Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 1 COSTs Cost analysis; Cost classification; Cost according the volume of providing outputs; Production theory Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 2 revenues, COSTS, profit and their relation ̶Production – transform of inputs into output ̶Inputs – production factors = all of them! ̶In accounting = the current assets, depreciation (as a cost), and overhead costs ̶Outputs = in accounting = stock of finished good, unfinished goods, etc. (usually also current assets) ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 3 COSTs analysis ̶Production = amortization or consumption of production factors. This amortization or consumption is called costs. ̶ ̶Importance? Stakeholders! ̶ ̶Goal is to have the lowest sustainable costs possible…? Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 4 Cost as a term Many points of view: ̶Per operation – calculation costs ̶Per place of origin and responsibility ̶Per typology of costs – cost types ̶Per time ̶Per production volume – capacity costs ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 5 Calculation costs ̶Per operation stage – in all production phases ̶Important for price creation + portfolio creation ̶ Price calculation + Base price of the product - Discounts to customers - Volume - Season - Other = Price after changes - Costs = Profit/Loss ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 6 General calculation formula + Direct material + Direct work + Other direct costs = Total manufacturing costs + Overhead costs – supply + Overhead costs – management = Operation costs + Overhead costs – sales = Total operation costs + (Profit) = (Sale price) Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 7 Unit vs. overhead costs ̶unit costs (prime costs / per-unit costs) ̶costs that are directly caused (induced) by a unit of any kind of business output ̶ ̶overhead (overheads) ̶supplement to unit costs ̶in particular the costs of operation, maintenance, management ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 8 Direct vs. indirect costs ̶direct costs ̶directly attributable to a specific type of performance always unit costs overheads associated with the type of performance (e.g. single-purpose mould, machine, etc.) ̶indirect costs ̶cannot be directly attributed to product types ̶different calculation methods are used for the assignment ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 9 Variable vs. fixed costs ̶variable costs ̶increase in line with the growth in activity ̶what are we assessing variability for? usually the total output number of units sold, or units of final production produced can be assessed e.g. also in relation to the output of the centre (e.g. hours of repairs carried out by the Repair Service Centre) ̶fixed costs ̶within a certain range of production unchanged, then a change by a jump ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 10 Unit vs. direct Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 11 Unit vs. variable Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 12 Direct vs. variable Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 13 Cost as a term Many points of view: ̶Per operation – calculation costs ̶Per place of origin and responsibility ̶Per typology of costs – cost types ̶Per time ̶Per production volume – capacity costs ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 14 Place of origin and responsibility ̶Cost center ̶ ̶Economic structure of the company ̶ ̶Importance? – further lectures and courses – calculations, controlling ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 15 Cost center ̶Separated, independent technologically closed cycle ̶Independency and responsibility of the „center“ workers for operations, production and revenues/costs ̶Mapping of real costs of operations – availability of info for calculations ̶Local perspective – should be closed quarters ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 16 Cost as a term Many points of view: ̶Per operation – calculation costs ̶Per place of origin and responsibility ̶Per typology of costs – cost types ̶Per time ̶Per production volume – capacity costs ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 17 Typology of costs – cost types ̶From accounting – Czech standards. ̶(see papers!) - Sample chart of accounts ̶ ̶Czech standards vs. IFRS vs. US GAAP ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 18 IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards ̶Transfer of the national economies to the IFRS ̶Doing IFRS you can MEAT one problem (US GAAP) ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 19 IFRS adoption around globe ̶ nting-standards-by-jurisdiction Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 20 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles – US GAAP ̶Civil law vs. common law ̶ ̶adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ̶Historical cost principle ̶Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 21 Cost as a term Many points of view: ̶Per operation – calculation costs ̶Per place of origin and responsibility ̶Per typology of costs – cost types ̶Per time ̶Per production volume – capacity costs ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 22 Time centric ̶Elementary distribution ̶Theoretical economists – national economies theory ̶ ̶Long term – over 1 year ̶Short term – under 1 year ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 23 Dispute ̶Economic theory vs. business economics theory ̶ ̶Economic theorist says – in short term there are variable and fixed costs. In long run, there are only variable costs. ̶ ̶Business economist says – there are variable and also fixed cost in both long and short run. Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 24 Microecnomics Y Volume of production Total costs Total fixed costs Average fixed costs Variable costs Average variable costs Average total costs Increment in the volume Increment of total costs Marginal costs Q TC TFC AFC VC AVC ATC DQ DTC MC 0 1 2 3 10 15 18 200 208 216 224 275 314 340 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 - 200 100 67 20 13 11 - 8 16 24 75 114 140 0 8 8 8 7,5 7,6 7,8 - 208 104 74,7 27,5 20,9 18,9 - 1 1 1 7 5 3 - 8 8 8 51 39 26 - 8 8 8 7,3 7,8 8,7 Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 25 Microecnomics ̶Point of ceasing/stopping production ̶ ̶LR: P ≥ AC ̶ ̶SR: P ≥ AVC ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 26 Cost as a term Many points of view: ̶Per operation – calculation costs ̶Per place of origin and responsibility ̶Per typology of costs – cost types ̶Per time ̶Per production volume – capacity costs ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 27 Volume variability ̶Costs distributed by the linking to the volume produced. ̶ ̶Costs connected to the volume – variable costs ̶ ̶Costs independent of volume – fixed costs (not always truth) ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 28 Variable vs. fixed costs ̶variable costs ̶increase in line with the growth in activity ̶what are we assessing variability for? usually the total output number of units sold, or units of final production produced can be assessed e.g. also in relation to the output of the centre (e.g. hours of repairs carried out by the Repair Service Centre) ̶fixed costs ̶within a certain range of production unchanged, then a change by a jump ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 29 General formula for costs ̶TC = TFC + Q * AVC ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 30 REVENUES, costs, profit and their relation ̶Revenues are simple and from microeconomics: ̶ P * Q ̶ ̶In the accounting (Sample chart of accounts!) ̶ ̶usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. ̶ ̶Revenue is also referred to as sales or turnover. (in CZ L ) ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 31 REVENUES ̶Goal is to have the highest sustainable revenues possible…? ̶What about taxes? Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 32 ProfitJ ̶Revenues – costs = profit. ̶ ̶This one is subject to taxation. ̶ ̶Top goal is to have the highest sustainable goal possible…? ̶ Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 33 Rehearsal ̶Tax rate for the natural person? ̶Tax rate for the law entity? ̶ ̶EBIT vs. EAT ̶ ̶Usage? Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 34 EBIT or EAT? ̶ROA = E???/ Assets ̶ ̶ ̶ROE = E???/ Equity ̶ ̶ ̶ROS = E???/ Sales Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 35 OUT OF ABEC ̶CBA – Cost benefit analysis ̶Based on predictions of future cash flows ̶Takes account of time value of money ̶Requires all costs and benefits to be given a monetary value ̶ABC – Power graph ̶ ̶ABC/M – Activity based costing/management Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 36 ABC – Power graph Adobe Systems COST – MUNI – ABEC 37 Thank you ̶