MPH_SOMA Operations Management Service Improvement Where Do You Stand In Data & Analytics Maturity Level? Feybi Ariani Goni, M.IT., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Mail Room 539, Lipová 507/41a, 602 00 Brno E-mail Tel +420 778790553 Learning Goals •To understand the importance of service improvement •To explore different service improvement methodologies •To learn how to implement service improvement initiatives • • • •What is Service Improvement? •Key components of service Improvement? •Service improvement methodologies •What are the examples of service improvement across industries? •Service Improvement methodologies •Key principles of Lean Management •Key principles of Lean Management •Service Improvement methodologies Back to Basics: Six Sigma | 2018-01-01 | Quality Magazine •Key principles of Six Sigma •Core concepts of Six Sigma •Phases in Six Sigma Back to Basics: Six Sigma | 2018-01-01 | Quality Magazine •Key differences between Lean Management and Six Sigma Lean Management Six Sigma Focus Waste reduction and efficiency improvement Quality improvement and defect reduction Methodology Emphasizes process optimization through waste elimination and continuous improvement (Kaizen) Employs statistical analysis and data-driven approaches to identify and eliminate root causes of defects Tools and techniques Value Stream Mapping and Kanban are geared towards process flow and waste reduction Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Design of Experiments (DOE) are used for statistical analysis and problem-solving Applicability Applicable to a wide range of industries beyond manufacturing Widely adopted across various sectors but often initially associated with manufacturing Goals Enhance efficiency and flow Achieve consistent quality and process performance •Implementation strategies of service improvement •Challenges of implementing service improvement •Key success factors of implementing service improvement