CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Capital Asset Pricing Model - CAPM Ludˇek Benada Department of Finance, office - 402 e-mail: CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Content 1 CAPM 2 Capital Marktet Line - CML 3 Security Market Line - SML CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Content 1 CAPM 2 Capital Marktet Line - CML 3 Security Market Line - SML CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) It is a basic tool for financial analysis CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) It is a basic tool for financial analysis Despite its shortcomings, it is widely used: CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) It is a basic tool for financial analysis Despite its shortcomings, it is widely used: Asset valuation CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) It is a basic tool for financial analysis Despite its shortcomings, it is widely used: Asset valuation Investment decision-making CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) It is a basic tool for financial analysis Despite its shortcomings, it is widely used: Asset valuation Investment decision-making Financial asset management CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) It is a basic tool for financial analysis Despite its shortcomings, it is widely used: Asset valuation Investment decision-making Financial asset management Trading CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML CAPM One of the most famous models in financial theory and practice Originated in the 1960s It extends the concept introduced by H. Markowitz, it is a special case of the M & M Model (1958) It is a basic tool for financial analysis Despite its shortcomings, it is widely used: Asset valuation Investment decision-making Financial asset management Trading Monetary policy CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Financial asset management A portfolio consisting at leas of one ri and one rf CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Financial asset management A portfolio consisting at leas of one ri and one rf The opportunity to invest in rf determines the shape of Efficient frontier CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Financial asset management A portfolio consisting at leas of one ri and one rf The opportunity to invest in rf determines the shape of Efficient frontier → straightline, segment of a line CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Financial asset management A portfolio consisting at leas of one ri and one rf The opportunity to invest in rf determines the shape of Efficient frontier → straightline, segment of a line Allows to identify the contribution of individual assets to Rp and σp CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Financial asset management A portfolio consisting at leas of one ri and one rf The opportunity to invest in rf determines the shape of Efficient frontier → straightline, segment of a line Allows to identify the contribution of individual assets to Rp and σp CAPM is an equilibrium model CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Financial asset management A portfolio consisting at leas of one ri and one rf The opportunity to invest in rf determines the shape of Efficient frontier → straightline, segment of a line Allows to identify the contribution of individual assets to Rp and σp CAPM is an equilibrium model The concept of the model is explicitly built on the maximization of utility and the available set of investment portfolios CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Trading with securities Quantification of systematic and unsystematic risk CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Trading with securities Quantification of systematic and unsystematic risk Enables the identification of incorrectly valued assets CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Monetary policy The initial assumption is based on Tobin’s money demand assumption CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Monetary policy The initial assumption is based on Tobin’s money demand assumption A modified version of the Tobin’s money demand CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Monetary policy The initial assumption is based on Tobin’s money demand assumption A modified version of the Tobin’s money demand → in addition to bonds, stocks are also substitutes for money CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Monetary policy The initial assumption is based on Tobin’s money demand assumption A modified version of the Tobin’s money demand → in addition to bonds, stocks are also substitutes for money A rational subject makes decisions based on the von Neumann-Morgenstein utility function CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known The investors are rational . . . CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known The investors are rational . . . Every investor is able to compare all permissible portfolios CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known The investors are rational . . . Every investor is able to compare all permissible portfolios All assets are infinitely divisible CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known The investors are rational . . . Every investor is able to compare all permissible portfolios All assets are infinitely divisible There exists a risk-free asset . . . CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known The investors are rational . . . Every investor is able to compare all permissible portfolios All assets are infinitely divisible There exists a risk-free asset . . . There is information efficiency CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known The investors are rational . . . Every investor is able to compare all permissible portfolios All assets are infinitely divisible There exists a risk-free asset . . . There is information efficiency Investors have the same expectations: CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Assumptions of CAPM The portfolio is compiled for one period The information of ri and σi is known The investors are rational . . . Every investor is able to compare all permissible portfolios All assets are infinitely divisible There exists a risk-free asset . . . There is information efficiency Investors have the same expectations: → ri , σi , σi,j CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Separation theorem The optimal mix of risky securities can be determined without knowing the investor’s attitudes toward return and risk CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Separation theorem The optimal mix of risky securities can be determined without knowing the investor’s attitudes toward return and risk It is not necessary to consider the indifference curves of each investor CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Separation