Labour Market and Employment Policy

Week 13—Final Exam

Output from policy projects (see also presentations from lectures):

Final exam will take place in VT 203 Room on a computer on Tuesday, May 14 during the class from 10:00 to 11:50. 

Information about final exam:

1/ You can use full 100 minutes for writing the exam.
2/ The questions will cover the second half of semester.
3/ You can bring one side A4 paper sheet handwritten with notes and use it during the exam.

Exam handout (the focus of exam):

Income inequality: changes in the income distribution in the last 50 and 100 years - world perspective, why top 1% earned income is important, inequality measures, policy to reduce inequality (tax progressivity, cap on executive pay) and poverty (participation income).

Undeclared work: measurement method (direct, indirect), motivation (necessity vs choice), target groups (low vs high skilled workers, seasonal workers, migrants), policies to reduce financial motivation to involve in UDW, Do awareness campaigns help to tackle UDW?, tax morality and institutional trust. 

Work-Life balance principles defined by the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR),  adoption of policies,  importance of balance, why these policies make a difference? Work-life balance evaluations in West and East Europe, Papa/Daddy month, Dual earner model vs. General family policy model (comment on work flexibility, organization of childcare, financing of system, societal benefits), Parenting activities and family values in the dual earner model,

Work-Life African context: Common problems faced by workers (telework, statutory holiday, working time flexibility, overtime payments), the organization of children care, gender roles in family responsibilities, preference for family values and respect for the elderly, firm vs. state as a provider of work-life measures. 

Platform work: location-based vs web-based platforms, upsides and downsides of platform work, type of work and remuneration models (e.g. task based vs clickwork), why the regulation is needed?, flexibility vs. protection vs. competition, how the platform economy is changing the labour market (e.g. fragmentation of the workforce)

Future of labor force: population ageing, future of working lives, demographic dividend, activation of local labor force, what are current demographic challenges in the EU and available policy actions to deal with them?, what is super equality scenario, discuss policies in terms of their costs and their the speed of effect on the size of labor force, the main role of demographers and what they can or cannot do.

Output from policy project presentations:
