Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 1 D8 - Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics Prateek Kalia Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 2 Copyright This concept is based on Copyright No. L-68022/2017 (Copyright Division, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India). Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 3 Publication Kalia, P., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Acevedo-Duque, Á. (2022). Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(2), 100179. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 4 Trending as a most popular article since its publication in JIK (WOS Q1, IF=15.6) Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 5 In news ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 6 Minute-to-minute program ̶Basic introduction (10 mins) 9.00-9.10 ̶Theoretical elaboration (60 mins) 9.10-10.10 ̶Instruction for practical task (20 mins) 10.10-10.30 ̶Break (30 mins) 10.30-11.00 ̶Creating conceptual models (60 mins) 11.00-12.00 ̶Presentation of conceptual models (60 mins) 12.00-13.00 Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 7 When did you meet a person without a smartphone recently? A person standing in different poses Description automatically generated Let us start with some statistical Information related to smartphones Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 8 Global population A person in pink jacket talking Description automatically generated 7.4 billion Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 9 A graph of blue bars Description automatically generated A black and white cartoon face Description automatically generated A blue puppet with a red nose pointing Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 10 BRICS A screenshot of a graph Description automatically generated Brazil ü Russia ü India ü China ü South Africa χ Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 11 Do you notice BRICS here? A graph with blue and white stripes Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 12 ̶Major seminal works on segmentation/classification. ̶Cellulographics© conceptual model ̶Creating a research model incorporating cellulographics Agenda. Understanding Cellulographics© A cartoon hands holding a phone Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 13 1662 Demographics John Graunt 1855 Demographics Achille Guillard 1956 Segmentation Wendell R. Smith 1971 Psychographics Emanuel H. Demby 1985 Technographics Edward Forrest 2001 Webographics Joshua Grossnickle Oliver Raskin 2022 Cellulographics Author Behavioural Brand loyalty: Ross M. Cunningham (1956) Benefit segmentation: Russell I. Haley (1961) Usage segmentation: Dik Warren Twedt (1964) 1964 Major seminal works on segmentation/classification. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 14 Geographic ̶Region Pacific, Mountain, West North Central… ̶City or metro size Under 4,999; 5,000–19,999; 20,000–49,999.. ̶Density Urban, suburban, rural ̶Climate Northern, southern A cartoon of a person sitting on a couch Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 15 John Graunt (1620-1674): The Father of Demography A close-up of a paper Description automatically generated A close-up of a person Description automatically generated Natural and Political Observations Upon the Bills of Mortality, 1662 Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 16 Achille Guillard (1799-1876) A close-up of a person Description automatically generated In 1855, a Belgian scholar Achille Guillard defined demography as the natural and social history of human species or the mathematical knowledge of populations, of their general changes, and of their physical, civil, intellectual, and moral condition. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 17 Wendell R. Smith A person wearing glasses and a suit Description automatically generated Smith, W. R. (1956). Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as Alternative Marketing Strategies. Journal of Marketing, 21(1), 3–8. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 18 Demographic ̶Age Under 6, 6–11, 12–19, 20–34, 35–49, 50–64, 65 ̶Family Size 1–2, 3–4, 5 ̶Family life cycle Young, single; young, married, no children.. ̶Gender Male, female ̶Income Under $9,999; $10,000–$14,999; $15,000–$19,999.. ̶Occupation farmers; retired; students; homemakers; unemployed ̶Education high school graduate; some college; college graduate ̶Religion Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, other ̶Race White, Black, Asian, Hispanic Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 19 Demographic (Contd..) ̶Generation Generation X (1965-1980), Y (1981-1996), Z (1997-2012) ̶Nationality British, French, German, Italian, Japanese ̶Social class Lower, working, middle, upper Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 20 Psychographic ̶Lifestyle Straights (mainstream), swingers (open communication and relationship), longhairs (hippie, experimental) ̶Personality Compulsive (perfectionist), gregarious (social), authoritarian (hierarchy and leadership), ambitious (success and achievement) ̶Values (deeply held beliefs) and attitude (evaluative statements or judgments) Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 21 Psychographic: Seminal works ̶ Demby, E. H. (1971). Psychographics: Who, What, Why, When, Where and How. In C. W. King & D. Tigert (Eds.), Attitude Research Reaches New Heights, Proceedings of the Attitude Research Conference. Arnold Mitchell (February 18, 1918 – July 17, 1985) was a social scientist and consumer futurist who worked for SRI International and created a noted psychographic methodology, Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles (VALS). A person holding a knife Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 22 Behavioral ̶Occasions Regular occasion, special occasion ̶Benefits Quality, service, economy, speed ̶User status Nonuser, ex-user, potential user, first-time user, regular user ̶Usage rate Light user, medium user, heavy user ̶Loyalty status None, medium, strong, absolute ̶Readiness stage Unaware, aware, informed, interested, desirous, intending to buy ̶Attitude toward product Enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, hostile ̶ Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 23 Behavioural: Seminal works A close-up of a person smiling Description automatically generated Haley, R. I. (1968). Benefit Segmentation: A Decision-oriented Research Tool. Journal of Marketing, 32(3), 30–35. Cunningham, R. M. (1956). Brand loyalty, what, where, how much? Harvard Business Review, 34(1), 116–128. Twedt, D. W. (1964). How Important to Marketing Strategy Is the "Heavy User"? Journal of Marketing, 28(1), 71–72. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 24 Other segmentations A person with a beard and glasses Description automatically generated Technographics: Edward Forrest A person smiling for the camera Description automatically generated Webographics: Joshua Grossnickle and Oliver Raskin Grossnickle, J., & Raskin, O. (2001). Handbook of Online Marketing Research. New York: McGraw-Hill. A person smiling at the camera Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 25 Cellulographics: The new metrics ̶The traditional segmentations are getting dated because consumers are migrating to smartphones for their daily online activities. Smartphones are versatile, portable, and 24/7 accessible. Worldwide, smartphone subscription is expected to grow to 7216 million users by 2026 (Statista, 2021), but there is no classification metrics based on smartphone use to date. To fill this gap ‘Cellulographics’ has been proposed and defined as below. ̶ Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 26 Definition ̶Cellulographics is a term developed for behavioral classification of smartphone users based on smartphone experience (SE), smartphone use skill (SUS), smartphone internet experience (SIE), smartphone use periods (SUP), smartphone screen time (SST), smartphone use frequency (SUF), smartphone use activities (SUA), and smartphone use location (SUL). These terms are explained below. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 27 Cellulographics© conceptual model Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 28 Smartphone experience (SE) ̶It is the number of years an individual is using a smartphone. This criterion is important because the length of usage, familiarity, compatibility of the innovation with past experiences, existing values, needs, expertise, background, and prior knowledge can inhibit or motivate technology use. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 29 Smartphone use skill (SUS) ̶It is an individual’s self-assessment of the ability and proficiency to use the smartphone. Due to differences in culture, social environment, personal characteristics, technological context, etc., information communication and technology (ICT) skills may vary in individuals. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 30 Smartphone internet experience (SIE) ̶It is an individual’s internet experience through a smartphone. Marketers are trying to provide a seamless mobile internet experience to the users (Asunmaa et al., 2002). Advantages like, mobility, lightweight, long battery life, instant-on capability, high-definition touch screen, and interactivity are leading to higher smartphone dependency and gratifications. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 31 Smartphone use periods (SUP) ̶It is the time when the user indulges in smartphone use in a day, like morning (6:01 to 12:00), afternoon (12:01 to 18:00), evening (18:01 to 0:00), and night (01:00 to 6:00) (MAEN). Researchers believe that differences may exist in total daily duration, number of uses, and use length at different times of the day. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 32 Smartphone screen time (SST) ̶It is the time measured in the number of hours or minutes per day, spent by an individual on smartphone use. Researchers believe that screen time is one of the effective methods for determining technology usage. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 33 Smartphone use frequency (SUF) ̶It is the number of use sessions in a specific time period or the number of times an individual checks his or her smartphone. SUF is also one of the important criteria to access technology usage. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 34 Smartphone use location (SUL) ̶It is the location from where an individual uses the smartphone or access the internet through it, such as home, office, leisure place, etc. Locational categories (shopping, movie and shows, work and education, recreation and amusement, food and drink, and sports and exercise) proposed by Exler et al. (2016) are quite balanced. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 35 Smartphone use activities (SUA) ̶A smartphone is a versatile device, it can be used for a variety of work or leisure activities. Elhai et al. (2016) proposed an extensive list that includes 11 activities which are, voice/video calls, email, texting/instant messaging, internet/websites, social networking sites, games, music/podcasts/radio, watching video/tv/movies, taking pictures or videos, maps/navigation and reading books/magazines. Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 36 Future ̶This concept can be applied to any field of study without limitations, where smartphone use is involved. For example, medicine (sleep and health issues due to smartphone use), psychology (smartphone addiction), business management (mobile commerce), computers (human-computer interactions), etc. Engineering drawing Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 37 Any questions? A picture containing text Description automatically generated Adobe Systems Cellulographics©: A novel smartphone user classification metrics / Department of Business Management 38 Some real practice now ! ̶Task ̶To create a research model incorporating cellulographics and your field of interest. ̶Be original and creative, don’t copy. ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ A cartoon of a person standing on a road Description automatically generated Adobe Systems