KEY English 1, semester 3, Autumn 2004 Assignment 3/6 -- deadline: Wednesday, 8 December 2004 (to be collected in seminars) Review -- Units 8-10 I. Vocabulary (20 pts.) Translate into English. 1. agentura pro průzkum trhu -- market research agency 2. vést (si) záznamy o prodeji -- (to) keep record of sales 3. suroviny a polotovary - raw materials and manufactured parts 4. svolat krizovou schůzku -- (to) call a crisis/an emergency meeting 5. nedostatečně využívat svých výhod -- (to) under-utilize one´s advantages 6. stáhnout celou výrobní sérii -- (to) recall the entire production run 7. zjistit příčinu - (to) establish/identify/find out the cause 8. předjímat nové potřeby - (to) anticipate new needs 9. výrobková řada - product line 10. rozmělnit (dobrou) pověst firmy - (to) dilute a company´s image II. Prepositions (15 pts.) (+ New International Business English, Units 1-3) Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. 1. A shelf is the surface in a store on which goods are displayed. 2. Who do you want to talk to? 3. Line-stretching is carried out in order to reach _-_ new customers and to enter _-_ more profitable market segments. 4. Hold on a moment, please, I´ll put you through. 5. If you are interested in our products, please fill in/out the order form. 6. Whose fault is it in these circumstances? 7. You can´t really object to the quality of service. 8. Are you serious about the proposed campaign? 9. The data are relevant to the specific products introduced onto the market. III. Grammar (15 pts.) Put the verbs and other words in brackets into the correct forms. Add auxiliary verbs, prepositions or particle to where necessary. 1. A lot of goods have not been sold (not + sell) yet. 2. What (has) made them try to diversify (make + they + try + diversify) their production? 3. She doesn´t/didn´t mind working (not + mind + work) hard, but she usually hesitates/hesitated to run (hesitate + run) the risk. 4. The car is being repaired (repair) at the moment.