Labour Market and Employment Policy
Week 9—Student presentations - undeclared work
Topic: Tackling undeclared work (proposed questions)
- What is the size and trends in undeclared employment? How does it vary across countries?
- Who engages in such work and what is the motivation behind this?
- What are the employment relationships (e.g., full-time/part-time, permanent/temporary employment)?
- What have been the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on undeclared employment?
- What policy approaches are currently used to tackle undeclared work?
- What does the evidence tell us about what works and what does not work?
- What policy initiatives can be identified as best practices?
- To what extent does undeclared work call for EU-wide solutions (legislation)?
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.