 160 214 73 23 0.00 -68.49 Fiji 67 78 77 9 7 0.00 -22.22 Papua New Guinea 58 15 86 49 Solomon Islands 3 6 2 5 Vanuatu 22 61 49 10 16 0.00 60.00 MICRONESIA 1 3 1 Guam 1 1 Kiribati 1 2 POLYNESIA 18 23 12 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Samoa 8 17 7 5 Tonga 10 4 3 1 1 0.00 Tuvalu 2 2 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 511 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 119 83 255 20 10 0.00 -50.00 Other countries of Asia 119 83 255 20 10 0.00 -50.00 EUROPE 396,319 511,084 677,983 142,206 168,970 8.40 18.82 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 82,701 104,937 140,235 36,886 28,202 1.40 -23.54 Armenia 849 951 957 241 371 0.02 53.94 Azerbaijan 528 621 642 124 234 0.01 88.71 Belarus 1,497 1,546 2,150 543 1,419 0.07 161.33 Bulgaria 1,714 2,605 3,833 1,068 1,195 0.06 11.89 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,381 4,905 9,712 2,043 3,310 0.16 62.02 Estonia 399 1,020 973 203 239 0.01 17.73 Georgia 551 720 790 183 332 0.02 81.42 Hungary 1,299 2,292 4,806 968 2,025 0.10 109.19 Kazakhstan 943 1,225 1,249 369 679 0.03 84.01 Kyrgyzstan 426 570 580 264 279 0.01 5.68 Latvia 43 64 197 21 15 0.00 -28.57 Lithuania 785 2,787 10,372 2,125 355 0.02 -83.29 Moldova, Republic of 21 22 26 6 25 0.00 316.67 Poland 6,859 15,790 29,084 7,584 6,098 0.30 -19.59 Romania 7,524 11,639 14,160 3,154 2,782 0.14 -11.79 Russian Federation 49,191 47,979 47,247 15,436 5,117 0.25 -66.85 Slovakia 1,395 4,598 6,307 675 964 0.05 42.81 Tajikistan 314 248 288 111 93 0.00 -16.22 Turkmenistan 57 80 79 15 53 0.00 253.33 Ukraine 5,486 4,863 5,996 1,367 2,176 0.11 59.18 Uzbekistan 439 412 787 386 441 0.02 14.25 NORTHERN EUROPE 55,117 66,595 75,808 15,680 24,075 1.20 53.54 Denmark 5,521 6,935 8,305 1,230 1,877 0.09 52.60 Finland 2,743 2,729 1,804 377 470 0.02 24.67 Iceland 204 276 258 33 55 0.00 66.67 Ireland 3,303 4,065 4,989 894 1,389 0.07 55.37 Norway 3,146 3,495 4,218 1,101 1,214 0.06 10.26 Sweden 9,653 11,717 11,915 2,373 6,562 0.33 1 76.53 United Kingdom 30,547 37,378 44,319 9,672 12,508 0.62 29.32 SOUTHERN EUROPE 43,731 77,014 133,580 28,168 22,459 1.12 -20.27 Albania 208 263 329 65 102 0.01 56.92 Andorra 25 66 77 11 37 0.00 236.36 Croatia 871 1,410 2,550 650 527 0.03 -18.92 Greece 3,964 6,225 10,815 3,341 2,216 0.11 -33.67 Italy 20,060 40,284 76,721 16,349 11,273 0.56 -31.05 Malta 333 417 2,144 423 194 0.01 -54.14 North Macedonia 392 493 708 158 125 0.01 -20.89 Portugal 1,749 2,492 3,473 562 711 0.04 26.51 San Marino 46 37 51 7 15 0.00 114.29 Serbia 1,124 1,654 2,517 686 591 0.03 -13.85 Serbia and Montenegro 2 Slovenia 544 785 2,418 848 532 0.03 -37.26 Spain 14,415 22,886 31,777 5,068 6,136 0.31 21.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 512 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 92,411 124,958 169,528 34,651 49,233 2.45 42.08 Austria 4,339 5,400 7,336 1,448 2,781 0.14 92.06 Belgium 6,083 7,515 10,858 2,203 3,756 0.19 70.49 France 27,831 40,001 58,350 11,252 14,630 0.73 30.02 Germany 33,860 44,521 58,158 12,797 17,185 0.85 34.29 Liechtenstein 19 28 41 3 10 0.00 233.33 Monaco 9 21 27 4 0.00 Netherlands 14,181 19,376 25,071 4,875 8,230 0.41 68.82 Switzerland 6,089 8,096 9,687 2,073 2,637 0.13 27.21 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 105,192 118,885 138,124 22,295 39,129 1.95 75.51 Cyprus 1,629 3,410 4,102 663 886 0.04 33.63 Israel 85,792 95,854 113,201 15,727 30,1 72 1.50 91.85 Turkiye 17,771 19,621 20,821 5,905 8,071 0.40 36.68 OTHER EUROPE 17,167 18,695 20,708 4,526 5,872 0.29 29.74 Other countries of Europe 17,167 18,695 20,708 4,526 5,872 0.29 29.74 MIDDLE EAST 1,620,109 1,760,251 1,814,435 425,248 842,626 41.89 98.15 Bahrain 25,407 24,624 33,260 7,232 13,341 0.66 84.47 Egypt 53,389 48,537 48,094 18,234 148,486 7.38 714.34 Iraq 141,874 171,044 195,912 57,153 85,700 4.26 49.95 Kuwait 84,352 86,481 88,128 1 7,958 30,130 1.50 67.78 Lebanon 48,105 48,682 50,089 11,587 29,650 1.47 155.89 Libya 21,479 26,920 24,401 6,557 8,631 0.43 31.63 Oman 16,234 13,773 12,829 3,273 4,447 0.22 35.87 Qatar 11,750 23,585 29,277 5,225 8,650 0.43 65.55 Saudi Arabia 671,197 739,563 727,836 159,095 257,061 12.78 61.58 State of Palestine 417,117 444,091 445,057 95,791 162,781 8.09 69.93 Syrian Arab Republic 78,945 82,376 105,990 29,917 68,661 3.41 129.50 United Arab Emirates 18,355 19,051 17,651 3,573 7,935 0.39 122.08 Yemen 31,905 31,524 35,911 9,653 17,153 0.85 77.70 SOUTH ASIA 50,864 79,554 75,140 17,553 40,418 2.01 130.26 Afghanistan 923 1,561 1,822 1,195 2,140 0.11 79.08 Bangladesh 1,777 2,375 2,768 658 1,529 0.08 132.37 India 32,121 43,292 40,177 7,429 11,436 0.57 53.94 Iran, Islamic Republic of 639 857 749 124 340 0.02 174.19 Maldives 416 327 336 51 31 0.00 -39.22 Nepal 806 1,258 1,278 559 1,017 0.05 81.93 Pakistan 11,088 27,240 26,183 7,047 23,318 1.16 230.89 Sri Lanka 3,094 2,644 1,827 490 607 0.03 23.88 NOT SPECIFIED 1,438,532 1,421,663 1,483,879 385,862 853,308 42.42 121.14 Nationals residing abroad 1,438,532 1,421,663 1,483,879 385,862 853,308 42.42 121.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 513 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,565,166 4,922,168 5,360,594 1,239,917 2,358,683 100.00 90.23 AFRICA 58,652 64,260 68,565 20,408 30,814 1.31 50.99 EAST AFRICA 9,221 11,073 14,684 7,453 10,876 0.46 45.93 Burundi 30 61 69 17 27 0.00 58.82 Comoros 136 147 134 32 14 0.00 -56.25 Djibouti 118 104 134 15 17 0.00 13.33 Eritrea 207 275 225 50 33 0.00 -34.00 Ethiopia 2,777 2,603 2,798 686 3,277 0.14 377.70 Kenya 1,462 1,142 1,283 256 492 0.02 92.19 Madagascar 161 110 107 7 70 0.00 900.00 Malawi 92 100 107 12 49 0.00 308.33 Mauritius 1,248 1,188 889 189 45 0.00 -76.19 Mozambique 44 58 88 7 9 0.00 28.57 Rwanda 79 120 121 52 21 0.00 -59.62 Seychelles 162 112 53 2 9 0.00 350.00 Somalia 237 220 309 79 107 0.00 35.44 Tanzania, United Republic of 625 266 551 39 46 0.00 17.95 Uganda 1,572 4,224 7,474 5,956 6,595 0.28 10.73 Zambia 35 102 87 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Zimbabwe 236 241 255 48 60 0.00 25.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 426 396 535 155 280 0.01 80.65 Angola 17 17 16 11 0.00 Cameroon 97 130 142 20 18 0.00 -10.00 Central African Republic 6 9 35 7 28 0.00 300.00 Chad 240 172 197 96 184 0.01 91.67 Congo 59 56 114 16 34 0.00 112.50 Gabon 4 8 21 16 5 0.00 -68.75 Sao Tome and Principe 3 4 10 NORTH AFRICA 33,199 35,449 38,586 10,243 12,221 0.52 19.31 Algeria 9,351 9,519 10,271 2,630 1,786 0.08 -32.09 Morocco 7,480 7,338 10,111 2,787 2,454 0.10 -11.95 Sudan 10,771 12,462 11,117 3,040 5,445 0.23 79.11 Tunisia 5,597 6,130 7,087 1,786 2,536 0.11 41.99 SOUTHERN AFRICA 11,858 13,189 9,941 1,287 1,546 0.07 20.12 Botswana 17 51 50 7 Lesotho 2 11 8 2 0.00 Namibia 21 21 20 9 South Africa 11,818 13,106 9,863 1,271 1,544 0.07 21.48 WEST AFRICA 3,928 4,142 4,805 1,269 5,881 0.25 363.44 Benin 25 23 40 8 31 0.00 287.50 Burkina Faso 71 163 186 68 129 0.01 89.71 Cabo Verde 2 10 9 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Cote d'lvoire 114 127 142 50 41 0.00 -18.00 Gambia 43 42 99 13 33 0.00 153.85 Ghana 1,958 2,073 2,121 596 1,498 0.06 151.34 Guinea 72 50 154 7 63 0.00 800.00 Guinea-Bissau 5 5 14 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Liberia 32 36 42 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 514 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Mali 188 86 100 36 60 0.00 66.67 Mauritania 12 8 9 2 4 0.00 100.00 Niger 81 46 93 24 20 0.00 -16.67 Nigeria 1,139 1,299 1,540 384 3,892 0.17 913.54 Senegal 116 133 189 47 58 0.00 23.40 Sierra Leone 49 28 42 13 29 0.00 123.08 Togo 21 13 25 4 9 0.00 125.00 OTHER AFRICA 20 11 14 1 10 0.00 900.00 Other countries of Africa 20 11 14 1 10 0.00 900.00 AMERICAS 204,402 244,478 296,011 52,437 68,882 2.92 31.36 CARIBBEAN 2,261 2,726 3,624 834 2,314 0.10 177.46 Antigua and Barbuda 47 71 34 6 24 0.00 300.00 Bahamas 18 21 55 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Barbados 41 31 57 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Cuba 60 59 76 17 19 0.00 11.76 Dominica 630 965 1,357 391 1,238 0.05 216.62 Dominican Republic 440 447 472 68 141 0.01 107.35 Grenada 97 91 141 48 106 0.00 120.83 Haiti 34 57 59 6 11 0.00 83.33 Jamaica 112 133 206 28 26 0.00 -7.14 Puerto Rico 4 2 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 643 632 874 231 699 0.03 202.60 Saint Lucia 11 20 38 5 10 0.00 100.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 6 2 4 6 0.00 50.00 Trinidad and Tobago 121 191 252 16 24 0.00 50.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,621 3,315 4,355 647 480 0.02 -25.81 Belize 45 28 47 7 21 0.00 200.00 Costa Rica 1,003 1,230 1,676 293 251 0.01 -14.33 El Salvador 337 339 546 79 45 0.00 -43.04 Guatemala 550 770 848 125 93 0.00 -25.60 Honduras 315 320 556 41 42 0.00 2.44 Nicaragua 79 127 149 21 28 0.00 33.33 Panama 292 501 533 81 NORTH AMERICA 176,808 209,864 249,127 44,138 62,101 2.63 40.70 Canada 30,829 35,577 40,303 7,128 10,655 0.45 49.48 Mexico 7,558 10,843 18,074 2,673 1,944 0.08 -27.27 United States of America 138,421 163,444 190,750 34,337 49,502 2.10 44.17 SOUTH AMERICA 22,690 28,512 38,852 6,814 3,828 0.16 -43.82 Argentina 3,904 4,826 5,916 1,075 276 0.01 -74.33 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 157 169 272 42 36 0.00 -14.29 Brazil 9,859 12,447 18,654 3,273 2,081 0.09 -36.42 Chile 2,280 3,055 3,755 881 248 0.01 -71.85 Colombia 1,954 2,916 3,929 520 419 0.02 -19.42 Ecuador 921 872 1,293 111 79 0.00 -28.83 Paraguay 92 197 294 18 26 0.00 44.44 Peru 1,951 2,247 2,917 631 274 0.01 -56.58 Suriname 4 10 2 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Uruguay 744 1,007 1,069 92 55 0.00 -40.22 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 824 766 751 167 333 0.01 99.40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 515 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER AMERICAS 22 61 53 4 159 0.01 3,875.00 Other countries of the Americas 22 61 53 4 159 0.01 3,875.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 166,821 173,657 203,126 43,091 16,046 0.68 -62.76 NORHT-EAST ASIA 67,187 64,575 83,079 17,733 3,720 0.16 -79.02 China 35,979 28,382 34,083 5,305 1,791 0.08 -66.24 Hong Kong, China 3,051 3,626 5,087 513 72 0.00 -85.96 Japan 8,458 11,076 13,767 2,397 637 0.03 -73.43 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 8 15 Korea, Republic of 15,660 16,921 23,087 7,763 1,057 0.04 -86.38 Mongolia 56 53 99 53 19 0.00 -64.15 Taiwan Province of China 3,975 4,502 6,956 1,702 144 0.01 -91.54 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 72,801 74,136 77,371 18,865 9,785 0.41 -48.13 Brunei Darussalam 321 460 434 201 15 0.00 -92.54 Cambodia 129 91 196 98 3 0.00 -96.94 Indonesia 23,872 21,960 22,735 7,861 4,430 0.19 -43.65 Lao People's Democratic Republic 16 23 25 1 Malaysia 19,214 21,232 20,250 3,267 747 0.03 -77.13 Myanmar 1,567 1,127 1,424 1,334 936 0.04 -29.84 Philippines 12,879 13,412 15,806 3,603 3,041 0.13 -15.60 Singapore 8,577 8,668 9,500 797 126 0.01 -84.19 Thailand 5,299 6,152 6,139 1,496 228 0.01 -84.76 Timor-Leste 39 76 49 Viet Nam 888 935 813 207 259 0.01 25.12 AUSTRALASIA 26,329 34,451 42,163 5,728 2,505 0.11 -56.27 Australia 21,745 28,630 35,422 4,928 1,871 0.08 -62.03 New Zealand 4,584 5,821 6,741 800 634 0.03 -20.75 MELANESIA 380 404 301 80 25 0.00 -68.75 Fiji 297 322 164 15 9 0.00 -40.00 Papua New Guinea 58 15 86 49 Solomon Islands 3 6 2 5 Vanuatu 22 61 49 11 16 0.00 45.45 MICRONESIA 1 4 1 Guam 2 1 Kiribati 1 2 POLYNESIA 18 23 12 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Samoa 8 17 7 5 Tonga 10 4 3 1 1 0.00 Tuvalu 2 2 1 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 105 64 199 678 10 0.00 -98.53 Other countries of Asia 105 64 199 678 10 0.00 -98.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 516 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 513,168 668,659 879,787 172,183 196,355 8.32 14.04 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 112,542 139,932 186,528 48,677 34,169 1.45 -29.80 Armenia 864 993 1,024 249 394 0.02 58.23 Azerbaijan 542 646 677 128 241 0.01 88.28 Belarus 1,746 1,883 2,575 656 1,462 0.06 122.87 Bulgaria 3,033 5,561 9,884 2,949 2,507 0.11 -14.99 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3,200 6,363 11,872 2,433 3,413 0.14 40.28 Estonia 518 1,280 1,175 298 244 0.01 -18.12 Georgia 572 766 827 195 347 0.01 77.95 Hungary 2,034 3,462 6,954 1,342 2,218 0.09 65.28 Kazakhstan 1,518 2,458 2,598 608 1,042 0.04 71.38 Kyrgyzstan 500 779 747 326 304 0.01 -6.75 Latvia 625 1,076 2,353 491 209 0.01 -57.43 Lithuania 1,588 4,945 11,951 2,633 416 0.02 -84.20 Moldova, Republic of 233 241 280 49 141 0.01 187.76 Poland 9,608 21,541 36,981 9,495 6,399 0.27 -32.61 Romania 8,374 12,706 15,536 3,408 2,987 0.13 -12.35 Russian Federation 67,181 60,657 61,355 19,217 7,400 0.31 -61.49 Slovakia 1,866 6,069 8,356 896 1,018 0.04 13.62 Tajikistan 355 270 296 116 93 0.00 -19.83 Turkmenistan 57 80 79 15 53 0.00 253.33 Ukraine 7,625 7,593 9,326 2,251 2,717 0.12 20.70 Uzbekistan 503 563 1,682 922 564 0.02 -38.83 NORTHERN EUROPE 70,889 85,505 98,561 19,269 25,793 1.09 33.86 Denmark 6,308 7,940 9,775 1,345 1,906 0.08 41.71 Finland 3,242 3,320 2,559 587 484 0.02 -17.55 Iceland 256 573 339 37 59 0.00 59.46 Ireland 3,933 4,789 5,988 1,039 1,481 0.06 42.54 Norway 4,454 5,045 6,279 1,415 1,413 0.06 -0.14 Sweden 10,989 13,389 13,820 2,626 6,932 0.29 163.98 United Kingdom 41,707 50,449 59,801 12,220 13,518 0.57 10.62 SOUTHERN EUROPE 53,899 93,305 159,046 31,785 24,844 1.05 -21.84 Albania 228 289 354 75 104 0.00 38.67 Andorra 25 66 77 11 37 0.00 236.36 Croatia 1,097 1,685 3,049 824 600 0.03 -27.18 Greece 4,204 6,590 11,463 3,506 2,316 0.10 -33.94 Italy 26,038 49,390 89,542 17,795 12,295 0.52 -30.91 Malta 355 447 2,216 427 197 0.01 -53.86 North Macedonia 402 494 712 160 125 0.01 -21.88 Portugal 2,228 3,217 4,679 652 785 0.03 20.40 San Marino 46 37 51 7 15 0.00 114.29 Serbia 1,124 1,654 2,517 687 591 0.03 -13.97 Slovenia 594 824 2,578 905 555 0.02 -38.67 Spain 17,558 28,612 41,808 6,736 7,224 0.31 7.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 517 COUNTRY TABLES JORDAN / JORDANIE / JORDANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 120,329 173,265 227,876 39,532 53,374 2.26 35.01 Austria 5,233 6,891 9,143 1,646 2,995 0.13 81.96 Belgium 7,174 9,070 12,963 2,444 4,047 0.17 65.59 France 33,189 48,399 71,261 12,535 15,598 0.66 24.44 Germany 49,194 74,174 89,748 14,880 19,401 0.82 30.38 Liechtenstein 19 28 41 3 10 0.00 233.33 Luxembourg 213 473 558 67 Monaco 9 35 33 4 0.00 Netherlands 16,844 23,178 30,181 5,445 8,389 0.36 54.07 Switzerland 8,454 11,017 13,948 2,512 2,930 0.12 16.64 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 138,298 157,915 187,035 28,384 52,147 2.21 83.72 Cyprus 1,642 3,422 4,124 666 886 0.04 33.03 Israel 118,148 134,148 161,347 21,578 42,924 1.82 98.92 Turkiye 18,508 20,345 21,564 6,140 8,337 0.35 35.78 OTHER EUROPE 17,211 18,737 20,741 4,536 6,028 0.26 32.89 Other countries of Europe 17,211 18,737 20,741 4,536 6,028 0.26 32.89 MIDDLE EAST 2,098,879 2,232,910 2,319,619 541,634 1,139,974 48.33 110.47 Bahrain 26,401 25,488 34,604 7,490 13,731 0.58 83.32 Egypt 172,841 150,222 145,806 47,213 285,317 12.10 504.32 Iraq 143,241 173,424 206,005 58,461 86,123 3.65 47.32 Kuwait 85,245 87,298 88,987 18,114 30,473 1.29 68.23 Lebanon 49,224 49,787 51,085 11,762 30,195 1.28 156.72 Libya 21,748 27,168 24,620 6,616 8,684 0.37 31.26 Oman 16,389 13,871 12,933 3,311 4,483 0.19 35.40 Qatar 11,805 23,681 29,395 5,249 8,709 0.37 65.92 Saudi Arabia 775,700 854,515 842,551 184,506 296,499 12.57 60.70 State of Palestine 647,846 673,702 686,531 145,366 254,757 10.80 75.25 Syrian Arab Republic 98,081 103,064 143,409 40,278 95,884 4.07 138.06 United Arab Emirates 18,453 19,166 17,780 3,615 7,966 0.34 120.36 Yemen 31,905 31,524 35,913 9,653 17,153 0.73 77.70 SOUTH ASIA 64,732 96,088 88,290 18,501 42,385 1.80 129.10 Afghanistan 942 1,580 1,836 1,204 2,161 0.09 79.49 Bangladesh 1,777 2,375 2,797 1,529 0.06 India 43,668 56,954 50,682 8,245 11,857 0.50 43.81 Iran, Islamic Republic of 639 858 752 124 340 0.01 174.19 Maldives 416 327 348 51 31 0.00 -39.22 Nepal 2,003 2,959 2,838 1,012 1,961 0.08 93.77 Pakistan 11,273 27,646 26,575 7,156 23,637 1.00 230.31 Sri Lanka 4,014 3,389 2,462 709 869 0.04 22.57 NOT SPECIFIED 1,458,512 1,442,116 1,505,196 391,663 864,227 36.64 120.66 Nationals residing abroad 1,458,512 1,442,116 1,505,196 391,663 864,227 36.64 120.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 518 COUNTRY TABLES KAZAKHSTAN / KAZAJSTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 7,701,196 8,789,314 8,514,989 2,034,753 1,330,169 100.00 -34.63 AFRICA 2,517 2,377 2,493 993 1,785 0.13 79.76 EAST AFRICA 492 453 520 105 330 0.02 214.29 Burundi 5 8 9 1 0.00 Comoros 19 22 31 10 0.00 Djibouti 36 2 1 Eritrea 11 1 3 2 0.00 Ethiopia 24 28 40 15 35 0.00 133.33 Kenya 104 93 72 16 101 0.01 531.25 Madagascar 12 10 4 1 1 0.00 Malawi 5 11 8 1 3 0.00 200.00 Mauritius 19 30 32 4 10 0.00 150.00 Mozambique 10 12 9 1 10 0.00 900.00 Reunion 51 33 39 4 8 0.00 100.00 Rwanda 10 15 10 1 13 0.00 1,200.00 Seychelles 6 1 Somalia 19 35 84 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 14 31 17 7 9 0.00 28.57 Uganda 36 38 42 2 36 0.00 1,700.00 Zambia 29 10 7 2 7 0.00 250.00 Zimbabwe 82 73 112 46 81 0.01 76.09 CENTRAL AFRICA 231 112 106 8 23 0.00 187.50 Angola 58 19 5 1 0.00 Cameroon 54 22 44 8 10 0.00 25.00 Central African Republic 8 5 2 1 0.00 Chad 2 7 4 Congo 89 47 35 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1 1 6 10 0.00 Equatorial Guinea 2 5 1 Gabon 14 4 9 1 0.00 Sao Tome and Principe 3 2 NORTH AFRICA 464 419 494 113 331 0.02 192.92 Algeria 118 80 137 27 37 0.00 37.04 Morocco 174 184 212 46 85 0.01 84.78 Sudan 85 67 54 18 50 0.00 177.78 Tunisia 87 88 91 22 159 0.01 622.73 SOUTHERN AFRICA 799 862 903 636 843 0.06 32.55 Botswana 5 15 3 9 0.00 Eswatini 3 1 1 Lesotho 13 16 Namibia 11 8 18 2 10 0.00 400.00 South Africa 767 822 881 634 824 0.06 29.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 519 COUNTRY TABLES KAZAKHSTAN / KAZAJSTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 531 531 470 131 258 0.02 96.95 Benin 17 7 7 4 0.00 Burkina Faso 14 8 12 2 4 0.00 100.00 Cabo Verde 43 60 28 5 6 0.00 20.00 Cote d'lvoire 32 31 23 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Gambia 23 13 7 8 0.00 Ghana 75 66 42 17 31 0.00 82.35 Guinea 38 27 5 Guinea-Bissau 12 7 3 2 0.00 Liberia 3 12 8 9 0.00 Mali 24 15 9 1 0.00 Mauritania 44 9 3 1 4 0.00 300.00 Niger 10 11 8 2 20 0.00 900.00 Nigeria 149 202 259 90 139 0.01 54.44 Saint Helena 1 Senegal 35 22 26 1 7 0.00 600.00 Sierra Leone 5 35 14 5 21 0.00 320.00 Togo 6 6 16 2 AMERICAS 40,915 43,228 46,991 8,439 9,178 0.69 8.76 CARIBBEAN 441 265 361 84 97 0.01 15.48 Anguilla 1 2 1 Antigua and Barbuda 7 9 1 17 0.00 1,600.00 Aruba 10 2 Bahamas 3 4 1 4 7 0.00 75.00 Barbados 17 9 2 1 0.00 Bermuda 9 2 3 Cayman Islands 1 1 1 0.00 Cuba 246 152 224 50 30 0.00 -40.00 Dominica 4 6 14 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Dominican Republic 59 14 19 1 3 0.00 200.00 Grenada 6 2 2 2 0.00 Haiti 7 16 30 8 9 0.00 12.50 Jamaica 16 22 19 1 1 0.00 Puerto Rico 8 4 9 5 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 8 7 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Saint Lucia 8 2 8 10 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 4 Trinidad and Tobago 29 18 11 3 5 0.00 66.67 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 1 2 CENTRAL AMERICA 324 397 317 55 61 0.00 10.91 Belize 14 3 1 1 0.00 Costa Rica 178 186 153 16 5 0.00 -68.75 El Salvador 72 72 50 15 29 0.00 93.33 Guatemala 32 93 82 14 8 0.00 -42.86 Honduras 12 32 5 Nicaragua 1 5 1 2 2 0.00 Panama 15 6 26 7 16 0.00 128.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 520 COUNTRY TABLES KAZAKHSTAN / KAZAJSTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 37,170 38,906 41,701 7,393 8,188 0.62 10.75 Canada 6,865 6,821 8,167 1,173 1,150 0.09 -1.96 Mexico 673 714 754 99 85 0.01 -14.14 United States of America 29,632 31,371 32,780 6,121 6,953 0.52 13.59 SOUTH AMERICA 2,980 3,660 4,612 907 832 0.06 -8.27 Argentina 402 388 413 58 58 0.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 30 10 10 17 12 0.00 -29.41 Brazil 1,024 1,295 1,516 349 383 0.03 9.74 Chile 270 225 265 34 59 0.00 73.53 Colombia 187 575 1,289 225 163 0.01 -27.56 Ecuador 130 281 306 59 13 0.00 -77.97 Guyana 5 1 1 0.00 Paraguay 20 17 14 3 Peru 138 62 114 26 61 0.00 134.62 Suriname 7 9 10 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Uruguay 24 29 20 5 5 0.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 743 769 654 129 76 0.01 -41.09 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 177,416 144,264 183,816 30,707 21,688 1.63 -29.37 NORHT-EAST ASIA 161,432 124,873 162,897 26,595 16,873 1.27 -36.56 China 94,817 51,418 77,621 14,551 11,118 0.84 -23.59 Hong Kong, China 5,737 7,002 7,427 783 77 0.01 -90.17 Japan 8,682 8,257 9,721 723 423 0.03 -41.49 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 51 25 97 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Korea, Republic of 30,582 35,136 40,180 5,707 3,744 0.28 -34.40 Macao, China 16 20 20 1 0.00 Mongolia 20,687 22,104 26,721 4,766 1,449 0.11 -69.60 Taiwan Province of China 860 911 1,110 59 58 0.00 -1.69 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 10,955 13,349 13,816 3,219 4,268 0.32 32.59 Brunei Darussalam 13 20 21 1 0.00 Cambodia 21 20 30 26 0.00 Indonesia 723 723 1,179 1,292 3,212 0.24 148.61 Lao People's Democratic Republic 26 52 32 Malaysia 5,245 7,571 6,835 755 474 0.04 -37.22 Myanmar 12 17 39 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Philippines 863 1,011 1,656 540 252 0.02 -53.33 Singapore 1,405 1,698 1,872 210 73 0.01 -65.24 Thailand 2,158 1,897 1,770 367 155 0.01 -57.77 Viet Nam 489 340 382 49 72 0.01 46.94 AUSTRALASIA 4,960 6,014 7,079 888 525 0.04 -40.88 Australia 4,225 5,060 5,902 741 464 0.03 -37.38 New Zealand 735 954 1,177 147 61 0.00 -58.50 MELANESIA 60 24 23 5 17 0.00 240.00 Fiji 36 16 14 3 14 0.00 366.67 Norfolk Island 2 Papua New Guinea 22 8 9 2 3 0.00 50.00 MICRONESIA 4 0.00 Christmas Island, Australia 4 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 521 COUNTRY TABLES KAZAKHSTAN / KAZAJSTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 9 4 1 1 0.00 American Samoa 1 Cook Islands 1 0.00 Samoa 9 4 EUROPE 7,418,771 8,528,244 8,204,838 1,979,021 1,272,674 95.68 -35.69 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,119,473 8,235,385 7,880,648 1,881,022 1,149,721 86.43 -38.88 Armenia 26,169 24,166 22,056 4,165 2,464 0.19 -40.84 Azerbaijan 110,980 98,330 94,007 29,686 19,957 1.50 -32.77 Belarus 70,810 76,031 88,117 71,460 74,046 5.57 3.62 Bulgaria 1,989 1,982 2,320 621 551 0.04 -11.27 Czech Republic (Czechia) 5,202 4,348 4,101 629 723 0.05 14.94 Estonia 1,439 1,405 1,737 241 237 0.02 -1.66 Georgia 19,070 17,807 20,114 8,015 12,334 0.93 53.89 Hungary 3,156 3,163 3,465 631 803 0.06 27.26 Kyrgyzstan 1,273,378 1,327,877 1,494,410 388,253 207,313 15.59 -46.60 Latvia 3,503 4,117 4,372 811 667 0.05 -17.76 Lithuania 6,027 5,941 6,166 1,490 1,154 0.09 -22.55 Moldova, Republic of 13,185 12,629 11,913 2,350 1,038 0.08 -55.83 Poland 13,565 15,739 16,037 2,508 2,292 0.17 -8.61 Romania 2,168 1,840 1,879 431 334 0.03 -22.51 Russian Federation 1,708,873 1,737,667 1,872,232 463,403 433,028 32.55 -6.55 Slovakia 2,724 1,942 2,058 348 521 0.04 49.71 Tajikistan 383,368 443,266 557,754 103,613 24,571 1.85 -76.29 Turkmenistan 63,249 39,942 25,208 6,241 1,490 0.11 -76.13 Ukraine 66,041 65,780 61,624 26,773 29,627 2.23 10.66 Uzbekistan 3,344,577 4,351,413 3,591,078 769,353 336,571 25.30 -56.25 NORTHERN EUROPE 29,995 29,785 33,398 5,544 8,107 0.61 46.23 Denmark 1,287 1,242 1,706 236 261 0.02 10.59 Faeroe Islands 1 0.00 Finland 2,354 1,905 2,336 343 415 0.03 20.99 Iceland 82 65 108 111 69 0.01 -37.84 Ireland 1,258 1,369 1,485 316 483 0.04 52.85 Norway 1,180 1,375 1,833 117 174 0.01 48.72 Sweden 2,493 2,347 2,775 409 496 0.04 21.27 United Kingdom 21,341 21,482 23,155 4,012 6,208 0.47 54.74 SOUTHERN EUROPE 31,186 28,368 27,859 4,844 6,717 0.50 38.67 Albania 205 222 168 64 53 0.00 -17.19 Andorra 4 39 7 Bosnia and Herzegovina 213 103 116 64 113 0.01 76.56 Croatia 1,074 1,373 1,191 227 244 0.02 7.49 Greece 2,269 2,740 2,900 498 566 0.04 13.65 Italy 14,924 12,724 12,554 1,741 2,179 0.16 25.16 Malta 128 146 220 49 78 0.01 59.18 Montenegro 40 0.00 North Macedonia 25 0.00 Portugal 1,207 1,321 1,292 239 1,100 0.08 360.25 San Marino 5 0.00 Serbia 5,787 4,376 3,742 839 772 0.06 -7.99 Slovenia 933 856 837 93 124 0.01 33.33 Spain 4,442 4,468 4,832 1,030 1,418 0.11 37.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 522 COUNTRY TABLES KAZAKHSTAN / KAZAJSTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 132,666 128,373 133,960 16,249 25,719 1.93 58.28 Austria 3,435 3,101 3,492 490 589 0.04 20.20 Belgium 3,354 3,137 4,189 488 761 0.06 55.94 France 13,432 12,620 13,257 1,993 2,657 0.20 33.32 Germany 99,396 99,083 101,457 11,608 19,527 1.47 68.22 Liechtenstein 21 11 15 2 0.00 Luxembourg 125 162 246 20 39 0.00 95.00 Monaco 59 4 3 1 0.00 Netherlands 8,938 6,884 7,539 1,182 1,539 0.12 30.20 Switzerland 3,906 3,371 3,762 468 604 0.05 29.06 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 105,451 106,333 128,973 71,362 82,410 6.20 15.48 Cyprus 145 282 368 82 231 0.02 181.71 Israel 6,466 6,700 7,082 1,020 1,408 0.11 38.04 Turkiye 98,840 99,351 121,523 70,260 80,771 6.07 14.96 MIDDLE EAST 8,496 9,714 13,911 1,991 5,744 0.43 188.50 Bahrain 66 57 117 22 84 0.01 281.82 Egypt 935 935 1,100 228 500 0.04 119.30 Iraq 162 189 301 47 124 0.01 163.83 Jordan 945 789 1,227 331 702 0.05 112.08 Kuwait 187 180 289 33 142 0.01 330.30 Lebanon 565 503 486 115 130 0.01 13.04 Libya 62 42 86 20 37 0.00 85.00 Oman 216 204 378 53 41 0.00 -22.64 Qatar 243 270 302 115 178 0.01 54.78 Saudi Arabia 764 819 961 160 359 0.03 124.38 State of Palestine 204 124 162 32 40 0.00 25.00 Syrian Arab Republic 569 295 301 162 0.01 United Arab Emirates 3,503 5,253 8,100 835 3,201 0.24 283.35 Yemen 75 54 101 44 0.00 SOUTH ASIA 42,970 49,325 49,214 10,719 17,435 1.31 62.66 Afghanistan 6,539 3,995 4,071 876 1,128 0.08 28.77 Bangladesh 281 233 211 24 52 0.00 116.67 Bhutan 12 20 22 9 0.00 India 21,890 32,591 32,418 6,911 8,538 0.64 23.54 Iran, Islamic Republic of 12,482 10,607 10,143 2,304 6,447 0.48 1 79.82 Maldives 5 37 31 14 11 0.00 -21.43 Nepal 155 156 195 25 52 0.00 108.00 Pakistan 1,472 1,499 1,942 540 1,110 0.08 105.56 Sri Lanka 134 187 181 25 88 0.01 252.00 NOT SPECIFIED 10,111 12,162 13,726 2,883 1,665 0.13 -42.25 Other countries of the world 10,111 12,162 13,726 2,883 1,665 0.13 -42.25 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 523 COUNTRY TABLES KENYA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,448,790 2,025,206 2,048,834 567,850 870,465 100.00 53.29 AFRICA 295,220 694,440 706,432 216,232 319,811 36.74 47.90 EAST AFRICA 568,732 579,780 178,872 240,269 27.60 34.32 Burundi 27,680 31,218 9,842 13,792 1.58 40.13 Ethiopia 40,322 40,220 11,444 21,424 2.46 87.21 Rwanda 34,758 43,321 17,043 24,665 2.83 44.72 Somalia 34,317 32,268 13,390 26,270 3.02 96.19 Tanzania, United Republic of 212,216 193,740 54,046 74,051 8.51 37.01 Uganda 204,082 223,010 69,378 80,067 9.20 15.41 Zimbabwe 15,357 16,003 3,729 CENTRAL AFRICA 19,780 22,174 6,713 15,731 1.81 134.34 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 19,780 22,174 6,713 15,731 1.81 134.34 NORTH AFRICA 20,383 24,646 9,552 19,892 2.29 108.25 South Sudan 20,383 24,646 9,552 19,892 2.29 108.25 SOUTHERN AFRICA 49,993 46,926 11,313 18,520 2.13 63.71 South Africa 49,993 46,926 11,313 18,520 2.13 63.71 WEST AFRICA 35,552 32,906 9,782 25,399 2.92 159.65 Nigeria 35,552 32,906 9,782 25,399 2.92 159.65 OTHER AFRICA 295,220 All countries of Africa 295,220 AMERICAS 167,869 267,016 286,476 77,272 155,709 17.89 101.51 CARIBBEAN 477 0.05 Cuba 169 0.02 Jamaica 308 0.04 NORTH AMERICA 267,016 286,476 77,272 152,326 17.50 97.13 Canada 41,859 41,039 11,895 13,373 1.54 12.43 Mexico 1,972 0.23 United States of America 225,157 245,437 65,377 136,981 15.74 109.52 SOUTH AMERICA 2,906 0.33 Argentina 323 0.04 Brazil 1,208 0.14 Chile 299 0.03 Colombia 917 0.11 Peru 159 0.02 OTHER AMERICAS 167,869 All countries of the Americas 167,869 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 524 COUNTRY TABLES KENYA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 116,487 109,365 112,075 21,278 41,757 4.80 96.24 NORHT-EAST ASIA 81,709 84,208 16,329 35,743 4.11 118.89 China 81,709 84,208 16,329 31,610 3.63 93.58 Japan 2,081 0.24 Korea, Republic of 2,052 0.24 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,774 0.20 Philippines 1,774 0.20 AUSTRALASIA 27,656 27,867 4,949 4,016 0.46 -18.85 Australia 27,656 27,867 4,949 3,376 0.39 -31.78 New Zealand 640 0.07 MELANESIA 157 0.02 Fiji 128 0.01 Papua New Guinea 19 0.00 Vanuatu 10 0.00 MICRONESIA 67 0.01 Nauru 67 0.01 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 116,487 All countries of Asia 116,487 EUROPE 749,044 533,106 518,940 144,522 170,502 19.59 17.98 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 15,163 11,991 4,871 10,318 1.19 111.83 Kazakhstan 509 0.06 Poland 15,163 11,991 4,871 9,809 1.13 101.38 NORTHERN EUROPE 236,333 232,535 67,283 63,371 7.28 -5.81 Denmark 14,875 14,476 5,003 Norway 15,428 14,897 4,859 Sweden 22,028 21,678 7,593 10,107 1.16 33.11 United Kingdom 184,002 181,484 49,828 53,264 6.12 6.90 SOUTHERN EUROPE 90,161 81,005 18,745 22,689 2.61 21.04 Italy 65,134 54,607 15,040 12,207 1.40 -18.84 Spain 25,027 26,398 3,705 10,482 1.20 182.91 WESTERN EUROPE 191,449 193,409 53,623 71,552 8.22 33.44 Belgium 13,481 13,779 3,630 5,697 0.65 56.94 France 48,189 54,979 15,590 18,772 2.16 20.41 Germany 78,388 73,150 19,833 27,620 3.17 39.26 Netherlands 37,703 37,266 10,337 12,928 1.49 25.07 Switzerland 13,688 14,235 4,233 6,535 0.75 54.38 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,572 0.30 Israel 2,572 0.30 OTHER EUROPE 749,044 All countries of Europe 749,044 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 525 COUNTRY TABLES KENYA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 9,398 10,101 3,728 5,729 0.66 53.67 Egypt 9,398 10,101 3,728 Jordan 538 0.06 Lebanon 693 0.08 Oman 622 0.07 Qatar 198 0.02 Saudi Arabia 1,521 0.17 Syrian Arab Republic 195 0.02 United Arab Emirates 853 0.10 Yemen 1,109 0.13 SOUTH ASIA 136,142 133,167 33,711 69,681 8.01 106.70 Bangladesh 1,235 0.14 India 125,032 122,649 29,746 42,159 4.84 41.73 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,809 0.21 Nepal 604 0.07 Pakistan 11,110 10,518 3,965 21,852 2.51 451.12 Sri Lanka 2,022 0.23 NOT SPECIFIED 120,170 275,739 281,643 71,107 107,276 12.32 50.87 Other countries of the world 120,170 275,739 281,643 71,107 107,276 12.32 50.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 526 COUNTRY TABLES KIRIBATI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 5,752 7,076 7,917 1,435 67 100.00 -95.33 AMERICAS 1,402 1,542 1,765 337 NORTH AMERICA 1,402 1,542 1,765 337 Canada 75 131 134 11 United States of America 1,327 1,411 1,631 326 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,676 4,596 5,088 948 63 94.03 -93.35 NORHT-EAST ASIA 232 284 437 27 1 1.49 -96.30 Japan 179 196 252 22 1 1.49 -95.45 Taiwan Province of China 53 88 185 5 AUSTRALASIA 1,610 2,101 2,072 283 14 20.90 -95.05 Australia 1,106 1,414 1,382 153 11 16.42 -92.81 New Zealand 504 687 690 130 3 4.48 -97.69 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,834 2,211 2,579 638 48 71.64 -92.48 Other countries of Asia 287 350 601 145 38 56.72 -73.79 Other countries of Oceania 1,547 1,861 1,978 493 10 14.93 -97.97 EUROPE 450 621 677 99 3 4.48 -96.97 NORTHERN EUROPE 175 168 189 26 3 4.48 -88.46 United Kingdom 175 168 189 26 3 4.48 -88.46 SOUTHERN EUROPE 24 30 42 3 Italy 24 30 42 3 WESTERN EUROPE 171 201 178 29 France 91 81 70 10 Germany 65 98 90 16 Switzerland 15 22 18 3 OTHER EUROPE 80 222 268 41 Other countries of Europe 80 222 268 41 NOT SPECIFIED 224 317 387 51 1 1.49 -98.04 Other countries of the world 224 317 387 51 1 1.49 -98.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 527 COUNTRY TABLES KOREA, REPUBLIC OF / COREE (REPUBLIQUE DE) / COREA (REPUBLICA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 13,335,758 15,346,879 17,502,756 2,519,118 967,003 100.00 -61.61 AFRICA 39,815 43,302 49,488 12,185 9,652 1.00 -20.79 EAST AFRICA 10,002 11,917 15,667 4,530 5,218 0.54 15.19 British Indian Ocean Territory 3 Burundi 100 156 148 42 48 0.00 14.29 Comoros 55 51 41 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Djibouti 15 23 15 1 2 0.00 100.00 Eritrea 38 26 23 1 3 0.00 200.00 Ethiopia 1,897 4,280 7,107 3,004 3,686 0.38 22.70 Kenya 2,293 1,910 2,127 417 475 0.05 13.91 Madagascar 545 689 821 65 30 0.00 -53.85 Malawi 184 160 160 42 28 0.00 -33.33 Mauritius 1,169 1,086 1,418 79 34 0.00 -56.96 Mozambique 248 267 287 92 139 0.01 51.09 Rwanda 419 478 489 97 105 0.01 8.25 Seychelles 106 67 118 20 23 0.00 15.00 Somalia 24 45 54 8 10 0.00 25.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,164 1,100 1,080 288 382 0.04 32.64 Uganda 782 798 835 213 142 0.01 -33.33 Zambia 447 321 243 74 38 0.00 -48.65 Zimbabwe 516 460 698 84 72 0.01 -14.29 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,693 2,154 1,889 511 338 0.03 -33.86 Angola 266 261 397 44 35 0.00 -20.45 Cameroon 777 935 758 178 181 0.02 1.69 Central African Republic 19 33 24 20 8 0.00 -60.00 Chad 32 36 38 15 2 0.00 -86.67 Congo 54 65 60 35 9 0.00 -74.29 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 411 626 451 169 75 0.01 -55.62 Equatorial Guinea 20 54 35 4 6 0.00 50.00 Gabon 105 133 103 39 22 0.00 -43.59 Sao Tome and Principe 9 11 23 7 NORTH AFRICA 7,876 8,329 9,375 2,051 1,514 0.16 -26.18 Algeria 1,391 1,253 1,519 246 205 0.02 -16.67 Morocco 3,534 4,284 5,009 1,085 737 0.08 -32.07 South Sudan 63 50 56 23 5 0.00 -78.26 Sudan 1,050 962 1,012 221 159 0.02 -28.05 Tunisia 1,838 1,780 1,779 476 408 0.04 -14.29 SOUTHERN AFRICA 11,712 12,362 13,646 3,222 1,240 0.13 -61.51 Botswana 205 261 201 35 22 0.00 -37.14 Eswatini 242 119 83 15 5 0.00 -66.67 Lesotho 69 47 54 6 Namibia 143 140 164 23 18 0.00 -21.74 South Africa 11,053 11,795 13,144 3,143 1,195 0.12 -61.98 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 528 COUNTRY TABLES KOREA, REPUBLIC OF / COREE (REPUBLIQUE DE) / COREA (REPUBLICA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 8,532 8,540 8,911 1,871 1,342 0.14 -28.27 Benin 108 132 138 57 10 0.00 -82.46 Burkina Faso 100 113 111 45 9 0.00 -80.00 Cabo Verde 40 35 27 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Cote d'lvoire 419 478 502 117 52 0.01 -55.56 Gambia 140 208 155 30 17 0.00 -43.33 Ghana 2,785 3,063 3,082 593 530 0.05 -10.62 Guinea 265 205 235 39 23 0.00 -41.03 Guinea-Bissau 12 32 23 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Liberia 382 530 405 57 38 0.00 -33.33 Mali 193 203 250 37 28 0.00 -24.32 Mauritania 28 44 47 3 8 0.00 166.67 Niger 53 43 64 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Nigeria 3,127 2,555 3,029 675 522 0.05 -22.67 Senegal 671 635 593 116 75 0.01 -35.34 Sierra Leone 79 71 74 20 19 0.00 -5.00 Togo 130 193 176 59 3 0.00 -94.92 AMERICAS 1,117,107 1,242,792 1,345,658 271,487 241,825 25.01 -10.93 CARIBBEAN 3,584 3,852 5,168 665 306 0.03 -53.98 Antigua and Barbuda 63 98 102 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Bahamas 75 131 142 17 9 0.00 -47.06 Barbados 103 151 106 24 9 0.00 -62.50 British Virgin Islands 1 3 1 Cuba 202 187 315 32 30 0.00 -6.25 Dominica 144 175 302 46 19 0.00 -58.70 Dominican Republic 1,054 1,033 1,389 195 72 0.01 -63.08 Grenada 63 99 150 13 4 0.00 -69.23 Haiti 140 159 193 25 11 0.00 -56.00 Jamaica 1,008 1,104 1,376 173 69 0.01 -60.12 Puerto Rico 6 Saint Kitts and Nevis 230 258 370 42 12 0.00 -71.43 Saint Lucia 76 65 245 10 4 0.00 -60.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 76 70 66 13 20 0.00 53.85 Trinidad and Tobago 343 319 411 66 43 0.00 -34.85 CENTRAL AMERICA 6,518 5,832 6,673 934 430 0.04 -53.96 Belize 55 41 61 4 7 0.00 75.00 Costa Rica 1,185 1,241 1,488 279 106 0.01 -62.01 El Salvador 751 966 957 122 92 0.01 -24.59 Guatemala 1,233 1,003 1,038 120 62 0.01 -48.33 Honduras 1,985 1,312 1,449 74 45 0.00 -39.19 Nicaragua 382 332 382 56 18 0.00 -67.86 Panama 927 937 1,298 279 100 0.01 -64.16 NORTH AMERICA 1,065,208 1,187,443 1,279,927 260,877 237,292 24.54 -9.04 Canada 1 76,256 194,259 205,408 34,734 29,795 3.08 -14.22 Mexico 20,071 25,192 30,481 5,726 3,472 0.36 -39.36 United States of America 868,881 967,992 1,044,038 220,417 204,025 21.10 -7.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 529 COUNTRY TABLES KOREA, REPUBLIC OF / COREE (REPUBLIQUE DE) / COREA (REPUBLICA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 41,796 45,664 53,890 9,011 3,797 0.39 -57.86 Argentina 4,833 4,832 5,153 969 354 0.04 -63.47 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 637 670 717 206 76 0.01 -63.11 Brazil 1 7,846 19,745 23,788 3,954 1,683 0.17 -57.44 Chile 4,219 5,149 5,944 1,035 254 0.03 -75.46 Colombia 5,153 5,876 7,384 975 570 0.06 -41.54 Ecuador 1,810 2,229 2,628 400 195 0.02 -51.25 Guyana 109 95 110 27 5 0.00 -81.48 Paraguay 565 530 644 106 60 0.01 -43.40 Peru 4,213 4,140 4,745 760 258 0.03 -66.05 Suriname 78 64 80 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Uruguay 445 373 715 68 38 0.00 -44.12 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,888 1,961 1,982 500 301 0.03 -39.80 OTHER AMERICAS 1 1 Other countries of the Americas 1 1 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,552,405 12,361,744 14,334,488 1,894,773 471,426 48.75 -75.12 NORHT-EAST ASIA 8,220,185 9,703,885 11,416,215 1,400,147 196,673 20.34 -85.95 China 4,169,353 4,789,512 6,023,021 686,430 170,215 17.60 -75.20 Hong Kong, China 658,031 683,818 694,934 88,878 1,258 0.13 -98.58 Japan 2,311,447 2,948,527 3,271,706 430,742 15,265 1.58 -96.46 Macao, China 51,822 52,831 52,462 5,905 36 0.00 -99.39 Mongolia 103,916 113,864 113,599 21,476 5,769 0.60 -73.14 Taiwan Province of China 925,616 1,115,333 1,260,493 166,716 4,130 0.43 -97.52 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,141,266 2,463,118 2,698,839 464,030 269,036 27.82 -42.02 Brunei Darussalam 3,763 4,876 6,795 723 112 0.01 -84.51 Cambodia 30,795 33,395 41,734 10,725 5,414 0.56 -49.52 Indonesia 230,837 249,067 278,575 66,762 46,563 4.82 -30.26 Lao People's Democratic Republic 9,201 11,924 12,816 1,450 379 0.04 -73.86 Malaysia 307,641 382,929 408,590 48,550 4,488 0.46 -90.76 Myanmar 69,906 71,094 73,722 43,406 56,728 5.87 30.69 Philippines 448,702 460,168 503,867 115,696 116,233 12.02 0.46 Singapore 216,170 231,897 246,142 18,009 7,525 0.78 -58.22 Thailand 498,511 558,912 571,610 76,568 8,319 0.86 -89.14 Timor-Leste 1,000 1,038 1,257 202 329 0.03 62.87 Viet Nam 324,740 457,818 553,731 81,939 22,946 2.37 -72.00 AUSTRALASIA 183,496 187,338 212,172 29,770 5,163 0.53 -82.66 Australia 150,408 153,133 173,218 23,1 72 3,503 0.36 -84.88 New Zealand 33,088 34,205 38,954 6,598 1,660 0.17 -74.84 MELANESIA 3,675 3,828 3,480 265 162 0.02 -38.87 Fiji 2,973 3,116 2,832 126 67 0.01 -46.83 New Caledonia 1 Papua New Guinea 264 271 307 55 21 0.00 -61.82 Solomon Islands 161 178 145 20 4 0.00 -80.00 Vanuatu 277 263 196 63 70 0.01 11.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 530 COUNTRY TABLES KOREA, REPUBLIC OF / COREE (REPUBLIQUE DE) / COREA (REPUBLICA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 1,702 1,577 1,746 355 219 0.02 -38.31 Kiribati 1,038 871 852 269 189 0.02 -29.74 Marshall Islands 134 91 72 16 4 0.00 -75.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 161 242 426 17 6 0.00 -64.71 Nauru 47 40 37 23 17 0.00 -26.09 Palau 322 333 359 30 3 0.00 -90.00 POLYNESIA 684 688 593 64 30 0.00 -53.13 American Samoa 1 2 0.00 French Polynesia 2 0.00 Niue 3 Samoa 222 233 312 32 14 0.00 -56.25 Tokelau 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Tonga 152 142 165 19 4 0.00 -78.95 Tuvalu 306 313 115 11 7 0.00 -36.36 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,397 1,310 1,443 142 143 0.01 0.70 Other countries of Asia 1,397 1,310 1,443 142 143 0.01 0.70 EUROPE 1,107,322 1,195,782 1,298,737 251,454 178,276 18.44 -29.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 496,663 543,770 601,291 130,306 85,408 8.83 -34.46 Armenia 336 305 376 46 45 0.00 -2.17 Azerbaijan 1,073 1,028 1,315 287 352 0.04 22.65 Belarus 1,724 1,872 2,133 453 392 0.04 -13.47 Bulgaria 7,197 6,079 6,536 1,651 1,833 0.19 11.02 Czech Republic (Czechia) 10,922 10,759 11,527 2,536 726 0.08 -71.37 Estonia 1,126 1,375 1,563 220 154 0.02 -30.00 Georgia 953 1,066 1,299 394 524 0.05 32.99 Hungary 4,260 4,754 6,178 1,154 998 0.10 -13.52 Kazakhstan 44,487 52,859 52,966 10,240 7,212 0.75 -29.57 Kyrgyzstan 7,217 7,305 7,659 1,439 2,115 0.22 46.98 Latvia 2,592 2,357 2,272 607 489 0.05 -19.44 Lithuania 2,203 2,490 2,671 512 445 0.05 -13.09 Moldova, Republic of 389 342 399 104 92 0.01 -11.54 Poland 20,662 21,971 23,913 5,563 4,114 0.43 -26.05 Romania 12,697 11,372 12,781 3,200 3,295 0.34 2.97 Russian Federation 270,427 302,542 343,057 73,086 32,897 3.40 -54.99 Slovakia 3,057 3,463 3,508 557 380 0.04 -31.78 Tajikistan 1,771 2,863 4,489 828 1,405 0.15 69.69 Turkmenistan 225 376 706 88 60 0.01 -31.82 Ukraine 27,417 25,608 27,667 11,568 14,206 1.47 22.80 Uzbekistan 75,928 82,984 88,276 15,773 13,674 1.41 -13.31 NORTHERN EUROPE 192,316 199,835 213,468 30,951 16,766 1.73 -45.83 Denmark 11,408 12,044 13,453 2,059 1,396 0.14 -32.20 Finland 13,087 14,372 13,912 3,033 2,861 0.30 -5.67 Iceland 553 601 737 114 214 0.02 87.72 Ireland 8,114 8,723 10,211 1,631 875 0.09 -46.35 Norway 15,872 13,615 11,770 1,507 921 0.10 -38.89 Sweden 17,258 19,503 19,709 2,188 1,525 0.16 -30.30 United Kingdom 126,024 130,977 143,676 20,419 8,974 0.93 -56.05 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 531 COUNTRY TABLES KOREA, REPUBLIC OF / COREE (REPUBLIQUE DE) / COREA (REPUBLICA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 102,069 108,838 117,154 18,978 14,697 1.52 -22.56 Albania 447 469 414 115 35 0.00 -69.57 Andorra 25 67 49 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 376 181 371 84 81 0.01 -3.57 Croatia 6,070 6,083 5,962 2,047 1,594 0.16 -22.13 Greece 9,502 9,290 9,756 3,038 3,317 0.34 9.18 Holy See 4 6 Italy 44,080 46,546 49,344 6,455 4,091 0.42 -36.62 Malta 320 425 594 53 62 0.01 16.98 Montenegro 1,786 1,832 2,237 593 593 0.06 North Macedonia 42 39 36 30 29 0.00 -3.33 Portugal 10,509 10,794 11,425 1,856 1,400 0.14 -24.57 San Marino 18 30 13 3 Serbia 3,832 3,375 4,390 708 599 0.06 -15.40 Serbia and Montenegro 9 4 Slovenia 1,355 1,941 1,478 275 138 0.01 -49.82 Spain 23,305 27,314 30,656 3,649 2,719 0.28 -25.49 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 389 442 429 60 36 0.00 -40.00 WESTERN EUROPE 274,592 297,169 316,635 62,966 54,901 5.68 -12.81 Austria 11,227 12,635 12,570 2,397 1,920 0.20 -19.90 Belgium 11,591 12,499 14,539 2,497 2,148 0.22 -13.98 France 92,347 100,096 110,794 19,371 15,700 1.62 -18.95 Germany 109,860 115,789 120,730 24,128 20,038 2.07 -16.95 Liechtenstein 97 82 57 3 3 0.00 Luxembourg 621 774 908 162 158 0.02 -2.47 Monaco 22 57 52 3 4 0.00 33.33 Netherlands 33,638 37,134 39,138 12,521 13,434 1.39 7.29 Switzerland 15,189 18,103 17,847 1,884 1,496 0.15 -20.59 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 41,637 45,775 49,385 8,175 6,480 0.67 -20.73 Cyprus 858 889 990 170 118 0.01 -30.59 Israel 13,507 15,328 17,102 1,445 1,039 0.11 -28.10 Turkiye 27,272 29,558 31,293 6,560 5,323 0.55 -18.86 OTHER EUROPE 45 395 804 78 24 0.00 -69.23 Other countries of Europe 45 395 804 78 24 0.00 -69.23 MIDDLE EAST 46,306 49,343 55,624 8,404 7,999 0.83 -4.82 Bahrain 558 764 798 96 63 0.01 -34.38 Egypt 8,020 7,630 5,833 1,507 1,907 0.20 26.54 Iraq 2,447 2,811 2,823 573 713 0.07 24.43 Jordan 2,695 2,693 2,984 717 733 0.08 2.23 Kuwait 2,759 2,695 3,446 268 45 0.00 -83.21 Lebanon 1,084 1,023 1,083 226 374 0.04 65.49 Libya 1,481 2,787 4,941 682 528 0.05 -22.58 Oman 1,137 1,085 1,271 154 97 0.01 -37.01 Qatar 1,312 1,855 2,155 147 159 0.02 8.16 Saudi Arabia 11,301 11,553 14,158 1,716 1,098 0.11 -36.01 State of Palestine 315 329 388 33 62 0.01 87.88 Syrian Arab Republic 1,416 1,553 1,795 629 605 0.06 -3.82 United Arab Emirates 10,990 11,427 13,226 1,460 1,429 0.15 -2.12 Yemen 791 1,138 723 196 186 0.02 -5.10 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 532 COUNTRY TABLES KOREA, REPUBLIC OF / COREE (REPUBLIQUE DE) / COREA (REPUBLICA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 203,225 202,048 225,647 54,283 44,476 4.60 -18.07 Afghanistan 803 721 802 184 606 0.06 229.35 Bangladesh 14,083 16,151 1 7,952 4,530 2,946 0.30 -34.97 Bhutan 644 510 562 49 33 0.00 -32.65 India 123,416 119,791 143,367 33,830 31,338 3.24 -7.37 Iran, Islamic Republic of 9,468 6,627 4,294 565 459 0.05 -18.76 Maldives 301 233 298 22 16 0.00 -27.27 Nepal 23,731 25,926 26,313 6,430 2,457 0.25 -61.79 Pakistan 13,101 14,188 13,721 3,603 2,564 0.27 -28.84 Sri Lanka 17,678 1 7,901 18,338 5,070 4,057 0.42 -19.98 NOT SPECIFIED 269,578 251,868 193,114 26,532 13,349 1.38 -49.69 Other countries of the world 724 795 612 141 57 0.01 -59.57 Nationals residing abroad 268,854 251,073 192,502 26,391 13,292 1.37 -49.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 533 COUNTRY TABLES KUWAIT / KOWEIT 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 7,406,973 8,507,971 8,565,065 2,160,854 1,605,597 100.00 -25.70 AFRICA 104,166 120,659 107,616 32,536 30,845 1.92 -5.20 EAST AFRICA 24,820 32,150 19,481 5,786 4,522 0.28 -21.85 Burundi 271 710 125 26 18 0.00 -30.77 Comoros 640 657 537 95 30.00 0.00 -68.42 Djibouti 216 145 196 49 42 0.00 -14.29 Eritrea 843 863 1,044 308 463 0.03 50.32 Ethiopia 11,835 22,068 9,791 2,852 1,986 0.12 -30.36 Kenya 1,751 2,383 2,476 1,008 810 0.05 -19.64 Madagascar 5,119 1,227 889 273 161 0.01 -41.03 Malawi 302 224 204 60 44 0.00 -26.67 Mauritius 148 149 149 45 19 0.00 -57.78 Mozambique 228 47 30 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Rwanda 70 170 149 27 17 0.00 -37.04 Seychelles 26 34 53 3 Somalia 2,044 1,907 2,002 536 414 0.03 -22.76 Tanzania, United Republic of 277 249 225 68 114 0.01 67.65 Uganda 638 853 1,051 300 346 0.02 15.33 Zambia 21 37 20 3 Zimbabwe 391 427 540 126 55 0.00 -56.35 CENTRAL AFRICA 2,146 3,969 1,949 483 518 0.03 7.25 Angola 27 221 30 6 9 0.00 50.00 Cameroon 1,156 2,256 709 155 230 0.01 48.39 Central African Republic 24 38 23 6 8 0.00 33.33 Chad 775 1,340 1,113 285 253 0.02 -11.23 Congo 13 2 3 1 7 0.00 600.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 129 71 43 23 9 0.00 -60.87 Equatorial Guinea 2 13 5 Gabon 20 28 23 7 2 0.00 -71.43 NORTH AFRICA 53,436 62,595 67,383 21,114 21,311 1.33 0.93 Algeria 4,885 5,404 5,545 1,518 1,647 0.10 8.50 Morocco 16,818 19,039 21,173 6,021 5,908 0.37 -1.88 South Sudan 46 66 51 15 4 0.00 -73.33 Sudan 18,021 20,098 20,183 6,817 7,199 0.45 5.60 Tunisia 13,666 1 7,988 20,431 6,743 6,553 0.41 -2.82 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,597 5,674 6,043 1,621 966 0.06 -40.41 Botswana 42 44 52 10 16 0.00 60.00 Eswatini 139 76 58 14 23 0.00 64.29 Lesotho 37 63 43 14 24 0.00 71.43 Namibia 13 13 11 2 South Africa 5,366 5,478 5,879 1,581 903 0.06 -42.88 WEST AFRICA 18,163 16,266 12,760 3,532 3,525 0.22 -0.20 Benin 1,160 1,232 2,333 944 1,235 0.08 30.83 Burkina Faso 422 420 323 85 78 0.00 -8.24 Cabo Verde 4 1 2 1 1 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 3,972 3,418 2,047 241 137 0.01 -43.15 Gambia 115 109 122 33 36 0.00 9.09 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 534 COUNTRY TABLES KUWAIT / KOWEIT 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Ghana 3,284 2,603 1,924 490 448 0.03 -8.57 Guinea 964 1,943 258 68 50 0.00 -26.47 Guinea-Bissau 16 73 23 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Liberia 87 85 91 24 28 0.00 16.67 Mali 1,175 1,471 1,282 451 389 0.02 -13.75 Mauritania 497 512 558 160 143 0.01 -10.63 Niger 360 373 262 39 75 0.00 92.31 Nigeria 1,418 1,848 1,901 465 334 0.02 -28.17 Saint Helena 4 2 5 3 6 0.00 100.00 Senegal 653 960 776 321 378 0.02 17.76 Sierra Leone 3,427 842 498 118 101 0.01 -14.41 Togo 605 374 355 84 85 0.01 1.19 OTHER AFRICA 4 5 3 0.00 Other countries of Africa 4 5 3 0.00 AMERICAS 181,296 189,453 188,070 53,691 53,628 3.34 -0.12 CARIBBEAN 1,570 1,916 2,366 972 786 0.05 -19.14 Antigua and Barbuda 159 41 125 0.01 204.88 Aruba 1 Bahamas 13 9 8 1 8 0.00 700.00 Barbados 4 6 5 1 Bermuda 8 1 1 0.00 British Virgin Islands 2 Cuba 62 91 139 377 56 0.00 -85.15 Curacao 2 1 Dominica 192 347 466 106 156 0.01 47.17 Dominican Republic 373 408 327 64 62 0.00 -3.13 Grenada 92 166 216 74 42 0.00 -43.24 Guadeloupe 1 Haiti 27 23 30 8 18 0.00 125.00 Jamaica 172 192 212 88 97 0.01 10.23 Martinique 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 517 552 649 176 196 0.01 11.36 Saint Lucia 6 30 55 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6 1 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Trinidad and Tobago 95 89 91 27 19 0.00 -29.63 CENTRAL AMERICA 815 1,207 1,256 311 174 0.01 -44.05 Belize 161 133 65 29 5 0.00 -82.76 Costa Rica 148 162 158 29 12 0.00 -58.62 El Salvador 352 733 808 200 103 0.01 -48.50 Guatemala 8 16 20 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Honduras 67 71 81 19 19 0.00 Nicaragua 28 59 84 15 19 0.00 26.67 Panama 51 33 40 13 15 0.00 15.38 NORTH AMERICA 172,899 177,458 175,554 50,072 51,017 3.18 1.89 Canada 46,363 46,204 45,472 11,279 8,155 0.51 -27.70 Mexico 792 1,000 1,133 319 200 0.01 -37.30 United States of America 125,744 130,254 128,949 38,474 42,662 2.66 10.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 535 COUNTRY TABLES KUWAIT / KOWEIT 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 5,987 8,841 8,894 2,336 1,649 0.10 -29.41 Argentina 422 458 435 112 86 0.01 -23.21 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 78 90 93 29 23 0.00 -20.69 Brazil 1,623 1,593 1,712 409 379 0.02 -7.33 Chile 125 134 168 27 29 0.00 7.41 Colombia 1,138 2,770 3,250 907 600 0.04 -33.85 Ecuador 900 1,592 1,180 335 296 0.02 -11.64 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 French Guiana 1 Guyana 39 28 28 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Paraguay 75 127 34 2 7 0.00 250.00 Peru 108 143 177 37 14 0.00 -62.16 Suriname 31 21 21 6 6 0.00 Uruguay 42 41 18 4 5 0.00 25.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,405 1,844 1,777 460 200 0.01 -56.52 OTHER AMERICAS 25 31 2 0.00 Other countries of the Americas 25 31 2 0.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 335,826 324,257 356,003 68,530 68,554 4.27 0.04 NORHT-EAST ASIA 58,961 71,058 63,498 8,299 5,413 0.34 -34.78 China 32,624 35,231 33,272 3,446 3,337 0.21 -3.16 Hong Kong, China 312 426 414 40 1 0.00 -97.50 Japan 5,601 5,500 5,207 865 309 0.02 -64.28 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 628 87 74 13 9 0.00 -30.77 Korea, Republic of 19,307 29,286 24,005 3,845 1,706 0.11 -55.63 Macao, China 15 7 11 1 0.00 Mongolia 179 194 207 47 37 0.00 -21.28 Taiwan Province of China 295 327 308 43 13 0.00 -69.77 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 263,263 240,279 280,317 57,381 61,840 3.85 7.77 Brunei Darussalam 36 21 42 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Cambodia 123 187 150 43 32 0.00 -25.58 Indonesia 9,308 9,886 10,119 2,149 1,517 0.09 -29.41 Lao People's Democratic Republic 36 36 44 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Malaysia 5,342 5,515 5,112 1,178 567 0.04 -51.87 Myanmar 258 313 267 58 43 0.00 -25.86 Philippines 232,147 203,566 246,959 50,060 56,612 3.53 13.09 Singapore 1,271 1,255 1,230 186 63 0.00 -66.13 Thailand 13,771 15,389 14,012 3,273 2,934 0.18 -10.36 Timor-Leste 3 3 6 1 Viet Nam 968 4,108 2,376 421 65 0.00 -84.56 AUSTRALASIA 13,472 12,781 12,129 2,833 1,282 0.08 -54.75 Australia 11,099 10,629 10,119 2,337 1,047 0.07 -55.20 New Zealand 2,373 2,152 2,010 496 235 0.01 -52.62 MELANESIA 41 45 46 13 12 0.00 -7.69 Fiji 41 43 39 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Vanuatu 2 7 6 7 0.00 16.67 MICRONESIA 19 10 7 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Palau 19 10 7 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 536 COUNTRY TABLES KUWAIT / KOWEIT 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 6 9 6 Cook Islands 1 1 Samoa 2 Tonga 5 8 4 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 64 75 6 0.00 Other countries of Asia 64 75 6 0.00 EUROPE 263,597 282,294 278,919 67,929 41,853 2.61 -38.39 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 45,299 52,401 48,871 12,533 9,484 0.59 -24.33 Armenia 3,141 3,594 3,440 797 861 0.05 8.03 Azerbaijan 887 1,185 997 278 193 0.01 -30.58 Belarus 668 715 656 154 110 0.01 -28.57 Bulgaria 3,827 5,797 3,053 838 566 0.04 -32.46 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,431 1,912 2,052 521 367 0.02 -29.56 Estonia 136 188 213 63 17 0.00 -73.02 Georgia 1,110 1,045 1,102 264 184 0.01 -30.30 Hungary 2,204 2,067 1,922 540 270 0.02 -50.00 Kazakhstan 1,105 1,319 1,317 430 236 0.01 -45.12 Kyrgyzstan 1,609 1,609 1,468 417 399 0.02 -4.32 Latvia 247 271 160 56 38 0.00 -32.14 Lithuania 396 450 499 127 80 0.00 -37.01 Moldova, Republic of 66 55 42 10 6 0.00 -40.00 Poland 4,272 4,280 4,273 1,227 636 0.04 -48.17 Romania 6,377 8,097 8,564 1,804 1,529 0.10 -15.24 Russian Federation 6,255 6,569 6,044 1,398 1,112 0.07 -20.46 Slovakia 879 1,535 1,625 353 162 0.01 -54.11 Tajikistan 190 326 265 69 79 0.00 14.49 Turkmenistan 203 242 192 29 23 0.00 -20.69 Ukraine 9,395 9,660 9,447 2,696 2,124 0.13 -21.22 Uzbekistan 901 1,485 1,540 462 492 0.03 6.49 NORTHERN EUROPE 94,139 89,196 87,630 19,065 9,783 0.61 -48.69 Denmark 4,142 3,946 3,654 772 824.00 0.05 6.74 Finland 927 931 743 135 55.00 0.00 -59.26 Iceland 109 118 89 23 18.00 0.00 -21.74 Ireland 3,829 3,807 3,857 812 389.00 0.02 -52.09 Norway 1,798 1,779 1,765 397 159.00 0.01 -59.95 Sweden 4,491 4,541 4,663 954 613.00 0.04 -35.74 United Kingdom 78,843 74,074 72,859 15,972 7,725.00 0.48 -51.63 SOUTHERN EUROPE 44,291 49,198 45,825 11,243 7,767 0.48 -30.92 Albania 852 1,625 1,734 703 913 0.06 29.87 Andorra 4 1 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,031 1,265 1,223 417 333 0.02 -20.14 Croatia 1,252 1,482 1,536 371 220 0.01 -40.70 Greece 4,107 5,169 3,947 937 627 0.04 -33.08 Holy See 25 2 Italy 17,125 17,279 16,874 3,564 2,195 0.14 -38.41 Malta 363 257 239 62 32 0.00 -48.39 Montenegro 69 97 107 32 27 0.00 -15.63 North Macedonia 2,003 2,909 2,525 758 732 0.05 -3.43 Portugal 4,123 4,640 5,101 1,213 679 0.04 -44.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 537 COUNTRY TABLES KUWAIT / KOWEIT 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 San Marino 6 4 10 3 3 0.00 Serbia 2,592 3,087 2,895 873 506 0.03 -42.04 Slovenia 448 419 391 84 63 0.00 -25.00 Spain 10,193 10,858 9,127 2,198 1,415 0.09 -35.62 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 123 106 88 26 22 0.00 -15.38 WESTERN EUROPE 50,233 54,309 52,759 11,927 6,770 0.42 -43.24 Austria 2,135 2,269 2,320 479 293 0.02 -38.83 Belgium 2,291 2,412 2,772 660 298 0.02 -54.85 France 19,240 21,434 19,319 4,557 2,614 0.16 -42.64 Germany 14,700 1 7,038 17,841 3,931 2,501 0.16 -36.38 Liechtenstein 8 35 21 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Luxembourg 115 128 133 29 7 0.00 -75.86 Monaco 3 22 32 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Netherlands 9,825 9,049 8,178 1,804 821 0.05 -54.49 Switzerland 1,916 1,922 2,143 460 234 0.01 -49.13 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 29,073 35,963 42,595 12,716 7,757 0.48 -39.00 Cyprus 712 891 700 139 59 0.00 -57.55 Turkiye 28,361 35,072 41,895 12,577 7,698 0.48 -38.79 OTHER EUROPE 562 1,227 1,239 445 292 0.02 -34.38 Other countries of Europe 562 1,227 1,239 445 292.00 0.02 -34.38 MIDDLE EAST 4,666,300 5,630,348 5,711,033 1,435,603 959,633 59.77 -33.15 Bahrain 247,687 231,964 230,247 42,578 22,674 1.41 -46.75 Egypt 911,259 965,490 969,087 264,779 249,728 15.55 -5.68 Iraq 68,671 71,146 80,347 13,356 4,559 0.28 -65.87 Jordan 135,243 137,950 142,913 42,548 42,304 2.63 -0.57 Lebanon 132,639 132,685 127,814 30,560 27,103 1.69 -11.31 Libya 1,107 2,069 1,978 468 249 0.02 -46.79 Oman 29,205 42,603 32,093 10,935 4,691 0.29 -57.10 Qatar 87,513 130,810 127,701 28,441 15,495 0.97 -45.52 Saudi Arabia 2,741,495 3,580,402 3,664,146 893,950 498,852 31.07 -44.20 State of Palestine 8,333 8,317 8,521 2,154 1,967 0.12 -8.68 Syrian Arab Republic 187,437 202,077 212,454 84,130 82,818 5.16 -1.56 United Arab Emirates 104,989 112,457 101,026 17,519 5,241 0.33 -70.08 Yemen 10,722 12,378 12,706 4,185 3,952 0.25 -5.57 SOUTH ASIA 1,823,633 1,924,587 1,876,012 491,241 441,748 27.51 -10.08 Afghanistan 13,573 12,759 12,781 5,354 4,615 0.29 -13.80 Bangladesh 171,551 165,360 156,272 38,832 32,408 2.02 -16.54 Bhutan 923 1,921 2,554 941 357 0.02 -62.06 India 1,222,829 1,332,454 1,315,109 318,356 290,185 18.07 -8.85 Iran, Islamic Republic of 72,354 70,447 71,581 15,772 12,180 0.76 -22.77 Maldives 37 71 36 17 6 0.00 -64.71 Nepal 56,016 56,258 49,456 15,556 11,769 0.73 -24.34 Pakistan 208,960 197,438 185,111 77,232 72,368 4.51 -6.30 Sri Lanka 77,390 87,879 83,112 19,181 17,860 1.11 -6.89 NOT SPECIFIED 32,155 36,373 47,412 11,324 9,336 0.58 -17.56 Other countries of the world 32,155 36,373 47,412 11,324 9,336 0.58 -17.56 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 538 COUNTRY TABLES KYRGYZSTAN / KIRGHIZISTAN / KIRGUISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,567,370 6,946,531 8,507,898 2,079,073 3,169,085 100.00 52.43 AMERICAS 16,861 19,132 20,627 3,206 7,833 0.25 144.32 NORTH AMERICA 16,861 19,132 20,627 3,206 7,833 0.25 144.32 Canada 2,920 3,098 3,629 482 973 0.03 101.87 United States of America 13,941 16,034 16,998 2,724 6,860 0.22 151.84 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 55,545 53,472 59,561 6,421 8,878 0.28 38.27 NORHT-EAST ASIA 51,777 49,424 54,450 6,035 8,229 0.26 36.35 China 34,519 30,749 33,348 3,638 5,332 0.17 46.56 Japan 3,498 4,286 5,068 339 415 0.01 22.42 Korea, Republic of 13,760 14,389 16,034 2,058 2,482 0.08 20.60 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 925 860 1,125 76 219 0.01 188.16 Malaysia 925 860 1,125 76 219 0.01 188.16 AUSTRALASIA 2,843 3,188 3,986 310 430 0.01 38.71 Australia 2,361 2,671 3,265 260 385 0.01 48.08 New Zealand 482 517 721 50 45 0.00 -10.00 EUROPE 4,443,676 6,805,773 8,361,087 2,051,490 3,089,242 97.48 50.59 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,338,667 6,689,602 8,233,701 2,030,460 3,040,842 95.95 49.76 Armenia 1,345 1,131 1,164 214 295 0.01 37.85 Azerbaijan 9,731 8,495 7,149 1,452 1,681 0.05 15.77 Belarus 4,388 4,591 4,676 1,806 2,054 0.06 13.73 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,990 2,127 2,194 124 844 0.03 580.65 Georgia 6,690 6,460 6,786 1,513 686 0.02 -54.66 Hungary 608 867 665 129 424 0.01 228.68 Kazakhstan 2,759,415 2,675,523 2,908,571 544,572 513,375 16.20 -5.73 Lithuania 695 785 1,205 150 373 0.01 148.67 Moldova, Republic of 2,676 2,788 2,882 748 432 0.01 -42.25 Poland 3,196 4,432 4,522 183 1,329 0.04 626.23 Russian Federation 483,129 502,213 540,262 144,174 307,682 9.71 113.41 Tajikistan 361,965 176,207 174,631 47,650 43,1 79 1.36 -9.38 Turkmenistan 1,362 1,208 1,172 171 223 0.01 30.41 Ukraine 7,346 6,971 7,564 2,083 3,684 0.12 76.86 Uzbekistan 694,131 3,295,804 4,570,258 1,285,491 2,164,581 68.30 68.39 NORTHERN EUROPE 10,504 11,666 12,773 1,590 3,286 0.10 106.67 Denmark 792 819 914 65 204 0.01 213.85 Finland 634 609 774 99 140 0.00 41.41 Ireland 514 479 543 74 163 0.01 120.27 Norway 813 1,007 1,134 75 203 0.01 170.67 Sweden 1,389 1,395 1,370 231 715 0.02 209.52 United Kingdom 6,362 7,357 8,038 1,046 1,861 0.06 77.92 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,055 6,164 7,282 533 1,699 0.05 218.76 Italy 3,090 3,748 4,272 417 768 0.02 84.17 Spain 1,965 2,416 3,010 116 931 0.03 702.59 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 539 COUNTRY TABLES KYRGYZSTAN / KIRGHIZISTAN / KIRGUISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 27,121 41,774 46,171 3,911 13,814 0.44 253.21 Austria 1,519 1,620 2,256 180 612 0.02 240.00 Belgium 2,208 2,540 3,257 193 888 0.03 360.10 France 7,446 8,353 9,247 635 2,875 0.09 352.76 Germany 10,298 22,529 24,749 2,367 7,577 0.24 220.11 Netherlands 2,791 3,451 3,548 222 678 0.02 205.41 Switzerland 2,859 3,281 3,114 314 1,184 0.04 277.07 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 62,329 56,567 61,160 14,996 29,601 0.93 97.39 Israel 3,347 4,650 3,834 141 968 0.03 586.52 Turkiye 58,982 51,917 57,326 14,855 28,633 0.90 92.75 MIDDLE EAST 5,140 9,994 6,761 191 3,395 0.11 1,677.49 Saudi Arabia 5,140 9,994 6,761 191 3,395 0.11 1,677.49 SOUTH ASIA 26,741 32,226 32,616 10,138 45,618 1.44 349.97 Afghanistan 3,362 1,218 1,278 501 902 0.03 80.04 India 19,527 25,947 20,066 2,424 15,913 0.50 556.48 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,875 1,846 1,845 355 711 0.02 100.28 Pakistan 1,977 3,215 9,427 6,858 28,092 0.89 309.62 NOT SPECIFIED 19,407 25,934 27,246 7,627 14,119 0.45 85.12 Other countries of the world 19,407 25,934 27,246 7,627 14,119 0.45 85.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 540 COUNTRY TABLES LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE POPULAIRE LAO / REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA POPULAR LAO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,868,838 4,186,432 4,791,065 886,447 AMERICAS 64,227 69,101 82,652 30,176 NORTH AMERICA 52,232 59,937 74,057 22,754 Canada 13,467 10,759 12,873 4,638 United States of America 38,765 49,1 78 61,184 18,116 OTHER AMERICAS 11,995 9,164 8,595 7,422 Other countries of the Americas 11,995 9,164 8,595 7,422 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,627,628 3,937,395 4,508,155 780,073 NORHT-EAST ASIA 846,149 1,024,046 1,274,610 191,475 China 639,185 805,833 1,022,727 138,466 Japan 32,064 38,985 41,736 11,085 Korea, Republic of 170,571 174,405 203,191 40,210 Taiwan Province of China 4,329 4,823 6,956 1,714 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,747,096 2,886,844 3,198,829 555,519 Brunei Darussalam 342 278 389 103 Cambodia 15,108 18,908 28,342 5,012 Indonesia 3,241 3,487 5,161 1,217 Malaysia 19,114 26,002 28,321 5,800 Myanmar 2,848 22,132 22,524 1,417 Philippines 10,168 10,826 17,187 3,679 Singapore 6,829 7,692 11,730 2,008 Thailand 1,797,803 1,929,934 2,160,300 350,103 Viet Nam 891,643 867,585 924,875 186,180 AUSTRALASIA 24,088 23,067 28,715 8,497 Australia 20,886 19,607 24,750 7,271 New Zealand 3,202 3,460 3,965 1,226 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,295 3,438 6,001 24,582 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 10,295 3,438 6,001 24,582 EUROPE 163,322 168,805 186,506 72,123 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 10,986 8,963 12,054 3,144 Russian Federation 10,986 8,963 12,054 3,144 NORTHERN EUROPE 38,761 40,695 42,552 16,256 Denmark 3,198 3,892 3,134 1,591 Finland 2,023 2,287 1,719 780 Norway 2,334 2,913 2,248 874 Sweden 3,483 4,802 3,475 1,419 United Kingdom 27,723 26,801 31,976 11,592 SOUTHERN EUROPE 12,607 12,027 14,073 4,473 Greece 481 520 586 246 Italy 7,537 6,198 7,330 2,751 Spain 4,589 5,309 6,157 1,476 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 541 COUNTRY TABLES LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE POPULAIRE LAO / REPUBLICA DEMOCRATICA POPULAR LAO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 81,237 88,342 96,570 32,569 Austria 2,874 3,237 3,320 1,250 Belgium 4,371 5,322 6,099 1,970 France 36,760 39,315 44,416 15,509 Germany 23,776 22,915 25,346 8,632 Netherlands 5,500 7,804 8,877 2,287 Switzerland 7,956 9,749 8,512 2,921 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,128 2,997 4,041 1,664 Israel 2,128 2,997 4,041 1,664 OTHER EUROPE 17,603 15,781 17,216 14,017 Other countries of Europe 1 7,603 15,781 17,216 14,017 SOUTH ASIA 4,343 4,864 8,152 1,743 India 4,343 4,864 8,152 1,743 NOT SPECIFIED 9,318 6,267 5,600 2,332 Other countries of the world 9,318 6,267 5,600 2,332 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 542 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 7,725,814 7,775,230 8,342,336 3,203,582 1,936,762 100.00 -39.54 AMERICAS 107,719 58,118 81,524 4,205 6,406 0.33 52.34 NORTH AMERICA 107,719 58,118 81,524 4,205 6,406 0.33 52.34 United States of America 107,719 58,118 81,524 4,205 6,406 0.33 52.34 EUROPE 7,411,016 7,514,138 7,980,628 3,162,448 1,876,430 96.88 -40.67 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,750,699 5,596,821 6,184,873 2,723,693 1,450,025 74.87 -46.76 Belarus 173,713 253,009 268,911 59,460 72,194 3.73 21.42 Czech Republic (Czechia) 45,771 40,979 64,062 13,087 14,978 0.77 14.45 Estonia 1,435,603 1,356,608 1,468,360 791,202 370,948 19.15 -53.12 Georgia 18,141 30,358 33,261 10,058 10,276 0.53 2.17 Hungary 11,445 10,005 11,428 6,038 4,087 0.21 -32.31 Kazakhstan 12,378 35,797 32,925 2,906 1,830 0.09 -37.03 Lithuania 2,896,613 2,733,702 2,826,029 1,341,188 568,963 29.38 -57.58 Poland 307,190 267,509 293,888 147,591 65,974 3.41 -55.30 Russian Federation 717,704 703,867 924,061 300,389 245,399 12.67 -18.31 Slovakia 24,742 16,828 19,183 5,868 4,758 0.25 -18.92 Ukraine 99,487 123,552 217,706 38,750 75,303 3.89 94.33 Uzbekistan 7,912 24,607 25,059 7,156 15,315 0.79 114.02 NORTHERN EUROPE 878,816 1,085,401 933,061 279,620 242,875 12.54 -13.14 Denmark 63,124 56,860 46,318 13,112 16,353 0.84 24.72 Finland 185,895 186,873 216,697 75,302 64,576 3.33 -14.24 Ireland 76,059 58,137 68,889 30,227 14,785 0.76 -51.09 Norway 72,599 84,434 83,042 22,884 21,623 1.12 -5.51 Sweden 214,906 336,988 204,835 70,347 37,292 1.93 -46.99 United Kingdom 266,233 362,109 313,280 67,748 88,246 4.56 30.26 SOUTHERN EUROPE 69,927 79,887 102,493 15,466 29,205 1.51 88.83 Italy 43,399 48,639 66,799 10,502 17,953 0.93 70.95 Spain 26,528 31,248 35,694 4,964 11,252 0.58 126.67 WESTERN EUROPE 674,510 710,089 705,554 139,775 145,332 7.50 3.98 Austria 43,602 71,340 25,883 8,546 10,476 0.54 22.58 Belgium 52,437 31,761 45,261 7,418 8,919 0.46 20.23 France 41,186 63,856 62,478 8,674 17,734 0.92 104.45 Germany 485,149 465,164 511,238 100,414 90,823 4.69 -9.55 Netherlands 29,724 36,804 23,153 8,975 13,241 0.68 47.53 Switzerland 22,412 41,164 37,541 5,748 4,139 0.21 -27.99 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 37,064 41,940 54,647 3,894 8,993 0.46 130.95 Israel 27,500 36,736 37,992 2,070 2,817 0.15 36.09 Turkiye 9,564 5,204 16,655 1,824 6,176 0.32 238.60 NOT SPECIFIED 207,079 202,974 280,184 36,929 53,926 2.78 46.03 Other countries of the world 207,079 202,974 280,184 36,929 53,926 2.78 46.03 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 543 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,778,973 1,925,397 1,945,919 714,975 442,188 100.00 -38.15 AFRICA 3,404 2,480 2,440 919 801 0.18 -12.84 EAST AFRICA 123 180 115 105 136 0.03 29.52 Kenya 107 103 54 61 110 0.02 80.33 Tanzania, United Republic of 7 22 25 28 8 0.00 -71.43 Uganda 4 39 24 12 18 0.00 50.00 Zimbabwe 5 16 12 4 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,158 106 208 93 147 0.03 58.06 Angola 146 18 23 19 14 0.00 -26.32 Cameroon 23 40 66 35 37 0.01 5.71 Central African Republic 19 24 27 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Congo 15 13 75 33 93 0.02 181.82 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 955 11 17 3 1 0.00 -66.67 NORTH AFRICA 522 563 414 155 50 0.01 -67.74 Algeria 171 113 84 26 8 0.00 -69.23 Morocco 266 368 231 76 24 0.01 -68.42 Tunisia 85 82 99 53 18 0.00 -66.04 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,220 1,070 1,002 284 210 0.05 -26.06 Eswatini 427 624 397 104 58 0.01 -44.23 Namibia 27 18 55 6 2 0.00 -66.67 South Africa 766 428 550 174 150 0.03 -13.79 WEST AFRICA 381 561 701 282 258 0.06 -8.51 Gambia 7 4 4 1 1 0.00 Ghana 29 80 82 48 15 0.00 -68.75 Liberia 12 9 23 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Mauritania 21 17 21 2 4 0.00 100.00 Niger 50 59 123 17 40 0.01 135.29 Nigeria 99 150 164 102 67 0.02 -34.31 Senegal 14 14 17 36 82 0.02 127.78 Sierra Leone 149 228 267 70 46 0.01 -34.29 AMERICAS 77,523 85,916 72,773 22,095 19,486 4.41 -11.81 CARIBBEAN 305 304 186 97 108 0.02 11.34 Antigua and Barbuda 150 233 43 61 76 0.02 24.59 Barbados 4 8 12 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Cuba 60 15 46 19 18 0.00 -5.26 Dominican Republic 27 27 42 6 10 0.00 66.67 Jamaica 64 21 43 6 3 0.00 -50.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 190 429 296 66 82 0.02 24.24 Belize 11 5 12 3 5 0.00 66.67 Costa Rica 124 286 209 32 56 0.01 75.00 Guatemala 22 38 26 21 14 0.00 -33.33 Panama 33 100 49 10 7 0.00 -30.00 NORTH AMERICA 71,244 77,422 66,927 20,909 18,270 4.13 -12.62 Canada 25,125 26,850 22,653 12,177 5,961 1.35 -51.05 Greenland 25 24 15 2 7 0.00 250.00 Mexico 1,334 1,258 967 148 198 0.04 33.78 United States of America 44,760 49,290 43,292 8,582 12,104 2.74 41.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 544 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 5,784 7,761 5,364 1,023 1,026 0.23 0.29 Argentina 1,788 2,370 1,124 158 433 0.10 1 74.05 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 14 50 37 1 1 0.00 Brazil 2,679 3,591 2,829 585 238 0.05 -59.32 Chile 459 474 416 107 94 0.02 -12.15 Colombia 295 524 369 96 139 0.03 44.79 Ecuador 81 184 157 22 27 0.01 22.73 Peru 150 266 168 15 49 0.01 226.67 Suriname 39 80 39 11 8 0.00 -27.27 Uruguay 174 141 152 24 27 0.01 12.50 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 105 81 73 4 10 0.00 150.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 73,417 80,894 70,957 7,902 3,729 0.84 -52.81 NORHT-EAST ASIA 60,745 65,399 55,347 5,329 2,368 0.54 -55.56 China 22,774 22,738 20,233 1,992 1,308 0.30 -34.34 Hong Kong, China 2,358 3,085 1,538 271 25 0.01 -90.77 Japan 24,576 29,534 20,416 2,358 396 0.09 -83.21 Korea, Republic of 7,056 6,953 8,341 377 579 0.13 53.58 Mongolia 246 195 146 12 22 0.00 83.33 Taiwan Province of China 3,735 2,894 4,673 319 38 0.01 -88.09 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 4,407 6,499 6,920 1,240 740 0.17 -40.32 Indonesia 436 1,090 895 135 57 0.01 -57.78 Lao People's Democratic Republic 40 44 65 13 11 0.00 -15.38 Malaysia 774 1,173 1,866 127 28 0.01 -77.95 Philippines 411 558 544 346 323 0.07 -6.65 Singapore 904 1,270 1,295 211 106 0.02 -49.76 Thailand 1,674 2,077 1,821 313 190 0.04 -39.30 Viet Nam 168 287 434 95 25 0.01 -73.68 AUSTRALASIA 8,265 8,996 8,690 1,333 621 0.14 -53.41 Australia 7,421 8,084 7,721 1,126 594 0.13 -47.25 New Zealand 844 912 969 207 27 0.01 -86.96 EUROPE 1,609,556 1,738,326 1,779,935 676,765 414,214 93.67 -38.80 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 750,068 815,801 864,892 440,468 214,086 48.42 -51.40 Armenia 1,445 1,807 1,333 301 551 0.12 83.06 Azerbaijan 2,358 2,988 2,121 490 576 0.13 17.55 Belarus 36,647 38,373 39,977 8,942 4,333 0.98 -51.54 Bulgaria 3,061 4,384 3,271 718 1,137 0.26 58.36 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,446 11,514 13,339 3,171 5,525 1.25 74.24 Estonia 161,212 169,666 171,062 137,423 53,710 12.15 -60.92 Georgia 3,079 4,680 6,130 1,230 1,035 0.23 -15.85 Hungary 6,911 7,750 7,830 1,892 2,103 0.48 11.15 Kazakhstan 3,693 4,710 6,104 992 937 0.21 -5.54 Kyrgyzstan 613 771 547 52 186 0.04 257.69 Lithuania 181,258 190,931 209,536 178,425 83,866 18.97 -53.00 Moldova, Republic of 1,089 1,990 1,419 350 314 0.07 -10.29 Poland 50,769 60,328 63,449 16,777 22,354 5.06 33.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 545 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Romania 5,378 6,067 6,222 1,689 2,372 0.54 40.44 Russian Federation 241,435 259,028 279,390 72,503 20,166 4.56 -72.19 Slovakia 3,565 3,867 3,681 1,452 1,659 0.38 14.26 Tajikistan 255 378 286 52 64 0.01 23.08 Turkmenistan 196 369 173 35 4 0.00 -88.57 Ukraine 29,571 39,256 44,004 11,251 11,591 2.62 3.02 Uzbekistan 8,087 6,944 5,018 2,723 1,603 0.36 -41.13 NORTHERN EUROPE 396,841 415,452 404,729 129,303 66,511 15.04 -48.56 Denmark 26,792 31,036 31,328 6,467 7,280 1.65 12.57 Finland 114,899 114,584 110,792 68,821 13,299 3.01 -80.68 Iceland 3,647 4,884 4,303 1,166 1,701 0.38 45.88 Ireland 8,981 10,276 10,456 4,115 4,207 0.95 2.24 Norway 70,706 66,733 62,821 11,394 6,837 1.55 -39.99 Sweden 76,459 79,668 77,079 11,963 10,171 2.30 -14.98 United Kingdom 95,357 108,271 107,950 25,377 23,016 5.21 -9.30 SOUTHERN EUROPE 102,247 111,693 107,312 20,609 29,783 6.74 44.51 Albania 386 445 739 169 113 0.03 -33.14 Andorra 927 411 676 296 173 0.04 -41.55 Bosnia and Herzegovina 223 316 320 51 267 0.06 423.53 Croatia 2,987 2,778 2,773 873 1,189 0.27 36.20 Gibraltar 31 15 14 10 196 0.04 1,860.00 Greece 5,950 6,803 4,764 1,002 2,330 0.53 132.53 Italy 45,909 48,301 44,051 10,637 12,340 2.79 16.01 Malta 1,074 1,851 1,876 589 847 0.19 43.80 Montenegro 222 223 372 64 127 0.03 98.44 North Macedonia 539 575 494 262 267 0.06 1.91 Portugal 5,000 6,028 6,173 1,365 2,005 0.45 46.89 San Marino 20 30 232 14 7 0.00 -50.00 Serbia 1,041 1,084 1,041 580 651 0.15 12.24 Slovenia 2,745 3,032 3,177 746 1,194 0.27 60.05 Spain 35,193 39,801 40,610 3,951 8,077 1.83 104.43 WESTERN EUROPE 330,375 363,697 377,180 81,473 97,842 22.13 20.09 Austria 16,212 1 7,424 15,800 3,024 5,113 1.16 69.08 Belgium 16,215 1 7,864 16,661 4,242 5,497 1.24 29.59 France 39,482 45,989 46,326 8,312 12,021 2.72 44.62 Germany 207,836 225,927 242,988 53,417 60,089 13.59 12.49 Liechtenstein 149 106 162 173 33 0.01 -80.92 Luxembourg 1,350 1,184 1,511 314 611 0.14 94.59 Monaco 78 74 140 41 62 0.01 51.22 Netherlands 28,071 32,341 31,762 8,281 9,602 2.17 15.95 Switzerland 20,982 22,788 21,830 3,669 4,814 1.09 31.21 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 30,025 31,683 25,822 4,912 5,992 1.36 21.99 Cyprus 1,289 1,962 2,423 1,379 732 0.17 -46.92 Israel 18,843 20,268 15,780 1,897 3,098 0.70 63.31 Turkiye 9,893 9,453 7,619 1,636 2,162 0.49 32.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 546 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 3,615 3,207 3,626 894 945 0.21 5.70 Bahrain 49 30 58 9 19 0.00 111.11 Egypt 606 915 703 99 121 0.03 22.22 Iraq 307 158 151 66 55 0.01 -16.67 Jordan 140 156 179 61 55 0.01 -9.84 Kuwait 158 161 152 9 21 0.00 133.33 Lebanon 255 244 281 43 23 0.01 -46.51 Libya 48 64 83 28 16 0.00 -42.86 Qatar 62 75 159 31 52 0.01 67.74 Saudi Arabia 288 301 542 60 85 0.02 41.67 Syrian Arab Republic 99 143 114 27 7 0.00 -74.07 United Arab Emirates 1,598 953 1,190 461 491 0.11 6.51 Yemen 5 7 14 SOUTH ASIA 7,285 10,946 10,951 4,820 1,727 0.39 -64.17 Afghanistan 428 589 786 175 183 0.04 4.57 Bangladesh 87 121 135 29 16 0.00 -44.83 India 5,476 8,827 8,508 3,758 1,257 0.28 -66.55 Iran, Islamic Republic of 659 678 607 212 139 0.03 -34.43 Nepal 17 61 134 36 16 0.00 -55.56 Pakistan 368 313 341 124 96 0.02 -22.58 Sri Lanka 250 357 440 486 20 0.00 -95.88 NOT SPECIFIED 4,173 3,628 5,237 1,580 1,286 0.29 -18.61 Other countries of the world 4,173 3,628 5,237 1,580 1,286 0.29 -18.61 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 547 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,406,527 3,742,966 3,851,303 1,504,305 863,387 100.00 -42.61 AFRICA 5,737 5,203 5,459 2,548 1,516 0.18 -40.50 EAST AFRICA 234 300 472 532 309 0.04 -41.92 Kenya 190 163 92 118 210 0.02 77.97 Tanzania, United Republic of 15 32 32 44 14 0.00 -68.18 Uganda 18 74 327 366 85 0.01 -76.78 Zimbabwe 11 31 21 4 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,634 438 847 244 299 0.03 22.54 Angola 248 40 43 19 15 0.00 -21.05 Cameroon 26 58 231 103 94 0.01 -8.74 Central African Republic 25 56 38 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Congo 79 83 315 105 186 0.02 77.14 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,256 201 220 13 2 0.00 -84.62 NORTH AFRICA 907 1,013 695 404 137 0.02 -66.09 Algeria 255 175 116 44 14 0.00 -68.18 Morocco 464 633 396 207 79 0.01 -61.84 Tunisia 188 205 183 153 44 0.01 -71.24 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,870 2,094 2,151 677 262 0.03 -61.30 Eswatini 604 969 736 146 75 0.01 -48.63 Namibia 45 26 77 12 8 0.00 -33.33 South Africa 1,221 1,099 1,338 519 179 0.02 -65.51 WEST AFRICA 1,092 1,358 1,294 691 509 0.06 -26.34 Gambia 13 4 4 1 1 0.00 Ghana 61 172 239 149 23 0.00 -84.56 Liberia 18 16 36 8 6 0.00 -25.00 Mauritania 44 34 39 4 4 0.00 Niger 162 139 215 40 55 0.01 37.50 Nigeria 493 588 310 276 132 0.02 -52.17 Senegal 51 26 56 107 217 0.03 102.80 Sierra Leone 250 379 395 106 71 0.01 -33.02 AMERICAS 141,831 167,842 132,260 34,808 42,313 4.90 21.56 CARIBBEAN 365 665 279 138 181 0.02 31.16 Antigua and Barbuda 166 538 63 79 125 0.01 58.23 Barbados 10 18 28 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Cuba 68 21 68 33 24 0.00 -27.27 Dominican Republic 34 40 61 7 16 0.00 128.57 Jamaica 87 48 59 12 15 0.00 25.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 351 702 603 88 111 0.01 26.14 Belize 18 7 20 4 9 0.00 125.00 Costa Rica 251 500 376 45 78 0.01 73.33 Guatemala 33 62 120 25 15 0.00 -40.00 Panama 49 133 87 14 9 0.00 -35.71 NORTH AMERICA 130,108 151,840 120,835 32,827 40,016 4.63 21.90 Canada 35,979 42,713 31,240 16,361 15,868 1.84 -3.01 Greenland 70 39 34 2 26 0.00 1,200.00 Mexico 2,304 2,154 1,825 300 366 0.04 22.00 United States of America 91,755 106,934 87,736 16,164 23,756 2.75 46.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 548 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 11,007 14,635 10,543 1,755 2,005 0.23 14.25 Argentina 3,366 4,374 2,135 229 648 0.08 182.97 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 20 118 109 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Brazil 5,002 6,837 5,719 1,061 768 0.09 -27.62 Chile 801 814 758 171 148 0.02 -13.45 Colombia 517 1,177 762 141 215 0.02 52.48 Ecuador 148 326 323 51 52 0.01 1.96 Peru 597 431 287 19 70 0.01 268.42 Suriname 68 116 58 13 29 0.00 123.08 Uruguay 318 243 251 43 51 0.01 18.60 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 170 199 141 22 23 0.00 4.55 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 113,234 128,540 123,102 16,676 9,322 1.08 -44.10 NORHT-EAST ASIA 89,088 98,547 93,449 11,630 7,159 0.83 -38.44 China 37,774 39,589 37,574 5,518 3,978 0.46 -27.91 Hong Kong, China 2,631 3,954 2,682 511 41 0.00 -91.98 Japan 33,103 39,949 31,984 3,622 1,397 0.16 -61.43 Korea, Republic of 10,690 10,854 13,828 1,108 1,632 0.19 47.29 Mongolia 419 352 248 22 26 0.00 18.18 Taiwan Province of China 4,471 3,849 7,133 849 85 0.01 -89.99 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 7,403 10,651 12,438 2,416 1,038 0.12 -57.04 Indonesia 774 1,692 1,549 363 92 0.01 -74.66 Lao People's Democratic Republic 64 75 86 18 14 0.00 -22.22 Malaysia 1,240 2,036 3,499 209 34 0.00 -83.73 Philippines 770 1,071 969 551 407 0.05 -26.13 Singapore 1,544 2,190 2,483 604 194 0.02 -67.88 Thailand 2,723 3,052 3,012 538 243 0.03 -54.83 Viet Nam 288 535 840 133 54 0.01 -59.40 AUSTRALASIA 16,743 19,342 17,215 2,630 1,125 0.13 -57.22 Australia 15,157 1 7,266 15,419 2,182 1,095 0.13 -49.82 New Zealand 1,586 2,076 1,796 448 30 0.00 -93.30 EUROPE 3,074,489 3,328,756 3,452,524 1,351,675 802,614 92.96 -40.62 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,433,719 1,544,633 1,666,933 868,180 412,339 47.76 -52.51 Armenia 2,803 3,310 2,541 638 719 0.08 12.70 Azerbaijan 7,570 6,862 5,257 1,377 1,462 0.17 6.17 Belarus 105,896 113,008 125,417 28,155 8,930 1.03 -68.28 Bulgaria 5,387 7,239 5,751 1,182 2,285 0.26 93.32 Czech Republic (Czechia) 16,835 19,805 25,438 5,362 11,609 1.34 116.51 Estonia 233,865 253,055 259,992 227,991 92,146 10.67 -59.58 Georgia 10,082 9,944 11,909 2,652 1,953 0.23 -26.36 Hungary 10,453 11,629 14,116 3,750 3,998 0.46 6.61 Kazakhstan 10,180 11,421 12,843 3,621 2,638 0.31 -27.15 Kyrgyzstan 1,285 1,769 1,077 308 226 0.03 -26.62 Lithuania 301,727 318,396 363,117 328,137 151,262 17.52 -53.90 Moldova, Republic of 2,417 2,993 3,052 722 1,010 0.12 39.89 Poland 79,626 96,539 99,327 32,725 42,857 4.96 30.96 Romania 10,331 10,380 11,000 3,457 5,195 0.60 50.27 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 549 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Russian Federation 500,631 537,560 580,959 157,049 43,223 5.01 -72.48 Slovakia 6,876 6,859 7,491 2,982 4,060 0.47 36.15 Tajikistan 489 655 477 622 144 0.02 -76.85 Turkmenistan 354 624 456 162 4 0.00 -97.53 Ukraine 57,734 73,661 91,125 27,959 27,768 3.22 -0.68 Uzbekistan 69,1 78 58,924 45,588 39,329 10,850 1.26 -72.41 NORTHERN EUROPE 767,585 820,778 812,647 275,648 131,366 15.22 -52.34 Denmark 51,430 59,811 62,510 14,002 16,011 1.85 14.35 Finland 209,393 208,000 205,169 121,921 24,833 2.88 -79.63 Iceland 6,140 9,138 8,716 2,029 3,237 0.37 59.54 Ireland 1 7,628 21,383 22,255 8,729 8,134 0.94 -6.82 Norway 144,589 140,508 131,903 23,560 14,095 1.63 -40.17 Sweden 151,896 165,588 164,318 51,691 19,714 2.28 -61.86 United Kingdom 186,509 216,350 217,776 53,716 45,342 5.25 -15.59 SOUTHERN EUROPE 186,006 206,244 199,836 39,703 55,818 6.47 40.59 Albania 953 945 1,349 255 166 0.02 -34.90 Andorra 1,903 706 1,052 524 298 0.03 -43.13 Bosnia and Herzegovina 343 503 516 85 508 0.06 497.65 Croatia 4,451 5,234 4,785 1,156 2,049 0.24 77.25 Gibraltar 46 31 51 11 342 0.04 3,009.09 Greece 9,783 11,768 8,847 1,902 3,804 0.44 100.00 Italy 83,349 88,513 82,531 20,275 24,879 2.88 22.71 Malta 1,780 3,744 4,249 1,124 1,785 0.21 58.81 Montenegro 356 433 735 174 143 0.02 -17.82 North Macedonia 801 953 926 279 381 0.04 36.56 Portugal 12,305 13,619 13,110 3,631 3,497 0.41 -3.69 San Marino 30 56 312 15 7 0.00 -53.33 Serbia 1,532 1,892 1,730 813 912 0.11 12.18 Slovenia 4,607 5,061 5,423 1,339 2,104 0.24 57.13 Spain 63,767 72,786 74,220 8,120 14,943 1.73 84.03 WESTERN EUROPE 617,883 686,657 710,611 158,100 190,719 22.09 20.63 Austria 28,539 32,356 31,016 6,341 9,141 1.06 44.16 Belgium 30,105 33,548 30,815 7,094 9,796 1.13 38.09 France 72,471 89,459 89,871 15,515 23,297 2.70 50.16 Germany 391,172 422,112 454,777 104,044 118,413 13.71 13.81 Liechtenstein 261 164 278 339 70 0.01 -79.35 Luxembourg 2,372 2,294 2,521 599 1,272 0.15 112.35 Monaco 190 129 384 91 116 0.01 27.47 Netherlands 53,571 62,359 57,856 15,868 17,693 2.05 11.50 Switzerland 39,202 44,236 43,093 8,209 10,921 1.26 33.04 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 69,296 70,444 62,497 10,044 12,372 1.43 23.18 Cyprus 2,359 4,042 5,072 2,770 1,603 0.19 -42.13 Israel 48,326 48,203 41,313 3,710 6,504 0.75 75.31 Turkiye 18,611 18,199 16,112 3,564 4,265 0.49 19.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 550 COUNTRY TABLES LATVIA / LETTONIE / LETONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 8,579 7,247 8,366 2,241 1,657 0.19 -26.06 Bahrain 100 45 141 23 21 0.00 -8.70 Egypt 2,655 2,273 2,085 227 197 0.02 -13.22 Iraq 437 290 524 478 83 0.01 -82.64 Jordan 305 293 452 117 85 0.01 -27.35 Kuwait 502 395 373 17 36 0.00 111.76 Lebanon 431 460 568 71 65 0.01 -8.45 Libya 116 148 129 42 37 0.00 -11.90 Qatar 109 184 286 50 83 0.01 66.00 Saudi Arabia 537 624 1,002 171 166 0.02 -2.92 Syrian Arab Republic 535 588 564 398 14 0.00 -96.48 United Arab Emirates 2,845 1,934 2,214 647 870 0.10 34.47 Yemen 7 13 28 SOUTH ASIA 55,931 99,159 120,763 93,603 4,019 0.47 -95.71 Afghanistan 638 796 1,140 271 253 0.03 -6.64 Bangladesh 511 511 609 179 25 0.00 -86.03 India 47,510 87,132 105,167 79,731 2,864 0.33 -96.41 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,572 2,255 1,290 466 210 0.02 -54.94 Nepal 24 92 215 59 16 0.00 -72.88 Pakistan 1,209 1,331 1,630 937 534 0.06 -43.01 Sri Lanka 3,467 7,042 10,712 11,960 117 0.01 -99.02 NOT SPECIFIED 6,726 6,219 8,829 2,754 1,946 0.23 -29.34 Other countries of the world 6,726 6,219 8,829 2,754 1,946 0.23 -29.34 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 551 COUNTRY TABLES LEBANON / LIBAN / LIBANO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,856,795 1,963,917 1,936,320 414,168 889,953 100.00 114.88 AFRICA 137,808 138,880 92,683 20,225 42,530 4.78 110.28 EAST AFRICA 90,150 87,095 29,306 7,306 20,593 2.31 181.86 Burundi 58 61 55 12 20 0.00 66.67 Comoros 97 100 68 13 6 0.00 -53.85 Djibouti 47 56 53 8 8 0.00 Eritrea 228 253 241 39 34 0.00 -12.82 Ethiopia 84,412 80,767 23,134 5,430 12,232 1.37 125.27 Kenya 1,921 2,094 2,363 690 6,327 0.71 816.96 Madagascar 494 428 409 107 102 0.01 -4.67 Malawi 198 173 200 67 196 0.02 192.54 Mauritius 155 161 120 27 46 0.01 70.37 Mozambique 266 287 361 119 404 0.05 239.50 Rwanda 100 112 102 45 63 0.01 40.00 Seychelles 39 51 54 7 23 0.00 228.57 Somalia 546 436 348 88 189 0.02 114.77 Tanzania, United Republic of 521 971 812 373 322 0.04 -13.67 Uganda 464 529 527 110 280 0.03 154.55 Zambia 226 250 230 90 217 0.02 141.11 Zimbabwe 378 366 229 81 124 0.01 53.09 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,784 1,811 1,516 373 937 0.11 151.21 Angola 111 165 119 24 88 0.01 266.67 Cameroon 634 624 812 164 425 0.05 159.15 Central African Republic 56 36 46 13 23 0.00 76.92 Chad 78 58 54 12 79 0.01 558.33 Congo 509 557 102 32 45 0.01 40.63 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 9 Equatorial Guinea 27 26 54 32 46 0.01 43.75 Gabon 366 335 322 95 229 0.03 141.05 Sao Tome and Principe 3 1 7 1 2 0.00 100.00 NORTH AFRICA 27,405 29,220 27,396 5,193 6,513 0.73 25.42 Algeria 5,860 7,213 7,496 1,353 1,141 0.13 -15.67 Morocco 8,933 9,426 9,163 1,848 2,183 0.25 18.13 Sudan 3,856 3,611 3,293 735 1,148 0.13 56.19 Tunisia 8,756 8,970 7,444 1,257 2,041 0.23 62.37 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,666 3,303 2,337 309 640 0.07 107.12 Botswana 8 10 30 1 5 0.00 400.00 Eswatini 3 6 1 0.00 Lesotho 10 6 13 1 1 0.00 Namibia 10 24 33 6 9 0.00 50.00 South Africa 2,638 3,260 2,255 301 624 0.07 107.31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 552 COUNTRY TABLES LEBANON / LIBAN / LIBANO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 15,803 17,451 32,128 7,044 13,847 1.56 96.58 Benin 664 731 1,096 312 886 0.10 183.97 Burkina Faso 692 686 712 219 478 0.05 118.26 Cabo Verde 9 19 13 5 10 0.00 100.00 Cote d'lvoire 2,507 2,720 2,881 983 2,346 0.26 138.66 Gambia 407 452 536 161 337 0.04 109.32 Ghana 3,706 4,612 13,377 2,549 2,591 0.29 1.65 Guinea 446 376 384 94 234 0.03 148.94 Guinea-Bissau 71 67 124 17 31 0.00 82.35 Liberia 203 245 162 53 104 0.01 96.23 Mali 206 242 241 42 116 0.01 176.19 Mauritania 352 307 281 50 66 0.01 32.00 Niger 94 57 97 28 32 0.00 14.29 Nigeria 2,789 3,295 6,990 1,422 1,850 0.21 30.10 Senegal 1,931 1,877 1,805 385 917 0.10 138.18 Sierra Leone 1,043 1,039 2,416 517 3,310 0.37 540.23 Togo 683 726 1,013 207 539 0.06 160.39 AMERICAS 327,536 357,764 363,718 72,585 184,312 20.71 153.93 CARIBBEAN 2,360 2,557 2,499 503 1,434 0.16 185.09 Antigua and Barbuda 442 619 642 132 364 0.04 175.76 Bahamas 4 6 4 3 0.00 Barbados 25 31 23 11 27 0.00 145.45 Cuba 231 249 197 21 57 0.01 1 71.43 Dominican Republic 533 550 382 35 125 0.01 257.14 Grenada 28 44 54 10 66 0.01 560.00 Haiti 42 66 58 5 24 0.00 380.00 Jamaica 40 42 47 2 10 0.00 400.00 Puerto Rico 3 Saint Kitts and Nevis 856 790 960 262 739 0.08 182.06 Saint Lucia 7 14 6 3 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 14 37 16 1 3 0.00 200.00 Trinidad and Tobago 138 109 107 24 13 0.00 -45.83 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,657 1,724 1,791 428 980 0.11 128.97 Belize 288 295 330 72 186 0.02 158.33 Costa Rica 255 251 308 59 147 0.02 149.15 El Salvador 28 89 110 66 9 0.00 -86.36 Guatemala 137 124 94 13 57 0.01 338.46 Honduras 55 61 76 9 18 0.00 100.00 Nicaragua 33 19 35 3 19 0.00 533.33 Panama 861 885 838 206 544 0.06 164.08 NORTH AMERICA 282,085 308,633 311,042 61,414 162,949 18.31 165.33 Canada 107,713 114,137 113,063 22,664 52,587 5.91 132.03 Mexico 3,262 4,032 5,308 646 1,037 0.12 60.53 United States of America 171,110 190,464 192,671 38,104 109,325 12.28 186.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 553 COUNTRY TABLES LEBANON / LIBAN / LIBANO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 41,434 44,850 48,386 10,240 18,949 2.13 85.05 Argentina 2,466 2,780 2,950 566 790 0.09 39.58 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 158 111 99 19 33 0.00 73.68 Brazil 21,947 25,014 27,966 6,537 11,528 1.30 76.35 Chile 854 756 978 180 276 0.03 53.33 Colombia 1,973 2,296 2,488 464 1,124 0.13 142.24 Ecuador 258 329 299 45 113 0.01 151.11 Paraguay 617 646 592 164 407 0.05 148.17 Peru 323 412 413 81 92 0.01 13.58 Suriname 38 49 49 7 12 0.00 71.43 Uruguay 192 225 500 81 318 0.04 292.59 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 12,608 12,232 12,052 2,096 4,256 0.48 103.05 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 137,933 147,354 138,145 21,548 28,342 3.18 31.53 NORHT-EAST ASIA 13,910 16,401 18,244 3,284 3,494 0.39 6.39 China 7,730 9,467 10,823 1,781 1,848 0.21 3.76 Hong Kong, China 180 290 65 5 Japan 2,448 3,080 3,038 615 365 0.04 -40.65 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 320 164 219 16 54 0.01 237.50 Korea, Republic of 2,988 3,013 3,688 795 1,132 0.13 42.39 Mongolia 26 81 5 2 51 0.01 2,450.00 Taiwan Province of China 218 306 406 70 44 0.00 -37.14 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 42,192 43,346 41,743 9,660 13,786 1.55 42.71 Brunei Darussalam 113 63 90 33 44 0.00 33.33 Cambodia 232 249 249 10 11 0.00 10.00 Indonesia 5,567 6,208 5,181 1,839 2,620 0.29 42.47 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 6 8 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Malaysia 3,301 3,096 3,538 2,184 1,665 0.19 -23.76 Myanmar 66 56 44 10 14 0.00 40.00 Philippines 31,778 32,321 31,265 5,401 9,271 1.04 71.65 Singapore 558 637 645 63 64 0.01 1.59 Thailand 431 544 592 81 75 0.01 -7.41 Viet Nam 144 166 131 36 21 0.00 -41.67 AUSTRALASIA 80,460 86,182 77,497 8,543 10,870 1.22 27.24 Australia 78,664 84,218 75,589 8,265 10,575 1.19 27.95 New Zealand 1,796 1,964 1,908 278 295 0.03 6.12 MELANESIA 1,330 1,396 648 59 192 0.02 225.42 Fiji 1,318 1,372 603 33 106 0.01 221.21 Papua New Guinea 1 1 5 2 Vanuatu 11 23 40 24 86 0.01 258.33 MICRONESIA 9 4 1 Kiribati 9 4 1 POLYNESIA 32 25 13 1 Samoa 32 25 13 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 554 COUNTRY TABLES LEBANON / LIBAN / LIBANO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 642,010 708,870 723,474 178,568 388,869 43.70 117.77 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 76,180 85,366 88,430 21,465 37,303 4.19 73.79 Armenia 12,490 13,680 13,923 3,614 6,827 0.77 88.90 Azerbaijan 499 529 430 116 163 0.02 40.52 Belarus 3,129 3,379 3,129 857 1,278 0.14 49.12 Bulgaria 3,122 3,638 3,629 820 1,541 0.17 87.93 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,911 3,248 3,362 795 1,460 0.16 83.65 Estonia 378 446 345 61 109 0.01 78.69 Georgia 489 582 429 114 207 0.02 81.58 Hungary 1,934 2,304 2,455 432 958 0.11 121.76 Kazakhstan 1,158 1,375 1,472 298 470 0.05 57.72 Kyrgyzstan 321 393 400 90 172 0.02 91.11 Latvia 453 507 550 109 208 0.02 90.83 Lithuania 924 1,470 941 154 280 0.03 81.82 Moldova, Republic of 1,202 1,165 1,076 229 440 0.05 92.14 Poland 4,775 5,957 9,271 2,112 2,764 0.31 30.87 Romania 7,737 8,587 8,364 2,085 3,981 0.45 90.94 Russian Federation 20,080 22,075 22,436 5,294 9,192 1.03 73.63 Slovakia 1,274 1,587 1,938 249 551 0.06 121.29 Tajikistan 143 167 105 34 64 0.01 88.24 Turkmenistan 218 235 363 76 62 0.01 -18.42 Ukraine 12,397 13,311 13,099 3,769 6,247 0.70 65.75 Uzbekistan 546 731 713 157 329 0.04 109.55 NORTHERN EUROPE 140,634 155,821 156,896 37,929 88,335 9.93 132.90 Denmark 17,240 18,146 16,942 4,175 10,559 1.19 152.91 Finland 3,725 3,719 3,075 1,174 1,463 0.16 24.62 Iceland 114 165 199 29 49 0.01 68.97 Ireland 6,653 7,834 8,995 2,318 2,292 0.26 -1.12 Norway 5,584 6,616 6,355 1,315 2,678 0.30 103.65 Sweden 38,958 44,032 47,153 11,939 42,932 4.82 259.59 United Kingdom 68,360 75,309 74,177 16,979 28,362 3.19 67.04 SOUTHERN EUROPE 71,612 78,565 80,442 16,521 25,840 2.90 56.41 Albania 138 184 152 61 104 0.01 70.49 Andorra 9 10 11 4 0.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 327 338 282 68 81 0.01 19.12 Croatia 1,241 1,697 1,555 277 398 0.04 43.68 Greece 13,702 13,558 13,537 2,670 4,090 0.46 53.18 Holy See 107 90 89 26 40 0.00 53.85 Italy 33,642 37,013 37,687 7,277 11,626 1.31 59.76 Malta 400 453 393 99 134 0.02 35.35 North Macedonia 263 323 358 63 108 0.01 71.43 Portugal 2,406 2,754 2,602 523 689 0.08 31.74 San Marino 15 17 56 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Serbia 2,410 2,643 2,601 478 1,050 0.12 119.67 Slovenia 529 638 736 138 171 0.02 23.91 Spain 16,423 18,847 20,383 4,838 7,343 0.83 51.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 555 COUNTRY TABLES LEBANON / LIBAN / LIBANO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 315,091 344,724 351,558 91,421 216,337 24.31 136.64 Austria 6,091 6,661 6,607 1,409 3,025 0.34 114.69 Belgium 16,577 18,346 18,618 5,026 11,157 1.25 121.99 France 164,924 181,321 181,127 46,219 86,239 9.69 86.59 Germany 96,711 104,167 106,379 30,083 90,941 10.22 202.30 Liechtenstein 19 27 19 1 5 0.00 400.00 Luxembourg 302 432 437 71 211 0.02 197.18 Monaco 34 40 54 7 12 0.00 71.43 Netherlands 13,1 72 14,759 19,941 4,390 16,303 1.83 271.37 Switzerland 1 7,261 18,971 18,376 4,215 8,444 0.95 100.33 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 38,493 44,394 46,148 11,232 21,054 2.37 87.45 Cyprus 8,654 11,650 12,298 1,966 2,841 0.32 44.51 Turkiye 29,839 32,744 33,850 9,266 18,213 2.05 96.56 MIDDLE EAST 532,695 532,263 546,063 106,869 228,903 25.72 114.19 Bahrain 8,756 7,956 8,653 1,670 4,199 0.47 151.44 Egypt 82,282 92,173 92,533 23,364 38,633 4.34 65.35 Iraq 226,930 211,589 196,265 52,903 142,830 16.05 169.98 Jordan 90,077 92,920 87,477 13,245 23,534 2.64 77.68 Kuwait 40,886 40,382 43,285 4,105 8,762 0.98 113.45 Libya 2,757 2,711 2,113 469 922 0.10 96.59 Oman 4,521 4,301 3,969 405 709 0.08 75.06 Qatar 5,578 12,256 15,317 1,144 3,079 0.35 169.14 Saudi Arabia 64,270 61,547 88,142 6,815 2,393 0.27 -64.89 United Arab Emirates 1,891 1,770 2,868 1,436 2,182 0.25 51.95 Yemen 4,747 4,658 5,441 1,313 1,660 0.19 26.43 SOUTH ASIA 78,112 78,068 71,495 14,148 16,518 1.86 16.75 Afghanistan 832 640 624 190 310 0.03 63.16 Bangladesh 16,764 14,320 12,977 3,015 2,918 0.33 -3.22 Bhutan 56 61 56 31 35 0.00 12.90 India 18,331 20,242 20,135 3,911 4,781 0.54 22.24 Iran, Islamic Republic of 23,548 23,209 18,429 3,225 4,518 0.51 40.09 Maldives 6 11 29 1 5 0.00 400.00 Nepal 2,993 3,373 1,947 793 881 0.10 11.10 Pakistan 10,783 11,634 13,151 2,063 2,204 0.25 6.83 Sri Lanka 4,799 4,578 4,147 919 866 0.10 -5.77 NOT SPECIFIED 701 718 742 225 479 0.05 112.89 Other countries of the world 701 718 742 225 479 0.05 112.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 556 COUNTRY TABLES LESOTHO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,137,166 1,172,648 1,142,381 278,641 100.00 AFRICA 1,060,842 1,103,966 1,064,147 262,435 94.18 EAST AFRICA 32,591 29,743 33,443 8,252 2.96 Kenya 547 384 604 117 0.04 Malawi 3,704 3,331 3,346 633 0.23 Mauritius 1,433 917 1,131 360 0.13 Mozambique 2,669 1,640 1,715 463 0.17 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,047 955 920 225 0.08 Uganda 455 372 678 205 0.07 Zambia 1,745 1,737 1,821 515 0.18 Zimbabwe 20,991 20,407 23,228 5,734 2.06 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,021,299 1,068,246 1,024,212 251,896 90.40 Botswana 7,513 6,916 8,791 1,585 0.57 Eswatini 3,930 4,897 5,439 962 0.35 South Africa 1,009,856 1,056,433 1,009,982 249,349 89.49 WEST AFRICA 2,804 2,580 1,914 1,017 0.36 Ghana 413 175 319 141 0.05 Nigeria 2,391 2,405 1,595 876 0.31 OTHER AFRICA 4,148 3,397 4,578 1,270 0.46 Other countries of Africa 4,148 3,397 4,578 1,270 0.46 AMERICAS 10,413 10,597 11,260 1,794 0.64 NORTH AMERICA 9,863 10,103 10,525 1,784 0.64 Canada 1,274 1,371 1,286 142 0.05 United States of America 8,589 8,732 9,239 1,642 0.59 OTHER AMERICAS 550 494 735 10 0.00 Other countries of the Americas 550 494 735 10 0.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,937 16,103 24,314 7,645 2.74 NORHT-EAST ASIA 11,550 7,241 11,827 5,095 1.83 China 7,830 6,099 7,971 2,571 0.92 Taiwan Province of China 3,720 1,142 3,856 2,524 0.91 AUSTRALASIA 893 685 826 61 0.02 Australia 893 685 826 61 0.02 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,494 8,177 11,661 2,489 0.89 Other countries of Asia 11,494 8,177 11,661 2,489 0.89 EUROPE 35,353 34,983 35,566 3,538 1.27 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,811 5,980 6,962 968 0.35 Denmark 393 347 291 25 0.01 Ireland 456 517 692 181 0.06 Sweden 408 236 255 58 0.02 United Kingdom 5,554 4,880 5,724 704 0.25 SOUTHERN EUROPE 596 413 693 99 0.04 Italy 596 413 693 99 0.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 557 COUNTRY TABLES LESOTHO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 19,960 20,205 19,119 1,320 0.47 France 1,772 1,888 1,985 439 0.16 Germany 8,913 9,477 8,957 558 0.20 Netherlands 9,275 8,840 8,177 323 0.12 OTHER EUROPE 7,986 8,385 8,792 1,151 0.41 Other countries of Europe 7,986 8,385 8,792 1,151 0.41 MIDDLE EAST 909 256 401 204 0.07 All countries of Middle East 909 256 401 204 0.07 SOUTH ASIA 4,745 3,614 4,950 2,425 0.87 India 4,745 3,614 4,950 2,425 0.87 NOT SPECIFIED 967 3,129 1,743 600 0.22 Other countries of the world 967 3,129 1,743 600 0.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 558 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 69,003 72,177 83,948 52,688 59,767 100.00 13.44 AFRICA 169 178 240 65 27 0.05 -58.46 SOUTHERN AFRICA 65 79 104 18 8 0.01 -55.56 South Africa 65 79 104 18 8 0.01 -55.56 OTHER AFRICA 104 99 136 47 19 0.03 -59.57 Other countries of Africa 104 99 136 47 19 0.03 -59.57 AMERICAS 5,017 4,945 6,157 792 1,454 2.43 83.59 NORTH AMERICA 4,257 4,001 5,183 627 1,356 2.27 116.27 Canada 354 431 494 94 98 0.16 4.26 Mexico 132 10 145 21 40 0.07 90.48 United States of America 3,771 3,560 4,544 512 1,218 2.04 137.89 SOUTH AMERICA 457 403 580 99 46 0.08 -53.54 Brazil 457 403 580 99 46 0.08 -53.54 OTHER AMERICAS 303 541 394 66 52 0.09 -21.21 Other countries of the Americas 303 541 394 66 52 0.09 -21.21 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,113 5,233 6,152 828 597 1.00 -27.90 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,780 2,436 3,214 394 85 0.14 -78.43 China 1,472 1,505 1,920 194 30 0.05 -84.54 Hong Kong, China 340 353 548 95 19 0.03 -80.00 Japan 501 349 444 73 15 0.03 -79.45 Korea, Republic of 255 146 162 17 19 0.03 11.76 Taiwan Province of China 212 83 140 15 2 0.00 -86.67 AUSTRALASIA 525 493 518 77 20 0.03 -74.03 Australia 525 493 518 77 20 0.03 -74.03 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,808 2,304 2,420 357 492 0.82 37.82 Other countries of Asia 1,722 2,225 2,299 343 478 0.80 39.36 Other countries of Oceania 86 79 121 14 14 0.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 559 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 58,087 61,433 71,044 50,976 57,655 96.47 13.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,067 4,493 4,962 1,691 1,991 3.33 17.74 Bulgaria 125 204 101 28 43 0.07 53.57 Czech Republic 774 920 1,064 445 633 1.06 42.25 Estonia 67 81 118 31 39 0.07 25.81 Hungary 474 452 515 136 347 0.58 155.15 Latvia 73 70 56 40 49 0.08 22.50 Lithuania 79 80 93 21 23 0.04 9.52 Poland 676 676 717 398 372 0.62 -6.53 Romania 221 290 222 71 150 0.25 111.27 Russian Federation 1,098 1,076 1,369 301 90 0.15 -70.10 Slovakia 261 327 262 121 134 0.22 10.74 Ukraine 219 317 445 99 111 0.19 12.12 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,592 5,595 6,927 1,605 1,352 2.26 -15.76 Denmark 784 800 1,089 361 384 0.64 6.37 Finland 473 415 618 92 77 0.13 -16.30 Iceland 66 104 193 13 11 0.02 -15.38 Ireland 175 156 166 43 47 0.08 9.30 Norway 686 664 923 71 166 0.28 133.80 Sweden 715 749 964 161 191 0.32 18.63 United Kingdom 2,693 2,707 2,974 864 476 0.80 -44.91 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,911 3,967 4,211 1,837 2,463 4.12 34.08 Croatia 128 132 117 85 77 0.13 -9.41 Greece 141 395 359 52 119 0.20 128.85 Italy 2,551 2,348 2,586 1,177 1,626 2.72 38.15 Malta 45 62 58 49 39 0.07 -20.41 Portugal 161 264 260 83 163 0.27 96.39 Slovenia 125 145 176 108 97 0.16 -10.19 Spain 760 621 655 283 342 0.57 20.85 WESTERN EUROPE 43,984 46,539 54,406 45,658 51,603 86.34 13.02 Austria 3,687 3,385 4,082 2,487 2,662 4.45 7.04 Belgium 884 1,061 1,091 650 554 0.93 -14.77 France 1,554 1,688 1,914 1,119 983 1.64 -12.15 Germany 16,108 17,146 19,544 12,382 12,823 21.45 3.56 Luxembourg 521 620 635 248 368 0.62 48.39 Netherlands 1,621 1,774 2,050 1,518 1,132 1.89 -25.43 Switzerland 19,609 20,865 25,090 27,254 33,081 55.35 21.38 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 196 243 234 41 76 0.13 85.37 Cyprus 30 103 58 12 45 0.08 275.00 Turkiye 166 140 176 29 31 0.05 6.90 OTHER EUROPE 337 596 304 144 170 0.28 18.06 Other countries of Europe 337 596 304 144 170 0.28 18.06 SOUTH ASIA 617 388 355 27 34 0.06 25.93 India 617 388 355 27 34 0.06 25.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 560 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 79,262 85,283 98,110 58,359 70,343 100.00 20.53 AFRICA 184 236 285 69 38 0.05 -44.93 SOUTHERN AFRICA 75 113 126 18 14 0.02 -22.22 South Africa 75 113 126 18 14 0.02 -22.22 OTHER AFRICA 109 123 159 51 24 0.03 -52.94 Other countries of Africa 109 123 159 51 24 0.03 -52.94 AMERICAS 5,548 5,732 7,065 849 1,575 2.24 85.51 NORTH AMERICA 4,710 4,676 5,992 674 1,473 2.09 118.55 Canada 454 534 637 97 109 0.15 12.37 Mexico 143 10 164 23 55 0.08 139.13 United States of America 4,113 4,132 5,191 554 1,309 1.86 136.28 SOUTH AMERICA 491 449 637 106 49 0.07 -53.77 Brazil 491 449 637 106 49 0.07 -53.77 OTHER AMERICAS 347 607 436 69 53 0.08 -23.19 Other countries of the Americas 347 607 436 69 53 0.08 -23.19 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,585 5,923 6,874 862 645 0.92 -25.17 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,986 2,755 3,555 406 99 0.14 -75.62 China 1,549 1,654 2,117 201 40 0.06 -80.10 Hong Kong, China 391 388 586 98 21 0.03 -78.57 Japan 547 416 493 74 17 0.02 -77.03 Korea, Republic of 278 194 195 18 19 0.03 5.56 Taiwan Province of China 221 103 164 15 2 0.00 -86.67 AUSTRALASIA 626 613 697 84 22 0.03 -73.81 Australia 626 613 697 84 22 0.03 -73.81 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,973 2,555 2,622 372 524 0.74 40.86 Other countries of Asia 1,857 2,436 2,460 357 509 0.72 42.58 Other countries of Oceania 116 119 162 15 15 0.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 561 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 67,309 72,949 83,471 56,551 68,040 96.73 20.32 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,549 5,297 5,795 1,891 2,270 3.23 20.04 Bulgaria 140 228 104 30 48 0.07 60.00 Czech Republic 877 1,138 1,265 519 753 1.07 45.09 Estonia 89 106 137 33 40 0.06 21.21 Hungary 509 496 573 149 360 0.51 141.61 Latvia 73 84 95 41 49 0.07 19.51 Lithuania 84 95 103 26 32 0.05 23.08 Poland 772 866 964 443 451 0.64 1.81 Romania 236 338 243 73 179 0.25 145.21 Russian Federation 1,194 1,192 1,514 330 96 0.14 -70.91 Slovakia 315 385 296 141 144 0.20 2.13 Ukraine 260 369 501 106 118 0.17 11.32 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,440 6,847 8,211 1,722 1,498 2.13 -13.01 Denmark 894 974 1,253 406 444 0.63 9.36 Finland 517 488 786 92 79 0.11 -14.13 Iceland 70 116 196 15 11 0.02 -26.67 Ireland 196 189 193 48 54 0.08 12.50 Norway 794 773 1,088 74 174 0.25 135.14 Sweden 847 920 1,141 162 217 0.31 33.95 United Kingdom 3,122 3,387 3,554 925 519 0.74 -43.89 SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,363 4,609 4,800 1,932 2,686 3.82 39.03 Croatia 143 198 123 85 82 0.12 -3.53 Greece 156 415 395 58 125 0.18 115.52 Italy 2,820 2,668 2,833 1,234 1,745 2.48 41.41 Malta 47 69 60 50 46 0.07 -8.00 Portugal 191 299 306 91 171 0.24 87.91 Slovenia 140 187 257 110 118 0.17 7.27 Spain 866 773 826 304 399 0.57 31.25 WESTERN EUROPE 51,320 55,311 64,086 50,812 61,327 87.18 20.69 Austria 4,042 3,826 4,743 2,659 3,186 4.53 19.82 Belgium 979 1,231 1,345 782 639 0.91 -18.29 France 1,755 2,225 2,324 1,240 1,139 1.62 -8.15 Germany 19,478 20,756 23,559 14,539 15,642 22.24 7.59 Luxembourg 538 659 676 254 389 0.55 53.15 Netherlands 1,966 2,438 2,637 1,980 1,630 2.32 -17.68 Switzerland 22,562 24,176 28,802 29,358 38,702 55.02 31.83 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 232 257 253 43 80 0.11 86.05 Cyprus 30 107 61 12 45 0.06 275.00 Turkiye 202 150 192 31 35 0.05 12.90 OTHER EUROPE 405 628 326 151 179 0.25 18.54 Other countries of Europe 405 628 326 151 179 0.25 18.54 SOUTH ASIA 636 443 415 28 45 0.06 60.71 India 636 443 415 28 45 0.06 60.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 562 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 125,122 134,034 147,568 110,992 131,106 100.00 18.12 AFRICA 268 310 390 455 61 0.05 -86.59 SOUTHERN AFRICA 111 136 164 363 28 0.02 -92.29 South Africa 111 136 164 363 28 0.02 -92.29 OTHER AFRICA 157 174 226 92 33 0.03 -64.13 Other countries of Africa 157 174 226 92 33 0.03 -64.13 AMERICAS 9,160 8,817 10,534 1,612 2,933 2.24 81.95 NORTH AMERICA 7,898 7,052 8,900 1,290 2,692 2.05 108.68 Canada 502 705 679 160 189 0.14 18.13 Mexico 275 14 226 72 62 0.05 -13.89 United States of America 7,121 6,333 7,995 1,058 2,441 1.86 130.72 SOUTH AMERICA 673 580 846 145 74 0.06 -48.97 Brazil 673 580 846 145 74 0.06 -48.97 OTHER AMERICAS 589 1,185 788 177 167 0.13 -5.65 Other countries of the Americas 589 1,185 788 177 167 0.13 -5.65 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,659 8,327 9,715 1,587 1,096 0.84 -30.94 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,460 3,576 4,701 752 276 0.21 -63.30 China 2,398 2,054 2,507 298 157 0.12 -47.32 Hong Kong, China 499 521 931 271 57 0.04 -78.97 Japan 791 538 735 124 36 0.03 -70.97 Korea, Republic of 433 287 289 35 24 0.02 -31.43 Taiwan Province of China 339 176 239 24 2 0.00 -91.67 AUSTRALASIA 801 784 736 130 42 0.03 -67.69 Australia 801 784 736 130 42 0.03 -67.69 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,398 3,967 4,278 705 778 0.59 10.35 Other countries of Asia 3,269 3,822 4,014 675 758 0.58 12.30 Other countries of Oceania 129 145 264 30 20 0.02 -33.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 563 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 106,081 115,287 126,070 107,289 126,937 96.82 18.31 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,436 8,053 8,210 3,165 3,807 2.90 20.28 Bulgaria 198 394 161 39 78 0.06 100.00 Czech Republic 1,248 1,545 1,822 681 1,058 0.81 55.36 Estonia 77 110 129 39 114 0.09 192.31 Hungary 801 854 978 481 966 0.74 100.83 Latvia 120 127 95 53 60 0.05 13.21 Lithuania 107 161 167 31 40 0.03 29.03 Poland 1,192 1,618 1,433 735 576 0.44 -21.63 Romania 372 583 401 294 341 0.26 15.99 Russian Federation 1,481 1,518 1,877 430 144 0.11 -66.51 Slovakia 457 616 459 208 284 0.22 36.54 Ukraine 383 527 688 174 146 0.11 -16.09 NORTHERN EUROPE 8,338 8,786 10,232 2,871 2,463 1.88 -14.21 Denmark 1,126 1,319 1,405 654 595 0.45 -9.02 Finland 707 676 902 164 138 0.11 -15.85 Iceland 97 181 264 21 13 0.01 -38.10 Ireland 251 241 369 81 91 0.07 12.35 Norway 861 803 1,146 91 360 0.27 295.60 Sweden 1,011 1,167 1,270 249 328 0.25 31.73 United Kingdom 4,285 4,399 4,876 1,611 938 0.72 -41.78 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,430 6,290 6,591 3,358 4,463 3.40 32.91 Croatia 225 290 203 219 168 0.13 -23.29 Greece 259 777 649 123 230 0.18 86.99 Italy 4,189 3,507 3,817 1,858 2,799 2.13 50.65 Malta 74 99 102 97 71 0.05 -26.80 Portugal 365 386 455 187 401 0.31 114.44 Slovenia 218 276 299 421 201 0.15 -52.26 Spain 1,100 955 1,066 453 593 0.45 30.91 WESTERN EUROPE 84,020 90,142 99,973 97,622 115,827 88.35 18.65 Austria 6,936 5,912 6,917 5,216 4,856 3.70 -6.90 Belgium 1,801 2,200 1,948 1,310 1,060 0.81 -19.08 France 2,581 2,713 3,019 1,760 1,783 1.36 1.31 Germany 31,360 33,301 36,591 26,144 26,758 20.41 2.35 Luxembourg 1,063 1,091 1,291 657 990 0.76 50.68 Netherlands 2,568 2,873 3,490 2,554 1,829 1.40 -28.39 Switzerland 37,711 42,052 46,717 59,981 78,551 59.91 30.96 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 321 514 548 52 155 0.12 198.08 Cyprus 63 250 158 14 107 0.08 664.29 Turkiye 258 264 390 38 48 0.04 26.32 OTHER EUROPE 536 1,502 516 221 222 0.17 0.45 Other countries of Europe 536 1,502 516 221 222 0.17 0.45 SOUTH ASIA 954 1,293 859 49 79 0.06 61.22 India 954 1,293 859 49 79 0.06 61.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 564 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 146,892 158,728 174,095 124,166 156,035 100.00 25.67 AFRICA 283 390 498 465 79 0.05 -83.01 SOUTHERN AFRICA 121 185 232 363 38 0.02 -89.53 South Africa 121 185 232 363 38 0.02 -89.53 OTHER AFRICA 162 205 266 102 41 0.03 -59.80 Other countries of Africa 162 205 266 102 41 0.03 -59.80 AMERICAS 10,139 10,257 12,001 1,772 3,194 2.05 80.25 NORTH AMERICA 8,683 8,284 10,205 1,438 2,949 1.89 105.08 Canada 693 837 903 164 206 0.13 25.61 Mexico 289 14 261 76 77 0.05 1.32 United States of America 7,701 7,433 9,041 1,198 2,666 1.71 122.54 SOUTH AMERICA 726 675 919 152 77 0.05 -49.34 Brazil 726 675 919 152 77 0.05 -49.34 OTHER AMERICAS 730 1,298 877 182 168 0.11 -7.69 Other countries of the Americas 730 1,298 877 182 168 0.11 -7.69 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,442 9,580 10,856 1,694 1,339 0.86 -20.96 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,763 4,152 5,172 799 349 0.22 -56.32 China 2,518 2,356 2,773 305 198 0.13 -35.08 Hong Kong, China 581 611 979 305 86 0.06 -71.80 Japan 848 634 802 126 39 0.02 -69.05 Korea, Republic of 465 345 341 39 24 0.02 -38.46 Taiwan Province of China 351 206 277 24 2 0.00 -91.67 AUSTRALASIA 932 1,095 1,109 143 44 0.03 -69.23 Australia 932 1,095 1,109 143 44 0.03 -69.23 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,747 4,333 4,575 752 946 0.61 25.80 Other countries of Asia 3,580 4,136 4,251 720 925 0.59 28.47 Other countries of Oceania 167 197 324 32 21 0.01 -34.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 565 COUNTRY TABLES LIECHTENSTEIN 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 126,053 137,094 149,777 120,184 151,324 96.98 25.91 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,529 9,307 9,575 3,661 4,385 2.81 19.78 Bulgaria 262 432 166 41 87 0.06 112.20 Czech Republic 1,411 1,856 2,190 826 1,265 0.81 53.15 Estonia 147 135 149 41 115 0.07 180.49 Hungary 859 926 1,075 521 986 0.63 89.25 Latvia 120 162 158 54 60 0.04 11.11 Lithuania 112 180 183 36 61 0.04 69.44 Poland 1,482 1,932 1,832 905 805 0.52 -11.05 Romania 390 642 438 300 390 0.25 30.00 Russian Federation 1,635 1,683 2,073 498 155 0.10 -68.88 Slovakia 639 754 525 256 307 0.20 19.92 Ukraine 472 605 786 183 154 0.10 -15.85 NORTHERN EUROPE 9,830 10,830 12,186 3,081 2,945 1.89 -4.41 Denmark 1,354 1,661 1,653 715 696 0.45 -2.66 Finland 783 764 1,197 164 140 0.09 -14.63 Iceland 105 214 269 25 13 0.01 -48.00 Ireland 291 302 417 103 101 0.06 -1.94 Norway 1,013 953 1,331 101 376 0.24 272.28 Sweden 1,289 1,437 1,549 251 571 0.37 127.49 United Kingdom 4,995 5,499 5,770 1,722 1,048 0.67 -39.14 SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,360 7,292 7,615 3,573 4,915 3.15 37.56 Croatia 302 389 215 219 183 0.12 -16.44 Greece 277 807 872 129 248 0.16 92.25 Italy 4,790 3,989 4,227 1,971 3,045 1.95 54.49 Malta 78 121 106 99 83 0.05 -16.16 Portugal 433 434 524 207 436 0.28 110.63 Slovenia 240 347 390 423 241 0.15 -43.03 Spain 1,240 1,205 1,281 525 679 0.44 29.33 WESTERN EUROPE 100,234 107,528 119,263 109,557 138,678 88.88 26.58 Austria 7,547 6,523 7,752 5,571 5,919 3.79 6.25 Belgium 1,978 2,557 2,384 1,623 1,264 0.81 -22.12 France 2,914 3,422 3,605 2,063 2,048 1.31 -0.73 Germany 39,317 41,590 45,015 31,118 33,270 21.32 6.92 Luxembourg 1,084 1,167 1,409 667 1,019 0.65 52.77 Netherlands 3,436 3,996 4,762 3,566 3,090 1.98 -13.35 Switzerland 43,958 48,273 54,336 64,949 92,068 59.00 41.75 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 381 545 582 57 163 0.10 185.96 Cyprus 63 258 161 14 107 0.07 664.29 Turkiye 318 287 421 43 56 0.04 30.23 OTHER EUROPE 719 1,592 556 255 238 0.15 -6.67 Other countries of Europe 719 1,592 556 255 238 0.15 -6.67 SOUTH ASIA 975 1,407 963 51 99 0.06 94.12 India 975 1,407 963 51 99 0.06 94.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 566 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,523,300 2,824,800 2,875,000 936,600 947,600 100.00 1.17 AFRICA 8,800 OTHER AFRICA 8,800 All countries of Africa 8,800 AMERICAS 65,200 54,500 55,100 15,700 25,100 2.65 59.87 NORTH AMERICA 46,700 54,500 55,100 15,700 25,100 2.65 59.87 United States of America 46,700 54,500 55,100 15,700 25,100 2.65 59.87 OTHER AMERICAS 18,500 Other countries of the Americas 18,500 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 113,100 30,800 22,900 2,000 900 0.09 -55.00 NORHT-EAST ASIA 49,200 30,800 22,900 2,000 900 0.09 -55.00 China 24,000 Japan 25,200 30,800 22,900 2,000 900 0.09 -55.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 63,900 All countries of Asia 63,900 EUROPE 2,281,900 2,509,500 2,536,700 839,800 856,800 90.42 2.02 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,409,900 1,555,800 1,546,600 486,500 509,600 53.78 4.75 Belarus 432,100 443,000 424,400 102,600 66,800 7.05 -34.89 Czech Republic (Czechia) 14,500 15,500 20,900 6,200 5,400 0.57 -12.90 Estonia 79,600 82,900 89,300 76,900 56,300 5.94 -26.79 Kazakhstan 5,300 6,500 5,900 1,700 4,200 0.44 147.06 Latvia 307,500 362,100 356,600 85,500 180,200 19.02 110.76 Poland 218,000 249,500 248,400 88,600 107,800 11.38 21.67 Russian Federation 256,800 286,200 273,000 70,400 34,400 3.63 -51.14 Ukraine 96,100 110,100 128,100 54,600 54,500 5.75 -0.18 NORTHERN EUROPE 371,100 424,600 423,500 140,100 155,600 16.42 11.06 Denmark 45,800 53,900 55,900 21,500 22,600 2.38 5.12 Finland 66,600 69,100 67,900 23,400 18,100 1.91 -22.65 Ireland 14,500 22,200 28,200 14,000 18,100 1.91 29.29 Norway 68,500 77,700 70,400 24,400 26,000 2.74 6.56 Sweden 67,200 68,400 65,900 10,600 15,500 1.64 46.23 United Kingdom 108,500 133,300 135,200 46,200 55,300 5.84 19.70 SOUTHERN EUROPE 98,900 103,400 116,400 32,800 40,000 4.22 21.95 Italy 51,600 52,700 57,400 16,200 18,400 1.94 13.58 Portugal 5,700 7,700 10,200 1,800 4,100 0.43 127.78 Spain 41,600 43,000 48,800 14,800 17,500 1.85 18.24 WESTERN EUROPE 362,200 396,900 418,500 176,600 143,800 15.18 -18.57 Austria 19,700 25,700 27,900 9,900 10,300 1.09 4.04 Belgium 30,000 33,000 35,800 14,600 13,400 1.41 -8.22 France 55,400 49,300 56,500 21,800 19,800 2.09 -9.17 Germany 213,500 241,500 243,400 113,400 81,100 8.56 -28.48 Netherlands 31,300 31,600 38,500 11,900 12,100 1.28 1.68 Switzerland 12,300 15,800 16,400 5,000 7,100 0.75 42.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 567 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 39,800 28,800 31,700 3,800 7,800 0.82 105.26 Israel 22,700 28,800 31,700 3,800 7,800 0.82 105.26 Turkiye 17,100 NOT SPECIFIED 54,300 230,000 260,300 79,100 64,800 6.84 -18.08 Other countries of the world 54,300 230,000 260,300 79,100 64,800 6.84 -18.08 LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,321,235 1,424,968 1,571,667 414,079 436,386 100.00 5.39 AFRICA 2,454 3,465 5,354 792 1,795 0.41 126.64 SOUTHERN AFRICA 361 352 278 71 116 0.03 63.38 South Africa 361 352 278 71 116 0.03 63.38 OTHER AFRICA 2,093 3,113 5,076 721 1,679 0.38 132.87 Other countries of Africa 2,093 3,113 5,076 721 1,679 0.38 132.87 AMERICAS 48,593 55,156 63,138 14,784 23,671 5.42 60.11 NORTH AMERICA 43,934 49,573 56,197 12,128 20,901 4.79 72.34 Canada 3,959 5,319 6,076 818 884 0.20 8.07 United States of America 39,975 44,254 50,121 11,310 20,017 4.59 76.98 SOUTH AMERICA 1,088 1,528 2,116 274 353 0.08 28.83 Brazil 1,088 1,528 2,116 274 353 0.08 28.83 OTHER AMERICAS 3,571 4,055 4,825 2,382 2,417 0.55 1.47 Other countries of the Americas 3,571 4,055 4,825 2,382 2,417 0.55 1.47 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 71,245 86,767 97,520 9,141 12,134 2.78 32.74 NORHT-EAST ASIA 44,436 53,383 56,450 3,010 1,353 0.31 -55.05 China 15,179 18,696 20,345 1,081 749 0.17 -30.71 Japan 21,783 25,963 25,318 1,766 485 0.11 -72.54 Korea, Republic of 7,474 8,724 10,787 163 119 0.03 -26.99 AUSTRALASIA 3,389 4,364 5,071 484 500 0.11 3.31 Australia 3,389 4,364 5,071 484 500 0.11 3.31 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,420 29,020 35,999 5,647 10,281 2.36 82.06 Other countries of Asia 22,857 28,568 33,420 5,561 9,968 2.28 79.25 Other countries of Oceania 563 452 2,579 86 313 0.07 263.95 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 568 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,198,943 1,279,580 1,405,655 389,362 398,786 91.38 2.42 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 675,376 691,753 763,542 252,529 208,247 47.72 -17.54 Belarus 139,258 122,601 131,987 33,553 31,344 7.18 -6.58 Bulgaria 2,650 2,974 5,092 860 2,246 0.51 161.16 Czech Republic (Czechia) 8,897 9,755 9,477 1,998 3,343 0.77 67.32 Estonia 52,754 54,310 56,262 34,105 20,455 4.69 -40.02 Hungary 5,858 5,414 6,214 951 1,263 0.29 32.81 Latvia 126,326 131,208 137,804 56,855 48,884 11.20 -14.02 Poland 133,737 146,284 163,704 41,495 49,147 11.26 18.44 Romania 5,186 5,999 6,345 2,279 2,244 0.51 -1.54 Russian Federation 131,197 139,314 150,110 31,854 11,203 2.57 -64.83 Slovakia 2,950 3,363 3,146 872 1,225 0.28 40.48 Ukraine 66,563 70,531 93,401 47,707 36,893 8.45 -22.67 NORTHERN EUROPE 191,421 208,467 223,248 58,126 69,520 15.93 19.60 Denmark 27,323 28,634 25,849 5,690 9,530 2.18 67.49 Finland 32,021 34,371 41,193 14,362 7,713 1.77 -46.30 Iceland 2,193 2,948 2,181 524 887 0.20 69.27 Ireland 5,624 8,001 11,414 4,231 6,240 1.43 47.48 Norway 32,540 32,216 33,607 7,650 9,150 2.10 19.61 Sweden 33,399 34,640 35,773 6,895 9,834 2.25 42.63 United Kingdom 58,321 67,657 73,231 18,774 26,166 6.00 39.37 SOUTHERN EUROPE 77,149 83,264 93,762 16,704 30,927 7.09 85.15 Croatia 1,380 1,264 1,380 366 650 0.15 77.60 Greece 4,307 5,561 5,970 1,346 3,175 0.73 135.88 Italy 35,123 37,038 42,510 8,234 12,626 2.89 53.34 Malta 493 613 926 254 560 0.13 120.47 Portugal 2,887 4,772 4,261 640 2,547 0.58 297.97 Slovenia 1,842 2,087 2,088 569 1,372 0.31 141.12 Spain 31,117 31,929 36,627 5,295 9,997 2.29 88.80 WESTERN EUROPE 223,188 259,609 284,966 52,776 78,168 17.91 48.11 Austria 11,347 12,385 12,774 1,776 4,703 1.08 164.81 Belgium 12,010 13,081 13,638 3,364 6,196 1.42 84.19 France 30,602 32,604 40,757 7,516 12,568 2.88 67.22 Germany 142,211 173,201 182,756 32,219 41,151 9.43 27.72 Liechtenstein 104 Luxembourg 986 963 1,091 331 674 0.15 103.63 Netherlands 18,132 19,432 24,648 5,815 8,295 1.90 42.65 Switzerland 7,796 7,943 9,302 1,755 4,581 1.05 161.03 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 27,237 31,186 35,582 7,711 9,863 2.26 27.91 Cyprus 771 1,315 1,490 526 865 0.20 64.45 Israel 18,168 22,772 25,987 2,631 6,110 1.40 132.23 Turkiye 8,298 7,099 8,105 4,554 2,888 0.66 -36.58 OTHER EUROPE 4,572 5,301 4,555 1,516 2,061 0.47 35.95 Other countries of Europe 4,572 5,301 4,555 1,516 2,061 0.47 35.95 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 569 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,583,806 1,744,733 1,937,972 510,966 495,742 100.00 -2.98 AFRICA 2,973 4,567 6,097 1,005 2,064 0.42 105.37 SOUTHERN AFRICA 395 390 309 78 119 0.02 52.56 South Africa 395 390 309 78 119 0.02 52.56 OTHER AFRICA 2,578 4,177 5,788 927 1,945 0.39 109.82 Other countries of Africa 2,578 4,177 5,788 927 1,945 0.39 109.82 AMERICAS 55,610 65,495 72,975 16,314 25,568 5.16 56.72 NORTH AMERICA 48,293 54,790 60,985 12,657 21,888 4.42 72.93 Canada 4,598 6,211 6,905 909 1,001 0.20 10.12 United States of America 43,524 48,566 54,068 11,746 20,883 4.21 77.79 Other countries of North America 171 13 12 2 4 0.00 100.00 SOUTH AMERICA 1,485 2,158 2,624 354 464 0.09 31.07 Brazil 1,485 2,158 2,624 354 464 0.09 31.07 OTHER AMERICAS 5,832 8,547 9,366 3,303 3,216 0.65 -2.63 Other countries of the Americas 5,832 8,547 9,366 3,303 3,216 0.65 -2.63 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 78,540 96,774 106,992 10,733 14,979 3.02 39.56 NORHT-EAST ASIA 47,070 56,675 59,606 3,425 1,422 0.29 -58.48 China 15,996 19,297 21,135 1,145 775 0.16 -32.31 Japan 23,028 28,158 27,318 2,066 517 0.10 -74.98 Korea, Republic of 8,046 9,220 11,153 214 130 0.03 -39.25 AUSTRALASIA 4,492 5,799 6,542 580 598 0.12 3.10 Australia 4,492 5,799 6,542 580 598 0.12 3.10 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 26,978 34,300 40,844 6,728 12,959 2.61 92.61 Other countries of Asia 26,191 33,471 37,878 6,615 12,604 2.54 90.54 Other countries of Oceania 787 829 2,966 113 355 0.07 214.16 EUROPE 1,446,683 1,577,897 1,751,908 482,914 453,131 91.40 -6.17 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 835,065 881,396 985,157 315,422 236,391 47.68 -25.06 Belarus 1 77,009 165,569 181,074 42,946 35,439 7.15 -17.48 Bulgaria 2,802 3,226 5,392 964 2,324 0.47 141.08 Czech Republic (Czechia) 10,969 11,856 12,467 2,460 3,909 0.79 58.90 Estonia 63,193 65,131 68,302 42,305 22,944 4.63 -45.77 Hungary 6,684 6,305 6,622 1,020 1,435 0.29 40.69 Latvia 152,269 161,660 168,925 71,971 54,531 11.00 -24.23 Poland 161,421 179,245 199,651 50,670 54,674 11.03 7.90 Romania 6,092 7,386 7,614 2,540 2,371 0.48 -6.65 Russian Federation 168,099 183,570 196,540 40,260 12,726 2.57 -68.39 Slovakia 3,334 3,747 3,683 934 1,360 0.27 45.61 Ukraine 83,193 93,701 134,887 59,352 44,678 9.01 -24.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 570 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 213,291 235,189 252,687 65,250 76,200 15.37 16.78 Denmark 29,631 31,112 29,074 6,259 10,247 2.07 63.72 Finland 37,757 40,801 49,937 16,685 8,527 1.72 -48.89 Iceland 2,313 3,171 2,379 550 954 0.19 73.45 Ireland 6,742 9,551 12,599 4,860 6,905 1.39 42.08 Norway 34,884 35,150 36,423 8,232 10,044 2.03 22.01 Sweden 35,599 37,984 39,121 7,225 10,447 2.11 44.60 United Kingdom 66,365 77,420 83,154 21,439 29,076 5.87 35.62 SOUTHERN EUROPE 88,311 97,303 108,214 20,771 34,750 7.01 67.30 Croatia 2,179 1,811 1,680 423 687 0.14 62.41 Greece 4,525 6,008 6,540 1,425 3,298 0.67 131.44 Italy 39,890 43,285 48,994 9,324 14,105 2.85 51.28 Malta 589 716 956 270 612 0.12 126.67 Portugal 3,741 5,434 5,410 780 2,846 0.57 264.87 Slovenia 2,124 2,451 2,441 2,069 1,509 0.30 -27.07 Spain 35,263 37,598 42,193 6,480 11,693 2.36 80.45 WESTERN EUROPE 270,622 318,419 355,035 72,234 92,728 18.70 28.37 Austria 12,535 13,865 14,470 1,989 5,183 1.05 160.58 Belgium 13,479 15,147 15,886 3,902 6,622 1.34 69.71 France 36,292 40,797 48,942 8,907 14,491 2.92 62.69 Germany 176,154 214,144 233,407 47,884 51,324 10.35 7.18 Luxembourg 1,032 1,048 1,269 353 752 0.15 113.03 Netherlands 22,086 23,868 30,122 7,125 9,355 1.89 31.30 Switzerland 9,044 9,550 10,939 2,074 5,001 1.01 141.13 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 30,240 35,327 40,816 8,081 10,899 2.20 34.87 Cyprus 823 1,476 1,584 552 900 0.18 63.04 Israel 20,445 26,023 30,205 2,847 6,848 1.38 140.53 Turkiye 8,972 7,828 9,027 4,682 3,151 0.64 -32.70 OTHER EUROPE 9,154 10,263 9,999 1,156 2,163 0.44 87.11 Other countries of Europe 9,154 10,263 9,999 1,156 2,163 0.44 87.11 LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,526,763 2,725,263 2,907,259 824,888 938,542 100.00 13.78 AFRICA 6,408 8,894 10,069 1,885 5,397 0.58 186.31 SOUTHERN AFRICA 818 810 744 129 316 0.03 144.96 South Africa 818 810 744 129 316 0.03 144.96 OTHER AFRICA 5,590 8,084 9,325 1,756 5,081 0.54 189.35 Other countries of Africa 5,590 8,084 9,325 1,756 5,081 0.54 189.35 AMERICAS 115,583 116,043 125,396 38,097 53,837 5.74 41.32 NORTH AMERICA 105,475 103,696 111,679 27,445 46,119 4.91 68.04 Canada 8,199 10,599 11,066 1,539 1,823 0.19 18.45 United States of America 97,276 93,097 100,613 25,906 44,296 4.72 70.99 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 571 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 2,137 3,289 4,082 497 1,092 0.12 119.72 Brazil 2,137 3,289 4,082 497 1,092 0.12 119.72 OTHER AMERICAS 7,971 9,058 9,635 10,155 6,626 0.71 -34.75 Other countries of the Americas 7,971 9,058 9,635 10,155 6,626 0.71 -34.75 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 132,815 151,933 170,969 20,918 31,420 3.35 50.21 NORHT-EAST ASIA 71,228 83,224 85,790 6,557 3,460 0.37 -47.23 China 26,844 30,381 32,903 3,223 1,915 0.20 -40.58 Japan 34,648 41,601 39,586 2,992 1,267 0.13 -57.65 Korea, Republic of 9,736 11,242 13,301 342 278 0.03 -18.71 AUSTRALASIA 6,840 8,524 9,688 809 1,156 0.12 42.89 Australia 6,840 8,524 9,688 809 1,156 0.12 42.89 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 54,747 60,185 75,491 13,552 26,804 2.86 97.79 Other countries of Asia 53,532 59,304 68,774 13,422 25,947 2.76 93.32 Other countries of Oceania 1,215 881 6,717 130 857 0.09 559.23 EUROPE 2,271,957 2,448,393 2,600,825 763,988 847,888 90.34 10.98 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,198,068 1,224,159 1,312,247 444,036 423,384 45.11 -4.65 Belarus 220,387 190,129 204,959 60,420 78,883 8.40 30.56 Bulgaria 10,401 6,525 8,297 1,790 4,653 0.50 159.94 Czech Republic (Czechia) 15,282 1 7,257 15,412 4,232 6,891 0.73 62.83 Estonia 83,315 85,651 87,844 58,367 35,468 3.78 -39.23 Hungary 11,141 10,582 23,002 2,227 2,508 0.27 12.62 Latvia 187,360 195,856 205,458 88,057 84,203 8.97 -4.38 Poland 268,827 273,429 295,715 77,265 112,135 11.95 45.13 Romania 10,090 14,253 13,157 4,609 6,456 0.69 40.07 Russian Federation 274,309 286,437 296,057 64,213 26,212 2.79 -59.18 Slovakia 5,510 7,081 5,187 1,928 2,555 0.27 32.52 Ukraine 111,446 136,959 157,159 80,928 63,420 6.76 -21.63 NORTHERN EUROPE 376,641 418,962 433,369 126,034 141,224 15.05 12.05 Denmark 50,671 59,872 51,998 10,903 24,246 2.58 122.38 Finland 57,503 64,169 79,870 26,320 13,711 1.46 -47.91 Iceland 4,735 5,741 4,703 1,061 1,966 0.21 85.30 Ireland 12,945 16,569 21,362 9,196 14,596 1.56 58.72 Norway 69,359 69,527 69,371 15,020 16,655 1.77 10.89 Sweden 63,224 66,885 64,925 11,884 18,043 1.92 51.83 United Kingdom 118,204 136,199 141,140 51,650 52,007 5.54 0.69 SOUTHERN EUROPE 156,841 193,412 192,380 59,215 91,762 9.78 54.96 Croatia 3,359 3,623 3,317 1,129 2,625 0.28 132.51 Greece 9,880 13,638 12,769 3,192 7,373 0.79 130.98 Italy 71,790 77,569 83,484 25,809 35,977 3.83 39.40 Malta 1,119 1,455 2,170 510 1,098 0.12 115.29 Portugal 7,108 19,872 8,198 1,404 6,657 0.71 374.15 Slovenia 3,978 3,837 4,102 1,163 3,134 0.33 169.48 Spain 59,607 73,418 78,340 26,008 34,898 3.72 34.18 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 572 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 437,168 487,888 519,484 114,045 159,082 16.95 39.49 Austria 18,876 20,959 20,371 3,317 8,094 0.86 144.02 Belgium 24,358 29,932 31,033 11,972 15,150 1.61 26.55 France 56,490 57,713 72,219 13,989 23,166 2.47 65.60 Germany 279,675 326,303 331,625 69,180 87,272 9.30 26.15 Liechtenstein 147 Luxembourg 1,972 1,819 1,955 570 1,440 0.15 152.63 Netherlands 41,419 36,900 45,956 11,680 16,140 1.72 38.18 Switzerland 14,231 14,262 16,325 3,337 7,820 0.83 134.34 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 91,333 112,124 131,560 17,826 27,739 2.96 55.61 Cyprus 2,092 3,081 3,289 1,064 1,579 0.17 48.40 Israel 70,711 93,379 106,191 6,161 19,357 2.06 214.19 Türkiye 18,530 15,664 22,080 10,601 6,803 0.72 -35.83 OTHER EUROPE 11,906 11,848 11,785 2,832 4,697 0.50 65.85 Other countries of Europe 11,906 11,848 11,785 2,832 4,697 0.50 65.85 LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 3,431,233 3,736,850 4,142,526 1,119,591 1,148,734 100.00 2.60 AFRICA 7,830 11,463 12,961 2,655 6,947 0.60 161.66 SOUTHERN AFRICA 890 883 907 201 331 0.03 64.68 South Africa 890 883 907 201 331 0.03 64.68 OTHER AFRICA 6,940 10,580 12,054 2,454 6,616 0.58 169.60 Other countries of Africa 6,940 10,580 12,054 2,454 6,616 0.58 169.60 AMERICAS 131,863 140,325 149,290 42,987 60,822 5.29 41.49 NORTH AMERICA 116,465 119,134 125,624 30,214 49,722 4.33 64.57 Canada 9,939 12,912 13,647 2,047 2,242 0.20 9.53 United States of America 106,526 106,222 111,977 28,167 47,480 4.13 68.57 SOUTH AMERICA 3,217 4,524 5,269 709 1,631 0.14 130.04 Brazil 3,217 4,524 5,269 709 1,631 0.14 130.04 OTHER AMERICAS 12,181 16,667 18,397 12,064 9,469 0.82 -21.51 Other countries of the Americas 12,181 16,667 18,397 12,064 9,469 0.82 -21.51 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 155,328 177,001 199,120 27,310 45,173 3.93 65.41 NORHT-EAST ASIA 76,478 89,851 93,175 7,524 3,630 0.32 -51.75 China 28,337 31,430 34,342 3,349 1,996 0.17 -40.40 Japan 37,412 46,192 44,573 3,736 1,341 0.12 -64.11 Korea, Republic of 10,729 12,229 14,260 439 293 0.03 -33.26 AUSTRALASIA 9,477 11,646 13,056 1,228 1,538 0.13 25.24 Australia 9,477 11,646 13,056 1,228 1,538 0.13 25.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 573 COUNTRY TABLES LITHUANIA / LITUANIE / LITUANIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 69,373 75,504 92,889 18,558 40,005 3.48 115.57 Other countries of Asia 67,567 74,009 85,384 18,389 38,978 3.39 111.96 Other countries of Oceania 1,806 1,495 7,505 169 1,027 0.09 507.69 EUROPE 3,136,212 3,408,061 3,781,155 1,046,639 1,035,792 90.17 -1.04 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,751,672 1,833,139 2,072,472 622,237 515,724 44.89 -17.12 Belarus 452,880 436,841 475,022 87,133 97,449 8.48 11.84 Bulgaria 10,737 6,979 9,585 2,382 4,919 0.43 106.51 Czech Republic (Czechia) 19,062 21,202 21,391 5,130 7,977 0.69 55.50 Estonia 107,163 109,782 115,633 78,741 41,841 3.64 -46.86 Hungary 12,560 12,105 23,917 2,375 3,568 0.31 50.23 Latvia 247,444 262,931 280,152 127,223 99,325 8.65 -21.93 Poland 330,530 348,150 385,985 99,747 125,800 10.95 26.12 Romania 12,715 17,875 16,272 7,061 6,782 0.59 -3.95 Russian Federation 403,991 428,213 454,356 92,976 31,327 2.73 -66.31 Slovakia 6,362 7,798 6,250 2,042 2,903 0.25 42.16 Ukraine 148,228 181,263 283,909 117,427 93,833 8.17 -20.09 NORTHERN EUROPE 427,494 477,839 505,382 145,464 162,931 14.18 12.01 Denmark 57,920 65,885 60,647 13,135 26,422 2.30 101.16 Finland 68,486 76,246 97,151 31,512 15,293 1.33 -51.47 Iceland 5,041 6,253 5,351 1,126 2,094 0.18 85.97 Ireland 15,271 19,596 24,605 11,064 16,451 1.43 48.69 Norway 75,462 76,121 76,163 16,740 20,323 1.77 21.40 Sweden 68,519 74,137 73,408 12,690 19,855 1.73 56.46 United Kingdom 136,795 159,601 168,057 59,197 62,493 5.44 5.57 SOUTHERN EUROPE 183,157 224,184 228,179 68,663 102,414 8.92 49.15 Croatia 4,905 4,518 4,295 1,440 2,696 0.23 87.22 Greece 10,312 14,585 14,457 3,374 7,540 0.66 123.47 Italy 82,692 91,234 98,795 29,284 40,668 3.54 38.87 Malta 1,363 1,658 2,274 541 1,231 0.11 127.54 Portugal 8,950 21,078 10,916 1,859 7,372 0.64 296.56 Slovenia 4,457 4,426 4,640 2,852 3,507 0.31 22.97 Spain 70,478 86,685 92,802 29,313 39,400 3.43 34.41 WESTERN EUROPE 632,717 710,012 778,230 187,620 214,120 18.64 14.12 Austria 21,423 23,970 23,720 3,804 9,195 0.80 141.72 Belgium 27,384 34,681 37,372 13,558 16,319 1.42 20.36 France 70,437 75,964 93,248 18,611 29,627 2.58 59.19 Germany 445,000 509,978 544,536 132,868 130,625 11.37 -1.69 Luxembourg 2,089 1,987 2,306 642 1,621 0.14 152.49 Netherlands 49,717 46,098 57,937 14,269 18,169 1.58 27.33 Switzerland 16,667 1 7,334 19,111 3,868 8,564 0.75 121.41 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 117,498 137,918 171,814 19,300 35,083 3.05 81.78 Cyprus 2,375 3,357 3,618 1,151 1,712 0.15 48.74 Israel 95,114 116,885 144,024 7,134 26,014 2.26 264.65 Turkiye 20,009 17,676 24,172 11,015 7,357 0.64 -33.21 OTHER EUROPE 23,674 24,969 25,078 3,355 5,520 0.48 64.53 Other countries of Europe 23,674 24,969 25,078 3,355 5,520 0.48 64.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 574 COUNTRY TABLES LUXEMBOURG / LUXEMBURGO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 824,517 816,342 812,475 401,996 586,626 100.00 45.93 AFRICA 3,864 3,192 3,605 2,096 3,980 0.68 89.89 SOUTHERN AFRICA 739 621 685 446 814 0.14 82.51 South Africa 739 621 685 446 814 0.14 82.51 OTHER AFRICA 3,125 2,571 2,920 1,650 3,166 0.54 91.88 Other countries of Africa 3,125 2,571 2,920 1,650 3,166 0.54 91.88 AMERICAS 42,692 40,646 42,335 12,677 29,986 5.11 136.54 NORTH AMERICA 33,461 31,217 32,196 9,632 22,267 3.80 131.18 Canada 4,320 3,808 3,722 1,214 2,721 0.46 124.14 United States of America 29,128 27,400 28,465 8,417 19,538 3.33 132.13 Other countries of North America 13 9 9 1 8 0.00 700.00 SOUTH AMERICA 3,608 4,211 4,719 1,627 3,371 0.57 107.19 Brazil 3,608 4,211 4,719 1,627 3,371 0.57 107.19 OTHER AMERICAS 5,623 5,218 5,420 1,418 4,348 0.74 206.63 Other countries of the Americas 5,623 5,218 5,420 1,418 4,348 0.74 206.63 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 59,654 58,218 57,924 17,616 44,463 7.58 152.40 NORHT-EAST ASIA 40,455 38,426 36,704 10,099 24,563 4.19 143.22 China 31,916 30,104 27,426 7,476 18,308 3.12 144.89 Japan 6,318 6,133 7,089 2,039 4,854 0.83 138.06 Korea, Republic of 2,221 2,189 2,189 584 1,401 0.24 139.90 AUSTRALASIA 2,678 2,482 2,487 580 1,793 0.31 209.14 Australia 2,678 2,482 2,487 580 1,793 0.31 209.14 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 16,521 17,310 18,733 6,937 18,107 3.09 161.02 Other countries of Asia 15,798 16,550 1 7,928 6,507 17,180 2.93 164.02 Other countries of Oceania 723 760 805 430 927 0.16 115.58 EUROPE 718,307 714,286 708,611 369,607 508,197 86.63 37.50 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 32,350 30,128 32,292 18,650 26,358 4.49 41.33 Bulgaria 1,775 1,611 1,906 1,157 1,301 0.22 12.45 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3,484 3,075 3,390 1,829 2,713 0.46 48.33 Estonia 1,117 864 1,033 602 808 0.14 34.22 Hungary 2,728 2,510 2,507 1306 1905 0.32 45.87 Latvia 995 885 917 555 868 0.15 56.40 Lithuania 1,385 1,254 1,411 822 1,173 0.20 42.70 Poland 7,762 7,367 7,726 4,553 6,178 1.05 35.69 Romania 4,178 3,814 3,982 4,069 4,414 0.75 8.48 Russian Federation 6,250 6,277 6,680 2,372 4,803 0.82 102.49 Slovakia 1,555 1,338 1,337 723 1,138 0.19 57.40 Ukraine 1,121 1,133 1,403 662 1,057 0.18 59.67 NORTHERN EUROPE 86,708 83,202 84,260 39,850 57,033 9.72 43.12 Denmark 5,960 5,668 5,561 2,579 4,235 0.72 64.21 Finland 3,179 3,033 2,976 1,574 2,273 0.39 44.41 Iceland 710 618 640 233 432 0.07 85.41 Ireland 5,359 5,059 5,630 2,892 4,217 0.72 45.82 Norway 3,250 2,738 2,823 771 2,076 0.35 169.26 Sweden 6,891 6,619 6,478 3,135 4,692 0.80 49.67 United Kingdom 61,359 59,467 60,152 28,666 39,108 6.67 36.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 575 COUNTRY TABLES LUXEMBOURG/LUXEMBURGO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 58,552 61,078 65,134 34,313 45,485 7.75 32.56 Croatia 1,346 1,220 1,263 879 1,165 0.20 32.54 Greece 3,045 2,949 3,042 1,828 2,341 0.40 28.06 Italy 25,808 26,327 26,880 13,571 17,206 2.93 26.79 Malta 813 691 823 989 1,126 0.19 13.85 Portugal 8,789 9,023 9,886 5,151 7,300 1.24 41.72 Slovenia 926 863 879 473 679 0.12 43.55 Spain 1 7,825 20,005 22,361 11422 15,668 2.67 37.17 WESTERN EUROPE 522,089 522,423 509,375 269,957 366,078 62.40 35.61 Austria 6,060 5,859 5,841 2,755 4,101 0.70 48.86 Belgium 175,759 177,033 1 70,094 94278 124,844 21.28 32.42 France 127,775 125,830 123,031 65375 88,1 74 15.03 34.87 Germany 118,287 121,212 119,330 61481 82,383 14.04 34.00 Netherlands 73,019 72,165 69,740 37165 51,641 8.80 38.95 Switzerland 21,189 20,324 21,339 8,903 14,935 2.55 67.75 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 16,005 14,906 14,507 5,577 10,643 1.81 90.84 Cyprus 758 587 634 376 528 0.09 40.43 Turkiye 15,247 14,319 13,873 5,201 10,115 1.72 94.48 OTHER EUROPE 2,603 2,549 3,043 1,260 2,600 0.44 106.35 Other countries of Europe 2,603 2,549 3,043 1,260 2,600 0.44 106.35 LUXEMBOURG/LUXEMBURGO 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,045,883 1,017,730 1,041,115 525,159 756,386 100.00 44.03 AFRICA 4,719 4,105 4,433 2,646 4,660 0.62 76.11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,107 1,023 958 628 1,001 0.13 59.39 South Africa 1,107 1,023 958 628 1,001 0.13 59.39 OTHER AFRICA 3,612 3,082 3,475 2,018 3,659 0.48 81.32 Other countries of Africa 3,612 3,082 3,475 2,018 3,659 0.48 81.32 AMERICAS 47,651 45,690 47,152 14,455 32,957 4.36 128.00 NORTH AMERICA 36,070 33,595 34,199 10,400 23,458 3.10 125.56 Canada 4,952 4,328 4,223 1,333 3,009 0.40 125.73 United States of America 31,103 29,258 29,967 9,066 20,441 2.70 125.47 Other countries of North America 15 9 9 1 8 0.00 700.00 SOUTH AMERICA 4,499 5,340 6,093 2,073 4,043 0.53 95.03 Brazil 4,499 5,340 6,093 2,073 4,043 0.53 95.03 OTHER AMERICAS 7,082 6,755 6,860 1,982 5,456 0.72 175.28 Other countries of the Americas 7,082 6,755 6,860 1,982 5,456 0.72 1 75.28 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 65,809 63,626 62,951 19,429 47,768 6.32 145.86 NORHT-EAST ASIA 43,190 40,985 38,827 10,845 25,979 3.43 139.55 China 33,709 31,750 28,697 7,940 19,261 2.55 142.58 Japan 6,673 6,541 7,574 2,166 5,167 0.68 138.55 Korea, Republic of 2,808 2,694 2,556 739 1,551 0.21 109.88 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 576 COUNTRY TABLES LUXEMBOURG/LUXEMBURGO 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 3,402 3,184 3,290 759 2,291 0.30 201.84 Australia 3,402 3,184 3,290 759 2,291 0.30 201.84 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,217 19,457 20,834 7,825 19,498 2.58 149.18 Other countries of Asia 18,211 18,497 19,831 7,350 18,475 2.44 151.36 Other countries of Oceania 1,006 960 1,003 475 1,023 0.14 115.37 EUROPE 927,704 904,309 926,579 488,629 671,001 88.71 37.32 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 35,960 33,503 35,782 20,753 28,693 3.79 38.26 Bulgaria 2,126 1,922 2,265 1,422 1,464 0.19 2.95 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3,925 3,522 3,940 2,077 3,083 0.41 48.44 Estonia 1,405 1,025 1,080 623 842 0.11 35.15 Hungary 2,987 2,709 2,800 1,445 2,113 0.28 46.23 Latvia 1,055 973 980 570 919 0.12 61.23 Lithuania 1,526 1,386 1,527 874 1,238 0.16 41.65 Poland 8,823 8,401 8,818 5,347 6,951 0.92 30.00 Romania 4,534 4,128 4,253 4,320 4,655 0.62 7.75 Russian Federation 6,702 6,758 7,133 2,569 5,070 0.67 97.35 Slovakia 1,699 1,448 1,444 783 1,217 0.16 55.43 Ukraine 1,178 1,231 1,542 723 1,141 0.15 57.81 NORTHERN EUROPE 96,994 92,532 93,867 44,550 61,255 8.10 37.50 Denmark 7,426 6,831 6,698 3,192 4,727 0.62 48.09 Finland 3,620 3,389 3,384 1,754 2,513 0.33 43.27 Iceland 747 643 669 263 480 0.06 82.51 Ireland 5,956 6,054 6,583 3,387 4,611 0.61 36.14 Norway 3,607 3,035 3,161 1,020 2,887 0.38 183.04 Sweden 7,447 7,043 6,992 3,332 5,004 0.66 50.18 United Kingdom 68,191 65,537 66,380 31,602 41,033 5.42 29.84 SOUTHERN EUROPE 65,116 68,019 71,627 37,922 49,658 6.57 30.95 Croatia 1,430 1,393 1,330 940 1,267 0.17 34.79 Greece 3,250 3,158 3,187 1,889 2,413 0.32 27.74 Italy 28,011 28,383 29,109 14,681 18,626 2.46 26.87 Malta 813 691 826 1,090 1,138 0.15 4.40 Portugal 10,042 10,405 11,230 6,049 8,396 1.11 38.80 Slovenia 1,160 1,124 1,109 575 777 0.10 35.13 Spain 20,410 22,865 24,836 12,698 17,041 2.25 34.20 WESTERN EUROPE 709,906 691,732 706,675 378,138 517,559 68.43 36.87 Austria 6,533 6,377 6,347 2,977 4,562 0.60 53.24 Belgium 211,202 208,422 206,511 115,541 151,225 19.99 30.88 France 139,427 136,462 133,580 70,522 94,698 12.52 34.28 Germany 147,542 148,001 149,269 74,357 122,657 16.22 64.96 Netherlands 182,001 170,338 187,880 105,181 128,365 16.97 22.04 Switzerland 23,201 22,132 23,088 9,560 16,052 2.12 67.91 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 16,652 15,560 15,049 5,834 10,875 1.44 86.41 Cyprus 773 599 638 378 532 0.07 40.74 Turkiye 15,879 14,961 14,411 5,456 10,343 1.37 89.57 OTHER EUROPE 3,076 2,963 3,579 1,432 2,961 0.39 106.77 Other countries of Europe 3,076 2,963 3,579 1,432 2,961 0.39 106.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 577 COUNTRY TABLES LUXEMBOURG/LUXEMBURGO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,526,416 1,525,003 1,469,378 664,481 1,117,031 100.00 68.11 AFRICA 12,737 12,092 11,818 3,324 8,105 0.73 143.83 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,569 2,696 2,455 803 1,712 0.15 113.20 South Africa 2,569 2,696 2,455 803 1,712 0.15 113.20 OTHER AFRICA 10,168 9,396 9,363 2,521 6,393 0.57 153.59 Other countries of Africa 10,168 9,396 9,363 2,521 6,393 0.57 153.59 AMERICAS 97,002 91,398 88,524 22,933 66,647 5.97 190.62 NORTH AMERICA 77,011 70,745 67,750 18,185 51,613 4.62 183.82 Canada 10,892 9,893 9,038 2,280 6,599 0.59 189.43 United States of America 66,102 60,841 58,703 15,904 45,005 4.03 182.98 Other countries of North America 17 11 9 1 9 0.00 800.00 SOUTH AMERICA 8,234 9,561 10,182 2,641 7,268 0.65 175.20 Brazil 8,234 9,561 10,182 2,641 7,268 0.65 1 75.20 OTHER AMERICAS 11,757 11,092 10,592 2,107 7,766 0.70 268.58 Other countries of the Americas 11,757 11,092 10,592 2,107 7,766 0.70 268.58 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 113,286 113,898 109,831 27,140 82,695 7.40 204.70 NORHT-EAST ASIA 52,000 50,727 47,539 12,421 34,444 3.08 177.30 China 38,804 37,668 34,204 9,019 25,054 2.24 177.79 Japan 10,074 10,033 10,511 2,661 7,294 0.65 174.11 Korea, Republic of 3,122 3,026 2,824 741 2,096 0.19 182.86 AUSTRALASIA 6,609 6,387 6,020 1,100 4,968 0.44 351.64 Australia 6,609 6,387 6,020 1,100 4,968 0.44 351.64 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 54,677 56,784 56,272 13,619 43,283 3.87 217.81 Other countries of Asia 52,938 54,892 53,820 13,012 41,560 3.72 219.40 Other countries of Oceania 1,739 1,892 2,452 607 1,723 0.15 183.86 EUROPE 1,303,391 1,307,615 1,259,205 611,084 959,584 85.90 57.03 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 87,742 82,704 80,967 35,633 59,862 5.36 68.00 Bulgaria 5,685 5,494 5,432 2,102 3,139 0.28 49.33 Czech Republic (Czechia) 8,686 8,138 8,519 3,871 6,578 0.59 69.93 Estonia 2,312 1,979 2,307 997 1,713 0.15 71.82 Hungary 7,084 6,766 6,066 2,659 4,553 0.41 71.23 Latvia 2,429 2,487 2,257 937 1,796 0.16 91.68 Lithuania 3,270 3,017 3,268 1,401 2,594 0.23 85.15 Poland 22,830 19,552 18,996 8,951 14,362 1.29 60.45 Romania 16,014 16,384 14,863 8,102 10,478 0.94 29.33 Russian Federation 12,366 12,732 13,022 4,042 9,679 0.87 139.46 Slovakia 4,534 3,710 3,618 1,565 3,078 0.28 96.68 Ukraine 2,532 2,445 2,619 1,006 1,892 0.17 88.07 NORTHERN EUROPE 169,287 165,871 158,148 69,239 112,748 10.09 62.84 Denmark 11,035 10,668 9,950 4,100 7,787 0.70 89.93 Finland 6,522 6,826 6,035 2,733 4,521 0.40 65.42 Iceland 1,897 1,503 1,393 477 965 0.09 102.31 Ireland 12,153 12,126 12,558 5,591 9,962 0.89 78.18 Norway 6,484 5,849 5,408 1,230 4,033 0.36 227.89 Sweden 12,528 12,822 11,439 5,026 8,670 0.78 72.50 United Kingdom 118,668 116,077 111,365 50,082 76,810 6.88 53.37 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 578 COUNTRY TABLES LUXEMBOURG/LUXEMBURGO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 130,563 135,687 136,163 65,120 100,933 9.04 55.00 Croatia 4,538 3,714 3,470 1,587 3,178 0.28 100.25 Greece 8,129 7,853 7,575 3,537 5,381 0.48 52.13 Italy 59,573 61,590 59,878 29,102 43,1 75 3.87 48.36 Malta 3,693 3,583 3,577 1,901 2,541 0.23 33.67 Portugal 17,757 18,406 19,212 8,828 14,969 1.34 69.56 Slovenia 2,002 1,884 1,834 873 1,316 0.12 50.74 Spain 34,871 38,657 40,61 7 19,292 30,373 2.72 57.44 WESTERN EUROPE 887,913 895,123 857,778 431,868 665,843 59.61 54.18 Austria 12,382 12,544 11,814 5,115 8,685 0.78 69.79 Belgium 288,221 294,147 278,389 147,423 218,256 19.54 48.05 France 205,185 203,609 195,507 98,034 154,060 13.79 57.15 Germany 218,614 221,331 215,751 106,540 162,451 14.54 52.48 Netherlands 126,248 126,806 119,722 60,722 94,832 8.49 56.17 Switzerland 37,263 36,686 36,595 14,034 27,559 2.47 96.37 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,666 20,093 18,654 7,017 14,640 1.31 108.64 Cyprus 1,816 1,533 1,424 627 1,072 0.10 70.97 Turkiye 18,850 18,560 17,230 6,390 13,568 1.21 112.33 OTHER EUROPE 7,220 8,137 7,495 2,207 5,558 0.50 151.84 Other countries of Europe 7,220 8,137 7,495 2,207 5,558 0.50 151.84 LUXEMBOURG / LUXEMBURGO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,573,589 2,574,550 2,504,096 1,210,081 1,828,599 100.00 51.11 AFRICA 15,000 14,413 14,220 4,090 9,379 0.51 129.32 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,320 3,406 2,981 1,116 2,023 0.11 81.27 South Africa 3,320 3,406 2,981 1,116 2,023 0.11 81.27 OTHER AFRICA 11,680 11,007 11,239 2,974 7,356 0.40 147.34 Other countries of Africa 11,680 11,007 11,239 2,974 7,356 0.40 147.34 AMERICAS 107,900 102,238 99,120 27,127 73,071 4.00 169.37 NORTH AMERICA 83,417 76,418 72,632 20,434 54,535 2.98 166.88 Canada 12,124 10,734 9,794 2,499 7,077 0.39 183.19 United States of America 71,246 65,673 62,829 17,934 47,449 2.59 164.58 Other countries of North America 47 11 9 1 9 0.00 800.00 SOUTH AMERICA 9,862 11,713 12,802 3,519 8,713 0.48 147.60 Brazil 9,862 11,713 12,802 3,519 8,713 0.48 147.60 OTHER AMERICAS 14,621 14,107 13,686 3,174 9,823 0.54 209.48 Other countries of the Americas 14,621 14,107 13,686 3,174 9,823 0.54 209.48 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 126,777 126,365 121,329 30,203 89,447 4.89 196.15 NORHT-EAST ASIA 56,266 54,634 50,908 13,503 36,529 2.00 1 70.53 China 41,734 40,283 36,361 9,707 26,460 1.45 172.59 Japan 10,531 10,578 11,135 2,856 7,746 0.42 1 71.22 Korea, Republic of 4,001 3,773 3,412 940 2,323 0.13 147.13 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 579 COUNTRY TABLES LUXEMBOURG/LUXEMBURGO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 7,942 7,677 7,340 1,397 5,773 0.32 313.24 Australia 7,942 7,677 7,340 1,397 5,773 0.32 313.24 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 62,569 64,054 63,081 15,303 47,145 2.58 208.08 Other countries of Asia 60,206 61,702 60,326 14,634 45,238 2.47 209.13 Other countries of Oceania 2,363 2,352 2,755 669 1,907 0.10 185.05 EUROPE 2,323,912 2,331,534 2,269,427 1,148,661 1,656,702 90.60 44.23 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 97,989 92,803 90,668 40,413 68,051 3.72 68.39 Bulgaria 7,098 6,811 6,752 2,593 3,400 0.19 31.12 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,711 9,048 10,132 4,776 8,528 0.47 78.56 Estonia 2,803 2,171 2,380 1,029 1,766 0.10 71.62 Hungary 7,626 7,195 6,542 2,927 4,859 0.27 66.01 Latvia 2,563 2,657 2,393 957 1,887 0.10 97.18 Lithuania 3,475 3,209 3,451 1,488 2,735 0.15 83.80 Poland 26,656 23,802 22,872 10,747 17,583 0.96 63.61 Romania 17,412 1 7,668 16,154 8,762 11,727 0.64 33.84 Russian Federation 13,107 13,543 13,819 4,360 10,120 0.55 132.11 Slovakia 4,834 3,980 3,869 1,676 3,434 0.19 104.89 Ukraine 2,704 2,719 2,304 1,098 2,012 0.11 83.24 NORTHERN EUROPE 195,679 192,096 183,422 81,331 122,182 6.68 50.23 Denmark 15,299 14,435 13,478 6,246 8,907 0.49 42.60 Finland 7,337 7,548 6,819 3,021 4,851 0.27 60.58 Iceland 2,063 1,657 1,619 507 1,105 0.06 117.95 Ireland 13,681 14,465 14,741 6,786 10,730 0.59 58.12 Norway 8,025 7,292 6,878 1,562 5,093 0.28 226.06 Sweden 13,518 13,708 12,428 5,407 9,247 0.51 71.02 United Kingdom 135,756 132,991 127,459 57,802 82,249 4.50 42.29 SOUTHERN EUROPE 146,087 151,577 151,802 74,473 115,834 6.33 55.54 Croatia 4,750 4,021 3,647 1,665 3,397 0.19 104.02 Greece 8,586 8,236 7,903 3,692 5,553 0.30 50.41 Italy 64,223 66,172 65,352 32,327 46,996 2.57 45.38 Malta 3,693 3,583 3,582 2,069 2,561 0.14 23.78 Portugal 22,394 22,733 23,375 11,805 22,265 1.22 88.61 Slovenia 2,451 2,369 2,304 1,051 1,500 0.08 42.72 Spain 39,990 44,463 45,639 21,864 33,562 1.84 53.50 WESTERN EUROPE 1,852,303 1,862,747 1,813,403 942,035 1,328,279 72.64 41.00 Austria 13,248 13,752 12,855 5,618 9,511 0.52 69.30 Belgium 507,021 505,704 491,395 244,745 351,322 19.21 43.55 France 242,744 239,408 229,920 116,773 178,189 9.74 52.59 Germany 312,879 316,770 310,711 151,265 288,158 15.76 90.50 Netherlands 735,033 746,634 728,593 408,243 471,440 25.78 15.48 Switzerland 41,378 40,479 39,929 15,391 29,659 1.62 92.70 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 23,433 22,935 21,204 7,817 15,999 0.87 104.67 Cyprus 1,838 1,545 1,428 629 1,075 0.06 70.91 Turkiye 21,595 21,390 19,776 7,188 14,924 0.82 107.62 OTHER EUROPE 8,421 9,376 8,928 2,592 6,357 0.35 145.25 Other countries of Europe 8,421 9,376 8,928 2,592 6,357 0.35 145.25 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 580 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 32,610,506 35,803,663 39,406,181 5,896,848 7,705,943 100.00 30.68 AFRICA 25,793 26,148 26,450 2,034 13 0.00 -99.36 EAST AFRICA 7,785 7,164 6,544 374 2 0.00 -99.47 Burundi 196 149 89 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Ethiopia 456 554 355 17 Kenya 1,047 1,048 1,153 56 Madagascar 378 334 356 28 Malawi 16 21 16 1 Mauritius 922 948 1,029 47 Mozambique 364 467 339 18 Rwanda 347 352 470 41 Seychelles 127 139 124 19 Somalia 19 24 39 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 2,058 1,502 1,190 107 Uganda 1,614 1,360 1,053 9 Zambia 96 113 128 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Zimbabwe 145 153 203 18 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,942 1,907 1,356 124 3 0.00 -97.58 Angola 1,111 1,099 619 68 1 0.00 -98.53 Cameroon 166 195 220 23 Congo 224 175 169 11 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 282 236 131 3 Equatorial Guinea 21 36 33 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Gabon 64 48 42 9 Sao Tome and Principe 74 118 142 8 1 0.00 -87.50 NORTH AFRICA 2,360 2,421 2,766 280 Algeria 229 163 180 16 Morocco 1,102 1,485 1,916 202 South Sudan 6 2 Sudan 624 428 323 19 Tunisia 405 339 345 43 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,666 6,634 6,801 667 4 0.00 -99.40 Botswana 144 160 105 11 Eswatini 4 8 8 Lesotho 31 37 28 4 Namibia 73 72 92 6 South Africa 5,414 6,357 6,568 646 4 0.00 -99.38 WEST AFRICA 6,336 6,325 7,032 520 3 0.00 -99.42 Benin 390 318 246 26 Burkina Faso 149 229 263 10 Cabo Verde 290 279 311 29 1 0.00 -96.55 Cote d'lvoire 379 525 617 31 Gambia 342 404 335 25 Ghana 278 274 365 32 1 0.00 -96.88 Guinea 297 319 336 32 Guinea-Bissau 148 193 148 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Liberia 228 511 478 54 Mali 260 170 506 73 Mauritania 35 41 83 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 581 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Niger 1,069 466 911 51 Nigeria 284 243 268 13 Senegal 1,329 1,467 1,360 72 Sierra Leone 177 147 151 11 Togo 681 739 654 49 OTHER AFRICA 1,704 1,697 1,951 69 1 0.00 -98.55 Other countries of Africa 1,704 1,697 1,951 69 1 0.00 -98.55 AMERICAS 297,548 316,421 316,691 23,200 417 0.01 -98.20 CARIBBEAN 2,252 2,203 2,194 156 9 0.00 -94.23 Antigua and Barbuda 67 55 75 3 Bahamas 49 44 29 4 Barbados 13 14 24 Cuba 503 523 365 28 2 0.00 -92.86 Dominica 165 179 194 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Dominican Republic 347 312 399 32 Grenada 238 313 335 27 4 0.00 -85.19 Haiti 75 72 68 9 Jamaica 263 232 259 10 Puerto Rico 3 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 277 199 229 14 Saint Lucia 7 12 13 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8 6 2 2 Trinidad and Tobago 240 239 201 14 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,404 3,789 3,925 407 7 0.00 -98.28 Belize 620 699 691 84 Costa Rica 1,247 1,416 1,387 153 4 0.00 -97.39 El Salvador 126 170 149 10 Guatemala 244 345 347 26 Honduras 321 313 311 22 1 0.00 -95.45 Nicaragua 19 26 41 4 Panama 827 820 999 108 2 0.00 -98.15 NORTH AMERICA 266,447 282,553 281,484 20,213 296 0.00 -98.54 Canada 74,206 74,220 75,020 6,175 125 0.00 -97.98 Mexico 5,928 6,596 6,731 548 United States of America 186,313 201,737 199,733 13,490 171 0.00 -98.73 SOUTH AMERICA 25,445 27,876 29,088 2,424 105 0.00 -95.67 Argentina 2,125 2,120 2,110 243 61 0.00 -74.90 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 235 226 270 45 3 0.00 -93.33 Brazil 11,010 11,621 12,767 1,111 26 0.00 -97.66 Chile 1,342 1,430 1,728 146 2 0.00 -98.63 Colombia 2,939 3,405 3,704 232 Ecuador 939 1,185 1,410 98 2 0.00 -97.96 Guyana 112 139 120 8 Paraguay 83 59 96 Peru 1,334 1,358 1,400 125 2 0.00 -98.40 Suriname 315 400 407 22 Uruguay 149 210 202 15 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,862 5,723 4,874 379 9 0.00 -97.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 582 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 31,834,897 35,000,359 38,624,959 5,844,115 7,705,348 99.99 31.85 NORHT-EAST ASIA 30,636,739 33,801,823 37,394,993 5,762,856 7,705,115 99.99 33.70 China 22,197,250 25,261,208 27,923,454 4,754,267 7,045,024 91.42 48.18 Hong Kong, China 6,163,599 6,326,782 7,353,396 843,075 589,040 7.64 -30.13 Japan 328,805 325,636 295,664 15,191 64 0.00 -99.58 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 707 942 3,762 257 Korea, Republic of 873,763 812,423 742,756 44,433 22 0.00 -99.95 Mongolia 13,165 14,576 13,234 1,573 3 0.00 -99.81 Taiwan Province of China 1,059,450 1,060,256 1,062,727 104,060 70,962 0.92 -31.81 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,090,814 1,086,343 1,124,763 71,226 141 0.00 -99.80 Brunei Darussalam 1,192 1,081 791 43 Cambodia 9,781 38,442 41,480 2,310 2 0.00 -99.91 Indonesia 197,052 173,735 169,891 12,877 9 0.00 -99.93 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,550 2,219 1,374 46 Malaysia 218,178 227,731 206,186 9,447 40 0.00 -99.58 Myanmar 7,904 8,169 8,502 582 9 0.00 -98.45 Philippines 307,016 311,899 422,923 31,998 26 0.00 -99.92 Singapore 142,990 134,766 115,695 5,997 38 0.00 -99.37 Thailand 198,119 181,271 151,439 7,419 7 0.00 -99.91 Timor-Leste 143 178 225 13 6 0.00 -53.85 Viet Nam 6,889 6,852 6,257 494 4 0.00 -99.19 AUSTRALASIA 102,674 105,280 98,936 9,360 80 0.00 -99.15 Australia 88,973 90,903 84,034 7,916 72 0.00 -99.09 New Zealand 13,701 14,377 14,902 1,444 8 0.00 -99.45 MELANESIA 1,086 1,170 1,149 111 9 0.00 -91.89 Fiji 520 601 606 31 9 0.00 -70.97 Papua New Guinea 136 139 93 9 Solomon Islands 214 246 169 24 Vanuatu 216 184 281 47 MICRONESIA 208 310 177 12 1 0.00 -91.67 Kiribati 25 20 22 Marshall Islands 90 118 62 3 Micronesia, Federated States of 4 11 13 2 Nauru 28 16 12 1 0.00 Palau 61 145 68 7 POLYNESIA 129 103 137 19 Samoa 21 38 47 5 Tonga 105 63 87 14 Tuvalu 3 2 3 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,247 5,330 4,804 531 2 0.00 -99.62 Other countries of Asia 3,247 5,330 4,804 531 2 0.00 -99.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 583 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 287,114 296,104 294,148 21,206 162 0.00 -99.24 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 50,348 55,611 56,651 6,114 17 0.00 -99.72 Belarus 1,593 1,587 2,050 281 Bulgaria 1,347 1,347 1,339 107 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,835 1,778 1,973 120 Estonia 475 530 456 41 Hungary 2,054 2,014 2,364 147 Latvia 449 456 547 45 1 0.00 -97.78 Lithuania 652 629 787 54 Moldova, Republic of 329 283 197 12 Poland 5,516 5,640 5,718 360 1 0.00 -99.72 Romania 2,701 2,690 2,653 213 Russian Federation 27,028 30,779 31,311 4,108 12 0.00 -99.71 Slovakia 1,105 1,172 1,318 59 Ukraine 5,264 6,706 5,938 567 3 0.00 -99.47 NORTHERN EUROPE 77,023 78,107 77,835 4,865 41 0.00 -99.16 Denmark 3,003 2,918 2,996 153 1 0.00 -99.35 Faeroe Islands 1 Finland 3,200 3,029 2,857 205 7 0.00 -96.59 Iceland 173 164 104 3 Ireland 3,964 4,410 4,453 264 4 0.00 -98.48 Norway 2,563 2,685 2,486 156 Sweden 6,997 6,575 5,653 403 2 0.00 -99.50 United Kingdom 57,122 58,326 59,286 3,681 27 0.00 -99.27 SOUTHERN EUROPE 43,790 46,913 49,418 3,529 28 0.00 -99.21 Albania 251 247 205 12 Andorra 17 15 19 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 77 180 216 16 Croatia 599 624 564 45 Greece 1,129 1,241 1,365 56 Holy See 11 1 3 Italy 13,850 14,617 15,450 932 14 0.00 -98.50 Malta 131 156 163 13 Montenegro 74 102 112 6 North Macedonia 168 199 142 9 Portugal 16,258 15,598 15,945 1,141 9 0.00 -99.21 San Marino 12 11 11 1 Serbia 1,411 2,652 4,417 535 Slovenia 463 649 482 52 3 0.00 -94.23 Spain 9,339 10,621 10,324 710 2 0.00 -99.72 WESTERN EUROPE 96,952 96,857 93,895 5,836 70 0.00 -98.80 Austria 4,890 4,848 3,881 234 4 0.00 -98.29 Belgium 4,216 4,727 4,531 284 France 40,395 38,887 36,583 2,337 38 0.00 -98.37 Germany 28,700 29,459 29,813 1,880 21 0.00 -98.88 Liechtenstein 51 44 43 Luxembourg 351 337 384 20 Monaco 29 49 37 3 Netherlands 10,873 11,690 12,163 648 4 0.00 -99.38 Switzerland 7,447 6,816 6,460 430 3 0.00 -99.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 584 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 19,001 18,615 16,349 862 6 0.00 -99.30 Cyprus 480 492 551 34 2 0.00 -94.12 Israel 15,362 15,357 13,658 683 2 0.00 -99.71 Türkiye 3,159 2,766 2,140 145 2 0.00 -98.62 OTHER EUROPE 1 Other countries of Europe 1 MIDDLE EAST 8,713 8,720 8,449 449 1 0.00 -99.78 Bahrain 169 150 157 11 Egypt 1,489 1,468 1,740 55 1 0.00 -98.18 Iraq 89 114 105 3 Jordan 667 547 571 51 Kuwait 1,063 1,102 1,039 65 Lebanon 1,051 997 754 22 Libya 43 52 58 4 Oman 150 143 121 3 Qatar 314 491 628 4 Saudi Arabia 2,344 2,038 1,958 147 State of Palestine 132 133 127 7 Syrian Arab Republic 77 84 72 6 United Arab Emirates 988 1,229 946 48 Yemen 137 172 173 23 SOUTH ASIA 156,441 155,911 135,484 5,844 2 0.00 -99.97 Afghanistan 105 81 51 9 Bangladesh 614 630 784 64 Bhutan 369 424 339 34 India 148,038 147,804 127,310 5,046 2 0.00 -99.96 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,464 1,840 1,446 91 Maldives 132 155 116 9 Nepal 2,852 2,945 3,252 395 Pakistan 1,018 1,096 1,124 128 Sri Lanka 849 936 1,062 68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 585 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 32,610,506 35,803,663 39,406,181 5,896,848 7,705,943 100.00 30.68 AFRICA 25,086 25,485 25,961 1,988 14 0.00 -99.30 EAST AFRICA 7,670 7,063 6,464 366 2 0.00 -99.45 Burundi 137 88 58 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Ethiopia 455 553 354 17 Kenya 1,048 1,048 1,153 56 Madagascar 378 334 356 28 Malawi 16 21 16 1 Mauritius 921 948 1,026 47 Mozambique 363 467 339 18 Reunion 1 Rwanda 347 352 470 41 Seychelles 127 139 124 19 Somalia 19 24 39 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 2,058 1,502 1,190 107 Uganda 1,608 1,358 1,049 9 Zambia 49 76 89 1 1 0.00 Zimbabwe 143 153 201 18 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,831 1,805 1,284 119 3 0.00 -97.48 Angola 1,111 1,099 618 68 1 0.00 -98.53 Cameroon 137 171 205 23 Congo 186 136 140 9 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 260 223 121 1 Equatorial Guinea 20 35 32 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Gabon 43 22 25 8 Sao Tome and Principe 74 119 143 8 1 0.00 -87.50 NORTH AFRICA 2,356 2,419 2,762 280 Algeria 229 162 174 16 Morocco 1,102 1,486 1,917 202 South Sudan 6 2 Sudan 623 428 323 19 Tunisia 402 337 346 43 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,539 6,516 6,750 662 4 0.00 -99.40 Botswana 20 46 56 6 Eswatini 4 8 8 Lesotho 31 37 28 4 Namibia 68 66 91 5 South Africa 5,416 6,359 6,567 647 4 0.00 -99.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 586 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 6,072 6,100 6,836 498 3 0.00 -99.40 Benin 204 175 106 10 Burkina Faso 143 225 259 10 Cabo Verde 242 222 276 24 1 0.00 -95.83 Cote d'lvoire 380 525 617 31 Gambia 343 404 335 25 Ghana 252 254 348 31 1 0.00 -96.77 Guinea 297 319 336 32 Guinea-Bissau 149 193 147 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Liberia 228 511 479 54 Mali 260 170 507 73 Mauritania 35 41 82 1 Niger 1,068 464 911 51 Nigeria 284 243 268 13 Saint Helena 1 1 Senegal 1,329 1,467 1,360 72 Sierra Leone 177 147 151 11 Togo 680 739 654 49 OTHER AFRICA 1,618 1,582 1,865 63 2 0.00 -96.83 Other countries of Africa 1,618 1,582 1,865 63 2 0.00 -96.83 AMERICAS 296,099 314,929 315,418 23,074 417 0.01 -98.19 CARIBBEAN 1,715 1,740 1,834 113 9 0.00 -92.04 Antigua and Barbuda 67 55 75 3 Bahamas 47 44 29 4 Barbados 13 13 24 Bermuda 3 2 3 British Virgin Islands 1 Cayman Islands 4 2 Cuba 160 237 147 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Dominica 165 179 194 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Dominican Republic 345 308 398 32 Grenada 121 204 242 10 4 0.00 -60.00 Haiti 5 15 23 3 Jamaica 262 231 258 10 Saint Kitts and Nevis 275 197 227 14 Saint Lucia 7 12 13 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5 6 1 1 Trinidad and Tobago 236 236 198 13 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,660 2,991 3,259 350 7 0.00 -98.00 Belize 620 696 691 84 Costa Rica 800 864 910 104 4 0.00 -96.15 El Salvador 54 98 101 9 Guatemala 168 286 294 25 Honduras 177 204 225 16 1 0.00 -93.75 Nicaragua 18 26 40 4 Panama 823 817 998 108 2 0.00 -98.15 NORTH AMERICA 266,505 282,587 281,525 20,209 296 0.00 -98.54 Canada 74,287 74,268 75,060 6,181 125 0.00 -97.98 Mexico 5,840 6,509 6,665 539 United States of America 186,378 201,810 199,800 13,489 171 0.00 -98.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 587 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 25,219 27,611 28,800 2,402 105 0.00 -95.63 Argentina 2,078 2,046 2,042 239 61 0.00 -74.48 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 230 221 264 44 3 0.00 -93.18 Brazil 11,012 11,629 12,770 1,111 26 0.00 -97.66 Chile 1,334 1,425 1,726 145 2 0.00 -98.62 Colombia 2,939 3,382 3,678 231 Ecuador 823 1,075 1,260 84 2 0.00 -97.62 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 Guyana 111 137 120 8 Paraguay 81 57 93 Peru 1,275 1,309 1,364 122 2 0.00 -98.36 Suriname 311 395 406 22 Uruguay 163 212 206 17 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,861 5,723 4,871 379 9 0.00 -97.63 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 31,837,198 35,002,676 38,626,841 5,844,300 7,705,346 99.99 31.84 NORHT-EAST ASIA 30,638,570 33,803,624 37,396,488 5,763,015 7,705,111 99.99 33.70 China 22,196,203 25,260,556 27,923,219 4,754,239 7,045,058 91.42 48.18 Hong Kong, China 6,165,129 6,327,925 7,354,094 843,165 589,014 7.64 -30.14 Japan 328,990 325,798 295,783 15,200 64 0.00 -99.58 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 707 944 3,766 258 Korea, Republic of 874,253 812,842 743,026 44,457 22 0.00 -99.95 Mongolia 13,181 14,591 13,245 1,572 3 0.00 -99.81 Taiwan Province of China 1,060,107 1,060,968 1,063,355 104,124 70,950 0.92 -31.86 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,091,304 1,086,862 1,125,168 71,256 143 0.00 -99.80 Brunei Darussalam 1,187 1,069 789 43 Cambodia 9,754 38,409 41,444 2,299 2 0.00 -99.91 Indonesia 197,139 173,836 169,957 12,883 9 0.00 -99.93 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,551 2,212 1,364 45 Malaysia 218,301 227,854 206,277 9,455 40 0.00 -99.58 Myanmar 7,905 8,168 8,500 583 9 0.00 -98.46 Philippines 307,139 312,072 423,106 32,018 27 0.00 -99.92 Singapore 143,068 134,840 115,742 6,002 38 0.00 -99.37 Thailand 198,222 181,379 151,521 7,421 7 0.00 -99.91 Timor-Leste 143 177 225 13 6 0.00 -53.85 Viet Nam 6,895 6,846 6,243 494 5 0.00 -98.99 AUSTRALASIA 102,695 105,295 98,939 9,358 80 0.00 -99.15 Australia 88,988 90,914 84,030 7,915 72 0.00 -99.09 New Zealand 13,707 14,381 14,909 1,443 8 0.00 -99.45 MELANESIA 1,070 1,160 1,138 109 9 0.00 -91.74 Fiji 520 600 606 31 9 0.00 -70.97 Papua New Guinea 130 134 87 8 Solomon Islands 214 246 169 24 Vanuatu 206 180 276 46 MICRONESIA 194 304 175 12 1 0.00 -91.67 Kiribati 17 17 22 Marshall Islands 88 117 62 3 Micronesia, Federated States of 4 11 13 2 Nauru 23 14 10 1 0.00 Palau 62 145 68 7 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 588 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 124 102 135 19 Samoa 19 38 47 5 Tonga 104 63 86 14 Tuvalu 1 1 2 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,241 5,329 4,798 531 2 0.00 -99.62 Other countries of Asia 3,241 5,329 4,798 531 2 0.00 -99.62 EUROPE 287,062 296,057 294,196 21,219 162 0.00 -99.24 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 50,363 55,616 56,645 6,118 17 0.00 -99.72 Belarus 1,593 1,587 2,050 281 Bulgaria 1,347 1,347 1,339 107 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,835 1,778 1,978 121 Estonia 476 530 456 41 Hungary 2,054 2,014 2,364 147 Latvia 449 456 547 45 1 0.00 -97.78 Lithuania 652 629 787 54 Moldova, Republic of 329 281 195 12 Poland 5,519 5,637 5,717 359 1 0.00 -99.72 Romania 2,700 2,690 2,649 213 Russian Federation 27,037 30,784 31,307 4,112 12 0.00 -99.71 Slovakia 1,106 1,173 1,318 59 Ukraine 5,266 6,710 5,938 567 3 0.00 -99.47 NORTHERN EUROPE 77,023 78,096 77,831 4,867 41 0.00 -99.16 Denmark 3,004 2,921 3,002 153 1 0.00 -99.35 Finland 3,198 3,029 2,854 205 7 0.00 -96.59 Iceland 173 164 103 3 Ireland 3,965 4,413 4,454 265 4 0.00 -98.49 Norway 2,567 2,685 2,487 156 Sweden 6,995 6,565 5,647 403 2 0.00 -99.50 United Kingdom 57,121 58,319 59,284 3,682 27 0.00 -99.27 SOUTHERN EUROPE 43,734 46,837 49,405 3,526 28 0.00 -99.21 Albania 250 246 205 12 Andorra 13 12 20 Bosnia and Herzegovina 77 180 216 16 Croatia 599 624 564 45 Greece 1,100 1,208 1,344 53 Holy See 12 1 4 Italy 13,861 14,625 15,451 933 14 0.00 -98.50 Malta 131 156 163 13 Montenegro 74 102 112 6 North Macedonia 169 199 142 9 Portugal 16,259 15,594 15,967 1,141 9 0.00 -99.21 San Marino 12 11 11 1 Serbia 1,411 2,652 4,418 536 Slovenia 463 649 483 52 3 0.00 -94.23 Spain 9,303 10,578 10,305 709 2 0.00 -99.