text_TITL pruh_TITL N:\work\projekty\šablony\sablony\logoC.wmf Presentation Skills Seminar Jan Řezáč Time outline> -Intro + admin 15 mins -Fears, destress 15 -Ethos 15 -Exercise 1 10 mins -Exercise 2 10 mins -Pathos 10 -Exercise3 10 mins -Logos 10 -Biggest erros 15 -Exercise 4 40 mins [group] -Exercise 5 20 mis, optional www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi • Schedule check • • Good habits for presenting: • What to show • How to speak • How to choose what to talk about • Practice • •Presenting of your outline Agenda for the presentation skills seminar So how are we going to practise it in this session: Biggest part will be practising Why do we emphasize practising? Presentation is for the most part a soft skill. You can read about it all you want but you have to do it. Environments in groups, with constructive feedback to each other are the best way to practize presentation skills. www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Public%20Speaking • Every single person is nervous when they have to talk in front of a big audience • Billionaires and Nobel prize winners are scared of presenting • Top 5 biggest fears of people: • Terrorism • Flying • Dangerous animals • Heights • Public speaking - - Fear of speaking in public Before we start practising: Research (western research, either they are pussys or here are the same fears) says its the number 4 biggest fear (just before terrorism) of people in life (let’s work on that) Example of Richard Branson -> representation of his on multibillion brand but….. Is affraid of public speaking. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/223760 Everyone has his own personal demons, but experts seem to agree that two of the most common phobias are fear of flying and of public speaking. I am lucky: Flying has never bothered me, but on the other hand, several of my hot-air balloon trips ended in some pretty terrifying landings, so I can certainly relate. (everyone has its fears) I first realized that I would have to face my fears when the late Sir Freddie Laker coached me to make myself the public face of our new airline. I remember thinking, "That's easy for you to say," because I was utterly terrified. Probably the best advice I was ever given about appearing on TV or public speaking was, "Just try to imagine you're in a living room having a chat with someone." This approach helped me a great deal, though an apology may still be in order for those who sat through my earlier efforts. (things that help overcome his fear) Whenever possible I now try to arrange for less structured question-and-answer sessions rather than traditional 25-minute speeches. It's not only less nerve-racking for me, but I also find that audiences get a lot more out of a session when they can jump in with questions rather than sitting there thinking, "I wish he'd talk about XYZ.“ (changing the setting to make it more confortable) A friend's 5-year-old son once dubbed our daily lessons in the pool, "Uncle Richard's drowning classes," but I have never lost a student. Last week I helped three adults learn to swim. First you help your students to overcome their fear of putting their mouths and noses underwater. Once they get past this obstacle, you next coax them to hold their breath underwater for a little while. When your students are joyously blowing bubbles, they're on their way. (You can get over every fear by getting out of your confort zone) Franklin D. Roosevelt was right on target about phobias when he said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Hiding from fear only makes it stronger. So enlist allies if necessary and face your fears with a battle cry of, "Screw it. Let's do it!" You will be amazed at what you can accomplish -- both at work and at play. (you can overcome every fear) www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Dealing with nerves •Practice deep breathing •Drink water before and during •Smile •Use visualization techniques •imagine that you are delivering your presentation to an audience that is interested, enthused, smiling, and reacting positively. Alternatively, imagine only one person. •Speak more slowly than you would in a conversation •Move around during your presentation www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What if people will be laughing at me? L •Imagine a scenario of presentation going horribly wrong. •Is there a time where everyone is laughing? • • • Laughing Business People Stock Photo - Download Image Now - Cruel, Laughing, Embarrassment - iStock Why and how Why presentation skills? •People love story’s •Transfering a message •Inspiring an audience How can we learn it? -Practise - study - observe - get and use feedback People love listening to stories. It is the most natural and VERY enjoyable thing. Remember how you liked stories as a child? That is, how you should speak again. By telling something, you are GIVING your audience another perspective, and making their world richer. If you have a passion - you have a story. (other place, remove?) www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Why presentation skills? People love stories For transfering knowledge To inspire an audience • • • http://www.talkingfingers.com/educational-reading-software/wp-content/uploads/speech1.jpg