Angličtina pro Generali ČP

Week 2 - 30.1.2023

To connect to the lesson, use the following Zoom ID: 5410449751 and the passcode: 747985

to practice vocabulary from the lesson go to:

quizlet vocabulary set for lesson 2 here

listening task 3 - handout 2


If you want to do grammar exercises from handout 2 (page 3 to 8) - you can do them and upload the scan into the folder above (Homework after lesson 2) - I will check the exercises and send you a short feedback before the next lesson.

On page 2 of handout 2 there is a listening task - a description of a company. You can listen to it and write a short summary about the company. You are welcome to upload it into the homework folder - I will check your writing.