theorem The optimal mix of risky securities can be determined without knowing the investor’s attitudes toward return and risk It is not necessary to consider the indifference curves of each investor This means that the risk portion of each investor’s portfolio is the same CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Modified versions of CAPM The original model has strong assumptions . . . CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Modified versions of CAPM The original model has strong assumptions . . . → Effort to get closer to a reality CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Modified versions of CAPM The original model has strong assumptions . . . → Effort to get closer to a reality Common modifications of CAPM: CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Modified versions of CAPM The original model has strong assumptions . . . → Effort to get closer to a reality Common modifications of CAPM: T-CAPM (Brennan, 1970) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Modified versions of CAPM The original model has strong assumptions . . . → Effort to get closer to a reality Common modifications of CAPM: T-CAPM (Brennan, 1970) Zero-Beta CAPM (Black, 1972) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Modified versions of CAPM The original model has strong assumptions . . . → Effort to get closer to a reality Common modifications of CAPM: T-CAPM (Brennan, 1970) Zero-Beta CAPM (Black, 1972) M-CAPM (Merton, 1973) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Modified versions of CAPM The original model has strong assumptions . . . → Effort to get closer to a reality Common modifications of CAPM: T-CAPM (Brennan, 1970) Zero-Beta CAPM (Black, 1972) M-CAPM (Merton, 1973) IP-CAPM (Amihud & Mendelson, 1986) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Content 1 CAPM 2 Capital Marktet Line - CML 3 Security Market Line - SML CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Capital market line Market portfolio CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Capital market line Market portfolio (. . . relative representation of securities) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Capital market line Market portfolio (. . . relative representation of securities) → use of indexes CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Capital market line Market portfolio (. . . relative representation of securities) → use of indexes CML represents only efficient portfolios CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Capital market line Market portfolio (. . . relative representation of securities) → use of indexes CML represents only efficient portfolios The model identifies the costs of time and the costs of risk CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Capital market line Market portfolio (. . . relative representation of securities) → use of indexes CML represents only efficient portfolios The model identifies the costs of time and the costs of risk ¯Rp = rf + ¯rm − rf σm ∗ σp CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Derivation of CML Graphic projection . . . CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Derivation of CML Graphic projection . . . Using the similarity of right triangles . . . CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Content 1 CAPM 2 Capital Marktet Line - CML 3 Security Market Line - SML CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Security market line Represents the relation between E(ri ) and σi,m for each asset CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Security market line Represents the relation between E(ri ) and σi,m for each asset The model applies for efficient and inefficient securities and also for portfolios CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Security market line Represents the relation between E(ri ) and σi,m for each asset The model applies for efficient and inefficient securities and also for portfolios Individual securities are not efficient CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Security market line Represents the relation between E(ri ) and σi,m for each asset The model applies for efficient and inefficient securities and also for portfolios Individual securities are not efficient → SML always located under CML CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Security market line Represents the relation between E(ri ) and σi,m for each asset The model applies for efficient and inefficient securities and also for portfolios Individual securities are not efficient → SML always located under CML The risk of market portfolio: σm = w1,mσ1,m + w2,mσ2,m + · · · + wn,mσn,m CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Security market line Represents the relation between E(ri ) and σi,m for each asset The model applies for efficient and inefficient securities and also for portfolios Individual securities are not efficient → SML always located under CML The risk of market portfolio: σm = w1,mσ1,m + w2,mσ2,m + · · · + wn,mσn,m An equilibrium relation between the return and the risk by an individual a CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Security market line Represents the relation between E(ri ) and σi,m for each asset The model applies for efficient and inefficient securities and also for portfolios Individual securities are not efficient → SML always located under CML The risk of market portfolio: σm = w1,mσ1,m + w2,mσ2,m + · · · + wn,mσn,m An equilibrium relation between the return and the risk by an individual a rei = rf + rm − rf σ2 m ∗ σi,m CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Beta coefficient βi measures the systematic risk CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Beta coefficient βi measures the systematic risk of security CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Beta coefficient βi measures the systematic risk of security or portfolio (βp) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Beta coefficient βi measures the systematic risk of security or portfolio (βp) βi > 1 . . . aggressive security CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Beta coefficient βi measures the systematic risk of security or portfolio (βp) βi > 1 . . . aggressive security βi < 1 . . . defensive security CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Beta coefficient βi measures the systematic risk of security or portfolio (βp) βi > 1 . . . aggressive security βi < 1 . . . defensive security βi = 1 . . . neutral, correctly priced security Equilibrium model: ri = rf + βi ∗ (rm − rf ) CAPM Capital Marktet Line - CML Security Market Line - SML Beta coefficient βi measures the systematic risk of security or portfolio (βp) βi > 1 . . . aggressive security βi < 1 . . . defensive security βi = 1 . . . neutral, correctly priced security Equilibrium model: ri = rf + βi ∗ (rm − rf ) where we can derive, βi = σi,m σ2 m