Industrial organization

Topic 3: Cartel

+ Focus on leniency


  1. Definition 
  2. Stability of cartel
  3. Antitrust and leniency
You can also refer to the textbook of Pepall et al. (2014), pp. 351–374.


  • Homework for all:  Carefully read the introduction of Miller (2009). You should be able to answer questions about the main story of one of the papers (from your memory).
  • Projects:
    • Task 1:  Summarize the main results of with a focus working of leniency.  Check whether they find protection from fines motive.  Explain the protection from fines motive (you can refer to Spagnolo (2005) as well).
    • Task 2:  Replicate the empirical analysis of Miller (2009) (see the attached data and code in StataIt is forbidden to share the data, especially to upload it to ChatGPT). Using RStudio (or equivalent), Markdown, or a presentation, go through the code and explain step-by-step how you created the main results (not necessary to discuss all tables and figures) of the paper.