Course information
Welcome to the Academic Writing course
Coordinator: Martin Guzi, Contact email:
Martin Guzi, Assistant Professor
Course objectives
This course aims to equip students with the essential skills needed for academic writing. Course is specifically suited to students who have begun working on their master's thesis and already selected their thesis topic. Students will practice critical reading and writing through summarizing and evaluating academic texts. Students will also learn how to incorporate the work of other authors effectively into their own texts. Students will practice revision skills and learn how to develop their writing style. The main outcome of this course is a short but well-written literature review on which their thesis is based.
Learning outcomes
The course focuses on the academic skills and basic elements of academic writing. You will write about your own research; you will learn to analyze and critique texts written by others; you will produce texts that you actually need in your thesis (e.g. an abstract, literature review); you will learn to cite other people's work and avoid plagiarism; you will receive feedback on the structure, logic and language of your texts; you will revise and rewrite your text; you will learn how to find and use literature sources powerfully.
Course assessment
This course has a Pass/Fail grading system. Students need to complete all tasks to obtain a passing grade:
1. At least 70% attendance at lectures and seminars (8 presences are required). Attendance is recorded automatically from card readers at the door. Hence do not forget to 'beep your card' when entering the classroom.
2. Pass four online quizzes (ROPOT tests).
3. Assignment 1 Annotated bibliography (400-500 words).
4. Assignment 2 Peer assessment (200 words).
5. Assignment 3 Critical literature review (900-1000 words).
6. Reflection on your progress during the course (100-200 words).
Preview of deadlines
13.2.—3.3. Quiz 1 (ROPOT test)
13.2.—13.3. Annotated Bibliography assignment (submission of the
first draft)
21.3.—26.3. Annotated Bibliography assignment (revision and submission of the final version)
6.3.—22.3. Quiz 2 (ROPOT test)
28.3.—3.4. Peer Assessment
8.4.—24.4. Quiz 3 (ROPOT test)
3.4.—27.4. Critical Literature Review (submission of the first draft)
26.4.—20.5. Quiz 4 (ROPOT test)
12.5.—20.5. Reflection (online survey)
12.5.—16.6. Critical Literature Review (revision(s) and submission of the final version)
Academic dishonestyCopy-paste and plagiarism are not acceptable (read about Plagiarism detection at MUNI). Plagiarism at university has serious consequences, even when committed by accident. Sanctions include loss of credit for the assignment, a failing grade for the course, a permanent notation on the transcript, and dismissal from the university.
Submit text that makes a good impression of your work. Written assignments are a good practice to develop your communication and argumentation style. Always use your own language to express your ideas. Write clear, simple and short sentences. Avoid complicated text structures with no meaning. I suggest you to use Grammarly software to correct typos and simple grammar mistakes.
The course consists of 6 lectures and 6 seminars.
The tentative schedule of lectures (schedule may change)
We will meet on Mondays from 8:00 to 9:40 in Room P312.
13.2. Lecture-1 — A Short Guide to Academic Writing Style
27.2. Lecture-2
— The Use of Academic Research Databases
6.3. Lecture-3
— References and Citations in Academic Writing
3.4. Lecture-4
— Literature Review
17.4. Lecture-5 — Tips to Improve Your Academic Writing
24.4. Lecture-6
— Academic Writing & Plagiarism
Seminar topics
Seminar-1 — Summarizing
Seminar-2 — Paraphrasing
Seminar-3 — Annotated bibliography assignment - discussion
Seminar-4 — Introducing paragraphs and linking them together
Seminar-5 — Referring verbs
Seminar-6 — Critical literature review assignment - discussion