Digital Marketing and Social Media Analysis

Digital Marketing Plan

What is it about? 

A digital marketing plan is about launching an e-commerce platform or online business according to students’ preferences. Students pick the idea they would like to develop further. As the course progresses and different topics are covered, students must fulfill respective assignments accordingly and in the context of their business project. At the end of the semester, students will have an online business-ready case in their hands. 

Groups should be a maximum of three to four students.

What elements does the digital marketing plan include?

The final digital marketing plan should follow both in terms of content and formatting the template available in the IS. The task of every team is to activate all the points indicated in the template without exception. Please note that a maximum of 15 pages and please consider this as a hard limit.

Additionally, as one of the tangible outputs of your output - you must deliver a video campaign of a maximum of 2 minutes. You may use any tool currently available, as long as you declare its usage accordingly.

What are the topics?

In a long-term effort to promote sustainable, ethical, and responsible consumption and decision-making (SDG 12), we take an active role in debating and developing narratives around these important issues. Therefore, the following topics are particularly developed to trigger further debate:

Important: registration for a particular topic/team must be done via IS - until 05.03.2024All team members must register in the IS. 

Topics - Digital Marketing Plan
Počet zveřejněných témat: 12
Nejste přihlášen na žádné téma.

The deadline for submission of a preliminary marketing plan is 08.05.2024, and for (eventual) resubmission of a final marketing plan is 29.05.2024.

Preliminary Digital Marketing Plan
Please use this folder to submit your *.doc file. Deadline 08.05.2024

Final Digital Marketing Plan
Please use this folder to submit your *.doc file. Deadline 29.05.2024

Important: the cutover presentations should not be longer than 15 minutes and should include topics until section 5 in a template (inclusive). The final presentations should be no longer than 25 minutes and should include all topics included in the template. Please upload your presentation at least one day before the presentation in the designated folder:

Please upload your presentation by 26.3.2024.
Please upload your presentation by 14.05.2024.

What will be evaluated in your work?



Max. Points

Awarded points


Formal criteria

  • Relevance
  • Formatting
  • Information disclosure
  • Comparison
  • Writing style



        • PESTEL
        • SWOT
        • Competitors Analysis etc.



          Strategy and tactics

          • SMART goals
          • Segmentation
          • Targeting
          • Positioning



                Marketing Mix

                • Product/Service
                • Price
                • Promotion
                • Place
                • People
                • Processes
                • Physical evidence






                    Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing

                    Authors must disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process by adding a statement at the end of their text. The statement should be placed in a new section entitled ‘Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process’.

                    Statement: During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the text.

                    This declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references, etc. There is no need to add a statement if there is nothing to disclose.