Credit Risk Management Public Lectures 22-23.04.2024 Masaryk University, Brno About Lukas Prorokowski • Academic Engagement: • University of Luxembourg • Wroclaw University of Economics • Research: • Early Warning Systems in Credit Risk • Real Estate Collateral Valuation Models • Model Risk Quantification • Professional: • Nordea Bank • Banque Internationale a Luxembourg • Lloyds Bank • CITI • BNY Mellon • HSBC • RBS Credit Risk can be found in: •Absent or downgraded ratings or risk profiles of customers, which could also bias the financial ratios •Some types of customers acceptable or not acceptable to the bank either due to customer profile or specific type of activity •Any limitations on markets or specific geographies eligible for finance •Risks concerning short vs. long term lending and any specific maturity limitations •Preferred type of finance products, e.g. high-risk loans •Any specific collateral requirements •Interest rate or currency mismatch and any related hedging requirements •Industry specific sustainability requirements •Industry specific climate related and environmental risks Credit Risk Management What is Credit Risk management? • It is a continuous process of: • Identifying risk • Analysing risk • Modelling risk • Mitigating risk • Monitoring risk • Predicting risk Identify Analyse Quantify Mitigate Monitor Credit risk appetite, strategy and credit risk limits The credit risk appetite should be implemented with the support of appropriate credit risk metrics and limits. These metrics and limits should cover key aspects of the credit risk appetite, as well as client segments, currency, collateral types and credit risk mitigation instruments. Credit Risk Management: KRI Design Statement Metric Limit/Thershold Interconnectedness: appropriate mitigation techniques are in place to address potential risks stemming from the uncertainty about interconnectedness of the shadow banking entities. (14.a) Each Legal Entity (or relevant Line of Business) has a clear policy/procedure on mitigating the risk of uncertainty about interconnectedness of SBEs Techniques 100% documented Institutions should set an aggregate limit to their exposures to shadow banking entities relative to their eligible capital (17) Aggregate Limit as % of Eligible Capital x% of the Eligible Capital When setting individual limits for shadow banking entities, as part of their internal assessment process, the institutions should take into account information available about the portfolio of the shadow banking entity, in particular non-performing loans (19c) % of non-performing loans in the shadow banking portfolio 0% 44b5-9547-5534c8c39a37/EBA-GL-2015- 20%20Final%20report%20on%20GL%20on%20Shadow%20Banking%20Entities.pdf Identify Analyse Quantify Mitigate Monitor •Credit Risk Modelling Team •Credit Risk Data Management Team •Model Implementation Team •Model Risk Manager (Credit Risk Unit) First Line of Defence • Model Validation (Independent Model Validation Unit) Second Line of Defence • Internal Audit Third Line of Defence Credit Risk Management is conducted through the 3 Lines of Defence model. All lines are coordinating tasks to set up the governance framework. The objective followed in credit risk policies and procedures should be to promote a proactive approach to monitoring credit quality, identifying deteriorating credit early and managing the overall credit quality and associated risk profile of the portfolio, including through new credit-granting. Models in Regulatory Framework for Credit Risk • Basel II: • Credit Risk measurement approach: Standardised • Use of regulatory prescribed weights for exposure classes; • Over-reliance on agency ratings; • Some flexibility on the choice of risk weight assignment. FIRB (Foundation) • Use of own models for Probability of Default (PD) – subject to the regulatory approval; • Use of regulatory prescribed LGD models (e.g. regulatory floors). AIRB (advanced) • Use of own models for: • PD • LGD • EAD • Credit risk models are subject to regulatory review. MODEL COMPLEXITY Input Assumptions Data Scenarios Expert Judgment Process Methodology Implementation Calculation Engine Aggregation Output Quantitative Estimates Forecasts Input Processes Output Identify Analyse Quantify Mitigate Monitor EBA Guidelines on credit risk mitigation for institutions applying the IRB approach with own estimates of LGDs The collateral is only utilised by a bank in a case of bankruptcy of the obligor. Figure below shows that a bank assesses the value of the collateralised asset and applies a haircut that reduces the asset value. This would mean that a collateralised asset valued at EUR 100 would be worth less upon the application of a haircut (e.g. EUR 80 if the haircut is 20%). The