Annotated bibliography assignment 1. Serrano-Malebrán, J., & Arenas-Gaitán, J. (2021). When does personalization work on social media? a posteriori segmentation of consumers. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80, 36509-36528. In this article, Serrano-Malebrán and Arenas-Gaitán (2021) explores the effectiveness of personalized content on social media platforms. The authors conducted a study on a sample of 1,012 social media users in Spain to examine how personalization impacts users' attitudes and behaviors. The study found that personalization has a positive impact on users' attitudes and behaviors when it is perceived as relevant and valuable. Furthermore, the authors found that the effectiveness of personalization varies depending on the user's segment and the type of content being personalized. The article provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of personalization on social media platforms and identifies key factors that influence its impact. However, the study is limited to social media users in Spain, which may not be representative of users in other countries. This article is important for my thesis since it investigates the effectiveness of personalized social media content and factors of it. 2. Setyani, V., Zhu, Y. Q., Hidayanto, A. N., Sandhyaduhita, P. I., & Hsiao, B. (2019). Exploring the psychological mechanisms from personalized advertisements to urge to buy impulsively on social media. International Journal of Information Management, 48, 96-107. In this article, Setyani et al. (2019), explores the psychological mechanisms underlying the relationship between personalized advertisements and impulsive buying behavior on social media. The authors conducted a survey of 315 social media users in Indonesia. The results suggest that personalized advertisements increase users' positive emotions, which in turn increases their urge to buy impulsively. Additionally, the study found that users who have a higher need for uniqueness and who experience a greater sense of identification with the brand are more likely to be influenced by personalized advertisements and to engage in impulsive buying behavior. The study has implications for social media marketers to develop more effective advertising strategies but the article does not address the potential ethical implications of using personalized advertising to target consumers. This article is important for my thesis since it investigates the relationship between personalized advertisements and buying behavior. 3. Winter, S., Maslowska, E., & Vos, A. L. (2021). The effects of trait-based personalization in social media advertising. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106525. In this article, Winter et al. (2021) studies on the effects of trait-based personalization in social media advertising. The authors conducted an online experiment with 214 participants. The study found that trait-based personalization of social media advertising led to higher levels of perceived relevance, attitude toward the ad, and intention to click on the ad. Personalization increased perceived relevance and attitude toward the ad, which in turn led to greater intention to click on the ad. As an one of the strengths of this study is that the authors provide a discussion of the ethical concerns associated with personalization in advertising, which is an important consideration for marketers and researchers. However, the study only examines the effects of personalization on short-term outcomes and does not address the potential long-term effects on consumer behavior or brand loyalty. This article is important for my thesis since it investigates personalization in social media advertising.