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 589 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 96,928 96,882 93,952 5,844 70 0.00 -98.80 Austria 4,888 4,845 3,881 234 4 0.00 -98.29 Belgium 4,217 4,731 4,531 284 France 40,374 38,910 36,624 2,347 38 0.00 -98.38 Germany 28,719 29,469 29,825 1,880 21 0.00 -98.88 Liechtenstein 51 44 43 Luxembourg 350 329 386 20 Monaco 30 51 44 3 Netherlands 10,854 11,686 12,158 648 4 0.00 -99.38 Switzerland 7,445 6,817 6,460 428 3 0.00 -99.30 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 19,014 18,626 16,363 864 6 0.00 -99.31 Cyprus 481 492 550 34 2 0.00 -94.12 Israel 15,374 15,369 13,673 685 2 0.00 -99.71 Türkiye 3,159 2,765 2,140 145 2 0.00 -98.62 MIDDLE EAST 8,707 8,712 8,440 448 1 0.00 -99.78 Bahrain 167 148 156 10 Egypt 1,487 1,470 1,741 55 1 0.00 -98.18 Iraq 86 110 104 3 Jordan 667 543 566 51 Kuwait 1,062 1,102 1,039 65 Lebanon 1,052 997 754 22 Libya 43 52 58 4 Oman 151 141 120 3 Qatar 315 492 628 4 Saudi Arabia 2,343 2,039 1,956 147 State of Palestine 132 133 127 7 Syrian Arab Republic 77 84 71 6 United Arab Emirates 988 1,229 947 48 Yemen 137 172 173 23 SOUTH ASIA 156,354 155,804 135,325 5,819 3 0.00 -99.95 Afghanistan 73 70 42 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Bangladesh 476 464 597 36 Bhutan 368 423 337 34 India 148,121 147,870 127,351 5,049 2 0.00 -99.96 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,464 1,840 1,447 91 Maldives 132 155 117 9 Nepal 2,854 2,946 3,249 395 Pakistan 1,017 1,098 1,124 128 Sri Lanka 849 938 1,061 68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 590 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 12,389,470 13,205,976 13,492,322 3,244,699 5,731,566 100.00 76.64 AMERICAS 116,915 119,717 118,035 11,968 3,782 0.07 -68.40 NORTH AMERICA 99,477 105,453 106,217 10,859 2,975 0.05 -72.60 Canada 28,277 27,536 27,196 3,688 1,092 0.02 -70.39 United States of America 71,200 77,917 79,021 7,171 1,883 0.03 -73.74 OTHER AMERICAS 17,438 14,264 11,818 1,109 807 0.01 -27.23 Other countries of the Americas 17,438 14,264 11,818 1,109 807 0.01 -27.23 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 11,903,689 12,734,470 13,074,497 3,198,673 5,701,721 99.48 78.25 NORHT-EAST ASIA 11,430,752 12,278,328 12,625,906 3,142,283 5,654,618 98.66 79.95 China 8,636,783 9,642,616 9,823,975 2,759,847 5,379,685 93.86 94.93 Hong Kong, China 1,609,126 1,492,038 1,601,607 275,449 237,640 4.15 -13.73 Japan 190,267 188,917 192,156 15,201 485 0.01 -96.81 Korea, Republic of 501,167 481,414 552,973 46,026 1,024 0.02 -97.78 Taiwan Province of China 493,409 473,343 455,195 45,760 35,784 0.62 -21.80 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 388,039 362,225 359,839 42,035 34,473 0.60 -17.99 Indonesia 76,941 60,596 53,362 3,755 2,429 0.04 -35.31 Malaysia 111,643 110,901 107,026 8,285 2,683 0.05 -67.62 Philippines 50,675 52,876 65,806 19,910 27,693 0.48 39.09 Singapore 79,247 71,215 66,497 4,877 995 0.02 -79.60 Thailand 69,533 66,637 67,148 5,208 673 0.01 -87.08 AUSTRALASIA 49,675 50,167 45,485 5,076 1,245 0.02 -75.47 Australia 42,962 43,489 38,997 4,253 1,157 0.02 -72.80 New Zealand 6,713 6,678 6,488 823 88 0.00 -89.31 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 35,223 43,750 43,267 9,279 11,385 0.20 22.70 Other countries of Asia 32,832 41,254 41,485 8,852 11,108 0.19 25.49 Other countries of Oceania 2,391 2,496 1,782 427 277 0.00 -35.13 EUROPE 117,386 120,262 119,325 11,967 2,542 0.04 -78.76 NORTHERN EUROPE 26,229 25,864 22,277 2,156 720 0.01 -66.60 United Kingdom 26,229 25,864 22,277 2,156 720 0.01 -66.60 SOUTHERN EUROPE 19,050 16,794 19,243 2,027 431 0.01 -78.74 Italy 6,512 6,768 6,789 517 109 0.00 -78.92 Portugal 12,538 10,026 12,454 1,510 322 0.01 -78.68 WESTERN EUROPE 28,489 30,431 28,720 1,858 268 0.00 -85.58 France 16,418 16,979 15,133 1,078 179 0.00 -83.40 Germany 12,071 13,452 13,587 780 89 0.00 -88.59 OTHER EUROPE 43,618 47,173 49,085 5,926 1,123 0.02 -81.05 Other countries of Europe 43,618 47,173 49,085 5,926 1,123 0.02 -81.05 SOUTH ASIA 126,108 116,623 89,994 3,743 1,179 0.02 -68.50 India 126,108 116,623 89,994 3,743 1,179 0.02 -68.50 NOT SPECIFIED 125,372 114,904 90,471 18,348 22,342 0.39 21.77 Other countries of the world 125,372 114,904 90,471 18,348 22,342 0.39 21.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 591 COUNTRY TABLES MACAO (CHINA) / MACAO (CHINE) / MACAO (CHINA) 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 16,642,821 18,090,578 18,439,414 5,207,547 9,928,427 100.00 90.65 AMERICAS 229,276 236,853 228,052 23,824 8,685 0.09 -63.55 NORTH AMERICA 193,680 206,793 203,206 21,000 6,626 0.07 -68.45 Canada 56,785 57,416 50,359 6,793 1,914 0.02 -71.82 United States of America 136,895 149,377 152,847 14,207 4,712 0.05 -66.83 OTHER AMERICAS 35,596 30,060 24,846 2,824 2,059 0.02 -27.09 Other countries of the Americas 35,596 30,060 24,846 2,824 2,059 0.02 -27.09 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,687,036 17,197,773 17,659,639 5,118,796 9,825,276 98.96 91.95 NORHT-EAST ASIA 14,786,104 16,365,353 16,799,001 5,021,496 9,758,816 98.29 94.34 China 10,585,990 12,344,125 12,513,291 4,359,648 9,223,041 92.90 111.55 Hong Kong, China 2,223,168 2,138,512 2,247,048 471,553 459,311 4.63 -2.60 Japan 340,832 314,625 338,221 26,492 1,891 0.02 -92.86 Korea, Republic of 773,867 762,493 910,288 81,849 2,415 0.02 -97.05 Taiwan Province of China 862,247 805,598 790,153 81,954 72,158 0.73 -11.95 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 721,598 639,786 672,518 66,762 45,150 0.45 -32.37 Indonesia 121,104 96,908 90,819 5,992 2,976 0.03 -50.33 Malaysia 208,731 195,174 194,748 17,226 5,412 0.05 -68.58 Philippines 88,121 86,568 116,749 24,404 32,820 0.33 34.49 Singapore 1 74,958 139,583 137,396 10,751 3,011 0.03 -71.99 Thailand 128,684 121,553 132,806 8,389 931 0.01 -88.90 AUSTRALASIA 109,178 100,107 88,628 11,086 3,110 0.03 -71.95 Australia 95,879 86,986 75,762 9,275 2,851 0.03 -69.26 New Zealand 13,299 13,121 12,866 1,811 259 0.00 -85.70 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 70,156 92,527 99,492 19,452 18,200 0.18 -6.44 Other countries of Asia 65,978 87,792 96,457 18,676 17,875 0.18 -4.29 Other countries of Oceania 4,178 4,735 3,035 776 325 0.00 -58.12 EUROPE 245,536 234,634 224,709 20,772 5,400 0.05 -74.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 53,607 49,795 41,915 3,458 1,686 0.02 -51.24 United Kingdom 53,607 49,795 41,915 3,458 1,686 0.02 -51.24 SOUTHERN EUROPE 40,181 35,500 38,639 3,351 739 0.01 -77.95 Italy 15,167 14,316 15,402 760 158 0.00 -79.21 Portugal 25,014 21,184 23,237 2,591 581 0.01 -77.58 WESTERN EUROPE 52,824 56,093 52,085 3,567 840 0.01 -76.45 France 29,288 31,889 27,552 2,298 378 0.00 -83.55 Germany 23,536 24,204 24,533 1,269 462 0.00 -63.59 OTHER EUROPE 98,924 93,246 92,070 10,396 2,135 0.02 -79.46 Other countries of Europe 98,924 93,246 92,070 10,396 2,135 0.02 -79.46 SOUTH ASIA 231,889 191,040 152,616 5,787 1,653 0.02 -71.44 India 231,889 191,040 152,616 5,787 1,653 0.02 -71.44 NOT SPECIFIED 249,084 230,278 174,398 38,368 87,413 0.88 127.83 Other countries of the world 249,084 230,278 174,398 38,368 87,413 0.88 127.83 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 592 COUNTRY TABLES MADAGASCAR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 255,460 291,299 383,717 68,330 7,755 100.00 -88.65 AFRICA 11,548 20,683 28,731 8,031 493 6.36 -93.86 EAST AFRICA 7,497 13,927 17,993 5,738 375 4.84 -93.46 Burundi 61 109 405 65 1 0.01 -98.46 Comoros 2,757 6,084 6,221 2,465 11 0.14 -99.55 Djibouti 15 69 116 7 Ethiopia 7 105 139 13 Kenya 274 604 648 34 4 0.05 -88.24 Malawi 18 61 75 12 Mauritius 3,752 5,448 7,667 2,411 234 3.02 -90.29 Mozambique 79 138 247 15 Rwanda 52 140 545 52 Seychelles 149 421 1,079 326 26 0.34 -92.02 Somalia 10 14 4 Tanzania, United Republic of 92 201 192 221 93 1.20 -57.92 Uganda 21 174 233 63 Zambia 61 110 148 15 2 0.03 -86.67 Zimbabwe 159 253 264 35 4 0.05 -88.57 CENTRAL AFRICA 528 1,158 2,168 340 24 0.31 -92.94 Angola 65 65 166 33 Cameroon 212 368 944 128 8 0.10 -93.75 Central African Republic 18 35 117 45 3 0.04 -93.33 Chad 9 37 85 24 2 0.03 -91.67 Congo 210 603 615 74 10 0.13 -86.49 Gabon 14 50 241 36 1 0.01 -97.22 NORTH AFRICA 154 946 1,671 413 22 0.28 -94.67 Algeria 72 132 276 75 7 0.09 -90.67 Morocco 50 491 772 186 9 0.12 -95.16 Sudan 32 24 62 12 Tunisia 299 561 140 6 0.08 -95.71 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,653 2,646 4,028 1,042 32 0.41 -96.93 Botswana 60 61 48 19 1 0.01 -94.74 Eswatini 42 68 9 Lesotho 4 14 1 1 0.01 Namibia 17 26 34 6 South Africa 2,576 2,513 3,864 1,007 30 0.39 -97.02 WEST AFRICA 716 2,006 2,871 498 40 0.52 -91.97 Benin 76 125 132 28 3 0.04 -89.29 Burkina Faso 74 144 192 18 2 0.03 -88.89 Cote d'lvoire 80 338 455 68 7 0.09 -89.71 Gambia 22 4 30 3 Ghana 40 153 218 33 Guinea 82 121 169 34 6 0.08 -82.35 Liberia 1 1 3 Mali 57 126 116 47 Mauritania 24 171 435 61 Niger 39 95 14 3 0.04 -78.57 Nigeria 80 368 353 51 Senegal 143 299 482 123 14 0.18 -88.62 Sierra Leone 2 6 19 2 Togo 36 111 174 13 5 0.06 -61.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI:,18111/9789284424139 593 COUNTRY TABLES MADAGASCAR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 4,283 10,847 11,235 4,909 251 3.24 -94.89 CARIBBEAN 72 43 59 18 2 0.03 -88.89 Cuba 15 2 10 2 Dominican Republic 13 7 Haiti 12 21 9 3 1 0.01 -66.67 Jamaica 44 9 22 5 1 0.01 -80.00 Trinidad and Tobago 1 11 5 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 3 8 39 7 3 0.04 -57.14 Costa Rica 1 1 7 1 Guatemala 2 28 1 1 0.01 Honduras 1 2 0.03 Nicaragua 4 2 Panama 1 5 3 NORTH AMERICA 3,940 8,330 10,231 4,715 237 3.06 -94.97 Canada 1,294 1,891 2,137 968 91 1.17 -90.60 Mexico 25 56 185 69 1 0.01 -98.55 United States of America 2,621 6,383 7,909 3,678 145 1.87 -96.06 SOUTH AMERICA 268 2,466 906 169 9 0.12 -94.67 Argentina 33 1,891 118 27 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 28 8 22 8 Brazil 132 347 482 51 1 0.01 -98.04 Chile 13 49 100 22 2 0.03 -90.91 Colombia 49 138 93 23 2 0.03 -91.30 Ecuador 6 2 3 Paraguay 5 1 Peru 2 9 73 24 4 0.05 -83.33 Uruguay 8 3 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 5 17 10 7 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,564 12,211 17,028 5,776 224 2.89 -96.12 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,868 8,788 12,522 4,238 185 2.39 -95.63 China 3,083 6,285 9,085 2,514 134 1.73 -94.67 Japan 248 1,575 1,913 874 47 0.61 -94.62 Korea, Republic of 472 783 1,204 795 3 0.04 -99.62 Taiwan Province of China 65 145 320 55 1 0.01 -98.18 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 907 1,346 1,828 571 25 0.32 -95.62 Cambodia 1 3 8 0.10 166.67 Indonesia 141 189 328 152 5 0.06 -96.71 Malaysia 95 108 330 65 Philippines 272 307 420 146 4 0.05 -97.26 Singapore 69 149 154 66 Thailand 312 497 511 107 8 0.10 -92.52 Viet Nam 18 96 84 32 AUSTRALASIA 789 2,069 2,650 955 14 0.18 -98.53 Australia 735 1,815 2,264 868 11 0.14 -98.73 New Zealand 54 254 386 87 3 0.04 -96.55 POLYNESIA 8 28 12 All countries of Polynesia 8 28 12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 594 COUNTRY TABLES MADAGASCAR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 75,121 141,557 254,972 36,728 6,006 77.45 -83.65 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 549 3,759 4,993 2,064 42 0.54 -97.97 Armenia 2 5 3 Belarus 2 38 29 17 1 0.01 -94.12 Bulgaria 23 71 86 36 Czech Republic (Czechia) 65 177 258 89 Estonia 6 42 68 18 Georgia 7 6 3 Hungary 12 105 169 33 Kazakhstan 19 5 Latvia 1 4 1 2 Lithuania 3 120 142 21 Moldova, Republic of 1 7 20 7 Poland 122 1,012 741 117 12 0.15 -89.74 Romania 24 198 276 68 2 0.03 -97.06 Russian Federation 193 779 1,171 946 15 0.19 -98.41 Slovakia 53 423 598 58 7 0.09 -87.93 Ukraine 44 774 1,404 641 5 0.06 -99.22 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,772 4,695 7,580 5,209 111 1.43 -97.87 Denmark 83 574 311 11 0.14 -96.46 Finland 60 104 268 162 22 0.28 -86.42 Ireland 122 35 122 36 2 0.03 -94.44 Norway 536 640 879 457 18 0.23 -96.06 Sweden 271 355 525 379 4 0.05 -98.94 United Kingdom 2,700 3,561 5,212 3,864 54 0.70 -98.60 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,668 48,918 105,880 7,148 183 2.36 -97.44 Albania 3 6 5 1 Andorra 40 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 Croatia 24 59 153 64 2 0.03 -96.88 Greece 80 291 308 95 16 0.21 -83.16 Holy See 12 Italy 2,691 43,984 98,525 4,548 124 1.60 -97.27 Malta 4 1 1 Portugal 111 447 1,593 871 8 0.10 -99.08 Serbia 2 14 57 15 1 0.01 -93.33 Slovenia 53 423 598 224 2 0.03 -99.11 Spain 696 3,653 4,638 1,318 30 0.39 -97.72 WESTERN EUROPE 66,652 83,284 134,958 21,969 5,657 72.95 -74.25 Austria 62 210 2,264 1,016 2 0.03 -99.80 Belgium 1,764 3,432 4,181 1,534 104 1.34 -93.22 France 60,144 70,886 115,115 15,365 5,318 68.58 -65.39 Germany 2,570 5,449 8,415 2,138 144 1.86 -93.26 Luxembourg 10 71 85 11 4 0.05 -63.64 Monaco 3 Netherlands 316 977 738 164 19 0.25 -88.41 Switzerland 1,786 2,259 4,160 1,738 66 0.85 -96.20 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 480 901 1,561 338 13 0.17 -96.15 Cyprus 36 2 Israel 342 342 596 127 Turkiye 138 559 929 209 13 0.17 -93.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 595 COUNTRY TABLES MADAGASCAR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 154 479 671 192 16 0.21 -91.67 Egypt 90 198 343 87 4 0.05 -95.40 Iraq 7 5 2 Jordan 14 12 19 1 Kuwait 14 3 6 Lebanon 2 92 123 35 12 0.15 -65.71 Libya 31 24 17 4 Qatar 1 8 5 Saudi Arabia 7 63 24 6 State of Palestine 2 25 9 Syrian Arab Republic 8 20 61 24 Yemen 1 47 43 13 SOUTH ASIA 2,861 5,113 6,162 3,777 137 1.77 -96.37 Afghanistan 11 24 3 Bangladesh 85 81 106 9 India 1,571 2,997 3,450 1,984 80 1.03 -95.97 Iran, Islamic Republic of 104 152 149 48 Maldives 1 Nepal 22 43 39 14 Pakistan 310 735 1,015 785 18 0.23 -97.71 Sri Lanka 769 1,094 1,379 933 39 0.50 -95.82 NOT SPECIFIED 155,929 100,409 64,918 8,917 628 8.10 -92.96 Other countries of the world 155,929 81,183 41,934 3,012 59 0.76 -98.04 Nationals residing abroad 19,226 22,984 5,905 569 7.34 -90.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 596 COUNTRY TABLES MALAWI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 837,233 870,722 978,327 198,905 431,999 100.00 117.19 AFRICA 698,287 726,219 896,148 184,584 392,687 90.90 112.74 EAST AFRICA 600,835 624,869 781,116 131,655 382,063 88.44 190.20 Mozambique 253,025 263,146 372,474 13,302 125,915 29.15 846.59 Zambia 139,000 144,560 104,976 33,819 175,217 40.56 418.10 Zimbabwe 110,740 115,170 150,879 7,150 13,547 3.14 89.47 Other countries of East Africa 98,070 101,993 152,787 77,384 67,384 15.60 -12.92 SOUTHERN AFRICA 90,819 94,452 59,836 1,757 9,517 2.20 441.66 All countries of Southern Africa 90,819 94,452 59,836 1,757 9,517 2.20 441.66 OTHER AFRICA 6,633 6,898 55,196 51,172 1,107 0.26 -97.84 Other countries of Africa 6,633 6,898 55,196 51,172 1,107 0.26 -97.84 AMERICAS 45,580 47,403 15,653 3,580 9,936 2.30 177.54 NORTH AMERICA 35,385 36,800 12,693 598 Canada, United States 35,385 36,800 12,693 598 OTHER AMERICAS 10,195 10,603 2,960 2,982 9,936 2.30 233.20 Other countries of the Americas 10,195 10,603 2,960 2,982 All countries of the Americas 9,936 2.30 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,380 15,995 6,359 2,088 6,048 1.40 189.66 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,380 15,995 6,359 2,088 6,048 1.40 189.66 All countries of Asia 15,380 15,995 6,359 2,088 6,048 1.40 189.66 EUROPE 49,955 51,953 42,068 6,365 16,416 3.80 157.91 NORTHERN EUROPE 40,056 41,658 10,688 United Kingdom/Ireland 40,056 41,658 10,688 OTHER EUROPE 9,899 10,295 31,380 6,365 16,416 3.80 157.91 Other countries of Europe 9,899 10,295 31,380 All countries of Europe 6,365 16,416 3.80 157.91 MIDDLE EAST 1,108 1,152 All countries of Middle East 1,108 1,152 SOUTH ASIA 10,388 10,804 6,359 2,088 6,048 1.40 189.66 All countries of South Asia 10,388 10,804 6,359 2,088 6,048 1.40 189.66 NOT SPECIFIED 16,535 17,196 11,740 200 864 0.20 332.00 Other countries of the world 16,535 17,196 11,740 200 864 0.20 332.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 597 COUNTRY TABLES MALAYSIA / MALAISIE / MALASIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 25,948,459 25,832,354 26,100,784 4,332,722 134,728 100.00 -96.89 AFRICA 74,957 119,425 126,750 20,797 2,398 1.78 -88.47 EAST AFRICA 30,079 37,300 37,458 6,082 758 0.56 -87.54 Burundi 2 45 22 2 2 0.00 Comoros 40 288 296 49 13 0.01 -73.47 Djibouti 103 163 147 29 20 0.01 -31.03 Eritrea 286 380 340 54 10 0.01 -81.48 Ethiopia 451 638 456 94 16 0.01 -82.98 Kenya 4,449 6,198 6,063 941 135 0.10 -85.65 Madagascar 95 546 633 115 1 0.00 -99.13 Malawi 228 288 296 63 14 0.01 -77.78 Mauritius 17,227 16,686 17,378 2,179 94 0.07 -95.69 Mozambique 38 324 285 119 11 0.01 -90.76 Rwanda 103 124 104 16 6 0.00 -62.50 Seychelles 712 1,004 1,215 266 40 0.03 -84.96 Somalia 575 3,472 3,048 722 194 0.14 -73.13 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,934 2,470 2,912 533 96 0.07 -81.99 Uganda 2,020 2,097 1,647 300 24 0.02 -92.00 Zambia 628 939 972 220 53 0.04 -75.91 Zimbabwe 1,188 1,638 1,644 380 29 0.02 -92.37 CENTRAL AFRICA 435 1,018 916 174 38 0.03 -78.16 Angola 70 93 66 12 Cameroon 113 443 359 55 12 0.01 -78.18 Central African Republic 4 18 4 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Chad 157 203 154 44 6 0.00 -86.36 Congo 10 38 186 33 5 0.00 -84.85 Equatorial Guinea 28 44 39 7 10 0.01 42.86 Gabon 31 113 62 12 2 0.00 -83.33 Sao Tome and Principe 22 66 46 9 2 0.00 -77.78 NORTH AFRICA 12,092 44,491 52,173 7,651 521 0.39 -93.19 Algeria 824 12,151 14,279 2,008 80 0.06 -96.02 Morocco 1,343 9,324 14,679 2,069 69 0.05 -96.67 South Sudan 79 0.06 Sudan 5,494 18,292 1 7,869 2,788 268 0.20 -90.39 Tunisia 4,431 4,724 5,346 786 25 0.02 -96.82 SOUTHERN AFRICA 21,966 22,809 23,528 4,063 179 0.13 -95.59 Botswana 54 285 319 46 2 0.00 -95.65 Eswatini 65 167 177 22 1 0.00 -95.45 Lesotho 21 105 69 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Namibia 266 275 289 56 7 0.01 -87.50 South Africa 21,560 21,977 22,674 3,876 168 0.12 -95.67 Other countries of Southern Africa 46 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 598 COUNTRY TABLES MALAYSIA / MALAISIE / MALASIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 10,385 13,807 12,675 2,827 902 0.67 -68.09 Benin 51 118 125 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Burkina Faso 30 128 89 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Cabo Verde 10 65 46 10 Cote d'lvoire 66 412 401 55 10 0.01 -81.82 Gambia 274 457 503 158 7 0.01 -95.57 Ghana 786 1,211 1,121 136 22 0.02 -83.82 Guinea 183 661 716 155 45 0.03 -70.97 Guinea-Bissau 22 47 23 4 Liberia 80 101 106 20 10 0.01 -50.00 Mali 53 142 125 24 10 0.01 -58.33 Mauritania 46 313 311 69 23 0.02 -66.67 Niger 8 52 47 9 Nigeria 8,378 8,825 7,543 1,878 735 0.55 -60.86 Saint Helena 2 9 4 Senegal 109 636 844 150 26 0.02 -82.67 Sierra Leone 264 478 534 104 7 0.01 -93.27 Togo 23 152 137 27 4 0.00 -85.19 AMERICAS 308,567 389,792 406,718 76,712 2,888 2.14 -96.24 CARIBBEAN 1,786 2,626 3,277 720 44 0.03 -93.89 Anguilla 8 7 Antigua and Barbuda 34 154 213 51 2 0.00 -96.08 Aruba 1 8 9 Bahamas 23 101 79 13 Barbados 53 65 76 9 1 0.00 -88.89 British Virgin Islands 1 Cuba 333 283 321 90 3 0.00 -96.67 Dominica 76 264 479 96 17 0.01 -82.29 Dominican Republic 197 271 265 61 1 0.00 -98.36 Grenada 58 80 148 47 4 0.00 -91.49 Haiti 48 74 57 13 Jamaica 273 305 404 79 3 0.00 -96.20 Netherlands Antilles 1 3 Puerto Rico 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 68 329 494 141 5 0.00 -96.45 Saint Lucia 25 45 76 26 2 0.00 -92.31 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 12 24 4 Trinidad and Tobago 589 625 619 88 6 0.00 -93.18 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 1 3 2 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,739 2,394 2,427 449 65 0.05 -85.52 Belize 54 84 81 13 2 0.00 -84.62 Costa Rica 821 958 916 135 40 0.03 -70.37 El Salvador 183 252 256 54 2 0.00 -96.30 Guatemala 285 311 344 40 2 0.00 -95.00 Honduras 193 335 279 48 9 0.01 -81.25 Nicaragua 48 128 114 17 Panama 155 326 437 142 10 0.01 -92.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 599 COUNTRY TABLES MALAYSIA / MALAISIE / MALASIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 271,603 347,013 366,446 66,729 2,539 1.88 -96.20 Canada 67,056 84,705 87,568 16,631 471 0.35 -97.17 Greenland 1 Mexico 6,344 8,924 8,949 1,288 38 0.03 -97.05 United States of America 198,203 253,384 269,928 48,810 2,030 1.51 -95.84 SOUTH AMERICA 33,439 37,759 34,568 8,814 240 0.18 -97.28 Argentina 12,667 10,495 7,750 2,388 47 0.03 -98.03 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 356 464 441 62 1 0.00 -98.39 Brazil 9,657 13,608 14,220 3,236 124 0.09 -96.17 Chile 5,984 5,396 4,568 1,361 15 0.01 -98.90 Colombia 1,469 1,913 1,879 342 17 0.01 -95.03 Ecuador 813 1,026 1,085 176 1 0.00 -99.43 Guyana 45 91 103 21 Paraguay 145 178 175 25 Peru 1,058 1,887 1,657 407 5 0.00 -98.77 Suriname 91 200 238 34 Uruguay 733 1,093 1,057 509 9 0.01 -98.23 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 421 1,408 1,395 253 21 0.02 -91.70 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 23,384,161 22,866,572 22,905,911 3,692,562 107,653 79.90 -97.08 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,493,916 4,343,689 4,600,263 660,598 14,418 10.70 -97.82 China 2,281,321 2,943,792 3,113,915 405,088 7,658 5.68 -98.11 Hong Kong, China 328 322 330 61 43 0.03 -29.51 Japan 392,777 394,540 424,694 74,383 3,114 2.31 -95.81 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 107 139 183 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Korea, Republic of 484,528 616,783 673,065 119,750 3,028 2.25 -97.47 Macao, China 17 19 12 Mongolia 1,911 4,172 5,148 1,217 11 0.01 -99.10 Taiwan Province of China 332,927 383,922 382,916 60,090 563 0.42 -99.06 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 19,479,487 18,115,596 17,881,682 2,949,611 91,683 68.05 -96.89 Brunei Darussalam 1,660,506 1,382,031 1,216,123 136,020 773 0.57 -99.43 Cambodia 42,004 90,113 97,097 16,548 250 0.19 -98.49 Indonesia 2,796,570 3,277,689 3,623,277 711,723 11,025 8.18 -98.45 Lao People's Democratic Republic 39,460 23,782 26,955 5,424 425 0.32 -92.16 Myanmar 42,314 38,513 46,257 9,745 377 0.28 -96.13 Philippines 370,559 396,062 421,908 66,051 2,317 1.72 -96.49 Singapore 12,441,713 10,615,986 10,163,882 1,545,255 16,308 12.10 -98.94 Thailand 1,836,522 1,914,692 1,884,306 394,413 59,607 44.24 -84.89 Timor-Leste 912 1,150 1,531 248 18 0.01 -92.74 Viet Nam 248,927 375,578 400,346 64,184 583 0.43 -99.09 AUSTRALASIA 407,155 402,198 418,411 81,474 1,517 1.13 -98.14 Australia 351,232 351,500 368,271 72,680 1,321 0.98 -98.18 New Zealand 55,923 50,698 50,140 8,794 196 0.15 -97.77 MELANESIA 3,347 4,475 5,039 804 22 0.02 -97.26 Fiji 2,120 2,617 2,892 336 7 0.01 -97.92 Papua New Guinea 960 1,215 1,272 189 5 0.00 -97.35 Solomon Islands 178 340 249 44 2 0.00 -95.45 Vanuatu 89 303 626 235 8 0.01 -96.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 800 COUNTRY TABLES MALAYSIA / MALAISIE / MALASIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 74 251 208 30 13 0.01 -56.67 Guam 1 3 3 Kiribati 6 52 28 13 11 0.01 -15.38 Marshall Islands 35 73 68 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Micronesia, Federated States of 20 15 19 3 Nauru 6 87 77 3 Palau 5 21 13 Other countries of Micronesia 1 POLYNESIA 182 351 297 39 Samoa 60 62 106 10 Tonga 75 211 182 29 Tuvalu 47 78 9 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 12 11 6 Other countries of Oceania 12 11 6 EUROPE 1,110,270 1,209,459 1,218,160 271,768 8,788 6.52 -96.77 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 169,657 195,645 214,303 72,341 1,564 1.16 -97.84 Armenia 293 564 577 156 2 0.00 -98.72 Azerbaijan 1,035 1,157 1,323 278 18 0.01 -93.53 Belarus 3,369 3,014 3,318 1,054 4 0.00 -99.62 Bulgaria 3,777 3,672 3,629 1,198 48 0.04 -95.99 Czech Republic (Czechia) 10,768 11,481 12,235 4,409 65 0.05 -98.53 Estonia 2,912 2,765 2,921 1,273 8 0.01 -99.37 Georgia 225 419 505 160 14 0.01 -91.25 Hungary 10,222 9,515 9,311 3,174 37 0.03 -98.83 Kazakhstan 12,577 13,861 18,138 6,065 141 0.10 -97.68 Kyrgyzstan 2,561 2,813 3,295 1,076 30 0.02 -97.21 Latvia 2,176 2,269 2,117 783 14 0.01 -98.21 Lithuania 3,551 3,582 3,450 1,228 25 0.02 -97.96 Moldova, Republic of 416 394 487 123 1 0.00 -99.19 Poland 20,067 24,364 27,033 7,539 161 0.12 -97.86 Romania 6,582 8,465 9,506 2,731 116 0.09 -95.75 Russian Federation 67,564 72,785 79,984 28,694 399 0.30 -98.61 Slovakia 6,798 6,047 5,957 2,043 53 0.04 -97.41 Tajikistan 337 1,183 1,184 286 28 0.02 -90.21 Turkmenistan 102 1,101 1,283 301 15 0.01 -95.02 Ukraine 13,068 14,529 16,019 6,326 298 0.22 -95.29 Uzbekistan 1,257 11,665 12,031 3,444 87 0.06 -97.47 NORTHERN EUROPE 458,877 466,906 447,042 93,071 3,581 2.66 -96.15 Denmark 23,219 23,566 22,314 6,061 214 0.16 -96.47 Finland 6,794 13,575 13,557 6,320 158 0.12 -97.50 Iceland 767 876 813 243 1 0.00 -99.59 Ireland 20,854 19,687 19,696 3,735 137 0.10 -96.33 Norway 14,121 15,202 14,585 3,552 136 0.10 -96.17 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 6 0.00 Sweden 34,304 32,665 29,592 9,292 253 0.19 -97.28 United Kingdom 358,818 361,335 346,485 63,868 2,676 1.99 -95.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 801 COUNTRY TABLES MALAYSIA / MALAISIE / MALASIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 99,822 119,546 124,749 20,413 768 0.57 -96.24 Albania 380 525 680 161 3 0.00 -98.14 Andorra 17 101 103 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina 462 816 855 216 35 0.03 -83.80 Croatia 2,555 2,603 2,883 814 112 0.08 -86.24 Greece 1,753 3,648 4,518 820 41 0.03 -95.00 Holy See 2 15 24 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Italy 44,638 52,055 54,710 8,971 300 0.22 -96.66 Malta 560 846 765 104 7 0.01 -93.27 Montenegro 26 0.02 Portugal 10,600 12,236 12,185 1,844 68 0.05 -96.31 San Marino 11 44 27 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Serbia 10 0.01 Serbia and Montenegro 994 1,348 1,463 389 Slovenia 2,416 2,529 2,329 556 9 0.01 -98.38 Spain 35,149 42,267 43,616 6,367 147 0.11 -97.69 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1 Other countries of Southern Europe 285 513 590 142 5 0.00 -96.48 WESTERN EUROPE 366,677 411,067 415,851 82,618 2,584 1.92 -96.87 Austria 10,366 13,927 13,146 3,289 125 0.09 -96.20 Belgium 1 7,327 20,624 22,082 3,734 122 0.09 -96.73 France 131,668 139,408 141,661 28,237 843 0.63 -97.01 Germany 109,816 128,895 130,221 27,458 824 0.61 -97.00 Liechtenstein 107 106 95 18 1 0.00 -94.44 Luxembourg 700 732 830 123 6 0.00 -95.12 Monaco 33 44 47 10 Netherlands 75,885 81,651 82,110 14,486 466 0.35 -96.78 Switzerland 20,775 25,680 25,659 5,263 197 0.15 -96.26 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 15,237 16,295 16,215 3,325 291 0.22 -91.25 Cyprus 630 885 921 173 5 0.00 -97.11 Israel 13 4 4 Turkiye 14,594 15,406 15,290 3,152 286 0.21 -90.93 MIDDLE EAST 219,509 280,716 298,069 53,527 3,849 2.86 -92.81 Bahrain 4,446 4,289 3,822 563 13 0.01 -97.69 Egypt 23,760 27,909 29,831 6,204 652 0.48 -89.49 Iraq 18,555 22,291 21,421 3,628 452 0.34 -87.54 Jordan 7,929 14,628 14,387 2,413 199 0.15 -91.75 Kuwait 9,247 7,928 9,632 1,464 31 0.02 -97.88 Lebanon 3,413 4,433 4,228 548 33 0.02 -93.98 Libya 3,478 5,057 6,498 1,698 365 0.27 -78.50 Oman 16,282 22,295 23,911 3,264 113 0.08 -96.54 Qatar 2,263 4,428 4,089 227 36 0.03 -84.14 Saudi Arabia 100,549 112,263 121,444 23,390 687 0.51 -97.06 State of Palestine 3,852 6,329 6,256 1,161 145 0.11 -87.51 Syrian Arab Republic 6,037 12,821 13,646 2,098 221 0.16 -89.47 United Arab Emirates 8,555 9,386 11,174 679 86 0.06 -87.33 Yemen 11,143 26,659 27,730 6,190 816 0.61 -86.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 802 COUNTRY TABLES MALAYSIA / MALAISIE / MALASIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 849,623 963,690 1,142,447 216,794 9,068 6.73 -95.82 Afghanistan 389 867 976 278 135 0.10 -51.44 Bangladesh 111,836 150,054 179,000 17,634 1,509 1.12 -91.44 Bhutan 614 925 948 121 5 0.00 -95.87 India 552,739 600,311 735,309 155,883 3,916 2.91 -97.49 Iran, Islamic Republic of 59,023 67,094 46,559 7,078 314 0.23 -95.56 Maldives 7,278 21,691 27,403 4,814 563 0.42 -88.30 Nepal 20,553 19,914 20,437 5,067 198 0.15 -96.09 Pakistan 53,453 74,458 105,757 17,777 2,043 1.52 -88.51 Sri Lanka 43,738 28,376 26,058 8,142 385 0.29 -95.27 NOT SPECIFIED 1,372 2,700 2,729 562 84 0.06 -85.05 Other countries of the world 1,372 2,700 2,729 562 84 0.06 -85.05 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 803 COUNTRY TABLES MALDIVES / MALDIVAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,389,542 1,484,274 1,702,887 555,494 1,321,937 100.00 137.98 AFRICA 14,680 15,360 18,720 6,466 27,469 2.08 324.82 EAST AFRICA 1,586 1,686 1,835 811 1,944 0.15 139.70 British Indian Ocean Territory 2 4 28 17 27 0.00 58.82 Burundi 3 4 2 2 6 0.00 200.00 Comoros 68 55 54 39 57 0.00 46.15 Djibouti 5 9 9 5 16 0.00 220.00 Eritrea 43 51 41 9 41 0.00 355.56 Ethiopia 128 104 123 62 184 0.01 196.77 Kenya 434 386 486 211 503 0.04 138.39 Madagascar 23 19 40 17 21 0.00 23.53 Malawi 19 19 35 15 29 0.00 93.33 Mauritius 283 312 328 73 122 0.01 67.12 Mozambique 53 97 100 29 84 0.01 189.66 Reunion 1 Rwanda 7 10 10 15 34 0.00 126.67 Seychelles 81 76 67 16 53 0.00 231.25 Somalia 34 37 40 22 39 0.00 77.27 Tanzania, United Republic of 120 101 108 89 164 0.01 84.27 Uganda 49 79 71 24 129 0.01 437.50 Zambia 96 108 103 59 117 0.01 98.31 Zimbabwe 137 215 190 107 318 0.02 197.20 CENTRAL AFRICA 163 133 168 105 298 0.02 183.81 Angola 67 41 33 19 85 0.01 347.37 Cameroon 22 44 80 28 96 0.01 242.86 Central African Republic 2 1 0.00 Chad 6 5 3 5 9 0.00 80.00 Congo 7 21 13 2 13 0.00 550.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 24 18 27 8 46 0.00 475.00 Equatorial Guinea 20 1 1 15 3 0.00 -80.00 Gabon 12 3 11 28 44 0.00 57.14 Sao Tome and Principe 3 1 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 4,971 4,751 5,779 1,918 4,871 0.37 153.96 Algeria 1,384 1,523 1,729 431 789 0.06 83.06 Morocco 1,568 1,686 2,108 748 1,406 0.11 87.97 South Sudan 1 9 2 6 77 0.01 1,183.33 Sudan 932 560 498 224 1,060 0.08 373.21 Tunisia 1,084 973 1,442 507 1,539 0.12 203.55 Western Sahara 2 2 SOUTHERN AFRICA 7,273 7,901 9,727 2,716 16,564 1.25 509.87 Botswana 56 30 41 13 49 0.00 276.92 Eswatini 51 17 12 23 0.00 Lesotho 3 7 10 2 15 0.00 650.00 Namibia 113 96 119 16 130 0.01 712.50 South Africa 7,050 7,751 9,545 2,685 16,347 1.24 508.83 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 804 COUNTRY TABLES MALDIVES / MALDIVAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 687 889 1,211 904 3,792 0.29 319.47 Benin 4 4 6 20 0.00 Burkina Faso 3 1 17 3 11 0.00 266.67 Cabo Verde 3 10 14 4 14 0.00 250.00 Cote d'lvoire 34 36 100 44 129 0.01 193.18 Gambia 7 6 9 41 11 0.00 -73.17 Ghana 90 84 100 39 422 0.03 982.05 Guinea 14 11 10 8 20 0.00 150.00 Guinea-Bissau 1 33 17 2 0.00 -88.24 Liberia 2 9 4 2 6 0.00 200.00 Mali 11 18 24 4 35 0.00 775.00 Mauritania 38 12 32 10 29 0.00 190.00 Niger 12 8 20 265 31 0.00 -88.30 Nigeria 428 594 793 430 2,927 0.22 580.70 Senegal 32 49 56 29 108 0.01 272.41 Sierra Leone 5 5 21 4 16 0.00 300.00 Togo 3 9 5 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 OTHER AFRICA 12 Other countries of Africa 12 AMERICAS 61,972 68,758 84,782 32,056 88,879 6.72 177.26 CARIBBEAN 381 493 579 303 852 0.06 181.19 Antigua and Barbuda 11 21 16 19 46 0.00 142.11 Bahamas 10 10 5 9 0.00 Barbados 8 15 5 1 13 0.00 1,200.00 Cuba 46 65 76 30 89 0.01 196.67 Dominica 28 74 81 84 176 0.01 109.52 Dominican Republic 39 58 52 13 66 0.00 407.69 Grenada 2 14 21 16 36 0.00 125.00 Haiti 4 4 8 4 17 0.00 325.00 Jamaica 30 48 48 12 53 0.00 341.67 Puerto Rico 1 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 89 92 170 81 240 0.02 196.30 Saint Lucia 4 4 8 10 21 0.00 110.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 20 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 110 88 89 32 65 0.00 103.13 Other countries of the Caribbean 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 316 389 397 130 334 0.03 156.92 Belize 9 8 9 2 9 0.00 350.00 Costa Rica 96 108 113 52 95 0.01 82.69 El Salvador 47 63 54 18 36 0.00 100.00 Guatemala 50 62 67 21 65 0.00 209.52 Honduras 32 30 40 17 49 0.00 188.24 Nicaragua 5 10 15 2 9 0.00 350.00 Panama 77 108 99 18 71 0.01 294.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 805 COUNTRY TABLES MALDIVES / MALDIVAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 49,826 54,236 68,184 24,143 64,180 4.85 165.83 Canada 8,994 9,540 11,473 3,872 6,943 0.53 79.31 Mexico 1,652 1,795 2,237 512 1,477 0.11 188.48 United States of America 39,180 42,901 54,474 19,759 55,760 4.22 182.20 SOUTH AMERICA 11,422 13,605 15,617 7,479 23,511 1.78 214.36 Argentina 2,202 3,192 2,596 956 814 0.06 -14.85 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 48 83 61 13 123 0.01 846.15 Brazil 7,064 7,702 9,868 5,497 20,512 1.55 273.15 Chile 425 682 757 251 264 0.02 5.18 Colombia 832 858 1,011 349 928 0.07 165.90 Ecuador 104 191 184 70 161 0.01 130.00 Guyana 10 9 8 2 12 0.00 500.00 Paraguay 83 126 90 26 128 0.01 392.31 Peru 263 322 336 123 205 0.02 66.67 Suriname 2 6 4 0.00 Uruguay 135 147 390 106 111 0.01 4.72 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 256 291 310 86 249 0.02 189.53 OTHER AMERICAS 27 35 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 Other countries of the Americas 27 35 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 505,375 506,360 512,399 72,033 24,938 1.89 -65.38 NORHT-EAST ASIA 392,905 372,448 380,623 51,319 10,519 0.80 -79.50 China 306,530 283,116 284,029 34,245 2,238 0.17 -93.46 Hong Kong, China 4 3 36 1 0.00 Japan 41,133 42,304 44,251 8,479 937 0.07 -88.95 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 12 15 10 5,895 1 0.00 -99.98 Korea, Republic of 34,808 34,400 37,073 6,849 0.52 Macao, China 2 1 Mongolia 92 169 251 72 307 0.02 326.39 Taiwan Province of China 10,326 12,439 14,972 2,628 186 0.01 -92.92 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 82,162 93,397 87,636 12,746 9,539 0.72 -25.16 Brunei Darussalam 116 128 151 34 9 0.00 -73.53 Cambodia 352 846 763 109 56 0.00 -48.62 Indonesia 5,375 5,885 4,646 857 953 0.07 11.20 Lao People's Democratic Republic 333 347 317 24 5 0.00 -79.17 Malaysia 19,092 22,202 21,605 2,946 703 0.05 -76.14 Myanmar 995 1,084 1,286 171 153 0.01 -10.53 Philippines 10,532 11,035 8,461 1,756 5,474 0.41 211.73 Singapore 14,502 13,877 14,990 2,117 1,117 0.08 -47.24 Thailand 26,037 32,436 29,211 3,468 839 0.06 -75.81 Timor-Leste 8 7 15 Viet Nam 4,820 5,550 6,191 1,264 230 0.02 -81.80 AUSTRALASIA 30,237 40,454 44,010 7,939 4,762 0.36 -40.02 Australia 27,360 37,254 39,928 7,220 4,077 0.31 -43.53 New Zealand 2,877 3,200 4,082 719 685 0.05 -4.73 MELANESIA 51 45 108 21 81 0.01 285.71 Fiji 40 17 42 9 17 0.00 88.89 Papua New Guinea 6 5 34 1 4 0.00 300.00 Solomon Islands 3 1 8 Vanuatu 2 22 24 11 60 0.00 445.45 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 806 COUNTRY TABLES MALDIVES / MALDIVAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 15 9 14 1 Kiribati 1 4 Marshall Islands 7 1 5 Micronesia, Federated States of 1 2 Nauru 4 1 Palau 3 7 2 1 POLYNESIA 5 7 8 7 37 0.00 428.57 American Samoa 2 0.00 French Polynesia 32 0.00 Samoa 5 2 5 Tonga 5 2 2 2 Tuvalu 4 3 0.00 EUROPE 646,361 726,416 833,923 348,341 772,433 58.43 121.75 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 129,462 150,519 179,865 120,383 390,738 29.56 224.58 Armenia 571 450 446 233 2,348 0.18 907.73 Azerbaijan 660 667 641 279 1,376 0.10 393.19 Belarus 1,776 2,150 2,705 1,754 4,987 0.38 184.32 Bulgaria 5,150 5,510 6,098 4,057 8,776 0.66 116.32 Czech Republic (Czechia) 11,459 13,229 13,423 7,282 18,692 1.41 156.69 Estonia 967 1,290 1,246 679 1,441 0.11 112.22 Georgia 246 275 320 107 672 0.05 528.04 Hungary 6,375 7,782 10,025 5,813 12,582 0.95 116.45 Kazakhstan 4,446 4,249 4,984 6,470 24,024 1.82 271.31 Kyrgyzstan 230 259 338 319 891 0.07 179.31 Latvia 1,102 1,199 1,281 718 1,592 0.12 121.73 Lithuania 2,025 2,638 2,206 1,186 3,805 0.29 220.83 Moldova, Republic of 465 550 660 354 1,198 0.09 238.42 Poland 8,699 12,025 20,961 7,108 23,596 1.78 231.96 Romania 6,914 8,520 10,137 6,800 15,856 1.20 133.18 Russian Federation 61,931 70,935 83,369 61,387 222,422 16.83 262.33 Slovakia 6,079 6,584 6,910 4,498 7,637 0.58 69.79 Tajikistan 68 83 59 42 203 0.02 383.33 Turkmenistan 73 54 108 28 48 0.00 71.43 Ukraine 9,722 11,430 13,253 10,343 35,073 2.65 239.10 Uzbekistan 504 640 695 926 3,519 0.27 280.02 NORTHERN EUROPE 140,533 156,461 165,530 67,814 82,866 6.27 22.20 Denmark 10,629 11,133 10,621 3,938 6,106 0.46 55.05 Faeroe Islands 1 0.00 Finland 3,705 5,682 5,315 2,128 1,724 0.13 -18.98 Iceland 199 239 238 110 59 0.00 -46.36 Ireland 3,892 4,236 4,287 1,688 2,931 0.22 73.64 Norway 5,006 5,585 5,641 1,624 1,549 0.12 -4.62 Sweden 13,127 14,988 13,245 5,613 7,746 0.59 38.00 United Kingdom 103,975 114,598 126,183 52,712 62,750 4.75 19.04 Other countries of Northern Europe 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 807 COUNTRY TABLES MALDIVES / MALDIVAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 132,572 158,119 199,553 63,150 96,247 7.28 52.41 Albania 506 562 762 256 1,047 0.08 308.98 Andorra 105 71 85 39 116 0.01 197.44 Bosnia and Herzegovina 538 582 774 241 773 0.06 220.75 Croatia 1,551 1,579 2,192 929 1,599 0.12 72.12 Greece 2,470 2,398 2,805 871 2,454 0.19 181.75 Italy 88,777 105,147 136,201 46,608 27,276 2.06 -41.48 Malta 408 578 701 340 378 0.03 11.18 Montenegro 133 157 206 115 175 0.01 52.17 North Macedonia 648 603 772 204 785 0.06 284.80 Portugal 6,882 8,342 11,428 3,206 15,743 1.19 391.05 San Marino 106 150 142 82 33 0.00 -59.76 Serbia 2,068 2,451 3,130 1,613 4,712 0.36 192.13 Slovenia 2,100 3,167 3,693 1,561 2,922 0.22 87.19 Spain 25,843 31,780 36,064 6,778 37,354 2.83 451.11 Other countries of Southern Europe 437 552 598 307 880 0.07 186.64 WESTERN EUROPE 226,114 242,727 267,702 91,696 178,920 13.53 95.12 Austria 19,709 20,391 21,839 8,103 17,128 1.30 111.38 Belgium 5,854 6,492 7,305 2,921 4,844 0.37 65.83 France 42,365 50,476 59,738 28,031 30,068 2.27 7.27 Germany 112,109 11 7,532 131,561 36,435 95,358 7.21 161.72 Liechtenstein 195 158 143 50 147 0.01 194.00 Luxembourg 734 787 940 354 1,285 0.10 262.99 Monaco 58 62 86 27 39 0.00 44.44 Netherlands 12,438 13,845 12,261 3,258 5,100 0.39 56.54 Switzerland 32,651 32,984 33,829 12,517 24,951 1.89 99.34 Other countries of Western Europe 1 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 17,680 18,590 21,273 5,298 23,662 1.79 346.62 Cyprus 563 713 873 352 958 0.07 172.16 Israel 5,949 7,748 10,424 1,782 12,175 0.92 583.22 Turkiye 11,168 10,129 9,976 3,164 10,529 0.80 232.77 MIDDLE EAST 49,193 52,114 60,003 26,286 91,413 6.92 247.76 Bahrain 889 800 1,000 747 2,629 0.20 251.94 Egypt 3,574 3,530 3,824 2,543 9,717 0.74 282.11 Iraq 889 825 961 507 1,740 0.13 243.20 Jordan 1,708 1,504 1,877 750 3,661 0.28 388.13 Kuwait 4,576 4,559 5,420 2,816 4,731 0.36 68.00 Lebanon 2,444 1,898 1,940 1,049 3,632 0.27 246.23 Libya 189 205 363 137 397 0.03 189.78 Oman 921 978 1,157 440 1,395 0.11 217.05 Qatar 1,770 3,087 4,554 1,530 6,063 0.46 296.27 Saudi Arabia 19,546 23,540 25,865 7,578 40,014 3.03 428.03 State of Palestine 412 413 493 123 674 0.05 447.97 Syrian Arab Republic 1,254 1,094 1,290 433 1,844 0.14 325.87 United Arab Emirates 10,485 9,018 10,493 7,368 14,095 1.07 91.30 Yemen 536 663 766 265 821 0.06 209.81 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 808 COUNTRY TABLES MALDIVES / MALDIVAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 111,724 115,082 192,740 70,214 316,488 23.94 350.75 Afghanistan 204 166 247 58 192 0.01 231.03 Bangladesh 4,714 3,644 3,918 1,139 3,923 0.30 244.42 Bhutan 46 64 122 7 40 0.00 471.43 India 83,019 90,474 166,029 62,931 291,787 22.07 363.66 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,525 1,768 1,534 642 2,797 0.21 335.67 Nepal 905 834 1,172 308 1,537 0.12 399.03 Pakistan 6,241 5,340 6,095 2,861 13,764 1.04 381.09 Sri Lanka 14,070 12,792 13,623 2,268 2,448 0.19 7.94 NOT SPECIFIED 237 184 320 98 317 0.02 223.47 Other countries of the world 237 184 320 98 317 0.02 223.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 809 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 193,374 202,741 217,050 75,155 168,122 100.00 123.70 AFRICA 54,554 68,491 61,003 29,488 46,667 27.76 58.26 EAST AFRICA 2,790 3,219 2,728 3,609 1,763 1.05 -51.15 British Indian Ocean Territory 2 2 0.00 Burundi 293 348 253 65 163 0.10 150.77 Comoros 31 34 51 4 20 0.01 400.00 Djibouti 39 47 63 29 48 0.03 65.52 Eritrea 7 6 18 11 17 0.01 54.55 Ethiopia 238 271 162 2,859 67 0.04 -97.66 Kenya 560 631 610 306 326 0.19 6.54 Madagascar 145 157 149 31 60 0.04 93.55 Malawi 14 18 34 3 21 0.01 600.00 Mauritius 39 47 83 11 18 0.01 63.64 Mozambique 90 87 71 33 85 0.05 157.58 Rwanda 503 564 445 58 339 0.20 484.48 Seychelles 2 2 4 2 8 0.00 300.00 Somalia 1 4 8 2 9 0.01 350.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 190 227 210 46 194 0.12 321.74 Uganda 133 185 116 52 Zambia 157 186 174 60 165 0.10 1 75.00 Zimbabwe 348 402 277 37 221 0.13 497.30 Other countries of East Africa 1 CENTRAL AFRICA 6,315 7,587 6,027 3,309 5,184 3.08 56.66 Angola 226 246 179 75 0.04 Cameroon 1,698 2,146 1,749 386 1,442 0.86 273.58 Central African Republic 325 279 95 314 0.19 230.53 Chad 666 742 716 138 619 0.37 348.55 Congo 2,862 3,206 1,169 885 1,236 0.74 39.66 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,276 822 916 0.54 11.44 Equatorial Guinea 35 44 21 24 16 0.01 -33.33 Gabon 817 872 631 947 564 0.34 -40.44 Sao Tome and Principe 11 6 7 12 2 0.00 -83.33 NORTH AFRICA 5,651 6,433 5,717 3,573 2,332 1.39 -34.73 Algeria 1,319 1,610 1,290 388 416 0.25 7.22 Morocco 2,912 3,034 2,598 2,404 983 0.58 -59.11 South Sudan 6 8 34 10 3 0.00 -70.00 Sudan 91 229 152 49 113 0.07 130.61 Tunisia 1,303 1,531 1,643 712 817 0.49 14.75 Western Sahara 20 21 10 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,236 2,603 2,326 416 1,452 0.86 249.04 Botswana 23 34 26 6 15 0.01 150.00 Eswatini 39 41 6 Lesotho 10 11 11 2 0.00 Namibia 204 204 135 61 82 0.05 34.43 South Africa 1,960 2,313 2,148 349 1,353 0.80 287.68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 810 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 37,562 48,649 44,205 18,581 35,936 21.37 93.40 Benin 2,030 2,593 2,520 490 1,592 0.95 224.90 Burkina Faso 4,791 5,664 5,214 2,347 4,462 2.65 90.12 Cabo Verde 60 78 31 4 24 0.01 500.00 Cote d'lvoire 8,854 10,901 10,491 5,558 8,873 5.28 59.64 Gambia 323 374 391 397 0.24 Ghana 2,053 2,287 2,009 361 1,684 1.00 366.48 Guinea 1,308 6,037 4,821 1,126 3,797 2.26 237.21 Guinea-Bissau 60 88 180 8 103 0.06 1,187.50 Liberia 161 306 149 23 112 0.07 386.96 Mauritania 2,684 3,049 2,888 1,608 2,631 1.56 63.62 Niger 2,520 2,830 2,369 782 1,802 1.07 130.43 Nigeria 625 1,043 1,027 120 611 0.36 409.17 Senegal 10,043 11,071 10,029 5,206 8,259 4.91 58.64 Sierra Leone 225 270 236 37 198 0.12 435.14 Togo 1,825 2,058 1,850 911 1,391 0.83 52.69 AMERICAS 7,119 10,124 9,245 1,952 7,740 4.60 296.52 CARIBBEAN 145 236 156 58 115 0.07 98.28 Anguilla 6 7 Antigua and Barbuda 5 6 10 0.01 Aruba 5 6 3 Bahamas 9 1 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Barbados 1 2 Bermuda 2 1 Cayman Islands 2 2 25 1 0.00 -96.00 Cuba 35 35 25 1 11 0.01 1,000.00 Curacao 1 Dominica 4 2 3 0.00 50.00 Dominican Republic 8 9 4 6 0.00 Guadeloupe 4 4 Haiti 77 100 93 1 73 0.04 7,200.00 Jamaica 8 8 10 9 7 0.00 -22.22 Martinique 5 1 0.00 Netherlands Antilles 3 Puerto Rico 13 8 Saint Lucia 1 Trinidad and Tobago 3 3 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 30 1 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 85 113 65 54 20 0.01 -62.96 Belize 5 5 1 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Costa Rica 8 9 6 45 El Salvador 37 34 7 0.00 Guatemala 6 4 5 4 0.00 Honduras 55 43 7 1 8 0.00 700.00 Nicaragua 7 10 10 3 Panama 4 5 2 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 811 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 6,584 9,376 8,683 1,791 7,437 4.42 315.24 Canada 2,138 2,579 2,135 443 1,116 0.66 151.92 Mexico 53 53 30 8 19 0.01 137.50 United States of America 4,393 6,744 6,518 1,340 6,302 3.75 370.30 SOUTH AMERICA 305 399 341 49 168 0.10 242.86 Argentina 30 40 28 4 23 0.01 475.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 6 6 8 Brazil 147 181 142 20 54 0.03 1 70.00 Chile 31 47 44 4 16 0.01 300.00 Colombia 46 54 58 9 38 0.02 322.22 Ecuador 7 9 11 4 0.00 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 15 1 10 French Guiana 1 5 0.00 Paraguay 2 1 Peru 17 23 27 1 16 0.01 1,500.00 Suriname 1 1 0.00 Uruguay 7 9 6 1 0.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 14 15 12 10 0.01 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,404 6,857 6,825 721 4,533 2.70 528.71 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,189 5,277 5,353 526 3,466 2.06 558.94 China 3,907 4,671 4,947 469 3,317 1.97 607.25 Japan 207 262 175 27 67 0.04 148.15 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 168 19 60 0.04 215.79 Korea, Republic of 56 248 31 8 3 0.00 -62.50 Macao, China 64 1 1 1 0.00 Mongolia 15 5 2 17 0.01 750.00 Taiwan Province of China 19 17 26 1 0.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 431 565 529 82 508 0.30 519.51 Brunei Darussalam 5 Cambodia 12 14 20 5 12 0.01 140.00 Indonesia 17 73 153 27 172 0.10 537.04 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 4 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Malaysia 76 90 19 4 14 0.01 250.00 Myanmar 2 Philippines 249 289 232 21 142 0.08 576.19 Singapore 5 7 14 2 4 0.00 100.00 Thailand 24 29 26 5 18 0.01 260.00 Timor-Leste 2 2 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Viet Nam 48 54 57 6 144 0.09 2,300.00 AUSTRALASIA 729 921 867 106 542 0.32 411.32 Australia 695 856 759 89 476 0.28 434.83 New Zealand 34 65 108 17 66 0.04 288.24 MELANESIA 55 72 74 4 16 0.01 300.00 Fiji 54 61 71 2 14 0.01 600.00 New Caledonia 2 2 Norfolk Island 3 Papua New Guinea 1 1 Solomon Islands 2 Vanuatu 3 3 2 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 812 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 15 2 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 7 Guam 1 Kiribati 1 1 Marshall Islands 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 1 Nauru 1 Northern Mariana Islands 3 Palau 2 POLYNESIA 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Cook Islands 1 1 French Polynesia 4 1 0.00 Samoa 1 1 Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 EUROPE 44,361 47,415 47,938 41,212 36,724 21.84 -10.89 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,156 1,961 1,318 402 900 0.54 123.88 Armenia 8 4 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 Azerbaijan 7 7 3 8 0.00 Belarus 27 38 42 10 43 0.03 330.00 Bulgaria 40 47 22 12 9 0.01 -25.00 Czech Republic (Czechia) 16 21 59 6 44 0.03 633.33 Czech Republic/Slovakia 5 15 12 0.01 -20.00 Estonia 16 20 14 32 11 0.01 -65.63 Georgia 16 16 10 31 7 0.00 -77.42 Hungary 48 32 3 24 0.01 700.00 Kazakhstan 9 11 21 11 33 0.02 200.00 Kyrgyzstan 4 13 21 11 0.01 -47.62 Latvia 2 3 5 1 4 0.00 300.00 Lithuania 17 21 15 1 5 0.00 400.00 Moldova, Republic of 4 9 4 0.00 Poland 76 82 54 8 54 0.03 575.00 Romania 230 265 206 26 95 0.06 265.38 Russian Federation 650 779 536 122 333 0.20 172.95 Slovakia 37 46 22 15 12 0.01 -20.00 Tajikistan 1 3 4 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Turkmenistan 63 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Ukraine 467 233 77 186 0.11 141.56 Uzbekistan 4 7 13 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,090 2,499 2,328 209 1,193 0.71 470.81 Denmark 344 419 233 43 62 0.04 44.19 Faeroe Islands 4 1 0.00 Finland 107 114 72 55 23 0.01 -58.18 Iceland 8 15 4 14 2 0.00 -85.71 Ireland 85 97 105 90 0.05 Norway 150 285 299 14 64 0.04 357.14 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 1 Sweden 396 444 322 22 174 0.10 690.91 United Kingdom 1,120 1,293 61 777 0.46 1,173.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 813 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,626 4,345 3,553 1,684 2,279 1.36 35.33 Albania 30 29 3 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Andorra 5 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 21 23 1 2 0.00 100.00 Croatia 15 24 24 14 15 0.01 7.14 Gibraltar 2 Greece 35 42 43 4 18 0.01 350.00 Holy See 2 Italy 1,233 1,455 1,131 446 596 0.35 33.63 Malta 16 10 13 North Macedonia 125 103 93 50 38 0.02 -24.00 Portugal 502 595 498 49 243 0.14 395.92 Serbia 40 50 55 26 31 0.02 19.23 Slovenia 36 39 15 3 10 0.01 233.33 Spain 1,592 1,962 1,656 1,070 1,322 0.79 23.55 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 2 2 WESTERN EUROPE 36,040 37,138 39,568 36,397 31,244 18.58 -14.16 Austria 110 146 153 35 91 0.05 160.00 Belgium 1,632 2,060 1,391 203 808 0.48 298.03 France 30,477 30,269 34,577 35,792 28,897 17.19 -19.26 Germany 2,151 2,663 1,758 215 938 0.56 336.28 Liechtenstein 1 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Luxembourg 57 70 25 2 16 0.01 700.00 Monaco 3 1 Netherlands 962 1,178 1,008 57 159 0.09 1 78.95 Switzerland 651 749 654 88 334 0.20 279.55 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,449 1,472 1,171 2,520 1,108 0.66 -56.03 Cyprus 2 5 4 1 0.00 Israel 18 24 38 7 23 0.01 228.57 Turkiye 2,429 1,443 1,129 2,513 1,084 0.64 -56.86 MIDDLE EAST 1,763 1,932 2,269 1,038 1,821 1.08 75.43 Bahrain 10 2 4 2 4 0.00 100.00 Democratic Yemen (former) 32 2 4 0.00 100.00 Egypt 425 490 702 182 672 0.40 269.23 Iraq 6 6 19 1 15 0.01 1,400.00 Jordan 30 35 106 9 25 0.01 177.78 Kuwait 24 25 6 51 4 0.00 -92.16 Lebanon 658 744 831 175 759 0.45 333.71 Libya 278 230 259 23 218 0.13 847.83 Oman 14 15 11 1 3 0.00 200.00 Qatar 73 69 13 9 2 0.00 -77.78 Saudi Arabia 139 151 126 100 49 0.03 -51.00 State of Palestine 32 35 18 2 Syrian Arab Republic 49 64 46 0.03 United Arab Emirates 66 75 46 479 16 0.01 -96.66 Yemen 8 6 32 2 4 0.00 100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 814 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 2,886 3,343 3,474 456 2,921 1.74 540.57 Afghanistan 24 26 11 33 14 0.01 -57.58 Bangladesh 268 320 248 35 36 0.02 2.86 Bhutan 5 7 1 0.00 India 2,178 2,484 2,721 299 2,716 1.62 808.36 Iran, Islamic Republic of 58 60 81 13 41 0.02 215.38 Maldives 13 11 8 12 0.01 Nepal 39 65 56 32 0.02 Pakistan 217 271 243 70 Sri Lanka 89 101 99 6 69 0.04 1,050.00 NOT SPECIFIED 77,287 64,579 86,296 288 67,716 40.28 23,412.50 Other countries of the world 323 60 3,509 288 802 0.48 178.47 Nationals residing abroad 76,964 64,519 82,787 66,914 39.80 MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 193,374 202,741 217,050 AFRICA 88,156 98,455 99,183 EAST AFRICA 4,218 4,956 4,744 Burundi 243 291 273 Comoros 24 29 27 Djibouti 46 50 51 Eritrea 2 3 2 Ethiopia 1,291 1,511 1,453 Kenya 864 997 972 Madagascar 131 168 148 Malawi 11 15 13 Mauritius 62 70 70 Mozambique 219 254 246 Rwanda 508 560 571 Seychelles 2 2 2 Somalia 4 7 4 Tanzania, United Republic of 182 226 205 Uganda 169 246 190 Zambia 166 196 186 Zimbabwe 294 331 331 CENTRAL AFRICA 15,148 17,048 17,041 Angola 713 840 803 Cameroon 1,467 1,868 1,650 Central African Republic 216 294 243 Chad 629 689 707 Congo 9,880 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8,782 9,657 Equatorial Guinea 83 79 93 Gabon 3,252 3,616 3,659 Sao Tome and Principe 6 5 6 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 815 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AFRICA 16,233 16,114 18,264 Algeria 4,599 4,835 5,174 Morocco 7,990 7,363 8,990 South Sudan 6 8 6 Sudan 100 234 113 Tunisia 3,514 3,647 3,954 Western Sahara 24 27 27 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,252 2,694 2,535 Botswana 20 32 23 Eswatini 34 36 39 Lesotho 8 11 9 Namibia 182 203 205 South Africa 2,008 2,412 2,259 WEST AFRICA 50,305 57,643 56,599 Benin 1,925 2,499 2,166 Burkina Faso 5,553 6,523 6,248 Cabo Verde 65 90 73 Cote d'lvoire 13,111 15,731 14,751 Gambia 219 255 246 Ghana 2,493 2,812 2,805 Guinea 3,939 4,426 4,432 Guinea-Bissau 53 72 60 Liberia 1,009 423 1,135 Mauritania 2,235 2,624 2,515 Niger 2,676 3,076 3,011 Nigeria 821 1,044 924 Senegal 13,882 15,414 15,618 Sierra Leone 169 207 190 Togo 2,155 2,447 2,425 AMERICAS 9,141 10,742 10,311 CARIBBEAN 207 231 229 Anguilla 8 7 9 Antigua and Barbuda 2 2 2 Aruba 9 8 10 Bahamas 13 13 15 Barbados 2 1 2 Bermuda 2 1 2 Cayman Islands 1 2 1 Cuba 37 39 42 Dominican Republic 6 6 6 Guadeloupe 9 13 10 Haiti 72 89 81 Jamaica 4 6 4 Martinique 3 3 3 Netherlands Antilles 4 4 4 Puerto Rico 6 11 6 Trinidad and Tobago 2 2 2 Turks and Caicos Islands 27 24 30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 816 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 92 96 103 Belize 4 4 4 Costa Rica 13 11 15 El Salvador 22 30 25 Guatemala 3 2 3 Honduras 41 39 46 Nicaragua 7 9 8 Panama 2 1 2 NORTH AMERICA 8,541 10,055 9,610 Canada 2,301 2,724 2,589 Mexico 39 43 44 United States of America 6,201 7,288 6,977 SOUTH AMERICA 301 360 369 Argentina 27 37 30 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 4 4 4 Brazil 134 149 151 Chile 35 54 40 Colombia 34 44 39 Ecuador 6 9 6 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 30 Peru 12 17 14 Uruguay 7 8 8 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 42 38 47 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,228 6,340 5,879 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,173 5,054 4,696 China 3,791 4,567 4,266 Japan 172 230 194 Korea, Republic of 174 211 196 Macao, China 23 28 26 Mongolia 8 12 9 Taiwan Province of China 5 6 5 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 420 487 471 Brunei Darussalam 1 1 1 Cambodia 19 21 21 Indonesia 48 62 54 Lao People's Democratic Republic 6 6 6 Malaysia 25 27 28 Philippines 221 256 249 Singapore 14 14 16 Thailand 38 51 43 Timor-Leste 3 3 3 Viet Nam 45 46 50 AUSTRALASIA 542 701 610 Australia 516 661 581 New Zealand 26 40 29 MELANESIA 62 69 68 Fiji 47 53 53 New Caledonia 5 6 5 Norfolk Island 4 3 4 Papua New Guinea 1 1 1 Vanuatu 5 6 5 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 817 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 29 27 32 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 9 7 10 Marshall Islands 2 1 2 Nauru 1 1 1 Northern Mariana Islands 17 18 19 POLYNESIA 2 2 2 French Polynesia 2 2 2 EUROPE 84,258 80,664 94,796 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,627 1,933 1,830 Armenia 4 5 4 Azerbaijan 6 6 6 Belarus 37 45 42 Bulgaria 34 47 39 Czech Republic (Czechia) 12 18 4 Czech Republic/Slovakia 4 5 14 Estonia 12 16 14 Georgia 18 19 20 Hungary 18 38 20 Kazakhstan 13 17 15 Kyrgyzstan 4 5 4 Latvia 3 3 3 Lithuania 10 14 12 Moldova, Republic of 4 4 4 Poland 57 63 64 Romania 213 243 240 Russian Federation 652 755 734 Slovakia 31 36 35 Tajikistan 2 1 2 Turkmenistan 88 90 99 Ukraine 403 498 453 Uzbekistan 2 5 2 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,875 2,069 2,111 Denmark 320 395 360 Faeroe Islands 10 18 12 Finland 66 79 74 Iceland 21 39 24 Ireland 62 76 70 Norway 196 241 221 Sweden 364 405 409 United Kingdom 836 816 941 SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,823 8,405 8,800 Albania 32 36 36 Andorra 1 10 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19 23 21 Croatia 16 28 18 Gibraltar 1 1 1 Greece 22 27 25 Italy 2,069 2,343 2,327 Malta 18 15 20 North Macedonia 69 86 77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 818 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Portugal 444 528 499 Serbia 35 43 40 Slovenia 39 39 44 Spain 5,057 5,224 5,690 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1 2 1 WESTERN EUROPE 71,036 66,004 79,921 Austria 100 129 113 Belgium 1,520 1,928 1,710 France 65,621 59,390 73,828 Germany 1,940 2,398 2,183 Luxembourg 80 101 90 Monaco 4 5 4 Netherlands 941 1,145 1,059 Switzerland 830 908 934 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,897 2,253 2,134 Cyprus 4 11 4 Israel 17 20 19 Turkiye 1,876 2,222 2,111 MIDDLE EAST 3,525 3,505 3,965 Bahrain 3 2 3 Egypt 496 564 558 Iraq 3 3 3 Jordan 25 33 28 Kuwait 137 150 154 Lebanon 570 603 642 Libya 807 386 908 Oman 22 26 25 Qatar 125 124 140 Saudi Arabia 671 733 755 State of Palestine 22 21 25 Syrian Arab Republic 62 62 70 United Arab Emirates 577 794 649 Yemen 5 4 5 SOUTH ASIA 2,565 2,973 2,885 Afghanistan 30 38 34 Bangladesh 262 307 295 Bhutan 1 5 1 India 1,917 2,187 2,157 Iran, Islamic Republic of 63 70 71 Maldives 4 4 4 Nepal 43 55 48 Pakistan 176 226 198 Sri Lanka 69 81 77 NOT SPECIFIED 501 62 31 Other countries of the world 501 62 31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 819 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 10,910 14,151 15,120 7,900 45,753 100.00 479.15 AFRICA 4,977 7,265 5,596 4,517 23,267 50.85 415.10 WEST AFRICA 3,760 5,357 4,296 3,751 18,914 41.34 404.24 All countries of West Africa 3,760 5,357 4,296 3,751 18,914 41.34 404.24 OTHER AFRICA 1,217 1,908 1,300 766 4,353 9.51 468.28 Other countries of Africa 1,217 1,908 1,300 766 4,353 9.51 468.28 AMERICAS 626 824 882 272 496 1.08 82.35 NORTH AMERICA 626 824 882 272 496 1.08 82.35 Canada 283 358 420 77 32 0.07 -58.44 United States of America 343 466 462 195 464 1.01 137.95 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 152 193 101 6 14 0.03 133.33 NORHT-EAST ASIA 152 193 101 6 14 0.03 133.33 Japan 152 193 101 6 14 0.03 133.33 EUROPE 4,011 4,619 4,846 1,708 8,089 17.68 373.59 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 420 626 665 484 576 1.26 19.01 Russian Federation 115 209 524 484 576 1.26 19.01 Other countries Central/East Europe 305 417 141 NORTHERN EUROPE 269 278 386 38 781 1.71 1,955.26 United Kingdom 107 181 226 30 762 1.67 2,440.00 Scandinavia 162 97 160 8 19 0.04 137.50 SOUTHERN EUROPE 588 864 548 20 284 0.62 1,320.00 Italy 257 271 297 20 284 0.62 1,320.00 Spain 331 593 251 WESTERN EUROPE 2,734 2,851 3,247 1,166 6,448 14.09 453.00 Austria 422 140 74 8 France 1,112 1,649 1,280 689 5,426 11.86 687.52 Germany 605 465 382 51 226 0.49 343.14 Switzerland 213 208 1,223 359 460 1.01 28.13 Benelux 382 389 288 59 336 0.73 469.49 MIDDLE EAST 161 259 191 139 239 0.52 71.94 All countries of Middle East 161 259 191 139 239 0.52 71.94 NOT SPECIFIED 983 991 3,504 1,258 13,648 29.83 984.90 Other countries of the world 983 991 3,504 1,258 13,648 29.83 984.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 820 COUNTRY TABLES MALI / MALI 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 26,234 34,343 34,651 22,385 56,385 100.00 151.89 AFRICA 9,877 16,275 13,130 14,291 26,511 47.02 85.51 WEST AFRICA 5,959 11,891 9,848 11,324 21,546 38.21 90.27 All countries of West Africa 5,959 11,891 9,848 11,324 21,546 38.21 90.27 OTHER AFRICA 3,918 4,384 3,282 2,967 4,965 8.81 67.34 Other countries of Africa 3,918 4,384 3,282 2,967 4,965 8.81 67.34 AMERICAS 1,422 1,664 6,595 1,003 660 1.17 -34.20 NORTH AMERICA 1,422 1,664 6,595 1,003 660 1.17 -34.20 Canada 579 751 3,402 115 87 0.15 -24.35 United States of America 843 913 3,193 888 573 1.02 -35.47 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 255 312 177 18 30 0.05 66.67 NORHT-EAST ASIA 255 312 177 18 30 0.05 66.67 Japan 255 312 177 18 30 0.05 66.67 EUROPE 12,279 14,092 9,609 3,884 12,619 22.38 224.90 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,007 1,583 900 616 592 1.05 -3.90 Russian Federation 414 337 554 616 592 1.05 -3.90 Other countries Central/East Europe 593 1,246 346 NORTHERN EUROPE 540 499 889 64 831 1.47 1,198.44 United Kingdom 230 326 596 51 784 1.39 1,437.25 Scandinavia 310 173 293 13 47 0.08 261.54 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,234 5,954 1,191 60 336 0.60 460.00 Italy 554 513 477 60 336 0.60 460.00 Spain 2,680 5,441 714 WESTERN EUROPE 7,498 6,056 6,629 3,144 10,860 19.26 245.42 Austria 1,029 189 92 14 France 1,936 3,875 3,434 2,459 9,693 17.19 294.18 Germany 1,160 820 794 101 269 0.48 166.34 Switzerland 357 404 1,386 414 470 0.83 13.53 Benelux 3,016 768 923 156 428 0.76 1 74.36 MIDDLE EAST 357 512 489 342 270 0.48 -21.05 All countries of Middle East 357 512 489 342 270 0.48 -21.05 NOT SPECIFIED 2,044 1,488 4,651 2,847 16,295 28.90 472.36 Other countries of the world 2,044 1,488 4,651 2,847 16,295 28.90 472.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 821 COUNTRY TABLES MALTA / MALTE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,273,837 2,598,690 2,753,239 658,567 968,136 100.00 47.01 AMERICAS 35,758 47,170 50,525 8,612 13,321 1.38 54.68 NORTH AMERICA 35,758 47,170 50,525 8,612 13,321 1.38 54.68 United States of America 35,758 47,170 50,525 8,612 13,321 1.38 54.68 EUROPE 2,054,391 2,314,634 2,420,779 603,885 926,708 95.72 53.46 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 235,681 277,978 305,356 85,599 137,542 14.21 60.68 Bulgaria 15,228 15,574 15,078 3,598 3,887 0.40 8.03 Czech Republic (Czechia) 16,383 22,872 23,421 7,490 15,019 1.55 100.52 Estonia 6,430 11,119 12,555 2,357 3,459 0.36 46.75 Hungary 26,875 28,294 37,976 9,683 11,016 1.14 13.77 Latvia 6,648 14,735 16,331 2,963 6,523 0.67 120.15 Lithuania 12,735 13,757 16,455 3,550 8,530 0.88 140.28 Poland 89,335 96,362 104,228 40,647 68,1 72 7.04 67.72 Romania 31,711 32,709 32,969 7,048 11,280 1.17 60.05 Russian Federation 22,883 28,944 32,445 4,165 1,307 0.14 -68.62 Slovakia 7,453 13,612 13,898 4,098 8,349 0.86 103.73 NORTHERN EUROPE 732,343 809,611 827,123 167,380 259,334 26.79 54.94 Denmark 45,729 41,709 42,717 8,191 18,698 1.93 128.27 Finland 20,327 16,452 11,534 1,665 2,235 0.23 34.23 Ireland 36,177 40,721 53,089 13,164 13,787 1.42 4.73 Norway 15,268 15,257 16,548 1,595 2,037 0.21 27.71 Sweden 53,949 54,902 53,612 6,821 8,310 0.86 21.83 United Kingdom 560,893 640,570 649,623 135,944 214,267 22.13 57.61 SOUTHERN EUROPE 478,369 542,125 589,026 143,935 198,430 20.50 37.86 Croatia 5,019 4,055 6,497 2,431 2,211 0.23 -9.05 Greece 1 7,883 17,677 28,145 8,673 12,374 1.28 42.67 Italy 363,669 390,607 392,955 93,977 127,774 13.20 35.96 Portugal 9,794 21,782 35,374 8,002 15,958 1.65 99.43 Slovenia 6,493 8,958 9,759 3,372 4,326 0.45 28.29 Spain 75,511 99,046 116,296 27,480 35,787 3.70 30.23 WESTERN EUROPE 584,990 656,701 670,646 201,596 326,647 33.74 62.03 Austria 29,624 39,029 33,251 11,667 16,445 1.70 40.95 Belgium 73,428 70,191 70,886 19,015 31,768 3.28 67.07 France 176,370 213,299 239,140 70,875 133,912 13.83 88.94 Germany 193,033 226,962 211,546 72,470 96,514 9.97 33.18 Luxembourg 4,470 4,293 7,341 3,073 5,495 0.57 78.82 Netherlands 64,000 57,355 59,528 14,702 21,975 2.27 49.47 Switzerland 44,065 45,572 48,954 9,794 20,538 2.12 109.70 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 23,008 28,219 28,628 5,375 4,755 0.49 -11.53 Cyprus 6,342 5,574 7,398 2,413 1,889 0.20 -21.72 Israel 16,666 22,645 21,230 2,962 2,866 0.30 -3.24 MIDDLE EAST 2,845 3,359 2,828 526 322 0.03 -38.78 Libya 2,845 3,359 2,828 526 322 0.03 -38.78 NOT SPECIFIED 180,843 233,527 279,107 45,544 27,785 2.87 -38.99 Other countries of the world 180,843 233,527 279,107 45,544 27,785 2.87 -38.99 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 822 COUNTRY TABLES MALTA / MALTE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 16,509,141 18,569,716 19,338,861 5,227,229 8,389,547 100.00 60.50 AMERICAS 234,773 286,258 313,337 71,603 97,476 1.16 36.13 NORTH AMERICA 234,773 286,258 313,337 71,603 97,476 1.16 36.13 United States of America 234,773 286,258 313,337 71,603 97,476 1.16 36.13 EUROPE 14,436,908 16,051,842 16,341,172 4,684,596 7,673,068 91.46 63.79 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,668,995 1,915,974 2,080,778 561,914 985,487 11.75 75.38 Bulgaria 102,376 86,400 91,853 22,799 23,902 0.28 4.84 Czech Republic (Czechia) 124,447 165,178 169,052 50,068 129,724 1.55 159.10 Estonia 39,348 69,250 91,891 16,647 24,951 0.30 49.88 Hungary 177,276 183,285 226,736 53,175 75,375 0.90 41.75 Latvia 50,162 91,221 95,291 17,314 53,249 0.63 207.55 Lithuania 86,222 89,497 103,145 16,236 55,625 0.66 242.60 Poland 601,461 630,548 687,925 269,083 464,544 5.54 72.64 Romania 201,970 214,658 203,359 63,492 81,559 0.97 28.46 Russian Federation 220,918 300,045 324,406 26,733 13,917 0.17 -47.94 Slovakia 64,815 85,892 87,120 26,367 62,641 0.75 137.57 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,479,395 5,860,735 5,668,904 1,284,808 2,111,187 25.16 64.32 Denmark 349,762 316,058 31 7,498 76,027 135,142 1.61 77.76 Finland 146,870 11 7,292 102,005 13,525 27,781 0.33 105.40 Ireland 255,472 307,559 347,940 87,516 109,500 1.31 25.12 Norway 117,463 124,182 122,614 22,757 21,727 0.26 -4.53 Sweden 347,524 383,803 339,573 48,218 86,317 1.03 79.01 United Kingdom 4,262,304 4,611,841 4,439,274 1,036,765 1,730,720 20.63 66.93 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,883,453 3,333,786 3,687,566 1,292,129 1,840,551 21.94 42.44 Croatia 30,934 21,009 40,205 14,575 14,777 0.18 1.39 Greece 79,337 79,386 132,723 51,712 61,892 0.74 19.69 Italy 2,167,079 2,411,465 2,524,847 980,009 1,295,503 15.44 32.19 Portugal 67,848 126,020 213,914 48,257 124,432 1.48 157.85 Slovenia 40,704 57,876 49,838 22,043 31,616 0.38 43.43 Spain 497,551 638,030 726,039 175,533 312,331 3.72 77.93 WESTERN EUROPE 4,294,681 4,815,520 4,772,768 1,522,570 2,711,923 32.33 78.11 Austria 196,651 258,587 199,711 87,609 123,928 1.48 41.46 Belgium 436,701 431,321 458,266 123,713 236,981 2.82 91.56 France 1,400,527 1,665,788 1,768,292 528,201 1,156,078 13.78 118.87 Germany 1,434,054 1,672,231 1,519,440 576,003 786,629 9.38 36.57 Luxembourg 31,504 37,190 41,178 24,125 36,993 0.44 53.34 Netherlands 471,066 425,436 433,665 102,027 183,148 2.18 79.51 Switzerland 324,1 78 324,967 352,216 80,892 188,166 2.24 132.61 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 110,384 125,827 131,156 23,175 23,920 0.29 3.21 Cyprus 29,768 22,842 33,127 9,910 7,657 0.09 -22.73 Israel 80,616 102,985 98,029 13,265 16,263 0.19 22.60 MIDDLE EAST 16,954 20,650 26,943 3,949 2,855 0.03 -27.70 Libya 16,954 20,650 26,943 3,949 2,855 0.03 -27.70 NOT SPECIFIED 1,820,506 2,210,966 2,657,409 467,081 616,148 7.34 31.91 Other countries of the world 1,820,506 2,210,966 2,657,409 467,081 616,148 7.34 31.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 823 COUNTRY TABLES MARTINIQUE / MARTINICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 535,645 537,392 556,268 312,305 291,012 100.00 -6.82 AMERICAS 115,112 111,067 114,462 60,826 4,673 1.61 -92.32 CARIBBEAN 72,160 64,816 68,456 46,265 1,693 0.58 -96.34 Barbados 2,562 1,669 2,430 1,642 Dominica 2,300 3,580 2,182 1,475 Guadeloupe 52,462 49,402 49,769 33,635 Saint Lucia 5,268 3,578 4,998 3,378 Other countries of the Caribbean 9,568 6,587 9,077 6,135 All countries of the Caribbean 1,693 0.58 NORTH AMERICA 31,685 31,197 35,317 7,337 2,980 1.02 -59.38 Canada 9,643 13,634 26,204 5,506 1,587 0.55 -71.18 United States of America 22,042 1 7,563 9,113 1,831 1,393 0.48 -23.92 SOUTH AMERICA 11,267 15,054 10,689 7,224 French Guiana 11,267 15,054 10,689 7,224 EUROPE 414,579 423,210 439,107 250,452 285,000 97.93 13.79 NORTHERN EUROPE 11,865 14,729 5,314 1,652 1,521 0.52 -7.93 United Kingdom/Ireland 6,714 8,553 2,693 883 666 0.23 -24.58 Scandinavia 5,151 6,176 2,621 769 855 0.29 11.18 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,191 3,374 10,298 1,140 1,299 0.45 13.95 Italy 3,191 3,374 6,802 543 663 0.23 22.10 Spain 3,496 597 636 0.22 6.53 WESTERN EUROPE 395,560 403,823 419,620 246,999 279,729 96.12 13.25 France 364,162 372,013 394,793 223,831 274,601 94.36 22.68 Germany 10,786 9,522 7,274 1,942 1,132 0.39 -41.71 Netherlands 1,741 3,044 298 817 0.28 174.16 Switzerland 6,721 6,224 4,670 1,796 798 0.27 -55.57 Belgium / Luxembourg 14,323 9,839 19,132 2,381 0.82 -87.55 Benelux 13,891 OTHER EUROPE 3,963 1,284 3,875 661 2,451 0.84 270.80 Other countries of Europe 3,963 1,284 3,875 661 2,451 0.84 270.80 NOT SPECIFIED 5,954 3,115 2,699 1,027 1,339 0.46 30.38 Other countries of the world 5,954 3,115 2,699 1,027 1,339 0.46 30.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 824 COUNTRY TABLES MARTINIQUE / MARTIN I CA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 146,768 148,857 125,000 72,966 53,998 100.00 -26.00 AMERICAS 34,718 36,335 22,694 14,619 954 1.77 -93.47 CARIBBEAN 21,942 24,032 10,632 12,694 437 0.81 -96.56 All countries of the Caribbean 21,942 24,032 10,632 12,694 437 0.81 -96.56 NORTH AMERICA 12,776 12,303 12,062 1,925 517 0.96 -73.14 Canada 2,681 4,961 7,872 893 195 0.36 -78.16 United States of America 10,095 7,342 4,190 1,032 322 0.60 -68.80 EUROPE 109,280 111,637 101,912 58,110 52,978 98.11 -8.83 WESTERN EUROPE 90,676 95,130 88,919 48,458 49,715 92.07 2.59 France 90,676 95,130 88,919 48,458 49,715 92.07 2.59 OTHER EUROPE 18,604 16,507 12,993 9,652 3,263 6.04 -66.19 Other countries of Europe 18,604 16,507 12,993 9,652 3,263 6.04 -66.19 NOT SPECIFIED 2,770 885 394 237 66 0.12 -72.15 Other countries of the world 2,770 885 394 237 66 0.12 -72.15 MARTINIQUE / MARTIN I CA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 535,647 537,391 556,268 312,305 291,012 100.00 -6.82 AMERICAS 115,113 111,066 114,463 60,899 4,673 1.61 -92.33 CARIBBEAN 83,428 79,869 79,146 53,404 1,693 0.58 -96.83 All countries of the Caribbean 83,428 79,869 79,146 53,404 1,693 0.58 -96.83 NORTH AMERICA 31,685 31,197 35,317 7,495 2,980 1.02 -60.24 Canada 9,643 13,634 26,204 5,621 1,587 0.55 -71.77 United States of America 22,042 1 7,563 9,113 1,874 1,393 0.48 -25.67 EUROPE 414,580 423,210 439,106 250,469 285,000 97.93 13.79 WESTERN EUROPE 364,162 372,013 394,793 223,923 274,601 94.36 22.63 France 364,162 372,013 394,793 223,923 274,601 94.36 22.63 OTHER EUROPE 50,418 51,197 44,313 26,546 10,399 3.57 -60.83 Other countries of Europe 50,418 51,197 44,313 26,546 10,399 3.57 -60.83 NOT SPECIFIED 5,954 3,115 2,699 937 1,339 0.46 42.90 Other countries of the world 5,954 3,115 2,699 937 1,339 0.46 42.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 825 COUNTRY TABLES MARTINIQUE / MARTIN I CA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,184,000 998,449 833,001 582,136 517,199 100.00 -11.15 AMERICAS 266,322 204,727 133,669 136,600 20,646 3.99 -84.89 CARIBBEAN 176,303 124,619 66,270 117,991 5,087 0.98 -95.69 All countries of the Caribbean 1 76,303 124,619 66,270 117,991 5,087 0.98 -95.69 NORTH AMERICA 90,019 80,108 67,399 18,609 15,559 3.01 -16.39 Canada 20,090 36,761 43,205 9,563 9,425 1.82 -1.44 United States of America 69,929 43,347 24,194 9,046 6,134 1.19 -32.19 EUROPE 904,258 788,291 697,416 442,499 495,356 95.78 11.95 WESTERN EUROPE 743,242 677,062 615,499 362,309 464,088 89.73 28.09 France 743,242 677,062 615,499 362,309 464,088 89.73 28.09 OTHER EUROPE 161,016 111,229 81,917 80,190 31,268 6.05 -61.01 Other countries of Europe 161,016 111,229 81,917 80,190 31,268 6.05 -61.01 NOT SPECIFIED 13,420 5,431 1,916 3,037 1,197 0.23 -60.59 Other countries of the world 13,420 5,431 1,916 3,037 1,197 0.23 -60.59 MARTINIQUE / MARTIN I CA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 5,892,000 5,507,350 6,119,000 3,167,398 4,071,153 100.00 28.53 AMERICAS 1,434,974 920,229 1,005,988 659,814 182,067 4.47 -72.41 CARIBBEAN 1,061,814 643,744 575,582 560,361 68,407 1.68 -87.79 All countries of the Caribbean 1,061,814 643,744 575,582 560,361 68,407 1.68 -87.79 NORTH AMERICA 373,160 276,485 430,406 99,453 113,660 2.79 14.29 Canada 127,660 146,240 360,622 82,149 85,575 2.10 4.17 United States of America 245,500 130,245 69,784 17,304 28,085 0.69 62.30 EUROPE 4,388,286 4,557,563 5,088,046 2,499,835 3,870,245 95.07 54.82 WESTERN EUROPE 3,848,186 4,055,123 4,711,675 2,277,508 3,676,821 90.31 61.44 France 3,848,186 4,055,123 4,711,675 2,277,508 3,676,821 90.31 61.44 OTHER EUROPE 540,100 502,440 376,371 222,327 193,424 4.75 -13.00 Other countries of Europe 540,100 502,440 376,371 222,327 193,424 4.75 -13.00 NOT SPECIFIED 68,740 29,558 24,966 7,749 18,841 0.46 143.14 Other countries of the world 68,740 29,558 24,966 7,749 18,841 0.46 143.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 826 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,341,860 1,399,408 1,383,488 308,980 179,780 100.00 -41.82 AFRICA 301,141 311,804 310,063 58,700 17,184 9.56 -70.73 EAST AFRICA 176,223 170,227 175,155 36,554 7,726 4.30 -78.86 Burundi 108 84 110 14 4 0.00 -71.43 Comoros 886 956 1,305 169 85 0.05 -49.70 Djibouti 74 90 95 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Eritrea 16 25 15 7 Ethiopia 392 309 318 51 24 0.01 -52.94 Kenya 3,422 4,035 4,887 746 541 0.30 -27.48 Madagascar 12,730 14,365 15,979 2,553 753 0.42 -70.51 Malawi 363 420 469 62 26 0.01 -58.06 Mozambique 876 809 1,151 358 50 0.03 -86.03 Reunion 146,040 138,439 137,570 30,581 5,288 2.94 -82.71 Rwanda 221 217 297 52 43 0.02 -17.31 Seychelles 6,258 5,370 6,838 1,093 483 0.27 -55.81 Somalia 38 15 31 4 4 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 697 797 1,074 180 103 0.06 -42.78 Uganda 555 676 824 153 77 0.04 -49.67 Zambia 994 1,124 1,171 169 74 0.04 -56.21 Zimbabwe 2,553 2,496 3,021 355 167 0.09 -52.96 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,887 1,912 2,180 396 226 0.13 -42.93 Angola 549 637 627 127 29 0.02 -77.17 Cameroon 371 445 473 100 103 0.06 3.00 Central African Republic 33 19 30 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Chad 60 31 47 12 4 0.00 -66.67 Congo 703 603 753 116 73 0.04 -37.07 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1 1 Equatorial Guinea 10 7 14 3 Gabon 149 160 205 31 15 0.01 -51.61 Sao Tome and Principe 11 10 31 2 NORTH AFRICA 1,927 1,715 2,009 398 279 0.16 -29.90 Algeria 404 303 352 75 20 0.01 -73.33 Morocco 771 901 1,053 176 108 0.06 -38.64 Sudan 175 91 97 17 8 0.00 -52.94 Tunisia 577 420 507 130 143 0.08 10.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 115,393 131,286 122,110 19,842 8,221 4.57 -58.57 Botswana 1,072 1,070 1,514 180 45 0.03 -75.00 Eswatini 451 424 435 47 23 0.01 -51.06 Lesotho 236 337 240 49 16 0.01 -67.35 Namibia 1,505 1,358 1,365 196 76 0.04 -61.22 South Africa 112,129 128,097 118,556 19,370 8,061 4.48 -58.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 827 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 3,875 4,719 6,310 1,016 551 0.31 -45.77 Benin 108 119 95 18 8 0.00 -55.56 Burkina Faso 81 78 96 12 6 0.00 -50.00 Cabo Verde 87 10 26 1 Cote d'lvoire 496 494 557 67 69 0.04 2.99 Gambia 53 62 51 6 8 0.00 33.33 Ghana 897 1,011 1,036 143 112 0.06 -21.68 Guinea 62 73 57 13 14 0.01 7.69 Guinea-Bissau 18 12 14 1 Liberia 38 57 44 4 4 0.00 Mali 85 44 53 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Mauritania 40 46 56 16 3 0.00 -81.25 Niger 159 160 217 29 16 0.01 -44.83 Nigeria 1,331 2,157 3,614 607 264 0.15 -56.51 Saint Helena 2 1 Senegal 298 275 260 54 30 0.02 -44.44 Sierra Leone 36 53 53 21 7 0.00 -66.67 Togo 84 68 80 13 9 0.01 -30.77 OTHER AFRICA 1,836 1,945 2,299 494 181 0.10 -63.36 Other countries of Africa 1,836 1,945 2,299 494 181 0.10 -63.36 AMERICAS 24,795 25,912 25,379 6,392 2,575 1.43 -59.72 CARIBBEAN 390 422 349 75 30 0.02 -60.00 Anguilla 1 1 Antigua and Barbuda 12 16 12 1 Aruba 3 Bahamas 21 40 17 8 3 0.00 -62.50 Barbados 8 8 12 1 1 0.00 Bermuda 8 30 21 5 Cayman Islands 3 5 5 3 0.00 Cuba 6 21 12 4 Dominica 2 12 16 2 3 0.00 50.00 Dominican Republic 15 12 30 1 1 0.00 Grenada 1 4 3 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Guadeloupe 52 40 40 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Haiti 15 9 19 5 6 0.00 20.00 Jamaica 47 57 39 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Martinique 89 50 37 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Montserrat 1 Netherlands Antilles 57 46 22 8 3 0.00 -62.50 Puerto Rico 2 1 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 11 19 9 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Saint Lucia 8 10 8 1 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 4 Trinidad and Tobago 31 39 38 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 828 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 116 123 124 42 20 0.01 -52.38 Belize 3 7 6 1 3 0.00 200.00 Costa Rica 22 25 33 5 1 0.00 -80.00 El Salvador 7 6 1 0.00 Guatemala 19 9 12 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Honduras 22 23 39 29 12 0.01 -58.62 Nicaragua 3 4 9 1 1 0.00 Panama 40 49 25 4 1 0.00 -75.00 NORTH AMERICA 16,771 18,522 18,615 4,518 2,350 1.31 -47.99 Canada 6,908 7,747 8,011 1,804 993 0.55 -44.96 Greenland 3 11 8 Mexico 205 236 189 63 29 0.02 -53.97 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 3 United States of America 9,655 10,525 10,407 2,651 1,328 0.74 -49.91 SOUTH AMERICA 7,514 6,844 6,289 1,757 175 0.10 -90.04 Argentina 1,702 2,019 1,623 591 13 0.01 -97.80 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 10 23 22 2 Brazil 4,659 3,743 3,521 868 91 0.05 -89.52 Chile 463 447 412 117 9 0.01 -92.31 Colombia 108 124 136 35 12 0.01 -65.71 Ecuador 30 27 33 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 2 4 6 2 2 0.00 French Guiana 54 86 138 36 5 0.00 -86.11 Guyana 28 32 14 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Paraguay 62 42 27 6 Peru 242 122 204 66 29 0.02 -56.06 Suriname 30 18 31 1 0.00 Uruguay 72 121 92 18 4 0.00 -77.78 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 52 36 30 8 4 0.00 -50.00 OTHER AMERICAS 4 1 2 Other countries of the Americas 4 1 2 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 122,846 112,850 88,574 13,434 3,927 2.18 -70.77 NORHT-EAST ASIA 85,361 78,347 55,404 6,816 819 0.46 -87.98 China 72,951 65,736 42,740 5,189 499 0.28 -90.38 Hong Kong, China 1,512 1,519 1,432 116 18 0.01 -84.48 Japan 2,315 2,046 2,234 429 86 0.05 -79.95 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 59 26 6 1 0.00 Korea, Republic of 6,858 7,204 7,072 776 136 0.08 -82.47 Macao, China 62 34 36 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Mongolia 12 15 12 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Taiwan Province of China 1,592 1,767 1,872 287 76 0.04 -73.52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 829 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 14,585 11,895 12,362 3,117 2,668 1.48 -14.40 Brunei Darussalam 23 12 15 2 2 0.00 Cambodia 35 49 43 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Indonesia 2,670 2,519 2,734 1,081 1,405 0.78 29.97 Lao People's Democratic Republic 18 9 14 2 4 0.00 100.00 Malaysia 4,352 2,264 2,045 287 104 0.06 -63.76 Myanmar 126 135 205 49 16 0.01 -67.35 Philippines 2,742 2,872 3,299 1,158 933 0.52 -19.43 Singapore 3,230 2,809 2,794 258 99 0.06 -61.63 Thailand 682 486 561 86 49 0.03 -43.02 Viet Nam 707 740 652 188 55 0.03 -70.74 AUSTRALASIA 22,323 21,951 20,056 3,269 381 0.21 -88.35 Australia 21,271 20,949 18,997 3,073 321 0.18 -89.55 New Zealand 1,052 1,002 1,059 196 60 0.03 -69.39 MELANESIA 259 301 257 67 18 0.01 -73.13 Fiji 22 36 26 8 New Caledonia 100 114 100 26 2 0.00 -92.31 Norfolk Island 130 137 112 28 16 0.01 -42.86 Papua New Guinea 1 4 1 2 Solomon Islands 4 4 10 2 Vanuatu 2 6 8 1 MICRONESIA 5 11 11 Kiribati 5 6 Marshall Islands 1 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 1 1 Nauru 4 3 3 Palau 1 1 POLYNESIA 311 339 478 163 41 0.02 -74.85 American Samoa 281 320 465 159 36 0.02 -77.36 Cook Islands 1 2 3 French Polynesia 3 5 5 4 4 0.00 Samoa 22 5 2 1 0.00 Tonga 3 5 2 Tuvalu 1 1 Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 1 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2 6 6 2 Other countries of Asia 2 4 4 1 Other countries of Oceania 2 2 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 830 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 781,857 826,424 839,028 209,382 146,230 81.34 -30.16 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 50,260 56,505 60,880 26,298 11,527 6.41 -56.17 Armenia 38 46 44 12 7 0.00 -41.67 Azerbaijan 88 94 123 19 35 0.02 84.21 Belarus 480 509 725 261 122 0.07 -53.26 Bulgaria 1,386 1,913 2,040 811 253 0.14 -68.80 Czech Republic (Czechia) 10,495 14,254 14,729 6,066 2,561 1.42 -57.78 Estonia 808 1,049 1,313 420 318 0.18 -24.29 Georgia 51 50 57 10 17 0.01 70.00 Hungary 2,829 3,277 4,061 2,004 589 0.33 -70.61 Kazakhstan 402 306 316 151 41 0.02 -72.85 Kyrgyzstan 22 24 31 9 22 0.01 144.44 Latvia 672 800 631 235 168 0.09 -28.51 Lithuania 1,046 829 1,338 385 174 0.10 -54.81 Moldova, Republic of 111 96 109 62 56 0.03 -9.68 Poland 11,318 10,806 11,411 4,146 1,955 1.09 -52.85 Romania 2,691 4,368 4,817 2,657 1,278 0.71 -51.90 Russian Federation 11,153 11,007 11,191 5,191 2,686 1.49 -48.26 Slovakia 3,735 4,237 4,234 2,301 657 0.37 -71.45 Tajikistan 7 8 6 2 Turkmenistan 9 13 6 2 2 0.00 Ukraine 2,854 2,765 3,622 1,533 565 0.31 -63.14 USSR (former) 3 2 7 1 0.00 Uzbekistan 62 52 69 21 20 0.01 -4.76 NORTHERN EUROPE 185,911 189,313 175,973 34,262 39,204 21.81 14.42 Denmark 6,971 7,418 7,388 2,434 1,720 0.96 -29.33 Faeroe Islands 26 24 34 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Finland 4,461 4,949 4,051 1,559 365 0.20 -76.59 Iceland 64 87 68 20 5 0.00 -75.00 Ireland 4,020 4,004 3,939 629 582 0.32 -7.47 Isle of Man 39 37 45 10 Norway 5,005 5,332 5,703 1,179 550 0.31 -53.35 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 2 10 10 1 2 0.00 100.00 Sweden 15,516 15,539 13,215 5,732 1,784 0.99 -68.88 United Kingdom 149,807 151,913 141,520 22,687 34,194 19.02 50.72 SOUTHERN EUROPE 58,996 63,191 67,617 11,777 6,839 3.80 -41.93 Albania 65 76 128 36 15 0.01 -58.33 Andorra 71 72 97 14 5 0.00 -64.29 Bosnia and Herzegovina 89 67 114 22 16 0.01 -27.27 Croatia 675 823 992 354 131 0.07 -62.99 Gibraltar 22 16 48 8 9 0.01 12.50 Greece 1,034 937 1086 277 174 0.10 -37.18 Italy 35,101 38,361 41,991 7,567 3,954 2.20 -47.75 Malta 311 294 368 69 11 0.01 -84.06 Montenegro 61 20 11 6 2 0.00 -66.67 North Macedonia 120 122 177 40 14 0.01 -65.00 Portugal 4,254 4,912 5,236 820 694 0.39 -15.37 San Marino 24 31 35 5 5 0.00 Serbia 605 656 816 405 117 0.07 -71.11 Slovenia 1,312 1,741 2,211 631 235 0.13 -62.76 Spain 15,252 15,063 14,307 1,523 1,457 0.81 -4.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 831 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 482,092 512,357 527,933 134,236 87,782 48.83 -34.61 Austria 17,596 18,572 18,390 6,343 4,111 2.29 -35.19 Belgium 16,420 15,727 16,959 2,310 4,817 2.68 108.53 France 273,419 285,371 302,038 79,510 51,525 28.66 -35.20 Germany 118,856 132,780 129,100 36,047 18,605 10.35 -48.39 Liechtenstein 153 93 153 31 14 0.01 -54.84 Luxembourg 1,802 1,924 2,030 345 412 0.23 19.42 Monaco 325 391 404 116 75 0.04 -35.34 Netherlands 13,269 16,419 16,814 2,206 1,212 0.67 -45.06 Switzerland 40,252 41,080 42,045 7,328 7,011 3.90 -4.33 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 4,592 5,054 6,389 2,773 847 0.47 -69.46 Cyprus 300 289 296 52 68 0.04 30.77 Israel 1,698 2,165 3,082 1,741 418 0.23 -75.99 Turkiye 2,594 2,600 3,011 980 361 0.20 -63.16 OTHER EUROPE 6 4 236 36 31 0.02 -13.89 Other countries of Europe 6 4 236 36 31 0.02 -13.89 MIDDLE EAST 19,621 31,504 40,201 7,208 6,419 3.57 -10.95 Bahrain 171 215 172 18 53 0.03 194.44 Egypt 728 765 830 210 112 0.06 -46.67 Iraq 6 22 17 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Jordan 184 152 253 52 46 0.03 -11.54 Kuwait 548 661 817 177 68 0.04 -61.58 Lebanon 447 499 565 75 77 0.04 2.67 Libya 29 49 35 7 7 0.00 Oman 207 240 253 32 40 0.02 25.00 Qatar 237 250 360 35 46 0.03 31.43 Saudi Arabia 5,142 16,507 22,788 4,982 4,028 2.24 -19.15 State of Palestine 9 14 15 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Syrian Arab Republic 30 41 52 2 5 0.00 150.00 United Arab Emirates 11,866 12,058 13,999 1,587 1,931 1.07 21.68 Yemen 17 31 45 15 SOUTH ASIA 90,870 90,321 79,661 13,673 3,321 1.85 -75.71 Afghanistan 764 743 815 178 84 0.05 -52.81 Bangladesh 1,157 1,195 935 258 112 0.06 -56.59 Bhutan 11 10 11 3 India 86,294 85,765 75,673 12,781 2,845 1.58 -77.74 Iran, Islamic Republic of 607 258 136 20 16 0.01 -20.00 Maldives 58 51 312 8 9 0.01 12.50 Nepal 374 557 336 101 38 0.02 -62.38 Pakistan 1,088 1,207 932 187 145 0.08 -22.46 Sri Lanka 517 535 511 137 72 0.04 -47.45 NOT SPECIFIED 730 593 582 191 124 0.07 -35.08 Other countries of the world 730 593 582 191 124 0.07 -35.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 832 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 13,640,751 14,296,274 14,465,865 4,485,257 2,168,241 100.00 -51.66 AFRICA 2,441,638 2,503,367 2,545,313 773,686 232,415 10.72 -69.96 EAST AFRICA 1,382,002 1,349,283 1,370,543 468,590 94,176 4.34 -79.90 Burundi 1,633 847 1,119 511 80 0.00 -84.34 Comoros 18,192 21,206 26,841 12,758 1,093 0.05 -91.43 Djibouti 471 1,703 1,015 141 23 0.00 -83.69 Eritrea 319 156 167 46 Ethiopia 3,469 3,436 2,743 316 576 0.03 82.28 Kenya 28,272 31,648 39,387 11,061 9,007 0.42 -18.57 Madagascar 210,808 214,942 213,301 73,172 14,983 0.69 -79.52 Malawi 2,653 3,309 4,175 1,390 488 0.02 -64.89 Mozambique 9,950 6,386 12,244 4,324 739 0.03 -82.91 Reunion 989,005 952,281 932,025 316,526 51,340 2.37 -83.78 Rwanda 2,305 2,431 4,101 615 1,563 0.07 154.15 Seychelles 64,958 53,417 67,283 22,139 5,184 0.24 -76.58 Somalia 182 65 150 14 19 0.00 35.71 Tanzania, United Republic of 6,642 7,958 12,239 6,603 1,889 0.09 -71.39 Uganda 6,131 5,893 7,313 3,272 2,967 0.14 -9.32 Zambia 7,930 9,200 11,501 3,750 1,338 0.06 -64.32 Zimbabwe 29,082 34,405 34,939 11,952 2,887 0.13 -75.85 CENTRAL AFRICA 20,280 25,891 29,612 11,382 6,365 0.29 -44.08 Angola 3,132 5,021 4,556 1,934 449 0.02 -76.78 Cameroon 5,978 10,170 13,592 6,251 3,545 0.16 -43.29 Central African Republic 342 224 300 36 20 0.00 -44.44 Chad 968 282 401 101 12 0.00 -88.12 Congo 7,759 7,674 7,347 2,606 2,166 0.10 -16.88 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 10 8 Equatorial Guinea 86 85 117 16 Gabon 1,936 2,372 3,098 402 173 0.01 -56.97 Sao Tome and Principe 69 63 201 28 NORTH AFRICA 27,520 27,313 32,122 10,413 8,398 0.39 -19.35 Algeria 4,644 4,669 5,269 1,879 373 0.02 -80.15 Morocco 13,024 15,883 19,373 4,681 2,785 0.13 -40.50 Sudan 1,204 834 1,039 179 108 0.00 -39.66 Tunisia 8,648 5,927 6,441 3,674 5,132 0.24 39.68 SOUTHERN AFRICA 948,082 1,031,425 1,019,556 250,840 111,817 5.16 -55.42 Botswana 8,878 9,467 10,409 2,267 471 0.02 -79.22 Eswatini 3,770 4,197 3,527 647 258 0.01 -60.12 Lesotho 2,190 2,664 2,489 1,184 59 0.00 -95.02 Namibia 13,019 11,387 11,234 3,248 1,067 0.05 -67.15 South Africa 920,225 1,003,710 991,897 243,494 109,962 5.07 -54.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 833 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 46,955 52,055 71,419 25,320 9,735 0.45 -61.55 Benin 1,925 1,257 1,089 136 35 0.00 -74.26 Burkina Faso 1,022 855 1,147 139 20 0.00 -85.61 Cabo Verde 543 80 205 4 Cote d'lvoire 6,492 6,486 7,056 1,740 615 0.03 -64.66 Gambia 425 962 951 64 655 0.03 923.44 Ghana 10,405 11,911 14,568 4,746 2,623 0.12 -44.73 Guinea 512 792 496 902 470 0.02 -47.89 Guinea-Bissau 325 111 112 6 Liberia 620 472 390 131 55 0.00 -58.02 Mali 764 300 429 70 4 0.00 -94.29 Mauritania 1,582 1,340 1,811 1,112 114 0.01 -89.75 Niger 1,894 1,573 2,085 320 125 0.01 -60.94 Nigeria 16,451 19,621 33,519 14,105 3,653 0.17 -74.10 Saint Helena 36 8 Senegal 2,635 4,333 5,350 984 1,254 0.06 27.44 Sierra Leone 240 836 1,048 439 62 0.00 -85.88 Togo 1,084 1,126 1,155 422 50 0.00 -88.15 OTHER AFRICA 16,799 17,400 22,061 7,141 1,924 0.09 -73.06 Other countries of Africa 16,799 1 7,400 22,061 7,141 1,924 0.09 -73.06 AMERICAS 254,210 267,958 285,919 95,669 43,233 1.99 -54.81 CARIBBEAN 4,548 4,793 4,610 1,331 1,350 0.06 1.43 Anguilla 5 5 Antigua and Barbuda 97 78 104 3 Aruba 30 Bahamas 516 578 141 38 24 0.00 -36.84 Barbados 59 144 82 10 Bermuda 22 610 291 232 Cayman Islands 16 34 52 8 100 0.00 1,150.00 Cuba 544 209 179 31 Dominica 11 60 35 88 31 0.00 -64.77 Dominican Republic 460 101 670 51 Grenada 6 12 40 15 9 0.00 -40.00 Guadeloupe 502 409 302 56 25 0.00 -55.36 Haiti 141 109 257 149 222 0.01 48.99 Jamaica 274 437 1,236 495 368 0.02 -25.66 Martinique 682 525 481 36 9 0.00 -75.00 Montserrat 1 Netherlands Antilles 625 423 184 13 30 0.00 130.77 Puerto Rico 8 12 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 79 153 45 36 4 0.00 -88.89 Saint Lucia 198 642 50 5 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13 34 Trinidad and Tobago 298 239 391 69 523 0.02 657.97 Turks and Caicos Islands 10 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 834 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 991 1,180 1,214 366 47 0.00 -87.16 Belize 26 37 30 104 7 0.00 -93.27 Costa Rica 204 477 595 20 El Salvador 80 61 Guatemala 132 62 41 10 24 0.00 140.00 Honduras 169 66 186 143 3 0.00 -97.90 Nicaragua 7 228 37 63 9 0.00 -85.71 Panama 373 249 325 26 4 0.00 -84.62 NORTH AMERICA 202,478 220,568 239,872 80,567 38,386 1.77 -52.36 Canada 115,314 125,925 145,330 47,680 16,903 0.78 -64.55 Greenland 36 165 68 Mexico 1,644 3,020 1,423 1,659 185 0.01 -88.85 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 102 United States of America 85,484 91,356 93,051 31,228 21,298 0.98 -31.80 SOUTH AMERICA 46,178 41,325 40,051 13,405 3,450 0.16 -74.26 Argentina 9,829 12,663 10,167 4,045 305 0.01 -92.46 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 68 185 162 8 Brazil 27,715 20,936 20,036 5,601 1,459 0.07 -73.95 Chile 3,359 2,926 2,939 1,073 54 0.00 -94.97 Colombia 1,179 1,235 2,316 1,234 969 0.04 -21.47 Ecuador 253 227 295 30 22 0.00 -26.67 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 13 43 29 8 9 0.00 12.50 French Guiana 442 416 865 366 325 0.01 -11.20 Guyana 295 90 495 116 101 0.00 -12.93 Paraguay 372 238 195 59 Peru 1,269 954 1,317 644 167 0.01 -74.07 Suriname 288 206 246 Uruguay 651 978 634 141 16 0.00 -88.65 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 445 228 355 80 23 0.00 -71.25 OTHER AMERICAS 15 92 172 - - Other countries of the Americas 15 92 172 - - EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,188,679 1,194,577 1,147,445 313,687 103,679 4.78 -66.95 NORHT-EAST ASIA 649,114 630,492 572,376 104,485 42,976 1.98 -58.87 China 544,858 513,754 477,770 79,093 31,520 1.45 -60.15 Hong Kong, China 11,432 10,132 11,264 2,216 1,920 0.09 -13.36 Japan 14,095 12,148 11,223 6,647 2,339 0.11 -64.81 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,244 5,696 21 - 13 0.00 Korea, Republic of 47,411 52,258 41,584 6,467 3,110 0.14 -51.91 Macao, China 543 298 254 95 12 0.00 -87.37 Mongolia 85 120 94 109 60 0.00 -44.95 Taiwan Province of China 29,446 36,086 30,166 9,858 4,002 0.18 -59.40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 835 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 255,051 273,982 305,409 127,283 53,568 2.47 -57.91 Brunei Darussalam 179 88 174 10 8 0.00 -20.00 Cambodia 613 400 306 150 4 0.00 -97.33 Indonesia 95,646 116,322 120,599 60,512 22,403 1.03 -62.98 Lao People's Democratic Republic 142 45 140 27 - Malaysia 22,791 14,517 15,983 3,875 964 0.04 -75.12 Myanmar 2,732 2,352 4,367 1,984 356 0.02 -82.06 Philippines 74,707 87,039 103,447 37,936 23,952 1.10 -36.86 Singapore 23,350 22,982 22,024 4,891 3,666 0.17 -25.05 Thailand 6,418 7,446 7,380 2,064 740 0.03 -64.15 Viet Nam 28,473 22,791 30,989 15,834 1,475 0.07 -90.68 AUSTRALASIA 278,469 281,995 262,536 77,495 5,020 0.23 -93.52 Australia 266,452 268,042 250,706 72,913 3,738 0.17 -94.87 New Zealand 12,017 13,953 11,830 4,582 1,282 0.06 -72.02 MELANESIA 3,224 3,361 3,760 2,008 333 0.02 -83.42 Fiji 248 322 351 106 - New Caledonia 1,572 1,630 1,871 1,462 - Norfolk Island 1,331 1,343 1,395 369 333 0.02 -9.76 Papua New Guinea 6 28 6 10 - Solomon Islands 13 25 87 9 - Vanuatu 54 13 50 52 - MICRONESIA 65 53 32 - - Kiribati 17 9 - - Marshall Islands 6 8 - Micronesia, Federated States of 6 6 - - Nauru 60 16 9 - - Palau 5 8 - - POLYNESIA 2,744 4,658 3,238 2,405 1,782 0.08 -25.90 American Samoa 2,428 2,980 3,097 1,997 1,727 0.08 -13.52 Cook Islands 10 8 29 - - French Polynesia 87 68 87 408 44 0.00 -89.22 Samoa 176 1,548 9 - 11 0.00 Tonga 22 30 11 - - Tuvalu 8 5 - - Wallis and Futuna Islands 21 16 - - OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 12 36 94 11 - Other countries of Asia 5 32 80 11 - Other countries of Oceania 7 4 14 - - Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 836 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 8,763,825 9,151,028 9,095,535 2,908,950 1,607,225 74.13 -44.75 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 567,075 597,207 641,411 330,350 110,657 5.10 -66.50 Armenia 676 440 602 549 93 0.00 -83.06 Azerbaijan 577 799 922 324 212 0.01 -34.57 Belarus 6,526 7,148 8,911 5,669 1,978 0.09 -65.11 Bulgaria 22,151 14,464 15,559 7,781 1,298 0.06 -83.32 Czech Republic (Czechia) 106,497 142,892 152,380 73,873 24,370 1.12 -67.01 Estonia 8,445 13,290 14,637 5,993 1,869 0.09 -68.81 Georgia 1,194 313 429 58 117 0.01 101.72 Hungary 27,410 31,136 34,265 20,422 4,897 0.23 -76.02 Kazakhstan 3,789 3,123 3,222 3,171 600 0.03 -81.08 Kyrgyzstan 147 256 425 539 414 0.02 -23.19 Latvia 6,483 8,005 7,320 3,254 2,114 0.10 -35.03 Lithuania 12,424 9,259 14,549 5,029 1,891 0.09 -62.40 Moldova, Republic of 1,273 805 999 1,045 813 0.04 -22.20 Poland 120,224 105,029 110,622 43,666 17,778 0.82 -59.29 Romania 24,915 37,291 40,692 22,164 8,049 0.37 -63.68 Russian Federation 148,907 141,472 151,118 89,785 31,679 1.46 -64.72 Slovakia 36,314 42,443 42,319 21,751 4,575 0.21 -78.97 Tajikistan 24 48 50 1 - Turkmenistan 53 43 92 14 9 0.00 -35.71 Ukraine 38,535 38,116 41,003 24,550 7,188 0.33 -70.72 USSR (former) 34 20 88 - - Uzbekistan 477 815 1,207 712 713 0.03 0.14 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,139,982 2,136,850 2,007,483 496,676 401,462 18.52 -19.17 Denmark 78,872 79,353 78,378 26,486 17,103 0.79 -35.43 Faeroe Islands 362 409 307 172 8 0.00 -95.35 Finland 56,624 63,758 50,611 19,818 3,329 0.15 -83.20 Iceland 621 647 756 259 119 0.01 -54.05 Ireland 45,182 43,394 45,262 11,638 8,066 0.37 -30.69 Isle of Man 299 243 425 90 - Norway 54,728 57,679 62,400 15,958 5,776 0.27 -63.80 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 4 96 77 7 17 0.00 142.86 Sweden 175,011 178,537 148,594 83,676 10,457 0.48 -87.50 United Kingdom 1,728,279 1,712,734 1,620,673 338,572 356,587 16.45 5.32 SOUTHERN EUROPE 536,116 579,802 619,335 162,390 69,701 3.21 -57.08 Albania 522 1,028 962 377 162 0.01 -57.03 Andorra 574 737 768 271 41 0.00 -84.87 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,097 503 850 599 139 0.01 -76.79 Croatia 5,728 6,417 9,381 4,029 1,000 0.05 -75.18 Gibraltar 593 183 292 226 61 0.00 -73.01 Greece 8,732 6,696 7,658 2,776 6,258 0.29 125.43 Italy 337,644 370,388 400,035 108,301 31,638 1.46 -70.79 Malta 2,532 2,660 3,228 805 1,056 0.05 31.18 Montenegro 674 242 325 8 20 0.00 150.00 North Macedonia 1,490 2,402 1,545 1,144 417 0.02 -63.55 Portugal 34,986 43,262 45,098 7,472 8,752 0.40 17.13 San Marino 181 274 274 41 79 0.00 92.68 Serbia 7,064 8,085 9,835 5,094 847 0.04 -83.37 Slovenia 14,251 18,867 21,687 8,480 2,857 0.13 -66.31 Spain 120,048 118,058 117,397 22,767 16,374 0.76 -28.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 837 COUNTRY TABLES MAURITIUS / MAURICE / MAURICIO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 5,483,874 5,797,577 5,777,335 1,897,082 1,015,742 46.85 -46.46 Austria 190,291 199,693 186,874 77,782 35,347 1.63 -54.56 Belgium 208,599 196,253 208,537 53,948 46,769 2.16 -13.31 France 3,180,222 3,374,924 3,461,461 1,291,524 619,893 28.59 -52.00 Germany 1,277,191 1,365,304 1,256,685 310,483 213,569 9.85 -31.21 Liechtenstein 1,882 1,282 1,761 709 145 0.01 -79.55 Luxembourg 20,657 20,586 19,829 4,631 3,902 0.18 -15.74 Monaco 3,729 4,800 4,433 2,115 779 0.04 -63.17 Netherlands 136,757 163,588 167,889 28,307 13,430 0.62 -52.56 Switzerland 464,546 471,147 469,866 127,583 81,908 3.78 -35.80 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 36,694 39,572 48,027 21,948 9,422 0.43 -57.07 Cyprus 2,529 2,473 2,357 550 536 0.02 -2.55 Israel 14,991 18,547 24,668 12,838 3,812 0.18 -70.31 Turkiye 19,174 18,552 21,002 8,560 5,074 0.23 -40.72 OTHER EUROPE 84 20 1,944 504 241 0.01 -52.18 Other countries of Europe 84 20 1,944 504 241 0.01 -52.18 MIDDLE EAST 140,117 238,542 312,869 66,194 63,754 2.94 -3.69 Bahrain 1,340 1,723 1,311 162 483 0.02 198.15 Egypt 9,207 8,112 12,998 4,217 6,292 0.29 49.21 Iraq 142 110 68 117 39 0.00 -66.67 Jordan 2,283 1,522 2,318 601 368 0.02 -38.77 Kuwait 3,950 5,236 5,990 1,255 747 0.03 -40.48 Lebanon 3,782 5,027 4,482 1,815 775 0.04 -57.30 Libya 512 616 514 584 284 0.01 -51.37 Oman 1,534 1,924 2,740 283 730 0.03 157.95 Qatar 2,400 2,949 3,473 340 472 0.02 38.82 Saudi Arabia 37,717 131,721 186,854 41,400 35,235 1.63 -14.89 State of Palestine 43 461 49 65 59 0.00 -9.23 Syrian Arab Republic 590 1,540 901 9 - United Arab Emirates 76,444 77,033 90,303 15,257 18,031 0.83 18.18 Yemen 173 568 868 89 239 0.01 168.54 SOUTH ASIA 844,634 935,526 1,073,183 325,091 115,363 5.32 -64.51 Afghanistan 8,433 8,449 8,080 2,402 1,177 0.05 -51.00 Bangladesh 16,802 21,597 26,702 8,527 7,344 0.34 -13.87 Bhutan 242 133 388 15 - India 780,775 857,580 989,138 299,691 100,535 4.64 -66.45 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,780 2,351 2,614 569 280 0.01 -50.79 Maldives 492 441 3,658 435 87 0.00 -80.00 Nepal 3,935 9,887 6,677 843 556 0.03 -34.05 Pakistan 20,696 25,937 22,244 9,179 3,825 0.18 -58.33 Sri Lanka 8,479 9,151 13,682 3,430 1,559 0.07 -54.55 NOT SPECIFIED 7,648 5,276 5,601 1,980 2,572 0.12 29.90 Other countries of the world 7,648 5,276 5,601 1,980 2,572 0.12 29.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 838 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 39,231,497 42,490,540 45,263,324 24,367,959 32,062,267 100.00 31.58 AFRICA 22,872 25,278 28,163 10,106 17,296 0.05 71.15 EAST AFRICA 3,854 4,275 5,034 1,753 3,431 0.01 95.72 British Indian Ocean Territory 2 1 Burundi 33 41 36 17 26 0.00 52.94 Comoros 5 3 4 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Djibouti 17 5 2 1 8 0.00 700.00 Eritrea 66 59 86 22 41 0.00 86.36 Ethiopia 466 601 743 491 1,060 0.00 115.89 Kenya 1,308 1,515 1,679 605 1,111 0.00 83.64 Madagascar 73 84 80 14 34 0.00 142.86 Malawi 80 74 111 18 48 0.00 166.67 Mauritius 282 285 351 62 115 0.00 85.48 Mozambique 109 102 128 31 21 0.00 -32.26 Reunion 6 4 3 1 Rwanda 72 117 148 45 120 0.00 166.67 Seychelles 18 29 21 15 18 0.00 20.00 Somalia 7 17 32 7 16 0.00 128.57 Tanzania, United Republic of 248 271 278 86 178 0.00 106.98 Uganda 217 276 302 67 189 0.00 182.09 Zambia 226 167 293 75 94 0.00 25.33 Zimbabwe 621 623 736 193 351 0.00 81.87 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,192 1,325 1,238 454 847 0.00 86.56 Angola 288 265 189 50 85 0.00 70.00 Cameroon 439 528 551 223 433 0.00 94.17 Central African Republic 9 18 10 6 6 0.00 Chad 18 19 12 2 6 0.00 200.00 Congo 105 79 119 25 40 0.00 60.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 186 216 250 99 192 0.00 93.94 Equatorial Guinea 81 91 46 20 27 0.00 35.00 Gabon 52 91 50 27 56 0.00 107.41 Sao Tome and Principe 14 18 11 2 2 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 4,969 5,658 6,624 2,426 972 0.00 -59.93 Algeria 808 897 1,050 360 Morocco 2,748 3,216 3,948 1,283 South Sudan 1 Sudan 104 90 96 34 69 0.00 102.94 Tunisia 1,279 1,440 1,518 743 896 0.00 20.59 Western Sahara 30 15 11 6 7 0.00 16.67 SOUTHERN AFRICA 7,878 8,201 8,592 2,636 5,585 0.02 111.87 Botswana 56 65 114 36 30 0.00 -16.67 Eswatini 120 29 157 5 9 0.00 80.00 Lesotho 22 24 20 5 10 0.00 100.00 Namibia 135 107 112 39 59 0.00 51.28 South Africa 7,545 7,976 8,189 2,551 5,477 0.02 114.70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 839 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 4,979 5,819 6,675 2,837 6,461 0.02 127.74 Benin 78 105 107 39 78 0.00 100.00 Burkina Faso 89 84 83 37 75 0.00 102.70 Cabo Verde 122 160 167 93 250 0.00 168.82 Cote d'lvoire 354 354 432 126 296 0.00 134.92 Gambia 29 67 68 29 78 0.00 168.97 Ghana 631 720 878 413 920 0.00 122.76 Guinea 463 434 389 123 198 0.00 60.98 Guinea-Bissau 27 27 15 5 8 0.00 60.00 Liberia 88 145 141 143 334 0.00 133.57 Mali 93 88 157 56 69 0.00 23.21 Mauritania 13 36 28 11 18 0.00 63.64 Niger 47 24 29 13 15 0.00 15.38 Nigeria 2,548 3,115 3,664 1,508 3,680 0.01 144.03 Saint Helena 2 Senegal 216 275 319 152 243 0.00 59.87 Sierra Leone 83 88 105 50 136 0.00 172.00 Togo 96 97 93 39 63 0.00 61.54 AMERICAS 35,398,209 38,290,475 42,001,981 23,439,110 30,558,297 95.31 30.37 CARIBBEAN 155,842 213,708 240,036 97,398 107,945 0.34 10.83 Anguilla 5 2 2 1 1 0.00 Antigua and Barbuda 161 182 255 95 201 0.00 111.58 Aruba 1 1 Bahamas 953 1,096 1,209 499 1,027 0.00 105.81 Barbados 588 593 669 184 364 0.00 97.83 Bermuda 373 346 277 63 119 0.00 88.89 British Virgin Islands 12 12 15 1 4 0.00 300.00 Cayman Islands 45 33 30 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Cuba 119,364 169,230 189,998 77,826 67,019 0.21 -13.89 Dominica 174 194 186 53 144 0.00 171.70 Dominican Republic 18,311 22,513 23,183 9,956 19,786 0.06 98.73 Grenada 194 197 242 128 207 0.00 61.72 Guadeloupe 1 1 Haiti 2,760 3,218 4,163 2,097 8,744 0.03 316.98 Jamaica 5,311 7,699 10,669 4,467 7,509 0.02 68.10 Netherlands Antilles 3 5 2 2 Saint Kitts and Nevis 154 164 193 54 117 0.00 116.67 Saint Lucia 297 354 350 136 234 0.00 72.06 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 199 243 237 94 205 0.00 118.09 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1 Trinidad and Tobago 6,765 7,515 8,268 1,720 2,233 0.01 29.83 Turks and Caicos Islands 171 110 87 13 27 0.00 107.69 CENTRAL AMERICA 468,643 506,072 528,678 142,171 266,674 0.83 87.57 Belize 4,262 4,819 4,209 1,297 3,121 0.01 140.63 Costa Rica 138,207 162,858 175,693 49,517 103,597 0.32 109.22 El Salvador 65,436 65,640 79,919 20,330 33,739 0.11 65.96 Guatemala 154,075 168,340 160,166 38,875 62,395 0.19 60.50 Honduras 38,530 34,408 37,071 10,223 21,076 0.07 106.16 Nicaragua 19,553 16,557 15,861 5,061 8,008 0.02 58.23 Panama 48,580 53,450 55,759 16,868 34,738 0.11 105.94 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 840 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 32,811,146 35,409,517 38,988,743 22,533,455 28,703,950 89.53 27.38 Canada 1,985,084 2,155,383 2,309,528 975,697 503,589 1.57 -48.39 Greenland 3 1 1 0.00 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 6 4 9 1 United States of America (*) 30,826,053 33,254,129 36,679,206 21,557,757 28,200,360 87.95 30.81 SOUTH AMERICA 1,962,578 2,161,178 2,244,524 666,086 1,479,728 4.62 122.15 Argentina 474,248 490,211 387,338 105,135 113,782 0.35 8.22 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 19,732 21,242 21,463 5,442 18,436 0.06 238.77 Brazil 376,520 389,605 396,81 7 134,066 319,842 1.00 138.57 Chile 178,641 190,413 201,397 57,622 90,210 0.28 56.55 Colombia 485,371 557,614 602,832 169,689 454,880 1.42 168.07 Ecuador 67,437 93,558 1 75,744 61,515 129,516 0.40 110.54 French Guiana 1 1 1 Guyana 958 1,003 1,025 417 913 0.00 118.94 Paraguay 20,074 23,866 22,656 5,809 12,525 0.04 115.61 Peru 212,613 257,138 291,849 76,508 125,664 0.39 64.25 Suriname 166 168 195 43 73 0.00 69.77 Uruguay 35,217 36,838 37,278 8,897 21,990 0.07 147.16 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 91,601 99,521 105,929 40,942 191,897 0.60 368.70 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 551,190 599,910 594,569 148,601 130,450 0.41 -12.21 NORHT-EAST ASIA 414,431 462,829 457,442 110,962 90,534 0.28 -18.41 China 141,692 167,663 167,145 30,607 28,427 0.09 -7.12 Hong Kong, China 3,671 4,377 4,326 830 484 0.00 -41.69 Japan 151,043 156,471 153,894 41,349 27,423 0.09 -33.68 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 105 112 149 21 14 0.00 -33.33 Korea, Republic of 106,718 122,307 120,424 35,513 31,311 0.10 -11.83 Macao, China 48 70 59 7 6 0.00 -14.29 Mongolia 319 392 374 161 312 0.00 93.79 Taiwan Province of China 10,835 11,437 11,071 2,474 2,557 0.01 3.35 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 35,805 39,673 42,880 13,834 22,216 0.07 60.59 Brunei Darussalam 11 19 8 3 3 0.00 Cambodia 139 156 152 30 103 0.00 243.33 Indonesia 3,801 3,908 3,764 1,127 1,739 0.01 54.30 Lao People's Democratic Republic 68 61 47 19 32 0.00 68.42 Malaysia 4,186 4,998 5,905 1,688 1,764 0.01 4.50 Myanmar 264 299 314 125 141 0.00 12.80 Philippines 16,242 1 7,603 19,261 7,343 12,069 0.04 64.36 Singapore 4,016 4,377 4,942 1,112 1,221 0.00 9.80 Thailand 3,353 3,639 3,514 958 1,728 0.01 80.38 Timor-Leste 6 4 1 1 1 0.00 Viet Nam 3,719 4,609 4,972 1,428 3,415 0.01 139.15 AUSTRALASIA 100,444 96,845 93,769 23,602 17,248 0.05 -26.92 Australia 84,225 81,557 78,680 20,187 13,994 0.04 -30.68 New Zealand 16,219 15,288 15,089 3,415 3,254 0.01 -4.71 MELANESIA 296 320 269 67 199 0.00 197.01 Fiji 236 279 249 54 189 0.00 250.00 New Caledonia 2 Papua New Guinea 27 18 10 8 6 0.00 -25.00 Solomon Islands 22 12 3 5 Vanuatu 11 11 5 4 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 841 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 144 149 133 100 187 0.00 87.00 Christmas Island, Australia 2 2 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 5 2 Guam 1 3 2 Kiribati 37 29 9 5 Marshall Islands 29 28 30 19 38 0.00 100.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 40 53 53 51 105 0.00 105.88 Nauru 2 2 1 0.00 Palau 30 32 37 23 43 0.00 86.96 POLYNESIA 70 94 76 36 66 0.00 83.33 American Samoa 1 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Cook Islands 1 1 2 1 0.00 French Polynesia 2 2 0.00 Samoa 30 40 18 13 19 0.00 46.15 Tonga 35 43 54 21 43 0.00 104.76 Tuvalu 3 6 Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 2 EUROPE 2,277,639 2,403,642 2,431,989 697,184 1,177,033 3.67 68.83 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 178,146 212,749 236,802 101,413 232,707 0.73 129.46 Armenia 1,679 2,010 1,717 788 3,639 0.01 361.80 Azerbaijan 402 506 461 173 465 0.00 168.79 Belarus 2,306 3,126 3,608 1,774 3,768 0.01 112.40 Bulgaria 5,728 6,671 7,066 3,280 4,314 0.01 31.52 Czech Republic (Czechia) 14,757 14,827 14,790 6,692 11,134 0.03 66.38 Estonia 2,959 2,800 2,599 1,381 2,746 0.01 98.84 Georgia 475 589 1,002 335 1,426 0.00 325.67 Hungary 10,051 11,736 11,980 4,559 8,883 0.03 94.85 Kazakhstan 1,603 1,842 1,864 800 1,275 0.00 59.38 Kyrgyzstan 379 438 331 167 362 0.00 116.77 Latvia 2,632 2,829 2,817 1,260 2,137 0.01 69.60 Lithuania 5,726 5,995 6,397 2,923 5,967 0.02 104.14 Moldova, Republic of 1,193 1,386 1,330 933 1,556 0.00 66.77 Poland 50,741 49,279 47,782 22,095 58,812 0.18 166.18 Romania 15,117 15,747 18,260 7,339 15,599 0.05 112.55 Russian Federation 37,279 64,282 84,511 30,660 75,446 0.24 146.07 Slovakia 7,814 7,724 8,013 2,778 4,784 0.01 72.21 Tajikistan 128 143 115 89 203 0.00 128.09 Turkmenistan 68 71 69 32 79 0.00 146.88 Ukraine 16,264 19,461 20,944 12,718 28,228 0.09 121.95 Uzbekistan 845 1,287 1,146 637 1,884 0.01 195.76 NORTHERN EUROPE 682,110 712,725 698,858 144,549 167,114 0.52 15.61 Denmark 20,083 20,695 19,992 7,163 8,850 0.03 23.55 Faeroe Islands 1 2 Finland 14,963 13,722 11,836 4,221 3,488 0.01 -17.37 Iceland 1,573 2,478 1,870 512 559 0.00 9.18 Ireland 28,705 31,094 31,490 6,993 10,521 0.03 50.45 Norway 13,143 13,759 13,283 4,240 5,001 0.02 17.95 Sweden 40,544 40,031 39,140 17,531 13,315 0.04 -24.05 United Kingdom 563,099 590,945 581,245 103,889 125,380 0.39 20.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 842 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 636,392 641,668 628,400 164,467 322,433 1.01 96.05 Albania 1,157 1,513 1,533 561 1,140 0.00 103.21 Andorra 408 468 383 134 331 0.00 147.01 Bosnia and Herzegovina 920 1,143 1,133 432 887 0.00 105.32 Croatia 3,381 4,256 4,453 2,117 3,208 0.01 51.54 Gibraltar 3 1 Greece 5,256 5,880 6,591 2,249 3,700 0.01 64.52 Holy See 20 36 34 8 14 0.00 75.00 Italy 192,826 183,913 163,885 45,581 59,593 0.19 30.74 Malta 550 644 725 241 270 0.00 12.03 Montenegro 372 374 336 160 243 0.00 51.88 North Macedonia 882 970 947 388 863 0.00 122.42 Portugal 47,151 49,172 49,137 9,407 25,451 0.08 1 70.55 San Marino 92 73 58 16 15 0.00 -6.25 Serbia 3,341 3,933 4,108 1,942 3,160 0.01 62.72 Slovenia 2,687 3,035 3,339 1,208 2,333 0.01 93.13 Spain 377,346 386,257 391,738 100,023 221,225 0.69 121.17 WESTERN EUROPE 724,986 776,090 805,680 267,296 418,593 1.31 56.60 Austria 25,334 27,235 26,148 8,629 14,766 0.05 71.12 Belgium 40,446 41,707 46,590 12,205 19,517 0.06 59.91 France 260,821 286,848 305,384 116,008 157,082 0.49 35.41 Germany 277,352 289,775 286,331 84,669 143,369 0.45 69.33 Liechtenstein 255 263 261 66 170 0.00 157.58 Luxembourg 1,876 1,753 2,054 552 1,327 0.00 140.40 Monaco 125 121 150 50 74 0.00 48.00 Netherlands 74,339 81,475 91,974 28,814 42,277 0.13 46.72 Switzerland 44,438 46,913 46,788 16,303 40,011 0.12 145.42 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 56,005 60,410 62,249 19,459 36,186 0.11 85.96 Cyprus 745 942 906 309 465 0.00 50.49 Israel 44,386 46,886 46,524 12,829 20,760 0.06 61.82 Turkiye 10,874 12,582 14,819 6,321 14,961 0.05 136.69 MIDDLE EAST 13,567 15,387 15,338 5,085 9,030 0.03 77.58 Bahrain 212 198 161 53 78 0.00 47.17 Democratic Yemen (former) 72 112 234 66 114 0.00 72.73 Egypt 2,983 3,189 3,617 1,299 2,388 0.01 83.83 Iraq 465 526 555 245 417 0.00 70.20 Jordan 1,066 1,228 1,334 537 976 0.00 81.75 Kuwait 1,280 1,355 1,325 256 503 0.00 96.48 Lebanon 2,417 2,442 2,650 991 1,751 0.01 76.69 Libya 104 112 114 58 71 0.00 22.41 Oman 226 303 278 77 175 0.00 127.27 Qatar 170 200 136 60 166 0.00 176.67 Saudi Arabia 3,320 4,226 3,165 721 1,144 0.00 58.67 State of Palestine 222 242 238 116 221 0.00 90.52 Syrian Arab Republic 474 619 678 339 555 0.00 63.72 United Arab Emirates 484 523 619 201 357 0.00 77.61 Yemen 72 112 234 66 114 0.00 72.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 843 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 75,805 95,146 97,655 23,991 91,309 0.28 280.60 Afghanistan 139 227 234 107 775 0.00 624.30 Bangladesh 957 1,195 1,243 484 1,081 0.00 123.35 Bhutan 68 55 48 15 16 0.00 6.67 India 64,921 81,530 83,665 19,645 80,913 0.25 311.88 Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,227 6,655 6,889 1,930 4,045 0.01 109.59 Maldives 21 14 14 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Nepal 1,092 1,329 1,400 403 1,389 0.00 244.67 Pakistan 2,576 3,264 3,290 1,137 2,611 0.01 129.64 Sri Lanka 804 877 872 263 476 0.00 80.99 NOT SPECIFIED 892,215 1,060,702 93,629 43,882 78,852 0.25 79.69 Other countries of the world 808,358 958,127 Nationals residing abroad (*) 83,857 102,575 93,629 43,882 78,852 0.25 79.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 844 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 39,290,943 41,312,720 45,024,453 24,283,536 31,860,392 100.00 31.20 AFRICA 27,580 32,715 33,615 8,362 12,944 0.04 54.80 EAST AFRICA 6,066 7,049 8,578 2,218 4,703 0.01 112.04 British Indian Ocean Territory 144 161 147 18 55 0.00 205.56 Burundi 28 41 26 5 19 0.00 280.00 Comoros 7 5 6 1 2 0.00 100.00 Djibouti 56 51 81 23 68 0.00 195.65 Eritrea 355 387 437 55 68 0.00 23.64 Ethiopia 178 227 415 369 663 0.00 79.67 Kenya 1,116 1,313 1,375 311 370 0.00 18.97 Madagascar 47 35 40 6 11 0.00 83.33 Malawi 42 38 89 5 9 0.00 80.00 Mauritius 159 155 190 40 66 0.00 65.00 Mozambique 123 99 141 66 30 0.00 -54.55 Reunion 2,193 3,016 3,726 685 1,049 0.00 53.14 Rwanda 35 53 77 15 56 0.00 273.33 Seychelles 51 71 49 20 28 0.00 40.00 Somalia 29 33 44 11 11 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 154 137 182 60 89 0.00 48.33 Uganda 882 850 1,021 446 2,005 0.01 349.55 Zambia 128 67 164 24 20 0.00 -16.67 Zimbabwe 339 310 368 58 84 0.00 44.83 CENTRAL AFRICA 5,393 7,719 5,754 1,350 887 0.00 -34.30 Angola 299 205 163 31 58 0.00 87.10 Cameroon 445 464 462 106 153 0.00 44.34 Central African Republic 1,035 1,293 1,238 414 82 0.00 -80.19 Chad 35 18 60 31 58 0.00 87.10 Congo 123 144 223 55 92 0.00 67.27 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 624 741 768 238 144 0.00 -39.50 Equatorial Guinea 49 37 35 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Gabon 2,752 4,784 2,749 458 267 0.00 -41.70 Sao Tome and Principe 31 33 56 6 23 0.00 283.33 NORTH AFRICA 2,884 3,103 3,828 1,184 1,182 0.00 -0.17 Algeria 367 388 466 100 116 0.00 16.00 Morocco 1,494 1,743 2,260 603 614 0.00 1.82 South Sudan 39 46 35 15 10 0.00 -33.33 Sudan 234 192 252 51 67 0.00 31.37 Tunisia 704 682 743 316 336 0.00 6.33 Western Sahara 46 52 72 99 39 0.00 -60.61 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,556 6,376 7,258 1,674 4,090 0.01 144.32 Botswana 58 70 122 23 19 0.00 -17.39 Eswatini 419 198 506 82 331 0.00 303.66 Lesotho 25 32 23 2 7 0.00 250.00 Namibia 900 1,026 1,144 229 430 0.00 87.77 South Africa 5,154 5,050 5,463 1,338 3,303 0.01 146.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 845 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 6,681 8,468 8,197 1,936 2,082 0.01 7.54 Benin 44 36 42 7 25 0.00 257.14 Burkina Faso 115 101 36 16 27 0.00 68.75 Cabo Verde 3,431 4,155 3,436 994 155 0.00 -84.41 Cote d'lvoire 477 811 926 198 505 0.00 155.05 Gambia 11 23 19 4 10 0.00 150.00 Ghana 760 1,313 1,413 160 214 0.00 33.75 Guinea 169 139 197 63 78 0.00 23.81 Guinea-Bissau 26 20 22 7 7 0.00 Liberia 42 70 58 31 22 0.00 -29.03 Mali 142 98 133 24 42 0.00 75.00 Mauritania 17 30 18 5 11 0.00 120.00 Niger 44 57 42 7 19 0.00 1 71.43 Nigeria 940 1,059 1,212 290 726 0.00 150.34 Saint Helena 19 44 52 19 13 0.00 -31.58 Senegal 127 150 143 47 88 0.00 87.23 Sierra Leone 147 164 157 36 94 0.00 161.11 Togo 170 198 291 28 46 0.00 64.29 AMERICAS 35,340,239 38,247,949 41,938,598 23,387,528 30,466,319 95.62 30.27 CARIBBEAN 122,996 169,568 197,708 49,664 49,681 0.16 0.03 Anguilla 70 75 74 15 8 0.00 -46.67 Antigua and Barbuda 102 210 262 33 63 0.00 90.91 Aruba 450 224 236 50 168 0.00 236.00 Bahamas 754 840 964 318 615 0.00 93.40 Barbados 536 531 566 114 165 0.00 44.74 Bermuda 519 518 464 113 161 0.00 42.48 British Virgin Islands 27 27 63 4 19 0.00 375.00 Cayman Islands 132 155 128 36 34 0.00 -5.56 Cuba 83,361 125,677 149,034 38,825 22,024 0.07 -43.27 Dominica 88 97 107 26 137 0.00 426.92 Dominican Republic 12,939 15,837 16,452 4,293 8,782 0.03 104.57 Grenada 90 84 113 38 42 0.00 10.53 Guadeloupe 11 18 14 2 4 0.00 100.00 Haiti 1,198 1,389 1,429 518 1,930 0.01 272.59 Jamaica 3,024 3,796 4,361 1,517 4,180 0.01 1 75.54 Martinique 16 18 32 3 7 0.00 133.33 Montserrat 15 11 20 11 6 0.00 -45.45 Netherlands Antilles 61 181 188 23 34 0.00 47.83 Puerto Rico 11,962 10,902 13,886 2,161 9,142 0.03 323.04 Saint Kitts and Nevis 77 87 105 12 24 0.00 100.00 Saint Lucia 183 193 229 51 46 0.00 -9.80 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 843 908 842 266 674 0.00 153.38 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 16 8 8 2 4 0.00 100.00 Trinidad and Tobago 5,618 6,166 6,805 1,009 738 0.00 -26.86 Turks and Caicos Islands 892 1,599 1,305 222 655 0.00 195.05 United States Virgin Islands 12 17 21 2 19 0.00 850.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 846 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 425,644 462,246 484,045 121,657 232,749 0.73 91.32 Belize 4,193 4,461 4,171 1,146 2,929 0.01 155.58 Costa Rica 132,875 158,192 1 71,263 47,161 100,005 0.31 112.05 El Salvador 47,893 47,105 58,966 12,407 19,949 0.06 60.79 Guatemala 137,337 150,523 144,487 32,339 52,314 0.16 61.77 Honduras 29,929 25,966 27,303 5,994 12,407 0.04 106.99 Nicaragua 15,026 12,149 10,890 2,792 4,374 0.01 56.66 Panama 58,391 63,850 66,965 19,818 40,771 0.13 105.73 NORTH AMERICA 33,009,074 35,673,883 39,239,096 22,645,922 28,877,341 90.64 27.52 Canada 1,957,968 2,167,951 2,296,061 948,319 461,054 1.45 -51.38 Greenland 5 12 10 2 6 0.00 200.00 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 6 4 9 1 1 0.00 United States of America (*) 31,051,095 33,505,916 36,943,016 21,697,600 28,416,280 89.19 30.97 SOUTH AMERICA 1,782,525 1,942,252 2,017,749 570,285 1,306,548 4.10 129.10 Argentina 451,331 454,348 350,960 91,948 89,048 0.28 -3.15 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 16,319 17,615 17,839 3,948 15,730 0.05 298.43 Brazil 345,923 351,373 359,981 117,846 291,780 0.92 147.59 Chile 172,843 184,175 195,965 55,422 92,412 0.29 66.74 Colombia 429,954 494,206 536,175 139,186 398,038 1.25 185.98 Ecuador 60,471 86,078 165,522 56,094 122,372 0.38 118.16 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 9 9 15 4 6 0.00 50.00 French Guiana 262 389 395 44 12 0.00 -72.73 Guyana 389 407 488 113 211 0.00 86.73 Paraguay 19,301 22,856 21,610 5,357 12,130 0.04 126.43 Peru 188,971 231,232 266,677 67,795 113,167 0.36 66.93 Suriname 350 356 391 90 111 0.00 23.33 Uruguay 43,326 46,355 44,279 9,534 23,153 0.07 142.85 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 53,076 52,853 57,452 22,904 148,378 0.47 547.83 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 411,569 437,363 437,211 102,908 54,734 0.17 -46.81 NORHT-EAST ASIA 290,319 322,961 324,995 75,754 36,384 0.11 -51.97 China 86,349 103,171 105,861 17,265 9,642 0.03 -44.15 Hong Kong, China 5,393 6,371 6,533 1,373 1,110 0.00 -19.16 Japan 115,723 119,485 118,505 30,782 12,008 0.04 -60.99 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 160 234 279 95 85 0.00 -10.53 Korea, Republic of 75,415 86,169 86,398 24,568 12,729 0.04 -48.19 Macao, China 93 135 121 20 24 0.00 20.00 Mongolia 163 224 203 93 84 0.00 -9.68 Taiwan Province of China 7,023 7,172 7,095 1,558 702 0.00 -54.94 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 29,126 30,489 31,533 8,725 10,165 0.03 16.50 Brunei Darussalam 202 279 114 19 12 0.00 -36.84 Cambodia 59 48 57 6 12 0.00 100.00 Indonesia 10,021 9,818 8,098 1,549 2,003 0.01 29.31 Lao People's Democratic Republic 394 361 516 101 208 0.00 105.94 Malaysia 2,800 3,244 3,966 1,084 807 0.00 -25.55 Myanmar 193 189 185 97 33 0.00 -65.98 Philippines 7,746 8,027 9,326 4,039 5,451 0.02 34.96 Singapore 3,767 3,938 4,512 863 611 0.00 -29.20 Thailand 2,272 2,482 2,391 468 628 0.00 34.19 Timor-Leste 29 12 17 8 16 0.00 100.00 Viet Nam 1,643 2,091 2,351 491 384 0.00 -21.79 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 847 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 87,727 78,733 75,386 16,766 6,493 0.02 -61.27 Australia 74,763 68,188 64,809 14,688 5,281 0.02 -64.05 New Zealand 12,964 10,545 10,577 2,078 1,212 0.00 -41.67 MELANESIA 247 315 308 75 168 0.00 124.00 Fiji 82 107 85 13 43 0.00 230.77 New Caledonia 48 52 67 12 17 0.00 41.67 Norfolk Island 3 6 5 1 1 0.00 Papua New Guinea 35 40 35 15 14 0.00 -6.67 Solomon Islands 56 82 91 30 90 0.00 200.00 Vanuatu 23 28 25 4 3 0.00 -25.00 MICRONESIA 3,088 3,465 3,483 1,279 806 0.00 -36.98 Christmas Island, Australia 2,274 2,572 2,507 893 90 0.00 -89.92 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 484 489 519 264 470 0.00 78.03 Guam 56 83 107 20 81 0.00 305.00 Kiribati 76 70 36 5 7 0.00 40.00 Marshall Islands 22 10 8 5 5 0.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 20 28 41 14 27 0.00 92.86 Nauru 79 92 92 20 46 0.00 130.00 Northern Mariana Islands 5 5 2 Palau 72 116 171 58 80 0.00 37.93 POLYNESIA 1,062 1,400 1,506 309 718 0.00 132.36 American Samoa 71 73 86 14 35 0.00 150.00 Cook Islands 79 159 222 51 78 0.00 52.94 French Polynesia 438 668 651 134 198 0.00 47.76 Niue 68 45 40 5 31 0.00 520.00 Pitcairn 10 8 12 2 4 0.00 100.00 Samoa 71 73 86 14 35 0.00 150.00 Tokelau 28 70 87 31 221 0.00 612.90 Tonga 63 33 51 6 21 0.00 250.00 Tuvalu 64 68 57 10 12 0.00 20.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 170 203 214 42 83 0.00 97.62 EUROPE 1,961,707 2,056,593 2,105,106 567,956 977,720 3.07 72.15 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 132,187 159,874 185,460 74,782 185,322 0.58 147.82 Armenia 646 816 617 200 2,069 0.01 934.50 Azerbaijan 370 385 285 72 227 0.00 215.28 Belarus 1,010 1,545 2,042 757 1,975 0.01 160.90 Bulgaria 3,724 4,254 4,782 2,229 2,749 0.01 23.33 Czech Republic (Czechia) 12,660 12,776 12,821 5,864 9,697 0.03 65.36 Estonia 2,320 2,195 2,099 1,149 2,408 0.01 109.57 Georgia 325 366 759 183 1,079 0.00 489.62 Hungary 7,440 8,691 8,991 3,537 7,091 0.02 100.48 Kazakhstan 906 948 916 261 383 0.00 46.74 Kyrgyzstan 208 271 147 38 171 0.00 350.00 Latvia 1,687 1,776 1,855 825 1,461 0.00 77.09 Lithuania 3,326 3,349 3,598 1,645 3,909 0.01 137.63 Moldova, Republic of 281 313 308 137 277 0.00 102.19 Poland 39,752 36,548 35,800 17,297 49,632 0.16 186.94 Romania 10,002 10,120 13,312 5,418 11,978 0.04 121.08 Russian Federation 27,449 52,781 73,789 24,548 65,618 0.21 167.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 848 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Slovakia 6,182 5,891 6,230 2,137 3,669 0.01 71.69 Tajikistan 59 61 53 27 55 0.00 103.70 Turkmenistan 50 30 21 6 17 0.00 183.33 Ukraine 12,678 15,640 15,843 8,205 19,818 0.06 141.54 Uzbekistan 1,112 1,118 1,192 247 1,039 0.00 320.65 NORTHERN EUROPE 638,605 665,258 660,130 128,605 148,875 0.47 15.76 Denmark 16,654 1 7,033 16,629 6,106 7,264 0.02 18.96 Faeroe Islands 24 28 32 19 24 0.00 26.32 Finland 14,566 13,450 11,697 3,785 2,815 0.01 -25.63 Iceland 9,019 11,298 5,239 3,640 12,432 0.04 241.54 Ireland 19,884 20,651 21,620 4,209 6,425 0.02 52.65 Norway 11,405 11,687 11,440 3,566 3,974 0.01 11.44 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 12 21 20 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Sweden 35,106 34,263 34,416 15,781 10,789 0.03 -31.63 United Kingdom 531,935 556,827 559,037 91,495 105,141 0.33 14.91 SOUTHERN EUROPE 505,756 503,222 495,781 118,427 252,901 0.79 113.55 Albania 333 343 359 90 152 0.00 68.89 Andorra 22,595 24,243 26,703 6,929 9,759 0.03 40.84 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,906 3,339 1,574 447 396 0.00 -11.41 Croatia 2,210 2,711 3,126 1,472 2,318 0.01 57.47 Gibraltar 71 47 31 8 22 0.00 1 75.00 Greece 3,584 3,961 4,565 1,530 2,765 0.01 80.72 Holy See 2,073 1,858 1,983 482 475 0.00 -1.45 Italy 148,200 135,358 117,039 29,381 30,022 0.09 2.18 Malta 490 531 631 228 241 0.00 5.70 Montenegro 198 213 182 94 130 0.00 38.30 North Macedonia 376 369 354 120 365 0.00 204.17 Portugal 36,616 37,453 37,407 5,773 19,485 0.06 237.52 San Marino 80 58 53 16 19 0.00 18.75 Serbia 1,816 2,156 2,392 1,140 1,826 0.01 60.18 Slovenia 2,149 2,610 3,248 989 2,000 0.01 102.22 Spain 282,059 287,972 296,134 69,728 182,926 0.57 162.34 WESTERN EUROPE 640,484 681,277 714,938 232,710 365,235 1.15 56.95 Austria 22,587 23,158 22,663 7,322 12,862 0.04 75.66 Belgium 36,756 37,403 41,838 10,383 16,390 0.05 57.85 France 220,141 241,435 261,590 99,514 131,407 0.41 32.05 Germany 250,944 259,856 259,643 73,691 125,760 0.39 70.66 Liechtenstein 272 264 281 75 163 0.00 117.33 Luxembourg 2,206 2,120 2,404 659 1,627 0.01 146.89 Monaco 250 256 306 265 363 0.00 36.98 Netherlands 64,512 71,126 81,066 25,216 36,358 0.11 44.19 Switzerland 42,816 45,659 45,147 15,585 40,305 0.13 158.61 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 44,675 46,962 48,797 13,432 25,387 0.08 89.00 Cyprus 629 811 786 237 378 0.00 59.49 Israel 36,553 37,858 37,620 8,504 12,909 0.04 51.80 Turkiye 7,493 8,293 10,391 4,691 12,100 0.04 157.94 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 849 COUNTRY TABLES MEXICO / MEXIQUE / MEXICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 50,022 60,952 53,800 23,472 80,707 0.25 243.84 Bahrain 255 253 214 54 62 0.00 14.81 Democratic Yemen (former) 8,087 9,262 8,088 4,804 15,249 0.05 217.42 Egypt 1,272 1,414 1,535 411 951 0.00 131.39 Iraq 69 112 117 51 57 0.00 11.76 Jordan 629 637 529 120 229 0.00 90.83 Kuwait 1,076 1,088 1,183 225 334 0.00 48.44 Lebanon 1,290 1,158 1,304 388 608 0.00 56.70 Libya 49 69 72 18 35 0.00 94.44 Oman 2,472 2,030 1,977 410 840 0.00 104.88 Qatar 1,643 1,985 1,900 1,065 1,330 0.00 24.88 Saudi Arabia 21,941 29,959 24,799 8,777 42,601 0.13 385.37 State of Palestine 316 444 139 43 91 0.00 111.63 Syrian Arab Republic 131 210 198 61 163 0.00 167.21 United Arab Emirates 2,705 3,069 3,657 2,241 2,908 0.01 29.76 Yemen 8,087 9,262 8,088 4,804 15,249 0.05 217.42 SOUTH ASIA 26,331 32,424 33,032 7,426 42,927 0.13 478.06 Afghanistan 169 215 102 50 651 0.00 1,202.00 Bangladesh 418 378 418 137 340 0.00 148.18 Bhutan 268 372 59 17 14 0.00 -17.65 India 22,431 27,830 28,819 6,299 40,570 0.13 544.07 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,507 1,993 1,978 522 364 0.00 -30.27 Maldives 17 11 9 7 9 0.00 28.57 Nepal 345 347 385 75 334 0.00 345.33 Pakistan 831 978 963 226 485 0.00 114.60 Sri Lanka 345 300 299 93 160 0.00 72.04 NOT SPECIFIED 1,473,495 444,724 423,091 185,884 225,041 0.71 21.07 Other countries of the world 1,473,495 444,724 423,091 185,884 225,041 0.71 21.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 850 COUNTRY TABLES MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF / MOLDOVA (REPUBLIQUE DE) / MOLDOVA (REPUBLICA DE) 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 145,165 160,233 174,021 28,732 68,852 100.00 139.64 AFRICA 353 369 415 72 156 0.23 116.67 OTHER AFRICA 353 369 415 72 156 0.23 116.67 All countries of Africa 353 369 415 72 156 0.23 116.67 AMERICAS 11,354 11,068 11,875 1,469 6,048 8.78 311.71 NORTH AMERICA 10,779 10,402 11,157 1,386 5,754 8.36 315.15 Canada 644 679 1,255 300 787 1.14 162.33 United States of America 10,121 9,637 9,808 1,078 4,938 7.17 358.07 Other countries of North America 14 86 94 8 29 0.04 262.50 SOUTH AMERICA 476 482 623 65 242 0.35 272.31 All countries of South America 476 482 623 65 242 0.35 272.31 OTHER AMERICAS 99 184 95 18 52 0.08 188.89 Other countries of the Americas 99 184 95 18 52 0.08 188.89 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,877 5,270 6,442 476 1,314 1.91 176.05 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,244 2,448 3,283 197 324 0.47 64.47 China 1,180 1,508 2,279 98 161 0.23 64.29 Japan 1,064 940 1,004 99 163 0.24 64.65 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,633 2,822 3,159 279 990 1.44 254.84 Other countries of Asia 1,706 2,000 2,035 166 670 0.97 303.61 All countries of Oceania 927 822 1,124 113 320 0.46 183.19 EUROPE 128,581 143,526 155,289 26,715 61,334 89.08 129.59 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 83,750 96,073 102,288 18,350 41,466 60.22 125.97 Armenia 532 2,091 694 85 122 0.18 43.53 Azerbaijan 943 740 814 107 255 0.37 138.32 Belarus 1,394 2,114 1,862 303 521 0.76 71.95 Bulgaria 2,207 2,076 2,013 394 693 1.01 75.89 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,279 1,279 1,203 189 620 0.90 228.04 Estonia 722 860 598 93 208 0.30 123.66 Georgia 1,027 1,018 1,010 213 159 0.23 -25.35 Hungary 908 739 873 264 352 0.51 33.33 Kazakhstan 511 517 556 88 190 0.28 115.91 Kyrgyzstan 181 119 184 31 48 0.07 54.84 Latvia 567 698 593 107 189 0.27 76.64 Lithuania 1,019 974 931 164 324 0.47 97.56 Poland 4,215 5,303 6,459 447 1,838 2.67 311.19 Romania 35,950 44,903 47,031 9,010 18,993 27.59 110.80 Russian Federation 12,999 12,939 14,786 2,777 8,493 12.34 205.83 Slovakia 676 549 507 59 182 0.26 208.47 Tajikistan 210 187 147 24 19 0.03 -20.83 Turkmenistan 148 19 26 10 3 0.00 -70.00 Ukraine 17,887 18,693 21,582 3,893 8,194 11.90 110.48 Uzbekistan 375 255 419 92 63 0.09 -31.52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 851 COUNTRY TABLES MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF / MOLDOVA (REPUBLIQUE DE) / MOLDOVA (REPUBLICA DE) 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 8,968 8,501 10,623 1,347 3,809 5.53 182.78 Denmark 627 526 862 105 532 0.77 406.67 Finland 748 956 1,082 73 182 0.26 149.32 Ireland 803 797 857 197 240 0.35 21.83 Norway 940 649 1,152 106 139 0.20 31.13 Sweden 1,296 1,318 1,743 133 346 0.50 160.15 United Kingdom 4,554 4,255 4,927 733 2,370 3.44 223.33 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,971 11,765 12,524 2,337 4,333 6.29 85.41 Albania 219 257 334 38 57 0.08 50.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 225 109 267 73 59 0.09 -19.18 Croatia 432 396 331 86 109 0.16 26.74 Greece 972 1,145 910 188 362 0.53 92.55 Italy 5,987 6,414 7,188 1,272 2,530 3.67 98.90 Montenegro 66 36 57 14 17 0.02 21.43 Portugal 354 477 682 63 126 0.18 100.00 Serbia 517 831 519 156 159 0.23 1.92 Slovenia 759 689 595 169 296 0.43 75.15 Spain 1,440 1,411 1,641 278 618 0.90 122.30 WESTERN EUROPE 15,281 16,796 17,794 2,593 6,639 9.64 156.04 Austria 1,805 2,053 2,068 182 602 0.87 230.77 Belgium 937 1,126 1,281 248 605 0.88 143.95 France 2,952 3,025 3,874 624 1,360 1.98 117.95 Germany 6,701 7,020 7,827 1,157 2,802 4.07 142.18 Luxembourg 54 159 72 6 55 0.08 816.67 Netherlands 1,755 2,130 1,819 285 815 1.18 185.96 Switzerland 1,077 1,283 853 91 400 0.58 339.56 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 9,041 9,586 11,413 1,986 4,889 7.10 146.17 Cyprus 430 326 369 78 61 0.09 -21.79 Israel 2,796 3,749 4,197 342 1,771 2.57 417.84 Turkiye 5,815 5,511 6,847 1,566 3,057 4.44 95.21 OTHER EUROPE 570 805 647 102 198 0.29 94.12 Other countries of Europe 570 805 647 102 198 0.29 94.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 852 COUNTRY TABLES MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF / MOLDOVA (REPUBLIQUE DE) / MOLDOVA (REPUBLICA DE) 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 297,183 340,345 386,392 70,385 158,629 100.00 125.37 AFRICA 1,088 817 1,035 289 376 0.24 30.10 OTHER AFRICA 1,088 817 1,035 289 376 0.24 30.10 All countries of Africa 1,088 817 1,035 289 376 0.24 30.10 AMERICAS 20,131 19,559 22,552 3,637 11,525 7.27 216.88 NORTH AMERICA 18,907 18,333 21,206 3,357 11,032 6.95 228.63 Canada 1,368 1,394 2,230 520 1,173 0.74 125.58 United States of America 17,487 16,777 18,786 2,808 9,810 6.18 249.36 Other countries of North America 52 162 190 29 49 0.03 68.97 SOUTH AMERICA 999 850 1,132 253 420 0.26 66.01 All countries of South America 999 850 1,132 253 420 0.26 66.01 OTHER AMERICAS 225 376 214 27 73 0.05 170.37 Other countries of the Americas 225 376 214 27 73 0.05 170.37 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,385 10,644 11,687 1,277 2,740 1.73 114.57 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,953 5,652 6,249 631 642 0.40 1.74 China 2,732 3,431 4,432 313 275 0.17 -12.14 Japan 2,221 2,221 1,817 318 367 0.23 15.41 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,432 4,992 5,438 646 2,098 1.32 224.77 Other countries of Asia 2,991 3,497 3,648 450 1,319 0.83 193.11 All countries of Oceania 1,441 1,495 1,790 196 779 0.49 297.45 EUROPE 266,579 309,325 351,118 65,182 143,988 90.77 120.90 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 172,822 196,348 212,979 41,463 88,454 55.76 113.33 Armenia 3,172 3,183 2,417 249 298 0.19 19.68 Azerbaijan 1,691 1,531 2,843 245 1,515 0.96 518.37 Belarus 3,626 5,194 4,314 665 1,402 0.88 110.83 Bulgaria 6,249 5,639 4,340 833 1,535 0.97 84.27 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,783 2,903 2,778 477 1,511 0.95 216.77 Estonia 1,525 1,905 1,379 207 566 0.36 1 73.43 Georgia 2,220 2,138 2,056 747 366 0.23 -51.00 Hungary 2,172 1,638 2,077 840 1,086 0.68 29.29 Kazakhstan 1,116 1,126 1,303 240 483 0.30 101.25 Kyrgyzstan 407 304 535 77 200 0.13 159.74 Latvia 1,053 1,300 1,324 241 468 0.30 94.19 Lithuania 2,514 2,486 2,312 362 801 0.50 121.27 Poland 9,169 11,263 14,221 1,406 5,164 3.26 267.28 Romania 70,003 89,221 95,965 19,929 37,921 23.91 90.28 Russian Federation 28,805 29,170 31,854 6,037 17,838 11.25 195.48 Slovakia 1,684 1,203 1,422 169 359 0.23 112.43 Tajikistan 402 445 365 40 45 0.03 12.50 Turkmenistan 228 48 56 14 4 0.00 -71.43 Ukraine 33,226 35,074 37,671 8,034 16,742 10.55 108.39 Uzbekistan 777 577 3,747 651 150 0.09 -76.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 853 COUNTRY TABLES MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF / MOLDOVA (REPUBLIQUE DE) / MOLDOVA (REPUBLICA DE) 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 18,470 18,160 21,347 3,489 7,872 4.96 125.62 Denmark 1,356 1,097 1,671 272 1,036 0.65 280.88 Finland 1,520 2,309 2,578 172 415 0.26 141.28 Ireland 1,805 1,802 1,603 405 598 0.38 47.65 Norway 1,928 1,423 2,484 409 307 0.19 -24.94 Sweden 3,092 2,880 3,508 379 740 0.47 95.25 United Kingdom 8,769 8,649 9,503 1,852 4,776 3.01 157.88 SOUTHERN EUROPE 24,006 27,778 27,286 5,691 10,029 6.32 76.23 Albania 443 457 598 99 179 0.11 80.81 Bosnia and Herzegovina 347 229 429 239 89 0.06 -62.76 Croatia 857 947 815 258 259 0.16 0.39 Greece 2,265 2,551 1,749 456 771 0.49 69.08 Italy 13,721 14,103 15,656 2,981 6,176 3.89 107.18 Montenegro 109 55 137 53 34 0.02 -35.85 Portugal 798 1,037 1,491 148 211 0.13 42.57 Serbia 1,208 4,082 1,451 354 340 0.21 -3.95 Slovenia 1,455 1,480 1,478 290 618 0.39 113.10 Spain 2,803 2,837 3,482 813 1,352 0.85 66.30 WESTERN EUROPE 31,512 34,518 34,657 6,231 14,327 9.03 129.93 Austria 3,447 4,228 4,035 490 1,457 0.92 197.35 Belgium 1,872 2,313 2,163 625 1,034 0.65 65.44 France 5,901 6,195 7,070 1,373 2,847 1.79 107.36 Germany 14,625 15,409 16,230 2,919 6,407 4.04 119.49 Luxembourg 87 258 122 14 87 0.05 521.43 Netherlands 3,434 3,805 3,181 613 1,726 1.09 181.57 Switzerland 2,146 2,310 1,856 197 769 0.48 290.36 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 18,670 25,945 49,369 8,087 22,962 14.48 183.94 Cyprus 951 623 884 245 147 0.09 -40.00 Israel 7,148 9,684 9,640 786 4,341 2.74 452.29 Turkiye 10,571 15,638 38,845 7,056 18,474 11.65 161.82 OTHER EUROPE 1,099 6,576 5,480 221 344 0.22 55.66 Other countries of Europe 1,099 6,576 5,480 221 344 0.22 55.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 854 COUNTRY TABLES MONACO / MONACO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 354,858 347,071 362,998 159,297 218,396 100.00 37.10 AFRICA 4,051 3,588 4,232 1,119 1,627 0.74 45.40 OTHER AFRICA 4,051 3,588 4,232 1,119 1,627 0.74 45.40 All countries of Africa 4,051 3,588 4,232 1,119 1,627 0.74 45.40 AMERICAS 37,672 41,176 45,739 4,336 13,098 6.00 202.08 NORTH AMERICA 32,654 36,431 40,475 3,561 11,573 5.30 224.99 Canada 4,514 4,256 4,423 583 1,287 0.59 120.75 Mexico 1,361 1,264 1,420 152 653 0.30 329.61 United States of America 26,779 30,911 34,632 2,826 9,633 4.41 240.87 SOUTH AMERICA 3,654 3,222 3,222 419 840 0.38 100.48 Argentina 1,107 809 766 130 193 0.09 48.46 Brazil 2,547 2,413 2,456 289 647 0.30 123.88 OTHER AMERICAS 1,364 1,523 2,042 356 685 0.31 92.42 Other countries of the Americas 1,364 1,523 2,042 356 685 0.31 92.42 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 12,772 11,816 13,882 2,196 998 0.46 -54.55 NORHT-EAST ASIA 7,462 7,098 9,641 1,650 527 0.24 -68.06 China 4,227 3,670 5,044 597 305 0.14 -48.91 Japan 3,235 3,428 4,597 1,053 222 0.10 -78.92 AUSTRALASIA 5,310 4,718 4,241 546 471 0.22 -13.74 Australia 5,310 4,718 4,241 546 471 0.22 -13.74 EUROPE 263,909 252,508 263,013 143,366 182,131 83.39 27.04 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 13,290 12,884 14,424 2,957 3,623 1.66 22.52 Russian Federation 13,290 12,884 14,424 2,957 3,623 1.66 22.52 NORTHERN EUROPE 46,125 43,512 49,209 12,297 14,373 6.58 16.88 Denmark 2,020 1,772 1,937 853 1,127 0.52 32.12 Norway 2,125 2,659 1,934 439 620 0.28 41.23 Sweden 3,258 2,782 2,757 1,158 1,577 0.72 36.18 United Kingdom 38,722 36,299 42,581 9,847 11,049 5.06 12.21 SOUTHERN EUROPE 51,411 49,374 50,135 23,193 29,061 13.31 25.30 Italy 44,840 43,264 43,159 20,884 25,217 11.55 20.75 Portugal 1,368 1,476 1,903 598 890 0.41 48.83 Spain 5,203 4,634 5,073 1,711 2,954 1.35 72.65 WESTERN EUROPE 127,707 121,366 126,033 96,362 120,171 55.02 24.71 Austria 2,745 2,877 3,120 1,142 1,902 0.87 66.55 Belgium 6,637 6,760 6,282 3,297 4,135 1.89 25.42 France 85,308 80,899 83,463 74,891 93,386 42.76 24.70 Germany 14,285 13,610 14,851 6,734 8,243 3.77 22.41 Netherlands 5,183 4,606 5,412 2,808 4,180 1.91 48.86 Switzerland 13,549 12,614 12,905 7,490 8,325 3.81 11.15 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,331 2,434 2,666 394 1,892 0.87 380.20 Israel 2,331 2,434 2,666 394 1,892 0.87 380.20 OTHER EUROPE 23,045 22,938 20,546 8,163 13,011 5.96 59.39 Other countries of Europe 23,045 22,938 20,546 8,163 13,011 5.96 59.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 855 COUNTRY TABLES MONACO / MONACO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 6,927 6,419 8,093 1,076 4,252 1.95 295.17 All countries of Middle East 6,927 6,419 8,093 1,076 4,252 1.95 295.17 NOT SPECIFIED 29,527 31,564 28,039 7,204 16,290 7.46 126.12 Other countries of the world 29,527 31,564 28,039 7,204 16,290 7.46 126.12 MONACO / MONACO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 902,121 903,433 928,979 390,440 555,470 100.00 42.27 AFRICA 13,004 12,249 12,739 4,257 6,021 1.08 41.44 OTHER AFRICA 13,004 12,249 12,739 4,257 6,021 1.08 41.44 All countries of Africa 13,004 12,249 12,739 4,257 6,021 1.08 41.44 AMERICAS 105,090 115,156 123,509 13,651 39,842 7.17 191.86 NORTH AMERICA 90,484 100,750 108,265 11,194 34,643 6.24 209.48 Canada 13,132 12,904 12,326 2,168 4,942 0.89 127.95 Mexico 4,034 3,015 3,517 343 1,854 0.33 440.52 United States of America 73,318 84,831 92,422 8,683 27,847 5.01 220.71 SOUTH AMERICA 10,143 8,830 8,330 1,534 2,292 0.41 49.41 Argentina 2,687 2,299 2,130 630 669 0.12 6.19 Brazil 7,456 6,531 6,200 904 1,623 0.29 79.54 OTHER AMERICAS 4,463 5,576 6,914 923 2,907 0.52 214.95 Other countries of the Americas 4,463 5,576 6,914 923 2,907 0.52 214.95 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 28,249 27,571 37,408 5,815 3,165 0.57 -45.57 NORHT-EAST ASIA 15,151 15,612 26,738 4,470 1,296 0.23 -71.01 China 7,460 7,127 13,369 1,358 748 0.13 -44.92 Japan 7,691 8,485 13,369 3,112 548 0.10 -82.39 AUSTRALASIA 13,098 11,959 10,670 1,345 1,869 0.34 38.96 Australia 13,098 11,959 10,670 1,345 1,869 0.34 38.96 EUROPE 658,584 641,143 654,849 344,034 453,077 81.57 31.70 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 50,410 49,431 51,490 10,185 11,845 2.13 16.30 Russian Federation 50,410 49,431 51,490 10,185 11,845 2.13 16.30 NORTHERN EUROPE 126,631 119,285 141,961 36,976 48,239 8.68 30.46 Denmark 5,327 4,262 4,943 2,391 3,070 0.55 28.40 Norway 5,444 7,816 4,357 1,550 1,757 0.32 13.35 Sweden 8,690 6,959 6,937 2,825 4,117 0.74 45.73 United Kingdom 107,170 100,248 125,724 30,210 39,295 7.07 30.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 856 COUNTRY TABLES MONACO / MONACO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 121,261 123,475 118,415 60,656 77,216 13.90 27.30 Italy 104,961 107,952 100,160 53,548 68,000 12.24 26.99 Portugal 4,481 4,952 6,176 1,756 2,633 0.47 49.94 Spain 11,819 10,571 12,079 5,352 6,583 1.19 23.00 WESTERN EUROPE 280,204 278,727 274,756 208,173 267,805 48.21 28.65 Austria 7,914 8,826 9,484 3,655 5,350 0.96 46.37 Belgium 20,000 20,780 17,798 9,426 12,442 2.24 32.00 France 164,120 164,502 158,808 146,691 192,674 34.69 31.35 Germany 38,196 37,926 40,133 19,128 23,693 4.27 23.87 Netherlands 12,832 11,224 12,992 7,074 10,524 1.89 48.77 Switzerland 37,142 35,469 35,541 22,199 23,122 4.16 4.16 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 7,091 7,517 7,709 1,432 6,693 1.20 367.39 Israel 7,091 7,517 7,709 1,432 6,693 1.20 367.39 OTHER EUROPE 72,987 62,708 60,518 26,612 41,279 7.43 55.11 Other countries of Europe 72,987 62,708 60,518 26,612 41,279 7.43 55.11 MIDDLE EAST 27,208 26,642 31,210 3,874 18,110 3.26 367.48 All countries of Middle East 27,208 26,642 31,210 3,874 18,110 3.26 367.48 NOT SPECIFIED 69,986 80,672 69,264 18,809 35,255 6.35 87.44 Other countries of the world 69,986 80,672 69,264 18,809 35,255 6.35 87.44 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 857 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 469,309 529,370 577,320 58,859 33,098 100.00 -43.77 AFRICA 827 999 1,066 164 139 0.42 -15.24 EAST AFRICA 174 234 249 89 62 0.19 -30.34 Burundi 3 4 13 5 3 0.01 -40.00 Comoros 2 2 Djibouti 1 2 1 Eritrea 2 Ethiopia 50 66 57 73 47 0.14 -35.62 Kenya 34 27 27 6 3 0.01 -50.00 Madagascar 7 8 6 2 0.01 Malawi 2 1 Mauritius 15 30 15 4 0.01 Mozambique 7 Reunion 1 Rwanda 2 2 1 Seychelles 7 8 5 1 Somalia 1 5 6 Tanzania, United Republic of 9 6 9 1 Uganda 22 36 76 1 Zambia 10 11 13 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Zimbabwe 11 24 10 2 0.01 CENTRAL AFRICA 32 35 27 3 Angola 1 5 Cameroon 8 9 6 Central African Republic 1 2 2 Congo 21 24 14 3 Equatorial Guinea 1 NORTH AFRICA 83 113 162 2 18 0.05 800.00 Algeria 5 12 8 1 0.00 Morocco 18 30 35 2 13 0.04 550.00 South Sudan 2 1 Sudan 38 45 75 4 0.01 Tunisia 22 24 43 SOUTHERN AFRICA 452 483 503 64 48 0.15 -25.00 Botswana 2 1 Eswatini 1 1 Lesotho 1 2 Namibia 4 1 4 3 0.01 South Africa 445 481 495 64 45 0.14 -29.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 858 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 86 134 125 6 11 0.03 83.33 Benin 2 3 7 1 Burkina Faso 5 6 1 3 0.01 Cabo Verde 2 2 2 Cote d'lvoire 2 5 3 Ghana 19 19 15 4 2 0.01 -50.00 Guinea 1 1 3 1 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 1 Liberia 1 2 Mali 5 4 1 0.00 Mauritania 2 6 Niger 5 10 7 Nigeria 30 42 24 1 4 0.01 300.00 Senegal 3 4 3 Sierra Leone 1 3 Togo 14 32 48 AMERICAS 22,200 23,640 24,945 1,404 1,748 5.28 24.50 CARIBBEAN 111 99 100 11 10 0.03 -9.09 Antigua and Barbuda 1 1 Bahamas 1 1 Barbados 1 1 2 Cuba 83 58 49 3 5 0.02 66.67 Dominica 8 6 1 Dominican Republic 7 6 Grenada 1 2 6 5 Haiti 1 1 Jamaica 11 4 11 2 0.01 Saint Kitts and Nevis 9 12 10 2 2 0.01 Saint Lucia 2 1 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1 Trinidad and Tobago 3 5 5 CENTRAL AMERICA 42 87 185 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Belize 3 5 6 1 Costa Rica 20 53 140 El Salvador 5 5 17 1 0.00 Guatemala 5 6 9 Honduras 3 11 4 1 Nicaragua 3 2 Panama 3 5 9 3 NORTH AMERICA 20,287 21,608 22,654 1,320 1,694 5.12 28.33 Canada 3,430 3,578 3,594 169 123 0.37 -27.22 Mexico 189 191 222 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 1 United States of America 16,667 1 7,838 18,838 1,147 1,570 4.74 36.88 SOUTH AMERICA 1,760 1,846 2,006 68 43 0.13 -36.76 Argentina 559 586 438 10 5 0.02 -50.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 19 19 24 3 2 0.01 -33.33 Brazil 719 758 872 24 16 0.05 -33.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 859 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Chile 153 216 193 3 6 0.02 100.00 Colombia 98 93 154 12 5 0.02 -58.33 Ecuador 21 19 27 1 0.00 Guyana 1 Paraguay 6 11 5 Peru 74 76 80 4 8 0.02 100.00 Suriname 1 Uruguay 74 44 80 5 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 37 23 132 7 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 265,009 296,236 324,188 20,821 9,018 27.25 -56.69 NORHT-EAST ASIA 248,087 278,090 304,858 19,952 8,490 25.65 -57.45 China 142,481 163,979 168,298 13,513 5,763 17.41 -57.35 Hong Kong, China 2,808 3,121 4,311 147 8 0.02 -94.56 Japan 22,519 20,990 24,419 1,131 377 1.14 -66.67 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 770 411 454 Korea, Republic of 74,921 84,184 101,279 5,060 2,312 6.99 -54.31 Macao, China 136 172 167 6 Taiwan Province of China 4,452 5,233 5,930 95 30 0.09 -68.42 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,593 9,536 10,954 427 359 1.08 -15.93 Brunei Darussalam 10 9 38 Cambodia 115 142 137 5 Indonesia 466 627 553 25 13 0.04 -48.00 Lao People's Democratic Republic 71 153 104 5 65 0.20 1,200.00 Malaysia 1,672 1,731 2,062 53 71 0.21 33.96 Myanmar 104 86 143 3 20 0.06 566.67 Philippines 1,219 1,169 1,204 79 54 0.16 -31.65 Singapore 2,485 2,649 3,010 65 29 0.09 -55.38 Thailand 1,492 2,259 2,631 127 93 0.28 -26.77 Timor-Leste 12 7 11 Viet Nam 947 704 1,061 65 14 0.04 -78.46 AUSTRALASIA 8,273 8,554 8,264 440 160 0.48 -63.64 Australia 7,287 7,495 7,014 383 132 0.40 -65.54 New Zealand 986 1,059 1,250 57 28 0.08 -50.88 MELANESIA 39 32 97 1 9 0.03 800.00 Fiji 22 13 68 7 0.02 Papua New Guinea 10 2 12 1 0.00 Solomon Islands 1 10 6 1 1 0.00 Vanuatu 6 7 11 MICRONESIA 12 15 12 Kiribati 1 3 3 Marshall Islands 5 2 Nauru 3 4 3 Palau 8 3 4 POLYNESIA 5 9 3 1 Niue 1 Samoa 2 2 1 Tonga 2 5 3 Tuvalu 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 860 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 177,415 203,633 221,276 36,188 21,313 64.39 -41.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 129,311 153,957 168,207 33,761 18,313 55.33 -45.76 Armenia 69 67 47 6 7 0.02 16.67 Azerbaijan 74 177 143 43 96 0.29 123.26 Belarus 2,107 2,210 2,902 2,090 4,026 12.16 92.63 Bulgaria 172 177 174 8 11 0.03 37.50 Czech Republic 1,036 1,116 1,068 50 100 0.30 100.00 Estonia 104 75 131 10 2 0.01 -80.00 Georgia 31 37 64 19 76 0.23 300.00 Hungary 439 401 503 13 76 0.23 484.62 Kazakhstan 14,234 16,144 16,264 1,509 727 2.20 -51.82 Kyrgyzstan 415 524 727 57 107 0.32 87.72 Latvia 100 118 109 12 10 0.03 -16.67 Lithuania 119 113 125 2 4 0.01 100.00 Moldova, Republic of 39 46 62 17 13 0.04 -23.53 Poland 1,276 1,196 1,499 42 67 0.20 59.52 Romania 306 304 370 21 25 0.08 19.05 Russian Federation 106,885 129,095 141,927 29,635 12,525 37.84 -57.74 Slovakia 411 395 402 8 11 0.03 37.50 Tajikistan 43 59 138 12 5 0.02 -58.33 Turkmenistan 13 44 75 1 7 0.02 600.00 Ukraine 1,309 1,541 1,233 190 374 1.13 96.84 Uzbekistan 129 118 244 16 44 0.13 1 75.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 9,652 9,523 9,770 478 306 0.92 -35.98 Denmark 527 568 615 40 18 0.05 -55.00 Finland 668 535 682 19 11 0.03 -42.11 Iceland 41 46 55 3 2 0.01 -33.33 Ireland 534 563 474 29 16 0.05 -44.83 Norway 720 752 574 35 21 0.06 -40.00 Sweden 1,166 1,154 1,439 50 56 0.17 12.00 United Kingdom 5,996 5,905 5,931 302 182 0.55 -39.74 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,649 6,506 7,627 235 303 0.92 28.94 Albania 18 12 44 1 2 0.01 100.00 Andorra 7 2 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 16 14 Croatia 63 102 84 6 3 0.01 -50.00 Greece 174 266 312 7 15 0.05 114.29 Holy See 3 3 4 1 0.00 Italy 2,971 3,192 3,655 74 174 0.53 135.14 Malta 18 16 26 Montenegro 8 4 16 1 4 0.01 300.00 North Macedonia 25 23 34 3 4 0.01 33.33 Portugal 317 406 541 17 5 0.02 -70.59 San Marino 7 2 Serbia 274 356 632 78 29 0.09 -62.82 Slovenia 98 133 162 31 0.09 Spain 1,647 1,969 2,080 48 35 0.11 -27.08 Other countries of Southern Europe 3 4 13 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 861 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 29,693 29,976 32,599 1,153 969 2.93 -15.96 Austria 1,579 1,349 1,533 57 81 0.24 42.11 Belgium 1,532 1,505 1,436 30 33 0.10 10.00 France 10,038 9,773 10,572 305 213 0.64 -30.16 Germany 10,582 10,819 12,405 599 511 1.54 -14.69 Liechtenstein 18 10 9 Luxembourg 70 66 99 2 0.01 Monaco 8 12 5 Netherlands 3,099 3,777 3,613 86 63 0.19 -26.74 Switzerland 2,767 2,665 2,927 76 66 0.20 -13.16 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 3,110 3,671 3,073 561 1,422 4.30 153.48 Cyprus 19 33 47 Israel 902 939 1,152 16 21 0.06 31.25 Turkiye 2,189 2,699 1,874 545 1,401 4.23 157.06 MIDDLE EAST 963 1,262 1,822 33 424 1.28 1,184.85 Bahrain 44 28 18 Egypt 50 53 65 2 24 0.07 1,100.00 Iraq 32 58 52 43 0.13 Jordan 36 54 86 1 13 0.04 1,200.00 Kuwait 121 136 162 7 31 0.09 342.86 Lebanon 22 36 51 3 6 0.02 100.00 Libya 4 2 Oman 28 25 39 1 1 0.00 Qatar 228 418 864 11 118 0.36 972.73 Saudi Arabia 73 101 91 41 0.12 State of Palestine 7 9 15 Syrian Arab Republic 89 94 116 2 85 0.26 4,150.00 United Arab Emirates 186 214 209 6 57 0.17 850.00 Yemen 47 32 52 5 0.02 SOUTH ASIA 2,864 3,568 3,985 233 452 1.37 93.99 Afghanistan 23 38 33 Bangladesh 171 170 189 7 38 0.11 442.86 Bhutan 58 60 64 India 1,874 2,298 2,478 184 194 0.59 5.43 Iran, Islamic Republic of 172 227 302 18 62 0.19 244.44 Maldives 17 10 32 4 5 0.02 25.00 Nepal 221 331 396 7 12 0.04 71.43 Pakistan 234 292 315 6 136 0.41 2,166.67 Sri Lanka 94 142 176 7 5 0.02 -28.57 NOT SPECIFIED 31 32 38 16 4 0.01 -75.00 Other countries of the world 31 32 38 16 4 0.01 -75.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 862 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 542,703 598,406 636,960 66,940 39,236 100.00 -41.39 AFRICA 1,373 1,806 2,387 420 373 0.95 -11.19 EAST AFRICA 191 258 301 98 70 0.18 -28.57 Burundi 3 4 16 5 3 0.01 -40.00 Comoros 2 2 Djibouti 1 2 1 Eritrea 2 Ethiopia 50 67 58 73 47 0.12 -35.62 Kenya 37 30 43 9 5 0.01 -44.44 Madagascar 7 10 16 2 3 0.01 50.00 Malawi 2 1 Mauritius 16 33 15 4 0.01 Mozambique 8 1 0.00 Reunion 1 Rwanda 3 2 1 Seychelles 8 10 7 1 Somalia 1 5 6 Tanzania, United Republic of 9 7 14 1 Uganda 22 36 77 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Zambia 11 17 17 4 4 0.01 Zimbabwe 21 30 19 1 2 0.01 100.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 47 45 39 5 2 0.01 -60.00 Angola 1 5 Cameroon 10 14 7 Central African Republic 1 2 3 Congo 34 29 24 5 2 0.01 -60.00 Equatorial Guinea 1 NORTH AFRICA 91 123 170 3 42 0.11 1,300.00 Algeria 5 13 9 1 0.00 Morocco 22 37 36 2 37 0.09 1,750.00 South Sudan 2 1 Sudan 42 47 79 1 4 0.01 300.00 Tunisia 22 24 45 SOUTHERN AFRICA 935 1,220 1,772 300 245 0.62 -18.33 Botswana 2 1 1 0.00 Eswatini 1 1 Lesotho 1 2 Namibia 4 1 4 1 4 0.01 300.00 South Africa 928 1,218 1,764 299 240 0.61 -19.73 WEST AFRICA 109 160 105 14 14 0.04 Benin 2 3 7 1 Burkina Faso 9 10 1 3 0.01 Cabo Verde 3 2 2 1 Cote d'lvoire 2 5 4 1 0.00 Ghana 26 33 27 10 4 0.01 -60.00 Guinea 1 1 3 1 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 1 Liberia 1 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 863 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Mali 1 5 5 1 1 0.00 Mauritania 2 6 Niger 7 11 7 Nigeria 38 49 26 1 4 0.01 300.00 Senegal 3 4 4 Sierra Leone 1 3 Togo 14 32 11 AMERICAS 24,096 25,767 27,174 1,862 2,054 5.23 10.31 CARIBBEAN 118 111 113 13 11 0.03 -15.38 Antigua and Barbuda 1 1 1 0.00 Bahamas 1 1 Barbados 2 1 2 Cuba 86 67 59 4 5 0.01 25.00 Dominica 8 7 1 Dominican Republic 7 6 Grenada 1 2 8 6 Haiti 1 1 Jamaica 13 6 11 2 0.01 Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 13 10 2 2 0.01 Saint Lucia 2 1 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1 Trinidad and Tobago 3 5 5 CENTRAL AMERICA 44 94 197 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Belize 3 6 6 1 Costa Rica 20 53 142 El Salvador 5 5 17 1 0.00 Guatemala 5 6 9 Honduras 5 17 12 2 Nicaragua 3 2 Panama 3 5 11 3 NORTH AMERICA 22,057 23,541 24,678 1,740 1,978 5.04 13.68 Canada 4,204 4,481 4,501 320 216 0.55 -32.50 Mexico 189 193 229 4 3 0.01 -25.00 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 1 United States of America 1 7,663 18,866 19,948 1,416 1,759 4.48 24.22 SOUTH AMERICA 1,877 2,021 2,186 103 64 0.16 -37.86 Argentina 561 586 440 10 5 0.01 -50.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 39 37 39 6 4 0.01 -33.33 Brazil 745 792 900 34 20 0.05 -41.18 Chile 177 264 236 7 6 0.02 -14.29 Colombia 108 99 180 20 13 0.03 -35.00 Ecuador 21 19 27 2 0.01 Guyana 1 Paraguay 6 11 5 Peru 106 137 141 12 14 0.04 16.67 Suriname 1 Uruguay 74 44 80 5 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 40 31 137 9 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 864 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 330,104 355,216 372,036 26,062 11,566 29.48 -55.62 NORHT-EAST ASIA 310,326 333,026 347,917 24,426 10,634 27.10 -56.46 China 201,912 216,379 208,449 17,340 7,519 19.16 -56.64 Hong Kong, China 2,815 3,128 4,323 148 8 0.02 -94.59 Japan 23,093 21,621 25,163 1,302 433 1.10 -66.74 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1,255 441 457 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Korea, Republic of 76,637 86,013 103,379 5,515 2,639 6.73 -52.15 Macao, China 136 172 167 6 Taiwan Province of China 4,478 5,272 5,979 101 34 0.09 -66.34 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 9,305 10,496 11,911 607 555 1.41 -8.57 Brunei Darussalam 10 9 38 Cambodia 116 143 137 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Indonesia 536 747 755 73 82 0.21 12.33 Lao People's Democratic Republic 95 179 147 6 89 0.23 1,383.33 Malaysia 1,739 1,802 2,111 65 77 0.20 18.46 Myanmar 104 91 145 3 20 0.05 566.67 Philippines 1,456 1,565 1,597 143 115 0.29 -19.58 Singapore 2,537 2,746 3,083 77 31 0.08 -59.74 Thailand 1,576 2,340 2,694 139 98 0.25 -29.50 Timor-Leste 13 8 2 Viet Nam 1,123 866 1,202 96 42 0.11 -56.25 AUSTRALASIA 10,413 11,627 12,019 1,021 356 0.91 -65.13 Australia 9,241 10,278 10,419 913 297 0.76 -67.47 New Zealand 1,172 1,349 1,600 108 59 0.15 -45.37 MELANESIA 43 43 125 7 21 0.05 200.00 Fiji 26 18 83 5 15 0.04 200.00 Papua New Guinea 10 7 24 1 4 0.01 300.00 Solomon Islands 1 10 7 1 2 0.01 100.00 Vanuatu 6 8 11 MICRONESIA 12 15 15 Kiribati 1 3 3 Marshall Islands 5 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 3 Nauru 3 4 3 Palau 8 3 4 POLYNESIA 5 9 49 1 Niue 1 Samoa 2 2 1 1 Tonga 2 5 48 Tuvalu 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 865 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 182,987 210,386 229,092 38,261 24,159 61.57 -36.86 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 133,582 159,187 174,156 35,487 20,738 52.85 -41.56 Armenia 75 77 63 8 9 0.02 12.50 Azerbaijan 88 196 160 48 104 0.27 116.67 Belarus 2,275 2,574 3,299 2,338 4,509 11.49 92.86 Bulgaria 179 182 184 8 14 0.04 75.00 Czech Republic 1,087 1,148 1,108 53 111 0.28 109.43 Estonia 105 75 133 10 3 0.01 -70.00 Georgia 31 37 67 20 86 0.22 330.00 Hungary 451 422 525 15 78 0.20 420.00 Kazakhstan 14,553 16,381 16,530 1,564 806 2.05 -48.47 Kyrgyzstan 438 541 765 61 125 0.32 104.92 Latvia 107 122 112 14 10 0.03 -28.57 Lithuania 122 118 127 2 5 0.01 150.00 Moldova, Republic of 47 56 81 19 18 0.05 -5.26 Poland 1,298 1,224 1,531 49 71 0.18 44.90 Romania 319 315 392 22 31 0.08 40.91 Russian Federation 110,353 133,402 146,783 30,980 14,231 36.27 -54.06 Slovakia 424 409 420 12 13 0.03 8.33 Tajikistan 44 64 151 17 10 0.03 -41.18 Turkmenistan 15 50 76 1 7 0.02 600.00 Ukraine 1,413 1,655 1,385 228 442 1.13 93.86 Uzbekistan 158 139 264 18 55 0.14 205.56 NORTHERN EUROPE 10,296 10,387 10,713 680 435 1.11 -36.03 Denmark 532 574 616 40 22 0.06 -45.00 Finland 707 583 741 28 17 0.04 -39.29 Iceland 42 46 33 3 5 0.01 66.67 Ireland 612 660 604 57 31 0.08 -45.61 Norway 733 758 577 36 31 0.08 -13.89 Sweden 1,184 1,185 1,482 55 60 0.15 9.09 United Kingdom 6,486 6,581 6,660 461 269 0.69 -41.65 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,802 6,639 7,917 259 362 0.92 39.77 Albania 20 15 193 3 17 0.04 466.67 Andorra 7 2 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 16 15 1 0.00 Croatia 64 102 90 6 5 0.01 -16.67 Greece 177 269 315 8 16 0.04 100.00 Holy See 3 3 4 1 0.00 Italy 3,038 3,248 3,708 81 179 0.46 120.99 Malta 18 16 26 Montenegro 8 4 17 4 4 0.01 North Macedonia 38 34 34 3 4 0.01 33.33 Portugal 329 412 544 18 7 0.02 -61.11 San Marino 7 2 Serbia 287 377 657 85 38 0.10 -55.29 Slovenia 98 133 162 32 0.08 Spain 1,689 2,002 2,117 50 44 0.11 -12.00 Other countries of Southern Europe 3 4 25 1 14 0.04 1,300.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 866 COUNTRY TABLES MONGOLIA / MONGOLIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 30,114 30,416 33,102 1,242 1,086 2.77 -12.56 Austria 1,591 1,367 1,554 63 91 0.23 44.44 Belgium 1,561 1,540 1,461 35 33 0.08 -5.71 France 10,154 9,909 10,716 330 256 0.65 -22.42 Germany 10,777 11,015 12,654 641 560 1.43 -12.64 Liechtenstein 18 10 9 Luxembourg 73 66 100 2 0.01 Monaco 8 15 5 Netherlands 3,139 3,801 3,649 95 69 0.18 -27.37 Switzerland 2,793 2,693 2,954 78 75 0.19 -3.85 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 3,193 3,757 3,204 593 1,538 3.92 159.36 Cyprus 20 33 47 Israel 911 945 1,158 20 24 0.06 20.00 Turkiye 2,262 2,779 1,999 573 1,514 3.86 164.22 MIDDLE EAST 980 1,283 1,853 36 438 1.12 1,116.67 Bahrain 46 30 19 Egypt 54 55 72 2 28 0.07 1,300.00 Iraq 33 58 52 43 0.11 Jordan 36 54 87 1 13 0.03 1,200.00 Kuwait 122 142 164 7 31 0.08 342.86 Lebanon 26 37 53 6 10 0.03 66.67 Libya 4 2 Oman 28 26 40 1 1 0.00 Qatar 228 422 866 11 118 0.30 972.73 Saudi Arabia 73 104 92 43 0.11 State of Palestine 7 9 15 Syrian Arab Republic 93 95 125 2 88 0.22 4,300.00 United Arab Emirates 187 215 211 6 58 0.15 866.67 Yemen 47 32 55 5 0.01 SOUTH ASIA 3,127 3,909 4,381 296 643 1.64 117.23 Afghanistan 24 38 35 Bangladesh 177 180 201 7 40 0.10 471.43 Bhutan 58 61 66 India 2,082 2,572 2,793 236 364 0.93 54.24 Iran, Islamic Republic of 179 244 318 19 68 0.17 257.89 Maldives 18 10 32 5 5 0.01 Nepal 230 349 416 13 17 0.04 30.77 Pakistan 255 304 337 9 144 0.37 1,500.00 Sri Lanka 104 151 183 7 5 0.01 -28.57 NOT SPECIFIED 36 39 37 3 3 0.01 Other countries of the world 36 39 37 3 3 0.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 867 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 843,609 959,121 1,167,968 180,271 629,808 100.00 249.37 AFRICA 2,727 3,085 3,080 457 2,531 0.40 453.83 SOUTHERN AFRICA 720 726 878 91 867 0.14 852.75 South Africa 720 726 878 91 867 0.14 852.75 OTHER AFRICA 2,007 2,359 2,202 366 1,664 0.26 354.64 Other countries of Africa 2,007 2,359 2,202 366 1,664 0.26 354.64 AMERICAS 29,455 33,825 40,622 3,693 17,607 2.80 376.77 NORTH AMERICA 24,707 29,188 34,693 3,230 15,129 2.40 368.39 Canada 4,680 5,714 6,450 417 1,946 0.31 366.67 United States of America 19,216 22,843 27,578 2,768 12,835 2.04 363.69 Other countries of North America 811 631 665 45 348 0.06 673.33 SOUTH AMERICA 2,151 2,422 3,534 224 1,136 0.18 407.14 Argentina 513 738 1,137 37 283 0.04 664.86 Brazil 1,456 1,332 2,016 159 756 0.12 375.47 Chile 182 352 381 28 97 0.02 246.43 OTHER AMERICAS 2,597 2,215 2,395 239 1,342 0.21 461.51 Other countries of the Americas 2,597 2,215 2,395 239 1,342 0.21 461.51 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 53,717 75,978 103,384 4,721 17,201 2.73 264.35 NORHT-EAST ASIA 31,304 48,685 77,152 3,188 2,093 0.33 -34.35 China 22,967 41,338 71,594 2,791 1,632 0.26 -41.53 Japan 2,734 2,593 2,509 243 234 0.04 -3.70 Korea, Republic of 5,603 4,754 3,049 154 227 0.04 47.40 AUSTRALASIA 6,422 7,212 8,315 295 1,206 0.19 308.81 Australia 5,351 6,087 6,915 252 922 0.15 265.87 New Zealand 1,071 1,125 1,400 43 284 0.05 560.47 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,991 20,081 17,917 1,238 13,902 2.21 1,022.94 Other countries of Asia 15,991 20,081 17,917 1,238 13,902 2.21 1,022.94 EUROPE 755,354 842,775 1,016,786 171,070 589,512 93.60 244.60 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 201,533 196,696 222,098 32,239 139,493 22.15 332.68 Azerbaijan 593 1,242 1,522 268 920 0.15 243.28 Belarus 3,085 2,587 3,768 4,564 2,095 0.33 -54.10 Bulgaria 8,717 8,948 7,676 741 2,298 0.36 210.12 Czech Republic (Czechia) 14,577 13,165 10,646 599 2,990 0.47 399.17 Estonia 1,999 2,418 2,276 127 2,415 0.38 1,801.57 Hungary 12,848 14,828 13,543 1,255 9,490 1.51 656.18 Latvia 1,195 1,376 1,637 101 1,154 0.18 1,042.57 Lithuania 2,301 4,513 3,726 161 4,278 0.68 2,557.14 Poland 34,480 38,419 42,250 2,616 17,411 2.76 565.56 Romania 12,766 11,605 16,217 545 5,832 0.93 970.09 Russian Federation 90,583 79,153 98,481 9,775 31,549 5.01 222.75 Slovakia 5,576 5,883 4,622 290 1,443 0.23 397.59 Ukraine 12,813 12,559 15,734 11,197 57,618 9.15 414.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 868 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 65,575 94,535 147,087 13,178 17,695 2.81 34.28 Denmark 4,490 5,969 13,421 1,766 2,005 0.32 13.53 Finland 7,392 9,145 1 7,624 2,025 1,629 0.26 -19.56 Iceland 464 515 672 35 117 0.02 234.29 Ireland 2,482 3,347 7,697 434 1,135 0.18 161.52 Norway 7,261 9,308 1 7,028 219 1,372 0.22 526.48 Sweden 14,462 20,465 31,239 2,928 3,837 0.61 31.05 United Kingdom 29,024 45,786 59,406 5,771 7,600 1.21 31.69 SOUTHERN EUROPE 288,372 307,022 324,472 91,663 314,410 49.92 243.01 Albania 36,038 38,281 43,858 19,863 39,141 6.21 97.05 Bosnia and Herzegovina 31,267 35,101 36,635 19,774 48,593 7.72 145.74 Croatia 20,272 24,816 28,543 5,484 11,967 1.90 118.22 Greece 6,160 6,999 6,569 687 1,758 0.28 155.90 Italy 23,772 24,833 26,424 2,347 6,734 1.07 186.92 Malta 440 468 1,054 70 889 0.14 1,170.00 North Macedonia 8,834 10,345 10,475 1,740 8,479 1.35 387.30 Portugal 1,689 2,367 2,825 238 1,282 0.20 438.66 Serbia (*) 138,283 141,371 142,970 39,161 184,056 29.22 370.00 Slovenia 16,510 15,887 15,593 1,525 6,933 1.10 354.62 Spain 5,107 6,554 9,526 774 4,578 0.73 491.47 WESTERN EUROPE 123,798 171,311 250,958 25,653 79,915 12.69 211.52 Austria 10,988 16,411 23,647 1,169 6,609 1.05 465.36 Belgium 12,810 13,627 22,207 2,164 5,996 0.95 177.08 France 48,899 61,212 67,795 7,673 23,091 3.67 200.94 Germany 31,876 57,723 107,238 12,360 29,477 4.68 138.49 Luxembourg 729 1,146 1,314 389 1,281 0.20 229.31 Netherlands 9,722 11,794 17,782 899 5,490 0.87 510.68 Switzerland 8,774 9,398 10,975 999 7,971 1.27 697.90 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 70,686 66,882 66,582 7,328 34,437 5.47 369.94 Cyprus 795 741 1,035 134 557 0.09 315.67 Israel 28,895 31,958 37,400 365 18,099 2.87 4,858.63 Turkiye 40,996 34,183 28,147 6,829 15,781 2.51 131.09 OTHER EUROPE 5,390 6,329 5,589 1,009 3,562 0.57 253.02 Other countries of Europe 5,390 6,329 5,589 1,009 3,562 0.57 253.02 MIDDLE EAST 103 1,180 0.19 1,045.63 United Arab Emirates 103 1,180 0.19 1,045.63 SOUTH ASIA 1,105 1,913 2,001 94 1,401 0.22 1,390.43 India 1,105 1,913 2,001 94 1,401 0.22 1,390.43 NOT SPECIFIED 1,251 1,545 2,095 133 376 0.06 182.71 Other countries of the world 1,251 1,545 2,095 133 376 0.06 182.