1 Bank Asset/Liability Management Oleg Deev 2 Contents 1. ALM gaps 2. Interest rate gap and earnings sensitivity analysis 3. Duration gap and economic value of equity analysis 4. Management of interest rate risk Example € 100 million 5-year fixed-rate loans at 8% = € 8 million interest € 90 million 30-day time deposits at 4% = € 3.6 million interest €10 million equity Calculate Net interest income and Net interest margin (NIM). Assume that interest rates rise 2% (deposit costs will rise in next year but not loan interest). How it affects NII and NIM? 3 Example - solution € 100 million 5-year fixed-rate loans at 8% = € 8 million interest € 90 million 30-day time deposits at 4% = € 3.6 million interest €10 million equity Net interest income = € 4.4 million Net interest margin (NIM) = (€ 8 - € 3.6)/ € 100 = 4.4% If interest rates rise 2%, deposit costs will rise in next year but not loan interest. Now, NIM = (€ 8 - € 5.4)/ € 100 = 2.6%. Thus, NIM depends on interest rates, the amount of funds, and the earning mix (rate x amount). 4 Asset liability gaps 3Y,1Y-Floater 3Y-Fixed-rate Bond Capital Maturity 3Y 3Y Interest Rate Maturity 1Y 3Y 1. Maturities 2. Risk:= Maturity mismatches/ gaps Liquidity Risk 3Y-Loan, fixed-rate rate (3Y IR) Yes No Interest Rate Risk Yes No 1Y-deposit, fixed-rate rate (1Y IR) 3Y-Loan, fixed-rate rate (3Y IR) 3Y-deposit, 1Y-floating (1Y IR) 3Y-Loan, 1Y-floating (1Y IR) 1Y-deposit, fixed-rate rate (1Y IR) 3Y-Loan, fixed-rate rate (3Y IR) 3Y-deposit, fixed-rate rate (3Y IR) Liquidity-risk (gap): Mismatch in capital-maturity Interest rate-risk (gap): Mismatch in interest rate maturity 1 2 3 4 2 dimensions => 4 possible mismatch cases between Assets and Liabilities 5 Liquidity risk/ mismatch Interest rate risk/ mismatch Interest rate risk/ mismatch No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Asset liability gaps Liquidity risk/ mismatch No Yes 3Y 3YLoan capital maturity 3Y 1YFunding capital mat’y 0.75% 0.75%Loan, Ly premium 0.75% 0.25%Funding, Ly premium 0 0.50%Liquidity return Interest rate risk/ mismatch Interest rate risk/ mismatch No Yes No Yes Loan IR maturity 3Y 3Y 1Y 3Y Funding IR mat’y 3Y 1Y 1Y 1Y Loan, risk-free IR 1.50% 1.50% 0.50% 1.50% Funding, risk-free IR 1.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% IR return 0 1.00% 0 1.00% Liquidity return IR return 0 1.00% 0 1.00% 0 0 0.50% 0.50% Conclusion: Risk <=> Return 6 Managing Interest Rate Risk: GAP and Earnings Sensitivity Banks use two basic models to assess interest rate risk. – Interest rate gap and earnings sensitivity analysis emphasizes income statement effects by focusing on how changes in interest rates and the bank’s balance sheet effect net interest income and net income. – Duration gap and economic value of equity analysis emphasizes the market value of stockholders’ equity by focusing on how these same changes affect the market value of assets vs. the market value of liabilities. 7 ALM Interest rate risk Liquidity risk • Plot volumes with their interest rate maturity • Plot volumes with their liquidity maturity • Plot net position (= uncovered position) • Plots cash flows (= Δ-view of volume ladder/ previous plot) • Plots IRsensitivity in each bucket • Plots funding needs (=uncovered/ unfunded assets) Liquidity gaps Cumulative gap IR-gaps Loan, 6.00% 3Y, 0.5Y Loan, 7.00% 10Y, 10Y Funding, 6.00% 0.5Y, 0.5Y Funding, 6.50% 4Y, 4Y 400 200 300 300 Assets Liabilities 8 ALM Assets Liabilities Bond, 6.00% 3Y, 0.5Y Loan, 7.00% 10Y, 10Y Funding, 6.00% 0.5Y, 0.5Y Funding, 6.50% 4Y, 4Y 400 200 300 300 • Plot volumes with their interest rate maturity • Bond enters with its “liquidation horizon”, not with its legal maturity • Plot net position (= uncovered position) • Partially counter- balances/ nets outflow of 6M-funding (-400, 6M) • Plots IRsensitivity in each bucket • Open/ uncovered funding position is reduced • Replacing the loan by a bond that can be sold within 6M => Ly maturity: 6M. • IR-profile: unchanged, Ly risk: reduced. Interest rate risk Liquidity risk Liquidity gaps Cumulative gap IR-gaps 9 Interest rate gap 10 The IR-gap directly translates into a change in Net Interest Income: IR-Gap = Air – Lir (Volume of interest rate-sensitive assets and liabilities) ΔNII = Gapcum * Δr = (Air – Lir ) * Δr (Δr : interest rate reelvant for valuation) Loan, 6.00% 3Y, 0.5Y Loan, 7.00% 10Y, 10Y Funding, 6.00% 0.5Y, 0.5Y Funding, 6.50% 4Y, 4Y 400 200 300 300 Assets Liabilities • Positively gapped • NII increases in rising interest rates because new funding at roll-over dates (100 at t=0.5, 300 at t=4) becomes more expensive. • NII grows in decreasing rate environment Traditional interest rate gap analysis Steps in IR-gap Analysis: 1. Develop an interest rate forecast. 