Wages, salaries, benefits wage, salary, basic pay / basic salary, minimum wage commission, tip overtime pay/money bonus perks / fringe benefits, benefits package pension compensation/remuneration (package) share options (BrE) / stock options (AmE) performance-related bonus compensation/severance payment payment + benefits = severance package State Retirement Pension (BrE) Widow´s Pension, Widowed Mother´s Allowance, Industrial Death Benefit Pension, Jobseeker´s Allowance, Invalid Care Allowance (all BrE) Statutory Sick Pay (BrE) Statutory Maternity Pay (BrE) (paid by the Department of Social Security) social security benefits loyalty bonus / retention allowance (AmE) recruitment incentive (AmE) relocation bonus (AmE) retirement benefit (AmE) cost-of living increases / cost of living allowance dirty work allowance danger money family allowance / family benefits (AmE) incentive bonus dependent care benefits survivor/death benefit (AmE) disability benefit (AmE) unemployment compensation (AmE) Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) (AmE) -- income support to persons who have exhausted unemployment compensation and whose jobs were affected by foreign imports. State unemployment Insurance agency, DOL (US Department of Labor) life insurance long term care insurance (AmE) health insurance / Medicare (AmE) FUTA FICA ER FICA (US) = employer share of two separate and reportable components: Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) (also referred to as Social Security) and Medicare (sometimes referred to as Hospital Insurance Tax or HI Tax). FICA = Social Security (6.2%) + Medicare (1.45%) ER contributions to Medicare // Social Security (AmE) ER contributions to Health Insurance // Dental Insurance // Life Insurance // Retirement (SURS) (AmE) pay grade pay scale pay in kind pay packet paycheck (AmE) pay-roll pay scale pay slip pay rise (BrE) / pay raise (AmE) settlement income from trusts, savings and investments dividend distributions, interest distributions scrip dividends deceased person´s estate investment income non-wage related income (e.g. alimony, rental income) - withholdings tax-deferred savings plans: 401(k), IRA (US) National Savings (UK): Fixed Rate Savings Bonds, TESSA ISA, Premium Bonds, Pensioners Bonds, NS First Option Bonds, National Savings Ordinary Account