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 869 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,877,212 2,076,803 2,509,625 350,795 1,553,558 100.00 342.87 AFRICA 3,151 3,737 4,102 730 3,837 0.25 425.62 SOUTHERN AFRICA 915 947 1,211 195 1,609 0.10 725.13 South Africa 915 947 1,211 195 1,609 0.10 725.13 OTHER AFRICA 2,236 2,790 2,891 535 2,228 0.14 316.45 Other countries of Africa 2,236 2,790 2,891 535 2,228 0.14 316.45 AMERICAS 37,533 44,714 54,357 5,275 28,194 1.81 434.48 NORTH AMERICA 32,065 39,020 46,811 4,563 24,302 1.56 432.59 Canada 7,158 8,632 10,038 755 3,765 0.24 398.68 United States of America 23,842 29,536 35,757 3,755 20,057 1.29 434.14 Other countries of North America 1,065 852 1,016 53 480 0.03 805.66 SOUTH AMERICA 2,534 3,063 4,395 333 1,963 0.13 489.49 Argentina 631 963 1,457 67 499 0.03 644.78 Brazil 1,668 1,658 2,489 220 1,241 0.08 464.09 Chile 235 442 449 46 223 0.01 384.78 OTHER AMERICAS 2,934 2,631 3,151 379 1,929 0.12 408.97 Other countries of the Americas 2,934 2,631 3,151 379 1,929 0.12 408.97 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 59,574 83,926 114,566 5,751 24,925 1.60 333.40 NORHT-EAST ASIA 32,310 50,669 81,044 3,557 2,689 0.17 -24.40 China 23,495 42,715 74,833 3,060 2,081 0.13 -31.99 Japan 2,971 2,938 2,873 298 312 0.02 4.70 Korea, Republic of 5,844 5,016 3,338 199 296 0.02 48.74 AUSTRALASIA 8,877 10,620 12,092 561 2,141 0.14 281.64 Australia 7,483 8,916 10,020 458 1,563 0.10 241.27 New Zealand 1,394 1,704 2,072 103 578 0.04 461.17 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 18,387 22,637 21,430 1,633 20,095 1.29 1,130.56 Other countries of Asia 18,387 22,637 21,430 1,633 20,095 1.29 1,130.56 EUROPE 1,774,090 1,940,330 2,331,525 338,694 1,492,549 96.07 340.68 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 593,439 608,321 651,954 85,381 354,837 22.84 315.59 Azerbaijan 806 1,725 2,535 643 1,391 0.09 116.33 Belarus 31,211 27,970 20,557 8,546 5,503 0.35 -35.61 Bulgaria 10,370 11,155 10,341 1,064 3,425 0.22 221.90 Czech Republic (Czechia) 18,858 18,562 16,137 1,331 6,914 0.45 419.46 Estonia 3,155 4,122 4,202 346 4,095 0.26 1,083.53 Hungary 27,184 34,032 32,860 2,448 23,745 1.53 869.98 Latvia 2,514 3,300 3,847 325 2,501 0.16 669.54 Lithuania 3,815 7,505 6,595 332 6,184 0.40 1,762.65 Poland 56,061 69,091 76,620 7,174 40,776 2.62 468.39 Romania 22,605 21,576 27,731 956 13,281 0.85 1,289.23 Russian Federation 350,468 338,463 384,689 38,757 108,025 6.95 1 78.72 Slovakia 8,597 9,347 8,652 509 3,000 0.19 489.39 Ukraine 57,795 61,473 57,188 22,950 135,997 8.75 492.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 870 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 94,669 132,031 198,310 16,504 32,851 2.11 99.05 Denmark 6,342 8,462 16,166 1,944 3,223 0.21 65.79 Finland 9,768 12,713 23,730 2,159 2,213 0.14 2.50 Iceland 700 661 1,013 46 223 0.01 384.78 Ireland 3,360 4,569 9,663 701 1,771 0.11 152.64 Norway 10,579 13,923 23,376 445 2,604 0.17 485.17 Sweden 21,560 29,243 43,486 3,461 8,863 0.57 156.08 United Kingdom 42,360 62,460 80,876 7,748 13,954 0.90 80.10 SOUTHERN EUROPE 818,740 865,655 1,017,632 186,555 888,205 57.17 376.11 Albania 56,206 65,419 79,001 38,049 56,547 3.64 48.62 Bosnia and Herzegovina 183,690 193,587 203,766 50,082 214,570 13.81 328.44 Croatia 28,597 33,398 39,082 7,460 20,221 1.30 1 71.06 Greece 6,547 7,528 7,332 752 2,215 0.14 194.55 Italy 35,525 37,602 39,692 2,820 9,910 0.64 251.42 Malta 518 881 1,143 128 946 0.06 639.06 North Macedonia 25,486 28,738 35,250 3,167 27,965 1.80 783.01 Portugal 2,071 2,944 3,638 300 1,639 0.11 446.33 Serbia (*) 452,374 464,916 572,467 80,665 536,217 34.52 564.75 Slovenia 21,571 21,928 23,821 2,051 11,748 0.76 472.79 Spain 6,155 8,714 12,440 1,081 6,227 0.40 476.04 WESTERN EUROPE 183,017 246,453 373,204 35,902 160,367 10.32 346.68 Austria 18,256 24,624 35,001 1,686 13,660 0.88 710.20 Belgium 16,189 18,722 30,528 2,609 10,808 0.70 314.26 France 60,865 77,096 90,083 9,611 35,985 2.32 274.41 Germany 57,813 89,741 163,877 18,206 70,653 4.55 288.08 Luxembourg 1,289 1,851 2,468 599 2,336 0.15 289.98 Netherlands 13,856 1 7,733 25,633 1,365 10,059 0.65 636.92 Switzerland 14,749 16,686 25,614 1,826 16,866 1.09 823.66 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 77,304 79,464 81,910 13,136 48,114 3.10 266.28 Cyprus 851 805 1,162 174 662 0.04 280.46 Israel 30,506 34,904 40,764 558 21,227 1.37 3,704.12 Turkiye 45,947 43,755 39,984 12,404 26,225 1.69 111.42 OTHER EUROPE 6,921 8,406 8,515 1,216 8,175 0.53 572.29 Other countries of Europe 6,921 8,406 8,515 1,216 8,175 0.53 572.29 MIDDLE EAST 106 1,252 0.08 1,081.13 United Arab Emirates 106 1,252 0.08 1,081.13 SOUTH ASIA 1,382 2,269 2,470 147 2,042 0.13 1,289.12 India 1,382 2,269 2,470 147 2,042 0.13 1,289.12 NOT SPECIFIED 1,482 1,827 2,605 92 759 0.05 725.00 Other countries of the world 1,482 1,827 2,605 92 759 0.05 725.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 871 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,459,000 3,763,857 4,200,579 601,807 2,572,710 100.00 327.50 AFRICA 7,232 8,365 10,577 4,271 12,625 0.49 195.60 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,943 2,062 2,320 361 3,115 0.12 762.88 South Africa 1,943 2,062 2,320 361 3,115 0.12 762.88 OTHER AFRICA 5,289 6,303 8,257 3,910 9,510 0.37 143.22 Other countries of Africa 5,289 6,303 8,257 3,910 9,510 0.37 143.22 AMERICAS 69,855 76,782 97,311 11,460 48,670 1.89 324.69 NORTH AMERICA 59,781 67,066 83,125 9,812 41,285 1.60 320.76 Canada 10,446 12,539 14,819 1,211 5,705 0.22 371.10 United States of America 47,223 53,215 66,769 8,515 34,761 1.35 308.23 Other countries of North America 2,112 1,312 1,537 86 819 0.03 852.33 SOUTH AMERICA 4,267 4,985 8,140 546 2,790 0.11 410.99 Argentina 1,106 1,567 2,744 103 559 0.02 442.72 Brazil 2,832 2,633 4,383 383 1,984 0.08 418.02 Chile 329 785 1,013 60 247 0.01 311.67 OTHER AMERICAS 5,807 4,731 6,046 1,102 4,595 0.18 316.97 Other countries of the Americas 5,807 4,731 6,046 1,102 4,595 0.18 316.97 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 99,860 127,912 158,139 9,823 75,759 2.94 671.24 NORHT-EAST ASIA 43,249 63,991 97,612 6,073 4,474 0.17 -26.33 China 31,496 53,445 89,639 5,149 3,469 0.13 -32.63 Japan 5,164 4,553 3,955 631 448 0.02 -29.00 Korea, Republic of 6,589 5,993 4,018 293 557 0.02 90.10 AUSTRALASIA 14,967 16,501 18,179 955 3,051 0.12 219.48 Australia 12,192 14,174 15,388 831 2,408 0.09 189.77 New Zealand 2,775 2,327 2,791 124 643 0.02 418.55 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 41,644 47,420 42,348 2,795 68,234 2.65 2,341.29 Other countries of Asia 41,644 47,420 42,348 2,795 68,234 2.65 2,341.29 EUROPE 3,276,493 3,544,664 3,927,227 574,226 2,426,462 94.32 322.56 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,177,002 1,064,184 1,208,664 153,881 671,065 26.08 336.09 Azerbaijan 2,154 5,880 7,416 792 3,966 0.15 400.76 Belarus 22,244 18,590 26,474 30,468 8,755 0.34 -71.26 Bulgaria 25,287 23,665 19,486 3,012 8,147 0.32 1 70.48 Czech Republic (Czechia) 96,200 96,069 67,974 2,078 9,612 0.37 362.56 Estonia 11,342 13,075 11,209 454 14,014 0.54 2,986.78 Hungary 54,282 61,017 56,816 3,868 38,238 1.49 888.57 Latvia 5,852 5,883 7,330 374 4,914 0.19 1,213.90 Lithuania 10,943 21,316 19,703 510 20,777 0.81 3,973.92 Poland 159,501 161,632 193,533 9,324 83,500 3.25 795.54 Romania 46,159 34,741 43,337 1,746 21,746 0.85 1,145.48 Russian Federation 628,317 514,151 636,862 36,136 138,953 5.40 284.53 Slovakia 31,663 31,248 25,179 1,011 5,627 0.22 456.58 Ukraine 83,058 76,917 93,345 64,108 312,816 12.16 387.95 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 872 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 320,767 494,797 546,733 24,734 62,794 2.44 153.88 Denmark 19,039 29,858 28,777 3,143 7,709 0.30 145.28 Finland 36,931 42,400 47,297 2,229 5,638 0.22 152.94 Iceland 1,332 1,861 2,870 66 501 0.02 659.09 Ireland 8,593 12,273 20,791 1,147 3,325 0.13 189.89 Norway 55,377 67,811 71,811 643 4,875 0.19 658.16 Sweden 72,213 112,497 87,145 4,856 14,438 0.56 197.32 United Kingdom 127,282 228,097 288,042 12,650 26,308 1.02 107.97 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,069,375 1,067,040 1,102,543 314,698 1,283,702 49.90 307.92 Albania 75,666 73,804 80,952 41,034 78,633 3.06 91.63 Bosnia and Herzegovina 137,377 149,268 154,642 89,002 227,230 8.83 155.31 Croatia 46,839 56,990 66,063 12,357 30,1 78 1.17 144.22 Greece 12,039 13,562 12,315 1,319 5,364 0.21 306.67 Italy 73,395 65,419 68,364 6,373 20,438 0.79 220.70 Malta 1,144 997 2,752 168 1,357 0.05 707.74 North Macedonia 24,138 29,097 29,305 5,883 31,589 1.23 436.95 Portugal 5,192 6,823 9,101 508 2,939 0.11 478.54 Serbia (*) 627,129 608,330 612,155 152,624 850,058 33.04 456.96 Slovenia 53,663 48,289 47,297 3,795 24,511 0.95 545.88 Spain 12,793 14,461 19,597 1,635 11,405 0.44 597.55 WESTERN EUROPE 536,551 747,808 894,579 57,482 296,104 11.51 415.12 Austria 37,255 59,032 73,413 3,339 22,579 0.88 576.22 Belgium 55,758 56,062 67,862 3,267 16,500 0.64 405.05 France 231,441 313,838 337,215 20,044 89,053 3.46 344.29 Germany 139,247 240,913 327,414 23,618 118,572 4.61 402.04 Luxembourg 2,411 3,927 5,094 1,345 4,645 0.18 245.35 Netherlands 40,237 44,147 48,825 2,407 14,983 0.58 522.48 Switzerland 30,202 29,889 34,756 3,462 29,772 1.16 759.97 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 155,822 151,823 154,651 20,850 95,826 3.72 359.60 Cyprus 2,195 1,301 4,048 400 1,423 0.06 255.75 Israel 83,798 91,616 97,103 1,153 52,051 2.02 4,414.40 Turkiye 69,829 58,906 53,500 19,297 42,352 1.65 119.47 OTHER EUROPE 16,976 19,012 20,057 2,581 16,971 0.66 557.54 Other countries of Europe 16,976 19,012 20,057 2,581 16,971 0.66 557.54 MIDDLE EAST 306 3,943 0.15 1,188.56 United Arab Emirates 306 3,943 0.15 1,188.56 SOUTH ASIA 3,088 3,858 4,171 227 4,412 0.17 1,843.61 India 3,088 3,858 4,171 227 4,412 0.17 1,843.61 NOT SPECIFIED 2,472 2,276 3,154 1,494 839 0.03 -43.84 Other countries of the world 2,472 2,276 3,154 1,494 839 0.03 -43.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 873 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 11,470,132 12,443,810 13,933,538 2,226,526 9,423,803 100.00 323.25 AFRICA 10,110 12,849 19,997 8,707 29,509 0.31 238.91 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,806 4,068 7,207 2,407 15,026 0.16 524.26 South Africa 3,806 4,068 7,207 2,407 15,026 0.16 524.26 OTHER AFRICA 6,304 8,781 12,790 6,300 14,483 0.15 129.89 Other countries of Africa 6,304 8,781 12,790 6,300 14,483 0.15 129.89 AMERICAS 126,172 147,334 191,355 32,507 138,938 1.47 327.41 NORTH AMERICA 112,505 132,602 166,390 28,181 119,344 1.27 323.49 Canada 29,024 34,460 39,885 5,939 23,687 0.25 298.84 United States of America 79,065 95,832 123,387 22,092 93,582 0.99 323.60 Other countries of North America 4,416 2,310 3,118 150 2,075 0.02 1,283.33 SOUTH AMERICA 5,804 7,871 12,354 1,343 8,642 0.09 543.48 Argentina 1,545 2,580 4,205 353 2,478 0.03 601.98 Brazil 3,752 4,189 6,903 739 5,028 0.05 580.38 Chile 507 1,102 1,246 251 1,136 0.01 352.59 OTHER AMERICAS 7,863 6,861 12,611 2,983 10,952 0.12 267.15 Other countries of the Americas 7,863 6,861 12,611 2,983 10,952 0.12 267.15 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 135,909 167,663 218,754 19,706 135,202 1.43 586.10 NORHT-EAST ASIA 47,376 69,164 108,155 8,149 8,151 0.09 0.02 China 33,810 56,620 97,726 6,143 6,201 0.07 0.94 Japan 6,122 5,601 5,020 1,239 1,179 0.01 -4.84 Korea, Republic of 7,444 6,943 5,409 767 771 0.01 0.52 AUSTRALASIA 28,285 33,187 41,273 4,807 13,705 0.15 185.11 Australia 24,139 28,661 33,709 3,496 9,130 0.10 161.16 New Zealand 4,146 4,526 7,564 1,311 4,575 0.05 248.97 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 60,248 65,312 69,326 6,750 113,346 1.20 1,579.20 Other countries of Asia 60,248 65,312 69,326 6,750 113,346 1.20 1,579.20 EUROPE 11,189,838 12,107,329 13,490,981 2,164,089 9,104,418 96.61 320.70 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,520,535 4,736,911 5,033,990 734,660 2,599,075 27.58 253.78 Azerbaijan 4,287 9,949 15,149 3,659 7,509 0.08 105.22 Belarus 223,432 216,470 162,228 62,683 43,540 0.46 -30.54 Bulgaria 33,872 33,489 30,483 6,602 15,634 0.17 136.81 Czech Republic (Czechia) 121,870 125,755 97,901 7,822 35,541 0.38 354.37 Estonia 18,590 23,381 21,394 3,022 25,543 0.27 745.23 Hungary 137,272 168,910 164,509 11,749 115,983 1.23 887.17 Latvia 15,111 19,678 22,162 3,218 15,601 0.17 384.80 Lithuania 20,717 39,296 37,078 2,521 33,028 0.35 1,210.12 Poland 292,779 347,359 396,390 39,465 217,170 2.30 450.29 Romania 102,941 93,772 99,729 6,664 61,621 0.65 824.68 Russian Federation 3,059,123 3,123,516 3,470,593 394,323 1,140,173 12.10 189.15 Slovakia 51,286 52,378 52,823 3,233 16,418 0.17 407.83 Ukraine 439,255 482,958 463,551 189,699 871,314 9.25 359.31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 874 COUNTRY TABLES MONTENEGRO / MONTENEGRO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 518,515 726,054 862,255 65,187 207,545 2.20 218.38 Denmark 31,343 45,702 45,630 4,786 17,214 0.18 259.67 Finland 48,791 59,901 75,967 3,931 9,512 0.10 141.97 Iceland 2,497 2,628 4,833 262 1,936 0.02 638.93 Ireland 14,266 18,937 30,685 3,282 10,217 0.11 211.30 Norway 80,387 100,952 116,263 3,878 15,160 0.16 290.92 Sweden 130,232 173,652 165,899 11,545 55,076 0.58 377.06 United Kingdom 210,999 324,282 422,978 37,503 98,430 1.04 162.46 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,031,799 5,222,650 5,781,521 1,154,739 5,303,779 56.28 359.31 Albania 214,365 221,987 241,918 148,072 177,831 1.89 20.10 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,083,048 1,130,799 1,185,972 338,364 1,217,931 12.92 259.95 Croatia 107,328 111,809 132,139 35,987 92,119 0.98 155.98 Greece 13,893 15,782 15,346 1,922 8,517 0.09 343.13 Italy 142,410 129,921 133,462 11,599 43,191 0.46 272.37 Malta 1,882 5,983 3,349 965 1,839 0.02 90.57 North Macedonia 157,658 158,899 186,183 22,736 157,177 1.67 591.31 Portugal 6,949 8,877 12,075 1,225 5,167 0.05 321.80 Serbia (*) 3,197,975 3,333,644 3,743,936 579,771 3,523,110 37.39 507.67 Slovenia 89,550 83,578 95,846 10,902 57,613 0.61 428.46 Spain 16,741 21,371 31,295 3,196 19,284 0.20 503.38 WESTERN EUROPE 902,964 1,177,020 1,532,679 143,536 766,108 8.13 433.74 Austria 82,940 108,435 139,308 9,781 66,246 0.70 577.29 Belgium 72,271 80,131 103,850 6,395 42,419 0.45 563.32 France 292,545 388,715 436,526 31,988 151,369 1.61 373.21 Germany 313,748 442,829 643,651 74,205 374,868 3.98 405.18 Luxembourg 7,440 9,118 12,292 3,251 11,755 0.12 261.58 Netherlands 65,463 75,971 89,305 7,317 43,185 0.46 490.20 Switzerland 68,557 71,821 107,747 10,599 76,266 0.81 619.56 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 189,304 212,775 242,001 60,663 183,138 1.94 201.89 Cyprus 2,692 1,689 5,390 861 2,559 0.03 197.21 Israel 92,145 104,066 111,978 3,760 67,759 0.72 1,702.10 Turkiye 94,467 107,020 124,633 56,042 112,820 1.20 101.31 OTHER EUROPE 26,721 31,919 38,535 5,304 44,773 0.48 744.14 Other countries of Europe 26,721 31,919 38,535 5,304 44,773 0.48 744.14 MIDDLE EAST 327 4,088 0.04 1,150.15 United Arab Emirates 327 4,088 0.04 1,150.15 SOUTH ASIA 4,495 5,172 6,110 593 7,378 0.08 1,144.18 India 4,495 5,172 6,110 593 7,378 0.08 1,144.18 NOT SPECIFIED 3,608 3,463 6,341 597 4,270 0.05 615.24 Other countries of the world 3,608 3,463 6,341 597 4,270 0.05 615.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 875 COUNTRY TABLES MONTSERRAT 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 9,539 10,232 10,402 4,544 1,591 100.00 -64.99 AMERICAS 6,439 6,918 7,188 2,764 961 60.40 -65.23 CARIBBEAN 3,368 3,850 4,005 1,171 334 20.99 -71.48 All countries of the Caribbean 3,368 3,850 4,005 1,171 334 20.99 -71.48 NORTH AMERICA 3,071 3,068 3,183 1,593 627 39.41 -60.64 Canada 598 657 542 284 84 5.28 -70.42 United States of America 2,473 2,411 2,641 1,309 543 34.13 -58.52 EUROPE 2,686 2,871 2,825 1,630 563 35.39 -65.46 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,686 2,871 2,825 1,630 563 35.39 -65.46 United Kingdom 2,686 2,871 2,825 1,630 563 35.39 -65.46 NOT SPECIFIED 414 443 389 150 67 4.21 -55.33 Other countries of the world 414 443 389 150 67 4.21 -55.33 MONTSERRAT 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 11,442 12,429 12,502 4,869 1,597 100.00 -67.20 AMERICAS 7,862 8,728 8,772 3,033 977 61.18 -67.79 CARIBBEAN 4,201 4,964 4,986 1,264 339 21.23 -73.18 All countries of the Caribbean 4,201 4,964 4,986 1,264 339 21.23 -73.18 NORTH AMERICA 3,578 3,657 3,701 1,753 628 39.32 -64.18 Canada 734 875 691 343 84 5.26 -75.51 United States of America 2,844 2,782 3,010 1,410 544 34.06 -61.42 OTHER AMERICAS 83 107 85 16 10 0.63 -37.50 Other countries of the Americas 83 107 85 16 10 0.63 -37.50 EUROPE 3,460 3,598 3,587 1,786 596 37.32 -66.63 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,089 3,235 3,230 1,661 563 35.25 -66.10 United Kingdom 3,089 3,235 3,230 1,661 563 35.25 -66.10 OTHER EUROPE 371 363 357 125 33 2.07 -73.60 Other countries of Europe 371 363 357 125 33 2.07 -73.60 NOT SPECIFIED 120 103 143 50 24 1.50 -52.00 Other countries of the world 120 103 143 50 24 1.50 -52.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 876 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 11,349,344 12,288,708 12,932,260 2,777,802 3,721,702 100.00 33.98 AFRICA 405,381 437,703 412,522 101,774 131,607 3.54 29.31 EAST AFRICA 9,192 11,656 11,244 2,125 3,109 0.08 46.31 Burundi 263 325 377 90 118 0.00 31.11 Comoros 797 1,602 764 100 273 0.01 1 73.00 Djibouti 656 702 643 246 537 0.01 118.29 Eritrea 97 115 141 15 23 0.00 53.33 Ethiopia 1,005 1,116 1,209 194 362 0.01 86.60 Kenya 1,925 2,062 2,249 394 393 0.01 -0.25 Madagascar 1,005 887 700 175 132 0.00 -24.57 Malawi 194 262 226 29 26 0.00 -10.34 Mauritius 931 1,023 1,208 205 91 0.00 -55.61 Mozambique 164 306 257 88 97 0.00 10.23 Reunion 29 7 13 Rwanda 342 455 536 77 257 0.01 233.77 Seychelles 78 504 169 19 33 0.00 73.68 Somalia 143 300 181 40 39 0.00 -2.50 Tanzania, United Republic of 515 477 551 110 223 0.01 102.73 Uganda 352 563 761 99 184 0.00 85.86 Zambia 196 403 565 86 277 0.01 222.09 Zimbabwe 500 547 694 158 44 0.00 -72.15 CENTRAL AFRICA 28,060 27,058 23,946 6,412 9,077 0.24 41.56 Angola 1,176 674 739 104 211 0.01 102.88 Cameroon 4,100 3,886 4,267 994 994 0.03 Central African Republic 1,163 1,290 1,249 310 695 0.02 124.19 Chad 1,439 1,415 1,635 404 413 0.01 2.23 Congo 11,245 10,779 4,521 959 1,067 0.03 11.26 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2,110 560 418 0.01 -25.36 Equatorial Guinea 692 1,134 852 178 462 0.01 159.55 Gabon 8,145 7,509 8,150 2,858 4,740 0.13 65.85 Sao Tome and Principe 100 371 423 45 77 0.00 71.11 NORTH AFRICA 163,992 162,120 177,970 39,221 23,190 0.62 -40.87 Algeria 103,560 104,571 117,324 25,186 9,536 0.26 -62.14 Sudan 2,869 2,738 2,421 490 597 0.02 21.84 Tunisia 57,563 54,811 58,225 13,545 13,057 0.35 -3.60 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,046 7,378 7,339 1,311 782 0.02 -40.35 Botswana 347 352 276 64 20 0.00 -68.75 Eswatini 149 84 168 13 97 0.00 646.15 Lesotho 43 144 89 38 11 0.00 -71.05 Namibia 77 150 168 1,179 19 0.00 -98.39 South Africa 5,430 6,648 6,638 17 635 0.02 3,635.29 WEST AFRICA 198,091 229,491 192,023 52,705 95,449 2.56 81.10 Benin 1,629 1,786 2,051 410 464 0.01 13.17 Burkina Faso 4,792 4,453 4,668 976 3,247 0.09 232.68 Cabo Verde 319 1,857 358 55 50 0.00 -9.09 Cote d'lvoire 31,144 31,267 33,638 13,625 25,175 0.68 84.77 Gambia 879 912 1,075 171 324 0.01 89.47 Ghana 1,428 1,987 1,908 431 563 0.02 30.63 Guinea 25,382 29,831 12,337 2,829 3,854 0.10 36.23 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 877 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guinea-Bissau 1,136 1,171 770 297 273 0.01 -8.08 Liberia 342 466 517 81 155 0.00 91.36 Mali 23,973 29,902 12,388 2,199 2,697 0.07 22.65 Mauritania 43,947 51,796 48,627 9,292 22,563 0.61 142.82 Niger 8,540 9,201 8,789 2,145 2,952 0.08 37.62 Nigeria 3,844 4,440 5,101 897 2,776 0.07 209.48 Senegal 48,677 58,719 57,740 18,946 29,935 0.80 58.00 Sierra Leone 760 384 534 76 145 0.00 90.79 Togo 1,299 1,319 1,522 275 276 0.01 0.36 AMERICAS 480,368 563,247 603,790 99,033 94,705 2.54 -4.37 CARIBBEAN 3,199 4,163 3,255 298 221 0.01 -25.84 Bahamas 51 149 541 6 7 0.00 16.67 Barbados 395 503 48 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Bermuda 17 27 17 Cuba 235 219 313 49 27 0.00 -44.90 Dominica 7 51 45 Dominican Republic 454 532 585 108 99 0.00 -8.33 Grenada 32 19 16 2 4 0.00 100.00 Guadeloupe 72 Haiti 268 1,349 477 54 51 0.00 -5.56 Jamaica 205 611 472 48 14 0.00 -70.83 Martinique 13 20 3 0.00 Puerto Rico 743 219 259 1 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 792 471 390 27 12 0.00 -55.56 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,347 2,811 3,332 503 138 0.00 -72.56 Belize 32 23 7 2 Costa Rica 967 1,076 1,247 204 14 0.00 -93.14 El Salvador 235 208 261 48 28 0.00 -41.67 Guatemala 465 553 672 86 32 0.00 -62.79 Honduras 254 317 552 48 25 0.00 -47.92 Nicaragua 112 248 117 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Panama 282 386 476 104 36 0.00 -65.38 NORTH AMERICA 383,795 455,665 502,046 79,444 88,788 2.39 11.76 Canada 111,394 130,579 131,497 21,305 19,485 0.52 -8.54 Mexico 17,870 20,126 23,847 4,036 2,312 0.06 -42.72 United States of America 254,531 304,960 346,702 54,103 66,991 1.80 23.82 SOUTH AMERICA 91,027 100,608 95,157 18,788 5,558 0.15 -70.42 Argentina 23,427 24,390 22,203 4,382 781 0.02 -82.18 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 301 422 392 40 24 0.00 -40.00 Brazil 44,736 50,681 47,113 9,596 3,217 0.09 -66.48 Chile 9,216 10,391 9,937 2,262 645 0.02 -71.49 Colombia 4,612 5,873 6,149 824 210 0.01 -74.51 Ecuador 1,010 1,032 1,065 144 40 0.00 -72.22 Guyana 23 31 27 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Paraguay 342 365 423 75 24 0.00 -68.00 Peru 3,445 3,862 4,982 1,151 545 0.01 -52.65 Suriname 41 73 78 4 6 0.00 50.00 Uruguay 1,650 1,814 2,109 185 19 0.00 -89.73 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2,224 1,674 679 120 46 0.00 -61.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 878 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 266,420 305,833 326,465 55,793 17,575 0.47 -68.50 NORHT-EAST ASIA 189,323 215,515 232,336 39,873 7,273 0.20 -81.76 China 107,434 132,081 141,050 20,529 4,762 0.13 -76.80 Hong Kong, China 4,201 3,454 1,482 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Japan 32,498 35,450 39,445 9,635 927 0.02 -90.38 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 38 9 1 Korea, Republic of 40,883 36,989 40,723 7,765 1,555 0.04 -79.97 Taiwan Province of China 4,307 7,503 9,627 1,940 28 0.00 -98.56 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 36,017 43,090 48,904 10,095 8,813 0.24 -12.70 Brunei Darussalam 97 178 125 21 14 0.00 -33.33 Cambodia 138 510 601 10 5 0.00 -50.00 Indonesia 6,553 7,427 8,561 1,544 1,360 0.04 -11.92 Lao People's Democratic Republic 58 222 34 2 Malaysia 5,557 9,717 10,441 1,948 695 0.02 -64.32 Myanmar 320 360 364 132 71 0.00 -46.21 Philippines 15,228 14,629 17,634 4,762 5,988 0.16 25.75 Singapore 3,690 4,989 5,399 797 229 0.01 -71.27 Thailand 3,687 4,125 4,155 519 375 0.01 -27.75 Viet Nam 689 933 1,590 360 76 0.00 -78.89 AUSTRALASIA 40,999 45,580 45,120 5,729 1,443 0.04 -74.81 Australia 33,595 37,813 37,625 4,733 1,146 0.03 -75.79 New Zealand 7,404 7,767 7,495 996 297 0.01 -70.18 MELANESIA 68 1,590 62 87 44 0.00 -49.43 Fiji 49 250 54 12 6 0.00 -50.00 Vanuatu 19 1,340 8 75 38 0.00 -49.33 MICRONESIA 13 58 41 5 Kiribati 13 57 41 1 Nauru 1 4 POLYNESIA 2 4 2 0.00 -50.00 French Polynesia 1 Tonga 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Tuvalu 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 879 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 4,478,439 5,144,790 5,472,681 1,096,909 959,197 25.77 -12.55 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 182,239 250,162 246,394 47,954 35,942 0.97 -25.05 Armenia 360 1,328 366 26 8 0.00 -69.23 Azerbaijan 346 467 456 81 41 0.00 -49.38 Belarus 966 1,508 1,419 207 93 0.00 -55.07 Bulgaria 9,040 11,481 11,915 1,824 1,302 0.03 -28.62 Czech Republic (Czechia) 13,946 20,501 27,981 4,692 2,114 0.06 -54.94 Estonia 3,515 2,651 2,209 586 531 0.01 -9.39 Georgia 279 345 600 66 40 0.00 -39.39 Hungary 9,917 21,965 15,764 3,142 1,662 0.04 -47.10 Kazakhstan 520 700 762 147 137 0.00 -6.80 Kyrgyzstan 139 163 183 38 54 0.00 42.11 Latvia 4,971 6,000 4,722 1,327 865 0.02 -34.82 Lithuania 8,295 13,682 8,103 1,817 890 0.02 -51.02 Moldova, Republic of 311 262 300 72 42 0.00 -41.67 Poland 53,293 82,420 78,419 13,992 8,434 0.23 -39.72 Romania 22,862 26,429 25,855 6,751 5,840 0.16 -13.49 Russian Federation 39,653 37,309 40,020 9,314 12,080 0.32 29.70 Slovakia 7,470 12,606 1 7,936 2,281 806 0.02 -64.66 Tajikistan 28 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Turkmenistan 14 2,013 21 15 8 0.00 -46.67 Ukraine 6,211 8,124 9,124 1,519 947 0.03 -37.66 Uzbekistan 131 208 211 50 45 0.00 -10.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 625,132 675,474 683,957 142,286 73,938 1.99 -48.04 Denmark 36,482 45,799 31,018 6,737 3,488 0.09 -48.23 Finland 10,649 12,448 13,072 3,881 1,012 0.03 -73.92 Iceland 2,252 4,880 2,202 286 4,668 0.13 1,532.17 Ireland 18,158 23,921 25,992 6,623 165 0.00 -97.51 Norway 24,293 24,846 18,508 3,283 1,901 0.05 -42.10 Sweden 47,036 53,064 41,666 8,218 6,269 0.17 -23.72 United Kingdom 486,262 510,516 551,499 113,258 56,435 1.52 -50.17 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,068,072 1,258,898 1,398,489 283,960 168,919 4.54 -40.51 Albania 614 1,632 616 140 39 0.00 -72.14 Andorra 999 1,098 1,066 156 183 0.00 17.31 Bosnia and Herzegovina 698 803 928 259 100 0.00 -61.39 Croatia 4,227 5,861 6,876 1,537 912 0.02 -40.66 Gibraltar 2 39 11 8 3 0.00 -62.50 Greece 8,190 12,611 21,877 4,836 1,403 0.04 -70.99 Italy 246,312 305,505 351,916 57,105 52,588 1.41 -7.91 Malta 1,351 3,722 3,092 396 231 0.01 -41.67 Montenegro 77 108 123 5 35 0.00 600.00 North Macedonia 365 409 544 63 40 0.00 -36.51 Portugal 86,987 102,633 119,738 17,237 12,238 0.33 -29.00 San Marino 53 104 149 38 7 0.00 -81.58 Serbia 2,004 3,536 4,434 699 652 0.02 -6.72 Slovenia 5,461 6,757 6,297 1,345 993 0.03 -26.17 Spain 710,729 814,069 880,818 200,136 99,495 2.67 -50.29 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 3 11 4 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 880 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 2,534,741 2,890,166 3,063,462 603,870 656,903 17.65 8.78 Austria 31,136 37,536 43,990 10,548 2,611 0.07 -75.25 Belgium 259,658 273,535 272,328 40,603 64,996 1.75 60.08 France 1,614,011 1,844,397 1,990,813 412,179 493,933 13.27 19.83 Germany 331,185 394,328 413,384 79,077 38,894 1.05 -50.82 Liechtenstein 242 237 279 39 28 0.00 -28.21 Luxembourg 3,746 4,942 5,440 1,460 1,013 0.03 -30.62 Monaco 493 457 373 108 105 0.00 -2.78 Netherlands 214,016 237,539 241,065 40,909 34,591 0.93 -15.44 Switzerland 80,254 97,195 95,790 18,947 20,732 0.56 9.42 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 68,255 70,090 80,379 18,839 23,495 0.63 24.71 Cyprus 950 1,168 2,008 455 268 0.01 -41.10 Israel 31,291 35,955 39,857 3,450 8,642 0.23 150.49 Türkiye 36,014 32,967 38,514 14,934 14,585 0.39 -2.34 MIDDLE EAST 206,314 202,420 201,559 48,528 76,596 2.06 57.84 Bahrain 4,081 4,717 5,508 1,305 2,801 0.08 114.64 Egypt 25,883 26,961 28,305 6,688 4,288 0.12 -35.89 Iraq 968 961 840 219 214 0.01 -2.28 Jordan 5,114 5,050 5,585 1,112 1,498 0.04 34.71 Kuwait 18,926 18,045 20,410 6,295 7,121 0.19 13.12 Lebanon 7,108 5,029 2,945 698 545 0.01 -21.92 Libya 2,815 3,117 3,105 1,217 1,109 0.03 -8.87 Oman 7,865 9,316 10,722 2,284 3,682 0.10 61.21 Qatar 6,360 8,123 8,198 2,732 3,623 0.10 32.61 Saudi Arabia 103,694 96,141 91,979 20,216 36,253 0.97 79.33 State of Palestine 1,345 1,584 1,486 267 354 0.01 32.58 Syrian Arab Republic 333 389 349 145 144 0.00 -0.69 United Arab Emirates 20,840 21,926 21,415 5,122 14,784 0.40 188.64 Yemen 982 1,061 712 228 180 0.00 -21.05 SOUTH ASIA 25,340 22,956 24,866 5,373 4,212 0.11 -21.61 Afghanistan 209 414 277 Bangladesh 1,067 1,235 1,190 Bhutan 5 7 6 0.00 -14.29 India 14,198 14,770 16,527 3,831 2,857 0.08 -25.42 Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,053 1,709 370 69 24 0.00 -65.22 Maldives 133 97 87 17 49 0.00 188.24 Nepal 376 423 593 143 286 0.01 100.00 Pakistan 3,427 3,371 4,722 1,077 772 0.02 -28.32 Sri Lanka 877 937 1,095 229 218 0.01 -4.80 NOT SPECIFIED 5,487,082 5,611,759 5,890,377 1,370,392 2,437,810 65.50 77.89 Other countries of the world 2,655 2,152 1,123 584 443 0.01 -24.14 Nationals residing abroad 5,484,427 5,609,607 5,889,254 1,369,808 2,437,367 65.49 77.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 881 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 4,633,565 5,358,800 5,606,352 1,080,898 875,660 100.00 -18.99 AFRICA 172,121 170,036 169,186 39,474 41,747 4.77 5.76 NORTH AFRICA 102,023 96,013 103,497 22,822 11,882 1.36 -47.94 Algeria 67,374 64,621 72,462 15,161 4,066 0.46 -73.18 Tunisia 34,649 31,392 31,035 7,661 7,816 0.89 2.02 WEST AFRICA 8,521 8,474 10,314 2,021 3,958 0.45 95.84 Mauritania 8,521 8,474 10,314 2,021 3,958 0.45 95.84 OTHER AFRICA 61,577 65,549 55,375 14,631 25,907 2.96 77.07 Other countries of Africa 61,577 65,549 55,375 14,631 25,907 2.96 77.07 AMERICAS 260,571 343,215 387,163 70,212 73,973 8.45 5.36 NORTH AMERICA 260,571 343,215 387,163 70,212 73,973 8.45 5.36 Canada 48,758 72,694 79,557 16,037 63,993 7.31 299.03 United States of America 211,813 270,521 307,606 54,175 9,980 1.14 -81.58 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 232,822 320,057 351,834 55,673 5,925 0.68 -89.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 232,822 320,057 351,834 55,673 5,925 0.68 -89.36 China 150,484 225,002 258,744 35,868 4,336 0.50 -87.91 Japan 82,338 95,055 93,090 19,805 1,589 0.18 -91.98 EUROPE 2,818,827 3,288,448 3,364,723 639,082 495,096 56.54 -22.53 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 104,231 141,475 124,000 20,365 23,013 2.63 13.00 Hungary 5,977 11,867 8,362 1,455 1,093 0.12 -24.88 Poland 63,803 95,381 82,821 12,060 9,346 1.07 -22.50 Russian Federation 34,064 33,528 32,147 6,715 12,309 1.41 83.31 Commonwealth Independent States 387 699 670 135 265 0.03 96.30 NORTHERN EUROPE 441,479 497,098 507,996 94,197 57,271 6.54 -39.20 Denmark 24,515 33,070 18,425 3,097 1,740 0.20 -43.82 Finland 7,955 7,074 10,101 2,463 634 0.07 -74.26 Norway 16,187 11,756 9,786 1,871 992 0.11 -46.98 Sweden 29,465 41,152 25,396 5,545 2,833 0.32 -48.91 United Kingdom 363,357 404,046 444,288 81,221 51,072 5.83 -37.12 SOUTHERN EUROPE 505,909 633,632 681,056 109,297 58,066 6.63 -46.87 Italy 110,115 154,338 175,649 31,771 12,267 1.40 -61.39 Portugal 66,199 83,136 101,801 11,697 6,121 0.70 -47.67 Spain 329,595 396,158 403,606 65,829 39,678 4.53 -39.73 WESTERN EUROPE 1,767,208 2,016,243 2,051,671 415,223 356,746 40.74 -14.08 Austria 15,396 20,389 21,710 4,821 1,040 0.12 -78.43 Belgium 106,027 114,956 118,460 21,256 25,577 2.92 20.33 France 1,055,971 1,216,623 1,272,431 265,165 280,680 32.05 5.85 Germany 432,953 469,807 435,294 86,401 17,914 2.05 -79.27 Netherlands 107,852 137,545 147,194 26,015 18,584 2.12 -28.56 Switzerland 49,009 56,923 56,582 11,565 12,951 1.48 11.98 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 882 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 219,954 224,715 232,098 52,058 75,227 8.59 44.51 Egypt 17,512 17,216 18,786 4,768 4,026 0.46 -15.56 Libya 2,942 3,344 3,523 1,447 1,244 0.14 -14.03 Saudi Arabia 108,750 107,756 106,209 23,466 34,128 3.90 45.44 Syrian Arab Republic 1,760 1,431 1,163 712 3,353 0.38 370.93 United Arab Emirates 32,477 32,191 34,442 5,699 10,824 1.24 89.93 Other countries of Middle East 56,513 62,777 67,975 15,966 21,652 2.47 35.61 NOT SPECIFIED 929,270 1,012,329 1,101,348 224,399 183,692 20.98 -18.14 Other countries of the world 914,258 993,772 1,080,372 221,468 1 75,566 20.05 -20.73 Nationals residing abroad 15,012 18,557 20,976 2,931 8,126 0.93 177.24 MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 15,057,498 16,865,654 17,406,273 3,469,971 2,818,530 100.00 -18.77 AFRICA 548,739 527,590 517,966 126,409 130,543 4.63 3.27 NORTH AFRICA 309,449 282,672 299,665 63,180 38,138 1.35 -39.64 Algeria 197,380 187,244 205,910 40,607 12,971 0.46 -68.06 Tunisia 112,069 95,428 93,755 22,573 25,167 0.89 11.49 WEST AFRICA 22,554 22,001 25,969 5,939 10,685 0.38 79.91 Mauritania 22,554 22,001 25,969 5,939 10,685 0.38 79.91 OTHER AFRICA 216,736 222,917 192,332 57,290 81,720 2.90 42.64 Other countries of Africa 216,736 222,917 192,332 57,290 81,720 2.90 42.64 AMERICAS 598,900 764,194 849,437 160,619 201,489 7.15 25.45 NORTH AMERICA 598,900 764,194 849,437 160,619 201,489 7.15 25.45 Canada 114,999 162,492 177,039 37,760 27,089 0.96 -28.26 United States of America 483,901 601,702 672,398 122,859 1 74,400 6.19 41.95 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 340,379 460,064 509,322 85,019 21,215 0.75 -75.05 NORHT-EAST ASIA 340,379 460,064 509,322 85,019 21,215 0.75 -75.05 China 216,707 316,702 366,514 54,743 16,044 0.57 -70.69 Japan 123,672 143,362 142,808 30,276 5,171 0.18 -82.92 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 883 COUNTRY TABLES MOROCCO / MAROC / MARRUECOS 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 10,827,075 12,191,437 12,352,784 2,372,530 1,751,678 62.15 -26.17 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 413,072 542,013 449,629 50,573 59,176 2.10 17.01 Hungary 14,330 38,344 22,385 3,786 3,479 0.12 -8.11 Poland 222,472 369,233 316,262 29,252 25,799 0.92 -11.80 Russian Federation 175,157 132,846 109,531 17,270 29,267 1.04 69.47 Commonwealth Independent States 1,113 1,590 1,451 265 631 0.02 138.11 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,152,763 2,327,200 2,435,241 431,315 260,785 9.25 -39.54 Denmark 82,104 109,742 58,462 12,138 5,707 0.20 -52.98 Finland 29,008 27,614 33,773 12,061 2,087 0.07 -82.70 Norway 49,431 46,163 36,256 6,779 3,035 0.11 -55.23 Sweden 95,912 125,208 83,238 17,089 10,114 0.36 -40.82 United Kingdom 1,896,308 2,018,473 2,223,512 383,248 239,842 8.51 -37.42 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,232,597 1,556,693 1,630,133 270,401 171,864 6.10 -36.44 Italy 272,837 366,204 418,826 87,032 39,749 1.41 -54.33 Portugal 234,590 306,134 334,707 28,870 18,481 0.66 -35.99 Spain 725,1 70 884,355 876,600 154,499 113,634 4.03 -26.45 WESTERN EUROPE 7,028,643 7,765,531 7,837,781 1,620,241 1,259,853 44.70 -22.24 Austria 47,039 55,537 61,726 15,356 3,726 0.13 -75.74 Belgium 556,056 557,091 559,551 102,202 93,861 3.33 -8.16 France 4,181,071 4,696,100 4,852,737 1,046,440 985,414 34.96 -5.83 Germany 1,746,289 1,872,527 1,745,560 332,224 69,308 2.46 -79.14 Netherlands 331,329 402,820 436,033 82,288 52,362 1.86 -36.37 Switzerland 166,859 181,456 182,174 41,731 55,182 1.96 32.23 MIDDLE EAST 629,890 584,779 627,788 166,533 199,044 7.06 19.52 Egypt 54,031 50,719 55,459 14,242 10,610 0.38 -25.50 Libya 7,153 8,837 10,396 5,729 3,968 0.14 -30.74 Saudi Arabia 324,610 288,982 298,978 80,363 93,799 3.33 16.72 Syrian Arab Republic 4,072 2,966 3,264 1,846 6,677 0.24 261.70 United Arab Emirates 62,622 64,080 66,979 13,013 27,481 0.98 111.18 Other countries of Middle East 177,402 169,195 192,712 51,340 56,509 2.00 10.07 NOT SPECIFIED 2,112,515 2,337,590 2,548,976 558,861 514,561 18.26 -7.93 Other countries of the world 2,082,337 2,300,659 2,495,700 552,663 495,853 17.59 -10.28 Nationals residing abroad 30,1 78 36,931 53,276 6,198 18,708 0.66 201.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 884 COUNTRY TABLES MOZAMBIQUE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,513,640 2,869,870 2,032,923 958,588 548,814 100.00 -42.75 AFRICA 1,193,868 2,263,581 1,391,771 612,950 380,725 69.37 -37.89 EAST AFRICA 97,509 221,728 265,514 97,207 65,975 12.02 -32.13 Malawi 3,488 6,614 43,527 29,169 9,179 1.67 -68.53 Zambia 36,850 13,929 5,145 Zimbabwe 94,021 178,264 208,058 62,893 56,796 10.35 -9.69 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,005,162 1,905,792 1,068,802 485,975 297,508 54.21 -38.78 Eswatini 18,273 34,645 25,463 7,483 8,575 1.56 14.59 South Africa 986,889 1,871,147 1,043,339 478,492 288,933 52.65 -39.62 OTHER AFRICA 91,197 136,061 57,455 29,768 17,242 3.14 -42.08 Other countries of Africa 91,197 136,061 57,455 29,768 17,242 3.14 -42.08 AMERICAS 60,466 114,644 124,705 64,193 32,136 5.86 -49.94 NORTH AMERICA 34,718 65,826 68,555 37,506 18,340 3.34 -51.10 United States of America 34,718 65,826 68,555 37,506 18,340 3.34 -51.10 OTHER AMERICAS 25,748 48,818 56,150 26,687 13,796 2.51 -48.30 Other countries of the Americas 25,748 48,818 56,150 26,687 13,796 2.51 -48.30 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 37,044 70,235 64,420 34,894 19,126 3.48 -45.19 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 37,044 70,235 64,420 34,894 19,126 3.48 -45.19 All countries of Asia 37,044 70,235 64,420 34,894 19,126 3.48 -45.19 EUROPE 195,019 369,757 426,564 228,105 110,951 20.22 -51.36 NORTHERN EUROPE 31,728 60,156 79,437 39,882 24,186 4.41 -39.36 United Kingdom 31,728 60,156 79,437 39,882 24,186 4.41 -39.36 SOUTHERN EUROPE 30,067 57,007 78,784 48,986 20,704 3.77 -57.73 Portugal 30,067 57,007 78,784 48,986 20,704 3.77 -57.73 OTHER EUROPE 133,224 252,594 268,343 139,237 66,061 12.04 -52.55 Other countries of Europe 133,224 252,594 268,343 139,237 66,061 12.04 -52.55 NOT SPECIFIED 27,243 51,653 25,463 18,446 5,876 1.07 -68.14 Other countries of the world 27,243 51,653 25,463 18,446 5,876 1.07 -68.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 885 COUNTRY TABLES MYANMAR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,443,133 3,551,428 4,364,101 903,343 130,947 100.00 -85.50 AFRICA 5,866 4,346 4,490 1,384 192 0.15 -86.13 OTHER AFRICA 5,866 4,346 4,490 1,384 192 0.15 -86.13 All countries of Africa 5,866 4,346 4,490 1,384 192 0.15 -86.13 AMERICAS 99,745 86,908 88,044 20,486 759 0.58 -96.30 NORTH AMERICA 87,153 76,122 77,817 17,765 691 0.53 -96.11 Canada 14,068 11,065 11,060 2,735 77 0.06 -97.18 United States of America 73,085 65,057 66,757 15,030 614 0.47 -95.91 OTHER AMERICAS 12,592 10,786 10,227 2,721 68 0.05 -97.50 Other countries of the Americas 12,592 10,786 10,227 2,721 68 0.05 -97.50 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,971,166 3,136,721 3,930,043 788,768 125,986 96.21 -84.03 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,202,285 1,184,736 1,775,826 288,022 16,512 12.61 -94.27 China 996,916 963,190 1,463,054 230,375 14,024 10.71 -93.91 Hong Kong, China 392 7,183 32,005 4,393 42 0.03 -99.04 Japan 101,484 104,376 125,706 26,100 1,171 0.89 -95.51 Korea, Republic of 65,829 72,852 111,794 19,363 1,080 0.82 -94.42 Taiwan Province of China 36,499 35,685 39,374 7,306 186 0.14 -97.45 Other countries of North-East Asia 1,165 1,450 3,893 485 9 0.01 -98.14 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,730,534 1,918,837 2,123,405 493,093 109,082 83.30 -77.88 Indonesia 11,517 12,898 15,558 3,653 486 0.37 -86.70 Malaysia 47,010 47,632 44,203 8,497 981 0.75 -88.45 Philippines 18,143 16,748 1 7,398 3,311 233 0.18 -92.96 Singapore 61,859 58,657 57,890 8,762 217 0.17 -97.52 Thailand 1,524,516 1,719,350 1,924,581 457,149 106,938 81.67 -76.61 Viet Nam 58,919 53,329 52,567 9,825 182 0.14 -98.15 Other countries of South-East Asia 8,570 10,223 11,208 1,896 45 0.03 -97.63 AUSTRALASIA 37,436 32,247 29,867 6,774 230 0.18 -96.60 Australia 32,628 27,962 25,867 5,952 195 0.15 -96.72 New Zealand 4,808 4,285 4,000 822 35 0.03 -95.74 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 911 901 945 879 162 0.12 -81.57 Other countries of Asia 703 693 778 839 150 0.11 -82.12 Other countries of Oceania 208 208 167 40 12 0.01 -70.00 EUROPE 259,427 201,858 202,665 63,034 2,121 1.62 -96.64 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 20,069 18,386 18,649 9,361 873 0.67 -90.67 Russian Federation 5,534 5,451 5,259 2,094 594 0.45 -71.63 Other countries Central/East Europe 14,535 12,935 13,390 7,267 279 0.21 -96.16 NORTHERN EUROPE 56,354 43,782 40,426 11,196 362 0.28 -96.77 Denmark 4,602 3,977 3,674 1,198 27 0.02 -97.75 Sweden 4,035 3,196 2,895 681 35 0.03 -94.86 United Kingdom 47,717 36,609 33,857 9,317 300 0.23 -96.78 SOUTHERN EUROPE 31,800 28,170 32,810 7,976 129 0.10 -98.38 Italy 18,242 16,855 19,121 5,794 77 0.06 -98.67 Spain 13,558 11,315 13,689 2,182 52 0.04 -97.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 886 COUNTRY TABLES MYANMAR 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 137,847 100,995 100,384 33,727 650 0.50 -98.07 Austria 4,690 3,405 3,729 1,658 17 0.01 -98.97 Belgium 7,628 6,087 5,733 1,972 20 0.02 -98.99 France 58,369 43,218 42,608 15,520 360 0.27 -97.68 Germany 39,952 28,838 29,447 9,052 83 0.06 -99.08 Netherlands 13,514 9,428 9,600 2,648 77 0.06 -97.09 Switzerland 13,694 10,019 9,267 2,877 93 0.07 -96.77 OTHER EUROPE 13,357 10,525 10,396 774 107 0.08 -86.18 Other countries of Europe 13,357 10,525 10,396 774 107 0.08 -86.18 MIDDLE EAST 6,465 5,685 6,006 1,890 152 0.12 -91.96 All countries of Middle East 6,465 5,685 6,006 1,890 152 0.12 -91.96 SOUTH ASIA 100,464 115,910 132,853 27,781 1,737 1.33 -93.75 Bangladesh 4,602 4,195 4,289 1,079 143 0.11 -86.75 India 86,907 102,702 117,317 24,831 1,454 1.11 -94.14 Pakistan 2,101 1,528 1,620 334 42 0.03 -87.43 Other countries of South Asia 6,854 7,485 9,627 1,537 98 0.07 -93.62 MYANMAR 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 30,988,197 31,962,852 26,184,606 5,420,058 785,682 100.00 -85.50 AFRICA 52,794 39,114 26,940 8,304 1,152 0.15 -86.13 OTHER AFRICA 52,794 39,114 26,940 8,304 1,152 0.15 -86.13 All countries of Africa 52,794 39,114 26,940 8,304 1,152 0.15 -86.13 AMERICAS 897,705 782,172 528,264 122,916 4,554 0.58 -96.30 NORTH AMERICA 784,377 685,098 466,902 106,590 4,146 0.53 -96.11 Canada 126,612 99,585 66,360 16,410 462 0.06 -97.18 United States of America 657,765 585,513 400,542 90,180 3,684 0.47 -95.91 OTHER AMERICAS 113,328 97,074 61,362 16,326 408 0.05 -97.50 Other countries of the Americas 113,328 97,074 61,362 16,326 408 0.05 -97.50 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 26,740,494 28,230,489 23,580,258 4,732,608 755,916 96.21 -84.03 NORHT-EAST ASIA 10,820,565 10,662,624 10,654,956 1,728,132 99,072 12.61 -94.27 China 8,972,244 8,668,710 8,778,324 1,382,250 84,144 10.71 -93.91 Hong Kong, China 3,528 64,647 192,030 26,358 252 0.03 -99.04 Japan 913,356 939,384 754,236 156,600 7,026 0.89 -95.51 Korea, Republic of 592,461 655,668 670,764 116,178 6,480 0.82 -94.42 Taiwan Province of China 328,491 321,165 236,244 43,836 1,116 0.14 -97.45 Other countries of North-East Asia 10,485 13,050 23,358 2,910 54 0.01 -98.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 887 COUNTRY TABLES MYANMAR 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 15,574,806 17,269,533 12,740,430 2,958,558 654,492 83.30 -77.88 Indonesia 103,653 116,082 93,348 21,918 2,916 0.37 -86.70 Malaysia 423,090 428,688 265,218 50,982 5,886 0.75 -88.45 Philippines 163,287 150,732 104,388 19,866 1,398 0.18 -92.96 Singapore 556,731 527,913 347,340 52,572 1,302 0.17 -97.52 Thailand 13,720,644 15,474,150 11,547,486 2,742,894 641,628 81.67 -76.61 Viet Nam 530,271 479,961 315,402 58,950 1,092 0.14 -98.15 Other countries of South-East Asia 77,130 92,007 67,248 11,376 270 0.03 -97.63 AUSTRALASIA 336,924 290,223 179,202 40,644 1,380 0.18 -96.60 Australia 293,652 251,658 155,202 35,712 1,170 0.15 -96.72 New Zealand 43,272 38,565 24,000 4,932 210 0.03 -95.74 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,199 8,109 5,670 5,274 972 0.12 -81.57 Other countries of Asia 6,327 6,237 4,668 5,034 900 0.11 -82.12 Other countries of Oceania 1,872 1,872 1,002 240 72 0.01 -70.00 EUROPE 2,334,843 1,816,722 1,215,990 378,204 12,726 1.62 -96.64 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 180,621 165,474 111,894 56,166 5,238 0.67 -90.67 Russian Federation 49,806 49,059 31,554 12,564 3,564 0.45 -71.63 Other countries Central/East Europe 130,815 116,415 80,340 43,602 1,674 0.21 -96.16 NORTHERN EUROPE 507,186 394,038 242,556 67,176 2,172 0.28 -96.77 Denmark 41,418 35,793 22,044 7,188 162 0.02 -97.75 Sweden 36,315 28,764 17,370 4,086 210 0.03 -94.86 United Kingdom 429,453 329,481 203,142 55,902 1,800 0.23 -96.78 SOUTHERN EUROPE 286,200 253,530 196,860 47,856 774 0.10 -98.38 Italy 164,178 151,695 114,726 34,764 462 0.06 -98.67 Spain 122,022 101,835 82,134 13,092 312 0.04 -97.62 WESTERN EUROPE 1,240,623 908,955 602,304 202,362 3,900 0.50 -98.07 Austria 42,210 30,645 22,374 9,948 102 0.01 -98.97 Belgium 68,652 54,783 34,398 11,832 120 0.02 -98.99 France 525,321 388,962 255,648 93,120 2,160 0.27 -97.68 Germany 359,568 259,542 176,682 54,312 498 0.06 -99.08 Netherlands 121,626 84,852 57,600 15,888 462 0.06 -97.09 Switzerland 123,246 90,171 55,602 17,262 558 0.07 -96.77 OTHER EUROPE 120,213 94,725 62,376 4,644 642 0.08 -86.18 Other countries of Europe 120,213 94,725 62,376 4,644 642 0.08 -86.18 MIDDLE EAST 58,185 51,165 36,036 11,340 912 0.12 -91.96 All countries of Middle East 58,185 51,165 36,036 11,340 912 0.12 -91.96 SOUTH ASIA 904,176 1,043,190 797,118 166,686 10,422 1.33 -93.75 Bangladesh 41,418 37,755 25,734 6,474 858 0.11 -86.75 India 782,163 924,318 703,902 148,986 8,724 1.11 -94.14 Pakistan 18,909 13,752 9,720 2,004 252 0.03 -87.43 Other countries of South Asia 61,686 67,365 57,762 9,222 588 0.07 -93.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 888 COUNTRY TABLES NAMIBIA / NAMIBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,499,442 1,557,279 1,595,972 169,565 232,757 100.00 37.27 AFRICA 1,090,549 1,164,214 1,251,779 112,035 162,709 69.91 45.23 EAST AFRICA 284,530 302,849 317,522 24,902 35,205 15.13 41.37 Zambia 195,289 242,160 238,526 14,414 16,427 7.06 13.97 Zimbabwe 89,241 60,689 78,996 10,488 18,778 8.07 79.04 CENTRAL AFRICA 403,129 489,013 563,978 27,182 1,970 0.85 -92.75 Angola 403,129 489,013 563,978 27,182 1,970 0.85 -92.75 SOUTHERN AFRICA 377,989 349,375 343,478 55,823 118,758 51.02 112.74 Botswana 52,021 50,056 67,290 7,283 9,455 4.06 29.82 South Africa 325,968 299,319 276,188 48,540 109,303 46.96 125.18 OTHER AFRICA 24,901 22,977 26,801 4,128 6,776 2.91 64.15 Other countries of Africa 24,901 22,977 26,801 4,128 6,776 2.91 64.15 AMERICAS 42,968 39,309 38,171 6,122 5,981 2.57 -2.30 NORTH AMERICA 39,576 36,262 34,689 5,554 5,545 2.38 -0.16 Canada 8,432 8,232 8,853 1,335 903 0.39 -32.36 United States of America 31,144 28,030 25,836 4,219 4,642 1.99 10.03 SOUTH AMERICA 3,392 3,047 3,482 568 436 0.19 -23.24 Brazil 3,392 3,047 3,482 568 436 0.19 -23.24 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 18,628 17,536 23,643 1,882 1,457 0.63 -22.58 NORHT-EAST ASIA 18,628 17,536 23,643 1,882 1,457 0.63 -22.58 China 14,584 14,596 18,411 1,492 1,364 0.59 -8.58 Japan 4,044 2,940 5,232 390 93 0.04 -76.15 EUROPE 311,635 305,734 255,574 45,373 58,870 25.29 29.75 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,573 4,224 4,495 1,363 2,678 1.15 96.48 Russian Federation 3,573 4,224 4,495 1,363 2,678 1.15 96.48 NORTHERN EUROPE 45,289 40,379 36,763 7,161 4,338 1.86 -39.42 United Kingdom 33,450 30,520 27,351 5,156 3,172 1.36 -38.48 Scandinavia 11,839 9,859 9,412 2,005 1,166 0.50 -41.85 SOUTHERN EUROPE 36,572 30,944 31,591 3,416 3,902 1.68 14.23 Italy 16,703 13,320 13,123 1,386 1,024 0.44 -26.12 Portugal 10,723 8,352 11,273 858 497 0.21 -42.07 Spain 9,146 9,272 7,195 1,172 2,381 1.02 103.16 WESTERN EUROPE 215,274 217,414 170,467 30,993 42,190 18.13 36.13 Austria 9,997 8,795 6,909 1,553 1,658 0.71 6.76 Belgium 11,830 10,747 8,605 1,370 3,057 1.31 123.14 France 31,758 30,576 27,976 3,506 7,199 3.09 105.33 Germany 123,022 124,622 97,111 19,698 21,918 9.42 11.27 Netherlands 18,997 22,898 16,390 2,160 2,352 1.01 8.89 Switzerland 19,670 19,776 13,476 2,706 6,006 2.58 121.95 OTHER EUROPE 10,927 12,773 12,258 2,440 5,762 2.48 136.15 Other countries of Europe 10,927 12,773 12,258 2,440 5,762 2.48 136.15 NOT SPECIFIED 35,662 30,486 26,805 4,153 3,740 1.61 -9.94 Other countries of the world 35,662 30,486 26,805 4,153 3,740 1.61 -9.94 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 889 COUNTRY TABLES NAMIBIA / NAMIBIE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,581,446 1,639,414 1,650,845 187,134 261,309 100.00 39.64 AFRICA 1,165,854 1,240,472 1,305,535 128,249 185,861 71.13 44.92 EAST AFRICA 303,729 308,376 333,490 32,216 43,350 16.59 34.56 Zambia 210,022 244,383 254,372 21,405 21,651 8.29 1.15 Zimbabwe 93,707 63,993 79,118 10,811 21,699 8.30 100.71 CENTRAL AFRICA 440,721 550,598 599,432 31,861 2,531 0.97 -92.06 Angola 440,721 550,598 599,432 31,861 2,531 0.97 -92.06 SOUTHERN AFRICA 395,600 357,566 345,330 59,921 131,947 50.49 120.20 Botswana 57,313 56,779 67,732 8,582 11,549 4.42 34.57 South Africa 338,287 300,787 277,598 51,339 120,398 46.07 134.52 OTHER AFRICA 25,804 23,932 27,283 4,251 8,033 3.07 88.97 Other countries of Africa 25,804 23,932 27,283 4,251 8,033 3.07 88.97 AMERICAS 43,427 39,309 38,334 6,299 6,476 2.48 2.81 NORTH AMERICA 40,004 36,262 34,689 5,715 6,009 2.30 5.14 Canada 8,772 8,232 8,853 1,376 957 0.37 -30.45 United States of America 31,232 28,030 25,836 4,339 5,052 1.93 16.43 SOUTH AMERICA 3,423 3,047 3,645 584 467 0.18 -20.03 Brazil 3,423 3,047 3,645 584 467 0.18 -20.03 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,060 14,596 18,411 1,512 1,570 0.60 3.84 NORHT-EAST ASIA 15,060 14,596 18,411 1,512 1,570 0.60 3.84 China 15,060 14,596 18,411 1,512 1,477 0.57 -2.31 Japan 93 0.04 EUROPE 316,221 310,687 256,040 46,345 62,613 23.96 35.10 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,807 4,554 4,495 1,390 3,157 1.21 127.12 Russian Federation 3,807 4,554 4,495 1,390 3,157 1.21 127.12 NORTHERN EUROPE 46,107 41,118 36,763 7,352 4,703 1.80 -36.03 United Kingdom 33,850 30,978 27,351 5,304 3,461 1.32 -34.75 Scandinavia 12,257 10,140 9,412 2,048 1,242 0.48 -39.36 SOUTHERN EUROPE 38,203 33,021 31,884 3,469 4,459 1.71 28.54 Italy 17,119 13,940 13,123 1,406 1,182 0.45 -15.93 Portugal 11,548 9,290 11,566 882 579 0.22 -34.35 Spain 9,536 9,791 7,195 1,181 2,698 1.03 128.45 WESTERN EUROPE 216,627 218,753 170,640 31,648 43,913 16.81 38.75 Austria 10,098 8,869 6,909 1,633 1,718 0.66 5.21 Belgium 11,962 10,939 8,605 1,398 3,136 1.20 124.32 France 32,050 31,008 28,149 3,613 7,467 2.86 106.67 Germany 123,200 124,622 97,111 20,040 23,018 8.81 14.86 Netherlands 19,427 23,324 16,390 2,231 2,437 0.93 9.23 Switzerland 19,890 19,991 13,476 2,733 6,137 2.35 124.55 OTHER EUROPE 11,477 13,241 12,258 2,486 6,381 2.44 156.68 Other countries of Europe 11,477 13,241 12,258 2,486 6,381 2.44 156.68 NOT SPECIFIED 40,884 34,350 32,525 4,729 4,789 1.83 1.27 Other countries of the world 40,884 34,350 32,525 4,729 4,789 1.83 1.27 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 890 COUNTRY TABLES NEPAL / NEPAL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 940,218 1,173,114 1,197,191 230,085 150,962 100.00 -34.39 AFRICA 2,075 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,075 South Africa 2,075 AMERICAS 105,224 109,062 110,320 20,869 25,292 16.75 21.19 NORTH AMERICA 96,850 109,062 110,320 20,869 25,292 16.75 21.19 Canada 15,105 17,277 17,102 3,102 2,438 1.61 -21.41 Mexico 2,599 United States of America 79,146 91,785 93,218 17,767 22,854 15.14 28.63 SOUTH AMERICA 8,374 Argentina 2,887 Brazil 3,218 Chile 1,331 Colombia 938 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 323,343 360,566 393,653 83,742 11,973 7.93 -85.70 NORHT-EAST ASIA 174,980 231,604 242,573 31,800 8,245 5.46 -74.07 China 104,664 153,602 169,543 19,257 6,198 4.11 -67.81 Japan 27,326 29,768 30,534 5,599 784 0.52 -86.00 Korea, Republic of 34,301 37,142 29,680 6,944 1,263 0.84 -81.81 Taiwan Province of China 8,689 11,092 12,816 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 110,551 85,199 107,284 45,149 1,251 0.83 -97.23 Indonesia 4,207 Malaysia 18,284 22,770 21,329 3,460 331 0.22 -90.43 Myanmar 30,852 36,274 20,911 344 0.23 -98.35 Philippines 4,235 Singapore 6,688 9,179 8,028 Thailand 39,154 53,250 41,653 20,778 576 0.38 -97.23 Viet Nam 7,131 AUSTRALASIA 37,812 43,763 43,796 6,793 2,477 1.64 -63.54 Australia 33,371 38,408 38,972 6,793 2,477 1.64 -63.54 New Zealand 4,441 5,355 4,824 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 891 COUNTRY TABLES NEPAL / NEPAL 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 210,822 243,284 238,328 27,985 17,505 11.60 -37.45 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 20,847 20,715 20,883 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3,029 3,320 4,145 Poland 5,027 6,985 6,366 Russian Federation 9,970 10,410 10,372 Ukraine 2,821 NORTHERN EUROPE 71,354 75,823 73,036 11,762 8,680 5.75 -26.20 Denmark 4,287 4,840 4,596 Finland 2,288 Ireland 3,254 Norway 3,139 3,654 3,385 Sweden 3,822 4,243 3,911 United Kingdom 54,564 63,086 61,144 11,762 8,680 5.75 -26.20 SOUTHERN EUROPE 27,793 35,528 34,733 3,224 1,764 1.17 -45.29 Italy 11,840 15,318 15,676 1,599 613 0.41 -61.66 Spain 15,953 20,210 19,057 1,625 1,151 0.76 -29.17 WESTERN EUROPE 79,890 104,305 102,057 12,999 7,061 4.68 -45.68 Austria 4,803 4,892 4,864 Belgium 5,636 7,392 6,762 France 26,140 31,653 30,646 4,540 2,829 1.87 -37.69 Germany 29,918 36,833 36,641 5,896 2,929 1.94 -50.32 Netherlands 13,393 14,906 15,032 2,563 1,303 0.86 -49.16 Switzerland 8,629 8,112 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,938 6,913 7,619 Israel 5,764 6,913 7,619 Turkiye 5,174 SOUTH ASIA 249,839 301,963 352,467 58,581 70,179 46.49 19.80 Bangladesh 29,060 25,959 25,849 4,917 5,044 3.34 2.58 Bhutan 10,923 11,676 India 160,268 200,438 254,150 40,336 64,672 42.84 60.33 Pakistan 4,227 4,956 4,923 Sri Lanka 45,361 70,610 55,869 13,328 463 0.31 -96.53 NOT SPECIFIED 48,915 158,239 102,423 38,908 26,013 17.23 -33.14 Other countries of the world 48,915 158,239 102,423 38,908 26,013 17.23 -33.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 892 COUNTRY TABLES NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS / PAISES BAJOS 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 14,155,000 14,671,000 15,511,000 5,102,000 4,341,000 100.00 -14.92 AFRICA 149,000 151,000 182,000 47,000 44,000 1.01 -6.38 OTHER AFRICA 149,000 151,000 182,000 47,000 44,000 1.01 -6.38 All countries of Africa 149,000 151,000 182,000 47,000 44,000 1.01 -6.38 AMERICAS 2,002,000 2,057,000 2,164,000 382,000 343,000 7.90 -10.21 NORTH AMERICA 1,585,000 1,641,000 1,730,000 288,000 267,000 6.15 -7.29 Canada 1 79,000 172,000 177,000 24,000 27,000 0.62 12.50 United States of America 1,406,000 1,469,000 1,553,000 264,000 240,000 5.53 -9.09 OTHER AMERICAS 417,000 416,000 434,000 94,000 76,000 1.75 -19.15 Other countries of the Americas 417,000 416,000 434,000 94,000 76,000 1.75 -19.15 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,248,000 1,216,000 1,318,000 232,000 202,000 4.65 -12.93 NORHT-EAST ASIA 561,000 533,000 582,000 91,000 55,000 1.27 -39.56 China 312,000 285,000 308,000 45,000 24,000 0.55 -46.67 Japan 117,000 119,000 131,000 22,000 11,000 0.25 -50.00 Korea, Republic of 57,000 52,000 58,000 11,000 12,000 0.28 9.09 Taiwan Province of China 75,000 77,000 85,000 13,000 8,000 0.18 -38.46 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 58,000 51,000 60,000 13,000 11,000 0.25 -15.38 Indonesia 58,000 51,000 60,000 13,000 11,000 0.25 -15.38 AUSTRALASIA 205,000 194,000 209,000 28,000 18,000 0.41 -35.71 Australia 1 78,000 167,000 177,000 24,000 11,000 0.25 -54.17 New Zealand 27,000 27,000 32,000 4,000 7,000 0.16 75.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 424,000 438,000 467,000 100,000 118,000 2.72 18.00 Other countries of Asia 399,000 41 7,000 444,000 96,000 109,000 2.51 13.54 Other countries of Oceania 25,000 21,000 23,000 4,000 9,000 0.21 125.00 EUROPE 10,594,000 11,072,000 11,662,000 4,414,000 3,731,000 85.95 -15.47 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 469,000 509,000 561,000 183,000 210,000 4.84 14.75 Czech Republic (Czechia) 58,000 65,000 72,000 18,000 28,000 0.65 55.56 Hungary 49,000 50,000 46,000 15,000 22,000 0.51 46.67 Poland 1 75,000 185,000 206,000 95,000 120,000 2.76 26.32 Russian Federation 169,000 188,000 216,000 47,000 25,000 0.58 -46.81 Slovakia 18,000 21,000 21,000 8,000 15,000 0.35 87.50 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,836,000 2,788,000 2,973,000 756,000 393,000 9.05 -48.02 Denmark 146,000 147,000 148,000 41,000 55,000 1.27 34.15 Finland 78,000 74,000 70,000 16,000 19,000 0.44 18.75 Iceland 21,000 18,000 16,000 4,000 10,000 0.23 150.00 Ireland 205,000 203,000 203,000 62,000 49,000 1.13 -20.97 Norway 119,000 112,000 119,000 28,000 28,000 0.65 Sweden 160,000 154,000 154,000 34,000 38,000 0.88 11.76 United Kingdom 2,107,000 2,080,000 2,263,000 571,000 194,000 4.47 -66.02 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,175,000 1,222,000 1,290,000 338,000 384,000 8.85 13.61 Greece 57,000 65,000 66,000 19,000 29,000 0.67 52.63 Italy 573,000 578,000 602,000 150,000 163,000 3.75 8.67 Portugal 91,000 101,000 110,000 35,000 40,000 0.92 14.29 Spain 454,000 478,000 512,000 134,000 152,000 3.50 13.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 893 COUNTRY TABLES NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS / PAISES BAJOS 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 5,362,000 5,771,000 5,979,000 2,895,000 2,419,000 55.72 -16.44 Austria 125,000 134,000 144,000 40,000 51,000 1.17 27.50 Belgium 1,376,000 1,490,000 1,499,000 708,000 646,000 14.88 -8.76 France 763,000 811,000 870,000 357,000 386,000 8.89 8.12 Germany 2,764,000 2,999,000 3,130,000 1,674,000 1,210,000 27.87 -27.72 Luxembourg 65,000 65,000 71,000 36,000 43,000 0.99 19.44 Switzerland 269,000 272,000 265,000 80,000 83,000 1.91 3.75 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 288,000 270,000 295,000 54,000 62,000 1.43 14.81 Israel 165,000 157,000 170,000 26,000 37,000 0.85 42.31 Turkiye 123,000 113,000 125,000 28,000 25,000 0.58 -10.71 OTHER EUROPE 464,000 512,000 564,000 188,000 263,000 6.06 39.89 Other countries of Europe 464,000 512,000 564,000 188,000 263,000 6.06 39.89 SOUTH ASIA 162,000 175,000 185,000 27,000 21,000 0.48 -22.22 India 162,000 175,000 185,000 27,000 21,000 0.48 -22.22 NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS / PAISES BAJOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 17,922,000 18,782,000 20,130,000 7,265,000 6,248,000 100.00 -14.00 AFRICA 152,000 156,000 187,000 48,000 49,000 0.78 2.08 OTHER AFRICA 152,000 156,000 187,000 48,000 49,000 0.78 2.08 All countries of Africa 152,000 156,000 187,000 48,000 49,000 0.78 2.08 AMERICAS 2,013,000 2,072,000 2,181,000 384,000 350,000 5.60 -8.85 OTHER AMERICAS 2,013,000 2,072,000 2,181,000 384,000 350,000 5.60 -8.85 All countries of the Americas 2,013,000 2,072,000 2,181,000 384,000 350,000 5.60 -8.85 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,608,000 1,579,000 1,710,000 286,000 271,000 4.34 -5.24 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,608,000 1,579,000 1,710,000 286,000 271,000 4.34 -5.24 All countries of Asia 1,373,000 1,360,000 1,473,000 253,000 240,000 3.84 -5.14 All countries of Oceania 235,000 219,000 237,000 33,000 31,000 0.50 -6.06 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 894 COUNTRY TABLES NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS / PAISES BAJOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 14,149,000 14,975,000 16,052,000 6,547,000 5,578,000 89.28 -14.80 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,559,000 2,536,000 2,731,000 674,000 316,000 5.06 -53.12 Denmark 163,000 162,000 166,000 44,000 63,000 1.01 43.18 Sweden 167,000 162,000 163,000 35,000 44,000 0.70 25.71 United Kingdom 2,229,000 2,212,000 2,402,000 595,000 209,000 3.35 -64.87 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,056,000 1,092,000 1,152,000 291,000 332,000 5.31 14.09 Italy 589,000 597,000 623,000 154,000 1 71,000 2.74 11.04 Spain 467,000 495,000 529,000 137,000 161,000 2.58 17.52 WESTERN EUROPE 8,605,000 9,287,000 9,948,000 4,867,000 4,095,000 65.54 -15.86 Belgium 2,224,000 2,398,000 2,507,000 1,102,000 1,100,000 17.61 -0.18 France 842,000 893,000 963,000 386,000 413,000 6.61 6.99 Germany 5,243,000 5,689,000 6,175,000 3,283,000 2,471,000 39.55 -24.73 Switzerland 296,000 307,000 303,000 96,000 111,000 1.78 15.63 OTHER EUROPE 1,929,000 2,060,000 2,221,000 715,000 835,000 13.36 16.78 Other countries of Europe 1,929,000 2,060,000 2,221,000 715,000 835,000 13.36 16.78 NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS / PAISES BAJOS 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 26,340,000 27,866,000 30,128,000 10,301,000 9,045,000 100.00 -12.19 AFRICA 288,000 303,000 374,000 94,000 87,000 0.96 -7.45 OTHER AFRICA 288,000 303,000 374,000 94,000 87,000 0.96 -7.45 All countries of Africa 288,000 303,000 374,000 94,000 87,000 0.96 -7.45 AMERICAS 3,589,000 3,807,000 4,135,000 741,000 715,000 7.90 -3.51 NORTH AMERICA 2,776,000 2,965,000 3,235,000 546,000 520,000 5.75 -4.76 Canada 330,000 330,000 347,000 48,000 52,000 0.57 8.33 United States of America 2,446,000 2,635,000 2,888,000 498,000 468,000 5.17 -6.02 OTHER AMERICAS 813,000 842,000 900,000 195,000 195,000 2.16 Other countries of the Americas 813,000 842,000 900,000 195,000 195,000 2.16 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,153,000 2,201,000 2,434,000 440,000 377,000 4.17 -14.32 NORHT-EAST ASIA 891,000 899,000 998,000 168,000 95,000 1.05 -43.45 China 480,000 479,000 524,000 82,000 44,000 0.49 -46.34 Japan 197,000 205,000 233,000 42,000 20,000 0.22 -52.38 Korea, Republic of 96,000 90,000 103,000 23,000 20,000 0.22 -13.04 Taiwan Province of China 118,000 125,000 138,000 21,000 11,000 0.12 -47.62 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 102,000 92,000 112,000 24,000 17,000 0.19 -29.17 Indonesia 102,000 92,000 112,000 24,000 17,000 0.19 -29.17 AUSTRALASIA 401,000 391,000 429,000 63,000 28,000 0.31 -55.56 Australia 350,000 340,000 365,000 53,000 20,000 0.22 -62.26 New Zealand 51,000 51,000 64,000 10,000 8,000 0.09 -20.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 759,000 819,000 895,000 185,000 237,000 2.62 28.11 Other countries of Asia 711,000 779,000 848,000 175,000 225,000 2.49 28.57 Other countries of Oceania 48,000 40,000 47,000 10,000 12,000 0.13 20.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 895 COUNTRY TABLES NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS / PAISES BAJOS 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 20,004,000 21,227,000 22,810,000 8,961,000 7,815,000 86.40 -12.79 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 878,000 986,000 1,121,000 401,000 460,000 5.09 14.71 Czech Republic (Czechia) 105,000 120,000 135,000 36,000 61,000 0.67 69.44 Hungary 91,000 100,000 92,000 33,000 47,000 0.52 42.42 Poland 323,000 351,000 408,000 217,000 273,000 3.02 25.81 Russian Federation 325,000 374,000 441,000 98,000 51,000 0.56 -47.96 Slovakia 34,000 41,000 45,000 17,000 28,000 0.31 64.71 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,372,000 5,379,000 5,889,000 1,563,000 857,000 9.47 -45.17 Denmark 270,000 272,000 270,000 82,000 121,000 1.34 47.56 Finland 144,000 145,000 136,000 33,000 37,000 0.41 12.12 Iceland 40,000 33,000 30,000 8,000 14,000 0.15 75.00 Ireland 398,000 402,000 425,000 131,000 107,000 1.18 -18.32 Norway 222,000 213,000 228,000 54,000 52,000 0.57 -3.70 Sweden 288,000 284,000 292,000 64,000 76,000 0.84 18.75 United Kingdom 4,010,000 4,030,000 4,508,000 1,191,000 450,000 4.98 -62.22 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,416,000 2,590,000 2,757,000 744,000 930,000 10.28 25.00 Greece 114,000 143,000 149,000 43,000 68,000 0.75 58.14 Italy 1,213,000 1,261,000 1,327,000 346,000 407,000 4.50 17.63 Portugal 182,000 203,000 230,000 77,000 95,000 1.05 23.38 Spain 907,000 983,000 1,051,000 278,000 360,000 3.98 29.50 WESTERN EUROPE 9,866,000 10,700,000 11,277,000 5,738,000 4,878,000 53.93 -14.99 Austria 253,000 280,000 310,000 86,000 119,000 1.32 38.37 Belgium 2,156,000 2,374,000 2,379,000 1,148,000 1,064,000 11.76 -7.32 France 1,358,000 1,478,000 1,600,000 651,000 762,000 8.42 17.05 Germany 5,465,000 5,928,000 6,331,000 3,619,000 2,671,000 29.53 -26.20 Luxembourg 115,000 116,000 128,000 69,000 82,000 0.91 18.84 Switzerland 519,000 524,000 529,000 165,000 180,000 1.99 9.09 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 611,000 590,000 659,000 127,000 148,000 1.64 16.54 Israel 376,000 371,000 408,000 63,000 92,000 1.02 46.03 Turkiye 235,000 219,000 251,000 64,000 56,000 0.62 -12.50 OTHER EUROPE 861,000 982,000 1,107,000 388,000 542,000 5.99 39.69 Other countries of Europe 861,000 982,000 1,107,000 388,000 542,000 5.99 39.69 SOUTH ASIA 306,000 328,000 375,000 65,000 51,000 0.56 -21.54 India 306,000 328,000 375,000 65,000 51,000 0.56 -21.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 896 COUNTRY TABLES NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS / PAISES BAJOS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 44,170,000 47,003,000 51,750,000 21,372,000 18,615,000 100.00 -12.90 AFRICA 302,000 326,000 396,000 98,000 96,000 0.52 -2.04 OTHER AFRICA 302,000 326,000 396,000 98,000 96,000 0.52 -2.04 All countries of Africa 302,000 326,000 396,000 98,000 96,000 0.52 -2.04 AMERICAS 3,643,000 3,873,000 4,201,000 758,000 741,000 3.98 -2.24 OTHER AMERICAS 3,643,000 3,873,000 4,201,000 758,000 741,000 3.98 -2.24 All countries of the Americas 3,643,000 3,873,000 4,201,000 758,000 741,000 3.98 -2.24 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,028,000 3,053,000 3,409,000 585,000 549,000 2.95 -6.15 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,028,000 3,053,000 3,409,000 585,000 549,000 2.95 -6.15 All countries of Asia 2,557,000 2,604,000 2,912,000 509,000 503,000 2.70 -1.18 All countries of Oceania 471,000 449,000 497,000 76,000 46,000 0.25 -39.47 EUROPE 37,197,000 39,751,000 43,744,000 19,931,000 17,229,000 92.55 -13.56 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,252,000 5,278,000 5,805,000 1,484,000 741,000 3.98 -50.07 Denmark 348,000 335,000 348,000 97,000 139,000 0.75 43.30 Sweden 312,000 308,000 321,000 70,000 89,000 0.48 27.14 United Kingdom 4,592,000 4,635,000 5,136,000 1,31 7,000 513,000 2.76 -61.05 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,221,000 2,363,000 2,505,000 662,000 817,000 4.39 23.41 Italy 1,268,000 1,316,000 1,387,000 366,000 427,000 2.29 16.67 Spain 953,000 1,047,000 1,118,000 296,000 390,000 2.10 31.76 WESTERN EUROPE 25,685,000 27,570,000 30,382,000 15,967,000 13,667,000 73.42 -14.40 Belgium 5,436,000 5,818,000 6,202,000 2,725,000 2,877,000 15.46 5.58 France 1,640,000 1,765,000 1,920,000 772,000 856,000 4.60 10.88 Germany 17,974,000 19,329,000 21,580,000 12,225,000 9,645,000 51.81 -21.10 Switzerland 635,000 658,000 680,000 245,000 289,000 1.55 17.96 OTHER EUROPE 4,039,000 4,540,000 5,052,000 1,818,000 2,004,000 10.77 10.23 Other countries of Europe 4,039,000 4,540,000 5,052,000 1,818,000 2,004,000 10.77 10.23 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 897 COUNTRY TABLES NEW CALEDONIA / NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE / NUEVA CALEDONIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 120,699 120,343 130,676 31,109 12,446 100.00 -59.99 AFRICA 1,457 1,489 1,106 142 91 0.73 -35.92 EAST AFRICA 1,128 1,178 778 68 41 0.33 -39.71 Reunion 1,128 1,178 778 68 41 0.33 -39.71 OTHER AFRICA 329 311 328 74 50 0.40 -32.43 Other countries of Africa 329 311 328 74 50 0.40 -32.43 AMERICAS 1,951 2,047 2,502 698 97 0.78 -86.10 CARIBBEAN 276 224 202 32 25 0.20 -21.88 All countries of the Caribbean (*) 276 224 202 32 25 0.20 -21.88 NORTH AMERICA 1,296 1,342 1,849 557 58 0.47 -89.59 Canada 657 777 864 198 55 0.44 -72.22 United States of America 639 565 985 359 3 0.02 -99.16 SOUTH AMERICA 71 75 49 24 Argentina 71 75 49 24 OTHER AMERICAS 308 406 402 85 14 0.11 -83.53 Other countries of the Americas 308 406 402 85 14 0.11 -83.53 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 73,933 74,165 79,013 17,981 3,586 28.81 -80.06 NORHT-EAST ASIA 22,836 23,226 23,081 5,390 22 0.18 -99.59 China 281 1,153 807 187 3 0.02 -98.40 Hong Kong, China 202 251 252 67 5 0.04 -92.54 Japan 21,839 21,472 21,707 5,068 14 0.11 -99.72 Korea, Republic of 514 350 315 68 AUSTRALASIA 33,959 33,578 37,020 5,311 731 5.87 -86.24 Australia 23,705 23,025 25,878 4,171 673 5.41 -83.86 New Zealand 10,254 10,553 11,142 1,140 58 0.47 -94.91 MELANESIA 4,194 3,910 3,905 646 67 0.54 -89.63 Vanuatu 4,194 3,910 3,905 646 67 0.54 -89.63 POLYNESIA 9,985 10,292 11,489 6,120 2,609 20.96 -57.37 French Polynesia 3,391 3,167 3,987 652 207 1.66 -68.25 Wallis and Futuna Islands 6,594 7,125 7,502 5,468 2,402 19.30 -56.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,959 3,159 3,518 514 157 1.26 -69.46 Other countries of Asia 1,768 1,689 2,027 372 132 1.06 -64.52 Other countries of Oceania 1,191 1,470 1,491 142 25 0.20 -82.39 EUROPE 43,346 42,642 48,055 12,288 8,346 67.06 -32.08 NORTHERN EUROPE 710 697 659 189 25 0.20 -86.77 United Kingdom 710 697 659 189 25 0.20 -86.77 SOUTHERN EUROPE 897 842 750 108 18 0.14 -83.33 Italy 897 842 750 108 18 0.14 -83.33 WESTERN EUROPE 39,324 38,929 44,307 11,409 8,027 64.49 -29.64 France 37,827 37,326 42,316 11,057 7,978 64.10 -27.85 Germany 682 820 1,116 219 17 0.14 -92.24 Switzerland 815 783 875 133 32 0.26 -75.94 OTHER EUROPE 2,415 2,174 2,339 582 276 2.22 -52.58 Other countries of Europe 2,415 2,174 2,339 582 276 2.22 -52.58 NOT SPECIFIED 12 326 2.62 Other countries of the world 12 326 2.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 898 COUNTRY TABLES NEW ZEALAND / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE / NUEVA ZELANDIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,723,344 3,857,716 3,888,473 996,350 206,862 100.00 -79.24 AFRICA 23,136 26,482 31,199 7,873 669 0.32 -91.50 EAST AFRICA 2,816 2,726 2,682 952 159 0.08 -83.30 Burundi 9 2 Comoros 18 9 4 Djibouti 16 4 12 1 1 0.00 Eritrea 32 17 10 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Ethiopia 144 96 81 56 27 0.01 -51.79 Kenya 432 442 529 155 26 0.01 -83.23 Madagascar 16 27 47 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Malawi 80 74 97 16 9 0.00 -43.75 Mauritius 624 561 577 124 6 0.00 -95.16 Mozambique 64 112 103 44 6 0.00 -86.36 Reunion 336 348 211 111 Rwanda 12 38 24 Seychelles 80 76 58 25 9 0.00 -64.00 Somalia 32 28 70 33 14 0.01 -57.58 Tanzania, United Republic of 208 146 139 46 11 0.01 -76.09 Uganda 144 130 92 56 16 0.01 -71.43 Zambia 176 211 181 75 15 0.01 -80.00 Zimbabwe 432 424 419 160 13 0.01 -91.88 CENTRAL AFRICA 192 136 328 107 15 0.01 -85.98 Angola 32 41 48 23 4 0.00 -82.61 Cameroon 48 5 30 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Central African Republic 2 1 3 Chad 16 27 70 21 2 0.00 -90.48 Congo 32 21 26 10 7 0.00 -30.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 64 5 49 13 1 0.00 -92.31 Equatorial Guinea 4 3 1 Gabon 30 99 28 Sao Tome and Principe 1 2 NORTH AFRICA 256 300 406 166 32 0.02 -80.72 Algeria 32 20 28 10 1 0.00 -90.00 Morocco 96 119 152 85 7 0.00 -91.76 South Sudan 32 8 57 13 11 0.01 -15.38 Sudan 48 87 142 43 10 0.00 -76.74 Tunisia 48 66 25 15 3 0.00 -80.00 Western Sahara 2 SOUTHERN AFRICA 19,472 22,571 26,682 6,298 388 0.19 -93.84 Botswana 96 182 146 45 12 0.01 -73.33 Eswatini 32 68 42 10 1 0.00 -90.00 Lesotho 1 6 2 Namibia 224 203 192 58 10 0.00 -82.76 South Africa 19,120 22,117 26,296 6,183 365 0.18 -94.10 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 899 COUNTRY TABLES NEW ZEALAND / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE / NUEVA ZELANDIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 400 749 1,093 350 75 0.04 -78.57 Benin 16 19 27 5 Burkina Faso 16 43 25 5 5 0.00 Cabo Verde 3 2 Cote d'lvoire 32 39 34 19 4 0.00 -78.95 Gambia 14 31 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Ghana 64 194 464 117 25 0.01 -78.63 Guinea 16 27 165 42 Guinea-Bissau 1 Liberia 21 18 9 Mali 48 88 81 42 6 0.00 -85.71 Mauritania 16 50 1 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Niger 19 11 10 3 0.00 -70.00 Nigeria 176 184 175 62 26 0.01 -58.06 Saint Helena 1 13 7 Senegal 29 23 11 2 0.00 -81.82 Sierra Leone 16 2 17 3 Togo 18 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 OTHER AFRICA 8 Other countries of Africa 8 AMERICAS 456,256 486,283 493,869 170,606 6,577 3.18 -96.14 CARIBBEAN 1,856 1,749 1,685 723 87 0.04 -87.97 Anguilla 16 2 8 3 Antigua and Barbuda 32 24 51 29 3 0.00 -89.66 Aruba 16 23 22 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Bahamas 128 148 92 63 8 0.00 -87.30 Barbados 64 94 97 39 8 0.00 -79.49 Bermuda 320 310 246 130 12 0.01 -90.77 British Virgin Islands 64 10 34 10 5 0.00 -50.00 Cayman Islands 256 284 268 83 21 0.01 -74.70 Cuba 32 42 41 29 4 0.00 -86.21 Curacao 16 35 25 20 2 0.00 -90.00 Dominica 16 5 3 Dominican Republic 160 115 134 28 Grenada 30 29 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Guadeloupe 16 40 31 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Haiti 32 2 5 2 Jamaica 128 127 109 44 5 0.00 -88.64 Martinique 35 17 14 Montserrat 2 Netherlands Antilles 1 2 Puerto Rico 208 141 212 85 Saint Kitts and Nevis 32 22 11 3 Saint Lucia 6 21 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 32 17 14 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 2 16 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Trinidad and Tobago 288 165 130 41 4 0.00 -90.24 Turks and Caicos Islands 70 38 15 4 0.00 -73.33 United States Virgin Islands 3 21 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 2 5 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 700 COUNTRY TABLES NEW ZEALAND / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE / NUEVA ZELANDIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 944 784 866 315 51 0.02 -83.81 Belize 32 23 11 9 Costa Rica 400 255 305 91 14 0.01 -84.62 El Salvador 32 71 39 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Guatemala 192 129 119 77 18 0.01 -76.62 Honduras 48 25 54 34 1 0.00 -97.06 Nicaragua 8 46 12 4 0.00 -66.67 Panama 240 273 292 84 13 0.01 -84.52 NORTH AMERICA 402,224 428,372 446,314 157,077 6,257 3.02 -96.02 Canada 67,280 71,261 73,037 30,791 1,030 0.50 -96.65 Greenland 32 20 23 19 Mexico 4,784 5,017 5,296 1,449 74 0.04 -94.89 United States of America 330,128 352,074 367,958 124,818 5,153 2.49 -95.87 SOUTH AMERICA 51,232 55,378 45,004 12,491 182 0.09 -98.54 Argentina 18,624 21,724 14,095 4,420 29 0.01 -99.34 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 192 145 127 40 6 0.00 -85.00 Brazil 1 7,664 19,017 16,566 4,179 61 0.03 -98.54 Chile 9,072 9,398 8,740 2,156 33 0.02 -98.47 Colombia 1,936 1,892 2,061 509 27 0.01 -94.70 Ecuador 224 315 299 84 2 0.00 -97.62 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 64 54 53 13 2 0.00 -84.62 French Guiana 80 1 13 7 2 0.00 -71.43 Guyana 32 23 36 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Paraguay 208 45 125 38 1 0.00 -97.37 Peru 1,024 752 790 242 12 0.01 -95.04 Suriname 32 3 14 5 Uruguay 1,952 1,922 2,004 747 2 0.00 -99.73 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 128 87 81 39 2 0.00 -94.87 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,521,920 2,609,284 2,609,685 567,003 179,217 86.64 -68.39 NORHT-EAST ASIA 704,768 743,016 703,681 137,502 3,760 1.82 -97.27 China 41 7,872 448,189 407,141 58,508 1,644 0.79 -97.19 Hong Kong, China 54,688 58,763 53,720 13,125 817 0.39 -93.78 Japan 102,048 99,784 97,682 25,784 561 0.27 -97.82 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 3 38 6 Korea, Republic of 91,168 87,853 88,481 26,326 476 0.23 -98.19 Macao, China 2,992 3,467 2,918 430 10 0.00 -97.67 Mongolia 288 298 248 63 10 0.00 -84.13 Taiwan Province of China 35,712 44,659 53,453 13,260 242 0.12 -98.17 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 200,192 218,478 203,548 31,351 3,598 1.74 -88.52 Brunei Darussalam 1,104 1,154 1,001 190 36 0.02 -81.05 Cambodia 1,968 2,110 2,283 461 70 0.03 -84.82 Indonesia 23,872 26,070 27,697 4,268 261 0.13 -93.88 Lao People's Democratic Republic 480 608 447 120 11 0.01 -90.83 Malaysia 53,840 56,430 41,779 5,491 298 0.14 -94.57 Myanmar 752 654 640 191 50 0.02 -73.82 Philippines 23,936 28,822 27,505 5,398 1,264 0.61 -76.58 Singapore 58,544 61,464 64,574 9,353 1,249 0.60 -86.65 Thailand 27,616 31,447 28,378 3,691 270 0.13 -92.68 Timor-Leste 288 178 238 91 12 0.01 -86.81 Viet Nam 7,792 9,541 9,006 2,097 77 0.04 -96.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 701 COUNTRY TABLES NEW ZEALAND / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE / NUEVA ZELANDIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 1,472,160 1,494,541 1,537,988 359,781 160,248 77.47 -55.46 Australia 1,472,160 1,494,541 1,537,988 359,781 160,248 77.47 -55.46 MELANESIA 60,064 62,851 67,052 17,672 3,804 1.84 -78.47 Fiji 28,960 30,876 33,630 7,710 658 0.32 -91.47 New Caledonia 20,192 20,595 20,744 6,156 12 0.01 -99.81 Norfolk Island 528 304 340 82 96 0.05 17.07 Papua New Guinea 2,368 2,543 2,683 722 126 0.06 -82.55 Solomon Islands 1,584 1,663 1,620 505 157 0.08 -68.91 Vanuatu 6,432 6,870 8,035 2,497 2,755 1.33 10.33 MICRONESIA 1,392 1,639 1,414 375 27 0.01 -92.80 Christmas Island, Australia 7 22 3 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 3 Guam 336 319 338 63 6 0.00 -90.48 Kiribati 720 833 677 222 9 0.00 -95.95 Marshall Islands 48 118 89 12 5 0.00 -58.33 Micronesia, Federated States of 112 113 60 12 Nauru 64 121 138 43 6 0.00 -86.05 Northern Mariana Islands 32 60 45 14 Palau 80 65 45 6 1 0.00 -83.33 POLYNESIA 83,328 88,755 95,973 20,295 7,780 3.76 -61.67 American Samoa 1,168 1,355 1,850 193 35 0.02 -81.87 Cook Islands 11,632 12,075 14,036 3,473 4,260 2.06 22.66 French Polynesia 22,448 24,605 26,291 5,707 22 0.01 -99.61 Niue 2,528 2,424 2,701 587 477 0.23 -18.74 Pitcairn 1 14 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Samoa 24,384 26,300 28,654 5,794 2,412 1.17 -58.37 Tokelau 256 326 356 77 36 0.02 -53.25 Tonga 20,208 20,956 21,354 4,293 497 0.24 -88.42 Tuvalu 528 539 565 134 40 0.02 -70.15 Wallis and Futuna Islands 176 174 152 33 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 16 4 29 27 Other countries of Oceania 16 4 29 27 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 702 COUNTRY TABLES NEW ZEALAND / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE / NUEVA ZELANDIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 588,256 575,870 560,936 213,398 11,132 5.38 -94.78 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 27,792 27,572 27,249 10,036 1,278 0.62 -87.27 Armenia 48 29 43 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Azerbaijan 96 94 45 25 3 0.00 -88.00 Belarus 192 166 162 54 2 0.00 -96.30 Bulgaria 848 646 917 382 9 0.00 -97.64 Czech Republic 5,248 5,582 5,476 2,054 45 0.02 -97.81 Estonia 800 807 793 279 10 0.00 -96.42 Georgia 80 19 31 13 9 0.00 -30.77 Hungary 2,048 1,850 1,767 670 28 0.01 -95.82 Kazakhstan 240 359 287 89 27 0.01 -69.66 Kyrgyzstan 32 74 26 6 8 0.00 33.33 Latvia 496 506 633 188 26 0.01 -86.17 Lithuania 672 616 593 244 15 0.01 -93.85 Moldova, Republic of 32 36 64 22 9 0.00 -59.09 Poland 6,064 6,008 5,931 2,306 72 0.03 -96.88 Romania 1,456 1,599 1,705 600 27 0.01 -95.50 Russian Federation 6,640 6,474 6,296 2,262 809 0.39 -64.24 Slovakia 1,232 1,392 1,226 393 8 0.00 -97.96 Tajikistan 27 15 5 Turkmenistan 16 4 10 7 Ukraine 1,488 1,229 1,157 400 168 0.08 -58.00 Uzbekistan 64 55 72 28 2 0.00 -92.86 NORTHERN EUROPE 303,376 290,424 283,866 113,827 6,707 3.24 -94.11 Denmark 13,392 13,465 13,804 5,976 109 0.05 -98.18 Faeroe Islands 80 105 51 30 Finland 5,440 5,125 5,026 1,609 35 0.02 -97.82 Iceland 528 615 589 183 7 0.00 -96.17 Ireland 12,848 12,425 12,501 4,414 287 0.14 -93.50 Norway 5,456 5,604 5,650 1,811 94 0.05 -94.81 Sweden 16,368 15,919 14,533 5,549 141 0.07 -97.46 United Kingdom 249,264 237,166 231,712 94,255 6,034 2.92 -93.60 SOUTHERN EUROPE 31,216 32,860 32,831 9,163 841 0.41 -90.82 Albania 16 33 35 13 1 0.00 -92.31 Andorra 64 121 99 37 11 0.01 -70.27 Bosnia and Herzegovina 48 44 40 18 1 0.00 -94.44 Croatia 800 766 760 376 34 0.02 -90.96 Gibraltar 128 41 71 41 1 0.00 -97.56 Greece 976 981 1,065 344 43 0.02 -87.50 Holy See 1 1 Italy 11,568 12,458 12,306 3,193 425 0.21 -86.69 Malta 528 549 601 230 12 0.01 -94.78 Montenegro 64 21 39 20 5 0.00 -75.00 North Macedonia 112 91 85 47 2 0.00 -95.74 Portugal 2,064 2,210 2,346 679 43 0.02 -93.67 San Marino 16 7 Serbia 336 233 270 132 39 0.02 -70.45 Slovenia 1,040 954 894 341 7 0.00 -97.95 Spain 13,424 14,332 14,172 3,683 213 0.10 -94.22 Other countries of Southern Europe 32 26 40 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 703 COUNTRY TABLES NEW ZEALAND / NOUVELLE-ZELANDE / NUEVA ZELANDIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 218,416 217,529 209,236 77,683 2,210 1.07 -97.16 Austria 9,056 9,579 9,622 3,496 86 0.04 -97.54 Belgium 7,984 7,840 7,649 2,804 96 0.05 -96.58 France 42,560 43,606 40,777 14,672 465 0.22 -96.83 Germany 104,864 102,087 98,050 36,671 750 0.36 -97.95 Liechtenstein 144 94 98 38 Luxembourg 784 843 910 300 9 0.00 -97.00 Monaco 176 183 156 71 1 0.00 -98.59 Netherlands 29,248 30,813 30,337 11,861 468 0.23 -96.05 Switzerland 23,600 22,484 21,637 7,770 335 0.16 -95.69 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 7,456 7,485 7,754 2,689 96 0.05 -96.43 Cyprus 384 425 475 175 15 0.01 -91.43 Israel 6,048 6,082 6,356 2,244 43 0.02 -98.08 Türkiye 1,024 978 923 270 38 0.02 -85.93 MIDDLE EAST 18,976 18,641 17,788 4,561 1,576 0.76 -65.45 Bahrain 496 441 488 127 24 0.01 -81.10 Egypt 352 381 382 121 39 0.02 -67.77 Iraq 208 191 174 90 43 0.02 -52.22 Jordan 256 230 267 76 28 0.01 -63.16 Kuwait 720 759 751 177 73 0.04 -58.76 Lebanon 176 120 157 61 19 0.01 -68.85 Libya 16 4 21 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Oman 816 805 769 196 89 0.04 -54.59 Qatar 1,920 1,839 1,834 557 161 0.08 -71.10 Saudi Arabia 2,784 3,506 2,913 644 195 0.09 -69.72 State of Palestine 16 60 56 12 2 0.00 -83.33 Syrian Arab Republic 50 25 10 United Arab Emirates 11,216 10,249 9,935 2,474 896 0.43 -63.78 Yemen 6 16 14 6 0.00 -57.14 SOUTH ASIA 68,736 75,872 74,621 20,149 2,102 1.02 -89.57 Afghanistan 128 127 150 45 140 0.07 211.11 Bangladesh 912 1,033 1,223 212 93 0.04 -56.13 Bhutan 16 104 47 23 1 0.00 -95.65 India 61,440 67,953 66,775 18,179 1,622 0.78 -91.08 Iran, Islamic Republic of 752 745 543 148 25 0.01 -83.11 Maldives 144 127 185 60 23 0.01 -61.67 Nepal 832 992 1,032 325 47 0.02 -85.54 Pakistan 976 1,065 1,055 367 63 0.03 -82.83 Sri Lanka 3,536 3,726 3,611 790 88 0.04 -88.86 NOT SPECIFIED 46,064 65,284 100,375 12,760 5,589 2.70 -56.20 Other countries of the world 24,384 43,117 84,907 8,415 4,594 2.22 -45.41 Nationals residing abroad 21,680 22,167 15,468 4,345 995 0.48 -77.10 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 704 COUNTRY TABLES NICARAGUA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,787,260 1,255,566 1,295,218 383,979 222,434 100.00 -42.07 AFRICA 697 428 597 343 227 0.10 -33.82 EAST AFRICA 90 57 60 19 22 0.01 15.79 Burundi 1 1 Eritrea 1 1 1 Ethiopia 11 10 10 2 3 0.00 50.00 Kenya 16 10 4 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Madagascar 1 1 Malawi 3 Mauritius 6 7 4 2 0.00 Mozambique 6 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Rwanda 1 Seychelles 3 1 2 0.00 Somalia 23 7 12 3 4 0.00 33.33 Tanzania, United Republic of 15 10 8 4 0.00 Uganda 1 2 Zambia 2 3 1 Zimbabwe 9 9 9 5 0.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 21 6 57 112 1 0.00 -99.11 Angola 4 3 43 110 Cameroon 14 1 7 Congo 3 2 7 2 Equatorial Guinea 1 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 91 61 53 21 23 0.01 9.52 Algeria 9 9 7 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Morocco 60 34 34 13 16 0.01 23.08 Sudan 1 1 Tunisia 18 10 9 4 6 0.00 50.00 Western Sahara 4 8 2 SOUTHERN AFRICA 423 264 309 72 130 0.06 80.56 Namibia 2 6 15 1 South Africa 421 258 294 71 130 0.06 83.10 WEST AFRICA 72 40 118 119 51 0.02 -57.14 Benin 1 1 Burkina Faso 1 0.00 Cabo Verde 9 10 7 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Cote d'lvoire 7 2 3 0.00 50.00 Ghana 12 8 76 87 35 0.02 -59.77 Guinea 2 8 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Guinea-Bissau 5 Mali 1 Mauritania 1 Niger 5 1 3 Nigeria 41 21 15 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Senegal 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Sierra Leone 2 1 3 0.00 Togo 1 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 705 COUNTRY TABLES NICARAGUA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 1,155,269 711,866 750,339 243,339 201,569 90.62 -17.17 CARIBBEAN 2,976 1,967 45,771 17,385 9,678 4.35 -44.33 Antigua and Barbuda 9 4 7 3 5 0.00 66.67 Bahamas 37 26 44 13 32 0.01 146.15 Barbados 54 21 18 3 4 0.00 33.33 Bermuda 12 2 2 1 0.00 British Virgin Islands 1 0.00 Cayman Islands 37 14 13 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Cuba 852 586 44,077 16,932 8,572 3.85 -49.37 Dominica 11 6 34 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Dominican Republic 1,498 1,005 1,209 313 977 0.44 212.14 Grenada 10 6 5 2 3 0.00 50.00 Guadeloupe 1 1 1 Haiti 125 95 75 14 9 0.00 -35.71 Jamaica 128 97 131 33 37 0.02 12.12 Saint Kitts and Nevis 10 1 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Saint Lucia 11 9 15 10 3 0.00 -70.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 20 23 45 39 11 0.00 -71.79 Trinidad and Tobago 161 72 88 13 18 0.01 38.46 CENTRAL AMERICA 759,665 484,901 484,854 156,709 104,461 46.96 -33.34 Belize 808 316 445 46 132 0.06 186.96 Costa Rica 212,006 127,614 137,494 39,402 29,062 13.07 -26.24 El Salvador 151,926 104,756 105,711 37,849 26,601 11.96 -29.72 Guatemala 89,326 68,134 68,046 29,363 22,510 10.12 -23.34 Honduras 280,563 168,148 158,902 43,809 21,560 9.69 -50.79 Panama 25,036 15,933 14,256 6,240 4,596 2.07 -26.35 NORTH AMERICA 364,400 205,281 196,810 63,012 78,956 35.50 25.30 Canada 68,208 33,911 24,294 11,612 5,711 2.57 -50.82 Mexico 18,804 10,515 10,104 2,703 2,919 1.31 7.99 United States of America 277,388 160,855 162,412 48,697 70,326 31.62 44.42 SOUTH AMERICA 28,228 19,717 22,904 6,233 8,474 3.81 35.95 Argentina 5,379 3,630 3,604 1,135 813 0.37 -28.37 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 654 379 409 86 89 0.04 3.49 Brazil 4,455 3,127 2,633 716 1,052 0.47 46.93 Chile 2,210 1,493 1,311 380 359 0.16 -5.53 Colombia 8,199 5,079 5,172 1,604 1,637 0.74 2.06 Ecuador 1,962 2,343 2,270 293 3,332 1.50 1,037.20 Guyana 42 34 15 28 8 0.00 -71.43 Paraguay 282 151 162 31 42 0.02 35.48 Peru 2,821 1,725 1,795 571 696 0.31 21.89 Suriname 28 7 56 2 3 0.00 50.00 Uruguay 855 531 564 137 240 0.11 75.18 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,341 1,218 4,913 1,250 203 0.09 -83.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 706 COUNTRY TABLES NICARAGUA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 16,409 9,989 9,387 2,600 1,768 0.79 -32.00 NORHT-EAST ASIA 6,553 4,779 4,749 1,258 839 0.38 -33.31 China 786 742 1,097 306 284 0.13 -7.19 Hong Kong, China 11 3 1 Japan 1,645 1,315 1,054 317 122 0.05 -61.51 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 4 10 Korea, Republic of 2,705 1,850 1,762 411 341 0.15 -17.03 Macao, China 2 Mongolia 1 3 2 1 0.00 Taiwan Province of China 1,401 869 829 213 91 0.04 -57.28 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,864 1,473 994 437 507 0.23 16.02 Cambodia 9 2 8 2 Indonesia 81 53 29 8 13 0.01 62.50 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 Malaysia 83 70 94 10 12 0.01 20.00 Myanmar 72 17 6 10 7 0.00 -30.00 Philippines 1,418 1,168 710 346 446 0.20 28.90 Singapore 92 85 63 19 16 0.01 -15.79 Thailand 74 59 50 24 6 0.00 -75.00 Viet Nam 35 19 34 17 7 0.00 -58.82 AUSTRALASIA 7,983 3,736 3,641 903 421 0.19 -53.38 Australia 6,545 3,102 2,896 767 323 0.15 -57.89 New Zealand 1,438 634 745 136 98 0.04 -27.94 MELANESIA 8 2 1 1 0.00 Fiji 6 2 1 1 0.00 New Caledonia 2 MICRONESIA 1 1 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 1 Nauru 1 1 POLYNESIA 1 Tonga 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 707 COUNTRY TABLES NICARAGUA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 115,437 68,070 51,301 20,684 18,620 8.37 -9.98 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,966 6,064 4,955 2,175 2,176 0.98 0.05 Armenia 10 10 4 0.00 Azerbaijan 2 4 9 2 Belarus 57 25 19 3 14 0.01 366.67 Bulgaria 224 175 117 33 22 0.01 -33.33 Czech Republic 1,013 911 526 261 178 0.08 -31.80 Estonia 112 122 108 60 24 0.01 -60.00 Georgia 46 21 12 2 7 0.00 250.00 Hungary 310 216 194 123 65 0.03 -47.15 Kazakhstan 13 16 20 1 16 0.01 1,500.00 Kyrgyzstan 12 1 9 2 9 0.00 350.00 Latvia 142 97 120 24 26 0.01 8.33 Lithuania 296 179 180 80 75 0.03 -6.25 Moldova, Republic of 7 10 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 Poland 1,439 1,197 966 438 304 0.14 -30.59 Romania 329 282 245 132 223 0.10 68.94 Russian Federation 2,048 1,963 1,734 630 622 0.28 -1.27 Slovakia 443 400 285 104 47 0.02 -54.81 Tajikistan 2 2 2 Ukraine 461 435 336 197 524 0.24 165.99 Uzbekistan 68 80 14 0.01 -82.50 NORTHERN EUROPE 26,933 14,092 9,955 4,113 2,563 1.15 -37.69 Denmark 2,194 1,399 828 307 276 0.12 -10.10 Finland 822 475 344 171 62 0.03 -63.74 Iceland 171 63 44 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Ireland 1,865 771 725 250 162 0.07 -35.20 Norway 1,659 1,013 536 259 121 0.05 -53.28 Sweden 2,833 1,916 1,296 578 331 0.15 -42.73 United Kingdom 17,389 8,455 6,182 2,536 1,608 0.72 -36.59 SOUTHERN EUROPE 23,545 13,787 12,039 3,583 4,084 1.84 13.98 Albania 4 6 2 3 0.00 50.00 Andorra 16 5 4 1 1 0.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 8 5 1 1 1 0.00 Croatia 87 101 63 35 28 0.01 -20.00 Greece 220 150 176 92 36 0.02 -60.87 Holy See 4 1 2 2 2 0.00 Italy 7,235 4,647 3,893 1,323 936 0.42 -29.25 Malta 31 20 14 9 5 0.00 -44.44 North Macedonia 7 7 3 2 2 0.00 Portugal 915 872 617 187 229 0.10 22.46 San Marino 3 0.00 Serbia 112 12 28 17 Serbia and Montenegro 19 0.01 Slovenia 337 218 180 45 28 0.01 -37.78 Spain 14,569 7,743 7,058 1,867 2,791 1.25 49.49 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 708 COUNTRY TABLES NICARAGUA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 55,257 32,895 22,935 10,301 8,111 3.65 -21.26 Austria 2,309 1,291 912 416 369 0.17 -11.30 Belgium 3,645 2,054 1,241 526 389 0.17 -26.05 France 14,392 9,417 6,081 3,178 2,284 1.03 -28.13 Germany 18,955 11,414 8,371 3,588 2,808 1.26 -21.74 Liechtenstein 12 9 1 3 4 0.00 33.33 Luxembourg 167 76 41 26 10 0.00 -61.54 Monaco 3 2 1 0.00 Netherlands 10,372 5,266 3,662 1,614 1,128 0.51 -30.11 Switzerland 5,402 3,368 2,624 950 1,118 0.50 17.68 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,736 1,232 1,417 512 1,686 0.76 229.30 Cyprus 24 13 15 5 Israel 2,316 1,027 1,135 390 1,606 0.72 311.79 Türkiye 396 192 267 117 80 0.04 -31.62 MIDDLE EAST 279 161 191 41 46 0.02 12.20 Bahrain 4 5 Egypt 44 33 26 5 12 0.01 140.00 Iraq 9 Jordan 72 26 30 9 7 0.00 -22.22 Kuwait 11 9 13 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Lebanon 23 28 10 2 2 0.00 Libya 6 13 5 4 4 0.00 Oman 9 1 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Qatar 3 1 1 Saudi Arabia 55 27 28 3 3 0.00 State of Palestine 35 17 57 1 10 0.00 900.00 Syrian Arab Republic 3 1 1 United Arab Emirates 13 6 6 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Yemen 1 1 SOUTH ASIA 1,299 866 682 216 204 0.09 -5.56 Afghanistan 2 1 Bangladesh 17 12 4 2 3 0.00 50.00 India 1,107 810 615 184 175 0.08 -4.89 Iran, Islamic Republic of 109 10 27 18 18 0.01 Maldives 2 3 Nepal 9 3 9 2 Pakistan 38 20 19 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Sri Lanka 15 11 4 2 4 0.00 100.00 NOT SPECIFIED 497,870 464,186 482,721 116,756 Nationals residing abroad 497,870 464,186 482,721 116,756 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 709 COUNTRY TABLES NIGER / NIGER 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 164,437 157,152 192,240 85,472 AFRICA 92,715 88,607 108,391 48,192 OTHER AFRICA 92,715 88,607 108,391 48,192 All countries of Africa 92,715 88,607 108,391 48,192 AMERICAS 14,794 14,139 17,296 7,691 NORTH AMERICA 14,426 13,787 16,865 7,499 Canada 6,025 5,758 7,044 3,132 United States of America 8,401 8,029 9,821 4,367 OTHER AMERICAS 368 352 431 192 Other countries of the Americas 368 352 431 192 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,124 12,542 15,342 6,822 NORHT-EAST ASIA 8,253 7,887 9,648 4,290 Japan 8,253 7,887 9,648 4,290 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,871 4,655 5,694 2,532 Other countries of Asia 4,871 4,655 5,694 2,532 EUROPE 43,804 41,864 51,211 22,767 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,829 3,659 4,476 1,990 Italy 3,829 3,659 4,476 1,990 WESTERN EUROPE 38,000 36,317 44,425 19,750 France 31,366 29,977 36,670 16,304 Germany 3,287 3,141 3,842 1,708 Benelux 3,347 3,199 3,913 1,738 OTHER EUROPE 1,975 1,888 2,310 1,027 Other countries of Europe 1,975 1,888 2,310 1,027 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 71C COUNTRY TABLES NIGERIA / NIGERIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 5,181,945 5,254,254 5,360,776 1,209,412 1,246,384 100.00 3.06 AFRICA 1,395,663 1,462,935 1,464,282 405,359 418,333 33.56 3.20 EAST AFRICA 85,498 86,101 85,503 28,375 29,287 2.35 3.21 Burundi 3,790 3,728 3,680 720 747 0.06 3.75 Djibouti 2,510 2,444 2,394 312 322 0.03 3.21 Eritrea 4,133 4,072 4,025 1,212 1,250 0.10 3.14 Ethiopia 16,685 16,686 16,665 4,453 4,595 0.37 3.19 Kenya 9,860 9,791 9,755 2,934 3,027 0.24 3.17 Madagascar 1,305 1,254 2 0.00 Malawi 3,654 3,591 3,543 1,224 1,263 0.10 3.19 Mozambique 2,800 2,735 2,685 1,093 1,127 0.09 3.11 Rwanda 4,635 4,575 4,529 1,958 2,020 0.16 3.17 Somalia 2,278 2,211 2,160 924 953 0.08 3.14 Tanzania, United Republic of 10,915 10,874 10,841 3,954 4,080 0.33 3.19 Uganda 7,257 7,205 7,164 2,785 2,878 0.23 3.34 Zambia 7,990 7,940 7,901 3,832 3,954 0.32 3.18 Zimbabwe 8,991 8,944 8,907 2,974 3,069 0.25 3.19 CENTRAL AFRICA 453,685 463,797 482,483 93,232 96,215 7.72 3.20 Angola 15,016 26,346 45,386 28 0.00 Cameroon 167,249 167,203 166,904 38,766 39,982 3.21 3.14 Central African Republic 19,818 19,331 19,001 2,653 2,737 0.22 3.17 Chad 63,284 63,666 64,223 14,174 14,627 1.17 3.20 Congo 63,696 64,087 64,652 14,502 14,966 1.20 3.20 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 62,330 62,693 63,230 15,432 15,925 1.28 3.19 Equatorial Guinea 13,482 12,853 12,377 304 313 0.03 2.96 Gabon 32,360 31,788 31,350 5,857 6,044 0.48 3.19 Sao Tome and Principe 16,450 15,830 15,360 1,544 1,593 0.13 3.17 NORTH AFRICA 35,059 72,585 72,512 8,107 8,366 0.67 3.19 Algeria 5,272 42,944 42,986 2,675 2,760 0.22 3.18 Morocco 9,164 9,133 9,108 668 689 0.06 3.14 South Sudan 5,415 5,372 5,339 986 1,017 0.08 3.14 Sudan 8,338 8,304 8,277 2,453 2,533 0.20 3.26 Tunisia 6,870 6,832 6,802 1,325 1,367 0.11 3.17 SOUTHERN AFRICA 92,645 92,203 91,853 20,267 20,915 1.68 3.20 Botswana 6,722 6,596 6,500 1,765 1,821 0.15 3.17 Eswatini 3,276 3,149 3,057 147 153 0.01 4.08 Lesotho 4,188 4,055 3,954 357 368 0.03 3.08 Namibia 8,959 8,840 8,749 1,973 2,036 0.16 3.19 South Africa 69,500 69,563 69,593 16,025 16,537 1.33 3.20 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 711 COUNTRY TABLES NIGERIA / NIGÉRIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 728,776 748,249 731,931 255,378 263,550 21.15 3.20 Benin 66,347 65,940 65,610 18,342 18,928 1.52 3.19 Burkina Faso 21,377 20,831 20,414 3,567 3,686 0.30 3.34 Cabo Verde 1 3 475 12,905 12,472 823 849 0.07 3.16 Cote d'lvoire 28,444 27,919 27,517 9,432 9,733 0.78 3.19 Gambia 39,476 38,984 38,604 10,456 10,790 0.87 3.19 Ghana 166,367 168,258 168,136 65,965 68,075 5.46 3.20 Guinea 25,165 24,631 24,222 8,877 9,161 0.74 3.20 Guinea-Bissau 29,386 28,864 28,463 14,786 15,261 1.22 3.21 Liberia 27,946 27,420 27,017 10,434 10,767 0.86 3.19 Mali 43,255 42,775 42,402 20,876 21,544 1.73 3.20 Mauritania 14,033 13,465 13,034 867 894 0.07 3.11 Niger 156,836 167,612 156,552 40,967 42,277 3.39 3.20 Senegal 30,946 30,429 30,032 13,876 14,320 1.15 3.20 Sierra Leone 28,276 27,751 27,348 15,324 15,814 1.27 3.20 Togo 50,922 50,465 50,108 20,786 21,451 1.72 3.20 AMERICAS 345,897 329,640 327,804 76,142 76,290 6.12 0.19 CARIBBEAN 45,594 42,394 40,246 6,767 7,002 0.56 3.47 Antigua and Barbuda 3,262 3,124 3,041 10 13 0.00 30.00 Bahamas 5,429 5,297 2,666 865 913 0.07 5.55 Barbados 4,762 1,992 2,636 920 946 0.08 2.83 Cuba 5,651 5,884 5,525 864 891 0.07 3.13 Dominican Republic 3,762 3,625 3,626 615 634 0.05 3.09 Grenada 2,870 2,103 2,738 26 28 0.00 7.69 Jamaica 7,540 7,779 7,424 1,250 1,290 0.10 3.20 Trinidad and Tobago 12,318 12,590 12,590 2,217 2,287 0.18 3.16 NORTH AMERICA 268,215 255,334 255,794 58,811 58,460 4.69 -0.60 Canada 60,843 60,130 60,226 21,425 22,110 1.77 3.20 Mexico 15,531 15,683 15,688 1,476 1,523 0.12 3.18 United States of America 191,841 179,521 179,880 35,910 34,827 2.79 -3.02 SOUTH AMERICA 32,088 31,912 31,764 10,564 10,828 0.87 2.50 Argentina 4,090 4,074 4,061 1,254 1,294 0.10 3.19 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,258 1,234 1,217 123 126 0.01 2.44 Brazil 16,312 16,333 16,344 4,875 4,957 0.40 1.68 Chile 4,291 4,276 4,263 2,870 2,961 0.24 3.17 Colombia 2,312 2,291 2,274 987 1,018 0.08 3.14 Guyana 600 565 547 24 25 0.00 4.17 Paraguay 1,513 1,489 1,470 357 368 0.03 3.08 Peru 569 554 531 42 43 0.00 2.38 Uruguay 533 509 491 6 9 0.00 50.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 610 587 566 26 27 0.00 3.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 712 COUNTRY TABLES NIGERIA / NIGERIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 215,366 215,580 215,141 40,404 41,891 3.36 3.68 NORHT-EAST ASIA 170,697 171,354 171,262 31,876 33,091 2.65 3.81 China 152,279 151,616 151,832 25,865 26,713 2.14 3.28 Hong Kong, China 544 2,443 2,363 7 9 0.00 28.57 Japan 8,386 8,294 8,223 2,435 2,707 0.22 11.17 Korea, Republic of 4,744 4,641 4,563 1,987 2,030 0.16 2.16 Taiwan Province of China 4,744 4,360 4,281 1,582 1,632 0.13 3.16 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 36,464 35,998 35,635 7,986 8,241 0.66 3.19 Indonesia 6,498 6,402 6,328 1,285 1,326 0.11 3.19 Malaysia 11,474 11,393 11,329 2,964 3,058 0.25 3.17 Philippines 7,607 7,515 7,443 1,496 1,543 0.12 3.14 Singapore 7,276 7,183 7,110 1,256 1,298 0.10 3.34 Thailand 3,609 3,505 3,425 985 1,016 0.08 3.15 AUSTRALASIA 8,205 8,228 8,244 542 559 0.04 3.14 Australia 4,659 4,672 4,681 365 376 0.03 3.01 New Zealand 3,546 3,556 3,563 177 183 0.01 3.39 EUROPE 460,036 459,082 458,280 74,903 77,299 6.20 3.20 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 37,475 37,252 37,134 10,561 10,898 0.87 3.19 Azerbaijan 2,342 2,324 2,309 823 849 0.07 3.16 Belarus 553 496 482 6 9 0.00 50.00 Bulgaria 5,116 5,106 5,097 1,973 2,036 0.16 3.19 Czech Republic (Czechia) 4,342 4,330 4,319 1,765 1,821 0.15 3.17 Georgia 3,016 2,998 2,982 274 282 0.02 2.92 Hungary 1,443 1,421 1,404 204 210 0.02 2.94 Poland 8,029 8,008 8,005 1,567 1,617 0.13 3.19 Romania 3,239 3,216 3,203 984 1,015 0.08 3.15 Russian Federation 7,275 7,252 7,247 1,987 2,050 0.16 3.17 Ukraine 2,120 2,101 2,086 978 1,009 0.08 3.17 NORTHERN EUROPE 230,503 230,412 230,280 27,141 28,009 2.25 3.20 Denmark 7,422 7,332 7,262 2,108 2,175 0.17 3.18 Finland 6,587 6,495 6,423 954 987 0.08 3.46 Iceland 38,866 38,871 38,864 1,607 1,658 0.13 3.17 Ireland 4,577 4,479 4,403 984 1,015 0.08 3.15 Norway 8,847 8,762 8,695 1,704 1,758 0.14 3.17 Sweden 7,668 7,579 7,510 3,241 3,344 0.27 3.18 United Kingdom 156,536 156,894 157,123 16,543 17,072 1.37 3.20 SOUTHERN EUROPE 46,068 45,909 45,761 9,435 9,736 0.78 3.19 Croatia 2,510 2,471 2,441 987 1,018 0.08 3.14 Greece 4,334 4,301 4,274 1,601 1,649 0.13 3.00 Italy 13,621 13,616 13,608 4,876 5,032 0.40 3.20 Malta 920 882 852 12 14 0.00 16.67 Portugal 5,499 5,469 5,445 1,932 1,993 0.16 3.16 Serbia 890 867 837 3 5 0.00 66.67 Spain 18,294 18,303 18,304 24 25 0.00 4.17 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 713 COUNTRY TABLES NIGERIA / NIGERIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 118,498 118,099 117,764 22,404 23,123 1.86 3.21 Austria 4,823 4,712 4,626 345 356 0.03 3.19 Belgium 6,677 6,571 6,489 2,107 2,178 0.17 3.37 France 39,199 39,191 39,174 8,913 9,198 0.74 3.20 Germany 47,124 47,140 47,139 9,521 9,825 0.79 3.19 Netherlands 16,343 16,266 16,204 532 549 0.04 3.20 Switzerland 4,332 4,219 4,132 986 1,017 0.08 3.14 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 27,492 27,410 27,341 5,362 5,533 0.44 3.19 Israel 5,765 5,782 5,793 2,206 2,276 0.18 3.17 Türkiye 21,727 21,628 21,548 3,156 3,257 0.26 3.20 MIDDLE EAST 78,271 76,899 78,826 34,774 35,886 2.88 3.20 Bahrain 2,882 2,555 2,466 24 26 0.00 8.33 Egypt 14,066 13,979 13,910 9,654 9,962 0.80 3.19 Iraq 4,288 4,172 4,083 968 998 0.08 3.10 Jordan 3,288 3,170 3,144 442 449 0.04 1.58 Kuwait 2,979 2,859 2,768 28 29 0.00 3.57 Lebanon 32,087 32,055 34,790 19,964 20,602 1.65 3.20 Libya 3,309 3,190 3,099 118 121 0.01 2.54 Oman 2,464 2,364 2,275 8 0.00 Saudi Arabia 6,066 5,955 5,870 1,976 2,039 0.16 3.19 Syrian Arab Republic 4,398 4,282 4,193 1,586 1,636 0.13 3.15 United Arab Emirates 2,444 2,318 2,228 14 16 0.00 14.29 SOUTH ASIA 108,040 107,687 107,378 21,742 22,243 1.78 2.30 Bangladesh 2,685 2,560 2,462 4 8 0.00 100.00 India 90,600 90,732 90,809 19,358 19,773 1.59 2.14 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,666 2,549 2,447 15 20 0.00 33.33 Pakistan 8,489 8,375 8,287 2,345 2,420 0.19 3.20 Sri Lanka 3,600 3,471 3,373 20 22 0.00 10.00 NOT SPECIFIED 2,578,672 2,602,431 2,709,065 556,088 574,442 46.09 3.30 Other countries of the world 2,330 18,360 119,826 Nationals residing abroad 2,576,342 2,584,071 2,589,239 556,088 574,442 46.09 3.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 714 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 600,901 673,830 725,103 114,654 283,896 100.00 147.61 AFRICA 1,351 1,627 1,212 224 485 0.17 116.52 SOUTHERN AFRICA 237 369 285 51 124 0.04 143.14 South Africa 237 369 285 51 124 0.04 143.14 OTHER AFRICA 1,114 1,258 927 173 361 0.13 108.67 Other countries of Africa 1,114 1,258 927 173 361 0.13 108.67 AMERICAS 20,822 24,639 26,501 4,161 11,831 4.17 184.33 NORTH AMERICA 18,075 21,955 22,311 3,856 10,885 3.83 182.29 Canada 2,966 4,010 3,980 319 703 0.25 120.38 United States of America 14,722 1 7,407 1 7,806 3,478 9,946 3.50 185.97 Other countries of North America 387 538 525 59 236 0.08 300.00 SOUTH AMERICA 1,112 839 1,367 109 272 0.10 149.54 Brazil 1,112 839 1,367 109 272 0.10 149.54 OTHER AMERICAS 1,635 1,845 2,823 196 674 0.24 243.88 Other countries of the Americas 1,635 1,845 2,823 196 674 0.24 243.88 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 45,072 53,297 51,090 3,112 3,734 1.32 19.99 NORHT-EAST ASIA 17,301 20,665 18,874 913 1,107 0.39 21.25 China 9,360 13,636 13,546 473 557 0.20 17.76 Japan 3,542 3,852 3,015 253 454 0.16 79.45 Korea, Republic of 4,399 3,177 2,313 187 96 0.03 -48.66 AUSTRALASIA 8,108 9,914 9,905 358 409 0.14 14.25 Australia 7,664 9,161 9,109 330 367 0.13 11.21 New Zealand 444 753 796 28 42 0.01 50.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,663 22,718 22,311 1,841 2,218 0.78 20.48 Other countries of Asia 17,027 21,403 20,973 1,735 2,160 0.76 24.50 Other countries of Oceania 2,636 1,315 1,338 106 58 0.02 -45.28 EUROPE 533,656 594,267 646,300 107,157 267,846 94.35 149.96 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 101,396 126,100 134,840 18,594 66,561 23.45 257.97 Belarus 400 534 357 60 314 0.11 423.33 Bulgaria 42,212 49,025 51,900 10,060 9,881 3.48 -1.78 Czech Republic (Czechia) 3,890 4,337 5,298 1,030 3,202 1.13 210.87 Estonia 540 1,454 1,338 102 408 0.14 300.00 Hungary 5,343 6,783 7,825 565 4,221 1.49 647.08 Latvia 429 616 993 60 307 0.11 411.67 Lithuania 613 895 1,456 124 383 0.13 208.87 Poland 21,119 32,554 33,488 2,422 18,583 6.55 667.26 Romania 14,308 15,852 18,160 1,813 11,552 4.07 537.18 Russian Federation 6,121 5,045 5,723 1,003 7,030 2.48 600.90 Slovakia 2,346 3,437 3,037 427 1,050 0.37 145.90 Ukraine 4,075 5,568 5,265 928 9,630 3.39 937.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 715 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 30,416 36,479 37,738 5,459 11,405 4.02 108.92 Denmark 4,091 4,613 4,825 567 1,704 0.60 200.53 Finland 1,541 2,147 4,088 729 625 0.22 -14.27 Iceland 504 362 337 26 206 0.07 692.31 Ireland 1,434 1,294 1,440 194 477 0.17 145.88 Norway 3,754 4,467 4,946 420 836 0.29 99.05 Sweden 8,161 10,990 10,711 1,709 3,751 1.32 119.49 United Kingdom 10,931 12,606 11,391 1,814 3,806 1.34 109.81 SOUTHERN EUROPE 184,765 217,059 248,031 60,406 119,955 42.25 98.58 Albania 18,343 26,762 26,733 11,378 16,169 5.70 42.11 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,010 8,117 9,375 1,566 4,068 1.43 159.77 Croatia 15,373 22,786 24,707 3,756 6,929 2.44 84.48 Greece 43,553 40,118 57,094 15,054 15,737 5.54 4.54 Italy 10,424 12,648 13,092 1,625 4,379 1.54 169.48 Malta 496 1,393 1,872 222 209 0.07 -5.86 Montenegro 5,734 6,479 6,727 1,461 3,022 1.06 106.84 Portugal 1,402 1,507 2,085 219 1,182 0.42 439.73 Serbia 48,843 52,296 55,439 11,377 42,483 14.96 273.41 Slovenia 12,129 15,915 17,013 1,524 5,051 1.78 231.43 Spain 5,787 6,007 9,853 951 2,773 0.98 191.59 Other countries of Southern Europe 15,671 23,031 24,041 11,273 17,953 6.32 59.26 WESTERN EUROPE 76,879 89,695 99,335 10,327 39,468 13.90 282.18 Austria 8,102 8,678 10,053 1,561 4,979 1.75 218.96 Belgium 7,074 9,413 9,121 961 3,320 1.17 245.47 France 7,330 8,461 8,849 1,316 3,932 1.39 198.78 Germany 21,941 28,353 32,321 3,753 15,364 5.41 309.38 Luxembourg 167 218 307 57 177 0.06 210.53 Netherlands 26,129 26,779 30,392 1,449 6,987 2.46 382.19 Switzerland 6,136 7,793 8,292 1,230 4,709 1.66 282.85 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 136,664 120,699 122,707 11,677 28,261 9.95 142.02 Cyprus 1,105 1,351 1,184 148 212 0.07 43.24 Israel 7,827 10,537 12,204 407 1,258 0.44 209.09 Turkiye 127,732 108,811 109,319 11,122 26,791 9.44 140.88 OTHER EUROPE 3,536 4,235 3,649 694 2,196 0.77 216.43 Other countries of Europe 3,536 4,235 3,649 694 2,196 0.77 216.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 716 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 630,594 707,345 757,593 118,206 293,963 100.00 148.69 AFRICA 1,362 1,666 1,244 225 505 0.17 124.44 SOUTHERN AFRICA 238 369 288 51 131 0.04 156.86 South Africa 238 369 288 51 131 0.04 156.86 OTHER AFRICA 1,124 1,297 956 174 374 0.13 114.94 Other countries of Africa 1,124 1,297 956 174 374 0.13 114.94 AMERICAS 21,389 25,393 27,270 4,277 12,185 4.15 184.90 NORTH AMERICA 18,599 22,597 22,973 3,945 11,214 3.81 184.26 Canada 3,031 4,100 4,110 333 734 0.25 120.42 United States of America 15,163 17,916 18,285 3,550 10,243 3.48 188.54 Other countries of North America 405 581 578 62 237 0.08 282.26 SOUTH AMERICA 1,127 871 1,387 121 282 0.10 133.06 Brazil 1,127 871 1,387 121 282 0.10 133.06 OTHER AMERICAS 1,663 1,925 2,910 211 689 0.23 226.54 Other countries of the Americas 1,663 1,925 2,910 211 689 0.23 226.54 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 45,940 54,292 52,126 3,194 3,970 1.35 24.30 NORHT-EAST ASIA 17,423 20,858 19,074 933 1,125 0.38 20.58 China 9,435 13,724 13,635 482 567 0.19 17.63 Japan 3,573 3,889 3,063 262 462 0.16 76.34 Korea, Republic of 4,415 3,245 2,376 189 96 0.03 -49.21 AUSTRALASIA 8,698 10,539 10,440 374 441 0.15 17.91 Australia 8,228 9,701 9,511 346 396 0.13 14.45 New Zealand 470 838 929 28 45 0.02 60.71 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,819 22,895 22,612 1,887 2,404 0.82 27.40 Other countries of Asia 17,183 21,571 21,253 1,781 2,344 0.80 31.61 Other countries of Oceania 2,636 1,324 1,359 106 60 0.02 -43.40 EUROPE 561,903 625,994 676,953 110,510 277,303 94.33 150.93 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 109,086 135,723 144,783 20,114 69,811 23.75 247.08 Belarus 446 549 371 62 317 0.11 411.29 Bulgaria 45,958 52,659 55,880 10,443 10,174 3.46 -2.58 Czech Republic (Czechia) 4,624 5,105 6,268 1,095 3,679 1.25 235.98 Estonia 608 1,508 1,384 103 428 0.15 315.53 Hungary 5,625 7,371 8,562 1,092 4,408 1.50 303.66 Latvia 472 648 1,012 62 312 0.11 403.23 Lithuania 689 964 1,504 124 412 0.14 232.26 Poland 22,281 34,575 35,611 2,748 19,748 6.72 618.63 Romania 15,044 16,727 18,984 1,850 11,780 4.01 536.76 Russian Federation 6,555 5,346 6,072 1,047 7,474 2.54 613.85 Slovakia 2,539 3,793 3,230 445 1,152 0.39 158.88 Ukraine 4,245 6,478 5,905 1,043 9,927 3.38 851.77 NORTHERN EUROPE 31,763 38,247 39,886 5,665 11,827 4.02 108.77 Denmark 4,266 4,794 5,080 572 1,769 0.60 209.27 Finland 1,629 2,275 4,392 762 661 0.22 -13.25 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 717 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Iceland 514 381 355 26 209 0.07 703.85 Ireland 1,514 1,379 1,540 204 488 0.17 139.22 Norway 3,887 4,619 5,116 433 850 0.29 96.30 Sweden 8,557 11,530 11,188 1,794 3,870 1.32 115.72 United Kingdom 11,396 13,269 12,215 1,874 3,980 1.35 112.38 SOUTHERN EUROPE 197,700 228,605 257,882 61,438 123,312 41.95 100.71 Albania 21,194 27,311 27,311 11,555 16,410 5.58 42.02 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,199 8,508 9,698 1,582 4,171 1.42 163.65 Croatia 15,860 23,829 25,553 3,826 7,236 2.46 89.13 Greece 44,931 40,947 57,578 15,145 15,877 5.40 4.83 Italy 11,124 13,403 13,757 1,672 4,539 1.54 171.47 Malta 526 1,516 2,084 248 214 0.07 -13.71 Montenegro 5,981 6,844 6,938 1,494 3,148 1.07 110.71 Portugal 1,443 1,580 2,179 227 1,207 0.41 431.72 Serbia 53,121 57,460 59,567 11,697 43,914 14.94 275.43 Slovenia 12,815 16,890 1 7,954 1,644 5,420 1.84 229.68 Spain 6,012 6,303 10,184 972 2,906 0.99 198.97 Other countries of Southern Europe 17,494 24,014 25,079 11,376 18,270 6.22 60.60 WESTERN EUROPE 80,916 94,420 104,389 10,633 41,360 14.07 288.98 Austria 8,367 9,014 10,481 1,568 5,165 1.76 229.40 Belgium 7,499 9,966 9,698 977 3,430 1.17 251.07 France 8,008 9,030 9,445 1,432 4,183 1.42 192.11 Germany 23,544 30,1 73 34,342 3,851 16,241 5.52 321.73 Luxembourg 172 221 320 57 188 0.06 229.82 Netherlands 26,889 27,918 31,481 1,494 7,226 2.46 383.67 Switzerland 6,437 8,098 8,622 1,254 4,927 1.68 292.90 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 138,789 123,794 126,117 11,961 28,757 9.78 140.42 Cyprus 1,114 1,360 1,209 150 216 0.07 44.00 Israel 7,967 10,767 12,436 416 1,281 0.44 207.93 Turkiye 129,708 111,667 112,472 11,395 27,260 9.27 139.23 OTHER EUROPE 3,649 5,205 3,896 699 2,236 0.76 219.89 Other countries of Europe 3,649 5,205 3,896 699 2,236 0.76 219.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 718 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,216,277 1,416,374 1,499,113 234,312 638,128 100.00 172.34 AFRICA 3,833 3,926 3,662 457 1,691 0.26 270.02 SOUTHERN AFRICA 491 1,012 899 146 322 0.05 120.55 South Africa 491 1,012 899 146 322 0.05 120.55 OTHER AFRICA 3,342 2,914 2,763 311 1,369 0.21 340.19 Other countries of Africa 3,342 2,914 2,763 311 1,369 0.21 340.19 AMERICAS 42,927 48,823 51,201 9,166 28,674 4.49 212.83 NORTH AMERICA 38,492 44,439 44,074 8,542 25,676 4.02 200.59 Canada 5,013 7,081 7,135 730 1,593 0.25 118.22 United States of America 32,501 36,304 36,006 7,701 23,579 3.70 206.18 Other countries of North America 978 1,054 933 111 504 0.08 354.05 SOUTH AMERICA 1,705 1,368 2,398 217 893 0.14 311.52 Brazil 1,705 1,368 2,398 217 893 0.14 311.52 OTHER AMERICAS 2,730 3,016 4,729 407 2,105 0.33 417.20 Other countries of the Americas 2,730 3,016 4,729 407 2,105 0.33 417.20 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 69,731 77,287 77,063 7,400 14,439 2.26 95.12 NORHT-EAST ASIA 23,364 26,553 25,542 3,655 4,986 0.78 36.42 China 13,768 17,314 1 7,953 2,130 3,285 0.51 54.23 Japan 4,689 5,663 4,749 1,080 1,476 0.23 36.67 Korea, Republic of 4,907 3,576 2,840 445 225 0.04 -49.44 AUSTRALASIA 19,751 21,697 20,598 833 886 0.14 6.36 Australia 18,876 20,362 19,452 779 824 0.13 5.78 New Zealand 875 1,335 1,146 54 62 0.01 14.81 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 26,616 29,037 30,923 2,912 8,567 1.34 194.20 Other countries of Asia 23,529 27,465 29,229 2,752 8,463 1.33 207.52 Other countries of Oceania 3,087 1,572 1,694 160 104 0.02 -35.00 EUROPE 1,099,786 1,286,338 1,367,187 217,289 593,324 92.98 173.06 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 227,619 327,435 322,798 44,021 153,369 24.03 248.40 Belarus 781 1,459 717 157 1,204 0.19 666.88 Bulgaria 72,753 82,721 85,735 15,918 19,081 2.99 19.87 Czech Republic (Czechia) 8,381 19,464 22,092 7,888 17,930 2.81 127.31 Estonia 1,200 5,085 4,713 257 829 0.13 222.57 Hungary 12,948 14,587 1 7,523 1,714 8,523 1.34 397.26 Latvia 905 1,454 2,259 113 668 0.10 491.15 Lithuania 1,612 2,326 3,743 370 1,080 0.17 191.89 Poland 71,390 122,900 120,047 8,185 53,867 8.44 558.12 Romania 25,565 29,494 30,721 3,958 17,615 2.76 345.05 Russian Federation 15,488 12,619 14,236 2,500 15,529 2.43 521.16 Slovakia 6,707 11,468 7,835 1,134 3,384 0.53 198.41 Ukraine 9,889 23,858 13,177 1,827 13,659 2.14 647.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 719 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 68,839 80,332 86,393 11,732 28,853 4.52 145.93 Denmark 10,668 10,621 11,728 1,102 4,280 0.67 288.38 Finland 3,208 4,502 10,275 1,871 1,491 0.23 -20.31 Iceland 1,093 952 1,269 54 872 0.14 1,514.81 Ireland 3,542 2,820 3,462 402 1,027 0.16 155.47 Norway 8,814 10,592 11,848 757 1,815 0.28 139.76 Sweden 17,932 25,577 24,284 3,760 9,000 1.41 139.36 United Kingdom 23,582 25,268 23,527 3,786 10,368 1.62 1 73.85 SOUTHERN EUROPE 337,887 401,793 445,731 109,677 249,397 39.08 127.39 Albania 28,818 52,494 54,510 18,013 30,867 4.84 71.36 Bosnia and Herzegovina 13,823 15,458 16,511 3,912 9,014 1.41 130.42 Croatia 29,103 43,257 49,548 8,157 15,541 2.44 90.52 Greece 72,400 64,563 81,970 20,432 29,942 4.69 46.54 Italy 21,548 25,762 27,089 3,918 10,808 1.69 1 75.86 Malta 1,362 3,949 5,002 673 679 0.11 0.89 Montenegro 11,134 14,332 13,561 2,734 6,125 0.96 124.03 Portugal 3,047 2,937 4,440 705 8,194 1.28 1,062.27 Serbia 92,457 91,078 97,477 24,129 85,035 13.33 252.42 Slovenia 23,663 30,824 30,709 3,795 11,460 1.80 201.98 Spain 11,965 11,007 17,275 1,718 6,379 1.00 271.30 Other countries of Southern Europe 28,567 46,132 47,639 21,491 35,353 5.54 64.50 WESTERN EUROPE 252,854 278,354 306,963 27,407 102,093 16.00 272.51 Austria 19,001 19,540 22,607 7,870 12,239 1.92 55.51 Belgium 23,996 32,608 29,900 1,991 7,258 1.14 264.54 France 14,181 1 7,374 17,461 2,622 7,787 1.22 196.99 Germany 43,842 58,936 62,518 9,066 38,855 6.09 328.58 Luxembourg 325 500 920 124 529 0.08 326.61 Netherlands 139,845 133,919 157,408 3,257 25,332 3.97 677.77 Switzerland 11,664 15,477 16,149 2,477 10,093 1.58 307.47 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 205,016 189,416 197,799 23,172 54,912 8.61 136.98 Cyprus 1,751 2,341 2,142 335 627 0.10 87.16 Israel 23,509 30,775 36,690 1,011 2,706 0.42 167.66 Turkiye 1 79,756 156,300 158,967 21,826 51,579 8.08 136.32 OTHER EUROPE 7,571 9,008 7,503 1,280 4,700 0.74 267.19 Other countries of Europe 7,571 9,008 7,503 1,280 4,700 0.74 267.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 720 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,294,692 1,491,535 1,577,771 252,930 670,460 100.00 165.08 AFRICA 3,851 3,981 3,725 458 1,771 0.26 286.68 SOUTHERN AFRICA 492 1,012 902 146 347 0.05 137.67 South Africa 492 1,012 902 146 347 0.05 137.67 OTHER AFRICA 3,359 2,969 2,823 312 1,424 0.21 356.41 Other countries of Africa 3,359 2,969 2,823 312 1,424 0.21 356.41 AMERICAS 44,685 50,789 52,830 9,343 29,271 4.37 213.29 NORTH AMERICA 40,185 46,141 45,496 8,688 26,244 3.91 202.07 Canada 5,141 7,218 7,442 749 1,648 0.25 120.03 United States of America 33,968 37,623 37,034 7,824 24,089 3.59 207.89 Other countries of North America 1,076 1,300 1,020 115 507 0.08 340.87 SOUTH AMERICA 1,721 1,418 2,461 229 904 0.13 294.76 Brazil 1,721 1,418 2,461 229 904 0.13 294.76 OTHER AMERICAS 2,779 3,230 4,873 426 2,123 0.32 398.36 Other countries of the Americas 2,779 3,230 4,873 426 2,123 0.32 398.36 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 71,331 79,317 79,213 7,773 15,629 2.33 101.07 NORHT-EAST ASIA 23,569 26,878 25,928 3,675 5,019 0.75 36.57 China 13,908 1 7,442 18,121 2,139 3,302 0.49 54.37 Japan 4,738 5,736 4,832 1,089 1,492 0.22 37.01 Korea, Republic of 4,923 3,700 2,975 447 225 0.03 -49.66 AUSTRALASIA 20,798 23,034 21,667 851 951 0.14 11.75 Australia 19,892 21,610 20,378 797 884 0.13 10.92 New Zealand 906 1,424 1,289 54 67 0.01 24.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 26,964 29,405 31,618 3,247 9,659 1.44 197.47 Other countries of Asia 23,877 27,793 29,898 3,087 9,548 1.42 209.30 Other countries of Oceania 3,087 1,612 1,720 160 111 0.02 -30.63 EUROPE 1,174,825 1,357,448 1,442,003 235,356 623,789 93.04 165.04 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 244,982 350,768 352,443 55,834 164,863 24.59 195.27 Belarus 1,144 1,483 736 159 1,215 0.18 664.15 Bulgaria 79,370 89,028 93,208 16,623 19,878 2.96 19.58 Czech Republic (Czechia) 9,875 21,038 23,970 8,112 18,887 2.82 132.83 Estonia 1,418 5,271 4,824 258 908 0.14 251.94 Hungary 13,413 15,936 21,856 10,133 8,881 1.32 -12.36 Latvia 1,021 1,528 2,299 115 675 0.10 486.96 Lithuania 1,731 2,414 3,823 370 1,180 0.18 218.92 Poland 73,064 126,613 127,968 10,045 59,878 8.93 496.10 Romania 27,936 31,218 33,439 4,004 18,275 2.73 356.42 Russian Federation 18,478 13,463 14,962 2,550 16,436 2.45 544.55 Slovakia 7,123 12,319 8,429 1,407 4,445 0.66 215.92 Ukraine 10,409 30,457 16,929 2,058 14,205 2.12 590.23 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 721 COUNTRY TABLES NORTH MACEDONIA / MACEDOINE DU NORD / MACEDONIA DEL NORTE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 71,719 84,107 90,983 12,037 29,857 4.45 148.04 Denmark 11,004 11,055 12,335 1,108 4,445 0.66 301.17 Finland 3,328 4,707 10,858 1,920 1,565 0.23 -18.49 Iceland 1,103 979 1,291 54 879 0.13 1,527.78 Ireland 3,749 2,979 3,658 413 1,046 0.16 153.27 Norway 9,084 10,918 12,261 775 1,856 0.28 139.48 Sweden 18,931 26,624 25,366 3,894 9,317 1.39 139.27 United Kingdom 24,520 26,845 25,214 3,873 10,749 1.60 177.54 SOUTHERN EUROPE 377,766 424,522 468,462 113,786 261,700 39.03 129.99 Albania 44,928 53,531 55,686 18,315 31,500 4.70 71.99 Bosnia and Herzegovina 14,184 16,323 17,312 3,941 9,348 1.39 137.20 Croatia 30,139 46,005 52,134 8,529 18,138 2.71 112.66 Greece 74,272 65,926 82,958 20,641 30,237 4.51 46.49 Italy 23,125 27,330 28,622 4,147 11,311 1.69 172.75 Malta 1,421 4,120 5,373 705 686 0.10 -2.70 Montenegro 11,537 14,980 13,980 2,769 6,358 0.95 129.61 Portugal 3,176 3,116 4,701 713 8,276 1.23 1,060.73 Serbia 100,692 100,520 106,103 25,109 89,612 13.37 256.89 Slovenia 24,904 32,896 33,443 5,472 13,584 2.03 148.25 Spain 12,531 11,608 18,095 1,747 6,691 1.00 283.00 Other countries of Southern Europe 36,857 48,167 50,055 21,698 35,959 5.36 65.72 WESTERN EUROPE 261,338 287,583 317,292 27,884 106,410 15.87 281.62 Austria 19,467 20,115 23,510 7,887 12,679 1.89 60.76 Belgium 24,903 33,582 31,121 2,022 7,549 1.13 273.34 France 15,657 18,499 18,663 2,786 8,255 1.23 196.30 Germany 46,899 62,238 66,277 9,212 40,866 6.10 343.62 Luxembourg 344 509 950 124 555 0.08 347.58 Netherlands 141,675 136,663 159,909 3,341 25,944 3.87 676.53 Switzerland 12,393 15,977 16,862 2,512 10,562 1.58 320.46 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 211,121 200,186 204,811 24,529 56,164 8.38 128.97 Cyprus 1,763 2,350 2,172 337 633 0.09 87.83 Israel 23,730 31,216 37,180 1,020 2,745 0.41 169.12 Turkiye 185,628 166,620 165,459 23,172 52,786 7.87 127.80 OTHER EUROPE 7,899 10,282 8,012 1,286 4,795 0.72 272.86 Other countries of Europe 7,899 10,282 8,012 1,286 4,795 0.72 272.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 722 COUNTRY TABLES NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS / ILES MARIANNES SEPTENTRIONALES / ISLAS MARIANAS SEPTENTRIONALES 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 659,741 517,807 487,008 88,949 12,684 100.00 -85.74 AMERICAS 26,025 24,480 24,103 6,058 5,449 42.96 -10.05 NORTH AMERICA 26,025 24,480 24,103 6,058 5,449 42.96 -10.05 Canada 424 350 351 81 10 0.08 -87.65 United States of America (*) 25,601 24,130 23,752 5,977 5,439 42.88 -9.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 629,245 490,387 459,082 82,505 7,166 56.50 -91.31 NORHT-EAST ASIA 626,203 487,451 455,794 81,498 6,864 54.12 -91.58 China 233,986 215,892 185,524 18,550 12 0.09 -99.94 Hong Kong, China 5,499 2,838 2,963 253 7 0.06 -97.23 Japan 50,944 27,291 17,121 9,870 54 0.43 -99.45 Korea, Republic of 334,741 240,577 249,211 52,732 6,783 53.48 -87.14 Taiwan Province of China 1,033 853 975 93 8 0.06 -91.40 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,055 786 808 295 154 1.21 -47.80 Philippines 980 736 760 295 154 1.21 -47.80 Thailand 75 50 48 AUSTRALASIA 360 277 384 59 3 0.02 -94.92 Australia 360 277 384 59 3 0.02 -94.92 MICRONESIA 1,627 1,873 2,096 653 145 1.14 -77.79 Micronesia, Federated States of 1,276 1,463 1,772 570 124 0.98 -78.25 Palau 351 410 324 83 21 0.17 -74.70 EUROPE 2,711 1,952 1,631 187 15 0.12 -91.98 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,046 1,475 1,027 58 2 0.02 -96.55 Russian Federation 2,046 1,475 1,027 58 2 0.02 -96.55 OTHER EUROPE 665 477 604 129 13 0.10 -89.92 Other countries of Europe 665 477 604 129 13 0.10 -89.92 NOT SPECIFIED 1,760 988 2,192 199 54 0.43 -72.86 Other countries of the world 1,760 988 2,192 199 54 0.43 -72.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 723 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,204,589 4,008,328 4,114,479 894,312 839,046 100.00 -6.18 AFRICA 32,661 34,318 38,246 7,995 5,660 0.67 -29.21 SOUTHERN AFRICA 11,256 6,761 6,241 1,991 498 0.06 -74.99 South Africa 11,256 6,761 6,241 1,991 498 0.06 -74.99 OTHER AFRICA 21,405 27,557 32,005 6,004 5,162 0.62 -14.02 Other countries of Africa 21,405 27,557 32,005 6,004 5,162 0.62 -14.02 AMERICAS 488,788 548,570 588,866 117,903 110,539 13.17 -6.25 NORTH AMERICA 424,432 495,827 541,583 108,574 106,915 12.74 -1.53 Canada 21,301 23,368 24,757 3,534 1,344 0.16 -61.97 Mexico 5,857 6,927 7,938 1,581 1,098 0.13 -30.55 United States of America 397,274 465,532 508,888 103,459 104,473 12.45 0.98 SOUTH AMERICA 41,031 27,902 25,072 3,700 837 0.10 -77.38 Brazil 41,031 27,902 25,072 3,700 837 0.10 -77.38 OTHER AMERICAS 23,325 24,841 22,211 5,629 2,787 0.33 -50.49 Other countries of the Americas 23,325 24,841 22,211 5,629 2,787 0.33 -50.49 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 881,826 652,531 691,335 64,982 22,683 2.70 -65.09 NORHT-EAST ASIA 520,301 402,622 439,217 17,313 3,328 0.40 -80.78 China 352,104 255,826 275,196 11,924 1,814 0.22 -84.79 Japan 75,443 60,568 63,083 3,821 1,277 0.15 -66.58 Korea, Republic of 92,754 58,018 76,605 1,568 237 0.03 -84.89 Taiwan Province of China 28,210 24,333 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 62,725 71,171 Indonesia 11,651 13,886 Malaysia 11,043 12,106 Singapore 19,031 20,260 Thailand 21,000 24,919 AUSTRALASIA 61,941 64,564 63,433 10,029 1,104 0.13 -88.99 Australia 61,941 64,564 63,433 10,029 1,104 0.13 -88.99 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 299,584 122,620 117,514 37,640 18,251 2.18 -51.51 Other countries of Asia 288,736 111,969 109,552 35,942 16,449 1.96 -54.23 Other countries of Oceania 10,848 10,651 7,962 1,698 1,802 0.21 6.12 EUROPE 2,772,405 2,705,951 2,715,764 703,432 700,164 83.45 -0.46 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 227,694 255,406 300,171 75,087 101,359 12.08 34.99 Belarus 2,967 3,462 Bulgaria 5,733 3,870 4,989 909 2,213 0.26 143.45 Czech Republic (Czechia) 15,866 20,826 19,498 3,030 6,582 0.78 117.23 Estonia 10,800 11,098 14,686 4,694 4,946 0.59 5.37 Hungary 13,036 13,872 16,391 3,176 2,787 0.33 -12.25 Latvia 11,767 8,939 10,005 3,568 4,953 0.59 38.82 Lithuania 16,921 19,555 24,007 8,562 12,110 1.44 41.44 Moldova, Republic of 584 657 Poland 68,246 84,915 102,560 33,567 52,042 6.20 55.04 Romania 13,227 16,595 19,656 6,837 6,776 0.81 -0.89 Russian Federation 55,902 54,205 61,200 6,970 4,814 0.57 -30.93 Slovakia 6,717 7,459 7,679 1,571 2,400 0.29 52.77 Ukraine 9,479 10,521 15,381 2,203 1,736 0.21 -21.20 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 724 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,135,782 1,122,743 1,018,127 392,943 283,223 33.76 -27.92 Denmark 226,495 255,993 207,060 117,374 69,630 8.30 -40.68 Finland 76,211 74,695 77,710 44,1 70 22,908 2.73 -48.14 Iceland 14,175 13,612 12,390 3,667 4,122 0.49 12.41 Ireland 13,038 14,443 13,326 5,487 3,893 0.46 -29.05 Sweden 443,315 438,744 421,008 127,195 119,319 14.22 -6.19 United Kingdom 362,548 325,256 286,633 95,050 63,351 7.55 -33.35 SOUTHERN EUROPE 347,280 340,389 350,314 46,476 65,577 7.82 41.10 Albania 1,588 1,473 Andorra 873 1,051 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,335 666 Croatia 4,211 5,983 5,537 1,066 1,855 0.22 74.02 Greece 8,179 10,933 10,636 2,491 4,086 0.49 64.03 Italy 122,497 126,529 121,834 24,444 32,838 3.91 34.34 Malta 2,180 1,594 1,966 245 310 0.04 26.53 Montenegro 747 1,239 North Macedonia 858 667 Portugal 14,625 16,407 20,556 3,129 3,857 0.46 23.27 San Marino 344 255 Serbia 2,057 1,645 Slovenia 4,867 4,368 5,136 966 1,491 0.18 54.35 Spain 190,721 166,773 1 77,653 14,135 21,140 2.52 49.56 WESTERN EUROPE 1,027,006 970,658 1,033,026 183,638 246,122 29.33 34.03 Austria 36,861 37,068 41,165 7,055 8,680 1.03 23.03 Belgium 53,476 52,126 55,074 9,388 13,893 1.66 47.99 France 184,102 176,500 204,323 24,511 35,900 4.28 46.46 Germany 474,120 437,520 458,561 88,642 118,874 14.17 34.11 Liechtenstein 1,040 1,012 Luxembourg 3,748 3,899 3,863 502 660 0.08 31.47 Monaco 619 510 Netherlands 183,227 178,138 183,949 38,944 53,156 6.34 36.49 Switzerland 91,472 83,748 84,569 14,596 14,959 1.78 2.49 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 16,067 14,733 12,578 2,935 1,509 0.18 -48.59 Cyprus 2,067 1,808 1,912 432 397 0.05 -8.10 Turkiye 14,000 12,925 10,666 2,503 1,112 0.13 -55.57 OTHER EUROPE 18,576 2,022 1,548 2,353 2,374 0.28 0.89 Other countries of Europe 18,576 2,022 1,548 2,353 2,374 0.28 0.89 MIDDLE EAST 21,703 24,544 Qatar 5,473 7,535 United Arab Emirates 16,230 17,009 SOUTH ASIA 45,255 55,724 India 45,255 55,724 NOT SPECIFIED 28,909 Other countries of the world 28,909 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 725 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 6,251,962 5,687,552 5,879,014 1,396,641 1,435,366 100.00 2.77 AFRICA 34,796 34,518 45,015 18,192 6,554 0.46 -63.97 SOUTHERN AFRICA 11,831 6,886 7,009 2,096 675 0.05 -67.80 South Africa 11,831 6,886 7,009 2,096 675 0.05 -67.80 OTHER AFRICA 22,965 27,632 38,006 16,096 5,879 0.41 -63.48 Other countries of Africa 22,965 27,632 38,006 16,096 5,879 0.41 -63.48 AMERICAS 526,555 544,729 618,491 120,966 122,408 8.53 1.19 NORTH AMERICA 456,984 491,034 565,430 110,776 115,110 8.02 3.91 Canada 26,574 26,326 31,827 3,818 1,842 0.13 -51.75 Mexico 6,375 7,053 8,316 1,696 1,240 0.09 -26.89 United States of America 424,035 457,655 525,287 105,262 112,028 7.80 6.43 SOUTH AMERICA 43,738 28,325 27,867 4,102 1,936 0.13 -52.80 Brazil 43,738 28,325 27,867 4,102 1,936 0.13 -52.80 OTHER AMERICAS 25,833 25,370 25,194 6,088 5,362 0.37 -11.93 Other countries of the Americas 25,833 25,370 25,194 6,088 5,362 0.37 -11.93 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 962,903 663,820 665,593 73,014 32,226 2.25 -55.86 NORHT-EAST ASIA 555,272 400,687 398,576 19,609 4,252 0.30 -78.32 China 375,738 252,660 259,202 13,881 2,514 0.18 -81.89 Japan 79,243 58,623 55,092 3,951 1,399 0.10 -64.59 Korea, Republic of 100,291 58,862 57,320 1,777 339 0.02 -80.92 Taiwan Province of China 30,542 26,962 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 65,813 77,533 Indonesia 11,377 13,811 Malaysia 11,972 13,315 Singapore 19,852 21,218 Thailand 22,612 29,189 AUSTRALASIA 71,362 68,897 68,857 10,886 1,734 0.12 -84.07 Australia 71,362 68,897 68,857 10,886 1,734 0.12 -84.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 336,269 128,423 120,627 42,519 26,240 1.83 -38.29 Other countries of Asia 323,364 116,131 110,367 40,328 23,629 1.65 -41.41 Other countries of Oceania 12,905 12,292 10,260 2,191 2,611 0.18 19.17 EUROPE 4,727,708 4,371,674 4,461,827 1,184,469 1,274,178 88.77 7.57 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 441,835 435,450 482,472 112,834 158,308 11.03 40.30 Belarus 3,947 4,394 Bulgaria 6,872 4,339 5,593 1,147 2,841 0.20 147.69 Czech Republic (Czechia) 50,779 52,050 54,441 5,865 15,555 1.08 165.22 Estonia 26,297 25,139 26,205 7,255 7,460 0.52 2.83 Hungary 16,866 15,913 19,945 3,738 3,632 0.25 -2.84 Latvia 25,490 20,348 20,314 6,702 7,671 0.53 14.46 Lithuania 52,284 45,226 47,009 16,204 20,505 1.43 26.54 Moldova, Republic of 623 723 Poland 129,413 141,654 157,471 49,962 78,231 5.45 56.58 Romania 27,196 22,284 24,561 8,201 9,422 0.66 14.89 Russian Federation 80,093 75,163 84,706 8,169 5,715 0.40 -30.04 Slovakia 13,121 13,073 14,703 2,949 5,001 0.35 69.58 Ukraine 13,424 15,691 22,407 2,642 2,275 0.16 -13.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 726 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,659,447 1,555,649 1,528,892 589,298 411,305 28.66 -30.20 Denmark 405,909 426,214 415,127 218,690 109,282 7.61 -50.03 Finland 124,222 113,521 120,582 95,980 49,197 3.43 -48.74 Iceland 20,613 14,867 14,729 5,023 6,978 0.49 38.92 Ireland 14,830 15,846 15,797 5,941 5,042 0.35 -15.13 Sweden 678,256 633,201 605,581 157,870 166,465 11.60 5.44 United Kingdom 415,617 352,000 357,076 105,794 74,341 5.18 -29.73 SOUTHERN EUROPE 431,645 402,706 396,926 57,072 94,312 6.57 65.25 Albania 1,571 1,539 Andorra 904 1,233 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,396 739 Croatia 6,462 9,184 6,883 1,289 2,700 0.19 109.46 Greece 9,338 11,074 11,085 2,700 4,630 0.32 71.48 Italy 158,536 152,443 150,181 30,607 48,288 3.36 57.77 Malta 2,374 1,633 2,167 384 384 0.03 Montenegro 837 1,201 North Macedonia 903 695 Portugal 18,052 18,913 22,473 3,644 5,384 0.38 47.75 San Marino 353 427 Serbia 2,529 2,020 Slovenia 7,277 8,540 7,570 1,386 2,278 0.16 64.36 Spain 229,606 192,426 188,713 17,062 30,648 2.14 79.63 WESTERN EUROPE 2,151,093 1,959,269 2,037,855 419,344 604,976 42.15 44.27 Austria 62,580 62,919 61,815 10,489 16,699 1.16 59.20 Belgium 90,662 83,444 87,996 13,552 25,698 1.79 89.63 France 265,021 232,479 248,097 31,991 56,519 3.94 76.67 Germany 1,141,188 1,028,016 1,074,066 257,572 361,948 25.22 40.52 Liechtenstein 1,239 1,308 Luxembourg 5,330 5,362 5,241 563 1,347 0.09 139.25 Monaco 635 539 Netherlands 438,042 413,263 425,040 82,563 112,171 7.81 35.86 Switzerland 148,270 131,912 133,753 22,614 30,594 2.13 35.29 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,088 16,612 14,004 3,345 2,223 0.15 -33.54 Cyprus 2,319 1,837 1,966 460 482 0.03 4.78 Turkiye 1 7,769 14,775 12,038 2,885 1,741 0.12 -39.65 OTHER EUROPE 23,600 1,988 1,678 2,576 3,054 0.21 18.56 Other countries of Europe 23,600 1,988 1,678 2,576 3,054 0.21 18.56 MIDDLE EAST 24,236 29,521 Qatar 5,523 7,509 United Arab Emirates 18,713 22,012 SOUTH ASIA 48,575 58,567 India 48,575 58,567 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 727 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 6,585,534 6,641,256 7,059,919 2,025,717 1,818,587 100.00 -10.23 AFRICA 55,074 56,854 67,587 17,299 10,940 0.60 -36.76 SOUTHERN AFRICA 18,133 11,201 11,755 4,112 1,679 0.09 -59.17 South Africa 18,133 11,201 11,755 4,112 1,679 0.09 -59.17 OTHER AFRICA 36,941 45,653 55,832 13,187 9,261 0.51 -29.77 Other countries of Africa 36,941 45,653 55,832 13,187 9,261 0.51 -29.77 AMERICAS 774,670 908,800 1,057,145 232,528 206,809 11.37 -11.06 NORTH AMERICA 674,106 821,422 969,557 210,301 196,636 10.81 -6.50 Canada 34,859 38,713 47,695 8,293 2,891 0.16 -65.14 Mexico 10,227 11,476 14,006 2,796 2,009 0.11 -28.15 United States of America 629,020 771,233 907,856 199,212 191,736 10.54 -3.75 SOUTH AMERICA 63,914 46,224 46,338 10,048 2,258 0.12 -77.53 Brazil 63,914 46,224 46,338 10,048 2,258 0.12 -77.53 OTHER AMERICAS 36,650 41,154 41,250 12,179 7,915 0.44 -35.01 Other countries of the Americas 36,650 41,154 41,250 12,179 7,915 0.44 -35.01 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,217,480 1,081,811 1,094,843 117,956 38,028 2.09 -67.76 NORHT-EAST ASIA 664,741 667,791 671,840 40,431 8,583 0.47 -78.77 China 446,731 423,820 437,761 23,679 4,163 0.23 -82.42 Japan 106,523 100,341 95,626 8,225 3,835 0.21 -53.37 Korea, Republic of 111,487 96,117 96,701 5,223 516 0.03 -90.12 Taiwan Province of China 47,513 41,752 3,304 69 0.00 -97.91 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 103,916 122,120 21,799 3,608 0.20 -83.45 Indonesia 19,302 23,826 3,856 620 0.03 -83.92 Malaysia 18,295 20,773 3,356 393 0.02 -88.29 Singapore 31,530 34,763 5,706 437 0.02 -92.34 Thailand 34,789 42,758 8,881 2,158 0.12 -75.70 AUSTRALASIA 98,705 106,961 109,023 20,298 2,256 0.12 -88.89 Australia 98,705 106,961 109,023 20,298 2,256 0.12 -88.89 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 454,034 203,143 191,860 35,428 23,581 1.30 -33.44 Other countries of Asia 436,235 185,497 176,941 23,249 19,084 1.05 -17.91 Other countries of Oceania 17,799 1 7,646 14,919 12,179 4,497 0.25 -63.08 EUROPE 4,538,310 4,482,864 4,702,614 1,634,377 1,550,091 85.24 -5.16 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 390,155 423,124 516,924 218,192 313,382 17.23 43.63 Belarus 4,916 5,941 659 593 0.03 -10.02 Bulgaria 9,291 6,411 8,561 2,268 4,771 0.26 110.36 Czech Republic (Czechia) 28,013 34,501 34,228 7,027 12,611 0.69 79.46 Estonia 17,950 18,386 25,200 11,372 11,262 0.62 -0.97 Hungary 20,962 22,982 28,125 5,776 4,973 0.27 -13.90 Latvia 18,615 14,809 18,263 8,681 12,868 0.71 48.23 Lithuania 28,895 32,396 41,193 25,839 39,770 2.19 53.91 Moldova, Republic of 967 1,127 115 183 0.01 59.13 Poland 131,801 140,677 175,980 107,359 1 76,884 9.73 64.76 Romania 21,411 27,493 33,727 24,160 24,332 1.34 0.71 Russian Federation 86,593 89,799 105,011 16,055 14,170 0.78 -11.74 Slovakia 11,647 12,357 13,176 3,786 6,266 0.34 65.50 Ukraine 14,977 1 7,430 26,392 5,095 4,699 0.26 -7.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 728 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,983,369 1,860,019 1,863,572 917,648 604,618 33.25 -34.11 Denmark 429,131 424,097 429,653 292,235 152,049 8.36 -47.97 Finland 118,431 123,746 125,653 72,939 43,910 2.41 -39.80 Iceland 23,701 22,551 21,694 7,060 7,988 0.44 13.14 Ireland 23,715 23,927 25,175 19,239 7,114 0.39 -63.02 Sweden 763,488 726,855 706,311 284,554 250,746 13.79 -11.88 United Kingdom 624,903 538,843 555,086 241,621 142,811 7.85 -40.89 SOUTHERN EUROPE 537,687 566,476 585,479 114,046 149,839 8.24 31.38 Albania 2,631 2,527 1,041 1,025 0.06 -1.54 Andorra 1,447 1,804 411 373 0.02 -9.25 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,212 1,143 447 427 0.02 -4.47 Croatia 6,627 9,912 9,500 2,893 4,567 0.25 57.86 Greece 13,287 18,112 18,250 5,224 10,004 0.55 91.50 Holy See 1,667 1,308 344 72 0.00 -79.07 Italy 194,091 209,618 209,052 52,910 69,910 3.84 32.13 Malta 2,980 2,640 3,374 436 567 0.03 30.05 Montenegro 1,238 2,126 682 939 0.05 37.68 North Macedonia 1,422 1,145 310 234 0.01 -24.52 Portugal 25,053 27,182 35,272 10,531 10,622 0.58 0.86 San Marino 570 438 93 74 0.00 -20.43 Serbia 3,408 2,823 1,026 985 0.05 -4.00 Slovenia 8,200 7,683 8,813 2,218 2,910 0.16 31.20 Spain 287,449 276,288 287,498 35,480 47,130 2.59 32.84 Other countries of Southern Europe 446 406 WESTERN EUROPE 1,572,891 1,608,837 1,714,941 378,535 478,488 26.31 26.41 Austria 57,277 61,409 69,484 14,358 18,370 1.01 27.94 Belgium 85,814 86,355 92,075 19,135 25,426 1.40 32.88 France 266,556 293,177 319,522 50,932 72,566 3.99 42.48 Germany 716,236 724,827 761,093 181,699 226,325 12.45 24.56 Liechtenstein 1,692 1,724 1,737 474 1,261 0.07 166.03 Luxembourg 5,790 6,460 6,262 1,026 1,275 0.07 24.27 Monaco 1,026 875 130 127 0.01 -2.31 Netherlands 300,539 295,116 318,783 82,969 104,397 5.74 25.83 Switzerland 138,987 138,743 145,110 27,812 28,741 1.58 3.34 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 24,747 24,408 21,698 5,849 3,582 0.20 -38.76 Cyprus 3,213 2,995 3,281 785 816 0.04 3.95 Israel 668 0.04 Turkiye 21,534 21,413 18,417 5,064 2,098 0.12 -58.57 OTHER EUROPE 29,461 107 182 0.01 70.09 Other countries of Europe 29,461 107 182 0.01 70.09 MIDDLE EAST 35,954 42,114 7,764 8,015 0.44 3.23 Qatar 9,067 12,929 4,680 5,147 0.28 9.98 United Arab Emirates 26,887 29,185 3,084 2,868 0.16 -7.00 SOUTH ASIA 74,973 95,616 15,793 4,704 0.26 -70.21 India 74,973 95,616 15,793 4,704 0.26 -70.21 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 729 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 9,948,628 10,138,129 10,701,481 3,318,246 3,309,531 100.00 -0.26 AFRICA 58,640 61,528 81,940 20,424 13,145 0.40 -35.64 SOUTHERN AFRICA 19,010 12,274 12,758 4,328 2,211 0.07 -48.91 South Africa 19,010 12,274 12,758 4,328 2,211 0.07 -48.91 OTHER AFRICA 39,630 49,254 69,182 16,096 10,934 0.33 -32.07 Other countries of Africa 39,630 49,254 69,182 16,096 10,934 0.33 -32.07 AMERICAS 834,751 970,990 1,125,834 240,165 234,736 7.09 -2.26 NORTH AMERICA 726,011 875,274 1,029,247 216,018 218,127 6.59 0.98 Canada 43,498 46,927 57,935 8,993 3,871 0.12 -56.96 Mexico 11,128 12,572 15,138 3,071 2,560 0.08 -16.64 United States of America 671,385 815,775 956,174 203,954 211,696 6.40 3.80 SOUTH AMERICA 68,167 50,493 50,726 11,001 4,516 0.14 -58.95 Brazil 68,167 50,493 50,726 11,001 4,516 0.14 -58.95 OTHER AMERICAS 40,573 45,223 45,861 13,146 12,093 0.37 -8.01 Other countries of the Americas 40,573 45,223 45,861 13,146 12,093 0.37 -8.01 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,332,828 1,184,392 1,211,571 125,648 50,772 1.53 -59.59 NORHT-EAST ASIA 709,283 715,356 725,523 46,442 11,885 0.36 -74.41 China 476,767 450,904 471,822 27,614 6,135 0.19 -77.78 Japan 111,976 104,496 100,283 8,833 4,807 0.15 -45.58 Korea, Republic of 120,540 104,923 104,339 5,670 749 0.02 -86.79 Taiwan Province of China 55,033 49,079 4,325 194 0.01 -95.51 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 117,313 141,133 25,232 6,155 0.19 -75.61 Indonesia 20,280 25,140 3,996 969 0.03 -75.75 Malaysia 21,340 24,238 4,115 1,110 0.03 -73.03 Singapore 35,387 38,623 6,190 1,286 0.04 -79.22 Thailand 40,306 53,132 10,931 2,790 0.08 -74.48 AUSTRALASIA 113,341 122,809 125,339 22,041 4,052 0.12 -81.62 Australia 113,341 122,809 125,339 22,041 4,052 0.12 -81.62 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 510,204 228,914 219,576 31,933 28,680 0.87 -10.19 Other countries of Asia 489,064 207,004 200,899 26,972 22,644 0.68 -16.05 Other countries of Oceania 21,140 21,910 18,677 4,961 6,036 0.18 21.67 EUROPE 7,722,409 7,791,611 8,121,791 2,896,731 2,987,867 90.28 3.15 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 765,504 776,375 878,235 369,008 553,550 16.73 50.01 Belarus 7,036 7,999 776 948 0.03 22.16 Bulgaria 11,157 7,735 10,180 3,033 6,380 0.19 110.35 Czech Republic (Czechia) 89,417 92,780 99,098 16,003 42,431 1.28 165.14 Estonia 44,039 44,811 47,700 19,990 19,818 0.60 -0.86 Hungary 27,060 28,366 36,306 8,014 7,359 0.22 -8.17 Latvia 40,527 36,270 36,977 20,260 24,882 0.75 22.81 Lithuania 90,403 80,615 85,570 63,952 80,677 2.44 26.15 Moldova, Republic of 1,110 1,316 133 607 0.02 356.39 Poland 250,822 252,678 286,642 169,374 281,355 8.50 66.11 Romania 44,640 39,722 44,708 31,392 36,342 1.10 15.77 Russian Federation 123,604 133,979 154,189 19,033 16,401 0.50 -13.83 Slovakia 22,691 23,303 26,763 10,750 29,546 0.89 1 74.85 Ukraine 21,144 27,970 40,787 6,298 6,804 0.21 8.03 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI:,18111/9789284424139 730 COUNTRY TABLES NORWAY / NORVEGE / NORUEGA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,916,410 2,772,963 2,784,119 1,475,574 939,600 28.39 -36.32 Denmark 776,196 759,731 755,652 589,832 262,335 7.93 -55.52 Finland 193,006 202,352 219,494 157,911 94,065 2.84 -40.43 Iceland 34,792 26,500 26,811 20,936 15,864 0.48 -24.23 Ireland 26,932 28,246 28,756 20,553 10,581 0.32 -48.52 Sweden 1,168,554 1,128,689 1,103,425 397,600 376,801 11.39 -5.23 United Kingdom 716,930 627,445 649,981 288,742 1 79,954 5.44 -37.68 SOUTHERN EUROPE 669,214 720,242 724,456 144,447 220,167 6.65 52.42 Albania 2,801 2,801 1,153 1,060 0.03 -8.07 Andorra 1,612 2,245 436 415 0.01 -4.82 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,489 1,345 452 514 0.02 13.72 Croatia 10,186 16,371 12,529 4,586 8,179 0.25 78.35 Greece 15,179 19,739 20,177 5,909 11,400 0.34 92.93 Holy See 1,761 1,452 344 99 0.00 -71.22 Italy 250,876 271,731 273,372 65,730 101,058 3.05 53.75 Malta 3,256 2,911 3,944 1,628 735 0.02 -54.85 Montenegro 1,492 2,187 695 1,040 0.03 49.64 North Macedonia 1,610 1,266 333 378 0.01 13.51 Portugal 30,850 33,713 40,907 13,155 17,444 0.53 32.60 San Marino 629 777 103 74 0.00 -28.16 Serbia 4,508 3,677 1,247 1,677 0.05 34.48 Slovenia 12,257 15,223 13,780 5,390 5,908 0.18 9.61 Spain 346,610 343,001 343,513 43,286 70,186 2.12 62.14 Other countries of Southern Europe 651 484 WESTERN EUROPE 3,302,869 3,492,419 3,709,489 900,726 1,268,015 38.31 40.78 Austria 97,424 112,154 112,522 23,402 37,288 1.13 59.34 Belgium 145,375 148,740 160,179 27,845 48,978 1.48 75.90 France 382,769 414,396 451,608 65,530 114,200 3.45 74.27 Germany 1,725,066 1,832,450 1,955,111 565,953 788,659 23.83 39.35 Liechtenstein 2,153 2,208 2,381 1,418 1,342 0.04 -5.36 Luxembourg 8,198 9,557 9,541 1,205 2,579 0.08 114.02 Monaco 1,132 982 141 197 0.01 39.72 Netherlands 716,308 736,647 773,696 1 71,852 217,594 6.57 26.62 Switzerland 225,576 235,135 243,469 43,380 57,178 1.73 31.81 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 30,922 29,612 25,492 6,869 6,353 0.19 -7.51 Cyprus 3,605 3,275 3,579 830 1,015 0.03 22.29 Israel 154 1,221 0.04 692.86 Turkiye 27,317 26,337 21,913 5,885 4,117 0.12 -30.04 OTHER EUROPE 37,490 107 182 0.01 70.09 Other countries of Europe 37,490 107 182 0.01 70.09 MIDDLE EAST 43,023 53,737 8,126 9,350 0.28 15.06 Qatar 9,666 13,669 4,781 5,602 0.17 17.17 United Arab Emirates 33,357 40,068 3,345 3,748 0.11 12.05 SOUTH ASIA 86,585 106,608 27,152 13,661 0.41 -49.69 India 86,585 106,608 27,152 13,661 0.41 -49.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 731 COUNTRY TABLES OMAN/OMAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,178,218 3,241,756 3,506,441 868,571 651,632 100.00 -24.98 AFRICA 19,919 21,727 20,467 12,152 4,406 0.68 -63.74 EAST AFRICA 8,323 8,238 8,389 2,136 2,140 0.33 0.19 Tanzania, United Republic of 8,323 8,238 8,389 2,136 2,140 0.33 0.19 NORTH AFRICA 3,137 4,901 3,737 985 1,183 0.18 20.10 Tunisia 3,137 4,901 3,737 985 1,183 0.18 20.10 SOUTHERN AFRICA 8,459 8,588 8,341 1,764 1,083 0.17 -38.61 South Africa 8,459 8,588 8,341 1,764 1,083 0.17 -38.61 OTHER AFRICA 7,267 Other countries of Africa 7,267 AMERICAS 99,491 90,550 102,278 21,718 10,327 1.58 -52.45 NORTH AMERICA 99,491 90,550 102,278 21,718 10,327 1.58 -52.45 Canada 31,293 28,982 32,378 6,863 3,148 0.48 -54.13 United States of America 68,198 61,568 69,900 14,855 7,179 1.10 -51.67 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 138,544 140,410 216,559 54,572 16,692 2.56 -69.41 NORHT-EAST ASIA 20,930 45,956 109,520 32,406 7,965 1.22 -75.42 China 20,930 45,956 109,520 32,406 7,965 1.22 -75.42 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 97,418 73,187 82,664 18,087 7,468 1.15 -58.71 Indonesia 17,178 19,225 21,142 4,027 2,904 0.45 -27.89 Philippines 80,240 53,962 61,522 14,060 4,564 0.70 -67.54 AUSTRALASIA 20,196 21,267 24,375 4,079 1,259 0.19 -69.13 Australia 20,196 21,267 24,375 4,079 1,259 0.19 -69.13 EUROPE 492,347 486,386 557,418 160,778 56,345 8.65 -64.95 NORTHERN EUROPE 170,366 151,257 157,351 37,739 13,955 2.14 -63.02 United Kingdom 1 70,366 151,257 157,351 37,739 13,955 2.14 -63.02 SOUTHERN EUROPE 72,630 79,679 102,294 41,991 6,063 0.93 -85.56 Italy 57,614 63,250 76,179 29,017 3,893 0.60 -86.58 Spain 15,016 16,429 26,115 12,974 2,170 0.33 -83.27 WESTERN EUROPE 249,351 255,450 297,773 81,048 36,327 5.57 -55.18 France 54,614 64,110 74,710 22,458 12,976 1.99 -42.22 Germany 152,626 146,474 176,769 46,605 17,000 2.61 -63.52 Netherlands 19,922 21,688 21,865 6,418 3,290 0.50 -48.74 Switzerland 22,189 23,178 24,429 5,567 3,061 0.47 -45.02 MIDDLE EAST 136,492 208,842 245,020 52,828 73,229 11.24 38.62 Egypt 41,907 70,019 53,274 12,996 18,173 2.79 39.84 Jordan 23,484 35,889 25,202 5,112 4,581 0.70 -10.39 Lebanon 23,383 31,479 22,835 5,105 4,706 0.72 -7.82 Syrian Arab Republic 22,983 34,891 23,573 4,699 3,946 0.61 -16.02 Yemen 24,735 36,564 120,136 24,916 41,823 6.42 67.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 732 COUNTRY TABLES OMAN/OMAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 456,114 508,484 599,624 128,427 142,456 21.86 10.92 Bangladesh 24,905 25,208 25,479 4,899 4,359 0.67 -11.02 India 319,045 358,790 437,030 96,373 106,042 16.27 10.03 Iran, Islamic Republic of 24,788 33,635 45,972 10,105 12,729 1.95 25.97 Pakistan 87,376 90,851 91,143 17,050 19,326 2.97 13.35 NOT SPECIFIED 1,835,311 1,785,357 1,765,075 438,096 348,177 53.43 -20.52 Other countries of the world 1,835,311 1,785,357 1,765,075 438,096 348,177 53.43 -20.52 OMAN/OMAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,241,757 3,506,444 868,571 651,633 100.00 -24.98 AFRICA 12,777 13,673 3,386 3,466 0.53 2.36 EAST AFRICA 546 591 146 110 0.02 -24.66 Ethiopia 137 148 37 27 0.00 -27.03 Kenya 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 Tanzania, United Republic of 341 369 91 69 0.01 -24.18 CENTRAL AFRICA 205 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 Cameroon 205 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 NORTH AFRICA 4,038 4,368 1,082 811 0.12 -25.05 Algeria 205 222 55 41 0.01 -25.45 Morocco 2,532 2,739 679 509 0.08 -25.04 Sudan 274 296 73 55 0.01 -24.66 Tunisia 1,027 1,111 275 206 0.03 -25.09 SOUTHERN AFRICA 137 148 37 27 0.00 -27.03 Botswana 137 148 37 27 0.00 -27.03 WEST AFRICA 683 739 183 192 0.03 4.92 Liberia 68 74 18 69 0.01 283.33 Mali 205 222 55 41 0.01 -25.45 Nigeria 410 443 110 82 0.01 -25.45 OTHER AFRICA 7,168 7,753 1,920 2,312 0.35 20.42 Other countries of Africa 7,168 7,753 1,920 2,312 0.35 20.42 AMERICAS 50,105 53,901 13,351 9,101 1.40 -31.83 CARIBBEAN 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 Dominican Republic 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 NORTH AMERICA 48,539 52,207 12,932 8,786 1.35 -32.06 Canada 5,106 5,228 1,295 55 0.01 -95.75 Mexico 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 United States of America 43,365 46,905 11,619 8,717 1.34 -24.98 SOUTH AMERICA 1,498 1,620 401 301 0.05 -24.94 Argentina 613 663 164 123 0.02 -25.00 Brazil 204 221 55 41 0.01 -25.45 Colombia 477 515 128 96 0.01 -25.00 Uruguay 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 136 147 36 27 0.00 -25.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 733 COUNTRY TABLES OMAN/OMAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,378 32,858 8,138 4,815 0.74 -40.83 NORHT-EAST ASIA 10,991 11,888 2,944 2,168 0.33 -26.36 China 4,301 4,652 1,152 864 0.13 -25.00 Hong Kong, China 1,707 1,846 457 343 0.05 -24.95 Japan 3,754 4,061 1,006 755 0.12 -24.95 Korea, Republic of 1,229 1,329 329 206 0.03 -37.39 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,256 5,686 1,408 1,058 0.16 -24.86 Brunei Darussalam 546 591 146 110 0.02 -24.66 Indonesia 273 295 73 55 0.01 -24.66 Malaysia 546 591 146 110 0.02 -24.66 Philippines 1,092 1,181 293 220 0.03 -24.91 Singapore 1,775 1,920 476 357 0.05 -25.00 Thailand 956 1,034 256 192 0.03 -25.00 Viet Nam 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 AUSTRALASIA 14,131 15,284 3,786 1,589 0.24 -58.03 Australia 11,753 12,712 3,149 1,111 0.17 -64.72 New Zealand 2,378 2,572 637 478 0.07 -24.96 EUROPE 759,223 821,730 203,551 153,992 23.63 -24.35 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 241,955 261,712 64,829 48,636 7.46 -24.98 Azerbaijan 341 369 91 69 0.01 -24.18 Bulgaria 887 959 238 178 0.03 -25.21 Czech Republic (Czechia) 54,639 59,101 14,640 10,983 1.69 -24.98 Estonia 1,364 1,476 366 274 0.04 -25.14 Hungary 682 738 183 137 0.02 -25.14 Kazakhstan 1,502 1,624 402 302 0.05 -24.88 Latvia 205 221 55 41 0.01 -25.45 Lithuania 273 295 73 55 0.01 -24.66 Poland 112,621 121,817 30,1 75 22,638 3.47 -24.98 Romania 2,115 2,287 567 425 0.07 -25.04 Russian Federation 27,490 29,735 7,366 5,526 0.85 -24.98 Slovakia 38,677 41,835 10,363 7,775 1.19 -24.97 Ukraine 1,091 1,181 292 219 0.03 -25.00 Uzbekistan 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 NORTHERN EUROPE 113,167 122,406 30,321 22,748 3.49 -24.98 Denmark 1,705 1,845 457 343 0.05 -24.95 Finland 1,160 1,254 311 233 0.04 -25.08 Ireland 3,479 3,763 932 699 0.11 -25.00 Norway 4,366 4,722 1,170 878 0.13 -24.96 Sweden 4,297 4,648 1,151 864 0.13 -24.93 United Kingdom 98,160 106,174 26,300 19,731 3.03 -24.98 SOUTHERN EUROPE 98,433 106,469 26,373 19,786 3.04 -24.98 Bosnia and Herzegovina 273 295 73 55 0.01 -24.66 Croatia 546 590 146 110 0.02 -24.66 Greece 2,387 2,582 640 480 0.07 -25.00 Italy 83,016 89,795 22,243 16,687 2.56 -24.98 Portugal 2,115 2,287 567 425 0.07 -25.04 Serbia 614 664 164 123 0.02 -25.00 Spain 9,482 10,256 2,540 1,906 0.29 -24.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 734 COUNTRY TABLES OMAN/OMAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 299,595 324,057 80,272 60,223 9.24 -24.98 Austria 5,525 5,976 1,480 1,111 0.17 -24.93 Belgium 4,843 5,239 1,298 974 0.15 -24.96 France 81,379 88,024 21,804 16,358 2.51 -24.98 Germany 160,235 173,317 42,932 32,209 4.94 -24.98 Luxembourg 1,432 1,549 384 288 0.04 -25.00 Netherlands 16,440 17,782 4,405 3,305 0.51 -24.97 Switzerland 29,741 32,170 7,969 5,978 0.92 -24.98 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 3,549 3,839 951 714 0.11 -24.92 Cyprus 341 369 91 69 0.01 -24.18 Turkiye 3,208 3,470 860 645 0.10 -25.00 OTHER EUROPE 2,524 3,247 805 1,885 0.29 134.16 Other countries of Europe 2,524 3,247 805 1,885 0.29 134.16 MIDDLE EAST 2,366,610 2,559,841 634,091 475,718 73.00 -24.98 Bahrain 42,131 45,571 11,288 8,469 1.30 -24.97 Egypt 5,886 6,367 1,577 1,183 0.18 -24.98 Iraq 2,327 2,517 624 468 0.07 -25.00 Jordan 3,217 3,480 862 647 0.10 -24.94 Kuwait 38,1 70 41,287 10,227 7,673 1.18 -24.97 Lebanon 5,407 5,849 1,449 1,087 0.17 -24.98 Libya 342 370 92 69 0.01 -25.00 Qatar 65,484 70,830 17,545 13,163 2.02 -24.98 Saudi Arabia 123,115 133,167 32,986 24,748 3.80 -24.97 State of Palestine 68 74 18 14 0.00 -22.22 Syrian Arab Republic 479 518 128 96 0.01 -25.00 United Arab Emirates 2,076,151 2,245,665 556,268 417,331 64.04 -24.98 Yemen 3,833 4,146 1,027 770 0.12 -25.02 SOUTH ASIA 22,664 24,441 6,054 4,541 0.70 -24.99 Bangladesh 137 148 37 27 0.00 -27.03 India 12,219 13,217 3,274 2,456 0.38 -24.98 Iran, Islamic Republic of 8,874 9,525 2,359 1,770 0.27 -24.97 Nepal 205 222 55 41 0.01 -25.45 Pakistan 1,229 1,329 329 247 0.04 -24.92 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 735 COUNTRY TABLES PALAU / PALAOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 122,566 106,273 94,030 18,356 AFRICA 44 65 60 16 OTHER AFRICA 44 65 60 16 All countries of Africa 44 65 60 16 AMERICAS 8,183 8,598 8,420 1,960 CARIBBEAN 26 16 22 1 All countries of the Caribbean 26 16 22 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 28 45 33 36 All countries of Central America 28 45 33 36 NORTH AMERICA 7,996 8,425 8,205 1,906 Canada 450 465 388 113 United States of America 7,546 7,960 7,817 1,793 SOUTH AMERICA 133 112 160 17 Argentina 39 16 12 3 Brazil 73 72 116 13 Chile 7 7 8 Ecuador 1 1 2 Other countries of South America 13 16 22 1 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 109,400 92,946 81,534 15,082 NORHT-EAST ASIA 105,626 89,466 77,251 14,328 China 57,866 41,317 30,147 3,301 Japan 26,031 22,416 19,742 5,762 Korea, Republic of 11,895 14,347 11,884 2,702 Taiwan Province of China 9,834 11,386 15,478 2,563 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,059 1,699 1,985 408 Indonesia 151 153 152 53 Malaysia 182 155 260 60 Philippines 1,301 1,033 1,180 222 Singapore 275 188 179 29 Thailand 150 170 214 44 AUSTRALASIA 817 786 919 144 Australia 661 632 726 117 New Zealand 156 154 193 27 MELANESIA 85 85 128 11 Fiji 74 74 98 10 Solomon Islands 11 11 30 1 MICRONESIA 654 712 679 91 Marshall Islands 93 156 136 23 Micronesia, Federated States of 561 556 543 68 POLYNESIA 3 19 27 Tuvalu 3 19 27 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 156 179 545 100 Other countries of Asia 96 97 367 36 Other countries of Oceania 60 82 178 64 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 736 COUNTRY TABLES PALAU / PALAOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 4,721 4,396 3,770 1,245 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 636 623 435 172 Czech Republic 94 184 81 33 Poland 199 128 113 78 Russian Federation 343 311 241 61 NORTHERN EUROPE 796 734 729 194 Denmark 106 59 59 43 Finland 34 39 26 11 Norway 35 50 53 20 Sweden 76 79 71 8 United Kingdom 545 507 520 112 SOUTHERN EUROPE 662 647 544 153 Greece 5 24 28 20 Italy 452 350 305 97 Portugal 39 54 48 4 Spain 166 219 163 32 WESTERN EUROPE 2,139 1,893 1,539 595 Austria 184 155 171 52 Belgium 102 65 60 23 France 347 375 328 137 Germany 1,158 1,004 787 325 Switzerland 348 294 193 58 OTHER EUROPE 488 499 523 131 Other countries of Europe 488 499 523 131 MIDDLE EAST 143 181 182 45 All countries of Middle East 143 181 182 45 SOUTH ASIA 75 87 64 8 Bangladesh 13 10 India 62 77 64 8 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 737 COUNTRY TABLES PALAU / PALAOS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 593,476 526,226 496,217 98,856 AMERICAS 53,729 57,957 57,000 13,265 NORTH AMERICA 52,997 57,303 56,032 13,135 Canada 3,010 3,160 2,657 758 United States of America 49,987 54,143 53,375 12,377 SOUTH AMERICA 732 654 968 130 Argentina 287 163 81 32 Brazil 406 435 832 98 Chile 37 47 45 Ecuador 2 9 10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 479,192 409,306 369,803 66,323 NORHT-EAST ASIA 460,928 391,882 350,411 63,420 China 265,077 194,229 145,188 16,204 Japan 109,420 96,714 89,333 25,161 Korea, Republic of 47,022 56,257 49,030 11,457 Taiwan Province of China 39,409 44,682 66,860 10,598 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,784 6,871 7,956 1,638 Indonesia 655 408 623 79 Malaysia 903 731 1,176 253 Philippines 5,024 3,858 3,992 889 Singapore 1,383 944 998 140 Thailand 819 930 1,167 277 AUSTRALASIA 5,547 5,311 6,492 774 Australia 4,645 4,406 5,164 630 New Zealand 902 905 1,328 144 MELANESIA 664 566 862 66 Fiji 571 499 627 61 Solomon Islands 93 67 235 5 MICRONESIA 3,258 4,567 3,913 425 Marshall Islands 515 1,249 752 64 Micronesia, Federated States of 2,743 3,318 3,161 361 POLYNESIA 11 109 169 Tuvalu 11 109 169 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 738 COUNTRY TABLES PALAU / PALAOS 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 33,004 31,113 27,263 9,282 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,192 4,545 3,647 1,527 Czech Republic 909 1,130 642 277 Poland 1,473 1,140 961 774 Russian Federation 2,810 2,275 2,044 476 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,979 5,898 5,399 1,623 Denmark 1,073 450 424 568 Finland 221 348 219 115 Norway 241 376 407 115 Sweden 584 773 575 72 United Kingdom 3,860 3,951 3,774 753 SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,819 4,702 4,176 1,251 Greece 39 101 132 203 Italy 3,149 2,740 2,468 782 Portugal 255 288 281 38 Spain 1,376 1,573 1,295 228 WESTERN EUROPE 17,014 15,968 14,041 4,881 Austria 1,821 1,305 1,863 531 Belgium 919 584 535 175 France 3,420 3,340 3,014 1,147 Germany 7,834 8,168 6,672 2,528 Switzerland 3,020 2,571 1,957 500 SOUTH ASIA 304 477 281 25 Bangladesh 22 29 India 282 448 281 25 NOT SPECIFIED 27,247 27,373 41,870 9,961 Other countries of the world 27,247 27,373 41,870 9,961 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 739 COUNTRY TABLES PANAMA / PANAMA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,750,859 1,756,005 1,755,081 415,992 665,472 100.00 59.97 AFRICA 3,505 4,362 6,019 1,196 2,250 0.34 88.13 EAST AFRICA 434 545 1,025 188 338 0.05 79.79 Burundi 2 2 2 2 Comoros 11 8 1 1 7 0.00 600.00 Djibouti 1 Eritrea 3 4 2 4 Ethiopia 39 46 55 12 52 0.01 333.33 Kenya 163 183 283 63 97 0.01 53.97 Madagascar 22 21 47 6 7 0.00 16.67 Malawi 4 8 23 1 2 0.00 100.00 Mauritius 47 88 161 19 14 0.00 -26.32 Mozambique 8 8 58 7 23 0.00 228.57 Rwanda 9 8 24 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Somalia 5 6 11 3 12 0.00 300.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 25 23 68 51 87 0.01 70.59 Uganda 23 29 44 1 5 0.00 400.00 Zambia 15 19 74 5 8 0.00 60.00 Zimbabwe 57 92 172 9 21 0.00 133.33 CENTRAL AFRICA 569 434 849 78 66 0.01 -15.38 Angola 515 343 538 46 27 0.00 -41.30 Cameroon 27 36 79 7 18 0.00 157.14 Central African Republic 3 3 9 2 3 0.00 50.00 Chad 2 4 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Congo 5 16 110 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 8 16 73 12 7 0.00 -41.67 Gabon 9 12 24 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Sao Tome and Principe 4 9 3 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 658 773 1,241 85 110 0.02 29.41 Algeria 44 52 60 30 15 0.00 -50.00 Morocco 133 124 184 37 71 0.01 91.89 Sudan 9 2 11 1 0.00 Tunisia 39 74 77 18 23 0.00 27.78 Western Sahara 433 521 909 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,205 1,865 2,035 667 1,384 0.21 107.50 Botswana 15 13 27 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Eswatini 3 Lesotho 2 1 3 Namibia 18 27 85 13 7 0.00 -46.15 South Africa 1,167 1,824 1,920 646 1,373 0.21 112.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 740 COUNTRY TABLES PANAMA / PANAMA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 494 561 857 175 350 0.05 100.00 Benin 10 11 29 3 6 0.00 100.00 Burkina Faso 15 15 22 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Cabo Verde 27 17 56 14 33 0.00 135.71 Cote d'lvoire 43 44 61 12 18 0.00 50.00 Gambia 4 6 1 2 0.00 100.00 Ghana 65 115 167 53 106 0.02 100.00 Guinea 14 18 18 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Guinea-Bissau 7 12 19 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Liberia 4 9 15 1 3 0.00 200.00 Mali 3 21 16 2 3 0.00 50.00 Mauritania 4 2 6 3 0.00 Niger 5 13 10 2 2 0.00 Nigeria 117 130 239 40 61 0.01 52.50 Senegal 59 37 62 10 13 0.00 30.00 Sierra Leone 105 100 117 20 16 0.00 -20.00 Togo 16 13 14 4 16 0.00 300.00 All countries of West Africa 65 0.01 OTHER AFRICA 145 184 12 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Other countries of Africa 145 184 12 3 2 0.00 -33.33 AMERICAS 1,433,117 1,392,807 1,403,542 316,329 510,429 76.70 61.36 CARIBBEAN 60,040 87,796 131,495 21,455 19,531 2.93 -8.97 Anguilla 1 2 1 1 1 0.00 Antigua and Barbuda 214 268 320 37 34 0.01 -8.11 Aruba 141 79 48 13 17 0.00 30.77 Bahamas 980 1,233 1,189 237 595 0.09 151.05 Barbados 883 1,366 1,792 218 119 0.02 -45.41 Bermuda 64 64 57 9 5 0.00 -44.44 British Virgin Islands 14 11 3 1 2 0.00 100.00 Cayman Islands 39 55 87 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Cuba 29,244 51,710 95,923 15,564 7,227 1.09 -53.57 Curacao 190 103 74 17 16 0.00 -5.88 Dominica 313 337 397 75 88 0.01 17.33 Dominican Republic 10,438 14,787 11,714 1,948 5,741 0.86 194.71 Grenada 280 310 274 49 62 0.01 26.53 Haiti 1,876 1,548 1,637 349 434 0.07 24.36 Jamaica 4,281 5,474 6,600 1,438 3,894 0.59 170.79 Martinique 2 1 1 Puerto Rico 1,505 840 679 147 137 0.02 -6.80 Saint Kitts and Nevis 224 168 253 43 41 0.01 -4.65 Saint Lucia 242 318 320 40 48 0.01 20.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 219 232 233 48 21 0.00 -56.25 Trinidad and Tobago 8,863 8,863 9,858 1,210 1,034 0.16 -14.55 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 4 19 1 6 0.00 500.00 United States Virgin Islands 3 2 8 2 0.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 22 21 8 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 741 COUNTRY TABLES PANAMA / PANAMA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 203,749 199,016 189,917 38,069 71,329 10.72 87.37 Belize 1,973 2,198 2,209 327 521 0.08 59.33 Costa Rica 81,018 70,386 61,858 14,814 20,636 3.10 39.30 El Salvador 30,013 27,958 25,203 4,632 11,736 1.76 153.37 Guatemala 37,136 35,800 39,994 6,938 14,056 2.11 102.59 Honduras 24,013 24,770 28,244 5,384 14,325 2.15 166.07 Nicaragua 29,596 37,904 32,409 5,974 10,055 1.51 68.31 NORTH AMERICA 382,228 417,036 437,310 118,365 183,798 27.62 55.28 Canada 40,855 44,676 43,140 15,929 11,798 1.77 -25.93 Mexico 64,436 64,435 63,951 12,521 22,248 3.34 77.69 United States of America 276,937 307,925 330,219 89,915 149,752 22.50 66.55 SOUTH AMERICA 787,100 688,959 644,820 138,440 235,771 35.43 70.31 Argentina 80,716 80,000 52,983 12,846 9,615 1.44 -25.15 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 11,934 11,292 12,467 3,012 3,538 0.53 17.46 Brazil 79,242 84,426 82,899 16,547 17,283 2.60 4.45 Chile 23,067 23,751 24,041 5,062 6,463 0.97 27.68 Colombia 213,062 224,965 220,757 49,135 111,120 16.70 126.15 Ecuador 81,968 78,491 64,393 11,602 23,567 3.54 103.13 French Guiana 9 4 3 2 Guyana 2,318 2,738 3,239 384 641 0.10 66.93 Paraguay 4,748 5,204 5,012 1,071 1,349 0.20 25.96 Peru 57,151 59,326 53,465 12,976 18,685 2.81 44.00 Suriname 212 272 600 119 24 0.00 -79.83 Uruguay 13,753 12,812 11,999 2,212 4,439 0.67 100.68 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 218,920 105,678 112,962 23,472 39,047 5.87 66.36 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 40,150 57,244 49,898 12,975 19,515 2.93 50.40 NORHT-EAST ASIA 29,062 40,702 32,588 5,334 6,584 0.99 23.43 China 16,275 26,735 21,936 2,880 3,968 0.60 37.78 Hong Kong, China 26 20 26 8 14 0.00 75.00 Japan 5,396 6,153 4,633 1,100 690 0.10 -37.27 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 1 2 Korea, Republic of 5,825 6,180 4,740 1,074 1,673 0.25 55.77 Macao, China 1 4 1 Mongolia 28 34 31 12 17 0.00 41.67 Taiwan Province of China 1,510 1,576 1,220 259 222 0.03 -14.29 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,373 10,497 11,128 6,227 11,812 1.77 89.69 Brunei Darussalam 2 7 1 2 0.00 100.00 Cambodia 4 20 44 8 8 0.00 Indonesia 462 943 1,218 439 879 0.13 100.23 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 2 9 1 0.00 Malaysia 366 502 592 124 180 0.03 45.16 Myanmar 201 454 605 382 679 0.10 77.75 Philippines 2,906 6,905 7,172 4,948 9,656 1.45 95.15 Singapore 520 595 532 103 106 0.02 2.91 Thailand 318 514 444 122 163 0.02 33.61 Viet Nam 593 562 505 100 138 0.02 38.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 742 COUNTRY TABLES PANAMA / PANAMA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 5,459 5,894 5,978 1,333 1,083 0.16 -18.75 Australia 4,514 4,879 4,963 1,091 878 0.13 -19.52 New Zealand 945 1,015 1,015 242 205 0.03 -15.29 MELANESIA 148 71 40 7 18 0.00 157.14 Fiji 48 31 22 3 3 0.00 New Caledonia 6 0.00 Papua New Guinea 100 40 18 4 9 0.00 125.00 MICRONESIA 53 48 89 10 7 0.00 -30.00 Guam 24 19 26 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Kiribati 9 15 56 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 20 14 7 2 0.00 POLYNESIA 16 5 10 4 0.00 Cook Islands 1 2 Samoa 10 3 4 Tuvalu 6 1 4 4 0.