2. Select a series of sequential time intervals for determining what amounts of assets and liabilities are rate sensitive within each time interval. 3. Group assets and liabilities into these time intervals or “buckets” according to time to first repricing. 4. Calculate IR-gap. 5. Forecast net interest income given the assumed interest rate environment and repricing characteristics of the underlying instruments. 11 Interest rate gap analysis 12 0.5 0.5 1 3 ∞ Total [ON, 6M] (6M, 12M] (1Y, 2Y] (2Y, 5] (5Y, ∞] Assets Mortgages, fixed rate 125.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 40.00 40.00 Mortgages, floating rate 100.00 50.00 50.00 Interbank demand deposits 75.00 75.00 Sovereign bonds 60.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 Cash 20.00 20.00 Non-earnings assets 20.00 20.00 Total assets 400.00 135.00 60.00 55.00 40.00 110.00 Liabilities Term deposits -200.00 -50.00 -100.00 -50.00 Retail Demand deposits -125.00 -125.00 Interbank demand deposits -25.00 -25.00 Non-interest bearing liabilities -10.00 -10.00 Capital -40.00 -40.00 Total Liabilities -400.00 -200.00 -100.00 -50.00 0.00 -50.00 Swap Receive [fix] 200.00 100.00 100.00 Pay [floating] -200.00 -200.00 Periodic gap -265.00 -40.00 105.00 140.00 60.00 Cumulative gap -265.00 -305.00 -200.00 -60.00 0.00 Δ r 1.00% Δ NII per bucket -1.33 -1.53 -2.00 -1.80 Δ NII per bucket p.a. -2.65 -3.05 -2.00 -0.60 (1) Fixed rate volumes, Receive 465.00 405.00 250.00 110.00 0.00 (2) Fixed rate volumes, Pay -200.00 -100.00 -50.00 -50.00 0.00 (1) + (2) = CumGap 265.00 305.00 200.00 60.00 0.00 Δ NII per bucket -1.33 -1.53 -2.00 -1.80 Δ NII per bucket p.a. -2.65 -3.05 -2.00 -0.60 =(400-135)+(200-0) =465-60-0 =250-40-100 *(-1) Interest rate gap analysis 13 0.5 0.5 1 3 ∞ Total [ON, 6M] (6M, 12M] (1Y, 2Y] (2Y, 5] (5Y, ∞] Assets Mortgages, fixed rate 125.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 40.00 40.00 Mortgages, floating rate 100.00 50.00 50.00 Interbank demand deposits 75.00 75.00 Sovereign bonds 60.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 Cash 20.00 20.00 Non-earnings assets 20.00 20.00 Total assets 400.00 135.00 60.00 55.00 40.00 110.00 Liabilities Term deposits -200.00 -50.00 -100.00 -50.00 Retail Demand deposits -125.00 -125.00 Interbank demand deposits -25.00 -25.00 Non-interest bearing liabilities -10.00 -10.00 Capital -40.00 -40.00 Total Liabilities -400.00 -200.00 -100.00 -50.00 0.00 -50.00 Swap Receive [fix] 200.00 100.00 100.00 Pay [floating] -200.00 -200.00 Periodic gap -265.00 -40.00 105.00 140.00 60.00 Cumulative gap -265.00 -305.00 -200.00 -60.00 0.00 Δ r 1.00% Δ NII per bucket -1.33 -1.53 -2.00 -1.80 Δ NII per bucket p.a. -2.65 -3.05 -2.00 -0.60 (1) Fixed rate volumes, Receive 465.00 405.00 250.00 110.00 0.00 (2) Fixed rate volumes, Pay -200.00 -100.00 -50.00 -50.00 0.00 (1) + (2) = CumGap 265.00 305.00 200.00 60.00 0.00 Δ NII per bucket -1.33 -1.53 -2.00 -1.80 Δ NII per bucket p.a. -2.65 -3.05 -2.00 -0.60 Retail Demand deposits -125.00 -125.00 Interbank demand deposits -25.00 -25.00 Non-interest bearing liabilities -10.00 -10.00 Capital -40.00 -40.00 Total Liabilities -400.00 -200.00 -100.00 -50.00 0.00 -50.00 Swap Receive [fix] 200.00 100.00 100.00 Pay [floating] -200.00 -200.00 Periodic gap -265.00 -40.00 105.00 140.00 60.00 Cumulative gap -265.00 -305.00 -200.00 -60.00 0.00 Δ r 1.00% Δ NII per bucket -1.33 -1.53 -2.00 -1.80 Δ NII per bucket p.a. -2.65 -3.05 -2.00 -0.60 (1) Fixed rate volumes, Receive 465.00 405.00 250.00 110.00 0.00 (2) Fixed rate volumes, Pay -200.00 -100.00 -50.00 -50.00 0.00 (1) + (2) = CumGap 265.00 305.00 200.00 60.00 0.00 Δ NII per bucket -1.33 -1.53 -2.00 -1.80 Δ NII per bucket p.a. -2.65 -3.05 -2.00 -0.60 Change in Income in [0,1Y] -3.00% 8.55 -2.00% 5.70 -1.00% 2.85 0.00% 0.00 1.00% -2.85 2.00% -5.70 3.00% -8.55 1% Interest rate gap analysis 14 oday's volume: Elasticity parameter 125 -10% Mortgages, fixed rate 75 -5% Interbank demand deposits Assets Δ r Position Total [ON, 6M] (6M, 12M] (1Y, 2Y] (2Y, 5] (5Y, ∞] -2.00% Mortgages, fixed rate 140.75 11.26 11.26 28.15 45.04 45.04 -2.00% Interbank demand deposits 82.50 82.