challenge faced by banks is to find an appropriate value for a given type of collateral that should be sensitive to the changing macro conditions and balanced between being conservative enough to deliver a minimum level of credit risk protection and being least detrimental to the borrowers. Loan →→→ Borrower Proceeds ($$$) →→→ Credit Institution ←←← Collateral Asset Haircut Collateral Value Default Liquidation of Collateral Seminar Case Studies Data Quality Dimension Explanation Completeness Values must be present in the attributes that require them. Is defined as the availability of the required information. Completeness checks are carried out to detect missing information. Timeliness Data values are up to date. Validity Data are founded on an adequate and rigorous classification system. Availability / Accessibility Data are made available to the relevant parties. Consistency A given set of data can be matched across different data sources of the institution. Accuracy Data is substantively error-free. Is interpreted as the absence of mistakes and exact correspondence of the reported values with the underlying concept for each data point. Accuracy is ensured by a set of validation rules that have to be respected by the reported data. Uniqueness Aggregate data are free from any duplication from filters or other transformations of the source data. Traceability The history, processing and location of the data under consideration can be easily traced. Representativeness Historical data are representative of current portfolio. Data Quality – Spotlight on Completeness • Completeness is defined as the data property which covers the way how the data is identified, defined and present against the following aspects: SCOPE • Scope of the historical data equal to the model scope and corresponding data requirements • All primary keys are present in the dataset • All relevant ID fields are in the dataset • All relevant date and timestamp columns are in the dataset • All potentially relevant risk drivers are present in the dataset • Variables functional forms are in line with requirements DATA SOURCES • Complete set of systems and data sources used • Presence of legacy systems, historical systems migration or changed processes • Data reconciliation between different sources providing the same data based on the functional specification • Performed at primary keys level with the focus on completeness of the base dataset (where all relevant facilities and snapshots should be present) HISTORICAL WINDOW • The length of the underlying historical observation period used shall be at least five years for at least one source. If the available observation spans a longer period for any source, and these data are relevant, this longer period shall be used Data Quality – Spotlight on Completeness • Completeness is defined as the data property which covers the way how the data is identified, defined and present against the following aspects: MISSING VALUES • No missing values are allowed for primary inputs and mandatory fields • Variables with share of uninformative missing values above 5% should not be used in the model development unless well justified • Added value of external variables has to be assessed on a case-bycase basis, as share of missing values can be significant MISSING SNAPSHOTS • Number of snapshots between the first snapshot date and the last snapshot date for a facility must be equal to number of unique records for that facility • Difference between the initial and ultimate snapshot must be checked against documented data request OTHER • Plot number of obligors / facilities, total portfolio outstanding, default rate, loss Data Quality – Spotlight on Timeliness • Timeliness refers to whether the information around the different data aspects (e.g. clients, credit agreements, facilities, etc.) is up to date and available at the time of the model’s predictions: TIMELINESS • Most recent historical data (given the predefined performance period) is available • Credit bureau data is no older than 12 months • Financial information is no older than 12 months • Internal behavioral information is no older than 1 month CreditRiskData Credit Bureau Financial Statement Ongoing Portfolio Monitoring Data Quality – Spotlight on Validity • Validity refers to which extent the data is founded on an adequate and rigorous classification system: Unreasonable Values Erroneous Entries Wrong Data Feed Validity • Field observed data type match with the expected one as defined in the source system, (e.g. variables such as age of obligor or year are expected to be an integer) • Values observed in the variables are in line with internal policies • If the observed value is not in line with basic logic, it has to