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 39 27 65 64 7 0.00 -89.06 Other countries of Asia 5 8 54 Other countries of Oceania 39 22 57 10 7 0.00 -30.00 EUROPE 268,464 292,429 285,861 81,465 124,789 18.75 53.18 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 20,353 25,704 29,061 10,464 15,491 2.33 48.04 Armenia 33 41 52 8 56 0.01 600.00 Azerbaijan 18 14 22 6 10 0.00 66.67 Belarus 316 296 17 Bulgaria 706 819 818 349 460 0.07 31.81 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,442 2,620 2,885 1,430 1,269 0.19 -11.26 Estonia 306 385 361 146 156 0.02 6.85 Georgia 202 136 207 90 244 0.04 171.11 Hungary 991 1,229 1,349 684 489 0.07 -28.51 Kazakhstan 52 68 49 21 48 0.01 128.57 Kyrgyzstan 46 41 8 2 3 0.00 50.00 Latvia 307 386 480 205 388 0.06 89.27 Lithuania 445 539 505 186 265 0.04 42.47 Moldova, Republic of 48 61 79 55 33 0.00 -40.00 Poland 5,533 7,459 9,562 2,189 2,066 0.31 -5.62 Romania 1,435 1,955 2,644 925 1,387 0.21 49.95 Russian Federation 4,741 5,578 5,513 2,115 4,459 0.67 110.83 Slovakia 660 969 1,414 353 359 0.05 1.70 Tajikistan 1 2 2 0.00 Turkmenistan 7 3 8 1 4 0.00 300.00 Ukraine 2,049 3,093 3,070 1,684 3,784 0.57 124.70 Uzbekistan 15 12 18 13 9 0.00 -30.77 NORTHERN EUROPE 26,688 29,286 26,241 8,245 7,396 1.11 -10.30 Denmark 2,565 2,719 2,341 770 1,190 0.18 54.55 Finland 1,224 1,333 1,163 430 258 0.04 -40.00 Iceland 130 192 192 47 111 0.02 136.17 Ireland 1,732 1,694 1,587 366 440 0.07 20.22 Norway 1,629 2,044 1,792 474 462 0.07 -2.53 Sweden 3,367 3,808 3,066 1,119 1,035 0.16 -7.51 United Kingdom 16,041 1 7,496 16,100 5,039 3,900 0.59 -22.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 743 COUNTRY TABLES PANAMA / PANAMA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 99,785 110,110 101,485 24,909 52,655 7.91 111.39 Albania 24 43 91 14 17 0.00 21.43 Andorra 136 103 78 14 36 0.01 157.14 Bosnia and Herzegovina 187 82 94 16 40 0.01 150.00 Croatia 549 963 920 433 551 0.08 27.25 Greece 1,502 1,772 1,965 983 1,583 0.24 61.04 Holy See 15 26 26 1 19 0.00 1,800.00 Italy 25,509 27,868 27,299 6,939 13,863 2.08 99.78 Malta 50 71 64 21 16 0.00 -23.81 North Macedonia 28 55 76 25 35 0.01 40.00 Portugal 5,862 6,597 7,011 1,831 3,794 0.57 107.21 San Marino 11 9 10 1 4 0.00 300.00 Serbia 261 0.04 Serbia and Montenegro 345 379 885 286 148 0.02 -48.25 Slovenia 375 505 666 146 116 0.02 -20.55 Spain 65,192 71,637 62,300 14,199 32,172 4.83 126.58 WESTERN EUROPE 109,233 113,306 114,908 34,792 41,031 6.17 17.93 Austria 3,397 3,848 3,898 1,287 1,278 0.19 -0.70 Belgium 4,767 4,470 4,568 1,318 2,062 0.31 56.45 France 36,150 36,112 35,933 11,882 12,480 1.88 5.03 Germany 33,458 35,648 39,074 11,487 10,426 1.57 -9.24 Liechtenstein 48 41 28 15 20 0.00 33.33 Luxembourg 248 290 288 92 110 0.02 19.57 Monaco 27 61 23 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Netherlands 23,1 72 24,136 23,454 6,181 10,773 1.62 74.29 Switzerland 7,966 8,700 7,642 2,521 3,881 0.58 53.95 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 12,196 13,823 13,782 2,948 8,053 1.21 173.17 Cyprus 100 102 96 27 73 0.01 170.37 Israel 7,632 9,017 9,070 1,919 6,133 0.92 219.59 Turkiye 4,464 4,704 4,616 1,002 1,847 0.28 84.33 OTHER EUROPE 209 200 384 107 163 0.02 52.34 Other countries of Europe 209 200 384 107 163 0.02 52.34 MIDDLE EAST 799 1,005 1,280 509 629 0.09 23.58 Bahrain 12 10 19 2 0.00 Egypt 119 118 210 56 114 0.02 103.57 Iraq 8 17 18 14 3 0.00 -78.57 Jordan 72 105 129 24 45 0.01 87.50 Kuwait 38 34 91 30 13 0.00 -56.67 Lebanon 174 200 262 50 181 0.03 262.00 Libya 24 57 29 21 21 0.00 Oman 11 20 27 7 2 0.00 -71.43 Qatar 27 27 40 15 33 0.00 120.00 Saudi Arabia 130 200 182 226 49 0.01 -78.32 State of Palestine 64 78 81 17 71 0.01 317.65 Syrian Arab Republic 27 33 43 19 59 0.01 210.53 United Arab Emirates 86 103 139 19 33 0.00 73.68 Yemen 7 3 10 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 744 COUNTRY TABLES PANAMA / PANAMA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 4,824 8,158 8,481 3,518 7,860 1.18 123.42 Afghanistan 23 9 17 4 8 0.00 100.00 Bangladesh 87 95 152 77 206 0.03 167.53 India 4,107 7,563 7,592 3,231 7,166 1.08 121.79 Iran, Islamic Republic of 126 89 124 18 48 0.01 166.67 Maldives 137 47 14 1 22 0.00 2,100.00 Nepal 37 42 56 8 9 0.00 12.50 Pakistan 246 201 331 107 124 0.02 15.89 Sri Lanka 61 112 195 72 277 0.04 284.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 745 COUNTRY TABLES PAPUA NEW GUINEA / PAPOUASIE-NOUVELLE-GUINEE / PAPUA NUEVA GUINEA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 181,840 194,876 210,980 38,940 16,846 100.00 -56.74 AFRICA 1,030 1,076 2,520 816 477 2.83 -41.54 OTHER AFRICA 1,030 1,076 2,520 816 477 2.83 -41.54 All countries of Africa 1,030 1,076 2,520 816 477 2.83 -41.54 AMERICAS 10,849 12,052 12,757 2,577 1,657 9.84 -35.70 NORTH AMERICA 10,350 11,419 11,964 2,325 1,554 9.22 -33.16 Canada 1,903 1,991 2,226 441 230 1.37 -47.85 United States of America 8,447 9,428 9,738 1,884 1,324 7.86 -29.72 SOUTH AMERICA 26 32 46 10 1 0.01 -90.00 Chile 26 32 46 10 1 0.01 -90.00 OTHER AMERICAS 473 601 747 242 102 0.61 -57.85 Other countries of the Americas 473 601 747 242 102 0.61 -57.85 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 155,117 165,356 173,986 30,740 12,338 73.24 -59.86 NORHT-EAST ASIA 16,358 17,681 19,922 3,130 1,705 10.12 -45.53 China 12,373 12,732 14,755 2,309 1,452 8.62 -37.12 Japan 2,969 3,994 3,924 615 158 0.94 -74.31 Korea, Republic of 1,016 955 1,243 206 95 0.56 -53.88 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 21,246 24,526 30,947 8,465 5,195 30.84 -38.63 Indonesia 2,453 3,358 3,477 877 1,028 6.10 17.22 Malaysia 4,822 5,776 6,878 1,806 1,032 6.13 -42.86 Philippines 12,569 13,943 19,075 5,518 3,061 18.17 -44.53 Singapore 1,402 1,449 1,517 264 74 0.44 -71.97 AUSTRALASIA 109,832 114,384 112,631 16,793 4,850 28.79 -71.12 Australia 101,011 105,264 103,440 14,871 4,272 25.36 -71.27 New Zealand 8,821 9,120 9,191 1,922 578 3.43 -69.93 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,681 8,765 10,486 2,352 588 3.49 -75.00 Other countries of Asia 2,156 2,697 3,311 747 338 2.01 -54.75 Other countries of Oceania 5,525 6,068 7,175 1,605 250 1.48 -84.42 EUROPE 11,660 12,649 15,372 2,960 1,378 8.18 -53.45 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 377 502 488 125 92 0.55 -26.40 Russian Federation 377 502 488 125 92 0.55 -26.40 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,725 4,891 6,579 1,234 482 2.86 -60.94 United Kingdom 4,238 4,386 6,069 1,099 471 2.80 -57.14 Scandinavia 487 505 510 135 11 0.07 -91.85 SOUTHERN EUROPE 488 544 559 111 49 0.29 -55.86 Italy 488 544 559 111 49 0.29 -55.86 WESTERN EUROPE 3,112 3,561 3,580 682 303 1.80 -55.57 France 939 1,075 888 186 68 0.40 -63.44 Germany 1,619 1,903 2,139 335 143 0.85 -57.31 Netherlands 554 583 553 161 92 0.55 -42.86 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 303 318 292 81 85 0.50 4.94 Israel 303 318 292 81 85 0.50 4.94 OTHER EUROPE 2,655 2,833 3,874 727 367 2.18 -49.52 Other countries of Europe 2,655 2,833 3,874 727 367 2.18 -49.52 SOUTH ASIA 3,184 3,743 6,345 1,847 996 5.91 -46.07 India 3,184 3,743 6,345 1,847 996 5.91 -46.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 746 COUNTRY TABLES PARAGUAY 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,583,937 1,180,937 1,215,645 252,044 94,846 100.00 -62.37 AFRICA 621 529 718 150 62 0.07 -58.67 EAST AFRICA 49 35 49 27 6 0.01 -77.78 Burundi 1 1 1 1 Comoros 1 Djibouti 1 Ethiopia 2 2 Kenya 8 1 14 1 3 0.00 200.00 Madagascar 9 1 3 2 0.00 Malawi 1 Mauritius 2 Mozambique 8 3 13 1 1 0.00 Rwanda 1 2 3 Tanzania, United Republic of 10 5 3 1 Uganda 3 17 3 23 Zambia 3 3 Zimbabwe 2 2 4 CENTRAL AFRICA 121 96 130 22 6 0.01 -72.73 Angola 103 84 108 21 Cameroon 5 5 10 Chad 1 Congo 8 7 6 3 0.00 Equatorial Guinea 2 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 Sao Tome and Principe 3 1 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 60 85 90 15 8 0.01 -46.67 Algeria 29 44 50 7 6 0.01 -14.29 Morocco 24 20 30 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Sudan 11 4 Tunisia 7 10 6 SOUTHERN AFRICA 271 273 350 81 27 0.03 -66.67 Botswana 6 7 5 2 2 0.00 Namibia 3 7 2 2 0.00 South Africa 265 263 338 77 23 0.02 -70.13 WEST AFRICA 108 37 95 4 15 0.02 275.00 Benin 4 2 2 9 0.01 Burkina Faso 1 5 8 2 0.00 Cabo Verde 3 5 4 Cote d'lvoire 1 1 2 0.00 Gambia 7 1 Ghana 13 5 6 1 Guinea 2 5 Guinea-Bissau 2 3 Liberia 1 Mali 1 3 Mauritania 1 Niger 1 Nigeria 49 12 22 1 Senegal 26 3 40 1 1 0.00 Sierra Leone 2 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 747 COUNTRY TABLES PARAGUAY 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER AFRICA 12 3 4 1 Other countries of Africa 12 3 4 1 AMERICAS 1,525,911 1,121,360 1,143,613 235,594 81,702 86.14 -65.32 CARIBBEAN 788 753 1,024 195 194 0.20 -0.51 Anguilla 2 3 11 Antigua and Barbuda 2 14 15 Aruba 4 4 1 Bahamas 9 11 16 2 Barbados 10 9 9 1 1 0.00 Cuba 269 253 277 41 29 0.03 -29.27 Dominica 2 1 Dominican Republic 298 384 523 127 144 0.15 13.39 Grenada 1 3 Haiti 58 43 69 15 9 0.01 -40.00 Jamaica 29 6 25 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Puerto Rico 33 10 32 5 5 0.01 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 Saint Lucia 2 1 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 1 Trinidad and Tobago 69 6 35 4 0.00 Other countries of the Caribbean 4 3 4 1 All countries of the Caribbean 1 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,944 4,341 5,097 856 449 0.47 -47.55 Belize 16 49 16 3 Costa Rica 857 1,050 1,278 226 75 0.08 -66.81 El Salvador 588 570 683 124 35 0.04 -71.77 Guatemala 808 819 1,029 209 79 0.08 -62.20 Honduras 324 316 494 68 42 0.04 -38.24 Nicaragua 317 243 336 54 60 0.06 11.11 Panama 1,034 1,294 1,261 172 158 0.17 -8.14 NORTH AMERICA 21,838 22,301 25,890 5,090 5,868 6.19 15.28 Canada 1,948 1,808 2,282 626 477 0.50 -23.80 Mexico 4,466 4,799 5,842 1,061 779 0.82 -26.58 United States of America 15,424 15,694 17,766 3,403 4,612 4.86 35.53 SOUTH AMERICA 1,499,341 1,093,965 1,111,602 229,453 75,191 79.28 -67.23 Argentina 1,189,074 824,333 836,500 167,671 35,755 37.70 -78.68 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 15,175 13,991 1 7,360 4,429 4,064 4.28 -8.24 Brazil 229,352 189,747 173,290 39,644 28,200 29.73 -28.87 Chile 14,758 15,828 18,486 3,976 1,364 1.44 -65.69 Colombia 13,407 14,374 16,483 3,969 1,804 1.90 -54.55 Ecuador 3,642 3,520 5,008 1,008 366 0.39 -63.69 Guyana 673 9 8 3 Peru 9,102 9,909 13,397 3,139 1,112 1.17 -64.57 Suriname 12 6 116 Uruguay 20,916 18,432 24,765 3,986 1,433 1.51 -64.05 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,230 3,816 6,189 1,628 1,093 1.15 -32.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 748 COUNTRY TABLES PARAGUAY 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,105 8,779 9,493 2,217 582 0.61 -73.75 NORHT-EAST ASIA 9,376 8,140 8,606 2,034 513 0.54 -74.78 China 638 602 659 51 24 0.03 -52.94 Hong Kong, China 2 2 1 Japan 3,761 3,198 3,349 837 139 0.15 -83.39 Korea, Republic of 4,468 3,639 3,814 1,016 280 0.30 -72.44 Mongolia 3 3 6 1 9 0.01 800.00 Taiwan Province of China 506 696 776 128 61 0.06 -52.34 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 159 161 255 42 20 0.02 -52.38 Brunei Darussalam 1 6 18 2 5 0.01 150.00 Cambodia 1 7 Indonesia 11 12 25 2 0.00 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 1 1 0.00 Malaysia 15 9 42 1 Myanmar 1 Philippines 59 33 57 17 8 0.01 -52.94 Singapore 17 62 60 16 Thailand 29 25 34 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Timor-Leste 1 Viet Nam 25 14 10 1 0.00 AUSTRALASIA 554 463 613 135 47 0.05 -65.19 Australia 409 358 498 109 33 0.03 -69.72 New Zealand 145 105 115 26 14 0.01 -46.15 MELANESIA 3 7 4 Fiji 2 1 4 Papua New Guinea 1 6 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13 8 19 2 2 0.00 Other countries of Asia 12 6 14 1 2 0.00 100.00 Other countries of Oceania 1 2 5 1 EUROPE 46,601 49,419 60,857 13,963 12,436 13.11 -10.94 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,364 2,824 3,631 1,211 615 0.65 -49.22 Armenia 80 17 19 5 Azerbaijan 72 3 7 Bulgaria 84 124 124 32 14 0.01 -56.25 Czech Republic (Czechia) 195 260 445 99 67 0.07 -32.32 Estonia 41 57 79 11 5 0.01 -54.55 Georgia 6 1 4 1 Hungary 134 221 210 58 25 0.03 -56.90 Kazakhstan 8 7 14 1 Kyrgyzstan 1 0.00 Latvia 39 36 60 11 4 0.00 -63.64 Lithuania 40 52 104 29 18 0.02 -37.93 Moldova, Republic of 10 6 2 1 1 0.00 Poland 669 762 1,120 365 93 0.10 -74.52 Romania 207 263 3 79 90 0.09 13.92 Russian Federation 564 743 982 325 176 0.19 -45.85 Slovakia 65 93 152 47 58 0.06 23.40 Turkmenistan 2 1 Ukraine 148 174 301 146 63 0.07 -56.85 Uzbekistan 4 5 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 749 COUNTRY TABLES PARAGUAY 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 4,230 4,137 5,164 1,343 387 0.41 -71.18 Denmark 437 503 564 104 43 0.05 -58.65 Finland 176 160 239 49 17 0.02 -65.31 Iceland 18 37 10 4 Ireland 274 428 299 66 36 0.04 -45.45 Norway 379 405 529 155 36 0.04 -76.77 Sweden 628 600 605 277 66 0.07 -76.17 United Kingdom 2,318 2,004 2,918 688 189 0.20 -72.53 SOUTHERN EUROPE 20,171 21,040 25,014 5,007 4,778 5.04 -4.57 Albania 5 10 12 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Andorra 11 13 23 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 7 8 2 4 0.00 100.00 Croatia 84 64 85 23 8 0.01 -65.22 Greece 113 99 136 25 11 0.01 -56.00 Holy See 2 1 1 Italy 4,566 4,534 5,079 999 585 0.62 -41.44 Malta 9 8 12 2 Montenegro 15 4 2 North Macedonia 3 2 Portugal 909 950 1,105 256 133 0.14 -48.05 San Marino 1 1 4 Serbia 12 20 26 4 7 0.01 75.00 Slovenia 54 52 100 7 5 0.01 -28.57 Spain 14,405 15,259 18,415 3,682 4,024 4.24 9.29 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1 3 2 WESTERN EUROPE 18,622 20,124 25,463 6,030 6,359 6.70 5.46 Austria 774 836 1,037 246 245 0.26 -0.41 Belgium 929 844 1,070 211 128 0.13 -39.34 France 4,787 4,508 5,377 1,205 597 0.63 -50.46 Germany 8,873 10,935 13,942 3,402 4,793 5.05 40.89 Liechtenstein 2 11 6 1 1 0.00 Luxembourg 28 27 27 8 10 0.01 25.00 Monaco 6 1 0.00 Netherlands 1,263 1,108 1,587 382 134 0.14 -64.92 Switzerland 1,966 1,849 2,417 575 450 0.47 -21.74 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,196 1,260 1,538 369 291 0.31 -21.14 Cyprus 4 12 18 10 2 0.00 -80.00 Israel 821 758 905 210 142 0.15 -32.38 Turkiye 371 490 615 149 147 0.15 -1.34 OTHER EUROPE 18 34 47 3 6 0.01 100.00 Other countries of Europe 18 34 47 3 6 0.01 100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 750 COUNTRY TABLES PARAGUAY 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 233 262 245 19 36 0.04 89.47 Egypt 30 21 16 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Iraq 15 7 4 Jordan 6 10 7 1 1 0.00 Kuwait 4 2 5 Lebanon 108 99 81 9 30 0.03 233.33 Libya 1 3 Oman 19 1 9 Qatar 7 19 6 2 Saudi Arabia 6 5 4 1 0.00 State of Palestine 3 2 13 Syrian Arab Republic 17 20 11 3 United Arab Emirates 17 76 86 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Yemen 2 0.00 SOUTH ASIA 344 508 572 84 26 0.03 -69.05 Afghanistan 27 209 230 33 9 0.01 -72.73 Bangladesh 10 27 26 4 3 0.00 -25.00 India 239 219 269 37 11 0.01 -70.27 Iran, Islamic Republic of 38 14 10 1 Maldives 2 0.00 Nepal 4 5 Pakistan 25 27 31 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Sri Lanka 1 7 6 5 NOT SPECIFIED 122 80 147 17 2 0.00 -88.24 Other countries of the world 122 80 147 17 2 0.00 -88.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 751 COUNTRY TABLES PERU / PEROU / PERU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 4,032,339 4,419,430 4,371,787 896,523 444,331 100.00 -50.44 AFRICA 4,064 4,756 4,962 679 265 0.06 -60.97 NORTH AFRICA 295 347 429 49 37 0.01 -24.49 Morocco 295 347 429 49 37 0.01 -24.49 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,569 3,008 3,171 443 76 0.02 -82.84 South Africa 2,569 3,008 3,171 443 76 0.02 -82.84 OTHER AFRICA 1,200 1,401 1,362 187 152 0.03 -18.72 Other countries of Africa 1,200 1,401 1,362 187 152 0.03 -18.72 AMERICAS 3,186,149 3,537,976 3,461,206 733,525 340,525 76.64 -53.58 CARIBBEAN 12,969 20,248 23,499 3,627 2,706 0.61 -25.39 Aruba 190 200 300 33 94 0.02 184.85 Cuba 4,208 9,724 12,173 2,025 243 0.05 -88.00 Dominican Republic 7,132 8,882 8,842 1,322 1,997 0.45 51.06 Puerto Rico 802 861 1,406 165 330 0.07 100.00 Trinidad and Tobago 637 581 778 82 42 0.01 -48.78 CENTRAL AMERICA 56,473 57,027 63,526 10,473 8,284 1.86 -20.90 Costa Rica 18,468 1 7,387 21,258 4,087 2,618 0.59 -35.94 El Salvador 6,835 5,884 5,856 710 739 0.17 4.08 Guatemala 6,127 6,621 8,244 1,112 1,841 0.41 65.56 Honduras 2,751 3,432 3,946 638 781 0.18 22.41 Nicaragua 2,041 1,667 1,836 266 222 0.05 -16.54 Panama 20,251 22,036 22,386 3,660 2,083 0.47 -43.09 NORTH AMERICA 770,011 831,534 880,295 169,530 209,162 47.07 23.38 Canada 77,563 86,634 94,475 19,383 7,872 1.77 -59.39 Mexico 93,763 103,620 128,829 22,592 24,290 5.47 7.52 United States of America 598,685 641,280 656,991 127,555 1 77,000 39.84 38.76 SOUTH AMERICA 2,345,158 2,627,253 2,491,299 549,372 119,774 26.96 -78.20 Argentina 205,465 216,041 214,608 45,092 14,049 3.16 -68.84 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 146,660 158,974 188,642 52,445 4,340 0.98 -91.72 Brazil 1 73,753 177,711 193,898 34,446 10,542 2.37 -69.40 Chile 1,101,055 1,159,188 1,196,234 288,397 36,744 8.27 -87.26 Colombia 200,812 219,452 223,943 48,950 40,952 9.22 -16.34 Ecuador 288,987 293,231 339,486 66,547 9,869 2.22 -85.17 Paraguay 11,438 11,560 11,351 2,348 1,444 0.32 -38.50 Uruguay 20,187 22,932 22,870 3,750 1,798 0.40 -52.05 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 196,495 367,739 99,856 7,351 Other countries of South America 306 425 411 46 36 0.01 -21.74 OTHER AMERICAS 1,538 1,914 2,587 523 599 0.13 14.53 Other countries of the Americas 1,538 1,914 2,587 523 599 0.13 14.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 752 COUNTRY TABLES PERU / PEROU / PERU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 184,148 194,467 193,339 37,208 5,602 1.26 -84.94 NORHT-EAST ASIA 119,026 130,054 124,031 27,209 4,047 0.91 -85.13 China 31,408 37,740 41,067 5,748 2,231 0.50 -61.19 Hong Kong, China 3,024 4,191 4,101 975 45 0.01 -95.38 Japan 48,171 47,605 40,734 9,666 1,079 0.24 -88.84 Korea, Republic of 29,323 32,133 29,652 8,990 549 0.12 -93.89 Taiwan Province of China 7,100 8,385 8,477 1,830 143 0.03 -92.19 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 12,242 14,009 16,637 2,332 459 0.10 -80.32 Indonesia 2,422 2,994 4,168 519 70 0.02 -86.51 Malaysia 2,070 2,307 2,434 294 39 0.01 -86.73 Philippines 3,515 3,405 4,642 873 205 0.05 -76.52 Singapore 2,096 2,608 2,666 240 48 0.01 -80.00 Thailand 1,561 1,919 1,975 289 65 0.01 -77.51 Viet Nam 578 776 752 117 32 0.01 -72.65 AUSTRALASIA 50,078 47,258 48,858 7,154 691 0.16 -90.34 Australia 41,810 39,565 41,347 6,383 572 0.13 -91.04 New Zealand 8,268 7,693 7,511 771 119 0.03 -84.57 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,802 3,146 3,813 513 405 0.09 -21.05 Other countries of Asia 2,690 3,036 3,701 499 381 0.09 -23.65 Other countries of Oceania 112 110 112 14 24 0.01 71.43 EUROPE 649,328 671,788 700,859 123,098 97,092 21.85 -21.13 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 34,758 37,253 42,306 9,079 8,414 1.89 -7.32 Belarus 1,359 553 596 133 105 0.02 -21.05 Bulgaria 1,490 1,714 1,668 304 331 0.07 8.88 Czech Republic (Czechia) 4,767 5,509 6,030 962 571 0.13 -40.64 Hungary 2,106 2,352 2,705 559 616 0.14 10.20 Lithuania 1,142 1,348 1,303 351 192 0.04 -45.30 Poland 8,396 9,271 10,815 2,207 1,838 0.41 -16.72 Romania 2,839 3,336 3,540 658 1,035 0.23 57.29 Russian Federation 8,648 8,921 10,152 2,669 2,570 0.58 -3.71 Slovakia 1,529 1,777 2,270 345 200 0.05 -42.03 Ukraine 2,482 2,472 3,227 891 956 0.22 7.30 NORTHERN EUROPE 102,021 108,759 105,856 18,338 6,009 1.35 -67.23 Denmark 6,534 7,124 7,394 1,552 665 0.15 -57.15 Finland 2,646 2,849 2,594 543 192 0.04 -64.64 Ireland 6,588 7,539 7,347 1,002 414 0.09 -58.68 Norway 5,449 5,499 5,668 1,043 326 0.07 -68.74 Sweden 11,298 11,624 11,531 2,516 1,630 0.37 -35.21 United Kingdom 69,506 74,124 71,322 11,682 2,782 0.63 -76.19 SOUTHERN EUROPE 233,247 235,105 246,478 42,272 45,843 10.32 8.45 Croatia 1,056 1,101 1,328 282 194 0.04 -31.21 Greece 2,139 2,526 2,752 402 481 0.11 19.65 Italy 73,955 73,653 73,261 11,336 10,951 2.46 -3.40 Portugal 7,905 8,838 9,733 1,606 1,086 0.24 -32.38 Slovenia 978 1,157 1,286 149 276 0.06 85.23 Spain 147,214 147,830 158,118 28,497 32,855 7.39 15.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 753 COUNTRY TABLES PERU / PEROU / PERU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 258,649 268,048 281,977 48,597 32,387 7.29 -33.36 Austria 8,874 9,083 9,622 1,664 841 0.19 -49.46 Belgium 16,181 16,655 16,953 2,170 2,020 0.45 -6.91 France 96,283 100,951 108,873 16,350 12,909 2.91 -21.05 Germany 78,199 81,684 86,307 17,779 9,146 2.06 -48.56 Netherlands 34,979 35,629 36,526 5,734 3,272 0.74 -42.94 Switzerland 24,133 24,046 23,696 4,900 4,199 0.95 -14.31 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 17,280 18,768 20,082 4,100 3,820 0.86 -6.83 Israel 14,130 15,285 16,664 3,309 3,305 0.74 -0.12 Turkiye 3,150 3,483 3,418 791 515 0.12 -34.89 OTHER EUROPE 3,373 3,855 4,160 712 619 0.14 -13.06 Other countries of Europe 3,373 3,855 4,160 712 619 0.14 -13.06 MIDDLE EAST 247 292 343 55 97 0.02 76.36 Egypt 247 292 343 55 97 0.02 76.36 SOUTH ASIA 7,201 8,742 9,505 1,558 551 0.12 -64.63 India 7,201 8,742 9,505 1,558 551 0.12 -64.63 NOT SPECIFIED 1,202 1,409 1,573 400 199 0.04 -50.25 Other countries of the world 1,202 1,409 1,573 400 199 0.04 -50.25 PERU / PEROU / PERU 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 7,847,617 7,961,585 8,264,767 1,778,618 2,055,883 100.00 15.59 AFRICA 39,992 37,078 32,920 6,067 6,386 0.31 5.26 NORTH AFRICA 3,587 2,380 4,399 1,244 1,912 0.09 53.70 Morocco 3,587 2,380 4,399 1,244 1,912 0.09 53.70 SOUTHERN AFRICA 484 1,000 1,962 232 684 0.03 194.83 South Africa 484 1,000 1,962 232 684 0.03 194.83 WEST AFRICA 5,312 3,207 5,009 220 1,606 0.08 630.00 Ghana 5,312 3,207 5,009 220 1,606 0.08 630.00 OTHER AFRICA 30,609 30,491 21,550 4,371 2,184 0.11 -50.03 Other countries of Africa 30,609 30,491 21,550 4,371 2,184 0.11 -50.03 AMERICAS 4,770,995 4,875,284 5,046,454 1,269,018 1,520,815 73.97 19.84 CENTRAL AMERICA 95,528 72,073 61,811 14,326 16,904 0.82 18.00 Costa Rica 23,045 21,449 35,747 9,455 10,842 0.53 14.67 Panama 10,426 12,563 26,064 4,871 6,062 0.29 24.45 Other countries of Central America 62,057 38,061 NORTH AMERICA 1,979,618 1,961,040 2,079,537 339,360 569,461 27.70 67.80 Canada 259,420 263,973 272,724 49,389 30,338 1.48 -38.57 Mexico 254,613 231,419 299,009 54,212 95,645 4.65 76.43 United States of America 1,465,585 1,465,648 1,507,804 235,759 443,478 21.57 88.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 754 COUNTRY TABLES PERU / PEROU / PERU 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 2,461,674 2,363,203 2,753,378 823,245 815,062 39.65 -0.99 Argentina 408,386 331,309 331,351 69,728 41,495 2.02 -40.49 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 129,298 122,946 126,445 32,311 56,024 2.73 73.39 Brazil 465,604 363,509 381,445 75,962 38,419 1.87 -49.42 Chile 718,339 684,395 676,066 165,038 74,245 3.61 -55.01 Colombia 342,867 292,268 325,667 89,516 126,958 6.18 41.83 Ecuador 240,114 236,785 371,654 54,441 93,256 4.54 71.30 Paraguay 12,325 11,200 4,168 815 1,498 0.07 83.80 Uruguay 56,637 46,029 54,788 10,350 8,300 0.40 -19.81 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 88,104 274,762 481,794 325,084 374,867 18.23 15.31 OTHER AMERICAS 234,175 478,968 151,728 92,087 119,388 5.81 29.65 Other countries of the Americas 234,175 478,968 151,728 92,087 119,388 5.81 29.65 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 701,077 705,016 670,227 134,372 74,608 3.63 -44.48 NORHT-EAST ASIA 375,609 374,897 357,219 80,542 49,791 2.42 -38.18 China 131,774 151,099 168,330 29,673 16,622 0.81 -43.98 Japan 147,604 134,748 109,562 25,344 20,061 0.98 -20.85 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 11,095 9,895 7,280 1,813 5,625 0.27 210.26 Korea, Republic of 73,553 68,797 64,156 21,578 4,522 0.22 -79.04 Taiwan Province of China 11,583 10,358 7,891 2,134 2,961 0.14 38.75 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 7,474 7,242 5,603 691 928 0.05 34.30 Indonesia 1,038 785 1,508 419 542 0.03 29.36 Singapore 6,436 6,457 4,095 272 386 0.02 41.91 AUSTRALASIA 5,441 19,705 46,977 6,042 1,860 0.09 -69.22 Australia 5,441 19,705 46,977 6,042 1,860 0.09 -69.22 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 312,553 303,172 260,428 47,097 22,029 1.07 -53.23 Other countries of Asia 81,206 104,035 105,159 23,854 16,201 0.79 -32.08 Other countries of Oceania 231,347 199,137 155,269 23,243 5,828 0.28 -74.93 EUROPE 2,300,752 2,309,391 2,475,548 363,737 445,631 21.68 22.51 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 22,920 32,446 35,394 12,295 23,534 1.14 91.41 Belarus 2,249 3,585 4,513 1,309 1,153 0.06 -11.92 Poland 431 4,001 5,801 1,256 7,414 0.36 490.29 Russian Federation 20,240 24,860 25,080 9,730 14,967 0.73 53.82 NORTHERN EUROPE 311,917 315,680 301,244 36,359 20,605 1.00 -43.33 Sweden 905 4,901 7,896 1,673 1,335 0.06 -20.20 United Kingdom 311,012 310,779 293,348 34,686 19,270 0.94 -44.44 SOUTHERN EUROPE 545,807 525,615 592,222 89,166 109,965 5.35 23.33 Italy 191,144 190,340 200,189 27,339 24,427 1.19 -10.65 Portugal 816 3,126 7,603 836 2,605 0.13 211.60 Spain 353,847 332,149 384,430 60,991 82,933 4.03 35.98 WESTERN EUROPE 837,124 850,275 1,034,748 138,430 184,017 8.95 32.93 Austria 1,379 4,474 10,370 1,023 3,257 0.16 218.38 Belgium 2,609 10,032 21,025 1,679 5,502 0.27 227.70 France 397,359 392,139 487,764 61,434 94,475 4.60 53.78 Germany 314,316 306,132 353,311 49,065 47,848 2.33 -2.48 Netherlands 74,456 80,822 99,214 12,750 16,865 0.82 32.27 Switzerland 47,005 56,676 63,064 12,479 16,070 0.78 28.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 755 COUNTRY TABLES PERU / PEROU / PERU 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 64,133 57,623 61,618 10,424 21,304 1.04 104.37 Israel 56,401 50,949 53,250 8,146 18,775 0.91 130.48 Turkiye 7,732 6,674 8,368 2,278 2,529 0.12 11.02 OTHER EUROPE 518,851 527,752 450,322 77,063 86,206 4.19 11.86 Other countries of Europe 518,851 527,752 450,322 77,063 86,206 4.19 11.86 MIDDLE EAST 7,926 7,454 9,363 1,201 3,898 0.19 224.56 United Arab Emirates 7,926 7,454 9,363 1,201 3,898 0.19 224.56 SOUTH ASIA 26,875 27,362 30,255 4,223 4,545 0.22 7.62 India 26,875 27,362 30,255 4,223 4,545 0.22 7.62 PERU / PEROU / PERU 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 14,675,807 14,301,898 14,796,037 3,414,969 3,572,960 100.00 4.63 AFRICA 67,880 63,548 58,656 13,714 10,426 0.29 -23.98 NORTH AFRICA 6,155 4,122 8,350 1,683 2,229 0.06 32.44 Morocco 6,155 4,122 8,350 1,683 2,229 0.06 32.44 SOUTHERN AFRICA 815 1,752 3,937 770 1,268 0.04 64.68 South Africa 815 1,752 3,937 770 1,268 0.04 64.68 WEST AFRICA 9,531 6,234 7,872 623 2,586 0.07 315.09 Ghana 9,531 6,234 7,872 623 2,586 0.07 315.09 OTHER AFRICA 51,379 51,440 38,497 10,638 4,343 0.12 -59.17 Other countries of Africa 51,379 51,440 38,497 10,638 4,343 0.12 -59.17 AMERICAS 9,280,579 9,072,859 9,272,117 2,332,736 2,581,323 72.25 10.66 CENTRAL AMERICA 209,179 147,678 127,519 28,938 31,886 0.89 10.19 Costa Rica 41,242 38,177 72,528 19,680 19,543 0.55 -0.70 Panama 19,094 21,707 54,991 9,258 12,343 0.35 33.32 Other countries of Central America 148,843 87,794 NORTH AMERICA 3,663,731 3,444,457 3,752,743 703,253 1,109,646 31.06 57.79 Canada 462,131 442,208 485,401 92,089 60,210 1.69 -34.62 Mexico 522,888 439,603 602,181 133,646 1 78,530 5.00 33.58 United States of America 2,678,712 2,562,646 2,665,161 477,518 870,906 24.37 82.38 SOUTH AMERICA 4,995,605 4,479,835 5,066,418 1,441,708 1,252,634 35.06 -13.11 Argentina 790,477 641,548 655,738 155,213 86,630 2.42 -44.19 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 210,824 186,951 184,787 52,570 69,922 1.96 33.01 Brazil 970,037 736,574 784,246 180,494 90,535 2.53 -49.84 Chile 1,479,292 1,377,254 1,467,253 383,096 160,470 4.49 -58.11 Colombia 738,749 602,240 685,394 207,543 281,216 7.87 35.50 Ecuador 484,041 436,112 570,434 93,964 121,849 3.41 29.68 Paraguay 29,998 32,490 8,975 1,993 3,358 0.09 68.49 Uruguay 117,477 98,781 105,529 21,118 13,785 0.39 -34.72 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 174,710 367,885 604,062 345,717 424,869 11.89 22.90 OTHER AMERICAS 412,064 1,000,889 325,437 158,837 187,157 5.24 17.83 Other countries of the Americas 412,064 1,000,889 325,437 158,837 187,157 5.24 17.83 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 756 COUNTRY TABLES PERU / PEROU / PERU 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,247,313 1,158,312 1,213,343 261,274 139,155 3.89 -46.74 NORHT-EAST ASIA 694,512 599,806 689,323 159,381 86,172 2.41 -45.93 China 285,232 242,405 373,967 83,663 39,634 1.11 -52.63 Japan 246,576 209,450 170,203 38,045 22,323 0.62 -41.32 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 32,102 1 7,299 12,155 3,427 8,698 0.24 153.81 Korea, Republic of 110,077 115,810 120,676 31,383 11,310 0.32 -63.96 Taiwan Province of China 20,525 14,842 12,322 2,863 4,207 0.12 46.94 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 17,098 13,174 8,843 3,516 2,677 0.07 -23.86 Indonesia 5,907 1,330 2,365 2,871 1,526 0.04 -46.85 Singapore 11,191 11,844 6,478 645 1,151 0.03 78.45 AUSTRALASIA 10,314 33,096 73,009 11,018 3,805 0.11 -65.47 Australia 10,314 33,096 73,009 11,018 3,805 0.11 -65.47 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 525,389 512,236 442,168 87,359 46,501 1.30 -46.77 Other countries of Asia 138,669 185,390 182,231 41,036 33,727 0.94 -17.81 Other countries of Oceania 386,720 326,846 259,937 46,323 12,774 0.36 -72.42 EUROPE 4,000,487 3,936,652 4,169,748 791,486 825,083 23.09 4.24 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 39,313 56,351 67,301 27,101 41,816 1.17 54.30 Belarus 3,242 5,895 6,367 1,592 1,790 0.05 12.44 Poland 781 6,653 8,804 1,964 11,232 0.31 471.89 Russian Federation 35,290 43,803 52,130 23,545 28,794 0.81 22.29 NORTHERN EUROPE 528,297 525,400 521,792 77,712 40,532 1.13 -47.84 Sweden 1,298 8,791 12,587 3,666 2,858 0.08 -22.04 United Kingdom 526,999 516,609 509,205 74,046 37,674 1.05 -49.12 SOUTHERN EUROPE 995,273 910,702 1,047,946 244,241 202,347 5.66 -17.15 Italy 324,227 307,119 326,281 122,322 48,730 1.36 -60.16 Portugal 1,349 5,398 13,422 2,253 6,504 0.18 188.68 Spain 669,697 598,185 708,243 119,666 147,113 4.12 22.94 WESTERN EUROPE 1,416,305 1,408,805 1,662,382 286,787 341,806 9.57 19.18 Austria 2,218 7,857 16,630 2,021 8,247 0.23 308.07 Belgium 6,476 1 7,565 32,234 3,997 10,973 0.31 1 74.53 France 649,432 620,767 735,868 107,588 163,163 4.57 51.66 Germany 550,041 515,163 594,840 111,861 95,012 2.66 -15.06 Netherlands 131,422 139,234 169,700 24,461 30,018 0.84 22.72 Switzerland 76,716 108,219 113,110 36,859 34,393 0.96 -6.69 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 105,924 104,153 104,505 17,830 40,251 1.13 125.75 Israel 94,807 93,437 89,619 11,728 33,693 0.94 187.29 Turkiye 11,117 10,716 14,886 6,102 6,558 0.18 7.47 OTHER EUROPE 915,375 931,241 765,822 137,815 158,331 4.43 14.89 Other countries of Europe 915,375 931,241 765,822 137,815 158,331 4.43 14.89 MIDDLE EAST 17,247 15,476 18,189 3,249 6,781 0.19 108.71 United Arab Emirates 17,247 15,476 18,189 3,249 6,781 0.19 108.71 SOUTH ASIA 62,301 55,051 63,984 12,510 10,192 0.29 -18.53 India 62,301 55,051 63,984 12,510 10,192 0.29 -18.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 757 COUNTRY TABLES PHILIPPINES / FILIPINAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 6,620,908 7,168,467 8,260,913 1,482,535 163,879 100.00 -88.95 AFRICA 8,029 9,647 11,992 3,201 1,126 0.69 -64.82 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,471 7,543 8,553 2,159 826 0.50 -61.74 South Africa 6,471 7,543 8,553 2,159 826 0.50 -61.74 WEST AFRICA 1,558 2,104 3,439 1,042 300 0.18 -71.21 Nigeria 1,558 2,104 3,439 1,042 300 0.18 -71.21 AMERICAS 1,176,480 1,279,847 1,327,870 273,511 47,484 28.98 -82.64 NORTH AMERICA 1,164,197 1,265,165 1,308,444 268,072 46,350 28.28 -82.71 Canada 200,640 226,446 238,850 55,273 6,781 4.14 -87.73 Mexico 5,744 4,248 5,154 983 243 0.15 -75.28 United States of America 957,813 1,034,471 1,064,440 211,816 39,326 24.00 -81.43 SOUTH AMERICA 12,283 14,682 19,426 5,439 1,134 0.69 -79.15 Argentina 3,157 3,468 3,643 1,432 204 0.12 -85.75 Brazil 6,114 7,364 10,035 2,750 612 0.37 -77.75 Colombia 1,747 2,389 3,386 722 184 0.11 -74.52 Peru 1,008 1,038 1,660 350 59 0.04 -83.14 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 257 423 702 185 75 0.05 -59.46 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,338,996 4,768,139 5,722,404 857,728 44,481 27.14 -94.81 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,517,471 3,883,773 4,842,774 707,850 33,154 20.23 -95.32 China 968,447 1,257,962 1,743,309 170,432 9,674 5.90 -94.32 Hong Kong, China 111,135 11 7,992 91,653 12,444 354 0.22 -97.16 Japan 584,180 631,821 682,788 136,664 15,024 9.17 -89.01 Korea, Republic of 1,607,821 1,624,251 1,989,322 338,877 6,456 3.94 -98.09 Macao, China 9,111 9,336 8,429 789 27 0.02 -96.58 Taiwan Province of China 236,777 242,411 327,273 48,644 1,619 0.99 -96.67 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 488,346 530,321 526,832 83,344 7,773 4.74 -90.67 Brunei Darussalam 8,679 9,533 8,126 1,037 37 0.02 -96.43 Cambodia 4,712 4,154 5,988 942 40 0.02 -95.75 Indonesia 62,923 76,652 70,819 13,734 1,888 1.15 -86.25 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,580 1,183 1,454 203 15 0.01 -92.61 Malaysia 143,566 145,246 139,882 23,359 1,620 0.99 -93.06 Myanmar 9,571 9,630 13,978 2,877 271 0.17 -90.58 Singapore 168,637 171,796 158,595 19,998 653 0.40 -96.73 Thailand 48,727 59,793 61,292 9,788 1,464 0.89 -85.04 Viet Nam 39,951 52,334 66,698 11,406 1,785 1.09 -84.35 AUSTRALASIA 288,416 313,169 324,042 62,213 2,529 1.54 -95.93 Australia 259,433 279,828 286,170 55,330 2,184 1.33 -96.05 New Zealand 28,983 33,341 37,872 6,883 345 0.21 -94.99 MELANESIA 8,110 8,481 8,828 1,434 381 0.23 -73.43 Papua New Guinea 8,110 8,481 8,828 1,434 381 0.23 -73.43 MICRONESIA 36,653 32,395 19,928 2,887 644 0.39 -77.69 Guam 36,637 32,357 19,835 2,882 644 0.39 -77.65 Nauru 16 38 93 5 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 758 COUNTRY TABLES PHILIPPINES / FILIPINAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 675,399 736,483 803,603 189,292 24,670 15.05 -86.97 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 54,873 54,049 63,975 22,716 3,417 2.09 -84.96 Poland 10,786 12,568 15,816 5,429 520 0.32 -90.42 Russian Federation 33,279 29,967 36,111 12,643 1,027 0.63 -91.88 Other countries Central/East Europe 10,808 11,514 12,048 4,644 1,870 1.14 -59.73 NORTHERN EUROPE 275,755 297,854 308,992 61,945 6,529 3.98 -89.46 Denmark 18,445 1 7,884 18,535 4,848 353 0.22 -92.72 Finland 6,958 7,219 8,420 2,135 212 0.13 -90.07 Ireland 18,051 20,051 21,475 3,621 600 0.37 -83.43 Norway 21,890 23,571 23,464 4,365 508 0.31 -88.36 Sweden 27,703 28,085 27,892 6,996 508 0.31 -92.74 United Kingdom 182,708 201,044 209,206 39,980 4,348 2.65 -89.12 SOUTHERN EUROPE 75,102 88,590 100,686 22,002 3,272 2.00 -85.13 Andorra 357 273 25 8 1 0.00 -87.50 Greece 3,165 3,453 3,849 1,325 500 0.31 -62.26 Italy 30,437 35,182 38,951 8,976 1,212 0.74 -86.50 Portugal 4,189 5,549 8,113 2,072 339 0.21 -83.64 Spain 36,954 44,133 49,748 9,621 1,220 0.74 -87.32 WESTERN EUROPE 243,815 267,032 298,445 74,265 6,626 4.04 -91.08 Austria 13,524 14,193 14,840 3,875 381 0.23 -90.17 Belgium 15,703 1 7,285 19,156 3,756 648 0.40 -82.75 France 64,777 74,400 88,577 24,530 1,425 0.87 -94.19 Germany 85,431 92,098 103,756 25,893 2,037 1.24 -92.13 Luxembourg 722 930 837 156 27 0.02 -82.69 Netherlands 33,821 37,051 41,313 8,961 1,510 0.92 -83.15 Switzerland 29,837 31,075 29,966 7,094 598 0.36 -91.57 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 25,854 28,958 31,505 8,364 4,826 2.94 -42.30 Israel 17,446 20,343 22,851 4,745 452 0.28 -90.47 Turkiye 8,408 8,615 8,654 3,619 4,374 2.67 20.86 MIDDLE EAST 89,932 79,520 73,703 15,094 11,009 6.72 -27.06 Bahrain 3,795 3,638 3,296 1,094 1,864 1.14 70.38 Egypt 2,000 2,155 3,210 1,213 1,076 0.66 -11.29 Jordan 745 1,129 1,931 397 209 0.13 -47.36 Kuwait 8,082 6,448 6,309 1,171 662 0.40 -43.47 Oman 2,526 700 905 0.55 29.29 Qatar 4,195 3,781 2,491 987 1,308 0.80 32.52 Saudi Arabia 54,716 46,967 43,748 7,014 2,252 1.37 -67.89 United Arab Emirates 16,399 15,402 10,192 2,518 2,733 1.67 8.54 SOUTH ASIA 129,507 149,216 162,106 34,039 8,760 5.35 -74.26 Bangladesh 4,591 5,495 6,630 1,217 323 0.20 -73.46 India 107,278 121,124 134,963 29,014 7,202 4.39 -75.18 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,598 2,456 2,290 411 172 0.10 -58.15 Nepal 5,328 8,696 6,018 940 178 0.11 -81.06 Pakistan 4,369 4,999 5,793 1,340 584 0.36 -56.42 Sri Lanka 5,343 6,446 6,412 1,117 301 0.18 -73.05 NOT SPECIFIED 202,565 145,615 159,235 109,670 26,349 16.08 -75.97 Other countries of the world 61,954 73,742 86,799 25,590 8,568 5.23 -66.52 Nationals residing abroad (*) 140,611 71,873 72,436 84,080 17,781 10.85 -78.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 759 COUNTRY TABLES PHILIPPINES / FILIPINAS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 6,506,471 6,940,239 8,099,210 1,457,334 163,879 100.00 -88.75 AFRICA 7,660 9,287 11,727 3,098 1,126 0.69 -63.65 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,102 7,183 8,295 2,058 826 0.50 -59.86 South Africa 6,102 7,183 8,295 2,058 826 0.50 -59.86 WEST AFRICA 1,558 2,104 3,432 1,040 300 0.18 -71.15 Nigeria 1,558 2,104 3,432 1,040 300 0.18 -71.15 AMERICAS 1,165,696 1,267,505 1,319,409 271,779 47,484 28.98 -82.53 NORTH AMERICA 1,154,467 1,253,448 1,300,463 266,469 46,350 28.28 -82.61 Canada 198,306 223,871 236,289 54,862 6,781 4.14 -87.64 Mexico 3,707 4,073 5,023 907 243 0.15 -73.21 United States of America 952,454 1,025,504 1,059,151 210,700 39,326 24.00 -81.34 SOUTH AMERICA 11,229 14,057 18,946 5,310 1,134 0.69 -78.64 Argentina 3,029 3,413 3,594 1,409 204 0.12 -85.52 Brazil 5,785 7,004 9,824 2,695 612 0.37 -77.29 Colombia 1,539 2,298 3,298 700 184 0.11 -73.71 Peru 642 935 1,564 328 59 0.04 -82.01 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 234 407 666 178 75 0.05 -57.87 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,260,956 4,589,635 5,595,131 842,467 44,454 27.13 -94.72 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,462,618 3,737,854 4,746,182 698,525 33,127 20.21 -95.26 China 930,813 1,137,781 1,666,424 164,795 9,674 5.90 -94.13 Hong Kong, China 109,034 111,441 86,942 10,572 354 0.22 -96.65 Japan 583,723 629,989 680,524 136,261 15,024 9.17 -88.97 Korea, Republic of 1,605,490 1,622,076 1,987,306 338,560 6,456 3.94 -98.09 Taiwan Province of China 233,558 236,567 324,986 48,337 1,619 0.99 -96.65 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 467,230 500,642 499,696 78,534 7,773 4.74 -90.10 Brunei Darussalam 8,668 9,516 8,114 1,035 37 0.02 -96.43 Cambodia 4,709 4,131 5,868 936 40 0.02 -95.73 Indonesia 54,752 62,852 59,311 11,563 1,888 1.15 -83.67 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,579 1,183 1,454 203 15 0.01 -92.61 Malaysia 141,105 140,411 136,673 22,957 1,620 0.99 -92.94 Myanmar 5,160 5,617 9,195 1,720 271 0.17 -84.24 Singapore 168,458 171,515 156,282 19,934 653 0.40 -96.72 Thailand 47,844 58,745 60,331 9,493 1,464 0.89 -84.58 Viet Nam 34,955 46,672 62,468 10,693 1,785 1.09 -83.31 AUSTRALASIA 286,345 310,270 320,503 61,087 2,529 1.54 -95.86 Australia 257,581 277,149 282,952 54,284 2,184 1.33 -95.98 New Zealand 28,764 33,121 37,551 6,803 345 0.21 -94.93 MELANESIA 8,110 8,474 8,822 1,434 381 0.23 -73.43 Papua New Guinea 8,110 8,474 8,822 1,434 381 0.23 -73.43 MICRONESIA 36,653 32,395 19,928 2,887 644 0.39 -77.69 Guam 36,637 32,357 19,835 2,882 644 0.39 -77.65 Nauru 16 38 93 5 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 760 COUNTRY TABLES PHILIPPINES / FILIPINAS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 656,230 713,887 785,521 184,247 24,669 15.05 -86.61 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 47,759 47,234 57,970 21,419 3,417 2.09 -84.05 Poland 10,182 12,065 15,464 5,355 520 0.32 -90.29 Russian Federation 30,659 27,967 33,999 12,171 1,027 0.63 -91.56 Commonwealth Independent States 6,918 7,202 8,507 3,893 1,870 1.14 -51.97 NORTHERN EUROPE 270,591 291,173 306,500 60,517 6,529 3.98 -89.21 Denmark 1 7,985 17,718 18,484 4,829 353 0.22 -92.69 Finland 6,890 7,140 8,379 2,118 212 0.13 -89.99 Ireland 1 7,935 19,896 21,393 3,595 600 0.37 -83.31 Norway 21,621 23,303 23,397 4,270 508 0.31 -88.10 Sweden 27,113 27,246 27,632 6,848 508 0.31 -92.58 United Kingdom 179,047 195,870 207,215 38,857 4,348 2.65 -88.81 SOUTHERN EUROPE 73,737 85,708 99,199 21,762 3,271 2.00 -84.97 Greece 2,792 3,003 3,487 1,230 500 0.31 -59.35 Italy 30,098 33,313 38,112 8,931 1,212 0.74 -86.43 Portugal 4,087 5,427 7,997 2,023 339 0.21 -83.24 Spain 36,760 43,965 49,603 9,578 1,220 0.74 -87.26 WESTERN EUROPE 238,910 261,371 291,007 72,355 6,626 4.04 -90.84 Austria 13,212 14,033 14,542 3,781 381 0.23 -89.92 Belgium 15,468 17,131 19,021 3,677 648 0.40 -82.38 France 64,211 73,916 88,299 24,493 1,425 0.87 -94.18 Germany 82,558 88,362 98,034 24,347 2,037 1.24 -91.63 Luxembourg 710 916 819 155 27 0.02 -82.58 Netherlands 33,419 36,396 40,639 8,895 1,510 0.92 -83.02 Switzerland 29,332 30,617 29,653 7,007 598 0.36 -91.47 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 25,233 28,401 30,845 8,194 4,826 2.94 -41.10 Israel 1 7,098 20,285 22,624 4,728 452 0.28 -90.44 Turkiye 8,135 8,116 8,221 3,466 4,374 2.67 26.20 MIDDLE EAST 89,883 79,475 71,087 14,382 10,104 6.17 -29.75 Bahrain 3,793 3,638 3,292 1,092 1,864 1.14 70.70 Egypt 1,959 2,119 3,154 1,206 1,076 0.66 -10.78 Jordan 743 1,122 1,931 394 209 0.13 -46.95 Kuwait 8,078 6,448 6,295 1,171 662 0.40 -43.47 Qatar 4,195 3,780 2,491 987 1,308 0.80 32.52 Saudi Arabia 54,716 46,967 43,742 7,014 2,252 1.37 -67.89 United Arab Emirates 16,399 15,401 10,182 2,518 2,733 1.67 8.54 SOUTH ASIA 118,645 129,875 149,896 31,626 8,760 5.35 -72.30 Bangladesh 4,243 4,974 5,975 1,114 323 0.20 -71.01 India 100,039 108,744 126,011 27,086 7,202 4.39 -73.41 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,598 2,450 2,288 411 172 0.10 -58.15 Nepal 3,404 3,967 4,678 800 178 0.11 -77.75 Pakistan 4,263 4,875 5,732 1,314 584 0.36 -55.56 Sri Lanka 4,098 4,865 5,212 901 301 0.18 -66.59 NOT SPECIFIED 207,401 150,575 166,439 109,735 27,282 16.65 -75.14 Other countries of the world 66,790 78,702 94,003 25,655 9,501 5.80 -62.97 Nationals residing abroad (*) 140,611 71,873 72,436 84,080 17,781 10.85 -78.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 761 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 83,804,000 85,946,000 88,515,000 51,076,000 51,025,800 100.00 -0.10 AFRICA 15,000 15,000 20,000 5,000 4,500 0.01 -10.00 OTHER AFRICA 15,000 15,000 20,000 5,000 4,500 0.01 -10.00 All countries of Africa 15,000 15,000 20,000 5,000 4,500 0.01 -10.00 AMERICAS 784,000 825,000 891,000 205,300 205,700 0.40 0.19 NORTH AMERICA 740,000 782,000 834,000 195,000 194,500 0.38 -0.26 Canada 116,000 128,000 139,000 30,900 29,200 0.06 -5.50 United States of America 624,000 654,000 695,000 164,100 165,300 0.32 0.73 SOUTH AMERICA 34,000 33,000 42,000 5,300 6,600 0.01 24.53 Argentina 10,000 10,000 15,000 500 800 0.00 60.00 Brazil 24,000 23,000 27,000 4,800 5,800 0.01 20.83 OTHER AMERICAS 10,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 4,600 0.01 -8.00 Other countries of the Americas 10,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 4,600 0.01 -8.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 446,000 476,000 567,000 128,700 95,100 0.19 -26.11 NORHT-EAST ASIA 307,000 331,000 389,000 94,300 68,900 0.14 -26.94 China 138,000 158,000 179,000 26,600 19,800 0.04 -25.56 Hong Kong, China 12,000 10,000 10,000 1,000 1,800 0.00 80.00 Japan 98,000 101,000 106,000 22,400 15,900 0.03 -29.02 Korea, Republic of 49,000 52,000 79,000 43,300 29,800 0.06 -31.18 Taiwan Province of China 10,000 10,000 15,000 1,000 1,600 0.00 60.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 30,000 30,000 35,000 13,000 18,000 0.04 38.46 Indonesia 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 Malaysia 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 Philippines 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 Singapore 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 Thailand 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 All countries of South-East Asia 18,000 0.04 AUSTRALASIA 59,000 65,000 73,000 11,400 4,400 0.01 -61.40 Australia 54,000 60,000 63,000 9,400 3,500 0.01 -62.77 New Zealand 5,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 900 0.00 -55.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 50,000 50,000 70,000 10,000 3,800 0.01 -62.00 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 50,000 50,000 70,000 10,000 3,800 0.01 -62.00 EUROPE 82,470,000 84,543,000 86,923,000 50,694,600 50,683,300 99.33 -0.02 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 42,349,000 43,051,000 43,951,000 22,739,400 21,470,600 42.08 -5.58 Armenia 10,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 6,800 0.01 36.00 Belarus 4,048,000 4,119,000 4,092,000 1,446,000 1,012,300 1.98 -29.99 Bulgaria 104,000 109,000 110,000 51,000 69,700 0.14 36.67 Czech Republic (Czechia) 12,850,000 13,407,000 13,979,000 9,276,700 8,903,200 17.45 -4.03 Estonia 1 76,000 178,000 181,000 70,900 79,600 0.16 12.27 Georgia 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 20,500 0.04 310.00 Hungary 293,000 306,000 316,000 136,800 135,600 0.27 -0.88 Kazakhstan 40,000 40,000 50,000 10,000 8,300 0.02 -17.00 Latvia 743,000 655,000 703,000 326,300 333,300 0.65 2.15 Lithuania 3,113,000 3,189,000 3,154,000 1,885,600 1,824,300 3.58 -3.25 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 762 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Moldova, Republic of 30,000 30,000 40,000 10,000 20,500 0.04 105.00 Romania 250,000 255,000 263,000 134,300 137,000 0.27 2.01 Russian Federation 2,239,000 2,201,000 2,240,000 551,700 196,900 0.39 -64.31 Slovakia 6,704,000 6,955,000 7,241,000 4,853,900 4,922,800 9.65 1.42 Ukraine 11,744,000 11,592,000 11,557,000 3,976,200 3,799,800 7.45 -4.44 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,646,000 2,792,000 2,987,000 1,011,000 1,175,000 2.30 16.22 Denmark 250,000 256,000 271,000 107,000 127,600 0.25 19.25 Finland 203,000 212,000 229,000 58,900 70,000 0.14 18.85 Iceland 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 4,900 0.01 390.00 Ireland 240,000 252,000 270,000 104,200 140,200 0.27 34.55 Norway 521,000 535,000 566,000 167,100 201,200 0.39 20.41 Sweden 371,000 397,000 418,000 146,300 196,000 0.38 33.97 United Kingdom 1,056,000 1,135,000 1,228,000 426,500 435,100 0.85 2.02 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,186,000 1,238,000 1,305,000 437,600 582,300 1.14 33.07 Croatia 15,000 25,000 25,000 5,000 20,300 0.04 306.00 Greece 56,000 58,000 55,000 16,200 19,400 0.04 19.75 Italy 575,000 602,000 633,000 230,300 274,800 0.54 19.32 Portugal 61,000 67,000 71,000 29,300 37,500 0.07 27.99 Serbia 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 Slovenia 60,000 53,000 64,000 26,400 24,700 0.05 -6.44 Spain 414,000 428,000 452,000 128,400 194,300 0.38 51.32 Other countries of Southern Europe 11,300 0.02 WESTERN EUROPE 35,864,000 36,973,000 38,183,000 26,406,400 27,361,900 53.62 3.62 Austria 469,000 479,000 493,000 1 73,300 192,000 0.38 10.79 Belgium 292,000 301,000 319,000 118,500 113,900 0.22 -3.88 France 662,000 691,000 728,000 271,500 366,400 0.72 34.95 Germany 33,680,000 34,71 7,000 35,820,000 25,466,700 26,239,800 51.42 3.04 Luxembourg 12,000 12,000 13,000 3,200 4,700 0.01 46.88 Netherlands 556,000 571,000 603,000 293,700 346,900 0.68 18.11 Switzerland 193,000 202,000 207,000 79,500 98,200 0.19 23.52 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 358,000 403,000 399,000 67,300 72,500 0.14 7.73 Cyprus 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 5,100 0.01 155.00 Israel 276,000 322,000 319,000 42,500 42,400 0.08 -0.24 Turkiye 77,000 76,000 75,000 22,800 25,000 0.05 9.65 OTHER EUROPE 67,000 86,000 98,000 32,900 21,000 0.04 -36.17 Other countries of Europe 67,000 86,000 98,000 32,900 21,000 0.04 -36.17 MIDDLE EAST 15,000 15,000 20,000 5,000 14,000 0.03 180.00 All countries of Middle East 15,000 15,000 20,000 5,000 14,000 0.03 180.00 SOUTH ASIA 44,000 42,000 54,000 17,400 19,000 0.04 9.20 India 39,000 37,000 44,000 12,400 14,900 0.03 20.16 Other countries of South Asia 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 4,100 0.01 -18.00 NOT SPECIFIED 30,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 4,200 0.01 -79.00 Other countries of the world 30,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 4,200 0.01 -79.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 763 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 6,033,121 6,251,196 6,582,492 1,945,541 2,184,557 100.00 12.29 AFRICA 13,316 17,132 15,895 3,771 5,576 0.26 47.87 EAST AFRICA 1,845 2,570 1,905 573 1,353 0.06 136.13 Burundi 51 25 28 11 13 0.00 18.18 Comoros 4 12 13 5 Djibouti 24 47 33 15 40 0.00 166.67 Eritrea 4 13 2 6 12 0.00 100.00 Ethiopia 218 294 205 80 193 0.01 141.25 Kenya 317 505 374 79 220 0.01 1 78.48 Madagascar 30 63 48 28 16 0.00 -42.86 Malawi 48 59 34 9 15 0.00 66.67 Mauritius 189 143 96 20 26 0.00 30.00 Mozambique 18 27 59 4 16 0.00 300.00 Reunion 5 Rwanda 104 164 165 42 78 0.00 85.71 Seychelles 58 26 58 7 30 0.00 328.57 Somalia 99 22 25 9 40 0.00 344.44 Tanzania, United Republic of 105 154 160 32 34 0.00 6.25 Uganda 256 762 260 112 199 0.01 77.68 Zambia 83 103 154 25 192 0.01 668.00 Zimbabwe 232 151 191 89 229 0.01 157.30 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,166 1,554 1,730 270 410 0.02 51.85 Angola 452 477 686 78 139 0.01 78.21 Cameroon 259 485 387 108 137 0.01 26.85 Central African Republic 198 198 180 33 20 0.00 -39.39 Chad 47 45 119 10 23 0.00 130.00 Congo 86 172 165 31 64 0.00 106.45 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 86 68 90 9 15 0.00 66.67 Equatorial Guinea 3 3 8 Gabon 35 106 95 1 12 0.00 1,100.00 NORTH AFRICA 3,890 4,656 4,062 1,000 1,347 0.06 34.70 Algeria 1,338 1,424 1,281 356 274 0.01 -23.03 Morocco 1,251 1,434 1,502 311 384 0.02 23.47 Sudan 197 133 149 11 28 0.00 154.55 Tunisia 1,044 1,502 1,042 285 648 0.03 127.37 Western Sahara 60 163 88 37 13 0.00 -64.86 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,743 4,869 4,635 794 894 0.04 12.59 Botswana 41 110 42 19 89 0.00 368.42 Eswatini 95 205 173 42 91 0.00 116.67 Lesotho 29 50 48 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Namibia 75 355 418 31 85 0.00 174.19 South Africa 3,503 4,149 3,954 686 621 0.03 -9.48 WEST AFRICA 2,672 3,483 3,563 1,134 1,572 0.07 38.62 Benin 34 32 44 8 24 0.00 200.00 Burkina Faso 24 121 43 31 10 0.00 -67.74 Cabo Verde 26 29 62 16 11 0.00 -31.25 Cote d'lvoire 89 122 107 41 38 0.00 -7.32 Gambia 35 38 37 20 24 0.00 20.00 Ghana 154 184 183 51 83 0.00 62.75 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 764 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guinea 40 52 37 11 20 0.00 81.82 Guinea-Bissau 10 13 1 4 Liberia 18 51 48 2 24 0.00 1,100.00 Mali 88 65 159 19 19 0.00 Mauritania 46 66 107 22 15 0.00 -31.82 Niger 513 547 482 338 205 0.01 -39.35 Nigeria 820 1,228 1,130 381 796 0.04 108.92 Saint Helena 17 38 60 12 1 0.00 -91.67 Senegal 212 346 291 36 90 0.00 150.00 Sierra Leone 527 539 753 138 192 0.01 39.13 Togo 19 12 19 4 20 0.00 400.00 AMERICAS 365,879 405,095 431,523 75,874 125,894 5.76 65.93 CARIBBEAN 1,930 2,038 1,950 474 820 0.04 73.00 Anguilla 2 Antigua and Barbuda 7 Aruba 39 120 89 12 28 0.00 133.33 Bahamas 80 110 80 22 47 0.00 113.64 Barbados 71 75 63 19 46 0.00 142.11 Bermuda 47 70 49 65 5 0.00 -92.31 Cayman Islands 52 73 60 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Cuba 217 124 177 38 108 0.00 184.21 Dominica 73 88 105 22 69 0.00 213.64 Dominican Republic 113 263 150 28 60 0.00 114.29 Grenada 6 Guadeloupe 18 24 27 4 8 0.00 100.00 Haiti 149 53 47 9 91 0.00 911.11 Jamaica 102 150 139 24 34 0.00 41.67 Martinique 239 73 22 17 23 0.00 35.29 Montserrat 7 Netherlands Antilles 8 Puerto Rico 437 524 695 191 279 0.01 46.07 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 Saint Lucia 4 Trinidad and Tobago 246 284 247 17 13 0.00 -23.53 United States Virgin Islands 19 4 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 2,339 2,466 2,791 705 1,069 0.05 51.63 Belize 69 130 56 136 61 0.00 -55.15 Costa Rica 726 943 1,348 310 304 0.01 -1.94 El Salvador 385 299 305 78 66 0.00 -15.38 Guatemala 197 255 206 24 60 0.00 150.00 Honduras 421 243 285 34 53 0.00 55.88 Nicaragua 78 213 143 36 396 0.02 1,000.00 Panama 463 383 448 87 129 0.01 48.28 NORTH AMERICA 335,069 372,990 395,808 70,318 119,436 5.47 69.85 Canada 30,951 40,282 33,535 4,629 6,213 0.28 34.22 Greenland 2 Mexico 6,929 7,663 7,623 1,039 1,852 0.08 78.25 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 United States of America 297,187 325,045 354,648 64,650 111,371 5.10 72.27 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 765 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 26,541 27,601 30,974 4,377 4,569 0.21 4.39 Argentina 5,445 6,711 6,073 628 536 0.02 -14.65 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 164 197 261 22 33 0.00 50.00 Brazil 14,616 13,499 16,349 2,432 2,134 0.10 -12.25 Chile 2,275 2,194 2,729 363 668 0.03 84.02 Colombia 1,438 1,927 1,856 320 413 0.02 29.06 Ecuador 505 390 1,233 87 148 0.01 70.11 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 25 15 38 16 6 0.00 -62.50 French Guiana 27 18 19 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Guyana 18 13 22 4 5 0.00 25.00 Paraguay 119 138 210 40 42 0.00 5.00 Peru 810 1,045 791 198 347 0.02 75.25 Suriname 61 74 91 22 11 0.00 -50.00 Uruguay 646 624 682 133 112 0.01 -15.79 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 392 756 620 103 110 0.01 6.80 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 299,187 317,328 362,521 80,306 38,577 1.77 -51.96 NORHT-EAST ASIA 242,198 253,662 292,246 70,179 27,723 1.27 -60.50 China 123,660 129,498 130,652 11,693 9,145 0.42 -21.79 Hong Kong, China 11,088 9,681 12,839 601 294 0.01 -51.08 Japan 66,019 61,325 65,036 9,804 4,829 0.22 -50.74 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 196 719 508 127 259 0.01 103.94 Korea, Republic of 32,465 42,518 68,781 46,325 12,182 0.56 -73.70 Macao, China 2,274 365 2,871 164 7 0.00 -95.73 Mongolia 383 459 578 171 312 0.01 82.46 Taiwan Province of China 6,113 9,097 10,981 1,294 695 0.03 -46.29 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 23,129 28,064 36,306 5,709 7,910 0.36 38.55 Brunei Darussalam 84 72 29 26 11 0.00 -57.69 Cambodia 49 116 47 6 22 0.00 266.67 Indonesia 4,068 3,872 5,177 801 436 0.02 -45.57 Lao People's Democratic Republic 153 94 108 30 33 0.00 10.00 Malaysia 3,494 3,998 6,018 783 285 0.01 -63.60 Myanmar 40 66 76 6 15 0.00 150.00 Philippines 2,563 3,691 3,000 938 3,161 0.14 236.99 Singapore 5,075 6,644 7,559 559 465 0.02 -16.82 Thailand 5,149 7,070 10,641 1,532 2,543 0.12 65.99 Timor-Leste 2 22 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Viet Nam 2,452 2,419 3,646 1,026 938 0.04 -8.58 AUSTRALASIA 33,270 33,930 33,491 4,306 2,772 0.13 -35.62 Australia 30,270 30,773 28,884 3,889 2,392 0.11 -38.49 New Zealand 3,000 3,157 4,607 417 380 0.02 -8.87 MELANESIA 168 1,263 250 38 64 0.00 68.42 Fiji 38 929 145 6 6 0.00 New Caledonia 91 287 29 9 18 0.00 100.00 Norfolk Island 2 Papua New Guinea 34 47 76 23 40 0.00 73.91 Solomon Islands 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 766 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 91 51 36 1 18 0.00 1,700.00 Christmas Island, Australia 2 Guam 45 11 12 1 16 0.00 1,500.00 Marshall Islands 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 33 40 14 2 0.00 Nauru 10 Palau 9 POLYNESIA 331 358 192 73 90 0.00 23.29 American Samoa 5 French Polynesia 314 350 182 73 88 0.00 20.55 Pitcairn 2 Tokelau 3 2 0.00 Tonga 3 8 10 Tuvalu 4 EUROPE 5,249,531 5,398,433 5,625,905 1,751,452 1,963,888 89.90 12.13 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,333,601 1,388,584 1,513,905 473,764 524,760 24.02 10.76 Armenia 1,945 1,713 1,828 692 767 0.04 10.84 Azerbaijan 1,944 1,582 1,532 589 1,113 0.05 88.96 Belarus 144,785 135,285 146,091 32,677 26,779 1.23 -18.05 Bulgaria 12,580 14,167 13,897 4,887 6,738 0.31 37.88 Czech Republic (Czechia) 109,987 123,167 141,963 63,486 83,420 3.82 31.40 Estonia 48,967 43,293 43,813 13,815 19,410 0.89 40.50 Georgia 5,771 5,009 7,559 3,275 5,783 0.26 76.58 Hungary 68,784 74,655 76,016 19,411 21,524 0.99 10.89 Kazakhstan 3,806 3,574 9,125 2,101 1736 0.08 -17.37 Kyrgyzstan 491 340 459 129 199 0.01 54.26 Latvia 71,285 72,141 78,396 16,670 30,807 1.41 84.81 Lithuania 149,936 151,344 160,081 51,731 84,852 3.88 64.03 Moldova, Republic of 5,552 6,229 4,482 3,029 2,064 0.09 -31.86 Romania 46,671 47,426 47,761 16,356 19,789 0.91 20.99 Russian Federation 251,915 245,771 259,663 68,286 29,352 1.34 -57.02 Slovakia 79,186 86,433 103,334 32,782 36,951 1.69 12.72 Tajikistan 396 186 529 78 124 0.01 58.97 Turkmenistan 138 79 81 21 40 0.00 90.48 Ukraine 328,610 374,689 415,388 143,363 152,497 6.98 6.37 Uzbekistan 852 1,501 1,907 386 815 0.04 111.14 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,102,913 1,101,104 1,163,124 300,804 281,400 12.88 -6.45 Denmark 91,444 89,053 95,567 29,560 42,601 1.95 44.12 Faeroe Islands 18 Finland 67,201 71,057 84,966 13,365 12,606 0.58 -5.68 Iceland 9,237 13,644 12,351 2,530 3,165 0.14 25.10 Ireland 54,435 52,137 55,122 15,818 17,856 0.82 12.88 Norway 189,605 174,036 1 76,883 30,278 35,435 1.62 17.03 Sweden 189,500 185,743 1 74,888 37,264 45,568 2.09 22.28 United Kingdom 501,471 515,420 563,287 1 71,961 124,051 5.68 -27.86 Other countries of Northern Europe 2 14 60 28 118 0.01 321.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 767 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 552,328 554,701 535,876 121,464 178,113 8.15 46.64 Albania 1,902 1,937 2,335 604 979 0.04 62.09 Andorra 571 504 574 148 563 0.03 280.41 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,056 3,272 2,371 671 699 0.03 4.17 Croatia 13,019 14,392 14,989 3,302 4,656 0.21 41.01 Gibraltar 77 144 187 57 43 0.00 -24.56 Greece 30,208 30,766 29,900 6,138 9008 0.41 46.76 Holy See 161 83 137 5 22 0.00 340.00 Italy 251,288 251,081 242,792 59,432 80,1 76 3.67 34.90 Malta 5,229 5,404 6,159 1,720 2,914 0.13 69.42 Montenegro 866 689 765 127 273 0.01 114.96 North Macedonia 1,532 1,575 1,755 358 467 0.02 30.45 Portugal 25,659 26,891 26,843 7,393 10,855 0.50 46.83 San Marino 59 220 801 55 146 0.01 165.45 Serbia 10,528 9,812 9,800 7,445 2,236 0.10 -69.97 Slovenia 15,010 15,743 16,192 4,509 6,455 0.30 43.16 Spain 193,925 191,915 179,976 29,317 58,429 2.67 99.30 Other countries of Southern Europe 238 273 300 183 192 0.01 4.92 WESTERN EUROPE 1,978,451 2,067,231 2,131,684 825,519 935,701 42.83 13.35 Austria 63,535 65,205 64,489 17,947 24,477 1.12 36.38 Belgium 77,468 73,870 81,425 27,979 34,164 1.56 22.11 France 214,619 208,777 207,004 58,467 87,455 4.00 49.58 Germany 1,426,429 1,519,998 1,574,744 646,978 688,636 31.52 6.44 Liechtenstein 533 449 519 219 144 0.01 -34.25 Luxembourg 4,635 5,125 5,334 1,909 3155 0.14 65.27 Monaco 384 327 372 143 257 0.01 79.72 Netherlands 136,886 139,535 144,698 54,430 74962 3.43 37.72 Switzerland 53,962 53,945 53,099 17,447 22451 1.03 28.68 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 282,238 286,813 281,316 29,901 43,914 2.01 46.86 Cyprus 4,617 4,543 5,326 1,434 2389 0.11 66.60 Israel 244,196 253,238 248,098 21,152 31973 1.46 51.16 Turkiye 33,425 29,032 27,892 7,315 9552 0.44 30.58 MIDDLE EAST 28,982 30,277 43,383 8,393 9,423 0.43 12.27 Bahrain 331 445 415 49 192 0.01 291.84 Egypt 3,025 2,798 3,029 727 861 0.04 18.43 Iraq 2,108 1,428 1,351 229 511 0.02 123.14 Jordan 1,053 977 1,549 341 454 0.02 33.14 Kuwait 2,172 2,039 2,570 219 399 0.02 82.19 Lebanon 1,995 1,646 1,956 219 289 0.01 31.96 Libya 542 428 507 122 179 0.01 46.72 Oman 369 446 940 749 140 0.01 -81.31 Qatar 2,600 1,630 6,171 2,635 1,545 0.07 -41.37 Saudi Arabia 5,483 5,673 6,994 938 1,662 0.08 77.19 State of Palestine 69 132 85 18 75 0.00 316.67 Syrian Arab Republic 642 575 568 189 420 0.02 122.22 United Arab Emirates 8,456 11,939 17,157 1,933 2,629 0.12 36.01 Yemen 137 121 91 25 67 0.00 168.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 768 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 32,867 32,100 34,805 7,061 8,375 0.38 18.61 Afghanistan 2,271 2,246 2,865 1,191 2,677 0.12 124.77 Bangladesh 715 921 901 210 226 0.01 7.62 Bhutan 36 46 62 14 6 0.00 -57.14 India 23,072 21,963 24,666 4,266 3,538 0.16 -17.07 Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,985 3,577 3,083 581 925 0.04 59.21 Maldives 33 44 42 18 22 0.00 22.22 Nepal 354 720 876 132 334 0.02 153.03 Pakistan 2,048 2,178 1,886 599 547 0.03 -8.68 Sri Lanka 353 405 424 50 100 0.00 100.00 NOT SPECIFIED 43,359 50,831 68,460 18,684 32,824 1.50 75.68 Other countries of the world 43,359 50,831 68,460 18,684 32,824 1.50 75.68 POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 6,803,667 7,082,231 7,470,546 2,263,761 2,509,832 100.00 10.87 AFRICA 15,355 19,137 17,636 4,462 6,594 0.26 47.78 EAST AFRICA 2,089 2,853 2,233 839 1,811 0.07 115.85 Burundi 51 25 29 13 18 0.00 38.46 Comoros 4 13 13 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Djibouti 25 47 36 15 40 0.00 166.67 Eritrea 4 13 2 6 19 0.00 216.67 Ethiopia 231 321 258 154 459 0.02 198.05 Kenya 379 594 425 122 247 0.01 102.46 Madagascar 34 68 60 29 16 0.00 -44.83 Malawi 64 65 41 9 16 0.00 77.78 Mauritius 193 149 108 22 26 0.00 18.18 Mozambique 20 29 59 4 18 0.00 350.00 Reunion 5 Rwanda 121 212 203 88 148 0.01 68.18 Seychelles 59 26 61 8 30 0.00 275.00 Somalia 117 25 34 13 54 0.00 315.38 Tanzania, United Republic of 113 159 169 47 46 0.00 -2.13 Uganda 312 827 318 168 221 0.01 31.55 Zambia 86 105 169 25 193 0.01 672.00 Zimbabwe 271 175 248 111 259 0.01 133.33 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,388 1,767 1,894 325 487 0.02 49.85 Angola 579 547 734 104 163 0.01 56.73 Cameroon 304 548 440 118 154 0.01 30.51 Central African Republic 198 198 181 33 20 0.00 -39.39 Chad 47 58 122 11 30 0.00 172.73 Congo 131 234 219 46 93 0.00 102.17 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 91 72 94 10 15 0.00 50.00 Equatorial Guinea 3 3 8 2 0 Gabon 35 107 96 1 12 0.00 1,100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 769 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AFRICA 4,941 5,520 4,574 1,187 1,597 0.06 34.54 Algeria 1,880 1,812 1,450 414 336 0.01 -18.84 Morocco 1,629 1,746 1,724 386 491 0.02 27.20 Sudan 206 140 155 12 32 0.00 166.67 Tunisia 1,165 1,659 1,156 338 723 0.03 113.91 Western Sahara 61 163 89 37 15 0.00 -59.46 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,927 5,122 4,812 835 932 0.04 11.62 Botswana 43 114 43 19 92 0.00 384.21 Eswatini 97 210 173 42 91 0.00 116.67 Lesotho 29 50 48 16 8 0.00 -50.00 Namibia 93 452 425 35 87 0.00 148.57 South Africa 3,665 4,296 4,123 723 654 0.03 -9.54 WEST AFRICA 3,010 3,875 4,123 1,276 1,767 0.07 38.48 Benin 41 38 47 8 26 0.00 225.00 Burkina Faso 24 121 45 33 11 0.00 -66.67 Cabo Verde 26 30 66 17 13 0.00 -23.53 Cote d'lvoire 129 131 140 42 39 0.00 -7.14 Gambia 49 42 52 21 24 0.00 14.29 Ghana 181 205 212 63 90 0.00 42.86 Guinea 49 57 37 11 23 0.00 109.09 Guinea-Bissau 10 13 1 4 Liberia 25 51 48 3 25 0.00 733.33 Mali 90 69 160 21 23 0.00 9.52 Mauritania 52 68 108 24 15 0.00 -37.50 Niger 543 589 529 344 220 0.01 -36.05 Nigeria 990 1,493 1,398 491 944 0.04 92.26 Saint Helena 17 38 188 12 1 0.00 -91.67 Senegal 234 377 317 39 95 0.00 143.59 Sierra Leone 528 540 755 138 198 0.01 43.48 Togo 22 13 20 5 20 0.00 300.00 AMERICAS 390,630 430,575 460,041 82,058 133,593 5.32 62.80 CARIBBEAN 2,097 2,380 2,117 516 964 0.04 86.82 Anguilla 2 Antigua and Barbuda 7 Aruba 41 127 89 12 28 0.00 133.33 Bahamas 83 111 84 24 49 0.00 104.17 Barbados 79 101 75 19 53 0.00 1 78.95 Bermuda 47 180 85 69 5 0.00 -92.75 Cayman Islands 53 74 60 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Cuba 236 150 209 48 114 0.00 137.50 Dominica 91 99 106 28 70 0.00 150.00 Dominican Republic 136 310 157 28 67 0.00 139.29 Grenada 6 Guadeloupe 18 24 28 5 8 0.00 60.00 Haiti 160 76 59 9 101 0.00 1,022.22 Jamaica 121 152 143 24 97 0.00 304.17 Martinique 239 73 22 18 23 0.00 27.78 Montserrat 7 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 770 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Netherlands Antilles 8 Puerto Rico 495 608 751 209 326 0.01 55.98 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 Saint Lucia 4 Trinidad and Tobago 251 288 249 17 14 0.00 -17.65 United States Virgin Islands 19 4 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,495 2,888 3,046 762 1,114 0.04 46.19 Belize 72 153 79 137 61 0.00 -55.47 Costa Rica 754 976 1,397 323 312 0.01 -3.41 El Salvador 416 348 321 82 68 0.00 -17.07 Guatemala 255 300 252 30 70 0.00 133.33 Honduras 1,319 433 308 52 59 0.00 13.46 Nicaragua 148 232 163 36 403 0.02 1,019.44 Panama 531 446 526 102 141 0.01 38.24 NORTH AMERICA 354,101 393,002 419,205 75,073 126,225 5.03 68.14 Canada 34,636 43,294 36,699 5,134 6,541 0.26 27.41 Greenland 2 Mexico 8,135 8,702 8,633 1,310 2,025 0.08 54.58 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 United States of America 311,328 341,006 373,871 68,629 117,659 4.69 71.44 SOUTH AMERICA 30,937 32,305 35,673 5,707 5,290 0.21 -7.31 Argentina 6,293 7,748 7,060 844 686 0.03 -18.72 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 212 209 296 32 34 0.00 6.25 Brazil 16,599 15,437 18,363 3,014 2,323 0.09 -22.93 Chile 2,810 2,740 3,401 509 766 0.03 50.49 Colombia 1,775 2,348 2,286 406 534 0.02 31.53 Ecuador 652 495 1,289 103 165 0.01 60.19 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 27 16 39 16 6 0.00 -62.50 French Guiana 31 18 19 11 4 0.00 -63.64 Guyana 18 13 22 4 5 0.00 25.00 Paraguay 154 175 234 46 45 0.00 -2.17 Peru 1,025 1,373 1,016 331 416 0.02 25.68 Suriname 61 74 91 22 11 0.00 -50.00 Uruguay 783 759 883 249 153 0.01 -38.55 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 497 900 674 120 142 0.01 18.33 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 319,168 336,389 382,500 83,644 40,991 1.63 -50.99 NORHT-EAST ASIA 254,659 265,241 304,563 72,234 28,890 1.15 -60.00 China 130,293 136,067 137,143 12,416 9,690 0.39 -21.96 Hong Kong, China 11,626 10,167 13,386 663 311 0.01 -53.09 Japan 68,370 63,690 67,632 10,254 4,976 0.20 -51.47 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 228 751 512 128 259 0.01 102.34 Korea, Republic of 34,590 44,007 70,514 46,968 12,507 0.50 -73.37 Macao, China 2,304 375 2,895 171 7 0.00 -95.91 Mongolia 497 573 756 230 384 0.02 66.96 Taiwan Province of China 6,751 9,611 11,725 1,404 756 0.03 -46.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 771 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 24,927 29,947 38,481 6,320 8,870 0.35 40.35 Brunei Darussalam 86 76 38 26 13 0.00 -50.00 Cambodia 54 132 66 8 22 0.00 1 75.00 Indonesia 4,356 4,094 5,545 983 565 0.02 -42.52 Lao People's Democratic Republic 159 99 113 30 34 0.00 13.33 Malaysia 3,755 4,240 6,399 865 302 0.01 -65.09 Myanmar 43 94 88 20 15 0.00 -25.00 Philippines 2,696 3,890 3,322 1,018 3,527 0.14 246.46 Singapore 5,403 6,985 7,958 594 493 0.02 -17.00 Thailand 5,457 7,487 10,994 1,593 2,755 0.11 72.94 Timor-Leste 2 23 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Viet Nam 2,916 2,827 3,953 1,181 1,143 0.05 -3.22 AUSTRALASIA 38,982 39,512 38,971 4,969 3,041 0.12 -38.80 Australia 35,241 35,667 33,468 4,421 2,627 0.10 -40.58 New Zealand 3,741 3,845 5,503 548 414 0.02 -24.45 MELANESIA 170 1,274 254 40 67 0.00 67.50 Fiji 38 932 147 8 6 0.00 -25.00 New Caledonia 92 295 30 9 18 0.00 100.00 Norfolk Island 2 Papua New Guinea 35 47 77 23 43 0.00 86.96 Solomon Islands 3 MICRONESIA 91 52 36 1 19 0.00 1,800.00 Christmas Island, Australia 2 Guam 45 11 12 1 17 0.00 1,600.00 Marshall Islands 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 33 41 14 2 0.00 Nauru 10 Palau 9 POLYNESIA 339 363 195 80 104 0.00 30.00 American Samoa 5 French Polynesia 322 354 185 80 102 0.00 27.50 Pitcairn 2 Tokelau 3 2 0.00 Tonga 3 9 10 Tuvalu 4 EUROPE 5,966,764 6,174,464 6,454,306 2,057,364 2,275,778 90.67 10.62 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,564,039 1,644,593 1,796,634 578,771 631,287 25.15 9.07 Armenia 2,176 2,033 2,174 839 885 0.04 5.48 Azerbaijan 2,294 2,135 2,286 968 1,485 0.06 53.41 Belarus 167,830 160,573 1 71,866 39,220 35,165 1.40 -10.34 Bulgaria 13,694 15,172 15,012 5,183 7,102 0.28 37.02 Czech Republic (Czechia) 129,627 146,171 167,280 73,420 97,521 3.89 32.83 Estonia 53,500 47,698 47,413 14,886 20,781 0.83 39.60 Georgia 7,526 8,154 11,364 5,409 9,032 0.36 66.98 Hungary 80,134 85,839 86,654 21,485 23,134 0.92 7.68 Kazakhstan 4,492 4,546 11,101 3,394 2,989 0.12 -11.93 Kyrgyzstan 599 461 583 190 284 0.01 49.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 772 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Latvia 76,522 76,780 82,483 17,609 32,807 1.31 86.31 Lithuania 166,658 167,253 176,558 56,354 92,732 3.69 64.55 Moldova, Republic of 6,329 7,425 5,793 3,872 2,901 0.12 -25.08 Romania 49,769 50,141 51,565 17,527 21,794 0.87 24.35 Russian Federation 277,715 274,663 290,265 75,204 32,662 1.30 -56.57 Slovakia 89,544 95,559 114,231 35,953 39,561 1.58 10.04 Tajikistan 474 249 685 109 164 0.01 50.46 Turkmenistan 166 97 162 30 112 0.00 273.33 Ukraine 433,838 497,764 556,382 206,258 208,767 8.32 1.22 Uzbekistan 1,152 1,880 2,777 861 1,409 0.06 63.65 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,176,609 1,182,214 1,247,144 321,587 299,301 11.93 -6.93 Denmark 97,124 94,687 101,652 31,327 45,144 1.80 44.11 Faeroe Islands 19 Finland 72,418 77,935 91,714 14,166 13,366 0.53 -5.65 Iceland 9,487 13,994 12,664 2,590 3,236 0.13 24.94 Ireland 59,057 56,431 59,406 17,085 18,819 0.75 10.15 Norway 198,893 183,507 185,483 31,356 36,901 1.47 17.68 Sweden 204,914 200,548 191,215 39,335 48,804 1.94 24.07 United Kingdom 534,695 555,098 604,950 185,700 132,913 5.30 -28.43 Other countries of Northern Europe 2 14 60 28 118 0.00 321.43 SOUTHERN EUROPE 605,466 606,138 585,801 132,314 194,582 7.75 47.06 Albania 2,032 2174 2570 653 1,058 0.04 62.02 Andorra 596 521 604 155 568 0.02 266.45 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,258 3382 2530 692 719 0.03 3.90 Croatia 14,140 15662 16055 3,475 4,922 0.20 41.64 Gibraltar 79 144 187 57 43 0.00 -24.56 Greece 31,496 32,492 31,472 6,465 9,686 0.39 49.82 Holy See 162 89 145 5 22 0.00 340.00 Italy 272,104 271,096 264,279 64,023 86,463 3.44 35.05 Malta 5,638 5,868 6,472 1,855 3,092 0.12 66.68 Montenegro 904 722 841 139 296 0.01 112.95 North Macedonia 1,806 1,800 1,973 381 523 0.02 37.27 Portugal 29,267 30,306 30,135 8,037 11,947 0.48 48.65 San Marino 59 222 805 62 152 0.01 145.16 Serbia 11,911 11,391 10,952 7,885 2,370 0.09 -69.94 Slovenia 16,519 1 7,079 17,479 4,891 6,854 0.27 40.13 Spain 216,249 212,901 198,989 33,347 65,657 2.62 96.89 Other countries of Southern Europe 246 289 313 192 210 0.01 9.38 WESTERN EUROPE 2,329,732 2,443,969 2,531,833 992,191 1,103,523 43.97 11.22 Austria 69,616 71,060 70,338 19,151 26,242 1.05 37.03 Belgium 84,898 80,746 88,917 29,971 36,755 1.46 22.64 France 240,448 233,778 232,346 64,699 94,901 3.78 46.68 Germany 1,715,479 1,836,092 1,912,378 796,547 835,299 33.28 4.86 Liechtenstein 548 470 535 247 213 0.01 -13.77 Luxembourg 5,028 5,403 5,624 1,964 3,335 0.13 69.81 Monaco 398 335 384 147 257 0.01 74.83 Netherlands 155,524 158,163 164,308 60,871 82,923 3.30 36.23 Switzerland 57,793 57,922 57,003 18,594 23,598 0.94 26.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 773 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 290,918 297,550 292,894 32,501 47,085 1.88 44.87 Cyprus 4,772 4,706 5,533 1,467 2,447 0.10 66.80 Israel 249,393 260,634 255,699 21,920 33,089 1.32 50.95 Türkiye 36,753 32,210 31,662 9,114 11,549 0.46 26.72 MIDDLE EAST 30,570 32,237 46,332 8,848 10,051 0.40 13.60 Bahrain 381 455 444 61 194 0.01 218.03 Egypt 3,448 3,260 3,547 858 1,040 0.04 21.21 Iraq 2,252 1,575 1,469 260 572 0.02 120.00 Jordan 1,140 1,041 1,733 396 613 0.02 54.80 Kuwait 2,238 2,138 2,757 236 413 0.02 75.00 Lebanon 2,056 1,722 2,018 229 313 0.01 36.68 Libya 591 438 532 126 187 0.01 48.41 Oman 390 480 985 754 144 0.01 -80.90 Qatar 2,629 1,663 6,202 2,649 1,546 0.06 -41.64 Saudi Arabia 5,796 6,129 7,727 1,002 1,713 0.07 70.96 State of Palestine 77 149 107 25 87 0.00 248.00 Syrian Arab Republic 704 651 653 214 464 0.02 116.82 United Arab Emirates 8,692 12,388 18,050 1,994 2,682 0.11 34.50 Yemen 176 148 108 44 83 0.00 88.64 SOUTH ASIA 36,391 36,480 38,683 8,371 9,813 0.39 17.23 Afghanistan 2,323 2,425 2,965 1,263 2,834 0.11 124.39 Bangladesh 833 1,198 1,174 297 303 0.01 2.02 Bhutan 38 47 69 14 6 0.00 -57.14 India 25,700 24,932 27,540 5,100 4,461 0.18 -12.53 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,226 3,827 3,288 639 969 0.04 51.64 Maldives 35 47 47 21 22 0.00 4.76 Nepal 480 1,140 1,078 311 468 0.02 50.48 Pakistan 2,368 2,431 2,054 672 641 0.03 -4.61 Sri Lanka 388 433 468 54 109 0.00 101.85 NOT SPECIFIED 44,789 52,949 71,048 19,014 33,012 1.32 73.62 Other countries of the world 44,789 52,949 71,048 19,014 33,012 1.32 73.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 774 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 13,638,768 14,410,906 15,089,651 4,982,403 5,493,585 100.00 10.26 AFRICA 33,373 47,052 47,179 9,926 13,962 0.25 40.66 EAST AFRICA 4,409 6,707 4,527 1,073 2,952 0.05 175.12 Burundi 92 46 53 16 23 0.00 43.75 Comoros 14 31 40 6 Djibouti 68 156 56 23 130 0.00 465.22 Eritrea 8 30 2 8 18 0.00 125.00 Ethiopia 745 656 443 160 351 0.01 119.38 Kenya 829 1,239 892 144 412 0.01 186.11 Madagascar 59 234 110 44 30 0.00 -31.82 Malawi 132 184 44 12 45 0.00 275.00 Mauritius 321 390 207 29 60 0.00 106.90 Mozambique 38 38 92 6 34 0.00 466.67 Reunion 6 Rwanda 208 296 399 68 134 0.00 97.06 Seychelles 114 77 121 9 47 0.00 422.22 Somalia 307 43 61 10 78 0.00 680.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 313 350 354 48 77 0.00 60.42 Uganda 468 2,290 605 202 441 0.01 118.32 Zambia 179 275 333 107 431 0.01 302.80 Zimbabwe 508 372 715 181 641 0.01 254.14 CENTRAL AFRICA 2,853 4,425 3,991 627 1,091 0.02 74.00 Angola 1,103 1,320 1,522 150 248 0.00 65.33 Cameroon 544 1,696 880 248 457 0.01 84.27 Central African Republic 727 495 638 82 36 0.00 -56.10 Chad 68 149 183 35 34 0.00 -2.86 Congo 178 367 330 91 267 0.00 193.41 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 170 142 273 18 28 0.00 55.56 Equatorial Guinea 3 8 27 Gabon 60 248 138 3 21 0.00 600.00 NORTH AFRICA 10,332 13,107 11,432 2,586 3,681 0.07 42.34 Algeria 3,132 3,139 3,772 911 1,059 0.02 16.25 Morocco 2,829 4,421 4,071 788 1,035 0.02 31.35 Sudan 598 376 355 14 63 0.00 350.00 Tunisia 3,656 4,836 3,088 804 1,499 0.03 86.44 Western Sahara 117 335 146 69 25 0.00 -63.77 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,586 11,026 11,286 1,634 2,476 0.05 51.53 Botswana 81 346 169 53 163 0.00 207.55 Eswatini 153 365 325 92 183 0.00 98.91 Lesotho 52 86 66 30 21 0.00 -30.00 Namibia 173 751 865 54 273 0.00 405.56 South Africa 9,127 9,478 9,861 1,405 1,836 0.03 30.68 WEST AFRICA 6,193 11,787 15,943 4,006 3,762 0.07 -6.09 Benin 74 81 97 9 61 0.00 577.78 Burkina Faso 41 279 74 36 13 0.00 -63.89 Cabo Verde 72 53 156 39 15 0.00 -61.54 Cote d'lvoire 221 321 265 120 68 0.00 -43.33 Gambia 62 136 68 37 65 0.00 75.68 Ghana 436 514 459 119 206 0.00 73.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 775 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Guinea 77 241 80 15 51 0.00 240.00 Guinea-Bissau 22 46 4 8 Liberia 37 99 123 4 83 0.00 1,975.00 Mali 161 212 644 34 32 0.00 -5.88 Mauritania 107 165 233 37 17 0.00 -54.05 Niger 1,605 1,184 975 2,325 423 0.01 -81.81 Nigeria 1,667 6,834 10,548 894 2,076 0.04 132.21 Saint Helena 22 81 134 13 1 0.00 -92.31 Senegal 493 650 647 75 205 0.00 1 73.33 Sierra Leone 1,049 855 1,384 204 387 0.01 89.71 Togo 47 36 52 37 59 0.00 59.46 AMERICAS 779,663 876,168 962,942 181,770 268,384 4.89 47.65 CARIBBEAN 4,063 4,283 3,932 883 1,758 0.03 99.09 Anguilla 2 Antigua and Barbuda 24 Aruba 84 271 178 26 52 0.00 100.00 Bahamas 139 175 256 38 66 0.00 73.68 Barbados 123 208 177 34 72 0.00 111.76 Bermuda 116 157 86 116 9 0.00 -92.24 Cayman Islands 119 103 131 10 6 0.00 -40.00 Cuba 449 312 355 67 403 0.01 501.49 Dominica 171 214 206 35 162 0.00 362.86 Dominican Republic 277 712 344 47 100 0.00 112.77 Grenada 22 Guadeloupe 32 60 53 10 8 0.00 -20.00 Haiti 459 134 110 26 222 0.00 753.85 Jamaica 216 418 318 45 85 0.00 88.89 Martinique 505 86 72 17 40 0.00 135.29 Montserrat 11 Netherlands Antilles 16 Puerto Rico 1,023 947 1,317 373 491 0.01 31.64 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 Saint Lucia 6 Trinidad and Tobago 267 462 329 39 38 0.00 -2.56 United States Virgin Islands 24 4 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 4,734 5,177 6,565 1,336 2,357 0.04 76.42 Belize 118 233 138 190 165 0.00 -13.16 Costa Rica 1,680 1,906 2,635 675 596 0.01 -11.70 El Salvador 725 589 595 125 145 0.00 16.00 Guatemala 414 649 526 46 224 0.00 386.96 Honduras 855 465 643 68 244 0.00 258.82 Nicaragua 149 500 339 77 739 0.01 859.74 Panama 793 835 1,689 155 244 0.00 57.42 NORTH AMERICA 711,240 798,343 878,229 167,402 253,571 4.62 51.47 Canada 66,379 87,370 76,270 13,218 12,985 0.24 -1.76 Greenland 5 Mexico 16,749 17,312 18,086 2,387 4,492 0.08 88.19 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 United States of America 628,110 693,661 783,868 151,797 236,094 4.30 55.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 776 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 59,626 68,365 74,216 12,149 10,698 0.19 -11.94 Argentina 12,234 14,955 13,951 1,478 1,248 0.02 -15.56 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 355 476 579 35 84 0.00 140.00 Brazil 33,581 36,402 40,879 7,752 5,256 0.10 -32.20 Chile 4,756 4,978 5,720 745 1,148 0.02 54.09 Colombia 3,119 4,658 5,028 911 1,217 0.02 33.59 Ecuador 1,048 1,241 2,593 164 378 0.01 130.49 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 76 52 62 30 13 0.00 -56.67 French Guiana 47 30 49 32 6 0.00 -81.25 Guyana 40 86 36 6 15 0.00 150.00 Paraguay 214 299 606 57 97 0.00 70.18 Peru 1,898 2,198 1,807 419 685 0.01 63.48 Suriname 126 169 204 52 46 0.00 -11.54 Uruguay 1,262 1,254 1,304 236 176 0.00 -25.42 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 870 1,567 1,398 232 329 0.01 41.81 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 518,249 568,798 653,198 138,773 108,512 1.98 -21.81 NORHT-EAST ASIA 402,031 438,338 507,368 115,964 86,938 1.58 -25.03 China 197,452 207,419 214,528 22,363 21,693 0.39 -3.00 Hong Kong, China 18,886 18,217 22,956 1,064 622 0.01 -41.54 Japan 113,570 112,982 125,795 19,510 13,127 0.24 -32.72 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 317 2,616 1,090 197 415 0.01 110.66 Korea, Republic of 58,074 81,177 120,807 69,420 45,876 0.84 -33.92 Macao, China 2,667 707 3,604 197 39 0.00 -80.20 Mongolia 789 1,005 1,039 458 634 0.01 38.43 Taiwan Province of China 10,276 14,215 1 7,549 2,755 4,532 0.08 64.50 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 44,542 54,956 71,545 12,699 15,443 0.28 21.61 Brunei Darussalam 214 182 62 30 38 0.00 26.67 Cambodia 121 286 109 12 39 0.00 225.00 Indonesia 7,354 7,655 8,650 1,144 867 0.02 -24.21 Lao People's Democratic Republic 220 170 232 65 42 0.00 -35.38 Malaysia 7,208 8,667 12,470 1,936 911 0.02 -52.94 Myanmar 89 171 114 9 24 0.00 166.67 Philippines 5,880 7,915 7,726 2,146 5,448 0.10 153.87 Singapore 10,113 13,269 14,927 1,447 1,309 0.02 -9.54 Thailand 9,039 12,143 19,439 2,943 5,032 0.09 70.98 Timor-Leste 2 53 17 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Viet Nam 4,302 4,445 7,799 2,963 1,732 0.03 -41.55 AUSTRALASIA 70,454 73,288 73,295 9,892 5,836 0.11 -41.00 Australia 63,958 65,400 62,734 8,982 5,134 0.09 -42.84 New Zealand 6,496 7,888 10,561 910 702 0.01 -22.86 MELANESIA 433 1,451 572 96 118 0.00 22.92 Fiji 103 1,025 351 22 10 0.00 -54.55 New Caledonia 261 340 91 41 34 0.00 -17.07 Norfolk Island 4 Papua New Guinea 62 86 130 33 74 0.00 124.24 Solomon Islands 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 777 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 227 132 80 2 25 0.00 1,150.00 Christmas Island, Australia 2 Guam 172 54 28 2 23 0.00 1,050.00 Marshall Islands 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 36 78 28 2 0.00 Nauru 24 Palau 15 POLYNESIA 562 633 338 120 152 0.00 26.67 American Samoa 7 French Polynesia 540 619 307 120 143 0.00 19.17 Pitcairn 2 Tokelau 3 9 0.00 Tonga 4 14 31 Tuvalu 6 EUROPE 12,069,389 12,667,197 13,115,815 4,589,222 5,013,558 91.26 9.25 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,360,733 2,656,682 2,864,264 1,180,665 1,290,659 23.49 9.32 Armenia 4,487 4,076 3,751 1,410 1,314 0.02 -6.81 Azerbaijan 4,746 3,653 3,191 1,065 2,515 0.05 136.15 Belarus 196,492 183,889 198,562 50,447 52,669 0.96 4.40 Bulgaria 38,097 37,573 30,608 10,739 14,084 0.26 31.15 Czech Republic (Czechia) 194,175 218,326 268,898 131,035 1 71,372 3.12 30.78 Estonia 63,088 56,782 58,329 19,151 28,461 0.52 48.61 Georgia 12,500 13,008 20,784 12,129 17,558 0.32 44.76 Hungary 140,258 154,733 147,065 38,796 42,512 0.77 9.58 Kazakhstan 45,199 24,505 48,354 21,868 5,360 0.10 -75.49 Kyrgyzstan 966 636 715 458 682 0.01 48.91 Latvia 89,971 91,120 100,687 22,756 42,728 0.78 87.77 Lithuania 203,165 212,394 227,852 72,234 125,222 2.28 73.36 Moldova, Republic of 25,582 25,332 18,710 11,032 5,389 0.10 -51.15 Romania 95,521 107,275 91,059 35,274 40,635 0.74 15.20 Russian Federation 388,897 387,300 400,922 118,997 56,395 1.03 -52.61 Slovakia 142,965 160,849 198,391 66,562 73,082 1.33 9.80 Tajikistan 717 408 727 166 256 0.00 54.22 Turkmenistan 172 207 298 25 60 0.00 140.00 Ukraine 712,177 971,745 1,042,173 565,352 607,909 11.07 7.53 Uzbekistan 1,558 2,871 3,188 1,169 2,456 0.04 110.09 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,613,683 2,596,912 2,772,743 700,261 636,156 11.58 -9.15 Denmark 210,089 208,558 226,680 70,617 105,971 1.93 50.06 Faeroe Islands 78 Finland 149,997 160,928 200682 28,572 24,093 0.44 -15.68 Iceland 24,407 36,553 34,110 6,460 7,724 0.14 19.57 Ireland 133,080 129,768 135,431 37,886 40,656 0.74 7.31 Norway 490,073 443,738 455,383 76,269 87,458 1.59 14.67 Sweden 433,076 428,011 397,852 79,380 95,939 1.75 20.86 United Kingdom 1,172,879 1,189,320 1,322,518 401,002 274,144 4.99 -31.64 Other countries of Northern Europe 4 36 87 75 171 0.00 128.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 778 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,226,145 1,240,761 1,194,962 295,731 418,063 7.61 41.37 Albania 3,336 3,846 4,636 1,127 1,694 0.03 50.31 Andorra 1,204 1,182 1,120 317 1,127 0.02 255.52 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,788 5,799 5,215 1,251 1,339 0.02 7.03 Croatia 27,713 31,743 31,682 7,108 11748 0.21 65.28 Gibraltar 147 273 430 110 81 0.00 -26.36 Greece 68,403 71,285 69,247 14,596 22,117 0.40 51.53 Holy See 507 197 394 14 56 0.00 300.00 Italy 586,828 595,205 561,797 150,912 199,527 3.63 32.21 Malta 16,446 16,090 19,277 4,335 7,460 0.14 72.09 Montenegro 1,505 1,563 1,527 217 575 0.01 164.98 North Macedonia 3,771 3,696 4,054 1,057 1,006 0.02 -4.82 Portugal 56,125 60,969 63,922 23,102 25,418 0.46 10.03 San Marino 118 471 1,510 142 384 0.01 1 70.42 Serbia 26,365 23,659 24,953 15,424 6,340 0.12 -58.90 Slovenia 28,882 30,648 33,268 9,426 13,310 0.24 41.21 Spain 397,541 393,578 371,333 66,243 125,568 2.29 89.56 Other countries of Southern Europe 466 557 597 350 313 0.01 -10.57 WESTERN EUROPE 5,221,450 5,508,241 5,669,806 2,340,256 2,564,093 46.67 9.56 Austria 121,464 127,968 122,596 37,703 53,181 0.97 41.05 Belgium 158,420 156,575 162,814 53,589 68,705 1.25 28.21 France 424,623 425,593 429,851 117,968 181,407 3.30 53.78 Germany 4,112,130 4,383,104 4,528,573 1,983,234 2054308 37.39 3.58 Liechtenstein 989 752 933 381 259 0.00 -32.02 Luxembourg 9,045 9,872 12,078 3,727 6158 0.11 65.23 Monaco 663 617 719 279 477 0.01 70.97 Netherlands 284,882 291,068 297,867 108,355 153883 2.80 42.02 Switzerland 109,234 112,692 114,375 35,020 45715 0.83 30.54 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 647,378 664,601 614,040 72,309 104,587 1.90 44.64 Cyprus 10,861 11,858 13,536 3,164 6278 0.11 98.42 Israel 552,915 569,990 534,704 47,480 73857 1.34 55.55 Turkiye 83,602 82,753 65,800 21,665 24452 0.45 12.86 MIDDLE EAST 62,521 70,007 96,731 15,120 22,438 0.41 48.40 Bahrain 701 1,221 799 100 678 0.01 578.00 Egypt 7,281 6,890 7,805 2,027 1988 0.04 -1.92 Iraq 4,369 2,992 2,698 371 1,058 0.02 185.18 Jordan 2,670 2,262 3,499 701 1,065 0.02 51.93 Kuwait 4,349 5,462 6,976 685 955 0.02 39.42 Lebanon 3,868 3,636 3,886 463 719 0.01 55.29 Libya 1,405 1,028 1,032 258 315 0.01 22.09 Oman 703 844 1,504 782 315 0.01 -59.72 Qatar 5,356 4,370 9,885 3,236 2,283 0.04 -29.45 Saudi Arabia 12,784 13,534 16,231 1,543 6,319 0.12 309.53 State of Palestine 241 253 167 47 160 0.00 240.43 Syrian Arab Republic 1,398 1,177 996 417 1,389 0.03 233.09 United Arab Emirates 17,052 26,111 41,080 4,455 4,923 0.09 10.51 Yemen 344 227 173 35 271 0.00 674.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 779 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 82,058 81,975 87,441 17,940 20,365 0.37 13.52 Afghanistan 4,498 4,423 6,648 2,713 4,535 0.08 67.16 Bangladesh 1,600 2,030 2,007 303 443 0.01 46.20 Bhutan 56 73 116 16 7 0.00 -56.25 India 61,168 59,049 62,959 11,819 9679 0.18 -18.11 Iran, Islamic Republic of 8,904 8,063 7,409 1,603 3,189 0.06 98.94 Maldives 52 83 83 30 31 0.00 3.33 Nepal 1,029 3,327 3,390 333 1,165 0.02 249.85 Pakistan 3,786 4,033 3,771 1,045 1,074 0.02 2.78 Sri Lanka 965 894 1,058 78 242 0.00 210.26 NOT SPECIFIED 93,515 99,709 126,345 29,652 46,366 0.84 56.37 Other countries of the world 93,515 99,709 126,345 29,652 46,366 0.84 56.37 POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 16,705,215 17,742,651 18,683,576 6,622,952 7,165,013 100.00 8.18 AFRICA 44,445 56,184 56,920 16,308 22,123 0.31 35.66 EAST AFRICA 6,084 7,840 6,221 4,114 6,385 0.09 55.20 Burundi 92 46 59 18 28 0.00 55.56 Comoros 14 34 40 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Djibouti 69 156 65 23 130 0.00 465.22 Eritrea 8 30 2 8 33 0.00 312.50 Ethiopia 771 709 835 1,061 2,657 0.04 150.42 Kenya 991 1,533 1,166 842 690 0.01 -18.05 Madagascar 70 239 133 59 30 0.00 -49.15 Malawi 617 365 187 12 46 0.00 283.33 Mauritius 327 404 243 34 60 0.00 76.47 Mozambique 43 44 92 6 46 0.00 666.67 Reunion 6 Rwanda 225 367 501 138 533 0.01 286.23 Seychelles 116 77 142 11 47 0.00 327.27 Somalia 532 47 194 132 98 0.00 -25.76 Tanzania, United Republic of 342 376 370 146 163 0.00 11.64 Uganda 626 2,519 772 1,013 529 0.01 -47.78 Zambia 185 281 384 107 432 0.01 303.74 Zimbabwe 1,050 613 1,036 498 861 0.01 72.89 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 780 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AFRICA 3,670 5,439 5,515 1,144 1,758 0.02 53.67 Angola 1,551 1,461 1,869 344 398 0.01 15.70 Cameroon 770 2,133 1,044 291 547 0.01 87.97 Central African Republic 727 495 642 82 36 0.00 -56.10 Chad 68 187 198 36 62 0.00 72.22 Congo 311 758 1,302 362 666 0.01 83.98 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 180 148 293 21 28 0.00 33.33 Equatorial Guinea 3 8 27 5 Gabon 60 249 140 3 21 0.00 600.00 NORTH AFRICA 15,593 15,113 13,257 3,155 4,917 0.07 55.85 Algeria 7,016 4,008 4,690 1,104 1,235 0.02 11.87 Morocco 3,818 5,130 4,650 951 1,898 0.03 99.58 Sudan 612 416 365 16 76 0.00 375.00 Tunisia 4,029 5,224 3,403 1,015 1,677 0.02 65.22 Western Sahara 118 335 149 69 31 0.00 -55.07 SOUTHERN AFRICA 10,303 12,037 12,012 1,823 2,642 0.04 44.93 Botswana 88 354 173 53 169 0.00 218.87 Eswatini 158 374 325 92 183 0.00 98.91 Lesotho 52 86 66 30 21 0.00 -30.00 Namibia 217 1,322 894 149 289 0.00 93.96 South Africa 9,788 9,901 10,554 1,499 1,980 0.03 32.09 WEST AFRICA 8,795 15,755 19,915 6,072 6,421 0.09 5.75 Benin 95 121 112 9 117 0.00 1,200.00 Burkina Faso 41 279 76 41 15 0.00 -63.41 Cabo Verde 72 54 182 40 59 0.00 47.50 Cote d'lvoire 287 352 304 122 69 0.00 -43.44 Gambia 114 140 101 38 65 0.00 71.05 Ghana 499 780 600 322 288 0.00 -10.56 Guinea 297 264 80 15 54 0.00 260.00 Guinea-Bissau 22 46 4 8 Liberia 45 99 123 5 84 0.00 1,580.00 Mali 163 228 645 36 36 0.00 Mauritania 114 170 234 43 17 0.00 -60.47 Niger 1,697 1,362 1,214 2,367 462 0.01 -80.48 Nigeria 3,525 10,145 13,056 2,670 4,344 0.06 62.70 Saint Helena 22 81 953 13 1 0.00 -92.31 Senegal 693 738 787 101 290 0.00 187.13 Sierra Leone 1,056 858 1,390 204 461 0.01 125.98 Togo 53 38 54 38 59 0.00 55.26 AMERICAS 854,269 952,657 1,053,661 201,427 292,696 4.09 45.31 CARIBBEAN 4,525 5,026 4,328 1,014 2,032 0.03 100.39 Anguilla 2 Antigua and Barbuda 24 Aruba 87 286 178 26 52 0.00 100.00 Bahamas 145 177 260 40 72 0.00 80.00 Barbados 134 273 199 34 83 0.00 144.12 Bermuda 116 358 135 120 9 0.00 -92.50 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 781 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Cayman Islands 120 104 131 10 6 0.00 -40.00 Cuba 517 406 495 120 436 0.01 263.33 Dominica 202 234 207 54 163 0.00 201.85 Dominican Republic 315 818 373 47 114 0.00 142.55 Grenada 22 Guadeloupe 32 60 54 14 8 0.00 -42.86 Haiti 486 189 125 26 238 0.00 815.38 Jamaica 257 420 329 45 189 0.00 320.00 Martinique 505 86 72 21 40 0.00 90.48 Montserrat 11 Netherlands Antilles 16 Puerto Rico 1,225 1,082 1,439 418 568 0.01 35.89 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 Saint Lucia 6 Trinidad and Tobago 301 509 331 39 50 0.00 28.21 United States Virgin Islands 24 4 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 6,544 5,799 7,170 1,542 2,487 0.03 61.28 Belize 121 259 171 199 165 0.00 -17.09 Costa Rica 1,743 1,992 2,727 708 606 0.01 -14.41 El Salvador 839 656 636 129 154 0.00 19.38 Guatemala 534 727 676 58 239 0.00 312.07 Honduras 2,166 688 702 145 286 0.00 97.24 Nicaragua 261 534 423 77 754 0.01 879.22 Panama 880 943 1,835 226 283 0.00 25.22 NORTH AMERICA 771,584 860,212 954,788 182,596 274,433 3.83 50.30 Canada 78,954 97,882 87,423 14,619 14,198 0.20 -2.88 Greenland 5 Mexico 20,179 19,888 21,273 3,120 4,884 0.07 56.54 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 United States of America 672,449 742,442 846,087 164,857 255,351 3.56 54.89 SOUTH AMERICA 71,616 81,620 87,375 16,275 13,744 0.19 -15.55 Argentina 14,315 1 7,344 16,521 1,947 1,693 0.02 -13.05 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 494 497 642 64 85 0.00 32.81 Brazil 39,462 42,087 46,791 9,548 6,154 0.09 -35.55 Chile 6,173 6,817 7,732 1,073 1,424 0.02 32.71 Colombia 3,869 5,871 5,973 1,238 1,703 0.02 37.56 Ecuador 1,500 1,474 2,753 187 440 0.01 135.29 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 78 55 63 30 13 0.00 -56.67 French Guiana 61 30 49 36 6 0.00 -83.33 Guyana 40 86 36 6 15 0.00 150.00 Paraguay 295 366 681 74 110 0.00 48.65 Peru 2,451 3,167 2,447 1,027 1,083 0.02 5.45 Suriname 126 169 204 52 46 0.00 -11.54 Uruguay 1,555 1,566 1,966 554 583 0.01 5.23 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,197 2,091 1,517 439 389 0.01 -11.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 782 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 566,328 619,675 710,478 155,735 123,971 1.73 -20.40 NORHT-EAST ASIA 431,224 469,331 542,099 126,431 92,752 1.29 -26.64 China 211,195 225,385 234,854 29,340 24,827 0.35 -15.38 Hong Kong, China 20,086 19,870 24,467 1,242 661 0.01 -46.78 Japan 119,885 119,254 132,473 20,815 13,654 0.19 -34.40 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 385 2,685 1,096 198 415 0.01 109.60 Korea, Republic of 62,604 84,766 124,723 71,072 47,623 0.66 -32.99 Macao, China 2,713 720 3,667 204 39 0.00 -80.88 Mongolia 1,037 1,238 1,376 585 864 0.01 47.69 Taiwan Province of China 13,319 15,413 19,443 2,975 4,669 0.07 56.94 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 49,220 61,014 79,786 17,122 24,116 0.34 40.85 Brunei Darussalam 221 222 87 30 46 0.00 53.33 Cambodia 126 310 135 14 39 0.00 178.57 Indonesia 8,199 8,853 10,956 2,221 1,297 0.02 -41.60 Lao People's Democratic Republic 244 195 237 65 43 0.00 -33.85 Malaysia 7,714 9,172 13,485 2,077 949 0.01 -54.31 Myanmar 92 224 308 434 24 0.00 -94.47 Philippines 6,283 8,367 8,454 2,300 10,244 0.14 345.39 Singapore 10,836 14,107 15,864 1,528 1,363 0.02 -10.80 Thailand 9,653 13,212 20,391 3,106 5,558 0.08 78.94 Timor-Leste 2 64 17 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Viet Nam 5,850 6,288 9,852 5,343 4,552 0.06 -14.80 AUSTRALASIA 84,648 87,068 87,560 11,947 6,768 0.09 -43.35 Australia 76,466 77,554 74,995 10,621 5,940 0.08 -44.07 New Zealand 8,182 9,514 12,565 1,326 828 0.01 -37.56 MELANESIA 435 1,489 609 99 124 0.00 25.25 Fiji 103 1,029 373 25 10 0.00 -60.00 New Caledonia 262 374 102 41 34 0.00 -17.07 Norfolk Island 4 Papua New Guinea 63 86 134 33 80 0.00 142.42 Solomon Islands 3 MICRONESIA 227 134 80 2 27 0.00 1,250.00 Christmas Island, Australia 2 Guam 172 54 28 2 25 0.00 1,150.00 Marshall Islands 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 36 80 28 2 0.00 Nauru 24 Palau 15 POLYNESIA 574 639 344 134 184 0.00 37.31 American Samoa 7 French Polynesia 552 624 313 134 175 0.00 30.60 Pitcairn 2 Tokelau 3 9 0.00 Tonga 4 15 31 Tuvalu 6 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 783 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 14,964,471 15,812,754 16,502,961 6,167,066 6,621,485 92.41 7.37 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,226,492 3,663,907 4,027,749 1,860,985 2,009,190 28.04 7.96 Armenia 5,294 5,073 5,083 3,697 1,705 0.02 -53.88 Azerbaijan 6,244 6,229 6,796 3,054 3,462 0.05 13.36 Belarus 251,776 246,254 270,344 84,381 100,068 1.40 18.59 Bulgaria 42,477 41,483 34,637 12,364 15,989 0.22 29.32 Czech Republic (Czechia) 244,891 274,792 340,201 162,777 210,009 2.93 29.02 Estonia 71,366 63,317 64,626 20,983 30,854 0.43 47.04 Georgia 18,414 27,742 51,266 37,535 43,681 0.61 16.37 Hungary 167,645 181,044 170,894 43,896 47,138 0.66 7.39 Kazakhstan 48,956 35,110 80,706 53,673 34,569 0.48 -35.59 Kyrgyzstan 1,180 1,119 983 889 1,126 0.02 26.66 Latvia 98,569 98,674 108,009 24,734 46,007 0.64 86.01 Lithuania 234,133 243,693 259,022 80,988 140,713 1.96 73.75 Moldova, Republic of 28,591 29,200 24,216 16,282 10,116 0.14 -37.87 Romania 104,699 116,285 101,847 39,359 49,061 0.68 24.65 Russian Federation 446,486 454,273 468,247 140,096 71,227 0.99 -49.16 Slovakia 163,858 180,544 222,009 74,810 79,931 1.12 6.85 Tajikistan 879 543 2,203 230 344 0.00 49.57 Turkmenistan 378 229 852 125 589 0.01 371.20 Ukraine 1,288,396 1,654,408 1,806,457 1,054,521 1,113,623 15.54 5.60 Uzbekistan 2,260 3,895 9,351 6,591 8,978 0.13 36.22 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,818,429 2,809,679 3,004,929 761,681 687,340 9.59 -9.76 Denmark 227,548 226,1 70 245,624 76,322 113,764 1.59 49.06 Faeroe Islands 79 Finland 160,120 173,983 215,022 30,360 25,557 0.36 -15.82 Iceland 25,002 37,463 34,746 6,591 7,919 0.11 20.15 Ireland 145,672 140,813 146,452 42,248 43,352 0.61 2.61 Norway 518,047 470,922 481,426 79,350 92,277 1.29 16.29 Sweden 480,180 471,387 445,048 85,127 106,965 1.49 25.65 United Kingdom 1,261,777 1,288,905 1,436,524 441,608 297,335 4.15 -32.67 Other countries of Northern Europe 4 36 87 75 171 0.00 128.00 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,353,850 1,368,794 1,323,320 325,178 465,285 6.49 43.09 Albania 3,685 4,534 5,261 1,298 2,006 0.03 54.55 Andorra 1,287 1,313 1,198 383 1,141 0.02 197.91 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,355 6,083 5,769 1,318 1,376 0.02 4.40 Croatia 31,257 34,344 34,559 7,524 12,658 0.18 68.23 Gibraltar 161 273 430 110 81 0.00 -26.36 Greece 71,892 76,086 73,957 15,389 24,602 0.34 59.87 Holy See 508 212 440 14 56 0.00 300.00 Italy 638,408 646,430 61 7,331 164,064 218,446 3.05 33.15 Malta 17,741 1 7,473 20,184 4,646 7,865 0.11 69.29 Montenegro 1,580 1,636 1,690 258 659 0.01 155.43 North Macedonia 4,831 4,656 4,907 1,179 1,263 0.02 7.12 Portugal 64,292 69,253 72,735 25,125 28,677 0.40 14.14 San Marino 118 477 1,520 149 393 0.01 163.76 Serbia 30,033 27,493 28,369 16,552 6,831 0.10 -58.73 Slovenia 31,923 33,622 36,243 10,247 14,236 0.20 38.93 Spain 448,291 444,287 418,078 76,552 144,636 2.02 88.94 Other countries of Southern Europe 488 622 649 370 359 0.01 -2.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 784 COUNTRY TABLES POLAND / POLOGNE / POLONIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 6,884,201 7,267,083 7,482,609 3,121,731 3,331,258 46.49 6.71 Austria 134,694 141,322 136,096 40,726 57,577 0.80 41.38 Belgium 177,344 174,298 180,856 58,152 75,263 1.05 29.42 France 491,400 491,733 502,686 137,144 204,613 2.86 49.20 Germany 5,619,040 5,989,726 6,179,001 2,719,428 2,764,107 38.58 1.64 Liechtenstein 1,020 789 985 460 427 0.01 -7.17 Luxembourg 9,940 10,607 13,064 3,855 6,704 0.09 73.90 Monaco 686 641 741 288 477 0.01 65.63 Netherlands 331,563 336,290 345,383 123,825 173,018 2.41 39.73 Switzerland 118,514 121,677 123,797 37,853 49,072 0.68 29.64 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 681,499 703,291 664,354 97,491 128,412 1.79 31.72 Cyprus 11,640 12,472 14,615 3,297 6,451 0.09 95.66 Israel 570,911 593,719 561,475 50,360 77,477 1.08 53.85 Turkiye 98,948 97,100 88,264 43,834 44,484 0.62 1.48 MIDDLE EAST 69,775 77,249 107,817 17,110 26,137 0.36 52.76 Bahrain 806 1,235 875 149 682 0.01 357.72 Egypt 9,275 9,083 9,628 2,630 3,008 0.04 14.37 Iraq 4,902 3,619 3,174 603 1,326 0.02 119.90 Jordan 3,370 2,504 4,131 1,171 2,466 0.03 110.59 Kuwait 4,522 5,743 7,693 718 975 0.01 35.79 Lebanon 4,002 3,920 4,076 476 912 0.01 91.60 Libya 1,779 1,064 1,117 281 389 0.01 38.43 Oman 751 929 1,607 797 328 0.00 -58.85 Qatar 5,449 4,465 9,991 3,272 2,287 0.03 -30.10 Saudi Arabia 14,450 15,094 19,194 1,648 6,450 0.09 291.38 State of Palestine 257 373 245 245 382 0.01 55.92 Syrian Arab Republic 1,583 1,424 1,323 486 1,525 0.02 213.79 United Arab Emirates 18,200 27,468 44,545 4,574 5,077 0.07 11.00 Yemen 429 328 218 60 330 0.00 450.00 SOUTH ASIA 109,367 121,180 120,922 34,837 31,839 0.44 -8.61 Afghanistan 4,795 4,830 7,159 3,101 5,214 0.07 68.14 Bangladesh 2,344 3,194 4,206 1,581 1,384 0.02 -12.46 Bhutan 59 78 141 16 7 0.00 -56.25 India 83,110 90,139 87,855 23,761 18,575 0.26 -21.83 Iran, Islamic Republic of 9,941 9,444 8,151 2,145 3,466 0.05 61.59 Maldives 56 88 88 33 31 0.00 -6.06 Nepal 2,230 7,620 7,569 2,383 1,628 0.02 -31.68 Pakistan 5,742 4,815 4,589 1,717 1,275 0.02 -25.74 Sri Lanka 1,090 972 1,164 100 259 0.00 159.00 NOT SPECIFIED 96,560 102,952 130,817 30,469 46,762 0.65 53.47 Other countries of the world 96560 102,952 130,817 30,469 46,762 0.65 53.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 785 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 12,323,908 12,597,792 13,258,851 3,163,283 4,713,721 100.00 49.01 AFRICA 161,549 166,480 169,100 45,062 55,106 1.17 22.29 EAST AFRICA 17,478 4,036 6,621 0.14 64.05 British Indian Ocean Territory 64 17 36 0.00 111.76 Burundi 117 43 47 0.00 9.30 Comoros 181 46 98 0.00 113.04 Djibouti 35 13 31 0.00 138.46 Eritrea 195 59 90 0.00 52.54 Ethiopia 356 112 246 0.01 119.64 Kenya 1,517 270 497 0.01 84.07 Madagascar 277 108 161 0.00 49.07 Malawi 144 37 40 0.00 8.11 Mauritius 893 234 222 0.00 -5.13 Mozambique 11,044 2,669 4,445 0.09 66.54 Reunion 327 67 113 0.00 68.66 Rwanda 252 45 54 0.00 20.00 Seychelles 149 36 29 0.00 -19.44 Somalia 102 28 83 0.00 196.43 Tanzania, United Republic of 310 60 87 0.00 45.00 Uganda 609 62 197 0.00 217.74 Zambia 168 39 23 0.00 -41.03 Zimbabwe 738 91 122 0.00 34.07 CENTRAL AFRICA 69,177 18,701 20,690 0.44 10.64 Angola 64,550 16,868 17,541 0.37 3.99 Cameroon 1,051 281 502 0.01 78.65 Central African Republic 324 79 106 0.00 34.18 Chad 85 28 28 0.00 Congo 376 169 205 0.00 21.30 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 511 111 256 0.01 130.63 Equatorial Guinea 207 36 82 0.00 127.78 Gabon 414 113 469 0.01 315.04 Sao Tome and Principe 1,659 1,016 1,501 0.03 47.74 NORTH AFRICA 33,714 7,963 8,770 0.19 10.13 Algeria 4,976 1,231 1,453 0.03 18.03 Morocco 23,065 5,331 5,278 0.11 -0.99 South Sudan 8 1 2 0.00 100.00 Sudan 270 49 166 0.00 238.78 Tunisia 5,383 1,347 1,859 0.04 38.01 Western Sahara 12 4 12 0.00 200.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 19,814 20,643 25,488 3,841 4,348 0.09 13.20 Botswana 158 37 39 0.00 5.41 Eswatini 259 58 90 0.00 55.17 Lesotho 72 10 16 0.00 60.00 Namibia 567 37 115 0.00 210.81 South Africa 19,814 20,643 24,432 3,699 4,088 0.09 10.52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 786 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 23,234 10,516 14,672 0.31 39.52 Benin 362 116 137 0.00 18.10 Burkina Faso 262 30 58 0.00 93.33 Cabo Verde 8,545 4,726 6,045 0.13 27.91 Cote d'lvoire 1,663 311 537 0.01 72.67 Gambia 188 146 145 0.00 -0.68 Ghana 1,210 404 331 0.01 -18.07 Guinea 929 619 516 0.01 -16.64 Guinea-Bissau 2,895 2,374 2,671 0.06 12.51 Liberia 210 31 79 0.00 154.84 Mali 368 107 130 0.00 21.50 Mauritania 459 194 194 0.00 Niger 319 88 153 0.00 73.86 Nigeria 2,784 622 993 0.02 59.65 Saint Helena 36 3 13 0.00 333.33 Senegal 2,545 674 2,498 0.05 270.62 Sierra Leone 256 54 132 0.00 144.44 Togo 203 17 40 0.00 135.29 OTHER AFRICA 141,735 145,837 9 5 5 0.00 Other countries of Africa 141,735 145,837 9 5 5 0.00 AMERICAS 1,927,255 2,201,549 2,529,201 412,035 563,300 11.95 36.71 CARIBBEAN 11,286 2,938 4,635 0.10 57.76 Anguilla 252 44 89 0.00 102.27 Antigua and Barbuda 231 51 86 0.00 68.63 Aruba 1,144 88 126 0.00 43.18 Bahamas 468 259 113 0.00 -56.37 Barbados 376 74 99 0.00 33.78 Bermuda 277 50 160 0.00 220.00 Bonaire 1 2 British Virgin Islands 76 10 32 0.00 220.00 Cayman Islands 102 15 45 0.00 200.00 Cuba 1,444 591 857 0.02 45.01 Curacao 8 3 12 0.00 300.00 Dominica 436 102 198 0.00 94.12 Dominican Republic 2,476 530 1,032 0.02 94.72 Grenada 149 34 58 0.00 70.59 Guadeloupe 159 92 63 0.00 -31.52 Haiti 276 68 77 0.00 13.24 Jamaica 758 154 189 0.00 22.73 Martinique 79 6 28 0.00 366.67 Montserrat 13 8 13 0.00 62.50 Netherlands Antilles 276 60 122 0.00 103.33 Puerto Rico 1,141 466 897 0.02 92.49 Saint Kitts and Nevis 335 63 121 0.00 92.06 Saint Lucia 88 26 48 0.00 84.62 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 50 38 13 0.00 -65.79 Trinidad and Tobago 534 59 107 0.00 81.36 Turks and Caicos Islands 71 12 16 0.00 33.33 United States Virgin Islands 38 19 22 0.00 15.79 Other countries of the Caribbean 28 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 787 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 11,826 2,485 3,700 0.08 48.89 Belize 272 31 53 0.00 70.97 Costa Rica 3,895 771 1,085 0.02 40.73 El Salvador 1,203 208 422 0.01 102.88 Guatemala 2,453 308 551 0.01 78.90 Honduras 1,062 455 530 0.01 16.48 Nicaragua 459 139 191 0.00 37.41 Panama 2,482 573 868 0.02 51.48 NORTH AMERICA 908,292 1,097,928 1,326,476 161,188 335,480 7.12 108.13 Canada 230,582 271,735 293,512 46,693 40,212 0.85 -13.88 Greenland 38 8 24 0.00 200.00 Mexico 38,512 5,311 10,411 0.22 96.03 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 43 18 12 0.00 -33.33 United States of America 677,710 826,193 994,371 109,158 284,821 6.04 160.93 SOUTH AMERICA 849,875 930,459 1,179,613 245,424 219,485 4.66 -10.57 Argentina 54,147 6,982 5,227 0.11 -25.14 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,249 302 409 0.01 35.43 Brazil 849,875 930,459 1,046,537 222,812 189,914 4.03 -14.76 Chile 16,519 2,805 4,028 0.09 43.60 Colombia 28,758 4,524 8,685 0.18 91.98 Ecuador 4,479 755 1,433 0.03 89.80 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 28 4 6 0.00 50.00 French Guiana 63 22 64 0.00 190.91 Guyana 104 14 24 0.00 71.43 Paraguay 1,729 530 870 0.02 64.15 Peru 7,834 1,813 2,857 0.06 57.58 Suriname 571 166 292 0.01 75.90 Uruguay 8,228 1,055 1,445 0.03 36.97 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 9,367 3,640 4,231 0.09 16.24 OTHER AMERICAS 169,088 173,162 Other countries of the Americas 169,088 173,162 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 922,126 984,247 902,982 150,725 48,778 1.03 -67.64 NORHT-EAST ASIA 509,837 563,352 712,937 127,831 27,140 0.58 -78.77 China 254,737 295,610 352,273 50,921 14,733 0.31 -71.07 Hong Kong, China 10,138 2,188 810 0.02 -62.98 Japan 132,508 129,177 129,514 28,619 5,011 0.11 -82.49 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 3,861 190 141 0.00 -25.79 Korea, Republic of 122,592 138,565 165,460 36,798 5,451 0.12 -85.19 Macao, China 1,992 345 261 0.01 -24.35 Mongolia 310 80 100 0.00 25.00 Taiwan Province of China 49,389 8,690 633 0.01 -92.72 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 788 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 74,225 12,454 10,826 0.23 -13.07 Brunei Darussalam 122 41 28 0.00 -31.71 Cambodia 327 62 65 0.00 4.84 Indonesia 9,810 1,528 1,205 0.03 -21.14 Lao People's Democratic Republic 160 28 58 0.00 107.14 Malaysia 15,903 2,632 1,020 0.02 -61.25 Myanmar 354 48 49 0.00 2.08 Philippines 13,824 2,851 3,965 0.08 39.07 Singapore 15,618 2,450 1,587 0.03 -35.22 Thailand 13,563 2,007 1,778 0.04 -11.41 Timor-Leste 414 101 200 0.00 98.02 Viet Nam 4,130 706 871 0.02 23.37 AUSTRALASIA 86,509 94,612 113,809 9,956 9,984 0.21 0.28 Australia 86,509 94,612 98,905 8,447 8,042 0.17 -4.79 New Zealand 14,904 1,509 1,942 0.04 28.69 MELANESIA 385 95 144 0.00 51.58 Fiji 94 19 36 0.00 89.47 New Caledonia 103 13 23 0.00 76.92 Norfolk Island 17 2 0.00 Papua New Guinea 66 33 13 0.00 -60.61 Solomon Islands 57 10 41 0.00 310.00 Vanuatu 48 20 29 0.00 45.00 MICRONESIA 415 92 166 0.00 80.43 Christmas Island, Australia 5 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 16 8 3 0.00 -62.50 Guam 73 6 9 0.00 50.00 Johnston Island 75 13 Kiribati 14 0.00 Marshall Islands 23 5 22 0.00 340.00 Micronesia, Federated States of 58 11 33 0.00 200.00 Nauru 59 19 36 0.00 89.47 Northern Mariana Islands 14 7 8 0.00 14.29 Palau 92 23 41 0.00 78.26 POLYNESIA 754 180 308 0.01 71.11 American Samoa 233 69 121 0.00 75.36 Cook Islands 35 5 16 0.00 220.00 French Polynesia 124 44 82 0.00 86.36 Niue 25 1 14 0.00 1,300.00 Pitcairn 15 6 12 0.00 100.00 Samoa 42 6 12 0.00 100.00 Tokelau 165 13 15 0.00 15.38 Tonga 59 17 18 0.00 5.88 Tuvalu 11 3 4 0.00 33.33 Wallis and Futuna Islands 45 16 14 0.00 -12.50 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 325,780 326,283 457 117 210 0.00 79.49 Other countries of Asia 291,404 303,250 Other countries of Oceania 34,376 23,033 457 117 210 0.00 79.49 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 789 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 9,312,978 9,245,516 9,520,791 2,530,032 4,005,200 84.97 58.31 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 509,167 481,458 659,739 150,122 328,492 6.97 118.82 Armenia 2,126 380 587 0.01 54.47 Azerbaijan 1,704 401 598 0.01 49.13 Belarus 5,836 1,288 1,748 0.04 35.71 Bulgaria 20,615 21,894 22,148 4,310 9,651 0.20 123.92 Czech Republic (Czechia) 44,589 12,037 32,687 0.69 1 71.55 Estonia 12,466 1,997 6,919 0.15 246.47 Georgia 2,659 613 1,340 0.03 118.60 Hungary 40,702 40,359 39,650 8,911 18,623 0.40 108.99 Kazakhstan 2,954 618 966 0.02 56.31 Kyrgyzstan 276 66 68 0.00 3.03 Latvia 14,803 2,489 10,067 0.21 304.46 Lithuania 27,469 3,931 19,753 0.42 402.49 Moldova, Republic of 1,811 656 1,086 0.02 65.55 Poland 269,889 230,006 223,606 47,146 124,723 2.65 164.55 Romania 58,737 60,037 60,472 18,650 36,531 0.77 95.88 Russian Federation 139,493 31,304 23,264 0.49 -25.68 Slovakia 16,766 3,636 9,153 0.19 151.73 Tajikistan 144 24 47 0.00 95.83 Turkmenistan 175 41 69 0.00 68.29 Ukraine 40,117 11,509 30,359 0.64 163.78 USSR (former) 119,224 129,162 Uzbekistan 475 115 253 0.01 120.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,648,564 2,606,072 2,717,264 543,134 882,670 18.73 62.51 Denmark 125,720 120,359 119,755 26,079 58,579 1.24 124.62 Faeroe Islands 52 37 19 0.00 -48.65 Finland 71,520 84,447 88,009 18,724 25,449 0.54 35.92 Iceland 5,382 6,604 6,123 832 3,030 0.06 264.18 Ireland 313,207 320,202 367,022 44,628 119,247 2.53 167.20 Isle of Man 87 19 28 0.00 47.37 Norway 80,505 82,246 78,920 10,919 15,728 0.33 44.04 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 178 59 107 0.00 81.36 Sweden 159,560 161,147 152,530 38,342 52,008 1.10 35.64 United Kingdom 1,892,670 1,831,067 1,904,588 403,495 608,475 12.91 50.80 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,214,432 2,257,751 2,467,424 786,599 1,164,001 24.69 47.98 Albania 2,742 803 1,369 0.03 70.49 Andorra 4,425 1,058 1,431 0.03 35.26 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,681 403 723 0.02 79.40 Croatia 16,755 3,547 6,154 0.13 73.50 Gibraltar 1,915 885 1,066 0.02 20.45 Greece 25,464 29,216 28,750 6,051 11,866 0.25 96.10 Holy See 8 4 4 0.00 Italy 524,363 505,978 528,044 119,406 187,009 3.97 56.62 Malta 7,799 1,842 4,346 0.09 135.94 Montenegro 855 196 275 0.01 40.31 San Marino 196 34 51 0.00 50.00 Serbia 7,338 1,692 2,847 0.06 68.26 Slovenia 16,743 2,387 9,276 0.20 288.60 Spain 1,664,605 1,722,557 1,848,277 647,818 936,831 19.87 44.61 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1,896 473 753 0.02 59.20 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 790 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 3,705,798 3,659,222 3,524,757 1,031,597 1,588,152 33.69 53.95 Austria 119,445 112,046 117,240 16,517 42,850 0.91 159.43 Belgium 250,194 251,210 242,919 74,054 139,721 2.96 88.67 France 1,295,115 1,297,278 1,258,922 375,928 604,106 12.82 60.70 Germany 1,261,650 1,241,454 1,165,702 337,407 412,513 8.75 22.26 Liechtenstein 852 196 471 0.01 140.31 Luxembourg 34,200 34,470 35,232 18,359 30,596 0.65 66.65 Monaco 943 407 623 0.01 53.07 Netherlands 505,874 481,439 462,791 143,638 229,644 4.87 59.88 Switzerland 239,320 241,325 240,156 65,091 127,628 2.71 96.08 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 35,547 33,760 151,013 18,385 41,489 0.88 125.67 Cyprus 4,582 909 1,611 0.03 77.23 Israel 115,177 10,521 31,545 0.67 199.83 Turkiye 35,547 33,760 31,254 6,955 8,333 0.18 19.81 OTHER EUROPE 199,470 207,253 594 195 396 0.01 103.08 Other countries of Europe 199,470 207,253 594 195 396 0.01 103.08 MIDDLE EAST 47,867 8,693 17,963 0.38 106.64 Bahrain 1,000 87 147 0.00 68.97 Egypt 7,255 1,428 2,393 0.05 67.58 Iraq 1,274 358 558 0.01 55.87 Jordan 2,988 515 1,124 0.02 118.25 Kuwait 3,607 721 663 0.01 -8.04 Lebanon 8,016 1,121 2,373 0.05 111.69 Libya 885 136 234 0.00 72.06 Oman 1,499 219 214 0.00 -2.28 Qatar 2,190 455 804 0.02 76.70 Saudi Arabia 8,232 1,286 5,112 0.11 297.51 State of Palestine 50 10 22 0.00 120.00 Syrian Arab Republic 1,010 264 397 0.01 50.38 United Arab Emirates 9,609 1,999 3,831 0.08 91.65 Yemen 252 94 91 0.00 -3.19 SOUTH ASIA 67,614 13,690 17,769 0.38 29.80 Afghanistan 903 256 407 0.01 58.98 Bangladesh 1,592 777 968 0.02 24.58 Bhutan 90 12 17 0.00 41.67 India 51,156 8,754 9,889 0.21 12.97 Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,466 1,221 2,820 0.06 130.96 Maldives 83 18 26 0.00 44.44 Nepal 1,555 969 1,174 0.02 21.16 Pakistan 3,580 1,415 2,258 0.05 59.58 Sri Lanka 2,189 268 210 0.00 -21.64 NOT SPECIFIED 21,296 3,046 5,605 0.12 84.01 Other countries of the world 21,296 3,046 5,605 0.12 84.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 791 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 15,432,301 16,185,932 17,282,626 4,208,442 6,345,330 100.00 50.78 AFRICA 190,148 199,466 208,340 56,062 67,804 1.07 20.94 EAST AFRICA 20,628 4,833 7,699 0.12 59.30 British Indian Ocean Territory 87 19 49 0.00 157.89 Burundi 145 47 52 0.00 10.64 Comoros 186 48 102 0.00 112.50 Djibouti 36 14 35 0.00 150.00 Eritrea 264 68 106 0.00 55.88 Ethiopia 440 130 297 0.00 128.46 Kenya 1,750 305 551 0.01 80.66 Madagascar 363 126 185 0.00 46.83 Malawi 155 41 44 0.00 7.32 Mauritius 1,124 263 254 0.00 -3.42 Mozambique 12,927 3,229 5,165 0.08 59.96 Reunion 502 108 164 0.00 51.85 Rwanda 280 53 72 0.00 35.85 Seychelles 174 42 32 0.00 -23.81 Somalia 118 46 92 0.00 100.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 359 67 100 0.00 49.25 Uganda 692 63 204 0.00 223.81 Zambia 199 58 31 0.00 -46.55 Zimbabwe 827 106 164 0.00 54.72 CENTRAL AFRICA 82,987 22,688 24,533 0.39 8.13 Angola 77,218 20,459 20,472 0.32 0.06 Cameroon 1,269 356 576 0.01 61.80 Central African Republic 380 84 116 0.00 38.10 Chad 92 29 31 0.00 6.90 Congo 451 198 232 0.00 17.17 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 647 132 283 0.00 114.39 Equatorial Guinea 265 57 99 0.00 73.68 Gabon 567 130 499 0.01 283.85 Sao Tome and Principe 2,098 1,243 2,225 0.04 79.00 NORTH AFRICA 42,258 10,396 11,254 0.18 8.25 Algeria 6,421 1,764 2,050 0.03 16.21 Morocco 29,104 6,929 6,669 0.11 -3.75 South Sudan 11 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Sudan 351 68 196 0.00 188.24 Tunisia 6,357 1,625 2,322 0.04 42.89 Western Sahara 14 4 13 0.00 225.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 24,356 27,130 33,678 4,674 5,468 0.09 16.99 Botswana 187 51 42 0.00 -17.65 Eswatini 388 79 133 0.00 68.35 Lesotho 79 10 46 0.00 360.00 Namibia 671 49 143 0.00 191.84 South Africa 24,356 27,130 32,353 4,485 5,104 0.08 13.80 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 792 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 28,774 13,466 18,841 0.30 39.92 Benin 385 117 153 0.00 30.77 Burkina Faso 295 37 69 0.00 86.49 Cabo Verde 10,920 5,844 7,854 0.12 34.39 Cote d'lvoire 1,772 353 578 0.01 63.74 Gambia 251 353 263 0.00 -25.50 Ghana 1,386 442 408 0.01 -7.69 Guinea 1,336 858 748 0.01 -12.82 Guinea-Bissau 3,841 3,152 3,820 0.06 21.19 Liberia 223 33 83 0.00 151.52 Mali 412 122 154 0.00 26.23 Mauritania 520 207 205 0.00 -0.97 Niger 346 92 159 0.00 72.83 Nigeria 3,325 815 1,312 0.02 60.98 Saint Helena 39 3 15 0.00 400.00 Senegal 3,192 941 2,818 0.04 199.47 Sierra Leone 292 72 149 0.00 106.94 Togo 239 25 53 0.00 112.00 OTHER AFRICA 165,792 172,336 15 5 9 0.00 80.00 Other countries of Africa 165,792 172,336 15 5 9 0.00 80.00 AMERICAS 2,271,408 2,674,165 3,146,408 517,198 707,000 11.14 36.70 CARIBBEAN 13,384 3,450 5,389 0.08 56.20 Anguilla 260 48 96 0.00 100.00 Antigua and Barbuda 263 71 101 0.00 42.25 Aruba 1,164 93 139 0.00 49.46 Bahamas 511 274 120 0.00 -56.20 Barbados 413 80 101 0.00 26.25 Bermuda 368 67 206 0.00 207.46 Bonaire 7 2 2 0.00 British Virgin Islands 109 16 39 0.00 143.75 Cayman Islands 140 17 51 0.00 200.00 Cuba 1,701 688 998 0.02 45.06 Curacao 28 10 18 0.00 80.00 Dominica 478 106 211 0.00 99.06 Dominican Republic 3,046 647 1,209 0.02 86.86 Grenada 168 37 61 0.00 64.86 Guadeloupe 208 93 116 0.00 24.73 Haiti 320 80 103 0.00 28.75 Jamaica 821 158 200 0.00 26.58 Martinique 123 15 43 0.00 186.67 Montserrat 13 8 13 0.00 62.50 Netherlands Antilles 310 70 142 0.00 102.86 Puerto Rico 1,646 628 1,054 0.02 67.83 Saint Kitts and Nevis 351 69 129 0.00 86.96 Saint Lucia 97 27 48 0.00 77.78 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 57 38 13 0.00 -65.79 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 3 1 6 0.00 500.00 Trinidad and Tobago 627 69 123 0.00 78.26 Turks and Caicos Islands 99 18 20 0.00 11.11 United States Virgin Islands 53 20 27 0.00 35.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 793 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 14,442 3,024 4,601 0.07 52.15 Belize 318 48 66 0.00 37.50 Costa Rica 5,003 971 1,340 0.02 38.00 El Salvador 1,461 264 518 0.01 96.21 Guatemala 2,865 373 733 0.01 96.51 Honduras 1,287 538 636 0.01 18.22 Nicaragua 556 181 287 0.00 58.56 Panama 2,952 649 1,021 0.02 57.32 NORTH AMERICA 1,084,493 1,337,483 1,641,321 198,490 411,927 6.49 107.53 Canada 289,725 350,962 385,340 57,302 51,237 0.81 -10.58 Greenland 46 12 26 0.00 116.67 Mexico 47,926 7,170 12,871 0.20 79.51 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 48 18 16 0.00 -11.11 United States of America 794,768 986,521 1,207,961 133,988 347,777 5.48 159.56 SOUTH AMERICA 980,806 1,116,799 1,477,226 312,220 285,063 4.49 -8.70 Argentina 74,190 10,700 8,244 0.13 -22.95 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,603 417 534 0.01 28.06 Brazil 980,806 1,116,799 1,298,714 280,106 243,375 3.84 -13.11 Chile 23,323 4,422 6,756 0.11 52.78 Colombia 37,308 6,275 11,570 0.18 84.38 Ecuador 5,861 1,024 1,852 0.03 80.86 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 36 5 11 0.00 120.00 French Guiana 115 26 75 0.00 188.46 Guyana 126 32 29 0.00 -9.38 Paraguay 2,097 631 1,020 0.02 61.65 Peru 10,617 2,507 3,951 0.06 57.60 Suriname 615 174 306 0.00 75.86 Uruguay 10,886 1,467 2,068 0.03 40.97 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 11,735 4,434 5,272 0.08 18.90 OTHER AMERICAS 206,109 219,883 35 14 20 0.00 42.86 Other countries of the Americas 206,109 219,883 35 14 20 0.00 42.86 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,074,487 1,177,435 1,082,204 176,534 61,395 0.97 -65.22 NORHT-EAST ASIA 569,940 637,288 813,624 146,267 32,985 0.52 -77.45 China 277,628 324,902 385,995 56,811 17,436 0.27 -69.31 Hong Kong, China 12,754 2,585 1,067 0.02 -58.72 Japan 143,912 141,532 145,033 31,188 6,023 0.09 -80.69 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 4,406 337 190 0.00 -43.62 Korea, Republic of 148,400 170,854 206,178 45,012 7,028 0.11 -84.39 Macao, China 2,486 416 289 0.00 -30.53 Mongolia 391 110 120 0.00 9.09 Taiwan Province of China 56,381 9,808 832 0.01 -91.52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 794 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 86,218 14,681 12,898 0.20 -12.14 Brunei Darussalam 186 49 37 0.00 -24.49 Cambodia 418 79 72 0.00 -8.86 Indonesia 10,890 1,777 1,428 0.02 -19.64 Lao People's Democratic Republic 193 41 67 0.00 63.41 Malaysia 18,183 2,933 1,220 0.02 -58.40 Myanmar 398 59 60 0.00 1.69 Philippines 15,832 3,287 4,440 0.07 35.08 Singapore 18,608 2,843 1,961 0.03 -31.02 Thailand 15,683 2,503 2,078 0.03 -16.98 Timor-Leste 860 231 431 0.01 86.58 Viet Nam 4,967 879 1,104 0.02 25.60 AUSTRALASIA 124,707 145,890 179,909 14,929 14,434 0.23 -3.32 Australia 124,707 145,890 155,474 12,670 11,755 0.19 -7.22 New Zealand 24,435 2,259 2,679 0.04 18.59 MELANESIA 533 130 166 0.00 27.69 Fiji 118 29 45 0.00 55.17 New Caledonia 191 17 29 0.00 70.59 Norfolk Island 17 2 0.00 Papua New Guinea 88 42 18 0.00 -57.14 Solomon Islands 68 12 42 0.00 250.00 Vanuatu 51 30 30 0.00 MICRONESIA 487 119 183 0.00 53.78 Christmas Island, Australia 6 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 27 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Guam 82 6 13 0.00 116.67 Kiribati 83 18 18 0.00 Marshall Islands 25 7 22 0.00 214.29 Micronesia, Federated States of 71 11 34 0.00 209.09 Nauru 61 24 42 0.00 75.00 Northern Mariana Islands 17 7 8 0.00 14.29 Palau 115 38 42 0.00 10.53 POLYNESIA 863 211 379 0.01 79.62 American Samoa 238 71 127 0.00 78.87 Cook Islands 53 6 22 0.00 266.67 French Polynesia 160 61 98 0.00 60.66 Niue 29 1 15 0.00 1,400.00 Pitcairn 18 6 15 0.00 150.00 Samoa 62 13 18 0.00 38.46 Tokelau 165 13 16 0.00 23.08 Tonga 69 20 33 0.00 65.00 Tuvalu 21 3 21 0.00 600.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 48 17 14 0.00 -17.65 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 379,840 394,257 570 197 350 0.01 77.66 Other countries of Asia 339,677 361,336 Other countries of Oceania 40,163 32,921 570 197 350 0.01 77.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 795 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 11,896,258 12,134,866 12,669,258 3,418,532 5,453,122 85.94 59.52 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 615,174 622,565 878,037 201,639 423,719 6.68 110.14 Armenia 2,491 441 637 0.01 44.44 Azerbaijan 1,929 470 696 0.01 48.09 Belarus 8,387 1,611 2,201 0.03 36.62 Bulgaria 23,613 26,095 27,389 5,379 11,681 0.18 117.16 Czech Republic (Czechia) 68,298 19,644 50,767 0.80 158.44 Estonia 16,325 2,724 8,850 0.14 224.89 Georgia 3,502 760 1,614 0.03 112.37 Hungary 50,135 53,602 53,784 12,760 25,300 0.40 98.28 Kazakhstan 3,891 787 1,128 0.02 43.33 Kyrgyzstan 346 81 88 0.00 8.64 Latvia 19,468 3,192 12,774 0.20 300.19 Lithuania 34,367 5,067 23,470 0.37 363.19 Moldova, Republic of 2,510 895 1,411 0.02 57.65 Poland 320,084 295,406 287,386 64,440 159,008 2.51 146.75 Romania 70,668 74,820 75,687 23,412 44,018 0.69 88.01 Russian Federation 189,476 39,341 29,125 0.46 -25.97 Slovakia 22,581 4,943 12,319 0.19 149.22 Tajikistan 198 34 49 0.00 44.12 Turkmenistan 188 48 74 0.00 54.17 Ukraine 59,203 15,453 38,207 0.60 147.25 USSR (former) 150,674 172,642 Uzbekistan 631 157 302 0.00 92.36 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,046,295 3,047,491 3,194,012 663,363 1,053,318 16.60 58.78 Denmark 150,494 146,612 148,248 31,703 74,241 1.17 134.18 Faeroe Islands 80 44 49 0.00 11.36 Finland 86,597 104,653 110,071 22,696 31,185 0.49 37.40 Iceland 5,896 7,770 7,329 1,082 3,456 0.05 219.41 Ireland 351,630 364,487 420,751 54,017 138,117 2.18 155.69 Isle of Man 114 25 34 0.00 36.00 Norway 92,378 99,575 96,174 13,541 19,979 0.31 47.54 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 185 59 108 0.00 83.05 Sweden 182,210 197,005 190,820 48,315 66,307 1.04 37.24 United Kingdom 2,177,090 2,127,389 2,220,240 491,881 719,842 11.34 46.34 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,829,913 2,966,435 3,329,936 1,071,093 1,580,095 24.90 47.52 Albania 3,570 1,014 1,673 0.03 64.99 Andorra 4,958 1,208 1,751 0.03 44.95 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,158 483 884 0.01 83.02 Croatia 21,297 4,288 7,634 0.12 78.03 Gibraltar 2,212 1,156 1,330 0.02 15.05 Greece 28,870 34,367 34,659 7,468 14,394 0.23 92.74 Holy See 8 4 6 0.00 50.00 Italy 678,722 693,801 750,915 168,136 269,622 4.25 60.36 Malta 9,737 2,295 5,541 0.09 141.44 Montenegro 1,131 297 339 0.01 14.14 San Marino 299 37 66 0.00 78.38 Serbia 9,709 2,280 3,496 0.06 53.33 Slovenia 24,181 3,631 13,045 0.21 259.27 Spain 2,122,321 2,238,267 2,462,570 878,232 1,259,397 19.85 43.40 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 2,532 564 917 0.01 62.59 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 796 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 5,072,250 5,172,616 5,082,712 1,459,979 2,341,335 36.90 60.37 Austria 153,382 150,000 159,724 22,392 65,108 1.03 190.76 Belgium 337,745 352,298 353,352 103,313 202,910 3.20 96.40 France 1,81 7,758 1,850,630 1,816,360 518,419 841,404 13.26 62.30 Germany 1,704,154 1,756,100 1,703,528 497,387 655,317 10.33 31.75 Liechtenstein 1,005 243 583 0.01 139.92 Luxembourg 40,214 43,937 45,401 22,201 37,351 0.59 68.24 Monaco 1,042 430 691 0.01 60.70 Netherlands 703,319 692,475 671,863 205,112 356,252 5.61 73.69 Switzerland 315,678 327,176 330,437 90,482 181,719 2.86 100.83 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 40,569 39,863 183,713 22,212 54,194 0.85 143.99 Cyprus 5,287 1,079 1,842 0.03 70.71 Israel 140,656 12,640 41,623 0.66 229.30 Turkiye 40,569 39,863 37,770 8,493 10,729 0.17 26.33 OTHER EUROPE 292,057 285,896 848 246 461 0.01 87.40 Other countries of Europe 292,057 285,896 848 246 461 0.01 87.40 MIDDLE EAST 53,998 9,914 19,922 0.31 100.95 Bahrain 1,132 111 177 0.00 59.46 Egypt 8,503 1,779 2,844 0.04 59.87 Iraq 1,467 448 635 0.01 41.74 Jordan 3,236 591 1,280 0.02 116.58 Kuwait 3,849 745 709 0.01 -4.83 Lebanon 8,747 1,286 2,704 0.04 110.26 Libya 965 160 253 0.00 58.13 Oman 1,635 231 264 0.00 14.29 Qatar 2,422 498 831 0.01 66.87 Saudi Arabia 8,999 1,414 5,412 0.09 282.74 State of Palestine 66 16 28 0.00 75.00 Syrian Arab Republic 1,327 341 465 0.01 36.36 United Arab Emirates 11,370 2,186 4,215 0.07 92.82 Yemen 280 108 105 0.00 -2.78 SOUTH ASIA 100,040 26,608 27,829 0.44 4.59 Afghanistan 1,199 409 588 0.01 43.77 Bangladesh 4,673 2,988 2,057 0.03 -31.16 Bhutan 99 15 17 0.00 13.33 India 73,123 15,600 15,742 0.25 0.91 Iran, Islamic Republic of 7,666 1,619 3,359 0.05 107.47 Maldives 108 22 38 0.00 72.73 Nepal 4,375 2,233 2,073 0.03 -7.17 Pakistan 6,402 3,380 3,687 0.06 9.08 Sri Lanka 2,395 342 268 0.00 -21.64 NOT SPECIFIED 22,378 3,594 8,258 0.13 129.77 Other countries of the world 22,378 3,594 8,258 0.13 129.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 797 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 40,501,096 40,514,333 41,178,209 10,178,286 15,320,002 100.00 50.52 AFRICA 462,591 446,102 452,768 121,786 152,063 0.99 24.86 EAST AFRICA 52,099 10,592 21,062 0.14 98.85 British Indian Ocean Territory 191 68 116 0.00 70.59 Burundi 332 138 117 0.00 -15.22 Comoros 579 181 324 0.00 79.01 Djibouti 142 35 115 0.00 228.57 Eritrea 408 154 189 0.00 22.73 Ethiopia 926 280 655 0.00 133.93 Kenya 3,853 634 1,520 0.01 139.75 Madagascar 767 268 520 0.00 94.03 Malawi 338 89 130 0.00 46.07 Mauritius 2,507 618 834 0.01 34.95 Mozambique 34,798 7,002 14,286 0.09 104.03 Reunion 747 146 344 0.00 135.62 Rwanda 798 84 238 0.00 183.33 Seychelles 350 89 71 0.00 -20.22 Somalia 379 86 289 0.00 236.05 Tanzania, United Republic of 751 246 297 0.00 20.73 Uganda 1,561 117 539 0.00 360.68 Zambia 486 92 56 0.00 -39.13 Zimbabwe 2,186 265 422 0.00 59.25 CENTRAL AFRICA 178,940 54,409 59,859 0.39 10.02 Angola 166,818 49,561 51,486 0.34 3.88 Cameroon 2,749 1,050 1,651 0.01 57.24 Central African Republic 1,067 256 345 0.00 34.77 Chad 326 80 91 0.00 13.75 Congo 991 386 531 0.00 37.56 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,180 348 840 0.01 141.38 Equatorial Guinea 505 77 158 0.00 105.19 Gabon 1,388 336 1,231 0.01 266.37 Sao Tome and Principe 3,916 2,315 3,526 0.02 52.31 NORTH AFRICA 96,640 21,516 24,562 0.16 14.16 Algeria 14,309 3,785 4,110 0.03 8.59 Morocco 65,382 13,004 13,707 0.09 5.41 South Sudan 29 2 5 0.00 150.00 Sudan 830 191 507 0.00 165.45 Tunisia 16,044 4,512 6,217 0.04 37.79 Western Sahara 46 22 16 0.00 -27.27 SOUTHERN AFRICA 47,568 52,091 66,974 11,282 13,868 0.09 22.92 Botswana 315 102 120 0.00 17.65 Eswatini 742 171 371 0.00 116.96 Lesotho 108 29 66 0.00 127.59 Namibia 1,268 67 333 0.00 397.01 South Africa 47,568 52,091 64,541 10,913 12,978 0.08 18.92 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 798 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 58,101 23,976 32,702 0.21 36.39 Benin 1,174 339 443 0.00 30.68 Burkina Faso 824 119 141 0.00 18.49 Cabo Verde 18,648 8,449 11,959 0.08 41.54 Cote d'lvoire 4,438 915 1,593 0.01 74.10 Gambia 893 601 200 0.00 -66.72 Ghana 3,573 1,772 1,505 0.01 -15.07 Guinea 2,151 1,685 1,199 0.01 -28.84 Guinea-Bissau 7,232 5,254 5,928 0.04 12.83 Liberia 506 109 187 0.00 71.56 Mali 817 216 633 0.00 193.06 Mauritania 1,104 470 436 0.00 -7.23 Niger 878 259 398 0.00 53.67 Nigeria 8,785 1,930 3,204 0.02 66.01 Saint Helena 63 7 25 0.00 257.14 Senegal 5,850 1,681 4,402 0.03 161.87 Sierra Leone 711 120 342 0.00 185.00 Togo 454 50 107 0.00 114.00 OTHER AFRICA 415,023 394,011 14 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Other countries of Africa 415,023 394,011 14 11 10 0.00 -9.09 AMERICAS 4,501,593 5,181,302 5,867,177 1,078,946 1,342,677 8.76 24.44 CARIBBEAN 29,627 8,055 14,052 0.09 74.45 Anguilla 646 100 217 0.00 117.00 Antigua and Barbuda 543 130 195 0.00 50.00 Aruba 3,593 228 267 0.00 17.11 Bahamas 1,330 1,006 454 0.00 -54.87 Barbados 1,271 197 329 0.00 67.01 Bermuda 859 127 618 0.00 386.61 Bonaire 1 2 British Virgin Islands 157 33 72 0.00 118.18 Cayman Islands 313 49 76 0.00 55.10 Cuba 3,759 2,079 3,369 0.02 62.05 Curacao 21 4 39 0.00 875.00 Dominica 1,036 214 802 0.01 274.77 Dominican Republic 5,944 1,126 2,547 0.02 126.20 Grenada 357 72 125 0.00 73.61 Guadeloupe 324 140 170 0.00 21.43 Haiti 705 139 196 0.00 41.01 Jamaica 2,171 515 629 0.00 22.14 Martinique 249 25 74 0.00 196.00 Montserrat 30 18 37 0.00 105.56 Netherlands Antilles 647 169 409 0.00 142.01 Puerto Rico 2,351 1,064 2,601 0.02 144.45 Saint Kitts and Nevis 841 197 335 0.00 70.05 Saint Lucia 274 50 121 0.00 142.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 107 61 44 0.00 -27.87 Trinidad and Tobago 1,825 245 247 0.00 0.82 Turks and Caicos Islands 179 25 39 0.00 56.00 United States Virgin Islands 94 40 40 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 799 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 26,278 5,587 8,954 0.06 60.26 Belize 806 114 130 0.00 14.04 Costa Rica 8,503 1,734 2,612 0.02 50.63 El Salvador 2,644 784 1,064 0.01 35.71 Guatemala 5,346 604 1,444 0.01 139.07 Honduras 2,572 858 1,126 0.01 31.24 Nicaragua 988 286 553 0.00 93.36 Panama 5,419 1,207 2,025 0.01 67.77 NORTH AMERICA 2,166,242 2,622,396 3,121,669 474,357 780,639 5.10 64.57 Canada 619,748 733,764 791,021 189,749 98,837 0.65 -47.91 Greenland 118 47 47 0.00 Mexico 80,925 11,854 23,824 0.16 100.98 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 89 30 37 0.00 23.33 United States of America 1,546,494 1,888,632 2,249,516 272,677 657,894 4.29 141.27 SOUTH AMERICA 1,967,321 2,175,396 2,689,544 590,910 539,001 3.52 -8.78 Argentina 119,345 17,160 12,922 0.08 -24.70 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2,818 664 1,025 0.01 54.37 Brazil 1,967,321 2,175,396 2,397,944 537,831 465,579 3.04 -13.43 Chile 37,870 6,685 10,142 0.07 51.71 Colombia 60,598 11,458 21,926 0.14 91.36 Ecuador 9,469 1,644 3,591 0.02 118.43 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 59 10 18 0.00 80.00 French Guiana 174 83 203 0.00 144.58 Guyana 189 41 70 0.00 70.73 Paraguay 3,998 1,370 2,967 0.02 116.57 Peru 16,683 3,652 6,466 0.04 77.05 Suriname 1,534 353 650 0.00 84.14 Uruguay 1 7,333 2,411 3,273 0.02 35.75 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 21,530 7,548 10,169 0.07 34.72 OTHER AMERICAS 368,030 383,510 59 37 31 0.00 -16.22 Other countries of the Americas 368,030 383,510 59 37 31 0.00 -16.22 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,750,825 1,821,538 1,525,420 274,578 134,475 0.88 -51.02 NORHT-EAST ASIA 820,855 893,684 1,111,472 219,882 74,397 0.49 -66.17 China 411,275 464,900 542,986 90,965 38,786 0.25 -57.36 Hong Kong, China 19,168 4,089 2,055 0.01 -49.74 Japan 241,883 237,488 240,183 54,737 15,423 0.10 -71.82 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 4,816 337 351 0.00 4.15 Korea, Republic of 167,697 191,296 230,604 56,470 15,341 0.10 -72.83 Macao, China 5,075 921 520 0.00 -43.54 Mongolia 689 170 233 0.00 37.06 Taiwan Province of China 67,951 12,193 1,688 0.01 -86.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 300 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 151,157 27,791 29,529 0.19 6.25 Brunei Darussalam 274 92 70 0.00 -23.91 Cambodia 703 151 298 0.00 97.35 Indonesia 18,892 3,117 3,545 0.02 13.73 Lao People's Democratic Republic 340 55 158 0.00 187.27 Malaysia 31,761 6,019 2,820 0.02 -53.15 Myanmar 803 103 136 0.00 32.04 Philippines 30,687 5,800 10,170 0.07 75.34 Singapore 32,981 5,423 4,243 0.03 -21.76 Thailand 24,733 4,845 4,868 0.03 0.47 Timor-Leste 1,433 298 574 0.00 92.62 Viet Nam 8,550 1,888 2,647 0.02 40.20 AUSTRALASIA 197,943 214,063 257,178 25,511 28,263 0.18 10.79 Australia 197,943 214,063 224,112 21,767 22,659 0.15 4.10 New Zealand 33,066 3,744 5,604 0.04 49.68 MELANESIA 895 211 322 0.00 52.61 Fiji 231 38 63 0.00 65.79 New Caledonia 219 44 62 0.00 40.91 Norfolk Island 17 6 0.00 Papua New Guinea 128 62 23 0.00 -62.90 Solomon Islands 196 25 69 0.00 1 76.00 Vanuatu 104 42 99 0.00 135.71 MICRONESIA 1,052 230 439 0.00 90.87 Christmas Island, Australia 9 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 28 18 15 0.00 -16.67 Guam 156 34 32 0.00 -5.88 Kiribati 190 25 47 0.00 88.00 Marshall Islands 48 9 38 0.00 322.22 Micronesia, Federated States of 111 22 77 0.00 250.00 Nauru 116 45 57 0.00 26.67 Northern Mariana Islands 40 28 30 0.00 7.14 Palau 354 49 143 0.00 191.84 POLYNESIA 2,117 591 857 0.01 45.01 American Samoa 750 279 343 0.00 22.94 Cook Islands 90 5 34 0.00 580.00 French Polynesia 358 116 267 0.00 130.17 Niue 63 1 31 0.00 3,000.00 Pitcairn 41 17 16 0.00 -5.88 Samoa 110 18 19 0.00 5.56 Tokelau 307 21 33 0.00 57.14 Tonga 153 44 87 0.00 97.73 Tuvalu 24 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 221 86 16 0.00 -81.40 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 732,027 713,791 1,549 362 668 0.00 84.53 Other countries of Asia 660,934 666,157 Other countries of Oceania 71,093 47,634 1,549 362 668 0.00 84.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 301 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 33,786,087 33,065,391 33,006,157 8,636,639 13,579,556 88.64 57.23 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,643,347 1,548,147 2,134,580 482,832 1,219,927 7.96 152.66 Armenia 6,361 1,079 1,828 0.01 69.42 Azerbaijan 5,274 984 2,188 0.01 122.36 Belarus 20,657 6,068 5,723 0.04 -5.69 Bulgaria 54,834 62,049 64,319 12,368 31,983 0.21 158.59 Czech Republic (Czechia) 157,444 38,844 121,749 0.79 213.43 Estonia 39,688 5,450 20,406 0.13 274.42 Georgia 7,946 1,598 3,944 0.03 146.81 Hungary 125,395 125,793 122,701 27,999 58,997 0.39 110.71 Kazakhstan 8,296 2,554 2,726 0.02 6.73 Kyrgyzstan 779 179 123 0.00 -31.28 Latvia 46,589 7,216 31,838 0.21 341.21 Lithuania 103,452 12,525 90,487 0.59 622.45 Moldova, Republic of 4,892 1,667 2,850 0.02 70.97 Poland 927,883 799,965 818,421 180,746 516,371 3.37 185.69 Romania 181,688 194,326 179,774 56,690 125,779 0.82 121.87 Russian Federation 384,153 85,160 64,485 0.42 -24.28 Slovakia 49,721 10,299 27,207 0.18 164.17 Tajikistan 540 99 156 0.00 57.58 Turkmenistan 533 126 175 0.00 38.89 Ukraine 111,787 30,863 110,267 0.72 257.28 USSR (former) 353,547 366,014 Uzbekistan 1,253 318 645 0.00 102.83 NORTHERN EUROPE 12,456,366 12,038,285 12,108,368 2,434,170 3,940,962 25.72 61.90 Denmark 548,677 518,003 500,048 121,794 233,893 1.53 92.04 Faeroe Islands 207 42 66 0.00 57.14 Finland 335,334 370,773 375,762 88,593 113,184 0.74 27.76 Iceland 20,816 23,577 20,529 2,262 11,643 0.08 414.72 Ireland 1,492,636 1,519,533 1,660,806 164,460 513,895 3.35 212.47 Isle of Man 261 114 110 0.00 -3.51 Norway 331,446 337,152 310,366 48,206 60,976 0.40 26.49 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 581 170 357 0.00 110.00 Sweden 658,012 675,184 631,769 176,393 218,372 1.43 23.80 United Kingdom 9,069,445 8,594,063 8,608,039 1,832,136 2,788,466 18.20 52.20 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,287,100 5,449,317 5,869,411 1,826,364 2,799,798 18.28 53.30 Albania 7,869 2,551 3,829 0.02 50.10 Andorra 13,663 3,636 3,591 0.02 -1.24 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5,204 1,230 2,672 0.02 117.24 Croatia 46,040 12,194 19,347 0.13 58.66 Gibraltar 6,618 3,099 3,658 0.02 18.04 Greece 67,982 80,973 79,888 19,027 33,008 0.22 73.48 Holy See 19 4 4 0.00 Italy 1,274,010 1,243,010 1,282,351 329,843 502,489 3.28 52.34 Malta 23,384 4,904 12,274 0.08 150.29 Montenegro 2,171 504 703 0.00 39.48 San Marino 427 89 116 0.00 30.34 Serbia 21,610 4,836 7,788 0.05 61.04 Slovenia 43,782 7,001 30,569 0.20 336.64 Spain 3,945,108 4,125,334 4,331,054 1,435,710 2,176,686 14.21 51.61 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 5,331 1,736 3,064 0.02 76.50 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 302 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 13,700,214 13,306,939 12,551,646 3,842,275 5,505,844 35.94 43.30 Austria 395,850 364,073 377,123 57,712 135,390 0.88 134.60 Belgium 854,994 849,569 816,425 248,460 466,361 3.04 87.70 France 3,812,995 3,795,921 3,695,490 1,088,514 1,767,685 11.54 62.39 Germany 5,432,133 5,327,129 4,871,548 1,503,256 1,737,201 11.34 15.56 Liechtenstein 2,580 656 1,418 0.01 116.16 Luxembourg 111,536 112,798 112,526 61,020 105,758 0.69 73.32 Monaco 2,674 1,394 1,684 0.01 20.80 Netherlands 2,345,973 2,120,057 1,952,639 682,090 889,526 5.81 30.41 Switzerland 746,733 737,392 720,641 199,173 400,821 2.62 101.24 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 86,629 89,723 340,366 50,224 111,973 0.73 122.95 Cyprus 11,921 2,453 4,502 0.03 83.53 Israel 245,246 26,032 80,096 0.52 207.68 Turkiye 86,629 89,723 83,199 21,739 27,375 0.18 25.93 OTHER EUROPE 612,431 632,980 1,786 774 1,052 0.01 35.92 Other countries of Europe 612,431 632,980 1,786 774 1,052 0.01 35.92 MIDDLE EAST 125,416 26,009 50,407 0.33 93.81 Bahrain 3,231 262 380 0.00 45.04 Egypt 18,591 3,796 7,049 0.05 85.70 Iraq 3,614 1,267 2,240 0.01 76.80 Jordan 7,764 1,750 3,216 0.02 83.77 Kuwait 10,392 2,189 1,712 0.01 -21.79 Lebanon 20,150 3,545 7,059 0.05 99.13 Libya 2,354 305 1,041 0.01 241.31 Oman 3,512 542 684 0.00 26.20 Qatar 7,271 2,003 2,770 0.02 38.29 Saudi Arabia 22,258 3,850 12,477 0.08 224.08 State of Palestine 144 21 45 0.00 114.29 Syrian Arab Republic 2,952 955 1,210 0.01 26.70 United Arab Emirates 22,529 5,007 9,936 0.06 98.44 Yemen 654 517 588 0.00 13.73 SOUTH ASIA 164,850 34,911 51,121 0.33 46.43 Afghanistan 2,550 646 1,096 0.01 69.66 Bangladesh 3,416 1,841 2,743 0.02 49.00 Bhutan 202 18 37 0.00 105.56 India 122,277 22,113 28,846 0.19 30.45 Iran, Islamic Republic of 18,711 3,806 8,547 0.06 124.57 Maldives 191 19 45 0.00 136.84 Nepal 2,994 2,099 3,634 0.02 73.13 Pakistan 9,492 3,789 5,640 0.04 48.85 Sri Lanka 5,017 580 533 0.00 -8.10 NOT SPECIFIED 36,421 5,417 9,703 0.06 79.12 Other countries of the world 36,421 5,417 9,703 0.06 79.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 303 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 49,355,220 52,984,213 51,707,538 13,408,884 20,122,172 100.00 50.07 AFRICA 562,962 569,315 592,617 169,478 200,323 1.00 18.20 EAST AFRICA 61,398 13,664 26,233 0.13 91.99 British Indian Ocean Territory 235 75 138 0.00 84.00 Burundi 417 144 125 0.00 -13.19 Comoros 586 188 330 0.00 75.53 Djibouti 147 38 122 0.00 221.05 Eritrea 634 251 237 0.00 -5.58 Ethiopia 1,122 349 856 0.00 145.27 Kenya 4,554 855 1,653 0.01 93.33 Madagascar 940 335 608 0.00 81.49 Malawi 369 96 140 0.00 45.83 Mauritius 3,174 762 937 0.00 22.97 Mozambique 40,768 8,887 18,407 0.09 107.12 Reunion 1,092 267 473 0.00 77.15 Rwanda 847 95 280 0.00 194.74 Seychelles 423 112 76 0.00 -32.14 Somalia 423 265 337 0.00 27.17 Tanzania, United Republic of 871 275 340 0.00 23.64 Uganda 1,732 120 554 0.00 361.67 Zambia 587 256 74 0.00 -71.09 Zimbabwe 2,477 294 546 0.00 85.71 CENTRAL AFRICA 237,136 73,186 74,952 0.37 2.41 Angola 221,077 67,053 62,828 0.31 -6.30 Cameroon 3,703 1,305 1,906 0.01 46.05 Central African Republic 1,196 268 365 0.00 36.19 Chad 338 83 101 0.00 21.69 Congo 1,179 466 645 0.00 38.41 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2,130 405 930 0.00 129.63 Equatorial Guinea 615 109 270 0.00 147.71 Gabon 1,725 429 1,304 0.01 203.96 Sao Tome and Principe 5,173 3,068 6,603 0.03 115.22 NORTH AFRICA 119,789 28,485 31,961 0.16 12.20 Algeria 18,489 5,650 5,887 0.03 4.19 Morocco 81,362 17,378 17,165 0.09 -1.23 South Sudan 34 7 8 0.00 14.29 Sudan 1,331 234 632 0.00 1 70.09 Tunisia 18,525 5,194 8,252 0.04 58.88 Western Sahara 48 22 17 0.00 -22.73 SOUTHERN AFRICA 59,880 82,003 96,567 13,490 17,300 0.09 28.24 Botswana 402 136 124 0.00 -8.82 Eswatini 1,123 261 469 0.00 79.69 Lesotho 118 29 100 0.00 244.83 Namibia 1,481 119 405 0.00 240.34 South Africa 59,880 82,003 93,443 12,945 16,202 0.08 25.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 304 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 77,704 40,642 49,854 0.25 22.67 Benin 1,241 348 493 0.00 41.67 Burkina Faso 910 137 192 0.00 40.15 Cabo Verde 25,876 12,660 16,768 0.08 32.45 Cote d'lvoire 4,898 1,150 1,683 0.01 46.35 Gambia 1,357 3,107 1,499 0.01 -51.75 Ghana 4,076 1,983 2,038 0.01 2.77 Guinea 4,710 3,209 2,688 0.01 -16.24 Guinea-Bissau 10,147 10,245 11,201 0.06 9.33 Liberia 529 119 201 0.00 68.91 Mali 1,117 298 707 0.00 137.25 Mauritania 1,253 501 465 0.00 -7.19 Niger 930 263 410 0.00 55.89 Nigeria 10,508 2,791 4,890 0.02 75.21 Saint Helena 69 7 29 0.00 314.29 Senegal 8,736 3,298 5,866 0.03 77.87 Sierra Leone 805 391 495 0.00 26.60 Togo 542 135 229 0.00 69.63 OTHER AFRICA 503,082 487,312 23 11 23 0.00 109.09 Other countries of Africa 503,082 487,312 23 11 23 0.00 109.09 AMERICAS 5,293,793 6,320,166 7,284,790 1,377,599 1,748,921 8.69 26.95 CARIBBEAN 34,423 9,473 16,707 0.08 76.36 Anguilla 661 109 236 0.00 116.51 Antigua and Barbuda 606 174 223 0.00 28.16 Aruba 3,617 233 287 0.00 23.18 Bahamas 1,411 1,044 472 0.00 -54.79 Barbados 1,337 223 331 0.00 48.43 Bermuda 1,259 162 772 0.00 376.54 Bonaire 14 2 2 0.00 British Virgin Islands 224 50 122 0.00 144.00 Cayman Islands 378 61 86 0.00 40.98 Cuba 4,379 2,488 4,275 0.02 71.82 Curacao 61 83 51 0.00 -38.55 Dominica 1,129 218 842 0.00 286.24 Dominican Republic 7,136 1,406 2,893 0.01 105.76 Grenada 408 76 134 0.00 76.32 Guadeloupe 429 142 498 0.00 250.70 Haiti 826 192 332 0.00 72.92 Jamaica 2,333 519 656 0.00 26.40 Martinique 389 54 98 0.00 81.48 Montserrat 30 18 37 0.00 105.56 Netherlands Antilles 728 189 466 0.00 146.56 Puerto Rico 3,307 1,327 2,986 0.01 125.02 Saint Kitts and Nevis 877 211 350 0.00 65.88 Saint Lucia 302 51 121 0.00 137.25 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 116 61 44 0.00 -27.87 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 4 3 13 0.00 333.33 Trinidad and Tobago 2,116 297 289 0.00 -2.69 Turks and Caicos Islands 226 37 43 0.00 16.22 United States Virgin Islands 120 43 48 0.00 11.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 305 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 32,662 7,685 11,343 0.06 47.60 Belize 913 148 153 0.00 3.38 Costa Rica 11,241 2,326 3,254 0.02 39.90 El Salvador 3,671 1,245 1,521 0.01 22.17 Guatemala 6,235 725 1,773 0.01 144.55 Honduras 2,982 1,485 1,480 0.01 -0.34 Nicaragua 1,159 375 747 0.00 99.20 Panama 6,461 1,381 2,415 0.01 74.87 NORTH AMERICA 2,557,851 3,184,936 3,819,045 567,855 966,919 4.81 70.28 Canada 751,064 921,632 992,709 218,932 126,712 0.63 -42.12 Greenland 135 54 50 0.00 -7.41 Mexico 100,958 15,871 29,289 0.15 84.54 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 102 30 51 0.00 70.00 United States of America 1,806,787 2,263,304 2,725,141 332,968 810,817 4.03 143.51 SOUTH AMERICA 2,285,056 2,643,025 3,398,579 792,549 753,903 3.75 -4.88 Argentina 163,917 26,775 21,053 0.10 -21.37 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 3,532 904 1,451 0.01 60.51 Brazil 2,285,056 2,643,025 3,008,910 714,871 648,629 3.22 -9.27 Chile 52,417 10,847 18,651 0.09 71.95 Colombia 78,556 16,311 28,719 0.14 76.07 Ecuador 12,401 2,348 4,603 0.02 96.04 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 72 11 30 0.00 172.73 French Guiana 282 89 230 0.00 158.43 Guyana 240 272 93 0.00 -65.81 Paraguay 4,706 1,552 3,305 0.02 112.95 Peru 22,230 5,159 8,682 0.04 68.29 Suriname 1,694 363 673 0.00 85.40 Uruguay 23,094 3,345 4,934 0.02 47.50 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 26,528 9,702 12,850 0.06 32.45 OTHER AMERICAS 450,886 492,205 81 37 49 0.00 32.43 Other countries of the Americas 450,886 492,205 81 37 49 0.00 32.43 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,074,877 2,248,793 1,901,964 332,521 167,717 0.83 -49.56 NORHT-EAST ASIA 940,517 1,045,253 1,317,962 260,828 89,494 0.44 -65.69 China 455,840 520,906 607,336 103,125 46,021 0.23 -55.37 Hong Kong, China 24,819 5,099 2,674 0.01 -47.56 Japan 264,034 262,030 270,522 60,766 18,370 0.09 -69.77 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 5,874 581 462 0.00 -20.48 Korea, Republic of 220,643 262,317 319,090 75,115 18,910 0.09 -74.83 Macao, China 6,227 1,206 654 0.00 -45.77 Mongolia 844 239 282 0.00 17.99 Taiwan Province of China 83,250 14,697 2,121 0.01 -85.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 306 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 177,310 32,576 36,048 0.18 10.66 Brunei Darussalam 392 139 101 0.00 -27.34 Cambodia 957 181 337 0.00 86.19 Indonesia 21,205 3,718 4,252 0.02 14.36 Lao People's Democratic Republic 453 80 173 0.00 116.25 Malaysia 36,675 6,777 3,361 0.02 -50.41 Myanmar 974 123 164 0.00 33.33 Philippines 35,046 6,753 11,352 0.06 68.10 Singapore 39,454 6,301 5,181 0.03 -17.77 Thailand 29,232 5,695 5,678 0.03 -0.30 Timor-Leste 2,363 578 2,174 0.01 276.12 Viet Nam 10,559 2,231 3,275 0.02 46.80 AUSTRALASIA 281,388 328,336 400,117 37,319 39,366 0.20 5.49 Australia 281,388 328,336 347,258 31,805 32,079 0.16 0.86 New Zealand 52,859 5,514 7,287 0.04 32.15 MELANESIA 1,217 284 384 0.00 35.21 Fiji 284 53 88 0.00 66.04 New Caledonia 426 52 86 0.00 65.38 Norfolk Island 17 6 0.00 Papua New Guinea 164 81 32 0.00 -60.49 Solomon Islands 218 31 72 0.00 132.26 Vanuatu 108 67 100 0.00 49.25 MICRONESIA 1,235 308 471 0.00 52.92 Christmas Island, Australia 13 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 46 18 17 0.00 -5.56 Guam 206 34 39 0.00 14.71 Kiribati 209 35 57 0.00 62.86 Marshall Islands 53 13 38 0.00 192.31 Micronesia, Federated States of 136 22 78 0.00 254.55 Nauru 119 52 68 0.00 30.77 Northern Mariana Islands 43 28 30 0.00 7.14 Palau 410 106 144 0.00 35.85 POLYNESIA 2,340 663 1,011 0.01 52.49 American Samoa 759 288 354 0.00 22.92 Cook Islands 122 6 45 0.00 650.00 French Polynesia 442 153 291 0.00 90.20 Niue 69 1 33 0.00 3,200.00 Pitcairn 44 17 26 0.00 52.94 Samoa 149 32 32 0.00 Tokelau 307 21 35 0.00 66.67 Tonga 171 53 117 0.00 120.75 Tuvalu 48 4 62 0.00 1,450.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 229 88 16 0.00 -81.82 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 852,972 875,204 1,783 543 943 0.00 73.66 Other countries of Asia 768,882 803,916 Other countries of Oceania 84,090 71,288 1,783 543 943 0.00 73.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 307 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 41,423,588 43,845,939 41,524,558 11,429,671 17,854,889 88.73 56.22 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,949,947 1,972,201 2,680,574 629,443 1,498,422 7.45 138.06 Armenia 7,342 1,227 1,927 0.01 57.05 Azerbaijan 5,866 1,171 2,508 0.01 114.18 Belarus 26,934 6,762 7,107 0.04 5.10 Bulgaria 64,741 76,035 80,596 15,897 38,526 0.19 142.35 Czech Republic (Czechia) 215,596 56,475 1 71,472 0.85 203.62 Estonia 49,662 7,686 24,952 0.12 224.64 Georgia 10,249 2,035 4,603 0.02 126.19 Hungary 152,565 163,631 160,822 38,245 79,425 0.39 107.67 Kazakhstan 10,557 2,871 3,130 0.02 9.02 Kyrgyzstan 929 228 170 0.00 -25.44 Latvia 58,190 8,998 39,112 0.19 334.67 Lithuania 119,768 15,696 101,232 0.50 544.95 Moldova, Republic of 6,771 2,659 3,581 0.02 34.67 Poland 1,073,608 1,002,936 982,106 232,010 623,818 3.10 168.88 Romania 220,895 247,465 223,600 75,794 149,240 0.74 96.90 Russian Federation 498,950 105,143 79,967 0.40 -23.94 Slovakia 64,078 13,302 35,667 0.18 168.13 Tajikistan 743 165 161 0.00 -2.42 Turkmenistan 580 147 182 0.00 23.81 Ukraine 155,328 42,465 130,909 0.65 208.28 USSR (former) 438,138 482,134 Uzbekistan 1,907 467 733 0.00 56.96 NORTHERN EUROPE 14,000,625 14,079,114 13,714,686 2,955,409 4,606,467 22.89 55.87 Denmark 633,916 618,789 584,822 143,297 280,841 1.40 95.99 Faeroe Islands 243 56 169 0.00 201.79 Finland 390,704 459,065 450,876 105,728 134,338 0.67 27.06 Iceland 22,321 27,097 24,025 3,723 14,192 0.07 281.20 Ireland 1,627,480 1,689,820 1,827,336 198,390 576,449 2.86 190.56 Isle of Man 307 123 118 0.00 -4.07 Norway 369,536 404,842 366,050 60,191 77,592 0.39 28.91 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 591 170 361 0.00 112.35 Sweden 759,876 828,645 758,911 216,381 270,003 1.34 24.78 United Kingdom 10,196,792 10,050,856 9,701,525 2,227,350 3,252,404 16.16 46.02 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,719,750 7,556,640 7,806,431 2,494,656 3,800,421 18.89 52.34 Albania 12,429 3,036 4,787 0.02 57.67 Andorra 14,842 3,923 4,329 0.02 10.35 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,381 1,419 3,236 0.02 128.05 Croatia 57,460 14,356 23,540 0.12 63.97 Gibraltar 7,362 3,912 4,292 0.02 9.71 Greece 77,499 96,441 98,127 23,054 41,711 0.21 80.93 Holy See 19 4 8 0.00 100.00 Italy 1,624,247 1,71 7,776 1,769,267 449,770 701,269 3.49 55.92 Malta 28,819 6,185 15,142 0.08 144.82 Montenegro 3,295 972 859 0.00 -11.63 San Marino 631 101 151 0.00 49.50 Serbia 28,507 8,199 10,115 0.05 23.37 Slovenia 59,403 10,884 40,853 0.20 275.35 Spain 5,018,004 5,742,423 5,712,981 1,966,859 2,946,547 14.64 49.81 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 6,908 1,982 3,582 0.02 80.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 308 COUNTRY TABLES PORTUGAL 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 17,813,523 19,267,476 16,914,955 5,288,441 7,803,991 38.78 47.57 Austria 486,921 479,582 481,694 75,941 195,766 0.97 157.79 Belgium 1,109,254 1,215,058 1,119,980 344,398 645,825 3.21 87.52 France 5,276,583 5,982,207 5,208,052 1,551,260 2,462,519 12.24 58.74 Germany 6,821,950 7,259,108 6,358,126 2,026,173 2,508,417 12.47 23.80 Liechtenstein 2,954 769 1,647 0.01 114.17 Luxembourg 127,131 143,833 138,585 72,729 125,639 0.62 72.75 Monaco 2,902 1,443 1,890 0.01 30.98 Netherlands 3,037,880 3,164,172 2,655,337 939,769 1,307,778 6.50 39.16 Switzerland 953,804 1,023,516 947,325 275,959 554,510 2.76 100.94 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 99,794 104,842 405,468 60,775 144,294 0.72 137.42 Cyprus 13,612 2,876 5,244 0.03 82.34 Israel 294,031 31,752 102,925 0.51 224.15 Turkiye 99,794 104,842 97,825 26,147 36,125 0.18 38.16 OTHER EUROPE 839,949 865,666 2,444 947 1,294 0.01 36.64 Other countries of Europe 839,949 865,666 2,444 947 1,294 0.01 36.64 MIDDLE EAST 141,997 30,345 57,004 0.28 87.85 Bahrain 3,577 338 464 0.00 37.28 Egypt 22,216 4,827 8,710 0.04 80.44 Iraq 4,584 1,931 2,665 0.01 38.01 Jordan 8,629 2,127 3,771 0.02 77.29 Kuwait 11,045 2,289 1,848 0.01 -19.27 Lebanon 22,096 4,169 8,238 0.04 97.60 Libya 2,581 346 1,163 0.01 236.13 Oman 3,802 566 773 0.00 36.57 Qatar 7,818 2,129 2,838 0.01 33.30 Saudi Arabia 23,937 4,245 13,325 0.07 213.90 State of Palestine 173 36 58 0.00 61.11 Syrian Arab Republic 3,872 1,374 1,503 0.01 9.39 United Arab Emirates 26,954 5,427 11,038 0.05 103.39 Yemen 713 541 610 0.00 12.75 SOUTH ASIA 223,105 62,610 77,658 0.39 24.03 Afghanistan 3,490 1,096 3,368 0.02 207.30 Bangladesh 7,465 5,343 5,691 0.03 6.51 Bhutan 226 26 37 0.00 42.31 India 160,110 36,252 42,202 0.21 16.41 Iran, Islamic Republic of 23,730 6,125 11,210 0.06 83.02 Maldives 242 23 67 0.00 191.30 Nepal 7,461 4,517 5,422 0.03 20.04 Pakistan 14,916 8,078 8,989 0.04 11.28 Sri Lanka 5,465 1,150 672 0.00 -41.57 NOT SPECIFIED 38,507 6,660 15,660 0.08 135.14 Other countries of the world 38,507 6,660 15,660 0.08 135.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 309 COUNTRY TABLES PUERTO RICO / PORTO RICO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,513,000 3,068,300 3,179,800 2,617,400 2,754,700 100.00 5.25 AMERICAS 3,053,800 2,672,800 2,842,800 2,377,000 2,698,800 97.97 13.54 CARIBBEAN 5,400 5,400 4,800 4,300 2,700 0.10 -37.21 United States Virgin Islands 5,400 5,400 4,800 4,300 2,700 0.10 -37.21 NORTH AMERICA 3,048,400 2,667,400 2,838,000 2,372,700 2,696,100 97.87 13.63 United States of America 3,048,400 2,667,400 2,838,000 2,372,700 2,696,100 97.87 13.63 NOT SPECIFIED 459,200 395,500 337,000 240,400 55,900 2.03 -76.75 Other countries of the world 459,200 395,500 337,000 240,400 55,900 2.03 -76.75 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 310 COUNTRY TABLES PUERTO RICO / PORTO RICO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,816,433 1,207,746 1,497,238 1,209,037 AFRICA 643 671 656 408 OTHER AFRICA 643 671 656 408 All countries of Africa 643 671 656 408 AMERICAS 1,733,714 1,083,860 1,442,494 1,160,699 CARIBBEAN 34,689 18,262 27,645 16,758 Anguilla 687 378 764 506 Antigua and Barbuda 870 394 772 414 Aruba 614 171 211 113 Bahamas 457 387 263 89 Barbados 595 243 166 101 Bermuda 470 346 340 153 Bonaire 325 265 161 175 British Virgin Islands 931 923 1,188 677 Cayman Islands 149 158 232 167 Cuba 75 18 21 18 Curacao 167 20 14 160 Dominica 161 9 36 Dominican Republic 8,665 4,421 8,933 4,536 Grenada 143 264 175 99 Guadeloupe 850 107 204 78 Haiti 219 239 368 129 Jamaica 186 9 13 29 Martinique 769 421 307 226 Montserrat 54 32 43 47 Netherlands Antilles 250 76 60 340 Saba 1 2 Saint Kitts and Nevis 622 292 334 202 Saint Lucia 127 82 78 31 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 108 12 60 54 Sint Eustatius 15 20 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 296 198 153 200 Trinidad and Tobago 413 246 282 238 Turks and Caicos Islands 162 132 25 62 United States Virgin Islands 1,027 410 703 542 Other countries of the Caribbean (*) 15,282 8,008 11,755 7,334 CENTRAL AMERICA 5,535 4,007 6,808 4,702 Belize 59 11 46 77 Costa Rica 1,554 1,314 2,403 1,445 El Salvador 355 272 230 205 Guatemala 991 618 1,053 1,330 Honduras 345 130 318 203 Nicaragua 154 62 114 29 Panama 1,917 1,534 2,578 1,373 Other countries of Central America 160 66 66 40 NORTH AMERICA 1,674,757 1,049,820 1,390,036 1,129,072 Canada 20,264 12,941 1 7,538 14,913 Mexico 11,957 6,706 10,663 6,581 United States of America 1,642,536 1,030,173 1,361,835 1,107,578 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 311 COUNTRY TABLES PUERTO RICO / PORTO RICO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 18,733 11,771 18,005 10,167 Argentina 2,342 1,770 2,555 1,123 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 123 50 89 111 Brazil 2,849 1,983 4,047 1,613 Chile 1,726 1,157 2,142 1,132 Colombia 7,510 4,193 5,534 3,680 Ecuador 719 474 697 303 French Guiana 23 9 4 2 Guyana 113 26 23 20 Paraguay 56 62 69 68 Peru 1,030 802 894 771 Suriname 60 26 6 4 Uruguay 412 392 546 366 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,320 691 1,354 933 Other countries of South America 450 136 45 41 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,249 5,507 11,958 12,335 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,329 2,998 5,771 4,201 China 1,471 2,094 4,631 3,703 Hong Kong, China 147 122 142 70 Japan 625 677 946 373 Taiwan Province of China 86 105 52 55 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 358 472 3,571 6,055 Philippines 200 133 269 126 Thailand 158 339 3,302 5,929 AUSTRALASIA 1,425 944 1,367 922 Australia 1,198 771 1,200 806 New Zealand 227 173 167 116 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,137 1,093 1,249 1,157 Other countries of Asia 1,137 1,093 1,249 1,157 EUROPE 42,316 21,686 35,791 27,804 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,383 895 1,305 1,144 Bulgaria 38 86 49 68 Czech Republic (Czechia) 170 128 211 270 Estonia 481 80 46 55 Hungary 165 57 241 161 Latvia 480 13 13 7 Lithuania 128 22 19 16 Poland 307 188 276 180 Romania 72 79 83 94 Russian Federation 447 226 298 241 Slovakia 95 16 69 52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 312 COUNTRY TABLES PUERTO RICO / PORTO RICO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 14,429 5,653 10,093 8,110 Denmark 1,175 373 594 463 Finland 1,198 347 295 155 Iceland 65 35 19 78 Ireland 579 505 942 624 Norway 3,324 461 667 349 Sweden 2,852 710 846 510 United Kingdom 5,236 3,222 6,730 5,931 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,834 6,097 8,427 7,430 Albania 39 24 18 32 Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 22 3 26 Croatia 47 9 86 25 Gibraltar 16 2 3 6 Greece 78 65 127 100 Italy 1,515 1,058 1,580 1,260 Malta 50 37 12 15 Montenegro 21 16 5 119 North Macedonia 3 1 9 7 Portugal 322 267 296 242 San Marino 4 26 5 4 Serbia 67 21 21 36 Slovenia 65 30 61 89 Spain 8,574 4,504 6,151 5,469 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 13 15 50 WESTERN EUROPE 10,252 7,152 13,566 9,042 Austria 403 340 597 263 Belgium 395 465 697 288 France 2,401 1,466 1,993 1,664 Germany 4,750 3,088 6,622 3,892 Luxembourg 91 21 185 65 Netherlands 1,252 824 2,412 1,938 Switzerland 960 948 1,060 932 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 996 475 526 502 Israel 606 351 442 436 Turkiye 390 124 84 66 OTHER EUROPE 3,422 1,414 1,874 1,576 Other countries of Europe 3,422 1,414 1,874 1,576 MIDDLE EAST 227 67 104 168 Egypt 46 21 41 32 Iraq 1 5 3 Saudi Arabia 181 45 58 133 SOUTH ASIA 771 858 999 986 India 771 858 999 986 NOT SPECIFIED 33,513 95,097 5,236 6,637 Other countries of the world (*) 33,513 95,097 5,236 6,637 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 313 COUNTRY TABLES QATAR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,256,490 1,819,344 2,136,504 581,659 610,785 100.00 5.01 AFRICA 97,072 90,392 94,145 22,378 18,373 3.01 -17.90 OTHER AFRICA 97,072 90,392 94,145 22,378 18,373 3.01 -17.90 All countries of Africa 97,072 90,392 94,145 22,378 18,373 3.01 -17.90 AMERICAS 155,900 161,162 205,227 51,917 28,996 4.75 -44.15 NORTH AMERICA 132,814 131,701 158,510 36,063 21,301 3.49 -40.93 Canada 31,670 27,402 31,239 7,941 5,098 0.83 -35.80 United States of America 101,144 104,299 127,271 28,122 16,203 2.65 -42.38 SOUTH AMERICA 19,215 22,041 36,051 11,162 5,685 0.93 -49.07 All countries of South America 19,215 22,041 36,051 11,162 5,685 0.93 -49.07 OTHER AMERICAS 3,871 7,420 10,666 4,692 2,010 0.33 -57.16 Other countries of the Americas 3,871 7,420 10,666 4,692 2,010 0.33 -57.16 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 214,506 243,738 287,494 59,351 23,155 3.79 -60.99 NORHT-EAST ASIA 45,627 62,988 62,786 6,674 1,583 0.26 -76.28 China 45,627 62,988 62,786 6,674 1,583 0.26 -76.28 AUSTRALASIA 42,765 49,513 55,047 8,801 2,327 0.38 -73.56 Australia 42,765 49,513 55,047 8,801 2,327 0.38 -73.56 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 126,114 131,237 169,661 43,876 19,245 3.15 -56.14 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 126,114 131,237 169,661 43,876 19,245 3.15 -56.14 EUROPE 483,834 528,333 680,951 232,589 101,484 16.62 -56.37 NORTHERN EUROPE 120,495 106,873 133,418 35,077 19,000 3.11 -45.83 United Kingdom 120,495 106,873 133,418 35,077 19,000 3.11 -45.83 SOUTHERN EUROPE 37,436 36,447 58,656 32,585 9,198 1.51 -71.77 Italy 37,436 36,447 58,656 32,585 9,198 1.51 -71.77 WESTERN EUROPE 86,466 103,696 141,359 38,816 19,436 3.18 -49.93 France 42,026 40,164 51,007 15,939 10,128 1.66 -36.46 Germany 44,440 63,532 90,352 22,877 9,308 1.52 -59.31 OTHER EUROPE 239,437 281,317 347,518 126,111 53,850 8.82 -57.30 Other countries of Europe 239,437 281,317 347,518 126,111 53,850 8.82 -57.30 MIDDLE EAST 867,582 286,296 342,802 91,193 234,516 38.40 157.16 Bahrain 68,360 19,595 22,378 5,229 9,543 1.56 82.50 Egypt 43,614 22,461 25,899 5,332 9,634 1.58 80.68 Kuwait 83,985 70,969 88,035 25,353 25,718 4.21 1.44 Oman 74,526 55,231 66,697 17,351 28,985 4.75 67.05 Saudi Arabia 467,799 45,854 47,082 12,073 116,400 19.06 864.13 United Arab Emirates 58,206 8,466 9,076 2,281 14,406 2.36 531.57 Other countries of Middle East 71,092 63,720 83,635 23,574 29,830 4.88 26.54 SOUTH ASIA 437,596 509,423 525,885 124,231 204,261 33.44 64.42 India 333,708 400,661 385,148 92,197 165,648 27.12 79.67 Pakistan 49,510 49,576 68,216 18,156 19,046 3.12 4.90 Other countries of South Asia 54,378 59,186 72,521 13,878 19,567 3.20 40.99 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 314 COUNTRY TABLES REUNION / REUNION / REUNION 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 507,563 534,630 533,622 216,716 250,812 100.00 15.73 AFRICA 64,104 61,201 47,958 15,438 17,317 6.90 12.17 EAST AFRICA 28,826 30,506 25,291 4,678 2,083 0.83 -55.47 Mauritius 28,826 30,506 25,291 4,678 2,083 0.83 -55.47 OTHER AFRICA 35,278 30,695 22,667 10,760 15,234 6.07 41.58 Other countries of Africa (*) 35,278 30,695 22,667 10,760 15,234 6.07 41.58 EUROPE 435,393 464,532 477,968 199,086 231,146 92.16 16.10 WESTERN EUROPE 427,081 455,444 468,961 195,491 228,671 91.17 16.97 Belgium 6,357 7,786 6,622 1,617 2,437 0.97 50.71 France 397,338 424,868 443,589 189,349 222,179 88.58 17.34 Germany 15,827 14,706 12,154 2,824 2,338 0.93 -17.21 Switzerland 7,559 8,084 6,596 1,701 1,717 0.68 0.94 OTHER EUROPE 8,312 9,088 9,007 3,595 2,475 0.99 -31.15 Other countries of Europe 8,312 9,088 9,007 3,595 2,475 0.99 -31.15 NOT SPECIFIED 8,066 8,897 7,696 2,192 2,349 0.94 7.16 Other countries of the world 8,066 8,897 7,696 2,192 2,349 0.94 7.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 315 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 10,925,597 11,720,425 12,815,430 5,022,723 6,788,816 100.00 35.16 AFRICA 27,367 29,982 32,260 12,054 16,801 0.25 39.38 EAST AFRICA 1,926 2,165 2,754 744 1,330 0.02 78.76 Burundi 17 29 43 9 16 0.00 77.78 Comoros 16 18 35 18 22 0.00 22.22 Djibouti 19 23 19 8 6 0.00 -25.00 Eritrea 16 102 99 15 27 0.00 80.00 Ethiopia 156 197 351 127 261 0.00 105.51 Kenya 418 501 629 121 267 0.00 120.66 Madagascar 56 69 104 40 69 0.00 72.50 Malawi 23 17 24 15 6 0.00 -60.00 Mauritius 761 627 722 131 238 0.00 81.68 Mozambique 18 26 32 11 12 0.00 9.09 Rwanda 18 36 41 18 21 0.00 16.67 Seychelles 35 67 53 41 48 0.00 17.07 Somalia 36 23 41 67 141 0.00 110.45 Tanzania, United Republic of 102 149 188 36 54 0.00 50.00 Uganda 71 107 147 31 65 0.00 109.68 Zambia 42 43 52 10 20 0.00 100.00 Zimbabwe 122 131 174 46 57 0.00 23.91 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,113 1,371 1,730 681 963 0.01 41.41 Angola 171 325 366 88 104 0.00 18.18 Cameroon 523 600 762 354 465 0.01 31.36 Central African Republic 35 30 40 6 17 0.00 183.33 Chad 11 14 15 8 14 0.00 75.00 Congo 78 101 111 51 93 0.00 82.35 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 175 194 262 110 172 0.00 56.36 Equatorial Guinea 14 18 24 2 11 0.00 450.00 Gabon 100 85 126 56 67 0.00 19.64 Sao Tome and Principe 6 4 24 6 20 0.00 233.33 NORTH AFRICA 18,295 20,078 20,770 8,442 11,559 0.17 36.92 Algeria 2,040 2,439 2,708 974 1,196 0.02 22.79 Morocco 7,341 8,524 9,065 4,121 6,030 0.09 46.32 South Sudan 3 5 2 9 0.00 350.00 Sudan 313 442 393 202 342 0.01 69.31 Tunisia 8,601 8,670 8,599 3,143 3,982 0.06 26.69 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,973 3,006 3,283 736 1,056 0.02 43.48 Botswana 10 31 29 8 3 0.00 -62.50 Eswatini 1 1 Lesotho 1 5 9 4 0.00 Namibia 31 57 63 19 95 0.00 400.00 South Africa 2,930 2,912 3,182 709 954 0.01 34.56 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 316 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 3,042 3,362 3,714 1,451 1,893 0.03 30.46 Benin 72 88 149 76 70 0.00 -7.89 Burkina Faso 41 74 75 18 29 0.00 61.11 Cabo Verde 66 85 125 48 55 0.00 14.58 Cote d'lvoire 169 199 274 76 94 0.00 23.68 Gambia 22 29 35 19 20 0.00 5.26 Ghana 253 356 312 163 242 0.00 48.47 Guinea 72 133 147 100 179 0.00 79.00 Guinea-Bissau 6 18 20 9 17 0.00 88.89 Liberia 8 13 16 6 13 0.00 116.67 Mali 67 64 97 27 59 0.00 118.52 Mauritania 30 22 42 8 23 0.00 187.50 Niger 36 27 63 13 21 0.00 61.54 Nigeria 1,815 1,861 1,886 697 869 0.01 24.68 Senegal 292 295 336 134 131 0.00 -2.24 Sierra Leone 39 38 38 21 24 0.00 14.29 Togo 54 60 99 36 47 0.00 30.56 OTHER AFRICA 18 9 Other countries of Africa 18 9 AMERICAS 292,197 297,123 320,694 46,534 106,133 1.56 128.08 CARIBBEAN 1,310 1,571 1,805 538 936 0.01 73.98 Antigua and Barbuda 36 41 35 6 17 0.00 183.33 Bahamas 20 22 26 10 21 0.00 110.00 Barbados 17 14 36 6 22 0.00 266.67 Cuba 573 553 600 241 401 0.01 66.39 Dominica 75 154 212 43 136 0.00 216.28 Dominican Republic 288 358 415 106 186 0.00 75.47 Grenada 14 44 53 13 16 0.00 23.08 Haiti 37 56 75 34 44 0.00 29.41 Jamaica 101 114 109 22 33 0.00 50.00 Saint Lucia 21 27 50 14 22 0.00 57.14 Trinidad and Tobago 128 188 194 43 38 0.00 -11.63 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,684 2,041 2,361 596 905 0.01 51.85 Belize 15 13 13 7 8 0.00 14.29 Costa Rica 669 825 940 201 237 0.00 17.91 El Salvador 177 221 249 65 99 0.00 52.31 Guatemala 250 276 388 63 152 0.00 141.27 Honduras 253 296 327 131 213 0.00 62.60 Nicaragua 109 136 120 40 56 0.00 40.00 Panama 211 274 324 89 140 0.00 57.30 NORTH AMERICA 267,036 268,174 288,840 39,153 94,401 1.39 141.11 Canada 58,844 61,770 66,162 8,463 19,121 0.28 125.94 Mexico 7,036 7,756 8,340 1,375 2,394 0.04 74.11 United States of America 201,156 198,648 214,338 29,315 72,886 1.07 148.