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00% Mortgages, fixed rate 137.50 11.00 11.00 27.50 44.00 44.00 -1.00% Interbank demand deposits 80.95 80.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00% Mortgages, fixed rate 112.50 9.00 9.00 22.50 36.00 36.00 1.00% Interbank demand deposits 69.05 69.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00% Mortgages, fixed rate 109.25 8.74 8.74 21.85 34.96 34.96 2.00% Interbank demand deposits 67.50 67.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 All other assets 225.00 10.00 10.00 55.00 40.00 110.00 -25 Interbank demand deposits -125 15% Retail Demand deposits Liabilities Δ r Position Total [ON, 6M] (6M, 12M] (1Y, 2Y] (2Y, 5] (5Y, ∞] -2.00% Retail Demand deposits -106.97 -106.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00% Interbank demand deposits -66.28 -66.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00% Retail Demand deposits -110.69 -110.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.00% Interbank demand deposits -57.76 -57.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00% Retail Demand deposits -139.31 -139.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00% Interbank demand deposits 7.76 7.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00% Retail Demand deposits -143.03 -143.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00% Interbank demand deposits 16.28 16.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 All other liabilities -250.00 -50.00 -100.00 -50.00 0.00 -50.00 Swap Receive [fix] 200.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 Pay [floating] -200.00 -200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.5 0.5 1 3 ∞ Δ r Position [ON, 6M] (6M, 12M] (1Y, 2Y] (2Y, 5] (5Y, ∞] -2.00% Periodic gap -319.49 -78.74 133.15 185.04 -2.00% Cumulative gap -319.49 -398.23 -265.08 -80.04 -2.00% Δ NII per bucket 3.19 3.98 5.30 4.80 -1.00% Periodic gap -316.50 -79.00 132.50 184.00 -1.00% Cumulative gap -316.50 -79.00 132.50 184.00 -1.00% Δ NII per bucket 1.58 0.40 -1.33 -5.52 1.00% Periodic gap -293.50 -81.00 127.50 176.00 1.00% Cumulative gap -293.50 -81.00 127.50 176.00 1.00% Δ NII per bucket -1.47 -0.41 1.28 5.28 2.00% Periodic gap -290.51 -81.26 126.85 174.96 2.00% Cumulative gap -290.51 -81.26 126.85 174.96 2.00% Δ NII per bucket -2.91 -0.81 2.54 10.50 Interest rate gap analysis 15 With position changes Without position changes -2.00% 7.18 5.7 -1.00% 1.98 2.85 1.00% 1.87- -2.85 2.00% 3.72- -5.7 Δ Income in next year Interest rate sensitivity and the interest rate (dollar) gap Defensive versus aggressive asset/liability management: – Defensively guard against changes in NII (e.g., near zero gap). – Aggressively seek to increase NII in conjunction with interest rate forecasts (e.g., positive or negative gaps). – Many times some gaps are driven by market demands (e.g., borrowers want long-term loans and depositors want short-term maturities). Managing the Interest Rate Gap and Earnings Sensitivity Risk 17 Simplified example 18 19 20 Strengths and Weaknesses of Static Gap Analysis ¾ Strengths: – Easy to understand. – Indicates relevant amount and timing of interest rate risk. – Suggests magnitudes of portfolio changes to alter risk. ¾ Weaknesses: – Ex-post measurement errors. – Ignores the time value of money. – Ignores the cumulative impact of interest rate changes. – Considers demand deposits to be non-rate sensitive. – Ignores embedded options in assets and liabilities. ¾ IR-gap Divided by Earning Assets as a Measure of Risk: – An alternative risk measure that relates the absolute value of a bank’s gap to earning assets. – The greater this ratio, the greater the interest rate risk. – Banks may specify a target gap-to-earning-asset ratio in their ALCO policy statements. – A target allows management to position the bank to be either asset sensitive or liability sensitive, depending on the outlook for interest rates. 