be checked with Business • If the observed value falls outside predefined range / domain, it has to be checked with Business • Some fields (especially primary keys such as obligor or facility identifiers) often have a fixed length. Therefore, it is useful to check whether potential duplicates are not a consequence of identifiers truncation. CASE STUDY Data Quality - Spotlight on Consistency • Consistency: Evaluate whether: • The same data has been used in different model use domains such as capital calculations, business and regulatory reporting or provisions. • The data collected from different source systems is consistent (the same primary key can be observed in different data sources used) • The related input/output fields retrieved from different sources display consistent values (e.g. a default flag =1) • The data is consistent (e.g. in terms of number of defaults, clients, exposures) • CASE STUDY: Goodness of Fit (Excel) The subscript “c” is the degrees of freedom (n-1). “O” is your observed value and E is your expected value. It’s very rare that you’ll want to actually use this formula to find a critical chi-square value by hand. The summation symbol means that you’ll have to perform a calculation for every single data item in your data set. CASE STUDY Credit concentration risk is the risk of losses arising as a result of concentrations of exposures due to imperfect diversification. This imperfect diversification can arise from the small size of a portfolio or a large number of exposures to specific obligors (single name concentration) or from imperfect diversification with respect to economic sectors or geographical regions. Data Quality – Spotlight on Accuracy • Accuracy: the inputs (risk drivers) and outputs (risk parameters): • Do not contain errors as descriptive statistics and/or distributions are consistent throughout the modelling period selected and display values expected for the variable; • Do not contain large number of unexpected outliers and the existent ones are justified by the business and appropriately documented; • Do not contain concentration bias (risk concentration): 𝐻𝐻𝐼 = ∑ 𝑤! " (∑ 𝑤!)" Where wi denotes the EAD-measured credit concentration risk per defined category i. The following measures of the concentration risk are taken 11.1% < HHI ≤ 24.9% 24.9% < HHI ≤ 34.5% 34.5% < HHI ≤ 47.8% 47.8% < HHI ≤ 77.9% 77.9% < HHI ≤ 100% CASE STUDY Backtesting Model Performance Tests Focus on Financial Collateral Backtesting of Credit Risk ModelsBacktesting Process Validation Focus Calibration Assessment of the deviation of the internal model’s estimates from the realised observations. Discrimination Assessment of the extent to which bad realised observations are assigned low internal model’s estimates and the good realised observations are assigned high estimates. Stability Assessment of the changes to the population over time that affect the appropriateness of the internal model. KAPPA COEFFICIENT You want to apply the Kappa statistic to determine the agreement between the two time series of returns. One series represents the underlying equity in your portfolio of credit collateral, and the other time series is for the risk proxy that is used as an aggregate risk indicator for equity-type collateral (a relative index). At this point, returns are calculated on the closing prices for both the equity (collateral) and the index (risk proxy used in the model). You assume that for the Index to be an adequate (sensitive) risk proxy, it must move in unison with the underlying collateral. For example, if an equity price decreases, then the index price should decrease as well on the same day. This would prove that the proxy remains sensitive and accurate, and no unexpected behaviour is recorded. CASE STUDY Data Quality – Spotlight on Accuracy • Kappa Coefficient The Kappa coefficient is defined by the difference between the observed agreement between the two series of calculated returns and the probability of chance of agreement. Embarking on the formula proposed by Galton (1892), the Kappa coefficient is computed as follows: Where “𝑃!” is the relative observed agreement among returns between the equity (collateral) and its proxy (index) and “𝑃"#$%"&” is the hypothetical probability of chance agreement obtained from the observed data to calculate the probabilities of each return being assigned to the same category (increase/decrease – expressed as a daily change in closing prices). At this point, the Kappa coefficient measures the agreement in the returns. However, it does not measure the degree of the variability of the returns. A Traffic Lights Approach indicating the level of agreement between the two time series is implemented to interpret the results: CASE STUDY