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 317 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 22,167 25,337 27,688 6,247 9,891 0.15 58.33 Argentina 3,313 3,888 4,473 820 1,015 0.01 23.78 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 323 338 342 88 176 0.00 100.00 Brazil 9,184 10,826 11,304 2,622 3,689 0.05 40.69 Chile 1,817 1,842 2,242 467 531 0.01 13.70 Colombia 2,814 3,473 4,038 751 1,972 0.03 162.58 Ecuador 1,009 1,019 1,057 365 549 0.01 50.41 Guyana 28 16 30 5 6 0.00 20.00 Paraguay 291 229 287 49 114 0.00 132.65 Peru 1,772 1,895 1,981 582 1,089 0.02 87.11 Suriname 22 27 37 10 15 0.00 50.00 Uruguay 402 603 563 121 144 0.00 19.01 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,192 1,181 1,334 367 591 0.01 61.04 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 133,348 146,972 156,468 34,919 36,230 0.53 3.75 NORHT-EAST ASIA 75,870 82,670 85,599 14,307 12,589 0.19 -12.01 China 35,929 41,625 46,601 8,824 8,020 0.12 -9.11 Hong Kong, China 4,578 4,970 5,367 398 131 0.00 -67.09 Japan 15,296 15,939 15,631 2,668 1,878 0.03 -29.61 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 71 45 74 5 21 0.00 320.00 Korea, Republic of 15,156 13,790 11,862 1,890 2,032 0.03 7.51 Macao, China 187 226 206 20 14 0.00 -30.00 Mongolia 258 286 266 65 130 0.00 100.00 Taiwan Province of China 4,395 5,789 5,592 437 363 0.01 -16.93 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 33,637 38,778 44,062 17,881 21,104 0.31 18.02 Brunei Darussalam 30 23 66 3 7 0.00 133.33 Cambodia 51 75 67 42 27 0.00 -35.71 Indonesia 4,063 4,897 6,898 1,029 2,142 0.03 108.16 Lao People's Democratic Republic 17 29 64 11 17 0.00 54.55 Malaysia 4,228 4,799 4,894 1,491 596 0.01 -60.03 Myanmar 949 1,254 813 219 329 0.00 50.23 Philippines 16,801 17,310 17,831 11,788 14,657 0.22 24.34 Singapore 1,961 2,358 2,513 290 293 0.00 1.03 Thailand 2,735 3,267 3,666 404 746 0.01 84.65 Viet Nam 2,802 4,766 7,250 2,604 2,290 0.03 -12.06 AUSTRALASIA 23,633 25,249 26,503 2,665 2,395 0.04 -10.13 Australia 19,441 20,844 21,869 2,124 1,825 0.03 -14.08 New Zealand 4,192 4,405 4,634 541 570 0.01 5.36 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 208 275 304 66 142 0.00 115.15 Other countries East Asia/ Pacific 208 275 304 66 142 0.00 115.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 318 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 10,385,194 11,151,720 12,194,351 4,875,213 6,548,784 96.46 34.33 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,981,455 7,569,781 8,420,551 3,582,266 4,604,726 67.83 28.54 Armenia 2,659 2,405 3,983 788 1,085 0.02 37.69 Azerbaijan 3,775 4,467 5,218 2,844 3,714 0.05 30.59 Belarus 72,583 79,296 84,509 36,218 40,629 0.60 12.18 Bulgaria 1,602,964 1,600,224 1,856,947 1,267,193 1,254,167 18.47 -1.03 Czech Republic (Czechia) 68,301 69,126 80,079 26,284 31,717 0.47 20.67 Estonia 6,647 7,640 7,717 1,746 3,275 0.05 87.57 Georgia 19,552 21,065 20,688 11,528 16,927 0.25 46.83 Hungary 1,453,550 1,491,351 1,529,429 481,262 603,203 8.89 25.34 Kazakhstan 3,680 3,734 4,300 1,297 1,929 0.03 48.73 Kyrgyzstan 255 415 543 181 332 0.00 83.43 Latvia 12,558 11,019 11,504 5,011 6,917 0.10 38.04 Lithuania 18,174 16,235 16,967 8,084 10,692 0.16 32.26 Moldova, Republic of 2,051,793 2,330,440 2,522,741 826,722 1,246,871 18.37 50.82 Poland 310,995 313,583 345,286 199,065 200,890 2.96 0.92 Russian Federation 72,346 79,172 88,987 26,307 45,100 0.66 71.44 Slovakia 70,315 69,297 82,181 22,374 27,827 0.41 24.37 Tajikistan 100 169 180 59 436 0.01 638.98 Turkmenistan 512 616 863 308 347 0.01 12.66 Ukraine 1,207,812 1,466,301 1,754,542 663,097 1,105,215 16.28 66.67 Uzbekistan 551 515 799 328 556 0.01 69.51 Other countries Central/East Europe 2,333 2,711 3,088 1,570 2,897 0.04 84.52 NORTHERN EUROPE 349,237 358,280 390,032 102,356 145,600 2.14 42.25 Denmark 23,969 23,402 25,319 5,074 11,924 0.18 135.00 Finland 12,497 14,721 14,981 3,383 5,146 0.08 52.11 Iceland 1,653 1,794 1,615 213 554 0.01 160.09 Ireland 30,118 31,753 33,985 10,553 17,518 0.26 66.00 Norway 19,897 20,280 20,174 3,645 5,943 0.09 63.05 Sweden 48,599 50,405 49,967 12,231 21,843 0.32 78.59 United Kingdom 212,504 215,925 243,991 67,257 82,672 1.22 22.92 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,343,450 1,407,184 1,472,950 475,288 686,450 10.11 44.43 Albania 12,310 13,191 14,999 8,457 22,825 0.34 169.89 Andorra 90 96 107 24 58 0.00 141.67 Bosnia and Herzegovina 12,653 13,899 15,386 7,996 8,916 0.13 11.51 Croatia 30,363 30,849 32,600 12,971 14,307 0.21 10.30 Greece 96,298 100,654 106,849 52,097 58,779 0.87 12.83 Holy See 26 31 64 13 29 0.00 123.08 Italy 460,469 468,409 477,211 120,564 228,164 3.36 89.25 Malta 3,141 3,283 4,091 969 1,507 0.02 55.52 Montenegro 4,376 4,854 4,762 1,629 1,805 0.03 10.80 North Macedonia 31,913 32,606 32,621 21,847 26,451 0.39 21.07 Portugal 48,441 52,502 53,507 15,414 25,864 0.38 67.80 San Marino 291 242 299 38 136 0.00 257.89 Serbia 507,057 543,115 576,287 194,705 225,307 3.32 15.72 Slovenia 13,772 14,730 16,905 3,699 4,264 0.06 15.27 Spain 122,250 128,723 137,262 34,865 68,038 1.00 95.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 319 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 1,048,088 1,081,351 1,152,591 314,725 532,429 7.84 69.17 Austria 138,707 148,110 165,233 32,657 63,233 0.93 93.63 Belgium 71,353 71,133 76,807 21,866 41,191 0.61 88.38 France 220,296 230,901 245,804 79,925 126,919 1.87 58.80 Germany 478,924 489,364 520,718 143,476 232,153 3.42 61.81 Liechtenstein 355 399 334 41 117 0.00 185.37 Luxembourg 1,952 2,218 2,821 536 1,457 0.02 1 71.83 Monaco 78 64 73 19 32 0.00 68.42 Netherlands 93,527 96,537 96,582 26,853 47,195 0.70 75.75 Switzerland 42,896 42,625 44,219 9,352 20,132 0.30 115.27 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 662,964 735,124 758,227 400,578 579,579 8.54 44.69 Cyprus 16,547 1 7,820 19,126 4,641 6,064 0.09 30.66 Israel 289,425 319,903 309,321 43,332 64,941 0.96 49.87 Turkiye 356,992 397,401 429,780 352,605 508,574 7.49 44.23 MIDDLE EAST 51,745 57,119 65,032 30,779 41,837 0.62 35.93 Bahrain 291 282 260 33 72 0.00 118.18 Egypt 8,032 8,206 10,357 5,359 7,679 0.11 43.29 Iraq 4,554 4,670 5,145 2,097 3,399 0.05 62.09 Jordan 4,382 5,458 7,172 1,668 3,494 0.05 109.47 Kuwait 1,331 1,178 1,250 156 360 0.01 130.77 Lebanon 8,152 8,649 8,604 2,881 4,016 0.06 39.40 Libya 466 517 577 236 272 0.00 15.25 Oman 289 291 453 39 94 0.00 141.03 Qatar 467 472 547 96 234 0.00 143.75 Saudi Arabia 1,814 2,198 2,361 387 920 0.01 137.73 State of Palestine 997 1,323 1,531 448 856 0.01 91.07 Syrian Arab Republic 17,008 19,326 23,361 16,952 19,092 0.28 12.62 United Arab Emirates 3,761 4,272 3,045 291 1,106 0.02 280.07 Yemen 201 277 369 136 243 0.00 78.68 SOUTH ASIA 34,655 36,284 45,422 22,846 38,584 0.57 68.89 Afghanistan 336 481 566 379 1,123 0.02 196.31 Bangladesh 506 566 982 863 2,887 0.04 234.53 Bhutan 7 2 13 5 0.00 India 19,365 21,046 24,550 10,075 11,340 0.17 12.56 Iran, Islamic Republic of 10,339 9,133 9,607 5,534 11,923 0.18 115.45 Maldives 17 17 22 21 16 0.00 -23.81 Nepal 389 721 2,406 1,531 4,324 0.06 182.43 Pakistan 2,983 3,249 4,057 2,121 3,691 0.05 74.02 Sri Lanka 713 1,069 3,219 2,322 3,275 0.05 41.04 NOT SPECIFIED 1,091 1,225 1,203 378 447 0.01 18.25 Other countries of the world 1,091 1,225 1,203 378 447 0.01 18.25 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 320 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,734,408 2,771,609 2,658,648 452,804 837,570 100.00 84.97 AFRICA 18,909 20,322 19,982 4,703 5,647 0.67 20.07 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,837 2,517 2,651 710 720 0.09 1.41 South Africa 2,837 2,517 2,651 710 720 0.09 1.41 OTHER AFRICA 16,072 17,805 17,331 3,993 4,927 0.59 23.39 Other countries of Africa (*) 16,072 1 7,805 17,331 3,993 4,927 0.59 23.39 AMERICAS 204,478 214,415 207,702 28,532 56,590 6.76 98.34 NORTH AMERICA 187,377 196,904 190,833 25,870 53,089 6.34 105.21 Canada 24,482 25,804 24,445 2,826 6,586 0.79 133.05 Mexico 5,841 5,714 4,713 553 1,034 0.12 86.98 United States of America 157,054 165,386 161,675 22,491 45,469 5.43 102.17 SOUTH AMERICA 7,273 7,298 6,371 944 1,195 0.14 26.59 Brazil 7,273 7,298 6,371 944 1,195 0.14 26.59 OTHER AMERICAS 9,828 10,213 10,498 1,718 2,306 0.28 34.23 Other countries of the Americas 9,828 10,213 10,498 1,718 2,306 0.28 34.23 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 141,381 144,794 143,426 16,859 27,266 3.26 61.73 NORHT-EAST ASIA 63,681 63,768 64,339 5,328 5,601 0.67 5.12 China 33,603 37,037 41,873 2,297 3,285 0.39 43.01 Japan 19,515 1 7,682 13,840 1,923 976 0.12 -49.25 Korea, Republic of 10,563 9,049 8,626 1,108 1,340 0.16 20.94 AUSTRALASIA 14,441 13,971 15,601 1,302 1,621 0.19 24.50 Australia 14,441 13,971 15,601 1,302 1,621 0.19 24.50 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 63,259 67,055 63,486 10,229 20,044 2.39 95.95 Other countries of Asia 58,985 63,184 61,688 9,818 18,978 2.27 93.30 Other countries of Oceania 4,274 3,871 1,798 411 1,066 0.13 159.37 EUROPE 2,317,242 2,334,491 2,205,102 384,022 706,301 84.33 83.92 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 517,447 538,884 543,303 93,613 190,649 22.76 103.66 Bulgaria 65,096 66,195 67,193 15,325 20,374 2.43 32.95 Czech Republic (Czechia) 28,810 28,602 28,749 5,689 10,777 1.29 89.44 Estonia 3,645 4,437 4,561 506 1,709 0.20 237.75 Hungary 151,482 156,819 155,669 18,851 43,426 5.18 130.36 Latvia 3,670 2,962 4,861 500 1,231 0.15 146.20 Lithuania 5,698 6,334 6,373 819 2,590 0.31 216.24 Moldova, Republic of 68,850 67,922 63,476 18,059 29,655 3.54 64.21 Poland 106,850 110,614 104,344 16,929 41,923 5.01 147.64 Russian Federation 29,759 35,453 35,764 5,055 9,208 1.10 82.16 Slovakia 18,947 1 7,841 18,014 2,443 5,447 0.65 122.96 Ukraine 34,640 41,705 54,299 9,437 24,309 2.90 157.59 NORTHERN EUROPE 235,991 232,330 222,202 40,671 56,217 6.71 38.22 Denmark 15,754 15,673 15,328 2,760 6,781 0.81 145.69 Finland 9,382 10,197 10,185 1,259 2,053 0.25 63.07 Ireland 16,528 16,688 19,113 3,813 4,518 0.54 18.49 Norway 15,910 15,287 14,634 2,206 3,769 0.45 70.85 Sweden 24,276 23,535 24,744 3,729 7,234 0.86 93.99 United Kingdom 154,141 150,950 138,198 26,904 31,862 3.80 18.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 321 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 476,886 483,663 463,710 77,892 134,484 16.06 72.65 Greece 59,861 57,802 52,325 11,775 13,893 1.66 17.99 Italy 240,869 239,519 221,847 40,113 73,333 8.76 82.82 Malta 2,290 2,084 2,453 382 656 0.08 71.73 Montenegro 959 1,169 966 161 305 0.04 89.44 Portugal 18,384 19,877 18,069 2,407 5,167 0.62 114.67 Serbia 24,704 25,283 32,177 6,703 6,492 0.78 -3.15 Slovenia 13,159 12,925 13,348 1,644 3,280 0.39 99.51 Spain 116,660 125,004 122,525 14,707 31,358 3.74 113.22 WESTERN EUROPE 686,607 696,662 638,897 119,727 233,065 27.83 94.66 Austria 60,276 63,205 58,875 10,091 23,378 2.79 131.67 Belgium 44,446 41,884 42,520 6,627 14,924 1.78 125.20 France 166,016 169,893 152,962 30,085 55,157 6.59 83.34 Germany 321,411 323,191 293,371 57,137 104,476 12.47 82.85 Luxembourg 1,968 2,076 2,400 371 998 0.12 169.00 Netherlands 65,223 68,963 61,255 11,442 23,110 2.76 101.98 Switzerland 27,267 27,450 27,514 3,974 11,022 1.32 177.35 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 354,858 336,925 293,928 43,450 70,547 8.42 62.36 Cyprus 7,422 8,611 7,895 1,701 1,827 0.22 7.41 Israel 292,381 277,130 234,180 29,103 50,245 6.00 72.65 Turkiye 55,055 51,184 51,853 12,646 18,475 2.21 46.09 OTHER EUROPE 45,453 46,027 43,062 8,669 21,339 2.55 146.15 Other countries of Europe 45,453 46,027 43,062 8,669 21,339 2.55 146.15 NOT SPECIFIED 52,398 57,587 82,436 18,688 41,766 4.99 123.49 Other countries of the world 52,398 57,587 82,436 18,688 41,766 4.99 123.49 ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 2,749,272 2,785,405 2,671,708 453,867 842,823 100.00 85.70 AFRICA 18,941 20,327 20,007 4,711 5,651 0.67 19.95 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,837 2,517 2,653 710 724 0.09 1.97 South Africa 2,837 2,517 2,653 710 724 0.09 1.97 OTHER AFRICA 16,104 17,810 17,354 4,001 4,927 0.58 23.14 Other countries of Africa (*) 16,104 17,810 17,354 4,001 4,927 0.58 23.14 AMERICAS 204,682 214,589 207,854 28,540 56,627 6.72 98.41 NORTH AMERICA 187,536 197,072 190,966 25,878 53,121 6.30 105.27 Canada 24,510 25,821 24,461 2,828 6,595 0.78 133.20 Mexico 5,847 5,719 4,713 553 1,034 0.12 86.98 United States of America 157,179 165,532 161,792 22,497 45,492 5.40 102.21 SOUTH AMERICA 7,279 7,298 6,383 944 1,195 0.14 26.59 Brazil 7,279 7,298 6,383 944 1,195 0.14 26.59 OTHER AMERICAS 9,867 10,219 10,505 1,718 2,311 0.27 34.52 Other countries of the Americas 9,867 10,219 10,505 1,718 2,311 0.27 34.52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 322 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 141,535 144,898 143,516 18,169 27,282 3.24 50.16 NORHT-EAST ASIA 63,718 63,780 64,342 5,328 5,602 0.66 5.14 China 33,625 37,047 41,873 2,297 3,286 0.39 43.06 Japan 19,528 1 7,682 13,841 1,923 976 0.12 -49.25 Korea, Republic of 10,565 9,051 8,628 1,108 1,340 0.16 20.94 AUSTRALASIA 14,496 14,025 15,652 1,302 1,621 0.19 24.50 Australia 14,496 14,025 15,652 1,302 1,621 0.19 24.50 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 63,321 67,093 63,522 11,539 20,059 2.38 73.84 Other countries of Asia 59,015 63,205 61,724 11,128 18,993 2.25 70.68 Other countries of Oceania 4,306 3,888 1,798 411 1,066 0.13 159.37 EUROPE 2,331,716 2,347,989 2,217,873 385,056 711,497 84.42 84.78 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 522,740 543,871 547,783 93,893 192,414 22.83 104.93 Bulgaria 65,220 66,340 67,277 15,348 20,406 2.42 32.96 Czech Republic (Czechia) 29,483 29,330 29,482 5,737 11,289 1.34 96.78 Estonia 3,762 4,471 4,601 506 1,715 0.20 238.93 Hungary 153,360 158,619 156,801 18,876 43,741 5.19 131.73 Latvia 3,756 2,973 4,886 500 1,233 0.15 146.60 Lithuania 5,762 6,375 6,446 819 2,612 0.31 218.93 Moldova, Republic of 69,300 68,507 64,076 18,095 29,770 3.53 64.52 Poland 108,266 111,728 105,774 17,037 42,527 5.05 149.62 Russian Federation 29,876 35,490 35,786 5,055 9,220 1.09 82.39 Slovakia 19,190 18,004 18,140 2,445 5,523 0.66 125.89 Ukraine 34,765 42,034 54,514 9,475 24,378 2.89 157.29 NORTHERN EUROPE 236,958 233,524 223,540 40,795 56,335 6.68 38.09 Denmark 15,823 15,753 15,494 2,769 6,793 0.81 145.32 Finland 9,424 10,262 10,245 1,263 2,059 0.24 63.02 Ireland 16,569 16,714 19,154 3,854 4,523 0.54 17.36 Norway 15,963 15,369 14,685 2,206 3,773 0.45 71.03 Sweden 24,392 23,623 24,828 3,732 7,240 0.86 94.00 United Kingdom 154,787 151,803 139,134 26,971 31,947 3.79 18.45 SOUTHERN EUROPE 477,921 484,759 464,455 77,940 134,762 15.99 72.90 Greece 59,872 57,916 52,338 11,778 13,898 1.65 18.00 Italy 241,398 240,155 222,283 40,134 73,446 8.71 83.00 Malta 2,292 2,102 2,458 384 656 0.08 70.83 Montenegro 959 1,169 966 161 305 0.04 89.44 Portugal 18,412 19,914 18,087 2,413 5,242 0.62 117.24 Serbia 24,731 25,330 32,188 6,703 6,494 0.77 -3.12 Slovenia 13,446 13,034 13,431 1,646 3,318 0.39 101.58 Spain 116,811 125,139 122,704 14,721 31,403 3.73 113.32 WESTERN EUROPE 693,280 702,467 644,679 120,234 236,024 28.00 96.30 Austria 60,740 63,541 59,170 10,137 23,597 2.80 132.78 Belgium 45,065 42,187 42,914 6,668 15,056 1.79 125.79 France 167,163 170,635 154,082 30,138 55,443 6.58 83.96 Germany 324,371 326,241 296,188 57,445 106,089 12.59 84.68 Luxembourg 1,972 2,079 2,401 375 1,010 0.12 169.33 Netherlands 66,443 70,027 62,105 11,473 23,670 2.81 106.31 Switzerland 27,526 27,757 27,819 3,998 11,159 1.32 179.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 323 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 355,281 337,310 294,346 43,520 70,615 8.38 62.26 Cyprus 7,425 8,622 7,895 1,701 1,827 0.22 7.41 Israel 292,752 277,468 234,526 29,162 50,310 5.97 72.52 Turkiye 55,104 51,220 51,925 12,657 18,478 2.19 45.99 OTHER EUROPE 45,536 46,058 43,070 8,674 21,347 2.53 146.10 Other countries of Europe 45,536 46,058 43,070 8,674 21,347 2.53 146.10 NOT SPECIFIED 52,398 57,602 82,458 17,391 41,766 4.96 140.16 Other countries of the world 52,398 57,602 82,458 17,391 41,766 4.96 140.16 ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 5,233,787 5,268,979 5,235,153 994,324 1,820,290 100.00 83.07 AFRICA 42,402 44,716 40,900 11,406 13,683 0.75 19.96 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,437 5,082 5,332 2,214 1,721 0.09 -22.27 South Africa 6,437 5,082 5,332 2,214 1,721 0.09 -22.27 OTHER AFRICA 35,965 39,634 35,568 9,192 11,962 0.66 30.13 Other countries of Africa (*) 35,965 39,634 35,568 9,192 11,962 0.66 30.13 AMERICAS 377,594 402,404 432,301 64,442 130,671 7.18 102.77 NORTH AMERICA 347,266 370,794 398,758 58,347 121,843 6.69 108.82 Canada 45,510 48,932 49,018 7,251 15,367 0.84 111.93 Mexico 11,980 15,222 11,480 1,453 2,514 0.14 73.02 United States of America 289,776 306,640 338,260 49,643 103,962 5.71 109.42 SOUTH AMERICA 12,803 13,867 12,919 2,066 3,224 0.18 56.05 Brazil 12,803 13,867 12,919 2,066 3,224 0.18 56.05 OTHER AMERICAS 17,525 17,743 20,624 4,029 5,604 0.31 39.09 Other countries of the Americas 1 7,525 17,743 20,624 4,029 5,604 0.31 39.09 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 254,953 263,142 277,766 45,024 70,810 3.89 57.27 NORHT-EAST ASIA 107,043 111,466 112,445 10,797 15,885 0.87 47.12 China 54,707 60,432 68,702 4,768 10,504 0.58 120.30 Japan 32,334 32,595 26,144 3,672 2,239 0.12 -39.03 Korea, Republic of 20,002 18,439 17,599 2,357 3,142 0.17 33.31 AUSTRALASIA 27,757 25,508 29,091 2,873 4,092 0.22 42.43 Australia 27,757 25,508 29,091 2,873 4,092 0.22 42.43 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 120,153 126,168 136,230 31,354 50,833 2.79 62.13 Other countries of Asia 112,322 117,981 132,545 30,234 48,387 2.66 60.04 Other countries of Oceania 7,831 8,187 3,685 1,120 2,446 0.13 118.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 324 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 4,465,189 4,450,230 4,328,545 840,154 1,521,117 83.56 81.05 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 991,746 1,025,207 1,023,856 193,664 372,668 20.47 92.43 Bulgaria 107,232 114,709 120,462 29,515 36,253 1.99 22.83 Czech Republic (Czechia) 49,630 49,449 53,359 11,509 23,311 1.28 102.55 Estonia 6,712 8,693 9,086 969 3,268 0.18 237.25 Hungary 305,137 315,734 307,784 36,572 88,256 4.85 141.32 Latvia 7,167 6,017 12,403 1,222 2,563 0.14 109.74 Lithuania 11,012 11,358 13,656 1,786 6,118 0.34 242.55 Moldova, Republic of 162,274 160,788 138,646 43,930 61,405 3.37 39.78 Poland 180,501 190,133 174,835 32,534 74,851 4.11 130.07 Russian Federation 55,143 63,041 70,888 11,484 20,565 1.13 79.08 Slovakia 48,182 35,074 33,463 5,314 10,893 0.60 104.99 Ukraine 58,756 70,211 89,274 18,829 45,185 2.48 139.98 NORTHERN EUROPE 436,677 427,531 434,065 86,558 135,984 7.47 57.10 Denmark 31,588 29,401 30,492 5,477 15,135 0.83 1 76.34 Finland 18,679 19,908 20,068 2,808 4,518 0.25 60.90 Ireland 33,002 33,117 40,195 8,476 11,279 0.62 33.07 Norway 32,150 30,446 30,316 4,748 8,586 0.47 80.83 Sweden 46,061 44,819 47,372 8,161 17,501 0.96 114.45 United Kingdom 275,197 269,840 265,622 56,888 78,965 4.34 38.81 SOUTHERN EUROPE 911,366 882,967 877,073 178,777 298,829 16.42 67.15 Greece 118,150 111,686 115,434 29,009 30,789 1.69 6.14 Italy 472,931 453,417 432,648 90,408 1 70,092 9.34 88.14 Malta 4,470 4,459 5,440 845 1,406 0.08 66.39 Montenegro 2,214 2,243 1,798 333 559 0.03 67.87 Portugal 41,088 36,284 36,404 5,789 11,870 0.65 105.04 Serbia 55,003 49,836 58,667 15,267 13,902 0.76 -8.94 Slovenia 21,877 21,636 22,537 3,877 7,523 0.41 94.04 Spain 195,633 203,406 204,145 33,249 62,688 3.44 88.54 WESTERN EUROPE 1,263,022 1,282,297 1,219,995 252,650 488,548 26.84 93.37 Austria 103,816 113,550 109,230 19,625 46,566 2.56 137.28 Belgium 78,492 74,667 78,998 13,022 30,865 1.70 137.02 France 290,579 300,277 283,540 62,453 112,283 6.17 79.79 Germany 620,397 616,370 581,224 126,547 227,032 12.47 79.41 Luxembourg 3,913 3,833 4,305 789 2,025 0.11 156.65 Netherlands 117,485 123,681 111,164 22,121 46,644 2.56 110.86 Switzerland 48,340 49,919 51,534 8,093 23,133 1.27 185.84 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 779,502 739,225 689,908 111,017 175,485 9.64 58.07 Cyprus 15,382 16,887 16,475 4,131 4,177 0.23 1.11 Israel 659,203 614,307 563,341 72,502 125,844 6.91 73.57 Turkiye 104,917 108,031 110,092 34,384 45,464 2.50 32.22 OTHER EUROPE 82,876 93,003 83,648 17,488 49,603 2.73 183.64 Other countries of Europe 82,876 93,003 83,648 1 7,488 49,603 2.73 183.64 NOT SPECIFIED 93,649 108,487 155,641 33,298 84,009 4.62 152.29 Other countries of the world 93,649 108,487 155,641 33,298 84,009 4.62 152.29 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 325 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 5,267,984 5,304,912 5,266,964 997,365 1,832,703 100.00 83.75 AFRICA 42,462 44,721 40,947 11,418 13,691 0.75 19.91 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,437 5,082 5,336 2,214 1,729 0.09 -21.91 South Africa 6,437 5,082 5,336 2,214 1,729 0.09 -21.91 OTHER AFRICA 36,025 39,639 35,611 9,204 11,962 0.65 29.97 Other countries of Africa (*) 36,025 39,639 35,611 9,204 11,962 0.65 29.97 AMERICAS 378,175 402,912 432,670 64,490 130,750 7.13 102.74 NORTH AMERICA 347,699 371,277 399,083 58,395 121,915 6.65 108.78 Canada 45,585 48,978 49,056 7,253 15,390 0.84 112.19 Mexico 11,990 15,237 11,480 1,453 2,514 0.14 73.02 United States of America 290,124 307,062 338,547 49,689 104,011 5.68 109.32 SOUTH AMERICA 12,821 13,418 12,943 2,066 3,224 0.18 56.05 Brazil 12,821 13,418 12,943 2,066 3,224 0.18 56.05 OTHER AMERICAS 17,655 18,217 20,644 4,029 5,611 0.31 39.27 Other countries of the Americas 17,655 18,217 20,644 4,029 5,611 0.31 39.27 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 255,259 263,432 278,151 45,048 70,839 3.87 57.25 NORHT-EAST ASIA 107,093 111,485 112,448 10,797 15,886 0.87 47.13 China 54,731 60,447 68,702 4,768 10,505 0.57 120.32 Japan 32,356 32,595 26,145 3,672 2,239 0.12 -39.03 Korea, Republic of 20,006 18,443 17,601 2,357 3,142 0.17 33.31 AUSTRALASIA 27,905 25,627 29,354 2,873 4,092 0.22 42.43 Australia 27,905 25,627 29,354 2,873 4,092 0.22 42.43 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 120,261 126,320 136,349 31,378 50,861 2.78 62.09 Other countries of Asia 112,381 118,110 132,664 30,258 48,415 2.64 60.01 Other countries of Oceania 7,880 8,210 3,685 1,120 2,446 0.13 118.39 EUROPE 4,498,439 4,485,289 4,359,484 843,101 1,533,414 83.67 81.88 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,003,843 1,037,481 1,034,197 194,398 376,182 20.53 93.51 Bulgaria 107,545 115,074 120,621 29,549 36,310 1.98 22.88 Czech Republic (Czechia) 50,872 50,764 55,019 11,701 24,209 1.32 106.90 Estonia 6,841 8,731 9,149 969 3,274 0.18 237.87 Hungary 309,356 320,233 310,270 36,606 89,100 4.86 143.40 Latvia 7,261 6,034 12,444 1,222 2,565 0.14 109.90 Lithuania 11,091 11,417 13,747 1,786 6,148 0.34 244.23 Moldova, Republic of 163,673 163,422 141,271 44,010 61,668 3.36 40.12 Poland 183,387 192,136 177,105 32,776 75,912 4.14 131.61 Russian Federation 56,091 63,109 70,919 11,484 20,601 1.12 79.39 Slovakia 48,683 35,524 33,748 5,318 10,979 0.60 106.45 Ukraine 59,043 71,037 89,904 18,977 45,416 2.48 139.32 NORTHERN EUROPE 439,225 431,645 438,549 87,078 136,201 7.43 56.41 Denmark 31,704 29,619 30,900 5,516 15,157 0.83 174.78 Finland 18,763 20,096 20,214 2,828 4,528 0.25 60.11 Ireland 33,138 33,237 40,309 8,649 11,284 0.62 30.47 Norway 32,273 30,702 30,435 4,748 8,590 0.47 80.92 Sweden 46,406 44,993 47,567 8,165 17,507 0.96 114.42 United Kingdom 276,941 272,998 269,124 57,172 79,135 4.32 38.42 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 326 COUNTRY TABLES ROMANIA / ROUMANIE / RUMANIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 913,478 885,465 878,531 178,929 299,429 16.34 67.35 Greece 118,171 112,106 115,473 29,012 30,796 1.68 6.15 Italy 474,060 454,514 433,403 90,460 170,318 9.29 88.28 Malta 4,472 4,540 5,450 849 1,406 0.08 65.61 Montenegro 2,214 2,243 1,798 333 559 0.03 67.87 Portugal 41,146 36,369 36,432 5,821 12,095 0.66 107.78 Serbia 55,076 49,999 58,693 15,267 13,904 0.76 -8.93 Slovenia 22,348 21,864 22,721 3,901 7,570 0.41 94.05 Spain 195,991 203,830 204,561 33,286 62,781 3.43 88.61 WESTERN EUROPE 1,278,177 1,297,242 1,233,161 253,936 496,348 27.08 95.46 Austria 105,182 114,523 109,979 19,757 47,058 2.57 138.18 Belgium 79,718 75,375 79,941 13,256 31,106 1.70 134.66 France 292,934 302,132 285,888 62,586 112,936 6.16 80.45 Germany 627,211 624,041 587,607 127,211 231,785 12.65 82.21 Luxembourg 3,917 3,836 4,308 793 2,037 0.11 156.87 Netherlands 120,009 126,265 113,103 22,186 48,006 2.62 116.38 Switzerland 49,206 51,070 52,335 8,147 23,420 1.28 187.47 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 780,689 740,369 691,389 111,263 175,633 9.58 57.85 Cyprus 15,388 16,916 16,475 4,131 4,177 0.23 1.11 Israel 660,301 615,317 564,579 72,731 125,989 6.87 73.23 Turkiye 105,000 108,136 110,335 34,401 45,467 2.48 32.17 OTHER EUROPE 83,027 93,087 83,657 17,497 49,621 2.71 183.60 Other countries of Europe 83,027 93,087 83,657 17,497 49,621 2.71 183.60 NOT SPECIFIED 93,649 108,558 155,712 84,009 4.58 152.22 Other countries of the world 93,649 108,558 155,712 33,308 84,009 4.58 152.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 327 COUNTRY TABLES RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE / FEDERACION DE RUSIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 24,390,002 24,550,910 24,418,749 6,358,959 AFRICA 27,840 46,473 26,939 4,001 EAST AFRICA 1,847 Burundi 39 Comoros 26 Djibouti 74 Eritrea 54 Ethiopia 266 Kenya 214 Malawi 13 Mozambique 108 Rwanda 149 Seychelles 100 Somalia 13 Tanzania, United Republic of 208 Uganda 185 Zimbabwe 398 CENTRAL AFRICA 970 Angola 244 Cameroon 566 Central African Republic 40 Gabon 120 NORTH AFRICA 13,186 31,059 13,382 2,508 Algeria 4,610 6,873 5,757 1,251 Morocco 3,740 15,762 4,818 584 Sudan 1,897 Tunisia 2,939 8,424 2,807 673 SOUTHERN AFRICA 10,893 15,414 13,557 1,493 Eswatini 2 Lesotho 17 South Africa 10,874 15,414 13,557 1,493 WEST AFRICA 944 Burkina Faso 130 Gambia 63 Liberia 35 Mali 339 Mauritania 70 Niger 39 Senegal 215 Sierra Leone 39 Togo 14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 328 COUNTRY TABLES RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE / FEDERACION DE RUSIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 499,405 651,105 483,546 33,713 CARIBBEAN 31,492 26,944 28,144 6,202 Bahamas 79 Barbados 22 Cuba 29,403 26,944 28,144 6,202 Dominica 111 Dominican Republic 737 Grenada 93 Haiti 79 Jamaica 263 Saint Kitts and Nevis 129 Saint Lucia 100 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 90 Trinidad and Tobago 386 CENTRAL AMERICA 5,923 Belize 28 Costa Rica 1,605 El Salvador 3 Guatemala 1,187 Honduras 1,024 Nicaragua 712 Panama 1,364 NORTH AMERICA 359,106 447,147 370,673 20,841 Canada 50,898 58,493 54,574 3,014 Mexico 26,020 62,527 26,148 1,026 United States of America 282,188 326,127 289,951 16,801 SOUTH AMERICA 102,884 177,014 84,729 6,670 Argentina 23,604 59,339 19,948 1,522 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 989 Brazil 35,067 68,925 40,311 3,812 Chile 13,582 10,214 11,000 Colombia 11,929 38,536 13,470 1,336 Ecuador 4,308 Guyana 75 Paraguay 470 Peru 6,234 Suriname 28 Uruguay 2,443 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,155 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,442,949 2,786,335 3,043,213 201,110 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,261,835 2,580,026 2,824,946 175,414 China 1,478,212 1,690,186 1,882,820 81,924 Hong Kong, China 18,175 23,926 23,057 1,211 Japan 101,827 105,251 112,286 12,822 Korea, Republic of 253,764 360,618 431,082 34,451 Macao, China 943 Mongolia 396,125 387,492 375,701 45,006 Taiwan Province of China 12,789 12,553 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 329 COUNTRY TABLES RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE / FEDERACION DE RUSIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 125,906 131,152 152,421 22,889 Brunei Darussalam 144 Cambodia 646 Indonesia 10,151 13,356 19,327 1,673 Lao People's Democratic Republic 791 Malaysia 9,077 Myanmar 184 Philippines 10,124 10,128 13,534 1,830 Singapore 7,580 Thailand 44,518 53,915 60,970 9,643 Timor-Leste 2 Viet Nam 42,689 53,753 58,590 9,743 AUSTRALASIA 55,052 75,157 65,846 2,807 Australia 46,884 65,935 56,030 2,363 New Zealand 8,168 9,222 9,816 444 MELANESIA 94 Fiji 51 Papua New Guinea 9 Vanuatu 34 MICRONESIA 37 Marshall Islands 3 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 Nauru 16 Palau 13 POLYNESIA 25 Samoa 12 Tonga 5 Tuvalu 8 EUROPE 20,367,396 19,739,722 19,494,999 5,531,012 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 17,388,251 16,589,241 16,321,260 5,099,683 Armenia 584,393 565,807 550,834 106,612 Azerbaijan 876,074 893,384 910,902 186,826 Belarus 152,436 149,514 143,345 51,853 Bulgaria 27,073 29,010 29,345 4,199 Czech Republic 40,917 44,415 48,118 6,541 Estonia 414,905 477,915 523,186 93,935 Georgia 78,817 73,366 68,985 16,970 Hungary 20,844 25,933 28,596 3,691 Kazakhstan 3,484,687 3,510,144 3,563,572 685,938 Kyrgyzstan 421,016 451,852 442,814 65,014 Latvia 260,858 286,914 299,633 56,907 Lithuania 225,674 215,654 229,549 42,384 Moldova, Republic of 518,644 457,572 376,342 100,593 Poland 714,282 682,229 641,174 112,055 Romania 16,619 19,876 22,999 2,444 Slovakia 22,416 24,043 26,627 2,924 Tajikistan 359,928 260,165 330,812 141,402 Turkmenistan 21,086 Ukraine 8,722,832 8,202,273 7,760,199 3,236,742 Uzbekistan 424,750 219,175 324,228 182,653 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 330 COUNTRY TABLES RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE / FEDERACION DE RUSIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,313,302 1,286,999 1,197,513 200,403 Denmark 19,249 26,952 21,002 2,722 Finland 1,016,738 949,796 895,931 165,268 Iceland 1,731 Ireland 12,081 13,046 14,612 1,582 Norway 51,043 48,863 49,736 7,666 Sweden 33,964 50,870 39,482 6,550 United Kingdom 1 78,496 197,472 176,750 16,615 SOUTHERN EUROPE 432,714 480,705 502,268 52,412 Albania 1,251 Andorra 125 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,386 8,171 6,335 1,410 Croatia 9,483 28,453 11,741 1,888 Greece 26,673 28,852 31,433 4,240 Holy See 11 Italy 188,981 205,460 231,637 21,881 Malta 1,947 Montenegro 4,074 5,788 5,457 1,023 North Macedonia 3,361 Portugal 15,741 19,750 20,948 1,544 San Marino 176 Serbia 55,065 58,297 51,741 11,608 Slovenia 9,250 9,670 10,649 1,431 Spain 110,190 116,264 132,327 7,387 WESTERN EUROPE 964,950 1,074,100 1,130,412 110,684 Austria 51,683 55,984 58,612 6,548 Belgium 36,253 44,738 39,090 4,694 France 185,093 207,306 222,726 31,735 Germany 580,366 645,157 689,966 52,897 Liechtenstein 266 Luxembourg 1,954 Monaco 141 Netherlands 60,332 65,908 68,695 8,903 Switzerland 48,862 55,007 51,323 5,907 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 268,179 308,677 343,546 67,830 Cyprus 6,196 Israel 182,234 224,842 256,838 30,929 Turkiye 79,749 83,835 86,708 36,901 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 331 COUNTRY TABLES RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE / FEDERACION DE RUSIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 41,999 34,253 21,632 6,364 Bahrain 1,044 Egypt 10,187 26,054 14,577 4,258 Iraq 4,237 Jordan 3,624 Kuwait 1,679 Lebanon 5,876 Libya 544 Oman 1,009 Qatar 578 Saudi Arabia 4,551 State of Palestine 604 Syrian Arab Republic 5,192 8,199 7,055 2,106 United Arab Emirates 2,874 SOUTH ASIA 164,124 132,500 130,435 13,803 Afghanistan 4,553 Bangladesh 2,252 Bhutan 65 India 70,551 85,709 90,872 10,491 Iran, Islamic Republic of 79,987 46,791 39,563 3,312 Maldives 135 Nepal 1,218 Pakistan 3,418 Sri Lanka 1,945 NOT SPECIFIED 846,289 1,160,522 1,217,985 568,956 Other countries of the world 846,289 1,160,522 1,217,985 568,956 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 332 COUNTRY TABLES RWANDA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,569,960 1,711,498 1,633,521 497,333 510,833 100.00 2.71 AFRICA 1,322,105 1,479,511 1,405,114 427,117 442,149 86.55 3.52 EAST AFRICA 595,184 689,876 563,525 191,370 131,651 25.77 -31.21 Burundi 253,170 302,499 255,065 49,892 19,105 3.74 -61.71 Comoros 117 140 153 47 63 0.01 34.04 Djibouti 202 342 289 115 86 0.02 -25.22 Eritrea 911 1,213 840 278 403 0.08 44.96 Ethiopia 2,207 2,251 2,387 713 1,076 0.21 50.91 Kenya 44,131 52,318 62,600 27,185 18,788 3.68 -30.89 Madagascar 385 510 647 105 119 0.02 13.33 Malawi 1,290 1,059 1,180 207 265 0.05 28.02 Mauritius 419 582 649 101 99 0.02 -1.98 Mozambique 317 730 570 111 235 0.05 111.71 Reunion 3 1 1 Seychelles 66 125 118 12 16 0.00 33.33 Somalia 597 463 688 236 259 0.05 9.75 Tanzania, United Republic of 59,787 50,085 50,718 68,054 76,139 14.90 11.88 Uganda 227,989 272,314 181,620 42,951 13,764 2.69 -67.95 Zambia 1,515 1,925 2,100 471 316 0.06 -32.91 Zimbabwe 2,078 3,319 3,900 892 918 0.18 2.91 CENTRAL AFRICA 698,136 753,021 799,134 225,679 295,239 57.80 30.82 Angola 388 588 665 295 262 0.05 -11.19 Cameroon 2,703 3,418 3,882 1,446 2,161 0.42 49.45 Central African Republic 591 500 617 176 541 0.11 207.39 Chad 490 622 715 283 491 0.10 73.50 Congo 16,471 1,286 1,419 357 547 0.11 53.22 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 676,932 745,682 790,876 222,687 289,870 56.74 30.17 Equatorial Guinea 52 58 102 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Gabon 443 832 811 409 1,352 0.26 230.56 Sao Tome and Principe 66 35 47 12 3 0.00 -75.00 NORTH AFRICA 3,310 4,043 4,325 1,257 1,962 0.38 56.09 Algeria 193 342 251 39 72 0.01 84.62 Morocco 597 569 580 175 272 0.05 55.43 South Sudan 1,135 1,379 1,484 421 580 0.11 37.77 Sudan 801 1,116 1,445 482 625 0.12 29.67 Tunisia 584 637 565 140 413 0.08 195.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,695 10,847 11,595 2,258 2,722 0.53 20.55 Botswana 257 561 555 121 92 0.02 -23.97 Eswatini 198 217 283 42 59 0.01 40.48 Lesotho 172 252 263 31 58 0.01 87.10 Namibia 242 303 376 51 92 0.02 80.39 South Africa 8,826 9,514 10,118 2,013 2,421 0.47 20.27 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 333 COUNTRY TABLES RWANDA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 15,759 21,697 26,533 6,553 10,568 2.07 61.27 Benin 1,557 1,338 1,573 413 420 0.08 1.69 Burkina Faso 1,135 824 971 2 337 0.07 16,750.00 Cabo Verde 20 72 40 38 47 0.01 23.68 Cote d'lvoire 1,410 1,695 2,144 588 723 0.14 22.96 Gambia 159 327 332 39 92 0.02 135.90 Ghana 2,221 3,341 3,544 851 1,017 0.20 19.51 Guinea 702 992 1,009 276 279 0.05 1.09 Guinea-Bissau 28 39 57 2 10 0.00 400.00 Liberia 331 431 453 188 383 0.07 103.72 Mali 690 934 957 270 420 0.08 55.56 Mauritania 135 133 144 40 55 0.01 37.50 Niger 520 607 512 137 201 0.04 46.72 Nigeria 5,147 8,251 11,730 2,915 5,666 1.11 94.37 Senegal 851 1,627 1,627 526 581 0.11 10.46 Sierra Leone 352 426 592 104 128 0.03 23.08 Togo 501 660 848 164 209 0.04 27.44 OTHER AFRICA 21 27 2 7 0.00 Other countries of Africa 21 27 2 7 0.00 AMERICAS 46,745 50,424 53,792 14,023 14,910 2.92 6.33 CARIBBEAN 1,166 478 618 251 185 0.04 -26.29 Antigua and Barbuda 2 7 5 1 2 0.00 100.00 Bahamas 11 41 30 4 8 0.00 100.00 Barbados 4 8 27 4 7 0.00 75.00 Cuba 19 24 25 13 4 0.00 -69.23 Dominican Republic 52 42 41 6 8 0.00 33.33 Grenada 2 1 6 Haiti 834 236 329 185 120 0.02 -35.14 Jamaica 182 47 57 16 19 0.00 18.75 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 4 24 5 Saint Lucia 3 5 12 3 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1 7 2 0.00 Trinidad and Tobago 54 62 55 14 15 0.00 7.14 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,944 368 337 88 72 0.01 -18.18 Costa Rica 41 52 67 20 10 0.00 -50.00 El Salvador 28 33 39 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Guatemala 1,427 210 183 43 53 0.01 23.26 Honduras 434 35 30 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Nicaragua 9 22 6 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Panama 5 16 12 5 2 0.00 -60.00 NORTH AMERICA 40,685 47,463 50,451 12,903 14,314 2.80 10.94 Canada 7,044 8,631 9,622 2,729 2,692 0.53 -1.36 Mexico 411 538 662 159 304 0.06 91.19 United States of America 33,230 38,294 40,167 10,015 11,318 2.22 13.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 334 COUNTRY TABLES RWANDA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 2,950 2,115 2,383 771 339 0.07 -56.03 Argentina 215 266 251 80 24 0.00 -70.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 37 74 33 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Brazil 550 508 659 207 146 0.03 -29.47 Chile 188 190 142 38 13 0.00 -65.79 Colombia 282 231 290 50 52 0.01 4.00 Ecuador 39 52 63 17 5 0.00 -70.59 Guyana 11 21 16 2 4 0.00 100.00 Paraguay 28 43 59 12 2 0.00 -83.33 Peru 77 131 119 41 33 0.01 -19.51 Suriname 3 3 5 Uruguay 1,487 550 686 299 45 0.01 -84.95 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 20 37 50 13 9 0.00 -30.77 Other countries of South America 13 9 10 3 0.00 OTHER AMERICAS 3 10 Other countries of the Americas 3 10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 15,882 18,737 20,422 5,235 4,583 0.90 -12.45 NORHT-EAST ASIA 9,305 12,468 13,811 3,740 3,909 0.77 4.52 China 5,806 8,283 9,013 2,552 3,397 0.66 33.11 Hong Kong, China 17 5 29 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Japan 1,866 2,334 2,862 634 279 0.05 -55.99 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2 5 2 Korea, Republic of 1,388 1,675 1,663 503 225 0.04 -55.27 Mongolia 33 16 27 1 Taiwan Province of China 193 150 215 43 7 0.00 -83.72 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,462 1,582 2,019 606 421 0.08 -30.53 Cambodia 19 33 40 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Indonesia 131 219 372 78 124 0.02 58.97 Lao People's Democratic Republic 6 3 12 1 2 0.00 100.00 Malaysia 228 203 299 72 44 0.01 -38.89 Myanmar 11 19 33 6 Philippines 582 558 626 164 177 0.03 7.93 Singapore 273 316 363 164 25 0.00 -84.76 Thailand 167 149 176 95 20 0.00 -78.95 Timor-Leste 13 23 24 2 7 0.00 250.00 Viet Nam 32 59 74 21 20 0.00 -4.76 AUSTRALASIA 5,091 4,662 4,498 879 243 0.05 -72.35 Australia 4,303 3,985 3,739 754 200 0.04 -73.47 New Zealand 788 677 759 125 43 0.01 -65.60 MELANESIA 23 20 54 1 5 0.00 400.00 Fiji 21 16 25 1 2 0.00 100.00 Papua New Guinea 1 12 3 0.00 Solomon Islands 2 3 17 POLYNESIA 1 5 16 2 Samoa 1 2 6 Tonga 3 10 2 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 24 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 335 COUNTRY TABLES RWANDA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 75,252 77,743 85,147 25,935 24,583 4.81 -5.21 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,827 4,153 4,918 1,766 1,487 0.29 -15.80 Armenia 70 40 42 7 10 0.00 42.86 Azerbaijan 20 15 20 3 4 0.00 33.33 Belarus 53 116 61 49 30 0.01 -38.78 Bulgaria 261 113 134 70 48 0.01 -31.43 Czech Republic (Czechia) 411 454 607 183 156 0.03 -14.75 Estonia 56 122 111 51 31 0.01 -39.22 Georgia 6 17 28 10 13 0.00 30.00 Hungary 121 171 152 48 84 0.02 75.00 Kazakhstan 45 44 73 14 24 0.00 71.43 Kyrgyzstan 21 13 30 7 15 0.00 114.29 Latvia 81 69 72 26 59 0.01 126.92 Lithuania 189 150 263 57 87 0.02 52.63 Moldova, Republic of 10 20 17 3 3 0.00 Poland 603 867 1,086 361 213 0.04 -41.00 Romania 531 446 554 253 109 0.02 -56.92 Russian Federation 835 843 1,007 393 407 0.08 3.56 Slovakia 257 263 282 88 59 0.01 -32.95 Tajikistan 12 10 21 8 8 0.00 Turkmenistan 1 1 1 1 1 0.00 Ukraine 1,585 370 330 119 119 0.02 Uzbekistan 659 9 27 15 7 0.00 -53.33 NORTHERN EUROPE 23,095 23,630 24,256 6,669 4,113 0.81 -38.33 Denmark 1,037 1,106 1,102 293 371 0.07 26.62 Finland 751 684 718 229 188 0.04 -17.90 Iceland 33 35 53 20 5 0.00 -75.00 Ireland 946 1,180 1,245 330 203 0.04 -38.48 Norway 1,269 1,749 1,854 412 291 0.06 -29.37 Sweden 3,043 3,221 3,177 985 703 0.14 -28.63 United Kingdom 16,016 15,655 16,107 4,400 2,352 0.46 -46.55 SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,416 7,562 7,977 2,012 1,887 0.37 -6.21 Albania 12 15 22 2 8 0.00 300.00 Andorra 6 5 2 0.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 119 118 184 31 15 0.00 -51.61 Croatia 193 187 255 73 66 0.01 -9.59 Greece 202 311 342 106 122 0.02 15.09 Holy See 7 4 Italy 3,721 3,864 4,093 992 781 0.15 -21.27 Malta 19 33 54 41 24 0.00 -41.46 Montenegro 11 13 11 2 4 0.00 100.00 Portugal 558 571 576 185 255 0.05 37.84 Serbia 168 138 147 43 59 0.01 37.21 Slovenia 138 155 160 48 48 0.01 Spain 2,275 2,144 2,124 489 503 0.10 2.86 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 336 COUNTRY TABLES RWANDA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 36,504 40,443 44,502 13,588 15,638 3.06 15.09 Austria 760 967 932 310 236 0.05 -23.87 Belgium 10,028 11,445 13,395 4,103 5,776 1.13 40.78 France 7,700 9,485 11,442 3,605 4,571 0.89 26.80 Germany 9,955 9,942 9,994 3,058 2,129 0.42 -30.38 Liechtenstein 9 4 2 7 9 0.00 28.57 Luxembourg 175 123 163 39 52 0.01 33.33 Monaco 3 11 1 Netherlands 4,918 5,503 5,883 1,655 1,992 0.39 20.36 Switzerland 2,959 2,971 2,680 810 873 0.17 7.78 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,322 1,918 3,387 1,873 1,458 0.29 -22.16 Cyprus 24 63 71 35 37 0.01 5.71 Israel 1,114 962 1,472 1,524 656 0.13 -56.96 Turkiye 1,184 893 1,844 314 765 0.15 143.63 OTHER EUROPE 88 37 107 27 Other countries of Europe 88 37 107 27 MIDDLE EAST 3,225 4,406 5,556 1,994 3,888 0.76 94.98 Bahrain 6 41 3 1 4 0.00 300.00 Egypt 1,209 1,765 2,030 790 1,063 0.21 34.56 Iraq 18 19 67 47 29 0.01 -38.30 Jordan 163 232 330 113 220 0.04 94.69 Kuwait 8 17 30 5 36 0.01 620.00 Lebanon 564 572 713 200 262 0.05 31.00 Libya 113 187 161 80 48 0.01 -40.00 Oman 854 980 1,060 382 255 0.05 -33.25 Qatar 3 23 315 68 1,325 0.26 1,848.53 Saudi Arabia 56 135 220 57 114 0.02 100.00 State of Palestine 17 27 51 14 44 0.01 214.29 Syrian Arab Republic 78 138 248 116 144 0.03 24.14 United Arab Emirates 102 175 166 72 98 0.02 36.11 Yemen 34 95 162 49 246 0.05 402.04 SOUTH ASIA 27,461 31,447 30,348 6,878 5,843 1.14 -15.05 Afghanistan 100 139 109 14 390 0.08 2,685.71 Bangladesh 635 534 627 178 288 0.06 61.80 Bhutan 9 18 24 3 4 0.00 33.33 India 13,547 13,987 14,690 3,704 4,285 0.84 15.69 Iran, Islamic Republic of 90 153 160 34 54 0.01 58.82 Maldives 6 4 13 2 4 0.00 100.00 Nepal 232 332 422 154 84 0.02 -45.45 Pakistan 12,457 15,799 13,874 2,691 558 0.11 -79.26 Sri Lanka 385 481 429 98 176 0.03 79.59 NOT SPECIFIED 79,290 49,230 33,142 16,151 14,877 2.91 -7.89 Other countries of the world 2,466 2,366 2,425 419 589 0.12 40.57 Nationals residing abroad 76,824 46,864 30,717 15,732 14,288 2.80 -9.18 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 337 COUNTRY TABLES SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / SAINT-KITTS-ET-NEVIS / SAINT KITTS Y NEVIS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 115,386 125,306 120,142 29,695 20,210 100.00 -31.94 AMERICAS 99,986 111,453 105,641 26,156 18,147 89.79 -30.62 CARIBBEAN 22,573 25,437 24,640 4,321 2,095 10.37 -51.52 All countries of the Caribbean 22,573 25,437 24,640 4,321 2,095 10.37 -51.52 CENTRAL AMERICA 402 452 380 68 107 0.53 57.35 All countries of Central America 402 452 380 68 107 0.53 57.35 NORTH AMERICA 76,086 84,896 79,852 21,658 15,853 78.44 -26.80 Canada 6,956 7,464 6,497 2,604 927 4.59 -64.40 United States of America 69,130 77,432 73,355 19,054 14,926 73.85 -21.66 SOUTH AMERICA 925 668 769 109 92 0.46 -15.60 All countries of South America 925 668 769 109 92 0.46 -15.60 EUROPE 12,599 11,278 11,784 2,937 1,458 7.21 -50.36 OTHER EUROPE 12,599 11,278 11,784 2,937 1,458 7.21 -50.36 All countries of Europe 12,599 11,278 11,784 2,937 1,458 7.21 -50.36 NOT SPECIFIED 2,801 2,575 2,717 602 605 2.99 0.50 Other countries of the world 2,801 2,575 2,717 602 605 2.99 0.50 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 338 COUNTRY TABLES SAINT LUCIA / SAINTE-LUCIE / SANTA LUCIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 386,127 394,883 423,736 130,781 199,347 100.00 52.43 AMERICAS 289,578 295,025 318,395 96,321 163,250 81.89 69.49 CARIBBEAN 74,706 75,924 81,618 12,273 5,325 2.67 -56.61 Anguilla 173 222 203 32 20 0.01 -37.50 Antigua and Barbuda 1,656 1,741 1,879 352 235 0.12 -33.24 Aruba 44 31 38 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Bahamas 321 297 332 68 89 0.04 30.88 Barbados 7,862 8,255 7,714 1,338 787 0.39 -41.18 Bermuda 232 285 220 64 74 0.04 15.63 Bonaire 2 3 4 British Virgin Islands 477 580 697 125 66 0.03 -47.20 Cuba 212 271 253 86 158 0.08 83.72 Curacao 111 78 75 14 31 0.02 121.43 Dominica 5,669 6,708 6,955 829 383 0.19 -53.80 Dominican Republic 213 160 253 46 59 0.03 28.26 Grenada 1,600 1,573 1,621 309 153 0.08 -50.49 Guadeloupe 2,021 2,635 3,313 344 117 0.06 -65.99 Haiti 94 195 191 35 19 0.01 -45.71 Jamaica 1,876 1,755 1,704 367 375 0.19 2.18 Martinique 30,302 28,805 31,810 4,987 933 0.47 -81.29 Montserrat 104 102 116 12 2 0.00 -83.33 Puerto Rico 162 172 169 25 21 0.01 -16.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 708 723 731 138 63 0.03 -54.35 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2,486 2,461 2,235 438 284 0.14 -35.16 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 119 53 201 26 27 0.01 3.85 Trinidad and Tobago 16,923 17,124 19,037 2,358 1,099 0.55 -53.39 Turks and Caicos Islands 68 109 121 20 41 0.02 105.00 United States Virgin Islands 817 969 1,287 181 255 0.13 40.88 Other countries of the Caribbean 454 617 459 74 30 0.02 -59.46 CENTRAL AMERICA 126 125 132 26 15 0.01 -42.31 Belize 126 125 132 26 15 0.01 -42.31 NORTH AMERICA 210,801 215,286 232,591 83,239 157,226 78.87 88.89 Canada 42,578 40,213 40,872 15,272 4,978 2.50 -67.40 United States of America 168,223 175,073 191,719 67,967 152,248 76.37 124.00 SOUTH AMERICA 1,517 1,499 1,743 260 224 0.11 -13.85 Guyana 1,365 1,360 1,573 240 201 0.10 -16.25 Suriname 152 139 170 20 23 0.01 15.00 OTHER AMERICAS 2,428 2,191 2,311 523 460 0.23 -12.05 Other countries of the Americas 2,428 2,191 2,311 523 460 0.23 -12.05 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 265 237 233 79 46 0.02 -41.77 NORHT-EAST ASIA 265 237 233 79 46 0.02 -41.77 Japan 265 237 233 79 46 0.02 -41.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 339 COUNTRY TABLES SAINT LUCIA / SAINTE-LUCIE / SANTA LUCIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 92,494 96,041 101,016 33,457 35,332 17.72 5.60 NORTHERN EUROPE 73,362 76,846 80,944 27,996 32,775 16.44 17.07 Sweden 782 704 684 218 135 0.07 -38.07 United Kingdom 72,580 76,142 80,260 27,778 32,640 16.37 17.50 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,323 1,188 1,321 321 198 0.10 -38.32 Italy 704 739 827 209 93 0.05 -55.50 Spain 619 449 494 112 105 0.05 -6.25 WESTERN EUROPE 12,434 12,483 12,475 3,374 1,235 0.62 -63.40 Austria 365 305 304 87 47 0.02 -45.98 Belgium 333 418 373 123 32 0.02 -73.98 France 7,012 8,224 8,050 1,944 568 0.28 -70.78 Germany 2,848 2,132 2,116 778 308 0.15 -60.41 Netherlands 768 623 723 184 128 0.06 -30.43 Switzerland 1,108 781 909 258 152 0.08 -41.09 OTHER EUROPE 5,375 5,524 6,276 1,766 1,124 0.56 -36.35 Other countries of Europe 5,375 5,524 6,276 1,766 1,124 0.56 -36.35 NOT SPECIFIED 3,790 3,580 4,092 924 719 0.36 -22.19 Other countries of the world 3,790 3,580 4,092 924 719 0.36 -22.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 340 COUNTRY TABLES SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / SAINT-VINCENT-ET-LES GRENADINES / SAN VICENTE Y LAS GRANADINAS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 76,485 80,080 83,909 26,550 24,230 100.00 -8.74 AMERICAS 58,210 60,764 63,598 18,122 16,436 67.83 -9.30 CARIBBEAN 24,925 23,807 23,495 4,501 3,219 13.29 -28.48 Antigua and Barbuda 794 817 940 224 187 0.77 -16.52 Barbados 6,797 6,659 5,872 1,359 770 3.18 -43.34 Grenada 1,016 1,040 1,180 272 249 1.03 -8.46 Netherlands Antilles 320 272 315 49 16 0.07 -67.35 Saint Lucia 2,012 1,984 1,882 447 293 1.21 -34.45 Trinidad and Tobago 8,666 8,397 8,491 1,171 594 2.45 -49.27 Other countries of the Caribbean 5,320 4,638 4,815 979 1,110 4.58 13.38 NORTH AMERICA 32,249 36,173 39,148 13,287 12,962 53.50 -2.45 Canada 8,698 9,822 10,488 3,803 2,053 8.47 -46.02 United States of America 23,551 26,351 28,660 9,484 10,909 45.02 15.03 OTHER AMERICAS 1,036 784 955 334 255 1.05 -23.65 Other countries of the Americas 1,036 784 955 334 255 1.05 -23.65 EUROPE 16,942 17,848 18,640 7,829 6,914 28.53 -11.69 NORTHERN EUROPE 12,763 13,604 14,031 5,910 5,611 23.16 -5.06 Ireland 160 180 168 74 65 0.27 -12.16 Norway 96 104 101 50 33 0.14 -34.00 Sweden 440 361 414 168 137 0.57 -18.45 United Kingdom 12,067 12,959 13,348 5,618 5,376 22.19 -4.31 SOUTHERN EUROPE 876 804 844 365 330 1.36 -9.59 Italy 651 655 634 307 258 1.06 -15.96 Spain 225 149 210 58 72 0.30 24.14 WESTERN EUROPE 2,126 2,245 2,347 979 891 3.68 -8.99 Belgium 94 111 115 54 40 0.17 -25.93 France 879 896 941 400 277 1.14 -30.75 Germany 646 725 688 277 257 1.06 -7.22 Netherlands 86 84 144 57 84 0.35 47.37 Switzerland 421 429 459 191 233 0.96 21.99 OTHER EUROPE 1,177 1,195 1,418 575 82 0.34 -85.74 Other countries of Europe 1,177 1,195 1,418 575 82 0.34 -85.74 NOT SPECIFIED 1,333 1,468 1,671 599 880 3.63 46.91 Other countries of the world 1,333 1,468 1,671 599 880 3.63 46.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 341 COUNTRY TABLES SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / SAINT-VINCENT-ET-LES GRENADINES / SAN VICENTE Y LAS GRANADINAS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 77,970 81,367 85,572 27,221 24,369 100.00 -10.48 AMERICAS 59,200 61,616 64,723 18,555 16,558 67.95 -10.76 CARIBBEAN 25,580 24,351 24,176 4,710 3,289 13.50 -30.17 Antigua and Barbuda 822 829 961 229 190 0.78 -17.03 Barbados 7,033 6,861 6,114 1,444 777 3.19 -46.19 Grenada 1,041 1,079 1,233 288 269 1.10 -6.60 Netherlands Antilles 322 280 322 51 16 0.07 -68.63 Saint Lucia 2,075 2,044 1,938 473 295 1.21 -37.63 Trinidad and Tobago 8,798 8,518 8,656 1,206 609 2.50 -49.50 Other countries of the Caribbean 5,489 4,740 4,952 1,019 1,133 4.65 11.19 NORTH AMERICA 32,536 36,432 39,572 13,497 13,005 53.37 -3.65 Canada 8,760 9,869 10,611 3,866 2,063 8.47 -46.64 United States of America 23,776 26,563 28,961 9,631 10,942 44.90 13.61 OTHER AMERICAS 1,084 833 975 348 264 1.08 -24.14 Other countries of the Americas 1,084 833 975 348 264 1.08 -24.14 EUROPE 17,414 18,268 19,110 8,055 6,925 28.42 -14.03 NORTHERN EUROPE 13,028 13,796 14,274 6,038 5,615 23.04 -7.01 Ireland 170 195 185 82 61 0.25 -25.61 Norway 97 106 101 51 33 0.14 -35.29 Sweden 445 361 419 172 137 0.56 -20.35 United Kingdom 12,316 13,134 13,569 5,733 5,384 22.09 -6.09 SOUTHERN EUROPE 924 856 902 394 330 1.35 -16.24 Italy 690 704 687 335 258 1.06 -22.99 Spain 234 152 215 59 72 0.30 22.03 WESTERN EUROPE 2,248 2,378 2,469 1,020 896 3.68 -12.16 Belgium 95 112 118 54 43 0.18 -20.37 France 953 975 1,012 423 279 1.14 -34.04 Germany 678 754 720 286 257 1.05 -10.14 Netherlands 93 88 149 60 84 0.34 40.00 Switzerland 429 449 470 197 233 0.96 18.27 OTHER EUROPE 1,214 1,238 1,465 603 84 0.34 -86.07 Other countries of Europe 1,214 1,238 1,465 603 84 0.34 -86.07 NOT SPECIFIED 1,356 1,483 1,739 611 886 3.64 45.01 Other countries of the world 1,356 1,483 1,739 611 886 3.64 45.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 342 COUNTRY TABLES SAMOA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 157,515 172,496 180,858 23,915 2,591 100.00 -89.17 AMERICAS 11,212 14,419 14,004 1,462 106 4.09 -92.75 NORTH AMERICA 11,212 14,419 14,004 1,462 106 4.09 -92.75 Canada 328 547 653 62 3 0.12 -95.16 United States of America 10,884 13,872 13,351 1,400 103 3.98 -92.64 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 139,052 148,935 158,286 21,507 2,442 94.25 -88.65 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,627 4,100 4,661 842 591 22.81 -29.81 China 2,660 2,903 3,551 749 430 16.60 -42.59 Japan 733 745 717 69 161 6.21 133.33 Korea, Republic of 234 452 393 24 AUSTRALASIA 105,360 117,890 118,225 14,875 447 17.25 -96.99 Australia 33,523 36,653 40,170 5,616 136 5.25 -97.58 New Zealand 71,837 81,237 78,055 9,259 311 12.00 -96.64 MELANESIA 3,739 3,869 4,161 855 142 5.48 -83.39 Fiji 3,739 3,869 4,161 855 142 5.48 -83.39 POLYNESIA 18,923 15,716 15,035 1,297 270 10.42 -79.18 American Samoa 18,885 15,686 14,960 1,293 269 10.38 -79.20 Cook Islands 38 30 75 4 1 0.04 -75.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,403 7,360 16,204 3,638 992 38.29 -72.73 Other countries of Asia 3,198 3,736 8,277 2,880 786 30.34 -72.71 Other countries of Oceania 4,205 3,624 7,927 758 206 7.95 -72.82 EUROPE 5,026 7,125 6,783 698 27 1.04 -96.13 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,808 1,970 2,514 274 11 0.42 -95.99 United Kingdom 1,505 1,631 2,147 210 9 0.35 -95.71 Scandinavia 303 339 367 64 2 0.08 -96.88 WESTERN EUROPE 1,341 1,346 1,031 149 3 0.12 -97.99 Germany 1,188 1,049 863 132 1 0.04 -99.24 Benelux 153 297 168 17 2 0.08 -88.24 OTHER EUROPE 1,877 3,809 3,238 275 13 0.50 -95.27 Other countries of Europe 1,877 3,809 3,238 275 13 0.50 -95.27 NOT SPECIFIED 2,225 2,017 1,785 248 16 0.62 -93.55 Other countries of the world 2,225 2,017 1,785 248 16 0.62 -93.55 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 343 COUNTRY TABLES SAN MARINO / SAINT-MAR IN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,936,881 1,874,115 1,904,490 1,014,708 1,354,027 100.00 33.44 AFRICA 560 205 5 CENTRAL AFRICA 334 Cameroon 98 Congo 236 NORTH AFRICA 170 Morocco 66 Tunisia 104 SOUTHERN AFRICA 56 90 5 Botswana 65 South Africa 56 25 5 WEST AFRICA 115 Burkina Faso 115 AMERICAS 17,579 15,729 12,369 761 1,947 0.14 155.85 CENTRAL AMERICA 114 82 Costa Rica 114 82 NORTH AMERICA 10,450 9,286 8,388 121 1,830 0.14 1,412.40 Canada 1,873 2,422 1,531 Mexico 107 43 419 United States of America 8,470 6,821 6,438 121 1,830 0.14 1,412.40 SOUTH AMERICA 7,015 6,443 3,899 640 117 0.01 -81.72 Argentina 4,052 3,158 2,226 414 Brazil 2,621 2,990 1,584 140 Chile 35 Colombia 18 260 Ecuador 48 Paraguay 112 Peru 129 89 86 117 0.01 36.05 Uruguay 35 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,452 28,695 28,469 2,704 175 0.01 -93.53 NORHT-EAST ASIA 26,568 23,965 23,512 1,906 China 13,068 13,322 11,571 1,022 Japan 6,761 7,087 9,804 699 Korea, Republic of 6,332 3,176 1,879 185 Mongolia 34 Taiwan Province of China 407 380 224 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,345 3,381 4,308 798 175 0.01 -78.07 Indonesia 727 1,396 2,614 457 Malaysia 265 76 558 28 Philippines 1,188 440 714 298 175 0.01 -41.28 Singapore 41 436 Thailand 90 879 315 15 Viet Nam 34 154 107 AUSTRALASIA 1,539 1,349 649 Australia 1,522 1,221 633 New Zealand 17 128 16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 344 COUNTRY TABLES SAN MARINO / SAINT-MAR IN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,879,738 1,822,291 1,857,464 1,007,624 1,350,204 99.72 34.00 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 251,147 247,544 241,879 22,163 77,834 5.75 251.19 Armenia 223 416 Azerbaijan 112 Belarus 3,339 4,060 3,944 88 Bulgaria 6,559 6,500 5,343 453 1,794 0.13 296.03 Czech Republic (Czechia) 20,902 20,167 1 7,505 2,824 8,061 0.60 185.45 Estonia 2,714 3,012 2,305 140 316 0.02 125.71 Georgia 139 91 Hungary 13,532 13,596 12,855 1,883 5,144 0.38 173.18 Kazakhstan 293 58 44 Latvia 3,146 2,342 2,247 397 1,157 0.09 191.44 Lithuania 6,496 6,660 6,052 302 783 0.06 159.27 Moldova, Republic of 365 294 530 Poland 64,050 59,029 63,084 6,365 49,187 3.63 672.77 Romania 17,070 15,638 13,248 2,455 8,131 0.60 231.20 Russian Federation 99,544 102,684 99,585 6,039 1,005 0.07 -83.36 Slovakia 3,511 3,293 4,458 419 1,023 0.08 144.15 Ukraine 9,152 9,704 10,617 798 1,233 0.09 54.51 Uzbekistan 62 NORTHERN EUROPE 32,699 27,690 27,630 10,631 14,374 1.06 35.21 Denmark 4,449 4,898 4,442 638 1,485 0.11 132.76 Finland 4,776 4,392 4,136 721 1,309 0.10 81.55 Iceland 101 66 73 Ireland 2,142 1,921 1,616 828 1,368 0.10 65.22 Norway 524 147 270 129 0.01 Sweden 6,600 4,617 3,883 1,790 2,490 0.18 39.11 United Kingdom 14,107 11,649 13,210 6,654 7,593 0.56 14.11 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,334,397 1,300,379 1,345,763 877,177 1,075,860 79.46 22.65 Albania 154 113 341 65 Andorra 115 44 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,520 3,416 2,434 60 Croatia 6,221 11,352 7,575 1,141 1,713 0.13 50.13 Greece 3,176 4,042 3,977 529 1,765 0.13 233.65 Italy 1,293,593 1,252,656 1,306,987 869,518 1,062,451 78.47 22.19 Malta 594 414 466 146 0.01 Montenegro 69 342 113 North Macedonia 17 88 37 30 Portugal 964 1,603 1,039 220 193 0.01 -12.27 Serbia 9,780 8,740 6,170 298 620 0.05 108.05 Slovenia 9,486 9,493 9,694 2,644 4,986 0.37 88.58 Spain 7,823 8,001 6,886 2,672 3,986 0.29 49.18 Other countries of Southern Europe 4 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 345 COUNTRY TABLES SAN MARINO / SAINT-MARIN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 259,070 244,391 239,840 97,483 181,961 13.44 86.66 Austria 22,033 20,668 20,239 10,077 16,343 1.21 62.18 Belgium 22,099 21,532 21,702 7,812 19,891 1.47 154.62 France 37,340 35,230 34,737 10,586 28,636 2.11 170.51 Germany 131,629 124,001 119,859 45,497 85,071 6.28 86.98 Liechtenstein 120 41 Luxembourg 6,552 6,108 6,451 3,708 5,261 0.39 41.88 Monaco 143 175 0.01 Netherlands 19,025 1 7,940 18,619 7,854 10,258 0.76 30.61 Switzerland 20,249 18,792 18,192 11,949 16,326 1.21 36.63 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,425 2,287 2,352 170 175 0.01 2.94 Cyprus 112 150 56 Israel 599 271 426 Turkiye 1,714 1,866 1,870 170 175 0.01 2.94 MIDDLE EAST 149 108 101 93 Egypt 13 43 93 Iraq 19 Jordan 23 Lebanon 136 60 Libya 4 Saudi Arabia 19 United Arab Emirates 41 SOUTH ASIA 363 966 499 388 859 0.06 121.39 Bangladesh 25 325 317 323 760 0.06 135.29 India 198 390 18 99 0.01 Iran, Islamic Republic of 52 26 15 Pakistan 88 147 164 50 Sri Lanka 78 NOT SPECIFIED 8,040 6,121 5,583 3,138 842 0.06 -73.17 Other countries of the world 8,040 6,121 5,583 3,138 842 0.06 -73.17 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 346 COUNTRY TABLES SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE / SAO TOME-ET-PRINCIPE / SANTO TOME Y PRINCIPE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 28,948 33,424 15,101 100.00 AFRICA 6,460 7,473 3,018 19.99 OTHER AFRICA 6,460 7,473 3,018 19.99 All countries of Africa 6,460 7,473 3,018 19.99 AMERICAS 1,496 2,271 523 3.46 OTHER AMERICAS 1,496 2,271 523 3.46 All countries of the Americas 1,496 2,271 523 3.46 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,128 1,161 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,128 1,161 All countries East Asia/Pacific 1,128 1,161 EUROPE 19,678 22,325 11,234 74.39 OTHER EUROPE 19,678 22,325 11,234 74.39 All countries of Europe 19,678 22,325 11,234 74.39 MIDDLE EAST 99 95 7 0.05 All countries of Middle East 99 95 7 0.05 SOUTH ASIA 87 99 319 2.11 All countries of South Asia 87 99 319 2.11 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 347 COUNTRY TABLES SAUDI ARABIA / ARABIE SAOUDITE / ARABIA SAUDITA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 16,108,960 15,334,321 17,525,620 4,138,178 3,477,216 100.00 -15.97 AFRICA 1,487,050 1,406,626 1,501,947 230,308 219,099 6.30 -4.87 EAST AFRICA 77,600 85,086 85,377 10,244 12,584 0.36 22.84 Burundi 175 143 180 11 42 0.00 281.82 Comoros 4,628 3,669 3,893 492 98 0.00 -80.08 Djibouti 1,789 1,822 2,297 254 373 0.01 46.85 Eritrea 3,004 1,680 2,388 631 1,361 0.04 115.69 Ethiopia 19,207 36,416 26,688 2,426 1,537 0.04 -36.64 Kenya 13,944 12,656 14,577 1,456 3,829 0.11 162.98 Madagascar 2,276 727 605 96 102 0.00 6.25 Malawi 462 428 524 55 44 0.00 -20.00 Mauritius 9,749 7,477 8,682 2,041 233 0.01 -88.58 Mozambique 1,528 1,516 1,752 449 87 0.00 -80.62 Reunion 384 Rwanda 191 179 235 100 12 0.00 -88.00 Seychelles 141 27 100 16 22 0.00 37.50 Somalia 12,812 10,891 14,107 877 1,227 0.04 39.91 Tanzania, United Republic of 4,275 4,132 4,933 492 960 0.03 95.12 Uganda 2,337 2,315 3,274 258 2,390 0.07 826.36 Zambia 555 479 520 71 125 0.00 76.06 Zimbabwe 527 529 622 135 142 0.00 5.19 CENTRAL AFRICA 18,909 17,345 22,032 1,625 1,343 0.04 -17.35 Angola 17 49 99 23 45 0.00 95.65 Cameroon 7,007 6,266 7,350 331 568 0.02 71.60 Central African Republic 23 26 48 Chad 11,416 10,563 12,472 1,231 627 0.02 -49.07 Congo 182 225 1,791 14 71 0.00 407.14 Equatorial Guinea 68 42 53 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Gabon 196 174 219 19 29 0.00 52.63 NORTH AFRICA 1,121,511 1,053,800 1,089,014 186,668 172,039 4.95 -7.84 Algeria 517,132 447,750 433,350 53,226 2,324 0.07 -95.63 Morocco 252,204 216,518 220,543 22,654 8,988 0.26 -60.32 Sudan 253,049 263,596 316,683 87,666 153,844 4.42 75.49 Tunisia 99,126 125,936 118,438 23,122 6,883 0.20 -70.23 SOUTHERN AFRICA 43,996 38,899 42,315 7,067 4,878 0.14 -30.97 Botswana 229 158 118 23 5 0.00 -78.26 Eswatini 97 95 60 7 Lesotho 78 100 76 9 Namibia 51 37 26 9 21 0.00 133.33 South Africa 43,541 38,509 42,035 7,019 4,852 0.14 -30.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 348 COUNTRY TABLES SAUDI ARABIA / ARABIE SAOUDITE / ARABIA SAUDITA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 225,034 211,496 263,209 24,691 28,253 0.81 14.43 Benin 5,036 4,574 5,341 156 39 0.00 -75.00 Burkina Faso 7,212 6,634 7,924 170 89 0.00 -47.65 Cote d'lvoire 6,171 5,613 6,684 171 346 0.01 102.34 Gambia 1,860 1,673 2,036 87 188 0.01 116.09 Ghana 9,557 8,456 8,880 911 1,794 0.05 96.93 Guinea 750 834 1,024 58 125 0.00 115.52 Guinea-Bissau 338 260 300 9 7 0.00 -22.22 Liberia 31 37 41 8 40 0.00 400.00 Mali 12,517 11,615 13,720 496 951 0.03 91.73 Mauritania 8,761 7,402 9,521 610 1,416 0.04 132.13 Niger 17,860 15,995 18,114 424 1,230 0.04 190.09 Nigeria 139,674 134,495 173,120 20,913 20,038 0.58 -4.18 Senegal 12,880 11,966 14,263 630 1,925 0.06 205.56 Sierra Leone 221 192 173 22 48 0.00 118.18 Togo 2,166 1,750 2,068 26 17 0.00 -34.62 OTHER AFRICA 13 2 0.00 -84.62 Other countries of Africa 13 2 0.00 -84.62 AMERICAS 535,524 909,318 1,018,505 141,585 80,003 2.30 -43.49 CARIBBEAN 6,004 4,731 2,413 215 187 0.01 -13.02 Aruba 14 16 6 1 2 0.00 100.00 Bahamas 7 3 15 Barbados 4,395 3,163 94 25 1 0.00 -96.00 British Virgin Islands 3 3 Cuba 74 49 92 23 34 0.00 47.83 Dominican Republic 472 577 877 Grenada 22 24 90 Haiti 5 6 7 Jamaica 93 48 106 52 9 0.00 -82.69 Martinique 27 4 6 0.00 Montserrat 99 Puerto Rico 1 Saint Lucia 4 13 47 6 15 0.00 150.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 2 1 Trinidad and Tobago 889 822 976 108 120 0.00 11.11 CENTRAL AMERICA 634 723 765 199 241 0.01 21.11 Belize 25 19 53 8 4 0.00 -50.00 Costa Rica 36 24 141 42 64 0.00 52.38 El Salvador 31 18 33 12 17 0.00 41.67 Guatemala 129 145 148 14 12 0.00 -14.29 Honduras 129 95 156 65 109 0.00 67.69 Nicaragua 9 7 24 5 13 0.00 160.00 Panama 275 415 210 53 22 0.00 -58.49 NORTH AMERICA 522,274 896,635 1,005,536 138,465 75,346 2.17 -45.58 Canada 43,558 69,753 108,716 16,215 13,195 0.38 -18.62 Mexico 36,340 2,114 2,839 903 1,067 0.03 18.16 United States of America 442,376 824,768 893,981 121,347 61,084 1.76 -49.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 349 COUNTRY TABLES SAUDI ARABIA / ARABIE SAOUDITE / ARABIA SAUDITA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 6,612 7,229 9,791 1,733 3,295 0.09 90.13 Argentina 688 627 819 98 623 0.02 535.71 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 75 75 104 Brazil 2,575 3,023 3,705 875 1,737 0.05 98.51 Chile 281 271 359 Colombia 1,213 1,097 2,003 466 572 0.02 22.75 Ecuador 168 160 203 83 75 0.00 -9.64 Paraguay 23 36 73 25 37 0.00 48.00 Peru 186 204 385 128 201 0.01 57.03 Suriname 34 14 42 Uruguay 79 82 111 58 50 0.00 -13.79 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,290 1,640 1,987 OTHER AMERICAS 973 934 0.03 -4.01 Other countries of the Americas 973 934 0.03 -4.01 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,041,538 1,980,692 2,237,210 419,421 73,874 2.12 -82.39 NORHT-EAST ASIA 91,715 99,013 186,171 21,745 17,212 0.49 -20.85 China 61,315 62,834 135,835 16,184 13,183 0.38 -18.54 Hong Kong, China 7 3 Japan 13,621 22,497 38,357 1,901 1,413 0.04 -25.67 Korea, Republic of 16,702 13,620 11,822 3,607 2,590 0.07 -28.20 Macao, China 2 2 2 Mongolia 68 57 155 53 26 0.00 -50.94 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,925,278 1,824,859 1,992,404 389,864 52,085 1.50 -86.64 Brunei Darussalam 5,915 7,084 7,429 Cambodia 1,280 1,296 1,651 53 4 0.00 -92.45 Indonesia 1,427,056 1,375,004 1,428,935 293,291 11,467 0.33 -96.09 Malaysia 342,971 320,109 411,971 80,514 19,654 0.57 -75.59 Myanmar 8,620 8,705 9,638 208 60 0.00 -71.15 Philippines 82,718 59,171 71,195 10,689 18,097 0.52 69.30 Singapore 26,113 23,797 27,058 3,961 2,014 0.06 -49.15 Thailand 29,620 29,040 33,660 967 675 0.02 -30.20 Viet Nam 985 653 867 181 114 0.00 -37.02 AUSTRALASIA 23,534 21,647 58,138 5,299 4,526 0.13 -14.59 Australia 20,516 18,637 54,098 4,176 3,862 0.11 -7.52 New Zealand 3,018 3,010 4,040 1,123 664 0.02 -40.87 MELANESIA 995 202 475 Fiji 185 199 245 Papua New Guinea 810 3 230 MICRONESIA 3 4 11 Kiribati 3 3 10 Marshall Islands 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 1 POLYNESIA 13 34,967 11 89 American Samoa 34,875 3 French Polynesia 87 Tonga 13 5 8 89 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,424 51 0.00 -97.90 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 2,424 51 0.00 -97.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 350 COUNTRY TABLES SAUDI ARABIA / ARABIE SAOUDITE / ARABIA SAUDITA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,149,185 1,238,126 1,498,040 415,985 187,874 5.40 -54.84 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 95,912 131,152 200,504 72,146 41,916 1.21 -41.90 Armenia 190 180 421 102 213 0.01 108.82 Azerbaijan 27,139 30,715 21,657 1,116 1,198 0.03 7.35 Belarus 176 208 510 174 141 0.00 -18.97 Bulgaria 931 2,342 6,379 956 449 0.01 -53.03 Czech Republic (Czechia) 960 1,076 2,495 917 1,059 0.03 15.49 Estonia 151 143 231 87 235 0.01 170.11 Georgia 272 363 823 196 344 0.01 75.51 Hungary 748 751 1,872 552 609 0.02 10.33 Kazakhstan 8,934 14,377 24,014 12,302 7,915 0.23 -35.66 Kyrgyzstan 5,892 8,500 17,124 5,243 9,721 0.28 85.41 Latvia 213 255 464 3,162 197 0.01 -93.77 Lithuania 371 462 787 420 324 0.01 -22.86 Moldova, Republic of 124 194 159 38 68 0.00 78.95 Poland 2,659 3,671 5,944 1,922 2,016 0.06 4.89 Romania 2,768 3,853 7,126 2,075 2,271 0.07 9.45 Russian Federation 16,013 19,397 25,115 6,204 8,465 0.24 36.44 Slovakia 652 755 1,587 411 Tajikistan 6,602 8,136 14,708 3,434 856 0.02 -75.07 Turkmenistan 6,024 1,077 3,112 121 15 0.00 -87.60 Ukraine 2,812 3,490 7,307 2,931 4,264 0.12 45.48 Uzbekistan 12,281 31,207 58,669 29,783 1,556 0.04 -94.78 NORTHERN EUROPE 250,025 285,840 387,764 86,443 62,364 1.79 -27.86 Denmark 3,424 3,558 5,436 809 1,245 0.04 53.89 Finland 1,519 1,490 2,289 570 659 0.02 15.61 Iceland 1,442 1,026 1,944 464 177 0.01 -61.85 Ireland 4,823 5,373 8,941 1,587 2,523 0.07 58.98 Norway 3,721 3,937 5,858 1,520 915 0.03 -39.80 Sweden 5,424 5,328 8,030 2,838 2,720 0.08 -4.16 United Kingdom 229,672 265,128 355,266 78,655 54,125 1.56 -31.19 SOUTHERN EUROPE 62,468 69,142 110,443 24,584 31,233 0.90 27.05 Albania 864 1,096 1,492 379 206 0.01 -45.65 Andorra 11 8 61 12 19 0.00 58.33 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,488 2,967 3,622 1,744 708 0.02 -59.40 Croatia 1,335 1,239 2,502 702 1,038 0.03 47.86 Greece 3,704 4,694 8,836 1,687 2,531 0.07 50.03 Italy 29,992 30,252 40,053 11,890 13,840 0.40 16.40 Malta 322 387 562 141 106 0.00 -24.82 North Macedonia 1,966 2,597 3,219 1,251 332 0.01 -73.46 Portugal 4,471 4,219 6,597 1,646 2,410 0.07 46.42 San Marino 3 1 2 Serbia 281 293 2,180 Slovenia 283 471 965 292 305 0.01 4.45 Spain 16,727 20,913 40,173 4,838 9,738 0.28 101.28 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 21 5 181 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 351 COUNTRY TABLES SAUDI ARABIA / ARABIE SAOUDITE / ARABIA SAUDITA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 143,320 178,218 319,318 54,562 48,104 1.38 -11.84 Austria 3,630 3,941 6,657 1,020 2,075 0.06 103.43 Belgium 7,968 8,295 12,519 2,957 3,223 0.09 9.00 France 62,934 77,422 115,294 28,142 21,148 0.61 -24.85 Germany 46,930 59,804 146,675 13,327 13,224 0.38 -0.77 Liechtenstein 3 10 28 1 Luxembourg 108 174 272 82 61 0.00 -25.61 Netherlands 18,132 22,612 30,380 8,125 6,513 0.19 -19.84 Switzerland 3,615 5,960 7,493 908 1,860 0.05 104.85 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 597,460 573,774 480,011 177,329 2,980 0.09 -98.32 Cyprus 469 451 1,396 330 371 0.01 12.42 Turkiye 596,991 573,323 478,615 1 76,999 2,609 0.08 -98.53 OTHER EUROPE 921 1,277 0.04 38.65 Other countries of Europe 921 1,277 0.04 38.65 MIDDLE EAST 6,039,383 5,566,673 6,521,762 1,911,277 2,171,932 62.46 13.64 Bahrain 568,564 574,350 510,900 99,854 239,947 6.90 140.30 Egypt 958,777 799,950 1,099,854 431,790 308,253 8.86 -28.61 Iraq 325,022 239,790 316,519 65,582 87,843 2.53 33.94 Jordan 715,493 615,993 836,678 242,834 196,898 5.66 -18.92 Kuwait 2,092,824 1,992,838 2,132,114 629,240 623,462 17.93 -0.92 Lebanon 68,451 62,927 107,765 45,282 21,214 0.61 -53.15 Libya 55,698 92,044 91,040 7,372 1,986 0.06 -73.06 Oman 195,156 184,657 260,550 100,789 70,146 2.02 -30.40 Qatar 274,935 119,287 46,152 10,372 254,013 7.31 2,349.03 State of Palestine 31,195 11,526 14,730 1,105 2,948 0.08 166.79 Syrian Arab Republic 30,595 27,532 26,573 70,698 160,372 4.61 126.84 United Arab Emirates 649,902 739,404 784,305 165,716 94,927 2.73 -42.72 Yemen 72,771 106,375 294,582 40,643 109,923 3.16 1 70.46 SOUTH ASIA 4,722,552 4,224,350 4,493,417 950,970 665,415 19.14 -30.03 Afghanistan 92,713 100,131 151,173 32,850 4,803 0.14 -85.38 Bangladesh 339,876 360,447 472,388 81,748 69,203 1.99 -15.35 Bhutan 11 2 5 6 India 1,581,233 1,440,170 1,571,070 338,965 316,488 9.10 -6.63 Iran, Islamic Republic of 87,419 85,412 13,706 77 310 0.01 302.60 Maldives 8,459 7,450 9,711 152 1,315 0.04 765.13 Nepal 12,839 7,270 18,530 6,717 9,639 0.28 43.50 Pakistan 2,537,201 2,177,306 2,210,877 483,290 257,640 7.41 -46.69 Sri Lanka 62,801 46,162 45,957 7,165 6,017 0.17 -16.02 NOT SPECIFIED 133,728 8,536 254,739 68,632 79,019 2.27 15.13 Other countries of the world 133,728 8,536 254,739 68,632 79,019 2.27 15.13 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 352 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA/SERBIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,335,583 1,514,215 1,625,925 392,031 776,318 100.00 98.02 AFRICA 9,956 11,451 11,535 3,419 8,754 1.13 156.04 SOUTHERN AFRICA 987 1,778 1,419 221 748 0.10 238.46 South Africa 987 1,778 1,419 221 748 0.10 238.46 OTHER AFRICA 8,969 9,673 10,116 3,198 8,006 1.03 150.34 Other countries of Africa 8,969 9,673 10,116 3,198 8,006 1.03 150.34 AMERICAS 46,241 54,091 59,725 13,279 28,878 3.72 117.47 NORTH AMERICA 40,771 46,391 48,361 10,954 22,827 2.94 108.39 Canada 8,436 8,835 9,400 1,655 3,593 0.46 117.10 United States of America 31,803 36,443 37,438 8,958 18,524 2.39 106.79 Other countries of North America 532 1,113 1,523 341 710 0.09 108.21 SOUTH AMERICA 1,939 2,377 3,712 682 2,682 0.35 293.26 Brazil 1,939 2,377 3,712 682 2,682 0.35 293.26 OTHER AMERICAS 3,531 5,323 7,652 1,643 3,369 0.43 105.05 Other countries of the Americas 3,531 5,323 7,652 1,643 3,369 0.43 105.05 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 99,069 142,122 181,206 25,283 41,346 5.33 63.53 NORHT-EAST ASIA 57,018 101,878 143,530 16,461 17,095 2.20 3.85 Japan 5,401 6,117 6,362 865 928 0.12 7.28 Korea, Republic of 7,314 4,929 4,136 542 737 0.09 35.98 China and Hong Kong, China 44,303 90,832 133,032 15,054 15,430 1.99 2.50 AUSTRALASIA 12,854 14,692 14,494 1,574 3,210 0.41 103.94 Australia 11,861 13,097 12,848 1,417 2,908 0.37 105.22 New Zealand 993 1,595 1,646 157 302 0.04 92.36 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 29,197 25,552 23,182 7,248 21,041 2.71 190.30 Other countries of Asia 28,370 24,312 22,226 6,921 19,560 2.52 182.62 Other countries of Oceania 827 1,240 956 327 1,481 0.19 352.91 EUROPE 1,175,508 1,268,596 1,359,239 345,739 668,275 86.08 93.29 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 304,227 345,507 366,573 82,369 175,019 22.54 112.48 Belarus 3,241 3,322 1,302 1,538 0.20 18.13 Bulgaria 84,688 87,526 87,452 23,306 20,893 2.69 -10.35 Czech Republic (Czechia) 13,562 15,428 15,119 3,745 9,719 1.25 159.52 Estonia 898 1,558 1,650 291 542 0.07 86.25 Hungary 30,493 39,142 41,842 7,424 22,089 2.85 197.54 Latvia 1,143 1,244 1,300 251 725 0.09 188.84 Lithuania 6,435 7,978 6,821 577 1,146 0.15 98.61 Poland 40,824 52,005 49,427 6,628 14,439 1.86 117.85 Romania 60,208 68,813 74,068 15,134 25,289 3.26 67.10 Russian Federation 45,090 44,518 56,142 17,933 59,029 7.60 229.16 Slovakia 11,347 12,265 13,613 2,142 4,982 0.64 132.59 Ukraine 9,539 11,789 15,817 3,636 14,628 1.88 302.31 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 353 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA / SERBIE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 67,691 71,010 73,621 16,585 26,779 3.45 61.47 Denmark 5,942 6,595 7,319 1,483 3,317 0.43 123.67 Finland 2,919 3,287 3,890 685 1,004 0.13 46.57 Iceland 1,060 757 919 172 326 0.04 89.53 Ireland 2,578 3,057 3,019 624 1,246 0.16 99.68 Norway 5,964 6,262 6,985 980 1,698 0.22 73.27 Sweden 20,166 20,813 21,302 5,150 9,053 1.17 75.79 United Kingdom 29,062 30,239 30,187 7,491 10,135 1.31 35.30 SOUTHERN EUROPE 466,752 501,967 539,283 147,495 275,659 35.51 86.89 Bosnia and Herzegovina 87,539 94,448 102,909 40,502 81,433 10.49 101.06 Croatia 76,519 84,740 92,414 24,746 36,972 4.76 49.41 Greece 64,792 68,610 71,356 12,804 14,427 1.86 12.68 Italy 46,469 48,258 48,567 10,948 17,766 2.29 62.28 Malta 1,220 1,882 2,598 477 469 0.06 -1.68 Montenegro 59,124 61,854 67,908 22,231 43,018 5.54 93.50 North Macedonia 47,580 50,020 55,490 17,410 44,730 5.76 156.92 Portugal 3,169 3,948 5,247 997 1,868 0.24 87.36 Slovenia 70,250 76,103 79,330 14,420 29,477 3.80 104.42 Spain 10,090 12,104 13,464 2,960 5,499 0.71 85.78 WESTERN EUROPE 177,798 201,653 224,881 57,730 127,031 16.36 120.04 Austria 30,127 32,244 34,924 8,357 21,189 2.73 153.55 Belgium 8,726 10,104 9,863 2,637 6,163 0.79 133.71 France 26,871 31,393 32,292 9,785 18,327 2.36 87.30 Germany 70,737 80,932 94,207 23,465 53,606 6.91 128.45 Luxembourg 576 886 950 214 818 0.11 282.24 Netherlands 1 7,388 21,093 23,114 5,475 12,400 1.60 126.48 Switzerland (*) 23,373 25,001 29,531 7,797 14,528 1.87 86.33 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 139,978 128,951 136,897 35,324 51,621 6.65 46.14 Cyprus 5,002 6,171 6,867 661 1,861 0.24 181.54 Israel 39,940 30,672 28,632 12,112 6,263 0.81 -48.29 Turkiye 95,036 92,108 101,398 22,551 43,497 5.60 92.88 OTHER EUROPE 19,062 19,508 17,984 6,236 12,166 1.57 95.09 Other countries of Europe 19,062 19,508 17,984 6,236 12,166 1.57 95.09 MIDDLE EAST 4,809 5,604 4,579 2,325 5,212 0.67 124.17 United Arab Emirates 4,809 5,604 4,579 2,325 5,212 0.67 124.17 SOUTH ASIA 32,351 9,641 1,986 23,853 3.07 1,101.06 India 7,215 8,792 1,855 23,508 3.03 1,167.28 Iran, Islamic Republic of 25,136 849 131 345 0.04 163.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 354 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA/SERBIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,497,173 1,710,514 1,846,551 445,711 871,239 100.00 95.47 AFRICA 10,858 12,692 12,872 4,026 9,416 1.08 133.88 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,044 1,826 1,504 235 790 0.09 236.17 South Africa 1,044 1,826 1,504 235 790 0.09 236.17 OTHER AFRICA 9,814 10,866 11,368 3,791 8,626 0.99 127.54 Other countries of Africa 9,814 10,866 11,368 3791 8626 0.99 127.54 AMERICAS 50,331 58,583 64,422 14,515 31,173 3.58 114.76 NORTH AMERICA 44,136 50,136 52,157 11,948 24,613 2.83 106.00 Canada 9,357 9,854 10,400 1802 3927 0.45 117.92 United States of America 34,169 39,020 40,091 9732 19886 2.28 104.34 Other countries of North America 610 1,262 1,666 414 800 0.09 93.24 SOUTH AMERICA 2,192 2,579 3,981 730 2,837 0.33 288.63 Brazil 2,192 2,579 3,981 730 2837 0.33 288.63 OTHER AMERICAS 4,003 5,868 8,284 1,837 3,723 0.43 102.67 Other countries of the Americas 4,003 5,868 8,284 1837 3723 0.43 102.67 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 111,351 158,803 198,365 29,357 45,093 5.18 53.60 NORHT-EAST ASIA 64,980 113,951 156,388 19,195 18,364 2.11 -4.33 Japan 5,769 6,486 7,110 975 1129 0.13 15.79 Korea, Republic of 7,520 5,114 4,317 579 784 0.09 35.41 China and Hong Kong, China 51,691 102,351 144,961 17641 16451 1.89 -6.75 AUSTRALASIA 14,779 16,587 16,189 1,799 3,361 0.39 86.83 Australia 13,559 14,799 14,351 1630 3035 0.35 86.20 New Zealand 1,220 1,788 1,838 169 326 0.04 92.90 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 31,592 28,265 25,788 8,363 23,368 2.68 179.42 Other countries of Asia 30,706 26,988 24,760 358 21839 2.51 6,000.28 Other countries of Oceania 886 1,277 1,028 8005 1529 0.18 -80.90 EUROPE 1,319,469 1,439,604 1,555,665 393,201 755,099 86.67 92.04 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 335,982 387,225 416,232 94,393 190,989 21.92 102.33 Belarus 3,468 3,677 1429 1637 0.19 14.56 Bulgaria 91,233 99,527 100,344 26841 22425 2.57 -16.45 Czech Republic (Czechia) 15,319 1 7,535 1 7,934 4027 10819 1.24 168.66 Estonia 1,071 1,786 1,842 328 587 0.07 78.96 Hungary 34,671 44,320 48,008 8492 25374 2.91 198.80 Latvia 1,207 1,330 1,377 269 734 0.08 172.86 Lithuania 6,667 8,267 7,066 606 1250 0.14 106.27 Poland 45,309 57,074 55,844 7478 16334 1.87 118.43 Romania 66,747 76,779 83,027 17959 27624 3.17 53.82 Russian Federation 49,857 49,765 64,103 20259 63297 7.27 212.44 Slovakia 13,459 14,347 15,475 2626 5477 0.63 108.57 Ukraine 10,442 13,027 1 7,535 4079 15431 1.77 278.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 355 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA / SERBIE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 74,369 77,615 80,631 17,768 28,608 3.28 61.01 Denmark 6,610 7,316 8,219 1579 3531 0.41 123.62 Finland 3,268 3,648 4,165 727 1075 0.12 47.87 Iceland 1,148 798 1,036 177 377 0.04 112.99 Ireland 2,977 3,385 3,371 730 1413 0.16 93.56 Norway 6,601 6,876 7,598 1086 1805 0.21 66.21 Sweden 22,107 22,790 23,475 5592 9787 1.12 75.02 United Kingdom 31,658 32,802 32,767 7877 10620 1.22 34.82 SOUTHERN EUROPE 542,759 592,160 643,841 171,562 327,197 37.56 90.72 Bosnia and Herzegovina 108,058 121,384 136,184 51459 102515 11.77 99.22 Croatia 83,499 93,953 103,807 26970 39327 4.51 45.82 Greece 67,395 71,359 74,974 13395 15131 1.74 12.96 Italy 49,533 51,444 52,723 11448 18630 2.14 62.74 Malta 1,340 1,969 2,716 512 476 0.05 -7.03 Montenegro 79,326 82,142 90,442 26332 58516 6.72 122.22 North Macedonia 60,564 65,557 72,760 21498 52471 6.02 144.07 Portugal 3,438 4,228 5,655 1089 1996 0.23 83.29 Slovenia 78,486 86,897 89,930 15735 32168 3.69 104.44 Spain 11,120 13,227 14,650 3124 5967 0.68 91.01 WESTERN EUROPE 199,687 225,259 249,662 62,186 137,170 15.74 120.58 Austria 32,889 35,306 38,791 9016 22859 2.62 153.54 Belgium 12,157 13,359 10,927 2908 6628 0.76 127.92 France 29,224 34,400 35,520 10469 20158 2.31 92.55 Germany 78,211 88,959 104,144 25064 57574 6.61 129.71 Luxembourg 630 979 1,050 238 886 0.10 272.27 Netherlands 20,920 24,513 26,638 5822 13301 1.53 128.46 Switzerland (*) 25,656 27,743 32,592 8669 15764 1.81 81.84 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 145,748 135,600 144,653 38,696 57,582 6.61 48.81 Cyprus 5,306 6,576 7,331 755 1991 0.23 163.71 Israel 40,942 31,940 29,627 12862 6655 0.76 -48.26 Turkiye 99,500 97,084 107,695 25079 48936 5.62 95.13 OTHER EUROPE 20,924 21,745 20,646 8,596 13,553 1.56 57.67 Other countries of Europe 20,924 21,745 20,646 8596 13553 1.56 57.67 MIDDLE EAST 5,164 5,777 4,791 2,395 5,571 0.64 132.61 United Arab Emirates 5,164 5,777 4,791 2395 5571 0.64 132.61 SOUTH ASIA 35,055 10,436 2,217 24,887 2.86 1,022.55 India 7,683 9,497 2069 24520 2.81 1,085.11 Iran, Islamic Republic of 27,372 939 148 367 0.04 147.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 356 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA/SERBIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,719,007 3,099,756 3,361,085 1,033,085 2,032,403 100.00 96.73 AFRICA 31,682 36,879 38,097 13,672 29,593 1.46 116.45 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,594 4,272 3,616 571 2,532 0.12 343.43 South Africa 2,594 4,272 3,616 571 2,532 0.12 343.43 OTHER AFRICA 29,088 32,607 34,481 13,101 27,061 1.33 106.56 Other countries of Africa 29,088 32,607 34,481 13,101 27,061 1.33 106.56 AMERICAS 110,451 126,951 140,915 40,919 91,804 4.52 124.36 NORTH AMERICA 97,078 108,980 113,741 31,204 69,408 3.42 122.43 Canada 20,458 21,269 21,946 5,100 10,556 0.52 106.98 United States of America 74,723 84,986 87,111 24,843 55,945 2.75 125.19 Other countries of North America 1,897 2,725 4,684 1,261 2,907 0.14 130.53 SOUTH AMERICA 5,052 6,031 8,582 2,874 11,732 0.58 308.21 Brazil 5,052 6,031 8,582 2,874 11,732 0.58 308.21 OTHER AMERICAS 8,321 11,940 18,592 6,841 10,664 0.52 55.88 Other countries of the Americas 8,321 11,940 18,592 6,841 10,664 0.52 55.88 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 211,732 281,658 350,234 77,218 192,380 9.47 149.14 NORHT-EAST ASIA 99,218 176,008 256,310 52,202 102,104 5.02 95.59 Japan 10,162 13,785 15,054 2,457 2,489 0.12 1.30 Korea, Republic of 9,424 9,117 8,362 2,683 4,431 0.22 65.15 China and Hong Kong, China 79,632 153,106 232,894 47,062 95,184 4.68 102.25 AUSTRALASIA 30,244 33,710 33,403 5,056 8,285 0.41 63.86 Australia 28,089 30,614 29,925 4,314 7,282 0.36 68.80 New Zealand 2,155 3,096 3,478 742 1,003 0.05 35.18 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 82,270 71,940 60,521 19,960 81,991 4.03 310.78 Other countries of Asia 80,477 67,010 58,099 18,676 76,199 3.75 308.00 Other countries of Oceania 1,793 4,930 2,422 1,284 5,792 0.28 351.09 EUROPE 2,353,273 2,528,717 2,789,798 889,392 1,564,198 76.96 75.87 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 588,993 655,116 748,134 245,833 440,048 21.65 79.00 Belarus 6,507 10,479 7,092 5,697 0.28 -19.67 Bulgaria 135,685 138,490 138,253 40,234 39,017 1.92 -3.02 Czech Republic (Czechia) 26,245 31,261 35,323 11,999 22,175 1.09 84.81 Estonia 2,008 3,522 4,005 629 1,492 0.07 137.20 Hungary 60,606 75,371 75,214 18,665 37,855 1.86 102.81 Latvia 2,286 2,716 2,896 618 1,814 0.09 193.53 Lithuania 8,735 13,306 11,401 1,505 3,472 0.17 130.70 Poland 65,818 81,424 75,028 16,185 27,741 1.36 71.40 Romania 123,421 148,437 161,411 61,264 70,086 3.45 14.40 Russian Federation 125,516 109,944 168,053 71,415 160,073 7.88 124.14 Slovakia 20,681 24,046 26,027 4,988 12,174 0.60 144.07 Ukraine 17,992 20,092 40,044 11,239 58,452 2.88 420.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 357 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA / SERBIE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 162,181 170,956 171,576 41,448 74,883 3.68 80.67 Denmark 13,935 15,902 16,415 3,640 8,593 0.42 136.07 Finland 7,058 7,579 9,299 1,474 3,669 0.18 148.91 Iceland 3,183 2,120 2,643 548 1,176 0.06 114.60 Ireland 6,627 8,152 8,104 1,628 3,717 0.18 128.32 Norway 15,419 15,777 17,074 2,336 3,896 0.19 66.78 Sweden 48,185 48,892 49,576 11,611 20,449 1.01 76.12 United Kingdom 67,774 72,534 68,465 20,211 33,383 1.64 65.17 SOUTHERN EUROPE 920,003 991,857 1,075,489 338,837 594,021 29.23 75.31 Bosnia and Herzegovina 167,247 177,465 194,669 88,220 158,865 7.82 80.08 Croatia 136,657 154,359 168,721 49,361 76,253 3.75 54.48 Greece 118,143 121,258 128,254 24,406 28,751 1.41 17.80 Italy 106,965 109,432 107,639 29,398 50,194 2.47 70.74 Malta 3,202 6,146 9,538 1,096 1,457 0.07 32.94 Montenegro 144,035 150,529 1 73,846 65,124 103,900 5.11 59.54 North Macedonia 88,621 96,587 105,869 41,511 95,810 4.71 130.81 Portugal 9,039 12,906 17,673 3,449 5,747 0.28 66.63 Slovenia 120,258 132,661 139,527 28,913 58,856 2.90 103.56 Spain 25,836 30,514 29,753 7,359 14,188 0.70 92.80 WESTERN EUROPE 356,173 399,522 447,783 126,252 266,659 13.12 111.21 Austria 61,040 61,218 70,526 16,891 45,382 2.23 168.68 Belgium 16,284 18,513 19,919 4,566 11,816 0.58 158.78 France 56,963 68,490 66,865 22,057 42,879 2.11 94.40 Germany 133,690 153,669 180,344 52,552 108,779 5.35 106.99 Luxembourg 1,160 1,677 1,990 446 2,041 0.10 357.62 Netherlands 35,627 41,792 44,478 10,982 23,718 1.17 115.97 Switzerland (*) 51,409 54,163 63,661 18,758 32,044 1.58 70.83 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 286,465 271,442 310,626 124,316 158,217 7.78 27.27 Cyprus 12,792 16,152 18,895 1,658 5,108 0.25 208.08 Israel 121,656 94,778 84,397 34,729 17,279 0.85 -50.25 Turkiye 152,017 160,512 207,334 87,929 135,830 6.68 54.48 OTHER EUROPE 39,458 39,824 36,190 12,706 30,370 1.49 139.02 Other countries of Europe 39,458 39,824 36,190 12,706 30,370 1.49 139.02 MIDDLE EAST 11,869 12,660 11,632 4,828 16,107 0.79 233.62 United Arab Emirates 11,869 12,660 11,632 4,828 16,107 0.79 233.62 SOUTH ASIA 112,891 30,409 7,056 138,321 6.81 1,860.33 India 24,128 27,715 6,692 137,259 6.75 1,951.09 Iran, Islamic Republic of 88,763 2,694 364 1,062 0.05 191.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 358 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA/SERBIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,175,127 3,657,868 4,010,378 1,264,558 2,429,597 100.00 92.13 AFRICA 46,353 47,534 47,797 20,512 41,295 1.70 101.32 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,756 4,411 3,912 662 2,781 0.11 320.09 South Africa 2,756 4,411 3,912 662 2,781 0.11 320.09 OTHER AFRICA 43,597 43,123 43,885 19,850 38,514 1.59 94.03 Other countries of Africa 43,597 43,123 43,885 19,850 38,514 1.59 94.03 AMERICAS 122,572 141,395 159,721 47,803 104,110 4.29 117.79 NORTH AMERICA 107,413 120,936 126,394 36,130 78,958 3.25 118.54 Canada 23,627 24,870 24,870 5,605 11,723 0.48 109.15 United States of America 81,676 92,596 95,861 29,126 64,017 2.63 119.79 Other countries of North America 2,110 3,470 5,663 1,399 3,218 0.13 130.02 SOUTH AMERICA 5,700 6,990 9,367 2,969 12,554 0.52 322.84 Brazil 5,700 6,990 9,367 2,969 12,554 0.52 322.84 OTHER AMERICAS 9,459 13,469 23,960 8,704 12,598 0.52 44.74 Other countries of the Americas 9,459 13,469 23,960 8,704 12,598 0.52 44.74 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 251,645 329,129 405,244 101,175 243,077 10.00 140.25 NORHT-EAST ASIA 117,228 204,435 296,229 67,713 134,697 5.54 98.92 Japan 12,558 15,640 18,706 3,184 6,483 0.27 103.61 Korea, Republic of 9,825 9,548 8,951 3,000 4,584 0.19 52.80 China and Hong Kong, China 94,845 179,247 268,572 61,529 123,630 5.09 100.93 AUSTRALASIA 35,067 39,470 38,093 5,750 9,026 0.37 56.97 Australia 32,523 36,029 34,213 4,980 7,940 0.33 59.44 New Zealand 2,544 3,441 3,880 770 1,086 0.04 41.04 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 99,350 85,224 70,922 27,712 99,354 4.09 258.52 Other countries of Asia 97,416 80,131 67,963 1,559 93,423 3.85 5,892.50 Other countries of Oceania 1,934 5,093 2,959 26,153 5,931 0.24 -77.32 EUROPE 2,741,017 3,006,834 3,352,592 1,081,322 1,880,566 77.40 73.91 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 674,432 775,231 908,312 304,401 491,871 20.24 61.59 Belarus 7,718 12,784 8,117 6,024 0.25 -25.79 Bulgaria 148,823 167,505 169,769 47,054 43,079 1.77 -8.45 Czech Republic (Czechia) 30,864 36,968 41,502 13,223 24,419 1.01 84.67 Estonia 2,303 3,886 4,483 796 1,634 0.07 105.28 Hungary 69,819 86,033 88,933 21,749 48,549 2.00 123.22 Latvia 2,483 3,004 3,238 811 1,834 0.08 126.14 Lithuania 9,233 13,983 11,993 1,621 3,868 0.16 138.62 Poland 74,705 90,819 87,725 21,296 37,847 1.56 77.72 Romania 139,813 174,031 190,288 76,527 75,946 3.13 -0.76 Russian Federation 150,849 139,341 220,226 87,634 1 74,285 7.17 98.88 Slovakia 25,391 28,822 31,056 9,585 13,926 0.57 45.29 Ukraine 20,149 23,121 46,315 15,988 60,460 2.49 278.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 359 COUNTRY TABLES SERBIA / SERBIE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 179,073 188,390 191,096 46,060 81,061 3.34 75.99 Denmark 15,800 1 7,630 19,305 4,038 9,297 0.38 130.24 Finland 8,021 8,381 10,329 1,624 3,873 0.16 138.49 Iceland 3,403 2,199 3,130 572 1,347 0.06 135.49 Ireland 7,671 9,075 8,982 2,153 4,557 0.19 111.66 Norway 17,138 17,416 18,863 2,973 4,238 0.17 42.55 Sweden 52,973 54,587 55,821 13,004 22,594 0.93 73.75 United Kingdom 74,067 79,102 74,666 21,696 35,155 1.45 62.03 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,129,509 1,247,237 1,363,677 418,218 750,360 30.88 79.42 Bosnia and Herzegovina 234,758 262,640 294,423 128,020 221,966 9.14 73.38 Croatia 153,076 176,944 198,993 55,278 83,452 3.43 50.97 Greece 125,336 129,750 137,882 26,697 30,916 1.27 15.80 Italy 115,478 118,369 118,662 30,921 53,087 2.19 71.69 Malta 3,758 6,433 10,018 1,189 1,479 0.06 24.39 Montenegro 198,119 209,947 233,998 78,604 153,787 6.33 95.65 North Macedonia 121,183 138,021 153,106 53,560 117,592 4.84 119.55 Portugal 9,851 13,717 19,426 4,063 6,283 0.26 54.64 Slovenia 138,704 157,408 163,251 32,060 66,077 2.72 106.10 Spain 29,246 34,008 33,918 7,826 15,721 0.65 100.88 WESTERN EUROPE 404,552 453,394 508,967 140,204 297,257 12.23 112.02 Austria 68,731 69,776 81,183 18,855 51,034 2.10 170.67 Belgium 21,061 22,922 22,961 5,245 12,897 0.53 145.89 France 62,484 75,741 75,226 24,525 49,291 2.03 100.98 Germany 150,001 171,080 203,038 57,368 119,675 4.93 108.61 Luxembourg 1,324 1,808 2,273 495 2,364 0.10 377.58 Netherlands 43,160 49,823 52,087 12,123 26,206 1.08 116.17 Switzerland (*) 57,791 62,244 72,199 21,593 35,790 1.47 65.75 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 302,249 291,807 336,821 154,687 225,847 9.30 46.00 Cyprus 14,554 18,299 21,280 1,955 5,338 0.22 1 73.04 Israel 125,129 98,833 87,828 36,671 18,885 0.78 -48.50 Turkiye 162,566 174,675 227,713 116,061 201,624 8.30 73.72 OTHER EUROPE 51,202 50,775 43,719 17,752 34,170 1.41 92.49 Other countries of Europe 51,202 50,775 43,719 17,752 34,1 70 1.41 92.49 MIDDLE EAST 13,540 13,316 12,450 5,203 17,361 0.71 233.67 United Arab Emirates 13,540 13,316 12,450 5,203 17,361 0.71 233.67 SOUTH ASIA 119,660 32,574 8,543 143,188 5.89 1,576.09 India 25,870 29,647 8,143 141,404 5.82 1,636.51 Iran, Islamic Republic of 93,790 2,927 400 1,784 0.07 346.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 360 COUNTRY TABLES SEYCHELLES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 349,861 361,844 384,204 114,858 182,849 100.00 59.20 AFRICA 35,477 34,606 34,129 7,809 6,706 3.67 -14.12 EAST AFRICA 17,764 17,545 17,376 3,933 2,710 1.48 -31.10 Burundi 34 33 51 8 20 0.01 150.00 Comoros 71 96 123 21 16 0.01 -23.81 Djibouti 87 90 149 29 19 0.01 -34.48 Eritrea 8 4 13 2 0.00 Ethiopia 1,818 1,425 1,608 542 511 0.28 -5.72 Kenya 2,328 2,512 2,157 445 755 0.41 69.66 Madagascar 1,093 796 774 110 30 0.02 -72.73 Malawi 82 115 92 9 26 0.01 188.89 Mauritius 3,766 3,581 4,144 683 331 0.18 -51.54 Mozambique 151 240 196 66 33 0.02 -50.00 Reunion 6,315 6,203 5,791 1,585 259 0.14 -83.66 Rwanda 168 268 225 38 63 0.03 65.79 Somalia 59 34 77 2 122 0.07 6,000.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 377 523 351 79 80 0.04 1.27 Uganda 712 686 732 87 244 0.13 180.46 Zambia 363 565 610 94 121 0.07 28.72 Zimbabwe 332 374 283 135 78 0.04 -42.22 CENTRAL AFRICA 570 715 673 128 257 0.14 100.78 Angola 228 297 181 25 24 0.01 -4.00 Cameroon 113 113 141 35 46 0.03 31.43 Central African Republic 5 8 7 1 2 0.00 100.00 Chad 7 7 20 2 13 0.01 550.00 Congo 98 73 86 19 44 0.02 131.58 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 85 161 188 36 118 0.06 227.78 Equatorial Guinea 5 8 8 Gabon 23 45 35 10 10 0.01 Sao Tome and Principe 6 3 7 NORTH AFRICA 947 1,290 992 157 333 0.18 112.10 Algeria 108 168 140 28 11 0.01 -60.71 Morocco 335 632 374 54 81 0.04 50.00 South Sudan 28 33 85 5 18 0.01 260.00 Sudan 216 197 126 35 71 0.04 102.86 Tunisia 258 260 266 35 152 0.08 334.29 Western Sahara 2 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 14,767 13,074 12,439 3,031 1,446 0.79 -52.29 Botswana 264 332 283 97 16 0.01 -83.51 Eswatini 77 92 55 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Lesotho 19 49 30 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Namibia 192 202 162 32 37 0.02 15.63 South Africa 14,215 12,399 11,909 2,892 1,389 0.76 -51.97 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 361 COUNTRY TABLES SEYCHELLES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 1,176 1,718 2,318 469 1,935 1.06 312.58 Benin 12 8 18 4 0.00 Burkina Faso 12 9 18 1 10 0.01 900.00 Cabo Verde 8 13 12 Cote d'lvoire 92 128 130 21 91 0.05 333.33 Gambia 7 9 5 1 0.00 Ghana 170 198 243 49 129 0.07 163.27 Guinea 18 18 13 3 10 0.01 233.33 Guinea-Bissau 1 4 7 1 1 0.00 Liberia 9 7 3 1 14 0.01 1,300.00 Mali 14 15 10 3 15 0.01 400.00 Mauritania 6 12 5 1 1 0.00 Niger 14 4 11 12 0.01 Nigeria 726 1,218 1,732 367 1,610 0.88 338.69 Saint Helena 1 12 Senegal 47 43 71 18 29 0.02 61.11 Sierra Leone 23 13 9 2 2 0.00 Togo 17 18 19 2 6 0.00 200.00 OTHER AFRICA 253 264 331 91 25 0.01 -72.53 Other countries of Africa 253 264 331 91 25 0.01 -72.53 AMERICAS 14,452 14,251 15,597 3,969 6,412 3.51 61.55 CARIBBEAN 129 187 173 38 44 0.02 15.79 Antigua and Barbuda 2 4 3 Aruba 3 1 1 Bahamas 1 7 4 1 6 0.00 500.00 Barbados 2 4 2 4 Bermuda 5 14 23 British Virgin Islands 1 1 0.00 Cayman Islands 4 7 3 3 0.00 Cuba 53 65 52 10 16 0.01 60.00 Curacao 1 2 Dominica 2 3 8 1 Dominican Republic 1 2 1 2 Grenada 1 3 1 Guadeloupe 7 10 7 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Haiti 4 17 2 Jamaica 10 19 15 1 Martinique 20 11 13 1 6 0.00 500.00 Puerto Rico 1 9 2 2 3 0.00 50.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 4 7 4 1 4 0.00 300.00 Saint Lucia 4 1 1 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1 4 2 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1 Trinidad and Tobago 6 15 11 3 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 0.00 United States Virgin Islands 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 362 COUNTRY TABLES SEYCHELLES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 64 68 59 17 28 0.02 64.71 Belize 3 2 2 Costa Rica 21 25 18 2 14 0.01 600.00 El Salvador 2 1 3 1 Guatemala 6 13 7 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Honduras 8 6 12 2 2 0.00 Nicaragua 5 3 1 2 0.00 Panama 22 17 16 7 8 0.00 14.29 NORTH AMERICA 11,251 11,594 12,965 3,289 6,128 3.35 86.32 Canada 1,668 1,590 1,806 556 419 0.23 -24.64 Greenland 5 6 19 6 0.00 Mexico 229 188 233 58 152 0.08 162.07 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 37 United States of America 9,349 9,810 10,870 2,675 5,551 3.04 107.51 SOUTH AMERICA 3,008 2,402 2,400 625 212 0.12 -66.08 Argentina 654 798 692 166 24 0.01 -85.54 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 14 10 10 1 0.00 Brazil 1,882 1,198 1,264 334 70 0.04 -79.04 Chile 182 171 192 60 26 0.01 -56.67 Colombia 83 67 80 16 49 0.03 206.25 Ecuador 8 11 13 5 7 0.00 40.00 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 7 French Guiana 4 Guyana 1 2 1 0.00 Paraguay 14 23 15 7 5 0.00 -28.57 Peru 94 51 68 14 13 0.01 -7.14 Suriname 1 Uruguay 62 56 43 15 10 0.01 -33.33 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 14 13 16 4 6 0.00 50.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,196 15,713 12,362 2,840 906 0.50 -68.10 NORHT-EAST ASIA 15,118 11,750 8,163 1,704 259 0.14 -84.80 China 12,006 9,050 5,973 1,373 132 0.07 -90.39 Hong Kong, China 379 336 315 37 36 0.02 -2.70 Japan 909 671 617 109 54 0.03 -50.46 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 5 2 2 Korea, Republic of 1,562 1,435 1,007 128 18 0.01 -85.94 Macao, China 7 13 5 Mongolia 10 2 18 22 2 0.00 -90.91 Taiwan Province of China 240 241 226 35 17 0.01 -51.43 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 363 COUNTRY TABLES SEYCHELLES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,709 1,779 2,191 741 434 0.24 -41.43 Brunei Darussalam 2 1 1 0.00 Cambodia 6 9 6 2 2 0.00 Indonesia 163 202 304 87 54 0.03 -37.93 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 7 Malaysia 205 185 204 52 12 0.01 -76.92 Myanmar 8 18 20 6 Philippines 560 603 825 422 128 0.07 -69.67 Singapore 425 424 383 82 55 0.03 -32.93 Thailand 268 256 272 54 45 0.02 -16.67 Timor-Leste 1 1 Viet Nam 74 78 168 36 137 0.07 280.56 AUSTRALASIA 2,341 2,151 1,980 390 207 0.11 -46.92 Australia 2,032 1,877 1,779 333 154 0.08 -53.75 New Zealand 309 274 201 57 53 0.03 -7.02 MELANESIA 18 14 16 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Fiji 7 3 3 1 1 0.00 New Caledonia 7 10 12 Norfolk Island 1 Papua New Guinea 1 1 1 Solomon Islands 2 Vanuatu 1 3 1 0.00 -66.67 MICRONESIA 4 9 3 2 0.00 Guam 3 Kiribati 4 3 Nauru 5 Palau 1 2 0.00 POLYNESIA 6 10 9 2 0.00 French Polynesia 2 2 4 Niue 1 Samoa 2 6 1 Tonga 2 1 2 0.00 Tuvalu 2 Wallis and Futuna Islands 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 364 COUNTRY TABLES SEYCHELLES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 227,853 248,247 273,057 88,020 136,147 74.46 54.68 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 33,355 33,585 40,286 15,131 54,226 29.66 258.38 Armenia 80 61 51 7 60 0.03 757.14 Azerbaijan 125 155 160 6 125 0.07 1,983.33 Belarus 410 436 579 242 512 0.28 111.57 Bulgaria 1,336 1,285 1,583 819 752 0.41 -8.18 Czech Republic 3,421 4,269 5,553 1,872 3,280 1.79 75.21 Estonia 513 515 631 384 645 0.35 67.97 Georgia 52 56 56 19 112 0.06 489.47 Hungary 2,614 2,647 3,721 1,569 2,318 1.27 47.74 Kazakhstan 475 397 439 128 337 0.18 163.28 Kyrgyzstan 39 40 34 10 30 0.02 200.00 Latvia 323 312 416 227 162 0.09 -28.63 Lithuania 410 349 490 348 340 0.19 -2.30 Moldova, Republic of 99 110 138 26 79 0.04 203.85 Poland 4,489 4,731 6,487 1,300 5,100 2.79 292.31 Romania 1,925 2,151 2,607 769 2,554 1.40 232.12 Russian Federation 13,191 11,362 12,403 5,161 31,392 17.17 508.25 Slovakia 1,466 1,924 2,065 1,040 804 0.44 -22.69 Tajikistan 20 4 0.00 Turkmenistan 7 3 10 6 Ukraine 2,313 2,734 2,809 1,180 5,526 3.02 368.31 Uzbekistan 47 48 54 18 94 0.05 422.22 NORTHERN EUROPE 32,419 37,098 39,460 10,229 6,483 3.55 -36.62 Channel Islands 1 5 9 3 Denmark 1,897 1,883 1,566 493 1,079 0.59 118.86 Finland 1,287 1,626 1,464 453 422 0.23 -6.84 Iceland 29 54 37 6 10 0.01 66.67 Ireland 984 998 971 179 247 0.14 37.99 Isle of Man 27 27 36 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Norway 1,626 1,735 1,702 392 343 0.19 -12.50 Sweden 4,483 3,918 3,617 1,312 1,129 0.62 -13.95 United Kingdom 21,991 26,761 29,971 7,337 3,252 1.78 -55.68 Other countries of Northern Europe 94 91 87 43 SOUTHERN EUROPE 32,258 33,828 38,083 4,940 10,111 5.53 104.68 Albania 33 59 101 8 33 0.02 312.50 Andorra 37 48 42 7 23 0.01 228.57 Bosnia and Herzegovina 65 104 111 19 64 0.04 236.84 Croatia 597 688 913 352 281 0.15 -20.17 Gibraltar 15 20 22 4 5 0.00 25.00 Greece 554 541 521 136 485 0.27 256.62 Holy See 2 0.00 Italy 23,716 24,409 27,289 2,884 3,313 1.81 14.88 Malta 146 178 193 42 47 0.03 11.90 Montenegro 46 47 56 14 53 0.03 278.57 North Macedonia 62 96 122 38 62 0.03 63.16 Portugal 895 1,189 1,445 209 1,113 0.61 432.54 San Marino 30 17 52 1 4 0.00 300.00 Serbia 672 773 958 231 914 0.50 295.67 Slovenia 966 1,097 1,727 347 567 0.31 63.40 Spain 4,424 4,547 4,528 647 3,137 1.72 384.85 Other countries of Southern Europe 15 3 1 8 0.00 700.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 365 COUNTRY TABLES SEYCHELLES 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 120,214 136,629 148,000 44,696 53,580 29.30 19.88 Austria 8,720 10,359 8,989 2,456 4,068 2.22 65.64 Belgium 3,454 3,301 3,116 587 2,933 1.60 399.66 France 41,118 43,549 43,297 12,006 18,425 10.08 53.46 Germany 50,476 61,339 72,509 24,069 17,673 9.67 -26.57 Liechtenstein 53 49 65 19 24 0.01 26.32 Luxembourg 577 678 863 143 484 0.26 238.46 Monaco 140 165 192 51 100 0.05 96.08 Netherlands 3,254 3,795 3,669 761 1,387 0.76 82.26 Switzerland 12,422 13,394 15,300 4,604 8,486 4.64 84.32 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 9,607 7,107 7,228 13,024 11,747 6.42 -9.80 Cyprus 237 229 288 88 195 0.11 121.59 Israel 6,092 4,814 5,185 12,488 10,551 5.77 -15.51 Türkiye 3,278 2,064 1,755 448 1,001 0.55 123.44 MIDDLE EAST 36,807 33,006 33,018 8,990 31,624 17.30 251.77 Bahrain 704 405 421 130 446 0.24 243.08 Egypt 260 358 390 132 315 0.17 138.64 Iraq 29 29 39 18 54 0.03 200.00 Jordan 135 145 117 22 122 0.07 454.55 Kuwait 666 521 751 161 777 0.42 382.61 Lebanon 454 445 448 85 404 0.22 375.29 Libya 69 81 34 9 34 0.02 277.78 Oman 288 239 200 47 97 0.05 106.38 Qatar 3,747 3,935 4,298 708 3,298 1.80 365.82 Saudi Arabia 2,163 1,720 1,619 574 4,327 2.37 653.83 State of Palestine 10 21 22 3 13 0.01 333.33 Syrian Arab Republic 66 38 31 35 0.02 United Arab Emirates 28,209 25,024 24,609 7,097 21,699 11.87 205.75 Yemen 7 45 39 4 3 0.00 -25.00 SOUTH ASIA 16,076 16,021 16,041 3,230 1,054 0.58 -67.37 Afghanistan 13 14 7 2 7 0.00 250.00 Bangladesh 181 213 161 31 28 0.02 -9.68 Bhutan 2 4 2 India 13,518 13,901 14,338 2,898 431 0.24 -85.13 Iran, Islamic Republic of 559 369 232 19 170 0.09 794.74 Maldives 93 105 124 41 43 0.02 4.88 Nepal 179 128 109 23 9 0.00 -60.87 Pakistan 516 428 296 85 94 0.05 10.59 Sri Lanka 1,015 863 770 129 272 0.15 110.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 366 COUNTRY TABLES SIERRA LEONE / SIERRA LEONA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 51,139 56,500 63,090 24,456 40,309 100.00 64.82 AFRICA 14,358 14,602 13,729 7,463 9,200 22.82 23.27 EAST AFRICA 2,547 1,261 2,766 903 1,373 3.41 52.05 Burundi 101 105 48 8 15 0.04 87.50 Comoros 5 17 1 Djibouti 10 11 2 2 2 0.00 Eritrea 10 24 20 7 13 0.03 85.71 Ethiopia 124 64 199 100 173 0.43 73.00 Kenya 1,230 641 1,159 271 366 0.91 35.06 Madagascar 25 10 17 2 7 0.02 250.00 Malawi 88 23 92 37 81 0.20 118.92 Mozambique 200 97 17 8 19 0.05 137.50 Rwanda 89 24 133 62 73 0.18 17.74 Seychelles 2 2 11 0.03 450.00 Somalia 1 8 4 4 0.01 Tanzania, United Republic of 2 1 102 37 43 0.11 16.22 Uganda 320 87 439 138 208 0.52 50.72 Zambia 119 56 141 52 82 0.20 57.69 Zimbabwe 223 101 386 173 276 0.68 59.54 CENTRAL AFRICA 396 266 442 210 323 0.80 53.81 Angola 26 10 13 7 14 0.03 100.00 Cameroon 187 68 233 118 183 0.45 55.08 Central African Republic 2 1 2 4 9 0.02 125.00 Chad 20 10 29 9 15 0.04 66.67 Congo 44 61 138 59 95 0.24 61.02 Equatorial Guinea 9 25 2 1 Gabon 108 91 25 12 7 0.02 -41.67 NORTH AFRICA 1,296 1,626 269 94 159 0.39 69.15 Algeria 55 89 21 4 11 0.03 1 75.00 Morocco 1,047 1,204 92 36 36 0.09 Sudan 89 65 77 18 45 0.11 150.00 Tunisia 105 268 79 36 67 0.17 86.11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,365 2,088 1,751 674 1,557 3.86 131.01 Botswana 39 32 58 13 24 0.06 84.62 Eswatini 45 1 Lesotho 35 41 28 4 5 0.01 25.00 South Africa 1,246 2,014 1,665 657 1,528 3.79 132.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 367 COUNTRY TABLES SIERRA LEONE / SIERRA LEONA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 8,754 9,361 8,501 5,582 5,788 14.36 3.69 Benin 189 125 172 88 132 0.33 50.00 Burkina Faso 125 104 162 52 120 0.30 130.77 Cabo Verde 29 5 24 31 17 0.04 -45.16 Cote d'lvoire 38 25 238 182 0.45 -23.53 Gambia 436 758 873 409 509 1.26 24.45 Ghana 3,398 2,457 1,694 963 1,506 3.74 56.39 Guinea 547 987 964 478 766 1.90 60.25 Guinea-Bissau 25 67 51 48 39 0.10 -18.75 Liberia 670 948 819 325 408 1.01 25.54 Mali 88 168 134 105 135 0.33 28.57 Mauritania 21 12 39 8 12 0.03 50.00 Niger 45 10 62 26 74 0.18 184.62 Nigeria 2,867 3,114 2,398 2,195 1,290 3.20 -41.23 Senegal 231 456 952 560 484 1.20 -13.57 Togo 45 125 157 56 114 0.28 103.57 AMERICAS 11,899 15,428 15,039 4,728 11,049 27.41 133.69 CARIBBEAN 367 689 89 25 58 0.14 132.00 Bahamas 125 168 2 1 0.00 Barbados 89 110 4 1 4 0.01 300.00 Cuba 35 135 23 8 13 0.03 62.50 Haiti 3 7 11 5 14 0.03 180.00 Jamaica 78 164 32 8 12 0.03 50.00 Saint Lucia 12 3 2 1 Trinidad and Tobago 25 102 15 2 14 0.03 600.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 16 20 8 10 18 0.04 80.00 Costa Rica 15 15 7 6 18 0.04 200.00 El Salvador 1 5 1 4 NORTH AMERICA 11,375 14,213 14,766 4,624 10,864 26.95 134.95 Canada 1,897 2,614 2,657 502 1,015 2.52 102.19 Mexico 22 345 316 16 36 0.09 125.00 United States of America 9,456 11,254 11,793 4,106 9,813 24.34 138.99 SOUTH AMERICA 141 506 176 69 109 0.27 57.97 Argentina 47 157 30 14 12 0.03 -14.29 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1 5 1 1 Brazil 42 203 77 32 59 0.15 84.38 Chile 20 122 22 1 7 0.02 600.00 Ecuador 4 4 1 4 0.01 300.00 Paraguay 2 12 1 0.00 Peru 1 1 15 12 7 0.02 -41.67 Uruguay 2 2 1 1 5 0.01 400.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 28 10 14 7 14 0.03 100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 368 COUNTRY TABLES SIERRA LEONE / SIERRA LEONA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,617 5,541 6,138 1,607 3,239 8.04 101.56 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,534 3,095 3,223 639 1,182 2.93 84.98 China 1,868 2,014 2,618 419 996 2.47 137.71 Japan 425 789 311 89 101 0.25 13.48 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 33 89 18 4 0.01 -77.78 Korea, Republic of 198 201 293 113 80 0.20 -29.20 Mongolia 10 2 1 1 0.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 411 400 598 289 299 0.74 3.46 Cambodia 25 3 6 1 23 0.06 2,200.00 Indonesia 125 114 47 20 4 0.01 -80.00 Malaysia 186 158 63 16 15 0.04 -6.25 Philippines 33 102 397 199 209 0.52 5.03 Singapore 17 12 37 7 6 0.01 -14.29 Thailand 15 10 10 12 28 0.07 133.33 Viet Nam 10 1 38 34 14 0.03 -58.82 AUSTRALASIA 3,584 2,021 2,299 678 1,758 4.36 159.29 Australia 3,438 1,896 2,244 660 1,553 3.85 135.30 New Zealand 146 125 55 18 205 0.51 1,038.89 MELANESIA 88 25 18 1 Papua New Guinea 88 25 18 1 EUROPE 13,049 17,197 20,372 8,305 11,428 28.35 37.60 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 977 1,160 736 367 829 2.06 125.89 Azerbaijan 25 10 6 3 8 0.02 166.67 Belarus 185 204 13 4 13 0.03 225.00 Bulgaria 55 41 40 13 12 0.03 -7.69 Czech Republic (Czechia) 15 25 30 25 22 0.05 -12.00 Estonia 42 33 10 10 9 0.02 -10.00 Georgia 86 68 9 4 24 0.06 500.00 Hungary 36 25 34 7 15 0.04 114.29 Kazakhstan 55 65 24 9 10 0.02 11.11 Latvia 46 98 9 5 18 0.04 260.00 Lithuania 24 66 26 12 15 0.04 25.00 Moldova, Republic of 3 15 5 1 3 0.01 200.00 Poland 74 98 104 67 222 0.55 231.34 Romania 88 125 117 42 42 0.10 Russian Federation 148 178 209 121 231 0.57 90.91 Tajikistan 7 5 3 3 0.01 Ukraine 88 104 100 41 182 0.45 343.90 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,076 4,623 11,048 3,583 5,088 12.62 42.00 Denmark 210 540 312 329 284 0.70 -13.68 Finland 145 547 67 35 225 0.56 542.86 Iceland 66 41 83 17 3 0.01 -82.35 Ireland 124 684 785 115 270 0.67 134.78 Norway 235 456 300 84 230 0.57 173.81 Sweden 142 254 580 79 195 0.48 146.84 United Kingdom 2,154 2,101 8,921 2,924 3,881 9.63 32.73 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 369 COUNTRY TABLES SIERRA LEONE / SIERRA LEONA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 687 2,354 2,574 639 1,531 3.80 139.59 Albania 3 10 31 7 35 0.09 400.00 Andorra 5 3 2 1 3 0.01 200.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 15 8 2 3 0.01 50.00 Croatia 77 58 34 11 22 0.05 100.00 Greece 45 68 74 9 160 0.40 1,677.78 Holy See 2 25 1 0.00 Italy 204 845 945 301 536 1.33 78.07 Malta 2 5 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Montenegro 87 102 6 15 0.04 150.00 North Macedonia 1 2 4 9 11 0.03 22.22 Portugal 126 346 123 50 211 0.52 322.00 Serbia 25 89 40 28 28 0.07 Spain 103 786 1,308 213 505 1.25 137.09 WESTERN EUROPE 8,070 8,858 5,143 3,341 3,136 7.78 -6.14 Austria 1,254 1,754 84 56 157 0.39 180.36 Belgium 2,115 1,865 546 236 362 0.90 53.39 France 2,209 1,246 1,128 927 530 1.31 -42.83 Germany 1,205 2,258 1,666 873 868 2.15 -0.57 Luxembourg 2 1 3 1 4 0.01 300.00 Monaco 186 201 Netherlands 1,000 1,357 1,498 1,184 1,007 2.50 -14.95 Switzerland 99 176 218 64 208 0.52 225.00 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 239 202 871 375 844 2.09 125.07 Cyprus 5 1 29 8 4 0.01 -50.00 Israel 89 102 108 41 128 0.32 212.20 Turkiye 145 99 734 326 712 1.77 118.40 MIDDLE EAST 2,807 2,158 3,412 1,112 2,778 6.89 149.82 Egypt 455 346 1,576 204 577 1.43 182.84 Iraq 150 99 13 12 8 0.02 -33.33 Jordan 98 76 15 15 10 0.02 -33.33 Kuwait 82 53 12 2 3 0.01 50.00 Lebanon 992 772 1,563 789 1,986 4.93 151.71 Libya 200 182 46 16 34 0.08 112.50 Oman 43 33 8 6 0.01 Qatar 102 56 6 2 Saudi Arabia 104 88 18 5 14 0.03 180.00 State of Palestine 45 49 7 Syrian Arab Republic 196 164 113 52 140 0.35 169.23 United Arab Emirates 340 240 42 8 SOUTH ASIA 2,409 1,574 4,400 1,241 2,615 6.49 110.72 Afghanistan 10 25 16 5 41 0.10 720.00 Bangladesh 102 132 131 37 100 0.25 170.27 India 1,895 1,110 3,646 969 2,014 5.00 107.84 Iran, Islamic Republic of 66 72 53 27 64 0.16 137.04 Nepal 48 33 45 28 35 0.09 25.00 Pakistan 206 107 435 154 286 0.71 85.71 Sri Lanka 82 95 74 21 75 0.19 257.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 370 COUNTRY TABLES SIERRA LEONE / SIERRA LEONA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 357,973 395,500 441,630 171,192 282,162 100.00 64.82 AFRICA 100,506 102,389 96,103 52,241 64,400 22.82 23.27 OTHER AFRICA 100,506 102,389 96,103 52,241 64,400 22.82 23.27 All countries of Africa 100,506 102,389 96,103 52,241 64,400 22.82 23.27 AMERICAS 83,293 107,996 105,273 33,096 77,343 27.41 133.69 OTHER AMERICAS 83,293 107,996 105,273 33,096 77,343 27.41 133.69 All countries of the Americas 83,293 107,996 105,273 33,096 77,343 27.41 133.69 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 63,182 49,630 73,766 19,936 40,978 14.52 105.55 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 63,182 49,630 73,766 19,936 40,978 14.52 105.55 All countries of Asia 38,094 35,483 57,547 15,890 28,672 10.16 80.44 All countries of Oceania 25,088 14,147 16,219 4,046 12,306 4.36 204.15 EUROPE 73,402 120,379 142,604 58,135 79,995 28.35 37.60 OTHER EUROPE 73,402 120,379 142,604 58,135 79,995 28.35 37.60 All countries of Europe 73,402 120,379 142,604 58,135 79,995 28.35 37.60 MIDDLE EAST 37,590 15,106 23,884 7,784 19,446 6.89 149.82 All countries of Middle East 37,590 15,106 23,884 7,784 19,446 6.89 149.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 371 COUNTRY TABLES SINGAPORE / SINGAPOUR / SINGAPUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 17,424,611 18,508,302 19,116,016 2,742,443 330,059 100.00 -87.96 AFRICA 72,682 79,437 85,784 13,358 458 0.14 -96.57 EAST AFRICA 13,402 14,099 13,096 1,487 35 0.01 -97.65 Mauritius 13,402 14,099 13,096 1,487 35 0.01 -97.65 SOUTHERN AFRICA 34,626 38,411 42,737 7,326 159 0.05 -97.83 South Africa 34,626 38,411 42,737 7,326 159 0.05 -97.83 OTHER AFRICA 24,654 26,927 29,951 4,545 264 0.08 -94.19 Other countries of Africa 24,654 26,927 29,951 4,545 264 0.08 -94.19 AMERICAS 758,653 861,717 962,711 171,252 13,603 4.12 -92.06 NORTH AMERICA 670,644 772,784 867,972 150,109 12,645 3.83 -91.58 Canada 105,214 129,516 138,563 26,927 1,688 0.51 -93.73 United States of America 565,430 643,268 729,409 123,182 10,957 3.32 -91.11 OTHER AMERICAS 88,009 88,933 94,739 21,143 958 0.29 -95.47 Other countries of the Americas 88,009 88,933 94,739 21,143 958 0.29 -95.47 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 13,001,270 13,590,481 14,046,930 1,828,254 210,337 63.73 -88.50 NORHT-EAST ASIA 5,540,470 5,802,412 6,102,101 697,421 110,385 33.44 -84.17 China 3,228,134 3,41 7,604 3,627,120 357,292 88,252 26.74 -75.30 Hong Kong, China 465,781 473,124 488,542 58,976 5,432 1.65 -90.79 Japan 792,873 829,676 884,308 125,879 5,920 1.79 -95.30 Korea, Republic of 631,363 629,454 645,848 89,522 7,126 2.16 -92.04 Taiwan Province of China 395,551 422,938 425,629 61,887 3,407 1.03 -94.49 Other countries of North-East Asia 26,768 29,616 30,654 3,865 248 0.08 -93.58 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 6,225,114 6,520,966 6,624,323 896,779 89,150 27.01 -90.06 Brunei Darussalam 68,419 74,960 72,604 8,153 1,248 0.38 -84.69 Indonesia 2,954,400 3,021,455 3,110,626 457,696 33,457 10.14 -92.69 Malaysia 1,168,384 1,254,022 1,220,730 153,650 24,217 7.34 -84.24 Myanmar 145,721 145,610 155,993 26,112 10,201 3.09 -60.93 Philippines 736,500 778,141 829,325 97,881 11,494 3.48 -88.26 Thailand 531,335 545,650 528,547 63,622 4,379 1.33 -93.12 Viet Nam 531,359 591,614 591,946 74,424 3,444 1.04 -95.37 Other countries of South-East Asia 88,996 109,514 114,552 15,241 710 0.22 -95.34 AUSTRALASIA 1,213,239 1,244,901 1,296,363 230,006 10,647 3.23 -95.37 Australia 1,082,001 1,107,224 1,143,336 206,239 10,052 3.05 -95.13 New Zealand 131,238 137,677 153,027 23,767 595 0.18 -97.50 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,447 22,202 24,143 4,048 155 0.05 -96.17 Other countries of Oceania 22,447 22,202 24,143 4,048 155 0.05 -96.17 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 372 COUNTRY TABLES SINGAPORE / SINGAPOUR / SINGAPUR 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,873,594 2,085,669 2,157,106 493,859 29,663 8.99 -93.99 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 80,134 84,527 80,259 28,991 388 0.12 -98.66 Russian Federation 80,134 84,527 80,259 28,991 388 0.12 -98.66 NORTHERN EUROPE 681,963 769,066 785,414 176,896 10,870 3.29 -93.86 Denmark 33,986 37,417 38,049 9,248 730 0.22 -92.11 Finland 31,327 32,580 30,775 9,021 355 0.11 -96.06 Ireland 20,607 22,677 24,692 4,716 263 0.08 -94.42 Norway 28,993 33,961 33,930 7,430 425 0.13 -94.28 Sweden 48,011 53,422 50,147 13,114 545 0.17 -95.84 United Kingdom 519,039 589,009 607,821 133,367 8,552 2.59 -93.59 SOUTHERN EUROPE 141,064 168,890 168,123 29,941 2,007 0.61 -93.30 Italy 80,428 102,006 102,724 19,685 1,230 0.37 -93.75 Spain 60,636 66,884 65,399 10,256 777 0.24 -92.42 WESTERN EUROPE 740,269 796,569 825,481 179,773 13,253 4.02 -92.63 France 175,413 204,769 212,808 41,621 4,214 1.28 -89.88 Germany 342,386 356,807 380,757 95,563 5,412 1.64 -94.34 Netherlands 86,911 98,332 99,453 17,860 1,957 0.59 -89.04 Switzerland 104,759 102,394 98,001 18,670 1,315 0.40 -92.96 Belgium / Luxembourg 30,800 34,267 34,462 6,059 355 0.11 -94.14 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 19,691 22,385 24,297 4,736 704 0.21 -85.14 Israel 19,691 22,385 24,297 4,736 704 0.21 -85.14 OTHER EUROPE 210,473 244,232 273,532 73,522 2,441 0.74 -96.68 Other countries of Europe 210,473 244,232 273,532 73,522 2,441 0.74 -96.68 MIDDLE EAST 134,027 131,703 141,823 16,033 1,583 0.48 -90.13 Egypt 4,029 4,368 5,182 1,006 94 0.03 -90.66 Kuwait 9,465 9,794 9,625 1,278 38 0.01 -97.03 Saudi Arabia 10,990 11,929 15,471 3,494 196 0.06 -94.39 United Arab Emirates 79,007 76,268 81,530 7,457 940 0.28 -87.39 Other countries of Middle East 30,536 29,344 30,015 2,798 315 0.10 -88.74 SOUTH ASIA 1,584,372 1,759,275 1,721,657 219,684 74,383 22.54 -66.14 Bangladesh 120,589 126,314 136,986 21,897 17,897 5.42 -18.27 India 1,272,077 1,442,277 1,41 7,993 175,522 54,380 16.48 -69.02 Iran, Islamic Republic of 24,885 13,938 7,964 1,052 54 0.02 -94.87 Pakistan 23,506 25,330 19,974 2,976 195 0.06 -93.45 Sri Lanka 107,789 113,802 98,740 11,753 1,468 0.44 -87.51 Other countries of South Asia 35,526 37,614 40,000 6,484 389 0.12 -94.00 NOT SPECIFIED 13 20 5 3 32 0.01 966.67 Other countries of the world 13 20 5 3 32 0.01 966.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 373 COUNTRY TABLES SINT MAARTEN (DUTCH PART) / SINT MAARTEN (PARTIE NEERLANDAISE) / SI NT MAARTEN (PARTE DE LOS PAISES BAJOS) 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 402,220 177,585 319,697 106,425 248,852 100.00 133.83 AMERICAS 273,326 92,623 213,955 67,995 175,135 70.38 157.57 CARIBBEAN 14,501 11,078 12,642 2,372 4,206 1.69 77.32 Antigua and Barbuda 1,395 1,145 1,464 188 312 0.13 65.96 Barbados 138 141 174 15 26 0.01 73.33 Dominican Republic 3,654 2,692 2,860 829 1,776 0.71 114.23 Haiti 1,883 1,829 1,878 402 1,009 0.41 151.00 Jamaica 1,190 1,287 1,307 249 487 0.20 95.58 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,690 2,257 2,436 309 202 0.08 -34.63 Trinidad and Tobago 2,965 1,261 2,188 304 316 0.13 3.95 Other countries of the Caribbean 586 466 335 76 78 0.03 2.63 NORTH AMERICA 247,391 76,696 193,478 63,879 169,064 67.94 164.66 Canada 39,043 9,162 27,736 9,364 8,656 3.48 -7.56 United States of America 208,348 67,534 165,742 54,515 160,408 64.46 194.25 SOUTH AMERICA 9,344 3,575 5,155 1,211 1,183 0.48 -2.31 Argentina 3,615 455 908 183 59 0.02 -67.76 Brazil 2,340 708 1,441 445 232 0.09 -47.87 Colombia 1,249 866 1,282 293 543 0.22 85.32 Guyana 668 676 646 165 250 0.10 51.52 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,472 870 878 125 99 0.04 -20.80 OTHER AMERICAS 2,090 1,274 2,680 533 682 0.27 27.95 Other countries of the Americas 2,090 1,274 2,680 533 682 0.27 27.95 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 334 417 376 46 52 0.02 13.04 NORHT-EAST ASIA 334 417 376 46 52 0.02 13.04 China 334 417 376 46 52 0.02 13.04 EUROPE 115,165 75,095 91,888 33,764 65,067 26.15 92.71 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 973 388 491 302 190 0.08 -37.09 Russian Federation 846 308 416 273 140 0.06 -48.72 Ukraine 127 80 75 29 50 0.02 72.41 NORTHERN EUROPE 305 158 163 49 60 0.02 22.45 Sweden 305 158 163 49 60 0.02 22.45 WESTERN EUROPE 92,002 64,107 74,419 26,748 54,565 21.93 104.00 Belgium 640 340 330 77 111 0.04 44.16 France (*) 52,639 34,365 44,149 18,923 34,012 13.67 79.74 Germany 1,601 734 930 278 140 0.06 -49.64 Netherlands 37,122 28,668 29,010 7,470 20,302 8.16 171.78 OTHER EUROPE 21,885 10,442 16,815 6,665 10,252 4.12 53.82 Other countries of Europe 21,885 10,442 16,815 6,665 10,252 4.12 53.82 MIDDLE EAST 2 3 All countries of Middle East 2 3 NOT SPECIFIED 13,393 9,447 13,478 4,620 8,598 3.46 86.10 Other countries of the world 13,393 9,447 13,478 4,620 8,598 3.46 86.10 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 374 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVAKIA / SLOVAQUIE / ESLOVAQUIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,162,384 2,256,027 2,475,094 854,011 575,687 100.00 -32.59 AFRICA 5,652 5,846 6,887 1,784 1,232 0.21 -30.94 EAST AFRICA 199 265 464 491 301 0.05 -38.70 Kenya 199 265 464 491 301 0.05 -38.70 NORTH AFRICA 667 590 760 180 140 0.02 -22.22 Tunisia 667 590 760 180 140 0.02 -22.22 SOUTHERN AFRICA 1,215 1,579 1,570 212 127 0.02 -40.09 South Africa 1,215 1,579 1,570 212 127 0.02 -40.09 OTHER AFRICA 3,571 3,412 4,093 901 664 0.12 -26.30 Other countries of Africa 3,571 3,412 4,093 901 664 0.12 -26.30 AMERICAS 74,699 82,411 90,515 14,361 15,176 2.64 5.68 CARIBBEAN 36 203 418 142 49 0.01 -65.49 Dominican Republic 36 203 418 142 49 0.01 -65.49 NORTH AMERICA 63,027 70,060 74,344 10,921 13,305 2.31 21.83 Canada 10,562 10,050 12,306 1,344 1,555 0.27 15.70 Mexico 5,737 6,848 4,199 602 379 0.07 -37.04 United States of America 46,728 53,162 57,839 8,975 11,371 1.98 26.70 SOUTH AMERICA 7,759 8,338 10,402 2,269 956 0.17 -57.87 Argentina 1,621 1,835 2,376 645 250 0.04 -61.24 Brazil 6,138 6,503 8,026 1,624 706 0.12 -56.53 OTHER AMERICAS 3,877 3,810 5,351 1,029 866 0.15 -15.84 Other countries of the Americas 3,877 3,810 5,351 1,029 866 0.15 -15.84 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 151,895 150,684 156,096 20,489 10,250 1.78 -49.97 NORHT-EAST ASIA 87,987 90,136 81,048 7,830 3,273 0.57 -58.20 China 61,346 66,961 57,936 4,094 1,041 0.18 -74.57 Japan 7,555 7,474 9,691 1,651 660 0.11 -60.02 Korea, Republic of 19,086 15,701 13,421 2,085 1,572 0.27 -24.60 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,215 4,798 6,202 1,330 679 0.12 -48.95 Thailand 4,473 3,512 3,179 409 200 0.03 -51.10 Viet Nam 742 1,286 3,023 921 479 0.08 -47.99 AUSTRALASIA 10,197 10,888 12,296 1,575 621 0.11 -60.57 Australia 8,676 9,319 10,517 1,321 552 0.10 -58.21 New Zealand 1,521 1,569 1,779 254 69 0.01 -72.83 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 48,496 44,862 56,550 9,754 5,677 0.99 -41.80 Other countries of Asia 48,193 44,763 56,311 9,691 5,609 0.97 -42.12 Other countries of Oceania 303 99 239 63 68 0.01 7.94 EUROPE 1,920,186 2,003,427 2,207,371 815,049 547,030 95.02 -32.88 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,140,743 1,236,337 1,381,874 605,807 359,542 62.45 -40.65 Belarus 8,692 7,990 9,710 2491 1047 0.18 -57.97 Bulgaria 12,115 14,122 14,826 2,924 2,313 0.40 -20.90 Czech Republic (Czechia) 645,195 701,642 777,283 377,599 229,671 39.90 -39.18 Estonia 4,861 4,949 5,153 2,209 1,649 0.29 -25.35 Hungary 101,406 111,780 124,306 42,524 27,631 4.80 -35.02 Latvia 7,786 7,428 11,325 2412 2602 0.45 7.88 Lithuania 18,313 18,936 19,718 5,721 4,957 0.86 -13.35 Moldova, Republic of 1,499 1,402 2,227 460 270 0.05 -41.30 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 375 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVAKIA / SLOVAQUIE / ESLOVAQUIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Poland 209,524 225,899 239,866 115,838 59,270 10.30 -48.83 Romania 34,517 33,805 36,044 9,469 8,299 1.44 -12.36 Russian Federation 43,811 41,593 52,327 11,301 4,318 0.75 -61.79 Ukraine 53,024 66,791 89,089 32,859 17,515 3.04 -46.70 NORTHERN EUROPE 138,317 140,185 159,298 31,373 21,011 3.65 -33.03 Denmark 9,099 9,652 10,385 2,542 2,852 0.50 12.20 Finland 11,002 10,048 14,269 1,841 1,899 0.33 3.15 Iceland 1,693 1,309 1,731 460 313 0.05 -31.96 Ireland 12,595 13,656 15,776 3,653 2,983 0.52 -18.34 Norway 8,442 8,144 9,554 1,317 1,285 0.22 -2.43 Sweden 15,689 13,642 18,586 2,089 3,780 0.66 80.95 United Kingdom 79,797 83,734 88,997 19,471 7,899 1.37 -59.43 SOUTHERN EUROPE 176,368 178,257 200,699 46,939 42,390 7.36 -9.69 Albania 1,270 1,928 3,583 1,172 661 0.11 -43.60 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,475 2,195 3,678 932 597 0.10 -35.94 Croatia 18,673 18,451 21,527 4,463 3,150 0.55 -29.42 Greece 9,803 9,941 12,495 2,783 2,417 0.42 -13.15 Italy 59,775 61,458 66,418 15,470 15,283 2.65 -1.21 Malta 997 2,264 3,025 569 588 0.10 3.34 Montenegro 633 615 684 168 197 0.03 17.26 North Macedonia 3,395 3,192 3,443 919 821 0.14 -10.66 Portugal 5,904 6,437 7,806 1,699 1,903 0.33 12.01 Serbia 23,931 23,043 20,414 4,665 3,869 0.67 -17.06 Slovenia 19,979 18,162 22,403 8,431 4,101 0.71 -51.36 Spain 29,533 30,571 35,223 5,668 8,803 1.53 55.31 WESTERN EUROPE 396,352 385,344 404,133 121,564 111,658 19.40 -8.15 Austria 96,777 99,634 96,613 31,395 26,458 4.60 -15.73 Belgium 18,898 18,793 20,859 4,050 6,089 1.06 50.35 France 41,362 41,866 45,979 9,705 10,821 1.88 11.50 Germany 192,328 178,364 182,378 63,409 52,772 9.17 -16.78 Liechtenstein 269 327 396 161 131 0.02 -18.63 Luxembourg 995 754 932 223 431 0.07 93.27 Netherlands 25,650 26,520 30,218 6,996 9,720 1.69 38.94 Switzerland 20,073 19,086 26,758 5,625 5,236 0.91 -6.92 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 55,657 49,440 47,759 5,303 9,903 1.72 86.74 Cyprus 1,121 2,664 4,606 1,185 763 0.13 -35.61 Israel 44,879 36,567 34,002 2,051 7,383 1.28 259.97 Turkiye 9,657 10,209 9,151 2,067 1,757 0.31 -15.00 OTHER EUROPE 12,749 13,864 13,608 4,063 2,526 0.44 -37.83 Other countries of Europe 12,749 13,864 13,608 4,063 2,526 0.44 -37.83 MIDDLE EAST 1,337 1,606 2,125 325 177 0.03 -45.54 Egypt 1,337 1,606 2,125 325 177 0.03 -45.54 SOUTH ASIA 8,587 12,051 12,100 2,003 1,822 0.32 -9.04 India 8,587 12,051 12,100 2,003 1,822 0.32 -9.04 NOT SPECIFIED 28 2 Other countries of the world 28 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 376 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVAKIA / SLOVAQUIE / ESLOVAQUIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 5,429,331 5,696,384 6,250,865 2,347,568 1,465,243 100.00 -37.58 AFRICA 14,723 16,159 17,847 6,026 4,522 0.31 -24.96 EAST AFRICA 990 1,391 1,996 1,959 1,661 0.11 -15.21 Kenya 990 1,391 1,996 1,959 1,661 0.11 -15.21 NORTH AFRICA 1,473 2,300 2,306 539 362 0.02 -32.84 Tunisia 1,473 2,300 2,306 539 362 0.02 -32.84 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,569 3,001 3,413 447 291 0.02 -34.90 South Africa 2,569 3,001 3,413 447 291 0.02 -34.90 OTHER AFRICA 9,691 9,467 10,132 3,081 2,208 0.15 -28.33 Other countries of Africa 9,691 9,467 10,132 3,081 2,208 0.15 -28.33 AMERICAS 159,647 164,695 188,224 32,334 32,842 2.24 1.57 CARIBBEAN 80 479 916 323 130 0.01 -59.75 Dominican Republic 80 479 916 323 130 0.01 -59.75 NORTH AMERICA 134,755 139,613 156,453 24,876 28,547 1.95 14.76 Canada 24,461 22,372 30,303 3,632 3,557 0.24 -2.06 Mexico 15,098 11,174 10,481 2,258 870 0.06 -61.47 United States of America 95,196 106,067 115,669 18,986 24,120 1.65 27.04 SOUTH AMERICA 17,507 16,936 20,997 4,858 2,203 0.15 -54.65 Argentina 3,099 3,330 4,654 1,550 482 0.03 -68.90 Brazil 14,408 13,606 16,343 3,308 1,721 0.12 -47.97 OTHER AMERICAS 7,305 7,667 9,858 2,277 1,962 0.13 -13.83 Other countries of the Americas 7,305 7,667 9,858 2,277 1,962 0.13 -13.83 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 289,658 301,987 335,925 57,485 41,383 2.82 -28.01 NORHT-EAST ASIA 128,737 137,588 136,546 22,771 13,290 0.91 -41.64 China 78,713 87,228 79,009 6,873 2,724 0.19 -60.37 Japan 16,164 15,551 26,197 6,940 2,715 0.19 -60.88 Korea, Republic of 33,860 34,809 31,340 8,958 7,851 0.54 -12.36 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,867 18,252 26,114 4,942 1,875 0.13 -62.06 Thailand 7,075 6,607 6,850 1,118 484 0.03 -56.71 Viet Nam 1,792 11,645 19,264 3,824 1,391 0.09 -63.62 AUSTRALASIA 22,956 22,760 25,251 3,352 1,426 0.10 -57.46 Australia 19,686 19,594 21,964 2,865 1,174 0.08 -59.02 New Zealand 3,270 3,166 3,287 487 252 0.02 -48.25 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 129,098 123,387 148,014 26,420 24,792 1.69 -6.16 Other countries of Asia 128,636 123,178 147,597 26,301 24689 1.68 -6.13 Other countries of Oceania 462 209 417 119 103 0.01 -13.45 EUROPE 4,944,814 5,173,994 5,670,975 2,241,170 1,377,734 94.03 -38.53 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,065,833 3,330,254 3,710,047 1,716,805 921,643 62.90 -46.32 Belarus 29,556 28,995 35,416 8,022 2,994 0.20 -62.68 Bulgaria 40,940 51,354 38,779 7,940 5,142 0.35 -35.24 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,768,358 1,926,735 2,104,939 1,053,753 618,829 42.23 -41.27 Estonia 12,055 11,498 13,212 7,562 3,177 0.22 -57.99 Hungary 220,240 236,062 262,369 98,791 59,887 4.09 -39.38 Latvia 21,499 19,466 29,109 7,742 5,932 0.40 -23.38 Lithuania 40,864 42,563 46,629 18,057 10,238 0.70 -43.30 Moldova, Republic of 4,248 3,450 9,114 1,731 1,017 0.07 -41.25 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 377 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVAKIA / SLOVAQUIE / ESLOVAQUIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 Poland 512,131 537,712 581,151 320,910 129,312 8.83 -59.70 Romania 99,115 100,801 88,195 28,245 17,550 1.20 -37.87 Russian Federation 137,843 131,109 143,524 36,721 12,673 0.86 -65.49 Ukraine 178,984 240,509 357,610 127,331 54,892 3.75 -56.89 NORTHERN EUROPE 301,202 303,153 362,543 81,907 47,068 3.21 -42.53 Denmark 22,313 22,800 24,408 6,524 5,854 0.40 -10.27 Finland 24,009 20,898 36,419 5,120 4,275 0.29 -16.50 Iceland 3,840 3,071 4,077 1,095 704 0.05 -35.71 Ireland 27,440 30,485 35,273 9,256 7,610 0.52 -17.78 Norway 18,358 18,195 21,314 3,195 2,908 0.20 -8.98 Sweden 32,464 26,861 40,986 5,825 8,005 0.55 37.42 United Kingdom 172,778 180,843 200,066 50,892 17,712 1.21 -65.20 SOUTHERN EUROPE 448,828 459,331 467,543 116,502 107,120 7.31 -8.05 Albania 3,051 5,091 8,650 2,060 1,690 0.12 -17.96 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,014 5,160 8,033 2,326 1,724 0.12 -25.88 Croatia 41,610 37,368 39,342 9,740 6,684 0.46 -31.38 Greece 19,776 20,603 26,538 6,493 5,665 0.39 -12.75 Italy 125,842 131,492 154,472 40,226 39,765 2.71 -1.15 Malta 2,654 6,386 8,534 1,346 1,593 0.11 18.35 Montenegro 1,685 1,427 1,741 307 507 0.03 65.15 North Macedonia 7,467 9,106 8,335 2,491 4,153 0.28 66.72 Portugal 12,764 14,585 17,483 3,968 4,186 0.29 5.49 Serbia 129,369 130,362 78,014 15,830 8,918 0.61 -43.66 Slovenia 38,198 34,624 42,210 16,735 9,882 0.67 -40.95 Spain 60,398 63,127 74,191 14,980 22,353 1.53 49.22 WESTERN EUROPE 890,565 870,610 917,431 300,729 270,502 18.46 -10.05 Austria 182,370 190,006 180,986 63,115 51,687 3.53 -18.11 Belgium 41,607 41,405 46,790 9,110 13,364 0.91 46.70 France 80,876 82,257 95,350 21,756 23,051 1.57 5.95 Germany 487,219 461,560 470,321 179,019 148,678 10.15 -16.95 Liechtenstein 675 659 928 352 246 0.02 -30.11 Luxembourg 2,015 1,331 1,945 580 1,027 0.07 77.07 Netherlands 55,890 55,733 64,030 15,059 21,070 1.44 39.92 Switzerland 39,913 37,659 57,081 11,738 11,379 0.78 -3.06 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 213,304 186,239 175,128 16,143 25,989 1.77 60.99 Cyprus 3,703 8,046 12,649 3,392 2,375 0.16 -29.98 Israel 188,354 157,009 141,817 6,346 19,532 1.33 207.78 Turkiye 21,247 21,184 20,662 6,405 4,082 0.28 -36.27 OTHER EUROPE 25,082 24,407 38,283 9,084 5,412 0.37 -40.42 Other countries of Europe 25,082 24,407 38,283 9,084 5,412 0.37 -40.42 MIDDLE EAST 4,301 5,275 5,913 826 906 0.06 9.69 Egypt 4,301 5,275 5,913 826 906 0.06 9.69 SOUTH ASIA 16,115 34,272 31,981 9,727 7,856 0.54 -19.24 India 16,115 34,272 31,981 9,727 7,856 0.54 -19.24 NOT SPECIFIED 73 2 Other countries of the world 73 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 378 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,536,947 2,619,312 2,758,198 639,500 880,913 100.00 37.75 AFRICA 6,406 7,189 7,847 1,519 2,056 0.23 35.35 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,372 2,644 2,578 198 234 0.03 18.18 South Africa 2,372 2,644 2,578 198 234 0.03 18.18 OTHER AFRICA 4,034 4,545 5,269 1,321 1,822 0.21 37.93 Other countries of Africa 4,034 4,545 5,269 1,321 1,822 0.21 37.93 AMERICAS 115,085 126,936 140,839 11,592 29,015 3.29 150.30 NORTH AMERICA 93,817 103,986 115,844 8,557 25,274 2.87 195.36 Canada 14,629 16,070 19,659 1,066 1,759 0.20 65.01 United States of America 79,182 87,909 96,179 7,491 23,512 2.67 213.87 Other countries of North America 6 7 6 3 0.00 SOUTH AMERICA 8,970 8,875 10,307 1,295 1,195 0.14 -7.72 Brazil 8,970 8,875 10,307 1,295 1,195 0.14 -7.72 OTHER AMERICAS 12,298 14,075 14,688 1,740 2,546 0.29 46.32 Other countries of the Americas 12,298 14,075 14,688 1,740 2,546 0.29 46.32 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 357,459 381,037 410,375 27,891 15,595 1.77 -44.09 NORHT-EAST ASIA 233,018 236,137 237,740 15,843 6,127 0.70 -61.33 China 59,667 71,465 80,468 4,452 3,881 0.44 -12.83 Japan 30,002 31,859 29,948 1,900 1,052 0.12 -44.63 Korea, Republic of 143,349 132,813 127,324 9,491 1,194 0.14 -87.42 AUSTRALASIA 26,203 28,097 30,764 2,258 1,223 0.14 -45.84 Australia 22,841 24,332 26,395 2,070 1,000 0.11 -51.69 New Zealand 3,362 3,765 4,369 188 223 0.03 18.62 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 98,238 116,803 141,871 9,790 8,245 0.94 -15.78 Other countries of Asia 97,873 116,600 141,652 9,752 8,204 0.93 -15.87 Other countries of Oceania 365 203 219 38 41 0.00 7.89 EUROPE 2,057,997 2,104,150 2,199,137 598,498 834,247 94.70 39.39 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 356,746 380,676 411,518 98,711 188,985 21.45 91.45 Bulgaria 27,540 28,832 27,182 5,732 7,837 0.89 36.72 Czech Republic (Czechia) 52,504 58,008 67,950 15,608 39,886 4.53 155.55 Estonia 2,915 3,647 3,285 831 1,711 0.19 105.90 Hungary 79,718 87,923 97,579 29,239 47,448 5.39 62.28 Latvia 4,411 3,588 3,806 717 1,587 0.18 121.34 Lithuania 3,907 3,509 4,030 912 2,402 0.27 163.38 Poland 57,479 60,830 64,023 12,231 33,001 3.75 169.81 Romania 33,1 74 37,622 38,537 8,848 18,657 2.12 110.86 Russian Federation 45,117 41,871 44,417 8,500 11,016 1.25 29.60 Slovakia 26,684 29,287 31,907 10,423 16,373 1.86 57.09 Ukraine 23,297 25,559 28,802 5,670 9,067 1.03 59.91 NORTHERN EUROPE 137,336 136,433 142,455 18,801 26,172 2.97 39.21 Denmark 10,253 10,356 11,650 2,428 4,449 0.51 83.24 Finland 13,060 12,734 14,436 1,187 1,668 0.19 40.52 Iceland 2,741 2,223 2,214 130 363 0.04 1 79.23 Ireland 7,062 8,436 9,168 1,290 1,783 0.20 38.22 Norway 8,227 8,373 9,406 955 1,726 0.20 80.73 Sweden 18,820 19,253 21,129 1,785 4,853 0.55 1 71.88 United Kingdom 77,173 75,058 74,452 11,026 11,330 1.29 2.76 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 379 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 809,189 798,059 820,774 233,645 239,019 27.13 2.30 Bosnia and Herzegovina 41,840 42,793 46,962 19,633 19,407 2.20 -1.15 Croatia 140,970 150,344 162,183 54,824 41,888 4.76 -23.60 Greece 9,748 8,955 9,136 1,744 3,422 0.39 96.22 Italy 449,025 423,329 420,414 114,254 114,155 12.96 -0.09 Malta 4,894 4,584 4,610 480 1,605 0.18 234.38 Montenegro 9,702 9,311 10,275 2,651 3,557 0.40 34.18 North Macedonia 15,653 15,416 14,876 5,090 7,254 0.82 42.51 Portugal 7,572 8,267 9,151 973 3,112 0.35 219.84 Serbia 95,714 98,852 103,925 29,646 31,249 3.55 5.41 Spain 34,071 36,208 39,242 4,350 13,370 1.52 207.36 WESTERN EUROPE 667,656 709,771 751,099 235,584 361,882 41.08 53.61 Austria 281,727 283,386 292,908 94,440 110,642 12.56 17.16 Belgium 40,781 43,766 44,273 6,961 25,831 2.93 271.08 France 55,040 62,919 68,118 16,153 38,596 4.38 138.94 Germany 208,236 226,665 247,948 93,965 135,064 15.33 43.74 Luxembourg 2,104 2,180 2,414 381 1,825 0.21 379.00 Netherlands 42,048 51,538 51,780 13,262 29,924 3.40 125.64 Switzerland 37,720 39,317 43,658 10,422 20,000 2.27 91.90 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 68,423 61,973 56,527 5,665 9,295 1.06 64.08 Cyprus 1,280 1,084 890 152 493 0.06 224.34 Israel 40,848 36,332 32,559 706 4,749 0.54 572.66 Turkiye 26,295 24,557 23,078 4,807 4,053 0.46 -15.69 OTHER EUROPE 18,647 17,238 16,764 6,092 8,894 1.01 45.99 Other countries of Europe 18,647 1 7,238 16,764 6,092 8,894 1.01 45.99 SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 3,990,677 4,425,142 4,701,878 1,216,114 1,832,446 100.00 50.68 AFRICA 10,821 13,170 13,418 2,883 3,459 0.19 19.98 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,802 4,530 4,496 413 491 0.03 18.89 South Africa 3,802 4,530 4,496 413 491 0.03 18.89 OTHER AFRICA 7,019 8,640 8,922 2,470 2,968 0.16 20.16 Other countries of Africa 7,019 8,640 8,922 2,470 2,968 0.16 20.16 AMERICAS 174,018 208,027 226,795 22,942 49,892 2.72 117.47 NORTH AMERICA 141,195 168,277 183,801 16,410 42,148 2.30 156.84 Canada 24,921 29,775 35,055 2,082 3,279 0.18 57.49 United States of America 116,263 138,488 148,739 14,327 38,861 2.12 1 71.24 Other countries of North America 11 14 7 1 8 0.00 700.00 SOUTH AMERICA 13,024 14,097 16,743 2,500 2,448 0.13 -2.08 Brazil 13,024 14,097 16,743 2,500 2,448 0.13 -2.08 OTHER AMERICAS 19,799 25,653 26,251 4,032 5,296 0.29 31.35 Other countries of the Americas 19,799 25,653 26,251 4,032 5,296 0.29 31.35 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 380 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 426,887 478,032 512,849 37,540 25,610 1.40 -31.78 NORHT-EAST ASIA 256,444 269,055 272,303 19,236 9,098 0.50 -52.70 China 69,549 87,171 98,958 6,162 5,341 0.29 -13.32 Japan 33,250 36,138 33,916 2,549 1,705 0.09 -33.11 Korea, Republic of 153,645 145,746 139,429 10,525 2,052 0.11 -80.50 AUSTRALASIA 50,454 58,951 63,743 4,581 2,984 0.16 -34.86 Australia 42,824 49,978 53,741 4,043 2,340 0.13 -42.12 New Zealand 7,630 8,973 10,002 538 644 0.04 19.70 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 119,989 150,026 176,803 13,723 13,528 0.74 -1.42 Other countries of Asia 119,326 149,558 176,407 13,644 13,423 0.73 -1.62 Other countries of Oceania 663 468 396 79 105 0.01 32.91 EUROPE 3,378,951 3,725,913 3,948,816 1,152,749 1,753,485 95.69 52.11 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 637,586 743,736 807,589 207,813 423,708 23.12 103.89 Bulgaria 36,443 40,784 37,996 8,553 11,206 0.61 31.02 Czech Republic (Czechia) 133,210 160,079 189,802 44,944 121,270 6.62 169.82 Estonia 5,055 6,062 5,403 1,592 2,750 0.15 72.74 Hungary 145,674 180,802 190,944 63,152 103,834 5.67 64.42 Latvia 6,958 6,697 6,889 1,498 3,261 0.18 117.69 Lithuania 7,233 7,663 8,182 1,975 4,730 0.26 139.49 Poland 110,838 125,209 132,566 26,413 82,595 4.51 212.71 Romania 47,173 55,982 57,060 12,740 25,927 1.41 103.51 Russian Federation 61,640 62,845 69,881 13,997 17,307 0.94 23.65 Slovakia 50,725 58,886 64,765 24,196 36,971 2.02 52.80 Ukraine 32,637 38,727 44,101 8,753 13,857 0.76 58.31 NORTHERN EUROPE 258,093 281,753 286,797 33,277 46,585 2.54 39.99 Denmark 22,217 23,241 25,877 4,776 9,670 0.53 102.47 Finland 21,446 23,021 25,538 2,104 2,519 0.14 19.72 Iceland 3,374 2,963 2,952 166 477 0.03 187.35 Ireland 17,556 20,713 21,359 2,337 3,334 0.18 42.66 Norway 12,671 13,110 14,433 1,362 2,378 0.13 74.60 Sweden 30,966 34,709 36,871 2,343 7,159 0.39 205.55 United Kingdom 149,863 163,996 159,767 20,189 21,048 1.15 4.25 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,119,260 1,172,871 1,208,542 345,020 362,142 19.76 4.96 Bosnia and Herzegovina 58,976 66,927 72,049 34,757 35,476 1.94 2.07 Croatia 195,130 218,896 234,980 82,062 63,146 3.45 -23.05 Greece 12,137 12,453 12,362 2,413 4,745 0.26 96.64 Italy 608,363 598,825 597,261 159,082 161,795 8.83 1.71 Malta 6,494 6,960 6,899 740 2,475 0.14 234.46 Montenegro 11,968 12,537 13,305 3,573 4,613 0.25 29.11 North Macedonia 20,906 22,435 22,515 8,391 11,459 0.63 36.56 Portugal 12,424 14,417 16,286 1,915 5,337 0.29 1 78.69 Serbia 124,572 137,516 144,753 42,680 44,385 2.42 3.99 Spain 68,290 81,905 88,132 9,407 28,711 1.57 205.21 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 381 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 1,238,648 1,400,271 1,531,365 549,254 891,954 48.68 62.39 Austria 372,904 381,709 396,464 142,828 1 71,265 9.35 19.91 Belgium 92,382 107,656 113,872 17,760 73,499 4.01 313.85 France 121,769 148,166 166,860 35,679 87,432 4.77 145.05 Germany 436,545 506,081 584,831 289,143 414,222 22.60 43.26 Luxembourg 3,329 3,651 3,940 578 3,132 0.17 441.87 Netherlands 151,042 185,257 186,700 45,080 107,658 5.88 138.82 Switzerland 60,677 67,751 78,698 18,186 34,746 1.90 91.06 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 100,483 101,898 88,875 7,150 15,076 0.82 110.85 Cyprus 1,583 1,473 1,225 236 646 0.04 173.73 Israel 67,592 70,354 59,61 7 1,082 8,967 0.49 728.74 Turkiye 31,308 30,071 28,033 5,832 5,463 0.30 -6.33 OTHER EUROPE 24,881 25,384 25,648 10,235 14,020 0.77 36.98 Other countries of Europe 24,881 25,384 25,648 10,235 14,020 0.77 36.98 SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 5,826,131 6,149,887 6,126,322 1,561,664 2,101,878 100.00 34.59 AFRICA 17,276 20,779 21,119 4,160 6,202 0.30 49.09 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,574 5,763 5,228 552 612 0.03 10.87 South Africa 5,574 5,763 5,228 552 612 0.03 10.87 OTHER AFRICA 11,702 15,016 15,891 3,608 5,590 0.27 54.93 Other countries of Africa 11,702 15,016 15,891 3,608 5,590 0.27 54.93 AMERICAS 245,063 286,058 287,967 27,437 71,293 3.39 159.84 NORTH AMERICA 203,381 238,158 241,234 20,586 61,152 2.91 197.06 Canada 31,070 37,014 38,262 2,886 4,568 0.22 58.28 United States of America 172,303 201,132 202,950 17,700 56,560 2.69 219.55 Other countries of North America 8 12 22 24 0.00 SOUTH AMERICA 18,371 19,989 19,098 2,888 3,161 0.15 9.45 Brazil 18,371 19,989 19,098 2,888 3,161 0.15 9.45 OTHER AMERICAS 23,311 27,911 27,635 3,963 6,980 0.33 76.13 Other countries of the Americas 23,311 27,911 27,635 3,963 6,980 0.33 76.13 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 504,492 588,825 585,403 48,978 48,035 2.29 -1.93 NORHT-EAST ASIA 279,284 309,397 292,537 24,936 17,238 0.82 -30.87 China 79,095 103,544 110,817 10,765 11,490 0.55 6.73 Japan 47,408 58,499 45,557 3,489 3,153 0.15 -9.63 Korea, Republic of 152,781 147,354 136,163 10,682 2,595 0.12 -75.71 AUSTRALASIA 48,355 56,616 58,674 4,391 3,006 0.14 -31.54 Australia 42,263 49,541 50,007 4,013 2,365 0.11 -41.07 New Zealand 6,092 7,075 8,667 378 641 0.03 69.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 382 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 176,853 222,812 234,192 19,651 27,791 1.32 41.42 Other countries of Asia 176,217 222,308 233,779 19,559 27,681 1.32 41.53 Other countries of Oceania 636 504 413 92 110 0.01 19.57 EUROPE 5,059,300 5,254,225 5,231,833 1,481,089 1,976,348 94.03 33.44 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 955,804 1,025,470 1,059,709 269,074 483,833 23.02 79.81 Bulgaria 42,632 46,908 42,413 10,185 16,534 0.79 62.34 Czech Republic (Czechia) 129,810 151,126 180,125 46,246 113,110 5.38 144.58 Estonia 6,144 8,224 7,558 2,430 4,244 0.20 74.65 Hungary 196,771 227,278 247,052 81,419 124,885 5.94 53.39 Latvia 9,510 8,165 8,112 1,861 3,916 0.19 110.42 Lithuania 8,642 7,813 8,876 2,243 5,520 0.26 146.10 Poland 103,547 114,810 124,135 27,227 67,267 3.20 147.06 Romania 78,480 86,453 70,790 16,577 35,799 1.70 115.96 Russian Federation 247,972 222,086 215,458 35,650 35,614 1.69 -0.10 Slovakia 64,356 74,552 77,464 27,715 49,306 2.35 77.90 Ukraine 67,940 78,055 77,726 17,521 27,638 1.31 57.74 NORTHERN EUROPE 387,634 388,541 379,112 51,730 69,371 3.30 34.10 Denmark 24,203 24,728 24,371 5,202 10,639 0.51 104.52 Finland 33,712 37,744 39,232 3,837 5,186 0.25 35.16 Iceland 9,238 8,469 6,294 567 1,391 0.07 145.33 Ireland 19,591 23,122 26,089 3,484 4,691 0.22 34.64 Norway 20,991 20,665 22,377 2,476 5,408 0.26 118.42 Sweden 43,014 46,444 47,629 4,278 11,284 0.54 163.77 United Kingdom 236,885 227,369 213,120 31,886 30,772 1.46 -3.49 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,807,393 1,837,406 1,797,193 562,907 557,373 26.52 -0.98 Bosnia and Herzegovina 99,705 111,803 114,127 55,723 45,566 2.17 -18.23 Croatia 313,955 340,007 348,510 140,982 101,838 4.85 -27.77 Greece 19,875 21,610 20,379 4,441 12,269 0.58 176.27 Italy 957,128 920,942 878,282 246,281 238,038 11.33 -3.35 Malta 23,765 22,506 20,778 1,645 5,218 0.25 217.20 Montenegro 21,212 20,873 22,517 6,317 8,445 0.40 33.69 North Macedonia 40,003 39,874 30,207 11,886 15,836 0.75 33.23 Portugal 16,293 19,546 18,360 2,366 7,983 0.38 237.40 Serbia 241,226 257,576 257,872 83,359 90,754 4.32 8.87 Spain 74,231 82,669 86,161 9,907 31,426 1.50 217.21 WESTERN EUROPE 1,675,758 1,791,085 1,809,249 571,790 819,152 38.97 43.26 Austria 728,305 741,479 736,136 235,501 273,315 13.00 16.06 Belgium 121,952 132,712 120,463 16,764 60,708 2.89 262.13 France 116,250 135,610 134,626 33,278 79,642 3.79 139.32 Germany 525,048 571,172 610,548 234,817 303,1 70 14.42 29.11 Luxembourg 5,065 5,548 5,134 611 3,500 0.17 472.83 Netherlands 100,834 120,003 114,676 30,067 60,072 2.86 99.79 Switzerland 78,304 84,561 87,666 20,752 38,745 1.84 86.70 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 186,243 173,059 151,390 12,066 26,148 1.24 116.71 Cyprus 3,991 3,378 2,600 534 1,581 0.08 196.07 Israel 137,552 127,382 112,290 2,101 13,231 0.63 529.75 Turkiye 44,700 42,299 36,500 9,431 11,336 0.54 20.20 OTHER EUROPE 46,468 38,664 35,180 13,522 20,471 0.97 51.39 Other countries of Europe 46,468 38,664 35,180 13,522 20,471 0.97 51.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 383 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 9,685,333 11,176,010 11,370,766 3,354,356 4,794,472 100.00 42.93 AFRICA 30,067 40,954 39,081 10,017 11,330 0.24 13.11 SOUTHERN AFRICA 9,113 10,747 10,155 1,239 1,259 0.03 1.61 South Africa 9,113 10,747 10,155 1,239 1,259 0.03 1.61 OTHER AFRICA 20,954 30,207 28,926 8,778 10,071 0.21 14.73 Other countries of Africa 20,954 30,207 28,926 8,778 10,071 0.21 14.73 AMERICAS 375,908 469,227 484,569 60,344 126,410 2.64 109.48 NORTH AMERICA 308,188 382,801 397,029 43,091 104,626 2.18 142.80 Canada 54,220 67,891 73,939 5,676 9,279 0.19 63.48 United States of America 253,955 314,861 323,064 37,414 95,292 1.99 154.70 Other countries of North America 13 49 26 1 55 0.00 5,400.00 SOUTH AMERICA 27,311 31,322 32,439 6,263 6,652 0.14 6.21 Brazil 27,311 31,322 32,439 6,263 6,652 0.14 6.21 OTHER AMERICAS 40,409 55,104 55,101 10,990 15,132 0.32 37.69 Other countries of the Americas 40,409 55,104 55,101 10,990 15,132 0.32 37.69 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 656,898 807,333 829,886 83,018 76,554 1.60 -7.79 NORHT-EAST ASIA 323,903 376,440 373,994 39,078 25,675 0.54 -34.30 China 98,550 136,442 159,767 20,666 15,799 0.33 -23.55 Japan 54,642 68,336 54,513 5,054 5,425 0.11 7.34 Korea, Republic of 170,711 171,662 159,714 13,358 4,451 0.09 -66.68 AUSTRALASIA 101,210 126,707 133,477 10,827 7,588 0.16 -29.92 Australia 86,279 108,818 112,535 9,524 5,800 0.12 -39.10 New Zealand 14,931 1 7,889 20,942 1,303 1,788 0.04 37.22 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 231,785 304,186 322,415 33,113 43,291 0.90 30.74 Other countries of Asia 230,466 303,058 321,604 32,665 43,039 0.90 31.76 Other countries of Oceania 1,319 1,128 811 448 252 0.01 -43.75 EUROPE 8,622,460 9,858,496 10,017,230 3,200,977 4,580,178 95.53 43.09 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,680,992 2,043,505 2,137,309 593,027 1,128,094 23.53 90.23 Bulgaria 60,488 71,538 64,855 18,911 25,341 0.53 34.00 Czech Republic (Czechia) 331,967 431,335 511,754 129,436 331,030 6.90 155.75 Estonia 11,083 14,471 13,245 4,666 7,071 0.15 51.54 Hungary 374,431 484,913 496,271 181,859 286,585 5.98 57.59 Latvia 15,443 16,026 16,462 3,796 9,486 0.20 149.89 Lithuania 16,552 21,072 19,866 5,612 11,256 0.23 100.57 Poland 241,339 297,403 312,763 65,934 194,384 4.05 194.82 Romania 108,872 135,304 113,939 28,809 54,941 1.15 90.71 Russian Federation 305,619 298,443 303,280 59,664 57,600 1.20 -3.46 Slovakia 122,105 154,780 164,025 65,336 106,689 2.23 63.29 Ukraine 93,093 118,220 120,849 29,004 43,711 0.91 50.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 384 COUNTRY TABLES SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / ESLOVENIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 706,825 797,173 774,939 99,822 129,601 2.70 29.83 Denmark 65,033 69,092 73,415 13,510 27,009 0.56 99.92 Finland 56,287 68,433 70,257 7,324 8,283 0.17 13.09 Iceland 11,038 10,846 7,987 796 1,701 0.04 113.69 Ireland 46,491 57,997 60,265 7,205 9,245 0.19 28.31 Norway 31,613 33,476 34,610 3,894 7,442 0.16 91.11 Sweden 69,864 86,741 84,072 5,966 17,573 0.37 194.55 United Kingdom 426,499 470,588 444,333 61,127 58,348 1.22 -4.55 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,571,217 2,836,744 2,792,448 939,972 955,223 19.92 1.62 Bosnia and Herzegovina 153,654 195,513 195,874 116,491 109,164 2.28 -6.29 Croatia 452,736 527,118 538,140 224,235 165,091 3.44 -26.38 Greece 25,744 31,746 30,190 7,169 17,354 0.36 142.07 Italy 1,320,161 1,334,059 1,278,454 364,373 353,567 7.37 -2.97 Malta 28,938 29,952 28,546 2,676 8,078 0.17 201.87 Montenegro 27,722 32,523 33,807 11,924 14,892 0.31 24.89 North Macedonia 56,085 65,651 59,511 31,834 42,126 0.88 32.33 Portugal 29,009 40,018 40,401 8,884 19,949 0.42 124.55 Serbia 321,848 376,162 379,755 141,872 152,106 3.17 7.21 Spain 155,320 204,002 207,770 30,514 72,896 1.52 138.89 WESTERN EUROPE 3,316,797 3,810,669 3,988,572 1,516,304 2,282,264 47.60 50.51 Austria 976,727 1,011,135 1,011,682 373,236 433,527 9.04 16.15 Belgium 272,396 325,845 327,392 49,839 191,645 4.00 284.53 France 265,864 339,177 370,188 82,350 192,787 4.02 134.11 Germany 1,159,905 1,362,214 1,522,057 813,993 1,070,526 22.33 31.52 Luxembourg 8,047 9,200 8,678 1,120 6,727 0.14 500.63 Netherlands 503,902 612,710 583,274 155,956 315,835 6.59 102.52 Switzerland 129,956 150,388 165,301 39,810 71,217 1.49 78.89 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 284,997 309,015 265,181 22,983 48,637 1.01 111.62 Cyprus 4,880 4,855 3,833 780 2,114 0.04 1 71.03 Israel 221,713 237,237 202,351 3,802 24,725 0.52 550.32 Turkiye 58,404 66,923 58,997 18,401 21,798 0.45 18.46 OTHER EUROPE 61,632 61,390 58,781 28,869 36,359 0.76 25.94 Other countries of Europe 61,632 61,390 58,781 28,869 36,359 0.76 25.94 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 385 COUNTRY TABLES SOLOMON ISLANDS / ILES SALOMON / ISLAS SALOMON 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 25,709 27,866 28,930 4,441 737 100.00 -83.40 AMERICAS 1,799 1,820 2,163 255 7 0.95 -97.25 NORTH AMERICA 1,799 1,820 2,163 255 7 0.95 -97.25 Canada 176 200 229 46 United States of America 1,623 1,620 1,934 209 7 0.95 -96.65 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,059 23,983 24,643 3,879 720 97.69 -81.44 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,079 2,707 3,209 225 104 14.11 -53.78 China 1,215 1,284 1,440 110 83 11.26 -24.55 Hong Kong, China 149 161 147 15 Japan 715 805 732 100 21 2.85 -79.00 Korea, Republic of 450 Taiwan Province of China 457 440 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 235 196 Singapore 235 196 AUSTRALASIA 11,857 12,068 12,965 2,142 463 62.82 -78.38 Australia 10,161 10,206 11,011 1,814 337 45.73 -81.42 New Zealand 1,696 1,862 1,954 328 126 17.10 -61.59 MELANESIA 3,918 4,632 4,790 818 101 13.70 -87.65 Fiji 1,664 1,850 1,839 395 53 7.19 -86.58 Papua New Guinea 1,488 1,804 1,649 329 46 6.24 -86.02 Vanuatu 766 978 1,302 94 2 0.27 -97.87 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,205 4,341 3,483 694 52 7.06 -92.51 Other countries of Asia 3,049 2,681 1,972 465 50 6.78 -89.25 Other countries of Oceania 1,156 1,660 1,511 229 2 0.27 -99.13 EUROPE 1,421 1,833 1,729 261 3 0.41 -98.85 NORTHERN EUROPE 496 602 598 72 1 0.14 -98.61 United Kingdom 496 602 598 72 1 0.14 -98.61 SOUTHERN EUROPE 68 93 86 16 Italy 68 93 86 16 WESTERN EUROPE 342 470 475 75 1 0.14 -98.67 France 119 207 201 29 1 0.14 -96.55 Germany 156 176 181 26 Netherlands 67 87 93 20 OTHER EUROPE 515 668 570 98 1 0.14 -98.98 Other countries of Europe 515 668 570 98 1 0.14 -98.98 SOUTH ASIA 130 India 130 NOT SPECIFIED 430 230 265 46 7 0.95 -84.78 Other countries of the world 430 230 265 46 7 0.95 -84.78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 386 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 10,285,197 10,472,105 10,228,593 2,802,320 2,255,699 100.00 -19.51 AFRICA 7,549,886 7,777,661 7,591,671 2,134,701 1,870,806 82.94 -12.36 EAST AFRICA 3,848,767 4,054,603 4,068,873 1,237,905 1,090,053 48.32 -11.94 Burundi 878 816 936 229 380 0.02 65.94 Comoros 219 295 373 168 81 0.00 -51.79 Djibouti 129 100 110 14 35 0.00 150.00 Eritrea 665 680 663 114 162 0.01 42.11 Ethiopia 8,598 9,031 6,705 2,076 2,844 0.13 36.99 Kenya 28,944 29,193 30,329 6,899 7,946 0.35 15.18 Madagascar 2,446 2,571 3,114 646 241 0.01 -62.69 Malawi 175,014 197,317 199,079 53,365 56,313 2.50 5.52 Mauritius 19,528 19,928 21,934 4,633 1,375 0.06 -70.32 Mozambique 1,339,245 1,360,896 1,333,195 422,537 522,866 23.18 23.74 Reunion 68 24 13 17 Rwanda 947 1,068 1,159 230 263 0.01 14.35 Seychelles 8,152 6,091 5,511 1,306 408 0.02 -68.76 Somalia 566 1,536 1,822 152 190 0.01 25.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 36,306 36,473 38,277 10,977 13,248 0.59 20.69 Uganda 14,097 13,686 14,795 3,510 4,302 0.19 22.56 Zambia 1 73,033 165,968 152,064 46,486 68,669 3.04 47.72 Zimbabwe 2,039,932 2,208,930 2,258,794 684,546 410,730 18.21 -40.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 96,426 115,432 109,946 28,546 27,445 1.22 -3.86 Angola 49,299 64,859 61,995 15,443 9,312 0.41 -39.70 Cameroon 5,094 5,098 5,103 1,332 2,009 0.09 50.83 Central African Republic 147 167 165 71 62 0.00 -12.68 Chad 343 328 376 103 164 0.01 59.22 Congo 3,364 2,716 2,376 562 1,003 0.04 78.47 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 29,675 35,356 33,105 9,062 12,918 0.57 42.55 Equatorial Guinea 450 407 496 101 150 0.01 48.51 Gabon 7,982 6,388 6,227 1,825 1,816 0.08 -0.49 Sao Tome and Principe 72 113 103 47 11 0.00 -76.60 NORTH AFRICA 6,991 7,108 7,785 1,970 2,104 0.09 6.80 Algeria 1,202 1,083 1,488 333 458 0.02 37.54 Morocco 1,683 1,902 2,143 498 348 0.02 -30.12 South Sudan 832 868 1,026 249 353 0.02 41.77 Sudan 2,107 2,206 1,800 542 648 0.03 19.56 Tunisia 1,146 1,026 1,313 347 290 0.01 -16.43 Western Sahara 21 23 15 1 7 0.00 600.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,514,329 3,511,856 3,333,825 847,670 727,534 32.25 -14.17 Botswana 681,379 688,566 668,315 129,467 103,158 4.57 -20.32 Eswatini 876,992 883,735 91 7,631 214,947 1 77,650 7.88 -17.35 Lesotho 1,747,211 1,739,188 1,563,448 448,745 355,255 15.75 -20.83 Namibia 208,747 200,367 184,431 54,511 91,471 4.06 67.80 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 387 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 83,373 88,662 71,242 18,610 23,670 1.05 27.19 Benin 1,707 1,520 1,841 476 492 0.02 3.36 Burkina Faso 773 707 791 166 143 0.01 -13.86 Cabo Verde 595 367 371 64 58 0.00 -9.38 Cote d'lvoire 2,457 2,696 2,788 630 642 0.03 1.90 Gambia 581 509 450 120 98 0.00 -18.33 Ghana 17,705 20,999 18,381 5,257 8,249 0.37 56.91 Guinea 1,539 1,572 1,322 364 535 0.02 46.98 Guinea-Bissau 152 147 134 36 28 0.00 -22.22 Liberia 695 671 731 136 219 0.01 61.03 Mali 1,572 1,418 1,142 315 413 0.02 31.11 Mauritania 248 212 234 47 39 0.00 -17.02 Niger 328 320 316 73 102 0.00 39.73 Nigeria 50,921 53,769 39,041 10,191 11,735 0.52 15.15 Saint Helena 243 136 97 41 9 0.00 -78.05 Senegal 2,609 2,360 2,166 392 619 0.03 57.91 Sierra Leone 695 659 800 180 162 0.01 -10.00 Togo 553 600 637 122 127 0.01 4.10 AMERICAS 545,485 561,187 560,651 119,872 99,403 4.41 -17.08 CARIBBEAN 3,214 3,282 3,771 816 811 0.04 -0.61 Antigua and Barbuda 75 86 143 39 51 0.00 30.77 Bahamas 205 196 287 44 54 0.00 22.73 Barbados 213 213 223 37 22 0.00 -40.54 Bermuda 3 5 2 1 2 0.00 100.00 Cuba 854 936 1,002 256 426 0.02 66.41 Dominica 47 42 61 17 13 0.00 -23.53 Dominican Republic 165 194 185 35 16 0.00 -54.29 Grenada 40 29 46 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Haiti 111 104 107 44 20 0.00 -54.55 Jamaica 672 848 952 206 110 0.00 -46.60 Saint Lucia 44 28 36 10 6 0.00 -40.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22 28 41 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Trinidad and Tobago 721 533 649 104 77 0.00 -25.96 Other countries of the Caribbean 42 40 37 7 7 0.00 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,658 1,685 1,611 384 257 0.01 -33.07 Belize 60 58 67 11 12 0.00 9.09 Costa Rica 543 583 643 172 94 0.00 -45.35 El Salvador 131 153 95 35 13 0.00 -62.86 Guatemala 247 212 244 39 37 0.00 -5.13 Honduras 117 115 145 25 25 0.00 Nicaragua 65 59 75 23 13 0.00 -43.48 Panama 495 505 342 79 63 0.00 -20.25 NORTH AMERICA 442,528 449,588 445,557 90,455 90,882 4.03 0.47 Canada 67,156 67,779 66,577 17,545 7,494 0.33 -57.29 Mexico 4,625 4,917 5,286 951 1,368 0.06 43.85 United States of America 370,747 376,892 373,694 71,959 82,020 3.64 13.98 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 388 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 98,084 106,631 109,712 28,217 7,453 0.33 -73.59 Argentina 14,874 19,439 15,553 4,891 587 0.03 -88.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 441 379 368 81 66 0.00 -18.52 Brazil 67,797 70,539 77,261 19,388 5,366 0.24 -72.32 Chile 6,140 6,631 5,944 1,532 325 0.01 -78.79 Colombia 2,075 2,347 2,318 550 269 0.01 -51.09 Ecuador 630 792 842 143 139 0.01 -2.80 Guyana 163 175 201 47 43 0.00 -8.51 Paraguay 468 704 705 184 40 0.00 -78.26 Peru 2,788 2,420 3,919 800 383 0.02 -52.13 Suriname 28 57 36 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Uruguay 1,689 2,144 1,687 417 61 0.00 -85.37 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 991 1,004 878 179 171 0.01 -4.47 OTHER AMERICAS 1 1 Other countries of the Americas 1 1 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 327,708 323,709 319,494 55,208 20,434 0.91 -62.99 NORHT-EAST ASIA 153,301 152,390 148,909 23,339 9,919 0.44 -57.50 China 97,069 96,915 93,171 12,592 6,577 0.29 -47.77 Hong Kong, China 202 221 199 45 2 0.00 -95.56 Japan 27,410 27,541 28,388 5,236 1,194 0.05 -77.20 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 107 95 113 12 14 0.00 16.67 Korea, Republic of 22,173 21,868 19,947 4,222 1,363 0.06 -67.72 Macao, China 55 61 48 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Mongolia 124 133 119 16 6 0.00 -62.50 Taiwan Province of China 6,161 5,556 6,924 1,210 760 0.03 -37.19 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 40,664 39,930 42,398 7,211 5,577 0.25 -22.66 Brunei Darussalam 22 33 59 4 Cambodia 87 85 89 20 13 0.00 -35.00 Indonesia 3,005 4,067 3,604 566 387 0.02 -31.63 Lao People's Democratic Republic 38 27 30 1 2 0.00 100.00 Malaysia 9,282 7,460 9,295 1,398 541 0.02 -61.30 Myanmar 257 305 257 84 98 0.00 16.67 Philippines 7,204 7,610 7,802 1,901 3,047 0.14 60.28 Singapore 10,964 9,093 10,052 1,353 222 0.01 -83.59 Thailand 6,878 7,811 7,980 1,380 1,176 0.05 -14.78 Timor-Leste 23 12 22 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Viet Nam 2,904 3,427 3,208 502 90 0.00 -82.07 AUSTRALASIA 133,351 131,059 127,849 24,610 4,916 0.22 -80.02 Australia 116,257 115,846 111,439 20,720 4,059 0.18 -80.41 New Zealand 1 7,094 15,213 16,410 3,890 857 0.04 -77.97 MELANESIA 265 192 235 28 14 0.00 -50.00 Fiji 198 143 170 17 13 0.00 -23.53 Papua New Guinea 53 37 52 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Solomon Islands 3 9 9 Vanuatu 11 3 4 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 389 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 45 73 46 9 6 0.00 -33.33 Kiribati 6 8 7 2 Marshall Islands 1 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 10 3 Nauru 3 12 2 Northern Mariana Islands 30 41 34 7 6 0.00 -14.29 POLYNESIA 82 65 57 11 2 0.00 -81.82 American Samoa 2 1 3 2 Cook Islands 1 French Polynesia 6 1 4 Niue 1 1 1 0.00 Pitcairn 1 1 2 Samoa 27 26 20 2 Tonga 39 33 25 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Tuvalu 6 2 2 EUROPE 1,687,517 1,645,949 1,586,446 452,955 220,965 9.80 -51.22 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 55,757 59,294 58,238 20,225 21,077 0.93 4.21 Armenia 103 135 109 23 23 0.00 Azerbaijan 111 142 141 27 32 0.00 18.52 Belarus 495 466 581 248 186 0.01 -25.00 Bulgaria 2,193 2,144 2,358 691 539 0.02 -22.00 Czech Republic 8,156 8,044 7,751 2,406 1,439 0.06 -40.19 Estonia 1,548 1,603 1,327 557 286 0.01 -48.65 Georgia 247 277 235 47 159 0.01 238.30 Hungary 4,213 3,828 4,008 1,325 985 0.04 -25.66 Kazakhstan 499 576 563 190 204 0.01 7.37 Kyrgyzstan 110 112 138 30 25 0.00 -16.67 Latvia 899 815 722 221 181 0.01 -18.10 Lithuania 1,465 1,350 1,307 443 302 0.01 -31.83 Moldova, Republic of 162 167 150 41 40 0.00 -2.44 Poland 13,891 13,743 13,068 4,461 2,745 0.12 -38.47 Romania 3,303 3,190 3,414 964 837 0.04 -13.17 Russian Federation 12,532 16,783 16,276 6,494 10,625 0.47 63.61 Slovakia 2,683 2,791 2,852 730 428 0.02 -41.37 Tajikistan 38 28 22 5 21 0.00 320.00 Turkmenistan 9 13 6 4 7 0.00 75.00 Ukraine 2,964 2,913 3,082 1,293 1,975 0.09 52.75 Uzbekistan 136 174 128 25 38 0.00 52.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 587,246 569,488 561,648 172,748 60,914 2.70 -64.74 Denmark 28,679 27,649 24,837 8,764 3,424 0.15 -60.93 Finland 10,127 10,430 9,918 3,246 1,167 0.05 -64.05 Iceland 1,229 1,082 857 227 97 0.00 -57.27 Ireland 31,510 31,597 30,282 8,755 3,920 0.17 -55.23 Norway 19,248 19,282 1 7,408 5,290 1,657 0.07 -68.68 Sweden 48,552 48,740 41,787 14,082 4,872 0.22 -65.40 United Kingdom 447,901 430,708 436,559 132,384 45,777 2.03 -65.42 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 390 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 152,601 150,109 147,788 28,201 22,062 0.98 -21.77 Albania 143 188 214 63 50 0.00 -20.63 Andorra 57 68 100 8 38 0.00 375.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 221 219 248 60 47 0.00 -21.67 Croatia 1,999 1,771 1,274 305 295 0.01 -3.28 Gibraltar 1 1 Greece 6,435 6,288 5,957 1,623 1,721 0.08 6.04 Holy See 7 11 9 6 6 0.00 Italy 61,126 63,870 64,764 11,447 6,576 0.29 -42.55 Malta 799 1,014 941 265 101 0.00 -61.89 Montenegro 99 92 81 28 44 0.00 57.14 North Macedonia 234 191 193 45 51 0.00 13.33 Portugal 38,409 31,754 29,737 7,233 5,914 0.26 -18.24 San Marino 20 61 16 12 Serbia 1,919 1,552 1,346 388 416 0.02 7.22 Slovenia 1,165 1,260 1,381 318 194 0.01 -38.99 Spain 39,966 41,766 41,524 6,399 6,609 0.29 3.28 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 1 3 3 1 WESTERN EUROPE 850,176 824,805 774,150 220,661 110,732 4.91 -49.82 Austria 29,602 30,119 30,376 9,463 3,914 0.17 -58.64 Belgium 54,048 57,232 54,233 12,726 9,106 0.40 -28.45 France 196,165 186,251 165,038 41,023 19,761 0.88 -51.83 Germany 349,211 343,229 322,720 106,092 44,388 1.97 -58.16 Liechtenstein 333 245 271 70 57 0.00 -18.57 Luxembourg 2,073 2,364 1,917 531 344 0.02 -35.22 Monaco 99 120 92 33 30 0.00 -9.09 Netherlands 159,621 146,925 144,071 35,026 21,757 0.96 -37.88 Switzerland 59,024 58,320 55,432 15,697 11,375 0.50 -27.53 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 41,737 42,253 44,622 11,120 6,180 0.27 -44.42 Cyprus 1,687 1,660 1,663 433 308 0.01 -28.87 Israel 25,663 26,007 28,887 5,998 3,374 0.15 -43.75 Turkiye 14,387 14,586 14,072 4,689 2,498 0.11 -46.73 MIDDLE EAST 34,388 29,237 33,843 8,792 11,594 0.51 31.87 Bahrain 262 237 232 25 52 0.00 108.00 Egypt 8,500 7,798 8,306 2,555 2,402 0.11 -5.99 Iraq 262 260 363 55 79 0.00 43.64 Jordan 2,604 2,315 2,463 615 821 0.04 33.50 Kuwait 1,364 1,200 1,220 130 206 0.01 58.46 Lebanon 3,298 3,040 3,018 771 638 0.03 -17.25 Libya 956 898 866 268 401 0.02 49.63 Oman 559 561 633 136 96 0.00 -29.41 Qatar 740 500 835 145 578 0.03 298.62 Saudi Arabia 11,164 8,149 10,931 3,225 5,461 0.24 69.33 State of Palestine 394 403 386 91 94 0.00 3.30 Syrian Arab Republic 604 643 717 149 254 0.01 70.47 United Arab Emirates 2,782 2,431 3,077 463 261 0.01 -43.63 Yemen 899 802 796 164 251 0.01 53.05 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 391 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 127,491 120,760 120,897 27,026 28,211 1.25 4.38 Afghanistan 270 273 254 77 53 0.00 -31.17 Bangladesh 5,130 5,770 5,813 1,987 2,844 0.13 43.13 Bhutan 17 24 33 2 1 0.00 -50.00 India 97,921 93,428 95,621 18,892 17,662 0.78 -6.51 Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,311 3,319 1,974 432 409 0.02 -5.32 Maldives 72 53 77 13 21 0.00 61.54 Nepal 611 531 697 159 186 0.01 16.98 Pakistan 15,608 15,003 13,753 4,847 6,602 0.29 36.21 Sri Lanka 2,551 2,359 2,675 617 433 0.02 -29.82 NOT SPECIFIED 12,722 13,602 15,591 3,766 4,286 0.19 13.81 Other countries of the world 12,722 13,602 15,591 3,766 4,286 0.19 13.81 SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 14,975,675 15,004,384 14,797,472 3,886,583 2,663,861 100.00 -31.46 AFRICA 12,022,298 12,089,881 11,939,224 3,170,195 2,240,229 84.10 -29.33 EAST AFRICA 5,337,005 5,429,841 5,488,967 1,578,671 1,198,879 45.01 -24.06 Burundi 917 861 982 244 396 0.01 62.30 Comoros 281 299 383 168 83 0.00 -50.60 Djibouti 129 100 111 14 35 0.00 150.00 Eritrea 698 701 695 121 165 0.01 36.36 Ethiopia 9,023 9,399 7,294 2,276 3,227 0.12 41.78 Kenya 30,290 30,394 31,772 7,188 8,289 0.31 15.32 Madagascar 2,499 2,636 3,219 735 283 0.01 -61.50 Malawi 183,638 205,706 207,668 5,153 58,098 2.18 1,027.46 Mauritius 21,517 21,996 24,129 55,616 1,667 0.06 -97.00 Mozambique 1,905,879 1,911,256 1,883,291 555,979 602,831 22.63 8.43 Reunion 68 24 13 17 Rwanda 1,108 1,203 1,298 287 297 0.01 3.48 Seychelles 8,373 6,288 5,752 1,359 455 0.02 -66.52 Somalia 575 1,563 1,872 154 198 0.01 28.57 Tanzania, United Republic of 39,321 39,749 41,602 11,775 13,957 0.52 18.53 Uganda 15,104 14,516 15,967 3,791 4,643 0.17 22.47 Zambia 183,144 177,099 163,236 49,390 71,079 2.67 43.91 Zimbabwe 2,934,441 3,006,051 3,099,683 884,404 433,1 76 16.26 -51.