21 Earnings Sensitivity Analysis ¾ Extends static gap analysis by making it dynamic. – Model simulation or what-if analysis of all factors that affect net interest income across a wide range of potential interest rate environments. ¾ Steps to Earnings Sensitivity Analysis: 1. Forecast interest rates. 2. Forecast balance sheet size and composition given the assumed interest rate environment. 3. Forecast when embedded options in assets and liabilities will be in money and hence, exercised under the assumed interest rate environment. 4. Identify when specific assets and liabilities will reprice given the rate environment. 5. Estimate net interest income and net income under the assumed rate environment. 6. Repeat the process to compare forecasts of net interest income and net income across different interest rate environments versus the base case. The choice of base case is important because all estimated changes in earnings are compared with the base case estimate. 22 Duration gap analysis How do changes in interest rates affect asset, liability, and equity values? In general, DV = -D x V x [Di/(1 + i)] For assets: DA = -D x A x [Di/(1 + i)] For liabilities: DL = -D x L x [Di/(1 + i)] Change in equity value is: DE = DA - DL DGAP (duration gap) = DA - W DL, where DA is the average duration of assets, DL is the average duration of liabilities, and W is the ratio of total liabilities to total assets. DGAP can be positive, negative, or zero. The change in net worth or equity value (or DE) here is different from the market value of a bank’s stock (which is based on future expectations of dividends). This new value is based on changes in the market values of assets and liabilities on the bank’s balance sheet. Duration gap analysis EXAMPLE: Balance Sheet Duration Assets € Duration (yrs) Liabilities € Duration (yrs) Cash 100 0 CD, 1 year 600 1.0 Business loans 400 1.25 CD, 5 year 300 5.0 Total liabilities 900 2.33 Mortgage loans 500 7.0 Equity 100 €1,000 4.0 €1,000 DGAP = 4.0 - (.9)(2.33) = 1.90 years Suppose interest rates increase from 11% to 12%. Now, % DE = (-1.90)(0.01/1.11) = -1.7%. € DE = -1.7% x total assets = 1.7% x $1,000 = - €17. Alternatively, the change in asset values = -4 x €1000 x 0.01/1.11 = - €36.04 and the change in the value of liabilities = -2.33 x €900 x 0.01/1.11 = - €18.89 such that DE = DA - DL = - €36.04 + €18.89 = - €17.14 Duration gap analysis ¾ Defensive and aggressive duration gap management: – If you assume interest rates will decrease in the future, a positive duration gap is desirable - as rates decline, asset values will increase more than liability values increase (a positive equity effect). – If you predict an increase in interest rates, a negative duration gap is desirable -- as rates rise, asset values will decline less than the decline in liability values (a positive equity effect). – Of course, zero gap protects equity from the valuation effects of interest rate changes -- defensive management. – Aggressive management adjusts duration gap in anticipation of interest rate movements. Duration gap analysis 0: Given is the following balance sheet: Rate Markt value Assets Liabilities Markt value Rate 100.0 Cash Term deposit, 1Y 620.0 5.00% 12.00% 700.0 Commercial loan, 3Y Senior unsecured corporate bond issue, 3Y 300.0 7.00% 8.00% 200.0 Treasury bond, 6Y Equity 80.0 1000 Σ Σ 1000 Position Coupon 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cash 100.0 3y-commercial loan 12% 700.0 84.0 84.0 784.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Treasury bond, 6Y 8% 200.