Why and how Why presentation skills? •People love story’s •Transfering a message •Inspiring an audience How can we learn it? -Practise - study - observe - get and use feedback People love listening to stories. It is the most natural and VERY enjoyable thing. Remember how you liked stories as a child? That is, how you should speak again. By telling something, you are GIVING your audience another perspective, and making their world richer. If you have a passion - you have a story. (other place, remove?) www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Good speech has three sides: •Ethos (nonverbal communication) •Pathos (language techniques you use) •Logos (facts that you say) Brilliant presentation embraces all 3 sides. Aristoteles´ Advice Aristiteles structured it in the following way: Discussion/example of how important non-verbal, intonation and content are but that they can not miss each other and it depends on the situation. www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Posture •Hands •Arms •Breathing •Facial expression •Eyes •Movement around the room Ethos à Ways to show credibility https://encrypted-tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQyQWQUi9p4PH_PaOFsHZiGfmniW3iXE9Smdvhn0vQeCly5 y-7mEg 1st part of aristoteles! www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Smile improves your image •Open mouth improves your voice •Facial expression improves understanding Facial expression http://elizabethhuffman.com/masks.jpg The more you smile, the more the audience likes you. The more you open your mouth, the better they hear you. The more are facial expression same with what you say, the more they understand. www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Eye contact is crucial in social interaction •Look straight in the eye or not? Lighthouse method: Around 1-2 seconds to Everybody in the room Eye contact Looking strait in the eye: pro: polight, interested, positive. Con: can make people unconfortable Lighthouse method: Around 1-2 seconds, from person to person (not more) To Everybody in the room Show wrong ways of eye contact like: -Staring to long to a person - missing the sites of a group - staring down - staring over the group www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi It is important because you can speak well only when you breath correctly. Training here can make a huge improvement in quite a short time. One of the most important skills is capacity of your lungs. Under stress (like when you speak in public) is your capacity halved. Breathing You can speak only when you breath out. If you breath out usually for 20 seconds, than under stress in 10. And that is too little for fluent sentences. Try it for a while! Correct technique is to breath in belly, than in chest, breath out chest and breath out from belly www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Breath in, then breath out and make a sound for 20 seconds! Exercise www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Exercise – nonsense words, convincingly nEach player takes a turn at receiving a nonsense word from a previous player. This word they must provide a plausible definition for and speak 1 minute about it. nFor example, the history of the word and its country of origin, whether it is a noun, verb, adjective etc, what it means and an example of it in use. nWhen they have completed their talk, they then give another nonsense word to the player on their left. nMinostun, appitzeen, klintsplot… n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training zoppet, moxryn, tenplinth, oxypottle, minostun, appitzeen, klintsplot, baddle, closky, shint, wud, miggit www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Exercise – nonsense words example nThe word I've received is "baddle" and here's my definition: nThis is a variation of word "battle" which is another name for a fight, conflict, clash or struggle. An example of current usage is: He was injured on the baddle field and carried out. nBaddle is also a verb. For example: We baddled it out for first place in the basketball competition. The variation, substituting the double letters of t for d, was adopted because people over many many years consistently failed to pronounce the two ts clearly. The d form of the word became acceptable. n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Presentations online nWhat experience do you have? n n nHow is it different? Harder or easier? n n nDo you have any tips? MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Relaxed, flexible, confident body movements •Deep breathing. •Positive facial expression and eye contact •Room is yours! Ethos - recap www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Come in front of the class, take a good posture, breath in, and say loudly (LOUDLY!) the beginning: „I am here to tell you the best story EVER.“ And thats it :-) Prepare for next round – think of your own good, creative beginning. Exercise – A proper beginning for your speech www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Each person gets a random object which he/she has to sell to the group in one minute. Content is not important, try to be expressive. First group exercise Split group up in 6-11 persons Also body movement exersize for more moving body!! www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi 1.Pauses in your speech 2.Intonation 3.Rule of three 4. 