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 392 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AFRICA 98,599 119,704 114,569 29,777 28,472 1.07 -4.38 Angola 50,077 67,866 65,247 16,282 9,981 0.37 -38.70 Cameroon 5,346 5,260 5,235 1,366 2,060 0.08 50.81 Central African Republic 147 169 168 73 62 0.00 -15.07 Chad 365 341 383 104 167 0.01 60.58 Congo 3,421 2,750 2,412 571 1,013 0.04 77.41 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 30,553 36,302 34,149 9,381 13,175 0.49 40.44 Equatorial Guinea 462 414 498 101 150 0.01 48.51 Gabon 8,142 6,477 6,350 1,849 1,851 0.07 0.11 Sao Tome and Principe 86 125 127 50 13 0.00 -74.00 NORTH AFRICA 7,199 7,305 7,883 2,000 2,173 0.08 8.65 Algeria 1,225 1,111 1,503 337 470 0.02 39.47 Morocco 1,734 1,996 2,179 508 360 0.01 -29.13 South Sudan 856 889 1,034 250 359 0.01 43.60 Sudan 2,132 2,238 1,830 550 661 0.02 20.18 Tunisia 1,231 1,048 1,322 354 316 0.01 -10.73 Western Sahara 21 23 15 1 7 0.00 600.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 6,492,321 6,441,185 6,253,456 1,540,362 986,223 37.02 -35.97 Botswana 1,266,254 1,229,988 1,188,943 233,099 130,669 4.91 -43.94 Eswatini 1,612,756 1,597,400 1,600,921 365,447 231,068 8.67 -36.77 Lesotho 3,362,386 3,372,834 3,243,410 879,049 527,314 19.80 -40.01 Namibia 250,925 240,963 220,182 62,767 97,1 72 3.65 54.81 WEST AFRICA 87,174 91,846 74,349 19,385 24,482 0.92 26.29 Benin 1,809 1,626 1,965 505 521 0.02 3.17 Burkina Faso 795 721 807 167 156 0.01 -6.59 Cabo Verde 666 487 442 75 79 0.00 5.33 Cote d'lvoire 2,512 2,744 2,828 642 659 0.02 2.65 Gambia 634 575 483 126 99 0.00 -21.43 Ghana 18,356 21,688 19,125 5,414 8,393 0.32 55.02 Guinea 1,651 1,744 1,522 388 561 0.02 44.59 Guinea-Bissau 161 151 140 38 29 0.00 -23.68 Liberia 718 691 764 149 227 0.01 52.35 Mali 1,668 1,524 1,232 323 444 0.02 37.46 Mauritania 249 214 235 47 40 0.00 -14.89 Niger 336 332 322 76 103 0.00 35.53 Nigeria 53,375 55,495 40,693 10,678 12,220 0.46 14.44 Saint Helena 250 139 97 41 9 0.00 -78.05 Senegal 2,675 2,423 2,212 402 645 0.02 60.45 Sierra Leone 750 689 841 187 170 0.01 -9.09 Togo 569 603 641 127 127 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 393 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 611,272 629,520 629,739 132,741 113,290 4.25 -14.65 CARIBBEAN 3,817 3,688 4,231 976 950 0.04 -2.66 Antigua and Barbuda 92 104 168 46 57 0.00 23.91 Bahamas 225 226 305 45 61 0.00 35.56 Barbados 318 259 254 38 27 0.00 -28.95 Bermuda 3 5 2 2 2 0.00 Cuba 994 1,053 1,133 301 530 0.02 76.08 Dominica 53 45 62 17 13 0.00 -23.53 Dominican Republic 215 234 256 61 21 0.00 -65.57 Grenada 43 29 48 7 3 0.00 -57.14 Haiti 113 111 111 46 22 0.00 -52.17 Jamaica 805 933 1,038 238 117 0.00 -50.84 Saint Lucia 46 30 39 10 6 0.00 -40.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 25 31 44 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Trinidad and Tobago 838 587 732 147 80 0.00 -45.58 Other countries of the Caribbean 47 41 39 9 7 0.00 -22.22 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,791 1,873 1,768 421 278 0.01 -33.97 Belize 67 75 83 14 14 0.00 Costa Rica 589 639 695 189 102 0.00 -46.03 El Salvador 156 160 104 41 14 0.00 -65.85 Guatemala 265 232 266 41 39 0.00 -4.88 Honduras 126 127 170 29 26 0.00 -10.34 Nicaragua 66 62 78 23 14 0.00 -39.13 Panama 522 578 372 84 69 0.00 -17.86 NORTH AMERICA 497,076 507,540 504,122 100,850 103,863 3.90 2.99 Canada 73,692 74,631 73,219 19,109 8,336 0.31 -56.38 Mexico 5,074 5,405 5,841 1,044 1,550 0.06 48.47 United States of America 418,310 427,504 425,062 80,697 93,977 3.53 16.46 SOUTH AMERICA 108,587 116,418 119,618 30,494 8,199 0.31 -73.11 Argentina 16,117 20,864 16,607 5,106 630 0.02 -87.66 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 521 424 401 90 70 0.00 -22.22 Brazil 75,047 77,052 84,283 21,052 5,920 0.22 -71.88 Chile 7,127 7,404 6,706 1,718 346 0.01 -79.86 Colombia 2,214 2,460 2,423 567 277 0.01 -51.15 Ecuador 724 926 936 162 163 0.01 0.62 Guyana 206 212 240 55 50 0.00 -9.09 Paraguay 530 771 771 187 41 0.00 -78.07 Peru 3,118 2,751 4,308 879 443 0.02 -49.60 Suriname 28 57 37 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Uruguay 1,850 2,388 1,930 474 66 0.00 -86.08 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 1,105 1,109 976 199 190 0.01 -4.52 OTHER AMERICAS 1 1 Other countries of the Americas 1 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 394 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 355,805 351,857 348,017 60,976 23,238 0.87 -61.89 NORHT-EAST ASIA 165,220 165,111 162,182 25,761 11,407 0.43 -55.72 China 100,228 100,342 96,889 13,431 7,410 0.28 -44.83 Hong Kong, China 218 223 203 45 2 0.00 -95.56 Japan 32,592 33,876 34,883 6,157 1,305 0.05 -78.80 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 128 109 117 16 17 0.00 6.25 Korea, Republic of 24,950 24,225 22,135 4,578 1,561 0.06 -65.90 Macao, China 58 72 59 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Mongolia 126 134 122 18 6 0.00 -66.67 Taiwan Province of China 6,920 6,130 7,774 1,510 1,103 0.04 -26.95 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 44,877 43,416 46,010 8,092 6,299 0.24 -22.16 Brunei Darussalam 30 35 61 5 Cambodia 99 88 93 21 13 0.00 -38.10 Indonesia 3,244 4,253 3,828 605 472 0.02 -21.98 Lao People's Democratic Republic 44 32 31 1 2 0.00 100.00 Malaysia 9,769 7,932 9,820 1,470 578 0.02 -60.68 Myanmar 269 336 291 100 112 0.00 12.00 Philippines 9,277 9,252 9,362 2,491 3,592 0.13 44.20 Singapore 11,845 9,890 10,911 1,455 244 0.01 -83.23 Thailand 7,332 8,095 8,325 1,434 1,188 0.04 -17.15 Timor-Leste 31 12 22 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Viet Nam 2,937 3,491 3,266 508 97 0.00 -80.91 AUSTRALASIA 145,304 142,991 139,476 27,075 5,508 0.21 -79.66 Australia 127,258 127,063 122,056 22,914 4,549 0.17 -80.15 New Zealand 18,046 15,928 1 7,420 4,161 959 0.04 -76.95 MELANESIA 270 192 240 28 14 0.00 -50.00 Fiji 202 143 174 17 13 0.00 -23.53 Papua New Guinea 54 37 53 11 1 0.00 -90.91 Solomon Islands 3 9 9 Vanuatu 11 3 4 MICRONESIA 50 79 52 9 7 0.00 -22.22 Kiribati 6 8 7 2 Marshall Islands 1 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 6 11 4 Nauru 3 12 2 Northern Mariana Islands 34 46 39 7 7 0.00 POLYNESIA 84 68 57 11 3 0.00 -72.73 American Samoa 2 1 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Cook Islands 1 French Polynesia 7 1 4 Niue 1 1 1 0.00 Pitcairn 1 1 2 Samoa 27 27 20 2 Tonga 40 35 25 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Tuvalu 6 2 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 395 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 1,795,563 1,754,980 1,693,061 478,191 239,037 8.97 -50.01 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 59,407 63,495 62,367 21,716 22,897 0.86 5.44 Armenia 106 137 113 23 24 0.00 4.35 Azerbaijan 113 145 143 30 34 0.00 13.33 Belarus 511 469 599 260 192 0.01 -26.15 Bulgaria 2,413 2,322 2,546 779 610 0.02 -21.69 Czech Republic 8,599 8,558 8,126 2,529 1,564 0.06 -38.16 Estonia 1,611 1,676 1,390 564 289 0.01 -48.76 Georgia 303 295 260 56 162 0.01 189.29 Hungary 4,404 4,053 4,238 1,426 1,044 0.04 -26.79 Kazakhstan 523 585 571 198 212 0.01 7.07 Kyrgyzstan 123 124 155 31 25 0.00 -19.35 Latvia 957 842 757 231 191 0.01 -17.32 Lithuania 1,494 1,399 1,343 462 325 0.01 -29.65 Moldova, Republic of 166 176 165 44 44 0.00 Poland 14,741 14,827 14,150 4,741 3,135 0.12 -33.87 Romania 3,475 3,318 3,563 1,010 897 0.03 -11.19 Russian Federation 13,669 18,235 17,627 7,118 11,496 0.43 61.51 Slovakia 2,859 2,973 3,046 768 440 0.02 -42.71 Tajikistan 38 29 64 21 55 0.00 161.90 Turkmenistan 9 15 6 4 7 0.00 75.00 Ukraine 3,155 3,142 3,376 1,396 2,113 0.08 51.36 Uzbekistan 138 175 129 25 38 0.00 52.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 627,886 611,967 604,266 181,989 65,568 2.46 -63.97 Denmark 30,129 28,931 26,090 9,148 3,651 0.14 -60.09 Finland 10,705 11,065 10,608 3,402 1,253 0.05 -63.17 Iceland 1,323 1,170 936 253 119 0.00 -52.96 Ireland 33,456 33,681 32,488 9,288 4,283 0.16 -53.89 Norway 20,485 20,241 18,430 5,610 1,786 0.07 -68.16 Sweden 50,1 73 50,306 43,141 14,557 5,067 0.19 -65.19 United Kingdom 481,615 466,573 472,573 139,731 49,409 1.85 -64.64 SOUTHERN EUROPE 174,561 169,836 167,542 31,623 25,495 0.96 -19.38 Albania 165 217 242 69 55 0.00 -20.29 Andorra 64 72 110 8 41 0.00 412.50 Bosnia and Herzegovina 228 221 256 63 48 0.00 -23.81 Croatia 2,077 1,818 1,335 319 327 0.01 2.51 Gibraltar 3 1 Greece 7,085 6,880 6,468 1,821 1,872 0.07 2.80 Holy See 9 11 9 6 6 0.00 Italy 67,582 70,411 71,991 12,352 7,283 0.27 -41.04 Malta 849 1,088 1,012 280 108 0.00 -61.43 Montenegro 134 105 95 34 52 0.00 52.94 North Macedonia 241 197 200 48 51 0.00 6.25 Portugal 47,639 39,555 37,102 8,931 7,038 0.26 -21.20 San Marino 25 63 19 12 Serbia 2,005 1,632 1,418 406 438 0.02 7.88 Slovenia 1,212 1,305 1,401 330 209 0.01 -36.67 Spain 45,241 46,257 45,881 6,943 7,967 0.30 14.75 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 2 3 3 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 396 COUNTRY TABLES SOUTH AFRICA / AFRIQUE DU SUD / SUDAFRICA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 887,291 863,261 810,468 230,605 118,412 4.45 -48.65 Austria 30,808 31,257 31,584 9,749 4,183 0.16 -57.09 Belgium 56,945 60,123 56,995 13,158 9,577 0.36 -27.22 France 208,200 198,732 176,596 43,222 22,110 0.83 -48.85 Germany 361,1 72 355,676 334,430 111,415 46,687 1.75 -58.10 Liechtenstein 344 257 283 74 58 0.00 -21.62 Luxembourg 2,180 2,461 2,006 549 357 0.01 -34.97 Monaco 102 137 100 33 33 0.00 Netherlands 165,197 152,557 149,687 36,084 22,745 0.85 -36.97 Switzerland 62,343 62,061 58,787 16,321 12,662 0.48 -22.42 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 46,418 46,421 48,418 12,258 6,665 0.25 -45.63 Cyprus 1,816 1,780 1,799 465 331 0.01 -28.82 Israel 27,820 28,336 31,340 6,627 3,606 0.14 -45.59 Turkiye 16,782 16,305 15,279 5,166 2,728 0.10 -47.19 MIDDLE EAST 35,364 30,032 34,894 9,092 11,861 0.45 30.46 Bahrain 263 241 232 26 52 0.00 100.00 Egypt 8,850 8,056 8,721 2,651 2,467 0.09 -6.94 Iraq 273 263 367 56 82 0.00 46.43 Jordan 2,748 2,462 2,603 637 866 0.03 35.95 Kuwait 1,386 1,220 1,248 131 212 0.01 61.83 Lebanon 3,454 3,178 3,160 795 666 0.03 -16.23 Libya 1,130 999 1,031 372 444 0.02 19.35 Oman 572 580 645 138 96 0.00 -30.43 Qatar 752 523 841 149 594 0.02 298.66 Saudi Arabia 11,197 8,181 10,989 3,237 5,489 0.21 69.57 State of Palestine 405 405 393 92 96 0.00 4.35 Syrian Arab Republic 621 648 729 150 257 0.01 71.33 United Arab Emirates 2,811 2,457 3,119 486 271 0.01 -44.24 Yemen 902 819 816 172 269 0.01 56.40 SOUTH ASIA 140,742 132,235 134,190 30,893 31,123 1.17 0.74 Afghanistan 288 299 264 81 55 0.00 -32.10 Bangladesh 6,519 6,789 7,178 2,377 3,096 0.12 30.25 Bhutan 17 24 33 2 1 0.00 -50.00 India 105,006 99,709 103,126 21,106 19,309 0.72 -8.51 Iran, Islamic Republic of 5,393 3,394 2,025 444 432 0.02 -2.70 Maldives 77 59 85 15 22 0.00 46.67 Nepal 636 548 711 166 192 0.01 15.66 Pakistan 19,640 18,382 17,138 5,773 7,385 0.28 27.92 Sri Lanka 3,166 3,031 3,630 929 631 0.02 -32.08 NOT SPECIFIED 14,631 15,879 18,347 4,495 5,083 0.19 13.08 Other countries of the world 14,631 15,879 18,347 4,495 5,083 0.19 13.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 397 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 81,868,522 82,808,413 83,509,153 18,933,103 31,180,802 100.00 64.69 AFRICA 1,314,169 1,235,914 1,339,988 262,945 250,284 0.80 -4.82 NORTH AFRICA 690,883 675,265 741,854 151,477 117,879 0.38 -22.18 Morocco 690,883 675,265 741,854 151,477 117,879 0.38 -22.18 OTHER AFRICA 623,285 560,649 598,134 111,468 132,405 0.42 18.78 Other countries of Africa 623,285 560,649 598,134 111,468 132,405 0.42 18.78 AMERICAS 5,866,015 6,370,546 7,092,146 1,320,480 1,867,265 5.99 41.41 NORTH AMERICA 3,576,522 3,903,049 4,373,310 650,725 1,187,025 3.81 82.42 Canada 488,217 445,824 450,663 115,130 139,449 0.45 21.12 Mexico 450,822 497,738 597,777 129,785 249,732 0.80 92.42 United States of America 2,637,484 2,959,487 3,324,870 405,810 797,844 2.56 96.61 SOUTH AMERICA 1,420,966 1,489,531 1,592,126 403,545 292,103 0.94 -27.62 Argentina 746,498 710,417 721,697 162,311 64,287 0.21 -60.39 Brazil 467,508 560,908 564,854 167,215 139,937 0.45 -16.31 Chile 140,336 154,208 213,656 63,011 59,313 0.19 -5.87 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 66,624 63,999 91,918 11,008 28,566 0.09 159.50 OTHER AMERICAS 868,527 977,966 1,126,711 266,210 388,137 1.24 45.80 Other countries of the Americas 868,527 977,966 1,126,711 266,210 388,137 1.24 45.80 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,299,035 2,560,743 2,976,984 562,403 230,302 0.74 -59.05 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,480,746 1,753,454 2,110,466 389,854 98,297 0.32 -74.79 China 514,777 646,368 700,748 134,612 29,131 0.09 -78.36 Japan 444,518 547,182 677,659 112,916 29,368 0.09 -73.99 Korea, Republic of 446,069 486,867 630,797 121,931 37,692 0.12 -69.09 Taiwan Province of China 75,382 73,037 101,262 20,395 2,106 0.01 -89.67 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 54,398 86,267 88,991 31,622 52,964 0.17 67.49 Philippines 54,398 86,267 88,991 31,622 52,964 0.17 67.49 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 763,891 721,022 777,527 140,927 79,041 0.25 -43.91 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 763,891 721,022 777,527 140,927 79,041 0.25 -43.91 EUROPE 71,695,916 71,903,931 71,377,754 16,676,276 28,505,919 91.42 70.94 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,150,055 1,227,530 1,314,078 155,961 134,242 0.43 -13.93 Russian Federation 1,150,055 1,227,530 1,314,078 155,961 134,242 0.43 -13.93 NORTHERN EUROPE 26,679,446 26,380,877 25,720,188 4,654,577 6,773,603 21.72 45.53 Denmark 1,424,452 1,389,544 1,202,527 276,863 623,406 2.00 125.17 Finland 629,962 844,634 760,290 178,370 175,167 0.56 -1.80 Ireland 2,046,123 2,053,385 2,177,592 329,043 631,314 2.02 91.86 Norway 1,527,462 1,520,399 1,480,843 261,345 293,731 0.94 12.39 Sweden 2,244,672 2,048,959 2,086,452 458,752 747,351 2.40 62.91 United Kingdom 18,806,776 18,523,957 18,012,484 3,150,204 4,302,634 13.80 36.58 SOUTHERN EUROPE 6,526,722 6,868,941 7,096,168 1,755,986 2,947,550 9.45 67.86 Greece 165,977 135,165 132,864 46,196 50,478 0.16 9.27 Italy 4,222,865 4,389,453 4,534,515 947,406 1,703,423 5.46 79.80 Portugal 2,137,880 2,344,322 2,428,790 762,384 1,193,649 3.83 56.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 398 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 32,620,629 32,066,621 31,715,504 8,600,192 16,149,514 51.79 87.78 Austria 946,856 910,781 1,195,901 179,097 457,444 1.47 155.42 Belgium 2,474,720 2,505,146 2,525,887 743,411 1,464,091 4.70 96.94 France 11,267,269 11,293,323 11,147,397 3,887,750 5,822,671 18.67 49.77 Germany 11,897,376 11,414,955 11,158,022 2,391,437 5,208,894 16.71 117.81 Luxembourg 270,657 203,999 192,173 83,062 201,851 0.65 143.01 Netherlands 3,704,549 3,855,269 3,684,260 918,361 2,048,853 6.57 123.10 Switzerland 2,059,201 1,883,148 1,811,865 397,074 945,710 3.03 138.17 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 559,544 606,279 611,330 125,841 219,335 0.70 74.30 Israel 269,264 316,433 341,773 54,500 79,908 0.26 46.62 Turkiye 290,280 289,846 269,557 71,341 139,427 0.45 95.44 OTHER EUROPE 4,159,520 4,753,683 4,920,485 1,383,719 2,281,675 7.32 64.89 Other countries of Europe 4,159,520 4,753,683 4,920,485 1,383,719 2,281,675 7.32 64.89 MIDDLE EAST 466,423 416,256 424,736 76,344 281,162 0.90 268.28 Saudi Arabia 74,500 74,500 89,586 26,535 62,267 0.20 134.66 United Arab Emirates 98,623 85,618 121,067 20,390 112,888 0.36 453.64 Other countries of Middle East 293,300 256,139 214,084 29,419 106,007 0.34 260.34 SOUTH ASIA 226,964 321,024 297,544 34,655 45,870 0.15 32.36 India 139,804 222,560 212,236 16,866 27,413 0.09 62.53 Other countries of South Asia 87,160 98,464 85,308 17,789 18,457 0.06 3.76 SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 53,333,913 54,145,755 55,981,859 10,894,259 20,451,387 100.00 87.73 AFRICA 749,155 765,947 849,259 262,141 324,357 1.59 23.73 SOUTHERN AFRICA 69,827 75,854 79,206 11,598 16,921 0.08 45.90 South Africa 69,827 75,854 79,206 11,598 16,921 0.08 45.90 OTHER AFRICA 679,328 690,093 770,053 250,543 307,436 1.50 22.71 Other countries of Africa 679,328 690,093 770,053 250,543 307,436 1.50 22.71 AMERICAS 6,085,552 6,372,776 7,197,085 1,194,081 2,165,079 10.59 81.32 NORTH AMERICA 3,698,903 3,933,177 4,524,012 552,185 1,190,165 5.82 115.54 Canada 466,926 483,126 561,037 72,933 74,767 0.37 2.51 United States of America 2,777,656 2,963,005 3,409,345 382,161 871,844 4.26 128.14 Other countries of North America 454,321 487,046 553,631 97,091 243,554 1.19 150.85 SOUTH AMERICA 561,384 575,891 663,131 147,624 153,870 0.75 4.23 Brazil 561,384 575,891 663,131 147,624 153,870 0.75 4.23 OTHER AMERICAS 1,825,265 1,863,707 2,009,942 494,272 821,044 4.01 66.11 Other countries of the Americas 1,825,265 1,863,707 2,009,942 494,272 821,044 4.01 66.11 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,164,345 4,317,727 4,928,761 786,074 503,629 2.46 -35.93 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,555,818 2,639,591 3,154,997 532,372 154,647 0.76 -70.95 China 1,224,689 1,344,454 1,603,714 239,985 106,102 0.52 -55.79 Japan 596,642 544,802 670,663 126,256 28,472 0.14 -77.45 Korea, Republic of 734,487 750,336 880,620 166,131 20,073 0.10 -87.92 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 399 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 373,106 360,234 377,488 32,387 28,679 0.14 -11.45 Australia 373,106 360,234 377,488 32,387 28,679 0.14 -11.45 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,235,421 1,317,902 1,396,277 221,315 320,303 1.57 44.73 Other countries of Asia 1,193,226 1,269,988 1,355,546 212,044 302,780 1.48 42.79 Other countries of Oceania 42,195 47,914 40,731 9,271 17,523 0.09 89.01 EUROPE 41,418,541 41,648,781 42,122,225 8,450,630 17,077,794 83.50 102.09 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,197,187 3,346,759 3,643,050 808,690 1,509,439 7.38 86.65 Bulgaria 110,863 115,458 127,537 41,720 57,425 0.28 37.64 Czech Republic (Czechia) 258,758 270,073 295,937 49,531 160,833 0.79 224.71 Estonia 59,351 62,299 63,893 14,576 32,664 0.16 124.09 Hungary 159,935 174,047 195,455 35,555 74,359 0.36 109.14 Latvia 59,434 62,776 61,148 13,765 31,572 0.15 129.36 Lithuania 111,544 115,608 116,815 24,806 59,830 0.29 141.19 Poland 887,612 898,404 923,120 212,498 472,568 2.31 122.39 Romania 378,464 408,809 472,188 203,707 329,501 1.61 61.75 Russian Federation 948,332 957,947 1,031,641 144,290 132,069 0.65 -8.47 Slovakia 81,829 96,519 93,016 14,662 46,798 0.23 219.18 Ukraine 141,065 184,819 262,300 53,580 111,820 0.55 108.70 NORTHERN EUROPE 14,059,227 14,179,205 14,286,145 2,341,772 3,796,874 18.57 62.14 Denmark 667,822 663,396 632,116 127,966 321,064 1.57 150.90 Finland 399,240 432,525 414,826 101,513 107,587 0.53 5.98 Iceland 76,822 98,581 84,839 19,399 42,692 0.21 120.07 Ireland 865,841 942,674 1,058,668 156,240 338,504 1.66 116.66 Norway 626,776 652,991 634,056 112,203 125,041 0.61 11.44 Sweden 1,177,289 1,200,635 1,109,946 227,014 376,987 1.84 66.06 United Kingdom 10,245,437 10,188,404 10,351,693 1,597,437 2,484,999 12.15 55.56 SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,548,501 4,690,815 5,055,857 1,060,694 2,098,501 10.26 97.84 Greece 121,716 136,687 144,348 28,377 53,260 0.26 87.69 Italy 2,924,782 2,954,992 3,171,190 606,293 1,160,943 5.68 91.48 Malta 31,197 27,635 34,911 5,435 12,038 0.06 121.49 Portugal 1,423,241 1,514,799 1,648,179 409,541 849,210 4.15 107.36 Slovenia 47,565 56,702 57,228 11,048 23,050 0.11 108.64 WESTERN EUROPE 18,717,412 18,588,436 18,167,597 3,973,178 9,262,623 45.29 133.13 Austria 462,184 479,990 496,390 76,792 193,788 0.95 152.35 Belgium 1,380,1 70 1,392,136 1,371,544 336,608 783,529 3.83 132.77 France 5,670,274 5,901,147 5,950,547 1,664,214 3,418,911 16.72 105.44 Germany 8,013,368 7,618,230 7,235,632 1,251,116 3,085,009 15.08 146.58 Luxembourg 87,697 86,156 83,776 26,431 68,829 0.34 160.41 Netherlands 2,072,340 2,103,822 2,057,453 457,189 1,207,273 5.90 164.06 Switzerland 1,031,379 1,006,955 972,256 160,828 505,284 2.47 214.18 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 243,518 223,356 221,513 42,641 47,617 0.23 11.67 Cyprus 20,235 18,069 18,796 3,804 5,923 0.03 55.70 Turkiye 223,283 205,288 202,717 38,837 41,694 0.20 7.36 OTHER EUROPE 652,696 620,209 748,064 223,655 362,740 1.77 62.19 Other countries of Europe 652,696 620,209 748,064 223,655 362,740 1.77 62.19 NOT SPECIFIED 916,320 1,040,524 884,530 201,333 380,528 1.86 89.00 Other countries of the world 916,320 1,040,524 884,530 201,333 380,528 1.86 89.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 900 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 65,233,049 65,771,059 67,728,215 13,388,648 25,685,308 100.00 91.84 AFRICA 839,393 858,879 958,716 291,032 369,393 1.44 26.93 SOUTHERN AFRICA 78,254 85,099 89,486 12,903 19,337 0.08 49.86 South Africa 78,254 85,099 89,486 12,903 19,337 0.08 49.86 OTHER AFRICA 761,139 773,780 869,230 278,129 350,056 1.36 25.86 Other countries of Africa 761,139 773,780 869,230 278,129 350,056 1.36 25.86 AMERICAS 6,578,022 6,890,280 7,791,370 1,316,015 2,441,279 9.50 85.51 NORTH AMERICA 4,001,450 4,246,479 4,892,033 610,476 1,336,820 5.20 118.98 Canada 503,635 523,110 605,804 84,652 93,889 0.37 10.91 United States of America 3,003,718 3,193,182 3,684,376 416,187 969,846 3.78 133.03 Other countries of North America 494,097 530,187 601,853 109,637 273,085 1.06 149.08 SOUTH AMERICA 591,882 608,393 699,847 157,661 172,647 0.67 9.51 Brazil 591,882 608,393 699,847 157,661 172,647 0.67 9.51 OTHER AMERICAS 1,984,690 2,035,407 2,199,490 547,878 931,812 3.63 70.08 Other countries of the Americas 1,984,690 2,035,407 2,199,490 547,878 931,812 3.63 70.08 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,510,979 4,671,976 5,352,403 877,234 596,702 2.32 -31.98 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,764,338 2,851,342 3,421,770 591,911 178,233 0.69 -69.89 China 1,324,491 1,452,102 1,739,177 265,433 121,527 0.47 -54.22 Japan 645,486 588,767 727,414 141,122 33,236 0.13 -76.45 Korea, Republic of 794,361 810,474 955,179 185,356 23,470 0.09 -87.34 AUSTRALASIA 403,312 388,856 409,148 36,112 33,540 0.13 -7.12 Australia 403,312 388,856 409,148 36,112 33,540 0.13 -7.12 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,343,329 1,431,777 1,521,484 249,211 384,929 1.50 54.46 Other countries of Asia 1,290,370 1,371,444 1,469,600 236,464 354,117 1.38 49.76 Other countries of Oceania 52,959 60,334 51,884 12,747 30,812 0.12 141.72 EUROPE 52,320,879 52,234,471 52,673,794 10,682,061 21,842,394 85.04 104.48 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,674,594 3,830,446 4,162,351 933,145 1,808,169 7.04 93.77 Bulgaria 125,417 131,251 144,975 47,752 68,239 0.27 42.90 Czech Republic (Czechia) 300,121 31 7,279 345,348 60,152 209,767 0.82 248.73 Estonia 67,164 70,818 72,705 16,700 38,872 0.15 132.77 Hungary 180,977 197,956 222,339 40,716 88,426 0.34 117.18 Latvia 67,254 71,357 69,546 15,776 37,540 0.15 137.96 Lithuania 126,221 131,470 132,898 28,413 71,183 0.28 150.53 Poland 1,043,1 70 1,045,110 1,062,267 250,006 561,776 2.19 124.71 Romania 428,008 464,415 536,705 233,040 391,247 1.52 67.89 Russian Federation 1,084,584 1,082,624 1,174,233 162,680 149,452 0.58 -8.13 Slovakia 92,602 109,780 105,798 16,753 55,625 0.22 232.03 Ukraine 159,076 208,387 295,536 61,157 136,042 0.53 122.45 NORTHERN EUROPE 19,024,138 18,871,172 18,869,697 3,190,378 4,977,602 19.38 56.02 Denmark 907,762 876,996 829,245 168,279 415,062 1.62 146.65 Finland 583,611 599,282 575,911 143,659 152,454 0.59 6.12 Iceland 86,681 111,236 95,633 22,179 52,008 0.20 134.49 Ireland 1,306,311 1,377,302 1,542,035 212,986 468,107 1.82 119.78 Norway 924,585 915,863 856,950 166,734 184,342 0.72 10.56 Sweden 1,590,920 1,592,375 1,442,978 306,118 473,803 1.84 54.78 United Kingdom 13,624,268 13,398,119 13,526,946 2,170,423 3,231,826 12.58 48.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 901 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,238,911 5,416,793 5,857,501 1,210,789 2,532,397 9.86 109.15 Greece 131,530 148,153 155,679 30,813 59,406 0.23 92.80 Italy 3,432,115 3,473,787 3,739,773 702,740 1,431,049 5.57 103.64 Malta 35,312 31,435 39,734 6,217 14,315 0.06 130.26 Portugal 1,586,137 1,698,941 1,857,231 458,360 1,000,209 3.89 118.21 Slovenia 53,817 64,478 65,085 12,659 27,418 0.11 116.59 WESTERN EUROPE 23,371,694 23,163,473 22,689,921 5,042,894 12,024,300 46.81 138.44 Austria 526,129 545,216 563,127 90,259 230,942 0.90 155.87 Belgium 1,670,748 1,675,549 1,663,873 415,006 995,830 3.88 139.96 France 7,161,717 7,398,047 7,536,534 2,078,196 4,347,394 16.93 109.19 Germany 9,557,375 9,151,221 8,641,707 1,561,719 3,939,121 15.34 152.23 Luxembourg 103,613 97,759 98,070 30,737 78,987 0.31 156.98 Netherlands 3,135,470 3,105,207 3,026,325 668,637 1,789,327 6.97 167.61 Switzerland 1,216,642 1,190,473 1,160,285 198,340 642,699 2.50 224.04 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 274,785 252,119 249,850 48,788 57,726 0.22 18.32 Cyprus 22,901 20,556 21,376 4,364 7,042 0.03 61.37 Turkiye 251,884 231,563 228,474 44,424 50,684 0.20 14.09 OTHER EUROPE 736,757 700,467 844,472 256,067 442,200 1.72 72.69 Other countries of Europe 736,757 700,467 844,472 256,067 442,200 1.72 72.69 NOT SPECIFIED 983,776 1,115,453 951,933 222,306 435,540 1.70 95.92 Other countries of the world 983,776 1,115,453 951,933 222,306 435,540 1.70 95.92 SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 224,755,789 223,481,185 223,386,355 41,071,985 82,106,634 100.00 99.91 AFRICA 1,902,204 2,079,315 2,178,185 656,300 1,033,899 1.26 57.53 SOUTHERN AFRICA 177,696 202,920 202,942 31,281 57,744 0.07 84.60 South Africa 177,696 202,920 202,942 31,281 57,744 0.07 84.60 OTHER AFRICA 1,724,508 1,876,396 1,975,243 625,019 976,155 1.19 56.18 Other countries of Africa 1,724,508 1,876,396 1,975,243 625,019 976,155 1.19 56.18 AMERICAS 14,410,851 15,044,556 17,393,885 3,351,518 5,342,380 6.51 59.40 NORTH AMERICA 8,806,293 9,263,073 10,820,957 1,553,918 2,971,224 3.62 91.21 Canada 1,222,803 1,252,097 1,508,830 310,239 212,161 0.26 -31.61 United States of America 6,510,401 6,875,843 7,992,733 959,585 2,163,801 2.64 125.49 Other countries of North America 1,073,089 1,135,133 1,319,394 284,094 595,262 0.72 109.53 SOUTH AMERICA 1,396,098 1,435,028 1,729,592 463,176 406,909 0.50 -12.15 Brazil 1,396,098 1,435,028 1,729,592 463,1 76 406,909 0.50 -12.15 OTHER AMERICAS 4,208,460 4,346,456 4,843,336 1,334,424 1,964,247 2.39 47.20 Other countries of the Americas 4,208,460 4,346,456 4,843,336 1,334,424 1,964,247 2.39 47.20 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,035,477 8,360,052 9,578,901 1,600,704 1,322,694 1.61 -17.37 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,156,183 4,362,589 5,209,263 956,436 343,948 0.42 -64.04 China 1,982,767 2,197,854 2,608,045 445,677 220,122 0.27 -50.61 Japan 1,101,326 1,050,996 1,291,581 241,353 78,542 0.10 -67.46 Korea, Republic of 1,072,090 1,113,740 1,309,636 269,406 45,284 0.06 -83.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 902 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 897,944 856,287 905,643 89,490 83,746 0.10 -6.42 Australia 897,944 856,287 905,643 89,490 83,746 0.10 -6.42 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,981,350 3,141,176 3,463,995 554,778 895,000 1.09 61.33 Other countries of Asia 2,894,310 3,045,844 3,379,544 534,797 858,426 1.05 60.51 Other countries of Oceania 87,040 95,332 84,451 19,981 36,574 0.04 83.04 EUROPE 198,013,551 195,375,512 191,912,879 34,913,948 73,401,827 89.40 110.24 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 14,667,703 15,196,693 16,134,177 2,797,308 5,973,126 7.27 113.53 Bulgaria 342,646 358,039 402,945 110,404 172,173 0.21 55.95 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,300,765 1,292,833 1,387,430 194,911 737,609 0.90 278.43 Estonia 244,658 250,413 250,342 51,175 125,507 0.15 145.25 Hungary 618,612 647,609 743,318 124,038 287,218 0.35 131.56 Latvia 230,766 251,414 245,658 44,079 109,153 0.13 147.63 Lithuania 457,435 470,367 469,541 82,222 221,760 0.27 169.71 Poland 4,456,450 4,679,099 4,618,832 1,022,605 2,445,583 2.98 139.15 Romania 1,219,540 1,278,867 1,468,082 520,778 956,622 1.17 83.69 Russian Federation 4,834,852 4,753,192 5,036,032 449,315 384,351 0.47 -14.46 Slovakia 371,008 408,803 376,302 47,974 190,319 0.23 296.71 Ukraine 590,971 806,058 1,135,695 149,807 342,831 0.42 128.85 NORTHERN EUROPE 76,524,922 76,705,411 76,212,821 11,861,499 19,189,650 23.37 61.78 Denmark 3,304,073 3,281,736 3,192,614 687,704 1,666,191 2.03 142.28 Finland 1,972,578 2,124,844 2,024,048 551,399 479,634 0.58 -13.02 Iceland 502,639 657,835 586,936 143,933 301,545 0.37 109.50 Ireland 3,973,734 4,408,332 5,104,522 645,445 1,489,559 1.81 130.78 Norway 3,364,494 3,609,760 3,441,153 71 7,338 595,171 0.72 -17.03 Sweden 6,253,311 6,266,335 5,587,139 1,221,993 1,684,864 2.05 37.88 United Kingdom 57,154,093 56,356,569 56,276,410 7,893,687 12,972,686 15.80 64.34 SOUTHERN EUROPE 13,623,204 14,057,172 15,086,288 2,979,275 6,165,377 7.51 106.94 Greece 320,895 364,318 396,909 81,865 160,831 0.20 96.46 Italy 9,307,884 9,416,471 10,073,721 1,915,184 3,699,060 4.51 93.14 Malta 97,373 84,082 100,986 14,493 31,625 0.04 118.21 Portugal 3,740,731 4,003,063 4,328,864 929,476 2,188,834 2.67 135.49 Slovenia 156,321 189,238 185,807 38,257 85,027 0.10 122.25 WESTERN EUROPE 90,454,761 86,825,969 81,510,835 16,552,320 40,898,752 49.81 147.09 Austria 2,069,945 2,104,803 2,091,266 338,844 820,778 1.00 142.23 Belgium 6,588,831 6,470,939 6,186,431 1,525,368 3,449,475 4.20 126.14 France 17,220,704 1 7,956,604 18,068,302 4,586,069 10,755,705 13.10 134.53 Germany 50,027,616 46,330,623 41,91 7,171 7,522,975 18,188,741 22.15 141.78 Luxembourg 463,000 432,406 436,968 138,973 384,289 0.47 1 76.52 Netherlands 9,615,186 9,334,527 8,893,094 1,813,779 5,161,617 6.29 184.58 Switzerland 4,469,479 4,196,067 3,91 7,603 626,312 2,138,147 2.60 241.39 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 553,091 512,572 521,289 104,655 131,725 0.16 25.87 Cyprus 54,644 47,209 53,102 9,320 18,314 0.02 96.50 Turkiye 498,447 465,364 468,187 95,335 113,411 0.14 18.96 OTHER EUROPE 2,189,870 2,077,694 2,447,469 618,891 1,043,197 1.27 68.56 Other countries of Europe 2,189,870 2,077,694 2,447,469 618,891 1,043,197 1.27 68.56 NOT SPECIFIED 2,393,706 2,621,749 2,322,506 549,515 1,005,834 1.23 83.04 Other countries of the world 2,393,706 2,621,749 2,322,506 549,515 1,005,834 1.23 83.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 903 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 305,907,465 301,022,634 299,092,131 60,898,001 114,391,414 100.00 87.84 AFRICA 2,335,205 2,503,463 2,654,762 785,732 1,230,681 1.08 56.63 SOUTHERN AFRICA 218,191 244,387 247,767 37,535 68,961 0.06 83.72 South Africa 218,191 244,387 247,767 37,535 68,961 0.06 83.72 OTHER AFRICA 2,117,014 2,259,076 2,406,995 748,197 1,161,720 1.02 55.27 Other countries of Africa 2,117,014 2,259,076 2,406,995 748,197 1,161,720 1.02 55.27 AMERICAS 16,222,098 16,955,447 19,609,814 4,017,374 6,322,102 5.53 57.37 NORTH AMERICA 9,841,463 10,327,255 12,059,886 1,836,223 3,448,015 3.01 87.78 Canada 1,391,982 1,437,187 1,723,598 392,160 306,039 0.27 -21.96 United States of America 7,252,613 7,620,045 8,860,384 1,101,191 2,457,523 2.15 123.17 Other countries of North America 1,196,868 1,270,024 1,475,904 342,872 684,453 0.60 99.62 SOUTH AMERICA 1,514,422 1,562,612 1,878,804 520,270 478,794 0.42 -7.97 Brazil 1,514,422 1,562,612 1,878,804 520,270 478,794 0.42 -7.97 OTHER AMERICAS 4,866,213 5,065,580 5,671,124 1,660,881 2,395,293 2.09 44.22 Other countries of the Americas 4,866,213 5,065,580 5,671,124 1,660,881 2,395,293 2.09 44.22 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,129,588 9,521,892 10,838,662 1,910,434 1,693,516 1.48 -11.35 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,705,979 4,951,652 5,878,234 1,131,665 424,655 0.37 -62.48 China 2,244,711 2,493,591 2,942,019 521,561 268,536 0.23 -48.51 Japan 1,247,506 1,194,205 1,458,444 289,250 99,124 0.09 -65.73 Korea, Republic of 1,213,762 1,263,856 1,477,771 320,854 56,995 0.05 -82.24 AUSTRALASIA 1,015,815 970,705 1,020,862 106,500 105,449 0.09 -0.99 Australia 1,015,815 970,705 1,020,862 106,500 105,449 0.09 -0.99 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,407,794 3,599,536 3,939,566 672,269 1,163,412 1.02 73.06 Other countries of Asia 3,276,435 3,454,875 3,810,661 636,479 1,080,792 0.94 69.81 Other countries of Oceania 131,359 144,661 128,904 35,790 82,620 0.07 130.85 EUROPE 275,542,975 269,102,720 263,400,657 53,541,567 103,912,421 90.84 94.08 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 17,529,931 18,039,012 19,072,629 3,481,372 7,488,853 6.55 115.11 Bulgaria 408,076 429,209 482,828 138,313 219,180 0.19 58.47 Czech Republic (Czechia) 1,544,424 1,557,359 1,651,804 260,885 1,022,272 0.89 291.85 Estonia 291,456 300,304 300,511 64,150 160,210 0.14 149.74 Hungary 736,844 776,841 891,855 155,478 366,036 0.32 135.43 Latvia 274,864 301,578 294,730 55,273 139,100 0.12 151.66 Lithuania 544,909 564,313 563,484 103,160 283,071 0.25 1 74.40 Poland 5,356,293 5,550,104 5,374,715 1,241,768 2,924,624 2.56 135.52 Romania 1,452,018 1,532,706 1,759,814 652,110 1,216,820 1.06 86.60 Russian Federation 5,774,804 5,582,937 5,949,120 560,005 472,645 0.41 -15.60 Slovakia 442,028 490,491 451,370 59,924 242,697 0.21 305.01 Ukraine 704,215 953,169 1,352,399 190,306 442,198 0.39 132.36 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 904 COUNTRY TABLES SPAIN / ESPAGNE / ESPANA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 115,266,803 112,876,638 110,957,209 20,049,221 28,652,666 25.05 42.91 Denmark 5,147,676 4,901,849 4,650,005 1,049,630 2,308,524 2.02 119.94 Finland 3,556,818 3,535,038 3,318,187 937,192 830,977 0.73 -11.33 Iceland 599,307 778,386 699,189 183,358 389,080 0.34 112.20 Ireland 7,299,330 7,663,347 8,552,747 1,068,705 2,361,007 2.06 120.92 Norway 6,086,729 5,963,565 5,397,724 1,324,490 1,059,159 0.93 -20.03 Sweden 9,570,427 9,455,603 8,352,674 2,029,490 2,407,661 2.10 18.63 United Kingdom 83,006,516 80,578,850 79,986,683 13,456,356 19,296,258 16.87 43.40 SOUTHERN EUROPE 16,606,695 17,132,122 18,398,036 3,775,339 7,835,716 6.85 107.55 Greece 364,703 415,617 442,459 94,368 186,374 0.16 97.50 Italy 11,639,315 11,749,497 12,566,409 2,467,128 4,822,168 4.22 95.46 Malta 116,028 100,862 121,216 18,086 40,318 0.04 122.92 Portugal 4,300,429 4,639,197 5,045,336 1,147,714 2,678,416 2.34 133.37 Slovenia 186,220 226,949 222,617 48,043 108,440 0.09 125.71 WESTERN EUROPE 122,869,342 117,986,799 111,433,196 25,313,295 58,415,928 51.07 130.77 Austria 2,427,168 2,458,010 2,437,878 449,965 1,008,337 0.88 124.09 Belgium 8,791,120 8,587,984 8,282,931 2,236,166 4,931,667 4.31 120.54 France 25,276,782 25,887,916 26,407,479 7,097,802 15,609,279 13.65 119.92 Germany 62,077,720 58,01 7,315 52,455,431 10,622,349 24,123,971 21.09 127.11 Luxembourg 563,211 508,753 525,390 173,776 451,551 0.39 159.85 Netherlands 18,211,023 17,31 7,921 16,401,647 3,819,818 9,460,293 8.27 147.66 Switzerland 5,522,318 5,208,901 4,922,440 913,419 2,830,830 2.47 209.92 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 659,252 606,816 621,088 133,282 169,547 0.15 27.21 Cyprus 65,105 56,626 63,689 11,715 23,352 0.02 99.33 Turkiye 594,147 550,191 557,399 121,567 146,195 0.13 20.26 OTHER EUROPE 2,610,952 2,461,332 2,918,498 789,058 1,349,711 1.18 71.05 Other countries of Europe 2,610,952 2,461,332 2,918,498 789,058 1,349,711 1.18 71.05 NOT SPECIFIED 2,677,599 2,939,112 2,588,237 642,894 1,232,694 1.08 91.74 Other countries of the world 2,677,599 2,939,112 2,588,237 642,894 1,232,694 1.08 91.74 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 905 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,116,407 2,333,796 1,913,702 507,704 194,495 100.00 -61.69 AFRICA 17,863 16,006 16,940 2,896 878 0.45 -69.68 EAST AFRICA 4,467 983 2,592 443 118 0.06 -73.36 Seychelles 4,467 983 2,592 443 118 0.06 -73.36 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,667 7,257 6,514 1,195 270 0.14 -77.41 South Africa 5,667 7,257 6,514 1,195 270 0.14 -77.41 OTHER AFRICA 7,729 7,766 7,834 1,258 490 0.25 -61.05 Other countries of Africa 7,729 7,766 7,834 1,258 490 0.25 -61.05 AMERICAS 116,332 139,426 117,606 31,314 11,664 6.00 -62.75 NORTH AMERICA 110,502 131,117 110,773 29,422 11,283 5.80 -61.65 Canada 48,376 52,042 46,790 12,513 5,079 2.61 -59.41 Mexico 930 1,266 1,567 261 81 0.04 -68.97 United States of America 61,196 77,809 62,416 16,648 6,123 3.15 -63.22 SOUTH AMERICA 2,762 4,813 3,635 996 100 0.05 -89.96 Argentina 1,028 1,966 1,194 365 50 0.03 -86.30 Brazil 1,734 2,847 2,441 631 50 0.03 -92.08 OTHER AMERICAS 3,068 3,496 3,198 896 281 0.14 -68.64 Other countries of the Americas 3,068 3,496 3,198 896 281 0.14 -68.64 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 544,763 553,739 398,419 76,410 11,624 5.98 -84.79 NORHT-EAST ASIA 340,201 343,870 226,546 37,893 3,196 1.64 -91.57 China (*) 268,683 269,327 174,975 26,440 2,351 1.21 -91.11 Japan 47,308 49,038 31,441 7,610 392 0.20 -94.85 Korea, Republic of 17,286 Taiwan Province of China 6,587 Other countries of North-East Asia 337 25,505 20,130 3,843 453 0.23 -88.21 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 104,842 87,054 68,202 14,704 3,659 1.88 -75.12 Indonesia 26,115 6,678 4,598 3,690 1,857 0.95 -49.67 Malaysia 24,982 23,931 1 7,555 3,728 325 0.17 -91.28 Philippines 15,962 Singapore 19,183 19,461 14,414 2,675 556 0.29 -79.21 Thailand 11,582 Other countries of South-East Asia 7,018 36,984 31,635 4,611 921 0.47 -80.03 AUSTRALASIA 98,864 122,313 103,389 23,690 4,747 2.44 -79.96 Australia 87,882 107,718 91,258 21,237 4,421 2.27 -79.18 New Zealand 10,982 14,595 12,131 2,453 326 0.17 -86.71 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 856 502 282 123 22 0.01 -82.11 Other countries of Oceania 856 502 282 123 22 0.01 -82.11 EUROPE 835,598 1,002,731 873,030 276,521 93,395 48.02 -66.22 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 147,598 169,046 199,599 100,045 38,585 19.84 -61.43 Czech Republic (Czechia) 14,978 1 7,1 78 20,153 7,644 1,864 0.96 -75.61 Poland 14,572 19,673 20,985 11,334 2,110 1.08 -81.38 Russian Federation 56,325 61,467 89,069 48,648 16,893 8.69 -65.28 Ukraine 30,753 33,325 34,075 17,155 7,036 3.62 -58.99 Other countries Central/East Europe 30,970 37,403 35,317 15,264 10,682 5.49 -30.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 906 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 275,219 339,049 261,229 71,879 21,631 11.12 -69.91 Denmark 17,821 18,541 17,114 4,809 1,302 0.67 -72.93 Finland 6,985 8,728 7,302 2,257 341 0.18 -84.89 Ireland 8,302 10,721 8,254 2,104 559 0.29 -73.43 Norway 13,694 16,811 13,780 3,065 1,141 0.59 -62.77 Sweden 23,536 27,378 23,129 7,076 1,601 0.82 -77.37 United Kingdom 204,515 256,415 191,241 52,451 16,644 8.56 -68.27 Other countries of Northern Europe 366 455 409 117 43 0.02 -63.25 SOUTHERN EUROPE 74,093 88,566 78,815 18,737 4,799 2.47 -74.39 Italy 31,945 36,865 31,446 8,595 1,309 0.67 -84.77 Spain 21,369 27,195 24,585 3,319 2,015 1.04 -39.29 Other countries of Southern Europe 20,779 24,506 22,784 6,823 1,475 0.76 -78.38 WESTERN EUROPE 328,144 392,697 318,095 82,402 26,656 13.71 -67.65 Austria 16,719 19,671 14,524 4,254 1,502 0.77 -64.69 Belgium 14,152 1 7,204 15,303 3,377 1,283 0.66 -62.01 France 94,109 107,191 88,602 25,002 5,933 3.05 -76.27 Germany 125,369 157,814 129,345 33,170 12,442 6.40 -62.49 Netherlands 48,875 56,988 40,091 8,684 2,421 1.24 -72.12 Switzerland 28,200 32,749 29,366 6,747 2,974 1.53 -55.92 Other countries of Western Europe 720 1,080 864 1,168 101 0.05 -91.35 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,544 13,373 15,292 3,458 1,724 0.89 -50.14 Israel 10,544 13,373 15,292 3,458 1,724 0.89 -50.14 MIDDLE EAST 72,151 72,786 46,235 10,190 4,569 2.35 -55.16 Oman 8,121 7,226 4,327 1,122 246 0.13 -78.07 Saudi Arabia 33,688 33,663 16,533 5,278 1,596 0.82 -69.76 Other countries of Middle East 30,342 31,897 25,375 3,790 2,727 1.40 -28.05 SOUTH ASIA 529,700 549,108 461,472 110,373 72,365 37.21 -34.44 Bangladesh 15,543 India 386,131 425,110 364,989 92,921 56,233 28.91 -39.48 Maldives 80,956 75,086 63,443 9,515 6,274 3.23 -34.06 Nepal 5,385 Pakistan 31,490 21,116 15,252 3,113 7,520 3.87 141.57 Other countries of South Asia 10,195 27,796 17,788 4,824 2,338 1.20 -51.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 907 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 2,116,407 2,333,796 1,913,701 508,734 194,495 100.00 -61.77 AFRICA 12,703 14,882 15,093 2,880 862 0.44 -70.07 EAST AFRICA 1,556 3,528 4,508 660 250 0.13 -62.12 Burundi 18 3 2 0.00 Comoros 191 128 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Djibouti 9 9 3 Eritrea 71 42 9 7 0.00 -22.22 Ethiopia 207 139 36 19 0.01 -47.22 Kenya 853 874 1,559 110 39 0.02 -64.55 Madagascar 97 207 27 6 0.00 -77.78 Malawi 34 40 12 3 0.00 -75.00 Mauritius 703 720 739 170 23 0.01 -86.47 Mozambique 52 42 12 2 0.00 -83.33 Rwanda 18 25 9 Seychelles 416 106 118 0.06 11.32 Somalia 92 82 15 6 0.00 -60.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 227 865 52 7 0.00 -86.54 Uganda 136 358 36 9 0.00 -75.00 Zambia 119 70 1 0.00 Zimbabwe 247 200 46 7 0.00 -84.78 CENTRAL AFRICA 84 76 50 7 0.00 -86.00 Angola 9 17 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Cameroon 24 12 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Central African Republic 1 1 Chad 4 6 1 Congo 7 3 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 33 33 38 Gabon 5 5 1 1 0.00 Sao Tome and Principe 1 NORTH AFRICA 1,078 2,991 2,780 687 293 0.15 -57.35 Algeria 368 272 83 30 0.02 -63.86 Morocco 1,036 1,031 311 85 0.04 -72.67 South Sudan 17 15 1 Sudan 1,078 858 584 143 97 0.05 -32.17 Tunisia 712 878 149 81 0.04 -45.64 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,726 7,558 7,212 1,386 281 0.14 -79.73 Botswana 48 37 14 2 0.00 -85.71 Eswatini 16 3 Lesotho 7 13 2 Namibia 71 27 6 7 0.00 16.67 South Africa 5,726 7,416 7,132 1,364 272 0.14 -80.06 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 908 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 416 721 517 60 28 0.01 -53.33 Benin 11 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Burkina Faso 19 12 2 0.00 Cabo Verde 6 6 2 Cote d'lvoire 20 34 2 2 0.00 Gambia 8 7 2 Ghana 127 108 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Guinea 12 1 1 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 11 4 1 0.00 Liberia 12 7 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Mali 17 19 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Mauritania 3 29 1 Niger 6 6 3 Nigeria 416 412 172 25 11 0.01 -56.00 Senegal 40 34 3 Sierra Leone 19 21 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Togo 10 39 2 2 0.00 OTHER AFRICA 3,927 37 3 0.00 -91.89 Other countries of Africa 3,927 37 3 0.00 -91.89 AMERICAS 110,857 137,624 127,423 31,843 11,759 6.05 -63.07 CARIBBEAN 522 509 133 85 0.04 -36.09 Antigua and Barbuda 20 19 14 4 0.00 -71.43 Bahamas 48 14 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Barbados 18 17 9 8 0.00 -11.11 Cuba 52 41 2 6 0.00 200.00 Dominica 49 62 10 8 0.00 -20.00 Dominican Republic 45 111 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Grenada 15 6 16 1 0.00 -93.75 Haiti 10 9 3 Jamaica 102 58 25 9 0.00 -64.00 Netherlands Antilles 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 47 44 15 22 0.01 46.67 Saint Lucia 7 9 1 3 0.00 200.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 3 7 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Trinidad and Tobago 105 112 26 16 0.01 -38.46 CENTRAL AMERICA 386 415 79 17 0.01 -78.48 Belize 16 25 5 Costa Rica 132 143 33 8 0.00 -75.76 El Salvador 47 46 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Guatemala 60 69 7 6 0.00 -14.29 Honduras 49 76 14 1 0.00 -92.86 Nicaragua 28 11 Panama 54 45 15 1 0.00 -93.33 NORTH AMERICA 104,375 129,492 119,681 29,627 11,281 5.80 -61.92 Canada 46,896 52,681 48,729 12,436 5,079 2.61 -59.16 Mexico 1,503 2,120 349 78 0.04 -77.65 United States of America 57,479 75,308 68,832 16,842 6,124 3.15 -63.64 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 909 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 4,084 7,224 6,818 2,001 376 0.19 -81.21 Argentina 921 1,809 1,403 416 50 0.03 -87.98 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 81 30 18 18 0.01 Brazil 1,822 2,774 2,964 875 159 0.08 -81.83 Chile 631 1,002 938 271 23 0.01 -91.51 Colombia 710 702 713 201 76 0.04 -62.19 Ecuador 136 118 30 4 0.00 -86.67 Guyana 22 12 9 5 0.00 -44.44 Paraguay 22 22 13 2 0.00 -84.62 Peru 301 300 95 18 0.01 -81.05 Suriname 28 20 4 Uruguay 120 122 36 13 0.01 -63.89 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 227 176 33 8 0.00 -75.76 OTHER AMERICAS 2,398 3 Other countries of the Americas 2,398 3 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 536,448 548,634 391,796 74,953 11,628 5.98 -84.49 NORHT-EAST ASIA 337,539 339,558 217,477 37,320 3,244 1.67 -91.31 China (*) 268,952 265,965 167,863 26,147 2,417 1.24 -90.76 Hong Kong, China 25 11 10 Japan 44,988 49,450 30,079 6,644 392 0.20 -94.10 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2 35 Korea, Republic of 15,963 15,748 12,195 2,499 389 0.20 -84.43 Mongolia 181 167 35 4 0.00 -88.57 Taiwan Province of China 7,636 8,187 7,127 1,985 42 0.02 -97.88 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 106,266 84,013 68,904 14,927 3,595 1.85 -75.92 Brunei Darussalam 91 40 12 Cambodia 771 2,841 372 14 0.01 -96.24 Indonesia 25,806 5,365 4,919 1,114 1,856 0.95 66.61 Lao People's Democratic Republic 158 129 19 Malaysia 26,414 22,808 16,861 3,494 323 0.17 -90.76 Myanmar 4,365 3,241 3,124 532 39 0.02 -92.67 Philippines 16,845 19,303 14,590 4,249 529 0.27 -87.55 Singapore 19,457 19,861 13,871 2,545 557 0.29 -78.11 Thailand 10,828 9,178 9,861 1,880 247 0.13 -86.86 Timor-Leste 48 25 1 Viet Nam 2,551 3,189 2,643 709 8 0.00 -98.87 Other countries of South-East Asia 22 0.01 AUSTRALASIA 91,613 124,753 105,137 22,607 4,746 2.44 -79.01 Australia 81,281 110,928 92,674 20,283 4,421 2.27 -78.20 New Zealand 10,332 13,825 12,463 2,324 325 0.17 -86.02 MELANESIA 273 253 98 20 0.01 -79.59 Fiji 159 144 86 12 0.01 -86.05 Papua New Guinea 84 98 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Solomon Islands 13 5 Vanuatu 17 6 6 6 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 910 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 16 10 1 0.00 Kiribati 3 5 Marshall Islands 4 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 3 2 1 0.00 Nauru 1 1 Palau 5 POLYNESIA 21 15 1 1 0.00 Samoa 4 7 1 Tonga 10 7 1 0.00 Tuvalu 7 1 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,030 21 0.01 Other countries of Asia 640 Other countries of Oceania 390 21 0.01 EUROPE 853,948 1,017,860 887,571 282,626 93,496 48.07 -66.92 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 157,358 176,905 196,856 100,766 38,129 19.60 -62.16 Armenia 1,210 983 270 112 0.06 -58.52 Azerbaijan 512 516 120 88 0.05 -26.67 Belarus 4,621 4,796 2,638 646 0.33 -75.51 Bulgaria 2,664 2,674 687 211 0.11 -69.29 Czech Republic (Czechia) 15,712 1 7,600 19,204 7,599 1,864 0.96 -75.47 Estonia 2,744 2,516 1,185 376 0.19 -68.27 Georgia 697 565 236 113 0.06 -52.12 Hungary 4,951 4,514 4,091 1,588 445 0.23 -71.98 Kazakhstan 6,122 2,721 2,399 2,333 5,754 2.96 146.64 Kyrgyzstan 459 397 221 89 0.05 -59.73 Latvia 1,940 1,856 598 334 0.17 -44.15 Lithuania 2,959 3,386 2,793 1,054 383 0.20 -63.66 Moldova, Republic of 452 449 246 65 0.03 -73.58 Poland 15,346 20,378 20,896 11,908 2,110 1.08 -82.28 Romania 4,652 5,931 5,463 1,724 820 0.42 -52.44 Russian Federation 59,191 64,497 86,549 49,397 16,894 8.69 -65.80 Slovakia 6,579 5,289 4,944 1,513 664 0.34 -56.11 Tajikistan 102 79 42 15 0.01 -64.29 Turkmenistan 77 96 21 4 0.00 -80.95 Ukraine 32,346 36,515 35,051 17,169 7,037 3.62 -59.01 Uzbekistan 596 539 217 105 0.05 -51.61 Other countries Central/East Europe 9,500 NORTHERN EUROPE 276,100 339,047 267,264 75,146 21,633 11.12 -71.21 Denmark 18,647 19,223 16,869 4,905 1,302 0.67 -73.46 Finland 7,334 8,888 7,028 2,298 341 0.18 -85.16 Iceland 446 427 114 41 0.02 -64.04 Ireland 9,806 10,830 8,254 2,294 559 0.29 -75.63 Norway 14,159 17,217 13,446 3,019 1,141 0.59 -62.21 Sweden 24,275 28,267 22,464 7,061 1,601 0.82 -77.33 United Kingdom 201,879 254,1 76 198,776 55,455 16,646 8.56 -69.98 Other countries of Northern Europe 2 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 911 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 64,500 90,786 80,932 17,579 4,346 2.23 -75.28 Albania 177 369 97 Andorra 53 53 3 5 0.00 66.67 Bosnia and Herzegovina 261 216 68 19 0.01 -72.06 Croatia 2,181 1,922 662 102 0.05 -84.59 Greece 5,651 7,778 6,980 1,573 249 0.13 -84.17 Italy 31,428 38,379 36,147 8,603 1,309 0.67 -84.78 Malta 509 713 148 18 0.01 -87.84 Montenegro 231 210 85 3 0.00 -96.47 North Macedonia 310 166 53 Portugal 5,060 5,933 5,193 1,602 372 0.19 -76.78 San Marino 28 19 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Serbia 1,804 1,498 497 162 0.08 -67.40 Slovenia 3,902 2,926 800 91 0.05 -88.63 Spain 22,361 29,208 24,489 3,385 2,015 1.04 -40.47 Other countries of Southern Europe 32 31 WESTERN EUROPE 339,141 392,355 322,068 83,259 27,269 14.02 -67.25 Austria 1 7,466 19,320 14,713 4,300 1,502 0.77 -65.07 Belgium 14,616 17,519 14,948 3,371 1,283 0.66 -61.94 France 97,282 106,449 87,623 24,838 6,549 3.37 -73.63 Germany 130,227 156,888 134,899 34,507 12,442 6.40 -63.94 Liechtenstein 126 108 1,054 15 0.01 -98.58 Luxembourg 867 761 138 80 0.04 -42.03 Monaco 61 42 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Netherlands 51,148 57,160 38,993 8,656 2,422 1.25 -72.02 Switzerland 28,402 33,965 29,981 6,389 2,974 1.53 -53.45 Other countries of Western Europe 1 0.00 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 15,689 18,767 20,451 5,860 2,094 1.08 -64.27 Cyprus 672 709 183 61 0.03 -66.67 Israel 11,080 13,833 14,770 3,556 1,724 0.89 -51.52 Turkiye 4,609 4,262 4,972 2,121 309 0.16 -85.43 OTHER EUROPE 1,160 16 25 0.01 56.25 Other countries of Europe 1,160 16 25 0.01 56.25 MIDDLE EAST 77,685 71,636 44,143 10,231 4,452 2.29 -56.49 Bahrain 3,296 2,858 2,285 549 128 0.07 -76.68 Egypt 3,907 3,854 3,708 956 400 0.21 -58.16 Iraq 1,021 852 138 262 0.13 89.86 Jordan 5,165 3,156 3,085 627 682 0.35 8.77 Kuwait 4,327 3,465 3,239 825 166 0.09 -79.88 Lebanon 7,152 5,521 4,304 483 547 0.28 13.25 Libya 97 118 14 8 0.00 -42.86 Oman 8,343 6,846 4,117 1,045 246 0.13 -76.46 Qatar 1,859 1,676 1,063 129 34 0.02 -73.64 Saudi Arabia 35,481 34,703 15,707 4,755 1,596 0.82 -66.44 State of Palestine 1,078 871 Syrian Arab Republic 209 152 57 6 0.00 -89.47 United Arab Emirates 7,136 5,785 3,528 352 254 0.13 -27.84 Yemen 1,367 1,114 173 56 0.03 -67.63 Other countries of Middle East 1,019 128 67 0.03 -47.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 912 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 524,766 543,160 447,675 106,201 72,298 37.17 -31.92 Afghanistan 745 861 473 146 15 0.01 -89.73 Bangladesh 15,510 10,487 8,261 1,986 1,496 0.77 -24.67 Bhutan 737 679 343 208 5 0.00 -97.60 India 384,628 424,887 355,002 89,357 56,268 28.93 -37.03 Iran, Islamic Republic of 6,816 5,720 3,249 648 397 0.20 -38.73 Maldives 79,371 76,108 60,278 9,407 6,272 3.22 -33.33 Nepal 5,144 5,302 5,414 1,384 325 0.17 -76.52 Pakistan 31,815 19,116 14,655 3,065 7,520 3.87 145.35 SRI LANKA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 21,859,323 24,022,008 22,193,168 4,496,101 2,943,248 100.00 -34.54 AFRICA 115,597 153,800 151,158 19,328 12,303 0.42 -36.35 EAST AFRICA 13,981 22,972 1,877 968 0.03 -48.43 Kenya 7,429 15,434 704 503 0.02 -28.55 Mauritius 6,552 7,538 1,173 465 0.02 -60.36 NORTH AFRICA 27,566 24,669 5,404 3,540 0.12 -34.49 Morocco 9,428 10,207 2,364 1,165 0.04 -50.72 Sudan 8,923 6,307 901 1,077 0.04 19.53 Other countries of North Africa 9,215 8,155 2,139 1,298 0.04 -39.32 SOUTHERN AFRICA 74,902 73,460 9,957 3,781 0.13 -62.03 South Africa 74,902 73,460 9,957 3,781 0.13 -62.03 WEST AFRICA 6,551 2,666 110 156 0.01 41.82 Nigeria 6,551 2,666 110 156 0.01 41.82 OTHER AFRICA 115,597 30,800 27,391 1,980 3,858 0.13 94.85 Other countries of Africa 30,800 27,391 1,980 3,858 0.13 94.85 All countries of Africa 115,597 AMERICAS 1,518,014 1,917,481 1,842,851 266,816 250,694 8.52 -6.04 CARIBBEAN 1,051 487 218 200 0.01 -8.26 Jamaica 1,051 487 218 200 0.01 -8.26 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,096 1,230 274 1,943 0.07 609.12 Costa Rica 1,096 1,230 274 168 0.01 -38.69 Other countries of Central America 1,775 0.06 NORTH AMERICA 1,456,435 1,826,873 1,756,905 251,643 242,463 8.24 -3.65 Canada 881,645 1,022,011 946,235 124,360 133,070 4.52 7.00 Mexico 14,128 20,475 2,652 998 0.03 -62.37 United States of America 574,790 790,734 790,195 124,631 108,395 3.68 -13.03 SOUTH AMERICA 80,214 77,964 13,498 6,088 0.21 -54.90 Argentina 20,804 19,221 3,661 770 0.03 -78.97 Brazil 25,521 28,158 5,775 2,449 0.08 -57.59 Chile 12,725 11,913 2,575 334 0.01 -87.03 Colombia 8,635 9,554 1,487 1,413 0.05 -4.98 Other countries of South America 12,529 9,118 1,122 0.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 913 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 OTHER AMERICAS 61,579 8,247 6,265 1,183 Other countries of the Americas 61,579 8,247 6,265 1,183 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,492,955 4,658,710 3,745,696 551,750 206,523 7.02 -62.57 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,418,981 2,374,187 1,758,494 233,056 36,020 1.22 -84.54 China 2,017,140 1,888,352 1,393,255 167,341 23,445 0.80 -85.99 Japan 278,926 296,700 204,537 34,549 7,409 0.25 -78.56 Korea, Republic of 122,915 118,110 98,780 15,994 4,357 0.15 -72.76 Taiwan Province of China 69,590 60,580 14,888 769 0.03 -94.83 Other countries of North-East Asia 1,435 1,342 284 40 0.00 -85.92 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 621,389 598,602 529,221 80,849 61,564 2.09 -23.85 Cambodia 6,631 25,853 3,236 357 0.01 -88.97 Indonesia 159,997 41,311 40,828 5,681 27,840 0.95 390.05 Malaysia 161,125 145,971 116,341 19,217 6,072 0.21 -68.40 Myanmar 21,391 20,931 3,032 881 0.03 -70.94 Philippines 102,755 158,285 134,228 21,245 10,157 0.35 -52.19 Singapore 120,633 127,110 94,527 13,998 10,472 0.36 -25.19 Thailand 76,879 71,588 69,871 9,964 4,298 0.15 -56.86 Viet Nam 24,236 25,109 4,325 1,487 0.05 -65.62 Other countries of South-East Asia 2,079 1,533 151 AUSTRALASIA 1,272,388 1,681,368 1,454,629 237,310 108,391 3.68 -54.33 Australia 1,129,806 1,486,435 1,278,901 215,000 101,241 3.44 -52.91 New Zealand 142,582 194,933 175,728 22,310 7,150 0.24 -67.95 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 180,197 4,553 3,352 535 548 0.02 2.43 Other countries of Asia 1 76,726 Other countries of Oceania 3,471 4,553 3,352 535 548 0.02 2.43 EUROPE 11,450,589 12,879,698 12,688,660 3,036,688 1,637,791 55.65 -46.07 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,005,503 2,087,371 2,408,955 1,107,027 620,615 21.09 -43.94 Belarus 56,376 60,909 30,865 13,552 0.46 -56.09 Czech Republic (Czechia) 241,120 266,936 87,389 32,061 1.09 -63.31 Estonia 33,751 32,960 14,813 6,204 0.21 -58.12 Hungary 51,008 45,410 15,880 5,563 0.19 -64.97 Kazakhstan 28,298 29,748 24,730 55,814 1.90 125.69 Lithuania 37,246 32,678 11,172 5,783 0.20 -48.24 Poland 228,234 238,214 123,843 29,571 1.00 -76.12 Romania 56,345 51,899 15,171 10,004 0.34 -34.06 Russian Federation 781,321 819,112 1,125,137 563,126 327,744 11.14 -41.80 Slovakia 62,939 60,811 15,433 10,624 0.36 -31.16 Ukraine 371,979 379,756 368,036 178,558 106,259 3.61 -40.49 Other countries Central/East Europe 852,203 93,186 96,217 26,047 17,436 0.59 -33.06 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,605,996 3,921,315 3,967,360 698,900 388,773 13.21 -44.37 Denmark 289,029 309,490 282,789 61,803 29,295 1.00 -52.60 Finland 103,409 121,766 106,294 27,116 7,025 0.24 -74.09 Norway 208,137 273,750 224,798 34,41 7 24,988 0.85 -27.40 Sweden 320,430 435,312 374,780 86,144 31,220 1.06 -63.76 United Kingdom 2,684,991 2,643,430 2,862,374 465,822 284,647 9.67 -38.89 Other countries of Northern Europe 137,567 116,325 23,598 11,598 0.39 -50.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 914 COUNTRY TABLES SRI LANKA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 674,599 1,002,931 950,597 163,580 67,570 2.30 -58.69 Greece 51,335 47,464 9,123 3,113 0.11 -65.88 Italy 392,850 456,710 469,911 83,449 28,536 0.97 -65.80 Portugal 60,517 56,604 14,899 4,799 0.16 -67.79 Spain 281,749 324,209 286,521 32,835 24,583 0.84 -25.13 Other countries of Southern Europe 110,160 90,097 23,274 6,539 0.22 -71.90 WESTERN EUROPE 4,845,839 5,633,134 5,086,105 1,011,234 526,752 17.90 -47.91 Austria 258,497 278,208 227,605 55,040 29,439 1.00 -46.51 Belgium 209,009 250,522 217,079 37,755 22,196 0.75 -41.21 France 1,284,122 1,468,996 1,306,413 265,767 114,608 3.89 -56.88 Germany 2,148,746 2,447,453 2,195,109 455,492 247,596 8.41 -45.64 Netherlands 516,595 663,056 649,563 115,990 52,800 1.79 -54.48 Switzerland 428,870 512,872 477,400 79,224 58,290 1.98 -26.42 Other countries of Western Europe 12,027 12,936 1,966 1,823 0.06 -7.27 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 234,947 275,643 55,947 34,081 1.16 -39.08 Israel 199,999 231,889 39,827 30,342 1.03 -23.82 Turkiye 34,948 43,754 16,120 3,739 0.13 -76.81 OTHER EUROPE 318,652 Other countries of Europe 318,652 MIDDLE EAST 831,555 583,254 351,403 80,478 44,103 1.50 -45.20 Bahrain 22,578 17,578 4,667 1,165 0.04 -75.04 Egypt 36,613 30,406 6,788 4,200 0.14 -38.13 Iraq 7,045 6,816 938 2,358 0.08 151.39 Jordan 22,723 22,212 5,518 5,729 0.19 3.82 Kuwait 27,027 24,616 4,868 2,141 0.07 -56.02 Lebanon 39,199 31,419 3,236 6,072 0.21 87.64 Oman 49,976 30,878 7,733 2,116 0.07 -72.64 Qatar 10,726 6,591 955 466 0.02 -51.20 Saudi Arabia 312,327 136,651 41,369 15,481 0.53 -62.58 United Arab Emirates 34,132 21,521 1,690 2,362 0.08 39.76 Other countries of Middle East 20,908 22,715 2,716 2,013 0.07 -25.88 All countries of Middle East 831,555 SOUTH ASIA 3,450,613 3,829,065 3,413,400 541,041 791,834 26.90 46.35 Afghanistan 6,113 4,802 993 245 0.01 -75.33 Bangladesh 85,305 76,555 69,708 9,731 16,905 0.57 73.72 Bhutan 5,093 2,186 1,290 32 0.00 -97.52 India 2,461,619 2,761,766 2,575,458 446,785 579,560 19.69 29.72 Iran, Islamic Republic of 50,336 31,865 4,795 4,446 0.15 -7.28 Maldives 690,528 745,858 561,918 53,620 80,282 2.73 49.72 Nepal 41,886 40,216 7,889 2,828 0.10 -64.15 Pakistan 213,161 141,458 127,247 15,938 107,536 3.65 574.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 915 COUNTRY TABLES STATE OF PALESTINE / ETAT DE PALESTINE / ESTADO DE PALESTINA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 502,850 606,137 688,014 93,141 122,797 100.00 31.84 AFRICA 12,208 10,780 16,961 2,427 OTHER AFRICA 12,208 10,780 16,961 2,427 All countries of Africa 12,208 10,780 16,961 2,427 AMERICAS 60,518 70,429 77,655 9,562 623 0.51 -93.48 NORTH AMERICA 47,594 54,580 61,700 7,805 449 0.37 -94.25 Canada, United States 47,594 54,580 61,700 7,805 449 0.37 -94.25 OTHER AMERICAS 12,924 15,849 15,955 1,757 174 0.14 -90.10 Other countries of the Americas 12,924 15,849 15,955 1,757 174 0.14 -90.10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 103,939 122,015 150,346 17,278 708 0.58 -95.90 AUSTRALASIA 2,829 3,449 4,183 1,166 Australia, New Zealand 2,829 3,449 4,183 1,166 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 101,110 118,566 146,163 16,112 708 0.58 -95.61 All countries of Asia 101,110 118,566 146,163 16,112 708 0.58 -95.61 EUROPE 319,483 396,954 436,502 63,530 121,049 98.58 90.54 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 85,280 87,406 85,090 17,896 119,253 97.11 566.37 Israel 85,280 87,406 85,090 17,896 119,253 97.11 566.37 OTHER EUROPE 234,203 309,548 351,412 45,634 1,796 1.46 -96.06 Other countries of Europe 234,203 309,548 351,412 45,634 1,796 1.46 -96.06 MIDDLE EAST 6,702 5,959 6,550 344 417 0.34 21.22 All countries of Middle East 6,702 5,959 6,550 344 417 0.34 21.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 916 COUNTRY TABLES STATE OF PALESTINE / ETAT DE PALESTINE / ESTADO DE PALESTINA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 1,432,774 1,687,738 1,863,644 249,935 202,492 100.00 -18.98 AFRICA 40,091 34,327 50,035 8,277 OTHER AFRICA 40,091 34,327 50,035 8,277 All countries of Africa 40,091 34,327 50,035 8,277 AMERICAS 194,450 223,932 227,507 28,331 2,177 1.08 -92.32 NORTH AMERICA 157,006 178,079 179,449 22,355 1,747 0.86 -92.19 Canada, United States 157,006 178,079 179,449 22,355 1,747 0.86 -92.19 OTHER AMERICAS 37,444 45,853 48,058 5,976 430 0.21 -92.80 Other countries of the Americas 37,444 45,853 48,058 5,976 430 0.21 -92.80 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 280,133 323,784 368,529 39,419 1,445 0.71 -96.33 AUSTRALASIA 8,180 9,410 11,757 2,766 Australia, New Zealand 8,180 9,410 11,757 2,766 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 271,953 314,374 356,772 36,653 1,445 0.71 -96.06 All countries of Asia 271,953 314,374 356,772 36,653 1,445 0.71 -96.06 EUROPE 884,591 1,075,705 1,185,117 173,177 197,645 97.61 14.13 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 139,481 139,815 131,237 25,938 193,442 95.53 645.79 Israel 139,481 139,815 131,237 25,938 193,442 95.53 645.79 OTHER EUROPE 745,110 935,890 1,053,880 147,239 4,203 2.08 -97.15 Other countries of Europe 745,110 935,890 1,053,880 147,239 4,203 2.08 -97.15 MIDDLE EAST 33,509 29,990 32,456 731 1,225 0.60 67.58 All countries of Middle East 33,509 29,990 32,456 731 1,225 0.60 67.58 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 917 COUNTRY TABLES SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 4,754,442 5,055,751 4,965,634 1,418,004 1,870,883 100.00 31.94 AFRICA 22,598 25,708 28,015 5,288 5,319 0.28 0.59 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,155 5,532 5,620 945 742 0.04 -21.48 South Africa 5,155 5,532 5,620 945 742 0.04 -21.48 OTHER AFRICA 17,443 20,176 22,395 4,343 4,577 0.24 5.39 Other countries of Africa 17,443 20,176 22,395 4,343 4,577 0.24 5.39 AMERICAS 454,598 484,991 583,610 183,546 277,222 14.82 51.04 NORTH AMERICA 409,874 444,277 541,434 174,980 265,740 14.20 51.87 Canada 26,929 28,795 27,876 3,987 4,835 0.26 21.27 United States of America 377,344 410,444 508,481 170,213 259,579 13.87 52.50 Other countries of North America 5,601 5,038 5,077 780 1,326 0.07 70.00 SOUTH AMERICA 21,602 17,589 16,702 2,382 2,149 0.11 -9.78 Brazil 21,602 1 7,589 16,702 2,382 2,149 0.11 -9.78 OTHER AMERICAS 23,122 23,125 25,474 6,184 9,333 0.50 50.92 Other countries of the Americas 23,122 23,125 25,474 6,184 9,333 0.50 50.92 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 397,834 388,845 438,704 49,096 35,033 1.87 -28.64 NORHT-EAST ASIA 243,638 231,482 264,216 19,765 10,883 0.58 -44.94 China 1 74,253 165,836 195,638 12,979 5,548 0.30 -57.25 Japan 44,065 43,232 43,439 4,923 2,342 0.13 -52.43 Korea, Republic of 25,320 22,414 25,139 1,863 2,993 0.16 60.65 AUSTRALASIA 39,435 42,367 42,355 6,106 2,501 0.13 -59.04 Australia 35,477 38,154 37,803 5,587 2,197 0.12 -60.68 New Zealand 3,958 4,213 4,552 519 304 0.02 -41.43 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 114,761 114,996 132,133 23,225 21,649 1.16 -6.79 Other countries of Asia 114,761 114,996 132,133 23,225 21,649 1.16 -6.79 EUROPE 2,993,570 3,056,929 3,237,604 897,420 1,293,927 69.16 44.18 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 251,223 274,971 306,117 131,630 173,796 9.29 32.03 Bulgaria 3,711 3,740 4,776 2,359 3,120 0.17 32.26 Czech Republic (Czechia) 20,684 20,571 23,865 6,870 11,519 0.62 67.67 Estonia 21,286 20,449 20,959 10,366 20,403 1.09 96.83 Hungary 13,970 14,506 16,919 4,620 5,625 0.30 21.75 Latvia 13,334 15,048 16,383 5,113 10,662 0.57 108.53 Lithuania 21,171 26,124 23,498 13,193 17,967 0.96 36.19 Poland 68,966 71,190 84,877 54,380 72,188 3.86 32.75 Romania 19,949 19,376 22,361 13,462 17,229 0.92 27.98 Russian Federation 53,535 64,261 62,963 13,868 5,024 0.27 -63.77 Slovakia 6,012 7,774 9,165 3,254 5,664 0.30 74.06 Ukraine 8,605 11,932 20,351 4,145 4,395 0.23 6.03 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,518,702 1,489,588 1,552,654 409,319 548,902 29.34 34.10 Denmark 269,205 289,657 323,469 124,249 172,367 9.21 38.73 Finland 208,414 221,519 221,366 47,398 71,340 3.81 50.51 Iceland 15,299 14,032 14,994 3,468 4,684 0.25 35.06 Ireland 25,908 25,021 25,013 8,782 20,265 1.08 130.76 Norway 615,276 576,905 577,477 107,810 178,119 9.52 65.22 United Kingdom 384,600 362,454 390,335 117,612 102,127 5.46 -13.17 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 918 COUNTRY TABLES SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 227,787 243,501 260,921 67,124 105,507 5.64 57.18 Croatia 4,753 5,830 7,398 7,374 3,405 0.18 -53.82 Greece 11,048 12,518 12,813 3,422 5,555 0.30 62.33 Italy 109,611 114,101 117,900 24,776 39,407 2.11 59.05 Malta 3,414 3,224 3,559 918 1,369 0.07 49.13 Portugal 11,893 14,298 17,075 7,304 11,412 0.61 56.24 Slovenia 2,863 3,197 5,025 2,059 3,196 0.17 55.22 Spain 84,205 90,333 97,151 21,271 41,163 2.20 93.52 WESTERN EUROPE 930,515 970,231 1,058,807 269,113 446,999 23.89 66.10 Austria 48,111 50,568 54,465 9,020 20,033 1.07 122.10 Belgium 55,668 61,593 71,788 22,804 25,317 1.35 11.02 France 113,296 118,093 135,459 42,832 61,926 3.31 44.58 Germany 480,680 503,414 542,070 127,564 210,858 11.27 65.30 Luxembourg 6,461 6,115 4,508 2,081 2,828 0.15 35.90 Netherlands 120,146 122,979 135,290 38,436 84,014 4.49 118.58 Switzerland 106,153 107,469 115,227 26,376 42,023 2.25 59.32 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 20,611 20,071 20,812 4,213 3,737 0.20 -11.30 Cyprus 1,765 1,777 2,401 463 910 0.05 96.54 Turkiye 18,846 18,294 18,411 3,750 2,827 0.15 -24.61 OTHER EUROPE 44,732 58,567 38,293 16,021 14,986 0.80 -6.46 Other countries of Europe 44,732 58,567 38,293 16,021 14,986 0.80 -6.46 SOUTH ASIA 105,679 107,141 114,510 54,326 30,537 1.63 -43.79 India 105,679 107,141 114,510 54,326 30,537 1.63 -43.79 NOT SPECIFIED 780,163 992,137 563,191 228,328 228,845 12.23 0.23 Other countries of the world 780,163 992,137 563,191 228,328 228,845 12.23 0.23 SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 7,054,191 7,439,730 7,615,782 1,956,613 2,989,880 100.00 52.81 AFRICA 27,354 31,115 33,589 6,940 8,049 0.27 15.98 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,451 6,627 6,093 1,022 824 0.03 -19.37 South Africa 5,451 6,627 6,093 1,022 824 0.03 -19.37 OTHER AFRICA 21,903 24,488 27,496 5,918 7,225 0.24 22.09 Other countries of Africa 21,903 24,488 27,496 5,918 7,225 0.24 22.09 AMERICAS 485,457 516,300 613,234 191,084 287,491 9.62 50.45 NORTH AMERICA 435,151 471,044 565,338 180,853 273,831 9.16 51.41 Canada 30,420 32,145 31,067 4,635 5,433 0.18 17.22 United States of America 398,311 433,044 528,225 175,272 266,951 8.93 52.31 Other countries of North America 6,420 5,855 6,046 946 1,447 0.05 52.96 SOUTH AMERICA 23,538 19,257 18,250 2,696 2,545 0.09 -5.60 Brazil 23,538 19,257 18,250 2,696 2,545 0.09 -5.60 OTHER AMERICAS 26,768 25,999 29,646 7,535 11,115 0.37 47.51 Other countries of the Americas 26,768 25,999 29,646 7,535 11,115 0.37 47.51 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 919 COUNTRY TABLES SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 430,288 417,010 467,897 56,941 41,354 1.38 -27.37 NORHT-EAST ASIA 258,110 242,990 274,822 22,018 12,951 0.43 -41.18 China 183,203 172,989 201,402 14,319 6,766 0.23 -52.75 Japan 47,536 46,004 46,559 5,598 3,008 0.10 -46.27 Korea, Republic of 27,371 23,997 26,861 2,101 3,177 0.11 51.21 AUSTRALASIA 48,431 50,748 50,280 7,581 3,805 0.13 -49.81 Australia 43,591 45,443 44,771 6,907 3,381 0.11 -51.05 New Zealand 4,840 5,305 5,509 674 424 0.01 -37.09 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 123,747 123,272 142,795 27,342 24,598 0.82 -10.04 Other countries of Asia 123,747 123,272 142,795 27,342 24,598 0.82 -10.04 EUROPE 5,143,202 5,304,340 5,689,119 1,374,643 2,357,160 78.84 71.47 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 359,654 409,257 445,243 203,582 280,699 9.39 37.88 Bulgaria 4,666 5,768 6,117 3,331 6,860 0.23 105.94 Czech Republic (Czechia) 32,057 31,987 35,926 10,630 19,538 0.65 83.80 Estonia 34,713 41,272 31,627 19,609 27,167 0.91 38.54 Hungary 1 7,984 18,479 18,981 5,124 7,089 0.24 38.35 Latvia 21,966 23,710 25,637 11,272 17,255 0.58 53.08 Lithuania 30,606 36,333 31,044 18,442 29,461 0.99 59.75 Poland 103,812 114,770 141,012 84,160 117,972 3.95 40.18 Romania 27,123 26,551 31,233 21,320 28,726 0.96 34.74 Russian Federation 61,819 72,630 72,271 16,922 7,937 0.27 -53.10 Slovakia 13,515 21,594 25,224 6,805 8,235 0.28 21.01 Ukraine 11,393 16,163 26,171 5,967 10,459 0.35 75.28 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,602,615 2,650,629 2,776,607 592,386 842,157 28.17 42.16 Denmark 436,381 486,294 530,808 212,215 253,817 8.49 19.60 Finland 263,041 271,789 276,089 58,745 87,175 2.92 48.40 Iceland 16,605 15,032 16,126 3,720 5,043 0.17 35.56 Ireland 29,488 28,279 27,477 10,536 22,609 0.76 114.59 Norway 1,429,806 1,446,236 1,489,638 173,126 348,203 11.65 101.13 United Kingdom 427,294 402,999 436,469 134,044 125,310 4.19 -6.52 SOUTHERN EUROPE 268,916 284,793 301,209 80,847 136,344 4.56 68.64 Croatia 6,284 8,176 9,077 9,309 8,885 0.30 -4.55 Greece 12,019 13,395 13,857 3,762 6,018 0.20 59.97 Italy 128,316 131,856 135,205 28,692 50,150 1.68 74.79 Malta 3,622 3,427 3,825 1,004 1,458 0.05 45.22 Portugal 14,530 18,854 21,570 9,856 16,365 0.55 66.04 Slovenia 5,727 4,988 5,844 2,347 4,869 0.16 107.46 Spain 98,418 104,097 111,831 25,877 48,599 1.63 87.81 WESTERN EUROPE 1,831,550 1,867,604 2,089,871 469,412 1,051,805 35.18 124.07 Austria 64,020 67,470 71,272 11,014 28,894 0.97 162.34 Belgium 76,800 87,908 95,286 26,933 52,411 1.75 94.60 France 148,449 152,653 172,495 54,077 81,907 2.74 51.46 Germany 1,080,166 1,094,524 1,240,607 278,897 612,660 20.49 119.67 Luxembourg 7,332 6,927 5,540 2,411 3,907 0.13 62.05 Netherlands 290,413 290,893 320,049 56,992 198,101 6.63 247.59 Switzerland 164,370 167,229 184,622 39,088 73,925 2.47 89.12 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 920 COUNTRY TABLES SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 22,772 21,897 22,695 4,904 4,734 0.16 -3.47 Cyprus 1,950 1,834 2,554 563 1,057 0.04 87.74 Turkiye 20,822 20,063 20,141 4,341 3,677 0.12 -15.30 OTHER EUROPE 57,695 70,160 53,494 23,512 41,421 1.39 76.17 Other countries of Europe 57,695 70,160 53,494 23,512 41,421 1.39 76.17 SOUTH ASIA 109,023 110,265 117,631 55,059 31,202 1.04 -43.33 India 109,023 110,265 117,631 55,059 31,202 1.04 -43.33 NOT SPECIFIED 858,867 1,060,700 694,312 271,946 264,624 8.85 -2.69 Other countries of the world 858,867 1,060,700 694,312 271,946 264,624 8.85 -2.69 SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 9,335,009 10,015,656 9,871,156 3,142,633 4,044,120 100.00 28.69 AFRICA 44,369 50,929 55,689 11,721 11,498 0.28 -1.90 SOUTHERN AFRICA 10,121 10,960 11,171 2,095 1,604 0.04 -23.44 South Africa 10,121 10,960 11,171 2,095 1,604 0.04 -23.44 OTHER AFRICA 34,248 39,969 44,518 9,626 9,894 0.24 2.78 Other countries of Africa 34,248 39,969 44,518 9,626 9,894 0.24 2.78 AMERICAS 892,572 960,789 1,160,155 406,781 599,244 14.82 47.31 NORTH AMERICA 804,760 880,134 1,076,314 387,796 574,425 14.20 48.13 Canada 52,874 57,045 55,415 8,836 10,451 0.26 18.28 United States of America 740,888 813,108 1,010,806 377,231 561,108 13.87 48.74 Other countries of North America 10,998 9,981 10,093 1,729 2,866 0.07 65.76 SOUTH AMERICA 42,413 34,844 33,201 5,280 4,645 0.11 -12.03 Brazil 42,413 34,844 33,201 5,280 4,645 0.11 -12.03 OTHER AMERICAS 45,399 45,811 50,640 13,705 20,174 0.50 47.20 Other countries of the Americas 45,399 45,811 50,640 13,705 20,174 0.50 47.20 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 781,119 770,320 872,097 108,811 75,724 1.87 -30.41 NORHT-EAST ASIA 478,366 458,577 525,233 43,804 23,523 0.58 -46.30 China 342,134 328,529 388,907 28,764 11,992 0.30 -58.31 Japan 86,518 85,644 86,352 10,911 5,062 0.13 -53.61 Korea, Republic of 49,714 44,404 49,974 4,129 6,469 0.16 56.67 AUSTRALASIA 77,429 83,931 84,198 13,534 5,405 0.13 -60.06 Australia 69,657 75,585 75,149 12,383 4,748 0.12 -61.66 New Zealand 7,772 8,346 9,049 1,151 657 0.02 -42.92 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 225,324 227,812 262,666 51,473 46,796 1.16 -9.09 Other countries of Asia 225,324 227,812 262,666 51,473 46,796 1.16 -9.09 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 921 COUNTRY TABLES SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 5,877,663 6,055,901 6,436,016 1,988,891 2,796,971 69.16 40.63 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 493,261 544,728 608,530 291,721 375,680 9.29 28.78 Bulgaria 7,287 7,410 9,494 5,228 6,744 0.17 29.00 Czech Republic (Czechia) 40,612 40,753 47,441 15,225 24,899 0.62 63.54 Estonia 41,793 40,510 41,665 22,974 44,104 1.09 91.97 Hungary 27,429 28,737 33,634 10,238 12,159 0.30 18.76 Latvia 26,180 29,811 32,568 11,331 23,047 0.57 103.40 Lithuania 41,567 51,752 46,712 29,238 38,838 0.96 32.83 Poland 135,410 141,030 168,726 120,519 156,043 3.86 29.48 Romania 39,169 38,384 44,452 29,835 37,243 0.92 24.83 Russian Federation 105,113 127,304 125,164 30,735 10,859 0.27 -64.67 Slovakia 11,805 15,400 18,219 7,211 12,244 0.30 69.80 Ukraine 16,896 23,637 40,455 9,187 9,500 0.23 3.41 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,981,862 2,950,935 3,086,512 907,148 1,186,511 29.34 30.80 Denmark 528,564 573,822 643,023 275,365 372,590 9.21 35.31 Finland 409,205 438,839 440,052 105,046 154,209 3.81 46.80 Iceland 30,039 27,798 29,806 7,687 10,124 0.25 31.70 Ireland 50,869 49,567 49,723 19,462 43,806 1.08 125.08 Norway 1,208,050 1,142,873 1,147,963 238,932 385,023 9.52 61.14 United Kingdom 755,135 718,036 775,945 260,656 220,759 5.46 -15.31 SOUTHERN EUROPE 447,244 482,383 518,683 148,760 228,067 5.64 53.31 Croatia 9,333 11,550 14,707 16,342 7,361 0.18 -54.96 Greece 21,691 24,798 25,470 7,583 12,008 0.30 58.35 Italy 215,213 226,038 234,372 54,909 85,183 2.11 55.13 Malta 6,704 6,386 7,075 2,034 2,960 0.07 45.53 Portugal 23,351 28,325 33,943 16,187 24,669 0.61 52.40 Slovenia 5,621 6,333 9,990 4,564 6,908 0.17 51.36 Spain 165,331 178,953 193,126 47,141 88,978 2.20 88.75 WESTERN EUROPE 1,827,000 1,922,069 2,104,797 596,420 966,241 23.89 62.01 Austria 94,463 100,178 108,271 19,991 43,304 1.07 116.62 Belgium 109,301 122,018 142,706 50,540 54,726 1.35 8.28 France 222,448 233,948 269,279 94,926 133,861 3.31 41.02 Germany 943,780 997,284 1,077,578 282,712 455,793 11.27 61.22 Luxembourg 12,685 12,114 8,961 4,613 6,114 0.15 32.54 Netherlands 235,899 243,626 268,942 85,182 181,605 4.49 113.20 Switzerland 208,424 212,901 229,060 58,456 90,838 2.25 55.40 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 40,468 39,763 41,372 9,336 8,079 0.20 -13.46 Cyprus 3,466 3,521 4,772 1,026 1,968 0.05 91.81 Turkiye 37,002 36,242 36,600 8,310 6,111 0.15 -26.46 OTHER EUROPE 87,828 116,023 76,122 35,506 32,393 0.80 -8.77 Other countries of Europe 87,828 116,023 76,122 35,506 32,393 0.80 -8.77 SOUTH ASIA 207,493 212,250 227,634 120,400 66,009 1.63 -45.18 India 207,493 212,250 227,634 120,400 66,009 1.63 -45.18 NOT SPECIFIED 1,531,793 1,965,467 1,119,565 506,029 494,674 12.23 -2.24 Other countries of the world 1,531,793 1,965,467 1,119,565 506,029 494,674 12.23 -2.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 922 COUNTRY TABLES SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 16,190,730 17,327,279 17,521,621 5,180,388 7,273,720 100.00 40.41 AFRICA 56,571 65,216 69,732 16,705 18,258 0.25 9.30 SOUTHERN AFRICA 10,921 13,866 12,422 2,340 1,806 0.02 -22.82 South Africa 10,921 13,866 12,422 2,340 1,806 0.02 -22.82 OTHER AFRICA 45,650 51,350 57,310 14,365 16,452 0.23 14.53 Other countries of Africa 45,650 51,350 57,310 14,365 16,452 0.23 14.53 AMERICAS 972,236 1,044,014 1,235,118 430,330 627,646 8.63 45.85 NORTH AMERICA 870,203 951,341 1,136,918 406,317 596,845 8.21 46.89 Canada 61,988 65,955 63,455 10,793 12,348 0.17 14.41 United States of America 795,128 873,262 1,060,946 393,298 581,338 7.99 47.81 Other countries of North America 13,087 12,124 12,517 2,226 3,159 0.04 41.91 SOUTH AMERICA 47,333 39,220 37,074 6,226 6,011 0.08 -3.45 Brazil 47,333 39,220 37,074 6,226 6,011 0.08 -3.45 OTHER AMERICAS 54,700 53,453 61,126 17,787 24,790 0.34 39.37 Other countries of the Americas 54,700 53,453 61,126 17,787 24,790 0.34 39.37 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 864,748 844,658 946,073 132,844 93,670 1.29 -29.49 NORHT-EAST ASIA 515,463 488,866 552,022 50,813 30,619 0.42 -39.74 China 365,002 347,365 403,388 32,810 15,578 0.21 -52.52 Japan 95,534 92,945 94,243 13,162 8,129 0.11 -38.24 Korea, Republic of 54,927 48,556 54,391 4,841 6,912 0.10 42.78 AUSTRALASIA 100,653 106,111 104,433 18,109 8,717 0.12 -51.86 Australia 90,638 94,896 92,920 16,458 7,770 0.11 -52.79 New Zealand 10,015 11,215 11,513 1,651 947 0.01 -42.64 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 248,632 249,681 289,618 63,922 54,334 0.75 -15.00 Other countries of Asia 248,632 249,681 289,618 63,922 54,334 0.75 -15.00 EUROPE 12,311,643 12,947,908 13,538,589 3,824,960 5,850,406 80.43 52.95 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 804,164 941,122 994,382 531,241 659,276 9.06 24.10 Bulgaria 9,715 12,730 12,949 8,254 15,796 0.22 91.37 Czech Republic (Czechia) 74,520 75,195 81,734 30,443 46,358 0.64 52.28 Estonia 82,603 107,322 76,594 54,747 64,499 0.89 17.81 Hungary 37,704 39,192 38,860 11,750 17,770 0.24 51.23 Latvia 50,205 55,128 57,999 31,759 40,425 0.56 27.29 Lithuania 65,835 78,601 65,966 45,432 67,556 0.93 48.70 Poland 237,965 272,818 322,949 218,047 279,643 3.84 28.25 Romania 57,412 57,205 66,734 53,672 65,659 0.90 22.33 Russian Federation 133,029 156,161 157,039 44,478 18,138 0.25 -59.22 Slovakia 31,075 51,969 58,459 1 7,992 19,175 0.26 6.58 Ukraine 24,101 34,801 55,099 14,667 24,257 0.33 65.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 923 COUNTRY TABLES SWEDEN / SUEDE / SUECIA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,017,897 6,312,908 6,428,149 1,617,315 1,987,186 27.32 22.87 Denmark 1,133,974 1,310,974 1,359,948 668,879 645,058 8.87 -3.56 Finland 566,1 76 587,367 594,375 147,832 194,277 2.67 31.42 Iceland 33,746 30,618 32,914 8,627 11,040 0.15 27.97 Ireland 60,052 58,504 56,149 24,814 49,579 0.68 99.80 Norway 3,350,424 3,491,585 3,483,822 452,502 801,643 11.02 77.16 United Kingdom 873,525 833,860 900,941 314,661 285,589 3.93 -9.24 SOUTHERN EUROPE 553,200 592,174 621,145 190,714 304,427 4.19 59.62 Croatia 13,225 17,704 18,907 22,132 20,656 0.28 -6.67 Greece 24,161 27,098 28,122 8,600 13,156 0.18 52.98 Italy 263,561 273,390 278,429 67,037 111,456 1.53 66.26 Malta 7,301 6,970 7,759 2,323 3,174 0.04 36.63 Portugal 30,222 40,383 45,226 23,956 36,847 0.51 53.81 Slovenia 12,900 11,030 12,040 5,456 11,013 0.15 101.85 Spain 201,830 215,599 230,662 61,210 108,125 1.49 76.65 WESTERN EUROPE 4,769,077 4,910,277 5,334,391 1,416,244 2,792,734 38.39 97.19 Austria 139,803 149,752 155,756 26,725 68,496 0.94 156.30 Belgium 166,643 195,330 205,348 64,477 123,085 1.69 90.90 France 314,466 327,451 364,371 129,681 184,786 2.54 42.49 Germany 3,033,527 3,090,680 3,381,759 927,382 1,744,828 23.99 88.15 Luxembourg 15,129 14,408 11,786 5,622 8,942 0.12 59.05 Netherlands 724,983 735,118 792,839 151,129 487,346 6.70 222.47 Switzerland 374,526 397,538 422,532 111,228 1 75,251 2.41 57.56 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 46,200 44,579 46,097 11,418 10,548 0.15 -7.62 Cyprus 4,163 3,697 5,169 1,335 2,356 0.03 76.48 Turkiye 42,037 40,882 40,928 10,083 8,192 0.11 -18.75 OTHER EUROPE 121,105 146,848 114,425 58,028 96,235 1.32 65.84 Other countries of Europe 121,105 146,848 114,425 58,028 96,235 1.32 65.84 SOUTH ASIA 216,058 220,458 235,445 122,644 67,620 0.93 -44.86 India 216,058 220,458 235,445 122,644 67,620 0.93 -44.86 NOT SPECIFIED 1,769,474 2,205,025 1,496,664 652,905 616,120 8.47 -5.63 Other countries of the world 1,769,474 2,205,025 1,496,664 652,905 616,120 8.47 -5.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 924 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 9,889,308 10,362,010 10,485,197 3,008,823 3,632,026 100.00 20.71 AFRICA 77,373 79,970 82,448 20,413 21,856 0.60 7.07 NORTH AFRICA 17,993 18,846 18,802 5,553 5,996 0.17 7.98 All countries of North Africa (*) 17,993 18,846 18,802 5,553 5,996 0.17 7.98 SOUTHERN AFRICA 20,996 21,461 22,036 4,095 3,423 0.09 -16.41 South Africa 20,996 21,461 22,036 4,095 3,423 0.09 -16.41 OTHER AFRICA 38,384 39,663 41,610 10,765 12,437 0.34 15.53 Other countries of Africa 38,384 39,663 41,610 10,765 12,437 0.34 15.53 AMERICAS 1,292,480 1,411,079 1,530,096 234,676 356,187 9.81 51.78 NORTH AMERICA 1,100,253 1,210,703 1,319,476 187,005 296,870 8.17 58.75 Canada 115,180 126,198 131,504 21,817 21,740 0.60 -0.35 Mexico 27,277 31,094 33,817 6,371 8,937 0.25 40.28 United States of America 957,796 1,053,411 1,154,155 158,817 266,193 7.33 67.61 SOUTH AMERICA 169,356 171,860 174,421 41,097 50,899 1.40 23.85 Argentina 25,225 25,951 23,093 3,595 3,083 0.08 -14.24 Brazil 106,871 105,936 110,332 28,771 36,435 1.00 26.64 Chile 8,849 9,423 2,205 2,590 0.07 17.46 Other countries of South America 28,411 30,550 40,996 6,526 8,791 0.24 34.71 OTHER AMERICAS 22,871 28,516 36,199 6,574 8,418 0.23 28.05 Other countries of the Americas 22,871 28,516 36,199 6,574 8,418 0.23 28.05 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,318,552 2,405,006 2,427,142 227,659 88,028 2.42 -61.33 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,749,859 1,794,516 1,800,430 143,933 28,740 0.79 -80.03 China 974,756 1,026,160 1,008,800 75,200 12,476 0.34 -83.41 Hong Kong, China 91,060 94,974 117,040 11,853 3,023 0.08 -74.50 Japan 227,010 211,945 212,617 17,138 5,714 0.16 -66.66 Korea, Republic of 315,074 312,972 290,464 30,349 6,112 0.17 -79.86 Taiwan Province of China 141,959 148,465 171,509 9,393 1,415 0.04 -84.94 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 395,277 425,310 436,472 56,566 51,113 1.41 -9.64 Indonesia 52,240 53,896 56,357 7,831 6,386 0.18 -18.45 Malaysia 39,495 44,682 49,895 6,072 3,540 0.10 -41.70 Philippines 16,293 16,975 19,838 2,806 2,334 0.06 -16.82 Singapore 70,412 78,255 83,070 12,901 17,191 0.47 33.25 Thailand 143,449 156,319 147,256 13,883 10,685 0.29 -23.04 Other countries of South-East Asia 73,388 75,183 80,056 13,073 10,977 0.30 -16.03 AUSTRALASIA 153,839 164,381 167,690 23,732 5,698 0.16 -75.99 Australia 153,839 164,381 167,690 23,732 5,698 0.16 -75.99 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,577 20,799 22,550 3,428 2,477 0.07 -27.74 Other countries of Oceania 19,577 20,799 22,550 3,428 2,477 0.07 -27.74 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 925 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 5,491,953 5,702,064 5,704,060 2,454,510 2,969,642 81.76 20.99 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 406,849 428,444 435,199 148,558 200,377 5.52 34.88 Belarus 6,630 7,039 6,244 1,509 1,595 0.04 5.70 Bulgaria 16,462 16,490 15,087 5,614 8,693 0.24 54.85 Czech Republic (Czechia) 43,997 49,762 50,850 18,304 23,837 0.66 30.23 Estonia 6,822 7,544 6,922 3,379 4,948 0.14 46.43 Hungary 35,491 35,342 37,620 10,685 15,826 0.44 48.11 Latvia 6,123 6,739 6,626 2,223 3,778 0.10 69.95 Lithuania 7,246 7,999 7,910 2,731 4,534 0.12 66.02 Poland 66,559 72,447 72,287 31,462 54,553 1.50 73.39 Romania 37,530 39,309 39,820 14,786 30,152 0.83 103.92 Russian Federation 135,518 137,883 141,430 42,193 30,495 0.84 -27.72 Slovakia 18,109 17,144 17,381 6,202 7,728 0.21 24.60 Ukraine 26,362 30,746 33,022 9,470 14,238 0.39 50.35 NORTHERN EUROPE 963,329 990,055 987,168 269,489 214,763 5.91 -20.31 Denmark 55,425 57,079 58,159 19,274 28,805 0.79 49.45 Finland 33,965 35,887 35,316 9,654 11,480 0.32 18.91 Iceland 5,859 6,615 6,689 1,137 1,856 0.05 63.24 Ireland 37,484 40,402 41,969 11,413 13,076 0.36 14.57 Norway 43,739 44,622 44,551 9,731 8,158 0.22 -16.16 Sweden 78,664 84,955 82,392 24,644 22,318 0.61 -9.44 United Kingdom 708,193 720,495 718,092 193,636 129,070 3.55 -33.34 SOUTHERN EUROPE 864,909 877,503 856,388 304,040 419,810 11.56 38.08 Croatia 11,491 12,402 12,313 4,005 5,838 0.16 45.77 Greece 37,711 38,552 35,326 10,803 16,239 0.45 50.32 Italy 487,914 483,363 471,601 198,609 254,307 7.00 28.04 Malta 5,627 6,078 6,124 2,298 4,001 0.11 74.11 Portugal 63,148 64,359 65,390 25,301 32,887 0.91 29.98 Serbia 12,431 11,795 12,640 3,944 5,643 0.16 43.08 Slovenia 12,131 12,707 12,558 4,471 5,768 0.16 29.01 Spain 234,456 248,247 240,436 54,609 95,127 2.62 74.20 WESTERN EUROPE 3,053,776 3,194,401 3,224,201 1,685,042 2,063,251 56.81 22.45 Austria 191,833 191,739 188,112 84,404 107,129 2.95 26.92 Belgium 195,605 204,569 208,299 105,578 111,293 3.06 5.41 France 680,806 713,972 723,860 414,385 523,455 14.41 26.32 Germany 1,652,977 1,732,366 1,746,134 885,226 1,071,148 29.49 21.00 Liechtenstein 14,776 15,772 16,537 12,294 18,456 0.51 50.12 Luxembourg 38,394 39,680 42,396 16,908 29,197 0.80 72.68 Netherlands 279,385 296,303 298,863 166,247 202,573 5.58 21.85 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 144,910 142,819 135,227 23,946 45,101 1.24 88.34 Cyprus 5,807 6,990 6,671 2,755 3,895 0.11 41.38 Israel 84,269 87,097 81,157 9,351 29,430 0.81 214.73 Turkiye 54,834 48,732 47,399 11,840 11,776 0.32 -0.54 OTHER EUROPE 58,180 68,842 65,877 23,435 26,340 0.73 12.40 Other countries of Europe 58,180 68,842 65,877 23,435 26,340 0.73 12.40 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 926 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 382,496 404,170 381,310 52,106 168,108 4.63 222.63 Bahrain 7,001 7,008 7,575 656 1,809 0.05 175.76 Egypt 11,880 12,809 13,970 3,052 3,913 0.11 28.21 Kuwait 28,618 29,204 29,128 3,013 9,270 0.26 207.67 Oman 12,661 10,986 12,770 1,534 1,778 0.05 15.91 Qatar 30,749 43,202 43,438 6,639 13,693 0.38 106.25 Saudi Arabia 119,612 121,268 115,825 9,757 37,141 1.02 280.66 United Arab Emirates 137,934 145,290 122,923 20,423 90,948 2.50 345.32 Other countries of Middle East 34,041 34,403 35,681 7,032 9,556 0.26 35.89 SOUTH ASIA 326,454 359,721 360,141 19,459 28,205 0.78 44.95 India 326,454 359,721 355,992 18,745 27,043 0.74 44.27 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,149 714 1,162 0.03 62.75 SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 11,133,204 11,714,583 11,817,617 3,690,348 4,390,034 100.00 18.96 AFRICA 94,205 96,464 99,797 24,798 27,242 0.62 9.85 SOUTHERN AFRICA 22,553 22,911 23,461 4,385 3,602 0.08 -17.86 South Africa 22,553 22,911 23,461 4,385 3,602 0.08 -17.86 OTHER AFRICA 71,652 73,553 76,336 20,413 23,640 0.54 15.81 Other countries of Africa 71,652 73,553 76,336 20,413 23,640 0.54 15.81 AMERICAS 1,360,836 1,494,944 1,616,413 247,239 373,859 8.52 51.21 NORTH AMERICA 1,132,624 1,253,121 1,361,894 190,584 301,996 6.88 58.46 Canada 123,622 135,605 142,552 23,500 23,133 0.53 -1.56 United States of America 1,009,002 1,117,516 1,219,342 167,084 278,863 6.35 66.90 SOUTH AMERICA 110,816 109,710 114,982 29,953 38,332 0.87 27.97 Brazil 110,816 109,710 114,982 29,953 38,332 0.87 27.97 OTHER AMERICAS 117,396 132,113 139,537 26,701 33,531 0.76 25.58 Other countries of the Americas 117,396 132,113 139,537 26,701 33,531 0.76 25.58 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,269,467 3,413,729 3,408,004 310,107 299,344 6.82 -3.47 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,677,143 1,710,487 1,693,285 141,014 29,759 0.68 -78.90 Japan 231,798 223,101 227,561 17,690 6,164 0.14 -65.15 Korea, Republic of 366,811 359,095 335,656 34,887 6,970 0.16 -80.02 China and Hong Kong, China 1,078,534 1,128,291 1,130,068 88,438 16,625 0.38 -81.20 AUSTRALASIA 180,088 189,826 189,645 26,444 6,327 0.14 -76.07 Australia 180,088 189,826 189,645 26,444 6,327 0.14 -76.07 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,412,236 1,513,416 1,525,074 142,649 263,258 6.00 84.55 Other countries of Asia 1,389,087 1,490,506 1,501,446 138,853 260,348 5.93 87.50 Other countries of Oceania 23,149 22,910 23,628 3,796 2,910 0.07 -23.34 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 927 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 6,408,696 6,709,446 6,693,403 3,108,203 3,689,589 84.04 18.70 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 448,008 490,753 499,519 170,938 237,750 5.42 39.09 Bulgaria 17,436 16,910 15,578 6,012 9,103 0.21 51.40 Czech Republic (Czechia) 58,479 60,569 63,528 26,972 45,670 1.04 69.32 Estonia 7,550 8,241 7,721 3,645 5,344 0.12 46.63 Hungary 38,855 38,949 41,025 12,044 17,336 0.39 43.94 Latvia 6,703 7,527 7,141 2,492 4,972 0.11 99.54 Lithuania 8,744 8,696 8,969 3,170 4,749 0.11 49.81 Poland 78,009 92,986 91,810 38,410 61,660 1.40 60.53 Romania 39,599 41,269 41,742 15,794 32,591 0.74 106.35 Russian Federation 141,864 157,653 161,225 45,038 31,651 0.72 -29.72 Slovakia 20,941 21,428 22,013 7,383 8,549 0.19 15.80 Ukraine 29,828 36,525 38,767 9,978 16,125 0.37 61.60 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,088,766 1,077,991 1,069,676 308,109 236,449 5.39 -23.26 Denmark 63,154 63,197 63,551 22,574 34,873 0.79 54.48 Finland 37,092 38,355 37,236 10,564 12,095 0.28 14.49 Iceland 6,452 6,975 7,050 1,354 1,932 0.04 42.67 Ireland 40,280 42,993 44,107 12,270 14,377 0.33 17.17 Norway 47,426 47,914 47,135 10,816 8,719 0.20 -19.39 Sweden 86,457 94,675 91,843 26,939 24,008 0.55 -10.88 United Kingdom 807,905 783,882 778,754 223,591 140,445 3.20 -37.19 SOUTHERN EUROPE 934,088 951,460 924,355 333,094 459,230 10.46 37.87 Croatia 12,406 15,490 15,820 4,235 6,034 0.14 42.49 Greece 38,391 39,841 36,381 11,238 16,663 0.38 48.27 Italy 529,618 525,336 511,444 219,301 281,596 6.41 28.41 Malta 6,069 6,467 6,391 2,322 4,336 0.10 86.70 Portugal 67,117 66,570 67,395 27,567 36,089 0.82 30.91 Slovenia 14,904 15,762 15,811 5,815 6,409 0.15 10.21 Spain 265,583 281,994 271,113 62,616 108,103 2.46 72.64 WESTERN EUROPE 3,794,673 4,039,851 4,054,145 2,240,691 2,674,657 60.93 19.37 Austria 211,262 199,325 195,410 97,641 128,059 2.92 31.15 Belgium 255,425 297,596 300,081 139,527 1 74,794 3.98 25.28 France 787,580 810,993 816,489 488,797 627,060 14.28 28.29 Germany 2,072,112 2,216,038 2,220,355 1,219,337 1,455,177 33.15 19.34 Liechtenstein 16,963 16,942 17,518 14,458 22,763 0.52 57.44 Luxembourg 42,998 45,428 47,697 19,011 30,853 0.70 62.29 Netherlands 408,333 453,529 456,595 261,919 235,951 5.37 -9.91 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 62,167 57,633 56,146 15,578 16,582 0.38 6.45 Cyprus 6,107 7,170 6,809 2,818 3,977 0.09 41.12 Türkiye 56,060 50,463 49,337 12,759 12,605 0.29 -1.21 OTHER EUROPE 80,994 91,758 89,562 39,794 64,921 1.48 63.14 Other countries of Europe 80,994 91,758 89,562 39,794 64,921 1.48 63.14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 928 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 20,472,865 21,393,736 21,639,611 7,341,347 8,598,184 100.00 17.12 AFRICA 236,203 241,637 245,759 69,392 79,438 0.92 14.48 NORTH AFRICA 50,355 52,652 54,052 19,004 23,496 0.27 23.64 All countries of North Africa (*) 50,355 52,652 54,052 19,004 23,496 0.27 23.64 SOUTHERN AFRICA 55,704 58,634 59,211 11,523 10,665 0.12 -7.45 South Africa 55,704 58,634 59,211 11,523 10,665 0.12 -7.45 OTHER AFRICA 130,144 130,351 132,496 38,865 45,277 0.53 16.50 Other countries of Africa 130,144 130,351 132,496 38,865 45,277 0.53 16.50 AMERICAS 2,794,990 3,044,301 3,278,536 579,937 835,998 9.72 44.15 NORTH AMERICA 2,351,788 2,589,181 2,817,127 457,534 684,266 7.96 49.56 Canada 247,764 270,959 275,205 53,864 53,978 0.63 0.21 Mexico 57,644 65,521 67,562 14,473 19,861 0.23 37.23 United States of America 2,046,380 2,252,701 2,474,360 389,197 610,427 7.10 56.84 SOUTH AMERICA 387,330 389,813 388,662 105,068 130,070 1.51 23.80 Argentina 55,305 56,684 49,753 9,220 8,727 0.10 -5.35 Brazil 244,854 242,052 248,573 75,516 92,265 1.07 22.18 Chile 20,262 20,458 5,795 6,975 0.08 20.36 Other countries of South America 66,909 70,619 90,336 14,537 22,103 0.26 52.05 OTHER AMERICAS 55,872 65,307 72,747 17,335 21,662 0.25 24.96 Other countries of the Americas 55,872 65,307 72,747 1 7,335 21,662 0.25 24.96 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,587,765 3,747,639 3,881,891 437,391 215,163 2.50 -50.81 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,492,804 2,566,106 2,673,385 247,012 77,952 0.91 -68.44 China 1,279,216 1,359,519 1,392,034 119,257 35,960 0.42 -69.85 Hong Kong, China 151,486 156,022 191,765 24,606 8,384 0.10 -65.93 Japan 408,258 382,585 389,437 39,032 16,122 0.19 -58.70 Korea, Republic of 457,212 456,250 438,204 50,245 14,478 0.17 -71.19 Taiwan Province of China 196,632 211,730 261,945 13,872 3,008 0.03 -78.32 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 730,248 792,984 810,560 123,526 116,697 1.36 -5.53 Indonesia 92,113 97,235 101,332 14,870 13,612 0.16 -8.46 Malaysia 73,834 84,073 90,675 12,738 8,506 0.10 -33.22 Philippines 38,772 40,626 46,041 7,937 6,822 0.08 -14.05 Singapore 148,304 160,607 170,569 27,612 38,043 0.44 37.78 Thailand 218,682 246,165 238,873 31,700 21,787 0.25 -31.27 Other countries of South-East Asia 158,543 164,278 163,070 28,669 27,927 0.32 -2.59 AUSTRALASIA 323,643 345,194 349,705 58,490 14,821 0.17 -74.66 Australia 323,643 345,194 349,705 58,490 14,821 0.17 -74.66 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 41,070 43,355 48,241 8,363 5,693 0.07 -31.93 Other countries of Oceania 41,070 43,355 48,241 8,363 5,693 0.07 -31.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 929 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 12,063,867 12,475,023 12,436,185 6,052,851 6,923,298 80.52 14.38 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,029,734 1,087,381 1,084,352 463,442 621,356 7.23 34.07 Belarus 16,381 16,757 15,312 4,244 4,749 0.06 11.90 Bulgaria 39,512 40,504 38,378 17,823 26,598 0.31 49.23 Czech Republic (Czechia) 102,839 114,581 116,869 50,436 60,564 0.70 20.08 Estonia 16,488 16,511 15,545 8,884 11,722 0.14 31.95 Hungary 86,282 95,204 99,742 37,354 50,404 0.59 34.94 Latvia 14,038 16,192 15,098 6,212 9,651 0.11 55.36 Lithuania 15,925 19,210 18,550 7,421 10,790 0.13 45.40 Poland 1 79,785 191,859 187,147 102,052 195,998 2.28 92.06 Romania 87,985 96,530 97,317 45,466 81,1 74 0.94 78.54 Russian Federation 352,172 356,917 357,345 133,301 102,246 1.19 -23.30 Slovakia 51,065 46,325 44,547 24,229 29,718 0.35 22.65 Ukraine 67,262 76,791 78,502 26,020 37,742 0.44 45.05 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,174,434 2,254,729 2,235,852 723,347 536,016 6.23 -25.90 Denmark 111,573 121,033 122,886 46,763 66,093 0.77 41.34 Finland 77,817 82,131 81,291 25,175 26,064 0.30 3.53 Iceland 11,481 13,876 14,560 3,406 4,478 0.05 31.47 Ireland 81,268 92,639 91,942 30,422 31,987 0.37 5.14 Norway 100,695 100,527 100,699 27,765 19,388 0.23 -30.17 Sweden 1 75,931 192,205 183,045 66,421 54,132 0.63 -18.50 United Kingdom 1,615,669 1,652,318 1,641,429 523,395 333,874 3.88 -36.21 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,704,285 1,734,627 1,669,130 696,230 925,773 10.77 32.97 Croatia 28,058 29,410 30,056 12,621 17,210 0.20 36.36 Greece 86,720 90,066 82,780 29,696 40,315 0.47 35.76 Italy 927,346 919,812 887,679 446,533 545,988 6.35 22.27 Malta 13,988 14,875 14,840 5,799 9,408 0.11 62.23 Portugal 133,590 134,293 135,581 59,565 77,348 0.90 29.85 Serbia 30,275 29,001 30,590 10,530 13,356 0.16 26.84 Slovenia 29,831 30,437 29,891 12,444 16,569 0.19 33.15 Spain 454,477 486,733 457,713 119,042 205,579 2.39 72.69 WESTERN EUROPE 6,710,183 6,924,235 6,998,826 4,053,479 4,669,065 54.30 15.19 Austria 405,041 380,067 378,298 191,022 240,199 2.79 25.74 Belgium 587,573 610,254 636,425 379,707 329,360 3.83 -13.26 France 1,244,402 1,285,857 1,277,105 795,627 989,005 11.50 24.31 Germany 3,745,134 3,891,896 3,925,653 2,227,431 2,595,965 30.19 16.55 Liechtenstein 28,012 28,644 29,503 25,262 38,369 0.45 51.88 Luxembourg 94,186 94,554 103,788 46,659 79,097 0.92 69.52 Netherlands 605,835 632,963 648,054 387,771 397,070 4.62 2.40 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 323,068 331,084 314,594 62,124 111,692 1.30 79.79 Cyprus 14,606 1 7,308 16,729 7,941 11,152 0.13 40.44 Israel 192,521 210,512 197,731 29,356 67,471 0.78 129.84 Turkiye 115,941 103,264 100,134 24,827 33,069 0.38 33.20 OTHER EUROPE 122,163 142,967 133,431 54,229 59,396 0.69 9.53 Other countries of Europe 122,163 142,967 133,431 54,229 59,396 0.69 9.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 930 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 1,050,855 1,075,196 995,091 145,092 465,451 5.41 220.80 Bahrain 21,206 21,065 21,802 2,541 5,467 0.06 115.15 Egypt 35,743 37,958 39,834 10,305 12,643 0.15 22.69 Kuwait 87,577 86,971 87,409 11,246 29,073 0.34 158.52 Oman 29,836 27,388 30,120 3,348 5,494 0.06 64.10 Qatar 78,498 107,696 107,119 16,519 42,788 0.50 159.02 Saudi Arabia 350,592 342,489 320,463 33,517 104,195 1.21 210.87 United Arab Emirates 352,259 360,650 296,854 46,617 238,388 2.77 411.38 Other countries of Middle East 95,144 90,979 91,490 20,999 27,403 0.32 30.50 SOUTH ASIA 739,185 809,940 802,149 56,684 78,836 0.92 39.08 India 739,185 809,940 792,607 54,620 76,048 0.88 39.23 Iran, Islamic Republic of 9,542 2,064 2,788 0.03 35.08 SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 25,515,123 26,784,188 26,880,289 10,254,351 11,593,007 100.00 13.05 AFRICA 289,537 296,212 302,539 86,680 96,619 0.83 11.47 SOUTHERN AFRICA 60,361 64,228 66,561 13,271 11,385 0.10 -14.21 South Africa 60,361 64,228 66,561 13,271 11,385 0.10 -14.21 OTHER AFRICA 229,176 231,984 235,978 73,409 85,234 0.74 16.11 Other countries of Africa 229,176 231,984 235,978 73,409 85,234 0.74 16.11 AMERICAS 3,010,400 3,313,029 3,560,877 632,244 913,113 7.88 44.42 NORTH AMERICA 2,483,046 2,761,697 2,997,063 485,934 724,007 6.25 48.99 Canada 273,305 302,066 309,689 63,637 58,514 0.50 -8.05 United States of America 2,209,741 2,459,631 2,687,374 422,297 665,493 5.74 57.59 SOUTH AMERICA 257,444 251,915 265,425 79,739 103,206 0.89 29.43 Brazil 257,444 251,915 265,425 79,739 103,206 0.89 29.43 OTHER AMERICAS 269,910 299,417 298,389 66,570 85,900 0.74 29.04 Other countries of the Americas 269,910 299,417 298,389 66,570 85,900 0.74 29.04 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,100,186 6,380,641 6,418,987 680,904 840,345 7.25 23.42 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,459,882 2,511,035 2,575,902 253,859 85,345 0.74 -66.38 Japan 430,068 415,220 426,432 42,653 18,651 0.16 -56.27 Korea, Republic of 569,067 561,605 549,013 63,012 17,837 0.15 -71.69 China and Hong Kong, China 1,460,747 1,534,210 1,600,457 148,194 48,857 0.42 -67.03 AUSTRALASIA 394,511 419,851 418,546 70,507 18,004 0.16 -74.46 Australia 394,511 419,851 418,546 70,507 18,004 0.16 -74.46 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3,245,793 3,449,755 3,424,539 356,538 736,996 6.36 106.71 Other countries of Asia 3,193,375 3,399,520 3,372,250 345,882 727,857 6.28 110.44 Other countries of Oceania 52,418 50,235 52,289 10,656 9,139 0.08 -14.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 931 COUNTRY TABLES SWITZERLAND / SUISSE / SUIZA 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 16,115,000 16,794,306 16,597,886 8,854,523 9,742,930 84.04 10.03 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,232,859 1,332,141 1,322,256 564,045 774,274 6.68 37.27 Bulgaria 42,857 42,622 39,771 19,555 27,927 0.24 42.81 Czech Republic (Czechia) 158,281 161,635 162,710 83,304 153,753 1.33 84.57 Estonia 20,739 19,134 17,663 9,573 12,947 0.11 35.24 Hungary 97,844 109,651 113,508 43,403 56,198 0.48 29.48 Latvia 16,141 18,449 17,062 7,694 14,537 0.13 88.94 Lithuania 20,652 22,081 21,893 8,669 11,355 0.10 30.98 Poland 239,126 258,618 249,809 129,901 221,696 1.91 70.67 Romania 96,229 103,221 103,374 51,252 91,157 0.79 77.86 Russian Federation 394,247 431,862 430,495 154,027 105,623 0.91 -31.43 Slovakia 63,760 63,144 60,531 29,069 33,957 0.29 16.82 Ukraine 82,983 101,724 105,440 27,598 45,124 0.39 63.50 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,679,784 2,630,185 2,583,708 905,991 614,455 5.30 -32.18 Denmark 141,092 145,158 141,813 61,961 95,327 0.82 53.85 Finland 90,338 91,270 88,284 29,659 28,572 0.25 -3.67 Iceland 12,813 15,540 15,685 5,117 4,895 0.04 -4.34 Ireland 92,202 102,963 99,624 33,213 37,203 0.32 12.01 Norway 114,152 112,468 108,679 33,1 76 20,965 0.18 -36.81 Sweden 208,681 236,595 224,249 78,131 60,238 0.52 -22.90 United Kingdom 2,020,506 1,926,191 1,905,374 664,733 367,255 3.17 -44.75 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,944,255 2,001,708 1,906,674 808,739 1,095,876 9.45 35.50 Croatia 32,330 42,771 42,983 13,719 17,847 0.15 30.09 Greece 89,811 94,655 86,444 32,255 42,111 0.36 30.56 Italy 1,078,135 1,079,199 1,034,611 527,859 671,318 5.79 27.18 Malta 15,859 16,019 15,699 5,896 10,551 0.09 78.94 Portugal 145,236 141,484 142,225 66,151 90,140 0.78 36.26 Slovenia 40,199 42,895 40,540 18,674 18,721 0.16 0.25 Spain 542,685 584,685 544,172 144,185 245,188 2.11 70.05 WESTERN EUROPE 9,942,897 10,504,050 10,469,612 6,433,730 7,060,205 60.90 9.74 Austria 457,801 416,081 409,385 226,366 315,953 2.73 39.58 Belgium 925,316 973,846 976,931 562,239 574,011 4.95 2.09 France 1,628,857 1,689,181 1,667,221 1,069,602 1,409,955 12.16 31.82 Germany 5,564,836 5,918,536 5,872,431 3,643,238 4,080,713 35.20 12.01 Liechtenstein 36,899 32,181 33,104 33,097 54,775 0.47 65.50 Luxembourg 118,344 124,497 133,068 58,982 86,156 0.74 46.07 Netherlands 1,210,844 1,349,728 1,377,472 840,206 538,642 4.65 -35.89 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 135,849 126,012 123,182 43,368 47,794 0.41 10.21 Cyprus 16,416 17,724 17,207 8,275 11,500 0.10 38.97 Türkiye 119,433 108,288 105,975 35,093 36,294 0.31 3.42 OTHER EUROPE 179,356 200,210 192,454 98,651 150,326 1.30 52.38 Other countries of Europe 179,356 200,210 192,454 98,651 150,326 1.30 52.38 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 932 COUNTRY TABLES SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE ARABE SYRIENNE / REPUBLICA ARABE SIRIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 1,291,090 1,802,059 2,424,285 479,364 660,956 100.00 37.88 AFRICA 8,647 8,074 7,419 1,164 1,928 0.29 65.64 NORTH AFRICA 8,647 8,074 7,419 1,164 1,928 0.29 65.64 Algeria 1,548 1,908 1,904 445 534 0.08 20.00 Morocco 535 666 792 177 428 0.06 141.81 Sudan 5,798 4,703 3,891 351 608 0.09 73.22 Tunisia 766 797 832 191 358 0.05 87.43 AMERICAS 18,580 25,959 30,903 5,439 22,257 3.37 309.21 NORTH AMERICA 13,949 20,477 24,967 4,314 19,982 3.02 363.19 Canada 3,955 5,357 6,377 1,162 4,538 0.69 290.53 United States of America 9,994 15,120 18,590 3,152 15,444 2.34 389.97 SOUTH AMERICA 4,631 5,482 5,936 1,125 2,275 0.34 102.22 Argentina 350 476 557 97 200 0.03 106.19 Brazil 1,062 1,504 1,668 383 861 0.13 124.80 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,219 3,502 3,711 645 1,214 0.18 88.22 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 5,742 8,111 9,242 1,237 1,688 0.26 36.46 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,107 1,738 2,451 439 529 0.08 20.50 China 1,041 1,657 2,335 415 465 0.07 12.05 Japan 66 81 116 24 64 0.01 166.67 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,750 2,273 2,423 310 470 0.07 51.61 Indonesia 1,700 2,079 2,282 221 357 0.05 61.54 Malaysia 50 194 141 89 113 0.02 26.97 AUSTRALASIA 2,885 4,100 4,368 488 689 0.10 41.19 Australia 2,825 4,048 4,288 468 641 0.10 36.97 New Zealand 60 52 80 20 48 0.01 140.00 EUROPE 71,630 86,003 96,234 51,456 78,643 11.90 52.84 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 50,252 53,910 56,325 42,743 39,529 5.98 -7.52 Bulgaria 442 527 605 133 239 0.04 79.70 Czech Republic/Slovakia 750 822 914 295 475 0.07 61.02 Hungary 224 309 319 52 189 0.03 263.46 Poland 302 404 469 80 210 0.03 162.50 Romania 846 988 998 243 729 0.11 200.00 Ukraine 3,360 1,953 2,309 589 1,119 0.17 89.98 USSR (former) 44,328 48,907 50,711 41,351 36,568 5.53 -11.57 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,619 9,861 13,345 3,283 15,865 2.40 383.25 Denmark 401 633 732 149 395 0.06 165.10 Norway 322 544 681 158 526 0.08 232.91 Sweden 2,530 4,927 7,769 2,093 12,219 1.85 483.80 United Kingdom 2,366 3,757 4,163 883 2,725 0.41 208.61 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,386 4,375 5,159 1,062 2,663 0.40 150.75 Greece 850 968 1,022 327 617 0.09 88.69 Italy 1,159 1,560 2,035 345 990 0.15 186.96 Spain 1,116 1,530 1,770 307 941 0.14 206.51 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 261 317 332 83 115 0.02 38.55 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 933 COUNTRY TABLES SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE ARABE SYRIENNE / REPUBLICA ARABE SIRIA 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 10,643 15,573 18,863 3,720 18,539 2.80 398.36 Austria 445 666 753 132 439 0.07 232.58 Belgium 616 870 1,084 282 1,290 0.20 357.45 France 4,553 6,127 7,044 1,227 4,639 0.70 278.08 Germany 3,834 6,130 7,398 1,362 6,800 1.03 399.27 Netherlands 628 1,013 1,776 537 4,871 0.74 807.08 Switzerland 567 767 808 180 500 0.08 177.78 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,730 2,284 2,542 648 2,047 0.31 215.90 Cyprus 313 416 474 96 288 0.04 200.00 Turkiye 1,417 1,868 2,068 552 1,759 0.27 218.66 MIDDLE EAST 1,140,415 1,612,066 2,212,137 404,078 529,298 80.08 30.99 Bahrain 7,714 8,841 22,120 5,025 7,462 1.13 48.50 Egypt 3,398 4,367 6,668 2,204 6,034 0.91 173.77 Iraq 183,067 194,646 257,527 52,414 177,149 26.80 237.98 Jordan 18,102 110,370 356,940 46,324 69,958 10.58 51.02 Kuwait 3,491 3,938 7,081 1,200 2,684 0.41 123.67 Lebanon 918,342 1,281,185 1,549,207 294,962 262,432 39.70 -11.03 Libya 242 300 378 143 447 0.07 212.59 Oman 705 829 1,126 99 82 0.01 -17.17 Qatar 56 98 175 17 576 0.09 3,288.24 Saudi Arabia 3,726 5,396 8,016 1,031 690 0.10 -33.07 State of Palestine 410 683 854 177 468 0.07 164.41 United Arab Emirates 211 313 627 109 510 0.08 367.89 Yemen 481 785 1,201 281 620 0.09 120.64 Other countries of Middle East 470 315 217 92 186 0.03 102.17 SOUTH ASIA 28,276 40,973 43,499 8,875 13,777 2.08 55.23 Afghanistan 399 471 434 117 187 0.03 59.83 India 1,732 4,583 8,691 2,673 1,453 0.22 -45.64 Iran, Islamic Republic of 14,429 22,260 19,439 3,824 4,836 0.73 26.46 Pakistan 11,716 13,659 14,935 2,261 7,301 1.10 222.91 NOT SPECIFIED 17,800 20,873 24,851 7,115 13,365 2.02 87.84 Other countries of the world 1 7,800 20,873 24,851 7,115 13,365 2.02 87.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 934 COUNTRY TABLES SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE ARABE SYRIENNE / REPUBLICA ARABE SIRIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 238,823 286,136 366,960 76,018 129,306 100.00 70.10 AFRICA 3,082 2,682 2,734 480 546 0.42 13.75 NORTH AFRICA 3,082 2,682 2,734 480 546 0.42 13.75 Algeria 585 492 629 177 112 0.09 -36.72 Morocco 69 62 110 71 162 0.13 128.17 Sudan 2,316 2,017 1,825 105 202 0.16 92.38 Tunisia 112 111 170 127 70 0.05 -44.88 AMERICAS 819 830 1,119 301 347 0.27 15.28 NORTH AMERICA 572 600 826 217 236 0.18 8.76 Canada 361 347 446 116 92 0.07 -20.69 United States of America 211 253 380 101 144 0.11 42.57 SOUTH AMERICA 247 230 293 84 111 0.09 32.14 Argentina 63 68 121 27 7 0.01 -74.07 Brazil 167 127 115 42 36 0.03 -14.29 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 17 35 57 15 68 0.05 353.33 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 840 1,136 2,394 420 286 0.22 -31.90 NORHT-EAST ASIA 631 838 1,862 257 137 0.11 -46.69 China 488 726 1,742 232 101 0.08 -56.47 Japan 143 112 120 25 36 0.03 44.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 60 69 139 46 37 0.03 -19.57 Indonesia 42 53 84 25 30 0.02 20.00 Malaysia 18 16 55 21 7 0.01 -66.67 AUSTRALASIA 149 229 393 117 112 0.09 -4.27 Australia 115 200 368 106 107 0.08 0.94 New Zealand 34 29 25 11 5 0.00 -54.55 EUROPE 9,379 8,676 10,364 4,130 5,756 4.45 39.37 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 6,365 4,611 4,663 2,896 4,004 3.10 38.26 Bulgaria 33 22 34 5 42 0.03 740.00 Czech Republic/Slovakia 93 104 162 25 736 0.57 2,844.00 Hungary 26 37 71 8 726 0.56 8,975.00 Poland 29 22 24 6 19 0.01 216.67 Romania 52 26 65 9 45 0.03 400.00 Ukraine 96 56 253 105 115 0.09 9.52 USSR (former) 6,036 4,344 4,054 2,738 2,321 1.79 -15.23 NORTHERN EUROPE 857 1,860 2,036 386 608 0.47 57.51 Denmark 69 132 164 60 28 0.02 -53.33 Norway 86 85 201 45 229 0.18 408.89 Sweden 150 142 218 95 83 0.06 -12.63 United Kingdom 552 1,501 1,453 186 268 0.21 44.09 SOUTHERN EUROPE 674 625 1,262 276 484 0.37 75.36 Greece 84 66 101 31 44 0.03 41.94 Italy 348 391 701 157 324 0.25 106.37 Spain 223 160 437 83 116 0.09 39.76 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 19 8 23 5 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 935 COUNTRY TABLES SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE ARABE SYRIENNE / REPUBLICA ARABE SIRIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 1,357 1,417 2,259 507 592 0.46 16.77 Austria 42 93 93 21 27 0.02 28.57 Belgium 72 63 85 49 43 0.03 -12.24 France 642 445 1,006 160 224 0.17 40.00 Germany 330 447 559 126 128 0.10 1.59 Netherlands 94 155 211 57 108 0.08 89.47 Switzerland 177 214 305 94 62 0.05 -34.04 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 126 163 144 65 68 0.05 4.62 Cyprus 9 27 57 11 22 0.02 100.00 Turkiye 117 136 87 54 46 0.04 -14.81 MIDDLE EAST 194,277 211,910 269,420 51,483 102,497 79.27 99.09 Bahrain 7,120 5,763 14,750 2,982 2,140 1.65 -28.24 Egypt 784 977 1,309 498 889 0.69 78.51 Iraq 161,459 160,050 200,944 36,862 83,959 64.93 127.77 Jordan 1,087 5,482 14,415 2,645 5,090 3.94 92.44 Kuwait 2,875 2,455 4,672 699 1,408 1.09 101.43 Lebanon 14,294 21,812 25,952 4,260 4,358 3.37 2.30 Libya 68 180 154 21 267 0.21 1,171.43 Oman 585 583 819 440 58 0.04 -86.82 Qatar 2 38 14 1 0.00 Saudi Arabia 1,926 11,275 3,519 545 59 0.05 -89.17 State of Palestine 2,218 1,635 1,827 1,095 1,166 0.90 6.48 United Arab Emirates 6 637 128 11 10 0.01 -9.09 Yemen 155 195 363 122 380 0.29 211.48 Other countries of Middle East 1,698 828 554 1,303 2,712 2.10 108.14 SOUTH ASIA 25,703 60,902 76,979 17,806 18,012 13.93 1.16 India 940 3,841 7,449 1,712 127 0.10 -92.58 Iran, Islamic Republic of 11,052 43,101 56,412 14,331 11,494 8.89 -19.80 Pakistan 13,711 13,960 13,118 1,763 6,391 4.94 262.51 NOT SPECIFIED 4,723 3,950 1,398 1,862 1.44 33.19 Other countries of the world 4,723 3,950 1,398 1,862 1.44 33.19 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 936 COUNTRY TABLES TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA / PROVINCE CHINOISE DE TAIWAN / PROVINCIA CHINA DE TAIWAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 10,739,601 11,066,707 11,864,105 1,377,861 140,479 100.00 -89.80 AFRICA 11,682 12,037 12,537 2,502 901 0.64 -63.99 SOUTHERN AFRICA 5,757 5,596 5,872 1,258 355 0.25 -71.78 South Africa 5,757 5,596 5,872 1,258 355 0.25 -71.78 OTHER AFRICA 5,925 6,441 6,665 1,244 546 0.39 -56.11 Other countries of Africa 5,925 6,441 6,665 1,244 546 0.39 -56.11 AMERICAS 702,049 732,478 766,254 106,117 14,642 10.42 -86.20 NORTH AMERICA 683,399 712,862 745,738 102,329 13,340 9.50 -86.96 Canada 117,687 128,456 136,651 18,857 1,178 0.84 -93.75 Mexico 4,347 4,334 4,033 600 181 0.13 -69.83 United States of America 561,365 580,072 605,054 82,872 11,981 8.53 -85.54 SOUTH AMERICA 6,487 6,501 6,701 1,095 223 0.16 -79.63 Argentina 1,693 1,459 1,284 272 52 0.04 -80.88 Brazil 4,794 5,042 5,417 823 171 0.12 -79.22 OTHER AMERICAS 12,163 13,115 13,815 2,693 1,079 0.77 -59.93 Other countries of the Americas 12,163 13,115 13,815 2,693 1,079 0.77 -59.93 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 9,637,879 9,906,631 10,632,176 1,197,250 104,728 74.55 -91.25 NORHT-EAST ASIA 7,378,174 7,337,861 7,882,621 737,274 37,383 26.61 -94.93 China 2,732,549 2,695,615 2,714,065 111,050 13,267 9.44 -88.05 Hong Kong, China 1,692,063 1,653,654 1,758,006 177,654 10,760 7.66 -93.94 Japan 1,898,854 1,969,151 2,167,952 269,659 10,056 7.16 -96.27 Korea, Republic of 1,054,708 1,019,441 1,242,598 178,911 3,300 2.35 -98.16 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,137,138 2,430,119 2,593,392 435,383 65,309 46.49 -85.00 Indonesia 189,631 210,985 229,960 55,717 13,819 9.84 -75.20 Malaysia 528,019 526,129 537,692 72,705 6,205 4.42 -91.47 Philippines 290,784 419,105 509,519 77,065 9,183 6.54 -88.08 Singapore 425,577 427,222 460,635 49,946 2,417 1.72 -95.16 Thailand 292,534 320,008 413,926 63,553 7,570 5.39 -88.09 Viet Nam 383,329 490,774 405,396 110,882 24,935 17.75 -77.51 Other countries of South-East Asia 27,264 35,896 36,264 5,515 1,180 0.84 -78.60 AUSTRALASIA 105,531 118,903 131,619 21,999 727 0.52 -96.70 Australia 90,892 102,541 111,788 18,906 568 0.40 -97.00 New Zealand 14,639 16,362 19,831 3,093 159 0.11 -94.86 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 17,036 19,748 24,544 2,594 1,309 0.93 -49.54 Other countries of Asia 14,223 16,954 21,303 1,987 678 0.48 -65.88 Other countries of Oceania 2,813 2,794 3,241 607 631 0.45 3.95 EUROPE 330,090 350,094 386,752 59,512 16,413 11.68 -72.42 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 9,226 10,394 17,621 2,939 724 0.52 -75.37 Russian Federation 9,226 10,394 17,621 2,939 724 0.52 -75.37 NORTHERN EUROPE 73,964 80,236 86,426 13,378 3,243 2.31 -75.76 Sweden 9,106 9,206 9,522 1,499 279 0.20 -81.39 United Kingdom 64,858 71,030 76,904 11,879 2,964 2.11 -75.05 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 937 COUNTRY TABLES TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA / PROVINCE CHINOISE DE TAIWAN / PROVINCIA CHINA DE TAIWAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 31,838 34,338 36,463 4,569 1,033 0.74 -77.39 Greece 1,875 1,755 2,050 280 71 0.05 -74.64 Italy 18,596 19,577 20,115 2,267 539 0.38 -76.22 Spain 11,367 13,006 14,298 2,022 423 0.30 -79.08 WESTERN EUROPE 165,093 172,197 187,892 28,362 6,719 4.78 -76.31 Austria 7,877 9,261 9,160 1,622 248 0.18 -84.71 Belgium 7,666 7,845 8,980 1,602 681 0.48 -57.49 France 46,822 52,687 57,393 8,975 1,567 1.12 -82.54 Germany 65,983 65,330 72,708 9,361 1,937 1.38 -79.31 Netherlands 25,492 25,835 27,640 5,311 2,070 1.47 -61.02 Switzerland 11,253 11,239 12,011 1,491 216 0.15 -85.51 OTHER EUROPE 49,969 52,929 58,350 10,264 4,694 3.34 -54.27 Other countries of Europe 49,969 52,929 58,350 10,264 4,694 3.34 -54.27 MIDDLE EAST 21,138 22,442 24,030 2,737 696 0.50 -74.57 All countries of Middle East 21,138 22,442 24,030 2,737 696 0.50 -74.57 SOUTH ASIA 34,962 38,385 40,353 6,606 1,930 1.37 -70.78 India 34,962 38,385 40,353 6,606 1,930 1.37 -70.78 NOT SPECIFIED 1,801 4,640 2,003 3,137 1,169 0.83 -62.74 Other countries of the world 1,801 4,640 2,003 3,137 1,169 0.83 -62.74 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA / PROVINCE CHINOISE DE TAIWAN / PROVINCIA CHINA DE TAIWAN 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 9,739,927 9,974,727 10,772,306 1,262,432 48,716 100.00 -96.14 AFRICA 8,601 8,814 9,135 1,377 268 0.55 -80.54 SOUTHERN AFRICA 3,959 3,828 3,990 701 141 0.29 -79.89 South Africa 3,959 3,828 3,990 701 141 0.29 -79.89 OTHER AFRICA 4,642 4,986 5,145 676 127 0.26 -81.21 Other countries of Africa 4,642 4,986 5,145 676 127 0.26 -81.21 AMERICAS 632,667 654,717 688,785 104,061 5,468 11.22 -94.75 NORTH AMERICA 617,829 639,251 672,687 101,458 5,243 10.76 -94.83 Canada 104,035 112,458 120,472 17,357 420 0.86 -97.58 Mexico 3,584 3,319 3,221 466 79 0.16 -83.05 United States of America 510,210 523,474 548,994 83,635 4,744 9.74 -94.33 SOUTH AMERICA 5,601 5,494 5,509 1,042 73 0.15 -92.99 Argentina 1,456 1,213 974 283 13 0.03 -95.41 Brazil 4,145 4,281 4,535 759 60 0.12 -92.09 OTHER AMERICAS 9,237 9,972 10,589 1,561 152 0.31 -90.26 Other countries of the Americas 9,237 9,972 10,589 1,561 152 0.31 -90.26 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 938 COUNTRY TABLES TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA / PROVINCE CHINOISE DE TAIWAN / PROVINCIA CHINA DE TAIWAN 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,761,194 8,946,448 9,678,148 1,096,177 33,287 68.33 -96.96 NORHT-EAST ASIA 6,953,974 6,894,584 7,438,613 761,877 6,841 14.04 -99.10 China 2,460,844 2,415,344 2,473,590 92,990 1,448 2.97 -98.44 Hong Kong, China 1,620,199 1,591,319 1,679,929 181,277 538 1.10 -99.70 Japan 1,840,969 1,890,628 2,065,646 293,917 3,702 7.60 -98.74 Korea, Republic of 1,031,962 997,293 1,219,448 193,693 1,153 2.37 -99.40 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,700,130 1,933,529 2,108,064 307,386 25,627 52.60 -91.66 Indonesia 99,279 107,439 116,687 26,951 11,805 24.23 -56.20 Malaysia 489,593 486,262 497,470 65,676 2,571 5.28 -96.09 Philippines 179,380 288,942 397,486 58,010 8,390 17.22 -85.54 Singapore 415,135 413,911 447,127 58,913 1,148 2.36 -98.05 Thailand 249,009 276,685 370,556 57,964 389 0.80 -99.33 Viet Nam 541 1.11 Other countries of South-East Asia 267,734 360,290 278,738 39,872 783 1.61 -98.04 AUSTRALASIA 92,832 101,671 110,022 24,758 255 0.52 -98.97 Australia 80,059 87,561 93,024 21,140 192 0.39 -99.09 New Zealand 12,773 14,110 16,998 3,618 63 0.13 -98.26 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14,258 16,664 21,449 2,156 564 1.16 -73.84 Other countries of Asia 11,764 14,186 18,622 1,675 228 0.47 -86.39 Other countries of Oceania 2,494 2,478 2,827 481 336 0.69 -30.15 EUROPE 289,059 311,129 341,108 53,268 8,929 18.33 -83.24 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,988 8,855 15,022 2,326 425 0.87 -81.73 Russian Federation 7,988 8,855 15,022 2,326 425 0.87 -81.73 NORTHERN EUROPE 64,977 70,989 75,573 12,124 1,749 3.59 -85.57 Sweden 8,441 8,431 8,778 1,556 139 0.29 -91.07 United Kingdom 56,536 62,558 66,795 10,568 1,610 3.30 -84.77 SOUTHERN EUROPE 28,514 30,588 32,449 4,152 459 0.94 -88.95 Greece 1,445 1,391 1,631 222 44 0.09 -80.18 Italy 16,727 1 7,453 18,072 2,081 260 0.53 -87.51 Spain 10,342 11,744 12,746 1,849 155 0.32 -91.62 WESTERN EUROPE 144,168 154,618 167,274 26,286 3,611 7.41 -86.26 Austria 6,965 7,991 7,849 1,511 136 0.28 -91.00 Belgium 6,651 7,055 8,171 1,409 451 0.93 -67.99 France 42,367 46,698 51,373 7,954 525 1.08 -93.40 Germany 55,405 58,594 63,500 8,963 973 2.00 -89.14 Netherlands 22,421 23,783 25,160 4,875 1,429 2.93 -70.69 Switzerland 10,359 10,497 11,221 1,574 97 0.20 -93.84 OTHER EUROPE 43,412 46,079 50,790 8,380 2,685 5.51 -67.96 Other countries of Europe 43,412 46,079 50,790 8,380 2,685 5.51 -67.96 MIDDLE EAST 19,274 20,717 21,722 2,408 296 0.61 -87.71 All countries of Middle East 19,274 20,717 21,722 2,408 296 0.61 -87.71 SOUTH ASIA 28,506 31,639 32,432 4,324 435 0.89 -89.94 India 28,506 31,639 32,432 4,324 435 0.89 -89.94 NOT SPECIFIED 626 1,263 976 817 33 0.07 -95.96 Other countries of the world 626 1,263 976 817 33 0.07 -95.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 939 COUNTRY TABLES TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA / PROVINCE CHINOISE DE TAIWAN / PROVINCIA CHINA DE TAIWAN 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 62,210,879 64,389,452 66,832,139 10,463,569 1,696,278 100.00 -83.79 AFRICA 143,369 137,134 149,759 31,540 10,091 0.59 -68.01 SOUTHERN AFRICA 72,095 66,589 71,493 16,049 4,944 0.29 -69.19 South Africa 72,095 66,589 71,493 16,049 4,944 0.29 -69.19 OTHER AFRICA 71,274 70,545 78,266 15,491 5,147 0.30 -66.77 Other countries of Africa 71,274 70,545 78,266 15,491 5,147 0.30 -66.77 AMERICAS 6,694,271 6,720,674 6,944,866 1,381,685 261,699 15.43 -81.06 NORTH AMERICA 6,480,577 6,490,782 6,687,601 1,326,495 252,199 14.87 -80.99 Canada 996,050 1,023,462 1,067,296 208,833 20,731 1.22 -90.07 Mexico 41,074 36,336 35,834 7,839 2,668 0.16 -65.97 United States of America 5,443,453 5,430,984 5,584,471 1,109,823 228,800 13.49 -79.38 SOUTH AMERICA 72,281 70,965 68,478 20,357 3,316 0.20 -83.71 Argentina 19,789 17,167 13,787 5,355 494 0.03 -90.77 Brazil 52,492 53,798 54,691 15,002 2,822 0.17 -81.19 OTHER AMERICAS 141,413 158,927 188,787 34,833 6,184 0.36 -82.25 Other countries of the Americas 141,413 158,927 188,787 34,833 6,184 0.36 -82.25 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 51,711,702 53,620,315 55,479,703 8,081,884 1,073,281 63.27 -86.72 NORHT-EAST ASIA 37,165,963 36,105,963 38,360,943 4,626,245 316,644 18.67 -93.16 China 18,044,412 17,175,531 17,735,636 1,115,502 50,005 2.95 -95.52 Hong Kong, China 6,787,735 6,643,380 7,094,546 959,905 23,162 1.37 -97.59 Japan 8,095,893 8,174,080 8,768,368 1,610,316 183,957 10.84 -88.58 Korea, Republic of 4,237,923 4,112,972 4,762,393 940,522 59,520 3.51 -93.67 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 13,500,467 16,401,060 15,916,054 3,105,805 730,954 43.09 -76.46 Indonesia 1,150,137 1,245,431 1,298,553 480,261 332,714 19.61 -30.72 Malaysia 3,772,984 3,881,987 3,889,853 665,188 54,952 3.24 -91.74 Philippines 1,212,735 1,721,211 2,202,584 496,580 227,329 13.40 -54.22 Singapore 2,659,179 2,644,071 2,816,116 435,697 49,569 2.92 -88.62 Thailand 1,721,536 1,808,862 2,097,434 409,120 22,785 1.34 -94.43 Viet Nam 22,009 1.30 Other countries of South-East Asia 2,983,896 5,099,498 3,611,514 618,959 21,596 1.27 -96.51 AUSTRALASIA 866,132 897,814 967,267 301,902 10,884 0.64 -96.39 Australia 713,254 743,008 785,796 248,031 8,272 0.49 -96.66 New Zealand 152,878 154,806 181,471 53,871 2,612 0.15 -95.15 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 179,140 215,478 235,439 47,932 14,799 0.87 -69.13 Other countries of Asia 153,387 183,123 198,721 36,122 5,077 0.30 -85.94 Other countries of Oceania 25,753 32,355 36,718 11,810 9,722 0.57 -17.68 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 940 COUNTRY TABLES TAIWAN PROVINCE OF CHINA / PROVINCE CHINOISE DE TAIWAN / PROVINCIA CHINA DE TAIWAN 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 3,146,550 3,353,084 3,681,057 855,136 321,603 18.96 -62.39 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 95,104 102,715 139,358 30,800 14,081 0.83 -54.28 Russian Federation 95,104 102,715 139,358 30,800 14,081 0.83 -54.28 NORTHERN EUROPE 647,660 672,992 723,438 175,149 61,230 3.61 -65.04 Sweden 94,317 89,130 93,368 23,797 3,806 0.22 -84.01 United Kingdom 553,343 583,862 630,070 151,352 57,424 3.39 -62.06 SOUTHERN EUROPE 302,878 314,167 336,820 64,205 20,446 1.21 -68.16 Greece 12,500 10,254 13,088 3,080 1,879 0.11 -38.99 Italy 160,612 165,296 1 75,422 30,097 11,223 0.66 -62.71 Spain 129,766 138,617 148,310 31,028 7,344 0.43 -76.33 WESTERN EUROPE 1,622,891 1,765,965 1,919,854 439,138 137,482 8.10 -68.69 Austria 78,918 85,007 87,175 24,326 6,507 0.38 -73.25 Belgium 71,651 85,373 104,775 31,960 16,481 0.97 -48.43 France 575,236 621,837 688,070 135,797 23,676 1.40 -82.57 Germany 574,1 75 623,846 658,279 147,553 43,975 2.59 -70.20 Netherlands 211,102 238,582 262,295 74,945 42,154 2.49 -43.75 Switzerland 111,809 111,320 119,260 24,557 4,689 0.28 -80.91 OTHER EUROPE 478,017 497,245 561,587 145,844 88,364 5.21 -39.41 Other countries of Europe 478,017 497,245 561,587 145,844 88,364 5.21 -39.41 MIDDLE EAST 174,867 172,940 195,584 35,843 13,839 0.82 -61.39 All countries of Middle East 174,867 172,940 195,584 35,843 13,839 0.82 -61.39 SOUTH ASIA 333,495 374,676 373,020 73,855 15,134 0.89 -79.51 India 333,495 374,676 373,020 73,855 15,134 0.89 -79.51 NOT SPECIFIED 6,625 10,629 8,150 3,626 631 0.04 -82.60 Other countries of the world 6,625 10,629 8,150 3,626 631 0.04 -82.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 941 COUNTRY TABLES TAJIKISTAN / TADJIKISTAN / TAYIKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 430,992 1,034,766 1,257,227 350,548 296,323 100.00 -15.47 AFRICA 612 626 407 326 856 0.29 162.58 EAST AFRICA 92 35 101 0.03 188.57 Comoros 11 3 5 0.00 66.67 Eritrea 3 0.00 Ethiopia 27 7 18 0.01 157.14 Kenya 25 14 30 0.01 114.29 Madagascar 1 Malawi 5 0.00 Mauritius 15 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Mozambique 1 1 Rwanda 2 1 6 0.00 500.00 Seychelles 1 Tanzania, United Republic of 1 1 4 0.00 300.00 Uganda 2 2 8 0.00 300.00 Zambia 2 Zimbabwe 5 2 20 0.01 900.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 39 25 36 0.01 44.00 Cameroon 35 25 23 0.01 -8.00 Chad 1 0.00 Congo 4 12 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 85 26 51 0.02 96.15 Algeria 16 3 8 0.00 166.67 Morocco 38 15 13 0.00 -13.33 South Sudan 2 0.00 Sudan 17 2 15 0.01 650.00 Tunisia 14 6 13 0.00 116.67 SOUTHERN AFRICA 414 79 119 122 589 0.20 382.79 Namibia 2 2 0.00 South Africa 414 79 117 122 587 0.20 381.15 WEST AFRICA 72 118 79 0.03 -33.05 Burkina Faso 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Cabo Verde 6 1 Cote d'lvoire 44 15 0.01 -65.91 Gambia 1 1 Ghana 16 5 20 0.01 300.00 Guinea 6 2 Niger 2 Nigeria 38 57 33 0.01 -42.11 Senegal 1 5 0.00 400.00 Sierra Leone 4 0.00 Togo 5 2 1 0.00 -50.00 OTHER AFRICA 198 547 Other countries of Africa 198 547 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 942 COUNTRY TABLES TAJIKISTAN / TADJIKISTAN / TAYIKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 3,800 4,703 7,017 1,349 4,094 1.38 203.48 CARIBBEAN 7 5 15 8 33 0.01 312.50 Antigua and Barbuda 6 1 3 0.00 200.00 Bahamas 4 2 1 Cuba 3 3 2 5 0.00 Dominican Republic 4 4 11 0.00 1 75.00 Grenada 9 0.00 Haiti 2 3 0.00 50.00 Jamaica 1 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 0.00 Saint Lucia 1 Trinidad and Tobago 2 CENTRAL AMERICA 2 2 7 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Costa Rica 2 2 5 2 El Salvador 1 Honduras 1 1 0.00 Panama 1 NORTH AMERICA 3,476 4,241 6,727 1,302 3,947 1.33 203.15 Canada 500 768 1,218 192 664 0.22 245.83 Mexico 29 55 46 10 40 0.01 300.00 United States of America 2,947 3,418 5,463 1,100 3,243 1.09 194.82 SOUTH AMERICA 315 455 268 36 113 0.04 213.89 Argentina 56 52 66 5 15 0.01 200.00 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 5 2 2 0.00 Brazil 151 208 136 14 69 0.02 392.86 Chile 35 19 23 3 5 0.00 66.67 Colombia 27 18 24 7 10 0.00 42.86 Ecuador 4 22 1 3 4 0.00 33.33 Guyana 1 0.00 Paraguay 1 0.00 Peru 10 1 3 0.00 200.00 Uruguay 1 0.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 2 6 3 1 2 0.00 100.00 Other countries of South America 40 130 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8,794 11,025 15,127 1,674 2,787 0.94 66.49 NORHT-EAST ASIA 7,405 9,370 12,917 1,481 2,303 0.78 55.50 China 6,212 8,059 9,579 1,034 1,546 0.52 49.52 Japan 315 565 1,594 176 218 0.07 23.86 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2 3 Korea, Republic of 796 715 1,125 252 477 0.16 89.29 Mongolia 82 31 85 13 55 0.02 323.08 Taiwan Province of China 532 3 7 0.00 133.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 943 COUNTRY TABLES TAJIKISTAN / TADJIKISTAN / TAYIKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 750 772 896 93 334 0.11 259.14 Indonesia 39 79 183 18 98 0.03 444.44 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 2 2 0.00 Malaysia 80 182 173 11 35 0.01 218.18 Myanmar 4 1 8 0.00 700.00 Philippines 223 147 160 40 84 0.03 110.00 Singapore 175 210 177 8 40 0.01 400.00 Thailand 153 102 104 6 17 0.01 183.33 Viet Nam 80 52 93 7 50 0.02 614.29 AUSTRALASIA 635 882 1,310 98 145 0.05 47.96 Australia 534 708 1,071 90 112 0.04 24.44 New Zealand 101 174 239 8 33 0.01 312.50 MELANESIA 4 1 1 3 0.00 Fiji 1 1 1 Vanuatu 3 3 0.00 MICRONESIA 1 0.00 Nauru 1 0.00 POLYNESIA 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Samoa 1 0.00 Tonga 3 2 EUROPE 405,856 1,003,584 1,204,711 336,884 267,040 90.12 -20.73 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 389,845 989,935 1,185,305 332,573 260,051 87.76 -21.81 Armenia 7,479 129 224 68 174 0.06 155.88 Azerbaijan 4,355 369 774 248 305 0.10 22.98 Belarus 8,549 1,979 2,109 1,938 2,466 0.83 27.24 Bulgaria 222 134 127 27 92 0.03 240.74 Czech Republic 246 35 437 37 223 0.08 502.70 Estonia 465 100 174 18 36 0.01 100.00 Georgia 237 181 259 214 296 0.10 38.32 Hungary 107 168 70 8 102 0.03 1,175.00 Kazakhstan 20,049 13,933 18,481 8,893 13,581 4.58 52.72 Kyrgyzstan 94,316 68,788 112,023 42,230 6,504 2.19 -84.60 Latvia 552 124 176 38 68 0.02 78.95 Lithuania 633 134 255 27 46 0.02 70.37 Moldova, Republic of 5,392 1,010 1,364 353 166 0.06 -52.97 Poland 911 565 537 99 137 0.05 38.38 Romania 120 85 148 16 69 0.02 331.25 Russian Federation 133,410 157,910 198,664 33,902 57,440 19.38 69.43 Slovakia 50 124 214 28 48 0.02 71.43 Turkmenistan 4,845 1,257 2,103 736 207 0.07 -71.88 Ukraine 4,711 1,613 2,795 840 1,620 0.55 92.86 Uzbekistan 100,996 733,153 844,363 242,853 1 76,470 59.55 -27.33 Other countries Central/East Europe 2,200 8,144 8 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 944 COUNTRY TABLES TAJIKISTAN / TADJIKISTAN / TAYIKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,972 3,163 3,411 376 938 0.32 149.47 Denmark 164 215 211 17 63 0.02 270.59 Finland 588 138 249 42 35 0.01 -16.67 Iceland 4 1 0.00 Ireland 103 624 113 14 33 0.01 135.71 Norway 470 386 428 20 73 0.02 265.00 Sweden 666 360 380 42 174 0.06 314.29 United Kingdom 981 1,440 2,026 241 559 0.19 131.95 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,307 646 2,297 392 567 0.19 44.64 Albania 2 4 6 0.00 50.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11 26 30 16 16 0.01 Croatia 75 35 53 9 16 0.01 77.78 Greece 55 66 47 16 9 0.00 -43.75 Holy See 1 Italy 452 16 1,444 200 236 0.08 18.00 Malta 20 1 0.00 Montenegro 19 3 5 0.00 66.67 North Macedonia 10 20 7 7 15 0.01 114.29 Portugal 93 114 116 25 49 0.02 96.00 Serbia 357 92 120 32 46 0.02 43.75 Slovenia 75 6 24 0.01 300.00 Spain 254 277 364 73 139 0.05 90.41 Other countries of Southern Europe 5 0.00 WESTERN EUROPE 6,878 5,287 7,283 921 2,148 0.72 133.22 Austria 575 239 421 48 144 0.05 200.00 Belgium 299 336 379 54 87 0.03 61.11 France 1,051 1,252 1,682 185 529 0.18 185.95 Germany 3,001 2,256 3,375 458 965 0.33 110.70 Luxembourg 18 2 3 0.00 50.00 Netherlands 964 624 669 76 205 0.07 169.74 Switzerland 988 580 739 98 215 0.07 119.39 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 4,854 4,553 6,415 2,622 3,336 1.13 27.23 Cyprus 6 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Israel 160 478 744 49 174 0.06 255.10 Turkiye 4,694 4,075 5,665 2,572 3,151 1.06 22.51 MIDDLE EAST 989 884 1,511 395 1,026 0.35 159.75 Bahrain 38 5 7 0.00 40.00 Egypt 74 86 162 31 100 0.03 222.58 Iraq 14 8 42 7 21 0.01 200.00 Jordan 144 41 61 21 55 0.02 161.90 Kuwait 46 59 68 17 42 0.01 147.06 Lebanon 30 40 Libya 37 21 66 0.02 214.29 Oman 55 9 17 0.01 88.89 Qatar 144 34 46 0.02 35.29 Saudi Arabia 387 299 414 97 215 0.07 121.65 State of Palestine 32 7 12 0.00 71.43 Syrian Arab Republic 39 23 51 11 46 0.02 318.18 United Arab Emirates 255 328 389 126 387 0.13 207.14 Yemen 18 9 12 0.00 33.33 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 945 COUNTRY TABLES TAJIKISTAN / TADJIKISTAN / TAYIKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 10,941 13,944 21,809 7,974 19,624 6.62 146.10 Afghanistan 3,743 8,827 14,659 5,232 14,509 4.90 177.31 Bangladesh 26 52 141 31 62 0.02 100.00 Bhutan 1 4 0.00 300.00 India 1,366 1,038 3,118 1,766 2,164 0.73 22.54 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,110 3,577 3,299 613 1,569 0.53 155.95 Maldives 27 36 0.01 Nepal 33 32 18 17 58 0.02 241.18 Pakistan 1,663 418 476 308 1,192 0.40 287.01 Sri Lanka 71 6 30 0.01 400.00 NOT SPECIFIED 6,645 1,946 896 0.30 -53.96 Other countries of the world 6,645 1,946 896 0.30 -53.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 946 COUNTRY TABLES TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF / TANZANIE (REPUBLIQUE UNIE DE) / TANZANIA (REPUBLICA UNIDA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,327,143 1,505,720 1,527,230 620,867 1,026,942 100.00 65.40 AFRICA 606,408 700,669 721,343 299,189 525,353 51.16 75.59 EAST AFRICA 503,718 600,606 632,717 264,322 444,886 43.32 68.31 Burundi 66,604 76,445 107,440 77,212 99,937 9.73 29.43 Comoros 8,945 9,924 10,364 6,574 14,236 1.39 116.55 Djibouti 1,643 337 2,148 58 76 0.01 31.03 Eritrea 135 105 84 59 75 0.01 27.12 Ethiopia 2,947 2,408 83 752 787 0.08 4.65 Kenya 231,031 238,642 254,291 84,871 123,964 12.07 46.06 Madagascar 869 1,042 694 277 535 0.05 93.14 Malawi 29,014 45,560 46,243 16,200 57,142 5.56 252.73 Mauritius 1,342 2,603 810 304 297 0.03 -2.30 Mozambique 23,439 39,841 30,205 9,631 19,096 1.86 98.28 Reunion 21 0.00 Rwanda 50,476 61,231 79,821 28,274 39,736 3.87 40.54 Seychelles 843 1,044 439 130 87 0.01 -33.08 Somalia 1,421 643 748 489 924 0.09 88.96 Uganda 36,856 43,394 42,877 16,860 35,138 3.42 108.41 Zambia 22,151 30,845 32,473 13,107 35,929 3.50 174.12 Zimbabwe 26,002 46,542 23,997 9,524 16,906 1.65 77.51 CENTRAL AFRICA 18,902 19,280 22,249 13,559 31,940 3.11 135.56 Angola 1,389 2,065 690 144 272 0.03 88.89 Cameroon 1,321 1,458 2,407 540 1,172 0.11 117.04 Central African Republic 229 87 74 50 550 0.05 1,000.00 Chad 151 101 330 35 81 0.01 131.43 Congo 1,562 1,525 1,862 363 269 0.03 -25.90 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 13,369 13,887 16,725 12,313 29,507 2.87 139.64 Equatorial Guinea 10 18 50 1 4 0.00 300.00 Gabon 776 132 108 112 83 0.01 -25.89 Sao Tome and Principe 95 7 3 1 2 0.00 100.00 NORTH AFRICA 7,649 7,394 6,715 3,333 7,726 0.75 131.80 Algeria 664 866 1,248 159 960 0.09 503.77 Morocco 2,022 1,606 1,613 486 1,316 0.13 170.78 South Sudan 1,610 1,265 546 1,074 0.10 96.70 Sudan 4,099 2,479 1,723 1,519 2,770 0.27 82.36 Tunisia 864 833 866 623 1,602 0.16 157.14 Western Sahara 4 0.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 53,651 61,006 50,579 14,506 32,101 3.13 121.29 Botswana 1,448 2,013 3,674 419 655 0.06 56.32 Eswatini 1,997 1,832 558 295 909 0.09 208.14 Lesotho 909 1,195 473 140 192 0.02 37.14 Namibia 1,251 1,859 1,079 300 520 0.05 73.33 South Africa 48,046 54,107 44,795 13,352 29,825 2.90 123.37 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 947 COUNTRY TABLES TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF / TANZANIE (REPUBLIQUE UNIE DE) / TANZANIA (REPUBLICA UNIDA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 22,488 12,383 9,083 3,469 8,700 0.85 150.79 Benin 187 411 397 128 239 0.02 86.72 Burkina Faso 8,849 353 443 98 231 0.02 135.71 Cabo Verde 927 93 32 23 126 0.01 447.83 Cote d'lvoire 884 413 526 335 466 0.05 39.10 Gambia 286 272 211 78 171 0.02 119.23 Ghana 2,916 2,829 2,037 784 1,539 0.15 96.30 Guinea 219 149 442 93 134 0.01 44.09 Guinea-Bissau 287 239 93 18 10 0.00 -44.44 Liberia 232 251 245 136 190 0.02 39.71 Mali 464 199 142 69 133 0.01 92.75 Mauritania 490 77 207 103 74 0.01 -28.16 Niger 152 114 76 27 106 0.01 292.59 Nigeria 5,722 6,176 3,426 1,173 4,616 0.45 293.52 Saint Helena 154 0.01 Senegal 256 326 390 188 255 0.02 35.64 Sierra Leone 383 227 202 98 100 0.01 2.04 Togo 234 254 214 118 156 0.02 32.20 AMERICAS 121,118 134,897 138,148 42,422 61,339 5.97 44.59 CARIBBEAN 4,324 2,885 1,238 496 1,116 0.11 125.00 Anguilla 2 7 0.00 250.00 Antigua and Barbuda 221 298 104 33 45 0.00 36.36 Bahamas 572 184 19 49 120 0.01 144.90 Barbados 207 56 37 6 43 0.00 616.67 Bermuda 352 91 31 1 0.00 Cayman Islands 4 0.00 Cuba 180 190 132 72 129 0.01 79.17 Dominica 1,031 686 83 49 255 0.02 420.41 Grenada 252 144 42 8 31 0.00 287.50 Haiti 61 47 20 11 25 0.00 127.27 Jamaica 1,147 616 529 94 215 0.02 128.72 Puerto Rico 39 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 27 53 0.01 96.30 Saint Lucia 10 40 0.00 300.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4 3 2 3 0.00 50.00 Trinidad and Tobago 301 238 165 101 106 0.01 4.95 Other countries of the Caribbean 331 73 32 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,506 803 854 157 371 0.04 136.31 Belize 19 185 353 2 16 0.00 700.00 Costa Rica 727 285 243 84 147 0.01 75.00 El Salvador 228 76 34 18 39 0.00 116.67 Guatemala 104 127 77 19 41 0.00 115.79 Honduras 159 58 78 15 71 0.01 373.33 Nicaragua 207 25 17 9 16 0.00 77.78 Panama 62 47 52 10 41 0.00 310.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 948 COUNTRY TABLES TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF / TANZANIE (REPUBLIQUE UNIE DE) / TANZANIA (REPUBLICA UNIDA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 102,361 118,361 125,533 38,678 56,118 5.46 45.09 Canada 18,453 21,854 22,073 6,858 6,052 0.59 -11.75 Mexico 1,670 1,631 1,904 609 1,410 0.14 131.53 United States of America 82,238 94,876 101,556 31,211 48,656 4.74 55.89 SOUTH AMERICA 12,927 12,848 10,523 3,091 3,734 0.36 20.80 Argentina 1,606 1,761 1,572 529 311 0.03 -41.21 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 135 114 96 23 93 0.01 304.35 Brazil 3,477 3,454 5,636 1,207 2,071 0.20 71.58 Chile 1,030 2,477 1,081 667 263 0.03 -60.57 Colombia 1,176 1,053 975 242 490 0.05 102.48 Ecuador 734 261 112 28 79 0.01 182.14 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1 0.00 Guyana 230 95 20 6 32 0.00 433.33 Paraguay 140 71 36 12 13 0.00 8.33 Peru 526 251 367 133 180 0.02 35.34 Suriname 132 21 10 3 20 0.00 566.67 Uruguay 3,397 3,006 399 146 78 0.01 -46.58 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 344 284 219 95 94 0.01 -1.05 Other countries of South America 9 0.00 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 78,396 80,265 79,039 20,946 17,493 1.70 -16.49 NORHT-EAST ASIA 47,253 50,442 46,974 12,869 11,326 1.10 -11.99 China 28,938 32,773 33,541 7,989 9,351 0.91 17.05 Hong Kong, China 1,468 444 358 3 190 0.02 6,233.33 Japan 6,888 7,393 6,257 2,378 596 0.06 -74.94 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 973 294 510 106 47 0.00 -55.66 Korea, Republic of 7,640 8,083 5,111 2,091 1,011 0.10 -51.65 Macao, China 35 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Mongolia 428 166 20 44 34 0.00 -22.73 Taiwan Province of China 918 1,289 1,142 257 86 0.01 -66.54 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 11,609 10,256 10,318 3,125 3,523 0.34 12.74 Brunei Darussalam 18 116 129 1 33 0.00 3,200.00 Cambodia 335 391 414 42 15 0.00 -64.29 Indonesia 1,860 1,233 822 360 382 0.04 6.11 Lao People's Democratic Republic 7 10 55 13 0.00 Malaysia 1,731 1,838 1,233 254 278 0.03 9.45 Myanmar 245 447 294 40 83 0.01 107.50 Philippines 2,893 2,256 4,265 1,622 1,824 0.18 12.45 Singapore 1,355 1,626 1,175 239 189 0.02 -20.92 Thailand 1,959 1,458 1,242 320 331 0.03 3.44 Timor-Leste 1 0.00 Viet Nam 1,206 881 689 247 365 0.04 47.77 Other countries of South-East Asia 9 0.00 AUSTRALASIA 19,032 18,806 21,117 4,831 2,224 0.22 -53.96 Australia 15,411 16,071 18,198 4,267 1,825 0.18 -57.23 New Zealand 3,621 2,735 2,919 564 399 0.04 -29.26 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 949 COUNTRY TABLES TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF / TANZANIE (REPUBLIQUE UNIE DE) / TANZANIA (REPUBLICA UNIDA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MELANESIA 502 176 398 12 302 0.03 2,416.67 Fiji 328 86 362 10 21 0.00 110.00 Papua New Guinea 174 57 17 2 236 0.02 11,700.00 Solomon Islands 33 19 10 0.00 Vanuatu 35 0.00 MICRONESIA 358 115 13 87 0.01 569.23 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 358 34 3 60 0.01 1,900.00 Kiribati 81 10 8 0.00 -20.00 Nauru 19 0.00 POLYNESIA 227 117 96 31 0.00 -67.71 Samoa 227 87 96 10 0.00 -89.58 Tonga 21 0.00 Tuvalu 30 EUROPE 442,325 502,193 519,440 231,057 361,683 35.22 56.53 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 55,311 73,080 66,763 79,766 171,583 16.71 115.11 Armenia 344 188 445 78 526 0.05 574.36 Azerbaijan 81 154 56 48 93 0.01 93.75 Belarus 755 821 654 1,023 1,628 0.16 59.14 Bulgaria 2,571 1,946 1,943 1,138 4,264 0.42 274.69 Czech Republic (Czechia) 6,376 8,506 6,389 4,979 7,778 0.76 56.22 Estonia 852 787 581 417 1,149 0.11 1 75.54 Georgia 154 130 5,474 123 261 0.03 112.20 Hungary 2,086 2,175 1,959 944 3,514 0.34 272.25 Kazakhstan 245 188 962 67 197 0.02 194.03 Kyrgyzstan 31 24 9 14 86 0.01 514.29 Latvia 673 497 417 299 711 0.07 137.79 Lithuania 1,019 968 855 366 774 0.08 111.48 Moldova, Republic of 334 52 271 125 131 0.01 4.80 Poland 12,241 18,853 21,332 11,200 38,860 3.78 246.96 Romania 6,543 6,418 3,665 2,643 10,825 1.05 309.57 Russian Federation 10,610 18,762 12,965 48,985 77,422 7.54 58.05 Slovakia 2,927 4,639 2,711 1,339 2,527 0.25 88.72 Tajikistan 169 95 112 78 53 0.01 -32.05 Turkmenistan 5 0.00 Ukraine 7,260 4,801 4,555 5,816 20,736 2.02 256.53 Uzbekistan 40 26 15 10 43 0.00 330.00 Other countries Central/East Europe 3,050 1,393 74 NORTHERN EUROPE 108,772 130,474 130,036 41,788 32,787 3.19 -21.54 Denmark 13,419 14,793 15,091 4,000 4,693 0.46 17.33 Finland 5,972 4,496 7,841 1,225 1,165 0.11 -4.90 Iceland 1,047 396 1,245 421 54 0.01 -87.17 Ireland 6,138 5,986 5,640 4,518 1,799 0.18 -60.18 Norway 8,983 11,567 11,308 1,124 1,712 0.17 52.31 Sweden 12,722 16,037 11,829 2,833 5,005 0.49 76.67 United Kingdom 60,491 77,199 77,082 27,667 18,338 1.79 -33.72 Other countries of Northern Europe 21 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 950 COUNTRY TABLES TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF / TANZANIE (REPUBLIQUE UNIE DE) / TANZANIA (REPUBLICA UNIDA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 78,184 91,462 107,936 25,005 31,731 3.09 26.90 Albania 247 170 177 52 365 0.04 601.92 Andorra 132 104 40 8 28 0.00 250.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 403 331 585 338 501 0.05 48.22 Croatia 1,676 1,412 1,885 723 740 0.07 2.35 Gibraltar 54 0.01 Greece 1,895 735 1,436 560 986 0.10 76.07 Italy 51,414 61,670 74,835 14,938 7,017 0.68 -53.03 Malta 1,194 595 316 103 109 0.01 5.83 Montenegro 73 40 257 138 116 0.01 -15.94 North Macedonia 322 267 280 118 427 0.04 261.86 Portugal 3,268 4,969 5,370 1,807 3,115 0.30 72.39 San Marino 329 102 272 97 6 0.00 -93.81 Serbia 2,080 2,060 1,891 1,251 3,215 0.31 156.99 Slovenia 1,209 1,590 1,754 706 1,831 0.18 159.35 Spain 13,942 17,417 18,838 4,162 13,150 1.28 215.95 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 13 0.00 Spain,Portugal 58 0.01 All countries of Southern Europe 4 WESTERN EUROPE 152,612 166,951 188,422 72,306 111,533 10.86 54.25 Austria 6,733 7,779 10,398 2,680 4,410 0.43 64.55 Belgium 12,253 13,610 16,885 5,364 9,323 0.91 73.81 France 33,925 41,330 56,297 25,366 51,683 5.03 103.75 Germany 58,370 62,346 67,284 23,615 25,109 2.45 6.33 Liechtenstein 78 196 186 91 73 0.01 -19.78 Luxembourg 532 594 416 183 388 0.04 112.02 Monaco 178 31 32 11 1,113 0.11 10,018.18 Netherlands 26,069 26,951 26,161 9,311 9,634 0.94 3.47 Switzerland 14,474 14,114 10,763 5,685 9,746 0.95 71.43 Other countries of Western Europe 54 0.01 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 47,446 40,226 26,283 12,192 14,049 1.37 15.23 Cyprus 1,460 670 286 126 194 0.02 53.97 Israel 36,640 31,419 16,348 6,889 6,303 0.61 -8.51 Turkiye 9,346 8,137 9,649 5,177 7,552 0.74 45.88 MIDDLE EAST 32,287 32,305 28,343 12,262 27,782 2.71 126.57 Bahrain 361 385 256 75 427 0.04 469.33 Egypt 4,614 4,496 5,021 3,854 11,079 1.08 187.47 Iraq 1,908 216 425 39 175 0.02 348.72 Jordan 1,878 720 740 339 1,205 0.12 255.46 Kuwait 595 846 907 268 486 0.05 81.34 Lebanon 699 1,065 625 356 1,267 0.12 255.90 Libya 188 175 159 127 254 0.02 100.00 Oman 13,426 15,277 12,982 4,087 6,323 0.62 54.71 Qatar 346 463 469 158 492 0.05 211.39 Saudi Arabia 1,418 1,585 1,261 352 1,383 0.13 292.90 State of Palestine 114 90 38 15 84 0.01 460.00 Syrian Arab Republic 1,272 732 525 266 406 0.04 52.63 United Arab Emirates 3,573 5,313 4,124 1,724 3,399 0.33 97.16 Yemen 1,895 942 811 602 802 0.08 33.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 951 COUNTRY TABLES TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF / TANZANIE (REPUBLIQUE UNIE DE) / TANZANIA (REPUBLICA UNIDA DE) 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 46,557 55,391 40,917 14,991 33,292 3.24 122.08 Afghanistan 478 108 52 11 47 0.00 327.27 Bangladesh 515 359 289 158 386 0.04 144.30 Bhutan 36 183 9 9 0.00 India 39,128 48,127 36,161 12,393 28,606 2.79 130.82 Iran, Islamic Republic of 117 1,000 430 266 428 0.04 60.90 Maldives 133 14 22 36 0.00 63.64 Nepal 795 628 450 108 268 0.03 148.15 Pakistan 4,077 4,406 2,655 1,589 2,645 0.26 66.46 Sri Lanka 1,447 594 683 435 867 0.08 99.31 NOT SPECIFIED 52 Other countries of the world 52 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 952 COUNTRY TABLES THAILAND / THAILANDE / TAILANDIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 35,591,978 38,178,194 39,916,251 6,702,396 427,869 100.00 -93.62 AFRICA 187,233 201,470 198,320 24,265 3,275 0.77 -86.50 SOUTHERN AFRICA 93,313 102,686 96,452 11,359 1,358 0.32 -88.04 South Africa 93,313 102,686 96,452 11,359 1,358 0.32 -88.04 OTHER AFRICA 93,920 98,784 101,868 12,906 1,917 0.45 -85.15 Other countries of Africa 93,920 98,784 101,868 12,906 1,917 0.45 -85.15 AMERICAS 1,541,950 1,599,004 1,630,874 318,426 47,395 11.08 -85.12 NORTH AMERICA 1,314,917 1,398,155 1,439,164 269,298 44,320 10.36 -83.54 Canada 258,494 276,067 273,214 58,223 6,440 1.51 -88.94 United States of America 1,056,423 1,122,088 1,165,950 211,075 37,880 8.85 -82.05 SOUTH AMERICA 141,190 110,018 99,212 31,312 1,832 0.43 -94.15 Argentina 63,004 44,020 29,498 12,457 382 0.09 -96.93 Brazil 78,186 65,998 69,714 18,855 1,450 0.34 -92.31 OTHER AMERICAS 85,843 90,831 92,498 17,816 1,243 0.29 -93.02 Other countries of the Americas 85,843 90,831 92,498 17,816 1,243 0.29 -93.02 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24,785,281 26,896,166 28,273,672 3,879,299 84,279 19.70 -97.83 NORHT-EAST ASIA 14,454,108 15,689,920 16,530,149 2,074,110 37,913 8.86 -98.17 China 9,806,260 10,534,340 10,997,338 1,249,910 13,043 3.05 -98.96 Hong Kong, China 821,064 1,015,599 1,045,361 124,233 1,657 0.39 -98.67 Japan 1,544,442 1,655,996 1,806,438 320,331 9,461 2.21 -97.05 Korea, Republic of 1,709,265 1,796,401 1,890,973 260,228 12,077 2.82 -95.36 Taiwan Province of China 573,077 687,584 790,039 119,408 1,675 0.39 -98.60 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 9,322,508 10,196,287 10,749,496 1,652,593 32,820 7.67 -98.01 Brunei Darussalam 14,268 14,232 15,613 1,576 26 0.01 -98.35 Cambodia 840,871 948,351 910,696 165,718 4,914 1.15 -97.03 Indonesia 576,110 643,418 710,494 99,033 2,577 0.60 -97.40 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,682,087 1,664,456 1,854,792 380,91 7 733 0.17 -99.81 Malaysia 3,494,488 4,032,139 4,265,574 619,451 5,511 1.29 -99.11 Myanmar 365,606 368,159 378,232 54,709 7,256 1.70 -86.74 Philippines 381,252 432,053 506,430 71,796 4,078 0.95 -94.32 Singapore 1,032,647 1,066,219 1,059,484 126,879 5,931 1.39 -95.33 Viet Nam 935,1 79 1,027,260 1,048,181 132,514 1,794 0.42 -98.65 AUSTRALASIA 935,180 917,711 879,971 139,288 10,728 2.51 -92.30 Australia 817,218 801,014 767,291 123,598 9,577 2.24 -92.25 New Zealand 117,962 116,697 112,680 15,690 1,151 0.27 -92.66 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 73,485 92,248 114,056 13,308 2,818 0.66 -78.82 Other countries of Asia 69,771 88,200 109,342 12,705 2,695 0.63 -78.79 Other countries of Oceania 3,714 4,048 4,714 603 123 0.03 -79.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 953 COUNTRY TABLES THAILAND / THAILANDE / TAILANDIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 6,687,684 6,948,643 6,907,947 2,108,347 264,986 61.93 -87.43 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,826,094 1,995,537 2,042,486 803,695 57,806 13.51 -92.81 Russian Federation 1,346,338 1,472,765 1,483,337 587,167 30,759 7.19 -94.76 Other countries Central/East Europe 479,756 522,772 559,149 216,528 27,047 6.32 -87.51 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,817,739 1,806,839 1,768,032 499,229 76,139 17.79 -84.75 Denmark 161,920 169,365 162,456 66,824 8,480 1.98 -87.31 Finland 140,464 140,958 128,014 59,643 6,139 1.43 -89.71 Ireland 69,014 69,076 69,655 Norway 127,850 128,837 127,992 39,511 5,763 1.35 -85.41 Sweden 323,736 311,937 287,341 111,859 17,094 4.00 -84.72 United Kingdom 994,755 986,666 992,574 221,392 38,663 9.04 -82.54 SOUTHERN EUROPE 444,108 461,764 461,371 86,513 8,836 2.07 -89.79 Italy 264,524 279,891 272,374 60,104 5,322 1.24 -91.15 Spain 1 79,584 181,873 188,997 26,409 3,514 0.82 -86.69 WESTERN EUROPE 2,239,316 2,310,563 2,257,662 632,158 100,175 23.41 -84.15 Austria 104,784 116,649 111,428 35,524 5,486 1.28 -84.56 Belgium 112,266 114,268 114,669 26,254 5,386 1.26 -79.49 France 740,190 749,508 745,346 236,527 23,461 5.48 -90.08 Germany 850,139 886,450 852,481 230,598 45,874 10.72 -80.11 Netherlands 222,409 236,232 241,608 51,558 8,539 2.00 -83.44 Switzerland 209,528 207,456 192,130 51,697 11,429 2.67 -77.89 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 173,673 188,788 195,856 29,368 14,038 3.28 -52.20 Israel 1 73,673 188,788 195,856 29,368 14,038 3.28 -52.20 OTHER EUROPE 186,754 185,152 182,540 57,384 7,992 1.87 -86.07 Other countries of Europe 186,754 185,152 182,540 57,384 7,992 1.87 -86.07 MIDDLE EAST 616,266 550,699 506,683 50,306 15,656 3.66 -68.88 Egypt 24,100 24,061 23,722 3,550 610 0.14 -82.82 Kuwait 72,244 74,665 78,199 10,234 3,733 0.87 -63.52 Saudi Arabia 33,531 28,334 30,006 4,131 467 0.11 -88.70 United Arab Emirates 137,218 128,270 130,158 7,154 4,061 0.95 -43.23 Other countries of Middle East 349,1 73 295,369 244,598 25,237 6,785 1.59 -73.11 SOUTH ASIA 1,773,564 1,982,212 2,398,755 321,753 12,278 2.87 -96.18 Bangladesh 121,765 129,572 136,677 21,817 1,955 0.46 -91.04 India 1,415,197 1,595,754 1,996,842 261,778 6,544 1.53 -97.50 Nepal 43,251 55,046 60,377 9,816 406 0.09 -95.86 Pakistan 81,854 84,958 79,843 12,412 1,182 0.28 -90.48 Sri Lanka 63,267 64,760 71,043 8,155 576 0.13 -92.94 Other countries of South Asia 48,230 52,122 53,973 7,775 1,615 0.38 -79.23 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 954 COUNTRY TABLES THAILAND / THAILANDE / TAILANDIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 35,591,978 38,178,194 39,916,251 AFRICA 192,294 200,328 196,819 SOUTHERN AFRICA 91,182 97,071 89,750 South Africa 91,182 97,071 89,750 OTHER AFRICA 101,112 103,257 107,069 Other countries of Africa 101,112 103,257 107,069 AMERICAS 1,448,894 1,534,008 1,559,800 NORTH AMERICA 1,234,008 1,348,940 1,388,784 Canada 227,069 252,763 252,574 United States of America 1,006,939 1,096,177 1,136,210 SOUTH AMERICA 134,087 100,590 87,153 Argentina 62,738 43,485 28,183 Brazil 71,349 57,105 58,970 OTHER AMERICAS 80,799 84,478 83,863 Other countries of the Americas 80,799 84,478 83,863 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 25,114,053 27,136,484 28,544,117 NORHT-EAST ASIA 14,430,034 15,774,757 16,678,103 China 9,846,818 10,625,167 11,138,658 Hong Kong, China 798,460 1,047,559 1,090,121 Japan 1,525,707 1,642,712 1,787,185 Korea, Republic of 1,698,608 1,785,147 1,880,465 Taiwan Province of China 560,441 674,1 72 781,674 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 9,644,324 10,348,768 10,876,922 Brunei Darussalam 18,249 18,460 19,858 Cambodia 851,879 950,980 925,437 Indonesia 594,060 644,479 706,908 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,692,866 1,682,304 1,856,762 Malaysia 3,493,112 4,042,998 4,274,458 Myanmar 387,722 379,880 389,301 Philippines 361,218 407,832 473,565 Singapore 1,259,523 1,168,112 1,150,024 Viet Nam 985,695 1,053,723 1,080,609 AUSTRALASIA 939,813 903,121 865,538 Australia 837,485 802,234 771,798 New Zealand 102,328 100,887 93,740 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 99,882 109,838 123,554 Other countries of Asia 91,918 101,921 114,938 Other countries of Oceania 7,964 7,917 8,616 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 955 COUNTRY TABLES THAILAND / THAILANDE / TAILANDIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 6,496,981 6,789,061 6,725,301 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,785,897 1,954,126 2,014,748 Russian Federation 1,340,376 1,466,457 1,481,837 Other countries Central/East Europe 445,521 487,669 532,911 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,749,407 1,755,735 1,696,094 Denmark 157,923 170,044 159,526 Finland 138,926 135,384 125,490 Ireland 59,500 58,677 54,344 Norway 130,200 133,020 130,509 Sweden 317,797 304,206 279,451 United Kingdom 945,061 954,404 946,774 SOUTHERN EUROPE 423,936 440,112 437,839 Italy 244,982 263,515 250,870 Spain 1 78,954 176,597 186,969 WESTERN EUROPE 2,190,184 2,280,252 2,211,130 Austria 104,220 114,768 110,690 Belgium 112,635 116,346 114,016 France 693,426 724,350 713,405 Germany 837,318 872,185 836,926 Netherlands 215,433 226,618 230,006 Switzerland 227,152 225,985 206,087 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 174,815 185,366 194,081 Israel 174,815 185,366 194,081 OTHER EUROPE 172,742 173,470 171,409 Other countries of Europe 172,742 173,470 171,409 MIDDLE EAST 700,228 582,430 533,237 Egypt 19,730 18,161 19,010 Kuwait 80,895 77,365 84,504 Saudi Arabia 42,610 35,090 36,783 United Arab Emirates 199,475 151,137 145,530 Other countries of Middle East 357,518 300,677 247,410 SOUTH ASIA 1,639,528 1,935,883 2,356,977 Bangladesh 125,580 125,809 139,622 India 1,281,681 1,562,878 1,961,069 Nepal 43,782 55,482 60,428 Pakistan 76,784 78,256 71,917 Sri Lanka 63,386 62,697 70,247 Other countries of South Asia 48,315 50,761 53,694 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 956 COUNTRY TABLES THAILAND / THAILANDE / TAI LAN DIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 56,561,346 59,222,222 61,250,084 AFRICA 147,054 147,847 145,679 OTHER AFRICA 147,054 147,847 145,679 All countries of Africa 147,054 147,847 145,679 AMERICAS 2,381,760 2,501,331 2,623,560 NORTH AMERICA 2,381,760 2,501,331 2,623,560 Canada 526,652 560,689 564,956 United States of America 1,855,108 1,940,642 2,058,604 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,713,121 34,677,123 36,148,407 NORHT-EAST ASIA 22,625,351 23,852,099 25,068,436 China 16,022,736 16,873,689 1 7,695,489 Hong Kong, China 923,671 994,754 1,033,463 Japan 2,683,161 2,837,443 2,985,405 Korea, Republic of 2,201,185 2,252,387 2,373,345 Taiwan Province of China 794,598 893,826 980,734 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 7,988,396 8,799,973 9,083,854 Brunei Darussalam 27,240 29,075 30,321 Cambodia 123,523 138,965 147,204 Indonesia 530,205 588,740 640,335 Lao People's Democratic Republic 209,165 225,404 224,810 Malaysia 4,357,184 4,914,894 5,053,041 Myanmar 217,099 229,106 225,343 Philippines 334,932 385,217 41 7,669 Singapore 1,451,168 1,464,338 1,454,921 Viet Nam 737,880 824,234 890,210 AUSTRALASIA 2,099,374 2,025,051 1,996,117 Australia 1,826,698 1,764,753 1,742,442 New Zealand 272,676 260,298 253,675 EUROPE 17,569,221 18,158,359 18,378,902 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 3,639,624 3,708,314 3,786,693 Russian Federation 2,669,035 2,786,223 2,854,294 Other countries Central/East Europe 970,589 922,091 932,399 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,066,580 5,181,832 5,173,918 Denmark 592,269 595,970 595,975 Finland 509,135 491,401 490,992 Norway 535,124 562,953 586,972 Sweden 911,720 91 7,129 898,243 United Kingdom 2,518,332 2,614,379 2,601,736 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,131,933 1,234,798 1,307,940 Italy 661,238 726,133 766,832 Spain 470,695 508,665 541,108 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 957 COUNTRY TABLES THAILAND / THAILANDE / TAI LAN DIA 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 7,229,795 7,560,016 7,648,902 Austria 550,434 61 7,522 643,564 Belgium 350,016 381,494 405,914 France 1,835,772 1,870,200 1,932,337 Germany 2,899,006 3,026,986 3,004,498 Netherlands 796,814 868,839 870,533 Switzerland 797,753 794,975 792,056 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 501,289 473,399 461,449 Israel 501,289 473,399 461,449 MIDDLE EAST 1,163,210 1,202,227 1,223,166 All countries of Middle East 1,163,210 1,202,227 1,223,166 SOUTH ASIA 1,635,807 1,846,791 2,045,846 India 1,635,807 1,846,791 2,045,846 NOT SPECIFIED 951,173 688,544 684,524 Other countries of the world 951,1 73 688,544 684,524 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 958 COUNTRY TABLES TIMOR-LESTE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 73,807 74,661 80,758 17,879 5,499 100.00 -69.24 AMERICAS 2,729 2,726 2,230 488 251 4.56 -48.57 NORTH AMERICA 2,018 2,065 1,751 328 214 3.89 -34.76 United States of America 2,018 2,065 1,751 328 214 3.89 -34.76 SOUTH AMERICA 711 661 479 160 37 0.67 -76.88 Brazil 711 661 479 160 37 0.67 -76.88 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 46,721 42,332 34,010 8,768 2,733 49.70 -68.83 NORHT-EAST ASIA 9,010 8,420 8,903 2,037 501 9.11 -75.41 China 7,519 6,673 7,455 1,834 406 7.38 -77.86 Japan 1,491 1,747 1,448 203 95 1.73 -53.20 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 24,755 21,657 13,889 4,001 495 9.00 -87.63 Indonesia 18,538 15,523 9,183 1,802 383 6.96 -78.75 Malaysia 1,614 1,441 1,386 155 41 0.75 -73.55 Philippines 3,184 3,320 2,173 552 59 1.07 -89.31 Singapore 1,419 1,373 1,147 1,492 12 0.22 -99.20 AUSTRALASIA 12,956 12,255 11,218 2,730 1,737 31.59 -36.37 Australia 12,198 11,509 10,562 2,575 1,588 28.88 -38.33 New Zealand 758 746 656 155 149 2.71 -3.87 EUROPE 7,484 8,975 7,055 1,303 969 17.62 -25.63 NORTHERN EUROPE 24 1,256 496 122 127 2.31 4.10 United Kingdom 24 1,256 496 122 127 2.31 4.10 SOUTHERN EUROPE 7,460 7,719 6,559 1,181 842 15.31 -28.70 Portugal 7,460 7,719 6,559 1,181 842 15.31 -28.70 SOUTH ASIA 862 825 839 183 39 0.71 -78.69 India 728 716 712 142 23 0.42 -83.80 Pakistan 134 109 127 41 16 0.29 -60.98 NOT SPECIFIED 16,011 19,803 36,624 7,137 1,507 27.40 -78.88 Other countries of the world 16,011 19,803 36,624 7,137 1,507 27.40 -78.88 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 959 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 513,869 573,136 876,326 481,769 AFRICA 262,080 286,189 438,188 223,505 EAST AFRICA 57,590 53,127 57,635 53,901 Burundi 612 470 1,388 389 Comoros 193 75 49 Djibouti 260 135 233 3,335 Eritrea 13 Ethiopia 41,273 46,445 39,848 43,031 Kenya 2,024 1,785 4,358 1,332 Madagascar 433 844 1,958 2,479 Malawi 40 97 758 194 Mauritius 7 39 3,008 603 Mozambique 180 193 360 136 Reunion 32 68 Rwanda 486 1,025 1,988 476 Seychelles 20 168 Tanzania, United Republic of 11,290 232 495 58 Uganda 200 155 818 613 Zambia 246 251 375 788 Zimbabwe 506 1,063 1,973 350 CENTRAL AFRICA 26,110 23,671 34,016 17,539 Angola 180 271 285 97 Cameroon 12,921 10,163 14,693 8,157 Central African Republic 233 934 1,073 506 Chad 1,092 4,073 1,478 1,944 Congo 5,645 2,642 4,358 1,361 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 533 1,328 4,868 2,761 Equatorial Guinea 133 696 915 243 Gabon 5,366 3,532 5,933 2,431 Sao Tome and Principe 7 32 413 39 NORTH AFRICA 15,557 21,885 33,593 16,100 Algeria 483 1,320 1,332 Morocco 14,526 18,547 27,495 9,003 Sudan 206 200 608 661 Tunisia 825 2,655 4,155 5,094 Western Sahara 15 10 SOUTHERN AFRICA 7,915 4,911 11,724 13,378 Botswana 40 90 233 Eswatini 546 438 855 1,176 Lesotho 52 113 39 Namibia 33 97 203 South Africa 7,296 4,234 10,320 12,163 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 960 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 154,908 167,412 285,687 112,914 Benin 46,000 36,469 65,753 28,914 Burkina Faso 15,691 16,788 31,643 12,619 Cabo Verde 646 818 773 1,254 Cote d'lvoire 31,474 37,404 55,478 25,560 Gambia 639 754 1,358 447 Ghana 1 7,055 18,244 30,720 7,681 Guinea 879 2,365 4,605 1,040 Guinea-Bissau 945 1,817 3,338 768 Liberia 386 857 1,043 360 Mali 8,874 8,603 12,510 4,288 Mauritania 366 1,398 1,485 1,060 Niger 5,638 5,168 9,278 4,278 Nigeria 13,893 1 7,548 40,785 9,722 Senegal 11,610 18,109 25,305 14,165 Sierra Leone 812 1,070 1,613 758 OTHER AFRICA 15,183 15,533 9,673 Other countries of Africa 15,183 15,533 9,673 AMERICAS 32,489 33,486 53,328 18,162 CARIBBEAN 166 605 1,365 1,177 Bahamas 13 6 45 British Virgin Islands 6 Haiti 153 541 195 49 Jamaica 26 Netherlands Antilles 810 1,128 Puerto Rico 13 120 Saint Kitts and Nevis 13 195 CENTRAL AMERICA 47 110 195 Costa Rica 60 Guatemala 19 120 Honduras 52 Panama 47 39 15 NORTH AMERICA 28,646 30,134 45,346 15,994 Canada 2,783 3,486 6,338 506 Mexico 87 116 300 39 United States of America 25,776 26,532 38,708 15,449 SOUTH AMERICA 2,691 1,451 3,324 728 Argentina 67 97 203 29 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 27 98 194 Brazil 699 818 1,980 272 Chile 126 103 165 68 Colombia 1,711 284 570 97 Peru 47 52 158 10 Uruguay 7 39 45 39 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7 58 105 19 OTHER AMERICAS 939 1,186 3,098 263 Other countries of the Americas 939 1,186 3,098 263 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 961 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20,303 18,679 31,173 3,889 NORHT-EAST ASIA 7,102 9,602 12,721 1,429 China 5,159 6,490 7,913 846 Japan 1,644 2,281 3,450 476 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 166 818 840 Korea, Republic of 133 13 465 49 Taiwan Province of China 53 58 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 386 960 5,303 701 Indonesia 193 316 563 10 Malaysia 193 354 525 525 Philippines 290 4,050 117 Singapore 165 49 AUSTRALASIA 752 657 4,448 262 Australia 546 496 3,998 243 New Zealand 206 161 450 19 MELANESIA 68 146 Papua New Guinea 68 146 MICRONESIA 26 173 Guam 26 75 Nauru 98 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 12,063 7,434 8,460 1,351 Other countries of Asia 12,056 7,434 8,460 1,351 Other countries of Oceania 7 EUROPE 139,775 176,003 235,051 88,601 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,091 2,408 6,093 5,075 Armenia 83 39 Bulgaria 173 Czech Republic 75 97 Georgia 300 Latvia 195 39 Lithuania 122 375 78 Moldova, Republic of 6 203 Poland 193 705 58 Romania 735 Russian Federation 925 1,379 2,138 4,706 Slovakia 238 68 19 Ukraine 166 470 1,043 39 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,532 6,869 10,262 3,637 Denmark 116 1,043 39 Finland 195 68 Iceland 438 353 78 Ireland 285 185 Norway 90 97 Sweden 453 528 398 185 United Kingdom 5,079 5,787 7,628 2,907 Scandinavia 270 78 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 962 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,378 6,677 15,025 6,349 Albania 400 113 Andorra 308 Croatia 19 285 29 Greece 335 1,358 175 Italy 2,416 2,481 5,940 3,140 Malta 13 90 49 North Macedonia 13 8 Portugal 1,418 1,270 1,928 2,596 Slovenia 52 60 Spain 1,544 2,094 4,935 360 WESTERN EUROPE 84,497 126,505 184,583 68,134 Belgium 6,770 19,830 26,145 2,363 France 69,965 91,582 132,630 48,708 Germany 4,806 9,216 19,568 13,038 Luxembourg 213 767 510 2,022 Netherlands 1,631 2,378 2,115 29 Switzerland 1,112 2,732 3,615 1,974 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,217 3,171 3,233 1,546 Israel 2,217 2,784 1,703 788 Turkiye 387 1,530 758 OTHER EUROPE 41,060 30,373 15,855 3,860 Other countries of Europe 41,060 30,373 15,855 3,860 MIDDLE EAST 2,584 5,472 5,979 4,472 Egypt 1,192 3,764 3,412 2,985 Iraq 7 19 8 29 Kuwait 142 45 Lebanon 712 1,192 1,763 788 Libya 280 45 263 29 Saudi Arabia 393 284 488 544 Yemen 26 97 SOUTH ASIA 8,680 12,689 20,491 26,056 Afghanistan 73 45 Bangladesh 30 India 8,534 11,787 18,728 25,968 Iran, Islamic Republic of 33 412 375 Pakistan 40 490 1,313 88 NOT SPECIFIED 47,958 40,618 92,116 117,084 Other countries of the world 3,988 5,670 8,573 5,386 Nationals residing abroad 43,970 34,948 83,543 111,698 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 963 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 773,433 751,384 1,084,700 679,895 AFRICA 377,727 388,873 520,609 269,589 EAST AFRICA 80,876 54,494 60,130 55,291 Burundi 885 541 1,433 389 Comoros 709 75 49 Djibouti 340 135 188 3,335 Eritrea 53 Ethiopia 43,051 46,632 40,050 43,118 Kenya 3,056 2,236 5,550 1,449 Madagascar 859 857 2,280 3,617 Malawi 107 187 990 194 Mauritius 33 39 2,985 603 Mozambique 333 174 338 136 Reunion 32 49 Rwanda 865 1,089 2,415 476 Seychelles 27 168 Tanzania, United Republic of 29,823 219 585 58 Uganda 306 155 818 671 Zambia 399 271 465 797 Zimbabwe 739 1,050 1,958 350 CENTRAL AFRICA 39,810 35,572 37,832 18,365 Angola 260 522 315 97 Cameroon 20,271 12,831 15,795 8,235 Central African Republic 300 1,224 1,170 535 Chad 1,318 9,344 2,355 1,944 Congo 8,627 5,233 5,843 1,351 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 579 1,360 4,253 3,150 Equatorial Guinea 233 876 863 253 Gabon 8,215 4,150 6,825 2,761 Sao Tome and Principe 7 32 413 39 NORTH AFRICA 20,051 25,494 36,759 17,004 Algeria 902 1,328 2,168 Morocco 17,987 20,603 30,315 9,071 Sudan 353 251 683 661 Tunisia 1,711 3,738 4,418 5,094 Western Sahara 15 10 SOUTHERN AFRICA 12,129 5,053 13,524 13,544 Botswana 113 90 368 Eswatini 553 425 758 1,342 Lesotho 52 113 39 Namibia 73 97 300 South Africa 11,390 4,389 11,985 12,163 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 964 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 224,861 223,349 330,199 141,284 Benin 48,044 42,585 69,030 39,521 Burkina Faso 28,991 28,716 45,233 19,328 Cabo Verde 746 1,482 1,110 1,293 Cote d'lvoire 51,865 48,050 65,048 28,749 Gambia 885 1,347 1,800 661 Ghana 24,544 20,190 33,165 10,675 Guinea 1,232 3,583 5,978 1,215 Guinea-Bissau 1,218 2,423 5,070 914 Liberia 566 1,366 2,228 583 Mali 13,028 12,708 16,395 5,124 Mauritania 573 1,630 1,710 1,060 Niger 10,731 8,971 16,868 4,608 Nigeria 20,836 24,186 31,133 12,007 Senegal 20,703 24,772 33,203 14,515 Sierra Leone 899 1,340 2,228 1,031 OTHER AFRICA 44,911 42,165 24,101 Other countries of Africa 44,911 42,165 24,101 AMERICAS 45,456 40,864 59,254 21,126 CARIBBEAN 253 580 1,351 1,332 Bahamas 13 6 45 British Virgin Islands 6 Haiti 240 516 158 49 Jamaica 26 Netherlands Antilles 833 1,283 Puerto Rico 13 120 Saint Kitts and Nevis 13 195 CENTRAL AMERICA 47 58 165 Costa Rica 30 Guatemala 19 120 Panama 47 39 15 NORTH AMERICA 36,587 36,198 50,895 18,385 Canada 3,522 3,976 7,425 603 Mexico 619 103 315 39 United States of America 32,446 32,119 43,155 17,743 SOUTH AMERICA 7,464 2,050 3,453 865 Argentina 80 374 263 29 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 27 98 194 Brazil 1,325 1,076 2,078 272 Chile 113 116 165 88 Colombia 5,818 342 533 214 Peru 87 52 158 10 Uruguay 7 32 45 39 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7 58 113 19 OTHER AMERICAS 1,105 1,978 3,390 544 Other countries of the Americas 1,105 1,978 3,390 544 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 965 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 40,933 36,160 54,686 7,644 NORHT-EAST ASIA 9,699 21,686 30,353 1,984 China 6,617 18,431 22,898 1,293 Japan 2,397 2,604 6,030 525 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 519 625 840 Korea, Republic of 166 26 510 49 Taiwan Province of China 75 117 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 339 1,018 5,289 1,139 Indonesia 133 277 458 10 Malaysia 206 316 698 963 Philippines 425 3,968 117 Singapore 165 49 AUSTRALASIA 779 767 1,898 311 Australia 506 503 1,470 282 New Zealand 273 264 428 29 MELANESIA 75 146 Papua New Guinea 75 146 MICRONESIA 26 173 Guam 26 75 Nauru 98 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,116 12,663 16,898 4,064 Other countries of Asia 30,056 12,663 16,898 4,064 Other countries of Oceania 60 EUROPE 198,465 196,498 278,458 117,744 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,312 5,671 6,935 5,084 Armenia 83 58 Bulgaria 173 Czech Republic 113 97 Georgia 300 Latvia 188 39 Lithuania 122 368 78 Moldova, Republic of 203 Poland 200 983 58 Romania 765 Russian Federation 1,112 4,608 2,663 4,696 Slovakia 238 53 19 Ukraine 200 503 1,043 39 NORTHERN EUROPE 9,286 7,984 11,981 4,239 Denmark 64 1,073 39 Finland 233 88 Iceland 438 563 136 Ireland 308 204 Norway 90 97 Sweden 772 715 413 214 United Kingdom 8,514 6,767 9,083 3,344 Scandinavia 218 117 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 966 COUNTRY TABLES TOGO 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,046 9,307 21,819 9,441 Albania 464 113 Andorra 52 293 Croatia 19 285 29 Greece 316 1,890 175 Italy 4,833 4,137 9,315 5,999 Malta 13 90 49 North Macedonia 13 8 Portugal 1,931 2,069 4,380 2,606 Slovenia 52 60 Spain 3,282 2,172 5,385 583 WESTERN EUROPE 115,539 144,356 206,042 84,125 Belgium 9,007 14,191 14,063 4,725 France 91,893 106,424 161,310 58,897 Germany 8,814 16,311 22,748 15,351 Luxembourg 193 741 518 2,022 Netherlands 3,542 3,370 2,213 29 Switzerland 2,090 3,319 5,190 3,101 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2,436 3,602 5,393 1,604 Israel 2,436 3,048 3,728 846 Turkiye 554 1,665 758 OTHER EUROPE 59,846 25,578 26,288 13,251 Other countries of Europe 59,846 25,578 26,288 13,251 MIDDLE EAST 4,347 6,096 8,064 4,627 Egypt 2,570 4,311 4,343 3,053 Iraq 7 19 98 29 Kuwait 142 60 Lebanon 965 1,302 2,430 836 Libya 306 45 435 29 Saudi Arabia 499 251 698 583 Yemen 26 97 SOUTH ASIA 10,804 13,165 22,081 32,288 Afghanistan 93 30 Bangladesh 30 India 10,418 12,244 20,348 32,200 Iran, Islamic Republic of 40 387 323 Maldives 6 Pakistan 253 528 1,350 88 NOT SPECIFIED 95,701 69,728 141,548 226,877 Other countries of the world 4,147 7,790 15,053 10,568 Nationals residing abroad 91,554 61,938 126,495 216,309 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 967 COUNTRY TABLES TONGA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 62,506 54,048 67,284 9,010 202 100.00 -97.76 AFRICA 75 64 86 33 OTHER AFRICA 75 64 86 33 All countries of Africa 75 64 86 33 AMERICAS 8,913 7,776 10,865 1,346 15 7.43 -98.89 NORTH AMERICA 8,631 7,623 10,667 1,313 15 7.43 -98.86 Canada 308 213 338 38 United States of America 8,323 7,410 10,329 1,275 15 7.43 -98.82 OTHER AMERICAS 282 153 198 33 Other countries of the Americas 282 153 198 33 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 49,751 42,980 51,933 7,174 184 91.09 -97.44 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,561 2,086 2,953 374 37 18.32 -90.11 China 1,603 1,205 1,814 177 24 11.88 -86.44 Japan 819 733 982 168 13 6.44 -92.26 Korea, Republic of 139 148 157 29 AUSTRALASIA 43,206 37,016 44,692 6,179 124 61.39 -97.99 Australia 13,056 11,839 12,727 1,707 33 16.34 -98.07 New Zealand 30,150 25,177 31,965 4,472 91 45.05 -97.97 MELANESIA 2,009 2,153 2,090 348 11 5.45 -96.84 Fiji 2,009 2,153 2,090 348 11 5.45 -96.84 POLYNESIA 482 437 475 53 3 1.49 -94.34 American Samoa 151 159 108 29 3 1.49 -89.66 Samoa 331 278 367 24 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,493 1,288 1,723 220 9 4.46 -95.91 Other countries of Asia 757 623 946 138 2 0.99 -98.55 Other countries of Oceania 736 665 777 82 7 3.47 -91.46 EUROPE 3,686 3,160 4,277 446 2 0.99 -99.55 NORTHERN EUROPE 971 771 1,009 127 2 0.99 -98.43 United Kingdom 971 771 1,009 127 2 0.99 -98.43 SOUTHERN EUROPE 176 147 202 14 Italy 176 147 202 14 WESTERN EUROPE 1,113 1,005 1,268 122 France 335 284 443 37 Germany 778 721 825 85 OTHER EUROPE 1,426 1,237 1,798 183 Other countries of Europe 1,426 1,237 1,798 183 SOUTH ASIA 81 68 123 11 1 0.50 -90.91 India 81 68 123 11 1 0.50 -90.