Assignment 1 - Annotated Bibliography

Your task is to write an annotated bibliography containing three annotations related to your thesis research. All the sources you choose must be peer-reviewed academic articles on the same topic, and must have been published after 2015.

Each annotation should include:

  • A full reference for the source using APA format, including the author name(s), publication year, article title, journal name, volume and issue number, page range of the article, and a DOI (if available).
  • A brief summary of the main findings in your own words.
  • A critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each article.
  • A reflection on the usefulness or relevance of the source, such as how it would be helpful in writing a paper on the topic or what you learned from it about the topic.

Please aim to write approximately 150 words for each annotation.

Two examples of annotation:

Mbanyele, W., Huang, H., Li, Y., Muchenje, L. T., & Wang, F. (2022). Corporate social responsibility and green innovation: Evidence from mandatory CSR disclosure laws. Economics Letters, 212, 110322.

Mbanyele et al. (2022) study the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance on green innovation using CSR disclosure laws from different countries. Overall, the results of the study demonstrate that corporate engagement in CSR activities increases social welfare through the production of sustainable technologies. Furthermore, the results show that the impact of CSR disclosure laws is more significant for companies with weaker corporate governance and for companies that had lower CSR disclosure standards prior to CSR disclosure laws. A strength of this study is that it circumvents problems in measuring CSR activities by using laws on mandatory CSR reporting in different countries. The study is valuable because it provides consistent evidence that the quality and quantity of green patents by companies are increasing in countries that have enforced mandatory CSR disclosure laws. Moreover, the study provides evidence of the positive side of regulatory change, which is important for future research.

Adam, L., Soekarni, M., & Inayah, I. (2021). Indonesia’s Ultra Microcredit Programme: Financing Micro Businesses, Empowering the Poor. Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 38(2), 263–280. 

Adam et al. (2021) examined the effectiveness of the Ultra Microcredit (UMi) program, a government initiative in Indonesia designed to support micro businesses owned by vulnerable individuals through affordable loans. Despite limitations in the sample size of surveyed micro businesses, the study suggests that the UMi program has yielded positive outcomes for participants. However, the authors note that the program disproportionately benefits businesses located in Java and that the interest rates may be too high for some to access credit. Although some findings in the study may lack statistical reliability due to the small sample size, they provide valuable insights for further research on the topic of microfinance.

Examples of annotated bibliography:


Suggested steps of writing assignment

To help you complete your assignment successfully, I suggest following these steps:

1.       Begin by narrowing down the topic of your thesis research. Talk to your supervisor, review lecture notes, and read recent research papers to help you come up with a more focused topic.

2.       Search for relevant literature using  Google Scholar or MUNI DiscoveryDevelop a list of keywords and set your selection criteria. For example, you shall focus on recent articles published after 2015, articles that concentrate on a specific geographic region, or those that use a specific methodology. Consider searching reputable journals which offer a wealth of information on various topics.I suggest you search separately these journals: 

3.       Once you've found your first relevant article, use its reference list and "Cited by" feature in Google Scholar to find other related articles. You can also repeat your search using the same keywords.

4.       Read the articles you've selected and note the following:

  • Assumptions some or most researchers seem to make
  • Methodologies, testing procedures, subjects, and material researchers use
  • Experts in the field: names and academic papers that are frequently referenced
  • Conflicting theories, results, methodologies
  • The popularity of theories and how this has/has not changed over time
This information will help you create an annotated bibliography that covers the key points of each article.

5.       Use the provided template to create an annotated bibliography with three annotations. Review, edit, and proofread your work to ensure that it meets the guidelines and contains no errors.

6.       Submit your draft annotated bibliography as a Microsoft Word document (or pdf) to the homework folder in the Information System by March 13. You will receive feedback that will help you improve your work. 

7.        Submit the final version of your annotated bibliography by March 26. Please note that late submissions will not be accepted. 

8.       If you have any questions about the assignment, please don't hesitate to contact me via email.

Next step: Peer Review Assignment

Your annotations will be reviewed by two of your peers. It means that each student will provide a feedback and assess the writing style of other students. The peer review process is automated within the Information System, and detailed instructions will be sent via email on March 28The peer review process is a valuable opportunity for collaborative learning and improving writing skills.