4. Pathos (language techniques) www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Have you noticed how often there are on the slides precisely three facts? •It is a good number. Two is too little. Four is too much, and people forget. •It is a hint, not a rule. • The Rule of Three www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •It is ABSOLUTELY NORMAL to have an approximately 3 seconds pause. • •You can organise your thoughts, or use the pause to build tension. • •For experienced – work on your intonation. use your voice to target keypoints. • Pauses and intonation www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Try individually to describe the following with „the spice of speech“. Go as a tourist into Yemen. Our attachment to the internet Dentist´s work. Marriage after 30 years. Your area of expertise. Something else. Metaphors and analogy - exercise layout www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •No presentation/slide/sentence is perfect. You improve better not by going for perfection, but by reducing errors. •A typical error is you are stuck in your style: how you combine pace, humour, facts, slide pictures… and there is too much or too little. •Make conscious effort to change your style for a small part of presentation, in order to avoid extremes. The importance of variety layout www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi nExit Slip: Just a Minute nSpeak about your presentation subject for 1 minute nOne volunteer gameshow www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Usually, you know much more about the situation than your audience. •Difficult part is choosing and simplifying the information you want to say. •Also important is order in which you will present information. Logos (facts) www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Structure of Presentation nAll presentations should have an Introduction, a Main Part, and a Conclusion n nThere are broadly two ways to structure your presentation n nAcademic (Thesis, Ted talks audience) and Consulting (Business, for executives) MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Choice of facts nAs you read about your topic, you are getting more and more information that could be useful. There comes a choice: Time is limited, so what do you say? n nThe knowledge you gained can be imagined as the building blocks of your presentation. It is up to you how to shape it, but necessarily, some blocks will be left out n nCommonly, what you learn at the beginning will remain outside the presentation: an intro necessary for you to know, but not for others to hear. MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Audience memory is limited nIf your audience could remember only three things about your presentation, what would you want it to be? n Goal for all talks is to have a list of 3 things you would like audience to take away www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What do you think? Most common errors in presentations layout www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Too quick Too silent Too much focus on introduction Most common errors in presentations layout www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Practise in groups – tell each other your presentation outline, and work with feedback. • •After you listen, give feedback on: non-verbal communication, pace, clarity, structure, but especially usefulness! Final exercise: Group check of your presentation outline In groups like other exersize (6-11) -5 minutes for preparing - 5 minutes to talk it over - presenting + feedback 4 minutes each (40 minutes) www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi •Audience LOVES speakers and speeches. Perfection is unnecessary, passion is the goal. • •Good posture, gestures and breathing are incredibly helpful. • •Choosing of limited number of crucial knowledge is a foundation of a successful presentation • • Summary for the presentation skills text_TITL pruh_TITL N:\work\projekty\šablony\sablony\logoC.wmf Thank you for your attention http://www.mobileapples.com/Assets/Content/Screensavers/Bye%20Bye.gif MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Group exercise – sell us your idea nExamples nNational „I Love You“ Day, nNever-Missing Bowling Ball nDIY Snow Kit for Sunny Places nSociety for the Abolition of Mondays nOne weird trick for companies to make more money n n20 minutes to prepare a 5 minute presentation. Everyone in the group needs to present. MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Now, give us your story (two minutes)! Best story of your life, your dream...or perhaps something you expect to present soon Practise in pairs – tell each other your story and work with feedback. After feedback, try again, better. •In the presentation, give feedback on: Posture, Hands, Arms, Breathing, Facial expression, Eyes, Pauses, Metaphors/Analogies, Clarity Final exercise In groups like other exersize (6-11) -5 minutes for preparing - 5 minutes to talk it over - presenting + feedback 4 minutes each (40 minutes)