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 968 COUNTRY TABLES TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / TRINITE-ET-TOBAGO / TRINIDAD Y TABAGO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 394,650 375,485 388,576 95,284 40,621 100.00 -57.37 AFRICA 1,803 2,047 2,047 451 242 0.60 -46.34 EAST AFRICA 342 321 327 74 53 0.13 -28.38 British Indian Ocean Territory 29 0.07 Burundi 10 6 1 Eritrea 1 Ethiopia 12 11 18 9 2 0.00 -77.78 Kenya 114 116 129 30 8 0.02 -73.33 Madagascar 7 6 2 Malawi 4 9 11 1 Mauritius 13 22 10 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Mozambique 7 10 4 3 0.01 Reunion 22 Rwanda 8 8 13 5 Seychelles 8 5 Somalia 27 Tanzania, United Republic of 37 27 18 2 3 0.01 50.00 Uganda 16 17 35 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Zambia 74 28 25 3 0.01 Zimbabwe 49 51 19 2 0.00 -89.47 CENTRAL AFRICA 63 74 91 21 8 0.02 -61.90 Angola 11 10 15 3 5 0.01 66.67 Cameroon 29 25 27 5 2 0.00 -60.00 Central African Republic 2 3 7 Chad 1 1 1 Congo 1 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 14 17 11 1 1 0.00 Equatorial Guinea 7 14 8 Gabon 6 12 16 2 NORTH AFRICA 40 55 57 7 9 0.02 28.57 Algeria 4 16 20 2 5 0.01 150.00 Morocco 21 27 23 2 4 0.01 100.00 Sudan 8 2 6 1 Tunisia 7 10 8 2 SOUTHERN AFRICA 468 518 483 113 86 0.21 -23.89 Botswana 33 19 27 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Eswatini 3 7 Lesotho 2 2 Namibia 5 10 9 4 South Africa 427 480 447 102 85 0.21 -16.67 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 969 COUNTRY TABLES TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / TRINITE-ET-TOBAGO / TRINIDAD Y TABAGO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 890 1,079 1,089 236 86 0.21 -63.56 Benin 1 4 Burkina Faso 3 1 2 Cabo Verde 2 3 1 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 4 14 18 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Gambia 7 9 6 1 2 0.00 100.00 Ghana 219 210 326 54 13 0.03 -75.93 Guinea 6 6 2 1 Liberia 13 5 10 2 Mali 1 4 1 1 Mauritania 1 1 Nigeria 603 796 686 163 67 0.16 -58.90 Senegal 6 8 11 2 Sierra Leone 24 17 24 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Togo 2 4 1 0.00 AMERICAS 325,945 308,177 320,271 77,004 33,434 82.31 -56.58 CARIBBEAN 55,827 52,268 53,614 11,013 2,998 7.38 -72.78 Anguilla 44 55 53 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Antigua and Barbuda 2,155 2,228 2,396 428 140 0.34 -67.29 Aruba 2 1 Bahamas 1,348 1,119 1,227 387 110 0.27 -71.58 Barbados 12,063 10,847 11,268 2,362 513 1.26 -78.28 Bermuda 230 189 219 110 1 0.00 -99.09 Cayman Islands 69 69 80 10 1 0.00 -90.00 Cuba 5,112 4,248 3,416 660 127 0.31 -80.76 Dominica 1,466 1,479 1,377 311 125 0.31 -59.81 Dominican Republic 2,124 1,807 1,640 302 213 0.52 -29.47 Grenada 6,621 6,708 7,658 1,542 406 1.00 -73.67 Guadeloupe 1 Haiti 255 264 429 29 2 0.00 -93.10 Jamaica 11,500 10,915 11,073 2,441 661 1.63 -72.92 Martinique 3 1 1 Montserrat 42 49 56 6 1 0.00 -83.33 Netherlands Antilles 1 1 12 0.03 1,100.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 917 982 1,051 197 32 0.08 -83.76 Saint Lucia 4,662 4,481 4,415 875 278 0.68 -68.23 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7,025 6,711 7,109 1,327 372 0.92 -71.97 Turks and Caicos Islands 35 20 28 2 United States Virgin Islands 154 95 116 17 3 0.01 -82.35 CENTRAL AMERICA 3,774 3,173 3,355 593 440 1.08 -25.80 Belize 617 628 561 111 49 0.12 -55.86 Costa Rica 720 681 713 143 61 0.15 -57.34 El Salvador 481 212 234 36 22 0.05 -38.89 Guatemala 489 394 419 75 66 0.16 -12.00 Honduras 223 126 183 19 19 0.05 Nicaragua 125 157 147 35 8 0.02 -77.14 Panama 1,119 975 1,098 174 215 0.53 23.56 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 970 COUNTRY TABLES TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / TRINITE-ET-TOBAGO / TRINIDAD Y TABAGO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 224,481 213,910 230,013 59,047 27,173 66.89 -53.98 Canada 52,355 47,066 49,492 14,535 4,224 10.40 -70.94 Greenland 1 1 1 Mexico 2,436 1,982 2,494 561 621 1.53 10.70 United States of America 169,690 164,861 1 78,026 43,950 22,328 54.97 -49.20 SOUTH AMERICA 41,863 38,826 33,289 6,351 2,823 6.95 -55.55 Argentina 651 509 616 90 35 0.09 -61.11 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 129 120 84 19 11 0.03 -42.11 Brazil 1,775 1,833 2,031 554 208 0.51 -62.45 Chile 369 288 328 56 28 0.07 -50.00 Colombia 2,759 2,497 2,746 567 322 0.79 -43.21 Ecuador 219 194 220 68 36 0.09 -47.06 Guyana 21,450 20,262 19,537 3,833 1,782 4.39 -53.51 Paraguay 30 26 28 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Peru 387 392 416 108 62 0.15 -42.59 Suriname 2,352 2,024 2,183 338 91 0.22 -73.08 Uruguay 78 87 103 14 2 0.00 -85.71 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 11,664 10,594 4,997 702 245 0.60 -65.10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6,625 7,008 6,831 1,234 758 1.87 -38.57 NORHT-EAST ASIA 3,994 4,288 4,435 567 389 0.96 -31.39 China 2,440 2,373 2,535 259 279 0.69 7.72 Japan 1,191 1,576 1,491 259 68 0.17 -73.75 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 2 1 Korea, Republic of 308 270 368 44 42 0.10 -4.55 Mongolia 3 2 4 Taiwan Province of China 52 67 35 4 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,216 1,315 1,175 381 291 0.72 -23.62 Brunei Darussalam 5 2 1 Cambodia 1 1 Indonesia 93 118 89 24 13 0.03 -45.83 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 1 Malaysia 391 357 303 165 87 0.21 -47.27 Myanmar 4 1 1 1 0.00 Philippines 534 630 563 137 164 0.40 19.71 Singapore 145 155 164 42 17 0.04 -59.52 Thailand 36 41 19 4 7 0.02 75.00 Viet Nam 7 10 35 7 2 0.00 -71.43 AUSTRALASIA 1,383 1,370 1,189 280 77 0.19 -72.50 Australia 1,210 1,145 969 51 67 0.16 31.37 New Zealand 173 225 220 229 10 0.02 -95.63 MELANESIA 30 29 27 2 Fiji 18 23 18 1 Papua New Guinea 6 3 6 1 Solomon Islands 6 3 3 MICRONESIA 4 1 1 1 0.00 Kiribati 3 1 Marshall Islands 1 1 Micronesia, Federated States of 1 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 971 COUNTRY TABLES TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / TRINITE-ET-TOBAGO / TRINIDAD Y TABAGO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 2 2 4 3 Samoa 1 1 4 2 Tonga 1 1 1 EUROPE 55,891 54,129 55,111 15,775 5,470 13.47 -65.32 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,859 2,046 2,481 936 617 1.52 -34.08 Armenia 1 5 9 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Azerbaijan 10 21 17 8 3 0.01 -62.50 Belarus 5 4 7 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Bulgaria 139 124 82 14 29 0.07 107.14 Czech Republic 89 143 320 120 32 0.08 -73.33 Estonia 105 134 112 46 18 0.04 -60.87 Georgia 3 4 7 1 1 0.00 Hungary 128 144 151 35 23 0.06 -34.29 Kazakhstan 16 9 14 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Kyrgyzstan 7 6 8 1 2 0.00 100.00 Latvia 82 55 181 51 31 0.08 -39.22 Lithuania 67 112 256 47 38 0.09 -19.15 Moldova, Republic of 3 5 3 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Poland 463 544 650 322 242 0.60 -24.84 Romania 208 224 186 118 83 0.20 -29.66 Russian Federation 375 306 285 91 46 0.11 -49.45 Slovakia 69 68 89 24 6 0.01 -75.00 Tajikistan 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Turkmenistan 2 3 1 Ukraine 86 133 98 43 58 0.14 34.88 Uzbekistan 1 2 3 NORTHERN EUROPE 36,329 35,910 35,746 10,316 3,004 7.40 -70.88 Denmark 698 673 555 309 95 0.23 -69.26 Finland 198 187 146 71 16 0.04 -77.46 Iceland 23 23 24 9 1 0.00 -88.89 Ireland 1,264 1,185 1,193 229 137 0.34 -40.17 Norway 866 982 755 345 191 0.47 -44.64 Sweden 1,435 1,139 989 404 77 0.19 -80.94 United Kingdom 31,845 31,721 32,084 8,949 2,487 6.12 -72.21 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,440 3,311 3,627 869 487 1.20 -43.96 Albania 4 5 3 4 1 0.00 -75.00 Andorra 6 4 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 6 10 5 3 0.01 -40.00 Croatia 77 47 70 72 68 0.17 -5.56 Greece 194 158 212 35 23 0.06 -34.29 Holy See 17 26 5 5 0.01 Italy 1,320 1,311 1,476 312 137 0.34 -56.09 Malta 20 26 28 11 10 0.02 -9.09 Montenegro 2 4 0.01 100.00 North Macedonia 6 6 9 2 Portugal 349 304 409 98 61 0.15 -37.76 Serbia 60 61 61 13 3 0.01 -76.92 Slovenia 59 35 50 13 Spain 1,350 1,329 1,269 295 172 0.42 -41.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 972 COUNTRY TABLES TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / TRINITE-ET-TOBAGO / TRINIDAD Y TABAGO 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 13,824 12,505 12,795 3,560 1,267 3.12 -64.41 Austria 437 376 383 141 45 0.11 -68.09 Belgium 359 381 317 72 55 0.14 -23.61 France 3,716 3,581 3,455 967 347 0.85 -64.12 Germany 4,333 3,901 4,108 1,328 340 0.84 -74.40 Liechtenstein 1 1 Luxembourg 23 21 27 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Netherlands 4,193 3,586 3,801 849 426 1.05 -49.82 Switzerland 763 658 703 197 52 0.13 -73.60 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 439 357 462 94 95 0.23 1.06 Cyprus 24 17 18 3 Israel 178 128 180 30 29 0.07 -3.33 Turkiye 237 212 264 61 66 0.16 8.20 MIDDLE EAST 191 176 207 102 87 0.21 -14.71 Bahrain 1 Egypt 72 75 82 70 62 0.15 -11.43 Iraq 1 1 4 Jordan 5 4 5 Kuwait 8 6 5 5 Lebanon 18 26 33 10 7 0.02 -30.00 Libya 2 5 Oman 4 5 3 2 Qatar 2 2 2 Saudi Arabia 18 10 14 1 State of Palestine 2 Syrian Arab Republic 59 44 46 12 18 0.04 50.00 United Arab Emirates 2 1 5 Yemen 2 2 SOUTH ASIA 4,181 3,948 4,090 718 569 1.40 -20.75 Afghanistan 4 1 2 7 1 0.00 -85.71 Bangladesh 113 69 96 21 6 0.01 -71.43 Bhutan 3 India 3,592 3,525 3,715 640 527 1.30 -17.66 Iran, Islamic Republic of 10 11 9 2 Maldives 2 4 4 1 Nepal 28 21 16 2 2 0.00 Pakistan 374 246 205 33 25 0.06 -24.24 Sri Lanka 55 71 43 12 8 0.02 -33.33 NOT SPECIFIED 14 19 61 0.15 Other countries of the world 14 19 61 0.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 973 COUNTRY TABLES TUNISIA / TUNISIE / TUNEZ 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 7,051,813 8,299,040 9,429,049 2,012,371 2,475,426 100.00 23.01 AFRICA 2,608,939 2,856,871 3,078,202 446,737 92,317 3.73 -79.34 NORTH AFRICA 2,546,101 2,786,923 3,001,802 416,914 41,909 1.69 -89.95 Algeria 2,497,788 2,728,011 2,934,975 401,279 30,385 1.23 -92.43 Morocco 46,911 57,550 65,691 15,462 11,225 0.45 -27.40 Sudan 1,402 1,362 1,136 173 299 0.01 72.83 WEST AFRICA 18,064 20,109 20,100 5,932 10,927 0.44 84.20 Mauritania 18,064 20,109 20,100 5,932 10,927 0.44 84.20 OTHER AFRICA 44,774 49,839 56,300 23,891 39,481 1.59 65.25 Other countries of Africa 44,774 49,839 56,300 23,891 39,481 1.59 65.25 AMERICAS 32,776 42,433 49,796 11,345 19,566 0.79 72.46 NORTH AMERICA 30,912 40,232 47,166 10,781 18,805 0.76 74.43 Canada 12,253 1 7,067 21,277 5,273 8,149 0.33 54.54 United States of America 18,659 23,165 25,889 5,508 10,656 0.43 93.46 SOUTH AMERICA 1,864 2,201 2,630 564 761 0.03 34.93 Brazil 1,864 2,201 2,630 564 761 0.03 34.93 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22,664 35,244 39,774 6,579 1,808 0.07 -72.52 NORHT-EAST ASIA 20,834 33,397 38,035 6,196 1,414 0.06 -77.18 China 17,520 26,726 28,969 4,312 886 0.04 -79.45 Hong Kong, China 1,439 1,217 1,005 84 11 0.00 -86.90 Japan 1,875 5,454 8,061 1,800 517 0.02 -71.28 AUSTRALASIA 1,830 1,847 1,739 383 394 0.02 2.87 Australia 1,830 1,847 1,739 383 394 0.02 2.87 EUROPE 1,698,381 2,412,306 2,788,706 418,820 595,303 24.05 42.14 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 649,164 838,635 952,695 42,196 153,342 6.19 263.40 Bulgaria 1,228 3,034 6,566 577 7,147 0.29 1,138.65 Czech Republic (Czechia) 61,862 93,883 107,584 18,963 12,692 0.51 -33.07 Hungary 11,415 14,938 14,906 422 1,619 0.07 283.65 Lithuania 828 6,262 8,066 165 284 0.01 72.12 Poland 17,010 70,524 106,780 16,511 35,387 1.43 114.32 Romania 4,678 12,142 26,282 1,511 6,774 0.27 348.31 Russian Federation 515,804 599,032 633,327 2,279 85,026 3.43 3,630.85 Slovakia 12,903 17,611 19,738 469 587 0.02 25.16 Ukraine 23,436 21,209 29,446 1,299 3,826 0.15 194.53 NORTHERN EUROPE 41,830 142,772 238,478 16,196 14,330 0.58 -11.52 Denmark 2,343 4,225 10,010 843 975 0.04 15.66 Finland 1,838 2,797 4,474 984 492 0.02 -50.00 Ireland 1,411 2,129 4,955 512 571 0.02 11.52 Norway 1,822 2,124 2,368 566 671 0.03 18.55 Sweden 6,460 7,912 12,524 1,674 3,682 0.15 119.95 United Kingdom 27,956 123,585 204,147 11,617 7,939 0.32 -31.66 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 974 COUNTRY TABLES TUNISIA / TUNISIE / TUNEZ 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 134,036 168,119 194,628 35,704 41,166 1.66 15.30 Croatia 1,486 1,829 1,999 474 384 0.02 -18.99 Greece 1,373 2,046 2,776 401 643 0.03 60.35 Italy 87,616 102,575 124,060 26,890 29,124 1.18 8.31 Malta 1,814 2,235 2,407 686 426 0.02 -37.90 Portugal 14,805 26,309 28,157 2,039 2,993 0.12 46.79 Serbia 4,204 7,032 8,268 615 2,195 0.09 256.91 Slovenia 6,903 6,305 4,314 137 401 0.02 192.70 Spain 15,835 19,788 22,647 4,462 5,000 0.20 12.06 WESTERN EUROPE 851,459 1,231,451 1,347,273 313,495 377,273 15.24 20.34 Austria 11,521 18,649 20,132 2,632 3,571 0.14 35.68 Belgium 50,518 97,744 94,088 8,477 14,370 0.58 69.52 France 570,518 781,709 890,455 261,527 302,519 12.22 15.67 Germany 181,377 275,296 275,872 29,023 39,873 1.61 37.38 Luxembourg 2,952 4,246 4,148 1,998 2,699 0.11 35.09 Netherlands 11,150 22,638 27,691 3,218 4,188 0.17 30.14 Switzerland 23,423 31,169 34,887 6,620 10,053 0.41 51.86 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 11,873 12,859 15,584 3,783 4,860 0.20 28.47 Turkiye 11,873 12,859 15,584 3,783 4,860 0.20 28.47 OTHER EUROPE 10,019 18,470 40,048 7,446 4,332 0.18 -41.82 Other countries of Europe 10,019 18,470 40,048 7,446 4,332 0.18 -41.82 MIDDLE EAST 1,361,471 1,550,833 2,003,669 543,652 885,252 35.76 62.83 Bahrain 741 852 919 174 217 0.01 24.71 Egypt 10,661 10,920 11,182 2,406 3,971 0.16 65.05 Iraq 3,604 3,562 3,661 629 1,847 0.07 193.64 Jordan 6,684 7,464 6,842 1,488 2,725 0.11 83.13 Kuwait 1,432 1,525 1,847 339 611 0.02 80.24 Lebanon 3,874 4,446 3,969 729 1,201 0.05 64.75 Libya 1,318,956 1,504,018 1,956,060 533,815 868,186 35.07 62.64 Oman 1,421 1,518 1,845 280 532 0.02 90.00 Qatar 898 1,250 1,454 410 599 0.02 46.10 Saudi Arabia 7,987 9,046 8,763 2,045 2,906 0.12 42.10 State of Palestine 1,497 1,850 2,069 389 664 0.03 70.69 Syrian Arab Republic 1,713 1,987 2,454 399 882 0.04 121.05 United Arab Emirates 1,553 1,612 1,884 386 711 0.03 84.20 Yemen 450 783 720 163 200 0.01 22.70 NOT SPECIFIED 1,327,582 1,401,353 1,468,902 585,238 881,180 35.60 50.57 Other countries of the world 18,408 23,556 24,369 4,837 6,020 0.24 24.46 Nationals residing abroad 1,309,174 1,377,797 1,444,533 580,401 875,160 35.35 50.79 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 975 COUNTRY TABLES TUNISIA / TUNISIE / TUNEZ 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,816,396 3,821,823 4,482,033 642,234 779,301 100.00 21.34 AFRICA 768,082 787,054 788,400 99,054 51,174 6.57 -48.34 NORTH AFRICA 742,334 758,133 757,863 89,486 35,032 4.50 -60.85 Algeria 717,933 731,104 723,116 80,545 29,954 3.84 -62.81 Morocco 24,401 27,029 34,747 8,941 5,078 0.65 -43.21 OTHER AFRICA 25,748 28,921 30,537 9,568 16,142 2.07 68.71 Other countries of Africa 25,748 28,921 30,537 9,568 16,142 2.07 68.71 AMERICAS 25,625 31,380 40,493 9,699 11,608 1.49 19.68 NORTH AMERICA 23,601 29,713 37,893 8,832 11,157 1.43 26.32 Canada 9,302 14,442 20,436 3,791 2,691 0.35 -29.02 United States of America 14,299 15,271 17,457 5,041 8,466 1.09 67.94 SOUTH AMERICA 2,024 1,667 2,600 867 451 0.06 -47.98 Brazil 2,024 1,667 2,600 867 451 0.06 -47.98 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 69,445 106,891 107,586 19,682 2,518 0.32 -87.21 NORHT-EAST ASIA 66,602 105,256 105,689 19,291 2,091 0.27 -89.16 China 61,597 91,103 84,506 14,283 1,239 0.16 -91.33 Japan 5,005 14,153 21,183 5,008 852 0.11 -82.99 AUSTRALASIA 2,843 1,635 1,897 391 427 0.05 9.21 Australia 2,843 1,635 1,897 391 427 0.05 9.21 EUROPE 1,541,263 2,382,927 2,785,444 293,280 433,648 55.65 47.86 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 701,095 977,397 1,108,823 49,974 185,169 23.76 270.53 Bulgaria 679 2,592 6,435 641 7,208 0.92 1,024.49 Czech Republic (Czechia) 64,433 98,455 105,752 19,486 14,461 1.86 -25.79 Hungary 10,408 11,868 12,775 221 1,124 0.14 408.60 Poland 22,627 61,900 107,448 18,636 38,096 4.89 104.42 Romania 3,027 11,770 30,246 1,412 6,829 0.88 383.64 Russian Federation 586,745 772,595 823,904 8,607 116,339 14.93 1,251.68 Slovakia 13,176 18,217 22,263 971 1,112 0.14 14.52 NORTHERN EUROPE 31,659 141,678 246,155 13,007 10,407 1.34 -19.99 Ireland 1,870 2,581 3,716 520 594 0.08 14.23 United Kingdom 22,928 127,734 218,013 10,103 7,329 0.94 -27.46 Scandinavia 6,861 11,363 24,426 2,384 2,484 0.32 4.19 SOUTHERN EUROPE 110,839 158,890 207,519 32,205 32,536 4.18 1.03 Greece 1,141 1,949 3,617 492 487 0.06 -1.02 Italy 58,976 81,038 107,602 21,115 13,287 1.70 -37.07 Malta 1,727 3,342 3,828 372 630 0.08 69.35 Portugal 14,788 26,998 28,597 1,001 2,198 0.28 119.58 Serbia 7,334 8,589 10,933 619 2,435 0.31 293.38 Spain 26,873 36,974 52,942 8,606 13,499 1.73 56.86 WESTERN EUROPE 643,600 1,043,255 1,140,472 186,821 189,228 24.28 1.29 Austria 5,535 7,549 8,378 933 989 0.13 6.00 Belgium 36,154 87,407 80,542 5,357 6,960 0.89 29.92 France 365,364 562,525 652,394 140,547 137,977 17.71 -1.83 Germany 203,877 333,245 335,288 27,419 29,199 3.75 6.49 Luxembourg 11,019 16,707 1 7,496 6,099 6,421 0.82 5.28 Netherlands 6,297 15,867 23,312 2,446 2,023 0.26 -17.29 Switzerland 15,354 19,955 23,062 4,020 5,659 0.73 40.77 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 976 COUNTRY TABLES TUNISIA / TUNISIE / TUNEZ 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 10,923 11,274 12,891 3,187 3,630 0.47 13.90 Turkiye 10,923 11,274 12,891 3,187 3,630 0.47 13.90 OTHER EUROPE 43,147 50,433 69,584 8,086 12,678 1.63 56.79 Other countries of Europe 43,147 50,433 69,584 8,086 12,678 1.63 56.79 MIDDLE EAST 254,638 355,853 553,961 159,178 195,635 25.10 22.90 Libya 212,717 313,130 506,884 148,125 1 79,595 23.05 21.25 Other countries of Middle East 41,921 42,723 47,077 11,053 16,040 2.06 45.12 NOT SPECIFIED 157,343 157,718 206,149 61,341 84,718 10.87 38.11 Other countries of the world 109,006 108,559 145,671 34,913 50,249 6.45 43.93 Nationals residing abroad 48,337 49,159 60,478 26,428 34,469 4.42 30.43 TUNISIA / TUNISIE / TUNEZ 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 15,727,799 21,212,445 24,304,448 2,817,951 3,470,416 100.00 23.15 AFRICA 2,819,300 2,769,907 2,653,857 274,277 158,503 4.57 -42.21 NORTH AFRICA 2,724,116 2,663,170 2,541,413 226,139 94,558 2.72 -58.19 Algeria 2,633,705 2,590,842 2,438,877 197,964 75,797 2.18 -61.71 Morocco 90,411 72,328 102,536 28,175 18,761 0.54 -33.41 OTHER AFRICA 95,184 106,737 112,444 48,138 63,945 1.84 32.84 Other countries of Africa 95,184 106,737 112,444 48,138 63,945 1.84 32.84 AMERICAS 104,010 126,350 154,298 45,469 67,012 1.93 47.38 NORTH AMERICA 97,662 121,549 143,964 43,722 64,547 1.86 47.63 Canada 39,595 63,652 80,359 21,414 10,189 0.29 -52.42 United States of America 58,067 57,897 63,605 22,308 54,358 1.57 143.67 SOUTH AMERICA 6,348 4,801 10,334 1,747 2,465 0.07 41.10 Brazil 6,348 4,801 10,334 1,747 2,465 0.07 41.10 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 112,037 151,365 169,645 37,342 22,330 0.64 -40.20 NORHT-EAST ASIA 104,558 146,395 163,249 36,008 19,362 0.56 -46.23 China 89,455 117,910 118,136 20,859 6,336 0.18 -69.62 Japan 15,103 28,485 45,113 15,149 13,026 0.38 -14.01 AUSTRALASIA 7,479 4,970 6,396 1,334 2,968 0.09 122.49 Australia 7,479 4,970 6,396 1,334 2,968 0.09 122.49 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 977 COUNTRY TABLES TUNISIA / TUNISIE / TUNEZ 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 11,499,178 16,821,917 19,259,890 1,797,967 2,525,321 72.77 40.45 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 5,965,643 7,609,993 8,397,152 331,233 1,250,906 36.04 277.65 Bulgaria 2,907 11,446 26,684 2,389 31,378 0.90 1,213.44 Czech Republic (Czechia) 546,637 752,458 833,622 143,048 107,073 3.09 -25.15 Hungary 63,242 72,080 81,124 830 7,070 0.20 751.81 Poland 158,800 474,425 740,630 118,378 259,237 7.47 118.99 Romania 12,510 38,880 122,585 8,685 33,425 0.96 284.86 Russian Federation 5,073,684 6,118,588 6,430,262 51,345 804,563 23.18 1,466.97 Slovakia 107,863 142,116 162,245 6,558 8,160 0.24 24.43 NORTHERN EUROPE 128,045 897,093 1,786,820 65,408 42,791 1.23 -34.58 Denmark 7,825 21,251 44,366 2,753 0.08 Finland 6,652 17,610 70,002 4,760 1,059 0.03 -77.75 Ireland 4,755 8,445 13,087 1,644 2,361 0.07 43.61 Norway 8,592 5,461 18,418 1,439 2,168 0.06 50.66 Sweden 9,761 16,525 28,631 2,997 4,612 0.13 53.89 United Kingdom 90,460 827,801 1,612,316 54,568 29,838 0.86 -45.32 SOUTHERN EUROPE 444,311 633,439 827,534 104,773 122,446 3.53 16.87 Greece 3,364 5,533 8,627 1,883 1,413 0.04 -24.96 Italy 206,551 290,918 454,782 69,298 53,923 1.55 -22.19 Malta 9,405 16,943 13,844 1,447 3,108 0.09 114.79 Portugal 78,666 148,281 144,275 4,597 11,1 72 0.32 143.03 Serbia 56,145 63,254 69,833 5,010 17,082 0.49 240.96 Spain 90,180 108,510 136,173 22,538 35,748 1.03 58.61 WESTERN EUROPE 4,696,167 7,404,931 7,839,813 1,248,987 1,046,823 30.16 -16.19 Austria 35,872 46,855 51,843 4,139 3,780 0.11 -8.67 Belgium 275,158 723,243 648,276 46,923 40,901 1.18 -12.83 France 2,170,300 3,339,683 3,842,773 855,702 715,142 20.61 -16.43 Germany 1,980,512 2,907,857 2,853,992 256,370 196,053 5.65 -23.53 Luxembourg 107,539 158,387 151,483 57,486 52,803 1.52 -8.15 Netherlands 31,693 105,617 145,527 8,970 8,081 0.23 -9.91 Switzerland 95,093 123,289 145,919 19,397 30,063 0.87 54.99 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 30,789 31,416 37,634 10,993 12,467 0.36 13.41 Turkiye 30,789 31,416 37,634 10,993 12,467 0.36 13.41 OTHER EUROPE 234,223 245,045 370,937 36,573 49,888 1.44 36.41 Other countries of Europe 234,223 245,045 370,937 36,573 49,888 1.44 36.41 MIDDLE EAST 734,138 874,188 1,365,392 493,968 464,746 13.39 -5.92 Libya 592,081 724,601 1,188,686 453,422 411,140 11.85 -9.33 Other countries of Middle East 142,057 149,587 1 76,706 40,546 53,606 1.54 32.21 NOT SPECIFIED 459,136 468,718 701,366 168,928 232,504 6.70 37.63 Other countries of the world 336,953 343,487 527,920 90,403 128,472 3.70 42.11 Nationals residing abroad 122,183 125,231 1 73,446 78,525 104,032 3.00 32.48 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 978 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 37,601,245 45,767,714 51,191,882 15,893,967 29,925,441 100.00 88.28 AFRICA 590,441 817,078 998,047 297,566 555,221 1.86 86.59 EAST AFRICA 38,042 56,901 92,697 49,011 114,662 0.38 133.95 Burundi 260 362 344 136 431 0.00 216.91 Comoros 1,209 1,203 1,310 669 1,187 0.00 77.43 Djibouti 1,632 2,628 4,634 3,723 7,005 0.02 88.15 Eritrea 2,982 6,539 9,910 2,225 5,409 0.02 143.10 Ethiopia 6,022 9,005 20,414 14,296 45,193 0.15 216.12 Kenya 4,987 7,178 7,808 2,815 7,716 0.03 174.10 Madagascar 347 420 484 112 174 0.00 55.36 Malawi 278 256 346 79 223 0.00 182.28 Mauritius 5,190 5,998 9,790 2,303 2,769 0.01 20.23 Mozambique 478 708 844 201 464 0.00 130.85 Rwanda 732 675 1,113 398 1,063 0.00 167.09 Seychelles 222 459 536 86 408 0.00 374.42 Somalia 5,290 11,422 21,622 17,307 29,706 0.10 71.64 Tanzania, United Republic of 2,518 3,164 3,665 1,650 4,648 0.02 181.70 Uganda 3,250 3,544 5,660 1,601 5,867 0.02 266.46 Zambia 819 1,021 1,443 443 832 0.00 87.81 Zimbabwe 1,826 2,319 2,691 910 1,469 0.00 61.43 Other countries of East Africa 83 57 98 0.00 71.93 CENTRAL AFRICA 17,683 23,877 31,108 12,414 30,468 0.10 145.43 Angola 2,001 3,428 7,716 1,430 3,657 0.01 155.73 Cameroon 5,881 8,009 8,692 3,568 7,591 0.03 112.75 Central African Republic 153 226 199 104 211 0.00 102.88 Chad 1,061 1,237 1,712 1,327 4,357 0.01 228.33 Congo 649 830 1,132 529 1,541 0.01 191.30 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 6,130 7,720 8,525 3,877 7,676 0.03 97.99 Equatorial Guinea 80 234 284 233 645 0.00 1 76.82 Gabon 1,565 2,121 2,832 1,338 4,777 0.02 257.03 Sao Tome and Principe 163 72 16 8 13 0.00 62.50 NORTH AFRICA 449,369 622,099 718,961 186,031 323,562 1.08 73.93 Algeria 211,892 287,912 294,557 49,997 48,824 0.16 -2.35 Morocco 113,880 176,340 233,944 67,737 121,327 0.41 79.11 South Sudan 227 369 199 481 0.00 141.71 Sudan 12,154 15,658 17,851 10,546 25,963 0.09 146.19 Tunisia 111,215 142,189 172,240 57,552 126,967 0.42 120.61 Other countries of North Africa 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 34,649 53,633 75,208 12,535 6,389 0.02 -49.03 Botswana 168 262 410 81 179 0.00 120.99 Eswatini 120 97 124 48 36 0.00 -25.00 Lesotho 56 116 136 30 34 0.00 13.33 Namibia 232 412 136 165 0.00 21.32 South Africa 34,073 53,158 74,126 12,240 5,975 0.02 -51.18 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 979 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 50,698 60,568 80,073 37,575 80,140 0.27 113.28 Benin 850 1,028 1,351 521 1,163 0.00 123.22 Burkina Faso 2,000 2,307 2,454 985 2,466 0.01 150.36 Cabo Verde 66 137 178 88 232 0.00 163.64 Cote d'lvoire 2,869 3,566 4,513 2,406 7,124 0.02 196.09 Gambia 794 1,172 2,403 989 2,684 0.01 1 71.39 Ghana 4,354 5,776 6,327 2,055 4,743 0.02 130.80 Guinea 1,295 1,469 1,957 1,049 3,768 0.01 259.20 Guinea-Bissau 231 188 227 162 411 0.00 153.70 Liberia 205 249 205 81 273 0.00 237.04 Mali 2,279 2,886 3,400 1,805 4,580 0.02 153.74 Mauritania 1,830 2,714 3,382 2,653 6,121 0.02 130.72 Niger 1,385 1,549 2,127 1,045 2,713 0.01 159.62 Nigeria 25,502 28,502 39,766 17,487 26,498 0.09 51.53 Saint Helena 2 Senegal 6,168 7,537 10,274 5,376 12,630 0.04 134.93 Sierra Leone 388 519 655 469 3,508 0.01 647.97 Togo 480 969 854 404 1,226 0.00 203.47 AMERICAS 574,354 827,278 1,029,356 258,442 570,787 1.91 120.86 CARIBBEAN 10,593 15,512 20,853 7,602 24,099 0.08 217.01 Anguilla 12 Antigua and Barbuda 393 483 632 332 771 0.00 132.23 Bahamas 90 134 179 51 79 0.00 54.90 Barbados 119 112 158 51 116 0.00 127.45 Cayman Islands 1 Cuba 2,400 3,035 2,931 595 1,141 0.00 91.76 Dominica 2,000 3,520 5,644 2,342 7,637 0.03 226.09 Dominican Republic 1,327 1,894 3,231 728 2,258 0.01 210.16 Grenada 283 496 641 178 521 0.00 192.70 Haiti 254 447 667 772 5,556 0.02 619.69 Jamaica 710 1,209 1,541 610 456 0.00 -25.25 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,429 3,396 4,196 1,647 5,074 0.02 208.08 Saint Lucia 71 127 181 54 131 0.00 142.59 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 34 45 53 15 28 0.00 86.67 Trinidad and Tobago 470 614 799 227 331 0.00 45.81 CENTRAL AMERICA 6,581 11,429 14,396 3,281 7,482 0.03 128.04 Belize 237 265 289 103 218 0.00 111.65 Costa Rica 1,766 3,387 4,492 750 1,719 0.01 129.20 El Salvador 574 902 1,099 216 587 0.00 171.76 Guatemala 949 1,681 2,556 330 1,061 0.00 221.52 Honduras 697 1,041 1,138 333 664 0.00 99.40 Nicaragua 391 495 622 156 328 0.00 110.26 Panama 1,967 3,658 4,200 1,393 2,905 0.01 108.54 NORTH AMERICA 406,938 557,170 710,572 195,301 458,299 1.53 134.66 Canada 77,978 103,783 128,894 34,163 70,910 0.24 107.56 Greenland 10 Mexico 18,408 35,632 63,512 12,751 34,608 0.12 171.41 United States of America 310,542 41 7,755 518,166 148,387 352,781 1.18 137.74 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 980 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 150,242 243,167 283,535 52,258 80,907 0.27 54.82 Argentina 45,621 65,914 61,549 7,219 6,939 0.02 -3.88 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,224 1,721 2,420 553 946 0.00 71.07 Brazil 47,056 75,457 95,511 22,710 17,477 0.06 -23.04 Chile 8,106 13,798 17,196 3,311 3,765 0.01 13.71 Colombia 28,214 54,653 68,967 10,595 29,867 0.10 181.90 Ecuador 5,266 8,154 8,014 1,552 4,825 0.02 210.89 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 8 Guyana 50 33 58 16 22 0.00 37.50 Paraguay 627 991 1,235 295 560 0.00 89.83 Peru 4,654 8,275 9,842 1,883 3,497 0.01 85.71 Suriname 210 733 582 52 240 0.00 361.54 Uruguay 2,315 4,325 6,628 604 1,367 0.00 126.32 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6,891 9,113 11,533 3,468 11,402 0.04 228.78 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 812,863 1,253,926 1,469,591 249,528 202,617 0.68 -18.80 NORHT-EAST ASIA 490,359 760,652 884,569 118,250 71,900 0.24 -39.20 China 243,272 391,431 418,624 39,024 33,355 0.11 -14.53 Hong Kong, China 6,726 18,452 29,663 4,053 1,040 0.00 -74.34 Japan 46,157 77,287 97,642 19,101 7,135 0.02 -62.65 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 13 15 25 9 3 0.00 -66.67 Korea, Republic of 120,234 159,023 212,280 36,590 15,193 0.05 -58.48 Macao, China 189 631 1,209 68 8 0.00 -88.24 Mongolia 13,117 15,871 1 7,908 6,314 12,883 0.04 104.04 Taiwan Province of China 60,651 97,942 107,218 13,091 2,283 0.01 -82.56 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 240,792 387,183 454,461 113,028 112,710 0.38 -0.28 Brunei Darussalam 554 912 1,259 158 33 0.00 -79.11 Cambodia 194 318 467 97 113 0.00 16.49 Indonesia 80,265 117,046 123,423 39,537 46,549 0.16 17.74 Lao People's Democratic Republic 35 51 83 27 17 0.00 -37.04 Malaysia 60,859 95,384 113,910 17,887 9,612 0.03 -46.26 Myanmar 441 1,349 2,433 639 628 0.00 -1.72 Philippines 46,006 80,904 103,881 39,945 44,433 0.15 11.24 Singapore 17,325 27,966 34,474 4,909 2,944 0.01 -40.03 Thailand 30,342 53,688 61,596 8,125 6,624 0.02 -18.47 Timor-Leste 17 31 24 5 12 0.00 140.00 Viet Nam 4,754 9,534 12,911 1,699 1,745 0.01 2.71 AUSTRALASIA 81,321 105,515 129,931 17,955 17,749 0.06 -1.15 Australia 70,718 90,252 110,555 15,078 15,009 0.05 -0.46 New Zealand 10,603 15,263 19,376 2,877 2,740 0.01 -4.76 MELANESIA 146 221 232 97 230 0.00 137.11 Fiji 75 137 123 52 53 0.00 1.92 Papua New Guinea 22 22 24 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Solomon Islands 8 6 9 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Vanuatu 41 56 76 38 175 0.00 360.53 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 981 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 80 133 277 165 9 0.00 -94.55 Kiribati 33 110 274 164 5 0.00 -96.95 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 1 1 0.00 Nauru 2 Palau 4 1 3 0.00 200.00 Wake Island 38 23 POLYNESIA 165 222 121 33 19 0.00 -42.42 American Samoa 12 Pitcairn 2 Samoa 7 59 63 20 Tonga 10 9 12 1 5 0.00 400.00 Tuvalu 131 154 46 12 14 0.00 16.67 Wallis and Futuna Islands 3 EUROPE 23,873,659 29,429,170 33,516,923 10,019,524 19,115,744 63.88 90.78 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 13,666,561 16,302,026 18,479,452 6,038,688 11,607,125 38.79 92.21 Armenia 48,205 51,811 66,779 9,292 10,161 0.03 9.35 Azerbaijan 762,1 73 855,231 894,201 232,970 467,131 1.56 100.51 Belarus 229,011 245,145 258,182 106,290 220,748 0.74 107.68 Bulgaria 1,849,666 2,382,877 2,709,905 1,242,460 1,402,081 4.69 12.85 Czech Republic (Czechia) 125,490 226,564 308,962 15,635 89,711 0.30 473.78 Estonia 47,506 61,469 76,479 5,103 47,577 0.16 832.33 Georgia 2,434,146 2,065,948 1,989,150 408,120 289,767 0.97 -29.00 Hungary 79,098 122,484 148,313 16,563 76,214 0.25 360.15 Kazakhstan 402,715 426,861 455,618 137,176 365,879 1.22 166.72 Kyrgyzstan 104,815 114,840 121,287 52,134 102,781 0.34 97.15 Latvia 46,265 65,508 85,427 9,325 44,648 0.15 378.80 Lithuania 133,564 198,959 228,691 14,057 114,082 0.38 711.57 Moldova, Republic of 171,431 194,197 198,699 109,090 192,399 0.64 76.37 Poland 288,088 633,437 867,319 145,548 584,773 1.95 301.77 Romania 421,448 638,696 758,81 7 268,367 495,386 1.66 84.59 Russian Federation 4,702,498 5,954,388 6,995,935 2,116,656 4,683,759 15.65 121.28 Slovakia 97,638 156,725 206,691 8,644 37,939 0.13 338.91 Tajikistan 30,530 40,879 44,153 16,972 41,439 0.14 144.16 Turkmenistan 230,876 252,907 297,685 43,065 18,979 0.06 -55.93 Ukraine 1,265,687 1,371,869 1,515,123 978,647 2,049,192 6.85 109.39 Uzbekistan 195,711 241,231 252,036 102,574 272,479 0.91 165.64 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,419,039 3,282,875 3,715,797 1,025,650 815,859 2.73 -20.45 Denmark 267,272 323,463 333,361 44,670 111,263 0.37 149.08 Faeroe Islands 1 Finland 95,545 125,637 131,988 14,999 32,760 0.11 118.41 Iceland 2,431 2,864 3,871 541 944 0.00 74.49 Ireland 48,678 69,943 94,81 7 26,171 36,711 0.12 40.27 Norway 114,925 160,291 206,879 25,067 54,552 0.18 117.62 Sweden 285,953 380,386 440,542 93,693 192,670 0.64 105.64 United Kingdom 1,604,234 2,220,291 2,504,339 820,509 386,959 1.29 -52.84 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 982 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,498,269 1,932,460 2,366,176 669,508 1,118,840 3.74 67.11 Albania 102,041 124,120 132,479 49,498 89,638 0.30 81.09 Andorra 138 305 516 102 222 0.00 117.65 Bosnia and Herzegovina 89,813 120,199 144,241 61,647 131,323 0.44 113.02 Croatia 22,841 43,340 55,081 16,384 29,261 0.10 78.59 Greece 593,850 659,141 802,039 135,739 155,905 0.52 14.86 Holy See 16 28 33 8 16 0.00 100.00 Italy 197,711 274,193 361,498 71,808 116,176 0.39 61.79 Malta 4,593 6,732 8,651 3,258 7,110 0.02 118.23 Montenegro 18,972 24,023 26,603 11,128 20,686 0.07 85.89 North Macedonia 172,790 209,357 222,622 115,431 181,950 0.61 57.63 Portugal 24,592 37,541 51,298 12,837 26,148 0.09 103.69 San Marino 100 157 178 24 78 0.00 225.00 Serbia 145,586 223,539 280,936 129,229 238,601 0.80 84.63 Slovenia 24,749 40,263 49,848 8,102 18,569 0.06 129.19 Spain 100,477 169,522 230,153 54,313 103,157 0.34 89.93 WESTERN EUROPE 5,788,837 7,321,907 8,228,754 2,083,319 5,200,894 17.38 149.64 Austria 285,401 351,743 399,107 112,125 283,974 0.95 153.27 Belgium 416,201 506,609 551,629 138,698 339,238 1.13 144.59 France 570,822 722,830 862,134 311,692 620,335 2.07 99.02 Germany 3,517,580 4,464,324 4,992,815 1,118,871 3,083,043 10.30 1 75.55 Liechtenstein 1,226 1,513 1,776 562 1,331 0.00 136.83 Luxembourg 4,663 7,598 10,635 2,228 8,483 0.03 280.75 Monaco 92 137 237 37 68 0.00 83.78 Netherlands 788,964 999,750 1,101,270 271,464 645,052 2.16 137.62 Switzerland 203,888 267,403 309,151 127,642 219,370 0.73 71.86 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 384,986 450,433 574,664 131,868 227,036 0.76 72.17 Cyprus 7,888 8,800 11,094 2,198 2,390 0.01 8.74 Israel 377,098 441,633 563,570 129,670 224,646 0.75 73.24 OTHER EUROPE 115,967 139,469 152,080 70,491 145,990 0.49 107.10 Other countries of Europe 115,967 139,469 152,080 70,491 145,990 0.49 107.10 MIDDLE EAST 3,405,713 4,390,574 4,853,652 1,298,887 2,747,541 9.18 111.53 Bahrain 59,429 77,065 90,284 1 7,852 62,726 0.21 251.37 Egypt 99,779 147,300 173,315 67,716 123,801 0.41 82.82 Iraq 896,570 1,172,588 1,374,568 387,567 836,623 2.80 115.87 Jordan 277,604 406,322 474,696 93,742 326,605 1.09 248.41 Kuwait 255,630 298,534 374,091 120,221 246,247 0.82 104.83 Lebanon 233,959 333,019 371,271 89,269 191,699 0.64 114.74 Libya 99,390 188,301 259,238 107,248 197,979 0.66 84.60 Oman 25,231 53,219 88,374 14,294 61,056 0.20 327.14 Qatar 48,735 96,321 108,494 31,956 83,803 0.28 162.24 Saudi Arabia 651,059 747,139 564,688 67,488 10,053 0.03 -85.10 State of Palestine 32,238 56,357 72,559 17,178 64,060 0.21 272.92 Syrian Arab Republic 402,430 475,243 566,949 209,635 402,594 1.35 92.05 United Arab Emirates 49,334 43,287 37,494 3,772 52,578 0.18 1,293.90 Yemen 28,483 39,539 41,662 13,354 21,855 0.07 63.66 Other countries of Middle East 245,842 256,340 255,969 57,595 65,862 0.22 14.35 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 983 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 2,727,036 2,345,015 2,550,630 516,938 1,367,318 4.57 164.50 Afghanistan 48,621 56,542 68,677 30,020 56,300 0.19 87.54 Bangladesh 11,331 1 7,862 20,296 5,624 8,209 0.03 45.96 Bhutan 36 27 70 2 18 0.00 800.00 India 79,332 142,488 213,046 40,375 51,149 0.17 26.68 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2,501,392 2,001,631 2,102,674 385,719 1,153,083 3.85 198.94 Maldives 735 957 1,168 304 3,474 0.01 1,042.76 Nepal 5,861 7,719 8,209 2,444 2,279 0.01 -6.75 Pakistan 76,870 113,268 129,615 50,996 90,676 0.30 77.81 Sri Lanka 2,858 4,521 6,875 1,454 2,130 0.01 46.49 NOT SPECIFIED 5,617,179 6,704,673 6,773,683 3,253,082 5,366,213 17.93 64.96 Other countries of the world 59,106 83,130 101,369 30,887 63,747 0.21 106.39 Nationals residing abroad 5,558,073 6,621,543 6,672,314 3,222,195 5,302,466 17.72 64.56 TURKIYE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL (*) 37,969,824 46,112,592 51,747,199 15,971,201 30,038,961 100.00 88.08 AFRICA 593,888 819,412 1,002,388 297,960 556,338 1.85 86.72 EAST AFRICA 38,591 57,777 94,302 49,087 115,427 0.38 135.15 Burundi 260 363 348 136 431 0.00 216.91 Comoros 1,209 1,204 1,351 669 1,202 0.00 79.67 Djibouti 1,665 2,671 4,670 3,723 7,005 0.02 88.15 Eritrea 2,982 6,741 10,004 2,225 5,409 0.02 143.10 Ethiopia 6,078 9,137 20,714 14,356 45,230 0.15 215.06 Kenya 5 046 7 197 7 902 2 815 8 263 0.03 193.53 Madagascar 367 428 509 116 214 0.00 84.48 Malawi 278 259 346 79 223 0.00 182.28 Mauritius 5,485 6,137 10,714 2,306 2,831 0.01 22.77 Mozambique 493 716 844 201 464 0.00 130.85 Rwanda 749 697 1,116 398 1,063 0.00 167.09 Seychelles 227 515 550 88 408 0.00 363.64 Somalia 5,290 11,425 21,623 17,309 29,706 0.10 71.62 Tanzania, United Republic of 2,549 3,166 3,704 1,651 4,648 0.02 181.53 Uganda 3,252 3,751 5,664 1,605 5,891 0.02 267.04 Zambia 819 1,021 1,444 443 832 0.00 87.81 Zimbabwe 1,842 2,349 2,716 910 1,509 0.01 65.82 Other countries of East Africa 83 57 98 0.00 71.93 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 984 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AFRICA 17,703 24,093 31,311 12,416 30,473 0.10 145.43 Angola 2,015 3,432 7,719 1,430 3,657 0.01 155.73 Cameroon 5,883 8,015 8,742 3,570 7,592 0.03 112.66 Central African Republic 153 227 199 104 213 0.00 104.81 Chad 1,061 1,237 1,712 1,327 4,357 0.01 228.33 Congo 651 835 1,133 529 1,542 0.01 191.49 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 6,132 7,751 8,628 3,877 7,676 0.03 97.99 Equatorial Guinea 80 235 290 233 646 0.00 177.25 Gabon 1,565 2,289 2,872 1,338 4,777 0.02 257.03 Sao Tome and Principe 163 72 16 8 13 0.00 62.50 NORTH AFRICA 451,505 622,785 720,595 186,213 323,576 1.08 73.77 Algeria 213 333 288 207 295 512 50 121 48 827 0.16 -2.58 Morocco 114 155 176 538 234 264 67 775 121 333 0.40 79.02 South Sudan 227 7 369 199 481 0.00 141.71 Sudan 12 162 15 661 17 863 10 555 25 965 0.09 146.00 Tunisia 111 627 142 372 1 72 587 57 563 126 970 0.42 120.58 Other countries of North Africa 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 35,079 54,101 75,768 12,546 6,509 0.02 -48.12 Botswana 168 301 417 81 186 0.00 129.63 Eswatini 120 125 134 48 36 0.00 -25.00 Lesotho 56 120 136 30 34 0.00 13.33 Namibia 248 11 429 136 165 0.00 21.32 South Africa 34 487 53 544 74 652 12 251 6 088 0.02 -50.31 WEST AFRICA 51,010 60,656 80,412 37,698 80,353 0.27 113.15 Benin 851 1,028 1,351 521 1,163 0.00 123.22 Burkina Faso 2,000 2,312 2,481 985 2,466 0.01 150.36 Cabo Verde 71 143 223 97 233 0.00 140.21 Cote d'lvoire 2,891 3,571 4,528 2,501 7,124 0.02 184.85 Gambia 796 1,173 2,404 989 2,684 0.01 1 71.39 Ghana 4,369 5,801 6,437 2,068 4,767 0.02 130.51 Guinea 1,295 1,471 1,957 1,049 3,768 0.01 259.20 Guinea-Bissau 231 188 228 162 411 0.00 153.70 Liberia 205 250 205 81 274 0.00 238.27 Mali 2,280 2,904 3,402 1,805 4,580 0.02 153.74 Mauritania 1,831 2,714 3,382 2,653 6,287 0.02 136.98 Niger 1,388 1,551 2,127 1,045 2,713 0.01 159.62 Nigeria 25 760 28 510 39 885 17 493 26 508 0.09 51.53 Saint Helena 2 Senegal 6 170 7 546 10 290 5 376 12 641 0.04 135.14 Sierra Leone 388 525 658 469 3,508 0.01 647.97 Togo 482 969 854 404 1,226 0.00 203.47 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 985 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AMERICAS 607,973 874,533 1,121,173 259,167 593,168 1.97 128.87 CARIBBEAN 10,777 16,069 21,545 7,604 24,797 0.08 226.10 Anguilla 12 Antigua and Barbuda 393 494 632 332 773 0.00 132.83 Aruba 27 4 Bahamas 93 139 191 51 82 0.00 60.78 Barbados 124 134 179 51 135 0.00 164.71 Cayman Islands 1 Cuba 2,505 3,097 3,087 596 1,502 0.01 152.01 Dominica 2,017 3,611 5,679 2,342 7,679 0.03 227.88 Dominican Republic 1 359 1 938 3 478 728 2 302 0.01 216.21 Grenada 283 498 644 178 564 0.00 216.85 Haiti 256 450 678 772 5,556 0.02 619.69 Jamaica 717 1,421 1,640 610 478 0.00 -21.64 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2,429 3,414 4,199 1,648 5,077 0.02 208.07 Saint Lucia 71 127 188 54 214 0.00 296.30 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 34 93 56 15 79 0.00 426.67 Trinidad and Tobago 482 626 890 227 356 0.00 56.83 United States Virgin Islands 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 8,435 12,531 17,433 3,330 8,099 0.03 143.21 Belize 239 276 292 103 228 0.00 121.36 Costa Rica 1,936 3,621 5,026 755 1,734 0.01 129.67 El Salvador 1,082 948 1,237 216 623 0.00 188.43 Guatemala 1,050 1,824 2,931 330 1,086 0.00 229.09 Honduras 1,435 1,595 2,814 355 1,023 0.00 188.17 Nicaragua 689 566 702 156 461 0.00 195.51 Panama 2 004 3 701 4 431 1 415 2 944 0.01 108.06 NORTH AMERICA 430,095 593,336 783,795 195,922 478,498 1.59 144.23 Canada 81 196 108 272 139164 34 210 72 034 0.24 110.56 Greenland 10 Mexico 19 632 36 737 66 557 12 775 34 705 0.12 1 71.66 United States of America 329 257 448 327 578 074 148 937 371 759 1.24 149.61 SOUTH AMERICA 158,666 252,597 298,400 52,311 81,774 0.27 56.32 Argentina 48 280 68 668 64 483 7 228 6 992 0.02 -3.27 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,264 1,780 2,491 553 947 0.00 71.25 Brazil 49 754 78 691 101 164 22 722 17 788 0.06 -21.71 Chile 8 645 14 609 18 509 3 320 3 815 0.01 14.91 Colombia 29 650 56 031 70 974 10 601 30 094 0.10 183.88 Ecuador 5 548 8 423 8 416 1 558 4 833 0.02 210.21 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 8 Guyana 55 39 60 16 22 0.00 37.50 Paraguay 660 1 025 1 328 295 562 0.00 90.51 Peru 5 085 8 674 11 430 1 889 3 642 0.01 92.80 Suriname 225 786 616 52 253 0.00 386.54 Uruguay 2 536 4 625 7 191 604 1 380 0.00 128.48 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 6 956 9 246 11 738 3 473 11 446 0.04 229.57 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 986 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 852,489 1,287,151 1,539,004 260,060 217,529 0.72 -16.35 NORHT-EAST ASIA 499,280 768,732 899,492 119,584 72,228 0.24 -39.60 China 247 277 394 109 426 344 40 264 33 641 0.11 -16.45 Hong Kong, China 6 994 18 683 30 092 4 053 1 043 0.00 -74.27 Japan 49 323 81 931 103 320 19 122 7 153 0.02 -62.59 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 345 29 39 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Korea, Republic of 120 622 159 354 212 970 36 636 15 206 0.05 -58.49 Macao, China 227 653 1,225 68 8 0.00 -88.24 Mongolia 13,174 15,876 17,910 6,314 12,883 0.04 104.04 Taiwan Province of China 61,318 98,097 107,592 13,118 2,290 0.01 -82.54 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 264,258 405,093 496,644 122,082 126,621 0.42 3.72 Brunei Darussalam 554 918 1,282 158 33 0.00 -79.11 Cambodia 196 321 609 97 113 0.00 16.49 Indonesia 85 031 119 337 127149 39 690 49 319 0.16 24.26 Lao People's Democratic Republic 39 51 84 27 17 0.00 -37.04 Malaysia 61 166 95 591 114214 17 892 9 618 0.03 -46.24 Myanmar 782 1,666 3,840 879 663 0.00 -24.57 Philippines 63 244 95 068 139126 48 440 55 397 0.18 14.36 Singapore 17 561 28 382 34 930 4 912 2 951 0.01 -39.92 Thailand 30 721 54 098 62 192 8 163 6 687 0.02 -18.08 Timor-Leste 17 39 24 5 12 0.00 140.00 Viet Nam 4,947 9,622 13,194 1,819 1,811 0.01 -0.44 AUSTRALASIA 88,515 112,662 141,749 17,988 18,420 0.06 2.40 Australia 77 153 96 488 120 837 15 109 15 674 0.05 3.74 New Zealand 11 362 16 174 20 912 2 879 2 746 0.01 -4.62 MELANESIA 156 228 236 97 232 0.00 139.18 Fiji 75 140 127 52 53 0.00 1.92 Papua New Guinea 22 23 24 5 1 0.00 -80.00 Solomon Islands 18 9 9 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Vanuatu 41 56 76 38 177 0.00 365.79 MICRONESIA 102 179 530 261 9 0.00 -96.55 Kiribati 55 150 524 239 5 0.00 -97.91 Marshall Islands 2 2 21 Micronesia, Federated States of 5 1 1 1 0.00 Nauru 2 Northern Mariana Islands 3 Palau 4 23 1 1 3 0.00 200.00 Wake Island 38 POLYNESIA 178 257 353 48 19 0.00 -60.42 American Samoa 12 Pitcairn 2 Samoa 15 63 290 34 Tonga 14 10 12 1 5 0.00 400.00 Tuvalu 132 184 51 13 14 0.00 7.69 Wallis and Futuna Islands 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 987 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 24,147,309 29,672,000 33,854,720 10,061,820 19,162,675 63.79 90.45 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 13,724,515 16,358,096 18,576,294 6,078,238 11,636,977 38.74 91.45 Armenia 48 320 51 880 66 882 9 309 10 178 0.03 9.34 Azerbaijan 765 514 858 506 901 723 236 797 470 618 1.57 98.74 Belarus 229 229 245 254 258 419 106 426 220 932 0.74 107.59 Bulgaria 1 852 867 2 386 885 2 713 464 1 242 961 1 402 795 4.67 12.86 Czech Republic (Czechia) 126 567 228 251 311 359 15 642 89 734 0.30 473.67 Estonia 48 024 61 707 77 041 5 113 47 597 0.16 830.90 Georgia 2 438 730 2 069 392 1 995 254 410 501 291 852 0.97 -28.90 Hungary 79 899 123 448 149 523 16 563 76 257 0.25 360.41 Kazakhstan 402 830 426 916 455 724 137 213 366 076 1.22 166.79 Kyrgyzstan 104 911 114 926 121 364 52 142 102 840 0.34 97.23 Latvia 46 536 65 868 86 051 9 392 44 760 0.15 376.58 Lithuania 134 264 199 371 229 704 14 194 114227 0.38 704.76 Moldova, Republic of 1 71 538 194 268 198 867 109137 192 441 0.64 76.33 Poland 296 120 646 365 880 839 145 908 585 076 1.95 300.99 Romania 423 868 641 484 763 320 269 076 496 1 78 1.65 84.40 Russian Federation 4 715 438 5 964 613 7 01 7 657 2 128 758 4 694 422 15.63 120.52 Slovakia 97 967 157 003 207 108 8 648 37 963 0.13 338.98 Tajikistan 30 532 40 879 44 155 16 972 41 440 0.14 144.17 Turkmenistan 230 881 252 911 297 706 43 236 18 979 0.06 -56.10 Ukraine 1 284 735 1 386 934 1 547 996 997 652 2 060 008 6.86 106.49 Uzbekistan 195 745 241 235 252 138 102 598 272 604 0.91 165.70 NORTHERN EUROPE 2,482,726 3,330,353 3,786,601 1,025,926 822,468 2.74 -19.83 Denmark 269 026 326 278 335 877 44 694 111 499 0.37 149.47 Faeroe Islands 1 2 1 Finland 97 112 128 860 135 192 15 003 32 809 0.11 118.68 Iceland 2 455 2 935 3 966 541 962 0.00 77.82 Ireland 50 102 71 221 96 886 26 176 36 947 0.12 41.15 Norway 116 181 161 789 208 330 25 100 54 633 0.18 117.66 Sweden 289 134 384 397 444 285 93 703 192 872 0.64 105.83 United Kingdom 1 658 715 2 254 871 2 562 064 820 709 392 746 1.31 -52.15 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,550,728 1,988,184 2,454,247 671,790 1,124,090 3.74 67.33 Albania 103 593 125 935 134 869 49 667 89 748 0.30 80.70 Andorra 148 317 879 102 228 0.00 123.53 Bosnia and Herzegovina 90 378 120 480 144 445 61 651 131 347 0.44 113.05 Croatia 23 630 44 188 56 465 16 566 29 464 0.10 77.86 Greece 623 705 686 891 836 882 136 305 157 723 0.53 15.71 Holy See 16 28 33 8 17 0.00 112.50 Italy 205 788 284 195 377 011 72 619 116 806 0.39 60.85 Malta 5 523 8 287 8 739 3 258 7 163 0.02 119.86 Montenegro 19 555 24 183 27 639 11 441 20 812 0.07 81.91 North Macedonia 1 72 851 209 519 222 862 115 483 182 045 0.61 57.64 Portugal 26 727 39 948 54 130 12 893 26 379 0.09 104.60 San Marino 100 167 190 24 78 0.00 225.00 Serbia 146 852 225 312 282 347 129 284 238 852 0.80 84.75 Slovenia 25 105 40 716 50 414 8 108 18 580 0.06 129.16 Spain 106 757 178 018 257 342 54 381 104 848 0.35 92.80 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 988 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 5,882,675 7,401,619 8,303,741 2,083,491 5,205,432 17.33 149.84 Austria 287 746 353 628 401 475 112 126 284 095 0.95 153.37 Belgium 419 998 511 559 557 435 138 729 339 529 1.13 144.74 France 578 524 731 379 875 957 311 708 621 493 2.07 99.38 Germany 3 584 653 4 512 360 5 027 472 1 118 932 3 085 215 10.27 175.73 Liechtenstein 1,239 1,546 1,796 562 1,331 0.00 136.83 Luxembourg 4 922 7 716 10 957 2 228 8 499 0.03 281.46 Monaco 108 140 252 37 78 0.00 110.81 Netherlands 799 006 1 013 642 1 117 290 271 526 645 601 2.15 137.77 Switzerland 206 479 269 649 311 107 127 643 219 591 0.73 72.04 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 390,616 454,248 581,723 131,884 227,709 0.76 72.66 Cyprus 10 201 10 516 12 355 2 207 2 471 0.01 11.96 Israel 380 415 443 732 569 368 129 677 225 238 0.75 73.69 OTHER EUROPE 116,049 139,500 152,114 70,491 145,999 0.49 107.12 Other countries of Europe 116 049 139 500 152 114 70 491 145 999 0.49 107.12 MIDDLE EAST 3,412,952 4,401,377 4,869,464 1,302,496 2,749,904 9.15 111.13 Bahrain 59 442 77 075 90 299 17 852 62 730 0.21 251.39 Egypt 100,971 148,943 1 77,655 68,936 124,483 0.41 80.58 Iraq 896 876 1 172 896 1 374 896 387 587 836 624 2.79 115.85 Jordan 277 729 406 469 474 874 93 750 326 633 1.09 248.41 Kuwait 255 644 298 620 374 191 120 221 246 249 0.82 104.83 Lebanon 237 476 338 837 376 721 89 337 191 768 0.64 114.66 Libya 99 395 188 312 259 243 107 251 197 983 0.66 84.60 Oman 25 234 53 230 88 378 14 294 61 058 0.20 327.16 Qatar 48 764 96 327 108 496 31 956 83 831 0.28 162.33 Saudi Arabia 651 1 70 747 233 564 816 67 490 10 083 0.03 -85.06 State of Palestine 32 339 56 816 72 760 17 181 64 073 0.21 272.93 Syrian Arab Republic 404 203 477 439 571 976 211 914 404 064 1.35 90.67 United Arab Emirates 49 360 43 292 37 500 3 772 52 587 0.18 1,294.14 Yemen 28 491 39 545 41 673 13 354 21 856 0.07 63.67 Other countries of Middle East 245 858 256 343 255 986 57 601 65 882 0.22 14.38 SOUTH ASIA 2,736,316 2,350,798 2,570,098 521,805 1,368,901 4.56 162.34 Afghanistan 48 668 56 543 68 681 30 020 56 300 0.19 87.54 Bangladesh 11 346 17 932 20 605 5 634 8 226 0.03 46.01 Bhutan 36 27 79 2 18 0.00 800.00 India 86 996 147127 230 131 44 707 52 651 0.18 17.77 Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 501 948 2 001 744 2 102 890 385 762 1 153 092 3.84 198.91 Maldives 735 958 1,175 306 3,474 0.01 1,035.29 Nepal 5,904 7,788 8,271 2,446 2,310 0.01 -5.56 Pakistan 77 464 113 579 130 736 51 326 90 681 0.30 76.68 Sri Lanka 3,219 5,100 7,530 1,602 2,149 0.01 34.14 NOT SPECIFIED 5,618,897 6,707,321 6,790,352 3,267,893 5,390,446 17.94 64.95 Other countries of the world 59 107 83 130 101 439 30 905 63 751 0.21 106.28 Nationals residing abroad 5,559,790 6,624,191 6,688,913 3,236,988 5,326,695 17.73 64.56 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 989 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 22,558,854 30,505,520 38,102,352 12,638,396 28,253,050 100.00 123.55 AFRICA 578,297 729,748 891,025 304,589 570,958 2.02 87.45 EAST AFRICA 31,849 46,316 64,608 41,491 108,688 0.38 161.96 British Indian Ocean Territory 1,975 4,190 4,834 2,636 3,293 0.01 24.92 Burundi 492 737 436 153 614 0.00 301.31 Comoros 422 461 700 264 453 0.00 71.59 Djibouti 801 1,653 2,384 2,271 4,361 0.02 92.03 Eritrea 2,477 3,635 2,224 503 2,939 0.01 484.29 Ethiopia 3,982 4,554 9,428 8,934 25,416 0.09 184.49 Kenya 4,867 7,519 9,391 3,235 11,175 0.04 245.44 Madagascar 316 370 299 130 200 0.00 53.85 Malawi 138 278 388 141 327 0.00 131.91 Mauritius 1,506 2,277 3,639 1,185 1,911 0.01 61.27 Mozambique 271 677 1,207 220 549 0.00 149.55 Reunion 1,192 1,565 2,183 958 1,672 0.01 74.53 Rwanda 476 1,030 1,249 427 850 0.00 99.06 Seychelles 516 377 471 139 535 0.00 284.89 Somalia 4,017 8,485 16,927 14,969 44,530 0.16 197.48 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,886 2,979 2,531 1,152 3,226 0.01 180.03 Uganda 3,576 2,453 3,052 1,483 4,270 0.02 187.93 Zambia 1,386 1,251 1,056 602 895 0.00 48.67 Zimbabwe 1,553 1,825 2,175 2,039 1,457 0.01 -28.54 Other countries of East Africa 34 50 15 0.00 -70.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 9,725 13,460 16,356 8,480 22,779 0.08 168.62 Angola 1,838 2,492 3,251 1,003 2,452 0.01 144.47 Cameroon 2,427 2,922 3,653 2,071 5,213 0.02 151.71 Central African Republic 568 2,146 1,183 1,679 2,277 0.01 35.62 Chad 734 832 1,170 812 2,110 0.01 159.85 Congo 1,318 1,444 1,486 619 2,383 0.01 284.98 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,695 2,098 3,311 1,503 3,834 0.01 155.09 Equatorial Guinea 144 236 358 100 427 0.00 327.00 Gabon 921 1,215 1,421 686 4,038 0.01 488.63 Sao Tome and Principe 80 75 523 7 45 0.00 542.86 NORTH AFRICA 461,802 573,631 680,087 206,414 348,212 1.23 68.70 Algeria 254,762 302,445 330,262 63,795 62,387 0.22 -2.21 Morocco 82,203 121,149 169,614 77,667 110,067 0.39 41.72 South Sudan 178 112 91 79 100 0.00 26.58 Sudan 13,563 1 7,036 15,853 9,500 24,363 0.09 156.45 Tunisia 111,023 132,804 164,141 55,238 151,170 0.54 173.67 Western Sahara 45 29 61 17 77 0.00 352.94 Other countries of North Africa 28 56 65 118 48 0.00 -59.32 SOUTHERN AFRICA 39,674 56,610 79,075 16,883 13,423 0.05 -20.49 Botswana 125 133 209 128 112 0.00 -12.50 Eswatini 2,874 2,538 2,804 983 1,370 0.00 39.37 Lesotho 58 84 77 50 48 0.00 -4.00 Namibia 619 539 467 131 192 0.00 46.56 South Africa 35,998 53,316 75,518 15,591 11,701 0.04 -24.95 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 990 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 35,247 39,731 50,899 31,321 77,856 0.28 148.57 Benin 553 542 769 295 845 0.00 186.44 Burkina Faso 1,182 1,686 1,570 970 2,717 0.01 180.10 Cabo Verde 110 66 61 22 103 0.00 368.18 Cote d'lvoire 1,468 2,060 3,001 1,285 7,203 0.03 460.54 Gambia 489 953 824 372 1,242 0.00 233.87 Ghana 2,015 2,508 3,179 1,402 4,732 0.02 237.52 Guinea 665 804 820 1,265 2,443 0.01 93.12 Guinea-Bissau 161 144 90 94 126 0.00 34.04 Liberia 757 1,073 1,696 562 1,357 0.00 141.46 Mali 1,788 2,586 2,689 1,777 6,100 0.02 243.28 Mauritania 1,383 1,981 2,846 1,828 4,034 0.01 120.68 Niger 966 1,432 1,642 1,903 2,493 0.01 31.00 Nigeria 1 7,626 16,103 21,104 13,861 29,282 0.10 111.25 Saint Helena 81 124 142 50 320 0.00 540.00 Senegal 5,036 6,682 9,389 5,179 13,255 0.05 155.94 Sierra Leone 619 625 698 238 1,054 0.00 342.86 Togo 348 362 379 218 550 0.00 152.29 AMERICAS 476,701 795,168 1,144,454 337,430 930,346 3.29 175.72 CARIBBEAN 22,144 32,967 30,640 18,636 41,103 0.15 120.56 Anguilla 333 245 379 190 131 0.00 -31.05 Antigua and Barbuda 346 402 563 252 435 0.00 72.62 Aruba 1,734 3,020 3,506 1,738 1,847 0.01 6.27 Bahamas 313 303 323 86 205 0.00 138.37 Barbados 109 133 182 34 91 0.00 167.65 Bermuda 26 44 49 6 192 0.00 3,100.00 British Virgin Islands 734 3,466 546 1,762 1,358 0.00 -22.93 Cayman Islands 157 63 126 19 37 0.00 94.74 Cuba 1,656 2,029 2,234 2,887 4,052 0.01 40.35 Dominica 628 1,164 1,980 1,161 5,971 0.02 414.30 Dominican Republic 792 1,356 2,351 832 2,867 0.01 244.59 Grenada 218 351 536 199 339 0.00 70.35 Guadeloupe 26 21 35 7 17 0.00 142.86 Haiti 170 223 324 164 730 0.00 345.12 Jamaica 565 938 1,364 315 425 0.00 34.92 Martinique 47 96 62 96 75 0.00 -21.88 Montserrat 339 683 371 254 273 0.00 7.48 Netherlands Antilles 1,351 2,532 2,278 693 1,127 0.00 62.63 Puerto Rico 614 1,044 1,089 175 445 0.00 154.29 Saint Kitts and Nevis 521 805 1,004 715 2,473 0.01 245.87 Saint Lucia 15 62 107 45 238 0.00 428.89 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 73 64 104 44 126 0.00 186.36 Trinidad and Tobago 251 341 337 145 632 0.00 335.86 Turks and Caicos Islands 6,657 9,597 9,696 4,322 8,309 0.03 92.25 United States Virgin Islands 4,469 3,985 1,094 2,495 8,708 0.03 249.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 991 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 6,291 10,057 12,305 2,351 8,760 0.03 272.61 Belize 215 224 310 55 160 0.00 190.91 Costa Rica 1,379 3,473 3,990 619 1,644 0.01 165.59 El Salvador 1,814 1,621 1,576 280 931 0.00 232.50 Guatemala 490 920 1,742 220 945 0.00 329.55 Honduras 444 709 802 170 554 0.00 225.88 Nicaragua 371 327 458 117 327 0.00 1 79.49 Panama 1,576 2,701 3,315 883 4,190 0.01 374.52 Other countries of Central America 2 82 112 7 9 0.00 28.57 NORTH AMERICA 315,838 488,093 744,751 259,227 768,133 2.72 196.32 Canada 46,959 77,451 117,749 34,157 90,161 0.32 163.96 Greenland 35 103 100 94 47 0.00 -50.00 Mexico 17,650 39,949 78,481 13,497 90,210 0.32 568.37 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 59 233 136 40 584 0.00 1,360.00 United States of America 251,068 370,258 547,900 211,363 586,947 2.08 177.70 Other countries of North America 67 99 385 76 184 0.00 142.11 SOUTH AMERICA 132,428 264,051 356,758 57,216 112,350 0.40 96.36 Argentina 39,533 81,666 98,170 8,724 11,056 0.04 26.73 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 544 1,128 1,284 390 685 0.00 75.64 Brazil 50,512 96,747 134,922 27,940 25,948 0.09 -7.13 Chile 6,082 12,521 18,875 2,985 6,033 0.02 102.11 Colombia 19,729 45,155 72,225 8,742 45,311 0.16 418.31 Ecuador 4,358 6,922 7,561 1,005 4,916 0.02 389.15 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 54 99 156 303 774 0.00 155.45 French Guiana 76 72 81 32 15 0.00 -53.13 Guyana 51 60 103 27 42 0.00 55.56 Paraguay 273 587 878 216 289 0.00 33.80 Peru 1,959 4,670 5,774 1,043 1,757 0.01 68.46 Suriname 3,638 4,165 3,789 1,948 3,920 0.01 101.23 Uruguay 2,449 4,549 7,148 895 1,830 0.01 104.47 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,170 5,710 5,792 2,966 9,774 0.03 229.53 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,318,247 2,250,553 2,843,151 413,871 293,735 1.04 -29.03 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,063,520 1,741,571 2,120,145 258,726 139,231 0.49 -46.19 China 660,266 1,044,806 1,211,418 98,498 73,112 0.26 -25.77 Hong Kong, China 6,030 18,625 35,971 6,860 457 0.00 -93.34 Japan 62,129 136,374 153,828 30,182 12,521 0.04 -58.52 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 12,607 29,388 13,545 1,838 3,923 0.01 113.44 Korea, Republic of 197,038 300,267 381,354 73,150 35,027 0.12 -52.12 Macao, China 1,946 1,913 2,529 490 1,245 0.00 154.08 Mongolia 2,119 4,265 7,180 3,699 10,527 0.04 184.59 Taiwan Province of China 121,385 205,933 314,320 44,009 2,419 0.01 -94.50 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 992 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 190,599 405,908 560,316 129,038 118,606 0.42 -8.08 Brunei Darussalam 245 511 918 193 214 0.00 10.88 Cambodia 198 236 346 216 403 0.00 86.57 Indonesia 49,528 86,908 123,852 44,944 49,778 0.18 10.76 Lao People's Democratic Republic 287 256 242 70 101 0.00 44.29 Malaysia 69,948 169,980 220,821 36,935 13,270 0.05 -64.07 Myanmar 191 651 421 415 303 0.00 -26.99 Philippines 15,694 21,631 35,146 19,252 37,401 0.13 94.27 Singapore 18,265 36,844 54,435 8,660 4,752 0.02 -45.13 Thailand 33,435 81,239 116,213 16,840 11,370 0.04 -32.48 Timor-Leste 14 105 49 5 9 0.00 80.00 Viet Nam 2,775 7,534 7,857 1,459 995 0.00 -31.80 Other countries of South-East Asia 19 13 16 49 10 0.00 -79.59 AUSTRALASIA 58,750 96,353 153,162 23,708 30,458 0.11 28.47 Australia 52,196 84,599 135,282 21,108 27,188 0.10 28.80 New Zealand 6,554 11,754 17,880 2,600 3,270 0.01 25.77 MELANESIA 773 709 1,099 305 897 0.00 194.10 Fiji 156 228 194 74 149 0.00 101.35 New Caledonia 12 49 199 2 12 0.00 500.00 Norfolk Island 30 23 38 1 37 0.00 3,600.00 Papua New Guinea 112 59 124 20 130 0.00 550.00 Solomon Islands 385 277 453 126 266 0.00 111.11 Vanuatu 78 73 91 82 303 0.00 269.51 MICRONESIA 940 1,415 2,889 727 1,110 0.00 52.68 Christmas Island, Australia 52 107 93 86 38 0.00 -55.81 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 38 62 127 78 94 0.00 20.51 Guam 72 35 58 30 39 0.00 30.00 Johnston Island 57 342 249 38 148 0.00 289.47 Kiribati 98 170 342 36 96 0.00 166.67 Marshall Islands 96 75 123 87 142 0.00 63.22 Micronesia, Federated States of 63 66 764 69 164 0.00 137.68 Midway Islands 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Nauru 119 130 265 108 138 0.00 27.78 Northern Mariana Islands 184 69 206 38 33 0.00 -13.16 Palau 161 355 662 154 217 0.00 40.91 Wake Island 4 POLYNESIA 2,600 3,653 4,555 1,293 2,209 0.01 70.84 American Samoa 942 2,020 2,756 706 1,511 0.01 114.02 Cook Islands 35 21 85 17 39 0.00 129.41 French Polynesia 63 79 152 20 24 0.00 20.00 Niue 27 28 17 70 25 0.00 -64.29 Pitcairn 15 28 29 40 22 0.00 -45.00 Samoa 29 78 196 26 27 0.00 3.85 Tokelau 1,289 580 602 148 120 0.00 -18.92 Tonga 61 136 184 126 193 0.00 53.17 Tuvalu 105 124 351 115 218 0.00 89.57 Wallis and Futuna Islands 34 559 183 25 30 0.00 20.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,065 944 985 74 1,224 0.00 1,554.05 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 690 127 283 51 28 0.00 -45.10 Other countries of Oceania 375 817 702 23 1,196 0.00 5,100.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 993 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 15,336,837 21,388,631 27,506,488 10,005,076 22,256,099 78.77 122.45 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,727,741 10,689,499 13,507,865 6,423,065 14,440,552 51.11 124.82 Armenia 20,934 24,266 29,075 4,930 5,196 0.02 5.40 Azerbaijan 245,231 282,952 325,680 108,425 290,281 1.03 167.73 Belarus 184,734 228,098 234,976 172,562 375,767 1.33 117.76 Bulgaria 173,128 394,626 540,478 175,708 352,135 1.25 100.41 Czech Republic (Czechia) 109,074 249,533 376,547 19,264 149,949 0.53 678.39 Estonia 40,610 62,770 87,541 4,077 88,032 0.31 2,059.23 Georgia 95,216 104,779 99,606 29,733 64,305 0.23 116.27 Hungary 48,433 94,861 130,421 11,342 75,256 0.27 563.52 Kazakhstan 321,959 324,550 338,326 132,015 404,432 1.43 206.35 Kyrgyzstan 54,933 62,865 66,484 38,432 80,973 0.29 110.69 Latvia 34,531 47,991 75,700 4,193 61,440 0.22 1,365.30 Lithuania 108,555 188,286 252,170 10,343 197,099 0.70 1,805.63 Moldova, Republic of 84,860 109,913 113,733 88,247 1 78,733 0.63 102.54 Poland 255,897 699,509 1,039,540 280,349 1,080,276 3.82 285.33 Romania 295,855 534,874 702,352 243,202 568,749 2.01 133.86 Russian Federation 4,480,057 6,007,227 7,588,986 3,655,147 7,381,270 26.13 101.94 Slovakia 72,454 134,967 194,677 7,728 38,770 0.14 401.68 Tajikistan 13,078 15,449 16,870 6,917 20,962 0.07 203.05 Turkmenistan 114,188 75,019 82,476 27,773 30,093 0.11 8.35 Ukraine 864,995 910,489 1,053,043 1,31 7,946 2,775,638 9.82 110.60 Uzbekistan 109,019 136,475 159,184 84,732 221,196 0.78 161.05 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,831,132 2,839,598 3,679,234 1,148,140 889,431 3.15 -22.53 Channel Islands 12 78 51 17 28 0.00 64.71 Denmark 204,910 325,575 357,033 40,476 98,725 0.35 143.91 Faeroe Islands 47 121 203 68 203 0.00 198.53 Finland 87,394 126,409 162,468 17,508 35,163 0.12 100.84 Iceland 8,978 9,246 12,591 4,195 5,236 0.02 24.82 Ireland 49,523 70,147 97,560 42,503 61,087 0.22 43.72 Isle of Man 5 5 29 5 10 0.00 100.00 Norway 55,903 102,075 161,944 23,841 43,668 0.15 83.16 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 99 180 101 46 246 0.00 434.78 Sweden 193,313 304,207 413,967 62,326 139,548 0.49 123.90 United Kingdom 1,230,948 1,901,555 2,473,287 957,155 505,517 1.79 -47.19 SOUTHERN EUROPE 598,374 935,446 1,489,627 435,824 931,961 3.30 113.84 Albania 66,414 79,022 86,228 34,760 69,129 0.24 98.88 Andorra 654 809 839 388 610 0.00 57.22 Bosnia and Herzegovina 50,298 77,347 99,972 51,113 118,568 0.42 131.97 Croatia 14,205 28,929 42,325 13,045 25,142 0.09 92.73 Gibraltar 99 112 96 109 160 0.00 46.79 Greece 82,229 107,633 203,591 34,948 57,268 0.20 63.87 Holy See 18 38 42 24 45 0.00 87.50 Italy 136,704 193,897 335,574 70,504 122,963 0.44 74.41 Malta 2,148 3,588 4,912 2,098 5,846 0.02 1 78.65 Montenegro 2,178 4,149 5,080 2,223 5,557 0.02 149.98 North Macedonia 54,724 82,288 98,543 53,956 111,108 0.39 105.92 Portugal 16,315 29,991 46,065 10,277 24,856 0.09 141.86 San Marino 68 158 244 33 49 0.00 48.48 Serbia 73,649 120,685 190,829 91,463 214,937 0.76 135.00 Slovenia 12,750 32,445 44,792 7,656 19,037 0.07 148.65 Spain 85,921 174,355 330,495 63,227 156,686 0.55 147.82 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI:,18111/9789284424139 994 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,816,494 6,433,734 8,207,318 1,800,405 5,593,854 19.80 210.70 Austria 74,880 122,284 165,482 32,946 105,578 0.37 220.46 Belgium 266,794 351,293 440,338 54,371 207,928 0.74 282.42 France 275,394 405,547 563,743 211,418 489,416 1.73 131.49 Germany 3,578,376 4,626,481 5,858,688 1,260,177 4,108,536 14.54 226.03 Liechtenstein 470 542 831 338 435 0.00 28.70 Luxembourg 5,259 7,169 10,730 1,985 16,095 0.06 710.83 Monaco 755 1,342 1,716 501 772 0.00 54.09 Netherlands 485,468 732,370 926,165 110,775 451,452 1.60 307.54 Switzerland 129,098 186,706 239,625 127,894 213,642 0.76 67.05 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 319,815 414,293 538,732 151,909 309,873 1.10 103.99 Cyprus 21,094 13,361 13,336 3,884 4,854 0.02 24.97 Israel 298,721 400,932 525,396 148,025 305,019 1.08 106.06 OTHER EUROPE 43,281 76,061 83,712 45,733 90,428 0.32 97.73 Other countries of Europe 43,281 76,061 83,712 45,733 90,428 0.32 97.73 MIDDLE EAST 3,109,196 3,735,358 3,956,426 1,239,890 3,116,948 11.03 151.39 Bahrain 68,215 84,469 92,777 22,822 104,975 0.37 359.97 Egypt 91,096 115,034 135,921 54,238 138,480 0.49 155.32 Iraq 753,735 908,738 1,000,384 274,091 813,927 2.88 196.96 Jordan 238,257 333,183 398,719 90,036 405,932 1.44 350.86 Kuwait 271,941 318,352 426,365 169,626 471,868 1.67 178.18 Lebanon 192,222 281,778 343,161 82,806 211,022 0.75 154.84 Libya 77,551 149,547 229,836 194,310 279,005 0.99 43.59 Oman 26,644 51,031 86,296 19,307 105,334 0.37 445.57 Qatar 65,990 126,008 150,967 65,074 201,424 0.71 209.53 Saudi Arabia 851,669 920,982 651,240 102,077 30,545 0.11 -70.08 State of Palestine 19,266 21,490 31,138 7,234 31,643 0.11 337.42 Syrian Arab Republic 259,550 228,357 220,594 110,915 1 79,030 0.63 61.41 United Arab Emirates 82,454 74,182 72,092 13,758 98,132 0.35 613.27 Yemen 30,812 34,329 29,782 12,712 20,537 0.07 61.56 Other countries of Middle East 79,794 87,878 87,154 20,884 25,094 0.09 20.16 SOUTH ASIA 1,675,357 1,462,834 1,620,551 304,590 1,021,951 3.62 235.52 Afghanistan 25,305 29,354 36,828 17,842 38,518 0.14 115.88 Bangladesh 6,647 9,074 12,919 3,669 7,264 0.03 97.98 Bhutan 60 147 155 28 40 0.00 42.86 India 82,952 159,157 267,210 44,444 81,619 0.29 83.64 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,479,484 1,149,570 1,174,313 1 79,009 761,533 2.70 325.42 Maldives 412 577 713 446 2,557 0.01 473.32 Nepal 1,265 2,338 1,852 1,572 8,857 0.03 463.42 Pakistan 77,980 110,470 122,839 56,903 120,204 0.43 111.24 Sri Lanka 1,138 1,965 3,639 642 1,299 0.00 102.34 Other countries of South Asia 114 182 83 35 60 0.00 71.43 NOT SPECIFIED 64,219 143,228 140,257 32,950 63,013 0.22 91.24 Other countries of the world 64,219 143,228 140,257 32,950 63,013 0.22 91.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 995 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 22,927,768 31,135,545 38,853,764 12,778,621 28,521,748 100.00 123.20 AFRICA 581,658 734,332 896,852 306,285 575,162 2.02 87.79 EAST AFRICA 32,046 46,783 65,071 41,687 109,120 0.38 161.76 British Indian Ocean Territory 1,980 4,319 4,861 2,643 3,301 0.01 24.90 Burundi 492 743 446 153 626 0.00 309.15 Comoros 425 464 710 269 494 0.00 83.64 Djibouti 805 1,666 2,393 2,286 4,366 0.02 90.99 Eritrea 2,482 3,647 2,230 504 2,942 0.01 483.73 Ethiopia 4,014 4,572 9,495 8,955 25,452 0.09 184.22 Kenya 4,889 7,584 9,433 3,254 11,281 0.04 246.68 Madagascar 317 382 302 146 210 0.00 43.84 Malawi 138 291 390 149 327 0.00 119.46 Mauritius 1,513 2,297 3,695 1,203 1,925 0.01 60.02 Mozambique 271 680 1,222 222 552 0.00 148.65 Reunion 1,208 1,613 2,224 973 1,703 0.01 75.03 Rwanda 476 1,033 1,260 429 852 0.00 98.60 Seychelles 518 377 509 139 538 0.00 287.05 Somalia 4,045 8,498 17,001 14,999 44,611 0.16 197.43 Tanzania, United Republic of 1,917 3,060 2,536 1,156 3,252 0.01 181.31 Uganda 3,614 2,471 3,075 1,496 4,313 0.02 188.30 Zambia 1,389 1,260 1,072 617 899 0.00 45.71 Zimbabwe 1,553 1,826 2,183 2,044 1,461 0.01 -28.52 Other countries of East Africa 34 50 15 0.00 -70.00 CENTRAL AFRICA 9,793 13,638 16,602 8,555 22,839 0.08 166.97 Angola 1,841 2,498 3,265 1,010 2,460 0.01 143.56 Cameroon 2,450 3,020 3,678 2,078 5,217 0.02 151.06 Central African Republic 599 2,164 1,262 1,694 2,307 0.01 36.19 Chad 736 858 1,267 852 2,123 0.01 149.18 Congo 1,318 1,449 1,492 622 2,384 0.01 283.28 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,696 2,103 3,313 1,503 3,835 0.01 155.16 Equatorial Guinea 144 237 376 100 428 0.00 328.00 Gabon 926 1,220 1,425 689 4,040 0.01 486.36 Sao Tome and Principe 83 89 524 7 45 0.00 542.86 NORTH AFRICA 463,830 576,155 683,001 207,372 351,023 1.23 69.27 Algeria 255,552 303,510 331,150 64,028 62,874 0.22 -1.80 Morocco 82,703 121,858 170,510 77,954 110,884 0.39 42.24 South Sudan 178 112 95 79 100 0.00 26.58 Sudan 13,822 17,164 16,047 9,656 24,509 0.09 153.82 Tunisia 111,502 133,420 165,072 55,511 152,526 0.53 174.77 Western Sahara 45 32 61 17 77 0.00 352.94 Other countries of North Africa 28 59 66 127 53 0.00 -58.27 SOUTHERN AFRICA 40,362 57,756 80,884 17,233 13,878 0.05 -19.47 Botswana 143 133 209 128 112 0.00 -12.50 Eswatini 2,942 2,661 2,899 1,161 1,559 0.01 34.28 Lesotho 58 86 77 50 48 0.00 -4.00 Namibia 623 540 470 131 193 0.00 47.33 South Africa 36,596 54,336 77,229 15,763 11,966 0.04 -24.09 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 996 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 35,627 40,000 51,294 31,438 78,302 0.27 149.07 Benin 559 543 780 299 848 0.00 183.61 Burkina Faso 1,183 1,693 1,573 974 2,717 0.01 1 78.95 Cabo Verde 110 66 70 22 103 0.00 368.18 Cote d'lvoire 1,472 2,084 3,008 1,289 7,247 0.03 462.22 Gambia 536 961 872 374 1,242 0.00 232.09 Ghana 2,076 2,537 3,217 1,419 4,858 0.02 242.35 Guinea 669 804 821 1,267 2,453 0.01 93.61 Guinea-Bissau 161 144 90 98 126 0.00 28.57 Liberia 759 1,146 1,753 578 1,379 0.00 138.58 Mali 1,804 2,587 2,698 1,777 6,107 0.02 243.67 Mauritania 1,418 1,984 2,884 1,830 4,057 0.01 121.69 Niger 976 1,446 1,659 1,909 2,494 0.01 30.64 Nigeria 17,713 16,183 21,197 13,909 29,435 0.10 111.63 Saint Helena 82 124 142 50 320 0.00 540.00 Senegal 5,052 6,698 9,433 5,183 13,308 0.05 156.76 Sierra Leone 709 631 717 240 1,054 0.00 339.17 Togo 348 369 380 220 554 0.00 151.82 AMERICAS 493,089 837,550 1,194,002 344,564 983,894 3.45 185.55 CARIBBEAN 22,634 33,978 31,055 18,739 41,926 0.15 123.74 Anguilla 333 245 399 193 132 0.00 -31.61 Antigua and Barbuda 358 407 576 252 441 0.00 75.00 Aruba 1,822 3,074 3,543 1,745 1,864 0.01 6.82 Bahamas 314 322 334 98 205 0.00 109.18 Barbados 109 134 185 34 93 0.00 1 73.53 Bermuda 26 44 49 6 766 0.00 12,666.67 British Virgin Islands 737 3,482 548 1,767 1,358 0.00 -23.15 Cayman Islands 157 63 126 19 37 0.00 94.74 Cuba 1,668 2,056 2,260 2,904 4,071 0.01 40.19 Dominica 630 1,183 1,997 1,164 5,998 0.02 415.29 Dominican Republic 808 1,422 2,408 837 2,985 0.01 256.63 Grenada 225 351 536 199 341 0.00 71.36 Guadeloupe 26 21 36 7 17 0.00 142.86 Haiti 177 226 324 164 731 0.00 345.73 Jamaica 569 947 1,367 315 427 0.00 35.56 Martinique 47 96 62 96 75 0.00 -21.88 Montserrat 339 683 373 254 275 0.00 8.27 Netherlands Antilles 1,401 2,580 2,317 702 1,139 0.00 62.25 Puerto Rico 625 1,052 1,099 176 449 0.00 155.11 Saint Kitts and Nevis 562 1,027 1,023 725 2,500 0.01 244.83 Saint Lucia 15 62 107 45 238 0.00 428.89 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 73 64 106 44 126 0.00 186.36 Trinidad and Tobago 255 353 352 149 634 0.00 325.50 Turks and Caicos Islands 6,716 9,640 9,721 4,336 8,315 0.03 91.77 United States Virgin Islands 4,642 4,444 1,207 2,508 8,709 0.03 247.25 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 997 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 6,417 10,167 12,493 2,389 9,325 0.03 290.33 Belize 215 229 318 57 160 0.00 180.70 Costa Rica 1,448 3,515 4,029 620 1,848 0.01 198.06 El Salvador 1,845 1,658 1,587 281 941 0.00 234.88 Guatemala 493 922 1,748 222 985 0.00 343.69 Honduras 446 711 847 178 569 0.00 219.66 Nicaragua 373 329 464 117 327 0.00 1 79.49 Panama 1,595 2,714 3,388 907 4,486 0.02 394.60 Other countries of Central America 2 89 112 7 9 0.00 28.57 NORTH AMERICA 322,469 505,023 763,528 263,399 807,634 2.83 206.62 Canada 47,518 80,186 121,557 34,704 90,946 0.32 162.06 Greenland 35 109 102 94 50 0.00 -46.81 Mexico 18,054 43,238 79,730 13,911 119,651 0.42 760.12 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 59 234 136 40 584 0.00 1,360.00 United States of America 256,736 381,153 561,510 214,574 596,219 2.09 177.86 Other countries of North America 67 103 493 76 184 0.00 142.11 SOUTH AMERICA 141,569 288,382 386,926 60,037 125,009 0.44 108.22 Argentina 40,581 85,135 100,820 9,132 11,152 0.04 22.12 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 547 1,140 1,305 395 703 0.00 77.97 Brazil 57,642 115,946 160,662 29,568 29,840 0.10 0.92 Chile 6,150 12,642 18,968 3,046 6,106 0.02 100.46 Colombia 20,259 46,023 73,401 9,286 53,217 0.19 473.09 Ecuador 4,401 6,957 7,597 1,088 5,385 0.02 394.94 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 54 101 168 303 774 0.00 155.45 French Guiana 76 72 81 32 15 0.00 -53.13 Guyana 51 60 105 27 42 0.00 55.56 Paraguay 276 587 885 218 304 0.00 39.45 Peru 1,984 4,688 5,853 1,049 1,812 0.01 72.74 Suriname 3,849 4,622 3,932 1,999 3,967 0.01 98.45 Uruguay 2,503 4,600 7,282 913 1,854 0.01 103.07 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3,196 5,809 5,867 2,981 9,838 0.03 230.02 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,516,239 2,641,571 3,268,107 465,039 313,974 1.10 -32.48 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,232,776 2,079,658 2,491,188 295,786 145,542 0.51 -50.79 China 752,862 1,249,042 1,412,490 109,376 73,976 0.26 -32.37 Hong Kong, China 7,714 24,907 41,500 8,225 471 0.00 -94.27 Japan 71,299 160,558 184,254 37,059 12,707 0.04 -65.71 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 14,190 30,457 14,483 2,639 4,885 0.02 85.11 Korea, Republic of 226,646 342,418 449,561 83,294 36,271 0.13 -56.45 Macao, China 1,986 1,916 2,628 493 2,354 0.01 377.48 Mongolia 2,150 4,281 7,308 3,810 12,355 0.04 224.28 Taiwan Province of China 155,929 266,079 378,964 50,890 2,523 0.01 -95.04 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 998 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 217,375 456,139 609,680 142,644 131,892 0.46 -7.54 Brunei Darussalam 252 533 999 193 215 0.00 11.40 Cambodia 201 263 368 217 406 0.00 87.10 Indonesia 61,499 104,385 143,488 54,000 61,461 0.22 13.82 Lao People's Democratic Republic 293 257 246 70 103 0.00 47.14 Malaysia 79,978 188,028 237,834 40,074 14,154 0.05 -64.68 Myanmar 191 652 460 416 303 0.00 -27.16 Philippines 16,111 22,600 36,382 19,418 37,841 0.13 94.88 Singapore 18,805 41,757 58,448 9,219 4,868 0.02 -47.20 Thailand 37,225 89,568 121,997 17,237 11,504 0.04 -33.26 Timor-Leste 14 105 49 5 9 0.00 80.00 Viet Nam 2,787 7,978 9,393 1,746 1,018 0.00 -41.70 Other countries of South-East Asia 19 13 16 49 10 0.00 -79.59 AUSTRALASIA 60,568 98,967 157,413 24,199 30,991 0.11 28.07 Australia 53,934 87,130 139,361 21,584 27,688 0.10 28.28 New Zealand 6,634 11,837 18,052 2,615 3,303 0.01 26.31 MELANESIA 782 724 1,139 308 899 0.00 191.88 Fiji 163 238 201 76 151 0.00 98.68 New Caledonia 12 49 199 2 12 0.00 500.00 Norfolk Island 30 27 38 1 37 0.00 3,600.00 Papua New Guinea 112 59 156 20 130 0.00 550.00 Solomon Islands 387 277 454 126 266 0.00 111.11 Vanuatu 78 74 91 83 303 0.00 265.06 MICRONESIA 981 1,449 2,939 727 1,122 0.00 54.33 Christmas Island, Australia 56 111 129 86 38 0.00 -55.81 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 38 62 127 78 94 0.00 20.51 Guam 72 35 58 30 39 0.00 30.00 Johnston Island 59 345 249 38 148 0.00 289.47 Kiribati 103 174 346 36 99 0.00 1 75.00 Marshall Islands 96 76 126 87 144 0.00 65.52 Micronesia, Federated States of 66 69 765 69 164 0.00 137.68 Midway Islands 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Nauru 125 130 265 108 138 0.00 27.78 Northern Mariana Islands 184 69 206 38 40 0.00 5.26 Palau 182 374 668 154 217 0.00 40.91 Wake Island 4 POLYNESIA 2,647 3,682 4,760 1,301 2,293 0.01 76.25 American Samoa 963 2,041 2,786 712 1,584 0.01 122.47 Cook Islands 35 21 85 17 39 0.00 129.41 French Polynesia 63 79 152 20 24 0.00 20.00 Niue 29 28 17 70 26 0.00 -62.86 Pitcairn 17 28 29 40 22 0.00 -45.00 Samoa 29 80 198 26 27 0.00 3.85 Tokelau 1,291 581 619 149 120 0.00 -19.46 Tonga 63 137 184 126 193 0.00 53.17 Tuvalu 123 127 379 116 228 0.00 96.55 Wallis and Futuna Islands 34 560 311 25 30 0.00 20.00 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,110 952 988 74 1,235 0.00 1,568.92 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 690 129 283 51 28 0.00 -45.10 Other countries of Oceania 420 823 705 23 1,207 0.00 5,147.83 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 999 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 15,426,815 21,511,769 27,700,601 10,066,374 22,407,774 78.56 122.60 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,762,797 10,732,137 13,568,607 6,454,360 14,509,577 50.87 124.80 Armenia 21,016 24,311 29,119 4,948 5,220 0.02 5.50 Azerbaijan 247,555 285,827 329,411 109,877 293,750 1.03 167.34 Belarus 184,969 228,842 235,515 173,105 376,904 1.32 117.73 Bulgaria 1 75,383 397,032 545,935 177,365 356,413 1.25 100.95 Czech Republic (Czechia) 109,310 249,939 377,155 19,335 150,112 0.53 676.37 Estonia 40,825 63,505 87,879 4,251 88,226 0.31 1,975.42 Georgia 95,699 105,565 100,327 29,890 64,863 0.23 117.01 Hungary 49,522 96,140 132,153 11,574 76,163 0.27 558.05 Kazakhstan 323,405 325,569 339,984 133,294 406,708 1.43 205.12 Kyrgyzstan 55,969 63,684 67,374 39,869 87,130 0.31 118.54 Latvia 34,552 48,111 75,820 4,223 61,510 0.22 1,356.55 Lithuania 108,600 188,530 252,680 10,429 197,310 0.69 1,791.94 Moldova, Republic of 85,059 110,183 114,227 88,463 1 79,434 0.63 102.84 Poland 256,925 703,901 1,048,369 282,582 1,087,410 3.81 284.81 Romania 299,105 538,902 706,763 245,748 573,142 2.01 133.22 Russian Federation 4,498,202 6,024,384 7,612,000 3,668,918 7,407,546 25.97 101.90 Slovakia 72,601 135,432 195,088 7,784 38,893 0.14 399.65 Tajikistan 13,256 15,923 1 7,098 6,986 21,168 0.07 203.01 Turkmenistan 114,693 75,829 83,194 28,413 30,414 0.11 7.04 Ukraine 866,432 913,048 1,058,094 1,321,966 2,782,801 9.76 110.50 Uzbekistan 109,719 137,480 160,422 85,340 224,460 0.79 163.02 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,839,855 2,848,332 3,701,046 1,154,549 897,326 3.15 -22.28 Channel Islands 12 78 51 17 28 0.00 64.71 Denmark 205,736 326,576 358,703 40,777 99,967 0.35 145.16 Faeroe Islands 47 121 204 68 203 0.00 198.53 Finland 87,585 126,623 162,840 17,556 35,420 0.12 101.75 Iceland 9,083 9,380 12,820 4,201 5,251 0.02 24.99 Ireland 49,987 70,971 98,639 43,053 62,349 0.22 44.82 Isle of Man 5 5 29 5 10 0.00 100.00 Norway 56,742 102,419 162,434 23,923 43,962 0.15 83.76 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 100 180 103 46 246 0.00 434.78 Sweden 194,087 305,524 415,640 62,683 140,996 0.49 124.93 United Kingdom 1,236,471 1,906,455 2,489,583 962,220 508,894 1.78 -47.11 SOUTHERN EUROPE 608,092 966,362 1,531,875 441,751 946,361 3.32 114.23 Albania 66,638 79,530 86,555 34,965 69,335 0.24 98.30 Andorra 656 835 842 389 618 0.00 58.87 Bosnia and Herzegovina 50,400 77,914 101,287 51,426 119,050 0.42 131.50 Croatia 14,333 30,397 43,297 13,107 25,540 0.09 94.86 Gibraltar 99 112 106 109 160 0.00 46.79 Greece 85,115 112,454 209,649 35,382 57,971 0.20 63.84 Holy See 18 38 42 24 45 0.00 87.50 Italy 139,836 199,037 345,334 71,818 124,949 0.44 73.98 Malta 2,166 3,627 4,968 2,116 5,878 0.02 177.79 Montenegro 2,179 4,221 5,124 2,243 5,581 0.02 148.82 North Macedonia 55,274 83,207 99,847 54,659 112,293 0.39 105.44 Portugal 16,755 33,407 50,968 10,576 25,380 0.09 139.98 San Marino 70 160 252 36 49 0.00 36.11 Serbia 73,974 120,918 191,651 91,746 216,641 0.76 136.13 Slovenia 12,885 32,803 45,508 7,786 19,306 0.07 147.96 Spain 87,694 187,702 346,445 65,369 163,565 0.57 150.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 1000 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 4,850,116 6,468,820 8,271,213 1,817,147 5,652,964 19.82 211.09 Austria 75,661 123,344 167,019 33,428 107,590 0.38 221.86 Belgium 268,567 352,675 444,007 55,043 210,365 0.74 282.18 France 280,987 410,213 571,888 213,902 496,296 1.74 132.02 Germany 3,601,070 4,650,536 5,902,101 1,270,812 4,149,597 14.55 226.53 Liechtenstein 472 545 841 342 458 0.00 33.92 Luxembourg 5,266 7,202 10,772 1,987 16,131 0.06 711.83 Monaco 760 1,349 1,737 504 776 0.00 53.97 Netherlands 487,018 734,719 930,990 112,307 456,592 1.60 306.56 Switzerland 130,315 188,237 241,858 128,822 215,159 0.75 67.02 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 322,529 419,883 543,945 152,717 310,819 1.09 103.53 Cyprus 21,415 13,683 13,628 4,006 4,888 0.02 22.02 Israel 301,114 406,200 530,31 7 148,711 305,931 1.07 105.72 OTHER EUROPE 43,426 76,235 83,915 45,850 90,727 0.32 97.88 Other countries of Europe 43,426 76,235 83,915 45,850 90,727 0.32 97.88 MIDDLE EAST 3,161,573 3,790,152 4,014,729 1,255,875 3,147,809 11.04 150.65 Bahrain 70,841 86,095 94,861 23,374 105,587 0.37 351.73 Egypt 92,095 116,030 137,085 54,577 139,358 0.49 155.34 Iraq 756,962 912,222 1,003,839 276,058 818,102 2.87 196.35 Jordan 239,833 335,830 401,722 90,922 407,682 1.43 348.39 Kuwait 284,259 331,697 444,503 174,571 482,943 1.69 1 76.65 Lebanon 193,149 283,379 345,739 83,220 212,227 0.74 155.02 Libya 78,026 150,992 232,889 195,173 281,298 0.99 44.13 Oman 27,243 52,293 87,243 19,532 105,979 0.37 442.59 Qatar 67,662 128,642 153,334 65,628 202,991 0.71 209.31 Saudi Arabia 867,789 936,403 663,775 104,107 31,213 0.11 -70.02 State of Palestine 19,471 21,724 31,429 7,325 32,014 0.11 337.05 Syrian Arab Republic 265,609 233,155 224,693 112,540 181,269 0.64 61.07 United Arab Emirates 84,865 75,951 73,505 14,077 100,028 0.35 610.58 Yemen 31,385 34,861 30,412 12,928 20,911 0.07 61.75 Other countries of Middle East 82,384 90,878 89,700 21,843 26,207 0.09 19.98 SOUTH ASIA 1,683,522 1,476,011 1,638,525 307,262 1,029,860 3.61 235.17 Afghanistan 25,573 29,673 37,190 17,969 38,788 0.14 115.86 Bangladesh 6,715 9,244 12,998 3,690 7,391 0.03 100.30 Bhutan 60 147 170 28 40 0.00 42.86 India 86,073 165,268 276,580 44,939 83,114 0.29 84.95 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,483,324 1,154,883 1,181,382 180,375 766,311 2.69 324.84 Maldives 415 592 730 456 2,580 0.01 465.79 Nepal 1,287 2,381 1,895 1,605 8,877 0.03 453.08 Pakistan 78,793 111,614 123,772 57,467 121,363 0.43 111.19 Sri Lanka 1,165 2,001 3,724 692 1,336 0.00 93.06 Other countries of South Asia 117 208 84 41 60 0.00 46.34 NOT SPECIFIED 64,872 144,160 140,948 33,222 63,275 0.22 90.46 Other countries of the world 64,872 144,160 140,948 33,222 63,275 0.22 90.46 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1001 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 79,494,754 111,330,677 131,479,709 39,787,938 92,502,596 100.00 132.49 AFRICA 1,739,099 2,239,783 2,586,369 798,342 1,492,557 1.61 86.96 EAST AFRICA 79,689 117,308 160,506 91,247 254,498 0.28 178.91 British Indian Ocean Territory 4,344 9,651 14,055 6,598 7,567 0.01 14.69 Burundi 1,080 2,239 1,076 351 1,483 0.00 322.51 Comoros 1,045 1,179 1,791 862 1,240 0.00 43.85 Djibouti 2,359 4,695 6,229 5,699 12,923 0.01 126.76 Eritrea 7,090 10,544 6,202 1,253 8,198 0.01 554.27 Ethiopia 11,727 12,871 25,863 21,175 63,814 0.07 201.36 Kenya 12,438 18,731 24,676 8,505 30,453 0.03 258.06 Madagascar 736 810 631 281 518 0.00 84.34 Malawi 297 607 953 290 550 0.00 89.66 Mauritius 3,886 6,676 10,625 3,708 5,840 0.01 57.50 Mozambique 619 1,392 2,967 457 1,242 0.00 171.77 Reunion 2,872 3,991 5,492 2,071 3,678 0.00 77.60 Rwanda 1,363 2,695 2,397 982 1,711 0.00 74.24 Seychelles 1,286 910 1,203 315 1,149 0.00 264.76 Somalia 9,256 20,556 34,602 28,239 90,789 0.10 221.50 Tanzania, United Republic of 4,511 6,594 6,613 2,622 8,339 0.01 218.04 Uganda 7,535 4,710 6,886 2,858 9,924 0.01 247.24 Zambia 3,096 3,667 2,691 1,418 1,785 0.00 25.88 Zimbabwe 4,149 4,790 5,504 3,443 3,276 0.00 -4.85 Other countries of East Africa 50 120 19 0.00 -84.17 CENTRAL AFRICA 26,224 34,202 43,685 19,426 56,574 0.06 191.23 Angola 5,808 8,104 9,539 2,289 5,555 0.01 142.68 Cameroon 6,611 7,524 9,893 4,975 13,058 0.01 162.47 Central African Republic 1,289 3,573 3,056 2,290 3,969 0.00 73.32 Chad 1,932 2,190 2,637 1,705 5,888 0.01 245.34 Congo 3,096 3,330 3,820 1,801 5,866 0.01 225.71 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 4,685 5,566 8,364 4,261 10,050 0.01 135.86 Equatorial Guinea 267 522 807 256 1,100 0.00 329.69 Gabon 2,330 3,204 4,125 1,836 10,973 0.01 497.66 Sao Tome and Principe 206 189 1,444 13 115 0.00 784.62 NORTH AFRICA 1,430,661 1,819,871 2,045,867 565,723 944,962 1.02 67.04 Algeria 798,526 984,072 1,001,850 172,746 1 71,904 0.19 -0.49 Morocco 245,936 370,420 510,756 211,755 296,619 0.32 40.08 South Sudan 596 289 222 160 251 0.00 56.88 Sudan 37,090 49,336 43,012 24,684 65,161 0.07 163.98 Tunisia 348,344 415,534 489,735 156,096 410,777 0.44 163.16 Western Sahara 87 72 173 45 170 0.00 277.78 Other countries of North Africa 82 148 119 237 80 0.00 -66.24 SOUTHERN AFRICA 118,117 165,309 201,819 41,735 35,272 0.04 -15.49 Botswana 235 349 536 304 474 0.00 55.92 Eswatini 7,791 6,969 8,072 2,613 3,559 0.00 36.20 Lesotho 118 203 273 683 110 0.00 -83.89 Namibia 1,041 1,111 1,198 351 448 0.00 27.64 South Africa 108,932 156,677 191,740 37,784 30,681 0.03 -18.80 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1002 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 84,408 103,093 134,492 80,211 201,251 0.22 150.90 Benin 1,261 1,415 1,965 736 2,228 0.00 202.72 Burkina Faso 3,259 5,322 4,764 2,743 7,145 0.01 160.48 Cabo Verde 197 121 179 46 306 0.00 565.22 Cote d'lvoire 3,346 5,406 8,436 3,191 19,086 0.02 498.12 Gambia 1,524 2,862 2,055 823 3,237 0.00 293.32 Ghana 4,756 6,658 8,663 3,417 12,406 0.01 263.07 Guinea 1,645 2,008 2,150 2,987 6,797 0.01 127.55 Guinea-Bissau 761 411 219 142 297 0.00 109.15 Liberia 1,916 2,680 3,734 1,377 3,064 0.00 122.51 Mali 4,263 7,088 7,932 5,050 16,602 0.02 228.75 Mauritania 3,260 4,792 8,345 4,680 10,099 0.01 115.79 Niger 2,048 5,548 8,132 8,517 8,451 0.01 -0.77 Nigeria 40,989 39,093 51,252 32,186 71,570 0.08 122.36 Saint Helena 169 309 299 92 577 0.00 527.17 Senegal 13,140 1 7,350 24,082 13,078 34,975 0.04 167.43 Sierra Leone 1,116 1,284 1,416 624 2,474 0.00 296.47 Togo 758 746 869 522 1,937 0.00 271.07 AMERICAS 1,087,994 1,799,740 2,575,861 789,544 2,172,601 2.35 175.17 CARIBBEAN 56,757 80,225 69,342 44,988 90,881 0.10 102.01 Anguilla 775 464 791 381 349 0.00 -8.40 Antigua and Barbuda 823 929 1,298 572 1,084 0.00 89.51 Aruba 4,899 8,212 10,330 4,568 4,464 0.00 -2.28 Bahamas 651 860 842 277 507 0.00 83.03 Barbados 236 356 459 212 232 0.00 9.43 Bermuda 54 99 79 23 391 0.00 1,600.00 British Virgin Islands 1,908 8,805 1,280 3,559 2,576 0.00 -27.62 Cayman Islands 324 129 261 33 91 0.00 175.76 Cuba 12,059 9,127 5,279 8,881 11,194 0.01 26.04 Dominica 1,471 2,811 5,137 2,978 14,287 0.02 379.75 Dominican Republic 1,848 3,415 5,513 2,184 7,089 0.01 224.59 Grenada 617 859 1,345 545 629 0.00 15.41 Guadeloupe 29 49 80 12 40 0.00 233.33 Haiti 469 555 653 380 1,588 0.00 317.89 Jamaica 1,298 2,384 3,325 796 979 0.00 22.99 Martinique 116 210 118 187 276 0.00 47.59 Montserrat 941 1,248 760 490 819 0.00 67.14 Netherlands Antilles 3,925 9,016 6,497 1,377 2,622 0.00 90.41 Puerto Rico 1,373 2,328 2,118 384 944 0.00 145.83 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,350 2,345 2,756 1,945 6,465 0.01 232.39 Saint Lucia 67 148 313 91 659 0.00 624.18 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 234 169 219 83 354 0.00 326.51 Trinidad and Tobago 691 782 741 294 1,290 0.00 338.78 Turks and Caicos Islands 11,764 1 7,904 16,933 8,921 12,525 0.01 40.40 United States Virgin Islands 8,835 7,021 2,215 5,815 19,427 0.02 234.08 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1003 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 13,106 21,662 27,552 5,192 19,840 0.02 282.13 Belize 630 649 583 120 341 0.00 184.17 Costa Rica 2,579 6,923 8,218 1,324 3,554 0.00 168.43 El Salvador 3,692 3,635 4,245 728 2,619 0.00 259.75 Guatemala 922 1,958 3,569 479 2,157 0.00 350.31 Honduras 985 1,581 2,133 406 1,404 0.00 245.81 Nicaragua 692 723 1,233 276 806 0.00 192.03 Panama 3,604 5,994 7,293 1,849 8,949 0.01 383.99 Other countries of Central America 2 199 278 10 10 0.00 NORTH AMERICA 748,469 1,153,479 1,742,657 611,477 1,805,601 1.95 195.29 Canada 116,606 192,932 290,946 84,490 228,620 0.25 1 70.59 Greenland 48 162 300 144 73 0.00 -49.31 Mexico 36,455 84,734 164,817 29,114 183,664 0.20 530.84 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 108 386 322 80 1,248 0.00 1,460.00 United States of America 595,078 875,036 1,284,727 497,473 1,391,659 1.50 179.75 Other countries of North America 174 229 1,545 176 337 0.00 91.48 SOUTH AMERICA 269,662 544,374 736,310 127,887 256,279 0.28 100.39 Argentina 78,869 172,272 200,635 18,704 25,297 0.03 35.25 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,346 2,847 3,260 765 1,498 0.00 95.82 Brazil 100,723 188,613 280,428 65,576 68,850 0.07 4.99 Chile 14,376 29,328 42,782 7,113 15,511 0.02 118.07 Colombia 39,495 94,005 143,555 17,971 94,154 0.10 423.92 Ecuador 9,031 14,090 14,792 2,070 11,031 0.01 432.90 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 173 197 321 341 1,004 0.00 194.43 French Guiana 209 193 114 87 66 0.00 -24.14 Guyana 178 95 247 64 120 0.00 87.50 Paraguay 687 1,153 1,856 423 660 0.00 56.03 Peru 4,234 10,120 12,244 2,296 4,071 0.00 77.31 Suriname 7,738 9,177 7,539 4,128 8,836 0.01 114.05 Uruguay 5,440 9,491 14,711 1,687 3,904 0.00 131.42 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7,163 12,793 13,826 6,662 21,277 0.02 219.38 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,123,766 3,654,038 4,635,722 738,405 686,376 0.74 -7.05 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,639,977 2,741,926 3,340,913 450,108 346,912 0.38 -22.93 China 1,015,724 1,641,956 1,922,924 183,752 183,594 0.20 -0.09 Hong Kong, China 8,408 25,964 50,039 9,776 1,265 0.00 -87.06 Japan 115,569 228,168 271,706 53,523 28,362 0.03 -47.01 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 22,092 52,1 76 24,401 4,047 10,570 0.01 161.18 Korea, Republic of 300,616 475,885 592,571 127,174 89,110 0.10 -29.93 Macao, China 4,436 4,974 5,726 1,242 2,851 0.00 129.55 Mongolia 4,596 10,763 15,907 8,417 26,296 0.03 212.42 Taiwan Province of China 168,536 302,040 457,639 62,177 4,864 0.01 -92.18 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1004 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 331,894 663,648 924,801 223,812 247,722 0.27 10.68 Brunei Darussalam 581 1,033 2,230 407 544 0.00 33.66 Cambodia 385 576 644 359 772 0.00 115.04 Indonesia 87,834 140,565 209,665 78,552 96,828 0.10 23.27 Lao People's Democratic Republic 613 539 694 169 247 0.00 46.15 Malaysia 115,909 265,116 337,749 58,246 27,025 0.03 -53.60 Myanmar 392 1,190 954 1,774 622 0.00 -64.94 Philippines 33,734 45,858 71,856 38,247 83,672 0.09 118.77 Singapore 35,703 69,296 103,124 16,165 10,803 0.01 -33.17 Thailand 51,639 125,719 183,150 27,235 24,031 0.03 -11.76 Timor-Leste 21 262 97 5 18 0.00 260.00 Viet Nam 5,026 13,432 14,617 2,592 3,139 0.00 21.10 Other countries of South-East Asia 57 62 21 61 21 0.00 -65.57 AUSTRALASIA 140,966 233,128 346,929 59,206 79,988 0.09 35.10 Australia 127,136 207,771 308,702 52,849 72,045 0.08 36.32 New Zealand 13,830 25,357 38,227 6,357 7,943 0.01 24.95 MELANESIA 1,640 1,827 2,419 747 2,026 0.00 171.22 Fiji 414 548 497 123 340 0.00 1 76.42 New Caledonia 18 128 313 3 40 0.00 1,233.33 Norfolk Island 143 136 99 1 111 0.00 11,000.00 Papua New Guinea 191 159 343 46 268 0.00 482.61 Solomon Islands 749 715 989 408 605 0.00 48.28 Vanuatu 125 141 178 166 662 0.00 298.80 MICRONESIA 1,849 3,414 8,415 1,394 2,707 0.00 94.19 Christmas Island, Australia 87 124 170 104 48 0.00 -53.85 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 71 140 372 124 134 0.00 8.06 Guam 138 62 77 67 98 0.00 46.27 Johnston Island 93 908 580 52 357 0.00 586.54 Kiribati 200 360 647 63 252 0.00 300.00 Marshall Islands 300 309 489 194 472 0.00 143.30 Micronesia, Federated States of 94 103 3,398 113 374 0.00 230.97 Midway Islands 5 5 0.00 Nauru 246 242 465 278 334 0.00 20.14 Northern Mariana Islands 237 180 615 95 75 0.00 -21.05 Palau 383 982 1,602 299 558 0.00 86.62 Wake Island 4 POLYNESIA 5,676 7,486 10,401 2,973 4,824 0.01 62.26 American Samoa 2,231 4,009 5,967 1,651 3,418 0.00 107.03 Cook Islands 131 46 178 26 78 0.00 200.00 French Polynesia 241 241 372 32 75 0.00 134.38 Niue 27 61 38 287 42 0.00 -85.37 Pitcairn 18 63 51 61 40 0.00 -34.43 Samoa 36 107 350 42 51 0.00 21.43 Tokelau 2,589 1,250 1,341 379 221 0.00 -41.69 Tonga 147 337 353 259 405 0.00 56.37 Tuvalu 205 300 781 200 433 0.00 116.50 Wallis and Futuna Islands 51 1,072 970 36 61 0.00 69.44 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,764 2,609 1,844 165 2,197 0.00 1,231.52 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 973 313 561 115 99 0.00 -13.91 Other countries of Oceania 791 2,296 1,283 50 2,098 0.00 4,096.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1005 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 61,460,382 89,197,913 106,783,021 33,301,608 77,350,824 83.62 132.27 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 30,464,947 44,118,175 52,330,992 21,746,814 50,941,244 55.07 134.25 Armenia 46,659 57,196 65,439 13,572 15,347 0.02 13.08 Azerbaijan 677,170 801,671 908,144 278,075 822,834 0.89 195.90 Belarus 719,949 906,161 913,480 609,869 1,315,638 1.42 115.72 Bulgaria 484,485 1,092,000 1,447,278 426,812 889,222 0.96 108.34 Czech Republic (Czechia) 439,636 1,037,129 1,476,857 55,802 525,992 0.57 842.60 Estonia 166,156 281,383 370,844 11,931 345,728 0.37 2,797.73 Georgia 217,966 242,298 237,546 69,873 162,044 0.18 131.91 Hungary 176,712 366,640 476,660 34,414 269,907 0.29 684.29 Kazakhstan 1,251,836 1,338,047 1,329,954 402,724 1,443,102 1.56 258.34 Kyrgyzstan 123,569 142,271 161,425 91,994 210,835 0.23 129.18 Latvia 146,890 236,792 348,613 14,864 269,215 0.29 1,711.19 Lithuania 450,999 880,562 1,061,703 31,708 741,428 0.80 2,238.30 Moldova, Republic of 311,532 461,701 462,811 340,485 721,313 0.78 111.85 Poland 1,024,1 79 2,829,588 3,954,978 919,794 3,635,257 3.93 295.23 Romania 980,015 1,873,194 2,354,098 698,234 1,820,707 1.97 160.76 Russian Federation 18,961,767 26,502,224 31,040,209 12,633,830 27,071,172 29.27 114.28 Slovakia 320,277 613,615 829,265 25,788 143,762 0.16 457.48 Tajikistan 39,694 43,993 47,976 17,074 56,525 0.06 231.06 Turkmenistan 263,179 174,389 196,770 56,868 62,962 0.07 10.72 Ukraine 3,368,499 3,877,751 4,211,602 4,835,951 9,860,069 10.66 103.89 Uzbekistan 293,778 359,570 435,340 177,152 558,185 0.60 215.09 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,252,944 11,330,626 13,753,379 3,871,559 2,612,609 2.82 -32.52 Channel Islands 28 206 124 48 57 0.00 18.75 Denmark 762,804 1,191,579 1,207,686 112,840 285,718 0.31 153.21 Faeroe Islands 108 356 508 206 455 0.00 120.87 Finland 284,774 442,282 533,340 43,422 98,706 0.11 127.32 Iceland 23,349 27,191 37,753 10,933 14,791 0.02 35.29 Ireland 159,691 228,836 318,417 119,101 168,614 0.18 41.57 Isle of Man 20 11 64 15 26 0.00 73.33 Norway 197,610 382,479 577,371 70,038 124,259 0.13 77.42 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 286 474 201 96 1,148 0.00 1,095.83 Sweden 695,287 1,131,002 1,427,276 169,464 390,963 0.42 130.71 United Kingdom 5,128,987 7,926,210 9,650,639 3,345,396 1,527,872 1.65 -54.33 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,582,248 2,628,566 3,975,520 1,222,413 2,683,342 2.90 119.51 Albania 197,512 268,165 274,020 96,402 216,229 0.23 124.30 Andorra 1,391 1,893 1,993 760 1,571 0.00 106.71 Bosnia and Herzegovina 165,687 273,164 342,359 160,768 384,608 0.42 139.23 Croatia 35,998 76,242 116,476 33,417 67,734 0.07 102.69 Gibraltar 276 351 212 162 571 0.00 252.47 Greece 172,908 234,447 458,265 86,920 139,461 0.15 60.45 Holy See 26 54 83 26 142 0.00 446.15 Italy 340,286 482,351 787,241 174,571 320,907 0.35 83.83 Malta 4,779 8,669 12,391 5,009 14,776 0.02 194.99 Montenegro 6,752 14,227 15,596 7,522 16,883 0.02 124.45 North Macedonia 149,694 247,612 294,878 146,068 323,225 0.35 121.28 Portugal 41,154 70,196 112,293 27,167 60,970 0.07 124.43 San Marino 162 344 776 47 204 0.00 334.04 Serbia 224,129 442,336 673,819 309,082 720,932 0.78 133.25 Slovenia 40,522 98,014 133,247 21,841 55,324 0.06 153.30 Spain 200,972 410,501 751,871 152,651 359,805 0.39 135.70 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI:,18111/9789284424139 1006 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 21,030,151 29,494,540 34,747,663 5,897,627 19,934,021 21.55 238.00 Austria 272,518 456,676 624,460 96,083 337,749 0.37 251.52 Belgium 1,198,047 1,633,546 1,881,518 158,251 694,485 0.75 338.85 France 876,594 1,366,188 1,814,295 572,395 1,398,562 1.51 144.34 Germany 15,977,537 21,908,842 25,593,444 4,306,332 15,212,820 16.45 253.27 Liechtenstein 1,265 1,649 2,559 971 1,529 0.00 57.47 Luxembourg 23,121 34,738 50,925 6,146 65,290 0.07 962.32 Monaco 1,714 3,213 4,163 1,098 1,849 0.00 68.40 Netherlands 2,160,278 3,308,431 3,815,525 309,262 1,423,679 1.54 360.35 Switzerland 519,077 781,257 960,774 447,089 798,058 0.86 78.50 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 969,490 1,304,752 1,650,487 427,513 890,193 0.96 108.23 Cyprus 39,792 27,387 27,568 9,881 12,323 0.01 24.71 Israel 929,698 1,277,365 1,622,919 417,632 877,870 0.95 110.20 OTHER EUROPE 160,602 321,254 324,980 135,682 289,415 0.31 113.30 Other countries of Europe 160,602 321,254 324,980 135,682 289,415 0.31 113.30 MIDDLE EAST 8,310,327 10,195,142 10,498,106 3,334,451 8,000,499 8.65 139.93 Bahrain 204,786 266,781 288,876 76,947 303,688 0.33 294.67 Egypt 252,152 327,400 373,113 146,363 364,870 0.39 149.29 Iraq 1,994,231 2,381,565 2,472,710 637,661 1,901,622 2.06 198.22 Jordan 692,084 972,099 1,114,126 236,291 1,092,694 1.18 362.44 Kuwait 763,526 898,195 1,170,195 486,981 1,229,074 1.33 152.39 Lebanon 546,597 805,412 947,670 206,885 534,900 0.58 158.55 Libya 242,630 480,045 700,247 639,909 794,812 0.86 24.21 Oman 72,470 139,916 225,637 53,407 260,255 0.28 387.31 Qatar 192,293 391,449 464,475 200,338 589,388 0.64 194.20 Saudi Arabia 2,280,925 2,508,026 1,742,894 293,948 76,724 0.08 -73.90 State of Palestine 55,943 71,915 88,941 20,292 83,479 0.09 311.39 Syrian Arab Republic 549,313 491,781 476,553 228,015 404,917 0.44 77.58 United Arab Emirates 215,024 195,561 184,472 34,511 260,126 0.28 653.75 Yemen 83,054 90,222 75,290 32,892 51,018 0.06 55.11 Other countries of Middle East 165,299 174,775 172,907 40,011 52,932 0.06 32.29 SOUTH ASIA 4,611,747 3,905,172 4,107,044 755,952 2,661,635 2.88 252.09 Afghanistan 57,055 63,819 74,240 37,549 89,217 0.10 137.60 Bangladesh 14,616 21,558 39,460 7,835 18,027 0.02 130.08 Bhutan 147 306 353 59 154 0.00 161.02 India 195,642 368,630 595,862 106,508 206,681 0.22 94.05 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,150,512 3,168,649 3,085,751 461,947 2,035,720 2.20 340.68 Maldives 966 1,326 1,535 1,292 6,051 0.01 368.34 Nepal 2,328 4,690 3,957 3,308 13,664 0.01 313.06 Pakistan 187,349 271,400 296,274 135,864 289,372 0.31 112.99 Sri Lanka 2,879 4,308 9,440 1,514 2,591 0.00 71.14 Other countries of South Asia 253 486 172 76 158 0.00 107.89 NOT SPECIFIED 161,439 338,889 293,586 69,636 138,104 0.15 98.32 Other countries of the world 161,439 338,889 293,586 69,636 138,104 0.15 98.32 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1007 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 80,062,668 112,245,139 132,808,208 40,095,043 93,123,579 100.00 132.26 AFRICA 1,746,870 2,250,520 2,599,511 802,171 1,500,991 1.61 87.12 EAST AFRICA 80,043 118,245 161,566 91,760 255,434 0.27 178.37 British Indian Ocean Territory 4,363 9,925 14,103 6,616 7,602 0.01 14.90 Burundi 1,080 2,263 1,086 351 1,510 0.00 330.20 Comoros 1,051 1,190 1,817 873 1,399 0.00 60.25 Djibouti 2,374 4,720 6,247 5,847 12,932 0.01 121.17 Eritrea 7,097 10,572 6,215 1,257 8,203 0.01 552.59 Ethiopia 11,784 12,920 26,009 21,213 63,866 0.07 201.07 Kenya 12,471 18,826 24,746 8,541 30,635 0.03 258.68 Madagascar 737 844 638 297 537 0.00 80.81 Malawi 297 648 957 301 550 0.00 82.72 Mauritius 3,899 6,766 10,793 3,743 5,868 0.01 56.77 Mozambique 619 1,396 2,983 461 1,246 0.00 1 70.28 Reunion 2,911 4,072 5,586 2,108 3,760 0.00 78.37 Rwanda 1,363 2,701 2,431 990 1,715 0.00 73.23 Seychelles 1,290 910 1,322 315 1,154 0.00 266.35 Somalia 9,312 20,578 34,753 28,303 90,968 0.10 221.41 Tanzania, United Republic of 4,544 6,687 6,618 2,630 8,376 0.01 218.48 Uganda 7,600 4,749 6,967 2,890 10,022 0.01 246.78 Zambia 3,102 3,684 2,713 1,448 1,789 0.00 23.55 Zimbabwe 4,149 4,794 5,532 3,456 3,283 0.00 -5.01 Other countries of East Africa 50 120 19 0.00 -84.17 CENTRAL AFRICA 26,330 34,533 44,337 19,588 56,663 0.06 189.27 Angola 5,811 8,114 9,567 2,312 5,570 0.01 140.92 Cameroon 6,645 7,708 9,954 5,008 13,074 0.01 161.06 Central African Republic 1,330 3,594 3,316 2,328 4,005 0.00 72.04 Chad 1,934 2,231 2,846 1,767 5,903 0.01 234.07 Congo 3,096 3,347 3,856 1,804 5,868 0.01 225.28 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 4,687 5,572 8,388 4,261 10,051 0.01 135.88 Equatorial Guinea 267 523 828 256 1,101 0.00 330.08 Gabon 2,348 3,234 4,135 1,839 10,976 0.01 496.85 Sao Tome and Principe 212 210 1,447 13 115 0.00 784.62 NORTH AFRICA 1,435,894 1,826,161 2,053,038 567,678 950,280 1.02 67.40 Algeria 800,615 987,177 1,004,256 173,300 172,930 0.19 -0.21 Morocco 247,382 372,025 512,982 212,363 298,443 0.32 40.53 South Sudan 596 289 230 160 251 0.00 56.88 Sudan 37,571 49,632 43,454 24,943 65,414 0.07 162.25 Tunisia 349,561 416,805 491,823 156,615 412,986 0.44 163.70 Western Sahara 87 79 173 45 170 0.00 277.78 Other countries of North Africa 82 154 120 252 86 0.00 -65.87 SOUTHERN AFRICA 119,527 167,835 205,214 42,670 36,498 0.04 -14.46 Botswana 253 349 536 304 474 0.00 55.92 Eswatini 7,948 7,383 8,385 3,225 4,227 0.00 31.07 Lesotho 118 207 273 683 110 0.00 -83.89 Namibia 1,057 1,112 1,204 351 450 0.00 28.21 South Africa 110,151 158,784 194,816 38,107 31,237 0.03 -18.03 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1008 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 85,076 103,746 135,356 80,475 202,116 0.22 151.15 Benin 1,285 1,419 2,006 743 2,236 0.00 200.94 Burkina Faso 3,260 5,338 4,769 2,750 7,145 0.01 159.82 Cabo Verde 197 121 188 46 306 0.00 565.22 Cote d'lvoire 3,350 5,444 8,448 3,197 19,138 0.02 498.62 Gambia 1,738 2,873 2,152 828 3,237 0.00 290.94 Ghana 4,852 6,719 8,719 3,455 12,596 0.01 264.57 Guinea 1,649 2,008 2,151 2,989 6,819 0.01 128.14 Guinea-Bissau 761 411 219 154 297 0.00 92.86 Liberia 1,920 2,914 3,836 1,422 3,146 0.00 121.24 Mali 4,281 7,089 7,946 5,050 16,618 0.02 229.07 Mauritania 3,313 4,816 8,435 4,686 10,142 0.01 116.43 Niger 2,063 5,579 8,200 8,531 8,452 0.01 -0.93 Nigeria 41,106 39,286 51,487 32,297 71,880 0.08 122.56 Saint Helena 171 309 299 92 577 0.00 527.17 Senegal 13,164 1 7,369 24,180 13,082 35,104 0.04 168.34 Sierra Leone 1,208 1,298 1,449 627 2,474 0.00 294.58 Togo 758 753 872 526 1,949 0.00 270.53 AMERICAS 1,112,451 1,852,902 2,641,529 802,239 2,266,996 2.43 182.58 CARIBBEAN 57,693 81,565 70,308 45,660 92,445 0.10 102.46 Anguilla 775 464 828 384 350 0.00 -8.85 Antigua and Barbuda 859 955 1,330 572 1,105 0.00 93.18 Aruba 5,140 8,295 10,397 4,580 4,498 0.00 -1.79 Bahamas 653 906 859 307 507 0.00 65.15 Barbados 236 358 475 212 236 0.00 11.32 Bermuda 54 99 79 23 1,331 0.00 5,686.96 British Virgin Islands 1,925 8,845 1,295 3,577 2,576 0.00 -27.98 Cayman Islands 324 129 261 33 91 0.00 175.76 Cuba 12,075 9,168 5,413 9,359 11,384 0.01 21.64 Dominica 1,474 2,840 5,207 2,983 14,341 0.02 380.76 Dominican Republic 1,890 3,491 5,634 2,192 7,287 0.01 232.44 Grenada 624 859 1,345 545 631 0.00 15.78 Guadeloupe 29 49 82 12 40 0.00 233.33 Haiti 480 559 653 380 1,590 0.00 318.42 Jamaica 1,305 2,395 3,328 796 993 0.00 24.75 Martinique 116 210 118 187 276 0.00 47.59 Montserrat 941 1,248 766 490 821 0.00 67.55 Netherlands Antilles 4,035 9,146 6,621 1,412 2,646 0.00 87.39 Puerto Rico 1,385 2,346 2,137 386 950 0.00 146.11 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,403 2,567 2,806 1,966 6,522 0.01 231.74 Saint Lucia 67 148 313 91 659 0.00 624.18 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 234 169 225 83 354 0.00 326.51 Trinidad and Tobago 707 802 778 300 1,292 0.00 330.67 Turks and Caicos Islands 11,874 1 7,990 16,988 8,945 12,535 0.01 40.13 United States Virgin Islands 9,088 7,527 2,370 5,845 19,430 0.02 232.42 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1009 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 13,313 21,846 27,875 5,240 20,677 0.02 294.60 Belize 630 658 596 124 341 0.00 1 75.00 Costa Rica 2,710 7,004 8,293 1,326 3,866 0.00 191.55 El Salvador 3,723 3,685 4,275 729 2,632 0.00 261.04 Guatemala 932 1,961 3,579 484 2,209 0.00 356.40 Honduras 987 1,583 2,220 415 1,433 0.00 245.30 Nicaragua 694 726 1,242 276 806 0.00 192.03 Panama 3,635 6,017 7,392 1,876 9,380 0.01 400.00 Other countries of Central America 2 212 278 10 10 0.00 NORTH AMERICA 761,022 1,177,668 1,772,516 619,313 1,877,416 2.02 203.14 Canada 117,786 196,901 296,582 85,403 230,309 0.25 169.67 Greenland 48 168 302 144 85 0.00 -40.97 Mexico 37,140 88,718 167,037 29,780 236,481 0.25 694.09 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 108 387 322 80 1,248 0.00 1,460.00 United States of America 605,766 891,259 1,306,596 503,730 1,408,956 1.51 179.70 Other countries of North America 174 235 1,677 176 337 0.00 91.48 SOUTH AMERICA 280,423 571,823 770,830 132,026 276,458 0.30 109.40 Argentina 80,261 176,548 204,194 19,375 25,524 0.03 31.74 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,351 2,865 3,292 770 1,537 0.00 99.61 Brazil 108,450 209,002 308,406 67,921 74,616 0.08 9.86 Chile 14,498 29,546 42,966 7,239 15,635 0.02 115.98 Colombia 40,290 95,168 145,472 18,697 107,187 0.12 473.28 Ecuador 9,111 14,161 14,876 2,173 11,659 0.01 436.54 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 173 199 349 341 1,004 0.00 194.43 French Guiana 209 193 114 87 66 0.00 -24.14 Guyana 178 95 249 64 120 0.00 87.50 Paraguay 693 1,153 1,869 425 680 0.00 60.00 Peru 4,293 10,160 12,356 2,305 4,159 0.00 80.43 Suriname 8,157 10,202 7,804 4,203 8,929 0.01 112.44 Uruguay 5,547 9,593 14,942 1,716 3,939 0.00 129.55 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 7,212 12,938 13,941 6,710 21,403 0.02 218.97 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,344,771 4,088,974 5,149,762 806,117 722,653 0.78 -10.35 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,822,325 3,110,911 3,781,975 497,381 360,516 0.39 -27.52 China 1,115,397 1,864,263 2,159,746 199,105 187,661 0.20 -5.75 Hong Kong, China 10,113 32,313 56,350 11,453 1,295 0.00 -88.69 Japan 126,092 256,071 306,821 61,489 28,721 0.03 -53.29 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 23,755 53,424 26,059 4,891 11,654 0.01 138.27 Korea, Republic of 331,494 521,806 672,453 140,221 91,407 0.10 -34.81 Macao, China 4,488 4,979 5,922 1,250 5,046 0.01 303.68 Mongolia 4,637 10,811 16,166 8,587 29,697 0.03 245.84 Taiwan Province of China 206,349 367,244 538,458 70,385 5,035 0.01 -92.85 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1010 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 366,928 724,912 990,718 243,231 269,020 0.29 10.60 Brunei Darussalam 588 1,055 2,330 407 545 0.00 33.91 Cambodia 392 622 681 363 778 0.00 114.33 Indonesia 101,946 160,942 234,067 90,509 115,375 0.12 27.47 Lao People's Democratic Republic 619 541 700 169 249 0.00 47.34 Malaysia 127,423 284,945 359,708 63,009 28,339 0.03 -55.02 Myanmar 392 1,192 1,001 1,775 622 0.00 -64.96 Philippines 34,415 47,460 73,811 38,557 84,596 0.09 119.41 Singapore 36,349 74,598 108,146 16,850 10,992 0.01 -34.77 Thailand 59,681 139,176 193,086 28,581 24,278 0.03 -15.06 Timor-Leste 21 262 97 5 18 0.00 260.00 Viet Nam 5,045 14,057 17,070 2,945 3,207 0.00 8.90 Other countries of South-East Asia 57 62 21 61 21 0.00 -65.57 AUSTRALASIA 144,118 237,475 353,401 60,204 81,177 0.09 34.84 Australia 130,069 211,956 314,784 53,826 73,158 0.08 35.92 New Zealand 14,049 25,519 38,61 7 6,378 8,019 0.01 25.73 MELANESIA 1,668 1,863 2,492 750 2,033 0.00 171.07 Fiji 440 564 510 125 347 0.00 177.60 New Caledonia 18 128 313 3 40 0.00 1,233.33 Norfolk Island 143 152 99 1 111 0.00 11,000.00 Papua New Guinea 191 159 402 46 268 0.00 482.61 Solomon Islands 751 715 990 408 605 0.00 48.28 Vanuatu 125 145 178 167 662 0.00 296.41 MICRONESIA 2,101 3,653 8,491 1,394 2,732 0.00 95.98 Christmas Island, Australia 95 149 223 104 48 0.00 -53.85 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 71 140 372 124 134 0.00 8.06 Guam 138 62 77 67 98 0.00 46.27 Johnston Island 95 911 580 52 357 0.00 586.54 Kiribati 208 372 657 63 256 0.00 306.35 Marshall Islands 300 310 493 194 474 0.00 144.33 Micronesia, Federated States of 98 107 3,399 113 374 0.00 230.97 Midway Islands 5 5 0.00 Nauru 258 242 465 278 334 0.00 20.14 Northern Mariana Islands 237 180 615 95 94 0.00 -1.05 Palau 601 1,176 1,610 299 558 0.00 86.62 Wake Island 4 POLYNESIA 5,815 7,537 10,836 2,992 4,963 0.01 65.88 American Samoa 2,312 4,044 6,023 1,662 3,534 0.00 112.64 Cook Islands 131 46 178 26 78 0.00 200.00 French Polynesia 241 241 372 32 75 0.00 134.38 Niue 29 61 38 287 44 0.00 -84.67 Pitcairn 20 63 51 61 40 0.00 -34.43 Samoa 36 113 356 42 51 0.00 21.43 Tokelau 2,591 1,252 1,375 383 221 0.00 -42.30 Tonga 149 339 353 259 405 0.00 56.37 Tuvalu 255 305 854 204 454 0.00 122.55 Wallis and Futuna Islands 51 1,073 1,236 36 61 0.00 69.44 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,816 2,623 1,849 165 2,212 0.00 1,240.61 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 973 315 561 115 99 0.00 -13.91 Other countries of Oceania 843 2,308 1,288 50 2,113 0.00 4,126.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: ior COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 61,631,929 89,458,271 107,332,542 33,481,223 77,719,610 83.46 132.13 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 30,520,605 44,196,494 52,507,801 21,834,696 51,106,036 54.88 134.06 Armenia 46,777 57,275 65,500 13,602 15,392 0.02 13.16 Azerbaijan 682,145 808,233 918,717 281,876 832,710 0.89 195.42 Belarus 720,645 907,926 915,030 611,033 1,318,422 1.42 115.77 Bulgaria 488,209 1,098,618 1,461,564 431,355 899,330 0.97 108.49 Czech Republic (Czechia) 440,568 1,038,074 1,478,197 55,978 526,436 0.57 840.43 Estonia 166,398 282,263 371,462 12,297 346,025 0.37 2,713.90 Georgia 219,224 243,818 239,052 70,237 163,249 0.18 132.43 Hungary 177,973 368,461 479,494 35,104 271,276 0.29 672.78 Kazakhstan 1,254,720 1,340,713 1,333,776 405,180 1,449,382 1.56 257.71 Kyrgyzstan 125,310 143,776 163,369 94,771 220,267 0.24 132.42 Latvia 146,958 237,089 349,194 15,007 269,436 0.29 1,695.40 Lithuania 451,114 881,334 1,065,537 32,075 742,114 0.80 2,213.68 Moldova, Republic of 311,927 462,197 465,368 341,120 724,013 0.78 112.25 Poland 1,025,653 2,835,200 3,968,800 924,118 3,646,795 3.92 294.62 Romania 984,199 1,879,357 2,365,969 703,465 1,830,767 1.97 160.25 Russian Federation 18,986,611 26,529,169 31,114,570 12,670,624 27,134,579 29.14 114.15 Slovakia 320,600 614,284 830,068 25,937 144,096 0.15 455.56 Tajikistan 40,163 44,748 48,360 17,248 56,955 0.06 230.21 Turkmenistan 264,184 176,733 198,548 57,970 63,635 0.07 9.77 Ukraine 3,371,490 3,885,407 4,237,063 4,857,206 9,887,311 10.62 103.56 Uzbekistan 295,737 361,819 438,163 178,493 563,846 0.61 215.89 NORTHERN EUROPE 7,268,806 11,359,013 13,879,893 3,902,912 2,636,073 2.83 -32.46 Channel Islands 28 206 124 48 57 0.00 18.75 Denmark 764,626 1,194,035 1,212,281 113,787 288,961 0.31 153.95 Faeroe Islands 108 356 509 206 455 0.00 120.87 Finland 285,217 442,857 534,952 43,597 99,251 0.11 127.66 Iceland 23,643 27,693 38,534 10,947 14,817 0.02 35.35 Ireland 160,838 231,055 322,409 120,600 1 71,400 0.18 42.12 Isle of Man 20 11 64 15 26 0.00 73.33 Norway 199,140 383,453 578,411 70,255 124,942 0.13 77.84 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 287 474 225 96 1,148 0.00 1,095.83 Sweden 697,268 1,135,051 1,432,305 170,355 394,537 0.42 131.60 United Kingdom 5,137,631 7,943,822 9,760,079 3,373,006 1,540,479 1.65 -54.33 SOUTHERN EUROPE 1,603,810 2,680,731 4,045,318 1,235,628 2,711,255 2.91 119.42 Albania 198,050 269,493 274,765 96,859 216,661 0.23 123.69 Andorra 1,397 1,932 1,997 761 1,587 0.00 108.54 Bosnia and Herzegovina 165,962 274,427 344,494 161,510 386,199 0.41 139.12 Croatia 36,230 78,013 118,081 33,611 68,489 0.07 103.77 Gibraltar 276 351 231 162 571 0.00 252.47 Greece 181,054 248,059 469,069 87,925 140,868 0.15 60.21 Holy See 26 54 83 26 142 0.00 446.15 Italy 345,897 490,563 803,372 177,134 325,077 0.35 83.52 Malta 4,813 8,749 12,559 5,057 14,864 0.02 193.93 Montenegro 6,754 14,393 15,685 7,598 16,924 0.02 122.74 North Macedonia 152,354 252,054 298,104 148,433 326,186 0.35 119.75 Portugal 41,800 74,135 118,174 27,844 61,929 0.07 122.41 San Marino 164 348 790 53 204 0.00 284.91 Serbia 224,713 442,919 676,969 310,140 725,539 0.78 133.94 Slovenia 40,757 98,594 134,312 22,134 55,967 0.06 152.86 Spain 203,563 426,647 776,633 156,381 370,048 0.40 136.63 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI: 1012 COUNTRY TABLES TURKIYE 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 21,103,752 29,587,241 34,911,731 5,942,599 20,083,949 21.57 237.97 Austria 274,201 458,995 628,242 97,306 343,080 0.37 252.58 Belgium 1,201,117 1,637,034 1,891,01 7 159,981 700,761 0.75 338.03 France 886,253 1,377,161 1,832,177 578,368 1,414,103 1.52 144.50 Germany 16,029,568 21,974,476 25,705,974 4,335,414 15,317,602 16.45 253.31 Liechtenstein 1,268 1,656 2,586 976 1,595 0.00 63.42 Luxembourg 23,133 34,851 51,080 6,149 65,393 0.07 963.47 Monaco 1,725 3,226 4,208 1,103 1,856 0.00 68.27 Netherlands 2,164,625 3,315,063 3,830,642 313,526 1,437,268 1.54 358.42 Switzerland 521,862 784,779 965,805 449,776 802,291 0.86 78.38 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 973,969 1,313,220 1,662,335 429,355 892,131 0.96 107.78 Cyprus 40,502 28,193 28,265 10,206 12,365 0.01 21.15 Israel 933,467 1,285,027 1,634,070 419,149 879,766 0.94 109.89 OTHER EUROPE 160,987 321,572 325,464 136,033 290,166 0.31 113.31 Other countries of Europe 160,987 321,572 325,464 136,033 290,166 0.31 113.31 MIDDLE EAST 8,431,489 10,324,539 10,648,630 3,371,992 8,095,506 8.69 140.08 Bahrain 210,677 270,423 294,298 78,302 305,225 0.33 289.80 Egypt 254,233 329,659 375,702 147,028 366,854 0.39 149.51 Iraq 2,000,426 2,388,523 2,479,936 642,851 1,909,862 2.05 197.09 Jordan 695,294 977,436 1,120,635 238,017 1,097,584 1.18 361.14 Kuwait 797,611 939,130 1,228,051 499,451 1,257,596 1.35 151.80 Lebanon 548,655 809,000 956,324 207,709 538,576 0.58 159.29 Libya 243,592 482,944 706,658 642,366 821,448 0.88 27.88 Oman 73,745 142,537 227,736 53,875 261,518 0.28 385.42 Qatar 195,836 397,167 470,170 201,394 594,165 0.64 195.03 Saudi Arabia 2,318,068 2,541,466 1,771,961 298,569 78,061 0.08 -73.85 State of Palestine 56,238 72,333 89,550 20,449 84,166 0.09 311.59 Syrian Arab Republic 559,147 500,967 484,738 231,739 410,372 0.44 77.08 United Arab Emirates 220,786 200,331 188,260 35,097 264,435 0.28 653.44 Yemen 84,220 91,341 76,613 33,248 51,672 0.06 55.41 Other countries of Middle East 172,961 181,282 1 77,998 41,897 53,972 0.06 28.82 SOUTH ASIA 4,632,614 3,929,356 4,141,101 760,930 2,679,030 2.88 252.07 Afghanistan 58,018 64,347 74,970 37,883 89,762 0.10 136.95 Bangladesh 14,740 21,904 39,644 7,869 18,365 0.02 133.38 Bhutan 147 306 395 59 154 0.00 161.02 India 205,922 377,148 609,630 107,338 209,574 0.23 95.25 Iran, Islamic Republic of 4,158,757 3,181,296 3,102,823 464,531 2,047,156 2.20 340.69 Maldives 972 1,355 1,568 1,313 6,103 0.01 364.81 Nepal 2,368 4,800 4,044 3,375 13,713 0.01 306.31 Pakistan 188,519 273,310 298,222 136,899 291,382 0.31 112.84 Sri Lanka 2,914 4,378 9,632 1,569 2,663 0.00 69.73 Other countries of South Asia 257 512 173 94 158 0.00 68.09 NOT SPECIFIED 162,544 340,577 295,133 70,371 138,793 0.15 97.23 Other countries of the world 162,544 340,577 295,133 70,371 138,793 0.15 97.23 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1013 COUNTRY TABLES TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS / ILES TURQUES ET CAIQUES / ISLAS TURCAS Y CAICOS 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 416,434 441,344 486,739 164,539 AMERICAS 399,409 418,755 459,312 158,737 CARIBBEAN 19,013 10,395 7,348 1,288 All countries of the Caribbean 19,013 10,395 7,348 1,288 NORTH AMERICA 378,586 401,180 442,672 155,280 Canada 36,266 37,708 45,125 16,926 United States of America 342,320 363,472 397,547 138,354 SOUTH AMERICA 1,810 7,180 9,292 2,169 All countries of South America 1,810 7,180 9,292 2,169 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,065 2,034 335 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,065 2,034 335 All countries of Asia 1,065 2,034 335 EUROPE 12,398 18,247 21,897 4,695 OTHER EUROPE 12,398 18,247 21,897 4,695 All countries of Europe 12,398 18,247 21,897 4,695 NOT SPECIFIED 4,627 3,277 3,496 772 Other countries of the world 4,627 3,277 3,496 772 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1014 COUNTRY TABLES TUVALU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,531 3,099 3,672 601 38 100.00 -93.68 AFRICA 13 18 5 EAST AFRICA 7 5 British Indian Ocean Territory 1 Kenya 1 1 Malawi 1 Uganda 3 2 Zimbabwe 2 1 NORTH AFRICA 1 1 Algeria 1 Morocco 1 SOUTHERN AFRICA 4 8 2 South Africa 4 8 2 WEST AFRICA 2 4 2 Burkina Faso 1 3 Ghana 1 1 Nigeria 2 AMERICAS 163 261 316 44 CARIBBEAN 6 British Virgin Islands 1 Cuba 3 Jamaica 1 Netherlands Antilles 2 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1 Trinidad and Tobago 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 1 2 2 El Salvador 2 Nicaragua 1 Panama 2 NORTH AMERICA 163 244 292 40 Canada 25 27 41 7 Mexico 3 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 4 United States of America 138 209 242 32 Hawaii, United States of America 1 Other countries of North America 3 5 1 SOUTH AMERICA 13 16 2 Argentina 1 1 Brazil 7 8 1 Chile 3 1 Colombia 1 Ecuador 1 1 French Guiana 1 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1015 COUNTRY TABLES TUVALU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,953 2,471 2,914 464 26 68.42 -94.40 NORHT-EAST ASIA 195 530 590 67 5 13.16 -92.54 China 61 116 179 15 5 13.16 -66.67 Hong Kong, China 4 2 Japan 134 145 156 26 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 121 131 17 Korea, Republic of 47 2 Mongolia 2 Taiwan Province of China 97 118 9 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 172 185 18 Cambodia 2 Indonesia 63 80 5 Malaysia 9 5 1 Philippines 45 70 12 Singapore 4 9 Thailand 34 6 Viet Nam 17 13 AUSTRALASIA 535 762 1,108 140 5 13.16 -96.43 Australia 320 376 647 81 3 7.89 -96.30 New Zealand 215 386 461 59 2 5.26 -96.61 MELANESIA 734 660 185 6 15.79 -96.76 Fiji 590 556 132 5 13.16 -96.21 New Caledonia 1 8 Papua New Guinea 73 43 34 Solomon Islands 50 35 13 1 2.63 -92.31 Vanuatu 20 18 6 MICRONESIA 155 282 38 7 18.42 -81.58 Christmas Island, Australia 1 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 2 2 Kiribati 140 236 29 7 18.42 -75.86 Marshall Islands 2 8 Micronesia, Federated States of 9 1 Nauru 11 22 7 Palau 4 1 POLYNESIA 118 89 16 3 7.89 -81.25 American Samoa 4 French Polynesia 1 Samoa 26 44 4 2 5.26 -50.00 Tokelau 1 Tonga 33 38 5 1 2.63 -80.00 Wallis and Futuna Islands 1 Other countries of Polynesia 53 6 7 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,223 Other countries of Asia 322 All countries of Oceania 901 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1016 COUNTRY TABLES TUVALU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 246 307 382 76 3 7.89 -96.05 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 38 44 18 Belarus 1 2 1 Bulgaria 1 Estonia 3 3 1 Georgia 1 Hungary 1 3 Latvia 1 2 Lithuania 1 Poland 6 19 2 Romania 9 6 Russian Federation 6 3 7 Ukraine 3 Uzbekistan 2 Other countries Central/East Europe 7 5 4 NORTHERN EUROPE 59 111 173 29 1 2.63 -96.55 Denmark 7 6 6 Finland 1 15 3 Iceland 1 1 Ireland 4 9 Norway 7 16 4 Sweden 4 5 United Kingdom 59 87 122 15 1 2.63 -93.33 SOUTHERN EUROPE 54 44 5 Croatia 2 1 1 Greece 7 5 Italy 13 19 North Macedonia 1 Portugal 4 1 Serbia 2 Slovenia 4 Spain 27 14 2 WESTERN EUROPE 102 118 24 2 5.26 -91.67 Austria 5 12 Belgium 3 12 2 France 15 25 4 2 5.26 -50.00 Germany 43 50 12 Netherlands 11 3 3 Switzerland 25 16 3 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 2 3 Israel 2 Turkiye 2 1 OTHER EUROPE 187 Other countries of Europe 187 MIDDLE EAST 3 Egypt 1 Kuwait 1 United Arab Emirates 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1017 COUNTRY TABLES TUVALU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 47 39 12 1 2.63 -91.67 Bangladesh 2 2 Bhutan 2 1 India 31 22 11 1 2.63 -90.91 Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 Maldives 1 1 Nepal 1 2 Pakistan 3 3 Sri Lanka 9 6 NOT SPECIFIED 169 8 21.05 Other countries of the world 169 Nationals residing abroad 8 21.05 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1018 COUNTRY TABLES UGANDA / OUGANDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,402,409 1,505,669 1,542,620 473,085 512,945 100.00 8.43 AFRICA 1,124,648 1,044,227 420,115 459,359 89.55 9.34 EAST AFRICA 940,866 395,350 426,288 83.11 7.83 British Indian Ocean Territory 10 26 0.01 Burundi 45,387 13,765 9,892 1.93 -28.14 Comoros 249 278 0.05 Djibouti 231 139 0.03 Eritrea 7,467 9,823 16,266 3.17 65.59 Ethiopia 8,722 2,179 2,827 0.55 29.74 Kenya 334,788 321,770 345,684 67.39 7.43 Madagascar 545 65 0.01 Malawi 1,507 501 544 0.11 8.58 Mauritius 1,513 113 0.02 Mozambique 258 56 0.01 Reunion 5 Rwanda 441,994 22,660 25,399 4.95 12.09 Seychelles 35 28 0.01 Somalia 3,391 1,148 1,762 0.34 53.48 Tanzania, United Republic of 89,253 21,883 20,803 4.06 -4.94 Zambia 1,875 586 960 0.19 63.82 Zimbabwe 3,636 1,035 1,446 0.28 39.71 CENTRAL AFRICA 111,413 3,644 6,108 1.19 67.62 Angola 135 88 0.02 Cameroon 1,063 291 0.06 Central African Republic 132 47 0.01 Chad 10,917 43 0.01 Congo 6 66 0.01 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 99,096 3,644 5,524 1.08 51.59 Equatorial Guinea 5 18 0.00 Gabon 54 29 0.01 Sao Tome and Principe 5 2 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 38,716 13,105 20,638 4.02 57.48 Algeria 152 81 0.02 Morocco 1,386 70 0.01 South Sudan 36,062 12,120 19,211 3.75 58.51 Sudan 791 985 1,157 0.23 17.46 Tunisia 325 119 0.02 SOUTHERN AFRICA 21,866 2,315 2,136 0.42 -7.73 Botswana 429 190 0.04 Eswatini 204 75 0.01 Lesotho 264 33 0.01 Namibia 417 34 0.01 South Africa 20,552 2,315 1,804 0.35 -22.07 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1019 COUNTRY TABLES UGANDA / OUGANDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 11,787 2,599 3,961 0.77 52.40 Benin 261 50 0.01 Burkina Faso 295 95 0.02 Cabo Verde 10 1 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 374 88 0.02 Gambia 263 108 0.02 Ghana 2,630 626 982 0.19 56.87 Guinea 221 55 0.01 Guinea-Bissau 28 5 0.00 Liberia 387 172 0.03 Mali 485 116 0.02 Mauritania 74 11 0.00 Niger 124 29 0.01 Nigeria 5,276 1,973 1,866 0.36 -5.42 Saint Helena 118 Senegal 392 47 0.01 Sierra Leone 695 300 0.06 Togo 154 36 0.01 OTHER AFRICA 1,044,227 3,102 228 0.04 -92.65 Other countries of Africa 3,102 228 0.04 -92.65 All countries of Africa 1,044,227 AMERICAS 77,852 150,440 11,776 9,651 1.88 -18.05 CARIBBEAN 638 181 0.04 Anguilla 5 Antigua and Barbuda 22 7 0.00 Aruba 5 Bahamas 62 13 0.00 Barbados 16 10 0.00 Bonaire 17 Cuba 40 25 0.00 Curacao 2 Dominica 36 24 0.00 Dominican Republic 69 Grenada 7 6 0.00 Guadeloupe 61 Haiti 128 28 0.01 Jamaica 73 46 0.01 Montserrat 2 Saba 8 Saint Lucia 11 1 0.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 26 2 0.00 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 5 Trinidad and Tobago 39 19 0.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 1 United States Virgin Islands 3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 102C COUNTRY TABLES UGANDA/OUGANDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 387 58 0.01 Belize 24 7 0.00 Costa Rica 79 19 0.00 El Salvador 43 9 0.00 Guatemala 179 5 0.00 Honduras 30 10 0.00 Nicaragua 13 3 0.00 Panama 19 5 0.00 NORTH AMERICA 75,241 9,112 9,099 1.77 -0.14 Canada 13,109 2,012 1,449 0.28 -27.98 Greenland 5 Mexico 214 79 0.02 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 32 United States of America 61,775 7,100 7,571 1.48 6.63 Hawaii, United States of America 106 SOUTH AMERICA 1,586 313 0.06 Argentina 98 50 0.01 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 47 14 0.00 Brazil 440 113 0.02 Chile 80 14 0.00 Colombia 130 49 0.01 Ecuador 67 8 0.00 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 8 French Guiana 1 1 0.00 Guyana 13 Paraguay 8 1 0.00 Peru 184 31 0.01 Suriname 35 Uruguay 457 22 0.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 18 10 0.00 OTHER AMERICAS 150,440 2,664 Other countries of the Americas 2,664 All countries of the Americas 150,440 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 32,029 30,960 8,069 5,700 1.11 -29.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 22,866 4,955 4,687 0.91 -5.41 China 16,842 3,824 3,977 0.78 4.00 Hong Kong, China 353 Japan 2,678 489 229 0.04 -53.17 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 720 4 0.00 Korea, Republic of 2,076 642 417 0.08 -35.05 Macao, China 14 Mongolia 103 34 0.01 Taiwan Province of China 80 26 0.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 102' COUNTRY TABLES UGANDA / OUGANDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 2,332 580 0.11 Brunei Darussalam 3 0.00 Cambodia 100 1 0.00 Indonesia 257 128 0.02 Lao People's Democratic Republic 17 Malaysia 380 86 0.02 Myanmar 164 2 0.00 Philippines 1,012 250 0.05 Singapore 140 40 0.01 Thailand 153 29 0.01 Timor-Leste 38 6 0.00 Viet Nam 71 35 0.01 AUSTRALASIA 5,879 964 388 0.08 -59.75 Australia 5,059 857 319 0.06 -62.78 New Zealand 820 107 69 0.01 -35.51 MELANESIA 208 43 0.01 Fiji 157 31 0.01 New Caledonia 16 Norfolk Island 12 Papua New Guinea 5 Solomon Islands 5 5 0.00 Vanuatu 13 7 0.00 MICRONESIA 137 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 53 Guam 2 Johnston Island 5 Marshall Islands 3 Micronesia, Federated States of 18 Midway Islands 14 Northern Mariana Islands 17 Palau 2 Wake Island 23 POLYNESIA 607 2 0.00 American Samoa 2 Cook Islands 21 French Polynesia 484 Pitcairn 19 Samoa 64 Tokelau 6 Tonga 1 2 0.00 Tuvalu 10 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 30,960 2,150 Other countries of Asia 2,056 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 30,960 Other countries of Oceania 94 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1022 COUNTRY TABLES UGANDA/OUGANDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 108,548 248,800 18,112 16,329 3.18 -9.84 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 7,527 1,448 1,565 0.31 8.08 Armenia 17 2 0.00 Azerbaijan 10 11 0.00 Belarus 56 80 0.02 Bulgaria 172 54 0.01 Czech Republic (Czechia) 533 124 125 0.02 0.81 Estonia 46 31 0.01 Georgia 14 4 0.00 Hungary 154 35 0.01 Kazakhstan 35 24 0.00 Kyrgyzstan 38 25 0.00 Latvia 76 45 0.01 Lithuania 311 35 0.01 Moldova, Republic of 29 12 0.00 Poland 561 124 0.02 Romania 577 137 0.03 Russian Federation 3,035 711 565 0.11 -20.53 Slovakia 73 21 0.00 Tajikistan 41 15 0.00 Turkmenistan 17 4 0.00 Ukraine 1,684 613 210 0.04 -65.74 Uzbekistan 48 6 0.00 NORTHERN EUROPE 51,098 8,128 6,187 1.21 -23.88 Channel Islands 16 Denmark 6,493 625 440 0.09 -29.60 Faeroe Islands 36 Finland 421 143 99 0.02 -30.77 Iceland 71 20 0.00 Ireland 1,351 527 557 0.11 5.69 Isle of Man 16 Norway 3,004 501 396 0.08 -20.96 Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 5 Sweden 6,121 851 693 0.14 -18.57 United Kingdom 33,564 5,481 3,982 0.78 -27.35 SOUTHERN EUROPE 10,884 890 1,535 0.30 72.47 Albania 25 6 0.00 Andorra 8 1 0.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 171 32 0.01 Croatia 107 21 0.00 Gibraltar 5 Greece 275 89 0.02 Holy See 7 5 0.00 Italy 7,377 890 711 0.14 -20.11 Malta 27 18 0.00 North Macedonia 14 Portugal 368 255 0.05 San Marino 2 Serbia and Montenegro 489 113 0.02 Slovenia 61 15 0.00 Spain 1,892 255 0.05 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 56 14 0.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1023 COUNTRY TABLES UGANDA / OUGANDA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 35,110 5,743 5,542 1.08 -3.50 Austria 3,035 227 175 0.03 -22.91 Belgium 5,996 682 612 0.12 -10.26 France 5,604 1,059 1,184 0.23 11.80 Germany 8,273 1,774 1,678 0.33 -5.41 Luxembourg 89 16 0.00 Monaco 6 Netherlands 9,955 1,638 1,414 0.28 -13.68 Switzerland 2,152 363 463 0.09 27.55 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 3,929 1,713 1,380 0.27 -19.44 Cyprus 97 57 0.01 Israel 2,427 369 203 0.04 -44.99 Turkiye 1,405 1,344 1,120 0.22 -16.67 OTHER EUROPE 248,800 190 120 0.02 -36.84 Other countries of Europe 190 120 0.02 -36.84 All countries of Europe 248,800 MIDDLE EAST 12,605 29,858 2,293 2,314 0.45 0.92 Bahrain 117 1 0.00 Egypt 3,196 1,054 1,215 0.24 15.28 Iraq 44 10 0.00 Jordan 595 64 0.01 Kuwait 387 14 0.00 Lebanon 605 379 0.07 Libya 102 112 0.02 Oman 704 26 0.01 Qatar 424 3 0.00 Saudi Arabia 368 278 0.05 State of Palestine 81 Syrian Arab Republic 82 87 0.02 United Arab Emirates 5,755 31 0.01 Yemen 145 94 0.02 Other countries of Middle East 1,239 All countries of Middle East 29,858 SOUTH ASIA 46,000 11,560 15,546 3.03 34.48 Afghanistan 179 33 0.01 Bangladesh 4,618 353 0.07 Bhutan 128 21 0.00 India 35,681 10,223 12,644 2.46 23.68 Iran, Islamic Republic of 256 243 0.05 Maldives 47 Nepal 1,392 211 0.04 Pakistan 2,379 1,337 1,789 0.35 33.81 Sri Lanka 1,320 252 0.05 NOT SPECIFIED 727 1,505,669 38,335 1,160 4,046 0.79 248.79 Other countries of the world 727 1,505,669 38,335 1,160 4,046 0.79 248.79 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1024 COUNTRY TABLES UKRAINE / UCRANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 14,229,642 14,104,087 13,437,792 3,141,027 3,973,173 100.00 26.49 AFRICA 52,105 32,531 30,590 14,752 29,154 0.73 97.63 EAST AFRICA 27,635 2,071 1,776 834 1,662 0.04 99.28 British Indian Ocean Territory 9 Burundi 2 6 4 5 12 0.00 140.00 Comoros 16 103 96 44 34 0.00 -22.73 Djibouti 2 7 3 1 3 0.00 200.00 Eritrea 21 9 15 10 6 0.00 -40.00 Ethiopia 155 247 186 199 129 0.00 -35.18 Kenya 290 416 374 119 331 0.01 178.15 Madagascar 37 31 25 9 3 0.00 -66.67 Malawi 11 29 22 12 14 0.00 16.67 Mauritius 121 163 129 23 63 0.00 173.91 Mozambique 26,026 28 38 13 18 0.00 38.46 Rwanda 178 61 117 28 60 0.00 114.29 Seychelles 28 16 11 7 8 0.00 14.29 Somalia 34 70 69 80 382 0.01 377.50 Tanzania, United Republic of 184 203 184 122 305 0.01 150.00 Uganda 100 134 82 32 46 0.00 43.75 Zambia 112 139 104 34 75 0.00 120.59 Zimbabwe 318 399 302 96 173 0.00 80.21 Other countries of East Africa 1 15 CENTRAL AFRICA 1,597 1,846 1,328 753 1,423 0.04 88.98 Angola 405 329 258 80 90 0.00 12.50 Cameroon 586 859 520 359 784 0.02 118.38 Central African Republic 1 4 1 3 0.00 200.00 Chad 7 7 12 4 6 0.00 50.00 Congo 339 297 190 88 151 0.00 71.59 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 221 308 314 202 372 0.01 84.16 Equatorial Guinea 12 7 9 6 2 0.00 -66.67 Gabon 20 32 20 13 13 0.00 Sao Tome and Principe 6 3 5 2 0.00 NORTH AFRICA 13,937 18,134 18,040 9,318 15,932 0.40 70.98 Algeria 1,522 2,213 2,242 1,099 1,742 0.04 58.51 Morocco 9,469 12,568 12,435 6,447 11,326 0.29 75.68 South Sudan 2 11 12 11 6 0.00 -45.45 Sudan 796 804 827 468 720 0.02 53.85 Tunisia 2,147 2,538 2,522 1,293 2,138 0.05 65.35 Western Sahara 1 2 SOUTHERN AFRICA 2,814 1,747 1,722 535 1,028 0.03 92.15 Botswana 15 25 21 9 12 0.00 33.33 Eswatini 40 72 62 17 Lesotho 1,401 4 4 7 4 0.00 -42.86 Namibia 346 320 157 59 100 0.00 69.49 South Africa 1,012 1,326 1,478 443 912 0.02 105.87 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1025 COUNTRY TABLES UKRAINE / UCRANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 6,122 8,733 7,724 3,312 9,109 0.23 175.03 Benin 10 17 31 7 13 0.00 85.71 Burkina Faso 32 28 31 10 32 0.00 220.00 Cabo Verde 180 113 1 1 20 0.00 1,900.00 Cote d'lvoire 223 306 231 113 134 0.00 18.58 Gambia 110 146 45 22 62 0.00 181.82 Ghana 1,381 2,139 1,467 561 799 0.02 42.42 Guinea 240 296 157 79 115 0.00 45.57 Guinea-Bissau 33 44 31 16 5 0.00 -68.75 Liberia 53 66 35 34 54 0.00 58.82 Mali 30 34 44 14 31 0.00 121.43 Mauritania 35 52 102 31 46 0.00 48.39 Niger 18 33 62 15 11 0.00 -26.67 Nigeria 3,585 5,253 5,141 2,311 7,620 0.19 229.73 Saint Helena 1 Senegal 96 97 95 42 102 0.00 142.86 Sierra Leone 79 95 227 48 58 0.00 20.83 Togo 16 14 24 8 7 0.00 -12.50 AMERICAS 197,068 240,731 245,505 55,570 127,669 3.21 129.74 CARIBBEAN 882 1,182 1,356 411 1,168 0.03 184.18 Anguilla 2 5 4 4 0.00 Antigua and Barbuda 22 24 27 18 43 0.00 138.89 Bahamas 7 14 11 6 9 0.00 50.00 Barbados 3 4 2 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Bermuda 1 British Virgin Islands 9 0.00 Cuba 455 539 573 113 226 0.01 100.00 Curacao 2 Dominica 76 133 104 98 270 0.01 175.51 Dominican Republic 64 107 163 48 123 0.00 156.25 Grenada 12 22 14 1 23 0.00 2,200.00 Guadeloupe 50 Haiti 14 17 12 2 24 0.00 1,100.00 Jamaica 41 106 71 30 60 0.00 100.00 Netherlands Antilles 10 19 Puerto Rico 1 0.00 Saint Kitts and Nevis 102 118 196 60 140 0.00 133.33 Saint Lucia 4 5 15 4 183 0.00 4,475.00 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8 19 41 7 24 0.00 242.86 Trinidad and Tobago 33 49 40 8 13 0.00 62.50 United States Virgin Islands 26 37 11 5 0.00 -54.55 Other countries of the Caribbean 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 516 863 579 159 326 0.01 105.03 Belize 3 6 9 23 4 0.00 -82.61 Costa Rica 66 186 133 32 76 0.00 137.50 El Salvador 232 236 99 30 43 0.00 43.33 Guatemala 56 128 89 18 47 0.00 161.11 Honduras 31 87 38 4 27 0.00 575.00 Nicaragua 41 54 60 5 26 0.00 420.00 Panama 87 166 151 47 103 0.00 119.15 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1026 COUNTRY TABLES UKRAINE / UCRANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 185,912 224,444 229,713 51,039 117,802 2.96 130.81 Canada 30,775 37,879 40,128 7,912 14,093 0.35 78.12 Greenland 4 5 Mexico 1,359 2,547 1,928 373 854 0.02 128.95 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1 0.00 United States of America 153,778 184,018 187,653 42,749 102,854 2.59 140.60 SOUTH AMERICA 9,758 14,242 13,856 3,961 8,373 0.21 111.39 Argentina 2,464 3,332 2,989 692 1,074 0.03 55.20 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 78 158 84 13 115 0.00 784.62 Brazil 4,299 6,506 6,333 1,963 3,366 0.08 71.47 Chile 919 1,334 1,452 267 553 0.01 107.12 Colombia 380 615 744 226 1,385 0.03 512.83 Ecuador 693 917 1,002 459 1,140 0.03 148.37 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 7 1 French Guiana 4 Guyana 2 8 3 2 0.00 Paraguay 95 128 115 17 32 0.00 88.24 Peru 522 840 664 209 388 0.01 85.65 Suriname 3 5 4 6 0.00 Uruguay 89 113 174 32 191 0.00 496.88 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 166 223 260 79 116 0.00 46.84 Other countries of South America 37 63 32 3 5 0.00 66.67 OTHER AMERICAS 1 Other countries of the Americas 1 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 62,300 82,622 84,711 20,187 18,519 0.47 -8.26 NORHT-EAST ASIA 46,562 63,098 64,764 14,564 12,807 0.32 -12.06 China 29,561 41,061 42,482 7,549 8,800 0.22 16.57 Hong Kong, China 714 1,817 1,917 238 88 0.00 -63.03 Japan 7,435 10,318 9,784 4,629 1,543 0.04 -66.67 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 240 6 2 18 20 0.00 11.11 Korea, Republic of 7,078 7,880 8,448 1,740 1,921 0.05 10.40 Macao, China 10 22 12 1 0.00 Mongolia 685 856 639 141 195 0.00 38.30 Taiwan Province of China 839 1,138 1,480 249 239 0.01 -4.02 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 8,942 10,757 11,163 3,524 3,451 0.09 -2.07 Brunei Darussalam 5 15 17 1 2 0.00 100.00 Cambodia 33 48 50 6 117 0.00 1,850.00 Indonesia 944 1,331 1,195 367 592 0.01 61.31 Lao People's Democratic Republic 319 31 47 3 3 0.00 Malaysia 436 754 820 137 209 0.01 52.55 Myanmar 204 247 335 143 57 0.00 -60.14 Philippines 1,899 2,816 3,063 1,316 1,493 0.04 13.45 Singapore 472 845 784 106 171 0.00 61.32 Thailand 545 1,212 1,213 262 417 0.01 59.16 Timor-Leste 1 Viet Nam 4,084 3,458 3,639 1,183 390 0.01 -67.03 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1027 COUNTRY TABLES UKRAINE / UCRANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 6,706 8,667 8,659 2,091 2,147 0.05 2.68 Australia 5,743 7,365 7,533 1,909 1,849 0.05 -3.14 New Zealand 963 1,302 1,126 182 298 0.01 63.74 MELANESIA 27 76 28 7 110 0.00 1,471.43 Fiji 20 12 14 1 60 0.00 5,900.00 New Caledonia 3 Papua New Guinea 1 3 3 2 Vanuatu 3 61 11 4 50 0.00 1,150.00 MICRONESIA 62 21 96 1 2 0.00 100.00 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 95 1 Guam 2 0.00 Kiribati 62 21 1 POLYNESIA 1 3 1 2 0.00 Pitcairn 1 Tonga 3 1 2 0.00 EUROPE 13,830,062 13,633,460 12,965,593 3,006,613 3,642,213 91.67 21.14 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 12,557,470 12,173,050 11,459,308 2,594,291 2,842,216 71.54 9.56 Armenia 31,982 31,172 33,578 10,606 24,569 0.62 131.65 Azerbaijan 96,031 93,757 91,756 24,104 43,672 1.10 81.18 Belarus 2,727,645 2,664,239 2,330,910 446,963 247,104 6.22 -44.71 Bulgaria 41,738 44,892 43,930 15,064 21,690 0.55 43.99 Czech Republic (Czechia) 67,680 78,518 81,116 18,110 38,619 0.97 113.25 Estonia 21,313 26,196 27,782 5,348 11,263 0.28 110.60 Georgia 49,205 47,531 48,883 14,831 41,403 1.04 179.17 Hungary 1,119,446 915,566 827,865 216,984 226,294 5.70 4.29 Kazakhstan 41,227 46,898 42,793 10,242 27,898 0.70 172.39 Kyrgyzstan 5,535 6,018 6,382 1,866 3,279 0.08 75.72 Latvia 37,591 42,979 48,855 12,241 21,922 0.55 79.09 Lithuania 75,622 93,230 117,792 29,280 35,528 0.89 21.34 Moldova, Republic of 4,435,664 4,398,556 4,201,974 877,006 993,799 25.01 13.32 Poland 1,144,249 1,096,887 1,114,427 271,289 305,565 7.69 12.63 Romania 791,116 732,377 739,008 221,464 240,134 6.04 8.43 Russian Federation 1,464,764 1,495,650 1,386,643 364,493 496,869 12.51 36.32 Slovakia 366,249 313,891 269,286 37,103 30,789 0.77 -17.02 Tajikistan 7,115 6,237 6,382 1,934 4,592 0.12 137.44 Turkmenistan 10,513 12,629 10,962 4,014 4,797 0.12 19.51 Uzbekistan 22,785 25,827 28,984 11,349 22,430 0.56 97.64 NORTHERN EUROPE 150,013 202,917 235,701 56,316 90,606 2.28 60.89 Denmark 13,180 18,435 30,625 5,189 8,728 0.22 68.20 Finland 10,733 11,252 12,499 2,347 3,511 0.09 49.60 Iceland 1,001 1,097 1,118 267 476 0.01 78.28 Ireland 9,543 11,715 13,941 4,327 7,112 0.18 64.36 Isle of Man 2 Norway 12,394 14,476 14,191 2,763 4,683 0.12 69.49 Sweden 24,554 30,038 34,136 6,967 11,945 0.30 71.45 United Kingdom 78,603 115,889 129,190 34,456 54,151 1.36 57.16 Other countries of Northern Europe 5 13 1 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1028 COUNTRY TABLES UKRAINE / UCRANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 206,187 237,040 237,877 70,567 133,464 3.36 89.13 Albania 1,366 1,654 1,764 529 1,109 0.03 109.64 Andorra 43 106 65 16 43 0.00 168.75 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,739 2,668 2,756 1,113 1,680 0.04 50.94 Croatia 6,555 7,663 8,936 2,289 3,812 0.10 66.54 Greece 18,995 17,168 18,169 5,678 8,536 0.21 50.33 Holy See 41 43 37 14 11 0.00 -21.43 Italy 84,638 97,617 100,067 24,994 55,946 1.41 123.84 Malta 781 1,193 1,337 288 525 0.01 82.29 Montenegro 1,999 1,211 1,152 397 853 0.02 114.86 North Macedonia 4,789 4,445 4,271 2,190 2,477 0.06 13.11 Portugal 19,602 21,699 24,622 7,608 16,578 0.42 117.90 San Marino 70 50 56 7 29 0.00 314.29 Serbia 36,542 38,195 36,194 15,736 17,420 0.44 10.70 Slovenia 6,083 6,547 6,704 1,766 3,420 0.09 93.66 Spain 21,944 36,781 31,747 7,942 21,025 0.53 164.73 WESTERN EUROPE 379,386 417,871 462,977 121,597 259,865 6.54 113.71 Austria 30,936 29,933 38,084 7,435 19,603 0.49 163.66 Belgium 16,619 19,057 24,249 4,973 10,360 0.26 108.32 France 61,000 66,581 68,978 18,202 38,736 0.97 112.81 Germany 209,447 237,266 269,271 73,732 153,567 3.87 108.28 Liechtenstein 93 120 138 20 32 0.00 60.00 Luxembourg 807 888 1,058 305 750 0.02 145.90 Monaco 27 44 55 17 25 0.00 47.06 Netherlands 40,581 42,670 38,921 11,311 24,225 0.61 114.17 Switzerland 19,876 21,312 22,223 5,602 12,567 0.32 124.33 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 537,006 602,582 569,730 163,842 316,062 7.95 92.91 Cyprus 4,825 5,976 6,870 1,724 3,921 0.10 127.44 Israel 261,486 31 7,830 295,155 57,625 132,962 3.35 130.74 Turkiye 270,695 278,776 267,705 104,493 1 79,1 79 4.51 71.47 MIDDLE EAST 45,005 57,867 56,892 22,849 101,761 2.56 345.36 Bahrain 296 493 280 63 1,075 0.03 1,606.35 Egypt 9,940 11,689 14,451 7,746 9,970 0.25 28.71 Iraq 7,089 8,572 7,195 2,942 4,427 0.11 50.48 Jordan 7,672 7,844 7,026 2,030 3,110 0.08 53.20 Kuwait 1,456 2,030 1,686 489 2,705 0.07 453.17 Lebanon 5,748 7,097 6,995 3,370 4,482 0.11 33.00 Libya 2,376 3,350 2,975 1,224 2,301 0.06 87.99 Oman 573 780 544 98 4,243 0.11 4,229.59 Qatar 283 733 1,121 211 1,120 0.03 430.81 Saudi Arabia 2,572 5,334 3,802 475 56,163 1.41 11,723.79 State of Palestine 1,427 1,573 1,460 434 712 0.02 64.06 Syrian Arab Republic 3,350 4,260 4,837 2,554 2,884 0.07 12.92 United Arab Emirates 1,750 3,544 3,835 907 8,017 0.20 783.90 Yemen 473 568 685 306 552 0.01 80.39 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1029 COUNTRY TABLES UKRAINE / UCRANIA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 36,472 49,502 46,900 19,156 50,737 1.28 164.86 Afghanistan 952 1,331 1,416 546 1,463 0.04 167.95 Bangladesh 602 758 567 226 474 0.01 109.73 Bhutan 7 4 17 5 6 0.00 20.00 India 23,173 36,419 34,534 14,056 39,710 1.00 182.51 Iran, Islamic Republic of 9,262 8,415 7,438 2,805 4,915 0.12 75.22 Maldives 96 141 142 58 107 0.00 84.48 Nepal 165 200 298 164 847 0.02 416.46 Pakistan 1,829 1,809 2,071 1,118 2,983 0.08 166.82 Sri Lanka 386 425 417 178 232 0.01 30.34 NOT SPECIFIED 6,630 7,374 7,601 1,900 3,120 0.08 64.21 Other countries of the world 6,630 7,374 7,601 1,900 3,120 0.08 64.21 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1030 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 21,804,665 23,092,384 25,281,572 8,084,236 AFRICA 1,012,750 1,196,086 1,369,643 502,098 EAST AFRICA 349,660 407,931 442,544 168,230 Burundi 3,361 4,342 5,546 2,041 Comoros 4,431 4,352 4,652 2,340 Djibouti 4,090 3,891 3,990 1,908 Eritrea 39,004 38,735 32,731 4,795 Ethiopia 83,249 110,811 132,895 73,951 Kenya 59,728 64,167 68,691 19,114 Madagascar 1,693 3,012 3,435 927 Mauritius 18,782 26,058 28,027 6,543 Mozambique 3,296 3,298 3,517 1,467 Rwanda 6,968 7,154 8,857 4,116 Seychelles 16,191 17,513 1 7,850 3,295 Somalia 575 325 197 61 Tanzania, United Republic of 38,530 39,862 37,655 12,988 Uganda 43,459 51,325 63,313 25,779 Zambia 10,585 11,441 10,473 3,066 Zimbabwe 15,718 21,645 20,715 5,839 CENTRAL AFRICA 62,228 73,260 80,873 34,597 Cameroon 23,181 27,528 31,777 12,413 Central African Republic 292 344 402 241 Chad 5,364 4,734 4,995 2,983 Congo 4,876 4,355 4,371 1,837 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 24,659 31,651 34,517 15,039 Equatorial Guinea 112 321 462 251 Gabon 3,706 4,271 4,304 1,818 Sao Tome and Principe 38 56 45 15 NORTH AFRICA 261,556 308,465 342,247 139,577 Algeria 60,830 79,386 101,764 29,292 Morocco 52,935 59,614 69,298 23,476 South Sudan 996 1,206 2,063 940 Sudan 135,713 151,483 147,426 77,627 Tunisia 11,082 16,776 21,696 8,242 SOUTHERN AFRICA 111,095 120,395 127,079 32,495 Botswana 1,193 1,448 1,661 319 Eswatini 627 564 671 155 Lesotho 271 346 324 85 Namibia 789 709 842 187 South Africa 108,215 117,328 123,581 31,749 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1031 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 228,211 286,035 376,900 127,199 Benin 2,213 2,205 2,792 1,190 Burkina Faso 3,353 3,276 3,315 1,464 Cabo Verde 102 149 164 51 Cote d'lvoire 9,128 11,402 13,089 4,316 Gambia 2,340 2,403 2,495 881 Ghana 34,976 39,473 45,684 15,846 Guinea 3,866 4,549 5,365 2,501 Guinea-Bissau 291 261 213 91 Liberia 538 742 1,147 550 Mali 10,674 11,108 11,493 5,725 Mauritania 4,430 4,685 4,344 1,567 Niger 4,615 4,491 4,778 2,080 Nigeria 134,037 179,663 261,008 82,948 Saint Helena 3 1 Senegal 14,516 1 7,962 15,962 5,331 Sierra Leone 1,528 1,711 2,612 1,668 Togo 1,604 1,955 2,436 989 AMERICAS 1,185,509 1,208,270 1,244,971 363,702 CARIBBEAN 21,976 21,548 22,655 7,413 Anguilla 13,074 10,838 10,240 1,989 Antigua and Barbuda 262 308 308 179 Bahamas 292 566 561 131 Barbados 375 383 470 100 Bermuda 17 46 102 3 Cayman Islands 11 5 29 Cuba 499 641 940 864 Dominica 788 1,501 1,777 1,436 Dominican Republic 1,911 2,347 2,343 587 Grenada 261 283 305 191 Haiti 192 243 326 78 Jamaica 942 1,053 1,279 336 Martinique 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,199 1,229 1,388 920 Saint Lucia 124 171 214 78 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 82 80 123 19 Trinidad and Tobago 1,947 1,854 2,250 501 CENTRAL AMERICA 4,572 5,685 6,504 2,322 Belize 184 173 206 41 Costa Rica 1,170 1,692 2,187 853 El Salvador 552 572 548 173 Guatemala 628 955 1,086 250 Honduras 730 704 941 298 Nicaragua 185 254 171 43 Panama 1,123 1,335 1,365 664 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1032 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 1,001,173 1,001,056 1,027,952 296,777 Canada 210,897 197,828 208,668 68,753 Mexico 1 7,908 24,383 30,375 10,524 United States of America 772,368 778,845 788,909 217,500 SOUTH AMERICA 157,788 179,981 187,860 57,190 Argentina 44,285 45,842 27,313 7,884 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,521 1,744 2,251 371 Brazil 81,575 89,398 109,522 36,099 Chile 3,910 8,374 9,728 3,074 Colombia 12,513 18,327 21,085 5,361 Ecuador 2,715 3,912 4,691 779 Guyana 199 297 331 93 Paraguay 1,224 1,209 1,446 346 Peru 2,774 3,778 3,773 1,068 Suriname 318 426 488 69 Uruguay 2,493 2,586 3,154 889 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,261 4,088 4,078 1,157 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,203,374 2,263,330 2,474,074 550,785 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,133,838 1,223,856 1,402,254 266,336 China 798,929 879,172 1,039,873 182,601 Hong Kong, China 32,381 38,004 40,705 8,321 Japan 101,910 112,096 118,020 28,111 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 110 84 335 11 Korea, Republic of 166,777 157,494 167,111 39,287 Macao, China 964 929 1,298 254 Mongolia 1,456 1,812 1,863 616 Taiwan Province of China 31,311 34,265 33,049 7,135 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 659,932 660,118 701,337 208,199 Brunei Darussalam 4,295 4,595 4,846 1,039 Cambodia 3,508 4,632 4,269 888 Indonesia 58,853 62,816 84,561 45,909 Lao People's Democratic Republic 556 454 506 70 Malaysia 71,782 67,035 75,324 16,755 Myanmar 6,835 6,394 6,672 2,455 Philippines 395,577 391,602 394,191 108,790 Singapore 42,759 43,479 46,092 8,735 Thailand 35,303 34,383 40,640 11,598 Timor-Leste 65 39 80 9 Viet Nam 37,259 41,120 40,158 10,520 Other countries of South-East Asia 3,140 3,569 3,998 1,431 AUSTRALASIA 408,187 377,950 368,620 75,683 Australia 345,260 318,042 310,114 66,011 New Zealand 62,927 59,908 58,506 9,672 MELANESIA 1,062 1,099 1,365 499 Fiji 859 878 926 239 Papua New Guinea 71 92 180 31 Solomon Islands 22 18 52 8 Vanuatu 110 111 207 221 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1033 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MICRONESIA 96 139 275 35 Kiribati 36 35 59 10 Marshall Islands 11 8 30 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 3 8 15 2 Nauru 16 9 35 13 Palau 30 79 136 8 POLYNESIA 259 168 223 33 French Polynesia 1 Samoa 175 88 94 19 Tonga 49 62 99 10 Tuvalu 35 17 30 4 EUROPE 5,653,158 5,943,169 6,256,363 2,222,680 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,404,394 1,706,246 1,884,293 744,242 Armenia 21,499 19,772 18,898 7,368 Azerbaijan 28,733 28,914 28,120 8,421 Belarus 14,480 15,819 19,256 8,145 Bulgaria 29,827 31,798 31,737 12,073 Czech Republic 80,266 83,601 83,549 21,332 Estonia 10,054 10,863 12,142 4,916 Georgia 8,911 8,974 8,386 3,239 Hungary 41,709 42,188 47,237 16,649 Kazakhstan 97,883 146,668 171,061 81,325 Kyrgyzstan 15,717 17,138 17,513 10,472 Latvia 10,282 12,132 12,970 5,039 Lithuania 14,422 15,837 1 7,289 7,451 Moldova, Republic of 3,515 3,571 3,471 1,289 Poland 116,931 111,342 116,609 42,386 Romania 70,264 82,146 91,475 36,574 Russian Federation 635,861 833,597 902,976 348,975 Slovakia 34,329 34,842 34,731 8,591 Tajikistan 13,032 13,582 14,745 8,368 Turkmenistan 34,126 28,271 39,091 5,420 Ukraine 87,156 128,355 160,418 76,895 Uzbekistan 35,397 36,836 52,619 29,314 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,922,313 1,814,015 1,802,846 558,881 Denmark 73,726 70,377 70,801 25,633 Faeroe Islands 1 Finland 60,629 60,972 54,767 17,127 Iceland 2,175 2,421 2,304 762 Ireland 98,155 93,064 92,370 28,234 Norway 46,989 46,505 46,738 13,718 Sweden 127,665 118,633 110,869 37,589 United Kingdom 1,512,974 1,422,042 1,424,997 435,818 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1034 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTHERN EUROPE 583,488 601,836 658,156 230,216 Albania 2,690 3,162 3,794 1,500 Andorra 339 329 353 115 Bosnia and Herzegovina 9,217 9,852 9,338 2,498 Croatia 17,100 1 7,203 17,305 6,099 Greece 38,902 38,139 37,896 13,085 Holy See 12 19 71 3 Italy 292,892 304,108 325,514 110,508 Malta 5,191 5,475 5,259 1,488 Montenegro 1,867 2,198 2,338 1,244 North Macedonia 8,079 8,590 8,014 2,181 Portugal 52,449 54,231 62,952 20,680 San Marino 196 232 283 56 Serbia 1 7,058 17,287 21,624 9,893 Slovenia 9,838 10,286 11,402 3,995 Spain 121,245 123,406 145,117 55,003 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 4 3 1 Other countries of Southern Europe 6,409 7,316 6,895 1,868 WESTERN EUROPE 1,631,125 1,717,841 1,810,321 629,934 Austria 75,811 77,976 82,032 28,781 Belgium 78,107 82,156 90,740 38,145 France 368,465 420,776 463,184 196,329 Germany 799,008 825,316 862,330 264,555 Liechtenstein 662 754 648 148 Luxembourg 5,403 6,521 7,780 2,317 Monaco 307 495 371 135 Netherlands 176,905 177,102 177,587 63,992 Switzerland 126,457 126,745 125,649 35,532 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 111,838 103,231 100,747 59,407 Cyprus 10,482 12,271 11,083 3,597 Israel 24,633 Turkiye 101,356 90,960 89,664 31,177 MIDDLE EAST 7,597,560 8,056,157 9,368,065 2,504,310 Bahrain 227,424 213,116 214,284 54,005 Egypt 310,060 341,718 371,962 248,152 Iraq 94,327 108,270 124,417 60,706 Jordan 180,693 172,730 172,762 74,695 Kuwait 478,049 412,160 389,803 101,625 Lebanon 134,974 128,126 129,867 52,729 Libya 1,148 1,575 1,998 649 Oman 4,01 7,275 4,526,895 5,862,816 1,322,664 Qatar 133,063 5,554 6,660 1,739 Saudi Arabia 1,934,346 2,055,305 1,956,156 528,737 State of Palestine 13,325 16,713 23,588 9,197 Syrian Arab Republic 50,281 52,061 72,787 33,304 Yemen 22,595 21,934 40,965 16,108 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1035 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH ASIA 4,152,187 4,425,281 4,568,414 1,940,632 Afghanistan 35,605 46,643 78,876 41,442 Bangladesh 32,656 138,470 164,696 66,327 Bhutan 410 404 671 130 India 2,616,597 2,893,917 2,974,058 1,275,364 Iran, Islamic Republic of 520,431 331,217 307,245 53,981 Maldives 3,580 3,199 4,527 2,250 Nepal 58,669 63,371 56,652 29,772 Pakistan 795,204 853,836 875,231 436,430 Sri Lanka 89,035 94,224 106,458 34,936 NOT SPECIFIED 127 91 42 29 Other countries of the world 127 91 42 29 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 19,031,923 20,022,643 21,481,820 7,132,843 AFRICA 972,238 1,148,245 1,314,854 482,008 EAST AFRICA 335,674 391,614 424,841 161,498 Burundi 3,227 4,168 5,324 1,959 Comoros 4,254 4,178 4,466 2,246 Djibouti 3,926 3,735 3,830 1,832 Eritrea 37,444 37,186 31,422 4,603 Ethiopia 79,919 106,379 127,579 70,993 Kenya 57,339 61,600 65,943 18,349 Madagascar 1,625 2,892 3,298 890 Mauritius 18,031 25,016 26,906 6,281 Mozambique 3,164 3,166 3,376 1,408 Rwanda 6,689 6,868 8,503 3,951 Seychelles 15,543 16,812 17,136 3,163 Somalia 552 312 189 59 Tanzania, United Republic of 36,989 38,268 36,149 12,468 Uganda 41,721 49,272 60,780 24,748 Zambia 10,162 10,983 10,054 2,943 Zimbabwe 15,089 20,779 19,886 5,605 CENTRAL AFRICA 59,739 70,330 77,638 33,212 Cameroon 22,254 26,427 30,506 11,916 Central African Republic 280 330 386 231 Chad 5,149 4,545 4,795 2,864 Congo 4,681 4,181 4,196 1,764 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 23,673 30,385 33,136 14,437 Equatorial Guinea 108 308 444 241 Gabon 3,558 4,100 4,132 1,745 Sao Tome and Principe 36 54 43 14 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1036 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AFRICA 251,094 296,127 328,556 133,993 Algeria 58,397 76,211 97,693 28,120 Morocco 50,818 57,229 66,526 22,537 South Sudan 956 1,158 1,980 902 Sudan 130,284 145,424 141,529 74,522 Tunisia 10,639 16,105 20,828 7,912 SOUTHERN AFRICA 106,650 115,579 121,996 31,196 Botswana 1,145 1,390 1,595 306 Eswatini 602 541 644 149 Lesotho 260 332 311 82 Namibia 757 681 808 180 South Africa 103,886 112,635 118,638 30,479 WEST AFRICA 219,081 274,595 361,823 122,109 Benin 2,124 2,117 2,680 1,142 Burkina Faso 3,219 3,145 3,182 1,405 Cabo Verde 98 143 157 49 Cote d'lvoire 8,763 10,946 12,565 4,143 Gambia 2,246 2,307 2,395 846 Ghana 33,577 37,894 43,857 15,212 Guinea 3,711 4,367 5,150 2,401 Guinea-Bissau 279 251 204 87 Liberia 516 712 1,101 528 Mali 10,247 10,664 11,033 5,496 Mauritania 4,253 4,498 4,170 1,504 Niger 4,430 4,311 4,587 1,997 Nigeria 128,676 172,476 250,568 79,630 Saint Helena 3 1 Senegal 13,935 1 7,244 15,324 5,118 Sierra Leone 1,467 1,643 2,508 1,601 Togo 1,540 1,877 2,339 949 AMERICAS 1,138,089 1,159,940 1,195,171 349,153 CARIBBEAN 21,097 20,686 21,748 7,117 Anguilla 12,551 10,404 9,830 1,909 Antigua and Barbuda 252 296 296 172 Bahamas 280 543 539 126 Barbados 360 368 451 96 Bermuda 16 44 98 3 Cayman Islands 11 5 28 Cuba 479 615 902 829 Dominica 756 1,441 1,706 1,379 Dominican Republic 1,835 2,253 2,249 564 Grenada 251 272 293 183 Haiti 184 233 313 75 Jamaica 904 1,011 1,228 323 Martinique 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1,151 1,180 1,332 883 Saint Lucia 119 164 205 75 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 79 77 118 18 Trinidad and Tobago 1,869 1,780 2,160 481 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1037 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 4,390 5,458 6,244 2,228 Belize 177 166 198 39 Costa Rica 1,123 1,624 2,100 819 El Salvador 530 549 526 166 Guatemala 603 917 1,043 240 Honduras 701 676 903 286 Nicaragua 178 244 164 41 Panama 1,078 1,282 1,310 637 NORTH AMERICA 961,126 961,014 986,834 284,906 Canada 202,461 189,915 200,321 66,003 Mexico 1 7,192 23,408 29,160 10,103 United States of America 741,473 747,691 757,353 208,800 SOUTH AMERICA 151,476 172,782 180,345 54,902 Argentina 42,514 44,008 26,220 7,569 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 1,460 1,674 2,161 356 Brazil 78,312 85,822 105,141 34,655 Chile 3,754 8,039 9,339 2,951 Colombia 12,012 1 7,594 20,242 5,147 Ecuador 2,606 3,756 4,503 748 Guyana 191 285 318 89 Paraguay 1,175 1,161 1,388 332 Peru 2,663 3,627 3,622 1,025 Suriname 305 409 468 66 Uruguay 2,393 2,483 3,028 853 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 4,091 3,924 3,915 1,111 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,115,244 2,172,798 2,375,112 528,756 NORHT-EAST ASIA 1,088,486 1,174,902 1,346,164 255,684 China 766,972 844,005 998,278 1 75,297 Hong Kong, China 31,086 36,484 39,077 7,988 Japan 97,834 107,612 113,299 26,987 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 106 81 322 11 Korea, Republic of 160,106 151,194 160,427 