K E Y - English 1, semester 1, Autumn 2005 Assignment 3/6 Review -- Unit 3 I. Vocabulary (20 pts.) Translate into English. 1. hovor na účet volaného -- transferred charge call / collect call 2. příjem zakázky -- receipt of order 3. prudké zvýšení počtu -- a rapid increase/rise in the number (of) 4. spoléhat se na označení na obalu -- to rely on the labelling on the wrapping/packing 5. spotřební zboží -- consumer goods 6. vyhnout se používání rozkazů -- to avoid using orders/imperatives 7. požádat o svolení - to ask permission 8. zlepšit výkon - to improve performance 9. bezprostředně poté - immediately afterwards 10. záloha - deposit/advance II. Prepositions (10 pts.) Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. 1. Please phone -_ Robert Grant on 029 567 8678 if you have any problems. 2. Who do you want to talk to? 3. Say right away what you are calling about. 4. Hold on a moment, please. 5. If you are interested in our products, please fill in/out the order form. 6. Comment on the text you have read. 7. We couldn´t see _-_ each others´ faces well. 8. Would you like me to call a taxi for the airport? III. Grammar (28 pts.) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Add auxiliary verbs, prepositions or particle to where necessary. 1. I have been thinking about your idea for days now, but I still don´t know whether I shall join you. 2. What is so difficult about making calls in English? 3. Unless someone agrees to check the figures by the end of month, we will refuse to sign the contract. 4. Our offices are being cleaned at the moment. 5. I thought I didn´t deserve to be promoted, but my boss seems to appreciate my work more than I think. IV. Translation (20 pts.) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Vedoucí nebude zpátky dřív než po půl druhé; mám něco vyřídit? The manager/supervisor will not be back until after half past one; shall I take a message? 2. Zásilka, na kterou jste dlouho čekali, se právě vykládá ve skladu. The shipment you have been waiting for so long is being unpacked now in the warehouse/store. 3. Bere někdo telefony, když jsi teď s kolegyní na obědě? Is anyone answering the phone(s)/taking your calls while you are at lunch with your colleague? 4. Poté, co jste navrhl schůzku, ujistěte se, že druhá osoba plně pochopila váš úmysl. After you have proposed an appointment, make sure that the other person has fully understood your intention. Total: 78 points