Labour Market and Employment Spring 2025 Welcome in the course! • •We will be meeting on Tuesdays at 10:00 in Room P304. • • •Coordinator & lecturer: Martin Guzi •Office: 316 •Email: • •Guest lecturers • • • • • Course outline (preliminary) • • •Labour market characteristics Social and cultural drivers of labour market gender gaps: the case study of entrepreneurship (Lena Adamus) •Closing the gender wage gap •Wages around the globe •Work careers of university graduates • •Reading week (midterm exam - online) • Reforms Reducing Income Inequality and Poverty Undeclared work Work-life balance Platform work Future of labour force in ageing European societies • Syllabus: • • Grade evaluation 1.Attendance (20 points) 2.One essays (critical summary, 15 points) 3.Class presentation (15 points) 4.Two lecture assignments (10 points) 5.Midterm and Final exam (40 points, MCQ + open questions) •Grades: •A 100 – 92 points •B 84 – 91 points •C 76 – 83 points •D 68 – 75 points •E 67 – 60 points •Note: The basic condition for getting a grade (A-E) from the course is to earn at least 60 points overall and at least 60% points from the final exam. Critical summary of research seminar 1.Attend MUES research seminar(s) organized at the Faculty during the semester ( 2.Your task is to summarize and critically assess the main contribution and methods of the presented research. I will grade your own elaboration that may include your personal view on the topic, the potential extension of the research idea or a discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of presented research. 3.Critical summary should be around 700 words and you should upload it to homework folder within 2 weeks after participating in the seminar. Class presentation •Students will work in groups to prepare the class presentation based on an assigned paper. •Papers are assigned to students during the first two weeks of the semester. Papers are uploaded in the study materials folder and the schedule of presentations is posted in the interactive syllabus. Presentations are about ten minutes long. Students shall send slides 24 hours before the presentation to the lecturer for review (you may send slides earlier to receive helpful feedback from the lecturer on how to improve your presentation). Please do not forget to upload your final presentation to the homework folder.