K E Y English 1, semester 1, Autumn 2004 Assignment 1/6 -- deadline: Tuesday, 19 October 2004 (to be collected in seminars) Review -- Unit 1 I. Vocabulary (20 pts.) Translate into English. nechat hostitele zaplatit -- to let the host pick up the bill najmout méně zkušené pracovníky -- to hire less experienced workers odmítnout zapojit se do sporu -- to refuse to take part / become involved in a dispute vytvořit si dobrý dojem (z někoho) -- to make/form a good impression of (sb.) být pokládán za důvěryhodného -- be considered/regarded (as) trustworthy nadřízení i jejich podřízení -- superiors as well as their subordinates mylný předpoklad -- a faulty/erroneous assumption/presumption vtipná poznámka -- a witty/humorous/funny remark/comment saúdskoarabský zaměstnavatel -- a Saudi (Arabian) employer drobné nedorozumění mezi Poláky a Litevci -- a minor misunderstanding between the Poles and the Lithuanians II. Prepositions (10 pts.) Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. 1. Who recommended the hotel to you? 2. He entered - an office. 3. He has a limited commitment to his employer. 4. I met - Mr. Kyong three years ago . 5. They asked me this question at/about the interview. 6. This presents the biggest obstacle to mutual understanding. 7. What is the article about? 8. Tim was used to being called by surname. III. Grammar (20 pts.) Write questions about the underlined expressions. 1. They´ll let us know soon. When will they let us know? 2. French employees are very loyal. What are French employees like? 3. Mr Roberts is going to visit the Spanish subsidiary. Who is going to visit the Spanish subsidiary? 4. They seem to prefer consultations. What is their attitude to consultations? 5. Winnie said that the boss wanted to hear our ideas. Who did Winnie say (that) wanted to hear our ideas? IV. Translation (20 pts.) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Zíváním urazíte člověka, s nímž jednáte. You will offend the person you´re dealing/negotiating with by yawning. 2. Nečeká se, že by dokázal uchovat citlivé informace v tajnosti. He is not expected to be able to keep sensitive information confidential/secret. 3. Dokud si nevytvořili dobrý vztah, vykali si a chovali se navzájem příliš zdvořile. Before they established a good relationship, they had been / were calling each other by their surnames and behaving/behaved overpolitely / too politely. 4. Proč si Američané a Skandinávci tolik cení upřímnosti a otevřenosti? Why do Americans and Scandinavians appreciate sincerity/frankness and openness so much? 5. Je vhodné hovořit o pracovních záležitostech při hlavním chodu? Is it suitable / good manners to talk about business matters during/over the main course? Total: 70 points