Industrial organization

Topic 4: Mergers

+ Focus on the pharmaceutical industry


  1. What is the main motivation for horizontal mergers?
  2. Merger policy
    • Unilateral effects
      • Simple approach by Shapiro (1995)
        1. Calculate the diversion ratio between merging firms (D =  fraction of the sales lost by Brand A due to this price increase would be captured by Brand B.)
        2. Calculate the post-merger price based on the model that suits the situation best. E.g. for constant elasticity demand and symmetric firms with one product, the percentage increase in price is mD/(1–m–D), where m is the profit margin.
        3. Compare the price increase against potential cost synergies.
      • Structural approach (Ivaldi and Verboven, 2005)
    • Coordinated effects
    • Merger remedies
      •  Structural remedies modify the allocation of property rights.
      •  Behavioral remedies set constraints on merged firms’ behavior.

You can also refer to the textbook of , pp. 388-390, 403-404.
