Presenting internationally
Lesson 12 - Pecha Kucha presentation
What is Pecha Kucha presentation? Here is the video we watched in the lesson, so definitely relevant for those who were not in the class.
How to go about it:
- Choose a topic you’re enthusiastic about.
- Prepare the presentation as a story you will share with us.
- Outline the key points you wish to make.
- Look up relevant pictures to accompany the story.
- Keep the slides clean and visual.
- Adjust your timing - set the slide to change automatically after 20 minutes.
- Structure the presentation as usual - opening / body / conclusion.
- Practise – practise – practise.
In this presentation, you will find out about ways of setting the timing of the slides automatically to 20 seconds.
Speakers (Park, Ehyglin, Larry, Denisse, Mariusz, Weronika) please, let us know what the topic of your presentation is in the shared spreadsheet.
Upload your ppt presentation into this homework vault.
Please, do not underestimate preparation for this presentation format - it should combine the best of your presentation skills and show what you have learnt on the course. Your performance will have an impact on the final mark that I have to give you for the course.