37,716 Macao, China 925 892 1,246 244 Mongolia 1,398 1,740 1,788 591 Taiwan Province of China 30,059 32,894 31,727 6,850 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 633,536 633,713 673,283 199,871 Brunei Darussalam 4,123 4,411 4,652 997 Cambodia 3,368 4,447 4,098 852 Indonesia 56,499 60,303 81,179 44,073 Lao People's Democratic Republic 534 436 486 67 Malaysia 68,911 64,354 72,311 16,085 Myanmar 6,562 6,138 6,405 2,357 Philippines 379,754 375,938 378,423 104,438 Singapore 41,049 41,740 44,248 8,386 Thailand 33,891 33,008 39,014 11,134 Timor-Leste 62 37 77 9 Viet Nam 35,769 39,475 38,552 10,099 Other countries of South-East Asia 3,014 3,426 3,838 1,374 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1038 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 AUSTRALASIA 391,860 362,832 353,875 72,656 Australia 331,450 305,320 297,709 63,371 New Zealand 60,410 57,512 56,166 9,285 MELANESIA 1,020 1,055 1,311 479 Fiji 825 843 889 229 Papua New Guinea 68 88 173 30 Solomon Islands 21 17 50 8 Vanuatu 106 107 199 212 MICRONESIA 93 135 265 34 Kiribati 35 34 57 10 Marshall Islands 11 8 29 2 Micronesia, Federated States of 3 8 14 2 Nauru 15 9 34 12 Palau 29 76 131 8 POLYNESIA 249 161 214 32 French Polynesia 1 Samoa 168 84 90 18 Tonga 47 60 95 10 Tuvalu 34 16 29 4 EUROPE 5,427,034 5,705,441 6,006,106 2,133,770 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,348,220 1,637,994 1,808,921 714,469 Armenia 20,639 18,981 18,142 7,073 Azerbaijan 27,584 27,757 26,995 8,084 Belarus 13,901 15,186 18,486 7,819 Bulgaria 28,634 30,526 30,468 11,590 Czech Republic 77,055 80,257 80,207 20,479 Estonia 9,652 10,428 11,656 4,719 Georgia 8,555 8,615 8,051 3,109 Hungary 40,041 40,500 45,348 15,983 Kazakhstan 93,968 140,801 164,219 78,072 Kyrgyzstan 15,088 16,452 16,812 10,053 Latvia 9,871 11,647 12,451 4,837 Lithuania 13,845 15,204 16,597 7,153 Moldova, Republic of 3,374 3,428 3,332 1,237 Poland 112,254 106,888 111,945 40,691 Romania 67,453 78,860 87,816 35,111 Russian Federation 610,427 800,253 866,857 335,016 Slovakia 32,956 33,448 33,342 8,247 Tajikistan 12,511 13,039 14,155 8,033 Turkmenistan 32,761 27,140 37,527 5,203 Ukraine 83,670 123,221 154,001 73,819 Uzbekistan 33,981 35,363 50,514 28,141 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1039 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTHERN EUROPE 1,845,420 1,741,454 1,730,731 536,526 Denmark 70,777 67,562 67,969 24,608 Faeroe Islands 1 Finland 58,204 58,533 52,576 16,442 Iceland 2,088 2,324 2,212 732 Ireland 94,229 89,341 88,675 27,105 Norway 45,109 44,645 44,868 13,169 Sweden 122,558 113,888 106,434 36,085 United Kingdom 1,452,455 1,365,160 1,367,997 418,385 SOUTHERN EUROPE 560,147 577,764 631,828 221,007 Albania 2,582 3,036 3,642 1,440 Andorra 325 316 339 110 Bosnia and Herzegovina 8,848 9,458 8,964 2,398 Croatia 16,416 16,515 16,613 5,855 Greece 37,346 36,613 36,380 12,562 Holy See 12 18 68 3 Italy 281,176 291,944 312,493 106,088 Malta 4,983 5,256 5,049 1,428 Montenegro 1,792 2,110 2,244 1,194 North Macedonia 7,756 8,246 7,693 2,094 Portugal 50,351 52,062 60,434 19,853 San Marino 188 223 272 54 Serbia 16,376 16,596 20,759 9,497 Slovenia 9,444 9,875 10,946 3,835 Spain 116,395 118,470 139,312 52,803 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 4 3 1 Other countries of Southern Europe 6,153 7,023 6,619 1,793 WESTERN EUROPE 1,565,882 1,649,127 1,737,909 604,737 Austria 72,779 74,857 78,751 27,630 Belgium 74,983 78,870 87,110 36,619 France 353,726 403,945 444,657 188,476 Germany 767,048 792,303 827,837 253,973 Liechtenstein 636 724 622 142 Luxembourg 5,187 6,260 7,469 2,224 Monaco 295 475 356 130 Netherlands 169,829 170,018 1 70,484 61,432 Switzerland 121,399 121,675 120,623 34,111 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 107,365 99,102 96,717 57,031 Cyprus 10,063 11,780 10,640 3,453 Israel 23,648 Turkiye 97,302 87,322 86,077 29,930 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 104C COUNTRY TABLES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EMIRATS ARABES UNIS / EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 5,393,095 5,587,863 6,204,859 1,776,121 Bahrain 220,601 206,723 207,855 52,385 Egypt 297,658 328,049 357,084 238,226 Iraq 90,554 103,939 119,440 58,278 Jordan 1 73,465 165,821 165,852 71,707 Kuwait 463,708 399,795 378,109 98,576 Lebanon 129,575 123,001 124,672 50,620 Libya 1,102 1,512 1,918 623 Oman 1,928,292 2,172,910 2,814,152 634,879 Qatar 129,071 5,387 6,460 1,687 Saudi Arabia 1,876,316 1,993,646 1,897,471 512,875 State of Palestine 12,792 16,044 22,644 8,829 Syrian Arab Republic 48,270 49,979 69,876 31,972 Yemen 21,691 21,057 39,326 15,464 SOUTH ASIA 3,986,101 4,248,269 4,385,678 1,863,007 Afghanistan 34,181 44,777 75,721 39,784 Bangladesh 31,350 132,931 158,108 63,674 Bhutan 394 388 644 125 India 2,511,933 2,778,160 2,855,096 1,224,349 Iran, Islamic Republic of 499,614 31 7,968 294,955 51,822 Maldives 3,437 3,071 4,346 2,160 Nepal 56,322 60,836 54,386 28,581 Pakistan 763,396 819,683 840,222 418,973 Sri Lanka 85,474 90,455 102,200 33,539 NOT SPECIFIED 122 87 40 28 Other countries of the world 122 87 40 28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 104' COUNTRY TABLES UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI / REINO UNIDO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 41,080,213 40,283,205 40,857,446 11,100,507 6,383,827 100.00 -42.49 AFRICA 731,817 729,961 679,080 130,114 2.04 EAST AFRICA 42,931 41,052 35,906 3,985 0.06 Kenya 42,931 41,052 35,906 3,985 0.06 SOUTHERN AFRICA 295,410 296,956 255,191 20,138 0.32 South Africa 250,266 264,986 217,117 16,966 0.27 Other countries of Southern Africa 45,144 31,970 38,074 3,172 0.05 WEST AFRICA 219,261 203,226 208,367 80,272 1.26 Nigeria 219,261 203,226 208,367 80,272 1.26 OTHER AFRICA 174,215 188,727 179,616 25,719 0.40 Other countries of Africa 174,215 188,727 179,616 25,719 0.40 AMERICAS 6,490,222 6,310,678 6,284,201 1,170,790 862,095 13.50 -26.37 NORTH AMERICA 5,737,112 5,587,600 5,539,013 1,170,790 800,683 12.54 -31.61 Canada 910,653 852,244 874,061 128,185 2.01 Mexico 195,514 163,880 166,198 9,031 0.14 United States of America 4,630,945 4,571,476 4,498,754 663,467 10.39 All countries of North America 1,170,790 SOUTH AMERICA 549,377 510,032 483,021 26,719 0.42 Argentina 161,240 160,253 131,262 5,528 0.09 Brazil 340,098 287,701 290,562 19,237 0.30 Chile 48,039 62,078 61,197 1,954 0.03 OTHER AMERICAS 203,733 213,046 262,167 34,693 0.54 Other countries of the Americas 203,733 213,046 262,167 34,693 0.54 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,348,245 4,276,802 4,210,561 150,437 2.36 NORHT-EAST ASIA 2,124,244 2,138,136 2,108,992 44,547 0.70 China 819,424 859,602 883,073 15,087 0.24 Hong Kong, China 400,217 402,722 408,963 12,122 0.19 Japan 433,196 428,952 388,839 10,154 0.16 Korea, Republic of 352,012 305,014 301,130 5,604 0.09 Taiwan Province of China 119,395 141,846 126,987 1,580 0.02 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 785,345 778,536 730,683 62,882 0.99 Indonesia 56,703 41,650 53,824 4,193 0.07 Malaysia 219,428 238,980 209,550 14,301 0.22 Philippines 57,767 49,516 49,608 4,198 0.07 Singapore 297,986 259,412 233,285 35,009 0.55 Thailand 153,461 188,978 184,416 5,181 0.08 AUSTRALASIA 1,349,866 1,270,747 1,251,086 33,073 0.52 Australia 1,119,753 1,039,029 1,063,404 23,816 0.37 New Zealand 230,113 231,718 187,682 9,257 0.15 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 88,790 89,383 119,800 9,935 0.16 Other countries of Asia 88,790 89,383 119,800 9,935 0.16 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1042 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI / REINO UNIDO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 27,567,953 26,972,214 27,573,489 7,987,792 4,905,929 76.85 -38.58 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 4,301,461 4,409,506 4,454,072 903,180 14.15 Bulgaria 240,242 232,805 235,485 56,326 0.88 Czech Republic (Czechia) 310,652 360,292 413,526 54,967 0.86 Estonia 34,950 21,560 28,624 12,031 0.19 Hungary 353,562 371,742 333,703 58,208 0.91 Latvia 147,528 130,013 143,937 37,726 0.59 Lithuania 271,008 321,866 235,956 46,930 0.74 Poland 1,556,909 1,555,326 1,651,434 336,577 5.27 Romania 811,626 896,581 902,297 191,359 3.00 Russian Federation 239,093 228,772 198,992 22,988 0.36 Slovakia 167,137 119,709 112,570 11,775 0.18 Ukraine 86,755 80,460 98,842 40,669 0.64 Other countries Central/East Europe 81,999 90,380 98,706 33,624 0.53 NORTHERN EUROPE 5,545,315 5,293,719 5,288,981 1,049,117 16.43 Denmark 677,173 614,177 691,394 102,161 1.60 Finland 241,718 188,280 214,526 16,903 0.26 Iceland 123,576 115,707 95,012 30,291 0.47 Ireland 3,011,267 2,982,711 2,851,180 708,198 11.09 Norway 675,149 647,814 647,461 74,807 1.17 Sweden 816,432 745,030 789,408 116,757 1.83 SOUTHERN EUROPE 5,254,858 5,464,331 5,740,970 1,056,121 16.54 Croatia 47,408 57,124 77,812 12,722 0.20 Greece 210,570 223,120 250,185 72,188 1.13 Italy 2,038,816 2,080,463 2,196,629 255,589 4.00 Malta 115,747 111,271 189,764 27,820 0.44 Portugal 460,096 452,923 612,689 147,161 2.31 Serbia 43,428 43,522 36,825 6,698 0.10 Slovenia 58,804 33,888 51,395 8,664 0.14 Spain 2,279,989 2,462,020 2,325,671 525,279 8.23 WESTERN EUROPE 11,756,400 11,121,650 11,366,424 1,757,179 27.53 Austria 311,262 327,289 342,130 55,705 0.87 Belgium 1,130,512 1,096,779 1,134,973 159,357 2.50 France 3,798,627 3,599,256 3,570,369 676,898 10.60 Germany 3,242,632 3,170,209 3,232,912 389,760 6.11 Luxembourg 88,261 78,018 145,859 16,568 0.26 Netherlands 2,105,261 1,978,292 1,986,771 273,028 4.28 Switzerland 1,009,963 825,257 925,727 163,587 2.56 Other countries of Western Europe 69,882 46,550 27,683 22,276 0.35 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 709,919 683,008 723,042 140,332 2.20 Cyprus 139,002 101,656 123,930 39,500 0.62 Israel 263,479 263,752 264,664 70,554 1.11 Turkiye 307,438 31 7,600 334,448 30,278 0.47 OTHER EUROPE 7,987,792 All countries of Europe 7,987,792 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1043 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI / REINO UNIDO 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 MIDDLE EAST 1,154,719 1,219,037 1,328,358 257,348 4.03 Bahrain 37,451 36,151 41,763 9,609 0.15 Egypt 53,733 56,187 52,027 8,401 0.13 Kuwait 179,579 167,475 181,011 51,831 0.81 Oman 49,886 37,002 39,829 3,503 0.05 Qatar 112,240 148,718 1 75,057 18,943 0.30 Saudi Arabia 206,891 196,381 220,780 58,409 0.91 United Arab Emirates 438,442 511,465 552,899 91,189 1.43 Other countries of Middle East 76,497 65,658 64,992 15,463 0.24 SOUTH ASIA 787,257 774,513 781,757 77,904 1.22 India 696,263 679,585 692,083 58,053 0.91 Pakistan 90,994 94,928 89,674 19,851 0.31 NOT SPECIFIED 1,941,925 Other countries of the world 1,941,925 UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI / REINO UNIDO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 312,675,537 291,323,636 289,627,959 AFRICA 12,172,826 10,562,799 9,409,087 EAST AFRICA 721,367 510,491 462,533 Kenya 721,367 510,491 462,533 SOUTHERN AFRICA 4,138,561 4,227,342 3,243,523 South Africa 3,332,055 3,262,310 2,450,883 Other countries of Southern Africa 806,506 965,032 792,640 WEST AFRICA 4,313,005 3,739,740 2,980,385 Nigeria 4,313,005 3,739,740 2,980,385 OTHER AFRICA 2,999,893 2,085,226 2,722,646 Other countries of Africa 2,999,893 2,085,226 2,722,646 AMERICAS 54,726,987 51,694,107 46,859,910 NORTH AMERICA 46,635,097 43,926,204 37,999,549 Canada 8,852,873 7,729,021 7,758,573 Mexico 1,285,629 1,100,263 1,140,802 United States of America 36,496,595 35,096,920 29,100,174 SOUTH AMERICA 8,091,890 7,767,903 8,860,361 Argentina 1,485,942 2,173,162 993,564 Brazil 3,697,614 2,353,278 3,041,601 Chile 383,528 866,204 329,496 Other countries of South America 2,524,806 2,375,259 4,495,700 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1044 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI / REINO UNIDO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 58,185,749 52,464,985 51,850,910 NORHT-EAST ASIA 27,353,977 24,966,954 24,614,493 China 14,916,016 13,801,687 14,420,873 Hong Kong, China 4,421,958 4,283,948 3,570,608 Japan 3,305,523 3,397,711 2,707,566 Korea, Republic of 3,478,786 2,469,013 2,851,313 Taiwan Province of China 1,231,694 1,014,595 1,064,133 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 10,781,821 9,705,441 8,544,870 Indonesia 563,930 422,753 521,834 Malaysia 3,561,292 2,569,764 2,930,303 Philippines 973,212 839,318 989,108 Singapore 2,279,527 2,337,661 1,960,544 Thailand 3,403,860 3,535,945 2,143,081 AUSTRALASIA 18,481,352 16,409,577 16,286,515 Australia 14,547,776 13,342,985 13,576,602 New Zealand 3,933,576 3,066,592 2,709,913 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 1,568,599 1,383,013 2,405,032 Other countries of Asia 1,568,599 1,383,013 2,405,032 EUROPE 155,952,032 146,268,735 151,362,181 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 31,409,444 35,130,126 34,288,449 Bulgaria 2,125,962 2,428,579 2,982,992 Czech Republic (Czechia) 2,342,561 1,708,454 2,478,759 Estonia 296,737 106,637 142,731 Hungary 2,581,068 2,655,876 2,371,666 Latvia 797,187 937,516 921,718 Lithuania 1,892,357 1,878,943 2,641,755 Poland 9,753,079 10,554,270 8,931,133 Romania 6,579,670 11,290,925 9,622,500 Russian Federation 2,081,904 1,600,378 1,712,720 Slovakia 1,084,127 796,632 618,188 Ukraine 1,084,777 364,959 621,914 Other countries Central/East Europe 790,015 806,957 1,242,373 NORTHERN EUROPE 21,622,615 19,140,184 19,685,566 Denmark 2,814,566 2,596,318 2,675,870 Finland 1,111,220 883,980 1,088,971 Iceland 526,935 374,974 303,597 Ireland 10,274,629 8,950,793 9,014,307 Norway 3,266,021 2,946,225 2,894,054 Sweden 3,629,244 3,387,894 3,708,767 SOUTHERN EUROPE 36,902,559 32,057,306 35,726,779 Croatia 386,558 490,009 368,577 Greece 1,983,669 1,978,431 1,801,007 Italy 14,387,257 10,887,378 12,714,814 Malta 721,198 577,042 1,168,115 Portugal 3,054,114 2,805,329 4,124,321 Serbia 349,152 405,779 226,538 Slovenia 242,335 160,554 317,015 Spain 15,778,276 14,752,784 15,006,392 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1045 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI / REINO UNIDO 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 59,649,196 54,498,437 53,409,246 Austria 2,536,621 1,538,360 1,429,062 Belgium 3,788,654 3,966,622 3,367,366 France 19,778,862 18,495,336 16,939,875 Germany 18,030,877 1 7,028,451 1 7,823,966 Luxembourg 413,956 475,558 445,447 Netherlands 9,299,020 8,565,781 8,626,614 Switzerland 5,024,003 4,042,040 4,498,428 Other countries of Western Europe 777,203 386,289 278,488 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 6,368,218 5,442,682 8,252,141 Cyprus 1,089,886 1,051,996 1,096,914 Israel 1,966,754 1,764,673 1,728,713 Turkiye 3,311,578 2,626,013 5,426,514 MIDDLE EAST 16,199,922 14,682,047 15,891,506 Bahrain 570,540 465,844 376,571 Egypt 588,256 503,928 415,020 Kuwait 2,830,508 2,375,183 2,170,675 Oman 1,000,195 660,086 583,993 Qatar 1,742,802 2,160,749 3,064,384 Saudi Arabia 3,764,970 3,104,001 3,509,392 United Arab Emirates 4,897,783 4,657,885 5,125,897 Other countries of Middle East 804,868 754,371 645,574 SOUTH ASIA 15,438,021 15,650,963 14,254,365 India 13,364,597 13,715,965 12,355,818 Pakistan 2,073,424 1,934,998 1,898,547 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1046 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE / ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 77,186,746 79,745,918 79,441,595 19,212,014 22,100,453 100.00 15.03 AFRICA 585,447 597,803 566,568 107,095 153,624 0.70 43.45 EAST AFRICA 100,059 108,073 110,212 23,081 41,431 0.19 79.50 British Indian Ocean Territory 93 280 284 66 113 0.00 71.21 Burundi 2,034 1,662 1,232 221 298 0.00 34.84 Comoros 118 149 120 20 58 0.00 190.00 Djibouti 845 289 244 55 49 0.00 -10.91 Eritrea 2,247 881 800 236 280 0.00 18.64 Ethiopia 20,839 22,328 21,890 5,870 15,026 0.07 155.98 Kenya 29,499 33,485 35,455 7,225 13,190 0.06 82.56 Madagascar 1,283 1,495 1,674 299 302 0.00 1.00 Malawi 2,217 2,384 2,028 491 540 0.00 9.98 Mauritius 4,013 4,473 5,131 846 692 0.00 -18.20 Mozambique 2,127 2,378 2,255 429 469 0.00 9.32 Reunion 1,093 1,508 2,004 254 147 0.00 -42.13 Rwanda 4,403 5,542 6,197 1,503 2,507 0.01 66.80 Seychelles 290 394 394 80 151 0.00 88.75 Somalia 147 142 172 67 146 0.00 117.91 Tanzania, United Republic of 6,497 6,841 6,851 1,149 1,597 0.01 38.99 Uganda 9,772 11,224 11,563 1,949 2,241 0.01 14.98 Zambia 4,498 4,649 4,363 819 1,285 0.01 56.90 Zimbabwe 8,044 7,969 7,555 1,502 2,340 0.01 55.79 CENTRAL AFRICA 32,875 31,588 28,532 5,017 7,290 0.03 45.31 Angola 8,655 7,807 6,620 1,191 1,486 0.01 24.77 Cameroon 11,484 9,777 7,836 1,381 1,116 0.01 -19.19 Central African Republic 303 426 786 243 216 0.00 -11.11 Chad 801 666 718 119 295 0.00 147.90 Congo 1,185 1,376 1,200 168 268 0.00 59.52 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 6,675 7,673 7,483 1,075 2,673 0.01 148.65 Equatorial Guinea 1,319 1,427 1,496 336 507 0.00 50.89 Gabon 2,396 2,384 2,363 495 723 0.00 46.06 Sao Tome and Principe 57 52 30 9 6 0.00 -33.33 NORTH AFRICA 54,267 54,831 60,667 11,784 17,216 0.08 46.10 Algeria 12,438 12,690 13,523 1,858 1,045 0.00 -43.76 Morocco 28,742 28,374 33,901 7,097 11,530 0.05 62.46 South Sudan 280 411 Sudan 2,674 3,163 2,651 670 675 0.00 0.75 Tunisia 9,980 10,051 10,513 2,152 3,952 0.02 83.64 Western Sahara 153 142 79 7 14 0.00 100.00 SOUTHERN AFRICA 130,545 140,762 137,311 26,726 18,991 0.09 -28.94 Botswana 2,230 2,347 2,566 435 481 0.00 10.57 Eswatini 1,131 1,629 1,611 284 318 0.00 11.97 Lesotho 391 450 393 66 52 0.00 -21.21 Namibia 2,307 2,294 2,428 657 594 0.00 -9.59 South Africa 124,486 134,042 130,313 25,284 17,546 0.08 -30.60 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1047 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE / ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 267,672 262,494 229,773 40,381 68,649 0.31 70.00 Benin 2,204 2,151 2,150 507 576 0.00 13.61 Burkina Faso 4,434 4,015 4,156 767 1,445 0.01 88.40 Cabo Verde 5,242 4,785 4,766 588 1,142 0.01 94.22 Cote d'lvoire 7,583 8,298 8,605 1,588 1,290 0.01 -18.77 Gambia 1,662 1,722 1,870 463 741 0.00 60.04 Ghana 24,106 29,360 31,904 5,680 13,670 0.06 140.67 Guinea 2,705 2,657 2,537 527 704 0.00 33.59 Guinea-Bissau 178 196 196 44 92 0.00 109.09 Liberia 3,565 3,483 3,042 465 433 0.00 -6.88 Mali 3,388 3,777 3,788 856 1,677 0.01 95.91 Mauritania 824 703 1,265 360 301 0.00 -16.39 Niger 1,414 1,345 1,184 342 334 0.00 -2.34 Nigeria 196,885 187,057 150,108 24,595 39,576 0.18 60.91 Saint Helena 42 61 48 14 21 0.00 50.00 Senegal 8,155 8,107 8,871 2,561 4,708 0.02 83.83 Sierra Leone 2,993 2,481 2,750 479 1,242 0.01 159.29 Togo 2,292 2,296 2,533 545 697 0.00 27.89 OTHER AFRICA 29 55 73 106 47 0.00 -55.66 Other countries of Africa 29 55 73 106 47 0.00 -55.66 AMERICAS 46,675,980 48,966,068 48,061,708 13,952,911 18,115,503 81.97 29.83 CARIBBEAN 1,670,632 1,793,081 1,920,918 511,143 990,181 4.48 93.72 Anguilla 818 1,245 1,988 366 659 0.00 80.05 Antigua and Barbuda 14,885 16,437 18,229 3,702 8,360 0.04 125.82 Aruba 10,096 22,127 25,927 7,456 18,444 0.08 147.37 Bahamas 274,437 274,674 301,586 67,209 161,651 0.73 140.52 Barbados 58,506 60,556 63,742 9,092 16,371 0.07 80.06 Bermuda 70,749 80,675 84,108 19,123 31,651 0.14 65.51 Bonaire 332 859 British Virgin Islands 21,461 24,753 30,811 8,662 7,001 0.03 -19.18 Cayman Islands 30,684 48,779 70,885 12,325 8,834 0.04 -28.32 Cuba 104,695 116,437 106,432 27,577 14,559 0.07 -47.21 Curacao 7,523 14,655 21,761 3,723 10,221 0.05 1 74.54 Dominica 6,491 6,725 7,100 1,373 2,293 0.01 67.01 Dominican Republic 423,079 451,058 488,703 178,707 405,869 1.84 127.11 Grenada 10,388 11,032 12,588 2,095 4,887 0.02 133.27 Guadeloupe 5,319 9,251 9,145 1,467 2,527 0.01 72.26 Haiti 136,002 131,003 126,295 48,332 69,703 0.32 44.22 Jamaica 278,420 290,929 293,334 80,837 159,930 0.72 97.84 Martinique 5,042 7,839 7,101 823 959 0.00 16.52 Montserrat 200 315 404 78 119 0.00 52.56 Netherlands Antilles 1,749 2,291 1,872 292 1,673 0.01 472.95 Saint Kitts and Nevis 10,364 11,277 13,019 1,956 3,356 0.02 71.57 Saint Lucia 14,780 15,300 16,933 2,914 6,453 0.03 121.45 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8,023 8,276 9,401 1,761 3,220 0.01 82.85 Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 1,985 3,045 Trinidad and Tobago 163,701 168,447 188,290 23,586 34,219 0.15 45.08 Turks and Caicos Islands 10,756 14,789 20,989 6,199 13,111 0.06 111.50 Other countries of the Caribbean 147 307 275 1,488 4,111 0.02 1 76.28 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1048 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE / ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 CENTRAL AMERICA 1,167,986 1,283,374 1,359,559 391,141 1,180,707 5.34 201.86 Belize 25,949 26,646 28,692 6,201 17,110 0.08 1 75.92 Costa Rica 277,344 316,102 334,591 102,141 266,772 1.21 161.18 El Salvador 186,254 212,263 230,516 61,329 203,053 0.92 231.09 Guatemala 252,248 272,671 282,094 80,092 279,896 1.27 249.47 Honduras 206,638 213,389 219,472 69,027 241,579 1.09 249.98 Nicaragua 62,254 67,477 67,485 16,900 44,507 0.20 163.36 Panama 157,299 174,826 196,709 55,451 127,790 0.58 130.46 NORTH AMERICA 38,281,321 39,862,697 39,048,390 11,617,561 12,925,760 58.49 11.26 Canada (*) 20,493,214 21,475,152 20,723,322 4,808,888 2,529,022 11.44 -47.41 Mexico (*) 17,788,008 18,387,405 18,324,927 6,808,656 10,396,724 47.04 52.70 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 99 140 141 17 14 0.00 -17.65 SOUTH AMERICA 5,556,041 6,026,916 5,732,841 1,433,066 3,018,855 13.66 110.66 Argentina 1,018,177 994,035 854,442 197,748 301,794 1.37 52.62 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 67,318 70,688 72,781 23,874 57,686 0.26 141.63 Brazil 1,912,447 2,209,372 2,104,617 423,689 239,336 1.08 -43.51 Chile 330,350 364,622 383,908 131,950 207,333 0.94 57.13 Colombia 841,931 942,61 7 944,013 270,110 1,063,659 4.81 293.79 Ecuador 418,009 450,857 456,741 169,366 407,417 1.84 140.55 Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 71 110 87 47 20 0.00 -57.45 French Guiana 1,075 1,910 2,058 219 93 0.00 -57.53 Guyana 60,648 55,565 52,243 11,514 37,313 0.17 224.07 Paraguay 30,704 35,643 34,295 8,157 38,145 0.17 367.64 Peru 287,524 303,980 331,905 91,917 404,937 1.83 340.55 Suriname 12,070 12,871 14,338 1,845 5,947 0.03 222.33 Uruguay 75,470 83,074 80,883 15,393 33,673 0.15 118.76 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 500,247 501,572 400,530 87,237 221,502 1.00 153.91 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 12,260,961 11,952,945 12,183,853 2,027,749 816,227 3.69 -59.75 NORHT-EAST ASIA 9,744,315 9,344,570 9,555,592 1,632,550 581,519 2.63 -64.38 China 3,173,915 2,991,813 2,829,970 378,080 191,776 0.87 -49.28 Hong Kong, China 147,168 151,740 155,243 22,631 9,814 0.04 -56.63 Japan 3,595,607 3,493,313 3,752,980 696,727 121,519 0.55 -82.56 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 225 525 600 173 174 0.00 0.58 Korea, Republic of 2,334,839 2,210,597 2,298,279 439,286 202,711 0.92 -53.85 Macao, China 5,104 4,630 3,550 1,646 967 0.00 -41.25 Mongolia 12,758 13,951 15,450 3,000 4,088 0.02 36.27 Taiwan Province of China 474,699 478,001 499,520 91,007 50,470 0.23 -44.54 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1049 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE / ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 884,252 921,496 990,007 138,945 167,846 0.76 20.80 Brunei Darussalam 1,125 1,382 1,416 204 116 0.00 -43.14 Cambodia 4,667 5,681 6,966 980 1,851 0.01 88.88 Indonesia 106,579 109,143 117,236 15,913 32,901 0.15 106.76 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1,685 1,905 1,914 184 48 0.00 -73.91 Malaysia 81,353 87,881 86,914 12,687 10,259 0.05 -19.14 Myanmar 9,161 9,611 10,908 1,943 1,891 0.01 -2.68 Philippines 309,311 310,054 332,022 45,812 61,041 0.28 33.24 Singapore 148,107 166,348 185,894 25,599 22,124 0.10 -13.57 Thailand 102,509 106,878 111,067 13,907 23,877 0.11 71.69 Timor-Leste 95 101 136 28 18 0.00 -35.71 Viet Nam 119,660 122,512 132,796 21,222 13,186 0.06 -37.87 Other countries of South-East Asia 2,738 466 534 0.00 14.59 AUSTRALASIA 1,617,822 1,668,997 1,618,685 252,551 64,150 0.29 -74.60 Australia 1,323,703 1,362,431 1,319,238 208,707 52,439 0.24 -74.87 New Zealand 294,119 306,566 299,447 43,844 11,711 0.05 -73.29 MELANESIA 9,001 10,490 11,074 1,882 1,229 0.01 -34.70 Fiji 7,330 8,224 8,346 1,390 1,021 0.00 -26.55 New Caledonia 556 1,008 1,135 251 59 0.00 -76.49 Papua New Guinea 772 826 1,140 164 110 0.00 -32.93 Solomon Islands 175 196 204 30 15 0.00 -50.00 Vanuatu 168 236 249 47 24 0.00 -48.94 MICRONESIA 1,041 1,240 1,220 284 243 0.00 -14.44 Christmas Island, Australia 19 25 30 8 13 0.00 62.50 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 25 32 44 24 30 0.00 25.00 Kiribati 174 143 174 27 12 0.00 -55.56 Marshall Islands 126 97 154 59 52 0.00 -11.86 Micronesia, Federated States of 413 667 598 124 68 0.00 -45.16 Nauru 104 105 79 12 13 0.00 8.33 Northern Mariana Islands 55 0.00 Palau 180 171 141 30 POLYNESIA 4,520 6,135 7,257 1,531 1,237 0.01 -19.20 Cook Islands 59 73 79 19 27 0.00 42.11 French Polynesia 1,034 2,852 4,185 1,035 1,088 0.00 5.12 Niue 25 34 23 5 3 0.00 -40.00 Pitcairn 30 70 87 15 10 0.00 -33.33 Tonga 3,287 2,692 2,764 423 94 0.00 -77.78 Tuvalu 51 57 57 7 6 0.00 -14.29 Wallis and Futuna Islands 34 357 62 27 9 0.00 -66.67 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10 17 18 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Other countries of Oceania 10 17 18 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1050 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE / ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 15,633,303 16,082,513 16,381,885 2,612,237 2,259,041 10.22 -13.52 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,117,093 1,112,540 1,167,264 253,116 270,602 1.22 6.91 Armenia 11,656 12,450 14,896 5,869 9,697 0.04 65.22 Azerbaijan 7,272 7,183 7,777 1,642 2,159 0.01 31.49 Belarus 18,154 20,183 20,729 4,827 1,573 0.01 -67.41 Bulgaria 29,471 29,886 31,774 7,633 8,302 0.04 8.76 Czech Republic 114,392 119,433 127,022 19,960 15,087 0.07 -24.41 Estonia 21,974 22,017 24,153 5,187 3,304 0.01 -36.30 Georgia 2,572 111 10,481 2,462 4,539 0.02 84.36 Hungary 86,780 93,716 99,907 17,148 10,721 0.05 -37.48 Kazakhstan 26,080 26,716 28,244 7,182 11,561 0.05 60.97 Kyrgyzstan 1,992 3,596 3,957 1,277 2,033 0.01 59.20 Latvia 21,254 20,349 21,032 4,279 3,501 0.02 -18.18 Lithuania 32,375 31,568 34,088 6,135 5,577 0.03 -9.10 Moldova, Republic of 8,422 8,653 9,990 3,271 4,492 0.02 37.33 Poland 199,559 211,107 228,395 48,717 36,108 0.16 -25.88 Romania 75,820 80,796 88,574 17,698 22,087 0.10 24.80 Russian Federation 300,544 265,732 256,782 60,953 81,961 0.37 34.47 Slovakia 47,097 49,791 53,447 8,338 6,329 0.03 -24.09 Tajikistan 1,607 1,518 1,533 314 543 0.00 72.93 Turkmenistan 1,340 1,052 1,017 174 101 0.00 -41.95 Ukraine 93,288 91,784 91,862 27,227 39,040 0.18 43.39 Uzbekistan 11,850 9,339 7,412 1,243 1,507 0.01 21.24 Other countries Central/East Europe 3,594 5,560 4,192 1,580 380 0.00 -75.95 NORTHERN EUROPE 6,321,312 6,523,231 6,537,373 1,012,922 627,240 2.84 -38.08 Denmark 332,987 331,374 314,060 48,277 28,133 0.13 -41.73 Faeroe Islands 311 331 436 49 20 0.00 -59.18 Finland 145,717 141,297 142,405 29,130 12,022 0.05 -58.73 Iceland 66,357 73,361 60,241 8,963 8,450 0.04 -5.72 Ireland 483,615 530,802 520,692 80,327 49,399 0.22 -38.50 Norway 287,407 280,565 267,930 42,204 21,591 0.10 -48.84 Sweden 522,211 506,323 451,612 73,940 46,876 0.21 -36.60 United Kingdom 4,482,707 4,659,178 4,779,997 730,032 460,749 2.08 -36.89 SOUTHERN EUROPE 2,188,945 2,287,886 2,407,809 365,849 400,424 1.81 9.45 Albania 15,757 17,782 18,715 6,014 9,090 0.04 51.15 Andorra 1,508 1,968 2,218 341 313 0.00 -8.21 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,833 8,457 8,453 2,197 2,444 0.01 11.24 Croatia 24,287 25,219 26,922 6,132 7,369 0.03 20.17 Gibraltar 1,042 1,688 1,750 225 223 0.00 -0.89 Greece 82,635 82,796 84,691 14,358 16,140 0.07 12.41 Holy See 95 160 170 71 64 0.00 -9.86 Italy 1,032,107 1,073,383 1,086,026 140,547 135,636 0.61 -3.49 Malta 6,487 7,501 8,583 1,168 1,199 0.01 2.65 Montenegro 3,832 6,331 5,765 1,596 1,715 0.01 7.46 North Macedonia 7,660 7,871 7,731 1,963 2,954 0.01 50.48 Portugal 138,213 147,012 155,287 24,543 25,335 0.11 3.23 San Marino 618 712 669 120 59 0.00 -50.83 Serbia 16,522 5,381 29,452 8,698 11,924 0.05 37.09 Slovenia 23,470 25,335 28,108 6,343 3,492 0.02 -44.95 Spain 826,818 876,248 943,248 151,519 182,458 0.83 20.42 Yugoslavia, SFR (former) 61 42 21 14 9 0.00 -35.71 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI:,18111/9789284424139 1051 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE / ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 5,389,145 5,542,314 5,635,719 846,803 679,045 3.07 -19.81 Austria 198,713 201,733 202,239 31,010 28,880 0.13 -6.87 Belgium 278,127 294,221 292,390 44,961 33,073 0.15 -26.44 France 1,667,506 1,767,461 1,843,782 297,785 222,036 1.00 -25.44 Germany 2,080,425 2,062,462 2,063,767 293,967 249,154 1.13 -15.24 Liechtenstein 2,091 2,159 2,312 294 296 0.00 0.68 Luxembourg 17,242 21,836 24,366 3,168 2,608 0.01 -17.68 Monaco 2,899 4,020 5,084 979 1,075 0.00 9.81 Netherlands 700,872 725,283 727,229 111,318 85,829 0.39 -22.90 Switzerland 441,270 463,139 474,550 63,321 56,094 0.25 -11.41 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 616,808 616,542 633,720 133,547 281,730 1.27 110.96 Cyprus 11,278 11,885 12,591 1,952 2,384 0.01 22.13 Israel 421,202 439,153 450,572 84,800 208,264 0.94 145.59 Türkiye 184,328 165,504 170,557 46,795 71,082 0.32 51.90 MIDDLE EAST 550,013 576,227 577,091 127,276 227,801 1.03 78.98 Bahrain 9,391 9,914 9,315 1,695 4,191 0.02 147.26 Egypt 73,842 77,248 82,412 24,407 36,246 0.16 48.51 Iraq 10,819 9,753 11,374 2,715 839 0.00 -69.10 Jordan 37,970 37,240 35,482 8,735 15,758 0.07 80.40 Kuwait 60,594 62,658 61,231 14,572 21,350 0.10 46.51 Lebanon 36,631 36,951 36,548 9,470 14,292 0.06 50.92 Libya 730 297 393 135 330 0.00 144.44 Oman 10,745 11,747 11,564 3,859 4,839 0.02 25.40 Qatar 27,674 32,086 33,146 5,985 19,298 0.09 222.44 Saudi Arabia 1 79,623 176,158 159,597 29,875 48,548 0.22 62.50 State of Palestine 6,680 6,219 5,998 1,246 2,383 0.01 91.25 Syrian Arab Republic 4,608 2,644 2,245 475 687 0.00 44.63 United Arab Emirates 88,933 112,590 127,007 23,859 58,431 0.26 144.90 Yemen 1,773 722 779 248 609 0.00 145.56 SOUTH ASIA 1,481,042 1,570,362 1,670,490 384,746 528,257 2.39 37.30 Afghanistan 2,024 2,246 3,170 928 898 0.00 -3.23 Bangladesh 31,305 35,655 36,611 8,907 22,814 0.10 156.14 Bhutan 732 803 874 158 141 0.00 -10.76 India 1,285,466 1,378,035 1,473,517 335,990 433,305 1.96 28.96 Iran, Islamic Republic of 15,553 4,915 5,412 1,181 3,578 0.02 202.96 Maldives 259 281 379 73 144 0.00 97.26 Nepal 31,978 32,077 33,760 8,134 18,436 0.08 126.65 Pakistan 90,978 95,465 96,580 26,065 44,697 0.20 71.48 Sri Lanka 22,747 20,885 20,187 3,310 4,244 0.02 28.22 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1052 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / ILES VIERGES AMERICAINES / ISLAS VIRGENES AMERICANAS 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 589,247 181,968 323,357 200,744 422,115 100.00 110.28 AFRICA 70 14 89 869 1,096 0.26 26.12 OTHER AFRICA 70 14 89 869 1,096 0.26 26.12 All countries of Africa 70 14 89 869 1,096 0.26 26.12 AMERICAS 567,125 174,070 311,089 195,338 407,042 96.43 108.38 CARIBBEAN 34,157 32,133 32,921 10,400 8,716 2.06 -16.19 Bahamas 132 35 57 23 10 0.00 -56.52 Barbados 106 36 136 4 10 0.00 150.00 British Virgin Islands 8,633 7,968 6,544 1,246 744 0.18 -40.29 Dominican Republic 95 86 120 27 21 0.00 -22.22 Jamaica 280 155 108 28 29 0.01 3.57 Puerto Rico 23,805 23,686 25,478 8,943 7,794 1.85 -12.85 Trinidad and Tobago 47 24 59 16 5 0.00 -68.75 Other countries of the Caribbean 1,059 143 419 113 103 0.02 -8.85 CENTRAL AMERICA 152 61 64 47 105 0.02 123.40 Costa Rica 64 16 18 39 68 0.02 74.36 El Salvador 2 Guatemala 8 1 1 3 0.00 200.00 Honduras 20 13 3 5 0.00 Panama 56 31 27 7 17 0.00 142.86 Other countries of Central America 2 16 12 0.00 NORTH AMERICA 530,921 141,558 277,634 184,757 397,383 94.14 115.08 Canada 4,430 1,450 1,933 936 484 0.11 -48.29 Mexico 338 80 92 24 85 0.02 254.17 United States of America 526,153 140,028 275,609 183,797 396,814 94.01 115.90 SOUTH AMERICA 1,895 318 470 134 838 0.20 525.37 Argentina 605 138 125 38 365 0.09 860.53 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 43 7 24 1 0.00 Brazil 427 107 62 25 85 0.02 240.00 Chile 247 26 40 3 12 0.00 300.00 Colombia 333 16 119 33 66 0.02 100.00 Ecuador 2 1 2 8 0.00 Guyana 2 1 3 2 0.00 Peru 95 2 2 1 234 0.06 23,300.00 Uruguay 11 5 2 3 0.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 102 15 82 26 61 0.01 134.62 Other countries of South America 28 9 8 1 0.00 -87.50 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 470 89 201 59 432 0.10 632.20 NORHT-EAST ASIA 105 26 61 3 4 0.00 33.33 Japan 103 26 61 3 2 0.00 -33.33 Taiwan Province of China 2 2 0.00 AUSTRALASIA 365 63 140 56 428 0.10 664.29 Australia 327 58 138 43 416 0.10 867.44 New Zealand 38 5 2 13 12 0.00 -7.69 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1053 COUNTRY TABLES UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / ILES VIERGES AMERICAINES / ISLAS VIRGENES AMERICANAS 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 16,800 5,196 8,876 2,310 669 0.16 -71.04 NORTHERN EUROPE 14,299 4,582 7,293 2,015 382 0.09 -81.04 Denmark 12,153 3,987 6,350 1,730 69 0.02 -96.01 Finland 94 66 41 5 5 0.00 Norway 295 81 203 28 55 0.01 96.43 Sweden 333 56 42 18 9 0.00 -50.00 United Kingdom 1,424 392 657 234 244 0.06 4.27 SOUTHERN EUROPE 850 152 416 99 142 0.03 43.43 Greece 32 12 26 8 16 0.00 100.00 Italy 649 97 218 38 37 0.01 -2.63 Portugal 41 2 6 3 0.00 Spain 128 41 166 53 86 0.02 62.26 WESTERN EUROPE 1,140 315 897 111 59 0.01 -46.85 Austria 166 36 41 6 6 0.00 France 252 74 179 16 23 0.01 43.75 Germany 295 121 120 37 13 0.00 -64.86 Netherlands 254 61 500 27 12 0.00 -55.56 Switzerland 173 23 57 25 5 0.00 -80.00 OTHER EUROPE 511 147 270 85 86 0.02 1.18 Other countries of Europe 511 147 270 85 86 0.02 1.18 NOT SPECIFIED 4,782 2,599 3,102 2,168 12,876 3.05 493.91 Other countries of the world 4,782 2,599 3,102 2,168 12,876 3.05 493.91 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1054 COUNTRY TABLES URUGUAY 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 (*) 3,940,790 3,711,948 3,220,602 233,535 100.00 AMERICAS 3,441,351 3,056,078 2,525,325 192,984 82.64 NORTH AMERICA 81,491 85,999 87,275 2,327 1.00 Canada 7,524 7,865 7,937 Mexico 16,465 15,959 17,314 United States of America 57,502 62,1 75 62,024 All countries of North America 2,327 1.00 SOUTH AMERICA 3,307,574 2,928,267 2,374,390 185,199 79.30 Argentina 2,656,285 2,319,640 1,744,643 123,006 52.67 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 6,939 6,285 6,845 Brazil 504,488 466,673 489,701 58,325 24.97 Chile 64,566 61,369 53,889 1,625 0.70 Paraguay 43,501 38,685 40,776 2,243 0.96 Peru 18,578 19,102 21,152 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 13,217 16,513 1 7,384 OTHER AMERICAS 52,286 41,812 63,660 5,458 2.34 Other countries of the Americas 52,286 41,812 63,660 5,458 2.34 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 19,794 20,356 20,692 NORHT-EAST ASIA 6,971 8,074 9,597 Japan 3,793 2,965 2,877 Other countries of North-East Asia 3,178 5,109 6,720 AUSTRALASIA 8,647 8,809 8,169 Australia 5,939 6,037 5,996 New Zealand 2,708 2,772 2,173 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4,176 3,473 2,926 Other countries East Asia/Pacific 4,176 3,473 2,926 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1055 COUNTRY TABLES URUGUAY 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 145,213 150,146 156,473 5,380 2.30 NORTHERN EUROPE 23,567 24,817 25,075 Denmark 1,386 1,414 1,358 Finland 1,827 1,549 1,712 Ireland 1,856 1,867 1,823 Norway 1,599 1,944 2,080 Sweden 3,171 3,442 2,990 United Kingdom 13,728 14,601 15,112 SOUTHERN EUROPE 50,720 55,140 53,168 Greece 1,004 964 1,007 Italy 16,771 18,746 18,221 Portugal 3,480 3,323 3,692 Spain 29,465 32,107 30,248 WESTERN EUROPE 58,223 57,543 57,434 Austria 2,403 2,337 2,394 Belgium 2,892 2,997 3,023 France 20,708 19,741 19,243 Germany 20,902 21,150 21,836 Luxembourg 113 132 148 Netherlands 4,911 5,029 4,691 Switzerland 6,294 6,157 6,099 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 4,404 4,392 4,144 Israel 4,404 4,392 4,144 OTHER EUROPE 8,299 8,254 16,652 5,380 2.30 Other countries of Europe 8,299 8,254 16,652 All countries of Europe 5,380 2.30 MIDDLE EAST 355 318 385 All countries of Middle East 355 318 385 NOT SPECIFIED 334,077 485,050 517,727 35,171 15.06 Other countries of the world 2,975 25,199 3,928 Nationals residing abroad 331,102 459,851 513,799 35,171 15.06 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1056 COUNTRY TABLES UZBEKISTAN / OUZBEKISTAN / UZBEKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,690,074 5,346,219 6,748,512 1,504,126 1,881,344 100.00 25.08 AFRICA 12 1,045 1,693 539 1,176 0.06 118.18 EAST AFRICA 5 187 264 96 209 0.01 117.71 Burundi 8 3 0.00 Comoros 31 29 16 43 0.00 168.75 Djibouti 2 3 0.00 Eritrea 5 4 4 0.00 Ethiopia 18 45 7 21 0.00 200.00 Kenya 62 44 24 46 0.00 91.67 Madagascar 3 1 1 7 0.00 600.00 Malawi 1 3 1 1 0.00 Mauritius 15 33 14 20 0.00 42.86 Mozambique 1 1 Rwanda 8 6 5 4 0.00 -20.00 Seychelles 5 Somalia 5 5 1 0.00 Tanzania, United Republic of 10 13 8 24 0.00 200.00 Uganda 9 17 6 13 0.00 116.67 Zambia 9 21 2 3 0.00 50.00 Zimbabwe 11 32 11 16 0.00 45.45 CENTRAL AFRICA 7 35 117 44 76 0.00 72.73 Angola 1 8 1 0.00 Cameroon 15 77 34 50 0.00 47.06 Central African Republic 1 1 Chad 7 1 3 1 6 0.00 500.00 Congo 2 4 0.00 100.00 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 10 17 3 13 0.00 333.33 Equatorial Guinea 2 0.00 Gabon 2 1 Sao Tome and Principe 8 9 2 NORTH AFRICA 442 496 76 461 0.02 506.58 Algeria 112 120 19 102 0.01 436.84 Morocco 123 213 27 130 0.01 381.48 Sudan 46 48 15 83 0.00 453.33 Tunisia 161 115 15 146 0.01 873.33 SOUTHERN AFRICA 193 449 161 162 0.01 0.62 Botswana 7 6 4 0.00 -33.33 Eswatini 7 Lesotho 2 0.00 Namibia 2 4 2 South Africa 191 431 153 156 0.01 1.96 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1057 COUNTRY TABLES UZBEKISTAN / OUZBEKISTAN / UZBEKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 188 367 162 268 0.01 65.43 Benin 1 2 8 0.00 Burkina Faso 4 10 0.00 Cabo Verde 1 Cote d'lvoire 4 31 40 11 0.00 -72.50 Gambia 3 3 1 7 0.00 600.00 Ghana 15 49 27 52 0.00 92.59 Guinea 9 0.00 Guinea-Bissau 10 18 4 4 0.00 Liberia 1 Mali 1 9 3 12 0.00 300.00 Mauritania 2 6 1 10 0.00 900.00 Niger 1 4 1 11 0.00 1,000.00 Nigeria 144 216 78 97 0.01 24.36 Saint Helena 1 Senegal 6 19 6 31 0.00 416.67 Sierra Leone 1 1 1 4 0.00 300.00 Togo 2 2 0.00 AMERICAS 1,324 14,342 23,047 2,469 7,529 0.40 204.94 CARIBBEAN 65 119 47 183 0.01 289.36 Anguilla 2 Antigua and Barbuda 5 2 2 1 0.00 -50.00 Bahamas 1 1 4 0.00 300.00 Barbados 2 Bermuda 1 British Virgin Islands 1 Cuba 25 19 9 42 0.00 366.67 Dominica 24 7 40 0.00 471.43 Dominican Republic 10 10 3 12 0.00 300.00 Grenada 1 2 1 21 0.00 2,000.00 Haiti 1 4 7 0.00 Jamaica 11 3 7 0.00 133.33 Netherlands Antilles 2 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 12 32 18 36 0.00 100.00 Saint Lucia 1 Trinidad and Tobago 8 5 2 13 0.00 550.00 Turks and Caicos Islands 2 United States Virgin Islands 1 CENTRAL AMERICA 30 68 12 57 0.00 375.00 Costa Rica 8 27 4 13 0.00 225.00 El Salvador 3 12 4 9 0.00 125.00 Guatemala 5 5 1 9 0.00 800.00 Honduras 8 9 2 6 0.00 200.00 Nicaragua 5 7 3 0.00 Panama 1 8 1 17 0.00 1,600.00 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1058 COUNTRY TABLES UZBEKISTAN / OUZBEKISTAN / UZBEKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 NORTH AMERICA 1,324 13,105 21,294 2,264 6,801 0.36 200.40 Canada 1,751 3,767 425 1,220 0.06 187.06 Mexico 221 421 42 158 0.01 276.19 United States of America 1,324 11,133 17,106 1,797 5,423 0.29 201.78 SOUTH AMERICA 1,142 1,566 146 488 0.03 234.25 Argentina 182 319 26 70 0.00 169.23 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 18 17 4 Brazil 473 680 59 176 0.01 198.31 Chile 139 144 13 61 0.00 369.23 Colombia 193 235 27 79 0.00 192.59 Ecuador 31 35 6 29 0.00 383.33 Guyana 1 4 1 3 0.00 200.00 Paraguay 3 10 Peru 31 61 3 20 0.00 566.67 Suriname 1 1 0.00 Uruguay 10 26 3 0.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 61 34 7 46 0.00 557.14 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 55,332 89,561 135,818 18,222 12,698 0.67 -30.32 NORHT-EAST ASIA 50,288 78,375 117,720 15,483 10,601 0.56 -31.53 China 15,087 32,444 54,293 7,192 3,614 0.19 -49.75 Hong Kong, China 11 Japan 4,039 1 7,052 24,944 1,418 968 0.05 -31.73 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 46 102 1 8 0.00 700.00 Korea, Republic of 31,059 27,269 35,524 6,693 5,752 0.31 -14.06 Mongolia 91 226 726 99 176 0.01 77.78 Taiwan Province of China 1 1,338 2,131 80 83 0.00 3.75 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 5,042 8,224 12,654 2,340 1,576 0.08 -32.65 Brunei Darussalam 13 51 3 Cambodia 12 46 8 0.00 Indonesia 1 1,589 2,702 814 392 0.02 -51.84 Lao People's Democratic Republic 18 25 10 9 0.00 -10.00 Malaysia 2,936 2,768 4,388 679 361 0.02 -46.83 Myanmar 218 43 61 15 39 0.00 160.00 Philippines 9 598 1,510 271 464 0.02 71.22 Singapore 10 1,782 1,820 141 92 0.00 -34.75 Thailand 1,698 1,177 1,637 113 126 0.01 11.50 Viet Nam 170 224 414 294 85 0.00 -71.09 AUSTRALASIA 2 2,915 5,397 374 485 0.03 29.68 Australia 2 2,410 4,588 319 386 0.02 21.00 New Zealand 505 809 55 99 0.01 80.00 MELANESIA 6 11 20 32 0.00 60.00 Fiji 5 8 2 0.00 Vanuatu 1 3 20 30 0.00 50.00 MICRONESIA 32 34 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Kiribati 16 Marshall Islands 30 18 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Nauru 2 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1059 COUNTRY TABLES UZBEKISTAN / OUZBEKISTAN / UZBEKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 POLYNESIA 9 2 1 2 0.00 100.00 Tokelau 9 2 1 Tonga 2 0.00 EUROPE 2,583,045 5,161,114 6,477,349 1,452,873 1,796,353 95.48 23.64 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 2,509,951 5,032,114 6,278,395 1,422,756 1,723,057 91.59 21.11 Armenia 9 1,409 1,740 336 739 0.04 119.94 Azerbaijan 3,760 10,465 12,367 2,213 2,890 0.15 30.59 Belarus 2,721 5,609 7,411 1,632 4,254 0.23 160.66 Bulgaria 16 636 1,064 187 649 0.03 247.06 Czech Republic (Czechia) 121 1,384 1,800 276 738 0.04 167.39 Estonia 1 376 908 54 271 0.01 401.85 Georgia 128 2,617 2,916 608 1,208 0.06 98.68 Hungary 23 804 1,047 178 864 0.05 385.39 Kazakhstan 1,752,238 2,293,077 2,261,094 424,145 565,334 30.05 33.29 Kyrgyzstan 366,053 1,055,688 1,454,907 508,019 652,166 34.66 28.37 Latvia 269 1,265 1,933 244 760 0.04 211.48 Lithuania 467 772 1,453 225 826 0.04 267.11 Moldova, Republic of 33 5,470 4,601 1,033 1,109 0.06 7.36 Poland 113 2,805 5,132 399 1,815 0.10 354.89 Romania 1 446 920 203 548 0.03 169.95 Russian Federation 129,963 371,529 455,470 81,592 190,493 10.13 133.47 Slovakia 20 617 1,112 102 311 0.02 204.90 Tajikistan 206,667 1,095,505 1,473,684 337,505 288,211 15.32 -14.61 Turkmenistan 46,621 169,922 574,795 60,631 1,156 0.06 -98.09 Ukraine 727 11,718 14,041 3,174 8,715 0.46 174.57 NORTHERN EUROPE 3,035 11,779 22,194 1,973 6,326 0.34 220.63 Denmark 714 1,065 80 245 0.01 206.25 Finland 18 510 974 113 263 0.01 132.74 Iceland 19 50 6 17 0.00 183.33 Ireland 382 702 89 437 0.02 391.01 Norway 1,119 1,659 66 280 0.01 324.24 Sweden 3 1,041 1,782 223 1,088 0.06 387.89 United Kingdom 3,014 7,994 15,962 1,396 3,996 0.21 186.25 SOUTHERN EUROPE 4,935 24,256 36,683 1,870 6,340 0.34 239.04 Albania 27 63 17 33 0.00 94.12 Andorra 6 0.00 Bosnia and Herzegovina 87 130 38 83 0.00 118.42 Croatia 6 215 288 67 204 0.01 204.48 Greece 1 731 1,211 194 558 0.03 187.63 Holy See 1 1 2 0.00 Italy 4,776 13,843 20,356 904 2,088 0.11 130.97 Malta 39 87 17 25 0.00 47.06 Montenegro 23 38 14 20 0.00 42.86 North Macedonia 40 78 14 31 0.00 121.43 Portugal 633 916 80 322 0.02 302.50 San Marino 2 6 1 2 0.00 100.00 Serbia 588 776 154 394 0.02 155.84 Slovenia 2 434 542 29 260 0.01 796.55 Spain 150 7,593 12,191 341 2,312 0.12 578.01 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1060 COUNTRY TABLES UZBEKISTAN / OUZBEKISTAN / UZBEKISTAN 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 12,953 41,815 62,793 4,248 13,879 0.74 226.72 Austria 29 2,095 3,216 253 817 0.04 222.92 Belgium 47 2,152 3,044 230 753 0.04 227.39 France 5,577 13,579 20,390 1,068 3,356 0.18 214.23 Germany 7,207 18,094 27,625 2,067 6,908 0.37 234.20 Liechtenstein 13 6 Luxembourg 161 168 15 44 0.00 193.33 Monaco 4 3 Netherlands 30 2,814 4,504 400 1,065 0.06 166.25 Switzerland 63 2,903 3,837 215 936 0.05 335.35 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 52,171 51,150 77,284 22,026 46,751 2.48 112.25 Cyprus 72 130 20 51 0.00 155.00 Israel 3,800 9,779 13,615 1,048 2,532 0.13 141.60 Turkiye 48,371 41,299 63,539 20,958 44,168 2.35 110.75 MIDDLE EAST 5,214 4,919 7,401 1,790 5,458 0.29 204.92 Bahrain 100 140 14 77 0.00 450.00 Egypt 2 646 923 303 677 0.04 123.43 Iraq 186 313 102 200 0.01 96.08 Jordan 12 335 532 103 371 0.02 260.19 Kuwait 51 211 386 49 344 0.02 602.04 Lebanon 190 285 105 225 0.01 114.29 Libya 6 13 6 37 0.00 516.67 Oman 9 209 296 45 130 0.01 188.89 Qatar 76 160 137 21 99 0.01 371.43 Saudi Arabia 51 821 1,382 191 1,063 0.06 456.54 State of Palestine 75 108 37 95 0.01 156.76 Syrian Arab Republic 291 331 96 276 0.01 187.50 United Arab Emirates 5,013 1,580 2,423 680 1,782 0.09 162.06 Yemen 109 132 38 82 0.00 115.79 SOUTH ASIA 45,147 74,158 101,188 28,010 57,902 3.08 106.72 Afghanistan 23,322 44,220 62,580 20,072 34,000 1.81 69.39 Bangladesh 9 409 1,039 414 590 0.03 42.51 Bhutan 14 20 India 15,122 21,029 27,898 4,710 10,655 0.57 126.22 Iran, Islamic Republic of 3,049 2,658 3,469 897 1,677 0.09 86.96 Maldives 11 7 10 2 26 0.00 1,200.00 Nepal 7 136 230 51 86 0.00 68.63 Pakistan 3,627 5,568 5,791 1,821 10,742 0.57 489.90 Sri Lanka 117 151 43 126 0.01 193.02 NOT SPECIFIED 1,080 2,016 223 228 0.01 2.24 Other countries of the world 1,080 2,016 223 228 0.01 2.24 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1061 COUNTRY TABLES VANUATU 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 109,170 115,634 120,628 21,965 AMERICAS 3,016 3,347 3,120 692 NORTH AMERICA 3,016 3,347 3,120 692 All countries of North America 3,016 3,347 3,120 692 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 96,656 100,668 105,283 18,937 NORHT-EAST ASIA 4,688 4,970 5,778 851 China 3,612 4,007 4,671 680 Japan 1,076 963 1,107 171 AUSTRALASIA 68,941 74,048 78,207 13,067 Australia 57,387 60,616 63,122 11,248 New Zealand 11,554 13,432 15,085 1,819 MELANESIA 15,880 15,105 14,738 3,778 New Caledonia 15,880 15,105 14,738 3,778 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 7,147 6,545 6,560 1,241 Other countries of Oceania 7,147 6,545 6,560 1,241 EUROPE 6,806 8,023 8,992 1,728 OTHER EUROPE 6,806 8,023 8,992 1,728 All countries of Europe 6,806 8,023 8,992 1,728 NOT SPECIFIED 2,692 3,596 3,233 608 Other countries of the world 2,692 3,596 3,233 608 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1062 COUNTRY TABLES VIET NAM 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 12,922,151 15,497,791 18,008,591 3,837,300 157,300 100.00 -95.90 AFRICA 35,881 42,761 47,957 12,500 1,400 0.89 -88.80 OTHER AFRICA 35,881 42,761 47,957 12,500 1,400 0.89 -88.80 All countries of Africa 35,881 42,761 47,957 12,500 1,400 0.89 -88.80 AMERICAS 817,033 903,830 973,794 236,500 5,800 3.69 -97.55 NORTH AMERICA 752,359 836,761 905,292 216,280 4,500 2.86 -97.92 Canada 138,242 149,535 159,121 42,200 600 0.38 -98.58 United States of America 614,117 687,226 746,171 174,080 3,900 2.48 -97.76 OTHER AMERICAS 64,674 67,069 68,502 20,220 1,300 0.83 -93.57 Other countries of the Americas 64,674 67,069 68,502 20,220 1,300 0.83 -93.57 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10,183,567 12,513,285 14,649,690 2,916,400 134,100 85.25 -95.40 NORHT-EAST ASIA 7,885,570 10,054,868 12,027,551 2,201,258 110,600 70.31 -94.98 China 4,008,253 4,966,468 5,806,425 959,238 57,700 36.68 -93.98 Hong Kong, China 47,721 62,208 51,618 Japan 798,119 826,674 951,962 205,274 9,300 5.91 -95.47 Korea, Republic of 2,415,245 3,485,406 4,290,802 840,041 32,500 20.66 -96.13 Taiwan Province of China 616,232 714,112 926,744 196,705 11,100 7.06 -94.36 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1,638,511 1,738,220 2,037,257 527,551 16,800 10.68 -96.82 Cambodia 222,614 202,954 227,910 121,817 700 0.45 -99.43 Indonesia 81,065 87,941 106,688 21,669 600 0.38 -97.23 Lao People's Democratic Republic 141,588 120,009 98,492 49,716 9,200 5.85 -81.49 Malaysia 480,456 540,119 606,206 117,054 1,200 0.76 -98.97 Philippines 133,543 151,641 179,190 37,437 1,300 0.83 -96.53 Singapore 277,658 286,246 308,969 52,089 800 0.51 -98.46 Thailand 301,587 349,310 509,802 127,769 3,000 1.91 -97.65 AUSTRALASIA 419,553 436,788 430,599 102,354 1,200 0.76 -98.83 Australia 370,438 386,934 383,511 92,769 1,000 0.64 -98.92 New Zealand 49,115 49,854 47,088 9,585 200 0.13 -97.91 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 239,933 283,409 154,283 85,237 5,500 3.50 -93.55 Other countries of Asia 238,580 282,378 152,512 84,791 5,400 3.43 -93.63 Other countries of Oceania 1,353 1,031 1,771 446 100 0.06 -77.58 EUROPE 1,885,670 2,037,915 2,168,152 671,900 16,000 10.17 -97.62 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 574,164 606,637 646,524 246,320 1,500 0.95 -99.39 Russian Federation 574,164 606,637 646,524 246,320 1,500 0.95 -99.39 NORTHERN EUROPE 404,831 436,682 457,348 137,951 2,400 1.53 -98.26 Denmark 34,720 39,926 42,043 14,623 300 0.19 -97.95 Finland 18,236 22,785 21,480 9,994 Norway 24,293 26,134 28,037 8,998 100 0.06 -98.89 Sweden 44,045 49,723 50,704 21,961 200 0.13 -99.09 United Kingdom 283,537 298,114 315,084 82,375 1,800 1.14 -97.81 SOUTHERN EUROPE 127,569 142,633 154,395 30,183 1,500 0.95 -95.03 Italy 58,041 65,562 70,798 18,138 900 0.57 -95.04 Spain 69,528 77,071 83,597 12,045 600 0.38 -95.02 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1063 COUNTRY TABLES VIET NAM 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 589,785 636,868 666,303 174,189 4,000 2.54 -97.70 Belgium 29,144 31,382 34,187 7,585 300 0.19 -96.04 France 255,369 279,659 287,655 75,223 1,900 1.21 -97.47 Germany 199,872 213,986 226,792 61,971 1,200 0.76 -98.06 Netherlands 72,277 77,300 81,092 18,509 500 0.32 -97.30 Switzerland 33,123 34,541 36,577 10,901 100 0.06 -99.08 OTHER EUROPE 189,321 215,095 243,582 83,257 6,600 4.20 -92.07 Other countries of Europe 189,321 215,095 243,582 83,257 6,600 4.20 -92.07 SOUTH ASIA 168,998 India 168,998 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1064 COUNTRY TABLES ZAMBIA/ZAMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 1,009,173 1,072,012 1,266,427 501,606 554,290 100.00 10.50 AFRICA 782,484 830,219 1,026,432 444,128 486,525 87.77 9.55 EAST AFRICA 490,975 532,280 665,168 343,734 355,664 64.17 3.47 Burundi 1,545 1,372 0.25 -11.20 Comoros 3 15 0.00 400.00 Djibouti 15 20 0.00 33.33 Eritrea 138 224 0.04 62.32 Ethiopia 313 490 0.09 56.55 Kenya 10,626 11,754 13,924 5,577 7,848 1.42 40.72 Madagascar 49 84 0.02 71.43 Malawi 13,603 12,683 2.29 -6.76 Mauritius 128 111 0.02 -13.28 Mozambique 12,959 14,765 2.66 13.94 Rwanda 1,369 1,445 0.26 5.55 Seychelles 26 44 0.01 69.23 Somalia 1,916 2,709 0.49 41.39 Tanzania, United Republic of 222,095 161,990 206,771 118,708 169,798 30.63 43.04 Uganda 2,908 4,175 0.75 43.57 Zimbabwe 242,848 340,263 424,921 184,477 139,881 25.24 -24.17 Other countries of East Africa 15,406 18,273 19,552 CENTRAL AFRICA 96,925 82,888 117,341 52,109 77,365 13.96 48.47 Angola 962 1,532 0.28 59.25 Cameroon 205 209 0.04 1.95 Central African Republic 5 12 0.00 140.00 Chad 15 15 0.00 Congo 2,602 38 0.01 -98.54 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 48,311 75,466 13.61 56.21 Equatorial Guinea 76 0.01 Gabon 6 17 0.00 183.33 Sao Tome and Principe 3 All countries of Central Africa 96,925 82,888 117,341 NORTH AFRICA 2,062 1,948 2,928 458 549 0.10 19.87 Algeria 15 117 0.02 680.00 Morocco 17 137 0.02 705.88 Sudan 403 179 0.03 -55.58 Tunisia 23 116 0.02 404.35 All countries of North Africa 2,062 1,948 2,928 SOUTHERN AFRICA 187,415 207,569 228,667 46,237 50,576 9.12 9.38 Botswana 9,010 7,315 1.32 -18.81 Eswatini 802 818 0.15 2.00 Lesotho 431 277 0.05 -35.73 Namibia 7,557 6,148 1.11 -18.64 South Africa 92,486 94,1 70 92,033 28,437 36,018 6.50 26.66 Other countries of Southern Africa 94,929 113,399 136,634 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1065 COUNTRY TABLES ZAMBIA/ZAMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WEST AFRICA 5,107 5,534 12,328 1,590 2,371 0.43 49.12 Benin 44 15 0.00 -65.91 Burkina Faso 23 30 0.01 30.43 Cabo Verde 4 4 0.00 Cote d'lvoire 47 57 0.01 21.28 Gambia 19 40 0.01 110.53 Ghana 467 642 0.12 37.47 Guinea 8 76 0.01 850.00 Guinea-Bissau 6 8 0.00 33.33 Liberia 17 32 0.01 88.24 Mali 56 153 0.03 173.21 Mauritania 32 68 0.01 112.50 Niger 8 2 0.00 -75.00 Nigeria 680 1,035 0.19 52.21 Senegal 101 133 0.02 31.68 Sierra Leone 57 51 0.01 -10.53 Togo 21 25 0.00 19.05 All countries of West Africa 5,107 5,534 12,328 AMERICAS 47,898 51,708 51,555 8,507 14,552 2.63 71.06 CARIBBEAN 102 137 0.02 34.31 Antigua and Barbuda 11 4 0.00 -63.64 Bahamas 2 3 0.00 50.00 Barbados 9 4 0.00 -55.56 Cuba 10 17 0.00 70.00 Dominican Republic 10 27 0.00 1 70.00 Grenada 4 10 0.00 150.00 Haiti 5 10 0.00 100.00 Jamaica 26 29 0.01 11.54 Saint Kitts and Nevis 11 9 0.00 -18.18 Saint Lucia 2 7 0.00 250.00 Trinidad and Tobago 12 17 0.00 41.67 CENTRAL AMERICA 12 80 0.01 566.67 Belize 2 0.00 Costa Rica 1 4 0.00 300.00 El Salvador 47 0.01 Guatemala 8 6 0.00 -25.00 Honduras 2 0.00 Nicaragua 1 5 0.00 400.00 Panama 2 14 0.00 600.00 NORTH AMERICA 44,432 48,301 46,716 7,674 13,717 2.47 78.75 Canada 5,311 6,911 6,786 1,406 1,244 0.22 -11.52 Mexico 159 217 0.04 36.48 United States of America 39,121 41,390 39,930 6,109 12,256 2.21 100.62 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1066 COUNTRY TABLES ZAMBIA / ZAMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 SOUTH AMERICA 719 618 0.11 -14.05 Argentina 61 42 0.01 -31.15 Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2 2 0.00 Brazil 224 184 0.03 -17.86 Chile 82 57 0.01 -30.49 Colombia 124 70 0.01 -43.55 Ecuador 14 15 0.00 7.14 Guyana 4 3 0.00 -25.00 Paraguay 1 1 0.00 Peru 197 219 0.04 11.17 Suriname 1 1 0.00 Uruguay 6 3 0.00 -50.00 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3 21 0.00 600.00 OTHER AMERICAS 3,466 3,407 4,839 Other countries of the Americas 3,466 3,407 4,839 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 62,757 68,679 70,928 12,588 8,406 1.52 -33.22 NORHT-EAST ASIA 34,506 36,186 42,631 9,974 7,506 1.35 -24.74 China 26,562 27,796 34,400 7,870 6,918 1.25 -12.10 Hong Kong, China 4 2 0.00 -50.00 Japan 7,944 8,390 8,231 1,235 333 0.06 -73.04 Korea, Democratic People's Rep. of 857 241 0.04 -71.88 Korea, Republic of 5 6 0.00 20.00 Taiwan Province of China 3 6 0.00 100.00 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 625 874 0.16 39.84 Cambodia 47 53 0.01 12.77 Indonesia 126 134 0.02 6.35 Malaysia 29 Myanmar 8 Philippines 274 444 0.08 62.04 Singapore 54 32 0.01 -40.74 Thailand 48 55 0.01 14.58 Viet Nam 39 156 0.03 300.00 AUSTRALASIA 9,737 13,006 12,860 1,964 Australia 8,547 11,059 10,614 1,644 New Zealand 1,190 1,947 2,246 320 MELANESIA 8 25 0.00 212.50 Fiji 3 0.00 Papua New Guinea 6 20 0.00 233.33 Vanuatu 2 2 0.00 POLYNESIA 17 1 0.00 -94.12 Samoa 1 Tonga 16 1 0.00 -93.75 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 18,514 19,487 15,437 Other countries of Asia 18,514 19,487 15,437 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1067 COUNTRY TABLES ZAMBIA/ZAMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EUROPE 93,697 95,901 86,723 21,752 25,173 4.54 15.73 CENTRAL/EASTERN EUROPE 1,915 2,682 0.48 40.05 Armenia 2 7 0.00 250.00 Azerbaijan 1 0.00 Belarus 48 31 0.01 -35.42 Bulgaria 62 100 0.02 61.29 Czech Republic (Czechia) 246 281 0.05 14.23 Estonia 20 19 0.00 -5.00 Georgia 4 16 0.00 300.00 Hungary 130 116 0.02 -10.77 Kazakhstan 16 31 0.01 93.75 Kyrgyzstan 6 5 0.00 -16.67 Latvia 14 70 0.01 400.00 Lithuania 32 84 0.02 162.50 Moldova, Republic of 5 8 0.00 60.00 Poland 247 398 0.07 61.13 Romania 134 152 0.03 13.43 Russian Federation 703 860 0.16 22.33 Slovakia 19 74 0.01 289.47 Tajikistan 16 3 0.00 -81.25 Turkmenistan 22 9 0.00 -59.09 Ukraine 100 289 0.05 189.00 Uzbekistan 89 128 0.02 43.82 NORTHERN EUROPE 63,168 54,730 43,623 11,038 10,325 1.86 -6.46 Denmark 2,225 1,764 1,670 379 424 0.08 11.87 Finland 199 232 0.04 16.58 Iceland 69 17 0.00 -75.36 Ireland 741 646 0.12 -12.82 Norway 470 246 0.04 -47.66 Sweden 1,880 2,670 2,544 677 626 0.11 -7.53 United Kingdom 43,487 34,789 27,019 8,502 7,226 1.30 -15.01 Scandinavia 15,576 15,507 12,390 1 908 0.16 90,700.00 SOUTHERN EUROPE 3,138 5,733 4,232 2,072 2,617 0.47 26.30 Albania 27 5 0.00 -81.48 Andorra 3 1 0.00 -66.67 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Croatia 55 104 0.02 89.09 Greece 244 303 0.05 24.18 Holy See 4 5 0.00 25.00 Italy 3,138 5,733 4,232 851 933 0.17 9.64 Malta 9 23 0.00 155.56 Montenegro 1 1 0.00 North Macedonia 2 17 0.00 750.00 Portugal 332 355 0.06 6.93 San Marino 1 Serbia 129 172 0.03 33.33 Slovenia 16 25 0.00 56.25 Spain 387 663 0.12 71.32 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1068 COUNTRY TABLES ZAMBIA / ZAMBIE 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 WESTERN EUROPE 13,044 16,025 13,998 5,613 8,043 1.45 43.29 Austria 231 282 0.05 22.08 Belgium 726 944 0.17 30.03 France 5,092 6,460 6,142 1,627 1,956 0.35 20.22 Germany 7,952 9,565 7,856 1,508 2,271 0.41 50.60 Luxembourg 2 18 0.00 800.00 Netherlands 1,177 1,439 0.26 22.26 Switzerland 342 1,133 0.20 231.29 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 1,114 1,506 0.27 35.19 Cyprus 123 148 0.03 20.33 Israel 420 627 0.11 49.29 Turkiye 571 731 0.13 28.02 OTHER EUROPE 14,347 19,413 24,870 Other countries of Europe 14,347 19,413 24,870 MIDDLE EAST 2,239 3,054 0.55 36.40 Bahrain 1 1 0.00 Dubai 14 27 0.00 92.86 Egypt 916 980 0.18 6.99 Iraq 5 5 0.00 Jordan 80 60 0.01 -25.00 Lebanon 1,058 1,783 0.32 68.53 Libya 26 37 0.01 42.31 Oman 7 7 0.00 Qatar 70 Saudi Arabia 5 104 0.02 1,980.00 State of Palestine 52 8 0.00 -84.62 United Arab Emirates 27 0.00 Yemen 5 15 0.00 200.00 SOUTH ASIA 22,337 25,505 30,789 11,715 15,836 2.86 35.18 Afghanistan 20 37 0.01 85.00 Bangladesh 55 85 0.02 54.55 India 22,337 25,505 30,789 10,963 14,949 2.70 36.36 Iran, Islamic Republic of 12 Maldives 10 Nepal 67 60 0.01 -10.45 Pakistan 391 580 0.10 48.34 Sri Lanka 197 125 0.02 -36.55 NOT SPECIFIED 677 744 0.13 9.90 Other countries of the world 677 744 0.13 9.90 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1069 COUNTRY TABLES ZIMBABWE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 TOTAL 2,422,930 2,579,974 2,294,259 639,356 380,820 100.00 -40.44 AFRICA 1,948,074 2,064,031 1,871,882 567,715 269,213 70.69 -52.58 EAST AFRICA 1,001,603 1,148,168 1,123,630 356,212 168,000 44.12 -52.84 Kenya 9,545 25,045 7,905 1,924 2,408 0.63 25.16 Malawi 407,006 398,561 454,888 127,349 61,567 16.17 -51.65 Mauritius 3,120 3,113 2,656 205 75 0.02 -63.41 Mozambique 189,237 257,943 213,913 80,458 27,734 7.28 -65.53 Seychelles 2,687 1,700 360 43 374 0.10 769.77 Tanzania, United Republic of 31,226 58,954 27,875 7,709 4,141 1.09 -46.28 Uganda 5,568 13,875 6,361 584 2,093 0.55 258.39 Zambia 353,214 388,977 409,672 137,940 69,608 18.28 -49.54 CENTRAL AFRICA 35,597 74,927 31,165 7,372 5,771 1.52 -21.72 Angola 1,786 8,509 5,050 295 194 0.05 -34.24 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 33,811 66,418 26,115 7,077 5,577 1.46 -21.20 SOUTHERN AFRICA 881,049 782,118 693,981 180,198 85,256 22.39 -52.69 Botswana 101,845 123,183 69,095 15,974 5,218 1.37 -67.33 Eswatini 26,689 52,909 21,975 4,637 2,765 0.73 -40.37 Lesotho 19,105 29,179 19,223 2,115 1,688 0.44 -20.19 Namibia 17,176 36,455 21,045 4,627 3,701 0.97 -20.01 South Africa 716,234 540,392 562,643 152,845 71,884 18.88 -52.97 WEST AFRICA 3,730 11,979 4,739 618 706 0.19 14.24 Ghana 1,751 10,354 2,364 394 194 0.05 -50.76 Nigeria 1,979 1,625 2,375 224 512 0.13 128.57 OTHER AFRICA 26,095 46,839 18,367 23,315 9,480 2.49 -59.34 Other countries of Africa 26,095 46,839 18,367 23,315 9,480 2.49 -59.34 AMERICAS 121,043 120,313 101,156 17,070 20,739 5.45 21.49 CARIBBEAN 435 624 1,330 220 151 0.04 -31.36 Cuba 296 11 10 0.00 -9.09 Jamaica 338 176 26 0.01 -85.23 Other countries of the Caribbean 696 33 115 0.03 248.48 All countries of the Caribbean 435 624 NORTH AMERICA 112,706 110,070 92,644 15,488 20,145 5.29 30.07 Canada 10,613 14,006 16,176 2,989 1,140 0.30 -61.86 Mexico 887 1,039 2,481 316 249 0.07 -21.20 United States of America 101,206 95,025 73,987 12,183 18,756 4.93 53.95 SOUTH AMERICA 4,429 6,790 5,301 825 188 0.05 -77.21 Argentina 1,001 1,694 1,305 212 36 0.01 -83.02 Brazil 3,428 5,096 3,996 613 152 0.04 -75.20 OTHER AMERICAS 3,473 2,829 1,881 537 255 0.07 -52.51 Other countries of the Americas 3,473 2,829 1,881 537 255 0.07 -52.51 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1070 COUNTRY TABLES ZIMBABWE 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Market share 2021 % Change 2021 -2020 EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 119,678 141,917 113,363 14,227 17,117 4.49 20.31 NORHT-EAST ASIA 68,695 85,201 60,920 8,751 9,248 2.43 5.68 Hong Kong, China 14,407 19,428 21,958 3,634 9,020 2.37 148.21 Japan 34,214 32,014 20,766 2,381 145 0.04 -93.91 Korea, Republic of 20,074 33,759 18,196 2,736 83 0.02 -96.97 SOUTH-EAST ASIA 12,376 11,326 12,741 697 65 0.02 -90.67 Malaysia 4,991 5,030 6,469 354 43 0.01 -87.85 Singapore 7,385 6,296 6,272 343 22 0.01 -93.59 AUSTRALASIA 36,019 41,517 34,972 4,444 5,731 1.50 28.96 Australia 27,000 31,196 27,007 3,457 1,988 0.52 -42.49 New Zealand 9,019 10,321 7,965 987 3,743 0.98 279.23 OTHER EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2,588 3,873 4,730 335 2,073 0.54 518.81 Other countries of Asia 2,341 2,988 4,065 302 538 0.14 78.15 Other countries of Oceania 247 885 665 33 1,535 0.40 4,551.52 EUROPE 222,555 237,224 190,492 37,453 70,589 18.54 88.47 NORTHERN EUROPE 81,467 82,662 57,526 13,914 29,344 7.71 110.90 United Kingdom 73,552 72,029 46,740 11,955 25,044 6.58 109.49 Scandinavia 7,915 10,633 10,786 1,959 4,300 1.13 119.50 SOUTHERN EUROPE 31,998 34,090 30,260 4,118 3,666 0.96 -10.98 Italy 12,944 14,401 14,541 1,583 1,143 0.30 -27.80 Portugal 6,471 6,161 4,075 1,044 508 0.13 -51.34 Spain 12,583 13,528 11,644 1,491 2,015 0.53 35.14 WESTERN EUROPE 93,475 100,623 87,214 13,833 28,098 7.38 103.12 Austria 4,173 5,272 4,148 1,362 4,921 1.29 261.31 France 23,055 26,180 18,690 3,469 4,611 1.21 32.92 Germany 37,304 39,934 37,954 3,797 5,533 1.45 45.72 Netherlands 20,189 20,626 16,808 3,804 9,104 2.39 139.33 Switzerland 8,754 8,611 9,614 1,401 3,929 1.03 180.44 EAST MEDITERRANEAN EUROPE 4,415 4,991 5,589 1,883 774 0.20 -58.90 Israel 4,415 4,991 5,589 1,883 774 0.20 -58.90 OTHER EUROPE 11,200 14,858 9,903 3,705 8,707 2.29 135.01 Other countries of Europe 11,200 14,858 9,903 3,705 8,707 2.29 135.01 MIDDLE EAST 2,844 2,400 4,378 323 349 0.09 8.05 Egypt 435 503 774 104 151 0.04 45.19 Kuwait 397 11 3 0.00 -72.73 Saudi Arabia 146 4 5 0.00 25.00 United Arab Emirates 95 75 354 30 33 0.01 10.00 Other countries of Middle East 2,314 1,822 2,707 174 157 0.04 -9.77 SOUTH ASIA 8,736 14,089 12,988 2,568 2,813 0.74 9.54 India 6,960 12,465 11,076 2,417 2,518 0.66 4.18 Iran, Islamic Republic of 713 910 356 12 30 0.01 150.00 Pakistan 1,063 714 1,556 139 265 0.07 90.65 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: 1073 NOTES 2017-202' Country notes 20 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality Belarus Total Package tour. Bhutan Total Until 2018, includes only the arrivals of international tourists for leisure purpose. Total arrivals 2017: 254,704; 2018: 274,097. 2021: dueto covid protocol (21 days of mandatory quarantine), Bhutan received only 1 tourist with a stay of 113 nights. Bolivia, Plurlnatlonal State of Total Preliminary data. Brunei Darussalam Total Arrivals by air. Central African Republic Total Arrivals by air to Bangui only. Chad Total Arrivals by air. Chile Total Including nationals residing abroad. Source: Jefatura Nacional de Migraciones y Polícia Internacionál Comoros Total Arrivals by air. Gambia Total Arrivals by air. Grenada Total Arrivals by air only. Honduras Total Excluding tourists arrivals by sea. Hungary Total Due to the coronavirus epidemic in 2020, emergency measures were introduced, border traffic was significantly lower than usual. In the second quarter of 2020, data collection was suspended, so the production of these data was done by model estimation and imputation. Due to the low number of data providers, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable with the data of previous periods. Iceland Total Source: Icelandic Tourist Board. Arrivals at Keflavik airport only. India Total Including nationals residing abroad. Italy Total Excluding seasonal and border workers. Kiribati Total Arrivals by air. Tarawa and Christmas Island. Lebanon Total Excluding the Lebanon, Syria and Palestine nationalities. Madagascar Total Prior to 2015, the Directorate for Information and Monitoring of Immigration and Emigration (DRCIE) of the Ministry of Public Security of Madagascar recorded the nationalities of visitors for the entire country. For the year 2018, a clear improvement was put in place compared to the collection system for the landing at Nosy-Be Airport. Previously, the DRCIE was only able to issue data from Ivato International Airport. Therefore, figures for other countries of the world currently show the nationalities of non-resident visitors arriving at the six (6) international airports of Toamasina, Sainte-Marie, Antsiranana, Mahajanga, Fort-Dauphin and Tuléar. End of 2018 and all 2019, NosyBe International Airport has 16 flights per week operated by several international companies, which shows a clear increase in the number of tourists from various nationalities, including Italians. Malaysia Total Including Singapore residents crossing the frontier by road through Johore Causeway. Maldives Total Arrivals by air. Mali Total Arrivals by air only (Bamako-Senou airport). Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1074 NOTES 2017-202' 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by nationality Mexico Total Source: Migration Policy Unit and INEGI. Data prior to August 2018 correspond to the Bank of Mexico. United States of America Including land arrivals of non-border tourists, border tourists and national tourists resident in the United States of America and air transport records of the Migration Policy Unit. Nationals residing abroad Excluded Mexicans residing in the United States. Palau Total Arrivals by air (Palau International Airport). Paraguay Total Excluding nationals residing abroad and crew members. E/d cards in the 'Silvio Petirossi' airport and passenger counts at the national border crossings - National Police and SENATUR. Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Total Arrivals at Princess Juliana International Airport. Including visitors to St. Maarten (the French side of the island). France Including residents of the French West Indies. Sri Lanka Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. China Including Hong Kong (China), and Macao (China). Trinidad and Tobago Total Arrivals by air. Tiirkiye Total Including Turkish citizens resident abroad. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1075 NOTES 2017-202' 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence Anguilla Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Antigua and Barbuda Total Arrivals by air. Excluding nationals residing abroad. Argentina Total Change of methodology from 2016. Barbados Total The information for 2019 only includes data relating to the January-September period due to a data gap in the fourth quarter and is therefore not comparable to the series for previous years. Bermuda Total Arrivals by air. Canada Total Source: Statistics Canada Other countries of Including Mayotte East Africa Bonaire Including Sint Eustatius and Saba Other countries of Including Saint Martin (French Part) and Saint Barthelemy the Caribbean Other countries of Including South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South America Other countries of Including United States Minor Outlying Islands Micronesia Channel Islands Including Guernsey and Jersey Other countries of Including Aland Islands Northern Europe Other countries of Southern Europe Including Kosovo Cayman Islands Total Arrivals by air. Colombia Total Source: Administrative Department of Security (DAS) / Migracion Colombia. Arrivals of non-resident tourists by immigration checkpoints. Including nationals residing abroad. Excluding cross-border visitors and cruise passengers. Provisional data. Cook Islands Total Arrivals by air and sea. Curacao Total Arrivals by air. Cyprus China Including Hong Kong (China). Switzerland Including Liechtenstein. Dominican Republic Total Arrivals by air. Ethiopia Total Arrivals through all ports of entry. Fiji Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. France Total Source: Banque de France. Non resident visitor survey (EVE). From 2019: INSEE calculations and estimates. Estimates reproducing the 2020 breakdown applying it to 2021. All countries of North Africa Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. China Including Hong Kong (China), and Macao (China). Switzerland Including Liechtenstein. French Polynesia Total Arrivals by air. Excluding nationals residing abroad. Samoa Including American Samoa. Greece Total Information based on the border survey conducted by the Bank of Greece. Egypt Including Sudan. Lebanon Including Syrian Arab Republic. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1076 NOTES 2017-202' 1. Arrivals of non-resident tourists at national borders, by country of residence Haiti Total Arrivals by air. Including nationals residing abroad. Ireland United Kingdom Including Northern Ireland resident arrivals. Israel Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Jamaica Total Arrivals by air. Including nationals residing abroad. Mali Total Arrivals by air only (Bamako-Sénou airport). Malta Total Data based on departures by air and by sea. Source: National Statistics Office Martinique Total Including French overseas departments and territories. Mauritius Total 2021: provisional data. Mexico Total Source: Migration Policy Unit and INEGI. Data prior to August 2018 correspond to the Bank of Mexico. United States of America Including land arrivals of non-border tourists, border tourists and national tourists resident in the United States of America and air transport records of the Migration Policy Unit. New Caledonia Total Including nationals residing abroad. All countries of the Caribbean Martinique, Guadeloupe and Guyana. Peru Total Including nationals residing abroad. Philippines Nationals residing abroad Philippine passport holders permanently residing abroad; excludes overseas Filipino workers. Puerto Rico Total Arrivals by air. Fiscal year July to June. Source: Junta de Planificación de Puerto Rico. Reunion Total Survey on Tourism Flows. Source until 2015: INSEE. Source from 2016: IRT (lie de la Reunion Tourisme). Other countries of Africa Indian Ocean. Saint Kitts and Nevis Total Arrivals by air. Saint Lucia Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Total Arrivals by air. Sierra Leone Total Arrivals by air. South Africa Total Excluding transit. Spain Total Source: Frontur (Statistics of tourists' flows at frontiers). Sri Lanka Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. China Including Hong Kong (China), and Macao (China). Timor-Leste Total Arrivals by air at Dili Airport. Tonga Total Arrivals by air. United States of America Canada Historical data may reflect revisions made by Statistics Canada. Mexico Historical data may reflect revisions made by Banco de Mexico. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1077 NOTES 2017-202' 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by nationality Albania Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Algeria Total Including nationals residing abroad. Belarus Total Including estimation of the Belarusian-Russian border segment. Belize Total Including transit passengers and border permits. China Total Including arrivals of non-residents visitors through border areas in China. Ecuador Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Egypt Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Hungary Total Due to the coronavirus epidemic in 2020, emergency measures were introduced, border traffic was significantly lower than usual. In the second quarter of 2020, data collection was suspended, so the production of these data was done by model estimation and imputation. Due to the low number of data providers, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable with the data of previous periods. Italy Total Border survey. Excluding seasonal and border workers. Japan Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Korea, Republic of Total Including nationals residing abroad and crew members. Macao (China) Total Source of data: Public Security Police Force Nigeria Total Source: Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) Northern Mariana Islands United States of America Including Guam. Poland Total Since Poland joined the Schengen area, precise counting of incoming traffic is not possible. Data presented here are based on surveys by the Institute of Tourism. Only approximate results for main countries can be given. Syrian Arab Republic Total Survey of the incoming tourism. Turkiye Total Including Turkish citizens resident abroad. Uruguay Total Excluding cruise passengers arrivals. 2021: only data from November and December. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1078 NOTES 2017-202' 2. Arrivals of non-resident visitors at national borders, by country of residence Australia Total Excluding nationals residing abroad and crew members. Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 07.136 Bahrain Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. Source: Inbound tourism survey. ;ss:194.213.2 Canada Total Source: Statistics Canada Other countries of East Africa Including Mayotte •a ■o Other countries of Northern Europe Including Aland Islands anal De Other countries of Southern Europe Including Kosovo Regii Cdte d'lvoire Total Figures include arrivals by land (road and railway). Ecuador Total Including nationals residing abroad; Ministr; Hong Kong (China) United States of America Including Guam. Ú New Zealand Including Cook Islands. o France Including New Caledonia and French Polynesia. Ói Israel Total Excluding nationals residing abroad. 2023 Latvia Total Non-resident departures. Survey of persons crossing the state border. prii 21, Macao (China) Total Data are compiled by issuing place of travel document. Source of data: Public Security Police Force. < if Mozambique Total Arrivals at all border posts of the country. Í789284424139 - Frid: New Zealand Total Data regarding to short term movements are compiled from a random sample of passenger declarations. Including nationals residing abroad. Source: Statistics New Zealand (International Travel and Migration). Panama Total Total number of visitors broken down by permanent residence who arrived in Panama at Tocumen International Airport. .18111/c Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Total Arrivals by air. o Singapore Total Excluding Malaysian citizens arrivals by land. o o -O South Africa Total Excluding transit. i:// United Kingdom Total Data collection by the International Passenger Survey (IPS) was suspended 16 March 2020, for the period April to December 2020 the figures are based on administrative sources and modelling; estimates prior to April 2020 are based on data collected from the International Passenger Survey. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, 2021 data is 'incomplete' as it excludes Dover data for Q1-Q2 and Eurotunnel data for the whole year. Pseudo records at the Irish land border were also removed in 2021. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1079 NOTES 2017-202' 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality Bolivia, Plurinational State of Total Preliminary data. Arrivals in hotels in the regional capital cities. Iceland Total Source: Statistics Iceland Montenegro Serbia Including arrivals from Kosovo. Morocco Total Arrivals in classified hotels, holiday villages, tourist residences, Riad, gites, inns and camping. Serbia Switzerland Liechtenstein is included. State of Palestine Total Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Hotel Activity Survey. Ramallah - Palestine. The data on hotel activity represent the West Bank only. Syrian Arab Republic Total Survey of the incoming tourism. Tiirkiye Total Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Data is collected as an online questionnaire form from all ministry and municipality certificated accommodation facilities in Turkey. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 108C NOTES 2017-202' 3. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence Austria Total Hotels only. Belgium Total Hotels only. Cabo Verde Belgium Including Netherlands. Curacao Total Large and small hotels, guest houses, apartments and bungalows. Denmark Total Hotels only. 2017 and 2019: change of methodology. France Total Source: Insee, regional partners. Collective tourism establishments occupancy surveys. Estimated data during the periods of confinement without collection in 2020 and 2021. Germany China Including Hong Kong (China). Other countries East Asia/Pacific Including India. Greece Total Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) Data refer to NACE rev.2 55.1 establishments Israel Total Arrivals at tourist hotels and not yet listed hotels. All countries of South America Including Central America. Luxembourg Total NACE Rev2 55.100 Macao (China) Total Source of data: Monthly Survey of Hotels and Similar Establishments Martinique Total 2019: Hotels only. Poland Total Establishments with 10 or more bed places. As of July 31. Excluding hostels. Portugal Total Include hotels, apartment hotels, pousadas, tourist apartments and tourist villages. Puerto Rico Total Fiscal year July to June. Hotels registered by the Companfa de Turismo de Puerto Rico. Other countries of the Caribbean Aggregated data of tourists coming from minor Antilles who did not specify their country of origin are included. Other countries of the World Including crew members. Romania Total Until 2019, the data were obtained from accommodation structures with over 10 beds. Starting with 2020, the data are obtained from tourist accommodation structures with over 5 beds. Other countries of Africa Including Egypt and Libya. Spain Total Arrivals at hotels and hostales (accommodation establishments providing limited services). Switzerland Total Including health establishments. All countries of North Africa Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. Togo Total Including nationals residing abroad. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 108' NOTES 2017-202' 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality Hungary Total Collective accommodation establishments. Iceland Total Source: Statistics Iceland Moldova, Republic of Total Excluding the left side of the river Nistru and the municipality of Bender. Montenegro Serbia Including arrivals from Kosovo. Serbia Switzerland Liechtenstein is included. Turkiye Total Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Data is collected as an online questionnaire form from all ministry and municipality certificated accommodation facilities in Turkey. 4. Arrivals of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence Austria Total Only paid accommodation; excluding stays at friends and relatives and second homes. Belgium Total Hotel establishments, campings, holiday centres, holiday villages and specific categories of accommodation. From 2012 including bed and breakfast. Croatia Total Excluding arrivals in ports of nautical tourism. Since 2017, the survey does not include business entities sleeping cars and couchettes and business entities in river and sea water transport (only scheduled lines). Denmark Total Including non-commercial tourism. 2017 and 2019: change of methodology. 2017 break in the series: shared economy platforms are included. China From October 2018 included Hong Kong (China). Before in Other Asia. France Total Source: Insee, regional partners. Collective tourism establishments occupancy surveys. Estimated data during the periods of confinement without collection in 2020 and 2021. Germany China Including Hong Kong (China). Greece Total Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) From 2013, NACE Rev. 2 - 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3 Lithuania Total 2021: excluding rural dwellings Philippines Total Arrivals by air. Nationals residing abroad Philippine passport holders permanently residing abroad; excludes overseas Filipino workers. Poland Total Establishments with 10 or more bed places. As of July 31. Since 2015, including agrotourism lodgings and rooms for guest. Portugal Total Include hotels, apartment hotels, pousadas, tourist apartments, tourist villages, camping sites, recreation centres, tourism in rural areas and local accommodation. Local accommodation without restriction regarding capacity on Autonomous Region of Madeira until 2018. Romania Total Until 2019, the data were obtained from accommodation structures with over 10 beds. Starting with 2020, the data are obtained from tourist accommodation structures with over 5 beds. Other countries of Africa Including Egypt and Libya. Spain Total Arrivals at hotels, hostales, camping, tourism apartments and rural dwellings. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1082 NOTES 2017-202' 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by nationality Bhutan Total Until 2018, includes only the overnight stays of international tourists for leisure purpose. 2021: due to covid protocol (21 days of mandatory quarantine), Bhutan received only 1 tourist with a stay of 113 nights. Bolivia, Plurinational State of Total Preliminary data. Overnights in the regional capital cities. Iceland Total Source: Statistics Iceland Montenegro Serbia Including arrivals from Kosovo. Morocco Total Overnight stays in classified hotels, holiday villages, tourist residences, Riad, gites, inns and camping. Serbia Switzerland Liechtenstein is included. State of Palestine Total Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Hotel Activity Survey. Ramallah - Palestine. The data on hotel activity represent the West Bank only. Turkiye Total Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Data is collected as an online questionnaire form from all ministry and municipality certificated accommodation facilities in Turkey. 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence Austria Total Hotels only. Belgium Total Hotels only. Cabo Verde Belgium Including Netherlands. Denmark Total Hotels only. 2017 and 2019: change of methodology. France Total Source: Insee, regional partners. Collective tourism establishments occupancy surveys. Estimated data during the periods of confinement without collection in 2020 and 2021. Germany China Including Hong Kong (China). Other countries of East Asia/Pacific Including India. Greece Total Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) Data refer to NACE rev.2 55.1 establishments Israel Total Overnights in tourist hotels and apartment hotels. All countries of South America Including Central America. Luxembourg Total NACE Rev2 55.100 Macao (China) Total Source of data: Monthly Survey of Hotels and Similar Establishments Martinique Total 2019: Hotels only. Norway Total Overnights in registered establishments. Poland Total Establishments with 10 or more bed places. As of July 31. Excluding hostels. Portugal Total Include hotels, apartment hotels, pousadas, tourist apartments and tourist villages. Romania Total Until 2019, the data were obtained from accommodation structures with over 10 beds. Starting with 2020, the data are obtained from tourist accommodation structures with over 5 beds. Other countries of Africa Including Egypt and Libya. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1083 NOTES 2017-202' 5. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in hotels and similar establishments, by country of residence Spain Total Overnights in hotels and hostales (accommodation establishments providing limited services). m Switzerland Total Including health establishments. 194.213.207 All countries of North Africa Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. Togo Total Including nationals residing abroad. lie IP Address: 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by nationality .epub 05 J3 o Hungary Total Collective accommodation establishments. N u QJ Iceland Total Source: Statistics Iceland £ _g Moldova, Republic of Total Excluding the left side of the river Nistru and the municipality of Bender. 5 QJ a Montenegro Serbia Including arrivals from Kosovo. a, _o Ij Serbia Switzerland Liechtenstein is included. :gional De\ Tiirkiye Total Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Data is collected as an online questionnaire form from all ministry and municipality certificated accommodation facilities in Turkey. 0 AM - Ministry for Re 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence 3 2:24:5 Austria Total Only paid accommodation; excluding stays at friends and relatives and second homes. (N O (N Bahamas Total Overnights in all forms of commercial accommodation. lay, April 21. Belgium Total Hotel establishments, campings, holiday centres, holiday villages and specific categories of accommodation. From 2012 including bed and breakfast. Canada Total Source: Canadian Tourism Commission and Statistics Canada Ph China Including Mongolia and Tibet. m United Kingdom Including Gibraltar. 00 Italy Including San Marino, the Holy See and Malta. (N 00 France Including Andorra and Monaco. Switzerland Including Liechtenstein. i/book/10.181 Croatia Total Excluding overnight stays at ports of nautical tourism. Since 2017, the survey does not include business entities sleeping cars and couchettes and business entities in river and sea water transport (only scheduled lines). Denmark Total Including non-commercial tourism. 2017 and 2019: change of methodology. 2017 break in the series: shared economy platforms are included. 3 QJ China From October 2018 included Hong Kong (China). Before in Other Asia. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1084 NOTES 2017-202' 6. Overnight stays of non-resident tourists in all types of accommodation establishments, by country of residence France Jamaica Total Source: Banque de France, 2019 estimate based on the 2018 structure; Provisional estimates for 2020 and 2021, calculated based on changes in the survey on frequentation of hotels and similar and adjusted on the total EVE. Non resident visitor survey (EVE). From 2019: INSEE calculations. All countries of North Africa Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. China Including Hong Kong (China), and Macao (China). Switzerland Including Liechtenstein. ublic Germany China Including Hong Kong (China). ech Rep Greece Total Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) From 2013, NACE Rev. 2 - 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3 n the Cz Ireland Total Including overnights in private homes and holiday homes where no payment is made. c QJ United Kingdom Including Northern Ireland residents. Total Information obtained by multiplying the average length of stay by the number of stop-overs of each country origin. Excluding nationals residing abroad. Other countries of the Americas Latin America. All countries of Europe United Kingdom and rest of Europe. Lithuania Total 2021: excluding rural dwellings Malta Total Data based on overnights spent by departing tourists (by air and by sea). Source: National Statistics Office Mauritius Total 2021: provisional data. Netherlands Total Excluding overnight stays at fixed pitches (hired on a yearly or seasonal basis). Poland Total Establishments with 10 or more bed places. As of July 31. Since 2015, including agrotourism lodgings and rooms for guest. Portugal Total Include hotels, apartment hotels, pousadas, tourist apartments, tourist villages, camping sites, recreation centres, tourism in rural areas and local accommodation. Local accommodation without restriction regarding capacity on Autonomous Region of Madeira until 2018. Romania Total Until 2019, the data were obtained from accommodation structures with over 10 beds. Starting with 2020, the data are obtained from tourist accommodation structures with over 5 beds. Other countries of Africa Including Egypt and Libya. Spain Total Overnights in hotels, hostales, camping, tourism apartments and rural dwellings. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1085 NOTES 2017-202' otes des pays 1. Arrivées de touristes non residents aux Ťrontiěres nationales, par nationalité Belarus Total Voyages ä forfait. Bhoutan Total Jusqu'ä2018, comprend uniquement les arrivées de touristes internationaux pour motifs de loisirs. Total des arrivées 2017 : 254.704 ; 2018 : 274.097. 2021 : en raison du protocole covid (21 jours de quarantaine obligatoire), le Bhoutan n'a recu qu' 1 touriste avec une durée de 113 nuits. Bollvle (Etat plurinational de) Total Données préliminaires. Brunei Darussalam Total Arrivées par voie aérienne. Chill Total Y compris les nationaux résidant ä ľétranger. Source : Jefatura Nacionál de Migraciones y Polícia Internacionál Comores Total Arrivées par voie aérienne. Gamble Total Arrivées par voie aérienne. Grenade Total Arrivées par voie aérienne uniquement. Honduras Total Ä ľexclusion des arrivées de touristes par voie maritime. Hongrie Total Madagascar Total En raison de l'epidemie de Coronavirus en 2020, des mesures d'urgence ont ete introduites, le trafic frontalier a ete nettement inferieur ä la normale. Au deuxieme trimestre de 2020, la collecte de donnees fut suspendue, de sorte que la production de ces donnees a ete effectuee via estimation et modeles d'imputation. En raison du faible nombre de fournisseurs de donnees, la fiabilite des donnees publiees s'en est ressentie et les donnees ne sont comparables avec les donnees des periodes precedentes que dans une moindre mesure. Inde Total Y compris les nationaux residant a I'etranger. Islande Total Source : Icelandic Tourist Board. Arrivees a I'aeroport Keflavik seulement. Itálie Total A I'exclusion des travailleurs saisonniers et frontaliers. Kiribati Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Tarawa et Tie Christmas. Li ba n Total A I'exclusion des nationalites libanaise, syrienne et palestinienne. Avant l'annee 2015, la Direction des renseignements et du contröle de l'immigration et de l'emigration (DRCIE) du Ministere de la securite publique de Madagascar recensait les nationalites des visiteurs sur l'ensemble du territoire. Au titre de l'annee 2018, une nette amelioration a ete mise en place par rapport au Systeme de collecte pour le debarquement ä l'Aeroport de Nosy-Be. Auparavant, le DRCIE ne livrait que les donnees de l'Aeroport international d'lvato. Done, les chiffres des « autres pays du monde » represented actuellement les nationalites des visiteurs non residents debarquant dans les six (6) aeroports internationaux deToamasina, Sainte-Marie, Antsiranana, Mahajanga, Fort-Dauphin et Tulear. Fin d'annee 2018 et la totalite de l'annee 2019, l'Aeroport International de NosyBe est servis par 16 vols par semaines par plusieurs compagnies internationales ce qui montre une nette augmentation de nombre des touristes de diverses nationalites dont l'italienne. Malaisie Total Y compris les residents de Singapour traversant la frontiěre par voie terrestre ä travers le Johore Causeway. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1086 NOTES 2017-202' 1. Arrivees de touristes non residents aux frontieres nationales, par nationality Maldives Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Mali Total Arrivees par voie aerienne uniquement (aeroport de Bamako-Senou). Mexique Total Source : Service des politiques migratoires et INEGI. Les donnees anterieures ä aoüt 2018 correspondent ä la Banque du Mexique. Etats-Unis d'Amerique Sont comprises les arrivees de touristes par voie terrestre dans les regions interieures, de touristes dans les regions frontalieres et de touristes nationaux ayant le Statut de residents aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique et registres aeriens du service des politiques migratoires. Nationaux residents ä I'etranger Les Mexicains residant aux Etats-Unis sont exclus. Palaos Total Arrivees par voie aerienne (aeroport international de Palaos). Paraguay Total Ä l'exclusion des nationaux residant ä I'etranger et des membres des equipages. Cartes d'embarquement et de debarquement ä I'aeroport Silvio Petirossi et comptages des passagers lors du franchissement des frontieres nationales -Police nationale et SENATUR. Republique centrafricaine Total Arrivees par voie aerienne ä Bangui uniquement. Sint Maarten (Partie Neerlandaise) Total Arrivees ä I'aeroport international 'Princess Juliana'. Y compris les visiteurs ä St. Martin (partie francaise de I'tle). France Y compris les residents des Antilles francaises. Sri Lanka Total Ä l'exclusion des nationaux residant ä I'etranger. Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine) et Macao (Chine). Tchad Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Trinite-et -Tobago Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Tiirkiye Total Y compris les citoyens turcs residant ä I'etranger. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1087 NOTES 2017-202' 1. Arrivées de touristes non residents aux frontiěres nationales, par pays de residence Afrique du Sud Total Ä l'exclusion du transit. Anguilla Total Ä l'exclusion des nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. .207.131 Antigua-et-Barbuda Total Arrivées par voie aérienne. Ä l'exclusion des nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. m (N Argentine Total Changement de méthodologie ä partir de 2016. P Address:!^ Barbade Total Les informations pour 2019 ne comprennent que les données relatives ä la periodě janvier-septembre en raison du manque de données du quatriěme trimestre et, par consequent, ne sont pas comparables aux series des années précédentes. blic] Bermudes Total Arrivées par voie aérienne. Repu Canada Total Source: Statistics Canada : Czech Autres pays Afrique Orientale Y compris Mayotte _g Bonaire Y compris Saint-Eustache et Saba c QJ Ü Autres pays CaraTbes Y compris Saint-Martin (partie francaise) et Saint-Barthélemy )evelopr Autres pays Amerique du Sud Y compris Géorgie du Sud-et-lesíles Sandwich du Sud gional Ľ Autres pays Micronesie Y compris Nes mineures éloignées des États-Unis QJ Pá Sh Ties Anglo-Normandes Y compris Guernsey et Jersey inistry ft Autres pays Europe du Nord Y compris Ties d'Äland 1:50 AM - M: Autres pays Europe du Sud Y compris Kosovo Chypre Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (China). (N Ói Suisse Y compris Liechtenstein. y, April 21, 2023 Colombie Total Source : Departement administratif de sécurité (DAS) / Migración Colombia. Arrivées de touristes non-résidents par des contröles ďimmigration. Y compris les nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. Ä l'exclusion des visiteurs transfrontaliers et des croisiéristes. Données provisoires. CS ■o ft Curacao Total Arrivées par voie aérienne. m Espagne Total Source : Frontur (Statistiques sur les flux touristiques aux frontieres). 2844241 États-Unis d'Amerique Canada Les données historiques peuvent refléter les revisions apportées par Statistics Canada. 11/9789 Mexique Les données historiques peuvent refléter les revisions apportées par Banco de Mexico. 00 Éthiopie Total Arrivées ä travers tous les ports ďentrée. d Fidji Total Ä l'exclusion des nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. w.e-un France Total Source : Banque de France. Enquéte auprěs des visiteurs venant de l'etranger (EVE). Ä partir de 2019 : calculs et estimations Insee. Estimation en reproduisant la ventilation 2020 en l'appliquant ä 2021. Tous pays Afrique du Nord Algérie, Egypte, Libye, Maroc et Tunisie. S S Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine) et Macao (Chine). & Suisse Y compris Liechtenstein. -ô Grěce Total Egypte Li ban L'information est basée sur Tenquéte aux frontiěres réalisée par la Banque de Grěce. Y compris Soudan. Y compris République arabe syrienne. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1088 NOTES 2017-202' 1. Arrivees de touristes non residents aux frontieres nationales, par pays de residence Haiti Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Les nationaux residant a I'etranger sont inclus. Ties Ca'i'manes Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Ties Cook Total Arrivees par voies aerienne et maritime. Irlande Royaume-Uni Y compris les arrivees des residents de Nrlande du nord. Israel Total A I'exclusion des nationaux residant a I'etranger. JamaVque Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Y compris les nationaux residants a I'etranger. Mali Total Arrivees par voie aerienne uniquement (aeroport de Bamako-Senou). Malte Total Donnees tirees des departs par voies aerienne et maritime. Source : National Statistics Office Martinique Total Y compris les departements et territoires francais d'outremer. Maurice Total 2021 : donnees provisoires. Mexique Total Source : Service des politiques migratoires et INEGI. Les donnees anterieures ä aoüt 2018 correspondent ä la Banque du Mexique. Etats-Unis d'Amerique Sont comprises les arrivees de touristes par voie terrestre dans les regions interieures, de touristes dans les zones frontalieres et de touristes nationaux ayant le statut de residents aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique et registres aeriens du service des politiques migratoires. Nouvelle-Caledonie Total Y compris les nationaux residant ä I'etranger. Tous pays CaraTbes Martinique, Guadeloupe et Guyane. Perou Total Y compris les nationaux residant ä I'etranger. Philippines Nationaux residents ä I'etranger Titulaires d'un passeport philippin residant en permanence ä I'etranger; travailleurs philippins exclus. Polynesie francaise Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Ä I'exclusion des nationaux residant ä I'etranger. Samoa Y compris les Samoa americaines. Porto Rico Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Annee fiscale de juillet ä juin. Source : Junta de Planificacion de Puerto Rico. Republique dominicaine Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Reunion Total Enquete flux touristiques. Source jusqu'ä 2015: INSEE. Source ä partir de 2016 : IRT (fie de la Reunion Tourisme). Autres pays d'Afrique Ocean Indien. Sainte-Lucie Total Ä I'exclusion des nationaux residant ä I'etranger. Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Sierra Leone Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Sri Lanka Total Ä I'exclusion des nationaux residant ä I'etranger. Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine) et Macao (Chine). Timor-Leste Total Arrivees par voie aerienne ä I'aeroport de Dili. Tonga Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1089 NOTES 2017-202' 2. Arrivées de visiteurs non residents aux Ťrontiěres nationales, par nationalité Albánie Total Á I'exclusion des nationaux résidant á I'etranger. Algérie Total Y compris les nationaux résidant á I'etranger. Belarus Total Y compris I'estimation du segment frontalier entre la Biélorussie et la Russie. Belize Total Y compris passagers en transit et passagers á la f rontiěre. Chine Total Y compris les arrivées de visiteurs non-résidents á travers de zones frontaliěres en Chine. Corée (République de) Total Y compris les nationaux résidant á I'etranger et les membres des equipages. Egypte Total Á I'exclusion des nationaux résidant á I'etranger. Équateur Total Á I'exclusion des nationaux résidant á I'etranger. Hongrie Total En raison de 1'épidémie de coronavirus en 2020, des mesures ďurgence ont été introduces, le trafic frontalier a été nettement inférieur á la normále. Au deuxiěme trimestre de 2020, la collecte de données fut suspendue, de sortě que la production de ces données a été effectuée via estimation et moděles ď imputation. En raison du faible nombre de fournisseurs de données, la fiabilité des données publiées s'en est ressentie et les données ne sont comparables avec les données des périodes précédentes que dans une moindre mesure. Ties Mariannes septentrionales Etats-Unis d'Amerique Y compris Guam. Itálie Total Enquéte aux frontiěres. Á I'exclusion des travailleurs saisonniers et frontaliers. Japon Total Á I'exclusion des nationaux résidant á 1'étranger. Macao (Chine) Total Source des données : Force de police de sécurité publique Nigeria Total Source : Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) Pologne Total Depuis que la Pologne est entrée dans I'espace Schengen, le comptage precis du trafic entrant n'est pas possible. Les données présentées ici sont basées sur les enquétes de I'lnstitut du Tourisme. Seuls des résultats approximatifs des principaux pays peuvent étre fournis. République arabe syrienne Total Enquéte du tourisme récepteur. Turkiye Total Y compris les citoyens turcs résidant á 1'étranger. Uruguay Total Á I'exclusion des arrivées des croisiéristes. 2021 : uniquement les données de novembre et décembre. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1090 NOTES 2017-202' 2. Arrivées de visiteurs non residents aux Ťrontiěres nationales, par pays de residence Afrique du Sud Total Ä l'exclusion du transit. 07.136 Austrálie Total Ä l'exclusion des nationaux résidant ä l'etranger et les membres des equipages. Source : Australian Bureau of Statistics Í4.213.2 Bahrein Total Ä l'exclusion des nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. Source : Enquéte du tourisme récepteur. Canada Total Source: Statistics Canada IP Addri Autres pays Afrique Orientale Y compris Mayotte Bonaire Y compris Saint-Eustache et Saba a, QJ Autres pays CaraTbes Y compris Saint-Martin (partie francaise) et Saint-Barthélemy ; Czech Autres pays Amerique du Sud Y compris Géorgie du Sud-et-lesTles Sandwich du Sud !nt in thi Autres pays Micronesie Y compris Nes mineures éloignées des États-Unis a & o Ties Anglo-Normandes Y compris Guernsey et Jersey ü Devel Autres pays Europe du Nord Y compris Ties d'Äland Region; Autres pays Europe du Sud Y compris Kosovo Côte ď Ivoire Total Les chiffres incluent les arrivées par voie terrestre (route et chemin de fer). 'c Équateur Total Y compris les nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. % Hong-Kong (Chine) Etats-Unis d'Amerique Y compris Guam. < Nouvelle-Zelande Y compris Ties Cook. O Ti France Y compris Nouvelle-Calédonie et Polynésie francaise. Ói m Israel Total Ä l'exclusion des nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. 121, 20: Lettonie Total Departs des non-résidents. Enquéte auprěs des personnes qui traversent les frontiěres du pays. ly, April Macao (Chine) Total Les données sont compilées en délivrant le Neu du document de voyage. Source des données : Force de police de sécurité publique. ■o "G PH Mozambique Total Arrivées ätous les postes frontaliers du pays. Í789284424139 - Nouvelle-Zélande Total Les données relatives aux mouvements de courte durée sont obtenues ä partir d'un échantillon aléatoire de declarations des passagers. Y compris les nationaux résidant ä l'etranger. Source : Statistiques de la Nouvelle Zélande (International Travel and Migration). .18111/S Panama Total Nombre total de visiteurs arrives au Panama par 1'aéroport international de Tocumen, classes selon leur residence permanente. :// Royaume-Uni Total La collecte de données par 1'Enquéte auprěs des Passagers Internationaux a été suspendue le 16 mars 2020. Pour la periodě ďavril ä décembre 2020, les chiffres sont bases sur des sources administratives et des moděles. Les estimations antérieures ä avril 2020 sont basées sur les données recueillies dans le cadre de 1'Enquéte auprěs des Passagers Internationaux. En raison de l'impact de la pandemie de Covid-19, les données de 2021 sont incompletes car elles excluent les données de Drouves pour le premier et deuxiěme trimestre et les données ď Eurotunnel pour toute I'annee. Les pseudo-enregistrements ä la frontiěre terrestre irlandaise ont également été supprimés en 2021. https: Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines Total Arrivées par voie aérienne. Singapour Total Ä l'exclusion des arrivées de Malaisiens par voie terrestre. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 109' NOTES 2017-202' 3. Arrivées de touristes non residents dans les hotels et établissements assimilés, par nationalité Bolivie (Etat plurinational de) Total Données préliminaires. Mouvement hotelier dans les capitales de departement. Etat de Palestine Total Source : Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Hotel Activity Survey. Ramallah - Palestine. Les données sur Tactivité hoteliére represented la Cisjordanie seulement. Islande Total Source: Statistics Iceland. Maroc Total Arrivées dans les hotels homologués, villages de vacances, residences touristiques, Riad, gites, auberges et camping. Montenegro Serbie Y compris les arrivées en provenance du Kosovo. Republique arabe syrienne Total Enquete du tourisme récepteur. Serbie Suisse Le Liechtenstein est inclus. Türkiye Total Source : Ministěre de la Culture et du Tourisme. Les données sont collectées via un questionnaire en ligne et proviennent de tous les établissements ďhébergement certifies par les ministěres et municipalités en Turquie. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1092 NOTES 2017-202' 3. Arrivees de touristes non residents dans les hotels et etablissements assimiles, par pays de residence Allemagne Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine). m Autres pays Asie Est/Pacifique Y compris I'lnde. i> o ri Autriche Total Hotels uniquement. rn CN Belgique Total Hotels uniquement. Cabo Verde Belgique Y compris les Pays-Bas. QJ •a nri Curacao Total Grands et petits hotels, pensions de famille, appartements et bungalows. lie IP A. Danemark Total Hotels uniquement. 2017 et 2019 : changement de méthodologie. i Repub Espagne Total Arrivées dans les hotels et les hostales (etablissements ďhébergement off rant des services limités). nt in the Czecl France Total Source : Insee, partenaires régionaux. Enquétes de fréquentation sur les etablissements collectifs de tourisme. Données estimées pendant les périodes de confinement sans collecte en 2020 et 2021. /elopme Grece Total Source : Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) Les données se referent aux etablissements NACE rev.2 55.1 QJ Q Israel Total Arrivées dans les hotels de tourisme et hotels encore non repertories. Regions Tous pays Amerique du Sud Y compris Amérique centrale. <2 Luxembourg Total NACE Rev2 55.100 Ministr) Macao (Chine) Total Source des données : Enquéte mensuelle auprěs des hotels et etablissements assimilés :24:50 AM - Martinique Total 2019 : Hotels uniquement. Pologne Total Etablissements avec 10 ou places-lit. Au 31 juillet. Ä l'exclusion des hötelleries. , 2023 2 Porto Rico Total Année fiscale de juillet ä juin. Hotels enregistrés par la Compaňía de Turisme- de Puerto Rico. April 21 Autres pays CaraTbes Les données agrégées des touristes en provenance des petites Antilles qui n'ont pas spécifié leur pays d'origine sont incluses. Autres pays du monde Y compris les membres des equipages. 39 - Frk Portugal Total Comprend hotels, aparthötels, pousadas, appartements et villages pour touristes. /97892844241 Roumanie Total Jusqu'en 2019, les données été obtenues auprěs des structures ďhébergement de plus de 10 lits. A partir de 2020, les données sont obtenues auprěs des structures ďhébergement touristique de plus de 5 lits. 00 Autres pays d'Afrique Y compris Egypte et Libye. d Suisse Total Y compris les etablissements de cure. oi/book Tous pays Afrique du Nord Algérie, Libye, Maroc et Tunisie. "51 ri Togo Total Y compris les nationaux résidant ä 1'étranger. 6 J3 Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1093 NOTES 2017-202' 4. Arrivees de touristes non residents dans tous les types d'etablissements d'hebergement, par nationality Hongrie Total Etablissements d'hebergement collectif. Islande Total Source: Statistics Iceland Moldova (République de) Total Ä I'exception de la rive gauche de la riviere Nistru et de la municipality de Bender. Montenegro Serbie Y compris les arrivees en provenance du Kosovo. Serbie Suisse Le Liechtenstein est inclus. Türkiye Total Source : Ministere de la Culture et du Tourisme. Les donnees sont collectees via un questionnaire en ligne et proviennent de tous les etablissements d'hebergement certifies par les ministeres et municipalites en Turquie. 4. Arrivees de touristes non residents dans tous les types d'etablissements d'hebergement, par pays de residence Allemagne Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine). Autriche Total Seulement logement commercial; sont exclus les sejours chez des parents et amis, et les residences secondaires. Belgique Total Etablissements hoteliers, terrains de camping, centres de vacances, villages de vacances et categories specifiques d'hebergement. Ä partir de 2012 les chambres d'hötes sont incluses. Croatie Total Ä l'exclusion des arrivees dans des ports ä tourisme nautique. Depuis 2017, I'enquete n'inclut pas les wagons-lits et couchettes d'entites commerciales et les entites commerciales de transport fluvial et maritime (uniquement les lignes regulieres). Danemark Total Y compris le tourisme non commercial. 2017 et 2019 : changement de methodologie. 2017 rupture de series : les plateformes d'economie partagee sont incluses. Chine Ä partir d'octobre 2018 Hong-Kong (Chine) inclus. Avant dans Autres Asie. Espagne Total Arrivees dans hotels, hostales, camping, appartements touristiques et logements ruraux. France Total Source : Insee, partenaires regionaux. Enquetes de frequentation sur les etablissements collectifs de tourisme. Donnees estimees pendant les periodes de confinement sans collecte en 2020 et 2021. Grece Total Source : Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) Ä partir de2013, NACE Rev. 2-55.1, 55.2 et 55.3 Lituanie Total 2021 : les logements ruraux sont exclues Philippines Total Arrivees par voie aerienne. Nationaux residents ä I'etranger Titulaires d'un passeport philippin residant en permanence ä I'etranger; travailleurs philippins exclus. Pologne Total Etablissements avec 10 ou places-lit. Au 31 juillet. Depuis 2015, y compris les gttes d'agrotourisme et chambres d'hötes. Portugal Total Comprend hotels, aparthötels, pousadas, appartements, villages pour touristes, terrains de camping, centres de loisirs, tourisme dans les zones rurales et I'hebergement local. Hebergement local sans restriction de capacite sur la region autonome de M adere jusqu'en 2018. Roumanie Total Jusqu'en 2019, les donnees ete obtenues aupres des structures d'hebergement de plus de 10 lits. A partir de 2020, les donnees sont obtenues aupres des structures d'hebergement touristique de plus de 5 lits. Autres pays d'Afrique Y compris Egypte et Libye. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1094 NOTES 2017-202' 5. Nuitées de touristes non residents dans les hotels et établissements assimilés, par nationalité Bhoutan Total Jusqu'ä 2018, comprend uniquement les nuitées des touristes internationaux pour motifs de loisirs. 2021 : en raison du protocole covid (21 jours de quarantaine obligatoire), le Bhoutan n'a recu qu'1 touriste avec une durée de 113 nuits. Bolivie (Etat plurinational de) Total Données préliminaires. Nuitées dans les capitales de departement. Etat de Palestine Total Source : Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Hotel Activity Survey. Ramallah - Palestine. Les données sur Tactivité hoteliére represented la Cisjordanie seulement. Islande Total Source: Statistics Iceland. Maroc Total Nuitées dans les hotels homologués, villages de vacances, residences touristiques, Riad, gites, auberges et camping. Montenegro Serbie Y compris les arrivées en provenance du Kosovo. Serbie Suisse Le Liechtenstein est inclus. Türkiye Total Source : Ministěre de la Culture et du Tourisme. Les données sont collectées via un questionnaire en ligne et proviennent de tous les établissements ďhébergement certifies par les ministěres et municipalités en Turquie. 5. Nuitees de touristes non residents dans les hotels et etablissements assimiles, par pays de residence Allemagne Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine). Autres pays Asie Est/Pacifique Y compris I'lnde. Autriche Total Hotels uniquement. Belgique Total Hotels uniquement. Cabo Verde Belgique Y compris les Pays-Bas. Danemark Total Hotels uniquement. 2017 et 2019 : changement de méthodologie. Espagne Total Nuitées dans les hotels et les hostales (établissements ďhébergement off rant des services limités). France Total Source : Insee, partenaires régionaux. Enquétes de fréquentation sur les établissements collectifs de tourisme. Données estimées pendant les périodes de confinement sans collecte en 2020 et2021. Grece Total Source : Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) Les données se referent aux établissements NACE rev.2 55.1 Israel Total Nuitées dans les hotels de tourisme et aparthôtels. Tous pays Amerique du Sud Y compris Amérique centrale. Luxembourg Total NACE Rev2 55.100 Macao (Chine) Total Source des données : Enquéte mensuelle auprés des hotels et établissements assimilés Martinique Total 2019 : Hotels uniquement. Norvege Total Nuitées dans les établissements enregistrés. Pologne Total Établissements avec 10 ou places-lit. Au 31 juillet. Ä I'exclusion des hôtelleries. Portugal Total Comprend hotels, aparthôtels, pousadas, appartements et villages pour touristes. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1095 NOTES 2017-202' 5. Nuitées de touristes non residents dans les hotels et établissements assimilés, par pays de residence Roumanie Total Jusqu'en 2019, les données été obtenues auprěs des structures ďhébergement de plus de 10 lits. A partir de 2020, les données sont obtenues auprěs des structures ďhébergement touristique de plus de 5 lits. Autres pays d'Afrique Y compris Egypte et Libye. Suisse Total Y compris les établissements de cure. Tous pays Afrique du Nord Algérie, Libye, Maroc et Tunisie. Togo Total Y compris les nationaux résidant á I'etranger. 6. Nuitées de touristes non residents dans tous les types ďétablissements ďhébergement, par nationalité Hongrie Total Etablissements d'hebergement collectif. Islande Total Source: Statistics Iceland Moldova (République de) Total Ä I'exception de la rive gauche de la riviere Nistru et de la municipality de Bender. Monténégro Serbie Y compris les arrivees en provenance du Kosovo. Serbie Suisse Le Liechtenstein est inclus. Tiirkiye Total Source : Ministere de la Culture et du Tourisme. Les donnees sont collectees via un questionnaire en ligne et proviennent de tous les etablissements d'hebergement certifies par les ministeres et municipalites en Turquie. 6. Nuitées de touristes non residents dans tous les types ďétablissements ďhébergement, par pays de residence Allemagne Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine). Autriche Total Seulement logement commercial; sont exclus les sejours chez des parents et amis, et les residences secondaires. Bahamas Total Nuitees dans tout moyen d'hebergement commercial. Belgique Total Etablissements hoteliers, terrains de camping, centres de vacances, villages de vacances et categories specifiques d'hebergement. Ä partir de 2012 les chambres d'hötes sont incluses. Canada Total Source : Canadian Tourism Commission et Statistics Canada Chine Y compris Mongolie et Tibet. Royaume-Uni Y compris Gibraltar. Italie Y compris Saint-Marin, Saint Siege et Malte. France Y compris Andorre et Monaco. Suisse Y compris Liechtenstein. Croatie Total Ä I'exclusion des nuitees dans des ports ä tourisme nautique. Depuis 2017, I'enquete n'inclut pas les wagons-lits et couchettes d'entites commerciales et les entites commerciales de transport fluvial et maritime (uniquement les lignes regulieres). Danemark Total Y compris le tourisme non commercial. 2017 et 2019 : changement de methodologie. 2017 rupture de series : les plateformes d'economie partagee sont incluses. Chine Ä partir d'octobre 2018 Hong-Kong (Chine) inclus. Avant dans Autres Asie. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1096 NOTES 2017-202' 6. Nuitees de touristes non residents dans tous les types d'etablissements d'hebergement, par pays de residence Espagne Total Nuitées dans hotels, hostales, camping, appartements touristiques et logements ruraux. France Total Source : Banque de France, estimation 2019 sur la structure 2018; estimations 2020 et 2021 provisoires, calculees a partir des evolutions de I'enquete de frequentation d'hotels et assimiles et recalees sur le total EVE. Enquete aupres des visiteurs venant de I'etranger (EVE). A partir de 2019 : calculs Insee. JamaVque Tous pays Afrique du Nord Algérie, Egypte, Libye, Maroc et Tunisie. Chine Y compris Hong-Kong (Chine) et Macao (Chine). Suisse Y compris Liechtenstein. Grěce Total Source : Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) A partir de2013, NACE Rév. 2-55.1, 55.2 et 55.3 Irlande Total Y compris nuitées dans hébergement přivé non payant (maisons privées et maisons de vacances). Royaume-Uni Y compris les residents de l'lrlande du Nord. Total L'information a ete obtenue en multipliant la duree moyenne de sejour par le nombre de touristes (stop-over) provenant de chaque pays d'origine. A I'exclusion des nationaux residant a I'etranger. Autres pays Ameriques Amerique latine. Tous pays ď Europe Royaume-Uni et le reste de I'Europe. Lituanie Total 2021 : les logements ruraux sont exclues Malte Total Données basées sur les nuitées passées par les touristes sortants (par voie aérienne et voie maritime). Source : National Statistics Office. Maurice Total 2021 : données provisoires. Pays-Bas Total A I'exclusion des nuitées dans des installations fixes (louées sur une base annuelle ou saisonniěre). Pologne Total Établissements avec 10 ou places-lit. Au 31 juillet. Depuis 2015, y compris les gítes ďagrotourisme et chambres ďhótes. Portugal Total Comprend hotels, aparthótels, pousadas, appartements, villages pour touristes, terrains de camping, centres de loisirs, tourisme dans les zones rurales et I'hébergement local. Hébergement local sans restriction de capacité sur la region autonome de Maděře jusqu'en 2018. Roumanie Total Jusqu'en 2019, les données été obtenues auprěs des structures d'hebergement de plus de 10 lits. A partir de 2020, les données sont obtenues auprěs des structures d'hebergement touristique de plus de 5 lits. Autres pays d'Afrique Y compris Egypte et Libye. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1097 NOTAS 2017-202' otas e los paises 1 1. Liegadas de turistas no residentes en las fronteras nacionales, por nacionalidad Belarus Total Paquete turistico. Bhutan Total Hasta2018, incluye únicamente las llegadas de turistas internacionales por motivo de ocio. Total de llegadas 2017: 254.704; 2018: 274.097. 2021: debido al protocolo por covid (21 dias de cuarentena obligatoria), Bután recibió únicamente 1 turista con una estancia de 113 noches. Bolivia (Estado Plurlnaclonal de) Total Datos preliminares. Brunei Darussalam Total Llegadas por via aérea. Chad Total Llegadas por via aérea. Chile Total Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Fuente: Jefatura Nacional de Migraciones y Policía Internacionál Comoras Total Llegadas por via aérea. Gambia Total Llegadas por via aérea. Granada Total Llegadas por via aérea únicamente. Honduras Total Excluidas las llegadas de turistas por via maritima. Hungri'a Total Debido a la epidémia de Coronavirus en 2020, se introdujeron medidas de emergencia, el tráfico fronterizo fue significativamente menor de lo habitual. En el segundo trimestre de 2020 se suspendió la recolección de datos, por lo que la producción de estos datos se hizo por estimación e imputación de modelos. Debido al bajo numero de proveedores de datos, lafiabilidad de los datos publicados ha disminuido y solo son comparables en una medida limitada con los datos de periodos anteriores. India Total Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Islandia Total Fuente: Icelandic Tourist Board. Llegadas al aeropuerto Keflavik únicamente. Italia Total Excluidos los trabajadores estacionales y fronterizos. Kiribati Total Llegadas por via aérea. Tarawa e Isla Christmas. Líbáno Total Excluidas las nacionalidades libanesa, siria y palestina. Madagascar Total Antes de 2015, la Dirección de Información y Seguimiento de la Inmigración y la Emigración (DRCIE) del Ministerio de Seguridad Publica de Madagascar registraba las nacionalidades de los visitantes de todo el país. Para el aňo 2018, se implementó una clara mejora en comparación con el sistema de recolección en el desembarque en el Aeropuerto Nosy-Be. Anteriormente, el DRCIE solo podía proporcionar datos del aeropuerto internacionál Ivato. Por tanto, Las cifras que corresponden a otros paises del mundo indican las nacionalidades de visitantes no residentes que Megan a los seis (6) aeropuertos internacionales deToamasina, Sainte-Marie, Antsiranana, Mahajanga, Fort-Dauphin y Tuléar. A finales de 2018 y todo 2019, el Aeropuerto Internacionál de NosyBe cuenta con 16 vuelos semanales de varias compaňías internacionales, lo que muestra un claro aumento en el numero de turistas de varias nacionalidades, incluidos los italianos. Malasia Total Incluidos residentes de Singapur que atraviesan la frontera por via terrestre a través de Johore Causeway. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 - 2021, 2023 Edition DOI:,18111/9789284424139 1098 NOTAS 2017-202' 1. Liegadas de turistas no residentes en las fronteras nacionales, por nacionalidad Maldivas Total Liegadas por via aérea. Mali Total Liegadas por via aérea únicamente (aeropuerto de Bamako-Sénou). Mexico Total Fuente: Unidad de Política Migratoria e INEGI. Los datos anteriores al mes de agosto de 2018 corresponden al Banco de Mexico. Estados Unidos de America Incluidas las llegadas de turistas de internación por via terrestre, de turistas fronterizos y de turistas nacionales residentes en los Estados Unidos de America y registros aéreos de la Unidad de Política Migratoria. Nacionales residentes en el extranjero Excluidos los Mexicanos que residen en Estados Unidos. Palau Total Llegadas por via aérea (aeropuerto internacionál de Palau). Paraguay Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero y los miembros de tripulaciones. Tarjetas E/D en el aeropuerto Silvio Petirossi y planillas de pasajeros en los puestos terrestres - Policía Nacional y SENATUR. Repüblica Centroafricana Total Llegadas por via aérea a Bangui únicamente. Sint Maarten (Parte de los Pafses Bajos) Total Llegadas al aeropuerto internacionál Princess Juliana. Incluidos los visitantes a San Martin (parte francesa de la isla). Francia Incluidos los residentes de las Antillas Francesas. Sri Lanka Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. China Incluidos Hong-Kong (China) y Macao (China). Trinidad y Tabago Total Llegadas por via aérea. Türkiye Total Incluidos los ciudadanos turcos residentes en el extranjero. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1099 NOTAS 2017-202' 1. Liegadas de turistas no residentes en las fronteras nacionales, por pais de residencia Anguila Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Antigua y Barbuda Total Llegadas por via aérea. Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Argentina Total Cambio de metodológia a partir de 2016. Barbados Total La información del aňo 2019 solo incluye los datos relativos al perfodo enero-septiembre debido a la falta de datos en el cuarto trimestre y, por tanto, no es comparable a las series de aňos anteriores. Bermudas Total Llegadas por via aérea. Canada Total Fuente: Statistics Canada Otros pafses de Africa oriental Incluido Mayotte Bonaire Incluidos San Eustaquio y Saba Otros pafses del Caribe Incluidos San Martin (parte francesa) y San Barthélemy Otros pafses de America del Sur Incluidos Georgia del Sur y las Isias Sandwich del Sur Otros pafses de Micronesia Incluidas las Isias menores alejadas de Estados Unidos Isias Anglonormandas Incluidos Guernsey y Jersey Otros pafses de Europa del Norte Incluidas las Isias Aland Otros pafses de Europa meridional Incluido Kosovo Chipre China Incluido Hong Kong (China). Suiza Incluido Liechtenstein. Colombia Total Fuente: Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS) / Migración Colombia. Llegadas de turistas no residentes por puntos de control migratorio. Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Excluidos transfronterizos y pasajeros en crucero. Datos provisionales. Curacao Total Llegadas por via aérea. Espaňa Total Fuente: Frontur (Estadfstica de Movimientos turfsticos en fronteras). Estados Unidos de America Canada Los datos históricos pueden reflejar revisiones hechas por Statistics Canada. Mexico Los datos históricos pueden reflejar revisiones hechas por Banco de Mexico. Etiópia Total Llegadas a todos los puestos fronterizos. Fiji Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Filipinas Nacionales residentes en el extranjero Titulares de pasaportes filipinos que residen permanentemente en el extranjero; están excluidos los trabajadores filipinos. Francia Total Fuente: Banque de France. Encuesta a los visitantes que vienen del extranjero (EVE). A partir de 2019: cálculos y estimaciones del INSEE. Estimaciones reproduciendo el desglose de 2020 aplicándolo a 2021. Todos los pafses de Africa del Norte Argelia, Egipto, Libia, Marruecos y Túnez. China Incluidos Hong-Kong (China) y Macao (China). Suiza Incluido Liechtentein. Grecia Total La información se basa en la encuesta en fronteras realizada por el Banco de Grecia. Egipto Incluido Sudan. Lfbano Incluida Republica Arabe Siria. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1100 NOTAS 2017-202' 1. Liegadas de turistas no residentes en las fronteras nacionales, por pais de residencia Haiti Total Liegadas por via aerea. Se incluye a los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Irlanda Reino Unido Incluidas las llegadas de los residentes de Irlanda del Norte. Isias Caiman Total Liegadas por via aerea. Isias Cook Total Llegadas por vias aerea y maritima. Israel Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Jamaica Total Llegadas por via aerea. Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Mali Total Llegadas por via aerea ünicamente (aeropuerto de Bamako-Senou). Malta Total Datos procedentes de las salidas por vias aerea y maritima. Fuente: National Statistics Office. Martinica Total Incluidos los departamentos y territorios franceses de ultramar. Mauricio Total 2021: datos provisionales. Mexico Total Fuente: Unidad de Politica Migratoria e INEGI. Los datos anteriores al mes de agosto de 2018 corresponden al Banco de Mexico. Estados Unidos Incluidas las llegadas de turistas de internaciön por via terrestre, de turistas de America fronterizos y de turistas nacionales residentes en los Estados Unidos de America y registros aereos de la Unidad de Politica Migratoria. Nueva Caledonia Total Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Todos los pafses del Caribe Martinica, Guadalupe y Guyana. Perú Total Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Polinesia Francesa Total Llegadas por via aerea. Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Samoa Incluida Samoa americana. Puerto Rico Total Llegadas por via aerea. Ano fiscal de Julio a junio. Fuente: Junta de Planificaciön de Puerto Rico. Republica Dominicana Total Llegadas por via aerea. Reunion Total Encuesta de flujos turisticos. Fuente hasta 2015: INSEE. Fuente a partir de 2016: IRT (lie de la Reunion Tourisme). Otros paises de Africa Océano índico. Saint Kitts y Nevis Total Llegadas por via aerea. San Vicente y las Granadinas Total Llegadas por via aerea. Santa Lucia Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Sierra Leona Total Llegadas por via aerea. Sri Lanka Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. China Incluidos Hong-Kong (China) y Macao (China). Sudafrica Total Excluido tränsito. Timor-Leste Total Llegadas por via aerea al aeropuerto de Dili. Tonga Total Llegadas por via aerea. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: 0 Co" Go 3 > CD O CO O c ID C B) >< n> m o x N> O " £= =3 P O <° P 5T 3 &> CD = 3. » cd p a. a. p p o <" » P 5 W O m I-1 en 3 ® CD =3 *< O " 2 CD' 2 3 P ■D o o 3 &)' ^ P S N- 3 Q. m P Q. 0> o -a en o Q- ~ CD CD CD D 3 p SB o CD c cd -a D. S 5 £2 en en o o ■a' a. SB CD — en Z CD P c o o en pi a. sb O T3 Cn SB ■a CD o $ W CD O =3 IT CD CO CD O o' SB 3 CD CD -J=! 22. en - » 8 o © 8 £ °" CD CD SB =3 2. <" :r!" p O -a 22 CD § 5 CD § g » o " £= c 9- — CD CD sb en r-t 9- P p~ en o a p 3 ID ■a a I s & S g- p S- » o- CD ^ s ■o P o' o en 9- 3 9: =3 01 c> 3 CD £ o ° CD CD g- < p £2. ■D Cn 2. o Q. 3 CD CD CD S S CD ° 9- CD Q. a s o ro w o w w CD CD o Jg "D CD O =3 -• Q. S 5; P CD O O o; 2. =3 CD CD 2 =3 = 3 < m —. J - Q. "D " 3 P C £ CD Q. p? < 9- Q. O £ Q. CD o- I =-ai a. i CD 2. a p £ Q. O p Cn O ■a 3 2 o _ Q. O ®n O c en CD CD CD "D r+ P* ide —h O' mi; O p —h a O CD 0 r+ CD 0 0 N O P —h CD 5 en cn cq' CD D —li N> 0' O p N> r+ O <' - P cn 3 CD CD 5" r+ CD O 3 du en jer 0 0 de 3 CD 0 a D" a P p a; cn Q. ual. CD En o o CD &) 13 CD "D C< o' &} a CD ® 2 cn Co P O a CD a CD O § 2. CD CD N- p" p cn cn _ S eg O £ Z p 5 o> a. CD p a CD a CD 1102 NOTAS 2017-202' 2. Liegadas de visitantes no residentes en las fronteras nacionales, por pais de residencia Australia Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero y los miembros de tripulaciones. Fuente: Australian Bureau of Statistics Bahrein Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Fuente: Encuesta del turismo receptor. Canada Hong Kong (China) Total Fuente: Statistics Canada Otros pafses de Incluido Mayotte Africa oriental Bonaire Incluidos San Eustaquio y Saba Otros pafses del Incluidos San Martin (parte francesa) y San Barthelemy Caribe Otros pafses de Incluidos Georgia del Sur y las Islas Sandwich del Sur America del Sur Otros pafses de Incluidas las Islas menores alejadas de Estados Unidos Micronesia Islas Anglonormandas Incluidos Guernsey y Jersey Otros pafses de Incluidas las Islas Aland Europa del Norte Otros pafses de Europa meridional Incluido Kosovo Côte d'lvoire Total Las cifras incluyen las llegadas por via terrestre (carretera y ferrocarril). Ecuador Total Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Estados Unidos de America Incluido Guam. Nueva Zelandia Incluidas Islas Cook. Francia Incluidas Nueva Caledonia y Polinesia Francesa. Israel Total Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Letonia Total Salidas de no residentes. Encuesta realizada en los puestos fronterizos del pais. Macao (China) Total Los datos se compilan emitiendo el documento del lugar de viaje. Fuente de los datos: Fuerza de Policfa de Seguridad Publica. Mozambique Total Llegadas a todos los puestos fronterizos del pais. Nueva Zelandia Total Los datos relativos a los movimientos de corta duración se obtienen de una muestra aleatoria de declaraciones de los pasajeros. Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Fuente: Estadfsticas Nueva Zelanda (International Travel and Migration). Panama Total Total de visitantes ingresados a Panama por el aeropuerto internacionál de Tocumen según residencia permanente. Reino Unido Total La recopilación de datos de la Encuesta Internacionál de Pasajeros (IPS) se suspendió el 16 de marzo de 2020, para el período de abril a diciembre de 2020 las cifras se basan en fuentes administrativas y modelos; las estimaciones anteriores a abril de 2020 se basan en datos recopilados de la Encuesta internacionál de pasajeros. Debido al impacto de la pandemia de Covid-19, los datos de 2021 están incompletos, ya que excluyen los datos de Dover para el primer y segundo trimestre y los datos de Eurotunnel para todo el aňo. Los pseudo registros en la frontera terrestre irlandesa también se eliminaron en 2021. San Vicente y las Granadinas Total Llegadas por via aérea. Singapur Total Excluidas llegadas de los malasios por via terrestre. Sudafrica Total Excluido tránsito. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1103 NOTAS 2017-202' 3. Liegadas de turistas no residentes a los hoteles y establecimientos asimilados, por nacionalidad Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) Total Datos preliminares. Movimiento hotelero en ciudades capitales de departamento. Estado de Palestina Total Fuente: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Hotel Activity Survey. Ramallah - Palestine. Los datos sobre la industria hotelera representan a Cisjordania ünicamente. Islandia Total Fuente: Statistics Iceland Marruecos Total Liegadas en hoteles clasificados, ciudades de vacaciones, residencias turisticas, Riad, gites, posadas y camping. Montenegro Serbia Incluidas las llegadas de Kosovo. Repüblica Ärabe Siria Total Encuesta del turismo receptor. Serbia Suiza Incluye Liechtenstein. Türkiye Total Fuente: Ministerio de Culturay Turismo. Los datos se recopilan como un formulario de cuestionario en linea detodas las instalaciones de alojamiento certificadas por ministerios y municipios en Turquia. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1104 NOTAS 2017-202' 3. Liegadas de turistas no residentes a los hoteles y establecimientos asimilados, por pais de residencia Alemania China Incluido Hong Kong (China). Otros pafses Asia Oriental/Pacffico Incluida India. Austria Total Hoteles únicamente. Belgica Total Hoteles únicamente. Cabo Verde Belgica Incluido los Pafses Bajos. Curacao Total Grandes y pequeňos hoteles, casas de huéspedes, apartamentos y bungalows. Dinamarca Total Hoteles únicamente. 2017 y 2019: cambio de metodológia. Espaha Total Liegadas a hoteles y hostales. Francia Total Fuente: Insee, socios regionales. Encuestas de ocupación en establecimientos colectivos de turismo. Datos estimados durante los periodos de confinamiento sin recogida en 2020 y 2021. Grecia Total Fuente: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) Los datos se refieren a establecimientos NACE rev.2 55.1 Israel Total Llegadas a los hoteles de turismo y hoteles aún no registrados. Todos los pafses de America del Sur Incluida America Central. Luxemburgo Total NACE Rev2 55.100 Macao (China) Total Fuente de los datos: Encuesta mensual de hoteles y establecimientos asimilados Martinica Total 2019: Hoteles únicamente Polonia Total Establecimientos con 10 o más plazas cama. A 31 de Julio. Excluidos los hostales. Portugal Total Incluye hoteles, aparthoteles, pousadas, apartamentos y poblados para turistas. Puerto Rico Total Aňo fiscal de Julio a junio. Hoteles endosados por la Compaňía de Turismo de Puerto Rico. Otros pafses del Caribe Se incluyen cifras agregadas de los turistas procedentes de las Antillas menores que no especificaron su pais de procedencia. Otros pafses del mundo Incluidos los miembros de las tripulaciones. Rumania Total Hasta 2019, los datos se obtuvieron de estructuras de alojamiento con mas de 10 camas. A partir de 2020, los datos se obtienen de estructuras de alojamiento turistico de mas de 5 plazas. Otros pafses de Africa Incluidos Egipto y Libia. Suiza Total Incluidos los establecimientos de cura. Todos los pafses de Argelia, Libia, Marruecos y Túnez. Africa del Norte Togo Total Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1105 NOTAS 2017-202' 4. Llegadas de turistas no residentes en todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento, por nacionalidad Hungria Total Establecimientos de alojamiento colectivo. Islandia Total Fuente: Statistics Iceland i> Moldova (Republica de) Total Excluido el margen izquierdo del rio Nistru y la municipalidad de Bender. O ri rn Montenegro Serbia Incluidas las llegadas de Kosovo. CN Serbia Suiza Incluye Liechtenstein. ' Address:! Türkiye Total Fuente: Ministerio de Culturay Turismo. Los datos se recopilan como un formulario de cuestionario en linea detodas las instalaciones de alojamiento certificadas por ministerios y municipios en Turquia. ich Republic IF 4. Llegadas de turistas no residentes en todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento, por pais de residencia N U QJ _g Alemanla China Incluido Hong Kong (China). .opment Austria Total Únicamente alojamiento de pago; excluidas las estancias con amigos y familiäres y las viviendas secundarias. ional Deve] Bélglca Total Establecimientos hoteleros, terrenos de camping, centros vacacionales, ciudades de vacaciones y categorías específicas de alojamiento. A partir de 2012 se incluye bed and breakfast. nistry for Reg: Croacla Total Excluidas las llegadas a puertos de turismo náutico. Desde 2017, la encuesta no incluye a las entidades comerciales para pernoctaciones en coche cama o literas ferroviarias, ni en transportes fluviales y marítimos (solo en lineas reguläres). 50 AM - Mi Dlnamarca Total Incluido el turismo no comercial. 2017 y 2019: cambio de metodológia. 2017 ruptúra de series: se incluyen plataformas de economia compartida. China Desde octubre de 2018 incluido Hong Kong (China). Antes en otros Asia. , 2023 2 Espaňa Total Llegadas en hoteles, hostales, camping, apartamentos turísticos y alojamientos/casas rurales. ril 21 Filipinas Total Llegadas por via aérea. day, Ap Nacionales residentes en el extranjero Titulares de pasaportes filipinos que residen permanentemente en el extranjero; están excluidos los trabajadores filipinos. 14424139 - Fri. Francia Total Fuente: Insee, socios regionales. Encuestas de ocupación en establecimientos colectivos de turismo. Datos estimados durante los periodos de confinamiento sin recogida en 2020 y 2021. oo tN 00 Grecia Total Fuente: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) A partir de 2013, NACE Rev. 2-55.1, 55.2 y 55.3 00 Lituania Total 2021: excluidos los alojamientos/casas rurales i/book/10.1 Polonia Total Establecimientos con 10 o más plazas cama. A 31 de Julio. Desde 2015, incluye alojamientos de agroturismo y habitaciones para huéspedes. Portugal Total Incluye hoteles, aparthoteles, pousadas, apartamentos, poblados para turistas, terrenos de camping, centros recreativos, turismo en las zonas rurales y el alojamiento local. Alojamiento local sin restricción de capacidad en la Region Autónoma de Madeira hasta 2018. https://www.e' Rumania Total Otros paises de Africa Hasta2019, los datos se obtuvieron de estructuras de alojamiento con más de 10 camas. A partir de 2020, los datos se obtienen de estructuras de alojamiento turistico de más de 5 plazas. Incluidos Egipto y Libia. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: 1106 NOTAS 2017-202' 5. Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en hoteles y establecimientos asimilados, por nacionalidad Bhutan Total Hasta2018, incluye únicamente las pernoctaciones de turistas internacionales por motivo de ocio. 2021: debido al protocolo por covid (21 dias de cuarentena obligatoria), Bután recibió únicamente 1 turista con una estancia de 113 noches. Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) Total Datos preliminares. Pernoctaciones en ciudades capitales de departamento. Estado de Palestina Total Fuente: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Hotel Activity Survey. Ramallah - Palestine. Los datos sobre la industria hotelera representan a Cisjordania únicamente. Islandia Total Fuente: Statistics Iceland Marruecos Total Pernoctaciones en hoteles clasificados, ciudades de vacaciones, residencias turísticas, Riad, gites, posadáš y camping. Montenegro Serbia Incluidas las llegadas de Kosovo. Serbia Suiza Incluye Liechtenstein. Türkiye Total Fuente: Ministerio de Culturay Turismo. Los datos se recopilan como un formulario de cuestionario en linea detodas las instalaciones de alojamiento certificadas por ministerios y municipios en Turquia. 5. Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en hoteles y establecimientos asimilados, por pais de residencia Alemania China Incluido Hong Kong (China). Otros paises Asia Oriental/Pacifico Incluida India. Austria Total Hoteles únicamente. Bélgica Total Hoteles únicamente. Cabo Verde Bélgica Incluido los Paises Bajos. Dinamarca Total Hoteles únicamente. 2017 y 2019: cambio de metodológia. Espaňa Total Pernoctaciones en hoteles y hostales. Francia Total Fuente: Insee, socios regionales. Encuestas de ocupación en establecimientos colectivos de turismo. Datos estimados durante los periodos de confinamiento sin recogida en 2020 y 2021. 892844: Grecia Total Fuente: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) Los datos se refieren a establecimientos NACE rev.2 55.1 11/97 Israel Total Pernoctaciones en hoteles de turismo y apartahoteles. book/10.181 Todos los pafses de America del Sur Incluida America Central. Luxemburgo Total NACE Rev2 55.100 org/doi/ Macao (China) Total Fuente de los datos: Encuesta mensual de hoteles y establecimientos asimilados d % Martinica Total 2019: Hoteles únicamente 3 CD Noruega Total Pernoctaciones en los establecimientos registrados. s://ww» Polonia Total Establecimientos con 10 o más plazas cama. A 31 de Julio. Excluidos los hostales. & S Portugal Total Incluye hoteles, aparthoteles, pousadas, apartamentos y poblados para turistas. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1107 NOTAS 2017-202' 5. Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en hoteles y establecimientos asimilados, por pais de residencia m Rumania Total Hasta2019, los datos se obtuvieron de estructuras de alojamiento con mäs de 10 camas. A partir de 2020, los datos se obtienen de estructuras de alojamiento turistico de mäs de 5 plazas. o (N rn Otros pafses de Africa Incluidos Egipto y Libia. (N Suiza Total Incluidos los establecimientos de cura. ldress:lí Todos los pafses de Africa del Norte Argelia, Libia, Marruecos y Tünez. < Togo Total Incluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. lech Republic 1 6. Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento, por nacionalidad it in the C: Hungría Total Establecimientos de alojamiento colectivo. QJ a Islandia Total Fuente: Statistics Iceland _o "qj > Moldova (República de) Total Excluido el margen izquierdo del rio Nistru y la municipalidad de Bender. Q "rf Montenegro Serbia Incluidas las llegadas de Kosovo. c o 'Bi Serbia Suiza Incluye Liechtenstein. istry for Rě Türkiye Total Fuente: Ministerio de Culturay Turismo. Los datos se recopilan como un formulario de cuestionario en linea detodas las instalaciones de alojamiento certificadas por ministerios y municipios en Turquia. 2:24:50 AM - Min 6. Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento, por pais de residencia m (N O (N (N Alemania China Incluido Hong Kong (China). y, April Austria Total Únicamente alojamiento de pago; excluidas las estancias con amigos y familiäres y las viviendas secundarias. ■o "G Bahamas Total Pernoctaciones en todo tipo de alojamiento comercial. 4424139 -1 Bélgica Total Establecimientos hoteleros, terrenos de camping, centros vacacionales, ciudades de vacaciones y categorías específicas de alojamiento. A partir de 2012 se incluye bed and breakfast. 00 (N 00 Canada Total Fuente: Canadian Tourism Commission y Statistics Canada China Incluidos Mongolia y Tibet. 00 Reino Unido Incluido Gibraltar. d Italia Incluidos San Marino, Santa Sede y Malta. i/boo Francia Incluidos Andorra y Monaco. o "5i Suiza Incluido Liechtenstein. ww.e-unwto.o] Croacia Total Excluidas las pernoctaciones en puertos de turismo náutico. Desde 2017, la encuesta no incluye a las entidades comerciales para pernoctaciones en coche cama o literas ferroviarias, ni en transportes fluviales y marítimos (solo en lineas reguläres). https://w> Dinamarca Total Incluido el turismo no comercial. 2017 y 2019: cambio de metodológia. 2017 ruptúra de series: se incluyen plataformas de economia compartida. China Desde octubre de 2018 incluido Hong Kong (China). Antes en otros Asia. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 1108 NOTAS 2017-202' 6. Pernoctaciones de turistas no residentes en todo tipo de establecimientos de alojamiento, por pais de residencia Espaňa Total Pernoctaciones en hoteles, hostales, camping, apartamentos turísticos y alojamientos/casas rurales. Francia Total Todos los paises de Africa del Norte Fuente: Banque de France, estimaciön de 2019 sobre la estructura de 2018; estimaciones provisionales de 2020 y 2021, calculadas sobre la base de cambios en la encuesta de frecuentaciön en hoteles y asimilados y ajustadas sobre el total de EVE. Encuesta a los visitantes que vienen del extranjero (EVE). A partir de 2019: cälculos del INSEE. Argelia, Egipto, Libia, Marruecos y Tünez. Jamaica China Suiza Incluidos Hong-Kong (China) y Macao (China). Incluido Liechtentein. Grecia Total Fuente: Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) A partir de 2013, NACE Rev. 2-55.1, 55.2 y 55.3 Irlanda Total Incluidas pernoctaciones en alojamiento privado gratuito (casas de huespedes y casas particulares). Reino Unido Incluidos los residentes de Irlanda del Norte. Total Se ha obtenido la informaciön multiplicando la duraciön media de estancia por el nümero de turistas (stop-overs) procedentes de cada pais de origen. Excluidos los nacionales residentes en el extranjero. Otros paises de las Americas America Latina. Todos los paises de Europa Reino Unido y resto de Europa. Lituania Total 2021: excluidos los alojamientos/casas rurales Malta Total Datos basados en las pernoctaciones de los turistas que salen (por via aérea y via maritima). Fuente: National Statistics Office Mauricio Total 2021: datos provisionales. Paises Bajos Total Excluidas las pernoctaciones en instalaciones fijas (alquiladas anualmente o por temporada). Polonia Total Establecimientos con 10 o más plazas cama. A 31 de julio. Desde 2015, incluye alojamientos de agroturismo y habitaciones para huéspedes. Portugal Total Incluye hoteles, aparthoteles, pousadas, apartamentos, poblados para turistas, terrenos de camping, centros recreativos, turismo en las zonas rurales y el alojamiento local. Alojamiento local sin restricción de capacidad en la Región Autonoma de Madeira hasta 2018. Rumania Total Hasta2019, los datos se obtuvieron de estructuras de alojamiento con más de 10 camas. A partir de 2020, los datos se obtienen de estructuras de alojamiento turístico de más de 5 plazas. Otros pafses de Africa Incluidos Egipto y Libia. Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: https://doi.Org/10,18111/9789284424139 - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: 03 O Co &)' &) Q. N CD ID O < &) ft" > 3 co CT CD I S b- 0) p a a- =r. ED O co o —h DO O P P a I CD N CD CQ O < P 03 O < a TJ c 3_ 3' &> o' cu F+ &} F+ CD O 3 DO 5" s » » CT D Sř ° ft I § Z < -! tD 3 m —■ CD — O <§ %l P" DO Q. a- o cd o m w a 03 CT C F+ &) 3 3 o P DO CQ IT O 5. f= P CT =3 $ I CD nn §1 =i el CD CD co o to" S 2 D CD rt ■o o o -» ř+ DO 03 CD 3 c a. &> DO CD a- =1 II a o p =. 8- a- % CD CO CD ill 03 CD ft" 00 3 CD 2 FT ^ CD II 10 rrn I o S e> ° 3. 03 CD CO c' 3 CT 03 ■a a co bel CO 0 a CT CD CD O CQ O :ion <: CQ CT CD* JD nei ? P r+ CT CD CD 03 3 CD JO co CD .a' r-i Č5 CD ■a 1 Co 03 es/ tati 'ho en r+ o' CD co ca DO CD 0 CQ uris ium) 3 CD CD r-i CT O CD (Ď ČĎ" ■a p CD oj 03 &) CT CD a o CO ft" 00 3 P ■a :i P! pT 5; o. o o co 2. S ct ^ p ST 2. ® CT s-. P =3 Q. CQ O _ CO =3 b o CQ 03 &) o c 3 £§' O' 03 ed a =3 O Q. CD ' O ^ § 1: & & et 1-+ 13 < Q. 5" —h O 3 § o 03 &) CT CD 3 CD CO DO ÍD CT ÍD 3 ÍD co > N CD CT B> "5' 3 3 W 3 r+ ■a m 03 a a S Co n> S" -■ H o ČT S !D c a? = a i cn CQ 3 o 3' Í CD ED CD N > c CO 03 Tl r+ CD CÍ. p o — CO ^ £?=: > CQ 3D CD CQ a s > c CO F+ cu ■a -a co Í CT P co CQ CQ § § ED P i1^ CO 1 l 3D =3 CO 2? CD 5 Si CD O P IT C > o c -* co 03 1—h 1—h p a m' CO CT CD 3 ^ c > p S=t CQ CD F+ &} CT IT O r+ r+ r+ r+ — CT TJ CO 1C. li CD «' . . p 3 5 C CQ O r. o 0> P < Q. CO CD o p Q. CO r+ P Q. co" o' p I 03 CD O a p p" Q. CO 3 o Q. CD > p+ CO c &} &} a 03 &) CT c a &) 3 W 3 ^ ct a P! Co a o a <: o' £0. CO o " 2 co co' c 3 CT >3 CO i.8 p p a o. ^ o i ° =. "CT CO o ^a CD > CQ c 3: o > 3 O =3 T3 g CQ a~ cd if ft O 03 a 0 p S 5 co' CQ Q. _i o o1 w 3- CD CT p p — CO ^3 ^ a 3 a SR 5 5" > a o CO CO CD CD Q. Q. CD CD O CD a CT CD' > CQ CD 8 a p CD |& ^ o1 Q. C W 3 » a - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: O N CD O 3" JJ CD "D C 57 o N CD O 3 ^ o 3 n T3 2 CD en en o cS g 1'5 N S. 3! n ° o Cn s| > 0 d> 1 - en' 3 CD o O >< "D C CO i o a eg S « S =f & «' — o p ■ DO m — — S 2. CO :*r en CD oo 8 ^> —h ^ o1 ^ 5 § £ en -a O *< ■a O CO SB O 6 o c &) &} o - p ■ ■ "O %1 o 2. C CO O c 57 &) - 2 O o &} ^ ^ o r+ r+ 2/ T] -a 9 S; © en s, g- s? P c -■ £. - cn F I nP2 en 3- m x 3 2 ■O DO a W ii (35 o o CO r* &) 31 o' &} r+ (/J T3 i+ : " r+ O 5" DO en p & & o " ° O O P, S 3 p — o © a CD o p *< O CD en o Q. P CD J) £ p "DO is o o o o a en 3 o o 3 o o T3 o O jJ. *r § en en S p p 3 CO CO I" 2 o1 3 g> c o ^ O o 5 3€ 6 8 5 a a o o 3 o o CO p 2 CD 3 o rj O p a CD s o ^ CD CD Q. CD s * O CD _ 5 CD- to 3 S t o 9 5 o o o 3 g- 3 > ^ T3 Pj (Q 5:» S i?o 1. o ° =3 2. O o p g 10 P " 3 S~ 8 a ^ " ? o CD o 3 a 3 2. P CD D 9: O P a O' Q. p =3 m 3 —. o 3- P cn g < m 3 h o » c o CO =. =3 133 ° ° o- CD I-M a O ~ CD ^ CD a. CD O o o CD It O « ? o a- I 2. ^ 0 cn g c? 1 ° ™ & ° m S- " CD o ™ S SB O 9: 3 cn p- O &) O -a o s 3 eo o cB 3 Q. Q. C |? 5. 2. CD CD > —I w £ § a si > p cn Jl-j cn P S" P CD P 1 § c? | CD o' Z § § S S a - o P- CD CD o &} >< 3 &> a CO ^ ^ o ^+ ^+ r+ r+ P ■D TI < 5- « 3 p £ .. £ p < 5 ■ I » o a ■§« 2. 3 cn CD =3 rt °- 2, cn ^ II ? 3 IQ O- cn —f P. ■a "a & ■ ■ eo — O &) CD a a CD « a p o p p S Q. _> o P & § § eb o P P P p < o « |S < CD CD O cn —f P 5 O &) 3 57 O a ■a 3 en en o c O &) 57 O f a CD o Q. P SB O p m o 8 p O °r 3 ° F$ o a cd «" en ^- | 8 CD r+ O CD o o 3 ■a P. a p a CD 03 - 2 ^3 en ^. CD 3 Si P> o O" ~ CD en -j ■a g ■a i'. ■a — ■o Q. CD w II I 01 :=> p a CQ CD' CD a CD P CD II T3 c a; a p. O p E. — ^ cn £ _CD a. CD a - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: si 0 w" Co 3 V CD J CD O co O O ID O ID O 5-3' B) =3" =3" I r+ r+ O T3 TI 3 Cn \ CQ P> O =3 CO CD _, w CD £= ft- 2. S j» a 3 3 p. o- rjo ca o o OOP Ha ?r 2 CD ft cn P) CD » O 1^ w- a e+ co En' o =r. —. o en en ■a a s o a ft =s r+ (/J I i ? o li b- 5 =3 CD O a. CD a c B) F+ CD 3 SL B) ft 3 s a I g =■ p CO C? Si f 8 F o ^& He1 CD =. x en Ť3 3 IT O ^ I o a 3 i p> > o —I o' 3 c B) 3 ft" m II S o cb en DO CD B) a B) o a CD 3 ft o en 3 > CD CD O CD ■a -a en ic. II pT s DO I P> CD ° I a co CD SB CD =f. o en CD =r. o p> cffS cd P> CD 3 CD >< 3 CD ■a a. iC. CD g~ E. S CO í s Q. —■ g I r+ O ft EL f» O a ft: CD o' CD O —h a CD P> O CD O (3 B)' € §■. § šš § c3 Cg [D p) p 2 1 ca p) pj CD ci- =r. ft. § p> cn a 0. si a o o 3 o » n 2. o 3 cues' CD CD 3 >< p> a CO en CD a CD ■a 3 CD CD O ■v o >< CD CO B)' ■a ft en £ g CD S pT 55' CO 3- ft ÍD 1 ° 3 s s s s s s 5' P. c ft CD CD =Ť ^ is 55' 3 CD a cn CD (Q p? p & < —h P> ^ S P 18 =3 (Q ft ? =3 O CD, p> 3 ft o » O p w W CD a^ ^ CD CD CD a CD en en a CD a cd~ PJ o i o a 3 3 B) 3 o V. ^ in' S 3 S at g a ft 9. 32 ft § 5 a Q. en 3 Z! i I 3 Q. ■a ic. cn r § S a. g en in DO p> =; a pj p> m (0 S B) en a § 2. ° -i o1 ^ != in' g- 3 3 > pj & =3 IT Q. O 3 CD r+ EL p> m en O B)' m —f —f en ■D ■a itonia en en p3" WW. idm Tou < CD ~^ cn' Q. en r+ CD in —f DO cn PJ 0 toni iard pj CD b T 0 /sta 3 r+ CD CD —f ■3 in' O CD ft m D" en CD r+ O PJ a P>' CD en to r+ cn' o' cn m cn SL < B) a o cn ^3 P> p> p> ■° Q. Sj O Í 3 2. g1 p> „ ?s cn 2. c 0 &. O o 3D 0 ^ o C in £ 8 a i I CD O ft Q. in CD p> en 9: 3 a o m >< "D CD > =■ 3. TJ -■ ^ cn — > DO CO o P> ft * 5^ o c m o c B) a o cn CD CD =. a CD ft 5 o o 3 o B) 31 CD "D C 57 ft" ^ 00 3 P> ■a 2 =3 cn en o i; cd ° CQ O <: a o a. řo On -J a CD &T 3D CD ■a c> p> a o 3 O CD 3 B) 2 CO < ED W " CD 13 c CD ■a en s s b. 5 cn g btl CD co r-h EU w" CD - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: 2 B) O B) O o ■a -a co ic. P < P ? ■D Q. F Co p p 3 CQ [D O ^ « o <. c eg 3 5' E en =. CD co ? rt ^ o °' o CD - 3 § I m cp CD 3 o <: co rt O co in co ■a x c X CD 3 57 O C 3 W rt H ■a > O <; p § 2. IS a 59 a a « ?, o £? ^ ■§ 5 p IS »8 > o § -» f= a S3- » S ro co !§■ rt _I co 2 rt C CD 2. CO S 3 > (f) o s a »■ a 3 g- c co ~ 2 ■a co » a >~ zr ^ ° II" cd a I § 3 CD O O ■r* "a 3 3 < CD ffi a =f o P o CD "O > 9. O p CD (D g < P ° - ■ = -o B) rt p co co >- -a < Q O Q. m _I CO *= II $■ s 3, a =r. o w w o W sr a a i o' O Co CD 6- a 3 a DO 3- CD CD □ CD 3 o o o o O c 2. =; co CD =f e> a a CD ■a p 0) w ^ I-+ I-+ _ a a 2. CD CD CO en do 5 a ^ o a 2 o O —■ CD 3 cd 5- rt o CD 3 CD p o CD _CD 31 CD "D c CT o' o p S a r+ =q -h § si o cd g c O c CQ CD p S en N "2 p o =r. s o w 3 p 3! a i* ° 57 CD a a ti 9 ° 3 EL I ^ §3 p CD cn ■a o p cf gc? — ■ cn p 3 I 3D El CD CD =3 P P S. DO _ c =3 CD « P S <= 5. O CD o a CD 3 ■a 2 cn ......... r+ s ^ I ° II m cn' 3 3 t § O 11 1^ !| « 5-' 2 P CD "D CD 3 ■a -a cn I! =. CQ 01 o c_ c_ p p ■a -a p p Icf —I > O1 CQ C CD < Ul O C 3 5- P □. cn a^ &1 01 r+ CD O a p 2. s CD 3 CD 3 e> ■a 3 cn p D DO — o S a t3 CD ■a o 3 >< J J J fn r+ r+ r+ "1 ^+ n ^+ ~ 3 -a ^ k a g § S~ Z ^ p S p ~ a 3 ^. p =3 p CQ = P 5 s-. 2. « o ■a p ■S »' CD 1+ I ^' I 3 cd a II ? p ■a ■a o 3 3 —f CD P N o' P CD 5' a s ■a 2 en c/j rt P CQ CD CD CD a 3 P~ ■a - ^. CD II I § 2. 2. p p. CD' 3 a o CD CO cd' en 2. en a s s s b" y ■a _ 01 =3 CQ Q- p g ^ 8 w p- p; ©' o ■a p 3 Q. cd' a a. p' o CD CD a =3" =3" X r+ r+ P "D "D CQ Q. o o> I g p 1 S CO 5. a p 2 a p co^ p sa« CO CO p rt- _ °' 0 co^ CO CD. CD a1 !» 3. £ 3 CO i: c CQ CD •5 rt C ■a =3 CQ clc? ?■ a S 2 ^ a co' CO 3 s- o EL 2 =c re c re 1 c rr re C C - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: 0 co" CO 3 V CB O co O o Dl Dl (Q C Dl A =3 W £ i—h II § o l:. p C CQ CO CD O =3 CD tD Cn _I CD C §=§ O O p ~ ? z Q. —I tp c ?2 en' CD N CD SL B) a 3 i 2 S 2. ft =i ft ft § cn ft 2 CO CD - N CD a CD en fT> O o D O 3 .a CD cn ISE rn CD a (0 3 W 3 r+ ■a S ij- cn § cn § Z O CD O" IT P> CD — p a. cn CD "D &) =j Q. cn' < CD 3 CD *< 0 —h 1 o r+ CD cn P a 2 o N &} 3 g- c CD cn =■ c ft o 3 a. o' o c p cn a 3 CD 2 o o o o o ■a 2 cn cn ^ CD' 3 S r+ P Q. CD C cn o CQ C 2 o P+ CO CD U m O) S p ^ S ft ft ™ ^ ft o » S P O cn =; CD a. -a n o" p cn CD 3. ■ p | O S CD rt CQ O < 3 cn^ ^ w p_ n" CO cn CD P CD cn 3 p r+ CD cn 2 o CD CD CQ 2 i ft 2. s a o' *< cn o O "* S » CD r-* o S. -h D S 3 | ^cg I p 3 4J CQ | q ■S 2 © E-O 3 ■o Z p i> 0) 3 a H Q. II > —| ^ H a CO c ■a p CQ CD d ii cn' 3 2 o CQ O 3 O S c? P CD h ' cn <■ I ° c!§ D 0) II p co S- Si o>' CD i+ I- p cn cd o CD 2 O CD o o 3 g CD CD a CD cn O o CQ 2 o a o < _cu 31 CD "D C !T 5' O P 0) 3 ft 9- W cn CD CQ 2 CD >< o' O ■a -a cn ic. II 5" W cn a ° a & » Q. CD O O P 3 w p — -■ CQ CD | "8 3 !T S3 I81 cn' 3 o Q. CD CQ Q. CD P ft O P § O p 2 CD ■a 2 cn cn cn cn —) 3 I p =5 ^ cn' S 3 c - » 0) CQ p < cn' 3 -■ c o ■ cn P CQ CD CO —f 2 &) 3 c CD 3 o 4? ° ^ 1 II N 2. p ^ cn' CD Q- ? H CQ CT O ^ Z cn' 5 3 CD CD cn Q. CD O CT cn CD 2 CD r+ r+ P P D tl S. !i ■a -a k! cn 8* 2 cp_ Q. <' CD ID ■a 2 cn ......... r+ s ^ I ° II cn «' 3 3 CQ 2 cp_ CD >< CO cd' 2 CD CD 2 CD a CD CQ CD CO o CD 3 o ■a cn S 3 S s a CD ■a p c O a o CD B) 3 s B) 3_ 3' O 3 w 3 CD ■a co cB CD § in a-. p en r—h 1—h a ^ ED T3 CO 3 3- = — CO II 3D Q. p> ■a -a ci. o o CO o cT = IS p CD B) 3 o CD 3 P> V. 3 :> o I <= II I S I ri B) 3' CO B) 3 a ■a 2 CO CO 03 § CO r+__ P) r+ co S. CO p q ct > P o S ■a 3D 3 3 CD- E. p 2. CD -1 o _ CD 3 P i. 51 SS O C P) =3 3. -■ ^-h CO CO lit c a CD rt 3 Q. m ® ri Co PI Q. = CD CD I 03 ■0 c CD o 3 ° § F 3 ri 5' P> Q. P =11 CD CT p' "D CQ Q. p m 3 O CD 5 O 3. p CO o 3 o- o 3 Q. Q. CD CD "0 "0 c c CD CD o o TJ 3D o' o' o o ■D o c CQ B) —1 i-t i-t ■p uris \ 3 0 s a CD 3' "0 P 0 ■b s r+ CQ X p_ ■ct 0 _ 1-* p x" 3 p =s' ■0 X ■0 d. 11 ine; CO Cl II 5' \° 3 p ■D o B) zs a 3 CD ■a -a CO p ^ ^+ ^ 3 s S to o §^ I = CD 2. 5 co ^ 3 ■a 1 co S: II 5* CD O I cT ? 3 CO =■ ■a 0 o a a? o £2. c o § 3 3.» p CT O p a ■u ■u CD CO 3 CD ■a -a p> !l o o ■D CD ■a 2 cn ......... r+ Q. CD p Zi. W Q. ^ CD B- ■? 3 3 O CD 3 3 5' o S rn S >i ? I' ■a 3 a o p CO DO 03 P !Z =3 -a o CD o Zi. O i cd ro 3 g. p § a. 2. CD p 3D Z CD p K o a1 < =3 p p l& c?^ Zi CO ■0 B) B) CQ C B) >< 03 CD O Zi p a CD 3 0 1 03 c 3D ■0 B) ■u C B) z CD 3- CD B) zr "0 p ■0 cn ua z s s CD ■b p !Z Zl' CD p P new Tou CQ !Z co' Zl' 3 ea. TJ O avel moti 0 CD Zl se > p !Z r+ 0 zr zr O P ZI Q. CO P r+ co' o' CO TJ B) 3 B) 3 B) s p * ? ■a cz ? I E Q. S -a S S Q. p p CO CD B) C 3 P. =fi P2 Ö' ^ CD < O CO ° p" CO =3 > g- ri c CD P P C b o 3. 3 CD a 03 DO !Z DO !Z a. co P 2 p Zl Zj 3' CO O 3 B) 3 "O E?. 3_ CO CO r+ r+ P> >< >< loa P CD _ 3 3 Z 2- » 5" o ° 3 ri 8 co' 3 i o " 3 co ^ p B) >< S 3 3 a < CO p O CO 3 _ '■ o i co ^ CO p F 3 a of 1^ ^ m o S B) O CD a o 3 3 W 3 ^ ^ ri ^. CD I" «9 S ri CO m O ri E. Is 3 CD O CT P CO —f O ■a CQ CD C3 re c re i c IT-CX r\: C C CD S Q. 5' c 3 —) P o Q. 3. CD CO S CD p r+ i Q. a cd CD -+ 1115 DATA SOURCES 2017-202' Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia National Bank of Serbia Seychelles National Bureau of Statistics Seychelles Tourism Board http ://w ww. n bs. g o v. sc/ Sierra Leone National Tourist Board Statistics Sierra Leone Singapore Singapore Tourism Board Department of Statistics Singapore http s://w ww. st b. g o v. sg Sint Maarten (Dutch part) St. Maarten Tourist Bureau Department of Statistics Sint Maarten Centrale Bank Curacao & Sint Maarten Slovakia Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic National Bank of Slovakia http ://www. nbs. sk/en/home Slovenia Statistical Office - Tourism Statistics, Structual Business Statistics, Statistical register of employment Bank of Slovenia Solomon Islands Solomon Islands National Statistics Office South Africa Statistics South Africa South African Tourism Spain Instituto Nacional de Estadistica https://www.ine. es/dyngs/INEbase/es/categoria.htm?c=Estadistica_P&cid=1254735570703 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Tourist Board State of Palestine Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Sweden Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth - Tillvaxtverket - Statistics Sweden http s://w ww. sc b. se/en/ Switzerland Swiss Federal Statistical Office Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Tourism - Planning and International Cooperation Taiwan Province of China Planning Division, Taiwan Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Taiwan Taiwan Tourism Bureau Executive Info System (Traditional Chinese, English): Taiwan Tourism Bureau Tourism Statistics Database (Traditional Chinese, English): Tajikistan Tourism Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Agency on statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Tourism Division - Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism National Bureau of Statistics Thailand Ministry of Tourism and Sports Timor-Leste Statistics Timor-Leste - General Directorate of Statistics Togo Ministere du Tourisme Tonga Tonga Statistics Department Ministry of Tourism Copyright © 2023, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Data 2017 -2021, 2023 Edition | DOI: - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: 0 Co" Go 3 7- CD O CO O N 3' 57 B) 57 s CD 3 ^ O" 3 § > o c en' < CD ■a -a a < § £ e> a p CD IT P O 3 CD CQ en o —T- h Q. CD >< ■b if c B) 2 < p s a o' p CD en c CD C B) >< ■a 2 cn en ^ CD *l I* b en CD "D ?s r+ CD c C 3 CD a P+ B) r* CD (0 B) a ID 00 O" o CD o CQ C 3 CD a P+ B) F+ CD (0 > 3 CD o' B) 3 <= ■a O) le? £> ~o * 3 p CD a 3 CD cb a § o o =11 c 3 CD a CD a o 3 ■a -a cn JOS ~ =11 en i! i. p Cg P b P a" cq cn d 3 2. CD CQ Cn ^ 5- g It < Bi c CD B) 57 m 3 P IT sp O — r.t m *. «* 00 (D ^ ■ ° ^ 3 ■a CD 1 =3 C CD * g I » S BJ P CO o c/3 p S P K- cd &. a 3 =f. cB cn o -. C7 Q cn *< C/J c n C B). CD T3 S O a o cb 3 c p c B) a B) ■a cn s s p =i. =3 cn a. p >< DO O cn ^ 3 3 05- CQ P ^ o i P ■ 11 a 0 m a B) a o B) o' o ID « B) a (0 3 5 V. 7T cn P S- Q. g o a o o o p cn o' —1 ■a -a if -i S cb 2 3 o 3 ■o 1 p «' Cs B)' CD St Q. 5' c =3 —I P O Q. =. CD cn S 1 § O ? o CD Q. a B) a B) a 51 57 B) CD O CQ o a 0) S D P CD P I O CD CD O 3 ■a p CD a - Friday, April 21, 2023 2:24:50 AM - Ministry for Regional Development in the Czech Republic IP Address: lOCK 003@4l\ Understanding, for each country, where its inbound tourism is generated is essential for analysing international tourism flows and devising marketing strategies, such as those related to the positioning of national markets abroad. Deriving from the most comprehensive statistical database available on the tourism sector, the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics focusses on data related to inbound tourism (total arrivals and overnight stays), broken down by country of origin. The 2023 edition of the Yearbook of Tourism Statistics presents data on total arrivals and overnight stays of inbound tourism for 187 countries and territories, broken down in both cases by country of origin, while the COVID-19 pandemic has been taken into account, as it has caused an unprecedented situation worldwide that has especially affected the tourism sector and also the statistical systems of r o: 001 The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), a United Nations specialized agency, is the leading international organization with the decisive and central role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how. Its membership includes 160 countries, 6 territories, ermanent observers and over 500 Affiliate Members. UNWTO World Tourism Organizati