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 216.0 Term deposit, 1Y 5% 620.0 651.0 Senior unsecured corporate bond issue, 3Y7% 300.0 21.0 21.0 321.0 Cash flows x Time buckets 1: Compute the duration of the positions: Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 yield NPV(yield) Mod Duration [y] PV Cash -100.0 100.0 0.00 0.00 100.0 3y-commercial loan -700.0 75.0 67.0 558.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.00% 0.00 2.69 700.0 Treasury bond, 6Y -200.0 14.8 13.7 12.7 11.8 10.9 136.1 8.00% 0.00 4.99 200.0 Term deposit, 1Y -620.0 620.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.00% 0.00 1.00 620.0 Senior unsecured corporate bond issue, 3Y-300.0 19.6 18.3 262.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.00% 0.00 2.81 300.0 Present values x Time buckets Note that all instruments are at par. Duration gap analysis 2: Compute the duration gap: Weighted duration of assets: 2.88 years Weighted duration of liabilities: 1.59 years Duration gap (DGAP): 1.42 years . . Liabs Assets Liab Assets D MV MV DDGAP ×-= ance sheet: Rate Markt value Assets Liabilities Markt value Rate 100.0 Cash Term deposit, 1Y 620.0 5.00% 12.00% 700.0 Commercial loan, 3Y Senior unsecured corporate bond issue, 3Y 300.0 7.00% 8.00% 200.0 Treasury bond, 6Y Equity 80.0 1000 Σ Σ 1000 Duration gap analysis 3: Compute the change in EVE (i) analytically and (ii) approximated with DGAP: (i) Analytically: IR-shift: 1% No Position Coupon 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 yield NPV(yield) New PV Cash -100.0 100.0 100.0 3y-commercial loan 12% -700.0 74.3 65.8 543.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.00% -16.53 683.5 Treasury bond, 6Y 8% -200.0 14.7 13.5 12.4 11.3 10.4 128.8 8.00% -8.97 191.0 Term deposit, 1Y 5% -620.0 614.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.00% -5.85 614.2 Senior unsecured corporate bond issue, 3Y7% -300.0 19.4 18.0 254.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.00% -7.73 292.3 Economic Value of Equity (EVE) Present values x Time buckets (i) Analytically: Rate Markt value Assets Liabilities Markt value Rate 100.00 Cash Term deposit, 1Y 614.15 5.00% 12.00% 683.47 Commercial loan, 3Y Senior unsecured corporate bond issue, 3Y 292.27 7.00% 8.00% 191.03 Treasury bond, 6Y Equity 68.08 974.50 Σ Σ 974.50 Change in equity value: -11.92 (ii) Approximated with DGAP: Duration gap: 1.419 Average yield on total assets: 10.00% Yield shift: 1.00% Change in equity value: -12.902 ≈ -11.92 Assets Assets MV y y DGAPEVE )1( + D ×-@D An Immunized Portfolio Objective: Reduce Interest Rate Risk with DGAP > 0: – Shorten asset durations by: • Buying short-term securities and selling long-term securities. • Making floating-rate loans and selling fixed-rate loans. – Lengthen liability durations by: • Issuing longer-term CDs. • Obtaining more core transactions accounts from stable sources. – Lengthen asset durations by: • Buying long-term securities and selling short-term securities. • Buying securities without call options. • Making fixed rate loans and selling floating-rate loans. – Shorten liability durations by: • Issuing shorter-term CDs. • Using short-term purchased liability funding from federal funds and repurchase agreements. 29 30 Strengths and Weaknesses: DGAP and EVE Sensitivity Analysis ¾ Strengths: – Duration analysis provides a comprehensive measure of interest rate risk for the total portfolio. – Duration measures are additive so that total assets may be matched with total liabilities rather than matching of individual accounts. – Duration analysis takes a longer-term view and provides managers with greater flexibility in adjusting rate sensitivity because they can use a wide range of instruments to balance value sensitivity. ¾ Weaknesses: – It is difficult to compute duration accurately. – “Correct” duration analysis requires that each future cash flow be discounted by a distinct discount rate. – A bank must continuously monitor and adjust the duration of its portfolio. – It is difficult to estimate the duration on assets and liabilities that do not earn or pay interest. – Duration measures are highly subjective. 31 32 Literature ̶ CHOUDRY M. (2022). The Principles of Banking, 2nd ed. – Chapter 5. ̶ KOCH, T.W. and S.S. MacDONALD (2015). Bank Management. Chapter 7-8.