Presenting internationally

Lesson 2 - Storytelling

For lesson two, students will prepare an account of a story, legend, fairy tale that runs in their culture. They should choose a story they know by heart in their mother tongue so that they can focus on other aspects of presentation skills rather than content.

The main aim of this presentation format is to practise eye contactfocus on voice, intonation, articulation and relevant use of pauses. Your main task will be to keep the audience focused on the plot of the story.

The length of the "story" should be about 3 minutes, not much longer nor shorter. To make sure that you know you can respect the time limit, do not underestimate preparation and sufficient rehearsal.

We will not provide individual feedback after every presentation but will discuss what worked and what did not and why.

Link to the shared google spreadsheet where you will see types of presentations and other aspects of the course as well.

Link to the interactive syllabus of the course