Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Probabilistic Scenario & Basic of Investment Portfolio Ludˇek Benada Department of Finance, office - 402 e-mail: Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Content 1 Calculations by available probabilities 2 Investment portfolio Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Content 1 Calculations by available probabilities 2 Investment portfolio Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Estimation of the probability The current price of the asset under consideration is known Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Estimation of the probability The current price of the asset under consideration is known The dividend payments are not considered Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Estimation of the probability The current price of the asset under consideration is known The dividend payments are not considered The potential market prices in the future are estimated Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Estimation of the probability The current price of the asset under consideration is known The dividend payments are not considered The potential market prices in the future are estimated Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Estimation of the probability The current price of the asset under consideration is known The dividend payments are not considered The potential market prices in the future are estimated Price scenarios (Pt,i) Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Estimation of the probability The current price of the asset under consideration is known The dividend payments are not considered The potential market prices in the future are estimated Price scenarios (Pt,i) where, ri = ln( Pt,i Pt−k ) Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Return and risk of an asset If the future price of a considered asset is known, then could be determined: Expected return: Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Return and risk of an asset If the future price of a considered asset is known, then could be determined: Expected return: E(ri ) = n i=1 ri ∗ pi Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Return and risk of an asset If the future price of a considered asset is known, then could be determined: Expected return: E(ri ) = n i=1 ri ∗ pi Risk of the asset: Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Return and risk of an asset If the future price of a considered asset is known, then could be determined: Expected return: E(ri ) = n i=1 ri ∗ pi Risk of the asset: σi = (ri − E(r))2 ∗ pi Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Calculation procedure A larger and more plausible probability distribution for the future prices can lead to better estimation results Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Calculation procedure A larger and more plausible probability distribution for the future prices can lead to better estimation results More probabilistic scenarios need to be condensed, so the probability range condition would be ensured: Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Calculation procedure A larger and more plausible probability distribution for the future prices can lead to better estimation results More probabilistic scenarios need to be condensed, so the probability range condition would be ensured: Only one price scenario n i=1 pi = 100% Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Calculation procedure A larger and more plausible probability distribution for the future prices can lead to better estimation results More probabilistic scenarios need to be condensed, so the probability range condition would be ensured: Only one price scenario n i=1 pi = 100% N prices scenarios 1 N n i=1 pi = 100% Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio The sequence of the calculation Unification of prices Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio The sequence of the calculation Unification of prices Linking with their probabilities Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio The sequence of the calculation Unification of prices Linking with their probabilities Sum and standardization of probabilities Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio The sequence of the calculation Unification of prices Linking with their probabilities Sum and standardization of probabilities Calculation of returns and their linking with probabilities Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio The sequence of the calculation Unification of prices Linking with their probabilities Sum and standardization of probabilities Calculation of returns and their linking with probabilities Calculation of E(ri ) & σi Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio The sequence of the calculation C o n c r e t e e x a m p l e Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Content 1 Calculations by available probabilities 2 Investment portfolio Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Portfolio return Portfolio consists of n-assets Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Portfolio return Portfolio consists of n-assets The proportion of i-th assets in the portfolio is wi Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Portfolio return Portfolio consists of n-assets The proportion of i-th assets in the portfolio is wi Basic assumption: Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Portfolio return Portfolio consists of n-assets The proportion of i-th assets in the portfolio is wi Basic assumption: n i=1 wi = 1 Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Portfolio return Portfolio consists of n-assets The proportion of i-th assets in the portfolio is wi Basic assumption: n i=1 wi = 1, also wi < 0 thus, Rp = n i=1 wi ∗ ri Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Portfolio return Portfolio consists of n-assets The proportion of i-th assets in the portfolio is wi Basic assumption: n i=1 wi = 1, also wi < 0 thus, Rp = n i=1 wi ∗ ri or Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Portfolio return Portfolio consists of n-assets The proportion of i-th assets in the portfolio is wi Basic assumption: n i=1 wi = 1, also wi < 0 thus, Rp = n i=1 wi ∗ ri or E(Rp) = n i=1 wi ∗ ¯ri Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Risk of portfolio σp = n i=1 n j=1 wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Risk of portfolio σp = n i=1 n j=1 wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j thus, σp = Varp + Covarp Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Risk of portfolio σp = n i=1 n j=1 wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j thus, σp = Varp + Covarp σ2 p = n i=1 w2 i ∗ σ2 i + n i=1 n j=1|i̸=j wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Risk of portfolio σp = n i=1 n j=1 wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j thus, σp = Varp + Covarp σ2 p = n i=1 w2 i ∗ σ2 i + n i=1 n j=1|i̸=j wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j or simply; Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Risk of portfolio σp = n i=1 n j=1 wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j thus, σp = Varp + Covarp σ2 p = n i=1 w2 i ∗ σ2 i + n i=1 n j=1|i̸=j wi ∗ wj ∗ σi,j or simply; σp = √ wT ∗ C ∗ w Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Special case - Naive Portfolio wi = 1 n Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Special case - Naive Portfolio wi = 1 n σ2 p = 1 n2 n i=1 σ2 i + 1 n2 n i=1 n j=1|i̸=j σi,j Calculations by available probabilities Investment portfolio Special case - Naive Portfolio wi = 1 n σ2 p = 1 n2 n i=1 σ2 i + 1 n2 n i=1 n j=1|i̸=j σi,j σ2 p = 1 n ¯σi 2 + (1 − 1 n ) ¯σi,j